Transcript #133

MuggleCast 133 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music starts]

Andrew: Hey, Mason, I really need a good gift for my generic loved one. Any ideas?

Mason: Oh yeah, Andrew. I have the gift they need. If you sign up for GoDaddy’s economy blogcast package you’ll receive one gig of disk space, 100 gigs bandwidth, recording tools, and much more!

Andrew: Whoa. With all those features, I guess that kind of package will run me at least $20 a month and be plastered with ads.

Mason: You’re wrong, Andrew. The blogcast economy package is just $4.49 a month for 12 months!

Andrew: That’s a deal! And a perfect way to get your own website blog, or podcast started.

Mason: Oh, yeah! That is a deal! Plus enter code MUGGLE when you check out. Save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet at

[Intro music stops]

[Show music starts]

Micah: Because Laura may be walking the plank, this is MuggleCast Episode 133 for February 23rd, 2008.

[Show music continues to play]

Andrew: So last week we got a few complaints that we only had three people on the show, and nobody is appreciative anymore of the hard effort we put into MuggleCast these days anymore. So, we said, “You know what? Okay. All right, you listeners are cranky, you’re bugging, you want more.” This week, we’ve got six people on the show, and a new host.

Laura: Ooo.

Elysa: Hello.

Andrew: I would like to welcome on behalf of everyone, Elysa Montfort to the show. Round of applause.

Elysa: Hey, guys!

Laura: Yay!

Andrew: Now Elysa has connections to MuggleNet. You…

Matt: She’s a girl.

Andrew: What do you do, Elysa?

Elysa: I’m [laughs] True that.

Andrew: She’s a girl, too. Imagine that, yeah.

Elysa: I’m one of the Head Moderators for MuggleNet Fan Fiction.

Andrew: Sweet. MuggleNet Fan Fiction has been around for what?

Elysa: Oh God. Three and a half years. Yeah.

Andrew: Wow.

Elysa: It began in October, 2004.

Andrew: Ha. Wow.

Eric: Newbie.

[Andrew and Elysa laugh]

Laura: Shut up, Eric.

Eric: Newbie.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Five and one quarter years here. Yeah.

Andrew: So, Elysa, we are very excited to have you on. You’re a friend of all of ours.

Elysa: Thank you. Thanks.

Andrew: Are you excited? You said you were a little nervous.

Elysa: I was a little nervous at first, but I think I’m good. I mean, yeah. I’m pretty comfortable now.

Andrew: Okay, good. All right, we’re confident you are going to be a good on the show. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: [Automated voice] I’m Matt Britton.

Elysa: [laughs] And I’m Elysa Montfort.

[Show music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum’s in the MuggleCast News Center with this week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Hey, Micah.

Micah: All right, thanks, Andrew. As if anyone needed to tell us this, MTV published an article on Friday about research concluding that the Harry Potter series can in fact be addicting. The story notes:

In a just-finished study that’s being submitted to the Journal of General Psychology, Psych professor Dr. Jeffrey Rudski and two of his undergrad students at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, report that they found characteristics of addiction in at least ten percent of the 4,000 Potter fans they polled online.

While the doctor discusses that the end of the series did have serious withdrawal symptoms for some, likening it to going off a drug “cold turkey,” he also said he chose to do the study on the end of the boy wizard’s saga over the conclusion of the hit series The Sopranos, because of his 15-year old daughter and the things she’s taken from it:

“She’s picked up guitar because she wants to be in a wizard rock band,” he said. “She’s studying Latin because she wants to better understand J.K. Rowling’s choices of names for her characters. She started reading Stephen King and John Irving because they spoke with Rowling at Radio City two summers ago.” If that’s being an addict, he’s down with it.

David Barron has revealed to the Herald Sun that a new scene has been added to the upcoming Half-Blood Prince film in order to remind moviegoers that nowhere is safe. Having J.K. Rowling’s approval of the scene, Barron is confident that people will like it. He says:

“But this was brought in because Jo [Rowling] was able throughout the quite lengthy book to keep dropping little snippets of what was happening in the outside world. There’d be people reading newspapers and talking about how somebody’s parents had been killed, or somebody had been withdrawn from school because their parents didn’t think it was safe. And we’re making aware that the Muggle world is also experiencing these disasters, but thinks they are disasters rather than the work of Voldemort. The book is peppered with those moments, but we couldn’t do that quite so easily in the film. So the extra scene comes in the middle of the film and it just reminds us the world is no longer a safe place. Even in what would normally be considered the safe haven of the Burrow, nobody’s safe.”

Lois Lowry, a children’s book writer, has updated her online blog with information about The Giver movie. She had hoped Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince director David Yates would be able to direct The Giver. However, he has just decided he wants to do the final Harry Potter first, thereby postponing The Giver by several years. While this is not confirmed by Warner Brothers yet, it appears to be a pretty reliable source.

And a new MTV Movies blog entry comments on the Deathly Hallows rumors. MTV says that a source at Warner Brothers told them an announcement was coming within the next week or two, but we’ve learned that MTV may have not been told this at all.

Finally, reports have emerged online that two new actors have been cast forHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. David Legeno will play the role of the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, and Ralph Ineson has been cast for the part of Death Eater Amycus Carrow.

That’s all the news for this February 23rd, 2008 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.


Andrew: Okay, thank you, Micah.

Micah: You’re welcome, Andrew.

Andrew: You want to do a little competition this week, you were saying?

Micah: Yeah, I’m feeling in a giving mood this week. So I figured what better way than to give somebody out there a chance to read the news on MuggleCast? And the way we’re going to run this little competition is anybody out there who listens to the show, send in a thirty second spot to mugglecastnews at gmail dot com. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to go through and we’re going to pick out the top five, and then on next week’s show we’re going to play the top five. And we’ll put up a poll on, and all the fans can vote to see who they think is the top news anchor there. And the following week we’ll have that person on the show to record the news, and that’s it.

Andrew: Cool, cool. That’s a great idea. I think everyone will enjoy that.

Eric: I have to say it’s one of the most innovative, I think, competitions we’ve had here on the show.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: I think it’s great. It’s also, you know, competition is always welcome, but I’m thinking this late in the game, we haven’t had one of those for awhile, and this is just a brand new idea. It’s shaking things up. I like it.

Andrew: Yup.

Micah: So that’ll be, what, Episode 135?

Andrew: Yeah. That sounds right.

Micah: We’ll play the news for whoever wins, and hopefully it’s a good competition.

Andrew: Yeah. Can I enter? Can any of us enter?

Laura: Do you really want to do that much extra work? I mean, isn’t that kind of what Micah’s trying to do anyway? He’s trying to get a week off the news?

Andrew: That’s true, that’s true.

Eric: Well, he’ll still have to script it, won’t he? Or will these people be in charge of scripting and…

Micah: No, it’s their whole responsibility.

Andrew: They do it all? They have the MuggleCast News Center for the weekend?

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: They do.

Eric: Cool.

Micah: It’s all theirs.

Laura: They get to go to Micah’s house.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: All expenses paid.

Eric: He’ll lock you in his basement.

Andrew: Except for flight, hotel, car…

Eric: Yeah. Oh, I’m sorry, I mean the transcript dungeon. He’ll lock you down there.

News Discussion: The Giver and Deathly Hallows

Andrew: Speaking of news, a couple new developments this week involving the movies. Firstly, reliable source reveals David Yates is directing Deathly Hallows. This is a little leak that I’m sure Warner Brothers is not very happy about. Lois Lowry, a children’s book writer, updated her blog online with information about The Giver movie. She has a book called The Giver. Has anyone read it?

Laura: Yes, and it’s so good.

Elysa: I love that book.

Laura: Oh my gosh, yeah.

Andrew: Would it be a good movie?

Laura: If they do it right, yeah.

Elysa: Yeah.

Andrew: Would David Yates be a good director?

Laura: Yes. Absolutely. I think he would be, but it doesn’t look like he’s going to get to.

Andrew: Well, not yet. She updated her blog and said that David Yates has just “decided he wants to do the final Harry Potter film first, thereby postponing The Giver by several years.” That’s an exact quote. So this is the nail in the coffin, if you ask me, in terms of director rumors. Right?

Matt: Yeah. Well, it is kind of, but it’s not totally official or anything. I mean, heck, I decided I want to do the final Harry Potter movie, but you don’t see it being official for me, either.

Andrew: Right. Well, what I’m saying is it looks like Lois Lowry and David Yates talked to each other a few times, because apparently David Yates has planed on doing The Giver, but in my head, I see a phone conversation going down where they’re calling each other up, whether it’s on Skype or, you know, they got their numbers through Facebook or whatever.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And they’re calling each other up and David Yates is like, “Sorry, Lois. I mean, I’m going to do the Potter film first.”

Eric: And then she proceeded to de-friend him on Facebook.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: She wrote a nasty note about him, tagged him in it, and then de-friended him, because all of them have Facebook. But no, I think this is pretty reliable source. To be honest, though, I’m relieved, because obviously it is reliable because he was going to adapt her book, she’s a respectable author. And I would jump the gun. I would take this as official, or at least I would be very relieved because, to be honest, I think David Yates is very capable, and I’m really relieved if this is true. If he’s doing the seventh movie, I’m really happy with that.

Andrew: Elysa and Laura, what is this book about, The Giver? Just out of curiosity.

Laura: Well, I read it in like eighth grade, and it’s basically – Elysa can probably give a better summary of it than I can, but it’s about a world in which people are assigned their working roles. Like certain women are assigned as birth mothers, and you’re assigned to work at a specific area, and you’re assigned a family unit. And in this, one boy is assigned the role of being the Giver, and he can see in color, when no one else can see in color, and he just has all this knowledge that no one else has, and it’s a very, very tragic story. Really, really sad, but really good.

Elysa: Yeah, yeah. The premise of it is sort of that humans aren’t capable of handling all the emotions and senses that come with being human, which, like Laura said, includes seeing in color, but also hearing certain things, and other things like that, and so there’s only one person in this society at any given time that experiences all these emotions, including emotions like love, and even laughter and hatred, and the Giver is the only one who’s capable of doing that. And so every time the Giver sort of retires, a new Giver is chosen. And so the story is following this one boy who is chosen to be the next Giver, but just his trials and tribulations and whatnot. It has a really awesome ending, but I’d be excited to see the movie.

Andrew: Well, cool.

Matt: Sounds like fun.

Andrew: It’s too bad we’re going to have to wait four or five years now.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: Probably longer.

Matt: Ten or twelve.

[Elysa laughs]

Eric: David Yates is blowing her off here.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Well, is he still directing it or are they going to choose a different director?

Eric: Well, they could do that, too, but I think I would want David Yates. I think it’s worth waiting a few years if he had really sort of committed to do it, maybe.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I mean, I think the author has said, well, it’ll be delayed a few years.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: ‘Cause I think she really wants him to…

Andrew: Right, that’s how it seems. That’s the impression I got, Eric, just that…

Matt: Well, they seem to have a pretty good relationship between each other.

Andrew: Exactly. So.

Elysa: Well, since he’ll probably be directing the next Spiderwick Chronicles movie I’m sure he’ll be busy for the next ten years, too.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Uh, Elysa, you can go on your Spiderwick spiel slash jokes in a second, they’re very funny.

Matt: Rant. Yes. Please do it.

Micah: So, Andrew.

Andrew: Yes?

Micah: The question begs, if you were a betting man, would you say that David Yates will be directing Deathly Hallows?

Andrew: If I was a – Micah, I wouldn’t be a betting man in this situation.

Micah: Awww.

Matt: He’d be a cheating man.

News Discussion: Director Announcement

Andrew: My betting skills are not on par for this news item. However, another item that we’re going to discuss in a second I can be the betting man. But another story that came out the following day was – well, MTV picked this up and went to Warner Brothers asking for confirmation, and MTV quotes Warner Brothers as saying an announcement should be coming in one to two weeks about the director, and I would assume at this point it seems like they’re going to make the director and movie split announcement at the same time, right?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, ’cause both of these stories are floating around…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …and, you know, we heard the director split announcement is going to come in the not too distant future, and this now is in one to two weeks so it seems like, you know.

Micah: It would make sense.

Andrew: It would.

Eric: I find that very interesting.

Andrew: Yeah, this is – frankly, I’m very intrigued by all these, you know, developments and rumors going around. So apparently we’re going to be seeing official word about this within one to two weeks.

Matt: You think so?

Andrew: [laughs] MTV thinks so. However, when I went to Warner Brothers and asked if this was true, one to two weeks, I heard that they told MTV they cannot confirm or deny. So, you know, whatever. It’s a guessing game.

Eric: Well, I think the bubble is ready to burst.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: You know, either way. I think it’s just so many – I mean, how long has this rumor been going around unconfirmed or un-denied by Warner Brothers about splitting Book 7 into two movies?

Andrew: Right. It’s been a while.

Matt: At least a week.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: [laughs] Since I last podcasted.

News Discussion: New Scene Added to Half-Blood Prince

Andrew: Yeah. And then we found out Thursday that a new scene, a brand new scene, was going to be added to Half-Blood Prince. And what do you guys think of this? I mean, this is interesting, this is the first time Warner Brothers has actually ever added a scene.

Eric: Oh, I wouldn’t say it’s the first time.

Andrew: Oh, it’s the first time.

Eric: I can’t – Well, it’s the first time they’ve actually…

Andrew: A major scene.

Eric: Well yeah, a substantial – I think a substantial enough thing where they had to go to Jo about it and say, well. But listen for their reason for doing it. I mean, when we had seen David Yates’ – there was a David Yates interview, it was audio only, where he was talking about how he was going to make Book 6 into a really sort of teenage film about the romance, and here they are saying that the book has all these moments about showing what’s going on in the outside world that we couldn’t do that easily, didn’t really translate that well to film, so they’ve written this scene to, you know, make up for it. I think that’s a novel idea. I would love to see whatever scene they have to offer.

Micah: Well, the problem I have with this is that to me, this says that they’re cutting out chapter one from Deathly Hallows. Not Deathly Hallows, Half Blood Prince.

Matt: It does look that way. Well, didn’t they say that, Micah?

Eric: You did hit the nail on the head there, Micah.

Micah: No, no, they don’t…

Andrew: They said this is going to be in the middle of the film.

Micah: They don’t say that, they say this is in the middle of the film, which leads me to believe that the, you know, the whole scene with the Muggle Prime Minister, and Scrimgeour, and Fudge is going to be cut and essentially replaced by this scene that they’re making to show what exactly is taking place in the Muggle world.

Eric: Though to be terribly honest, if you think about it, the fun in the first chapter is more sort of what has happened in the past, because not only are we getting with the Prime Minister – what’s happening with the Prime Minister now, but remember she then goes in that chapter of Book 6 back to sort of all the previous times that Fudge had visited the Muggle Prime Minister, which, you know, was to tell Sirius Black escaped, that sort of thing. So she was able to do sort of several visitations of the two Ministers in that chapter, and that really, I guess, wouldn’t translate well to film. Especially in the beginning of the film people would be lost.

Andrew: But wait, who’s to say that…

Micah: Well, no.

Andrew: Who’s to say that this new scene is involving the outside world?

Micah: He says it. He said, “we’re making aware that the Muggle world is also experiencing these disasters, but thinks they are disasters rather than the work of Voldemort.” So…

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: I have to read this.

Micah: Those are his words. Those are David Barron’s words.

Eric: Yeah, and then he says, “the book is peppered with those moments but we couldn’t do that quite so easily in the film, so the extra scene comes in the middle of the film and it just reminds us that the world is no longer a safe place. Even in what normally would be considered the safe haven of the Burrow,” you know.

Micah: Well, they could have done it quite easily if they just followed the first chapter of the book.

Matt: Yeah, but that would’ve been too easy.

Eric: Right especially – well, especially talking about the bridge collapse and all those kinds of things, they could have done that.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t know.

Laura: Elysa, you have pretty strong opinions on how the movies should be directed. What do you think of this?

Elysa: Oh man, I mean, honestly, we’re not going to know if it works or not until we see it, but I sort of think that the whole premise of it trying to make up for other areas that they can’t portray – I think that’s a little – I don’t know. I’m not quite sure that I buy that. Because, I mean, a lot of the things that were in the books that were showing what was going on outside in the Muggle world were the Daily Prophet, the newspapers, and then of course Harry seeing names that he recognized in these articles and stuff. And they’ve used the Daily Prophet – I mean just in the last movie, you saw a bunch of newspaper articles coming up on the screen, and they used that last time. I don’t know why they couldn’t use…

Eric: It gets old.

Elysa: …it this time as well.

Andrew: Because I didn’t like it.

Elysa: I mean. [laughs]

Laura: I thought it was awesome.

Eric: Andrew Sims, see he was on set.

Elysa: [laughs] Okay, fair enough.

Eric: This is the whole story behind the additional scene. Andrew Sims went on set, and they were talking about using that to pass time…

Andrew: I said no.

Eric: …and Andrew says…

Andrew: No, no. I said no.

Eric: …No, I didn’t like that in movie five, dudes, you’re just going to have to write another scene. J.K.R. will approve it.

Andrew: But wait, we’re missing one huge thing here. He says – David Baron says, “even in what would normally be considered the safe haven of the Burrow, nobody is safe.” I think this scene happens in the Burrow.

Eric: Has to do something with the Burrow, which is what I thought he was alluding to just now.

Andrew: I think it happens in the Burrow, I don’t think it has anything to do with the outside world.

Laura: But…

Andrew: I think the purpose of this scene is to just show nobody’s safe, but the scene’s going to be in the wizarding world.

Eric: Quit picking on the Weasleys.

Andrew: I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m just a betting man. I don’t know.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Yeah, but if something happens to the Weasleys, it doesn’t really emphasize the danger in the Muggle world.

Andrew: Right, but what if you’re just reading into it too hard and it has nothing to do with the Muggle world?

Micah: He said it does.

Eric: That’s exactly the whole…

Andrew: No, he doesn’t say it does. He just says Jo’s scenes show what happened in the Muggle world.

Eric: Yeah, and we weren’t able to portray that, so we wrote this scene. So if this scene doesn’t really make up for that, then it’s just a crap-added scene and I’ll be very upset. Anyway…

Matt: He does tend to make his own scenes though, too. Because what he did in Order of the Phoenix when he wanted to make a chase through London with the flight of the Order. When…

Eric: Yeah, that was potentially hazardous to the… [laughs] Yeah.

Matt: It was stupid was what it was.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: I’m sorry.

Eric: But I liked the rest of the movie. I did like so much of the rest of the movie. I completely see past the whole non-invisible people flying through London. Though, to be fair, if they weren’t visible, you couldn’t watch them flying through London.

Andrew: It was just a cool, fast-paced scene. I mean, they didn’t feel like explaining why they were all visible.

Matt: Yeah, I know.

Eric: But you’re right. It was bad.

Micah: Who knows, maybe chapter one will be in there, but when I read it for the first time, that was what I thought of. I thought that they were essentially creating their own scene to replace the Muggle and the wizard Prime Minister meeting.

Eric: The Other Minister. Do you know what else – and this is just my final thought on it – is that we’re kind of complaining that they aren’t getting the first chapter, and I agree with that, and that’s a problem for me, but wait a minute. I kind of like the idea, if you can’t do it right don’t do it, in a way. I like that, and I like the idea that we’re going to still have some really good scenes in the books that were never translated to film. I agree that the film should be accurate representations of the books, but there are some things that are always going to be better read, and I think maybe chapter one of Book 6 will be one of those moments where it’s just you love reading the book even though there’s a movie out to supplement.

Matt: I kind of agree with Eric.

Elysa: Yeah, I don’t really think that inventing a completely new scene is that big of a deal if it’s just portraying what we already know is happening in the books anyway. It’s not like they’re inventing huge major plot points. They’re not saying Aberforth was the Giant Squid in animagus form or something. They’re not like putting something completely random in there.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: But if he were, can you imagine a giant squid and goat.

Elysa: [laughs] Wow. No, actually. I can’t. I’m sorry. [laughs]

Matt: Gross.

Eric: Well, you said it.

Andrew: Um, yeah.

Eric: So you’re a fan-fic editor. Have you never read that before?

Elysa: Oh, you would be…

Eric: Have you never read…

Laura: Oh my gosh, Elysa…

Elysa: Oh, my God. You would be terrified with the things I’ve read. Let me put it to you this way, okay? There are – inanimate objects do not go well in NC17 fics.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Like turkey legs? I remember reading that one.

Elysa: Like turkey legs, no. Turkey legs, McGonagall do not match up. I will…

Eric: The turkey leg always happens to stand out, doesn’t it? We have to cut all of that out.

[Matt and Micah laugh]

Eric: Okay, I’m sorry for all your non-virgin eyes and ears.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: I’m sorry, but I just figured that – well, you said the Giant Squid thing, and I just thought that you’d read that somewhere.

Elysa: No, actually, though, I have read plenty of Giant Squid and Tonks. I’m not kidding.

Laura: Do you remember that one that was Giant Squid and Ron?

Elysa: Yes.

[Eric laughs]

Elysa: That was terrible.

Laura: Oh, my gosh. It was so disturbing.

Elysa: You’d be surprised how creative these people get. Like Tonks and Giant Squid. Obviously, we do not accept that on MuggleNet, but…

[Everyone laughs]

Elysa: …you’d be surprised if you go and Google that. I’m not suggesting this. I mean, beware, but…

Eric: So don’t Google it.

Elysa: No, don’t, but you’d be surprised at how many people write that kind of stuff.

Eric: Well, ‘shipping anything with Giant Squid really brings a whole new meaning to sucking face.

[Elysa laughs]

Laura: Oh God, Eric.

Elysa: Oh, wow.

Andrew: We’re interested to hear all the listeners’ feedback about the new scene. Personally, I think it’s going to be at the Burrow, but I don’t know. Betting man? I don’t know. Whatever.

Spiderwick Chronicles: Review

Andrew: So Spiderwick Chronicles came out this week as well. Actually, last week. And we wanted to do a little movie review. Laura, Elysa, Matt, and I all went out on a quadruple date and saw the movie, and made out during the dark scenes. And we…

Matt: Where was I?

[Elysa laughs]

Andrew: Oh, that wasn’t – oh…

Laura: Uh-oh.

Elysa: Uh-oh.

Andrew: Who was that sitting next to me then? Whatever. So we wanted to talk about it briefly. Let me just start and say I enjoyed it. I thought it was good.

Laura: Yeah, it was a cute movie.

Andrew: Now, Laura, Elysa, and Matt you guys talk about how you thought it sucked, and…

Laura: No!

Elysa: No! I did not think it sucked.

Laura: I thought it was really cute. There’s definitely a lot of Harry Potter inspiration in the film. I don’t know if the books are that way, but you could tell that this was definitely made as something to appeal to Harry Potter fans.

Matt: How so, Laura? How so?

Laura: Well, you know there was that thing that looked exactly like Buckbeak.

Matt: Yeah, but it was a griffith. Totally H.P. unrelated.

Laura: Right.

Eric: I mean, where else is that actor supposed to get work? That actor that plays Buckbeak. They have to make roles for it, so…

Laura: No, but actually – first of all I want to say that Freddie Highmore is such a great actor, and I think he is one of the most adorable people I have ever seen in my life. He’s so cute.

Andrew: He did play twins and as we discussed in the interview, they do a thing where the camera makes the same exact movements twice, and they digitally merge the shots together so there’s two Freddies. And it’s just really cool. He did a perfect job pulling off acting like he was talking to himself.

Elysa: He did. I agree.

Andrew: You couldn’t tell. It was like he had a twin. Even the two other girls we went with, they were like, “Oh my god. He’s not actually a set of twins? He’s actually one actor?” Remember that when we were walking out?

Elysa: Yeah.

Eric: So what’s the movie actually about?

Laura: Well basically, it’s about a family that moves into this house that belonged to – what – their great uncle or something. His name was Spiderwick, and he basically gained the sight to see all things that humans can’t see like goblins, and that type of thing. And he chronicled all of the secrets of these creatures into a book, and basically the book was not supposed to be opened. It was supposed to stay in the house and be protected. And Freddie Highmore and his family move into the house, and of course he finds the book, and he opens it, and there is this giant goblin that wants it so that he can kill everything. And i’s basically about them trying to figure out how to destroy him and how to keep the book safe.

Eric: Okay, so how much of this movie is going to remind me of the last Freddie Highmore movie that I saw, Arthur and the Invisibles?

Laura: I haven’t seen that, so I couldn’t tell you.

Elysa: Neither have I.

Eric: Because that also had a very similar – from what you guys are telling me – a very similar in that the house – I think it was his father I think or grandfather that he had to rescue, and he had to open and figure out how to enter the world of the Minimoys. Except that movie had David Bowie, so that was pretty cool.

Andrew: Well, at any rate, it has been getting good reviews. It’s fair to say that we all enjoyed it. Elysa, do you want to tell as story about what you said once the credits started rolling?

Elysa: Oh, the credits started rolling, and I said, “directed by Alfonso Cuaron.”

[Andrew laughs]

Elysa: Because it was pretty much – it was pretty much – I mean the first five Harry Potter books rolled in one. What really got me – what really got me – I was so confused – what really got me was I guess because I hadn’t read the book – and don’t get me wrong. I really enjoyed it and I thought that Freddie Highmore did a great acting job actually – but I was so confused by the allergy season crap that was all over the place.

[Laura laughs]

Elysa: It honestly seemed to me that it was a promotion for Claritin Clear.

[Two hosts laughs]

Elysa: I was expecting it to say, “symptoms may include bloody nose, saggy jowls, death by nuclear radiation.”

[Andrew laughs]

Elysa: I was so confused, and you know what? But it was good. It was good, though. I enjoyed it. I guess just – you know.

Eric: Who has asthma?

Elysa: Who has asthma? [laughs]

Laura: Through the whole movie it looked like a Claritin commercial. The sky was bright blue and there would always little dandelions flying around, so it really did look like a Claritin commercial.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Wow. I…

Matt: It was also a promotion for Campbell’s Tomato Soup and honey.

Elysa: And honey.

[Elysa and Laura laugh]

Elysa: Yeah.

Andrew: See, I liked that though. I enjoyed the little things that – the one little creature that lived in Spiderwick’s house; he needed honey to calm him down.

Elysa: Thimbletag right?

Andrew: Was that the…

Matt: Humbletack? Thumbtack?

[Andrew laughs]

Elysa: I am pretty sure it was Thimbletag.

Laura: Dobby? Was that his name?

Andrew: Dobby?

[Elysa laughs]

Andrew: Dobby.

Matt: It was like a Dobby/Kreacher hybrid or something.

Andrew: The one thing that really got us was when they were all flying on the griffin.

Matt: [laughs] I just remember when we saw that scene I turned over to Andrew, and I said, “I could have sworn I’ve seen this scene before.” [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

[Elysa laughs]

Andrew: It was very reminiscent, but at any rate, we’re just playing around, having fun. It was a good movie. I would recommend you would see it. I’m sure all of us do.

Elysa: Yeah.

Laura: Oh yeah, definitely. It’s very enjoyable.

News Discussion: Casting

Andrew: Yeah. Micah, one other thing you wanted to bring up this week is some casting news.

Micah: Yeah, we finally started to get a little bit more information about two characters. Fenrir Greyback and Amycus Carrow both have been cast for Half-Blood Prince. I think one of the concerns that people have are more on the side of Fenrir Greyback being in the movie as opposed to Amycus Carrow. Don’t know if many people really care if – we knew the Death Eaters by name, but I was kind of getting concerned. It still begs the question, is there more casting information to come?

Matt: I’m getting really scared. They’re not even still casting the new Minister yet.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: We haven’t heard who the new – who Scrimgeour is played by?

Matt: No, we have not.

Andrew: I guess the one thing that could be holding them up is just that they haven’t started filming with the actor yet, so I mean, you know…

Eric: So it’s not relevant to know who the actor is going to be?

Andrew: I guess. I don’t know. I mean they have a reason for everything.

Eric: They’ve got their reasons.

Andrew: They’re not the best reasons, but they have reasons.

Eric: Maybe he is cut out. I don’t think they will cut him out of Movie 7, so, you know. It just kind of happens.

Micah: Well, when will we get – is there a time that Warner Brothers releases a full cast report for a movie? Is that something that they would do?

Andrew: I would think by the first teaser trailer they would have all the casting out. I mean that just makes sense for me because that’s just when they’re starting to kick off the publicity.

Matt: Yeah. That’s when they’re done with principle photography and everything.

Andrew: Well, is that true? Teaser trailers come out before that.

Eric: Teaser trailers can be – no, teaser trailers can be out for anything. If you recall, even the new Indiana Jones trailer, it has a – it has some from the upcoming movie, but most of it is the previous three movies. So they can do those kinds of teasers, which just go back into those sorts of things. And I mean if you remember in the original Harry Potter trailer, which you may or may not, it was more or less, you know, Vernon Dursley going, “There’s no such thing as magic.,” and slapping the trap, and it was like this really cool, sort of – you know, teaser trailers – no, you don’t need to have the whole movie completed to do that.

Matt: They kind of tease you a little bit.

Eric: They just tease you a little bit.

Andrew: I guess that would make sense why they call them teaser trailers.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Why do they call them trailers at all? Okay, so moving on. Announcements.


Andrew: Okay, so moving on to announcements. This sort of is relevant to our first news item that we were talking about. It comes from Lucas. I was planning on talking about it anyway, but Lucas read my mind as I e-mailed him. It’s Lucas, 16, from Chicago. He’s been on the show a couple times when he calls in during the live shows. He writes:

“I think that you guys should have one more live show that lasts for a couple hours. You haven’t had one in a while and I noticed that tons of people would love it.” And then he talks about some other podcast we’re doing in the future. But yeah, so I think what we should do – we should do another live podcast. I’m personally itching to do another one because they are a lot of fun. Are you guys – Would you guys be up for doing one?

Laura: Yeah. I’d be all for it.

Andrew: Yeah, I think we should do one when they make the announcement – the director and split into two announcement, so then maybe we’ll step off Chapter-by-Chapter for that live show and we’ll just…

Matt: Talk?

Andrew: Yeah, well, we’ll talk about the official announcements, and we’ll have people call in, and we’ll discuss what their thoughts are on the movie being split in two, and the new director.

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: So…

Laura: Sounds good.

Andrew: I think it would be a timely – I’m just saying ahead of time, we’re going to set some ground rules this time. First of all, no shout outs. They’re fun, they’re fun. We all laugh. We all LOL on the chat.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: But…

Laura: Until the point when every person that calls in doesn’t have anything to say.

Andrew: Yeah, such as a shout out.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: We need to stop that. It slows the show down.

Matt: They do that, really?

Eric: Yeah, and no gack, no gack unless you’re like from Nickelodeon, okay?

Andrew: Or unless you’re actually choking on something then you can…

Andrew and

Eric: Gack.

Andrew: Or gag.

Eric: And anyway, anyway. Yeah.

Andrew: So, yeah. Keep an eye out. Whenever there’s an official announcement we’ll try to do a live show as quickly as possible. It seems one’s coming in the next one to two weeks, and that lines up with when I was sort of thinking we could do a live show anyway. So we’ll just wait for that announcement. Hopefully, it’s not during the week. It could be between Thursday and Saturday. Most likely it’s going to be made – the announcement’s going to be a Monday morning or something terrible. So I don’t know, we’ll see. But we will do a live show soon for all of you who are looking forward to one, so plan it out. Most people – a lot of people get upset about when we announce them last minute because then they don’t have time to plan ahead and tune in, so we’re giving your warning ahead of time. So that’s really the only announcement we have this week. Let’s move on to Muggle Mail now.

Muggle Mail: Choosing the Muggle Mail to Read

Laura: Our first Muggle Mail comes from Naomi, 23, of Israel. She writes:

“So what you all are saying is you don’t have time to respond to listeners that send you nice, long letters, but you have time to respond to idiots that talk trash and say horrible things to you. That’s normal. Who am I kidding? I’m crazy. Wow wow wow.”

Eric: Woah.

Laura: “But really, why…”

Andrew: It’s actually, “wowowowowow.”

Laura: Okay, that’s good.

Andrew: Like an Indian.

Laura: Okay, that’s nice. “But really, why do you have the need to respond to idiots and not the people that really think before they write? Because idiots that talk like that just rant about everything. They find flaws everywhere.”

Matt: That’s not true!

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Laura: Actually, it’s true.

Eric: [mocking Matt] “You’re a liar!”

Matt: We don’t just respond to just idiot e-mail and stuff. We respond to stupid ones too.

[Laura laughs]

Laura: Naomi has a point. Every now and then we do like to pick out a ridiculous e-mail to read, but those are just for fun. We don’t really take them seriously. Like…

Andrew: Actually – actually, hold on, wait. Actually, what we were saying…

Micah: [unintelligible] …last week.

Andrew: …last week was we reply to e-mails that have people complaining about the show and stuff.

Laura: Oh. Well, stop your whining. That’s all I have to say.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Well, no…

Laura: It’s our show and we’ll run it the way we want to.

Matt: Oooo!

Elysa: Damn, Laura.

Eric: Whoa, Laura. We mean for the people who…wow.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: That’s…

Matt: Momma’s going to crack the whip.

Laura: You know – you know what it really bothers me? Is every now and then I’ll see an e-mail, and really it’s pretty often, and someone will be like, “I think you’re doing this wrong. You should do…” And I’m like, you know what? Go make your own podcast. Just do it.

[Andrew laughs]

Elysa: Damn.

Laura: If you don’t like the way we run ours, make your own.

Andrew: Yeah. Listen, we do everything for a reason. The reason why we said that we reply to the e-mails that are negative – we reply to the ones that have claims that we’re doing something wrong, like, a serious issue. I’m not really talking about, like, hate mail. Like, we don’t really reply to hate mail. We just reply to things that – with people that are like – like every so often we’ll get a parent whose like, “I can’t believe you said this word for my son, blah, blah, blah.” So like, you know.

Eric: And then we laugh.

Andrew: To us that’s – yeah, I mean, you know – moderate what your kids watch, or listen to. That’s all I have to say. But we’re family friendly here.

Micah: Yeah, we are, and the other thing I wanted to point out about this was, we do read and respond to people who send in nice things, because we do it on the show. We have a whole section where we sit and we respond to people’s rebuttals, we have Chicken Soup, so it’s not like we’re not taking people’s stuff and replying to it. I think everybody probably replies to at least five e-mails a week that are people questioning, “Why can’t I download this? Why isn’t this working?”

Andrew: Right.

Micah: So we do take the time to – to do that in addition to all the other mail.

Andrew: And we’re not trying to be mean here…

Laura: No.

Andrew: We’re just saying, you know, we run the show how we do. We can’t reply to – you know, most of the e-mails – the majority – I will say the majority of the e-mails we get are theories, so we can’t reply back and be like, you know, “Oh, I think this is good because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah” you know, it’s just – we just can’t.

Micah: Yeah. We do – we do read it. That’s the point I think we wanted people to get from last week’s show…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …is we do read everything.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s all.

Micah: But we don’t have the time to reply to it.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, let’s not dwell on this, ’cause it, you know – people, you know, we made our point clear.

Muggle Mail: Gryffindor’s Sword

Andrew: Okay, next e-mail comes from Amanda, 25, of Sunshine Coast in Australia. She actually – a lot of people wrote this response in to our discussion on Gryffindor’s sword last week and why Luna, Ginny, and Neville tried to steal it. She writes:

“This is probably one of hundreds of e-mails you received, but Ginny found out that Harry had Gryffindor’s sword passed to him when on page 11 of DH, U.K. edition, it states, ‘Outside in the garden, over the dinner tables, the three objects Scrimgeour had given them were passed from hand to hand. Everyone exclaimed over the Deluminator and the Tales of Beedle the Bard and lamented the fact Scrimgeour had refused to pass on the sword.’ So Ginny would have heard about it then and thought it was a great way to help Harry since she couldn’t go with him, and to exact some revenge on Snape, too.” So that’s a great point.

Matt: Yeah.

Elysa: I would agree.

Andrew: I think that’s the explanation we needed.

MuggleCast 133 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: Chapter 16, “Godric’s Hollow”

Andrew: Let’s dive in straight to Chapter-by-Chapter this week, because we have a lot to discuss. We’re going to do two chapters this week. Going to kick it off with Chapter 16: Godric’s Hollow. A short but very important chapter. It’s one we all speculated about before the book came out. We were all saying Harry was going to – he had to go back to Godric’s Hollow. I mean it’s now or never. So who wants to kick it off with a short summary?

Eric: I’ll do the short summary. Okay, so the short summary is, for this chapter, Chapter 16, “Godric’s Hollow”: Following Ron’s departure, Harry and Hermione struggle for productivity as they agree to go and find Godric’s Hollow, a journey which ends at the tomb of the Potters.

Matt: Dun-dun-dun…

Andrew: So the chapter starts off with just a lot of – a lot of narration. I mean Harry’s feeling – Harry and Hermione are feeling the effects of Ron being away.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Right?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Right. And he’s thinking about Ginny. You know, all this being away hurts.

Eric: Yeah, they keep looking out – they hear noises at the door, like if Ron were to come back in. Hermione pretty much just – she delays them leaving the place where they were ’cause Ron, like, won’t be able to find them after that, that sort of thing. And Harry resorts to the Marauder’s Map, and he begins watching people at Hogwarts. Initially, he thinks he’s going to see Ron show up there again, you know, because he sold out for the, sort of, three meals a day that he’s used to. But turns out he just ends up watching Ginny. And Ginny becomes a comfort to him, and he wishes more than anything that she knows that he still cares about her. So – and also connection to Hogwarts, they begin to speak with Phineas Nigellus.

Absence of Hogwarts

Eric: Now did you guys like how this was done? The whole [chuckles] how they kind of came to an agreement with Phineas, and they began to seek answers about what was happening at Hogwarts?

Laura: Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool that they utilized him that way.

Matt: Well, don’t you think that Snape was the one who told him to keep an eye on him?

Eric: Well, we know that now I guess.

Laura: Yeah, it’s – yeah.

Eric: But what do they find from…

Andrew: Yeah, I guess so.

Eric: …this – from these meetings? What do they…

Andrew: Not much.

Laura: No, I mean they mainly just find out what’s going on at Hogwarts. Like, that a few students are kind of rebelling against Snape and…

Eric: Harry theorizes that the D.A. is still alive and well.

Andrew: Which was interesting…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …’cause, like, while I was reading this for the first time, it’s just weird, like, thinking about you don’t know what’s going on at Hogwarts for the first time.

Matt: Yeah.

Elysa: Yeah.

Andrew: Like – it’s just like you try to picture what – what is going on. It would be interesting…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …to, you know, hear this part of the book from Ginny’s perspective or Luna’s or…

Eric: Well, as the…

Andrew: …Neville’s.

Eric: …as the reader, you’re right. As the reader, you feel very empty because you haven’t seen the seventh Halloween feast, you know. [laughs] I mean, you know? When you’re first given the first Harry Potter book you were expecting seven Halloween feasts, and seven Christmas feasts, and you’re just – you’re not getting it.

Andrew: Right.

Going to Godric’s Hollow

Eric: So they finally get off their bums and they decide they’re going to Godric’s Hollow. Okay? Harry says, “You know what? I want to go to Godric’s Hollow.” And Hermione says, “Well, that’s a good idea. I kind of want to go there, too.” And – so they plan on it and basically, there’s a few very interesting facts about Godric’s Hollow, which I put in the notes here for you guys about Godric’s Hollow. This is sort of what we know. Now it’s still a bit confusing for me how Harry knew to go there at the end of Book 6, but needless to say, by this point in Book 7, he has reason to go there based on what he…

Andrew: Well, I don’t think – I don’t think he – he had – he had reason other than he just wanted to see his parents’ grave, right?

Eric: Yeah.

Elysa: Right.

Eric: But my question was how did he – my former question on the show had been how did he know that his parents were buried there? But I guess that makes sense, I guess, you know?

Andrew: Yeah, nothing’s really happening here. I mean this is just – this is just a big moment for Harry just because he’s finally seeing his parents’ grave.

Elysa: Just a Lifetime movie.

Andrew: What’s that?

Elysa: Nothing.

Eric: It is like a Lifetime movie.

Laura: I heard that, Elysa Montfort! [laughs]

Elysa: I said it was just like a Lifetime movie. I mean three-quarters of the chapter I felt like I was watching Lifetime with a bunch of other girls sewing.

Eric: Have some sympathy! You heartless fan fiction mob.

Elysa: No! No, no, no, no, no. Listen, listen – don’t get me wrong, I cried at the end of this chapter.

Eric: Sure you did.

Elysa: I was really emotional…

Eric: Sure you did.

Elysa: …but that’s part of why it’s a freaking – that’s why it’s a Lifetime movie. Isn’t it? Isn’t that sort of the – the staple of watching Lifetime?

Andrew: Okay, you’re talking to four guys and one other girl. I don’t think – one other girl, who…

Matt: I love this chapter, you guys. Why are you guys bagging on it? Harry cried!

Elysa: No! I liked it too!

Laura: No, this is a fabulous chapter.

Elysa: I liked it too.

Andrew: So they get into Godric’s Hollow, and Harry and Hermione come upon this statue of the Potters and, like, I thought that was just so cool that there’s this statue of you as a child with your parents. The town has this statue there. It’s been there for seventeen years and he just stares at it for a minute, and there’s really no like realization, there’s no like – in the book it’s just written Harry’s staring at it. I don’t know. Don’t you guys think there should have been more like…

Laura: Yeah, but wouldn’t that freak you out?

Eric: That’s a moment…

Andrew: Okay, maybe it was a lot, and maybe it was a lot for him all at once.

Eric: I think I can connect. I think I connect with the exact response that’s in the book, because you got to realize that Harry’s survival impacted the entire Wizarding World, you know? Even though Voldemort is a terrorist who’s in England, you know, being the most powerful dark wizard ever, he’s pretty much the threat to the entire world. Harry’s defeat of him meant something to people so much larger than Harry would ever meet, and will ever know, and so coming to this statue, which he had never seen before, it was just, you know, it had been there for seventeen years. I think that’s fitting, and it’s just – he’s like the last person to see this statue of him and his parents, and it’s just – it’s just really like, you know, there’s nothing to say or do. He’s just there. It’s not a lack of emotional response; it’s just an abundance of it.

Micah: Plus it’s a conscious decision on his part, or maybe a subconscious decision that he can’t pay too close attention to things like that, just because there’s that threat that he may be being watched by somebody else. Obviously that ends up happening, but, you know, if he just goes into an emotional breakdown, and he’s under Polyjuice Potion, you know, wouldn’t that seem kind of weird that some middle-aged guy is breaking down in front of a statue and…

Matt: Okay.

Elysa: There’s…

Laura: Well, also we see later…go ahead.

Elysa: No, I think I was going to say the same thing that you’re going to say, which is just that we see a lot of the emotion later when he’s at his parents’ grave and then again, you know, a little less sadness, but when they see that sign that pops up later, with all the graffiti written on it and stuff…?

Andrew: Yeah.

Elysa: So I think there was so much emotion already transpiring in that short period of time that it didn’t really – I don’t know – it didn’t really surprise me that there wasn’t anything more intense at that point, but I understand that point completely, but it didn’t really surprise me.

Laura: Yeah. And also the way I think about it is – I think that seeing a statue of him and his family, like a memorial, is really not all that different than reading about his family in textbooks like he did at school because it was just a representation. I think it became…

Eric: Well, he didn’t – sorry to interrupt. Hermione was always the one to read about Harry in the books.

Laura: Yeah, I know, but she was the one who told him about it. I mean, that’s all very much a surreal experience because it didn’t become real to him. Like he actually said that – I mean, he actually detailed the idea of his parents’ bodies being beneath him under the ground.

Eric: And he said he almost wanted to crawl in and sleep with them.

Laura: Yeah, and it wasn’t until then that it became real, I don’t think.

War Memorial

Andrew: Well, let’s jump to the gravestones.

Matt: Yeah, please.

Andrew: You guys are just all about proving me wrong about future events.

Micah: Well, I just wanted…

Andrew: Go ahead, Micah.

Micah: …to mention one thing. I thought it was interesting that it first appeared as a war memorial, and then…

Eric: Yeah, what was up with that?

Micah: …it turned into the Potters.

Elysa: Yeah, what kind of war memorial?

Eric: Well, it could be that – well, think about the Godric’s Hollow – think about Godric’s Hollow – Godric’s Hollow is not a full – an all-magical town like Hogsmeade. Hogsmeade’s the only all-magical establishment in Britain, but Godric’s Hollow’s kind of a half-magical…

Andrew: Ooooh.

Eric: …half-Muggle thing. Now think about Harry and Hermione, who are under the Polyjuice Potion as Muggles. I think that the war memorial, considering Lily and James are only significant to magic people. You know, I mean, they’re significant to Muggles, but Muggles would never understand why. You couldn’t even begin to explain, so I think if the wizards are going to build a memorial to – I mean, quite like the Potters’ house, which you see in the next chapter, it’s just – I think the whole idea with that was that the war memorial was, you know, once they got closer to it kind of revealed itself just like the cottage did because they weren’t Muggles.

Micah: My point was that it’s more symbolic. That…

Eric: Oh, it’s a battle-scar.

Micah: …you know, the Potters…what?

Eric: It’s like a…

Micah: The Potters are the central point of this war against Voldemort, and the fact that a war memorial changed over to, you know, a statue of Lily, James, and Harry I thought was, you know, symbolic in a sense of what is taking place in this book.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: That was more of where I…

Elysa: The war memorial, though, isn’t that what the Muggles see? Isn’t that sort of the disguise for Lily, and James, and Harry?

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Elysa: I was just curious as to which war that was for. I mean, obviously it has to be something valid if it’s going to fool the Muggles.

Andrew: WWII.

Eric: Yeah, or the Australian-American war.

The Gravestones

Andrew: Okay, so the graves. They go through the graveyard, they’re finding different people, and Harry’s getting frustrated because Hermione keeps pointing out different graves other than his parents’, but then finally, of course, it’s Hermione who finds the grave. Well, okay, first we’ll talk about the inscription on Kendra and…

Eric: Ariana.

Andrew: Ariana Dumbledore’s grave. I guess, Eric, you had this in here so you should probably talk about it.

Eric: Yeah. There’s two inscriptions they come across in this graveyard. One of them is on the grave of Dumbledore’s mother and sister, and the other one is on James and Lily’s tomb. And Harry makes note of the second one and has some open dialogue about Hermione, but the first one on Kendra and Ariana’s grave is – reads as such: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” What do you guys think that means?

Laura: Well, first of all, that’s from the Bible. It’s from Matthew 6:21.

Eric: Ooh.

Laura: It is. Actually…

Andrew: Now wait a second, how did you know that? Did you Google it afterwards?

Laura: Yeah, I looked it up. And basically, both of these phrases are from the Bible.

Eric: Really?

Micah: Aww, isn’t that nice that Jo did a little tribute to Laura Mallory in Deathly Hallows?

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: “Here lies Laura Mallory.”

Andrew: Ooh.

Laura: Ooh.

Andrew: That’s a little too much.

Laura: But actually if you…

Eric: [unintelligible] …in the dust rather than the marble of the graves.

Laura: It’s really interesting if you read Matthew 6 and you’re looking at lines 19 through 21. That section is called “Lay Up Treasures in Heaven.” And it says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Andrew: Aww.

Laura: And I thought it was really fitting to say that you should really treasure the important things in your life and not link your entire being to material possessions that will have no meaning when you’re gone.

Eric: That’s kind of…

Elysa: Isn’t that a little ironic if – isn’t Dumbledore the one who put that inscription on it?

Eric: Yeah, and that’s the open dialogue.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: When they talk about this Harry says, “It makes sense that Dumbledore would be the one to choose this, because he was they oldest member of his family after Kendra and Ariana died.”

Matt: Well, it’s possible it’s something that his mother said. I mean he had to have gotten his loving nature from someone in his family. Maybe his mother was the one who was very loving and concerning, and probably that’s where Dumbledore got most of his sense from.

Eric: I like that.

Laura: Mmhm.

Andrew: Elysa, do you have something else to say about that?

Elysa: No, no. I just wanted – I wasn’t quite sure what it meant. At first my thought was that maybe – I don’t know. I don’t know what I was thinking. But I thought that there was maybe some sort of significance to it and – like a Horcrux or something. But obviously…

Matt: Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing. Like, “Where your treasure is there your heart will be.”

Elysa: Exactly, yeah.

Matt: Like your treasure you put your soul into.

Elysa: Right. Exactly.

Eric: I think we’re meant to think that a little bit. Because obviously…

Matt: Yeah, just a little bit.

Laura: Maybe.

Eric: It’s to be contrasted. With the kind of life that Voldemort is living, that he has souls and Horcruxes for the fact that treasure and heart can mean nothing about means of survival in the mortal world, but be actually really meaningful.

Andrew: I think that makes perfect sense, the Horcrux parallel.

Elysa: Yeah.

Andrew: It makes good sense. I mean, you know, obviously Matthew wasn’t jotting this down about Horcruxes and J.K. Rowling 2,000 years later.

[Elysa laughs]

Laura: Honestly though, I don’t think that – I mean we know that Jo is a Christian. I don’t think that she would use a biblical quote in reference to something evil like a Horcrux.

Eric: Well no, but it’s the kind of thing about being well written is that you can imply all these things from it, you can take all these things out of it. She’s also…

Laura: Oh yeah, I know.

Eric: All the time that she wrote that – in this chapter just five times it’s appeared – how the little beating heart inside the locket is going faster, and faster, and faster.

Andrew: Yeah.

Elysa: I think maybe it might have been less of a reference to a Horcrux directly and more of a reference of, you know, anti-Horcrux perhaps.

Eric: That’s what I mean; it’s contrasted. It’s to be absolutely contrasted.

Elysa: Exactly.

Eric: It has nothing to do with a Horcrux but you’re meant to think – or, you know, it’s in there. It’s definitely there to think about it.

Elysa: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: So on James and Lily’s tomb, what about the second inscription? And Harry questions that isn’t this what a Death Eaters’ think? It says, “The last enemy that will be defeated is Death.”

Laura: Yeah.

Elysa: I like that one.

Andrew: Harry sort of ruined the moment – yeah – Harry sort of ruined the moment for me right there though, because it seemed like he was getting angry, wasn’t he?

Eric: He was. Well, he read it wrong because Hermione’s like, “it’s not a bad thing.”

Micah: This is a very angry chapter, though.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: If you’re sort of following Harry throughout everything that’s been going on in this book in particular, and you’re not a fan of Dumbledore – I know there are a couple of people like Jess out there.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Who should be spammed.

Micah: But you get very aggravated. At least I did, re-reading the chapter, with Dumbledore. Because here you have, I think, just two rows behind the Potters’ graves behind Ariana and Kendra Dumbledore’s. And you start thinking to yourself, why was Harry never brought to Godric’s Hollow? Why was Harry never given this information? And it really starts to sink in because, up until this point, it’s sort of been like, “Okay, Dumbledore didn’t pass along this information, you can deal with it.” But once you start to see the reality that Harry’s going through, that he’s sitting at his parents’ grave, and Dumbledore had this information all along and never shared anything with him. I mean I would…

Laura: I would be frustrated too.

Eric: You’re right, this is the moment where it hits, Micah. And I mean, you did the news item where J.K. Rowling had said there was legitimate concern in that Dumbledore was – well, I guess using Harry as a puppet was the term used. But I mean, this is the moment where Harry’s thinking about walking with Dumbledore. What an emotional impact he thinks that would be for them both to have walked there. I think the term is, “What a strong bond that would be for Dumbledore to have taken him to this place,” and he didn’t! And the line is something to the effect of, “was it more important to just get Harry to do what he wanted him to do?” And I mean you’re right, this is the chapter where it starts really hitting home.

Micah: Well, not even Dumbledore. Nobody ever took him.

Eric: Well, nobody took him, yeah. That’s kind of sad, too.

Matt: Well, do you think that Dumbledore really thought about – before he died – about this precaution? About how danger it’d would be if he went back to Godric’s Hollow?

Eric: It’s a good question.

Micah: I think he would have been able to deal with the situation without ever drawing attention to those graves. Yes, they’re close together, but I still think Dumbledore may have been able to go to Godric’s Hollow and sort of not pay any attention to the two graves that were there. And maybe in the end that’s the reason why he never took Harry there. Maybe that would be the explanation, that it would have been too difficult for him to deal with everything surrounding his mother and his sister.

Laura: Yeah. Now, Andrew, I actually want to hear what you think this little inscription means. I thought your interpretation was interesting.

Interpretation of Inscription

Andrew: Okay, well, what I think – okay, Hermione’s probably right; I’ll just say that first. However, when I look at it and I think about it, I feel like it means that – this might sound stupid but this is just an alternate interpretation – that once everyone in the world is dead then there will no longer be death, and it is therefore defeated. Let me read the line back. “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” It will be defeated, it won’t exist anymore, because everyone is dead already and they can’t die anymore.

Laura: Okay, but that’s like – okay, that would be like saying that everything on the planet would have to die though. Like including the planet itself.

Elysa: Honestly, I never thought of it like that, and I don’t think it’s a stupid theory at all. I just think that…

Andrew: Thanks.

Elysa: I really don’t. I think that it sort of assumes that maybe in order for you to destroy death you have to eradicate it. And I think that for something as ambivalent as…[coughs]…excuse me – death that it’s something that has to be overcome and not eradicated. And I sort of think that that’s where Laura’s interpretation fits in, is that if you can overcome it, then that is sort of destroying death in a sense. And I think that James and Lily were overcoming it through keeping Harry alive through their sacrifice, as she has suggested.

Andrew: Well, Laura, what is your interpretation?

Laura: Well, it’s basically what Elysa just said, that it’s for anybody who has overcome their fear of death, and I mean I think of James and Lily, who are living on in their son. And I think that regardless of what your belief in any sort afterlife is, you do leave an impression in this world, whether it’s through your children or through things that you’ve done. I really think that you do. And just like reading it in terms of how it’s presented in the Bible – because it’s in Corinthians – it’s like Corinthians 15:26 or something. But all through Corinthians 15, it’s about the resurrection of Christ, and it talks about that. And there was one part that was kind of – it was kind of eerie reading it because it reminded me a lot of the scene where Harry was walking to the Forbidden Forest, and he saw his mother and father, and Remus all standing around him when he puts on the Resurrection Stone. Because it talked about how there would be one to be resurrected and all the apostles would see him and all this other stuff.

Elysa: Wow.

Laura: And you can definitely tell that J.K. Rowling was schooled very much in religion.

Elysa: That’s a good call, Laura. That’s a good call.

Micah: Well, that’s what I thought of when I was re-reading it was – I thought specifically of the Deathly Hallows, and Harry being the Master of Death, and the fact that, you know, he has that whole scene at King’s Cross. You know, I like was Elysa was saying just before about the Potters living on through Harry. In their own way, they defeated death by stepping in front of the curses that were meant for Harry, I guess. Lily more so than James, but even still, James died protecting his family. Harry sort of gives up at the end and knows that him sacrificing himself is supposedly for the greater good, and, you know, that kind of quote for me ties in with the Hallows and ties in with his actions at the end of the book.

Laura: Mmhm.

This Scene in the Movie

Matt: Well, before we go to chapter seventeen, can we just like talk about this scene as a whole? As like, when they film it in the movie, like how beautiful it’s going to be when you see Harry and Hermione holding each other looking at the parents’ grave in the snow.

Andrew: Yeah, I was thinking about that and immediately I closed my eyes and could just picture the typical Emma Watson worried face.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: But see, that’s the thing I’m kind of nervous for. I think it would be a little better in the film if they don’t actually go through the Polyjuice Potion. So you actually see Harry and Hermione holding each other at the gravesite, rather than what they look like through the Polyjuice Potion.

Eric: [laughs] What’s it going to be – these two strange actors.

[Everyone laughs].

Matt: Yeah, exactly. It’s supposed to be a touching moment.

Eric: Very sentimental, but yeah, you’re right. I don’t think – and the Polyjuice Potion. It’s kind of what they’re saying about Movie 6. There’s all these precautions they take to make clear how unsafe the world is, but I think it’s a better story to tell in a movie if they are not under the Polyjuice Potion at this exact moment. We questioned whether they would be in the Ministry scene.

Andrew: It’s very – this is a very different – oh fuck, I was going to say something but I’ve lost my train of thought. It’s just the perspective you have while reading – you see Harry and Hermione, but in a movie it’s not nearly as effective. They’re going to have to really do something about that. Because yeah, you’re right. Like Matt and Eric, you were saying, seeing these two random people holding each other just won’t make sense.

Micah: Reading this chapter – I mean, you kind of get and idea as to why Ron wasn’t written into it, because I just can’t see him being in this scene.

Matt: Yeah, I agree.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s a good point. That’s a really good point.

Elysa: I just – I was just wondering, I’m not sure if this was specified or if I’m remembering incorrectly, but who decided on that epitaph? “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death”? Do we know?

Laura: I don’t think it was ever specified who chose it.

Matt: It’s probably a – like, maybe a favor from Lily or James of the Deathly Hallows from Beetle and the Bard.

Eric: Well, I would rather venture and say that Dumbledore did that one too. I would like to think that.

Elysa: Well, here’s what – yeah – here’s what I was going to say, and I have no evidence in this whatsoever, but I was almost positive that I read somewhere – maybe in one of the interviews that J.K. Rowling did after the release – that Dumbledore had written that. And if so, that gives a whole new perspective to it. Because if Dumbledore wrote that, it would sort of almost be like, I suppose redemption in a way. That he was sort of – because he went through that whole phase of trying to obtain the Deathly Hallows and defeating death in a way that it can’t be defeated. At least not – you know, so he wrote that sort of saying, “I’ve realized my mistake and, you know, where I made an error in judgment, and now I know. I’ve learned through Lily and James that the only way to destroy death is to face it and not to run from it.”

Matt: Yeah, I like that a lot.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Very nicely put.

Elysa: [laughs] Thanks.

Matt: Wow.

Laura is Fired

Andrew: Elysa, you’re the girl. You’re hired.

Matt: Yeah.

[Everybody laughs]

Andrew: You know, Laura, get off the show.

Matt: See you, Laura.

Elysa: Aw no. No.

Laura: Screw you!

[Andrew laughs]

Elysa: Laura!

Andrew: [laughs] I’m just kidding.

[Elysa laughs]

Micah: You can keep the P.O. Box.

Matt: Laura! Bye!

Andrew Gets a Love Letter

Laura: Speaking of the P.O. Box, Andrew, my mom told me that some girl sent you this very serious love letter.

Eric: She reads the letters?

Laura: Like intense…

Andrew: What is she doing opening my personal love letters?

Laura: No, she didn’t, like, put a name on the envelope.

Andrew: I’m just playing.

Eric: She wanted it to be…

Laura: Okay, I was just telling you.

Eric: …found by someone else.

Andrew: Aw, well I look forward to seeing it and being creeped out.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Let’s go to chapter seventeen. I’m just kidding, whoever said that.

Micah: Call Crime Stoppers.

Chapter 17, “Bathilda’s Secret”

Andrew: I’m sure it’s nice. We should move on to chapter seventeen now, Victoria’s – I mean “Bathilda’s Secret.” Basically in this chapter, to sum up Eric’s short summary: Hiss, hiss, bite, hiss, crunch, I can fly…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …hey cute picture, wait that’s him, no.

Eric: That’s the…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: No, no! You totally destroyed that, Andrew. I write these summaries. I put all my heart into them and it…

Andrew: I know…

Laura: Half of it was hiss.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I think it came off funny.

Eric: Can I read the short summary? [actually hisses] Bite! Hisss….crunch. My wand! Look at my wand! I can fly, I can fly, I can fly! Hey, cute picture. Wait, that’s him. Nooooooo!!

Andrew: [laughs] Wow.

Laura: Oh my god.

[Elysa claps]

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: That’s the short summary.

Andrew: Elysa Montfort, the only one clapping for that.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Aw.

[Elysa laughs]

Laura: That’s because she’s really polite.

Andrew: Thank you, Skype meters. And she’s new, she has to suck up to everyone.

Laura: Yeah, she’ll be meaner next time.

Elysa: Oh, right. [laughs]

Bathilda the Snake

Andrew: All right, so this chapter. I don’t what to think about this chapter. I mean this is another – they should have seen this coming! Like, come on, she was so – while everyone was reading this for the first time, did you know that something was up with Bathilda?

Laura: Of course!

Elysa: Absolutely.

Laura: Of course.

Matt: Oh, obviously. It was obvious she was a snake!

[Andrew, Elysa, and Laura laugh]

Eric: It was absolutely obvious that a giant snake was possessing Bathilda’s dead corpse and inhabiting the carcass and leading Harry alone so that she could bite him and break his – Yes.

Matt: Thank you, Eric. It was so obvious.

Eric: Matt, you and I are the only ones worthwhile – or worthy of reading these kinds of books.

Andrew: You know – well, okay – the only reason I can see someone thinking that, “Okay, there wasn’t anything up with her,” just ’cause they had heard at the wedding that she was just gaga. So…

Laura: Mmm.

Andrew: So I don’t know. Obviously something was up to us because, you know, something was bound to happen. You know, every thirty pages there’s like a new big scary Voldemort attack.

Matt: Yeah, it was – the whole mood was supposed to change anyway. So we were expecting a big change in the mood.

The Plaque Honoring Harry

Andrew: Yeah. So first off, in the beginning of this chapter, Harry feels excited because – he gets a little boost, a little inspiration boost because he sees this graffiti on this plaque honoring him.

Matt: I think that was just what he needed.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Because he’s getting very skeptical of Hermione and Ron, and he was right that – I mean, they were kind of doubting him a little bit and so now he’s been thinking this whole entire time that his best friends are doubting his ability, and are they really – I mean, they may be with him, but are they really, in a sense? And he reads these graffitis on the scene – on a sign saying how – what does it say on the sign?

Micah: Oh, it says, “Good luck, Harry, wherever you are. If you read this, Harry, we’re all behind you. Long live Harry Potter.”

Eric: Well, yeah, the house is still there. Most of the house is still there, in fact.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s really cool, too, how there’s like a little tribute. Well, I mean they…

Eric: Yeah, I liked that a lot.

Andrew: …kept the house there as a tribute. Like, that’s just amazing. I really cannot wait to see that in the movie because Harry even – well, the narration even points out that, you know, there was the blasted corner of the house, which is obviously where Voldemort killed his mother and tried to kill Harry.

Eric: And remember, we’ve seen this house, guys. In the movie when Hagrid – in the first movie when Hagrid is doing the recount. We see Voldemort go into there.

Andrew: Right.

Recreating Harry’s Parents’ Death Scene

Eric: I thought that would be really cool if they reshoot those scenes, sort of, with the actors – try to recreate it. But then actually, you know, elaborate with all the things that happened – sorry – at the end of this chapter, which is fantastic.

Matt: Well see, that’s what I had…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: …a question about, too. Because they said in the beginning when they did this movie – the first film – that J.K. Rowling oversaw this entire scene…

Eric: I think she directed that scene or something.

Matt: Do you honestly – oh, yeah I think she did direct it, too. Do you think that they may have actually filmed the entire scene and are saving it…

Eric: No, I highly doubt that.

Matt: …for the last film?

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: If you think about it, the James and Lily actors are very happy to return. They’ve been in almost all the movies. In fact, they’ve been in all the movies. They really have.

Matt: But the baby! It doesn’t look like that; he’s probably a couple years older now.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Well, they could find another child.

Andrew: He’s like ten years older now.

Eric: Well, you’re right. You’re right.

Andrew: That’s kind of a good theory, Matt. I mean – because I don’t think they would have to film much extra. Like – well – I don’t know, it’s hard to say because if you think about the movie scene in Sorcerer’s Stone, it’s not exactly how it is in the book.

Matt: No, it’s not. But also, the actors are ten years older, almost, too. From when…

Andrew: Right.

Matt: …they filmed that scene.

Andrew: Although, Harry was standing in the crib and he had a little smile on his face in the movie, didn’t he?

Matt: A little bit.

Laura: Yeah, he did.

Andrew: It’s very similar.

Laura: He was wearing Blue’s Clues pajamas, too.

Andrew: He was, yeah!

Matt: And they stressed it enough that she was very adamant about getting this scene right. She probably had this whole scene – you know, she had it all envisioned in her head. I still think they may have filmed this entire scene.

Eric: Well, I like the idea of that. It’s just in the history of movies where – it seems like in my history of movies, my experience, when I think that it would be very cool if they did that, they never do that, which is the only thing I have against it.

Andrew: I mean, at the very least, they must have some extra footage lying around. They must have done some extra takes, maybe some extra angles or two. Maybe they could make a whole thing out of it.

Matt: You don’t even see James’ character in that flashback.

Andrew: Right, you don’t. That’s one issue.

Eric: So are we going to talk about Bathilda picking them up then?

Bathilda Knows Who Harry Is

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That’s a great point, Matt, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. That’s a good question for Heymann or somebody. Okay, so Harry finds the photograph of Dumbledore and Grindelwald in Bathilda’s house and – sorry, I’m reading from whoever wrote this. He’s also convinced by looking in her eyes that she knows who he is. He’s partly right.

Laura: Yeah, I was kind of – I don’t know. Just reading that, it kind of creeped me out because…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …Hermione said something along the lines of like, “Do think she knows who we are?” or whatever. And Harry looks into Bathilda’s eyes and he’s like, “Yeah, I think she does.” And it’s creepy because he’s right but not quite, you know, because it’s actually…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …Voldemort’s snake. And it’s – oh my gosh, just gives me shivers…

Eric: There is a really cool – I like how this is written because – and again with the Horcrux that Harry is wearing, it gets excited. It starts really sort of beating, and Harry really starts noticing it…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And he’s like, “Oh, I guess it’s starting to be scared. That’s good, it’s scared that it’s about to be destroyed.” But you know that that’s not actually quite what’s happening, and it’s really, just really an intense, sort of scary scene.

Laura: Yeah, it really is.

Matt: That whole scene is going to be so freaking awesome in the movie.

Laura: If they do it right. Like, do you really think they are actually going to have the snake crawl…

Eric: I think they will.

Laura: …out of Bathilda’s neck?

Matt: Oh, they better!

Laura: I would be so mad.

Eric: Why? Oh, if they didn’t? I was like…

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: If it just like transfigures into a snake or something?

Elysa: Oh, that would be…

Eric: Well, they have got to have it.

Elysa: …so terrible.

Laura: Yeah, and if they do something cheap like they’ve done in every movie where they show a shadow. But then like in Chamber of Secrets in order to lessen the gore factor they had a Fawkes pecking at the Basilisk’s eyes…

Eric: Oh, but they didn’t cut that out.

Laura: …but they only show a shadow.

Andrew: Yeah, well, keep in mind that that was the PG days.

Eric: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: We’re almost rated R, ladies and gentlemen.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: We’re all big boys now.

Eric: Well, the other thing, Laura, that I remember is – sorry, crap, I
just totally lost my – oh yeah! Well, no…

Matt: Well, about when Peter Pettigrew cut off his hand?

Eric: Oh, that’s – did they show a shadow of that?

Matt: They showed it about – like, it just tipped off the arm.

Eric: Well, it made the squishy sound.

Laura: Yeah. It was pretty…

Eric: What I’m thinking of is – remember in Prisoner of Azkaban when Peter Pettigrew escapes the binds by turning into the rat and he does that thing where he disappears…

Matt: Right.

Eric: …into his clothing and then the rat comes out.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Like, that’s exactly the effect I’m looking for in the Bathilda’s transformation scene. You know, it’s…

Laura: Really?

Matt: But did – she doesn’t really transform. The snake is hiding inside the body.

Eric: Oh no, she doesn’t, she doesn’t, but…

Laura: No, it comes out of her body.

Eric: In my notes, she pretty much discards the carcass like a coat – like discards the body like a coat. And it lets it drop to the floor as the snake sort of slithers out of it.

Micah: Like a snake would shed its skin.

Eric: Exactly.

Laura: Hm.

Andrew: Yeah, I can see that.

Matt: Well, I kind of got – I thought about that when I was thinking of – what’s the movie? Men in Black. When the creature took…

Laura: Oh, right!

Matt: …out the insides of a body and all it really was was just like a layer of skin that stretched over the body.

Laura: Right.

Eric: It was like an egger suit. [laughs] Like an egger suit.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Come to think of it though, this would really by a scary scene for kids.

Matt: I know!

The Potters’ Death Through Voldemort’s Eyes

Andrew: I mean, even if it is rated PG-13. Huh. I don’t know, but let’s stick with the book here; let’s wrap this up. So as we were just discussing – I guess we could skip this too – when Harry sees his parents’ death through Voldemort’s point of view, which is really cool.

Eric. Whoa! Wait, we can’t skip this, we can’t skip this! This was incredible.

Andrew: Well, I’m saying we’ve already discussed a good part of it…

Eric: All right, yeah.

Andrew: …movie-wise, but…

Eric: I’m shocked at how little I remembered how cool this actual part was when I was reading it the first time. Book 7, that is. Because it really is truly cool.

Elysa: Yeah, correct me…

Eric: Would do you guys think?

Elysa: Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the first time that we find out that James Potter didn’t even have his wand when Voldemort killed him?

Eric: None of them did.

Matt: He just falls.

Andrew: Didn’t we discuss this on an earlier show?

Eric: Yeah, this has been said in the books that James was dueling Voldemort, or whatever. You know, went into the landings to sort of duel him, but now we see that it was even more pathetic than that for, you know, James and Lily Potter, who have thrice defied Voldemort, to just drop. Of course Lily didn’t have to die but James just didn’t even have his wand.

Matt: Well…

Eric: I don’t know…

Matt: This is…

Eric: Yeah. Go on.

Matt: Well, just about the whole thing with Harry’s mom and how he kind of pushed her away – like we all thought that there was like some ulterior motive that maybe like he was – he promised that he wouldn’t kill Lily.

Eric: Well, he did, didn’t he? Isn’t that confirmed later? Yeah, Snape asked him not to.

Matt: Oh that’s right. Okay. Nevermind.

Eric: But I’m going to go out on a limb here, and I’m just going to say my absolute favorite thing about this Voldemort recap is that right when he’s about to kill Harry he thinks that baby Harry might, or Harry, or Voldemort thinks the baby Harry might be thinking that Voldemort is actually his dad in disguise, that any moment Lily’s going to pop up and smile, and it’s all a joke. But as Voldemort gets closer to Harry to kill him, he sees that it’s not Voldemort and begins crying, and at that moment Voldemort thinks – I have it written down here – Voldemort thinks, well he says, “He did not like the crying…”

Andrew: Of the orphanage.

Eric: “…he had never been able to stomach the small ones crying in the orphanage.” And this is like right when he’s about to die – right when Voldemort’s about to kill Harry and be killed himself. He has this flash – he connects the crying to the orphanage, and these crying babies in the orphanage. This is Voldemort’s human life. Not only that, but his childhood. He makes this connection to his childhood and of all these – this crying that he couldn’t stand in the orphanage – it sort of connects him to the human world once again. It’s even acknowledged that he’d ever been in an orphanage – a Muggle one at that – and then that’s – it struck me so much. You can clearly tell by the way my voice doing this, that it struck me that that kind of connection to, you know, Voldemort’s – because Voldemort’s not connected to anything, and – but right before he dies, he makes that kind of, you know, “I hated the little ones, the orphans…”

Matt: Well, when I first…

Elysa: Well, it’s totally true…

Eric: And then he dies.

Matt: Well, when I read that, when he said that he couldn’t stomach the babies crying at the orphanage, I – I could be wrong, but I thought when he said that he meant that he went on a murderous rampage in the orphanage, and it was just hard….

Eric: Well, he was about to kill a trick-or-treater. Do you remember that?

Laura: Yeah. He said like one quick wave of his wand and the little boy would never see his mother again, or something like that.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: “But quite unnecessary…”

Matt: But he’d just love the power of that…

Eric: “…quite unnecessary.”

Matt: I think he was thinking to himself. Like, “I could just kill this kid right now,” and that entire life is gone.

MuggleCast 133 Transcript (continued)

Book 1 and 7 Parallel

Andrew: Now, Laura, you had a parallel you wanted to bring up?

Laura: Oh yeah, well, we all know how I am about the parallels.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: This is a really small one. It’s – it’s not anything major that requires tons of discussion, but it was just interesting to me like, especially thinking about the scene that we talked about in Sorcerer’s Stone that Jo monitored so heavily. It specifically shows Voldemort entering the gate of the Potters’ house, and in the book, Harry says that he can see the bald man entering the gate of Bathilda’s home. And it’s like the first time that they’ve both been in Grimmauld Place in all this time, and both times it happened in Book 7 and Book 1. I just thought it was really interesting. Another one of my little book parallels.

Andrew: Yeah, why do we love parallels, Matt?

Matt: Because they never meet.

[Everyone laughs]

Lack of the Fifth Person

Micah: I was just disappointed because there had been so much speculation that there had been somebody else in Godric’s Hollow…

Laura: Oh, I know!

Micah: …there that night.

Andrew: Yeah.

Elysa: Yeah.

Micah: And then to not have anything really, I mean…

Andrew: Yeah, you’re…

Micah: …everyone pretty much assumed that Snape was the one who sort of made sure that Lily would at least be offered some sort of protection, but…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …it seemed like – even going back to the movie, you guys were talking about – people were always saying, “Oh, it seems like if you look the right way, there was somebody else there in the shadows,” but in the end it ended up not being anybody at all.

Laura: Yeah, and I mean when we were…

Micah: It was Voldemort by himself.

Laura: When we were in London doing our live show, I went out on a limb and made a big speculation about who I thought it was going to be…

Andrew: What did you say?

Laura: …and then it ended up being no one. I said – well, I wasn’t a hundred percent convinced of this, but I figured if it was going to be someone there, it was going to be someone we wouldn’t expect, so I was like, “Hmm, Dumbledore. Maybe Dumbledore was there, and that’s why he has all this stuff” and da-da-da-da-da. But it – of course it makes no sense now, but…

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, Dumbledore was a big theory.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I remember that being passed around a lot. I think you did present an interesting theory at that show, I just don’t remember it.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t remember exactly what I said.

Andrew: Yeah, I just remember it being really good.

Elysa: Aww.

Laura: But then no one in the audience – I remember you said something like, “Everybody raise your hand if you think that’s right!” And like two people…

Matt: Aww.

Laura: [laughs] …raised their hands.

Andrew: Well, see, you have to remember…

Laura: And I was like, “Screw you!”

Andrew: …there were three levels of people we couldn’t see, you know, the upper and lower…

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: We should have been like, “Stomp your feet if you think that…” [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, but then they would put another light out in the bookstore.

Andrew: Yeah. Oh, that was a classic…

Laura: [laughs] That was so funny.

Andrew: Oh, Elysa, Matt, and Micah, you weren’t there, you losers.

Elysa: [laughs] Oh my God! Thanks, Andrew.

Andrew: I’m just kidding.

Matt: Jerk.

Andrew: Okay, so, I think that’s about it.

Hermione’s Lack of Suspicion

Eric: Well, just one more thing.

Andrew: Okay.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: When Harry is – sorry – when Harry is…

Andrew: You’re like Steve Jobs at his Apple keynotes. He always goes, “But there is one more thing…” and then the whole crowd goes, “Aaaahhh!”

Eric: Oh yeah, P.S., the MacBook Air. [laughs] Yeah. Okay so – no, just when Harry is recapping afterwards – I mean, he’d been tossing and turning in his sleep for hours, which, as it turns out – but he recounts that Bathilda was actually – Bathilda Bagsnake, I should say. Bathilda Bagsnake was speaking Parseltongue, and that’s why Harry sort of could understand her and knew that she was saying, “Come, look at this,” that sort of thing. But I don’t think it’s actually right that Hermione were to let Harry go upstairs alone if she couldn’t also hear Bathilda saying those sort of things like, “Come here,” and, “I want you,” and, you know, all this other stuff, you know? Not only did Hermione let Harry go up alone with Bathilda, but she didn’t even follow until she started hearing these loud thumps. I mean if Nagini were any kind of, you know, aim or anything, I mean, if the intent were to be to kill Harry, Nagini would have succeeded because Hermione stayed downstairs. I just don’t think it was realistically suspicious. She wasn’t realistically suspicious enough because if she couldn’t hear Bathilda even speak or, you know, if she would have heard the slithering, I would have been severely, you know, clued in.

Micah: It’s possible they communicated, though, through nonverbal…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …means…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: That’s what I was thinking.

Micah: …because there was that connection that still exists between Voldemort and Harry.

Eric: Oh, yeah – well, yeah.

Micah: Perhaps they don’t need any sort of verbal communication.

Eric: But that would be weird, wouldn’t it? I mean you’d immediately know that something was up if Hermione – ’cause if Hermione like – Hermione didn’t hear a thing. She didn’t hear a thing, and maybe she heard some sizzling and didn’t realize it.

Micah: Well, this whole idea is pretty stupid from the beginning, okay? This kind of goes back to my thoughts on like them infiltrating the Ministry. This was just another scene where like, you know what, you’re really…

Eric: Out of your league.

Micah: …effing stupid. You know? I mean, you’re just going to follow somebody that you’ve never met before..

Matt: You don’t talk to strangers.

Micah: …go into their house… Yeah, exactly.

Andrew: But see, at the same time – at the same time they were pretty confident that she had the sword, you know? Like earlier in the chapter, or the chapter prior, Harry was like, you know, Harry and Hermione were both like, “Okay, she must have it. It makes sense. Dumbledore must have given it to her.” So…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …I think they just got too caught up in the moment.

Matt: Well, really it’s mostly Harry.

Micah: It is possible.

Matt: I mean, Hermione did – was hesitant first and usually like…

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: …every time Hermione’s first reaction is hesitation, it’s usually because you should be hesitant about it.

Eric: Well, I think over time, though, their lack of knowledge, their lack of things happening and Ron leaving them, kind of makes them put all their eggs in one basket. And I think that’s why Harry, when he says, “I want to go to Godric’s Hollow,” Hermione says, “Yeah, that’s a pretty good idea.”

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: She kind of says…

Micah: It was just a…

Eric: But you’re right, Micah. You’re completely right.

Micah: It’s just not a wise decision in the fact that you brought up. I mean Harry can clearly hear what she’s saying but it’s not like they’re having open dialogue. It’s not like they’re having back and forth conversation. You know, it’s just a little bit awkward to me.

Eric: Yeah. I mean what worked in the favor was that they knew how old Bathilda was, you know? They thought that when she was kind of gliding along the ice that she might, you know – she’s very weak and obviously a very old woman who might have the sword of Gryffindor. But just putting Harry and Hermione’s failings aside, when Voldemort flies there and ends up in that room it is said in the book that he looks out the window and sees Harry and Hermione as their disguised people running across the field, and that’s where he breaks down and says, “No!” And obviously he looks down and he gets this nice little consolation prize, which is the photo of Grindelwald, so he can figure out who it is he wants to go after. But he sees them running across the field; why does he not follow them? That is my question, that’s my last question. Why doesn’t he follow them if he sees them running?

Eric’s One Question

Matt: Because they Apparate.

Eric: He can fly. He can overtake them. Who says they Apparate? Hermione is trying to carry Harry; she can’t even do that.

Matt: Well, didn’t she say they twisted and they were gone?

Elysa: I think they did Apparate.

Laura: Yeah, they did Apparate.

Matt: You saw a twist and they were gone, and then he starts screaming.

Eric: Oh, I missed that. [turning page in the book] Sorry.

Elysa: Yeah, I think she Apparated as they fell out or something.

Eric: I thought they twisted their heel or something.

Matt: Yeah, they click their heels three times.

Elysa: “Hermione twisted in midair…”

Matt: [in a high pitched voice] “There’s no place like home.”

Micah: “…and the thundering of the collapsing house rang in Harry’s ears as she dragged him once more into darkness.” Yeah, they Apparated.

Eric: Ah, “into darkness.” Okay, that’s what I get.

Elysa: Yeah.

Eric: Sorry, I thought it was like the darkness of behind a tree or something.

[Elysa laughs]

Eric: I was like, “Why is he not going after them?” Okay, but I get that. Okay.

The Broken Wand

Micah: And the only other thing I would bring up from this chapter is the fact of the broken wand, because that plays a huge role later on…

Eric: I like it though.

Micah: …in the series.

Laura: Should we play a song for Harry’s wand?

Eric: Well, we should play a song…

Laura: Even though it comes back?

Eric: We should play a song for Bathilda, actually, because it’s confirmed now that she’s completely dead.

Micah: Mhm.

Andrew: What do you guys want to hear?

Matt: [singing] “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard…”

[Everyone laughs]

Quote Quiz

Andrew: That’s a little out of place. I guess we’ll jump right into the next segment, but first it’s time for Quote Quiz. [echoes “quiz”]

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: This is for Chapter 17 this week and…

Micah: 18.

Andrew: Oh, yeah sorry. Chapter 18, “The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.” And the quote is – this is a hard one for all you playing at home – “He were a head case, that Aberforth.” [closes book] That’s the Quote Quiz for you this week.

Matt: Did they mumble too, or was that just you?

Andrew: I didn’t mumble.

Matt: Oh, okay.

Make the Music Connection

Andrew: That’s what Jo wrote. So we’re doing a new segment. We tested this last week. For Laura, Eric and Elysa, it’s Make the Music Connection. And we make a connection between – we’re going to start this week. Make the connection between a song I give you and Harry Potter. Okay?

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: So it’s sort of like Make the Connection, only it involves music and the intro goes like this: It’s “Make the Mu-mu-mu-mu-music Connection.”

[Eric laughs],

Laura: Very nice.

Elysa: Good job, Andrew.

Andrew: So Eric, since you’re a “Lost” dork…

Matt: Nice.

Andrew: …and you have to get out of here…

Micah: So you’re going to give us the song and we’re going to have to place it in the series as opposed to us coming up…

Matt: Yes.

Micah: …with a song?

Andrew: Exactly. I’m going to give you a…

Micah: That’s a lot easier.

Andrew: Okay, good.

Micah: I hope.

Andrew: All right, so, Eric, this is your first song.

[“Yesterday” by The Beatles begins playing]

Eric: [singing along] “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now…”

Andrew: “Yesterday” by The Beatles. Make a connection between this song and Harry Potter.

Eric: That’s a really good question. I mean, sorry, this is a really good connection to be made. I think that an instance where this song would be most pertinent…actually! What about right this – I think a lot of characters are singing this song at different points in the book. Particularly, well, clearly Harry – plenty of people the night that Voldemort is – you know what? Dumbledore sings this when he goes back to his office after the Triwizard Tournament has ended. And Voldemort’s back. [chuckles]

[Andrew laughs]

[Music stops]

Eric: You know, “yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away. Darn it, he’s back again!”

Andrew: [laughs] Okay. All right. All right, that’s good.

Eric: Yeah, or Ron sings it.

Matt: Wait, wait. So what scene was it?

Eric: Well, okay. Then I’ll do the other one. Ron’s singing it after he left Hermione. You know, because we read in these chapters that Hermione’s crying and stuff all over Ron. Ron is at home, or in the bushes by his house, singing this song. Like, “why did I have to go and be so dumb and leave? Sorry, yesterday sucked, but I shouldn’t have left,” you know.

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: Anyway, got to go! [laughs]

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: All right…

Laura: Bye, Eric.

Andrew: Eric, we’ll see you later.

Eric: Okay. Bye, everybody! Thanks for the great show.

Andrew: Bye!

Laura: Bye!

Matt: Bye!

Micah: Bye!

Andrew: Micah, it is your turn for Make the Music Connection. You ready?

Micah: Yeah. Let’s go. Ready.

Andrew: All right, this is your song.

Matt: Let’s do it!

[“Only the Good Die Young” by Billy Joel begins playing]

Micah: [laughs] Of course, the Billy Joel.

Andrew: “Only the Good Die Young” by Billy Joel. Make a connection, sir.

Micah: I would probably say when Harry is going through, you know, Hogwarts, and he’s looking over the table. And he sees Remus and Tonks. Because, in reality, they’re still pretty young. You know.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: But it’s kind of a more upbeat song, you know?

[Matt laughs]

Micah: It has some really solemn lyrics but it’s an upbeat song. So I don’t – it’s kind of hard to place that.

Andrew: No, no. The lyrics are terrible…

Matt: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: …if you listen to it, if you get the meaning of the song. It’s terrible. I don’t know what it is, I’ve just heard it’s terrible.

Matt: I could just see Harry running down the Great Hall scene…

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Matt: …Remus and Tonks lying there, dead. And he just breaks out and dances to this song.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, okay. Good. Matt, you’re next.

[Song ends]

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: Actually, no. Let’s get a girl.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: Um…

Micah: Matt, you’re next.

Matt: I knew it!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew and

Laura: Ohhh!

Matt: Micah, I knew you were going to say something.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Matt’s actually hurt too.

Micah: He knew that. It’s like Andrew set that up perfectly.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Matt: I know, I was waiting for something to say something.

Andrew: I didn’t even think about that, despite the fact that Matt does have girl attributes. But anyway, Elysa…

Elysa: Yeah.

Andrew: …here’s your song.

[“Misty Mountain Hop” by Led Zeppelin beings playing]

Elysa: [gasps] Led Zeppelin?

Andrew: “Misty Mountain Hop.”

Elysa: Hell, yeah!

Andrew: By Zeppelin. I hear you’re a fan.

Elysa: Oh, are you kidding me? Of course! Oh gosh, well they’re all British. How’s that for a connection?

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Okay.

Elysa: Um, let me think. I’m going to say that this is Tonks and the Giant Squid’s love music.

[Everyone laughs]

Elysa: That’s the connection.

Andrew: Okay, all right, very good. Oh God.

[Song ends]

Andrew: Okay, Laura, you’re next.

Laura: Okay.

Andrew: Keep in mind, I’m tailoring all these songs to everyone’s interests this week, so…

Laura: Yeah, I’m just guessing what mine’s going to be. [laughs]

Andrew: Laura. Laura, may know what’s coming.

[“Time of your Life” by Greenday begins playing]

Laura: Oh, boy.

Elysa: Aww!

Andrew: This song makes me cry.

[Elysa laughs]

Andrew: “Time of Your Life” by Greenday.

Laura: Well, I think there are multiple meanings you could pull out of this song. One of the first things I think of is when Billy Joel says, “time grabs you by the wrist and directs you where to go,” because Harry didn’t really have much of a choice of his destiny. It was kind of thrust upon him.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: And also, if you know anything about Greenday, and this song, you know it’s actually not a happy song. So – and it’s not even supposed to be a nice song. It’s actually all, kind of, sad. So the whole, it makes me think of a Harry Potter ending. It makes me sad.

Andrew: Aw.

Laura: So sadness. And Harry’s destiny.

Andrew: Okay, good. I like it.

[Song ends]

Andrew: All right, and last but not least, Matthew Britton, here’s your song.

[“Circle of Life” by Elton John begins playing]

Matt: I knew it! A Disney song.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I love when he gets constipated for a second. [mimics song]

[Elysa and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Uh, “Circle of Life.” It was written by Elton John, right?

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: All right think. Make a connection.

Matt: God. Um, damn. It’s like, well, there were animals in it. And our patronuses are animals.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: And I got nothing here.

Andrew: Now I’m picturing all the patronuses coming up on the big mountain with Simba.

Matt: Um…

Elysa: Well, Simba and Harry were both orphans, who had to…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Aww, that’s true.

Matt: Yeah but are – are we making – are we making a music connection to a – an exact scene in the film?

Micah: Or the books.

Laura: It can be.

Andrew: It can be in the film, or, you know, you can picture a scene for Deathly Hallows.

Matt: Or in the book I mean. I’m sorry. A scene in the books.

Andrew: It can be books or movies, whatever.

Matt: Well, that’s what I mean. Okay. Um, jeez. I have no idea. I’m sorry.

Laura: Hey, Matt, what about Harry – er – Simba’s parental figure dies to save Simba.

Matt. Mm. Oh, I got it! In um, oh not the, well, no I can connect the movies but not the song. Sorry.

Andrew: Okay, go ahead.

Laura: Yeah but…

Matt: I was thinking, ’cause, at the very end when Simba and Scar start walking in circles, it’s just like what Harry and Voldemort do at their final showdown.

Laura: Well, that’s true.

Matt: But the song is just so happy and life and I can’t really make a circle of life because nothing gets – no one gets killed and then eaten after they get [unintelligible] grass or something.

Micah: It would be a good song for the epilogue, how about that?

Matt: Yeah. Or just the opening of the entire series. The prologue. There we go.

[Laura laughs]

Elysa: How about this? The circle of life is that Harry ends up marrying a woman that looks exactly like his mother.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: Ooh.

Laura: Ooh.

Matt: What kind of fan fiction do you do now, Elysa?

Elysa: [laughs] No, I’m just saying, I mean, seriously. A lot of people were making – talking about parallels that, you know, Harry looks exactly like James and that Ginny looks exactly like Lily. I mean I’m not, like, suggesting anything. I’m just saying, circle of life. There you have it.

Andrew: We’re going to wrap it up today with a favorite.

Favorite: Movie Poster or DVD Cover

Matt: Uh, so this week’s favorite is what is your favorite movie poster slash DVD cover? And I was thinking of that because I was at Best Buy the other day and I was just looking at all of the Harry…

[Hannah Montana’s “See You Again” plays]

Andrew: Oh sorry, sorry. Accident.

Matt: What the hell was that?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Just accidently clicked my top songs playlist. Just ignore me, sorry.

Matt: [laughs] Ladies and gentlemen, Andrew Sims likes Hannah Montana.

Andrew: It was a complete mistake, I didn’t mean to do that, sorry.

Matt: Well, the reason why I thought of this was when I was in Best Buy and I was looking at all the DVD covers, and I thought, you know which one’s my favorite? And then…oh my God, I should do this as a Favorites! So that’s why I put it up. I guess we can – we can go with what’s your favorite DVD cover and what’s your favorite movie poster because they – they send – there’s always a lot more movie posters than DVD covers.

Andrew: My favorite has to be from Chamber of Secrets. There were quite a few promo images I really liked from that movie, and I used to have the movie poster, I don’t know what I did with it. But my favorite one is the one with Harry turned on his side sort of like he’s – he’s – his body’s turned to the side but he’s looking straight at the camera and he’s holding the Gryffindor sword. And then Hermione’s in the background with her wand up looking ready – ready to go and Ron is like a little nervous, but he’s also holding his wand.

Matt: Yeah. Is that for the DVD cover or the poster?

Andrew: That’s the poster, that’s the movie poster.

Matt: Oh okay.

Andrew: Sorry. That’s the movie poster.

Laura: Yeah, I think I’m going to agree with Andrew. Overall, I really enjoyed all the promotional images and the DVD cover for Chamber of Secrets. I feel like, after that, a lot of the promo images kind of dissolved into just generic, magical type backgrounds…

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: Where as this they brought more attention to the actors and their props and that kind of thing, and after that I just felt like all the posters kind of looked the same.

Andrew: Yeah. You know, which reminds me, Matt and I were in Best Buy last week and we were looking at all these, and I was just thinking like, they’re all the same now!

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Like, it’s all the same, you know, trio with the wands, just…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s – it’s all the same!

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Do something different!

Elysa: See, that’s what – I want to go with Goblet of Fire here, on the DVD covers just by virtue of the fact it has the other Triwizard champions on it, despite the fact that they got about 20 minutes of screen time and about half a line each in the movie, but yet they were on the cover. But I still like – I actually I like the poster a lot for that one too, in all seriousness, because, the one with Harry and he’s standing – it’s just him, and it’s sort of like his back’s to you, and there’s all this smoke and mist and it’s really dark, and I think at the top it says something like, “Difficult times lie ahead, Harry.” Do you guys know which one I’m talking about?

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Mmhmm. Yeah, yeah, the teaser poster?

Elysa: Yeah, yeah, I like that one a lot. It’s just – it was badass. It’s like it could be on the cover of National Geographic or something. I was all about it.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Matt: Yeah!

[Elysa laughs]

Micah: For posters, I mean, I would say I was a big fan of the Order of the Phoenix one with Voldemort that says, you know, “You will lose everything.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Because I think it started to take the series in a new direction, obviously, with Order of the Phoenix sort of being the turning point. I could care less about the DVD covers, to be honest. [laughs] I don’t really have…

Andrew: They’re not that good.

Micah: …a preference one way or the other on the – on the DVD covers. But yeah, I like what they started to do, and you guys bringing Goblet of Fire before also was a good one when they finally started using other people besides the trio. They’re doing that with the posters for Order of the Phoenix, I think, and obviously, or hopefully Snape will be used for Half-Blood Prince. Alan Rickman.

Matt: Yeah, possibly, or something.

Andrew: How about you, Matt?

Matt: Okay, let’s – let me see what we can do. Well, my favorite DVD cover hands down is definitely Sorcerer’s Stone, because it’s very – it has an almost like a hand-drawn artistic kind of look to it, and it’s not – it doesn’t look like it was photoshopped like in the other DVD covers. And I liked the first film DVD cover the most because it looks like a collage of all things in the film, and I kind of wish that they did that with all the other ones. And let’s see, my favorite poster. I agree with Andrew and Laura about their favorite being Chamber of Secrets ’cause they did have the best in advertising. And my favorite poster of that book was – or that movie was when they have a silhouette of Dobby in the middle of street saying, “Dobby has come to warn you, Harry Potter.”

Laura: Oh yeah…

Matt: Or something, you know what I’m talking about?

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: That was – that was – I think that was the teaser poster for the film.

Laura: Yeah, it was.

Matt: It’s that poster and the Order of the Phoenix poster when they have the Death Eaters against Dumbledore’s Army, and they’re in that fighting stance against each other

Laura: Oh yeah! That’s actually really cool.

Andrew: That is very cool.

Matt: That’s my favorite poster of the films so far.

Andrew: See, I didn’t really count – I agree I think that’s my favorite promo poster, but that was never really a movie poster. It showed up on gigantic billboards, but I don’t know.

Matt: Actually, I think I’ve seen it at Hot Topics.

Andrew: Oh really?

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: You’re talking about for Order of the Phoenix, right?

Matt: I’m talking about for Order of the Phoenix, yes.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it is really cool. They have come up with some really cool promo images. Even with the adult actors. I love the ones with Snape when they do – they do five posters each with a different set of characters.

Laura: Mhm.

Contact Information

Andrew: You know all those? Those are really cool. I guess that wraps up the show today. We’ve covered a lot this is a long recording. It’s time to remind everyone about our contact information. Laura, where do people send us gold?

Laura: That’ll be:

P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia


No pickles.

Andrew: [laughs] No pickles please. Sorry, pickles not accepted, like in the commercials. You can also call the MuggleCast hotline if you want to contact us when we do voicemails occasionally. If you’re in the United States you can dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you’re in the United Kingdom you can dial 02081440677, and if you’re in Australia you can dial 0280035668. We also have a Skype username, which is MuggleCast, if you want to contact us that way to leave a voicemail. No matter how you call us just remember to keep your message under a minute and eliminate as much background noise and possible so you sound clear and beautiful just like all of us. We also have a handy feedback form on that you can use to contact any one of us. Or just use our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Except for Matt who’s Matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And Elysa, if someone wants to contact you, you are Elysa at fanfiction dot mugglenet dot com, right?

Elysa: That’s correct!

Andrew: Excellent. You can also visit for a variety of community outlets, including our MySpace, we got the Facebook, the YouTube, Frappr, Last.FM, and of course the Forums.

Andrew: Elysa, thank you so much for joining us today, you were a great part of the show.

Elysa: No, thank you for having me!

Andrew: Would you come on again?

Elysa: Absolutely, of course!

Laura: Yay!

Andrew: Would you come on as much as possible?

Elysa: Hell yeah!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, oh so yeah!

Elysa: Hell yeah!

Matt: She must really want to. [laughs]

Andrew: Laura, I have some news for you.

Laura: I better be getting a severance package if that’s what you’re saying.

[Elysa laughs]

Jamie: Your fired.

Andrew: Your fired. I’m Andrew Sims…

Matt: Laura…

Laura: I’m not going to outtro myself, you just fired me!

Laura and Elysa’s Site

Andrew: I just want to plug real quick a site that Laura and Elysa are maintaining. It’s a new site by them, it’s a political blog, it’s (little children cover your ears), it’s You guys want to talk about that for a second?

[Show music begins]

Laura: Yeah, pretty much we take the politics and we bitch about them.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay…

Elysa: Yeah, and – and okay, a little bit of informing. I recently made a 5 million word post about Kosovo, so – but it’s interesting because we cross like sailors if that helps at all.

Andrew: It’s really good and it’s really funny. I would not recommend it if you are not one to read adult language. But it’s – it’s very – it’s a very funny read. Of course they do take a particular political stance. So some of you will not be happy. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, we do. We’re not going to lie about where we stand. It’s just, – it’s really fun for us to do because, we actually first really talked on election night of ’04. So that’s where our political relationship was fostered from.

Andrew: Matt and I kind attest to the fact that Laura and Elysa are hilarious to listen to.

Matt: I was crying. I almost choked – I almost choked on my Big Bacon Classic when we went to Wendy’s.

Elysa: I was concerned for their health.

[Elysa and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, and I almost lost it and spit up a Frosty in the back of Elysa’s car when she made a joke about being sent to Guantanamo Bay. Oh god, that was so funny.

Elysa: I’m surprised I’m not there already.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: One of the funniest moments of my life. Elysa, be prepared to get several hundred Facebook requests from now on. Just so you know. Friend requests.

Elysa: Sweet.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Elysa: Bring it all in, bring it all in.

Andrew: It’s fun. Yeah, yeah, more power to you if you want to accept them all.

[Everyone laughs]

Show Close

Andrew: Thank you, everyone, for joining us for this 133rd episode. I’m Andrew Sims.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: I’m Matthew Britton.

Elysa: And I’m Elysa Montfort.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 134. Buh-bye!

Laura: Bye.

Micah: Bye.

Matt: Bye. Bye. Bye! Bye.

[Show music ends]


Matt: It rubs the lotion on it’s skin or it gets the hose again.

Elysa: [laughs] Oh my god! Oh my god!

[Everyone laughs]

Elysa: I was just saying that to Laura in IM.

Matt: Wow.

Micah: Wow.

Andrew: I don’t know what is going but…

Micah: And Andrew edit, please.

Andrew: Speaking… [laughs]

[Laura and Elysa laugh]

Andrew: Speaking of news…ummm….


Transcript #132

MuggleCast 132 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: Hey there, MuggleCast listeners. I am back to inform you of some excellent news. GoDaddy.Com is having better deals than ever. For only $3.59 a month for 12 months, you can get GoDaddy.Com’s economy package. With 250 gigs of bandwidth, five gigs of storage, and up to 500 e-mail accounts, you can get your own website up and running with success. And as usual, enter code Muggle – that’s M-U-G-G-L-E – when you check out and save an additional ten percent on any order. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at GoDaddy.Com.

Andrew: This week’s podcast is also brought to you by Audible.Com, the Internet’s leading provider of Spoken Word Entertainment. Get a free audiobook download of your choice when you sign up today. Log onto AudiblePodcast.Com/MuggleCast today for details.

[Show music starts]

Micah: Because it’s looking more and more like the final film will be split in two, this is MuggleCast Episode 132 for February 17th, 2008.

[Music continues]

Andrew: All right. Well, this week I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is I am too awesome for this show. The good news is Matt and Micah are here.

Matt: That’s right.

Micah: I don’t really get that.

Andrew: What? What do you mean?

Micah: What you just said.

Andrew: What?

Micah: Why is the bad news that you’re too awesome for the show?

Andrew: Ummm…

Micah: Are you leaving?

Andrew: What?

Matt: Are you, really?

Micah: You’ve become too awesome that you are leaving the show and that’s the bad news?

Andrew: Well, I considered it last week, and my letter was actually big lie, as everyone found out. But I was actually considering leaving the show because I really am too [laughs] awesome for this show. But speaking of this week’s show, we have a lot to discuss this week. Some interesting new developments in the news, and of course Chapter-by-Chapter. And we are going to introduce two new segments this week that are spinoffs of segments we’ve been doing for awhile, but it’s time to put a new twist on them. A new twist. A new, fun twist. I’m Andrew Sims.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matthew Britton.

[Music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast News Center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Hey, Micah.

Micah: All right. Thanks, Andrew. The 50th annual Grammy Awards were held last Sunday night, where it was announced that Jim Dale, the narrator of the U.S. Potter audiobooks, received a Grammy for his reading of Deathly Hallows. Jim also won back in 2000 for Goblet of Fire.

The Daily Telegraph has a new article focusing on the continuing rumors of the final Potter film being split into two parts. When these rumors started one month ago, all we heard from Warner Brothers was a big, “No decision has been made.” Now we hear from the film’s producers; from David Barron, he says: “We are still discussing it. The announcement will be made hopefully in the not-too-distant future, with regards to the way seven shapes up. The only negative of splitting the book into two films,” says Barron, “is that people could possibly perceive it as being one last chance at cashing in. But the real positive, if we were to do that, would be that we wouldn’t have quite the battle we always have of, ‘How do you compress all that book into just over two hours of screen time?'”

From David Heyman: “A couple of people have expressed interest,” he says. “People have gotten a few calls and a few emails, but it’s still a year away. We won’t start filming until next February, so it hasn’t really gone bananas yet. We’ve got thoughts, and I’m sure something will be announced in the not-too-distant future.”

And you may remember last week we reported Steven Spielberg is one of the candidates being considered for Deathly Hallows. However, at the BAFTA awards, Digital Spy reported, Dan Radcliffe told the press these rumors are not true at all. He said: “I have no idea how that rumor started or where it came from. It’s not true. How’s that for a definitive answer? It’s absolute rubbish that Spielberg is directing the final film. It’s not true. There’s absolutely no foundation in that at all.”

Currently, there isn’t any word on other directors being considered, but we expect an announcement in the coming months.

In a new interview with MTV Clemence Poesy revealed that her character has been cut from Half-Blood Prince. She also told MTV that she hasn’t read the final three books.

Author J.K. Rowling was presented by the Literary and Historical Society of UCD in Dublin with the James Joyce Award this week. Over six hundred fans turned out to see the author read from Deathly Hallows and answer ten questions.

Finally, in a new interview Jason Isaacs, the actor who portrays Lucius Malfoy, discussed his absence in Half-Blood Prince. At the recent BAFTAs, he told Rotten Tomatoes that it was “a source of great embitterment in the Isaacs household, but he’s in Azkaban so what can you do?” However, he has high hopes for the last installment.

That’s all the news for this February 17, 2008 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Matt’s in Andrew’s Basement

Andrew: All right, thank you. Micah Tan, the MuggleCast anchor newsman.

Micah: That was interesting.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: There was a lot of news this week. I mean, a lot. I mean…

Andrew: There is. My roller coaster theory, man. I’m telling you, it’s one week you got [makes noise] nothing. And the next week it’s, wooo!

Micah: I mean, some weeks it’s so bad you have to throw the news to yourself. And then thank yourself after it’s over with.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Ouch. [laughs]

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: I think that’s because nobody wants to intro you. It’s actually kind of weird, because – not to change the subject at all, but Matt’s actually at my house this week and he’s recording in my basement. And I can hear a slight echo every time he talks, because everything in the basement can be heard throughout the entire house. [laughs]

Matt: Is that true?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Helloooo!

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, I can hear that. My parents are probably like, “What the…” Anyway, let’s go to the news. Micah, what do you think the biggest news story was this week?

News Dicussion: No Clemence Poesy

Micah: The biggest news story? Hmmm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Oooh.

Andrew: I would say, personally, the one that hurt the most is there’s no Clemence Poesy in Half-Blood Prince.

Andrew: Now, why did that hurt?

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: Well, you know? Ummm…

Andrew: Does it have to do with the popular phrase, “sex sells?”

Micah: [laughs] Maybe. Perhaps. But…

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: She’s French.

News Discussion: Deathly Hallows Split?

Micah: She is. But we’ll get to that. I thought the biggest news was David Heyman’s comments. Or was it…

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: …a mixture of him and – what was the guy’s name? I apologize, I’m blanking.

Andrew: David Barron.

Matt: David Barron.

Micah: David Barron, yeah. Talking about…

Matt: Yeah.

Micah:Deathly Hallows. And, finally, we get to hear a little bit about if this movie is going to be split or not.

Andrew: Yeah, and it’s really interesting because there are a couple of questions that this article itself raises. But this is really exciting to hear from the producers themselves, because just a few weeks ago, we got an official word from Warner Brothers via some website. It was, you know, “no decision has been made yet.” But now, here’s David Barron and David Heyman, the producers, the people who have a very large influence in this decision, speaking out about this. What gets me about David Barron’s quote, or what gets me about David Barron, what he said, was: I quote from News.Com.Au, “The only negative of splitting the book into two films,” says Barron, “is that people could possibly perceive it as being one last chance at cashing in. But the real positive, if we were to do that, would be that we wouldn’t have quite the battle we always have of ‘How do you compress all that book into just over two hours of screen time?'”

Matt: Yes.

Micah: Was he listening to our show a couple weeks ago? It sounds like he might have been.

Andrew: I think he was.

Matt: He has to. I mean, where else can they get that stuff from?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t know. We come up with innovative and thought provoking discussion here. But their only problem with this is that people think – they don’t want people to think they’re just cashing in. Because obviously, that is a real concern, a lot of skeptics may see it as that, right?

Micah: Absolutely, yeah.

Matt: Yeah, definitely.

Andrew: So, I just – I think this is a very, very, very, very, very good sign of what’s to come from just David Barron.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean – and he’s speaking like a true fan. They realize the concern is – the beauty of it would be that they would not have to cut the book down.

Matt: Well, the fact that he’s already defensive about why if they choose to put it in two halves, just makes it even more certain. You know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: He says, “Well, that wouldn’t be the case, so, guys, don’t be too upset if we do it in two parts because [gasps] we just might.”

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Yeah, and I think it gives it a whole lot of traction now, meaning that this is a real discussion that they’ve been having internally. It’s not just some rumor that’s been thrown out there if these guys are taking the time to actually address it, and the words that they used make it seem like they’ve been having a lot of talks about this.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: But the one thing that isn’t addressed as far as splitting it into two is, could they actually do it in the way we talked about a couple weeks ago where they put in an intermission or something along those lines as opposed to, with what David Barron said, talking about cashing in. That gives me the impression that if they did split it, it would be two completely separate films.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: I think that makes perfect sense. I mean, you know – and I agree with you, Micah, completely. That’s definitely what the impression is.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: And I’ve also gotten the impression that they actually want to split it. Because if you’re going to invest the time in making this film longer by possibly – you’re possibly doubling the length, that’s going to double the production cost, so you will have to make more money off of this. I mean, it’s not necessarily cashing in, but you need to still balance your profit versus your expenses.

Matt: Well, they already know they’re going to get a big profit because it’s going to be the final film of the series, so they’re going to go all out for this one.

Andrew: Yeah, but it’s not like…

Matt: So, I think it’s just great, the fact that they’re even talking about it, even if they’re not going to split it into two movies, that they’re even just considering talking and debating about whether it’s cut into two parts just to show us how dedicated they are to making the final film the best.

Andrew: Well, here’s my big question that I mentioned earlier. My question is: When did David Barron and David Heyman say this exactly? Was this two months ago? Was this a month ago? Was this last week? Because the impression betting man Andrew…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …has received is that if he were a betting man, he would think that a decision has already been made, so I don’t know if these quotes are very recent. I’m thinking these could be a little bit older, because David Heyman says, “A couple people have expressed interest. People have gotten a few calls and a few e-mails, but it’s still a year away.”

Matt: And if I was a betting man, I would bet on whatever you bet on because whenever you’re a betting man…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Well, that’s just if I was a betting man.

Micah: Well, I would say probably at least this month they made those comments because when he says, “It’s still a year away…”

Andrew: “It’s still a year away.” That’s…

Micah: …then his next quote starts off about them not starting filming until February.

Matt: It had to have been recently.

Andrew: But on the other hand, the script does not get written in February. It gets written, you know…

Micah: That’s true. No, that’s a true point.

Matt: But also the writers’ strike may have delayed it.

Andrew: Although, wasn’t it supposed to end – we’re recording Tuesday – wasn’t it supposed to end Monday? But…

Micah: I think it’s over, isn’t it? Am I wrong?

Andrew: They were about to reach something.

Matt: I don’t know. I saw a website about – they had to vote or something like that yesterday…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: …which was Monday.

Andrew: Well, we’ll see what comes out of this, but I think these are very reassuring signs. This is a very interesting article, probably one of the more interesting articles we’ve had to report in a few months because this is coming straight from the producers. Of course, when myself and a few other fan sites were on the set, we also asked them about the movie split, but we can’t talk about it, so it’s like, you know, I will say they didn’t confirm anything officially, but this definitely seems like it’s going to happen, if I were a betting man. I guess we’ll move on to other news and we’ll continue to follow that. I’m sure once the news breaks officially, we’ll – oh, oh, the other thing that got me about that article was that they both said, in the exact same words, an announcement would be made, to quote both Heyman and Barron, in the “not too distant future.” They both said the exact words, “not too distant future.” So it seems like they already do have a decision made and they’re all throwing around in their e-mails, and phone calls, and IMs, and text messages, and Facebook wall posts that it is in the not too distant future.

Matt: And they’re probably told that’s exactly what you should say when asked about it.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Maybe. But not too distant future means soon.

Matt: Yeah that’s why it’s called not too distant future.

Andrew: Right, but Heyman is sort of contradicting himself because he’s like, only a few e-mails have been thrown around, and, you know, it’s a huge decision, but, but, but an announcement in the not too distant future. So…

Micah: Well that quote should also confirm that they made the statement pretty recently, otherwise the not too distant future would be now.

Andrew: [laughs] Well, that’s true, too. But the question is, Micah, what is the future?

Matt: The future is now.

Micah: Oh man. I think of The Year 2000 from Conan when you just said that.

Andrew: [sings] “In the year 2000, in the year 2000.”

Micah: I’ve actually been there when they’ve done that. I forget who I saw do it. I think it was David Duchovny.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Andrew: That’s awesome.

Micah: But anyway…

News Discussion: Jim Dale’s Grammy

Andrew: Speaking of David Duchovny…

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: …Jim Dale picked up a Grammy award for his reading of Deathly Hallows, which was fantastic!

Matt: That’s awesome.

Andrew: He won back for Goblet of Fire, and he won again for Deathly Hallows.

Matt: How is that connected to David Duchovny?

Andrew: They both have the letter “D” in their name.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Nice one.

Andrew: What do you guys think? Impressed?

Matt: I’m happy for him.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: I mean, he’s got a good voice. He does the voice – doesn’t he do the voice for the theatrical trailers for the Harry Potter movies too?

Andrew: [laughs] No.

Matt: Are you sure?

Andrew: Yes. Isn’t there one guy who does the voice for every single movie trailer in the world?

Matt: Oh, no, no. Dude, I’m a film major, so I know these things.

Andrew: [laughs] [impersonates movie trailer guy] “It was a time of dance.”

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: No, no. Jim Dale doesn’t do the trailer voices.

Matt: Oh, I thought he did. Okay. Well, sorry.

Micah: The guy who does the trailer voices was on some of those commercials. You know which one I’m talking about?

Matt: The TV spots for the films?

Micah: No, no, no. That guy who does the movie voices, or the trailer voices, he’s on…

Matt: You mean from that commercial – the Geico commercial?

Micah: The Geico. Yeah, yeah. I’m sure he’s not the only one.

Matt: Yeah, that’s the one. That’s the most popular guy. Oh god, I forgot his name, too. But no, there’s a group of people. Not one person could do all the trailers for the – that’s insane, the guy would never get any sleep.

Andrew: Yeah. So, congrats to Jim Dale. That’s a fantastic award and should encourage more people to buy the audio books, ’cause they are a great read.

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News Discussion: Steven Spielberg not Directing Deathly Hallows

Andrew: Let’s see, other news here. Just one more little tidbit. I know there was a lot of discussion last week about Spielberg directing Deathly Hallows because of that quote from Richard Griffiths, but it turns out Dan Radcliffe told that it’s absolute rubbish, folks. So…

Matt: Rubbish. He used British slang for it. It’s got to be true.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. [imitating a British accent] “That’s absolute rubbish.”

Matt: It is rubbish, I can’t believe people actually thought Steven Spielberg would actually direct them.

Andrew: Well, it does seem a tad unreal. I don’t know. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me if he was definitely under consideration. I guess…

Matt: I would be happy, though, if they got John Williams back. That would be a plus if Steven Spielberg directed it.

Andrew: Definitely.

Micah: Yeah. Well, and I don’t know, this was kind of the question I had going back to last week. Why would you necessarily need Steven Spielberg for John Williams to make a return? You wouldn’t, do you?

Matt: No, because Alfonso Cuaron did it too, but…

Micah: Does he only work with certain directors?

Matt: It seems like that, though. It kind of does. He seems to connect with people he’s either worked before or are good friends with people he’s worked before.

Micah: Oh, okay. I just didn’t know.

Matt: I don’t think he’s done films for movies that he doesn’t really know the director well. It’s kind of – it does make sense because you really need to collaborate with the director and everything. You need a kind of a relationship somewhat.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: And the guy’s eighty, so…

Micah: I’m not sure that – my thoughts last week also were that I wasn’t quite sure that Deathly Hallows needs Steven Spielberg. Not to sound arrogant…

Andrew: No.

Matt: No.

Micah: …in a way, but all these other directors have kind of found their own way with the Harry Potter movies and made them their own, and I think that even bringing back other directors that have worked on the other films, or perhaps some sort of collaborative effort between a bunch of them, might not be so bad.

Matt: I don’t think so. A big budget director for Deathly Hallows that hasn’t already directed the previous films, I think would be a bad idea.

Micah: Mhm.

Matt: Someone like Steven Spielberg, he’s already an established director and he would definitely – I honestly think Steven Spielberg would make Deathly Hallows more of his movie rather than a Harry Potter film.

Micah: Right. That’s a good point.

Andrew: Let’s make a checklist. What do you need in a director to direct the final film? I think you need someone who has read the books, really enjoys the books, and can connect to the fans. So that’s one thing. You need someone, I agree with Matt, who’s directed the films before because you have to know – you have to know this cast and crew for this final movie because this is a very important.

Matt: Well, not just even direct this – a film before, but directed a film that’s pretty relevant to the film that you’re going to direct.

Andrew: Yeah, but you already have a selection of what, four directors to choose from to direct, so…

Matt: Definitely a director who’s very familiar with Harry Potter because this book is a collaboration of all the previous six novels.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: So it’s – I think it’s kind of overwhelming for a person just brought into the whole world. Combining seven novels together, you have to know all the knowledge for each one of those to actually get the seventh book to really stand out and make sense.

Micah: You got to have a director who’s going to bring back Clemence Poesy.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Micah: I don’t know what David Yates was thinking. David, we have to talk.

Andrew: Well, it wasn’t David Yates.

Matt: Awww, geez.

Andrew: It could be Heyman.

Matt: Well, I really hope that they would at least just mention…

Micah: What about David Heyman? Would he ever consider directing? He’s been there the whole…

Andrew: Has he ever directed?

Micah: No, no, I mean…

Andrew: Now that would be amazing. I would love if he were to direct, but I feel like he’s probably got enough on his plate being the producer.

Matt: He’s definitely – yeah. He has enough say in the films. He practically directs it himself, too.

Andrew: Yeah. He is the producer for a lot of films. The Giants of Grow coming out in 2008, The Occupants coming out in 2008, The History of Love coming out in 2009. Of course, Harry Potter in 2010, We’re the Millers in 2009. So yeah, he’s got a lot on his plate right now. I don’t see anything where he was a director though.

Matt: He’s probably not a director.

Andrew: He’s just not, yeah.

Matt: [laughs] It’s as simple as that.

News Discussion: Splitting the Film into Two

Andrew: Yep. You know, now that they’re extending the film, if you’re going to extend the film and turn it into two, put more extra care into it. I mean, this is really, really good news seeing that they’re going to split it into two parts. Because they want to put extra time into it, which is fantastic, which shows that they care about the fans.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: And they don’t care – they’re not just doing it to cash in David Barron’s words.

Matt: Oh, there’s another checklist for you: Having the time to do two films.

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Matt: Because…

Micah: It’ll all be filmed at once, no?

Matt: Yeah…

Andrew: Right, but it’s still going to take longer.

Matt: Yeah, exactly. Because a lot of directors that are experienced tend to take on more than one project at once.


Andrew: All right, I guess that’s enough of that. Speaking of taking on two projects at once, we have a few announcements this week. We want to remind everyone that we are going to be at Portus 2008, that’s It’s a Harry Potter symposi-osi-osium at their Potter Podcast Polusa filled with pickles. We are going to be there with a few other podcasts, and it is going to be a night of podcasting and it’s going to be a while lot of fun. It is going to be in Dallas, and it’s going to be in July, and it’s going to be awesome. So visit for more details, and you can also sign up and register for the conference, and we hope to see you there.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: I have something else to annouce. My life-long dream finally came true Friday night at Penn State in State College, Pennsylvania where I attended MuggleCast listener Vivian’s 15th birthday party, and she had the Remus Lupins there, mainly Alex Carpenter and Toby Carlin, and while they were rehearsing before the show they were like – they were looking for another song to add to their set list, and Alex was like, “Hey, hey, Sims, you want to do your wizard rock song?” And I was like, “Do I?!?” So we rehearsed a couple times and I performed it, and now it’s now on YouTube. It’s featuring – it’s got my awesome lyrics. I got Samantha Freidman, former MuggleCast transcriber, on backup lyrics, and then we got Alex on guitar and Toby on drums. It’s fantastic! If you like my wizard rock single, go to and there’s a link to YouTube video. Matt, what did you think of it? You were there live. DId you like it?

Matt: Oh yeah! Oh my god! It was like…it was okay.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay. That’s kind of mean, but okay.

Matt: All right. It was great!

Andrew: All right. I’m getting a lot of good feedback on YouTube, on the YouTubes. Thanks to Jennifer Levine for filming that for me too. That was good too. So yeah, check that out. The link can be found at Gosh! I’ll tell you what. It was so exciting. I loved it.

And one other thing. While I was with Alex this weekend, we don’t have anything really set yet, but we’ve been talking about this spring tour that we’re still trying to work out, but Alex Carpenter also brought up the idea of having another summer tour like we did this past summer, probably covering the West.

Matt: Yeah!

Andrew: Yeah, West Coast! So, I don’t know if we’re going to do it.

Micah: They can all stop complaining.

Andrew: What?

Micah: Stop complaining with the e-mails.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Hey!

Micah: Which I don’t get, because you guys were out there last year.

Andrew: Right, but we didn’t go too north. We didn’t go very north.

Micah: Seattle?

Andrew: Seattle, right, yeah.

Matt: Yeah, go like to So Cal…

Andrew: We are actually, hmm?

Matt: …up to Oregon and Washington and…

Andrew: And Canada, he wants to go up to Canada too, so…

Matt: Just a little bit, yeah.

Andrew: We’ll see who we can get together to do this. It will be a lot of fun. We had an absolute blast on the last summer road tour. It was seriously the greatest time of my life. It was just so much fun meeting all those people and traveling the whole way. But, yeah so, that’s still very early on in the planning stages. Again, don’t get too excited yet. I am just letting everyone know, because all these people who are going around, “Oh, MuggleCast is dead!” Well no, we are still planning lots of live shows for you guys, so we’ll update you in the coming months.

Micah: Yeah, and just on the Spring Break tour, we are still waiting to hear.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: [laughs] That’s about the best update I have.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I’m sorry. I think as we mentioned before, we went one way and that didn’t really work out, so we are trying some other things. We’re going to have to put this together pretty quickly, but hopefully we can.

Andrew: Yeah, very quickly.

Matt: Ho ho!

Andrew: No really. It will have to quick because it will have to be less than a month, but if you are – well, let’s say this: if you are planning on coming to this East Coast tour if we do it, hopefully – we’re hoping – it will be a little over a month from now. Block those dates out – 15th through the 20th. Write “MuggleCast” in your calender.

Matt: Yeah. With a question mark.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: We’ll see if it happens. We do know one thing – it will be free. And we do know another thing – it will be fun.

MuggleCast 132 Transcript (continued)

Muggle Mail: Kreacher in Deathly Hallows

Andrew: Let’s move on to Muggle Mail now. We’ve got quite a few e-mails this week we wanted to talk about.

Micah: All right, the first mail comes from Melanie from Australia. She says – oh, we need Andy to do this, man. [Australian accent] “G’day.”

Andrew: [Australian accent] G’day!

Matt: [Australian accent] G’day!

Micah: “I was listening to Episode 131 where you discuss the Dursley scene being taken out of the ‘Half-Blood Prince’ movie. You all said that the most important things about that scene was Dumbledore’s hand and his interaction and the humor of it with the Dursleys. I would’ve thought that the most important part of that scene would’ve been Kreacher. They seem to be cutting him out entirely, which would make his placement in ‘Order of the Phoenix’ pointless, which was pointless to begin with, and his storyline in “Deathly Hallows” obsolete. J.K. Rowling recommended that he be put in ‘Order of the Phoenix’ as he would play an important part later, but I get the feeling that they are not going to use it in anyway for the ‘Deathly Hallows’ movie. What do you think? Keep up the good work, Melanie.”

Matt: I think they could actually put it in Deathly Hallows if they make it into two films, in fact.

Micah: Yeah. This all goes back to last episode and us talking about where the movie is going to begin and also how important we thought that this scene was going to be, and I think it really goes to the overall picture of a lot of stuff being left out of Half-Blood Prince. I know we mentioned before Fluer being left out, and what makes me wonder, you know, you see all these characters not being brought back for the sixth film, but that worries me in the sense of how they’re going to do Dumbledore’s funeral, if they’re going to do it at all, because there are a lot of people there that we haven’t seen yet been named for this film.

Matt: Yeah, we haven’t even seen Scrimgeour been casted yet.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: [sighs] Well, honestly, I think they will cut probably Kreacher from the sixth film, because basically, if you have Kreacher in the sixth film, you have to bring back Dobby as well, don’t you? Because aren’t they in the same scenes together?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Doesn’t Dobby bring back Kreacher when Kreacher – when Harry has to tell him something? Or ask a favor or something?

Andrew: Ithink so. Yeah.

Matt: It’s kind of – well – but – I don’t know. It’s…

Micah: Well, I think his role is bigger in Deathly Hallows and…

Matt: Oh, it’s definitely bigger.

Micah: To leave him out of that – I mean, that’s why J.K. Rowling said he at least needed to make an appearance in Order of the Phoenix. I think Dobby you can kind of dance around him a little bit because he’s not as integral to the story until, of course, Deathly Hallows again. I mean, it’s great that he’s there and he makes his appearances, but I can see how they could leave him out.

Matt: I can see them actually leaving out Kreacher and Dobby out of the sixth film, also. I wish they didn’t, but I don’t know. What do you think, Andrew?

Andrew: I don’t know. I just – I’m very skeptical of all of this because they have about four months left of filming and, you know, they’ve done six months.

Matt: How can they cut Scrimgeour out of this movie?

Andrew: I don’t know. This is – I don’t know. It’s somewhat worrying, but…

Matt: Yes!

Micah: It would be a great opening scene. I mean, we talked about this also last week and how the movie would open, and I can’t remember, Andrew, if you cut this out of the show, when Eric had the realization that the movie would open with Spinner’s End as opposed to this scene which we thought would end up being Harry and Dumbledore walking up the path to Slughorn’s house. But then Eric realized that Spinner’s End comes before that. But I think it would be a great opening to have that discussion between Scrimgeour and the Muggle Prime Minister, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s important.

Micah: You sort of learn…

Andrew: I think it’s a very ominous way to start. Although, it seems like…

Micah: I agree.

Matt: It’s also one of the last times you see Fudge.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: On her e-mail here, though – I mean, I know Kreacher is in this chapter that we were talking about, but, I mean, it can really just be overlooked by a conversation between Dumbledore and Harry, where Dumbledore says, you know, “Sirius left you Grimmauld Place, Kreacher, and Buckbeak.” And that’s it, you know? I don’t really know that he needs to make an appearance.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: Do you think they’ll bring back Buckbeak in Half-Blood Prince, because it was a big project in Prisoner of Azkaban, and it seems like all the big projects – especially the characters that they CGI never returns unless it’s the biggest – unless it has a huge part.

Andrew: They do keep them though.

Matt: They do – I’m saying like with Dobby and…

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Micah: Which is disappointing to the sort of crazed fan, I guess, if you call them that, or the – kind of like you were just saying, I mean, we don’t want all these things to be left out because we’d like to just have that being in there even if it’s only there for 10, or 15 seconds, because it shows that they pay attention to the books.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And they’re not going to neglect the fans, and like, you know, David Barron’s quote, they cash in so, who cares? I don’t really think the cost should be an issue about them including a Buckbeak, or a Dobby, or a Kreacher. They make it seem like it, but yet these movies rake in so much money it’s a wonder why they use that as the excuse for not including them.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: But also each film does get more expensive than the previous one does too. We’re probably not really considering something that kind of makes a big deal.

Andrew: Yeah. It’s hard to say, like – I don’t even, like – okay, I’m not one to brag that I went to the set, but I went to the set and I don’t even know these answers, so I think we just have to wait and see what they’re going to do. Back to my original point though, it is worrying that they are six months into filming and we still don’t have a full list of casting announcements. I mean that doesn’t even make sense.

Matt: Yeah, and we haven’t heard many castings either. We haven’t heard any major casting since when? Since when? Since what? Would you count even…

Micah: Well, I think the last casting…

Matt: Would you count even Pansy?

Andrew: …we heard about was young Tom Riddle.

Matt: No, I think it was Pansy Parkinson.

Andrew: Oh, oh it was. Yeah, that was really recently, actually. Yeah.

Micah: We’re talking about big casting, I mean…

Matt: Yes.

Micah: Not since Jim Broadbent, I think. Well, to be honest, you’re talking about major characters? Not to belittle young Tom Riddle, or Pansy Parkinson, but I mean…

Matt: Lavender Brown, even.

Andrew: No, she was cast.

Matt: I know, that’s what I’m saying. She’s not really that big of a character.

Micah: You know, I’m not trying to diminish their roles, but we’re talking – I’m thinking more along the lines of for Half-Blood Prince Slughorn, Scrimgeour, the Gaunts, which are another group of people who haven’t been cast, and seemingly getting closer and closer to what looks like being cut from the film.

Matt: It does – it does – it does really kind of look like they’re centering a lot around the students around Hogwarts this time.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Like they said, it’s starting to be like a romantic comedy.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: And I just hope they’re not delving too much into that genre and kind go away from what actually the book is about.

Micah: Yeah, what about – which centaur is it that teaches Divination in this book?

Matt: Firenze.

Andrew: Firenze.

Micah: Firenze? Yeah. I mean, are they bringing him back?

Matt: They didn’t even bring him in in the fifth film.

Andrew: Let’s move on to the next e-mail now, though, because, you know, we actually did get a lot of feedback about, you know, that discussion about how the Half-Blood Prince should open up, so we’ll talk about it more next week, you know, maybe we’ll just talk about this little by little as the movie gets closer.

Muggle Mail: Grindewald Dueling Gregorovitch, the Elder Wand, and Andrew’s Fastest Show Close

Matt: Our next e-mail comes from Smee, 19, from flooded Australia. Is that really a name? Or is…

Andrew: No, I think she’s saying that Australia is flooded right now.

Matt: Oh!

“Hey guys and girl. Just wanted to correct you in on your discussion of Grindelwald acquiring the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch. You guys mentioned that the power of the Wand mustn’t have transferred to Grindelwald because he didn’t duel Gregorovitch. But that isn’t true. Right before he jumped out the window, Grindelwald shot a stunning spell at Gregorovitch, effectively winning the Wand from him because he had outsmarted Gregorovitch, winning him the Elder Wand’s allegiance. I had thought that you didn’t need to fight the person in order to get the Wand from them. You just had to outsmart them in some way, though as Jo writes in later chapters, the Elder Wand has a bloody history because everyone believes you must kill the previous owner in order to win the Wand’s power. Also, just a note to say that Jo described Grindelwald as having delight in his handsome face, and when he shot the stunning spell, he was described as handsome, not beautiful.

So, there.

By the way, whatever happened to the – whatever happened to the outcome of Andrew’s fastest show close? I was looking forward to finding out, but we never did hear anything on the next
episode. Anyway, look forward to next week’s episode. Love, Smee.”

Andrew: Well, about the fastest show close, I don’t know. We never got an email comparing the times, so I don’t know.

Matt: So what do you guys think?

Andrew: I don’t know. Micah, you want to field this one, because I wasn’t…

Micah: Because I was on last week’s show.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah. I – this all goes back to – we were having a debate or I guess Mikey and Eric were talking about how…

Matt: Mikey and Eric were talking?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: No! No!

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Ohhh, yeah.

Matt: That’s bad. Take that out, please.

Andrew: No, that was funny! No!

Micah: That was funny. That was funny. I think the point that she’s trying to make is that last week we had mentioned that Grindelwald didn’t actually acquire the Wand in a dueling fashion. He just took it and so he was never the true owner of it, if that makes sense. And I think what Smee is arguing is that – well, he shot a stunning spell so that is how he was able to take the Wand. But I mean, I guess it goes back to if you know really how the ownership side of it works, because if you – if you look at what Draco did, I mean, he only disarmed Dumbledore. That’s how he became the new owner of the Elder Wand. And I guess that goes to her point about Jo saying that it had such a bloody history because the people thought that you needed to kill your opponent in order to acquire the Elder Wand, but in reality, if you look at it, I mean, with the Draco situation, he didn’t kill Dumbledore. He just disarmed him and then the power was transferred. So I guess something as simple as a stunning spell can transfer the power as well. I mean…

Matt: Well, that also goes back to…

Micah: I don’t know.

Matt: …the first book, too. When everyone had the assumption that since Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald that he killed him, but…

Micah: Right. Right.

Matt: …defeat doesn’t technically mean you kill.

Micah: Right.

Matt: It just means you overcome them in a battle or something.

Micah: Yeah. And it’s also why Jo was so quiet on the issue for so long, never really defining what she meant by the word “defeated.” And I guess now we all know why in this book.

Matt: Now vanquish! That’s kill. That’s kill.

[Micah laughs]

Muggle Mail: Ron’s Abilities

Andrew: Let’s move on to the next e-mail. It comes from Jordan, 16, of Roanoke, Virginia. He writes:

“Hey MuggleCasters. While listening to Episodes 130 and 131, I heard a lot of debate about Ron’s magical ability. One incident in the books has made me sure of Ron’s magical power throughout the series. In Chapter 7 of ‘Chamber of Secrets’ when Ron is puking up slugs after his wand backfires, Hermione says that the curse he used was difficult to work at the best of times. Ron cast the curse with a broken wand and, aside from it coming out the wrong end of the wand, it had the exact effect it was meant for. And he was only 12 at the time! Think of how much better his spellwork must have become over the years. I honestly think that Ron is the most powerful and useful to everyone, including himself, when he doesn’t think about what he’s doing. If he thinks, he second-guesses himself, which is the worst thing to do while under pressure. That’s just my two cents worth. Love the show and keep up the great work.”

I agree with that point. I think that’s a very good point.

Matt: I think that he’s the most powerful of himself. Let’s not go overboard here. I don’t think he’s the most powerful of all of them.

Andrew: But I do agree about – and I think maybe this is what Jordan’s getting at – when you overthink something, you can second guess yourself. And let me give you a real-world example and some people are going to relate and some people are going to think it’s really stupid. When you play “Dance Dance Revolution,” or “Guitar Hero,” you can’t think about what you’re doing. You just have to stare at it and just not concentrate. If you just let it – if you just don’t focus intently, you will play, or dance, much better than you would if you focus on it. And trust me on that because that happens to me all of the time and when I’m showing people how to play it, you know, that’s what I tell them to do, and it makes a difference. You just can’t focus on something or, like Jordan says, you’ll over guess yourself. Second guess yourself. Second guess yourself.

Matt: Third guess yourself.

Andrew: Good point. Yeah? No?

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah sure, it’s not that stupid.

Andrew: Okay, well, good.

Micah: Glad we agree.

Muggle Mail: Clear Sound

Andrew: Next e-mail I have to take from Christian Wagner, 17, of [imitating a southern accent] “Tennessee.” I’m just kidding, you guys don’t know all talk like that. He or she writes:

“Hey! How do you get such a clear sound from the conference call you use to record your podcasts?”

And my answer to that is that we’re actually awesome. Who wants to read the next e-mail?

Muggle Mail: Harry Potter on T.V.

Micah: The last e-mail comes from Jean Gray. Interesting…

Matt: [gasps] Didn’t she not die?

Micah: 39, from Lansing, Illinois. She says: “I’ve recently begun listening to your podcast…”

Andrew: Wait, wait, wait. For all of us at home, who’s Jean Gray? I don’t know.

Micah: X-Men.

Matt: She was in X-Men.

Andrew: Oh, I don’t know, sorry.

Matt: You don’t watch X-Men, Andrew?

Andrew: No, no…

Matt: And you’re supposed to be a nerd?

Andrew: No! I’m not a nerd.

Matt: Oh. Are you a geek?

Andrew: No. I’m cool.

Matt: Uh-huh….

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Anyway:

“I’ve recently begun listening to your podcast, so forgive me if you’ve already addressed this question. What do you think about turning the ‘Harry Potter’ series into a weekly television series, either in live action, or a cartoon format? Thanks. Love the show.”

Andrew: I put this e-mail in here, because we get this question from time to time, actually, and I just think we should go on the record with our thoughts about that. I mean, at this point, Harry Potter has sold out so much. Theme park, merchandising such as t-shirts, cups, mugs, book bags, blankets – you know, everything is Harry Potter now. You know, I think a T.V. show – with everything Harry Potter that’s out there today, nothing adds new plots or anything to the Harry Potter story, whereas a T.V. show would, unless you’re actually turning the books into T.V. shows, but then that rules out the movies, so, you know, it overlaps on the movies, so I don’t think this would ever happen. Ever.

Matt: Yeah. At least not with the already written Harry Potter series.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: I mean – because you read it to me yesterday, and I mentioned, well, if anything, they would have to probably do it with like a prequel to it, like Hogwarts with the Marauders or, you know, just something like that, but I don’t think that they would sell out Harry Potter that much to make it a television or cartoon series.

Micah: No.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Live action, I think, is going a little bit too far. I could see cartoon if anything. This way they don’t have to worry about cost of things like House-elves or things like that, which they seemed so concerned about.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: I can see a cartoon format, possibly.

Andrew: Of the plot that already exists?

Micah: Yeah, see, that’s – you could.

Matt: I can see like maybe an animated prequel. Honestly, I don’t think they’re going to remake anything that has already been done.

Micah: But to Matt’s point, I think it would be a Marauders-type storyline. Maybe they could tell the story of when they’re in school.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: I think that’s a possibility. I think maybe post-Deathly Hallows is a possibility. I don’t think that like – Andrew, you were saying before, I don’t think you can take the seven books and re-do them because you have the movies. Why do you need a T.V. series?

Andrew: Right.

Matt: I wouldn’t mind seeing an animated version of it, because it’d be a lot more easier to do. Won’t have so much limits.

Micah: Yep.

Matt: But yeah, I really don’t see them re-making anything.

Micah: Yeah, I agree.

Andrew: Well, yeah, okay. I agree with you guys. I just thought it was worth mentioning really quickly.

Micah: Don’t over do it.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, we’re not.

Chapter-by-Chapter: Chapter 15, “The Goblin’s Revenge”

Andrew: Okay, so let’s move onto Chapter-by-Chapter now. We were going to do two chapters this week but then we realized, “Ah, well, there’s only three of us. We’ll just play it on the safe side and do one chapter.” And that chapter is Chapter 15, which is called…

Matt: “The Goblin’s Revenge.”

Andrew: To kick it off with a short summary, basically the trio are continuing their search for the Horcruxes, and they’re spending more time in this chapter in the forest just camping out. And these scenes have been sort of criticized by a lot of people because it’s like, “Oh, they’re just hanging around camping, and it’s kind of boring.” So we’ll get into talking about that a little bit later, but at the end of this chapter is a very cool scene that at least Matt and I, probably Micah too, are really looking forward to see in the movie. And that’s the big fighting scene at the end between the trio. But first, Matt, you wanted to start off with Mad-Eye’s eye.

Mad-Eye’s Eye

Matt: Yeah, he chapter starts off with Harry waking up first before Hermione and Ron do, and he sets out looking for a place to bury Mad-Eye’s swiveling, whirling blue eye. And in the book it says – it describes the tree that he’s looking for – he’s trying to find “the oldest, gnarled, resilient-looking tree.” And I thought that that kind of described as what Mad-Eye Moody was as recognized by the Order. He was the older and more experienced one. He was kind of gnarled looking, and he was the most resilient of the Order, I would say. Would you say that?

Micah: Yeah, it’s a good catch. Yeah.

Andrew: That’s actually really cool.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Because Jo doesn’teven really point that out, you just sort of have to read in between the lines there for that.

Matt: That’s why I read really slowly, Andrew.

Andrew: I thought you were just dumb.

Matt: No.

Is This Chapter Boring?

Andrew: Hmmm. Learn something new everyday. So the next thing I wanted to talk about was just [sighs] I’m sorry, but we talked about this on the road tour a bit, we’ve talked about this on other episodes too. I just did not like how this chapter progresses in the beginning. They’re just spending time in the forest, going around to different locations, and nothing’s really happening until, of course, the little group shows up right by their campsite. But… Is this…

Matt: Well, that’s the whole point of this chapter…

Andrew: Well…

Matt: …is the fact that they’re not doing anything, and Ron and Hermione are starting to get doubtful of Harry’s ability to do this task.

Andrew: I know, but shouldn’t the trio had – shouldn’t they have had researched it a bit more? I realize they couldn’t have gone…

Matt: With what? They’re in the woods.

Andrew: What?

Matt: They’re in the woods.

Andrew: I realize they couldn’t have gone to Grimmauld Place, but this just should’ve all been executed better. And obviously, everything worked out in the end, but I just – I don’t like this part of the book, this specific area where they’re just going through the forest. I just think it’s too dull and typical.

Micah: I have to agree with Matt, though. I think it was put in here to show just exactly what was going on, and it’s sort of there to build up the whole fight that takes place at the end of the chapter, and the fact that they’re not getting information, that they’re not learning anything new, that there isn’t a plan and anything that – you know, Harry is just in a position now where Ron and Hermione are talking behind his back and they’re scared because they don’t really know if they can trust him in the sense of knowing what to do moving forward. They think that Dumbledore had this great plan that Harry is following, but it turns out that they were wrong. And I mean that’s why it shows the fact that they’re moving from place to place and the season is changing. It’s just to build up all this angst between them. And, you know, I don’t know, that’s just my thought on it.

Matt: Yeah, I agree with that too. I mean this is basically one of those moments where they realize that how much influence of information they had when Dumbledore was alive. They always had someone to go to, but now they’re realizing they have to do everything themselves. They have to be the clever, resilient ones and not rely on, at the last moment, someone coming in to help them with great information or something. They have to do it themselves. And I think this is one of those moments where Harry is the most alone out of everybody, because he’s always had Ron and Hermione always having his back, but now that he is seeing Ron and Hermione talking behind him, obviously not hiding the fact that they’re kind of doubting Harry a little bit. It makes Harry…

Micah: Yeah. For somebody who’s always shared information, every piece of information with them, he feels kind of left out. And obviously, you can always make it out to be these “useless chapters” or “useless scenes” where they’re just going from place to place to place. But I think it also shows you just the reality of the situation that they’re in. The reality of the war that they’re in – that they have to keep moving from place to place, that they have to cover their tracks. You know, make sure that nobody knows that they’ve been there. And every place they go, they have to put up new enchantments and it’s kind of just a necessary…

Matt: You’re constantly on the run.

Micah: Yeah, it had to be there.

Matt: It does take a toll on you.

Andrew: Okay, okay, okay. I guess you guys are right. I get it!

Matt: All right? [laughs]

Micah: [laughs] Nice.

Andrew: No, you bring up a good point. It’s all a part of a setup in the chapter.

Micah: Hey, Matt. You owe me ten bucks for making Andrew convinced.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay, this isn’t going to be in the movie though.

Micah: On that bet we had.

Matt: All right.

Andrew: Well, maybe one scene where they’re like in there, and you see Ron and Hermione talking behind Harry’s back. Maybe we’ll even get to hear what they’re saying.

Matt: That’s a huge slap in the face, too. I mean your friends – how can you talk behind their back? Although, it’s definitely the locket doing most of the work because Hermione isn’t really the one who’s really angry at Harry. She’s just kind of taking whatever Ron says. Because when someone rants to your friend, even if you don’t agree with them, you just sit there and go, “Yeah, yeah, I know. Uh-huh.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: “Yeah, pretty much. Yeah.”

Conversation Between Goblins and Muggle-borns

Andrew: Yeah, so the next thing we wanted to talk about was the conversation between the Goblins and the Muggle-borns. Big surprise here, Dean Martin makes a little cameo.

Micah: Dean Martin?

Andrew: Dean Thomas, sorry.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Dean Martin?! That would be quite the cameo.

Matt: It’s like, “Dean Martin, what are you doing here dude?” “I don’t have any movies going on at the moment, so…”

Andrew: Yeah, that would be…

Micah: Awkward.

Andrew: Plus, I’m pretty sure he’s dead. So, no Dean Martin. Dean Thomas, sorry, makes a cameo. And who else is there?

Matt: Two Goblins. One was Griphook and some other one.

Andrew: The other was an unnamed one, wasn’t it?

Matt: Oh, oh…

Micah: Gornuk?

Matt: Ted Tonks was in it.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Ted Tonks isn’t a Goblin.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Oh, but he’s there. [laughs] I don’t know what the other guy’s name is.

Andrew: I think he’s unnamed. Isn’t he, Micah?

Micah: Gornuk? Gornuk? Something like that.

Andrew: Oh, or not. He’s unnamed in my mind.

Micah: Sure. Yeah, he…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Micah: No, I was just going to say, “Yeah sure, he’s unnamed.”

Ginny, Neville, and Luna Try to Steal Sword of Gryffindor

Andrew: So they we’re talking about three things in particular that we wanted to discuss. First of all, the trio finds out that Ginny, Neville, and Luna all tried to steal the sword of Gryffindor. Why? [laughs]

Matt: Why do they steal it? Does it ever get explained at the end of the book?

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t know. Micah, do you know?

Micah: You know, I’m afraid of saying something that’s going to be wrong.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I don’t know that it was ever explained. But this made me think, I mean, did Ginny…

Matt: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I know.

Micah: Okay.

Matt: Dumbledore left it for Harry. Ginny probably told them that that is Harry’s and they want to steal it back for him.

Micah: Yeah, but how would Ginny know that – unless she overheard the…

Matt: Harry may have told her.

Micah: …contents of the will.

Matt: We don’t know everything that they do.

Micah: [laughs] That’s probably a good thing.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Matt: I don’t know. That’s my thought.

Andrew: So I guess that was a pleasant surprise. But just my immediate reaction to that was, “All right, come on guys. You’re not the new trio. Let’s just, you know, leave it up to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.” It’s a bold move, and I guess if I were Harry I would have really appreciated that, although, you know, I guess Harry and Hermione were pretty excited to hear that. Ron not so much because of the punishment, but…

Micah: Yeah. We’ll talk about Ron in a minute.

Matt: It just shows them there’s a revolt in Hogwarts from the students.

MuggleCast 132 Transcript (continued)

Snape Sends Them to the Forbidden Forest

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. Next thing: Snape sends them to – well, like we were just going to say, Snape sends them to Hagrid for a punishment, and it’s just to the Forbidden Forest. Originally, when you’re first reading this, you don’t know what Snape’s done. But then of course they do find out. Now Matt, did you think this was a clue for something?

Matt: When I read it, I definitely thought – because I was still on the fence if Snape was good or bad, and I thought since, I mean, since Snape is like the big representation of the Death Eater supposedly in Hogwarts, wouldn’t he do something worse than just send them to Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest? I mean, it just seemed like that was kind of a clue to where Snape’s loyalty did lie, because he knew that if he sent them to Hagrid they’d be – they wouldn’t get a bad punishment.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: They would probably just be over there feeding Buckbeak or something.

Andrew: So, yeah, I do think that’s an interesting little thing to note.

Micah: Which surprised me why Ron would get so upset about it, because if anyone knows – being with Hagrid is a safe place to be, even if it is in a place like the Forbidden Forest. That was kind of weird, but, I guess, again, it was the Horcrux around his neck.

Matt: I think it was definitely the Horcrux who blew it out of proportion. And yet also, you know, it is Ron does kind of has a little hesitation with Hagrid and the Forbidden Forest because of Grawp and the spiders.

Andrew: Right, right.

Matt: Yeah, I think it was definitely the Horcrux.

The Sword is a Fake

Andrew: And then another big holy bleep moment was that the goblins revealed that the sword at Hogwarts is a fake! And they were all proud and excited. They were like, “Pshhh, waste of time because it’s a fake.”

Matt: Yeah, why are they so happy it’s a fake? I mean, they don’t even know where the original one is.

Andrew: Well, I think they were so happy about it because the goblins think they own the sword. Well, they technically do. So they were happy that theirs – the real one – didn’t get stolen. Right?

Matt: I guess. Yeah.

Trio Discovers how to Destroy Horcruxes with the Sword

Andrew: And then the biggest development in this chapter is that they finally figure out how to destroy the Horcruxes with the Gryffindor Sword. This was revealed by Phineas Nigellus. [struggles with pronunciation] Nigellus? Phineas Nigellus?

Matt: Just say Phineas.

Andrew: Phineas. This was revealed by Phineas, of course, in the portrait. And this was a really exciting moment for two out of the three of the trio.

Matt: Yeah. I mean, it described Harry punching – well, what is punching the air? I mean, is it when you do a boxing move, when you start hitting just plain dead air?

Andrew: It’s when you go – I wish it was a video-cast right now, you go, “Yeaaah!” You just – like Mario. Like in some of the newer Mario games. He sort of – it’s just when you throw your fist up into the air.

Matt: Oh, okay.

Andrew: Just pretend like…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …there’s a balloon right above you and you’re just dying to hit it. So, you just look up and you punch it.

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: That’s what punching the air is, only there is no balloon. Try it. Try it sometime.

Matt: And Hermione also says that not only is it made of Goblin armor, which only gets stronger as it gets beaten down – is that what it says? But also there’s Basilisk venom that’s pregnated into the metal.

Ron is Worried

Andrew: Yeah. Okay, so, let’s see, moving along here. So Harry and Hermione become very excited about this new discovery, because now they know how to destroy the Horcrux, which, let’s be honest, it’s a big development even if they don’t know where the sword is. This is the next step in the puzzle, I guess you would say. Ron, Hermione, and Harry get into a heated argument because Ron is very concerned that something else has happened to his family, because the people in the camp next to their camp were talking about, “Oh, the Weasleys don’t need another injury,” blah, blah, blah. So Ron – this worries Ron. And, you know, it should. I mean…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: …any human would be worried that more of his family is hurt. So Ron explodes. Not literary. He just, you know…

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: He metaphorically explodes. And do you think it was right, Matt, for Harry to not be concerned for Ginny, Neville, and Luna, first of all? First let’s get to…

Matt: Well, I don’t think he wasn’t unconcerned or anything. He was relieved more than anything. But he showed more excitement for the fact that they finally got a great piece of information that they’ve been looking for, that both Ron and Hermione have been – they’ve been… Shoot!

Andrew: They needed to know.

Matt: Yeah! Well, that they’ve been waiting for too. I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: …they were all – they – I don’t know the word. I’m sorry.

Micah: Well, I think you’re looking at two completely different types of people. Or maybe – I think Hermione and Harry are a little bit closer in the type of person that they are. Ron is somebody who’s probably never been away from home very much.

Matt: That’s also what he says! He said that in the book!

Micah: He never has been separated from his family. Yeah.

Matt: He singled Harry and Hermione out because they – what did he say, exactly?

Micah: Well, there was a part in the chapter where he was really eager to know if Harry was seeing anything through Voldemort about his family, which – if you think about it, is kind of stupid, because if he is seeing anything about his family through Voldemort, it’s probably not the best thing in the world for the Weasleys. So I think he was just trying to get any piece of information he possibly could. And with his family being in trouble – there was that one point where I forget what he says to Harry, but Harry talks about his parents and the fact that they’re dead.

Matt: Yeah. Actually, let me go to that.

Micah: If we could get the exact quote. I don’t remember exactly what he said.

Andrew: Oh yeah, right here. On pg. 309 of the U.S. edition, Ron says, “Oh, you’re sure, are you? Right then, well, I won’t bother myself about them. It’s all right for you two, isn’t it, with your parents safely out of the way?” This is Ron, and then Harry yells, “My parents are dead!” In italics, Harry bellowed. “And mine could be going the same way!” yelled Ron, which is a good comeback, I think. Score one for Ron. And then Harry goes, “Then GO!…Go back to them, pretend you’ve got over your spattergroit and Mummy’ll be able to feed you up and…” And then they both draw their wands and are about to fight, but then Hermione yells, “Protego!” and, you know, blocks the spells, whatever they were going…

Micah: Yeah, I mean…

Andrew: …to fire at each other.

Micah: …that’s a pretty ignorant comment on the part of Ron, you know, what he said.

Andrew: That they’re “out of the way.” Yeah. I mean, I think the point Ron is trying to make is that they don’t have to worry about their parents. I mean, whether they’re dead or in Australia or not, they don’t have to worry about them, so Ron has something else to worry about. He’s got this – he has people to worry about that are not with him.

Matt: He does have more to lose in that kind of aspect.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, but so does Harry, I think, in a way…

Matt: Well Harry has…

Micah: …because…

Matt: …a huge weight on his shoulder, but you got to think from Ron’s point of – from Ron’s perspective.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: He’s had a huge family that has been very close, and he is really…

Micah: Yeah, well, maybe they shouldn’t be in the Order.

Matt: They are.

Micah: They put themselves in that position.

Andrew: Right, but still…

Micah: In all honesty.

Andrew: But still, you still have family you have to worry about. It doesn’t matter, you know, what position they’re in, whether they’re, you know, whether they’re in the Order or they’re just not in the Order. It doesn’t make a difference. You still have to be protective. It’s like the motherly protection we’ve talked about so many times on this show. Ron’s got a family protection.

Matt: And he’s feeling…

Micah: Well…

Matt: …upset because he’s been sitting for a few weeks not actually getting anything done in this whole time. You know, he’s worrying about what his family is – what’s happening to his family right now, does he even have a family anymore? I mean, he doesn’t know anything, so he’s getting very anxious.

Andrew: Right. So it is justified.

Micah: Yeah. Not in the way that he does it, though. I mean, he’s essentially blaming Harry for all this and if you think about it, yes, it is his fault, but Ron also agreed to go and do this. So he’s got to realize that he made the conscious decision to go along with Harry, and that he’s in this position because he chose to do that, going back to the whole idea of choices. And I think Harry, for as, you know, nasty as the shots that he takes are, you know, saying, “Go back to Mummy,” blah, blah, blah, it’s true, because that’s the type of person that Ron is. And he doesn’t realize it until he goes back just how spoiled, in a way, he is.

Matt: Mhm. It also – I mean, I think the locket really just exaggerates and amplifies every emotion that you have, and he may not really be – he may be thinking this, but I don’t think it’s as blatant as he put it out when he argued with Harry.

Andrew: I don’t think so either. Do you guys think that if Ron took the locket off it would have made much of a difference? I really don’t think so.

Micah: No, I don’t think so either, and…

Matt: No.

Micah: …I think Harry recognizes that in the chapter too. He says, “No, this is the truth, this is what’s been waiting to…”

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: “…come out for a while now.”

Matt: But he also – I mean, not to go ahead in the book, but it took a while for it to wear off. I mean, he started to realize – I mean, after Ron left, he started to realize what happened, so…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: And he realized all the things that he said and that’s not really what he was about.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Well, and I think the end of the chapter is relevant, too, because I’m sure that probably plays a role, and we see it later on with the Horcrux when it materializes more with Harry and Hermione, and the fact that Hermione chose to stay with Harry…

Matt: Mmhm.

Micah: …instead of coming with Ron.

Matt: Well, she said it too. She goes – she says that, “I chose to stay with Harry, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Micah: Yeah. Yep.

Matt: What does she say… “Are you staying or what?” She goes, “Yes. Yes, I’m staying, Ron. We said we’d go with Harry, we said we’d help.” And then he goes, “I get it, you choose him.” Then there’s this love triangle that doesn’t really exist.

Andrew: But I thought this was really interesting because during this part you really see Hermione’s love for Ron. It’s – you can tell that she’s losing, what’s the best way to put – her love interest, I guess? It’s just the way that she left him.

Matt: Yeah. It does show what her feelings are for Ron in respect as her feelings for Harry as a friend.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Because you wouldn’t see – I don’t think you would have Hermione screaming after Harry if he did that.

Andrew: Right. I agree.

Matt: At least not crying.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: Because then she started bawling when she came back in the tent.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And I looked up the stuff on the sword. I can’t find a reason as to why they tried to steal it. So, if somebody knows, e-mail us.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Perhaps, perhaps there was – well, e-mail us if your name begins with one of the letters of the first half of the alphabet. That’ll help cut down a lot of e-mails. Seriously, though.

The Rain

Andrew: Okay, the last part we wanted to talk about in this chapter was the rain. The rain in this chapter is so movie-like. The rain begins with a soft pitter-patter. And then the argument slowly starts, then the rain gets heavier, and the argument gets heavier. Then the rain is pouring down, it’s raining cats and dogs, and they’re arguing like cats and dogs who don’t like cats and dogs. And it’s just bad and – you know, it’s great storytelling but it’s also very movie-like with how…

Matt: It’s very theatrical.

Andrew: I’m no film major, but I’ll tell you what. I’ve seen enough films to tell you in these movies – yes, very theatrical. The rain will start, you know, it will be cloudy and there’s sort of something ominous going on, and then it will start raining, and then something terrible happens. So, very good illustration of what’s going on. And I hope it’s carried over in the movie.

Matt: I think so. Especially with emotional scenes. And especially with rain. They will put it in. It’s just a lot easier, even for the actors. Because if they really can’t pull of that argument the rain will help bring out the feeling of the scene.

Andrew: The emotion, yeah.

Quote Quiz

Andrew: All right, so that’s it, I think. It’s time for Quote Quiz! Quiz…quiz…quiz…quiz…

Matt: Quiz quiz quiz quiz quiz quiz quiz quiz.

Andrew: Whoa, whoa, whoa! It’s like a boomerang Quote Quiz. This week’s quote is: “Isn’t that a Death Eater idea? Why is that there?” Hmmm? That’s from my Chapter 16.

Matt: Why is it there? I don’t know!

Andrew: [laughs] We’ll discuss next week. Next week’s chapter is “Godric’s Hollow.” So, that will bring a tear to my eye. [fake sobs] Wow! Weird!

Least Favorites

Andrew: So, as I mentioned in the beginning of the show, we’re going to put a new spin on two segments we’ve been doing for a while. I’m really excited about this because they get a nice little refresh. The first one is Favorites. We’ve been doing Favorites for a while now. Gosh, I would say in the 60s. The episodes in the 60s we started the segment, and I could be totally wrong. So, we’ve always been talking about our most favorite, so this week we’re going to play Least Favorites, where we talk about what our least favorite of something was. And this week we’re going to talk about an e-mail sent in from Emily, 14, of Arlington, Texas. She actually gave us this idea. She says:

“Hi! I’m a big fan of HP but not a fan of the movies. I was just wondering what you guys’ least favorite HP movie is. Thanks. P.S. You guys are doing a great job.”

Ummm, who wants to start? What is your least favorite movie? Micah or Matt?

Micah: I’ll go first. I want to give a pass to the first two just because they needed to be the way that they were, kind of more light-hearted and childish in a way.

Andrew: Yeah, I agree.

Micah: Because it was about them being introduced to the Wizarding World. Of the other three, I have to say – and Laura would disagree – Prisoner of Azkaban. I was a big fan of the book. And while I know Alfonso did a lot of good things with the movie, the fact that the Marauders were left out and not explained kind of ruined it for me. If you were a non-book reader, you probably had a lot of questions at the end of this movie. As far as who these people were and how Lupin knew any of them – although, it was kind of explained at the end. That would be my answer.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Matt, your least favorite?

Matt: Well, I kind of agree with Micah saying that we should leave the first two – leave them alone…

Andrew: I agree with that too.

Matt: …even though I really did not like the second movie at all. But I’ll let Chris Columbus go with that. I would have to say that my least favorite so far is Movie 5. Only really because it’s my favorite book. And I think that happens with a lot of people. Like, their favorite book, they have such high expectations. And they’re usually let down with that, especially with the Harry Potter books. Like, every single person I know whose favorite book is usually their least favorite because they left out so many of their favorite moments. And that is no exception to me. I did not like Movie 5 very much because it left out a lot of things that I really wanted to see. And they left in – oh, they just left out so much crap!

Andrew: Yeah. I think this is a hard decision. After listening to you guys, I still don’t know. But I think I agree with Matt that Order of the Phoenix – well, I did love it. I really did love Order of the Phoenix. I just think it was biggest letdown in terms of what to expect. With just – the build-up of that film with the trailers. It was my favorite book, too. And I loved it, but at the same time, I didn’t like some of the transitions with going through the newspapers. And the flashbacks were just – all the flashbacks were just a real turn-off to me. And the scene at the end with Dumbledore and Voldemort fighting – I was so looking forward to – I was…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: …really, truly believing that was going to be the most amazing scene in a Harry Potter film thus far. And it was just a letdown.

Matt: Well, they left off so many things in that scene. They left off…

Andrew: Right.

Matt: …the statues coming to life. They left off Fawkes coming to Dumbledore’s aid, which was my favorite part of that entire scene. And [sighs] and they really messed up the whole Harry being – when Voldemort came into Harry, when he was being possessed.

Andrew: Yeah!

Matt: There was nothing like…

Andrew: It was just so different from the books. It’s like, ugh! What are you doing?!

Micah: Yeah, and I guess the one that we really haven’t touched on at all would be Movie 4. I just thought that with the way they cut it down, they did a good job with Goblet of Fire.

Andrew: They did!

Micah: I mean, Mike Newell did a really good job – we talked about this last week.

Matt: Hindsight, they did, yeah.

Micah: You know, basically the first hundred pages of the book going by in about five minutes.

Andrew: Yes, that was the thing! They did a great job compressing that darn movie down to…

Micah: They did.

Andrew: …something that covered everything. But it got the job done.

Matt: Mhm. I mean, granted, they took out a few characters, but they knew what characters they really needed to keep. And, yeah, I didn’t like Goblet of Fire after I saw it. But then after I saw it a few times, it starts to grow on you. But so far, Order of the Phoenix hasn’t grown on me at all.

Andrew: Yeah, same here.

Micah: Yeah, I think in Goblet of Fire, the other thing I would say was, they went a little bit overboard with the whole trying to make sure the audience knew that Moody wasn’t really Moody. Just, they dropped way too many hints…

Matt: They did.

Micah: …throughout the course of the film.

Matt: And they didn’t kill Barty Crouch Jr. at the end with the Dementors. So, most of the fans…

Micah: Right.

Matt: …think that he’s still alive. Pretty much.

Andrew: Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I do love Umbridge. Like, I loved her in the book. But…

Matt: Well, she made the movie.

Andrew: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Without her that – yeah, totally. Did a fantastic acting job. If you have an idea for Least Favorites, maybe we’ll try to do Favorites and Least Favorites. But with different subjects each week. To really mix things up. Let us know. Send in some Least Favorites. Try to come up with something creative, since we’re talking about our least favorites. It can’t be like least favorite soundtrack song because there’s so many, you know? You just…

Micah: Or book.

Andrew: Or least favorite book?

Micah: I guess you could.

Andrew: Yeah, there’s lots of these we can do. So, send them in. mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Make it easy for us. Put “Least Favorites” in the subject line, please.

Micah: Least favorite character. That’s a good one.

Make the Music Connection

Andrew: Yes. The next segment we’re going to put a new spin on this week is Make the Connection. But instead, it’s going to be Make the Mu-mu-mu-mu-music Connection! Do you like that intro?

Micah: Sure. That’s…

Andrew: I’m going to start animating all of our new segments.

Micah: It’s different.

Andrew: I’ll do it again for all you at home who don’t want to rewind. [clears throat] Make the Mu-mu-mu-mu-music – I’ll practice it more.

Matt: Why don’t you just add a sound clip? You know, a song that has music in it?

Andrew: Because I don’t have that sort of technology yet. Well, I do but…

Matt: You’re lazy.

Andrew: Actually, no. Well, yeah, it’s partially that. But no, I just like having it all set up for live shows.

Matt: You like to hear yourself.

Andrew: I do. Make the Mu-mu-mu-mu-mu-mu-music. Okay, so anyway, what we’re going to do – well, I’ll explain it to you – this was actually sent in by John Curl, 19, of Mendham, New Jersey. I’ve actually never heard of that town. But this was his idea. He writes:

“I have a cool idea for a new segment. It came to me when I was listening to the latest episode of MuggleCast during the Make the Connection segment. You basically take any song and either, a) Connect it to ‘Harry Potter’ in some way, or B) Find the spot in either the movies or books where it could be used as a soundtrack. Like, for example, the song ‘Bring Me to Life’ by Evanescence would be perfect for the ‘Final Battle’ in DH. Let me know what you think, Andrew. Love the show, and you are my idol.”

Awww, that’s sweet. From John Curl. So, I actually just realized I didn’t even really prepare any.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: But here, I’ll do this. Matt, for the final scene in Order of the Phoenix, where Harry and – we’ll focus on Order of the Phoenix today. When Harry – oh, sorry, when Dumbledore and Voldemort are dueling. If you had to pick one song to fill that gap, instead of those cheesy sound effects they had in there, what…

Matt: Hmmm, any song?

Andrew: Any song.

Matt: Ummm, oh okay! How about “The Saints are Coming” by U2 and Green Day.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay. All right. [sings] “The saints are com…” See we might have to set this, this is just the test run this week. But…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Maybe we’ll set it up so we come up with music ideas ahead of time, then we can play them or something. I don’t know. Okay, and, Micah, we’ll stick with Order of the Phoenix. If you had to insert a song in the scene where Umbridge gives Harry his first detention, when he starts writing with the special quill, what song would you add there? When – specifically, when Harry’s first discovering what it does – what the quill does to his hand.

Micah: Wow, ummm. Oh. I got a good song. I think I do. How about “An Innocent Man” by Billy Joel?

Andrew: Oh, yeah! That’d be good!

Matt: Oh! Yeah, that’s pretty good.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s good. Well…

Micah: Thanks, guys.

Andrew: …if you guys have any ideas for Make the Mu-mu-mu-mu-music Connection, just send them on in to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. With “Make the Music Connection” in the subject line. And, like John said in his e-mail, you can either: A) Connect it to Harry Potter in some way, or B) Find a spot in either the movies or books where it can be used as a soundtrack. We’ll read them here, or we can quiz each other. So, send them in. Thanks, guys.

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul

Andrew: Let’s wrap up the show today with a Chicken Soup…

Matt: .For the MuggleCast…Soul.

Andrew: Are you mocking me?

Matt: No.

Andrew: All right, Mr. Smarty-Party-Pants, why don’t you read it from Kristen, 19, of Penn State University.

Matt: This Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul comes from Kristen, 19, from Penn State University, which is in Pennsylvania. She writes:

“Hey MuggleCasters. First off, I love your podcast. I started listening from the beginning but then stopped over the summer. So now I’m catching up since last year. I just wanted to say that I don’t know what I would do without the episodes of MuggleCast. I go to Penn State University, which is quite a big campus, making me walk long way to class every day. It’s so awesome to listen to you guys talk about ‘Harry Potter’ on my walks around campus. You guys totally make my day and I think you’re great, so keep up the good work. Oh, and I think Eric lives in Reading, right? Well, I live about an hour and a half away! Well, thanks for being my Chicken Soup for the Penn State Student Soul.”

Andrew: Yay! Matt and I thank you, Kristen. The reason I picked this was just because Matt and I were actually at Penn State.

Matt: Oh, that’s right!

Andrew: Yeah, it was cool.

Matt: Didn’t we see her there?

Andrew: Did we? Hopefully not because that would be awkward if we didn’t remember.

Micah: Go visit Eric. He’ll love to have you over to his house.

Andrew: Well, funny story.

Matt: Ummm… [laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know if Eric wants to announce this to everyone yet, but he’s not actually in Reading anymore. So… But, I don’t know. He can talk about that if he wants to.

Show Close Announcements

Andrew: I think that just about does it for this week’s episode of MuggleCast. I just want to say real quick – got a little book update. Or reading update or whatever. Matt and I actually just both bought Twilight today. We’ve talked about it on the show a couple times. It’s going to be turned into a movie. Three books in the series are out right now and the fourth and final one is due out in August. And we haven’t started reading it yet, but I’m actually really excited to read it because all we hear is good things about it. Right, Matt?

Matt: Yeah, sure.

Andrew: So, I don’t know, maybe we’ll talk about it on a future episode. Apparently it’s a nice, easy read, so I’m looking forward to it. I just wanted to say that.

Matt: It does have very nice cover art.

Andrew: What’s that?

Matt: It does have very nice cover art.

Andrew: It does. I’m very excited to start reading, so see how that goes. Maybe we’ll give it a little review. I think that’s about it. One other thing I did that I actually want to say was just a quick thank you to everyone who goes on our MySpace and leaves messages for us. Or even if you e-mail us through mugglecast at staff dot mugglecast dot com, or even through our feedback form – I just want to say thank you for taking the time to write to us. Unfortunately, we can’t get back to everyone, we can’t reply to everyone. Especially on MySpace. We do read the messages that are posted there, but we don’t have the time to write back. Especially – MySpace is so complicated with their – everything that they do. It’s kind of hard to get to everyone, but…

Micah: Just to reiterate, we do read the messages.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: So if you think you’re going to get away with a comment, we usually respond to those people.

Andrew: When people send something negative – yeah, we do feel tempted to respond. But the funny thing is – and let me just say this real quick – you guys who write into us and complain are – complain, complain, I’m not talking about little, like, “Uhhh, show sucks this week.” I’m talking about, “You guys are dead in the water! Why do you continue going on!?” Blah, blah, blah. What’s funny about these guys is that they’re so scared of getting a reply back, they don’t even give us their e-mail address. So, if you’re going to write to us and complain, at least have the courage to include your e-mail address so we can write back a nice, adult, serious letter. We’re not going to post your e-mail address, but come on. You’re so scared of our response? That’s not cool. If you’re going to voice your concerns, at least give us the opportunity to write back with our side of the story. But at any rate, thank you, everyone [laughs] for writing to us.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: We do read all your messages, and we thank you very, very much for taking the time to write to us. I just feel bad when people write to us and we don’t give them a response. We do read them and we do thank you for taking the time to write to us. So, I think that’s it for this week’s episode. Love MuggleCast. It was a good one. We hope you enjoyed the new segments and our news discussion, and, of course, Chapter-by-Chapter. We’ll be back next week with more hosts, hopefully. Laura actually was supposed to be on this week’s episode but then she bailed on us last minute because she had school work. [makes a sound]

Matt: Geez, her priorities are so out of order.

Andrew: I know.

Matt: [with English accent] “She needs to sort out her priorities.”

Andrew: Ha-ha-ho!

Matt: Ha-ho! Look at that.

Andrew: I love that scene. That’s one of my favorite little quips in the movies.

Contact Information

All right, so this does it for us this week. I’m Andrew Sims.

Micah: You didn’t close.

Andrew: Oh, shoot, I almost forgot our contact information!

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Man, I’m getting so old. Well, there are numerous ways to contact us, of course. We’ll give you the information now. We have a P.O. Box down in Georgia. The address for that is:

P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia

You can send us anything, but Laura is hoping nobody sends her pickles. Send us gold or something like that but not pickles, please.

You can also call in to the MuggleCast hotline to leave us a
voicemail. To do that we have a few phone numbers. If you’re in the United States you can dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you’re in the United Kingdom you can dial 020-8144-0677. And if you’re in Australia you can dial 028-003-5668.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: If don’t prefer that you can also Skype the username “Mugglecast.” No matter how you call us just remember to keep your message under a minute, eliminate as much background noise as possible. Send us a question that you have about the books or series, the movie, the fandom, whatever you want. And we’ll address those in the up-coming show, if it’s a good question.

You can also visit for a handy feedback form to contact anyone of us. You can also just directly e-mail us at our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com, with the exception of Matt who is matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Don’t forget to also visit for a variety of community outlets, including our MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Frappr,, and our ever growing Fanlisting and Forums run by the wonderful Alice and all those who do that over there.

You can also Digg the show at, vote for us once a month at Podcast Alley, and rate and review us at Yahoo! Podcasts. Whew! That was a mouth full.

Show Close

Andrew: Thank you, everyone, for listening this week. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matthew Britton.

Andrew: We will see you all next week for Episode 133. Bye-bye!

Micah: Bye!

Matt: Bye!

[Show music ends]


Micah: Uh, no.

Andrew:: Yeah, that was Eric’s…

Micah: Laura couldn’t manage the words to intro me.

Andrew: Intro you.

Micah: …in the news center, so I just…

Matt: Oh, yeah!

Micah: …intro-ed myself.

Matt: That’s right.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: Actually, I heard the uncensored version of the bloopers. That was even funnier.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Yeah, you got to keep it G-rated.

Andrew: Sometimes it goes uncensored accidentally, too.

Matt: How is it that out of all of the hosts on this show, Laura is the only one that gets to actually slide through all the censored versions.
And she’s the girl.

Andrew: Because I’m so used to hearing her curse…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …that I don’t even pick up the bad words. It’s just, “Oh, Laura’s just saying another word.” Like, you know, like the word “the.” It’s just – you don’t pick up on it.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: So.

[Matt laughs]

Micah: And we can pick on Laura because she’s not here this week.

Matt: Right, Laura ditched us today, again.

Andrew: She’s going to hate me for that.

Matt: Yeah, this is all Andrew telling us to say this, Laura, too.


Transcript #131

MuggleCast 131 Transcript

Show Intro

[Music begins]

Andrew: Hey, Mason, I really need a good gift for my generic loved one. Any ideas?

Mason: Oh yeah, Andrew, I have the gift they need. If you sign up for GoDaddy’s economy blogcast package you’ll receive one gig of disk space, 100 gigs bandwidth, recording tools, and much more!

Andrew: Whoa. With all those features, I’d guess that kind of package will run me at least $20 a month and be plastered with ads.

Mason: You’re wrong, Andrew. The blogcast economy package is just $4.49 a month for 12 months!

Andrew: That’s a deal! And a perfect way to get your own website, blog, or podcast started.

Mason: Oh, yeah! That is a deal! Plus, enter code “MUGGLE” when you check out. Save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at

[Show music starts]

Micah: Because Voicemails have finally returned, this is MuggleCast Episode 131 for February 10th, 2008.

[Show music continues to play]

Mikey: “Hey guys. As much as I generally love you both…” – meaning myself and Eric – “…since I’m not going to be on the show tomorrow, I just wanted to say, can you please stay focused with the topics at hand while recording. I ended up cutting most of the off-topic stuff out of the show last week because it was long and the listeners really don’t want to here about ‘Star Wars’ and other movies, etc. Feel free to draw parallels, but don’t dwell on them. I’m not trying to lecture or anything, but just please keep in mind tomorrow because it’s what’s best for the show. Thanks, love you both, Andrew.” Can you believe that, Eric? He doesn’t want us to talk about what we feel like.

Eric: It’s just – I don’t know, man. He’s been censoring these since Episode 3, so, I just…

Laura: I wouldn’t…

Eric: I’ve learned to live with it. You know? I mean, he makes good decisions, usually.

Mikey: Usually.

Eric: It just means that we can’t – I don’t know. I don’t know, Mikey. You’re the movie guy and you get really enthusiastic about it.

Mikey: He’s telling me not to do it and I know. I agree with you. Well, welcome to this week’s Andrew-less show we have. I don’t know, that was a really bad segue, but I’m trying to move this along.

Laura: [laughs] All right. Well, we’ve got a pretty good show for you guys this week. We’re going to be talking about Chapter 14 in Deathly Hallows. This is also featuring the return of Voicemails, once again. I know you’ve heard that umpteen times during the life of this show, and we also have part two of our interview with Freddie Highmore. So, with that, I’m Laura Thompson.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

[Show music continues to play louder]


Micah: Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the MuggleCast News Center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Micah?

A few weeks ago we told you about two Deathly Hallows rumors: It could be split in two, and Steven Spielberg is being considered to direct. The latter item has picked up an extra piece of evidence after Richard Griffiths (who plays Vernon Dursley in the Potter films) reportedly told TeleText that Spielberg is a candidate. He said, “Being in a Spielberg film is a pretty good place to be. My agent had conversations with him, so anything is possible.” He is further quoted in saying, “I’m not in the sixth film so I want bigger roles. I asked J.K. Rowling if she could write Vernon a bigger part and she said ‘no,” so there you go.”

It is important to remember that nothing is confirmed. This should not be taken seriously until more solid sources come forward.

Spanish publication XLSemanal conducted a special interview with J.K. Rowling a few months ago, although it has only now emerged online. In a preview of the article, Jo discusses Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, likening him to English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. Jo was quoted to saying, “My model of the world after Voldemort’s return was, directly, the government of Neville Chamberlain in Great Britain during the Second World War, when he tried to minimize the menace of the Nazi regime for political convenience.”

In the interview the author also talks about her personal life and relationships, as well as politics. The full interview is now available online.

And Half-Blood Prince filming in Gloucester Cathedral is well underway. Cast, extras, and crew are now all present at the Cathedral. has plenty of new photos.

Finally, the Literary and Historical Society of University College Dublin will present J.K. Rowling with a James Joyce Award on Tuesday, February 12th.

That’s all the news for this February 10th, 2008 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

News Discussion: Director of Deathly Hallows

Micah: Thanks, Micah. Oh, you’re welcome.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Thanks, Micah.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Okay, so we’ve had some pretty good news this week. It’s been better than some other weeks, right? What do you guys think?

Mikey: Oh, yeah. No, I’m excited about our first point that we’re going to talk about, Laura. What do you think?

Laura: Yeah, and I mean you’re the film guy here, Mikey, so why don’t you start us off on that?

Mikey: Well…

Eric: But don’t talk about film.

Mikey: [laughs] All right, Andrew.

Eric: Only because Andrew warned us.

Micah: Well, he can bring up the topic, but only Laura and I can discuss it.

Mikey: Okay. But I’ll read it off. Spielberg rumors again have emerged. What do you guys think about that?

Laura: You know, I’m not sure what I think about it. Because I feel like Spielberg has done some really great stuff, and then I feel that he’s done some really awful stuff. So, I don’t know. If he directed the film it could be really good or it could be really bad.

Mikey: Well, all right, my question is, what did you think that he did that was really bad? That’s one of the questions, you know, like, what was really bad?

Laura: Well, I mean, what immediately springs to mind is just that I feel like he’s kind of got that Chris Columbus quality of kind of making everything happy and light.

Eric: Because, clearly, Schindler’s List

Laura: No! But that’s not…

[Mikey laughs]

Eric: …was a very happy film.

Laura: That’s not what I was referencing, though. Like – Clearly, Schindler’s List was a very, very well done movie. I don’t know if Spielberg has any specific producers he works with regularly – maybe Mikey can tell us about that – but I just know that there are certain films that he’s been very much complimented on, whereas there are other films that people are just like, “what is this?” Like, I don’t know.

Eric: It’s true. There are critics of Spielberg films.

Mikey: My biggest thing is, Spielberg really hasn’t done a horrible movie in quite a while. Like, you know, just looking at his last movie. I’m on IMDB right now. His most recent movie that’s coming out is Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which I’m super excited about. But his last films Munich – which did great – War of the Worlds, I was kind of iffy on, but it was still, you know – I think it had too much Tom Cruise, not necessarily his directing. I think he did a great job on it.

[Eric laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] We’re not even going to go to the Tom Cruise story. But Terminal, Catch Me If You Can was a great movie. I thought Minority Report as direction was great too. AI I thought was an amazing film, obviously didn’t do really good. You know? But a lot of his stuff I – as a director, I like Spielberg. There’s really not much of his stuff that I don’t like. He doesn’t direct as much anymore. He really doesn’t, he’s been producing a lot. So…

Eric: It’s true. And his movies, in my opinion, are always so – I want to say heartful. You know, very hearty movies. He kind of creates how stories should be told. You know, he’s obviously the big-name guy. He’s the big guy who does this sort of thing. He makes these movies that are classics, like E.T. And he really makes – He’s a movie-maker storyteller. He basically writes these – He does movies, he’s how movies should be made. You know, because he has such creative control in them. And I just – there’s something that connects with how he tells his stories with me. I love all of Spielberg’s films.

Mikey: I agree with you. What do you think, Micah?

Micah: I’m just wondering, though, would he be the right person for Deathly Hallows in the sense that – and I’m not saying the directors that have come before him aren’t big-name directors – but they seem to have kind of found their place a little bit with the Harry Potter series. And I’m not sure that bringing in such a big name to do the final film would make it any more impactful than if somebody else who had worked on the films previously would have come around and directed. You know, like an Alfonso Cuaron, like a – maybe even a David Yates again. I just – I’m afraid that this is a story that’s sort of being over-sensationalized, like it has been in the past, and I’m not really sure that you would need to bring in Spielberg. Would it be cool? Yes. But – and it even goes to some of what Eric was saying before. You know, he’s kind of this great storyteller, but kind of in his own way. I don’t know how well he would work off of other people’s work, you know, Mikey, if that makes sense.

Mikey: No, no, I agree. I can see where you’re coming from.

Eric: I get that.

Mikey: I don’t know if I would say that he couldn’t work on someone else’s work. Again, looking at War of the Worlds I think he did a phenomenal job with that, and even Jurassic Park, that was a Michael Creighton novel, and I think he did a great job with that film. Directing it.

Eric: It’s a great movie.

Mikey: It’s one of those things like, the score – obviously John Williams did the Harry Potter score, but you know, John Williams did Jurassic Park, too, and I could just hear those notes right away, and I know it’s Jurassic Park. I know it’s Harry Potter. I know it’s Star Wars. I had to put John Williams in there with that stuff. But…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Well, see, that’s the thing, yeah, because Spielberg and Williams work so well together.

Mikey: Yeah, and I would love to see Williams come back for the last Harry Potter movie.

Eric: That’s exactly the thing I was thinking, is if Spielberg comes back, does John Williams come back?

Mikey: Yeah, that would be a cool thing, especially like – here’s one thing. I’ll give you a little bit of film stuff – is people are more forgiving of bad video or film quality versus music, and the reason why is, film is at twenty-four frames per second, so half the time, in between each cell or frame, there’s a little black bar, and so that’s playing through as we’re watching our movies. So half the time we’re sitting in a theater, we’re sitting in pitch black. We don’t see it being black, because our eyes keep memory of the picture, but music and sound, we’re hearing everything. And I would love to hear – not saying that the other scores, like I love the Order of the Phoenix score, and I really like the music for Goblet of Fire. Obviously, these weren’t done by John Williams, but I would love if Spielberg brought back Williams to do the last one, have this amazing just big, Hollywood-style, just really big score for the last movie, just give it a big send-off that I think it really would deserve, because it’s the final chapter in this huge – you know, for Warner Brothers this is a huge franchise. And for us, this a huge, you know – it’s the final movie of the book series. I remember finishing reading the book, and I was sad, and I’m going to be sad watching the last movie in theaters. Now, I’m going to be the first one to buy it on DVD, but it’s the last thing. It needs a good send-off, and I think…

Laura: Well said, Mikey.

Micah: You can have John Williams back. I mean, you don’t need to have Spielberg to have John Williams there.

Mikey: No, I know, but…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Which is another thing…

Micah: And this kind of leads into the next point, but this is a semi-reliable source that at least we’re hearing these rumors from – in the form of Richard Griffiths talking about potentially being in a Spielberg film. We know he’s not going to be in Half-Blood Prince, but he is definitely going to be in the final film, so, I mean, what do you guys think? Do you give any more credit to the rumor that it’s coming from somebody like him, as opposed to just some tabloid?

Eric: I do. Just the idea that Richard Griffiths thinks it’s possible is – I think it gives a little extra credit to it. I would like to see Spielberg have his hands on the material, is kind of what it is. Most of my urge for Spielberg – I think it would be really cool if he directed the movie of Book 7 because, obviously, they’re really convinced that they’re going to do it quite big, possibly two films, as we talked about last week, and it’s just – I would really like to see Spielberg have his hand in the material. So, just the idea that Richard Griffiths is saying, “Well, you know, it might be really interesting to do a Spielberg film, and I think it’s possible,” then I think it does give credit to it, and I think it’s really one of those interesting rumors that’s going around about the seventh movie.

News Discussion: Privet Drive Scene Cut from Half-Blood Prince

Micah: Right. And I think we’ll hear more as time goes on, obviously. There will be more and more rumors as we get closer to something being announced. But speaking of Richard Griffiths, he also brought up the fact that he is not going to be in Half-Blood Prince, and I really can’t remember if this was made public, and if it was, I don’t think prior to this we ever discussed it. And to me this is kind of disappointing, because the whole scene that takes place on Privet Drive in Half-Blood Prince was really one of my favorite scenes in the book, and now we learn that it’s not going to be there. What are you guys’ thoughts about this?

Laura: Well, first of all, I wonder how they’re going to tie in Dumbledore. It would just seem weird if they had Harry leaving Privet Drive and joining Dumbledore without even seeing the Dursleys, you know? So I really wonder how they’re going to set that up.

Mikey: I could tell you. I see it now as a filmmaker.

[Micah laughs]

Laura: This is what it is: Opening, you know, you see the Warner Brothers thing, the camera pans down onto the street as Dumbledore and Harry walk up to go find Slughorn. They’re going to have to cut things out.

Eric: We know that’s going to happen, because…

Mikey: And we know that’s kind of a bummer, but, obviously I don’t know anything about the movie, so it’s not like that’s what is going to happen in the movie, but it’s like, that’s – you know, basically, if the Dursleys aren’t going to be there, what’s the next logical step? And it’s going to go straight to Slughorn. And actually, it might even go to the interior of the house, because, you know, the last ones kind of started out kind of dark, so it might be the house with blood on it, and then it pulls out and there’s Harry and Dumbledore on the step going in going, “Oh my gosh, what happened?” And then they find Slughorn, you know what I mean?

Eric: Do you think he’ll be turned into a couch, and then Dumbledore will prod the couch, and then the couch being like, “Ouch!” [laughs]

Mikey: That’d be kind of cool, I hope so. I actually – I’m a little sad they’re not going to do the scene. Like Micah said, it’s one of my favorites just because…

Eric: I am too, it’s such a great – and I think what it is too is that it’s a big distinction between book Dumbledore and movie Dumbledore, obviously. You know, if you read the books and you get this really great sense of how J.K. Rowling writes Dumbledore in the books, and it’s a really great scene with him taunting, sort of trespassing on their hospitality, as Dumbledore himself says.

Mikey: Exactly, and the best part is he says, like, he offers them drinks, and what do they do with the drinks? The drinks just keep hitting their heads.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: It’s like, I would love to see that!

Eric: And they won’t accept it, you know?

Mikey: That’d be ridiculous, just to see these – I can see how it doesn’t really add anything to the movie or the story, but like it shows you a little bit more of Dumbledore’s character. Like, “Yes I’m going to pour drinks for everyone,” and then the Dursleys are just so frightened and refuse to touch anything magical that’s just hitting their head, you know, juice or whatever spilling out and hitting them, and they’re just like, “Will you stop this!?” You know, Vernon getting upset with the big old vein and all that.

Eric: I’m disappointed with how little the Dursleys are in the films. It’s not a big concern of mine, but I really like seeing it done, I really like the actors doing it, and you can kind of tell that they kind of enjoy doing it. But obviously Richard Griffiths is getting – I don’t want to say, well, he’s very concerned. He – in this article that we have, he says he asked J.K. Rowling to write a bigger part for Vernon. That seems like – that seems quite interesting. You’d say, “could you write me a bigger part for the movie,” and she said no, and rightfully so. I think that the Dursleys have always served a particularly significant – a certain function. They serve a purpose in the books and then they’re gone, that’s it, you know? But there’s always been the sense of returning to Privet Drive and it seems so upsetting to me. It just upsets me a lot that the Dursleys aren’t even going to be in Half-Blood Prince.

Laura: Yeah, but I mean…

Eric: It’s another opportunity missed.

Laura: Honestly, thinking about it though, I mean, just thinking about the way Mikey described it, there were a couple of important things that happened in the Dursley scene, like Harry noticing Dumbledore’s hand, but that’s all stuff that they can do like as they’re walking down the road or whatever. Like, “Oh, Professor, what happened to your hand?” and, you know?

Mikey: And he’s like, “Not now, Harry,” you know, it’s like one of those brush off things.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: You know, like again, the Dursley scene – everything important that happens there we can live without, because we can pick it up again.

Micah: Yeah, you’re right.

Mikey: The only – and I’m thinking about it again, I haven’t read the book in a while – the only important thing is the hand, and he says, “Not now, Harry.” And again, if it starts on the street or starts in the house, that could be picked up right away, you know, where even if Harry doesn’t notice, maybe Slughorn notices it in the house and, “Dumbledore, what happened to your hand?” and he’s like, “Had a little run in with Voldemort,” you know? There’s so many like, little things.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: Like again, the screenwriter is re-writing a book that we’ve memorized, in a sense, so we know what’s supposed to happen and a screenwriter is taking their liberties and they’re not really necessarily – I’m sure all the screenwriters have read the book. You know, we know some actors haven’t – Michael Gambon – but it’s one of those things that they also have to look more at the movies, because this is a movie version so they have to make sure that everything in the movie is kind of – kind of continues the story from the movie standpoint, not necessarily the book standpoint.

Eric: If you guys remember, Goblet of Fire obviously begins with the murder of Frank Bryce, but then Harry wakes up and he’s at the Burrow and immediately they’re on, I think, it’s on Stoatshead Hill. They’re on the hill where they meet Cedric Diggory right in the very beginning of Movie 4 after Harry wakes up that morning. It’s just in a few quick scenes they’re already being transported to the Quidditch World Cup.

Micah: Yeah, I mean that…

Laura: No, no, no, that’s like eight chapters in, too.

Micah: The beginning of that movie went very quick.

Mikey: Yeah, that’s like a hundred pages. It’s a hundred pages worth of Quidditch.

Eric: That’s easily a hundred pages.

Mikey: And it’s done in like, five minutes. It’s like, done in five minutes.

Eric: And that was when the twins were – they blew up the fire place in the Dursleys. There was – the Dursleys have a pretty big scene in Book 4, which was completely gone from the movie. So, it’s possible to do it without. It’s just, you know…

Micah: One could argue that the other thing that’s missed in this whole thing is the relationship that exists between Dumbledore and Petunia, or Petunia and the wizarding world, and, you know, Dumbledore kind of takes a swipe at them when he makes that comment about Dudley, saying something along the lines of that they neglected in their raising of him, how he turned out. I forget the exact quote, but…

Laura: Yeah, he said they’d done more damage to Dudley in the way they that raised him.

Mikey: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, that’s quite interesting. You’re right. The relationship between Dumbledore and Petunia, or particularly any reference to Harry’s parents – any kind of thing like that seems to be absent from the movie. Except for Aunt Marge in Movie 3 – that was kept in, a little bit about bad parentage sort of thing. But it’s just something that – I think what it is, is that you’re in this film with all these British actors and they’re so good at what they do, and even things like watching David Bradley is fun to do, so you always want parts for it and it’s just the time of the film overall won’t permit all of this. It won’t permit you do to do everything you want to do with these great actors.

Micah: I agree with you, but at the same time, I mean there’s so much that’s probably able to be cut from this film in particular that leaving something like that in – I think – you could probably do. So, I’m just a little disappointed.

News Discussion: Cornelius Fudge Related to Neville Chamberlain

Laura: Right. Now, we probably need to move onto the next piece here. Actually, there was a new – and it’s not really a new interview – but it just came out with J.K. Rowling by the Spanish publication XLSemanal, and she actually talked about Cornelius Fudge, and she likened him to English Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain [pronounces it Chamber-layn]. She actually…

Eric: Chamberlain [pronounces it Chamber-lin].

Laura: Chamberlain [pronounces it Chamber-lin]. The quote is actually, “My model of the world after Voldemort’s return was, directly, the government of Neville Chamberlain in Great Britain after the Second World War, when he tried to minimize the menace of the Nazi regime for political convenience.” And this is pretty interesting considering some of the ties to our Nazi World War II parallels we brought up with Deathly Hallows. What do you guys think?

Eric: I think it’s interesting. I think not having grown up in that time, or not being familiar with that era of British history, I can still say that’s really cool. I can still say it’s cool that J.K. Rowling had someone in mind. And we knew that she kind of did when writing a satire, political satire, as she has done, taking some things satirically in government. It’s good to know specifically though, what she was thinking about and I’m interested now to read up a little bit of history and figure out what kind of guy he was.

Micah: Well, basically, he was a guy that just had a policy of appeasement towards Hitler.

Laura: Yep. [laughs] Pretty much.

Micah: I mean, he turned a blind eye to Hitler in order to advance his own political career, which, if you think about it, sounds a lot like Fudge, you know, turning a blind eye to Voldemort and…

Eric: Hoping he would go away?

Micah: …hoping that the things that were starting to occur around him wouldn’t fully materialize, and really acts out against Dumbledore, thinking that he’s just out on a quest for power, but, in fact, Fudge – and I know I’ve said this episodes ago. I really hated Fudge when I was rereading Order of the Pheonix because I thought ways he was just as worse, if not more horrible, than Umbridge.

Laura: Oh yeah. I mean, essentially acting as an enabler. Really. Whether he meant to or not, you know? Just completely useless.

Eric: She spoofed that guy. Ha-ha.

[Eric and Laura laugh]


Laura: All right, well, Micah do you want to move us onto some announcements for this week?

Micah: Yes. [chuckles] Just a reminder to vote for us on Podcast Alley. We are in the new month of February, and we are currently number six over at Podcast Alley, so just remember to go ahead and vote. And I think that’s the only announcement, right?

Mikey: Well, Andrew sent me and Eric the e-mail, but I think he left you a statement – “Andrew’s Statement to the Fans.” I think you need to read that, Micah.

Micah: Do I really have to is the question. [laughs]

Laura: Uh, yes…

Mikey: Yes.

Laura: You need to read it.

Eric: Let’s just pretend it doesn’t exist.

Laura: No, no, read it.

Micah: Okay.

Mikey: Guys, come on. Andrew took all this time to write up a nice statement to the fans…

Laura: I have to say, it’s like New York Times Bestseller worthy.

Micah: Oh, really?

Laura: This is the best writing I have ever seen.

Micah: I guess I have to read it.

Mikey: Have you read it all the way through? Have you read it all the way through?

Micah: I haven’t yet.

Mikey: It’s pretty…

Laura: It’s massive. Oh my goodness.

Mikey: I was like, “Wow.” Okay, Micah, you do the honors. Please?

Micah: “Dear Loyal Listeners, I regret to inform you my poor puppy dog is suffering from a severe case of kitty cooties. It happened whilst I walked my dog through the local PetSmart just about ten minutes from my home. I’m only at his bedside for the next few days and will be back on the show next week. Back and better than ever. Actually, you’ll hear me in a little bit when I conclude my interview with Freddie Highmore. Laura, Micah, Eric, and Mikey smell.” That’s nice. “Moreover, I just lied to you all. I have no dog. There’s no such thing as kitty cooties, and there isn’t a PetSmart ten minutes from my home. I still stand by the fact that Laura, Micah, Eric and Mickey all smell. Matt and I will see you next week, lovers.”

Mikey: Wow! Andrew Sims.

Laura: Wow! My life is so impacted.

Mikey: My life is now complete. No Spielberg doing seventh movie? I am happy now. I’m happy without a sixth movie now.

Laura: I have to go out of my way to say that Laura doesn’t smell.

Mikey: Neither do I.

Laura: Laura actually wears a very nice perfume, and actually, it’s pretty cool, because when you pick it up the bottle purrs. Listen.

[Perfume bottle purrs]

Micah: Do you shower, or do you just put on perfume?

Eric: Oh, wait. You have a purring bottle of perfume?

Laura: Yeah, listen. Here, listen.

[Perfume bottle purrs]

[Micah laughs]

Laura: Isn’t that awesome?

Eric: Do it again! Do it again!

[Laura laughs]

Laura: No, they have already heard it twice, but yeah, I do shower too – daily actually, Micah.

Micah: Well, that’s good. That’s good.

Laura: I know that must be a shock.

Micah: I was just wondering why…

Mikey: I do too. I shower daily too.

Micah: …Matt got thrown in there.

Mikey: That’s why I don’t smell.

Eric: Well, what exactly was Andrew – so, Andrew was walking Matt, right?

[Mikey laughs]

Mikey: I know he is his puppy dog.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: And they were at PetSmart? Or was Matt? Matt was walking – I’m confused here, ’cause Andrew was walking his puppy or…

Laura: Are you saying Matt is Andrew’s puppy? Is that what you are saying?

Eric: What? Is he not?

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: Oh, no, no.

Mikey: Lets move on.

Laura: Okay. Apologies, Andrew.

Mikey: Let’s go to Muggle Mail.

Micah: Muggle Mail!

Eric: Matt was walking Andrew and…

Mikey: Muggle Mail! Muggle Mail. Let’s go.

Laura: Yeah, take it off, Micah.

Mikey: You guys can stay back there. Micah and I are going to Muggle Mail.

Muggle Mail: Commission versus Committee, Mad-Eye’s Eye, Picture of Dumbledore and Grindewald, the Imperius Curse, the Locket Enhancing Umbridge’s Evilness, and Last Week’s Make the Connection

Micah: Yeah. Okay. I’ll take the first one. This is about the chapter title I guess you guys were discussing last week, and this person stresses that it’s not the Muggleborn Registration Commission, it’s the Muggleborn Registration Committee. Come on, guys! What were you thinking!

Laura: Sorry!

Micah: God forbid you say the wrong word every once in a while. I mean there’s not people out there listening to every word that we say. All right. But anyway…

Mikey: I apologize for everything I ever said.

Micah: You better apologize.

Mikey: Mm-kay.

Micah: I really don’t care if you apologize.

Mikey: [whispers] I do.

Micah: “Do you think that Mad-Eye’s eye could see through walls etc., when it was in the door? I would assume so, because it worked with Imposter Moody, but if the door is an inanimate object…” I think these are all points that this person is trying to make.

Laura: Yeah, I think that was the reason it was there. I was almost under the impression that it was being used like it was a peep hole.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: In fact, there was a telescope type thing attached to it on the other side of the door…

Micah: Right.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: …which Harry specifically had to pull off and get the eye out of. So…

Micah: Right. Yeah, and in this chapter that we’re about to discuss in a few minutes, he even references it. He says that’s how they knew that there were intruders was from the eye.

Eric: Well, the eye was missing.

Micah: Right.

Mikey: Yeah. But again, that still brings up question. Where did Mad-Eye get this magical eye that no one else can recreate? You know what I mean? I mean if it can see through walls, then why didn’t everyone just replace their eye with like a magical eye, you know what I mean?

Eric: Yeah, it seems like everybody wants one. You know, it would be like the Tickle-Me-Elmo of the wizarding world.

Laura: Oh, geez.

Micah: He was powerful. Maybe be created it himself. You never know.

Laura: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

Mikey: Yeah, maybe.

Micah: All right. Next point: “Mikey I love your theory about rain cloud frizbees.”

Mikey: That would be kind of cool, right? I don’t know. L-O-L.

Micah: And this all, by the way, is all coming from Esther, 15, in Jerusalem. So thank you, Esther, for sending in all these points. The next thing she says: “The picture is Grindelwald and Dumbledore. When Harry sees the thief through Voldemort’s mind, he realizes later that it was in the picture in the book about Dumbledore.”

Laura: Did we not…

Eric: We were confused. We thought it was like Dumbledore’s brother or something.

Mikey: The picture on the cover of the book. We didn’t know who it was at the time.

Eric: Yeah. It was just a teenage boy. And it wasn’t introduced, but later on it’s revealed to be Grindelwald.

Micah: Next point: “Pius Thicknesse was under the Imperius Curse by Yaxley. The Imperius curse doesn’t allow people to read minds, and even if it did, Voldemort wasn’t the one who had cast the curse on Thicknesse.”

Eric: That was the conclusion we reached.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: So, that’s all good.

Micah: Okay. And then: “Like Eric said, the locket probably did have an effect on Umbridge. She was just so much in her element being evil that the locket enhanced her evilness.” And she thinks that Jo said something about that as well.

Mikey: Yep. That’s what Eric said.

Eric: So the last point…

Micah: Why don’t you handle that, because I wasn’t here for that Make The Connection.

Eric: Okay, so the last point here is the Make he Connection for Andrew, re: furry hat. She says, “What about Crabbe or Goyle’s furry hat in Movie 3 in the Shrieking Shack scene, the one where Harry cries.” Or tries to – the one where Harry throws snow – oh, yeah, the one where Harry cries. Okay, he does cry. “What about Crabbe and Goyle’s furry hat in Movie 3, the Shrieking Shack scene?” I completely forgot about that, but that’s probably true. Didn’t he have like a sort of hunting, moleskin, sort of beaver hat?

Laura: Yeah, he did. Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, but I think they all had kind of like a furry type of hat still. Like, I know Malfoy’s wasn’t – no, Malfoy didn’t have a hat. Someone had a hat that had earflaps and it wasn’t necessarily a furry animal on the outside, but it was all furry on the inside like sheep’s – like wool or something. They were all furry at some point. Plus, you know, also the Book of Monsters is also furry. You know, lots of different things are furry in the movies and the books.

Eric: But you don’t wear that on your head.

Mikey: Neville kind of wore it on him at one point.

Eric: Neville kind of… [laughs]

Mikey: Neville wore the book at one point because it was eating him, but, you know, beyond that.

Eric: That was awesome.

Laura: All right, is that it?

Mikey: That’s the end of the end of the e-mail from Esther.

Eric: Oh and Esther, and she signs, “Gold, quacks and pickles.”

MuggleCast 131 Transcript (continued)

Muggle Mail: Privet Drive Scene Cut from Movie 6

Eric: Okay, so the second Muggle Mail here is from Nora, age 18 from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Subject is the Dursleys in Half-Blood Prince.

“Dear MuggleCasters, I’m writing about a question I have concerning the upcoming “Half-Blood Prince” movie. Since the Dursleys are not appearing in this film, I was wondering how you guys think the movie is going to start out. Okay, so, as we know in the book, Dumbledore pays the Dursleys a visit and picks Harry to escort him to the Burrow. Do you think the Dursleys’ absence would mean that this scene is going to be cut? It just seems a little weird to me if Dumbledore picks Harry up from Privet Drive and the Dursleys aren’t there. I would be absolutely devastated if that entire scene with Dumbledore is cut because it’s one of my favorite parts in the series, and my favorite scenes tend to be left out of the movies. Just wanted to hear your opinions on that, and love the show, thanks.” So, Mikey, we did talk about this and you think that it’s possible they’re going to start with Harry and Dumbledore walking down the lane to Slughorn’s house?

Mikey: Or straight into Slughorn’s house with all the blood and everything on the wall, you know, and then you see Dumbledore and them come running in going, “What’s going on?” You know, just – it’s like one of those things where it’s like, the Harry Potter movies, none of them have really had a real slow start. You know? They’ve all kind of – except for the first one, and even then it wasn’t slow because it was kind of slow, and then you saw the magic happen and stuff like that. You know what I mean?

Eric: Well, you see the magic happen, yeah. You see McGonagall turn from cat into woman and, you know, Richard Harris was like, [impersonates] “I should have known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall.”

Mikey: You know, and then also you see a flying motorcycle. So right away stuff happens kind of big, and I can see them just walking up the street towards the house, or running in the house, and then Harry and Dumbledore going, “Ha-ha! I’m here to help you!” And not obviously that comical, but…

Eric: And to make it perfectly clear, they did film that scene where they’re walking up the lane. If you recall.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: There used to be a lot of news stories about Slughorn and the actor who plays Slughorn and them filming those scenes, so there is a lot of – and they chose a little town square, a small town square to do that in. So, it seems like there will be outside scenes and it won’t just be inside Slughorn’s house and then somewhere else kind of random. So, I think you’re probably right, Mikey, that might be where they swoop in for the opening credits.

Mikey: And you know what? It’s going to fit with the rest with how the other movies have started. You know, all of them have started at night. Not all of them, but…

Eric: No, no, not all of them. The second one hasn’t.

Mikey: Well, most of them have. And they fly through the clouds, and you get the title, and you get the Warner Brothers thing, and, you know, right now I’m thinking right away for this fourth movie where it’s like the music [imitates music] and then you push through the Warner Brothers thing and then you go up the little thing, and it’s all night. And again, that’s a night scene, outdoors. They’re going to fit the color scheme they’ve working with. The nice, metal Warner Brothers logo. So they definitely can do it, and the camera just drops down, see them walking up, and then Harry and Dumbledore can have that little event.

Micah: Doesn’t he have the Dark Mark above his house, also?

Mikey: No, he didn’t. That’s why Dumbledore knew he was in no real danger, because there was no Dark Mark. Because Slughorn set up his entire house that way, really quick, you know, with all the stuff there.

Eric: Wait, are you sure there was no Dark Mark?

Mikey: There was no Dark Mark, and then Dumbledore specifically says to him, “The only thing you were missing was the Dark Mark.” He was like, “Yeah, sadly, I’ve never learned that.” So he couldn’t pull it off that something had happened to him, because he never learned the Dark Mark, because he’s not a Death Eater. Guys, you should know this! That’s an easy one. Yeah, we knew it, Morsmordre. You know we know it.

Eric: We know what the incantation is: Morsmordre.

Laura: All right, well, Mikey, do you want to read the next one?

Muggle Mail: Last Week’s Chapter-by-Chapter

Mikey: From Antoine, age 18, from Los Angeles, California. California, here we go. So his message is:

“Hello, Mugglecasters. Just started listening to your podcast very recently, even though my friends told me to listen to you guys ages ago. I have some comments to make about last week’s Chapter-by-Chapter. First, regarding Ron’s spell work. Like someone said – sorry, I can’t tell your voices apart…” and so on. Actually, I should read that whole thing, huh? I shouldn’t just paraphrase, huh? Let me go back for a minute. “First regarding Ron’s spell work. Like someone said – sorry, I can’t tell your voices apart from the others except Jamie and Laura – Ron was under pressure and had no idea what spell to use. Plus, when had Ron ever been known to solve a problem like getting rid of a raining cloud? He’s pretty incompetent when it comes to spell work. Second, I liked the name Undesirable Number One. It’s very wizard-like, and Ministry-like. They have funny names like that, and like Arthur’s enormously large department name title, which I believe is called Head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects. Trying to say that five times fast. Third, regarding the voices of the actors in the film during the Polyjuice scene, it annoyed me a bit, as well, that Harry and Ron’s voices were dubbed over Crabbe and Goyle’s, but looking at it from the viewer’s point of view, and to introduce Polyjuice Potion, they had to have their voices that way to establish that, within the facade of Crabbe and Goyle, were Harry and Ron. In “Deathly Hallows,” though, the voices will probably be kept to the original actors, like with Moody’s, and the only changes will be when they become their respective Ministry workers, and when they begin to change back into themselves. For seven Potters, it can go either way.” Ron’s spell work? What do you guys think?

Laura: I mean, I honestly agree. He was probably under pressure. I mean, I don’t know. I think – and I mean, I think a lot of people get this impression from me, that I hate Ron or something, because I’ve mentioned…

Eric: You do, don’t you?

Laura: No, I don’t. I…

Mikey: You don’t like him because he’s got red hair. Come on, we all know this, Laura.

Laura: No, red heads are very attractive.

[Mikey laughs]

Laura: But the thing – my thing with Ron is mostly, sometimes, he’s just very daft, and I get annoyed with that, but I really do love Ron as a character. He’s actually my favorite of the trio. So I think a lot of the time people sit around and say, “Oh, Ron’s dumb. Ron would be nothing without the other two.” And I don’t think that’s true. I think he’s just a different person. And he operates in different ways. So, he…

Micah: What exactly was his relation too, though? I mean, I know you were talking, obviously, about him in the chapter, but is it just that he doesn’t seem smart enough to be able to try and get rid of something like that on his own? Or…

Laura: I think – I think there was a debate going on. I don’t remember specifically about whether Ron was under pressure, or he just didn’t know. If he was just dumb, or whatever.

Mikey: Yeah, I’m the one that said like, “”Come on, Ron was the one…” I kind of stood up for Ron, saying that he was under pressure. You know, if you were under that much pressure – Ron doesn’t do well under pressure. We’ve kind of seen that historically through the books and the movies. And that’s where we kind of stepped up, and I kind of stepped up for him. But the last part of the comment from…

Eric: Antoine.

Mikey: …Antoine is that he’s pretty incompetent when it comes to spell work. And I don’t think Ron’s incompetent. I just think he’s not, you know – Hermione is the bright one.

Eric: His wits get in the way.

Mikey: Yeah, he thinks too much for a lot of things, and Hermione – it doesn’t look like he does, but he does on a lot of things. He’s a powerful wizard, and we see that by the end of the book. I mean, come on, he was able to come back and destroy the first Horcrux that they destroy together, you know what I mean?

Eric: Yeah, and he was able to open the Chamber of Secrets, which is…

Mikey: Which is pretty awesome.

[Eric and Mikey laugh]

Mikey: But it’s one of those things where, yes, he was under pressure, and I don’t think he’s incompetent. I think it’s – you know, we’ve constantly seen him compared to the brightest wizard of their age, which is Hermione, and, come on, Harry Potter is Harry Potter. The book’s titled after him. Harry’s got to be cool. You know what I mean? So…

Laura: Right.

Mikey: So yeah, other than you just not liking red heads, Laura, I agree, you know?

Laura: Mikey…

Mikey: Sorry.

Laura: I dyed my hair red three months ago.

Eric: Okay, okay, okay.

Mikey: Oh yeah, I forgot, okay. Moving on.

Laura: I love red heads!

Eric: Oh, I forgot about that. I love that too. That was really nice.

Muggle Mail: Umbridge and the Locket

Eric: Okay, fourth Muggle Mail from Rachael Walsh, age 32, from San Antonio, Texas. She says: “I don’t think the locket bothers Umbridge, because it knows that she reveres the locket. It knows she’s not trying to destroy it. She thinks that the locket is very similar to the one ring, and how it affects the wearer when it knows it’s in danger.” That’s a good comparison between the one ring and the Horcrux.

Laura: Right, and we actually have that as one of our discussion points for Chapter-by-Chapter, which we’re going to be getting to, but first we have the second and final part of our interview with Freddie Highmore, so, Andrew, why don’t you take it away?

Second and Final Part of Interview with Freddie Highmore

Andrew: Now how about those magical creatures? That must have been another challenge. Was it hard acting with these – what were they? You said ping pong balls. And I think I looked in a picture book in the bookstore the other day, and they were – they were just props. Is it hard acting with those?

Freddie: I guess it’s a bit harder than just having an actor there, but they did quite a lot to make it easier, and they had the actors pre-record some of the voiceovers for the animated characters, and they were played over a loud speaker, so we had something to – to react to.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Freddie: And also, we were shown pictures and various animations and they had big cardboard cutouts of the – of the creatures, so we knew what we were looking at. It wans’t just, like, going at it blind.

Andrew: Right, right. Now, what was your favorite scene to film?

Freddie: Favorite scene to film. I think it was kind of fun doing the scene on the gryffin. There’s a gryffin ride towards the middle of the film.

Andrew: Okay.

Freddie: And it was kind of fun. We did it all on – all on blue screen and, basically, it was like a – almost like a bucking bronco kind of thing that you sit on, and it moves around. They have big wind machines in your face and Mark Waters, the director, was always trying to call out, and we couldn’t really hear him, but it was – it was a great scene to film.

Andrew: Cool. I know a lot of fans are going to be coming to this movie already having read the book. My brother actually just started reading Spiderwick a few weeks ago and he loves the books, and he loved you in Willy Wonka. Are these book readers going to – those who have read Spiderwick, do you think they’re going to really love the movie?

Freddie: Yeah, I think so. I think it’s – it hasn’t changed things too much, which, I think, you know, sometimes films can do with a book. And it’s kept with all the – all the magical creatures that are already written in there and, I mean, I know there are other things that you can get with the books before, like field guides…

Andrew: Yeah.

Freddie: …and stuff, and that all matches in with the film quite well.

Andrew: Okay, great. Great. Now, moving on to your career.

[Freddie laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Have you always wanted to be an actor?

Freddie: It’s always been something I found – like it would be fun to do, you know, and have a go at. And when I was younger, I was just got lucky, really, as I say to everyone, I’m just a pretty lucky guy.

Andrew: Uh huh.

Freddie: And I started by doing some smaller parts and they got bigger and bigger and that’s how it really was. There was never one moment when I said “Oh, I’d really – I’m just going to go for being – being an actor now and that’s what I want to be for the rest of my life.”

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Freddie: Because – I don’t know. I guess I can still change my mind, you know, and wake up and say, “Oh, I’d love to try something else.” So…

Andrew: Right.

Freddie: Just keep my options open, but, as I said, at the moment, it’s – it’s just a great thing to do.

Andrew: Great. And do you want to continue it as you get older?

Freddie: Yeah, definitely, at the moment. But keep going at school at the same time, so…

Andrew: Right.

Freddie: You can change your mind…

Andrew: Well…

Freddie: …if there’s an issue or something terrible.

Andrew: Yeah. While you’re filming, are you being tutored or do you just take breaks from school?

Freddie: No, we have a tutor that always comes out with us.

Andrew: Okay.

Freddie: I mean, that’s kind of the law. You have to keep going with school, I’m afraid.

Andrew: Oh okay.

Freddie: And so, we normally do – it’s three hours a day you have to do.

Andrew: Okay.

Freddie: I mean, it works quite well. The school can e-mail out the work and we – you know, I do it with my tutor and go through it and we e-mail it back and they mark it, you know, within 24 hours or so, so…

Andrew: Okay.

Freddie: …with the time difference, it’s almost like I’m still at school.

Andrew: Yeah. Now, do you want to continue on taking films such as Willy Wonka and Spiderwick, which are sort of fantasy, or do you prefer roles like August Rush?

Freddie: I think it’s nice to do different things every time.

Andrew: Yeah.

Freddie: And, you know, not just do – I mean, like, I think I’ve managed to do that. I’ve done one with twins.

Andrew: Mhm.

Freddie: And then there was Charlie and August Rush, where I played the guitar and was like, you know, a musical person.

Andrew: Yeah.

Freddie: And I think it’s kind of interesting not to have to play the same character every time and be able to create a new one and work with them in every way so it’s new every time. You’re not playing the same person and the same old emotions.

Andrew: Right, right. And do you have any other movies lined up in the future?

Freddie: No, not at the moment.

Andrew: Okay. Are you going to take a break?

Freddie: I’ve got GCSC’s, which…

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Freddie: …are big exams here that we’ve got to do.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Freddie: So, I’m working towards them. I just did my mock exams last week. So that’s practice for it and they went quite well, actually. Hopefully, in June, the real ones will be a success, but…

Andrew: Oh, great.

Freddie: …I don’t know, I’m just preparing for them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Freddie: But maybe in the summer or something, if anything came up.

Andrew: Okay, cool. So what we’re going to do now is Freddie is going to ask you guys a question related to Spiderwick, and if you don’t know the answer you can always check SpiderwickChronicles.comfor the answer. Freddie’s going to ask you a question and then the first 15 people to sent their contact information and the correct answer to kaitlin at staff dot mugglenet dot com will receive a pair of tickets to see the movie in IMAX. So, Freddie, what is the question this week?

Freddie: The second question is: What are the two distinct varieties of trolls?

Andrew: All right, so once again, send your correct answer and contact information to kaitlin at staff dot mugglenet dot com. That’s K-A-I-T-L-I-N at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And the first 15 people to send in their correct answers will receive a pair of tickets to see the movie in IMAX.

Freddie: Thank you !

Andrew: Thank you very much, Freddie, for joining us.

Freddie: Yeah, it was great to talk to you.

Andrew: It was great talking to you, too, and we’re definitely looking forward to seeing Spiderwick when it comes out on February 15th. Thanks very much!

Freddie: Perfect, yeah. I think you’ll have great fun.

Andrew: Yes. We will. Bye!

Freddie: See you!

Chapter-by-Chapter: Chapter 14 – The Thief

Laura: All right, well, thank you, Andrew. That was a really, really good interview. Very interesting. It’s always good to hear from Freddie Highmore. He’s a good kid. So we’re moving on to Chapter-by-Chapter now for Chapter 14: The Thief. Just for a brief summary of this chapter: It’s right after Harry, Ron and Hermione infiltrate the Ministry and they’ve Apparated. They tried to go back to Grimmauld Place but Yaxley, I believe…

Mikey: Yep, Yaxley.

Laura: …was it? That like grabbed Hermione’s sleeve? So they’ve had to abandon Grimmauld Place. They can’t go back. So now they’re in the forest where the Quidditch World Cup takes place, and Harry actually sees into Voldemort’s mind when he’s using Occlumency against Gregorovitch to find out who took the Elder Wand.

Secrets Under the Fidelius Charm

Laura: So just looking at some of the points here, what I found interesting, towards the beginning of the chapter, Hermione talks about how you can actually give away the secret under the Fidelius Charm without meaning to, because she said, “I gave away the secret, didn’t I?” Because he was holding onto her. So, theoretically, let’s say if somebody followed someone else under an Invisibility Cloak into a place that was protected…

Eric: Mmmm. No, no, no, no. No, that won’t actually work.

Mikey: No, no, no, no. I caught it right away, too, Eric.

Eric: Yeah. I think that was a very – unfortunately for Hermione and everyone else, it was a very specific way of telling the secret to Yaxley. The fact that they Apparated into the place – if – the way magic works in Side-Along Apparition, I assume it would be as if Hermione were taking Yaxley there to invite him in for a cup of tea. To, you know, to take him and show him, so – because they Apparated into, or onto the front doorstep, you know – they Apparated to a part that was underneath the Fidelius Charm. That was Hermione basically telling Yaxley the secret by taking him there. Even though she didn’t want to take him there, she did, and that was what she meant.

Laura: So this was – you’re basically saying this was a cause of almost a flaw with Apparition, because you can actually potentially take somebody somewhere with you even if you don’t want to if they touch you. Right.

Mikey: Yeah.

Eric: If they were to grab hold, yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Mikey: Yeah, same thing. And a big thing is the wording for it, I believe – because I read it last week and I haven’t reread it again – but it was like, “I took him within the Fidelius Charm’s…”

Eric: Bubble.

Mikey: “…power”.

Laura: Yeah, that’s right.

Mikey: Yeah, within it. You know what I mean? And it was because it was within it that she kind of brought him in, and since Dumbledore died, everyone that knew was now Secret-Keepers. And I’m sure Voldemort probably asked Snape, “Well where was the Order of the Phoenix?” They probably all left and I wouldn’t be surprised if, you know, Snape had said, “They’re all gone. They’re not that stupid, so it doesn’t matter.” But if Yaxley was like, “That’s where Harry Potter is,” I’m sure they’ll – you know, Yaxley is not a Secret-Keeper because he wasn’t told, but Snape was, so Snape could actually go ahead and say, “Hey, this is where it is,” and get all the Death Eaters in, so, you know?

Abandoning Kreacher

Eric: Well, they wrote in the book as well. She wrote then that at that very moment Yaxley could be Apparating people into Grimmauld Place now that he knew where it was, now that he was able to see it and the charm – he was basically told, either the charm itself broke, or Yaxley knows where Grimmauld Place is. When I was reading that the first time, it was very emotional for me because I was getting very attached to Kreacher, and just the idea that they paint Harry as thinking about Kreacher, who was making steak and kidney pie for them, you know, well, what would happen to Kreacher? Should we call him or not? And they decide that they shouldn’t actually call him just in case Yaxley can trace where Kreacher is going. So they had to abandon Kreacher in this scene and I thought that was particularly emotional.

Laura: Right.

Micah: It was, but the thing that I didn’t understand about that, you know, you could argue either way on their decision. But I don’t know that Kreacher wouldn’t have been able to come without any sort of problem because he’s under the control of Harry. It’s not like he would just allow Yaxley to do anything to him.

Eric: Or to grab hold, or he would be smart enough, I think. See, the other thing I think about Hermione – she panicked, you know? It all happened so fast. Yaxley grabbed hold of her while they were Apparating, you know, and it all happened so fast. I think if they did – if they did want to call Kreacher, he would’ve been able to – or, you know, you could say, “Kreacher, come here when you’re safe,” you know, sort of thing and Kreacher would hear that and then wait to Apparate. That sort of thing I think could happen. But then again, we’ve seen even Mundungus Fletcher – we’ve seen him sort of dodge Kreacher when Kreacher was searching for him. So there may have been a risk involved in either tracing Kreacher, and I think they were right because they don’t – the thing about the trio is that they don’t actually really know what’s going on. They don’t know – it’s not even revealed to them yet that there is a taboo, as they call it, on the word “Voldemort.” They don’t know how the Death Eaters found them last time. They really don’t want to take any chances.

The Trio Not Thinking Ahead

Micah: Right, and I think a lot of it goes back to…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …this idea of just being rushed and being completely moronic in some ways in how they go about it. I mean, going into the Ministry of Magic, and I didn’t get to weigh in on this last week, but going in there dressed up as three officials and just kind of thinking that there would be no consequences whatsoever, that they wouldn’t get caught in any way, shape, or form – it was just unreal. And you think about Harry feeling the need to go down to the trial that was taking place because – and I can’t remember who brought this up – but he has a thing for saving people. And it’s just – it gets in the way sometimes. And I know that they had to go down there to try and…

Eric: Get Umbridge’s necklace.

Micah: …get the locket.

Mikey: Well, he had to get Hermione out. No, I agree with you, Micah, and even it’s brought up in the book. Harry is in Umbridge’s office by himself and he’s like, “I can’t believe…” – I don’t remember the exact wording, because, again, it was last week but it was along the lines of he can’t believe that they spent all that time planning how to get in but they didn’t have a single plan what to do once they’re in if they got separated.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: They didn’t think about that at all. And that’s one of those things. It’s like, “Okay, we’re three random people.”

Micah: Exactly.

Mikey: What are the chances if some Death Eater, Rancorn – Ranhorn, or whatever Harry was – Sorry, I don’t know it off the top of my head.

Eric: Rancorn.

Mikey: Rancorn, yeah. Rancorn and the guy that Ron was, he’s from Magical Maintenance, and these people probably don’t hang out.

[Micah laughs]

Mikey: They’re not arriving at the same time. So there’s not a really good chance that they hang out together. How would these three people walk around together inside the Ministry of Magic? And Hermione’s smart; she should’ve realized this. But they didn’t think about it, and so they definitely get in over their head with that.

Laura: And not to mention, Harry actually tells them that the reason that they knew there were intruders was because he took Mad Eye’s eye off her office door. And it’s like, you know, I understand that it’s infuriating to see that they’ve taken this. But the thing is, Mad Eye’s dead now, you know? And it’s just – I understand that there’s a certain amount of closure they would gain from that, but it was really a stupid move.

Micah: It really was.

Eric: What just shocks me is that if they had planned it for months, which they had, Hermione makes a duplicate locket, which is something that I was particularly proud of her for doing. Last week, I mentioned, “Wow, that’s so cool. Hermione made a duplicate,” so I think if they would’ve talked a little bit or if Hermione would’ve spoken the plan, she would’ve told Harry how to make a duplicate. And if he wanted to take Mad-Eye’s eye, he could of at least put something back in its place instead of being that obvious by just taking the eye. It just seems like a not very well coordinated plan, which is just – we’re not bashing the trio, necessarily. I mean I particularly enjoy how the mystery unfolds as to whose identities they did take, but it’s still a bit of a leap and it’s a bit of a just sort of – they fall into the Ministry and don’t expect to get caught. It’s no wonder they’re in over their heads. They’re just kind of still blundering.

Micah: It’s almost like it’s one of those scenes where you see Mad-Eye banging his head against the desk if he was still…

Laura: Yeah.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Micah: …alive, because he would just be so infuriated that Harry would do something like that.

Eric: Well, same thing happens in Gringotts, doesn’t it? Don’t you remember? They just sort of blunder in, you know, with no real plan.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: You know what, though? It’s who these three characters are. It kind of shows you that they’re still kids, you know what I mean? They’re kind of bumbling through this, trying to defeat the darkest wizard ever, and they really don’t have that good of a plan. I remember reading the book, my first time reading through, when Lupin shows up at Grimmauld Place, I was excited going, “Yes, now they can finally do what they need to do because they have someone helping them.” And come on, Lupin. He even says, “I was your teacher,” and then Harry goes off on him. And I’m like okay, I understand why Harry did this, but it’s one of those things where it’s like, now they’re still on their own, though. And they got in there. And what was Hermione doing? Polyjuice Potion only lasts for so long. She’s going to be sitting there taking notes and turn back into Hermione Granger. You know what I mean? And Ron is drenched. Harry’s running around – it’s ridiculous. But they’re still kids, you know?

Micah: And not only…

Mikey: They’re not even adults. Well, they’re seventeen now. So…

Micah: Yeah. Not only did they not consider who they were, they didn’t consider what their jobs entailed. You know, what you just said – that she was going to be sitting there taking notes. It was just very rushed but let’s, I guess, get back to – Eric, you brought up earlier the whole taboo. Did you want to go into that a little bit more?

The Taboo That is Voldemort’s Name

Eric: Yeah. It’s interesting because in this chapter, they pitch the tent, obviously, which is the same tent as they had in Book 4, when they were at the same place they are now basically, in the same woods. They pitch the tent and they’re beginning to discuss what has just happened to them, and Harry is about to say Voldemort’s name when Ron stops him and says, “Don’t say the name!” Of course Ron then says, “Show Voldemort a little respect.” [laughs] But basically speaking, Ron has sensed, sort of precognitively in a way, that they shouldn’t be saying “Voldemort.” I mean, and he makes a great point and he says, “Look at where that got Dumbledore.” He just says, “If it really doesn’t matter that much to you, just please don’t say the name.” And, so he stops Harry from saying “Voldemort,” and I think it’s two or three times it happens where Ron quickly tells them not to say the name “Voldemort.” So Ron, in a way, even without knowing it, saves them, and I thought it was interesting, kind of cool, how Ron is piecing things together and preventing his friends from doing that.

Mikey: It’s also Ron who – because he leaves and storms out, he’s also the one that comes back and let’s them know about what’s going on when you say Voldemort’s name and that’s how they track you.

Eric: Ah.

Mikey: So, it’s him that lets them know that, and it’s kind of nice that it’s Ron throughout the entire time who says, “Don’t say it,” and we automatically assume it’s because Ron just hasn’t got enough courage to actually speak this guy’s name.

Eric: Yeah, right. We assume it’s a lack of courage thing.

Mikey: Yeah, and it’s because Hermione and Harry have, but Ron hasn’t. But then when we find out, it’s like Ron – it feels like a jinx to him. It’s one of those things where it just didn’t feel right to say, and the minute – as soon as he said it that’s when…

Eric: Now it is a jinx.

Micah: Well, he does say it in Grimmauld Place.

Eric: He does.

Micah: He says it I think it was two chapters ago or three chapters ago – but he doesn’t say it after that and you have to wonder – I know you said “precognitively,” but, you know, it’s almost like maybe he knows something or thinks he’s onto something and just what he learns while he’s away kind of confirms that. But…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Well…

Eric: Another thing as far as the courage flaw, is that – he was raised in a wizarding family (unlike Hermione and Harry), so he’s been raised to fear the name. He has been. None of his family would say the name either, so…

Laura: Yeah, and in relation to that, I was kind of going to say, you know – Eric, you just brought this up. Ron, out of the three of them, has had the most exposure to the wizarding world throughout his entire life. And I think this could really say something about how intuitive he might be. How he might have that over the other two, just knowing how things work and just having grown up there. Maybe he might not be able to explain why something is, but he knows somewhere deep down that they shouldn’t be saying it. And I just think it’s really great, I think it lends a great amount of credibility to Ron’s character, because people are so ready to bash him any chance they get.

Eric: Because he has red hair.

Mikey: It’s because he has read hair!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: So…

Mikey: I think that’s the title of this episode.

Eric: No – hairist or something. Instead of racist. You’re racist if you…

Laura: Haircist.

Eric: If you’re prejudice against someone’s hair, what does that make you? A hair-racist?

Laura: Well, hair is not a race.

Eric: Well, what would you say?

Laura: I would say you’re prejudice against people with certain hair colors.

Eric: We need to come up with a word. J.K. Rowling would be able to do this.

Laura: Hairajudiced?

Eric: Hairacide?

Laura: Anyway.

Mikey: Whatever. Anyway, continue on.

Harry versus Frodo

Laura: Anyway, now that we’re done kind of discussing this whole taboo thing, I want to go back to a point that was actually brought up during our Muggle Mail. And it’s the idea of Harry wearing the locket around his neck so that it falls over his chest and that connection to Frodo wearing the one ring over his chest, and the very similar effects it has on both of them. I personally have not read Lord of the Rings in a very long time. I’ve only read it once. Mikey, I think you’re a pretty big fan, aren’t you?

Mikey: Yeah. Matt’s really the one who should really be here. I’ve only read the books, the Lord of the Rings trilogy plus The Hobbit. I haven’t really gone any further because I know there’s a lot of other books out there, like fandom type stuff.

Laura: Right. Yeah, same.

Mikey: But I’ve only read those four books about maybe two or three times, which is a lot for some books but they were really good stories. But no, I agree with you totally. There’s a huge parallel. Same thing with, you know, when Frodo first puts – wears the ring, not necessarily wearing it around his neck. He feels, you know – I think even the movies show this. It’s a totally bizarre and kind of a cold experience to him. Same thing with Harry, you know, it’s not warming up from his body heat. It stays cold. It’s this object that’s just kind of almost like pure evil, and the ring is not – the One Ring in Lord of the Rings is not considered pure evil; it’s one ring to control them all. But it’s like, you know, it’s one of those things where – I’m trying to stay away from a Star Wars parallel here, but it’s one of those things where it’s just so, like – it could be abused. Same thing with, you know, splitting your soul. That’s an abusive thing to yourself. It’s just really bad and that’s why it stays cold and…

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: And again, you see it in Ron really how it makes him just feel bad. You see it in Gollum, too, where it’s like he’s obsessed with it and it’s like it totally warps him. Same thing with Ron, it totally makes him not the same character. So, there’s definitely a parallel there.

Micah: Isn’t this where he starts to think about things happening to Kreacher…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …at the hands of Yaxley? So, I mean, we start to see it begin to take effect on him in very small ways and, you know, we start to get that idea that maybe there’s more to this Horcrux (or Horcruxes in general) that we end up learning about later on in the book, that they can sort of have this negative effect on you.

The Locket’s Effect

Laura: Yeah. What about this idea of the Horcrux having that kind of effect because it knows it’s in danger? Like the one Muggle Mailer brought up.

Eric: Well, I could swear I’ve seen it before or something, but just the idea that the Horcrux itself – that the locket has a little beating heart in it – like, if you were to open that locket and it would just be this little beating heart inside detached from everything – I could swear that that was so familiar to me when I read that. That just the idea of a little beating heart – and I don’t know what that’s from, it could be from another series, maybe something else I read, but it…

Laura: Pirates of the Caribbean?

Eric: Maybe.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Davey Jones?

Eric: Maybe.

Mikey: Davey Jones’ heart. “He who holds his heart controls Davey Jones.”

Eric: But no, it just seemed so familiar that it would be a little beating heart in this evil – just this thing. It was such a good – just the idea, the imagery that there would be a little beating heart inside this little locket is just really kind of creepy, and eerie, and it’s really good stuff.

Laura: Yeah. I really liked the way she described the heartbeat, too. Because, generally, when you think of something human or something good, it’s described just as a heartbeat, you know? But she actually called it a ticking.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Which I found interesting. Almost like – I mean, I was thinking something almost along the lines of a ticking time bomb.

Eric: Exactly.

Laura: Essentially, so…

Eric: Well, she says – she says, “Is it ticking down to how many days I have left?”

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: She…

Laura: It’s very interesting.

Mikey: That whole thing reminds me of the R.L. Stine Goosebumps – that whole, like, imagery you get.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: It’s something you’d read back in first or second grade about the R.L. Stine Goosebumps.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: It was a ticking heart inside this locket and it was just eerie.

Eric: Yeah. Totally. And she uses, sort of, descriptors like irregular. Like it was an irregular ticking, or it wasn’t on time with his heartbeat. You know, you sort of think of something – if it’s sapping him it would sort of join his heart, become warmer, but it stayed cold and it stayed, you know, sort of an offbeat of Harry’s heart. It’s just this separate thing – this separate entity that’s just there and it’s sort of – it’s damning, and it’s an evil, evil thing.

Micah: What I thought was kind of cool was during this whole scene with the Horcrux, J.K. Rowling, a couple of times, uses the word “mastering,” and that Harry tries to master himself, his fear, his exhaustion, and I just thought, you know, kind of going back to the whole idea of him being the Master of Death in the end of the book, that she was dropping these subtle clues very early on.

Eric: Okay, so, there are some things we didn’t mention.

Laura: Well, do you want to bring those up, Eric?

MuggleCast 131 Transcript (continued)

Ron Got Splinched

Eric: Yeah, just a few things we didn’t mention. Ron got splinched.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: Right.

Eric: Do you guys want to talk about that at all? How interesting that was to see Ron splinched?

Mikey: That was actually really kind of a funny thing to do, because Ron got splinched and, you know, he was the one who was so worried about being splinched and, again, it kind of goes back from he knows what it is. You know what I mean?

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: Whereas the other two didn’t grow up with the horror stories of getting splinched. Plus, they also didn’t have two older brothers kind of harassing them. But he’s the one that got splinched, and it’s not his fault. It’s Hermione’s fault that he got splinched.

Eric: Yeah, because she couldn’t really concentrate.

Mikey: Because he didn’t do the Side-Along Apparation with her.

Eric: Yeah. It’s just – it’s one of those things, too. I mean, it’s written Harry always thought it was a comical thing, but seeing it on Ron, it’s obviously horrific, you know? And…

Mikey: The amount of blood and everything.

Eric: Oh, yeah. Just a piece of his arm is gone! So…

Micah: It said she was shaking. Ummm, so…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Well, yeah, I mean how would you feel if there was some person who you were highly attracted to and, because of you, a huge chunk of their shoulder is cut off?

Eric: He might never forgive you. [laughs]

Laura: Exactly! I think if that happened to me…

Mikey: Well, at least it was a part of his shoulder, not something else.

Laura: Oh my gosh Mikey! [laughs] Getting racy on the show, geez!

Mikey: I was thinking about something like his head, what are you talking about? Can you imagine, like, part of him is missing – or his brain is like, missing? Come on, that would’ve been ridiculous!

Laura: Yeah. That would suck. I think if that would’ve happened to me I would go bury my head somewhere and just – I would never come out.

Mikey: I couldn’t resist, come on.

Micah: Laura wouldn’t care if he had red hair, so…

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: No, Laura would make sure that she splinched his hair off, so he grew something else back.

Laura: I like redheads! I think red hair is pretty. Leave me alone. God!

Mikey: Uh-uh, all right, Laura. Pretty. Sure, whatever you say!

Harry’s Vision

Eric: Okay, let’s talk about this Grindelwald thing, or this Gregorovich thing, this vision Harry sees. The – this is obviously – Voldemort wants something from Gregorovich…

Mikey: This is huge, this is huge.

Eric: And obviously, he doesn’t get it, but he performs Occlumency on Gregorovich to figure out what’s going on. Now, we don’t know at this point that it’s the Elder Wand. And we’re made to wonder what it could be. But this man here, the man who stole the Elder Wand from Gregorovich, who Voldemort sees when he uses Occlumency, is described as being a bird, like bird-like, a very bird-like, golden, you know, described as being perched on the window sill. That sort of thing. Now, Voldemort is the only one who can fly. But this bird-like appearance, it really threw me off when I was reading about it.

Laura: To me, when I was reading it, I just thought of him being beautiful, really.

Eric: Ah.

Laura: It wasn’t like she was describing him as being handsome. It was that he was very elegant-looking.

Eric: Yeah, kind of like a…

Laura: I don’t know. I thought of this one, and I don’t want to take it too far off-topic. I don’t know if any of you ever read Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. But there is actually one point in the book where – and I forget his name – Carew, I believe, who’s a member of Parliament, is out walking and he’s described as being a very beautiful man. He’s not – all of the words associated with him are not masculine at all. There is actually one part where he encounters Hyde and Hyde kills him. But before that, he’s propositioning him to do something, and it’s debated that it was related to homosexuality. And I just find that whole thing very interesting because, clearly, Dumbledore loved Grindelwald, and just this whole idea of him being described as beautiful…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …when there’s that sort of relationship going on just kind of interested me.

Eric: Yeah, I think there is a very majestic quality about being described as bird-like even if, you know, just being perched. As if you can have that sort of balance to be perched somewhere, you know? Yeah, you’re right, it does command a sort of elegance, an elegant quality, to Grindelwald. But we don’t know who he is and we don’t know what Voldemort’s doing with him. So it’s a very interesting scene, I think.

Laura: Right.

Eric: Another one of those interesting visions that Harry is having.

Mikey: Well, Harry also remarked that Grindelwald had a – again, he didn’t know it was Grindelwald at the time – had a very Fred-and-George-like quality to him, kind of a mischievous thing.

Eric: Mmmm.

Mikey: I would assume. And…

Eric: Well…

Laura: Mhm.

The Elder Wand

Eric: Well, my question – what would stealing the Elder Wand do? Beause wouldn’t the Elder Wand not – we’ve realized this later – the Elder Wand is kind of stubborn. It will not transfer ownership to a person just if you steal the Wand, is that correct? Because you have to sort of…

Laura: Right, but you can still physically steal it. It’s just not yours. You know what I’m saying?

Eric: Right, but that’s the whole thing. Even if Grindelwald just steals it, he would’ve had to duel Gregorovich for it to actually change ownership or something.

Laura: Yeah, but did he know that?

Eric: Well, I’m not sure. It just seems like stealing the Wand is the thing to do, but then you won’t be the one or whatever was emphasized later.

Mikey: But, you know what though? I think it goes back to kind the story – this where it is – this is how Dumbledore was able to beat Grindelwald, that the Elder Wand was not Grindelwald’s.

Laura: Right.

Mikey: But because the Elder Wand saw Dumbledore defeat the person who had it in possession, the Elder Wand passed to Dumbledore. And Dumbledore was its real owner.

Laura: That’s what I think it is too.

Mikey: And that’s how I see it happening. So, I don’t think Grindelwald was ever the owner of the Elder Wand. I think he just had it in possession, and then the Elder Wand skipped over Grindelwald and went to Dumbledore. Even though it’s the same thing. Again, we see Harry defeated Malfoy. Malfoy didn’t actually have the wand, but it followed it that way, you know what I mean?

Eric: Mhm.

Mikey: Because it was Malfoy that defeated – because it actually – you know, it was in the essence of actually following the owner, who defeated who, you know. Dumbledore was disarmed by Malfoy; Harry disarmed Malfoy. Whereas even though, you know, Voldemort killed – or just pulled up the wand – he’s like Grindelwald; he had it in possession, he never owned it. You know what I mean? And then he killed – he killed Snape, but Snape was never the owner, you know what I mean?

Laura: Right, exactly.

Mikey: Snape didn’t have anything, so it’s one of those things where maybe Dumbledore said to Gregoravitch, “I have the Elder Wand and I’m going to keep it safe. Let me disarm you and I win,” or something. It could have been something so simple like that. But it skipped over Grindelwald and that’s how Dumbledore got it.

Laura: Yeah. I agree with your theory about just the wand recognizing that it was just in his possession, it wasn’t necessarily – I don’t know. The way I view it is…

Mikey: That’s what I always thought…

Laura: …more like…

Mikey: …it was one of those things where like…

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: …the wand – again, it’s like again, going back to the first book, it’s the wand that chooses the…

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: …wizard. And I think the Elder Wand recognized that Dumbledore – and again, the wand was not made for someone to be powerful and cool. It’s not like the one ring, you know? It’s a great thing, but it was made for someone to use it wisely. And I think Dumbledore used – you know, the wand knew that Dumbledore was a great wizard. He defeated the owner who had it, he received the wand, and I think the wand picked Dumbledore to use it and…

Laura: Right.

Mikey: …vice versa, the same thing, you know, even though Dumbledore was defeated by Malfoy, it also picked Harry to use it. And Harry decided not to use it, but to repair…

Eric: Just a quick question.

Mikey: …his old wand.

Eric: So here’s a questions. If Dumbledore had the Elder Wand, which we know he did, did he have that at the end of Book 5? Did Dumbledore have the Elder Wand when he was battling Voldemort? Because it always seemed…

Mikey: Yeah.

Eric: It would seem like that took things away a little bit with how powerful Dumbledore was in comparison with Voldemort, because…

Micah: He had it until Draco took it away from him…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …on the top of the tower.

Laura: He’d had it for quite some time.

Eric: So he had had it the whole time. So he was actually – so Voldemort was defeated by the Elder Wand. You know, in a way…

Mikey: Yeah.

Eric: …which is kind of cool, when Dumbledore and Voldemort were dueling at the end of Book 5. That’s kind of cool. And…

Mikey: Yeah, and you got to remember, though, Dumbledore is like 150 years old…

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: …and he’s getting on in age, and he’s still dueling like he was against the most powerful dark wizard around…

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: …when he – and on top of that, Dumbledore knew he had no way of being able to beat Voldemort. Something’s going to happen where he wouldn’t be able to.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: Because he knew it, because it was Harry’s destiny.

Eric: It’s true.

Mikey: Him – and on top of that, Voldemort had gone to all these processes that Dumbledore already knew that…

Eric: That Dumbledore wouldn’t use.

Mikey: …you know, he had Horcruxes.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, so he knew there was no way he would be able to defeat Voldemort at the time. And he was just protecting Harry and everybody else.

Eric: Oh that’s a really good point, Mikey. That’s a really good point.

Mikey: So I don’t want to say that, you know – I think the only Elder Wand – I think personally – I think if Dumbledore knew there were no Horcruxes, there was none of that, I think he would have tried to finish off Voldemort. But he knew it had to be Harry, and he had to destroy all the Horcruxes.

Eric: Right.

Mikey: That’s why he went out and he hurt his hand. He was trying to destroy the Horcruxes so Harry can do it. And he knew somewhere along the line, he would end up losing it. And actually, we find out that he had planned it, that he was going to give the Elder Wand to Snape. He was going to lose the Elder Wand so that way no one else could use it and be, you know, bad with it.

Eric: That’s really cool.

Mikey: You know what I mean?

Laura: Right.

Mikey: So, you know, Dumbledore, in all his infinite – you know, mass amounts of knowledge – he knew what was going to happen. Not, maybe, exactly how it was going to happen, but, you know, in the end, he knew Harry – you know, he knew Harry had the Cloak from the Deathly Hallows. He knew he was going to get the ring, because he – that was a Horcrux. And you know what? He knew eventually he would get, you know, the Wand, if not through Snape, he still got it, though, through Malfoy.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: So it’s one of those things – he knew Harry was going to get all those things and he knew he was going to defeat Voldemort somehow, and he had already decided not to go with all those things to defeat Voldemort, because it was too much of a temptation. That’s why he hurt his hand. He saw the ring and he wanted to bring back his sister, his mother, everyone.

Laura: Right.

Mikey: And that’s why he put it on without destroying it first. And that’s how we found out that he hurt his hand. So I think the Wand, you know, seeing it being stolen by Grindelwald (and we don’t know it’s Grindelwald at this time) – I think it’s one of those things where we find out what happens to it, and it’s just a huge, huge turning point. Like the Elder Wand, it was a contender for a title for the book. This is like a huge thing, and it’s so kind of nonchalantly – like this is what Voldemort’s after, and then let’s move on. And I think it was really nicely downplayed in the book, that this was kind of like – this is what happened, Hermione kind of scolds Harry for, “I’m going to take over,” you know? She’s says, “You’re too tired if you’re falling asleep,” and he’s like, “I can’t control a dream.” I think it’s really well downplayed so it kind of gives us enough information that way if we were really looking for it we would’ve figured out what was going on already, but since it’s really downplayed by Hermione’s scolding Harry like we always see, we don’t think about it until – like now we can talk about it and go on and on about the Elder Wand.

Eric: As we have.

Laura: Right, yeah. We certainly could, but I really…

Mikey: That’s why – see, I was trying to wrap it up, guys, okay? Okay, it’s going on…

Eric: Yeah, let’s move on to voicemails.

Laura: Yeah, we do need to move on. So, okay.

Micah: Well, before we do that, we mentioned, right, I mean, Gregoravitch was killed by Voldemort.

Laura: Oh, that’s right, yes.

Eric: Oh, now we got to – okay, I came up with a song. Micah, you asked me…

Micah: Did you?

Eric: Yeah. You asked me to come up with a song.

[“Take My Breath Away” plays]

Voicemail: Old Actors in Half-Blood Prince

Laura: All right, now moving on to voicemails. We just got a few of them here, but Andrew actually picked these out, and he wanted to show all of the listeners at home what some good questions are, even if they’re not necessarily questions that are going to facilitate, you know, a twenty-minute long discussion, because we do get a lot of calls and it’s like ten seconds of people yelling, “Pickles!” or, “I love you [insert various male host’s name here].” So…

Micah: Jamie.

Eric: Laura’s jealous.

Mikey: My favorite is the Mickey Bs. I love the different people saying, “Mickey B…”

Laura: No, I don’t want girls to say they love me. Ummm, so basically what we’re saying is…

Mikey: “I love Laura Thompson.”

Laura: …please, please call with actual questions. Please! This is all we ask for. All right, so rolling the first one.

[Audio]: Hey, MuggleCasters. In the upcoming film, Half-Blood Prince, there’s a scene where Dumbledore has to swim across the lake with Harry to get to the cave. Also, two chapters later maybe, Snape is running from Harry, sort of, at the end, trying to get out of the Hogwarts grounds so he can Apparate. I just wanted to know what you guys thought about Michael Gambon having to swim [laughs] – he seems like a pretty old man, I don’t think he’s too in shape. And also, Alan Rickman having to really run. Because, I don’t know, those two are rather old. No offense, I mean I think they’re both great actors, but I just wanted to know what you guys thought. Love the show. Keep up the good work.

Eric: Well, I’m pretty sure Snape can run. You know?

Laura: Well, no, no, no. She’s talking about Alan Rickman, is what she’s saying, because he’s in his sixties. He’s playing a character half his age.

Eric: It may be one of those things they work around with the way they film it, sort of thing. I don’t think it will be too terribly, physically demanding. For instance, they won’t have Dumbledore, sort of, with this raging current, sort of tidal wave avoiding, sort of Dumbledore – they would have him sort of wading through the waters, you know, and I think it’s all in how they film it, you know, but I don’t think that things will be too physically demanding for the actors. I think it’s a fair enough question to ask, but I don’t think they’ll be doing anything terribly physically demanding.

Laura: No.

Micah: Well, can I ask a movie related question to Mikey here? I mean, you’re talking about Gambon swimming, but couldn’t they essentially give something to Dan Radcliffe that he would be swimming with, and they could sort of digitally enhance it, or is that not possible?

Mikey: You know, truthfully, right away my first way to do this is – the swimming part – he’s not swimming through the lake, just to clarify. I know the voicemail says swimming through the lake. It’s – he’s actually – she’s actually – I don’t know who the voicemail was from, but they’re actually referring to when Harry and Dumbledore swim to before they go into the cave where the lake is.

Eric: Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: Like the ocean before. Just to make sure, because they say “lake,” but it’s in the ocean before. What it could be is – this is how I would do it is one, we can’t have Gambon do it, he’s too old. He’s probably physically fit enough to do a lot of things, but we don’t want it to be this big old ocean, you know, where it’s gusts in the water. Well, what we’ll do is, we’ll have a body double who’s a lot younger. Put on some clothes, and swim through it, and it’s a big high camera shot, we never see the face. And then we have Gambon and Radcliffe get out of the water together and it’s like, “Oh, it was him the whole time.”

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: The magic of movie making is – you can fake a lot of things. Same thing with Rickman running. If they do a long running scene – like I can imagine Rickman running twenty feet every ten, fifteen minutes, while they set up a shot. I would be surprised if he couldn’t run twenty feet.

[Eric laughs]

Mikey: But if they had a long, you know – I would be surprised if he couldn’t! You know, I’ve seen some of his other work.

Eric: It’s not this decrepit sort of, falling apart…

Mikey: People, yeah. You know what I mean? I could be surprised if Gambon couldn’t, you know, go, you know, waist deep in water, you know, where his entire clothes is looking wet, and he gets out from waist deep and it’s like, okay. But same thing with Rickman, you know, if they shoot it from behind, they put somebody else who’s the same height as him, younger, with a Snape wig, same black cloak and black pants and boots, and you’re not going to know it’s not him.

Micah: That’s true.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: That’s the magic of editing.

Micah: Yeah, no, you’re right.

Mikey: You know, it’s the same thing as if you’re not seeing their face, how do you know it’s them? And again, these things where they’re physically kind of, you know – if they were going to do like a big, “Swim Dumbledore, it’s hard!” Yes, maybe you need to do some of it.

Micah: Well, he does have to get in that line on the way out, about him feeling safe with Harry.

Eric: “I’m with you,” yeah.

Laura: Yeah, well, and I mean also, it wouldn’t be five minutes of them swimming across the ocean. It’s going to be a few split seconds.

Mikey: Right. The camera panning overhead, you see the cliff drop, you see them in the water, and then it goes to them getting out.

Eric: Okay, you’re getting pounded by a wave, action, pshhhh, okay, cut. That sort of thing.

Laura: Yeah, there you go, it’s done.

Mikey: Yeah, it’s going to be so…

Eric: Yeah, they can make it look like – but I like this voicemail because it was very – sort of it was a very good question, you know, you sort of think about that kind of stuff.

Laura: Right.

Mikey: Yeah, and it’s kind of harsh for me when people ask about movie stuff, because I do this for a living.

Eric: Yeah, you shot them down. You were totally like, “That’s crap.” [laughs]

Mikey: Yeah, no, it’s not crap, it’s a good question. It’s just, for me, the magic of movie making…

Eric: You know how fake it is.

Mikey: My girlfriend makes fun of me all the time because, like, I could do that. Like, I could do a lot of the stuff we see in movies. I don’t do a lot of the 3D stuff, but I can do a lot of the things, and the magic of movie making – it’s kind of gone for me.

[Eric laughs]

Mikey: I love movies, though, so when people ask questions like this, it’s one of those things where it’s like, I know how they did that, you want to know? I can tell you and I can spend hours talking about film, but we’re not going to do that.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: That’s what is so cool about it. Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, we know.

Micah: I think in a way, you’re taking away the realistic aspect of it, being that they’re not just going to keep filming if Rickman runs out of breath or something like that, you know?

Laura: Okay, let’s move on to the next voicemail, you guys.

Voicemail: Regulus Black’s Murderer

[Audio]: Hey, MuggleCasters. I’m calling in reference to Episode 129. You guys keep saying over and over that Death Eaters killed Regulus Black, but in the fifth Harry Potter book, doesn’t Sirius tell Harry that Voldemort killed him himself? Love the show, keep it up. Bye.

Eric: No, in Order of the Phoenix, in Order of Phoenix

Micah: Okay.

Laura: Yeah, that is what Sirius says.

Micah: No.

Eric: No, it’s not.

Micah: It’s not.

Laura: But I think… I thought…

Micah: I have the quote, I have the quote.

Mikey: No, it’s not, it’s not.

Micah: I did research on this question, okay?

Mikey: Yes! Micah, you’re the man.

Micah: So, we have an actual answer. Order of the Phoenix, okay? Page 112, Sirius says “No, he was murdered by Voldemort, or on Voldemort’s orders more likely. I doubt Regulus was ever important enough to be killed by Voldemort in person.” So, that’s the answer to the question.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And that’s him underestimating his brother. Now, Regulus obviously really died by getting pulled into the lake after he replaced the locket with the, you know, after – from drinking the potion and needing water. But nobody knows that.

Laura: Right.

Eric: But Sirius tells Harry that Voldemort – that he doesn’t think Regulus was important enough to be killed by Voldemort directly. But, you know, it’s possible that – either way, Regulus tried to back out; you can’t back out of the Death Eaters, and boom.

Laura: Okay, all right, next voicemail.

Voicemail: Being Sorted Into Slytherin

[Audio]: Hey, guys, my name’s Amanda and I’ve been a listener for like a couple of weeks now so, but I have a question about the Sorting. If Slytherin actually stressed to the extremes the whole thing of Pureblood, Pureblood, Pureblood, why were Harry, Voldemort, and Snape considered to be put into Slytherin, if neither of them are pureblood? And then there must be – why would that even come up? Okay, thanks, guys, bye.

Eric: Good question.

Laura: I really hate to draw this parallel again – well, it’s not that I hate it, but I feel like sometimes it’s kind of overdone, but if you look at certain – oh gosh, I don’t want to say the Nazis again…

[Eric laughs]

Laura: …but basically, [laughs] if you look at the Nazis during World War II, which is all we’ve talked about for the past two episodes, they also had people in their ranks who didn’t fit the Aryan description, and their explanation for that was, that while over the many centuries past, their lines had become “impure,” they still were honorary because they held those “values.” And I think the reason the Sorting Hat would want to put Harry into Slytherin was because of the reason we’ve been given all along – because there was a little bit of Voldemort in him and it sensed it, and of course Voldemort and Snape also held those values of Purebloods being superior, so..

Eric: I think it’s one of those things where that’s why the Sorting Hat chooses Houses – that’s why the Founders aren’t still alive or not why, but because – I mean, Slytherin was very adamant that only Pureblood wizards should be trained, so he took those kinds of wizards into his house. He got upset with the other founders and left Hogwarts. And in his absence the other founders were able to make it a little bit more, I think, well rounded. I think they were able to make the four Houses a little bit more well rounded and just sort of allow Slytherin to include non-Purebloods, but who sort of practiced the other skills – the secondary characteristics of a Slytherin, of being whatever those may be.

Micah: I think even if you go back to Goblet of Fire where that was the Sorting Hat’s song – talked about the four Houses, specifically with Slytherin it talked about great ambition, and all three of those characters, regardless of bloodline, were highly ambitious individuals and it’s possible the Sorting Hat saw that in them.

Eric: But it does seem that – and it is true that Slytherin was very important – you know, he did think only Purebloods should be educated, but I think because he left, you know, Hogwarts, then everyone else was able to make Slytherin a more fair House.

Voicemail: Was Umbridge Possessed by the Locket?

Laura: Yeah, I think that’s a really good point, Eric, actually. So, are we done with that one? Yes? No? Okay. Next One:

“In ‘Deathly Hallows,’ Hermione is explaining how to destroy Horcruxes. She said that reason Ginny was possessed by Tom Riddle’s diary was because she grew attached to it. Do you think Umbridge was also attached to the locket and thereby possessed as well?”

Eric: I don’t like excusing Umbridge’s actions because she was possessed, I think – we talked last week about how I think the locket enhanced Umbridge’s sort of – it allowed her to be more comfortable to do things – well, not even that, but just sort of gave her the – gave her an edge, you know, that she wouldn’t – but I don’t think she realized that the edge existed, I think she just felt particularly full of malice and I don’t think the locket ever made itself aware to – or made itself obvious to Umbridge, for what it was. I think she was just really proud to have the locket. I don’t think it possessed her, necessarily, but I do think there was some kind of power relationship going on

Laura: Yeah, I agree with that.

Micah: Well, I don’t know if I agree with that. I mean, I think Umbridge is internally just a nasty, nasty person, and I – this kind of goes to what – I don’t know who said it earlier – but I feel like the locket would only act when it felt threatened upon, so you have the locket sort of knowing that Harry, Ron, and Hermione meant to do it harm, whereas Umbridge wasn’t going to be doing anything like that to it. She actually liked it and kind of wore it as a prize.

Eric: So, it didn’t need to be special or anything. It didn’t even need to…

Micah: It didn’t need to change her.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: I think she already possessed a lot of the qualities that the locket itself would have, you know, displayed or, you know, something along those lines. And I think in Book 7 we’ve just gotten to the point where Umbridge has elevated herself so high within the Ministry, which probably was always in ambition of hers that she feels in a way – I mean, just look at why she’s acting the way she’s acting. She comes up with this false heritage to sort of secure her Pureblood nature to all these Death Eaters that are around her, and that in a way makes her feel more comfortable. And if she acts upon those insecurities and makes it seem as if she’s this all-powerful, you know, Ministry official, then she can sort of do as she pleases without anybody asking any questions. And I just think that that’s her character, that’s who she is. She’s a horrible, horrible person, and it just goes to show you that not all – it’s not just the Death Eaters you know, there are people out there that aren’t Death Eaters that are just as mean and vindictive.

Eric: Right.

Mikey: I agree with you, and also one thing we need to kind of look at that right away struck me. When Ginny was possessed by the diary – 1) she blacked out. And on top of that, Voldemort wasn’t back yet, he wasn’t corporeal. He wasn’t there. He was just kind of vapor, and he actually tried to come back – he tried to come back through the diary. Whereas when Umbridge actually had the locket – yes, it was part of his soul and his Horcrux, but it wasn’t trying to become a second Voldemort, you know what I mean? So, I think we really need to learn more how Horcruxes work to really kind of define any of that because…

Micah: Yeah.

Mikey: …again, they’re completely two different situations where Ginny told her most secret – you know, her deepest secrets into the diary and the diary absorbed them and got a little bit more of her each time she did that, whereas the locket kind of sat on the side, there was no way for it – you know, Umbridge to kind of feed it other than feeling good and kind of, you know, thriving on it a little. Plus…

Eric: And that’s the thing that was so special about the diary was that it was – that’s what Dumbledore was so shocked about, was that it was disposable, but that the diary had a special function. The diary was supposed to possess whoever wrote in it, or whatever, to open the Chamber of Secrets. That was a purpose. So, it was different than the locket Horcrux because it just – in it’s whole design it was actually made to be sort of a symbiotic sort of a thing, as opposed to the locket which is just sort of, you know, more of your standard Horcrux, which is just supposed to preserve your soul.

Mikey: And on top of that, it was also – I believe the diary was probably one of the first Horcruxes Tom Riddle, Voldemort, made because it – I feel it was stronger than any of the other ones. And we know he had already started making Horcruxes with the ring after he killed, you know, his parents when he was a sixth year. So, I think there’s a lot of things to kind of look at with that one and, two, we can kind of see more into, you know, with whatever book Jo might release regarding Harry Potter, you know. We need to find out more about Horcruxes because they’re – you know, we could have a whole other show on Horcruxes and just talk about…

Eric: Yeah we could.

Mikey: …each one in detail and it’s one of those things where there’s a lot to discuss about that. And again, Voldemort is back already and she has a Horcrux that’s just kind of sitting there and not in use until he dies again and needs to be brought back with one of them or something.

Laura: All right. Really long and difficult subject, but…

Eric: Okay.

Laura: …I do believe that’s going to wrap up….

Eric: That’s the end of the show. Bye. [laughs] Then we just leave.

Laura: …this week’s show. [laughs]

Mikey: Yay! No, Andrew.

Laura: It’s time to leave. We’re not even going to do the closing announcements.

[Eric laughs]

Contact Information

Laura: No really, we are. So, don’t forget you can always send letters, postcards, and gold to…

[Show music plays]

[Eric, Micah and Mikey laugh]

Laura: …P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia
30028 Please don’t send pickles. I’m so sick and tired of pickles. You can also call and leave us a voicemail. If you’re living in the U.S., that number is 1-218-20-MAGIC. Or if you’re in the United Kingdom, please call 020-8144-0677. And last but certainly not least, all of our mates down in Australia can reach us by calling 02-8003-5668. [laughs] My roommate is cracking up laughing right now and I don’t know why. You can also Skype the… [laughs] Shut up, Julia! You can also Skype the username MuggleCast; however, please keep all messages under a minute and do eliminate as much background noise as possible. If you’d like to e-mail us just us the Feedback Form at or write to the hosts individually by contacting us at any of our first names at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

You can also visit one of our several community outlets: The MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Frappr, Last.FM, and the Fanlisting and Forums

And finally, don’t forget to vote for us on Podcast Alley, Digg the show at, and rate and review us on Yahoo! Podcasts.

Show Close

Laura: And with that, I’m Laura Thompson.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Laura: We’ll see everybody next week. Buh bye.

Mikey: Bye!

[Show music ends]


Laura: Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the MuggleCast News Center with the past week’s top Harry’s Potter‘s news [stumbles over her words] Okay, let me try that again.

Micah: Wah-wah. [laughs]

Laura: [bleep] you. Okay.

[Micah laughs]

Mikey: Wah-wah-wah-wah.

[Micah and Mikey laugh]

Eric: That was really intense.

Mikey: That needs to stay in.

Eric: Is Micah really standing by or is he sitting by? Is he kneeling by?

Laura: It sounds much better to say standing by. It’s like we’re CNN almost.

Mikey: You should – okay, can we go?

Laura: Yeah, okay, hang on.

Eric: It should be – say leaning by.

Laura: What?

Eric: Say, “Micah is leaning by.”

[Eric and Mikey laugh]

Mikey: Floating in the abyss that we call the MuggleCast News Center.

Eric: Levitating by.

[Laura laughs]

Laura: Okay. Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the MuggleCast News Center with the top – oh god, I can’t do this.

Eric: With this week’s…

Micah: Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the…

[Laura laughs]

Micah: See, I can’t even do it.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Micah, you do it! Micah, you should do it.

Laura: Okay, one, two, three.

Eric: “I am standing by…”

Mikey: You say, “Micah, I’m standing by in the MuggleCast News Center.”

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Do it.

Laura: I’m going to get it this time!

Mikey: Micah, you do it. Please.

Micah: Let me – I’ve just got to get it right. Micah Tannenbaum…

Mikey: “I’m standing by…”

Micah: No, no, no, this will be funnier.

Micah: No, no, no. Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the MuggleCast News Center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Micah…

[Laura and Mikey laugh]

Eric: Thanks, Micah.

Micah: Thanks, Micah. Oh, you’re welcome.

[Laura and Mikey laugh]

Eric: Ah, so funny, Micah.

Mikey: This is going to be great. Anyway.


Transcript #130

MuggleCast 130 Transcript

Show Intro

[Music begins]

Andrew: Hey, Mason, I really need a good gift for my generic loved one. Any ideas?

Mason: Oh, yeah Andrew, I have the gift they need. If you sign up for GoDaddy’s economy blogcast package you’ll receive one gig of disk space, 100 gigs bandwidth, recording tools and much more!

Andrew: Whoa. With all those features, I guess that kind of package will run me at least $20 a month and be plastered with ads.

Mason: You’re wrong, Andrew. The blogcast economy package is just $4.49 a month for 12 months!

Andrew: That’s a deal! And a perfect way to get your own website, blog, or podcast started.

Mason: Oh, yeah! That is a deal! Plus, enter code “MUGGLE” when you check out. Save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because Matt can feel it, this is MuggleCast Episode 130 for February 2nd, 2008.

[Show music continues to play]

Andrew: I have a story that I thought I could kick the show off with this week. I was in the bathroom the other day and I was using Neutrogena Facial Scrub for acne for my face…

Laura: Okay.

Andrew: …and I’m putting this scrub on my face and I’m rubbing it and it gets in front of my nose. And I breathe out of my nose, and I actually created an air bubble in my right nostril as I blew because the soap was right in front of my nose so I blew this huge bubble. I was like, “Whoa! This is cool. I’m going to talk about this on the show.” And then it popped.

Matt: Are you serious?

Eric: First time listeners we…

Laura: Wow.

Eric: …welcome you to MuggleCast, a Harry Potter related discussion podcast.

Andrew: I thought it was a good story, and I thought it was funny.

Laura: No, Andrew.

Matt: Well, you need to think harder.

[Matt and Laura laugh]

Laura: No.

Eric: But Andrew, you have some how tie that. You have to some how Make The Connection, even though Jamie’s not here, you have to – Like if it were Jamie, say, [In fake British accent] “I was shaving and I blew this bubble…”

Andrew: Well, it was unexpected and surprising. Just like everything in the Harry Potter books. And it was fun. I wish I could have taken a picture.

Eric: Well, it’s a good story, I wish I shaved.

Andrew: You don’t have to shave. Jamie doesn’t have to shave. Eric doesn’t have to shave. I have to shave, like, hourly my facial hair has grown in so quick. I’m so manly.

Matt: You are such a liar.

Laura: Oh my god.

Eric: You’re very manly, Andrew.

Andrew: Laura has to shave like once a week.

Laura: Oh, yeah. That’s right.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: I forgot about that.

Andrew: Yeah. How about that. Yeah, so we have a good show this week. We are going to talk with Paul DeGeorge of Harry and the Potters. He has a new charity effort out, and we are going to talk to him about that, and also he is going to reveal a new MuggleNet demo, well, actually its not new, it’s been around since 2005, but it hasn’t been released to the world until now. It’s a demo song about MuggleNet. It’s fantastic. So, I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Matt: I’m Matthew Britton.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Andrew: And Mikey B’s here!

Laura: Yay!

Mikey: Yay! Wooo!

[Show music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast news center with the past weeks top Harry Potter news stories. Hey, Micah.

Micah: All right. Thanks, Andrew. Although he has shown an interest in working on the much anticipated final installment of the Harry Potter film series, it has emerged today that Guillermo del Toro will not be directing Deathly Hallows since “he’s rather busy,” as put by producer David Heyman. In fact, it seems that he will instead be taking the reigns of The Hobbit and its sequel film. Since Deathly Hallows is set for release in 2010, and principal photography for The Hobbit begins in 2009, he would not be able to work on both projects.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has been awarded with an outstanding achievement prize at the UK’s The South Bank Show Awards, which recognize British achievement in music, theatre, television and the arts. The awards will be broadcast on February 3 on ITV1.

As we told you earlier this week, filming crews are preparing to start shooting scenes for Half-Blood Prince at Gloucester Cathedral. (If I get one more e-mail, I swear, I’m going to go crazy.) As you can see from the photos, preparations are clearly underway. We’ll update you as we know more.

And those of you in Canada will get a chance to see James Runcie’s documentary J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life this Monday, February 4th at 10:00 p.m. easter on CBC Newsworld. The documentary originally aired back in December on ITV. We will keep you posted on any plans for it to air here in the United States.

Finally, there will be a new face to the character of Pansy Parkinson in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. A&J Management is reporting today that Scarlett Byrne has been cast in the role of the sixth-year Slytherin in the upcoming Potter film. The part was originated by Genevieve Gaunt in Prisoner of Azkaban.

That’s all the news for this February 2nd, 2008 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

[Show music starts to fade]

News Discussion: Movie 7

Andrew: All right, thanks to Micah for that. Once again it was another one of those slow news weeks, but there’s going to be some interesting news coming out within the next couple of months, concerning the 7th film, but we haven’t really – There’s no official, official, official, official, announcement yet. So, we’ll have to wait for that, but in the meantime this week, we find out that, what’s his name, del Toro is directing The Hobbit.

Matt: Well, not technically directing, just yet.

Andrew: What do you mean?

Matt: He’s in talks with them right now.

Andrew: So, he…

Mikey: So, he hasn’t signed his contract yet.

Matt: No, Andrew.

Andrew: Oh, I thought he was signed.

Matt: But he’s showing very much interest and Peter Jackson and apparently – It’s going to happen, but it’s just official yet.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay. All right.

Mikey: Wait, you know what? Honestly, it’s going to happen ’cause del Toro is just amazing, and him directing The Hobbit because Jackson doesn’t want to right now. Jackson has so much on his plate, it’s ridiculous.

Eric: He does! And I love all the films he’s doing right now.

Mikey: He’s producing so many films right now. He’s also doing the Halo movie, too.

Eric: Oh right. But…

Mikey: And he’s…

Matt: Tin Tin. He’s doing the Adventures of Tin Tin with, possibly Rupert Grint, that they were talking about.

Eric: Yeah, that’s…

Matt: A long time ago.

Eric: That’s true, but what would Peter Jackson just – now he’s having, obviously, some creative control of Hobbit, isn’t he? I mean, I…

Matt: Oh, yeah.

Eric: It just shocks me…

Mikey: Well, yeah. He’s a producer…

Eric: …that he wouldn’t be directing.

Mikey: He’s a producer so…

Eric: Well, that’s why I was asking.

Mikey: Well, a producer doesn’t have as much creative control as a director or even, you know, people that are going to be storyboarding it for him in general.

Eric: Right.

Mikey: Deciding where things are going to go. But, he’s definitely going to be there to collaborate. Because, truthfully what’s going to happen is any director, especially if you have someone that talented as your producer, you’re going to ask what does he think about what’s going on. Just like, my biggest concern last summer. Michael Bay did Transformers, and I was a huge fan of Transformers when I was younger. But I hate Michael Bay as a director. Not anymore.

[Eric laughs]

Mikey: I think he did good on that movie. I really hated a lot of the stuff he had done. A lot of stuff he had done was bad. But, he had Spielberg as his producer on that movie.

Andrew: Matt, does this come as disappointing news to you? Because I know you were hoping for del Toro to direct.

Matt: It’s kind of bittersweet, I guess. Because…

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: …I mean, I really like del Toro as a director. I mean, I love, I absolutely love Pan’s Labyrinth. But, knowing that he’s going to direct The Hobbit, which I’m a huge fan of the book also, I really can’t complain.

Andrew: Okay.

Mikey: Now Matt, I know you’re a del Toro fan. Are you excited for Hellboy II as much as I am?

Matt: Yeah. A little bit.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Come on. Have you seen the trailer? Del Toro, he like, when he released the trailer…

Matt: I was being sarcastic.

Mikey: …and he’s like, “Everybody, this is Hellboy II.” Like, he was so excited to do Hellboy I and Hellboy II. And I just think everything del Toro does is…

Matt: Everything he does is good.

Mikey: …pretty amazing. As of, like, recently.

Andrew: Well, we’ll wait for more developments about the movie. But, it should be very interesting to see how they’re going to, you know – of course, there’s still the rumors going around about Deathly Hallows being split into two movies and then of course we’ve still got to hear about the director. So, we’re hoping for an announcement about all that soon. If I was a betting man, which I’m not, but if I was I would say that Deathly Hallows is definitely going to be split into two.

Laura: Hmmm.

Andrew: But that’s just if I was a betting man.

Mikey: Do you think it’s going to be split into two or just, like, a long movie?

Andrew: No, I think it’s going to be split into two separate films.

Matt: I hope so.

Eric: Why would they do that, Andrew?

Matt: Because they want it…

Andrew: Money.

Matt: …to be good, I guess.

Mikey: Money. [laughs] Well, no. Money. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, exactly.

Mikey: That means they’re going to get all of us to go twice [laughs] to see the movie. And buy two different DVDs and then when they come out as the combined DVD, buy the combined DVD one.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s…

Matt: Yeah.


Andrew: That’s true, too. Well, we’ll have a really good – I’m sure we’ll have a really good discussion once there is an announcement made about, you know, the film being split into two. Of course, if that happens. Okay, so moving on, announcements real quick. It is a new month. Happy February everyone, it’s the month of love. Vote for us on Podcast Alley; get us up there in the top ten. We already are now, on February 1st, but there’s only a handful of votes. So thank you for placing your vote over there. I know I voted earlier today, place my vote.

Mikey: So did I.

Andrew: Good, good.

Matt: You liar. You did not.

Andrew: I did too. I have the confirmation e-mail to prove it. It’s easy, it’s very easy. You just go to Podcast Alley. You hit “vote,” for us, obviously. And you put in your e-mail address and you click the link they -email it to you and you’re done. Also, just a little update on the little east coast tour we’re hoping to put together. One bookstore chain turned us down because they would rather we do a tour in the summer around Harry’s birthday or the Book 7 paperback release. But, of course we can’t. We don’t really want to do it then, it’s too late. We want to do spring break. So, we’re looking at other options right now, and hopefully we’ll have something more firm to announce within the next few weeks. But we are still working on it, just so everybody knows. But let’s get right into Muggle Mail now, because we have a lot to discuss on this week’s show.

Muggle Mail: Helen McCrory’s Pregnancy

Eric: Okay, our first one comes from Emily Kate, age 16, from Bangladesh. She says:

“Dear MuggleCasters, I was sitting in study hall listening to MuggleCast and I had made it through almost all of Episode 129 without my study hall supervisor noticing that I was listening to my iPod (which I’m technically not supposed to listen to in class). There was about a minute left in the show when you guys were talking about Micah’s “pregnant comment” and I started laughing so loud the supervisor came over and I didn’t notice. I had my iPod taken away but I got it at the end of the day. But it was a great episode. So worth it.”

Matt: Awww.

Andrew: Thanks.

Laura: Awww.

Mikey: You know, I’ve actually done that before, too. I was listening to an episode – I don’t know, I think it was an early episode of MuggleCast. And I’m just, like, sitting there. And then I start cracking up out loud. And I’m sure it’s something Ben or Jamie did when they yelled at each other.

Andrew: No, I’m sure it was my joke.

Laura: I’m sure it wasn’t.

Mikey: Actually, you know what? It was right, I think it was the “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Or something like that.

Andrew: Thanks.

Mikey: Something like that. Or Simmsy or something like that.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Pickles.

Andrew: Yeah, we get e-mails like this from time to time, saying that we do that. We get people in trouble in science class and whatnot. But, yeah, that’s funny.

[Matt laughs]

Mikey: But you should be paying attention to your classes because education…

Andrew: Yes, you should.

Mikey: …is for the future. It’s for the future.

Eric: Well, it was study hall. It was study hall.

Mikey: Oh.

Andrew: That’s not important.

Eric: I always used to sleep in study hall.

Muggle Mail: Tracking Umbridge and Voldemort’s Mind

Andrew: The next e-mail comes from Jeff, 23, of Connecticut. He writes:

“In regards to tracking Umbridge to the Ministry, I believe it was said in the book that only top officials were allowed to directly apparate inside the building. Umbridge, being undersecretary to the Minister, would most likely have been one of said “top officials.” Therefore, it probably would not have gone unnoticed if Kreacher showed up in the middle of the atrium and apparated away with one of the top officials. Unless they were able to somehow track down where Umbridge lived, the Ministry seems to be the only way of finding her.

Next, as far as Harry once again seeing into Voldemort’s mind, not only was it useful, but in the book it also stated that Harry gained control over the visions while burying Dobby after their escape from Malfoy Manor. On page 478 in the American edition it says,’His scar burned, yet he was master of the pain; he felt it, yet was apart from it. He had learned control at least, learned to shut his mind to Voldemort, the very thing Dumbledore had wanted him to learn from Snape.’ I think this was useful because after this he seems to be able to invade Voldemort’s mind whenever he wants. I think this was crucial to the book because it was probably the only instance in the whole series where Harry seemed to have a true magical talent over Voldemort. This may not be very relevant to the chapters you were discussing in your last episode but I think they were nonetheless important to the story. But to conclude, maybe Hermione was right to tell Harry he should block out those visions, because in the end it gave him the control to look into Voldemort’s mind whenever he wanted, which Hermione even encouraged him to do during the Battle for Hogwarts.”

So, yeah, that’s basically the point I was making. It just works to their advantage. It’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Eric: Harry won the argument when he was talking to Hermione in the bathroom. He was like, “You know, I’m totally going to do this, and I want to know what my enemy is doing.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And Hermione was like, “whatever.”

Matt: This is probably why I like…

Mikey: Don’t argue.

Matt: …Book 7 so much for Harry. It’s because he’s just so certain now, you know? He actually knows more than a lot of the people who are trying to inform him on.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Right, yeah.

Andrew: He’s very confident.

Matt: Yeah, he’s the most confident in the series.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Like I just read the Lupin scene today, and even though you’re shocked about how Harry acted, it’s just – it’s so well done, and then Harry’s like, you know, his own person. It’s really cool.

Muggle Mail: Nazi Germany Comparisons

Laura: All right, this one comes from Alexis from Westchester, New York. She writes:

“Hi everyone. I just listened to Episode 129, and was particularly intrigued by the lengthy discussion about parallels between Harry Potter and the Holocaust. As Laura said, Buchenwald and Auschwitz were Nazi concentration camps in Germany created and used to, in essence, exterminate European Jews. Nuremburg and Auschwitz had the words ‘Work Makes Freedom’ carved into its front gate. Nurmengard was a prison that housed Grindelwald’s opponents, and its entrance bore the slogan, ‘For the Greater Good.’ As also stated during the show, Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald in 1945, which is another parallel to the Holocaust. The prejudice demonstrated by the Holocaust still haunts us today, by way of racism and genocide in our world. In the wizarding world, Grindelwald’s ideas are projected through Voldemort and the pureblood/Muggle-born prejudice we’ve seen since ‘Chamber of Secrets.’ Just wanted to add to the Harry Potter/Holocaust discussion because I’ve spent years learning about the Holocaust. I love the show and I hope to meet up with you at the New York live podcast.”

Andrew: If we do it.

Laura: [laughs] Yeah. Yeah, it is really interesting that you bring up that point that Auschwitz had the “Work Makes Freedom” sign. You can actually read that in Elie Wiesel’s Night, which is an account of…

Eric: Elie himself.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yes. He was a Hungarian Jew who spent time in Auschwitz.

Eric: I read that book in, I think it was seventh grade, and it was a really powerful book, and also, though, I’ve been to a concentration camp. I went to Dachau when I was in Germany, and that also has the sign above the entrance. It’s – I believe it translates to “Work makes one free,” or “Work makes freedom,” same deal. “Work makes one free” is pretty much kind of ironic, but that’s what the Nazis put on the gates of the entrance of the work camps.

Andrew: Interesting.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: So, I’ve been there in person. It’s a really somber, solemn place.

Laura: Well, and it’s just interesting that Jo kind of used that whole “For the Greater Good” thing, because that’s a lot of what the Nazi propaganda was based on, just this idea that they were going to purify Germany and keep the evil, dirty Jews out and the perfect, wonderful Aryans in, and it’s just – it’s awful.

Eric: Yes. Absolutely. And last chapter, you guys, did you guys talk about the throne of Muggles? The throne made of Muggle bodies?

Andrew: Yeah. Yes, we did.

Eric: Yeah, because that was really – there’s something, there’s a structure in Dachau like that, and it’s a bit sickening.

Andrew: Really? Is it the same thing?

Eric: It’s not a throne of bodies, but I think it was a wall made of impressions of bodies, or something. It was actually of all the Jews and stuff. If was actually quite grotesque, but I think it’s inside Dachau.

Andrew: I bet.

Eric: So there’s something quite very similar that I’ve seen in real person, and it’s just really, really strong parallels in Jo’s book, and earlier I questioned, and this relates to this chapter, too. Earlier on the show I questioned some of the parallels. I said, “Do we really need a Nazi parallel in J.K. Rowling’s works?” I think reading these chapters, I think, really it sort of made me rethink that comment, and I’m really happy with this parallel because in a way, just the way that we see the Ministry befallen in these past few chapters, and now, with what Lupin is telling them, and all this stuff, of how the tabloids are taken, and all of this stuff we’re seeing, it’s good to have it in a children’s book.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Because all these kids who read about the Holocaust are seeing it also happen in their favorite – to their favorite boy wizard, to have it happen to Harry Potter. So I’m really proud of Jo for this, and I retract what I said before about it not really being needed. I think it’s really good.

Muggle Mail: More on Nazi Germany Parrallels

Matt: Okay, and our next e-mail comes from Emily Rowe, 18, from Rockaway, New Jersey, and she writes:

“While listening to last week’s Episode, 129, I noticed that you guys also recognized the parallel between the Death Eaters and the Nazi Party of Germany. If you will, let me throw in my two cents about this parallel.

One, Hitler’s main focus of prejudice during the Holocaust was the Jews when he himself had Jewish blood in him. Voldemort thought that Muggle-borns and half-bloods were unfit to practice magic, when he himself was half-Muggle. And even if he resents that part of him, it does not take away the fact that he has Muggle blood in him.

The next point is the one I stress most. The Swastika had been used for thousands of years as an Asian symbol for peace and prosperity. If you take a look at artifacts from India or anywhere else in Asia, you will see the swastika carved into them. Then Hitler got a hold of it, flipped it around and tilted it on its side to associate it with the Nazi party. This is similar to Grindelwald’s situation with the Deathly Hallows symbol. He posted this symbol on the walls of Durmstrang and it became negatively associated with him considering that he became a notorious Dark Wizard. But was the symbol for the Deathly Hallows really that bad? Did it really represent something evil like destroying Muggle-borns?

That’s all I have to comment on that subject. I love listening to you guys, and it really makes my day! Keep up the fantastic work. Emily.”

Andrew: Thanks!

Laura: Can I first interject something? About the Hitler is Jewish thing, that’s actually not proven. No one knows for sure. Where the theory comes from is Hitler’s grandfather, they believe Hitler’s grandfather may have been part Jewish because his father was an illegitimate child and so it’s possible that his grandmother, they know that she worked in the home of a wealthy Jew, so it’s possible that the son of the household got her pregnant, but no one knows for sure. But everyone does know that Hitler did not practice Judaism. So, just to clear that up.

Matt: No, I’m sure he didn’t.

Laura: Yeah.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Laura: So it’s – I don’t think it’s really fair to say that he was Jewish, because..

Matt: I do agree though with her second point, though. I think that really is a…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s a very nice connection.

Matt: It’s a good parallel between Deathly Hallows.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I actually said that over the tour. I said that over the tour once.

Andrew: Did you?

Mikey: Yeah, but we kind of skipped over it.

Eric: That Deathly Hallows symbol, we talked about it. I remember talking about it when we did the chapter “The Wedding,” and just saying about it. We don’t actually know, you know. Krum said that it was Grindelwald’s symbol, and Krum was sort of really adamant that Grindewald killed a lot of people. We don’t really know exactly what Grindelwald did, do we? You know, as of the end of the seventh book? We just know that he was all about sort of wizard above Muggle. And that’s sort of how that worked.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: But you know, we can’t really just – it can’t be really a World War II Nazi comparison, too, because it happened way down in the past, too, like with the Devil’s Pitchfork, it’s actually a triton from Neptune, I think it was.

Eric: Yeah. Well religious symbolism, yeah. It was actually from – the Pagans used that symbol too. And so it’s…

Matt: Right, and the Pagan witch hat too. They associate that with evil.

Eric: Yeah, yeah exactly. All this, it’s actually called iconography, I think. Or religious iconography.

Matt: Oh, of course.

Eric: Or something like that. There’s a bunch of names for it.

Mikey: No, that’s actually what it’s called. That’s what it’s called.

Eric: That’s what Robert Langdon studies, I think. Isn’t it? In Da Vinci Code, and in Angels and Demons?

Laura: Yes.

Matt: Da Vinci Code? Yeah.

[Eric makes happy noise]

Mikey: Yup. And Angels and Demons.

Eric: There’s all sorts of talk about it. It’s really fantastic, the history of symbols and stuff like that. That’s all in that book.

Harry and the Potters Interview

Andrew: Well let’s just keep rollin’ along here. Right now we’re joined by Paul DeGeorge now who is Harry, Year 7 in Harry and the Potters. Paul, how are you doing today?

Paul: Hi Andrew, thanks so much for having me on. This is my first MuggleCast appearance, I’m really pumped.

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Andrew: Yes. Well we wanted to have you on for a couple reasons today. First of all, we want to talk about Harry and the Potters though, because essentially it was the first wizard rock band, right? I mean, do you like to take credit for it, or do you give it to, what is it, The Switchblade Kittens?

Paul: Well, you know, I don’t mind taking credit for it if you’re going to give it to me.

Andrew:[laughs] Uh huh.

Paul: Sure, I mean really like Joe and I, I guess, were the first ones to sort of like do something so conceptually consistent, where we sort of adopted the characters of Harry and created our own band around it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: Where we’re exclusively doing like, Joe is Harry, Year 4 and I’m Harry, Year 7, and through the magic of time travel we’re able to start a band together, you know. Kind of just assuming that if Harry had that ability to travel through time, that’s what he’d choose to do with it. I guess.

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Andrew: Why did you do Harry, Year 7 and Harry, Year 4?

Paul: Well, at the time we started, which was almost six years ago now, Joe was about 14 and so we thought, well that’s about Year 4, right?

Andrew: Ohhh. Right.

Paul: He was just about to turn 15. So that put – that’s where Joe goes, and I was a little older, like I was in my early 20s, so I was like, well you know all those characters on Beverly Hills 90210 were like in their 20s playing high school kids.

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Paul: So we decided to go for that. Like I’d be Harry, Year 7, and since then we’ve taken a kind of Simpsons approach to it, where we don’t ever age.

Andrew: You never age.

Paul: Yeah.

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, as is the case with most TV shows these days. Why did you start the wizard rock band? Why Harry and the Potters? Why Harry Potter music, since there was nothing at the time.

Paul: Yeah, well you know, Joe and I had played in bands, but we’d never played together. We’re brothers, but there’s eight years between us, so we never played in a band together, and we kind of – the idea just came to me one day like, what if Harry Potter had a band? You know? And I thought, well that’s something so cool to do with my younger brother, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: Is to do this goofy, silly, fun band, and what really appealed to us about it was, you know, these Harry Potter books had had such a huge affect on so many young people’s lives, you know? Inspiring kids to read, and getting so many kids involved in literature. We thought well maybe we can sort of take that to a new level and you know, if we start this band and write some rock and roll songs about these books, maybe we can convince libraries to let us come and play in their library. Play these rock shows and get younger kids involved in rock and roll and seeing live music.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And that’s what it was like at first, you know? We would be playing in these libraries around Boston, and a lot of parents would take their younger kids like between 8 and 12 years old to come see us, and it was great. We had no audience established, and we were playing to rooms of 50-100 young kids and eventually, this was back in 2003, we noticed over the course of the summer that year as we had played in all these libraries around Boston more kids were coming regularly, and they would start to know all the words to our songs like they’d gotten our CD or something at a show.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Paul: They were coming, and they’d know all the words to the song. I was like, “This is incredible!”

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And then shortly after that, the Harry Potter fan community sort of caught wind of us, and that’s when things just kind of got crazy for us. We honestly at the time had no idea that such a thing existed- that there was this incredibly cohesive and enthusiastic online fan community, and it was actually, oddly enough – a post on MuggleNet at some point in the fall of 2003 that really slammed our web server, and…

[Andrew laughs]

Paul: …shut us down for a few days, I think. And that’s when our band sort of took a national presence, I guess.

Andrew: Yeah. You know, it’s funny you say that because for the past couple years now, we’ve been – we always thought that we were the first ones to post about you guys. And then Melissa came to me – Melissa Anelli from Leaky came to me a few months ago and said, “Could you find the post where you guys made the Wizard Rock, where you plugged Harry and the Potters?” And I looked it up, and I found it, and we actually credited Veritaserum for tipping us off.

Paul: Oh. Okay, okay.

Andrew: [laughs] So we were like, whoa! It actually wasn’t MuggleNet, but yeah, we did post that because I remember. I think it was Ben who posted it, or maybe Emerson. Do you remember who it was?

Paul: No, I can’t remember.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: I just remember being like, “Whoa! Look at all these websites. They’re all about Harry Potter!” [laughs] So that was my introduction to the online fan community. It was around that, at the same time, maybe just a few days before, it was really the Live Journal community that created a buzz about us. Some fan fiction writers and stuff just started mentioning us, and that kind of took off.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: All of a sudden I had a 400 dollar bandwidth charge for the month, you know?

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Andrew: Right. And now you guys are on Trivial Pursuit cards. [laughs]

Paul: Oh man. [laughs]

Andrew: Do you want to tell this story? [laughs]

Paul: Yeah. I guess we’ve come a long way in these last few years.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: We got on a – that’s the most incredible thing that’s happened to us, I think.

Andrew: Mhm. [laughs]

Paul: Just a couple weeks ago, somebody sent in a JPEG, and it was a photograph of a Trivial Pursuit card from Sweden.

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: And the question reads, “What do brothers Paul and Joe DeGeorge call themselves when rock out?”

Andrew: That is amazing.

Paul: Yeah, but the most amazing thing about it is that there isn’t even a context for it.

Andrew: Right. [laughs] Right. Right.

Paul: They’re just assuming that Joe and I are household names in Sweden.

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Paul: Which I think is kind of an outrageous assumption. I think it’s probably considered a difficult question in the game.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s like something you would expect for Bruce Springsteen. I know you guys are big Springsteen fans. [laughs]

Paul: [laughs] Yeah, right.

Andrew: Like U2 or something. But yeah, that’s awesome. That is so cool.

[Paul laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] I wonder if – I bet you guys would love to see the reactions of some people playing that game. They’d be like, “Paul DeGeorge? What?”

Paul: I know, right? [laughs] It’d be amazing. Hopefully somebody’s going to send us the card. I think the girl who notified us is going to send us the actual card, so we can frame it.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh yeah, of course.

Paul: That’s the kind of thing that you don’t even dare to dream about. I mean, what kind of jerky kid says, “Someday I want to be on a Trivial Pursuit Card.”

Andrew: [laughs] Right. Like, “What the hell are you thinking?”

[Paul and Andrewlaughs]

Andrew: So, now today, there are literally hundreds of wizard rock bands out there and…

Paul: Yeah, my last count was 420.

Andrew: Oh my God! You count? Where do you count?

Paul: No, I just look up on…

Andrew: Okay. [laughs]

Paul:Wizrocklopedia. Then I copy the entire band list into Excel and…

Andrew: Oh, good idea. [laughs]

Paul: …and let that count for me.

Andrew: That’s a good idea, actually.

Paul: So there’s a lot.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: There’s a lot of wizard rock bands. It’s incredible.

Andrew: Do you have any thoughts about this? Just how it’s grown so much since you guys started this? I’m sure you’re supportive of all these bands, and really it’s like, how I see it is it’s a great way for anyone interested in music but doesn’t know how to get really noticed, it’s a great place to start because there’s all these Harry Potter fans that are dying to just try out all these new bands.

Paul: Yeah. Well, honestly the way I think of it is it’s almost like the beginnings of punk rock, you know? The whole thing about punk rock is that it’s the kind of music that anybody can play. And there are these stories about people just grabbing guitars, and drums, and bass for the first time and just playing songs, you know? Whatever came to mind.

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: Like bashing it out on a few chords, and that’s kind of like what I see in Wizard Rock. It’s these kids that are so pumped and amped on Harry Potter that they’re just looking for another way to express that love and that passion.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: So they’re grabbing instruments and starting bands for the first time, and it’s really wonderful. And the cool thing about it is that it allows for such a diversity of music out there. There really is something for everybody in the Wizard Rock community.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: There’s all sorts of stuff out there, and there’s plenty of like, you know, it get’s as abrasive or as pop friendly as you want it to be, you know? There’s like, a metal band in Holland playing songs about Voldemort, you know?

[Andrew laughs]

Paul: There is black metal…

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: …and there is ultra poppy stuff and dance pop and all that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And so it is all there and that is the most amazing thing to me, is what a diverse and welcoming community it’s become where kids feel free to really experiment and try things out, and the unreal thing is that there is a community there for them to do it with.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And to get that feedback and support from. Whereas if it was a different situation, maybe these kids are recording in their bedroom and playing for their friends or something.

Andrew: Right, right.

Paul: That’s possibly what this would have been like ten years ago, but with the advent of technology and MySpace, it’s so easy for a band to become legitimized by MySpace. You just throw up a profile and all of a sudden you have a band.

Andrew: Exactly. [laughs]

Paul: Throw up a profile and a song and you are a band.

Andrew: Go to MySpace, create an account, boom – you’re done.

Paul: Ten minutes. You got a band.

[Andrew laughs]

Paul: For real.

Andrew: MySpace really is where every wizard rock band is, right?

Paul: Well, yeah.

Andrew: Why does everyone go to MySpace? Just because it is great to host your songs and all that?

Paul: Well, the thing about MySpace is that – and it’s not just wizard rock bands anymore.

Andrew: Oh yeah.

Paul: As far as the music industry, it is where everybody, like if you’re going to the concert and you’re like, “Who is the opening band?” And they’re like, “Oh, I don’t know, whoever.”

Andrew: Oh that’s a good point.

Paul: If you go to their MySpace, you can listen to their songs. You know? And then if you went to their website then maybe you would have to dig around to find their songs.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: But you just go to MySpace and the songs are right there and you just listen real quick.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And so it is just sort of that accessibility of the music that has made MySpace so prevalent in our habits now-a-days.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s interesting. And then all your fans can comment on them. Do you guys base – I’ve always figured this, I don’t know if this is how you guys think of it – do you guys base the popularity of all the bands based on how many friends each you have? Because I mean if you look at the list, you guys have a gazillion friends and then everyone is lower from there. How do you guy – do you guys base popularity or does it not matter?

Paul: Yeah. Well, I don’t ever measure anything by popularity.

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: That is not really a concern of mine, so I just think that I don’t really have any comment on that, I guess.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: It is not even something I think about. I mean, who cares what’s popular. Just find what you like.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s very true. Yeah. Now I guess we will talk about Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club, now.

Paul: Yeah.

Andrew: This is your big thing. You started it last year. Now you have got Matt Maggiacomo from The Whomping Willows helping you out. What is the Wizard Rock EP of the Month Club?

Paul: Well, the whole idea behind the EP of the Month Club is that it is sort of modeled after these old record clubs, where you would join up, like Subpop used to run a Subpop singles club, and they would release, they started it in the early ’80s and the first Nirvana single was released through the Subpop singles club and stuff like that.

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: So the idea is that you sign up for a year and it costs like fifty or sixty bucks and every month you get a new record in the mail. It is a seven inch, you know back when records were cool.

Andrew: Right.

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Paul: And so it’s sort of modeled after that idea, and what we did last year was, we got together – I got together twelve bands that I thought were a good sampling of bands in the community at that time.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: At the time there was far less than 400. There were a hundred or so, so I just picked a bunch of people who I thought would be fun to work with and over the course of a year we released 12 different CDs, and people who subscribed to the club would get a couple CDs at a time in the mail, and we had stuff like Harry and the Potters released a CD and Draco and the Malfoys and The Parselmouths and The Remus Lupins and all these bands were contributing CDs worth of material, usually between five and ten songs that were all made just for this club. They were all exclusive CDs and we pressed a thousand copies of them and sold about 750 subscriptions and each band got a couple hundred copies that they could sell on their merch table, but otherwise all the money from the subscriptions went to an organization called “First Book,” which is a national nonprofit that donates new books to children from low income families.

Andrew: Oh wow, that’s great.

Paul: So, it is trying to promote literacy at an early age in communities where kids don’t often have access to that sort of thing.

Andrew: Yeah. Right.

Paul: Think of the joy as a little kid how pumped you were when you got a new book, or mom brought home something new to read to you at bed or something like that.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Paul: And that is the whole idea behind what they do, and they have been a great organization to work with, and so in 2007 we had the club, and we sold subscriptions and eventually the club sold out. We sold over 750 subscriptions and so far we have raised over $13,000 for “First Book” through subscription sales.

Andrew: Wow! That is incredible!

Paul: Yeah and this year we are doing it again with a whole new set of bands. Harry and the Potters are staying on as a flagship I guess.

Andrew: Of course. [laughs]

Paul: So we will be releasing another CD this year through the club and…

Andrew: All new music, too?

Paul: All new music.

Andrew: Wow! Sweet.

Paul: Yeah, Joe and I, we had a really fun time with it last year, where Joe and I kind of set aside a weekend, and kind of wrote and recorded all the songs that weekend.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs] Cool, cool.

Paul: Like, as fast as we could.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And we came up with like 14 songs and I think our CD is just under 14 minutes, you know. So, it’s just really a quick thrill ride…

Andrew: Uh huh. [laughs]

Paul: Of Wizard Rock.

Andrew: Cool.

Paul: But it was super fun for us to do and I had a blast sort of overseeing the club.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And helping each band put their CD together, like the artwork and all that.

Andrew: Mhm. Yeah, the albums look really cool. They’re nice and organized.

Paul: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, you have that certain theme going on with each album cover. It was very nice.

Paul: Right. We tried to have it – give it a consistent feel.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: It feels like you’re getting – at the end of the year, you have a collection. You have 12 CDs that all go together in some way and we’ll be doing that again this year. We have a different artist on board to handle the overall look of the club.

Andrew: Okay, cool.

Paul: And it’s going to look really cool. It’s going to look, you know, really wonderful. I’ve been working with them in the past few days on getting stuff together for this year.

Andrew: Sweet.

Paul: And this year I got Matt Maggiacomo on board and he’s kind of helping. We’ve been throwing ideas around, you know, and we kind of picked out the bands together.

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: We’ve got a great new troupe of bands, you know, of people. Well, I should mention who the bands are so the people can get excited.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: Matt’s band, The Whomping Willows will obviously be contributing an EP, and rumor on the street is that it’s going to be the big Whompy EP, so Matt’s sort of been teasing everyone with certain big Whompy, like hip-hop style tracks for the past few years.

Andrew: Nice. [laughs]

Paul: And this time he’s going to make do on a whole EP’s worth, so that’s going to be pretty exciting.

Andrew: Awesome. His shows are always fun. I regret to say I haven’t been to a Harry and the Potters show yet, but The Whomping Willows – Matt’s a really fun guy. He’s just playing there with his acoustic guitar. He really interacts with the crowd.

Paul: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Sorry, go on. [laughs] Just had to say it.

Paul: Okay. Yeah, no problem. You’ll have to come see us some time, Andrew.

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: I’ll put you on the guest list at the library.

Andrew: Yes!

Paul: That doesn’t actually exist.

[Andrew laughs]

Paul: Those shows are free.

Andrew: I didn’t think so since it’s a public library.

[Paul laughs]

Paul: Uh, no. So we got The Whomping Willows and Gred and Forge.

Andrew: Okay.

Paul: Which is this guy Jared from North Carolina. I’m really excited about him. He actually just put out one of my favorite Wizard Rock CDs, which is called “Half the Band I Used to Be,” which is both a brilliant title and…

Andrew: Cool. Yeah, yeah.

Paul: A brilliant album. Really fun, like poppy, punky stuff, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: Think of a really awesome Green Day songs.

Andrew: Okay, cool.

Paul: And that’s the kind of stuff Jared’s doing with Gred and Forge.

Andrew: Uh huh.

Paul: We’ve got Catchlove, which is our favorite – one of our favorite Wizard Rock activists. Chase is an awesome dude and he’s all about promoting good causes and that sort of thing. He sort of uses his band, Catchlove, as a forum for Darfur awareness which I think is incredibly wonderful.

Andrew: Okay. Yeah.

Paul: He’s become a really great member of the Harry Potter Alliance and stuff. And we got the Hermione Crookshanks Experience from California and a couple really fun acts. We’ve got Tom Riddle and Friends, who are these two hilarious dudes from the Cincinnati area, I think. They’re just kind of – the way Matt described them was he said they’re like if Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson started a band about – from Voldemort’s perspective, which is really hilarious.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: I totally, totally suggest checking those guys out. Their MySpace has some really fun stuff on it. And The Giant Squid

Andrew: I have the list right here if you want to…

Paul: Oh, yeah. Okay. Well, I’m going off of the top of my head, but…

Andrew: Okay.

Paul: We got The Giant Squid Extravaganza. He’s really pro-environmentalist Wizard Rock, sort of. And this is along the same lines as, you know, The Whomping Willows are pretty heavy on the environmental stuff.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And so is The Giant Squid. He likes to plug that. He’s got some good stuff planned for sure.

Andrew: Cool. Uh, The Nifflers?

Paul: Yeah, The Nifflers: Canada’s first representative in the Wizard Rock Club.

Andrew: Oh, cool.

Paul: Yeah. They’re – I’m such a sucker for these sibling duos, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: Like Draco and the Malfoys. The Nifflers are a brother-sister duo from the Toronto area. Super nice folks.

Andrew: Gryffindor Common Room Rejects.

Paul: Yeah! Oh man, they’re great, too.

[Andrew laughs]

Paul: They’re like a pair of high school girls who produce really cool, low-fi punk rock on keyboards and stuff like that. It’s really, really, really fun stuff.

Andrew: All right, cool.

Paul: They kind of remind me of our band, where we would just, like, hit play on one of the keyboard demos and then record a quick song over it. It’s just like that.

Andrew: [laughs] Nice and easy.

Paul: [laughs] Yeah, and really fun too.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And we got Justin Finch-Fetchley, the Hufflepuff representative. He – he’s actually one of Matt’s old friends from way back. He’s kind of in that circle of Woodsocket wizard rockers.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Paul: Woodsocket, Rhode Island represent.

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Paul: And I think the last – oh, The Mudbloods. They’re from…

Andrew: Yes.

Paul: The Texas area. They’re fantastic. I really love their stuff. Just great. Indie rock sounding stuff, and they’ve got a great attitude, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: We kind of tried to pick bands that we really thought would be the most fun to work with and have a really great positive attitude that reflected what we liked best about wizard rock.

Andrew: Yeah. It all seems they’re very – they’re all very into – they’re supportive of the idea of raising money, since…

Paul: Yeah, well, exactly. You know, that’s the whole thing behind the club, the end result. We both want it to be super fun for people….

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: …who are subscribers, and we think it is, because over the course of the year if you subscribe you’re going to get 12 CDs, you know? And those 12 CDs are only come to you and a few other hundred people in the world.

Andrew: Right.

Paul: You know? They’re just for you, and I think there is something cool behind that. And then at the end of the day, the club costs 60 bucks, and I know that’s, like, kind of a lot of money, but at the same time you’re getting 12 CDs so it’s like 5 bucks a disc.

Andrew: Right.

Paul: And they’re all mailed to you. It’s very convenient. They show up at your home…

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: Once every few months, and then we’re going to raise – through it we’re going to raise a ton of money, and this year we’re sort of expanding it. We’re hoping to sell a few more subscriptions this year, and maybe raise almost twice as much money as we did last year.

Andrew: Okay, great.

Paul: And the money this year is going to go to First Book again and we’re also throwing some money over to the Harry Potter Alliance’s way.

Andrew: That’s great. Yeah.

Paul: Because this is going to be a big year for the HP Alliance.

Andrew: Oh definitely. Especially with Jo’s backing now.

Paul: Yeah, oh man, what a wonderful – what wonderful comments she made about the HP Alliance recently.

Andrew: Yeah. Absolutely, absolutely.

Paul: So, everybody at the HP Alliance is super pumped about that and just feel like this is the time to really reach out to the Harry Potter community and really catalyze them and really do something special together.

Andrew: Yeah, definitely, definitely.

Paul: I think it’s part of why Jo’s excited about it and part of why the fandom is so excited about it, because it has this sort of momentum to it.

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: And the more people that are on board, like, the better the stuff we can do with it.

Andrew: Yeah., yeah.

Paul: You know?

Andrew: Yeah. So, it sounds like a good deal to me. Getting 12 CDs, each with a few songs, what, five to ten songs you would say?

Paul: Yeah, typically five to ten songs from each band, it’s great.

Andrew: Okay, cool.

Paul: And those are just for you, just for you wizard rock fans.

Andrew: And they look great. They come – they come professionally packaged, and designed and all that.

Paul: Oh yeah. No rinky-dink operation.

Andrew: [laughs] This is no CDR from Wal-Mart. This is the real deal.

Paul: Oh yeah. They’ll go to pressing plants, you know. I have a roommate that’s a sound engineer, and he does all the mastering, so they sound great.

Andrew: Oh, good, good.

Paul: And they look great, and the bands are all great, so, you know, check it out. We’ve got a website that you can subscribe from, which is, and you can totally check out more info on all the bands there and read more about what we’re about.

Andrew: Cool.

Paul: But you know the gist of it is, we’re having fun with wizard rock, and we’ve got a bunch of great bands involved, and we’re raising money for some really great causes.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: That – that really sort of encapsulates, to me, what wizard rock is about. It’s about this idea that we’re going to have a lot of fun together, and we’re going to put smiles on people’s faces, and try and do some good in the world too.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. That’s great. You guys – the whole wizard rock community has a great sense of just togetherness, and it’s like one big family. It’s great what you guys have all created together.

Paul: Well, you know, it kind of stems from the whole Harry Potter fan community, actually. Like, I don’t think it’s unique at all to wizard rock. What it is, is it’s really the Harry Potter community…

Andrew: Oh yeah, absolutely.

Paul: That’s unique in that way now.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: Yeah, I mean, wizard rock – the bands help each other out and all that, but when you look at the Harry Potter community as a whole it’s such a welcoming place, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: And there are so many people that contribute to that, you know? Like you guys at MuggleNet are such a major part of that in bringing people together, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: I’m sure you guys must hear testimonials all the time, like, you know, these people met their best friends ever…

Andrew: Oh, god yeah.

Paul: …through MuggleNet. Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Paul: Yeah, it’s such a wonderful thing. It’s so cool to hear those stories and realize that, well, not only have these books changed people’s lives in such a significant way, but really, like, they’ve created this community and these people are continuing to interact and be such a tremendously positive force in each other’s lives and now, through – through things like Wizard Rock and the Harry Potter Alliance, are taking that to the next level where we’re branching outside the community…

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: …of Harry Potter fans and, like, getting out into the real world and, like – and doing some really cool stuff…

Andrew: Absolutely.

Paul: …even outside the fan community.

Andrew: There’s quite a few examples of that in our fandom.

Paul: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s great. And, I mean, if – anyone listening, if you’ve never been to a Wizard Rock show, I highly recommend a Wizard Rock show with a few bands all coming together to play or even just one by themselves. I mean, they’re always a lot of fun and like Paul was saying, you know, you guys – you guys were impressed by some people singing your songs. I mean, now it’s like, all these people coming out to the shows are always singing along and dancing and just having a great time.

Paul: Yeah, it really is something special and unique, you know, and pure. So, I would definitely advise anyone to go check out a Wizard Rock show in your area because there’s a lot of cool stuff going on and you’re bound – you’re bound to have a good time, you know. You’re going to leave smiling. I’ve never had any sort of, like, real negative experience at one of these shows, you know?

Andrew: Oh, no.

Paul: Everybody – everybody goes with such a positive attitude.

Andrew: Yeah, definitely.

Paul: And when I think about the time I wasted at like, other boring concerts where people go and they, like, stand with their arms crossed and it’s almost like they go to, like, tear a band apart…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Paul: You know, like, “This band sucked” or “That band sucked.” But, like, Wizard Rock is like a total antithesis of that.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Paul: Where people are going because they want to have a good time. They want to see people. They want to have fun.

Andrew: Absolutely.

Paul: They want to get dressed up. Whatever. You know?

Andrew: And it’s a great time with all their friends and you meet new friends there. It’s just wonderful.

Paul: Absolutely.

Andrew: Definitely. Well, is there anything else you wanted to bring up? Should we wrap this up?

Paul: You know, earlier, before we started recording we mentioned that…

Andrew: Oh. [laughs]

Paul: …back in the day, back in the day – I think it was early 2005.

Andrew: Mhm.

Paul: So about three years ago, Harry and the Potters – we were kind of working with MuggleNet loosely for a Book 6 launch event and that’s when I started interacting with some of your staffers, I think.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: At the time – I don’t know if it was one of your guys’ ideas or mine, but I put together a MuggleNet theme song…

[Andrew laughs]

Paul: Which we never officially recorded, but which I did send – send into the MuggleNet circle.

Andrew: Yeah.

Paul: So, I think now it’s time for the official premiere of that.

Andrew: Oh, yeah. Absolutely.

Paul: That theme song.

Andrew: Three years later. [laughs]

Paul: I’m going to – three years later…

Andrew: It’s time for its premiere. [laughs]

Paul: We’ll dig up the demo and you can premiere it on this Muggle – MuggleCast here. It’s not a MuggleCast theme, but, you know, MuggleNet. Close enough. Actually, I could – you could just over-dub me. Ready? Here’s the clip. MuggleCast! So you can over-dub that at the end.

[Andrew laughs]

Paul: MuggleCast!

Andrew: Okay. Well, we’ll…

Paul: MuggleCast!

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Andrew: Well, we’ll have two versions: MuggleNet and MuggleCast.

Paul: There you go.

Andrew: We’ll just rearrange your words and all that. No, but – alright. Let’s play the clip now.

[Plays the clip]

We’ll post the news
And your magic-hungry Muggle eyes
Will devour every word
Trying to pacify your appetite
For boy-wizard related things
How can there be so much Harry Potter news?

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Paul: Awesome

Andrew: Ah. Brings back memories.

Paul: Cool.

Andrew: So, well, that’s great. [laughs] That’s great, Paul. We thank you so much for making that. I’m sure – I’m sure that will get some feedback.

Paul: No problem. It was no trouble.

Andrew: I remember over – I guess, maybe it was summer 2005 or summer 2006, Ben was always singing that song left and right at opportune moments.

Paul: Nice. It’s glad – I’m glad to know that it kind of lived on within the MuggleNet staff, you know?

Andrew: It did. Yeah, it did.

Paul: Even though it never made its way public until now.

Andrew: I almost forgot about it…

Paul: The world premiere.

Andrew: Until you brought it up before we started recording. But it’s good.

Paul: Cool.

[Andrew and Paul laugh]

Andrew: All right, well, Paul DeGeorge, thank you so much for joining us today on MuggleCast.

Paul: Yeah, thank you so much, Andrew, for having me.

Andrew: No problem. We’ll check out your MySpace,, and also you’re in our new Wizard Rock section and you wrote up a lengthy interview for us. Thanks for doing that.

Paul: [laughs] Yeah. I went kind of crazy on it. I had a lot of time on a bus ride, so I just…

Andrew: No, it’s great! It’s great!

Paul: …went ballistic on your interview questions. [laughs]

Andrew: Well, it’s all good. I’m sure everyone will be enjoying that.

Paul: Cool! Great!

Andrew: All right, Paul, thanks very much!

Paul: Thanks, Andrew!

Andrew: Talk to you again soon.

Paul: All right.

Andrew: That was Paul DeGeorge of Harry and the Potters. He’s like Harry himself, practically. He’s like just as popular.

Matt: He’s kind of a big thing.

Andrew: Yeah, he’s sort of a somebody in the Wizard Rock world. I’ll put it that way.

Eric: I really like what he’s doing with the Wizard EP of the Month. I really like that.

MuggleCast 130 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: Chapter 13 – The Muggleborn Registraion Commission

Andrew: Yeah. That’s what we talked about. This week we’re just going to try one chapter – Chapter 13 – The Muggleborn Registration Commission. We feel like there’s a lot to talk about this chapter and the next week following it, so next week might be one chapter, too. I don’t know. Heck! We could be going until summer! I hope not, but…

[Andrew, Eric, and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Not weekly, anyway.

Eric: Well, we’ll see.

Andrew: All right, well let’s just jump right into it. I mean, this is the chapter where Harry, Ron and Hermione infiltrate the Ministry and Harry goes into Umbridge’s office and searches for the locket, of course to no avail and they actually do end up getting the locket in one of the coolest scenes so far in this book., and probably one of my favorite scenes in the book as a whole.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Totally agree. So they’ve actually infiltrated the Ministry in the previous chapter but they’re just stepping off of the elevator in the beginning of the chapter when Umbridge recognizes Hermione who is Mafalda Hopkirk. So Harry steps off the elevator and Umbridge gets on the elevator and Harry is confronted with Pius – by Pius Thicknesse who is under the Imperius Curse. Do we know who Imperiused Pius? Is that Voldemort, like, directly Imperiused him because this is the Minister of Magic?

Andrew: Presumably it would be Voldemort.

Mikey: No, no, I believe in the beginning it was….

Matt: It was Draco, wasn’t it?

Mikey: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah. They stated that someone was supposed to do that at the beginning. I don’t remember who.

Mikey: Oh. I thought it was Yaxley because we were introduced to Yaxley in the very beginning of the book and I believe Voldemort talks to Yaxley about what’s the progress with the Ministry.

Eric: Oh.

Mikey: Things like – “we have Thickness under our control.”

Andrew: Oh, right. Yeah.

Mikey: So I believe it’s Yaxley, especially considering, you know, that would be great to build this character up because he’s kind of new in the seventh book and he’s the one that did this.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah.

Mikey: I don’t know. That’s just what I remember from reading, guys.

Eric: Yaxley’s making a bang. Yaxley’s is making a bang. I was just thinking in that scene it would be funny if Harry turned to him and said, you know, “I’m Harry Potter” and just watch him flip out, but…

Mikey: [laughs] No, actually, actually – again, like honestly, I want to see, you know, who’s Harry impersonating. Rancor – what’s his name?

Matt: Runcorn?

Andrew: Runcorn, yeah.

Mikey: Runcorn? And he’s like this high up Death Eater person…

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: I would love for Harry – when Harry and Ron are in the elevator with Arthur – it’d just be like, “Arthur, it’s me, Harry, and this is Ron!” and just be like totally see Arthur Weasley just flip out and be like, “What are you doing here?” It’d be amazing, because like, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Harry feels bad the entire time in that entire scene.

Eric: Yeah, I agree. That’s what Jo’s so good at writing, though, is these scenes, you know? Like you really have to admire Jo for writing this just how she did because it’s like you almost want to reach out to the characters you’re seeing in peril. You know? Like Arthur Weasley getting intimidated and stuff – it’s just – I like how it all plays out.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: No, I agree with you. It’s one of these – this book is, like I think I stated a long time ago – this book is one of those things where I was mad at it throughout the entire reading. Because it was like, I wanted them to do something and they weren’t doing it, or they weren’t – I was like talking to the book and obviously, you know, it’s not going to respond because it’s a book!

Eric: Did the book talk back?

Mikey: [laughs] I think it might’ve talked back at one point. It might’ve been a dream or no sleep or something.

The Pure-blood Pamphlets

Eric: Half asleep while reading it, yeah. That does it sometimes. Yeah, right before Harry goes into Umbridge’s office there’s that group of wizards and witches that are folding papers – the Ministry pamphlets with a flower strangling another flower on it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: What’d you guys think of that pure-blood pamphlet maniac crap?

Andrew: I thought – it sort of reminded me of like – sort of a telemarketer’s office or something where they’re all just grouped together and doing the same thing over and over again.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t know if Jo’s trying to draw another parallel to something within the government or – yeah, I don’t know.

Eric: Just the idea that they were magicking pamphlets together – what would they use to magick pamphlets because pamphlets can be made quite easily by just folding paper. But they were like magically waving their wands and – I know it’s a moot point, but…

Andrew: See, I don’t see the point in doing that because they have paper folders. I used to use one in the job I used to work at. You put like a stack of papers in and then it like folds it three ways and it comes out like a toaster. You can just stick it in the envelope.

Eric: Oh, that’s cool.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Where do you get one of those Andrew?

Mikey: Yeah, but see the problem is…

Andrew: OfficeMax? [hits the “Easy” button] Actually, Staples.

Mikey: I prefer Staples. That’s what I was going to say.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I prefer Staples, my friend.

Eric: Right.

Mikey: But – it’s one of those things, though. Even if they do have paper-folders, Andrew, this is a wizarding world. We’ve seen them turn down jeans and t-shirts as daily wear to wear cloaks. So obviously going to Staples (“That was easy!”) and getting a paper folder – they’re probably just going to use their wand because it’s free.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: So…

Eric: They can’t be bothered. They can’t be bothered, Andrew. Plus, the Ministry needs to create jobs.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s true.

Mikey: Yeah. Economy – good for the economy.

Matt: About the picture with the red rose being strangled by a green weed, being mean and evil-like – do you guys see that as, kind of, propaganda?

Laura: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, sort of.

Eric: It’s propaganda. Oh, yeah.

Mikey: Yeah.

Eric: I think Umbridge drew it, too.

Laura: It’s propaganda though.

Eric: Yeah and Umbridge drew it, too. Umbridge could have been responsible for that drawing, actually. That’s what, I think, Jo hinted at. Because she said when Harry took a look at that, he didn’t know who drew it, but the scars on the back of his hand tingled again as they had previously.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: I thought it was a good comparison, too, because you know, roses are represented as the most beautiful, most prestigious flowers of the group…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: And that would represent like, Purebloods. I thought that was nice.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s a really good point.

Mikey: Yeah, but I think it’s also the fact that seeing a room of them folding it also lies in line with the pamphlet of what the Ministry has done previously about how to protect them and everything like that. I remember it was Half-Blood Prince and Harry was like, “I received a pamphlet form the Ministry,” and Dumbledore asks, “What did you think of it?” and he says, “It was pretty useless.”

[Eric laughs]

Mikey: That’s kind of what I think we’re seeing – that these are pretty useless because they’re propaganda and we see them as propaganda because that’s what the Ministry does because they’re kind of useless already.

The Eye of Moody

Andrew: So, the eye…

Eric: The eye! Nailed to the door. Or, you know, attached to the door. Guys, this is – this is sick. This is sick.

Andrew: It’s one of those classic Umbridge moments that I really was missing from Order of the Phoenix. Because like I’ve said so many times before, Order of the Phoenix gave me so much anger because of Umbridge. And that – you see Mad-Eye’s eye just framed up there like a trophy prize. It’s – I mean, it’s being used, but it’s still disgusting and wrong.

Matt: Well, it confirms that…

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: It confirms the fact that we know what happened – who got to Mad-Eye’s body first, too.

Andrew: That’s – oh yeah. Good point.

Mikey: But I think the – what the biggest question that came up to me when I read this was where did Mad-Eye get that magical eye, then? If it’s so unique that they’re taking it versus just creating their own…

Eric: Or getting their own, yeah.

Mikey: Where did he get this magical eye? Where did it come from?

Andrew: But I think Umbridge wanted it to just – I’m sure she was happy that Mad-Eye died, so – and I mean, they realized there was a use for it.

Matt: I’m sure she was there, too. She probably took it when they were examining his body.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah. Considering she takes the locket, too.

Matt: Yeah. She’s just taking stuff.

Eric: Yeah, she gets out and about a lot. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Umbridge gets around.

Matt: She goes to yard sales and everything.


[laughs] Hey, for all you guys know, she could have gotten that eye at a yard sale. But realistically, yeah, that just confirms that the Ministry got to Mad-Eye’s body. How unfortunate!

Umbridge’s Ministry Office

Eric: Yeah. So, I don’ know. If Harry walks in – when Harry walks in to her office and he sees that her office is pretty much the same as it was when it was at Hogwarts – I can’t wait to see that in the movie…

Andrew: That’s so funny, yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Because the whole time I was reading that scene, I was like, “Okay, time to bring the plates back out of the prop room.”

Eric: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: Because that’s…

Eric: Time to get another photo shoot of the cats and everything.

Andrew: Right. Well, hopefully – I mean, I’m sure they’re happy about that because now they know what to do for her office at the Ministry: same exact thing.

Matt: It’s easy, too, because it’s almost exactly like it was in the fifth story, so they really don’t have to change anything.

Andrew: Right. Exactly.

Eric: It’s interesting…

Mikey: Yeah, I actually kind of freaked out re-reading it. Because after I had seen the movie with all those cats now, versus just like – when I was envisioning before when I read the fifth book, now when I read it, I was like, “Oh my gosh, there are all these cats on the walls.” And I just started hearing the meows.

Matt: I know. It’s so surreal.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: And it’s so creepy! It’s like “Meeeeow! Meow!”

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Scratching. Ahhh, sorry, I’m freaking out!

[Eric makes “meow” noise]

Laura: I still just think of the cat plates they had in the bathrooms of the premiere party.

Andrew: I know.

Laura: And – oh my god.

Andrew: They would meow and stuff. That was really funny.

Eric: I wish I was there.

Matt: Yeah. So do I.

Andrew: Such a nice touch.

Mikey: Yeah, I didn’t go so…

Andrew: Not to have some inside talk even more, but another amazing thing about that after party is that they had an indoor area and there were portraits on the walls, but they were like plasma T.V. screens with portrait borders around them.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And it was moving wizards and stuff – it was so cool.

Laura: Yeah, that whole thing was pretty sweet. I have to say…

Andrew: Yeah, it was. Sucks you guys weren’t there! [laughs]

Matt: Well, I’m glad you guys had fun.

Mikey: Yeah, I’m glad you guys had a lot of fun.

Matt: Yeah, jerk.

Andrew: Well, Laura’s the one who took a picture with Rupert.

Laura: I did! It’s on my Facebook.

Andrew: That was very exciting. I’m glad you did that. 

Eric: So, as if… 

Andrew: I was too afraid to do that. But anyway… 

Search in Office Reveals No Locket

Eric: So as if the shockingness – as if the chapter couldn’t get any more shocking, Harry unsuccessfully searches for the locket unsucessfully in her office. And ell, actually guys, do you want to talk about that decoy detonator? Because my favorite line in the chapter comes just as Harry’s exiting Umbridge’s office. 

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Can we jump to the favorites segment here quickly? 

Andrew: I guess so, yeah.

Mikey: Yeah. 

Eric’s Favorite Line and The Rain Cloud

Eric: Well, my favorite line in this chapter – they’re discussing the diversion that Harry created with the decoy detonator and they say, “I bet it sneaked up here from Experimental Charms. They’re so careless. Remember that poisonous duck?” [laughs].

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: You know, I agree. Because it’s one of those things where it also shows how lax and ridiculous the…

Eric: The office life is.

Mikey: …Ministry has gotten.

Eric: “Remember that poisonous duck that was up here?” “Yeah, those silly Experimental Charms people.”

Mikey: Poisonous Duck. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, so the Ministry is sticking Dementors on the Muggle-borns.

Matt: They are?

Andrew: Which was very sad, but at the same time.


Andrew: It was definitely the coolest scene. Should we jump to that now? 

Matt: Yeah.

Mikey: Well actually, there’s something I put in there that sort of goes along with what Eric was saying – before we get down to the bottom of the elevator, guys. 

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay. 

Mikey: Eric brought up the exploding decoy and we know that’s from the twins. Then, Harry and Ron are in the elevator and Arthur Weasley shows up. And Arthur tells Ron, not knowing it’s Ron, how to stop to the rain in Yaxley’s office. 

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey:  My question is how does Arthur Weasley know exactly the spell? Do you think it’s the Order of The Phoenix making rain clouds in the offices? 

Eric: Oh no, no, no…

Matt: I think, if anything, it’s Fred and George’s stuff. 

Eric: No, he said he knew that spell because it worked for the other guy that had rain in his office. 

Mikey: Yeah, but that just seems way too convenient – that seems way too convenient that he happens to know it off the top of his head. I think there is something along there, where they’re tossing rain cloud frisbees or something and making rain clouds in all the offices of the Death Eaters. 

Matt: It’s very Fred and George-ish though. 

Laura: Yeah. 

Mikey: Yeah, that’s what – I agree. 

Matt: Like what they did in Movie 5 with the swamp in the Great Hall, or wherever it was. 

Eric: That’s true… 

Mikey: Swamp in the hallway.

Eric: Just because how close they’re watching Arthur Weasley, it just seems unlikely he’d be involved in it, but it is very pranksterish. 

Matt: I don’t think he is involved. I think it’s… 

Mikey: Yeah. I guess I can see it not being Arthur but I think Arthur knows exactly who’s doing it and what’s going on. I can really see it being a Fred and George thing where they snuck in and go, “Dad, just let these go,” and him doing it nonchalantly and they just go to where they need to go. Because that’s just amazing – come on, a rain cloud!  

Eric: What stuns me is that the raining offices floored Ron. I mean, he – when Hermione was mentioning suggestions, you know, Finite Incantatem or just Impervius and all that stuff – these are all spells that Ron had learned at Hogwarts for years and he was just completely unable to grasp the concept. He was fiddling in his pockets for a quill to write down the spells. And Ron is just completely stumped by this raining office when Hermione told him the spells to use and he just seems really incompetent.

Matt: Well, we know Ron’s reaction time isn’t as quick as the rest of them; he doesn’t very quick reactions. 

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: No, he doesn’t.

Mikey: Yeah, but it’s also one of those things where – what was it? Who was it? Yaxley? Again Yaxley said, “Fix the office and I might go easier on your wife.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: And again, Ron’s like, “I need to do this because I don’t want an innocent person to, you know, be killed.”

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Right. He’s getting freaked out.

Mikey: So one, Ron is under pressure and stuff like that. I think you guys picked on Ron a little too much, because I like him. [laughs]

Eric: [sings] “Under pressure…”

Mikey: No, it’s one of those things – yeah. [sings] “Under pressure…” But no, it’s one of things where Ron definitely is put under pressure and I think Harry, even Hermione, has problems under pressure. We see that coming up in a second and I’ll bring it up again. But Harry is the only one who does really well under pressure.  

Eric: “Fire!” “But there’s no wood!” “Are you a witch or not?” [laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] Well no, it’s also the same thing as like – again, there are Dementors all around and Hermione can’t cast a Patronus. It’s the only spell she’s ever had problems with.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: Still, it’s like you’re under pressure. I work better under pressure, but I don’t know about you guys.

The Elevator and The Courtroom

Eric: Speaking of Nazi parallels, there’s a really good line in here when Jo is illustrating that Umbridge’s Patronus is keeping the Dementors’ cold effects from reaching the prosecutors. And it’s a line that says that “morbid feeling,” that “dismal existence was for the accused not the accusers.”

Matt: Right, well that’s in the next chapter, isn’t it?

Eric: No.

Mikey: No, that’s in this chapter.

Matt: Are you sure?

Eric: That’s in this chapter because they’re in the chamber.

Andrew: So we’re there now.

Mikey: Yeah. So, we’re going, now we’re moving down.

Eric: Right.

Mikey: Arthur Weasley just told Ron how to get – and we’re going down into – Harry puts on the Invisibility Cloak.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: And Percy Weasley is on the elevator, he gets off the elevator – oh, and Arthur tells off Harry.

Mikey: Yeah, Arthur tells off Harry and Harry puts on the Invisibility Cloak and boom! They’re down in the courtrooms. That’s where we’re at.

Andrew: I was very surprised by Arthur Weasley’s attitude there because I don’t think that’s – I think that’s the first we’ve really seen him act like that. Of course, he’s not – he doesn’t know it’s Harry but still, I was kind of surprised by how mean he was.

Eric: Pleasantly surprised though.

Mikey: I wasn’t though. They’re not pushovers. You know what I mean?

Andrew: Yeah, I know.

Undesirable Number One and Eric’s Wizard Rock Band

Eric: Mikey.

Mikey: They’re family and – what?

Eric: It’s – he’s been hanging around Undesirable Number One too much. You know?

Andrew: Ah, yes.

Mikey: Yeah. That’s what it is.

Andrew: Those were cool names.

Matt: Now is that me or is that title just…

Eric: It’s the coolest title in the world.

Matt: …kind of, uncreative.

Andrew: I like it.

Matt: I don’t like it at all.

Eric: Who has not – see, I want to start a Wizard Rock band. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time and I’m going to call it – before someone else does – I want to call myself Undesirable Number One because it means…

Andrew: Well…

Eric: Because it’s just another nickname for Harry Potter but it’s – I don’t think it’s taken. So…

Andrew: That is a really good name but I think you just blew it.

Matt: You just blew it, you’ve got to…

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: But guys, guys! Didn’t you know? Me and Eric started that band last week.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

Mikey: Undesirable Number One, that’s me and Eric. That’s me and you right?

Eric: Yeah, totally.

Mikey: Is that what it is?

Andrew: All you’ve got to do is – Paul and I discussed in the interview – all you’ve got to do is just create a new MySpace page and boom! You have a band. You’re done. So, just create the band real quick putu p a MySpace before the episode comes out.

Mikey: Yes! We should. Let’s do it right now. Guys, you’re listening to history in the making. Undesirable Number One is getting an e-mail at Gmail right now and a MySpace page in the next five minutes.

Eric: Mikey, if you…

Andrew: Sweet.

Eric: Could do that I’d love you forever.

Mikey: Actually I would let you do it because I’m actually looking at my bills now. I’m sorry.

Eric: That’s okay, it just won’t get done.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Just get that done. Okay, giving that name up for the public…

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Eric: Undesirable Number One…

Mikey: Yes.

[Eric laughs]

Mikey: Make it and the just give Eric credit for the name because it’s awesome.

Back to Umbrigde’s Office: Rita’s Book

Andrew: Okay, well let’s…

Matt: Hey guys…

Andrew: Let’s keep moving along here.

Matt: Can I say something?

Andrew: Sure.

Matt: About – because we kind of passed it and I really hate going back but, I think this is a pivotal – one of the pivotal points in the chapter, when Harry looks at the book by Rita Skeeter about “The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.”

Eric: Oh, you’re right. We missed that.

Matt: It has a picture of Dumbledore holding who I believe – isn’t it Dumbledore? He says it could be Armando Dippet, but…

Eric: No, Doge.

Matt: Doge. Doge. That’s it.

Eric: Dumbledore is there and he says it could be Doge he’s holding.

Matt: I kind of thought it was like, Grindelwald or something.

Eric: I think – it’s either talked – I don’t think it would be Grindelwald in that picture though. See, it depends on what picture. But, the one in the book…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: I don’t know. If it’s…

Andrew: What made you think it was Grindelwald?

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: I don’t know. Because he was just holding his arm around him looking really happy and Dumbledore and him used to be really good friends.

Andrew: Well, what are you trying to say?

Mikey: Wellm it couldn’t have been – couldn’t it have been his brother?

Andrew: They were lovers. I don’t know.

Mikey: Were they lovers?

Andrew: No they weren’t.

Laura: No, they weren’t.

Andrew: But Dumbledore loved him.

Eric: You know what else is funny? Rita Skeeter – it said, from the same author as “Armando Dippet” – what was it? “Moron.” [laughs] Or something.

Andrew: Yeah, something like that.

Eric: “Master or Moron.” It was pretty funny.

Back to the Courtroom and The Locket

Andrew: So, let’s get to the chamber now in the courtroom. Harry is there with his Invisibility Cloak, scares Hermione by saying, “I’m behind you.” This – I love this scene. I think this is so cool.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Umbridge is explaining that the locket belongs to her ancestors and that just sends Harry through the roof. I can’t – I really cannot wait to see this scene.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: Laura – what did you think about it, Laura?

Laura: I thought it was just fabulous. I mean you just – it’s just another one of those Umbridge moments that you talk about where it’s like, she’s just flat out lying, like… [makes frustrated noise]

Andrew: Right.

Laura: It’s so annoying.

Andrew: So easily. So easily.

Matt: What’s great about when she does these lies and stuff – she knows it’s a blatant lie and she knows that she can say it and it’s pretty much cannon when she says it, because no one can say anything.

Mikey: See, what I was going to say is like – this is great, you know, it’s this blatant lie. But if she knew what it really was, it’d be even that much more because it was Salazar Slytherin’s. It was one of the founders of Hogwarts. You know, she could say, “Oh, this is an old family heirloom but it was originally Salazar Slytherin’s.” That’s so much more than it was like, “it’s been in her family for generations” and I just find it very ironic that she’s making up a story that’s not even as good as the actual story behind it.

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Matt: Well if she – if she blatantly tells everybody that it’s from Slytherin, people are going to start to actually research it to see if she’s a liar or not. If she goes “Selwyn”…

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Matt: …it’s not as prestigious.

Mikey: No, I know. Yeah, I know, but the whole thing is though – like, the actual story behind what the locket is and what it is, is way more interesting and way more important than her made up story of “it’s been in my family for years.”

Andrew: Of course!

Eric: Umbridge has the locket around her neck and she is proud to wear it. But if Pius Thicknesse, if the Minister of Magic saw the locket at any point, you know, when maybe she was walking in, she showed it to the Minister: “Do you like my new locket?” Pius should’ve told – if Pius was under the Imperius control of Voldemort, Voldemort would’ve seen that locket, and he would’ve recognized that the locket was out of its hiding place. That’s a potential…

Andrew: Yeah!

Eric: … big plot hole that I just – I just thought of that.

Mikey: Well again we – I thought that we said that Pius wasn’t Imperiused by Voldemort.

Eric: Wasn’t under Voldemort. And I think that’s…

Laura: Yeah, I don’t think he was.

Mikey: And again, I think Voldemort was lying low still. He’s basically in control because all his cronies are controlling the Ministry. But he doesn’t actually need to be – I think they said, I think Arthur or…

Eric: It was Remus. It was Remus who said, “Yeah, that he doesn’t have to.”

Mikey: Yeah, it’s Remus that says he doesn’t need to because he has virtual control without having to make himself present. And if he did make himself present, then there would probably be more people that would stand against it because then it’s obvious, but…

Eric: But I just thought it was – yeah. Yeah.

Mikey: But I’m pretty confident it wasn’t Voldemort.

Eric: No, you’re right. It’s no plot hole.

Harry Attacks Umbridge, Hermione Takes The Locket


Andrew: So, another thing we wanted to talk about here. So, Harry sends a curse at – what was it again?

Eric: He shuts her face.

Matt: It was Stupify.

Andrew: It was Stupify, right.

Mikey: Was it Stupify, again? Oh, geez.

Andrew: It was.

Eric: Yeah, it was Stupify.. It was Stupify.

Mikey: It’s a good spell, isn’t it?

Andrew: It was.

Mikey: Stupify again.

Eric: Umbridge is boom – face desk, head desk.

Why Does Locket Have No Effect on Umbridge?


Andrew: Which is great, and then Hermione goes into it get the locket. One thing that Matt wanted to bring up was why does the locket not have an effect on Umbridge? Because as we know later on in the book – we’ll talk about it now just because Umbridge is wearing it now – Ron felt the effects of it. It made him separate from the group. So, what was it about Umbridge that…

Matt: Well, not only that, but when they put the locket on for the first time – in the next chapter though – you could feel it, an automatic heart beat. Like, wouldn’t she feel that?

Andrew: Yeah, well not just that. Harry said he felt the slightest heart beat…

Mikey: Heart beat and stuff, yeah. We read both chapters in preparation for this but then we just realized that the chapter’s too big.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: For two chapters, but…

Andrew: So…

Mikey: Oh…

Andrew: The question is why – does anyone have any high ideas or theories why Umbridge wouldn’t feel anything? Does it matter if you’re wearing certain amount of clothing that’s protecting you from physically…

Eric: Well she does have the ruffles, the foliage…

Andrew: Touching skin?

Eric: But…

Andrew: Her dress. No, I’m just kidding.

Eric: No, well, I think she did feel it. I don’t think the locket had no effect on Umbridge. But I think, though, that Umbridge was so full of malice, generally – when she got the locket, she proceeded to – I mean that is when she proceeded to make those pamphlets and start crucifying and became the head of the Muggle-born Registration Committee. She was at a really crucial, really powerful, self-important time as part of her career at the Ministry. I just think the locket would have felt good – unusually good to wear. I think it attracted her to begin with.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: And it just was one of those things that empowered her to do her job and have all that malice and evil. So, she might not have noticed that it was beating a heart beat, but I think it definitely affected her it made her – sort of brought out her evil and her cruelty.

Laura: Yeah, I agree. Definitely

Mikey: Yeah, I have to be with Eric, but I also think maybe – also kind of shows that – because it is part Voldemort. I know that Voldemort has a direct affect on the people that see him that are not his followers. It could also mean that she was a Death Eater and he had been in his presence before and did not seem any different. I personally think that just because how evil she was, she would definitely be one of the Death Eaters.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Well, yeah.

Mikey: And this locket would not change anything. You know?

Laura: Well…

Mikey: It’s what she’s been used to.

Matt: That’s kind of the same as my theory, too. Although, I think since it is a Horcrux and it’s part of Voldemort – I think Horcruxes kind of have soul of its own. So, I think it could actually sense if it’s in danger or not. Maybe that’s why it affected Ron so much because it knew what – it kind of felt that it was kind in danger in this group of peoples’ hands.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Whereas, if it was with Umbridge, it knew it was safe or it just could sense a comfortable…

Andrew: Oh, that’s true. Yeah.

Matt: …aura around her or something.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah. I could believe that. That’s a good one.

Laura: Yeah, well I think the big point of the locket is that it brings out the worst in people. If you’re a good person like Ron is and it starts to magnify all of your worst traits, you’re clearly not going to be very happy.

Eric: You’re very fearsome.

Laura: But if you thrive in being evil like Umbridge does, then just making her power-hungry nature that much more bad would make her happy.

Matt: That’s true.

Laura: So, yeah.

Matt: That’s a good theory, too.

Eric: Yeah. Well, you know what Hermione does, guys? This is – this shocked me.

Andrew: But wait a second – was there anything that showed Dumbledore – or, sorry – that Umbridge – her cruelness was exemplified?

Eric: Well, it’s like…

Laura: Well, the way I think – I mean…

Eric: I’m not saying it’s inhuman. I’m not saying Umbridge is being super powerful now that she has the locket. I’m just saying that the locket would have felt good to wear around – as a general vibe, like…

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: …Umbridge would be – Umbridge would be getting this vibe to be cruel, and she’s proud to have this locket that is from the Sed – or Selwyn family, or whatever, which is not true.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Well granted, also…

Laura: Well, I think that it…

Matt: Oh, sorry.

Andrew: Yeah. Let Laura go.

Laura: It’s okay. All right, I think that what it shows is it kind of took her whole pure – her obsession with pure-bloods to a whole new level, because in the fifth book, she didn’t really say anything about Muggle-borns, did she?

Eric: No, she just hated half-breeds, like centaurs.

Andrew: No.

Laura: It was mostly about magical creatures…

Eric: Yeah, magical creatures.

Laura: And this just took it to a whole new level. And gave her the opportunity.

Eric: Totally.

Andrew: But don’t you think that was Dumbledore’s – or, sorry – Voldemort’s doing?

Laura: Well I think that – I think that he allowed – I think he made that easier for her to do, but it also, I think, could become more acceptable for her if she had – you know, if the locket did bring out…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …that kind of…

Eric: I’m with Laura.

Laura: Evil, power-hungry…

Eric: I’m with Laura.

Laura: Personality of hers.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, I can go with that. I’ll buy that.

Duplicating the Locket

Eric: You know what’s so shocking that I read, guys, is that Hermione duplicated the locket so that Umbridge didn’t know it was missing. Did you guys catch that?

Laura: Mhm.

Matt: Yeah. Mhm.

Andrew: Well, of course…

Eric: But I thought…

Andrew: That’s pretty important.

Eric: That’s so weird. So now, not only is there a locket around Kreacher’s neck, which is the false locket that R.A.B. put in the basin to replace the locket he took, but now there’s actually a duplicate locket that actually has an “S,” so it’s almost like an exact replica of the Slytherin artifact without Voldemort’s soul in it.

Matt: Uh huh.

Andrew: But that’s important because if Umbridge thought it was stolen, there would have been this huge search for that locket and…

Eric: Right, but…

Andrew: …they would have had a…

Eric: What exactly does it…

Mikey: And I’m sure Voldemort would have found out.

Eric: Matter? But what exactly does it…?

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Oh. Well…

Andrew: It matters because they don’t want another reason for Death Eaters and Voldemort to come after them. Or Umbridge – like, maybe Umbridge would have been really annoyed enough to go after…

Eric: Right. Okay.

Andrew: …Harry, Ron and Hermione to get the locket.

Eric: But at first I didn’t wonder, because, I mean, after they make the big escape from the Ministry, I think – I mean, there are several moments here – and this is another point too – there are several moments – see, Mary, the wife of Redge, who they’re rescuing from this trial – she’s really confused because Harry is, you know, personifying the man who put her there in the first place. But they shout each other’s names quite a bit when they’re escaping and throwing Patronuses at the Dementors, “Harry,” “Hermione,” “Ron this,” “Ron that,” and it seems pretty obvious that it’s Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger that have appeared at the Ministry. It seems like Mary would be able to piece it together, or that, you know, somebody would be able to piece it together. Wouldn’t they just want to come after Harry Potter anyway for being at the Ministry? Wouldn’t that just make them want to come after them anyway?

Mikey: Yeah. Well, they’re already after Harry Potter anyway.

Eric: I guess. Yeah.

Mikey: But no, I think the big thing about the locket is, again, without her knowing the locket’s gone and making a fuss about it, Voldemort won’t get wind that his locket has been found and the people involved with taking it and stealing it was his one big enemy. You know what I mean? If Voldemort knew he was destroying his Horcruxes, I think he would have gone out and made more. You know? There are so many more things he could have done than to prevent himself from ever destroying all the Horcruxes. Do you know what I mean?

Eric: You’re right. Dolores…

Mikey: And Harry is this 96-year-old man…

Eric: Umbridge…

Mikey: Trying to kill, you know, the last seventeen of them.

Eric: You’re right, and Umbridge would have been making a big fuss if her locket was…

Matt: Well…

Eric: Stolen.

Matt: Back to what the original question was, though, about how come it didn’t affect her as much, was – I just thought about it – she didn’t wear the locket as long as Ron did either, so that’s probably why it didn’t affect her as much as it did Ron.

Laura: Fair point. Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I guess. Yeah.

Matt: Because it didn’t – weren’t they like out there for months?

Mikey: Yeah…

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: But also, how long did she have the locket from what’s his name? From…

Eric: Mundungus. Dung.

Mikey: …Mundungus? Yeah. Do you know what I mean? She could have had it for months too, because they didn’t think about this locket until – remember when Dumbledore died? That’s like the summer before. Let’s say that’s like June or – and now it’s like, what? It’s like…

Eric: Now it’s September.

Mikey: …September maybe. So she’s had it on straight for months then if he got it right away. Do you know what I mean?

Matt: Did he say he sold it right away though?

Mikey: And actually, no. Mundungus stole it before Dumbledore’s death even, after freaking what’s his name’s death? After Sirius’s…

Laura: Oh, good old what’s-his-name!

Mikey: Which was like, years ago.

Eric: So all we know is that Umbridge came up to Dung while he was selling in Diagon Alley and said, “Do you have a permit to sell it here?” And he said no, he’s like, you know, whatever, and she’s like, “Give me that nice necklace, I want it.”

Mikey: Yeah, “give me that and I’ll turn a blind eye.”

MuggleCast 130 Transcript (continued)

The Escape and The Polyjuice Potion Issue

Eric: Well, next was just their – kind of their escape. Do you guys have any comments about their escape?

Andrew: The escape was interesting. I thought the biggest “Holy Sh…” moment was when the real – what was his name again?

Matt: Yaxley?

Andrew: No, no, no, the guy who went home to puke and then…

Eric: Reg Cattermole.

Mikey: Reg Cattermole.

Eric: Reggie Cattermole.

Andrew: Yeah, when he came back and, you know, everyone realized there was two of them. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That was a very confusing scene, like…

Matt: It’s hard to read.

Andrew: …even Yaxley was confused. It is hard to read.

Matt: It’ll be a lot better in the movie though.

Eric: Well, Harry laid out this bald guy.

Mikey: Yeah! I think that’s a cool part. I was going to say that, and like, Harry’s just like – he punches a bald guy that lets them go through, and he’s like…

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: …”He’s helping Muggle-borns escape Yaxley!” and confuses everyone. That’s just awesome.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I think – but, again, this is not going to be a Daniel Radcliffe doing this scene, punching, and it’s going to be some guy playing Runcorn, and I want to see some big guy just punch another guy.

Eric: Oh, guys, what do you think is going to happen? Because this is a Polyjuice moment, but remember, they made a significant change in Chamber of Secrets when they used the Polyjuice. They still had their own voices, which was…it was a dumb change to make.

Andrew: Yeah, you know, I thought about that because Mrs. Cattermole was all confused in – once they knocked Umbridge out, she got all confused, but like, Harry and Hermione kept addressing each other as each other. So, I don’t understand really what’s going on there.

Mikey: But she was also worried about her life. She’s not paying attention to those little things. We catch them, obviously.

Andrew: Yeah, but she – but it’s not even a little thing. It’s like, “Harry come here, Hermione come here.” Like, you know?

Eric: It is, it is. Andrew is completely right, and, I mean, more to the point, in the book they don’t have their regular voices, and they shouldn’t either. I mean, that was stupid of Movie 2 to do it, but it was a plot device.

Matt: Well, they don’t in The Goblet of Fire either with Mad-Eye Moody. I think they just changed it ’cause they realized that’s how it happens.

Eric: Oh, you’re right, because Mad-Eye Moody, yeah okay, so that’s a Movie 2 error.

Andrew: But I do think from a movie stand point, especially with the trio, it’s too confusing while you’re watching a movie to follow who Harry, Ron and Hermione turn into. Don’t you think?

Laura: Yeah, I think they will change it for the benefit of the movie goer.

Eric: So what do you think they’ll do?

Andrew: Yeah, it’s just too confusing, especially with these random Ministry characters, like – you know, a typical movie goer will not understand – will probably get confused. Especially during these faster-paced action scenes, like, “Wait, who’s who again? I forget.” Like, you know, it’s not going to have like arrows pointing to who is who. You’ve got to have…

Mikey: But you know what? That’s actually what happens; Ron forgets what Harry looked like.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: You know what I mean? I think they’re not going to – I don’t think they’re going to dumb it down for movie goers, regardless of…

Eric: I don’t think they’re going to dumb it down, you’re right.

Matt: No.

Mikey: Yeah, I think they’re going to have different voices, and what’s going to happen is, we’re going to follow the one person that the movie’s through. We’re going to follow Harry. And we’re going to forget that it’s Hermione, but then he’s going to be under the Invisibility Cloak and go, “Hermione, I’m here.” And it’s going to go, “Oh, that’s Hermione’s character again, she changed from what she looked like.”

Andrew: I guess so.

Eric: Mafalda Hopkirk.

Mikey: And Ron forgot what he looked like, you know what I mean? There’s enough in there. The only part that’s going to be confusing is like, that ending part when two Reg Cattermoles come out.

Matt: Right.

Mikey: But then, you know what’s going to happen is? They’re going to start coming back.

Matt: Exactly.

Mikey: Because Yaxley has a moment of recognition, that’s when Harry’s scar is going to appear.

Eric: Or their voices change. Yeah.

Mikey: Or their voices start changing. You’re going to know – the movie goers are not – sorry, I get passionate when we start talking about the movie, even though I love the books.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: Because I’m a filmmaker, guys. But you know, it’s…

Eric: I know.

Andrew: Wait, wait. You’re a film major? You never said that before.

Mikey: Yeah! What can I say? I like movies.

[Laura and Matt laugh]

Andrew: I didn’t know that. But wait, repeat it like five more times, because I think I’m going to forget.

Mikey: Mikey B! Likes movies. Okay, I’m going to leave it there. But no, it’s one of those things they can definitely keep in.

Eric: Yeah, well I agree.

Mikey: They don’t have to dumb it down. As long as they have the one thread which is Harry’s character as Runcorn, because we follow him, we know that’s Harry, and then, you know, Ron’s character comes back in. Even if we forgot what it was, he goes, “Ron, it’s me.” He’s like, “Oh Harry, I forgot what you looked like.” They bring that back up so we know what Ron looks like again, and then, you know, again we have Hermione.

Eric: I think they will cast actors. Yeah, I don’t think they’ll dumb it down, you’re right, Mikey. Have you seen Stardust? Have you guys seen Stardust?

Mikey: No.

Andrew: Well, obviously, they’re going to cast actors, but I – see, I think the way they did it in Chamber of Secrets says something. Sure, they could change it, but I think to avoid confusion – and yes, there will be confusion, I don’t care what you guys say. I mean, whatever, we can agree to disagree.

Mikey: But what about Mad-Eye? We didn’t have Mad-Eye doing a weird fake voice the entire time.

Andrew: Well, because then you would’ve known it was…

Laura: Because that was a longer period of time too.

Andrew: And the other thing was that you weren’t supposed to know that that was an impostor.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Like if it was a different voice, people would’ve been like, “What the hell?”

Matt: Yeah, I know, but you can’t just change it, Andrew.

Andrew: Although I guess that’s the first time we’re meeting Mad-Eye anyway, so nobody would have known.

Mikey: So, it wouldn’t have mattered. Exactly.

Eric: Actually, wait, you guys are forgetting – wait, I remember it. No, it would be easier to understand because they’ll understand because of the seven Potters. The scene with the seven Potters, with all of those Dan Radcliffes.

Andrew: That’s going to be hard, too.

Eric: I don’t know even know if it will be hard, it will just be – they’ll understand that that kind of stuff happens, so the…

Matt: It’s possible, guys…

Eric: Filmmakers…

Matt: It’s not hard.

Eric: …establish that with the scene with the seven Potters to then help understand what happens in the Ministry of Magic.

Andrew: True, true.

Mikey: I want to see Dan Radcliffe walk in as Fleur Delacour. Just walking around, giving Bill a big old kiss.

Andrew: So, um, yeah their escape; it’s cool.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: The saddest moment is when they realize that they won’t be able to go back to Grimmauld Place anymore.

Eric: They don’t realize that yet.

Mikey: No. The saddest moment is when Ron gets splinched. That’s…

Eric: That doesn’t happen yet!

Andrew: Yeah, but he’s okay.

Eric: It doesn’t happen yet, guys. They’re in midair

Matt: You are skipping to the next chapter.

Eric: They are in midair….

Andrew: Oh. Right. Yeah.

Eric: …when the next chapter happens. Harry just feels Hermione’s grasp leaving him and then that’s…

Andrew: Oh, yeah that’s…

[Something beeps in the background]

Andrew: Something in my room keeps beeping!

Mikey: So that’s Chapter 13.

Quote Quiz

Andrew: All right. So it’s time for Quote Quiz-quiz-quiz-quiz… Okay, this week’s Quote Quiz from Chapter 14 is: “Can you feel it though?”

Matt: Yeah!

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: I can feel it.

Andrew: No. No. That was Quote Quiz, Matt. That wasn’t a question.

Matt: Oh, oh, oh.

Make The Connection

Andrew: Ummm, okay. So let’s move on now to Make The Connection.

Matt: Is it Make “the” Connection or Make “a” Connection?

Andrew: Matt’s back this week with a…what?

Matt: Is it Make “the” Connection or Make “a” Connection?

Andrew: “The.”

Matt: Oh, it is?

Andrew: Well, we’ve always called it Make The Connection, so I don’t know.

Matt: All right. Okay.

Andrew: Let’s start with Mikey since he is new to this. I guess Eric hasn’t done one yet either, has he?

Mikey: I’ve done one before.

Andrew: Oh okay.

Mikey: I just haven’t done one in a long time because I haven’t been here.

Matt: I am going to give Mikey an easy one.

Mikey: Okay, good. Thank you. I appreciate that.

Matt: Okay. Let me look. Let me look. Let me look Okay, Mikey B, your Make The Connection for this week is: Make The Connection between Harry Potter and Anakin Skywalker.

Andrew: Oh god!

Mikey: Oh, eez! Which Anakin, though?

Eric: Dude!

Matt: The one in Star Wars.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Okay. Just checking, because really, I don’t want to make a connection between – well there is another one. There is Anakinn Solo.

Eric: Oh, you’re right.

Matt: In the movies. In the movies.

Mikey: In the movies.

Matt: In the movies. In the movies. In the movies. In the movies.

Mikey: In the movies. In the movies. Okay, well I am going to have to say Order of the Pheonix is a lot like Attack of the Clones, because they’re both big babies and whine about a lot of things.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Because Harry Potter is like, “I’m mad! At the world! Beause I’m angsty, and I’m ALL CAPS HARRY!” And then in the movie, Anakin Skywalker goes, “I killed them all! I hated them. AHHH!”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: “I hate them.”

Mikey: That’s a good one, right?

Eric: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: That’s a good one.

Matt: Mhm.

Mikey: “I hate them all! I killed them all like animals! I’m angry!”

Eric: “I smothered…”

Matt: That’s good!

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Actually, you guys want to hear a Star Wars story, a very quick one that kind of relates to this?

Andrew: Really quick.

Mikey: All right. I pulled out my Wii, Nintendo Wii again, and I set it up, and I’ve been playing Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, and then I rented Lego Star Wars.

Eric: Oh! How is that for Wii? For Wii?

Mikey: That game is amazing! Lego Star Wars for the Wii is the most amazing thing. I beat Episode 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and then I had to return it before I could beat Episode 6, so…

[Matt and Eric sigh]

Mikey: …I think that I may have to buy it or rent it again. Because Lego – and they’re making a Lego Indiana Jones.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: And I’m so excited. The Lego games are so entertaining.

Andrew: They are.

Mikey: They’re not little kid games. They are awesome. They’re Lego games.

Andrew: I used to love Lego Chess. That was a fun one.

Eric: That always froze my computer.

Mikey: Dude, Lego Star Wars.

Andrew: I guess I am the only dork who plays Lego Chess.

Eric: Lego Chess, yeah.

Mikey: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah, anyway.

Eric: Well, Lego Chess inspired me…

Mikey: Make The Connection.

Matt: Wait, wait, wait! Let me say something about this, because I want to tell you the reason why I picked this – was because the person who sent this in had the most perfect Make The Connection, and I agree with it.

Andrew: Oh okay.

Matt: It is so funny. The reason why there is a Make The Connection between Harry Potter and Anakin Skywalker is because both main actors, Daniel Radcliffe and Hayden Christianson both are bad actors.

[Everyone boos]

Mikey: That’s mean!

[Matt laughs]

Eric: That’s the worst Making the Connection. I don’t like that one.

[Matt continues to laugh]

Mikey: But this is what happens, though. Let me explain why that’s completely wrong.

Matt: Oh. Okay!

Mikey: I can explain that. I can explain why that’s completely wrong. Harry Potter is originally a fictional character from a novel. Anakin Skywalker – we never had a novel of that. That’s George Lucas’s vision. Every Star Wars book never dealt with the story of Anakin Skywalker. That was originally released not as a novel, but as a movie. And that’s where Hayden Christianson is the canon for that, whereas Harry Potter – the canon for that is the book one, not the movie one.

Eric: Ah.

Mikey: Not Daniel Radcliffe.

Eric: That’s true. It is safe to say. Now Mikey B’s…

Mikey: They’re two different things.

Matt: I’m not convinced, but okay

Eric: So you can’t mess with Hayden Christianson.

Mikey: I’m sorry sure. Don’t mess with me and Star Wars. I have a Yoda tattoo and a Fox Phoenix tattoo, okay? I got my two friends.

Andrew: Mhm.

Mikey: Okay? Those are on my body for life.

Eric: Well, okay, none of you mentioned the fact that he’s a little boy when he figures out that he’s going to be whisked away and taken on a fate-entwined journey.

Andrew: There’s a million connections.

Mikey: There’s a million connections. But I wanted to bring up the whiny one so I could change my voice and go “I killed them all! Ah!”

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: Oh, it was funny. It was funny. It was funny. That was a very, very scene. That was a very…

Andrew: All right.

Mikey: All right, and actually, you really like – honestly, go play Lego Star Wars. Even if you don’t like Star Wars, just to see the angsty Anakin Skywalker as a Lego is so entertaining! That’s what that voice came from. The “Ah!” It’s amazing. It’s so funny.

Eric: I am just so upset that they combined those games because I have one and two, which was the original trilogy, which was the sequel they made. And now they have the complete Saga for the Wii, the PS3, and the XBOX 360. And I don’t have any of those systems. So, I don’t have the combined game. Can I have a Making the Connection, Matt?

Matt: I got one for you, but I got Andrew because I like this one for Andrew. Make a Connection between Harry Potter and a furry hat.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: A furry hat? Well, what does that have to do with me?

Matt: I don’t know.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Okay. Well, Harry Potter and a furry hat. Yeah, are we talking a cap or like a…

Matt: It says, “A furry hat.” Go with it.

Andrew: Okay. Well, a furry hat is very warm and cozy on your head. It actually sometimes tickles your head because of the fibers that are coming off of it. And when you where a wizarding hat – or a witches’ hat – your head tingles, because when it’s a Sorting Hat, it talks to you.

[Eric laughs]

Matt: Hmmm.

Mikey: Booo!

Matt: A Sorting Hat?

Andrew: [laughs] I know it’s terrible, but that’s all you’re getting.

Mikey: That is horrible.

Andrew: That’s all your getting Sorry! That’s the best I can do.

Matt: Well, the person who sent this in…

Mikey: You had it going with the warm and fuzzy.

Andrew: Hold on, oh. Wait, what did the person say?

Matt: If Harry was in need of a birthday present for Luna, he could give her a furry hat and tell her it was made from the skin of a Crumple Horned Snorkack. Also, she probably…

Andrew: Oh!

Matt: …would appreciate pictures.

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: Oh, whatever. I thought it was going to be a connection between Luna’s lion from the Quidditch match.

Andrew: Oh! Yeah, I didn’t think of that. Yeah, that is fuzzy. That is funny – fuzzy.

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: If I was a betting man, if I was a betting man, I would bet that that’s going to be in the movie.

Matt: My next one’s for Eric. Eric?

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Are you here? Okay. Make The Connection between Harry Potter and receiving an electric shock in a bathtub filled with grape Kool-Aid.

[Laura and Mikey laugh]

Mikey: Wow!

Matt: There’s actually a good explanation for this. So, it’s not impossible.

Eric: Receiving a shock when you’re in a bathtub filled with grape Kool-Aid? Ummm…

Matt: Yes.

Eric: Well, that would be about as close as I could get to replicating the Ministry of Magic scene with the brain tub. The tub with the brains in it? The shocking brains. Like, if I wanted to recreate the Ministry of Magic scene in my own bathtub, that’s what I would do. I would get a bunch of grape juice and a hairdryer. And I would shock myself.

Mikey: Uh, grape Kool-Aid, my friend.

Eric: Oh, grape Kool-Aid. Sorry, yeah.

[Mikey laughs]

Eric: Sorry, if that fails.

Matt: No, that was okay.

Andrew: That’s all right.

Matt: There’s no wrong answer, right?

Andrew: That’s true.

Matt: All right.

Andrew: Well, unless you don’t Make The Connection. [laughs]

Matt: Mhm. See the listeners…

Andrew: What was…

Matt: Okay, the actual explanation for that was, in Goblet of Fire, Harry takes a bath in the Prefects bathroom to solve the golden egg clue…

Eric: Oh.

Matt: …with many multi-colored waters and bubbles. Hence the grape Kool-Aid. He receives a shock when Moaning Myrtle pays him a visit.

Eric: Oh, wow!

Laura: Oh, okay.

Eric: So Harry gets a shock!

Andrew: Oh! See, these are like puzzles. These are like puzzles. You have to work through your brain to find a connection.

Eric: That was proably the most intelligent one. That was really incredible. I don’t like myself. I like myself that much less because I did not make that connection.

Andrew: Awww.

Matt: Awww.

Andrew: Don’t get emo about it.

Matt: Awww, geez.

Laura: Awww. That’s sad.

Matt: It’s the Emo Cast now. [laughs]

[Laura laughs]

Matt: Okay, Laura. You’re next.

Laura: Oh, boy. I hate these things.

Matt: Okay, Laura. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be mean. Make The Connection between Harry Potter and putting a poisonous snake in a light bulb, then putting it in a glass box with another lizard, and smuggling the box to Texas.

Andrew: Ha, ha! [laughs] Poor Laura had a bad one last week too.

Laura: Yeah, I did. Well, okay so wait. Wait, we’re putting a poisonous snake inside of a light bulb. And then we’re putting that with a lizard, did you say, in a box?

Matt: Putting it in a glass box with another lizard. And then smuggling the box to Texas.

Laura: Hmmm. Well, you could definitely draw a Horcrux kind of parallel there. You know, housing something that’s living inside of an inanimate object. And also the idea that some of Voldemort’s Horcruxes were spread out across the continent, like one of them was in a tree in Albania, wasn’t it?

Eric: A tree in Albania.

Laura: So, yeah. I mean, there really aren’t any trees in Texas so you couldn’t say that it was in a tree there. But also, Voldemort has a snake.

Matt: Okay! Okay! Good!

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Laura: No, no, no. And he had her suspended in that ball thing, which is kind of lightbulb shaped, sort of.

Eric: It’s bulbous. It’s bulbous.

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: Okay.

Laura: What was the actual connection?

Matt: I don’t know, wait. The connection is…

Mikey: I made that up.

Matt: Poisonous… Yeah I made it up.

[Matt and Laura laugh]

Matt: The connection is poisonous snakes are really dangerous to many people, just like Acromantula’s are. And in order to smuggle these dragon eggs, is to put them into something that isn’t clear, such as a lightbulb. Then to avoid suspicion, putting it into a box with a less dangerous animal. Then they would be able to smuggle it to where ever they want to. For example, how Hagrid smuggled Aragog into the castle. I don’t know.

Laura: What? Hagrid did not put Aragog in a lightbulb! I don’t understand.

Matt: I don’t know! I just wanted you to try, Laura.

Andrew: I think she made a good…

Mikey: Great job, Matt.

Matt: I just wanted to challenge you, I think you did an awesome job.

Laura: No, I’m just wondering where the person got that from. I don’t get it.

Andrew: I don’t know.

Mikey: People reach. People reach for these things.

Andrew: Yeah, you have to make a good connection, folks.

Matt: These are probably the best ones I got that stuck out in my mind. A lot of you – when you send a Make The Connection, please give me the connection after you’re done. Don’t just put it and then just say, “I don’t really know the connection, I just like it.”

Eric: Even though Jamie did that clearly to people.

Mikey: I do that. Don’t do what I do.

Eric: Jamie ruthlessly created connections.

[Mikey and Laura laugh]

Laura: Oh yeah, it’s true.

Eric: But maybe that’s just Jamie.

Mikey: I love Jamie.

Andrew: It’s right in front of you.

Eric: Yeah, it’s true. It’s true.

Matt: That’s Jamie’s charm though. He just does it just to see us suffer.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Top Ten Uses of a Pensieve

Eric: So, what are these Pensieve Possibilities? Because that is the title of last week’s show.

Andrew: Well, last week we asked you guys to send in possible uses for a Pensieve. And we had quite a few lists sent it; we thank everyone who contributed to the list, but the best one actually was a collaborative effort that I want to read. So, we asked you to send in your top 10 list. The top 10 uses for your Pensieve. If you had one, what would be the top 10 uses? Because in the book it’s only used to store your thoughts but then we realized, wait there’s more possibilities and we came up with some ideas on the show last week – just bounced some ideas around. And here’s one sent in by Kavitha, also known as Padfoot on the MuggleCast Fan Forums. She writes:

“Hello, MuggleCasters! I’d just like to say that the fan forums and I have created this list. We made a huge list, and voted on our favorite ten. You can check out the topic if you’d like to see them all! Here’s the link for the full thread.”

Andrew: And we’ll link to it on And then here is the list. She actually didn’t number the list.

Eric: Top Ten Choices For What You Can Use A Pensieve For.

Andrew: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Is there 10 or 11 here?

Eric: There is eleven.

Mikey: Well, let’s just read them off anyway.

Andrew: Okay. So the first one: “Put some cucumbers in it, close it up, and make pickles! When you’re done with the pickles, keep them in the Pensieve, and send it to the P.O. box (or the Pensieve Object Box).”

Mikey: Ohhh.

Andrew: Wait. How do you create cucumbers out of pickles?

Eric: Vinegar.

Mikey: That’s what pickles are, my friend.

Andrew: Vinegar. Oh, okay. I didn’t know that.

Laura: Yeah. You didn’t know that pickles were made from cucumbers?

Andrew: With vinegar? No.

Matt: Well, with other ingredients too.

Laura: Did you think they just sprout out of the ground?

Eric: Are there pickle trees?

Mikey: In jars?

Andrew: Laura, I don’t know, I’ve never studied it!

[Laura laughs]

Matt: Maybe you should take Pickles 101 in college.

Eric: Andrew, forgive Laura for you not studying it. Maybe next time you create a catchphrase for the show you should do a little research behind it. You know? Kind of figure out where they come from.

Andrew: Well, I just never really cared, so…

Matt: Quack.

Andrew: So, next item: “Use it as a collector when you sit on the streets trying to get We Will Rock You tickets.” That’s a little rip at Jamie and I. You know, we can afford them! We don’t need to collect them, but thanks for the idea. Third item: “Hit Laura Mallory over the head with it.” That’s kind of mean.

Laura: That sounds like a good idea.

Andrew: Yeah, I guess.

Mikey: [laughs] The next one’s my favorite.

[Matt laughs]

Mikey: I’m sorry, guys, it’s my favorite. It’s right up my alley.

Andrew: “At a sleepover, use your Pensieve to stick your friend’s hand in for a wonderful prank.” Ha!

Mikey: That is…

Andrew: It’s like when you stick your friend’s hand in warm water.

Mikey: Warm water!

Andrew: Apparently, but that doesn’t always work.

Mikey: Andrew?

Matt: So, what happens when you put your hand in it? You pee memories?

[Andrew, Eric and Mikey laugh]

Mikey: Somethining like that..

Andrew: I guess so.

Eric: Would you like to try it, Matt? I’ll get my Pensieve and we’ll give it a try, we’ll give it a whirl.

Mikey: Matt, Matt? You should… You know what?

Matt: Well, I think so! It flushes all the bad memories because that’s what urine is – it’s just waste.

Eric: I’ll stand well back from you, Matt, when you do that!

Matt: Huh!

Andrew: Next item: “Washing your MuggleCast Picklepack shirt in it.” I suppose that’s good, although it smell a little bit afterwards, especially if you use it as a toilet.

Matt: Mhm. All those who have the Picklepack shirt, right?

Andrew: Next one: “Put all your nightmares in it and…drunk people you hate in it”?

Eric: “Dunk people you hate in it.”

Mikey: No, dunk people, not…

Andrew: Oh, dunk. I thought it said drunk. Well, we know what I’m thinking about.

Laura: Yeah, really. [laughs]

Andrew: “Put all your nightmares in it and dunk people you hate in it.” Next item: “Put it outside and use it as a birdbath.” That’d be nice.

Matt: Yeah. I’d do that. It depends on whose Pensieve it is, though.

Eric: Actually, this one is my new favorite.

Andrew: “Put a motor and bubbles in it and use it as a foot massager.” [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] That one’s really inventive.

Andrew: Second to last one: “Use to house pet fish.” That’d be okay, but you’d always have to – it’s not glass so you’d have to look in it from the top.

Matt: Yeah. And also the fish would know all your deepest secrets, so you never know…

Eric: Yeah, because you’d put your…

Andrew: See, are we looking at these as if your memories are in it at the same time?

Mikey: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: I thought we were…

Matt: That’s what a Pensieve is.

Andrew: No, but…

Laura: That’s what it is.

Andrew: No, I realize this, but I thought we were just using the basin or something. I don’t know.

Eric: Oh! Oh well, that would be funny if you were making pickles in your Pensieve while memories were floating around it, and by the time you actually construct the pickles, you take the pickle out, chomp on it, and relive one of your memories and be like, “Oooh, that’s a good pickle.”

Mikey: Memory pickles! Can you imagine that!?

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Can you imagine that?

Andrew: It’s like crack brownies.

[Mikey laughs]

Laura: We should put a patent on those.

Mikey: [laughs] What?

Andrew: They’re like crack brownies.

Eric: That’s a tasty pickle.

Mikey: [laughs] How do you compare memory pickles to crack brownies?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Because you said you’re putting something into a food, like when people put illegal substances into their brownies.

Matt: Or you could put your pensieve in the freezer and have little ice cubes of your memories…

[Eric laughs]

Matt: …and have a nice little comfortable…

Andrew: Or Jell-O. Jell-O Pensieve shots.

Laura: Jell-O shots, yeah.

Eric: Muggle cubes, or memory cubes.

Mikey: I have lime Jell-O in the fridge right now.

Matt: Ewww.

Mikey: It’s tasty.

Andrew: And the last item: “Cry into it when MuggleCast stops doing weekly episodes.” [laughs]

Laura: Awww.

Eric: Which will never happen. We were just kidding by the way…

Andrew: That’s funny.

Eric: …about MuggleCast.

[Mikey and Andrew laugh]

Laura: No, we weren’t.

Andrew: So, thanks, everyone, on the MuggleCast fan forums for creating that. See, that’s a good idea. That’s what people do on the forums. They collaborate on ideas and thoughts about the show.

Matt: Yay.

Contact Information

Andrew: All right, it is time to wrap up today’s show. This is a long episode. Hey, Laura, what’s the P.O. Box?

Laura: You can send everything except anything pickle related…

[Eric laughs]

Laura: …to:

P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia

Andrew: We also have a MuggleCast hotline set up for the day that we do get back to voicemails. If you’re in the United States, you can dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you’re in the United Kingdom it’s 020-8144-0677, and in Australia the number is 02-8003-5668. You can also Skype the username MuggleCast to get in touch with us. No matter how you call us just remember to keep your message under 60 seconds and take out some background noise so your call is crystal clear. We’ll get back to those when we have time someday. I don’t know if it’ll ever happen, so maybe we should stop making that announcement. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] There’s also a feedback form on to get in touch with any one of us, or use our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

[Show music plays]

Andrew: Of course, matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com, and mikeyb at staff, or is it just mikey?

Mikey: Nope, it’s just Mikey.

Andrew: It’s just Mikey?

Mikey: It’s just Mikey.

Andrew: Ok.

Mikey: It’s M-I-K-E-Y. It’s like Mickey, but no “e.”

Andrew: You mean “c.” [laughs]

Mikey: Just – oh yeah, “c.” I do have an e. M-I-K-E-Y. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m tired. It’s a long day already. I had waffles this morning.

Andrew: We also have the community outlets on We have MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Frappr, Last.FM, and the Fanlistings and the Forums over at

Show Close

Andrew: So, that does it for today’s show. Thank you, everyone, for listening. Once again I’m Andrew Simssss, with the nose bubble.

Mikey: I’m Mikey B!

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Mikey: Mikey B! Okay.

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: Okay!

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson…without a nose bubble?

Eric: I’m…

Andrew: Eric?

Eric: …Eric Scull, and floating in a tub of grape Kool-Aid.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton, I guess?

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Yeah! [in high pitched voice] Matt Britton! Matt Britton!

Andrew: Thank you, everyone, for listening. We’ll see you next week for Episode 131.

Eric: Sayonara.

Andrew: Woo! Happy February!

Laura: Bye.

Matt: Bye.

Mikey: Bye.

[Show Music ends]

Blooper 1

Mikey: Dude, you know, I wanted to build that up. I wanted to be like, and I’mmmmmmmm [makes drumroll noise] Link! After I fixed the tie and everything.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: But yeah, that’s what Mikey B’s got.

Andrew: Shut up, man.

Mikey: Because, come on, man. Could you not imagine…

Andrew: So what if I laugh like a girl?

Mikey: …me like dancing in front of the computer screen and going…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: “And I’m Mikey B.” Yeah, anyway.

[Everyone laughs]

Blooper 2

Micah: But, see, if it was up to me, I would say: Because this is one long *bleep*in’ show, this is MuggleCast Episode 130 for February 2nd, 2008.


Transcript #129

MuggleCast 129 Transcript

Show Intro

[Music begins]

Andrew: Hey, Mason, I really need a good gift for my generic loved one. Any ideas?

Mason: Oh, yeah Andrew. I have the gift they need. If you sign up for GoDaddy’s economy blogcast package you’ll receive 1 gig of disk space, 100 gigs bandwidth, recording tools and much more!

Andrew: Whoa. With all those features, I guess that kind of package will run me at least $20 a month and be plastered with ads.

Mason: You’re wrong, Andrew. The blogcast economy package is just $4.49 a month for 12 months!

Andrew: That’s a deal! And a perfect way to get your own website, blog, or podcast started.

Mason: Oh, yeah! That is a deal! Plus enter code MUGGLE when you check out. Save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at

[Show music starts]

Micah: Because a Pensieve can be used for just about anything, this is MuggleCast Episode 129 for January 26th, 2008.

[Music continues to play]

Andrew: Hey, everyone. Welcome to SpiderwickCast. The podcast where we bring you the latest information in Spiderwick news, theories, discussion, and much more. We have a great show today, including an interview with Freddie Highmore.

Laura: Oh, that’s exciting.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Let’s talk about everything, but Harry Potter.

Andrew: Yeah, I thought that would be a good idea, since most of our listeners believe now that we are turning into a Spiderwick program. Does anyone know anything about the upcoming film Spiderwick?

Micah: Honestly?

Laura: No.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Micah: No.

Matt: No.

Andrew: Does anyone know about anything relating to Harry Potter?

Laura: Oh, of course not.

Micah: Maybe a few things possibly…

Laura: Why would we anything about it?

Andrew: Exactly! I don’t understand why people believe that we are doing a very fine interview with Freddie Highmore, some people seem to think that we are turning into a Spiderwick podcast. But actually, no. We are sticking to Harry Potter. So, this week we have an interview with Freddie Highmore, who is starring in an upcoming film, The Spiderwick Chronicles, but that’s not all. We also have plenty of Harry Potter discussion coming up as well. So, are we going to stick with Harry Potter or Spiderwick? I’m confused at this point.

Matt: I don’t know.

Andrew: The listeners are confusing.

Laura: Yeah, me, too. Maybe we should make a Facebook group.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Let them vote.

Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: [hesitates] And I’m Matt Britton.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: What’s the problem, Matt?

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Okay, okay. Have we decided that I go last now?

Andrew: Yes. No offense, but it always goes in order of seniority. Who started on the show first. Like, it’s generally the order that is always followed.

Matt: I’m second to the oldest.

Laura: And I always forget…

Matt: I’m second oldest.

Laura: …when we don’t have many people on the show, like when we have four, I usually end up being second and I am used to being like third, or fourth. So, I’ll sit there and wait. [laughs] I’m like, ‘Oh! It’s my turn.’

[Music continues to play louder]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast News Center with the latest Spider– I mean, MuggleCast News Stories.

Micah: All right, thanks, Andrew. The Food Network’s Ace of Cakes did a special Thursday night on the Hogwarts Castle Cake from the Los Angeles Order of the Phoenix after party. now has the video online and you can watch it over at their site.

In a small interview with Entertainment Weekly, Alan Rickman, who plays Severus Snape in the Potter films reveals he’ll begin filming his parts for Half-Blood Prince in early February. When asked about his role, Rickman said, “Before you go any further, I never, ever talk about that character [referring to Professor Snape]. Number one, because it’s not fair on kids who haven’t read to the end. And for me to say anything, there’s a bit of it that just should be left innocent. It’s real storytelling, what she’s done, and I’m a part of that. So I just never talk about it.” He goes on to acknowledge that he does play a bigger role in this film and that it’s important stuff.

Speaking of filming, residents of the English town of Gloucester welcomed back, with open arms, crews intent on filming scenes for the upcoming sixth Harry Potter movie. Scenes from Half-Blood Prince shot at Gloucester Cathedral will include those set in different locations around Hogwarts, and quite a few of the college’s students have been cast as extras for the film. Interestingly, Gloucester has not been used as a filming location since the first two films were produced.

Gloucester City Council leader Paul James said, filming the blockbuster would pump cash into the local economy and put Gloucester on the map. He was quoted as saying:

“It brings excitement to the city. It also benefits the local economy on two levels. You’ve got the direct spend of people who come here filming and doing associated things and then when it’s aired that Gloucester is being used and people see parts of the city on their screens it puts us on the map.”

Finally, it was reported earlier this week that J.K. Rowling has halted printing of the Finnish Deathly Hallows translation due to environmental concerns. Jo insists “that it import paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council as being derived from wood grown and harvested in a way that promotes sustainable forest development.” The Finnish translation is still due out on March 7th.

That’s all the news for this January 26th, 2008 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Muggle Mail: Set Visit and Cut Scenes

Andrew: You know, it’s another slow news week. There wasn’t much going on in the Harry Potter world, unfortunately. But, Micah, you did want to talk about one e-mail that we got in? I guess instead of the news?

Micah: Yeah, and I guess it’s more directed at you than anybody else. But it came from Jimmy, 15, in Toronto. And he says:

“As today many Harry Potter fans such as myself have learned that MuggleNet and other ‘Harry Potter’ sites will be visiting the set over the next week. What are you guys looking forward to in the movie? What set will you guys be most anxious to see? Also what do you think will be cut in this movie? Sorry if you have answered these questions in a previous podcast but I have just started listening since the 100 podcast, right after Deathly Hallows was released. Thanks for reading! Jimmy.”

Andrew: I think it’s a question for all of us because we’re all going to see the sets in the film. It’s not like they’re any different in person.

Laura: Except they’re in person.

Matt: Well, I think what he’s meaning is, what are you looking forward to seeing on the trip?

Andrew: I don’t know. I think the coolest set – I don’t even know if it’s built right now. I guess it is? I sort of remember an article about, I think Dan Radcliffe said it was shot, is the cave scene.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I think that was shot already.

Matt: Well, didn’t Timothy Spall say they’re filming the next-to-the-last scene right now?

Andrew: Really?

Matt: What’s that word? Yeah. I’m so bad with grammar. What’s that word that he said?

Micah: The penultimate?

Andrew: Penultimate?

Matt: Pen – yeah. Penultimate scene.

Andrew: So which one would that be? The cave?

Laura: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

Andrew: I mean, it depends on what’s in the script, though. So, you know, it could be a few things. I know for a fact that’s not what they’re filming next week. But, I don’t know, I guess – What scenes are you guys looking forward to?

Laura: I’m definitely looking forward to the cave most of all, I think. Because that was just so awesome; the way that was written. And I have a really…

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Generally, when I read I don’t have a very detailed picture in my mind of how things are. I just kind of have a general idea of what they, what I think they are. But with the cave I just had this very detailed picture in my mind of what it is. So I’m really excited to see what they’ll do with it. And kind of see how it matches up to what I thought it was.

Matt: It’s kind of hard not to – for them to get a different vision than what most of the readers did. Because you can’t really go a different direction other than what’s in the book.

Laura: Mhm.

Matt: I mean, it’s a cave and a basin in the middle of the lake.

Laura: Yeah, I know.

Andrew: I have very high expectations for Michael Gambon, though. I mean, especially once he starts drinking the potion. Because that, that is just – I really am having a hard time picturing him portraying Dumbledore drinking that and just suffering and, you know.

Matt: I think he’ll do it.

Andrew: What?

Matt: I think he’ll be good at it.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: He’s a really good actor.

Laura: He really is. I think that he really, I don’t know. I think he takes a lot of unnecessary crap off of people. Who, just because he doesn’t play the Dumbledore they like they automatically say he’s a bad actor.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: And I just don’t think that’s true.

Micah: I can speak as somebody who doesn’t really like Gambon in the role. But, I will also say, a lot of that has to do with the fact that it was initiated by another person. And a lot of times when you have that, it’s very hard to take the character of Dumbledore as anybody else playing him but Richard Harris. I think Harris established such a role early on, that’s it’s hard for a lot of people to move away from that.

Andrew: Mhm. See, I can’t see Richard Harris doing the cave scenes though. Like again, drinking the potion. Like, you know, even in Chamber of Secrets you can tell he was getting…

Matt: He was getting on.

Andrew: I mean, we all know he was old. But he was getting…

Matt: Weak.

Andrew: …weak. He was very soft. He…

Laura: He was very ill at that point. When they were shooting.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Yeah, he was.

Andrew: And say he didn’t, you know, regrettably die [laughs] back in, what was that, 2002? I mean, can you imagine six years later?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Like, you know?

Laura: Also, I think…

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: …he played a much softer Dumbledore, too. He was a lot calmer, I think.

Micah: He was calm, but he was powerful.

Matt: Do you honestly think that we would have the release being this late in the years, if he didn’t die? Like, if Richard Harris didn’t pass away, do you think they would have skipped an extra year between Movie 2 and 3?

Andrew: Why would they do that?

Matt: I don’t know. His death probably delayed the production a little bit.

Andrew: Oh, maybe. I thought you were suggesting that they wanted to rush the films out quicker.

Laura: I remember when it happened it seemed like they were expecting it, because they knew he was really sick, but I did read an interview with Chris Columbus, I believe, where he said that they wanted to take breaks between every two movies to kind of give everyone some time off. It seems like that’s been a general pattern, too.

Andrew: That’s right actually, yeah.

Laura: They take somewhat of a long break between every two movies.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, if you think about it, because Goblet of Fire came out in 2002.

Matt: Goblet of Fire came out in 2005.

Andrew: Yeah, you’re right. Well, that’s interesting.

Matt: Well, you can answer the other question he asked. What do you think will be cut in the movie?

Andrew: Well, what does everyone think will be cut? I mean, I don’t know.

Micah: Well, I’m kind of starting to worry a little bit about the Riddles as we get closer and closer to…

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: …I guess the movie being released, because we haven’t heard a whole lot about that, and I think it’s something that creatively they probably could cut if they wanted to, but I think it’s really integral to the story, because it’s part of the whole flashback scenes between Harry and Dumbledore.

Matt: Well, there’s a lot of casting that – I mean, there’s a lot of characters that haven’t been cast is really getting kind of scary. Like that haven’t re-casted, or they haven’t brought back, Clemence Posey, and they haven’t casted Ron’s older brothers at all.

Micah: No, and I don’t think they will.

Matt: So…

Andrew: Hmmm, yeah.

Matt: So are they even going to do the whole Fleur and – the whole wedding? In Movie 7?

Laura: Yeah, that’s worrisome.

Matt: If they’re not even casting Fleur at all?

Andrew: Wow, I never thought of that.

Micah: Well, do we know that even the Weasley twins have been confirmed for this movie? Because I thought I read something where…

Matt: Yeah. Yeah they have.

Micah: …they were not going to be in it, but if they have then okay.

Matt: I think it’s – wasn’t there an article that said they were confirmed for doing a scene, a Weasley Christmas scene and a scene in Hogsmeade with the Weasley shop?

Andrew: Oh, really?

Micah: I hope so.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: The other scene – sorry.

Andrew: Well, I just wanted to say, they’ve been in every movie thus far, so, I mean, it’d be silly to cut them out at this point.

Micah: Right. Well, the other scene that I would be afraid that could be cut, realistically, would be the opening scene with the other minister, because we haven’t heard any casting for Scrimgeour either.

Andrew: Right, right.

Laura: Yeah, I would not…

Micah: Which I think is…

Laura: …be surprised if they brushed over that completely.

Micah: …is an awesome scene, if they did it the right way. I don’t think it would take a whole lot of filming, to be honest.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Honestly, what I think will happen is it will start at the Dursleys’ and Harry will have a copy of the Daily Prophet or something and it’ll say, “Fudge resigned,” or whatever. It’ll…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: I think the first scene is going to be with Snape and Bellatrix and Narcissa.

Laura: Yeah, I mean I don’t…

Matt: Aren’t the first two chapters…

Laura: Yeah, those are the first two chapters.

Matt: …not even related to Harry at all?

Laura: But I wonder…

Andrew: No.

Laura: I mean, they have to have that in. They have to do it somewhere.

Andrew: See, but that just reminds me of the beginning of Goblet of Fire the – oh, wait, no, they included that.

Laura: Yeah, but they didn’t explain a whole lot about it. That was the one problem with that scene.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: If you had never read the book, that scene made no sense.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: I guess it would just get people worried. People who haven’t read the books, you know?

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: But this, but Book 6 seems to me a lot easier to cut down than Book 5 was.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean…

Laura: Yeah. There was a lot.

Matt: There’s a lot of material in Book 6, but it could be cut down a lot more cleanly than the butcher they did in Book 5.

Andrew: See, I don’t think the wedding would be too hard to get into in Book 7. I could sort of see that just coming out of nowhere because it doesn’t need much set up. It’s a wedding.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: So, I mean, it could be set up in the beginning of Movie 7. They could just be like, “Oh, and the wedding’s in a few days. Oh, yeah, better go to that. Hope there won’t be a Death Eater attack.”

Matt: But not if it comes out of nowhere.

Andrew: Well, why not?

Matt: They don’t even have anyone casted.

Laura: Well, they don’t have to cast them yet if they’re just going to make it in “seven.”

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Because all they’d have to do is have Harry get a letter or have Ron tell him or something, be like, “Oh yeah, by the way, they’re getting married.” So…

Andrew: Or I could see like Mrs. Weasley walking in while they’re talking one day and being like, “Don’t forget, the wedding’s in three days,” and then they could change it so Harry’s just finding out about it. He can be like, “The wedding?” He’s like, “Yeah, blah, blah, blah, we’re having a wedding,” and you know? It’s all set up.

Matt: That’s just going to leave more stuff in an already huge story they have to tell for Book 7, though.

Micah: Yeah, well going back to what you said, Matt, I think they can probably do more in this movie than they’ve done in previous ones, because they can cut some stuff that’s really insignificant, but they can also do a good job setting up Book 7, or Movie 7, rather.

Matt: Yeah, because they actually know how it ends now.

Andrew: And that’s true. That’s very true, yeah.

Matt: And they can – I really hope they actually put in a little thing about the locket.

Micah: Yeah, they left that completely out of Movie 5.

Matt: They left that completely out, and as we’re going to do in Chapter-by-Chapter, it’s pretty significant, and they haven’t even casted what’s his name?

Andrew: Mundungus?

Matt: Mundungus Fletcher, yeah. They haven’t even casted him. So he’s just going to steal stuff from a house that he doesn’t even know?

Laura: I wonder if they’ll change that so they don’t have to cast him.

Andrew: Yeah, that sounds like something that will be changed.

Laura: Like have Kreacher have hidden it somewhere, or something. Just make it easy.

Matt: Or given it to Umbridge or something.

Andrew: Yeah. But see, as we’ll discuss later, the Mundungus scenes in this week’s Chapter-by-Chapter are really, really – I would love to see them in the movie. Played out in the movie.

Matt: Yeah.


Andrew: Okay, so let’s move onto announcements and then we’re going to talk a little bit more about the movies in Muggle-mail. Just an update on the Spring Break tour that we’re sort of thinking about, we’re looking into the possibility with Borders and we’ll see what happens from there. It looks like we’ll have plenty of people for each of those five stops. So right now we’re aiming for Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore or DC and then finally Richmond, Virginia. So we’ll look into that more. Again, nothing is confirmed yet, we’re just giving you a heads up and black out your calendars if you live in this area for March 15th to the 20th, and we’ll see what we can do. Hopefully we’ll have an update within a few weeks if that works out.

Matt: I’m sorry people on the West Coast. We just don’t get anything.

Andrew: [laughs] You don’t get – Matt, you could do your own tour with Mikey! The Matt and Mikey Tour.

Matt: Ahhh!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Mikey would be down with that. What was that, fake laugh? Do you not like Mikey or something?

Matt: No, no, no, that was sarcasm.

Andrew: Oh okay. So Podcast Alley, everyone be sure to vote for us over there. There is this podcast called Keith and the Girl, and they decided to take over more of the Podcast Alley top ten lists, and they have three of their shows on Podcast Alley top ten right now, which is kind of ridiculous.

Micah: Yeah, they were all in the top five but some podcast called MuggleCast knocked one of them down a spot.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Nice. So we’re number five right now, as of Thursday.

Matt: But they took the entire balcony of the New York, New York hotel in Las Vegas during New Year’s.

Andrew: [laughs] They did! Matt and I were coming out of New York, New York in Las Vegas and there was this little Keith and the Girl poster thing, and I think they were having some sort of outdoor get together right there. That was funny. We should have grafittied the sign, vote for MuggleCast on Podcast Alley.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Yeah, go vote. Otherwise we are not going to do another podcast this month.

Andrew: That’s pretty mean.

Laura: Yeah, really.

Andrew: That’s pretty demanding.

Matt: There’s something buggin’ Micah.

Andrew: [laughs] Oooh!

Micah: Guys, come on.

[Andrew, Laura and Matt laugh]

Micah: It’s the last podcast of January, get it?

Andrew: Oh, I get it.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: That’s funny. Micah got us.

[Micah sighs]

Andrew: New segment, Micah Got Us!

Laura: Oh, can I say something?

Micah: Yeah, that’ll be up on Wikipedia after this show is released.

Andrew: Yeah, yes.

Micah: Along with all of our other useless segments.

Andrew: [laughs] Whoa!

Matt: Whoa!

Andrew: Okay we’ll move on. I’ll talk to you after the show.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: You need another spanking. Yeah, Laura.

Laura: I just wanted to address something. I’ve gotten a few e-mails about this. People who think I was mocking people who say “y’all” last week.

Micah: Oh yeah, I’ve seen those. What were you doing?

Laura: I was not – no, okay. When I was reading the e-mail…

Matt: What was going through your head?

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: A couple of weeks prior to this episode we got an e-mail…

Micah: It’s not like you live in Georgia.

Laura: I know. This is my point! People, I am from the South, why would I mock you? Anyway, okay. A couple of weeks prior to this last episode, we got an e-mail and it said, “y’all” in it, and Andrew was trying to read it, and it came out “yuh all,” and so I wasn’t really thinking about mocking anyone in particular so when I was reading the e-mail I just was kind of like “y’all,” emphasizing the fact that I knew how to say it. I wasn’t trying to be obnoxious.

Micah: So really, you were making fun of Andrew.

Laura: Yeah, and I mean I don’t personally use the word. I did when I was very young and I lived in Texas and everyone said “y’all,” but I don’t anymore, but I don’t have a problem with people who do. So please stop complaining.

Andrew: Y’all.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: You didn’t even say it right that time.

Laura: No, it was better. Y’all.

Andrew: Well, that’s how we east coasters say it. North easterners.

Matt: Oh, okay. It ain’t you all, it’s y’all.

Laura: It ticks me off when I’m up at school and all these people think that they’re southern, and they’re like, “what do y’all wanna do?” and I’m like no. Stop. Just stop. Don’t even.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Like if someone on another podcast mocked my east coast podcast, or my east coast accent, I wouldn’t be offended.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: You know, we’re just playing around. We’re sharing a few L-O-Ls back and forth.

Laura: Yeah. It’s not a big deal.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: And lastly, I just wanted to say that Eric had planned to come on the show this week, but he came down with a little flu action, so he regrets not being here, but if you want to send him some e-mails to eric at staff dot mugglenet dot com I’m sure that’ll make him feel a little better. He’s not, you know, he’s sick, so he couldn’t join us this week, but he tried. So let’s move onto Muggle-mail now. Who wants to take the first e-mail?

Muggle Mail: Movie 7 Intermission

Laura: Okay. The first e-mail comes from Rupsha, 13, of Dallas. She says:

“Dear MuggleCasters. In response to Episode 128, you were talking about how usually intermissions aren’t included in movies anymore. Actually, most all Hindi movies (movies from India) include intermissions because they are usually 3-4 hours long. These movies usually do very well in the Bollywood box office. If Warner Bros. makes the decision to make Deathly Hallows a longer film, instead of breaking it up into two movies, the prospect of having an intermission would be a good idea.”

Andrew: Yeah. This is a good e-mail. I hope Warner Bros. really takes into consideration – you know globally. They look at how other countries would do intermissions and see how successful they are. Because, like we said, it would be great for the movie theaters.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: They would love that, making all that extra money off of snacks and stuff. They’re doubling their income I would think.

Laura: Oh, yeah. For sure.

Matt: I honestly don’t think it’s a very smart idea to make two movies though.

Andrew: Why?

Matt: Especially – unless they release them both at the same time.

Laura: I think it would be better to make it one long movie with an intermission than to make it two movies.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah, exactly.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: If they make it two movies, if they separate it in between a month even at the least, people are going to forget the first movie.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: People are going to – once they see the part two, they’re going to forget and want to watch the first one again.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: The first part.

Micah: I mean, it would be a logistical nightmare between premieres and getting the actors to get from one place to another in a short period of time, I think. And if you extend it out further you run into other people’s commitments and things like that. So…

Matt: It’s just too expensive, even just commercially.

Micah: Absolutely, yeah. No, I agree. I don’t dislike this idea. I think it would be cool to split it up and give people like a 15-minute break and then go back another two hours.

Andrew: Honestly, give us what we want for once. I mean, for how long? We’ve been saying this since Sorcerer’s Stone. Make the movies longer, fit in more, just do it.

Matt: And what part of the population would complain, too?

Andrew: What?

Matt: What part of the – how big of the population would not go see it just because of the intermission?

Andrew: Nobody, I guarantee you. Who would that affect?

Matt: It’s the last Harry Potter film.

Andrew: Right, the only concern I could see with this is parents bringing their little kids. If the parents aren’t fans of Harry Potter, they’re going to see that it’s like four and a half hours or whatever, but these days the parents will do whatever the kids want though.

Matt: It’s not a child’s film anymore though. It’s not even PG any more.

Andrew: Yeah, but there are. There are parents out there who have the ten-year olds, and the ten-year olds are like [in high voice]“Daddy I gotta see “Harry Potter.'”

Matt: Well, that’s the parent’s fault for bringing the little kids that scream during the film.

[Andrew, Laura, and Micah laugh]

Andrew: But what the kids want, the kids get. This is how America works.

Matt: You’re right, but what they fans want, they should be able to get for once.

Muggle Mail: Movie Split

Andrew: That’s, touché. Tou-frickin-ché. All right, so let’s move onto the next e-mail. This also talks about the split. This is from A. M., 13, of Chicago:

“I was listening to MuggleCast Episode 128 when you were discussing the movie being split in two parts. Number one: I personally don’t believe that the movie should be split into two parts. Number two: But I have an idea about were the movie should be split into two parts. Number three: If the ‘Harry Potter’ writers decide to split Movie 7 into two parts. Number four:I imagine that a great place to leave the first part, number five: would be when Harry is being caught by Greyback. I believe that this would create a great cliffhanger and leave the movie goers speechless as Harry is taken away by the bad guys. Love the show! Pickles, Quack!”

Andrew: I like that. You need a good cliffhanger.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And it should be worth it. It should be a real – you’re about to explode. You want to see what’s about to happen, and then the lights come up and intermission or whatever it says.

Laura: Yeah, that would be fabulous.

Matt: Well, not only does it have to be a cliffhanger, but it needs some closure to what happened in the book.

Andrew: What are you talking about?

Matt: It needs a little downfall, but also an intent to get you to come back.

Andrew: Right, well that’s what the cliffhanger is.

Matt: Is that a good spot, do you think?

Laura: I think so.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: It’s about 450 pages into the book, so I don’t know how much that would leave afterwards, but I’m assuming the end scene with Hogwarts is going to be…

Laura: Yeah, that could give them…

Micah: …fairly long.

Laura: …extremely adequate time.

Matt: Now that I am looking at the names of the chapters, I think that is a good spot too, because that is right after they find out about the Deathly Hallows.

Andrew: Right, exactly. Yeah, you want to leave the viewers with a ton of information in their minds, but isn’t answered yet.

Matt: Oh, okay. I just read the end of right before the “Malfoy Manor” chapter. That is a perfect spot to end, cause that is right when they catch them with the taboo.

Andrew: Okay. Cool. Cool. I agree with what you are saying though. I didn’t see the point you were making at first, but when I think of Lost, how at the end of every episode there is basically a cliff hanger. It ends off right when something is about to happen. Is that what you are trying to say?

Matt: Sure.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Right. Instead of something just happening and then ending, it is about to happen and then it ends?

Matt: Well – yeah, sure.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay. Thanks for working with me on that.

[Matt laughs]

Micah: So we don’t think that it should be split in two, but if it were this would be a good spot.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: No, no. We do think it should be split in two, just with an intermission, not with two films being released.

Matt: Well the best times when something is split into two or when there is a to-be-continued, there is always a climactic scene that’s starting to go down, a descending climax, after the climax is starting to descend and then there’s another climax that is just about to start again.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, but I think this person is saying that if the movie was split into two and it came out at two different times.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: Right?

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Right.

Micah: Which we are against that it would split.

Matt: But this would be a good spot for an intermission as well.

Micah: Yeah, exactly, yeah. I think so, too.

Andrew: All right. Let’s move on to the next email.

Muggle Mail: Tongue Tying Curse

Matt: Our next e-mail comes from Shana, 23, from Norfolk, Virginia:

“Hey guys, let me apologize in advance if this sounds ‘know it all.’ It’s not you, just how I talk and type. I have three comments and I hope they are helpful.”

Oh, you guys gave me the long one!

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Okay. Okay.

“Number One. As it relates to the Tongue Tying Curse, you all said it happened when the figure of Dumbledore appears but it is actually when they first step in and Moody’s voice asks ‘Severus Snape?’ They say ‘We’re not Snape’ and the curse is lifted. I think this curse lasted beyond Moody’s death because he made it so. Just like Grimmauld Place is unplottable because of Sirius’s dad and the posters in his room and the Black family tree have the Permanent Sticking Charm. Even after these characters have died the spell remains. Number Two…”

Andrew: Hold on, let’s address each one at a time.

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: I think she makes a good point with point one.

Matt: Well, the whole reason why the Sticking Charm wasn’t lifted was because hence the name “the permanent sticking charm.”

Micah: Yeah. [laughs]

Matt: That’s probably why the curse wasn’t lifted.

Micah: Right. And from what I remember it wasn’t just the spell that Dumbledore had put on Harry that was lifted, it was spells that Dumbledore had put on Hogwarts that were lifted as well.

Matt: Exactly.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: So, I don’t really…

Matt: That is how Hermione got all those books out of his office.

Micah: Yeah, so I think it would be almost an argument where it’s just one of those situations where a spell lasts beyond the life of a person.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: Maybe there are certain spells that are lifted upon the death of a certain wizard as opposed to those that aren’t.

Matt: Well yeah, I am sure that there are some spells that aren’t completely permanent.

Micah: Right.

Matt: I mean… Sorry.

Micah: Well, I think her argument is almost going in the direction, well he put the spell on a place as opposed to a person, but we all know that Dumbledore also put spells on a place that at least from what I remember reading were supposedly lifted when he died.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: So, it doesn’t really hold much water this argument.

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: I am sure there are other places or other things that we’ve seen throughout the series that have had spells placed on them, then when people died they didn’t go anywhere, but it’s just a good question I think – why wasn’t the spell lifted?

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: Do we really have a good answer to it? I don’t know.

Andrew: Well, I think just like she says, just because Moody made it so.

[Matt laughs]

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: Yeah, that’s possible.

Andrew: I think it’s simple like that. It’s there for protection.

Matt: Yeah, if it’s intended to stay there then I don’t think it would have been lifted after the person dies.

Andrew: Right. Obviously. Yeah. Well, let’s move on to point two Matt.

Muggle Mail: The Fidelius Charm

Matt: Okay.

“Number two: As to the Fidelius Charm – like you all mentioned in the podcast, Wormtail would have had to tell Bathilda where the Potters were hidden for her to drop by. This could have been at the request of Lily. And Sirius might have known where the Potters were but if you check out under the Fidelius Charm it says that ‘one could press their nose to the house and not see the Potters in it if they had not been told the secret. And when a Secret Keeper dies all those who know the secret becomes the Secret Keepers in turn.'”

Andrew: Yeah. We got a lot of e-mails about this.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I can’t believe we didn’t make the connection between Dumbledore, you know, the whole Grimmauld Place thing…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: You know?

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: They all were the Secret Keeper.

Laura: Yeah, I guess I just felt like the difference was that they were supposed to be under such tight security measures and it just seemed weird that they would, I don’t know, tell people where they were.

Micah: Well, I mean, part of what we brought up on last week’s show, also, and I think I read something from the Lexicon, was that anybody could know where the Potters were, but they couldn’t tell anybody else what that location was. Only Wormtail could do that.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Right.

Andrew: Exactly.

Micah: So, a million people could’ve known where the Potters were at, but only Wormtail could divulge the information.

Andrew: Right. And those million people, if they weren’t Death Eaters, you know, and then the Death Eaters are looking for them, but they don’t know where they are because nobody could tell them.

Matt: That’s kind of, though, a little bit of a hole, though.

Andrew: Why?

Laura: I think it’s kind of a stretch.

Matt: Because if you know – I mean, just because somebody can’t tell you where they are, but you know that they know, you could probably trace how many people know and you could probably get to a certain vicinity of where the person’s hiding.

Andrew: That’s true. If you could follow – I mean, I guess the only other way would be to follow them.

Matt: If you’re a relatively good detective, you could probably figure it out.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: If that was the case.

Andrew: Yeah. I guess you would be able to follow them in, right? Because that’s why in this book, they’re always Apparating to the top step of Grimmauld Place.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Because if they were seen outside – or maybe it’s just so they know – maybe they only did that so they don’t know who’s in Grimmauld Place. I don’t know.

Matt: Well, I’m sure they all Apparate.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: I mean, the only reason why they didn’t Apparate to Grimmauld Place in that one instance was because Harry was too young.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah.

Matt: I don’t think you could really follow someone who Apparates unless they’re holding onto you, like they say in the book.

Andrew: No, well I wasn’t saying that, I was saying if – I’m saying someone who doesn’t know the secret could just follow someone walking who does know the secret.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: You know? And just go right in. Maybe? I don’t know.

Matt: Oh, okay.

Andrew: Interesting stuff.

Matt: Yes.

Andrew: And point three.

MuggleCast 129 Transcript (continued)

Muggle Mail: The Taboo

Matt: “As it refers to Voldemort’s name becoming taboo and Grimmauld Place, I think the Fidelius Charm would hold up to it. Yes, the Death Eaters would be able to sense the name being used, but the Fidelius Charm is such a powerful spell (hiding information in a human soul), that they would not be able to see the place or go near on in it without being told of its existence.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I agree with that.

Andrew: Shana, I think you make good points.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: So, that cleared up a lot that…

Matt: Oh, wait. But that’s all she has to say, and “thanks for hearing me out.”

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Muggle Mail: Regulus Black

Micah: The next one comes from Rachel, 17, of Setauket, about Regulus Black. She says:

“Hey Guys! I was just listening to episode 128 and I started thinking about all the questions that I have about Regulus. I wonder if he knew about the prophecy and that Voldemort was planning the murder of the Potters because in the note he put in the locket he wrote, ‘I am destroying this in the hopes that when you meet your match, you’ll be mortal once more.’ I also was wondering what Voldemort thought happened with Regulus; he clearly didn’t know that he stole one of his Horcruxes but at the same time, Regulus did die at the lake, and according to Lupin, Regulus went on the run and was killed a few days after he deserted Voldemort by Death Eaters. So, I wonder if Voldemort ever cared to find out what really happened to Regulus or if maybe he knew that Regulus ran away and his Death Eaters just lied to him about killing him. Please tell me what you all think! I love the show keep up the great work, Rachel.”

Use some periods. That would be helpful.

[Matt and Micah laugh]

Andrew: That’s so mean! Sorry Rachel, I apologize on behalf of Micah.

Micah: Sorry. This is kind of interesting, I guess, because what we knew about Regulus was that he was on the run supposedly, and he was killed by Death Eaters, but that’s not the case, and I wonder if Voldemort ever did wonder about that – what happened to him or he probably just didn’t care very much.

Laura: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I mean, at that point we know he a lot of followers and it probably wouldn’t be that unusual to have one or two of them disappear like that, you know?

Andrew: Yeah. I agree.

Micah: Yep.

Andrew: All right. Well, that’s it for Muggle Mail this week. Our interview…

Micah: Spider mail?

Andrew: [laughs] To spider mail, yeah.

[Matt and Laura laugh]

Interview with Freddie Highmore: Part I

Andrew: Now we’re going to the Spiderwick portion of the show. Now – now it’s time for our interview with Freddie Highmore. This is part one. Part two will be coming out in another two weeks. So, enjoy. Okay, hi, everyone, I’m here with Freddie Highmore who is starring in the new movie The Spiderwick Chronicles that comes out February 15th. Freddie is only 15 years old, and he’s acted among actors such as Johnny Depp and Robin Williams in the acclaimed films, Finding Neverland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and August Rush. His next movie, The Spiderwick Chronicles, comes out February 15th, and Freddie has agreed to be a guest host on MuggleCast, and tell us why Harry Potter fans will like it. So, Freddie, how are you doing today?

Freddie: Very good, how are you doing?

Andrew: I’m doing great. You have this big movie coming up. It’s being promoted like crazy in America, The Spiderwick Chronicles. Can you tell us a little bit about the movie?

Freddie: Yeah, I mean, it’s supposed to be about three kids that go off to the country, and – with their mom, and they discover an unseen world, with fairies, trolls, goblins, and I mean, it’s really fantastic. They are all CGI and it’s very impressive.

Andrew: Awesome. Now, MuggleCast, the podcast we are doing this interview for, has a huge Harry Potter audience, as you can imagine. So, what do you think Harry Potter fans will like about Spiderwick Chronicles.

Freddie: I think it’s amazing, you know, it lowers your defenses, almost like an Alfred Hitchcock movie. In a way, you know, there’s gentle moments where you relax and you feel comfortable, and just when you’re sort of lulled into the moment, a big creature goes crashing through the ceiling, or something like that and gives you a big fright. It’s really great. And also the way they’ve done the CGI, and the goblins and trolls, they actually look – they actually look real. That makes the unbelievable stuff, really believable.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. Cool. So, let’s talk about Harry Potter just for a minute. Have you – I’m assuming you’ve read the series before?

Freddie: Yeah, no, I’ve read the book, and, you know, I love the films.

Andrew: Cool. What’s your favorite book? Harry Potter book?

Freddie: My favorite Harry Potter book – well they are called different things over here, but I really like the first one, The Sorcerer’s Stone.

Andrew: Okay.

Freddie: And I guess you have to first at the…

Andrew: Original.

Freddie: The first one, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, and if you were to be in one of the Harry Potter films, which character do you think you would have wanted to play?

Freddie: [laughs] I remember I actually – I guess I was a bit too young when they started to get, you know, to get together.

Andrew: Yeah.

Freddie: But I know the guy that plays Harry Potter quite well – Dan Radcliffe.

Andrew: Daniel Radcliffe.

Freddie: Yeah. I mean, we’re good friends and we’ve known each other, in fact, before Harry Potter started filming, so it’s kind of funny.

Andrew: Awesome. Yeah, I would have thought you would have made a great Harry Potter if it wasn’t for that darn Dan Radcliffe.

[Andrew and Freddie laugh]

Andrew: So, for Spiderwick, what was the audition process like?

Freddie: Well, I just basically went to Los Angeles, and had a screen test there, and they wanted to basically see if playing two people would work out – playing twins. So, I was auditioning for Mallory, as well. I remember thinking that they probably wouldn’t – they probably wouldn’t cast me, since she was so good.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Freddie: I didn’t think they’d cast two non-Americans, but there you go, they did, so I’m lucky.

Andrew: Yeah, well speaking of that, is it difficult to do an American accent for this film?

Freddie: It wasn’t too bad, actually. It was tougher the first time I did it. I did it for a film called August Rush.

Andrew: Okay.

Freddie: And I guess I had already…

Andrew: You had plenty of practice.

Freddie: …knew how to do it, and had some experience with it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Freddie: We had a voice coach that was always there on the set. Make sure any slip ups we had that could try and be corrected.

Andrew: Okay, good. So, if you were to do it now, do you think you could completely pull it off? Could you completely become American?

Freddie: [laughs] I hope so. How I tried to do it when I was filming, I’d just tried totalk in the accent as much as possible.

Andrew: Okay.

Freddie: Even when I go home, or go back to the apartment we had there in Montreal, you know, just an evening with my dad and stuff, just try and just keep it going and…

Andrew: [laughs] Just try and…

Freddie: So,I wouldn’t have to think about it when I was acting. It became second-nature.

Andrew: Right, yeah. Because once you stepped out of that American accent, it’s hard to get back in, I guess.

[Freddie laughs]

Andrew: So, what’s the best part about acting in a fantasy film for you?

Freddie: I mean this one was particularly great because I got to play twins, and that’s only the sort of opportunity you get if you’re lucky. Most people never get that opportunity.

Andrew: Yeah. I imagine that would have been hard to do. Was that a new challenge for you, playing twins? Because you are essentially filming the same scenes twice. Right?

Freddie: Yeah, I mean, that’s pretty much how they did it. They do one pass with me as Simon, or as Jared, and then I’d switch over to the other character and do it again. I mean, it was kind of nice to have two because you can work out things between them both and I mean – like, for example, there’s a scene towards the start of the movie in the bedroom and we come in.

Andrew: Mhm.

Freddie: And it’s just action and we’re moving around and it took quite a while to rehearse and all, set it up.

Andrew: Yeah.

Freddie: But when you look back at it in the end, it’s kind of cool to see yourself talking to yourself.

Andrew: Right. [laughs] Yeah. I look forward to seeing that. Now, how – how does that work? Are you filming the same scenes on the same set or is there any green screen involved or what?

Freddie: Sometimes we use green screen, but I mean, I guess it complicted it further that sometimes there were ping pong balls for the goblins and trolls.

Andrew: Yeah.

Freddie: And then there’s also another one for another character of mine. But normally, I guess how they did it was they just do the scene once and film it how it was meant to be with something called motion control.

Andrew: Mhm.

Freddie: And then the camera can repeat its movement exactly the same each time, so…

Andrew: Oh! I see.

Freddie: I’d just – I’d just be one character and pretend to look where the other one should be…

Andrew: Right.

Freddie: And then they match the two images together and it seems like we’re there together at the same time.

Andrew: Oh, okay. That’s very cool.

Freddie: I mean, it’s pretty complicated.

Andrew: Oh, I’m sure. [laughs]

Freddie: But that’s just the basics, I guess.

Andrew: So, what we’re going to do now is Freddie is going to ask you guys a question related to Spiderwick and if you don’t know the answer you can always check for the answer. Freddie’s going to ask you the question and then the first 15 people to send their contact information and the correct answer to kaitlin at staff dot mugglenet dot com will receive a pair of tickets to see the movie in IMAX. So, Freddie, what is the question this week?

Freddie: The first question is, What will hobgoblin saliva give you when it applied to the eyes?

Andrew: All right, so once again, send in the correct answer and contact information to kaitlin at staff dot mugglenet dot com. That’s k-a-i-t-l-i-n at staff dot mugglenet dot com and the first 15 people to send in their correct answers will receive a pair of tickets to see the movie in IMAX. Part two of our interview with Freddie Highmore will come next week.

Micah: Who’s the person who did that interview? That – that person did a really great job.

Andrew: Oh, thank you. I’ll pass the compliments along to him. He’s a good friend of mine. He’s sort of a somebody in the Harry Potter fandom.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: It’s hard to get in touch with him. He’s very big in the…

Micah: Emerson?

Andrew: No. No. Bigger, actually.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Much bigger.

Micah: Wow!

Andrew: Yes. In more ways than one. But it’s time to move on to Chapter-by-Chapter…

Laura: Ooo!

Chapter-by-Chapter: Chapters 11 and 12

Andrew: Now. This week we’re going to discuss Chapters 11 and 12. No Eric this week, so that means Chapter-by-Chapter is going to be about 5 minutes long.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, so…

Micah: Ouch.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: No, you can’t put that in there!

Andrew: I’m kidding.

Micah: No, you’re not.

[Laura laughs]

Laura: I know.

Andrew: No, I’m not.

Laura: That’s the best part.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: We love each other on the show.

Andrew: No, we do. I’m just kidding.

Micah: We really do.

Matt: Of course.

Micah: Because people send in emails, “Why do you hate Eric?”

Andrew: Yeah. No, no, no, no, no.

Micah: We don’t.

Andrew: I didn’t mean that like I hate him. He adds a lot to the Chapter-by-Chapter. That’s all I mean by it.

Matt: A whole lot.

Chapter 11: The Bribe

Andrew: Yeah. So Chapter 11: “The Bribe.” I’m going to enjoy talking about this chapter because this whole situation…

Matt: I think we’re going to all enjoy this chapter. What do you guys think?

Andrew: Wow. That was – really loud.

Laura: Yeah. That was very happy, Matt.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Very positive.

Matt: I just drank a whole can of Mountain Dew in two seconds.

Andrew: Oh. I see.

Laura: Oh, wow.

Andrew: We should all drink a lot of sugar before the show. That would actually help a lot, I think. [laughs] All right, so, yeah, Chapter 11: “The Bribe.” It’s an interesting chapter. Basically, what happens in this chapter – basic summary is Remus Lupin tries to get with the trio to go along with them. He wants to join in on the action and Harry believes that his intentions aren’t for the right reasons. So, we’ll start off with the one thing that, Matt, you wanted to bring up, along with Laura.

Matt: Sure.

Andrew: Go for it.

Matt: Should I bring it up now?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Oh, okay cool. All right.

Andrew: It’s number one. Number one usually means the first thing.

World War II Parallels

Matt: Well, okay, thanks. Well, what Remus or Lupin or however we want to call him – he shows Harry and the trio that the Ministry has conducted a registration that is mandatory for all Muggle-born wizards to register themselves and have been written an account of being a Muggle. What is so great about this parallel is that it’s relevant to the same registering of the Jewish people during World War II during the Holocaust.

Laura: Yeah, definitely. Well, I think it’s really interesting because even though Jo has said she didn’t really base this on Hitler and Nazi Germany, because she has been asked that before, there really are a lot of parallels to the subject, like I was thinking about the kind of anti-semitic behavior that was really socially acceptable at that time. Jews would have their – had their homes and shops vandalized, they’d be terrorized during all hours of the night. I mean, not to mention the burning of their synagogues that happened before the actual concentration camps opened up. So, it’s really interesting when you look at the way Muggle-borns are treated in the Potter series even before this registration starts up.

Matt: Yeah. Well, this just proves that the wizarding world also has genocide just like the Muggle world.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, I mean…

Andrew: It’s a – this was really one of those wow moments – just to give you an idea of how badly Voldemort and the Death Eaters were taking over the wizarding world, because this is a huge punch. Especially…

Matt: Oh, this is a huge – this is a very dark, low moment for the – just for the whole government.

Andrew: Absolutely. Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Micah?

Micah: I was just agreeing with Laura and Matt because that’s really what came to mind, at least when I was re-reading it. You know, maybe it didn’t catch on to me the first time I read Deathly Hallows, but I mean, there’s a lot of, sort of, World War II, Naziism undertones in this book. And I think it started – we talked back at the chapter with the wedding in it, with the mark of Grindelwald is sort of a – you know, with it being displayed on the walls as it is like that Durmstrang and, you know, it kind of resembles a swastika. And…

Laura: Right.

Micah: …throughout the series more and more, and even Gregorovitch, where he’s locked, and I forget the name of the – it sort of resembles the name of a concentration camp, and, you know, I just thought that Jo kind of did that intentionally to show the strong prejudices that exist in the wizarding world. And, you know, this is another example and another chapter. As we move on we kind of see it more and more and I didn’t pay attention to it, really, on my first read through.

Matt: Are you referring to the concentration Auschwitz – is that’s how it’s pronounced?

Andrew: I think that was it, yeah.

Laura: Well, there were multiple concentration camps.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: But – there was – this one sounded, and I’m thinking, I don’t know why I’m thinking of Buchenwald, which was one. But the name…

Micah: Yeah. That’s…

Laura: …in the book sounded very similar to that.

Micah: And I think I said Gregorovitch and I meant Grindelwald.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Oh, oh, sorry.

Micah: Who was locked there. I think I said Gregorovitch was locked there, but that was a lie.

Andrew: Well I think, even if Jo knew she was drawing these parallels, I don’t think she would admit it. Like, I don’t think she does it on purpose – like, obviously there’s some inspiration from there, but I don’t think she really does it on purpose. I just think she’s well-educated on Nazi Germany and used it to create…

Laura: Well, also it’s not…

Andrew: …this Harry Potter world? I don’t know.

Laura: It’s not just Nazi Germany, though, I mean…

Matt: Yeah. It’s pretty much what happened.

Laura: …countries all over the world, including our own, have done terrible things to minority groups. I mean, during the mass immigration here through Ellis Island we actually sterilized people.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: Who we though were unfit to breed.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: So, you know?

Micah: Right.

Laura: It just goes to show that it’s not just places like Germany that did these things, like…

Micah: Oh, of course.

Laura: It’s as near and dear as to our own home. So, it’s kind of scary when you think about it, but I think there are a lot of definite, very strong parallels and I think that when people think of these kinds of injustices they automatically think of the Holocaust.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: Oh, of course.

Laura: I think it stands out, so we’re automatically going to think of it in comparison to this.

Matt: Well, it’s also because it just has a lot of direct parallels to what happened back then.

Laura: Mhm.

Matt: But it’s just pretty much what happens when a totalitarian gets absolute power over an entire government.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, and, you know, it just – I think part of it is, too, what Jo had answered when a lot of people had brought up the year of 1945, the year that Grindelwald was defeated.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: And the parallels that were starting to be made and Jo basically said that you could make those comparisons, and I definitely think that in Deathly Hallows we get a better understanding of why that was, and, you know, Grindelwald himself….

Andrew: Yeah

Micah: …was imprisoned – I think the name here is Nurmengard, which was an actual prison that he built to house his opponents. So again, there’s that imagery of a concentration camp, almost. And Nurmengard sounds awfully similar to Nüremberg.

Laura: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

Matt: Oh, yeah.

Micah: Which obviously plays a very big role, at least for the trials of a lot the Nazis post-World War II.

Laura: Yeah, and you know what else I’m thinking of? I kind of compare it to this – after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, tons of American Japanese were rounded up and put into camps in America – in the Midwest.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: And while it wasn’t anything on the scale of the Holocaust, it was still the idea of rounding up one group of people and finding a way to get rid of them or put them away where they couldn’t hurt your society because you believed that just because a few of them might of done something wrong, all would. So…

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: It just sort of sprung to mind, too.

Lupin’s Request

Andrew: Another big point in Chapter 11 we wanted to talk about was Lupin coming to Harry and asking to be a part of his adventure. So although the trio doesn’t want to tell Lupin anything about the mission given to them by Dumbledore, Lupin still gives them reasons why he should come along. And it seems at first that Harry, Ron, and Hermione are sort of into it, until Lupin reveals that Tonks is pregnant. Then Harry has a very sudden change of heart and, you know, this big argument occurs. So, do you guys think Lupin is truly a coward concerning his family? And Tonks and his family? Because that’s what Harry calls him. Or does he really believe in helping the trio? Because, you know, Harry was – Harry overreacted mainly because he can relate to it, his situation. He wouldn’t have wanted – his parents always stuck with him, so he doesn’t believe Lupin should just be leaving his kid and his wife even though the kid’s not born yet.

Laura: I wouldn’t really call Lupin a coward per se. I think it was more of a situation of cold feet for him. Because we saw at the end of Half-Blood Prince he already had reservation of marrying Tonks because of his age and because of him being a werewolf.

Matt: Mhm.

Laura: I do think it would be very wrong to get someone pregnant and then say, “Oh, look at what I’ve done to you. Because it’s clearly better for me to leave you by yourself and raise a kid on your own.”

Micah: Yeah, well…

Laura: I think that’s a load of crap. But at the same time I think he sincerely wanted to help too.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s the other thing, he said himself, “I believe your dad would’ve wanted me to come along,” and Harry says, “Well, I don’t think he would’ve ditched his kid.” You know?

Matt: But this doesn’t sound like Lupin though – this is like a different side of him we haven’t seen before.

Micah: Right. And I think part of him…

Andrew: I think he was having a breakdown, really.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: He was looking forward to getting out of this Tonks situation.

Matt: How long – he probably hasn’t known much about the news that his wife is pregnant, this might be just a reaction to what he’s been just told.

Laura: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

Andrew: Oh, maybe! Oh, yeah!

Matt: A lot of parents, when they find out, their whole life flashes before their eyes and they see all the accomplishments they haven’t made and the things they thought – the kind of person they were. Lupin probably thought that he would never be the type of person who would have a wife and have a kid. He’d always seen himself as the person helping out and giving his life for his friends or something.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: So this is probably a gut instinct of his, to come to the aid of his friends.

Laura: Well also…

Andrew: Although, you do have to keep in mind – real quick, he did say it took him three days longer because he had to knock off the Death Eater on his tail. So even if – say he heard about Tonks being pregnant and then he immediately ran away, I would’ve thought he would cool down after three days and maybe really think it through. Because he’s not selfish.

Laura: Mhm.

Matt: Well, his adrenaline is probably racing too because he has to constantly…

Andrew: Chased.

Matt: …think about dodging all these Death Eaters.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yep.

Laura: And I guess it’s also the terrifying idea of bringing a child into the world in the middle of a war.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I don’t know – he definitely was moving away from his responsibilities as a parent, but at the same I don’t know if he delivers the message to Harry the way that he wanted to or the way that we would have normally expected Lupin to. I think it came over to Harry in the wrong way and that’s why Harry reacted the way that he did. I’m not saying that Harry wasn’t exploitive in this particular scene because I think he cracked down on Lupin a little too hard, but I would also understand where Harry’s coming from – being orphaned himself he wouldn’t want to, you know, see the same thing happen to Lupin’s child.

Andrew: That’s exactly what I’m thinking.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Because, like I said, Harry can really relate to this. He knows exactly what’s going on here which is why he picked up on it so quick. You know?

Laura: And also he would feel at fault for it because so many people have already died for him.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: And the thought of making another kid fatherless on his account.

Micah: Right, but – ironically, in the end…

Andrew: Ironically. [laughs]

Micah: …he ends up feeling bad about it anyway because that’s exactly what does happen and he ends up losing both of his parents.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Right. Another thing I wanted to bring up – if Tonks gave her permission directly to Harry – say, if Tonks was like, “It’s okay, I want Lupin to come help out you guys,” because maybe Tonks thinks they need a little help, do you think maybe Harry would have let Lupin come along then? Or do you think this is a personal issue with Harry that wouldn’t have been able to be changed?

Matt: Hmmm. No, no, no. Harry’s set in stone that Dumbledore just wanted Harry and Ron and Hermione to go along with him and Harry trusts Dumbledore’s word more than anyone’s.

Andrew: That’s not the point though, because Harry was considering taking Lupin but one of his primary reasons for Lupin not coming was because of his kid.

Matt: Well did he say he was thinking about it or did he just say it was a tempting offer?

Andrew: Well at first he was thinking about it because at first he’s like – they’re a little taken aback, I think. And then Harry or one of them is like, “What’s this all about?” and then Lupin says, “Oh, Tonks is having a kid.” So, I think Harry’s main argument wasn’t that it’s Dumbledore’s mission for the trio – that was part of the argument – but the real reason they were throwing spells at each other was just because Lupin was doing something Harry would never want to see a father do.

Matt: Well, I don’t think they probably would have broke out in a fight like they did. I know, but I’m saying if the situation wasn’t the fact that he was running away because his wife was pregnant. I don’t think it would have been a fight – I don’t think they would have had an argument like that. But I still don’t think Harry would let him in on it.

Laura: Yeah, I agree.

Muggle Mail: Lupin vs. Harry Argument

Andrew: So, relating to this, Georgia, 16, from Walnut Creek, CA writes:

“I’ve been looking forward to the Chapter-By-Chapter for Chapter 11 almost as much as I’ve been dreading it – probably because my Lupin fangirling knows no bounds. Since July, I have re-read and over-analyzed this chapter more times than I’d like to admit, and have come to several conclusions. The preeminent one being that Harry has a nasty habit of jumping go conclusions, and aught to learn to think before speaking. People leave their families to fight in wars all the time, and I can’t see how Remus is any different. He was frightened, yes, but I don’t see how he was in any way cowardly. He’s had to struggle with the prejudices against werewolves all his adult life, being shunned, subjected to poverty, and I don’t even want to imagine what sort of things he saw when he was spying on Greyback. The thought that he could have forced that sort of life onto an innocent child was just too much for him to handle. Nobody wants that for their child, especially not when the future looks so bleak already. And with all that aside, it’s obvious that he really cares about Harry, and I cannot believe that he was at all comfortable with the idea of him, Ron and Hermione running off into untold dangers all by themselves.”

That was my point.

“They might have been adults, but they were still missing an entire year of their education, and had just about no experience with taking care of themselves on their own. The notion that they were planning to do just that probably unsettled him almost as much as it did Mrs. Weasley. What Harry said to him was just awful, and I can’t help feeling that if Remus had not been trying so hard to hide his feelings, and had worded his request differently, things might have ended up much better. If nothing else, he could have at least helped prevent situations in which they’re all living off of toadstools.”


So, I agree with that. I agree with all the points she made. I mean, Remus wants to protect him. He wants to protect him. He wants to protect – by him I mean Harry – he wants to protect Harry for James. I mean – you know, why let three kids run off and do this huge battle that Dumbledore left them to. I mean, okay, Dumbledore left them to it but…

Matt: They’re seventeen.

Andrew: I mean, obviously they proved Lupin wrong but, I don’t know.

Laura: I guess it’s kind of like – and you consider an extreme circumstance in which your child and another child are both in danger – you know, who are you going to save first? Your kid, I mean, there’s no doubt about it. I mean, you try to help everyone you can but your kid should always be your priority.

Micah: Right, and I think, maybe him going to do this was his way of coping with the situation and I think that’s kind of what we were trying to bring up throughout this whole thing is that, this is kind of his coping mechanism. I think, for finding out – I think that’s what Matt had mentioned earlier and I guess you could argue either way. I mean, him leaving the situation doesn’t resolve the problem. I mean, the fact that his kid could grow up to be a werewolf, which I’m sure is something that he’s concerned about – you know, it’s not going to magically disappear if he goes off and gets himself killed and I think that’s probably what Harry is argument was mostly about. But I don’t think that Harry necessarily – as much as Lupin didn’t probably make his argument strong enough, I don’t think that Harry reacted the way he probably should have either.

Matt: Yeah, I just think it was just poorly delivered on both parts.

Micah: And the worst thing that I thought about was, if Lupin now goes off and got killed, that would have been the worst possible terms for Harry and Lupin to have ended on.

Andrew: [laughs] Right. Yeah.

Matt: Well don’t they mention that too? I mean, doesn’t…

Micah: Later on.

Matt: Doesn’t Harry mention that a couple of times later in the book. Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: He just can’t – he just doesn’t want to think of how he left things with Remus.

Scrimgeour Stays Loyal

Micah: But – yeah and through all of this, I mean, one thing that kind of got overshadowed that we didn’t talk about from Lupin’s visit was, you know, the fact that he mentions that Scrimgeour didn’t give Harry away. Which…

Andrew: Is big.

Micah: Is big.

Andrew: I mean that’s….

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. If that’s the real story, I mean, we’ll never know though. [laughs] I mean, there could have been more to it, but from the reader’s perspective, yeah it looks like he died for Harry.

Kreacher Returns With Mundungus

Andrew: All right, so let’s move on now. The part in this chapter I hope really makes the movie.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: And you know, Jo insisted that Kreacher stay in…

Micah: Some comedy finally, you know?

Andrew: Yes, exactly.

Matt: I know.

Micah: In a very dark book.

Andrew: Kreacher returns with Mundungus like he promised, at this point Kreacher is loving Harry. You know, he’s making dinners and everything for the trio, he’s so far up there that…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: You know, everything is going well. So, Harry starts interrogating Mundungus but not too soon – not too long after that Kreacher just comes up and starts hitting Mundungus on the head with a frying pan and it’s so funny and I just really hope that makes the film.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: What did you guys think of that part?

Laura: I thought it was really funny, especially when he said like – what was it? I forget. He was like, he called him Master Harry and he was like, “One more, please, Master Harry,” or whatever.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: [laughs] It was really cute.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Oh yeah. He says, “Perhaps just one more, Master Harry, for luck?”

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah and then Harry says, “No, we’ve got to keep him conscious.” So, the best part comes on pg. 222 when Mundungus starts explaining who he – who has the locket now and the realization is hilarious. Let me just read it real quick. “‘Who was this woman?’ asked Harry. ‘I don’t know some Ministry hack.’ Mundungus considered for a moment, brow wrinkled. ‘Little woman, bow on top of her head.’ He frowned and added, ‘Looked like a toad.'”

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: “Harry dropped his wand, it hit Mundungus on the nose.” And of course that’s when they realized, it’s Umbridge.

Matt: I have to say though, the endings of all the chapters in book seven are probably the best out of the series.

Andrew: Yeah. They’re so clever, they’re so movie-like.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: They make you want to turn the page. Like, you know, I don’t know about you, but whenever I read the Harry Potter books I read so many more chapters than I intend.

Andrew: Oh, right. Absolutely.

Matt: Because each chapter…

Laura: Oh, definitely.

Matt: I just want to go, “Okay, just one more chapter,” because…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Exactly.

Matt: …I want to know what happens now.

Andrew: Yeah, I used to do the same thing when I was reading them all for the first time. You just – and that’s one of the biggest compliments that the Harry Potter books receive. You just can’t put them down. That’s what everyone says the first time they read them, “I just couldn’t stop.” Okay, so, Chapter 12, there wasn’t as much going on in this chapter. Not really any big developments so we’re going to move through it pretty quick.

Laura: Well, hey guys, I’ve got to get going.

Andrew: All right Laura. No worries. See you.

Laura: Bye everyone!

Ron Finally Says “Voldemort”

Micah: The only other thing I wanted to note about this chapter was that it’s the first time, at least that I remember, Ron ever saying the word “Voldemort.”

Andrew: Is it the only time?

Micah: The first time.

Andrew: Is it the first time?

Micah: I thought so.

Andrew: Is it truly the first time?

Micah: Maybe I’m making this up. Somebody check me on it. It was on pg. 208, the U.S. edition. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Ron say the word. Say the name “Voldemort.”

Andrew: I could see why this would be his first time, because this is really the start of the journey. So, maybe he is running on a nice little high.

Micah: Feeling brave.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Saying, “Hey, I guess if Hermione can say it then I can!”

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. [laughs] I don’t know. But okay, let’s move on to Chapter 12 now. Ummm, who wrote the first points? Someone else start. Go ahead.

Matt: I did.

Micah: I didn’t write any of the points, so…

Andrew: Was that you, Matt?

Matt: I actually wrote the first point.

Andrew: Okay, go ahead.

Matt: I don’t want to say it.

Andrew: Why not?

Matt: Well, I don’t know how to introduce it.

Micah: Just do a summary first. That’s probably the best thing.

Chapter 12: Magic is Might

Andrew: All right. So, the meaning of Chapter 12 – they’re getting into the Ministry at this point. They’ve all taken the Polyjuice potion, and they transformed into new Ministry people. Now, they’re going into the Ministry. First thing I wanted to bring up was the new statue. They replaced the Fountain of Magical Brethren.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: I’m good.

Matt: That’s true.

“Magic is Might”

Andrew: I’m proud of myself for that. Now, this new statue that reads “Magic is Might.” I don’t have the exact description up, I don’t know if you do, Matt. But it’s described as a large black statue that has a man and a woman, a wizard and a witch, sitting on a bunch of bodies.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: All wrangled up and just – are they dead? Can you tell they’re dead?

Matt: Uh, no, they’re holding them up. That’s the way it is.

Andrew: Right, they’re sitting on top of them.

Matt: Right, but it’s the whole fact that – you know, like 300 when all the slaves were holding up the big Persian master? That’s pretty much what the statue entailing.

Micah: Yeah, I have the quote right here.

Andrew: Go ahead and read it.

Micah: It says, “Now a gigantic statue of black stone dominated the scene. It was rather frightening, this vast sculpture of a witch and a wizard sitting on ornately carved thrones, looking down at the Ministry workers toppling out of fireplaces below them. Engraved in foot-high letters at the base of the statue were the words ‘MAGIC IS MIGHT.'” And I’m looking for the other part here.

Andrew: Yeah, then they make the realization that they’re not sitting on chairs, they’re actually bodies. And what’s the quote for that?

Micah: Hermione, who says to Harry, “‘Have you seen what they’re sitting on?’ Harry looked more closely and realized that what he had thought were decoratively carved thrones were actually mounds of cared humans: hundreds and hundreds of naked bodies, men, women, and children, all with rather stupid, ugly faces, twisted and pressed together to support the weight of the handsomely robed wizards.”

Andrew: Yeah, so, it’s a very nasty sight. I mean that’s terrible.

Matt: It’s very graphic.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And it’s supposedly Muggles, yeah? I’m guessing.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s what they realize as well. So, it’s just another sign of how the Ministry has changed, I mean, that is just a gigantic symbol of how the Ministry of Magic functions now. It’s – it’s just absolutely terrible. I mean, I don’t even see how Ministry employees could approve of that.

Micah: They probably don’t have a choice.

Andrew: Well, right but – yeah, it’s just…

Micah: It goes back to the whole Nazi Germany comparison…

Andrew: Right, exactly.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: …that was brought up last chapter.

Andrew: Oh, here I am coming to work. Oh, what’s the first thing I see? A giant black statue that has a witch and a wizard sitting on a ton of dead Muggles and Mudbloods.

Matt: That’s sad.

Andrew: Yep.

Snape is Headmaster

Micah: One of the other big things in the chapter that we learned, which actually takes place before they go to the Ministry, is from The Daily Prophet that Harry brings home saying that Snape is now a headmaster of Hogwarts. And, you know, we mentioned earlier in the Chapter-by-Chapter a couple of episodes back that when we heard that the Ministry had fallen was kind of the “Holy *bleep*!” moment of the series.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: Did anybody kind of get the same feeling when they found out that Snape was running Hogwarts?

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I mean, we don’t know yet, obviously, that he is good…

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: But this was another moment in the series where you really start to think – and this is, of course, in addition to everything that we’re learning, that’s going on in the Ministry with all the round-ups that are taking place. But this is really one of those moments where you realize things are getting pretty bad.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Because all of the sudden it’s like – you can’t believe – it’s like Hogwarts all of the sudden turns into a prison cell. That’s how I pictured it.

Micah: Right.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: It turned into a huge dungeon. It’s like Snape’s giant dungeon.

Micah: Yeah. It’s the big pieces that are slowly falling. You know. First it was the Ministry, now the only place, I think, that Harry has ever known to be safe, Hogwarts, is clearly not.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Mhm. I had really mixed feelings when I read about Snape. This whole chapter – I mean this whole book even – but hearing that Snape had become headmaster, I…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: You know, because there’s so much speculation if Snape was good or bad…

Andrew: Right.

Matt: …that you think, okay well if he’s good, then this is actually a good thing for all the students in Hogwarts – that they actually have Snape, who is really going against Voldemort, who is trying to help all the students or something.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: But…

Andrew: I guess that’s true.

Matt: But then you think if he’s bad, it’s just they’re screwed.

Andrew: But even if he is bad – I don’t know. I mean, in hindsight we all now know – I mean, Snape was doing it – Snape’s intentions were to protect the school. I mean…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Maybe it was never stated, but obviously he didn’t want to see Hogwarts go.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Who knows? For all we know Snape may have offered.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Maybe Snape said to Voldemort, “Let me take over. Don’t put some…”

Matt: Well I’m sure he did.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Because he’s a familiar face for the school.

MuggleCast 129 Transcript (continued)

School is Mandatory

Andrew: Right. So next point: Why are the Weasleys, the Longbottoms and the Lovegoods (their families) sending Ginny, Neville and Luna back to school knowing everything that they know? Because I mean, they’re…

Matt: Well, they know. They know that they have to go. It’s mandatory now. They can’t keep them at home.

Andrew: Oh! That’s true. Duh! Next point. I don’t know who put that in. Probably, Laura.

Matt: That’s probably her. She didn’t read Chapter 12.

Andrew: Yeah. And she left, so we can blame everything on her.

Matt: Yeah.

Flawed Ministry Infiltration?

Andrew: Next point: Is the plan to penetrate the Ministry flawed? Micah, you wanted to bring this up because…

Matt: Mikey?

Andrew: Micah, I said.

Matt: Oh, I thought you said Mikey.

Andrew: You know, they’re just walking in with Polyjuice Potion, and before the show I was saying, “You know what? There’s got to be some flaws in this plan if they’re going – if they’re knocking these people out that they’re turning into – they’re knocking them out and they’re going to come back to work the next day and be like, you know, ‘Oh, wait a second. I didn’t do this. Oh wait a second. I didn’t do that.'” I mean, there are flaws in this plan that obviously didn’t get brought up in the book, because it would have been nice to see what would have happened.

Matt: That’s the whole point though. This whole thing was rushed.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: Yeah, but you don’t see any…

Matt: They don’t really care about the consequences anymore because all they’re thinking about is going forward.

Andrew: Right, but what I’m saying is – in reality, that would have really posed a problem. And, I mean, Jo could have wrote in some subplot, but it’s not that necessary, it’s sort of out of the way, and it obviously doesn’t effect the ending of the book. But in all reality, that must have caused some problems, because that probably would…

Matt: It probably did.

Andrew: …have been a security breach too. But we don’t know that. You know what I’m saying? Like don’t you think it would have been a huge security breach?

Matt: Yeah, because we only know it from their perspective. It probably was going on; it just didn’t reach them by the time all this stuff happened.

Andrew: Oh that’s true. That’s – yeah. They were out of touch when they were camping…

Micah: Well, I think Matt brought up a…

Matt: And the Ministry is huge.

Micah: …good point though, that it – the plan itself was definitely rushed because you have that whole conversation between Harry, Ron and Hermione, where Harry was saying, “Let’s just do it tomorrow.”

Andrew: Exactly.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: And you can understand that from the perspective of, well we need to start acting; we can’t just keep talking about it. We need to just do it. But the thing that really bothered me about this part of the story was, to me, if you were these three young witches or wizards and you’re going to go and infiltrate the Ministry it would seem to me that you’d need to be a little more clever than just using Polyjuice Potion. And obviously…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …it has consequences in the following chapters…

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: …where they come face-to-face with one of the people that they took out. But it just – it seems so unrealistic that they can just walk by Umbridge or walk by Yaxley or walk by any of these people and there is absolutely no recognition on the part of these Ministry officials that something is up until, you know, a little bit later on.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: And look, I know it’s a fantasy series. I know that…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …all of this is unrealistic, but Jo usually does a really good job making things seem like, “Hey, you know, that could actually work.”

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And this was just one of those chapters where it’s almost like…

Matt: Everything was just coincidental…

Micah: Yeah. It’s just…

Matt: With them meeting everybody.

Micah: Like, we’re talking about the Ministry, which is supposedly under the control of Voldemort and they’re just going to walk right in disguised as other people, get the Horcrux, you know, have a little bit of trouble along the way, and get out.

Andrew: So Micah, say you were Harry. What would be your plan to infiltrate the Ministry? Say you were the James Bond of the Harry Potter world, how would you…

Micah: But…

Andrew: …get in the Ministry?

Micah: But my point is this: why would you have to get into the Ministry?

Andrew: The locket.

Micah: Doesn’t Umbridge live somewhere?

Matt: Yeah, I was just going to say, can’t you just like wait by her house?

Andrew: But doesn’t she keep the locket in the Ministry?

Micah: I don’t – there’s – is that a guarantee?

Matt: No, she keeps it around her neck.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, I guess in defense of [laughs] Jo, I guess, they know exactly where she works, they don’t know where she lives, and it would, you know – how would they find out where she lives? Wouldn’t they have to go into the Ministry? [laughs]

Matt: They could follow her.

Micah: Hey, hold on a second.

Andrew: Don’t say, “phonebook.”

Micah: “Kreacher, bring me Umbridge.”

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Oh yeah, but see, somebody would notice Umbridge was missing. And then Umbridge would run back and…

Micah: Would anybody care?

Matt: Well, I thought Hermione was getting used to the Memory Charms.

Andrew: Oh that’s true too. But once Umbridge – okay, this could also be solved with the Memory Charm, but once Umbridge is in Grimmauld Place, wouldn’t she be able to tell people where it is?

Matt: She wouldn’t know where she was.

Andrew: Yeah, I guess.

Matt: Kreacher just brought her there. Kreacher didn’t say, “Oh yeah, we’re going to take you to Grimmauld Place.”

Micah: Yeah, we’re just trying to come up with other things…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: This is all pure speculation, I guess?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah. But look, we thought about this plan in what, five minutes? They could have done that.

Andrew: Right. [laughs] Right. [laughs again] Yeah, I don’t know. Talk to them someday.

Hermione’s Insistence

Andrew: Why does Hermione – last point we want to bring up today – why does Hermione still insist that Harry stay out of Voldemort’s mind? Because in this chapter, once again, Harry tries to hide it from Ron and Hermione. He runs up to the bathroom and then hides in there while he goes into Voldemort’s mind, but Hermione still insists that Harry stay out. Why does Hermione do that? Why can’t she just – I mean, she’s not going to be able to change Harry’s mind and, really, it does work to their advantage.

Matt: Yeah, well, in this book – in this chapter – in this book it did.

Andrew: Of course in Order of the Phoenix it didn’t, but Harry learned his lesson and, I mean, he just has to accept now that that’s a possibility, that that could happen. But really, he has nothing to lose at this point. Unless Voldemort makes up this scene where he’s about to kill Ron and Hermione, or any close Order members…

Matt: Mhm. Well, Hermione doesn’t know anything about it. That’s the whole point; the only thing that she knows is that Dumbledore told Harry that he shouldn’t be opening his mind to it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: That’s the only thing she knows, and she’s scared about it because of all the consequences that happened.

Micah: But, in the fact is, it’s a good thing. It’s really a good thing in the end. I mean, Harry even starts to think that he should be using this to his advantage. I mean it keeps him, you know, in sync with what Voldemort is doing, and it has a huge role, you know, later on when he can feel Voldemort going from place to place looking for all the Horcruxes that have been destroyed.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: And, you know, I think it’s a connection that she should just step off on.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: Because it’s giving Harry the clues that he needs to help solve this, you know, really complex puzzle.

Matt: Mhm. And, technically, is it really Occlumency? Because they are connected. He is part of Voldemort.

Micah: Yeah. Right, and maybe that’s the problem. Maybe he wouldn’t have been able to keep it out.

Matt: I mean, even if he tried to close his mind would it even work?

Andrew: Oh, that’s true. But, see, Dumbledore did know that he had the special connection with Voldemort, and Dumbledore still recommended that Snape teach him the lessons.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: So, I think Dumbledore would’ve had an idea whether or not the lessons would actually work. The Occlumency would really work.

Using Occlumency While Asleep

Matt: Okay, talking about Occlumency, since we’re on this subject.

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: Is it even possible to shut your mind while you’re asleep? I mean, aren’t you just vulnerable when you’re asleep? Can you use Occlumency, I mean, are you capable of doing Occlumency while you’re asleep?

Micah: That’s a good question.

Andrew: Well, I guess the question is, do we know how it actually works? I mean is it a – does it only work while you’re actually focusing on it? Or is there a way to keep it in your head somehow?

Matt: Well, it always happens when he’s at his most vulnerable point, and that’s when he’s asleep. He has a hard time doing it even when he’s conscious. So, how in the world is he going to be able to do it when he’s in a fragile, sleeping state?

Andrew: According to the Lexicon, “elementary Occlumency involves clearing the mind of thoughts and emotions so that the Legilimens can find no emotional ties to memories the target wished to conceal.” So say if you clear your mind for bed, and you fall asleep, because isn’t – aren’t there studies that say, like, you always dream about what you are thinking right when you fall asleep?

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: So right, if you have your mind cleared…

Matt: Well, is that even possible? I mean, unless you have a Pensieve near your bed…

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: …and just empty all your mind.

Andrew: Hey! That’s too much work though. It’s like taking out your contacts at night or putting in your retainer before bed.

Micah: Yeah, I mean, where would you even get one of those?

Matt: Yeah, see, I would stop doing all of those.

Micah: You would like go to Home Depot and be like, “Yeah I’ll have a Pensieve.”

Andrew: [laughs] “I want an auto-Pensieve.”

Matt: [laughs] Yeah. You go to Costco and get the 10-pack.

Micah: Yeah, exactly

Andrew: Well, it’s not like a one use only. It is not like a disposable razor. I mean, you can use the same one night to night, right?

The Multi-Purpose Pensieve

Micah: And if you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and it’s right there…

Matt: [laughs] “This Pensieve is not the same color it was yesterday.”

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: “Why is my Pensieve all yellow?”

Micah: It can be multi-purpose. I mean, if you’re sick…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …you know?

Andrew: “Mr. Bob: Pensieve Edition”

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: “Mr. Bob Is On The Job.”

Micah: You can wash your face when you get up in the morning. You don’t even need to go to the bathroom.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, my god, Micah.

Matt: You wash your face in the morning and you’re hit with all these past aggressions and memories from your past.

Andrew: That is terrible.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, my god. Brush your teeth, use it to go number two, the possibilities are endless.

Micah: I don’t know.

Matt: Okay, okay.

Micah: That’s a little too much.

Andrew: You guys don’t? I use a sink for everything. Just me?

[Micah laughs]

Matt: Yeah, I know you do.

Andrew: Hmmm, weird. [laughs] All right, well…

Ben’s Top Ten

Micah: Well, there’s a Ben’s Top Ten List: Top Ten Uses of a Pensieve.

Andrew: Yeah, there you go. Everyone submit…

Micah: Get creative.

Andrew: …not everyone. But, yeah, be creative, send in a creative list. “Top Ten Ways to Use a Pensieve.” We’ve given you some ideas, don’t copy all of them, but build it off of what we came up with.

Micah: [laughs] There’s a lot of room for improvement.

Andrew Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Back to Harry and Occlumency

Andrew: “In its more advance form, Occlemency allows the user to suppress only feelings and memories that contradict what the user wishes a Legitamens to believe, thus allowing the Occlamens to lie without self-betrayal.” So, I don’t know. I mean, this is used to Harry’s advantage and Harry’s learned his lesson once. I think at this point he would just – since he was still looking into Voldemort’s mind, I believe that he just has to take the risk and to decide whether or not it’s real.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah. Let’s move along.

Andrew: Yeah, that does wrap up Chapter-by-Chapter today. Chapter 13 next week, maybe Chapter 14 as well. We’ll review it at our next board meeting.

Quote Quiz

Andrew: It’s time for Quote Quiz. [echoes “quiz”]

[Matt and Micah laugh sarcastically]

Andrew: “She had to go down to the Court Rooms with Umbridge. She couldn’t refuse and…” cuts off.

Micah: Oh.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: This has been Quote Quiz. [echoes “quiz”] I’m doing a new thing now where I move my head further away from the microphone so it’s more like, Quote Quiz. [echoes “quiz” with quieter echo]

Micah: That’s nice.

Matt: Yeah, that is sweet.

Micah: Very talented.

Andrew: Hey, I have a new idea. I have a new idea. We’ll all do the echo.

So I’ll do, “Quote quiz!” And then Matt goes, “…quiz,” and Micah goes, “…quiz.” And I go, “…quiz,” and then we all do it lower and lower.

Micah: Ummm…

Matt: Yeah, no. Let’s not do that.

Andrew: No, that’d be fun. That’d be fun. Can we try it, please? So, I’ll do it first. I’ll do, “Quote quiz!” and then Matt, you go, “…quiz.” And then Micah goes, “…quiz.” And I go, “…quiz.” Okay?

Micah: Sure, why not?

Andrew: All right. You have to do it fast. Quote quiz!

Matt: Quiz.

Micah: [pauses a long time] Quiz.

Matt: Stupid.

Andrew: Quiz… [laughs]

Micah: Alrighty.

Andrew: I liked it. Sorry, guys.

Matt: I’m so embarrassed right now for doing that.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Sorry. Want to have a little fun on the – Okay, you say Sweeney Todd last week. You can’t dig yourself any deeper.

Matt: Yeah, but I’m freaking awesome that way.

Make the Connection

Andrew: Hey, here’s a fun segment. It’s time to play Make the Connection. Since Jamie’s not around this week – and we don’t know when he’s going to be back, cause he’s back at school – Matt’s going to be taking over Make the Connection until Jamie returns. Matt, there’s a lot of pressure. A lot of pressure. I mean, Jamie sent you a couple of ideas, but…

Matt: Yeah, he sent me a couple things. Well, it’s pretty cool now, though. Because since Laura left – since Jamie only sent me two, I can just tell them to both of you.

Andrew: Well – okay.

Matt: Yeah. Okay.

Andrew: All right, so Micah starts first, since Micah didn’t go last time.

Matt: Yeah. All right, Micah. Make the connection between Harry Potter and writing a science fiction novel to be read only by camels.

Micah: Only by camels, right?

Matt: Only by camels.

Micah: [laughs] I don’t even know what to say to that.

Matt: [imitates Jamie] Oh, come on, Micah! It’s very simple.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: It’s right in front of you.

Micah: It’s right in front of you.

Matt: [imitates Jamie] I have faith in you, Micah. I have faith in you.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: The only comparison I can think of was those two camels that those House-elves were riding in…

Andrew: [laughs] Goblet of Fire.

Micah:Goblet of Fire. Otherwise, I don’t know how you compare Harry Potter and a science fiction book wrote strictly for camels.

Andrew: [laughs] Well, you can say that the science fiction book told the House-elves – told the camels how to ride with House-elves on their back. Because House-elves are very light, so that poses the possible problem. Especially if they were to apparate off the back. Once that weight suddenly disappears, the camels might be thrown off balance.

Micah: Sure.

[Andrew presses the “That Was Easy Button”]

Micah: All right, let’s hear the other one.

Matt: Okay.

Micah: And I’ll help Andrew out on that.

Matt: Since I already sent you one, I’m going to think of something else.

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: All right. So – okay. Harry Potter and eating Chick-Fil-A while watching Sweeney Todd.

Andrew: [laughs] What? Okay, seriously, that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Ummm…

Matt: Do it.

Andrew: Okay, I have to admit, Sweeney Todd is one of my favorite movies right now. And Chick-Fil-A is my favorite delicacy. So…

Matt: You’re stalling!

Andrew: No, no. When I get into the movies, when I see a Harry Potter film, I love seeing the Potter films while eating nachos and cheese, which is also one of my favorite delicacies. So, the connection is that you can eat your favorite delicacy while watching one of your favorite movies.

Matt: Ummm…

Andrew: No?

Matt: Maybe I’m just not getting Make the Connection.

Andrew: You just have to make a connection between Harry Potter and item number two.

Matt: All right, okay.

Andrew: I know that wasn’t exactly what I was supposed to – and that’s impossible, Matt, that’s [laughs] pretty impossible. I don’t know.

Matt: Well, the one that Jamie gave me wasn’t any better.

Micah: What was it?

Matt: It was Harry Potter and eating antique ice cream while fighting Hercules.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: What?

Matt: Yeah!

Andrew: Well, Hercules is a very powerful charactal – uhhh…

Matt: Charactal, huh?

Andrew: Charactal, yeah. Sorry, if you watch home videos – I just did it again! [laughs]

[Matt makes slurring noises to mock Andrew]

[Andrew makes slurring noises]

Micah: Well, actually, you could – I don’t know how you would spin this – but Hercules defeated what’s his name, the three headed dog – the trio got by the three headed dog.

Matt: Ohhh.

Andrew: Did he?

Micah: But that has nothing to do with ice cream and battling Hercules.

Matt: Yeah, see…

Andrew: Well, you could say that dogs like ice cream. I don’t know.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Jamie would have to be there to moderate that, I don’t know, we’ll see. Matt, do you want people to e-mail in ideas? That’s what we used to do with Jamie.

Matt: Yeah sure, if Jamie’s not going to be on because he’s at school for the next couple of weeks, I’m perfectly okay with that.

Andrew: Okay! So e-mail in some good Make the Connections that are possible. Maybe if you have your own idea include it in the e-mail – include the connection in the e-mail and then Matt just won’t read that. He can read that after we answer ours. So yeah, answer your own make the connection so we know it’s doable, and you can quiz yourself at home. Matt at staff – no matthewb, sorry. Matthewb, M-a-t-t-h-e-w-b at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Matt, maybe I’ll make you an easier one that’s a little shorter.

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul

Andrew: So we’ll wrap things up today, as always, with a nice little Chicken Soup that will make everyone feel good. This is a good segment we do. This one comes from Stacey B. 22, of [sings] Baaaltimooore, Maryland. She writes:

“This isn’t a normal Chicken Soup. You get letters every week about how someone’s grandmother just passed away or how stressed out they are from finals or just simply because work is torture. These people who are down and out reach out to you as MuggleCasters to help them on their way. No matter what our burden is, we can always count on you to brighten our day. Laughter is the best medicine of all. You have no idea how many lives you guys have touched. And I think I speak for the listeners when I say, ‘Thank you!’ from the bottom of our hearts. This Chicken Soup goes out to the MuggleCasters for everything they do for the fans.”

Andrew: Well, thank you, Stacey, that’s very nice of you.

Matt: Awww.

Andrew: Like I say almost every show, it’s always great to hear how MuggleCast really affects people’s lives and it’s one of the main reasons why we’ll never permanently end the show. I mean, that’s just mean! We’ll always be coming out with more episodes. We’ll aim for once a month after Chapter-by-Chapter is done. And, you know, more good things will come, more good things will come.

Matt: Yes!

Contact Information

Andrew: So, I think that’s about it for this week’s episode of MuggleCast. But right now it’s time to remind everyone about our contact information in case you want to get in touch with us.

Micah: The po box.

Andrew: If you want to send us – huh?

Micah: The po box.

Andrew: The po box, Micah. If someone wants to send something to the pickle object box, where do they do that? How do they send it?

Micah: Send it to:


P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia, 30028

Andrew: Don’t forget you can also call in the MuggleCast hotline. If you’re in the United States you can dial 1-218-20-MAGIC, if you’re in the United Kingdom you can call 02081440677, and if you’re in Australia you can 0280035668. You can also Skype the username MuggleCast. No matter how you call in just remember to keep your message under 60 seconds and eliminate as much background noise as possible. Thank you.

You can also e-mail MuggleCast using the handy feedback form on, just click on “contact” at the top. You can reach anyone of us or – actually, Matt, you’re not in there, but I think it’s about time we add you in there.

Matt: Add me where?

Andrew: To the feedback form on

Matt: Oh, okay.

Andrew: You can also contact us with our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com, and like I said earlier, matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com. [whispers] Yeah! Dot com!

Community Outlets

Andrew: Don’t forget our community outlets. We got the MuggleCast MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Frappr, Last.FM, and the fanlistings and forums, which are exploding! Right now. You can also Digg the show at, vote for us once a month at Podcast Alley, and rate and review us at Yahoo! Podcasts.

Show Close

Andrew: I think that’s about it for this week’s show.

Micah: Send in stuff for Chapter 13, because…

Andrew: Yes, send in stuff for chapter 13 that we can discuss.

Matt: Please?

Micah: And if we missed anything in Chapter 11 or 12 I’m sure we’ll hear about it, so… [laughs]

Andrew: We’ll hear about it. We’ll get a gazillion, kagillion, patrillion, apillion e-mails.

Matt: At least two.

Micah: Yeah.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Now remember, kids, parallels.

Micah: When are voicemails coming back? Or are they never coming back? [laughs]

[Show music begins]

Andrew: No, voicemails will come back. We just have to have time in the show to fit them in. Maybe we’ll just do strictly Chapter-by-Chapter and voicemails next week with a fun segment, too.

Matt: Hopefully fun.

Andrew: If there’s no news next week. You know, we need a break because we’re trying to keep these shows a certain length each week. I mean, sometimes we go longer, sometimes shorter, but we aim for around an hour ten, an hour twenty an episode, you know?

Micah: Don’t forget the top ten.

Andrew: Top ten, vote for us at Podcast Alley too, yes, thank you, Micah.

Micah: No, I meant the Top Ten Pensieve uses.

Andrew: Oh, Top Ten list. Yes, yes.

Micah: Sorry.

Andrew: Please send in those lists. No, it’s all right.

Micah: Yeah, you can also vote for us at Podcast Alley if you want to.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: Like I said, you won’t get another show in January if you don’t.

Matt: Uh-oh.

Andrew: Right, exactly. So look out. Ummm, all right. Okay. So that wraps up this week’s episode of MuggleCast. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matthew Britton.

Andrew: Thank you everyone for joining us and we’ll see everyone next week for Episode 130 in February. Goodbye!

Matt: Goodbye!

[Show music ends]


Matt: Was that…

Andrew: Yeah, that’s good enough.

Matt: Was that good enough? Okay.

Laura: Yeah. Just say that, like, that there were parallels drawn between that and Nazi Germany.

Matt: Oh okay. Oh yes, because I love parallels because they never meet.

Andrew: That was so funny, by the way.

Laura: That was really funny.

Andrew: I didn’t hear that when we were recording, but…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: …when we were editing…

Matt: I don’t even remember saying that.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: I must have been doing something else because I was just trying to talk while Eric was talking.

Andrew: Uh-huh.

Micah: Along with my pregnant comment. Do you remember that?

Matt: Yes. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was funny, too. I missed that.

Laura: I didn’t – what – what is it?

Andrew: Sometimes Micah says things, and someone else is talking, so we don’t hear him. Say it, Micah, real quick.

Micah: Well, I think Andrew was talking about how – was it – Helena Bonham Carter? Or no, it was…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: No, no, uh…

Micah: No, it was the other one who’s playing Narcissa.

Andrew: Helen McCory.

Matt: Helen McCory.

Micah: Yeah, she was supposed to play Bellatrix but she got pregnant, and then I just said – I guess under somebody else – I just said, “Sorry about that.”

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: And nobody noticed. Then it was on the show.

[Everyone is still laughing]

Micah: I saw people making comments about it, it was pretty funny.

Andrew: Yeah, when I heard it – when I heard it while editing, I was laughing my ass off. I IMed Micah and I was like, “Dude, I can’t believe we missed that.” It was so funny.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: He was like so straight forward, too. He was just like, [imitating Micah] “Sorry about that.”

Matt: [imitating Micah]

“Sorry about that.”

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Oh, that’s brilliant.

Matt: Okay, I’m going to bring us back.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: Well, ummm…


Transcript #128

MuggleCast 128 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: Hey there, MuggleCast listeners. I am back to inform you of some excellent news. is having better deals than ever. For only $3.59 a month for 12 months, you can get’s economy package. With 250 gigs of bandwith, five gigs of storage and up to 500 e-mail accounts you can get your own website up and running with success. And as usual, enter code Muggle – that’s M-U-G-G-L-E – when you check out and save an additional 10 percent on any order. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

[Music ends]

Andrew: This week’s podcast is also brought to you by, the internet’s leading provider of spoken word entertainment. Get a free audiobook download of your choice when you sign up today. Log onto today for details.

[Show music starts]

Micah: Because we have lots of unanswered questions, this is MuggleCast Episode 128 for January 19th, 2008.

[Music continues to play]

Andrew: Have you guys seen our brand new Wizard Rock section on MuggleNet?

Laura: I have.

Eric: I’m going right now, Andrew.

Laura: I must say, it’s very impressive.

Andrew: is the Universal Resource Locator. It’s our brand new section with a over 160 rock bands!

Laura: Yay!

Matt: Really?

Eric: And…

Andrew: Yeah. You guys like it?

Matt: Geez, that’s a lot.

Laura: Yeah, it…

Andrew: I made it all by myself.

Laura: It’s really, really cool, but…

Andrew: Thanks.

Laura: From what I can tell there is something missing, isn’t there?

Matt: There is one group that is not listed on that site.

Andrew: There is one band missing and it’s my Wizard Rock band, but…

Laura: Oh, well that’s probably for the best…

Andrew: I’ve decided that it’s…

[Andrew, Matt, and Micah laugh]

Andrew: I decided that the Wizard Rock section on MuggleNet was actually going to have the worst rock bands, or Wizard Rock bands, and mine’s good for it, so…

Laura: Oh, okay.

Andrew: I don’t want to blow everyone away. I don’t want to steal the limelight from great bands such as The Remus Lupins, The Moaning Myrtles, Harry and the Potters…

Laura: Well, you know I was just thinking about that one time at Prophecy when you were supposed to perform and you never did. And we had…

Andrew: I did. Yes, I did.

Laura: We had to peer pressure you into doing a chorus at the live Leaky Mug.

Andrew: Because I think it’s hard to do a rap acapello.

Laura: Yeah, whatever.

Andrew: There was a lot of pressure. There was a big audience. Anyway, we have a good show for you today including Chapter-by-Chapter, and we’re going to bring Favorites back, and we also have a couple little announcements. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

[Music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast News Center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Hey, Micah.

Micah: All right, thanks, Andrew. Four months in development, on Wednesday nightMuggleNet released its latest project: MuggleNet’s Wizard Rock section. With over 160 bands in our database fans can read interviews, listen to samples, write reviews, and more. It’s the perfect place for fans to discover the fandom phenomenon that is the music genre of Wizard Rock.

It was announced on Thursday that J.K. Rowling will deliver the keynote address at this year’s Harvard University commencement ceremony on June 5th. University President Drew G. Faust was quoted as saying:

“Perhaps no one in our time has done more than J. K. Rowling to inspire young people to experience the excitement and the sheer joy of reading. Her tales of Harry, Ron, and Hermione and their Hogwarts adventures have cast a spell on millions of readers around the world. Harvard isn’t exactly Hogwarts, but I’m sure that her visit with us this June will be a moment of magic for J.K. Rowling’s many admirers across the University.”

Finally, Timothy Spall, who played Peter Pettigrew in Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire, has said he will reprise that role for the final two films. Spall was quoted by saying:

“I’m in the next one. And I’m also in the one at the end. I have a very big scene in that. I think they might be shooting two of them back-to-back. Hard to know though, what with this writer’s strike and all. They’re shooting the penultimate one at the moment; which I have a brief appearance in it. I should be doing that soon.”

That’s all the news for this January 19th, 2008 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right, thank you Micah.

Micah: You’re welcome.

News Discussion: Deathly Hallows Split?

Andrew: You know, I’ve described the news, in the past, like a roller coaster. And I’m sticking with it. Because this week we only really have – actually, we have two things to discuss. One news story just came out today. Very briefly, though. One big story we want to talk about that’s been getting a lot of press, at least on the fan sites and even some British tabloids. Apparently there are rumors circulating around now saying that the final Harry Potter book is going to be split into two films.

Eric: Yes.

Matt: Yes.

Andrew: And this was originally reported by the Daily Mail. And it says here in the article:

“For film-makers Warner Bros, whose first five ‘Potter’ films have made £2.5 billion in box office receipts…it could mean a £500 million bonus in ticket sales.”

Because people are essentially paying for the same movie twice.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: They’ll easily double their profits for the final film. Do you guys think this could come true?

Eric: Well gee, why didn’t they think about doubling their ticket revenue when they decided not to make any of the other movies into two parts?

Laura: Yeah. I mean, we’ve heard this same rumor a lot before. Didn’t it come around…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …with Goblet of Fire, too?

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: It’s true.

Andrew: It did.

Eric: It’s true. And nothing came of that. Book 7’s not even the longest book. It’s shorter than – well, depending on what version you read, it’s actually the third longest, I think it was.

Laura: I think the difference with the seventh book is that there’s a lot more information in it that has to be covered. And…

Eric: Like what?

Laura: I think the difference with the seventh book is that there’s a lot of information that they’re going to be relying on that they haven’t used in previous movies. So on top of the information that we got in Deathly Hallows, they’re going to have to include a whole bunch of backstory that they never gave us in the other films to make it make sense.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: Yep.

Laura: So that would be the only reason I would see for them doing that. But honestly, I think we’re just going to have a regular length movie like we always have.

Matt: It would be nice to have a two-part.

Laura: It would. I would love it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But why? Why would they have not have done it for – I mean, there were so many other book I would rather be two-part movies than Book 7

Andrew: See, I’d rather it be the final film, because…

Laura: Yeah, it makes more sense. [laughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Why does it make more sense? They should have made the…

Laura: Because it’s like the grand finale, you know. It’s the end.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Well…

Matt: And there’s not much you can cut out in this book.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Without it being really just crumbling.

Eric: Except the months and months they’re in the forest doing nothing.

[Matt and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Well, according to this article, it says:

A film source said: “There’s so much to fit that the view is the last movie should be in two halves. There is a huge battle when Harry, played by Daniel Radcliffe, takes on Voldemort that needs to be done really well.”

Eric: And this quote intrigued me, as well. Because I was thinking, well, yeah. I mean, the Battle of Hogwarts. God, they can make that so good, you know?

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: They can make that – but, I mean they’ve got a battle at Hogwarts to do in Movie 6, as well.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: That they should probably turn into some kind of fruitfulness. But, I was thinking about that quote because I had read it too. And I was thinking, well then again, and I’m sure I’ve said this before. But when I first read the fifth Harry Potter book, which was after it came out June 20, 2003. When I first read it I was thinking at the end scene, you know the whole Department of Mysteries, etc. I said, “Wow, they could really make this alone an hour or two hour movie.” I mean, if you read that scene in the book, it’s just – the whole time, once they get to the Department of Mysteries, all the rooms they explore, up until the end of the book. You know, they could turn that into a really long period of time in the movie. And as we know now, they made it pretty short in the movie. They actually did, successfully or unsuccessfully, they made it into a short clip, a sort part of the movie and fit it into one film. So, no matter how long you think – no matter how long its appeared to be written in the books, they can always condense it and kind of get away with it.

Andrew: Yeah. [grumbles]

Eric: I just don’t think that – I think it’s not that cool that they should make the seventh book into a two-part movie if they didn’t make any of the other first six.

Andrew: The other thing to note here is that a script hasn’t even been written.

Eric: It’s true.

Andrew: Because Steve Kloves, he’s part of the Writer’s Guild, so he can’t start writing anything, which isn’t too much of a worry now because, you know, Half-Blood Prince still doesn’t come out until November. I would think he would, hopefully, if the strike ends soon. He would normally be writing the script, what, maybe starting in a few months from now. What’s the time frame for that, Matt?

Eric: Because pre-production happens quite soon.

Matt: Yeah, no, no, it does. Most of the entire production is pre-production. In-production of films actually are the shortest out of all the stages. They last for probably a month at the most. That’s it.

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: Like, they film the movie in almost a month or two month’s time.

Andrew: Oh, no, no, no, it takes a lot longer with Harry Potter

Laura: I thought with Harry Potter it took a lot longer.

Matt: Well, no, I’m talking about filming. It takes hours and hours of pre-production before they film, I’m saying.

Eric: Okay, and the actual filming…

Matt: But I mean, on the actual filming.

Eric: Interesting. So when do you think, like, would you think that they would already have a script for Movie 7? I mean, the trio is only going to get older the longer they wait to…

Matt: No, I don’t think they have anything written for Movie 7.

Eric: Well, they don’t, but would they? Should they, if it weren’t for the writer’s strike?

Andrew: No. I still think it’s too early.

Matt: For Movie 7, I don’t think so.

Eric: Okay.

Matt: Because they still have Movie 6.

Andrew: Yeah. I don’t think – how do I phrase this? I do think it is early enough for them to be considering putting the movie into two parts, because that is a big decision that I’m sure isn’t just made by the writer or producer. I mean, that goes way up to the top of Warner Brothers because it’s an essentially an eighth Harry Potter film.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric; Yeah.

Andrew: So, I think that’s an important discussion that if they are discussing, and I think it’s worth discussing, then yeah, it will take a lot of time to decide that. And I would imagine – don’t you think they would have to decide whether it’s going to be one or two parts before he starts writing, anyway? Because he has to plan how long the script is going to be.

Micah: Yeah, absolutely.

Eric: Well, usually they come up with drafts.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: They do several drafts of the film, and if they think it won’t all fit into a movie condensed version, then they would say – they would explore the possibility of two – I think, anyway. Do you guys think that if they split it into two movies they’d be called anything different?

Micah: No.

Eric: I mean, would they be Deathly Hallows, Part One and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two?

Laura: No. Yeah, it would just be part one and part two.

Micah: I think part of the problem, though, is that you have to take into consideration when these two would be released. Would they be released close to each other, or would they be separated out by a couple months? A year? Because that can cause some problems, I think.

Eric: It can.

Micah: Especially because of the flow of the movie, in the sense that, Eric, you brought up before how you really don’t think why this movie is special enough to warrant being split into two when there are other books that have come before it that could definitely have been split up as well. I know that might be prejudiced on the fact that you didn’t really like Deathly Hallows maybe as much as some of the books that came before, but I still think there’s a lot of consideration that has to go into this, and coming from the Daily Mail, I know it’s not a very reliable source. And even the comment that they had about being able to double their revenues. I don’t really think Warner Brothers is very concerned with its revenues from the Harry Potter series that they’re going to need to really consider making up for anything by doubling the revenues. I really just think that that’s an idiotic statement.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: Well said.

Eric: Have they – I mean, have they successfully done movies in continuum? I mean, I know Lord of the Rings was actually, you know, it was all filmed at once, it was, and then they broke it up and did different production sort of years and years and years. I was thinking of The Matrix trilogy though, with what you said that they would possibly separate them by a few months. I think it was in 2002, in February and November were the second and third Matrix released, the films were released then. And that was kind of…

Micah: I just think you run a risk because where do you leave off in Deathly Hallows, you know? People are going to want more right away.

Andrew: It would have to be a huge cliffhanger.

Micah: Exactly.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: You have to find the cliffhanger factor, because if non-Potter fans go and see the movie and they don’t like where it ends, they’re not going to see the second part. Unless a trailer or some other promotional device intrigues them, but I mean…

Eric: Cliffhanger part.

Andrew: …I’m just thinking what kind of publicity nightmare it would be for Warner Brothers. You’re releasing a two part book, everyone knows it’s one part but they’re splitting it into two. I just see that as like, are there two premieres? Are there multiple trailers?

Laura: Yeah, it’s so much extra work, basically.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah, and has it ever even been done before? This would be the first time or something it would happen.

Hallows Intermission?

Laura: Well actually movies used to be made quite successfully, especially movies made out of books, they were about four hours long. I’m thinking specifically of Gone With the Wind. But the way they were constructed was they actually had an intermission.

Matt: Right.

Laura: They would show both parts and you would leave the theater for 15-20 minutes, come back and see the second part. So when I think of a film like this, that’s the only way I can think of it being truly successful is just running it all at once.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: But I don’t really see why they’d do that anymore. It’s really not that common.

Eric: Here’s an interesting story.

Matt: Well, they don’t do that very much anymore because there’s so many movies in production.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, which is true, but you know what else is interesting? They turned – when I went and saw Chamber of Secrets in the theaters, they gave it an intermission, because of the young children in the audience, the movie theater that I ended up working for after that put a little 10, 15 minute sort of intermission in between the movie, in the middle of the movie. They put a stop break for all the kids to go to the bathroom or whatever and not miss the movie. So, they actually took Chamber of Secrets, which is only two-and-a-half hours long and they put an intermission in between. So they did that for the Harry Potter film when it was only one film, which was interesting.

Micah: Well, I also think they might have to bite the bullet and realize, “Hey, we need to make this movie longer than the six that have come before it.”

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: And not go to a two-hour-fifteen-minute…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …two-hour-and-a-half movie, we’re looking at something that needs to be over three hours long.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: If you got to give it that treatment, just yeah, make it one movie, but make it a longer movie.

Laura: Yeah I don’t see why not.

Andrew: Maybe we’re all blowing this out of proportion, maybe they will do it like Gone With the Wind style, and just give us an intermission. I mean, it doesn’t happen anymore but why not?

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Becaue how long have we been trying to convince them or trying to say that a four-hour movie, we couldn’t mind the four-hour movie.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I can’t think of anyone who would care to be honest.

Matt: Right.

Andrew: Yeah, and plus movie theaters would eat that up. If there was an intermission, that’s extra food sales for them.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, everyone is going to run out a buy new soda and stuff.

Matt: Yeah, definitely.

Eric: It’s true. And food is what people depend on. What movie theaters depend on. The concession sales.

Andrew: Yeah. Yup, yup.

Matt: I don’t think movies or movie theaters will really object to it because you know, they know that they’re going to make money off of Harry Potter films.

Eric: Yeah, it’s just less show times then…

Andrew: Yeah that’s one thing, but….

Eric: But, it’s interesting news.

Andrew: Yeah, so we’ll wait to hear more confirmation. I mean, WB hasn’t said much. The one thing that – WB did go to Empire Online and told them that nothing is official yet. That’s not a “no,” that’s what gets me. I mean.

Eric: It’s not a “no,” that’s a – yeah.

Andrew: I mean, normally, though, they would say “no” to stupid rumors.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But saying nothing is official, nothing, you know, I think they actually told Empire Online or Empire Online just brought up the point that Steve Clovis can’t write right now and he hasn’t started.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But like I said earlier, they might need to decide whether to make it one or two movies before they starts writing, at least for the very final draft.

Eric: That’s news to us though. Writer’s strike affects Harry Potter fans, here’s how.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I’m really tired of the writer’s strike. I don’t know about you guys.

Andrew: Well, the late night shows are back, so that’s all I care about.

Matt: Of course.

Laura: What about The Office?

Andrew: That’s a shame, but I was watching a re-run the other day, and it was nice.

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Who Will Direct Hallows?

Micah: What about the director talk? This seems like a lot of the same that we hear when every movie is considered.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: Who’s going to be directing it?

Eric: Spielberg said he was?

Andrew: No, it said in this article that Spielberg is one person being considered.

Eric: But I’m saying for the original film didn’t he – wasn’t there an interview we posted on MuggleNet recently that said Spielberg was in fact considered for the first film.

Andrew: I think we’ve known that for a while.

Laura: Yeah, he was.

Matt: Yeah, he was.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But he was given his opinion on it or whatever. That was cool.

Andrew: He wanted to put American actors in it. I believe that was the problem.

Laura: Yeah, that’s right.

Eric: Well, it was an idea of his. It was an idea.

Andrew: We’ll move onto some other news, but I’m sure we’ll be talking about it more unless it gets completely thrown out by Warner Brothers.

Eric: Which it should.

News Discussion: Rowling to Make Keynote at Harvard

Andrew: Yeah, story that came out on Thursday. J.K. Rowling is going to speak at the Harvard commencement ceremony. She’s going to be delivering the main keynote address. How cool is that?

Laura: That’s really cool. Can you imagine havening J.K. Rowling speak at… Oh my gosh.

Eric: Your graduation?

Andrew: How amazing would that be?

Laura: That would be amazing. Jo.

Eric: Why is she doing it?

Laura: I don’t know.

Andrew: I don’t know – Yeah.

Matt: They’re giving her something aren’t they?

Andrew: Yeah, they’re giving her one of those doctor degrees, I think, that they give all the famous people just for being famous.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: [laughs] J.K. Rowling should speak at my graduation, you know.

Andrew: Oh yeah, it says… It says, “the University will also grant Rowling an honorary degree at the June 5th ceremony.”

Micah: Am I the only one here who’s had a commencement address?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yes, you have.

Laura: None of us have graduated yet.

Matt: Yeah, I’m sorry.

Eric: So far. We’re all in college, so that’s good.

Laura: I think Jo should come to McDaniel College. We would happily welcome her there.

Matt: I would just love to see Laura. I would just love to see you.

Laura: [laughs] I would probably just burst into tears. I’d be so happy.

Andrew: You’d be crying.

Eric: I’ll speak at your commencement, Laura. I’ll speak at your commencement.

Laura: Okay, Eric. You do that.

Andrew: [laughs] You know, what’s really special about this is think about how many times J.K. Rowling acts as a public speaker. I mean, besides her book readings, how many other times has she stood at a podium and made a speech?

Eric: Well, she’s spreading out, man. She’s totally spreading out. Now that she’s done writing…

Matt: She’s got more free time.

Eric: …she’s got much more free time.

Andrew: Well, obviously. No, but what I’m saying is that this isn’t her kind of thing.

Matt: No, well she also mentioned that in the documentary as well.

Andrew: Exactly, that’s where I was going.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: She doesn’t even like doing this much, and now she’s doing it, so it’ll be really interesting to see what she says. I’m sure she’ll touch on her past life as living in a flat and being broke and all that. In other news, J.K. Rowling will be on MuggleCast next week.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: So be sure you tune in for that. Not!

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, so that’s cool.

Eric: You’re kidding right?

Andrew: Yeah, I’m kidding. No, I’m not. Yes, I am.

Eric: We’re pathetic.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: We’re pathetic, Andrew. We’re pathetic.


Andrew: All right, so moving onto announcements now. It is a new month, and we’re reminding you kind of late, but we are in the top ten and we thank everyone, but vote for us on Podcast Alley so we can get as high up as possible. Because we like being high up on that list.

Micah: Yeah, not number nine.

Andrew: Also, thanks to everyone who…

Eric: We like being high…on the list.

Andrew: On the list, yeah. Thanks to everyone who sent us links to the online copies of the J.K. Rowling documentary. A lot of people sent these in. Someone did send me in a really good bit torrent though, and it downloaded nice and fast, and now I have it on my computer. So if any of you guys want it, I’ll forward it to you. So you can watch the documentary over and over again, but thanks everyone who emailed that in, a lot of you did.

Spring Break East Coast Road Tour

Andrew: Also, everyone here except Matt…

Matt: What?

Andrew: In other words…

Laura: Awww.

Andrew: In other words Eric, Laura, Micah and I are sort of kicking around the idea of doing a mini-spring break East Coast tour…

Eric: Of MuggleCast.

Andrew: ..come mid-March. Now, we need to remind everyone that this is only – this is very early on in the planning stages and is only a possibility. We want to know how many people would actually show up. So visit and we have five tour stops there. If you live on the New England, then visit – or even towards down in Virginia which isn’t really New England or Baltimore for that matter.

Eric: North of the line people.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: North of the line.

Andrew: Visit and vote for the location that you could attend, or vote and say that you can’t attend. Take the poll seriously. Don’t just vote for Philly because you used to live there and it’s your home town and you are representing the area. No, vote honestly. So we will look into this more.

Eric: We need to liven this up.

Andrew: If we do it, it will be between March 15th and March 20th, and it would be a lot of fun and it would be a nice tour. Laura and I were just talking the other day about how bad we want to go to Boston.

Laura: Yes. So all you Bostonians go out and vote please.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Laura: Because I really want to go to Boston.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: We’d like to do four or five stops and we’d be driving and it will be interesting to plan, because of where we are all living and how we are all going to get there, but it we wil figure it out. It will be good.

Then we are doing a podcast in Dallas, Texas because of Portus 2008, as we told everyone HP2008 dot org, so visit that site to sign up, register and come to Portus and we’ll be there for Potter Podcast Polooza Pickles. Ad

Andrew: We’d like to remind everyone again that today’s podcast is also brought to you by, the leading provider of spoken word entertainment. Audibles has over 35,000 titles to choose from to be downloaded and played anywhere. Just like MuggleCast. If you’re into Harry Potter as much as we are, we recommedn checkng out Twilight, a book we’ve discussed on MuggleCast a few times. You’ve from our listeners about it, now you can give it a try free on Audible. Just visit today to get your free audio book. Once again, it’s for your free audio book.

Muggle Mail: Why Did Moody’s Curse Not Lift?

Andrew: Okay. Let’s move on to Muggle Mail now.

Eric: [sings] Muggle Mail!

Andrew: Who wants take the first e-mail. Who wants to read it?

Eric: Can I? Can I? Can I?

Andrew: Mhm.

[Laura laughs]

Muggle Mail: Why Did Moody’s Curse Not Lift?

Eric: First one is from Nathan Gard, 14, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Subject is “Chapter 9.” He says:

“Okay, this was just something I noticed while listening to Chapter-by-Chapter last week and wanted to see what you guys thought about it. If spells are supposed to lift if their caster dies, like when Dumbledore’s spell lifted off of Harry in Half-Blood Prince when Snape killed him, then why does Moody’s tongue-tying curse remain on Grimmauld Place after Moody dies? Just wondering what you thought. Thanks, love the show, bye!”

What do you guys think?

Laura: Ooo.

Andrew: I don’t know. I am still confused by this whole tongue situation.

Laura: Yeah. That whole concept throws me off.

Matt: Is it technically Mad Eye Moody’s? When they say Mad-Eye Moody’s tongue-tying curse, do they mean it’s the one that he made or the one that he did? Did he invent that curse?

Laura: No. He didn’t invent it.

Eric: But he put the booby trap on Grimmauld Place to attack if anybody should come in, should it be Snape or whatever. They are wondering why it is still there once Moody died, because when you put a spell on something, it’s removed. And I really don’t have that good of an answer.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t either.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Myself, because of the way that the Fidelius Charm was broken on Grimmauld Place itself. I was going to initially argue that something would be different if you put a spell on a place, such as all of Dumbledore’s defenses on Hogwarts, etc., would still remain up because they’re sort of on Hogwarts as opposed to being on Harry. Like, he was holding Harry still and when he died, that spell went off, but that is flawed.

Micah: Right.

Eric: Because of…

Micah: Because the same thing happens.

Eric: …the way the Fidelius Charm…

Micah: …with the tongue-tying curse.

Eric: Right.

Micah: It’s essentially a spell that has been cast on a place, so…

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: Right. And it’s still there.

Micah: Yeah, I mean, it’s a good question. I don’t know if we have an answer for it except maybe it is a little bit of a mistake.

Eric: Oooh.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Because it would make perfect sense that the spell would not have any after-effect.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, it’s true.

Eric: Yeah. So either it does, or it doesn’t, sort of – either spells put on places do or don’t get removed when they die. And it’s – there’s some contradictions in the books.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Even the same book. Even the same book because of the way – the Grimmauld Place things – and I think we have a question later on in the show about that as well, the Fidelius Charm and how it actually works.

Muggle Mail: The True Killer of Dumbledore

Andrew: Yeah. Well, let’s move on. Next e-mail comes from Val, 17, of West Covina, California. She writes:

“As soon as you guys mentioned the possibilities, a thought popped into my head. The curse was to be used against the person that killed Dumbledore, right? Maybe it only took into account the true killer of Dumbledore. Snape killed Dumbledore, but not directly. What I mean by this is that he didn’t kill him for his own purposes, he was helping out Dumbledore, so the true killer of Dumbledore is the curse from the Horcrux that would have killed him if it wasn’t for Snape.”

So, she’s saying – she’s saying that’s how Snape got by, I guess.

Eric: So, what is the curse supposed to do? Tie it to the Horcrux?

Micah: I just think Snape is smart enough to get by. I don’t think it has anything to do with…

Laura: Yeah, I think that’s – I think Micah’s right.

Micah: …some other explanation, I mean, give the guy some credit. I mean, he’s a pretty…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …smart wizard.

Eric: He’s smart enough to say, “I didn’t kill you.” or “Why’d you make me kill you?” He’s smart enough to say the word “kill,” which disables the whole thing.

Andrew: Yeah.

Muggle Mail: Snape and Homenum Revelio

Eric: This one comes from Javed Mohammed, age 21 of Trinidad and Tobago. Oooh, nice place.

“Greetings from Trinidad again, I have a few comments about the chapter by chapter segment. You all said that Snape broke into Grimmauld Place yet remained unscathed, this may be probably so since he is an accomplished Occlumens and would be able to lie about who killed Moody and block his thoughts if the spell detected untruths. Also about Hermione’s Homenum Revelio curse. Hominoids and Hominids are direct ancestors of the primate family into which Humans (Homo Sapiens) also falls into. This may explain the use of the word Homenum in the curse. Still loving the show and all the best for the new year, Javed Mohammed.”

Oh, and it’s pronounced JAAH-ved. So, Javed Mohammed. Awesome, Javed, thanks for that. That’s what we said, we just came to that conclusion, then, about Snape being that good a wizard, but then he reveals something very cool about “Homenum,” which we talked about last week.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: Cool.

MuggleCast 128 Transcript (continued)

Muggle Mail: Rowling’s Documentary

Laura: All right, the next one comes from Kim, 19, of Houston, Texas. She says:

“Hey guys! I really enjoyed your discussion of JKR’s documentary in Episode 127. Actually, I thought the episode as a whole was brilliant! But, in regard to the documentary, I just wanted to add that I wish they had filmed Jo signing the bust inside the hotel upon finishing Book 7. It would have been interesting to witness or at least hear from Jo herself why she did it. I imagine it was rather spontaneous. Also, I’d like to comment on something y’all mentioned in the Chapter 9 discussion. I think Micah was right in saying Snape got in before Moody set the spell in Grimmauld Place. I’m not sure where I read or heard it, but I’m pretty sure that’s how it happened. You might want to check me on that! Thanks for reading, I love the show and I’m looking forward to anything y’all do in the future, HP-related or not! Pickles, Kim.”

Eric: Awww, pickles.

Andrew: It would’ve been nice to see her do this.

Laura: Yeah, I agree.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Maybe there were some concerns with showing vandalism on T.V.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: It raises some ethical concerns. It really truly does.

[Andrew, Laura and Micah laugh]

Eric: I remember the additional shock…

[Matt laughs]

Eric: …you know, when we all found out that our favorite J.K. – our favorite author, J.K. Rowling, was a vandalist, or a graffiti-er.

Laura: [laughs] I’m sure the hotel does not view it that way.

Eric: Well…

Andrew: No, that’s just extra money for them now.

Eric: That’s only because of how much more their hotel is worth…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: …now that J.K. Rowling signed the bust there.

Laura: Because, you know, if we went there and signed a bust we’d probably…

Eric: I’m pretty sure they’d kick us out.

Andrew: We’d get fined.

[Andrew, Laura and Matt laugh]

Eric: Yeah, with a fine, with a fine, but since J.K. Rowling did it – I mean, it raises some questions, you’re right, if this documentary did follow J.K.R. as she was writing the book as it should have, pretty much, included that.

Laura: Maybe she did that by herself. Maybe she wanted her own private thing to do when the cameras weren’t rolling, you know?

Andrew: Maybe, yeah. Yeah.

Eric: I think it was because it was illegal, and they couldn’t legally tape it.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Eric: You know?

Andrew: It’s weird, because when she always wrote that – when she wrote that story about how she finished the book, and then how she wrote in the Balmoral on the bust, I always picture it as being a dark night, and you know, it was…

Matt: Alone?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: She was alone, and it was dark. It was a small, little room. It was candlelight…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: But now that we’ve seen the documentary, it’s broad daylight, there’s a crow in the air. Jo’s listening to – what’s the song she’s listening to when she finished?

Matt: Something by an artist?

Eric: No, really?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I really need to see this documentary.

Laura: I can’t remember who it was.

Andrew: Yeah, but I can’t remember the song right now, but you know, that’s cool that she listened to music afterwards. But, yeah, whatever. I think there were just some concerns. Maybe Jo was doing that when she had some private time.

Eric: Oh! Can I read the next mail, can I read the next mail?

Andrew: Yeah.

Muggle Mail: Voldemort Name Taboo

Eric: This one’s from Ruth H., age 27, of Rapid City, South Dakota. She says:

“Dear MuggleCasters, love the show. I’m a stay at home mom to a one year old and every time I put on MuggleCast as an alternative to Dora, or The Wiggles, my daughter dances to your opening music.”

Laura: Awww.

Eric: [laughs] Anyway.

Andrew: That’s so cute. Get a video.

Eric: It is cute.

Andrew: Take a video and put it on YouTube.

Eric: Take a video. Yes, please, and MuggleCast is a good alternative to Dora, or the Wiggles.

“Anyway my comment is regarding your discussion last week of the Voldemort name taboo, and maybe this should wait till your Chapter-by-Chapter for 20, but whatever.”

Oh, maybe it should.

“The trio does say the V word pretty quickly upon arriving at Grimmauld Place (Pg. 173) but nothing seems to happen and Ron does tell Harry later that the name ‘breaks protective enchantments, causes some kind of magical disturbance.'(Pg. 389) Doesn’t it seem like even if the Death Eaters in the square couldn’t see Number 12, they would still sense the magical disturbance. Do you think this is just a Jo boo-boo? Thanks a lot, keep up the good work, and Laura, you keep those boys in line!”

Laura: I’ll do that. For sure.

Andrew: Oooh.

Micah: [laughs] It seems like a lot of boo-boos are surfacing.

Laura: Yeah, I know. The only thing I can think of, and, I mean, we obviously all just read this chapter, so it’s all pretty fresh in our minds, but Remus says that the Death Eaters are all stationed outside of anywhere associated with Harry.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: But I was also thinking, maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe there’s some reason they can’t get in, but they can still sense it, so that’s why they’re there.

Eric: Yeah, because they’re confused. They’re like, well…

Matt: I still think – I still recall that there was a scene where, didn’t, like, either Harry or Ron went outside to get the paper, or something and they saw that there were Death Eaters outside the place, but they couldn’t see them?

Laura: I don’t remember. I don’t think it was in this chapter.

Eric: It’s definitely to come, though. It’s definitely to come when they see somebody in the square.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: And then Remus even said that he has to Apparate to the very first step so they couldn’t see him.

Eric: Which is what they tried to do, unsuccessfully, when they’re escaping the Ministry, yeah. Which is cool, kind of.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: It would be really interesting to ask, you know, some more specific questions about how these couple of subjects we’re kind of confused about work.

Eric: Yeah. J.K.R….

Laura: And they all center on Grimauld Place.

Eric: J.K.R. we’re not done with you, Jo. We’re not done. We have questions. We need answers. We’re Harry Potter fans. Come on. Yeah.

Andrew: Okay!

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Chapter-by-Chapter: Kreacher’s Tale

Andrew: So, let’s jump right into Chapter-by-Chapter. This week we’re just going to cover Chapter 10 – doing this one a week thing, the show is slowly living longer and longer. [laughs]

Eric: Hooray!

Andrew: Chapter 10, Kreacher’s Tale. So, short summary: In this chapter, Kreacher tells a tale.

Laura: [laughs] That was very enlightening!

Andrew: So…

Eric: That was a very brief summary.

Andrew: Well, it’s very emotional…

Laura: I can totally tell you read it.

Andrew: It’s a very emotional chapter, especially towards the end, focusing around House-Elves. I mean, you really – you really see the other side of House-Elves, the side that you just actually feel kind of bad for. So the first point that we wanted to bring up – and somebody put this in here, but I actually had it as my favorite quote, but I guess if it’s a discussion point, we could just talk about it first. Right there on the first page.

Harry Feels Lonely

Eric: Harry wakes up.

Andrew: It says, “Harry wondered if they had fallen asleep holding hands,” speaking about Ron and Hermione, “The idea made him feel strangely lonely.”

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: Now, this was nice because, sort of, you know, Harry feels a bit alone if Ron and Hermione are together. You sort of – he’s sort of the odd ball out in terms of relationships, love life in this situation. Obviously, he’s…

Matt: He does feel like the third wheel.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, he’s the go-to-guy, but on the other hand, he doesn’t have his life partner with him.

Matt: No.

Eric: He…

Andrew: So, I thought that was kind of sweet.

Eric: Had to leave her behind.

Laura: Yeah, I think it kind of highlights that separation, too. You know how Dumbledore told him…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: He could really only trust Ron and Hermione with this and so it’s like he leaves behind Ginny, who he loves so much, you know, but he can’t tell her anything.

Eric: Yeah, it’s kind of interesting that for there to be a trio, Harry has – Ron and Hermione are both his friends, but yet they’re also sort of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend right in front of him. And the fact…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: That he wakes up, looks over, and sees that they could’ve been holding hands is a – is a really good, sort of, portrait of Harry and his feeling.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: This opens up, gives you some really good insight on to sort of how Harry views everything and same with later on. This whole chapter, I think, is very keen on Harry and describing sort of how he feels about things.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Well, I have a question for Laura regarding this. Do you think that the holding hands was a result of Ron’s book or do you think it was a genuine holding hands thing?

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: [sighs] Okay, thank you for bringing this up, Matt. Because I’ve actually gotten a lot of emails from people who are, like, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. At least he’s trying…” And, you know, I’m not refuting that point. Yes, I acknowledge that he was trying. But I also…

Micah: Well, first of all, he’s a fictional character so people should calm down just a little bit and back off Laura.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Thank you! Thank you for that. And also, yeah, he was trying, but as a girl who has – hmmmm, what’s the best way to put this?

Eric: Just think about how you would say this before.

Laura: As a girl who has known men like this and you’re just, like, “Don’t – don’t do that.” Because you look at it and it gets very frustrating because you realize that they don’t completely get it even though they’re trying to, you know? And it’s kind of frustrating as a reader. It’s not like I’m saying that Jo shouldn’t have written it that way or that I didn’t enjoy it. I quite did. And frankly, there was really nothing to say that they had fallen asleep holding hands. Harry just thought it looked like they might have. And I think that’s what was really interesting about the quote because that type – romance seems to be really high on his mind at that moment because that’s the first thing he thinks when he looks over. He doesn’t think about anything else about the journeys they have ahead, even the fact that they could all die. He looks over and thinks, “Oh, I wonder if they could have fallen asleep holding hands.” And I think it shows that he’s kind of – I mean, it shows that loneliness and it shows that he’s kind of depressed about leaving Ginny behind. So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Eric: Well, it said earlier Ron had a fit of gallantry and insisted that Hermione get the cushions or whatever.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: What was that about? Did it say that Ron was just asserting that Hermione be the most comfortable or?

Laura: Well, yeah! It’s kind of like the whole – it’s kind of like a lot of the old fashioned beliefs like guys are supposed to hold open doors for girls – just, you know, those kind of things.

Eric: Are they? I mean, am I a loser for not doing that?

Laura: No, no, no, no.

Micah: Have you ever commuted in New York City?

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: No, I’m just saying, like, it tends to be that when a guy is trying to impress a girl, he likes her to be the most comfortable, he doesn’t like her to have to do things for herself.

Eric: But after a year or two of marriage or a few months of dating, whatever the case is…

Laura: Yeah. It’s like, “You can sleep on the floor!”

[Eric laughs]

Laura: “You cow!”

Eric: Yeah, anyway. So, sorry to hear about your relationships, Laura. [laughs]

Laura: [laughs] Yeah. Me too.

[Everyone laughs]

Snape Parallels

Andrew: Who put the next point in there?

Laura: Oh, I did. I was kind of bringing that up because I thought it was an interesting parallel and you guys have heard me harp on and on about parallels…

Eric: I’m tired of it. I’m sick of it, actually. You discuss parallel once more…

Laura: Shut up, Eric.

Eric: I’m going to hit you.

Laura: I don’t care.

Eric: I’m gonna mail a thing that hits you to the P.O. Box.

Andrew: I like parallels. I think they’re good.

Laura: Yeah, I think parallels are awesome.

Eric: I know, I know. They’re cool. I agree.

Laura: See, you fail, Eric.

Matt: They never meet.

Laura: [laughs] Thank you, Matt.

Micah: Ohhh. So funny.

Laura: Yeah. So, what I thought was really interesting about Harry wondering, you know, if Snape has searched the house, and he thinks about him with scorn. You know, anytime Snape is mentioned throughout this book, no one likes him. They all think he’s bad. And I just thought it was a really interesting parallel to the first book where throughout the whole thing we think he’s this bad guy and then in the end we find out he’s good.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: So that’s all I really had to say about that.

Eric: Well, it’s a valid point too. It’s interesting that you say Harry wonders correctly if Snape has searched the house. It’s interesting that Snape has been there and Harry can kinda detect that. I think that’s pretty cool. But clearly, clearly, you know, with books being overturned and shelves and everything being searched through, you know, someone has been there in the house.

Laura: Right.

Sirius’ Bedroom

Eric: So, what, Harry wakes up and he goes up a few steps and finds himself inside Sirius’s bedroom? Or what was formerly Sirius’s bedroom?

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: And inside Sirius’s bedroom – there’s a contrast in this chapter that exists between Sirius’s bedroom and Regulus’s bedroom. And, as J.K. Rowling says, they couldn’t sort have been further apart. They’re quit the opposite of each other as far as – Sirius has all these Gryffindor banners, there are pictures of Muggle motorcycles, and even bikini-clad Muggle girls. [chuckles] Which I thought was funny.

The Letter

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: In Sirius’s room, so he wanted to emphasize his difference from his parents, etc. etc. and when they go into Regulus’s room, there’s all sorts of Slytherin pride, and obviously a bunch of old newspaper clippings about the Dark Lord. So, I thought that was cool, and I wanted to bring that up. But, what do you think about the letter that Harry reads?

Micah: It’s depressing, I think.

Laura: It was.

Andrew: The letter was sweet, it was a little…

Micah: Not the letter itself, just the scene, I think, it was pretty depressing when you have him just sitting there reading it and it seems like, you know, you kind of get a feeling of everything that he’s gone through over the past sixteen or seventeen years of his life and how lonely its really been. It goes back to what Laura was saying, you know, at the beginning of the chapter, you know, with Harry looking over at Ron and Hermione. It’s just reemphasizing how lonely he has been, not just in recent years, but pretty much his whole life.

Matt: Well, this is the first time really Harry notices that his mother really lived.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: She really wrote – that her hand really wrote these words.

Matt: Yeah. This is the first time Harry actually touches something that his mother touched or created or something besides himself.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: Yeah, and also… Go ahead.

Laura: Sorry, I was going to say, and also, that was a first for readers too. I mean, I don’t know about you guys, but when I was first reading this book and we had the letter from Lily, I was like, “Whoa, it’s really weird to see something from her perspective.”

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Because this whole time we’ve just known her as someone’s who’s just dead. And then suddenly we have this letter from her. Whicah was weird.

Eric: She’s his mum.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: You know. She died saving Harry etc, etc. We’ve heard all this stuff about her, but actually hear – reading her writing, it’s actually quite cool. And I mean, couldn’t you guys just see the baby Harry on the broom? On the toy broom? [laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Speeding around on everything, that was so cool.

Andrew: I really hope that that’s one of the things that makes the movie.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I would love to see that picture and I think Dan Radcliffe could pull that off really well, making the realization that…

Matt: What, being a one-year-old baby?

Andrew: Huh?

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Yeah! They’d cast Dan Radcliffe as his toddler self.

Andrew: Being a one-year old… No, no, no. Just looking at the picture, looking at the letter.

Micah: Talk about pre-production.

Eric: Yeah. No, I agree.

Andrew: I agree. That was a very special momemnt.

Eric: Dan Radcliffe is really striking me as a really good actor. I’ve just liked him recently. I’ve just really noticed how intense he can be. It’s really cool.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s all he can be.

Micah: Talking about the letter, I think probably my best quote for this chapter is when they were talking about the G’s that she made.

Laura: Awww, yeah.

Micah: It said, “Each felt like a friendly little wave glimpsed from behind a veil.” I thought that was Jo just at her best, referencing the veil.

Andrew: I love when Jo writes…

Eric: Mym mom wrote here G’s…

Andrew: I love when Jo describes that kind of thing and makes things really – personify things, like even the letter “G.” [laughs]

Laura: Well, and also the reference to the veil too. I thought that was really great.

Micah: Right.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: And she used the veil several times throughout the book. I remember reading and she would describe something as it was beyond some kind of veil, or something along those lines.

Eric: And yet we didn’t hear from Sirius in this book.

Laura: It’s because he’s dead!

Eric: I know, I know, I know. I accept that. I do.

Matt: He’s DEAD!

Eric: But yeah, you’re right, there was a lot of veil references, and I was like, “We’re totally going to see that room again aren’t we?” And then we didn’t. But that’s okay.

Laura: I know! And I really wanted to, and I was so upset. But anyway…

Eric: Next time, next time. In Book 8. Book 8, Laura.

Laura: Yeah, sure. [laughs]

Micah: And what about Dumbledore in this letter? I mean, it just kind of reinforces Harry’s…

Eric: See, this is one of those…

Micah: …mistrust in him.

Eric: This is one of those letters that really make the plot, you know? It’s these letters Harry happens to find in this book – not any previous book – but this book. And it’s so important and amazing and lovely. Just one of those things that spurs the plot into action. And you’re right, it totally reaffirms that there are some questionable things about Dumbledore.

Matt: Yeah. But she said it lightly like it’s not something very, I wouldn’t say, negative.

Laura: No.

Matt: It’s probably one of those secrets.

Eric: Just questionable, like, “Huh. What’s Dumbledore up to?”

Matt: Just like, “Dumbledore did this?!?”

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, but Harry’s reaction was more anger, I think, than we’ve seen him previously. I think it’s slowly building up.

Andrew: I think it’s partially because Harry doesn’t know what exactly Lily was talking about. “Could you believe Dumbledore donated so much to charity?” We don’t know what it actually was.

Eric: Yeah, the second page is missing.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Harry finds it later after the fact, doesn’t he?

Andrew: Yeah, we don’t know what it actually is about, which is a shame.

Eric: Yeah. So Harry is determined now to find Bathilda Bagshot.

Andrew: Wait, hold up real quick. Do you think Snape took it?

Laura: He did.

Eric: He did.

Micah: He did.

Andrew: I was being sarcastic.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: He took – oh, okay.

Andrew: Come on you guys!

Laura: I thought – well, you didn’t sound very sarcastic, Andrew.

Andrew: Never mind, never mind, nevermind.

[Eric and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: Never mind.

Bathilda and Horcruxes

Eric: At one point in this chapter, they mention the tedious task of the Horcruxes – the difficult task Dumbledore had laid out for them. I guess it’s when Harry has just woken up. I’m thinking in retrospect – was it really terribly difficult to locate the Horcruxes? I think they were very successful in doing so once they did and I thought it was all right, I felt it wasn’t that big of a deal, necessarily. Hermione asks him if going to see Bathilda would really help search for the Horcruxes and I think it did.

Micah: I think it’s ironic how it almost gets them killed when they go visit with her.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: That part is just weird. That part is just weird. I’m sorry, it’s just weird.

Laura: No, that part is awesome and they better do it justice in the movie or I’ll be so mad.

Eric: I sure they will. I’m sure they will though.

The Fidelius Charm

Micah: Well who brought up this point about the Secret-Keeper and Fidelius Charm though?

Laura: That was me.

Micah: Okay.

Laura: What kind of throws me off is Lily in her letter talks about how Bathilda Bagshot is dropping by their house every day and I’m thinking they’re under the Fidelius charm right now, Peter Pettigrew is their Secret-Keeper, isn’t it kind of weird that people can just drop by their house even if it’s people they trust? Isn’t the whole point that it’s only one person that knows where they are?

Eric: Hmmm.

Matt: Hmmm.

Micah: These questions just keep coming up. I don’t know…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: It’s kind of hard to answer all of them.

Eric: It’s draining.

Laura: And then later on she’s like, “Oh Sirius, if you could just drop by, I’m sure it would make James so much happier!”

Eric: Yeah, because James is freaking out. Jame is like Sirius in Book 5. He’s feeling lonely and secluded.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: He wants to go out.

Micah: Cabin fever.

Andrew: They didn’t leave the house, right?

Laura: No.

Eric: Yeah, it’s cabin fever. You’re right, Micah.

Laura: She even says in the letter that Dumbledore has James’s cloak so it’s not like he can even sneak out. So you know they’re under the charm at that point.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That’s true. And Harry also says – when she mentions Pettigrew being down – Harry says, “Did Pettigrew know that would be the last time he would be seeing them alive?” It’s really intense, you know they’re under the charm and hiding, why is Bathilda dropping by every second and why couldn’t they just torture Bathilda and find out the whereabouts of Jamess and Lily since she had been there?

Matt: Well, maybe…

Andrew: The only thing I could think of is that they could be meeting somewhere in the house that Bathilda could get to. I mean, because realistically, they couldn’t possibly – it couldn’t just be them three the whole time they’re in hiding. Realistically, they would have to be meeting with other people.

Laura: How so?

Andrew: I don’t know. To stay sane? I don’t know.

Eric: Well, they have a family to raise plenty of people raise families without any friends nearby.

Andrew: I’m trying to think. If there was a logical answer to this, what would it be?

Eric: Well, the question is would Pettigrew have to tell Bathilda where the Potters were for her to go visit them? Or what?

Matt: Well, she’s a neighbor so she already knows where they are.

Laura: And what else I don’t get – we know they were located in their home and Sirius clearly knew that’s where they were so why would it be any less safe to have Sirius not to be their Secret-Keeper if he knew where they were anyway?

Eric: Yeah, yeah, that’s awkward because the way this letter is written – you’re right, because of the way this letter is written. Anyone who intercepted this letter could figure out where they were. And was the charm destroyed once Pettigrew told Bathilda where they were or what? What happens when somebody – when somebody you confide in – when the Secret-Keeper tells where something is? Does that make it still closed off to the outside world or what? Or does it break the charm?

Matt: Well, it’s not a though secret anymore.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: It’s no a secret. So does the charm break or what?

Laura: I don’t know. There are too many questions.

Matt: Was it already – do you think when Peter Pettigrew told Voldemort do you think Voldemort automatically left as soon as he knew or do you think he waited a few days?

Micah: Oh this is interesting. I’m just kind of reading this on the Harry Potter Lexicon. It says, “Even if one of the Potters had been captured, force fed Veritaserum, or placed under the Imperius Curse, they would not have been able to give away the whereabouts of the other two. The only people who ever knew their precise location were those who Wormtail had told directly but none of them would have been able to pass on the information.”

Laura: Huh.

Micah: So, it’s possible that Sirius and Bathilda knew where they were but they would never be able to divulge the information if they were captured.

Eric: Interesting.

Laura: That is interesting.

Eric: Though, didn’t Jo also change the outcome of how the – on her website there was an old question, one of the original FAQs, regarding the Fidelius Charm and she later, you know, midway into Book 7, said, “Okay, I’ve changed my mind. This is what’s happening.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: This was from her official site though because the Lexicon has a note as to where the quote came from. So…

Eric: Okay. Because I…

Micah: …that was from Jo, herself.

Eric: Yeah. Because I think how it happens with everyone – because what happened with Grimmauld Place was, everyone who knew was then, in turn, a Secret-Keeper.

Micah: Right.

Eric: Isn’t that what she said? But that seems in contradiction with what she had previously said. So, I think she changed her mind, didn’t she? She told everyone about it. I recall that happening. I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah. I don’t know.

Matt: Hmmm.

R.A.B. Revealed

Micah: Well, this is a big chapter and kind of how I wanted to start talking about this is – I mentioned this to Andrew, I think – is how predictable was this? When you guys were reading this, and I know…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …there’s so much theory that was out there about it.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: Were you kind of disappointed a little bit that it – and I mean, everything was not as I thought it was as far as how it all played out – but the general things. Who R.A.B. was, who, you know, went with him to cross the lake, you know?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Was it all a little bit too, you know, easily figured out?

Eric: Well, see everyone knew because of how, you know, we had harped on it for so long, you know, and when Lexicon came out with their Arcturus, I think it was. Wasn’t it Lexicon who spoiled that, basically?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That Regulus had a… Everybody pretty much knew.

Laura: Even before that, a lot of people thought it was going to be Regulus Black.

Eric: Regulus Black.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: Right. But the thing was, the Lexicon got some sort of confirmation by somebody and then at that point they posted it on their site. They posted the whole name.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: And we even talked about this on the podcast and then it was knocked down and apparently Bloomsbury or whoever said, “Okay, take it off.”

Eric: But Micah’s right. There were – and it struck me as well, reading this, that there were actually two moments in this chapter that we already pretty much could have predicted long before Book 7. And so, are you asking basically what do we think about how Jo handled the fact that we all knew? So kind of, coming out to telling us wasn’t really that revolutionary, but yet she still kind of had to right it through so that it made sense?

Micah: Well, I think that there’s a couple of things here. The first being that with this story coming to an end, there had to be certain things that people could guess and guess right.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: I mean, you know. Jo is very good at what she does in terms of hiding little clues along the way. But I think that there are certain things that, you know, you just get to that point and what you guess is going to be right. And this just happened to be one of those things. I know – I’m not saying that I was disappointed in the chapter, but I just thought maybe it was a little bit too predictable.

Eric: Well, I kind of like how she gives Regulus quite a bit of humanity. He is not the coward that Sirius kind of portrayed him to be. You know, Sirius didn’t like his brother. But you see that human flaw in Sirius then of disliking pretty much anything that has to do with his family. Because that’s the sort of character Sirius was. For him to underestimate that his brother actually penetrated Voldemort’s defenses so much so and the reasoning why – I mean, I don’t think it discredits anything because when Kreacher tells the story of what exactly happened, I was so enthralled by it that I – to be honest, I thought it was really cool. And I thought it was fine that Sirius had already made a point to tell Harry that his brother was crap or a coward.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah. I mean, I don’t really – I know that a lot of people – I think this was before, when the whole thing with the Lexicon came out. But at one point, Jo said on her website, “I’m sure that a few of you will figure out what one of them is if you’ve read closely enough.” Then everybody, of course, gravitated to that locket which was a lot like the locket in Half-blood Prince.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Oh, right!

Laura: And of course the initials are “R” and “B.” So everyone thinks Regulus Black, regardless of the middle initial.

Eric: Of course, because people had already caught that little mid-sentence reference to a locket because she does mention a locket in book five. Then Harry, Ron, and Hermione in this book, in this chapter, say, “Wait, there was a locket!” “What?” “Remember, we saw a locket!” And everybody is like, “Oh my god, yeah!” And J.K. Rowling had referenced that like, in the middle of a sentence once before. So, I thought that…

Laura: Well, and also, everybody pretty much predicted that Mundungus took it and he ended up being the one who took it, which I just find funny. Just bringing up Micah saying that a lot of this was somewhat predictable.

Eric: Yeah, you’re right. Mundungus having it.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: But it’s almost predictable in a sense that you’re just waiting for them to find out, to put the pieces together.

Laura: It was more like vindication, you know, for us. We were like, “Yes! We knew it all along!”

[Eric sings]

Micah: But I will give Jo the credit for completely taking it in different direction at the end of the chapter because I did not see that coming at all. And I guess we’ll talk about it in a little bit.

Eric: Didn’t see come what come along?

Micah: Where the locket went.

Eric: Well, we don’t know that yet at the end of the chapter.

Laura: Oh!

Eric: We don’t who it went to.

Micah: Oh, that’s the end of next chapter. Forget it.

Laura: Yeah. That’s the end of next chapter. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, we don’t know who it went to yet.

Micah: See, this is what happens when you prepare with two chapters and you only go over one.

Eric: Oh, see, I didn’t know you did that, man. Sorry about that.

Laura: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: I’m sorry.

Andrew: I started reading the next one but then I was like, “Better not, I’m just going to get confused with everything.”

Micah: All right, my fault. Anyway.

Eric: But you’re right, you’re right, Micah. When we find out who actually has it, that’s – that’s messed up. That’s really messed up.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: There’s an interesting point here I wanted to bring up where it says even though Regulus changed his mind about Voldemort, he didn’t satisfactorily attempt to explain that to Kreacher or his family before he died. Because it says they were safer sticking to the pure-blood line anyway, because there was a prejudice and discrimination against pure-bloods – or non-pure-bloods. So basically J.K. Rowling’s created this situation where Regulus Black disenchanted from Voldemort, didn’t really tell anybody, except set out to destroy it and ends up sacrificing himself so that he could destroy the locket. And he didn’t tell his family that Voldemort didn’t have the right idea because presumably – I mean, that’s what Hermione suggests – that it was just safer to be a pure-blood, and not sort of change your ideas if you were a Muggle-hater at that time. Because, for the reasons that we see later on in Book 7, which is all the – even the Ministry officials who are getting taken to court and put on trial for having Muggle husbands or wives or whatever.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, I thought that was a really interesting sort of no-win situation of war and hard times.

Laura: Yeah. I wonder what it was that made Regulus change his mind.

Eric: Well, wasn’t it when he suggested about the elf? Wasn’t it when he said, “I need an elf,” and he was horrified after Kreacher told him what he made Kreacher do.

Laura: Yeah, I mean I thought that was kind of – well, yeah.

Eric: Oh you’re right though.

Laura: I guess that’s right.

Eric: Because it said – because Kreacher says Regulus came to him a few months later then, after he had…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And I guess that’s sort of after he had figured a little bit more out about what the cave was all about to begin with.

Micah: Right. Maybe he just got a better understanding of what was going on and realized, you know what…

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: …maybe this isn’t the right…

Eric: Thing.

Micah: …thing for me to be doing, and maybe…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …in the end, it’s not the best thing for the wizarding community as a whole. But I wanted to talk…

Matt: I mean he obviously shows compassion.

Eric: He does.

Micah: Yeah.

MuggleCast 128 Transcript (continued)


Eric: And so does Kreacher.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: What did you guys think? Because this whole chapter is like, pity for Kreacher at the end.

Laura: I felt so bad for him.

Eric: You really feel horrible.

Laura: It’s so sad. I did.

Eric: It’s like, “Wow, why do I feel this bad for that stupid elf?”

Andrew: See, he’s not stupid though.

Eric: Beacause he’s not stupid. He’s totally not, he’s totally not. But even the moment when Harry wants to be angry at Kreacher for selling out Sirius, there’s this total reversal where everything everybody else is saying makes perfect sense, and Sirius was just that flawed that he did not [stumbles] treat Kreacher with respect like everyone else did and that was his own problem. And Hermione and Dumbledore had always said human beings will always pay for their actions.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And now they did.

Micah: Right.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And there’s just that…

Laura: I thought it was – I thought it was very important that Hermione said that. Like you were saying, Eric, you know, wizards will pay for the way they treated House-Elves, and so did Sirius.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yep.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: And I remember at that point – I remember reading it originally and I thought, oh man, Harry’s going to deck her one.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: He’s just going to be like, “Hermione, come here a moment.”

Laura: He’s going to just kill her! [laughs]

Eric: Yeah. “Hermione, can I see you?”

Laura: But… And I thought it was important that Harry kind of remarked that he wanted – he felt like he should object or something along those lines…

Eric: But he had nothing to say.

Laura: But, yeah, when he thought about it there was really nothing to say because it was true.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, I like that moment a lot. So I like Kreacher, I think Jo did the right thing with this whole chapter. I thought it was really cool.

Micah: I like that line in particular where Harry was thinking to himself, how could Voldemort have made such a mistake. And that it goes back to what Laura was saying…

Eric: Of leaving Kreacher there to die, when House-Elves have a different magic that would have allowed him to escape.

Micah: Right.

Matt: This scene in the movie would’ve been butchered if they continued with the cutting of Kreacher.

Eric: I cannot wait to see the cave scene.

Laura: I’m so glad she told them not to cut it.

Eric: I cannot wait to see it.

Laura: Oh, so excited.

Eric: Sorry, but yeah, they’re going to have to sort of – now in Movie 7 they’re going to have to have Kreacher back at that cave. I think they should, I think they should cast Regulus Black. I think they should. It’ll be cool.

Andrew: It was very uplifting though, to see Kreacher side with Harry and Ron and Hermione. I mean, you know, he had to, but at the same time, I sort of got a sense like he was on their team, he was on their side. Like, he wanted to work with them.

Eric: He just appreciated being appreciated.

Andrew: Yeah, and it was nice reading that. It felt uplifting.

Eric: Yeah. And – well, at the very end when Kreacher sets off, he gives a low bow to Harry and Ron…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …the other wizard, and kind of does a little nudge or something in the direction of Hermione.

Matt: It’s a little jerk or something, yeah.

Eric: To Hermione, which is like, you know, so funny. You really love that guy, you love the elf. He just wants to be appreciated, so that was all cool.

Andrew: And to mention the movies real quick, this chapter really is the reason why he was in Order of the Phoenix. Because remember there was that whole debate over – Kreacher was left in there.

Matt: Yes.

Andrew: I think it was Heyman who revealed that he was left in there just because Jo said so. Jo said, “He plays an important role in 7 so…”

Eric: Precisely.

Andrew: “I would recommend that he be in 5.”

Eric: And it’s because he knows the whereabouts of one of the seven Horcruxes.

Andrew: Great.

Eric: Yes, indeed.

Quote Quiz

Andrew: Well, it’s time for “Quote Quiz!! Ummm, hold on.

Eric: Andrew, that was horrible!

Andrew: There wasn’t enough echo.

Matt: Oh my god, where was the echo?

Andrew: It’s time for Quote, quote! Quiz, quiz, quiz, quiz, quiz. So the quote today is, of course, from Chapter 11, The Bribe: “It doesn’t seem likely that they were just strolling down Tottenham Court Road at the time does it? said”

Eric: Wait, that’s not a quote if you include, “said.” [laughs]

Andrew: Well, it’s a quote from the book. So all right, so that’s “Quote Quiz.” We’re going to do a segment now we haven’t done in a while, and the reason we’re bringing it back today, other than the demand for some older segments. By the way, “Make The Connection” would’ve been on here today but Jamie wasn’t here, so we’ll try to do them whether Jamie’s on or not, because Jamie’s back at school now, so it’s a little harder for him to record.

Micah: He comes out with the most outrageous connections you could possibly think of.

Andrew: That’s the beauty of it all. That’s why it’s “Make The Connection.”

Eric: That’s the beauty.

Matt: It’s funny to think, too – to think that he’s just sitting there making them up too.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: It is.

Favorites: Soundtracks

Andrew: So, this “Favorite’s” back when Matt Briton was just a mere fanboy of the show. He told me the other day he actually e-mailed in…

[Matt fake laughs]

Andrew: …a “Favorites” submission. He said it was his one e-mail to the show but then I searched his name and there were a few. But anyway…

[Eric laughs]

Matt: It’s a lie! You are such a liar!

Eric: It’s just all the Matt Briton posers out there.

Andrew: Yeah, I guess.

Laura: Awww, it’s okay, Matt.

Micah: No, it was all of his transcript submissions.

Matt: Yeah. [laughs] Because you guys talk over each other. I couldn’t hear a word you’re saying.

Andrew: Matt, what was your “Favorites” submission back way long ago?

Matt: Oh, okay, yeah. Well, that was when you guys just started “Favorites” and I thought it was an awesome thing. So, I’m a huge soundtrack fan, so I was wondering – I was curious what you guys’ opinions were for your favorite song off the Potter series soundtracks?

Andrew: Now, Matt’s a big…

Matt: What’s your favorite theme song?

Andrew: Matt’s a big soundtrack fan, so he holds this segment very near and dear to his heart. I would have to say my favorite – and I’ve always stuck with this one just because it would always run through my head, it was a perfect fit in the trailer – from Chamber of Secrets, “The Dueling Club.”

Eric: Ahhh, that was mine. [laughs]

Andrew: And that’s in the scene where Harry and Draco are dueling in the Dueling Club. And it was just – the movements on screen went along with the music. It was like… [hums to the tune of “The Dueling Club”] And if I remember correctly, it wasn’t exactly to the music but they moved to the music a little bit, it seemed. At least with their steps and everything. So…

Eric: Well, what it was to was, too, the snare drum was just awesome.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: It was just absolutely awesome.

Andrew: So, Eric, what was your favorite?

Eric: Yeah, “The Dueling Club.”

Andrew: Oh, same.

Eric: Well, see what I did is I went through my memory of the first movie and, obviously, the rest when I tried to pick my favorite one from each. And then, I figured, well, out of those five, which is my favorite and I said, “The Dueling Club.” And you’re right, it’s basically very similar to the “Gilderoy Lockhart Theme,” except with the drums and the sort of militaristic tone to it. So, yep, “The Dueling Club” is my favorite. But since you have already said that I’ll just have to go with “Hedwig’s Theme.”

Andrew: You’re so predictable.

Matt: It’s like a cop-out.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, it is.

Eric: A Cop-out? Okay, well, I have two. I can’t decide between “Professor Umbridge” and “The Room of Requirements” for 5. Movie 4 is “Neville’s Waltz.” Movie 3 is “The Night Bus.” You know, what else you’re going to do?

Andrew: That’s good, though, I thought.

Matt: Yeah!

Andrew: Good choice, I guess. I mean, it’s everyone’s favorite. Laura?

Laura: Well, I have to say, I enjoyed – if I had to pick a soundtrack, I enjoyed The Prisoner of Azkaban one the most. But there is one song that sticks out in my mind in particular. And I have to just say that I’ve always hated this song. I thought it was the dumbest song that I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s “Can You Dance Like a Hippogriff?” But…

Andrew: [to the tune of “Can you Dance Like a Hippogriff?”] Ba ba baa, ba ba baa, ba ba baaaa!

Laura: But there’s a very good memory that goes with this. I don’t know, Andrew, Matt, if you guys remember. [laughs]

Andrew: Yes.

Matt: Yes, I was going to say.

Laura: You, me, Emerson…

Andrew: Now, I remember.

[Matt laughs]

Laura: …Elysa, like a whole group of us at the ball at Prophecy all stood in a circle and danced to that freaking song.

Eric: Is it “Do the Hippogriff” by the Weird Sisters?

Laura: Yes. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: I remember, too, Laura at that whole convention at Prophecy, you kept mentioning, “If they play ‘Dance like a Hippogriff,’ or ‘Do the Hippogriff’…”

Laura: [laughs] Play that freakin’ song.

Matt: “…I will shank somebody.”

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: [laughs] I did, and they played it at the end. I knew they would.

Andrew: Wait, wait, you shanked someone?

Matt: No, no.

Andrew: Oh.

Matt: No, but you were so excited, though. I was so surprised. I was waiting for like this violent reaction from you, but all you did was freak out and start dancing.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, well I was very excited that night.

Matt: Yeeeaaah.

[Andrew, Laura, and Matt laugh]

Matt: It was fun.

Laura: It was very fun. Good times.

Andrew: Micah, how about you?

Micah: I was a big fan of the music in Order of the Pheonix, and I liked the – I think it was called “Fireworks”?

Matt: The first song?

Micah: When the Weasley twins were exiting.

Andrew: Oh, in Order of the Pheonix? [sings tune]

Micah: You know, and they basically smashed all those proclamations and Umbridge is running around like a nutcase.

Eric: Yeah, it’s a great scene.

Matt: I can see why you like it.

Andrew: I actually used the…

Matt: I thought the guitar solo too was really awesome in that song.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Eric: Actually, you’re right.

Andrew: I actually used that music in the beginning of the show a couple months back underneath one of the ads.

Micah: For an ad or something?

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. I remember that. It was – yeah, “Fireworks” is a great… I just really like Nicholas Hooper’s score for the fifth movie. If I had to say favorite soundtrack, it might be “5.” It actually might be, which is next to – closely followed by Chamber of Secrets, though, because Chamber of Secrets was just really good. Because coming with – I mean, I don’t own the first movie soundtrack. Do any of you guys?

Matt: Yes.

Eric: Really?

Laura: I don’t. Yeah.

Eric: Could you burn it and send it to me because I don’t remember there being – I forget all the names. I never learned them of the first Harry Potter movie soundtrack.

Matt: Well, the first soundtrack has a lot of horns. French horns and…

Eric: A lot of French horns?

Matt: Yeah, but you’ll just have to listen to it.

Eric: Because that’s what I really like about John Williams is his ability to build on what he’s already done, and sort of create different themes and different moods. It’s just all good, it’s all good. So, I owned the Chamber of Secrets one with Harry on the front, and I owned the other one with Dumbledore. I think I got a Dumbledore one too, with Richard Harris as Dumbledore, so that was cool. Because you know they made the five different covers for it?

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, that was cool.

Andrew: So, Matt, what is your favorite?

Matt: Well, my favorite theme comes from the Prisoner of Azkaban soundtrack, which is definitely my favorite soundtrack of the five so far, because John Williams pretty much changed all the theme songs from the Harry Potters.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: He just came up with a whole new score for the series so my favorite would be entitled, “A Window to the Past.”

Laura: Yeah, that was a really good one.

Matt: It’s just – because every time they played it in the film it just fit whatever the dialogue was so beautifully.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I remember this. This is nice flute.

Andrew: It’s very…

Matt: It just makes me think of Harry and Sirius and Harry and Remus. It just fits, you know, the whole part of them connecting to Harry’s parents.

Andrew: Yeah, it was very calming.

Matt: And it has a little clip of “Hedwig’s” Theme around the middle of the song. It’s kind of like a bittersweet song, that’s why I like it.

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul: Exam Week

Andrew: Well, we’re just about finished today, but before we wrap up, we have a Chicken Soup. Matt, you want to read it?

Matt: Sure. This Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul comes from Melani, 16, from San Antonio, Texas. And she writes:

“Hey, guys! Since it’s a new year and the holidays are over, I felt it necessary to take some time to let you guys know just how wonderful you are. Each week I hear all the different people who tell you how you’ve helped them through difficult times and each week I am thankful for what I like to call my weekly hour and a half of pure joy. This week it is first semester finals week at my school and so far is a more intense form of stress than I have ever been under before. In fact, most of my friends actually call it “dead week.”

[Everyone laughs]

“I am in a bunch of advanced classes and have killer exams and I have practice for the school musical until around six every night.”


“The past few nights, I have found myself studying until around three or four in the morning. I can’t remember a time in my life when I have ever been this stressed. But through all these crazy, Dr. Pepper-filled nights, I have found joy (as usual) and relaxation in listening to past and current episodes of MuggleCast. Your witty comments and funny jokes make me laugh and keep me awake and entertained while I study into the wee hours of the morning. So, I would just like to thank you all for helping me survive exam week, and also for giving me my weekly hour-and-a-half of pure joy. Thanks again for all you have done for me, Melani.

Eric: That’s awesome.

Andrew: Awww, that’s sweet.

Laura: Awww.

Eric: All those crazy Dr. Pepper-filled nights.

Andrew: If she’s looking for a more pure joy, I would recommend Hairspray.

Eric: Hairspray. [laughs]

Matt: No, Sweeney Todd!

[Eric laughs]

Laura: Yeah, that’s pure joy!

Eric: That’s pure blood, and a little bit of…

Laura: Well, actually…

Andrew: You enjoy watching it. I don’t know what’s happening is enjoyable.

Matt: It depends on what kind of a person you are.

Announcement: Freddie Highmore Interview

Andrew: I think that does it for this weeks episode of MuggleCast. Next week, I just want to give everyone a little teaser, I did an interview today with Freddie Highmore who is starring in Spiderwick Chronicles. He’s the guy who played the kid in the chocolate movie.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Charlie Bucket.

Laura: Wow, that’s very specific. How about he played Charlie?

Eric: And also that movie with the little people, and…

Andrew: Yeah. He played Charlie Bucket in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The remake, with Johnny Depp, and he also was recently in August Rush and I interviewed him earlier today. It was a good interview, and he talks a little bit about Harry Potter and all that, so he’ll be on the show next week, and then two weeks from that show, he’ll be on again for an interview that we’re going to split in two.

Contact Information

So, let’s remind everyone about our contact information before we wrap up today. Laura, if I want to send a pickle object to the pickle object box, where do I deliver it?

Laura: Don’t send pickles.

Andrew: That’s what P.O. stands for. Pickle Object.

[Laura and Matt laugh]

Andrew: Remember last week?

Matt: She’s warning you right now.

Laura: Please send all of your parcel mail that does not include anything pickle-related to:

P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia

Andrew: Keep in mind our new catchphrase is “gold box.”

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: You can also call in a MuggleCast voicemail. We’re going to get back to them soon, I promise. I’m sorry I keep saying that and then we don’t. We are going to get back to it soon. In the United States, you can dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you’re in the United Kingdom, you can dial 020-8144-0677. And if you’re in Australia, you can dial 02-8003-5668. Just remember to keep your question under 60 seconds and eliminate as much background noise as possible before you call. You can also call us via Skype – our Skype name, which is MuggleCast and just leave a voicemail.

You can also visit for a handy feedback form to contact any one of us. You can also use our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com, except for Matt, who is matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

And also, do not forget our community outlets. You know, I always say it week to week, you know, just – I just, you know, roll through it, you know, it’s no big deal. But seriously, check out our MySpace at myspace dot com slash mugglecastfans. You can also check out our Facebook, we have a YouTube group, a Frappr group, Last.FM group, and the fan listing and the forums are exploding right now with new members everyday. There’s been lots of good discussions on there. I know Eric, Laura, Matt, and I have all been answering questions on the forums, so if you want to get some more MuggleCast, sort of. At least more of the hosts…

Micah: Are you saying that I don’t answer questions on the forum?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Are you even a member, Micah?

Eric: It was really a way of saying, “Yeah, pretty much.”

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, so…

Micah: No, I’ve made some posts in there a few times.

Andrew: Oh, okay, yeah.

Eric: I have like – guys, I am so backlogged. I have like 33 questions to answer, so it’s pretty intense.

Andrew: Well, the forums are thriving, so check them out today to discuss MuggleCast and everything with…

Eric: It’s

Andrew:, yeah. Cool. Also, Digg the show at like we said at the beginning, vote for us once a month at Podcast Alley, and then don’t forget to rate and review us on iTunes and Yahoo! Podcasts.

And lastly, do not forget that we have a listener poll on to see if we can do this tour or not. We would love to have, you know, a few hundred come out to each tour stop. Realistically, we’ll probably have between 100 or 200 at each stop. Please go and vote so we know where to go this tour. We do want to keep it within those five locations, though.

[Show music plays]

Andrew: I don’t think we’ll be going any further north or south.

Eric: Is Richmond on that poll?

Andrew: Yes…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …Richmond’s on that poll.

Eric: Cool. Awesome.

Andrew: So…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And one more thing. For next week, Chapter 11, make sure to send in e-mails or voicemails regarding Chapter 11. We obviously want your feedback from Chapter 10, but it’s also good to have some of your ideas…

Eric: And your questions.

Micah: …as we are going through the chapter. So, send in stuff for both Chapter 10 and 11 for next week.

Andrew: Okay, cool.

Eric: And Chapter 11 is called The Bribe.

Matt: Yes.

Andrew: Yeah. All right, that does it for this week’s episode of MuggleCast. Once again, I am Andrew Sims.

Eric: I am Eric Skull.

Laura: I am Laura Thomspon.

Micah: I am Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I am Matt Britton?

Andrew: [laughs] What was…

Laura: [laughs] You sounded so uncertain. “I am Matt Britton?”

Matt: “I am Ron Burgandy?”

Laura: “Is that my name?”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: We will see everyone next week for Episode 129. Buh-bye!

Laura: Buh-bye!

Eric: Buh-bye.

Micah: Bye.

Matt: Buh-bye! [pause] Okay. Are we pressing stop now?

Blooper 1

Andrew: Chapter 10, Kreacher’s Chit.

Eric: “Tale.”

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Kreacher’s what?

Laura: Is that what is says, “Kreacher’s sh*t?”

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Okay.

[Matt laughs]

Blooper 2

[Dogs barking]

[Matt laughs]

Eric: Laura, is that your dog?

Laura: No, that wasn’t mine.

Matt: No, that was mine.

Laura: Mine was barking earlier.

Eric: Matt, you better watch out because there is a Terminator nearby, because dogs don’t like Terminators. That’s when they bark…

Laura: Oh, have you been watching that? Is that not…

Eric: Yes, I have!

Laura: …the best show ever?

Eric: Yes. It’s pretty good. I’m impressed.

Laura: Ah, it is so good.

Eric: Yeah, Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles Mondays nights on nine.

Laura: I thought it was going to suck. But it was actually quite good.

Matt: [mocking Laura] Oh, but it was so good.

Laura: Shut up, Matt. [laughs]

Matt: [still mocking Laura] Oh, my god.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Ummm…

Laura: I hate you.

Blooper 3

[Dogs barking]

Matt: Okay, I’ll be right back.

Eric: Dude, you really have a Terminator. Seriously, man.

[Dogs continue with barking]

Matt: It’s probably my brother.

Eric: [laughs] Your brother?

Laura: Your brother is a Terminator?

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: One second. [in the background] What is going on?!


Transcript #127

MuggleCast 127 Transcript

Show Intro

Andrew: Hey, Mason, I really need a good gift for my generic loved one. Any ideas?

Mason: Oh yeah, Andrew, I have the gift they need. If you sign up for GoDaddy’s economy blogcast package you’ll receive one gig of disk space, 100 gigs bandwidth, recording tools and much more!

Andrew: Whoa. With all those features, I guess that kind of package will run me at least $20 a month and be plastered with ads.

Mason: You’re wrong, Andrew. The blogcast economy package is just $4.49 a month, for 12 months.

Andrew: That’s a deal. And I perfect way to get your own website blog, or podcast started.

Mason: Oh, yeah. That is a deal. Plus, enter code MUGGLE when you check out. Save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at

[Show music starts]

Micah: Because the Hog’s Head at Universal Studios must have a goat, this is MuggleCast Episode 127 for January 14th, 2008.

[Show music continues to play]

Andrew: We took a break last week, but now we’re back with a whole bunch of people in the panel here.

Jamie: When was the last time we had six?

Micah: Had what?

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: It’s been too long, Jamie.

Jamie: Well, Micah, you keep ignoring my text, so I thought I had to ask on the show in stead of…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …asking you privately.

Micah: E-mail. You have to e-mail.

Jamie: Oh, e-mail. Okay.

Matt: I love it how everyone thought the same thing, too.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Micah does not accept VISA or MasterCard. He’s an American Express.

Jamie: No, he does. He does.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Stay off those 900 numbers.

Eric: And even then its one of those annoying ATMs you have to swipe it the right way and it’s just really annoying.

Jamie: Yeah, vertically.

Andrew: And the point is this is a very big group.

Jamie: That is the main point.

Andrew: We have a lot of news to discuss and we have a Chapter-by-Chapter. We got a good show for everyone today. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

[Show music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast News Center with the past week’s top Harry Potter News Stories. Micah?

Micah: All right. Thanks, Andrew. In a press release Warner Brothers announced that their movies will be exclusively on Blu-Ray High Definition discs starting in May 2008. Currently all five Potter films are available in HD-DVD and Blu-Ray formats. All of WB’s movies will continue to be released on standard DVD.

Two websites that follow Universal Studios developments have recently updated with new construction photos and information regarding the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park. First, Universal Ignited has three new pictures of construction on their site. While it doesn’t show much we do see the progress in terms of land clearing is being made. Second, Screamscape has a YouTube video revealing two concept images we saw in the J.K. Rowling documentary. One is the Hogwarts Express on display for visitors. The other appears to be Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. We’ll continue to bring you updates as construction rolls along. As we reported back in August, the theme park is scheduled to open between December 2009 and June 2010.

A new interview with Helen McCrory, the actress who will play Narcissa Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, has been published by The Independent where she discusses filming the highly anticipated movie.

Finally, a recent article from the Daily Mail claims crews working on the Half-Blood Prince have been told that the final film will be split. A film source said:

“There’s so much to fit that the view is the last movie should be in two halves. There is a huge battle when Harry, played by Daniel Radcliffe, takes on Voldemort that needs to be done really well.”

What’s more, the Daily Mail claims that big name directors such as Steven Spielberg are being considered to direct Deathly Hallows. An update on this story came earlier today, as Empire Online is now quoting Warner Brothers as saying:

“No decision has been made, in part because no scripts yet exist. Steve cannot begin work on the Deathly Hallows script because of the U.S. Writer’s strike.”

We will keep you posted as news continues to surface on filming of the final Potter film.

That’s all the news for this January 14th, 2008 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right, thanks Micah.

Micah: I actually stopped doing news in 2008, Andrew. I’m not doing that anymore.

Andrew: Well, why?

Micah: Well, I wasn’t getting paid enough. So…

Matt: You weren’t getting paid, period.

Andrew: But the news is an integral part of the show. It’s what defines Harry Potter podcasting.

Micah: No, actually we couldn’t pay the bills in the News Center. So they had to turn off the recording.

Eric: They closed the dungeon down?

Andrew: They had to shut your MacBook?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay.

Micah: I’m just kidding.

Jamie: Oh really?

Eric: The dungeon was condemned.

Jamie: I thought that actually happened.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, we thought you were serious after we just heard the news. But [laughs] thank you, Micah.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

News Discussion: J.K. Rowling Documentary

Andrew: Yeah, so we’re going to cover some news from the last two weeks actually. I lied when I intro-ed Micah. First up, I think one of the biggest stories of the past two weeks – and I think it deserves a little more credit than it’s been getting lately in the press…

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: …because it was a very great documentary. It was the J.K. Rowling…A Year in the Life documentary. And it was produced by ITV and they followed J.K. Rowling through her final year in writing Harry Potter, and it led up to the release of the final book. What did you guys think of this? It was really great, wasn’t it?

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I really liked it. I think the problem with documentaries like this is – And I guess what worried me about it when I heard that they were doing it was that it kind of has the potential to be schmultzy, you know?

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah.

Laura: But it really wasn’t. It was really…

Micah: Laura, I never knew you were Jewish.

Matt: What?

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Thanks, Micah. I’m not. But anyway, it’s…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: To borrow a Jewish term.

Laura: Yeah. I also…

Matt: What does “schmultzy” mean?

Eric: Schmaltzy. What’s “schmultzy” mean? I’m not – I’m sorry, I’m unfamiliar.

Laura: Like…

Andrew: I’m not aware, either.

Laura: Like, kind of, you know…

Matt: You call these bagels?

Laura: Almost obnoxious. Like, over-done. You know?

Andrew: Oh, I get it.

Eric: Oh.

Matt: Why didn’t you just say over-done?

Laura: Because – I don’t…

Eric: Yeah, we’re Harry Potter fans. How could they over do a J.K. Rowling – I mean, the more they give us…

Laura: Well, I just – It seemed like something they might try to play up a lot? But – I don’t know.

Matt: Ah.

Laura: They might try – I don’t know. It’s just – it made sense to me. I’m sure that other people will understand where I’m coming from.

Jamie: It’s good she does them rarely. No, I know what you mean.

Laura: Just because you have to sit here and question my usage.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Good god!

Jamie: And your religion, as well; your religion.

Eric: I was afraid of it, too. See, I haven’t seen it because I was afraid of it. Jamie, what were you saying?

Jamie: I was just saying that she comes onto this show to relax, and Micah’s just hording her about her religion the entire time. Micah, you should be ashamed of yourself.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: This documentary was fantastic. I mean, they – I personally loved the camera angles.

Matt: Camera angles.

Laura: Yeah, they were fantastic.

Andrew: Yes. Oh my god. They were circling around Jo with these interviews. They had these clever shots with, you know, the items on her desk. And…

Matt: I particularly loved the part where the camera just panned to the left and then you kind of stopped right at the number where the gate had that little circle in the middle…

Jamie: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: And you saw the number on the door. [gasps]

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: Is it me, or did they show kind of a tipsy side of J.K. Rowling in that video?

Andrew: You know, I thought the coolest thing was – well, not the coolest. But the most interesting part was seeing Jo sitting down with her sister, I believe it was, and Jo was just sitting in sweats.

[Matt laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And you never see Jo like that, because she’s always dressed up for some prestigious event or premier. But here she is, just sitting in her house in some sweats with her sister.

Matt: Did you see the boy haircuts of Jo?

Andrew: [laughs] Yes.

Laura: Yeah.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: The little pictures of Jo were funny, too.

Matt: The little mop-tops. Yeah.

Laura: It was really interesting to hear about her childhood. And also her relationship with her father, especially.

Andrew: Yes.

Laura: It’s very sad.

Andrew: Yes, it wasn’t that good of a relationship, was it?

Laura: No. No. And especially, you know, all the – everything where she talked about her mom. It was really sad. But, I thought that it just it – I don’t know. It really made the pain that she put into the books from Harry losing his parents feel more real. To me, at least, you know?

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Seeing and hearing her talk about that.

Eric: It gives an extra sort of purpose to that being in the books, too, doesn’t it? Because it kind of helps you cope with it, I think, with more of it being a reality. Then why did she choose to write about this? Well, where is she coming from? It’s exactly what you see.

Andrew: And, you know, she’s always said in the past, and she said in this interview that one of her biggest regrets or the biggest regret she has in life was not telling her mother about Harry Potter before she died.

Jamie: That’s so sad.

Matt: I thought it was her biggest regret wasn’t seeing her mother…

Laura: Her mother, yeah.

Matt: …when she died.

Andrew: Oh.

Laura: Because she had the option of a viewing, I guess.

Matt: Well, she wanted to, but her father said, “No.”

Andrew: Her father said, “No.” Yeah.

Matt: And then she just agreed and gave up attempting to see her. It also gave a lot of insight on her creation of the dementors. When there’s that really downward spiral in her life, when she was alone with a daughter that she couldn’t really keep, and she was scared…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: …to see if she’d died every morning when she came to see her.

Eric: That’s what I like about dementors, too. You can kind of tell that they just have real life, practical uses, like when people are just generally down and stuff.
I mean, for instance, the boggarts being the monsters under the bed sort of thing, application. What I’m saying is, the readers relate to it, and so you say, “Well, dementors could have been here, and that’s why,” because often there is an air or foreboding and this whole depressing, there are depressing places. You walk into a place and you can tell that everybody in there, there’s just this coldness and this darkness, and it all could be because of a dementor.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: They’re two ways of showing fear, I guess. The boggarts which turn into your fear and the dementors that just create it. It’s very well done, though, both of them.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Now the thing with this documentary was that was only released on ITV and they haven’t put it online yet. It did get onto, I think it was, but then a few days later they blocked the site so only UK visitors can actually go on that website and check out. So, and I’ve been searching everywhere for this stupid video. It’s not on You… The first part’s on YouTube. I couldn’t find a torrent of it, so it’s kind of disappointing for American fans who want to check this documentary out. It’s definitely worth it. I really hope they do air it in the US.

Micah: Oh, yeah, you’re right, I’m sorry.

Andrew: Laura, you also wanted – of course I’m right.

Micah: Rarely.

Andrew: Laura, you also wanted to talk about Jo’s religious views?

Laura: Yeah. I thought it was – You didn’t really see a whole lot of that in the documentary, but there was kind of a brief moment or two where she talked about that, and they asked her if she believed in God. And she thought about it for a second. She said, “I do, but I’m very skeptical,” or something along those lines.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Laura: And I just thought it was really interesting considering how often her religious views and the credibility of the series as being a good role model type series for children to read being brought into light a lot. So I just thought it was interesting to kind of hear her come out and say, “You know, I do believe in God, but I still am skeptical of my religion, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Micah: Well, they did also shoot her in the church she went to when she was a kid.

Laura: Yeah, that’s where she said it.

Micah: One of the things that was really cool that I would want to find out more information was when she was going through that book and she had to turn the page quickly so the camera didn’t catch what name she was looking at when she said, “I borrowed that name for a really evil character in the series.” Did you guys catch that?

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, and I was thinking about that today. I hope some tabloid goes back to that church…

Laura: I know.

Andrew: …and finds the name and then writes a good story on it.

Eric: Yeah, because then we can see what it was.

Laura: Well it’s, like, I’m just thinking of some, you know, really snobby church lady named Dolores that she used as Umbridge, or whatever.

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

Jamie: Yeah. It’s got to be that.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So funny. But anyway, also in this documentary, they had the handoff of the transcript right there in Heathrow, and Jo’s meeting with Christopher Little himself right there in Heathrow. I think, right? That was Chris Little?

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Yep.

Eric: Wow!

Andrew: Right there in Heathrow they’ve got a quick hand-off and Jo’s done, boom, bang. The other interesting thing, and we discussed this last week or two weeks ago was that, you know it’s interesting that Jo’s just typing up the book on Word.

Jamie: That’s so funny.

Andrew: But moreover, then she’s just printing the transcript out, or the draft out herself, at home on her printer. You know, just printing out, spewing things out right there? I’m just like “Wow, unbelievable.”

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Normal concepts like, being out of ink just don’t seem to apply there.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: The printer is like, “Hmmm, I’m out of ink but you know, I’m going to generate more because this is the final book in Deathly Hallows – eh, in Harry Potter.”

Jamie: Yeah, that doesn’t happen to Harry Potter. Doesn’t happen.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Well didn’t she say she ran out of paper? Wasn’t there that story or something?

Andrew: [laughs] I don’t know, but it’d be funny if there was a paper jam while they were recording, and then we miss a whole page of the book just because of that paper jam or something. But, interesting stuff.

[Jamie laughs]

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And then lastly, they did a part on – they had a nice interview with Jo in there about how you know, she feels like, she can’t believe people come to her asking for ideas and, you know, she doesn’t really like all the attention and all the publicity, but she just goes with it because she knows she has to and, you know, it’s part of the job.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And – but she’s not a fan of it. And she says, she openly says in the documentary she’s not good at it. Well they have – they filmed a meeting for the theme park, and she’s sitting there at the head of the desk with a bunch of, what I assume are a bunch of Universal executives. I’m sure maybe Stuart Craig might have even been there. But they’re looking through pictures of the theme park and one thing that they discuss is a feature in the park where you will be standing somewhere in the Harry Potter area, and you will be able – you will be the only one to hear some ghost whisper something directly in your ear. Because hey’re going to use some technology that is a speaker that will only – I don’t know what the best way to put this is?

Jamie: Wait, it only goes to one person you mean?

Andrew: Right, exactly. So, you’ll only be able to hear it if you’re standing in a specific spot.

Jamie: How can it possibly do that?

Andrew: I don’t – it’s magic! It’s the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

Matt: Now, is this supposed to be something like a veil thing, where you can only hear the ghosts in the veil or something?

Andrew: Maybe. I was thinking – yeah. I don’t know, we couldn’t hear much of it. And I want to listen to it back, but I can’t find the video again.

Eric: Yeah. Look, they have to really, I mean, they should make this video a lot more accessible because I couldn’t find it, you know?

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: Is this now – it’s called JK Rowling…A Year in the Life, right?

Andrew: Yeah, yes.

Eric: And how long is it, would you say?

Andrew: I don’t know; an hour, hour-and-a-half?

Laura: Like an hour.

Micah: Yeah, it was about an hour.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Hour-and-a-half. You just – it would make sense if it were such a good sort of interview that’d they’d want to get it out somewhere.

Andrew: It is. No, it is. There’s probably some rights that they have to worry about, and you know, who to give it to in the US for distribution.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: But yeah. So we also got a couple new pictures of the theme park, which we posted on MuggleNet, because someone took them out of the video. So it’s really, it’s great how involved Jo is with this theme park. I didn’t even picture her sitting in on meetings about this, but she is. That’s cool, I guess.

Micah: Didn’t she say she felt really overwhelmed by the fact that she had all of these business people around her?

Andrew: Yeah, coming to her and asking her how to do things.

Micah: Exactly, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. It’s amazing though, you know, that she feels that way. She’s still so down to earth, even being you know, the author of the Harry Potter books. It’s crazy.

Eric: It’s quite relieving I think too, I think, that the theme park people are that interested in what she has to add.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Because I think they know this is a float or sink type thing where they have to really see if they can do it, you know, up to par for all our expectations, which is what we talked about last show.

New Theme Park Poll: Honeydukes, Hog’s Head or Three Broomsticks?

Andrew: Yes. And they’re very serious about it. So, in relation to the theme park Universal Studios has opened up a new section on their ,Wizarding World teaser site. It’s a poll. They’re getting the fans involved as well as J.K. Rowling and WB themselves. The current poll up right now asks visitors where they would most like to get your drink in the park. The options are The Hog’s Head, The Three Broomsticks, or Honeydukes.

Matt: Mmmm.

Eric: Do we only get one?

Andrew: Well…

Eric: Is this like…

Andrew: I don’t know if they only get one, but…

Eric: Are they only going to build one?

Andrew: They want to know about your top choice.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: The one that’s going to make you come to the park.

Matt: I’m not sure about the quality of the glasses though in the Hog’s Head.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. You’re right. You could get like…

Micah: I’m only going to the Hog’s Head if there’s a goat.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: There should’ve been an option that was ‘Hog’s Head without goat’ or ‘Hog’s Head with goat.’

Eric: Well, no. It’d be a petting zoo. That’s where the petting zoo is going to be. It’s going to be…

Micah: Define your…

Jamie: Yeah, but then you can’t get a bar there because no one will go.

Micah: Yeah, you need to define “petting” considering it is the Hog’s Head.

Matt: [laughs] Define “petting.”

Eric: Oh, the poll says “Where would you most like to get your drink?” So whereas I would like Honeydukes, for a drink I think it would be Three Broomsticks. You got to go with the Butterbeer classic and the Three Broomsticks is…

Micah: Yeah, Madam Rosmerta. Who’s going to play her?

Eric: Yeah, and we’ll have an actress playing Rosmerta. Yeah.

Andrew: We could even send them the recipe on MuggleNet. Do we have a recipe?

Laura: We do.

Micah: Or a Playmate.

Andrew: For the drink? On MuggleNet?

Matt: Do we have a good recipe?

Laura: It actually is good. We made it once, me and my brother. It’s pretty good.

Andrew: Really?

Laura: Hey, but you can tell that poll was written by a non-big Harry Potter fan.

Andrew: Why?

Jamie: Well, there’s just something about it. Like it doesn’t actually matter where you draw the sort of, you know, drink, but most of the big fans who write polls write them about people and characters, whereas that just seems to be like a cool poll that the odd person would just do anyway. Maybe that doesn’t make sense.

Andrew: Well, I think they’re making this poll to figure out where people would most like to get a drink. I mean they’re serious, where you want to get your refreshments in the park.

Eric: Well, Honeydukes is a sweetshop. Honeydukes is candy.

Laura: Well, yeah.

Eric: You could sell fizzy pop and all sorts of crazy milkshakes and stuff.

Jamie: Okay, I guess I’m not making sense.

Laura: Well, I think what they’re trying to do, and I’m saying this because I was just there, in the area where they’re going to build the Harry Potter theme park there’s a big restaurant right now, and it’s shaped like a tree trunk. And it’s absolutely massive, and I have a feeling that’s what they’re going to convert that into, and around it there’s lots of other little stands where they sell, like, soda and stuff.

Jamie: So you think they’re asking so they can call it the name of what somebody says?

Matt: So it’s what they want to call the place where they make the restaurant.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Well they should kind of fit it to scale. You know the Hog’s Head is like this kind of tavernous type thing compared to the Three Broomsticks which has got, you know, in the book they pull up tables and booths and stuff as where they sit at. And Honeydukes…

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Do they have a full creative license for that?

Matt: Yeah, it does make sense.

Eric: Well, creative license works I guess.

Andrew: See, I think…

Eric: But it’s exactly like having, it’s exactly like having what they used to have in Animal Kingdom in Disney World. They used to have, I forget what it was. It was like A Bug’s Life or something. It was this massive thing, and they built that tree in the very center of the park.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s still there.

Eric: I thought they took it out.

Andrew: They didn’t knock the tree down.

Eric: They made it a different show though…

Andrew: No.

Eric: …than what it originally was.

Andrew: No, no, it’s still Bug’s Life.

Eric: Yeah, they do change things, but it wasn’t as special. It didn’t feel as special.

Andrew: Well, they’re changing things to save money. If they don’t have to rebuild, why bother?

Laura: No, I mean, but, Eric. They’re going to use pre-existing structures, but they’re going to fix them to make them look different.

Eric: Yeah, I know.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: They’re not just going to leave this tree trunk shaped restaurant and try and call it The Three Broomsticks.

Andrew: [laughs] Try and call it the Hog’s Head. I voted for Honeydukes because I think they’re going to try and go for something that’s most attractive for kids.

Jamie: It sounds nice, yeah.

Matt: No, it just doesn’t make sense that they would have a drink or restaurant in Honeydukes. Honeydukes, they’re definitely going to have Honeydukes in it because you’ve seen the pictures.

Jamie: There have to be – people like candy shops as well, so it’s like that’s an obvious attraction at a theme park.

Matt: Yeah, it’s going to be a huge candy shop.

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: It’s going to be a huge selling point, and the thing about the Hog’s Head, to me that would be more of an adult place to go, just because I think in the stories it has more adult-type drinks, and I don’t even know, does Universal Studios even sell alcohol?

Andrew: I was just going to ask that.

Laura: Yes, they do.

Andrew: They do?

Laura: They do.

Laura: Bad alcohol, but…

Andrew: Oh boy. Hmmm. Somebody is going to have a good time.

[Matt and Andrew laugh]

Laura: It’s all Anheiser Busch and all that crap.

Andrew: Ewww.

Eric: They get paid quite a bit to…

Laura: Not that I know, ah…

Eric: Not that you’ve tried…

Andrew: Not that you…

Eric: …to sneak a drink or two. But I think so, and Micah, here is another question then. Do you think they would be able to get away with that, and say even though it is in a “children’s book,” could they get away with not selling or selling say, alcoholic drinks at the Hog’s Head just because in the books it’s an adult related – you know what I’m saying? Wouldn’t everything primarily be for the kids, and therefore…

Jamie: Is the theme park themed?

Laura: I think it could.

Jamie: I mean, does it have like a rating?

Matt: No.

Jamie: Does it have a rating like 12 or NC17?

Laura: No.

Jamie: Well, then there has to be entertainment for the entire family, don’t there?

Laura: I want to go to an NC17 rated park, Jamie. [laughs]

Jamie: Well, Laura. We should build one, Laura.

Matt: Well, Laura, you said yourself the place isn’t really that huge so it will be pretty much one big…

Laura: Well wait, which one? Which island?

Matt: Each island? Each island?

Laura: Actually, when I was there if you’re – when I was there last, I didn’t realize that the two areas were actually one, but the Lost Continent area where they are building the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is actually fairly large. It’s bigger than all the other areas, and I also noticed as I was walking through the Jurassic Park section, they are actually doing construction behind that as well. Which is kind of weird, because the whole park is shaped in a circle, and so it is almost like they are going to kind of have the Wizarding World protruding out of that a little bit.

Eric: Oh,it’s cool.

Laura: So, it is going to be kind of big.

Matt: That’s good. Do you think…

Laura: It’s definitely going to be big.

Matt: Do you think it’s really necessary if they have a Hog’s Head and a Three Broomsticks that serve drinks? Is it really that big of a park?

Eric: Well then think about how many tiny shops they have at any amusement park, really, or how many tiny little vendors.

Laura: Yes, there’s tons of little stands and yeah they have – there is a gift shop after every ride at Universal Studios.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: So it’s like, you know?

Eric: That is true.

Laura: They will have plenty of room for stuff.

Eric: What I think will be funny is for there to be an alcoholic drink thing like the Hog’s Head and the parents would take the kids and just say yeah you take him to “Dobby’s Fun Land” or “House Elf Adventure” and I’ll go over to the Hog’s Head. [laughs] You know? I’m just…

Jamie: Guys, I think we are reading way to much into this.

Matt: Yeah, it’s a Harry Potter theme park.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: It’s to make money, and yeah, it’s obviously going to have entertainment for everyone.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Which includes alcohol.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s a good point.

Laura: I don’t see why they wouldn’t sell alcohol there.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: I mean, they sold alcohol in Seussland, so…

Matt: Well, they…

Andrew: Wait, that is what everyone has been debating?

Matt: They have to have something for the parents…

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: While the kids are screaming up and down about Harry Potter.

Eric: Do they anywhere else, though? [laughs] Some parents are into it more than the children. Especially the ones with little kids.

[Eric laughs]

Sweeney Todd Review: Rickman, Carter and Spall

Andrew: All right, so moving along, one thing that we did want to talk about that is sort of – well it’s not really off topic – Sweeney Todd came out a couple of weeks ago.

Matt: Mhm!

Andrew: And I think Matt, Laura, and I are the only three who have seen it here?

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: Yep.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Oh, boo!

Laura: It’s so good.

Andrew: Yeah, boo you guys.

Laura: Such a good movie.

Andrew: So the reason we wanted to talk about this is because there are three actors from The Order of the Phoenix: Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, and Timothy Spall. Timothy Spall is like in everything these days.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: He is doing a lot isn’t he?

Andrew: Laura, what do you think of this movie?

Laura: I thought it was an excellent film, and there have been a lot of people who have been kind of nay-sayers about it, because they think it’s too grim and they think it’s too bloody. No. Screw that. It is an awesome, awesome film. Seriously. There is one – there’s a scene at the beginning where you think he’s about to – and I’m sorry if this needs to be like PG or whatever.

Eric: Spoiler warning.

Laura: Yeah, you think he’s about to slice open Alan Rickman’s throat, and you’re just sitting there in your seat the whole time, like “Oh my god, he’s going to do it, he’s going to do it.”

[Matt laughs]

Laura: And you’re like – you jump every time. Oh god, it’s such a good movie.

Eric: And he doesn’t? It sounds like a disappointment.

Laura: No. No, trust me, it’s awesome. It’s awesome.

Andrew: Alright Eric, you mediate for the next ten minutes.

Jamie: He’s sadistic, Laura. I bet he did slit his throat so we’re not going to be worried and jump as soon as he does it.

Laura: He did slit a lot of people’s throats.

Jamie: That’s so mean.

Matt: No, you get enough. You get your money’s worth.

Jamie: Oh, really? Okay, good, good.

Andrew: It’s a very gory film. It is a musical. It’s more of a musical than Hairspray is. It’s like 90 percent music, 10 percent dialogue, but the music is the dialogue.

Matt: Yeah, like two sentences after every persons sings is just dialogue.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: It’s okay.

Jamie: How well does Johnny Depp sing?

Andrew: Johnny Depp is a good singer. The best for me was Alan Rickman singing.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That was fantastic.

Matt: Well, I like the boy.

Andrew: The boy was the best singer.

Matt: Out of the three, right? Out of the three, you mean?

Andrew: Yeah. I just enjoyed Alan Rickman the most because it was Alan Rickman singing. You know, it’s Snape singing.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: I think that’s what I’m going to go see, yeah.

Andrew: It was pretty funny. But the music is also very good, so it’s enjoyable. Matt and I have been listening to the soundtrack a lot. It’s a nice soundtrack to relax to.

Matt: Oh, I really want to sing some songs right now. I’m jumping up and down right now.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Do it. Do it, man. Now’s – do it.

Andrew: Can we have a sample?

Matt: [singing] “Try Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir, that’s what did the trick, sir. True, sir, true. Da, da, da, da.”

Jamie: Awww.

Andrew: Oh, great job, great job.

Eric: You know, that was good. I bet some of our listeners were singing along with you.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And some turned off their iPods.

Matt: The funniest part of the song is Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter are talking about the elixir like, “This is piss, piss with ink. What is this?”

Andrew: Don’t spoil it. Don’t spoil it.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: “This is piss, smells like piss.”

Matt: It’s very cheeky, but it’s very…

Laura: It’s darkly humorous.

Matt: It’s a very Tim Burton film. Tim Burton did such a great job. I was so scared when I saw the previews.

Jamie: Tim Burton, Johnny Depp: can’t go wrong. They’re so such a great pairing.

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: See, I don’t like Helena Bonham Carter, though. I have a really big problem with her in movies.

Laura: Why?

Matt: I love her.

Eric: Does she not play the same role in all these movies?

Laura: No.

Matt: No she doesn’t.

Laura: No she doesn’t.

Matt: Haven’t you seen Fight Club? Planet of the Apes? She played a monkey!

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Yes. Well, I’m not saying – she’s always – I’m sorry, she just looks in same in all the movies and it’s just she plays this card, this…

Laura: What, she looks like herself?

Matt: I know. She looks like Helena Bonham Carter in all her films.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I will say, she reminds me a lot – she plays a similar role to Bellatrix in this film. I mean, just the way she comes off, it’s the same sort of attitude.

Matt: I don’t know.

Laura: No, but she wasn’t sadistic in this film.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: No. Well, no. Then there’s also Timothy Spall, as I said earlier. Is it just me or is he always the evil sidekick?

Jamie: He is.

Laura: I feel like he’s stalking me. I see him in everything.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Like, he was in A Series of Unfortunate Events

Andrew: Enchanted.

Micah: Do you see him in your dreams?

Laura: Sometimes I do, Micah. Sometimes I do.

Andrew: A Series of Unfortunate Events?

Laura: Yeah, he was in A Series of Unfortunate Events a couple years ago.

Andrew: I forgot about that.

Matt: Enchanted.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: Now Timothy Spall, I would argue that he plays the same character a lot.

Andrew: Yes. Yes, thank you. He really does. I mean, maybe that’s just what he likes to do. I don’t know.

Laura: Yeah. He’s very good.

Matt: Yeah, he looks like he’s having fun. I would love to hang out with Timothy Spall.

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: He just looks like an awesome guy.

Jamie: Well, I heard him on the radio this morning doing an interview and he sounded really, really nice. He sounded like a lot of fun. I hate the word, but he sounded, you know, bouncy personality, you know?

Andrew: Down-to-earth? Oh.

Jamie: Why, what’d you think I was going to say?

Andrew: No, I was going to say down-to-earth.

Jamie: Oh, he’s kind of down-to-earth.

Andrew: People are like, “He’s such a down-to-earth-guy.”

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: That’s what you say about Jo all the time, Andrew.

Andrew: Yeah, I know. Well no, she is.

Eric: No, it’s true.

Andrew: So, that’s it – Sweeney Todd. I would give it five out of five stars.

Laura: Yeah, it was very, very good.

Jamie: I want to see it now.

Matt: It was very good.

Eric: Would you see it again, Andrew? Matt?

Andrew: Yeah. We were actually planning on it.

Eric: We’ll do it tomorrow.

Laura: Oh yeah.

Andrew: We were actually planning on it, but Ryan had to be back home, so we didn’t.

Eric: Yeah, I’d love to see it.

MuggleCast 127 Transcript (continued)

News Discussion: Interview with Helen McCrory

Andrew: Another story, the final story we are going to talk about today, a new interview with Helen McCrory, who is coming back to play Narcissa Malfoy. She was supposed to play Bellatrix, but then she got prego.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Sorry about that.

Andrew: And now WB welcomed her back. They said, “Come on back!” We – this says to me, “We love you so much. Come on in. Be Narcissa Malfoy for us.”

Laura: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: She cursed.

Andrew: Now, I know how to get everyone quiet.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: She said a swear word in her interview and Ciaran posted it on MuggleNet, and I went in and edited it out, because…

Laura: What, “bloody”?

Andrew: Was it bad?

Eric: Yeah, well, no. She said the s-h-i-t word.

Laura: Oh, and he put the – oh! I didn’t see that.

Eric: It was on the main page. You see where it says, “bad”?

Laura: Oh my god.

Eric: It was on a new post.

Andrew: [laughs] I see where it says, “bad”? Yeah.

Eric: It says bad, yeah. I was like, there’s a big curse word on there. Nobody was looking because they were all checking daily to see if MuggleNet was back from the hacks.

Andrew: Mhm. Yeah. Anyway, Helen says she’s looking forwards to it. “It’s usual to have such a successful film only starring British actors,” blah, blah, blah. So, she’s excited for it. Matt, you wanted to talk about this story a bit, right?

Matt: Yeah, sure, why not? So, I googled – I googled Helen and I saw a bunch of her pictures and she does have dark hair. She does look like Bellatrix, but I kind of photoshopped Evanna Lynch’s hair over her.

Eric: This is what we – this is what MuggleNet employees do on their spare time.

Jamie: Surely there’s an easier way, Matt, to sort of turn her hair color blonde.

Matt: I did that. It turned the back and her face white.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: That’s good because she’s supposed to be very pale.

Matt: She’s supposed to be very pale, yeah, but she’s not supposed to look like an albino.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: That’s very true.

Andrew: I could see…

Jamie: That’s very true, but then she could get a part in the Da Vinci Code as Silas, so she could make even more money.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: So you should help her out.

Matt: Okay, I’ll do that.

Andrew: She has very sagging eyes, and that kind of reminded me of Narcissa. I think she’s going to be perfect Narcissa. I think even better than Bellatrix. I mean I really like Helen.

Matt: I really like Helena.

Laura: I like Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix.

Andrew: Yeah, me too.

Matt: Mhm. She doesn’t do many films. If you IMDB her…

Jamie: But they’re all very good.

Matt: …she’s a very theatrical – theatre is a big thing in Britain, right?

Jamie: Yeah. It’s pretty big, yeah.

Eric: Yeah, theatres a big thing in many places, but that’s what upsets me though, some of my – what I think IMDB – there is a IBDB. There’s an Internet Broadway Database, and stuff, but it’s so hard to track authors – sorry, artists, like Alan Rickman, through their theatre productions. Like actors like them will take years off and do these theatre projects, which you just won’t be able to find on IMDB, and I think that’s a shame because it hinders sort of – when I’m looking them up to see if any of them are doing anything.

Jamie: It’s normally well advertized, though, because they’re so big in film that they keep track of them like they’re celebrities in theatre as well, which they kind of are.

Eric: I think you’re right.

Jamie: Normally – you can normally find them, but yeah, for the smaller ones, I guess, not as much.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Well, even for Matthew Broderick, you look at his stage credits, or film credits, on IMDB. He has, at least, twice as many stage credits. I mean, yeah, so – anyway, that’s just what I was saying.

Matt: A little bit back on Narcissa’s character. We’re going to see her with Bellatrix in Movie 6.

Eric: And with Jason Isaacs.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Which is going to be great. I can’t wait to see that.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Do you kind of – do you kind of see a resemblance with Draco and the two adult actors now? I mean…

Andrew: I think they – I think together in one scene they’ll all look great together.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I think they could be – you could believe them to be a real family.

Matt: Well, Narcissa is definitely the thinnest of the three sisters, so I honestly think that Helen will be a very good character, because I just see a pale, skinny face of her’s with droopy circles around her eyes, because she hasn’t slept because of…

Jamie: Yeah. She’ll be very good.

Matt: …what happened to her husband. I think it’s a very good job, better than the original casting.

Eric: Hmmm.

MuggleNet Gets Hacked

Andrew: Anyway, let’s move on now. One other story I wanted to bring up, and this is quite a shame, of course. As everyone knows, MuggleNet was hacked a few days ago by some elite hacksors – like socksors – and Emerson put a good post on MuggleNet, but unbelievably, you know, some fansites call themselves the most comprehensive Harry Potter fandom, you know, news sites and yet we’re the only one to actually post about MuggleNet being hacked.

Laura: Very disappointing.

Andrew: Kind of came as a surprise to me.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I think people were just – they were hoping it didn’t happen to them, you know? Because, I mean…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: I received a message saying “Wouldn’t it be funny if they have hacked MuggleNet and Leaky at the same time and made each site look like the other one?”

Andrew: [laughs] That would be pretty good!

Jamie: That would have been funny. That would have been funny.

Muggle Mail: In Defense of Molly Weasley

Andrew: Let’s move on to Muggle Mail now.

Eric: First one comes from Karen, age 50, from Roanoke, Virginia. She says:

“Dear Laura and the Muggle Boys (or Muggle Update Caster, if you prefer!). I have recently just entered the world of podcasts. Upon acquiring my iPod at age 50, the first podcast I subscribed to was Mugglecast, having heard about it through one of my college interns. I am enjoying re-reading Deathly Hallows with each of your podcasts. However, being a mother to a teenage son, I feel I must rise in defense of Molly Weasley. In show 125 (please pardon my late response!)…”

That’s okay.

“…you took Mrs. Weasley to task for her response to our heroic trio’s planning to face Lord Voldemort. Lady and Gentlemen, your generational bias is showing! Look at it from a mom’s perspective: she has lost contact with one son due to ministerial prejudice, another has been permanently scarred from a dark magic attack, her husband and three remaining sons have to leave periodically to fight a vicious foe, a resistance group calls her house home, friends are dying left and right, and she is hosting a wedding at her home in the middle of a civil war. Hosting a wedding under normal circumstances is tough, but add all of the above and you have the recipe for a nervous breakdown. Stressed doesn’t begin to describe Molly Weasley. As you touched on, Molly has always been protective of her [stumbles over word “brood”] and by extension Hermione…”

Her brood? What is that word? It’s “brood.”

Micah: Like her children.

Laura: Yeah,it’s brood.

Eric: Yeah, it’s not broad. It’s actually brood.

“…and by extension Hermione and Harry. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next show!”

Matt: Wow, she’s pissed.

Eric: I was going to say that. What is she talking about, us calling her out on saying “bitch” or what?

Laura: No, no, no, it was when we were talking about how – it was during the last Chapter-by-Chapter, but I’m actually the one who brought it up – about how Molly kind of got in the way of the trio planning everything. And I’m not saying she was wrong to want to protect them.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: What I was saying is that it’s very frustrating when you’re reading. [laughs] Because you’re just, like, “Let them talk, please just for two seconds!”

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: It’s true, it’s true. It is frustrating.

Matt: It was just – it was the suspense.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: You just want to actually happen and all of a sudden, just – Molly Weasley just comes in and kind of just ruins the whole scene.

Eric: Yeah. No, I think you’re right. I think it was – it was quite annoying for me to read, as well, not because I was upset with Molly, but just because it was, like, “Okay, you know, are we going to get to hear something?” And then J.K.R. wrote, you know, how she fiendishly plotted them to be doing separate tasks at the same time, you know? It was just, like, you know “Oh, come on!” You know, “Please let them be together. Please.

Matt: “Please!”

Jamie: I see where she’s coming from and I’ve always been a sort of a proponent of how, you know, you can’t underestimate a mother’s love for, you know, for her son and all that. But I just think it was – there are times when, you know, every person has to – you know, you can’t tell everyone everything. There have to – occasionally, there have got to be secrets like that, especially in that situation, you know? I’m sure she would understand if Dumbledore – if she knew what Dumbledore had said, you know, she would probably understand. And, you know, it’s tough to make choices. Those three could have told them or they could have trusted Dumbledore and they made a choice and…

Eric: Not to.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: You know, the other thing they chose, Jamie, is – if they would have chosen to go back to Hogwarts, they could have done any and all planning they had once they were there.

Jamie: No. It was too dangerous though. They’d have been killed, easily.

Matt: Yeah, no. They’d have been…

Eric: It’s true…

Matt: Look at what happens to Neville.

Eric: Yeah, so I guess you were right. Certain circumstances have happened, otherwise. But I was thinking, well, then Molly wouldn’t be there and she would – that would be a perfect place to wait till – but things happen sooner than that. You’re right.

Muggle Mail: Keeping Voldemort In Mind

Andrew: Let’s move on to the next e-mail now.

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: It comes from Grace. She says:

“Hi MuggleCasters, I was just listening to your podcast and I noticed some mistakes in your statements on Deathly Hallows regarding Harry letting Voldemort into his mind. You state that Harry first lets Voldemort into his mind in Chapter 7 but it actually happened first in Chapter 5, ‘The Fallen Warrior’ at the end of the chapter in which Harry notices Voldemort torturing Ollivander. The quote from Hermione is also actually the last sentence of this chapter. Thank you for the great podcast. Happy New Year.”

Matt: Oh!

Micah: Yeah, that’s my fault. So…

Andrew: Good job, Micah!

Matt: Yep. Micah. Geez.

Andrew: Thank you! Good job. Take one for the team.

Eric: Come on, Micah! Don’t beat yourself up about it. I think it was my fault too.

Andrew: This is why we have about ten listeners left.

Micah: Yeah…

Andrew: Jerk.

Micah: I don’t beat myself up about it. I let Andrew do that for me. [laughs]

Jamie: What, beat himself or beat you up?

Andrew: Do the beating.

Micah: Beat me up. Yeah. He beat me up.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Andrew, hit me.

Jamie: Wow!

Andrew: Micah likes to be spanked.

Jamie: Ohhh!

Andrew: I’ll just leave it at that.

Laura: Whoa!

Muggle Mail: Overusing Spells

Andrew: [laughing] Wait. Laura, our next e-mail?

Laura: “In Episode 125 you were talking about how Expelliarmus is Harry’s signature spell but can we talk about Voldemort’s signature spell? Voldie successfully Avada Kedavras a lot of people throughout the course of the Harry Potter story, but when it comes to trying to AK Harry, he gets really stubborn about it. Everytime he’s tried to use the spell on Harry bad things have seemed to happen to him. When Harry was one, the AK spell backfires and blasts Voldemort out of his body. When Harry’s fourteen, the AK spell is the one he uses to spark off the Priori Incantatem. When Harry is fifteen, in the Ministry lobby, Dumbledore made a statue dance in front of Harry to take the blast instead. Also, Fawkes ate one spell, but I can’t remember if that was going to Harry or Albus. When Harry is sixteen, almost seventeen, Voldemort flies at him and tries to use his wand, but it friggin’ explodes.

[Eric laughs]

Laura: “When Harry is seventeen, in the forest, Voldemort uses the spell and not only does it not kill Harry, but it sends him to the floor of King’s Cross station. So, in the final showdown between Harry and Voldemort – you’d think the damned Dark Lord would use a freezing spell or something and then hit Potter with an axe.”

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: “I know he’s all about the killing spell, but he must be insane. I guess, in the end, that it’s a good thing for the good guys.”

Eric: Addicted to spells. The death curse.

Jamie: The thing is, though…

Matt: He wouldn’t use an axe!

Eric: He should!

Jamie: He should. That’s his weakness, yeah.

Matt: Well, but he’s a Muggle who wants to use power and magic!

Jamie: Throughout the entire books Dumbledore has said that he fears death the most, so he tries to cast death on his enemies, when really he should try something else.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Like a gun.

Jamie: Like a – yeah, like an AK47.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And another thing is, the reason – I mean Voldemort…

Matt: He just pulls it out of his robes.

Jamie: Yeah. Well, he can hold a wand in there, he might as well have some guns.

Eric: [mimicking Voldemort] “Harry Potter! Say hello to my leetle friend!”

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: [imitating Arnold Schwarzenegger] “Asta la vista, baby!”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Eat lead, Potter.

Andrew: See, Voldemort keeps trying to do Avada Kedavra. I mean, of course he’s going to use Avada Kedavra in the final book when he wants to kill him in any time possible. He doesn’t want to waste his time to freeze him.

Jamie: That’s true.

Andrew: That makes Voldemort look weak. He doesn’t want to look weak, he just wants to go straight for the kill. I mean, yeah, I think it’s different – like, she brings up a good argument and she obviously did her research here, but…

Laura: He.

Andrew: Sorry, he. James Brown – which, I don’t know how you could possibly write an e-mail, but anyway!

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: [impersonating James Brown] “Ha! Watch me! Watch me!”

Eric: I got it.

Andrew: I don’t know. I just – I think these are two different cases. You know, Voldemort’s signature spell is Avada Kedavra because that’s all he wants to do is kill people.

Eric: Well, I think that’s safe to say that all the Death Eaters signature spell is Avada Kedavra. I mean, you rarely see that – and Crucio. I mean, some of them are addicted to Crucio, but…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Mhm.

Jamie: He’s the one that took chances though, like…

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: …why torture them when you can get rid of them immediately?

Andrew: Exactly, yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: So they wouldn’t be a threat any more, you know?

Andrew: Voldemort can’t switch his move because there’s only one killing spell, but Harry, on the other hand, can switch his move because there’s [mumbling over words] – there are several defensive spells.

Eric: Plenty of options.

Andrew: Exactly, like…

Eric: Stun, Disarm, Petrificus Totalus – you know petrify. Unlock! You could use Alohomora on them and just unlock the bad guys.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: The whole reason why Voldemort wanted to kill Harry was because of the prophecy. He knows that he wants to live and in order for him to live he’s got to kill Harry…

Jamie: Yeah, that’s also very true.

Matt: So that’s just his reaction. His impulse is to kill him.

Eric: I just think that it was clever to also mention the thing that has happened to Voldemort when he has tried to cast The Killing Curse, except I thought at the very end he actually did – when The Killing Curse hit Harry I thought it did actually kill him. It was just that – like that’s the whole thing with the ending of Book 7. When Voldemort casts The Killing Curse on Harry he does blank out. It wasn’t an immediate sort of rebound that didn’t work sort of thing, and Voldemort thinks he’s dead. You know? when he comes back.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah, sure, he goes to Kings’ Cross and has that little dream, but I was under the impression that Harry was just hit by The Killing Curse and when he had the chance to come back it was because of the – obviously the Horcruxes or whatever. I thought that it hit him.

Laura: It did hit him.

Eric: Okay.

Laura: [laughs] Yeah, yeah.

Matt: He couldn’t die because he was part of Voldemort.

Eric: Right, but the spell hit him. It’s not like it…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Well it doesn’t kill Harry but I thought…

Matt: He finally got hit by The Killing Curse.

Jamie: It had to happen at some point.

Eric: Yeah. [laughs]

Chapter-by-Chapter: A Place to Hide

Andrew: All right, let’s move on to Chapter-by-Chapter this week. This week, we’re going to talk about chapter – what chapter is it, nine?

Matt: Nine, yeah.

Eric: Just nine.

Andrew: Chapter nine, what was it called again?

Matt: A Place to Hide.

Eric: So we’re going to segway right into Chapter-by-Chapter, but it’s different this week. Andrew, how’s it different?

Andrew: Well, yeah. We’re going to do it a little differently – I mean, people were saying with last weeks episode it was a bit rushed so with this weeks episode we’re going to – instead of doing the top five items we’re just going to – we’re just going to go all out and talk about everything we found in the chapter. And also we’re doing one chapter this week as opposed to two. So yes, this does mean the show won’t be ending in early April. It will finish when we finish with Chapter-by-Chapter.

Eric: So we’ll work it out, we’ll just see what works.

Andrew: [singing] “We can work it out.” Short summary of this chapter: basically this is an easy chapter. Of course this is right after the Dementors come down on the – I’m sorry the Death Eaters – come down on the wedding and Harry, Ron and Hermione have to get out. And they run for it and they look for a place to hide, hence the chapter title.

Eric: Very nicely done.

Matt: Very good.

Andrew: Thanks, thanks. So we’ll start with the first thing here – I believe this was Matt’s point.

Ties to Goblet of Fire

Matt: Hmmm? Oh – yeah, yeah, yeah. When I was reading the very beginning of the chapter it was very reminiscent of Goblet of Fire in the camp of the Triwizard Tournament when everyone was running around and the Death Eaters were there. And especially in the movie, it was very exaggerated when Harry and Hermione got separated from the crowd, and this situation almost occurred in Book 7 because the crowd was separating them too, at the wedding, but Harry made it a point to keep a hold of Hermione this time – while Hermione was screaming for Ron.

Andrew: Yeah. I thought that was a nice parallel.

Laura: Mhm, yeah.

Andrew: So the next point we wanted to talk about – Eric this is yours.

The Patronus and the Escape

Eric: As Micah left off last week, the last point, if I remember correctly, was that the moment the Patronus lands and sort of glides down in the middle of the dance floor – it is a really big “Holy Bleep” moment. Is that what Micah was saying? It was just so…

Micah: Yeah, I said it was a – the first “Holy [censored]” moment of the series.

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, it was superb, it was so well done.

Andrew: Mhm.

Jamie: Just how something so innocent could cause so much rush and panic and trouble. It was very good.

Eric: And just going into this chapter, I’m sure people were just racing through the pages.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And it’s written in a pace that is sort of like that which is really kind of cool. But then JK Rowling writes that :sound was extinguished as they are squeezed through space and time,” so when Harry grabs onto Hermione she takes him on Side-Along Apparition. Again with the squeezing and stuff – she’s always demonstrated that Apparition is not a fun thing, that it is this kind of squeezing through a tube. She has really cool ways of writing all the ways in which Harry travels. Like through Floo powder and Apparition and that kind of stuff. I just thought it was cool but it was also a nice get-away because you imagine them – well you know what I imagine when I read this, I imagine Stargate. Have you ever seen that movie? When they go through the gate where everything behind them is just silenced and they’re going through space.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: That’s what I always think about. I always imagine it taking an amount of time, you know, going through space and time. So yeah, all I wanted to say was that she’s still adamant about the squeezing and popping and silencing. And obviously they escaped.

Andrew: It just keeps it very fast paced.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Because otherwise if they were all Apparating at the same time, it would be like, “Okay, you’re going next!” And then, “I’ll go next!” Blah, blah, blah. “We’re wasting time!” Blah, blah, blah. You know, it’s slow but with this, just Hermione grabs them and then, “Poof!” They switch, they move.

Hermione’s Purpose

Jamie: Again this gives way to our theory a few weeks ago that without Hermione, they would be dead.

Micah: Be screwed.

Eric: It’s true.

Laura: Mhm.

Jamie: They can’t think fast enough. Especially Harry, he can never think fast enough for it

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Do you think this is the whole purpose of Hermione? Like, she’s been helpful in every book, but especially in Book 7. You know, she basically guides them through everything, which we’ve said multiple times.

Matt: She is definitely the biggest help.

Eric: Oh, she is.

Andrew: She really is.

Eric: With the Horcrux reading and everything. Like, I mean I’m kind of upset about it but I was wondering when I was reading this chapter too – the way she all packs their stuff for them just in case, and has all the spells.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: she’s the one who has learned and studied up on Healing Charms.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: She’s the one who’s done all this preparation.

Jamie: It’s another one of Jo’s lessons that “no man is an island” and everyone has to work together and has their own qualities and that kind of thing.

Andrew: Yeha. Do you think this was Jo’s original purpose of Hermione? When she was first writing her do you think…

Eric: To save their butts all the time?

Andrew: Well no – do you think she planned that Hermione was going to play such an integral role with every single little thing in the final book?

Eric: Well she’s one of the trio.

Andrew: It doesn’t matter that she’s one of the trio, it’s just that she helps with every single little thing, even coming down to the packing.

Eric: Is the alternative that Hermione is a good scapegoat like anytime you need something done, hit on Hermione to have done it already?

Matt: I think it just shows how Hermione is so hell bent on getting on this whole trip.

Eric: That’s true.

Matt: Because in the back of her mind she is always ready.

Eric: She’s so intelligent.

Matt: Like, it is such a big transition from the previous chapter when you read, you were just so anxious for it to get started, but it was just slow-moving. And in tis chapter they are pretty much thrown into it. I think Hermione was pretty much expecting that to happen – like they were going to get thrown into the search; like it wasn’t going to go off on some nice start.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: It was so relieving to see Hermione…

Laura: I think also…

Eric: …in action as opposed to Ron and Harry. To see her come up with this huge, this great spell that gets them saved. And to have done all this preparation is really relieving. Reading Hermione in this book is really good. I really enjoyed reading what she had to do.

Laura: I think also a lot of the point behind Hermione’s character is to make a statement about strong females. I mean, I don’t want to say much about agendas here, but I just think based on a lot of the female characters in the books, they are very strong whether they’re good or bad.

Jamie: Yeah, they are.

Laura: And I think Jo believes that sometimes it’s not just men who do these things. You know, sometimes women have to save your butt too.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Kind of like…

Laura: Because we’re awesome like that.

Micah: You with this show right?

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, without you Laura, honestly.

Laura: Awww.

Micah: And I’m being serious too.

Eric: No, I am too.

Laura: Oh okay. I thought you were being sarcastic at first. I was like, “Oh gosh. They’re going to make fun of me now.”

Andrew: She’s the voice of reason on MuggleCast.

Micah: I’ve never been sarcastic, ever.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: Well it definitely shows that Hermione takes care of all the stuff that Harry and Ron don’t really think about. Like, they’re thinking about the grand aspect. She wants Harry to keep his mind focused on killing Voldemort and she wants to take care of the other things that are important but are not exactly in the frame of mind, so to speak.

Eric: In the frame of mind of the hero who has to deal with all the – you know, all the Voldemort things going through his head and stuff.

Matt: Right. She wants to keep him on that track.

Eric: And I agree. I really like what you said Laura, about Hermione being – you know, the strong female role too. I think that’s – you’re right. Because that’s just – it really, it comes through when, you know, in light of Hermione being with Ron and Harry, she’s competing with two guys much like you’re competing with us on MuggleCast. But then she handles it so well and it’s really a good thing to show that in the books.

Laura: Yeah. Well, it’s like, you think about – and I don’t want to get too far ahead here but, when they’re in Malfoy Manor.

Eric: Too far. Too far.

Laura: Am I not allowed to say this one little thing?

Eric: Do it.

Laura: Or is it going to throw it off? Can I?

Micah: Yeah you are. Eric, stop doing that because she’s a woman. That’s not right.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: She’s stronger than you. She could kick your ass.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: She can. She can. I know.

Laura: Anyway, what I was saying was that when they’re in Malfoy Manor, the second that Hermione gets taken away and they start torturing her, Ron completely loses his mind.

Jamie: He does. He just…

Laura: He can’t do anything. He’s completely useless.

Jamie: His mind warps.

Laura: And I think on – I kind of relate that to – you know, literature like Frankenstein. When you think about – a lot of the statement with that was that a world without, you know, women and a world without mother figures is not a very good world to live in. And…

Jamie: And also – yeah.

Laura: I think Jo – you know, giving a representation of strong female characters is a lot of the reason that Hermione is there.

Matt: Mhm.

Jamie: Also, if you read a bit of like, The Da Vinci Code, and some of the stuff in there – although a lot of it is based on you know, questionable history, there is a lot about the Pagan worship of women and stuff like that.

Laura: Mhm.

Jamie: And how – this is completely not linked, but I just thought of that so I thought I’d say it.

Eric: [laughs] No, I agree Jamie.

Laura: It’s true.

Jamie: You know?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I see – this might be bad but, do you think that in the beginning when Jo was planning all these books, Jo – because this is how I see Hermione now: I see her as the Genie from Aladdin.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Like, whenever you have a problem, Hermione’s…

Matt: You see her as Robin Williams?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Well, yes.

Laura: I was thinking of the Christina Aguilera song. [laughs]

Jamie: It’s like, “Hermione, are you coming to find the Horcruxes with me?” [singing] “You ain’t never had a friend, never had a friend…”

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Well, exactly.

Jamie: [singing] “Never.”

Andrew: Because Hermione – it’s just that Hermione is always there for him, for Ron and Harry and I just think that like…

Jamie: It is true.

Andrew: …she’s just there to grant wishes. She’s just there to grant wishes.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: There’s no other purpose for Hermione. Like, she’s just there…

Laura: No, I don’t think so.

Andrew: Instead of writing out ways for Harry and Ron to save the day they just always go to Hermione. It’s like, a fault. I don’t…

Laura: Yeah but it’s not like…

Andrew: Do you see what I’m saying here?

Laura: Hermione is very intelligent and I give you that. But it’s not like she just thinks up these solutions off the top of her head. She does a lot of hard work to achieve the knowledge that she has.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true.

Jamie: No, but…

Matt: She’s extremely clever too.

Laura: Mhm.

Matt: Just like all the adults and all the other students like to say. They keep repeating it to Hermione how clever she is and she is. She’s the most clever…

Eric: What did Harry and Ron do to deserve someone as brilliant as Hermione by their side? That’s pretty cool.

Andrew: Yeah that’s true.

Matt: They saved her from a…

Micah: …troll.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah.

Jamie: It’s extremely interesting to see the difference in how Andrew – sorry, in how Hermione and Harry work. How one is very hard working and really, really thinks about the process whereas the other acts more on instinct.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Jamie: Both have advantages and disadvantages obviously.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: But it’s just interesting to see how they do things differently.

Eric: You know what it reminded me off? It would be interesting to see how the next two movies take it.

Jamie: Yeah, it will.

Eric: Because of their casting of Emma Watson as the more girly type. I mean, obviously, Hermione is very feminine, but Emma Watson even more so with all the pink and, “Is that what my hair looks like from behind?” etc. It’ll be really interesting to see Emma take it because, especially in book seven, there is such a place for Hermione to be very intelligent I don’t think – It could seem out of place if they don’t do enough of that. You know? I want to say that in the first movie when Hermione said, “Books and cleverness,” and she blushed there at the giant chess set was like the last time they really, really, really utilized her character, I think. You know? Emma Watson. I mean, I’m not going to say it’s the last time but you don’t see it that often, do you, as much as you do in the books?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: No, definitely not.

Matt: No. Emma Watson is definitely going to learn how to cry in this movie.

Jamie: She needs too.

Matt: Because Hermione does it all the time. Especially for Ron. [Imitates in high voice] “Ron! Where is Ron? Harry, we’re not going without Ron!”

Jamie: Awww.

Eric: Well, she better stick the birds on Ron in the next movie, in six. That’d be awesome.

Tottenham Court Road

Andrew: Well, hey, let’s move along to the next point. We wanted to talk about Tottenham Court Road which is where they go to in this chapter. What is the significance exactly? Matt asked me earlier – we were reading the book – and Matt asked me, “Well what’s on the Tottenham Court Road? I’m going to Google it.” And I was like “Woohoo! Hold up there! You got Google right here, in your friend’s head!”

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Well, what’s on the Tottenham Court Road is We Will Rock You.

Laura: Oh my god… [laughs]

Andrew: The musical. I mean, right, Jamie? I mean, that’s how we associate it.

Jamie: Yeah. If I could ask here one question, I’d ask why, when they start off that, they didn’t drop in to see if they had any cheap front-row tickets for the show.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Yeah. Where is the T.K.T.S. booth on T.K.T.S., you know? I mean, on Tottenham Court Road.

Jamie: They – I just don’t know why they didn’t. It was a complete – you know?

Andrew: I agree.

Jamie: It’d be safe in there as well.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Because it would be dark; the ushers would’ve made sure they’re couldn’t be hurt.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: And during the break, they could’ve bought ice cream and stuff.

Andrew: Ah, it’s so good.

Matt: Why couldn’t they hide in the subway? Apparently there’s a subway on that street.

Andrew: There is a subway station there.

Jamie: There is.

Andrew: There is the – what’s the hotel’s name? I can’t believe I’m forgetting it.

Jamie: Oh, come on, Andrew! No, I’m not going to tell you that. Come on!

Andrew: Uhhh. Saint… Saint Paul… Saint…

Jamie: Come on, Andrew! This is ridiculous!

Andrew: I can’t… [laughs] Saint…

Jamie: We’ve stayed in that hotel like 25 times and Andrew’s like, [imitating Andrew] “What’s it called again?”

Andrew: I just remember it’s crap. [laughs]

Jamie: It’s not that bad.

Andrew: I really can’t remember. Saint…

Jamie: It begins with a “G.”

Andrew: Oh, Giles. [pronounces it “Guy-els”]

Jamie: Giles. [pronounces it correctly]

Eric: St. Giles? [pronounced it correctly]

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Uh, Giles, Giles, Giles. “Gills.” Saint Giles. Yeah, okay. So, there is that hotel. There are also a lot of tech shops. That’s how Jamie first described it to me.

Jamie: And do you remember how I got ripped off on two cables?

Andrew: Yeah. You paid, like, how much for two?

Jamie: Well, no, because – I paid 10 pounds per cable.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: 20 pounds for like, a one dollar cable. But, no…

Andrew: Yeah, you could’ve gotten that for so cheap in America and probably anywhere else. [laughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: No, no, no. He just screwed me over for that one time. He just – I didn’t ask him the price so he just thought he’d make it for twenty. I bet it’s like, the law if you don’t ask. You hand him over a twenty and he can charge whatever he likes.

Andrew: Right. [laughs] I agree.

Jamie: Like, if he’d told me that, I wouldn’t have paid that. He was an idiot. I hated him.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Geez. With all seriousness though, Tottenham Road is right next to The Leaky Cauldron?

Andrew: It’s very close to it, yeah.

Matt: It’s, it’s – what’s the name of the street? Jamie you would know.

Andrew: Cherry Cross Road?

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s it.

Matt: Thats it.

Jamie: Oh, Cherry Cross. Yeah.

Matt: Well, Ron says that in the book which is cool. It’s kind of intelligent. I don’t know how I knew that.

Jamie; Yeah.

Why Not The Leaky Cauldron?

Andrew: So, Matt and I were talking about this earlier and wondering why they would end up on Tottenham Court Road. I suggested that maybe because it’s so close to The Leaky Cauldron. They could at least consider going to The Leaky Cauldron, but they’re not close enough to decide to actually go there.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Well no, the problem with The Leaky Cauldron is that they need to be in a Muggle – they need to be where they don’t think that people will be looking for them.

Andrew: Well, that’s…

Eric: The Leaky Cauldron’s filled with wizards who are going to recognize them and betray them if they go there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, it doesn’t really make sense…

Andrew: That’s true too.

Eric: …that they get so close to the Leaky Cauldron when they’re supposed to be – in the middle of Muggle nowhere is sort of what they were aiming for.

Andrew: Mhm. I guess – yeah, you’re right about that.

Matt: I was looking at a map of it too, and there’s a subway that goes through that street to – apparently – not Diagon Alley. Well anyway, I thought that Hermione – that that would be like, Hermione’s next stop, to think to go to what’s it called? Tottenham Court Road, because that’s where she went with her parents to go to Diagon Alley. Because in the first book, Harry and Hagrid went on the Underground subway the same way because Harry can’t Apparate or do any of that stuff – when he was getting all his things.

Tottenham Court Road Filming?

Andrew: So I’m wondering if they’re actually going to go to Tottenham Court Road for movie filming, because that would be fantastic.

Jamie: They would, but it’s such a busy…

Andrew: And there happened to be a gigantic – I don’t know if, Jamie, you remember this – I think I might have taken a picture of it – there was a gigantic Order of the Phoenix poster on…

Jamie: That would be so funny…

Andrew: …Tottenham Court Road.

Jamie: If that was in the film…

Andrew: IT was right down the street.

Jamie: That would be so funny.

Andrew: I would just love if Freddie Mercury was in the background. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah! Oh!

Andrew: I mean, the other problem is that that’s a very high-trafficked road, right?

Jamie: I don’t know if they could do it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: I seriously don’t know if they could do it. I think they’d have to find a similar road in London and sort of half…

Eric: Well, Jamie…

Jamie: Re-create it, because…

Eric: They closed Tower Bridge for the filming of The Mummy Returns.

Jamie: Yeah, but it’s rare that they do stuff like that. Like that I Am Legend and…

Eric: Well, it’s also during a night scene too, so they could pretty much film it anywhere.

Jamie: Yeah, they could.

Andrew: Yeah, and get away with it.

Jamie: Exactly.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: They really could.

Andrew: But it would be nice if they tried to go there, because that is a very recognizable area, right Jamie?

Jamie: Oh yeah. Well it depends – like, that tall building Centre Point is pretty recognizable, and We Will Rock You

Andrew: Oh yeah, right.

Jamie: …is as well.

Matt: Hmmm.

Jamie: I guess the main points of it are, but I don’t know. I’d like to see it there but I think the expense would put them off when they could just film it anywhere.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Well not anywhere, but you know?

Laura: I mean, are they really going to come out in the film and be like, “This is Tottenham Court Road?”

Eric: And show the sign…

Andrew: Well…

Eric: Just to emphasize.

Andrew: Well – but they do talk about it because they’re like – well, I don’t know. It’s just cool because…

Jamie: Guys, the way you say that is so funny. Tottenham.

Andrew: Tottenham.

Laura: Tottenham?

Eric: What is it? Tote-in-hom?

Jamie: Say it – say it – say it – Tot-in-um.

Eric: [pronounced like Jamie] Tottenham.

[Everyone begins saying it correctly]

Jamie: Tottenham.

Laura: Tottenham?

Eric: Oh! Tottenham.

Laura: Tottenham?

Eric: Tottenham.

Laura: I guess that makes sense.

Eric: T – O – T – N – U -M.

Jamie: Tottenham. Well it should be…

Andrew: There’s also a Subway there – delicious. Subway food restaurant!

Jamie: That was a nice Subway!

Laura: That’s better than how people would say it in Georgia. They would be like, [in Southern accent] “Tote-in-haaaaaaym.”

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: That’s how people would say it here!

Eric: I think that’s this week’s title of the show, isn’t it?

[Laura laughs]

The Taboo on Voldemort’s Name

Andrew: Maybe. Let’s move on…

Micah: I just want to say…

Andrew: …to our next point now.

Micah: Sorry.

Andrew: What?

Micah: But they can cut this all together – I mean they could just send them straight to Grimmauld Place.

Jamie: Yeah, I see that.

Eric: No, but the diner is so important!

Matt: But the whole…

Eric: Like, that’s what’s so weird about reading this, because you just got out of this really intense scene, and suddenly you’re in a Muggle diner. You’re in a place that we would easily wander into – this is like, so extraordinary in the books, not just for us.

Micah: It’s insignificant though.

Eric: Well, insignificant…

Matt: It is kind of significant though, Micah, because it’s kind of the introduction to the taboo word of “Voldemort.”

Eric: Yes. Yes, well eventually.

Micah: In a way, but…

Eric: It’s also them defending for themselves for the first time, sort of alone – they’re in this – you know, they fend the Death Eaters and they Memory Charm everyone. You know, they clean up after themselves. It’s really intelligent, at Hermione’s suggestion of course.

Matt: They could cut it though, Micah, you’re right. Pretty much…

Andrew: Yeah. True.

Matt: …this story’s so massive, anything could be cut.

Eric: But…

Jamie: And it’s not that important. It’s cool, but it’s not important, really.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s cool to us.

Micah: Well, Matt brought up the most important part.

Eric: Okay yeah, the taboo – that Voldemort being a taboo word.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Because suddenly they’ve followed them there into the diner.

The Diner and Memory Charms

Matt: We’ve already said what really happened at the diner anyway. They already went in a diner and that’s it.

Micah: Okay, one thing I want to bring up from the diner, because I don’t really get it. When Hermione’s talking with Ron and Harry after they’ve knocked out both of these Death Eaters, they start talking about Memory Charms and Ron says he’s never done one and Hermione says she has never done one either. But that’s a lie; she put it on both her parents.

Laura: Oh, yeah!

Eric: Oh! And not even the simplest Memory Charm.

Matt: No, she never wiped out their mind permanently.

Jamie: She just changed it.

Matt: Obliviate is a permanent Memory Charm that erases it without any recovery.

Eric: Though it can be broken through stress and fear.

Laura: Oh that’s right.

Matt: Obliviate I don’t think can be re-done.

Jamie: Voldemort can do it though, because I…

Eric: Bertha Jorkins.

Jamie: No, well they didn’t say that they used Obliviate, but they said it was a very strong one so it must’ve been Obliviate or higher probably.

Matt: Well, there’s more than one Memory Charm, it’s obvious.

Jamie: No, no, yeah there is, but I don’t think it’s a case of just breaking through it, like there is a spell to break through it that you have to be powerful enough to do. I think it’s like, it reminds me of sort of like, being very cunning and you know, clever, and weeding answers out of people, taking down their defenses one by one, and breaking through it very – by like, a back door, very, very quietly, like a cat steeling through the grass, you know? It’s very – you don’t break it through brute force, you break it through intelligence.

Matt: And that’s also a lie too what Micah said about Ron not knowing Obliviate, because didn’t Lockhart say it in Book 2?

Andrew: Mmmm.

Eric: Well yeah, he performed one.

Laura: Yeah, he meant he hadn’t performed it.

Eric: Because Lockhart performed a Memory Charm with Ron’s wand.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: So, if you want to get really technical, Ron’s wand, or his old one has performed a Memory Charm.

Matt: But he doesn’t have that wand.

Laura: No, he doesn’t.

Eric: Ron doesn’t. I don’t think so. Did he? Yeah, it snapped and he got the new one in Book 3.

Micah: I guess so, but she performed some form of Memory Charm, so…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, that’s probably one of those screw-ups that we have on our website, like an actual mistake.

Matt: But she’s also in shock, too, from what just happened.

Andrew: That’s true too, yeah. I do want to mention that I was going through the voicemails earlier today and a caller – I can’t remember her name – but a caller did actually bring that up, so, good job caller.

MuggleCast 127 Transcript (continued)

Back to Grimmauld Place

Eric: Anyway, they somehow make it to Grimmauld Place.

Andrew: Yes, they make it to Grimmauld Place and the first thing that they notice is that the – what is it? The what toe?

Matt: The umbrella stand I think, isn’t it?

Andrew: Yeah, but it’s like a…

Eric: Troll foot. Troll.

Andrew: …dragon toe?

Matt: Oh, I don’t remember.

Andrew: Troll toe. Oh yeah, that’s it. Troll foot, toe, whatever, it’s knocked over so they figure someone’s been there. Turns out, it was Tonks and Remus being in there and Matt, you brought up the point that this was actually the reason why Arthur Weasley sent the Patronus in the first place saying they were safe.

Matt: Yeah, because Remus was the one – oh, well we’re going – we’re jumping ahead. But…

Andrew: Yeah, we are, I know.

Matt: But anyway, Remus and Tonks had to have been there because, hence, the stand being walked over just like in book five and the whole fact that Mr. Weasley sent his Patronus depicting about the family and everything. There’s only so many guesses, though, of people from the Order who know about the incident, and know about Grimmauld Place. So. it has to be Remus.

Andrew: Yeah, it does make sense. And then one other thing in here – I think this is a little out of order.

Eric: Nine and ten should be switched.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. That’s what I thought.

Eric: Or we should just explain what happens.

Andrew: This – I know Jamie was absolutely loving this.

Jamie: Oh, I love this bit, this was so cool.

Andrew: Yeah, go ahead, Jamie.

Jamie: Well no, I just love how she didn’t explain it – how could a dust figure…

Old Dusty

Andrew: Well, let’s just tell people, we’re talking about “Old Dusty,” the dust version of Dumbledore.

Jamie: Yeah. And the tongue-tying thing – the way how she didn’t say what it did against Snape, but how if Moody had done the anti-Snape thing, it would have to be a very powerful curse. So it’s very interesting how a very un-hurtful thing, it seems, could keep Snape away. And it’s very interesting at this point on how the tongue-tying thing works. So, how can it tell it’s not Snape? I mean, I guess the whole point was that if Snape came in, his tongue would not unroll and so he could not say, “I didn’t kill you.” So, the dust figure would get him.

Laura: Oh yeah.

Eric: But – don’t they say, “We didn’t kill you!” before the tongue-tying thing even gets them?

Jamie: No, it’s afterwards.

Eric: Oh, okay. Because it seems like you could almost say it to get rid of the trap before the tongue-tying thing hurts or – it was confusing for me.

Jamie: I don’t think it will rise…

Micah: Huh? Yeah, I’m confused about something.

Jamie: What?

Micah: Didn’t Snape break into Grimmauld Place?

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Don’t we find that out later in the book?

Eric: Yeah, he did.

Laura: He did.

Eric: And he was able to say, “I didn’t kill you.”

Micah: So, I don’t understand…

Matt: What would happen if Dusty got to you?

Eric: And what is Dusty? Is Dusty a solid object or not? Because it said he came up from the carpet…

Andrew: No, it’s made of dust. It said…

Jamie: No, we don’t know, we don’t know.

Eric. Wait…

Andrew: It said it was made of dust, because in the book it said, “a pile of dust…”

Jamie: “Dust-colored,” wasn’t it?

Eric: Just because it goes back to dust doesn’t mean it wasn’t – what is it? And it came from the carpet so it has to be not solid, right? Unless there was a trap door or something and it popped up, you know? Like, this thing came floating through the floor boards. I thought it was like a ghost-thing. Or like a Patronus, sort of an ethereal…

Matt: Well also, these traps, these obstacles aren’t exactly that dangerous. It’s a tongue-tying and a pile of dust coming at you. Do you think that these were also like – do you think they put these here just in case the trio actually went there so that it wouldn’t kill them?

Jamie: No. I think they are deadly, though. It’s just extremely well coded, if you will, so it can tell exactly who is there. Like, if Snape came in, I doubt he could say, “I didn’t kill you!” For some reason. And then the figure would get him. It’s like…

Laura: But how would he get through?

Jamie: Huh? Sorry?

Laura: How would he get through then?

Jamie: Through what?

Laura: Well, he broke into the house.

Jamie: Oh! Oh! I guess that Moody didn’t think he was as good at magic as he was and he was able to do the counter-curse against it or figure out what type of magic it was so he could avoid punishment.

Micah: Or he could have broken in before Moody put it there.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Matt: That’s kind of a weird…

Jamie: It is freaky. It is freaky, yeah.

Matt: A weird curse to do. But I mean, even the Death Eaters know that Mad -Eye Moody was killed, so wouldn’t they say something about, “Ha, ha, you were killed.” Or “I’m not the one who killed you!” So…

Eric: It said at the word “killed.” Yeah, at the word “killed” he disappears or breaks into the dust or whatever.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. And Jamie, you were right. It did say dust-colored. It wasn’t actually a thing. It says, “the dust did swirl around Harry and Ron.”

Jamie: Yeah, dust-colored.

Eric: What color is dust?

Andrew: Grey.

Eric: Or is it white?

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Or is it silver?

Andrew: Uhhh…

Matt: It’s a dark room, so…

Andrew: I think the answer is “Who the hell gives a bleep?”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: That’s from Conan.

[Eric laughs] And then this last one, Matt.

Matt: Huh? Oh, uh, what’s the…

Andrew: It’s the Latin.

Matt: Oh yeah, okay. Now, a “homenum,” is that how you spell it?

Jamie: Homenum.

Eric: Homenum, homenum, homenum.

Matt” Or “humenum?” Homenum. Homenum. Humenah, humenah, humenah! Homenum Revelio. So, I kind of wanted to know what it was because that is the curse Hermione used to detect any humans in the building. So, I looked it up on my widget for my MacBook, on my translator, and I used it for Latin and I couldn’t find anything for “homenum.” But for “revelio,” it means “to violate.”

Eric: It actually means “I violate.”

Matt: So…

Eric: It actually means “I violate.” Because it ends in “o.”

Matt: Oh. Well actually, Eric, I’m going to fight you on this. It says, “tu velli: to violate” on mine.

Eric: Well that’s Mac. That shows Mac’s ability to translate. You know, “ego revelio!”

Jamie: Doesn’t “homenum” mean human?

Micah: “Homenum” means human. Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Like homo.

Jamie: Homo.

Eric: Homo sapien.

Matt: So, you’re going to violate a human.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Okay.

Jamie: Damn!

Eric: So you can’t…

Andrew: This doesn’t make much sense, does it?

Matt: [laughs] Got to remember that one. [laughs]

Eric: I don’t need a spell.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Thought it just meant like, “Human, reveal yourself,” kind of thing.

Laura: I’ll homenum revealio you.

Jamie: That’s what I thought it was.

Matt: Because I thought it was – yeah. Because it sounds like…

Eric: It sounds like you’re doing something a lot dirtier than you are.

Matt: What was the word…

Eric: Well, you’re violating the secrecy. You know, their…

Matt: Homenum?

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: That’s it, that’s it, Eric, yeah.

Andrew: I agree with what Eric said.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And I think…

Eric: There are – you know, you’re making it invisible. You’re showing them. You’re revealing. It’s exactly like saying…

Andrew: Right. And it’s private property. So you would be violating someone’s human property.

Jamie: Property – yeah.

Eric: The ability for them to say concealed.

Andrew: Something like that.

Laura: Especially if they were in the bathroom.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: I suggest we chose our words carefully now.

Matt: Yeah. I’m like really nervous right now.

Andrew: We’ve already said enough.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: What about Kreacher?

Andrew: I already said “spanked.” Can’t get much worse than that.

Micah: But what about Kreacher? Kreacher’s not human in a way?

Eric: Well, we haven’t seen Kreacher in this…

Matt: He’s not human though.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: No, he’s not human.

Andrew: And maybe that’s why she used “homenum.”

Eric: Maybe.

Jamie: Yeah, that’s probably it.

Micah: I have…

Andrew: All right, well I think that…

Micah: …two more things. Sorry.

Andrew: Okay, could we get through them really quick?

Hermione says “Voldemort”

Micah: Yeah – I’ll go through them real quick. Hermione mentioned in Grimmauld Place – she actually says the name Voldemort. So I was wondering if she said it back in the cafe. And if she says it in Grimmauld Place, why did nothing happen in Grimmauld Place?

Matt: You think Snape might have put another charm on it?

Eric: Well, no.

Jamie: It’s possible.

Matt: I kind of figured that…

Eric: Don’t they? Because I noticed this too, Micah. And when Hermione says it, the man doesn’t appear in the square, but doesn’t Harry say it and then that man appears in the square? And then two men appear in square? And they’re sort of gazing up in the direction of the house? Do you guys remember that? And they’re inside the house looking out?

Matt: No, because Ron found out that the word was taboo, so it must have been said before by someone else.

Eric: No, but I mean, aren’t they in Grimmauld Place looking out in the little square?

Micah: Well, I think that’s later on. I mean, I’m referring to in this chapter, she actually said…

Eric: Yeah, she says it.

Micah: …”Voldemort.”

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: But they don’t notice anything when they look outside.

Eric: Right.

Micah: So, that was a little bit weird. Unless Matt was saying that there was a protection.

Eric: Yeah, I thought that too.

Matt: Mhm. But there’s no way for them to get in because they can’t find them.

Eric: Right.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: Yeah. Exactly.

Draco’s Position

Micah: And the only other thing I had was at the end of the chapter, when Harry sees Rowle being tortured. And it’s kind of the second time we see Draco in a position where he really is afraid of what’s going on.

Eric: “Petrified” was the word.

Jamie: And what’s he’s going to do.

Matt: “Gaunt” was the phrase, too.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s what Jo wrote, yeah.

Micah: So, that’s all I have.

Eric: Yeah, scary to see Draco still being tortured by Voldemort. Voldemort knows he’s not…

Andrew: And still unprepared for his unfortunate reality that he doesn’t want to be a part of. Well, he does, but he’s scared.

Eric: Yeah. Well, it’s the family he’s born into, Draco.

Micah: I wonder if he actually tortured him at all.

Eric: Well, if not, Voldemort would have, so…

Andrew: Hmmm. Yeah. And Voldemort would have killed Draco if he didn’t.

Micah: I think Draco – I mean – I think Voldemort has too much fun with that though. I think he likes…

Eric: Torturing little boys?

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah.

Micah: No, no. No, I mean I think he likes the idea of Draco just being a fragile-minded individual.

[Matt and Laura laugh]

Matt: To violate the boys.

Micah: And that he can sort of, you know, manipulate him.

Andrew: Yeah. Well all right, I think that wraps up that chapter this week.

Quote Quiz

Andrew: It’s time for Quote Quiz…quiz…quiz…quiz…!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: This is from the next chapter.

Jamie: Do that again, do that again.

Andrew: Quote quiz…quiz…quiz…quiz…!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Can you do it again, Andrew?

Jamie: Andrew, do it again! Andrew, do it again! But put so much into it, it’s ridiculous.

Andrew: Oh, geez. Hold on, let me sit up. Ahem.

Eric: Thank you, Jamie.

Jamie: Just think it’s the best one ever. Just do the biggest one ever. Like your life depends on it.

Andrew: Oh god, there’s a lot of pressure. Quote…quiz…quiz…quiz…quiz…quiz…. [trails off]

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Quote Quiz! Okay. So, all this hype for nothing. It’s just one sentence. It goes:

“This belonged to Regulus and I’m sure he’d want you to have it as a token of gratitude for what you-”

Cut off.

Jamie: Did. Did!

Andrew: Did. Well it was cut off. Jamie, it’s time for Make the…Make the…Connection..Connection.

Jamie: Wait! I don’t get the Quote Quiz!

Andrew: That was it.

Jamie: Aren’t we supposed to talk about it?

Laura: No.

Matt: No, it’s a reader thing.

Laura: It’s for the listeners at home.

Andrew: It’s for the listeners at home.

Matt: It’s a fun little game for the readers to play! You know?

Eric: You don’t really win anything, Jamie. I don’t even think you get recognition. I don’t even think there’s an actual…

Andrew: No, you don’t get anything.

Jamie: What are you supposed to do with it?

[Matt laughs]

Jamie: Realize where it’s from?

Eric: That’s what I like about it. It’s just a fun way to get Andrew to say, “Quote Quiz.”

Jamie: Hey, Andrew, what are you supposed to do with it?

Micah: You’re just supposed to – it’s Harry talking to Kreacher.

Andrew: Hey!

Jamie: Oh I see! Okay, I get it. I see.

Andrew: It’s like a crossword puzzle. You do it but you don’t get anything for it. You just do it for fun.

Eric: Actually, some crossword puzzles you can win like 30 bucks for the weekly grab.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay, all right.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: The New York Times crossword puzzle. Anyway.

Make The Connection

Jamie: Okay, Make The Connection. Matt, since it’s your first Make The Connection, do you want to go first or do you want to see how it’s done first?

Matt: I have no friggin’ idea of this game.

Jamie: Okay, Laura?

Laura: Okay.

Jamie: Your Make The Connection is between Harry Potter and building a printing press inside a panic room.

Laura: What the ****.

[Everybody laughs]

Laura: Harry Potter and building a printing press inside of a panic room?

Jamie: Come on, Laura. It’s right before your eyes.

Laura: I don’t know! What’s a panic room have to do with Harry Potter?

Micah: I love how you always say that.

Jamie: What?

Micah: “It’s right in front of your eyes.” It’s right there, Laura. Just grasp it.

Laura: I don’t know. I guess the only thing I can think of is like – I guess the Ministry – I think about how the entrance to the Ministry of Magic is just this small little phone booth but then it really leads to this huge place.

Jamie: Yes.

Laura: So I guess it’s like building a printing press inside of a tiny little panic room. I don’t know.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Shut up, Andrew!

Jamie: That’s good, that’s good.

Andrew: I like it.

Jamie: That’s good, I like it.

Matt: That is a piss poor example of how I can understand this game.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Jamie: Here’s one for you, Andrew. A nice simple one to show Matt how it works: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

Andrew: Oh! Oh! Well see, this isn’t fair! Because I haven’t seen it.

Jamie: Come on!

Matt: Oh yeah, you haven’t seen a single Lord of the Rings movie.

Jamie: I thought you haven’t seen any of them.

Andrew: Okay, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings?

Jamie: Okay, okay. Okay. Harry Potter and U2.

Andrew: No, I got it. I got it. I got it.

Jamie: Go on.

Andrew: Let’s see, Dumbledore and Gandalf of course.

Jamie: Yes. See, old wizard men. See, Matt, the proper way of posing that would be an old – sorry Andrew, that was rude – but an old mentor figure who guides the protagonist. So, a link. A literary link.

Matt: So you’re trying to find the relevance between the two?

Andrew: Yes.

Jamie: Yes. Like the shared connection between anything.

Matt: You’re kind of trying to make a connection between the two, right?

Eric: For Make The Connection, yes.

Jamie: Hence the name. Hence the name.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: There are several lists online of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings connections.

Matt: We have one.

Andrew: And MuggleNet even has one. I’m not looking at it now but obviously the biggest one that comes to mind is Dumbeldore and Gandalf. And we’ve talked about that on the show even a couple times.

Jamie: We have. Okay, Matt.

Matt: Wait, let me…

Jamie: I’ve got one for you. I’ve got one for you.

Matt: Give me your best shot. Hit me!

Jamie: Harry Potter and the Oregon Trail.

Eric: [laughs] Dammit! I wanted that one!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Oh that’s easy!

Matt: What the hell? Harry Potter and the Oregon Trail? They’re – this sucks. I give up.

Jamie: No, come on, Matt. You can do it, Matt. I have faith in you, Matt.

Matt: Okay, well. A lot of people died on the way on the Oregon Trail.

[Everybody laughs]

Jamie: Yes that’s good! That’s acceptable. Perfectly, perfectly legitimate. Well done. It was not bad for your first one at all. At all!

Matt: Okay. [laughs]

Andrew: I have an example for that one, too.

Jamie: Okay, go on, go on. Just to help Matt. Just to help.

Eric: All right.

Andrew: They camp! They do a lot of camping. And in Book 7, they camp too.

Jamie: Oooh, oooh. Oooh, I like that one a lot.

Andrew: Yeah, I like it.

Jamie: I like that one a lot.

Andrew: Okay, that was – yeah. Matt, next week, I’m going to come down on you a lot harder so start practicing. [laughs]

Eric: Get ready for it.

Jamie: You won’t get any easy ones like that. You’re going to get some abstract, big ideas.

Matt: That was not easy! I want the Lord of the Rings one! That one was easy!

Jamie: No. No.

Laura: Matt, Matt.

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: At a live show in front of…how many people? Like a thousand people.

Jamie: Yeah, like a thousand.

Laura: Jamie told me to make a connection between Harry Potter and setting a pillow on fire using only friction.

Eric: I was there! I was there, that was funny.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: The look on your face. Oh my god.

Matt: That was easy.

Eric: Yeah it was.

Matt: It’s Aberforth Dumbledore and a sheep.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Laura: Oh my god.

Eric: Is that before or after the sheep’s wool is made into a pillow?

Jamie: Oh, god, that’s awful.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: I would be so for that one. Although not on a live show, but…

Jamie: Not on a live show, but yeah.

Eric: That’s a good one.

Andrew: With all the pressure, you can’t really – they don’t come to you as fast.

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: Oh, please, dirty stuff comes to me like – like [snaps fingers]. Like that.

[Jamie laughs]

PO Box Update

Andrew: Okay, let’s move on to a PO Box update now. Laura, you’ve been checking the P.O. Box since you’re back at home for the holidays.

Laura: I have been. Hang on, just a second. I have to pull it up.

Jamie: Can we start calling it The Pickle Box?

Laura: No!

[Eric, Jamie and Matt laugh]

Andrew: That’s what the “P” in the PO stands for.

[Micah laughs]

Laura: Pickle Office?

Andrew: Pickle Object Box.

Jamie: A Pickle Object Box.

[Jamie and Eric laugh]

Matt: I love that.

Laura: Yeah, speaking of pickles, ladies and gentlemen, I have to say that you have all sent sufficient amounts of pickle merchandise. Actual pickles, too. We’ve gotten pickle cards. We got a yodeling pickle from Diane.

Jamie: [laughs] That’s awesome.

Laura: A yodeling pickle. Should I play it? Or will it annoy you guys?

Eric: [laughs] Play it, play it, play it!

Laura: Okay, listen to this.

[Yodeling Pickle plays]

Laura: And the best part is – well, actually, it’s not the best part, but my mom enjoys chasing me around the house with this thing now. So, I hear this thing about 50 billion times a day because she thinks it’s hilarious. So, thank you, Diane for entertaining my mother. We also got – and this was like, a huge thing to thank her for. Rhonda D. sent each of the MuggleCasters a $25 iTunes gift card.

Eric: Whoa!

Jamie: That’s very nice.

Laura: So, yeah.

Matt: What?

Laura: All seven of the original – yeah, Matt, you don’t get one, I’m sorry. [laughs]

Matt: No, it’s okay. I wasn’t even listening, but I just heard the reaction.

Laura: But all seven of the original hosts got a $25 iTunes gift card. So, that was extremely generous of her.

Jamie: That’s very generous.

Laura: We thank you very kindly. Pamela, who sent Andrew and I – do you remember, Andrew, she sent us the Places You Will Go

Andrew: Yeah, you know, I was thinking about that the other day. That was…

Laura: …when we graduated.

Andrew: …a very nice gift.

Eric: Oh The Places You Will Go. I think I’ve got one of those.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, maybe.

Jamie: [sings] “Oh the places you will go. Because, I’ve got the feeling. You’ve got the cure.”

Laura: Pamela sent a box with a few items in it. She sent a pickle ornament for Andrew.

Andrew: Oh, awesome.

Laura: Andrew, you get the most pickle stuff on the planet. I blame you for this.

Andrew: Well, what can I say? I love pickles.

Laura: And she also sent gifts for Jamie and Eric. They’re wrapped, so I don’t know what they are.

Jamie: Oh, that’s very kind.

Laura: And she also sent a card for Andrew, which is really nice, and then we also got cards from the following: Emma, Jenny R., Stacey H. and her puppy, Robin.

Jamie: Awwww.

Laura: Jennifer W. [laughs] What?

Eric: Her hubby.

Jamie: Awww, puppy.

Andrew: Puppies.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: That’s so cute.

Laura: Oh, I thought you were making an exasperated noise.

Eric: Oh, her hubby or puppy?

Jamie: No.

Laura: No, her puppy. Her puppy.

Matt: Oh.

Laura: Her puppy, who is named Mollywobbles.

Matt: Better luck next time, Laura.

Laura: Yeah.

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: And, let’s see. Emily P. and Julia C., Sara D., Lisa W., who is from Cumming, Georgia. So…

Jamie: Wow.

Laura: That’s pretty awesome. Also from Tracey, Janet W., Courtney R., Robin J., Melissa T., Dave, Laura, Clinton, Andy, John, Kathy, Max, and Sammy…

Eric: Wait, Laura Clinton?

Laura: Amanda O., Cleo M., and Betsy M. Also, and I’m going to butcher these names awfully – from Belgium, Stefan, Alex, and Leavy sent my mom a Christmas card.

Andrew: Awww.

Laura: So she really, really appreciated that. Actually, a lot of people have been sending my mom cards and stuff.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: And she thinks that’s really nice. Also, just the other day, we got a card from Stephen, Marsha, Lena, and Truffle, which was really nice. It says, “Peace begins with a smile” on the front of it, wishing us a happy 2008.

Matt: Awww.

Eric: Right back at you.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Thank you, everyone, for mailing that in.

Laura: Oh, also, Andrew, Amy sent you some plastic pickles.

Andrew: Oh, thank you. I love pickles.

Matt: There’s like pickles in that mailbox, isn’t there? Like, it’s filled with pickles.

Eric: Pickles for a pickle.

Laura; Yeah, people have actually sent real pickles. Edible pickles.

Andrew: Why don’t we make our new catch phrase, like, “Gold.”

Laura: Yeah!

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Dang!

Eric: Gold…

Laura: Gold Pack.

Andrew: Money. No, thank you. Seriously, thank you everyone.

Jamie: What about We Will Rock You tickets, Andrew?

Andrew: What?

Jamie: Call it the “We Will Rock You tickets.”

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Chicken Soup For The MuggleCast Soul

Andrew: But yeah, thank you everyone for mailing those in. I was – again, I was looking through the voicemail box. We’ll have voicemails next week, but I was looking through it and lots of people called in to say “Happy New Year’s,” “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” and all that, so thank you, everyone, for all the holiday greetings. Back at you, In the words of Ellen Degeneres. It’s time to read a Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul. This comes from Max Dagelen, 14, of Lewiston, Idaho. He writes:

“First off, I would like to say I love the show and thank you. In the past few weeks I’ve had to endure many hardships. I’ve had the flu that kept me in bed for a week straight. I’ve had my dad go through a back surgery, my nine year old brother have emergency hip surgery, and my dog I’ve had as long as I can remember put to sleep, and my great grandmother pass away. I try not to show it, but I have trouble making it through the day without getting depressed. My main comfort is that when I go to sleep I can laugh the night away at your discussions and jokes. So thank you for helping me make it through these difficult times. Once again, thanks and I love the show.”

Jamie: You are welcome, Max.

Andrew: That is very nice, thanks.

Laura: You are very welcome.

Andrew: Eric, you wanted to make this e-mail?

Fastest Show Close

Eric: Yeah, we got this really cool e-mail. It is from Spencer Showalter, age 12, from Alameda, California. And he says:

“Hey, I was re-listening as I do constantly to one of your shows and you mentioned that you race yourself every time you do the closing contact information. I was really bored so went through the twenty episodes I had on my iPod and I timed your contact information times. Here are the results. Your average time is one minute, ten seconds. Your best time is twenty-four seconds, thirty-six milliseconds in the show number 125: Holiday Joy. In your slowest time, the closing content details was two minutes eight seconds ninety-seven milliseconds in show number 122: Special Positioning. I will tell you if you beat your record, thanks for reading this! Love the show, Spencer.”

Andrew: That is a lot of pressure. Already, everyone is making fun of me for the way I say it.

Jamie: This is a lot of pressure.

Laura: Let’s try to do it. Let’s try to beat it. Come on.

Eric: So wait, what is our record? What are we trying to beat?

Andrew: I don’t know where exactly he starts timing. Maybe when I actually…

Eric: It is a she, I think, because she goes to Julie Morgan’s School for Girls. So…

Andrew: Okay.

Jamie: And Andrew, do you think that she counts the “If…” at the beginning? Or, if she…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: We’ll see if she included those. I would think it would be like, three minutes longer.

Jamie: Yeah, that is true. Yeah, at least three minutes.

Eric: That time was twenty-four seconds. Look, I can time milliseconds, too, so can you do this in twenty-four seconds?

Andrew: No, but let’s try this. [laughs] All right, well – ugh, I already screwed up!

Eric: On your marks…

Show Close

Andrew: Well, it is time to remind everyone about our contact information: Laura what is the PO Box?

Laura: PO. Box 3151

Cumming, Georgia


Andrew: We are going to be bringing voicemails back next week. You can call in a MuggleCast voicemail. To do that in the United States call, 1-218-20-MAGIC and in the United Kingdom, you dial 020-8144-0677 and if you are in Australia, you can dial 02-8003-5668 and you can SKYPE the username “MuggleCast.” Just remember to keep the message under a minute and eliminate as much background noise as possible. You can also visit for a handy feedback form. To contact any of us at our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com with the exception of Matt, it is matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com. You can also visit us at one of our community outlets…

Jamie: Oh, Andrew,this is very poor. This is very poor.

Andrew: [rambles through] MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Frappr, Last.FM, the Fanlisting/Forums.

Digg the show at Vote for us once a month at Podcast Alley and rate and review us at Yahoo! Podcasts.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: This is very hard.

Jamie: I know it is, I know it is. I am sorry. I am sorry.

Andrew: All right. [laughs] I think I did everything.

Eric: You forgot “Accessories sold separately, batteries not included.”

Andrew: Ah, I always forget that.

Eric: Yeah, it was under a minute. I do not know how we got twenty-four seconds. We need to listen to 125. Did you guys just get into PO Boxes? Ah, screw it. Happy Christmas, everyone.

Andrew: Nah, it depends on what he is actually timing. He might not be timing the community outlets and stuff.

Eric: She, she, she.

Jamie: Oh, that’s true, yeah.

Eric: So, that may be a new record.

Andrew: She, sorry. So I think that does it for this week’s show. Once again, I am Andrew Sims.

Eric: I am Eric Scull.

Micah: Laura?

Eric: It’s nice to another podcast.

Laura: Jamie’s next.

Jamie: Oh, sorry.

Matt: Jamie, Laura, everybody.

Jamie: I am Laura Thompson. Oh, sorry.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: I thought Jamie went before me. Fine, I am Laura Thompson.

Jamie: No, no. I am Jamie Lawrence.

Micah: I am Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: [chuckles] And I am Matt Britton!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: We will see everyone next week…

Eric: He’s the funniest thing…

Andrew: ..for Episode 128. Bye!

Eric: Bye.

Laura: Bye.

Micah: Bye.

Jamie: Buh-bye.

Matt: Bye.

Blooper 1

Matt: And I am Matt [pause] Britton.

Jamie: Matt, just butt in somewhere. Stop being so nice.

Matt: I lost count! I knew there were six of us.

Jamie: Matt, stop being so nice.

Andrew: Say it one more time. So it flows a little better.

Matt: [overly exaggerating] AND I’M MATT BRITTON!

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: That is so over the top.

Laura: That was awful.

Andrew: That is going to sound really awkward.

Eric: “And I’m Matt Britton. Yeah!”

Blooper 2

Eric: “Hey guys, love the show. In an Episode 125…” [laughs] Sorry – number 4, “Hey guys, love the show.”

Andrew: Wait…

Jamie: Wait! Jesus!

Andrew: Let someone else read it.

Eric: You’re talking about spanking Micah. I was just trying to save you guys from, you know, admitting something on the show that you really don’t want people to know yet.

Jamie: Well…

Andrew: Let someone else read it.

Jamie: This is not live, Eric. And Andrew’s going to edit it.

Andrew: We share because we care. [laughs] Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: It could be edited. [laughs] We share because we care. How about someone else reads it. I like to vary it up – mix it up.

Matt: There is no one on it, though. There is no name, no age, no nothing.

Laura: Yeah, there is…

Micah: It is at the bottom.

Andrew: James Brown.

Laura: Oh!

Jamie: Didn’t he die?

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Ladies and Gentleman, James Brown, has come back from the dead.


Transcript #126

MuggleCast 126 Transcript

Show Intro

Andrew: Hey, Mason, I really need a good gift for my generic loved one. Any ideas?

Mason: Oh yeah, Andrew, I have the gift they need. If you sign up for GoDaddy’s economy blogcast package you’ll receive 1 gig of disk space, 100 gigs bandwidth, recording tools, and much more!

Andrew: Whoa! With all those features, I guess that kind of package will run me at least $20 a month and be plastered with ads.

Mason: You’re wrong, Andrew. The blogcast economy package is just $4.49 a month for 12 months.

Andrew: That’s a deal. And the perfect way to get your own website blog, or podcast started.

Mason: Oh yeah. That is a deal. Plus, enter code MUGGLE when you check out. Save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because it’s the final episode of the year that was Harry Potter, this is MuggleCast Episode 126 for December 31st, 2007.

[Show music continues to play]

Andrew: Well, boys. We did it. We made it through 2007 all in one piece.

Eric: So far. So far, yeah.

Andrew: Ah, well. No, I mean…

Jamie: When is this being recorded?

Andrew: It’s the end of the year. It’s December 30st, or 31st. We are at the end of the year.

Jamie: You can’t judge those small amounts of time, Andrew. You know, anything can happen in a day, in half a day, in a minute, in an hour.

Andrew: That’s true.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: I think you’ve made that speech before.

Eric: Wait, wait, wait, Jamie. I’m just going to – wait. I’m glad that you’re back. I’m so glad that you are back that I’m going to contradict you.

Jamie: Well, thank you, Eric. That’s very nice.

Eric: Rome. Rome was not built in a day.

Jamie: Rome was not built in a day, but that just goes to show how awesome Rome is, where as stuff can be built in a day. You can still build a lot, but you can’t build…

Eric: You were saying, though, anything can happen in a day and I agree with you and I agree with you telling Andrew that except if we wanted to build Rome, we couldn’t do that in the day we have left in 2007, but anyway good to have you back.

Micah: Yeah, Jamie.

Jamie: Thank you.

Micah: I’m just happy you’re back. I’m not going to pick a fight with you.

Jamie: Thank you, Micah.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Jamie: You’d be sorry if you did. I can promise you, Micah.

Micah: See? I know better. That’s the thing, dude.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s the point of the day.

Jamie: Eric, you need to wise up. You got to wise up.

Eric: Come on, man. I love you. It’s great you’re back. I’m so happy.

Andrew: It’s a good show to be back on because we are going to take a look back at the big events of this past year. It’s been one of the best years in awhile, I would say.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: I would say the best year ever.

Matt: Since last year, at least.

Andrew: Ever. What, Matt?

Matt: It’s the best year since last year, at least.

Andrew: Well, yeah. That’s true, but I would go so far as to say ever. And also we are going to place a WB – we’re going to place a WB. No, we’re going to place a call to WB to get results about my DVD because I am very angry!

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: We have a full show today.

Jamie: You mean we are actually calling them?

Andrew: You bet, Jamie. I get results, man. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

[Show music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast News Center with the final news stories for 2007. Hey, Micah.

Micah: All right, thanks Andrew. 2007 was by far the biggest year for Harry Potter fans that we have seen. It was filled with book releases, movie releases, theme park announcements, an open book tour, and much more.

Check out for the fourth annual Year in Review, highlighting the biggest and most interesting stories of 2007.

Cleaning up on the year-end awards, USA Today recently named J.K. Rowling’s final novel in the Harry Potter series Book of the Year. A huge factor was due in part to the record-breaking numbers in sales made by Deathly Hallows. 11.5 million copies were sold within the first ten days of the July release. But the decision came down to something much deeper:

“Hallows is the book of the year because Rowling gave her story an ending that was as graceful, unpredictable and satisfying as the series itself. She reaffirmed that magic can exist when someone opens a great book and enters a world created from words on paper. She made us believe that the imagination, like her own little wizard, now all grown up still lives.”

And finally, the documentary J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life that aired yesterday on ITV in the England is now available on the station’s website. The description reads:

“With unprecedented access, cameras follow author J.K. Rowling in the year that she completes her publishing phenomenon, the Harry Potter series. The programme captures her return to the sources of her inspiration, and she reveals what she is planning on writing next.”

That is all the news for this December 31st, 2007 edition of MuggleCast. Happy New Year. See you all in 2008. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right, thank you Micah.

Micah: You’re welcome.

News Discussion: Casting Thoughts

Andrew: We’re not going to discuss any news this week because we are recording this a little earlier than normal. But Micah and Eric, I guess you guys wanted to get your input in on a couple news stories from last week. First of all, those casting announcements. I mean, basically on last week’s show we said that it wasn’t really that big of a deal because we don’t know any of these actors.

Eric: Yeah, but we do know – by the casting, you’re talking the casting of Cormac McLaggen…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Blaise Zabini…

Andrew: Yes, yes, yes.

Eric: Romilda Vane, Katie Bell, Leanne, and Marcus Belby. I’m just glad they’re in the movie in some shape or form.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: You know? But yeah, that’s about it.

Micah: Yeah, I mean I was just curious is this the final release as far as characters are concerned, or are we going to be hearing more in the future?

Andrew: No, I don’t think so. I would wager that there’s more to come still.

Micah: Okay.

Matt: They haven’t even casted Scrimgeour, have they?

Micah: No.

Eric: Oooh, yeah.

Andrew: Oh yeah, that’s true. Yeah.

Eric: Well, they may have, but we don’t know about it. But, it sounds like they’ve got the Slug Club. So…

Andrew: Wait a second, wait a second. Wait, are we sure about that? No, they have cast them, haven’t they?

Matt: They have?

Eric: Wait, no I think you’re right.

Jamie: Who, Scrimgeour?

Andrew: Yeah, I think Dark Horizons made that announcement, didn’t they?

[Eric laughs]

Jamie: Oh, that’s cool.

Eric: Hang on, – I’m going on.

Andrew: Oh, wait. Oh, wait. No, I’m getting that confused with Slughorn.

Jamie: Oh yes, he’s a very good actor, Jim Broadbent.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Oh, is he? Have you seen him?

Jamie: Yeah, he’s in an episode – In fact, Phase Two, we used to talk about it. I just rented an episode of Only Fools and Horses, which is a British sitcom from quite a while ago, that stars Jim Broadbent as a character in it. And it was very, very good. So, he’s Slughorn. Very, very good.

Andrew: Awesome.

Jamie: But it’s like – oh, what was I going to say? Completely forgotten what I was going to say. Go on.

Eric: Okay…

Jamie: Talk amongst yourselves for a second.

Eric: I’m not finding it on IMDB.

Jamie: Sorry, sorry.

Eric: I couldn’t find out who was Scrimgeour.

Andrew: All right. Well yeah, we cleared that up. My bad, Matt. [laughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: And what about the Gaunts?

Jamie: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I mean e haven’t heard anything about them at all.

Eric: You know, I’m very worried about that.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. It seems like something that could very well be cut, because…

Jamie: I don’t – no, that’s pretty central to the story, though. The Gaunts is an important sort of helping element that gets them into…

Eric: And it’s Voldemort’s family.

Jamie: …into the whole Voldemort’s family and back story, you know?

Eric: Yeah, that’s his aunt and uncle, you know?

Matt: They haven’t really cut anything that was central to the story, yet, in the movies anyway.

Andrew: Well, yeah.

Eric: No, you’re right. But it just worries me because we’re seeing all these clips from the school side of things, that it’s just – I mean, maybe they’re just not revealing anything about Voldemort.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: But, I just – like I can’t wait to see the – not just the orphanage scene. We do kind of have…

Jamie: That’s going to be fun, yeah.

Eric: …confirmation they’re doing the orphanage scene, which is going to be amazing.

Matt: Oh yeah, definitely.

Eric: But just about Dumbledore and Harry is what I’m more interested in. But the director had said he was really going to focus on the relationships as a big part of the movie. And I’m worried that that will downplay any Gaunt-ness.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: But yeah, that’s probably true. But, it’s just – I don’t know, perhaps it’s just a personal thing, I just really, really like that storyline. The whole Gaunt storyline and the ring.

Eric: Same.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Same.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: Well, I guess we’ll see. I mean, I guess they probably haven’t been cast yet because maybe filming for that scene won’t occur until, say, mid-spring or even later; maybe late-spring.

Eric: Maybe. That reminds me, when I thought of Merope Gaunt as a character, I thought Helena Bonham Carter should play her. But then they cast her as Bellatrix.

Jamie: Ah, but then they cast her as Bellatrix. Very interesting.

Eric: But I – wouldn’t she make a Merope Gaunt? Like a good…

Jamie: She would. You’re thinking along the lines, as well.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Along the same lines as them. You could – I see a sparkling career ahead of you, now.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Really?

Jamie: I have a philosophical question for you all, though. If a Harry Potter cast member is cast but nobody hears about it, has he really been cast? It’s like the tree thing. It’s like, if a tree falls in the forest…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …and no one’s there to hear it, does it cause a sound?

Andrew: Yes, absolutely.

Jamie: But has he, though? Because, if the public who bring in the money haven’t heard about it, what difference does it make? If it’s just being, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: I don’t believe that.

Andrew: I guess so.

Jamie: No, no. It’s a terrible question.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: It’s a terrible question. But…

Eric: If the paperwork has been filed, Jamie, and they know that they’ve been cast, Jo Rowling knows that…

Jamie: See, that’s an important thing, yes.

Eric: Yeah

Micah: Well, I thought casting was complete, though, wasn’t it? I mean they just maybe haven’t made the announcements yet.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Well, maybe they need, maybe they need – sorry, maybe they need – what was I saying? Forget it.

Andrew: Well they probably want to spread the casting out to create more press.

Micah: Right.

News Discussion: J.K. Rowling and TIME‘s Person of the Year

Andrew: But let’s keep moving on here. J.K. Rowling was named the second runner-up in TIME‘s “Person of the Year.” What was you guys’ reaction to this?

Eric: Hmm, what do you think, Micah?

Micah: I just don’t really get Vladimir Putin, I guess. I mean, I’m sorry, but…

Eric: Who? Who?

Micah: …this whole thing goes back to being TIME‘s “Person of the Year.” What did Vladimir Putin do this year that automatically qualifies him to receive this award? And I’m not saying that over the course of his career he hasn’t done things, opening up Russia, but this one was a little bit odd for me, especially when you look at the first runner-up in Al Gore, who probably has done a little bit more. But there’s a Harry Potter podcast. J.K. Rowling – her series came to an end, everything that she’s done, not just in literature, but in charity as well.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Seemed to me this would have been the perfect year to give it to her, and I just look back over some of the people who have been named TIME‘s “Person of the Year,” over the last couple years, and it’s kind of a joke.

Andrew: Well, you were it last year, so I wouldn’t be complaining.

Micah: That’s a joke, in and of itself. But I mean, 2001, Rudy Giuliani, to me was the only time in recent history that they actually got something right.

Andrew: Yeah, well, I mean, it’s very opinionated, and I think anyone who wasn’t a Harry Potter fan would look at that and say, “J.K. Rowling got that? I mean, she wrote a book, but is it that big a deal?”

Jamie: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: I mean even seven books is like…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Well, obviously her impact is so much more far-reaching than just “she wrote a book.”

Eric: Yeah, it’s true, and the thing with Russia – I mean, well, TIME is more political, I think. And Al Gore’s done obviously a lot with global warming. He’ll have his time to come. I just think number three is a good feat for Jo. I mean, if the Harry Potter series is not going to get recognized with number one, I’m glad it’s number three.

Andrew: I agree.

Micah: She’s annually up, though, I mean, right?

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: She’s been nominated for this many times before.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, it’s a victory. It’s a victory.

Andrews Handles DVD Issues

Andrew: Yeah. Let’s move on now. Last week I told everyone that I was having, well, two weeks ago, I was saying that I was having problems with my DVD, and of course a few people e-mailed in. And of course I’m very frustrated from this, and, you know, this is absolutely unacceptable. When I purchase a Harry Potter DVD, I expect nothing but pristine, crystal-clear quality. So…

Eric: Even though we’re used to with the crap features.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Well, besides that. Besides that. So we’re going to call the thing now, WB, and I’m going to get some results here. I’m linking out of this to conference.

Eric: But first of all, Andrew, have you determined whether or not you’re the only one in the entire world.

Andrew: It’s too late, I’m calling. Yeah, dude, didn’t you listen to me? I said that we’ve gotten e-mails from people saying that they were having the problem.

[Phone ringing]

WB: Thank you for calling Warner Home Video. How may I help you?

Andrew: Hi, I called earlier, and I got disconnected. I’m having a problem with my Order of the Phoenix DVD. The quality is messed up in some places.

WB: What is your name?

Andrew: Andrew Sims.

WB: S-I-M-S, or…

Andrew: Yes. S-I-M-S.

WB: “S” as in Sam?

Andrew: Yes.

WB: And your address?

[Beeped out]

Andrew: Medford, New Jersey.

[Beeped out]

WB: Okay, and a phone number for you?

Andrew: 609 [Beeped out]

WB: Okay, and what was the video you purchased?

Andrew: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was the two-disc Special Edition.

WB: Two-disc?

Andrew: Yes.

WB: And one of the discs does not work?

Andrew: Yeah, well, the quality on the first disc is pretty bad. It’s grainy in the first half-hour of it, and in the last half-hour it’s also very grainy.

WB: All right, well we’ll just forward this on to Warner.

Andrew: Okay.

WB: And they will take care of it. If they have any questions, they’ll call you.

Andrew: Okay. Great. Now, if they don’t have questions, are they just going to mail me a new copy, or…

WB: That’s correct, yes.

Andrew: Okay. All right, great. Thank you very much.

WB: You’re welcome, sir. Goodbye.

Andrew: Bye. Wonderful. A free copy! I mean, I could have just lied to them, and get a free copy.

Micah: What a pleasant woman to deal with.

Andrew: What?

Micah: What a pleasant woman to deal with.

Andrew: She was very nice.

Matt: She sounded like she smoked ten packs a day.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: You know who – no, honestly, Monsters, Inc., the boss, the boss in Monsters Inc.

Matt: [imitating the character’s voice] “Isn’t that nice.”

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Eric: [imitating the character’s voice] “Mike Wazowski, you still haven’t filed you paper work.”

Andrew: If you are having a similar problem with getting yours to work, or any problem with your DVD what you can do is you can call this number that I just called. The number is 1-866-488-4640 and it’s that easy. They’ll just forward you one. Please, please, please do not call them unless you really have a problem with your DVD, okay? Don’t call them and be like, “Hey, you were on MuggleCast, ha, ha, ha.: Don’t be stupid, please.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: We’re all adults here. That number is for people who are having a problem with the Order of the Phoenix DVD. So…

Eric: And please make it clear that it plays fine, it’s not a defective disk, it’s if anything, it’s the quality of the film. Andrew, your film plays, it’s just the first 30 minutes are grainy.

Andrew: Right. Well it’s the first 15 and the last thirty, but I said the first 30 to make it sound even worse. So…

Eric: Well, yeah not definition. Anyways she probably wrote it down. So….

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. So when they give you the replacement disk in like, ten weeks…

Andrew: I’m going to sell it on eBay.

Eric: No, don’t sell it on eBay.

Andrew: I’m just kidding. I’m going to use it.

Eric: Check it out; see if it has the same issue.

Andrew: Better not.

Eric: Geez.

Year in Review: Theme Park

Andrew: Well, let’s move on now. This is our New Year’s show so we’re going to do a Year in Review. We’re going to cover the top ten moments, happenings, things, of the past year.

Eric: Wooo!

Andrew: This says it’s in chronological order, but the theme park announcement didn’t come before Movie 5 and Book 7 announcement.

Eric: Well the Book 7 announcement was supposed to be when we found out that we were going to have the summer release, like the summer to remember.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Eric: So, I did that in a conjunction thing.

Andrew: All right, so one of the biggest announcements this summer was the idea of, well was the announcement of a Harry Potter theme park in Universal Studios. Now this had been rumored for a very long time, and rightly so I guess because the rumors came true, and I guess there was a lot of talk going around within Universal. Even Disney, because Warner Brothers were in negotiations with Disney, but that didn’t work out, either. So, what do you guys – I mean, a year ago I don’t think we ever would have imagined this theme park. It really did seem surreal, didn’t it?

Micah: Wooo.

Eric: It gives us something to look forward to, I think.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: It seemed completely doable, but it just seemed like no one wanted to do it.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: But give our updated information, that they’re doing Holidays at Hogwarts, what do you guys think about that, now?

Andrew: I think it’s – yeah.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah, I think it’s a nice way to sell the park. And compete with Disney.

Micah: Right.

Eric: Yeah. I can’t wait to ride the Quaffler. I think that’s going to be awesome.

Andrew: You think that exists?

Eric: I think that’s going to exist. It’s going to be their top ride, the Quaffler.

Jamie: The Quaffler?

Eric: Well, you name their top ride, Jamie.

Jamie: No, no, I wasn’t – I wasn’t saying anything.

Eric: I know, I know, I’m joking, I’m joking. I’m just trying to be – I’m trying to think of good ride names because, yeah.

Jamie: It’s going to be the Triwizard Wizzer. There you go.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: The Triwizard Wizzer?

Andrew: [laughs] Honestly, I think there’s going to be a ride on the Ford Angela. Angelia.

Jamie: [laughs] Angela?

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Jamie: How long has she been doing that job Andrew? She just begin?

Andrew: Yeah, whatever.

[Matt laughs]

Eric: The Ford Angela.

Andrew: The Ford Angelia. It’s going to be on the Ford Angelia.

Matt: Geez.

Andrew: Just because I think that’s – it would sort of be…

Jamie: They’re treated so badly there, they just are. They just work, work, work.

[Eric laughs]

Jamie: Poor Angela.

Andrew: All right, we get it!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I’m retarded.

Eric: Our hearts go out to Ford Angela. No, see, I had Rollercoaster Tycoon. You guys played that game, you had that obviously. Right?

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, and I tried to make a Hogwarts park once, so I have all these recycled ride names that I’ve been trying to sneak into the show ever since we first heard about the theme park.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: And the Quaffler was one of them. So…

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Micah: Very funny.

Andrew: That’s clever.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Anyway, but yeah, I would definitely say it was all in our wildest dreams, but now it looks like it’s coming true. And this is one of those things when people come up to you and ask, “Oh come on Harry Potter is dead, there’s nothing coming anymore.” You can be, like, “Well, we’ve got two movies, you’ve got a theme park.”

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Andrew: And then they go, “Wow theme park. Hmmm, geez, sorry, my bad.”

[Matt laughs]

Eric: Yeah it’s not like House, MD would have its own theme park. Honestly.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: The OC.

Andrew: Yeah. This is going to be the first book that has its own theme park.

Eric: Is it? No, it’s not. Surely not.

Andrew: Well, I’m just grabbing at straws.

Jamie: Right.

Eric: It’s going to be.

Matt: Well, pretty much every ride in Disneyland is based off a book, anyway.

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: No, it’s based off a movie.

[Eric laughs]

Matt: [laughs] Okay, Andrew.

Andrew: No, seriously.

Eric: And all these old Disney movies weren’t books first.

Jamie: You feel strongly about that.

Andrew: Well no, I mean, if you – there’s no Lord of the Rings theme park.

Jamie: No, but it’s different. The permanence of Harry Potter, they’ve seen it, it is different and they’ve seen it, and it’s kind of a different generation because we read it and then our children read it, and older people read it as well. I know it’s kind of the same with Lord of the Rings, but not to the same extent.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I agree.

Jamie: You know?

Andrew: I guess that’s true because Harry Potter is a movie anyways now, so – and heck, all the designs are coming from the movie itself.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean they have Stewart Craig working very closely with them, helping them design all the areas.

Eric: So, I think it’ll be good.

Matt: Well, yeah.

Eric: I just, what I don’t want for it to be is a couple of shops that are constantly there all year round.

Andrew: It better not be.

Eric: Do you know what I’m saying? Because like at Holidays at Hogwarts they can always have the pumpkins flying and, or do you think they’ll try and attempt hovering candles and stuff like that? Like for the Great Hall? Because that would be awesome.

Andrew: That would be cool. I don’t know, though. It better be good though. That’s all I know. I mean, the expectations are so, I think, are so high on this theme park now. There’s no way this thing can be small. There’s no way this can be lacking in any sort of way, shape, or form.

Micah: No. I think…

Andrew: You know us. We’re going to be very critical of it.

Micah: Part of it now…

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: …is that Warner Brothers, I think, what they weren’t able to cover in the movies they have to make up for in this theme park.

Eric: Why?

Jamie: Yeah, that’s so true.

Micah: Because the fan is going to be much more critical of the theme park than they are of the movie. I mean, we’re already very critical of the movies, but you’re looking at the theme park and they have the ability to include so much more in this. Every little detail.

Eric: Oh.

Matt: But is it even going to be that big?

Andrew: No, well that’s the other thing. It’s a theme park, but it’s a world in a theme park. It’s not, you know, it’s no Disney World.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: I think it should be bigger then. Even without seeing it, I think it should just be bigger.

Andrew: It should be bigger, but they want to get this done soon, too.

Eric: How many coasters are they going to have?

Andrew: Just one I think. There’s not going to be that many rides.

Matt: No.

Eric: So, that’s a bit depressing.

Matt: They can always expand later.

Eric: Yeah, they can. They can.

Matt: It’s not like the first time they do it it’s going to be set in stone. That’s what it’s going to look like.

Andrew: Right. Right.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Set in Sorcerer’s Stone for that matter.

Jamie: Yeah.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: What do you guys think is going to be the – no, speaking of what Micah was saying about the books and being able to use – they’re obviously they’re trying to cram things into two hour movies, and that’s why stuffs not in the movies. What do you guys think, this is just my own wondering – for the stuffed toys for the squirt gun games. What do you think they’ll be giving out?

Jamie: For the what? Sorry?

Eric: Surely not more Hedwigs.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: You know, the squirt gun games and the prizes you win.

Jamie: No, they are Hedwigs, but it also comes with like a defibrillator that you can stick on the chest.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: That would be good.

Jamie: Sometimes it’s work, sometimes it doesn’t. Some children’s lives ruined, some not. It just depends. Luck of the draw. Luck of the draw.

Matt: I’m really excited to see what kind of candy they make in Honeydukes; in that store.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Oh, oh, so good.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: They’ve already got a line of candy, The Bertie Botts.

Matt: Yeah, but I mean for a full store.

Eric: Oh yeah.

Matt: I seriously doubt it’s just going to be regular candy.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: Yeah, I’m a little concerned that it’s going to be commercialized a bit.

Jamie: It will, it will.

Andrew: But, I’m just thinking of walking through the gift shop, and it’s going to be all the Harry Potter toys we’ve seen a million times before.

Eric: It should be totally new, totally new.

Andrew: Well, it should be, but their reasoning might be, “Well, we’re creating a new theme park; we don’t have to come up with new toys.”

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: Well, who knows? By that time, all the movies will be out.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true.

Matt: Or, the last one will be waiting release.

Eric: Hmmm.

Andrew: Yeah. Could you imagine walking in there and all the books are for sale and all the complete book sets, complete DVD sets.

Eric: Well, that could take up enough of the – yeah, by the time they get through all the – yeah, I mean, that’s enough stuff right there, just the books for a shop. It’s a lot of space to fit it in.

Micah: Right. I think they’ll try and keep certain shops authentic, but like, Andrew, I still think they’re going to have shops where they’ll have stuff similar to what you just said.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Where you have books and stuff we’ve seen a million times already.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Do you think it’ll just be a big vender room?

Andrew: Basically.

Eric: Yeah, I’m worried about that too.

Andrew: I mean, that’ll be a great place for us to hand out MuggleNet stickers.

Eric: You know? I only have like seven left. I handed out all of the other ones I had, and I got like a hundred from Emerson. I was like, “Dude, I need another stack.”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: He gives me this huge wad, and I was like, “Wow!” So, I’m down to a few.

Jamie: Do you know how we should advertise the site? We should – if there’s every nuclear war, we should just put a load of stickers inside the bomb, and if they don’t get vaporized they’ll go everywhere on earth…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …and everyone will turn into a fan.

Andrew: That’s if they don’t get vaporized.

Eric: Jamie, Jamie, that’s a wonderful idea, a brilliant idea. Let’s build a bomb and we’ll make sure to put MuggleNet stickers in it.

Jamie: Should we do that?

Eric: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

Andrew: That’s a good thing to say on a podcast.

Jamie: Oh, is that bad?

Matt: Set a nuclear bomb on the world. Nah.

Jamie: [laughs] Well, you know. We’re a happy podcast.

Eric: So that our stickers go everywhere. And anyone who’s alive, anyone who isn’t vaporized will see our stickers that haven’t been vaporized and they’ll know to go to

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: That’s all I care about.

Jamie: It can be anywhere.

Micah: I mean, we bomb other countries for no reason all the time.

Jamie: A new version of I Am Legend, too.

Eric: I love that movie. Have you seen it Jamie?

Jamie: I haven’t seen it, no.

Eric: Oh, man. It is so good.

Jamie: Well, that’s cool.

Universal Contact

Andrew: You know, before I forget, I’ve been meaning to make this announcement or make this call on the show. If there is anyone in the Orlando that has a season pass or whatever to Universal, MuggleNet could really use a sort of reporter to go to Universal every few weeks and hit up a couple of rides in that area where they are building the Harry Potter theme park and take some pictures of the construction.

[Everyone chuckles]

Andrew: No, no, no! I’m dead serious.

Eric: But… Okay.

Andrew: Wait. Wait. Let me finish.

Eric: All right.

Andrew: has a correspondent who goes on this ferris wheel and takes pictures of the construction. Now, we could just as easily get a fan down in Orlando to do it.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Now, if you have that capability, e-mail andrew at staff at mugglenet dot com and we will work something out for you. That would be cool for us to become a nice little source for updates on the theme park.

Eric: If I was the theme park guy, I would cut the ferris wheel down just to stop people doing that. Oh, by the way. By volunteering, we are not – if somebody comes after you and your camera…

Andrew: Dude, nobody cares if you are taking pictures of the – that’s not illegal or anything. You are just taking pictures.

Eric: All right, sorry. Yeah, just a fan.

Andrew: “Oh, you’re taking pictures of the construction. Screw you.”

Eric: Well, some of that stuff is somevery serious stuff.

Andrew: I guess. I guess. Yeah, that’s true.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Anyway. We are on just number one of our top ten list.

Andrew: Yeah. We’ve got to keep moving here. [laughs]

Jamie: Are we really? [laughs]

Year in Review: Release Dates for Book 7 and Movie 5

Andrew: The next big announcement that came early on in 2007 was the Book 7 release date which was July 21st, 2007. This surprised most of us, because even before we got this release date we were speculating that, “Wait a second, wait a second, there is no way it could be released in 2007.” We spent shows going back and forth trying to figure this out.

Eric: Yeah, totally, totally. And then when we found out, we spent shows saying it was a bad idea.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: What do you guys think now? Did it really – did the success of the movie coming so close to the book, did it detract anything, would you have preferred otherwise afterwards, looking back?

Jamie: It is hard to say really…

Eric: You think?

Andrew: Well, in hind sight – sorry, Jamie.

Jamie: No, go on. Go on. I can’t remember what I was going to say, really.

Andrew: In hind sight, I don’t think it worked out bad at all. I mean it worked out great. It worked out great for the fansites, especially.

Eric: It was crazy.

Andrew: We had these tours, the podcasts, the Wizard Rock tours. There are tons of them, and then the Harry Potter convention, Prophecy, wrapped everything up. Overall, it wasn’t as bad as we thought. I think – I don’t know what we were so worried about. I think it was that it would be too busy and that it might affect sales, or the hype of the movie and book.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Sort of clashing them together, we thought could be a bad idea, but really it went by so fast. Nothing went wrong.

Eric: No.

Andrew: Not that we thought something would go wrong, but…

Eric: Right. It was just a really big chain of reactions, I think. I mean my first summer – that whole summer to remember for me started with the Book 7 event in London. So, with you guys – so I was a the end of it basically. I hadn’t been in living in the states sort of to experience the whole build up of the movie and everything being released.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: So, I imagine that was pretty cool.

Andrew: Yeah. At this point, I couldn’t imagine the book coming out in 2008.

Eric: Ummm…

Jamie: Yeah, I know. It would have been so different.

Eric: Yeah…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Well, do you think that it would have been less rushed? Did you feel that it was rushed?

Micah: No.

Andrew: No! Not at all!

Micah: No.

Eric: Then that is a dumb question to ask. Okay, cool.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: But I think it had to have been so that the book came out after the movie, not the other way around because I think…

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: …wcould have done more damage to the movie if it had come out before.

Andrew: Definitely.

Jamie: Definitely, definitely.

Eric: I definitely agree with that.

Andrew: And the thing was that we had heard a while ago, before the announcement was made, it was – Jo would have made the July 7th, 2007, however, that felt too close around the London bombings. Jamie, was that July 7th?

Eric: That was the date.

Jamie: That was July 7th, yeah.

Andrew: So, it would have been a bad idea, and in that case the book would have come out before the movie, so it would have been interesting to see what would have happened.

Jamie: It would have been interesting to see how different it would be. Would the hype have still gone from one to ten with ten being a lot.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Or would it have been a huge hype, and then down a bit for the movie?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: I think that the premieres would have been directly affected too, because those premieres were in late June and early July.

Eric: Hmmm, yeah.

Andrew: And that would have fallen right around the book release. That would have been extreme.

Eric: It would have been a big scheduling conflict really, effecting everybody, everywhere across the world.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Perhaps in a parallel universe there is a world where sor oft that happened and we have other MuggleCasters debating what if the movie came out first on the podcast.

Andrew: Perhaps.

Micah: Well, the movie did come out first.

Eric: Sorry, didn’t I say the book? No, I’m saying in that world they’re debating about what would’ve happened if the movie came out first because for them the book came out first.

Micah: Oh, okay.

Matt: Ohhh.

Eric: See, philosophy was my major, so forgive me.

Micah: I got you. I got you.

MuggleCast 126 Transcript (continued)

Year in Review: Waterstone’s Podcast

Andrew: And in relation to the Book 7 release, since we’re on the topic, we did our live podcast at Waterstone’s.

Jamie: We did.

Andrew: Jamie, Eric, and I were there along with Laura and Kevin, and that was by far our largest and most publicized podcast ever because it was…

Eric: I think it was highly successful.

Andrew: Oh, absolutely.

Jamie: I thought it fun, yeah.

Andrew: It was a very fun show.

Eric: Waterstone’s did so much for us.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: They really, really did.

Eric: And they were so – oh my gosh, it was amazing. And Jamie, I know you were very highly upset afterwards; we were all crying, I think.

Jamie: Oh, yes. It was very, very sad.

Eric: It was so emotional.

Jamie: It was, it was.

Andrew: Yes. Yeah.

Jamie: I was bawling, people were bawling, everyone was bawling.

Andrew: It was great.

Eric: Now Jamie, this is just an entry, you can cut this out, but question: did they – have they recorded that video that they were broadcasting?

Andrew: Oh, yeah, we never got a copy of that.

Jamie: Should I e-mail them?

Andrew: Yeah, could you e-mail them and ask?

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Please do because I personally, even if we don’t ever do anything with it, I would love it because that was cool.

Andrew: Yeah, that would definitely be very cool.

Eric: That’s so nostalgic for me and personal, and it’s like – yeah.

Andrew: Not to brag, for Jamie and I, but I think we pulled that off very well.

Jamie: Which one?

Andrew: Remember, Jamie, we met with them like three weeks before.

Jamie: Oh, that wasn’t bad, yeah. That went that pretty well.

Andrew: They bought us coffee or whatever and we sat down and were like…

Jamie: There was like an array of drinks there.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: It wasn’t even just coffee, it was like, “What do you want?” “I’ll have a coffee please.” And there was like a teapot that got brought out. I’ll have tea, that’s cool.

Andrew: I just wanted water.

Jamie: Huh? Yeah, yeah. And it was coffee and then water and the bill must have been over one grand, U.S.

Andrew: [laughs] Just for a meeting.

Jamie: Just for a meeting.

Eric: So, you were treated to this array of foods for your meeting with Waterstone’s, then.

Andrew: Yeah, and then at the actual podcast itself, we just got one little plastic cup of water. So, no free refills.

Eric: Yeah, but we got introduced by Rubeus Hagrid…

Andrew: That was cool.

Eric: So, I don’t think money can replace that.

Andrew: That was cool, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Year in Review: Pickle Pack

Andrew: Well, so that was great. And then let’s see, what do we want to jump to here?

Eric: We missed – one of the things was Pickle Pack. We came out with that about in April? Was it May when you came up with that, Andrew? When you said, “Hey, guys…”

Andrew: Well, when did we start? We started selling in April, I think; we opened up for registrations in April.

Eric: Yeah. He said, “Hey guys, we’re going to do a members only thing called Pickle because we’re really obsessed with pickles. And we’re going to do video blogs every week.”

Micah: I hate pickles.

Matt: They’re not bad.

Andrew: Me too.

Jamie: No you don’t. [laughs]

Eric: Honestly. Now, Pickle Pack will be going – now, just to clear this up, Andrew, I don’t know if you did this on the Christmas party, but people were wondering what is going to happen to Pickle Pack once Episode 140 hits?

Andrew: It’s closing.

Eric: Yeah? Okay, cool.

Andrew: No, actually, yeah, I think…

Eric: I think that’s actually two weeks away from the deadline anyway, so we could probably do two more video blogs.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we will.

Eric: Yeah, okay, cool.

Andrew: Yep.

Year in Review: MuggleNet’s Book Tour

Eric: And then what else, guys? Just quickly. The book tour that Ben and Emerson had for MuggleNet’s book. We can’t leave that out, obviously, because that was a big deal. They went to all sorts of – how many places did they stop at? Do you know?

Jamie: It was a lot, yeah.

Andrew: A kagillion.

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: Literally, at least a kagillion Barnes and Nobles.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: A few Borders, as well.

Year in Review: MuggleCast Road Tour

Andrew: And also coinciding with that was the MuggleCast road tour that we did over the summer.

Eric: It went from California to PA?

Jamie: That was fun.

Andrew: Yeah. And I have to say, that was probably one of the best experiences of my life.

Jamie: I agree. That was so, so cool.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Ah, because Jamie did it as well. That’s right. You were in the states, Jamie, more than you were in – at home this whole summer.

Andrew: Yeah, he was.

Jamie: That’s got to to be true.

Eric: Weren’t you? Yeah. Or at least in the summer.

Jamie: From that first day… And on the first day…

Micah: Are you a citizen yet?

Jamie: I remember from the first day to the last day – I’m trying, I’m trying.

Micah. You’ve been in enough states. They should at least give you something, you know?

Jamie: Well, one of them asked me last time, “Wow, you’ve been coming here a lot. You here for business?” And I was like, I don’t think I can pull off the “Yes, yes. The Harry Potter Corporation based in Toledo.”

[Matt and Eric laugh]

Eric: I told them I was going for business once.

Jamie: Really? Awesome.

Eric: I think it was from Reading to London.

Jamie: Oh, that’s cool.

Eric: I was like, “Yeah, this is a business trip for four days.” And they were like, “Uhhh, yeah.” So that was nice.

Andrew: Hmmm.

Eric: But see, I still didn’t grow a beard or anything, so they still think I’m like 15 when they look at me.

[Jamie laughs]

Eric: So I’m like, “Going on business? Yeah, you know?” I still get carded everywhere I go.

Jamie: Awww.

Eric: But now I am too young. Now I am too young to drink since I’m back in the States. So…

Jamie: Yeah, you are.

Year in Review: Equus

Andrew: I think the highlight of my summer was when – no, of 2007, was when Jamie, Sam and I went to Equus, and they got carded, but I didn’t.

Jamie: The thing is Andrew…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: The thing is with that is you know why that was. So…

Andrew: No, I think I look 21 – or 18.

Jamie: No, no, it’s not. It’s becase you…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …didn’t shave for a couple of days. It’s because you didn’t shave for a couple of days. And because after they asked me – wait. They asked me first, didn’t they?

Andrew: No.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah. They asked me first. So after they carded me, they obviously thought that since you were with me they wouldn’t need to card you.

Andrew: Uh huh. Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: You know it’s true.

Andrew: I just found out it bugs you Jamie, so that’s why I bring it up.

Jamie: It doesn’t bug me, I just don’t – I just don’t mind arguing about it, that’s all. It’s fine. It’s fine.

Andrew: Well, the funny thing was, I wasn’t 18 when we went to Equus.

Jamie: Naughty boy. Naughty boy.

Eric: Wait, did you need to be 18?

Andrew: To drink.

Matt: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: I shouldn’t have said that. [laughs] Okay, moving on. We’ll leave it at that.

Matt: Whoops!

Year in Review: Episode 101

Eric: Okay. So, once Book 7 came out, the next thing we’ve got is Jo’s open book tour that she did for the children and…

Andrew: Actually, wait. Wait, wait. Let’s talk about Episode 101 first, quick. So we can try to go in order.

Eric: Oh yeah, of course, of course. Right after Book 1…

Andrew: Book 1? Yeah, Book 1.

Eric: Right after Book 7 came out, remember, guys, we did that lovely live feed of us laying on the couches and the beds and…

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: [laughs] And did we hit 1,000 people watching us?

Andrew: Yeah. There were over 1,000 people watching us read on Ustream. It was amazing.

Jamie: Ironically, you remember, it went off to the left and went to eight.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: There were more fascinated by the Be Back Soon sign than anything else. But the thing about that show we recorded right after we read the book, it was in that little hotel room in – what was that? The Holiday Inn? No, that was – no I think it was the Holiday Inn.

Jamie: I think it was St. Giles.

Andrew: No.

Eric: It was Jamie’s – it was Jamie’s brain child, wasn’t it?

Andrew: No, it wasn’t the St. Giles.

Eric: No, no, I have it in my phone. I have the name of it. I’ll find it in a minute.

Andrew: It’s the Holiday Inn. It’s the Holiday Inn, I’m sue of it.

Jamie: Oh, he Mayfair.

Eric: Mayfair.

Jamie: Holiday Inn, Mayfair.

Andrew: The Mayfair, yeah, yeah. Right. We recorded it in a little room there. We were all jammed into that one room. I didn’t get two rooms for some reason, and…

Jamie: It was like…

Andrew: Yeah, well, we couldn’t…

Eric: I was shocked. I thought they were going to make us get two rooms, remember that? Like…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: We go to check in and I thought I screwed it up with the baggage people.

Jamie: So, we’ve admitted to underage drinking, cheating hotels, what’s going to be next?

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: In this little room, we recorded this episode which happened to be our biggest – the most downloaded show of all time for MuggleCast, and it’s got to be up there as one of the most downloaded podcasts of all time: 163,000 unique downloads to date on this one episode where we sit there for less than an hour and talk about our initial reactions to the book.

Eric: Wow! And Jamie brilliantly handled e-mails in that – wasn’t it you, Jamie, doing that? The e-mails?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Jamie was going through the e-mails.

Eric: Absolutely. You got every single one of those that came in, you read them.

Jamie: Which? Well, no, no. I didn’t get every one Eric. I got…

Andrew: It was like…

Jamie: …like half a percent.

Andrew: There was thirty coming in every second. Yeah.

Jamie: Butthere were lots, yeah.

Eric: Yeah, I just meant you hopped up and you handled them very well.

Jamie: Well, thank you, that’s very nice.

Andrew: Yeah. So, I’m really proud of that episode. I mean, just because we were so good for getting it – just sitting down and getting it done as soon as we finished the book, you know? We could have just suckered out and waited like a week to discuss our reactions, but we just did it, got it done, and because of how fast we got it up, that day, I think it was the 22nd – because of how fast we got it up, it just – there was just a surge of downloads for people looking for more information.

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Andrew: To hear our thoughts on the book, so..

Jamie: That’s pretty good.

Andrew: I’m pretty – I’m really proud of that episode.

Jamie: Yeah.

Year in Review: Wizard Rock Surges

Eric: Now, 2007 was a big year for Wizard Rock, wasn’t it?

Andrew: Yeah, it was, because I really think it did surge this year because of the book. Everyone sort of began discovering Wizard Rock and all it had to offer, and that it’s just Harry Potter music. It turns out, that’s what all the Harry Potter fans love to hear. Amazingly…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: So…

Eric: Some don’t. Some don’t.

Jamie: Some don’t.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Micah said that two weeks ago that he doesn’t listen to it, and I don’t really, either.

Andrew: Yeah, well, it’s okay, Micah. Yeah, there’s some good artists.

Micah: MTV recognized it so, hey.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, that happened this year. That did happen this year.

Micah: That’s big.

Andrew: It also got a lot of press from MTV back in May, too. So, you know, it’s definitely worth noting. They’ve grown. The wizard rock bands have grown a lot. There’s well over a hundred Wizard Rock bands now.

Eric: Geez.

Andrew: [laughs] It’s just insane.

Eric: And are they all nouns and plural nouns?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: They’re all Harry and the Potters…

Eric: Draco and the Malfoys.

Andrew: Moaning and the Myrtles, Andrew and the Sims.

Eric: Yeah. Andrew and the Sims?

Andrew: I’m just kidding. I hope that didn’t exist

Eric: Did you sign a release for that band?

Andrew: No, no. I would be embarrassed.

Jamie: Cease and dessist.

Andrew: Cease and dessist? Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Year in Review: Jo’s Open Book Tour

Andrew: So, besides that, another big event in 2007 was J.K. Rowling’s Open Book Tour in the United States and Canada. It was really just a chance for Jo to just meet her fans – meet her fans like she used to, in a very informal setting, in a very intimate setting where she could just read to them and then, just amazingly, she met…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Every single person in attendance at these magical events and signed a book for every single person. Just a fantastic thing for Jo to do.

Jamie: It is nice.

Eric: And, of course, this gained a lot of credibility for another one of the biggest events of 2007, amazingly, was the revelation of Dumbledore being gay. And our response to this episode – to this announcement was also one of the most – maybe, well, it was highly downloaded, but it was one of the listener favorites, just because we were so quick with it and it was a fun show; it was also a serious show.

Eric: Real mature, yeah.

Andrew: A lot of people could relate to the show.

Eric: Was that 117, Andrew?

Andrew: I don’t know.

Eric: Yeah, it was.

Andrew: I mean, in hindsight – you know, when I heard this news, I was on a natural high. I was like, “Wow. Dumbledore is gay. This is amazing news, something to stir up the fandom.” I never thought something would stir up the fandom as much as that did – after the book came out.

Eric: And you know what, the only thing I think that is more important than Dumbledore being gay that – that the American – like, everybody was saying it was everywhere on the news. We had listener accounts that it was on every radio station in taxis while people were dying halfway across the world.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: I think the only thing that could top that in recent years has been, just yesterday – Britney Spears’ sister is pregnant and she’s 16.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Because you guys realize that was on every channel, even ESPN had this little ticker at the bottom that said, you know, “Jamie Lyn Spears is pregnant.” So, I think that’s going to be the next big thing.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Yeah. Well. Jamie, I had wanted to ask you about this because a lot of the feedback we had gotten said that this was not even a issue in England and most parts of Europe, whereas it was such a huge deal here in the U.S.

Jamie: Well, I think it’s – I mean, for some people it is a big deal for different reasons, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: I mean, I can’t talk for everyone, but for some people, it’s because, you know, it’s a character they’ve grown up with and it’s just a big change. For other people, you know, there could be other reasons, but I think it’s the same as over there, it’s just not as well publicized. It hasn’t gotten around as well. I haven’t heard that many people say it and normally…

Matt: Uh huh.

Jamie: …I think, you know, people would be talking about it, you know, and they’re not. So I don’t think it’s as big as it is over there or as widely announced.

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: Even nearly.

Andrew: What are your thoughts on that, Jamie? I mean, we never really had you on that show after that announcement.

Jamie: I think it’s cool.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: I think it’s very, very cool. I thought she was going to reveal – well, I didn’t think she was going to, but I would’ve liked to have seen her. She did talk about revealing a gay character or something about – she talked about someone’s sexuality, I’m sure she did. Or there’s been a lot of talk for a while on who it could be. There was that whole – what’s it called? I guess it was going to happen at some point, but I wouldn’t have thought Dumbledore.

Matt: Yeah. No, no, no.

Eric: No, no. Somebody had approached her about Remus and Sirius, I think.

Jamie: Yeah, Remus and Sirius, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. And, Jamie, you wanted to do an episode on that, I remember, but we were…

Jamie: You what?

Andrew: Sort of, like – remember?

Eric: You wanted that as a discussion.

Andrew: Yeah, you wanted to do that as a discussion to analyze, figure out, maybe if they were both gay.

Jamie: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Eric: And just for the record I think it’s credible. I’ve said it before. I think it’s credible.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, but we were afraid of going there just because of, you know, the whole…

Eric: Yeah. And before 117 it might not have been, you know? I mean now we can talk.

Andrew: Now, yeah. Now we could definitely, yeah. Yeah, so that was definitely one of the big things.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: What else have wI missed here before we get to…

Eric: The last one.

Andrew: Is that the…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …only thing left? Yeah, I guess so.

Eric: Maybe.

Andrew: Yeah. Go ahead, Eric.

Year in Review: Tales of Beedle the Bard

Eric: And the last thing is the Tales of Beedle the Bard, which J.K. has hand written seven copies. I’m still not sure, did she actually hand write the stories..

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Seven times?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Because there’s seven copies of it? So, yeah. So she wrote the same story seven times for each of the copies. And, actually what I think is cool of it – my friend, Chaya Coppersmith just sent me a one of the auction booklets from Sotheby’s…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …of Beedle the Bard.

Jamie: That’s cool.

Eric: And it has this whole – yeah, it’s absolutely wonderful. I love Chaya for that. That’s so amazing. But she sent me this auction book and it has this detailed description and apparently, the seven copies of Beedle the Bard, if you guys didn’t know this, were actually – she gave them, J.K. Rowling gave the other six to her closest people who had to do with…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, dude. Where have you been? That was the whole point of these.

Eric: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So she gave the other six to her, sort of, Harry Potter forerunners.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Like, her publisher and stuff, and then the seventh book was the one that was auctioned off. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that ‘cause I didn’t.

Andrew: Yeah, that was…

Eric: But I got a cool auction book and it…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …has the whole thing.

Andrew: I got it a few weeks ago and I talked about it on the show but I guess you weren’t on that episode.

Eric: No, I missed that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It is cool. It’s a nice little collector’s item.

Eric: Yeah, so bought it for 4 million dollars – or 3.8 million dollars.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah. That’s a lot of money.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yep.

Eric: Geez. We shall see.

Andrew: Whole lot of money, and I mean we’ve discussed this on the past few episodes.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: But I think that will definitely set the – well, I don’t know. It’s going to have an impact somehow. I just don’t’ know how.

Eric: Well, it depends on what they’re going to do with it. They’re going to do something with it. They’re going to…

Andrew: Well, they’re going to take it on tour. They’re going to take it on tour.

Eric: Yeah. But still, it’ll be interesting in 2008 to see what they do with the tours as far as specific…

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Eric: And are they going to have it in a glass case or not?

Andrew: Oh yeah, they’re not going to let people touch that.

Eric: I mean, yeah. Yeah. But they’ve just finished all of their reviews on Amazon of all the stories, so that’s interesting.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Yeah.

What Lies Ahead in Harry Potter For 2008?

Andrew: So, the question now is, what’s in store for 2008? Ummm.

Eric: Ummm, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

[Matt laughs]

Eric: That’s the question that’s on everyone’s mind.

Andrew: Good question. We won’t discuss that.

Eric: What do you think, Andrew? What do you think, Matt? What do you think, Matt?

Andrew: We won’t discuss that. Moving on.

Matt: For our President?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: We’re not going to talk about that. We can’t talk politics on the show.

Matt: Ugh. Okay. Fine. Geez. I was just asked.

Eric: No, I asked the question. I can’t ask a question and get a legitimate answer?

Andrew: No, seriously?

Eric: I’m just saying, you were just saying what’s in store for 2008 and that’s what’s on my mind.

Andrew: Well, yeah, but…

Eric: You think people think otherwise?

Andrew: Yeah, of course.

Eric: Well, the sixth movie is coming out.

Andrew: Yes.

Matt: A couple conventions.

Andrew: Yeah, we’re going…

Eric: Yeah, Terminus and…

Andrew: Portus.

Eric: ….Portus.

Andrew: Which we’ll be at. HP2008 dot org. Sign up today!

Eric: Absolutely.

Andrew: And I think we’re going to be getting plenty of amusement park updates, because over the next year they’re really going to start. This is going to be the year of building everything, so…

[Jamie coughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: I think we’re going to be getting plenty of updates about that, but generally a lot quieter than last year, which I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. What do you guys think?

Micah: Well, you’re not going to match the hype of 2007. No year, from this point…

Matt: Yeah, there’s no way to would compare.

Jamie: It would be foolish to attempt to, really.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But, it’ll still be very exciting. It’s the next big thing, you know? It’s like what the Harry Potter fans are all, “Okay, what do we do next?” Well, we get excited about the movie. We get excited about the thing and this convention and yeah.

Andrew: All right.

Eric: Harry Potter‘s going to live strong through these events.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: I mean, you don’t even know what J.K. Rowling may announce next about a certain character or plot point or something.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Right, right.

Jamie: Exactly, exactly.

Andrew: Yeah. And I think we’ll learn more about the – maybe not more – about the encyclopedia, but more updates on her website.

Eric: Well, there was a news post on MuggleNet just today, wasn’t it, or no, just when she made TIME‘s “Person of the Year” she said the eighth Harry Potter book…

Andrew: Yeah, we talked about that last episode.

Eric: Yeah, okay.

Andrew: All right, so I think that’s a good look back at the past year that has been.

Eric: It was our main discussion.

Andrew: It’s been a gigantic year.

Eric: Yeah.

Favorite Moments of 2007

Andrew: One other thing I thought we could do – could do favorites, the Favorites segment we haven’t done in a while. I thought we could just go around the table and talk about or well not – we don’t have to go into too much detail, but just list our favorite memories of 2007. Who wants to go first? Our favorite memory of 2007.

Eric: I’ll go first. I think my famous – er, sorry – my favorite memory is the Book 7 event in Waterstones just because of how it went off without a hitch, how Waterstones had prepared so much for us, how it was smooth once we got there, and getting the book, being in the VIP party, and actually, most of all, seeing the fans that had been lining up, and I spent a bit of time down with them, as well as doing the podcast, which I think is one of my favorite live shows, if not my favorite live show. I think it was just everything from the light above me – almost falling on me – was absolutely wonderful. And that’s my favorite memory – absolutely, just that night.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Micah?

Micah: I mean, I would say, because I had other commitments – work related stuff – and wasn’t able to go to London and a couple of other places. Philadelphia for me, because it was the first opportunity I had to do a live show, and it’s really the only time, I think, over the course o the summer, that I got to spend with you and Ben and Emerson and Jamie. So…

Eric: This was Enlightening, Micah?

Micah: Enlightening. Yeah, Enlightening 2007, and I’ll say this – I haven’t had the chance, really, to be at a whole lot of other conventions, but I thought that overall they had a lot of stuff and they did a really good job for a family event.

Andrew: Definitely, yeah.

Micah: And the place we podcasted from was awesome. I don’t remember the name of the hall that we were in.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But it was Hogwarts-like, almost.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. Me neither. I would have to agree – before we get to Matt.

Matt: Hmmm?

Andrew: I think Enlightening – the podacst we did there was definitely, I think, the best live show we’ve ever done.

Eric: Really?

Andrew: Yeah, because I mean the one in London was great, but this one in Enlightening – it flowed so well. We nearly went for two hours. We didn’t want to stop. I remember whispering over to Ben, “When should we wrap this up?” And he was like, “Let’s keep going with questions, this is going really well.” And I was like, “Yeah, it is.” It sounds – if you listen on the recording, it was a very professional audio recording, it was in a hall so you can sort of hear our voices echoing, so you can even get the feel of where we were.

Eric: Of being there, yeah.

Andrew: Overall it was definitely a very nice experience.

Eric: Cool, cool.

Andrew: We had a great number of fans there and like Micah said, the venue was excellent, and we nearly went for two hours. We were sort of the pinnacle of the conference; I mean, that’s the way they made it out to be. We had a great time, but so did everyone there, the organizers really enjoyed having us there. So, yeah.

Eric: Sounds good, sorry I missed it. [laughs]

Andrew: That was definitely worth it. It was a shame too, Eric, since…

Eric: Since it was in Pennsylvania and I normally live in Pennsylvania, but that’s okay.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Sounds awesome.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Matt?

Andrew: All right. Yeah, Matt

Matt: Yeah?

Andrew: Favorite of 2007?

Matt: I would have to say – it would probably be Prophecy in Canada. That would probably be my favorite because looking back, nothing went wrong. Pretty much everything was pretty much fun and I think everybody enjoyed themselves a lot. And I had a lot of fun just meeting everybody – a lot for the first time. And it was just really fun. The entire…

Eric: You definitely.

Matt: Sorry?

Eric: Yeah, and you going to Portus as well?

Matt: I don’t know.

Eric: Oh, you should man. Same people, same people. HPEF will be there.

Andrew: Well, sort of. [laughs] Same people are running it.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. I think the one thing that didn’t go right at Prophecy was that fire alarm that went of at like midnight or something.

Eric: Ugh, fire alarm.

Matt: Yeah, but – I think everybody had a fun story to tell during it.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Andrew: Alex…

Matt: I didn’t have to go down 30 flights of stairs like some people did.

Eric: Who started the fire alarm?

Andrew: I don’t – nobody knows. But Alex Carpenter, I remember, started this dance. The fire alarm sounded like something you would hear in a techno song or something.

Eric: Oh geez.

Andrew: So, every time the alarm would start buzzing again Alex Carpenter would start dancing. [laughs] Like a techno dance, it was so funny.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: I’m sure there’s a video on YouTube or something. But that was a good memory.

Eric: Geez.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: So The Remus Lupins have other band members, doesn’t it?

Andrew: The Remus Lupins, yeah.

Matt: Yes!

Eric: Great, awesome.

Andrew: Absolutely fantastic live band.

Matt: And a great group of guys too.

Andrew: Absolutely, yeah. Jamie, what was your favorite moment of 2007?

[Strange noise]

Andrew: Whoa!

Micah: Maybe he’s enjoying it right now. [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: That was him? I thought that was someone on Matt’s mic.

Matt: It’s – yeah, it was my sister. Sorry! What?

Micah: Oh, well now…

Andrew: Jamie, you there?

Jamie: Okay, it’s a tough choice, it really is a tough choice. I can think of so many good things. I mean the book tour, I thought, was one of the best times ever. It was eight days? Eight or nine?

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: And it was so much fun. But then Prophecy was so much fun as well.

Andrew: Mhm.

Jamie: So, it’s such a tough one. But the entire summer was a whirlwind, it was so cool.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Meeting everyone and – I had a really good summer, if that could be the thing.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: Yeah, Jamie, you were away for a second when I said mine. I don’t know if you would agree with this ,but the Enlightening 2007 podcast we did was definitely one of the best live podcasts we’ve done.

Jamie: That one was a lot of fun.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: It really was a lot of fun, and it was a really responsive audience as well. Really nice people.

Andrew: Yeah, that was like, that was like…

Jamie: Some really good topics.

Andrew: Yeah, we podcasted for over an hour-and-a-half and we didn’t want to stop because it was going so well.

Jamie: Yeah, that was fun, a lot of fun.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Enlightening altogether was fun. The talk we did I enjoyed as well.

Andrew: Definitely, yep, yep.

Eric: About podcasting.

Jamie: It was like – yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, well let’s move along now.

Eric: Because we’ve got two entire chapters to do.

Andrew: We have two entire chapters to do.

Matt: Geez.

Chapter-by-Chapter: The Will of Albus Dumbledore

Andrew: Yeah. Let’s move through them quick. All right, so now it’s time for Chapter-by-Chapter, let’s start off this week with Chapter 7, The Will of Albus Dumbledore. Micah, just start with a basic summary and then move onto the first point.

Micah: OKay.

Andrew: I’ll be right back.

Harry’s Too “Open-Minded”

Micah: Okay, so I mean the basic summary of the chapter is it’s Harry’s birthday, they are celebrating it and the Minister of Magic makes an unexpected appearance at his party. And he goes over the contents of Professor Dumbledore’s will with Harry, Ron and Hermione and we’ll get to that in particular in terms of what was left to the three of them. But what I wanted to start off is where the chapter begins primarily with Harry’s dream that he’s having. And he can’t remember where he heard this name. Well, he wakes up and Ron tells him that he’s been muttering some name in his sleep. And the name I believe is Gregorovitch.

Eric: Yep.

Micah: He has no idea who it is but he knows that he’s heard the name before and he knows that it has to do with Quidditch and he also knows that Voldemort is after him. Now, in my recollection, this is the first time in Deathly Hallows that we see Harry going into Voldemort’s mind and experiencing things that Voldemort is experiencing. Was this really in your guys’ opinion, I mean, a safe idea? I know he’s dreaming but shouldn’t he be trying to block these things out of his mind?

Eric: Okay, Hermione.

[Jamie laughs]

Eric: Okay, honestly – okay, Hermione. Well, just the first thing you said Micah – is this really the first time he’s in his mind? Because isn’t the first whole chapter a nightmare of Harry’s at the same time because Harry wakes up – oh no, no, no, never mind. No, he was awake and he was bleeding – I thought the first chapter was kind of a dream sequence but that in Book 4, isn’t it?

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: The beginning of Book 4 is Harry’s dream. So, yeah. It is a strange connection between Harry and Voldemort, you’re right. During the chapter when Hermione finds out about the dream, she scolds him that he should be keeping Voldemort out of his mind. I think you’re right – it is pretty dangerous. And there’s a great line somewhere in this chapter, that says that Voldemort has been taking over the Ministry and the whole world and not your mind too. You know?

Jamie: But surely you can’t know too much about your enemy. I mean, I know ignorance is bliss but it’s not in that case. Because the more Harry understands, the more he understands Voldemort and magic.

Micah: Right.

Matt: Yes.

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: Because magic has very subtle undertones, so the more he knows about the world and how people act magically.

Micah: Right.

Jamie: I just think it’s useful and if he wasn’t so stubborn and sort of determined in his own way, perhaps it would be perfect. But he does follow stuff too quickly before asking for help. That’s the only reason I’d say why he shouldn’t be if that makes sense.

Eric: I think you’re right, Jamie. I mean, he has this unique tool to see into the mind of Voldemort. He has to use it.

Micah: Right.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Otherwise he’s got nothing over anyone else in defeating Voldemort.

Andrew: And he’s just dead curious too. I mean, I’d want to know what he’s up to, especially if I have to kill him.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: Yeah.

Voldemort’s Vulnerability

Micah: I guess on the flip side though – if Harry is smart to be doing this and to taking onto these clues then how stupid is Voldemort?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: To not be closing this out or even taking the steps to close this out? Because…

Eric: Like he used to.

Micah: Exactly.

Eric: He did at one. It was said. Yeah.

Micah: I mean, he used it to his advantage once, why wouldn’t he think that at some point in the future, Harry won’t be able to do the same thing?

Eric: He would because it was said he was practicing Legilimency against Harry – or so The Order thought. That was said in what? Earlier in Book 6 or something?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Right, right. Yeah.

Micah: This is really when the pieces start to come together for Harry and he’s relaying this information onto people that are helping him out. And I just thought – I know that Voldemort is a flawed character but I didn’t think he would be this dumb.

Eric: Same.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I said I would prefer a more cunning and more intelligent Voldemort who made fewer mistakes. This is the beginning of the end for Voldemort…

Jamie: No, but…

Eric: This is where he makes one of many stupid, plain stupid mistakes due to carelessness.

Jamie: No, but wait – which mistake are you talking about specifically? The mind thing?

Eric: In thi case he just stopped… Yeah, the mind thing.

Jamie: You know, if you write perfect characters, your book get rejected. Everyone is flawed – that’s sort of the subtlety of writing, being able to write flawed characters. And Voldemort in that regard – because he considers everyone beneath his power, he doesn’t think that other people’s minds can sort of influence him or take anything from his rock-solid mind. So it’s like – he wouldn’t care about that just as when Kreacher went to the island and drank the potion. He wouldn’t have bothered to think about whether he could get back. It’s just his mindset now. And as Jo says, “He’s wormed from all the killing and stuff and can’t get it back.” So, his mind can’t fully recover, I’d say.

Eric: Right, right. I would agree with you except that I think with Harry he does – I mean Harry is obviously the only threat to him. I think he would treat the connection just as seriously as he always had because he had treated the connection between their minds very importantly. First, when he was using Harry and second when Occlumency against him – or Legilimency. But, it’s just – I just think Voldemort, and I would use that excuse. I mean, you’re right, perfect characters do get rejected. And I would use that excuse for, sort of, many of the mistakes that Voldemort makes. But as I plan to illustrate later, there just so many mistakes that Voldemort makes that I stop being able to accept that excuse, Jamie. After a while, I stop being able to accept that Voldemort is a flawed character because I just think that she has portrayed him a little bit smarter than that in Book 6.

Jamie: But you…

Eric: …when he is manipulating people and stuff. By the end of Book 7 he just makes so many mistakes. And that was my problem.

Jamie: So does Harry though! Harry makes ridiculous amounts of mistakes as well. So does everyone!

Eric: Yeah. But they all work for him. They all work for him.

Jamie: Oh, no, but they don’t know. Because he suffered a lot, like – it was a worthwhile victory because he saved the future but it was also kind of parry. He didn’t lose everything but he lost a lot. A great deal of people he knew.

Eric: He did.

Jamie: So he made mistakes. Now, it wasn’t his fault that these people died, but he didn’t do everything perfectly. A lot of the time, Hermione was right or Ron was right; they also made mistakes. They let stuff get in the way, they didn’t think logically. They sort of, you know, acted childishly. Everyone made mistakes. Snape did. Dumbledore especially; think of what he did, but he is still such an amazingly written character. And I would argue even though his mistakes were probably greater and in a bigger number, he was a more perfect character because of what he stood for. Perhaps, that kind of thing.

Andrew: Yeah. Okay. Well, let’s move it along here.

Harry and Ginny

Eric: But just some of the events that happened in the chapter: Harry’s talk with Ginny. When Ginny wishes Harry a very private “Happy Birthday,” which is interrupted by Ron, who tells Harry later to stop groping his sister. That Ginny thing – I’m sorry, but I had to mention it – because that Ginny thing is very well written.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah. That’s true.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I absolutely – I mean, a lot of these chapters feel like – I call them “book five chapters” because of how well – how much stuff is in them. Just these two chapters are.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: And I think they are amazing to read as the last chapters of this year that we read on the podcast. It’s a build-up and it’s a let-down. As we get to the wedding, it’s sort of the last order – the last chapter where everything is sort of normal with the living structure before they go off.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And so, yeah. But the Ginny thing – now guys. I just – can you all just talk about it for a second? Just what you thought about it, Harry and Ginny, and how that played out in the series.

Andrew: Ummm, well.

Eric: Because this is pretty much the last time we see Harry and Ginny before the Epilogue as far as I can remember. And there are some scenes later where they meet again, but…

Jamie: Well it’s very – sorry, go on!

Andrew: No, go on!

Jamie: Well, I would say it’s interpretable in very, very different ways. That scene where they’re kissing and Ron and Hermione walking in – because it’s very mature. Because, you know, it’s very sort of “grown up” for how old they are in some ways.

Matt: Mhm.

Jamie: But also it’s not very “grown up” at all.

Matt: Mhm.

Jamie: So, it’s like you can interpret it in different ways. It would be very interested to see how the filmmakers put their spin on it.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Whether it’s two sort of children getting personal business confused or it’s two adults who are having something. God, that was too deep. I feel sick.

Eric: No, no, it was. But do you think they would do a lot of character development on Bonnie Wright and Daniel Radcliffe then?

Jamie: Probably. I think they probably will, yeah. They need – I mean, that’s a big scene, a very big scene.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Because they spent the time on Cho. So, I…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: I think they should.

Matt: I think that’d be a fairly good scene to watch too, in the movie.

Eric: Yeah, definitely.

Matt: Reading these books – now after reading them a couple of times, I start thinking about how it’s going to look in the movies. And I really see how – I really see Emma Watson and Rupert Grint really focusing on each other a lot in this scene.

Jamie: Definitely.

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: That’s true.

Eric: They’re sort of aware of it in the background. There are also two very separate mentions of the two stolen hours on Hogwarts grounds a million years ago that took place between Harry and Ginny. It’s like an insight into Book 6 we didn’t have before. I just think it’s so wonderful because it’s Harry’s relationship.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And it kind of ends a bit sadly when he goes off. It’s just one of those great elements of this book before he goes off and has this long journey.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: The Ginny thing was very well-handled and important. Ummm, yep.

Andrew: I agree.

Jamie: That’s good. Yeah.

MuggleCast 126 Transcript (continued)

The Minister’s Visit

Eric: So, okay. So, so, so – they’re at Harry’s birthday. He gets a bunch of presents. We can skip over that because the presents are cool. But they get a message. It’s a patronus; it’s a weasel. Arthur Weasley’s voice saying, what?

Jamie: No, Shacklebolt’s – oh, sorry. Wrong bit – I’m on the wrong part.

Eric: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, I was going to say.

Jamie: Sorry, sorry.

Andrew: Go ahead, Eric.

Eric: Oh, yeah. Arthur Weasley’s voice saying, “Minister of Magic is coming with me.”

Jamie: Sorry.

Eric: Right. So Lupin and Tonks say, “We gotta go! Peace out, homie.” They leave. Then moments later they see Scrimgeour and his mane of tangled hair coming to dinner.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Or not to dinner. But, he has to speak to Ron, Hermione, and Harry privately. They’re wondering, “Why they want Ron and Hermione too?” They get there. He wants to separate them but they say, “Screw you! We’re seeing it together.” Take it from there.

Andrew: Right! Well, what we wanted to talk about was what Dumbledore gives to Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Of course, all of them, all those items, turn out to be handy in the end. But at that time… I think it’s one of Dumbledore’s greatest moments here when he gives us and the trio these three clues but nobody has any idea what on Earth to do with them.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Exactly, exactly. Neither do the characters. So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, right. That’s what I’m saying.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Well, I just like – I really like the fact that Ron really has no idea what’s going on, and he pretty much almost…

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Matt: …screws it up for the three of them. And Hermione just gives him that look like, “Okay, you need to stop talking right now or you’re going to get us screwed!”

Andrew: Yeah! [laughs]

Eric: Yeah. Hermione is really smart in this chapter. Because she told – she annoyed Scrimgeour with all that legal information on how he wasn’t supposed to look through the will or the stuff that they were left. But they did obviously, and the only reason they’re getting them now on Harry’s birthday is because the 31 days is up since Dumbledore’s death.

Andrew: Right!

Eric: And their initial confiscation. So…

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: And Scrimgeour seemed very reluctant to hand these items over too – if you do read it.

Matt: Yeah. He hated it, he loathed giving them back.

Andrew: Yeah. He was so suspicious. It was – you could really feel his emotion in this chapter.

Eric: Wellm he blew up. He had his wand against Harry’s chest when everyone ran in…

Andrew: Right.

Matt: He burned a cigarette mark in his shirt.

Eric: Yes! A cigarette burn in his shirt. I mean, who’s going to replace that shirt, honestly. I mean…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So, I mean, is there anything else to discuss with this? Or should we just move on? I mean, because…

Flesh Memories

Eric: Yeah, flesh memories. I think it’s brilliant how flesh memories and snitches are in – I just though that was something brilliant because it has a particularly practical use in the field of sports, in addition to being a very significant plot point in this book.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: The flesh memory, obviously, because it says, “They have them – snitches have flesh memories that determine in case of a dispute who actually touched the Snitch first because the first human hands to close around the snitch are the ones that it responds to or reacts to in the future.” I just thought that was so amazing!

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Especially the revelation at the end of the chapter, that it was actually Harry’s mouth that caught the snitch first time, which was brilliant.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: It’s just like similarly with Gregorovitch, that was actually mentioned previously – and we’ll find that out. But it’s just some brilliant stuff done in earlier books…

Micah: Right. That’s what I was going to say.

Eric: …which comes to furnish and is wonderful. What do you guys think of the message of the Snitch?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Or Micah, what were you going to say?

Micah: Well, you brought up – J.K. Rowling all the way back to book one was formulating this. And you just think of all the detail that she put in.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: It’s amazing that something as simple as the snitch Harry caught in the first Quidditch match comes back to have such a huge influence.

Jamie: In his mouth.

Andrew: Would make all the difference.

Eric: Being something he could utilize.

Meddling Ministry

Micah: The only other thing that I wanted to bring up here real quick was that the Ministry in particular was trying to meddle in Harry’s affairs. What good would it have done Scrimgeour to know anything about what Harry was doing? I mean, would it really have helped him at all?

Matt: He’s desperate. He doesn’t…

Eric: He’s very desperate.

Matt: He doesn’t know – he doesn’t even think clearly.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: He’s just so hungry for some kind of silver lining in this pretty much fruitless fight against Voldemort.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And Matt, you can tell he’s desperate too, because actually I think he’s seeking for Harry’s help because…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: I mean, I think he’s so obsessed with these items that Dumbledore gave them – and Hermione tells him such too. Hermione tells him, “This is what you’ve been doing locked up while people in your own office, while people are dying all around you; you’ve been looking at these items that Dumbledore is trying to give us!?” So, and that whole time, obviously, he doesn’t realize how infiltrated the Ministry’s become until what appears to be the end of next chapter, when he realizes how infiltrated everything is. And obviously his heroic acts are three – er, two chapters to come, but you know, he’s so obsessed with Harry…

Micah: Well, I mean..

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And finding it all out.

Matt: Mmhm.

Andrew: Well let’s keep moving on now. Micah, do you want to take the next point?

Micah: Aren’t we – isn’t that it for this chapter?

The Will’s Contents

Eric: I – it’s just, Ron gets a Deluminator, which I thought was cool that it was created by Dumbledore. Hermione gets The Tales of Beetle the Bard, which are pretty much like Mother Goose rhymes, I think – the sort of things that we grew up with.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: You know, Hey Diddle Diddle type things?

Micah: She better keep that book. It’s worth four million dollars.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: And Harry’s snitch says, “I open at the close,” which to me was like w-t-f, and it’s like, “I reveal my secrets at the end of the book” – is that what it says?

Andrew: Yeah. Well…

Eric: “I open at the close.” At the close of what?

Andrew: It’s…

Eric: The book? I mean I know it’s the answer, but…

Andrew: Well that’s the whole mystery. I mean – yeah.

Eric: “I open at the close.” That’s completely pointless – like I won’t tell you until you need me.

Andrew: Yeah, well…

Eric: Like, okay, thanks. Thanks, Dumbledore.

Micah: And don’t forget the sword.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: That is so something Dumbledore would say.

Eric: Oh, of course.

Andrew: Another thing Scrimgeour was getting very aggravated about…

Micah: Scrimgeour was very much like, Fudge, or, Umbridge, in this book to me.

Eric: It’s cool to draw a parallel.

Micah: He had a different – just the way he acted.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: It was a lot more – I don’t know the right word, but it – he seemed not the same person that he was in Half-Blood Prince.

Eric: Mmmm.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: Well, yeah.

Andrew: So, next point. We don’t really need to talk about what they get, because we all know, you know, what happens with them.

Eric: Right.

Andrew: Do you want to move on to the next point, Micah?

Eric: What is the next point?

Micah: I don’t have any other points.

Andrew: The Ministry is still meddling, and why Scrimgeour wants – oh, I guess we did sort of talk about that, didn’t we?

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: The only thing that we don’t mention is that Norbert’s a girl, but that’s not important.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: That was a big revelation though. “Norbert’s a girl!” We were like, “What?!”

Jamie: We?

Andrew: Say what?!

Matt: That’s great.

Eric: That goes back to – guys that goes back to Episode 2 of MuggleCast where we found out that Kevin was Kevina, and now we find out that Norbert is Norberta.

Andrew: I think we coined that on the summer road tour. I think someone – do you remember that, Jamie? Did someone come up with a new name for…

Jamie: Norberta.

Andrew: Norberta? Was it that?

Jamie: Probably, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, it was probably that.

Jamie: It could have been something like that.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Cool. That’s Chapter 7?

Chapter-by-Chapter: The Wedding

Andrew: Yeah. We don’t have any favorite lines from that because we’re trying to move quickly through here. How about let’s move on to Chapter 8. Micah?

Micah: Sho…

Eric: Chapter 8, The Wedding.

Micah: The Wedding.

Andrew: You handle this. I’m on break. We handled the other one earlier today. Done.

Micah: Okay.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: See – I think the chapter kind of is self explanatory. I’m not going to really summarize it here, but I thought…

Andrew: Well wait, wait, wait – Chapter 8?

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Chapter 8, The Wedding?

Andrew: It’s not about a wedding, is it?

Eric: Chapter 8, The Wedding?

Micah: Do you want – okay I’ll start over.

Andrew: No, no, no, no, it’s fine. I was just messing. You did fine. Good work.

Micah: You sure?

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I can if you want.

Andrew: No, dude. It’s fine. Keep going.

Eric: Dude I can do it, I…

Matt: Just forget what they said, Micah. Just keep going.

[Jamie and Matt laugh]

Matt: You guys are screwing him up.

Andrew: Sorry.

Micah: Well I just kind of broke Chapter 8 down more by characters I guess instead of different events.

Andrew: That was a good idea, I think.

Eric: That was a good idea.

Xenophilius Lovegood

Micah: And we do meet a lot of new characters and see a lot of old people, as well, in this chapter. And the first one that really struck me was Xenophilius Lovegood. Obviously he shows up at the wedding, and makes an entrance with his – was it yellow robes, or something along those lines?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: He looks like ‘an omelet,” is one of my favorite quotes, but yeah.

Micah: Right.

Eric: He is wearing yellow, and he thinks that it’s important because yellow is the color of the sun and it means good luck at weddings…

Micah: Yeah, well…

Eric: …according to their superstition.

The Symbol

Micah: He’s – yeah. And you know, this is – through Xenophilius we really start to learn, and let’s fast forward a little bit to, you know, when Harry, disguised as Barney Weasley, is sitting down at the table and is visited by Viktor Krum. And it’s really through Xenophilius Lovegood that we find out, or get our first glimpse at the Deathly Hallows, and we don’t know that yet, but he’s wearing this symbol around his neck, which seems to really anger Viktor Krum a lot. And…

Eric: So much so, that they’re seen storming off after an argument later on at the end of the chapter.

Micah: Right.

Eric: Apparently Viktor Krum, he was very nervous about “zat man,” that man, you know, he asked Barry or Harry or Barney – Harry slash Barney slash Barry, is what Muriel calls him – about this pendant. Now what’s the deal with the pendant? It’s the symbol of Grindelwald, but why? Because Grindelwald came and graffitied this corridor in Durmstrang. He graffitied on this symbol, and all the people who thought it was cool copied it down, and then obviously Grindelwald killed a bunch of people using that symbol as his thing, and Krum’s grandfather was killed and Krum says that everybody was taught a lesson then, you know, everyone who still supported the symbol was taught not to.

Micah: Right, and to me, when I was reading through this book – and obviously when you get to later chapters there are other references as well – but when you talk about using your mark after you kill somebody or doing the things that Grindelwald did, it kind of reminded me a little bit of a Swastika.

Eric: Oh yeah.

Jamie: Yes.

Matt: Yes, definitely.

Eric: You’re supposed to…

Micah: And, you know, another World War II reference, so to speak, that J.K. Rowling put in there.

Matt: Mhm. Well, she definitely said something about that, too.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: In a previous interview she said there was something that went on about the coexistence of two of the wars during World War II, and she said there is a relevance between World War II, but we didn’t really see that much of it until Book 7 came out. That’s what she said.

Micah: Right, and I think it had less to do with Voldemort, and probably more to do with Grindelwald, just because of, you know, Durmstrang’s supposed location and just the name, Grindelwald, I guess has more of a German feel to it.

Eric: Yeah. Just like the Swastika is a sort of slanted – there’s a symbol – if you turn the Swastika so it’s not slanted it’s actually a symbol of peace. And the Nazis took that symbol, tilted it, and took it to mean purity, or took it be their symbol, or whatever it means. But it’s a tilted peace symbol. Now, Grindelwald, the symbol he picked for himself was actually just this symbol regarded of the fairy-tale of the Deathly Hallows. It was, as it happens, it was pretty much the symbol that means the Hallows.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: And it later became Grindelwald’s symbol, which is obviously something quite different than the Hallows, but the Hallows were what Grindelwald was all about. Seeking…

Jamie: But…

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: Sorry – just to add to the last thing about Grindelwald being sort of – the Nazi references. “Grindelwald is a municipality in the district of Interlaken in the canton of Bern in Switzerland.” So, it comes from the same type of language, I guess. It sounds Scandinavian sort of language thing, I guess, I don’t really know much about language but…

Andrew: Oh, okay. That’s interesting, nonetheless.

Jamie: It’s a nice name, Grindelwald, I guess.

Andrew: Yeah.

Gregorovitch The Wand-Maker

Eric: So, Gregorovitch made Krum’s wand, is that what also we discussed?

Jamie: Yeah, she did. Sorry, he did, yes.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. So Gregorovitch – Harry discovers that Gregorovitch – he knows where he heard the name before. It did have something to do with Quidditch, because the Quidditch player, Krum, who tries to pick up Ginny – Harry tells him that she’s taken – says that his wand was one of the last ones made by Gregorovitch, who Voldemort is now looking for. Yes indeed, yes indeed. And Gregorovitch is apparently a very good wand-maker, and though Krum concedes that he knows the Britons are – place store in Ollivander.

Jamie: They did, the exact phrase.

Andrew: Right, well let’s keep moving along here. Micah, do you want to move on to Aunt Muriel now? I think we can…

Aunt Muriel

Micah: [laughs] Would I ever.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Matt: Oh yeah. 101-years-old, baby.

Jamie: [laughs] And still going strong.

Matt: Oh.

Eric: 108, isn’t she? No, she’s 106.

Matt: What’s five years between 100-year-old woman anyway?

Jamie: Well, exactly!

Eric: You know, I don’t know.

Jamie: What’s ten, then?

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Yeah. [laughs]

Eric: I understand.

Andrew: Aunt Muriel is not so positive about Dumbledore. She confirms more of what Rita had to say about Dumbledore and this is a very contrasting opinion from “Elphilias” Doge, and…

Jamie: [laughs] Elphias!

Andrew: Elphias. “Elphilias!”

Eric: Andrew, Ford Angela called, and she really wants to hang out with you..

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, yeah, yeah, we’re all funny, can we stop wasting more time?

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Go ahead, it’s your show now, go ahead. I’m just going to kick back and listen.

Matt: What I liked most about Aunt Muriel taking the side of what Rita Skeeter wrote was, it was pretty much the closest thing we were ever going to get to a debate between Elphias Doge and Rita Skeeter.

Jamie: That’s – yeah, that’s true. That’s so true.

Andrew: Yeah. And I think…

Jamie: They wouldn’t have met up in real life. Sorry.

Getting to Know Dumbledore

Andrew: I think it also made it more real for Harry. Like the whole realization that maybe Dumbledore wasn’t, you know, that perfect guy Harry always saw him to be.

Eric: Which is an important piece.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: Yeah, because, you know, I can understand why he wouldn’t trust Rita, but then he’s hearing it from someone else? Granted, it’s a new character, and Harry hadn’t met Aunt Muriel before.

Micah: Not only that. I mean, Doge is getting extremely flustered during this whole thing, and if I was Harry sitting in that position, I mean, I would think that some of it’s got to be true. I mean, if he’s just sitting…

Eric: That’s exactly what he does.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: …there sort of not being responsive at all…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …to what Aunt Muriel is saying, there has to be some truth to that. Maybe he clearly didn’t want Harry to know, but that was just kind of interesting. And also that – what I put down here was that I thought that Doge was kind of a character that Jo threw in there to keep reminding us of who we thought Dumbledore was through the first six books.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Mhm. Well, just hearing two very opposite sides…

Micah: Exactly.

Matt: …just made Harry realize he really doesn’t really know anything about Dumbledore, pretty much.

Micah: Right.

Matt: He’d never heard of any of these accusations before, and it just seems like he – didn’t he say like it pretty much wasted time getting to know Dumbledore. Or maybe I’m just going…

Jamie: It didn’t really – but it’s like, you can never really learn everything about someone. And, you know, there is stuff that people don’t tell people just in general. I mean, like, I think Harry still knew Dumbledore very, very well, because he didn’t tell that stuff to anyone. And I’m sure if he told it to someone, Harry would be the first one, you know?

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: I just think you can’t really undercut their very, very, very intense relationship just from finding out a few facts about his childhood, which, although significant, shouldn’t cast any doubt on the character he’d come to know, I guess.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Well, it seems that there were things about Dumbledore, though, that was public information, but that Harry never really found out.

Eric: Such as the Dumbledores living in Godric’s Hollow, and the possibility, as it says later, that Dumbledore could go and visit his parents’ graves and then have to walk past James’s and Lily’s, you know, sort of thing.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: All of that seems – especially due to the fact that Godric’s Hollow and Harry’s knowledge of it seems to be tainted. How he knew about it before he should’ve, or before it was mentioned in the books. He knew where it was, or said about it. But I forget what I’m saying, except that Dumbledore had some closeness, and, I think, when we see Doge, it’s basically like we’ve seen this guy – and we’ve previously read the obituary where Doge introduces himself as a kid who was excluded because of his dragon box, or whatever.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: So, you get this fierce loyalty to Dumbledore just because of how great, you know, his image is, and Doge is very adamant about Dumbledore being seen as this great, very friendly person as he was to Doge. And that’s really, incredibly important. And the line – the line that you guys were referring to is, “He wanted the truth and yet all Doge did was sit there and bleep feebly that Ariana had been ill. Harry could hardly believe that Dumbledore would not have intervened if such cruelty was happening inside his own house, and yet there was something undoubtedly odd about the story.”

Micah: Right.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: So he’s learning the truth. At least bits and pieces of it.

Eric: Basically.

Micah: It may not be exactly what Aunt Muriel is conveying, but I wanted to go back to what you said about Godric’s Hollow, though, because I think that – to me, here’s this kid who’s been suffering for his entire life, knows absolutely nothing really about his past. And Dumbledore lived in the same place that his parents did, and yet he never shared that piece of information with Harry at all, and he could’ve, realistically, at any time.

Andrew: Yeah. I just think that was another big hit for Harry. TO make him… That was just another way Jo was trying to make Harry realize that Dumbledore wasn’t someone…

Eric: And to cast doubt on his hero.

Andrew: I mean, you should still look up to Dumbledore, but, you know, don’t see him as a perfect character. You know?

Eric: Right. Which is good. She made him human.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: She gave him a family, which was odd.

Andrew: Which was fantastic.

Eric: Yeah. The thoughts of a teenage Voldemort – sorry – the thoughts of a teenage Dumbledore is just weird.

Andrew: Yeah. Did you have another point to add to this, Micah?

Micah: No.

Andrew: I mean, just about Godric’s Hollow. The reason why Dumbledore may have not told him?

Micah: I don’t know what the reason would be that he wouldn’t tell him. I mean, I think it would’ve provided him a little bit of comfort, you know, to have some tie back to his past.

Andrew: Would there have been too much of a connection? Maybe Dumbledore didn’t want that kind of personal connection.

Eric: Well, that’s the reason…

Andrew: I mean, that’s not the biggest personal connection. But it just can add fuel to the personal connection fire. [laughs]

Eric: Well, I think didn’t J.K.R. say that that’s why he didn’t tell Harry the truth about the Mirror of Erised at first, was because Dumbledore would have seen himself with his parents?

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: And his family? And that was exactly what Harry was seeing. And it was too close. That Dumbledore thought that it was inappropriate?

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Well, I think that at that point, it may have been a little bit too much for Harry to understand.

Eric: Pre-emptive, yeah.

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: To take in all at once.

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: And – but I think something as simple as saying that he had himself lived in Godric’s Hollow would’ve…

Eric: I think it would have helped.

Micah: Yeah, I agree.

Matt: But I don’t think he also would have wanted Harry to delve too much into his family either. Because it’s probably not something that he wishes to talk about with anybody, either. It’s too painful.

Eric: On the contrary he did – he was always enjoying finding out more about his parents, I think.

Matt: No, no. Not Harry. I mean Harry not finding out about Dumbledore’s parents.

Eric: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Dumbledore might – yeah. I mean, pretty much Book 6, the last moments or the last year of Dumbledore’s life, was spent setting up appointments. Not close to him. And surely they could of had – they would have had something to talk about every single night of the year if they wanted to. But the appointments were based on the Horcruxes because that was Harry’s journey. That was Harry’s goal. And, although Dumbledore’s family was possibly information that Harry would have benefitted from knowing, it wasn’t most important. And the consequences that Harry has to feel betrayed or possibly – he has to doubt Dumbledore.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And that’s what the story’s about: doubting Dumbledore.

Andrew: Yeah. Let’s move on though. We’re really getting long here. [laughs]

Eric: Well, we’ve got pretty much everything except the very end.

Andrew: I know.

Eric: Everybody’s dancing. Ron and Hermione are dancing.

Micah: And there was a wedding, by the way. I mean, I know…

Andrew: Yeah, there was a wedding. [laughs]

Micah: …we didn’t really touch on that.

Andrew: It wasn’t that big of a deal.

Matt: No, it wasn’t.

Andrew: I mean, everyone was really excited before we all got Book 7. Wasn’t everyone like, “Oh! We get to see the wedding!”? Was it Jamie, did you get really excited about that? Someone did.

Jamie: I did get excited about that. I thought it was cool to have a wedding. To see…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Well, like what a wizard’s wedding is like.

Andrew: Yeah, right.

Eric: Yeah, you’re right!

Jamie: The vows they say.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Yeah, they have phoenixes and the cake. When they cut the cake.

The Lynx Patronus

Andrew: Yeah. So, at the very end of the chapter, they get a Patronus from…

Matt: Kingsley.

Andrew: …Kingsley. And it says, “The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.”

Jamie: Then it says, “April Fools!”

Andrew: April Fools!

[Eric laughs]

Matt: In all seriousness. With that scene, I think that’s going to be so awesome in the film.

Andrew: Oh my god, yeah. Like all the music and it just blasts in.

Matt: And you just hear this classical music in the background.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Everyone’s dancing. And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, this Patronus just comes out and lands in front of everybody. And they all just stop and just look at it.

Andrew: [laughs] I just got a chill.

Matt: And there’s this booming, dark voice.

Eric: “The Ministry has fallen.”

Matt: “The Ministry has fallen. Shacklebolt is dead.”

Eric: Scrimgeour! Scrimgeour is dead. Shacklebolt is very much alive.

Matt: Sorry.

Andrew: I think he’s going to go – I think the Patronus is going to be tweaked just a little bit to say, “The Ministry’s fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming. Dumbledore’s got style.”

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Wow. But doesn’t…

Andrew: He’s got to say that line again.

Tangent: Lord of the Rings

Matt: When I read that, when he said, “They are coming,” did anybody go back to Lord of the Rings when he said, ‘They are coming.'” when he read the manuscript?

Eric: I’ve never read Lord of the Rings.

Jamie: Wait, yes!

Matt: Wait, you didn’t see the movie?

Eric: Oh, yeah.

Jamie: Matt, which part is that from exactly?

Matt: Fellowship of the Ring when they were in the…

Jamie: Oh! Oh, yeah.

Matt: …the dwarves’ mine.

Jamie: Yes.

Matt: When he was reading it.

Jamie: And that’s the best example. There’s a piece in the Lord of the Rings soundtrack that’s sort of a bit from every single film at some point. And that’s the best bit. Across the Bridge of Khazadu-dûm when it goes, for the first time. It could be the first time, I think… [hums a song from Lord of the Rings]

Matt: Yeah, no that was the climatic of the theme.

Jamie: Wasn’t it?

Matt: Yeah. That was it, yeah.

Jamie: Oh, what a beautiful soundtrack. Howard Shore they did the film proud. All lot of proudness.

Back to the Patronus

Micah: But one other thing I wanted to add was just that I thought that when the Patronus comes and says what he says, it was really one of the “Holy [word bleeped out]” moments of the series.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: Because you realize the game is on.

Matt: Yeah!

Micah: It’s about to go down. The wedding’s really the last happy scene in the book.

Matt: It was literally the last good moment of the story.

Eric: Yeah. Everything else from that on in is Harry running from Voldemort. Well, yeah. It’s the last.

Matt: Because right after you read it, I mean, all your adrenaline just starts flowing through your body.

Eric: Oh geez. So good.

Matt: “Oh my god, I got to turn the page!”

Andrew: Right. [chuckles]

Micah: We need a song for Scrimgeour. I haven’t come up with one yet. So…

Eric: Oh! I did! I did, Andrew!

Andrew: Does he deserve a song? Okay, what’s the song?

Jamie: The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Eric: Why did you… Oh, Jamie, you rock. That’s better.

Jamie: Why? What was yours?

Andrew: The Lion Sleeps Tonight? That’s what it’s called?

Jamie: You know, [singing] “In the village, the peaceful village…”

Andrew: Oh, it’s not called, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, though, is it?

Jamie: Yeah, it is. Oh well…

Micah: It might be like, In The Jungle.

Andrew: I think it’s called, In The Jungle, yeah.

Jamie: Oh right. Sorry, sorry.

Matt: I still think after every death they have, Another One Bites The Dust by Queen.

Jamie: Yeah!

Andrew: [laughs] Just a quick, “Another one bites the dust.”

Micah: What was Eric’s?

Andrew: What was Eric’s? Please, we’ve got to move through this.

Eric: Why are we doing this? Why do we have a song for Scrimgeour?

Andrew: Oh, because now we’re doing this thing on Chapter-by-Chapter where every time a character dies we play a song for them. At least a song sample.

Eric: Oh, I missed that. Okay, well, forget mine then.

Andrew: Sorry. So, in honor of Scrimgeour today, we are going to play In The Jungle.

[In The Jungle plays]

Eric: Great song. It’s by The Tokens. Purchase it on iTunes for 99 cents.

Jamie: [singing] “In the village, the peaceful village…”

Andrew: Here’s to you, Scrimgeour. You were worthless.

[Micah laughs]

Quote Quiz

Andrew: Now it’s time for, “Quote Quiz…quiz…quiz…quiz…”

Jamie: [laughs] That’s pretty good, Andrew!

Andrew: Thank you. It’s supposed to be like and echo, you know, like I’m in a tunnel. “Quote! Quote! Quiz…quiz…quiz…”

Eric: Andrew, just turn your mixer on.

Andrew: No, dude, it’s never going to work, it’s never going to work.

Eric: No, I mean for the echo.

Andrew: Dude, it’s – okay. It’s time for Quote Quiz Chapter 9. This comes from…of course I lost it. Wonderful. Good planning on my behalf. I’ll just take this one.

“If I can’t use magic, and you can’t use magic near me, without us giving away our position…”

And then he was cut off. Or she. There’s Quote Quiz for you this week. Jamie, you want to do a British joke?

Jamie: I don’t have one for this one, sorry, guys.

Eric: Oh come on, what the [word bleeped out], Jamie, is this not like nine months in the making?

Andrew: Okay. It’s fine.

Jamie: I made quite a successful one, I think, previous shows, so. Also, it’s New Year and New Year isn’t the time for jokes, it’s the time for looking forward and jokes describe the past. So, you know?

New Year’s Resolutions

Andrew: Yeah. Does anyone have any New Year’s resolutions for 2008 before we wrap things up today? Last year we all did.

Matt: I don’t want to be as hot as I am now.

[Jamie laughs]

Matt: Because it’s just not fair to everybody, you know?

Andrew: Wow. You are so cocky. Okay, you’re muted for the rest of the show.

[Jamie and Matt laugh]

Eric: Oh wow, punishment.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: My New Year’s Resolution is to move out to California. Successfully.

Jamie: Mine, too.

Andrew: Oh yeah, Jamie. Jamie’s coming out too. I haven’t really mentioned that yet.

Jamie: Maybe, I don’t know yet.

Matt: Oh yeah?

Jamie: Well, yeah.

Matt: What?

Andrew: Oh yeah. News to Matt.

Jamie: Haven’t I mentioned it yet? Haven’t I mentioned it? Oh. No, no maybe, maybe. It’s very, very perhaps at the moment.

Andrew: Anything from anyone else?

Eric: My New Years Resolution I think is to, because obviously we’ve got some things going on in 2008. We’ve got still a bunch of Harry Potter events, the end of weekly MuggleCast, so I think my New Year’s resolution is to see everything through to the end and just make it another good year, I think, and to just be true to myself. And yeah, yeah. And have another good year!

Andrew: Matt? Micah?

Jamie: Hey, Micah?

Micah: Yeah?

Matt: Hey!

Jamie: Weren’t you really, really keen to shake that case of gonorrhea?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Dude, come on. [laughs] You’re not supposed to bring that up on the show.

Andrew: Do you guys have anything? We’re running really late. It’s making me sad.

Micah: Yeah. What did you say?

Andrew: It’s making me sad!

Micah: No, no.

Andrew: Editing!

Micah: Jamie?

Andrew: If you don’t have anything it’s not a big deal.

Micah: Well, no, I’d just go off of what Eric said. And I think with MuggleCast most likely coming to an end on a weekly basis, I agree. Just seeing things through and making these last few shows something that people will really enjoy.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Yeah, mine’s kind of the same.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: By the way, there are now five to ten groups on Facebook…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …about our ending the show, so people are torn up.

Andrew: Well, that’s what – that’s well said, Micah and Matt. I wonder if we came through with out New Year’s resolutions from last year, because I know last year we looked at the ones from the year prior. So, too bad we didn’t look into that beforehand.

Eric: So, this is our third New Year’s.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s our third New Year’s.

Eric: Our third New Year’s show.

Andrew: Yep.

Eric: Oh, and we should count down, shouldn’t we? For the new year. So…

Andrew: How about we do it after the contact information?

Eric: Okay.

Contact Information

Andrew: All right, well, before we wrap up the show today, it’s time to remind everyone about our contact information. If you would like to send something to our PO Box, you can do that by mailing it to:


PO Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia, 30028.

Eric: Hi, Laura’s mom!

Andrew: You can visit for a handy feedback form to contact any one of us at our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com, with the exception of Matt, who is matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com. You can also visit the MuggleCast website for a handy feedback form.

And don’t forget our community outlets. MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Frappr, Last.FM, the Fanlisting.

You can also Digg the show once – no, actually, Digg the show whenever you want at Vote for us once a month at Podcast Alley and rate and review us at Yahoo! Podcasts.

The fan forums are also up again. have returned. They started from scratch, so visit for a link in case you forget. It’s right there on the top.

Eric: Yes, Alice has done an amazing job getting those back up.

Show Close

Andrew: I think that does it for this week’s show. We’re going to wrap things up today with a New Year’s countdown, just in case you happen to time it right.

Eric: Yeah. Oh, well, no. We don’t need to worry about timing the show up to it, I’m just saying. Because we’re releasing it on the 30th, that’s a whole day in advance. So…

Andrew: Well, it might be on the 31st, I don’t know for sure.

Eric: So, I’m just saying, if it’s almost midnight, you know, or if you have nobody – if it’s almost midnight and you have nobody, we’ll do a countdown and you can countdown with the MuggleCasters.

Andrew: Okay, that sounds good.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: It’s like a commentary.

Eric: So pause the show and wait until about, you know, 15-20 seconds before the end.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: And then…

Andrew: Yeah, okay. Got it. Yeah. Right.

Eric: …unpause it and we’ll be counting down with you, so…

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: …you guys ready?

Andrew: Got it, yeah.

Micah: Put on the Bruce Springsteen, as we do every year.

Andrew: Yeah, we…

Eric: No, this year we’re putting on Europe.

Andrew: No.

Micah: What?

Jamie: What is that, your new resolution, Micah?

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: “War! War! Create more war?”

Micah: No, no, no, no.

Jamie: “War!”

Micah: We play a Springsteen version…

Matt: [singing] “What is it good for?”

Andrew: Right, Micah.

Jamie: Oh, sorry. I thought you meant war. I was like, “You dictator, you.”

Micah: It’s a Springsteen version of Auld Lang Syne.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Ohhh, go for it.

Andrew: All right. Ready? On three, we’ll start from ten. One, two…

Eric: [laughs] Wait, what? On, on…

Andrew: On three, when I say “three”…

Eric: On ten we’ll start from three?

Andrew: No. When I say “three”…

Matt: When he says three…

Andrew: …we start counting down from ten.

Matt: …we count down from ten.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Thank you, Matt. I understand you.

Andrew: All right. One, two, three.

Everyone: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six [everyone laughs] five, four, three, two, one.

Micah: Wow!

Eric: Happy New Year!

Andrew: Happy New Year!

[Andrew presses the Easy Button: “That was easy!”]

[Jamie and Eric sing Auld Lang Syne]

Andrew: Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

[Auld Lang Syne begins to play]

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

Andrew: Thank you, everyone, for listening, and we will see you in 2008 for MuggleCast 127. Bye bye!

Jamie: Have a great new year!

Micah: Happy New Year!

Matt: Yay!

Eric: Good night!

[Auld Lang Syne continues to play]

Blooper 1

Eric: Like, you know what I’m saying? Because holidays at Hogwarts…

[Phone beeps]

Eric: …they can always have like pumpkins flying, and the, or – do you think they’ll try and attempt hovering candles and stuff like that? Like for the Great Hall? Because that would be awesome.

Andrew: That would be cool. I don’t know, though. It better be good, though. That’s all I know. I mean – whose phone keeps going off? Is that mine?

Jamie: Sorry, it’s mine. Sorry.

Andrew: Oh. Turn it off or like chuck it across the room or something.

Jamie: Oh, cool. Thanks, Andrew, I’ll do that.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Blooper 2

Micah: [laughs] Okay, this has nothing to do with Chapter 7.


Transcript #125

MuggleCast 125 Transcript

Show Intro

Andrew: Hey Mason, I really need a good gift for my generic loved one. Any ideas?

Mason: Oh yeah, Andrew, I have the gift they need. If you sign up for GoDaddy’s economy blogcast package you’ll receive 1 gig of disk space, 100 gigs bandwidth, recording tools and much more!

Andrew: Whoa. With all those features, I’d guess that kind of package will run me at least $20 a month and be plastered with ads.

Mason: You’re wrong, Andrew. The blogcast economy package is just $4.49 a month for 12 months.

Andrew: That’s a deal! And I perfect way to get your own website, blog, or podcast started.

Mason: Oh, yeah. That is a deal. Plus, enter code MUGGLE when you check out. Save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because Santa brought Jamie back for our holiday show, this is MuggleCast Episode 125 for December 23rd, 2007.

[Show music continues to play]

Andrew: All right the holidays are upon us this week, and Jamie’s back finally.

Jamie: Hey guys, and girls, and…

Andrew: [makes voice deeper] Why are you talking in such a deep voice?

Jamie: I was because I haven’t been here for so long my voice has broken again, which I’ve just disproven…

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: …because I’ve started talking in my normal voice, so that’s a good start.

Andrew: Ah, Jamie. It’s been awhile. A lot of people have missed you.

Jamie: It has been awhile. I’ve missed everyone and the show, and I’ve missed everything. It’s been a tough semester, that’s why. And my internet there is awful.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Seriously, I can’t even tell you how bad it is. It’s very fast. I can download 3-megs-a-second, which, by the way, is awesome. However it doesn’t work, which is dreadful.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: And the internet sucks anyway.

Andrew: Awww. That’s terrible.

Jamie: But yeah, I’m very, very pleased to be back. Very pleased to be back.

Andrew: This isn’t really the best time for you to come back. I mean, because we are in this holiday season, you’re not really a fan of…

Jamie: No, I’m not a fan of this holiday season. I hate commercialization. Matt, do you agree?

Matt: I usually just fast forward through the commercials.

Jamie: No, no, no. I mean…

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: Christmas now is just so – all you seen on TV is “treat you’re family this Christmas.” And it’s like, “Oh, wow! Christmas is in a week, I should really be buying stuff.” Then you remember that it happens next year, and the year after…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …and the year after that, and “Oh wow! I don’t have to do anything special this year!” Once you realize that, you realize that it’s just another day.

Matt: It should portray someone who’s poor and depressed.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Yeah, exactly. Help someone out. Help someone out.

Andrew: Well, we got a great show for everyone. I’m Andrew Sims.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

[Show music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast News Center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Micah.

Micah: All right, thanks Andrew. TIME magazine has announced its top people of 2007 and J.K. Rowling made the list at number three, behind Vladimir Putin and Al Gore. The article features some new quotes from the author saying:

“There have been times since finishing, weak moments,” she says, “when I’ve said, ‘Yeah, all right,’ to the eighth novel.” But she’s convinced she’s doing the right thing to take some time away, do something else. She’s working on two projects now, an adult novel and a political fairy tale. “If, and it’s a big if, I ever write an eighth book about the [wizarding] world, I doubt that Harry would be the central character,” she says. “I feel like I’ve already told his story. But these are big “ifs”. Let’s give it 10 years and see how we feel then.”

CBBC Newsround has revealed information about casting for the following Hogwarts student roles in the upcoming Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:

Cormac McLaggen will be played Freddie Stroma, Blaise Zabini by Louis Cordice, Romilda Vane by Anna Shaffer, Katie Bell by Georgina Leonidas, Leanne (Katie Bell’s friend) by Isabella Laughland, and Marcus Belby by Robert Knox.

All the actors and actresses are relative newcomers so not much is known about them at the moment – we will update you as information is released. The film is set to be shown in theatres on November 21st, 2008.

ITV has sent MuggleNet two preview clips of the J.K. Rowling documentary, J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life, which will air on December 30th on ITV1 at 7 PM, lasting one hour.

MSN has released its Most Influential Women list for the year 2007 and Jo Rowling made the cut. Notably, she was the only author featured. MSN writes:

“Rowling’s wizarding world has not so much influenced modern culture as grown deep roots into the heart of it. Rowling’s epic fantasy series has made a lasting impact on, well, just about all of us.”

J.K. Rowling updated her official website earlier this week with a new news entry, FAQ, and fan site award. In her news update, Jo reflects on her experience watching the bids climb for the seventh copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. She said:

“It is fortunate that nobody was filming my reaction while the bids climbed higher and higher. Fiddy, Angela, Christine and I were sitting around Fiddy’s laptop in our office (the aforementioned being my PA and the invaluable assistants who deal with the postbag), watching a live link to Sotheby’s. Once the amount hit a million, I kept swearing loudly…”

See, I knew she had this side in her.

“…with every successive bid, and when we reached the final amount, the air turned a lovely shade of blue.”

Finally, Yahoo! recently released some of their year-end awards with the Harry Potter series grabbing various honors. Emma Watson came in at number three and Dan Radcliffe at number ten on the list of the 10 Most Popular Stars of 2007.

Order of the Phoenix was named one of the 10 Most Popular Movies of the year, claiming the number five spot, and the trailer for the fifth Harry Potter film ranked at number four in the category of 10 Most Popular Trailers of 2007.

That is all the news for this December 23rd, 2007 edition of MuggleCast. Happy Holidays and back to the show.

News Discussion: Half-Blood Prince Filming

Andrew: Alright, thank you, Micah. Hey, we have some news to go over this week, some good news. WB has made some more casting announcements for Cormac McLaggen, Blaise Zabini, Romilda Vane, Katie Bell, Leanne (Katie Bell’s best friend), and Marcus Belby. The thing about this casting announcement is that these are all no-names.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: They’re – they really don’t have a name for themselves…

Laura: Who’s Leanne?

Jamie: Oh come on, Laura. You’re – Harry Potter knowledge, oh my God.

Matt: Come on.

Andrew: It’s Katie Bell’s best friend.

Matt: Hello? She’s the…

Laura: I don’t remember.

Matt: She’s the one who’s friends with Katie Bell.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Laura: No but, I mean – really, I don’t remember this character.

Jamie: Matt hits the nail on the head.

Matt: Yeah…

Andrew: She’s the one who…

Matt: She was the one – remember when Katie got a hold of one the cursed objects and she went out – crying out.

Jamie: [laughs] Oh, Matt…

Laura: I thought that Alicia Spinnet was Katie Bell’s best friend.

Jamie: Come on, guys. This terminology is so unspecific.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: “Remember when in that place Katie Bell…”

Andrew: Well wait, is Matt being serious? Are you being serious, Matt?

Jamie: Of course he’s being serious.

Matt: Of course I’m being serious.

Jamie: What’s happened to you guys since I’ve been gone?

Andrew: Well, that’s pretty good, because I can’t remember Leanne or Katie Bell’s best friend. [laughs]

Jamie: What’s happened to you all?

Matt: Geez.

Jamie: Have you – -do you even remember what we’re talking about? What this podcast is about?

Andrew: Oh, whatever, Jamie. Whatever.

Jamie: I’m disappointed. I’m disappointed.

Andrew: It’s a Harry Potter podcast.

Matt: Oh, shut up, Jamie, you don’t remember either.

Jamie: I do. I can tell you everything about that. Everything, Matt. Everything. Shall I?

Laura: Jamie, you haven’t been on in ten billion years. You don’t remember anything.

Jamie: Okay, fine. Laura, Leanne is her friend. When they were in Hogsmeade and she got given the necklace, Matthew, Matthew.

Matt: Well, I knew it was a necklace; I didn’t want to say it was a Horcrux, because I didn’t think it was. I don’t know what the *bleep* it was called.

Andrew: So we do know who she is. But anyway, back to the point, these aren’t really any, none of these actors we know, so it’s sort of disappointing.

Jamie: It’s true.

Andrew: We can’t really talk about them.

Matt: I think it’s nice, though. They actually cast an actual Katie Bell, though.

Jamie: I agree, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. That’s a positive confirmation.

Jamie: It’s kind of nice to have unknowns as well, because, you know, I find it extremely hard to un-typecast actors and actresses.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Especially, you know, for these kind of roles.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: So, if it’s a famous person and they play basically a character who doesn’t really matter, like…

Matt: And it’s cheaper.

Jamie: …Romilda Vane. I know that’s mean, but I didn’t mean it like that. I just mean a character who isn’t a main character.

Andrew: Right. And I think we’ve seen that through Evanna, who came out of nowhere and did a fantastic job, that they can pick some really good no-names, so to speak, and create some great portrayals.

Jamie: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And it’s nice to see some untapped talent come into the limelight, as well. So, it’s good. But wait a minute, Andrew, isn’t Zabini his first name? Isn’t Blaise his second name?

Laura: No.

Jamie: Oh. Well done, I was testing you after ten weeks. Both of you are still very, very good. Well done. Ten out of ten.

News Discussion: J.K. Rowling and TIME‘s Person of the Year

Andrew: In some other news, J.K. Rowling was not named Time‘s “Person of the Year.” She was the second runner-up, coming behind Vladimir Putin…

Jamie: Who looks like Dobby.

Andrew: …and number two Al Gore.

Jamie: Who doesn’t look like Dobby.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: What do you guys think of this? There has already been some controversy over Vladimir Putin being named the TIME “Person of the Year.” Someone described it as “disgusting.” I forget who, but I saw it on CNN.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: You heard it here first, guys.

Laura: Well, it’s not necessarily the person who had the best influence, I suppose. I think it’s just the person who had the most influence.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: What’s it ranked on? It’s weird. It’s sort of… There’s quite a mix of people there. You know, a head of state – what’s Al Gore now? Is he like a Vice President, or is he…

Laura: No, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Jamie: Oh, I see. That’s cool.

Andrew: He’s been recognized a lot for his work against global warming.

Jamie: I see.

Andrew: So he’s been very adamant on that. So, yeah, I can definitely see him being…

Jamie: And then Jo third. That’s pretty cool.

Andrew: …the “Person of the Year.” I guess that’s pretty good.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Coming behind the guy that stopped global warming. Or, is trying to stop it.

Jamie: But then, we have to remember that TIME also voted Hitler their person of the year, so I wasn’t too sure about that.

Andrew: Right. [laughs] That’s true. I think they did this just to create controversy.

Jamie: You were a front runner, Andrew, but they decided against you in the end.

Andrew: Oh, no, last year it was me. And it was you.

Jamie: Oh, yes. Oh, I forgot about that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: That was it, yeah.

Andrew: We were all TIME‘s “Person of the Year.”

Jamie: TIME “Person of the Year.”

News Discussion: Amazon Reveals Beedle the Bard Summaries

Andrew: Yeah. In other news, Amazon has posted all five reviews for the five tales in Beedle the Bard. I don’t know if you guys have read these yet, but Amazon did a really good job reviewing these tales, and they give you a good look at what J.K. Rowling has written in Beedle the Bard. And I was really impressed. I mean, these are just like classic fairy tales, and they’re so clever. They’re so fun. They’re so just witty and delectable.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I just love them. Have you guys read these reviews?

Laura: Yeah. I read – I paid particularly close attention to the one about the Three Brothers, and I just thought it was really cool, because you hear a little bit about it in the book, but I think you get a better perspective on what exactly went on with that when you read the Amazon review.

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: I had a quick look, but the thing that gets me about this is I always think that it’s funny when like a corporation buys something because I imagine, you know, Amazon to be this huge daunting giant, made up of made up of everyone from Amazon.

Andrew: Right.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: Right, right.

Jamie: It’s quite weird. So who actually reviewed it? Was it like, the head of Amazon, or did every employee write like one word?

Andrew: Well I’m looking at the Beedle of the Bard page right now, and at the end of the intro it’s signed Daphnie Durham. So, I’m assuming it’s that girl who did it. I think it was just one reviewer, it must – you know, it had to be a really big Harry Potter fan from Amazon.

Jamie: Yeah, definitely, definitely.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: And overall I think it’s pretty cool, I think they’ve done a really good job. This is definitely a fantastic person to own this, because otherwise if it was some random guy bidding for this book, we never would have heard more about these tales.

Jamie: Yeah. [laughs] Exactly.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: And I assume Jo is happy about it, having the reviews out there. I mean, that’s a – I don’t know.

Jamie: It’s pretty cool though. I mean…

Andrew: It is cool. Yeah.

Laura: I think it’s cool that they’re taking it on tour and stuff so that people can see it.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Right.

Jamie: Right. I e-mailed them asking if they had any about the tour and they said it’s all very early in the planning stages. I also asked them whether or not they would be taking it to England, back to England, because I assume it’s going to be in the United States, mostly.

Jamie: Are they?

Andrew: So, they said they don’t know yet

Jamie: I e-mailed them, too, Andrew.

Andrew: What?

Jamie: [laughs] I e-mailed them too and said, can I have it? And they said, “No.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Nice try. Yeah, you and 50,000 other people. Did you mention that you were from MuggleCast? That would have helped.

Jamie: Yes, I did. And they said, “Especially no.”

Andrew: Wow, geez. They’re so mean.

Jamie: Yeah, they are.

News Discussion: ITV J.K. Rowling Documentary Preview

Andrew: And lastly, probably one of the coolest things this week, ITV released a preview of their J.K. Rowling documentary. The clip was released to just a couple fansites, and it shows Jo finishing the book. It’s really cool.

Jamie: It is cool.

Andrew: This, I mean, it was pretty funny seeing this, because of course Jo is in the Balmoral Hotel, and they have some shots of Jo typing on her laptop, and she’s got a pack of Orbitz gum there, and she’s got a cup of tea with some of her lipstick on it. [laughs] It’s very funny.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Most people put lipstick on their lips, but fair play to here.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Well usually when you drink the tea or the coffee, you know, it transfers.

Jamie: [laughs] No, I know. I was just kidding.

Matt: I bet you that camera guy, while she was writing he was establishing the shot. He was moving her tea cup to just the right position.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, definitely.

Matt: And saying, “Oh Jo, this Orbitz come is not wrapped properly; I’m going to redo it for you.”

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Laura: Isn’t it a bit weird when you look back on it, like when she posted on her site talking about ending the book, and at the time we thought she was just alone in her hotel room, and now knowing that there was a camera crew there, it’s just weird.

Andrew: Right. [laughs] Yeah.

Jamie: I could not write with a camera on me.

Laura: No, I couldn’t.

Jamie: Because it’s a very interactive experience, isn’t it? Like, you might swear, you might you know, scratch parts of you that you don’t want to appear on camera.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: You might, you know, stretch or you might like go for a shower or something. You might do stuff that you don’t want to be on camera.

Matt: [laughs] Yeah.

Jamie: It must be weird to finish the book.

Andrew: I’d be sitting there naked.

[All laugh]

Jamie: Oh, is that how you write? Naked?

Andrew: Yeah! Well, I don’t write much, but when I do. When I was watching this, I was thinking, you know if I was Jo and I was sitting there I wouldn’t be able to concentrate properly while writing the final book.

Jamie: Exactly, yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Like, I would almost half-ass it, just so I could talk to them more, just to get it done. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, exactly. And does like, the camera man, you know, talk to her? Because after…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: ..two hours of silence.

Andrew: Once she says she’s finished, she says…

Jamie: Just kidding.

Andrew: You know, they’re like: “Good job, Jo.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And she is like, “Well, you haven’t read it yet.”

Matt: “Shut-up.”

Laura: “High fives.”

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: That would have been funny.

Andrew: The only thing that got me was the fact that she was just sitting there on her laptop with Microsoft Word writing the final book. [laughs] I would think they had, like, Jo would have her own special application for writing Harry Potter.

Jamie: Yeah, and like…

Matt: Mhm.

Jamie: …eight uninterrupted power supplies just incase one goes down and the other goes down and the next goes down and the third goes down.

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Jamie: …and Word, Andrew. What does she save it as? “Book 7”?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Oh my god. Oh, I must know. How big is that Google document?

Jamie: Imagine if she lost it. Oh my god.

Andrew: Imagine if she accidentally was attaching it to a file to someone in an e-mail.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: Oh my god.

Andrew: And she accidentally sends the book. [laughs] And it is to some tabloid or something. [laughs]

Matt: Wow.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: A lot can go wrong there. I wonder if she has that laptop password protected.

Jamie: She must.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: “Harry Potter Rocks” is the password, I hear.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Password is, like, “MuggleNet Four.”

[Andrew, Jamie, and Matt laugh]

Jamie: That is funny. But, yeah. Word…

Matt: She can type pretty fast, too.

Jamie: …and a Windows laptop.

Andrew: Yeah, she can type pretty fast. Very disappointed to see that she wasn’t using a Mac.

Jamie: That is a bit bad, yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I mean if you are really concerned about, you know, you got this huge book on your computer, I would be very concerned to be writing that on a PC.

Jamie: Me too.

Matt: Geez.

Andrew: Yeah. Wouldn’t want a virus to beat it up and but, anyway can anyone tell what part of the book she is writing here? I am reading, it says, “‘A hollow tree?’ said Harry ‘What tree? Where were you?’ ‘A forest in Azkaban,’ she sighed ‘apparently…” something, something.

Jamie: That is not in the book though. That must be rewrite of it. Or a…

Laura: No, wasn’t that when he was talking to the ghost of Rowena Ravenclaw’s daughter?

Andrew: Oh!

Jamie: Well done, Laura. Second test, you passed it with flying colors.

Matt: Oh!

Andrew: [laughs] “‘You told Tom Riddle didn’t you?’ his eyelashes flattened beneath his gaze'” or something like that.


Andrew: Let’s move on to some announcements for now. First up, Happy Birthday to Laura!

Laura: Awww.

Jamie: Happy Birthday, Laura.

Andrew: Laura celebrated her birthday on Wednesday.

Jamie: How old are you Laura?

Laura: Nineteen. I feel so old.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah. Do you know how old I just turned?

Laura: Twenty-one, Jamie.

Jamie: Twenty-one, Laura. Don’t feel old yet.

Laura: I knew you were going to say that. [impersonating Jamie] “You’re old Laura? You’re old? I’m 21.”

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: It is just like last year, you were like [impersonating Jamie] “I am turning 20! Oh my god!”

Jamie: Stop saying you‘re old then. Stop saying you’re old, because you’re not, you are fine. You have literally a couple more years. After you turn 21e you can complain.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Okay. I will do that.

Jamie: Even though I have been complaining since I was 16.

Andrew: Another thing I want to mention was of course we have gotten a lot of reaction in terms to our announcement that we are going to be ending the show. Laura and Jamie, do you want to throw in your two cents into the hat?

Laura: We are ending the show?

Andrew: Yeah, we’re ending the show.

Laura: Oh my god. I have to start sending out applications, I need a new job.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Jamie: I was…

Andrew: Actually, guys, it was a big joke.

Jamie: Yeah, April fools, early.

Andrew: April Fools!

Laura: Oh, no. That is so mean you guys. We can’t do that.

Andrew: That would be terrible. No, no, we are dead serious.

Jamie: We are serious.

Andrew: You guys want to add your input to it?

Jamie: I would say that if you listen to it carefully, we are not actually ending it; we are just stopping doing weekly shows. So we are changing the format, basically. We do not know what we are going to do, but it’s not going be the end of MuggleCast. It is just going to be a significant change to how we do things. The biggest change we have done since we started in August 2005?

Andrew: Yeah, right.

Jamie: So, it is not like 16 more episodes and then the line is cut. The guillotine goes and MuggleCast is over.

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: We are just changing it, and we are putting out weekly with exactly the same format. So the candle will still burn, it is just going to be a bit shorter, that’s all.

Andrew: Right. Some people have suggested we do a monthly show, which I wouldn’t be totally against. I mean, I think we would have enough to talk about month-to-month.

Jamie: Yeah, definitely, definitely.

Laura: I think it is something to consider. It is just; a lot of it depends on what, how much is left come April. I mean, we’ll be done with our Book 7 discussion, really all that will be left to discuss will be news at that point.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: And movies of course. I mean there is no reason why we wouldn’t do special shows to cover movies or conventions or things like that. But I really and I feel so bad, because we have gotten so many emails and there is even a Facebook group now to try and get us to not stop weekly shows.

Andrew: I know. I know.

Laura: But honestly, you would rather us stop while we are still ahead than keep doing shows five years from now.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: And bringing up these…

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: …contrived points that we have already heard before.

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: But you have to agree that if we get seven billion signatures…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: In the Facebook group, we will start doing daily shows, so guys…

Andrew: Yeah right.

Jamie: …tell your friends. Tell your friends.

Andrew: Yeah. And everyone has to keep in mind, you know, it is, we are ending it in April. That is pretty far away. I mean some people are acting like, “the end is now. We are dead. No!” But we will still have four months.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: That is still a long time.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Just thinking to get to April feels like a while from now, so don’t just – what I have to say to the listeners is this: Don’t lose faith in us.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Don’t give up on us just because we are ending the show. We are still going to make the show just as good as it has ever been, and we are working on some things to make the show even better, but just don’t give up on us. Please keep listening. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Andrew: At least until April!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I mean come on! [laughs]

Jamie: What I want to say is – you guys don’t mind if I say this, I hope. But this is just one podcast, hopefully this will just be one podcast, and we hope to do something else as well at some point.

Laura: Oh, definitely.

Andrew: We said that on last week’s show.

Jamie: Oh, okay.

Andrew: That we would like to start a new podcast.

Jamie: So, you know, MuggleCast is going to change considerably, so please stay with us.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yes.

Jamie: Please stay with us.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: And I was thinking…

Matt: Don’t get – oh, sorry.

Andrew: No, go ahead.

Matt: I’m just saying, don’t get too hostile, because I am starting to read some of the comments, and…

Andrew: Yeah, some of them are really depressing. We realize – it makes us so, so, so, so, so, happy to hear how big of an impact MuggleCast has had in your lives.

Jamie: Yes, it really is nice.

Andrew: And that is the most flattering…

Jamie: But…

Andrew: …thing I have ever heard, and we are so glad to hear it’s made that difference, but at the same time we do have to move on at some point. And as we keep saying it’s not going to be the final MuggleCast, we’re still going to do them. I think we should do – after we end in April, we should start calling the shows MuggleCast Update or something like that, sort of to separate these shows in April from the ones we have done in the past. So, at least we know that MuggleCast was always a huge success.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: No matter how many downloads MuggleCast Update gets.

[Jamie, Laura, and Matt laugh]

Jamie: That’s an awful name, Andrew! [laughs]

Andrew: What, MugglecCast Update?

Jamie: It’s dreadful.

Andrew: Fine. We’ll come up with something better.

Matt: I don’t know. I thought it was pretty creative. How long did it take you to create that one?

Andrew: About five minutes.

Jamie: That’s surprising. Sorry, no.

[Andrew, Laura, and Matt laugh]

Jamie: I mean. It’s a very good name.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: I just, personally I don’t like it.

Looking Back to 2006

Andrew: Okay, and as this is our holiday show, Matt suggested this a couple weeks ago, we should talk about things that happened a year ago that week.

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Andrew: And I listened to our episode a year ago this Christmas, and what was the big news then? Don’t look at the show schedule. [laughs]

Matt: Wait, wait, let me scroll up.

Laura: How could we not know what it was?

Andrew: Honestly, I forgot. It’s all a blur to me.

Laura: Andrew! Oh my gosh.

Andrew: The title of Book 7 was released right before Christmas. And we didn’t even talk about – it wasn’t even a holiday show. We were saved by the bell, because Jo made that announcement, so we just discussed the title that whole time. That was a very good show that time.

Laura: It really was! You think about all the things we thought the Deathly Hallows were and…

Jamie: Yeah, I know!

Laura: …we weren’t even close.

Jamie: The thing is, though, if you think, it was there all along. If you read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and look about Invisibility Cloaks, you know, Harry’s invisibility cloak is special and I guess it’s kind of weird that we didn’t notice. Although, of course, you can say everything in hindsight, and actually, that’s not true at all because it’s very well hidden.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: That kind of thing, but it’s cool.

Andrew: And the other thing that was made a year ago was our final announcement to sell MuggleCast t-shirts.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Which I thought was kind of fun, because it feels like such a long time ago.

Jamie: It does.

Andrew: Maybe we’ll try to do it again.

Jamie: But it’s fine, Andrew, because we can start doing MuggleCast Update t-shirts, which are going to be all the rage, I tell you.

Andrew: Oh, come on, I thought it was good.

Jamie: Get your MuggleCast Update t-shirts here.

Andrew: Today!

Jamie: Today! Whoa!

Andrew: All right, let’s move on to some Muggle Mail now. Jamie, we renamed – well, I renamed listener rebuttals Muggle Mail; what do you think of that?

Jamie: I like that. No, no, I think that’s awesome because they weren’t always rebuttals, were they? No, no, I really, really like that.

Andrew: All right, I’m glad.

Jamie: But since this is really sort of an add-on to the previous Muggle Mail, shouldn’t this be like, Muggle Mail Update or something like that?

[Everyone laughs]

Muggle Mail: DVD Troubles

Andrew: Shut up. Anyway, first piece of mail comes from Danielle. She writes in response to my DVD problems last week. She says:

“My Order of the Phoenix DVD from Wal-mart is screwed up too. I thought it was just my TV, but I watched it on my friend’s plasma and it was even worse. When you mentioned that the problem was during the first half-hour and the last 15 minutes I couldn’t believe it, because that’s exactly when mine has the issue. Just wanted to let you know it’s not just you.”

Laura: It’s because you got it at Wal-Mart, that’s why.

Andrew: I meant to – yeah. I meant to prepare for this on the show, but maybe next week for the New Year’s show, we’ll call WB on the air and see if I can complain and get some results.

Jamie: Imagine doing a recall of 100 million DVDs. That would be so bad.

Andrew: They’ll probably just tell us to replace it.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: But next week we’ll do that. One more…

Matt: We should’ve all went to Target, though. Target’s the best.

Andrew: I know.

Matt: Right, Laura?

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Muggle Mail: More DVD Troubles

Andrew: Another e-mail about the DVD comes from Emily. She writes:

“I was just listening to Episode 124 where you were discussing the new Order of the Phoenix DVD. I also had a problem with my DVD. I bought the two-disc Special Edition and instead of one DVD with the movie and one with special features, I got two DVDs with the movie.”

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: “Since finding out about the problem, my mom and I have returned to Wal-mMart and gotten another copy. There’s no problem with the second copy.”

Laura: See? Wal-mart again. I’m telling you guys. Bad employment practices. This is what happens.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Well, I mean, I don’t think it’s the employees at Wal-Mart. They are fine employees at Wal-Mart.

Laura: No, I’m saying they’re a crappy company.

Andrew: Oh, that’s mean.

Laura: They are.

Andrew: I’m sorry to all those listeners out there who do work at Wal-Mart.

Jamie: Potential libel suit as well there, Laura. You got to be careful.

Matt: Yeah, geez.

Jamie: But if you prefix it with the word “allegedly” you’re fine. Allegedly.

Andrew: Don’t say that, because now people who don’t like us will accuse us again of copyright.

Jamie: Okay, yeah, I didn’t get it from there, I got it from the show, Have I Got News For You, which is a U.K. satirical thing. So, I got it from them. Everything’s copied now, Andrew, nothing’s original.

Andrew: I know.

Jamie: You know, like, everything’s been done before. It’s just done in a different way.

Andrew: Yeah.

Muggle Mail: The Seven Potters

Laura: Our next Muggle Mail update comes from Aasa Andersson, 35, of Sweden. She says:

“Hi there. I realize that I am a week too late, but I simply have to ask you guys about this (from “The Seven Potters”). When the seven Potters change clothes in the Dursley’s kitchen, Ron remarks to Harry that ‘I knew Ginny was lying about that tattoo’ as he looks down at his bare chest. I just want to know: how likely is it that Ron never would have seen Harry’s bare chest after six years in the same dormitory and changes in the Quidditch changing room on top of that?”

Jamie: Jesus.

Laura: “It seems less likely that Ginny would have seen it, though I suppose it is possible.”

Jamie: Okay, this is a PG-13 podcast. I think we should ignore this one piece of MuggleMail.

Andrew: I think that’s a fair question. Unless they used their magic to change their clothes without ever becoming nakie.

Jamie: Well, they don’t wash either, you know, and they don’t do anything.

Laura: Or go to the bathroom.

Jamie: Or, yeah, go to the bathroom. So, it’s like anything could have happened.

Andrew: That’s true.

Jamie: I guess- I guess, you know…

Laura: Ron could have been joking.

Jamie: Yeah, and he could have got a tattoo as well, like – he could have gone to the Hogwarts tattoo parlor at some point.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: Or maybe they were just lying about where the location was.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Exactly. Yeah.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Jamie: Exactly.

Andrew: It could be elsewhere.

Jamie: Anyway…

Andrew: [in dumb voice] I don’t know about you girls, but I can’t wait to see that scene in the movie.

[Laura and Matt laugh]

Jamie: Me too. I’m so excited.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: No.

Andrew: I wonder how they are going to do that in the movie. That would be so much work on Dan’s half.

Matt: Well, he’s not going to take half of the credit.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: He’s not even going to do half the work. He’s just going to say, “I love magic” or something.

Laura: Isn’t that just an inherently awkward scene? You know, you think about it, like…

Andrew: Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: But I mean – what I mean is, it’s going to be a lot of work to film.

Laura: Oh, definitely.

Matt: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Andrew: I mean, eight Harrys – or no, seven – filming him seven times doing different things and then putting all those together. I cannot wait to see how they do that. I hope they do a special look on that.

Jamie: Oh yeah, that will be interesting. That will be so interesting.

Andrew: Yeah, definitely.

Jamie: Or they’ll just scout the world for six very, very good look-a-likes.

[Andrew and Matt laughs]

Andrew: They might, yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

MuggleCast 125 Transcript (continued)

Muggle Mail: Chapter Title

Matt: Our next email comes from Kenneth Logan Jr., 20, from Hampton, Virginia. He writes:

“I don’t know about ya’ll, but when I first saw the chapter title I immediately thought of the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End scene hallucinates on a ship in Davey Jones’ Locker and see’s multiple Jacks. I thought Harry was going crazy, or something.”

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: I put that e-mail in there for you Jamie.

Jamie: Well, I was oing to say. It’s like, yeah, in the eighth book, Harry becomes an alcoholic and starts drinking rum like there’s no tomorrow and…

[Andrew, Laura, and Matt laugh]

Jamie: Then he starts hallucinating. But no, no, that’s very interesting. I – it was a very clever plan, but I just think, it’s magic, there has to be some other way of transporting people. Without magic you can, like, you know, there are ways to get people to places, and this is turning into some kind of conspiracy theory, but there are ways to, you know, to sort of bring people to different places secretly. But then I thought…

Laura: Like what?

Jamie: Well, Laura, it’s a secret. That’s why, you know, no one knows.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: But, like, Delta Force and the Navy Seals SAS, I’m sure, have ways.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: But, like, I just mean – but then magic cancels that out because if one side can do it, than the other side can do it as well. So, it just becomes hard still. But it was a good plan, but I just don’t know – surely they could have mixed everything up, like – it’s like everyone puts their wands into, like, a pot and then they pull out wands and each person turns into that person, so everyone’s different. So, they can’t possibly tell who’s who. So, you have, like…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: …two Moodys, four Kingsleys, eight Harrys, you know? So…

Matt: Yeah, did they have to do – did they even have to multiply Harry? Couldn’t just…

Jamie: Well, yeah.

Matt: …Harry just takes someone else’s Polyjuice Potion and then they just…

Jamie: Exactly, yeah, he could’ve been anyone, absolutely anyone.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Or they could’ve – see what I don’t understand is why they don’t teach him to be an Animagus.

Matt: Animagus, yeah.

Jamie: And then he could be a single-celled organism.

[Andrew, Jamie and Laura laugh]

Jamie: So no one can see him unless Voldemort carries around a microscope.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: They could lose him that way.

Matt: I was questioning about that chapter – oh, sorry.

Laura: No, I was just saying they could lose him very easily.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, they could!

Laura: You get back to the Burrow and it’s like he doesn’t change back and they’re like…

Jamie: Yeah. [laughs]

Laura: Oh. Whoops.

Jamie: That would suck.

Andrew: That’s funny.

Matt: Mhm.

The Eighth Book

Andrew: That’s very funny. You know, there’s one more story I forgot to put in the news here and I think it’s worth noting. Well, we did talk about it. J.K. is TIME’s second runner-up Person of the Year, but she – there was a new little interview with her in this article and let me quote what she said.

“There have been times since finishing – weak moments – when I’ve said ‘Yeah, all right,’ to the eighth novel. If, and it’s a big if, I ever write an eighth book about the wizarding world, I doubt that Harry would be the central character. I feel like I’ve already told his story. But these are big ifs. Let’s give it ten years and see how we feel then.”

Jamie: Hmmm.

Andrew: To me, it seems like Jo is leaving it a lot more open…

Jamie: She is. Hinting, isn’t she?

Andrew: …than she has in the past.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: There’s so much more she can write, though. There really is.

Matt: I know.

Jamie: I wouldn’t be surprised if she did write something else.

Laura: Well, yeah. Why doesn’t she write about James Potter and Elder’s Crossing?

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Isn’t that the new one?

Andrew: Right. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: Or, like, Snape’s story.

Jamie: Yeah!

Matt: Or something.

Jamie: There’s so much. There really is.

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Matt: Or even Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Jamie: That would be so cool!

Matt: A tale of lost lovers or something.

Jamie: That would be the NC-17 book, Matt, but…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That would be a romance novel.

Jamie: That would be the romance novel.

Andrew: I would love…

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Seriously!

Matt: I was just seeing two very muscular wizards in one of those romantic novel covers…

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Just as a joke…

Jamie: That would be, oh yeah.

Matt: And their hair.

Jamie: Grindelwald looked at Albus. And Albus looked at Grindelwald. Albus and Grindelwald looked at each other. Wow. I might write it.

Andrew: [laughs] I – it just seems like, you know, it was left open more than we’ve heard her say in the past.

Jamie: It was. Yeah.

Chapter-by-Chapter: Fallen Warrior

Andrew: We’ll see. We’ll see. Alright, let’s move on to Chapter-by-Chapter now. This week we have Chapter 5: Fallen Warrior, and also Chapter 6: Ghoul in Pajamas. We’re going to start doing two chapters a week now to wrap things up by April. So we’re going to make one minor change. We’re just going to highlight the top three events in each chapter, rather than the top five. Other than that, everything else is still the same. So we’ll start off – we’ll start off withFallen Warrior, and this is the chapter where everyone arrives at the Burrow and Harry and the rest of them all anxiously await each new pair to arrive at the Burrow. So first of all, when you’re reading this chapter, it’s set up very well because it begins – the chapter title is called Fallen Warrior, so the readers know that somebody is going to die.

Matt: Yes.

Andrew: But at the same time, what’s great about this chapter is that you are waiting along with everyone else. And although they don’t know who is going to die, they feel like someone may because it was a dangerous journey and they seem to be set on believing that something is going to happen. So the whole time we’re waiting and we’re following we are with the characters.

Matt: We are also left at the end of the chapter thinking that probably Hagrid died anyway.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: And I – I thought it was either Hagrid or even Hedwig because…

Andrew: Huh?

Laura: Hedwig was devastating.

Andrew: Hedwig was – well, he was already dead.

Laura: I know, but…

Matt: It’s a she, for one.

Andrew: She. I’m sorry.

Matt: There you go.

Laura: I was mortified when I read that. I couldn’t believe it.

Jamie: What?

Laura: I was so upset. That Hedwig was dead!

Jamie: That Hedwig died?

Laura: Oh my god.

Jamie: Laura, you’ve got to see the bigger picture. She’s just an owl. I know, you know, obviously, she’s…

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: She is an important character and, obviously, the symbolism of the pureness and the whiteness is very important and it shows something dear to Harry, but, you know?

Laura: But then he, like…

Matt: She’s just an owl.

Jamie: Well, yeah.

Laura: Didn’t he kind of like, blow her up on accident after she died too?

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, he did.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: [laughs] Wow. That’s got to suck.

Matt: Well, if it makes you feel better, Laura, she didn’t feel a thing.

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: Yeah, but can you imagine blowing up your pet?

Jamie: It was closure, though. It was closure. He could still see her and he was like, “She’s got to go, she’s got to go.”

Matt: Some kind of closure, though.

Jamie: Yeah, it is.

How did the Death Eaters Know Who Harry Was?

Andrew: That’s that for that first point, I guess. Next point – Harry and Lupin discuss how the Death Eaters find out that he was the real Harry – and we were talking about this briefly last week. Lupin even describes Expelliarmus as his signature move and it’s funny because Ben’s always been calling it his signature move, but I guess Ben read it out of one of the chapters, I don’t think he remembers.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: I don’t think he remembers that it was an actual chapter. And then, even after Lupin yells at Harry to stop doing it, Harry continues to use the spell through the rest of the book. Would it be fair to say that, even though, you know, we may have thought that this was Jo’s – a fault in Jo’s writing, maybe Harry kept using it just to – because he was so confident in the spell, and he felt that this would get him through until the end. Because obviously it did, but why do you think he kept using it? Do you guys have any input on this?

Jamie: Wasn’t it more of his defiance and stubbornness rather than, his sort of confidence in it? He won’t – and it’s altruism as well – he won’t kill people that are just there, you know? He’s – it does show something about his character. It also shows, perhaps, he doesn’t… I mean he obviously does appreciate the implications of where he is and the war he’s in, but perhaps he doesn’t, sort of, you know, like – the adults are supposed to be more sensible, obviously, and they see that there’s a need for killing in that. And obviously, you know, the Order of the Phoenix has to be against killing because it’s Dumbledore’s thing and he hated Horcruxes and that kind of thing, but for Harry to only use Expelliarmus and not Avada Kedavra and things like that, is both defiant and it shows him as a good character, but it also shows him as a bit stubborn and perhaps immature depending on how you look at it, because the time there was over for, you know, disarming. If you read that chapter, it’s a family torn apart, because people argue about stuff they wouldn’t normally argue about in the heat of the moment and, you know, people are dying all over the place. So, I mean like, I like to think if I was there with a wand, had magical powers inside a book, I would Avada Kedavra people, but then, you know, it’s a lot harder to do.

Matt: But he also has to mean it.

Jamie: He has to mean it as well, exactly.

Matt: I think he believes that he can never do an Unforgivable Curse because he knows that he’ll never actually mean to kill someone.

Jamie: Yeah. Yeah. I agree completely. Like, when he does the Imperius Curse is completely different to Avada Kedavra because, you know, he obviously thinks there is never any need to kill someone, whereas the Imperius Curse had to be done in Gringotts when he was…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, I can – yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. The thing that go me about this was that even Lupin was berating him for this and I thought that was sort of – that should’ve been a wake up call to Harry. The Death Eaters know that this is your spell and they’re prepared for it. They’re prepared to fight it off.

Matt: I think he was really upset with Lupin though, only due to the fact that, you know, he’s seen Lupin as his uncle…

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: …sort of, and this is the first time he’s actually defiant to Harry.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: He’s kind of upset with Harry because he’s not really – I don’t really know. Why do you think he’s a little upset with Harry in this chapter?

Andrew: Just because I think he set himself up for possible death.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And, I mean, he gave his cover away. That was the most important thing. He blew his cover.

Jamie: It was also because Lupin, even though he was the best of friends with James, knew that he was a flawed character and he’s seen those flaws in Harry. And he knows those flaws. Some of them aren’t good, although James was altogether a nice guy. He wasn’t always nice and he’s seeing the defiance in Harry and he likes it. He wants him to improve for father’s sake and his parents’ sake and for Sirius’ sake, I gues.

Andrew: Yeah. He even said that in this chapter. Lupin said, “You remind me of your father, James.”

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: You’re father, yeah.

Matt: I don’t want to entirely think that the – I don’t want to say “anger,” but the feelings he had towards Harry after he heard about Harry and his Expelliarmus spell, how I don’t think it’s directed mostly to Harry. It’s also to himself, too. He’s putting a lot of blame on him for not informing Harry…

Jamie: Yeah, that’s very true. Yeah.

Matt: And helping him out.

The Death of Mad-Eye Moody

Andrew: All right, so Mad-Eye Moody is the one who dies in this chapter, we find out. What were you guys’ initial reactions to his death? Were you surprised? Did you care?

Laura: I mean…

Matt: I didn’t even…

Laura: Oh, sorry Matt…

Matt: Sorry Laura, your turn.

Laura: I was surprised. I wasn’t terribly upset by it, I guess. I mean, I always thought Mad-Eye was cool.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: But he wasn’t the kind of character I’d cry over.

Andrew: Yeah, I think he was the kind of character we never – I never really had a connection to. It was sad and while you’re reading their reactions, the characters reactions, to his death, you feel for them but it just doesn’t seem like all that of an important death to me.

Laura: I think it was just getting us ready for the bloodbath at the end of the book.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah, I always envisioned him dying in a huge battle or something because that’s the kind of person that he’s known for – fighting in huge amounts, battling a lot of Death Eaters. I just thought it was kind of a cheap shot for him to die.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s what I thought too. It wasn’t his right time. Do you guys think he was – is it a stupid question to ask if he was the right character to go?

Laura: I don’t know, I think at this point in the series a lot of it was about showing that random deaths happen in war, there’s not necessarily a reason for it.

Matt: Exactly.

Laura: It just happens.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Unexpectedly.

Mundungus’ Reliability

Andrew: Yeah and also in this chapter they discuss whether or not Mundungus gave up their cover or was he really just panicking. Do you think he was just panicking? Because I mean, I think for anyone saw Voldemort and he was ready to attack them as Harry he would panic, legitimately.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t know. I think Mundungus was a weak person to begin with.

Jamie: I don’t think he was an evil-minded character. I think it takes a lot and you can see straight away if a character is mentally evil. But he was just out for what he could get. Very, very self-indulgent. Very, very self-specific. He only really cared for himself. Not to say he doesn’t care for other people, but I think seeing Voldemort, you have got to appreciate the circumstances. Seeing him is basically instant death, you know?

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: You can’t fight Voldemort, it’s futile.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: It’s like – even though it’s – anyone who goes against Voldemort will basically die. It’s like if you watch The Matrix – when you fight an Agent, unless you’re Neo, you will die.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Jamie: You know? So, it’s kind of like that. I don’t think he gave up their cover. I think it was literally spur of the moment flight of fight. His adrenaline didn’t want to come out and he disappeared. Like, I think a lot more people…

Matt: Well, we know he’s loyal too.

Jamie: Exactly, yeah.

Matt: Because he was in the Hog’s Head looking over Harry in Book 5.

Jamie: Exactly, yeah.

Jamie: He isn’t a bad person…

Matt: He’s not stupid.

Jamie: Exactly. I think more people would get into street fights if they knew they could disappear in a blink in of an eye.

Andrew: Right. [laughs]

Jamie: They could just swear at someone and once they came over they just “pop!” and they’d appear in Siberia.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yep.

Jamie: So… Go on, sorry.

Matt: Maybe when he Apparated it was an instinct or something.

Jamie: Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Matt: Like if I saw Voldemort my first instinct would be to get the hell out of there.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, I really don’t think magic would hold up in the real world. If you think about bringing magic into our society today, I think our world would just be a mess.

Jamie: Oh it would be completely.

Matt: It would be gone. It wouldn’t even be there.

Andrew: The reason I say that is Jamie’s point about people just Apparating after they’ve picked a fight. This world would be so bad.

Laura: Yeah.

Tribute to Moody

Andrew: Let’s move onto Chapter 6 now, The Ghoul in Pajamas. Laura, do you want to handle this one?

Laura: Yeah sure, this is the chapter in which the Weasleys are busy…

Andrew: Oh wait, wait, wait, oh – sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Laura: Are you trying to interrupt me?

Andrew: No, no, no, I forgot Song Memory and Favorite Lines.

Laura: Fine, fine.

Andrew: Okay before we go onto our next chapter, we’re going to start a new thing now. Every time there is a death in the book we’re going to play a clip of a song in their memory.

Matt: Really? [laughs]

Andrew: And the song will relate to the character. This was actually Micah’s idea, so props to him. So, now we take a moment to remember Mad-Eye Moody.

[Eye of the Tiger plays]

Jamie: Godspeed, Mad-Eye.

Andrew: I’m crying a bit, it’s kind of sad.

Jamie: I think that’s a nice word, “Godspeed.” It’s so under used these days.

Favorite Lines

Andrew: It is. Anyway. Also, favorite lines from this chapter! I just put in one, “What was the last thing Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?” Was that Weasley to Kingsley or was it vice-versa?

Jamie: It was Kingsley to Luna.

Andrew: Yeah, my bad. “Harry’s the best hope we have. Trust him.”

[Everyone “awwws”]

Jamie: That is nice. That is nice.

Jamie: You think he’d say good-bye, last of all though.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: “Harry’s the best hope we have. Trust him.” Right. “I’m off to die! See you all later.”

Matt: [impersonating Dumbledore] “Harry’s the best choice we have.”

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh man, that was just a shame. And too bad Molly didn’t listen to that quote.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, really.

Andrew: I would think Molly was in the room because then Molly raises the fuss about – which leads us into Chapter 6, The Ghoul in Pajamas.

Matt: I keep hearing “The Golden Pajamas.”

Laura: The Gold…

Jamie: The Golden Pajamas.

Jamie: Matt, Matt, that’s the sequel to The Golden Compass.

Laura: The Golden Compass.

[Everyone laughs]

Tangent: The Golden Compass

Andrew: Hey, good thing you brought that up! Jamie can we just do a quick Golden Compass review before we get to the next chapter?

Jamie: Okay, but don’t spoil it please.

Andrew: No, we won’t, it was okay.

Matt: Oh my god! Did you see this one part of the film? It was so good.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Laura: I heard it was awful – like, in terms of being an adaption.

Andrew: Yeah, it was. It was not…

Laura: I haven’t seen it yet but I’ve read the book and the book is fantastic.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: The movie, I heard they took out every bit of religious symbolism or any…

Andrew: Yes…

Laura: Oh gosh.

Matt: Yeah they did.

Laura: That’s ridiculous.

Andrew: They did. And…

Matt: It is.

Andrew: I got an e-mail saying that they took out the last ten chapters of the book.

Laura: What?

Matt: Yeah!

Jamie: That’s bad.

Matt: Yeah they – they took out like a huge – they filmed it and everything but what they’re going to do is, kind of like with the Two Towers in Lord of the Rings, they’re going to – they took the ending from the first movie and they’re going to put it in the beginning of the second one.

Laura: Where did the first – where did The Golden Compass end?

Matt: If there’s a second one. It’s a toss-up right now if there’s even going to be a second film. So pretty much they just took out the ending and then just threw it away.

Laura: Where did the film end?

Matt: The film ended with – well, I don’t want to spoil it because Jamie’s going to watch it.

Andrew: It ended with a long speech.

Matt: It ended with the blimp.

Laura: What?

Matt: Right after the big fight.

Laura: Oh my god.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Oh okay, yeah, no. That’s all I have to say, no.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yes.

Matt: Yeah. That was pretty much everyone’s reaction to – when they saw it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: I went, “Are you serious?”

Andrew: Yeah, it was a bit of a letdown. But, I do have to say the polar bear fights were very cool though. The polar bears in general were very cool.

Matt: Well I liked – my favorites are just the daemons in general. I just thought that whole concept was perfect.

Laura: Okay and can…

Matt: I want a daemon.

Laura: Can some listeners please correct me if I’m wrong, but I was almost positive that in the book it’s pronounced like “day-mon.” Not “demon.”

Andrew: They say “demons” in the movie.

Laura: Why would you call them demons? They’re so worried about all of the…

Matt: Yeah, so… Because they say it in the movie.

Laura: No, no, no. I don’t think that’s how it’s said in the book. But…

Andrew: I don’t know.

Matt: Well the “a” and the “e” are connected, so isn’t it its own letter too?

Laura: I thought it was “day-mon,” but I know that…

Matt: It’s like “day-e-mons.”

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Well, they’re so concerned about fundamentalists, you know, boycotting this film and yet they call these extensions of people’s souls daemons.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, it’s funny.

Matt: Maybe it’s just the American version of daemon.

Andrew: Maybe. That could be it.

Jamie: Damon! [laughs] Isn’t he a Senior Staff Member?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh!

Matt: Matt Damon.

Andrew: I wonder what Damon’s daemon is?

Jamie: It’s a small version of himself.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Damon daemon.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Encyclopaedia. That’s what it should be.

Chapter-by-Chapter: The Ghoul in Pajamas

Andrew: Well, let’s move on now to Chapter 6, Laura. Sorry, I won’t to interrupt you this time.

Laura: Yeah ok.

Andrew: That was the Matt and Andrew Movie Review! Ho! Back to you.

Laura: Yay. Okay so, this is Chapter 6, The Ghoul in Pajamas. It’s the chapter where the Weasleys are busy with wedding preparations for Bill and Fleur and throughout the entire chapter, Mrs. Weasley is completely annoying with her attempts to distract Harry, Ron, and Hermione…

Jamie: She is.

Laura: …from doing their mission. We also begin learning some of the basics about Horcruxes.

Matt: Mhm.

Is Mrs. Weasley Too Overprotecting?

Laura: So, let’s see. The first thing we have here is: Mrs. Weasley’s motherly concern with what she’s – throughout the entire chapter she barges in on them during the few moments the trio have together to try and discuss what they’re going to do. There’s one point where they’re in Ron’s room and she comes in and tells them to go sort presents or something. They’re also outside at one point and she interrupts them. So, my question is – is Mrs. Weasley right to let her motherly concern get in the way of what they need to do?

Andrew: Yes!

Matt: She doesn’t know what they need to do.

Andrew: Well that’s the other thing.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: But, I don’t know. I think a lot of this kind of relates to – and I don’t want to get too opinionated here, but when there’s a war going on, people who are for the war tend to say, “Well, it’s something that is worth dying for.” But people who are against the war…

Jamie: Isn’t that worth fighting for?

Laura: People who are against it say, “It’s not worth dying for,” and I think it’s – I think it’s, I don’t know. I see you…

Matt: Well she’s also in a state of shock over her son, too. She doesn’t want anything else to happen.

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: Pretty much her adrenaline is running and her motherly instinct is just taking over…

Laura: Oh, I think so too.

Matt: …pretty much all of her actions too.

Jamie: I think it’s quite – I mean, like, when we were – Andrew do you remember this? We were – I can’t remember where we were but, we were sitting after a podcast on the live tour and this lady came up to us and just said, “Never underestimate the power of a mother’s love.”

Andrew: Yes!

Jamie: So, I’d say it’s quite, you know, tough for us to say should she let this go in the way or shouldn’t she. I think it’s probably not possible for her to stop it getting in the way. You know, a parent’s concern for their children often overrides any instinct or anything like that.

Matt: Yes.

Jamie: So, saying that, it’s probably a hindrance for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to do it; but it’s something that has to be dealt with and dealt with accordingly.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Mhm.

Matt: Right.

Andrew: And Mrs. Weasley is nothing but concerned. I mean, when you think about it, they are going out to fight Voldemort. I mean – that’s – she knows that’s what they’re doing, or at least…

Jamie: Exactly, yeah!

Andrew: What their mission relates to. So, it’s very scary for a mother. And yeah, what it comes down to is – it’s the mother’s protection. But there’s nothing she can do about it, you know?

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah. But, I mean – still, I think, we can all pretty much figure that our parents, our mother, would do the same thing.

Laura: Oh, for sure!

Jamie: Yeha.

Matt: So…

Andrew: Well, let me give you a sort of example.

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: I’ve said on this show maybe, or maybe at least on Pickle Pack, that – I think it was just on Pickle Pack – that I plan on moving to California. My mom hates this idea. However, she knows that I’m going to do it no matter what. And one time she even said to me, “I don’t really want you to do it but I know I can’t stop you.” So… [laughs] That’s basically the same way….

Jamie: Awww! Don’t laugh, Andrew! That’s lovely!

Andrew: I’m not laughing, that’s very nice, I know.

Matt: My mother would never do that.

[Jamie and Andrew laughs]

Andrew: What’s that, Laura?

Laura: My Mom kind of did the same thing when I moved to Maryland.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s sad for Mom because she’s losing her child. When you think about it, if I was in her position or, even say, if my brother or my sister decided to leave, at first I’d be like, “Good riddance!” But then after a while, I’d realize that I probably do miss them a bit. [laughs]

Matt: But, you know, I think your mother will see the whole gist of it. I mean, she’s not really loosing a son, she’s gaining a bedroom!

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: And a recording studio as well! [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] A recording studio. I’m bringing all the stuff with me.

Jamie: She can start her own podcast.

Andrew: Oh god! Anyway. So, yeah. I think that sums up that point. And I think that woman said it to us best on that tour – “Never underestimate the power mother’s love.”

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Yep.

The Trio are Growing Up

Laura: And I think that kind of ties into the next point, about how a lot of the time, parents kind of struggle with the idea of their kids growing up. You know? In Order of the Phoenix, she continually insists that Harry is too young to be told any of what the Order is doing. Even in this chapter, she says about Dumbledore that: “Probably he was telling you to do something he wanted done, and you took it to mean he wanted you to do it.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: So we see, even though she has a great deal of love for him, she still treats him like a kid. Like he couldn’t possibly understand the concept.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: But isn’t she more trying to get any excuse to get them to not do it?

Laura: Oh, I think so.

Jamie: It’s like – logic gets completely out of the window when it comes to that. And although she can be annoying – and to me, she is one of the most annoying characters in the – I don’t like how she interferes into everything. Like, there are things you have to do alone, there are things you don’t do with your mother’s guidance. And stuff like that. Although she is caring and means well, she is one of those characters that does only have good heart, you know?

Matt: But weren’t you a little annoyed in Book 5 in that chapter when she says, “He is as good as my son?”

Jamie: That was just – yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: I hated that. Seriously, I felt so sorry for Sirius then. I really did. I hated it. Matt, she needed a punch then. Between the eyes. Like the carol singers.

Matt: Yeah. Or at least a slap or something.

Laura: I think she needed…

Jamie: A slap, yeah. A punch is a bit much.

Matt: Just to let her know who’s boss, you know?

Jamie: I – yeah, yeah, that’s right. That’s right. Just a small one.

Matt: Just so she could pull her tail between her legs.

Laura: I mean…

Jamie: Exactly. Yeah. Not too mean.

Laura: I understand completely where she’s coming from. Like, if I had a kid, I would never want them to go do that. But that one scene where she pulls Harry into a sort of side room, you know, under the pretense of getting him to identify a sock, and then she immediately…

Jamie: Yeah. Yeah.

Laura: …starts hammering on him, “So why are you dropping out of school?” And it’s like, “Ughhh!” Because you just know how much he has to do, and he doesn’t need her to be…

Jamie: Yeah. Yeah.

Laura: Guilting him.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Exactly. Yeah. And it’s – but – she means well, but her methods are occasionally thrown into question, you know?

Matt: Well, she has to have an extreme emotion of something.

Jamie: Exactly. Yeah.

Matt: I mean every character has to have something. She can’t be perfect.

Jamie: No, she can’t. She can’t.

Relationship Tensions

Laura: All right, well the next thing we see in this chapter (and I think a lot of shippers were really happy about this) was a lot of tension between Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione. One of the first things we see in the chapter is when Harry and Ginny are setting the table together. They have a moment of “unspoken understanding” where they both remember times when they were together.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: And it seems weird to me. And I’m like, reading these books, and it seems weird to me that Ron seems to be the only one in their entire family who knows or acknowledges that Harry and Ginny were together. Like – it just – you would think that other characters would mention it, but…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …I feel like we never see that, and I wonder if the family knew.

Matt: Well, I’m pretty positive that Fred and George…

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: …may know a little something. And of course we know Hermione knows, but I think – I think Ron is one of those characters who can’t really keep his feelings to himself…

Laura: Mhm.

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: …very much, especially when it comes to his little sister, because I think he’s been the most protective of Ginny.

Laura: Oh, for sure.

Matt: …then…

Laura: It just seemed weird to me because there’s, you know, one point where they’re all having dinner together and Harry says that he found himself scrunched beside Ginny, and I’m just thinking of Mrs. Weasley who is constantly the perfectionist when it comes to meal plans or any sort of party situation.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: And there Harry and Ginny are, sitting by each other, and you would think she would realize how incredibly awkward that would be.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Laura: So…

Matt: I don’t think Mrs. Weasley knew…

Laura: You don’t think she knew they were dating?

Matt: No.

Jamie: No, no, I…

Matt: Sometimes I think – sometimes parents are really oblivious to it.

Jamie: Oh…

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Especially with all the things that are going on, I think she’s pretty much – if she did have any assumption, I think that’s being put on the back burner at this point.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: And also, Fred and George have a great deal of respect for Harry.

Matt: Definitely.

Jamie: I don’t think they’d be the kind of people to joke about something as serious as that in front of – you know, because…

Matt: If anything, they’d be pushing for it.

Laura: Mhm.

Jamie: Exactly, yeah.

Laura: Yeah I just didn’t know if maybe like, it was possible that Mrs. Weasley was trying to get them back together, or, you know, maybe?

Andrew: I think people knew it was sort of an awkward situation so nobody really wanted to bring it up.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Does that make sense?

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: Well I’m sure Mrs. Weasley knew…

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: …that Ginny had a crush – I mean she knew she had a crush on him in the beginning, so…

Andrew: Even when we look back to Chamber of Secrets, even the movie when they were – when they dropped in those little hints, which was nice.

Laura: Yeah.

Matt: Mhm.

Laura: Just like a side note, did you guys, like, when you were reading the beginning of the series, think that Harry and Ginny were going to get together?

Andrew: Beginning of the series?

Laura: Yeah, like in Books 2 and 3…

Jamie: I can’t remember them.

Andrew: No.

Laura: I never thought of it at all, to be perfectly honest. Not until really the fifth book did I actually think, “Oh, that could happen.” But…

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Earlier in the series I was just like – I thought she was just, like, this cute little girl who had a crush on Harry.

Jamie: A friend. Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I didn’t think of it that way at all.

Matt: Mhm, yep. If anything the thought would have been, really, just in and out really quickly whenever they mentioned that Ginny was dating this guy and this other guy.

Jamie: That’s disgusting, Matthew!

Matt: What?!

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: In and out very quickly?! Harry’s got more game than that!

Matt: I made no assumption…

Andrew: Jamie, you made it disgusting.

Matt: I am not judging. I know!

Jamie: Huh?

Andrew: You made it disgusting.

Jamie: No! Well, maybe, maybe.

Matt: He did catch the only time I didn’t have anything behind it. That was like the only time.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Jamie: That’s funny.

Andrew: That’s terrible. I think it also depends on what age you’re reading the book at.

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: Because, like, at our age…

Jamie: Yeah, definitely.

Andrew: …I don’t think when we were reading Sorcerer’s Stone through Goblet of Fire, Goblet of Fire came out in 2000. We were…

Laura: Eleven. [laughs]

Andrew: …eleven. Yeah, we weren’t thinking about relationships. At least I wasn’t. Hell, I’m still not thinking about relationships.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: I mean, you know, maybe once I hit puberty or something, but…

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: [laughs] When your voice cracks.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Why are we stopping this show? It’s so much fun.

Jamie: It is fun!

Andrew: Let’s continue. A thousand more shows!

Jamie: We will.

MuggleCast 125 Transcript (continued)

Ron’s Insensitivity

Laura: So, did anyone else want to slap Ron in this chapter? I just wanted to beat him.

Andrew: Why?

Laura: Okay, because as a girl…

Matt: As a woman.

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: …I’m reading this, and I see these attempts to show that he knows how to talk to girls now or whatever, but we all know he got them from a book; he admits it to Harry later. And it just seems so fake. He’s not actually trying to comfort her because he completely identifies with how she feels, he’s trying to comfort her to make her like him. And I’m just…

Matt: Well, yeah!

Jamie: But she moves in mysterious ways and it’s – and he does…

Laura: No, that’s not how it works, that’s not how it works. You are supposed to sympathize.

Matt: No, no, no, no, no. He has come to terms with the fact that he has no game.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: He knows that, he has come to terms with that.

Jamie: And Laura…

Matt: And he knows he likes Hermione, and he’s actually come to terms with that too, so now he’s trying to get with her.

Jamie: It’s all he can do.

Matt: Why are you trying to take it away from him?

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Because he’s not trying to – it’s so annoying, because he should sympathize with her just because he sympathizes with her, but he only does it to try and get with her.

Matt: No.

Laura: It’s not right.

Jamie: But that’s – no, but…

Laura: I don’t feel like it’s until half-way through the book where he really understands. And at the same…

Jamie: He’s not being mean, though.

Matt: You know you like it.

Laura: No.

Jamie: It’s all he can do, though. It’s all he knows what to do. It’s not his fault. It’s just…

Laura: It’s because he’s pathetic.

Jamie: You know? Now, Laura.

Matt: But you know that he’s going to come through in the end anyway. So…

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: But still, it makes me want to smack him.

Matt: It’s something that his brothers gave to him.

Laura: Okay, let me just say something. You guys don’t understand. But girls who are listening, they get it.

Matt: No, no, I don’t think you understand, Laura.

Jamie: You’re talking to three guys about a guy’s actions.

Matt: There has always been at least one or two times in a man’s life where he has had help from somebody else with advice.

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: This doesn’t come naturally to guys.

Laura: No, because you’re all dense.

Jamie: “Game” is not natural, you learn “game.”

Matt: Most guys won’t even approach a woman until they were like 25.

Jamie: Pretty sure of – yeah, and pretty sure of the attraction.

Matt: Until they were at the height of their sexual peak, so to speak.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Whatever. I don’t like it.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: But there was this…

Matt: Stop reading those novels.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah!

Laura: What novels?

Matt: It’s putting dirty thoughts in your head. They’re all lies. We’re not all like that.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Laura: What? Okay, I’m not going to pretend to understand. [laughs] Anyway, there was one quote that I thought was pretty funny, where it was talking about – Ron went over to comfort Hermione again, and he kind of glared at Harry after Harry said something that made her cry, and it said: “Harry could not think of anything to say, not least because it was highly unusual for Ron to be teaching anyone else tact.”

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: [laughs] And I think that’s just another way to show that Ron is tactless, and he’s a prat.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Oh no, but he’s not tactless. Well, no, he is, but he isn’t a prat, he’s just – he doesn’t know what to do. It’s not malicious, you know, it’s just how he acts, he doesn’t know what else to do.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: You have to read the side notes, Laura.

Laura: No.

Jamie: Yeah, the footnotes, haven’t you read them yet?

Laura: Really? There are footnotes in this series, Jamie?

Jamie: Yeah, it’s in size 1, Times New Roman.

Laura: Oh, okay.

Jamie: So you really, really have to really squint.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: But yeah, I think Ron just – he fails in this chapter, pretty much.

Matt: But he gets rewarded handsomely in the end.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, doesn’t everyone in the end of the fairy-tale?

Laura: Bow-chika-wow-wow.

Matt: I don’t know…

Jamie: [laughs] Wow!

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Matt: …Bellatrix didn’t really win very much.

Andrew: All the good guys, all the good guys. Obviously, not everyone.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: That’s true they did, yeah.

Andrew: Like Mad-Eye

Matt: Like Mad-Eye and Lupin…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: All right, all right.

Matt: …and Tonks…

Andrew: Hedwig.

Laura: Dobby.

Andrew: All right, you win.

Laura: Okay.

[Andrew laughs]

Hermione’s Parents Get Their Minds Altered

Laura: And we see a good chunk of this chapter dedicated to the measures taken for the beginning of the Horcrux hunt.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: And one of the saddest things I think about reading this chapter was learning that Hermione had modified her parents’ memories so they didn’t remember they had a daughter. And, in fact, they thought they were completely different people and moved to Australia. That…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Can you image having to do something like that? I mean…

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: Well, do you think that was actually kind of like a nod to all the fans in Australia, since there’s a huge fandom out there?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Maybe. You know what I was thinking, though? I was thinking, there must be holes in this plan. Now that her parents don’t think she has a child, what if they decided to have another child? Or what if they decided to adopt a child, or something? Then they’re stuck with it.

Jamie: She’d have a sister, then. [laughs]

Andrew: But it doesn’t matter because then once Hermione took her parents out of the charm, then they’d be like, “What’s this other kid?”

Laura: They’re going to be pissed at her, anyway.

Jamie: [laughs] No, they wouldn’t!

Laura: I mean, when she brings them back out, she’s going to have to explain what she did.

Andrew: No, she wouldn’t.

Laura: They’d probably kill her.

Matt: They could just – she could probably just redo their memory and just rename the kid if they name their first daughter – or their second daughter, so to speak – Hermione.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: No, they would name her Emma, I think.

Jamie: Yeah. [laughs] No but, they – I’m sure she can change them. I mean, it does kind of complicate sort of parent-offspring relations when the offspring can change the memories of the parents.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Like if they get grounded, and they perform a memory charm, so they forgot they did. And, actually, it’s their birthday and they were feeling very generous that day, so they give them lots of money. You know, it’s like, it doesn’t change how things work when they can do that.

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: But it just shows how committed she is to Harry’s quest, and…

Andrew: Absolutely.

Jamie: And, you know?

Andrew: I thought one of the most…

Matt: She’s been the most loyal in the entire book for Harry.

Jamie: She really has, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: She’s been more than Ron.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, we can’t even say Ron’s been loyal now because of that whole thing later in the book. I think one of the most bad-ass things she says in this chapter was she says she’s ready to leave at a moment’s notice.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I was like, “that’s so cool,” because she could just pick up and go. I just thought that was kind of cool.

Does Ron’s Ghoul Compare to Hermione’s Actions?

Laura: Yeah. I feel like it’s just another way of showing that Ron is like the last of them to grow up. And it bothers me so much.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Because it’s just – his way of helping Harry just seems so lame in comparison to Hermione’s. When he disguises the ghoul in the attic to look like him and just puts it in his bed.

Jamie: Yes.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: And, I mean, yeah, it’s an embarrassing illness or whatever, because they talked about it in the fifth book. And, apparently, Ron was really embarrassed that anyone would think he had it. But I just don’t think that really compares to making your parents forget they had you, you know?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. Well, I think it is a really good plan.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: I think it’s a really good idea. And as long as Mr. Weasley’s down with it, you know, they could easily make that work.

Jamie: It’s weird that that’s, you know, quite a minor point in the chapter as a whole, yet it’s the chapter title, which, again, sort of illustrates your point that it is Ron growing up finally and knowing what has to be done.

Laura: Mhm.

Jamie: So, Jo makes it the object of the chapter, even though it’s just a tiny bit at the end.

Accio Horcrux Books

Laura: So another thing – okay, and we’ve talked about this before. Where Hermione talks about how she just Accio-ed the Horcrux books out of Dumbledore’s office. Haven’t we talked about this before?

Jamie: Yeah, and you’d think he would’ve put some kind of charm on it. Yeah

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Laura: You’re just sitting there imagining her going, “Accio Horcrux books!” And it’s like, “no.”

Matt: Yeah, that was pretty much a scapegoat.

Andrew: That’s one of those flaws in the magical system that I don’t really get. It’s sort of like being able to Apparate on a moment’s notice.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: And get out of a sticky situation.

Matt: Well, didn’t all the charms break after Dumbledore died, too, the ones that he made?

Jamie: Oh, that’s true. That’s probably why she could do it, yeah.

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: Oh, yeah. But wasn’t there another point earlier in this book where someone Accio-ed a person?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Wasn’t it Hedwig?

Jamie: You’re talking to someone, and suddenly you fly out of the window and go to someone’s wand.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: “What’s up?”

Jamie: [laughs] “Hey!”

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. No but, seriously, earlier in this book, didn’t they say, “Accio Hedwig” or…

Laura: I don’t remember.

Jamie: Oh, no! That was the cage. Didn’t Harry need her to be near him, so he Accio-ed the – well, accio-ed [pronounces “assio-ed”] is the word.

Andrew: Yeah, I guess so. But I thought he was trying to find a dead body – I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong. But yeah, that’s another flaw. I could be sitting here recording right now then Jamie could just go, from England, “Accio Andrew.” And I’d come flying.

Jamie: That’d be so cool!

Andrew: I wonder the rules…

Laura: How long would it take?

Jamie: Flights.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: No, because like airlines would lose so much money.

Matt: I think it’s called – I think it’s called Apparating, isn’t it?

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Well, no, no, no – okay but, you know, they also do the Accio thing a lot. So, I’m saying Jamie could pull me across the world right now if he had magical powers.

Jamie: And it would cost a lot less than British Airways.

[Laura laughs]

Matt: Yeah, only two cents a minute.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Laura: Okay.

Andrew: Okay.

Let The Horcrux Hunt Begin

Laura: So, they started talking a little bit about Horcruxes from when Hermione had read in the books. And what I found interesting was that there’s actually potential to reverse the damage done to your soul if you feel remorse for what you’ve done.

Jamie: That’s a very weird point.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, it’s very – how – I mean like, do you think you’re like, “Oh damn, I shouldn’t have done that.” And then your soul comes back to you? Or you have to go through a stage? And then do you have to cast a spell to do it for it to egain whole?

Laura: I don’t know.

Jamie: It just seems – the words “split soul” seems to imply you can’t put it together. Like, you know, it doesn’t seem like a temporary thing. Like, even if you stick it back together, it’s still held by glue or, you know, magical glue. So…

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: I mean, obviously, it isn’t a physical object but, you know, it’s like – can you put something together that’s been torn? Even if you break a china implement, if you glue it back together it’s not the same thing.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, well, Hermione says that, “The pain of feeling the remorse can kill you.” It can just completely destroy you. So it almost seems like it’s a very small chance that you can actually repair your soul.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: And I’m wondering…

Jamie: And also – sorry, go on.

Laura: …what exactly does it mean when she says “remorse?” Do you have to cry? Do you…?

Jamie: Well, if you go back to Dumbledore’s point, that killing is not as easy as the innocent believe, he’s saying that you have to be of a certain mind set to kill someone. Not everyone can kill someone. And it seems that there are very few people who are capable of both killing and remorse. So, it’s like killing – if you can kill, perhaps you can’t un-kill, if that’s the right word.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Like – it just seems like very, very few people – like a very minor percentage of the population can kill and then feel the same feeling as someone who can’t kill, if you take Dumbledore’s thing to be gospel. But I agree. I seems very unlikely. But, in the case of Voldemort, she said he’s completely beyond repair. His soul’s gone, basically.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: And it won’t come back. And he’s dead, as well.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: And I don’t think Voldemort would be feeling remorse at any point.

Laura: No.

Jamie: No, exactly, yeah.

Laura: I mean, Harry tries to make him feel remorse at the end of the book.

Andrew: Yeah?

Laura: But…

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: It’s just weird to me because if you compare it to our society, and generally, people who kill are not regarded as people who can be rehabilitated.

Jamie: But that’s so weird because they’re situations. I personally think there are certain situations that sort of – there are situations that people find themselves in very, very rarely that – like self defense. You know, if someone attacks you.

Laura: Oh. I mean, I’m talking about cold-blooded killers.

Jamie: Oh right, yeah. I see what you mean.

Matt: Of course.

Jamie: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But like, people who – you know, I mean, I think everyone’s capable of killing. Not killing, but, you know, well, yes, killing. Sorry. Not murdering people. People are capable of killing when it comes to a loved one or self-defense, or something like that. Very, very rarely and they have to be put under significant and indescribable strain. And they can feel remorse, obviously. And guilt. But someone like Voldemort, a cold-blooded sociopath can’t really think well, “Shouldn’t have killed all those people.”

Andrew: Right. Right.

Jamie: You know?

[Matt laughs]

Laura: But I guess the difference is here, the person who killed out of self-defense isn’t going to use it to make a Horcrux.

Jamie: No. [laughs] That’s very true.

Laura: You really only assume that the only people who are going to make a Horcrux is people who are cold-blooded killers. And it’s just weird that there’s even the remotest possibility that they could come back from that.

Matt: Yeah. I highly doubt Voldemort’s going to stop and say, “Probably shouldn’t have killed all those people.”

Laura: [laughs] No. Probably not. We also learned that as long as the device that a Horcrux is living in is still intact, it can actually flit in and out of the device.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Like, with the people who get too close to it. The best example, before this point in the series, is Ginny and Riddle’s diary, which answers a lot about what exactly happened there, because at the time when we were reading Sorcerer’s Stone, it’s not – or not Sorcerer’s Stone, Chamber of Secrets – it’s not very clear how this diary came to be.
All we know is that Riddle says he, you know, put his 16 year-old self into it. And that’s all we really know. So, I think this clarifies a lot.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: And also later in the book we see the trio wearing the locket Horcrux around their necks and it’s like falling right over their hearts. So it seems like that’s another way to say that they made themselves vulnerable to the Horcrux by doing that.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, I agree.

Favorite Lines

Laura: And we’ve got just a couple of favorite lines here from the chapter. Both are from Ron. The first one says, “‘And are they getting married in my bedroom?'” asked Ron furiously. ‘No! So why in the name of Merlin’s saggy left…'”

Andrew: [laughs] Whoa!

Laura: And then he gets cut off.

Andrew: That sounds like something I would say.

Matt: That’s definitely something.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That’s a good point. You know how your mother – you know how your mom always tells you to clean your room, like say – like you’re having family over for Thanksgiving. “Clean your room.”

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: “Okay. nobody’s coming up here, but okay.”

[Jamie laughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Next time I get mad at my mom I’m going to ask her “why in the name of Merlin’s saggy left testicle I have to do that?”

Andrew: Another one?

Laura: [laughs] And the other one is, “‘Oh well, lucky we’ve got such a large supply of basilisk fangs then,'” said Ron. ‘I was wondering what we were going to do with them.'”

Andrew: Ha ha!

Jamie: That is funny, that is funny, I like that one.

Andrew: Jo is funny. Jo is legitimately funny.

Jamie: She is, yeah! I like – her sarcasm is very good. You know. It’s not bad at all.

Matt: I love it.

Muggle Mail: Keep Hagrid Alive

Andrew: We have one e-mail concerning Chapter-by-Chapter this week. This comes from Shannon, 18 of Novi, Michigan. She writes:

“Throughout this last book, there are a few times, starting with Chapter 5, that we think Hagrid has been killed. J.K. Rowling has said many times that most people asked her not to kill Hagrid, and so I assume this was just to keep us on our toes. To tease us. And while this has nothing to do as much with the chapter itself, I was wondering what you guys thought about this plea from fans? Why do you think Hagrid was the one character that the majority begged her not to kill?”

Andrew: I think this is an interesting question, because leading up to Book 7, everyone was worried that Hagrid was going to bite the dust because he’s always that, you know – he’s a big, strong character, but at the same time he’s innocent, he could get killed. Do you guys agree?

Jamie: He could, but he’s so tough.

Andrew: In Chapter 5, Harry, once he wakes up, he immediately starts looking for Hagrid and he tries to push Ted Tonks out of the way. He’s like, “Get out of the way, I need to find – I need to see Hagrid.” He wouldn’t believe Hagrid was okay until he saw him. So, it just shows how attached Harry is to Hagrid and how important Hagrid is in Harry’s life and he was the first magical character, or person in the magical world that he met! Hagrid has such a huge influence and it’s still a far way away, but that chapter where Hagrid carries Harry’s supposedly dead body out is just fantastic. So, do you guys think that there is a big fan connection with Hagrid?

Jamie: There is.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: He’s a complete special person in Harry’s life. He was the person who introduced him to the magical world, he’s the one who trusted, he’s the one who he knows is always going to be there. Like a different one to Hermione and Ron. They’re friends. Hagrid is a kind of friend and father figure, which I think Harry likes, because he’s had some type of trouble with father figures. Like Sirius hasn’t always told him what he wants, you know? Dumbledore didn’t always listen to him. He still loved these people but it was a completely different type, whereas Hagrid is both a friend and a mentor, so there’s a special connection, I think.

Andrew: I agree.

Matt: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I agree completely.

Quote Quiz

Andrew: [laughs] All right, well let’s move on now to Quote Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz…

Matt: Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz…

Andrew: So, Jamie, we’re doing this new [laughs] thing where we quiz the listeners on a quote…

Jamie: Oh okay, cool.

Andrew: …in upcoming chapters, so this was just a little one. This comes in Chapter 7.

Matt: Oh, I don’t know that one.

Andrew: The quote is, “I shall tell you that when we are somewhere more private.”

Matt: Who said that!?

Andrew: And who is he talking?

Jamie: Which book is that from?

[Everybody laughs]

Laura: Oooh!

Andrew: It’s not a Harry Potter book. Guys, grow up!

Matt: It’s a Fan Fiction.

Jamie’s British Joke of the Day

Andrew: Seriously grow up. You guys are immature. Hey, here’s something we haven’t done in a while: Jamie’s British Joke of the Day!

Jamie: Oh yeah! Okay!

Andrew: After three months.

Jamie: After three months, so it better be good, okay. Well, there’s this couple, okay?

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Bob and Judy.

Andrew: Okay. And Bob is severely in trouble because he forgot his wedding anniversary and his wife was really annoyed. Very, very annoyed. And she told him, “Tomorrow morning, no excuses, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in six seconds, and it better be there.” So, the next morning he went up early and left for work. And his wife woke up. She looked out of the window and, sure enough, there was a box gift wrapped in the middle of the driveway, so she thought, “Wow, he’s made up for it! I shouldn’t be angry with him anymore.” And she got up, put on her robe, ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house and undid it, and she opened it to find a brand-new bathroom scale.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, that’s terrible.

Laura: Oh, my god. That’s awful.

Andrew: It took six seconds for that little thing to reach up to 200, though? That’s pretty bad.

Matt: Well, it was probably going back and forth because it went all the way over.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: That’s true.

Matt: It probably took six seconds to stop.

[Laura and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: That’s funny, Jamie. That’s a good one to come back with.

Matt: That was funny.

Andrew: I was expecting for you to say like, “rocket ship,” or something. [laughs]

Matt: Yeah, I was going to say something like a snake or something.

Andrew: [laughs] Snake. A snake couldn’t go 200 in under six seconds.

[Laura laughs]

Ode to MuggleCast

Andrew: That’s funny. That’s good. [sighs] Well…

[Matt sighs]

Andrew: …since this week is our holiday show, Stephanie, 15, of California wrote in with a little Christmas contribution like I asked.

[Walking in a Winter Wonderland plays]

Laura: Ode to MuggleCast:

It’s raining here, at my home,
On a dreary afternoon,
I’m really bored, out of my mind,
But I know just what to do:

Andrew: Kick my brother off the computer
And plug my blue iPod in
Download MuggleCast to have some fun
Because it always makes me grin.

Matt: Micah, Jamie, Laura, Ben
Are always good for laughs

Andrew: And Matt.

Matt: Andrew, Mikey, Eric, Kevin
They’re one of the best staffs.

Jamie: Amazing, wonderful, incredibly insightful!
What an extraordinary group!
They warm my heart, and my ears,
Like a bowl of Chicken Soup.

Laura: No! It’s much too soon!
I haven’t met them yet!
But if they do go, soon in April,
Then they owe me a debt.

Andrew. Allegedly.

Two years of my life will be ending as well
For I’ve listened all the while
Arguments, jokes, debates, and tears
But still all ending with a smile.

Matt: Until that day, Merry Christmas to you,
To the Casters and the million fans.
May we all be blessed with people like you
Even after the hourglass runs out of sand.

Andrew: Awww, that was so sweet.

Jamie: Awww.

Laura: Awww.

Andrew: Thanks, Stephanie!

Laura: Thank you!

Andrew: That was very nice.

Matt: It’s kind of sad.

Christmas Plans

Andrew: What’s everyone doing – it was kind of sad, but it was bittersweet. What’s everyone doing for Christmas this year?

Matt: Well, I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’m going to be – I’ll be at home opening presents.

Laura: [laughs] Okay. I’m going to go see Sweeney Todd with my family on Christmas Eve, and then I’m going to open presents.

Andrew: Oh, that’s great. And I’m going to be just here, at home, with the family. And then the day after that…

Matt: Yeah, this is going to be a weird Christmas.

Andrew: Why?

Matt: For a lot of us.

Andrew: Why?

Matt: Because the day after, we’re not going to be home.

Andrew: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jamie and I are experts in this field. We know what…

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: …it’s like to leave the day after Christmas.

Jamie: Or Christmas Day.

Andrew: Or Christmas Day. [laughs] Yeah, Jamie’s leaving Christmas Day.

Jamie: I tell you, I had to use all of my skills, convincing skills, to convince my mom to drive me to the airport on Christmas Day at 5:00 a.m.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Actually, I didn’t. [laughs]

Matt: Oh, my gosh.

Jamie: That’s not true, that’s not true. She didn’t mind at all.

Andrew: Wait, 5:00 a.m. Christmas Day, you’re leaving?

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: Jesus.

Jamie: Because – my flight leaves at…

Laura: [laughs] Oh, my god.

Jamie: …11:15 a.m. from Heathrow, so I have to get there early, then check in.

Matt: Geez.

Andrew: Wait, is she actually driving you to Heathrow?

Jamie: No, I’m walking.

Andrew: No! I mean…

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Andrew: …are you taking a train?

Jamie: No, she’s driving me, she’s driving me. Well, no, I’m driving there and she’s driving back.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

[Show music begins]

Matt: Wow. I’m still convincing my mom to let me go.

Andrew: Awww.

Matt: And this is the day after Christmas.

Andrew: Well, your flight’s already booked, so, I guess, you know, that’s one talking point. [laughs]

Show Close

Andrew: All right, yeah, so we’re going to have some fun. So, I think that’s it for this episode of MuggleCast. We’ve got to remind everyone about our contact information. Laura, what’s the PO Box?

Laura: It’s:

PO Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia

Andrew: You can also visit for a handy feedback form, or you can contact any one of us at our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com, with the exception of Matt. He’s matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com. You can also visit the site for community outlets such as MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Frappr, Last.FM, and the Fanlisting. I think that just about does it for this week. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

Jamie: Merry Christmas.

Andrew: Thanks, everyone, for listening. Merry Christmas to all! Ho ho ho.

Matt: Ho.

Jamie: Happy, happy carol…

Laura: Happy Festivus!

Andrew: Happy Hanukkah! Yes, we’ve got to get through them all or otherwise people will…

Laura: Even though Hanukkah’s already over.

Andrew: Oh well.

Laura; We hope you had a Happy Hanukkah.

Andrew: Happy Kwanzaa.

Jamie: Happy 25th of December.

Andrew: Yes, Happy Holidays, ladies and gentlemen. Yay.

Jamie: Boys and girls.

Andrew: In the words of Micah Tannenbaum for Episode…

Jamie: Cats and dogs.

Andrew: …124, “Bah humbug.”

Matt: [imitates Micah] Bah humbug.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Andrew: We’ll see everyone for our New Years special, Episode 126. Bye bye!

Jamie: Bye bye!

Laura: Bye!


Transcript #124

MuggleCast 124 Transcript

Show Intro

[Music begins]

Andrew: Hey, Mason, I really need a good gift for my generic loved one. Any ideas?

Mason: Oh yeah Andrew, I have the gift they need. If you sign up for GoDaddy’s economy blogcast package you’ll receive 1 gig of disk space, 100 gigs bandwidth, recording tools and much more!

Andrew: Whoa. With all those features, I guess that kind of package will run me at least $20 a month and be plastered with ads.

Mason: You’re wrong, Andrew. The blogcast economy package is just $4.49 a month for 12 months!

Andrew: That’s a deal! And I perfect way to get your own website blog, or podcast

Mason: Oh, yeah! That is a deal! Plus enter code MUGGLE when you check out. Save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at

[Intro music begins]

Micah: Because apparently the co-workers are listening, this is MuggleCast Episode 124 for December 18th, 2007.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: This is going to be one of our biggest shows in awhile, I think, because we have a lot to discuss. There are problems with the DVD that leave me infuriated, and Eric’s back.

Eric: Hello, people.

Andrew: Eric’s leaving for America tomorrow.

Eric: That’s right.

Andrew: You excited?

Eric: Yeah, U.S. of A. Can’t wait to be home. Drive my car on the left side of the – no the right side of the road. God, which side of the road is it?

Andrew: Uh oh.

Eric: Left side of the car, right side of the road. Yes, indeed.

Andy: Right, right.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: I have my car waiting for me, prepped in the garage.

Micah: How do you know?

Eric: How do I know?

Micah: You’re sure it’s still there?

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Why Micah?

Micah: What if your mom decided to sell it?

Eric: You…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Plus, you haven’t been there for a year, so…

Eric: Yeah, I know. I’m worried that it won’t start up, but…

Andrew: Wow, Eric. Before you get to America, we have a big show.

Eric: Wooo!

Andrew: To – Owww! My god, that blew my ears out.

Eric: Almost popped there. Thank God because…

Andrew: That you did…

Eric: Anti popping procedures, yes.

Andrew: You didn’t pop, you just exploded. That sounds dirty. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: I’m Matt Britton.

Andy: And I’m Andy McCray.

[Intro music continues to play]

News Discussion: Beedle The Bard

Andrew: You know it’s been relatively less than exciting – well actually, I take that back. It’s been an exciting news week. There’s only been a few stories, but they’ve been pretty big. A lot of them have focused around Beedle the Bard. Beedle the Bard was put on auction Thursday, December 13th. And the winning bid was placed by none other than for a staggering 3.98 million U.S. which equaled £1,950,000 in England. So it was an unbelievable bid. This far surpassed the bids that were predicted. They were – Sotheby’s was predicting somewhere around £50,000 to £100,000, and then this bid by Amazon was just unbelievable. We didn’t immediately know that Amazon was the winning bidder. However, they did release a press release later on. And they have plans for this book. What they’re going to do is they’re going to – they want to take it on tour to let kids read it and check it out. Isn’t that a great idea?

Eric: I think it’s cool.

Matt: It’s awesome.

Andy: I think that’s probably the best buyer we could have hoped for.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, definitely. But, I wonder, what is Amazon’s business model behind this?

Eric: Good question, Andrew. Because – well, then again, how much money do you think they’ve made from selling Harry Potter? [laughs]

Andrew: Oh, more than $4 million.

Eric: [laughs] So, it’s…

Micah: Well, I wonder are they going to charge? They’re taking this thing on tour.

Andrew: No.

Micah: But are they going to charge people to…

Eric: Well…

Micah: Go and see it?

Matt: Well, it may be on display in a museum and you have to pay to get in there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: Possibly, yeah.

Andrew: But I mean, if Amazon’s going to charge people to see this, I think the money’s going to go to charity. There’s no way they’re going to profit off of people reading this. That just wouldn’t be right.

Micah: Yeah. That’s they other thing. I think for it’s a huge PR push for them.

Andy: Exactly.

Micah: They just donated $4 million to the Children’s Voice. Which, around the holiday season, you know, looks really good for them.

Andy: I’m sure it’s even a dent in their profit anyway.

Andrew: Oh yeah.

Eric: It’s still a nice gesture.

Andrew: Jeff [mispronounces]Bezos? Bezos, founder and CEO is quoted as saying:

“Even before establishing her charity, J.K. Rowling had done the world a rare and immeasurably valuable service – enlarging forever our concept of the way books can touch people, and in particular children, in modern times. When we deliver ‘Harry Potter’, kids are camped out at the post box, and the drivers get hugs.”

When I read I sort of interpreted that as this is the way they’re thanking J.K. Rowling for the business… [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …that she’s brought Amazon. But it’s very nice, it came out of nowhere. Nobody really would have predicted that Amazon would have done this. Would have come from some anonymous buyer that would have kept it for themselves. Here’s the Amazon spin on things. They’re going to be reviewing each of the five tales in the book, which is a fantastic idea. Very Amazon-like, because they post reviews for all the books that they sell on their website. The bad news for some people is that there – well, people were asking on Amazon’s message boards, “Duh, are they going to, uh, reprint this? Because, uh, I want to buy it.” No, they don’t have the rights to the book and they made that clear. Yeah, we’re not going to be seeing this, we’re just going to be getting teased by Amazon.

Eric: [laughs] Repeatedly.

Andrew: Yes. And more pictures will be coming from Amazon. So, look forward to reading that – or reading more of the reports.

Announcements: Portus 2008

Andrew: Let’s move onto some announcements and then we’ll jump right into some DVD discussion, because The Order of the Phoenix DVD came out here in the U.S. We’re going to be at Portus 2008, We don’t have any new updates yet, but we’ll update you as soon as we can. We’re going to be at the Potter
Podcast Palooza. And there it will be a night of Potter podcast things, hosted by several Harry Potter podcasts, and then one podcast at the end where all the hosts will be gathered and host one panel about Harry Potter podcasting. So we look forward to going to that., go there and register for Potter Palooza and also Portus so you can be there and check us out live.

Eric: It’s in Texas, right Andrew?

Andrew: It’s in Texas, it’s in Dallas, TX. Eric, are you going to come?

Eric: Yep, absolutely.

Andrew: Micah, you’re going to come?

Micah: Yep, if I can, you know…

Andrew: Get off work?

Micah: Make it, yeah. [laughs] They actually are much more persistent now in finding out more about this podcast. Apparently this news broke in my office and now more people know that I do this show…

[Matt laughs]

Micah: …than originally.

Eric: And you’re getting business cards, and people come up to you, and they say “Can you sign this, Micah?”

Micah: No, they literally walk down the hall, and they’re like, “Ha, ha, what’s buggin’ Micah?”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Wow

Matt: That’s awesome.

Andrew: That is awesome.

Micah: Which is a segment that hasn’t been used in I don’t even know how many episodes.

Andrew: So what’s buggin’ you? Maybe as a prank I could like bring a copy of it and we could play it through the office and everyone could listen to you complain.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: You would be so embarrassed.

Micah: Could also be played at the holiday party.

Andrew: Yeah, there you go. Or Micah’s retirement going away party.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Ah.

Andrew: Ah. Funny.

Eric: Geez.

Announcements: Holiday Show

Andrew: Anyway, moving on to more announcements. We’re gearing up for our holiday show, which is going to be next week, and then the week following that will be our New Year’s show. They’re going to be two really fun episodes, so for the holiday show next week we want everyone to mail in some holiday greetings, maybe some poems and messages related to MuggleCast/Harry Potter. If you’ve listened to our holiday episodes in the past, you’ll know that they’re lighthearted and kind of corny, but at the same time just very holiday-ish and full of holiday cheer and mistletoe and stuff. So send in your holiday greetings, poems, any messages you want to relate to fans and listeners to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com this week. You could also send in songs, if you want to make a song, known in the fandom as filks.

Micah: We’re not promising to sing, though.

Andrew: Oh, no, no, no. I wasn’t talking about singing, I was talking about we’ll play someone’s song.

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: I’ll sing something.

[Matt laughs]

Micah: Yeah. Go for it.

Andrew: Send a – create a filk for me to sing. Give me like a karaoke track, and I’ll sing it. Or if you want someone else to sing it, you know?

Eric: Do you guys remember the “Night Before MuggleCast,” or something, where we all did that?

Andrew: Right, yeah, that was nice.

Eric: Yeah, that was absolutely brilliant. I forget who wrote it, but it was really brilliant, and we all did that.

Announcements: iTunes Names MuggleCast ‘Best of 2007’

Andrew: Micah, we were honored by iTunes this week, right?

Micah: Yeah, it’s kind of cool. They put together a collection of podcasts that are “the Best of 2007,” and according to your post here, Andrew, they put us on the list of classic podcasts that are still going strong.

Andrew: We’re a classic. We’re a podcasting classic. [laughs] I love it.

Micah: You know, it’s interesting, because I was thinking about this the other day. We started in the summer of 2005, so going into next year we’ll have spanned four years. I know we haven’t been around for four years.

Andrew: Wait, you mean three?

Eric: Three, Micah. Eight minus five. Three.

Micah: Well, 2005, ’06, ’07, 08.

Eric: Oh, yeah. I see what you’re saying.

Micah: So, I was just wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on that. I think it’s a pretty cool honor.

Andrew: It’s something to be proud of, yeah. I mean, especially, they put us on the front page. I think, what, it looks like maybe twenty podcasts, fifteen to twenty podcasts, in each category are posted on the front page of this list, and then there are like 30 or 40 others that are on a secondary page. When I saw this on iTunes, I clicked the button and I started scrolling down. I was like, “Come on, come on, come on.” I was on the phone with Matt, actually, while I was looking at this. I was like, “Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,” and then I saw it, and then Matt, what did I say?

Matt: Yeah, you pretty much blew the speaker out on my phone, too.

Andrew: I was yelling, “F yeah, f yeah!” I was just really excited.

Matt: Yeah, he said some other things too, but that’s not really appropriate for the show, is it?

Andrew: It was just exciting. I had an off-air excited moment. Because, you know, it’s cool, being called the “Best of 2007” by iTunes. That’s a big honor.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah, I agree. Yeah.

Andrew: So we thank iTunes for that.

MuggleCast to Change Formats in April 2008

Micah: So Andrew, with being the ‘Best of 2007…’

Andrew: Funny we should be honored by iTunes in this way, as even iTunes saying that we’re still going strong, which is true. I do completely agree that we’re still going strong and will till our very end [coughs] a few months.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: We have decided after some discussion and long, long emails back and forth to one another and several months of consideration that we are going to come up with a final plan for this show, where we’re going to take this show in the next few months. And we have decided that April 6th, tentatively, Episode 140, will be our final regular weekly episode of MuggleCast. Now I know what I’m hearing from listeners. “No!” [cries] We have decided that Episode 140 will be our final episode of MuggleCast. This isn’t a joke. We’re dead serious about this. We decided that it was time to come up with a plan for the show, where we’re going to take it. Because right now, you know, we’re doing Chapter-by-Chapter and still going strong, we still have tons of listeners, everyone is still enjoying the show, but we can’t just continue to run around in the dark with our hands tied behind our backs. We need a plan. We need to know what we’re doing, how long we’re going to last.

Eric: Right. It’s – yeah.

Andrew: So, Eric do you want to comment on this?

Eric: Yeah. I mean, it’s really important to us that you guys know that we know where we’re going, and it is important to set a finite date to the show because that way we get to plan around the content and sort of organize everything, and make the last, what do we got, 16 episodes? The last 16 episodes count. So it’s counting down.

Andrew: That’s scary.

Eric: Yeah, it means only sixteen episodes left.

Andrew: Sixteen feels like nothing at all! [laughs]

Eric: It does feel like nothing Andrew, it does.

Andrew: But this won’t be the end of us doing podcasting and hosting podcasts.

Eric: Not at all.

Andrew: We want to do other shows, we’re all for that.

Eric: And we will.

Andrew: And we will, yeah. Absolutely. Probably as soon as MuggleCast is over. We want to take you guys, the listeners, over to whatever we do in the future.

Matt: We’re taking you to the next level.

Andrew: Exactly.

Eric: And, we will still do MuggleCast, just not weekly.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Things like events, the movie premieres, things like that, if we can still get in, if they still recognize us.

Andrew: Oh absolutely. I mean, listen, MuggleNet is not going anywhere, that’s for sure. That’s a powerhouse and always will be. MuggleCast is a podcasting powerhouse too. We won’t be disappearing, you know, the MuggleCast site will still be online, all the episodes will be available, the feed will still be available. You know, we’ll still blog from time to time, and we will do the podcast like Eric was saying, and of course we’re still going to be at Portus, doing a fantastic live show there.

Eric: Whoo!

Andrew: We just plan on ending our regular weekly live shows come the first week of April. That should be, if all goes according to schedule, Episode 140. So you’re wondering, there’s 36 chapters and we’ve only done 4, the plan after this week’s episode, is to do two chapters a week. Then we’ll finish with Episode 139, and then Episode 140 will be a goodbye show.

Eric: And that’s give or take a few weeks. I mean it’s not, you know, finite. But…

Andrew: Yeah it could change, but that’s what we’re aiming for right now.

Eric: Yeah, yes.

Micah: And I think… Well no I just want people to realize what you were saying before, that this is not necessarily and easy decision, but it was a decision that all of us sort of weighed in on like you were talking about before, via e-mail and instant message. And we just decided that we needed to do this because, you know, we don’t want to drag it out and make it into something that it hasn’t been. You know, it’s been tremendously successful…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Right.

Micah: People have enjoyed it, and they’ve stuck with us, and we want to make sure that we’re giving you guys something that you continue to enjoy. We don’t want to just drag it out for as long as possible.

Eric: It has got to be quality. Setting this date allows us to prevent ramble casts…

Andrew: Exactly.

Eric: …and things that other podcasts are doing just to stay in there. You know, with this date, we have a finite set of, you know, what we can expect. And, also Andrew, you had said in your e-mail, the quite lovely thing you said in your e-mail was that that way we know that we’ve given Book 7 enough time if we complete Chapter-by-Chapter with it, we’ve given Book 7 enough as opposed to ending the show right when it came out, which as you know and as we know, MuggleCast spiked. There were all these new listeners with Book 7, so we want to give those listeners enough discussion about Book 7, because most of our podcast was all, you know, post-Book 6, and leading up to it. So, we wanted to make sure we cover the book and covered pretty much everything like, in the future, on a weekly basis, until the end.

Andrew: Right. And one other thing I want to add to this is that I used to say a long time ago, I’m not sure if I said this publically, I probably did, that we’ll keep doing shows until, you know, we have one listener left. But, in hindsight, the truth of the matter is we want to end it, like Micah and Eric were both saying, on a high note. We want to end it when we’re up high, when we have tons of listeners, when people still enjoy us. We don’t want to end the show because we have nobody listening left, and we’re completely out of content. We want to end on a good note so we can look back in 10 years and say, “Oh my god, we did 140 episodes of that show, that’s fantastic, we were so successful, I love myself.” Not to sound arrogant.

Eric: I think Andrew, though; I think just 150 episodes sounds better personally.

Andrew: We’ll get to 150 eventually.

Eric: Because it’s an episode for every one of the original Pokémon, you know?

Andrew: Oh that’s true, that’s a very crucial part of this show.

Eric: Yeah, you know? So…

Andrew: We’ll get to do 150 episodes, just not on a weekly basis.

Eric: Yeah, which is fine, which is totally fine.

Andrew: So, that’s our plan. Now you guys know what we’re doing and where we are going with the show so we will not be wasting your time with each new episode that comes out between now and April because we have a plan. We have a good plan and we are going to stick with it.

Eric: With that said, with that said, let’s get some freaking MuggleCasting going on, eh?

Andrew: Yeah, well we are still going to still bring the funny every week, you can guarantee that.

[Eric and Andrew make funny sounds]

Andrew: Funny! Okay, maybe we should end this sooner.

[Matt and Andrew laugh]

Order of the Phoenix DVD Discussion

Eric: DVD discussion. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Yes, let’s move on to some DVD discussion.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Order of the Phoenix DVD came out this week in the United States. It’s been out in England and Australia for a month now…

Eric: And New Zealand.

Andrew: And New Zealand. Pretty much everywhere else. The U.S. had to wait for once, and it’s here, we have it now. And I want to star off by making one complaint and I saw people complaining about this so far. It is a great DVD. It really is, it is my favorite movie watching it again. But, the first 15 minutes of it, and the last half hour of it are pixilated on mine. It is rough, grainy quality. There must have been a compression issue.

Eric: What?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: What? What?

Andrew: I can not believe it. It is very annoying, it fixes itself about 15 minutes in but about a half-hour before it ends, it starts up again so it must have been a compression problem. I bought this at Wal-Mart and if anyone else has a problem let me know. Email in to andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com, let me know where you bought it from, that is important too because my theory is that a batch of them went out to say, Wal-Mart and got screwed up so let me know we can go to Warner Brothers and who know, maybe we can be able to get refund copies. We’ll see.

Eric: Okay. The U.S. waited how much longer than Australia, New Zealand and the UK to get this DVD.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: And then it has a grainy picture quality?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Now, on my PAL DVD, I mean the first 15 minutes are rather dark.

Andrew: Really?

Eric: So, things like caption pictures I have been using and stuff, haven’t been that clear. You know, that sort of thing because it’s so dark, but there has been nothing grainy or pixilated or anything lower quality necessarily. But I am under the impression that NTSC quality is better than PAL anyway from the screen caps that I have done so you guys shouldn’t be having any problems.

Andrew: Yeah. Well frame rate-wise it is better, I don’t know if the picture quality is actually, literally looks better it is just the frame rate – I don’t know. I’m not too sure.

Matt: I don’t think it is a large amount of people who have it because if it was, the DVD has been out for about three days now and if there was a large scale of DVDs that were tampered with they would have something on the news or something about it.

Issues For Macs

Andrew: Probably, but I mean I have seen a couple comments on MuggleNet, so I know I am not the only one. So, we’ll see what happened with that. Moving along, and a few of us that have a problem with this DVD being that we’re on Macs is that a lot of the features you are not able to use. For example, the Half-Blood Prince sneak peek, the Timeline, and the downloadable copy, all of that is only available on Windows, you have to use the Interactual Player, which is crap in and of itself.

Eric: Yeah, I never liked that crap.

Matt: Yeah. Its crap.

Eric: It is crap.

Half-Blood Prince Sneak Peek

Andrew: But, while we are on the topic, did you guys see this new Half-Blood Prince sneak peek? It did go on YouTube and surprisingly WB has not taken it down yet.

Matt: I think it is cool. Yeah.

Andy: I think it is really good because it is a lot more revealing than the last one we saw.

Matt: Yeah, it didn’t show more than half of the production in the first ten months…

Eric: Nice. So it shows what they have been doing.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, to be fair the one that came out a month ago, they probably didn’t have that much to film, I mean they have had a lot more to film and just like the UK and Australia copies, this preview you also had to be online. It wasn’t on the actual DVD and that is so they have more time to put it together.

Micah: I was just going to say, I know we had talked about on an earlier show, why the DVD waited so long to come out here and I still don’t see Half-Blood scenes being a possible reason. I know they are different for the U.S. and I am still not sure why they waited this long for the DVD to come out here.

Eric: Begs the question.

Andrew: Yeah, I know but I mean really it is in the past we don’t really have to worry about it now that it is out.

Micah: But we don’t want to rehash the old wounds.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Micah: Is that what you are saying?

Andrew: So this new sneak peak has a bunch of interviews with Matthew Lewis, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Dan Radcliffe, David Yates…

Eric: Ralph Fiennes.

Andrew: Ralph Fiennes is in here?

Eric: He was in The Secrets of Harry Potter thing.

Andy: I don’t think so.

Andrew: Oh, I wasn’t I was talking about…

Micah: He was talking about the…

Eric: Oh do you mean Half-Blood Prince? I’m sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah. Sorry.

Andrew: So far it is a good preview. Oh and then David Yates is in this, as well. Or, sorry, yeah, David Yates.

Eric: Sweet.

DVD Deleted Scenes

Andrew: Moving along, deleted scenes…

Eric: Hmmm. Or additional scenes.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: As they are called.

Andrew: Extended.

Micah: Horrible.

Andrew: Horrible, Micah?

Eric: What?

Micah: Horrible.

Andrew: Why?

Eric: What?

Micah: Other than Trelawney eating, okay?

Eric: Oh, come on. Trelawney eating was dumb.

[Matt laughs]

Matt: I kind of agree there.

Andrew: Trelawney eating…

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: But…

Eric: It was funny, but how would they have spliced that into the film?

Andy: Yeah.

Eric: It was worth seeing.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: As a scene, it was worth seeing, but they…

Micah: But what else was there? Other than that, there was nothing of any value that was in the deleted scenes.

Matt: Oh, come on!

Micah: Nothing.

Matt: What about when Harry went into Dumbledore’s office? That was frigging awesome!

Eric: Exactly, I agree with Matt.

Matt: That was like the epitome of all the flashbacks in the movie.

Eric: Yeah, totally.

Andrew: Yeah, um…

Eric: And all the whirring, whizzing things that they spent so much time building just for that scene.

Andrew: Yeah, now Matt.

Eric: And when it got taken out, and Dumbledore’s like, “Harry come in.”

Micah: But it was cut short though, too. That’s what I thought with a lot of these. There wasn’t a little bit more too them where there probably could have been. Like that scene that you are talking about in particular. They didn’t have any discussion whatsoever after that point.

Matt: No, I’m not saying the scene was good. No, I thought it was horrible, but I thought the beginning part of it was really nice, just the music and just the tone of everything. You got to see the sword of Gryffindor. You got to see the sorting hat, and then you got to see Dumbledore with – I think Fawkes in the background – but I just, I like it.

Eric: Yeah, I’m pretty sure.

Matt: For some reason, I liked the way Michael Gambon was in that scene. The way he just called to Harry was very sincere and a little bit like Dumbledore, which we don’t see much of his character.

Eric: But most of the scenes, some of them were just additional few seconds.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Inter-spliced in between the other ones, such as – yeah, those were interesting.

Andrew: Those weren’t as exciting.

Matt: How many were there? There weren’t even that many this time.

Eric: I – four or five small ones.

Andrew: You know?

Eric: There was one right after where Ron asks everyone, “Has anyone else got a problem with Harry?” And then he goes up, and it was right after the fight with Seamus and the camera pans over to Neville, and Neville says, “My Gran says it’s the ‘Prophet’ that’s rubbish. We cancelled our subscription.”

Matt: Why did…

Eric: Why did they cut that?

Matt: I know. The shortest movie, they could have kept twenty seconds in.

Micah: Yeah. I thought that was kind of interesting…

Eric: It wasn’t even 20.

Micah: …that they didn’t keep that part in.

Eric: It’s just like, hmm, but it was interesting. I am glad they included that for us.

Andy: Also in that scene you see Neville’s plant.

[Matt laughs]

Andy: In the other behind the scenes thing they show them making that and it looks like it would have taken so long to make it.

[Matt laughs]

Andy: And then it is just sort of cut.

Andrew: Right.

Andy: You never see it.

Andrew: Yeah. It had it’s own remote control. That must have taken a while to build. That poor guy ho built that, when he heard that it must have got cut, he must have been so mad.

Eric: Are you kidding? If he built it, he got to take it home with him and he plays with it.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Well, that’s true.

[Eric laughs]

Eric: He could build another one and just…

Micah: I was kind of happy too that they left out the scene with Crabbe and Goyle beating up…

Eric: The kid!

Micah: …one of the kids, because that…

Eric: Because Filch had, yeah.

Micah: had no place. She never really did that in the book.

Matt: It didn’t make sense!

Eric: Right.

Micah: She would have to be that mean of a person to kind of let that stuff go on.

Eric: It does. Oh, that reminded me. What about the scene where Umbridge comes out of the Great Hall smoking?

Micah: That was funny.

[Matt laughs]

Eric: And her hair is smoking, and Filch leans in everso slightly and blows the smoke. [laughs]. It was all right. I wonder what David Bradley does on the set though, because obviously he’s got – I mean we have seen Natalie Tena’s makeup process and stuff, and they still dress up David Bradley. He has done this five times. He has these wonderful quirky scenes where he is dancing with his cat and stuff, and you know he must have a ball on the set.

Andrew: But at the same time I think he is one of the characters that gets cut the most.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: He does funny stuff in the movies, but it just ends up getting cut, because his character does nothing in the movies to advance the plot except for in Chamber of Secrets.

Eric: Right.

Andrew: So why not cut his stuff. I don’t know if David Bradley cares. I know he was quoted in the interview saying that his grand kids or his kids wanted him to do the role.

Eric: Are just happy to see him.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Well, his character in the book, doesn’t do much for the plot anyway either.

Andrew: Well that is what I am saying.

Eric: That’s true. What does Filch do in Book 7? I mean, we don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah. Nothing.

Eric: Do we see him in Book 7?

Andrew: I think we do. You have got to imagine Jo…

Eric: We’ll find out.

Andrew: We’ll find out when we read it, yeah.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: For the first time!

Trailing Tonks

Andrew: Yeah. Another big feature on the bonus disc was trailing Tonks. Now I have to say that this was funny. This was original. Natalia Tena was perfect for this idea.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: I agree.

Andrew: And her singing voice! Oh my god!

Eric: Isn’t it lovely?

Andrew: I get chills every time I hear it. It’s fantastic. Oh my god!

Eric: I know, right?

Andrew: [sighs] So good! So good!

Eric: She needs to do rock. She needs to do Wizard Rock. Absolutely. I’m not…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Well, she’s in a band.

Eric: Oh, she is?

Andrew: She’s in a band and she’s a singer and she also plays – in the band she plays the accordion.

Eric: Oooh.

Andrew: As well as sing.

Andy: Interesting.

Matt: The accordion? Who plays the accordion?

Eric: Weird Al Yanchovic plays the accordion.

Matt: Yeah, and that guy’s weird.

Andrew: Dan Federichi of Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band plays the accordion, thank you very much.

Eric: That’s incredible.

Matt: That was weird that you knew that right off the bat.

Andrew: She’s in the band…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, because, I mean, anyway, she’s in the band Nat Jenkin. I think it’s just a little, you know, garage band, perhaps, because they don’t have a Wikipedia entry so they can’t be big.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: We have a Wikipedia entry, so…

Eric: Yeah, but it’s a bio of living persons, so it gets maintained very, very, very closely.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: True.

Eric: No jokes. So, yeah, Trailing Tonks was really neat in a way. It didn’t – yeah. It was neat.

Matt: Well, it was made by her and her brother, that was it.

Eric: I know. And I think they helped – Warner Brothers had to help with the Marauder’s Map thing.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Like putting the Marauder’s Map in once it was done. But yeah, basically when the credits roll, you see “Nat, Tina, Nat, Tina, Nat, Tina, Nat’s brother, Nat, Tina, Nat, Tina…”

Andrew: Yeah, I thought that was a joke at first, but then I realized, “Oh…”

Eric: But then I’m thinking – did Warner Brothers rip off Nat and Tina because they didn’t have enough content for their DVDs? So, they have Nat fooling around on set and they’re like, “Oh!” But yeah, I really liked it. I thought it was interesting.

Matt: I really liked the concept of that.

Andrew: Me too.

Matt: It was really fun.

Andrew: And I wonder if she came to Warner Brothers or Warner Brothers went to her or maybe her brother…

Eric: Well, that was where they film it. Oh, do you mean about acquiring the…

Matt: I think it was her…

Andrew: I’m saying just doing that idea in the first place.

Matt: She just seems like the kind of person who would want to just do that on her down time, because she seems really energetic.

Andrew: Yeah, I agree.

Matt: And it just seems like she’d be like, you know, [impersonating Natalia Tena] “I just want to do something…I’m going to get my brother and ask Warner Brothers if I could go behind the scenes and sing for it and plug myself and so I could…”

Eric: And feed food to people.

Matt: That was funny.

Andy: The was funny.

Andrew: That was so funny. That was good.

Eric: The was funny. He was, “More beans. No, no, more than just a few.”

Andrew: And that one guy who didn’t want it.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Yeah, he was like, “I don’t want to get the can out.” But what always impresses me about the props departments and things like that, is when they do have props from the previous films that, like, for instance, the Gringott’s Vault door, like, they still had that.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Oh, they keep everything.

Eric: Did you see that?

Andrew: They keep everything. They keep everything.

Eric: I know they do. Well, what doesn’t get striked and taken down gets pretty much saved, but they still had that and I thought, well, that would be wonderful for in the seventh…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: You know, in the seventh movie, you know? Just again. But they have all of that. They have Dobby. Did you see the mark up of Dobby? I thought that was awkward, I didn’t think they ever planned on having him in any of the future movies so why would they even…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Did anybody see the Wizard cereal on the board, where all the…

Andrew: In the… Yeah, yeah.

Eric: Yeah! The graphic design – they have everything! There were candy bar wrappers and everything.

Andrew: That must be a fun job.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: That’s got to be fun.

Matt: That’s awesome.

Andy: What about when she tries to bounce the prophecy?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: They were just like, “No.” That guy was straight up annoyed. He did not want her there.

Matt: She obviously overstayed her welcome in that room.

Eric: Yeah, totally. The sound guys – she was just quiet around. We didn’t really learn about sound editing. But then we have the other features.

Andrew: Well, the thing about that is she didn’t actually go into a sound room. She was on the set. That was right…

Eric: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: Those little sound cart, those little sound – mobile sound – you know, whatever you want to call them, that’s right off stage.

Eric: So wait.

Andrew: So, they’re filming, they have to be quiet.

Eric: Andrew, you told me – did you – when you went on the set visit, did you see that set? Did you see…

Andrew: Yeah, you know, I think…

Eric: Were you with the bicycles?

Andrew: Yeah, well, it’s funny. The bicycles are right in the front – well, first of all, that Marauder’s Map that they have, that is not how the studio’s laid out at all.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Like, that’s completely, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I don’t know why they set it up that way. But the bikes are right at the entrance of Leavesden, and you know, I didn’t even see people riding around on the bikes. I saw golf carts. There’s a lot of golf carts going around.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: Which I guess might be easier because you don’t have to actually physically do something. But yeah, that was there, what was the original question? Yeah, that set was the Veil, I think. I think they were right behind the veil.

Eric: Oooh!

Andrew: Because I sort of recognized that area. She didn’t cover as much as she probably could’ve. The Great Hall is awesome.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Going to the prop… Maybe there’s got reasons why they didn’t go to some areas. The prop area, like we were saying before – you were saying how they keep everything. They keep everything. There’s this huge gated area that just has all the props and you feel like you’re in a Harry Potter time machine. They have all the…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: The two Ford Anglias, they got the signs from Diagon Alley, they just have everything, it’s unbelievable.

Andy: Cool.

Eric: Cool.

Matt: Oh!

Eric: What about thos – oh, what?

Matt: And we found out what Fang’s real name is.

Eric: Yes.

Matt: It’s Monkey.

Eric: Monkey.

Micah: Monkey.

Andrew: [laughs] Monkey.

Eric: Well, actually, just Fang from movies three, four, and five.

Matt: I think it was just four and five…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Wasn’t it?

Eric: Well, yeah, she said the past two, so I don’t know if she’s including five in that.

Andrew: Oh.

Matt: She says she has one more movie and then he’ll be retired.

Eric: He’ll retire, so if Fang is in movie seven then…

Matt: It’s kind of weird, I’ve never really thought about changing Fangs. I didn’t think there were that many dogs that look like that.

Eric: Well, it’s just like in Free Willy. Free Willy was a whale that unfortunately passed away, and I think…

Andrew: Oh don’t remind me…

Eric: And in Air Bud, Air Bud as well.

Matt: Air Bud.

Eric: They’ve used so many – well, because they make so many damn sequels.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: You know, the dog would get tired of it. If I were the dog I would refuse.

[Matt laughs]

Matt: Mhm. Juststay in my trailer and never leave.

Eric: I’ve got 33 of these things, I’m not doing a 34th.

Micah: I was just going to say I don’t – in particularl those dogs I don’t think have very long life spans, mastiffs. Which I think is the type of dog I think Fang is.

Matt: Yeah. Just the way the eyes droop.

Eric: Well, look at how wrinkled they are. That thing’s ready for death.

Micah: No, just because of how large they generally grow…

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: …they tend to have a lot of…

Matt: Complications.

Micah: Diseases and problems. Yeah.

Eric: It’s sad.

Andrew: One other thing from Trailing Tonks that I thought was good was Matt Lewis and Alfred Enoch.

Matt: Alfie.

Eric: Enoch.

Andrew: What?

Matt: I think it’s Alfie.

Eric: Alfie Enoch?

Andrew: Oh, I don’t know, that’s why we have it on the MuggleNet cast page. They were out behind the…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: The studios.

Andrew: Yeah, but they were right by the Privet Drive.

Matt: Oh really?

Andrew: Did you see the background were the…

Eric: Oh yeah.

Andrew: Were the backs of Privet Drive? They were just sitting there playing cricket, or whatever that crazy U.K. sport is. That was pretty funny. Seeing how they just shoot the breeze and relax.

Eric: And they should be doing homework.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Because all of them – they all get schooled pretty much on set, or they used to. Yeah, because of all the…

Andrew: I think they just have so much time on their hands it just…

Eric: Certainly. But then I realized that when they were going through this too, and about how many films they made, and this is actually the fifth movie set they’ve been on, but for periods of three and four months at a time, you know? Like, that’s got to be pretty intense, like, doing this, and they’ve still got two full movies to go.

MuggleCast 124 Transcript (continued)

The Secrets of Harry Potter

Eric: So, what about The Secrets of Harry Potter when they went through all the movies, what did you guys think of that?

Andrew: Bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad.

Eric: Bad?

Matt: Bad?

Eric: Wait a minute, wait a minute, bad?

Andrew: I’ll tell you why I didn’t like this and then you guys can say why you did, because I’m interested to hear this.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: This “Secrets of Harry Potter” thing – it was 45 minutes long – 40-45 minutes long…

Eric: I thought it was longer.

Andrew: And it’s nothing but – longer? Even worse. It’s nothing but review and analysis of what has happened already.

Eric: Bull!

Andrew: And this is before – and this was all shot before the seventh book came out. And it’s all pointless stuff! Who wants to hear about this?! It’s, it’s – it’s terrible content! I’ll tell you what’s good content: interviews with the cast. There’s none of this on this DVD, which is absolutely mind-boggling.

Eric: What the hell? They interview everyone!

Matt: No. No.

Eric: They interview Jason Isaacs himself while he’s narrating the freaking…

Andrew: Ohhh…

Eric: …featurette.

Andrew: Okay, That’s true.

Eric: They interview Ralph Fiennes. They interview everybody. And it’s simply…

Andrew: Okay. All right, you’re right, but not about the film.

Eric: Okay. No, you’re right. Some of it is, is, is dumb because what they do in the first 15 minutes of this behind-the-scenes, you know, The Secrets of Harry Potter thing – what they do in the first 15-20 minutes is they talk about things in Book 7, like “Oh there was a – was there someone else at the Potter’s house the night of the thing? We’re going to find out!” And Steve Vander Ark’s there and he’s like “We don’t know! What you think isn’t what happens and we don’t know.”

[Micah and Andrew laugh]

Micah: I wonder how that was for WB…

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: I know! I know! They put this movie out with this guy – geez.

Micah: …when the DVD was coming out, that Steve Vander Ark was going to be in it.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: You know – anyway, they talk about all this stuff that we still don’t know post-Book 7, so it’s funny that they still bring up these questions that just simply aren’t answered in Book 7. Or satisfactorily, in my opinion. But that’s just my opinion. Anyway, I thought most of the featurette was based on things that we – cohesion between the films.

Matt: Right.

Eric: Which is what I’m always saying there should be. I thought they brought out some of the important things.

Micah: Exactly.

Eric: And they showed exactly how you can follow it.

Micah: You brought up my point, Eric. The cohesion and how you follow them – the problem with that was – is that you were following it through the narration by the actors, not the actual scenes that were in there.

Eric: Right.

Micah: And that just goes to show you how much has been left out throughout the course of the series that they have to spend 40-45 minutes…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …on the fifth movie’s DVD explaining to everybody what has taken place. That’s exactly what I thought about when I saw this.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: And the other reason why they did this and this was in an article – I forget who did it. It was either MTV or somebody else like that. And the reason behind this whole thing was they wanted to show that Dan, Emma, and Rupert, particularly, knew what was going on. They knew more than just what they were acting – that they had an understanding of their characters and what was going on in the series as a whole. And they made a point of stressing this and I think all of us are in agreement that those three, at least, have read the books, they know what’s going on, but I think that was, on the large part, why they did this for this DVD.

Eric: I was impressed with Gary Oldman, how into it Gary Oldman seemed like he was in this – in this interview. Did you guys get that?

Micah: Well, they – there were so many people in this.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: They really left nobody out. Everybody was interviewed throughout the course of this thing…

Eric: Except Alan Rickman!

Micah: And that goes back to…

Eric: Except Alan Rickman.

Micah: Yeah. [laughs] You and your theories that he never does any interviews, I guess, holds true.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: You know, Alan Rickman, he doesn’t come to the premieres either anymore. I’m really confused. Is he like…

Eric: Does he hate Harry Potter?

Andrew: Well, does he hate the fandom?

Eric: No, no, no, no. I’m sure he’s just a private person and – and he’s one of those people where you – he can command respect and he’ll get it because he’s a good actor. But I think come Movie 6 – and I don’t know if it was in the Half-Blood Prince preview, but did you guys see any of Tom Felton or Alan Rickman in Book 6 – or Movie 6, in the preview?

Andrew: Yes!

Matt: Yes.

Andy: On the train…

Eric: Tom Felton?

Andrew: Yes! Yes! Eric, if you go to MuggleNet, I took a thumbnail…

Eric: Sweet. Okay.

Andrew: Of the scene that he’s in.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: All right, I’m going to MuggleNet. They show the train thing? Is that in the movie?

Andrew: Yes!

Matt: Yes.

Eric: Oh my god! That’s amazing!

Andrew: That’s the exact scene that they show on the – on the clip!

Eric: Oh my god I am so using my DVD that I’ve had for a month-and-a-half and going online and finding this Half Blood Prince

Andy: It won’t be on your one, but, I don’t think.

Andrew: No, no, it will, I think, because it’s online.

Andy Will it?

Eric: Well, if it’s on You Tube, I’ll just go on You Tube. Where’s your link?

Andrew: I’m pretty sure it’s to the same site.

Eric: Oh my god, that’s on the train. That’s so amazing. They’re using Tom Felton and everything – because Tom Felton wasn’t interviewed on this DVD and I was upset.

Andrew: Well, while Eric continues to be uninformed about everything that’s going on…

Eric: Oh my god!

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: What is there else to discuss here?

Eric: The editing thing – edit your own thing.

Andrew: Well, let me just say one more thing about The Magic of Harry Potter. To be fair, I have not watched this whole thing. I just started watching it and I was like “Okay, I don’t want a review of everything.” You know, we get this so many times.

Eric: It’s bad the first time.

Andrew: We get it in the movie now. We get all these flashbacks in the movie now. It’s disappointing.

Eric: It’s true. It’s true. They do show a lot of…

Micah: No, I agree.

Eric: The first and second movie though and even…

Matt: Well, it was released on the History Channel, too, so a lot of people have already even seen it.

Eric: Oh was it?

Matt: Yeah. It was released when the movie was released.

Eric: Oh, that sucks! Really?

Andrew: Really?

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Really?

Matt: I was kind of upset because it showed a lot of clips from the movie and I’m thinking, “I don’t want to see this right now! I want to see the movie first.”

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Right.

Eric: That’s really interesting.

Micah: So, what was with them putting Steve Vander Ark in there – with them putting in the other two authors that were there…

Eric: Well, I thought that John Granger did a good job.

Micah: I got an e-mail from somebody who just said, “Well, if I wanted to do that I’d just listened to MuggleCast.”

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Or, you know, if I wanted to know about the whole story and have people comment on it, I mean, was it really necessary for them to take those – what was it? Four people? Or three people that are the supposed experts – and I’m not saying that they aren’t experts, but why do you want to sit there if you’re a fan and listen to these guys talk about the story? Wouldn’t you rather that they incorporate maybe more actors, even? I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: My question to you guys, do you think – now, we’re getting a lot of this stuff. It’s – all of this stuff is basically repackaged is what we’re coming to the conclusion. Because Andy says what they were putting on the History Channel or was that Matt? Was this on the History Channel?

Matt: Yeah…

Eric: This Secrets of the…

Micah: Well, dude, I don’t know one has an accent and one doesn’t. If you can’t tell the difference you might have problems

Andrew: [laughs] Oooh, Micah.

Matt: Ohhhh. Pullin’ out the sarcasm.

Eric: Anyway, geez…

Andy: What’s buggin’ Micah?

Eric: Yeah. What’s…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. What is buggin’ Micah?

Eric: What is buggin’ Micah? You know, Micah, they just want to see, because you’ve got…

Micah: I’m just kidding.

Eric: You’ve enhanced your mystique, now that they all know about you, Micah, because you go from the cubicle to the dungeon, and they want to know what happens, you know, every step of the way!

DVD Not Up To Par

Eric: But, okay guys – do you think that they’re ripping us off? Because Harry Potter is a huge franchise and all we get is, what, two, three, seven teeny little clips of deleted scenes? There are more to DVDs than deleted scenes. There’re commentaries, there’re – I’m pretty sure there is a commentary on this DVD, isn’t there?

Andrew: No! There….

Eric: There’s not?

Andrew: There is! There is on the HD DVD version.

Eric: Oh. Wow.

Andrew: My understanding is if you want a lot of features, you need to go to the HD DVD version.

Matt: They did that with the fourth movie too.

Andrew: Yes. Yes, you are correct.

Eric: But this is Harry Potter! They have so many things to show us and they aren’t showing us anything and it’s the biggest movie thing in the – and they show us nothing!

Andrew: Yeah. When I popped in this special features disc and I saw the four options plus the languages button, I was like, “This is it?”

[Eric laughs]

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Where’s the next button? Where’s the next button? Where’s the next page of special content? This is Harry Potter! You know, and the previous DVDs have had a lot of bonus content. I was just looking at the backs of them before we started. Three and four both had interviews with J.K. Rowling and, understandably, maybe she couldn’t do it for Order of the Phoenix because she was finishing up the book. However, I’m not impressed with Order of the Phoenix special features–wise.

Matt: Well, the other DVDs also had those stupid games that no one ever played.

Andrew: That’s true. Unless they cut the crap.

Eric: Yeah, like the Womping Willow of the interactive – but there was an advertisement on mine for the DVD game. Did you guys see that?

Andrew: Yeah. You know, I meant to buy it but I forgot. Maybe that’s why they’re cutting down. They’re just re-selling games they could put in the – I’m sure it’s junk. No DVD game is good.

Eric: Except for…

Andrew: Whether it’s Harry Potter, Hairspray, any other thing you or I like in this world. DVD games are just bad because you can’t control a game with a menu. It’s not good. The loading times are too slow. The graphics are never that good. It’s just not a real game. It’s bad. Let’s move on now, though. We’ve voiced our concerns with this DVD. Obviously, there are many.

Bonus Disc at Target

There is one good thing. If you go to other retails, other than Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Target are offering their own special deals. Matt went to Target and got his disc, and you got a bonus disc!

Matt: I did! And it’s…

Andrew: And you love it!

Matt: I do. I love it better than the second DVD: Special Edition.

Andrew: What’s on it for those of us who couldn’t get to our local Target?

Matt: Ah, well – Target – not only do they give you an extra disc, but you failed to tell them that you get a little 3D movie thingy on the front cover!

Andrew: Which is so cool! Tell them what it does.

Matt: It has two of – in my opinion – the best posters that Warner Brothers has released for this movie. It has the one side – one picture has the Dumbledore’s Army all like in a ready position with like a red and orange sky and mist on their feet so it’s almost like they’re on a cloud, like all facing left. And then on the other side is the Death Eaters all facing Voldemort. Jason Isaacs has the globe in his hand and Bellatrix is in the back just looking creepy as she can.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: As she does.

Andrew: It’s what’s on the back of the two-disc Special Edition, and, I assume, the single-disc.

Eric: Oh yeah! Yeah, would you look at that.

Andrew: It’s got that full panoramic – see, that’s the great thing about…

Eric: So, you’ve got this nice little holographic thingy…

Andy: Mine is that way as well.

Matt: Yeah, it’s a holo – that’s the word – holographic.

Andrew: Now wait a second. I’m confused about one thing. Is it when you turn it you see a different picture? Or you have to look on the opposite side?

Matt: No, if you just tilt it to the right or to the left.

Andrew: Oh tilt it, that’s what I meant. Cool, that’s very cool.

Matt: It’s very nice. Oh, sorry the DVD. The DVD is labeled Building the Magic: The Sets of Harry Potter and it goes into detail of all the sets and productions, mainly narrated by Stuart Craig, who does the set design.

Eric: Oh my gosh!

Andy: That’s awesome.

Matt: And it’s really cool, they go into deep detail about Grimmauld Place which had a lot of cool little tidbits. They have all these little meanings for every single thing that’s in each set, and it’s so cool. You get to see a deeper explanation on the Black Family Tree and it gives a little detail on Umbridge’s office, the Room of Requirement and the Ministry of Magic. So, it has a lot of cool stuff.

Eric: Now, some of this was in some of the features of the DVD, I remember…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: I recall seeing some of it, but certainly not to this extent. This seems like a really cool thing.

Matt: Yeah. Let me see, what was some of the stuff they talked about? Oh, Grimmauld Place was definitely my favourite because they went a little deeper into it. For instance, in the kitchen, the kitchen table is measured 20 feet long and it’s supposed to signify – especially the scene during Christmas with the Weasley family – that the Weasleys were on one side, light and cheery, and on the other side is Harry and Sirius on completely the opposite side of the table. Even though they are in the same room, at the same table, they’re still kind of segregated.

Eric: Both families – yeah.

Andrew: I just love that whole concept and while I was watching the movie, I was thinking, “What were they doing with the placement of the characters here; they seem kind of far apart? Harry seems far apart from the Weasleys,” and I didn’t realize they did that on purpose to make it look like that there was some separation there. That was great.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: This stuff is just – they’ve spent so much time building these sets, and somebody remarks, “Sets are meant to be destroyed” on the DVD, but they’ve spent so much time on this and they think it out. They say, “Grimmauld Place is built on all these weird angles because it’s wedged in between these two buildings.” That sort of thing – they put so much thought into it that they could really make these good featurettes that just aren’t showing up on these DVDs.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Was there anything else?

Eric: It’s not going to bore us, because I think they’re cool.

Andrew: Was there anything else on there Matt?

Matt: A couple of things. On the Room of Requirement, they were talking about how neutral they wanted the room to be, because it’s pretty much neutral until you decide on what you want the room to be.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: And there was this issue with their shoes and the floor, they had to wear these socks.

Eric: Isaw those.


Eric: Yeah what was that about? I saw those in the…

Matt: Apparently the floor – your shoes leave marks when you step on the floor, and since they’re moving around all the time, I guess it’s the tar on their shoes or something because you see the floor – it’s kind of like a grill.

Andrew: Right.

Andy: Yeah.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: There are a bunch of holes and stuff. They didn’t go into too much detail. I was just wondering – why are they all wearing blue socks?

Andrew: Yeah, you see that on the regular DVD and you’re left to wonder, “What?” I know beneath those grill-looking things on the floor, those are lights coming up, but I don’t see how…

Eric: Oh, Andrew’s been to that set.

Andrew: Unless the lights would burn your shoes or something?

Eric: I suppose that’s just for the scenes shot from the feet up, because otherwise they’d have to digitally enter everybody’s shoes, which they may have done.

Andrew: Yeah, that would have sucked.

Matt: Oh, okay. Also on the Room of Requirement, they were talking about the mirrors and why the room was mirrored. It was meant to reflect you, yourself, and what your needs were.

Andrew: See, I always get excited when there are mirrors because you always hope maybe, “Oooh, maybe I’ll be able to see a camera.

Matt: They spend so much money trying to cover up cameras and equipment with CGI, maybe if they just used regular walls they probably would have enough money to put in Dobby or something.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

Andrew: I have to say I think the biggest blooper in a Harry Potter film is in Chamber of Secrets during the duel between Harry and Draco. I think during the Dueling Club?

Eric: What happens?

Andrew: You know, it’s like, “Wands at the ready!” and… [hums] I think that’s the music they used. Anyway…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that was it.

Eric: Yeah, “Gilderoy Lockhart.”

Andrew: Yeah, that was a great song. I love that one.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: I like it too. It’s probably my favorite one, actually.

Andrew: The camera cuts to Harry and he’s walking down the dueling platform and right there next to the dueling platform is a crewmember, straight up in jeans. Just sitting there, looking up. You can see him clear as day.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: He’s a big part of this, but you don’t notice it because he’s not the focus of the scene. He’s in focus though, he’s very clear! And when I saw this – I guess I read it on MuggleNet or IMDB or whatever, and I was just like, “Wow, they really screwed up.”

Eric: Is that in the movie?

Andrew: It’s straight up in the movie because I went back and looked at it. It was there. And I’m going to go watch it tonight to have another laugh.

Eric: Oh my gosh.

Andy: Me too.

Eric: Yeah, me too.

Matt: Most people won’t see it though, because apparently it’s most people’s least favorite movie of the series.

Andrew: Oh wow, that’s a debate for another show.

Eric: Oh no, that should totally not be there.

Matt: Oh, sorry.

Eric: No Andrew, speaking of dueling, in “Trailing Tonks,” when she goes in and has lessons from the instructor on how to fight, how to duel, the five positions on wand wizardry.

Andrew: Yeah, that was very cool.

Eric: That was really cool and just shows how into it they really get with fighting styles. And they want to make it – I mean, The Matrix is obviously something where they over – they did every sort of fighting style and they taught it to all the actors. But the actors have to learn them and learn how to use their wand.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: How to use their props in a way that would seem in a way that would be very well done.

Andrew: Yeah. One thing, I’ve got to jump back to this Target promotion real quick. Maybe the reason why the special features are lacking on the regular disc is because they wanted to save them for Wal-Mart – sorry, Best Buy and Target.

Eric: Because they favor Target over – yeah. What’s up with Best Buy? Because you said Target and Best Buy?

Andrew: Oh. Well, Best Buy is giving away some collectibles. I’m not sure if it comes with bonus material. But – maybe they did cut back on the Special Edition DVD so they could save stuff for Target. But I’m wondering, Matt how much did that cost at Target?

Matt: A lot.

Eric: Check your receipt.

Andrew: $25?

Matt: I never keep my receipts. I’m a guy!

Eric: Dude, why don’t you keep your receipts? I keep all my – no I’m joking.

Andrew: $25? $30?

Eric: I keep my receipts.

Matt: It was about $30.

Andrew: $30. Okay, at Wal-Mart it was about $25. I guess that would make sense then.

Matt: Well its $25, plus California tax.

Andrew: Plus it was a roll back, because at Wal-Mart you always roll back?

HD DVD and Blu-Ray

Eric: Oh, geez, which is like… [laughs] Anyway, guys, what about High Definition? Because you said there are more special features on the High Definition DVD? Do you think Warner Brothers is trying to get people to up-convert?

Andrew: Yeah. They might just be trying to get everyone to buy the more expensive product.

Eric: A crap gimmick.

Matt: This was the first time I saw all the movies on High Definition, too. Were they waiting for the DVD to be released or have I just…

Andrew: They’re all available in HD?

Matt: Yeah, I saw them all on Blu-Ray and HD DVD.

Andrew: Blu-Ray and HD?

Eric: Oh, geez.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: I really want a player. I’m going…

Andrew: Every movie?

Matt: Every movie. [mimics Andrew]

Andrew: Don’t mock me, I’m just surprised!

Eric: How much are Blu-Ray DVD players? Do you guys know?

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: I didn’t know WB was producing for HD and Blu-Ray DVD. I thought movie companies go to one or the other. Are you sure about that, Matt?

Eric: Yeah, they hate each other for it.

Matt: Yeah, I saw them with my own eyes.

Andrew: All right, well, I believe you. Allegedly.

Matt: Yeah, sure you do. [laughs]

Eric: So wait. How much are the players?

Andrew: Uh…

Matt: They’re at least $500, I think.

Andrew: Yeah, they’re a lot.

Eric: Oh, that’s as bad as Playstation 3.

Andrew: Well yeah, if you buy a 360, then you have an HD0DVD player built in.

Matt: Well Playstation 3 is in HD – yeah. You get the better deal with the PS3. So, go out and buy it!

Andrew: Yeah. Today! I’m waiting for laptops. Why aren’t laptops HD DVD yet? I mean, they’ve got the displays. They’ve got the graphics card. It’s just a shame WB started – you know what it is? The Special Edition is turning into VHS! Because now – I’m dead serious too.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. It’s true.

Andrew: Blu-Ray and HD DVD.

Eric: Yep.

Andrew: They’re going to start cutting back. Before you know it, they’re not even going to have menus. We’re going to have to fast forward through the DVD, just as we had to do with VHS – like we were talking about last week.

[Andy laughs]

Andrew: This is a joke!

Matt: It’s not even – I don’t think there are even going to be HD DVDs, I think it will all be Blue-Ray. Because Blu-Ray has higher resolution.

Andy: Someone has got to win.

Andrew: Someone’s going to win! But it’s not going in Sony’s favor because they have not won with past attempts. They started the beta tapes. They tried to make their own mp3 player for a while.

Eric: Yeah, well beta did a better quality than VHS.

Andrew: Well, so is Blu-Ray. We’ll see who wins.

Eric: That’s true! That’s very true.

Andrew: Okay, I think that’s it for our DVD discussion. I’m sure we’ll take some emails next week about it. That was long though. We’ll keep chugging on here.

Muggle Mail: Switchblade Kittens

Andrew: It’s time for Muggle Mail, now!

Andy: All right, the first Muggle Mail comes from Kirstie, 21, of [in American accent] Melbourne, Australia.

“Hey guys. Just wanted to clear up something about the MTV list that Andrew mentioned in the last episode. You were saying how Switchblade Kittens weren’t a real wizard rock band, as they started out as a punk band and then brought out a second today which is wizard rock. They reason they actually got the top spot is because the Switchblade Kittens actually started wizard rock with their song, “Ode to Harry,” which was released in 2000 and was the first ever wizard rock song. Most people don’t know this. They think Harry and the Potters were the first, but no… Switchblade Kittens were the first. They should be giving credit for being the first, however I do agree that they shouldn’t have gotten the top place or got higher than Draco and the Malfoys.”

Eric: I’m finding this coasty person kind of agreeable. Don’t you think?

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: She’s like, “Just to let you guys know, the Switchblade Kittens were the first. I don’t think they should get top place, but they were the first.” I didn’t know that. I find that quite interesting.

Micah: Well, I’m glad we cleared that up. I don’t listen to wizard rock. So, thanks for the e-mail.

Matt: You liar! I saw your iPod.

Eric: Oh geez, Micah. I’m getting you a whole set of wizard rock.

Micah: No, I swear. I do not. I’m going to get e-mail for this. I don’t. I don’t listen to it.

Muggle Mail: Petunia

Andrew: The next email comes from Sarah J., 22, of St. Paul, Minnesota. She writes:

“Hi everyone. I have a thought to add to your discussion on why Petunia wasn’t sad when she, Dudley, and Vernon left Harry knowing they would probably never see him again. Although one would hope that Petunia does feel some concern for Harry as a close family member, I think here you can parallel her feelings toward Harry with Snape’s. Harry is a constant reminder to Petunia of the world she could never enter. To Snape, Harry is a constant reminder of the love he never had. Petunia might have felt relieved to say goodbye, because she could finally cut magic out of her life for good and wouldn’t be reminded constantly of the shame and inadequacy she felt as a child. On another level, she might secretly like that Harry goes to Hogwarts and makes magic, something she so painfully yearned to experience with Lily. A miniscule yet significant part of her mundane life on Privet Drive. Love to know what you guys think.”

Eric: Ohhh.

Matt: Oh, mundane life, huh?

Eric: Mundane life.

Andrew: Yeah, she’s using some big words there.

Eric: I think Petunia would hold her life in high regard. But I think this is an excellent character analysis from Sarah of Petunia.

Matt: I agree.

Eric: It’s really cool. And she makes the – oh, what’s it called? What’s it called? Comparison? What’s it called? What’s it called? What’s it called?

Matt: Comparison?

Eric: No, it starts with an “A.”

Matt: Analysis?

Eric: No, no.

Matt: Analogy?

Eric: Analogy!

Matt: Yes!

Eric: Thank you. She makes the analogy! You rock. You rock with a “W” in front of it!

Matt: Kudos!

Eric: Absolutely. So, it’s Harry and Snape because – yeah. Yeah, what’d she say? Constant reminder to Petunia of the world she could never enter. So, that’s why it’s easy to be mean to Harry. That’s good, Sarah.

Muggle Mail: Dudley

Andrew: All right. Next email comes from Bill Stafford, 41 of Chicago, Illinois. He writes:

“I am perhaps your oldest listener.”

Yes, Bill. You’re up there, but we have some listeners as old as 50’s and 60’s. It’s great.

Eric: Yeah, we have a 64-year-old librarian from somewhere in the Mid-West. But yes, you’re up there, sir.

Andrew: “I got interested in Harry Potter while reading the books to my daughter, now 15-years-old. I’ve always been quite proud to proclaim that I read first five books out loud.”

That is a pretty good accomplishment! Only you and Steven Fry…

Eric: Wow! Your neighbors must’ve been pissed! [laughs]

Andrew: “I found out about MuggleCast this summer when my daughter started downloading the podcasts. It is interesting to me, as an adult, to listen to you, enjoying your perspectives as well as those of your fans. In MuggleCast 123 you hit upon an interesting question, ‘What are Dudley’s feelings towards Harry?’ I consider Harry’s treatment by his aunt and uncle to be abusive. Having grown up in an abusive environment, I feel that I can offer an interesting perspective on Dudley. As a small child, one believes their parents to be all knowing and infallible. So at young age, Dudley would’ve seen his parents’ treatment of Harry as normal and/or correct. As we grow, we begin to see things from our own perspectives and split off from parents. That is especially difficult in a situation such as this, when a child has participated in ridiculing and mistreating another child. I think that Dudley had seen through some of his parents’ prejudices and is starting to make amends. Harry’s help in saving him from the dementors seems to have had an effect on him and he had started to see Harry as more of a human person. What exactly is a wizard? So the interesting discussion points are, I think, what must’ve it been like for Dudley to have seen Harry treated poorly, then be saved by Harry, and then start to reconcile his new feelings/inner beliefs with his past treatment? What is it like for a child to grow up being shown preferential treatment over another child? I think that Dudley is maturing and will grow beyond that prejudice, or I’m just an old idiot that should stop listening to the podcasts for kids.”

We are not for kids!

Eric: That’s not true, Bill! We’re for 41-year-old men from Chicago, Illinois named Bill Stafford. Bill, this podcast is for you. Mr. PC Handyman, we podcast so that everybody gets good stuff out of these books because these books are for everyone just like our podcast.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: So, thank you, Bill, but we ain’t for kids and we aim to please.

Andrew: Wow.

Matt: That was beautiful!

Eric: That was really good, guys! What do you think? What must’ve it been like for Dudley to sit outside Harry’s room with a cup of tea and be so moved that he doesn’t clean it up and Harry trips over it in the first pages of the second chapter of the book?

Andrew: Well, we were saying last week that we learned through last week’s chapter that it was there to be nice to Harry, it wasn’t to be mean. And even if he did stumble over it a bit, it wasn’t meant to be stumbled on.

Matt: Or maybe Dudley was just sitting there with his legs crossed, looking at the door, hoping to get a glimpse of Harry.

Andrew: Maybe…

Eric: Ummm, that’s incest.

Andrew: Yes, that’s true. [laughs]

Eric: So, Chapter-by-Chapter…

Andrew: Wait, wait, wait! We didn’t answer this guy’s e-mail.

Matt: Well, the way that Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia always showed is that Dudley was always this great kid and Harry wasn’t. And apparently – this is what I believe. I believe that after the dementor attack, Dudley realized what kind of person he was and what kind of a person Harry was. Because, I think he believes – well, I think we all know – Dudley wouldn’t do what Harry did if the situation was reversed.

Andrew: No.

Eric: Well, Dudley’s friends didn’t do what Harry did. Dudley’s friends were all scattered.

Matt: Well, Dudley’s friends were away. Yeah, and then Harry saved his life. If Dudley…

Eric: And carried him back to his parents.

Micah: And this is the kind of stuff, I think, when Dumbledore shows up in Half-Blood Prince, he makes some off-the-cuff remark to Vernon and Petunia about how they raised Dudley.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: Do you remember that? And I think…

Matt: Yeah, he said something about, like, whatever they’ve done to Harry they’ve done much worse to Dudley or something like that.

Eric: Damage to Dudley, yeah, exactly. That was a great quote. And did JKR ever say what Dudley saw when he looked at the dementor?

Andy: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, we talked about it last week. I think that was just basically what Matt was talking about before

Matt: Yeah, that Dudley was seeing himself for the first time for who he was or something like that?

Micah: Right?

Matt: Cool.

Micah: And J. K. Rowling actually last week updated her site.

Eric: Did she?

Micah: Where she talked about Dudley and Harry and their future hope. She basically said they’d be on Christmas Card terms for the rest of their lives.

Matt: Christmas card terms.

Micah: And that Harry would’ve taken his family to visit Dudley’s when they were in the neighborhood, which were occasions that would be dreaded by Harry.

Matt: Uh, Dudley has kids?

MuggleCast 124 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: The Seven Potters

Eric: Oh geez, that’s a scary thought. All right, Chapter Four, “The Seven Potters.” Summary. It is a fast pace chapter where the Order attempts to transfer Harry from Privet Drive to the Burrow via…

Andrew: Can I say that before I even read this chapter… Just reading the name of the chapter got me so excited for it. Because I was like, “‘The Seven Potters,’ what has Jo come up with now?” It was just so exciting.

Matt: Seven Potters, seven books. Number Seven.

Andrew: Yeah.

Initial Thoughts on Chapter Title

Eric: I believe that we – and this is echoed in the listener e-mail that we’ll get to later, but it’s from Amanda, from Australia, and she says, just as a quick side note, “When I first saw the chapter title, I got excited thinking Harry would find more of his family,” and I felt that way too. “The Seven Potters.” Did you guys think that they were talking about…

Micah: Well…

Andy: That’s exactly what I was going to say.

Eric: …ancestors or relatives?

Micah: No.

Andy: Because in the U.K. edition we don’t get any chapter pictures, so I thought it was going to be some crazy family tree.

Eric: Right. Same.

Andy: Like, I pictured that Simpsons episode…

Micah: Right.

Andy: …where there are all the Simpson relatives on the lawn, like a whole bunch of people that look like Harry, like grandpas, and I don’t know, [laughs] just a weird thing like that. But…

Eric: [laughs] I pictured James’s family, just like the Mirror of Erised is what I thought – like James’s family, how he saw the whole line of ancestors and relatives – like “The Seven Potters,” but what does it actually mean? Guys, what does it actually mean?

Micah: My story’s a little bit different. These chapter titles were leaked prior to the release, obviously, of Deathly Hallows.

Eric: The chapters’ pictures weren’t all. [laughs]

Micah: No, no, no, not the pictures, not the pictures.

Eric: Oh yeah.

Micah: The titles of the chapters were leaked.

Eric: The titles weren’t all that were leaked.

Micah: And I had looked through the list, just kind of going – and there wasn’t really anything that really was revealing about those titles, and I looked and I was like, “The Seven Potters?” I mean, what a load of you-know-what. These titles are completely…

Eric: False.

Micah: …wrong.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, I didn’t believe – and that, that Chapter 4, “The Seven Potters,” was what made me think that the list was absolutely incorrect, and it ended up being the actual…

Eric: Yeah well, “The Dursleys Departing,” like what the heck kind of, you know? What’s going on with that?

Andrew: Yeah. So the fist point we want to discuss today, Micah?

Motorbike Comes Full-Circle

Micah: Them all getting prepared. They all changed into Harry, and they’ve gotten their assignments, who they’re going with, and they go out to the backyard, and they all get on their thestrals, brooms, and Harry specifically ends up going with Hagrid, and this is a tie-in back to Book 1, coming full circle all the way to Book 7, and he is riding in Sirius’s motorbike with Hagrid, when the book opens, or when the series opens, at least in the first few chapters, and now again in the first few chapters of Deathly Hallows, he’s back on this motorbike.

Eric: And Hagrid even makes the comment, “Last time you was on here, you fit in the palm of my hand.”

Andrew: I just love that, because throughout – like I’ve said on previous chapter-by-chapters – with this book, there are all these little references in here to past books. It’s just great.

Eric: And – yeah.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Totally. Just past books, past feelings, past thoughts…

Matt: Well, they did that in the beginning of the chapter too, when Harry was taking Hedwig on a little tour around his room.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: And everything.

Eric: Yeah, it said “it felt like a little brother he had lost,” or something, right?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Remember that quote?

Taking Flight

Matt: Yeah. So, okay. So, they’re all together, and they’re all getting ready fly to all the designated places, which are – it’s not the same place. There’s – each group has their own designated portkey to go to, I think. Isn’t that right?

Eric: Yeah, including Moody’s house and Kingsley’s house. I thought that was cool. Because they just mentioned there are seven locations, and each of the seven sets of Potters are going to these secured locations and eventually just catching a portkey from their secret locations all to the Burrow. But none of the places seem to be the Burrow right away. So, yeah. So, that’s the whole deal. But they’re about to get on their brooms…

Is Harry Going With Hagrid Safe?

Micah: I want to bring up a point…

Eric: Yep.

Micah: …that’s not – it’s not, you know, talked about right in the plot, but is Harry going with Hargrid, really the safest plan? I mean, the guy’s a bumbling oaf.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: For the most part.

Eric: Whoa, whoa, wait! Wait a minute…

Micah: Seriously, no, no, no.

Eric: Yeah but look who lives and look who dies, okay? And this is obviously a next chapter spoiler, but who would you put him with? Who would you put Harry with? You’d put him with Mad-Eye, wouldn’t you? Though, arguably, if Mundungus didn’t get out of the way… I’m trying to think who you would put Harry with, and look who – look how it ended up. So, yeah you’re right.

Matt: Well that’s exactly why they put him with Hagrid though, because…

Eric: I wouldn’t really put him with Hagrid, to answer your – yeah, that’s true too.

Andrew: You wouldn’t expect it.

Matt: You would expect him to be with the strongest person, which is either Kingsley or…

Eric: Oh!

Matt: Or Mad-Eye Moody, and he would also be…

Eric: And they said that as well, that’s why they didn’t put him on a broom.

Matt: Yes. And he would also – yeah.

Eric: Yes.

Matt: The broom. Yes.

Eric: Again, good writing by J.K.R.

Andrew: But he’s also kind of safe in that little thing attached to Hagrid’s…

Eric: No he’s not! It falls off!

Andrew: No, he – it falls off.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: However, it is mentioned in this chapter how he ducks in it, you know? It’s much…

Eric: And he – yeah. Yeah.

Andrew: It’s much more enclosed than, say, a broom or a thestral. I mean, you’re just out in the open. At least with this little thing you – he did say it was small, but you can duck down in that and hide, I think, better than you could on a broom or a thestral. And Hagrid’s huge. He was fighting off spells. So…

Eric: Yeah, yeah, I’m just thinking of the scene in The Hunchback of Notre Dame where he said, “Sanctuary!” And I’m thinking that the side-car is Hedwig’s sanctuary.

[Andrew laughs]

Hedwig’s Death

Eric: Which is our next point [laughs], but, oh no, that’s this point; before they get on the bikes, they’re each given – each of the seven Harrys are given a stuffed owl and a cage, so that they all have little decoy – teeny, little decoy Hedwigs. To go with the decoy Harry Potters.

Matt: Yes, Beenie Baby Hedwigs.

Eric: Beenie Baby! Yeah, I think Ty manufactures, their ones as well. Now, guys, wasn’t this the funniest thing in the world in retrospect – and, listeners, all of you who went to Borders across the – at least in – I’m sure they did it in the States too. And gave out plush owls with every pre-order.

Andrew: Wait, did they give out owls – oh! Was this at the actual midnight release or just if you ordered it online you also got an owl?

Eric: Well our Borders had a whole supply of them. We were selling them for like 10 bucks or something, but with every pre-order you also get this Beenie Plush Owl.

Andrew: Oh, that is funny, yeah. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] So, they gave away stuffed owls with Harry Potter, and who’s the first casualty of Harry Potter Book 7? “Hedwig” the Owl.

Andrew: Did his eyes have X’s over them?

Micah: No.

Andy: Charity Burbage.

Micah: It’s not Hedwig; it’s the Muggle Studies teacher.

Andrew: Okay! That Micah, being all technical.

[Micah laughs sarcastically]

Eric: Oh, the first – you’re right. Well, who’s the second casualty of the Harry Potter

Andrew: No but still, the first major one.

Micah: Okay, the first casualty people actually care about.

Andrew: Right, exactly.

Matt: Well, we don’t really know exactly know when Mad-Eye Moody was [whispers] murdered.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: Yeah, but I think it is assumed, because Hedwig does die very quickly.

Eric: Well, the first one to be listed as dead.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Or the second one in this case, thank you, Micah. Anyway, Hedwig dies! Why did the owl die? Come on, people, that was a bad marketing idea. Why did not J.K.R. say, [laughs] “You shouldn’t give out these owls. I can’t tell you why but…”

Matt: Well, not only did Hedwig die, but she didn’t die a very honorable death.

Andrew: No.

Matt: She died in a cage! She didn’t do anything!

Eric: She got hit by… And then Harry had to blow her up!

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Well, let’s repeat something that Jo has already told us: It was the way of symbolizing the end of Harry’s childhood. However, I think Eric does make a good point, or someone did somewhere, by saying that, well, there’s other things that ended – symbolized Harry leaving his childhood.

Eric: Somebody else said that.

Andrew: There was the leaving the Dursley’s. What else?

Eric: J.K.R. has said that Hedwig was Harry’s magical connection, or last big magical connection, or connection to the magical world. The fact that he had Hedwig always at home with him, even in his room when he was alone otherwise. Except Hedwig was always kind of – I don’t want to say – Hedwig was always kind of mad at him a lot in the books.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: She would peck him here and there and it was always like, I didn’t mind when I was reading about Hedwig, but like…

Matt: Well, she’s a woman.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: It’s almost like a marriage between them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: And he’s not paying enough attention to her and she’s getting upset.

Eric: It is.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: She’s going to throw pots and pans and stuff.

Eric: I think you understand it, man, you’re in there and you understand her. Are you going to be their counselor?

Matt: Um, yeah.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Have they seen you for counseling?

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Eric: “He doesn’t let me out enough.” “Well, you know, it’s dangerous times.”

Matt: “He never talks to me anymore!”

[Andrew and Andy laugh]

Eric: [laughs] Yeah, “All I get is a few owl pellets; he doesn’t even talk to me anymore. Geez”

Micah: I think, though, it was more so even to just show the reality of everything that was going on. I mean, Hedwig was Harry’s tie to some of the first magical experience that he had, all the way back to Sorcerer’s Stone, and I think this kind of was more of a reality check to him – not that the previous people who died weren’t impactful on him, but this was sort of – I don’t want to call it like a wake up call.

Matt: This was the first…

Eric: It was, though.

Matt: …death that directly affected him.

Andrew: And makes…

Eric: And he has to deal with it. He has to cause the curse that explodes Hedwig. He has to do it so that she doesn’t fall to the ground and suffer. You know, he sets the side-car on fire. That’s him disposing of – just like later when he buries Dobby, this is something that he has had to decide upon, and something that he can’t control, just like the other deaths. But this is something so very close to him.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And it could’ve been him. And if it wasn’t Hedwig, maybe she flew in front of him. Maybe.

Andrew: I also think that this marked for us readers the realization – this was a reality check for us to make us realize that wow, the innocent are going to die in this book. Jo’s going to – Jo won’t stop…

Eric: Yeah. This book is…

Andrew: …an owl. She’s not going to stop at anything.

Eric: There are no stops.

Matt: That’s kind of mean, though. “I’m going to show you that the innocent are going to die. You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to kill the owl.”

Andrew: [laughs] The other thing that’s kind of sad about this was, this was really Harry’s first gift. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it did come from Hagrid…

Eric: From Hagrid!

Matt: Well, besides the birthday cake.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, but, yeah, you know?

Eric: Oh, yeah, yeah. What is it with all these Harry Potter readers that are doing this? Micah corrected me, you corrected Andrew.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: The birthday cake? Come on.

Andrew: And, of course, Hagrid – Hegwig died right in front of Hagrid. And their names sound alike. And if you say their names next to each other, you get all tongue-tied. Hegwig, Hagrid, Hedwig, Hagrid.

Eric: But Hagrid and Hedwig – Hagwig and Hedward were concentrating on driving, so I don’t think he saw Hedwig die.

Andrew: Well, okay, but he was present.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: He was present and accounted for. Let’s move onto the next point.

Harry’s Use of Expelliarmus

Eric: Okay. So, suddenly, everybody knows who the real Harry is.

Andrew: Yes. The Death Eaters are throwing – well, the Death Eaters… We shouldn’t…

Matt: No, when they find out it’s the real Harry, they disappear.

Andrew: Right, and they find out through Expelliarmus.

Micah: Which, okay I have…

Andrew: Yeah, how!?

Micah: …a huge problem with this. Because one time – he says it one time? He threw out how many other spells before that? And because he says it one time, you’re telling me nobody else tried…

Matt: No, it’s the reaction…

Micah: …to do that?

Matt: …that he made when he saw Stanley Shunpike. Because he recognized him.

Eric: No, because then – really?

Matt: Yes.

Eric: No. Well, later on they tell Harry that it’s the curse that he fired. Later on they tell him it’s because he used Expelliarmus, “that’s your signature move.” Except if you’re going to raise issue with that, don’t make it be the move he says when he kills Voldemort at the end!

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Don’t keep using it. If you’re going to fault it in the fourth chapter – I thought it made sense. I was like, “Oh, Expelliarmus, he uses that, of course. He always uses that. So, by the end of the book, he’s going to learn to use a better spell.” Or something. But he didn’t. But, anyway…

Micah: But would he honestly be the only person that tried to use that spell throughout the other six people?

Eric: He couldn’t be.

Andrew: My thing is – weren’t the other fake Harrys even fighting back?

Eric: And they were, because… Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, because that could’ve been a good reason for them to realize that that’s the real Harry, because he was the only one [stumbles] throwing spells back.

Eric: Well, they all have to fight back because none of them want to die.

Matt: They all know that Expelliarmus is Harry’s favorite spell.

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: Yeah, so I pity any of the other…

Micah: Well, the fact that he was yelling, “Hedwig, Hedwig!”

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Like he really cared about the bird, you know, would’ve given it away to begin with.

Andrew: Yeah.

Andy: The others aren’t really going to be getting emotional about a plush toy owl.

Eric: Yeah, he’s the only one with the real Hedwig.

Andy: They’ll let it fall to the ground.

Andrew: The thing that really got me with this whole scene, though, was that they put all this work into planning this transfer, and they’re up in the air for ten seconds and “BOOM!”

Eric: And there’s thirty Death Eaters. They said there’s thirty of them.

Andrew: Yeah. They were just waiting.

Eric: Waiting for them

Andrew: Yeah. Such a shame.

Inside Information

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: I think…

Eric:Now, it’s times like these when I want to go back to the first chapter and see what Snape said. Because they had the wrong date, but then Snape was sure they had the right date. Or something?

Matt: I think you were right in a couple episodes ago when they were talking about the inside information. And I think it is Mundungus, because he – he was really nervous about the whole situation because he knew that the Death Eaters knew that – when the day was. That’s why he Apparated when it all happened.

Andrew: And maybe if he wanted to be a fake Harry, then he would’ve been brought back and could’ve gotten…

Matt: Mhm. Well, also, they would know who he is.

Andrew: Right. Yeah.

Matt: If he wasn’t under Polyjuice Potion, so he maybe be thinking that, “Well, since I’m the one who’d given information they won’t harm me.”

Andrew: Oh yeah. Oh, that’s true.

Eric: Maybe. Well, either way, if he wasn’t such a slimy, squeaky…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Yeah, and he ended up…

Micah: Well, he probably didn’t want to be there in general.

Eric: …being operated and then Moody got hit with the curse.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Okay, so Voldemort can fly. But we’re not going to mention that.

[Micah laughs]

Harry’s Wand

Eric: Harry’s wand acts of it’s own accord. Yeah, so Voldemort shows up and he’s flying without a broom, or a Thestral, or Sirius’ motorbike, and Harry’s scar sears with pain. And all the Death Eaters have backed off because Voldemort says, “He’s mine! Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine. My plushy owl toy. My little Harry Potter.” So, he flies after him, guys, and Harry can’t believe his scar is forcing his eyes closed – la, la, la. All of a sudden he feels his wand raise, this – yeah, like a magnet. Like this liquid, fire bursts out of his wand. Now, I personally – I forget what actually was going on here. But, something strange happens indeed. I forget why. But he believes that his wand acts of his own accord and Voldemort’s wand, I think, snaps – the wand that Voldemort is using, which is Lucius’ wand – as we know from Chapter 1 – snaps, and Voldemort’s like, “WTF,” and suddenly, there’s this big fall and that’s the end of the chapter. But Harry’s wand acts of its own accord. Abd that’s something we haven’t seen before.

Andrew: I wonder if it’s like part of his mother’s protection.

Eric: They do answer it, though, in the book, don’t they? It does get answered. And it turns out it wasn’t really his wand acting of its own accord or something. And I’m not sure if that has to do with the other wand. But, do you guys remember what the actual answer is for this whole wand…? Because doesn’t it appear like two or three more times?

Matt: It’s – well, the wand acts through the wizard. And didn’t they say that that would only happen through, like, a really, extremely, powerfully magical wizard?

Eric: Yeah, I think so.

Matt: So, it was probably just a – like an initial reaction. And probably just all the – a whole huge amount of magic that just seared through his body. Just took a reaction to it and went through his wand.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Or something, Because they’re connected.

Eric: They are.

Micah: See, yeah.

Eric: And Voldemort’s not even using his own wand, which is a problem, because if he uses another wizard’s wand, you’re screwed. You’re not as good. I’m sure there’s an answer, though.

Clearing Up The Source

Micah: Right. I was just going to clear up what I said before. Because I found my part about the whole source thing. It’s – technically, it’s Dumbledore. But it’s Mundungus through Dumbledore because Dumbledore says, you know, “You’ll have to give Voldemort the correct date of Harry’s departure…”

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: “…from his aunt and uncle’s. Not to do so, will raise suspicion. When Voldemort believes you’re so well informed, try Confunding Mundungus Fletcher. And, Severus, if you’re forced to be…”

Andrew: Oh! Okay.

Micah: “…take part in the chase, be sure to act your part convincingly.”

Andrew: Makes sense.

Matt: Mmmm. Okay.

Favorite Lines

Eric: Hmmm. Well, I – just again, think it’s funny. We have it down as favorite lines. “Harry, your eyesight is really awful.” That scene, where they’re all, sort of, changing clothes and stuff in front of Harry and Jo writes, “They wish they would treat his body with as much respect as they would treat their own.” Because they were kind of like – and there’s a – Fleur walks up to Bill and Bill says, “I’ll be taking Fleur safely on the Thestrals,” or something, and she gives him a pouty look that it says, “Harry wished for everything that would never appear on his face again.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That was hilarious.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That was absolutely hilarious. And it’s just Jo dealing with – writing a cool situation. A funny situation.

Andrew: My favorite line comes on page 46 of the U.S. edition. It was a little bit of foreshadowing. Not even, really. It was just like – I don’t know what the literary term for this is. I know there is one, but it comes from Moody. It says – they’re trying to catch up on stuff. Harry’s talking to Tonks about getting married and Moody says, “All right, all right, we’ll have time for a cozy catch-up later.” No you won’t, Moody. No you won’t.

Matt: Ohhh, irony.

Andrew: Oh, irony.

Eric: I’ll cry when I’m done killin’.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Matt: Oh, I have one too!

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: Okay, well, you know, I always go for the sarcasm, so this is right after everybody turns into Harry. And Fred and George…

[Eric laughs]

Matt: Let’s see, where is it? Oh yeah, “Fred and George turn to each other and said, ‘Wow, we’re identical!'” [laughs]

Eric: No, it was, “Hey, we’re identical.”

Matt: No – oh, I have the U.K. version.

Eric: Oh yeah, I do too. Oh! Really? Did they say “Wow, we’re identical”?

Matt: “Wow – we’re identical.”

Matt: Oh my gosh!

Andrew: This is a revelation! Stop the presses!

Eric: Oh, I’m sorry, Matt. I didn’t mean to correct you if I was wrong.

Matt: Oh, it’s okay. You were just trying to be like Micah and me.

Andrew: Or smarter than us.

Eric: “Hey, we’re identical!” I could’ve sworn…

Matt: Oh, sorry.

Andrew: Let’s have…

Eric: Chapter 5 – what?

Listener Rebuttal: Harry Saying Goodbye

Andrew: All right, let’s move on. We have one listener e-mail this week from Mira, 15 of Illinois. She writes:

“In Chapter 4, “The Seven Potters,” when Harry starts walking around the house with Hedwig telling her she should say goodbye to it, he opens his door to his cupboard under the stairs and Harry says, ‘Blimey! It’s small, I’d forgotten.’ That part was just so great. He was saying goodbye to his childhood. It was sad yet at the same time happy because he’s leaving all of those horrible memories of the Dursley’s behind. Yet he is also leaving the time when he didn’t have to worry about being attacked by Voldemort every other day.”

Just a little comment. And there’s another example of Jo just reminiscing.

I love that too. Great, great, great example.

Andy: That was nice.

Quote Quiz

Andrew: It’s time for Quote Quiz!

[Andrew and Matt echo “quiz”]

Eric: Geez.

Andrew: From “Fallen Warrior” the quote is, “Always the tone of surprise. Are we the last back?” So, obviously, if you remember the order where people came back, you should have an idea of who that is.

Eric: I think Moody said that. I think Moody said that.

Matt: It was Hedwig!

Andrew: [laughs] You think Moody said that.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Eric and Matt just made the same joke there but I don’t even think they realized it. [laughs] All right, so reminder to send in listener e-mails about next week’s chapter so we can discuss them on next week’s show. Read the chapter, get in some good thoughts, e-mail them to mugglenet at staff dot mugglenet dot com, and put in the subject line, “Chapter 5: Fallen Warrior.”

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul: Finals Edition

It’s time to wrap it up today with Chicken Soup: Finals Edition.

Eric: This is from Scott Sullivan, age 18 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

“My M.C. Chicken Soup. I have a life where I am insanely busy and insanely stressed out. I am a full time college freshman with classes everyday, and I have to drive to school every morning at 7 AM. Toppling traffic, homework, tests and especially the finals that are coming out in the next few weeks, I feel like the world fell on me and won’t get off.”


“However, I have one positive note. Every Monday morning, sometimes Tuesday…”

[laughs] That’s his way of saying we’re not consistent.

“…I am in a different world and can’t even realize that I have cars around me or that I’m totally stressed. Of course that’s because I have you all. Literally, my stress levels and cares leave for those long minutes in my rash and tired state when I get to listen and think ‘Harry.’ So, this is my thank you to all the MuggleCasters for being my personal Saint Mungo’s. Thanks, Scott.”

Well, that was really well put. “Personal Saint Mungo’s.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I’m kind of worried that you can’t realize there’s other cars around you. [laughs] I hope you’re not driving.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: That’s like driving to school like – yeah. I used to wake up all the time – in high school, I used to wake up in third period, you know, where I had driven the whole way.

Andrew: Oh, yeah, that was dangerous. Yeah. They let us kids drive at six in the morning when we were up until like, one in the morning. [imitates old man] “Back in my day, we would walk uphill both ways!” I can’t do an old man impression anymore. I used to be able to, for the record.

Matt: Finals stink.

Eric: Yeah, finals do stink. Let’s get a resounding, “Finals stink!”

Andrew: Finals stink!

Matt: Finals stink!

Eric: Finals stink!

Andy: Finals stink!

Andrew: [laughs] Micah’s been battling them…

Eric: Micah and Andy…

Andrew: …for years.

Micah: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Geez.

Micah: I’m done with those. I don’t have to think about them anymore, so – but I’ll say, “Finals stink.”

Eric: Think about what, Micah? Finals?

[Matt laughs]

Micah: Yeah, finals stink.

Contact Information

Andrew: It’s time to wrap up the show today. We want to remind everyone about our contact information. To send us some far – par, farcel mail. To send us some parcel mail [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …you can mail to:

P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia, 30028

You can also e-mail in your questions, comments, whatever you want to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com, or using that handy feedback form located on You can also contact any one of us at our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com with the exception of Matt, who is matthewb at staff dot mugglenet dot com, and Andy, webmaster – his e-mail address is webmaster at harrypotterfanzone dot com. You can also visit the MuggleCast website for various community outlet links, including MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Frappr. You can also Digg the show at

[Show music begins]

Andrew: …vote for us at Podcast Alley, and rate and review us at Yahoo! Podcasts. I, like, race myself every week to see how fast I can do it, but then I just screw it up.

Eric: What’s your record, Andrew?

Andrew: Oh, I don’t know. Someone should figure that out.

Eric: I’ll time you. Go.

Andrew: Don’t forget about the poll and also whatever else you want, it’s all available on

Show Close

Andrew: Well, guys, we got 16 shows left. [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I think we can do it. I like how we have a plan now, and we know where we’re going. We can – you know, we know exactly what we’re doing. We’re not fooling around, you know? We’re not just running around in the dark being like, “Hmmm, what can we use to fill the show this week?”

Eric: We’re not doing RambleCast.

Andrew: Yeah, right.

Eric: It’s MuggleCast.

Andrew: That’s a good point. There won’t be anymore rambling – like, we don’t, I don’t think we ramble that much to begin with, but it’s a very focused show now.

Matt: Oh, yeah. Now, it’s a focused show.

Andrew: Now it is, yeah.

Eric: Now it is officially now a focused show.

Andrew: Well, thank you, everyone, for joining us for this 124th episode of MuggleCast. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I am Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: I’m Matt Britton.

Andy: And I’m Andy McCray.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 125, our holiday episode. Bye bye!

Eric: And I’ll be back in the States for Christmas!

Andrew: Yay!

Eric: Yay!

Micah: Yeah. Bah-hum-bug!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Micah says, “Bah-hum-bug!”

Matt: That just came so naturally from him.


[Someone cheers in background]

Andrew: JK…

Eric: Is that…

Andrew: Somebody crying?

Eric: …somebody jumping into a pool or something? Off a high cliff?

Matt: It’s my hallway. Everyone finished their finals today.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Eric: Ohhh.

Matt: No, it was Beedle the Bard. That’s why they’re all excited.

Andrew: Oh, yeah. [laughs]

Micah: Cue the blooper?

Andrew: So, Beedle the Bard… Yeah.
