Episode 12

On our October 23rd, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

Could the Prisoner of Azkaban have escaped death? Just what would have happened if Tom Riddle’s diary had survived the Chamber of Secrets? While the crew doesn’t discuss much on the new Goblet of Fire film, they do have an exciting contest announcement. And, did the Half-Blood Prince have special feelings for a certain someone, leading to his distaste for Harry, which we have witnessed since Sorcerer’s Stone? Plus, our NYC Podcast is movin’ on up!

This is Siriusly one long, action-packed episode as the Voldemort Contest winner, Cristin Atkins, joins Andrew, Eric, Kevin, and Laura on this week’s edition of MuggleCast.

  • Is Micah still here?
  • Our Ways to Kill Voldemort contest winner co-hosts!
  • Whoops, Andrew deserves a detention
  • Barnes & Noble moves us to a bigger store!
  • Another shameless plug for voting for us
  • Don’t vote for Leaky! (What goes around, comes around)
  • A second contest announcement!
  • Main topic this week: Sirius Black
  • Kevin asks, “Are you serious?!”
  • Is Harry’s uncle really dead?
  • More Sirius talk than could possibly be listed
  • Eric explains the relationship between the Beatles and the Marauders
  • Angelica from Canada asks, “What would’ve happened if the diary survived?”
  • Brianne from Arizona asks, “Does Snape have feelings for Lily?”
  • Spy on Spartz
  • Andrew’s Listener Challenge
  • A third remix (thanks to Tarney from Australia)

Send Lego contest entries to:
ldp at millionaireplayboy dot com
(be sure to include a description and at least 1 picture of your scene)

Send Listener Challenge Entires/Remixes/Pictures to:
challenge at staff dot mugglenet dot com

Send post-show voice comments and questions to:
Download Now Running time: 1:13:17, 33.90 MB

Episode 11

On our October 16th, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

Draco a werewolf? Umbridge attractive? What?s going on in this week?s show? While the crew tries to figure out Dumbledore?s greatest fear, just what Patronus did Tonks use before Half-Blood Prince? Plus, do house-elves have some magical contract with the wizarding world? And, just what would have happened if Firenze didn?t save Harry that night in the Forbidden Forest?

From telescope malfunctions to record-breaking show length to coining new terms…all that and more ahead with Andrew, Eric, Kevin, Laura, and Micah on this week?s edition of MuggleCast.

  • Micah breaks out of the Transcript Dungeon
  • Help us out by voting for us on Podcast Alley and rating us on Yahoo! Podcasts
  • Eric announces Voldemort contest winners
  • Live NYC show update
  • Main topic this week: EVERYTHING Draco Malfoy
  • Is he evil or nice?
  • Can he get out of the position he’s in now?
  • Who is he loyal to?
  • Too much Draco Malfoy discussion to list
  • Laura coins a term that will be used for the ages
  • A depressing Spy on Spartz
  • Andrew’s Listener Challenge results from last week and this week’s challenge (1,
    2, 3: Thanks to Alyssa, Hannah and Promo!)
  • Micah thinks Umbridge is quite the looker
  • What is Dumbledore seeing when he’s drinking the Horcrux potion?
  • House-elves…what keeps them from leaving their master?
  • How are they assigned?
  • What was Tonks’ prior Patronus?
  • If Veritaserum makes you tell the truth, why is it not used in trials to determine a Death Eater?
  • Does a quote from Firenze in Book 1 foreshadow the start of the war?
  • Why do the movies make the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons schools look like they are all boy, all girl schools?
  • Thanks to Michael in Indiana for Remix 1 and Tiffany in California for Remix 2!

Download Now Running time: 1:15:25, 34.90 MB

Episode 10

On our October 09th, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

Philadelphia International? The Barnes & Noble bathroom? Andrew wants you to come up with the wackiest, yet realistic places to podcast from. And as the crew discusses Harry?s most visible physical attribute and its connection to the final word in the last installment, is it possible that the dementors somehow scarred Petunia? Is her past seemingly more connected to the wizarding world than we realize? Plus, will Harry remember to check the Pensieve before he goes on his newest adventure?

We?re throwing it all back with Andrew, Ben, and Kevin on this week?s edition of MuggleCast.

  • The original three hosts reminisce on the short history of the show
  • Andrew says we’re the number one un-promoted podcast on iTunes
  • Take that, Al Franken
  • Andrew and Ben reveal their plans for special journey podcast
  • Impromptu meet-up plan: 6 PM, November 9th at Philly International!
  • Andrew will be wearing his…uh…hmm… …oh forget it
  • We’ll be setting new standards in podcasting during the NYC premiere
  • Will Philly International Security stop us from recording?
  • Main topic: GOF media madness
  • Are all these pictures too much for the fans?
  • TV Spots go high-res online
  • Don’t date the show!
  • Mad-Eye Moody mini-section
  • Actor/Character comparisons
  • GOF video game/soundtrack release date screw-up
  • Andrew tells a secret
  • Will the Dursleys make an appearance in the 7th book? Why does Petunia act strangely around Harry?
  • Ben tells what he thinks is the “Ultimate Plot Twist of All Time”
  • Our thoughts on the GOF video games
  • Andrew calls out EA for a free video game to review. He promises a positive review!
  • …while Kevin says he’ll review one honestly.
  • Has Aunt Petunia had a run in with dementors in the past?
  • What does the last word being “scar” in HP 7 mean?
  • Is it possible that Dumbledore stored his memories in a Pensieve?
  • Andrew’s Listener Challenge x2 (NYC podcasting ideas and remixes)
  • Spy on Spartz

Download Now Running time: 42:00, 19.60 MB

Episode 9

On our October 02nd, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

Lupin or Greyback? To whom does Pettigrew’s hand belong? While Snape can’t seem to find a reason to like his students, why didn’t the Ministry use an owl to locate Sirius Black? Plus, will Godric, Helga, Rowena, and Salazar ever show their faces around Hogwarts? And just what is up with that furry feline called Crookshanks?

From Luna and Neville’s rising importance to Dumbledore rising from the dead…all that and more ahead with Andrew, Ben, Eric, Kevin, and Laura on this week’s edition of MuggleCast.

  • Update on live podcast meet-up
  • Voldemort Contest Semi-finalists now up!
  • Jamie is busy this week; Ben fills in for the Joke of the Day
  • It’s a voicemail-athon!
  • How do owls find their way to the recipient?
  • What we think of the Potter actors
  • Ben sees dead people
  • Why does Snape dislike Neville more than he dislikes Harry?
  • Harry’s dad came out of Voldemort’s wand first in HP4– why is this?
  • Will Dumbledore make a Gandalf-like appearance in the next book?
  • What’s going on with Charlie Weasley these days?
  • Have we ever seen the portraits of the four founders? What importance could the pictures hold?
  • What could Luna and Ginny’s role in HP7 be?
  • Magical standards and effects and the Ministry of Magic
  • Does Crookshanks have any importance?
  • Could Wormtail repay Harry using…his hand?
  • Ron and Hermione theories
  • MuggleCast theme song can be found here
  • Another Spy on Spartz
  • Andrew’s Listener Challenge (last week’s entries can be found here)

Download Now Running time: 49:00, 22.80 MB

LeakyMug #3

On our September 29th, 2005 edition of The Leaky Mug…

We reveal that we’ll be recording a live podcast in New York City after the Goblet of Fire premiere!

  • We’ll be podcasting live in New York City…and you’re invited!
  • Andrew and Melissa think out initial security measures
  • November 12th, Barnes and Noble, 66th and Broadway!
  • A podcast exclusive: we got the location of the NYC premiere
  • MuggleNet and Leaky staffers will both be on the podcast panel
  • Special guests from other sites will also be there
  • Melissa wants Andrew’s autograph
  • Limited room inside the meeting area in Barnes & Noble – though you can stand if you want! Make sure to be there early!
  • Will run for over an hour and afterwards we’ll be MORE than happy to meet and hang out with everyone
  • Exact time will be announced in the coming weeks
  • Please RSVP so we can get an idea of how many are coming!
  • We’re also looking for an audio engineer to mix and record live
  • None of us can wait
  • Again, none of us can wait
  • RSVP and/or audio engineering gurus, please e-mail: hplive at gmail dot com

Download Now
Running time: 12:06, 7.20 MB

Episode 8

On our September 24th, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

While spying eyes can’t seem to find Spartz this week, just what is the connection between Harry and Lily’s? And can you compare a teacher you once had to one at Hogwarts? The crew weighs in on characterization: everything from Luna and Neville’s coin obsession to Dumbledore’s beloved profession. Plus, the polls are now open for you to decide the funniest fate for the Dark Lord. And Jamie even makes a request for rabbit voicemails.

From the first-ever MuggleNet female host to the first-ever Andrew Listener Challenge…all that and more ahead with Andrew, Eric, Jamie, and Laura on this week?s edition of MuggleCast.

  • Our first MuggleNet female staffer joins in on the discussion!
  • Vote for your favorite entry in our Voldemort contest
  • Andrew thanks the fans who made fan sites
  • Main topic: Characterization in the Potter books
  • Hogwarts VS real teachers
  • Hermione’s friendships
  • What would happen if Hogwarts is closed?
  • We ask Laura how busy MuggleNet Fan Fiction is
  • Spy on Spartz
  • Jamie’s British Joke of the Day (x2)
  • The Brit puts out a request for rabbit impressions
  • New segment: Andrew’s Listener Challenge
  • Harry having his mother’s eyes– how could it affect HP7?
  • Neville and Luna with those coins
  • How long could HP7 possibly last? Could it be years?

Download Now
Running time: 52:24, 23.99 MB

Episode 7

On our September 18th, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

Did Draco have a different task? Did Dumbledore have an Unbreakable Vow? Who ordered the removal of ‘the truth’ about R.A.B. from the Harry Potter Lexicon? Plus, while JK Rowling squares off against eBay, various Potter sites team up to support the victims of Hurricane Katrina. We’ll even tell you the Top 13 Reasons You Know You Listen To MuggleCast.

From yelling out spells to making up words… all that and more ahead with Andrew, Ben, Eric, John (TLC), and Melissa (TLC) on this week’s edition of MuggleCast.

  • Micah reports from the brand new New York City news center
  • Top 13 Reasons You Know You Listen to MuggleCast When…
  • Spy on Spartz is back!
  • Who’s at fault in the JK Rowling vs. eBay battle?
  • Will eBay’s purchase of Skype help prevent these occurrences happen in the future?
  • Reminder to Andrew: Melissa wants to talk about ‘the deal’ after recording
  • An update on Potter Fans for Katrina
  • Big props to HPANA for helping promoting
  • We preview the new Goblet of Fire Lego sets with Joe of MillionairePlayboy.com
  • CRUCIO!” cries Ben
  • Does the Potions book have any significance hidden in the Room of Requirement in HP7?
  • John invents a new plural form of ‘Horcrux’: ‘Horcri’
  • Why did Dumbledore drop out so easily?
  • What happened with the “RAB” revelation on the HP Lexicon?
  • Malfoy chosen to get the Death Eaters in the castle?
  • We cover more Unbreakable Vow theories.
  • Check out this EXCELLENT piece of fanart. Thanks to “Emerson Lover” Mamatha!

Download Now Running time: 1:03:57, 29.60 MB

LeakyMug #2

On our September 16th, 2005 edition of The Leaky Mug…

  • MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron unite once again to discuss our thoughts on the new Goblet of Fire trailer
  • Andrew’s lesson of the day: never post articles to AOL unless you’ve tested them first
  • We put to bed several questions that rose up after viewers saw the trailer
  • Michael Gambon — a good Dumbledore?
  • The trivia contest IS on between MuggleNet and Leaky
  • One of our listeners runs into Emerson at Notre Dame while listening to the show
  • Melissa is dating Ben, Barty Crouch Sr, and John
  • …Kevin is upset
  • Melissa speaks out for the first time about Harry/Hermione shippers
  • A BIG announcement about a certain event after the GOF premiere

Download Now
Running time: 35:27, 16.90 MB

Episode 6

On our September 11, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

While the Voldemort Contest has come to a close, just why was the door to 12 Grimmauld Place wide open for Mundungus Fletcher? And though it is clear those closest to Harry may be in grave danger in the final book, the Harry-Horcrux connection remains rather blurred. Plus, why was Professor Slughorn so knowledgeable about Tom Riddle’s objects of desire?

From Dumbledore-faced whole-wheat toast to Billy Joe’s great audio-post… all that and more ahead with Andrew, Ben, Eric, and Jamie on this week’s edition of MuggleCast.

  • Micah buys Dumbledore toast on eBay…and eats it
  • Our ‘101 Ways to Kill Voldemort’ ends right now!
  • Ben tells us about different ways people listen to the show
  • Andrew planned to speak at the Apple keynote with Steve but had no plane ticket
  • Note to JKR: audiobooks can be pirated from iTunes!
  • Why could Mundungus get into Grimmauld place?
  • Our new favorite voicemail caller: Billy Joe
  • A fellow staff member asks how we make the show
  • We discuss Fortescue’s involvement
  • If Harry or his scar were a Horcrux, why would Voldemort try to kill him?
  • Are Ron and Hermione on death’s door?
  • What stops Voldemort from creating more Horcruxes?
  • How did Slughorn find out about the Horcruxes?
  • Jamie’s British Joke of the Day

Download Now Running time: 42:36, 19.90 MB

Episode 5

On our September 03, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

While the debt Pettigrew owes to Harry is something to remember, will only one classroom scene in Goblet of Fire be an Unforgivable act? And, is your vote for the U.S. or U.K.? Which one deserves the world premiere? * Phone rings * The crew also tells the tale of how they got hooked on the boy wizard. Plus, is there a prized possession right under our noses — one of the Dark Lord’s Horcruxes hiding at Hogwarts? * Phone rings *

From contest prize announcements to proper name pronouncements… all that and more ahead with Andrew, Ben, Eric, Jamie, and Kevin on this week’s edition of MuggleCast.

  • We announce the prizes that can be won in our contest
  • Andrew promotes the “Free iPod Book” found on our new downloading blog
  • Thanks to “King of All Losers” for this great illustration of Andrew yelling at a child in Mr. Nelson’s class
  • Eric raves about Ralph Fiennes’ role in The Constant Gardener
  • The MuggleCasters look into scene priorities for GOF
  • Jamie’s British Joke of the Day (“bee-side”!)
  • Another exciting edition of Spy on Spartz
  • Reasons for the world premiere in the UK?
  • A special guest appearance by Jamie’s phone
  • Does Voldemort know when one of his Horcruxes are destroyed?
  • Is Tom Riddle’s trophy a possible Horcrux?
  • Andrew apologizes for his terrible pronunciation of “Christine”
  • Peter Pettigrew’s debt to Harry- playing a role in HP7?
  • One listener asks how we got into reading the Potter series
  • Trust the Brit, trust the Brit

Download Now Running time: 37:16, 17.10 MB