Transcript #89

MuggleCast 89 Transcript

Show Intro

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Andrew: Today’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. It won’t be long before the much-anticipated release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Do you have your mind made up about where Severus Snape’s loyalties lie? Do you think he’ll betray Harry and his friends, or will he help them to triumph over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Find out more about this complex character in the hot, new book The Great Snape Debate available only at Borders. Remember to reserve Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at Borders and save 40 percent.

[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because call-ins are fun, this is MuggleCast Episode 89 for 05-06-07. Oooh.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: Hi, everyone, welcome back to another episode of the show. Mikey’s here with us this week. Hey, Mikey.

Mikey: Hey, everybody.

Andrew: We’re missing a couple people this week. We came up short-handed. Let’s see, what are the excuses this week? Jamie is…

Mikey: Sleeping.

Andrew: …busy with school and sleeping. Eric got called into work. Kevin has to study for finals. And Laura, I don’t – anyone know what Laura is doing tonight? Micah, do you know?

Micah: Not a clue. Working. Working, maybe?

Andrew: Her away message says, “Out.” No, I don’t think she was supposed to be working today.

Micah: Maybe she’s going to see Spiderman.

Andrew: It is a Friday night. I mean, I know that usually we don’t do much on Friday nights, us co-hosts, but maybe she has plans. Anyway, today is our special call-in show about the Order of the Phoenix film. There’s been a lot of developments lately and we want to get your feedback on everything. So, for the next hour, we’re going to be taking everyone’s calls, so I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

[Intro music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the MuggleCast news center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Hey, Micah.

Micah: All right, thanks, Andrew.

A new interview conducted by SciFi Magazine quotes Order of the Phoenix Director David Yates confirming that he will direct Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. He said,

“I am doing ‘Half-Blood Prince,’ and I’m doing it because I love the world, I love the characters,” the BAFTA-winning director said in an interview. “I think I have more business with this world and these characters.”

We’re still waiting for official word from Warner Brothers. David has been rumored for quite some time to be directing the sixth film. As of right now, Warner Brothers is giving a “no comment” on the story. However, this story has not been deemed as being inaccurate.

The Los Angeles Times has a new article on the Order of the Phoenix movie, quoting director David Yates, Dan Radcliffe, and Emma Watson.

Emma mentions that Yates is perfect for this film: “I don’t know if he could have directed any of the other ones. This was his story to tell.”

Also, in an article previewing some of this summer’s movies, USA Weekend writes about how Luna Lovegood actress, Evanna Lynch, made her own radish earrings for use in the film. Oh, she’s so talented.

And there are also several brand-new promotional posters featuring Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix actors. You can check out all of those screenshots over on

Framestore CFC, a firm which works on some of the special effects seen in the Harry Potter movies, has updated its site with some information on the Order of the Phoenix film, including that there will be over 100 centaurs.

They said, “We have been hard at work on some of the film’s most demanding beings, including over 100 centaurs, a house-elf named Kreacher, the return of Fawkes the Phoenix and assorted magical effects. In addition, we are creating the films title sequence for the first time.”

In other news, Dale Neuschwander who worked as a student teacher in Wydean School, which J.K. Rowling attended, has spoken about how she was “extremely intelligent.” Jo was 13 at the time, and Dale says:

“She got straight As and A-pluses in creative writing. I do recall an extensive vocabulary for one so young. I was also amused by her witty use of informal language in essays; slang and regionalisms. She has a good sense of humor.”

Finally, Scholastic has updated their bookseller information page with a page count of 816 pages for the U.S. Special Edition of Deathly Hallows. A description, which has been available for sometime, explains what the extra 32 pages will hold.

That’s all the news for this May 6th, 2007 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right. Thank you, Micah.

Micah: No problem.

Andrew: Micah, you know we get all this news last week, all the Order of the Phoenix developments, and then this week has been a little slow.

Micah: It has been slow. I’m not going to lie.

Andrew: There has been some pretty good news. David Yates is confirmed to be directing Half-Blood Prince. No word yet on if that’s good news or not because we haven’t seen the fifth film. But Mikey, what do you think about this? Is this a good sign? Does this show that WB is confident?

Mikey: I think it does. Also, you know, I’m really excited for Order of the Phoenix. I really am. So hopefully, if Warner Brothers says that he can do number six also, five should be pretty good then.

Andrew: Yeah. What were your thoughts on the trailer?

Mikey: Oh, man. Both trailers: the International and the U.S. release. As soon as I got the U.S. release trailer, I downloaded the 1080p version.

Andrew: Yeah, there you go. [laughs]

Mikey: It was wonderful watching that. I actually saw the trailer last night in the theater with Spiderman 3.The midnight showing.

Andrew: Oooh. Oooh.

Mikey: The Order of the Phoenix trailer is on there.

Andrew: Awesome. That must be so good to see in theaters.

Mikey: [laughs] It was pretty funny, the minute it came on I was like, “Aww, it’s Harry Potter,” and instantly these group of girls behind me heard me say that and said, [imitates girly scream] “Ahh!”

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: And, of course, everyone is like [lower voice] “Harry, the weather’s changing again,” but it was like, all girls screaming. I was like, “Yeah, okay. I’m excited too, but I don’t want anyone to know.”

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Andrew: All right, I just thought of a listener challenge for this show. I did this last time. I did this for the Goblet of Fire trailer. We all know everyone’s going to go see Spiderman 3 this weekend, or sometime this week. When you go see the film, at the end of the trailer, just yell out, “MuggleNet-dot-com!” And film it and then put it on YouTube and then…

Ben: Link us to it.

Andrew: Link us to it, and that will be my listener challenge for this week. People who do it get a free t-shirt.

Mikey: Very cool.

Andrew: A free MuggleCast t-shirt, yeah.


Mikey: Oh, by the way, sorry to interrupt you.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: But I saw, since I was at the iMax theater for it, they did mention that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in iMax 3-D. So, yes.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I’m excited for that. That’s where I’ll be seeing it.

Andrew: The last twenty minutes in 3-D. Now, I’m confused by this whole thing, Mikey. What does 3-D mean? Do you wear…

Ben: Googles, probably.

Mikey: You actually wear 3-D glasses. You actually wear the goggles.

Andrew: Ohhh.

Mikey:I saw Superman Returns in 3-D at the iMax theater. It’s pretty awesome. The iMax team does a – there’s actually – you can probably search on YouTube right now for the Superman Returns iMax special they had. It was a 15 minute little thing, and they talk about how they take the 2-D stuff that they saw on film and make it 3-D and it – truthfully, Superman Returns looked amazing. I could only imagine how those last 20 minutes…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: You know, the battle at the Ministry, Dumbledore and Voldemort. I just…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I’m like, wow.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: It’s going to be – if you have an iMax theater near your, check it out in iMax. I cannot tell you how awesome it is. I saw 300 in iMax, Superman Returns.

Andrew: Oh, wow.

Mikey: All those really cool things in iMax, so check it out.

Andrew: Awesome.

Mikey: And it is in 3-D. So, yeah. I’m excited.

Andrew: That is going to – that scene – that ending scene: Voldemort vs. Dumbledore in the trailer looks amazing, you know, not in 3-D, so I can just not imagine. You’ll be so immersed in that scene.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: Awww, man.

Andrew: Awesome.

Mikey: You’re going to be – It’s like “Avada Kedavra!” and you’re going to duck because it’s going to be coming out at you.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: You’ll be like, “Oh, no! Ah! I don’t want to die!”

David Yates Directing HBP

Andrew: Yeah, so. Looking forward to that. Micah, Ben, your thoughts on David Yates taking over Half-Blood Prince?

Ben: Sounds good to me. I mean, I don’t know, I haven’t seen – It’s hard to tell.

Andrew: Right. Tough to say.

Ben: And he may be able to handle the material in Half-Blood Prince better than he did in Order of the Phoenix. So, we don’t really know.

Andrew: Yeah. I’m excited just because we haven’t had the same director direct two films since Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets.

Mikey: Columbus.

Andrew: Chris Columbus, yeah. So, I really think that will make a difference in Half-Blood Prince since he’s going to be on for a second time. He’s going to know what to do differently, and all that, after he gets feedback about Order of the Phoenix.

Micah: I don’t know, though. I didn’t really feel that Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince were necessarily tied together very strongly.

Andrew: No, but I just mean filming-wise, cinematically – if that’s a word. Just with shooting it, just with the Hogwarts grounds. Just with, you know, just with the overall feel, I think. They’re both dark.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s all that matters.

Mikey: Yeah.

Too Much Revealed In The Trailer?

Micah: With the trailer – I know I was saying to you. If you’re not the average book-reader and you see this trailer, don’t you guys think it gave a little bit too much away?

Mikey: I think it shows that it’s an action-packed film. I think the fact that they started off with the weather changing and then you see the Dementors, and then you have the Umbridge thing and the twins. It just shows that this whole movie is going to have action throughout the whole thing. Whether you read the books or not, you’re going to enjoy this just because it’s going to be a summer blockbuster. So…

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Mikey: Kind of like other movies that are coming out.

Spiderman 3

Andrew: Yeah. Hopefully it won’t be as big of a disappointment as Spiderman 3. I’m seeing it tonight, but Mikey, you weren’t very thrilled about it. Did you want to touch on that?

Mikey: Well, no. Peter Parker becomes a little Emo. I kind of was like, “Oh man, he just needs to put a red tie on with that black suit and black shirt.”

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: “And he’s flat out of, how many bands do that?”

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: But you know what? There’s actually a clip on YouTube, I’m not going to say. My roommate posted it. But there’s a scene where Peter Parker’s just strutting down the way. And right away, I just started thinking, Saturday Night Fever.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: My roommate has it up on YouTube. Search for it. It’s “Spiderman Saturday Night Fever.” It’s amazing. It’s put to the music of the Bee Gees. It’s pretty awesome.

Andrew: Awesome.

Mikey: Because you’re just going to laugh when you see it. Because you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s ridiculous.

Andrew: You did show me. [laughs] It’s pretty good.

Pickle Pack

Andrew: Any other news that we want to talk about this week before we get to the call-in part of the show?

Ben: Pickle Pack?

Andrew: Nothing really.

Ben: Pickle Pack?

Mikey: I’m a Pickle Pack member.

Andrew: Oh yeah. Let’s…

Mikey: I think it’s amazing, guys. You should join. [laughs]

Andrew: Well, let’s get into that. Mikey, you’re a Pickle Pack member? Are you?

Mikey: I’m a Pickle Pack member. You guys should all get it. It’s amazing. I logged in today, actually, just to see what was posted. I’m a little sad, there’s no Ben content yet. But Micah posted. So…

Andrew: Yeah, Ben posts on Saturdays, and we started Pickle Pack this past Sunday.

Mikey: Okay. So, Ben, I’m going to be checking tomorrow, you know. [laughs]

Andrew: So, he’ll have his blickle up this Saturday.

Ben: Well, you be ready.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I’m going to expect something in there, you know. Okay. No, seriously, people. Pickle Pack, it’s awesome. I even got it. Don’t know why, but I did!

[Andrew and Mikey laugh]

Mikey: It’s pretty cool, I think. And the shirts are just absolutely wonderful. Watch the little video of Andrew and his brother.

Ben: So cute.

Mikey: Wearing the t-shirt around…

Ben: So cute.

Mikey: Isn’t his brother – his brother is so cute.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Why are you you, Andrew? Your brother is so much better looking.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: How did you end up like that? Yeah, really.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I know, seriously.

Andrew: Sorry. I mean…

Mikey: Were you dropped on your face, you know? Smashed in a door?

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I don’t know.

Andrew: Starting next week, Ryan Sims hosts MuggleCast. Now this is, for anyone who doesn’t know, this is our new membership to MuggleCast which will get you lots of bonus content about the show. And then we also do video blogs, which we’re calling Blickles: a cross between blog and pickle. And we’ve been getting a few questions I want to answer. First, where did the whole joke of “pickle” come from? I went into the MuggleCast archives, and I pulled up the clip that started it all. Here it is now.

Andrew: Hello, Potter pickles! [laughs] Welcome back to…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: …the show. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull. [at the same time as Jamie]

Laura: And I’m Laura Thompson.

Eric: Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.

Andrew: And this is the show where we bring you the latest in ‘Harry Potter’ news, theories, discussions, ummm…

Jamie: And some other stuff as well.

Andrew: Plumpy pickles, and much more. [laughs]

Jamie: [laughs] Plumpy?

Andrew: [laughing] But before we go anywhere else, a tasty pickle by the name of Micah Tannenbaum is over at the MuggleCast news center with the latest ‘Harry Potter’ news stories.

So, that’s how it all started. Really stupid, it makes no sense. But since Episode 54 when I made that little joke on the show, we sort of just started referencing it. Now it’s a membership name. A couple other questions. All content will be available to you, no matter when you buy. So, say you purchase Pickle Pack today, the stuff from last week that we put up there will still be online. So, you’ll still get everything. And your membership will last for 365 days, not just until the end of 2007. And you have until June 16th to sign up. So, sign up today. Ben, how can they do that?

Ben: Sign up by going to And, first and foremost, you must register for a MuggleNet news commenting account. And once you do that, then you can log in, pay the amount, support the show. Then you have your content.

Andrew: Awesome.

Ben: And speaking of content, occasionally we like to offer Pickle Pack members a little incentive. And this week’s call-in show, the Pickle Pack members have their own time slot to talk to us.

Mikey: Oooh.

Andrew: Yeah, we posted on that we would start taking calls at 8 o’clock, but we’re actually going to start taking calls a half hour earlier for Pickle Pack members. Only they knew that. And I have quite a few of them calling right now. So, are you guys ready to get into the talk?

Ben: Let’s do it.

Mikey: Well, I’d just like to say, since I’m a Pickle Pack member, that’s why I’m here…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …already, guys.

Andrew: [laughs] That’s why you’re…

Mikey: Just so you know.

Andrew: He’s our guest host this week.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Just so you know. Pickle Pack, guys? It’s the best, what was it, $30.00 I spent on it?

Andrew: $30.00 for a year.

Mikey: It was amazing, you guys.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Honestly, I love it. I’m excited. I can’t wait until my t-shirt comes. It’s going to be awesome.

Call: Tonks Portrayed In OOTP

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Stacey.

Stacey: Hi!

Andrew: Hi!

Mikey: Hi!

Stacey: [laughing] Hi!

Andrew: Stacey is our first caller for the day. Congrats, Stacey!

Stacey: Thank you. Oh my gosh, this is so cool.

Andrew: Stacey, we were just talking about Pickle Pack. And you, I’ve seen you around on Pickle Pack before.

Stacey: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: You are a member.

Stacey: This is too cool.

Andrew: How are you enjoying it?

Stacey: I absolutely love it. It’s so awesome.

Andrew: [laughs] Cool.

Mikey: That’s exactly what I said.

[Andrew and Stacey laugh]

Mikey: I said I love it. I love it. I’m so happy I joined.

[Andrew laughs]

Stacey: I love it. Yeah. So worth the $30.00. I mean, so worth it.

Andrew: Awesome. Awesome. Now, Stacey, you got a question or thought about the film?

Stacey: Yeah. I wanted to ask you what you guys thought of the actress who is playing Tonks. Like, what was your first impression about her looks? Like, with the pictures and stuff. Because she really doesn’t look like the Tonks that I really imagined, you know, for me.

Andrew: Yeah. Her purple hair is very…

Ben: Purple?

Andrew: …purple. [laughs]

Stacey: Yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: It’s violet…

Andrew: Well, purple…

Mikey: Guys, I’m re-reading Order of the Phoenix right now, it’s violet hair.

Andrew: Ooh.

Mikey: It was a violent shade of violet.

Stacey: Aha.

Mikey: Come on, guys.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, I guess that would make sense. It is, it is…

Ben: Nice use of alliteration there.

Mikey: Exactly. Well, that’s what it says, I actually just read that chapter this morning before I went to work.

[Andrew laughs]

Stacey: Well, that makes sense.

Mikey: So, I can really say I remember that, but yeah.

Andrew: So, well…

Stacey: I just…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Stacey: I just hope the movie captures her klutziness and it just like – her goofiness…

Andrew: Yeah.

Stacey: …because that’s what I love about Tonks is how goofy and klutzy she is.

Andrew: Right, right.

Stacey: I can relate to it. So – [laughs] But I just want to know what you guys thought of the actress, and…

Andrew: I don’t know, we’ve got to see her. [laughs]

Mikey: Yeah.

Stacey: [laughs] It’s true. It’s hard.

Mikey: I haven’t really seen her in anything else really, so I couldn’t say as an actress, what I know about her.

Stacey: Yeah, yeah.

Mikey: From what I’ve seen in the pictures, you know, she’s passable. Until we actually see the movie…

Stacey: Yeah.

Mikey: ….I couldn’t give you like a, you know, I don’t want to say something and then a month later be like, “Oh, man, she was horrible,” which I highly doubt she is. She’s probably going to be wonderful…

Stacey: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …and I’m going to be regretting I even mentioned that, but you know, who knows?

[Andrew laughs]

Stacey: Yeah.

Mikey: I just want the, I just want the…

Stacey: You just have to wait until the movie comes out.

Mikey: …spikey pink hair. I just want spikey pink hair.

[Ben laughs]

Stacey: Yeah.

Mikey: So, I want that to show up, you know, I haven’t seen any pictures with that hair, so, hopefully…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …it’s there.

Stacey: Yeah, I’m really excited about seeing how she portrays Tonks in the movies.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, sort of on the same subject, we’re also seeing another female actress, the actress who’s playing Bellatrix.

Stacey: Uh huh.

Andrew: Bellatrix looks fantastic.

Stacey: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: Fantastic.

Stacey: She’s so scary.

Andrew: She’s crazy, I love it!

Stacey: [laughs] Yeah, I love it! It’s awesome.

Andrew: And the new promotional picture that – the poster that came out today, one of the new ones with Sirius. It also has a smaller picture of Bellatrix in there. Oh, she looks great.

Stacey: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Can’t wait. Good stuff.

Stacey: I’m so excited.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, Stacey, we have a few other Pickle Pack members calling right now, so we’re going to get in touch with them.

Stacey: Awesome, awesome.

Andrew: Thank you for becoming a member, and thanks for coming on today.

Stacey: Yeah, thank you for taking my call.

Andrew: No problem. See you.

Stacey: Bye.

Ben: Bye.

Call: Poster Taglines

[Phone rings]

Ben: What’s up?

Female Caller: Hi, is this Kevin and Ben?

Andrew: No…

Mikey: Oh, no.

Andrew: …this is Andrew and Ben. [laughs] Close, though.

Mikey: It’s all right, we wish it was Kevin, we wish it was Kevin…

Female Caller: [laughs] I’m so sorry, Andrew.

Mikey: …but it’s not, it’s Andrew.

Andrew: [laughs] And Mikey.

Female Caller: I’m sorry.

Andrew: And Micah.

Female Caller: Yes, I heard that Rupert called you…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Female Caller: What did he call you?

Andrew: Meekah.

Micah: Meekah.

[Andrew laughs]

Female Caller: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that was funny. [laughs]

Ben: Yeah. Ah, that’s awesome.

Andrew: Hey, well, thanks for calling in today. You’re a Pickle Pack member, I assume, because you called in early.

Female Caller: Yes.

Andrew: Are you enjoying it?

Ben: What do you think of it?

Female Caller: Actually, I really like it. I was a little skeptical at first…

Andrew: Mhm.

Female Caller: …and – but I decided because I love you guys.

Andrew: Awww, well, thank you.

Female Caller: Yes, and I really like the Blickles.

Andrew: Oh, good. Do you like the name? [laughs] Blickles?

Female Caller: Yes.

Mikey: It’s ridiculous, you do realize that, but I love them.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I love them.

Ben: Yeah, the name is pretty – pretty weak.

Andrew: [laughs] Pretty weak? By weak, you mean awesome. Hey, well, do you have a question about the film or some thoughts on it?

Female Caller: I love the trailer.

Andrew: Mhm.

Female Caller: The most recent one. I think, especially the ending scenes with the Ministry, I just think are going to kick some serious butt.

Andrew: Yeah.

Female Caller: I think that’s sort of what we’re all waiting for, is that confrontation at the end with Dumbledore. It’ll be interesting to see when – you know that part when Voldemort gets a little quiet time with Harry and is saying, “You will lose everything”? I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Female Caller: …I don’t remember that…

Andrew: “You will lose everything.” Yeah.

Female Caller: Yeah. It’ll be interesting to see that tied on, you know, how it gets quiet.

Andrew: Yeah.

Female Caller: I don’t remember it being very quiet in the book.

Andrew: Yeah, well, what do you guys think about all these tag lines, actually? Like the, “You will lose everything,” and “The rebellion begins”? I think they’re all pretty nice.

Mikey: I’m a little…

Ben: I don’t know.

Andrew: Not a fan?

Mikey: …kind of sad about that. Of – the Hermione one, I’m a little sad about.

Ben: I’m not too big of a fan.

Andrew: What’s the Hermione one say?

Mikey: The something rebellion – I don’t know. I read it and I was just like, “That doesn’t really fit, I don’t think.”

Micah: But they’re trying to sell the movie.

Female Caller: I think Hermione says, “It’s good to be” – “it feels good to be rebellious,” or something.

Andrew: Oh, on the poster it says, “The only way is rebellion.” Yeah, that’s kind of lame.

Mikey: Yeah.

Female Caller: Oh, right, right. Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, I thought they could’ve came up with something a little more witty for her, because I think Ron’s is with Lucius, it’s like, “No one can protect you,” and it’s like, all right, I can see that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: “You will lose” – or, “Only one can survive” is Harry. And then “Take a last stand” is – what do you call it? – Sirius and Bellatrix. Those all make really good sense, but, “The only way is rebellion”? I’m like, “Eh.”

Andrew: “Evil must be confronted” is on Evanna’s – sorry, Luna’s poster.

Mikey: Which is really good.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Sorry, I just knocked my headset off my head.

Andrew: That’s all right.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] What are you doing over there, Ben?

Female Caller: I’m wondering where they’re getting these lines because you’re right. A lot of these taglines aren’t even from the books if I’m not mistaken.

Micah: They’re all creative marketing. I think that’s what it is. It’s just to sell the movie.

Female Caller: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s to scare people, too, I think.

Micah: I don’t like…

Mikey: It’s the same thing with “You will lose everything.”

Micah: Yeah, I don’t like that.

Ben: I think the only cool one they’ve ever came up with was “Something wicked this way comes” from Macbeth. That was pretty sweet, I thought.

Mikey: I agree with that one one hundred percent. That one was awesome.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. But hey, we’ve got a lot of people calling in right now, so we’re going to let you go and get another Pickle Pack member in here.

Female Caller: Okay, well good job. I’m really enjoying it, you guys.

Andrew: All right, well, thank you.

Call: Book Details Cut From The Movie

[Phone rings]

Andrew: JJ.

JJ: Hi, Andrew.

Andrew: What is up?

JJ: Oh, I’m sorry I’m being a pesky, pesky person. Thank you so much for setting up my Pickle Pack account.

Andrew: Hey, anytime.

JJ: Oh, I’ve enjoyed it so much.

Andrew: Oh good.

JJ: So, what’s going on with you guys, is everybody – oh, there’s Ben…

Ben: Ben’s here.

Andrew: Ben.

JJ: Oh my goodness.

Andrew: Micah.

JJ: Awww! I feel so special. I downloaded Skype just to do this.

Andrew: And Mikey. [laughs]

Ben: You should feel special. Where are you from?

JJ: I am right outside where Laura lives in Alpharetta, Georgia. She’s like five exits up highway 400 from me.

Andrew: Oh. That’s kind of scary, actually.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: I’ve used that joke already. [laughs]

Mikey: Do you visit her at Target?

Ben: So, you live in Alfredo, Georgia?

JJ: Alpharetta! Alpharetta!

Ben: Oh, okay. Alpharetta. Okay, sorry.

JJ: Alfredo, that would be pretty cool, though.

Ben: Well, just like Cumming, that’s not the best name for a town.

[Andrew laughs]

JJ: No. No, no, they didn’t.

Andrew: So, what’s up JJ? Got any thoughts about the film?

JJ: Well, I screamed when I saw all three of the trailers.

Andrew: Mhm.

JJ: Everybody else did.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Like, everyone.

Ben: Me too.

JJ: My little concern was, though, when I saw the international trailer, and I guess it’s the shot right before Hogsmeade where you kind of see the dark mark and the ghost cloudy things, and you have the voice over that says, “The dark lord approaches.” I’m guessing that’s an audio segment clip from the prophecy, but my concern is, just in the matter of fact – to tone down the film and make it easier to write for the film, are they going to cut things out of the prophecy?

Andrew: Haven’t we heard something already that the prophecy’s been changed? It was changed, wasn’t it?

Ben: Well, it was changed in Movie 3 with Trelawney, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did it again.

JJ: Well, that’s really disappointing because, you know, basically the focus on Book 6 is the prophecy, and that’s upsetting. Ohhh.

Andrew: Yeah.

JJ: Okay.

Andrew: I don’t know. It’s weird because the prophecy seems like one of those easy things that could be kept untouched.

JJ: Yeah! I mean it’s like five lines!

Andrew: Right.

JJ: Oh, shoot. What do you think they are going to cut out?

Andrew: Micah, any ideas? Well, they’re going to cut out – do you mean just in the film in general?

JJ: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean one thing they’re changing is – we’ve talked about this – is Cho Chang being the one to rat out Harry and the rest of Dumbledore’s Army.

JJ: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: Which is silly.

JJ: That’s retarded.

Micah: It’s not silly, though. It follows – you can create more of a story with that than you could with some no-name character ratting them out.

Ben: Yeah, that’s true.

JJ: Yeah, I guess so, because you can kind of go in further depth of Cho and Harry and why they broke up.

Micah: They built up her character in Goblet of Fire, and now they can take her in Order of the Phoenix and sort of use her, in a way. So, I’m not as big of a critic about that as maybe changing the prophecy.

JJ: Yeah, that’s my number one big thing is – I mean, I’ll live without the line, “Give her hell from us, Peeves” from Fred and George, which is one of my favorite lines. I can live without that, but I’ll kind of be sad if they change the prophecy.

Andrew: See, a lot of people can’t live without that. I’ve been seeing a lot of feedback to the MuggleCast e-mail saying that – everyone’s saying stuff like, “Oh, we just got to have the ‘Give her hell from us, Peeves!’ line because it’s such a great line!” and it really is.

JJ: It really is.

Mikey: But we haven’t seen Peeves.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Mikey: See, Peeves, they’re not going to introduce him right now. It wouldn’t make sense.

JJ: Yeah, it makes total sense. Ohhh.

Andrew: Oh, well, that’s upsetting. I mean, it’s going to be upsetting, however, I think we’re all going to be so blown away by the movie that we won’t even care about the changes.

Mikey: I’ll see it in 3-D.

[Andrew laughs]

JJ: Yeah, awesome.

Mikey: It’s gonna be amazing. It’s going to be like, “Woah!”

JJ: Oh, if there was only an iMax. Me and Laura have this one little predicament where the nearest iMax to us is like 20 miles away. Thirty miles.

Andrew: Oh, really?

Mikey: That’s like 40 minutes; you guys can do it! That’s not far at all.

Andrew: Not too bad.

Ben: Yeah, that’s not far.

Andrew: Alright, well…

Ben: Have Laura pick you up.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

JJ: Yes, go Laura. Laura, if you’re out there, pick me up!

Andrew: [laughs] We’ll let her know. Hey, thanks for calling today. We’re going to get to some other callers now. We’re getting a lot of Pickle Pack members calling in.

JJ: Thanks so much, guys. Oh, I love the show. Pickles for all.

Andrew: [laughs] Thank you. Buh-bye.

Call: The Wii And The Ministry

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Andy.

Andy: Hey, what’s up, guys?

Andrew: What’s up, buddy?

Andy: Not much, been watching the trailer way too much.

Andrew: Oh, well, that’s good because we’re talking about it today.

Ben: Yeah. But first, Andy, buddy. Where are you from and how old are you?

Andy: I’m 24, I’m from Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Andrew: Allentown. Hey, Billy Joel wrote a song about Allentown. [laughs]

Andy: [laughs] Yeah. Not a big fan though.

Andrew: Awww. [laughs] Hang up.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: [singing] In the middle of the night…

Andrew: I’ve been walkin’ in the… [laughs] All right, anyway, what’s on your mind today?

Andy: I don’t know, I’ve been playing Spiderman all day on the Wii, so Harry Potter’s been in the back my head.

Ben: Okay, tell me, how cool is Wii Bowling?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: [laughs] Are we back to Wii Bowling here?

[Andrew laughs]

Andy: I actually got a perfect game.

Mikey: Really?

Ben: Oh, whatever, you are just trying to brag.

Andrew: Yeah, you liar.

Ben: You’re trying to brag in front of the audience.

Andy: I swear to God. It e-mails you and tells you. If there was some way I could I prove it to you guys – If I could take a picture and give it to you guys, I will.

Mikey: Wait, wait. Hold on Andy, here. Did you find the cheat?

Andy: No, no, no.

Mikey: Did you find where you can always get a strike? Because it’s really easy to get a perfect game once you know how to do that.

[Andrew laughs]

Andy: All right, I’m caught.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Ohhh.

Mikey: I’m just saying it’s pretty easy once you figure out the cheat, and it’s all over the internet telling you how to get a perfect game. I’m just asking.

Andrew: [laughs] I did not know that, but hey, guys, we’re recording a Harry Potter podcast, so… [laughs]

Mikey: Oh, yes.

Andrew: Andy, do you have any thoughts about the film?

Andy: I mean, it’s going to be amazing we all know that, obviously.

Andrew: Yeah.

Andy: I don’t know what else to say. I’ve been listening to the last podcast. It’s so long. I don’t know what I can actually add to this.

Andrew: Yeah, I mean is there anything really bugging you about the film from what you’ve seen so far?

Andy: No, I’ve been watching it in my HD mode, and I’ve been pausing it a lot and going back and forth, and I really like the part where Harry is walking into the Ministry. Everybody else is kind of rushing in with him. I mean, it’s just going to be a really good scene if we actually get to see it in the theaters.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: You should be a MuggleCast host. I like the way you talk.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: I like the way you think.

Andy: Thanks, Ben.

Andrew: Well, Andy, we’re going to get to some other calls now, unless you have any other thoughts about the film.

Andy: Oh, I totally understand. The game for the Wii is going to be amazing.

Andrew: Oh, definitely, definitely. Absolutely.

Andy: But yeah, man. Thanks for taking my call.

Andrew: No problem. We will talk to you again soon.

Andy: Take it easy, guys. Pickle Pack rocks.

Andrew: Thanks.

Ben: Yeah, see ya.

Mikey: Yes.

Andy: [laughs] Later.

MuggleCast 89 Transcript (continuted)

Call: “Look At Me!” Quote

[Phone rings]

Eva: Hi.

Andrew: Hi, did I get your name right? Is it Eva?

Eva: Yes, you did actually.

Andrew: Oh, it’s a miracle.

Ben: What’s up, girlfriend?

Andrew: Pickle Pack member, I assume?

Eva: Yes, I am.

Andrew: Awesome, awesome. How are you enjoying it?

Eva: So, great. It’s already worth the $30.00, and I haven’t even gotten the t-shirt yet.

Andrew: Oh, wow. Geez. [laughs] We’ve been getting a lot of good feedback about this. I’m very happy. So, what’s your thoughts on the Order of the Phoenix film?

Eva: Well, no one’s discussed this yet, but I was wondering when Harry says, “Look at me,” it’s in both trailers. And then Voldemort opens his eyes – that’s from Goblet of Fire.

Andrew: It’s a clip from…

Eva: A shot. It’s in the international trailer.

Andrew: Oh, so wait…

Eva: So, like…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Eva: It’s at 1:51, the time.

Andrew: So, do you actually hear Harry saying – or do you see him saying this too?

Eva: Yeah, he just yells “Look at me!” and then there’s a shot of Voldemort really quick where he opens his eyes. It’s at 1:51 in the international trailer.

Andrew: Hmmm. That is interesting I can’t get it up right now, but…

Eva: I have no idea what that is about, no one’s discussed – I’ve never heard anyone discuss it yet.

Mikey: Hold on, I’m looking it up right now. It looks like – I kind of always assumed this was in the – with Snape in the – because the room, the lighting and everything.

Andrew: I was just thinking that, yeah.

Mikey: It looks like he’s sweating and working on Occlumency.

Eva: Oh, yeah.

Mikey: So, I think he’s yelling, “Look at me!” to Snape because that’s maybe after – I don’t know. Maybe him and Snape – That’s when they have their fight. I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s a good idea. I mean, he could be talking to a lot people. He could be talking to Ron or Hermione in one of their little arguments or…

Eva: Yeah.

Andrew: …he could even be talking to Dumbledore.

Mikey: Oh, no yeah, it actually looks like Dumbledore’s room after Dumbledore is kind of trying to – after the whole – after Sirius’ death.

Eva: Oh, man. I hope they keep that. That would be great.

Mikey: Wow, no, because he looks all angry and distraught and he is all-caps Harry right there.

Eva: [laughs] Yes, he is.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: You know, I’m looking at this international trailer now, and I just saw Voldemort’s suit, and I saw a suit all black like that at this place I went to go get my Prom vest…

[Eva laughs]

Micah: Tuxedo?

Andrew: Prom tux, exactly. And I was seriously considering going all black and then taking a picture for MuggleCast because…

Eva: Oh, you should totally do it.

Andrew: …that suit is so cool.

Eva: It really is, it suits him.

Andrew: It – hey!

Ben: Literally.

Mikey: Hey, you know what?

Andrew: Pun intended.

Mikey: Andrew, if you get that suit, we can also Photoshop out your nose, and you’ll be…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …just like Ralph Fiennes there.

Andrew: Are you calling me pale?

Mikey: Maybe. [laughs] I won’t say anything else against that.

Andrew: Mikey, I don’t appreciate your mean-ness.

Mikey: It’s all with love, I’m sorry.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Mikey: I’m sorry. I apologize on the air.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Hey, Eva. Thank you for calling today.

Eva: Oh, thanks.

Andrew: And we hope you continue to enjoy Pickle Pack and the show.

Eva: Of course, yeah.

Andrew: Cool. See you later.

Eva: Bye.

Call: The New OOTP Website

[Phone rings]

Arjun: Hello?

Andrew: Hi. What’s your name? Where are you from?

Arjun: I’m Arjun, I’m from Bangalore, India.

Andrew: Oh, wow.

Ben: Woah.

Mikey: Wow.

Andrew: We’ve never had a caller from India before, I don’t think.

Arjun: Yeah, I actually used to live in the States, but I got sent here for two years beacuse of my dad’s job. So…

Andrew: Oh, I see. So, what time is it there right now?

Arjun: 5:30 in the morning.

Andrew: Oh, wow! Did you stay up just for this?

Arjun: Yep.

Andrew: Oh man! That…

Mikey: Congrat – Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Yeah, a round of applause to you. [claps]

Andrew: A round of applause. That is impressive.

Ben: That’s hardcore.

Mikey: I don’t think I’d be up…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …at 5:30 in the morning for anything.

Andrew: [laughs] So, what’s up, dude? I’m glad we could take your call.

Arjun: Well, thanks for taking it.

Andrew: No problem.

Arjun: This is about what you think of the new website and stuff, all right?

Andrew: Okay.

Arjun: I saw the website, and what really kind of irritated me was that they had the same kind of background for everything. They didn’t change anything for it. Like, if you wanted to see somebody else’s profile, they still had the same background. So, you didn’t see anything new.

Andrew: Oh, I see.

Arjun: So, it really doesn’t show you that much.

Andrew: Right, right. Yeah, that is a little bit disappointing, but, I mean, I guess this is just a teaser site for now. So…

Arjun: Yeah.

Andrew: It’ll probably turn in to something bigger, right?

Arjun: Yeah, the trailer’s…

Mikey: I also…

Arjun: …awesome though.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …don’t know if I liked the DA logo either. It’s like DA – red. I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s not – I mean…

Mikey: It could’ve been cooler, I think.

Andrew: Yeah, I mean, I like the – I like the overall theme of the site. I think it’s pretty cool. They have this – they have Dumbledore’s Army on MySpace now.

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: That you can get on your site too.

Mikey: I might have to do that.

Ben: I don’t know. I signed up a week ago, and I still haven’t got my e-mail. I’m sad.

Andrew: Oh, really?

Mikey: Oh, I got my e-mail.

Andrew: Huh.

Mikey: I signed up, like, the day it came on.

Micah: I don’t think you made it, Ben.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: Ben, did you hit submit? [laughs]

Ben: I really did.

Mikey: Did you hit submit? That’s the thing.

Ben: Yeah, dude. I promise. I promise I did.

Andrew: You are not good enough for Dumbledore’s Army, I guess. Harry rejected you.

Ben: Okay.

Andrew: Loser!

Ben: As an aside, it is three…

Arjun: No, I think it was the whole army.

Ben …it was 3,000 – it is 3,000 degrees in my room right now.

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: It is so hot, just so you guys know.

Andrew: Okay, thank you for adding that.

Mikey: [sings] It’s getting hot – is it getting hot in here?

Ben: Yes, I’m about to take off all…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: …my clothes.

Mikey: All right! Ooh.

Ben: Which is this week’s Pickle Pack exclusive. No, I’m just kidding.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Hey, that’s Ben’s exclusive for Saturday, guys.

Andrew: Sounds good to me. I’ll be downloading. Well, hey, dude, thanks for calling in today. Do you have any other thoughts about the film before we let you go?

Arjun: Yeah, the trailer was pretty cool.

Andrew: Yeah.

Arjun: And when Fred and George are circling her, do you know exactly what they’re doing? Are they chucking fireworks or what?

Andrew: It’s hard to tell because it’s such a short clip. You guys know what he’s talking about, right? Where…

Mikey: No, no, I think it’s – I think it’s fireworks. I’m pretty sure. Or it’s Fizzing Whizbies.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Or the Frisbees or whatever.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Because it looks like he pulls – I actually went frame-by-frame on the big trailer, the 1080p one, and he reaches into his bag and he throws it like a frisbee. I don’t know if it’s the firework or something, but it looks – he throws it like a frisbee, if you go frame-by-frame.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I don’t know why I did that, but I did.

Andrew: [laughs] Because you are a dork, Mikey.

Mikey: [laughs] Yes.

Andrew: I did that too, actually, but that was to get screen caps for MuggleNet. At least I have an excuse. You don’t.

Mikey: Oh, see, you just go to file, export – every single frame as a still image. It’s like 2,000-something frames.

Andrew: I only did about 200 of them, but – alright. Hey, thanks for calling in today.

Arjun: Thank you for having me.

Andrew: No problem. Thanks for staying up so late too, geez. It’s impressive.

Arjun: Yeah. Bye.

Andrew: Bye.

Call: Cho Selling Out The D.A.

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Savannah?

Savannah: Yes?

Andrew: Hi.

Savannah: Hi!

Andrew: Hey, so what’s up? What’s on your mind about the films?

Savannah: I was actually – I was wondering what you guys thought of the change that they made, how Cho’s the one that tells on the DA.

Micah: I love it.

Andrew: I don’t – do you?

Mikey: I think it’s okay.

Micah: No, it’s okay. It’s not a big deal.

Mikey: I think it suits the movie as a movie. Not the book, obviously.

Savannah: I don’t know.

Mikey: It’s a separate enity – entity. It’s a separate piece of work.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Micah: Who does it in the book? Edgecombe? Is that who it is?

Mikey: Yeah. Marietta Edgecombe.

Savannah: Yeah.

Micah: So, I mean, they’re not going to build up her character and make her into something when they don’t need to. So, I think it suits the story, like Mikey was saying, a whole lot more to have Cho do it. It creates a little bit more of an angle.

Andrew: Yeah. Originally, I was upset about it because – well, I was upset because it seems like a silly thing to change. But then I realized, to explain – to give a good reason for Harry and Cho breaking up, Cho rats Harry out.

Savannah: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: So, that sort of makes sense. It’s an easy way of breaking them up.

Savannah: Yeah, that’s what one of my friends said.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Oh, I thought it would’ve been better if the twins said, “You know what, and Harry’s doing this club,” as they fly out. They’re the ones that tell on him.

Ben: That would be awesome.

Mikey: That’d be absolutely wonderful.

Ben: Except not!

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: I know, I know. These filmmakers, they ruin the books. No, I like the movies.

[Savannah laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. Anything else that you’re upset about, Savannah?

Savannah: I don’t know. Nothing in particular. I just kind of – I don’t know. It kind of bothered me that even though it’s the longest book that it’s going to be the shortest movie.

Andrew: Hmmm, yeah. Well, that’s true.

Mikey: I do have a question for you, Savannah.

Savannah: Hmmm?

Mikey: Andrew keeps asking you anything you don’t like or anything that makes you upset about the movie. Is there anything that you’re excited for about the movie? Because I’m excited for the 3-D, I don’t know about you. I love this 3-D stuff.

Savannah: I don’t know. I would love to go see it in 3-D. I’m actually excited about the scene where Fred and George leave on their brooms, as probably everyone else is. That looked really cool in the trailer.

Savannah’s Friend: Tell them about the Quidditch robes.

Savannah: Oh. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, your friend’s in the background.

Savannah: Yeah, my friend is here as well. She just wanted me to tell you guys that for Halloween, we are making Ravenclaw Quidditch robes.

Mikey: Oooh.

Ben: Awesome.

Andrew: Nice.

Savannah: I’m not making them, because we can’t sew, but she can.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh, cool. Hey, well, thanks for calling in today. We’re going to get to some other people now.

Savannah: Alrighty.

Andrew: But thanks for calling in. We hope you keep listening.

Savannah: All right, bye-bye.

Andrew: Bye.

Call: Voldemort In A Suit

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hello, Tara?

Tara: Hello.

Andrew: Welcome to the show.

Tara: [laughs] Hello.

Andrew: Where are you from?

Tara: I’m from Northern Ireland.

Andrew: Oh, wow. What time is it there right now?

Mikey: Wow.

Tara: It’s like, six minutes past one.

Andrew: Oh, gee. Well, you know, Jamie’s up, too. But he – nevermind.

Ben: He’s working hard. He’s studying.

Andrew: He’s, yeah, working hard and studying.

Mikey: Working hard for the money.

Tara: He’d probably be better with some sleep, really, wouldn’t he?

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

[Tara laughs]

Andrew: So, what’s up? What are your thoughts on the film?

Tara: It looks good, no, I must say.

Andrew: Mhm.

Tara: But, kind of thinking, why’s Voldemort in a suit?

Andrew: Why’s Voldemort – did you listen to last week’s show? Because we sort of talked about that.

Tara: Yeah. He looks well, though.

Andrew: Yeah. What’s that?

Tara: I kind of think if you ignore the fact he hasn’t got a nose, he looks well.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. I really like that suit.

Ben: I love your accent, by the way. I love the accent.

[Andrew laughs]

Tara: Thank you. [laughs]

Andrew: That’s very nice. Yeah, I mean, Mikey, what are your thoughts on the suit? We didn’t really hear your thoughts about that.

Mikey: You know, I like it. I really do.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I think it’s – Again, it’s not the book. We have to look at this as a movie. Kind of like you look at Prisoner of Azkaban, Cuaron’s version of the book.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: It’s a good – I think it’s a good plot device for it. I think it shows that Harry is seeing – he’s hearing Voldemort. He doesn’t know what it is. I think it’s going to really add to the whole Voldemort thing because in the book we constantly are seeing these dreams. I don’t think they’re going to put that much focus on the dreams. Because in the book, it’s like every night almost, he has a dream about Voldemort or something.

Andrew: Right.

Mikey: And we’re not going to see him, you know, in a dream every 15 minutes in the movie. That’s why, I think, it’s kind of giving the audience a sense that Voldemort is there even though everyone’s denying it. I think it’s a good plot device. So…

Andrew: Yeah, definitely.

Mikey: At least that’s what I’m saying now until I see it.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: And then I can argue, and say, “Well, I was completely wrong on that one. I’m sorry.” But…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: We’ll see how it goes. For right now, I like it, though.

Andrew: Uh huh. Yeah. I mean, I said it last week. I still think that’s it’s going to be one of those mirages that Harry’s going to have, and then realize that – you know, he’s going to shake his head or whatever, and he’s going to realize that he wasn’t actually there. The suit, I can’t understand unless it’s sort of, like Harry – it’s just a regular businessman who would be hopping on the train.

Micah: Yeah.

Tara: Maybe.

Micah: That’s what I was going to say.

Andrew: Yeah. Any other thoughts, Tara?

Tara: It just generally looks like a good film, I think.

Andrew: Yeah. Quality.

Tara: It seems very kind of dramatic.

Andrew: Yes, it does. Yeah. Alright, well, thank you for calling today. We’re going to get to some other people now.

Tara: Okay, thank you.

Andrew: No problem. Have a good night.

Tara: Bye.

Call: Bellatrix Using Floo Powder?

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Julia.

Julia: Hi.

Andrew: Welcome to the show.

Julia: Thanks.

Andrew: Where are you from?

Ben: What’s up?

Julia: I’m from California.

Andrew: Ooh, [sings O.C. theme] California, California.

Ben: And what’s up?

Andrew: What’s up?

Julia: When you’re going through the international trailer, when it show a bunch of scenes really fast?

Andrew: Yeah.

Julia: And that has Bellatrix and she’s in green flames. It looks really weird. And I was wondering what you thought of that.

Mikey: Oh, I think she’s Floo-ing away.

Andrew: Oh, yeah, because they were green in Chamber of Secrets, weren’t they?

Mikey: Yeah, because…

Julia: Yeah, but…

Mikey: …she looks like she’s in – what do you call – a fireplace, like one of the ones from the Ministry.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I don’t think she Apparates, I think she Floo-ed away or something. I’m trying to look for it right now.

Andrew: I know exactly what you’re talking about. Yeah, those fireplaces are how they get into the Ministry of Magic.

Julia: Oh. Okay.

Andrew: They slide into them. To be honest with you, I don’t know if that’s in the book, but that’s what they’re doing for the movie.

Julia: Oh, that’s fine.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s…

Julia: Yeah, I was re-reading the book last night and I was like, “I’ve never seen that.”

Andrew: Oh, okay. Yeah, there’s – that’s your answer.

Mikey: At the book, I think they have Apparation points, but obviously, they can’t really show that in the movie.

Andrew: Right.

Mikey: So, if they all come through the fireplace, because we’ve seen that before when Harry gets lost to Knockturn Alley, and stuff like that. So, we’ve seen it before in the movie. So, I think it makes sense for that.

Andrew: Yeah. I think that’s about it. Anything else on your mind about the film?

Julia: Well, I thought the Dementors looked really cool, they way that they’ve changed them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Julia: It looked much better – well, not better, because I really liked the Dementors in the third book, well, Prisoner of Azkaban, but it looks almost as if they’ve changed them to adjust it to the film’s darkness and just the mood of the whole film.

Andrew: Yeah.

Julia: And Harry in the trailers we’ve seen so far.

Andrew: Yeah. All right. Well, hey, thank you for calling us today.

Julia: Okay, thanks!

Andrew: And we’re going to get some other people in. So, thanks for calling!

Call: Harry And Sirius Reading

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Jackie.

Jackie: Hi!

Andrew: Welcome to the show.

Jackie: Thank you.

Andrew: How’s it going?

Jackie: Very good.

Andrew: Where are you from?

Jackie: Michigan.

Andrew: Oh, nice.

Jackie: Yeah.

Andrew: So, hey, what’s on your mind today?

Jackie: Well, I was just wondering. See, the picture for the Caption Contest from April 17th to the 23rd…

Andrew: Ah, see, Eric’s not here. Eric’s not here, sorry.

Jackie: Ah, well, it’s…

Andrew: I’m just kidding. [laughs]

Jackie: [laughs] It’s of Harry and Sirius looking at a piece, of paper and I was wondering what you guys thought they were looking at. Maybe the Marauder’s Map?

Andrew: Oh, okay, yeah – it’s this picture. This is a shot with Dan Radcliffe and – well, Harry and Sirius. I don’t know where they are. I’ve been wondering this, too. Let me send this to you guys.

Mikey: It looks like…

Micah: Could be the map.

Mikey: Huh.

Andrew: The what?

Mikey: Yeah, it looks like parchment or something.

Micah: But I thought it’s just…

Mikey: Where would that be?

Micah: …of Hogwarts, though, right? Why would he need the map there?

Andrew: No, but I’m saying – what room is that? That’s not – that doesn’t look like a room in Hogwarts.

Mikey: It looks like…

Ben: It looks like a train station.

Mikey: Very – yeah.

Ben: “London travel.”

Andrew: Yeah. Probably is the train station. Oh, yeah, you’re right. It says “London Travelcard” behind there. All right, so there’s your answer. But maybe that – is that a letter from… Hmmm. Good question.

Mikey: Could it be – I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine.

Micah: Maybe he’s getting… No, I was going to say

Andrew: Could it be a letter from Ron and Hermione?

Mikey: But why would Ron and Hermione be there? You know – they’re there at the train station with him.

Andrew: Oh, right. That’s stupid. Yeah.

Mikey: Could it be a letter from – you know, it could be one of those kind of cheesy moments where it’s like, “Here, Harry. Here’s the letter. I couldn’t say this out loud to you.”

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Ben: Oh shut up. Yeah, I actually thought about that.

Mikey: Because he needs to be – he needs to be kind of like a man. You know, Sirius Black, he’s this really cool guy, he can’t show his feelings. I don’t know.

Andrew: Whatever it is, Sirius is pretty interested in it. So…

Mikey: Maybe it’s a love letter from Cho.

Andrew: Oooh.

Mikey: Maybe he’s sharing it with Sirius, going, “What do I do here?” You know, I don’t know. Asking for some manly advice.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: Something like that. Fatherly advice, you know. They’re having the talk right now.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I don’t know.

Andrew: We lost…

Micah: It’s weird, though…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Micah: …that they would be at a train station, though, because I thought Sirius can’t show himself.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, well – maybe he’s…

Ben: Are you sure this isn’t Photoshopped?

Andrew: No, this is definitely real. I’ve seen this before.

Micah: Maybe it’s something from his parents.

Andrew: Yeah, it could be. I like that robe that Sirius is wearing.

Mikey: It’s kind of cool.

Ben: I think – his tattoos. I like the tattoos.

Micah: Could it be the picture?

Mikey: I’m going to get that robe so that I can wear it to Prophecy.

Micah: Could it be the picture?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I’ll wear the robe around with the cane.

Andrew: Yeah, hell, I would.

Call: The Posters

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Curtis.

Curtis: Hello.

Andrew: Hey! Where are you from?

Curtis: Hey! I’m from Atlanta, Georgia.

Andrew: Oh cool. That’s our second Atlanta caller for today.

Curtis: Oh, really?

Andrew: Yeah. No Laura here today, though. I’m sorry to say.

Curtis: Awww, no Laura.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Curtis: Yup.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: What’s up, though? What have you got on your mind?

Ben: Yeah. What’s up?

Curtis: Well, I don’t know. Just the new posters that recently came out about Order of the Phoenix and everything.

Andrew: Yeah.

Curtis: Order of the Phoenix was probably my favorite book so far, and so far the movie looks amazing.

Andrew: Yeah. What do you think about those posters? I like them a lot.

Curtis: Yeah. They’re cool. It seems to show the person and then in the little bubble like their enemy or something. Like on the picture with Harry it shows Voldemort in the little sphere and everything. So…

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. We were talking about those a little bit earlier. I can’t wait to see the real posters because when they put those up in the movie theater, they’re huge.

Curtis: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: I’d love one for my room. What are your guys’ favorites?

Mikey: Oh, wow.

Andrew: Sorry. I just really like these. [laughs] I think the… Sorry, I think the Sirius one is my favorite.

Mikey: I was going to say Sirius or the Harry one. I actually also liked the Luna one too with just the generic Death Eater.

Andrew: Yeah, and she almost looks – I don’t want to say unreal, but she looks… There’s like a lot of – I don’t know. It almost looks like a sketch of her, almost, because there are so many effects in that picture.

Ben: Yeah. I would say that about some of them. Some of these pictures…

Andrew: Harry’s I’m not that impressed with because we have seen that pose one million times already.

Mikey: Yeah. I like it just because I am the Harry/Voldemort – I like that.

Andrew: Shipper?

Mikey: Yeah, I like that. Yeah, I’m a Harry/Voldemort shipper.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: Yeah. I’m all about it. No. Come on, seriously.

Curtis: Really?

Ben: I’m bad.

Mikey: It’s all right.

Andrew: I’m just…

Mikey: I…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Mikey: I like Harry in general. He’s a very cool guy.

Andrew: Yeah. I like…

Mikey: And Voldemort there.

Andrew: I like the cool poses. Which is why I like the Sirius one because he is kind of doing a cool thing there with his wand, and Bellatrix is sort of reaching out. So…

Micah: My question is with the Umbridge one. Why are the two reversed? You know? It almost seems like the good guys are the ones that are depicted in the larger picture, and so in that prophecy ball, it’s the bad person, but Dumbledore is in Umbridge’s picture.

Andrew: Probably because Umbridge is taking over.

Micah: Yeah, I guess. I just thought they had a little bit of theme.

Mikey: I also think it is probably because…

Andrew: What’s that?

Micah: I was saying that it looks like he had a theme though with the Order and then the people who were causing the problem, whereas in the prophecy one…

Andrew: Okay. Well, Micah. Micah, do you want to argue with WB?

Micah: Yes.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Well, go ahead. You talk to them because I don’t want to hear it.

Micah: And they used Umbridge twice.

MuggleCast 89 Transcript (continuted)

Andrew’s Problem With Umbridge

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. I didn’t like that. I didn’t understand that, but see this is my thing. I think they’re promoting Umbridge a little too much, and this helps out in my little case. I mean, sure she does play a big role in the book. However, I think they’re giving her a little more air time in the trailer and with all this promotional stuff than what is due.

Mikey: You know what? I don’t think so. I don’t think so at all, and I’m thinking it’s because I really loathe Umbridge. I don’t like her at all.

Andrew: So do I.

Mikey: Reading the book, I got angry.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Watching her and her being all over this stuff, I’m really angry already.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Watching the movie I will be angry, and I will be like, “Yeah! Get that!” All those centaurs are going to come and…

Andrew: Get her. [laughs]

Mikey: Get her! Uh! Yeah!

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Right now I am punching with my fist. I am so angry with her. I am looking at the poster like, “Aah!”

Andrew: Mikey, take it easy.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: Sorry! Breathe, breathe. Breathe, Mikey, breathe.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I think it suits it because honestly she is used twice, but I don’t, you know? I think they both fit. I like how Hermione has Umbridge in her bubble because it really is Hermione that kind of sticks it to the man in the sense of pushing Harry for the D.A. and then…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: If Umbridge was the big person, who would be in her bubble? Because it’s all done at school. It’s really – she’s going after Dumbledore, so I think the posters match. I don’t think I would have chosen her to be in two of them because I don’t like her.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: But I think she has an important enough role in the story to be credited for that.

Andrew: Ben and Curtis, what do you guys think?

Curtis: Like you were saying earlier, I think that they seem to be pushing Umbridge as the main villain, kind of, in this movie.

Andrew: Yeah.

Curtis: Because in trailers and everything, they show Umbridge for the majority of it, and Voldemort only appears for like, a couple clips of the trailers.

Andrew: Right, right. That’s actually exactly why I’m not really liking it too much. I mean, whatever. I shouldn’t be complaining.

Mikey: But she is..

Andrew: Ben?

Mikey: She is the main villain. She is!

Andrew: No, she’s not!

Mikey: In this one. Yes, because Harry’s fighting against the Ministry to show that Voldemort is back. Yes, Voldemort is the overall bad guy, but in this book specifically, it’s the Ministry, and more specifically, Umbridge.

Andrew: Well.

Mikey: It’s constantly…

Ben: Mikey’s right, Mikey’s right.

Mikey: The whole…

Andrew: I guess. No, he makes a good point.

Mikey: I’m a film student guys. I know.

Ben: I don’t think Umbridge is really blown up. I think there’s a lot of time spent on Umbridge in the book, so it makes sense for it to translate over that way in the movie. So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Hear, hear Ben…

Andrew: [sigh] I guess, I guess.

Mikey: I agree with you.

Micah: No, I understand what Andrew’s saying.

Mikey: You just want more kissing don’t you. You just want more kissing. Seriously.

Andrew: Ben does, yeah.

Micah: No, no, he – Andrew has a good point because the whole reason Umbridge is there is because of Voldemort. So…

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Regardless…

Ben: But how does that validate Andrew’s point, though?

Micah: Voldemort’s still the big villain.

Andrew: Well…

Micah: How does that validate it?

Andrew: Because Voldemort’s the real enemy. The ultimate enemy.

Mikey: Well, yes, he is.

Ben: Well, yes, he is, but…

Mikey: He’s in 3-D. He’s in 3-D. Come on.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Mikey: Voldemort’s in 3-D, alright. You can’t say he’s not a bad guy. I’m just saying that Umbridge is the villain through majority of the film, and then he – Voldemort finally shows himself at the end to everybody.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: We know it as readers…

Micah: Right. Hey, Mikey.

Mikey: We know it, as movie-goers, that Voldemort is back.

Micah: Mikey.

Ben: Hold on, hold on a second. What Mikey is trying to say – what Mikey is trying to say is that the majority of the early parts of the book are spent on the conflict between Harry and Umbridge, and Voldemort doesn’t emerge until the end. Sure, the ultimate goal, the ultimate bad guy is Voldemort, but Umbridge does see a lot of time in the actual written copy of the book, so it’d make sense for her to see a lot of screen time in the movie. I don’t think her role is exaggerated at all. I think it’s just right.

[Andrew sighs and laughs]

Mikey: You’re not going to win, Andrew.

Andrew: No.

Mikey: I’ll fight the tooth and nail.

Andrew: All right, all right, I’ll give it to you guys for now, but I’m still a little weary of it. We’ll wait to see how they continue to promote the films.

Ben: You…

Andrew: I just think they put a lot of emphasis on her.

Ben: Hold on a second, you can’t tell me that she’s not awesome.

Andrew: No, I’m sure she’s going to be great. No, no. Yeah, she’s going to be great and she looks great in the trailers and all that, and Imelda Staunton really…

Ben: Then what’s your beef?

Andrew: My beef is that I just think they’re promoting her…

Mikey: And you know what?

Andrew: Too much as the central…

Mikey: Hey, Andrew. Andrew.

Andrew: …theme and I don’t know I just…

Mikey: Andrew.

Andrew: I don’t know. Micah, help me out here.

Mikey: It’s because – you know what?

Micah: Well…

Mikey: You’re like me, Andrew. You loathe her. You really don’t like her so you’re upset that she’s in this promotional stuff. You’d rather see Harry or Hermione…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Or the trio, or Dumbledore, or a phoenix…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …or Sirius. Someone else because you don’t like Umbridge.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I don’t like Umbridge either, don’t worry!

Andrew: Mikey, Mikey, I’ve said this before. When I was reading Book 5, the first time I read it, I was actually – I would punch my couch.

Mikey: [laughs] No, I agree, same here!

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Same here! I’m like, “No!” Like, “There it is again!” I’m like, angry! Umbridge – did you hear the first time she was like, [imitates Umbridge] “We will have order!” It was so like, nails on a blackboard. I was so angry already at it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Like, honestly. Every time she talks I’m going to be like, throwing something at the screen.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I – Ooh, sorry. That’s my rant. Umbridge.

Andrew: No, no, I completely understand.

Micah: I think that the D.A. would have been created no matter what. But I – I guess I have to agree with what Ben and Mikey are saying here, I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

[Mikey laughs]

Micah: …she is the reason why the D.A. was created.

Andrew: All right, all right, all right.

Ben: Okay, so, Andrew, now it’s your turn to concede defeat.

Andrew: [laughs] All right, I concede.

Mikey: To say that me and Ben…

Andrew: For the first time in 89 shows, I concede defeat.

Mikey: Yes!

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Mikey?

Mikey: And we win. We need to have a song.

Ben: I always win. I always win.

Andrew: Party after the show.

Mikey: Ooh, it’s Ben Schoen’s winning.

Andrew: [laughs] Hey, well, Curtis…

Curtis: I still…

Andrew: What’s that?

Curtis: I still agree with you, Andrew.

Andrew: Well, thank you Curtis, let’s hang out sometime.

Ben: Well actually, Curtis…

Andrew: We’ll discuss this more.

Ben: Actually, Curtis, Andrew doesn’t even agree with himself anymore.

[Andrew and Mikey laugh]

Andrew: I’m confused!

Micah: Ooh.

Mikey: Curtis, since you agree with Andrew, Andrew agrees with us. So, technically, you’re agreeing with me and Ben.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: So, we win still. That’s all that matters.

Andrew: All right, well we’ll just discuss this later. Point is, I’m right. All right, so Curtis thanks for coming on today.

Curtis: Oh, no problem. It’s been great talking to you.

Mikey: That was a good question.

Andrew: Yeah, that was a good question. That was probably our longest answer. That was good. So, thanks, dude.

Curtis: Okay, no problem.

Andrew: See ya.

Call: Voldemort’s Eyes

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Emma.

Emma: Hi.

Andrew: What’s up?

Emma: Not much, how are you?

Andrew: Welcome to the show. Where are you from?

Emma: I’m in Connecticut right now, but I’m originally from England.

Andrew: Oh, I was going to say, I thought I heard a hint of an English accent.

Emma: Oh, really?

Andrew: Yeah. Am I – just me?

Mikey: Eh, it’s kind of.

Ben: Not really, no.

Mikey: Nothing…

Emma: It usually comes out when I…

Ben: How long did you live there for?

Emma: It usually comes out when I’m talking to English people, but…

Andrew: Oh.

Ben: Hold on a second, how long did you live there for? Until you were a little kid or…

Emma: Hmmm?

Ben: Were you a little kid when you moved to the U.S.?

Emma: I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well.

Ben: How old were you when you moved to the U.S.?

Emma: Oh, seven.

Andrew: See, like right there. Did you hear it?

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t know. Whatever, whatever.

Mikey: No, no. It was the seven. Yeah, I heard it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I thought she was British…

Mikey: It’s good. I like it.

Micah: …when she first called.

Andrew: Yeah, me too.

Micah: When she said, “Hello.”

Andrew: Plus her name’s Emma. [laughs]

Mikey: Yep.

Micah: Last name is really Watson.

Andrew: So.

Mikey: Really.

Andrew: So, what’s on your mind today, Emma? Got any thoughts about the film?

Emma: I actually wanted to talk to you guys about Voldemort’s eyes in the movies.

Andrew: Oh?

Emma: I – I don’t like them. They’re – they’re nothing like I pictured them.

Andrew: Well, what don’t you like about them? Is it, are they too small? They’re too sharp? They’re too what?

Emma: His eyes are described in the book as red or scarlet snake eyes, and they’re like blue, round eyes and…

Andrew: Hmmm.

Emma: …they don’t look anything like I pictured them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I think – can I fill this one, Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah, go for it.

Mikey: I have a – I think I remember listening to you guys last year during the Goblet of Fire stuff about how his eyes weren’t red, I think it’s probably because they want to keep it a children’s-type movie, you know? Not a kid’s movie, but they don’t want to scare off the kids. And I think that if he had red glowing eyes, like in the book, it’d be a little over the top.

Ben: It’d be pretty freaky.

Mikey: Yeah, like right now I’m looking at a picture of him from the trailer because I’m at a screenshot, and he is kind of creepy looking. His face is all pale and he’s got these, like, weird vein lines and he’s got no nose. His teeth are all like [makes monster noise] looking.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: And his eyes are kinda sunken. And if they added red glowing eyes, which they can easily do, they can do that and not a problem, but I think that – I think it’d just be a little over the top, like more demonic.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: And it’s something they probably don’t want to go to. Like, if you read Harry Potter, it’s pretty heavy stuff. It’s not a children’s book. But I think since it appeals to a wide range of kids and everything, Warner Brothers probably made this decision to kind of keep it a little bit, you know, more kid-friendly than with the red eyes.

Andrew: Yeah. You know, I agree with that because I think they’re already – I guess I want to say pushing it with how he does look. I mean, he doesn’t have a nose. The guy’s freaky.

[Emma laughs]

Andrew: He’s scary.


Andrew: And, like Mikey said, adding the red eyes would really, really push it over the top in terms of scaring kids and making him look like a demon. Especially when that comes through in the movie.

Micah: I don’t know, scaring kids? They kill people in these movies now, I mean…

Andrew: They do, but you don’t see it.

Ben: That’s not the point. I don’t think – I don’t think red eyes would be enough to get the movie an R-rating and stuff.

Andrew: No, no.

Mikey: No, no. But I’m thinking, like, red eyes, him looking like that. He’s gonna look pretty fearsome, and honestly that single image of him would be scary enough to where kids are going to start having nightmares about it with the red eyes. I think…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: The red eyes, you know, without the red he’ll stand out enough.

Ben: I don’t think it makes a difference.

Andrew: Well, no, Mikey’s right. Little kids are scared by stuff like that. I mean, my own little brother’s scared of a, well, used to be scared of, a vacuum cleaner. So, you know…

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] That’s why your brother is so much cooler than you. I can really understand that.

Andrew: Some things… [laughs] Some things give kids nightmares. And I think, Micah…

Micah: So, you…

Andrew: What?

Micah: You don’t think the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets scared kids?

Andrew: Well, you got to put that in. You can’t turn him into a bunny. Purple bunnies do the announcements – let’s skip those, you know what I’m saying? Wizard Rock?

Ben: What color are the Basilisk’s eyes?

Andrew: Were they red?

Mikey: No, they were yellow.

Emma: I hated the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets movie. It doesn’t look a bit like a snake. I hated it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: I thought it was pretty cool.

Emma: It looked more like a legless lizard, first of all.

Andrew: [laughs] Well…

Mikey: Well, isn’t that what a Basilisk is? It was a giant snake…

Emma: It’s a snake!

Mikey: It was the king of snakes.

Emma: It’s the king of serpents.

Mikey: But it’s made from a chicken egg. It’s made from a chicken egg. We don’t know what a Basilisk looks like.

Emma: Which is funny because I worked on a chicken farm, and I used to work with snakes. So…

Andrew: Ah, there you go. Snap, Mikey.

Mikey: I know, I lost. I don’t know.

Andrew: You’re just a computer tech employee. What do you know?

Mikey: I know.

Emma: Yeah.

Mikey: Seriously, I don’t know.

Emma: Yeah, I’m an animal science major. You can’t mess with me with snakes.

Andrew: Oh. [laughs]

Mikey: Yeah, well, I’m going to say, yeah, okay, I give up.

Andrew: Hey, well, we’re going to take a couple more callers today, Emma, and then we’re going to wrap up the show. Thanks for calling, though!

Emma: Okay.

Andrew: Good question!

Emma: Thanks for letting me talk, you guys.

Andrew: No problem.

Emma: I’m really enjoying the Pickle Packs, by the way.

Andrew: Oh, good! Glad you’re enjoying it…

Mikey: Yes. I have one too. I like it too.

Andrew: Mikey is too. He’s been raving on it, on, you know, on the whole show about it.

Emma: Oh, yeah? [laughs]

Mikey: It’s awesome. I joined. Everyone join! I love my…

Emma: It is cool. Thanks, guys!

Mikey: We can wear our shirts together.

Andrew: Yeah. Let’s do it. All right, see ya.

Emma: Bye bye.

Mikey: Let’s have a Pickle Pack Day. We’ll all wear our shirts, everybody. Come on.

Call: “You Will Lose Everything” At The Ministry?

[Phone rings]

Cameron: Hey.

Ben: What’s up, buddy?

Andrew: Hey. What’s up?

Cameron: Nothing.

Andrew: Nothing? You tired? You okay?

Cameron: Yeah, I’m tired. Took a little nap.

Andrew: [laughs] So, what’s up, dude?

Cameron: All right, well, I’m looking at the international trailer.

Andrew: Yes?

Cameron: And at the end where Voldemort says, “You will lose everything,” or whatever?

Andrew: Yeah.

Cameron: You know which part I’m talking about?

Andrew: Yep.

Cameron: Okay. Where do you think he is?

Andrew: That’s got to be in the Ministry of Magic, by the – sorry, what is it called again? The statue of…

Mikey: Magical Brethren.

Ben: Fountain of Magical Brethren?

Andrew: Yes. Fountain, yeah. I think that’s it, isn’t it?

Cameron: I have no idea. It looks like some sort of Star Wars scene, right there.

Andrew: What gets me, though, is the stuff that’s like falling around him.

Cameron: Yeah.

Andrew: It almost looks like it’s snowing.

Cameron: Yeah, it’s like… Yeah, it’s like… I thought maybe for a second – like it looks like it’s some sort of scene that’s not in the book, though, to me.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, yeah, he doesn’t say, “You will lose everything,” in the book.

Cameron: Yeah. Yeah.

Andrew: That’s a great scene, though.

Mikey: Oh, you know what? I’m looking at both the international trailer and the second U.S. trailer.

Andrew: Yeah?

Mikey: It looks, you know – it’s definitely at the Ministry of Magic, but it looks like Voldemort broke a bunch of windows and the glass and I think that’s what’s coming down where the snow looks like. I think there’s still like bits of the glass kind of floating in the air and stuff like that.

Andrew: Oh, yeah. But why is it slow?

Mikey: Well, like, maybe it settled and it’s just kind of, you know, sifting there?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: You know what I mean?

Andrew: Yeah, so. Yeah, that’s interesting. It’s definitely something new. I love that line though: “You will lose everything.”

Cameron: Oh yeah, that sends chills down my spine, right there.

Andrew: Yeah. Oh, definitely.

Mikey: You have to put – you have to put the Harry Potter in there first. [impersonating Voldemort’s voice] “Harry Potter, you will lose everything.”

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: You got to put the pause – the dramatic pause, too.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: It’s like, “You will lose…” Pause, pause, pause, pause. “…everything.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: You know, it’s – yeah, it’s ridiculous.

Andrew: All right.

Mikey: I don’t know. I like it, though.

Andrew: All right, well, Cameron, thanks for calling in today.

Cameron: No problem.

Andrew: And we will talk to you soon.

Cameron: All right, thanks.

Andrew: All right, see ya.

Cameron: Bye.

Interview with Joe Fulton

Andrew: Alright, before we wrap up the show today, I did an interview a little earlier this week with Joe Fulton of We have a new review of the Hogwarts Order of the Phoenix LEGO set. So, here it is now.

Andrew: We are joined once again by Joe Fulton of

Joe: Hi, Andrew, how are you doing?

Andrew: Welcome back, Joe. I’m doing good, thanks.

Joe: Oh, I’m glad to be here.

Andrew: How are you?

Joe: Oh, I’m good.

Andrew: Busy with some LEGO developments lately? Especially concerning Harry Potter?

Joe: Well actually, a lot of Harry Potter toys. We’ve – you know, we’ve got the new LEGO Hogwarts Castle already.

Andrew: Yeah.

Joe: And as you saw last week, you guys linked to it in our video podcast, and…

Andrew: Yes, we did.

Joe: …we also got the NECA toys just recently, too, so we’re actually working on a podcast about those as well.

Andrew: Sweet. And before we move on, we have to clear up a big question that goes around MuggleNet and MuggleCast, which is: What on Earth is the meaning of How did you guys decide that name?

Joe: [laughs] Millionaire…

Andrew: Because when people think Playboy, they think the adult magazine, but that’s not what you’re going for here, is it?

Joe: No, no, no, no.

[Andrew laughs]

Joe: And to clarify this stupid – I’ll just say that – Millionaire Playboy name. Millionaire Playboy is the name of what they refer to as Bruce Wayne of Batman. Bruce Wayne is known as the Millionaire Playboy. So, we basically – we’re trying to come up with a name that sort of came away from saying geeks and toys and stuff like that. And we thought that Millionaire Playboy was the perfect name for the website because one, we want to think that, you know, we’re playboys with our toys, I guess you could say.

Andrew: Mhm. [laughs]

Joe: And that’s where the name comes from. Just to clarify all those people who think our name is stupid…

[Andrew laughs]

Joe: …but that’s why.

Andrew: All right, thanks for that. Now, you guys, [coughs] you recently received the new Order of the Phoenix Hogwarts LEGO set.

Joe: We’re actually the first people to receive the LEGO Hogwarts Castle. So, I’m actually…

Andrew: Awesome.

Joe: …feeling sort of privileged about that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Joe: Yes, so LEGO sent this to me. And as you saw last week in the podcast, you know, I show a little bit of how the thing works. The castle is built into three different sections. The first section is the Greenhouse, which opens and reveals the Mandrakes on either side, which when you pull out, have a screaming little head on them. And also has a chalkboard and a magnifying glass, all sorts of little added details. The second area is the Room of Requirement, and the third section you build is a selection of the castle that has Umbridge’s office and a trophy room for Hogwarts. All sorts of fun little details.

Andrew: Oh, awesome. Now what sort of characters do you get along with the set?

Joe: You get the basic characters that seem to come with almost every LEGO set. You get a Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Snape, and Hagrid. But two new ones have been included: a Death Eater and Dolores Umbridge. I’m kind of mad, though, because this is a great opportunity to start to add additional mini figures. Especially with – because of the D.A. I mean, you want to see – you want to get a Ginny figure. You want…

Andrew: Right.

Joe: …you know…

Andrew: Luna.

Joe: …Luna!

Andrew: Luna Lovegood.

Joe: Right. Thank you, thank you. [laughs] Yeah, you want to get a Luna Lovegood. Unfortunately, they still just have not made those characters and it seems like we get – constantly get a Harry Potter figure or a Ron or Hermione. Now, granted, I understand the marketing aspect of that, because if someone’s just starting to collect LEGOs, they’ll want to get a Harry Potter figure or a Dumbledore. But, you know, for people who have been collecting the LEGO sets since the beginning, you have five or six of these by now.

Andrew: Right, right. And I’m looking at some of the pictures you have up on your review, and I’m really liking how Umbridge looks.

Joe: Yeah, they actually really made her agitated looking. A little…

Andrew: Yeah.

Joe: Just a simple little line of her mouth just makes you realize how agitated she is with the students.

Andrew: Yeah, and it’s also very colorful. Like, she’s got those little flowers and stuff.

Joe: They’re very pink.

Andrew: I like that.

Joe: And if you look at the details in her office, they even give you stickers to put on the backdrop of her little cat plates, which I thought was just the perfect little touch.

Andrew: Yeah, that is very cool. Now, for someone who already has a Hogwarts – the first Hogwarts Castle set…

Joe: Uh huh…

Andrew: this a good idea to purchase?

Joe: Well, this is actually the third castle set they’ve made.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Joe: The first one was done for the first film, and then I believe they made a Hogwarts Castle for the Prisoner of Azkaban and now for Order of the Phoenix.

Andrew: Right.

Joe: I find that they all sort of fit together.

Andrew: I was going to say, you know, are they like extensions?

Joe: They’re – They use the same – the bricks, the basic color scheme fits with each one of them. Each one of them seems to be an added section to the site. Or to the castle, I mean. And I think that they fit well together. I have yet to put – build all three of them and put them together. That might actually be something that I’d take hold of and see what happens. But I think you need to have each set because each one is different from the other.

Andrew: Cool.

LEGO Contest

Andrew: Now, today we are going to announce – like we did last year, with the Goblet of Fire sets, a new contest between Millionaire Playboy and MuggleNet and MuggleCast.

Joe: The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows LEGO custom contest.

Andrew: There we go. Could you fill us in on all the details?

Joe: Well, we had such a successful contest a few years ago for the Goblet of Fire set that I convinced LEGO to provide a Hogwarts Castle for the person who produces, what we feel, is the best scene from Book 7. Now, the added – the interesting thing is, no one knows what’s in Book 7.

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Joe: Unless you’ve been listening to MuggleCast lately. But…

[Andrew and Joe laugh]

Joe: But, so you can basically – the field is wide open. You can have, for instance, Dumbledore returning from the grave, or Harry and Hermione starting to snog, or, what I think is probably a great scene to happen in Book 7, Snape and Harry embracing each other in friendship. To me…

Andrew: Ah, now wait a second.

[Andrew laughs]

Joe: It’s going to happen!

Andrew: That’s debatable.

[Joe and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: How about… [laughs] How about a nice battle scene between Dumbledore… [laughs] Or, not Dumbledore – between Harry and Voldemort?

Joe: That – obviously, that’s going to happen.

Andrew: Something like that? Yes.

Joe: I would imagine that would happen. But the field is wide open. Anyone – all you have to do is take your LEGO sets, create a scene of what you think is going to happen in Book 7, send that to us at the e-mail address we have on the contest page that you can find at, and provide a short description of what is going on in that scene. That way, when we reveal the contest, show the pictures, everyone will be able to see the scene that you’ve created and what is going on in that.

Also, an added bonus is a selection of runner-up entries will also receive some sort of prize. We have, at Millionaire Playboy, a number of the LEGO Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Knight Bus sets. So, a selected number of runner-up entries will receive at least something. We have a number of these sets, so just by entering the contest you have, at least, a really good chance of winning something.

I want to go over the rules, though. You can enter as many as you like. Photos can be jpegs submitted to, along with a title, description of scene, and your name, and how to contact you. However, if you feel you can be more creative, we also will accept video. You must use LEGO bricks, mini-figures, or anything from LEGO in the design to qualify for entry. However, you’re not – you are allowed to use other items. For instance, you can use paper, other toys, and some people even use Photoshop, if you looked at the last contest. The scene must be a scene you believe will happen in Book 7, and a good detailed account of what is going on in your scene, and entries are due by June 15th. And we will announce the winner on MuggleCast the following week.

Andrew: Excellent. So, you have about a little over a month…

Joe: Mhm.

Andrew: …to get in your entries. Should be a lot of fun. We’re looking forward to checking them out and judging them. And we also have a link on to the contest page if you do need it. So, Joe, thanks for joining us. Thanks for the review of the Hogwarts set.

Joe: Oh, no problem, Andrew. Thanks for having me.

Andrew: And we’ll see you again in a couple weeks.

Joe: Great.

Andrew: And once again for more information you can just go to and there’s a link there for the contest info.

Show Close

Andrew: I think that does wrap up the show today. Thank you to everyone who has called in, and we hope to do another one of these call-ins soon. Hey, Mikey, thanks for coming on again.

Mikey: Not a problem, guys. I love being here.

Andrew: You’re – yeah, you’re a great co-host. We love having you here. So, thanks a lot.

I just want to remind everyone about our contact information. You can also – you can always call MuggleCast…

[Show music begins to play]

Andrew: …by dialing the number 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you are in the United Kingdom you can call 020-8144-0677. If you’re in Australia you can dial 02-8003-5668. Or you can always Skype the username MuggleCast, just try to keep your message about a minute long.

Ben, what’s the PO Box, if people want to send up parcel mail?


PO Box 223
Moundridge, Kansas

Andrew: You can also visit for a feedback form to contact any one of us, or just use our first names at staff dot mugglenet dot com and don’t forget the Pickle Pack, $30 dollars for a year of membership. You get tons of great content. This week we put up some fun stuff. We all posted our very first Blickles. We posted some new notes from the shows. We’ve posted – what else have we posted, guys? I’ve forgot.

Mikey: Some amazing stuff. It doesn’t matter what you post, it’s pretty awesome. I love it all.

Micah: Even Rupert Grint had something to say.

Andrew: Coming this week on my Blickle, I’ll give you guys a little hint: It involves my wizard rock song. I’ll give you another hint: I recorded it…

Mikey: It’s a new one?

Andrew: …live acoustic. So, basically, I just gave it all away.

Ben: Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

Andrew: Yes, so look forward to that. And I think that wraps up the show for today. Thanks, everyone, for listening. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 90! Ohhh! Bye, everyone.


Written by: Micah, Allison, Briana, Cindy, Haley, Hannah, Jessalyn, Jessica, Jessie, Karen, Laura, Leah, Luke, Margaret, Marya, Matt, Meredith, Rebeca, Samantha, Sapna, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina