Transcript #233

MuggleCast 233 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Andrew: Because it all ends here [pauses] except for MuggleCast, this is MuggleCast Episode 233 for July 2nd, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, a brand new entertainment website created by the staff of MuggleNet. Hypable is a MuggleNet for multiple fandoms: passionate, complete coverage for all the fandoms that we cover. Now with over forty fandoms including Glee, True Blood, Breaking Bad, The Hobbit, Doctor Who, Merlin, and many more. Visit for news coverage you can count on. That’s –

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 233! We have arrived, it’s been five or six years of podcasting for this: it’s the final episode before the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. And it’s going to be a different show today. A bit more relaxed, a bit more chill. No Chapter-by-Chapter, we have to get everybody into the movie mood, or at least that’s our excuse. Matt, Micah, Eric are here this week along with me. Hello gentlemen!

Eric: Hello host!

Matt: Good afternoon.

Micah: Hello Andrew!

Andrew: Eric in his attempt to create some extra show material is podcasting today from his vehicle.

Eric: Yes. Not while operating my vehicle…

Andrew: Oh good.

Eric: …but inside my vehicle. This is not a first on MuggleCast.

Micah: Taking after Ben.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: Yeah, right.

Eric: I’m pulling a Ben.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: There are – now you live in Illinois, right?

Eric: Yes, in…

Andrew: Okay, because I know at least twelve states it’s against the law to podcast while driving, so…

Eric: Ooh.

Andrew: I don’t think one of them is Illinois.

Eric: Not the beautiful Land of Lincoln. We’re all about freedom here, baby.

Andrew: [laughs] We podcast where we want!

[Eric and Matt laugh]

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Posters & Billboards

Andrew: Okay. Well, let’s get into some news. There’s been so much news this week, Micah, so we’re not going to pick apart every little interview or whatnot, but we’re going to talk about some things that are going on leading up to the release of the film on July 15th.

Micah: Yeah, like you said, I mean, [laughs] there’s just so much news. It would take probably two or three shows just to go through all of it, bit by bit. But I want to talk a little bit about the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 posters, billboards, everything that’s showing up throughout the world, really. And somebody pointed out that not a lot of them have the title of the movie in it, but I think everybody in these films is so recognizable that it doesn’t matter.

Andrew: Yeah. It really speaks to the impact of the films. Every time I see another one of these posters or these billboards, it just says, “It ends here.” And I think about the marketing behind that, how interesting that is where they don’t have to put “Harry Potter” and I would love to speak to some marketing expert about the thinking behind that. But I really appreciate it.

Eric: I’m sure somebody forgot. Somebody else is going to lose their job, you know? They rolled out with these fifteen posters, and somebody is like, “Ahhh, it’s missing these…”

Andrew: “Oh no!”

Eric: “Oh no!” Yeah. I mean, you’re right.

Andrew: “They forgot the title!”

Eric: They’re recognizable, but I still don’t think you should be able to get away with it. I just don’t like that idea, because you know what? Everything Harry Potter does, Twilight does to follow it, and so pretty soon we’re just going to have these huge posters of Jacob shirtless, and we’re all going to know what it’s going to be.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Well, then it worked. Then the promotion worked.

Eric: Well no, it’s lazy advertising.

Andrew: Oh.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: I think it’s very artistic.

Matt: I think Eric is just trying to redeem himself from the last episode when he outed himself as a Twilight fan.

Andrew: [laughs] That too. What else is going on in the news, Micah?

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Clips

Micah: We’ve gotten a lot of Deathly Hallows – Part 2 clips, this last week in particular, and it’s interesting to see the feedback that we get: a lot of comments, a lot of tweets. And I’m wondering – Andrew, you wrote [laughs] in the document that we have here, “We’re done talking about ‘too much,'” and the fact that fans often say, “Well, are they going to leave any of the movie to the theaters?” And we got a look inside Gringotts, we got a look at the Chamber of Secrets. And these are things, I think, people don’t necessarily want to see until they go to the theaters, but there’s nobody that’s telling them they have to press the “Play” button.

Andrew: Yeah, and I honestly hate that “Ooh, they’re showing too much!” This happens with every, every movie.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: But speaking about the clips, the Chamber of Secrets clip, I think that’s the only actual clip. The Gringotts one was a featurette. That featurette is really good because, yes, you do see new footage, but you also see lots of behind-the-scenes footage. And you see all the goblins, the actors playing the goblins, all in one room getting all their makeup on at the same time. It’s actually really interesting to see that process. And they also talked about designing Gringotts, and making it really big inside and just very pretty.

Eric: So Andrew, maybe you can answer me then. What is the benefit of them showing this? Behind-the-scenes stuff belongs in DVD features. We know that there are precious few DVD features for these Harry Potter films, yet they released these…

Andrew: Because with every film they’ve released a featurette. Simple as that.

Eric: Oh, every other film before, so that makes it okay for them to release five times as more, five times as many for the eighth film?

Andrew: It’s not five times as more or many. They’ve always done three or four featurettes.

Matt: I think people tend to forget how much they show on the previous film and think that this is the first time they’ve released so much.

Eric: Maybe it’s not…

Andrew: And people love to complain.

Eric: But this is the last film! I’m telling you, what is the benefit – or I’m asking you, what is the benefit of them releasing all these key, crucial scenes before the movie comes out? I mean…

Andrew: You don’t have to watch. You don’t have to watch.

Matt: Also, fans tend to get really upset with it because they go on fan sites every day, and fan sites have to post everything that Warner Bros. posts. So…

Andrew: Yeah, we’re slaves to Warner Bros.!

[Eric laughs]

Matt: So of course they’re going to have everything that Warner Bros. releases on the fan sites. But if you’re not a fan or if you’re just the general public, you’re not seeing all those clips. You may see one clip completely.

Andrew: That’s true.

Eric: We need an alternative to the Harry Potter fan sites, a Harry Potter fan site that only posts what fans want to see and not what…

Matt: So basically…

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: In order to not be spoiled, fans of Harry Potter have to not be fans of Harry Potter when the movies are in promotional stage.

Andrew: Yeah, these – right, these clips are for people who aren’t necessarily fans.

Matt: Exactly.

Andrew: It’s just to get the word out.

Micah: Yeah…

Andrew: What else is going on in the news, Micah?

Micah: I was just going to add, though, just one final bit to that – for example, the Chamber of Secrets. Say you’re just a moviegoer. You’re going to look at that clip and you’re going to say, “Wow, they’re going back to somewhere that they went in the second movie.” So it probably ties it together if you’re not somebody who has read the books. So I think the advantage of it though, Eric, is that they’re just promoting the film. That’s what it comes down to. This is their last film and they’re going all out to put as much out there as possible to drive people to the theaters. That’s what it is.

Eric: And yet they won’t even put the title in the poster. Because they’re going all out to promote this film…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …but yet they just show a picture without the title.

Micah: We’re going to agree to disagree, and we’re going to move on and just don’t look at anymore clips because I’m sure there is going to be more that come out before the movie is released.

Andrew: Oh yeah.

Micah: ABC Family is releasing some next weekend, so…

[Eric sighs]

Andrew: So is Larry King.

Micah: So is Larry King, yes.

Eric: Thanks for the forewarning.

Matt: So don’t go on MuggleNet.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: I can’t be alone. I cannot be alone on this. I need to hear…

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 World Premiere to be Live-Streamed

Micah: I’m sure you’re not. There are plenty of people in the comments and on Twitter and on Facebook who definitely agree with you. But one thing that they all want to do is check out the live-stream for the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 world premiere next week.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Ooh.

Matt: They’re showing the first hour of the film right before the live show.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Micah: July 7th. I think that is next Thursday. It’s going to start at 11:00 AM Eastern. Google what time that is in your part of the world because that’s a question we always get. “What time is that where I live?” Well, where do you live? Google where you live and do the conversion.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. And we’ll of course tweet when it starts on the MuggleNet Twitter. We’ll tweet, “Hey, the stream is starting.” So if you follow, you’ll…

Micah: Well, won’t you be there?

Andrew: You won’t miss it. Hmm?

Micah: Aren’t you going to be at the world premiere, Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t know if – I mean, I’m going to try be on camera, like flashing the camera and doing inappropriate things. I don’t know if I’m actually doing the red carpet, that may be somebody else from MuggleNet. But yeah, we may tweet some pictures from the actual scene.

Micah: From MuggleNet Live, right?

Eric: Somebody else from MuggleNet?

Andrew: From MuggleNet.

Eric: Who else is there?

Andrew: Well, Richard.

Eric: Ahh!

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Cool.

Andrew: He may be – well, he has first priority to do it, and we’ll see what other access we get. But yeah, so we’ll be covering all of that when it happens.

Micah: Yes, follow

Andrew: MuggleNetLive, yeah. And we’ll plug it on the MuggleNet Twitter, too.

News: AMC Theaters to Play All Eight Harry Potter Films

Micah: Okay, and the last bit of news here, AMC Theaters is going to be playing all eight films. Is anyone of our group actually going to be attending something like this? That’s a lot of time to spend in the movie theater.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, what AMC is doing – they’re doing two films a day leading up to the film release, so I think it starts on a Tuesday. But I’m just wondering – and then there’s at least one theater in Texas, not AMC, that is doing a marathon, all eight back-to-back. It starts at like 4:00 AM and goes through the entire day. I’m just wondering, do people – it’s a good promo idea and all that, but do people really want to do this? Do people really want to sit there and watch all eight films in a theater? Go to a theater four times in one week to watch two films a day or sit there for eighteen to twenty hours, watching every movie back-to-back? Does this sound appealing to anyone?

Eric: Well – so how I would justify not doing it is that each film, different director, they don’t flow together as well as the books do. So I could justify not going to see the movies beforehand because we know that this eighth film is going to be completely different from the previous films. You’re not going to get the same sense of continuity and growing up as you would if you did a re-read. But you guys understand there are quite a few fans who do a re-read, where they’ll read all the books before seeing the latest film. Isn’t that the same thing? Isn’t that about – and isn’t it quicker to go and see all the movies back-to-back than it is to read all the books back-to-back?

Andrew: I just think you could watch them in the comfort of your own home without having to drag yourself to a movie theater four days in a week or camp out in a movie theater for an entire day.

Eric: But I just recently saw The Lord of the Rings extended editions in theaters, which was – they were four-hour movies but that was split across three weeks, so it’s obviously a little bit different. But the theater is special. The theater is a huge, huge screen, and it’s the way that certain films were meant to be seen.

Andrew: Yeah. No, that’s true.

Eric: I can definitely see that there’s a community aspect in going to the theater with your friends. But that said, I wouldn’t do it. I attended a re-watch of Movies 4, 5, and 6, leading up to Deathly Hallows – Part 1, and it was exhausting. It was five, six hours, and I was pooped afterwards.

Andrew: Now, I would like to see more theaters offer just Part 1 before the midnight premiere of Part 2. So you start watching Part 1 at 9:00 PM or 9:30 PM, take a little twenty-minute break, you come back into the theater, and you get Part 2.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: That would be great.

Micah: Yeah, that makes sense.

Matt: That’s about four hours.

Eric: Yeah, it does, and Andrew, you and I both said in our short review show from the preview that we had seen that these movies flow together. Part 1 and Part 2 are going to really flow together very well.

Andrew: Absolutely.

Micah: Well, here’s the important question though for the people who do go to those back-to-back-to-back, all the way through, and watch the final film: Are they feeding you at all? [laughs] If you pay this all-inclusive price…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …does the movie theater feed you throughout the day? Or are you on your own?

Matt: Well, I mean they probably may have an intermission between films, so you have enough time to go out and get yourself a bite to eat or something. I mean, most theaters are generally in a shopping center or something, too.

Eric: “Please visit our concession stand.” [laughs]

Matt: Yeah. “Bring a lunch.”

Eric: [starts singing] “Let’s go to the lobby.”

Andrew: Here, the one doing the major marathon is the the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, and it starts at 4:30 AM on July 14th, and they will play…

Eric: Wow.

Andrew: …all eight films in a row. It’s timed so Part 2 will screen at midnight, of course.

Eric: I admire them.

Andrew: Yeah. Really cool theater, by the way.

Eric: You said they’re the Drafthouse, though?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: The Drafthouse?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So is that like alcoholic beverages?

Andrew: No, no, it’s just the name of their theater.

Micah: Is it really cold in there from time to time?

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Andrew: It’s seventy dollars for a ticket to this thing.

Eric: Seventy dollars?

Matt: Geez.

Micah: There’s got to be food.

Eric: There’s the IMAX, actually.

Matt: Memories aren’t cheap.

Eric: Memories are not cheap. My cousin e-mailed just yesterday, actually, and told me that the IMAX in my hometown of Reading, Pennsylvania, is doing it, a re-watch. They’re spreading it across three nights, but I think he said tickets are only ten dollars to see all the films. I’m going to double-check that, but that would obviously be a tremendous value to go and see the films in an IMAX for cheap. But they’re doing a re-watch. So there are other theaters out there, non-AMC, but it’s really kind of spread out kind of random. But…

Andrew: By the way – yeah.

Eric: It seems like a good opportunity for people who want to do it.

Andrew: By the way, at LeakyCon – they’re not allowed to talk about this on the website because of the rules and stuff, but I’m pretty sure we can. Deathly Hallows – Part 2 will be premiering at LeakyCon at – [laughs] Matt already has an angry look on his face.

Matt: No, I’m – you’re looking at me like I’m going to say something.

Andrew: Like you’re going to be pissed. It’s going to premiere at I think 6:00 PM on July 14th. We get to watch it really early at LeakyCon, which is really cool.

Matt: Whoa.

Eric: Oh, I’m pretty sure we actually can’t tell anybody just yet.

Andrew: No, no, we can. It – they can’t post about it on their site. You can talk about it. They can’t officially talk – because it’s like a private screening.

Eric: Well, they said in their e-mail that we have to swear them, or whoever we tell, to secrecy. So listeners, MuggleCast listeners, you are sworn to secrecy.

Andrew: Well, let’s double-check that before I release it, but I’m pretty sure – I think that was before – Melissa was talking about – Eric, that was when they hadn’t announced it on LeakyCon’s site yet. I’ll double-check it, but I’m pretty sure.

Eric: Okay, yeah, yeah.

Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Expectations

Andrew: I’ll e-mail her to make sure. Okay, anyway, so that’s it for news this week, besides the billion other stories you can go and see on We also just wanted to talk about expectations for the film now. I mean, the first movie came out in 2001. It’s been ten full years now, and we’re at this place in time where we’re about to experience the final movie. A lot of people are a bit sad, but at the same time a lot of people are really excited. I personally am excited for this franchise to wrap up. It’s going to be a very interesting feeling with all eight Potter films out.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: So Matt, what are your expectations going into this final movie?

Matt: [laughs] I’m trying to find the best word for it but my guess would probably be closure, just to have it end full circle. I just saw a clip of the Chamber of Secrets scene that they released…

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: …and it just made me even more excited about it because I got to see a set piece from four, five films ago.

Andrew: Mhm.

Matt: So…

Andrew: Six!

Matt: Six. So I’m really just excited to see everything come together and be – come full circle and complete. So I’m really excited.

Andrew: Micah? What are your expectations, Mr. Micah?

Micah: Well, I mean, I really expect it to be the best film of all eight of them. And I know I was pretty critical when it came to Deathly Hallows – Part 1, but I’m not going into Part 2 with the same sort of mind set after having seen Part 1. I’ve watched Part 1 over a bunch of times since that show that we did, and I think I was a little too overly critical of it. But just from everything that we’ve seen – and that’s part of the reason why WB releases everything that they have, is so that people can get excited for the upcoming film, and I think that they’ve done a great job getting people ready. I mean, this is it. Everything comes to an end, all the questions are answered, and we finally have that last piece to be able to watch. So not just pick up a book and read, you can finally watch it on screen, and I’m really – I’m pumped up for it.

Eric: I’m expecting to see the best acting from all of the actors. And the best explosions.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: I think that’s fair.

Listener Tweets: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Expectations

Andrew: Mhm. I just genuinely hope that nobody really feels let down. I hope that everybody, every fan, goes and sees it and just feels closure. I think that’s a really important thing, too. And we’ll talk about this more at our live show at LeakyCon when we’re doing our big review. But on earlier today we asked people, “What are your expectations for the film?” Wikmans said:

“I try not to have any expectations but some of my favorite parts are in the film, so I’m happy. Some things still bother me though.”

This is a weird Twitter name, iAMtheBRA writes… [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [continues]

“From what I’ve seen, looks great. They have stayed true to the book, devoting two hours for the battle scene. I have high expectations.”

domnchips wrote:

“I expect ‘Part 2’ to be nothing short of amazing. I am so excited it’s unhealthy.”

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: lynn2223 says:

“I’ve avoided all the promo stuff like the plague, but based on the trailer alone it looks like the epic finale the series deserves.”

christyvourcos writes:

“I’m really looking forward to an incredible final movie of the series. It will be a great movie, even if things have changed.”

And finally, kelsey0403 writes:

“I stopped watching all the promotional material. After they showed the forest scene in the last trailer, I said I’d seen enough.”

So generally everybody is really happy. I mean, I really didn’t read much about people being sad. You know, something that’s been around for ten years, it’s kind of just time. This franchise has not been rushed in any way, shape, or form. There’s still a lot to look forward to in the Harry Potter fandom, between Pottermore…

Eric: Do you think that’s why, that you’re no longer hearing about – because I used to hear about people really upset that “Harry Potter is ending!” and the first posters that said “It all ends” everybody was upset. But now with the announcement of Pottermore, do you think people are a little bit more able to come to peace with the end of the films? I mean, the films are only one aspect of the series, right?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: I think also people have been getting themselves in the frame of mind about it ending and have learned to – just to not be upset about it and just to take it…

Andrew: Be prepared.

Matt: Yeah. It’s better to enjoy it rather than to be emotional about it.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: I mean, sad about it.

Micah: Well yeah, I mean, I don’t really know what there is to get sad about. But I don’t know, maybe that’s just my own take on it. But – and I think the announcement of Pottermore though was timed not to take anything away from Deathly Hallows – Part 2 but to do exactly what you guys just said, and that is continue it on. The movies are not the end. There is more Potter beyond July 15th, and JK Rowling has seen to that.

Eric: That said, do you guys expect to be emotional at the end of the film, come the end of the film? Are you expecting to be moved? I mean, there is a certain – now, we know the world isn’t ending, Potter is still going on.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Eric: But it is still the end of an era. It is the end of these – first round, I should say, of film adaptations.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: Will you be sad because of that? Or will you be so detached from it that you don’t anticipate being upset? Not even a little bit moved now?

Andrew: Being – seeing it with your friends, I think that helps a lot because everybody’s kind of feeling the same way. At LeakyCon it will be very interesting, at all these midnight screenings across the world it will be very interesting. I just hope everybody supports each other, you know?

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: I know your answer, Eric. All I heard during the test screening was [fake sobbing] from you.

Matt: Awww.

Eric: I am not convinced that was me.

Andrew: [laughs] I think – I thought you ‘fessed up. Well, I exaggerated slightly.

Eric: [laughs] You thought I ‘fessed? I’m denying it now.

Andrew: Yeah, you’re in denial. I am not going to sit next to you, I don’t need those noises interrupting my movie-going experience.

Eric: I’m going to bring a recorder in and I’ll record you guys crying then. It’s a sad scene when…

Micah: I’m sure there are going to be moments during the film that are like that. I mean…

Matt: Are you going to cry, Micah?

Micah: I don’t know, you never know.

Andrew: Whoa!

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: I didn’t even expect that confession.

Eric: Micah is keeping an open mind!

Matt: Awww, Micah sniffles.

Micah: But Andrew, you brought up seeing it with your friends. I mean, the four of us and others would not be friends right now if it wasn’t for this series.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: That’s true.

Micah: We wouldn’t even know each other.

Andrew: Yeah. And we’ve discussed the – well, yeah. No, we wouldn’t have known each other which – I still don’t know if that would have been a good or bad thing.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: But I think – the fandom – as we’ve talked about before on the show, on the website, and in various ways – is such an important thing to a lot of people because a lot of people met through the fandom. And by the fandom I mean through MuggleNet, through MuggleCast, through all the websites and podcasts. And not even just the people who work on them, but communities like MuggleSpace, you meet people through there.

Micah: You hear stories too, at a lot of these conventions, people who have met, they’ve gotten married, they’ve had kids, [laughs] and it’s all because of this series. It’s kind of crazy.

Andrew: It is crazy.

Matt: Mhm.

MuggleCast 233 Transcript (continued)

More Pottermore Discussion

Andrew: Mhm. All right. Well, we’re going to talk a little more about the movie in a bit, but first we wanted to update everybody on Pottermore. Our last episode was all about Pottermore. We were live – streaming live on Ustream as it happened. It was 4:00 AM on the West Coast. It was 7:00 AM on the East Coast. It was a good time had by all, I thought. We had quite a few listeners, thanks to everybody who tuned in live. We had, I think, close to 4,500 people listening live at one point which was great.

Micah: It was over five at one point.

Andrew: We didn’t expect that at all because it was just so early in the United States. But that was great. So after our podcast, JK Rowling did hold a surprise press conference about Pottermore, and she released – she gave a few more specific details about it. For one, we know now that Pottermore – when it opens to the public in October, it will have 18,000 new words from JK Rowling. That’s about, I think, a quarter of Sorcerer’s Stone. So you’re getting an extra 25 percent of Sorcerer’s Stone through new information that JK Rowling has been hoarding, like she said. And also, new information she wrote up just for Pottermore which is awesome, I think.

Micah: Right. And she also said that that 18,000 is only one-third of what she plans to write for Pottermore.

Eric: I’m just overwhelmed. I’m completely overwhelmed. This is going to be totally awesome.

Andrew: And the first book comes out in October on Pottermore, and then there’s six more books that are going to be released! So Pottermore will continue to be updated throughout the next few years. I mean, I would say this is going to be happening through 2013, 2014.

Eric: It’ll be something nice to look forward to where – I mean we’ll – not like we’ll go our own separate ways, but every couple of months we’ll just have this new content to really pore through and it’ll be like a new book to read from our favorite author, only it’s the old books but with new fun facts and all those histories. It’s a really great way to experience Potter. I’m really happy with everything I’ve heard about Pottermore.

Matt: I have a question about Pottermore, actually, and I don’t know if you guys answered this, but is Pottermore going to be purely Flash?

Andrew: [laughs] Yes.

Matt: Because I don’t – because I want to use it on my iPad.

Andrew: I’m sorry, it will not be accessible on your iPad, but never say never, in the words of Justin Bieber, so…

Matt: Or Steve Jobs.

Eric: Are you saying JK Rowling launched a war against Mac? Against Apple?

Andrew: No, you can use it with Apple…

Eric: JK Rowling versus Apple?

Andrew: …just not iPad.

Eric: Oh.

Matt: We all know she’s a Windows user anyways.

Andrew: Because iPad does not have Flash. And for a site that’s as intense as Pottermore in terms of the experience, I think they thought Flash would be the best choice.

Eric: Do we have any more details about that Sony partnership to create the new technology that they’re using? Because it’s cutting edge, right, isn’t it?

Andrew: It is – well no, I don’t think there’s anything really cutting edge about it. I think Sony is the partner that’s going to help distribute the e-books primarily. I think that’s their main purpose.

Eric: Oh okay. Cool.

Micah: Here’s what it says…

Andrew: Some other things…

Micah: Oh, I was going to read what it said on the website.

Andrew: Sure.

Micah: It says:

“As a leading company in entertainment and electronics including games and digital books, Sony is proud to partner with JK Rowling to create this interactive story-telling experience. Sony’s philosophy of ‘make.believe’ is woven throughout the Pottermore journey, where users are inspired to believe that anything they can imagine, they can make real. Through Pottermore, Sony will be able to reach both current and future generations of ‘Harry Potter’ fans, and introduce them to products and services beyond their imagination.”

Matt: Anything we can imagine, we can make real.

Micah: Sony can make real.

Matt: Wow.

Andrew: They’re magical.

Matt: I have a list for Sony.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Here are a couple of other things from the Pottermore press conference. So we learned a little more about how Pottermore works. You will follow the story chapter-by-chapter, get sorted into a house…

Micah: Where did they get that idea?

Andrew: [laughs] Get sorted into a house, get a wand. One of 33,000 possibilities for a wand, which is cool. And also, I’m very happy about being able to be sorted and get a wand, because I feel like this is finally – finally everybody will get sorted into a house in an official manner because JK Rowling developed this sorting process herself, so you know you will be getting sorted the way Jo thought, the way you truly would be sorted if you were a character in the books.

Matt: Yeah, thank God, because I’m tired of all these other ones online asking these stupid questions…

Eric: Matt, do you feel snaky?

Matt: …like, “What’s your favorite character?” or, “If you found a dollar…”

[Micah laughs]

Matt: “…on the street would you use it for personal gain, would you be brave and turn it in…”

Micah: Right.

Matt: “…or would you want to read the bill?” I mean, it’s stuff like that.

Andrew: Actually I think the Sorting Hat process is going to have questions like that.

Micah: It is, but JK Rowling made it.

Matt: I’m saying like completely obvious what the outcome would be.

Micah: Yeah, she said you’re not going to be able to trick the system.

Eric: Cool.

Andrew: And you won’t be able to go back either, unless you create an entirely new account. So once you’re sorted into a house, you cannot change it for that account.

Matt: [laughs] That’s awesome.

Andrew: I know personally, if I get sorted into Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, I’ll be disappointed, but at the same time I’ll be like, “Oh whatever, Jo says so, so okay.”

[Eric laughs]

Matt: You’ll be Slytherin, Andrew.

Eric: Yeah, it’s kind of the definitive sorting there.

Andrew: Here’s something interesting: Jo did not rule out the possibility of a physical encyclopedia down the road, which I thought was interesting because I thought Pottermore was the encyclopedia, really. I thought this was the way she wanted to do the encyclopedia, but apparently not, so that’s good news.

Matt: Thank God.

Micah: Yeah, and I think it also gives her the opportunity to donate the proceeds to charity, which is something that she had talked about from the very beginning. I think she mentioned that in the interview or the press conference when she spoke that that was going to be a project that was solely going to be for charity.

Andrew: JK Rowling downloaded e-books for the first time this year and loved it. “A thousand books in your pocket,” she said, which is nice but I have a hard time believing for some reason that Jo – I don’t know, I have a hard time watching Jo use a Sony e-reader.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Like picturing that in my head. But hey, I’m sure she had to try it out to try the Harry Potter reading experience.

Micah: So she got a free copy, or ten copies, or a hundred copies?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, I don’t know.

Eric: Here’s the thing, do you think that they’ll do adult versions for the e-books as well? Or will everybody get the wonderful, wonderful pictures and letters and illustrations like the American editions? Do you think Jo prefers the American editions? Do you think she doesn’t prefer the American editions?

Andrew: Well, most e-books do not have pictures, so I don’t think you’re going to be seeing chapter pictures like you did in the US editions.

Eric: Mmm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Really? Most e-books don’t have pictures?

Andrew: No.

Eric: That’s boring.

Andrew: They could if they wanted to, but – I mean, I’ve never downloaded a picture e-book.

Eric: Yeah. Interesting.

Andrew: And that’s pretty much it. She said that one of the new pieces of content you’ll be getting is a lot more on McGonagall, specifically her backstory. Her childhood, Ministry career, and early heartbreak. So we’re going to be learning about the love that McGonagall had experienced – her love life. And also…

Matt: [laughs] Ewww!

Andrew: Well, I mean, we’re not going to be experiencing her – never mind.

Eric: The 116-year-old virgin!

Matt: In Flash form.

Andrew: We’re also going to learn more about how Vernon and Petunia met at work.

Eric: Ooh!

Andrew: And that backstory will be on Pottermore.

Matt: That will be interesting.

Andrew: So interesting stuff like that that’s kind of a companion to what you’re reading. So I would assume Chapter 1, when you see the Dursleys, maybe that’s when Jo will insert that new content. And by the way, when you are going chapter-by-chapter through the book on Pottermore, you’re not reading the book. I mean you could sit there and read it if you want it, but the book isn’t there. What you’re going to be reading, I believe, is a summary of sorts and then if there’s new information, it’ll be included there as well as those illustrations that we’ve been seeing.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Stuff like that.

Matt: I really hope that once the seventh book gets released there’ll be an extra epilogue encyclopedia where you can branch out and see what happens to the characters later.

Micah: Yeah, that would be cool.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Like I want to know what happens when Hermione meets her family again.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: Well so do I, but that’s like three years away. [laughs]

Matt: Well, we all – we as Harry Potter fans have learnt to be patient waiting for stuff.

Eric: That’s true, man. That’s very true.

Andrew: So those are the latest Pottermore updates. Again, a Beta will be opening at the end of this month. July 31st is when a Beta will be opening. They will be giving out one million invites, so I think all people listening to MuggleNet and MuggleCast, you’ll know exactly when the Beta opens up so I think you’ll be able to easily become one of the first million.

Micah: JK Rowling is such a tease, isn’t she?

Andrew: Yeah, it’s been a long drawn-out process, hasn’t it?

Micah: Yeah, she…

Eric: Would we have it any other way?

Matt: No.

Andrew: No.

Matt: This is what we expect from her.

Eric: As fans.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Micah: Yeah, but what I want to know is, are you going to have to unlock things? You know, when you’re talking about backstory on McGonagall or Petunia and Vernon, is that stuff…

Eric: I sure hope so. Or I sure don’t hope so.

Micah: …you’re going to have to work hard to reveal, or is it just going to be like, “Hey! Click here!”?

Andrew: I hope not.

Matt: No, I hope not. I’ll lose interest by the time it happens.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, I’m not going to go on another freaking scavenger hunt across the whole World Wide Web just to find out how Vernon and Petunia met, okay?

Andrew: Well yeah, I mean, you won’t have to go outside of Pottermore, I don’t think.

[Eric sighs]

Andrew: But maybe – I don’t know how it’s going to work.

Eric: Click three times on the Christmas tree and the green lights, and then an elf appears, and the elf…

Andrew: Well actually, I think during the demo that they did at the press conference you had to click on a boot and it kind of just unlocked something.

Eric: Oh no, not again!

Andrew: [laughs] But it’s not like a brick pattern at least, so…

Eric: Not again!

Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Box Office Predictions

Andrew: Okay. So again, that’s the Pottermore stuff. We will be keeping everybody updated on Pottermore as we learn more information about it, so keep checking for all the information you need. Back to the movie release. I wanted to talk about box-office predictions. It seems to be coming more and more clear that Part 2 will probably take the record for top Harry Potter film out of all eight.

Micah: Opening weekend or overall?

Andrew: I would say everything.

Eric: Is the first one still in the running for that? Where does the first film stand? I feel like the first film was more successful than some of the sequels, right?

Micah: The first film has made $974.7 million. It’s the number nine movie of all time.

Matt: Point seven.

Eric: Yeah, so where does that…

Micah: That’s number one. Deathly Hallows – Part 1 is number eleven.

Eric: Oh, so…

Andrew: With $954.5 million, so it’s not far off.

Eric: Essentially the last film – no, the last film is going to have to surpass the first film.

Andrew: I think so, too.

Micah: It will. The thing you have to remember with Part 1 is they lost a lot of money not making it 3D.

Eric: Oh, you mean Part 1?

Andrew: Oh, that’s true, too.

Eric: Oh, are we – I’m talking about Sorcerer’s Stone, not DH Part 1.

Micah: Right, but I’m saying Part 1 would probably be higher in the top ten, not outside the top ten if they had made it in 3D.

Eric: Oh, higher ticket sales. Right, for the 3D.

Micah: Right. Sorcerer’s Stone is number nine all time.

Andrew: I think people – like people who aren’t fans, maybe who even haven’t seen a Harry Potter movie before, they’re just going to want to see how it ends. So I think they’re going to go to the theater just to see what happens, how they wrap up this ginormous franchise, because they’ve been hearing about it for ten years.

Eric: It’s very true. There’s never been a better time, especially with Pottermore just around the corner. By “just around the corner” I mean a couple of months from now. There’s never been a better time to go to a theater and…

Micah: Yeah. I think we talked about this a little bit on another show, but from what I remember there’s nothing opening that weekend that’s going to really compete with it at all.

Andrew: Oh no, nothing can ever really compete with Potter. There is Winnie the Pooh, that’s coming out the same weekend.

Matt: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, I don’t think so.

Eric: What?

Matt: Not the smartest idea.

Andrew: It looks really good, to be honest with you.

Matt: No, I – no, it does look really cute.

Eric: That’s coming out already?

Andrew and



Eric: Wow. That’s one of those – you just don’t see posters for that, or maybe you do and I missed every single one of them. But there are those films that are like sneaker films where they just show up, like the new movie with Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman that’s coming out. You know, standees happen in theaters like two weeks before the actual movie. It just comes out of nowhere, completely out of the blue. No idea. Winnie the Pooh, you’d think they would have had trailers for and teasers for months and months and months and months ago, right?

Matt: Well no, they did. I think the trailer was released a good – a while ago.

Andrew: It was released a while ago.

Eric: Oh.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: That probably is just me then. I need to start setting Apple as my homepage.

Matt: Well, there’s only been one trailer. There’s been one trailer and one poster.

Andrew: So is everyone in agreement that Part 2 is going to be the top Harry Potter film of all time? When everything is said and done? Not just opening weekend, just overall.

Matt: I think…

Eric: Like box office wise?

Andrew: Yes.

Matt: I think so.

Eric: I’m skeptical. If none of the other Potter films have surpassed the first one, then Deathly Hallows has – I mean, obviously with the 3D ticket sales, then it’s more likely.

Micah: I would be surprised if it didn’t. I mean, I would think that it’s going to move its way into the top five of all time.

Andrew: The thing to account for is inflation. I mean, Sorcerer’s Stone came out when movie tickets were what, probably eight or nine dollars? [laughs] Maybe…

Eric: Six-fifty.

Andrew: Six-fifty, you think? Do you still have yours?

Eric: I think I still have my first stub.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh wow.

Eric: And matinees were five dollars.

Matt: Well, I think most people really just go by the ticket sales more than they go by money, because of that, especially. Especially the 3D thing.

Andrew: No, but I mean we’re looking at Box Office Mojo and whatnot, and they go by money and…

Matt: Well, of course they go by money.

Andrew:Sorcerer’s Stone is number one.

Matt: Right, okay. But I generally think it’s more fair if they go by ticket sales.

Andrew: They should. Oh no, I agree. But I think – actually, I think ticket sales wise, I think Sorcerer’s Stone probably is huge, not even comparable to Part 1 in terms of money.

Matt: Oh yeah.

Andrew: Or in terms of ticket sales.

Matt: No, I’m not saying I’m trying to go in favor of the latest films at all, I’m just saying – I don’t know, you can’t really compare with box office money, especially with movies that have been released decades ago either. I mean, it just doesn’t make sense that people like to judge it by that.

Micah: Okay. But just real quick – I mean, looking at all these other movies, do you think it’s going to eclipse the one billion mark? I mean, do you think it has a shot, to go into the top five, let’s say? We think it’s going to make it to the top ten, right?

Matt: Mhm. Well, if you judge it just by the books itself, I think that Part 2, I guess you could say, is the one that has the most potential to do that.

Micah: Yup. No, I agree. And Part 1 was in the top ten, I think, until Pirates of the Caribbean knocked it out.

Eric: Ugh!

Micah: The newer one, On Stranger Tides.

Eric: Oh, really?

Matt: That’s sad.

Eric: That movie has done that well?

Micah: Yup.

Eric: I’m a little surprised.

Micah: $987 million.

Eric: It really wasn’t a bad movie, but not like the third one.

Matt: Yeah, it was…

Eric: But I don’t know. I’m surprised it did that well, to be honest.

Matt: I’m surprised I lasted that long in the theater.

Favorites: Harry Potter Film, Pre-Part 2

Andrew: Okay, so a Favorites segment before we wrap up today. I want to know everybody’s favorite Harry Potter film before seeing Part 2, and then at the review show we will decide if our favorites still stay intact or if Part 2 is truly our favorite film. Matt, your favorite film of the seven?

Matt: What, you just threw this on me! Okay.

Eric: Well, it was in the schedule since we started.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Well, I knew about it a total of thirty minutes before we started.

Eric: Was it not enough time? Do you want us to come back to you?

Matt: No, no, I’ll say it. No, my favorite film is still Prisoner of Azkaban.

Andrew: Eric?

Eric: Part 1, Deathly Hallows – Part 1.

Andrew: Micah?

Micah: Sorcerer’s Stone.

Andrew: Ooh. Yeah, I think I like Sorcerer’s Stone, too, I think. There was just so much magic in it. But I think ñ does everybody think Part 2 is going to be their favorite? [laughs]

Matt: You know what? I don’t know. I think Part 2 – I’m still saying Book 7. [laughs] I mean Movie 7.

Andrew: Part 1?

Matt: I still think Part 1 and 2 are the same film, so…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: …I can’t…

Andrew: That’s true. I think I may end up saying Part 1 and Part 2 is my favorite film.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Right.

Matt: I think that will be the general consensus with everybody.

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011

Andrew: Okay. Well, our next episode will be MuggleCast Live in Orlando to review the film. Everybody going to LeakyCon – if you’re listening to this and you’re going to LeakyCon, we can’t wait to see you there. We will be doing our podcast on Friday. Check the schedule Friday, it’s on the main stage. It’s actually just following a new Pottermore preview that’s going to be happening, so we will definitely talk about what was discussed at the Pottermore preview as well.

Micah: So it’s what, at 4 o’clock I think we’re on?

Andrew: Yeah, I think we’re on at 4:00 and the Pottermore preview is at 3:00.

Eric: 3:00 to 3:50, yeah.

Andrew: Okay. Yeah, so it’s on just before.

Eric: So right on the heels. Yeah. The other thing, won’t there be a Leaky Mug on Thursday? So before – so that’s actually the next time…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …you can hear us, is a Leaky Mug.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t know if we’re going to release it online in time though, before…

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: Yeah. But…

Micah: That’s at 3:00 if people are looking to go.

Andrew: On Thursday. So Thursday at 3:00 is the Leaky Mug, Friday at 4:00 is the MuggleCast and that’s the MuggleCast big review show. Of course it will be online. Probably later that night we will get it online because we know everybody will want to be checking out our review, and we’re going to be getting thoughts from people in the audience as well. We’ll complain, we’ll cry, we’ll celebrate, we’ll cheer, we’ll jeer…

Matt: You’ll drink.

Andrew: No.

Matt: Oh, sorry.

Andrew: No.

Matt: Sorry.

Andrew: Won’t be doing that. [laughs] And a lot more.

Micah: Speak for yourself.

Andrew: What other… [laughs]

Matt: [laughs] I am speaking for myself.

Show Close

Andrew: Eric brought up on Twitter the other day the “Don’t Let It Be July” song that I made. It was my second wizard rock single…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …that I made for the Book 7 release but it stands true for July 2011 as well, so we’re going to play that today to wrap up the show. I hope everybody – we hope everybody enjoys the movie. Please sit back, relax, don’t worry about things that aren’t going to be included and whatnot. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy it.

Micah: Andrew Sims, Season 2 of The Voice. Here we go.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: On NBC! Thanks everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

Eric: Movie 8!

Andrew: We’ll see you next time for Episode 234. It’s all come down to this.

Micah: From Orlando.

Andrew: Goodbye everybody! From Orlando.

Matt: Enjoy the movie!

Eric: Yes, enjoy!

Andrew’s Second Wizard Rock Single

Andrew: [clears his throat] Your attention, please.

[Music from *NSYNC’s “Bye Bye Bye” plays]

Andrew: This message goes out to a Ms. JK Rowling.

[begins to rap]

Don’t let it be July.

Mmmmmmmmm no.

Not July, not July, not July, don’t let it be July. Here we go.

We are hearing this tonight
You’re probably gonna start a fight
I know this can’t be right
Hey Rowling, come on!

I loved you endlessly
When the books were spread out freely
So now it’s time to hear
Some of your most loyal fans

Background vocals: I know that I can…

Andrew: Wait a little more, it ain’t no lie
I wanna see you delay that book
Don’t let it be July

Don’t wanna be a fool for you
Just another book in your series for clues
You may hate me, but it ain’t no lie
Don’t let it be July
Don’t really wanna make it tough
I just wanna tell you that I’ve not had enough
It might sound crazy, but it ain’t no lie
Don’t let it be July

All right, don’t get it yet?
All right, let’s break it down.

This may be reminiscent of my MuggleCast rap
Was my number one single, now don’t forget
Listen up, Jo, baby come on
I want this book a little later
And so does each and every fan
That believes the book will be

Background vocals: Better

Andrew: Once you’ve got more time

Background vocals: I know that I can’t take no more
It ain’t no lie
I wanna see you…

Andrew: Delay that book, don’t let it be July

Don’t wanna be a fool for you
Just another book in your series for clues
You may hate me, but it ain’t no lie
Don’t let it be July
Don’t really wanna make it tough
I just wanna tell you that I’ve not had enough
It might sound crazy, but it ain’t no lie
Don’t let it be July

Ugh, you know what? Forget it!

I’m giving up, I know for sure
I don’t want to be the reason for next year no more
I’m checking out, I’m signing off
The fandom will be over and I’ve had enough

Jo, I – I don’t want to be a fool
In this series for clues
So you know what?
I’m leaving you, Jo, behind

Background vocals: I don’t wanna make it tough

Andrew: Don’t wanna make it tough, please

Background vocals: But I’ve had enough

Andrew: Jo, please. Jo

Background vocals: And it ain’t no lie

Andrew: Not July

Background vocals: Don’t wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two

Andrew: Book 7, please
July 2008, July 2008!

Background vocals: Bye bye bye bye bye

Andrew: Don’t really wanna make it tough
I just wanna tell you that I’ve not had enough
Might sound crazy, but it ain’t no lie

Background vocals: Bye bye bye

Andrew: Don’t let it be July

[Music ends]

Transcript #231

MuggleCast 231 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Micah: Because we’re just about five days away from getting Pottermore – or is it more Potter? – this is MuggleCast Episode 231 for June 18th, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

And by, a MuggleNet for the rest of the fandoms in the world and created by MuggleNet staff. Visit for thorough and up-to-the-minute coverage around The Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and many more. That’s – H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 231! It is a big, big episode. I think it’s fair to say this may be one of the biggest episodes we’ve done in a long time. And to talk about the news that’s been going on over the past couple of weeks, we have here Micah, Eric, Matt, and of course, your fantastic host, me!

Eric: Yay!

Matt: Woo!

Andrew: And we’re not doing Chapter-by-Chapter this week because like I said, there’s a lot of news. There’s too much news and this episode may be close to two hours. [fake sobbing]

Eric: Oh no!

Andrew: Even without Chapter-by-Chapter. So, I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matthew Britton.

Andrew: Micah, what is in the news this week?

Micah: Not a thing.

Andrew: Not a thing?

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Then we should have had Chapter-by-Chapter.

Eric: Yeah. We’re going to get e-mails.

News: Pottermore

Micah: It’s been a very busy news week. Let’s start with the mysterious Pottermore.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: And Andrew, you were involved in this whole process of revealing the name, and – tell us a little bit about it.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: I mean, what you can, obviously, and how it all came about.

Andrew: Yeah, I’ll run through what happened – or what’s happened over the past week. Basically JK Rowling – this new project she has, Pottermore – clearly she wanted to get the fan sites involved so on Tuesday of this past week, multiple fan sites each had a coordinate for fans to punch in to a map and when you punched in the coordinates – like you’re a little hacker, you’re punching these GPS coordinates – it brings you to a location important to Jo/the Harry Potter world, and you go into Street View and you could see a giant letter there. Now, it’s not actually there, it was virtually inserted. So anyway, there were ten of these coordinates, made up ten letters, people slowly got each letter. They weren’t in order, you had to put them together yourself, and they revealed the name of this project called Pottermore. And fans were really excited. Then the next day, all the fan sites as well as a lot of the official sites such as Bloomsbury, Scholastic, the official Harry Potter movie website, and a bunch of Harry Potter fan sites, all added these banners that say, “The owls are gathering.” And you can click them, you can click the banner, and it brings you to a YouTube page which is counting down to June 23rd, where JK Rowling will be making a momentous announcement on YouTube. And if you notice these banners, guys, are really clever because more and more owls are showing up by the day on the banner.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: It’s kind of a…

Micah: Who’s cleaning up after them?

Matt: I know.

Eric: Yeah, that’s the real question.

Matt: You never see under the tree.

Andrew: Oh no, you see the poop. It’s showing up on the MuggleNet design right below it.

Eric: Oh no.

Matt: Oh, and you can mouse over it and what will happen?

Andrew: You sweep it up.

Matt: Oh.

Eric: Well, Micah, you know those guys who stole the Harry Potter books and leaked them early in past years, at gunpoint and stuff? I bet their community service is they have to clean up after those owls.

Micah: Oh, that makes sense.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: They – [laughs] it’s kind of a fitting punishment.

Andrew: So the fan sites have worked – one representative from multiple fan sites has worked with JK Rowling’s people on putting this together. I was lucky enough to represent MuggleNet. I did get a sneak preview of Pottermore. Obviously, I can’t say what it is, and I hate being that guy who’s like, “I know what it is but I’m not telling you.”

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: So, I will say it is really cool, and – na na na na na – no, just kidding.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I want to hear the theories from you guys. Obviously, everybody is trying to speculate what the hell is JK Rowling announcing. I’ve got to say, the name is awesome because people love hearing “Pottermore,” more Potter. That’s what they want to hear right now, when…

Eric: Well, is it Pottermore, or is it more Potter?

Andrew: No, it is Pottermore.

Eric: Obviously it’s Pottermore, so that’s – what does that mean? What is Pottermore?

Micah: Well, technically speaking, that’s more Potter, so…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …it’s both.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: It’s not more Potter, though. It’s Pottermore.

Andrew: Well… [laughs]

Matt: For some reason, I keep connecting Pottermore with Paramore.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yes, and I hate that. Somebody said that to me the other day and now all I think of is, [singing] “Whoa, whatever makes you break.”

Eric: So, how about this title for JK Rowling’s next project? This is the next project, this is the next thing she’s doing since completing the Harry Potter books, Pottermore. What’s…

Andrew: And when you think about it, it comes at such a good time, when Warner Bros…

Eric: It does.

Andrew: The three words – the four words coming out of their mouth is, “It all ends here.”

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: And sometimes just, “It all ends.” [laughs]

Andrew: Right, right.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So…

Micah: And JK Rowling turns around and says, “Well, not really.”

Andrew: Yeah, right. Right. Warner Bros. is like, “Ugh, come on!”

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: “We’re trying to market the end here and you’re saying there’s more.”

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Micah: Yeah, what did you guys think about that, though? I mean, she makes this huge announcement right before the film comes out. Isn’t she taking away from it a little bit, or do you think she’s adding to it?

Andrew: No.

Eric: Well, the announcement is that there’s going to be an announcement at this point. It’s so weird, people are saying, “JKR announces Pottermore, da da da,” but we actually haven’t heard from her. The fan sites, we dealt with JKR’s people doing these coordinates. We still actually haven’t heard from Jo. She hasn’t tweeted for the seventh time on her Twitter. She actually created a brand new – there’s a Pottermore Twitter to handle Pottermore stuff. So I just – we haven’t heard from Jo yet. I’m itching to actually hear what she has to say about this. I can’t wait for the announcement.

Andrew: So, Micah, what do you speculate Pottermore could be?

Micah: Well, I would think that it has some tie to the encyclopedia because that’s the only thing that we know that she’s going to be working on that is related to Potter. That’s definite. She has stated that she would do an encyclopedia at some point in the future. So, I’m not sure how it ties in or if there’s more to it, but I do think it has something to do with the encyclopedia.

Andrew: How about you, Eric?

Eric: Well, we can assume that it does have to do with Harry Potter, right? Because it’s called Pottermore, obviously.

Andrew: [laughs] Yes.

Eric: So, I just – I don’t know what it’s going to be. It’s online. Whatever it is, it’s online, and I think, Andrew, even in your post you said it’s not a new Harry Potter book.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: This announcement is not a new Harry Potter book, so it’s something online and I just feel like it’s going to be either a resource or just a really cool place with content from Jo, like an online – somehow she’s going to work a way into releasing – providing new content, much like she used to do on her own website, but it’ll be themed and it will have certain rules to it, and maybe it’ll be like an online community. Just looking at the logo that was released on – I think it’s the YouTube channel, it looks kind of – I don’t want to say “cartoony” but it looks like it’s supposed to be something that’s inviting a lot of people to come partake in this experience. That’s just what I gathered from it. So I think it’ll be an online – like a place where Harry Potter fans can gather and there’ll be new, directly-from-Jo Potter content.

Andrew: How about you, Matt?

Matt: I haven’t – all I really know is that it has to be a companion to the original series because – I don’t really know, because the name really throws me off because to be honest, it’s a weird name.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: It’s a weird title for anything.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Pottermore.

Eric: And this is the woman who gave us Xenophilius Lovegood, Rufus Scrimgeour, Dedalus Diggle.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: I mean, there are other names that she pulled out of a hat, for crying out loud.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Pottermore? Ehhh, I’m not sold on it. Sorry, Matt.

Matt: Yeah, I keep thinking either Paramore or The Raven with “nevermore,” you know?

[Eric laughs]

Matt: So I think you’re right, Eric. It probably will be something online because the fact is that she made Pottermore one word together, so it would be easy to put on a website or something. It’s just – to think of it as – I really hope it’s not an encyclopedia because I want like a ten-word title for the encyclopedia like “The-Realization-That-The-Harry Potter-World-Is-Over Companion: The Encyclopedia of Harry Potter” or something like that.

Eric: Mhm. Instead of Pottermore.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Well…

Matt: Pottermore is just one word, nice and simple, so it seems like it would be easy to put on a website.

Eric: Well, I’ve always argued, too – look, there is an online encyclopedia for Harry Potter, it’s called the Lexicon.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: And what it is, though – it’s a summary of – or it’s all the facts that exist in the already-existing Harry Potter books, are compiled and…

Matt: Well, Eric, do you think that it might be a social network though?

Eric: Well, it could be. I mean…

Andrew: That’s the thing. A lot of people have thought they were really clever by digging up the trademark and one of the things that the trademark for Pottermore covers is some legal verbiage like [deepens voice] “a computer-to-computer social network, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,” [normal voice] and everybody was like, “Oh, it must mean it’s a social network.”

Eric: Well, what does it say?

Matt: No.

Eric: What does it say specifically? What’s the trademark?

Matt: But do you think people actually – do you think if it was a social network, do you really think it’ll stand on it’s own and last? I mean, we’ve seen a lot of these kind of things.

Eric: But it’s coming from Jo.

Matt: It’s coming from Jo, okay, but even if it did come from Jo only the hardcore Harry Potter fans will go on it.

Micah: I’ll be the pessimist. I’ll be the pessimist. I’ll say, no, it wouldn’t last. I don’t think so, because you’re going to have to be providing content to it on such a regular basis. And I don’t know, maybe it’s something where she consistently releases information about the Potter series over a period of time, but even then, how long can that go on for?

Eric: Well, I think…

Micah: Unless it’s already pre-programmed into the site to release at certain dates.

Eric: That’s the thing. Wasn’t Pottermore – the trademark was trademarked like three years ago, wasn’t it?

Matt: Yeah, it was like in 2008.

Eric: That name.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: [laughs] So, she was set on that name for a very long – she must really like it. Well, the other thing is we don’t know what it’s for so I hope the name – final thing about the name for me, I hope it fits the content. I’m sure it will. Obviously it will, because…

Matt: She did announce that it’s going to be just as good as a new book.

Eric: Well, was that JK Rowling or Andrew Sims? Which one said it was going to be just as good?

Andrew: The news post that was made on MuggleNet and multiple fan sites was the verbiage that JK Rowling’s people wanted us to use, exactly.

Eric: Wow.

Andrew: We couldn’t change it.

Eric: So, just as exciting.

Andrew: Just as exciting as – it’s not a book, but we believe it to be just as exciting.

Eric: Well, hang on…

Andrew: The trademark, by the way – just to throw it out there – is, quote:

“Providing multiple user access to a global computer information network, online chat rooms, and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest, and online facilities for real-time interaction with other computer users concerning topics of general interest.”

So, it’s a very broad statement.

Eric: Hmm, I hear forums, I hear chatrooms, I hear…

Matt: Oh, I hope not.

Eric: …maybe, online – like MuggleNet Interactive or Leaky – Leaky has an interactive, don’t they? Where you go and buy spells and stuff? I hear all that stuff in that trademark. But…

Matt: I really hope it’s not, because – I mean, I’m not saying it’s a bad idea at all. I’m just saying, to say it’s just as exciting as a new book… [laughs]

Andrew: You don’t think a chatroom is just as exciting as a new book?

[Eric laughs]

Matt: No, because there’s a million chatrooms!

Eric: But it’s Jo!

Matt: Or more than a million.

Eric: It’s Jo.

Andrew: [laughs] It’s Jo.

Eric: Most chatrooms have creepers in it. Maybe there are anti-creeper charms placed on this site.

Andrew: What if Jo announces she’s going to be in the chatroom 24/7?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Would that be an exciting development?

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Eric: Well, could anything be as exciting as a Harry Potter book? Let’s be realistic.

Andrew: That’s a good question. That’s a good question.

Eric: Yeah. What can be as exciting as a new Harry Potter book, other than another Harry Potter book?

Andrew: Well, I think a good gauge on the interest in this is by looking at the Twitter and YouTube numbers for the respective Pottermore channels. On Twitter there are 60,000 followers already, and that’s in about five days – four or five days? And the YouTube has over a million views. Keep in mind there’s not even a video on it yet. It has a million views and it’s already getting a lot of honors on YouTube. It’s the “Most Subscribed All Time” in the United Kingdom.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: For the week.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It now has 28,000 subscribers. Is that a good number? I mean, I guess it’s good without actually hearing an announcement from Jo yet.

Eric: So the first thing – it is good because people don’t know what it is and they’re still clicking onto it. So that’s the popularity that it’s gotten because of her name, or because of our passion, more specifically. But it’s also – that’s the one thing about doing a web project and not a book project: What about the disadvantaged children who don’t have Internet?

Andrew: Oh, that’s true. That’s very true.

Eric: How are they going to – [laughs] I’m not – I feel bad for the disadvantaged children. But…

Andrew: No, that’s a great point.

Matt: No, it’s…

Andrew: If you want to reach as many people as possible, you put out a book. It’s what made the books so successful. If JK Rowling did online books back in 2000, [laughs] it wouldn’t have worked out as well.

Matt: Well, she wants to reach out to the same fan-base that read her books. Therefore, it’s people who love to read books.

Eric: So…

Matt: So it has to – I mean, I would hope that she would put into consideration encompassing that part of her fandom, the ones who read the books the most.

Eric: And a book is something you can read at the beach. This…

Andrew: Well, I can do that with my Kindle, too.

Eric: [laughs] The Kindle…

Matt: Maybe it’s the new version of an e-reader.

Andrew: I don’t have a Kindle.

Eric: Well, that’s the thing. Okay, so look – with the Kindle, okay – JK Rowling’s last project which was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out four summers ago and was number one highest-selling on Amazon…

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: …for 150 weeks, until it was replaced by the Kindle e-book reader. And…

Andrew: Top-selling item on Amazon, yeah. It was Harry Potter, until the Kindle.

Eric: For years, until the Kindle. And – so we live in a world now where, four years later, Borders is closing all of its stores. Most of its stores. Borders is closing, bookstores are failing. The only person, the white knight who could save them – JK Rowling, whose books are guaranteed to sell…

Andrew: [laughs] The white knight?

Eric: …is – the person whose books are guaranteed to sell, chooses to do a web format instead of a new Harry Potter book. Is she contributing to the decline of the book?

Andrew: Now, in fairness, it hasn’t been announced what exactly this is. So nobody knows – well, it has…

Micah: Aside from you.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Eric: But you said it’s not a book.

Micah: And several other webmasters.

Andrew: I’m trying to word this properly. It hasn’t been announced whether or not it – okay, fair enough, she says it’s not a book. But we don’t know for sure if it’s just online or what exactly it is. So just keep that in mind while you’re putting down Jo.

Micah: Well, if it’s not online…

Eric: Oh no, I don’t mean to put her down…

Micah: …why is there a website registered? Why is there a Twitter account?

Eric: A Twitter – and you know she…

Andrew: Well…

Eric: …doesn’t use Twitter for – if it wasn’t a project she would work on, she’s not going to use Twitter and we know that because…

Matt: She doesn’t even use her own Twitter.

Eric: Yeah, she doesn’t use her own Twitter.

Andrew: But who’s to say Pottermore just isn’t an informational site, just like is an informational site for the movies?

Eric: No, was supposed to be an information site and she put fun into it.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: All right.

Eric: Because it used to be an information site, and she made it more fun.

Matt: Anything about information, I want as an encyclopedia. I want it physically in my hand.

Andrew: So is Pottermore – will Pottermore extend the life of the Harry Potter fandom? I know it’s early to say, because we don’t know exactly what it is…

Matt: [laughs] It’s a little too early.

Andrew: …but is Pottermore…

Micah: Why don’t you tell us, Andrew?

Andrew: Will Pottermore live up to its name?

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Eric: What are your thoughts, Andrew?

[Matt laughs]

Eric: You’re hearing from us, but we’d like to hear from you.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: If you were a betting man, would you say…

Andrew: [laughs] No, I’m not doing that.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: There’s no room to mess around with that.

Micah: Well, the other thing, though, that Jo did talk about with respect to the encyclopedia – this was a while back – was that it was going to be for charity.

Andrew: Mmm.

Micah: And unless she’s charging some fee for people to use whatever Pottermore is going to be, then how are you generating any sort of money for charity?

Eric: Well, if you’re generating money you can donate to charity. And we know that Jo Rowling can match anything she gets to charity, or just give money to charity any day anyway. I mean, I don’t think that’s a real concern. I mean – no, it’s true…

Micah: Well no, the point is if this is the encyclopedia, let’s say, she did mention that the whole idea behind it was that the money was going to go to charity. So when you think “encyclopedia” you think, like Matt was saying, a physical book so that the proceeds end up going to charity.

Eric: Well, my point in bringing up the Lexicon as an online encyclopedia was that I never liked us calling this next book from Jo that we expected an encyclopedia, because what it’s going to be is backstory. Like never before seen – it’s not a collection of information – or it is, but it’s a collection of new information. She’s producing this entire history, this new history, and that’s what we were expecting in book form. If she does it online, I don’t really see why it would be harder, except less people are online. Books are farther reaching for now than e-books. But is it a sign of the changing times?

Matt: Well, are you referring to ñ are you saying that it’s going to be in e-book fashion?

Eric: Well no, I’m saying that if Pottermore involves releasing new information about the Harry Potter series, which really is ñ I don’t think it’s a stretch – because she named it “Potter.” She could have named it something else entirely. I actually didn’t expect her next project, or her next five projects, to have anything to do with Harry Potter. I would have still bought them and read them and got excited about them, just because it’s her and we know that she can write. The fact that it’s Potter related really begs the question. She’s – or there is no question. She’s going to release more information that extends the canon.

Matt: Right.

Eric: Or that extends the Potter series. So yeah, I don’t see – I mean, anything that she releases is new information, and I don’t think she’s going to create all new characters.

Matt: Oh, no.

Eric: So she is really going to tell us more. So this is I guess the web version of an encyclopedia book or a history, a new history, for the Harry Potter characters.

Andrew: All right. Well, I think we can leave it at that. Again, JK Rowling will be making her YouTube announcement June 23rd. I don’t think there is an exact time, so ñ I mean, I’m sure they have one in mind, but I don’t think we know it yet.

Matt: And it might be leaked before it even…

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: It’s not going to leak.

Eric: Well wait, we didn’t go into how exactly she did this, I mean the scavenger hunt thing. Did you guys play? Did you guys go in and find…

Micah: I did, yeah. I was excited because it kind of took me back to when she used to reveal things on her website, and…

Eric: With the “Do Not Disturb” sign?

Micah: …I got kind of pissed off that somebody hacked the site a day earlier and revealed everything, because…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …I thought that kind of cheapened the whole announcement and what it was that she was trying to do. Now, one would hope that you could protect against that kind of thing, but I guess they didn’t think it was going to happen.

Andrew: No, it wasn’t even so much a hack, just that a clever person could view the page source and click around a little bit, and find the code where it has all the letters and the locations. [laughs] So it was just in the code of the site.

Micah: Got it.

Andrew: And that happens all the time, I guess it was…

Micah: But why not update the site until the following day at least? Have those three coordinates for Day 1…

Eric: Yeah, were they not expecting it? I mean…

Micah: …and not update the site until the following day? This way nobody could find them.

Andrew: But you could still find them in the code and it was getting around on the Internet. I’m glad that they just let us post the rest of them, because in the meantime all these other sites who aren’t partners were just releasing all the letters and what they presumed to be the name of the project.

Eric: Oh, I see.

Andrew: So it would have been bad for MuggleNet and all the other sites because we would have been stuck being like, “Okay, only three letters are out!” In the meantime all these other sites are like, “Here’s all ten letters. It’s “Pottermore”!”

Eric: Okay. So it was supposed to be a two-day event, right?

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Where they would release coordinates, and it was half a day. I didn’t actually get to play the scavenger hunt. I was at work from 10:00 AM until 10:00 PM that day.

Matt: I missed it.

Micah: You can still play it.

Eric: And by 5:00 PM – really? You can?

Andrew: Yeah, you can still punch in coordinates. Yeah.

Eric: Okay.

Matt: We won’t spoil.

Eric: To be honest, I heard JK Rowling had this huge announcement and I was – and that she wasn’t giving it away and that it was still going to be a week, and I was like, “I am too old for this.” That was my first thought. But it did seem…

Andrew: [laughs] Here’s the other thing to keep in mind, what’s been exciting about this is this is the first time Twitter has been around when JK Rowling has made an announcement. And it’s…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: No, why I bring it up is because it was interesting to see people’s reactions on a social media service like Twitter where you’re getting these initial reactions from people freaking out.

Matt: In real-time.

Andrew: In real-time, right, as people are discovering the letters. And you looked on the Twitter trends and the phrases “More Potter” and “Pottermore” came up pretty quickly after the first couple of letters were discovered. And it was just fun because then we asked on the MuggleNet Twitter, “What do you guys think Pottermore is?” and we were getting answers by the second. I was just sitting there watching the @ replies come in. The Mac application lets you watch them come in in real-time, and it was fast and furious. And it was just really exciting seeing the fans react that way. And before Twitter you could watch a chatroom but everybody is on Twitter at the same time these days, especially when big news is happening. So it was really fun to watch the community react.

Eric: So the Pottermore Twitter did release the tenth coordinate, right?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Was that supposed to happen? Or…

Andrew: Yes, it was supposed to happen, but we knew the tenth letter anyway because of that little hack, quote on quote.

Eric: Okay, so the tenth partner was the Pottermore Twitter, right?

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Eric: Okay. But we knew it because that – well, I’m glad she still went ahead with it, you know? It says a lot about JK Rowling too, because Stephenie Meyer, who was writing Book 1 of Twilight from Edward’s perspective – the book was called Midnight Sun – she got hacked, and some of that book was released online and she gave up.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: I mean…

Andrew: Well…

Eric: Quote me if I’m wrong, but she was very upset and it took her…

Andrew: To be fair to Stephenie, though, a book leak is different than a title leak. [laughs]

Eric: It was a couple of chapters though.

Matt: Yes.

Eric: I read that part of Midnight Sun though, and it was awesome. It is above and beyond. It’s like my favorite thing that she’s written and I would really love her to continue it, but…

Andrew: Eric Scull, a TwiHard. Look at this.

Eric: A TwiHard, I’ve read it all. But Midnight Sun is really, really good. And it was just so disheartening to see that a few fans could really spoil it for everybody. And I’m so relieved that that’s not the case with Jo, that she’s still going ahead with whatever this Pottermore thing is. Andrew, you said I was putting down Jo earlier by saying she contributed to the decline of the book – or might be contributing to the decline of the book. But now I’m just going to say I think it’s really cool that she’s still going ahead, that she powered through, and that we’re still getting this announcement.

Matt: Wait…

Eric: And the most exciting thing about Pottermore – we don’t know what it is, but it’s coming from Jo. She – it’s…

Matt: How did, really, anything get spoiled though? All they did was just basically…

Eric: Well, the name.

Matt: …reveal what really any hacker could have found out. I mean, it wasn’t that big of a secret. It was just a little bit of fun to find out what the title was.

Micah: Well, it was just that the information was released a lot earlier, I think, than what they anticipated. So…

Matt: It was a day, wasn’t it?

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: Well, fortunately they only planned to release the name this week, right?

Matt: Well, I…

Eric: They didn’t have the whole package to go.

Matt: To be honest, I’m kind of glad that they did it all within one day, even though it wasn’t intended.

Andrew: Yeah, two days, to me – because everybody was on Twitter like, “Oh my God, when’s the fourth letter coming out? When’s the fourth letter coming out?” And the fourth letter wasn’t supposed to come out until the following day. So all these poor people are waiting for a fourth letter.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: And if it hadn’t been hacked it wouldn’t have come.

Matt: Well, it also would have lost a lot of steam, too, after two days.

Eric: So they were only going to release three letters…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …on day one, and seven letters on day two?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That’s – why not do five and five?

Andrew: I don’t know.

Matt: Why not just pull each one of my teeth out?

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Because you got to have the Hallows and the Horcruxes.

Andrew: Ahhh, of course. Okay.

Eric: Wait, what do you mean?

Micah: No, I’m just joking. But no, it was cool. I was just going to say, if you actually went to the map, the places that you were taken to were places that had some sort of tie to the series. And there was a little graphic there, if you waited long enough, that popped up and described to you what its reference was to the series.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: That was cool.

Eric: Oh cool.

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Trailer

Andrew: Let’s move on now to the other big story of the week, Micah, which is the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 trailer. I don’t know – I don’t think Warner Bros. knew that JK Rowling was making this Pottermore announcement at the same time, so I think this was kind of unintentional, for two big news items to happen in one week. But hey, it was a good week for the fans.

Micah: Yeah, definitely. And it’s what, I guess, we could call the final Potter trailer ever – for a movie. I’m sure…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …there’ll be other stuff that is released later on, for DVDs and Blu-rays and other things like that. But…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …this is it. This is the last trailer you’ll ever see for Harry Potter.

Andrew: And it really was, honestly, the best trailer. I mean, it told a story, which I really loved about it.

Matt: Mhm. It was a proper trailer.

Eric: Yeah, but all the other trailers – instead of saying that this trailer is the best because of that, all the other trailers were not as cool because of that…

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Which is true.

Eric: …is what I prefer to say.

Andrew: But that’s okay.

Eric: They should have done what they did with this trailer with all the other trailers. Except the one thing they did do was they showed too much. This trailer shows way too much.

Matt: You’re one of those people?

Andrew: Well, he’s not the only one to say that.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Let’s – and that’s coming from someone who saw the movie, so imagine the people…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …who haven’t seen the movie, what they’re thinking. There are a lot of recycled scenes in this trailer that were in previous trailers. So, for the sake of time and sanity, let’s just try to focus on the new clips. And there are quite a few in this trailer.

Matt: Thank God.

Andrew: And if you’re listening at home, you can load up the trailer, and you can kind of move along with us. We’ll give the time stamp of each scene that we’re talking about, so you too can watch what we are discussing here on MuggleCast.

Matt: Unless you’ve promised yourself that you weren’t going to see any of the trailers and want to be surprised when you see it in person.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. And that’s good considering – to be perfectly honest, stay away from this trailer if you don’t want to be spoiled.

Micah: Because you haven’t read the books.

Matt: [laughs] Yeah, you haven’t read the books or anything, so you don’t know what’s going to happen.

Micah: And you don’t know what happens. [laughs]

Eric: No. Look, even if – okay – no, it’s not like that at all.

Andrew: I agree, Eric.

Eric: Because the question is, “How are they going to adapt it?” And this trailer answers all those questions. All the pivotal moments of the book are in this trailer, and that matters not because you’ve already read the books so you know what’s going to happen, but because the film adaptation is – the definitive film version is just as important as the book.

Matt: You see two minutes of a two-and-a-half hour film.

Andrew: Two hours.

Matt: Oh, I beg your pardon.

Eric: The most emotionally charged scenes from the film are in the trailer. Having already seen the trailer, you will go into the film and it will feel less fulfilling.

Matt: I have never felt less fulfilled though.

Andrew: Well, let’s discuss it anyway.

Micah: I don’t agree with that.

MuggleCast 231 Transcript (continued)

Scene-by-Scene: Lily Talking to Baby Harry

Andrew: At nine seconds, it’s the opening shot of the trailer and we see Lily Potter talking to baby Harry.

[Clip from trailer plays] Harry, be safe. Be strong.

Andrew: And it’s a very eerie start to the trailer because we see baby Harry and his mother. And I think it’s the first time we’ve ever heard anything coming out of his mother’s mouth, other than – oh yeah, no, this is the only time.

Matt: Mhm. Yeah.

Andrew: Or the first time. My question is, why didn’t they use the same baby who was in Sorcerer’s Stone?

Matt: Because he’s probably twelve at this time right now.

Micah: [laughs] I was just going to say that.

Andrew: Well, let’s do a Benjamin Button on that kid and get this right.

Matt: I thought they did a good job finding a kid who looks sort of like…

Andrew: Yeah. No, you’re right.

Matt: …the kid a decade ago.

Eric: I was going to ask you guys, isn’t this the same kid?

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: I mean, to be honest…

Andrew: It is pretty close.

Eric: …could they have – it’s close, it’s just that close. I was – immediately I was like, “Oh my God, that’s Harry Potter when he was a baby.”

Scene-by-Scene: Flashbacks to Past Movies

Andrew: So at fourteen seconds, we see a title that says “Every moment he’s lived” and there’s these flashback shots: Sorcerer’s Stone, experiencing his wand for the first time, the boats riding to Hogwarts for the first time, Harry seeing the Patronus in Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry and Dumbledore about to enter the cave in Half-Blood Prince. And this is part of the thing I liked about this trailer, is it is telling a story. There is this little review. I mean, not even so much a review, but kind of – these clips lend to the buildup of this epic moment, all these great moments he’s had.

Matt: Has led to this.

Scene-by-Scene: Quidditch Pitch

Andrew: Right, as the next title says at 23 seconds. At 24 seconds, we see the Quidditch pitch from Half-Blood Prince, and we see it [laughs] during happier times.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Then it transitions to this flying shot of during the Battle of Hogwarts when it’s going down in flames.

Matt: Mhm. And I just realized this, too, while I’m trying to follow along: in the background you can see the Hogwarts castle getting attacked.

Andrew: Yeah, you can see the…

Eric: Wow.

Andrew: …spells trying to penetrate the protective charm.

Eric: Nice.

Andrew: Spells.

Matt: Charms.

Eric: So I guess they wanted a new Quidditch pitch anyway because they didn’t put a bubble over that.

Matt: Well…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Matt: …I’m sure it’d be easier to make since they destroyed it for the maze in Book 4.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think…

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: …it was as important to protect the Quidditch pitch.

Eric: I don’t know. Somebody somewhere is very upset.

Scene-by-Scene: Dementors Around Hogwarts Castle

Andrew: At 30 seconds, we see a worried Harry Potter. It was kind of a clip we’ve seen before in other trailers. There are more review shots. And at 41 seconds – I don’t know if – is this new?

Matt: Yeah, this is new.

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: This is definitely new.

Andrew: 41 seconds, we see Dementors kind of hovering over Hogwarts Castle trying to get in, right?

Matt: Right. That’s what I think, too, because they’re all at a certain proximity from the…

Eric: I don’t think they’re trying to get in because there’s no bubble over Hogwarts. I feel like this is an early shot of Hogwarts under the Death Eaters’ rule during – while Harry and Hermione are in the woods. This is kind of the…

Micah: Eric, are you trying to say that this is when Snape is Headmaster?

Eric: Yeah…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: …Snape is Headmaster.

Micah: Before he flees.

Matt: Exactly, yeah.

Micah: Or the protective charm gets put up.

Matt: So the protective charm isn’t put up yet.

Micah: Right. Yeah, yeah.

Matt: Because there’s no use for it at this point right now.

Eric: Right. The Death Eaters that are – the Carrows are torturing students and Snape is allowing that to happen.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: And this is kind of – in the previous trailer I refer to as a military state where Hogwarts is very – not a happy place. I feel like the Dementors being stationed at Hogwarts is fitting with the kind of experience a student during that year would have at Hogwarts.

Matt: Yeah. And also it’s kind of influencing the weather a little bit too.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Screams

Eric: Oh, and, Andrew, there was another scream by the way.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: In case you were wondering.

Andrew: You want to talk about that now? The first time I watched this trailer, I could not help noticing, as other people did too – people on Twitter brought it up – all the screams again with Voldemort! There are at least ten, and it’s just…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Honestly – this trailer is fantastic but it really distracted me.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: It bothered me a lot.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: It was all I could hear. And I blame that on Eric.

Eric: And I’m not apologizing. I’ve had a few people at reply me on Twitter saying, “Ever since you pointed out those screams on MuggleCast…”

Andrew: “It’s all…”

Eric: “Ever since you guys pointed those out, now we just notice them and we can’t watch the trailer.”

Micah: Yeah, it’s all your fault, Eric.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: You just didn’t want people to watch the trailer because it spoiled too much.

Micah: You put the audio together for the trailer, clearly, and…

Eric: I – yeah, clearly. No, I didn’t say that…

Micah: …are now causing people to hear Voldemort saying “NYAHHHHH!” all the time.

Andrew: “NYAHHHHH!”

Matt: Well, it’s the same one we’ve been hearing since Book 5, I think, is when he shouted that…

Eric: Yeah – well…

Matt: …now famous bit.

Eric: I think it was – yeah, you’re right.

Matt: When he was fighting Dumbledore.

Eric: But they’re the ones using this in the trailer. I’m not apologizing for pointing that scream out. Thank you, Andrew, for devoting enough time in the previous episode to count the screams.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: It’s what we do.

Eric: This is Warner Bros.’ fault.

Andrew: It is.

Eric: They’re putting this insane Voldemort scream – every five seconds in this trailer, there’s new wail and it’s the same wail.

Scene-by-Scene: Snape and Voldemort

Andrew: At 43 seconds, we hear a little dialogue from Snape and Voldemort. It goes like this:

[Clip from trailer plays]

Snape: You’ve kept him alive so that he can die at the proper moment.

Voldemort: Bring him to me.

Andrew: So viewers are getting this idea that what’s going on is – the reason [laughs] Harry hasn’t died until now is Voldemort has been waiting for just the right opportunity, and in this film…

Eric: That’s not Voldemort.

Micah: No, that’s Dumbledore.

Eric: That’s Snape talking to Dumbledore. Yeah. That’s continuity editing.

Andrew: Oh okay.

Eric: Our brain thinks he’s talking to Voldemort because the next shot is of Voldemort, but he’s actually talking to Dumbledore. That’s from “Snape’s Worst Memory.” That’s where – and in fact, one could see this as a complete spoiler, that Harry does in fact need to die. Maybe not for good, but he at least needs to die once in order for everything to happen.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That’s what – they should not have shown Snape confronting Dumbledore.

Matt: Well, not everybody is as clever as you though, Eric.

Eric: Okay, fine.

Micah: Well no, I was going to say that, because there’s other parts of this trailer which reveal certain things about characters, and we get to that in the Resurrection Stone scene.

Matt: Yes.

Micah: The fact that Remus dies [laughs] is very much revealed in this trailer, and – but this scene with Voldemort, I wanted to ask you, Eric, because you’ve seen the film. He’s talking to Lucius, and is he talking about getting Harry or getting Snape?

Eric: He’s talking about getting Snape. That was – I feel like this is a…

Micah: Yeah, see that’s another misleading quote.

Eric: Yeah, because I don’t think Lucius – because they’re in the boathouse and not the Shrieking Shack, so they changed that. And also Lucius – this whole scene, Lucius isn’t in the Shrieking Shack from what I remember in Book 7, talking to Voldemort. Lucius and Voldemort – I don’t even know that they have any kind of conversation in the…

Micah: They don’t. Not in the book, anyway.

Eric: Yeah, in the book. So this is the added scene of Jason Isaacs.

Matt: Right.

Eric: But at this point, as you see in the trailer, he is asking Lucius to go get Snape. I think right before that he asks him where Snape is. And this is after Snape has fled.

Scene-by-Scene: Gringotts Cart

Andrew: At 47 seconds, we see the trip down to the Lestrange vault. We’ve seen clips from this before, but if you notice this track that they’re on – they’re riding down deep into Gringotts. I am telling you, this is going to be the next ride at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I’ve been saying this for months. And now you look at this footage of this twisty, turvy, turny track. I can practically see Universal in the background of it. They’re setting this up perfectly for a ride at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. That’s all I’m saying about this.

Matt: Because it does look like a roller coaster…

Andrew: Yes, yes.

Matt: …line, yeah.

Andrew: This is so going to be a ride. It’s not even funny.

Eric: But we’ve always…

Andrew: I feel like making a news post now on MuggleNet…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …just announcing it in advance. [laughs]

Matt: Just saving a post for it.

Eric: See if anybody asks you to take it down.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That would be funny.

Scene-by-Scene: Dragon Escape

Andrew: Really. Yeah, exactly. If they ask me to take it down, [laughs] then I must be onto something. So at 49 seconds, we see the dragon, and this is the part where he’s already been let go by the trio, because you can see the trio on the back of the dragon, and the dragon is breaking a part of the track as he makes his way upward through Gringotts.

Eric: Oh, that’s what he’s doing.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Because then the next scene – I think, because – yeah, yeah, there’s definitely somebody on the back of him, because the next scene you see a cart flying off of the track because the dragon broke it.

Matt: Yeah, it’s the goblins who are after him.

Eric: The – oh, yeah, the chasing goblins.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Well – and then you hear somebody else wail, which I won’t get into.

[Andrew imitates Voldemort’s scream]

Matt: [laughs] Okay.

Eric: It’s like

[imitates Voldemort’s scream] as they fall down the pit at Gringotts. But…

Andrew: At 52 and 53, we see shots of Harry and Ron. And then at 53, we see them after they already broke out from Gringotts, riding on the back of the dragon. This looks like a very great scene, doesn’t it?

Matt: Yeah. Well, Harry – I mean Hermione is still in Bellatrix’s wardrobe.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: And then you see the three of them plunge into the water.

Andrew: Right, at 55 seconds in. We saw a brief version of this when we just saw people going into the water. As I accurately predicted on the last episode, this is when they jump off the dragon and land in the lake.

Eric: Right, and we actually see them falling in this shot which is cool. I like that shot.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort’s Followers

Andrew: 56 seconds, we see “On July 15th,” and there’s a beautiful, sweeping shot of all the Death Eaters on a cliff overlooking Hogwarts. We see them paving a way in the massive group to let Voldemort through to the top of the cliff to make his little warning to Harry.

Eric: [sighs] Why don’t we ever hear from any of these extras? Like, “Hey, I was an extra in Deathly Hallows when we ran to Hogwarts.”

Andrew: They’re not allowed to talk about it.

Eric: They’re not allowed to talk to…

Matt: No.

Eric: They can’t e-mail us and be like, “Hey”? Not even afterwards?

Andrew: Probably afterwards, but who wants to hear from extras?

[Eric laughs]

Matt: The most they can really say is, “I was actually included in this movie.”

Eric: Okay.

Micah: “I was Death Eater number 47 in scene…”

[Matt laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Hogwarts Statues

Andrew: At the one-minute mark we see the entrance to the Great Hall, the statues coming to life.

Eric: Oh man.

Andrew: And we saw a brief – we saw a different angle of this in the other trailer, but we also hear McGonagall with this line:

[Clip from trailer plays] “Man the boundaries! Protect us!”

[Andrew groans]

Matt: God. [groans]

Eric: I have to pull out my Scottish translator here. What? Man the bound – what? What is she saying?

Andrew: “Man the boundaries. Protect us.”

Eric: Man the boundaries. Okay, okay.

Matt: She’s not Scottish.

Eric: [laughs] I’m just messing.

Andrew: I’m getting to have more to say about that particular shot when we can release our set reports, but we see McGonagall and Mrs. Weasley on the steps of Hogwarts surrounded by the Hogwarts…

Andrew and

Eric: Statues.

Andrew: Yeah. They’ve come to life because of McGonagall’s spell. [laughs] A really cool scene.

Matt: God, every time I see McGonagall, I always get goosebumps for some reason.

Eric: This is something where, in the book, it was an amazing scene, and…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Because it was – you can just imagine it, you can picture it in your mind’s eye. And now here it is in this trailer, we’re seeing it before the film comes out. But we already did in the last trailer.

Matt: Well, the adrenaline is really going now because it’s Hogwarts’s last stand and everyone – like, everything is coming to life.

Eric: Yeah, and Remus and Tonks in the next scene are reaching for each other. It’s really cool to build suspense.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry Looking at Hogwarts Castle

Andrew: At 1:06 we see Harry looking up at Hogwarts castle burning. Now, this must be when he’s down at the boathouse. I mean, the angle makes sense, right?

Eric: I don’t remember that angle, or that shot.

Andrew: Well, it’s just that he’s…

Matt: No, it is the boathouse because it’s the same window paints.

Andrew: Panes?

Matt: Panes, sorry.

Eric: Panes.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: [laughs] Paints. Yeah, it’s the same window panes.

Eric: It’s okay, Andrew said [incorrectly pronounces “gauge”] “gouge” earlier.

Andrew: Gouge? Yeah, that’s – gouge, gauge, whatever. Gauge?

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Gauge?

Matt: Because behind Ron is the lake. And – no, that is right after “Snape’s Worst Memory,” probably.

Scene-by-Scene: Lupin and Tonks

Andrew: At 1:08 we see a shot we’ve seen before. Tonks and Lupin reaching in to hold hands, but for some reason they never can quite get there.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: 1:10, we see a title card, “Where it all began.” The card just before it says, “It all ends.” So, it all ends where it all began.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Shoots a Spell

Matt: And then we finally get to see the thing shatter. I mean, we never really did in the other trailers. We just saw a big piece of light coming when the castle border gets shattered.

Eric: What shatters?

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Oh, you mean the bubble?

Matt: Yeah, the big bubble just getting…

Eric: Oh, the bubble just disappears, yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Okay.

Scene-by-Scene: Professor Flitwick

Andrew: At 1:15 we see a shot of Flitwick, and he’s surrounded by statues, so I guess he’s kind of controlling there?

Micah: He looks afraid, though. He’s backing up.

Andrew: He does look afraid. I guess something’s happening with the castle there.

Matt: Well, his charms are not [laughs] working anymore, probably.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah.

Matt: So he’s like, “My work’s done.”

Andrew: Oh right.

Matt: “I’m going to go run.”

[Eric laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort’s Followers Attacking Hogwarts Castle

Andrew: At 1:19 we see a shot of all the Death Eaters trying to penetrate the spell protecting the castle. However, at this scene you don’t see the spell, so I guess you really only start seeing it when it starts to be penetrated.

Eric: Oh. Yeah, when it starts hitting it. Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That effect is really cool.

Matt: Or maybe it’s their first strike. No, no, it has to be when they are penetrating it, because it’s the same color. The spells are the same color as the dome was right before Voldemort smashed it.

Andrew: At 1:23…

Eric: Well, this is – yeah.

Andrew: …we see Death Eaters running – or no, no, these are the good guys. No, bad guys.

Matt: No. Because they – no, the good guys didn’t have giants. It was just…

Andrew: Right, okay.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Except Grawp.

Matt: Yeah, Grawp was the only – he was the half-giant.

Andrew: The giant at 1:23 looks fantastic. I mean, he really does.

Eric: Yeah, that’s cool.

Andrew: And you see him running with the Death Eaters.

Matt: Looks a lot better than the Sorcerer’s Stone one.

Eric: Troll.

Andrew: If I were Harry I’d be more scared of that giant than Voldemort, [laughs] personally. He’s got a big…

Eric: Club? [laughs]

Andrew: …mallet sort of thing he could kill anybody with.

Matt: That’s what Voldemort should have looked like.

Andrew: Yeah, really. Voldemort should have been a giant.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Scene-by-Scene: The Malfoys Escaping

Andrew: At 1:24 we see a shot that Micah loved so much, he made it the MuggleNet “Big News” image. It’s Lucius kind of running away but turning back, and you also see Draco just over his head if you look closely. Now, what scene is this? I’m forgetting. Is this…

Eric: You’re forgetting?

Andrew: This must be after Harry kills Voldemort.

Matt: Is this when they go back to meet up with Voldemort?

Andrew: No, this is after Harry kills Voldemort, right?

Eric: No.

Andrew: Because it’s like the sunrise. No?

Eric: No, Voldemort is alive. Voldemort actually thinks Harry is dead and he’s just recruited people. And the Malfoys say that they’re with him, and they walk away.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: Because Voldemort thinks he’s got victory right now. So actually, if I remember correctly, a lot of the Death Eaters actually Disapparate at that point. I could be wrong. Some of them do. Well, either way the Malfoys walk away.

Matt: Yeah, because his mother is next to Draco.

Eric: Yeah, Narcissa has got her arm around Draco, and the Malfoys, it’s like, exit, stage right.

Scene-by-Scene: Dementors Entering Hogwarts Castle

Andrew: At 1:26, 1:27, we see Voldemort, he’s kind of got these cloth things floating around him.

Matt: Oh, you totally skipped, though, the thousands of Dementors.

Andrew: We’ve seen that before.

Micah: It looks like a dead giant, too.

Matt: Have we seen that? I have never seen that before.

Andrew: Okay, maybe we haven’t.

Eric: Dead giant on the bridge.

Andrew: At 1:25 we see the dead – right, we see a dead giant and Dementors kind of flying over all these dead people. I mean, this really gives you a good idea of the level of detail that’s going to be in this battle.

Matt: You’ve never seen this many Dementors either.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort’s Robes

Eric: And, actually, at 1:26 is a behind-the-scenes shot of Voldemort doing his laundry.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: This is – he’s like washing – he’s actually air-drying his robes.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Yeah, what is that?

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t get – Eric, do you know what’s going on here? Or Micah?

Eric: He’s…

Micah: Well, Eric’s seen the movie. I mean – is Harry here at this point? Is he tying him up?

Eric: He’s laundering his robes. I mean, we don’t see Harry in the shot. He’s not in the shot.

Andrew: Yeah, he must be laundering his robes. I think Eric’s right there. [laughs]

Matt: That is so just awkward.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry’s Confrontation with Snape

Andrew: At 1:27, 28 – I’m going to play a little audio clip here.

[Clip from trailer plays] “Tell them how it happened that night! How you looked him in the eye – a man who trusted you – and killed him!”

Andrew: Great line! And so that takes place in the Great Hall. Harry is confronting Snape point-blank. The most interesting thing that stands out to me here – [laughs] and I noticed this at the test screening, too – is that Harry is wearing a cloak, and you just don’t see that anymore.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah, it’s true. Well, they handed him a cloak, I guess, on their way down to this. So Snape hears that Harry is in the castle, he calls this meeting because he’s still headmaster, and they actually hand Harry a robe on the way down. Somebody just gives him a robe so that he can blend in.

Andrew: So he blends in. But is he really blending in? [laughs] I mean…

Eric: Well, no – because he stands out because he gets irritated with Snape. But this moment – more than any other moment in any other Harry Potter film, I’m predicting here – really is going to sell, first of all, Dan Radcliffe as Harry Potter; second, is going to sell these films as being emotional and heart-wrenching. This moment is Dan Radcliffe’s and Harry’s shining moment in all of the films.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: When he actually confronts this tyranny of Alan Rickman as Snape. And of course it’s in the trailer. Perfect!

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Oh, it’s great.

Andrew: Well, of course, there’s more to it in the actual movie.

Matt: Well, you also see the trio, and the Order is right behind him.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: And you see Snape disappear in response to Harry’s…

Andrew: Yeah, which…

Micah: But this was in the book, though, was it?

Matt: What?

Eric: No, probably not.

Andrew: No – yeah, I don’t think so.

Matt: No, this scene wasn’t even in the book.

Andrew: But it’s good. It’s good because it kicks off this new set of action when we see Harry rebelling within the castle, and now he has to get out. And we see, of course, Snape getting out too. And this is an alternative to, in the book, when there’s the fight in the…

Matt: Corridor.

Andrew: In the random corridor, right.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: And I’ll save my thoughts on this for when everybody sees the film, but I’ll just say right now I would have preferred they kept what happened in the book. But okay.

Matt: That’s usually the general consensus with all fans.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Casting the Killing Curse

Andrew: [laughs] True. So after Harry makes that line, we see a flashback to Snape killing Dumbledore, which refreshes the audience on what kind of has been building up here. At 1:34 I think we see one of the greatest shots – sorry, 1:33 – of Voldemort. He’s casting the spell at Harry and he’s clearly putting in all his energy into this Avada Kedavra spell.

Matt: He’s clearly losing.

Eric: You can tell because of his scream.

Andrew: And I think he’s already down on his knees.

Eric: Yeah, maybe.

Scene-by-Scene: Molly Weasley

Andrew: So you can tell he’s losing. The only advantage here, he does have freshly-laundered clothes, so at least he’s feeling fresh, [laughs] despite losing this battle. At 1:36 we see a great shot of Molly Weasley, and I assume this is after Fred has died, because she’s very disturbed, she’s kind of – I don’t know. She’s thinking to herself.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Well, Madam Pomfrey is right next to her.

Eric: Is she?

Andrew: Oh yeah. You can hardly see her, but she is there. So this must’ve been after the battle.

Matt: It must’ve been after she killed “She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.”

Scene-by-Scene: The Resurrection Scene

Andrew: Mhm. At 1:40, this is where I think people started saying, “Okay, we’re seeing too much!” [laughs] We see Harry in the Forbidden Forest, he’s facing his mother, got Lupin and Sirius on the right, James on the left. Let’s play a little audio from this part.

[Clip from trailer plays]

Harry: You’ll stay with me?

Lily: Always.

Sirius: Until the end.

[Clip ends]

Andrew: [laughs] So that’s when people were like, “No! Why are we seeing this?!”

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: As much as I love – I would probably say it’s my favorite scene in the seventh book, is the Resurrection Stone scene. And as excited as I was the first time I saw it, I kind of wish they didn’t show this.

Andrew: On the other hand though, it’s not a spoiler to people who haven’t read the books, because they look alive. I wouldn’t say they look dead, so…

Matt: No, I’d say if anything it’s a teaser to fans who have not read the books, because they’re like, “Wait, what?”

Andrew: Oh, that’s true, that’s true, because they know Sirius and Harry’s parents are dead and all.

Matt: Right, so they’re like, “Why are they back?”

Eric: Maybe it was…

Andrew: But it’s confusing because they don’t see Lupin – they’re like, “Wait, Lupin’s dead?”

Eric: [laughs] Well, the other thing, too – this is Harry’s most personal moment in the books. To see it on a trailer and not reserved for the film – is nothing sacred? Really? Can they not just keep that in the film and be content to…

Matt: Well, they kept I think the most sacred scene under wraps, and that’s King’s Cross.

Eric: Yeah, that’s true, but that also tonally – it doesn’t really fit the rest of the film because – and visually, because it’s bright white and these films are all about black.

Matt: Right. Well, they’ve shown basically every character [laughs] in this trailer…

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: …except Dumbledore.

Eric: [sighs] It’s ridiculous. You know what they should do is – you know how they released all those promo posters with Bella and McGonagall and all them? They need to do – for the Resurrection Stone scene, they need a Lupin poster, they need a dead Sirius poster, a dead Lily and James poster, for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.

Matt: [laughs] And what does it say? “We’re back”?

Eric: [laughs] Yeah! Yeah, that’s what it’s going to say. Because why not? Because they’ve already shown them in a trailer, they might as well go all out because – you know what? I want to buy a Lily and James poster, and Warner Bros. should…

Matt: It is really great, though, that they inserted that little clip from Sirius saying, “‘Til the end,” because basically, you see in this entire trailer everything going to pot. Like everything is going to complete crap. And then all you see – and then you finally get to have Lily and Sirius, kind of the reassuring faces, say something that’s a little uplifting.

Eric: You’re very right.

Scene-by-Scene: Fiendfyre

Micah: And we also – the one thing we skipped over before this is, it looks like Goyle is falling into the Fiendfyre.

Eric: Yeah, sucks to be him.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: What’s he doing as he’s falling? He’s wailing.

Matt: “NYAAAAAH!” It’s the same Voldemort scream.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Scene-by-Scene: Ginny in the Courtyard

Andrew: At 1:44 we see – this must be the realization shot when they see Hagrid holding Harry’s dead body, because Ginny is running forward, obviously very shocked at what she’s seeing. And Mr. Weasley is kind of, I guess, trying to – yeah, he’s trying to grab her and hold her back because, you know, don’t want to get too close to Voldemort yet.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Scene-by-Scene: Acromantula

Andrew: At 1:44 we see a pretty cool shot of the trio running away from some giant spiders.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And I don’t think we get any line like, “Ahhh! I still hate spiders!” from Ron because that would have been…

Eric: I was going to say, do you think Ron would overcome…

Matt: [laughs] No, Ron will be like, “Let’s get the hell out of here!”

Eric: [laughs] Do you think Ron would overcome his fear of spiders?

Matt: I think he’s seen enough…

Andrew: Well, he’s running away from them, so…

Matt: Well, we do see…

Eric: Yeah, you’re not going to face down something that’s fifteen times your size.

Matt: Well, during the locket we did see spiders, so his fear of spiders is still intact.

Eric: Oh right. Good point. Good solid point.

MuggleCast 231 Transcript (continued)

Scene-by-Scene: Destruction of the Diadem Horcrux

Andrew: 1:46, we see the giant Voldemort fire head in the Room of Requirement as the doors are shutting. It’s kind of a cool transition for the trailer because this is sort of another break in the trailer where another set of action starts off.

Matt: It’s a three-headed Voldemort.

Andrew: Is it?

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. Well – yeah. The Fiendfyre in the film takes different forms but – without spoiling and saying what they are – this I believe is after the Horcrux has been thrown into the Fiendfyre that Voldemort’s face comes out of it. So it’s not like if you were to go into the middle of a field and cast Fiendfyre, you’d get fire that comes out with Voldemort’s face on it.

Matt: Oh, that’s a good point.

Eric: It’s not like that.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: So this…

Matt: Because – didn’t we see a lion or something in a previous trailer?

Eric: The previous trailer showed a lion and a badger, so [laughs] you kind of – or a snake, so you know that – well, the Fiendfyre does take the form of…

Matt: Well yeah, it’s magical fire so it’s probably taken all forms.

Eric: Yeah, like raging bull of fire. It’s really cool. But this – yeah, Voldemort is not one of the natural animals of the Earth. This is after the Horcrux has been destroyed. I don’t know who’s closing the door. There’s two very [laughs] Kamikaze style house-elves who are behind the doors closing them.

Matt: I hope not.

Eric: Just to protect Harry.

Matt: Well I mean, it’s the Room of Requirement. When no one’s in the Room of Requirement, it closes.

Eric: Does that mean that the fire – oh right, okay.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry and Voldemort’s Duel

Andrew: 1:47, we get this line from Harry to Voldemort:

[Clip from trailer plays] “Come on, Tom. Let’s finish this the way we started: Together!”

Andrew: And it kicks off another set of action. I am still not a fan, for the record, of this “Let’s clutch him by the neck and pull him overboard.”

Matt: I don’t think any fans are really – I mean, I feel like this is going to be that one scene that everyone just cringes when they see it.

Eric: The reason though – the reason that – I agree with you, Matt, but the reason is that they’ve shown it in every single one of these trailers. So not only in the first trailer where people were like, “Oh my God, Harry – what’s happening? He’s pulling him off a ledge? That wasn’t in the book!” Now…

Matt: Well, the whole thing about – oh sorry, go ahead.

Eric: Oh no, go ahead.

Matt: I think also one of the reasons why fans are just not happy with that is because Harry’s not supposed to touch Voldemort.

Eric: But – I mean, I made my case for it in previous shows where I said that the idea that on film everything has to be slightly more realistic where these archenemies – the fact that they’re in close proximity to each other makes it more exciting. But the fact that Warner Bros. has shown this in every trailer where Harry’s pulling him off just draws more attention…

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: …to the fact that it wasn’t in the book.

Matt: Well…

Eric: And what’s getting lost is this line that Harry says, which is in this trailer, but by this point people who have seen him are just not paying any attention. It’s actually a really good line, to “finish this where we started it: together.” And I feel like that’s a fitting line for when you’re going to wrap your arms around somebody’s neck and throw them off a cliff.

Matt: Now, is this scene with them jumping off the cliff – is this the same time when Voldemort grabs Harry’s face and says, “Why do you live?” Because I’m afraid they’re going to overexpose the whole close proximity of Harry and Voldemort, because that’s what – in the books at least, that’s what everyone was waiting for, is when they finally meet. And I’m just worried in the movie they’re just going to have way too much of it, and then people will get desensitized by how close Harry and Voldemort have interaction with each other.

Eric: That’s a good point. I mean, wasn’t one of the…

Matt: Because it’s a pivotal part in the books when Harry approaches Voldemort and they duel. It doesn’t happen that often.

Eric: Well, I would argue that the distance – when Harry goes to Voldemort – are you talking about in the end at the forest?

Matt: Well, the forest, too, but also in the castle.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Because Harry has his grand resurrection scene in – well, in the book it was the Great Hall, now it’s the courtyard. But those are really the only two parts where Harry and Voldemort ever were face-to-face in at least that half of Book 7.

Eric: Well, wasn’t – in both those scenes, wasn’t it really about, though, that Harry and Voldemort were quite a ways away from each other, but that they were talking to each other anyway? Like when Harry approaches Voldemort in the forest, he’s coming from the clearing – or he’s coming into the clearing and Voldemort’s at the other end of it, and all the Death Eaters are in between them. And there’s this pregnant air, where it’s like thin air. There’s no space between them, but there is, so it’s like all the Death Eaters are waiting to see what Voldemort does because Harry has come. And in the Great Hall, everybody is watching Harry and Voldemort talk to each other. They’re on a first-name basis, but they’re still – in order to duel, they’re standing quite a way away from each other, aren’t they?

Matt: Well, yeah – no, no, it’s…

Andrew: Let’s continue this discussion when we actually see it, because we’re going to be talking about this like crazy when the movie actually comes out. So…

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: And we can give it more context when we see the actual scene. You guys are doing good. I’m just saying we’re going to be talking about this a million times, so let’s save it for when we actually see the movie.

Eric: But Matt’s right. Yeah, wasn’t one of the first promo posters – or promo pictures of Voldemort grabbing Harry’s face?

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, it was. Yup.

Micah: Well – yeah and I mean, I think it goes back – like Eric was saying, we talked about it in past shows – is it being sort of the Hollywood element to it where you constantly need to have that big epic battle…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …where you’re talking about having the fight taking place all over Hogwarts.

Andrew: I agree. I agree it adds some tension when you see them touching, but just book-wise it doesn’t…

Matt: Right. Well, I have nothing against him grabbing his face or anything, I just want it to be in the right place. I don’t want it to be prolonged throughout the film.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, that’s fair.

Andrew: At 1:55, speaking of Harry and Voldemort, we see them dueling within Hogwarts. Voldemort is high up on some steps, whereas Harry is lower down the steps. And…

Eric: Oh wow.

Andrew: At 1:56 there’s a cool close-up shot of Voldemort really trying to put his energy into his spell.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah, he crinkles his non-nose.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, I know!

Eric: [laughs] Look at that concentration! That’s awesome.

Scene-by-Scene: Professor Slughorn

Andrew: At 1:59 we see a new shot of Horace Slughorn putting up his protective charm on the castle. And in the film it’s cool because you see all the teachers together putting up the spells so it goes from McGonagall to Slughorn to Flitwick to – Pomfrey?

Matt: So it is a protective charm?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Okay, because I thought it was like a Patronus.

Scene-by-Scene: Bellatrix Lestrange

Andrew: No, he’s putting up the charm. At two minutes there is a shot – and this is another one where I think people were like, “Ahhh, too much.” Bellatrix sending the spell at Molly. And at two oh – oh, it’s actually – they’re actually pretty separated.

Matt: Yeah.

Scene-by-Scene: Chamber of Secrets

Andrew: So we’ll get to it in a second. We’ll see Bellatrix’s response to that spell in a second. At 2:03 we see in the Chamber of Secrets when Ron and Hermione are being chased by the giant water Voldemort figure.

Eric: Whoa! Totally missed that. Yeah, these scenes – barely any…

Andrew: Anything left? [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, I missed that. Watching it. I didn’t – well no, I mean, I didn’t really – and I don’t think even in the trailer you can tell that that’s what’s happening.

Matt: Right.

Eric: It’s just chaos.

Matt: Well, I think that has to do with a lot of – I mean, of the trailer entirety because – I mean, only hardcore fans are going to go shot-by-shot of all these trailers and then realize, “Oh my God, they showed way too much!” But if you just saw the trailer in a film, like in a movie trailer in the theater, you wouldn’t have caught a lot of this stuff.

Eric: Well, I think the exception is, though, the dialogue, what they – because a lot of these shots don’t have any dialogue, so when there is dialogue – and a lot of it is title cards. So when there is dialogue, it’s important. The fact that they chose to make the dialogue in this movie be the most pivotal moments, like the Resurrection Stone scene and Harry confronting Snape, is what I’m disappointed about.

Matt: Mhm.

Scene-by-Scene: Patronus Charm

Andrew: 2:05, there’s a shot many people are actually wondering about, it’s: who is casting the Patronus?

Eric: What is it?

Andrew: We see…

Eric: Like, that’s a Patronus?

Andrew: Well…

Matt: No, I think it kind of connects to Movie 3…

Micah: Or it looks like a Patronus. I don’t know.

Matt: …with the Patronus being the ultimate shield.

Andrew: Because we do see it push away all the Dementors.

Eric: Hmm. Well, it doesn’t help that in the split second before that happens, Voldemort is like conjuring something. His arms are like in…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …and he spreads his arms out like, “RAAAH!” And…

Micah: I think we get a better shot of it towards the end of the trailer, but it looks like Lucius.

Eric: Really?

Andrew: Yes. Or my guess could be Aberforth. But why would it be Lucius? That doesn’t make sense to me.

Matt: Yeah, I think you might be right, Andrew.

Eric: Oh, it’s Aberforth.

Matt: It must be Aberforth because the hair looks just like…

Eric: Dumbledore.

Andrew: It does look long but it almost looks Lucius-long. And the cloak he’s wearing looks like a Lucius cloak. But…

Matt: Could it be Xenophilius?

Eric: Does Apple have the high-def trailer available?

Andrew: Yeah, I’m looking at the 1080 but it doesn’t help.

Eric: [laughs] We need a 2160p.

Matt: I mean, it’s…

Micah: I think it is at the end of the trailer, though, once we get there.

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: It’s definitely an Order member.

Micah: You see the spell itself.

Eric: Why do you…

Scene-by-Scene: Molly and Bellatrix’s Duel

Andrew: Okay, so at 2:07 is when we got a badass shot of Molly Weasley. Give it up for Molly Weasley! We see her sending a spell, I guess, at Bellatrix.

Eric: [imitating Molly Weasley] “Not my daughter, you bitch!”

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah, no. It’s definitely the Killing Curse.

Eric: Yeah, it’s green.

Andrew: Yeah, because there’s that green flame. And it cuts to a shot of Voldemort, kind of to make you think Molly is shooting it at Voldemort, but we all know that’s not the case.

Eric: [laughs] He deflects it with his mind.

Scene-by-Scene: More from the Battle of Hogwarts

Andrew: 2:08, there is a shot of – it looks like Mr. Weasley with Kingsley behind him shooting a spell, probably at a Dementor or Voldemort, but – and then, cool shot at 2:10. The camera is slowly creeping in as Voldemort is crawling to the Elder Wand. And then it cuts to Harry at 2:12 and we see that he, too, is crawling to it to get the wand.

Eric: That’s cool.

Andrew: And a couple of more dueling shots between Harry and Voldemort, dragon, Harry shooting a spell around the corner.

Eric: Tonks getting killed.

Andrew: There’s a lot of action, folks.

Matt: Voldemort Apparating.

Andrew: Voldemort Apparating. Now, Micah, where did you say – what were you talking about – the person – we see Nagini, too, at 2:15 with Voldemort. Nagini kind of wraps up with Voldemort for an escape.

Matt: Well, he’s waiting for Nagini to come to him so they can both Apparate together.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: Because at this point she hasn’t been – I mean, of course, she hasn’t been killed, so Harry hasn’t been dead yet.

Andrew: And Harry has to keep…

Matt: So this is very early on to the battle.

Andrew: Micah, what were you talking about with the…

Micah: Oh. You know what I was talking about, actually, is when he actually casts the spell, you see it go out and hit all the Dementors.

Andrew: Oh okay.

Micah: That’s what I was talking about. So it is a Patronus of some sort…

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: …like Matt was saying.

Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Trailer – Closing Thoughts

Andrew: And we get the title and that’s it! That’s the final trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. It was kind of a surprise, we weren’t really expecting the second trailer, but we did get it.

Matt: [laughs] Yeah, we really did get it.

Andrew: And everybody loved it. I mean, it really got people excited. And I thought, again, it told a great story. We understood why it all ends here, we understand Voldemort’s anger, what Harry is fighting for. Harry says somewhere in the trailer, “I don’t want anyone to die for me.” It’s just very emotional. So, let’s continue on now with other news. [laughs] There were some other news stories.

Matt: [laughs] There’s more?

Andrew: Not as big as the trailer and Pottermore, but there were other things, Micah.

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Rated PG-13

Micah: Yeah, a lot of stuff related to the trailer, though – or sorry, to the movie. Actually, today we learned that Deathly Hallows – Part 2 has been rated PG-13 and we kind of found that out in a roundabout way. There was a TV spot that aired last night and in that TV spot at the end, you hear that voice say, “This film is rated PG-13.”

Matt: [in a comical voice] Rated PG-13!

Micah: And so I guess that’s a giveaway, even though the MPAA has not officially posted it yet on their site. I don’t see it…

Andrew: No surprise there.

Micah: Yeah. I mean, that’s the rating that it’s going to ultimately get. And the BBFC, though, has posted on their site that the film will be rated 12A, which is the PG-13 equivalent in the UK.

Andrew: All right, what else is going on in the news?

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Runtime Released

Micah: The other big piece of news concerning Deathly Hallows – Part 2 is that it’s going to be the shortest of the entire series in terms of…

Andrew: Length.

Micah: …the length of the film: a 125 minutes.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: But when you think about it, though – and I’m usually one who is really critical of the films. [laughs] But when you think about it, I mean, two hours and change kind of makes sense. I mean, it is another half of a movie.

Matt: So in all honesty, it’s a five-hour film.

Micah: Exactly.

Andrew: Four and a half. I mean, if you want to get exact about it. But…

Micah: Why do you think people get upset about this?

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Well, mainly, Micah, if you look…

Andrew: Because I wrote in the headline, “Film is shortest of the eight.”

Eric: “Shortest of the series.”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Like as if that was…

Andrew: But again – I brought this up, I think, during the test-screening episode – two hours does feel good. It does not feel rushed. It doesn’t feel too short. It doesn’t feel too long. It’s just right. It’s like porridge.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: It’s at the right temperature. It’s just right.

Eric: You mean Baby Bear’s porridge?

Andrew: Baby Bear’s porridge. It’s just right.

Micah: But…

Andrew: And two-and-a-half hours would have dragged it out. Honestly, I was watching this test screening and being like, “All right, let’s go! Come on!” [laughs]

Eric: Well, maybe the music will help speed things up.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Pace-wise.

Andrew: Yeah. It’s fine.

Eric: We’re not saying it was slow, but it is two hours dedicated to strictly the Battle of Hogwarts.

Andrew: Exactly. And that’s why it feels like porridge.

Micah: What more could you want, though? I mean, there’s only so much that’s left of the book.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, I guess…

Micah: At this point.

Andrew: …if I would have asked for anything else to be longer I would have said the epilogue.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Maybe.

Micah: Which, also, we haven’t seen anything from.

Matt: Oh, yeah, yeah, you guys.

Eric: Because they look creepy.

Matt: So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Eric: They look creepy. They don’t look right.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: What else is going on in the news?

News: Exclusive Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Scene at MTV Movie Awards

Micah: Well, we mentioned the TV clip, but there was also another clip that aired at the MTV Movie Awards. Andrew, Matt, you guys were both there. It’s a pretty – now this – you want to talk about putting stuff out there that people probably don’t want to see. This was a shot of – a full shot of Harry entering the forest to confront Voldemort and him actually getting hit with the spell. You see Hagrid tied up by the Death Eaters. And again, a little surprising to reveal that much.

Andrew: But we’ve seen this clip before. The only thing that was really new was the shot of Hagrid saying, “Harry! No!” which was great, but a lot of that – the walk up – we’ve seen that before.

Micah: Well, he does get hit with the spell in this, too.

Matt: Right.

Andrew: Oh okay.

Micah: You didn’t see that before.

Matt: But…

Micah: Harry dead.

Andrew: [in a deep voice] Harry dead.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, it was good. I’m glad there was some presence for Harry Potter at the MTV Movie Awards. And by the way it won – the only thing that it did win was Best Villain and that went to Tom Felton who was there.

Eric: To Tom Felton?

Matt: [laughs] For a character who was in all of five minutes of the movie.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: What were the contenders? Because there’s…

Andrew: Well, it was the – it was Twilight.

Micah: Twilight, Twilight

Andrew: And listen…

Micah:Twilight, Twilight

Matt: Actually, no.

Andrew: Here’s the thing.

Micah: Oh, for Villain?

Andrew: Twilight won because the fans went out and voted. The official…

Matt: More than once.

Andrew: Summit really went onto their Twitter and Facebook, and said, “Hey, everybody vote. Everybody vote.” Warner Bros. didn’t really do that. Maybe they don’t care and that’s fine. But people are wondering why Twilight wins. It’s just because more people are voting.

Matt: All right. Well, I think it’s also…

Micah: Well, I think…

Matt: …a hopeless cause really at this point with the MTV Movie Awards because…

Micah: They’re a joke?

Matt: I mean, Warner Bros. doesn’t want to say “Vote for us, vote for us,” because they know they’re not going to win.

Andrew: That’s not true!

Matt: I don’t think…

Andrew: They can win if they get more votes.

Matt: No, no, but – yeah, they win if they get more votes, obviously. But I think…

Andrew: But they don’t care because it’s the MTV Movie Awards.

Matt: Right. It’s honestly just to promote other things that MTV is affiliated with.

Andrew: What else is going on?

Micah: Well, I think it’s the audience, too. I mean, you look at MTV’s audience and what – it’s pretty similar I would think to the audience that reads Twilight. Wouldn’t you agree?

Andrew: Yeah. But people look at the MTV Movie Awards and they say, “Oh, Best Movie. How could Twilight win that?” Well, because people are voting. The MTV Movie Awards aren’t like the Oscars where it’s like this group of people…

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: Group of fifty people who get to decide. It’s the actual people – fans who are voting. And there were more Twilight fans who voted because Summit pushed it more.

Matt: Well, also because a lot of the fans vote for who they want to see come up to accept the award. And they want to see Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner come up, and…

Andrew: Right, the Twilight fans want to see Robert Pattinson come up more, and they’re…

Matt: No, they’re heartthrobs. That’s why teenage fangirls want to see – that’s what they want to see.

Andrew: Twilight fans want to see Robert Pattinson! Harry Potter fans want to see Dan Radcliffe!

Matt: Oh okay. Fine. You’re – I can’t talk to you about this.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: What else is going on in the news?

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 NYC Premiere Date Announced

Micah: Other bit of news, during a contest announcement we found out when the US premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 will be taking place: on Monday, July 11th.

Andrew: Party!

Micah: And it’s in New York City. We already knew that. But I’m assuming – Andrew, what’s the name of the theater that they always go to?

Andrew: The Ziegfeld?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: But that wasn’t – for Part 1 it was not at the Ziegfeld, it was somewhere else.

Micah: It was in Lincoln Center.

Andrew: Yeah. So we don’t know where this one is going to be. But hopefully somewhere where they can actually shut off the streets so the stars can go and meet the fans along the red carpet. That would be nice.

Eric: The only time they had a problem was when they did it at Lincoln Center, right? I mean, at the Ziegfeld they closed it off – the street?

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Or it was arranged so that there was room for fans to meet actors.

Andrew: Yeah, they need to figure it out so the street can actually be shut down.

Micah: It’ll probably be back there I would think. I mean, probably they just couldn’t get the theater for the time of the year that Deathly Hallows – Part 1 was released.

Andrew: That’s true. That’s true.

Eric: Because of all those Christmas concerts.

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Soundtrack List Released

Micah: And speaking of Deathly Hallows – Part 2 – even more news – [laughs] the soundtrack list was released earlier this week. Has anybody taken a listen?

Andrew: It’s not out yet.

Micah: Are there actually any – oh, it’s just…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …the names of the songs, not the little previews.

Andrew: But it gives you an idea of the layout of the film. It starts with “Lily’s Theme” so you know that it’s going to start with Lily, [laughs] with that shot, just like the trailer did. Or no. Does that make sense, Eric?

Eric: No, we didn’t even see her talking to Harry in the preview, that I remember. We saw some…

Andrew: No, we did during Snape’s – or no.

Eric: No, we didn’t. This is when Voldemort is downstairs, she’s trying to prepare Harry, but I guess it’s new to me. The fact that it opens with “Lily’s Theme,” it could be direct because Lily is actually appearing on the screen or it could just be Mr. Desplat misleading us. Or the idea that he is trying to tell a love story and it is a love story between Lily and Snape.

Andrew: Hmm.

Eric: That “Lily’s Theme” would just be the name of the generic, overall theme that they’re going to play iterations of…

Matt: Yeah. No, you’re right, Eric.

Eric: …during “Snape’s Worst Memory.”

Matt: I think that’s exactly what it is. It’s just an encompassing theme that they will show throughout the film, especially with “Snape’s Worst Memory,” but we will get probably a taste of it in the opening scene with Lily protecting Harry.

Andrew: The soundtrack, by the way, will be released July 12th.

Eric: Sweet!

Matt: No, I want it before that.

Eric: [laughs] Although – actually, I did want to mention these other track listings, some of them. First of all, “The Grey Lady.” So she’s got her own track, which shows that that’s going to be at least a big enough scene to have one of those.

Micah: With Cee-Lo?

Eric: [laughs] “In the Chamber of Secrets.” [laughs] In the Chamber of Secrets has its own soundtrack.

Micah: Is that a rap? “In The Chamber of Secrets”?

Eric: I’m sure it is.

Matt: Well, because there’s already a track called “The Chamber of Secrets” from the second book – or from the second film, so that’s probably why they had to kind of tweak it a bit.

Eric: Also, the – yeah.

Micah: That’s a pretty suggestive title.

Eric: “Broomsticks and Fire,” and also “Courtyard Apocalypse.” So that’s probably my favorite title.

Andrew: That is cool.

Eric: Other than “Showdown.” [laughs] Twenty-three is just called “Showdown.”

Andrew: “Showdown.”

Matt: I think the last title is kind of cheesy, though.

Eric: “A New Beginning”?

Matt: “A New Beginning.” How about “The Epilogue” or “Scar”?

Eric: [laughs] How about “Nineteen Years Later”?

Andrew: How about “All Was Well”? That would’ve been good.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, really.

Matt: I like “Scar.”

Micah: How about “Pottermore”?

Andrew: All right, Micah.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Pottermore.

Matt: It’s the last thing Harry says.

[Eric laughs]

Matt: “Pottermore.”

News: LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Gets Positive Review at E3

Micah: All right, switching gears here to video games. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 was previewed at E3, the big video game and electronics convention last week, actually, or maybe even two weeks ago at this point. And it got an overwhelmingly positive review just from some different features that it has as compared to Years 1-4. So – I mean, no real surprise there, but good to hear that in the early stages it’s getting positive reviews.

Andrew: I’ll believe it when I see it!

Eric: Yup.

Micah: Okay.

Matt: I don’t know, Books 1-4 were really good.

Andrew: And Micah, the last news story of this gigantic news episode.

News: Order of the Phoenix & Half-Blood Prince Ultimate Editions Released

Micah: Yes. The Ultimate Editions for Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince were released on June 15th, I think. Or – is that right?

Andrew: June 14th, Tuesday.

Micah: June 14th, close enough. You did a…

Andrew: Little review.

Micah: …little bit of a review. You saw them? You liked them? They’re good?

Andrew: Yeah. I mainly just watched the documentaries because, again, we’ve talked about this a lot. There’s a new part of this eight-part documentary with each Ultimate Edition. The most interesting thing was in the “Evolution” documentary, that was probably one of the best ones to date, lots of great archival footage. But Chris Columbus says that he wanted to split Book 1 into two films!

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And he said the first film would end after Harry’s first Quidditch match. I cannot believe they were actually considering splitting the books that early on.

Eric: It’s shocking.

Andrew: Because if they started with Sorcerer’s Stone, they would have had to split them all!

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: Well – yeah, it’s true. Well, I think though that you have to consider what kind of a technical achievement it is to actually – you have to create Hogwarts. I think in thinking that, he was just thinking about how much work had to be done to actually produce a film version of these books, because they’re so wonderful, they’re so monstrous. And also, by that point maybe he didn’t know what would – how he would begin to cut stuff and actually mold it into a film, and not just follow the whole book page by page.

Andrew: Thank God they didn’t split it though.

Matt: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: The timing would have been so bad.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: That would have also hurt the franchise for putting more of the books into films.

Eric: Yeah, I agree.

Matt: Because I don’t think the public [laughs] would have let it go as long as it did if each movie was in two parts.

Eric: Well, the – plus the actors would be so old.

Listener Tweets: Pottermore and Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Trailer

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. Well – yeah, I guess it would have taken longer to film all that, so they would have aged more. That’s true. Okay. Well, that is all the news we have. To wrap up the show, we have some tweets from those of you who follow us on the MuggleCast Twitter which is We recently passed 20,000 followers, by the way. So thank you to everybody who follows us there on Of course to everybody, like I was saying earlier – was lighting up Twitter with their thoughts on the trailer and Pottermore. We’ll start with some tweets about Pottermore. Reading Bridget said:

“My main question about Pottermore is, why is the teaser website logo all futuristic and metallic looking? How does that fit ‘HP’?”

So Bridget is really digging deep, looking for any clues possible.

Matt: I don’t think it’s very futuristic, unless she means that it being metallic means it’s futuristic. But the font is pretty magical.

Eric: Well, the font is whimsical. The font is distinctly not the Harry Potter font though. Why would you name a website “Pottermore” and not use the Potter – the font that is established, that is so cool.

Andrew: But I think it is kind of whimsical.

Matt: I mean, it’s very wizarding world. It’s just not Harry Potter strictly font from the books but I think that’s mainly because they’re trying to show that there is kind of something besides Harry Potter that’s going to be encompassed in this. It’s going to be like something more of the wizarding world rather than just Harry Potter itself.

Eric: So you’re talking about the “more” as opposed to the “Potter” part of “Pottermore”? [laughs]

Matt: Yeah, it’s encompassing more than Potter.

Eric: Cool.

Andrew: AJRoller says:

“I’m thinking Pottermore is most likely going to be an online ‘HP’ encyclopedia, but I’m hoping for some kind of MMORPG in Hogwarts.”

An MMORPG is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: I used to play one of those, it was called The Sims Online.

Eric: [laughs] You played The Sims?

Andrew: Yeah. Oh yeah.

Eric: What was your family’s name? [laughs]

Andrew: Oh, it was pathetic. Well, in The Sims Online you can only play as one person. I was Cledispoodum. I made up that name.

Micah: [laughs] What?

Andrew: For some reason, I liked the name Cledispoodum.

Matt: And poo?

Andrew: Don’t ask.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: An MMORPG is an interesting idea because you play with other people in an online world, so it would almost be like you lived within Hogwarts in an online world. And there had been rumors about an MMORPG for a long time with Harry Potter.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: We’ve even said they should do that, right? Grand Theft Dragon, was it? Or Grand Theft Hogwarts?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, I mean, it would be interesting. World of Warcraft is so popular and it’s based on fantasy and magic, so a Harry Potter one is an interesting idea.

Matt: Yeah. Pottercraft.

Andrew: Nataliexelaine1 says:

“There are so many possibilities for Pottermore, the whole situation seems unreal. I love the way Jo announced it, I’m excited!”

Matt: Was there a question or anything?

Andrew: No. It’s a comment.

Matt: Oh, it’s just a comment. Okay.

Andrew: And I agree, it’s so exciting to get a new announcement from Jo. I mean, when’s the last time we got an announcement from Jo? It was like the Deathly Hallows title, right? So it’s been like four years.

Matt: Well no, she announced her Twitter.

Andrew: [laughs] That’s not…

Matt: But she didn’t tweet anything.

Andrew: AngeMar has actually a negative comment about Pottermore. She says:

“Pottermore: :/ (slant face) I’m not excited until I know what it is! Trailer: amazing!”

Eric: Awww. Well, do you think that this is the pen and paper that Jo talked about on her Twitter, that she kept referencing, that it’s this project, Pottermore?

Matt: [sighs] I don’t know. I mean, I would really hope so.

Eric: Because she said “pen and paper.”

Matt: Right.

Eric: And if it’s online…

Matt: So that would give further proof that it’s going to be…

Eric: …it distinctly does not involve pen or paper.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Well, just because it’s online – I mean, everything is online. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be strictly an online entity.

Eric: Okay, okay. But that means it’s digital though. If it’s online, it’s digital.

Matt: No. Well, if it’s online – yeah, the website is online but there’s also YouTube, so…

Eric: Okay, you…

Matt: I mean, what other way could she promote this besides it being on the Internet?

Eric: Yeah, that’s a good point. Well then my final question about Pottermore is: If it’s going to be part YouTube, part content-on-site, if it’s going to be fan-interactive, is it really – is it healthy to have all these fans living on this new Pottermore website? I mean, to be honest, I was thinking of starting to eat healthier…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …get more exercise once Harry Potter ends, and instead I’m going to set this as my home page and really start delving into the forums because I’m obsessed. That’s what I do.

Matt: Well, for all we know she could probably just abandon the website and the YouTube thing once it’s announced.

Eric: Just for fun?

Matt: If it has nothing to do with really an online community. Yeah, which is…

Andrew: Matt is saying and the YouTube are only to promote, announce…

Eric: So it could be something…

Matt: I’m not saying that’s what it is, I’m just saying that could be a possibility.

Eric: Pottermore. Yeah, okay.

Andrew: BriannaMak says:

“The trailer was pure genius. It was pretty sad though. I felt like my childhood is actually coming to an end.”

JuliaIsMagic says:

“The trailer had me hyperventilating and crying. It’s really getting everyone excited for the final film.”

Eric: [laughs] A trailer has never had that effect on me.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Hyperventilating?

Andrew: QRAlex said:

“The new trailer was epic and awesome, hands-down best one yet, except for that terribly annoying Voldemort scream.”

Eric: [whispers] Yes! [laughs]

Andrew: LiaCataLopez says:

“That trailer was designed to make you cry. The part in the forest with Lily and the others was heartbreaking.”

I agree, Lia.

Matt: It was heartbreaking. It was only two seconds long so…

Andrew: TomWilshaw says:

“Harry says, ‘I have to go back, don’t I?’ then someone else says, ‘It’s a suicide mission.’ That kind of reveals what happens.”

[Matt laughs]

Eric: Does Harry say that?

Andrew: I do hear somebody…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …say it’s a suicide mission.

Matt: Yeah, it’s Aberforth saying it to Harry.

Andrew: Oh.

Matt: When he’s saying he has to go back to Hogwarts.

Andrew: AlexD336 writes:

“The new trailer showed way too many new scenes. Wished I didn’t see it.”

[laughs] And finally, KyleJames182 says:

“The trailer was not what I was expecting. When they show Lily, I cried. The part I don’t get is the big blue dome blast. Thoughts?”

Eric: The big blue dome blast.

Matt: The protective charm around Hogwarts? Is that what she’s talking about?

Eric: Hmm. You’re talking about the Patronus.

Micah: I think she…

Andrew: He…

Micah: Yeah, Aberforth. I think that’s what…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …we were talking about.

Matt: Okay, the big Patronus. I’m actually really happy about that though, because it really connects all the films together strictly because…

Micah: You know what that means?

Andrew: What?

Matt: What does it mean?

Micah: It means that there’s a goat in the movie.

[Matt gasps]

Andrew: Woo-hoo!

Matt: No, no, no, no, no, there might not be.

Andrew: Everybody say baa!

Eric: Baa!

[Micah laughs]

Matt: Oh no, there is a goat in the movie, that’s right, at Hogsmeade.

Micah: No, I’m saying his Patronus is a goat.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: His Patronus is a goat, but he does produce a Patronus goat in Hogsmeade to get the trio into the Hog’s Head.

Micah: That’s true.

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011, Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Tickets

Andrew: Cool. Okay, to wrap up the show today we have a couple of reminders. We have some updates about LeakyCon 2011. It’s the conference being held in Orlando, Florida over the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. The Leaky Mug is going to be taking place the Thursday of the conference at 3:00 PM. The MuggleCast will be on Friday at 4:00 PM. That MuggleCast will of course be our big movie review show. We will have it online after we record it. We know people are going to be itching to hear our thoughts! And we’re of course going to be including the thoughts of everybody who was there at the MuggleCast, because we’re going to have a microphone. People can come up and rebut different things, cry along with everybody else, all that good stuff. You can also buy your tickets now for Deathly Hallows – Part 2. This is kind of a news item, but if you would like to buy your tickets we couldn’t make it easier on There’s a banner literally right at the top of the website [laughs], and you just click it and you can purchase your tickets through Fandango for midnight showings as well as screenings taking place July 15th onward.

Eric: Cool.

Announcement: Dear Mr. Potter

Andrew: And finally, a Dear Mr. Potter update. Micah, could you give us that one, please?

Micah: Yeah, sure. Dear Mr. Potter has opened their pre-orders. They’ve been open for a while now but for people who don’t know what the book is – Andrew and Eric, you guys both contributed letters to this.

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: As has Melissa over at Leaky. And it’s really stories about how the Potter series has impacted your life, right? And what it’s meant to you over the course of the last several years. And…

Andrew: Yeah, it’s…

Micah: Go ahead.

Andrew: Well, I got a PDF version of it to review. It’s really well done. I mean, just visually they did a great job with designing it. Also, Evanna Lynch wrote a letter too, and she actually doesn’t address Mr. Potter, she addresses Luna. So she writes to Luna which is actually really funny because of course, she’s the actress who plays Luna in the films. So it’s really well written. Definitely check it out. What’s the website?

Micah: That’s a good question. I will look that up.

Andrew: I think it’s…

[Micah laughs]

Eric: It’s, isn’t it?

Andrew: Yes. And what’s good about the website, actually, is that anyone can write in. It runs on Tumblr, so anybody can submit their own letter and then it’ll be posted there on the website. So it’s fun to just visit to see letters from everyone, even ones that haven’t been published in the book.

Micah: Yeah, and all the proceeds are benefiting the Harry Potter Alliance. And the book officially goes on sale on July 1st, but of course you can pre-order at the website.

Andrew: It will be on sale at LeakyCon too, and it’s like a – the best way I can describe it, it’s like a Chicken Soup kind of book. You know the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, all that stuff? This is like a Harry Potter one. Definitely check it out.

Eric: It’s a testament to the fact that we all know to be true, which is that Harry Potter changes lives.

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: And the other cool little piece of information is that fifty randomly selected pre-ordered books have a chance to win an autographed copy from Rupert Grint. So…

Andrew: Oh neat.

Micah: Yeah. A lot of cool stuff that’s – like you said – it’s also an inspiring book, I think, when you read all the stories kind of together…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …as kind of how Harry Potter has changed their lives.

Show Close

Andrew: And finally,, the website you need for everything concerning this podcast that we put out every other week. You can click on “Contact” at the top to write in about anything that we’ve discussed on today’s show. I know we didn’t get to any e-mails this week, but we’ll include them of course next week like we always do.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: Also, on the right side of you’ll find links to our iTunes, our Twitter which is, our Facebook which is, and our fan Tumblr which is Thanks to everyone for listening. It’s been another great show. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

Andrew: And we’ll see you next time for Episode [in a funny accent] 232! Goodbye! Goodbye!

Eric: [laughs] Au revoir!

[Show music continues]

Transcript #232

MuggleCast 232 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Andrew: Because JK Rowling has announced Pottermore, this is MuggleCast Episode 232 for June 23rd, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

And by, a MuggleNet for the rest of the fandoms in the world and created by MuggleNet staff. Visit for thorough and up-to-the-minute coverage around The Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and many more. That’s, H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are here live. It’s very early.

Ben: Very.

Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims. This is MuggleCast Live coming at you at 3:56 AM, West Coast time.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Ben is just barely awake, sitting right in front of me. Good morning, Ben.

Ben: Good morning, Andrew. I feel rather zombie like here.

Andrew: I’m feeling quite fresh. I just ate some cantaloupe and egg white.

Ben: I know.

Andrew: I’m about to start some coffee.

Ben: I smelled the egg white when I walked in.

Andrew: Just wait until I start that coffee, baby. Also, on Skype, Micah and Eric. Hello gentlemen.

Micah: Hello.

Eric: Hey.

Andrew: And we all…

[Ben laughs]

What Is Pottermore?: More Theories

Andrew: We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Pottermore. This is something we found out about, about a week ago, I think. Ben, what are your guesses? We have yet to hear your guesses. What is Pottermore?

Ben: What is Pottermore? I mean, I think the timing of this is pretty obvious.

Andrew: Really? What’s so obvious?

Ben: Well, I mean, the last movie is about to come out so people are going to be looking for something to cope with, all the movies being over, because the vibe I’ve been getting is a lot of people are pretty sad about the movies coming to an end.

Andrew: Yeah. So do you think this is going to be a supplement to the films or the books, or what?

Ben: I think it’s going to be a supplement to the books.

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: Because I think after – you know with the Lexicon trials, Steve Vander Ark?

Andrew: Oh, yes.

Ben: JK Rowling was like, “I’m emotionally exhausted, I can’t do an encyclopedia, I don’t have the energy to do that anymore because he’s already done something so close to that.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: And maybe this is something that’s more creative and along…

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: …those same lines.

Andrew: All right, fair enough. There have been a lot of rumors going around. People have been breaking down – people are thinking the word “more” is an anagram for something. They think it stands for something.

Ben: Really?

Eric: Well, funny enough, Andrew, I looked up “more” in the dictionary and tried to come up with – I looked up ten definitions of “more” trying to discern if any of them had anything to do with something that could be related to Potter. So yeah, I’m on that bandwagon too. I’m looking it up. I smell conspiracy.

Andrew: So here’s what’s going to be happening: at 7:00 AM on the dot, East Coast time, we will be playing the audio. I have the YouTube channel up. We are ready to go. It’s just a matter of – we’re about ninety seconds away if we believe this owl countdown to be accurate. And from what I understand the video will be embed-able, so we will be able to post it on MuggleNet and [clears throat] Hypable as well. And… [laughs]

Ben: It’s a video.

Andrew: It’s a video.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Okay.

Andrew: Yeah. And we’re going to be able to watch.

Eric: Can I just say, I hope these owls stay after the video. I hope they come back. I hope they don’t disappear for good. I am quite fond of these owls.

Micah: Are you going to clean up after them?

Eric: Well – okay, if I could take one of them home, though, I would take the one on the lower right, like almost the lower, lower right one but the one just above him, and he just bobs his head like a bobble head when you – the other owls shuffle and clean themselves off but this guy, the one I’m looking at, just bobs his head. It’s quite like A Night at the Roxbury to Haddaway’s “What Is Love?” He just – [singing] “Do do do do do do do.”

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: 3,200 people right now, joining us this morning. We thank everybody for getting up this early. I did not think that many people would be up, but hey, it’s a JK Rowling announcement, so…

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s party time, baby.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: My video says what, twenty-five seconds? That’s crazy.

Andrew: We’re about twenty seconds away now. We will be bringing you the video the moment it’s available.

Eric: What’s going to happen? Is this page going to just dissolve into a video?

[Ben laughs]

JK Rowling’s Pottermore Announcement Video

Andrew: Okay! The countdown says zero seconds, so here we go.

Ben: Uh-oh.

Eric: Fade to white.

Andrew: This is it. And here is the announcement.

[Audio clip plays]

JK Rowling: Thirteen years after the first Harry Potter book was published, I’m still astonished and delighted by the response the stories met. Even though the seventh book and the eighth film have now been completed, I’m still receiving hundreds of letters every week, and Harry‘s fans remain as enthusiastic and inventive as ever. So I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you, because no author could have asked for a more wonderful, diverse, and loyal readership. I’m thrilled to say that I am now in a position to give you something unique: an online reading experience unlike any other. It’s called Pottermore. It’s the same story, with a few crucial additions, the most important one is you. Just as the experience of reading requires that the imaginations of the author and reader work together to create the story, so Pottermore will be built in part by you, the reader. The digital generation will be able to enjoy a safe, unique online reading experience built around the Harry Potter books. Pottermore will be the place where fans of any age can share, participate in, and rediscover the stories. It will also be the exclusive place to purchase digital audiobooks, and for the first time, e-books of the Harry Potter series. I’ll be joining in too, because I will be sharing additional information I’ve been hoarding for years about the world of Harry Potter. Pottermore is open to everyone from October, but a lucky few can enter early and help shape the experience. Simply, follow the owl. Good luck.

[Audio clip ends]

Andrew: So there you go. The announcement was just made, right on the dot. That was actually pretty well done. Beautiful video. Jo looked great, by the way.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Mhm.

Eric: She looked great. The CGI looked great. Or magic. Should I just say “magic”? The magic looked great.

Andrew: Micah, what do you think?

Micah: So in part, it is an encyclopedia.

Andrew: Yes. I think basically that’s what she just announced. She said there’s going to be a variety of new material available.

Eric: And material which she has been hoarding. [laughs]

Andrew: She has been hoarding over the years, yes. It’ll be available, she said, in the fall. It opens up in October.

Micah: Well, this is good.

Eric: And she said a lucky few…

Micah: We know hoarding is a problem, so…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …it’s good that she’s getting rid of all this.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: She’s going to attack it.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: So, a lucky few will be able to enter early? Follow the owl? It’s a shadow.

Andrew: Where does it say that?

Eric: That’s what she said.

Andrew: Oh, a few people will…

Eric: Yes, that’s what she said.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Okay, so there will also be what appears to be a Beta period.

Ben: Yeah, but she said to follow the owl. I was just like…

Andrew: Well go, Ben! Go!

Ben: I know!

Andrew: Go follow the owl!

Ben: That’s exactly what I was thinking…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: …as I was watching that. I was like, “Well, where is the owl going?”

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I don’t have a computer this morning because if I trip over the firewire cable we’re going to lose the video. But I just want to say that this is absolutely incredible. That was a very awesome announcement and I feel like this shifts the online Harry Potter landscape to a certain degree.

Andrew: How so? How so?

Ben: Because she’s coming in and saying this is going to be the destination for all future generations to learn about Harry Potter. Online, anyways.

Andrew: The video was very well done. We saw a variety – the paper from the books kind of came to life and made shapes. Did anybody else notice that? That was really cool.

Eric: That was what I was referring to as the CGI or the magic.

Andrew: Oh. And Jo looked beautiful, by the way.

Eric: She did, she did.

Ben: What about the other announcements, the e-books? I think that’s pretty cool.

Andrew: Absolutely.

Eric: Audiobooks.

Andrew: Those are going to be available in the fall as well.

Eric: Now, what did she mean that we’re going to be able to add to the books? What did she mean by that?

Andrew: I guess by the new material.

Eric: But she’s – well, she said it was more of an interactive – much like something I’ve studied before in class was the relationship between the author and the readers both together, working together, forming meaning. And she said something about that early on, where we’re like, it’s going to be a new experience where we almost participate in writing the – rewriting the Harry Potter books. That’s what it sounded like at first. Can we replay the video?

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely. Let’s listen again. There was obviously a lot to say and, quite frankly, I was just staring at Jo.

Eric: Yeah, me too.

Andrew: I didn’t know what – what did she say? Somebody tell me.

[Andrew cues the audio clip]

Andrew: Here we go.

Ben: Fullscreen.

Andrew: Fullscreen, Ben?

[Ben laughs]

[Audio clip plays again]

Andrew: So from what I understand – people in the chat are saying you have to click the owl to sort of head into this thing where you can then sign up for registration, I believe. Is that right?

Eric: Let’s see if it’s…

Andrew: Oh, here we go. Okay, so on you can watch the video and you can also submit your e-mail. “Leave us your e-mail address now and we’ll notify you when registration has opened.”

Ben: I don’t think that’s “following the owl.”

Andrew: Well, I think on it kind of…

Ben: That’s “following the owl”?

Eric: Well, you know how on YouTube…

Andrew: Ben, how could you possibly follow a virtual owl?

Eric: Hang on.

Ben: Huh?

Eric: Do you know how on YouTube, you can click certain – there’s like embedded in the video – like I clicked the owl, but it just paused the video. I must be a Muggle. It’s not letting me in.

Andrew: Something – well, just go to and it has all the answers.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: The e-mail submission does seem to be down. That’s probably just because it is so busy right now with people trying to sign up. That is honestly not too big of a surprise.

Ben: Andrew, did you get submitted?

Andrew: No, I can’t submit my e-mail.

Before we continue with today’s episode of MuggleCast, we’d like to remind you that this episode is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times Bestsellers. For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook to give you a chance to try out their great service. One audiobook to consider is The Hunger Games, the first in a trilogy of the same name. The series is hotter than ever right now because filming for the movie adaptation recently got underway. It’s one book and film series you are not going to want to miss. So, for a free audiobook of your choice, such as The Hunger Games, go to Again, that’s

News: Scholastic Issues Press Release on Pottermore

Andrew: Oh wait, breaking news. Breaking news just coming into the MuggleCast studio. We have a statement on JK Rowing’s Pottermore announcement from Scholastic. Scholastic says:

“Scholastic is proud to be a key partner in the Pottermore project, including connecting teachers and parents from our school and online channels directly to e-book sales via Pottermore, and providing marketing and promotion support. We’re excited about the new content from JK Rowling to go along with the books. This will surely inspire more interest in the series and bring a whole new generation of readers to ‘Harry Potter’. We’re pleased to support Pottermore because we know the power of the ‘Harry Potter’ books to turn kids into lifelong readers, and we believe every child should experience ‘Harry Potter’ – whether in e-books or in print. In addition, Scholastic will receive a royalty on sales of the US editions of the e-books.”


[Micah laughs]

Sony’s Logo on

Andrew: So if you’ll notice on Pottermore’s website there is something interesting there. It says in the top right – and very honestly, this is very un-JK Rowling to me. It says “Sony” in the top right of

Eric: [laughs] Okay.

Ben: Really?

Andrew: So – yeah, that’s very – you know how in the Wizarding World theme park they’re like, “No Pepsi because this is a complete experience. We don’t want anything from the Muggle world”? This is kind of like not following that rule.

Eric: I think they probably had something to do with the technology that’s going to be released or utilized here.

Andrew: People are telling me to click the “Sony” and I’m trying to click it but again, the website is loading very slow right now.

Eric: I can click it. It goes back to…

Micah: Do you want me to read it?

Andrew: Okay, here – I got it. I got it, yeah. “Pottermore is an online reading experience. It will also be the exclusive place to purchase e-books.” Oh okay, note from Jo:

“I am delighted that Sony have chosen to support Pottermore and look forward to continuing to develop the experience in collaboration with them.”

Eric: That’s what I’m saying.

Ben: Interesting.

News: JK Rowling Issues Her Seventh Tweet

Andrew: We have a breaking news update as well: JK Rowling has issued her seventh tweet…

[Eric gasps]

Andrew: …in the two years that she has had Twitter.

Eric: NFW!

Andrew: It says – and it’s kind of a play on her previous tweets. It says:

“I can confirm this is also the real me…”

And she links to her YouTube channel.

“You can follow @pottermore for all the details.”

Eric: But she didn’t say what the pen and paper were.

Andrew: Well, I think this is absolutely pen and paper. She said, “New material.”

Ben: Yeah, there is a lot of paperwork.

Andrew: Yeah, there is a lot of paperwork here. And she’s got to make those deals with Sony. [laughs] No, but a lot of new material. Does anyone want to guess what kind of new material – the level of new material we may possibly see?

[Prolonged silence]

Eric: No. I don’t…

Ben: I mean, maybe some background – [laughs] you could hear a pin drop in here for a second!

Andrew: [laughs] I know!

Ben: It is early!

Andrew: What is it, 4:00 AM?

Ben: [laughs] Yeah.

[Micah laughs]

Ben: I think some more of the backstory, obviously. Some more details about the characters. There are probably some questions that she’s been asked a lot that she hasn’t answered that people want to know. In the video, she said it’s built in part by you, so I’m not sure what that means. I think that means there’s this whole community aspect to it, so you interact with each other, because she said it would be a good place for people who like Harry Potter to share, participate, and rediscover the series.

Andrew: Micah, what ideas do you have about this?

Micah: No, I agree with what Ben said. I mean, there are so many different elements to this. And I’m kind of surprised. I mean, she seemed so hesitant with e-books prior to this point and now all of a sudden she’s embracing them. What do you think about that?

Andrew: Well, e-books are moving – e-books are the future. That’s – I’m not saying they’re going to replace books but that’s an important aspect, and if she wants to reach out to people who own Kindles and are only using Kindles, that’s the way to do it. And she can sell them for cheap.

Eric: Well…

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. I’m not going to be critical, I’m going to say the Internet is probably the fastest way to reach everybody. So, there’s no better way to do it, especially something like this.

Andrew: So is everybody excited? I’m looking at the chat right now. There’s a lot of reactions. I noticed somebody earlier did say this is not as exciting as a book announcement.

Eric: [laughs] Because that’s what specifically they said, right? That it’s not a Harry Potter book but it’s just as exciting as a Harry Potter?

MuggleCast 232 Transcript (continued)

News: Fan Site Press Release

Andrew: Right, right. Okay, more breaking news here. MuggleCast Live, it’s 4:12 AM on the West Coast, and I am downloading the fan site press release. I expect this to have images of Pottermore. People in the chat say that – oh, isn’t this sweet? It’s a picture of Jo shooting the announcement. That’s really nice. We’ll have that up on MuggleNet soon. So I got a preview of Pottermore a couple of weeks ago and last night I said, “Can we talk about what we saw?” And they said, “No.” [laughs] So…

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: …that’s going to have to wait a little while longer. But I genuinely hope that Pottermore does continue the Harry Potter fandom in some aspect. Now, right now we just have to look forward to the opening of it which is not until the fall, so we do have quite a bit of time. And apparently in the meantime there’s going to be early access for people if we’re to believe what Jo said on the website. Of course, the only issue is now people can’t submit their e-mail address, so hopefully that’s going to start working once traffic dies down a little bit.

Ben: So Andrew, over or under – first day Pottermore comes out in October – or actually even before that. The people who are signing up right now, okay?

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: More or less than five million?

Andrew: I would say under five million people. There’s a press release available now which kind of reveals a few more details, and I’ll read it to you. Quote:

“In the new website, the storyline will be brought to life with sumptuous newly-commissioned illustrations and interactive ‘Moments’ through which you can navigate, starting with the first book, ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s (Sorcerer’s) Stone’.”

Eric: Woah, woah, where is this coming from?

Micah: Andrew is just making it up.

Andrew: This is a press release.

“On entering, you choose a magic username and begin your experience. As you move through the chapters, you can read and share exclusive writing from JK Rowling, and, just as Harry joins Hogwarts, so can you. You visit Diagon Alley, get sorted into a house, cast spells, and mix potions to help your house compete for the House Cup.”

Okay, so this is kind of sounding like almost a game experience which there were rumors about.

Eric: And it sounds like a lot of these scenes in the books – because she described going through in order by chapter and stopping for exclusive content. It sounds like there will be like extended scenes, perhaps, in the books, or this is where she’ll stop us and reveal more backstory as we somehow go along.

Andrew: Well, in this press release, it says you move through the book by chapter.

Micah: So you’re living the book. Or books.

Andrew: Yeah, and I think it sounds like it almost will serve as a sort of companion where you have the book open right in front of you or your e-book, and you’re in Chapter 1 on Pottermore and Chapter 1 in the actual book. You read Chapter 1 and then maybe bounce over to Pottermore, and then you see exclusive content, “Moments.”

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: So it’s like one huge video game where each chapter of the Harry Potter books are like levels.

Ben: Imagine it’s like…

[Andrew hums Super Mario Bros. level music, Eric laughs]

Ben: …the digital footnotes. If JK Rowling was to go back and do footnotes for the Harry Potter books…

Andrew: Right.

Ben: …that’s what this would be except online and look awesome-er.

Andrew: AccioSarah in the chat says:

“My little siblings are going to love this!”

Now, here’s something interesting:

“…starting with the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s (Sorcerer’s) Stone.”

I don’t know – well, never mind. JK Rowling commented in the press release:

“I wanted to give something back to the fans that have followed Harry so devotedly over the years, and to bring the stories to a new digital generation. I hope fans and those new to Harry will have as much fun helping to shape Pottermore as I have. Just as I have contributed to the website, everyone else will be able to join in by submitting their own comments, drawings, and other content in a safe and friendly environment. Pottermore has been designed as a place to share the stories with your friends as you journey through the site.”

So there is kind of a social media aspect to it.

Eric: Wow, how are they going to moderate five hundred million comments? I do not want that job.

Ben: Five hundred million?

Eric: Yeah, just a number.

Andrew: Well, I don’t – I wonder what she means…

Eric: I mean, if everybody who visits is going to be able to comment, you can just imagine. That’s – I mean, we have trouble editing MuggleNet comments. And this is JK Rowling. I mean, she can’t do all that work herself, obviously, but – I’m saying, “Who would want to?” but also that’s quite a lot of people who are able to comment and collaborate.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: It’s like a traffic jam. They need lights.

Andrew: Well, let’s see how they handle it, though. I imagine they know there’s going to be a lot of people using this.

Eric: That’s what I’m saying.

Andrew: I don’t think it’s going to be something like the MuggleNet comments board.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Eric: No, no, no. But there has to be a whole team of people, I’m saying. Like, that’s so fascinating.

Micah: Are you saying you want to go and sign up and…

Andrew: Do you want to work for Pottermore?

Eric: Yeah. I want to be a Pottermore moderator, yeah.

Andrew: Well, if anybody is just joining us, it’s now close to 4:20 AM in the morning, West Coast time, and we’re just learning about this new announcement that JK Rowling has made concerning Pottermore. JK Rowling was looking – I’m sorry, I’m just going to be frank – as beautiful and sexy as ever on the YouTube video. And I’m going to make a poll right now on the live-stream asking people, “What do you think of Pottermore? Does it excite you?” And I’m going to type up this poll right now. Eric, tell me a reaction you had while watching that video of JK Rowling.

Eric: I love that this is content coming straight from Jo. And the way the video opens up, with her talking about how devoted the fans have been and how she wanted to give something back. Like, she doesn’t owe us anything. She gave us the Harry Potter books. But this notion that she is giving us this new thing is just so gracious, and she is awesome and this video is great. This announcement really excites me.

Andrew: We now have a poll on the Ustream: “Is the Pottermore announcement exciting?” And you can access it…

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Andrew: Simple enough for you?

Ben: [laughs] Yes.

Andrew: You can access it. I don’t see results coming in yet, but…

Ben: I think it’s pretty exciting. If anybody is up at this hour for this, particularly if you’re on the West Coast, you know.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah?

Ben: What does this mean for MuggleCast?

Andrew: [laughs] I don’t know what it means for MuggleCast. I mean, we’re at least going through the fall.

Ben: Now, what about MuggleNet and the fan sites?

Eric: Yeah, we just send all our viewers to Pottermore. Is that what you’re saying, Ben?

Andrew: Well, I think it’s very exciting because this new information means new stuff to discuss on podcasts like MuggleCast. We’re going to be posting all the new information on MuggleNet. It’s definitely a very exciting time, I think. Again, I genuinely hope this is going to re-ignite the fandom.

Ben: Andrew, so if we’re doing this at 4:00 AM, can we pretty much guarantee that in October we’ll go into it together on Skype on MuggleCast…

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: …when it happens?

Andrew: [hums “Chariots of Fire”] It’s going to be like a grand entrance into the mysterious world that is still Pottermore.

Eric: If the content on Pottermore is divided by chapter, on MuggleCast will we be doing Chapter-by-Chapter-by-Chapter focusing on Pottermore?

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Andrew: Yes. Yeah, we’re going to be going moment by moment.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. I’m trying to create a poll, but it doesn’t seem to be working on the Ustream right now, and I will blame that on Ustream because I am doing everything right.

News: Updated with Pottermore News

Micah: Oh, Andrew, another news update here. has actually been updated [laughs] to…

Andrew: No way.

Micah: The Daily News section now has a piece on Pottermore.

Andrew: Oh my goodness, you know this is big news when that happens.

Eric: Does it say – is it different, is it different?

Andrew: People keep telling me there are pictures. If somebody could link me to them somewhere else other than Pottermore, I’d appreciate that, because I keep trying to go on Pottermore and so far, I’ve seen nothing.

Ben: This is a very active day for JK Rowling.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: She has a tweet, a website update, and this giant online interactive community that changes the way people are going to be able to experience Harry Potter.

Eric: Yeah, which one of those do you think is the most…

Ben: I think that is why it’s such a huge announcement, though.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It is.

Eric: Because she tweeted.

Ben: Because… [laughs]

Andrew: Well, we haven’t gotten a new announcement from JK Rowling in about four years. So that’s part of the reason why everybody…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …is so excited. Eric?

Eric: Dumbledore being gay was the last one, right?

Andrew: [laughs] Yes!

Eric: “You may have recently -” okay, here is what it says on the JK Rowling site:

“Pottermore. You may have recently noticed a number of owls on various websites leading you to a YouTube film, where I have announced my latest, exciting piece of news. Pottermore is a new web site, where you can enjoy an online experience based around the ‘Harry Potter’ books, which includes exclusive new information from me. If you would like to see the announcement film please click here. Whilst you’ll hear more from me on at the moment, remains my own personal website for various content such as updated biography and bibliography, and links to relevant organisations, including the charities I support.”

Andrew: And new book announcements. I mean, eventually she’s going to use that to announce future books, right?

Eric: I guess.

Andrew: How could she not?

Eric: Or she’ll start another Splash page somewhere owls will gather and people will wonder how to clean up with them. Did she say she updated the biography?

Andrew: I don’t know, who cares. On, it says: “Come back on July 31st to find out how you can get the chance to enter Pottermore early.” So by submitting your e-mail today, you’re not actually getting on the guest list. July 31st seems to be the date where Pottermore will actually be – you’ll be able to get in.

Eric: Maybe it broke already. We broke it already.

Andrew: I asked people on the chat to send me a link and – oh, here we go, okay. People are Tumbling pictures of it already. Pottermore – here, I’m going to try to show this to you, at least, Ben. Unfortunately, this is not going to show up for other people, but there is a look at some of the pictures from Pottermore and it looks very detailed. The art looks very fine.

Ben: Wow.

Andrew: Guys, if you want to look in the chat, people do have links there in the chat. If you’ll notice the picture of the Hogwarts Express, it doesn’t look all cartoony, sort of like the material on JK Rowling’s website does. So this lends a lot of authenticity to it, if you ask me. And then at the top of, you can see a sort of navigation bar with a variety of links up top. But the images are so small you really can’t get a look at the detail, at least not right now.

Micah: You can’t make out what they say?

Andrew: No. Can you?

Micah: Yeah. The one that I’m on, I see “Diagon Alley,” “Gringotts,” “Great Hall,” “Common Room” on the left-hand side, and then on the right, “Spells,” “Potions,” “Trunk,” “Friends,” and “Favorites.”

Andrew: So, those are all pages you’re going to be able to access.

Micah: It looks like it, yeah. It’s probably your home base, I guess, in case you need to go really quickly to one spot or another.

Andrew: Yeah. Okay, I’m looking at the big links now. And you can also – this is a – we’re looking at a user profile, and the specific user can get house points as well as – you can see total house points as well as what house you’re in. And then there’s an owl that has a little “40” next to it, which seems to indicate new messages or something. So this is a bit of a social network which is interesting, but there’s also going to be this original content spin to it as well, with all the exclusive material.

Eric: Wow. Yeah, the Facebook page has this chess scene and that’s where you’re on, the chessboard chamber, when you first enter the site.

Andrew: Okay. So we should probably start to wrap this up. Again, JK Rowling…

Ben: How many people are in the chat right now?

Micah: 4,400.

Andrew: 4,400 people tuning in today for – tuning in this morning for MuggleCast Live.

Eric: Just like old times.

Ben: That is a good number of people.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: It was over 5,000 at one point.

Andrew: Uh oh. Okay, and – so these – the images – you can take a look at the images. They’re going to be on MuggleNet soon once the podcast is over. And we’ll soon – we’re going to have more information. [laughs] There’s still a lot to digest here. Some people are kind of unsure of things because we haven’t really gotten a look that probably everybody was expecting. Micah and Eric, was this something that you guys expected?

Eric: No.

Micah: You mean…

Andrew: I mean, were you expecting more, or were you disappointed?

Micah: Not necessarily. I think it was clear that it was going to be an announcement, and I think [laughs] that’s exactly what it was. I wasn’t looking forward to anything in particular. It looks like we’re going to get a pretty good sneak peek from these photos, and who knows? I mean, in the next several weeks leading up to July 31st we may get more of a look at it.

Ben: Hey, is there a press conference going on right now?

Andrew: I believe so, but it’s not being broadcast or anything.

Ben: Oh. Because I saw a tweet.

Andrew: Yeah. JK Rowling – and we did post this yesterday. JK Rowling was expected to do a press conference. I understand there’s not supposed to be any video or pictures, but I imagine there’ll be reports from the press who actually were invited. So we’ll have that information once the reporters get their stuff up.

Ben: Somebody from the Twitterverse here:

“I love how JKR still has so much power over this. I woke up voluntarily at 4 AM for a one-and-a-half-minute video, and so did everyone else.”

[Eric laughs]

Ben: [continues]


Andrew: See, that’s why I think some people are a bit disappointed right now.

Eric: No…

Andrew: Because there was this buildup to an announcement for a ninety-second thing.

Eric: Well, the announcement did what it had to do, and it was actually beautiful, too, the video. And Jo was beautiful, as you said. I think what I’m surprised about is that she’s using – she’s going to be using the books to expand them, and you can focus more on them. And that’s just awesome. That’s just absolutely awesome. I’m really excited.

Ben: JK Rowling just does a great job of just giving a little taste just to wet our appetites, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: So there’s going to be even more people and then even more hype surrounding it, come October.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: They’re good at building it up.

News: One Million Pottermore Beta Invites To Go Out

Andrew: Okay, so here we go: “On July 31st, an online challenge will be launched on One million of those successfully completing it will be granted early access to the Beta version of the website…”

Eric: I hope it’s easier then the WOMBATs. Those were intense.

Andrew: [laughs] “…enabling them to help put finishing touches before it opens to all in October.” Okay, so one million Beta invites going out.

Ben: One million.

Andrew: One million! I…

Ben: So was my five million estimate…

Andrew: Way under.

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Well, what about my 500 million?

Andrew: But still, one million.

Eric: I mean, you think they are going to have to moderate that many comments?

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Ben: Yes. I mean, 500 million comments? I mean, you could probably do 500 million comments in a year.

Andrew: Hold on, am I crazy? One million. Do one million people use the – okay, one million people obviously…

Eric: [imitating Dr. Evil from Austin Powers] One million.

Andrew: …use the Internet.

Ben: Wow.

Andrew: But I’m thinking, are one million people actually going to even be interested in Pottermore before July? Or before October? Does that seem really big to anyone? What I think this means is anybody who is listening to this chat right now will have no problem getting a Beta invite. [laughs]

Micah: Well no, Kevin Steck, we’re going to have him build a bot so we can take up all the usernames.

Andrew: [mocking Kevin Steck] He can secure some invite codes.

Ben: [laughs] We’re going to start selling Beta invites.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: It’s actually – I mean, I don’t think it’s a lot. Seven million people, eight million people live in New York City alone. I’m not saying they’re all Harry Potter fans and going to jump on Pottermore, but think about throughout the world. One million is not a lot.

Eric: No.

Ben: Yeah, I mean, the books have sold – in the United States alone – how many copies did Deathly Hallows sell that first night? Like, ten million or something?

Andrew: Something like that. But does this being an online experience somewhat affect the total number of people who are actually going to experience it?

Ben: What do you mean?

Eric: To some extent, but you’ve got to draw the line somewhere, and 500, 600 million is a safe line.

Andrew: My personal opinion is that not as many people have access to the Internet as they do to books, or – right. Yeah, not as many people have access to the Internet as they do to books, so will that kind of hurt Pottermore?

Ben: No, because global Internet usage has continued to rise and is only going to continue to increase. So in terms of preserving the Harry Potter brand, this is the best move for JK Rowling because now she’s going to have all of these Harry Potter fans in one place experiencing her stuff, and whatever she wants to – if she wants to do another Harry Potter related book, or any other product related to Harry Potter in the future, she’ll have the perfect place to reach everybody. And whatever she wants to send everyone to next, whatever her next work is, then this is a great platform to launch that.

Andrew: I’m looking at one of the stills from Pottermore and how it looks – like the press release said, you kind of go by chapter. And if you look at the red still – I’m sorry I can’t put it up on Ustream, but if you look at the red image – this person is in Gryffindor – there’s dots. And it looks like you’re slowly moving through a sort of timeline on the dots using this, through the Sorcerer’s Stone book. So there’s still a lot of questions to be answered here. I genuinely hope everybody is excited. Can I just get some reaction in the chat? That would be good.

Micah: I’m just interested to see how she’s going to release all this content. She obviously has an endless supply of it. And just to see – is it stuff you’re going to be able to unlock over the course of the time that you use Pottermore? It kind of makes it, in a way, never-ending if she just has countless things that she can share with us.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Oh, I hope we don’t have to unlock it. I hope we don’t have to work hard for this stuff.

Ben: Oh, you know we will.

Eric: No, I really hope we don’t.

Andrew: This is definitely a real opportunity for JK Rowling…

Micah: But isn’t that the fun of it, though?

Andrew: Unlocking stuff? Oh, absolutely.

Eric: No, no, no.

Andrew: That’s what made JK Rowling’s website so great back in the day. You had to tap the bricks to get the clue…

Eric: Okay, tapping the bricks was fun. You’re right, you’re right.

Andrew: …about the Half-Blood Prince and whatnot.

Ben: The only time they ever messed up was the Sorcerer’s Stone DVD. Remember the games on there?

Andrew: Yes.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: How impossible those were?

Andrew: That was very annoying.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: You had to hit the bricks in a certain order to see the deleted scenes.

Eric: Those were not JK Rowling’s fault. A lot of the comments that I’ve been reading, “Excited,” “Excited,” “Really, really, really excited,” “Excited, but cautious.” “Kind of want to know how it’s going to come out.” This is stuff – I agree, I wonder how – but I’m just totally excited to have new content.

Ben: Is this just laying – sorry, go ahead.

Eric: And the idea that it’s these same old books but with a new interactive way to view them and stopping points and home pages that reflect what chapter you’re on. This is all good stuff.

Andrew: I’m sorry – somebody in the chat pointed this out to me. I missed her name. But the red screen that I just mentioned before, that’s actually all seven books and it shows you kind of an overview of your progress through the series. So that’s something to keep in mind. That’s not all the chapters. But like the press release said, it does appear to be somewhat of a [laughs] Chapter-by-Chapter – quoting the MuggleCast segment – move. But we’ll find out more in due time.

Listener Feedback: Pottermore App?

Micah: Hey Andrew, some people…

Andrew: Yes?

Micah: …are asking about, “Will there be an app for Pottermore?”

Andrew: Good question. I mean, it wasn’t announced, so – but I could see this being very cool on an iPad.

Ben: Yeah, I think there definitely – there has to be an app at some point.

Andrew: Yeah, if JK Rowling wants to move into the digital revolution right now with the iPad and stuff, just to do e-books would kind of be a couple of years behind.

Ben: It’ll be selling herself short.

Andrew: Well, here’s one problem: this site must be very Flash heavy, so you’re not going to be able to load this up on an iPad and just…

Ben: Oh, this is true.

Andrew: They will need a special app.

Ben: Do you think that this might be laying the foundation for a Harry Potter virtual reality?

Andrew: Hmm.

Ben: Like, one day we’re all going to get special goggles that like suck us into Hogwarts…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Ben: …and all that good stuff.

Andrew: So this is a step in that direction? I’m not sure.

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: It could not come a day too soon, I’ll tell you that.

Listener Feedback: Pottermore vs. A Physical Encyclopedia

Andrew: Somebody in the chat says, “Does this mean no encyclopedia?” Little Lady asked that. I guess so.

Eric: Yeah, I think that’s what that means.

Andrew: Yeah, which – I don’t know what to think of that. It would be nice to have a physical copy of an encyclopedia to page through and read. Does that disappoint you guys at all?

Eric: Not really.

Ben: I mean, paper is so…

Andrew: So ’90s.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: No, no, a physical encyclopedia would be very nice to have, I think.

Eric: Well, I think we’ll be compiling through our news postings some of the information that’s released, and it will definitely be very easily accessible. Even if it’s like one of those things where it’s like when you read through the books and you’re collecting these extra facts. If there’s then a little box on the right-hand side that says “Inventory,” and you just open up your bag and there’s all the stuff you’ve collected, and it’s like these extra tidbits, that begins to add up to where you can easily find all the extra bits. And then it’ll be like having the encyclopedia because it’ll be a quick reference, it’ll be everything you need that you’ve seen.

Andrew: All right…

Ben: JK Rowling has killed more trees than…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Her work has killed more trees than any book on the planet.

Andrew: So by doing Pottermore, is it kind of helpful?

Ben: Yeah, I would say it’s like balancing out.

Andrew: Yeah, it is.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: No, it’s cool. I’m glad – and we saw, with JK Rowling making her first official YouTube and Twitter account. She’s stepping towards the digital age, finally. So it’s good to see, and now with the Harry Potter books finally being converted into e-books, millions of people – I guarantee, millions have illegally downloaded digital copies of the Harry Potter books because they haven’t been available!

Ben: Definitely.

Andrew: Legally.

Eric: I wonder…

Ben: And what do you think…

Eric: Go ahead, Ben.

Ben: Oh, I was going to say if you think this means anything for a YouTube career for Jo. [laughs]

Eric: I was going to say.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Eric: What do you think it will take for her eighth tweet? [laughs] If it took Pottermore to make her tweet for the seventh time, when do you think she’ll next tweet?

Andrew: I don’t know.

Ben: Probably October when it comes out.

Andrew: Do you think by the whole YouTube video thing she’s going to start releasing new videos, and then at end she’s going to be like, “Hey guys, don’t forget to like and subscribe my videos!”

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Andrew: “Sub for sub!”

Ben: JoTube.

Eric: JoTube. [laughs]

Show Close

Andrew: Well, this has been a very eventful morning and the sun isn’t even up yet on the West Coast, so we thank everybody for tuning in.

Ben: Oh, show’s over?

Andrew: Well, Micah and Eric have got to go.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Oh, okay.

Andrew: Yeah, we’ve got to keep things moving. We’re going to be updating MuggleNet throughout the morning with the latest Pottermore developments as we dig into the press release and find little, little hints and details, as many as we can find.

Ben: Andrew is over here working his sources on his iPhone.

Andrew: Yes, I’m going to try to figure what’s going on with that iPad app for everybody. I’m also going to figure out if one million people are actually going to be joining the Beta of Pottermore. [laughs] I really don’t think they’re going to hit a million, but okay. So it’s been a fun show. Ben, thanks for being up. You didn’t sleep last night, so…

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: …I appreciate it and goodnight!

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: No man, I was working on other stuff.

Andrew: All right.

Ben: But I’m here.

Andrew: Micah and Eric, have a good day. This will be available – see, now I feel bad because there are 63 – oh, that may be total views. I can’t tell how many people are actually listening live right now.

Ben: What do you mean?

[Show music begins]

Andrew: Well, it says 6,300 people, but I don’t know if I believe that number. And now it says zero.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So, who knows what…

Ben: Oh my.

Micah: Everybody just left.

Eric: It’s time to stop.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, everybody left at the same time. So, thank you everybody for listening. It’s been a lot of fun. More coverage throughout the day on This podcast will be available for download very soon. Goodbye!

Micah: Bye.

Eric: You’re Andrew Sims, that guy’s Ben Schoen, I’m Eric Scull, and with me right here is Micah Tannenbaum.

[Show music continues]

Transcript #230

MuggleCast 230 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Micah: Because it’s getting more common to split movies into two, this is MuggleCast Episode 230 for June 4th, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

And by, a MuggleNet for the rest of the fandoms in the world and created by MuggleNet staff. Visit for thorough and up-to-the-minute coverage around The Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and many more. That’s – H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 230! It’s a two-person show today, it’s just Micah and I. Hello, Micah.

Micah: Hello, Andrew.

Andrew: Cross-country podcasting, you in New York and me in Los Angeles.

Micah: It could be the start of something. I mean, maybe we could go on and do another show.

Andrew: Focusing on two people on the opposite ends of the country?

Micah: Yeah!

Andrew: And yet with so many common interests.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Well, we have a great show despite it only being two people. Eric is – well, I don’t know what Eric is doing, but – we tried to get other people on as well, but just kind of a busy weekend with summertime going on. Everybody likes to pretend that MuggleCast doesn’t exist, but that’s fine. It can be just Micah and I. That’s fine. But we do have lots of news to talk to everybody about, plus we have some updates on LeakyCon, Chapter-by-Chapter, we’re going to go through the next two chapters, we’re going to play Favorites, we’re going to read e-mails, Micah is going to do a song and dance. It’s a wonderful show today by all accounts.

Micah: That’s what happens when you’re missing hosts. You have to do song and dance.

Andrew: [laughs] Right, you have to come up with cheap gimmicks to attract listeners.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: To fill the time.

Andrew: [laughs] Right. I’m Andrew Sims.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: So Micah, what’s in the news this June week?

News: More Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Character Posters

Micah: Well, we got more posters. I think the last time that we did the show, there were only three posters that had been released at the time that we recorded, and they were of the trio: Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Now we have a full set of posters, and I really thought what they did was they split it up where it was four of the good guys including Neville, and then really what they did was they created posters for four of what you would consider – at least coming into the film – to be four of the bad guys. Obviously that changes for two of them as the films progress, but you have Draco, Snape, Voldemort, and Bellatrix. All these posters were released. We talked about them on the last show in terms of how they looked. Nothing really changed in terms of how these looked. They were really just character shots.

Andrew: Yeah. And I liked how WB released these, doing one a day, because I thought that really added to the excitement of seeing the new posters. You guys may remember – at least with Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows – Part 1, they just released all the posters at once, and it was kind of like – it’s great to see them all but it’s one shot and you’re done, whereas with this it was over two weeks. [laughs] And they released one new poster at the same time every day, so it got to the point where everybody knew at what time to expect the poster. It was kind of just a – it was a fun thing to look forward to every day.

Micah: Right. Yeah, I think they did a good job of that. And it’s build-up. I mean, you get people interested and I think they maybe should have let the fans know that there were no more, [laughs] because they got people excited for sort of that eight-day period where it kept getting a poster day after day after day, and then all of a sudden it went quiet.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Right. They never said, “Okay, it’s over now.” [laughs] But it could have been expected because in the past we’ve gotten – like with Deathly Hallows – Part 1 we got eight. So…

Micah: Yeah, and I think they did a good job. I know we talked on the last episode about just some little things here and there, but I think what they really wanted to do here for the last film was showcase what they consider to be the most important characters.

Andrew: Absolutely. Later in the show, we’re going to get your Twitter responses about your favorite bad guy posters. I think there’s a clear favorite in the group but I will save my opinion for the end.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: What else is going on in the show – in the news?

Micah: In the show? Well…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Let’s recap the show again!

Micah: Yeah. Two people here podcasting on Episode 230.

[Andrew laughs]

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Clip to Air at MTV Movie Awards

Micah: But there’s a little bit of news for Deathly Hallows – Part 2 at the MTV Movie Awards. We know that Potter is nominated in six categories and the awards are going to take place on Sunday night, 9 o’clock on MTV, and it’ll be live. And the voting, I believe, ends today but the voting for Best Movie is going to continue all the way up through the actual show. So that should be kind of interesting to see how that plays out.

Andrew: Oh, that’s cool. Yeah.

Micah: Cool little technological feature that they got going on there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But the big news for Deathly Hallows – Part 2 is that Emma Watson is going to present an exclusive clip…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …from the film. It’ll be, really I think, our first clip. This is not a trailer or any sort of teaser or behind-the-scenes look, this is an actual clip from the film itself.

Andrew: Good, good. And I think – you may remember that at the last MTV Movie Awards, they debuted something. It may have been a trailer for Harry Potter.

Micah: I think it was a trailer.

Andrew: Okay. Yeah, because I remember MuggleNet crashed horrifically.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: Yeah…

Andrew: And probably will be.

Micah: …somehow I always work those nights where the trailers get released and I have…

Andrew: And I’m out drinking. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, you’re out drinking or just having a good time, and the site breaks. So it’s really great for me. I end up drinking after the fact…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: …because things happen. So – no, I’m anticipating, though, tomorrow night things running smoothly. Hopefully. I mean…

Andrew: Yeah right.

Micah: …the interesting thing is…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: And can I say, you’re going to be at the MTV Movie Awards.

Andrew: Yeah, I’m going to be at the awards, so Micah…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …you are completely on your own about posting the clip. I’m not bringing my laptop. [laughs]

Micah: See, here we go again. [laughs] It’s the same situation all over again.

Andrew: Right, I’m going to be drinking and you’re going to be drinking your sorrows away.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: So – interested though, what do you think the clip could be? I mean, I’m sure at this point, people don’t want to see too much more of the film.

Andrew: But we’re just getting started in terms of the clips and stuff that are going to be released. I mean, I think it’d be cool. Emma is going to be there so maybe she’ll debut a clip that has her in it. So maybe it could be – and it’s got to be action packed. They’ve got to get people excited. None of this slow stuff, even though Part 2 has a lot of action in it. I’m hoping for something from the battle. I think that would be a great thing to really get fans excited. We can see Emma in it as Hermione, we’ll get a lot of action, we can see the whole trio, we can probably see a couple of other characters too. So I’m hoping for a clip.

Micah: Yeah. And it’s interesting…

Andrew: Or from the battle.

Micah: …that she is actually going to be there, because a lot of times when you’re there, you have a really good chance of winning an award.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: So it would be interesting to see what Potter ends up winning. Like I said, they’re nominated in six categories and I know that MTV has been kind of pitching this as Potter versus Twilight in terms of…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, which is very bad online.

Micah: Yeah. It creates a little bit of animosity online, but…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …it would be interesting to see what happens.

Andrew: Yeah, I was going to bring that up, but I think Emma is also going to be there to promote Perks of Being a Wallflower which is a book-to-film adaptation that she’s in. She’s filming it in Pittsburg right now. She’s of course going to be in LA for the movie awards but she has been in the US filming that, and I think she may be promoting that as well, so we’ll see. But yeah, so it should be a good MTV Movie Awards and I’ll be there, I’ll live tweet anything interesting that happens related to Potter. And if Emma is at the after-party that I’m at, I will [pauses] not say hi.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: Well, here’s the thing though, that always interests me with these awards – and I know Potter has won in the past, Tom Felton won last year. There are clearly more Potter fans out there than Twilight fans, but I think what happens is that the Twilight fans are just – they’re more active in their voting, and I think…

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: …that’s what’s ended up happening to Potter over the course of the last several years. And they’re up in a lot of these categories, I think that they can easily win. We’ll see. I mean, again though, Tom Felton for Best Villain? I think he was – he got a little bit of a generous nomination there considering he wasn’t in the movie all too long for Deathly Hallows – Part 1.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: What do you think about that?

Andrew: Well…

Micah: A lot of people said it should have been Ralph Fiennes.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, I think they picked Tom Felton in that category because they like to have the younger people being nominated. That would be my guess, especially for Harry Potter. And going against Twilight. I don’t think Ralph Fiennes could go against a Twilight character, just because people are really passionate about the Twilight characters. So they’ve got to put somebody who is sort of like an even level in terms of popularity, and Tom Felton is definitely there. So yeah, I think Tom Felton is a good choice to be Best Villain. Maybe Ralph Fiennes will be nominated next year for Voldemort in Part 2.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, that would make more sense.

Micah: And I think MTV tried to fit Potter in a couple of categories. I think there’s a couple of them that are a bit of a stretch, but…

Andrew: Like what?

Micah: Best Fight: Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint versus Death Eaters?

Andrew: Versus the Death – well, actually the best fight should have been Harry and Ron’s fight in the tent.

Micah: That’s a good point.

Andrew: Why wasn’t that – I mean, that was a good fight.

Micah: True.

Andrew: Anyway, what else is going on in the news this week?

News: David Heyman to Receive Producer of the Decade Award

Micah: Let me see. Oh, David Heyman is going to be honored with Producer of the Decade award, and people seem pretty receptive. I saw in the comments and people who replied to this on Twitter. They were pretty happy for him because he has worked for more than ten years now at this point on the Potter films. He is the one who really got it off the ground running, and he’s been there the entire way.

Andrew: Yeah. Good for him! I mean, this is definitely deserved, and he’s also going to be screening Part 1 – or Part 2 for everybody who is there at CineEurope. It’s not open to the public, I think it’s probably a closed thing, but it’s cool that they’re screening that. And yeah, good for him. Congratulations to David. I mean, he’s been on the show, we’ve talked about how important he is. He’s a true fan. I mean, you watch him talk about the books and films, and you just see how passionate he is and I don’t think you can get that from just any producer, so…

Micah: Yeah. He – you can tell that he invested a lot into the series and that…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …he was – he – I think, in a way, he’s almost grateful that he ended up with this opportunity, because even when he was on the show, he said that had he not moved at the time that he moved and things happened the way that they did, he would have missed out on this opportunity and he can’t imagine his life any differently. It would be a complete ten-year difference, [laughs] if you think about it…

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: …taking up that amount of time in your life, and he seems to genuinely just be very happy that he had the opportunity to work on this.

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News: Second Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Video Game Trailer Released

Andrew: What else is going on?

Micah: Normally I wouldn’t go back to talking about [laughs] the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 video game…

Andrew: [laughs] Mhm.

Micah: …because I like to give it as little time as possible…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …but there was a new trailer that was released this past week from Electronic Arts, and the feature that they were really playing up was this multi-character play. And what you can do essentially is play as a number of different characters. It’s exactly what it sounds like. And they added Ginny, Neville, Molly, Seamus, and Professor McGonagall as characters in this game, and I guess you use them in different parts of the final battle, and that’s of course in addition to being able to play as the trio. And it looked cool. My only concern is that the sort of gameplay aspect of it that people have complained about and had issue with over the course of the entire series of games is going to be another issue again here.

Andrew: Yeah. It’s a shame because it’s the last one – but yeah. We’ve said in the past – we probably won’t talk much about it because we always [laughs] end up disappointed, so…

Micah: Yeah, yeah. But I will say it is a cool feature.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: If you’re somebody who likes just playing games, then…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …definitely go and check it out.

Andrew: Sure.

Micah: And IGN, which is a big video game website, did a review of it. You can read that on MuggleNet. They kind of break down the game, they tell you what’s new about it, what’s different, and kind of give you their ratings for different parts of the game.

Andrew: Cool.

Micah: More Deathly Hallows

Andrew: It’s a good summer – it’s probably a good summertime game, you know?

Micah: Yeah, yeah. The game, I think, is released…

Andrew: People have got extra time, so…

Micah: Yeah, it’s going to be released on July 12th, so really, right before the film comes out, and it should be fun. I mean, it’s always fun to play, but I think people who are more into video games are always looking for a little bit more.

Andrew: Mhm.

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Score Recording Completed

Micah: So I’ll just leave it at that. Well, according to his Facebook account, Conrad Pope has just finished recording with film composer Alexandre Desplat and the London Symphony Orchestra the final notes of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which of course means that that’s it. They’ve finished recording the Harry Potter series as a whole, and he noted – I guess he’s been on this project, Conrad Pope, since the very beginning, because…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …the quote reads:

“It’s been over ten years since I worked with John Neufeld on John Williams’ trailer for the first film. Five films (for me at least) and hundreds of thousands of notes later, it’s finally over.”

So he’s been on five films, not all eight. But again you’re getting this feeling of everything coming to a close.

Andrew: Right. Yeah, it’s just another aspect of it. I look forward to hearing the soundtrack. I hope they tie it in to Sorcerer’s Stone‘s soundtrack. Little throwbacks here and there. Get some of John Williams’ stuff in it, obviously. Yeah. And I’m glad this Conrad Pope, he did tweet this stuff – I remember in the past he has – or not tweet but Facebook-ed, a couple of these things. I know he’s dropped some bones for fans in the past, so it’s good to hear from him.

Micah: Yeah, it’s not the first time, yeah, that we heard from him.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: I think he was actually the one who – it’s not really leaked, but posted the information that Desplat was going to be working on the second part of Deathly Hallows.

Andrew: Yeah, you’re right.

News: Empire Magazine Interviews Harry Potter Cast

Micah: So – and the last bit of news is concerning Empire Magazine. They, of course, did this huge thirty-six page magazine, sort of like a – I guess a separate magazine from what they normally put out there for…

Andrew: A special issue.

Micah: A special issue, there you go – for Harry Potter. And people remember that they were literally traveling the globe to get interviews with, really, the cast from not just the last film but all of the films in the series, and to kind of get their input and their reflections on what it’s been like to be a part of this series. And the ones that they did release parts from online were Jason Isaacs, Matt Lewis, James and Oliver Phelps, Tom Felton, Rupert Grint, and you can check all of them out on MuggleNet. The one I thought was kind of cool – and maybe we can try it here, too, Andrew – is…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …they asked the cast to summarize Potter in one word.

Andrew: Yeah. People loved this, it was all over the Internet. I mean, people just really, really liked it. And of course in typical Rupert Grint fashion, he was the one who [laughs] really had a hard time coming up with an answer.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, it was nice the way they edited it, but I just thought it was very typical of Rupert. So, Micah, if you were to…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …describe the franchise in one word…

Micah: I like how you’re turning it back on me.

Andrew: [laughs] How would you describe it if you were to describe it in one word?

[Prolonged silence]

Micah: I’d say…

Andrew: Oh, you’re just like Rupert.

Micah: I’m just like Rupert, yeah. I’d say a journey.

Andrew: Mmm.

Micah: Did anybody use that in the video?

Andrew: I don’t know.

Micah: Because that’s really what it’s been.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I think for all of us over the last – I mean, it goes back to – well, I was going to say before the movies were actually released with the first book, but I’ve only been involved with all of this for six years. I mean, I know there’s been people that have been with this from the very beginning. So – but yeah, a journey for me would probably be the right word.

Andrew: Yeah. Somebody said this in the video – I can’t remember who, it may have been Dan – magical.

Micah: That was Emma Watson.

Andrew: And I – oh, it was Emma? Okay. You would remember Emma’s answer.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: She – I agree with that because obviously it’s the Harry Potter magic, blah blah blah, but also just because if you think about how unique the entire franchise has been compared to anything else. I mean, nothing has ever come close to this in terms of the size, the scope, the releases, the passion of the fans. It really is magical in that it’s so unique. It hasn’t been done before. It’s a one-of-a-kind thing. So that’s why I would use that word.

Micah: Yeah. No, I think that’s definitely the right word. [laughs] I mean, I think if you’re picking any word…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …that’s probably the most appropriate.

Andrew: Right, right. Certainly not a wrong answer. [laughs]

Micah: No. But the last piece that I want to just touch on real fast that I think also a lot of people were responsive to on social media was Empire released a letter that Alan Rickman, of all people, wrote to JK Rowling.

Andrew: [laughs] “Of all people.”

Micah: Well, the reason why I say that is because he’s not somebody who talks about the Potter series a lot.

Andrew: That’s true.

Micah: And one of the reasons that he always gives in interviews is because he doesn’t want to spoil it for anybody who hasn’t read it up until this point. So he’s only willing to talk about things up to a certain point. And so I’m interested when we interview him, [laughs] either in London or in New York City, now he finally has to talk about the entire series.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: He can’t use that as a cop-out. But it was just interesting to see him saying, I finally finished doing voiceovers for Snape for the final time. And he was somebody who clearly knew Snape’s importance from the very beginning, and he probably even knew Snape’s fate from the very beginning. And it was very important, I remember, to him to know what was going to happen with his character so that he could play the role the right way throughout the course of the series.

Andrew: Yeah. Okay, I have a question about this. The first couple of sentences, he says:

“I have just returned from the dubbing studio where I spoke into a microphone as Severus Snape for absolutely the last time. On the screen were some flashback shots of Daniel, Emma, and Rupert from ten years ago. They were twelve.”

So I don’t – is he saying he was doing voiceovers that involve video on the screen of Dan, Emma, and Rupert from ten years ago?

Micah: Was he maybe recording something for a Blu-ray or a DVD?

Andrew: Right, that’s what I’m thinking. He must – but then why would he be in the voice of Snape? I don’t know what he’s saying here, unless they just had the trio up there just to – for old times’ sake? I don’t get – and everybody – I haven’t seen anybody talking about this, wondering why the trio would be up on the screen from ten years ago. [laughs] That doesn’t make sense to me.

Micah: Unless it’s some kind of tribute that they’re going to be doing.

Andrew: Yeah, but again, why would he be in the character of Snape?

Micah: Yeah, that’s weird.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Well I mean, he just sounds like Snape anyway. I mean, it’s his voice.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, that’s true. That’s true. I mean, I hope he’s doing some cool tribute thing as Snape. That would be really awesome, but I just can’t imagine what it would be. But yeah, again, a lot of fans love this letter because there’s a very passionate group of people for Alan Rickman. Everybody loves Alan Rickman. So it’s cool. I’m glad he wrote this letter for Empire.

Micah: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So that is all the news, at least related to Deathly Hallows – Part 2, but there is some more news to talk about with respect to where we’re going to be just over a month from now, Andrew.

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011

Andrew: Oh my gosh! It’s a month away, that’s crazy to think. LeakyCon 2011, July 13th to the 17th in Orlando, Florida. I would be telling you right now to register, but guess what? It’s all sold out! [laughs] So no more tickets are available, all 2,500 spots have been taken. I mean, there is a waiting list if you really want to try, but I think the waiting list is probably a lengthy wait at this point, for when people – if somebody has to refund their registration. I don’t even think I have to sell it at this point. [laughs] It’s sold out! But we do actually have a couple of updates. They announced that several Potter stars are going to be there: Evanna Lynch, Chris Rankin, Will Dunn who plays James Sirius, Arthur Bowen who plays Albus Severus, Ellie Darcey-Alden who plays young Lily, and Ryan Turner who plays Hugo. They are all going to be a part of a keynote. And there are two other keynotes, too: the Arthur Levine keynote. He is the – what’s his official – is he – he’s the editor at Scholastic. The editor.

Micah: Yes, for…

Andrew: The top guy.

Micah: And he was part of the team, I guess, that edited the entire Harry Potter series.

Andrew: Right. And he brought it to the US and Scholastic. And then also there will be an Electronic Arts keynote, they’re going to be doing a behind-the-scenes look at the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 video game. So that should be cool. I mean, if you’re into video games, you want to see how they are made, that’d be a great way to experience that.

And of course, we’re going to be doing live podcasts. We’re going to be having the Leaky Mug on Thursday of the conference and MuggleCast on Friday, and that MuggleCast is going to be our big movie review episode. Of course, people who do not come to LeakyCon will be able to listen to those shows at a later time, when we release them. We’ll of course be working to get the movie review episode out as quickly as possible because I know that episode [laughs] will be in high demand after everybody sees the film. It’s going to be great because we’re going to be getting feedback from the audience there, watching us record the podcast, so we’re going to have some great discussion, I think. It’s going to be a lot of fun. So to anyone who is coming, we can’t wait to see you there. has all the details and will continue to be up to date with all the information concerning the probably biggest Harry Potter conference ever.

Micah: It’s definitely getting there. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. We’ll see you there.

Micah: If it’s got a waiting list, I’m sure it’s there at this point. [laughs]

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Order of the Phoenix”

Andrew: Yeah. We’ll see you there in just about a month. So now it’s time to get into Chapter-by-Chapter. This week we’re looking at Order of the Phoenix, Chapters 5 and 6, of the Harry Potter series. And Micah, you got the short stick this week.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: You had a short chapter, didn’t you?

Micah: Yeah. I just chose it and [laughs] luck of the draw.

Andrew: Sure. You counted the pages, you picked whichever one was shorter.

Micah: [laughs] Maybe.

Andrew: [laughs] That’s what I do. You can admit it, it’s fine. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah. Well, normally we have Eric to take care of the longer chapters but he’s not here this week.

So Chapter-by-Chapter, Order of the Phoenix. This is Chapter 5, appropriately titled “The Order of the Phoenix.” And when we last left off with Chapter 4, it ended with Harry meeting Sirius and learning that the portrait that was screaming on the wall was that of Sirius’s mother. And Harry learns that the house that they are now in is Sirius’s old house, the house that he grew up in, and that he is the last living member and that is why he can provide it as a safe haven for the Order of the Phoenix. And he says, “It’s about the only useful thing I’ve been able to do,” and Harry immediately senses a bit of bitterness in Sirius, and he realizes that Sirius has been cooped up for pretty much the entire time that Harry has been up at the Dursleys, because he’s a fugitive, he’s still wanted by the Ministry, and he can’t go out and do much. And he also learns that Snape has been giving it to Sirius as well, in the sense that every chance that he has had to kind of give him a dig and report that he’s been doing all this dangerous work, and Sirius has been sitting at home. And there’s never been a good relationship between Sirius and Snape.

Andrew: This was an interesting look into some of the more mature characters’ relationships.

Micah: Yeah, yeah, I think you definitely get that. And Harry is led, finally, down into the kitchen area. And there’s a bunch of people who are still talking amongst themselves, and you can clearly tell that a meeting has just taken place. And Harry catches a glimpse of plans for a building, and that’s quickly taken away from his eyesight because Mrs. Weasley notices that he’s been looking, and she obviously [laughs] does not want him to know what has been going on. And we get a really strong glimpse into that later on the chapter, but just kind of a little nugget to store away, that they’ve been looking at plans for a building and what building that could possibly be.

Andrew: Right. And as Sirius mentions in the next chapter I think – I think it’s the next chapter – the House of Black really is the best place. No question about it. The layer of protection, the secrecy. It’s perfect.

Micah: Yeah. So now Harry and Sirius start to talk and he says to him, “I’d have welcomed a Dementor attack, a deadly struggle for my soul would have broken the monotony nicely. You think you’ve had it bad? At least you’ve been able to get out and about, stretch your legs, get into a few fights. I’ve been stuck inside for a month.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, this is more insight now, I think, into Sirius’s maturity. I mean, that’s something that’s always comed up. [laughs] Comed up.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Let’s try that again. That’s always something that’s come up throughout the course of the entire series I think, as long as he’s been alive. Everybody kind of talks about how he’s not this mature character. He’s kind of like – and I don’t know if it’s because he’s been in prison for so long, but he hasn’t really aged beyond probably when he was imprisoned at eighteen years old, or whatever it was. Nineteen years old.

Andrew: Well, what do you mean – how do you think this shows how mature he is? I was just going to say it shows how hurt he is, how sad he is to be stuck in the house.

Micah: Yeah. Well, I mean, just talking about – and it’s probably somewhat in jest, like he’s saying, “I’d have welcomed a Dementor attack. At least you’re able to go outside.” But I think he also has to realize that he’s on the run from the Ministry. He can’t be walking around outside and doing the things that a normal person would do, because people know about him, they know about his Animagus form. He talks about that, saying that Pettigrew will have told Voldemort by now that Sirius is able to transform himself. So it’s not as if he can go out and do the things he wants to do. He’s locked down. And I think instead of accepting that, he’s kind of being a bit immature about it. But that’s just my own take on it.

So they keep talking and Molly is trying to prepare dinner for everybody. And now that both Fred and George are of age, they can use magic whenever they want. And so instead of carrying food and Butterbeer over to the table, they try to use magic to make it float over there, and it ends up being a huge mess. But what’s interesting is that the knife that is used to cut the bread – and the quote reads, “Slipped off the board and landed, point down and quivering ominously, exactly where Sirius’s right hand had been seconds before.”

Andrew: Mmm.

Micah: So I was going to say that’s death omen number one for Sirius. There’s a number of them in this book, but…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …that should have been a clue, I guess, to some people.

Andrew: That was a big – these death omens were quite popular back when the book came out, weren’t they?

Micah: Mhm.

Andrew: I’m sure – I think there is an editorial or two on MuggleNet about how – [laughs] I guess how we should have seen these all coming. Or seen Sirius’s death coming because of all of these omens.

Micah: Yeah, I think the first time that you read through the book, though, you’re just trying to get to the – not really the end, but you’re trying to find out as much information as you possibly can, and there are so many loose ends that had yet to be tied up, even in this book.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: So you glimpse over stuff like that. People who are far more intelligent, though, will pick that up though, the first time, so I don’t know what that says about us.

Andrew: Yeah. All right.

Micah: So we learn also, right around this time, that Molly doesn’t really like Mundungus Fletcher because he’s a criminal, and he deals in sort of black market trading and he’s not the guy you want around for dinner. And Sirius sort of explains that the only reason that he is in the Order of the Phoenix is that Dumbledore got him out of a tight situation one time, and that Mundungus is indebted to Dumbledore and likes Dumbledore. So I’m trying to remember was it ever explained what Dumbledore did to help him out.

Andrew: I certainly don’t remember.

Micah: I don’t think it ever was, I think it’s just one of those things that was mentioned in passing.

Andrew: Mmm.

Micah: So now we get – once dinner is over – and dessert, of course. Dessert is always important – we get to Sirius basically saying out loud, in front of everybody, to Harry, “I’m surprised at you. I thought you’d want to know what’s going on.” So this leads to a huge debate about what Harry should know with respect to the Order of the Phoenix, and Molly points out that it should be on a need-to-know basis. And she really gets into Sirius at this point. She really criticizes him, saying that it’s not up to him to decide what’s good for Harry. But isn’t it? That’s my question.

Andrew: I think so. I guess maybe the question – maybe the thing Molly wonders is, whose decision is it to decide what’s good and not good for Harry? I think it’s just as much Sirius’s decision as it is Molly’s decision. Probably more so Sirius’s, just because he’s the godfather. I mean, what is Mrs. Weasley, really? Good friends, yes, but what else? I mean, at least there is some sort of family connection to Sirius. Not with the family tree, at least, but Sirius is Harry’s godfather. And I think Mrs. Weasley is wrong here, but the problem is she feels like she is Harry’s closest thing to a mother, so Mrs. Weasley tries to make the decisions. And she looks at Sirius, who is a bit – he’s down in the dumps, he’s had a troubled past. She probably does not trust Sirius to make these kind of decisions. But I have to say I think Molly is wrong here. But she can’t help it, she’s the motherly figure, that’s what moms do.

Micah: Right, right. And in Prisoner of Azkaban it’s pointed out that, really, it’s Sirius who is Harry’s guardian because both of his parents are dead and obviously the Dursleys are worthless, so – aside from the protection that’s on their home, you would think that Harry would be just as safe in Grimmauld Place, possibly. But I pointed out, they’re in Sirius’s house, so he can really say whatever he wants. He’s not being – he shouldn’t feel that he can’t speak his mind, Sirius. And that’s where I asked, is Molly becoming a bit too much of a protector, and I think you made a good point saying she’s just being the motherly figure. There’s this whole back and forth between the two of them, and Molly criticizes him for thinking that Harry is really James, and Sirius criticizes her, saying that she’s not Harry’s mother, and she says she’s as good as. So it’s really just kind of this nasty back-and-forth that’s taking place between the two of them.

Andrew: Yeah. It’s an interesting debate to watch, because of the reasons I just mentioned. They’re both kind of power-hungry in terms of who gets to make the decisions for Harry, and they both have their good and bad reasons for the other not being in control.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: Or being the decision maker.

Micah: Right. And [laughs] she even says, “It’s been rather difficult for you to look after him while you’ve been locked up in Azkaban, hasn’t it?”

Andrew: Zing.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Zing. Yeah. I mean, that’s one of the reasons Molly does not trust Sirius, like I was mentioning. He’s had a troubled past, even if he wasn’t guilty.

Micah: Right. Yeah, exactly. So [laughs] yeah, like you said, a lot of the things going back and forth.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But in terms of what Harry should be able to hear, Arthur thinks that Harry should be able to have some information, so that he doesn’t learn about it from other people and get sort of a different perspective, or an idea of what it is that’s going on. And Lupin kind of backs him up and says the same thing, and Lupin points out to Molly, “Look, we all care about Harry here but ultimately, he is the one who saw Voldemort return, so he should be entitled to some information.” And so this creates a whole debate about who should be able to hear what they’re about to discuss, and Fred and George say that they’re of age. Molly tells them to go up to their rooms, but Arthur says, “No, they’re of age, they’re allowed to make their own decisions,” so they stay. And Ron begins to argue, and Ron says that, “Harry is just going to end up telling us everything that you tell him anyway.” And at this point Harry actually thinks about not telling them because of what went on during the summer. But you have to think at some point, even if he did that initially, he was still going to tell them what happened.

Andrew: Yeah. Oh, definitely.

Micah: So poor old Ginny ends up being the only one that has to go up to her room.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: And this is really where you get a little bit of insight into what’s been going on. We learn that there have been no mysterious disappearances as of yet. That’s why Harry hasn’t been able to see any, whether it be on the regular news or in the Daily Prophet. And Lupin talks about how Harry was so important in this whole process because Voldemort didn’t want anybody to know that he was back yet. He wanted to be able to do all of his recruiting, and he wanted to be able to kind of sneak around and then kind of spring this all on everyone, and the last person he wanted to know that he was back was Dumbledore. And Dumbledore was able to alert the Order of the Phoenix, they said, an hour after he returned.

So the Order is in the process of trying to prevent him from recruiting more followers, whether they be former Death Eaters or other Dark creatures. And we learn that the Ministry is still ignorant to his return, because Fudge believes that Dumbledore is after his job. And that plays out in this book with all the Ministry involvement in the school, but – we’ve talked about Fudge a lot on this show throughout the years, I guess, but it’s just amazing how he’s that self-absorbed that he thinks that Dumbledore is after his job.

Andrew: Yeah, and what’s even more silly is that it’s really Voldemort who is after Fudge’s job. And there’s this evidence, and you see the Order all working – it just doesn’t make sense. It really doesn’t make any logical sense. I wish I could sit here and explain Fudge’s thinking, Fudge’s reasoning, but I wouldn’t know what to say.

[Prolonged silence]

Andrew: I’m at a loss for words, Micah.

Micah: Yeah. Yeah, I don’t know. I mean, we see that his approach to things is just completely the wrong approach, and he does this throughout really the end of Goblet of Fire and all of Order of the Phoenix. And I’m sure there are other examples in different books that we can point to where he’s just more focused on his own safety, in terms of his job, than he is on doing the right thing. Even in Chamber of Secrets when he comes to get Hagrid. It’s, again, like he’s feeling pressure from the Lucius Malfoys of the world, instead of doing what’s right.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: So the last bit of information we learn in this chapter is that Voldemort is after a weapon he didn’t have before. And this is interesting, and Lupin is the one who kind of cuts Sirius off and doesn’t let him go any further at this point. And I read something, I can’t remember how long ago it was, but it was talking about all of these people around the table, how they would compare in terms of being family members. Like, Sirius is more of Harry’s older brother who’s willing to kind of kick back and tell him anything he wants to hear. Arthur is kind of like the indecisive uncle who’s just like, “Ehhh, well, he can hear what he needs to hear, because he’s going to be ultimately the one who is going to have to face Voldemort.” But Lupin is really the father figure. He’s the one who kind of is the…

Andrew: He’s wise.

Micah: Yeah. And he’s willing to kind of take a stand. He’s willing to let Harry know what he needs to know, but nothing more than that. So he’s the one who’s really the father figure for Harry in this sense, when you’re saying that Molly is more of the motherly figure. But as far as this weapon is concerned, when you read this the first time – and I don’t even remember when the first time was I read this book, but – were you thinking like, “Okay, what is this weapon?”

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: “What is this gun or tank or – I don’t know, some magical equivalent that he has, that is going to be able to take down Harry?”

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Or the entire wizarding world, for that matter.

Andrew: Yeah. And – yeah. I mean, it was certainly – just the fact that it’s so ominous and everybody’s – all the kids are so unsure of what it could it be. It did add to the powerful level – it’s potential power. So, I can’t remember exactly what I was thinking but it was definitely worrying.

Micah: Yeah, you…

Andrew: Because we’re getting in deeper into the story here, things are getting a lot darker, so it’s like you kind of expect that we’re going to see some very dark, powerful magic being – going down in this book. So…

Micah: Yeah. And it ends up – obviously we know what it ends up being, but you’re thinking it’s this – I don’t know. [laughs] I’m thinking – you think “weapon,” you think like…

Andrew: A deathstick.

Micah: Yeah. I don’t know.

Andrew: Like a sword or…

Micah: Yeah, something like that. Something that in his – if he physically had it, could do serious damage to other people. But it’s just a prophecy.

Andrew: Right, right. It is a bit misleading. [laughs]

Micah: But I guess, in a way, it is a weapon, so…

Andrew: I mean, yeah, it’s a weapon if you throw it at somebody…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …and the shattered pieces of it land in their eyeballs.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: But no, yeah, it is a weapon. Sure.

Micah: Yeah, so that’s really – that’s Chapter 5. And the other thing I was thinking about – and I haven’t looked at the other books – but is this the first time that we get a glimpse as to what the title of the book is, this early in the book?

Andrew: Hmm. Yeah. I mean – yeah, it’s only a few chapters in. I mean, Goblet of Fire, how early did we learn about the Goblet? It may have been a few chapters later, I guess, because there’s the Quidditch World Cup that came up and then they sort of get into the Goblet of Fire, but…

Micah: I know that – and I’m not talking about the actual – not, like, mentioning it, because I know in Sorcerer’s Stone they mention the Sorcerer’s Stone in one of the first few chapters because it’s written on that card. Remember the…

Andrew: Oh right.

Micah: What are they called? The Chocolate Frog card.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: About Dumbledore, that he worked on the Sorcerer’s Stone with Nicholas Flamel. But I’m talking about the actual title chapter, because – I could be wrong, but it seems like there is a title chapter in every book. Like there is one…

Andrew: Yeah, there is. Yeah.

Micah: So I think this is the earliest we get it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But I’ll double-check on it.

Andrew: No, I think you’re right. And in a way, it’s good because you like to know what the scope of the book is going to be like. The Half-Blood Prince, the title, especially – the book, you get more of the Half-Blood Prince, but the movie – somebody just brought this up to me the other day actually, it’s called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the movie, and you hardly see the Half-Blood Prince! [laughs] Except at the end, when Snape goes [imitating Snape] “I am the Half-Blood Prince.” [laughs] And that’s it!

Micah: Yeah, they’re…

Andrew: I mean, you know about the mysterious book written by the Half-Blood Prince, but there’s – yeah, that wasn’t the best title.

Micah: Well, the problem was there was so much of the backstory that was cut out of – remember they said Half-Blood Prince is the “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll” of the Harry Potter series, and that’s what their focus was. And because they did do that, they left out a lot of the backstory with Snape and Harry’s mother, and sort of the whole [laughs] Half-Blood Prince storyline, really.

MuggleCast 230 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black”

Andrew: Yeah. All right, now it’s time for Chapter 6: “The Most Noble and Ancient House of Black.” Probably also one of the longer chapter titles, since we were just talking about the chapter titles. [laughs] It starts off with Mrs. Weasley whisking the kids off to bed, and she tells them no chatting because they have an early day tomorrow. But, of course, they’re going to ignore this request. But Mrs. Weasley is doing this so they don’t discuss the information they just learned, right?

Micah: Yeah. I mean, it’s inevitable that they talk about it. But I think in later chapters, or maybe even in this chapter, she tries to separate them as much as possible. But it just – or she tries to keep them busy to the point of not having time to talk about it. But it’s inevitable, I think.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: They’re going to talk about it at some point. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, and in this chapter we also see Mrs. Weasley really keeping them busy with house chores, and that’s again another thing. And the kids pick up on it, this is a way for them to be distracted from discussing what’s going on.

Micah: Yeah. I mean, she employs the same thing in Deathly Hallows when she wants to keep them apart as much as possible, so she puts them to work for the wedding. And she doesn’t want them making any plans to kind of go away and begin whatever it is that they’re looking to do.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: She’s crafty, that one.

Andrew: Crafty? Yeah, I guess that’s one way to describe it. [laughs] And Mrs. Weasley, she comes upstairs later in the night to check on them to make sure they’re not talking. So she’s really paranoid about it. But it’s like, come on, Mrs. Weasley, be fair to the kids. Of course they’re going to talk about this stuff. How could they not? They do it with their best friends. I think they should have just talked about it anyway. So what if Mrs. Weasley doesn’t like it? I mean, they did talk about it anyway, but don’t worry that Mrs. Weasley is trying to listen in.

So, like I mentioned, they spend the following day cleaning, and Fred and George update Harry on their new joke shop business, although it’s not a joke shop at this point, they’re currently only doing mail-in orders. But they remind Harry that it is all thanks to him. Everybody remembers the end of Goblet of Fire when Harry gave his tournament winnings to them. And that was a really nice moment as we talked about during the Goblet of Fire Chapter-by-Chapter. So things are going – things are happening in the House of Black, and Mundungus attempts to bring some stolen goods into the Black home, and this of course sets off Mrs. Black in her portrait but also Mrs. Weasley. She gets really annoyed at this because she doesn’t want this home to be a place where a) there’s children amongst stolen goods and so she makes sure that that is not happening. And this whole ordeal disturbs Kreacher, and this is actually our first time – the first time that Harry gets to meet him.

And a fun movie fact here: it’s on – well, it’s well-known at this point that Kreacher was actually cut from the Order of the Phoenix film script originally. But when Jo saw the script and saw that Kreacher wasn’t there, she said, “Uhhh, you probably want to add him back in.” And the reason they did this was because he plays a bigger role in Deathly Hallows – Part 1 as we saw, and obviously Part 2 as well. So that was one of those things where it’s good that the author stays involved, because otherwise I don’t know what would have happened if she hadn’t have read the script and they didn’t include him, and then he just kind of pops up in Part 2 or they – or sorry Parts 1 and 2 – and they don’t really worry about any backstory? I just wonder what they would have done otherwise.

Micah: Well, it’s really difficult, I think, for them to try to write him in [laughs] if – or find a way around it because, like you were saying, he is so integral to Deathly Hallows. I mean, he plays a part really, too, in Half Blood Prince but obviously all the house-elves were cut out of there, too. So…

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. So as we move along in this chapter, Harry is getting his first impression of Kreacher, and he comes off as just a very mean person. He’s completely the opposite of Dobby, who’s very friendly and loving. He repeatedly calls Hermione a Mudblood and shows very little interest in meeting Harry. He just says, “Kreacher wonders how Harry defeated the Dark Lord.” Kreacher makes it clear he’s on the side of the Dark Lord. [laughs] He’s just very evil, and you would not expect him to play a helpful role in Deathly Hallows as you read this book, but that’s one of the things that makes Kreacher such an interesting character, is his turnaround in Book 7.

Micah: But you wonder why he is loyal to him because really it is Voldemort who ends up killing – or so we think – Regulus. So – and clearly that’s what ends up turning Kreacher in Deathly Hallows, where Harry gives him the fake locket that he found, and Kreacher’s attitude completely turns after that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Because he has something that belonged – or so he thinks – to Master Regulus. So it’s interesting, though. But I think a lot of it is, too, Kreacher’s been alone for so long he’s probably a bit deranged, and he takes on the attitude of the house that he lives in, which is interesting because Dobby is the complete opposite. He doesn’t take on the attitude of the house [laughs] that he’s a part of. So, it’s interesting.

Andrew: Yeah, I guess the real takeaway here is that we are seeing two completely different personalities in these house-elves, and you have to wonder what other house-elves are like, too. I mean, do most of them act like Kreacher, or do most of them act like Dobby, or does everyone just have a very different personality?

Micah: Right. Probably a different personality. Dobby was just unique, I think.

Andrew: Yeah, I think Dobby’s a rare one. You probably don’t see many Dobbys. Harry – no, Sirius – comes into the room during this Kreacher meltdown [laughs] and we see that Kreacher has no respect for him, either. But he is respectful to Mrs. Black, who he loves dearly. And while talking to Kreacher, Sirius says that while he is cleaning, he is taking things and bringing them into his room, and Kreacher denies these claims but it is true. Harry and Sirius then have a moment. Harry is introduced to the [attempts to pronounce “tapestry”] tapestry. Tapestry? Tapestry.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: And this is another fun movie fact: Jo drew it up for the filmmakers so they could get a very detailed version on camera. And it’s probably, I have to say, one of the most detailed items in the films because of the scope of the tree. I mean, it’s just very immense. And I remember checking this out on the Order of the Phoenix set visit and – even just the material the tapestry was made of. It was just beautiful. [laughs] When we saw it, Steve Vander Ark from the Harry Potter Lexicon, he started his recorder and he started reading the entire family tree. [laughs] It was really funny. I mean, it was new information. I’m sure bits and pieces were new information.

And Harry notices that Sirius is missing from it, and he explains that his mother blasted him off when he ran away from home when he was sixteen. And Harry says, “You ran away?” And Harry says he went to stay at Harry’s dad’s place because he hated the Black home very much, and this immediately made me think of the situation that Harry is in, where Harry hates living with his family, the Dursleys. So he stays with his good friend, the Weasleys. And Sirius even goes on to say, “My brother – my parents always said that my brother Regulus was better than me,” and that’s another comparison where the Dursleys are always saying how much better Dudley is than Harry. So they both connect on this level in terms of their family background, what they had and have to deal with. Even Sirius – like you mentioned in the last chapter – being stuck in the house. Harry was stuck in his house, too. So this is why they connect, and this is why you really see the relationship grow. And it comes back again at the end of the film, where – or at the end of the book, where Sirius does die. Harry finally met someone who he really connects with. He’s his godfather, they get along great, they have similar backgrounds so they can relate in that way, and he loses him. So there’s a lot of strengthening of their relationship going on in this chapter.

Another interesting revelation from the tapestry is that Sirius is related to the Malfoys. Narcissa Black married Lucius Malfoy. And Sirius says here, “The pureblood families are all interrelated. If you’re only going to let your sons and daughters marry purebloods, our choice is very limited.” And I thought this was interesting because there’s religions in the real world where you must marry someone in the same religion as you. And it got me thinking about having limited options, must make the situation difficult for purebloods. I mean, are they actually finding true love here if they’re forced to marry someone who’s also a pureblood?

Micah: Yeah, I don’t know. It’s interesting because you don’t learn as much about the dynamic between Lucius and Narcissa. But the only thing I can think of is look at Bellatrix, who – she’s married, but she’s clearly got something – I don’t know what you want to call it, [laughs] but – for Voldemort, and Voldemort’s a half-blood. So would that have been a weird situation for Bellatrix who’s somebody who’s so – it’s ironic to begin with that somebody who is so power-hungry and so for wizards maintaining pureblood is himself not pureblood, but it’s – Narcissa? Who knows, maybe if she met Tom Riddle…

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Micah: That would have been an interesting thing because, like I said, he’s only half-blood. So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: You’re right, it probably does [laughs] limit the situation a lot.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And – yeah.

Andrew: It can’t be – yeah, all right, maybe they can still find true love, but it’s got to be a little disheartening that they have fewer options to choose from. So we’re getting closer to the end of the chapter here, just a final few things to go through. Sirius says he hates being stuck in the house all day, everyday, and would like to take Harry to his hearing as Snuffles. And Sirius – you feel bad for him because you hear all these stories and then you hear Sirius say, “Hey, I’d really like to take you.” And how can Harry say no to that? But Harry’s trial approaches and he gets increasingly nervous, considering his expulsion from school is a real possibility. And come the day of the trial, Mrs. Weasley and Sirius say that Dumbledore thinks it’s a bad idea for Sirius to go with him to the hearing. And Harry’s like, “Wait, wait, wait, when did Dumbledore say this?” and it turns out Dumbledore was in the house the night before, and Harry didn’t even get to say hi to him and Dumbledore didn’t even want to talk to him.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: So it’s very – again, Harry’s boiling up again because now another example of Dumbledore kind of ignoring him.

Micah: Yeah, I think it’s just creating this really tense situation that I’m not sure needs to be created. And it’s all because Dumbledore is sensing that there is this connection between Harry and Voldemort and that he doesn’t want Voldemort gaining any insight into what it is that Dumbledore is doing. But yet, here’s the problem that I have: Harry is still within the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. If Dumbledore is so worried about what Voldemort could potentially see, why is he letting him hang out with members of the Order of the Phoenix to begin with? Why – it’s all about the connection but yet Voldemort can utilize that connection right now when he’s sitting in Grimmauld Place and having a conversation with Sirius, Lupin, and everybody else about what they’ve been able to learn about him.

Andrew: Could it be that – well, Dumbledore must know that Harry has a lot of questions for him. If Dumbledore – maybe Dumbledore is afraid of having to give the truth to Harry that he gives later on in the book. That’s really the only thing I can think of. He’s fearing facing breaking down everything for Harry.

Micah: Right. Well, I mean, it’s not until much later on in this book where Harry just gets to the point where he’s fed up with Dumbledore and he basically yells at him. [laughs] And he says, “I need to know what the hell is going on with me,” because he starts having all these visions, he starts seeing what happens inside of Voldemort’s mind, and inside of Nagini at one point. So he’s basically having a mental breakdown, and Dumbledore is just chill about it.

Favorites: Harry Potter Character Name

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, it’s a shame. But again from a reader’s standpoint it’s interesting because you’re like, “Well, wait a second, why does Dumbledore – why is he ignoring him?” So it’s cool, you’re wondering with Harry. And that was enjoyable. And that’s pretty much the chapter! So now we’re going to move onto Favorites. This is an interesting one: favorite HP character name!

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: And this is submitted by Lola Rose. Micah, did you think about this?

Micah: I did a little bit. I mean, it’s interesting because she doesn’t want to know the favorite character, she wants to know the favorite character name.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: So it’s a little bit different.

Andrew: Yeah, I get – yeah. Actually, I know my favorite character name and it’s Bellatrix. [laughs] I just really like that name. Maybe because it ends in an X? But it’s just a pretty badass name that seems to reflect her very well, Bellatrix. And even her last name, Bellatrix Lestrange. It’s just a cool name. I’ve always been a fan of Bellatrix, partially for her name. How about you?

Micah: I feel like Scorpius is a cool name, but I don’t know if it’d be my favorite, because number one, I mean, he’s only in one scene [laughs] in the entire series. I’ll say Aberforth is a pretty cool name.

Andrew: Oh, of course.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: You just love him in general.

Micah: Because of the goats?

Andrew: Yeah, exactly. [laughs]

Micah: I mean, there’s a lot of cool names. I mean, you check out the Name Origins on our site. There’s…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: It’s not just that she said, “Oh, let me name this person that.” There’s a lot of thought that went behind…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …creating these characters and putting their names together.

Andrew: No, that’s a good one.

Micah: I don’t know that I’d want to be named Aberforth, though.

Muggle Mail: Harry’s Patronus

Andrew: [laughs] Well, to all the listeners out there, feel free to send in your favorite character name. That’s an interesting Favorites. It’s going deep, but it’s interesting. Let’s move on now to Muggle Mail. This first one comes from Roger Dering, 20, of Amsterdam. He says:

“Hey guys, love the show and all that jazz but when listening to 229 it occurred to me that Harry’s Patronus should be relatively public knowledge. At the end of ‘Prisoner of Azkaban’, Lupin talks about how he thinks James lives on in Harry, and says he knows this in particular because of the shape Harry’s Patronus took on when he used the spell on Malfoy and the others when they were impersonating Dementors at the Quidditch match. Harry himself didn’t realize it would be a stag until the end of the book but I imagine anyone in the audience at the time already familiar with the spell may be able to answer Lupin’s question. So there’s that.”

Micah: Yeah, I mean, we were talking about how Lupin asked it as a security question when they came to Privet Drive and how it would be possible that anybody would know what form Harry’s Patronus would take. It’s not something that wouldn’t be common knowledge.

Andrew: But I think this is maybe what I brought up on the last show, it’s just kind of like – in the spur of the moment, Lupin is just thinking whatever question he can come up with and that may have been the first thing that came to his mind.

Micah: Right. No, I agree.

Muggle Mail: Vernon’s Behavior Towards Harry

Andrew: Next e-mail?

Micah: Is from Anna, 22, of Finland, and she says:

“Hey, long time listener, first time commenter.”

Andrew: Ooh!

Micah: [continues]

“Okay, about Vernon’s behavior towards Harry, yeah, it is abusive. I believe that the only reason why Harry is with the Dursleys is that he wouldn’t be safe anywhere else, so Dumbledore has wizards ensuring the child services don’t take him away. Why Vernon is still like that, however? Well, remember that he has to pay for Harry’s tuition.”

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: [continues]

“Boarding schools in Britain have fees, and considering the growing number of Muggle-borns, it’s safe to say Hogwarts accepts Muggle money too. Another reason why Vernon might act so towards Harry is, well, because he can. Vernon might just be the type of person who is just mean spirited, and Harry offers him the perfect target. The kid doesn’t have any parents and has no real way to defend himself, so he locks him up and treats him how he wants to. Notice that it was Petunia who fed Harry food, not Vernon. It is a sad situation, but not unheard of. Anyway, love your show, keep up the good work.”

Andrew: Yeah, Anna brings up good points and I agree, it is sad. I mean, okay, I guess that could be true, but it’s sad that Vernon – he takes pleasure in being evil. I mean, that’s not a good life to live.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: It may be in his mind right now, but surely – I wonder what happened to him in the future. Did he calm down? I mean, if Harry saw him nineteen years later, would he still be as evil? I don’t think so, he must have changed a bit. And yeah, maybe he was angry because Harry had to live with him.

Micah: It’s just a burden for him.

Andrew: I’m also wondering if Hogwarts actually did have fees.

Micah: Well, Harry has money. It’s not like Vernon would have to pay for that.

Muggle Mail: Harry’s Safety at Privet Drive

Andrew: Yeah, but I just still wonder if Hogwarts has fees. I mean, did – I don’t know. It could be kind of a public school situation where wizards have to pay taxes to the Ministry of Magic, and the Ministry of Magic funds Hogwarts, something like that. Because if you’re a wizard I imagine they want you at the school, and what happens if you can’t afford it? I mean, I guess there could be some special payment plans or loans, but maybe at this point it’s getting all too technical. Next e-mail is from Juliana Brown, 20, of Connecticut:

“Hey guys! I love MuggleCast! It makes my drive to work entertaining!”

Glad to hear that.

“I just listened to the latest episode and the Chapter-by-Chapter segment where you guys discussed the protection Harry has while in Privet Drive. You brought up a good point when you said that it’s interesting that the members of the Order could enter the house but not Death Eaters. Since Dumbledore put the protection in place I thought that maybe the spell around the Dursleys’ house is similar to the spell on the Mirror of Erised. Someone who wants to enter the house to visit Harry but not harm him may do so. Just an idea, although the Dursleys themselves seem to do more harm than good!”

Very good point. [laughs]

“Keep up the great work! I hope the podcasts continue long after the final movie comes out. I know I’ll need something ‘Harry Potter’ related to hang on to!”

Thank you, Juliana. I think this was what I was saying last week, wasn’t it? That really I think the protection on the Dursleys’ home just has to do with the interests of the people who are trying to enter it.

Micah: Mhm. Yeah, no, that’s a good point.

Andrew: I mean, the protection is built on love and love wouldn’t accept hate, so hate can’t get through love’s door.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: That’s interesting.

Andrew: Yeah.

Muggle Mail: Splitting Books into Separate Films

Micah: No, good point. Next e-mail, from Kaitlyne, 19, of New Jersey. She says…

Andrew: Represent!

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Sorry.

Micah: [continues]

“Rumors and reports are going around…”

Oh, this is completely unrelated to Chapter-by-Chapter, but I thought it would be good to discuss because it is recent news.

Andrew: It’s a great thing to discuss.

Micah: [continues]

“Rumors and reports are going around that the ‘Hunger Games’ trilogy is going to be made into four films.”

Instead of three.

“Do you think the ‘Harry Potter’ films have started a trend of splitting one book in a series into two films?”

Andrew: Yes.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Now, Micah, you’ve read The Hunger Games, haven’t you?

Micah: Yeah, I have read The Hunger Games.

Andrew: Well, this is no longer rumor, this is fact. And my new entertainment site, speaking of it,, we of course reported this the moment that it happened. It’s huge news. Lionsgate told investors that they are planning on making the trilogy into a four-film series. And yes, I absolutely think that Harry Potter is setting a trend here, because they’re showing it’s possible it can work. Now granted, it’s Harry Potter. I mean, they could do anything and make it work because Harry Potter fans are going to eat it up. But the way that the Hunger Games fandom is growing right now – I mean, it’s very similar to the early days of Harry Potter and Twilight. This is – it’s doable. And with Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Games, her hand is very involved in this. I think that it could work. Now, is it a money move and purely a money move? Yes.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: But what are you going to do?

Micah: I mean, I think though – with Deathly Hallows, I can understand splitting it into two films, because I think that there is so much to wrap up and quite honestly, there was so much that wasn’t included in previous films that maybe could have allowed Deathly Hallows to be one but I still don’t think it could have been just one film. I think that there’s just too much that was there. I mean, you’re talking about a 700 plus page book. However, with The Hunger Games and that – now, are they saying that the final film of the Hunger Games trilogy is going to be split into two, or it could be any film?

Andrew: That’s the thinking. Yeah, they haven’t said it but I presume it’s going to be number four.

Micah: Because – yeah, I mean, that’s going to be interesting to see how they do that because I don’t know that you have enough material to do that.

Andrew: Well yeah, I think – there’s rumors going around that even the first film, they’re going to be adding a good amount of backstory to help fill these books out. And yeah, I completely agree with you. When you look at the last books in the Potter and Twilight series, they’re big. There’s a lot of material there, whereas The Hunger Games, the third book, is basically the same size as the first two. [laughs] It’s not like – if you compare Sorcerer’s Stone to Deathly Hallows, just the physical size of the book, you see a very clear difference, whereas that’s not the case with Hunger Games versus Mockingjay, the third book in the Hunger Games series. So there’s something interesting going on in the book-to-film movie industry and that is, thanks to WB, we’re seeing a new trend in turning one book into two films. And really, is it a bad thing? I don’t think so because it benefits the fans. It does, they still – and it extends the life of the fandom and that hurts nobody.

Micah: Right. I mean, there’s definitely a financial element to all of this and that’s really – to me, by in large…

Andrew: That’s really what’s going on.

Micah: …what the WBs and the Lionsgates of the world care about. I mean, at the end of the day they can say all they want, that they care about the fans. No, they care about what they’re making, what their bottom line is.

Andrew: Right, right.

Micah: And they could have easily split – we’ve talked about this on the show before. They could have easily split [laughs] a lot of the other books up to this point. I think the first three movies were probably good how they were done, but once you get to Goblet of Fire – and there was talk about it. You could have split all those movies into two parts. It just would have made it that much more – [laughs] probably a hassle for the actors and the actresses, but you legitimately could have split from Goblet of Fire on, every single book into two movies.

Andrew: By the way, on – H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com – we actually just started a new Hunger Games podcast. It’s not on iTunes yet but we do have it available for download on the site. If you just scroll down the page on Hypable, you will see a “Podcasts” section on the right, and you can click on Episode 1 and download it. And we actually talk about this news more at length as well as some of the other casting stuff. Hunger Games, Micah, very, very big right now.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: And it’s exciting!

Micah: Yeah, what was your – can I just ask – what do you think these films are going to be rated? Because the books are very…

Andrew: PG-13.

Micah: Yeah. I mean, the books are pretty graphic.

Andrew: Yeah. They can’t do R, so PG-13 definitely.

Micah: Yeah. They’re going to have to find a way to do that though, because there’s a lot of… [pauses]

Andrew: Yeah. Blood.

Micah: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: And violence.

Micah: [laughs] Exactly. I didn’t know how to put it.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: But yeah, blood about sums it up.

Muggle Mail: Tonks and Mad-Eye Moody’s Relationship

Andrew: The first film, by the way, will be coming out March 23rd, 2012, so it’s something to look forward to. And if you haven’t read those books, by the way, definitely check them out. They’re great reads. Okay, final e-mail today, Maddy, 13, of Alberta, Canada:

“Hi guys, I was listening to MuggleCast Episode 229 and when you guys were talking about how Tonks could talk back to Mad-Eye Moody, I remembered that they said something about their relationship when Mad-Eye died in Book 7. On page 70 of the English edition of ‘Deathly Hallows’, quote, ‘Tonks was crying silently into a handkerchief: She had been close to Mad-Eye, Harry knew, his favorite and his protĂ©gĂ© at the Ministry of Magic.'”

So there you go. There’s a direct answer.

Micah: Thanks, Maddy. Thanks for clearing that up.

Listener Tweets: Favorite Bad Guy Poster

Andrew: Yeah thanks, Maddy. Good eye. And finally today, we have some Twitter responses. For those who follow MuggleCast on Twitter,, we asked everybody: What’s your favorite bad guy poster? And the choices are Snape, Draco, Bellatrix, or Voldemort. Lots of varying answers. Some people cannot pick. ElenaAlien said:

“Bella, for sure.”

4M4M4M4M said:


Palto96 said:

“Draco Malfoy.”

Brat94 said:

“Bellatrix is my favorite bad guy poster.”

RockMusicLove93 said:

“Snape’s poster looked awesome, but I was kind of confused about what was behind him. Any ideas?”

I was wondering that, too. Some people think in the Snape poster, the boathouse may be behind him. MegaWatts says:

“Bellatrix. There’s a real honest look of malice on her face.”

FanGirlBeth said:

“Even though I’m a Draco fan girl, I have to say Bellatrix. Helena is simply amazing.”

ThisIsSeriana said:

“Def Bellatrix. Fav poster out of all of them.”

Actually, I have to say votes seem to mostly be going to Bellatrix and Snape. I have to agree with most of the people, my vote is with Bellatrix. It’s not only my favorite Harry Potter character name but also my favorite poster. She just looks hot. She’s sexy. It’s a great poster. How about you?

Micah: Yeah. No, I agree. I’d go with Bellatrix. She’s deranged. I mean, [laughs] she fits the role very well.

Show Close

Andrew: Yeah. All right. Well, that does it for MuggleCast Episode 230, but wait, don’t go yet! We have to remind you about our website, From there you can find links to our Twitter which is, our Facebook which is, and our fan Tumblr which is Also on the MuggleCast website, you will find links to LeakyCon to get more details about that, a link to, my brand new entertainment site for fans, by fans. And of course, you can also find an iTunes link where you can subscribe and review us! We like reviews. Be honest. Tell us if you don’t like Micah, I agree with you.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Just kidding. It’s all there on And last but not least, a contact link, [laughs] probably the most active portion of the site. If you click on “Contact” at the top, you’ll find a feedback form where you can write to us. Send in your feedback about anything we talked about on today’s show, and it may just be read on the next episode.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: Thanks for listening!

Micah: We made it!

Andrew: Hope you enjoyed this two-person…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, we made it through a two-person show…

Micah: And what do you think?

Andrew: …and it’s just as long as a three or four person…

Micah: I mean, it’s not much of a landmark…

Andrew: It was fine.

Micah: …but 230 episodes. I mean, that’s pretty good.

Andrew: Oh yeah, that’s good. Yeah, it’s good. We’ll see everybody next time for Episode 231! Buh-bye!

Micah: Bye!

[Show music continues]

Transcript #229

MuggleCast 229 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Micah: Because Universal needs to step up their game, this is MuggleCast Episode 229 for May 26th, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

And by, a MuggleNet for the rest of the fandoms in the world and created by MuggleNet staff. Visit for thorough and up-to-the-minute coverage around The Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and many more. That’s – H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 229! Micah and Eric are here this week as well as me. Hey guys!

Micah: Hey!

Eric: Hey!

Andrew: Summer is upon us. This is exciting.

Eric: I don’t know about that, Andrew.

Andrew: I just got done classes.

Eric: Still like 55 here in Chicago. 55!

Andrew: Really?

Eric: Yeah. Below tonight is like 47.

Andrew: It’s kind of cool in California as well. How is it in New York, Micah?

Micah: It’s in the 80s. It’s nice and sunny here.

Andrew: Wow.

Micah: Finally after weeks of rain and terrible weather.

Andrew: I’m sure you’ll get more rain.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Well, thanks. I appreciate it.

Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: [laughs] There is no lead-in.

Andrew: No.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: Micah, what is in the news?

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Character Posters

Micah: Well, you said we’re getting into summer and that means we’re getting closer to the release of Deathly Hallows – Part 2. And a number of character posters have been released and the first three I guess would make sense that they’re Harry, Ron, and Hermione. What did you guys think of these posters? Do you like them? Do they look like they’re photoshopped by a twelve-year-old?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: What’s your take on it?

Eric: Are you just throwing that – is that your opinion asked in the form of a question?

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: No.

Eric: Could these be the – [laughs] all right.

Micah: Maybe.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Perhaps.

Andrew: I don’t think they looked photoshopped at – I mean, well obviously they’re photoshopped but I don’t think they’re poorly photoshopped. I think they’re actually pretty badass. My friend Mason who saw the Ron one this morning, he was like, “Oh wow, that’s pretty awesome, actually.”

Micah: I think what takes away from it is the text “It all ends.” It just doesn’t look right. It doesn’t fit the poster.

Eric: No.

Andrew: Hmm.

Eric: Usually they’re better with that. I mean, the text isn’t even embossed or doesn’t even have a nice little bevel or shadow effect. It just seems pretty – I don’t know, put together. But I like the poses. It’s always good to see these characters, that’s the real thing. I mean, this is the last bit of posterage we’ll get ever for a Harry Potter film. So if you don’t like it speak now, but otherwise forever hold your peace because this is the last round.

Andrew: But if you think about it, this is, what, the eighth set of character movie posters now? It’s like, “Okay, what are we going to do this time?”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: It’s like they have to try to come up with stuff that looks different from one other. And I remember last year – or with Half-Blood Prince and probably Part 1 too, the character posters – there were those little red sparks and they’re back on these posters as well.

Micah: Well, now we actually know what they mean.

Andrew: What do you mean?

Micah: We were thinking that it was blood, initially.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: But it’s just all the embers that are coming off of Hogwarts burning down.

Eric: Nice.

Andrew: [laughs] All perfectly positioned in front of each character.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: But not behind them, only in front of them.

Micah: Well, the other thing I noticed, too – and maybe they didn’t do this on previous posters and I’m just forgetting – is that there is no title of the movie.

Andrew: Oh!

Eric: Yeah, that’s really different as well.

Andrew: Well, that’s cool. And I mean, basically people know – it was like with Half-Blood Prince when they just wrote “HP6.”

Eric: Right.

Micah: Right.

Eric: That was weird.

Andrew: People – these are iconic characters now. You don’t need the title.

Eric: Huh. Interesting though.

Micah: I guess that makes sense.

Andrew: I wonder – I mean, when people listen to this show now after we record, other character posters will be out. They’ve been releasing a new one each day. I’m wondering who else they’re going to show. Probably Voldemort, maybe Draco. I don’t know who else though.

Eric: Hmm. Yeah, they usually do a good guy set and a bad guy set, at least going back to…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …Movie 5 when there really were two clear sides of good and evil.

Andrew: What else is going on, Micah?

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 US Premiere to be Held in NYC

Micah: Well, the US premiere location is set for Deathly Hallows – Part 2. No surprise, I think, that it is going to be in New York City. The date is to be determined but New York City seems to be the place for the US premiere and no surprise there, like I said.

Andrew: And it makes sense because Dan Radcliffe is there shooting – or not shooting, being a part of the musical How to Succeed. They got the – what is that thing? The exhibition there.

Micah: The exhibition.

Andrew: It’s convenient for the UK actors to get over there instead of flying all the way across the world to Los Angeles, a twelve-hour flight. Yeah. I miss the LA Order of the Phoenix premiere. Personally, I think that one was the best. But…

Micah: Well, it was just a short drive for you, right?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Or not at the time. You were still in Jersey, weren’t you?

Andrew: Right, right. I would love to just drive to a premiere.

Micah: Well, now it would just be a short drive for you so it would be nice.

Andrew: Exactly. It would be a walk.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: It would be – and Warner Bros. too. I mean, they’re based out in LA. So…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Easy for them.

Andrew: Well, they like taking trips. They like making excuses for trips to New York.

Micah: That’s true.

Andrew: Probably because they get nice hotels. We have an e-mail later on, by the way, about premiere tips. People always want to know some tips for the premiere, camping out, getting there early, blah blah blah. So we’ll talk about those later in the show because I know people have questions.

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News: LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Announced

Micah: So, continuing on with the news, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 was announced. It will be released later on this year, right around Christmas time, the holiday season, trying to take advantage of all the Harry Potter fans out there that’ll be buying up their Deathly Hallows – Part 2 DVDs and “1-8” sets. So, LEGO Harry Potter, what do you guys think of this? You guys both have the game? I know Matt says he has it.

Andrew: Yeah, he sold it, but…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You must be excited though because you loved it, 1-4.

Micah: Yeah, I thought they did a really good job, as we’ve talked about probably numerous times on the show, with putting the gameplay together, because it’s not primarily focused on the movies like the EA games are. It really takes a lot from the books, and there’s a lot more that you can do in terms of free roaming and tasks and things like that. So I think they wouldn’t have gotten ahead and made 5-7 if Years 1-4 wasn’t such a huge success.

Andrew: No, you’re right. And I mean, we saw the sales that first month. I think the sales were extremely good.

Eric: Well, speaking of sales, I am thinking of selling my game. I can’t get very far in it, guys. I have to admit, I have not done very well in the Harry Potter LEGO game. I’m thinking…

Andrew: It’s a children’s game. Why?

Eric: I am thinking of giving up. It’s just not into it. I can’t figure out what to do next. I am stuck, there’s a hallway with some plants that I can’t get past and I’m lost, I don’t know what to do. So I’m probably going to sell the game, too.

Micah: What was interesting was I was talking to Andrew the other day, and I said I e-mailed the head of production over at TT Games to find out what the latest was, if there was going to be a LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 and he said, “Well, we’re focusing our attention on Pirates of the Caribbean right now.”

Eric: [laughs] That was like last week, right?

Micah: “But expect an announcement soon.” Well yeah, and he said, “Expect an announcement soon,” and then literally a couple of days later they announced Years 5-7. So…

Andrew: You sensed something.

Micah: I did, yeah. Yeah, exactly. I had one of those Ben-like predictions.

Eric: [laughs] Well, if it’s coming out the end of this year, clearly it’s something they’ve been working on for a little while.

Micah: Absolutely. I mean, these games take so long to create. We saw the production that went on with Years 1-4 and just how much detail goes into these games.

Andrew: What else is going on in the news?

News: JK Rowling Talks About Favorite Character

Micah: JK Rowling talked about her favorite characters to promote a new Bloomsbury campaign, and she gave an idea of who her favorite character is.

Eric: Wait, Micah, let me guess: Is it “pen and paper”?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: No, no. Is “pen and paper” a character in the Potter series? Might as well be.

Andrew: It probably is right now.

Eric: “Pen and paper” Weasley, actually. It’s the – yeah, “pen and paper.” “Pen and paper” Clearwater, is that it? That’s a real character, right?

Micah: Well, let me read the quote here. It says:

“[My favorite character is] Harry…”

Andrew: Yawn.

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: [continues]

“…although I believe I am unusual in this, Ron is generally more popular (I love him too, though). Now that I have finished writing the books, the character I would most like to meet for dinner is Dumbledore. We would have a lot to discuss, and I would love his advice; I think that everyone would like a Dumbledore in their lives.”

And I think she said this before though.

Andrew: Mmm.

Micah: In another interview.

Eric: She said – yeah, she would meet him for dinner.

Andrew: But I see Jo in Dumbledore, so Jo is just looking to have a conversation with herself if you ask me.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Well, I think…

Micah: She’s never coming on the show.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: The real surprise for me is that obviously – we’re re-reading Order of the Phoenix and Order of the Phoenix more so than any other book is really – Dumbledore is not a good guy. His actions are called under question, I think, by Jo herself, because Harry is feeling very isolated especially where we are currently in Chapter-by-Chapter. So the idea that she says everybody wants a Dumbledore in their life, well, actually I don’t think we do. She – basically Dumbledore is revealed throughout the whole series to be this really manipulative guy and sure, he’s got his moments but I would not choose him to be my dinner guest. I would not. I would find myself strangling him.

Micah: Well, isn’t that cheery? Next piece of news…

Andrew: Yeah.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

News: Attendance at Universal Soars Thanks to Wizarding World

Micah: …is – we got a lot of diverse news this week. We’re moving from a lot of different topics here. Normally it’s just about one thing and that’s usually the movie, but attendance at The Wizarding World of – or sorry, at Universal, has soared thanks to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. No surprise there, but Andrew…

Andrew: Mhm?

Micah: …you recently returned from Orlando.

Andrew: I did.

Micah: Did you happen to go to [laughs] The Wizarding World of Harry Potter?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: No, no, I went to Dr. Seuss Land. [laughs] I really wanted to go see Dr. Seuss. The Cat in the Hat. No, yeah I did. I went with my family, actually. It was their first time going to Universal, so it was exciting. And they were all really excited to see the Wizarding World and they loved it. It was a fun time, we had a great time. The crowds were good.

But, and I tweeted this, I ran into a couple of issues at Universal, and they just really bugged me, and I wanted to spend a minute going into them because it’s got to be fixed. The Wizarding World is so popular, Micah just brought up the story about the attendance at the park soaring because of Harry Potter, period. Not because of anything else. They need to up their game at Universal.

First of all, and anybody who’s been on the Forbidden Journey knows this, the locker situation has to be fixed. It is extremely crowded, it’s dark, it’s small in there. When fifty people are trying to cram into the space, to either get a locker or reopen their locker, it’s just a mess. And it doesn’t help that it’s dark in there. And small. It’s a wreck, it’s literally a wreck. I personally had a problem reopening my locker. It took me a few minutes to find the locker attendant. And I finally find him, it takes me a few minutes because it’s dark, it’s small, and it’s crowded. And I find him, and I say, “Hey, excuse me,” and he greets me with, “What’s up?”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And that just annoyed me because, first of all, they’re kind of supposed to be in character because you’re in the wizarding world. Act a little British…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …or cheery, or something. He just turns around, and you could tell he’s angry because he’s working this horrible job in the locker area where it’s so crowded he can’t even walk around and he deals with all those people who are getting annoyed at the locker situation. So he greets me kind of rudely with “What’s up?” and I get the locker situation worked out but he was just really bugging me in his attitude. He obviously did not enjoy working there. [laughs] And then the next day I went on Forbidden Journey again and I went into the lockers – I didn’t have anything to drop off this time but I went through the locker area – and one of the guests walks in the room, [laughs] in the locker room, and says, “I can’t see in here!” and she was kind of whining. [laughs] And the attendant kind of yells across the room, “Take off your sunglasses!” in a rude tone.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: It was just like – it’s so – I don’t know. It’s just these – some of these employees just don’t sit right with me. And in the Hog’s Head bar, I went in over there and one person was taking care of the bar in the middle of the day. And the line was out the door!

Eric: Hmm.

Andrew: And it’s just like, come on! Get some better service in here! And eventually the second person did show up but that should never have less than two people, that Hog’s Head bar. I love it but not – it needs two people. And finally, the Jurassic Park. The Jurassic Park land. Very cool land. I went with my family again. The River Adventure ride, the one day I was there it was closed and that annoyed me so much because there are so few rides at Islands of Adventure. These poor people who are actually going to the park, paying money to go experience the whole park probably in one day. One of the five rides at the park is closed! And it’s like, that’s a big portion of the park and you’re just going to – you’re screwing people over!

Eric: Mmm.

Andrew: So the next day I go back to Islands of Adventure and the ride’s open, and I’m like, “Okay, good, good. It’s open. Glad to see it.” We go on the ride and you know how – you’re on a river boat and the big doors open up and it says [in dramatic voice] “Welcome to Jurassic Park!” [in normal voice] It’s supposed to be some epic moment because these giant doors, they’re opening and you’re getting a look – you’re like entering the Jurassic Park?

Eric: Uh-huh.

Andrew: Well, the damn dinosaur right at the front is broken down! His head is hiding behind a rock, underwater.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: It’s like, are you kidding me? There was nothing to look at! It said “Welcome to Jurassic Park” and all you saw was a river and trees, and a broken dinosaur.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Thanks, Universal.

Eric: And this…

Andrew: Real magic. I’m…

Eric: So this is the theme park, now, we’re talking about, who had suffered like a 40% loss of money two years ago, and like a 180% increase in revenue this past year since Harry Potter opened, right? Wasn’t that the news story?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: I mean, we’re talking millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars above expectation.

Andrew: Right. Let’s spend some money to make sure the rides work.

Eric: Okay. Well, that’s fair. I mean, to be fair there is a…

Andrew: [laughs] And the end of the bar has enough people.

Eric: In Disney there is a Yeti in the Expedition Everest ride in Animal Kingdom that’s been broken down for years and years and years, and they still haven’t fixed it. I did read about that.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: There was an article about that. So there are broken rides. It’s something that happens. We don’t know how long that dinosaur has been broken.

Andrew: Well, a day is too long.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: When that dinosaur is the entrance to the ride, [in dramatic voice] “Welcome to Jurassic Park! Look at our broken dragon!”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [continues in dramatic voice] And trees and water, but nothing else! [in normal voice] And there was another dragon – or dinosaur broken a little bit later into the ride. Other than that, Wizarding World

Micah: Good time?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Wizarding World is great.

Eric: Is the Butterbeer still – do you still not like the Butterbeer, Andrew? Because you said, “Ehhh, sugar.”

Andrew: No, no, no, the Butterbeer is good. Yeah. I don’t drink a lot of it but the Butterbeer is good. The park – I can sit in that park all day. I went into the park all three days and just sat in the middle and really just took in the ambience. Seeing – people are genuinely excited to walk into that park. And big Harry Potter fans – they’re so excited and it’s so fun watching them experience it for the first time. It really is wonderful and they really did do a great job with it. There’s just some things that they really need to work out.

Eric: Did…

Micah: Well, how many times did the Forbidden Journey break down when we were there?

Andrew: Right. I mean…

Micah: A lot.

Andrew: In fairness there, though, the ride was just opening so they’re kind of bound to have problems. And hopefully they’ve fixed that by now. If they haven’t, then yeah, that’s an issue.

Eric: Did you see any kind of expansion or signs of expansion or…

Andrew: [laughs] No.

Eric: …any idea?

Andrew: I was looking, though.

Eric: Well, when are they going to start building on here, because we’re on a deadline here. The world is going to in 2012.

Andrew: [laughs] I would say between the next one to two years we would probably start hearing something.

Eric: Hmm.

Andrew: But who knows?

Micah: And you said you actually ran into a couple of MuggleCast listeners.

Andrew: I did! I did run into a couple of MuggleCast listeners. The one was Katelyn, it was very nice meeting her, and the other girl – I don’t think I got her name. We ran into her when we were in the other park, Universal Studios Orlando, not Islands of Adventure. But I ran into her with her family, she was very nice. We had a nice conversation. So shout-out to both of them and I saw on Facebook a couple of people were like, “Oh, I thought I saw you there!” But we didn’t actually meet, so…

Eric: Yeah, were you wearing a black wife-beater on one of the days?

Andrew: [laughs] Yes. People have seen me then.

Eric: People have seen you then. You were spotted, Andrew. You were spotted.

Andrew: Yeah. Yes, yes, that was me. That was me. People made fun of me for it, but whatever. So overall if I had to give some new tips to people, definitely go – the morning is definitely when it’s the most crowded. Evenings are much better. I would say definitely go afternoon to evening, the crowds are a lot better to deal with. The one day I went, Forbidden Journey wait – on Friday it was seventy-five minutes. The following day it was twenty minutes.

Eric: Hmm.

Andrew: And around the same time, too. So a dramatic difference. I don’t even know why. But afternoons, evenings, are the best times to go to that park.

Andrew’s Birthday

Micah: And one piece of news I noticed that we did skip over was Monday was your birthday, Andrew, so Happy Birthday.

Andrew: Yes, it was!

Eric: Happy Birthday!

Andrew: I celebrated it in the park. I was very happy to be doing that, it really is a great place. I was really happy to be there. But thanks!

Eric: And Lady Gaga gave you a birthday present, didn’t she, Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah. I was born this day.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: May 23rd, the same day “Born This Way” the album came out. And we’ll be playing a Lady Gaga Make The Connection later on in the show.

Eric: Fantastic.

Andrew: But I have to say, the birthday wishes were really nice. They really remind me, and I’m sure you guys too when you get them, why we do the show and the website and everything else. It’s for the fans, and they genuinely enjoy it and it makes me really happy to see all these people wishing me a happy birthday. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. [giggles]

Eric: Now, next year will be your golden birthday, right? 23 on the 23rd?

Andrew: Oh yes.

Eric: Oh, we’ll have to plan for that.

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011

Andrew: I can’t wait. [laughs] All right, so – well, speaking of all this park stuff, we should remind everybody about LeakyCon., it’s going to be held July 13th to the 17th in Orlando, Florida. We are under fifty days away now. There’s going to be that party in the park. We now know when we are doing the two podcasts. We’re going to be doing a Leaky Mug on Thursday, and a MuggleCast on Friday. The MuggleCast on Friday is going to be our live review show – and by live, I mean in front of a real audience – and we’re going to have a lot of fun with it, I think. I have a very good feeling about it.

We’ve told you guys all about LeakyCon over the past few months. There’s going to be the dance, there’s going to be the fantastic programming, there’s going to be the opening feast, the leaving feast, the midnight premiere of the movie. It’s just going to be – there’s going to be so much fun to be had down there in Orlando, Florida with some of the biggest Harry Potter fans, and LeakyCon is going to be a lot of fun. So visit, click on “Register,” and in the referral box, do put in “Muggle” so they know we sent you. A couple of updates, actually, there’s only – there’s probably less than one hundred registrations available now.

Eric: Ooh.

Andrew: Tickets left, in other words. So now is the time to register. You have to do it soon. It’s going to be sold out soon and we’ll no longer be able to tell you to register, [laughs] because you won’t be able to. So check it out:, enter referral code “Muggle,” and we will see you there, July 13th to the 17th. What are you guys looking forward to most if you had to pick one thing?

Eric: I’m looking for the movie to come out, honestly.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: That’s going to be really, really awesome just seeing it with everybody.

Andrew: It’s kind of funny, I keep forgetting that the movie is coming out during it, [laughs] because there’s so much else going on. It’s like…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s crazy.

Micah: Yeah, let’s just hope they don’t move the release to Wednesday.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Well, if that happens, they will make changes. Everybody will still see it. Hopefully. At midnight if they come in on the 12th.

Eric: Yeah, they did that…

Andrew: Micah, how about you?

Eric: I feel like that happened in Movie 6. They released it a couple of days early and people…

Andrew: Yeah, and “7”.

Eric: So people were…

Andrew: Or maybe not “7”.

Eric: So the event was planned for the Friday and people did see it on Wednesday but everybody together then came back and saw it Friday. I don’t know, I always thought if there’s a big event planned, just wait for that. Wait two days. There’s no reason not to. See it in a group.

Andrew: Micah, how about you?

Micah: I think just the podcast. I always have a lot of fun doing those live shows and meeting with everybody.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Hearing their reactions live. Every time we do a show like this, we get people’s reactions through social media, e-mails, things like that, but it’s really cool to be in person and having that kind of interaction. Just getting away, being able to relax for a couple of days in Orlando even though it’s going to be hot as all hell down there like it was last year. But…

Eric: I’ll tell you, Micah, I could use the heat. It’s very, very cold in Chicago.

Micah: Well, Chicago. I mean, it’ll probably still be twenty degrees when we leave in July.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: And snowing, but – yeah. No, I mean, I just look forward to going down there and hanging out. It’s really a time that a lot of us get to see each other because we don’t see each other all that often during the year.

Andrew: That’s true. I usually forget what you look like. You have to come up to me and say, “Hey, Andrew, remember me?”

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: “I’m Micah. I do that podcast with you.” I’m like, “Micah? Oh! Oh, Micah. Okay.”

Eric: “Which podcast? Let’s see here.”

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: And he pulls out his large rolodex.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Advance Guard”

Andrew: “Let me go through my podcast rolodex.” [laughs] All right. Well, Micah, this is why I always remember you, because of your great Chapter-by-Chapter segments. And you’re going to kick us off now with Chapter 3: “The Advance Guard” from Order of the Phoenix!

Micah: Right! I hope I remember it seeing as I put this together two weeks ago.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: On the last show.

Micah: So, if I’m a little rusty on it, I do apologize. So, Chapter 3: “The Advance Guard.” The chapter opens and Harry is literally freaking out at this point.

Eric: [laughs] All of the chapter.

Micah: [laughs] A number of things are going on. He’s been attacked by Dementors, he’s being tailed by both Arabella Figg and Mundungus Fletcher, Petunia has gotten a mysterious Howler, he’s worried about being expelled and/or going to Azkaban, and nobody, really, is communicating with him in the way that he would like. So, did you guys think that this was a little bit of a misstep on Dumbledore’s part, not to let him know just what the hell was going on?

Eric: Yeah, I do.

Micah: There’s a lot of stuff happening.

Eric: I do, and I think – really it builds up even in the next chapter. Harry kind of takes his anger out on his friends instead. But the real thing here is that Dumbledore is at fault, and Dumbledore is really being tough on Harry. He’s creating a situation that doesn’t necessarily need to exist and it’s one of Dumbledore’s arbitrary choices that just Harry and everybody else has to kind of deal with in this book. It’s really tough because up until this point in the Harry Potter books, Dumbledore has been kind of in the background, and even now – here he’s in the background, but we’re at least getting word of what he’s doing. And it’s clear that it’s because Voldemort has come back. It’s obviously a game-changer when the villain all of a sudden has a body again at the end of Book 4. That’s a big deal. But I did expect to see sort of – at the beginning of Book 6 when Dumbledore shows up on Privet Drive and escorts Harry. That is what I expected to happen in this book, that he would get a Dumbledore escort. But as it turns out, we rarely see Dumbledore in this book, and for a good reason which is explained later.

Andrew: And this is kind of the readers’ opportunity to start losing trust in Dumbledore, thinking like, “Well, he’s not as perfect as we’ve kind of made him out to be.” He’s always been wise, he’s always had plans in good order for the most part, except for that whole Barty Crouch Sr. thing under his nose the whole time in Hogwarts but that’s besides the point. I mean, in this book we really start to lose trust in him when he’s not a good communicator with Harry. This is just one instance in this book.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. I mean, he can talk Mermish, for crying out loud, but he’s not talking English to Harry!

Andrew: Barty Crouch Jr., by the way. I knew that.

Micah: Now, Harry is really eager to communicate with somebody. He wants to send letters off to Ron, Hermione, and Sirius. But the big problem is that Hedwig is nowhere to be found, and he does end up getting really pissed at his only friend at Privet Drive when she does come back, and it’s kind of like as soon as she returns with food – because she’s been out hunting – she is immediately sent back out by Harry. And to sort of add to the level of aggravation that he’s going through, several days pass with no response. So this only increases his level of agitation.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: So, more time continues to pass, and there’s this one night where Vernon comes up to his room and tells Harry that they are going out for the evening. And there’s this list of things [laughs] that Harry is not allowed to do, including, and I quote, “not steal food from the fridge.” Now, he lives there. How is it stealing food? And I know that’s just the way that Vernon likes to treat Harry, but this whole list of things, can and can’ts – it’s a little bit…

Eric: Juvenile?

Micah: …abusive.

Eric: Oh, and abusive.

Andrew: Well, isn’t this something we were talking about last week? I wanted to have more of a discussion on it, just how poorly the family – I mean, somebody could call child – what is that?

Eric: Services?

Andrew: Child services? On the family? Yeah, and get this looked into [laughs] because you’re right, they’re basically starving Harry. They consider him taking food out of the fridge to be stealing. I mean, no family does that unless they really despise the person living there.

Micah: I mean, I can understand, “Okay, you’re not allowed to watch TV.” I mean, all of our parents have said that to us at one time or another, sort of as a punishment. But really, Harry has not done anything wrong in this case, and he’s not allowed to take food from the fridge? I mean, we used to hear in the older books how Petunia used to put food through the flap…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …in his door. It’s so – like Eric was saying – juvenile, but it’s also abusive on some levels, the way that he gets treated.

Eric: I think it’s interesting that Vernon does this to Harry, because we expect it. Harry expects it, that’s why Harry is not shocked. He’s like, “Oh, whatever.” He clearly expects to be this mistreated by the Dursleys, nothing new. The real shame, the real sad part, is that he expects to be treated better by his friends, and he feels that he’s not being treated well by the people he thinks would normally treat him well. So it’s really, really – he’s really not in a good place because not only are the Dursleys – no change there, they’re still as abusive as ever, limiting him and all that stuff. But now his friends aren’t writing to him either, and his friends are – they’re not saying anything, Dumbledore has had him followed all summer. It’s a bad situation.

Micah: Yeah, I agree. Well, when Vernon is taking his family out, the Advance Guard arrives to take Harry away from Privet Drive and we later learn that the Dursleys were sent away because of some competition.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Or they won some contest that doesn’t really exist.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: So that was the opportunity for the Advance Guard to come in and to take Harry away. And we get to meet the real Moody now for the first time other than him just being a rambled mess at the bottom of some trunk in Barty Crouch Jr.’s office. Lupin we already know, but we’re introduced to several new characters: Tonks, Kingsley, Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle who we later learn [laughs] Harry has actually met before, Emmeline Vance, and Sturgis Podmore. Oh, and Hestia Jones. So these are the people…

Andrew: Don’t forget her!

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Yeah, I know.

Eric: You forgot…

Micah: [laughs] Sorry, such a huge character in the series!

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: I knew you were going to forget Hestia Jones, Micah, and that’s why I bolded it right here in the notes.

Micah: Oh. Well, thank you very much. I thought it was somewhat comical that Moody thinks Harry could be an impostor upon arriving, and he said, “We don’t know, we could be capturing a Death Eater and taking him back to our secure location.” So, the question, of course, that Lupin asks Harry is, what form does his Patronus take? And I was just wondering, couldn’t a Death Eater know that? I mean, isn’t it possible that they would have this information, or has Harry not done that in front of enough people yet?

Eric: Hmm. Yeah, I think Harry hasn’t done it in front of enough people.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: I mean, when he did it he was at school in Prisoner of Azkaban. The Dementors would know, but they’re not talking. Plus – well, Dementors can’t see, actually. So I guess anybody he’s ever really done a Patronus in front of wouldn’t be able to talk. Plus, it’s a very personal question because a Patronus is very personal to you, to yourself. So yeah, I guess I feel like it’s – at this point it’s not quite a question everyone would know the answer to.

Andrew: It’s also kind of a spur of the moment thing. I mean, I don’t know if Lupin had that question planned…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …to ask Harry, so maybe that was just the first thing that came to his mind. I don’t know.

Micah: Yeah, it’s possible, but I did think it was comical on Moody’s part that he could question Harry being an impostor Death Eater, but I guess he’s talking from experience.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: He should have just dueled Harry, and if Harry used Expelliarmus they would have known it was the right Harry.

Micah: Exactly. And just kind of running through some of these other members of the Advance Guard – because they do get mentioned briefly, but some of them have a role later on in the series. Doge is introduced more fully in the first few chapters of Deathly Hallows. He writes Dumbledore’s obituary in the Daily Prophet, and of course he speaks with Harry at the wedding. As I mentioned, Diggle says that they’ve met before. This is the wizard that Harry meets all the way back in Sorcerer’s Stone in the Leaky Cauldron, and he also helps escort the Dursleys to safety in Deathly Hallows. Emmeline Vance is killed in the beginning of Half-Blood Prince. Sturgis Podmore gets caught later on in this book guarding the Department of Mysteries and is sent off to Azkaban. I don’t know if we ever hear anything more about him later on in the series. And Hestia Jones – didn’t forget about her – helps Diggle escort the Dursleys to safety in Deathly Hallows.

Eric: So Dedalus and Hestia. They maybe have a thing going on. They get the same jobs together.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: The same missions.

Micah: Yeah, maybe.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Possibly.

Eric: Romance. Cue Swan Lake.

Micah: So after they all arrive and Harry gets introduced to them, Tonks volunteers to go help Harry get his things for school, and it’s revealed that she is a Metamorphmagus. And…

Eric: Hot.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Sorry. That’s hot.

Micah: He also learns that both Tonks and Kingsley are Aurors, and I think he’s a little surprised that Tonks is an Auror because she’s already broken a few things in the house…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …and doesn’t exactly behave like you would expect an Auror to.

Eric: Yeah. She’s the cool Auror.

Andrew: Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Eric: She upsets the balance. She upsets the – she offsets those stingy, book-y Aurors who can actually throw the book at people.

Micah: Now, we brought this up on the last show and we said we’d talk about it in this chapter, but why is it that these people are allowed to access Privet Drive, but it seems like the Death Eaters aren’t?

Andrew: Isn’t it just sort of a matter of good or evil?

Micah: Yeah, I was wondering that.

Eric: Yeah. Well, then – yeah, the question is then, what determines if you’re good or evil? And wouldn’t they be able to use that? Like, “Oh, if you can show up on Privet Drive without being zapped, blown to smithereens, then we know your true loyalties.” But the problem is loyalties change. Now, what I thought was interesting is that the Dursleys are gone for this. So, what if the protection over Privet Drive isn’t active because the Dursleys have left, and that’s why all of these wizards can show up?

Andrew: Oh. But I mean, Dumbledore never really made it clear about – we never heard previously, like, “You guys have to stay here, actually be physically present here.”

Eric: No, it’s true.

Andrew: I think it’s well established that they are still here so the protection is still there, simply because all their stuff is there too. So even if they leave just to go food shopping or whatever…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …it’s still clear that they are present in the home.

Eric: I can just see Voldemort stalking the Dursleys, waiting for them to go food shopping before he attacks Harry. But I mean – well, the reason we brought it up last episode was because we have these people watching Harry, and he actually strays pretty far from number four Privet Drive. He’s walking on the side streets and all the way to the playground which is quite a ways away. In this book he really kind of tests those boundaries, and it seems like an important question to ask. Not only what determines – what allows all these wizards to pick Harry up, but also how far is that protection? Because he goes quite a way from home and he’s still apparently protected unless that’s why the Dementors could find him. So yeah, I don’t know.

Micah: Yeah. And that kind of begs the question, why was there no attempt planned to capture Harry by Voldemort in this book? Moody says right before they are ready to take off, “If one of us is killed,” and it’s interesting that he says that because he’s the one that ends up getting killed under very similar circumstances in Deathly Hallows.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: So – but why no plan? I mean, they could have put something together similar to what they did in Deathly Hallows. Or was it just that Voldemort didn’t have everybody assembled yet?

Eric: Well, I think several things haven’t happened yet which were crucial to the attack that happened in Deathly Hallows. First, that Dumbledore has left Harry on his own, and as a result Voldemort doesn’t know a whole lot about what’s going on with the Order because Harry is not with them. And Voldemort also doesn’t really know about the connection through the scar, and so he can’t use that to sort of track Harry. He doesn’t know that they’re going to pick Harry up. He doesn’t know that Harry is not already with Dumbledore, to be perfectly honest. And the other thing that is different from Book 7 is that Voldemort has his sights on something else. He wants to get the prophecy. He’s kind of – Harry in this book is an afterthought to Voldemort almost, because now that he’s got his body back – Harry already escaped. I think he really wants – he needs reinforcements. He needs to start sort of the – I don’t want to say bureaucratic. He needs to start doing the paperwork to become the new evil Dark Lord again because he is going after a weapon instead of going after Harry. He’s changed – in other words, he’s completely changed focus, but I think that was a smart move.

Micah: Mhm. That’s a good point. The only other thing I was going to bring up in this chapter was that Tonks has an interesting relationship with Moody. She seems to be the only person who can reason with him, but she’s also the only person that can talk back to him. And I’m wondering if he was a mentor of sorts, is that the kind of dynamic that exists between the two of them?

Andrew: I was thinking it’s more women power than anything else.

Eric: So, you’re saying that Moody likes the fire in her?

Andrew: [laughs] Yes.

Eric: Yeah?

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, the – no.

Micah: Well, now.

Andrew: Well yeah, I mean, we’d have to look at their friendship over time, too. There could be different aspects of their relationship from the past that has given Tonks this right to be the one who really stands up to him, reasoning with him and speaking back to him, laying the smackdown. If they’ve had a very good relationship in the past, Tonks may feel comfortable with being like, [in a funny accent] “Okay, Moody, you listen here!”

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Eric: Is that your valley girl accent?

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know what it was.

Micah: Get Mason.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Oh, we do need Mason for this.

Micah: I’m sure he could do a good one.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Last part of the chapter, they all arrive safely at “Grimmauld Place, headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix,” is what it says on the paper that Harry gets.

Eric: Yeah, paper.

Andrew: Hmm.

Eric: Hmm, interesting.

Andrew: Pen and paper, hmm.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Priorities.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: All right. And Eric?

Eric: So…

Andrew: …you will take us through Chapter 4!

MuggleCast 229 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Number Twelve Grimmauld Place”

Eric: Chapter 4: “Number Twelve Grimmauld Place.” I just have to say, it’s really funny reading this because I live at a number fourteen and the house next to me is number ten. So, there is actually…

Andrew: Whoa!

Eric: …five feet – there is no number twelve on the street I live on. [laughs]

Andrew: You know, when I stayed there, I thought I heard ghosts. So maybe that was the three houses in between – the one house in between, number twelve.

Eric: I have tried to find number twelve on my street and it hasn’t worked. Anyway, number twelve…

Andrew: Well, according to the films, it grows out of nowhere.

Eric: It grows out of nowhere.

Andrew: So…

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Well, I think what it is – now, in the book, it grows out of nowhere in front of Harry. That’s how it’s described. And in the movie, it grows out of nowhere. But I feel like it’s already there, like the only reason they can’t see it is because it’s hidden magically. It doesn’t give number twelve the magical property of being a hideaway building that slides. I think the sliding effect is what results from the hidden – the Fidelio Charm being performed on the building. Maybe I could be wrong. What do you guys think?

Andrew: It’s just in – when I saw it in the movie I was just really – it just was not how I pictured it. Because in the movie, it’s basically – the two row homes separate, and that’s not how I pictured it. I just thought in the book it was just this blank – this empty plot of land.

Eric: Yeah, I think I remember that, too. I remember not also feeling like they would be connected houses to begin with.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: But then when they were – I guess it made sense, but I think it was – I think, too, again, that the magic makes it pop out of nowhere but that ordinarily there was enough space between the houses. I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But – so the letter, we find out later, was written by Dumbledore that Harry reads. Moody at the beginning of this chapter burns the letter right away and they enter the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. Now, Moody tells Harry to go in, not go too far. All the other wizards go in, and he’s met immediately by Mrs. Weasley who hugs Harry. And she says, “He’s just arrived. The meeting has started.” The wizards behind Harry make excited noises and they head towards the kitchen, and Mrs. Weasley says that he’ll have to wait for dinner because they’re holding a meeting. So this is very – again, nobody is telling Harry anything, even just yet. They’re clearly keeping him out of the loop, even still.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: So, Mrs. Weasley tells him that she’ll show him to his room. She leads him up the stairs and it says she leads him “on tiptoe past a pair of long, moth-eaten curtains, behind which Harry supposed there must be another door,” because there are a lot of doors down this hallway. Now, we know that – by the end of this chapter, we find out that Mrs. Black’s portrait is behind these curtains and we know from later in the book that the portrait can’t be removed. But I thought it was interesting that Harry says – just his intuition, his instinct, says that there’s a door behind this portrait. So I had the question – well, we know that there are doors behind other portraits, like to Gryffindor common room. Do you think or did you guys ever think there could be a door behind Mrs. Black’s portrait in Grimmauld Place?

Andrew: No, because she just serves as the protector, so I don’t think there would ever be a purpose other than that. I mean, usually yes, the portraits are placed to hide a door but I guess I could see maybe a safe being hidden behind there because people would obviously not be able to get into it except for Sirius. But yeah – no, I’ve always seen it just as simply a security measure.

Eric: Well, what kind of security…

Micah: Yeah, I agree. I never thought that it could be a door.

Eric: Never? Okay. Because I feel like…

Andrew: Never ever.

Eric: [laughs] Maybe it’s just me. I feel like in architecture…

Micah: It would have been cool.

Eric: Yeah, it would have been cool and I mean, I feel like in architecture – you’re at a building and you feel like there should be a door somewhere. There’s like an archway where a door would normally go, and there’s not a door there? It just seems like a change has been made. But what is Mrs. Black’s purpose? I guess…

Andrew: Security.

Eric: Why though? She just browbeats people, she doesn’t really prevent anything.

Andrew: Well, that’s…

Eric: And they just close the curtains and she goes away.

Andrew: To me, that was another fun, whimsical addition that Jo added. It’s just another area of magic that was fun to read about.

Eric: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: It was a nice sub-character, so to speak.

Eric: Yeah. It does…

Andrew: And she was annoying but…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …enjoyable.

Eric: It leaves for good suspense. So Harry keeps going down the hallway, there’s all these heads – [laughs] severed heads, actually – as Harry goes down the hall. He realizes that they’re house-elf heads and he asks, “What on earth were they doing in a house that looked as though it belonged to the darkest of wizards?” This mystery is wrapped up by the end of the chapter. So, Mrs. Weasley leads Harry to his room, heads back downstairs to the meeting, and really it’s at this point – basically Ron and Hermione are waiting in the room. Harry has a couple of seconds to register that the room has a twin bed in it. All of a sudden he is surrounded by bushy hair, Hermione pulls him into a huge hug. But the first thing she asks, and rightly so, is: “Have you been furious with us?” She says, “I bet you have. I know our letters were useless, but we couldn’t tell you anything – Dumbledore made us swear we wouldn’t. Oh, we’ve got so much to tell you.” So I think they guessed – and correctly – that Harry would be very, very upset. And I think the interesting thing about this chapter – it’s a little difficult to read because Harry does go all caps very, very shortly.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: Very shortly, he goes all caps. And he does feel ashamed later, but he spills out all of his insecurities from being left alone on Privet Drive, all of his resentment to not being with his friends while they’ve been with each other. He says all these things, and it’s really – the other thing is it’s satisfying to read, because you really feel that getting all this anger out is the first step to living with it, to dealing with it, but…

Andrew: Yeah. And when you think about it, they had this great friendship with him for the past four years, and then suddenly they have to kind of cut it back a little bit on Dumbledore’s orders. So that’s why she knew so well that Harry would be PO’d, because suddenly they had to keep this a secret.

Eric: Yeah. But I think Harry is just mad that they listened to Dumbledore, too, and I mean rightfully so.

Andrew: But they have to. Dumbledore would spank them with his giant hands.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: It’s true.

Eric: His giant – oh yeah, that’s right. Dumbledore is Michael Gambon now, he’s no longer Richard Harris. He’ll really give them a red mark. But anyway, [laughs] Ron says, “We wanted to give the answers to you. Hermione kept saying you’d do something stupid if you were stuck on your own without news, but Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you.” Now, Harry – again he’s feeling this right before he bursts out. There is some great descriptors:

“The warm glow that had flared inside him at the sight of his two best friends was extinguished as something icy flooded the pit of his stomach. All of a sudden – after yearning to see them for a solid month – he felt he would rather Ron and Hermione left him alone.”

So that’s really tough. Now, the other thing Harry finds out is that Ron and Hermione knew about the Order people tailing Harry, so he feels even more just isolated. Everybody knew that there were wizards within feet of Harry this whole time. So…

Micah: Well, one of the things I wanted to just bring up though was that, doesn’t Dumbledore at all think that by doing this he is actually helping whatever he believes to be inside of Harry that could be a danger to him? He’s only aggravating Harry more, which only causes this connection to develop faster – to me, anyway.

Eric: I thought the same thing and earlier when Mrs. Weasley says, “He’s here!” to the other Aurors, I thought she meant Dumbledore and I was like, “Well, how could Dumbledore possibly know that he’s not supposed to be in front of Harry at this point? How does Dumbledore know about this scar connection?” But I think – it’s weird because Dumbledore does have this policy of avoiding Harry over the summer, that’s way before Harry really realizes that this connection exists between Harry and Voldemort. And I just wonder how Dumbledore could have predicted that, because this whole book Harry is isolated. And the reason he’s given to Ron and Hermione is that owls could be intercepted. But Harry says, and again he’s correct, Dumbledore has to have ways to get information across without using owls. It really is that Dumbledore doesn’t want to talk to Harry, and that’s really tough for Harry to deal with.

Micah: Right. And that’s the point. I mean, he’s sort of fueling the fire by ignoring him and every time Harry speaks to another person, he’s hearing that Dumbledore told them not to speak to him or not to correspond with him. And that’s only increasing the level of anger he has towards Dumbledore which Voldemort can easily play off of.

Eric: Yeah. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark side.

Micah: Yes, Yoda.

[Andrew laughs, Eric does Yoda impression]

Eric: So the other thing now – this is the moment of saddest truth – I feel like we should have one of these for every chapter in Book 5. Moment of saddest truth is that Harry says he’s glad that Mundungus Fletcher left his post because “if he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have done magic and Dumbledore would have probably left me at Privet Drive all summer.” And Harry says that right before he flips out, which we’re just going to skip over. But I thought that was the sad truth because we just don’t know what Dumbledore’s intentions were prior to Harry having to defend himself. And lucky that Harry could defend himself, because these Dementors nearly sucked out Dudley’s soul. So…

Andrew: And again, this was Harry’s chance to really get out what was bottling up inside of him, and his friends are a good place to vent towards. So the situation could have been very expected from everybody reading it for the first time, and Hermione saw it coming and probably the other Order members understand the frustration as well. And maybe even Dumbledore.

Eric: Yeah. And I think the other thing is Harry’s argument is so loud – his shouting – that it’s referenced several times the remainder of the chapter. Now, that’s really the first half of the chapter so far. The second half is really interesting because we learn a lot, actually. Now, Fred and George Apparate into the bedroom. [laughs] They say “there may have been some people fifty miles away who didn’t hear you.” [laughs] Ginny comes in and says, “Hello, Harry. I thought I heard your voice.” Now, the Order members are right downstairs in the kitchen holding a meeting. I really feel like the Order members had to have heard Harry flip out. But curiously…

Andrew: But again…

Eric: …none of them…

Andrew: Well – I mean, like I just – yeah. Well, because I think they just knew. They knew – they would have expected he’d be pissed off – he’d be annoyed.

Eric: But it just seems like none of them really – with the exception of Sirius. They just – their loyalty to Dumbledore is so strong and that’s what kind of I think even irks Harry, is because nobody is coming up and comforting. Nobody is defying Dumbledore to make him feel better. I think it’s troubling for Harry to see really the greater good. But it’s something that everybody is being asked to do, which is really for the first time. So Harry Potter books are changing. But anyway…

Andrew: What else do we learn?

Eric: We learn that Bill Weasley is home from Egypt, he’s taken a desk job at Gringotts in London. And we also find out that old Fleur Delacour is working at Gringotts and getting private English lessons from Bill.

Andrew: Private English lessons.

Eric: Right.

Andrew: Locked in a room all by themselves.

Eric: English lessons, yes. Funny how…

Andrew: I can see where true love is going to spark now.

Eric: Me too. I bet Bill is a very…

Micah: Yeah, she was probably having some fun with those Knuts.

Andrew: [laughs] This is very inappropriate.

Eric: I was going to make a joke about Bill being a very cunning linguist.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay.

Eric: Which he probably is. So anyway, Snape is in the Order of the Phoenix. Percy had a big blowout with Mr. Weasley. This is interesting because Harry finds out that the Daily Prophet, which he’s only been reading the cover of, has turned Harry’s name into a running joke. And this is something that Hermione tells him. Basically he’s the butt of every joke. He’s this crazy, deprived child who isn’t trusted. And Hermione suspects that Fudge is behind the fact that nobody reported the Dementors and also that eventually if Harry were to follow in Dumbledore’s footsteps and start saying, “Voldemort’s back, Voldemort’s back, Voldemort’s back,” people won’t believe him because the Daily Prophet all summer has apparently been following in Rita Skeeter’s footsteps. So that’s really tough.

Micah: He’s in the slander in a way, though.

Eric: Oh, it very much is.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: But we don’t know – why wouldn’t that be legal? Or why wouldn’t that be – I mean, newspapers slander people.

Micah: Of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old kid? I mean, that seems to me to be a little bit over the top.

Eric: Well, I think there are certainly people who must be reading the Daily Prophet who are enlightened, like Xenophilius Lovegood. I mean, he’s also crazy, but people like that who are able to see through that and see that there is corruption going on. Or some kind of lean. I feel like some people do know that, but it’s not enough. You’re right, it’s slander. But the other thing of it is, is that going back to what was said in Book 1, right when Voldemort fell, his followers thought that Harry might be a darker wizard, that that’s the reason Voldemort lost, was because Harry was so evil at birth that he could trump them all. A lot of people don’t know. A lot of people still – Harry Potter is a mystery behind it and people want to follow Harry if he’s good. But because people don’t generally know Harry Potter – all they know is that he stopped the deaths thirteen years ago, so they’re just as likely – I feel like they just want to be comforted, to know that he is no longer a threat. And if he is somebody that can be laughed off, they’re going to do that. They’re going to do that because it makes them not have to think about what happened thirteen years ago. I think everybody, the wizarding world, is in a state of denial and it’s supported by the Daily Prophet who is willing to do what Fudge wants instead of what is right.

Andrew: That was quite a statement you just made.

Eric: Do you agree with it or disagree?

Andrew: Oh no, it was good. Yeah.

Eric: Okay, cool. And one final point here: The best entrance line of any character in any book, I’m going to go that far out, is Sirius Black. [laughs] The portrait of Mrs. Black is disturbed, Tonks trips over the umbrella stand for the umpteenth time this week, and Lupin and Sirius basically – they grab the curtains, they shove them shut, and Sirius yell, “Shut up, you old horrible hag, shut up!”

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: That’s his first line, and he says, “Hello, Harry. I see you’ve met my mother.” And that’s the end of the chapter.

Andrew: That kind of reminds me of – well, that quote has really stuck with me. As soon as you read that, I kind of flashed back to reading that the first time, because she was so annoying just like Umbridge.

Eric: Later on, she wails too. I mean, when they’re cleaning.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. She just doesn’t stop.

Andrew: Oh yeah. Mhm. Okay. Well, that does it for Chapter-by-Chapter. Next week we will look at Chapters 5 and 6 of Order of the Phoenix. And by next week, I mean next episode. [laughs] What am I talking about?

[Eric laughs]

Make the Music Connection: Lady Gaga Edition

Andrew: So as we talked about at the beginning of the show, we’re going to do Make the Music Connection and in honor of the new Lady Gaga album that everybody loves, we will select songs from the album which is Born This Way. Now, Eric, you really enjoyed the album you said?

Eric: I did. I liked it. Now, I feel like forty to sixty percent of it sounds the same.

[Andrew gasps]

Eric: To be perfectly honest. Sorry. But there are some stand-out tracks.

Andrew: Well, here is your selection. This is “The Edge Of Glory.” You need to make the connection between this song and one aspect of the Harry Potter films.

[“The Edge Of Glory” by Lady Gaga plays]

Andrew: Micah is loving this right now, I’m sure.

[Song continues]

Andrew: Go ahead, Eric. Make the connection.

Eric: Huh. I have two connections I want to make. I have to choose one of them, of course, but…

Andrew: Pick the better one.

Eric: Pick the better one? I feel like Dumbledore was on the edge of glory once with Grindelwald, and…

Andrew: Mmm.

Eric: …this is something that Dumbledore has obviously wrestled at great deal with since then. But they really were on the cutting edge of their field as youths, as youth wizards, and they had the world at their feet. And of course it lead to trouble when Grindelwald started abusing the power, but I really think that this would be – I can hear this song playing during a coming-of-age sort of seizing-the-day moment of Dumbledore’s adolescence.

Andrew: All right, very good. Micah, I have a song for you. I know you’re not a big Lady Gaga fan, so I’m giving you kind of like a softball here.

Micah: Oh okay.

Andrew: This song is called…

Micah: No, she’s a good artist. She’s a good artist. She’s just – you’re right, I don’t listen to her very much.

Eric: You should give him…

Andrew: So you’re not a Little Monster?

Eric: [laughs] You’re not going to put your paws up?

Micah: I’m not what?

Andrew: You’re not a Little Monster?

Micah: No.

Andrew: Never mind. I don’t even think Micah knows what that means.

Micah: No.

Eric: You should give him “You and I.”

Andrew: It’s an inside joke for…

Micah: Oh. Haha!

Andrew: Okay…

Micah: [laughs] Sorry.

Andrew: …here is “Bad Kids.”

[“Bad Kids” by Lady Gaga plays]

Andrew: Awww.

Eric: Awww yeah.

[Song continues]

Andrew: Go ahead, Micah. Make the connection. “Bad Kids.”

Micah: “Bad Kids.”

Andrew: “I’m a loser, baby. Maybe I should quit. I’m a jerk. Wish I had the money but I can’t find work. I’m a brat, I’m a selfish punk, I really should be smacked. My parents tried…”

Micah: Draco! [laughs]

Andrew: Hmm?

Micah: Draco.

Andrew: Yes. What about Draco though? Tell us.

Micah: Well, what you were saying – the lyrics that you quoted I thought described him pretty well, at least earlier on in the series. He changes a little bit in Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows but – especially that group of kids that decide to align with Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix.

Eric: Hmm. Punks.

Micah: Her little – what was the name of that group again?

Andrew: Lady Gaga?

Micah: No.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Oh.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, the Little Monsters.

Eric: The Inquisitorial Squad.

Micah: I’m not that out of touch!

Andrew: I’m just kidding.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Are we talking about Little Monsters or the Inquisitorial Squad?

Micah: The Inquisitorial Squad.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: There you go.

Andrew: There you go. Yeah.

Eric: Those bad kids.

Andrew: Cool, I like it. All right, and that’s how we play Make the Connection.

Eric: Wait, aren’t you going to give yourself one, Andrew?

Andrew: Oh…

Eric: Do “You and I.”

Andrew: …if you really want me to.

Eric: Yeah, do “You and I.”

Andrew: “You and I”?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay, here’s “You and I.”

[“You and I” by Lady Gaga plays]

Andrew: MuggleCast Live coming at you! It’s 4:14 PM on the West Coast. I screwed that up.

[Song continues]

Andrew: Well, Lady Gaga is referencing, of course, the Hog’s Head and – now, I believe there was an encounter between Harry and Ginny in the Hog’s Head at one point.

Eric: Ooh, was there?

Andrew: I’m trying to – in the Half-Blood Prince movie, was there something like that?

Eric: Yeah, they were at the Burrow.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But yeah, I think – it definitely strikes me as Harry and Ginny-esque.

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Eric: Because she’s very – even in this chapter, she was throwing Dungbombs at the door to try and get it to break. She’s very forceful and the fact that she would say, “Hey, I want you in that bar with your high heels on. You’re mine tonight, I’m not leaving without you.”

Andrew: Right.

Eric: She would say that.

Andrew: Right. All right. Well, that’s how we play Make the Music Connection. We have a surprise guest joining us now. You may know him from such podcasts as HYPE.

Ben: Hello.

Andrew: Or…

Ben: Is that Eric Scull I hear?

Andrew: [laughs] That is Eric Scull.

Eric: Ben Schoen.

Ben: How’s it going, dude?

Eric: It’s going all right. How are you doing?

Ben: I’m doing great, man.

Muggle Mail: If Harry Was a Girl

Andrew: All right, let’s get to Muggle Mail now. The first one comes from Julia, 20, of Philadelphia. She writes about our Harietta Potter episode. We’re still getting e-mails about that.

“I realize I’m kind of late with this, but I’m behind on listening to the podcasts. Did anyone bring up the fact about your discussion on if Harry had been a girl that it would have had an impact on Snape’s treatment of Harry? Isn’t the fact that he looks so much like James a big reason that he acts so meanly towards him? If Harry had been a girl, or say looked more like Lily, Snape’s treatment of Harry could be completely different.”

Eric: Yes. He would have tried to get with her.

Andrew: Yeah. No, that’s a great point that I completely agree with.

Eric: What?

Andrew: And – well, no. [laughs]

Eric: Not my point.

Micah: Not Eric’s point.

Eric: Yeah, Julia’s point is really good. You’re right, it is the fact that Harry looks so much like James. That really brings out a lot of the bitterness.

Andrew: Micah, can you get the next e-mail, from Kevin?

Muggle Mail: Petunia And Dementors

Micah: Next e-mail is from Kevin Johnson, 21, of Chicago, and he says:

“Hey there, MuggleCast. Love your show and I’m a huge fan. While watching ‘Sorcerer’s Stone’ during the marathon on TV I was thinking about what you guys said in your latest episode, number 228. The idea that when Petunia says, ‘I heard that awful boy telling her years ago,’ that she is referring to Snape. I never thought about connecting this to the scene in ‘The Prince’s Tale’ but I am completely convinced that you are correct. What I have been thinking about is when Petunia says ‘that awful boy’ she is speaking towards Vernon and for him to understand this he must know about Snape. The question I have for you guys is, how much do you think Petunia and Vernon discuss the magical world? Because clearly they are trying to show that it is not real but I believe they talk about it if Vernon knows who this ‘awful boy’ is. Like to hear your feedback. Love your show, keep up the good work.”

Eric: I’ve always imagined Vernon in this case to be like a hear-no-evil doll where he’s held his hands over his ears so he doesn’t hear it. I don’t think that Vernon needs to know who that “awful boy” is for Petunia to mention him. I think Petunia can – Petunia trails off. She has this past, and she doesn’t need to be specific and Vernon will never press her for more information. She can say, “Oh, my sister heard about this awful boy,” and Vernon knows not to question that. Remember, way back in the first chapter of the first book Vernon wants to ask Petunia what Harry’s name is, what the name of her nephew is, but is worried that it will upset her. And he goes nearly the whole chapter without asking and then finds out. Finally he asks her and she gets really upset with him. So I think Petunia in this case is just saying, “Oh, that awful boy,” and Vernon – it doesn’t mean that Vernon needs to know, because he just accepts that there was an “awful boy” at some point. He trusts her enough. He’s not going to pass judgment, “Oh, that boy wasn’t so awful. What was he like? He wasn’t so awful. I bet you’re just making stuff up.” He just completely doesn’t care.

Ben: Hold on a second. So you’re saying that Vernon didn’t know Harry’s name?

Eric: At the beginning of the first book he didn’t.

Ben: You’re saying that they had never known prior – it was just “that awful boy.” Until he showed up on the doorstep, he had no idea?

Eric: Oh no, “that awful boy” is something different. In Book 5, Petunia references her sister Lily hanging around with “that awful boy” who told her about Dementors, and we said on the last episode that that was Snape, because Petunia…

Ben: Oh.

Eric: Or Lily and Snape, hung out as kids. But I’m saying Vernon often doesn’t ask questions about Petunia’s life or the wizarding world, so he would be perfectly content to remain blissfully ignorant about who “that awful boy” was. He’ll let Petunia mention it, but he won’t ever ask questions about it. He’s a perfect husband.

Andrew: At least from what we see though. I mean, there could be bedroom discussions [laughs] where this guy…

Eric: About – [laughs] what? Well, the other thing is Petunia doesn’t really know a whole lot about the wizarding world, to be honest. I mean, she’s a – not a Squib but…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …she’s a Muggle.

Andrew: Well, and speaking of that, take the next e-mail. It’s actually somewhat related to Petunia and all this.

Muggle Mail: Petunia’s Recognition of Dumbledore’s Voice

Eric: All right. This one comes from Allison from Alberta, Canada:

“Hey guys! In your Chapter-by-Chapter discussion, you guys were wondering how Petunia recognized Dumbledore’s voice…”

From the Howler.

“…and Harry didn’t. My guess is that the only wizard Petunia had any communication with was Dumbledore and since a Howler is obviously magical and not Muggle related, she would have assumed it was from Dumbledore. She may not have even known what his voice sounded like, but would have known it was from him. Allison.”


Andrew: That makes perfect sense.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: We got a couple of e-mails related to this too, and they’re right.

Eric: Yeah. It makes sense.

Andrew: Who else would it be coming from? It’s not coming from Snape.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: You know?

Eric: Well, from Petunia’s perspective – yeah, that’s…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …really brilliant. I am totally in awe of that.

Muggle Mail: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 World Premiere

Andrew: [laughs] And the final e-mail is from Sighle Illston, 21, of New Zealand:

“Hi there. My friend and I are heading over to London from New Zealand for the ‘Deathly Hallows – Part 2’ world premiere and are very excited, but have a lot of questions. As you have been to and witnessed many of these events, I was hoping you could possibly do a section on your podcast of how to survive a premiere or how they work for the fans. Just an idea, keep up the great work, I love your podcasts. Thanks.”

This is what I was talking about earlier. We do get a lot of e-mails people asking what the best way to do the premieres are.

Ben: You’ve got to camp.

Andrew: You do have to camp.

Ben: If you want to enter early there, you’ve got to be there like the day before at 6:00 AM, and you’ve got to sit out there all day.

Andrew: In the rain.

Ben: In the rain, snow.

Andrew: Were you there, Ben, Order of the Phoenix premiere in London? We walked around and saw the people camping out the night before, and it was raining, pouring.

Ben: I wasn’t there, but I was there in LA. The same thing was going down, it was for Order of the Phoenix. On Hollywood Boulevard…

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: …there were just tons of people.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Now, you guys – you had press passes, right?

Ben: Yeah, we weren’t camping.

Eric: So you did not have to camp. So start a Harry Potter website and convince WB that you’re legit, and you might not have to camp. That’s my advice to these people.

Andrew: Well, here’s the thing too: I feel bad for these people. They camp out overnight and then – they must be exhausted by the time the actual premiere rolls around.

Eric: Oh, the excitement though.

Andrew: So unless JK Rowling is – yeah, I guess so. But you just have to have a lot of patience. If you do want to be on the very front lines, you probably will have to camp out overnight. And since this premiere is being held at a different place in London than it has in the past, it’s hard to give you exact details. But get there early, be patient, have lots of stuff to cover you so you don’t get too wet.

Eric: Well, isn’t it at a different place? Because they’re going from…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …Piccadilly to the ODEON though, right, in Leicester Square? So they’re going…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Oh, but they start somewhere different. I see what you’re saying.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Well, luckily it’s in the summer. I mean, I stood in line for Lady Gaga in February when she came to Chicago, for like five hours and I nearly died. I really believed that. But it was excitement and that’s what you do. Fortunately these movie events are in the summer now. And London is never too hot, I don’t think. All the times I’ve been there.

Micah: It seems like London generally works out better for the fans though, too. I mean, when you look at what happened in New York for the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 premiere…

Eric: Ahhh, the infamous Deathly Hallows – Part 1 premiere.

Micah: …it was very poorly set up where the fans couldn’t really interact with anybody.

Andrew: Right. So there’s that tip, get there early – I mean, that’s really the only tips we can give you. Have patience, don’t expect to meet the celebrities, that’s another thing, because I think so many people get left down and I feel really bad for them because they were really expecting, “Oh, we stood out here all this time. We’re sure to meet somebody,” and then they don’t. So just don’t get your hopes up.

Ben: But I mean, you’ve got to have a little bit of hope, sitting out there.

Andrew: I guess.

Ben: I mean, why else would you camp out? Just for the chance, you know?

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: It’s kind of like buying a lottery ticket. It’s probably not going to happen but the people who do win the lottery, they’re damn glad they bought those tickets.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Yes. But buying tickets takes two seconds whereas, you know – I feel bad because they camp out all night and then some of them don’t meet people at all, and it’s just like…

Ben: Well, I think for a lot of them it’s worth it to be within a hundred yards…

Andrew: Probably.

Ben: …from a lot of these people.

Andrew: But I’ve seen people crying at premieres because they didn’t get to meet anyone. They just kept crying.

Ben: Well, because they were like… [fake sobbing]

Eric: Well, invite some friends. Invite your friends and have it be a shared experience where…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …if you do meet somebody then you can say, “We both met them,” and if you don’t meet somebody, “We both hung out and we had a really fun time getting almost close enough to Daniel Radcliffe.” The other thing I would suggest, make a sign. Make something creative that’s going to spark the interest of or something that you can flash at the actors. [laughs] I’m not suggesting you flash the actors…

[Micah laughs]

Eric: …but I’m saying…

Ben: Andrew, but was this person actually crying?

Andrew: Yeah. Sobbing.

Ben: I mean, were they actually crying because they didn’t get to meet anybody, or was it just because they were so overpowered by the moment?

Andrew: [laughs] No, it was at the end when everything was being wrapped up, and they were looking around anxiously for another star to show up, and – I had a very strong feeling it was because they didn’t get to meet anybody.

Eric: Well, bring a sign.

Andrew: But people get their hopes up!

Ben: You didn’t go up and sign a few things for them?

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: They would have cried more.

[Eric laughs]

Listener Tweets: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Posters

Andrew: In sadness and for nothing else. Okay, before we wrap up the show today, a couple of Twitter responses. We asked everybody who follows us on Twitter, What are your thoughts on the new Deathly Hallows – Part 2 promotional posters? And we got a lot of responses. Steven R. said:

“I like that the ‘DH 2’ posters are keeping with the same style as the ones for ‘DH 1’. Also, love the backgrounds of Ron and Hermione’s.”

We didn’t talk about that, but there were some hidden gems in the background of those posters.

Eric: Hmm.

Andrew: As they try to do. thecurlyfry gets really detailed, she says:

“I love the font that they used for ‘It all ends.'”


Micah: We didn’t, but that’s okay.

Andrew: Abby Jerry said:

“The new posters are amazing. Best posters for an ‘HP’ movie yet!”

Actually my favorite posters are Chamber of Secrets, personally, but – and you know why that is, guys? Because they were used for the MuggleNet theme.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: MuggleNet 1.0, technically.

Eric: That was awesome.

Andrew: Those are classic.

Eric: Those are the coolest ones.

Andrew: They were. Yeah.

Micah: They made the posters just for MuggleNet?

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: No, but we made them very much for us. [laughs]

Micah: Oh.

Eric: I still have the Ron-Herbology one as my – no, I don’t.

Andrew: And Marina2 says:

“The fire effects are cool and all, but do they really have to give Harry those crossed eyes?”

He does look a bit strange. I don’t know if…

Eric: Sickly.

Andrew: …he just looks really old or – yeah.

Eric: He dies in this movie. He’s near death.

Andrew: Well, and as we see in the trailer, he looks very constipated too, during that one shot.

Eric: Oh, I’ve never given anybody that attribute really before. I don’t like it.

Andrew: Weren’t you on the trailer show? Weren’t we talking about that?

Eric: Oh maybe. Yeah, that was – oh, when he’s – no, that was the – yeah, when he’s holding his stomach.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. Oh yeah.

Eric: [laughs] He’s like doubled over in pain. Yeah.

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul

Andrew: He was having digestion cramps, right. And finally today, Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul. Please, Micah, read this for us.

Micah: This is from Spencer, 19, of Tuscaloosa, and he says:

“Hey MuggleCast! As you have probably heard, there was quite a tornado outbreak in the Southeast recently. I attend the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and we were greatly affected by the incident. Since then, I have gone back to my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama which has also been affected, and we are completely out of power for at least another three days. Luckily, I have an iPod charger in my car and I’ve been able to listen to MuggleCast’s latest episodes. I just wanted to thank you guys for cheering me up in this sad time and keeping me entertained. I’ve been listening to you guys for quite awhile now and you have always done such a great job! Keep it up! Spencer.”

Yeah, so obviously there’s been a lot of terrible weather that’s taken place, not just in Alabama but Missouri, Oklahoma, and I was also reading, in Kansas over the last few days as well. So we just want to send our thoughts and prayers out to everybody, and we’re happy that we’re able to do something as simple as give you guys something to listen to in what’s obviously a very difficult time.

Andrew: It’s very serious what’s going on down there. So we – yeah, our thoughts and prayers are with everybody there, of course.

Eric: I’m glad this guy was able to e-mail us without power for another three days.

Andrew: Yeah. Mhm.

Eric: Thank God for potato batteries.

Show Close

Andrew: [laughs] Well, before we wrap up the show today we want to remind everybody about If you click on “Contact” at the top, you’ll be able to fill out a feedback form to contact us. Send in your Chicken Soups, you can send in your Make the Music Connection ideas, you can send in general questions, any feedback you had about today’s episode. Another quick reminder, MuggleCast will be live at LeakyCon 2011. Ben, let’s hear what you have to say about LeakyCon 2011.

Ben: It’s going to be great!

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Come everybody!

Andrew: Why will you be there, Ben? What are you looking forward to? We were talking about this earlier. What’s the thing you’re most looking forward to about LeakyCon?

Ben: I’m most looking forward to – just the camaraderie.

Andrew: There is a lot of camaraderie.

Ben: Being there with all these people who have been in it so long…

Andrew: Right, right.

Ben: …kind of thing.

Andrew: Yeah. No, it’ll be a lot of fun and Universal Resort is a great place to do it.

Ben: Yeah, definitely.

Andrew: You can also follow us on Twitter,, and like us on Facebook which is And also follow the fan Tumblr which is Thanks everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And we’ll see you next time…

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen!

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I’m still here! I know I came in mid-episode, but I am still here.

Micah: You should have gone second.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: No, he doesn’t deserve that.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: He came in halfway through.

Ben: I came in halfway through.

Andrew: He doesn’t even deserve to say his name at the end.

Ben: Whatever. I would have sidestepped Eric.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: I would have bumped Eric over had I been here since the beginning.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Yeah. I would have gladly stood aside for you. You know you’re welcome on the show anytime. I know you got your new HYPE podcast or whatever, but…

Ben: Yeah, honestly, I have been – I hate people who are like, “Oh, I’m so busy,” but I’ve been so busy.

Eric: I’ve heard you’ve been.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Ben: And – yeah, I run an online advertising business and I’ve been just talking – you know, phone blowing up all the time and – Andrew and I said we were going to do that HYPE podcast about weekly, and we haven’t even been able to link up that much. So – but I definitely want to be on MuggleCast again.

Eric: It’s good to hear from you.

Ben: Especially since this is the one – the big hurrah coming up.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: Yeah. We’ll see you on Episode 328.

Ben: What episode is this?

Andrew: 228.

Ben: Oh.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: A hundred episodes later!

Andrew: No, you’ll of course be on the live podcast at LeakyCon.

Ben: Oh yes.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Oh yes. Shirtless.

Andrew: Shirtless?

Ben: Yeah. I’m just kidding.

Andrew: Oh, I missed that memo.

Ben: [laughs] That would be terrible.

Andrew: [laughs] We’ll see everybody next time for Episode 230. Goodbye!

Eric and Micah: Bye.

[Show music continues]

Transcript #228

MuggleCast 228 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Micah: Because even we can make you invisible for less than $430, this is MuggleCast Episode 228 for May 12th, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

And by, a MuggleNet for the rest of the fandoms in the world and created by MuggleNet staff. Visit for thorough and up-to-the-minute coverage around The Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and many more. That’s – H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome everyone to MuggleCast Episode 228! Micah, Eric, and I are here this week. Hello gentlemen.

Eric: Hello.

Micah: Hello Andrew.

Andrew: We apologize for the late release. We know you like to rely on us for a new episode every other Sunday but we kind of dropped the ball this week. Apologies. But at any rate, we’re here, we’re square, and we’re everywhere.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And I just came up with the worst intro ever.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Micah, what’s in the news?

Micah: I was going to let you slide there, Andrew, but you caught yourself. So…

Eric: Good for you.

News: Deathly Hallows: Parts 1 & 2 Win Two National Movie Awards

Micah: A little bit of news going on, actually, as we are recording the show: Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2 won awards tonight at the National Movie Awards in the UK. Deathly Hallows – Part 1 won for Best Fantasy and Deathly Hallows – Part 2 picked up – I think it was Most Anticipated Summer Movie.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: Something like that.

Eric: It’s about all it can win having not been released.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Right.

Micah: But…

Eric: Right when you were announcing that news, I was like, “Hey, what could it possibly win? Oh, Most Anticipated.”

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Best Finale Movie of the Summer.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Exactly. There you go.

Andrew: Best Part 2 Film Ever.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: But David Heyman, David Barron, and Bonnie Wright were there. They accepted the awards and – it is interesting, though, to see the Potter series get some level of recognition, because it doesn’t very often get it here in the US. It seems to get more in the UK, obviously that’s where the movies are made and the story is based, but you would think with the success that it’s had that we would see a little bit more recognition here in the United States.

Andrew: It’s still not over yet though.

Micah: I know.

Andrew: Probably once it ends, everybody will start throwing some awards at them.

Micah: That’d be nice.

Eric: [laughs] I don’t know. It’s funny, it’s David Yates, David Heyman, and Bonnie Wright. [laughs] Did they just call her up, “What are you doing Wednesday night? Let’s go to some awards.” [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: It’s kind of cool.

Andrew: “Can you break away from Jamie Campbell for a little bit to be with us?”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: “Your old friends?”

Eric: Right.

Andrew: “Uncle Heyman and Barron?”

Eric: “Remember us?” Yeah.

News: Strong Sales Continue for Deathly Hallows – Part 1 DVD

Micah: [laughs] All right. Well, also in the news, Deathly Hallows – Part 1 the DVD is continuing big sales. Or actually, according to this article, despite strong sales during its first week, the Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray did continue its reign at the top of the sales chart. This was back on May 4th. And the article said that:

“The film boosted overall consumer spending on DVDs and Blu-ray discs by the double, and giving the home entertainment business some very good news in the wake of a very weak first quarter that spawned negative ‘disc is dead’ headlines all over the country.”

Eric: So what you’re saying is – what I take from that is, despite the lack of special features, fans are still buying the DVD?

Micah: Well no, it…

Andrew: Well, what they’re saying is in an age where everybody kind of relies on Netflix and Redbox, Potter fans are still picking up the – they want to purchase the DVD for themselves, and one advantage is that with Netflix and Redbox you don’t get the special features discs.

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: You just get the movie.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So I think that’s what they’re talking about here.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah. And again, it was a little bit disappointing that there wasn’t much available on the DVD itself, other than the film. I think that the idea behind it was to push the Blu-ray, but they could have missed the boat. I think they could have probably increased sales even more if they would’ve made certain features available on the DVD.

Andrew: Yeah. And also, fans just want a copy for their collection.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: It’s true. I’ve argued this before with the future being streaming movies. A lot of people really feel streaming movies, that’s the way to do it. It is really convenient, but I think there’s something to having a physical copy in your hand.

Micah: Sure.

Eric: I think that’s why vinyl hasn’t died. But when I pointed that out to somebody they said, “Well, vinyl is dead because [laughs] it’s relegated to these small stores.” But yeah, same difference, I think. People always want to own it and have it on a shelf, and…

Andrew: For fandoms like Harry Potter, definitely.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Nobody is looking for a – nobody is looking to purchase Adam Lambert: Glam Nation Live…

Eric: Man, Adam Lambert…

Andrew: …to watch multiple times.

Eric: Glam Nation is his best show yet. Is it a show?

Andrew: It’s – yeah, a concert.

Andrew and



Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: What else is going on, Micah?

News: Deathly Hallows Set Visit Preview

Micah: Well, you recently posted a set report. You were on the set of Deathly Hallows, I won’t say Part 1 and Part 2. You kind of were able to see both at the same time since they were filming them both at the same time. And…

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: Tell us. What can you reveal?

Andrew: Well, we can’t – I just released a teaser.

Micah: Oh.

Andrew: We can’t release the whole set report yet. [laughs]

Micah: Why not?

Andrew: [laughs] So…

Micah: The movie is…

Andrew: So what I did…

Micah: …less than two months away. This is ridiculous. You should be able to say whatever you want. There’s trailers out there, people who have already seen the movie including two out of the three people on this show. Why can’t you say anything more?

Andrew: Because they just have lots of rules in place.

Micah: They embargoed you?

Andrew: Yes, exactly. It’s an embargo.

Micah: And what happens if you break that embargo? This is the last movie, what are they going to do to you?

Andrew: Well, now that I live in LA, WB will personally drive to my apartment and firebomb it.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Firebomb it?

Andrew: Whether it’s the last film or not we still want to stay in the good graces of Warner Bros. so in the teaser I didn’t say much, but I did say there’s going to be in my Part 2 set report – the full one that will probably be released in the next month or two. Before the film is released it’ll definitely be out – I’ll be able to talk about the scene that I saw being filmed. It’s actually – now that I’ve seen Part 2 in Chicago at the test screening, I can say it’s actually definitely one of my favorite scenes in the movie.

Eric: Ooh!

Andrew: And I also talk about some interesting quotes from Stuart Craig, Dan Radcliffe, some other crazy things, too…

Micah: If I’m not mistaken…

Andrew: …including who I ran into while I was at the urinal.

Micah: Oh.

Eric: Whoa!

Micah: Well, I mean…

Andrew: I’m completely kidding. [laughs]

Micah: I’m sure everybody will want to hear that.

Eric: It was a guy, right?

Andrew: I’ll stop that one.

Eric: [laughs] It’s like…

Andrew: No, but I think I’ve said on the show, that was my one worst fear, was going to the bathroom, and then like Jason Isaacs walks in and – what do you say? What do you do?

Eric: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t know what I would do.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: In the bathroom with an actor.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Anyway, so the full report will be out in probably a month, or maybe a little bit over a month.

Eric: Yeah, Andrew, as a quick question while we’re talking about that, how do they – because it was two set visits at the same time. Did they just blindfold you and take you to a chamber and say…

Andrew: No.

Eric: …”This is Part 1 being filmed, this is is Part 2“?

Andrew: No, no.

Eric: How did they separate it?

Andrew: When I was there, I was seeing Part 2 filming, and when we did interviews with the different cast members we talked about both Parts 1 and 2. The set report was of course done back in – we went there March 2010.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: Or March – yeah, March 2010. It was actually St. Patrick’s Day.

Eric: Oh!

Andrew: So – yeah, and we saw some sets from Part 1, costumes, props, all that good stuff.

Eric: Right, cool. Can’t wait to see that preview.

Andrew: And you can read the Part 1 set report now on MuggleNet.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I linked to it in the news post teasing the Part 2 set report.

Eric: Because they’ve allowed you to talk about Part 1 now.

Andrew: Right. Well, the funny thing was they said, “Okay, you can only talk about Part 1 in your Part 1 set report,” but we were like, “Well, where does Part 1 end? You’ve got to tell us that.”

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: “We don’t know how much or little to talk about until you tell us where the split is.”

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: And wasn’t there some type of incident occurred the night that you were at the set?

Andrew: No, it was like right afterwards.

Micah: Oh.

Andrew: The fire on the set.

Eric: Oh, the fire, yeah.

Micah: Oh, so it’s possible that you could have caused that.

Andrew: Yeah, if I let one of my cigarettes burn or something.

Micah: Oh.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I don’t smoke, I’m just kidding.

Micah: Smoking is bad. We do not endorse smoking in any way…

Andrew: Absolutely not.

Micah: …on this show.

Eric: No. Smoking kills.

News: Empire Magazine to Include Special Potter Feature

Micah: But speaking of Deathly Hallows – Part 2, in the upcoming issue of Empire Magazine that’s going to be on newsstands May 26th, they are going to have a special feature, kind of its own separate magazine, called Harry Potter: The Ultimate Celebration. And it’s a huge 36-page feature with tons of interviews, and they said even some never-before-seen photos behind the scenes, and I think it’s going to be something that a lot of Potter fans are going to be interested in. A lot of magazines are probably going to be doing this type of thing as we get closer to the release of the movie, but they claim that they traveled the world to get interviews with pretty much every cast member – major cast member from the film over the course of the last ten years, so it’s not just people that are going to be in Part 2. It’s probably going all the way back to Sorcerer’s Stone.

Eric: Yeah. Can we expect Ian Hart, Kenneth Branagh, some of the older crew?

Andrew: I hope so.

Eric: That would be really, really cool.

Andrew: Yeah, it would.

Eric: And that was actually what I found most interesting, that they traveled the world. It’s like Empire sent people out to find these actors and talk to them as opposed to just doing a tele-conference. That’s the way it sounded, anyway.

Andrew: And plus they found these actors to take these beautiful pictures of each one of them.

Eric: Yeah, which I can’t wait to see.

Andrew: Yeah, me too.

Eric: How they’ve all aged.

Andrew: I mean, traveling the world – presumably they conducted the interview with Dan while he was in New York, so they went over at least one ocean…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: …to work on this feature.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Before we continue with today’s show, we’d like to remind everybody that this podcast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times Bestsellers. For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook to give you a chance to try out their great service. One audiobook to consider is A Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1. It’s a very popular book on Audible, and a television adaptation recently debuted on HBO called Game of Thrones. The first episode was actually so successful that HBO has already renewed it for a second season. So for a free audiobook of your choice such as A Game of Thrones, go to That’s

News: Emma Watson Denies Rumors of Being Bullied at Brown University

Micah: All right, and what is this news that – do I need to go up to Brown University?

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Oh, what do you mean? And bully her because she wasn’t? What do you mean “what is this news”?

Micah: Well, I see news there that Emma Watson denied rumors of being bullied at Brown University, and I guess this was all because of her decision to leave, right? She’s no longer a full-time student there.

Eric: She says she doesn’t know.

Andrew: There are rumors – right. This is the weird thing. At first there were rumors that she was being bullied. Then the publicist came out and said, “It wasn’t because she was bullied, but she is leaving Brown.” And then Emma came out with a statement saying, “I am leaving. It wasn’t because of Brown, but it’s only temporary.” She said she was not done. She said she wasn’t sure if she was completely done with Brown. She said:

“Like my other fellow Brown students I am trying to figure out my third year and whether or not I will spend it abroad. This is common.”

So she’s not dropping out, but the publicist made it sound like she was. So I don’t know what’s going on.

Eric: And there are no bullying – there’s no bullying going on either, and she actually…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: She went so far as to say – there was this news story – I only heard it through word of mouth – of certain instances at Brown that she discredited as well. So she’s fine. She’s just schooling at Brown. She really likes it.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, it’s college. Once you get to college – and everybody knows this. Once you get to college, the bullying goes away. There’s no real bullying going on.

Eric: No.

Andrew: It was just a good tabloid story, “Emma Watson goes to an American college and gets bullied.” There was that funny story about Emma [laughs] correctly answering a question in class and somebody yelled out, “Ten points to Gryffindor!” [laughs] But it was completely made up. It wasn’t true. It was just a funny rumor.

Micah: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: And if you think about it, over the course of the years that we’ve done this podcast there really hasn’t been that many stories that are like this, where you have some of the main actors or actresses – where it’s almost like a tabloid-type story.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: And this is just such senseless stuff. They’re just looking for something to grab ahold of and essentially create news, because apparently there’s not enough real news out there.

Eric: Well, now that we’re done…

Andrew: And Micah, you…

Eric: [laughs] …getting angry at journalists…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Well, “journalists.”

News: Invisibility Cloak for Sale at

Andrew: So, Micah, you now have the ridiculous story of the week. Please tell us what it is.

Micah: Yes, the ridiculous story of the week belongs to the, and it going ahead and putting up the Invisibility Cloak, except that it doesn’t promise to make you invisible. For $429.95…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …it can’t even do that for you.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: It cannot.

Micah: So…

Andrew: This is…

Micah: Let me tell people out there right now – and we love WB and the WB Shop is a great place to go for products that you might want to buy if you’re a fan of the Harry Potter series, that you can actually utilize. Kids, listeners, go to your bed, take a blanket, put it over your head, and pretend it’s an invisibility cloak, okay?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Right.

Eric: You will save so much money.

Micah: You don’t need to pay $430.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: You know, WB has come up with some good merchandise over the years. They recently just released a personalized acceptance letter. I think that is a really cool idea.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: We posted about it last week. But an invisibility cloak for $430, you would think for that price it would actually make you invisible!

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Yeah. For that price, you’re exactly right. The most I would pay for a Harry Potter invisibility cloak – and it looks nice, it looks like the one in the films. It will probably be really fun to have. The most I would pay for that cloak, I think, if I was really crazy and I just had a birthday or Christmas, 175 to 200 dollars, without shipping.

Andrew: Right. Because that’s the cost of the regular cloaks, right?

Eric: Is it? Well yeah, and I mean, I used to…

Andrew: When you buy a Gryffindor cloak.

Eric: Gryffindor cloaks, yeah, $150. And it’s not even that, it’s an invisibility cloak. In a way, it’s less recognizable even though it is modeled after the one in the films.

Andrew: Yeah. I just…

Eric: So $429 – I just don’t know where they get their figures, where they get the – what kind of demographic – what kind of surveys they do to say, “Okay, it’ll be totally cool if we charge this price for this cloak.” And some of the comments on the MuggleNet post, they’re really funny. I urge everybody to read them.

Andrew: I’m sure it’s authentic. I mean, I’m sure it looks really detailed which is nice.

Eric: Yeah. Some of the people said it was – that they had seen this before on the WB Shop. I thought this was new news, because they posted it on their Facebook about twelve hours prior to my posting the news. So if it is old, fine, [laughs] but it’s news to us. And $429.95…

Andrew: Well, there’s zero ratings, so either nobody’s bought it…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …since it’s been around or it was just added. And it is featured on the home page, so I think it’s just added. They may have just added it.

Eric: Okay. So take that.

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011

Micah: You know, Andrew? You could go to LeakyCon for less money than that.

Andrew: Oh, what a great…

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Wow, Micah. This is why you’re still around. Yeah, we’d like to remind everybody we are going to be at – or at LeakyCon, not the website. But you can find information there, too. I bet, actually, you’ll be able to find a couple of people who will have purchased this cloak or are wearing one very much like it, at LeakyCon. And it’s going to be…

Micah: And you want to befriend them [laughs] because clearly, they have a lot of money.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Right, exactly. You may want to wed them. The conference is being held July 13th to the 17th in Orlando, Florida. You already know this. It’s going to be at the Universal Orlando Resort where The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park is located. It is over the release of Deathly Hallows – Part 2, so it is really going to be a very cool event. There’s going to be a ball, there’s going to be special events, there’s going to be an opening feast. They just announced their party in the park. It is called “Open at the Close.” It’s an additional ticket on top of your LeakyCon registration, but you’ll be able to gain access to the park from 2:00 PM on until 1:30 in the morning. From 10:00 PM until 1:30 in the morning, it will be closed, only available to LeakyCon attendees who have purchased this additional park ticket. With the party in the park ticket, you get access to Universal’s Islands of Adventure, you get access to the party, you get free Butterbeer and food. Unlimited Butterbeer and food. You heard me right! It’s going to be dangerous. I mean, the Butterbeer is so addictive, and the fact that you can keep getting Butterbeer after Butterbeer, it’s not – do not mix it with alcohol, ladies and gentlemen. They will not be good for your stomach. But [laughs] do enjoy all the Butterbeer you can handle.

Micah: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Well, the other thing, I thought, that they pointed out was, [laughs] there’s not going to be this little – what did we have to go to last year before the actual park opening event?

Andrew: It will be – it was like a pre-event.

Eric: Oh. It’s the pre-event that shall not be named.

Andrew: “Look how amazing” stadium event.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: There was a stadium event…

Micah: Basically it cut into the time that everybody could spend at the park, so…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …it’s good to know that…

Eric: Well, that is why people from Leaky spent all their time last year at Infinitus writing down notes.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Taking notes of everything HPEF had done wrong.

Andrew: “Ix-nay on stadium event-ay.” [laughs]

Eric: That’s exactly why LeakyCon…

Andrew: Well, you know what? I’m sure that wasn’t HPEF’s idea. I think Universal really wanted that to show everybody how amazing Universal was. And it also gave them time to set up in the park, set up all the tables.

Eric: Yeah, which they did…

Andrew: All the extra Butterbeer and stuff.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I kind of understood it. But they’re doing it without it this year so that’s great. When you do sign up, use code “Muggle” and that way we can track all the MuggleCast fans who will be coming. Not literally track, we won’t know your GPS location or anything. We’re just…

Eric: Unless you send it to us.

Andrew: We’ll just know how many MuggleCast listeners are coming. Right, unless you send it to us. And we can’t wait to see you there. We’re going to be doing a podcast, of course. We’re going to be doing our live movie – well, I say live. I mean, I would like to stream it live online, we’re not sure about that yet, but would like to – we’re going to do our big movie review episode there, so we’ll talk to everybody. It’s going to be a lot of fun because people will be able to come to the mic, give us their thoughts on Part 2, argue with Micah as he says he hated it, worst film ever, etc. etc.

Micah: I’d never say that.

Announcement: Hypable

Andrew: It’s going to be a lot of fun. And also I have to plug something else this week, it’s actually a new site from a couple of people, myself included, who have run MuggleNet over the years. A few months ago we realized there was a problem with entertainment sites, and the problem is there’s not a MuggleNet of sorts for entertainment sites. You can go to Entertainment Weekly or Perez, you can go to TMZ, Oh No They Didn’t!, but they don’t give you complete coverage for particular fandoms. So we made this site called >Hypable, H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com. It is a MuggleNet for multiple fandoms: Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, Idol, Gaga, Adele, Katy Perry, Batman, Captain America, Spiderman, Dexter, The Hobbit, True Blood, Weeds. You name it, we got it. It is complete coverage for all these fandoms. We’re currently covering 27 and we’re continuing to add more. Soon – we haven’t announced this yet, but soon we’re going to be covering Fringe, Supernatural, and Vampire Diaries. Those are our next three that we’re going to be launching. So if you’re looking for complete coverage about the fandoms you care about, go to, H-Y-P-A-B-L-E. We promise you’ll get the stories quick and you’ll get all the stories, and that is something other entertainment sites do not give you.

Eric: Wait, which part?

Andrew: So visit Both. They don’t give it to you quick and they don’t give everything to you.

Eric: Oh! Looks like they have a…

Andrew: We’re everything, Eric.

Eric: …superiority complex, they think they can just withhold the news and hold it from the world because they can.

Andrew: Well, and they’re not – they don’t care about the fandoms. The people who write about the fandoms on Hypable are true fans. There’s no corporate big-wig sitting at his desk deciding which stuff they’re going to cover and which not. These are real fans. It’s a MuggleNet for multiple fandoms, that’s the best way I can describe it.

Micah: Have you added Game of Thrones?

Andrew: No. We have been reporting on it lightly. We do some miscellaneous news coverage as well, but no. Have you been watching that? Is it good?

Micah: It is. It’s an interesting show. I know it’s a whole book series that I haven’t had a chance to read yet, but it seems pretty cool. It seems like a lot of people out there who are fans of MuggleNet and MuggleCast would be interested in it as well because it’s kind of that fantasy genre.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, and the books are legendary from what I’ve heard.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Hmm.

Micah: And it already got picked up again.

Andrew: HBO…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: HBO can really do no wrong.

Micah: No, they really can’t.

Andrew: So it’s definitely a series…

Micah: They really can’t.

Andrew: Yeah. So check it out…

Eric: So, once again,

[Micah laughs]

Eric: If you don’t know how to spell it, go on – has it in three separate places on the main page right now.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric and


H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com.


Andrew: You guys love my reads.

[Micah laughs]

Chapter-by-Chapter Introductory Facts: Order of the Phoenix

Andrew: I appreciate that. Thank you, I’m very flattered. Okay, now we’re going to move on to Chapter-by-Chapter. We’re starting a new book today! Order of the Phoenix, Chapters 1 and 2 we’re looking at. I’ve said this so many times, it is my favorite book in the series and I’m so excited that we’re finally going to go very in-depth on this book.

Eric: Okay, how about Micah, you take all the introductory facts? You take all the introductory facts.

Andrew: Yeah, you tell us since you’re not doing a chapter this week.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Oh yeah, that’s – well, I did do a chapter, but it may show up in the next episode.

Eric: [whispers] It’s getting cut.

Micah: Or it will show up in the next episode. So Order of the Phoenix was released back on June 21st, 2003. It had an initial print-run of 6.5 million copies in the US and 5 million copies sold worldwide in the first 24 hours. Now…

Andrew: Let me stop you right there. Do you remember where you guys were? Did you guys go to midnight book releases for this one?

Eric: Yes! I absolutely do.

Micah: No.

Eric: This is the first book release – this is my first time since becoming a Harry Potter fan that I got to go to a book release.

Andrew: Oh!

Eric: And what a book release it was! It was the Oak Park, Illinois actually, which…

Andrew: Oh right, the MuggleNet one.

Eric: Well, MuggleNet and the town of Oak Park and Wizarding World Press, the published authors, all did – we did Wizards Chess in the middle of the street and it was absolutely wonderful. All the shops were turned into Diagon Alley. It was absolutely awesome, great, fantastic time. And then we got the book. So that was actually – that positive experience in Oak Park, Illinois is one of the main, main reasons I live in Chicago today, for the past three years.

Andrew: Wow!

Eric: So this was…

Andrew: Yeah…

Eric: …kind of good cracking open this book again to do Chapter-by-Chapter, because it just reminded me of that good time that was nine years ago.

Micah: Wow!

Eric: Or eight years ago.

Andrew: I also went to a book release, it was my second one, and I went to a local bookstore. And it was packed, of course, absolutely packed. I went with a couple of friends. And I still remember so distinctly opening up the book and reading the first paragraph out loud to my friends because we were walking out. Of course everybody was really excited so we all kind of – I just remember opening it up and seeing that picture of Harry sitting in the grass.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And it was good. And then I got sick so I didn’t pick up the book. For some reason I lost interest in reading it, so I didn’t actually start reading it for another five days or something. [laughs]

Eric: You got sick?! Was it nerves?

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: No. Oh, maybe, I don’t know.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: But to answer your question though, I actually didn’t pick up a Potter book until 2004 so I wasn’t on the gravy train yet.

Eric: And only one year later, he would be on MuggleCast, pretending to know a lot more.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: I still pretend to know a lot more.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Oh come on, I was joking. You know a lot. You’re a good man.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: Give us some other facts.

Micah: The first book published after a Potter film adaptation was released, and in fact two film adaptations were released to theaters and to home video before Book 5 came out. That’s an interesting fact.

Eric: Yeah. So there was a little bit of a gap, you guys remember? The first four Potter books came out year after year after year. And after the fourth book came out – the fourth book was huge, twice the size of the previous books. JK Rowling said, “Okay, that was too much too soon, I felt rushed,” and to this day, even on her website, she said that she feels that Book 4 was rushed and she vowed never to do it again. So Book 5 came out three years after Book 4, and in that time they were able to have Movies 1 and 2 in theaters. Huge, huge success! And it also brought lots of new Harry Potter fans to read the books such as, well, myself included.

Micah: It was 870 pages, and as you note it’s 111 pages longer than Deathly Hallows, 218 pages longer than Half-Blood Prince, and it has the most chapters in a Potter book by just one chapter, 38, and it goes up against Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows both for that honor. So it showed that she took three years to write the book.

Eric: Yeah, it did. It’s a long book.

Micah: In terms of how long it was.

Eric: I still – that’s what I’m most looking forward to in this Chapter-by-Chapter segment, is that reading this book again for it, I’m going to remember a lot because I feel like Book 5 – I just forget all sorts of stuff. So much happens! It’s essentially the longest year in Harry’s life as a result of it being the biggest book. So, so much happens on these pages.

Micah: Yeah, and you also noted that over 7,000 books were stolen…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …in Britain a week before the release. I actually remember this story. There was a similar one, I think, with Half-Blood Prince, too.

Eric: Yeah, involving a gun.

Micah: I think that was in Germany. Was that in Germany?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: I can’t remember. But yeah, this always seemed to be sort of the story to expect as you got closer and closer to release, that somebody was going to steal a copy of the book and put it out online.

Eric: [laughs] “Snape kills Dumbledore.”

Micah: Yeah. And you noted that the dedication in this book was: “To Neil, Jessica, and David, who make my world magical.”

Andrew: Awww.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, so a lot of other things happened in JK Rowling’s life between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. She married her husband and had a son as well, I believe. So pretty cool.

MuggleCast 228 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Dudley Demented”

Andrew: All right, Eric. Well, you have the first chapter so…

Eric: All right. We start at page 1. At the beginning of the book, Harry has been home on Privet Drive for one month and he has taken an interest in Muggle news channels, which really annoys Petunia and Vernon. So he’s not really welcome in his own house anymore because he really annoys Petunia and Vernon, but he is hiding, as we find him, in a flowerbed just outside of the living room of the Dursleys’ house, at 4 Privet Drive. And he’s listening to the news, just like Petunia and Vernon, but he’s listening to it through the open window and that is – I don’t know, he’s hiding in a bush. So my first question for this chapter – we assume that Harry is listening to the news because at the end of the previous book, Goblet of Fire, Lord Voldemort came back. And Harry is really expecting to hear news, it’s a recurring theme, about Voldemort but he’s trying to do it through the Muggle news. Who gave Harry this idea? And is it really effective or really practical for him to hear something about Voldemort on the Muggle news this early?

Andrew: Well, yeah, because as he guesses it’s likely that if there was damage being caused somewhere in the Muggle world, it’s likely it would have been reported on the news because of course it would be reported. Obviously it’s not going to be news about what Voldemort has done in the wizarding world but if there was something going on in the Muggle world as we see in Half-Blood Prince – he was on the – he had the right idea.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And considering that was the only place he could really get his news from.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Where else could he go?

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: It’s true.

Micah: I think the other part of it, too, is just that he wants some sort of information about what’s going on and clearly he’s not getting anything back from people that he’s corresponding with so it’s just kind of hopeful that something will come across the news that will give him an idea of what’s going on.

Eric: Harry is a really sympathetic – Harry is really different, I think that’s the biggest theme of the first chapter of this book, the one we’re doing now, is that Harry is really different than when we last met him. She paints him really sympathetically at first. He’s actually walking around grabbing newspapers out of trash bins, or she says he’s done that in the past. So anyway, he is deprived of news. So he gets up from the news report, he’s decided that nothing important has happened, and several things – in true JK Rowling style, suddenly several things all happen at once. So first there’s a loud crack in the air and a cat runs out from underneath a local vehicle. Now, Harry pulls his wand out due to this loud crack that has startled him, and soon he finds Uncle Vernon’s hands around his throat. And – so I guess Vernon – he mistook the loud noise for having come from Harry’s wand, and he begins to strangle Harry and tells him to put his wand away. So that’s really interesting. Harry feels that the bang was the exact sound made by Dobby when Apparating or Disapparating, and he is sure that somebody magical has just Apparated near him to Privet Drive. Now my question here – it must have been a really loud crack for Petunia and Vernon to hear it, because they were inside the living room listening to the news. And not only did they hear it, they recognized it as being magical, and then they immediately ran out and found Harry with his wand. So – now these spells – this Apparating obviously, it doesn’t make any noise in the films. That’s one of the biggest departures between the films and the books I’d say, at least casually. But just how loud was this crack of somebody Apparating? Is it – it seems to have echoed or gone quite a large distance.

Andrew: Well, I think they were reacting more to Harry hitting his head on the window…

Eric: Oh okay.

Andrew: …than the crack. But Harry made an accurate guess at what was going on here. As we learn in the next chapter, he was right.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Or later in this chapter.

Eric: Yeah. That’s interesting. Now Petunia and Vernon, they don’t believe that Harry is listening to the news to listen to the news. He’s actually – so the past month he’s actually been taking more of an interest in the Muggle news and they’re really suspicious. Then they also tell him that they know he’s getting news from the owls, because lots of owls are swooping by, and Harry says the owls aren’t actually bringing him news. Now, JK Rowling draws attention to the idea that Harry is losing something by admitting this, which is interesting. She says – the quote from the book is something along the lines of, “Harry knew that he would be losing if he admitted to this, that the owls weren’t bringing him news.” But the owls are delivering – it says later in the chapter, the owls are delivering the Daily Prophet to him, and occasionally letters from Ron and Hermione. So although Harry’s attempts to get actual information are thwarted, it is pointed out later that the Prophet is actually reporting relevant details to Harry. Harry only looks at the front page of the Daily Prophet and tosses it aside. So, is this typical Harry? Because he seems to be looking for news in all the right places but just not finding it.

Andrew: Well, the fact that he’s looking at the front page – don’t we – we hear later on, right, that deep in the paper there’s a small story?

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: About – yeah.

Eric: Hermione says – actually I think Hermione says several stories, like it’s been interesting all summer.

Andrew: So…

Eric: So it’s just beyond – it’s this notion that Harry has that the first – the front page news is going to be…

Andrew: Is going to be headline.

Eric: Is about Voldemort.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: As opposed to what we find out later, strange disappearances, things like that. How it started last time is actually where he should be looking.

Andrew: And back to the whole losing something thing, I think Harry – what he’s losing is his confidence. I mean, he’s saying – he says the owls aren’t bringing him news and he wants to say, “Oh yeah, Ron and Hermione are sending me all the information, I know what’s going on,” but he can’t say that and that’s why he’s losing confidence.

Micah: Yeah, it’s almost like he’s defeated in a way because…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …he never wants to give an edge to – I’d say Vernon more than Petunia. He doesn’t want to give them anything that they can kind of use against him, and by admitting that, that’s exactly what he’s doing. So that’s what I think JK Rowling means by losing something. And what you guys were talking about before, with reporting the relevant details, I think that Harry is just somebody who is reactionary and he’s just so quick to look at what’s on the front page, as you guys mentioned. And if this is indeed the return of Voldemort, it’s not going to be front page news. Remember how the last book ended, remember what was the relationship between Fudge and Dumbledore, and what was about to be the parting of the ways, I think is what the name of the chapter was. So…

Andrew: And that’s why Jo went out of her way to say that Harry is looking at the front page and throwing it out.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: I mean, if I wasn’t so young back then, if I read this now I’d be like, “That’s – why would she even mention that he’s only looking at the front page? I mean, yeah, she’s a descriptive writer…”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: “…but I don’t know. That seems like even that’s pushing it.”

Micah: Right, exactly. The Ministry is still – or already, I should say, not still. They’re already at this point doing everything they can to kind of keep news about Voldemort’s return very quiet.

Eric: Yeah, I think when it’s explained to Harry that the news is actually second, third page news, he understands it. But it’s just a shame that he doesn’t know that now, because again we’re pulled into this very-not-happy Harry, which is what I’m getting into next.

Micah: Oh yeah, but I will say this: He is treated in ways by Dumbledore in these first few chapters and I guess even throughout this book in my opinion worse than he was treated by the Dursleys.

Eric: Yeah. So we’re – and you’ll get your chance to make that point next. So Harry is angry, he’s very angry. He’s so disappointed that Hermione and Ron are together “having fun.” He thinks they’re at the Burrow without him and that – he’s so angry. Harry – it says Harry threw away both of their birthday gifts to him, and they sent him Honeydukes chocolate. He didn’t even open the chocolate. He knew it was chocolate, somehow. He didn’t even open it, he threw it away because he’s angry at Ron and Hermione. This is shocking. Also, he’s having nightmares about Cedric and his scar is prickling very often at this point. He’s furious because he’s the one who saw Voldemort come back, and he had to endure all that pain only to be shut out of contact with Dumbledore for what Harry says is four solid weeks. Now, I know kind of, Micah, where you stand on this, but just how justified is Harry’s anger towards Ron and Hermione and Dumbledore? And also, how justified are Dumbledore’s reasons? Because obviously we’ve read this book. How justified are the reasons for isolating Harry?

Micah: I think if – from Dumbledore’s perspective, they’re very justified because if information is being sent in an unsecured way by owl from Ron or Hermione or any other member of the Order of the Phoenix – or I guess we don’t know about the Order of the Phoenix yet, but say Sirius. He’s not always the most careful individual when it comes to taking action, let’s say, we see that at the end of this book. But he can’t risk that kind of information being put out there and getting intercepted in some way, so from Dumbledore’s standpoint he’s completely justified in what he’s doing. Now, on the other hand, Harry is the one who has gone through all this. Dumbledore knows that he’s their only solution, and yet he is being treated not even like he’s fifteen years old, more like he’s eight years old or maybe even younger. And I think that there could have been something done earlier to make this situation better for Harry.

Eric: Well, the owls – bringing up the owls is a good point because we know owls do get intercepted very easily it seems by Death Eaters, so that’s why Ron and Hermione, for instance, couldn’t actually tell Harry anything in their letters to him. But it has been four weeks, Harry’s birthday has come and gone by this point. Four weeks without actual physical contact. It almost seems, at this point, that nobody is coming to rescue him, essentially. So…

Micah: Well…

Eric: …something like, “I’ll come get you, Harry,” wasn’t even said in a letter. Harry hasn’t heard from Dumbledore, he’s been given a cold shoulder.

Micah: Yeah, there are so many ways that he could reach out to him that doesn’t necessarily require compromising any information, and I just think it’s so cruel that you’re locking up this kid in a house where he doesn’t get along with the people that he’s living with, and on top of that you’re keeping him from his best friends and from his godfather, and not allowing any information to be shared between any of them. So…

Eric: Well…

Micah: …to me that’s pretty ruthless.

Eric: I think – and I’m not trying to defend Dumbledore, because I agree with what you’re saying, but is it possible that Dumbledore just knows the truth which is that the magical spell on Privet Drive is the tried and tested ancient magic. It’s the safest thing even if Harry is at the Burrow or at the Order of the Phoenix. To be perfectly honest, I feel like Privet Drive is more safe, more impenetrable I should say, than the Order of the Phoenix headquarters at 12 Grimmauld Place protected by the Fidelius Charm.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: We’ve seen the Fidelius Charm broken. It’s possible that Dumbledore really does believe that isolating Harry is the best way to accomplish this.

Micah: Yeah, but to his end, I think. To Dumbledore’s own end. In order for him to…

Eric: Well, Harry is safest. I mean, to be honest even ten or fifteen wizards, Aurors, might have bad days and fail to protect Harry, whereas Harry is safer on Privet Drive without any wizards than he would be at the Burrow or even Grimmauld Place with all of the Order. Actually – well, how protective do you think the enchantment is? I mean, clearly it’s…

Andrew: Well, it worked.

Eric: [laughs] It works all the way until Book 7 when it can’t work anymore, and it lasts that whole time.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Three years of Voldemort.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: But what I don’t get about that, and we can talk about this another time, is – and actually it’s more relevant in Chapter 3, but how certain people can just show up there. If there is this protective enchantment, why is it that these members of the Advance Guard can show up?

Eric: Oh, interesting. Because why wouldn’t it block everyone?

Micah: Why wouldn’t it block everybody?

Eric: Hmm, interesting.

Micah: But we can talk about that later.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Or next episode.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Especially if it’s relevant in Chapter 3. So anyway, Harry is walking and he sits on a swing at the playground. It’s the only swing that Dudley’s gang has not managed to break yet. He sees Dudley’s group, actually, Dudley’s gang. He sees them walking by, and he – it’s weird. Harry has a moment where he feels like he wants to run up to them and start taunting them, he wants to pick a fight. And he gets up with pure intentions because he says that Vernon and Petunia will want him to be home when Dudley gets home, so he does follow Dudley’s gang. But once they split up, he does walk up to Dudley and actually – he picks a fight with Dudley. This is the first time the readers get this sense of Harry – it won’t be the last. He gets into a really huge fight with Dudley and just insults him, left and right, and left and right, and left and right, until – well, eventually it gets even worse. What’s wrong with Harry?

Micah: He’s pissed, man!

Andrew: He’s angry! We were just talking about it.

Eric: [laughs] Sorry, I only had to – I only asked that question because it was in my notes to ask that question.

Andrew: I know.

Micah: Well, he’s been cooped up for four weeks, like you said. He’s not getting any information, he’s living with people he doesn’t like. I’d be pissed, too.

Eric: But it’s not Dudley’s fault! It’s not Dudley’s fault. In fact, the things…

Andrew: But people always take out anger on others, it’s human nature.

Eric: The things he says to Dudley, though, the things he says. So anyway, the good thing about him picking a fight with Mark Evans – [laughs] or with Dudley – or it would be important the way JK Rowling – she classically drops names like dropping Sirius Black’s name in the first Harry Potter book in the first chapter. Harry says to Dudley, “I know you did,” meaning punched Mark Evans two nights ago. “Beat up on any ten-year-olds lately?” Mark Evans shares a last name with Lily Evans, Harry’s mother [laughs] and this is kind of a funny sub-story, just in Harry Potter history and fandom history. There were a lot of theories going out about this kid that just gets his name mentioned, nothing else. His name mentioned – Mark Evans – as having lived near Privet Drive, and a lot of people really felt that maybe he was a lost relation for Harry, or Lily, or that he would somehow play a larger role.

Andrew: And it’s a shame because in the next chapter we see an even bigger theory, one that JK Rowling actually intended to create.

Eric: Really?

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Well, we’ll have to get into that.

Andrew: We’ll talk about that in a few minutes.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, eventually – what I’m getting at, eventually, this Mark Evans was debunked on JK Rowling’s site. [laughs] And it was not without a fight, though. The fans kept asking her, and I think she really answered it out of – what’s the word?

Micah: Volume?

Eric: Desperation. [laughs] Yeah, volume and desperation. She said – I guess we should probably have the actual quote from the website.

Andrew: I have the quote, actually, in the next chapter…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …because it relates to this.

Eric: Oh, it does? Okay, fantastic.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: So anyway, unfortunately, Harry picks a fight with Dudley, Dudley’s going to fight back. He’s better at fighting than Harry and he mentions Harry’s nightmares, asks him, “Who’s Cedric, your boyfriend?” And Harry just gets really upset that Dudley knows about his dreams, because he’s being plagued by his nightmares, and Harry draws his wand and almost, almost uses it. He tells Dudley, “Take it back, or else.” But, [laughs] as if things couldn’t get any worse, suddenly the sky goes dark and Dementors appear in Little Whinging. So anyway, all of a sudden there are these Dementors, Harry fights them away eventually. He tries the spell a bunch of times, can’t think of a happy thought, and he’s losing the battle. Dudley is about to be kissed and his soul sucked out, and finally Harry thinks of Ron and Hermione. It’s powerful enough – even though he’s angry at Ron and Hermione, and he threw away all their birthday gifts, he’s able to think of a happy enough thought, conjures his stag Patronus, and it tackles more than one Dementor – two or more Dementors are in Little Whinging – tackles them, gets them away. The Dementor is actually really close to kissing Dudley, like one inch, it says. He’s already pried away Dudley’s hands from his mouth and his face, so it’s really scary. And all of a sudden, [laughs] funny enough, Harry hears some footsteps behind him and Mrs. Figg, this crazy old cat lady from Book 1 and who has been asking him around for tea all summer, comes running up to Harry. Harry tries to put his wand away, Mrs. Figg says, “Don’t do that, idiot boy. Don’t put it away. I’m going to kill Mundungus Fletcher.” And that’s how the chapter ends. Big, big bang. Big, new, scary, different Harry for Chapter 1…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …of this book.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “A Peck of Owls”

Andrew: Well, and as we talked about in the last Chapter-by-Chapter segment for Goblet of Fire, we see Harry’s anger starting to come through. I specifically mentioned that because we know it’s very apparent in Order of the Phoenix and Chapter 2 is just as action packed. “A Peck of Owls” is the next chapter. Harry begins to learn that Mrs. Figg is a Squib and has been keeping an eye on him with Mundungus. Harry then learns that it was Mundungus who had Apparated earlier, so that got clarified, but at the same time Harry’s temper is rising because now we’re hearing that Mrs. Figg has been a Squib. Harry didn’t know about this.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: He didn’t know somebody was secretly spying on him.

Micah: Well, what was interesting – at the end of Goblet of Fire, there is reference to both Mundungus and Mrs. Figg. I can’t remember – I believe it’s Sirius, that he – or no. He tells one of the Weasley kids to go round up the members of the Order of the Phoenix, and I believe that those two are mentioned.

Eric: Arabella – yeah.

Micah: I think it’s – is it Charlie or Bill? Whoever is at the…

Eric: Well, I think it’s Dumbledore, isn’t it? Dumbledore tells them to round up members. He says “Arabella Figg.”

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, I can’t remember who he gave the task to though.

Eric: Yeah, I can’t either.

Micah: Let’s look at Episode 226. I’ll be right back, you keep going.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay.

Eric: [laughs] You look at the book.

Andrew: Well, as Eric mentioned, the Dementor had affected Dudley, so Harry carries Dudley back to Privet Drive, and while on their way Harry asks Figg why she hadn’t told him she’s a Squib.

Eric: God, everybody’s keeping…

Andrew: “Dumbledore’s orders,” says Mrs. Figg. Uh-oh! Harry continues to…

Micah: That bastard!

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: …feel left out of the loop.

Eric: Dumbledore’s orders.

Andrew: Pig for slaughter.

Eric: Seriously! This is not even keeping secrets about Voldemort from Harry, who is potentially compromised.

Andrew: Right, this is a simple thing.

Eric: This is preventing Harry from having any friends while he’s on…

Micah: Oh.

Eric: Anybody he can relate to even, not just…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Okay, he sends Sirius…

Eric: Sends Sirius to…

Micah: …to round up the old crew.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: Just to clarify so we don’t get a million e-mails.

Eric: Well, at least he gives Sirius something to do. God, that changes come Book 5.

Andrew: This is the first in a line of secrets that Harry is not involved in. So Mundungus comes back and Figg yells at him, understandably. He then sets off immediately to tell Dumbledore what happened, but after reading this back after having read Book 7 and what transpires with Mundungus in there in terms of trust, I almost didn’t expect him to come back.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Or go and do his duty, go and tell Dumbledore. I kind of would have expected him to just run off, peace out, [laughs] and never show up again.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: To never show his face to anybody in the Order. Harry wants to learn more from Figg, but as soon as they’re back at the Dursleys’ home, Figg runs back to her house. Obviously she’s very surprised by all this. She is worried that Dumbledore is going to give her a spanking.

Eric: Ooh.

Andrew: Nobody wants that. Dumbledore has big hands, he’s a big guy.

Micah: Those were her words?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: No.

Micah: Oh.

Andrew: No. Vernon and Petunia are alarmed at seeing their son in this condition. That’s very understandable. No matter how evil they are, they’re upset to see their son like this. Dudley implies that Harry was the cause of this. He just says, “The boy.” And Harry begins to explain the situation, but at that moment an owl arrives which sets off Vernon. We all know he does not like owls. And the owl is carrying a letter from the Ministry, which says Harry has been expelled from Hogwarts.

Eric: [gasps] Expelled?

Andrew: It immediately sunk into Harry. He was devastated, and I have a quote here: “He was expelled from Hogwarts. It was all over. He was never going back.” It kind of – it sunk in very quickly for him…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …even though he didn’t really stop to think about it.

Eric: [laughs] She’s really dramatic.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, Harry was.

Eric: This is all about a different Harry.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: This is all about…

Micah: This is just…

Eric: …gravity.

Micah: When things aren’t going well, they are not going well. [laughs]

Eric: It’s such a difference.

Andrew: It’s a bad day.

Eric: It’s such a change in tone. We talk about the books getting darker, I really feel like this is why. She’s using infinitives, and [laughs] they’re just – he’s never going back. Oh my God.

Andrew: Harry believes he has to run, and as he gets ready to leave, another owl appears. This next owl is from Arthur Weasley who says Dumbledore is at the Ministry trying to sort the whole situation out. He says, “Do not leave the Burrow -” or, “Do not leave the Dursleys’ home!” So Harry suddenly changes his mind, he trusts Arthur. At this point, the Dursleys thought he was going to leave, so now they’re like, “Okay, you’re staying all of a sudden?” Harry is again having an internal struggle. He’s trying to figure out, what is Dumbledore trying to figure out at the Ministry? What on earth is going on?

Eric: Now that would have been a good…

Andrew: So anyway…

Eric: That would have been a good play, wouldn’t it? For Voldemort to have just sent some Dementors to Harry, smoke him out of The Burrow – or smoke him out of Privet Drive, essentially, because Harry wants to leave. He’s about to leave…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …before Arthur’s letter comes in.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: It would have been all that protection for nothing, so that was really smart.

Andrew: Well, he was out and about to begin with without the Dementors. They didn’t even need to smoke him out.

Eric: That’s true, because he’s walking…

Andrew: I think – it seems like he seems safe around Privet Drive too. It almost seems like it’s not just the house.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But we can talk about that another episode, in terms of all this protection and what the rules are. Dudley slowly tries to come to explain what had happened, and Harry finally gets to explain that all this was caused by Dementors.

Eric: Dementoid-thingies.

Andrew: Now, as Harry begins to explain what Dementors are, Petunia finishes his sentence, which takes Harry and Vernon aback. They’re like, “How does Petunia know?” And she says, well, she heard Lily and James talking about them while they were still alive. A third owl arrives, which says Harry is not expelled and he will have to attend a disciplinary hearing to sort the matter out. Vernon says he still has hopes Harry will get expelled. [laughs] But I was wondering here, why? I mean, if he does get expelled, doesn’t that mean he’s at the house for longer? Unless Vernon was hoping he would get thrown in jail.

Eric: Right. Yeah, Vernon is kind of like that. Not that he has double standards, necessarily, but he wants Harry to be miserable but also out of his hair. So yeah, you’re right. Unless he thought that Harry would be imprisoned, that would be a bad thing for Harry not to be in school, not to have anywhere else to go besides Privet Drive.

Micah: Now, did you assume that it was James? Because I was always under the impression after Deathly Hallows that it was Snape that she was talking about.

Eric: Because she just says “that boy.”

Micah: Because she refers to him as “that boy.”

Eric: “That wretched boy,” I think she says. But yeah, that’s right! I guess – wow. Yeah, that’s got to – I’m sold now. I think that’s probably Snape because if you think about it, Petunia had more access to Lily when Lily was younger and with Snape on the prairie or whatever it is, and surely Snape would want to interest Lily in talking about the magical world and Snape, being such a macabre – coming from such a macabre family – would have certainly mentioned Dementors. Yeah, I’m sold.

Andrew: Vernon believes Dudley physically fought the Dementors – oh yeah, okay. So Vernon believes Dudley physically fought the Dementors, but Harry begins to explain it was actually he, Harry, who got rid of them. And there’s not much more time to explain that because a fourth owl appears, setting off Vernon once again.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: At this point, I’m surprised he didn’t poop himself or his head didn’t explode.

Eric: He swears! He swears!

Andrew: Yes, that’s true.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s from Sirius this time, and he just says he’s learned what happened. Harry’s temper is continuing to rise because he’s not learning anything…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …while it seems like everyone else is in the know.

Eric: [laughs] It’s kind of like that scene and there’s something about – no, I guess there’s not. But everybody is watching Harry this whole time, breathing down his neck, but he – they’re not talking to him. They’re not sharing any information. All they’re doing is telling him the important things, stay put, etc. It gives Harry this false impression or false hope that it’s all going to be revealed to him soon, but in general it’s just – what it’s doing is controlling him and they don’t have to give up anything. They don’t have to give up any of that information. And of course there’s no time, it’s all happening so fast.

Andrew: Vernon demands to know why Dementors were in Little Whinging but Harry admits he doesn’t know. Vernon surmises they were due to him.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Duh.

Eric: Of course. He’s everybody’s favorite target.

Andrew: Yeah, right. Harry suspects Lord Voldemort sent the Dementors after him. At this point, Vernon doesn’t understand how this is possible if he’s gone but Harry tells him he’s back. And another big moment here: Petunia whispers, “Back?” And Jo writes how Harry is so appreciative that Petunia understands the importance of this information, and I quote: “All he knew was that he was not the only person in the room who had an inkling of what Lord Voldemort being back might mean. Aunt Petunia had never in her life looked at him like that before. Her large, pale eyes were not narrowed in dislike or anger, they were wide and fearful.” So this is comforting to Harry that somebody else gets it in this house.

Eric: And not only that, she’s showing some kind of shred of care for him in that her eyes are wide – I mean, it might not be for him, that might be too far. But her eyes being wide and fearful, she understands. In fact, he could have told her sooner. Maybe they would have had – maybe they would have been on speaking terms by now.

Andrew: Well, I think – and it also mentions that Harry felt like “This is my mother’s sister. This is the person I was hoping to know.”

Micah: And finally somebody believes him.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s comforting too, especially with all this other bad news he’s been getting today. Finally some good news!

Eric: So it is pretty well orchestrated.

Andrew: This all begins to click with Vernon and he orders Harry to get out. At this time a fifth owl arrives and it’s addressed to Petunia. And this is the big theory I was talking about earlier, Eric. It’s addressed – I like this: “Mrs. Petunia Dursley, The Kitchen, Number Four, Privet Drive.” It’s a Howler, Petunia is about to open it and she’s kind of hesitating. Harry says, open it, it’s just going to open itself anyway. And it says, “Remember my last, Petunia.” Everyone is surprised by the message. Petunia is equally caught off guard. She tells Vernon all of a sudden that Harry must stay. She argues he needs to stay because otherwise “the neighbors will talk,” and it’s clear she’s hiding some information. So Harry tries to ask – he’s really surprised by this note. Harry tries to ask if she’s been interacting with wizards but she dodges the question and orders him upstairs. Now, this was a big thing that a lot of people talked about, because everybody was thinking, “Okay, why would Dumbledore say this to Petunia?” And it was so speculated upon that JK Rowling added this question to an FAQ poll on her site. You guys remember the good old days when Jo would put up theories and fans could vote on which one Jo would answer?

Eric: Before pen and paper were her priority?

Andrew: Her priority, right.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Those nine or eight times. [laughs]

Andrew: So she said:

“What did Dumbledore’s Howler to Aunt Petunia mean? (‘Remember my last’?)”

That was the question, and she answered:

“Well, it is a relief to move on after the Mark Evans fiasco.”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [continues]

“This time, two out of the three poll questions had interesting answers (or so I think) and thank goodness you chose one of them.

So: Dumbledore is referring to his last letter, which means, of course, the letter he left upon the Dursleys’ doorstep when Harry was one year old. But why then (you may well ask) did he not just say ‘remember my letter?’ Why did he say my last letter? Why, obviously because there were letters before that…

Now let the speculation begin, and mind you type clearly, I’ll be watching…”

[laughs] So what Jo is saying is that yes, Dumbledore was referring to the letter put on the doorstep with Harry.

Eric: I don’t…

Andrew: But…

Eric: Go ahead.

Andrew: But there were other letters that were being sent between Petunia and Dumbledore, so now fans were thinking, “What is this extra communication…”

Eric: Well…

Andrew: “…between Dumbledore and Petunia?” And hold on, one last thing: correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe – didn’t Jo say there would be more information about Petunia revealed in Book 7?

Eric: Well, it’s revealed in Book 7 that Dumbledore did write – I think Dumbledore wrote young Petunia a letter because she asked to go to Hogwarts. Am I completely…

Andrew: Yes, that’s true.

Eric: Okay. So he wrote a letter back, I think, apologizing, explaining things, which he didn’t have to do. Totally nice of him. So I feel like that – but the questions I have about this Howler – first of all, Harry doesn’t recognize it being Dumbledore’s voice and Harry sees Dumbledore frequently. Why and how would Petunia be able to discern that this is Dumbledore, that this is Albus Dumbledore? Especially if Dumbledore hasn’t talked to her, but then it was in fact a letter. Dumbledore just says, “Remember my last.” He doesn’t say, “Remember my last letter,” and the fact that JK Rowling is like, why wouldn’t he just say “Remember my letter” because it’s his last letter? He doesn’t say anything about a damn letter. And you don’t hear somebody’s voice in a letter unless it’s a Howler, or in the case of the movie, Ministry – I just don’t feel like Petunia would have ever heard Dumbledore’s voice, especially when it’s not recognizable enough for Harry to hear it because he’s screaming it at her. This just doesn’t make any sense at all.

Andrew: Micah, what do you think about all this?

Micah: Well, to answer your question I think there was stuff revealed about Petunia. Eric brought up that there was correspondence obviously between her and Dumbledore when she was younger, and also I think we got some insight into her relationship with her sister and her obviously knowing Snape a little bit, in “The Prince’s Tale,” if for nothing else at least by sight. So something was revealed about her. To Eric’s point though, I mean, I think you’re just kind of [laughs] trying to create some…

Andrew: Controversy?

Micah: Yeah. I mean, she clearly states that the reason why it was “Remember my last” was because it clearly wasn’t – there were clearly more letters than just the last one that was sent. And she even goes on…

Eric: Isn’t a term. “Last” isn’t a term!

Micah: Well…

Eric: Nobody says “last” meaning last communication.

Andrew: That’s – oh, come on.

Micah: I think…

Andrew: Eric, that’s really…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …being over…

Micah: I think it’s trying to be – it’s to create a vague situation.

Andrew: Yeah, of course.

Micah: I mean, where – and vague in the sense that it doesn’t give away what last he’s referring to. Only Petunia would know.

Andrew: And it’s bad-ass. “Remember my last.”

Micah: Exactly.

Andrew: That’s cool.

Eric: [laughs] He can see people getting it tattooed on their arm.

Micah: Yeah, Dumbledore is a very…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …cryptic person.

Eric: He is cryptic, I’ll give you that. But how would she recognize his voice anyway? How would she know it was from him?

Andrew: I don’t know that.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: I don’t know that.

Eric: They had only sent letters before. All right.

Andrew: I get – well, I mean, she recognized it somehow so they must have spoke with each other at one point.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Face to face.

Eric: Now, it’s interesting…

Andrew: I guess.

Eric: This FAQ…

Andrew: The weird thing…

Eric: Okay, go ahead.

Andrew: Well actually, here’s the weird thing: Harry didn’t recognize that it was Dumbledore’s voice.

Eric: That’s what I’m saying.

Andrew: But Petunia did.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that is strange.

Eric: Oh, this FAQ – there’s a P.S. here. Can I read that?

Andrew: Yeah, what does it say?

Eric: Yeah, when she answered the question there, she said:

“It has been suggested that I am wrong in saying that Dumbledore’s last letter was the one he left on the doorstep with baby Harry, and that he has sent a letter since then concerning Harry’s illegal flight to school. However, both Dumbledore and I differentiate between letters sent to the Dursleys as a couple, and messages directed to Petunia ALONE. And that’s my final word on the subject – though I doubt it will be yours.”

[laughs] So I guess fans were accusing JK Rowling of being wrong. But she says – so the letter that Dumbledore is referring to is one he only sent to Petunia. Wait, but no, because she said it was the letter he left upon the Dursleys’ doorstep. I don’t know. Anyway, moving on. But yeah, this is kind of funny.

Favorites: Harry Potter Quote

Andrew: That’s Chapter-by-Chapter, Order of the Phoenix Chapters 1 and 2. We’re going to move on now to Favorites: Favorite Harry Potter quote.

Eric: Yay!

Andrew: Now, personally I do not have to have just one favorite quote. I mean, there’s so many great lines. But in the spirit of us starting Order of the Phoenix I am going to say that my favorite quote – “Dumbledore lowered his hands and surveyed Harry through his half-moon glasses. ‘It is time,’ he said, ‘for me to tell you what I should have told you five years ago, Harry. Please sit down. I am going to tell you everything. I ask only a little patience.'”

Micah: Lies.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Well no, I think – that was a perfect strategy for anybody to put on the flap, on the side flap. The other thing, wasn’t it – it was obviously – that was officially released before the book, because people have access to the artwork in the flap before, right? I mean, that came out before the book so it wasn’t just on the book before you opened it. It was actually released ahead of time, wasn’t it?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: People were really excited.

Andrew: Well, I mean, we may have gotten a preview of the inside flap so that may have been how it appeared, too.

Eric: Ahhh, I think that’s what it was.

Andrew: I don’t know.

Eric: Yeah, well – so reading that and having that on the front inside flap or back inside flap is really kind of cool because with that in mind that that scene is apparently going to happen at some point in this book, you kind of forgive Dumbledore and how for most of the book he just completely avoids Harry.

Andrew: Mhm. Yeah.

Eric: So there is a lot of build-up, but I can see that – that was kind of clever putting that quote there and it’s also a good favorite quote. I like the story behind that.

Andrew: Micah, what is your favorite quote?

Micah: Yeah, it’s kind of like what you were saying: it’s a little bit tough because there are so many great quotes from different characters throughout the course of the series. But just for right now for this one, I’m going with Sorcerer’s Stone and I believe it’s the quote that Dumbledore says to Harry when he’s looking in the mirror. It’s when he says, “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

Andrew: Mmm, yeah.

Micah: It’s a very powerful quote, very powerful statement, especially knowing now after seven books how much Dumbledore…

Eric: Suffered.

Micah: …really did dream and was so consumed by power in the chance to kind of be this all-powerful individual and not really live for those years of his life.

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Eric: Yeah, it’s kind of…

Andrew: And Eric?

Eric: …a quote that has gained more meaning the longer it’s been around.

Micah: Yeah, especially also now knowing what he himself would see if he looked into the mirror.

Eric: Right, the same thing as Harry. So…

Andrew: Eric, your favorite quote?

Eric: My favorite quote. I had one from Sirius Black in this book but I’m actually going to go back to – I’ve just decided I’m going to choose – it’s from Prisoner of Azkaban. It is a quote spoken by the owner of Flourish and Blotts to Harry and he says, “I thought we’d seen the worst when we bought two hundred copies of The Invisible Book of Invisibility – cost a fortune and we never found them.” It’s a quote that happens after [laughs] the owner has to wrestle The Monster Book of Monsters into a cage and he says, “I thought we’d seen the worst.” So The Invisible Book of Invisibility – funny, funny, funny, funny stuff from the world of JK Rowling.

Andrew: And those are our favorite quotes.

Micah: [laughs] That’s also retailing of the for four hundred dollars.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Micah: Or actually, maybe you get a free book with the cloak when you buy it.

[Eric laughs]

Muggle Mail: Story About Steve Kloves Gaining JK Rowling’s Trust

Andrew: Let’s get to some Muggle Mail now. This first one comes from Karina, 20, of Indonesia:

“Hi MuggleCast, I was just listening to MuggleCast 226 when you guys were talking about Rowling’s ‘new’ interview where she says she trusted Kloves because of ‘one word.’ Someone mentioned…”

It was Laura.

“…this was covered in a really old interview. I almost immediately remembered that I read something like it in ‘Reader’s Digest’ when the first movie was coming out and I found the article online. The exact quote was…”

Back in the year 2000.

“…’When I first met screenwriter Steve Kloves the fact that he was American made me spiky and I felt he was going to mutilate my baby. But as soon as he said his favorite character was Hermione, I melted because she is very close to me. I was very like her at that age.'”

So Laura and Karina were absolutely right. JK Rowling once said this before so this indeed was technically not news.

Eric: Well…

Andrew: But we all forgot it, so…

Eric: It was probably – I’m surprised Laura picked that out. I listened to the episode. She was awesome at that.

Andrew: She’s very smart.

Eric: Yeah. But it’s also good for Karina to have found this quote because now we know and that’s a – and I think you said on that episode that it seemed kind of like a fake story that they make up later to kind of romanticize the first meeting.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But I think that lent some credence to it actually having happened even though I agreed with you.

Andrew: Good point, Eric. Why don’t you read the next e-mail?

Micah: Well, that proves two things: one, they are recycling interviews, and two, she doesn’t like Americans.

Eric: [laughs] Do you think…

Andrew: Good point, Micah. Why don’t you read the next e-mail?

Eric: [laughs] JK Rowling doesn’t like Americans?

Micah: Who’s reading it? Me or…

Andrew: It doesn’t matter.

Muggle Mail: Episode 226’s Make the Connection

Eric: I’m going to read it. This next one is from Misti.

Andrew: Go ahead.

Eric: She says:

“Hey MuggleCast! I really enjoy your show. I was listening to Episode 226 when you guys were relating ‘Harry Potter’ to random things.”

I assume she means Make the Connection.

“I was thinking that it was like when Hagrid told Harry that he was a wizard. He had no clue or idea that a wizarding world even existed prior to the conversation. Also, Harry was pretty unprivileged due to the Dursleys’ bad treatment of him even though he had a roof over his head. Just a suggestion. You guys are awesome! I always look forward your podcasts! Misti.”

This was in response to one of Jamie’s Make the Connections. I just don’t know which one.

Andrew: That was the Two and a Half Men connection.

Eric: Oh, look at that.

Micah: Make the connection between Harry Potter and asking a homeless person if they’ve ever watched an episode…

Eric: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …of Two and a Half Men.

Muggle Mail: Birthday Shout-Outs

Andrew: Also on the last episode I think we read a birthday e-mail and we joked that we would suddenly get a lot of birthday e-mail requests. We did get a few and we’re happy to read them. I’m just going to go through a couple of the birthday names real quick. First of all, Happy 17th Birthday to Ivory. Happy 13th Birthday to Ike. Happy Birthday to Megan Himel. Happy 14th Birthday to Claire. Happy Birthday to everyone.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Guys, come on.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: Say “Happy Birthday.”

Eric: Happy Birthday!

Micah: Happy Birthday! Today’s birthdays are brought to you by

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: The web’s leading provider of audiobooks. [laughs]

Muggle Mail: Shout-Out to AP European History Exam-Takers

Micah: Last e-mail, you want me to do it?

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: Is from Christie, 16, here in the US and she says:

“Dear MuggleCasters, I thoroughly enjoy the show and regretfully I am getting this e-mail to you late. I have my AP European History exam on Friday. My stomach is in knots and it’s only Monday. For the written portion of the exam – a document based question essay and two free response essays – I will be channeling my inner MuggleCaster. Your debates are fantastic and help me when proving points. Please give a shout to me and anyone else taking this exam on Friday. Wish us luck, please, we are going to need it. Much love, from Christie.”

Eric: Look at that.

Andrew: Good luck, Christie. It’s kind of a Chicken Soup around finals time. Lots of people are finishing up their schooling for the year. Congrats to anyone who’s graduating. Congrats to anyone who’s finishing their first year or their second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth. After that, I don’t know if we should congratulate you. I’m just kidding.

Eric: [laughs] You bring it upon yourself. And good luck to anybody in AP European History this year.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Look at that.

Show Close

Andrew: A couple of announcement reminders before we wrap up today., it’s where we’re going to be for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 in theaters. The biggest fans are all going to be descending upon Orlando to watch the film together. Visit for more information and when you register, use code “Muggle” so we know how many MuggleCast fans we can expect at the event. I also want to remind everybody about – It’s a MuggleNet for multiple fandoms: Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, Idol, Gaga, Adele, a bunch of comics, The Hobbit, many more, all right there. All the news you need quickly, reliably, dependably, you got it at, for fans by fans!

Eric: Mhm. And if you ever forget to spell it, look on MuggleNet. It’s there three different places down the page.

Andrew: [laughs] And finally…

Micah: The Voice. Do you guys do The Voice?

Andrew: We’ve done a couple of reports on that. I actually wrote an opinion piece on it. You can visit, check it out.

Eric: What’s The Voice?

Andrew: I’ve written two about The Voice.

Micah: Why? I can talk to you right here. What do you think of The Voice?

Eric: What’s The Voice?

Andrew: It’s a great show.

Micah: Just really quickly.

Andrew: It’s a great show.

Micah: Yeah. I like it.

Andrew: It’s original and the judges are actually talented.

Micah: Yeah, and you know who created it?

Andrew: Mark Burnett.

Micah: The same guy who created Survivor, yeah.

Andrew: He’s a smart guy.

Eric: No kidding.

Micah: Yeah. Very successful.

Andrew: And finally, good old, the website you can go to for everything you need about this show. We have links to LeakyCon. There should be a link to Hypable there quite honestly.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Four places, everybody. Four places to find out how to spell “Hypable.”

Andrew: A link to our Twitter which is, our Facebook page…

[Show music begins]

Andrew: …which is, and our fan Tumblr which is Also visit the MuggleCast website for a contact link. Just click on “Contact” at the top of the page and there you can send in your feedback about the show, and we may just read it on Episode 229. So thanks everyone. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And we’ll see you next time on Episode 229! Buh-bye.

Eric: Take it easy, everybody.

[Show music continues]

Transcript #227

MuggleCast 227 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Andrew: Because we are here for one last trailer review show, this is MuggleCast Episode 227 for April 28th, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

And by, a MuggleNet for the rest of the fandoms in the world and created by MuggleNet staff. Visit for thorough and up-to-the-minute coverage around The Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and many more. That’s – H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 227 for our final [gasps] trailer show ever which is kind of weird to think, I have to say. Micah and Eric are here. Hey guys!

Eric: Hey!

Micah: Hey!

Eric: Is this really the final trailer show? Is there not going to be…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …another trailer prior to the film’s release?

Andrew: No, and I mean, there was just that one teaser trailer for Parts 1 and 2. That kind of did like double duty. So we didn’t get a teaser trailer for Part 2, we just got this trailer. But I don’t think anybody is complaining.

Eric: Well…

Andrew: Because the trailer was really good.

Eric: Yeah. Well, then there was also what appeared on Deathly Hallows – Part 1, right? That was kind of a teaser-ish. It had – was that part of the scene between Harry and Ollivander and then it opened up into other shots?

Andrew: Oh, you’re talking about on the DVD.

Eric: Yeah, on the DVD. Yeah.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: So we get that.

Andrew: That was an opening scene, yeah. And it was good.

Micah: On the Blu-ray, not the DVD. [laughs]

Andrew: Right.

Eric: You guys [laughs] discussed that last week, right?

Announcement: Hypable

Andrew: Yeah. So, obviously we’re back pretty soon, and it’s just because this is going to be a trailer show, nothing but trailer talk. But before we get to the trailer talk, first I want to tell everybody about a new site I’m doing with a couple other MuggleNet staff members. It’s called – H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com. It is a MuggleNet for multiple fandoms. It is an entertainment site for fans by fans. I really want you to check it out. We decided to create Hypable when we realized that there was really no good entertainment site out there that really dedicates themselves to particular fandoms. That’s what Hypable is about. It’s multiple MuggleNets, so to speak, all in one site. So whether you’re a fan of Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Glee, a bunch of other TV shows, you go to Hypable, you can get all the news you need for each fandom that you’re a fan of – that you’re a part of. It’s all very easy. We have seventeen fandoms currently, and we’re going to be adding more and more as time goes on. Just over the next couple of weeks, we plan to add at least five more fandoms. All of these fandoms have thorough and quick news coverage. And what I mean by that is we will bring you every story in the fandoms that we cover. And we don’t waste time, we get the news to you very quickly. We are dedicating ourselves to this project. Of course MuggleNet is still going to be around, you don’t have to worry about that, but we’re in Hypable for the long run so I encourage you to check it out. The reviews so far have been very positive and we’re so glad to hear that a lot of people like it. H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com., check it out! Thanks for your support.

Quick Trailer Roundtable

Andrew: Let’s get into the trailer talk. We’re going to go through it frame by frame, quite literally, actually, because we’re going to be looking at every little clip. There were so many clips, unsurprisingly, in the trailer that there’s a lot to talk about. And I keep – I follow a lot of Harry Potter friends on Twitter and everybody is like, “Ooh, this clip! This clip!” and I’m like, “I didn’t notice that clip!” And it’s because everything goes by so fast, it’s kind of like, whoa. So Micah, as the only person here who has not seen the film, [laughs] did it get you excited for the final movie in the Harry Potter franchise?

Micah: Yeah, definitely. I think there’s so much action in this trailer and that’s what differentiates it from – I think the ones that we’ve seen before, there’s been so much plot that we’ve had to go through, and now finally this is it, this is the last film. You guys have talked about it on previous shows and you’ve said so much of this film is dedicated to the actual battle. And I think we saw a lot of that in this trailer, probably, even for me, more so than I would have liked to have seen, to be honest with you. But that’s part of these trailers being put out there. Inevitably, we see things that we’d rather leave for the theaters. But it seems like – I don’t know that you can be disappointed with this film, based upon looking at the trailer.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Eric, being the person who has seen the film, does the trailer live up to the film – does the film live up to the trailer?

Eric: Does the film live up to the trailer? Well, Andrew, the version we saw did not have many special effects completed, so what I was looking for in this trailer was sort of the – as Micah said, lots of action, all of the effects that have been completed. Particularly because the Battle of Hogwarts, when we saw it, was very fast-paced, but we didn’t see, for instance, some shots in here that have been completed since. And that’s really awesome. Like spells flying, breaking windows, and even people on brooms, during the battle. That’s all really cool, and that’s all new. To see it in the final version is more rewarding.

Andrew: I would have to agree. I, too, was looking for the special effects because, like you said, there weren’t many complete in the test screening we saw in Chicago. And the special effects looked great in this movie. So, very pleased. Let’s start going through it then. We’re going to start – and what we’re going to do is give you the second-by-second marks, so if you were sitting there on your computer, listening to this, you too can kind of watch with us. You can kind of just scroll through, frame by frame…

Eric: Bono is going to watch this with us?

Andrew: Who?

Eric: Bono and the Edge, they’re going to watch this with us?

Andrew: Yes, U2 are watching it with us tonight. [singing] “It’s a beautiful day.” [stops singing] So, at the seven-minute…

Micah: You know those jokes, man. You know it’s late when those jokes are coming out.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: What, I asked – I made the joke.

Micah: I know.

Scene-by-Scene: “Hedwig’s Theme”

Andrew: All right. So at four seconds, the very first shot in the trailer is Snape walking through Godric’s Hollow. And you know what? I think, actually, the bigger story here – well, at least for these first few opening shots – and we’ll talk about each shot but first, let’s just hear the music at the beginning. I thought something was wrong with my computer when I heard this.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: So take a listen.

[Clip from trailer plays]

Andrew: [laughs] Personally, I was like, “What’s going on with my computer? Is it the Internet?”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Anyway, that’s…

Micah: Yeah, it’s very child-like, you know? It’s almost like you’re about to enter this really – what’s it called? Like this horror film, of sorts. It has a really eerie feeling to it.

Eric: Yeah. It’s like…

Micah: And then you see this weird, shadowy figure walking down a corridor.

Eric: Mhm.

Micah: Or an alleyway.

Andrew: It’s kind of like something’s broken, the sound.

Eric: Well, it’s really like a music box.

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew: Mmm.

Eric: It’s like a music box winding down. So after it’s been playing this high-speed Harry Potter theme, it’s now slowing down to where it’s going to die.

Scene-by-Scene: Ravenclaw’s Diadem

Andrew: The next shot that we see, at the seven-second mark, is the Ravenclaw tiara. A very close look at it. You can really see the detail, every little diamond. I mean, it’s a beautiful piece.

Micah: You can actually see the writing, too. You can make out the…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: What does it say? “Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure,” or something along those lines.

Andrew: Yup.

Micah: You can actually see those words written. So it really gives you an idea of how much time and effort the crew, the prop crew, put into creating these items. I know we always talk about that, we always hear about it from David Heyman and David Yates, all the producers, but this is another example of just how much time and effort they put into these things.

Eric: Yeah. The cool thing is that this tiara – like Micah said, the detail. Also, it appears to be resting on its original blue velvet case that’s sort of holding it. It just makes the whole artifact look so much older and authentic, as being this really old relic, the oldest relic in the Harry Potter series, next to obviously the other items of the founders, like the sword. But it’s a really nice shot.

Scene-by-Scene: The Prince’s Tale

Andrew: Also at the seven-second mark is a shot of Petunia and Lily, and…

Eric: Oh, don’t spoil it! [laughs]

Andrew: What? Oh. Well, that’s the thing. An average person would see this shot and not know exactly what this is. I mean, quite frankly, you don’t really – well, I guess you do know it’s a Harry Potter film because you hear that little music at the beginning. But it takes – not until you see Voldemort…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …do you see that this is Harry Potter.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, I know exactly what you’re saying. And I agree.

Micah: It is misleading. I think that when…

Andrew: Misleading?

Micah: Well, no, no…

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: No, no, listen though.

Eric: And then there’s…

Micah: Exactly, because you just brought up the point that until you see Voldemort, you have no idea what this movie is, unless you’re very familiar with “Hedwig’s Theme.”

Eric: I think – but who isn’t?

Micah: And it’s very eerie, like I said. You have this – as Eric pointed out, this music box song that’s playing, and then all of a sudden you see this person walking down a hall and there are these kids standing on a grassy hill. It’s almost like something out of Children of the Corn or Poltergeist or something like that.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: Yeah, like ominous things are going to go bad.

Andrew: So we see – by the way, this does confirm that in the memory scene, there is – in “The Prince’s Tale” Petunia is there. And I wanted to mention that because on the last episode, I think somebody asked me if Petunia was in “The Prince’s Tale” and I said “I don’t know, I went to the bathroom.” [laughs]

Eric: Oh. Yeah, she definitely is, and she has dialogue.

Andrew: And then they cut to the close-up shot of Lily’s hand with the flower kind of coming out of it, showing Petunia that she’s a witch.

Eric: See, this is probably the least – this is the special effect shot that’s in the trailer that I’m least happy with.

Andrew: It’s not good.

Eric: It’s not good. I think, to me, that the flower was supposed to be blossoming in her hand, like on top of her hand, and not sort of coming out of her hand. And it’s not that it specifically looks like it’s coming out of her hand to me, but that’s – Andrew, you just said that’s what you thought it was. And to be honest, it’s just – it looks fake and it doesn’t look like the flower is resting on her hand. I thought it was a little disappointing that this was the first intro to CGI in this final, only trailer.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Not that I would change it, I would just improve it. I hope it looks better in the final film.

Scene-by-Scene: Dumbledore’s Hand?

Andrew: We then see Dumbledore’s hand picking up the – is that Dumbledore’s hand?

Eric: No, they’ve got – somebody with nails. Yeah.

Andrew: It wouldn’t actually make sense for it to be Dumbledore’s hand.

Eric: No, his nails are painted.

Micah: Because it’s Harry.

Eric: Yeah, I think it’s…

Andrew: And it’s not Harry, no way.

Eric: It’s not Harry. Look at the finger, look at the nails.

Andrew: Yeah, those are old…

Eric: Old man’s…

Andrew: Old man or woman.

Eric: Yeah, it’s got to be Dumbledore.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry and Lily’s Hands

Andrew: All right. And then we see a shot – now, Micah, in the notes, you wrote – you think it’s Snape and Lily’s hands, but I actually think it’s Harry’s because if you see the jacket the guy is wearing, it’s the jacket that Harry is wearing during the final battle.

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: It’s like the corduroy.

Micah: Yeah, I honestly didn’t know.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: You guys would probably know better than I would.

Andrew: My guess is this is Harry and Ginny, and they’re kind of like, “Don’t leave me!”

Eric: Ooh.

Andrew: Or Harry – something is going on there.

Eric: This is weird.

Andrew: I don’t remember this specific shot in the film.

Eric: No, I don’t either. It looks like it’s in the forest though. The background is specifically forest. I would have…

Andrew: Could it be his mom? Is he reaching out for his mom?

Eric: I think – yeah.

Andrew: I think that’s it.

Eric: It could be the resurrection scene.

Andrew: Yeah. See, Eric wouldn’t know that because his eyes were filled with tears so much, he could hardly see the screen.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Yeah, I think during this scene – yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, I think it’s his mom.

Eric: Yeah.

Scene-by-Scene: Close-up of Voldemort’s Face

Andrew: That would make sense, Eric. Okay, so now we advance to twelve seconds, and like we mentioned just before, this is the first time – this is when you actually see it’s Harry Potter. We got a look – we got three shots of hands and arms in a row – four shots of hands and arms in a row!

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: And then we get a close-up…

Eric: And it’s not over yet!

Andrew: Right.

Eric: There are more shots of hands and arms in this trailer.

Andrew: We see a shot of Voldemort opening up his eyes, and he sees the…

Micah: Now, is that him lying in the forest? Is that – does that happen in the film, where he’s actually knocked out for that period of time that Harry gets knocked out, for King’s Cross?

Eric: Yeah, that happens. I don’t know why the shot is off-center, though. But I think that that’s probably what’s going on.

Micah: It looks like grass.

Andrew: I can’t tell…

Micah: A little bit underneath.

Andrew: Yeah, it does, but it’s hard to tell if he’s laying on the ground.

Eric: Yeah, he is.

Andrew: I don’t know.

Eric: I’m fairly certain that’s when he wakes up from having the shared experience with Potter. But that – it’s so off-center. [laughs] So still, if you can’t recognize it as Voldemort, there’s no hope.

Scene-by-Scene: Dobby’s Grave

Andrew: And now we get to seventeen seconds, the Warner Bros. logo, of course. And then at the twenty-second mark, we see Harry overtop of Dobby’s grave.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: With Shell Cottage in the background.

Eric: Next to Harry.

Micah: Now, what is he looking at, though?

Andrew: Yeah, he’s – I think that’s…

Eric: He’s looking at the mirror.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. He’s reminded – he’s reminiscing in this scene about how Dobby came to find them, and it was because he shouted into the mirror, in Harry Potter: Part 1. Or Deathly Hallows – Part 1.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort’s Voiceover and Scream

Andrew: Okay, advancing to 23, 24 seconds, 25, it’s a very close shot of Harry. Let’s listen to what’s going on here to kind of help us keep – I think this is Voldemort giving the message, right? Here, let’s listen to this.

[Clip from trailer plays] “Harry Potter, you have fought valiantly.”

Andrew: So this is Voldemort telling Harry it’s time to fight. And so we’ll jump back to 24 seconds there, and – you could probably presume this is when Harry is listening to Voldemort’s message.

Eric: Yeah. So here’s – also at 25 seconds is the first instance of this really odd sound that’s coming from Voldemort. Voldemort screams.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: It’s like…

[Andrew and Eric imitate Voldemort’s scream]

Eric: Right? Well, it’s repeated throughout the trailer, I think at least three times.

Andrew: Really?

Eric: And – yes. Especially when Harry grabs him, pulls him off the cliff – we’ll talk about that later. But this scream appears at least three times in this trailer. It just – it irks me. It’s really weird, it reminds me of – there’s a common film scream, it’s – basically it’s stock footage. A long time ago somebody recorded this scream and instead of having actors do their own screams throughout history, it’s – they’ve been replaced, essentially. Inserted over dialogue is what’s called the Wilhelm Scream. It’s been used in hundreds of films in Hollywood.

[Clip of the Wilhelm Scream plays]

Andrew: Interesting. So that scream – that’s kind of a movie – I mean, obviously it’s not the one that’s in this trailer, [laughs] but…

Eric: No, no, no.

Andrew: …that’s kind of an interesting…

Eric: But it’s the same idea. So different movies, different…

Andrew: Same scream.

Eric: …different scenes, same scream coming from all different people. It’s footage. And they repeat this scream in this Harry Potter trailer – it’s Voldemort’s scream. They repeat it at least three times.

Andrew: I think it lends to Voldemort’s craziness, though. I mean…

Eric: But why the same exact scream?

Andrew: Are you sure it’s the same exact…

Eric: If Voldemort…

Andrew: You’d have to cut it up and compare, I don’t know if you can claim something like that.

Eric: If Voldemort isn’t actually screaming, like the scream is not coming out from his body, why would they play it during this trailer?

Andrew: I don’t know.

Micah: That’s a good question, but I mean, if Voldemort really screamed like in the way that you just played that, I don’t know if I could take him very seriously.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: It’s to make a sense of eeriness. I like it, I think he’s a crazed man.

[Andrew and Eric imitate Voldemort’s scream]

Eric: Play it again. Play Voldemort. Play Voldemort again. It’s 25, 26 seconds.

Andrew: Okay. Now here’s Voldemort’s scream.

[Clip from trailer plays]

[Andrew imitates Voldemort’s scream]

Eric: So that’s – anyway, that’s number one. That’s the first time we hear that scream in this trailer.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Shooting a Spell

Andrew: All right. Well, at 26 seconds we see the quick shot of Voldemort throwing a spell, and the way they cut this it looks like it’s hitting Greyback. But we know better than this. I don’t think this is actually what had happened. I think this is obviously two different scenes.

Micah: Yeah, that little creative splicing going on there.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. And Greyback…

Eric: What does Voldemort have against Greyback? Geez.

Andrew: Greyback looks kind of not interesting. I don’t think he looks that great.

Eric: [laughs] What?

Andrew: I don’t know, he looks like a – I don’t – it just looks like he’s wearing a mask, I guess.

Eric: Well, you can only see him if you are really creative with your freeze-framing.

Andrew: Yeah. We’re using QuickTime.

Eric: Otherwise it’s… [laughs]

Micah: Well, what you’re saying, Eric, is anybody who normally would watch this trailer and not pause it would just think Voldemort is shooting a spell and it’s hitting somebody.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s true.

Eric: Yeah, and hitting a student. Yeah.

Scene-by-Scene: Bodies Falling in the Water

Andrew: All right, then there’s a quick shot of bodies falling in the water. Again, that’s kind of lending to the whole watching this very quickly, not going [laughs] frame by frame like we are.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: We’re essentially destroying the trailer by going frame by frame. [laughs]

Eric: Well, that only works if the film doesn’t hold up as well – the trailer doesn’t hold up as well, if we pick it apart.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Screaming

Andrew: At 27 seconds we see Voldemort with his mouth wide open, and this is obviously when he made that little scream.

Eric: [laughs] No, it’s not though. We see him make the scream later in the trailer.

Andrew: Well, he does it a few times.

Micah: He’s just an angry man.

Eric: Well, here he’s…

Andrew: Yeah, whatever.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Who cares.

[Eric laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Body Falling

Andrew: We see – very quick shot of bodies falling at 28 seconds and then at twenty – yeah, at the end of 28 seconds you see a body falling. Almost looks like it doesn’t hit the ground, it may be resting an inch above ground, kind of like in Order of the Phoenix when the…

Eric: Well, that effect appears in this film.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: But not at this moment. This is Malfoy Manor, this is when he’s angry at everybody because Harry broke into the vault.

Micah: It almost…

Andrew: I’m talking about that body with the hat on it.

Eric: Yeah, yeah, the body.

Andrew: The guy wearing the hat, 28 seconds.

Eric: Yeah, that totally – it makes the loud thunder sound of falling and hitting the ground.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: Why would you say it didn’t hit the ground?

Andrew: Because it’s a trailer.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: They manipulate everything.

Eric: That’s true.

Scene-by-Scene: Malfoy Manor

Andrew: The best shot is at thirty – well, first at 29 seconds. A wide shot of Malfoy Manor, Voldemort walking barefoot. This is like – either one of you two just mentioned Bellatrix – realizing that the vault was broken into. You see Draco in the background. Very cool shots.

Micah: So is he cursed or has he killed all these Death Eaters?

Andrew: I think killed.

Eric: They’re not getting back up.

Micah: Okay.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Oh, but they’re not all Death Eaters. A lot of them – I think it’s actually – if I’m remembering correctly it’s goblins. It’s nearly all of the goblins.

Andrew: Yeah. You can tell they’re goblins, too, a couple of them.

Eric: A couple of them. It’s just the officials of Gringotts who have obviously broken the news to Voldemort that his vault – or Bellatrix’s vault has been…

Andrew: Robbed.

Eric: He brings them there to torture them and kill them.

Micah: Oh okay. So this is Malfoy Manor, it’s just…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: It’s like he went and seized all of these goblins and brought them in for questioning.

Eric: Yeah. Or they came to him. I feel like there has to be sort of a…

Andrew: It’s probably their duty to come to him.

Eric: Their duty?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, something like that.

Andrew: Of course we also see Nagini there, too.

Eric: Hmm.

Scene-by-Scene: Trio Looking at Sky

Andrew: And then advancing to 32 seconds we see the trio looking up at the sky. Based on some information from WB in the past, I am pretty sure this is when they are in Hogsmeade and a Patronus had been sent.

Eric: Oh. Yeah, I don’t know what this is.

Andrew: It’s hard to tell because it’s a close-up shot of them, but I’m 99% sure.

Eric: Yeah, they’re against a tarp or something.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: Interesting.

Scene-by-Scene: Gringotts Carts

Andrew: Advancing to 33 seconds and 34 seconds we see some special effects that were probably not in the test screening, Eric.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: It’s when they’re moving through Gringotts and…

Eric: This – yeah.

Andrew: Hmm? Go ahead.

Eric: And the cart is spinning. This was the point in the film when there was a title card instead of a special effect and it said something like, “A cavernous and vestigious pit is revealed.”

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Or – there was some V word. It was funny.

Andrew: Got Griphook in the front.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Harry, Ron, Bellatrix/Hermione…

Eric: And Bellatrix.

Andrew: …in the back.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Now, who is behind Griphook? Is that Travers?

Eric: It’s another goblin, isn’t it, Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah and he’s under Imperio.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Because – to help them get into the vault.

Eric: Yeah, there may be a slight departure from the book but it’s not – I think it’s very slight in the break in scene.

MuggleCast 227 Transcript (continued)

Scene-by-Scene: Gringotts Dragon

Andrew: Okay, and then we advance further into the break in scene where the trio get the dragon out. And we see them in the hall – I guess the foyer you could call it – of Gringotts, and the dragon shoots a very fiery breath at some of the goblins. And then we get the first title card, “On July 15th.”

[Micah makes indistinguishable sound]

Andrew: Hmm?

Micah: I was going to just ask – we touched on the water scene but what exactly is that from?

Andrew: The water scene.

Micah: When…

Andrew: Please…

Eric: Something hitting the water?

Micah: This was way back in 27 seconds.

Andrew: Oh, I know exactly what that is. That’s when they jumped off the dragon I think, right, Eric?

Eric: Oh, good catch.

Andrew: That sort of just clicked with me. That must be what it is.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, they jump off the dragon. They – obviously it’s a water landing.

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: It’s water.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Captain Sully Sullenberger helped them land.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Scene-by-Scene: Statues

Andrew: So okay – so we get the title, “July 15th,” we see the shot of Snape. We’re at 39/40 seconds now. Okay, best shot of the film and the trailer right here. 40 seconds in when the statue – okay, this is what’s so great about it. I’m going to have a Mikey B moment here. The camera is on the ground…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …kind of slowly trucking towards the Great Hall, the entrance, and right in front of the camera drops one of the guards. And he drops from one of the walls. He was perched up on one of the walls. And the way he lands – he lands on one knee and he’s kind of bowing down with that axe-like thing in his hand.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Now, in the movie this is triggered by McGonagall calling the statues to life. And it is so badass! It’s one of the best things in the movie! Thank you.

Micah: Yeah. And that’s great because that’s one of the – my favorite scenes from the book. It’s just cool to think that she has all this power to bring the castle to life.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: And it must be great seeing her in that scene, bring these statues and suits of armor and everything else, gargoyles, to life.

Eric: Well, the interesting thing is – maybe it’s a departure between the books and the movies. In the books it always seemed like Hogwarts has these measures that were – Hogwarts can protect itself. Hogwarts always has been kind of a school/fortress. Things like suits of armor in the books already move from place to place, at least in the earlier books.

Andrew: But we never see it [laughs] in the movies.

Eric: We never see it in the films. In the films McGonagall has to call these to life and again that – of course it happens in the book but I’m thinking, “This was a unique scene,” because I didn’t think we’d ever see things like statues coming to life, with the exception of the chess in the first movie. So this was…

Micah: Now, does she actually say the spell?

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Yeah, it’s like “locomotor something magnifico.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: “Locomotor magnifico.” It’s some ridiculous variation of that spell.

Micah: Oh, that’s cool though.

Andrew: And to give you some perspective, this is – the opposite direction that the camera is facing is the courtyard. And McGonagall is standing on the courtyard/Great Hall steps in between the two areas of the school.

Eric: Yeah, so this is where Dumbledore closes the doors in Movie 5. This is the Entrance Hall essentially, which leads into the Great Hall behind him.

Andrew: Right. And you can see, by the way, the Great Hall – the window, that giant window at the front is smashed in.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: There’s a giant hole in the middle of it.

Eric: Ooh, is it before he lands?

Andrew: No, it’s not.

Eric: Can we freeze-frame before…

Andrew: It’s not.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: Oh, it is before. The hole is there before he lands.

Eric: Yeah, it is. Ha!

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Look at that, there’s a Snape-shaped hole in the window.

Andrew: Snape shaped? Oh, I see what you’re saying. [laughs]

Eric: That’s in the book, too. She calls it a Snape-shaped hole, I’m pretty sure.

Andrew: [laughs] Doesn’t look Snape shaped in here, but anyway.

Eric: Looks similar to a bat, really.

Andrew: So at 41 seconds there’s another title. It says, “Only one.”

Eric: [gasps] Only one.

Andrew: Film left. [laughs]

Eric: Oh, I haven’t even – I never – oh wow, I’ve seen this and I haven’t even been paying attention to what they’re telling us.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort and His Followers

Andrew: [laughs] Then the next shot is Harry. 43 seconds in. We’ve seen this shot a lot actually in other previews. Then the following shot is Voldemort with all his Death Eaters and basically he’s looking down at the castle.

Eric: You never realize how many Death Eaters there are until this shot, I think it is.

Scene-by-Scene: Close-up of Snape’s Face

Andrew: Yeah. The next shot – very badass shot: Snape. A lot of flashing going on around him, presumably just spells from the battle.

Eric: Lightning maybe?

Andrew: Oh. Or lightning.

Eric: I think this is a continuation of – because we missed it. He was actually standing outside Godric’s Hollow, outside of…

Andrew: Oh okay.

Eric: …Lily and James’s house. So in the very beginning – the first shot at four seconds is him walking down the corridor towards the house. Then there’s another shot of him standing in front of the house. This is also a continuation of what plays during “The Prince’s Tale” scene, of him coming closer and closer to discovering what has happened essentially. But the flashing is like lightning. It’s like a stormy night.

Andrew: Oh okay. He looks very disturbed, too. Some great acting on Alan Rickman’s part.

Eric: Yeah, I’m glad they didn’t have to do any CGI tears for this scene.

Andrew: [laughs] Another title card, “Can live.”

[Eric laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Destruction of Hogwarts Castle

Andrew: And here – and right after this at 47 seconds some more great special effects. We see the Death Eaters flying in sending a green spell at the castle. A good Harry Potter fan would assume that’s Avada Kedavra but as you see the spell light up the castle you can see nobody is in there. So it’s kind of just a destruction spell.

Eric: Yeah, why did they Avada Kedavra – what do they have against that window? Really?

Andrew: Well – yeah, I don’t know.

Eric: To Avada Kedavra it – they split their soul on behalf of a – I don’t know.

Andrew: Now – okay. Yeah, this may be getting too technical. Well, they’re not even officially sending an Avada Kedavra spell. They’re just sending a spell.

Eric: Yeah, and it’s green.

Andrew: But I was going to ask, if it was an Avada Kedavra spell, could it actually blow up a brick castle – a stone castle?

Eric: Right. I think it’s – no, it’s a good question. It would be more like a Diffindo or a Reducto or a spell like that.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry’s Scar Hurting

Andrew: So then there’s a shot of Harry. It’s kind of a bird’s eye view. It’s kind of swooping down at him.

Eric: What’s wrong with him?

Andrew: He’s feeling Voldemort’s wrath.

Eric: Is he?

Andrew: Yes, absolutely.

Eric: This is Dan’s complete go-to, Harry being overcome, over-succumbed – succumbing and being overwhelmed to his scar.

Andrew: And again this is the final battle. You can see he’s wearing that corduroy jacket.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: No, it’s…

Andrew: [laughs] Well, it’s true.

Micah: …”Oh man, I shouldn’t have had that burger earlier. This is the wrong time for this to happen.”

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Oh RiffTrax.

Andrew: Like, “I got enough problems going on and now I have digestion cramps?! Dammit!”

Eric: [laughs] I’m taking a picture of this screenshot to preserve this moment. Okay.

Andrew: Yeah, he’s like holding his stomach almost. That is funny.

Eric: He is holding his – right at the zipper.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Scream No. 2

Andrew: Then there’s – right after that, we’re at the 49 second mark now, there’s a shot of Voldemort. He’s kind of doing a little – somebody is going to turn this into a GIF. He’s totally doing a little groove thing if you advance back and forth through the frames. He’s kind of doing like a little crab dance sort of thing. But Voldemort looks very angry, by the way. If you get to the end of this clip…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …you see him with probably one of the most angriest faces that you see him ever in these films.

Eric: Oh, guess what? Scream number two.

[Clip from trailer plays]

Andrew: It was kind of low but yeah, I get what you’re saying. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah. Same scream. It’s the same audio presumably for this scream.

Scene-by-Scene: The Battle of Hogwarts

Andrew: So destruction of Hogwarts at 49 seconds. Then at 50, we see Kingsley and at this point you can see, really, the Great Hall and Hogwarts have really fallen apart and daylight has come up now. And it’s nice that they actually did this. They kept the timeline similar to what it was in the book.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: In terms of the battle going on all night.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And there they are when the sun is coming up and the battle is still going on. In the background you can see Arthur Weasley. You can see the giant window at the back of the Great Hall. It’s completely gone now.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Another cool shot as we continue. Go to 51 seconds, you see all these spells from the Death Eaters trying to penetrate the castle, but they can’t because of the giant globe protection that – the globe-like protection that was put on the castle by the Hogwarts professors. And if you listen to our test screening review from a couple of episodes ago, you’ll hear that Eric and I thought that was very cool that scene, when the Hogwarts professors are all saying the same spell and putting that spell up.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Guys, I got to pee, [laughs] so just hold on one second.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: If you want to talk about – here, I’ll set up the next scene.

Micah: This is just like the movie.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Yeah, what is it with you and…

Scene-by-Scene: Narcissa Malfoy

Andrew: I should have waited until more from Snape’s memory. [laughs] Well here, I’ll talk about this and then you guys can talk about it. At the 52-second mark we see Narcissa Malfoy, and Eric, please tell us what is this clip – shot.

Eric: This clip of Narcissa Malfoy is really – she’s wondering why she’s in this film, I think. It’s almost like a candid shot. She’s like, “What’s going on? Why is there a camera here? I’m just hanging out in the woods.”

Andrew: And you can see on her face the – she’s kind of almost unsure it looks like. She turns around to give them an answer, but she’s kind of – I guess you would say hesitant.

Eric: [laughs] It’s very obvious that she’s about to tell a big fat lie…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …to Voldemort.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly, because she’s kind of scared.

Eric: Like, “What will he say if I lie?”

Scene-by-Scene: Person Flying on Broom

Andrew: We see another shot of the battle at 53 seconds. There’s a wizard on a broom. He’s kind of like waving people – oh, that’s not – is that Percy? No.

Eric: It looks…

Andrew: It kind of looks…

Eric: …like Percy.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: We thought it was – we thought it would have been Oliver Wood because when we saw it in the film, again the effects weren’t completed, it was just some guy on a broom. But you can hear him. He says, “Come on.” It looks like Percy, but I…

Andrew: At the beginning it does but not at the end, if you look at the very last frame. By the way, this is one of those training wheel brooms.

[Eric laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Harry’s Vision

Andrew: It’s got the foot rests on it. I hate those. I hate how they did that. Next shot at 53 seconds, a very large army of statues coming to life like we talked about earlier. This is obviously when McGonagall brought them all to life with her “Locomotor” [speaks gibberish]. Then at 54 seconds we see Ron close-up shot kind of giving Harry a little talk, and Harry – actually I think this is related to the digestion cramp scene…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …that we saw earlier. [laughs]

Eric: He’s taken off the corduroy jacket, right? And he’s kind of…

Andrew: No, he’s still got it on.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: 55 seconds. Yeah, he’s still…

Eric: Oh, he’s – yeah, but he’s wrapped around it. It’s like he’s cold. It’s like he’s having shivers.

Andrew: Well, you could – it almost looks like he’s sweating. His hair looks very soaked, I would say.

Eric: Yeah.

Scene-by-Scene: Nagini

Andrew: Then at 56 seconds an awesome shot of Nagini kind of jumping and coming towards the camera.

Eric: Is the spell hitting Nagini or is Nagini magicking…

Andrew: I think it’s just – Nagini just kind of appeared. Maybe Apparated?

Eric: Because it’s…

Andrew: I don’t know if that’s possible for Nagini.

Eric: [laughs] For a snake to Apparate? But it looks like that, doesn’t it?

Andrew: But you see at the beginning of the scene it’s just – or maybe – I don’t know. You may be right about a spell.

Eric: Yeah, I think a spell is hitting her, but she’s totally…

Andrew: She’s going through it.

Eric: Yeah, she’s absolutely overcoming, I think. The interesting thing about the freeze frame right now is just how many teeth there are. Like I wonder – God if snakes really look like that, I don’t ever want to see a big snake.

Scene-by-Scene: Ron and Hermione

Andrew: Next shot, 56 going into 57, we see – we’ve seen this shot a lot already.

Eric: Yeah, we have.

Andrew: Ron and Hermione…

Eric: And Ron is just devastated…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …over something.

Scene-by-Scene: Dragon Breaking Out

Andrew: Another shot as we enter 57, 58 seconds of the Basilisk and the trio are on the back. I do not…

Eric: Not the Basilisk.

Andrew: …know how they hold on, but – oh sorry.

Eric: The dragon.

Andrew: The dragon, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Obviously that’s not the Basilisk. [laughs]

Eric: That’s okay.

Scene-by-Scene: Ron Crying Over Fred’s Body

Andrew: At 59 seconds we see Harry crawling on the ground. Now, finally another interesting scene. 59 seconds in we see Fred who is dead, Ron is crying, Molly is there. What’s your guys’ thoughts? This is a very sad scene.

Eric: You can see the devastation on Ron’s face. But it’s playing to this epic music where you are like – again this is one of the shots that’s for us freeze-frame folk.

Andrew: Exactly, yeah. I didn’t – this is one of those scenes I mentioned earlier. I did not notice it until I – until actually going frame by frame.

Eric: Mhm. Yeah, but it’s heart wrenching.

Andrew: Rupert looks like he does a good job crying, I have to say. He does look very emotional.

Eric: That scene, yeah. That’s what first led up to me crying, was seeing Rupert there as Ron completely destroyed, mourning the death of his brother.

Scene-by-Scene: Trio’s Goodbye

Andrew: Next shot we see, one minute in, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. This is the moment – this is one of the saddest moments in the film, I have to say. This is when Harry and Hermione talk to each other about what’s going on. They know that Harry has to go into the forest…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …and sacrifice himself.

Eric: This is after Harry knows he has to go die.

Andrew: Right, but what I mean is that this is when Harry and Hermione finally – Harry says – well, I won’t spoil it, but Harry and Hermione both understand that this is what Harry needs to do.

Eric: Yeah, so this is the goodbye hug…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …that we see.

Andrew: And Ron is in the background like, [in a silly voice] “What? What’s going on?” [back to normal voice] Just kidding, he’s a very smart person.

[Eric laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Shooting a Spell

Andrew: Advancing to 1:01, 1:02, very cool shot. We see Voldemort sending a spell towards the castle. We see Bellatrix by his side. The special effects look amazing, I mean so detailed.

Eric: It’s very brightly lit is this. And I see from the screenshot that Voldemort is screaming. Is this the same scream, Andrew?

Andrew: Let’s see.

[Clip from trailer plays]

Eric: That one’s…

Andrew: Yeah, another little one.

Eric: Another little, little one.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So that one is, I guess, different. But stay tuned.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry in Gringotts Vault

Andrew: Nagini is there by his side too, by the way, for the record. At 1:03 we see Harry climbing up trying to get to the sword, and you can tell this is the scene because you see all the gold behind him.

Eric: Not the sword, the cup.

Andrew: The cup, sorry.

Eric: The cup.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And I wanted to say the preview shot of Ginny is a released still that we received.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: From WB, wasn’t it?

Andrew: Yup.

Eric: So…

Scene-by-Scene: Lupin and Tonks

Andrew: At 1:05/1:04 we see Lupin and Tonks. First shot of them.

Micah: Only shot of them. [laughs]

Eric: Yay!

Micah: Well, until later.

Andrew: [laughs] Only shot, yeah.

Micah: Only live shot of them.

Andrew: Well, later in the movie. [laughs]

Eric: But they’re reaching for each other. Again, arms reaching and touching each other.

Andrew: Because as we learned in Part 1 they’re getting – oh no, she’s having a…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Of course she had the baby at this point. I was…

Eric: [unintelligible]

Scene-by-Scene: Destroying the Protection Around Hogwarts Castle

Andrew: At 1:07 we see Hogwarts, and we see these – oh sorry, this is more like 1:05, 1:06. We see the spell that the professors had put on the castle, crumbling.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: And it’s cool how it’s represented.

Eric: Yeah, very much. It shows that Hogwarts is vulnerable. It’s all going down.

Andrew: In the front of the castle down at the water you can see the boathouse, by the way.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: I just wanted to point out how they made sure that was there.

Eric: I feel like the boathouse is in the trailer – or is in the poster for the first Harry Potter film.

Andrew: I think it may be, yeah.

Eric: They just never used it.

Micah: Well, it’s in all the video games, too.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Or most of them anyway.

Eric: Yeah, that it is. And then leading up is the actual moment with the third Voldemort scream.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry and Voldemort Jumping Off a Ledge

Andrew: And now this part at 1:08…

Eric: Six.

Andrew: …1:09.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: This is when – this is the thing, I don’t – we shouldn’t spoil people, but – I mean, obviously if you watch this, you see what’s happening here. Well here, let’s – I’ll play it.

[Clip from trailer plays] “Come on, Tom. Let’s finish this the way we started: together!”

Micah: There’s another scream for you.

Andrew: Now, I – that is another scream, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, because he’s falling off a cliff. I would scream, too.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: This – I hate this so much because it just seems so wrong for Harry to touch Voldemort. So Harry grabs him around the neck and pulls him off the cliff, and it’s just – I don’t like it at all.

Eric: So – well, does the dialogue do nothing for you? Because…

Andrew: No.

Eric: …I have to say, I almost wet my pants, listening – watching this in the film. I thought it was awesome.

Andrew: I hate it. And I think that we’re going to have a lot more to say when the movie comes out.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: I won’t talk about it now…

Micah: Well, I will. [laughs]

Andrew: …because obviously there’s stuff that happens.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah, Micah…

Andrew: Okay, you talk about it from what you’ve seen here in the trailer.

Micah: Okay, without trying to go back to that Deathly Hallows – Part 1 mind-set where we obviously had disagreements [laughs] on what we thought of the film, I think this is the director and the producer’s attempt to add that Hollywood element to the Potter series, because – and what I mean by that is you have to have that sort of typical Hollywood action sequence, and that’s exactly what I think is going to be happening here. Now, I’m not saying that I don’t like it and I don’t think that there’s the chance that this could be a really awesome scene with a lot of great special effects. But there’s also the chance that this scene is going to really rub people the wrong way, especially people who are very strong fans of the books. And from what you have said in past episodes about how this all plays out, how they are battling all throughout the castle, what do you think?

Eric: Well, how do you mean that this scene is a typical Hollywood answer to the Potter series?

Micah: I didn’t say “answer.”

Eric: Because this is the only moment – well, you said it’s a Hollywood version of…

Andrew: It is very – I agree.

Eric: But I don’t because this is the only point in the film – spoiler there – but it’s really the only point in the film where Harry calls Voldemort “Tom,” and…

Micah: Well, that has nothing to do with it being…

Eric: It does, it has to do with being faithful to the source material.

Micah: Well, if it was faithful to the source material it would be in the Great Hall, not on top of a cliff. But the whole point of that was he called him “Tom” in front of everybody else, not on a cliff somewhere at Hogwarts.

Eric: It wasn’t essential that he called…

Micah: But we’re talking about the wrong thing here, first of all.

Eric: Well actually, that’s my…

Micah: We’re talking about the fact that – when I said it was that typical Hollywood scene, I meant from an action standpoint, that you have to have that action sequence where…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: There’s no action here.

Micah: Well, what’s about to happen though.

Andrew: Well, there will be in the film. [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: Well, we’re not talking about what’s about to happen, are we? I mean, I think…

Andrew: Well, it’s presumed.

Eric: …what it is here – okay, I guess you’re right.

Micah: You’re about to embark on that typical [laughs] Hollywood action scene, that’s my point. And I’m not saying that I’m going to have a problem with it, I’m not saying that I don’t like this particular scene. I’m just saying that I think that you’re going to have people who aren’t going to like it.

Eric: Well, I wouldn’t blame Hollywood though. What I would say is that they needed to come up with some severely interesting ways to show an hour and a half of Voldemort chasing Harry.

Andrew: That’s Hollywood.

Eric: And the fact…

Andrew: You’ve got to interest people for an hour and a half. [laughs]

Eric: No, it’s not Hollywood, it’s movie-making. Don’t confuse the two.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: I mean, in my opinion it’s movie-making where Voldemort and Harry are in close proximity. I know you don’t like it when he touches Voldemort. I think that’s a completely true or valid point, a valid thing not to like. But I also think that because they’re chasing each other for so long in the film, they needed this variation. And I like the idea that Harry and Voldemort are familiar with one another at this point enough that they can battle, but it doesn’t have to be from across a courtyard shooting spells at each other. They can be each other’s archenemies and be breathing down each other’s neck. That’s what I like about this.

Micah: [laughs] So they could be WWE style in the middle of the ring, duking it out with each other.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Yes. They can hate each other…

Micah: I get that.

Andrew: [in announcer voice] “In this corner…”

Eric: …and still be…

Micah: Eric, I get that. Believe me, I understand that. But I think – and look, maybe I’m approaching this the wrong way…

Eric: I don’t think so. I mean, I…

Micah: …and people who read the books aren’t going to – normally I get criticized for talking about people who go to the films who haven’t read the books, and there not being enough plot in place all the time for them to get it. Here I’m talking about the people who have read the books, and they’re going to come in [laughs] and they’re going to say – and I’ve seen comments already, tweets, things like that, say, [laughs] “Why is Harry pulling Voldemort off a cliff?”

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: They’re like, “All right, let’s just both die. Let’s just both have our heads smashed into a rock [laughs] at the bottom of this cliff.”

Eric: [laughs] It’s daring, it’s dashing, it’s Harry Potter

Andrew: I think Harry followed the whole mantra, “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer”…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …a little too literally.

Eric: Well, and – no, I think – Micah, I think why is Harry pulling – the fact that fans are asking that, it’s true. And why isn’t the Tom thing in the Great Hall with everybody? It’s these film choices that they’ve made, but they’re departures and because of that, there are going to be people who are very upset.

Micah: This looks like it’s about to be a great action sequence, and…

Eric: It’s good dialogue! It’s “Let’s finish this the way we started it: together!” It’s like…

Micah: And then what? Does the Hungarian Horntail shoot up from its hiding place?

Andrew: [laughs] No, Dumbledore…

Micah: [laughs] Dumbledore.

Andrew: …comes back to life. He picks up Harry but lets Voldemort keep falling.

Eric: I don’t get it.

Andrew: It’s a slight change from the books.

Eric: What do you mean?

Andrew: I’m just making a joke. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Oh okay.

Andrew: All right…

Micah: Yeah.

MuggleCast 227 Transcript (continued)

Scene-by-Scene: Snape Disapparating

Andrew: …let’s move on from picking that apart. We’ll have much more to say later. The next few shots we’ve seen before, so let’s just skip to 1:15. We see Snape in the Great Hall. Pretty badass shot of him, I have to say. He kind of whips his cape around, and we see him turn into the bat-like figure.

Micah: I called him “Batman Snape.”

Eric: Yeah. Or at least – [laughs] Batman Snape.

[Andrew sings the 1960s Batman TV show theme song]

Eric: Severus…

Andrew: There’s a dead body in the background. I don’t know if that’s anyone of importance or that’s just one of those random dead bodies.

Eric: What?

Andrew: I think it’s just a random dead body.

Eric: That’s weird because when he turns into a bat is in front of the whole Hogwarts audience when he summons everybody. That’s a spoiler.

Andrew: Well, maybe there is an audience. We just can’t see it.

Eric: But there’s no – why would there be a dead body there? I see what you see.

Andrew: Oh! Wait, wait, wait, doesn’t this…

Eric: But there’s no…

Andrew: This happens when…

Eric: Yeah, when Harry is about to be – or when Harry and McGonagall…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …are about to…

Andrew: So, why…

Eric: I don’t think that’s a body. It looks like…

Andrew: It’s a body. It’s a hundred percent.

Eric: It’s a face. Who…

Andrew: I’m looking at the 1080p HD version.

Eric: Oh geez, okay.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: I’m not going to argue with your Blu-ray copy of this.

Andrew: Don’t argue with HD!

Eric: [laughs] But who would be there? Because this is during – he hasn’t killed anybody. Maybe the Carrows – one of the Carrows fell over.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s my only thought.

Eric: Because this is during the meeting in the Great Hall.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: All the students, and then Harry steps out and Voldemort – and McGonagall has to protect him.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But I don’t know who would be there.

Scene-by-Scene: Fiendfyre

Andrew: Yeah, me neither. We’ll have to figure that out later. We see another title, “The Epic Conclusion.” And then we get to 1:17, another shot I think we’ve seen bits and pieces of: Ron and Hermione holding hands as fire chases after them. We see
a snake-like figure, I would say, in that fire.

Eric: It looks like a bear to me.

Andrew: Or a bear. Or a wolf.

Eric: Or at least when it hits and turns the corner. Or maybe a – maybe it’s a badger. I have this really unique shot of it, it’s during 1:17. This is where multi…

Andrew: Yeah, I see what you’re saying. It looks like a wolf to me, actually.

Eric: Yeah, a wolf.

Andrew: Because of the ears.

Eric: But looking at the cartoon insignia of Hogwarts, it kind of – like it would be a badger because if – I think I remember Fiendfyre takes a really interesting form in the film, as far as being several different animals of fire chasing. Very interesting.

Andrew: Okay, so there’s that. And then as we advance to another title, “Of The Worldwide Phenomenon”…

Eric: Whoa!

Scene-by-Scene: Courtyard Battle Scene

Andrew: …wide shot. And now there’s a lot of detail in this shot. We see they’re in the courtyard, we see giants – that’s definitely the most prominent. We see about two giants, a couple of Death Eaters in the sky.

Micah: Where do you see the giants? Or do I need higher resolution?

Andrew: Don’t you guys? One of them is holding a lamppost.

Eric: Yeah, it’s like on the – if you’re looking at the five window – or five columns on the very right side – one, two, three, four, five – it’s right above the fifth column if you’re going right.

Andrew: Oh! And I think one of the giants is swinging…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …one of the Quidditch pitch rings.

Eric: Oh, no.

Andrew: One of the goals.

Micah: Oh yeah, I see that now. Yeah.

Eric: I’m pretty sure it’s just a bone.

Andrew: No.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: No.

Eric: Like a bone turned into a club.

Andrew: Shut – Eric, come on, it’d be awesome if that was a Quidditch pitch ring.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Can we please pretend that it was?

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: That it is? Let’s spoil them now: The final battle takes place in the Quidditch pitch.

Eric: Yeah, no.

Andrew: Kidding!

Eric: Although we do see it, what, engulfed in flames?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: On the left side of this shot – same shot – I love how you can see into the building.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: You can see into Hogwarts through the wall. It’s like…

Andrew: And you see a Death Eater coming in, going inward.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: You see a smoky figure moving in.

Eric: That’s really awesome.

Andrew: Yeah, so that’s a very cool shot.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry Fighting Off Fiendfyre

Eric: Ooh, and then Harry – the next shot, obviously – Harry trying to fight off the Fiendfyre.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: By shooting water at it? What’s…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: No, it’s a spell. That’s really…

Andrew: Aguamenti?

Eric: Aguamenti. It’s like a waterfall.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Very unique shot. But this was not an effect that was complete when we saw it.

Scene-by-Scene: Bridge Destruction

Andrew: Moving into 1:22, we see a couple – a few shots in a row, actually, of one of the bridges leading to Hogwarts crumbling as the Snatchers try to not fall to their deaths. [laughs] But they do fall. There is obviously somebody who caused that wreck, but we won’t spoil that.

Micah: Who?

Andrew: I’m not spoiling it!

Micah: Neville.

Andrew: No! Okay, another interesting shot.

[Everyone laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Snatchers Running Into Protective Charm

Andrew: The other interesting shot, 1:25, we see Molly sending the spell. “Not my daughter, you bitch!”

Micah: Wait, can we go back for a second?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: To 1:24. There’s a little quick scene before that, and what exactly is happening to these…

Eric: Oh.

Micah: I don’t know if they’re Snatchers. As they’re running, they’re transforming into skeleton-like people.

Eric: Yeah, you’re right actually. You can see…

Andrew: I think they’re disintegrating.

Eric: It’s totally Dead Man’s Chest style. They are disintegrating, but this is kind of a cheesy effect of showing it. They’re liquifying, really. They’re turning into white liquid, white goo. Basically they’re running into the force field and the force field is stopping them.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: So it takes a few Death Eaters for everybody else to figure out, “Hey, there’s…”

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: “We can’t really go any further.”

Scene-by-Scene: Duel Between Molly and Bellatrix

Andrew: All right. So like I said, at 1:25, we get to hear:

[Audio (Stephen Fry)]: “Not my daughter, you bitch!”

Eric: She does not say that in this trailer, and it’s – that was hilarious.

Andrew: Now, that was – just for the record, that was not a clip from the trailer. Though – here, I’m going to play it with the trailer. Let’s see how this goes.

[Clip from trailer and audiobook play in sync]

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: I don’t know if that works. Kind of.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Okay, where were we? Okay. Yeah, so what do you guys – I mean, it’s kind of hard to tell, but what we see in the trailer is Molly fighting off the spell – or Bellatrix fighting off Molly’s spell.

Eric: Yeah, but she’s – at the same time, she’s surprised.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Because it’s kind of more of an aggressive spell.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Well, what’s interesting to me is you get – that one shot of Molly looks like that’s the fatal shot that she’s delivering, but then they switch to a scene where it looks like Bellatrix is deflecting the spell.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: So is it possible that that’s how they ordered it?

Eric: Yeah, I think it’s mis-ordered. It’s possible that that’s the kill-blow.

Micah: Because they’re so close in that particular shot, but then they’re so much separated…

Eric: When she’s deflecting the spell?

Micah: …when they go to the next shot.

Eric: Yeah, you’re right.

Andrew: It could be perspective though, too.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: If Bellatrix is – if the camera is really over Bellatrix’s shoulder, it may not…

Eric: Although, interestingly, if you look in this shot of Bellatrix at 1:25, you see the students in the background…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …and they’re kind of just hanging out.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Like none of them are focusing on Molly and Bellatrix. They’re kind of like hanging out, playing Nintendo. Maybe Exploding Snap or Charades or cards or something. But they’re not really paying attention to what’s going on. It’s kind of weird.

Andrew: At 1:26 we see the trio again, on the back of the dragon. They are going through Diagon Alley this time. You can see the entrance to Gringotts in the background and where the dragon broke out.

Eric: Oh. Wait, let me amend what I said, sorry. In a freeze frame it looks like they’re hanging out, but these students behind Bellatrix are actually battling Death Eaters.

Andrew: They’re fighting, yeah.

Eric: Yeah, sorry.

Micah: They’re using Wii remotes.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: No, it looked…

Andrew: [laughs] They’re playing the video game.

Eric: Obviously when I froze it they weren’t in action, so of course I didn’t see them in action. My bad.

Scene-by-Scene: Rubble Falling

Andrew: 1:26/1:27, we see Voldemort. We’ve seen that shot a million times.

Eric: Shit’s falling down though. Hogwarts is…

Andrew: Don’t curse! Come on. I get e-mails.

Eric: All right.

Andrew: [in a silly voice] “Don’t curse. Don’t curse, guys.” [back to normal voice] 1:27, that same area, we see stuff falling down. [laughs]

Micah: It looks like a person, though.

Andrew: Really? Where?

Micah: I have it paused, it looks like a body is falling.

Andrew: I think it’s a bunch of bricks.

Micah: No, no, there’s definitely a person in here. [laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: More Scenes From the Battle of Hogwarts

Andrew: At 1:30, we see Voldemort and Harry sending the spells at each other. We’ve seen this a million times, again. Beautiful high-rise shot, and actually probably one of the cooler shots in the trailer, other than the statue thing I mentioned earlier, was at 1:32 when we see all the Death Eaters sending hundreds of spells at the castle. And the castle just looks beautiful. The spells coming out of the Death Eaters’ wands, they’re a light blue, it’s a very cool shot. A couple of quick last minute shots: at 1:34 we see Voldemort send Harry a blue spell at him. Harry obviously very easily deflects it. Then at 1:35, we see Neville holding the Sorting Hat with Ginny and Arthur. This is obviously when Hagrid is holding Harry’s body and everybody thinks that Harry is dead. Very emotional scene. We see Hermione, Kingsley, Seamus, Cho Chang, several others in the background as well.

Eric: And then the “P” gets it.

Andrew: Well, the way the trailer is cut, it cuts to a shot of Harry and it’s almost like…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …he’s turning around to look at all the people crying, and being like, “Hey guys, I got him. I’m just fighting off this really hard spell.”

Micah: Then who gets it?

Eric: The “P” in the Harry Potter logo gets it.

Micah: [laughs] Oh, oh.

Eric: I want to count how many times this thing has been hit by a spell. But this time they really mean it.

Andrew: So that’s it, that’s the trailer. We went through every little scene. What did you guys – any more overall thoughts?

Eric: It started with that flower unrealistically growing in Lily’s hand, but it only got better from there. And apparently they say 3D is going to be available. They still say 3D is going to be available.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. “Complete the journey in 3D,” just like the Part 1 trailer said.

[Eric laughs]

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011

Andrew: It’s a good time actually to bring up LeakyCon. While you guys think of any closing thoughts, LeakyCon 2011 is taking place July 13th to the 17th in Orlando, Florida on the Universal Orlando Resort where The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park is located. Of course, the conference is over the release of Deathly Hallows – Part 2. So all the amazing things that we saw in the trailer today, we’ll be watching on a giant movie theater with some of the biggest, bestest, coolest, cry-babyish Harry Potter fans in the world.

Eric: [laughs] Was that last comment directed to me, Andrew?

Andrew: Including our own Eric Scull, yes.

Eric: Yes. I have…

Andrew: Oh, you will not be the only one crying.

Eric: So I do have a final thing, it will blow your mind again.

Andrew: Well, let me just finish the plug here.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: Of course, we’ve talked about it a lot before. There’s going to be the dance which is going to be amazing. The dance is always my favorite part of the conference. The party in the park. Just so much to look forward to, and of course, some fantastic panels. There’s actually a new announcement, and that is concerning the amount of registrations left. There’s only about forty percent – not forty percent, about four hundred spots left at LeakyCon. So if you’re going to do it, if you want to come, if you want to see us do a live podcast – we’re going to do our big movie review show there – visit because there’s only four hundred registrations left, and those are going to go quick. Especially when some other big announcements are made, concerning special guests and what not. So visit If you do register, please enter code “Muggle” so they know we sent you, and we cannot wait to see you there. Eric, what was your big find?

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Screams

Eric: Well, just – I like that we can turn a one minute, fifty-four second trailer into an hour of discussion. And – but just so that it’s done properly…

Andrew: It’s exhausting.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Eric: Yeah, can you still pull up the trailer? Pull it – start at 1:30.

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: There’s two more instances of the Voldemort scream. And they’re back – they’re on top of each other.

Andrew: You are just obsessed with this scream.

Eric: You’ve got to play it, it’s…

Andrew: That’s why this show is an hour.

[Clip from trailer plays]

Andrew: Yeah, he’s very angry in this movie. [laughs]

Eric: It’s the same scream!

Andrew: That’s the takeaway, he’s an angry man.

[Eric sighs]

Andrew: Here’s what I recommend: Cut up the trailer, take all the bits where he’s just screaming, patch them all together. It’ll be a YouTube hit.

Eric: But it’s almost like pacing. It’s almost like every fifteen seconds, to advance the story of the trailer, they – it’s a book-end. They’ve book-ended this trailer with these Voldemort…

Micah: What you don’t know, Eric, is just that Voldemort has composed the soundtrack for Deathly Hallows – Part 2.

[Eric laughs, Andrew imitates Voldemort’s scream]

Eric: Ralph Fiennes…

Micah: The one thing I was going to bring up about this trailer, though, is that you get no look at Dumbledore – Aberforth or Albus – in this at all.

Andrew: Good! He’s dead.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Finally. Geez. Yeah. I was getting tired of that old man.

Micah: But yeah, no Hog’s Head, no King’s Cross, none of that. So it’s good to see, though, that some of the stuff…

Eric: Is a mystery.

Micah: [laughs] Is a mystery, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s good.

Eric: You’re right. Wouldn’t it suck if this trailer had showed King’s Cross?

Andrew: It would.

Eric: Like Harry waking up in the all-white scene.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Whatever.

Andrew: All right, everyone. Well, it’s been a very full show. Thank you everyone for listening. We’d like to remind everybody about our website before we let you go. has all the information you need about this wonderful show that we produce every other week. There you will find a contact page where you can send in your feedback. Do send in your feedback about the trailer. There was a lot we didn’t get to, your thoughts, but you know what? We’ll save a little something to be desired. We’ll put those on Episode 228. Actually, let me run through some tweets real quick because we did tell people that we would.

Eric: Well, just – Andrew, before you do this, I’m on YouTube right now and it says 308 views of this trailer…

Andrew: That’s a bug, that always happens.

Eric: I know it’s a bug but right down beneath it, it says 1,276 likes and 3 dislikes.

Andrew: [in a silly voice] “Those must have been from Death Eaters!”

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Everybody – whenever there’s like 2 dislikes on a video, people always make a joke about a group of haters.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: So yeah, that must have been Death Eaters.

Eric: But if that’s any indicator, a lot of people seem to like this.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: This trailer. 1,250 versus…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …3.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, it’s weird. It’s a video on a Harry Potter fan site and everybody likes it. Who would have thought?

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Listener Tweets: Deathly Hallows Trailer

Andrew: Okay, let’s get through some tweets real quick. SirNicholas wrote:

“I love the trailer! Epic is the only word, especially when Harry Potter pulled Voldy.”

Whoa. Okay, somebody liked it.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: [continues]

“I’ll cry and be proud of it.”

Oh, here’s another comment about the jump! BaraOmalley said:

“I screamed when they jumped. It was some epic…”

Bleep. Knicknacknikki – that’s a clever name:

“Most epic trailer ever. Can’t wait until July but I’ll be sad the series is over but most well-done trailer so far.”

Would you guys say it was the best – it was the most well-done trailer so far? I would.

Eric: That scream. That scream irks me.

Andrew: You need to go into some counseling, I think, about that.

Eric: I think I’m going to have that voice going through my head all the time, just Voldemort… [imitates Voldemort’s scream]

Andrew: Janet516 wrote:

“I can’t wait for July! This looks action-packed and emotional.”

Phillygirly wrote:

“This was the most amazing trailer ever. I’ve never been so excited for a trailer. I loved it and can’t wait for the movie.”

Here’s a negative comment about the jump. Judder47 wrote:

“What was with Harry pulling Voldy off the top of the tower? ‘Come on, Tom. Let’s finish this the way we started it,’ hug, ‘together!'”

That was her mocking, of course.

Eric: [laughs] Hug.

Andrew: [laughs] Bestest513 wrote:

“Amazing! Amazing! It was enough. My question: Why the heck are the people turning into skeletons at 1.23?”

We answered that for you.

“Gave me chills.”

Writes hippychick10793. So overall, very, very positive. A couple of people confused about the jump, but that’s okay. And that does it…

Show Close

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …for MuggleCast Episode 227. Visit You can always find us on as well as

[Show music begins]

Andrew: If you follow or like us you can stay up to date on the show, new episode announcements, coming soon announcements, things like that. has all the information you need. Thanks everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And we will see you next time for Episode 228.

Eric: Eight.

Andrew: Goodbye. Goodbye! Buh-bye!

Eric: See you later.

[Show music continues]

Transcript #226

MuggleCast 226 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Andrew: Because we don’t need a permit to podcast, this is MuggleCast Episode 226 for April 26th, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

And by, a MuggleNet for the rest of the fandoms in the world and created by MuggleNet staff. Visit for thorough and up-to-the-minute coverage around The Hunger Games, Glee, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, and many more. That’s, H-Y-P-A-B-L-E dot com.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 226! It’s almost kind of a reunion. I actually – when I mentioned who was on the show this week to other people, multiple people they were like, “Ooh! Ooh, no kidding! Oh wow! Wow!” Laura and Jamie are both on the show this week. Hey guys, welcome back!

Jamie: Hey!

Laura: Hey Andrew!

Jamie: Hey! We just need…

Andrew: It’s been a while.

Jamie: …Kevin Steck now, don’t we?

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Oh my God, is he still alive?

Andrew: I – like, I checked a year ago and yeah.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I saw him, actually, in New York in November. Me and Micah both saw him.

Jamie: How is he?

Andrew: He’s doing well! Yeah.

Jamie: What is he doing now?

Andrew: I don’t know.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I actually found him – he was in a box on the street. I just happened to run into him.

Jamie: [laughs] Is he a spy of some sort?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: No, I was implying he’s homeless. [laughs] But…

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: [laughs] Oh, right! Oh.

Andrew: No, he’s not homeless, he’s doing fine. But yeah, so we got a lot to talk about this week. The Deathly Hallows – Part 1 DVD came out and we’re already looking forward to Part 2. Well, Micah, get us through the news, we’ll get everybody updated. I’m Andrew Sims.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Laura: I had no idea how to do that order.

Andrew: Micah, what’s in the news? Yeah, I know.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I almost forgot to do the intro.

Micah: I was going to say to you – I’d be like, “You’re Andrew Sims,” because we always forget. But…

Andrew: Yeah.

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Teaser Trailer to Debut on ABC Family

Micah: So, Andrew, apparently the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 teaser trailer is going to be debuting this Wednesday on ABC Family.

Andrew: Yeah. It’s about time. But – well, okay, you wrote “teaser trailer” in the news post but it doesn’t – I didn’t see any mention of a teaser trailer. I’m wondering if this is the actual trailer if they’re only doing one trailer, or what.

Micah: I just assumed, I guess, because it was ABC Family it would be a teaser trailer and not the full thing.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, we’ll have it posted on MuggleNet when it does make its way online. It’s kind of annoying that they’re airing it only on US television. So poor Jamie, I know he would want to tune into ABC Family but he can’t.

Jamie: I’m sure I could get it somehow. I’m sure I could get it. There’s – I’m sure there’s some internet way of doing it. I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Or some satellite dish, something.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: But that’s quite a lot of effort.

Andrew: It’s a little extreme just to watch…

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Right. [laughs]

Jamie: Someone’s probably going to post it online. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Exactly.

Jamie: So that’s probably the easier way I’ll be seeing it.

Andrew: YouTube is the answer to everything.

Jamie: Yeah, exactly.

Micah: Yeah. So, Wednesday night during Happy Gilmore

Andrew: [laughs] Oh, great!

Micah: …from 7 to 9 o’clock. So I know if you haven’t gotten your share of Adam Sandler this month, or Bob Barker…

Andrew: I haven’t seen that film, so I guess I’ll be forced to watch it now.

Micah: You haven’t seen Happy Gilmore?

Andrew: No.

Micah: Oh.

Jamie: Is it terrible?

Micah: Jamie? Laura?

Jamie: Oh, I might have seen it.

Laura: I think I’ll just wait for it to hit YouTube.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: It’s a funny movie. He beats up – or actually, Bob Barker beats up him. Anyway…

Andrew: All right. Well, what else is going on?

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray Released – Deleted Scenes

Micah: Well, you mentioned earlier, Deathly Hallows – Part 1 finally hit DVD and Blu-ray. It was released on April 15th. And all the deleted scenes, really, made their way online before the DVD went on sale, so we’ve been holding off a little bit on discussing them. What were your guys’ overall thoughts with some of them?

Andrew: For the first time on a DVD, it seems like there were scenes that were actually – people actually wished they had actually been in the final cut of the film, particularly Harry and Petunia’s little talk in the Dursley house before the Dursleys leave. That moved a lot of people.

Laura: Yeah, and it was very well done, too. I mean, it wasn’t – I kind of felt that the whole scene with Harry and Dudley shaking hands was a little cheesy, so I understand why they cut that.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: But as per the Harry and Petunia scene, I don’t know. It was twenty seconds, I think they maybe could have included it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: It’s quite a canon thing, though. I think big fans really, really like it but perhaps other people wouldn’t appreciate it so much. I think they should have kept it in, though, yeah.

Micah: That was awkward, though. I don’t know why they did that the way that they did with Dudley walking like he had something in his pants.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Or like he almost – like he had to take a dump, if I’m honest.

Andrew: He did look constipated.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: It was really awkward.

Micah: But yeah…

Andrew: In the “Maximum Movie Mode” feature on the DVD, there was – I think either Heyman – I think it was Heyman, he talked about why they took that little scene out between Mrs. Dursley and Harry because it sort of – it always comes down to the pacing. It disrupted the pacing because he said if they had kept that in, it would have taken away from the fact that something is about to happen, and the whole point of the intro of the film was to make it feel like something was brewing, something was going on, and that took away from it. So, that was their excuse for cutting that out. I don’t know if I agree with it.

Laura: I mean, I understand that because if you watch the first five to seven minutes of the film, it is very fast paced and that scene I think would have probably taken it down a notch. So, I get why they did it. I don’t think that the pacing thing was just an excuse. I think pacing was an excuse when it came to the sixth film, but with this one I thought they did a really good job with it. So, I don’t know. I understand. I get that sacrifices have to be made.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: This is a long lesson I’ve learned. I used to be one of those people who complained about everything, but…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: You threw in the towel!

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: WB won.

Micah: It could also be just because, though, that they haven’t developed the relationship that exists between Harry and Petunia very much throughout…

Andrew: That’s true, too.

Micah: …the films.

Laura: And they’ve completely neglected the Dursleys in like the last three films, so…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I mean…

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: …it would have seemed kind of strange.

Micah: Well, how did that play out, though, Andrew, during “The Prince’s Tale”? Did they show Petunia at all?

Andrew: No. No, they didn’t.

Laura: Really?!

Andrew: No.

Laura: Oh my God.

Andrew: That was the one scene – and again that’s the one scene – well, I can’t completely confirm that because that was the scene I went to the bathroom during, so I don’t know.

Laura: When you went to the bathroom?!

Andrew: Yeah, I had to…

Laura: Andrew!

Andrew: …really bad. Because I thought I would rather go during “The Prince’s Tale” than during like Harry and Voldemort fighting. I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss that.

Jamie: Couldn’t you have just…

Laura: Well, you could have held it.

Jamie: …paused it, though? Or – wait.

Andrew: No, no, it was a Part 2 screening…

Jamie: Oh sorry, I got really confused.

Andrew: …in Chicago.

Jamie: Oh, right. Yeah. Why didn’t you just hold it, then?! Yeah!

Laura: [laughs] Yeah, I know!

Andrew: I couldn’t! I was about to explode, guys! Leave me alone. Everybody’s disappointed.

Jamie: So wait, Andrew. So wait, is it good, then?

Andrew: Yeah, it was good. It was really good. A lot of the special effects weren’t finished so I’m really looking forward to seeing it again, because…

Jamie: So, what’s it like when you see a film where they haven’t been finished? Is it just like an outline or…

Andrew: No, it’s pretty finished. It’s just a lot of the special effects that aren’t done, so the dragon, for example, some scenes either you didn’t see the dragon or the dragon was like half complete. So…

Micah: It’s like somebody walking around in a costume or something?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: No!

Micah: Like, “I’m the dragon”?

Andrew: No.

Laura: Barney the Dinosaur is like out there walking around…

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: …as a place filler.

Andrew: No, it was an interesting way to see the film, because it was kind of like a behind-the-scenes look at the process that goes into it. So – no, it was good, though. For example, and I brought this up on – Eric and I brought this up on an earlier episode, Snape – for whatever reason, Alan Rickman was never – wasn’t able to shed a tear when he was dying as Snape, so the tear wasn’t added yet. So they added a caption at the bottom that says, “Snape sheds a tear,” [laughs] and it just made the audience…

Jamie: That’s weird.

Andrew: …roar with laughter.

Jamie: Isn’t that weird?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. Anyway, so these deleted scenes. Any other ones that stood out to anyone?

Micah: Not really.

Laura: There were a couple of them that I didn’t – I mean, I didn’t really understand what the point of them was, like Ron and Hermione skipping rocks, like Harry and Ron chasing rabbits.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Like, I get they were trying to establish…

Andrew: That they were bored?

Laura: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: And they were trying to establish…

Micah: Talk about pacing issues.

Laura: Yeah, I know!

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: They were trying to establish the aggression between Harry and Ron, and the romance between Ron and Hermione, but I thought those things were both very evident already and – I don’t know, I’m like, okay, so they’re out there bounty hunting rabbits now. I don’t get it, and I’m really glad that wasn’t…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …in the movie.

Andrew: Actually, I thought the one with them skipping stones, that was very – that kind of fed into the Ron and Hermione shippers. I thought they may have really appreciated that.

Laura: Yeah. I mean, it was a really nice scene. It was well done and it was very sweet, but I don’t think they needed it.

Micah: What about Yaxley searching Hermione’s parents’ home?

Andrew: Ehhh.

Micah: Okay? Just okay?

Andrew: But yeah – I mean, it was just him taking five steps, looking around, and looking like, [in a silly voice] “Hmmm, what’s going on here?”

Laura: [laughs] Yeah, exactly.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Can you imagine if they had just kept – its like, what, a fifteen-second clip? It’s not that long.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: If they had just kept that and [laughs] just randomly inserted it somewhere in the middle of the movie.

Andrew: Yeah, it wouldn’t have – yeah, it just wouldn’t have made…

Laura: No.

Andrew: It just would have been weird.

Micah: Well, I mean, definitely the one that sticks out is the one that we first mentioned with Petunia, because if you really can’t remember – like I can’t even right now what the other deleted scenes were, then it’s probably good that they left them out of the film.

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray Released – “Maximum Movie Mode”

Andrew: Yeah. Anyway, another big feature on the Blu-ray version was the “Maximum Movie Mode” and this was actually really cool because what happens is throughout the movie – you’re watching it and the movie will kind of zoom out, and the movie will kind of move to the bottom-right corner of the screen, and then one of the actors or crew members will kind of talk about what’s going on. It’s kind of like a commentary, but then they’ll also add another video window onto the screen and you see behind-the-scenes footage. And one of the best parts of it was they showed when the final shot ever for Harry Potter was being filmed, like in terms of the filming process. Not like the live shot in Part 2, but like in terms of their filming schedule. They showed footage from when they were finished, and Emma and Rupert were crying, and everybody was applauding. It was very emotional. And they showed footage of the little celebration that they had. So, it was really cool, and they kind of included a couple of deleted scenes and explained why they weren’t included. So, that was really good and I wish they had started doing these “Maximum Movie Mode”s earlier because they’re actually – I watched it with my friends at a party a couple of weeks ago, and it was really fun to watch and then talk about with everybody, so…

Laura: That’s cool.

Andrew: A few of – yeah.

Laura: Well, Emma and Rupert were only crying because they thought that was their last scene they were going to shoot.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Then they found out they had to do the epilogue again.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Awww, drats!

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: All crying for nothing!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Now we have to cry again! [laughs] If you have a Blu-ray, definitely check it out.

Micah: Yeah, so that’s what I was just going to say, it’s just for the Blu-ray, right?

Andrew: Yeah. I mean – and if you don’t have Blu-ray at this point you’re just living in the 90’s, so it’s time to get with it.

Jamie: Hey, I don’t even have a DVD player.

Andrew: What?!

Jamie: I don’t even have a DVD player.

Micah: Your laptop doesn’t play DVDs?

Jamie: No, no, no, I’ve got that, I mean I just don’t have a DVD player connected to the TV.

Micah: Oh.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t…

Jamie: Hey, hey, get this…

Laura: …have one, either.

Jamie: We don’t even have a TV license. We don’t even…

Andrew: What do you mean?

Jamie: Well, we just watch – there’s this – I probably shouldn’t admit this because this is TV fraud, but we sometimes watch stuff on iPlayer, like…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Do you know what iPlayer is?

Andrew: Well, what’s a TV license? Like, in America you need a license to kill, but why would you need…

Jamie: You don’t need a license…

Andrew: …a license to watch…

Jamie: …to watch TV? To watch…

Laura: No!

Jamie: What?!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Well, I mean, you need a subscription to a cable service.

Jamie: Yes, but Andrew, if you don’t have cable what happens if you just want like a standard amount of channels? Like, [laughs] what’s the standard amount of channels if you don’t…

Andrew: You buy an antenna and you get the networks, the big networks.

Jamie: Yeah, okay, so you don’t have to pay for that?

Laura: No.

Micah: No.

Andrew: No.

Jamie: What?! That’s ridiculous!

[Everybody laughs]

Andrew: No, yours is ridiculous!

Jamie: We have to pay like two hundred and – no, a hundred and thirty pounds a year for the privilege of watching a television. Or…

Andrew: Wow.

Jamie: Yeah, or you can not pay that and do something good with your life.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, that’s odd. Yeah, no license here. But anyway, what were we even talking about? Oh, so Jamie has a – [laughs] Jamie lives in the Stone Age, he doesn’t have a DVD player.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Or a TV license. [laughs]

Jamie: But, saying that, we do have a VHS player. Do you still remember…

Andrew: Oh, great!

Jamie: …what those are, Andrew? Do you know what they are?

Andrew: Yeah, Part 1 is coming out on VHS, uhhh, never. So…

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, exactly.

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: We’ve got those, and we buy a load of videos from charity shops and car boot sales because they’re like six for a pound.

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: So you just watch them, and then get rid of them, and then it’s a kind of barter system.

Micah: Circle of life?

Jamie: Circle of life, exactly, exactly. Circle of life. However, you don’t get the “Maximum Movie Mode” on VHS.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Really?

Jamie: So yeah…

Andrew: [unintelligible] …just supported that.

Jamie: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Unfortunately, you don’t, no. That’s the only bad thing.

Andrew: Before we continue with today’s show, we’d like to remind everybody that this podcast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times Bestsellers. For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook to give you a chance to try out their great service. One audiobook to consider is A Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1. It’s a very popular book on Audible, and a television adaptation recently debuted on HBO called Game of Thrones. The first episode was actually so successful that HBO has already renewed it for a second season. So, for a free audiobook of your choice such as A Game of Thrones, go to That’s

News: EA Releases Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Video Game Trailer & Stills

Micah: All right, so moving on in the news, Electronic Arts released the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 video game trailer and a couple of new photos. And I took a look at the trailer, and I’ve never been big on EA’s video games and I have to say, this trailer [laughs] does not really make me want to play this game.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: I don’t know if anybody else has watched it, but it’s really not cut that well, to be honest.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s kind of – we’ve talked about this before. It seems like the Deathly Hallows video games are – or the Harry Potter video games, they’re never good and we’ve always been disappointed with each one that comes out, and I’m sure Part 2 will be no different.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, the footage is cool but…

Micah: It’s cool, I think part of the problem is – and we’ve discussed this many times, is that it needed to be more of a role-playing game, and having sort of free roaming ability to go different places within the world and really – which the LEGO Harry Potter does let you do, but these series of games just don’t allow for that and so while you might be seeing a really cool scene on the trailer, you don’t necessarily get to play that scene in the game, if that makes sense.

Andrew: Mmm.

Laura: Yeah. Well, and speaking of someone who has kind of…

Micah: I know, Laura, you have played it, too.

Laura: Yeah, I was a video game nerd when I was younger and I probably got – I would get the Harry Potter games up until I was about 14 or so, and they were really easy. I would beat them in less than a day.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Like, I would sit down, seriously, for like four hours and be like, “Okay, I’m done.”

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: So… [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I was home schooled, I didn’t have anything better to do.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: But yeah, so I don’t know, they probably need to be a bit more challenging, too.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, and I think from what I’ve heard – just the stories aren’t that good, and – well, whatever. I mean, we’ll try not to talk about this one much over the coming months because we’ve always been disappointed. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: Jamie, do you need a license to play video games in the UK?

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: Don’t know, I don’t play any. [laughs]

Micah: Do you go to the arcade?

Jamie: Well, saying that, I do go to the – like, penny arcades, you know? I don’t mean like…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: …with big digital screens and stuff, I mean where you put a 2p in, and it goes down to the bottom and then it pushes it, and – do you know I mean? And then it pushes the 2p off.

Andrew: Right, like skee-ball?

Jamie: I don’t know.

Andrew: Do you remember skee-ball?

Jamie: No, I don’t know. Oh, I don’t think it has a specific name.

Andrew: Oh.

Jamie: Or it has like a generic name. But anyway, I’ve gone to those sometimes.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Jamie: I quite like those but you don’t need a license. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Okay.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: All right.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: What else is going on, Micah?

News: Steve Kloves Gained JK Rowling’s Trust with One Word

Micah: All right, final piece of news, in a new article by Movieline, JK Rowling revealed how apprehensive she was at handing the keyboard over to screenwriter Steve Kloves for the movie adaptation of her magical world. And I’m reading a post by Keith Hawk here.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: No, I mean, I think we’re starting to see a lot of these articles now that the series is winding down. We’re getting more insight into how this all got created in the first place. So, JK Rowling was just talking about what it’s like. I’m sure it must have been, at least early on, pretty scary to hand this work over that you’ve been working on for pretty much your entire adult life to somebody who you don’t know and…

Andrew: Yeah. Here’s what she said. She said:

“Steve turned to me while food was being ordered and said quietly, ‘You know who my favorite character is?’ I looked at him, red hair included, and thought, ‘You’re going to say Ron. Please, please don’t say Ron. Ron’s so easy to love!’ And he said, ‘Hermione,’ at which point, under my standoffish, mistrusting exterior, I just melted, because if he got Hermione, he got the books. He also, to a large extent, got me.”

Micah: Ooh.

Jamie: I think that sounds like the kind of story that you come up with after the event [laughs] that sounds really good, you know?

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: I mean, I’m not – I just don’t know if you can say that from one word.

Laura: Isn’t this old news, though? I feel like we’ve heard this story before, like a long time ago.

Andrew: Really?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, it definitely happened a long time ago. I don’t know. This was a new interview she’s doing…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …for a publication called Written By.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: So, there will be more. But maybe she has, I don’t know. It may have been a long time ago.

Micah: Well…

Andrew: Yeah, I agree with Jamie, though. It does seem a bit odd that just one word, and then it’s like, ‘Oh, okay!’ I sort of get it because Hermione was a very complex character, I think.

Laura: Well, and she was also based on…

Jamie: Yeah, exactly. JK Rowling, yeah.

Laura: …Jo as a kid, so…

Micah: Yeah. Well, you see Laura, the thing is is that there’s so little news about her these days that we have to start recycling things.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: So…

Andrew: We should find some interviews from ’98 and just start reposting them as new news.

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: We’ll call it an exclusive…

Laura: I bet no-one will notice.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly! We’ll call it a new MuggleNet interview with JK Rowling. We’ll see how far we can get.

Jamie: Or we should probably do it with someone we’ve actually done an interview with before. [laughs]

Laura: [laughs] Release date for Chamber of Secrets has been announced.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, so that’s all that’s in the news, Micah?

Micah: That’s it.

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011

Andrew: All right. Before we continue, we actually – [laughs] we got a lot of e-mails last week and Laura – actually this is why it’s great that you’re on this episode, part of the reason why – we talked about – we did a What If segment, “What if Harry Potter was a girl?” which we may have done before but we wanted to do it again and, you know, three or four guys…

Laura: And I’m sure you guys were just…

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: …wonderful and complimentary individuals.

Andrew: Yeah, we didn’t please a lot of people.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: So we’ll talk about those e-mails in a second, but first we want to remind everybody that we’re going to be at LeakyCon 2011, going on in Orlando, Florida over the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. It’s going to be July 13th to the 17th at the Universal Orlando Resort. It’s going to be a ton of fun. We’re going to be doing some podcasts there, including our big movie review podcast. Micah, Eric, Ben, and I are all going to be there, it’s going to be a ton of fun. There’s going to be the ball, there’s going to be the party in the park, there’s going to, of course, be the big midnight movie release event that everybody attending LeakyCon is of course going to be going to. Everybody is going to be – I’m going to be sopping up Micah’s tears as he’s rolling all over the floor in despair.

Micah: Or it could just be how bad the movie is.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: I could be crying because of that, too.

Andrew: Could be that, too.

Micah: I’m kidding.

Andrew: I’m going to be cleaning up after Eric, too. It’s going to be a mess, but it’s also going to be a lot of fun. So, visit and when you register, we can’t wait to see you there, and also enter code “Muggle” and that way we’ll know you’re coming! And more details to be announced pretty soon. We’re finally going to talk to them about the podcast soon, we still haven’t talked to them about that yet, but – we will be doing a podcast there, we just don’t have the exact details yet.

Micah: What day does it start?

Andrew: July 13th.

Micah: So we’ll let you guys know, like, July 12th…

Andrew: [laughs] Yes.

Micah: …what’s happening.

[Jamie and Micah laugh]

Andrew: No, no, no.

Micah: I’m kidding.

MuggleCast 226 Transcript (continued)

What If: Episode 225 Responses

Andrew: It’s still plenty far away. Anyway, let’s now get into those What if responses I was just talking about. This first one comes from Sophia, 19, of Seattle. She writes:

“Hello, I think if Harry was female, it would be interesting to see how that would change his relationships with adult members of the series like Snape and Sirius. Part of the reason Harry was so close with Sirius was because he reminded him so much of James. If Harry was Harrieta…”

As we called him last week.

“…I don’t know that they would have been as close. I also wonder how Snape would have acted if Harry was Harietta and not a miniature James. Would Snape have been nicer to Harry if he was more like his mother than his father? Thanks, love your podcast. Sophia.”

Jamie: I don’t want to go here. [laughs] This sounds so weird.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Jamie: If he was more like Lily than Harry then the whole – that’s very weird. I think we should move on immediately.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Well, maybe – this makes me think maybe he would have connected with other people, with female characters in the series. [emphasizes “she”] She would have connected with female characters in the series. Maybe her and McGonagall – [laughs] Harietta and McGonagall would have bonded.

Laura: Well, didn’t Harry and McGonagall sort of have a bond? I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Laura: I mean, she’s very – yeah, so I don’t know that…

Jamie: She trusts him and when he says, “I’m here on Dumbledore’s orders,” then she’s like, “Yes, Potter,” straight away, “We’ll secure the castle,” and stuff.

Andrew: Yeah. Micah, could you read the next e-mail?

Micah: Sure. Next e-mail is from Giulia, 14, of Brisbane, Australia, and she says:

“Hi MuggleCast, I think that if Harry Potter was a girl, the fandom that exists today would not have occurred.”

Andrew: Woah!

Micah: [continues]

“I don’t think that many people would like to read a book or see a movie about the fate of the world and its population being in the hands of a teenage girl.”

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Ouch! Good grief!

Micah: [continues]

“There are a few reasons for this. First of all, women are known for being able to multi-task and this could be a serious issue when trying to save the world because our heroine would continuously get side-tracked…”

Laura: What?!

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: [continues]

“…making the ‘HP’ series much longer than seven books. Second of all, we generally associate major roles of responsibility with men.”

[Jamie and Micah laugh]

Micah: [continues]

“For example…”

Laura: Oh my God!

Micah: [laughs] Is this – wait, I want to make sure this is a girl. This is…

Laura: Is this real?!

Andrew: I think this is a girl.

Laura: Yes, it’s a girl!

Micah: All right.

Laura: What is wrong with you?!

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: [continues]

“For example, humans perceive God as a man and the Devil as a man also, so it would seem fitting that the hero of a story would be a guy. These are just a couple of thoughts that sprang to mind when listening to your discussion. Just wondering what your thoughts were. Giulia.”

Well, let’s get your thoughts on the table, though. What do you guys think? Would the series have been as successful?

Laura: I don’t…

Jamie: It would have different, wouldn’t it?

Laura: Yeah, it would have been…

Jamie: It couldn’t have been written in the same way, but it would have been just different. I mean, I’m sure – I mean, isn’t the The Hunger Games about a girl? Or like Twilight is about a girl.

Laura: Yes!

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: And so is His Dark Materials which was also a series being published around the same time as Harry Potter.

Jamie: True.

Laura: So you can’t really – I don’t think you can measure it that way. I mean, yes, it would have been different because obviously the perspectives between a male and a female character would have been – you couldn’t have written Harrietta and had her doing all the same things Harry did, obviously. But to say that it wouldn’t have been as successful? I think that’s BS, I mean, if I’m being quite frank.

Micah: Yeah. I mean, I argued on the last show I thought that it probably wouldn’t be as successful. I just think you would lose a very large demographic if it’s a teenage girl growing up as opposed to, in this case, a guy growing up and…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: But what’s the largest demographic of [laughs] Harry Potter fans?

Andrew: Girls.

Laura: So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, but I think it reaches more than just that, is my point, and I guess it also depends how you define “successful,” like on what level? Is it going to be the billion dollar franchise it’s become? No, probably not. I mean…

Laura: Yeah, but that would be like saying that – okay, for instance Chronicles of Narnia, who’s the main character in that or at least in the first book?

Micah: The lion? [laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know. Who is it?

Jamie: [laughs] The wardrobe?

Laura: No, Lucy, a girl.

Andrew: Oh, Lucy.

Micah: [laughs] The wardrobe.

Laura: It’s a girl.

Micah: Come on!

Laura: Wow.

Micah: Come on!

Laura: Okay, I thought you guys…

Micah: The witch! The witch!

Laura: …have read them. [laughs]

Micah: [laughs] We’re naming all the three things in the title.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: So, at any rate – I mean, those books were enormously successful and still are today. So…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: But they couldn’t make a third film, they had to sell it to another company. So…

Laura: Yeah, well, that’s because the movies were bad.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, I know. I’m just kidding.

Laura: [laughs] But…

Andrew: But the other thing to keep in mind is at least the public – remember, they had to change “Joanne Kathleen Rowling” to “JK Rowling” because Scholastic and Bloomsbury were concerned that a female author would have turned people off. Now, were they right? We’ll never know, but there is definitely concern in the publishing community, I think, at least about…

Laura: No, I mean…

Andrew: …boys will not read a female author’s book.

Laura: Right, I’m not denying the fact that there is gender bias. I mean, yes, that exists in our world and certainly because of certain perspectives – with all due respect, Giulia, I think you unfortunately are holding this perspective [laughs] of the idea that men are somehow better than women. I’m not sure if you actually believe that or if you just think that society believes that, but at any rate it’s that perspective that allows people to take issues like this and so easily say, “Oh yeah, well, it just would have been totally incomparable. You couldn’t have actually published this book with a female character.”

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: I don’t know.

Andrew: Well, here’s one more e-mail and then we’ll wrap it up. This person disagreed with us. This is Rosie, 20, from Florida.

“Can we please talk about how f’d up it is that MuggleCast, a male-dominated podcast, thinks that the story would be worse if the main character was a girl? I don’t think the story would have been any different if Harry was a female. Like you said, JK Rowling is a brilliant woman and would have had the same story in her head. I’d also like to touch on the fact that Micah said in the last episode that Voldemort couldn’t be identified as any gender because he didn’t know whether he ‘got all his parts back.'”

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Nice on, Micah. That’s funny.

Andrew: [continues]

“Since when is gender defined by what you have in your pants? There are plenty of transgendered men and women out there who would be offended by that statement. Your gender does not equal what is in between your legs.”

As Micah mentioned moments later, he was trying to lighten up the conversation a bit, so he wasn’t serious about that point. Anyway, back to the e-mail.

“That all being said, I really think you need a regular female on the podcast to give a better perspective on things. It would make your show more successful and give females in the audience someone to identify with. I remember back when you used to have a woman on the show (whose name escapes me)…”

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Hi, I’m Laura. How are you?

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: [continues]

“…and thinking, ‘Wow! A girl who is just as nerdy as me! She’s smart and not afraid to say her opinions! Awesome!’ But now I feel like every time a gender issue comes up on MuggleCast, the conversation is completely one-sided with no female insight.”

Okay, so she goes on a little bit more. But anyway, Rosie, valid points. It was kind of inappropriate for four guys to talk about if Harry was a girl. [laughs]

Jamie: Well, it depends how you were talking about it.

Micah: Well…

Jamie: [laughs] I mean, were you talking about it the way that she’s saying you were talking about this?

Micah: No, she said you said the story…

Laura: They probably were.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: No, but she’s saying we said the story would be worse. The question is, would it have been as successful?

Jamie: Ahhh, yes…

Micah: I don’t think we said the story…

Jamie: …which is clearly a financial consideration rather than it would be worse because a female was in it, right? Which is what you didn’t say.

Micah: Right, I don’t think we were saying that. It just – I don’t know, would MuggleNet exist? Would we be having this podcast right now?

Andrew: Right, the question is valid because Harry Potter is so popular. It is the most successful franchise of all time, so that’s why were asking the question asking…

Laura: So, the question you’re asking is whether or not Emerson Spartz would have read Harry Potter if it was about a girl.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Emma Spartz.

Andrew: Yes.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Emma Spartz. We’re going to make that the show title and then see if he listens.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Jamie: Emma Spartz, yeah. [laughs] Definitely.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Parting of the Ways”

Andrew: Let’s now get into Chapter-by-Chapter. This is a big Chapter-by-Chapter segment because we are wrapping up Goblet of Fire. We’re looking at Chapters 36 and 37. This is the penultimate Chapter-by-Chapter series, of course. We’re going to go into Order of the Phoenix next. And some people emailed in and said, “Wait, you haven’t done Half-Blood Prince yet,” and we’re going to skip Half-Blood Prince because we analyzed it for our first a hundred episodes, and that’s enough… [laughs]

Laura: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: …so we’re not going to go through it again.

Micah: That’s true. Very true.

Andrew: So, Order of the Phoenix will be the last one and Micah is going to start us off with Chapter 36.

Micah: Yes, “The Parting of the Ways.” So, just to kind of I guess remind everybody, what’s just happened is they have uncovered Barty Crouch, Jr. being this impostor for the last year or so at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore takes Harry up to his office to meet with Sirius but also to question Harry about the events that took place in the graveyard. And Dumbledore said something interesting to Harry. He said, “If I thought I could help you by putting you into an enchanted sleep and allowing you to postpone the moment when you would have to think about what has happened tonight, I would do it. But I know better. Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” So, I was wondering if this was a reference to his own experiences with what went on with his sister.

Jamie: That sounds right, yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I would say so.

Andrew: Definitely.

Jamie: Because when he told Harry at King’s Cross Station, he was all like, “Can you forgive me? Can you forgive an old man?” kind of how it’s taking a long time type of thing. I think that’s a good point, yeah.

Micah: Then as Harry beings to tell what’s happened, there’s this moment where Fawkes comes over to him, and it’s described like Fawkes almost empowers Harry to be able to retell what happened in the graveyard even though he’s in such a weakened state. My question was just, what kind of magic is it that allows Fawkes to do that?

Andrew: Doesn’t the presence of Fawkes kind of – I don’t know, doesn’t it change your mood or something like that?

Laura: Well, he does have healing powers.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: And doesn’t he actually heal him? I mean, in that scene.

Micah: He does later on, yeah.

Laura: Yeah. So, it could also be a mental thing as well and not just a physical one.

Jamie: Isn’t he supposed to strike boldness into the hearts of the pure, and weakness into the hearts of the horrible or something like that? Didn’t they say that at some point that’s what he does? Perhaps that was in…

Micah: It sounds really good.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But I don’t know if he said it.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: I didn’t just make that up, I definitely got that from somewhere.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Micah: I was going to say, you could write your own series.

Jamie: [laughs] I think it was Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but I could be completely wrong. I honestly don’t know. Perhaps I did just make that up.

Andrew: Mmm. No, I think that – that seems to ring a bell. I mean, we know about the phoenix tears but…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …I can’t specifically remember something about just the mere presence.

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: That’s…

Andrew: But I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe when the Phoenix Song is also in the air…

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Micah: No, it could be – because it says…

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, I think it’s that.

Micah: It said just like something warmed inside of him, like he felt like this strength that he was able to carry on this conversation.

Andrew: Yeah, Jamie, you’re right. I just looked it up. “The song of the phoenix gives strength and hope to those it sings for, ‘increasing the courage of the pure of heart and striking fear into the hearts of the impure.'”

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Laura: Wow, look at you, Jamie!

Andrew: You’re almost exact, Jamie! [laughs]

Jamie: Oh, well, what can I say? What can I say?

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Jamie: Thank you, everyone.

Andrew: I got that from the Lexicon, by the way. That’s my brain. Jamie has a brain, I just use the Lexicon as a brain.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Micah: I was going to call it “Jamie’s moments of inspiration” or something like that.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Micah: So, Harry continues to tell the story of what happened in the graveyard and then we get to the moment where he tells them how Voldemort took his blood and now has his blood running through his veins, and Dumbledore has that all-important gleam of triumph that Harry thinks he sees for like a fleeting moment. And this ended up being so much speculation about what this gleam of triumph was for…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …so many years, I guess until the final book was released. But – I mean, what exactly was the gleam of triumph, though? Was it just because he knew now that Voldemort could be defeated?

Laura: Yeah, I think so. Isn’t that what was later implied?

Micah: I think so.

Laura: Also – I mean, because Dumbledore was being a bit of a slippery git if you will and putting Harry up as a pig for slaughter. So, I guess at this point he knew that they had some sort of plan they could work with.

Andrew: Yeah. It’s just a shame Dumbledore was never really a good communicator until maybe the next book when he’s like, “Sit down, Harry. I’m about to tell you everything.”

Laura: Except he didn’t actually tell him everything.

Andrew: And then – right.

Jamie: Yeah.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I remember we had fun with that. I think in Book 7, we were like, “Oh, so he was lying that whole time.” Or even Half-Blood Prince, too.

Micah: I wonder – or is it that Voldemort could never really kill Harry because Harry’s protection was now inside of Voldemort?

Jamie: No, no, it is that, isn’t it? Because he said that when – yeah, when he rose and took his blood he bound them together, even more so then they were bound together before, and that’s the gleam of triumph because Dumbledore’s plan was coming together.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, but didn’t he – wouldn’t he also at that point have known or at least had some idea that one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes was inside of Harry?

Jamie: Yes. Well, he could have known that already because when he tells Snape that that fateful night when a part of his soul latched to him, then he probably knew that which means that him taking his blood and linking them further together binds them both to each other, and binds them both to the same fate or something.

Laura: Yeah, which means Harry has to – I don’t know.

Micah: Check the Lexicon.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: No, just kidding.

Laura: When in doubt…

Micah: Yeah. So, we learn that Harry and Voldemort’s wands share the core of Fawkes’ phoenix feather, and I think this is just more information, again, coming from Dumbledore that he’s known for some time, because he even says that Ollivander called him – or messaged him, I guess. I don’t think they have phones – and let him know as soon as Harry purchased the wand that it was the same – the twin of Voldemort’s wand.

Jamie: Mmm.

Micah: So, after Harry finishes the story, Dumbledore takes him down to the hospital wing, and a lot of different events take place but he ends up going to sleep, and his sleep is interrupted by arguing between Fudge and Professor McGonagall, and it’s over the fact that not only did Fudge bring a Dementor into Hogwarts but it performed the kiss on Barty Crouch, Jr. And I wondered, why did Fudge believe that he had any need for the assistance of a Dementor? He had Snape, Dumbledore sent Snape to go down and get Fudge and to bring him up to the castle, but he could also have called for human beings. He could have called for any number of Aurors, he could have asked for Dumbledore. Why bring a Dementor, other than to further the plot?

Laura: He’s an idiot.

Andrew: Yeah, and it’s just…

Jamie: He’s a coward as well, yeah.

Andrew: It’s just another sign that Fudge is a messed-up guy, and it’s something to look forward to in Book 5 when we see him fall apart more, because – and as we’ll talk about in the next chapter, he – nothing is ever reported about this in the Prophet, so…

Micah: Right. So, the parting of the ways begins as Fudge and now Dumbledore who has joined in the conversation, argue with each other about Voldemort’s return. And it said that Dumbledore kind of looks at Fudge with the same level of intensity that he did when he busted into Moody’s office and saw the impostor Moody there essentially about to kill Harry. And it seems as if he’s looking at Fudge as a real person or – you know what I mean? Like, he’s seeing him as who he really is for the first time.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: And he doesn’t really like what he sees.

Jamie: But I think he doesn’t like him because he’s sort of obsessed with power, and he’s obsessed with protecting his position and stuff which is exactly what Dumbledore hates because he knows that he can’t trust himself with power and it’s typically the things that we don’t like about ourselves that we don’t like in other people.

Andrew: Well…

Micah: Oh, that’s a good point.

Andrew: Yeah, and Dumbledore is working hard to try to prove that Voldemort is back and here is Fudge completely denying everything. I mean, it’s got to be extremely frustrating.

Micah: Yeah, it’s an unbelievable amount of denial. I mean, even when Harry tries to give his own proof of being in the graveyard and what he saw, he names the Death Eaters that were there, and Fudge just simply passes it off as having read old reports of trials. Now, is Harry – who is at right now, what, fourteen years old? – really somebody who’s been digging in the old trial reports from the Ministry and just randomly spewing out names of Death Eaters? I mean, come on. It just shows how vain he is. And then McGonagall points out that the death of Cedric and Barty Crouch, Sr. – they’re not deaths that were the work of a raving lunatic, and Fudge just says, “Oh, I see no evidence to the contrary.” I mean, he’s just getting to the point now where he’s really wearing blinders and not…

Laura: No, he’s …

Micah: …wanting to admit the truth.

Laura: …literally putting his head in the sand.

Andrew: I mean, I’m surprised he’s even there facing all this – all these remarks from McGonagall and Dumbledore. If I were him, I just would have just peaced out of there if I wanted to hide from all this truth.

Micah: Yeah, exactly. And he goes on to say, “It seems to me that you are all determined to start a panic that will destabilize everything we have worked for these last thirteen years!” So, that really says it all. I mean, he’s more concerned about order and protecting his own position than he is about the future safety of the entire community. And Dumbledore gives him the choice. He says, “You can either be remembered as the Minister who saved the wizarding world or the one who allowed Voldemort to return to power.”

Jamie: That’s a great line. Great line.

Andrew: And he’s going to pick the latter.

Micah: [laughs] Yeah, exactly.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: Or otherwise we wouldn’t have the next few books.

Andrew: Well, really though, what could have Fudge done if he was like, “Okay. Yeah, I’m going to go – I’m going to save the wizarding world”? What’s he going to do? We all know Harry is the one who has to do it anyway.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: So…

Laura: He could have made it a bit easier for him.

Andrew: Yeah, I guess.

Micah: He could have worked with him instead of against him.

Andrew: Ahhh, this is true.

Laura: Instead of turning the entire wizarding world against him.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Yeah. So, Fudge essentially threatens Dumbledore. He brings up the fact that he allowed him to hire a werewolf, and he allowed him to keep Hagrid, and he’s allowed him to teach really whatever he wants to his students. And this is all…

Andrew: The old turn-the-tables trick, take the attention off of me.

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew: [laughs] Let’s bring up all of Dumbledore’s problems.

Micah: Yeah. So – and this was laying the groundwork for the Ministry to take over the school…

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: …in the next book. But it’s like – Dumbledore has been teaching to students the same thing for many, many years, so why do you think just now it’s okay to step in and change his teaching process?

Jamie: I don’t know if he’s actually scared of Fudge, is he? Fudge is so impotent in his power. He just doesn’t seem to have any actual power or anything to him at all. And also, how’s he going to stop Dumbledore hiring werewolves and keeping Hagrid? I mean, he’s not – is he breaking laws? I guess he is kind of breaking laws if Hagrid keeps his wand, but it just seems like an empty threat, to be honest. I don’t think Dumbledore would be scared of that.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: And maybe Fudge had made clear to him in the past that he wasn’t cool with it, but he’ll let it slide anyway…

Jamie: Yeah, maybe.

Andrew: …because him and Dumbledore had a better relationship, so maybe this is his way of being like, “I trusted you. You were doing these things and I let them slide, and now you’re kind of turning your back against me, and in the meantime I’ve been good to you…”

Micah: Right.

Andrew: “…so what the hell?”

Micah: So it’s exactly what you were saying. It’s like he’s turning it all on Dumbledore now instead of it being about Fudge.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: And probably the most telling thing that happens in this entire scene is Fudge starts to walk away, and Snape kind of pulls him back and shows him the Dark Mark. And it’s still burning, not as bright as it was before, but he mentions that’s why Karkaroff ran off. But Fudge just refuses to believe. It’s almost like you can take all the evidence and put it in front of him – you can bring Voldemort and put him in front of him, he’s still not going to believe it’s Voldemort.

Andrew: Well, he does in Order of the Phoenix when he sees him.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: So, did Fudge genuinely not believe he was back, or was he just saying this so he could kind of, I don’t know, maybe focus on it himself, take a look at the evidence and really think about it, talk with other people in the Ministry? It just seems impossible that he genuinely deep down believes he’s not back.

Jamie: Hmmm, I don’t know. I don’t think he believes that, or perhaps he has told himself that he believes it and then he believes it, if you know what I mean. But deep down, I think he’s so scared of it he won’t even entertain the thought, maybe.

Laura: Yeah, I agree with that.

Micah: Yeah, I think he’s just – he believes Harry to be nothing more than a good storyteller, and he thinks that Dumbledore is buying into the crackpot theories that Harry is coming up with. And he even mentions not giving all the information over to the Ministry that’s gone on at the school, and the things that Harry – the fact that he can speak to snakes and the fact that there has been all these incidents that have happened, and they’ve kind of been pushed under the rug by Dumbledore. But as soon as Fudge leaves, Dumbledore puts his plan into motion almost right away. He tells Sirius to take his human form because this whole time, he’s been as a dog, and he makes him and Snape shake hands. And this was one of the scenes that I would have liked to see in the movies. I mean, all this stuff is completely cut out of Goblet of Fire. There’s no mention of any of this, and one of the people that Dumbledore mentions that Sirius should start go rounding up – he talks about Lupin, he talks about others, but – was Arabella Figg. I didn’t know – did anybody catch this the first time reading knowing that she was the one who was looking over Harry?

Jamie: I didn’t. I didn’t, no.

Laura: I remembered her name. Yeah, I was like, “Hmmm.” I was also like eleven…

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: …when I first read this book, so…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Yeah. And then he tells Snape that basically, “You know what you have to do,” and I’m assuming that he’s going back to have to work within Voldemort’s inner circle. And the chapter just ends with Harry being overcome with so much emotion as to what’s taken place over the course of these last few hours, and Mrs. Weasley is shown as being the motherly figure comforting him, so you really get to see the relationship between the two of them. And then there’s also this brief moment where Hermione catches something at the window and it kind of breaks up all the emotion that’s taking place, and that’s really how the chapter ends.

MuggleCast 226 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Beginning”

Andrew: And this is kind of a transition into Book 5, too, because we see Harry very angry overall in Book 5. And so Jo pointing out that Harry is overcome with emotion, it kind of leads in nicely to the next book. So anyway, the final chapter, Chapter 37, “The Beginning.” Harry is still trying to recover from all the hardship that had been going on, and [laughs] to fuel the fire he then meets with the Diggorys who very kindly don’t blame Harry, and believe Cedric died quick and painlessly which was comforting to them. Since it was Avada Kedavra, it was kind of one shot and boom. There was no slow, painful, emotional death, I guess you could say. Ron tells Harry that Dumbledore wants him to go back to the Dursley’s for at least the beginning of the summer, presumably so Harry has the house’s protection until Dumbledore works some plans out, maybe.

Jamie: Yeah. Until he comes to get him, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. And Harry was confused by this. So – and then – I kind of forgot about this, through all this classes are still going on, and I thought that was kind of odd. Harry should have just gotten the rest of the year off.

Jamie: I never get this. This is one of those things where they just skip like a load of schooling and it doesn’t seem to be a problem that they’re going to be way behind. It’s like the fact that they don’t ever wash or brush their teeth.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Or eat healthy stuff. They always – Harry helped himself to a couple of fried tomatoes and sausages and stuff.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: And chocolate frogs.

Jamie: And chocolate frogs, yeah. They just – or exercise or do anything.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Jamie: They just seem to exist.

Micah: But how many classes could possibly be going on? Because doesn’t the third task happen on June the 20-something? I mean, how long does the term last for these guys?

Laura: I thought they start – don’t they go until the end of June? I don’t know. I mean, I’m not – I don’t know how breaks work in…

Micah: You don’t go to Hogwarts?

Laura: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Well, I don’t know how breaks work in England or in the UK. Jamie, enlighten us.

Jamie: I don’t – well, it depends, really. I think they…

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: …go to about July 20th for a normal school.

Micah: Oh, okay.

Jamie: So yeah, I guess they still would be going on. In fact, you’d think that would be exam time, really…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: …around that kind of time. But yeah…

Micah: Yeah, it says the third task was on June 24th.

Jamie: The 24th, yeah.

Andrew: Their curriculum could not have been complete, I think basically is what we’re [laughs] trying to say with all these classes being missed, and of course Harry can’t focus. It’s just very – but then again, Jamie, it’s like, well, if they didn’t have classes at all where would have been their home base? I mean, the classes do add a lot to the series.

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Andrew: It is interesting. And the books are defined by the school years, pretty much.

Jamie: But what I don’t get is if I – when I was eleven – instead of going to school to learn stuff, I just went to a wizarding school, I’d be pretty stupid but I’d know how to cast spells. Surely they need to also do…

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: …normal subjects.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Maths and science and English.

Andrew: Well, I guess that’s what elementary school was for before you turned eleven. I don’t know. Even though that’s still pretty young.

Laura: But they didn’t do that.

Andrew: What?

Laura: Didn’t she say they were just home-schooled [laughs] before they were eleven?

Jamie: Well, all of them?

Laura: Yeah, I’m pretty sure she said that because where would they…

Jamie: [laughs] So they’re just stupid?

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Where would they go?

Jamie: Yeah, that’s true. How could Harry even string a sentence together?

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: No, he went to school, though…

Laura: Yeah, he did.

Micah: …because he…

Jamie: No, he went to school, yeah. I don’t know, how does – what’s his name? Neville, how does – [laughs] I mean, he is quite stupid, but…

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: …how does he string a sentence together? How does anyone know anything about the world?

Andrew: Well, you learn to talk through – you don’t need school to learn to talk.

Jamie: Okay, okay…

Andrew: I get the point you’re making but…

Jamie: Okay, perhaps I’m taking it too far, but…

Andrew: How does he know his times tables?

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, how does he do any basic sums? Well, I guess he doesn’t need to, they just point their wands. That’s lazy, isn’t it?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Accio eight times seven.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, exactly.

Micah: So you’re saying Potter promotes obesity, is that what you’re saying?

Jamie: In a very…

Laura: And stupidity.

Jamie: …very roundabout way, yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, so moving along in the chapter, Hagrid talks to the trio and says, “Great man Dumbledore. As long as we’ve got him, I’m not worried,” and it made me kind of flash-forward to Half-Blood Prince because I don’t recall any specific comments from Hagrid about Dumbledore’s death. Obviously, as we know now after reading this quote from him, Hagrid must have been scared crap-less when Dumbledore died. Unless he really trusted Harry at that point to take over for what Dumbledore was trying to do, or he knew this was a step towards defeating Voldemort. At the Leaving Feast, Dumbledore makes a big speech about what exactly happened to Cedric and there are no house colors in the Great Hall. That day was a tribute to Cedric, and they did a good job with this in the movie. I think they had to – I don’t know if they had black, but – did they have like…

Laura: I think they had black.

Andrew: Oh, was it?

Micah: They were Hogwarts, I think. They had an H on them, I remember.

Jamie: Yeah, so unity.

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: Unity type of thing.

Andrew: Okay, yeah. And that was a nice touch, I’m glad they did that in the movie. And Dumbledore flat out says that Cedric was killed by Lord Voldemort which makes everyone gasp and everybody is very taken aback by Dumbledore’s direct statements. Dumbledore does a toast for Cedric and then also does a toast for Harry for getting away from Voldemort as well as bringing back Cedric’s body. So, the feast wraps up, it’s a very emotional time. There are a lot of goodbyes that we get to see as everybody leaves Hogwarts and Ron finally gets his autograph from Krum so it’s kind of like that little plot point is tied up at the end. [laughs] And on the train back to King’s Cross, Harry and Hermione note that the Daily Prophet as I mentioned earlier makes no mention of Voldemort’s return. They suspect that Fudge is trying to keep it under wraps. They don’t – and the Prophet didn’t mention Cedric’s death either and it’s a sign of what’s to come in Order of the Phoenix.

Jamie: Can I just ask…

Andrew: The Ministry…

Jamie: Do…

Andrew: Hmmm?

Jamie: Are Krum and Hermione – I mean, they are kind of dating by this point, aren’t they? Like kind of, sort of, maybe seeing each other, aren’t they?

Laura: Yeah, because later on, doesn’t Ginny remark that they snogged or something?

Jamie: Yeah, well, I don’t see why Ron would go up and get his autograph. It would be like the girl that he loves going up and getting her new boyfriend’s autograph. It would be really – surely you wouldn’t want to do that. It’s really weird.

Andrew: Well, he’s still a fan of Krum, though, and it kind of wraps up that point. At the beginning of this book, we see that Ron is very into Viktor Krum and he wanted to ask for an autograph I believe at one point and didn’t build up the guts to do it.

Jamie: I guess so.

Andrew: So…

Jamie: It just seems a bit – I guess he’s a fan of his, yeah. I guess that’s why. But still, it just seems a bit weird.

Andrew: So, Hermione reveals that she figured out how Rita Skeeter was eavesdropping, and I think this is what you mentioned at the end of the chapter, right?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Hermione catches something by the window. So, what had happened was Rita is an unregistered Animagus who can turn into a beetle. Hermione has captured her and is keeping her in a jar, and Hermione shows everybody the beetle. And Hermione says she put a charm on the glass so she can’t transform, but – and I guess this means you can’t Apparate as a – in your Animagus form…

Jamie: But how do you change back?

Andrew: …because…

Jamie: I mean, a beetle is pretty stupid. [laughs] I don’t see how it can cast a spell.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: What, you mean – oh, I see. To Apparate or to turn back into a human?

Jamie: Transform. If your animal form is an amoeba or other form of single-celled organism, you can’t be clever enough to think, “Oh, I’m going to transform back.” So you have to…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Well, you must still have your brain because as the beetle, Rita was taking notes and getting the scoop…

Jamie: Yes, very true. Very true. So you’d be an extremely clever amoeba.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Did anyone else feel stupid for not catching this after Book 3?

Jamie: No, I didn’t. It’s quite clever.

Laura: No, it was but I mean – especially with Book 3, everything with Peter Pettigrew.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: I feel like…

Jamie: True.

Laura: …the groundwork was very much laid and then later I was like, “Aww man.”

Micah: She did it again.

Laura: Yeah.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Well, what – did you have any theories as to how Rita was doing it before you found out she was a beetle?

Laura: No, no, I had no idea because I’m apparently…

Andrew: I mean, obviously she – go ahead.

Laura: …on the same level as the amoeba…

Andrew: There could have been a lot of options, though. She could have had some magical little tracking device on them or something. I mean, we’re still getting introduced to a lot of magical things in the series, so who knows what Jo could have dreamt up other than this beetle idea.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Draco comes in – they’re still on the Hogwarts Express. Draco comes in and tells Harry that he’s chosen the wrong side, and Hermione and Ron are going to be the first to go. And it’s really silly that – so we’re really establishing now that Draco is on the bad side. It is not going to get better between the two. And it seems silly to think at this point that Draco is actually for what has been going on recently, and he’s still able to go to Hogwarts in all this. I mean, he should be considered a serious threat to the school if he’s sitting there threatening fellow students.

Micah: Yeah. I – and the other thing is this is going back to what you said about it not being in the newspaper. That’s pretty big. I mean, a kid died at your only local [laughs] wizarding school and you’re covering it up?

Jamie: There have got to be other forms of newspapers, though, or the internet. Surely there are bloggers.

Andrew: [laughs] There was no internet back then when this took place.

Laura: In the 90’s?

Andrew: I mean, there was AOL dial-up but nobody was using the internet.

Micah: Yeah, but…

Andrew: I don’t know.

Jamie: I don’t know.

Andrew: We never see electronics in the wizarding world. Come on. [laughs]

Jamie: Okay, but why not? There’s got to be a way to tell people about it. I’d have thought news would spread incredibly quickly when you can send a Patronus to a hundred people in one go. It’s like whispers, Chinese whispers, but with Patronuses. You send…

Andrew: Well, maybe word was getting around in other ways.

Jamie: I guess. I guess, yeah.

Andrew: And like in Deathly Hallows, we see the radio station…

Jamie: Yes.

Andrew: …that they’re using to talk over. So…

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, but that’s old, radio.

Andrew: It is, yeah. So, Fred and George help the trio hex Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. They arrive at King’s Cross, Harry gives his Triwizard winnings to Fred and George for their joke shop, and they say it must be around a thousand Galleons and I did the calculations online. That means it’s worth about 10,000 US dollars.

Jamie: That’s quite a lot.

Andrew: It is, yeah. Harry thinks to himself – I remember reading this for the first time and being so touched that Harry was giving away his money. I thought that was really nice, and really cool to see that Fred and George were going to be opening up their – a real joke shop for them. It just shows their growth in the series, how they’re going to be – they’re about to be businessmen. So, the book ends with Harry thinking to himself that whatever will come, will come and he’ll have to face it when it does. And that is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. So, that’s another book done in our Chapter-by-Chapter series. A lot of people ask sometimes if we can cut up all the Chapter-by-Chapter segments and insert them into one giant episode but…

Jamie: That would be so cool, one book – each book… [laughs]

Andrew: Like thirty hours. [laughs] But – yeah, that’s – just download the episodes.

Micah: Andrew’s busy.

Make The Connection

Andrew: Well, I am – that just seems a little pointless. So, in a couple of episodes we will begin Order of the Phoenix. Probably not the next episode because that will probably be a trailer review show, but we’ll do it in the future. Anyway, moving along. Jamie, could you give us some Make the Connections, please? It’s been so long.

Jamie: I certainly can. I certainly can. Okay Andrew, since you don’t really like this when I give you tough ones, I’ve got quite a simple one for you.

Andrew: Okay.

Jamie: So Andrew, please could you make a connection between Harry Potter and Seth MacFarlane.

Andrew: The creator of Family Guy.

Jamie: Yes.

Andrew: Hmmm.

Jamie: And American Dad.

Andrew: [laughs] Do you like American Dad?

Jamie: Not really.

Laura: I don’t think it’s as good.

Jamie: I don’t think it’s as good as Family Guy.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: The characters are a bit weak. Family Guy is awesome, though, obviously.

Andrew: That’s kind of hard. I mean, I guess the – my first thing I would think of is looking at the family, but the Griffin family does not really relate to the Potter family or any of the others.

Laura: You can’t compare Stewie and Voldemort? Come on.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Andrew: That’s a good point. Stewie is out to kill everybody even though he has not had some master plan to protect himself from being killed. He hasn’t planted any Horcruxes in anyone. But yes, Voldemort and Stewie have the connection that they’re both very evil. And then there’s also Brian and Sirius. They’re both dogs who look out…

Jamie: Oh yeah!

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: Nice, nice. That’s very good.

Andrew: [laughs] They’re both dogs who look out for their best friends and Brian is always there for Stewie, sometimes Peter, sometimes Lois. And you know what? They’re both looking for love. They’re both always looking for love and they can never seem to find it.

Jamie: Okay, that’s a bit weak.

Andrew: Why?!

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Sirius didn’t find love. We know he wants some love.

Jamie: Where was he looking for love?

Andrew: I’m sure deep down, we just – if we got a backstory on Sirius, we would find something.

Jamie: [laughs] Oh, right. Okay.

Laura: It sounds like…

Jamie: All right. Yes, yes.

Laura: …a really bad fan fiction.

Jamie: Yeah, it does, yeah. All right, Laura. Your one is to make a connection between Harry Potter and selling your collection of Pokémon cards.

Laura: [laughs] Oh my God.

[Micah laughs]

Laura: Well, I guess if you sold your collection of Pokémon cards, you might accidentally sell a really rare one. What is it, the holographic thing?

Andrew: Charizard?

Laura: Yeah, there we go.

Jamie: Charizard! I got that in a pack once.

Andrew: Oh my God.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: My mum bought me a pack and I opened it, and there was one in there and it was worth fifteen pounds at the time.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Jamie: That is a lot of money.

Laura: [imitating Jamie] “Fifteen pounds.”

Jamie: I couldn’t believe it. I was so happy.

Andrew: That was exciting to get the Charizard.

Micah: Did you have a license to sell Pokémon cards?

Jamie: No…

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: …I didn’t so I just had to keep it. [laughs] Sorry Laura. Go ahead.

Laura: No, no. So, you accidentally give away your holographic Charizard and then later some poor kid has to go hunt it down because – I don’t know, he has a reason. But anyway, that’s like Harry having to hunt down Horcruxes.

Andrew: Ooh.

Jamie: That is pretty good and also, you could talk about Hagrid and the dragon, having to let the dragon go, maybe, with Charizard.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Mmm.

Jamie: And perhaps something there, maybe? I don’t know. Maybe, sort of. Very nice. And Micah, I always save the stupid one for you.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Okay, so…

Micah: Is this like Tiger Woods and something?

Jamie: Yeah, [laughs] basically, yeah.

Micah: I forget what it was.

Jamie: Micah, please would you make a connection between Harry Potter and – [laughs] sorry, and asking a homeless person if they’ve ever watched an episode of Two and a Half Men.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Micah, I’ll help you get started. A homeless man would be, “What the hell is Two and a Half Men?”

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Jamie: Yeah. [laughs]

Micah: It’s almost like asking somebody who doesn’t know anything about Harry Potter what Harry Potter is, because how would a homeless man, as Andrew pointed out, know anything about Two and a Half Men?

Jamie: I know how. Because he’s homeless, he sort of walks the streets being sad and he walks past one of those shops that has TVs facing outwards, and he walks past it every day and that show is always on. So he goes inside and says, “Oh, that wasn’t really that funny. Who – what was that?”

Andrew: Micah, just say what I said.

Micah: Well, I basically did.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: All right. Well, that was very good.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay.

[Jamie and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Good job, Micah. [laughs] And that’s how we play Make the Connection.

Jamie: Why don’t we – if anyone has a really good one for that last one, e-mail it in. Perhaps we could read a couple on the next show.

Muggle Mail: Responsibility to Speak for the Fans

Andrew: Sure. It’s time for Muggle Mail now. This first one comes from Eric Coppes, 14, Indiana. He’s a little disappointed with us.

“Hearing you guys talk about the changes in ‘Part 2’ on Episode 225 has really concerned me, not only with the film itself, but with you guys. Don’t you guys think you have a sort of responsibility to speak for the fans? I mean, there are so many of us who would love to speak to Heyman or the other filmmakers about our concerns, but you guys are the ones who get that opportunity. So, when David Heyman asks, “Did you like ‘Part 2’?” then it’s not your job to just say yes. You need to say when you have problems. This movie was our last shot at getting everything right, and when you have the power to step forward and say something, you have the responsibility to step forward and say something. (Woot! Spiderman!)”


“But seriously, it was a test screening which means there are still changes to be made, and you could have made a difference even if it was just a small one.”

Laura: No, you couldn’t have.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I don’t like to be Negative Nancy but – okay, what Eric Coppes is talking about is Eric Scull – or was it – yeah, Eric Scull – who – did Eric even talk to Heyman about the movie?

Micah: Well, no…

Andrew: Micah?

Micah: …I think what he’s saying is that – okay…

Andrew: Oh, the problem was…

Micah: No, no, this…

Andrew: …you talked to him and you hadn’t seen…

Micah: It’s all mixed up, yeah. He’s mixing up everything that I happened, I think is the problem. Heyman said to me, “I hope you enjoy Part 2,” to which I said basically, “Thank you, I’m sure I will.” I had – I think he’s thinking that I had already seen Part 2 in Chicago.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: But it was in fact you and Eric who saw it in Chicago.

Andrew: And here’s the other thing. I don’t mean to be Negative Nancy. Yes, we do get the privilege of talking to Heyman and other people involved in the films, and it’s awesome. And I like to think we do ask them some good questions, especially around the premieres and the junkets. But if we were to say to him – if I were to have gone up to him and been like, “Heyman, you’ve got to change so and so,” I don’t want to spoil it for anybody who doesn’t want to be spoiled, what’s he going to do?! Be like, “Okay. Yeah, I’m going to go back and we’re going to spend ten million dollars to change all those special effects”?

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, they’re going to say, “Guys, Andrew Sims told me…”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: “He says or else he’ll complain on MuggleCast.”

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

[Jamie laughs]

Micah: It would be like, “Hey David, welcome to our show. What the bleep were you thinking when you did this?”

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: So, then our chance to really get in there and speak for the fans is when we can ask direct questions about the decisions that they made. We can’t tell them to make decisions. But around premiere time or the junket time, we will definitely ask them questions about scenes that we had a problem with.

Micah: Yeah, and I mean…

Andrew: And we’ll get the answers. But we can’t make changes.

Micah: They make – I mean, they give those answers. They’re not shy about responding to why they cut something out or they changed something.

Andrew: Yeah. They tend to be very confident in all the choices they make, because there is a lot of discussion that goes into all these changes, so – anyway, Laura, could you read the next e-mail from Cary?

Muggle Mail: Death of Peter Pettigrew

Laura: Sure. The next e-mail comes from Cary, 48, of Illinois, and she writes:

“Hi MuggleCast, thank you for your podcasts, I really enjoy listening to them. My thirteen-year-old son and I are great fans.”

Awww, that’s really cute.

“In regards to Heyman’s comments about the death of Peter Pettigrew, I heard the audio of the comments he made about it. It wasn’t that he said the death of Pettigrew was juvenile, but how it would look on film. He was afraid that showing a metal hand killing himself would have looked juvenile or corny like the old B horror films.”

[laughs] Yeah.

“He said they felt that there was no way they could have made it look authentic and serious.”

Micah: I don’t know if I believe that, to be honest with you. You gave him the hand in the fourth movie, so…

Andrew: And you see it in Part 1.

Micah: Yeah, it’s – I don’t know, I get it but…

Jamie: I’m sure they could have done it, couldn’t they?

Andrew: I agree.

Laura: I don’t know.

Jamie: I’m sure they could have done it in a cool way, like just a really silvery hand against his will. I don’t know. I mean, it doesn’t have to be like the phantom hand from…

Micah: Hell?

Jamie: Hell, yeah. But I mean, I understand it if they just didn’t feel that it was right for the audience. But I think they could have done it, couldn’t they?

Laura: I mean, the only thing…

Andrew: I think they could have.

Laura: The only thing that I think of is I think the costume and just general makeup for that character in the movies came out kind of goofy anyway because they were trying to make him look like a rat [laughs] post Animagus form. And I don’t know, I could just imagine his face [laughs] when he’s choking himself, and I think it would have been probably really funny and not – I don’t know.

Andrew: What’s the actor’s name again? Timothy Spall?

Laura: Yeah, Timothy Spall, I think.

Jamie: Timothy Spall, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. I think he could have pulled it off. I mean, he did a great job of portraying Pettigrew in these movies and he has that weird eerie look on his face all the time. I think that would have fit in well with him choking himself.

Micah: Yeah, I agree.

Laura: I don’t know, I understand where they’re coming from.

Micah: I would have…

Laura: And also because these movies – there have been a few occasions where they have done things that haven’t quite worked out and have left people laughing, like the, “He was their friend,” speech. [laughs] So…

Andrew: They should have at least tried to shoot it and see how it turned out. I mean – and maybe they did, for all we know.

Micah: What if it was a shadow? Like, what if you saw [laughs] the hand like attacking him…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That would have been cheesy.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, that would have been so cheesy.

Laura: That’s like the first movie when they were too cheap to show – what was it in the first five minutes? They didn’t actually show McGonagall transforming, they just showed her shadow.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Laura: Yeah. That’s so…

Andrew: That was kind of…

Laura: It looks so crappy.

Andrew: Really?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: But I mean, back in 2001? That was kind of – I don’t know.

Micah: I would have believed it more if he said something like, “We didn’t want to have deaths back-to-back, killing Pettigrew and Dobby in such a short period of time,” or something like that.

Andrew: Yeah, that could have made sense. Yeah.

Laura: The only thing that I don’t like about it is I don’t know if they’re going to kill him in Part 2

Micah: Well no…

Laura: …because then…

Micah: …that’s the point of this whole…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …conversation.

Andrew: They don’t.

Laura: They don’t at all?

Andrew: No. You don’t even see him. You see him in a brief flashback but that’s it.

Laura: Yeah, because that’s stupid then because…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …he would be the only Marauder who survives, and he – oh okay. Whatever.

Micah: You wasted money on special effects giving him the hand in two movies.

Andrew: All for nothing!

Micah: You could have put in a house-elf for that.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Jamie, could you read the next e-mail from Liz?

Muggle Mail: Imperius Curse

Jamie: Yep. This is from Liz, 20, from Santa Barbara, California.

“I was just listening to Episode 225 and I wanted to clarify what you guys said about the duel between Harry and Voldemort. When Voldemort puts the Imperius Curse on Harry, he wants Harry to answer ‘No,’ that he doesn’t want to be ‘Crucio”d anymore. This is Voldemort’s way of trying to get Harry to beg for mercy. However, to the shock of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, Harry overcomes the curse and instead yells, ‘I won’t’ Just wanted to clarify this point. Love the show and keep up the awesome work.”

Yes, that does sound like Voldemort, to be honest. What, did you guys say that he wanted him to say that he did want it to happen?

Andrew: Well, we were wondering because it seemed like Harry was trying to resist but it may have overcome him. I don’t – we were – I was kind of going in circles with that discussion.

Jamie: Oh, right. Okay.

Andrew: Yeah. Micah, final e-mail today.

Muggle Mail: Barty Crouch, Jr. & Bertha Jorkins

Micah: Is from Roy, 22, of Seattle, and he says:

“I was struck by something when you guys covered the “Veritaserum” chapter in the latest episode. As soon as Dumbledore stuns fake Moody, he orders Winky fetched which makes me think he knew that the perpetrator was Barty Crouch, Jr. Clearly he didn’t realize that Moody was evil until he took Harry away earlier that night, so how did Dumbledore come to this conclusion? Also, Bertha was described as being very nosy and inquisitive, and the Memory Charm placed on her by Voldemort turned her into a mess. Surely someone would have noticed that immediate change? But then again this is the Ministry. PS: You forgot to mention Frank Bryce coming out of Voldemort’s wand. PS 2: Why are you not doing a Chapter -by-Chapter on ‘Half-Blood Prince’ and ‘Deathly Hallows’? Keep it up!”

Well, where do we start with that?

Jamie: PS 2. We are going to do one on the final book, aren’t we?

Micah: We already did.

Andrew: We already did.

Jamie: Oh, right! Oh.

Andrew: Yeah, right after it came out.

Jamie: Oh, yes. All right. PS then.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Guys, you forgot to mention Frank Bryce coming out of Voldy’s wand?

Andrew: You know what? Yeah, I’m sorry. That was a mistake on my part.

Micah: And it’s a good point about Bertha Jorkins.

Jamie: Wait, wait, wait.

Micah: What?

Jamie: But I thought she didn’t go back to the Ministry. I thought it was such – the Memory Charm was so powerful she just went crazy and no one found her, or did she go back?

Micah: That’s a good point.

Jamie: I thought she was just kind of lost out in Albania.

Micah: What about our point about Dumbledore knowing to get Winky?

Jamie: So wait, when he saw that Moody took Harry away he knew that he was evil, but did he know that it was Barty Crouch, Jr. then?

Micah: I don’t know that he could have, that’s the thing. He knew that it wasn’t the real Moody. That much he knew because he knew the real Moody never would have removed him. He says something like that, never would have removed him from Dumbledore’s side.

Jamie: His side, yeah.

Micah: But he tells him to go – or he tells Snape I think to go get Moody – or to go get Winky before he transforms back which is weird.

Laura: See, here’s the thing about Dumbledore that kind of irks me. It’s always implied slightly that he has a general idea of who the bad guy is, and he doesn’t really do anything about it.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Laura: He just…

Jamie: That is true, yeah.

Laura: He’s just like, “Oh, whatever. Hey, by the way, Snape, keep an eye on Quirrell, will you?” Like what? Come on, dude. It’s like…

Jamie: That’s why he’s such a weird character…

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: …Dumbledore, yeah. He just doesn’t do – he’s got all this power and stuff, and you’d think he’d try and do a bit more. Actually that’s really harsh considering what he did do, but I do know what you mean. [laughs] I think I expressed myself in the wrong way, but I know what you mean.

Andrew: Well, how we talked about the whole pig for slaughter thing, too. It’s just like…

Jamie: Yes. Yeah, yeah.

Listener Tweets: Deathly Hallows – Part 1 DVD

Andrew: …Dumbledore just keeps setting up Harry. To wrap things up today, Twitter question of the week. We asked this to people who follow us on Twitter, We asked, “What did you think of the Part 1 DVD?” which we just talked about earlier. Letesia Scott wrote:

“I loved ‘On the Green.’ It was great seeing the Phelps twins and Rupert and Tom. They were adorable together.”

See, that was one of those things. There is a segment on the DVD where it’s a golfing segment, but I’m just like – that’s such filler. Just give me more behind-the-scenes content, not them golfing.

Micah: Yeah, one good thing, though, that I did learn from some of the events that have been going on the last couple of weeks for this DVD launch is eventually they are going to put out bloopers, which I know a lot of people have been asking about. We have all these DVDs and all these Ultimate Editions, and it doesn’t seem like there’s any bloopers. Everybody wants to see the funny moments, but…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …the reasoning that they gave was like at the beginning, the cast was so young so they didn’t want to…

Andrew: Embarrass them?

Micah: I guess like that.

Andrew: That makes sense.

Micah: But they have been keeping all these bloopers over the course of the years…

Andrew: Cool.

Micah: …and they said eventually they’ll release them in some form.

Andrew: U.J. the Awesome said:

“I bought the Blu-ray and I like the ‘Maximum Movie Mode’ and other features were great, too. Totally worth buying.”


“I’m glad they added the deleted scenes on the DVD, especially the Harry/Dudley one. The creation of the seven Harrys was amazing.”

Devpod wrote:

“The deleted scenes all had so many emotional pauses in them. Glad they’re deleted. Would have slowed the movie more than usual.”

That is true. And finally, ArwenEvenstar11 wrote:

“I wish the Blu-ray features were also on DVD, but I guess that’s what happens when you try and be cheap, and not buy a Blu-ray player.”

Blu-ray is the future. Jamie, get with it. Get your licenses in order.

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: Aww.

Micah: I don’t have a Blu-ray either.

Jamie: They’re a bit expensive.

Micah: Laura, do you?

Laura: No, I have Blu-ray at home but not in my apartment, no.

Micah: But see, here’s the thing. They’re essentially forcing you to buy the Blu-ray player because all the good stuff now is going on the Blu-ray.

Jamie: And then, Micah – and then in ten years, something new will come out.

Micah: Exactly!

Jamie: Like holographic DVDs, and then I’ll have a Blu-ray player and four hundred Blu-ray DVDs. [laughs] Blu-ray discs.

Andrew: But that’s technology, guys, it changes. You’re either with it or you’re in the Stone Age, so…

Jamie: Yeah and Andrew, you are a fan boy.

[Jamie and Micah laugh]

Andrew: I am not a – what, do you think I’m a Blu-ray fan? Well yeah, I have to agree. It’s very stupid that the special features are only for the Blu-ray. Now I’ve heard that there’s also – but it’s exclusively at Walmart – a DVD version, but you can only get it at Walmart which is just silly. They’re obviously really trying to push the Blu-ray combo pack. I don’t know if they get a kickback from Blu-ray players or something, I don’t know. Something weird…

Micah: [laughs] Kickback.

Show Close

Andrew: …is going on there. Anyway, so that’s it for the show this week. We’d like to remind everybody about the website, If you click on “Contact” at the top, you can…

[Show music begins]

Andrew: …find a feedback form where you can contact us and send in your thoughts about anything that we talked about on the show today. Also, on the right side of, you can find links to our iTunes page, our Twitter, our Facebook, and Tumblr. So, thank you everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And we’ll see you next time for Episode 227. Buh-bye!

Laura: Bye!

Jamie: Bye!

[Show music continues]

Transcript #225

MuggleCast 225 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Micah: Because Harriet Potter just wouldn’t have sold as well, this is MuggleCast Episode 225 for April 9th, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 225! It has not been two weeks like it normally would be. Usually we release a new episode every other week but we had so much to get to on 224 that we wanted to do a quick turn around with 225, and that’s exactly what we’re doing. Micah and Eric and I are here this week, and also back after not being on for a long time, Ben – oh no, Matt Britton. Sorry.

Matt: Sorry. Second choice.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Sorry.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know, out of the corner of my eye, you looked like Ben. It was really weird.

Micah: No, our first choice!

Eric: Yes!

Matt: Oh. Well, thank you.

Andrew: That’s really sweet.

Matt: You guys are so sweet.

Andrew: I don’t know what the motive is there, but…

Micah: I was just trying to be nice. People tell me I’m not nice enough on the show…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …so I’m just trying to be nice.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: All right. Well, we have lots of news to get to and also we’re going to have the penultimate Chapter-by-Chapter installment for Goblet of Fire.

Eric: Woo!

Andrew: We’re going to be looking at Chapters 34 and 35 before wrapping it up next episode, so we have a lot to get to. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray Launch Event in NYC – “Maximum Movie Mode”

Andrew: Micah, what is in the news? We missed your anchoring on the last episode, I had to do it!

Micah: Yeah, yeah, I know and I did take a listen to the episode. You did a pretty good job, Andrew. I was rather impressed.

Andrew: Did I pass?

Micah: Yeah, you passed. You passed.

Eric: [laughs] Micah’s school of Harry Potter news anchoring.

Micah: But the reason why I wasn’t here last episode was because I was covering the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows DVD and Blu-ray release in addition to the opening of Harry Potter: The Exhibition in New York city. WB I guess decided [laughs] it would be a good idea to combine both of these together, and just a lot of events that took place over the course of the last few days and a lot of stuff went on. So, the first event that took place on Sunday morning was they had all the fan sites get together and take a preview of what was going to be on the Deathly Hallows DVD and Blu-ray, specifically the Blu-ray. There’s this cool new feature called “Maximum Movie Mode” and it really allows you to get insight into what’s happening in a particular scene. And WB gave us two clips that were exclusive to the fan sites, one of Umbridge, and the other of Voldemort and Ralph Fiennes getting the makeup put on to play that role, and it’s really cool because you have either a member of the crew or, in the case of Umbridge, Jason Isaacs, talking about who the character is, what their role is in the series, or in the case of where you have the makeup being applied, how Ralph Fiennes goes about transforming into Voldemort. So…

Andrew: And you get this while you’re watching the movie, right?

Micah: Exactly.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, it’s happening in real time as you’re watching the movie.

Andrew: Which is cool because if you’re watching Part 1 again and maybe you don’t feel like – you want something new to look forward to, this is perfect and you get some canon as well, so it’s really interesting to watch.

Eric: Well – so my question – obviously they’re trying to – I saw these clips and they’re really cool, but I can’t help but feel like these special features, these behind the scenes, should have been on their respective DVDs, because, I mean, they’re showing how to create Umbridge, that happened in Movie 5, how to create Mad-Eye Moody, that happened in Movie 4. You’re watching Movie 7 but they’re going back to these old making-of’s. Where are the Movie 7 making-of’s that are going to show during the film?

Andrew: I’m sure there’s some of those in there.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: And why is it – why weren’t these features utilized before? I guess I feel like, well, at least we’re getting them somewhere and somehow, but even the Extended Editions don’t have these – or these Ultimate Editions don’t have these really cool features that are on this Blu-ray “Maximum Movie Mode” of Deathly Hallows – Part 1 coming out Tuesday.

Andrew: Not all brilliant ideas come…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: …during the original conception, so…

Matt: There will be another release of all seven together…

[Micah laughs]

Matt: …and they’ll probably put them all again, so it’s going to be like the Ultimate Diamond Blu-ray Edition Extended…

Eric: I see. Well, that’s cool.

Micah: Yeah, I think it’s a good question, but the other side of it is, how many were available when Blu-ray was a reality?

Andrew: Right. Right! Micah makes a lot of sense. Blu-ray has only been around a couple of years, and you can only really do those kind of cool – well, I don’t know if this is a Blu-ray exclusive feature. They may have been able to do it on the DVD. In fact, they probably could have. If you can turn this “Maximum Movie Mode” on and off while you’re watching the movie then yes, that would be exclusive to Blu-ray. All right. So, the Apple Store Q&A, what happened over there?

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 1 DVD/Blu-ray Launch Event in NYC – Apple Store Q&A

Micah: Yeah, so after this event at – their offices, actually, is where we got a chance to take a look at the Blu-ray – they bussed us over to the Apple store which wasn’t that far away, and we got a chance to participate in a Q&A with a lot of members of the cast. This was, of course, in promotion of Deathly Hallows – Part 1, again, on [laughs] Blu-ray and DVD. They showed us a quick little snippet from Deathly Hallows to kind of intro it, and then all the members of the cast that were participating in this event were there.

Andrew: And who were some of those cast?

Micah: [laughs] Okay, let’s go through this: Freddie Stroma who plays Cormac McLaggen, Natalia Tena who plays Tonks, David Thewlis – Lupin – Evanna Lynch – everybody knows who she is – Warwick Davis who’s been on this show a couple of times, Helen McCrory, David Barron who is one of the producers, and Robbie Coltrane.

Andrew: David Heyman, too.

Micah: Yeah, I’m not done yet.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: That’s a lot. Wow.

Micah: There was a lot of seats there. There were a lot of seats. James and Oliver Phelps were there, Bonnie Wright, Michael Gambon, and as you mentioned, David Heyman. There were a couple of other cast members that showed up the next day for events at the exhibition, but those were the people that were there. And it was just – it was a huge showing by the cast.

Andrew: So, you said one of the highlights was this clip…

Micah: Well, that’s actually from the next day.

Andrew: Oh. I can’t keep track of all this. This is so much.

Eric: But why was this Apple Store – was it for the DVD?

Andrew: Yes…

Micah: Yes…

Andrew: …this was all…

Micah: …this was all for the DVD.

Eric: But when have they done this kind of promo for the DVD? I mean, this is massive.

Micah: When has ever one of their movies been on Blu-ray?

Andrew: Well…

Micah: I think that’s part of it.

Eric: Oh. Pushing the new format.

Andrew: Well, I think the thing is they are really trying to promote the films as much as possible now that everything is about to wrap up. They’re giving – they have one last shot for a lot of this stuff, so…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …this is part of it.

Micah: Well, Apple does this thing, though – isn’t it called “Meet the Producers” or “Meet the Directors”?

Andrew: Yeah, “Meet the Filmmakers,” something like that.

Micah: “Meet the Filmmakers,” that’s what it is, yeah. So, this was part of that series and this should now be available for free to download on iTunes where you can go and experience this just as we did. This was kind of an event, I think, that was more for the fans that showed up. We were able to ask questions if we wanted to, but we were kind of on the side just watching as the other fans that were there.

Matt: How many fans were there, Micah?

Micah: I would say there was probably seats for somewhere around 75 fans, and then there were some that were standing a little behind them in the background.

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: But one interesting thing – Matt, I know you were just at one of these events, but the captain of the NYU Quidditch team was there with members of the Quidditch team…

Andrew: That’s cool.

Matt: Wow.

Micah: …and they posed the question to the cast if they knew about Quidditch in its Muggle form, I guess you would say.

Matt: Uh huh.

Micah: [laughs] And Warwick Davis joked, “Do you have to be drunk to play it?”

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Micah: So, they had a lot of interesting questions that they threw back at members of the crowd.

News: Harry Potter: The Exhibition Opens in NYC

Andrew: So – and then what else happened? An exhibition tour? You got to see the exhibition, finally!

Micah: Yeah, I did. It was really cool. That afternoon – [laughs] I was all over New York City on Sunday. Got a chance to go up to Times Square and see the exhibition, to walk through.

Andrew: Was it worth it?

Micah: Yeah, I definitely think it’s worth it if you’re a fan of the series. There’s a lot of cool stuff to take a look at. I know that they’ve added stuff that wasn’t there previously. There’s a few things from Part 2. The only thing I noticed was one of the Horcruxes, which was the cup. But there’s also been things that I’m sure have been added since it made its debut, stuff from Deathly Hallows – Part 1. So, it’s just really a lot of authentic things. I think any Potter fan, as I said before, is going to want to go and experience it. It’s right in the heart of New York City, so I know a lot of people make trips there at one point or another during the year. It’s going to be there over the summer through September, so I really recommend that fans that listen to us go out there and have a good time.

Andrew: And obviously, perfect timing with Dan’s musical being two blocks away, two or three blocks away. I mean, perfect two-in-one trip you can kind of make into the city to see both of those things.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: How much is the exhibition in Times Square? I imagine it must be pricey.

Micah: Actually, I didn’t even look. That’s a good question, I was wondering that.

Andrew: Wow, you make so much money, you don’t even…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Money is of no concern to you. That’s unbelievable, Micah!

Micah: But I didn’t pay to go see the exhibition. [laughs]

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: Oh!

Matt: Oh!

Andrew: That makes more sense.

Micah: [laughs] Warner Bros. was nice enough to say, “Go to the exhibition.”

Matt: How long, Micah, do you think that tour takes?

Micah: I think if you’re – well, there’s two ways you can go about it. You can get an audio companion, which I remember is $7.00. You can buy the audio companion and you press the buttons as you go along to get deeper insight into what you’re seeing, so if you do that, that might take a little bit longer. Or you can just go through without the audio companion. It’s probably somewhere between 30 and 45 minutes if you’re going to stop and you’re going to look at everything. There’s a couple of interactive pieces, like you can pull Mandrakes from dirt.

Andrew: Hey, I have a great idea. We should do our own exhibition commentary.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Like, go through the exhibition, tour it – record as we’re touring it, tell people which way to go about the exhibition, and then we release it.

Eric: But what would we say? Because…

Andrew: Well, we’d give our own insight like, “Hey, this is from that specific scene. Do you remember that? Yeah!”

Matt: “Oh, hey. Yeah, you can’t see it right now, but we can.”

Andrew: No…

Eric: The insight…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …you would bring this with you, the viewer would bring this with them, and we would be the walking tour.

Eric: Like our… [laughs]

Matt: But maybe they want to go at a different pace than us.

Eric: Oh my God.

Andrew: Then they don’t buy the walking tour!

Matt: Oh.

Eric: Okay, so I looked up the Discovery Center, and the tickets for Harry Potter: The Exhibition are adults $25.00, seniors $22.50, children four to twelve $19.50, and children under four are free.

Andrew: That’s not too bad, actually.

Matt: Oh. Well, that’s because they won’t remember it.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Okay, before we continue with today’s show, we’d like to remind everybody that this podcast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times Bestsellers. For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook to give you a chance to try out their great service. One audiobook to consider is A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1. It’s a very popular book on Audible and a television adaptation is about to debut on HBO, called Game of Thrones. You may have heard about it. It’s getting a lot of pre-premiere hype. I’m personally really excited for it to begin. So, for a free audiobook of your choice, such as A Game of Thrones, go to That’s

News: Harry Potter: The Exhibition Roundtable

Andrew: So, in relation to the exhibition, there was also the roundtable, another press interview.

Micah: Yeah, another press conference, and this was, I think, really for the exhibition. This was inside Discovery Times Square. It was actually down where everybody gets sorted, that’s where our grouping was because the way that they did it was they put the fan sites together, and then they put [laughs] the rest of the media together. So, we got a chance to really have sort of that in-depth, personal conversation with a lot of – with all the actors that were there and…

Andrew: Good.

Micah: …the members of the crew, in addition to the people that I mentioned already. Mark Williams who plays Arthur Weasley was there, Clemence Poesy who plays Fleur, and Domhnall Gleeson who plays Bill, so those were three other people that were there.

Andrew: And we have a clip from it now. This is a funny moment, Micah particularly enjoyed this. This is Michael Gambon making a joke. What was the prompt? What was the question? Funny moments on set?

Micah: Well, we might actually hear it.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: Yeah, it was something along those lines.

Andrew: All right, let’s listen.

[Audio clip plays]



In Film 3, I had to – the first film I did, I had to walk through the Great Hall in the middle of the night, with 500 children in sleeping bags…



Beautiful shot.

Gambon: …with Rickman. And Dan – Danny said he wanted to be put next to a certain girl.

[Everyone laughs]

Heyman: It’s true. Absolutely true.

Gambon: So Alfonso, the director, put him next to this girl, [laughs] but we hid a fart machine inside his sleeping bag.

[Everyone laughs]

Gambon: And I had the controller in my pocket. Dan thought the camera was running, but it wasn’t running. I mean, I operated it.

Moderator: Very well done.

Gambon: We nearly died laughing.

[Audio clip ends]

Andrew: That’s funny. You would have thought they would have kept that – put that in the – like, that’s just classic.

Eric: [laughs] It’s class-less.

Andrew: Oh, it’s Michael Gambon.

Micah: Yeah, he’s just having a good time.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: There was another funny moment, too. Somebody asked the question of all of them, what is it like working with Dan? And everybody had nice things to say, but Warwick Davis mentioned that he thought that he was actually taller than Dan when Dan started the series.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Which probably actually isn’t true, literally speaking, but I get the joke. That is a funny joke.

Micah: But yeah – I mean, a lot of great questions, a lot of funny moments, and you can listen to both of those panels, I think, on the site right now.

Andrew: All right.

Micah: We have the audio up there, so…

News: Harry Potter: The Exhibition Red Carpet

Andrew: And then last but not least, the last event you attended was the red carpet for the exhibition and the DVD.

Micah: Yes.

Andrew: So, that was a two-in-one thing.

Micah: Yeah, that, I think, was for the rest of the media, in addition to us, to go and be able to take some photos. But all in all, just a lot of stuff going on, but great events and great job by Warner Bros. And it was a lot of fun.

Andrew: Well, thanks for covering it for…

Micah: I appreciate it.

Andrew: Yeah. Oh, you didn’t mention the after-party. That’s funny. You didn’t mention the after-party with the free alcohol.

Matt: Oh, what?

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Well, [laughs] we went over to the Hard Rock. It was just the fan sites and…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …some other people that were working with us the whole weekend, and we got treated to a very nice dinner and some drinks from them, so…

Eric: So, that’s why you weren’t on MuggleCast on Monday.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Micah: Yeah, that’s why I was…

Eric: You were still raising up the bill over there.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: All right. Great job, Micah. That was really…

Micah: Oh…

Andrew: What?

Micah: …you mentioned something on the last show, though, that I didn’t talk about yet, and that is that I did get a chance really briefly to talk to David Heyman.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: Oh, right. Did you introduce yourself as “the person who you dueled”?

[Eric laughs]

Micah: No, I did not.

Andrew: The person he dueled on MuggleCast?

Micah: No, no, no, no.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: I did not. But…

Andrew: So, how did the conversation go?

Micah: Yeah, it was a really quick conversation. He was coming out of the Apple store and talking with fans.

Andrew: Oh, okay. I thought you were going to be like, “Yeah, I kind of followed him for a couple of blocks.”

Micah: No, no, no.

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Micah: I turned the corner and he was talking with a bunch of other fans, so I figured it’s really just a good opportunity to say hello, and I mentioned that he did come on our 200th episode and he remembered it. He said that he was very gracious I think and just – he said he hoped that – Eric mentioned this on the last episode, but hoped that we all enjoyed Movie 2, or Part 2. And yeah, I know that you said that even if I didn’t enjoy it, I probably would have said that I did enjoy it.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think you’d be honest with him. I wouldn’t.

Micah: Would you?

Andrew: No.

Micah: No, you wouldn’t either, so…

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: I’d say, “Great job,” yeah.

Eric: Micah has turned the tables.

Micah: No, I listened to the last episode, so I know everything that got said. What’s interesting, too, I think is – and I couldn’t believe this when I heard it, was that it was Natalia Tena’s first time in New York.

Andrew: Oh wow. That’s exciting.

Micah: So, that was pretty cool. And one other really quick funny story and then we can move on, because you were talking about flying over here. There was a question if they had ever seen – kind of what their reaction is when they see themselves on television or when their movies are playing, and it so happened that the guy next to David Thewlis on the plane ride over here was watching – I think it was Deathly Hallows – Part 1 actually, or maybe it was Half-Blood Prince, something like that. And Robbie Coltrane was sitting a couple of seats behind and Natalia Tena was a couple of seats in front, so he was joking about how funny it would be if the other two just kind of walked over and joined David, and they kind of looked over the guy’s shoulder as he was watching the film.

[Matt laughs]

Micah: It’s kind of a surreal experience to have those people right there as you’re watching the movie.

Andrew: He probably wouldn’t have even noticed them. [laughs]

Micah: [laughs] No.

Andrew: They all look the same. I thought you were going to say they were going to act out one of the scenes or something.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: [laughs] That would have been cool, too.

Andrew: That would have been funny.

Andrew and


Yeah. All right.

Andrew: Well, what else is going on in the news?

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 1 Deleted Scenes

Micah: Well, just quickly wanted to mention a lot of deleted scenes have been uploaded online from the Part 1 DVD, but we’re actually going to save talking about them, I think, until the DVD actually comes out, because it would just make sense on our review show, as we do with every DVD, to talk about it then.

Andrew: That’s absolutely right.

News: Helen McCrory Says Multiple Endings Shot for Malfoys

Micah: Good, I’m glad. Glad you agree. All right, final bit of news. As we’ve been talking about a lot of press going on the last few days, Helen McCrory, when she was on the red carpet with MTV, mentioned that there were multiple endings shot for the Malfoy family in Deathly Hallows – Part 2, and she wasn’t quite sure which one was going to end up being used. But seeing as how you and Eric have seen Part 2, maybe you can answer that question for her.

Andrew: I don’t think – I have to say, there wasn’t much of an ending. When I first read this article, I was kind of confused. I would just say don’t get your hopes up about a big ending for the Malfoys, because – at least in the cut that we saw, it’s not much of an ending.

Matt: But there isn’t really much of an ending for them in the book anyways.

Andrew: I know, but the point is that they shot four different things, including Narcissa – Helen says that she shot a duel, I think. So, hard to say right now. I’m surprised that they shot four for the Malfoys, that seems like a lot. But with the current cut that Eric and I saw in Chicago last week, I would say don’t get your hopes up for an exciting Malfoy ending.

Micah: All right. Well, that’s all the news.

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011

Andrew: All right, excellente. Well, before we move on to our What If segment this week, we would like to remind everybody that we’re going to be at LeakyCon 2011. is the site you can go to get all the information about the Harry Potter conference. It’s going to be held July 13th to the 17th in Orlando, Florida over the release of Deathly Hallows – Part 2. So, if you want to see the movie at a midnight showing with some of the biggest Harry Potter fans, this is the place to be. Not only is there going to be the midnight showing of the film, but there’s going to be group therapy after the film is released…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …and other things to help you deal. But not just that, there’s going to be a dance, there’s going to be a party in the theme park. There’s going to be a lot going on, including podcasts with Micah, Ben, Eric, and I. So, visit When you do register, get excited because we can’t wait to see you there, but also use the code “Muggle”, and that way we know that you’re coming, and we can’t wait to see you there at

Matt: Yeah.

What If The Main Character in Harry Potter Was Female?

Andrew: So, for the What If segment this week – we may have done this before but we’re not entirely sure. [laughs] So, instead of looking it up and figuring out if we did, we’re just going to do it anyway because it’s a good question. What if the main character in the Harry Potter series was a girl, and as Eric noted, Harriet Potter? And some examples of sub-questions are: Would the villain also be female? Micah, would the villain have to be a female Voldemort? Volderetta?

Micah: That’s, I guess, a good question. I don’t think it necessarily have to be the case.

Matt: Would it really be different, though, if Voldemort was a woman? I mean, what kind of a character change would there be?

Eric: The question is, because if Harry were a girl, would the villain – the villain would be like, “Oh, you mean old man,” you know? What kind of male villain picks on a young girl? You can’t even – you almost can’t even write about that.

Andrew: Well, think about Voldemort. He kills his fair share of women in the books over the series.

Matt: He’s not sexist when it comes to murdering people.

Eric: He’s not, no. But in terms of a story – the other thing that I kind of was going at with wanting to discuss this was, would the books have sold as well? Or how do you sell the books?

Micah: That goes back to the first question that Andrew asked, though. It was, if the main character changed, if Harry was a girl…

Eric: Well, they’ve…

Micah: I don’t think so.

Eric: If Voldemort were female, as the same…

Micah: I don’t think it would have sold as well.

Eric: Well, my question, I guess, as a sub-question was, would Voldemort be female because Harry was female?

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think that’s a cause for…

Micah: Not necessarily.

Matt: There are series where the main character is a woman and the villain is a man.

Eric: True.

Andrew: Like?

Matt: The Hunger Games.

Andrew: Oh. Hmm, good point. I think they would have to call the books H.P. and the Sorcerer’s Stone, H.P. and the Chamber of Secrets

Eric: What, “H.P.” as…

Matt: Just like they do with JK Rowling?

Andrew: Exactly.

Eric: What? So, they are hiding, they are masking her femininity.

Andrew: Right, just like they did “JK Rowling.”

Eric: Well, that’s true.

Andrew: I wonder if JK Rowling is a little offended by that, in hindsight.

Eric: I’m sure that she doesn’t really…

Andrew: So, would the books be as successful?

Micah: No, I don’t…

Andrew: No?

Micah: Yeah, no. There’s no – it would not even come close to being as successful as it is right now. I think that because it’s a male character, it’s able to resonate more, I think, across gender. If it was a female character, I don’t think there is the chance of that. I mean, isn’t that the basis for Twilight, right? One of the main – or I guess – is the main character female, right?

Andrew: Yeah, but it’s a teen romance…

Eric: But she’s also the least rewarding female. She has the least rewarding qualities that you can possibly hope for. But I guess that series is pretty successful.

Matt: Well, no, the series is different than this because this is a fantasy novel and Twilight is more of a teen romance, where the readers are predominantly women or young girls…

Micah: Well, don’t you think…

Andrew: That’s true.

Matt: …and they want to connect with the main character because they want to be living through that character.

Micah: Well, don’t you think, though, that if Potter was a female, that you would lose a large demographic of people that read these books?

Matt: You know what? I kind of agree with you, Micah, but I don’t want to sound sexist.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: No, but it’s a good question because I think it’s really relevant in that, how would the books have to change so that they would be equally successful?

Andrew: Well, a comparable example is The Hunger Games. I wouldn’t call it a romance and there’s a large – the main lead character is a female, and I don’t think that affects the story at all.

Matt: No.

Andrew: Now I don’t think there’s – and so with that in mind, I don’t think there’s much about Harry that’s very – anything he does that’s very masculine…

Matt: No.

Andrew: …in the series. I mean, whether you’re a wizard or a witch, you’re going to cast the spells and you’ll cast the spells you need to get your way. I mean, look at Bellatrix. She’s an evil woman. Molly had the guts to kill Bellatrix.

Matt: And be the only one in the series to swear.

Micah: [laughs] Well, I definitely think there are strong female characters in the series. I would just wonder if – say there are young males. Are they going to read about a young female witch growing up over the course of seven books? No, they’re probably – they may read the first few books, but eventually it’s going to taper off because the interest, I don’t think, is going to be there.

Eric: Well, say it was written by the same JK Rowling, who is endlessly talented, who – she’s read all the same books as she did when writing Harry as a male character. The focus would not be, for instance, more on romance than it is for Harry. Romance might be in the book, but say all the books – everything about the books was the same, even, but Harry was a girl, and maybe the trio was then one girl and two guys.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: How does that change things?

Matt: Well, the story wouldn’t – I don’t think the story would be affected. I mean, it would still be one of the best series written, but I kind of agree with Micah on the fact that – I think the fact that Harry is a boy that it caters to a broader reading group.

Andrew: That’s true. It is true. And I mean, then getting back to The Hunger Games, you have to wonder if the main character in The Hunger Games series was a boy, would it make a difference? I mean, I have yet to see a boy that’s like, “Oh, I’m not reading that because it’s a lead girl,” but I’m sure there’s people out there.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And I mean, visa-versa about Harry Potter. Maybe there are some girls who haven’t wanted to read Harry Potter because it’s a lead boy.

Eric: Well, the…

Andrew: At least at a young age.

Eric: Yeah. I think Harry Potter – I mean, the interesting thing is – look, I was hesitant to read about a boy wizard because I was like, “Oh, magic…”

Andrew: You were hesitant to?

Eric: Yeah, yeah, because it’s like, “Magic, wizards, how silly!” It doesn’t seem like – oh, and there’s this mean guy out to get him with a weird name.

Matt: Who told you the premise of the story? They should be shot.

Eric: Well, it was…

Matt: “There’s this guy and he’s a wizard…”

Eric: It was just known because the books had been getting a lot of hype. It was, like, seventh grade, and sure enough, I picked up the fourth book, Goblet of Fire, and in the first chapter, there’s this guy named Wormtail and I didn’t understand it at all. So, I continued not liking and being really hesitant to read Harry Potter, and this was with all the – I mean, all the cards were stacked in what I would consider to be the right way for the books’ success, because I do believe, really interestingly, that the series would be completely different.

Micah: It would be because you would be following a female growing up versus a male growing up, and I do think that you would lose a lot of readers as a result of that and I don’t think the series as a whole would have been as successful. And it’s not trying to be sexist, it’s just the nature of writing that kind of book because you’re coming at it from a completely different perspective.

Eric: So, how – I ask this again: How would Voldemort change? How would Voldemort…

Micah: Would you even know that he’s male or female? I mean, when he was reborn did he get all his parts back?

Eric: Wow, wow, he could be…

Andrew: I mean, no. The only real indication is “He Who Must Not Be Named…”

Eric and



Eric: He…

Andrew: …and…

Eric: …or She…

Micah: Oh yeah…

Eric: …Must Not Be Named.

Micah: …that’s true.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: I was just trying to lighten the convo a bit.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: But…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: But…

Matt: I think with the case of – with the villain as Voldemort, I don’t think it really would even matter what sex it is. It is. [emphasizes “It”]

Eric: Well no, I’m still saying if Harry were a girl – but I’m saying how would the series play – it’s almost like because there is an obsession between the two of them, like a mutual obsession. It’s kind of really strange in a way even as it is.

Matt: Yeah, but then they could also play the whole, “They are complete opposites and they must duel because one is a male and one is a female.” I mean, it could still work.

Andrew: Yeah, but like I said earlier, Voldemort has never held back in terms of killing women, so I don’t think it would make much of a difference.

Matt: Yeah. And female villains can be just as ruthless.

Andrew: “The Chosen One” is not a gender-specific term.

[Eric laughs]

Matt: They are an equal opportunist.

Eric: Well, JK Rowling has a lot of strong female characters in her books, which is why it’s still – I feel it’s still rewarding. These books are so relevant for women to read because there are still these strong female characters and that helps, I think. People read about this boy and all these other boy characters. But at the same time, I was just – I couldn’t help but think, “What if?”

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Priori Incantatem”

Andrew: Well, that is how we play What If. I’m sure some people have some opinions on that, so feel free to e-mail in. Give us your feedback and we’ll read some of your responses on the next episode. So, now let’s get into Chapter-by-Chapter. As I said before, this is our penultimate, which means second to last, in case you didn’t know.

Micah: I like that word.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: [laughs] Because penultimate and paper are our priority at the moment.

Andrew: Yes. Chapters 34 and 35 are the ones that we’re looking at this week.

[Prolonged silence]

Andrew: It doesn’t help when I’m congested.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I can’t breathe. Chapter 34, Priori – uh oh.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Priori Incantatem. Priori Incantatem.

Eric: This is why…

Micah: Come on, what Michael Gambon says.

Andrew: It’s my New Jersey accent. I’m blaming all future misspeakings…

Eric: Mispronunciations?

Andrew: Yes.

Matt: Are you okay with your New Jersey…

Andrew: And also my cold. Okay, so the chapter begins with Voldemort asking Harry if he knows how to duel, and Harry considers what his options are because he’s never really dueled like this before and realizes the only spell he knows is Expelliarmus. He doesn’t think it’s going to be much use, but that’s pretty interesting because as we’ve talked about on the show before, especially after the seventh book came out, this ends up being his go-to spell throughout the rest of the books. So, Voldemort asks Harry if he’d like to be Crucio‘d again. He’s already Crucio‘d once and then Voldemort says, “Do you want it again?” And he doesn’t answer, so Voldemort puts the Imperio curse on him. So, we’re getting the whole tour of the three Unforgivable Curses. I don’t know if that’s like a thing of Voldemort’s to show off that he can do all three when he’s battling people, but that’s besides the point. Voldemort puts the curse on him. Now the question is, did Voldemort put the curse on him to simply answer the question because Harry wasn’t answering if he wanted to be Crucio‘d again, or was it to answer yes? If it was to simply answer, then Imperio did work. But if it was to answer yes, Harry actually overcame the Imperio curse. I don’t know if this was some sort of sign that Jo was trying to give us that Harry can take on Voldemort. What did you guys think?

Matt: Hmm.

Eric: I think it was to answer. I think it was to answer, because Voldemort makes a show of things in this whole scene. His Death Eaters have been long away from him and he wants to kind of showcase his own best traits – what he thinks to be the best traits. He wants to instill fear, he wants to show that he can be formal, “Harry, surely you’ve been taught to duel,” that sort of thing, and – so yeah, when he Crucio‘s him, it’s kind of to show that he hasn’t lost his edge, but also, he’s not looking for a yes answer, he’s looking for an answer because he feels that wizards – full-blooded, pure-blooded wizards – which Harry isn’t, I guess, but neither is Voldemort – should duel properly and I think that that’s really important to Voldemort. He wants to play with Harry before he kills him.

Matt: Mhm. Well, Voldemort is a very theatrical villain if you really think about it. I mean, with everything that he does, especially with the Unforgivable Curses, he only does them mainly because to show that he can do it with just a flick of a wand, he doesn’t even have to think about it. And the fact that he just became resurrected and can do this for nothing, he’s basically showing to his followers that he hasn’t lost his edge at all for being gone for so long, and…

Andrew: That’s true.

Micah: Yeah, didn’t Harry resist the Imperius Curse during the Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons with…

Matt: Yeah, he did.

Micah: …impostor Moody? So, clearly I think it’s just a sign that he’s good at Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And he has this ability to resist even an Unforgivable Curse. We see, later on in the next chapter, that he’s not the only one who can do it, but it takes a lot of character to be able to accomplish that.

Andrew: In this moment, too, we do see Harry try to resist it, and he does hold it off for a little while, but then eventually he can’t help but scream, “No!” Harry and Voldemort end up throwing Expelliarmus and Avada Kedavra, respectively, at the same time at one another. And then it enters this crazy mode, where their wands are connecting, their spells are connecting. And Harry begins to hear the Phoenix Song. And slowly, one by one, smoke-like figures start coming out of the wands. First is Cedric, then Bertha, then Lily, and finally James, and Lily kind of teases that James is about to arrive. He’s sort of like the grand finale. And the dead begin to speak to him and tell him, “We can hold you off, Harry. We can hold off Voldemort, but only just enough time for you to get back to the Portkey.” And Cedric says, “Hey, also, can you bring my body back?”

Matt: [laughs] Hey, Harry, buddy…

Andrew: One last favor.

[Eric laughs]

Matt: If it’s not too much trouble, can you…

Eric: Hey, buddy.

Matt: …bring my dead carcass with you, please?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Well, wasn’t – this was a big issue at one point, right? Because the order was messed up in some of the earlier publications.

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: It was James, and then Lily…

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, it was.

Micah: …so people thought something was up.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Oh yeah!

Eric: That James had somehow outlived Lily, which is not technically how the story goes and that we were told previously. So, that was cool. And then also, I thought – isn’t the reason – well, kind of smart. I mean, I know he’s only in his fourth year, but – or no, seventh year. He’s a seventh year. Do you think Cedric asked Harry to take his body back because the Death Eaters would have misused it? Turned it into an Inferi or something?

Andrew: Well, Cedric…

Eric: That later on in the book series, Harry would have had to face a zombie Cedric?

Andrew and Matt: No.

Andrew: Cedric said, “Bring it back to my parents.” I mean…

Matt: His father.

Andrew: His father. So, any…

Eric: But really, you don’t want Death Eaters misusing your body.

Andrew: No. And you also want your body to go back to your father, so…

Matt: They can at least do something.

Andrew: …it was a reasonable request.

Matt: Yeah. I would do it. [laughs] I’m already dead. Well…

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Matt: …I don’t have many options after…

Eric: Okay.

Micah: How does the Portkey get activated, though?

Eric: That’s a good question because Portkeys – are they a one-time thing? Are they not a one-time thing? I mean, you’ve heard that they kind of have to schedule them, right?

Andrew: Well, they did for the World Cup.

Eric: At the beginning of the book.

Andrew: Yeah, and that was to help stagger the amount of people going into the World Cup area at specific times.

Matt: And you also don’t want random people picking them up, too.

Eric: Right.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, the fact that the cup is a Portkey now – as though like, once a Portkey, always a Portkey, is what it…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: …seems to be like now.

Andrew: In this case, yeah. So, Harry-o…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: Harry Accio‘s the Portkey and it comes flying to him, and he’s already – he’s got Cedric’s body so they both are transported. Now, I’m wondering if this was kind of an oversight on Voldemort or the Death Eaters’ part to not have destroyed the Portkey, because for it to just be sitting there – obviously they knew it was still active. They had to have known that. So, who screwed up? Who’s getting killed for this?

Eric: Well, Voldemort didn’t have a body [laughs] when Harry first arrived, so we can’t blame him.

Andrew: Right. Well, of course Voldemort would end up blaming it on one of the Death Eaters.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Or maybe Wormtail. But I just thought that was kind of an oversight that – that is the cause, the reason, that the series continued is because somebody…

Eric: [laughs] Forgot to…

Andrew: …forgot to [laughs] get rid of the Portkey.

Matt: Well, he also over-sighted the fact that there could be Priori Incantatem with him in his wand, too. I mean, it wasn’t even really a factor that he would even escape even the clutches of [laughs] Wormtail.

Eric: Because at that point, Voldemort didn’t know that there was something wrong with using his wand against Harry’s, which was flawed. The Phoenix Song, though, during Priori Incantatem – do you think that’s because of the phoenix core in their wands? People associate the phoenix with Dumbledore, and either way it looks bad for Voldemort. But do you think it’s because both their wands contain phoenix feather that there was some kind of…

Matt: I think so.

Eric: …song when they connected?

Matt: I think – well, the fact that both of their wands are connected to a single song bird, I think there’s that sort of connection. And doesn’t it say in the book that he hears it in his chest, or in his heart or something? Like he doesn’t – he feels it more than he…

Eric: It’s kind of like a magic, yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Like it’s going through his body.

Andrew: Yeah, because he describes the sensation similarly to holding that spell against Voldemort, as well.

Eric: Very interesting.

MuggleCast 225 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Veritaserum”

Andrew: And that’s the chapter. So, now we move on to Chapter 35, “Veritaserum.”

Micah: Yes. Well, [laughs] this is kind of the chapter where everything is revealed…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …as to what’s been going on over the course of the previous 34 chapters, [laughs] so there’s a lot in this chapter. It starts with Harry returning from the graveyard with Cedric’s body, and there’s this moment where he refuses to let go of it. He’s essentially locked onto Cedric. And Dumbledore pries him away, and it’s quoted as saying that he “showed enormous physical strength for a man his age,” so I was wondering, does Hogwarts have a gym?

Andrew: Well…

Micah: [laughs] Does Dumbledore go and work out?

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Or is he just physically strong?

Eric: Dumbledore can levitate people without it making it look like he’s levitating people. [laughs]

Andrew: And it also sort of just shows the emotional strength going through Harry at that time.

Eric: Well, I think, too, when Harry realizes – or if Harry realized that it was Dumbledore’s hand on his shoulder, then he would feel safe enough to let go, even unconsciously.

Micah: Right.

Eric: Or subconsciously.

Micah: So, there are obviously a lot of people around and more are coming, so there’s this moment where Dumbledore tells Harry just to stay put so he can go and speak with Cedric’s parents. And Dumbledore, really, at this point shouldn’t even let Harry [laughs] out of his sight. I don’t know why – he clearly knows that something is wrong, and Moody comes over and ends up pulling him up back to the castle, and he takes him into his office and he immediately starts asking him questions about the graveyard. And he does reveal it was him who put Harry’s name under a fourth school into the goblet, that he tipped off Hagrid about the dragons, he told Cedric about listening to the egg underwater. And he mentions that Harry has this streak of pride and independence about him, and sort of the fact that he didn’t really go to anybody else for help about the task. Do you think – does this come up at any other time in the series, where he’s too proud to go to other people and ask for assistance?

Eric: The – well, how about writing Sirius? He never wants to write Sirius, and Ron and Hermione are like, “You’ve got to tell Sirius about this,” but he’s like – maybe then it’s not pride but it is sort of putting others in front of himself because he doesn’t want to arouse suspicion. Maybe sending letters to his escaped convict godfather – but he also doesn’t want to bother them. He’s very – he feels like he’s over-exaggerating all the time. But I wanted to ask about this – one question about the technique of Moody – or actually Barty Crouch, Jr. – putting Harry’s name into the goblet under a fourth school. Just thinking about it – just when Micah said it there, I was wondering, what if he just put it under “Hogwarts”? And obviously Harry and Cedric would have had to, in the goblet’s mind, duke it out. But would it have aroused – I think it would have aroused more suspicion, wouldn’t it have, than if there were four champions? What would have looked better for Harry, and why did Barty Crouch, Jr. even think to do it as a fourth school instead of just Hogwarts? Because Harry could have been up – it could have just been without Cedric. The whole equation could have been without Cedric. It could have just been Krum and Fleur and Harry as the Triwizard Tournament.

Andrew: Maybe Moody just wanted to create that extra tension between the Hogwarts houses, because as we saw, everybody was kind of very confused by it. And it did create a little bit of tension, although we didn’t see it much in the books, but I would think that people were like, ooh, well, I’m in Hogwarts, but am I supposed to be cheering – or rooting for Harry or rooting for Cedric? So, maybe he just wanted to create a little more drama.

Matt: Maybe Barty Crouch just couldn’t – or Barty Crouch, Jr. – just couldn’t Confund the entire Triwizard Cup or the Goblet of Fire thing because it was just too old, ancient of magic for him to Confund it, so he could only just add another name to it instead of redo the entire rules…

Eric: Oh, that’s…

Matt: …that came with the Goblet of Fire.

Eric: Right. That’s actually a good idea. And then the other thing is, what fourth school? What’s the fourth school that he put? Was it Pigfarts or…

Andrew: I guess we’ll never know, because he didn’t name it.

Micah: Yeah, Pigfarts sounds good. I mean, it just ensures that he’s going to be selected. I mean, if you’re in a school all by yourself…

Eric: Oh, right!

Micah: …you’re definitely going to be chosen.

Eric: You could put Neville Longbottom in there…

Micah: I guess.

Eric: …three years too early.

Micah: Well, speaking of him, he specifically refers to Neville when he’s talking to Harry and he said – he basically tells him, you’re an idiot. I gave this book to Neville how many months before the task even happened, [laughs] and you didn’t even think about going to talk to him. You don’t use your peers to your advantage. And he talks about – Barty Crouch, Jr. talks about how he has taken advantage and manipulated all these innocent people. He talks about how he called Dobby into the staff room because there were robes that needed tending to, and that he had this loud conversation with McGonagall about Gillyweed. And all these people that Barty Crouch, Jr. has just been able to manipulate over the course of this entire book: Hagrid, Cedric, Neville, Dobby. There’s just this long list, and I guess – is that just part of the quality of being a Death Eater?

Eric: Not just – well, not a Death Eater because Voldemort also doesn’t really use his friends to his best advantage. Well, he doesn’t have friends, but I feel like it’s good advice that Barty Crouch is giving Harry, but it’s kind of – I mean, it’s coming from the horse’s mouth. Harry isn’t really able to pay attention to this, but I think it’s very true, with the way that Harry doesn’t manipulate people. Not all manipulation is bad, and I don’t think – or at the very least, not all manipulation is selfish, and I think Harry could really learn from at least some of this that Barty Crouch is saying to him. I mean, even now, this is the Barty Crouch that said, you could be an Auror one day, and inspired Harry to really find his only career path. He’s still teaching him here, even though it’s kind of in a really awkward way because he also wants to know more information about Voldemort because he wears Voldemort pajamas to bed.

Micah: Really? I didn’t know that. [laughs] So, Moody goes on – or Impostor Moody goes on and tells him how he went about fixing the final task, about how he stunned Fleur and used the Imperius Curse on Krum in the hope that he would attack Cedric Diggory. And so you’ve kind of gotten a look now at all three tasks and how Harry has had the path cleared for him, and maybe we talked about this a little bit, but is this more proof that Harry just has everything happen by dumb luck as opposed to skill?

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, again, the whole Portkey thing. Nobody thought to take it away. I mean, if it were still there, then he would have gotten into a more serious skillful duel with Voldemort.

Eric: Well, hang on. It’s just a cup, though. Portkeys are disguised to look like nothing. And the other thing is that not even the Death Eaters saw Harry arrive, right? Because…

Andrew: Yeah, but somebody knew. Somebody knew it was…

Eric: Well, it was only after – only Wormtail can be blamed, because only after Voldemort had a body did he summon the other Death Eaters. So, none of them even knew that the cup was how Harry got to the graveyard.

Matt: Right. I mean, if you want to talk about luck, with Harry always getting out of situations just because of luck, then you’ve got to assume that when it comes to Harry, Voldemort just has really bad luck, because every time, after every book, he always manages to escape by some type of chance.

Micah: Yeah. No, that’s a good point. Now, throughout this whole conversation that Impostor Moody is having with Harry, he keeps asking about what happened in the graveyard, what happened to the Death Eaters. He has this clear disdain for the other people who did not go to Azkaban, and he wants to know if they were punished and tortured. He just has this appetite for pain. He wants to know if these people who are not the Lestranges of the Death Eater community, just like he also went to Azkaban – he wants to see the Lucius Malfoys of the world tortured, essentially. Again, is that a quality of – I mean, [laughs] you have Death Eaters wanting pain inflicted upon other Death Eaters, so I guess that just shows you how demented this group of people are.

Eric: That’s true. But even – it reminds me of Sirius, at the end of Book 3. Sirius is deranged for quite some time, because he wants to kill Pettigrew, his own friend. Obviously, Pettigrew betrayed his friends, but Sirius, too, just out of Azkaban, is deranged, he’s not quite all there, he’s – only when Remus says, no, it’s Harry’s decision whether Pettigrew lives or dies, does Sirius – is even able to be convinced. But going in the dormitory, going in the Gryffindor dormitory with a knife, above Ron Weasley’s bed, hoping to find the rat and stab him, [laughs] is kind of just as manic, in a way.

Micah: Yeah. Well, I mean, more than anything else, he wants to see the people who weren’t loyal to Voldemort pay, because he had to pay. He had to spend all this time in Azkaban. So, eventually Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall burst in as Moody is about to pull a wand out of his robe, most likely to kill Harry, and…

Andrew: Again, luck.

Micah: [laughs] Yeah!

Matt: Mhm.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Nick of time! But what’s interesting is, leading up to this, there are these figures that appear in the Foe-Glass that Moody has in his office, and it’s supposed to show who your true enemies are. And as the conversation goes on, you see these figures slowly starting to take form, and what’s interesting is, not necessarily Dumbledore and McGonagall, but Snape appears very clearly in the Foe-Glass as an enemy of Imposter Moody. So, this was like a clue early on that Snape is, in fact, good.

Eric: There’s always a question, isn’t there? It’s always up to an opinion, because you could also argue that the Foe-Glass is possibly faulty, or it’s – you know, it’s never…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: We know – it’s just like the Sneakoscope going off.

Andrew: It’s never as clear as everything appears to be.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: So, it’s always – she always masks it with this air of uncertainty that’s really brilliant.

Micah: Mhm. Now, when the door burst open, there’s this look about Dumbledore that helps Harry understand why he’s the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared. And I think we only see this a couple of times in the series, where Dumbledore is really pissed off. Would you guys be afraid of a pissed-off Dumbledore?

Andrew: Yeah, because like you said, you don’t see him much, and when you respect Dumbledore so much – and he’s usually so calm…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …with Fawkes in his office…

Eric: To see him lose it. Do you think that Dumbledore was on the verge – do you think Dumbledore really wondered if he had lost his only player, his only chess piece, his only pig for slaughter?

Andrew: I’m sure there was a bit of concern, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: [laughs] So, Dumbledore tells McGonagall to go down to Hagrid’s hut and to take the dog that’s sitting there up to his office. That plays a role later on in the book. And he tells Snape to go get Veritaserum from his storeroom, and then to go get Winky out of the kitchens. And then Dumbledore administers the Veritaserum to this Imposter Moody, now Barty Crouch, Jr. He has transformed back. And we learn this entire backstory. Eric, I think in a previous episode, you kind of touched on this, how much story exists. You did – I think it was “The Pensieve” chapter, where he goes back into the trials. And this is kind of lost in the movies. So, to just kind of run through it real quick, we learn that Barty Crouch, Jr. exchanged places with his mother in Azkaban. She was dying and the Dementors can’t tell the difference, I guess, between one dying person and another. And his father kept him under the Imperius Curse, but eventually Barty Crouch, Jr. grew stronger. One day, Bertha Jorkins came to the house and found out that Barty Crouch, Sr. had – oh, sorry. And then Barty Crouch, Sr. confronts her and realizes that he’s going to have to modify her memory. So, really it’s Barty Crouch, Sr. that sets all this in motion, not only by getting his son out of jail, but then by messing up Bertha Jorkins’ memory so much that it’s damaged. And she finds her way to Albania where she runs into Wormtail, and Voldemort is able to break through the Memory Charm that Barty Crouch, Sr. has put on her. And he gets all of this information out of her, the fact that Barty Crouch, Jr. is still alive, the fact that the Triwizard Tournament is going to be taking place at Hogwarts. And so, essentially, now all Voldemort needs to do is show up on [laughs] the Crouch’s doorstep and take advantage of the situation, and that’s exactly what he does. We learn that Crouch, Jr. was at the Quidditch World Cup, and he was the one who conjured the Dark Mark with Harry’s wand. It was actually Winky who convinced Barty Crouch, Sr. to let his son go to the Quidditch World Cup because he needed some fresh air or something like that. But as I mentioned, Wormtail and that weird form of Voldemort eventually show up on the Crouch’s doorstep, and now Barty Crouch, Sr. gets put under the Imperius Curse and he starts sending letters to the Ministry, basically giving instructions to Percy on what he needs to do at work. But there is that moment where he escapes and he makes it to Hogwarts, but Crouch, Jr. is able to intercept him because of the Marauder’s Map, and he eventually kills him and turns him into a bone, and buries him in Hagrid’s pumpkin patch. So, it’s a ton of backstory [laughs] that you get there within just a couple of pages, maybe like five to ten pages, but this has all been going on while…

Eric: Yeah. This is – and it’s so rich.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: It’s so rich. Do you think that when Voldemort and Wormtail showed up at Barty Crouch’s house that Voldemort was in a little baby carrier on Wormtail’s chest? Do you think that that’s how it went down? And they knocked on the door…

Micah: Did he have a death rattle in his hand?

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Sorry, that was a bad joke.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: No, but [laughs] there’s really not much more to this chapter. There’s just a lot of plot to digest. That’s really what it is.

Eric: But it’s so good.

Micah: So, that’s how the chapter ends. [laughs]

Andrew: All right.

Micah: [laughs] Sorry.

Andrew: [laughs] Well said.

[Matt and Micah laugh]

Andrew: And like I said, on the next episode, so long as it’s not our trailer episode, we will wrap the book up. We’ll be done with Goblet of Fire once and for all.

Eric: Which leaves only Order of the Phoenix, right?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: We’ve worked on this before, we’ve talked about this.

Micah: Then the show is over.

Eric: We’re one book away from the end.

Favorites: Quidditch Position

Andrew: It’s now time to play Favorites and this week we have “Favorite Quidditch Position.” Very simple.

Micah: Is that suggestive?

[Matt laughs sarcastically]

Andrew: Eric, what is your favorite Quidditch position?

Eric: Yes, please.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Matt, how about you?

Matt: I like the Snitch.

Andrew: Favorite Quidditch position [emphasizes “position”].

[Eric laughs]

Matt: Are we talking about Muggle Quidditch or Wizard Quidditch?

Andrew: Favorite Quidditch position [emphasizes “position”].

Micah: If you were playing and you couldn’t be the Snitch.

Matt: If I was playing – oh, okay. Right. I would pick probably Chaser.

Eric: That’s a good one.

Andrew: I’d be the Seeker.

Eric: You’d be the Seeker? Micah?

Andrew: It’s fast and once you catch a glimpse of the Snitch, you must get so excited.

Matt: Yeah, but you’re sitting there for most of the duration.

Eric: Days, even. Days.

Micah: I’d say Beater.

Eric: Beater. Oh yeah, of course. I forgot about Beaters. I wouldn’t want to be the Keeper. I think any position besides the Keeper because I get really nervous and it doesn’t work out well. But, Beater? Beater, maybe? Yeah, absolutely. I’m going to go with Micah. Micah and I would be Beaters.

Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Mini-Discussion

Andrew: All right. Well, for the rest of the show, we are going to be talking about Deathly Hallows – Part 2. You may remember that on the last episode, Eric and I went into a lot of spoilers in the second half of the episode, and we’re going to do that again this time.

Micah: But you didn’t even scratch the surface!

Andrew: But we didn’t scratch the surface, right. So, if you don’t want to be…

Eric: Micah, are you holding a grudge? Geez! What’s going on?

Micah: No, no, no! You guys did a great job last – I’m just saying that there were things that were omitted.

Andrew: So, if you don’t want to be spoiled, you should stop listening now because for the rest of the episode, we are going to be touching on some spoilers.

Matt: Oh God.

Andrew: Not too many, though. I mean – well, yeah, we will. [laughs]

Eric: We got some Muggle Mail.

Andrew: So…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So, thanks for listening if you’re going to stop now.

Matt: All right, bye guys.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: So, Micah, you had some specific questions.

Micah: All right, so just some of the questions that I had coming off of last episode where – were you surprised at the number of characters that were present in the final battle, and kind of who stood out to you? Maybe people that you weren’t necessarily expecting to see that were there.

Eric: Definitely, for me – Andrew, do you want to answer it, or should I?

Andrew: Well – I mean, just briefly for me, the only – I was just surprised to see Sprout because I don’t think we had seen her in a while. She didn’t have any lines, but we do see her in a few scenes.

Eric: She’s very prominently seen, like very visible.

Andrew: Yeah. How about you, Eric?

Eric: Yeah, yeah, Sprout and Trelawney, I want to say, because there’s even a…

Andrew: Oh yeah, I forgot about her.

Eric: There’s even a brief moment with Trelawney and I think it’s one of those things where Hogwarts is under attack, so surely you’re going to see all the teachers. But to have that kind of foresight to call all these actors back into action – they all seem to have been willing enough to do it again, so I think that that’s…

Matt: So, how is the Trelawney scene?

Eric: Oh, it’s brief. It’s in the Great Hall. I don’t even know what she’s doing, she’s talking to somebody else. But you see her and the camera kind of – it doesn’t even focus on her, but she’s there. You absolutely see her.

Matt: She doesn’t even have a line?

Eric: She has a line, but it’s to somebody else.

Andrew: She says something.

Eric: Yeah, she says something but it’s not to – she doesn’t hit anybody with frying pans or bottles of sherry or anything like that.

Matt: She doesn’t hit Fenrir Greyback in the head with a crystal ball?

Andrew: No.

Eric: No. That happens in the book, though, doesn’t it?

Andrew: What other questions do you have, Micah?

Micah: All right. Well, this is a question a lot of people actually sent in that I had asked you guys, I think, when we weren’t recording, but – Peter Pettigrew, he doesn’t kill himself in the end of Part 1, like he does in the book. What, if any – does this play itself out in Part 2 at all?

Andrew: We get – and I’m sorry to break the news. We get no ending for Pettigrew.

Eric: [laughs] He’s not even…

Andrew: There’s a brief…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …flashback, but nothing else.

Eric: Yeah, we don’t see Pettigrew. He’s not – he’s extremely absent from the final battle, which…

Andrew: And Heyman said in an interview recently that they do not tie it up, so that is one hundred percent not happening.

[Eric laughs]

Matt: Well, that is one hundred percent dumb.

Eric: Wow. Micah, you dumbfounded me in your question. I just – I can’t – it’s so funny because we wondered and I argued that it was leading up to a much more epic Part 2, the fact that they didn’t kill Pettigrew at the end of Part 1, that he had a role to play. But…

Micah: Didn’t Heyman refer to his death as juvenile…

Eric: Oh!

Micah: …in that article?

Eric: That’s a good question.

Matt: Oh, whoa. Wait, what?

Eric: That’s kind of critical for Heyman.

Micah: Yeah, and I think he said…

Matt: His death was juvenile, so we decided to have him pass out and that’s it?

Eric: That’s interesting.

Micah: Pretty much. I mean, it’s disappointing, I think, in the sense that all the Marauders for the most part, I think, you see die in this film, or you see Lupin dead at the end, you guys mentioned that. But the whole point was that all four of them were supposed to die, and even the life-debt that he owes Harry – I mean, I think you showed it in Goblet of Fire, why not have the [laughs] payoff in Deathly Hallows?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: You showed him getting his hand. Why not – but, okay. Anyway, in the review that you guys posted on the site, you mentioned that Neville and McGonagall had standout scenes. What was so good about them?

Eric: Geez, this is such a question, though. You really want to be spoiled. I mean, isn’t it good enough that…

Micah: That’s the point of spoilers.

Eric: Okay, but isn’t it good enough that Neville and McGonagall had standout scenes? You really want to know what they are? That’s a really specific question.

Andrew: Yeah, it is. It may be too much, Micah. I’m sorry.

Eric: But Neville does a speech, we’ll just say that. Neville has kind of a speech moment in addition to – actually, Neville fends off nearly the entire army of Death Eaters as well, at one point.

Andrew: Yeah, and I almost thought it was too much, what they have Neville do. And as for McGonagall, she has a little mini-speech kind of moment. But she’s the headmistress, so…

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: …she does take an orderly role, and that’s what you’ll see.

Micah: Mhm. And Eric, one thing that you mentioned to me was that there’s no scene between her and Harry and the Carrows in…

Eric: That’s true.

Micah: …the Ravenclaw common room.

Eric: Where they spit on McGonagall. Yes, that does not happen, and in fact, the Carrows exist in the movie but they have no lines and I think that that was a really big – it’s obviously going to be a really big change for the readers, for the listeners – might be shocked right now. But I do think – the one thing about this film is Hogwarts is shown so much, that even in the beginning of the film when Hogwarts is shown, you see students actually marching in rows of like five and columns of four. They’re marching to and from their classes with Snape presiding. The idea that Hogwarts is now a police-state of sorts, kind of V for Vendetta-ish, the idea that these students are being oppressed is already conveyed by the imagery, by what you’re seeing on screen. And when the trio do get back to Hogwarts, Neville fills them in over everything that’s been happening. Plus, he’s got, I don’t know, a missing tooth or a black eye or something that helps also convey that Hogwarts has not been a wonderful place. What you don’t need are these really disrespectful Death Eaters who we’ve never seen before in the films. Maybe they could have given that role to Pettigrew, given him something to do. But what you don’t need is these people we’ve never seen before causing a ruckus and then it wouldn’t have been as meaningful, I don’t think, on film.

Matt: Mhm.

Micah: Yep.

Andrew: What other questions do you have?

Micah: All right. Well, how about Snape’s death scene? I know you touched on it briefly in the last episode, but changing it from the Shrieking Shack to the boathouse – you don’t have to go into too much detail, but how is it different, and did it work?

Andrew: It worked. It was an emotional scene, obviously – or honestly, it doesn’t matter that it wasn’t in the Shrieking Shack. There’s very little difference that is made here. I think people will find it just as emotional as they did in the books.

Matt: Was there a tear?

Eric: Actually, there wasn’t, but…

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Eric: …it’s funny…

Andrew: [laughs] He’s asking because I told him.

Eric: Oh, was there a tear? No, there wasn’t. Okay, so we saw this film in a really unfinished state, and because Snape – when he’s dying after the snake has attacked him, Snape is dying, and he’s obviously – he starts bleeding from his neck and his eyes. Tears of – well, what Harry thinks is tears, but it’s actually memories. His memories are starting to flow out of him and Harry has to grab something real quick. But anyway, because it’s silky, white, silvery tears, instead of regular tears, there actually weren’t any tears coming from Alan Rickman when he’s dying. So, there’s an extreme close-up – and remember, this unfinished version of the film is complete with subtitles and little cue cards for when something CGI will be put on screen but hasn’t made it yet. And so Snape’s final death look at Harry, it’s very emotional. Harry walks in after Voldemort leaves, kneels next to him, kind of looks at Harry, Snape says, “Look at me. You have your mother’s eyes,” all that good stuff that’s in the book. And then right when he’s about to die, there’s that last moment of look, and Snape – he’s dry. He’s not crying at all, but there will be a tear. The cue card at the bottom says, “A tear begins to form from Snape’s eye.” [laughs]

Andrew: And the entire audience laughed because it was just so funny, the perfect – the timing of it. And it kind of broke the emotion in the theater because everybody was laughing and here, Snape was dying, but just reading that text made it so funny.

Eric: So yeah, there was not a tear, but we are assured – unless they’re going to keep that caption there, turn Harry Potter 8 into a comedy, then yes, I believe there will be a tear in the final Snape scene.

Matt: I’m glad.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: All right. Now, do we see Kreacher in…

Andrew: No.

Micah: Okay.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Grawp, no. Centaurs, no.

Eric: Actually, wait. Grawp, I think so.

Andrew: I lied about Grawp.

Eric: I think… [laughs]

Andrew: There are – well, wait, nobody is identified as Grawp, but there are giants that we see.

Eric: There are giants. A lot of giants look uglier, a lot uglier, than Grawp, but I think I saw an overpass of Grawp coming down the hill to fight in the battle. But…

Andrew: But no one’s identified.

Eric: Yeah, no.

Matt: But the giants are on the Death Eaters’ side.

Eric: Yeah, yeah, and they’re facing – that’s why it’s so massive to see the students and Hogwarts battling these giants, because it takes quite a few of them. But at the end of it all, there are giant, giant carcasses over the bridge and stuff, sprawled out across the grounds of Hogwarts. It’s really interesting.

Andrew: And speaking of creatures, there are no centaurs and no Buckbeak.

Eric: And no house-elves.

Andrew: And no house-elves, yeah, that’s another thing.

Matt: So, what is there?

Eric: Why don’t we just rip your heart out in five sentences there?

Andrew: There’s people, who are much cheaper than creatures to create.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: There are people.

Micah: All right.

Eric: Slave labor.

Micah: No need to sugar coat it, Andrew.

Eric: Wow.

Micah: Just tell it like it is. And then two more questions from me, do you actually see Remus and Tonks get killed? We don’t see it, obviously, in the book, but…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …the reason why I ask, though, is because Natalia Tena had mentioned at the press conference that she had died on a cold night. So, maybe they actually did shoot the death scene, but I guess they don’t actually show it in the movie.

Eric: That’s interesting.

Andrew: You do get a shot of Remus and Tonks.

Eric: They – well…

Andrew: But they’re dead.

Eric: …you get two. No, one when they’re alive. They’re actually – during the fortification of Hogwarts, Lupin and Tonks are up sort of on one of the towers together, and they – right before it all goes down, hits the fan, whatever, they do look at one another and they kind of sort of outstretch their hands to hold hands during the fighting. And then obviously, it’s a different scene, but Harry – when Harry – right after Voldemort grants the pardon, grants the hour to collect your dead, meet me in the forest or else…

Andrew: That’s when you see them.

Eric: …that’s when Harry goes to the Great Hall, sees not only that Fred is dead, which happens off-screen, but that Remus and Tonks are dead, and they’re also – they’re laying on body bags or the equivalent. It’s like…

Andrew: Body carriers.

Eric: Body carriers, blankets, that sort of thing. But their hands are kind of outstretched and kind of touching as well. So, it’s that same sentiment where Remus and Tonks were lovers, they’re dead, but Harry can’t bear the idea that all these people died for him.

Andrew: Yeah, you see – you get the point that it bothers them.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Or him.

Eric: Him.

Andrew: It bothers him…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …that these people died for him.

Eric: They – it doesn’t bother them very much, anything at all.

Matt: I can’t believe we don’t see Fred dying.

Eric: Yeah, you see – it’s quick, too. You see Fred and George on the roof somewhere. They’re literally hanging on a roof, and George says, “You ready, Fred?” and Fred says, “Yup, born ready,” or something like that, and that’s their sort of engagement to be in the battle. But the death scene, where they’re all – all the Weasleys are crowded over Fred…

Andrew: Yeah, that’s sad.

Eric: That is very sad, and Ron is just – Ron is making the sounds of true – what’s the word? Heartbreak, love, heart being shattered sort of thing for a lost family member. So, that’s really emotional.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: Any other questions, Micah?

Micah: Yeah, my final question was, you talked about the bank scene at the beginning of the last show. How do they know the cup is there? How do they know a Horcrux is in the vault? Do they ever explain that?

Eric: Oh yeah, that’s a good question. I think it’s assumed because Bellatrix was – and Harry says it out loud that…

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, that’s right.

Eric: They assume because Bellatrix was freaking out about them being in her vault, that there must have been something of Voldemort’s in there, or something special.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, that’s what – yeah, I remember Harry saying that.

Eric: And I think they even mention the diary, that he gave the diary to Lucius, so why wouldn’t he give something to Bellatrix, that sort of thing. So, it’s almost because of her overreaction in the previous film that they’re able to guess. But once they go in – and this is sort of a difference from the book, the idea that Harry is a Horcrux is, I would say, very hinted at the whole film, because he has a connection to the Horcruxes where he can hear the Parseltongue and almost use – he almost has a spidey sense that allows him to – so they get in the vault and it’s a huge vault, tons of stuff in there, but Harry is able to kind of concentrate and walk around a little bit. And it’s the same way he finds the tiara in the Room of Requirement. He hears the whispers from the Horcrux…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …and is able to locate it. So, that’s…

Andrew: It’s what we’ve heard in the films before.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s how you…

Matt: I think that’s smart. I think that really pushes the film along.

Eric: It does. It does. But almost surprisingly so to where – the point where I was just trying to say something and I was like, “Oh wait, the idea that he’s a Horcrux is actually a long drawn out thing in the film, much like Barty Crouch, Jr. showing up at the beginning of Movie 4 in the Riddle House.” It’s very – from the beginning on, you have these hints that allows for the audience – any audience, not just fans, to understand things, or to be open to some ideas. So, there is that.

Muggle Mail: Repairing Harry’s Phoenix-Feather Wand

Andrew: All right. Now, in response to Episode 224, we got a lot of e-mails from people who had more questions about Part 2 and we’re going to answer those now. Robby C, 16, of New Jersey wrote:

“Hi MuggleCast! Just wondering if in the advanced screening of ‘Part 2’ if there is a scene like in the book where, after Harry obtains the Elder Wand, he then repairs his own wand that was broken in ‘Part 1’. I feel that that was an important part of the book that shouldn’t have been missed, but I didn’t hear or read anything about that occurring! Thanks! Robby.”

Eric, the answer is… [pauses]

Eric: No. Negative. Negativo. And “No” in about five other languages is also “No,” which is – I’m sure it’s more than five. But no, actually Harry’s wand – we should give it more of an answer than that, I’ll be short. Harry’s wand is not shown in this film, his original wand, as far as I can recall. It’s not like he doesn’t still carry it around, but he doesn’t pull it out, and he’s not sentimental to it. There is a really important moment at the very, very end of the film, right before the last scene, right before the last moment, when Harry discovers that he is of course the current owner of the Elder Wand, and how he relates to that is very important and also sort of the conclusion to this question.

Andrew: Micah, can you read the next e-mail?

Muggle Mail: Snape’s Knowledge of the Trio’s Whereabouts

Micah: Next e-mail is from Whitney, 24 of Nashville, and she says:

“Hey guys! Love the show! I was just listening to the latest podcast with your ‘Part 2’ screening review. I know you probably can’t answer this on the podcast due to it being of a spoiler-ish nature…”

Yes, we can.

“…but hopefully you can e-mail me with your response. I was wondering how they got around the absence of Phineas Nigellus’s portrait being in the last movie as the way that Snape was able to know that Harry and Hermione were in the Forest of Dean, and thus having Harry follow his doe Patronus to retrieve the Sword of Gryffindor. This movie plot hole has really been bugging me since the last film, and I would love to find out if this was addressed in ‘Part 2’. Thanks guys! You’re the best!”

Eric: Wow.

Andrew: In “The Prince’s Tale,” we see a shot of the doe being sent – or the Patronus, right?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And that’s – I think that’s how that plot point gets wrapped up.

Eric: Yeah, I don’t even think it’s wrapped up. I think…

Andrew: Because we see it was Snape’s.

Eric: I think this reader – leave it to our wonderful listeners. I think Whitney actually did cover up a little bit of plot hole, because there’s no – without Nigellus’s portrait, you’re not really supposed to know – there’s no way for Snape to actually find the trio from afar. But…

Andrew: Right. But still, we know…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …by looking at “The Prince’s Tale” that that’s – it was Snape who did it.

Eric: Yeah…

Matt: Right.

Eric: …in “The Prince’s Tale” we realize that it is Snape, so you know that the silver doe is Snape’s and always “has been.” But the actual location, how he knew that they were in the Forest of Dean, is actually not answered, so that is a plot hole.

Matt: Right. But I mean – but it’s also a film. I mean, it’s not canon or anything.

Eric: Right. Well, it said so on sort of world.

Matt: Yeah. I mean, you get to find out who sent it and…

Eric: Some questions don’t…

Matt: …I think that’s the most important part.

Eric: …need answers, in a way.

Matt: Yeah.

Muggle Mail: Snape’s “Always” Line

Andrew: Chelsea, 18, of Torrance asks if the epic line, “After all this time, Severus?” “Always,” were said between Dumbledore and Snape. I – was that, Eric? I don’t…

Eric: Yeah, yeah, it absolutely was.

Andrew: Was that in “The Prince’s Tale”? Was that when I was in the bathroom?

Eric: Well, you came back by then, so you should have been paying attention.

Andrew: Oh.

Matt: You went to the bathroom?

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, I did.

Eric: During “The Prince’s Tale,” but the thing is he said on the last episode, Matt, that he left and came back, and “The Prince’s Tale” scene was still going on.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s really long.

Eric: So, much unlike “Snape’s Worst Memory” in Movie 5, this is not a thirty-second BS, if you’ll pardon my…

Matt: Wow, you’re being…

Eric: …abbreviation.

Matt: …very generous with thirty seconds.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: I also really kicked somebody’s popcorn on my way out and I still feel terrible about that.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Like really knocked it. Like, I kicked it three feet because I wasn’t even looking. So, when my foot moved, it flew.

Eric: That’s okay. Nobody was eating among their tears at that point in the film.

Muggle Mail: David Heyman on Snape’s Flashbacks

Andrew: Eric, could you read the next e-mail from Rachel?

Eric: Yeah. Next e-mail comes from Rachel, 19, of Reno, Nevada, biggest little city in the world!

“I was recently disappointed with the latest interview from David Heyman about plot changes in ‘Part 2’ from Cinema Blend. Before reading this, I’ve always held Heyman highly for the fantastic work he has done to the ‘Potter’ series. However, throughout the interview, he made many errors about the series, said that Peter Pettigrew’s death in the book was ‘juvenile’ (I understand the desks coming to life part being juvenile but Wormtail strangling himself? Really?) and how if there was only one movie, they would have cut Snape’s flashbacks. I’m not sure if he read ‘DH’ clearly, but Snape’s flashback pretty much explains most of the series in a nutshell. If it weren’t for Snape, it would have been entitled ‘Neville Longbottom and the Deathly Hallows.’ Overall, I was less angered at what Heyman had to say…”

Andrew: I was angered.

Eric: I was angered. Excuse me, who’s reading this? [laughs]

“I was angered at what Heyman had to say in most of the interview and I was wondering if any of you felt the same way. Keep up the fantastic show.”

Andrew: Well, once you see how long the flashback is [laughs] like Eric just noted…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …you’ll see why they would have had to cut it. Heyman and all these creators have a lot of pressure to get this stuff right, so – the decisions they make, we never get the full context around, really. I’m sure Heyman could talk thirty minutes about why and how they could have cut “The Prince’s Tale” without it ruining the film, but that would have just been his opinion, so you just have to take what they say and just roll with it, baby.

[Eric laughs]

Muggle Mail: The Trio’s Goodbye Scene

Andrew: Next e-mail from Chiaki – I hope I’m pronouncing that right – 15, from New Zealand.

“Listening to the latest episode at the moment and you mentioned that after Harry finds out he has to die, he says goodbye to Ron and Hermione. Could you please tell me whether he specifically says that he’s going to die, or that he is just going after Voldemort, because it’s been bugging me for a while in the build-up to the movie?”

Matt: Yeah, how does he say goodbye, too?

Eric: Do you want to answer this?

Andrew: I can’t totally remember.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: He doesn’t – oh, he says to Hermione, “I think I know what’s going on, and you’ve known it, too.”

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Something like that.

Eric: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that you’ve known I was a Horcrux, basically. I think he even flat-out says, “I’m a Horcrux,” because Ron needs to understand it. But he says, “I think I’ve been knowing what’s going on, you’ve known it for a while, too.” Hermione has a tearful admission…

Andrew: Yeah, she starts to break down and she hugs him.

Eric: But it’s very clear that they know that Harry is going out there to die, which is sort of…

Matt: Okay.

Eric: …what makes it most emotional. So yeah, he’s not just going after Voldemort, he’s actually going in the forest to die.

Muggle Mail: The Good Side’s Reaction to Harry’s Death

Andrew: Matt, can you read the next e-mail from Katy?

Matt: Yeah, sure.

Andrew: Second paragraph.

Matt: Oh, okay. Our next e-mail comes from Katy, 20, from Dallas, Texas, and Katie writes:

“One of my favorite moments in the book was when Voldemort and the Death Eaters bring out Harry’s supposedly dead body to show the school. The image of the entire school thinking Harry is dead, his best friends mourning, and then that moment where McGonagall screams is one of the most moving scenes for me in the book. Is it in the film?”

Andrew: Yes!

Eric: Yes, and…

Andrew: But I don’t think – is McGonagall screaming?

Eric: No, she doesn’t scream.

Matt: I don’t know. I remember asking you this the other day, too, because that’s one of my favorite scenes in Book 7, is when McGonagall screams, “No!” when she sees Hagrid carrying Harry’s supposedly dead body in his arms.

Eric: I think – the interesting thing about this scene is that I think it’s going to be the best scene in Movie 8. It’s the victory speech. It’s not only the victory speech, but the opposition from Neville. Neville’s speech takes place here, too. Basically, they’ve just come from the forest, Voldemort and everybody leave – they enter sort of the courtyard of Hogwarts, Hagrid is carrying Harry’s lifeless body, and Voldemort actually gives a sort of victory speech about – “Now it’s all over, and you should join me.” Like, “now there’s nothing else, you’ve lost your hero.” He says something like, all wizards are welcome. All actual pureblood wizards or whatever, are welcome.

Andrew: And there’s one weird point here where he asks Draco to come over, and Lucius…

Eric: Well, he doesn’t. His parents do.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Eric: Because – so he gives the ultimatum, “Join me. Walk over to this side of the courtyard,” basically, like they do in Hook, like with the Lost Boys joining Rufio. And the thing of it is, is nobody moves at first, and then Narcissa and Lucius call for Draco to come, and Draco kind of looks how Draco always looks, kind of unsure. But then he walks across it, and Voldemort actually hugs him!

Andrew: Yeah, that was the weird part for me.

Eric: That was weird, yeah.

Andrew: Voldemort kind of pulls Draco in, and it’s kind of awkward because…

Eric: He says, “Well done.” He says, “Well done, Draco,” and he’s so…

Andrew: And Voldemort’s pointing his wand at Draco, too.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Like, it’s kind of eerie. I didn’t like it at all.

Eric: It’s weird seeing Voldemort hug…

Andrew: Touch someone. [laughs]

Eric: Touch someone, exactly. But – listen, when I saw this in the film, I said, okay, he’s just happy because he thinks he’s really won, that he’s actually almost more human now, he’s hugging people. But anyway…

Matt: Well, he’s doing that as to show like he’s not without compassion, like, “You can come. I will not do anything if you walk over.”

Eric: Look at this. You’re already defending the film, Matt. This is awesome.

Matt: Well, no! I mean, it makes sense.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Like it’s all just one big show just to get other people to come and coax them in.

Eric: Yeah, you’re very right, I think. And so – then Neville, though. Neville walks forward and people are kind of like, [gasps] “Neville is going to join Voldemort.” But then Neville says, “I just wanted to -” yeah, yeah, it’s wonderful and Voldemort taunts Neville beforehand. It’s just amazing.

Muggle Mail: Scenes That Were and Weren’t Cut From Deathly Hallows – Part 2

Andrew: Final e-mail, Brad, 16, of Bay City, Michigan. He had a few points he wanted to have clarified.

“The scene with Professor Trelawney launching crystal balls at the Death Eaters.”

Is it in the movie?

Eric: No.

Matt: Nope.

Andrew: [continues]

“Harry meeting Neville and telling him to kill the snake.”

Matt: Yeah. In fact, I think Harry tells everybody to kill the snake. He’s recruiting people to go kill the snake because he’s got to go in the forest. He reiterates several times that that snake needs to die.

Matt: [laughs] The snake dies.

Andrew: [continues]

“Neville being tortured with the flaming Sorting Hat and pulling the Sword of Gryffindor out to kill Nagini.”

Eric: One of those two things happens.

Andrew: Yeah. I – yeah. And lastly:

“Professor McGonagall, Kingsley, and Slughorn dueling Voldemort.”


Matt: Awww!

Andrew: I don’t know if this is towards the end they’re talking about, or…

Eric: But Kingsley is in the film, and Kingsley and Mr. Weasley go around fortifying Hogwarts together which is awesome. And Slughorn is in this film a lot, just shown doing different things in the battle. And McGonagall, as we said, has many shining moments. So, it’s not like – even though you may not see those exact configuration of characters fighting Voldemort, what you do see is those characters, so it’s not like they cut those characters out which would be really disappointing.

Micah: What about Flitwick?

Eric: Flitwick, too. Yeah.

Micah: Yeah?

Eric: He actually barricades the front entrance.

Matt: Oh yeah, how is that? Because I know in the book, it’s almost like a…

Andrew: Listen to our last episode.

Matt: Why? I have you here with me.

Andrew: Because we talk about it there.

Matt: Fine, I’ll just ask you later.

[Eric laughs]

Show Close

Andrew: This has been another very full show. We hope we answered a lot of your questions about Part 2. If you’re itching to learn more – I think after this episode we’re going to [laughs] keep it down from now on. We’re turning a lot of people away from our show because they don’t want to be spoiled, either.

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: A couple of things. Don’t forget to visit for all the information you need about the show. On the right there, you’re going to find several important links, including the link to LeakyCon 2011. It’s going to be May – or [laughs] July 13th to the 17th in Orlando, Florida. Use referral code “Muggle” when registering. Also you’ll find the link to our iTunes page where you can subscribe and review us. We have to do this reminder every once in a while. When we do put a new episode out, bring up your iTunes, click “Podcast” on the left, right-click “MuggleCast”, and hit “Update Podcast”. Or just hit the “Refresh” button after clicking “Podcast” on the left, and that way you will get the latest episode when we post a news or tweet about it.

Eric: Now, one of the – oh, Andrew, one of the things we did want to announce last week but Micah wasn’t with us is that Micah actually really liked How to Succeed in Business

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …right, with Dan?

Micah: No, I know you guys talked about it a little bit.

Andrew: Micah just woke up.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Yeah. No, sorry about that.

Eric: He doesn’t answer unless called upon.

Micah: Yeah. No, you guys did talk about it on the last show. I know Andrew said that I was laughing at certain parts. Andrew, it’s just because I’ve been in the business world longer, I got more of those jokes than you, I think.

Andrew: It’s relatable.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: That’s what it was. No, but it was a great show. I thought Dan did a great job singing, dancing. It was really – across the board, it was a good time so I’m sure – a lot of the cast that was here for all the press events the last few days went and got a chance to see him as well, so…

Eric: That’s really cool.

Micah: And they had nothing but good things to say. So, I recommend it if you are in town for the exhibition, go see How to Succeed.

Eric: Wow.

Andrew: And back over to, you can follow us on Twitter by going to, liking us on Facebook by going to, and also following our fan Tumblr,

Eric: Really, it’s the best thing ever. We’re throwing fans down the steps. It’s amazing. [laughs] It’s absolutely amazing.

Andrew: I don’t – okay.

Eric: So they tumble! [laughs] They tumble down the steps. Never mind.

Andrew: Oh right, our fan Tumblr where we push people down…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I didn’t get that.

Micah: I’m sure there are a lot of fans that would like to push us down the stairs, too.

Eric: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: It’s mutual.

Andrew: Thanks everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: And I’m Matt Britton.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next time for Episode 226. Buh-bye!

Matt: Bye.

Micah: Bye.

Eric: Bye.

Transcript #224

MuggleCast 224 Transcript

Show Intro

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

Andrew: Because I bet a plane flight on it, this is MuggleCast Episode 224 for April 4th, 2011.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: This week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature including fiction, non-fiction, and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 224! Eric and I are here this week. We’re sorry for the later-than-planned release of Episode 224, it’s been one of those weeks.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And our news anchor is gone, he is on duty today in New York City working hard bringing visitors lots of coverage from the exhibition and – what’s the other thing? Oh, the DVD red carpet!

Eric: Wow.

Andrew: I think he’s having a good time.

Eric: I think he is, too. I think…

Andrew: He’s…

Eric: By all reports on MuggleNet, Micah seems to be having the time of his life!

Andrew: Yeah, and he got a chance, actually, to speak to David Heyman…

Eric: He did.

Andrew: …the film producer, so we’ll get to hear what he had to say. I still haven’t heard what they talked about, have you?

Eric: Yes, yes, actually.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: Yeah, he talked about – well, Micah introduced himself and it ended with David Heyman saying that he hoped that Micah enjoyed the final film.

Andrew: Oh!

Eric: Nice guy. Very nice…

Andrew: I bet if Micah hated it and Heyman said that to him, he would still pretend like it was good because I don’t think Micah would ever be honest, brutally honest [laughs] to Heyman’s face.

Eric: I don’t know. Yeah, not to Heyman, though, because Heyman is always…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …so polite and so nice, so yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, Micah has a little crush on Heyman, I think.

Eric: I do, too.

Andrew: [laughs] Anyway, so this episode is not going to have Chapter-by-Chapter, it’s going to be a different format because there’s a lot of news we’ve got to tell everybody about. Plus, Eric and I – we were very lucky, we got to go to the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 test screening in Chicago earlier, just a few days ago. It was, what, Saturday?

Eric: Saturday, yeah.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Yeah, for those of you who have been familiar with this in the past, they always do a test screening of the latest Harry Potter film a couple of months prior to release. And historically it’s been in Chicago, and this time, Andrew and I got in…

Andrew: Yeah, it’s…

Eric: …thanks to a very, very happy MuggleNet reader – MuggleCast listener, actually…

Andrew: Mercedes.

Eric: …tipped us off.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: And it – people forget this and we say it every time but they don’t believe us or something. We don’t know for sure that when this mysterious test screening is happening that it is Harry Potter, we just assumed from past test screenings that it is Harry Potter. So, I bet a plane flight on it [laughs] in this case.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Eric lives in Chicago. But we assumed it had to be, it had to – the timing was right, everything made sense.

Eric: It’s true, it’s true.

Andrew: And…

Eric: There’s nothing – there was never any knowledge ahead of time that this was going to be Harry Potter, I think that is an important point.

News: No Plans for a Potter Hotel at Leavesden Studios

Andrew: Anyway, we’ll talk about that in a little bit. First, a couple of news items to catch everybody up on. No plans for a Harry Potter hotel near the Leavesden museum.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: And this was something that Micah – he was all excited about last episode. And I don’t know if you remember, Eric, but I was kind of, like, “I don’t know, guys, this seems kind of weird. I don’t know if I believe it,” because it seemed odd that an entire hotel would be built around Harry Potter

Eric: Well, hang on…

Andrew: …in the middle of nowhere. [laughs]

Eric: But they’re building the whole – this museum for Harry Potter.

Andrew: Yeah, but that already exists!

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know.

Eric: Kind of, kind of.

Andrew: I mean, I guess that’s a valid point.

Eric: USA Today posted it. Wasn’t it USA Today?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, it was a credible source, talking about this Potter hotel.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true.

Eric: But as it turns out, it’s not happening. So, that’s interesting, but I don’t know, I’ve always found this Leavesden museum to be kind of odd because – especially what’s happening this week is – Harry Potter: The Exhibition is alive and well, touring the world.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: For the next – I think it’s four years they have it planned. Obviously, this Leavesden museum is a chance to see the sets on the stages where they – or on a different stage but in the same location where they were built. So, it’s going to be magical and quite different, but I always thought it was weird because all these props and everything are kind of shared now between these two museums. But…

Andrew: Yeah, that is true. It’s slightly odd.

Eric: Yeah. So, what does it mean about people who want to stay in London and see this Leavesden? What’s going on?

News: First Poster for Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Released

Andrew: I’m guessing they’re going to have some bus plans, so you’ll be able to stay in London, you’ll take a forty-five minute bus ride up to Leavesden, and it will take you back home all in the same day. I mean, or you could stay in a hotel but there’s not much to do up there other than the museum, so I don’t know. Unless you want to get a good look at suburban England life, then you probably just want to do the bus ride. [laughs] I say that being a spoiled American who went to visit Jamie who lived in middle-of-nowhere England, and it’s not that exciting, you know? It’s suburban life, just like in America. Not even suburban, it’s lots of green. But hey, to each his own. In some other news, the first poster for Deathly Hallows: Part 2 was released and this is a pretty awesome poster. It’s not the burning castle which we’ve seen for over a year now, that was promoting Parts 1 and 2. This one is Harry and Voldemort face to face. Somebody on my Twitter feed said it looked like Voldemort was giving Harry the finger.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But I don’t think…

Eric: It’s the Elder Wand! He’s giving Harry the Elder Wand.

Andrew: Oh! Because now every time I look at it, I picture Voldemort [laughs] giving Harry the finger.

Eric: Actually…

Andrew: Anyway, you like this poster, Eric?

Eric: Yeah, he’s got a pretty nubbed finger with these ridges, then, because the Elder Wand has those little breaks in it…

Andrew: Mmm.

Eric: …every couple of inches, it comes out a little bit. But no, first time I saw this poster, I got to be honest, I thought it was fake.

Andrew: Really?

Eric: Yeah, yeah, because there’s a lot of blood, a lot more blood then there have been in previous Potter posters, it just seems. Like, look at the gash on Dan Radcliffe’s forehead.

Andrew: That is pretty brutal.

Eric: On Harry’s forehead, it’s not just a drop of blood here or even a streak of blood. We’re talking, like, instead of hair there is this – it looks like brain matter because it’s shimmering.

Andrew: They’re trying to appeal to the people who really want to see a film with a lot of action and gore…

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: …besides – all Harry Potter fans are going to see this movie…

Eric: But…

Andrew: …but they need to appeal to the broader audience as well.

Eric: It’s true, but there’s – and if you look even closer there’s another streak of blood on his lips, on Harry’s lips, around his mouth. He’s been…

Andrew: Are you sure that’s not ketchup? Maybe he was eating? I mean…

Eric: Eating a hot dog before they filmed this?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Maybe, maybe.

Andrew: Well, because battling takes a lot of calories so you got to replenish.

Eric: [laughs] Now there are – the fire and the ashes at the bottom of the poster is really cool, I like the way that that’s done.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And Voldemort, too, is pretty bloody. I mean, he has the slits for the nose which are always kind of gross to look at upfront. But I can totally see this poster on a bus shelter or spread across a brick building somewhere in downtown L.A., you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And it’s going to be – I think it’s got the excitement. It’s got the excitement. But there is a lot of blood.

Andrew: It’s badass. I’m a fan, I like the direction they’re going in and I think it’s a good sign for the million other posters to come with all the other characters.

Eric: What does that mean? What do you think – how could they top this one? How in what ways…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …could they top this one?

Andrew: I mean, you know how they do all the solo shots of the individual characters. I like the theme that they’re going for, I guess is what I’m saying.

Eric: That will be interesting. So, do you think there will be…

Andrew: And the tagline, “It all ends”. What did it say, “It ends here?”

Eric: “It all ends.” Well, the burning Hogwarts said, “It all ends here,” and now this one says, “It all ends 7/15,” for July 15th.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: So, that’s kind of cool. That also is a message that kind of speaks to us, too, because this is…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …ten years of Harry Potter films. Seriously, the people who are going to be most excited for this poster are also going to be – their world is coming to an end, our world is coming to an end soon enough.

Andrew: Well, as I tweeted after seeing the test screening, I was the first person to individually confirm that there is life post-Potter.

Eric: [laughs] You said that, did you?

Andrew: Now, I was in a hospital the next night…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …but it had nothing to do with seeing the Harry Potter films, [laughs] the eighth Harry Potter film.

Eric: It’s very true.

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: But are you feeling all right now? [laughs]

Andrew: Yes, better, but not completely.

Eric: So, there is life afterwards.

News: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Opens

Andrew: There is life, yeah. And you know what – never mind, I won’t get into it. How to Succeed in Business opened in New York City and Andrew – or… [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Andrew and Micah.

Andrew: As you can tell, I’m reading straight from the Google Doc. Micah and I attended the musical and I got to say, it was really good, we had a great time. Micah is not too big a fan of musicals, but he went and he enjoyed it thoroughly, and actually he was laughing more than I was.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: There were times when Micah would start laughing and I felt like I had to look as entertained as he was…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …so I started laughing along with him.

Eric: Well, that’s good to hear. That’s really good to hear, I’m glad you guys enjoyed it. And I can’t wait to see it, I’m going to see it in, like, three weeks.

Andrew: Mhm. And now will you be judging it thoroughly to see if it lives up to your performance as Pierce – J. Pier Finch? [laughs] What’s his name again?

Eric: [laughs] J. Pierrepont Finch.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: You did really good. No, no, no, I’m not going to be judging. I know it will far surpass mine because obviously this is a professional production and I…

Andrew: Oh, don’t put yours down.

Eric: No, no, no, no, it was – okay, mine had a pretty big budget for a high school production and the costumes were great. But the dancing – from all accounts, Dan’s dancing – we’ve seen video, there have been these production video trailers of How to Succeed that they released on the web and it just seems like the dancing that Dan is doing is going to be simply ridiculous, it just seems that way. And not to mention singing, there have been clips already released. So, yeah, I have a good feeling that Dan’s performance is going to blow me away and I fully expect to be blown away by everything about this show. But the fact that you guys have seen it and that even Micah really, really, really enjoyed it gives me more hope that…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …it’s just going to continue to blow me away.

Andrew: Dan’s singing, dancing, overall performance, it was all really good. I mean, especially at the end, Dan is dancing his ass off and he does a great job. Really, just really impressive, and it’s great to see Dan branching out and succeeding. [fake laughs]

Eric: Ha. So, how is his American accent?

Andrew: It was good. I actually thought the British accent, the English accent leaked through a couple of times, but it wasn’t distracting or anything. So…

Eric: Yeah, it’s a work in progress. Now, you saw him in Equus too, right?

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Now, how are those different? How were those performances – obviously…

Andrew: In this one, he wears more clothes.

Eric: Clothes, okay.

Andrew: I can’t remember if he – was he? No, he’s not shirtless in this one at all.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Or pants-less or underwear-less.

Eric: [laughs] Oh God.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: That’s right. He was nude, wasn’t he for a period there?

Andrew: Yeah. Mhm.

Eric: In Equus. That’s – so…

Andrew: This one I would say – I mean, in terms of audiences, obviously How to Succeed appeals to a much larger audience.

Eric: Ahhh.

Andrew: So, I would say, in that regard, this one is better. It’s funny, whereas Equus was very dark, dramatic. This is the complete opposite.

Eric: Okay. And…

Andrew: And…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Hmm?

Eric: Oh, and I wanted to mention before we move on that the cast of Harry Potter has now seen Dan in the musical.

Andrew: Yeah, which is really nice.

Eric: Kind of an update, they’re all in town and we’ll find out why, next time Micah is with us because he’s got – they’ve been doing so many press events and Micah’s been covering them. But Evanna Lynch wrote on her Twitter last night that they had actually – they were all in town – I mean, David Heyman, Warwick Davis, everybody you can think of, Robbie Coltrane, Phelps twins…

Andrew: Phelps twins.

Eric: …everybody. Yeah. And they said that – or Evanna Lynch wrote that they saw Dan on Broadway in his show in How to Succeed, that he smashed it, I think were Evanna’s words, and that they all really enjoyed his performance. So, that’s got to be wonderful for Dan because his whole family, all these other actors that he’s worked with come to support him and see his show, and not to mention David Heyman, David Barron, David Yates. It must have been amazing, a wonderful night.

Andrew: Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I’m happy for them all.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I’m sure that was a good – a fun night. And don’t forget, Eric’s interview with Dan Radcliffe is now on, we’ll include a link in the show notes. Eric obviously did a really good job with that interview since he was in a different version of that play.

Eric: Yeah, I wanted to give us the edge with those sort of more intimate questions about the show, which I think Dan really responded to, so it was really kind of cool.

Andrew: Yeah, it was.

Eric: Really, really lucky. Really nice guy. But he talks, he does tend to answer questions at length, [laughs] so – it was tough because we were timed to actually get in all the questions we had but we did a good job. I think he really responded to us, it was a good interview.

Andrew: So, visit for that.

Before we continue with today’s episode, we’d like to remind you that this week’s episode is brought to you by, the Internet’s leading provider of audiobooks, with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times bestsellers. For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook to give you a chance to try out their great service. It’s a hot series lately, you should definitely check it out. So, for a free audiobook of your choice, such as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, go to That’s We thank Audible for their support of MuggleCast.

Andrew and Eric Attend Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – Spoiler-Free Review

Andrew: Okay, now the big news of the week. Like I said at the beginning of the show, Eric and I had the very high honor, privilege, to see Deathly Hallows: Part 2 in Chicago. Like we said, again, [laughs] I bet a plane ticket on it.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: We – Eric lived in town, so it wasn’t as risky for him. All we knew was it was a test screening, and timing of it lined up and all of that. So, we did post our initial spoiler-free reactions on and I think – is that what we’re going to do, Eric? Maybe start with those, maybe just browse through a couple of those…

Eric: Yeah…

Andrew: …things that stood out.

Eric: …initial thoughts, especially – just the quick things we can report so that – but at the same time, keeping free – I know I have a lot of friends who I told them we were going to record MuggleCast about this film and they said, “Oh, I might not listen to it because it’s going to be all spoilery.” So, there are people who don’t want to be spoiled, people I know, and I understand that and I respect that. So, at first we’re just going to talk about it kind of over – all the things that we felt were safe to talk about. And then what we’ll do is we’ll give you a timestamp to return to the show after we sort of discuss a lot of the fan questions because even though there’s a group of fans who don’t want to be spoiled, there are – there’s another distinct, separate group of fans who do really want to hear…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: …at least a little bit about it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, I think we’ll try and play to both audiences on this show, and we’ll see where that gets us.

Andrew: So, for now, if you don’t want to be spoiled that’s fine. We’re going to talk about the movie in a spoiler-free manner and we’ll warn you when we start talking about the spoilers.

Eric: So, let’s talk about Mercedes at first because we haven’t…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: We kind of mentioned her earlier, but – she e-mailed in, I guess, to MuggleCast and…

Andrew: Yeah, and she said, “Hey, I got invited to this test screening and I think it’s Harry Potter.” And so we spoke to her at length and she seemed – she was really serious about it.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: She gave us her phone number, she was, like, “Call me, this is serious!”

Eric: [laughs] Not a joke.

Andrew: And we’re, like, “Okay!” And so we spoke with her, and yeah, we – she graciously added our names to the list and – thank you so much to her…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …because otherwise – for me personally, if she hadn’t given us, like, six days advanced notice, I personally wouldn’t have flown down. So…

Eric: Yeah, you couldn’t have done it because…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …you were already on your way back to Los Angeles.

Andrew: L.A., yeah. And I never would have had the rare opportunity to sleep in Eric Scull’s bed.

Eric: Oh, yeah. Totally.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: You lucky S.O.B. So, [laughs] the other thing I wanted to talk about – let’s talk about, first, how unfinished the film was, just so people…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Just to kind of clear the air, here. I want to say that this film in particular has a lot more special effects than the previous films. That could have been guessed because a lot of the film is the final battle, as also could be guessed. Now because we’re seeing this screening – or we saw this screening at the same time, say about three months prior to release as we had seen – or as I had seen the other – the last two films, the difference was that it was even less finished than previous test screenings, and I think – I do want to mention [laughs] the title cards – Andrew do you – take it from here. [laughs] What do you think about those?

Andrew: Oh, the title cards were very funny [laughs] because what happened was when a scene wasn’t complete, to help the audience understand what was going on, they added subtitles, like captions that you would see for deaf people, it would be at the bottom. And so we saw several of those throughout the film and some of them were so descriptive, even during very dramatic, important scenes, that the audience roared with laughter [laughs] because it just – the writing was so ridiculous on these very dramatic scenes and we won’t talk about it now because it would be spoiling…

Eric: It would be a spoiler.

Andrew: But – yeah.

Eric: But yeah, and I just think these test screenings are done to an innocent audience of varying ages, races, genders, everything. They try and pull aside an assortment of pretty much everybody so that they can judge where the laughs land, and to make sure that the film is hitting in the right moments that the producers and the directors want.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: And the directors are always at these screenings, which is really cool because David Yates, and David Heyman, David Barron were all there, and the editor. But I think this time [laughs] with all of these funny, funny, funny cue cards, title cards going, it was kind of bittersweet for them, I think, because obviously it was – the film was more amusing than it will be when it’s completed.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And I think – but I do think…

Andrew: But I felt really bad for Heyman and Yates because during this one scene where everybody started laughing at the subtitle that appeared on the screen – it was a very dramatic scene that they would want to look around in the audience and see if people were crying or something but…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …instead everybody was laughing and I felt bad. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Yeah, but for the most part I think – oh, and the acting though – and I just have to say, again, without spoiling, everybody has picked it up a notch in this film. And when those special effects are completed [laughs] and the captions hopefully or maybe not hopefully are removed from the finished product, I think we’re going to have the most epic film, definitely in scope, and I think it’s going to be – we see so much of Hogwarts. We see – it’s just the battle and everything to do with it is just really massive and I have to say, I think it’s just going to blow everybody away.

Andrew: The interviews we saw, I guess, maybe six months ago, maybe even more, were correct. The Battle of Hogwarts is forty-five minutes to an hour, I would say, and…

Eric: Only? Where do you – where are you counting from?

Andrew: I would count from when Harry gets there.

Eric: From when Harry gets to Hogwarts?

Andrew: Yeah, when he arrives at Hogwarts and rallies the troops.

Eric: Oh, I would argue that it’s maybe an hour, fifteen at the most.

Andrew: That could be. Yeah, you may be right. So, it is a good chunk of the film and that’s important, I think, and that was the advantage of Part 2. I mean, that never would have happened if this were just one film.

Eric: It’s really weird, too, because looking back, you try and look back and imagine, “What would this film have looked like if it were only one film?” And I think you’re totally right, there was – and it was the right call to make, to split the film. Not like that – not like Breaking Dawn. But…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …I think this was a very wise decision.

Andrew: And speaking of length, the film is two hours, which David Heyman and David Barron, the two producers, said at CinemaCon last week. And a lot of people were kind of up in arms in this, they were saying, “Two hours?! Come on! What the hell?!” But me personally – Eric, tell me if you agree – two hours was plenty, I did not need any more. And honestly, there was a point or two when I was watching the movie and I was, like, “Come on, let’s go!”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: “Let’s wrap this up!”

Eric: Well, yeah, I thought the pace was good. I never felt like there needed to be less. But I do think that the two hours is a healthy length, I think, and it may be a little bit longer – it was two hours for us but I think it may be a little bit longer once, obviously, the special effects are completed and the music is added. I think that’s a really important point, too, there was no music when we saw it. But the two hours – which, again, was revealed by Heyman and Barron at CinemaCon last week – it makes this film the shortest film. But even when that news was revealed, what does that mean for it to be the shortest film? Well, it can still be two hours and, like, nineteen minutes in length, and still be the shortest film. It’s about two hours, and I think that that’s a good length.

Andrew: Let’s see, what else should we talk about here.

Eric: Let’s see if we can do any more spoiler-free stuff besides what has kind of been revealed in the news. Should we talk about the scenes that were leaked just as it pertains to the film, or…

Andrew: The opening on the DVD? On the Part 1 DVD? Is that what you’re talking about?

Eric: Yeah, maybe there’s a spoiler about that.

Andrew: Well, here’s something: the humor in the film. This is obviously – this part of the book is a very serious part, there isn’t much humor. There are some moments that might motivate you when you’re reading it because it’s really inspiring to see all these people uniting together to take on Voldemort. But I noticed in Part 2 that there were a couple of instances of humor that were not needed and they seemed kind of forced to me. And there was one point in particular that annoyed me so much, and again, I won’t go into it now because it would be spoiling it. But I’m just a bit worried that the producers and the director – or maybe we have to blame Steve Kloves for this. It felt like in order for a Harry Potter movie to be a Harry Potter movie, they had to inject a couple of pieces of dialogue that are funny but it seems a bit out of place.

Eric: Hmm.

Andrew: And when I wrote in our spoiler-free review on MuggleNet was that it’s not necessary when there’s so much action going on and it doesn’t need to be there to make up a good film.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: The action takes up that place so there’s no need for the humor, but they put it in anyway and it’s kind of disappointing.

Eric: Well, I – oh, I don’t think it’s disappointing at all, but I do think that the attempt was certainly to give every character their moment. I think that that was something that they really strived to do because obviously there are a ton of characters, there are a lot of recurring characters. We won’t mention who in this part, but all of these characters that we’ve come to know and love, they really wanted to make sure that every one of them was seen. And I think that a lot of these funny moments were added or created or shifted in there just to make sure that fans who – especially fans who, after viewing Part 1, when it’s just Harry, Ron, and Hermione for so long, and the book was like that – seeing everybody again is kind of going to be really rewarding, I think.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, perhaps – because we were going into it not looking at it from previous films or anything – that it might actually stand the test, it might actually look a lot better once the film is complete and once we can kind of focus on sort of everything else. I think the action, though, is absolutely – in comparison with previous films, where there’s a lot of melodrama, where it gets darker every film – there are sad scenes in here, let’s not – let’s be honest, but I think a lot of what it is offset by is the action and the fast pace of everything because Harry’s got four Horcruxes or more to destroy, and he’s got to kill Voldemort and the Battle of Hogwarts has to happen. So, it’s a lot of fast-paced stuff.

Andrew: Speaking of sad scenes, that reminds me. Eric, you were a bit of a cry baby when we were watching the movie.

Eric: Oh, come on…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …you were sitting next to me, but I think…

Andrew: I heard a lot of sniffling. [laughs]

Eric: I – you know what it was? I was trying to force myself to cry to say that I’d be able to cry, that’s what it was.

Andrew: Oh, brother.

Eric: That’s what I’m sticking – that’s the story I’m sticking to.

Andrew: If I weren’t having my health problems I probably would have been a little more wrapped up in it, too, but at the time they were kind of pulling me out of the zone.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But yes, there are some very important emotional scenes that like – as I think back on them now, they kind of [laughs] blow my mind in terms of epicness. I’ve got to say, they were really good. And you weren’t the only one crying, of course, there were others. I mean, you weren’t crying, you were… [makes sniffling sounds]

Eric: Yeah, I – no, there was wetness in my eye and that was legitimate. I wasn’t forcing anything there because I…

Andrew: It’s justifiable.

Eric: These – and all the time when I was watching the film, I was thinking, “It all ends here, it all ends here.” [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, you just can’t think about that, you’ve got to think about that after.

Eric: That definitely helps. So, yeah, anything else – I mean, I think – I just thought of one more thing, which is that I really feel like people, fans like to watch these Harry Potter films back to back, and I think one of the most successful films to watch back to back are going to be Part 1 and Part 2. I really felt, given the beginning of Part 2 and where Part 1 ends, that they’re going to flow really well together. Did you – would you agree with that?

Andrew: I agree, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Because Part 2 does pick up pretty quick. There’s not much of an intro to Part 2, there’s not a slow start, I guess is what I’m trying to say.

Eric: That’s a good point because before it was always he’s back at the Dursleys or something, and…

Andrew: Right, and he has to leave.

Eric: …it’s quite a while before something happens. But…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …right away you’re jumped – you’re sort of into the action and obviously these films were filmed at the same time, so they’re the same age. There’s nothing to take you out of it, you’re kind of…

Andrew: [laughs] They don’t have dramatically-different haircuts…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …like between “3” and “4”, and “4” and “5”…

Eric: But…

Andrew: …when everybody had to get – Movie 4 was, like, “Let’s all go in and get really long hair!” [laughs] and then “5” was, “Let’s cut it!”

Eric: [laughs] “Let’s cut it! That thing we did with our hair, we need to undo that.”

Andrew: But Emma waited until after Movie 8.

Eric: I’m so happy. She would have just looked so strange in this film…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …without her normal Hermione hair. Although Bellatrix could have attacked her and cut it off if they needed a scene. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] That’s true.

Eric: So, shall we segway?

Andrew: Oh, the one other thing I wanted to mention is the interview with Ciar·n Hinds we talked about…

Eric: Oh yeah!

Andrew: …on MuggleCast a few episodes ago. He had said that he had a “blink and you’ll miss it” appearance and this worried us because we were, like, “Wow, they’re cutting his time down?” But that’s not the case, you see a lot of him.

Eric: Yeah!

Andrew: And something, actually, I haven’t mentioned yet in the report or anything and I haven’t talked to you about is that I actually – Aberforth looks great! And he has somewhat of a resemblance to Dumbledore in terms of his hair, I thought, at least. Did you notice that?

Eric: You mean to Michael Gambon’s Dumbledore?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Like overall, too? And yeah, I really felt that way. And I think we’ve examined what could Ciar·n Hinds possibly mean, fans sent in their e-mails about “blink and you’ll miss it” in several different interpretations. I think I’m going to go out on a limb and say every single one of those interpretations of how Ciar·n Hinds could have a “blink and you’ll miss it” role, I think I still disagree and I think everybody will kind of agree once they see the film, that his role in no way is “blink and you’ll miss it.” Well, unless…

Andrew: I agree.

Eric: …he was – unless he meant that he was very fortunate and proud to have gotten the chance to play that role because he does shine and there is a lot of Aberforth in this film. So – but everything to do with whether or not his role was cut or omitted or downsized, that is not the case, just for people who were worried.

Andrew: Well said. All right, two more questions I have in the Google Doc. First, I wanted to say that this movie is very re-watchable, I think. Within 24 hours I was already really excited to see it again because there are so many giant scenes in this movie. It’s a lot to take in, more so than the other films, despite it being only two hours. And yeah, I think it’s just a great ending overall. This is a wonderful film, I think all of the fans are going to enjoy it. All of the fans are going to be pulled into it and feel very emotional, and it’s going to be a great ending. Do you feel the same way?

Eric: Yeah, that’s a good idea. This film won’t be perhaps as exhausting a two and a half hours endeavor as other films are simply because it is a lot of action, it is a lot of – and the film leaves us in a good place as does the book where nineteen years later, everything is happy. And it being a conclusion is also a lot more rewarding because the mystery is resolved as opposed to other films where it’s kind of like it always has to end on a cliffhanger because it’s not the last film in the series. This one will do that and so maybe just for that reason alone, this film is going to be more re-watchable, that’s a really good point.

Andrew: All right. And best film – [laughs] I don’t know. You know what? I think we should save the best-film-of-the-series question for once we see the movie with the special effects and the music, and all that.

Eric: Yeah, I completely agree.

Andrew: Because it’s not fair, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I didn’t think about that. Okay, so now we will get into the spoiler stuff, so again, if you don’t want to be spoiled just turn off the show now.

Eric: And there will be another MuggleCast soon…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …because tons of news have happened.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: So, you’ll hear from us – don’t worry about turning us off, you’ll hear from us very soon.

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – Opening Scene

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, now into the spoiler stuff. This film sucked! No, I’m just kidding. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Worst film ever.

Andrew: Where do you want to start? Where do you want to start?

Eric: Let’s start at the very beginning, Andrew. That’s a very good place to start.

Andrew: Of the movie?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay, so I guess we’ll try to go in chronological order.

Eric: Well – and we don’t need to list all the scenes.

Andrew: Yeah. Oh God, no. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] But what we should talk about – because we know I’ve listed them. But I think what we should talk about is how we felt about sort of just the opening, what surprised us. What surprised you about the first 15-20 minutes?

Andrew: The opening itself? Well, I thought – a nice touch – the W.B. logo is almost about to break apart. It’s crusting…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …and one little touch from shattering into a million pieces.

Eric: Like burnt paper in a way, I think.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s sort of like with the final book cover the curtains are kind of in a mess, in a wreck. So, yeah, the opening is – the tomb, we see Voldemort breaking in and gaining control of the Elder wand. So, we know – so that’s a slight refresher, but really that’s the only kind of reminder of what happened in Part 1 and then it jumps right into the action.

Eric: Mhm. Yeah, with Harry interviewing Griphook and Ollivander separately about the future…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …about what he has to do. And I think the quest for the Horcruxes just overall in this film was done really well. I think in the book what confused me, and again I haven’t really re-read the book too many times since it first came out. I just remember rushing through it the first time and at the same time, I felt that the Horcruxes mixed in with the battle. It’s a little hard to follow towards the end of the book because so many exciting things are happening, but also Harry has to do so many things. In the film they had to kind of realize and set a do-order almost for Harry where he’s got to do this, and then he’s got to do this, and then he’s got to do this. And you have to watch it because they have to put it to a pace, it actually made sort of a lot more sense as opposed to when you are reading it. You read at your own pace so you can read four chapters at once and so much stuff will have happened, where in a movie you have to wait until they show it to you. So, it’s almost like – I thought that that was – the whole film was like that, where it makes a lot more – it’s a lot more gratifying to just watch Harry on his journey and it’s not slow or it’s not confusing.

Andrew: One thing that kind of bothered me – this is very minor, but one thing that kind of bothered me was Harry does not refer to Griphook by his name in the movie. He says, “Bring me the goblin,” or “Bring me to the goblin.” And the point behind that is that movie viewers don’t really know his name, I guess, so they just figure, [laughs] let’s just call him the goblin.

Eric: [laughs] The goblin.

Andrew: Which was kind of like – all right, producers, see this is what happens when you don’t really plan ahead too much. But minor thing, minor thing.

Eric: I don’t know about that. One of the first lines in the room is, “I don’t know if you remember but -” and then Griphook says, “I was the first one who brought you to your vault when you first came to Gringotts.”

Andrew: And that’s in the book.

Eric: That’s in the book, too.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But that’s also in the movies is what I’m saying, so they do make that connection without having to know who Griphook is, who or what a Griphook is.

MuggleCast 224 Transcript (continued)

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – Gringotts Break-In

Andrew: So, getting into the Gringotts scene, Hermione – we were both impressed, I think, by Bellatrix playing Hermione playing Bellatrix…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …if that makes sense.

Eric: It was weird. It was a short scene, I would have liked that scene to be a little longer, the build up, I think, because of all of a sudden Hermione is walking up the hill and it’s actually Helena Bonham Carter. But I thought at first that Hermione just hadn’t changed yet because Helena Bonham Carter has matched Emma Watson to the point where you’re looking at Helena Bonham Carter’s face and it looks – she looks like Emma Watson.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I couldn’t distinguish the two, I really felt that it was Emma Watson when it was [laughs] clearly Helena Bonham Carter. I don’t know how better to say that.

Andrew: No, you’re right. I felt the same way, and they even – another kind of fun book moment that they included was when Hermione, as Bellatrix, says good morning to somebody…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …in Diagon Alley and – is it Ron or Harry or Griphook? One of them says…

Eric: Yeah, Griphook.

Andrew: …”Why are you being so polite? You’re Bellatrix, don’t forget”.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And then she turns bitchy.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: So, that was – see, that’s a fun moment that makes sense because it’s in the book and…

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: If that makes sense.

Eric: Yeah. So, Gringotts – the – everything from the mine cart ride, which was partially completed, to the dragon and the vault. What did you think about that? But also when they got in the vault, what did you think of the vault scene? Because that is a scene that is a little bit different than in the book, as well.

Andrew: I liked it. And actually I was pretty impressed by the multiplying gold, the way it was animated, the way the gold actually multiplies in the vault is how I think you would expect it to work when you’re reading the book. And I thought that was – so I was impressed by that. The one thing that doesn’t happen is, like in the book, the gold is very hot.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And I don’t remember hearing any lines – anyone being, like, “Owww! It’s hot”. [laughs] So…

Eric: Right. Right, right, right. I think…

Andrew: Not necessary…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …but just a little change.

Eric: Yeah, kind of claustrophobic in the book, too, with the vault being closed, and everything is hot and heated. It’s kind of scary. But the multiplier does serve the purpose of being an enchantment that prevents people from stealing, obviously, and it is an adequate obstacle for Harry. He’s got enough going on because Griphook wants the sword in exchange for even breaking them in in the first place. So, they’ve got a lot to deal with and I do like the scene, and the escape on the dragon is great.

Andrew: And film viewers actually don’t know that Griphook wants the sword until it actually happens in the film, whereas in the book you know it ahead of time.

Eric: Well, that’s not true, they totally argue for it when they are back at Shell Cottage.

Andrew: Oh, but you don’t know why. It’s not explained why in the film, why Griphook wants it. In the book they get into the…

Eric: Goblin-made – oh.

Andrew: …goblin lore, they’re very possessive of their items.

Eric: Right.

Andrew: So, they didn’t get into that. But…

Eric: They just didn’t mention Godric Gryffindor. Yeah, there’s a line in the book – I think he says, “Just because Gryffindor owned it doesn’t make it his,” where it’s, like, because it’s made by goblins they believe it’s theirs. But I think something to those – to that effect is stated. I just think things are happening a little fast in the vault.

Andrew: Yeah, so I think the vault was good. I don’t think we could fairly review it yet because actually a lot of the special effects in that scene weren’t complete yet.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: And I think it’s going to look better than when we saw it.

Eric: But just from the reactions of the goblins when the dragon escapes, I think that’s going to be – I mean, that’s a heck of a bang to start the film off on and, of course, they go straight from there to Hogwarts pretty much with very little downtime. It’s an action packed film.

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – Hog’s Head Scene

Andrew: The Aberforth stuff – again it’s a pretty – it’s a good scene. There is some stuff cut down from the book and sorry I keep comparing it to the book so much but personally I can’t help it. [laughs] I feel like we’ve been doing it for so long…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …comparing it to the book that we’ve just got to keep on doing that. But Aberforth, great role, great performance, I thought. They meet just like how they do in the book, Aberforth lets them into his place, and we do get to hear about Ariana but as you noted here there’s no talk about how she actually died.

Eric: Yeah, there isn’t but at the same time, Aberforth and Harry do talk at length about why Harry trusts Dumbledore and how Albus Dumbledore is not trustworthy. And Aberforth talks about him being lustful for power, and I think that it’s really effective to the point where Harry in the film says, “Look, I don’t care what happened between you and your brother. I trust Dumbledore,” and it’s really, really an interesting scene. Emotional, where you can tell – Ciar·n Hinds’s acting where it’s like he’s kind of hurt by Harry saying that he’s given up and strives to prove him wrong by competing in the final battle. So, it’s pretty emotional, pretty emotional all around. Emotions, tempers are flying, I think. No goats, though. There is an absence of goats, aren’t there?

Andrew: [laughs] I think you’re right but maybe that’s because the special effects aren’t complete…

[Eric laughs]

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – Entering Hogwarts Castle

Andrew: …but let’s not get our hopes up. [laughs] So, Neville – you see Neville come through the portrait, Ariana brings him. You see the Room of Requirement and there’s a scene coming up now – we’re in the Room of Requirement, Ginny enters and says that Snape knows that Harry is in the castle. Now here’s where things start diverting from the book. What happens is Snape summons all the students into the Great Hall and Harry decides to go with everybody, and he puts on his robes to blend in and goes to this meeting that’s being held in the Great Hall. Snape does a speech in front of everyone saying we think Harry is here, if anyone is caught working with him, helping him – what was the threat? You will be…

Eric: A punishment befitting your treason, so basically the severity to which you help – the degree to which you help Harry is going to be the degree to which you’re punished. And also he says knowledge about his whereabouts as well are – you’re going to be punished equally. So, he basically – I mean, he threatens – he calls the whole student body – as headmaster, he calls the whole student body out of bed to the Great Hall and makes these threats, and Harry is not standing for it.

Andrew: And so Harry jumps out of the crowd and this reminded me of The Dark Knight, when the Joker is walking with all the other police officers and sort of…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …jumps out and starts shooting everyone.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: That’s what this reminded me of because they’re all in orderly lines like that. So, Harry and Snape begin to duel, McGonagall jumps in, helps Harry, and Harry and McGonagall force Snape out, and Snape flees and he does turn into the bat-like figure.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: And now, so what obviously has been cut here is Harry does not go into the Ravenclaw common room to go looking for the mysterious Ravenclaw-related Horcrux.

Eric: Right, and David Heyman just spoke about that today. One of Micah’s reports – and he mentioned this specifically where Snape and McGonagall fighting does not take place while Harry is on his way to the Ravenclaw common room. Instead, it takes place in this Great Hall scene, and I think, again, it makes perfect sense in the film. I’m not going to complain about the difference between the book in this particular instance because I think it’s really moving where Harry is – at first confronts Snape, says, “How dare you stand where he stood,” meaning Dumbledore, and Snape is about to attack Harry, and McGonagall has to intervene. I think even what they did with the Slytherin students, like Pansy Parkinson says, “Somebody, grab him,” meaning Harry, and then the Order, who has just arrived, encloses around him, protecting him. I think it’s great character moments, and I think that that’s what – if you’re alone in a Hogwarts corridor and suddenly there’s a Snape-shaped hole in the wall as it was in the book, it doesn’t mean as much.

Andrew: And honestly, I actually – I didn’t like it at first, but afterward I came to realize that – I was thinking about it a lot. [laughs] I couldn’t stop thinking about that scene, and it is pretty cool to watch Snape and McGonagall duel, and Harry and all the students around. Yeah, so that’s one of the first big changes and it did end up working, I think we…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …both agree.

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – Harry and Voldemort’s Final Showdown

Eric: So, I think instead of going exactly scene by scene, because there’s a lot that happens at Hogwarts, we should talk about more – and also for time saving, we should spoil sort of specifics, just specifics of what comes to mind about Voldemort and – what did you think about Voldemort in this film?

Andrew: You know what? I brought this up – he – I brought this up to you the other day. I realized that he does have a huge presence in this movie and you’re kind of not used to it. But of course, it fits so well, and by that I mean – in other films you only see him a couple of times, where in this one he’s in a good probably hour or more of it. And it’s great to see him in action and Ralph Fiennes does an amazing job. There are a couple of scenes that bothered me, and there’s this one that – and this is another big change and this is kind of jumping ahead. It is when Harry – at one point, Harry and Voldemort run into each other. And Harry pulls him off a ledge, a cliff, and they start basically flying around in the air, and at one point their faces merge. And the special effects weren’t complete on that yet, but that’s definitely what was going on. And it was just weird and it was kind of hard to follow, at least the first time watching it, maybe just because the special effects weren’t complete. But I was really taken aback by it because they spend a lot of time being really close to each other, and I was just thinking, like – first of all, it’s gross that Voldemort is so close to Harry, it was just grossing me out.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And also, if they were ever really that close to each other, one of them would have killed the other!

Eric: Well, no, they’re in a headlock! A headlock – a battle of wills, at that point.

Andrew: It just doesn’t make sense for these two huge enemies to be this close to each other and not…

Eric: I think that’s what’s special about it. I think because they have such a – they’re such opposites that for – and they’ve hunted each other for eight years or whatever, and I think Voldemort has spent the last couple of hours in the film being more and more weak, more and more vulnerable, that really when it comes time to duel Harry, it’s a fist fight is what it is, it’s more so than even magic. It’s – Harry grabs Voldemort and says, “Let’s finish this like we started it – together,” pulls him off the cliff, and obviously Voldemort wants to not die so he starts flying, and Harry’s grabbing onto him, and they’re both just wrestling in the air. It’s awesome! And it’s a great way to show Hogwarts from above, but that’s just my opinion. And I think – but when their faces merge, as you said – and it was completely not a finished effect, but you could tell that that’s the idea that’s going to be in the film. I thought that was fascinating because it reminded me of Movie 5, when Dumbledore and Voldemort are fighting at the very end in the Ministry. Voldemort disappears and is all of a sudden actually no longer a physical presence but begins to possess Harry. And it’s the idea that Voldemort is such a powerful dark wizard that he can just leave his body or no longer be rooted to the physical plane where he can begin to possess Harry. Or that they’re fighting so closely that they’re like one, almost, that it’s like this intrinsic battle of good and evil. I just thought that the imagery, everything – I liked everything about that.

Andrew: I’m going to reserve more judgement…

Eric: But I can see where it’s…

Andrew: Yeah, because it is such a departure from the books, and I just don’t like how they are so close to each other for that long period of time. It’s just – it doesn’t feel right. But I’ll reserve final judgment until the special effects are complete because a lot of that wasn’t.

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – Voldemort

Eric: But did you think that Voldemort – as a separate topic, did you think that Voldemort in this film was a compelling villain?

Andrew: Yes. Yeah, I would say so. Why not?

Eric: Okay – no, I’m just wondering…

Andrew: I mean…

Eric: …because the problem is we’ve…

Andrew: Well, what do you mean? [laughs]

Eric: Okay, so we’ve seen so little of him in previous films, we said this. Maybe – I mean, he’s like the villain of the series, the main villain. He’s on all the promotional posters, “You will lose everything,” but he’s only in five minutes of the film towards the end and always thwarted. This is the first movie where we see him, how he thinks, how he commands his armies. The victory speech when he believes that Harry is dead is such insight into Ralph Fiennes playing Voldemort that it’s amazing. But I think the problem is with this film you have to believe that there’s a chance – just like in the book, you have to believe there’s a chance that Harry could lose. And so, does the film make you think that?

Andrew: No. [laughs]

Eric: Okay, okay.

Andrew: I mean, I guess I don’t know how – I really don’t know how anyone could watch this and think that Harry would lose.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: You know what I mean?

Eric: But I guess – okay, so what I should ask then is, is Voldemort at least interesting to watch?

Andrew: Yeah. Yes.

Eric: Because you see so much more of him…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …and I think, you know, you love to hate him, almost.

Andrew: Yeah, and Ralph Fiennes does a good job in portraying the role, but like I mentioned before, you would assume that if Ralph – or that if Voldemort was getting this close to Harry, he was going to kill him. He wasn’t going to roll down a hill and put each other in a headlock. Again, that didn’t make sense.

Eric: [laughs] Well, a lot of it is chasing. They are throwing spells at each other the whole time when they chase through Hogwarts. But yeah, I think Voldemort in the books, maybe in a different way in Book 7, was beginning to lose his way, was beginning to kind of – not panic, but he made a lot of silly decisions, I think, at the end with how to handle everything. And I think in the film it’s a lot more cat-and-mouse chasing, just chasing across – I guess it makes for more of a spectacle and maybe that’s why I shouldn’t like it. But…

Andrew: It probably is spectacle, yeah.

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – The Prince’s Tale

Eric: Yeah, but I think, definitely, I understand what you’re saying. Changing the topic a little bit, what about Snape?

Andrew: Snape was great.

Eric: Yeah, okay.

Andrew: Particularly “The Prince’s Tale.” Now admittedly, I had to run to the bathroom a couple of minutes into “The Prince’s Tale,” and I did it at that point because – I know I’m analyzing my bathroom run, it’s kind of weird.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But I did it then because I didn’t want to miss the end, of course, I didn’t want to miss Harry, and so I thought, “Well, if I’m going to miss something, I’ll miss ‘The Prince’s Tale.'” But actually, I went to the bathroom and I came back, and “The Prince’s Tale” scene [laughs] was still going on.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And so what you can take away from that is it’s a good few minutes…

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: and it’s a lot of scenes.

Eric: Unlike “Snape’s Worst Memory” in Order of the Phoenix, which we were so happy they cast – Warner Bros. revealed the casting of young James Potter, young Sirius Black, young Peter Pettigrew, young Remus Lupin, young Lily Potter, for all of the thirty seconds of, like, half – a light shining on the tree, on the Marauders laughing, that we saw in the finished product of the film. This is much different, this is – and not only for the large part because a lot has to happen, but it’s also a lot of adult acting as well. Michael Gambon as Dumbledore and Snape discussing Harry being a Horcrux or discussing Snape’s love for Lily and trying to get…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …Voldemort to protect Lily. All of that is in this tale and it is, as you say, a good length. I think that’s probably the best example of how long it is, [laughs] to be honest.

Andrew: And my favorite scenes in the tale were Snape – seeing Snape vulnerable. And by that, I mean particularly the scenes with Dumbledore when Snape – you see him looking so desperate and upset over the situation with Harry and Lily, and it really brings out this side of this character which you have never seen before.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. And I think it’s this – [laughs] I told this to Micah, but what you missed was actually – there’s a line in there where Snape – just like in the book, he says to Dumbledore straight out, “You’re raising him like a pig for slaughter.”

Andrew: What?

Eric: [laughs] And I just thought to myself, “Yes!”

Andrew: No way!

Eric: He says that to him!

Andrew: He’s a pig for slaughter?

Eric: He says “pig for slaughter”. If they cut it from the final film, I’m going to be so upset because I’m fairly certain…

Andrew: We did a whole episode on…

Eric: Yeah!

Andrew: …”pig for slaughter”!

Eric: On “pig for slaughter”, as a term about Dumbledore treating Harry and nobody is going to believe me if it’s not in the final film, but I swear – and I think I remember it being in the book, but particularly in the film, Alan Rickman asks Michael Gambon, “You’re raising him like a pig for slaughter,” and I just thought to myself, “Yes!” It was amazing because we did that on MuggleCast, but that was a personal triumph.

Andrew: Yeah, that was one of our best episodes. By the way, that was Episode 116, I just looked it up real quick.

Eric: 116. Yeah, and it was kind of a couple of months after Book 7 and we were trying to figure out how to analyze it, and I think it was right after the revelation that Dumbledore was gay. Or maybe – no, that was 117.

Andrew: It was around that time.

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – King’s Cross

Eric: Right before.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So, it was right before that revelation and we really analyzed Dumbledore’s motivations, so it was a really good episode. But Snape – Dumbledore – what about Dumbledore in this film?

Andrew: Yeah, again, I thought – well, I mean, it was really good to see him. I don’t think you see him at all in Part 1, maybe a flashback. You see him in Part 2. You see a lot of him in Part 2. Particularly, I enjoyed “King’s Cross”.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: A very bright scene, just Harry and Dumbledore and the shriveled-up Voldemort baby thing under the bench. It looked great. Harry was not naked like he is in the book.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And that was to Eric’s disappointment, but I said, “Eric, it’s okay, you can go watch some Equus videos on YouTube if you want to see Dan -” I’m just kidding. It was a good scene! And the other time you see Dumbledore is “The Prince’s Tale”, like we mentioned before.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So, were you pleased with Michael Gambon in this film?

Eric: I was, I really, really was, and I think a lot of it has to do with the balance that Dan and Michael have found in sort of portraying these characters, particularly in “King’s Cross” where Harry keeps asking Dumbledore questions. It gives Dumbledore – it’s kind of humorous, but it also gives Gambon something to be – he is able to be wise and answer the questions, and I think the way the scene is written is meant to be very – it suits Michael Gambon’s strong points as Dumbledore, where he can be both kind of guiding but also very – I want to say supportive, maybe. I don’t quite know what I’m getting at except I will answer your question by saying…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …that “King’s Cross” is probably one of the, if not the stand out scene for me in the film, and not the least because of that baby thing which is breathing in and out the whole time the scene is going on.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: You can hear this raspy breathing, and it’s ominous and really kind of deranged. And the other thing about “King’s Cross” is that it’s this afterlife sequence, and for viewers of the film who have seen seven films and now most of the eighth film of Harry Potter being set in the real world – the films made the wizarding world a real deal, a real thing. And now, for us to see this brightly lit “King’s Cross” afterlife like it was in the book, where you have to realize that it’s really happening to whatever extent it’s in Harry’s head, to see it on film was even more special, I think…

Andrew: It was.

Eric: …because it’s kind of like any – not science-fiction film, but any film where we’re meant to believe the fantastical. We were meant to believe that all over again because now we’re talking about heaven or purgatory or something else like that, it was just really interesting to see. It’s one thing to see the ghosts in the forest in the “Resurrection Stone” scene, because we’re used to seeing ghosts in Harry’s world. But to see Harry in the ghost world as a flip side of that was really unique and I really liked that about “King’s Cross”.

Andrew: And comparing it to the book again, those very great lines in the book are there in the film. The one in particular that stood out to me was Harry saying, “Is this all in my head?” or “Is this real?” and Dumbledore says…

Eric: “Of course it’s happening,” yeah…

Andrew: “Of course it’s in your head…”

Eric: “Why on earth should that mean that it’s not real?”

Andrew: “Not real,” yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Test Screening – Battle of Hogwarts

Andrew: So, that was in there and I think that’s the last piece of dialogue that happens. And yeah, so that was good. Now, one important scene, I think, that we haven’t touched on is Harry and Voldemort’s actual final duel, and like we have seen in the Part 1 and 2 trailer that was released a long time ago at this point, they’re not dueling in the Great Hall.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: And that was kind of a worry of some people, I know we voiced some concern because that’s the scene of the entire series, Harry finally defeating Voldemort, and I have to say, I don’t think it was bad. I think it was really good. The students are not around, they do come in after – or actually, do they come in? No, I don’t think people come in at all.

Eric: No, we thought they’d come up late, yeah, but they don’t and I think the reason for that, too – I mean, a lot of students have died, too, at this point, where we’ve basically seen Hogwarts students having to carry dead bodies of other Hogwarts students around. And also, the Great Hall becomes a refuge for that. We’ve already – they basically used the Great Hall to stack the bodies of people, so to have that and then the final battle, final, final confrontation in there, would have been a little crowded. I mean, the Great Hall…

Andrew: That’s true.

Eric: …perhaps in the film is not as big as it is in the books, but I think because the Great Hall is kind of like the medi-ward of this film, of this battle, that is the reason for the change. But that said, Bellatrix and Molly do confront each other in the Great Hall.

Andrew: Yes. And that scene – I liked it, it’s not like the sound clips [laughs] that we play from the audiobooks on the show.

Eric: [laughs] It’s not all caps. It is more…

Andrew: It is different. Mrs. Weasley, I would say, is more firm.

Eric: Yeah, more firm about it than crazy. But it does happen, and Bellatrix is given an end. But – so that does happen. Now Voldemort and Harry’s final moments – now, he does call him Tom, but it’s earlier on when he’s sort of face-to-face with him, as Andrew said, kind of up close, physically close to him without killing him. They’re very – I wish I could find better words for that, but they’re very interesting adversaries to see them just dealing with one another. But he does call him Tom at one point, not sort of at the end, but it is revealed – the ownership, the Elder Wand, and things like that are all revealed. And I think it plays more or less like it does in the book but obviously in the new location because by this point they have gone all throughout Hogwarts. I mean, Hogwarts is wrecked.

Andrew: And like you mentioned earlier, you do see a ton of Hogwarts, which is really cool, several sweeping wide shots of the castle. Unfortunately, many of the special effects were not complete…

Eric: But things like stairwells. Like, a lot of battles – like, even the scenes with the snake that occur on the stairwells is very interesting. And Harry even at one point goes up to the Divination Tower when Luna is chasing him and they both see this shield being brought around Hogwarts. Let’s talk about that, the shield, actually, because that’s not in the book…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …and…

Andrew: Well, I mean, they put a shield over the castle, don’t they?

Eric: Probably?

Andrew: I think they…

Eric: Maybe?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: It’s a magical shield, but it’s never meant to be literal, to be seen, I don’t think.

Andrew: Yeah, of course. So, they did it in the movie, of course, you do see it. And it’s cool how it’s set up. A few of the teachers go outside and start casting the shield charm and basically it’s this mini montage of the three or four teachers out there all reciting the same spell, and I think that added a little epic-ness to it because you see them kind of uniting and building this…

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: …giant, important forcefield.

Eric: Yeah, what I really liked was the buildup of that shield and also the fortifying of Hogwarts, McGonagall and the two giant statues, but also Voldemort trying to take down the shield, where he’s lost yet another Horcrux, I forget which one, it might be the cup or the tiara, and he’s really angry now and he says, “I have to get -” he basically knows he has to break the shield. He puts all his effort into using his Elder Wand, the Elder Wand practically cracks and breaks, not to spoil anything, but – because he is single-handedly destroying the shield and it’s just – he’s such a powerful, dark wizard that he’s able to begin the deconstruction of the shield, more so than any of his followers were. But he’s so compelling, I think, in his – his mortality is a huge theme of the film, obviously, but I think it’s done really well.

Andrew: Yeah. What else? I mean, I think we’ve covered many of the big things.

Eric: Yeah, all the big things. I think there’ll be specifics out there that people will write in and want to know, and I think we’ll handle those on a case-by-case – maybe not on the show even.

Andrew Yeah.

Eric: But…

Andrew: Of course our actual film review show, we’re going to have a lot to say.

Eric: Oh yeah!

Andrew: I do have to say right now, one of the more emotional scenes, we talked about Eric kind of sniffling a little bit…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …was when – after “The Prince’s Tale”, when Harry realizes what must be done.

Eric: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: And they give time for that, you see Harry sort of walk in a trance and he sits down on the steps in Dumbledore’s office, and he comes to the realization of what he has to do. And it was really well done because there is that time, he has that time to sit there and think about it. You don’t hear anything, you just see him thinking.

Eric: About having to sacrifice himself, about having to die. And…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …when he says goodbye to Ron and Hermione, and it’s finally goodbye, it felt real and it felt like the book. It felt like it did in the book where these characters – actually, that is where it was easiest to cry, I think, because what I thought of immediately when they’re – it takes place on the steps, when Harry actually says goodbye to Ron and Hermione. And because the steps were in such disarray, there were all these shattered bricks and broken brick fragments of the steps, and the halls of Hogwarts there, I was reminded immediately of the chessboard and that scene in Movie 1. Not just Book 1, but Movie 1 in particular where they’re so young and Ron has just been injured, and Hermione urges Harry to go forward and…

Andrew: Oh yeah, that’s a great point.

Eric: …where she says, “Books and cleverness,” and there’s that tender moment between Harry and Hermione. I was immediately brought back to that in this scene for Movie 7 and I think that that was what made me really start to tear up, was seeing how much older they are now.

Announcement: LeakyCon 2011

Andrew: Okay. Well, I think that’s about it for now. Like I said, we’re going to have more to talk about in the future and this is a good time to plug LeakyCon because…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …of course, we’re going to be doing our big movie review episode there. And so if you’d like to be a part of that, you can go to, and there you’ll find information about the fan conference that’s going to be held from July 13th to the 17th in Orlando, Florida. We’re going to be doing a couple of podcasts there, and if you register for the conference you’ll be able to attend them. And we’ll be doing our movie review episode like I said and of course, we’ll be taking questions and comments from the audience. I’m sure everybody is going to have a lot to say about it. And I’m looking at the countdown now, and there’s 99 days left [laughs] until the start of LeakyCon.

Eric: To LeakyCon, look at that!

Andrew: So, that means, like, 101 days until the film is released, which is crazy to think.

Eric: Totally.

Andrew: We’re going to have to make a news post on MuggleNet tomorrow, “100 days until it ends!”

Eric: Until it ends. It all ends in 100 days. That’s what we’ll have to do.

Andrew: Yep. Yeah, definitely. And if you do register, just use referral code “Muggle” and that way we’ll know that you’re coming. And we can’t wait to see everybody, it’s going to be a great time, and more details coming up in the future.

Eric: Cool! Let’s take…

Andrew: You want to just wrap it?

Eric: No, let’s take some Muggle Mail. That way we can do it…

Andrew: Okay, sure.

Eric: We can do it in, like, ten minutes…

Andrew: All right.

Eric: …and then we’ll be done.

Muggle Mail: Daniel Radcliffe’s Acting

Andrew: Let’s do some Muggle Mail. Go ahead, Eric, take this first one.

Eric: Our first one is from Amber T. from Alameda, California. Subject is “Dan’s Acting.”

“Hi MuggleCasters, this e-mail is a bit out of the blue, however I had an epiphany moment and I thought I’d share. There’s always been the discussion about Dan Radcliffe’s acting in the film series, maybe that it is a little woody or the emotion is at times forced. Personally, I think Dan the person is an inspiring young man, very wise and good-humored for his age. However, I have always agreed that, of all the young actors in the film, it was Harry’s character that felt the worst acted. But I had a realization recently: Dan was so funny on Extras, he is amazing in How to Succeed in Business, and he’s so charismatic and witty in interviews. Why do I love him so much as everything but Harry Potter? I’m going to be controversial and blame the writers. Harry’s character is so linguistically predictable in every film, he hasn’t had a defined character arch in the series, and they passed by lots of chances to give him things to do and instead gave him nothing to do but stare in a fireplace or look out a window. Sure, book Harry may have done stuff like that, but this is a film and the audience should feel more connected to the main character than they do at this point in the series. Think about it, guys. Do you really feel for Harry in the film like you did for Harry in the book? I don’t, but I don’t blame Dan. The writers of the film series made us a wooden hero. Just venting, lots of love and pickles.”

Andrew: I think she actually brings up a very fair argument there. And I also think you may have a changed – well, you may not have that opinion when you watch Part 2 and I think back again to that scene after “The Prince’s Tale” where you really get a few moments with Harry, and see his realization and reaction. And also when he’s talking to his parents and Sirius in the forest…

Eric: Mmm.

Andrew: …right before approaching Voldemort.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: There’s some time there that you really get to see his character.

Eric: Yeah. I think, too, that – in contrast with previous films comes as a direct result of them saying, “We need to make this film in two parts,” where they’re going to have all this extra time to do things like show Harry maturing, which is kind of – in previous films, I kind of agree with her that it’s his age and his maturity, is all kind of implied to be happening sort of behind the scenes because all we see is him react to all these extraneous forces that are happening to him. But this time, he’s really got to come to the realization that he has to die and for that to mean anything, you’ve actually got to spend some time watching him behave and be the character of Harry. So, I think it’s probably very plausible what she wrote in about, but in Movie 2 I think it will be Dan’s best performance as Harry.

Muggle Mail: Prophecies and Horcruxes

Andrew: Next e-mail’s from Mariam, 19, of Toronto. She writes:

“Hey guys, I love, love, love the show! I just wanted to suggest/correct a few things. Not to sound like a know-it-all, but it was mentioned that if Dumbledore had given Lord Voldemort the Defense against the Dark Arts, he – Dumbledore – would meet his downfall much sooner due to the prophecy. When Lord Voldemort seeks the position the prophecy had not yet been made. I don’t think Harry was even born. Also mentioned was why Lord Voldemort hadn’t gone seeking the Horcruxes to resurrect himself. In the series it was mentioned that to reattach one self’s soul via Horcruxes you have to feel remorse for the death committed to first create the Horcrux, and the remorse felt would probably be the death of you. That being said, going after the Horcruxes wouldn’t be an ideal way for Lord Voldemort to resurrect himself. Thanks for being so awesome! Mariam.”

So, thank you, Mariam, for those corrections.

Eric: I mean, I think what Mariam said about – well, who – which one of said that Lord Voldemort would…

Andrew: I guess Micah, because I didn’t say it.

Muggle Mail: Resurrection Scene

Eric: Interesting. Okay. But yeah, and I think the Horcruxes – the interesting thing about the Horcruxes is that the diary, for example, was kind of a reincarnation of Voldemort or it wasn’t the Voldemort we know being revived, but it was very – it came very close to being a full-fledged, even worse teenage Voldemort, I guess, when he was sapping Ginny’s power. So, it was interesting that the Horcruxes can kind of act independently and be – each be sort of as threatening of Voldemort as the real deal who once inhabited the body. So, that’s what I thought when reading this e-mail. But the next one comes from Leah, 22, from Malibu, California. She says:

“Hi MuggleCast, I’m a long-time listener and wanted to reply to Micah’s question from Episode 223’s Chapter-by-Chapter segment. Micah asked if there was any religious symbolism/parallels in the graveyard scene. Yes, there absolutely were. The graveyard scene evokes twisted eucharistic imagery. In the Christian paradigm, Jesus willingly gave flesh and blood – symbolized by bread and wine in the Christian communion ritual – in a self-sacrificial act. Voldemort, as an idolatrous – in that he’s self-obsessed – anti-Christ figure, is resurrected by a backwards ritual, blood and flesh taken, not given.”

That’s very interesting. She says:

“I also had a thought about your question as to Wormtail’s ability, as a weak character, to cast the ‘Avada Kedavra’ spell. I was reminded of the look of revulsion on Snape’s face when he AK’d Dumbledore, and perhaps, most likely, that revulsion was self-directed. Snape ‘meant it’ when he killed Dumbledore because his hatred was genuine, Snape hates himself. I don’t think I’m far off the mark by guessing that Wormtail also experiences this self-revulsion when he kills Cedric. Here, Wormtail is virtually Voldemort’s slave, constantly demeaned, and only sticking around because he is too afraid to do otherwise. It’s likely that Snape and Wormtail were able to project their self-hatred onto Dumbledore and Cedric, and therefore summon enough meaning to administer the Killing Curse. Thanks, love the show! Best wishes, Leah.”

What do you think about that? Obviously, you guys did talk about that on the last show.

Andrew: God, I don’t know. She’s right. [unintelligible]

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, there were some interesting parallels there, I’m trying to remember if I brought this up. But yeah, I particularly like the point about the look of the revulsion on Snape’s face…

Eric: Yeah, I think…

Andrew: …when he AK’d Dumbledore.

Eric: I think, though, when it comes to Snape, my thoughts are that he is genuinely angry at Dumbledore. He almost doesn’t need to be angry or disgusted with himself. He is angry that Dumbledore is making him kill him.

Muggle Mail: Spells with Intent

Andrew: And the final e-mail today comes from John Spencer, 19, of Atlanta, Georgia:

“Hey guys, I was just listening to Episode 223 when you were talking about the ‘Obliviate’ spell, and how it seemed some memory modifications could be reversed and some couldn’t. Micah mentioned that these differences could be because of the caster’s intent, but I think it’s deeper than that. There are plenty of discrepancies when it comes to spell casting in the HP series: Patronuses can be conjured to send messages as well as fight Dementors, though I doubt their incantation is any different. We have seen characters use the Disarming Charm to both make a weapon fly from their hands and to hurl them across a room. I think spells are very flexible, wizards can manipulate them within certain parameters. My guess for memory modification is that (1) it may be easier for the witch or wizard who did the spell to undo it, and (2) the spell could have been applied to varying strengths and after a certain point, it becomes dangerous to remove it without damaging the person whose memory has been modified.”

I like that second point, in particular, so maybe the longer you are doing it, the worst it gets.

Eric: Mhm. I think it’s more to do – personally, I feel like it’s more about what you’re covering up. If you’re covering up something like a murder, it’s going to be – it’s going to take a stronger spell to make that person…

Andrew: Now, why is that? Isn’t that you just judging that a murder is worst than any other memory?

Eric: Well, to be perfectly honest, a murder is what splits the soul and creates Horcruxes. I mean…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …there is canonical…

Andrew: But Voldemort doesn’t have a problem with it.

Eric: …references. No, but he’s splitting his soul every time he does it. I think the difference is – well, Gilderoy Lockhart, for instance, said – a quote from him is that he’s particularly good at Memory Charms. I think there is a certain skill, a learned skill that will allow you to cast them and make them kind of last for longer. I think it has to do with – weaker witches or wizards aren’t able to do Memory Charms that are covering up something really bad, or last forever. And I think that that’s really important. Also, Bathilda – no, I’m sorry. Baggins? No, not Baggins. Bagshot? No, who is the witch who goes missing in Book 4 from the Ministry?

Andrew: Not Bathilda.

Eric: Jorkins. Jorkins.

Andrew: Yes, Bertha Jorkins.

Eric: Bertha Jorkins. [laughs] Baggins. Bertha Jorkins – Voldemort is the one who broke her Memory Charm – or was it Wormtail? And he did that through torture, the idea that you can Crucio somebody or cause somebody enough pain that they un-forget what they have forgotten is horrifying, but I think that’s what that kind of thing takes in order to un-Obliviate somebody, you need to cause that person pain, and again, stronger wizards alone can cause the most sort of pain that’s going to be the most effective. So, I don’t know, that’s how I feel about that.

Andrew: All right. Well, I think John brings up some good points and so do you. That would be another one of those questions that needs to be asked to Jo to hear what she thinks.

Eric: But she won’t be answering us as pen and paper are her priority at the moment.

Andrew: Maybe on an encyclopedia to explain such a thing.

Eric: Oh, look at that! Maybe.

Show Close

Andrew: Well, before we say goodbye to everybody, don’t forget about our website, it has all the information you need about each and every episode that we do here for you. And there on the site, you’ll find several important links. There’s a “Twitter” button so you can follow us, There’s a “Like Us on Facebook” button, And we recently added to our site – it’s actually been around for a good amount of time – a fan Tumblr, If you use Tumblr, you can follow this fan Tumblr and – I say fan Tumblr because it’s run by two great fans, Allie and Angel. And get some fun MuggleCast updates that way as well.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: They put quotes, pictures…

Eric: Quotes, latest episodes, pictures of us, retro pictures of us that are pretty cool. It’s kind of a good – it’s always like a flashback and a flash-current, so it’s kind of cool.

Andrew: [laughs] Flashback, flash-current.

Eric: Flash-current, flash-sideways, what are you going to say? I don’t know what the right…

Andrew: All right. Well…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Good enough. And also on, click on “Contact” at the top, you can e-mail us and maybe your e-mail will be read on the show. If it’s not read on the show, it will definitely be read by one of us as we sort through the mailbag…

[Show music begins]

Andrew: …as we pick out e-mails to read on the air. So…

Eric: Micah will be back with us on the next MuggleCast.

Andrew: Yes, which will be sooner than your normally-scheduled MuggleCast because we have lots still more to talk about.

Eric: News, news, news.

Andrew: Yeah. Thanks everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: And I’m Eric Scull.

Andrew: And we’ll see you next time for Episode two-two-fi-fi-fi-fi-five!

Eric: Beep, beep.

Andrew: Buh-buh-buh-buh-bye!

[Show music continues]