- Welcome Slug Club member Laura!
- Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Warwick Davis lend voices to Hogwarts Mystery
- Main Discussion: Did Dumbledore & Grindelwald make an unbreakable vow?
- Since Voldemort is incapable of love, how was he able to father a child?
- Does Moody know what a boggart looks like because of his magical eye?
- How do wizards watch Quidditch matches?
- Do all the professors have permanent residences at Hogwarts? What about their families?
- Did the Shrieking Shack exists prior to Remus Lupin coming to school?
- How come Hermione’s parents are cool with her never being home for the holidays?
- How did Voldemort acquire a rudimentary body?
- What happened to the chambers connected to Fluffy’s bedroom?
- Did Credence ever get an Ilvermorny acceptance letter?
- Plus, plenty more emails, voicemails and text messages
- PO BOX Update!
- Quizzitch: For Harry’s 17th birthday, what color did Hermione turn the leaves of the Weasley’s crabapple tree?
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