Transcript #27

MuggleCast EP27 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 27 for February 12th, 2006. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all plans start at just $3.95 per month. No matter what plan you choose your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. I use them for my personal website,, and I know that GoDaddy has some of the best, affordable hosting plans online. I recommend you use them for your upcoming website or podcast because as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you check out, and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another edition of MuggleCast! I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Dylan: And I’m Dylan Spartz.

Andrew: And this is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussions, trivia, whatever you want. And now with 100% more Dylan Spartz.

Ben: Yay!

Laura: Yay!

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Hooray!

Ben: And I’d just like to take a moment to congratulate U2 on their five Grammys. Okay, Harry Potter. Let’s go.

Andrew: Oh me too.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: Welcome Dylan, to the show. We had you on a few weeks ago – by weeks, I mean months.

Ben: Yeah.

[Ben, Eric, and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: And we had to cut you out because there were audio problems.

Dylan: Right, that’s what you say.

Andrew: [laughs] None this week.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: You sounded like a chipmunk. I didn’t want people getting the wrong impression.

Dylan: Right.

Andrew: I’m not even joking, man. [laughs] Before we go anywhere else, first let’s check in with Micah for the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

CBBC Newsround reported Friday that after their absence from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the Dursleys will return in Order of the Phoenix. They also announced some of the other actors cast for the fifth Harry Potter film.

Sian Thomas will play Amelia Bones the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Office. She’s appeared in several productions for the Royal Shakespeare Company, as well as roles in television and film.

Lending more credibility to the rumor that the Dementor Attack will appear in Order of the Phoenix, Jason Boyd has been cast as Pier Polkiss and Richard Macklin will play Malcolm, two of Dudley’s friends.

Young Peter Pettigrew will be played by Charles Hughes and Young Lily Potter will be played by Susie Shinner.

Finally, Richard Leaf will play Ministry Auror Dawlish and Nick Shim has been cast as Zacharias Smith.

Warner Bros. said earlier this week that both Gary Oldman and David Thewlis are still under negotiations to appear in Order of the Phoenix.

Filming began for the fifth film on Monday.

Moving from Order of the Phoenix to Goblet of Fire, Warner Bros. has released a commercial for the upcoming Goblet of Fire DVD! You can check it out as well as a review of the new DVD over on

The Harry Potter series has been nominated for a Kids’ Choice Award in the category of Favorite Book while Goblet of Fire is up for consideration in the Favorite Movie category. You can vote on the Nickelodeon’s website starting March 6th. The Awards will be presented on Saturday, April 1st at 8 PM.

And don’t forget voting for the 2006 AOL Moviefone Moviegoer Awards is still open. Nominations are in the areas of Movie of the Year (Goblet of Fire), Actor of the Year (Dan Radcliffe), Actress of the Year (Emma Watson), Best Scene-Stealer (Brendan Gleeson), and Vilest Villain (Ralph Fiennes).

Finally, you’ve asked about if for months, now the video from our LIVE New York City podcast is available over on’s Episode Page.

That’s all the news for this February 12th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: Okay. Well thanks, Micah Tan.


Andrew: Let’s go to some announcements before we do anything else this week. One e-mail that we have been getting a lot of is where did all of the older episodes go on the feed?

Ben: The reason we don’t have any more than ten episodes on the feed is because it gets sort of crowded and it is not necessary. So, if you want to have episodes before that, go to, click on “Episodes.”

Andrew: That’s what I just said.

Ben: I don’t know why it was so hard for him to say that. [laughs]

Andrew: Because I have ADD. What’s the… What’s the… You trying to insult me or something?

Eric: But so guys, guys, won’t that mess up the way people play MuggleCast on their iPods? Because it won’t show up under podcasts, it’ll show up under…

Andrew: Well, some people were saying that, but is that true?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: When it goes out of our feed it deletes it from their podcast directory?

Ben: No, it doesn’t. It shouldn’t.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think so.

Eric: What it does is, it shows up as “Songs.” Except the problem is the earlier episodes don’t have the same artists. They’re under like Andrew Sims, Ben Schoen, you know?. Now, it’s just as The MuggleCasters. So, it’s almost impossible…

Andrew: But, if you go to “Podcasts,” if you go to “Podcasts” on your iPod…

Eric: Yeah?

Andrew: All the ones that aren’t on our feed anymore aren’t there? I don’t think that is true.

Eric: I think…

Andrew: I’m not able to test it because of my settings.

Eric: All I am saying is if you direct download it, there’s no way to get it on the podcast part of the thing.

Andrew: Oh, right! [coughs] Right. Well…

Eric: It just shows up as a random episode.

Andrew: Yeah, well…

Eric: Or random song.

Andrew: [laughs] …what are you going to do?

Eric: There’s no way to fix it.

Ben: So, yeah. Buy an iPod.

Andrew: That’s the problem. [laughs] People, people…it’s going to show up in a different place on their iPod, that’s what he is saying.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But it’s not an issue if you have already downloaded all of them through the feed.

Eric: Well, right, but it actually…

Andrew: New people, yes.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay. [laughs]

Ben: Now this is, this is the borefest with Andrew and Eric.

Andrew: I know. [laughs] This is “This Week in MuggleCast Tech.”

Ben: Yeah.


Andrew: All right. And now the update on the Andrew’s Listener Challenge that is sweeping the nation are my contests, my segment contest – “Create Your own MuggleCast Segment” – that will then be aired on our show, and you’ll also win a fabulous MuggleCast T-shirt for you and everyone who participated. I’d like to remind everyone that you must send your final entries to challenge at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And send any questions to me at andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com. This is the final week for the contest because it closes on the 18th.

Ben: Yeah!

Andrew: When we release our next show – it is closed! So get them in this week.


Andrew: So Ben, we have to remind everyone that we are now selling MuggleCast T-shirts.

Ben: That’s right! Get yours today! Visit and there’s a link that says “Store” where you can buy a T-shirt comes in two designs and a variety of sizes. They cost is around $15.00. And for every shirt you buy, it supports the site and it supports MuggleCast in itself.

Andrew: And they come in two great designs, a little – what do we want to call it, Ben?

Ben: Ehhh…

Andrew: [whispers] Not iPod. Shhh.

Ben: Generic headset that are coincidentally white style.

Andrew: Mhm. And have different color backgrounds. You guys will love them. They look great. I mean Ben and I both have them. We wear them proudly.

Ben: Exactly.

Andrew: And we get noticed for once. [fakes crying]

Ben: Oh, yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: And then also the second design is a Micbolt, which is a microphone and lightening bolt skewed into one. It’s really cool. It’s a great design for our show – it fits perfectly.

Ben: But not only that, Andrew. We need to remind them that – it is actually a T-shirt I am wearing at this moment – you can buy MuggleNet T-shirts at, the Harry Potter website this podcast is for. And those T-shirts go towards supporting the podcast and go towards supporting the site. So…

Andrew: We appreciate your purchase very much.

Ben: So, go… Any business, we love it.

Andrew: Mhm.

Ben: So, thank you.

Andrew: And go buy one today.

Ben: Right now.

Andrew: All right. So, thanks everyone!


Andrew: And we have two corrections from last week’s show. For one, we mentioned that we asked, “Well, what the hell does Wormtail do with his silver hand?” and Margaret from New Orleans and a few other people pointed out to us that when Wormtail receives it, he crushes a stick to dust with his new shiny hand, which means that it is very powerful. So, we really did know what it was for.

Ben: Yeah.

Dylan: Because he is cool like that.

Andrew: We didn’t, we didn’t look into that fully, So, sorry about that. And…

Eric: Andrew, I’ll handle the second one.

Andrew: Oh, oh, okay. Go ahead.

Eric: All right. I can handle the second one. The second correction to last week…

Andrew: In an hour or less.

Eric: Okay. No, absolutely. [laughs] A few people sent in concerns saying last we discussed whether or not Peter Pettigrew could reveal himself fully to the public. And I had speculated in the episode with everybody else that he could not indeed show his face because that would mean that Sirius was innocent, and there would be this big revolution and everything. However, people sent in copies or segments of the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince during “The Other Minister” where Fudge is admitting to the Muggle Minister that Sirius was innocent. Now, what I wanted to say was that I had this in mind while thinking about it, and I truly don’t believe that the wizarding public has been informed that Sirius is innocent. I just think that was Fudge giving into explaining… At that moment he was explaining everthing to the Muggle Minister, and even though Fudge admits to the Minister that he was, you know, that Sirius was innocent, that he was wrong and…

Laura: Yeah, I agree. I think if Sirius’ name had been cleared that Jo would have mentioned it, definitely.

Eric: I don’t think that Fudge is the kind of Minister, the kind of politician who would admit things to the public. So, even though he may have thought, even though he may have admitted to the Minister, I still don’t think the public knows.

Andrew: And was there really any reason for the Prime Minister to tell the public because he would have been the one who told the public, right?

Eric: There wasn’t. It was just a matter of the Minister at that time was running through with Fudge all that stuff he had told him in the past, and Fudge had to correct himself because, “Oh gee, that was very unfortunate that we were wrong.” But, I swear, I really don’t think he told the public.

Micah: Not to mention Fudge would have been in a whole lot of trouble for getting the wrong guy.

Eric: Yeah. And he would have been ousted out before they deemed him incompetent. They would have kicked him out long before that.

Andrew: So take that and rewind it back! [laughs]

Eric: Yeah! That’s right! Take that, fans! Okay.

Andrew: No, I’m just kidding. We appreciated when fans point out when we make mistakes.

Eric: We really do, but I had that in mind.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Because we’re not perfect. It’s hard to get every detail nailed down into our heads and sometimes we are going to screw up. So…

Ben: You, especially.

Andrew: Rarely. Rarely. Very rarely.

Eric: We do appreciate when you keep us in check.

Laura: Also… I did get several emails concerning the fact that people thought that we were saying that Dumbledore knew that Pettigrew was the Secret-Keeper and I just wanted to clear up that I don’t think that was the point we were getting at. I think we were getting at the point that Dumbledore thought one of the Potter’s friends was a traitor, not anyone specifically. So…

Andrew: Right. Yeah. I saw emails about that too.

Ben: Thank you.

Andrew: People think we’re crazy sometimes.

Eric: Any other corrections from last week?

Andrew: No, that’s it, Eric.

Eric: Cool beans.

Ben: We’re like the New York Times: we have corrections section on our show, man.

Eric: That was a nearly…

Andrew: Yeah, you know…

Eric: …nearly perfect episode. I thought that was very well…

Andrew: Yeah, people really appreciated last week’s show.

Ben: What about it?

Andrew: They liked what, well, for one, you weren’t on. That was a big plus.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Awww…ouch, come on.

Andrew: That was highly rated. Just kidding. Okay…

Ben: Like a knife to my heart.

Ben’s Top 10

Andrew: Okay, now for the main discussion this week, as most of you know unless you’re living under a rock and/or you are extremely anti-social, Tuesday is Valentine’s Day so it would only be right if we discussed a little bit of Valentines. Alright, so, Ben, you haven’t been on the show; you weren’t on last week and you’ve been sort of neglecting the Top Ten List…which is upsetting.

Ben: Yeah, I’m terrible.

Andrew: Yeah, you’ve upset many fans. So, you have one for us this week, right?

Ben: Yeah so, in the whole spirit of Valentine’s Day, I think it’s time that we do Top Ten Harry Potter Relationships.

Andrew: Ooooo.

Ben: Yeah let’s…

Andrew: Fitting for Valentine’s Day…Show Special. [laughs]

Ben: Very fitting. So, when you’re listening to MuggleCast, snuggling up with your loved one…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: It’s time for our Top Ten List. Number ten… some of these are very generic, some of these are very wild, you know, some of these are…

Andrew: Was this created by anyone or was this created by you?

Ben: This is created by me, so…

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: If it sucks, email me. [laughs] Number ten…Harry and Ginny. Number nine…Ron and Hermione. Now, right now, many of you are thinking, “This Top Ten List sucks” but it’s heating up here.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Number eight…Dobby and the Giant Squid.

Andrew and Ben: Oh!

Ben: [Laughs] Number seven…Trelawney and Umbridge.

[Andrew and Ben groan]

Andrew: Oh, Ben! [laughs] Took me a second to catch that one.

Ben: No…number six…Harry and Hagw…Hedwig. [laughs]

Andrew: [Laughs] Harry and Hagrid…Hedwig.

Ben: Hagrid? Harry and Hagrid, that one should have made the list too, what am I thinking?

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Now, number five…Snape and McGonagall. Number four…Draco and Pansy. Number three, this is probably my favorite, Micah and Eric.

Andrew and Ben: [laugh] Oh!

Ben: Just kidding, guys, just kidding. Number two, Emerson and Melissa.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Andrew: [Whispering] Melissa, that was Ben’s idea.

Ben: Memerson for life, yo.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah.

Ben: Number one, perhaps my favorite…Snape and the Nimbus 2000. [laughs]

Andrew: Oooooh! [laughs] Yeah, is that a fan fiction somewhere?

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh, is it really?

Ben: Yeah, there is.

Andrew: Link me to it.

Ben: That’s a link that will not be in the show notes.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Love In The Harry Potter Series

Andrew: So, there hasn’t been much that has happened on Valentine’s Day in the Harry Potter series, strangely, because Harry Potter is such a novel of romance and mystery and…

Ben: And loooove.

Andrew: Loooove. [laughs]

Laura: Oh yeah.

Eric: Yeah, the key to the series is love, everybody.

Andrew: The first thing would be Harry’s first date with Cho Chang in, as we all know, Order of the Phoenix, which was closely followed by Rita’s interview with Harry for The Quibbler. Okay, and on top of those two things, there was in Chamber of Secrets: THE Valentine.

Eric: As we all know, thanks to JK Rowling in Book 6, Harry and Ginny have a thing going on. And, in Chamber of Secrets, four years prior to it, Ginny sent Harry the Valentine with the little cupids that really, really embarrassed him. And it was the singing Valentine and Ginny sent that to him.

Andrew: If I may…

Eric: That was…

Andrew: If I may just interrupt you here for a second, Eric.

Eric: Sure.

Andrew: You said that it embarrassed Harry…I would like to quote the book. “Harry would have given all the gold in Gringotts…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …to evaporate on the spot.” That is how much he was embarrassed.

Eric: [Laughs] Which is interesting, as well, his reaction to it. I think the two most interesting facts are that Ginny was only, what, eleven at this time, and she was, you know…and that’s the perfect, you know, little girl action to…but even that she was displaying magical talent to bewitch, you know, cupids to show up and give him a Valentine.

Laura: That wasn’t what happened, actually. Lockhart commissioned a bunch of the little…

Andrew: To send Valentines…

Laura: …cupids to come in and you could, yeah you could have them send Valentines.

Eric: Oh, wait I mixed them up so, okay then she just…But still, she was acting on her affections for Harry at a very young age and, of course, she told Riddle about it too, because that’s how he knew about Harry.

Andrew: Now maybe one of you can answer this for me, but I don’t know why there’s so much speculation as to why it might have or might not have been Ginny. Because in the book, Draco insulted the Valentine and he sent it towards Ginny…I don’t remember what he said exactly, but it was something along the lines of “looks like Harry didn’t like…”

Laura: Yeah, didn’t like your Valentine.

Andrew: Right, and then Ginny covered her face and ran off. So…

Laura: Which, I felt really sorry for her because that would have sucked.

Andrew: It was an innocent…like…

Eric: Yeah, that was bad.

Andrew: It was an innocent, I don’t even know how to put it…innocent…[in a crying voice] innocent love. I’m crying all over this episode.

Eric: Yeah, and so then, the second thing I wanted to bring up as far as that Valentine event goes is how Harry reacted to it as well. Like you said, Andrew, with your fabulous book quote, that Harry would have given “…all the gold in Gringotts to evaporate on the spot.”

Andrew: Right, that was on page 238, chapter 13, US edition.

Eric: Nice.

Laura: Thanks!

Eric: Nice specs!

Andrew: Yeah, I have it all in my head.

Eric: Nice.

Laura: I’m sure you do.

Eric: That’s pretty much Harry’s typical reaction and I think in Chamber of Secrets, Harry is very characterized as not wanting fame and you know with Lockhart around, always giving him tips on being very famous, it seems Harry is really an impenetrable character. When it comes to showing affection and he just doesn’t want to be classified as arrogant or attention-seeking.

Ben: Let’s talk about ‘shipping. What is ‘shipping? What is ‘shipping?

Laura: ‘Shipping is…

Ben: I’m like Dr. Phil. I’m like the Dr. Phil of ‘shipping.

Laura: Oh my God.

Ben: [Impersonating Dr. Phil] Well, you know what I’m going to say here. I think ‘shipping…it is very, very important to the Harry Potter series.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: ‘Shipping is very important to a lot of people in the Harry Potter series.

Ben: Mhm, and some people take it a little too seriously.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s fueled by the fan fiction. It’s fueled by these crazy fans. It’s fueled by shows like us. It’s fueled by…

Ben: Guys like us.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I think it’s next to the whole plot, the in-depth plot and figuring all of that out. It’s just amazing. [laughing]

Laura: Yeah, I really don’t get it. You look at the books and they really don’t have a very heavy romance line in there but you go to MuggleNet Fan Fiction and romance is the largest category.

Ben: Right, because that what people love writing about things they can compare to, you know? And another thing is, what’s surprising is that Harry and Hermione is the most popular ‘ship. There is no denying that even though it isn’t going to happen it‘s still the most popular one that people like to write about.

Eric: We’re not talking about, I don’t think we should talk about delusional people at all.

Ben: No, we didn’t talk about delusional people.

Laura: We’re not, we’re not.

Eric: Well, you’re bringing that up, I mean. But I liked what Laura said about fan fiction and romance being the largest thing. As far as JKR not mentioning it in the books or it not taking place in that books, I think that’s also what gives them free room to write. And wherever there are characters, there will be relationships formed and I think people just have their own interpretations of what characters should be with who and they let it free roam and other people say “Hey we really like that, so let’s write about it.”

Andrew: You keep referring to people, but it’s…I think we need to be more specific. It’s these teenage girls. Their hormones are raging. Yes, you can…yeah…

Eric: Oh, come on.

Ben: It is.

Andrew: It is!

Laura: It’s true, it’s true.

Andrew: Eric, do you have an argument against this?

Ben: Andrew, I’d be…hold on, Andrew.

Andrew: What?

Ben: I’d be careful of insulting teenage girls.

Andrew: I’m not insulting!

Ben: Because they account for 72 percent of our audience, so…

Andrew: I’m not insulting. I’m just saying it’s the perfect thing for them. It’s…

Laura: The majority? Yeah.

Andrew: What interests them the most. That’s why Harry Potter, that’s probably why it’s so successful because you’ve got these teenage girls, on top of swooning over Harry, they have this huge world of ‘shipping they can get into. There’s PodCasts about ‘shipping! [laughs] It’s huge!

Laura: No, no, it really is true because if you look at…whenever I was in public school, most of the girls my age were reading romance novels. So it’s really, it’s just something that teenage girls get into. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just an age thing.

Andrew: Eric, did you have an argument against this?

Eric: Um, no. I think it was proper in pointing that out and I think that Harry Potter, among other things like romance novels, it’s just something for teenage girls to get into because of whatever reasons but, it’s just a shame they aren’t in real relationships. Not that it’s their fault.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Do you think…

Ben: So yeah, if you’re not in a real relationship, call up Eric Scull. He’ll hook you up.

Andrew: Jo has said in the past that nothing she reads online and the movies don’t affect her writings of the book or anything like that but, do you think JK Rowling takes in all this ‘shipping and puts it into her books because well, the kids like it, then might as well. Might as well if it’ll interest them more.

Dylan: I don’t think so. I think she writes what she writes.

Eric: Yeah.

Dylan: I mean, she knows exactly what she’s going to write.

Eric: Dylan’s correct.

Dylan: She can’t be persuaded by any party.

Eric: Um, Dylan’s right except where a certain emphasis lies. I think no matter what relationships had to occur in the books but JKR was very adamant about putting in hints and clues that Ron and Hermione were going to get together and not Hermione and Harry. And so she’s pointed in the direction and I think she’s responded to the ‘shipping but just making it not a little more clearer than she might have, prior of. Just like everyone pronouncing Hermione’s name Hermy-own and she has that thing in Gobelet of Fire where she made Viktor pronounce it right so we all knew. It’s just JKR’s way of kind of responding to us subtly, but I mean as Dylan said, I think she does know who’s going to get together. It’s just a matter of, I think she might not have pointed it out as much as she did if the fans hadn’t been ‘shipping other things.

Dylan: Well she…she wants to write the books how she wants to write them because I think we have that figured out. It sort of started out like a kids’ book and then by the sixth book, we know it’s not a kids’ book at all.

Andrew: Right. She doesn’t have to turn it into a whole plot. If she throws one sentence in there saying, “Snape and McGonagall looked at each other in a funny way,” it’s going to start up a whole new frenzy.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: These people are intense about this kind of stuff.

Micah: I think it was a way of her humanizing the series a little bit, too. I mean, you know what I mean?

Andrew: It’s…yeah.

Micah: So people can relate to it.

Laura: I also think that in comparison to the first five books, Book 6 really seems it has this huge romance line it but really, when you look at it on its own as just its own book, it’s really not a lot when you compare it to other books you might be reading that have huge romance lines. So, I really don’t think she’s just doing it because a lot of people seem to like it, I think she’s just doing it because it’s part of growing up. I mean, how weird would it be if Harry had gone six books without kissing anyone?

Eric: I agree with Laura also that it needed to take place. It would have been really weird. So yeah, Book 6 was the point where JKR had to establish that before it was way too late.

Ben: I know but the thing that got to me was when I read the part where Harry, like, first kisses Ginny. It felt like straight out of a fan fiction story. I don’t know.

Laura: It was definitely…

Eric: There’s nothing wrong with that.

Laura: No, there’s nothing wrong with it. It was definitely a little…I would say overdone, but not bad, just not what I was quite expecting.

Eric: When I read Half-Blood Prince, I read it twice in about a week, once was in 24 hours and the second time I took my time, but, um, I thought at first that the book was all about snogging and I was so tired and everybody I was talking to was all, “Oh man, I couldn’t get enough of that snogging,” and it was just snog, snog, snog this, snog that. And I read it again and the second time through, it really didn’t seem that big at all. I was, like, shocked. I was, like, “Wait a minute, where is all this snogging?” And it was funny because when I was first reading it, I was like, “Oh my God, this is so much more romance,” but at the same time, the second time around, it didn’t seem like any. And it seemed very, very minor, in fact. So, it’s interesting to find out how much romance is actually in that book.

Andrew: Well, Ben brought up a good point that it sounded like it came straight out of a fan fiction, so is she being influenced? I mean, I hate to say that but she says that she looks at the sites…

Laura: I don’t think so.

Andrew: And reads all the crazy stuff that’s going on.

Eric: I think that it’s less influence and more the fact that it did go six books without waiting. I think it just seemed more like a fan fiction and more outward because she had waited so long and, you know, anything Harry and Cho did in Book 5 still wasn’t adequate enough to set the whole stage for romance in the book. I just think it was just JKR’s way of…I think it’s just the way the book came out and it may have seemed like a fan fiction because we weren’t used to it but, I mean, that’s only because we just hadn’t had any of it.

Laura: Also because there are so many Harry Potter fans that it was extremely unlikely that Jo was going to come up with a situation for Harry and Ginny that hadn’t already been written in a fan fiction.

Eric: Well, I think if anything, the fact that book 6 seemed like fan fiction just says that we have some pretty good fan fiction writers out there.

Micah: Yeah, I think she felt that she had to add certain human elements, certain everyday elements of life to the book and to the series. And, you know, the whole romance angle is just one of them.

Eric: Yeah, and to say that the fanfiction writers couldn’t capture some of that angle would be a little bit of an insult, a little bit of a low blow. I think some of them have and some of them have created work that is sometimes adequate and worthy of Harry Potter.

Andrew: What about Book 7? I think it would be a great idea for Jo to throw in a lot of those little lines that would stir up some controversy just to…because Book 7’s the last book…

Laura: [Laughs] Just to leave it.

Ben: Yeah, just to leave it completely open and it’s going to keep the interest in the series going for a while.

Laura: See now, that would be really cool except for the fact that…

Ben: What are we talking about here?

[Ben and Laura laugh]

Laura: …there will be some weird fan fictions coming in after Book 7.

Eric: Oh my God…

Andrew: Jo, we need something to talk about. Please leave stuff open.

Eric: Oh my gosh.

[Laura laughs]

Main Discussion: Professor Umbridge

Andrew: We’re going to lose listeners and we’re going to have to live on the streets again. Please! Okay, so on top of the romance this week, we have to get into our character discussion because without it, MuggleCast is simply just not complete. So, this week, we will be talking about, of all people, Professor…former Professor…Umbridge.

Micah: But you know what, Andrew?

Eric: Dolores.

Andrew: What’s that Micah?

Micah: Nothing says Valentine’s Day like Professor Umbridge.

[Andrew makes drum noise and everyone laughs]

Eric: Well, no, Micah’s right. I mean, you know?

Andrew: [Laughs] What are you talking about?

Eric: Well, you told me that the character discussion was, like Umbridge and I was like, “What the hell?”

Andrew: Irony.

Ben: Oh, the irony.

Eric: But it’s so not…Micah’s right. Nothing says Valentine’s Day like Umbridge.

Ben: Dolores Umbridge. Umbridge was appointed to the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts at the beginning of the 1995-1996 school year, we don’t agree with that, but she does not seem to possess any talent for the subject. She was, however, both willing and able to commit at least one of the three Unforgivable Curses, the Cruciatus Curse. Part of her abilities are limited to negotiating circumstances in her favor and a penchant for cruelty, almost as depraved as the Death Eaters themselves…is that of the Death Eaters themselves. She’s short and fat. She’s toad-like. She has short fingers. She has a really annoying voice. She oftentimes gave Harry detention where she had this special quill where it would engrave it into his arm too…or a little spot on his hand, whatever he was writing. She used to be the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic and nothing’s really known about her early career. And just, we know that she was thrown in there because they needed another Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. And like every other Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, she didn’t last.

Andrew: And the one thing that we all absolutely hate about her the most is that she issued all those Educational Decrees that drove us insane.

Ben: Yeah.

Laura: Oh my god!

Andrew: As I read that book, I would pound my fist against tables. I could not stand it. It drove me nuts.

Ben: Is that why there were all those holes in your walls, Andrew?

Andrew: Yes, yes, yes.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Oh, wait, those holes? Those other holes? No.

Eric: All throughout Book 5, it was really just a question of: What will she think of next? And, you know, she was the absolute dictator, where it’s just like, what she’s tried to do goes and nobody supported her and it was great. The whole thing where Professor McGonagall openly opposed her and said to her, “I wasn’t sure that I had the authority to clean up that mess.” Or I think that was Flitwick or somebody. It was just so great because she was there at Hogwarts, nobody wanted her there, Dumbledore let her there because he couldn’t conflict with Fudge at that moment, and she was ruining everybody’s lives and she got no respect and I really…she really didn’t deserve any. So it was like, she knew she wasn’t welcome there, but she still made everyone’s life a hell anyway. And it was just the character that…it’s the only character that I actually just punched my pillow repeatedly after reading a line, or you know, from the book. She made me feel so…she’s the only character that…Lord Voldemort I love reading about but Umbridge, no.

Umbridge A Slytherin?

Andrew: So some of the questions, we have a series of questions, but one question that comes to mind is what house would she have been in? Not Gryffindor, I don’t think.

Laura: No.

Ben: Slytherin, duh.

Dylan: Slytherin.

Andrew: I don’t think she fits the Slytherin personality.

Eric: I think she does. She’s overly concerned about herself and her own personal morals. I think it’s one thing to be there stationed under the Ministry, but she actually took matters into her own hands beyond what even the Ministry would try to control Hogwarts as. And, if you think about it in the long run, she also sent the Dementors to Privet Drive, which is complete defiance of the Ministry. And if anything, it complicated a lot of things for the Ministry and for Harry and that was all because she, personally, wanted to.

Ben: I don’t know if it’s possible to determine whether she’s really a Gryffindor, whether she’s a…whatever she is.

Eric: She’s not brave.

Ben: Because, whoa, whoa, because here’s what happens, here’s what we do when we talk about sorting people into the Houses: the people we don’t like, they go into Slytherin, the people we do like go into Gryffindor, the people that are lamers, they don’t talk to anybody, they go into Hufflepuff, and the people that are smart go into Ravenclaw.

Eric: But what’s wrong with that? You know, I’m saying…

Ben: I don’t think that’s necessarly a true, accurate representation.

Eric: No, because I think it is.

Laura: Well, I would agree with you if it weren’t for the fact that she did something to endanger Harry’s life…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But so did Pettigrew, and Pettigrew was in Gryffindor.

Laura: …by sending the Dementors to Privet Drive, yeah.

Eric: And defied her own law, you know, to do that.

Laura: And it’s…I think there’s definitely…I think what a lot of people don’t consider is that it’s not just good traits that get you put into Houses. It’s bad traits as well and Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw have them just as much as Slytherin does. Slytherin just happens to have gained a reputation for having bad traits.

Eric: Yeah. Well, we said that last week as well.

Ben: It all depends on the person because Dumbledore said that it’s our choices that make us who we are.

Eric: But I really, honestly believe that Umbridge would be in Slytherin because even though she’s supposed to be buddy-buddy with Fudge, she went and sent the Dementors after Harry to Privet Drive just because she wanted him…

Laura: Also, notice which students she buddied up with.

Eric: Yeah, exactly. The Slytherins were her Inquisitorial Squad. And first of all…no, she wouldn’t be in Gryffindor because she’s not brave at all. No, she needs to have a squad of little Dracos running around.

Ben: Okay, okay, okay. No, no. The flaw here is that…you fail to realize sometimes we wonder, “How did this person make it into this House?” And it’s because the Sorting Hat is the only person that can read their mind, so to speak, and tell who they truly are. Just because she gives out the appearance of being a big dictator and all these terrible things doesn’t mean that she would be put in Slytherin.

Eric: So, wait, are you trying to say that she’s actually a good person and that her whole Inquisitorial Squad and everybody she gets to wreak havoc on the school and write people up, good people including prefects and other things and get them into trouble, you’re saying that she’s actually not a Slytherin or not…

Ben: I don’t think I ever said any…I don’t think I ever said anything about her being good. I just said that her outward appearance doesn’t reflect how she truly is.

Eric: So you’re saying she’s not a Slytherin type of person or she’s not…

Ben: I’m not saying that she isn’t, I’m just saying that could be the case because, like, looks can be deceiving, that’s what I’m saying. And that we’ve seen that some people wonder, “Well how is Pettigrew in Gryffindor?”

Micah: Right, exactly.

Ben: Or if he was in Gryffindor, I’m not sure.

Micah: He was. We went through that this week with Pettigrew being in Gryffindor.

Ben: Yeah, then how is Pettigrew in Gryffindor if he’s so, you know, he’s working for Voldemort. How can a Gryffindor be working for Voldemort? That’s what I’m saying, Eric.

Laura: No…

Ben: That’s what I’m saying here.

Eric: Yeah, I think you’re right in pointing that out. I think, the case of Umbridge clearly…yeah, even though she is an evil-doer, I think, at the same time, she’s clearly had issues beyond that. Like, she seems to be a smart person as far as she knows what she can and can’t do. And, you know, the whole reason behind her, you know, Educational Decrees, was that she knew she could do that. So, why then would she actually go and send Dementors to Privet Drive? Do we know why she did that? I mean, clearly she was upset or, you know, she really is…

Ben: But, there’s so many other things you have to take into account. For all we know, she could be under the Imperius Curse. See that’s the thing…we don’t know who’s acted on their own will and who isn’t. And whether that’s truly how she is…

Laura: That’s very true.

Andrew: Well, what makes her…

Micah: Maybe she felt it was the right thing to do.

Truly Evil Or Simply Misunderstood?

Andrew: What makes her act this way? I mean, why is she like this? Could it have been early childhood, or could it have been, what I feel is probably the Ministry of Magic influencing her…telling her all this has to be done or she’s fired…

Ben: It’s a combination of those things.

Andrew: …or something like that.

Laura: Yeah, well.

Ben: Because, look who’s…

Laura: The Ministry is terribly corrupt.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Look who’s cutting her paycheck. It’s all about the galleons, baby.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah! [Still laughing]

Ben: You don’t have galleons…you’re not worth much.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Just replaced his own name…instead of saying “the Benjamins” he’s saying “the galleons.”

Andrew: Well, I mean, I really think that’s true. If Fudge or whoever is threatening to fire her, then what is she to do?

Eric: No, I understand that…

Andrew: You have to take control back of the school or you’re out. And that’s it. So, and if she really is close to her job and is really passionate about it, then…God bless her.

Eric: I understand her desperation…

Laura: Well, I also…

Eric: …but, she’s not…I mean, do you really think that Fudge told her he’d fire her if she didn’t make Harry cut into his own hand? I mean, the thing with Umbridge is that that was her preferred punishment of choice.

Ben: No, those are just side things, dude. Things that she…that…

Eric: That was her punishment of choice for Harry…is the most…

Laura: I think she’s just power-hungry.

Eric: The most heinous thing of…ever…is to dig into your own hand, and again and again and again. And she outright denied any claim that Harry made, that Quirrell was a good person and a good teacher and that, you know, she openly insulted and took pleasure in knowing…I think that’s what everybody’s forgetting because it’s all been a while since we’ve read Book 5…but she took pleasure in…

Andrew: I read it last night.

Eric: …in Harry…oh, you did, Andrew? Very nice. She took…

Laura: Yeah, I read mine a lot too, but that’s okay.

Eric: I’m sorry. Well, she took…she had so much pride in proving Harry wrong and making Harry suffer because he knew the truth and she was ignorant to it.

Andrew: But would she have done that to anyone else but Harry? I think she did it to avoid heat at the Ministry…

Laura: She did it to Lee Jordan…she did it to him.

Andrew: Oh, really?

Ben: Yeah, but it wasn’t the same…

Laura: Yeah, basically…

Ben: It wasn’t the same extent though, where we see, every night…

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: …every night Harry had detention, and he had to go home after he had to…

Laura: Not every night…

Ben: …dig into his hand. Well, it was a lot.

Laura: However, I think that Umbridge is the type of person who is so power-hungry and is just so…she just needs to show that she’s superior to everyone else by forcing people to do things that they don’t want to do by taking power over things. And, the first person who disagrees with her, they’re screwed.

Eric: And…

Ben: Watch out!

Eric: And screwed to a point where everybody else is afraid to speak up. I mean, I really liked…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: …the very few people like Lee Jordan who stood up to Umbridge after they saw what had happened to Harry, perhaps, or even in the midst, where they understood that she was not going to tolerate their upheaval, they still did it anyway. And…

Ben: It’s…what’s the word I’m looking for? It’s totalitarianism, right? That’s what it is…

Eric: Well, it is. But also, I got the distinct impression, especially in the scene where Harry flips out on Umbridge the first time in class and says about how Lupin was a great teacher and about how Voldemort was growing out of the back of Quirrell’s head, you know, all that stuff…I got the distinct impression that she knew…that she was a person who actually was smart enough to understand where Harry was coming from and…

Laura: Of course she knew.

Eric: No, she knew!

Laura: That’s why she didn’t want him to say anything…

Eric: She knew the…

Laura: …because it threatened her position.

Eric: It did, but at the same time, she knew that Harry was right, and she openly denied him and punished him for telling the truth to everybody else because she was…

Laura: Yes, because it…

Dylan: Taking control of something, you know.

Laura: Yeah, basically just undermined anything the Ministry might tell the public if Harry was right, so of course she did….

Eric: Exactly. But, it was such…she did it with such pleasure I really don’t think she’s in a hard enough situation where she can be that mean just because she has to be, I think she wanted to be. And I think that’s what would probably make her…

Laura: Oh, I think she did too. I think she wanted to be. And I think that, assuming the common house stereotypes… considering those…she would probably be put in Slytherin but, obviously, we don’t know her true circumstances…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …as a child. Nor do we know terribly much about…in depth, I should say…about what the Sorting Hat does and does not accept for certain houses.

Micah: But for all the ruthless things that she’s done as a teacher, I would say that she’s probably one of the most influential characters in the series just because, without her, Dumbledore’s Army would never have started.

Eric: That’s true. That is very true.

Laura: Oh, I agree. Book 5 wouldn’t have been half as interesting if it weren’t for her.

Ben: Because, what’s been happening…because what has been happening in the series, is that each year, they get an inadequate or an incompetent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and finally they realize, they’ve had enough and they say, well, let’s teach real Defense Against the Dark Arts. So, they start the Dueling Club…

Eric: No, they didn’t realize that but they…

Ben: …or whatever they call it. No, no. Not the dueling club…

Andrew: Dumbledore’s Army.

Ben: I meant, the Defense Association. Not the dueling club.

Andrew: [Laughs] They don’t have MuggleCast in Hogwarts.

Ben: They should.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: As much as we wish they did…

Eric: But know, they…I don’t even think that was…that they realize that their previous teachers had been incompetent because I don’t think they’d admit to that even if it were…I mean, I think they admitted Lockhart was not, but at the same time, I just think they weren’t going to learn actual defense under Umbridge and I think that’s what made them do the Defense Association, or Dumbledore’s Army, because they knew, you know…

Laura: Well…

Eric: …Dolores Umbridge was the kind of person who read from books and they seriously did not learn any actual, you know, spells in defense. It was all practical with the books and stuff so they really needed to take action and actually learn stuff because it was the time in the year where they just had to seriously learn to defend themselves.

Laura: And I don’t think it was just the education, I think it was the oppression that made them want to revolt against her. I mean…

Eric: I agree. It was…yeah.

Laura: You see that everyday in school. You have teachers who are unfair, or are seemingly unfair, and then the whole class just has this vendetta against that teacher, so…

Andrew: Can I tell you guys a secret? I didn’t make this connection earlier…I have this new study hall teacher…I won’t say her name in case she listens…but, she’s laying down the rules, you know, first class. She goes over, you know, “Okay, no talking, no iPods,” and then she says, “So basically, no fun.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: What are you?

Eric: Now that’s way too…

Laura: And she won’t know if she hears this…that you were talking about her…

Eric: That’s a bigger person…come on, “no fun”? Even…no, even if that’s true…

Dylan: No great story has a lukewarm bad guy. I mean, come on, every great story, like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter has got that Voldemort or that Sauron or whatever you want to do. But, every great story has to have a great bad guy.

Laura: Exactly, exactly. I completely agree with that. While I would hate Umbridge as a person, I love her as a character because she just brought so much interest to the book.

Eric: Agreed.

Micah: But is she, like, the first bad person that’s not necessarily a Death Eater that we meet?

Laura: No, she’s not, but she’s…I’m trying to think of a word to describe her…

Eric: I don’t…yeah.

Laura: …that isn’t a swear word. [laughs]

Andrew: She’s Andrew’s study hall teacher.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: No, Andrew…

[Everyone still laughing]

Eric: You’re completely right, Andrew. And, you know, to say “no fun,” even if it’s true…even if the rules do constrict fun, their view would be that it constricts misbehaving. But for her to go out and summarize the rules…the rules don’t say “no fun,” even if by abiding by all the laws, there is no fun. Just the kind of person who would say [in a sinister, high-pitched voice] “in other words, no fun” is just a mean person. And there’s…

Andrew: By the way, I forgot to mention that the whole “me doing the MuggleCast thing” is all over my school website, so…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: [Still laughing] Bad publicity.

Ben: Okay guys, so what about Umbridge…the toad imagery that Jo uses? Could it be because she is…she’s able to transform into a toad, or maybe that’s her Animagus or…?

Laura: I don’t think so.

Ben: What’s up with the toad imagery?

Laura: Because you see…

Andrew: Honestly, she looks a lot like one, I mean…

Laura: Yeah, but you see a lot of correlations between people and animals in this series. Like Scrimgeour, she described that he was sort of like a lion.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: And you have…

Eric: And Slughorn like a walrus.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That threw everyone off…with the Half-Blood Prince thing…

Laura: Yeah. It’s just an association, I think.

“Crazy” Umbridge Theories

Micah: You guys want to know a crazy editorial that I read? It said that…

Eric: Yeah, sure.

Laura: Sure.

Micah: Umbridge was actually Trevor.

Laura: Oh, I’ve heard that one. [laughs]

Eric: Guys, actually…

Andrew: [Laughs] Oh yeah.

Eric: I have something to add that might throw you all skyrocketing sideways. I read something on one of the forums in the past that actually speculated Umbridge…drum-roll please…[someone does sound of a drum-roll] Somebody said that the way Umbridge and, believe it or not, Peter Pettigrew were described, was similar in the way that she might be his mother.

Andrew and Laura: [Laugh] Ewwww.

Eric: Do you think?

Ben: Well, if you think about it…

Eric: Maybe, no, we’re talking about this. Maybe that is why she is out to get Harry and, if you think about it, it would mean that Umbridge was actually mentioned in the past, which is JKR’s style. Because, in Book 3 when they talk about Peter Pettigrew, all his mother got back was his finger, which was obviously the plot element because, you know, he was missing his toe as Scabbers. But, what do you guys think? Could that be a possible reason for why Umbridge is so mean to Harry?

Ben: Well we know, okay, if that’s the case…

Eric: And why she’s so bitter? And personal about…

Ben: Hypothetically, theoretically speaking, if that is the case…

Andrew: We already…

Ben: Say that Umbridge is Pettigrew’s mother, then there’s no way that she’s in Lord Voldemort’s circle, because she’d have to know, she’d have to be under the assumption that Peter’s dead, right?

Eric: Okay.

Ben: So, what I’m saying is that, I don’t know if that’s true or not. [laughs]

Eric: But I don’t think…

Laura: I just don’t think so. I don’t…I can’t think of anything to disprove it…

Andrew: It’s just another one of those crazy theories.

Laura: …but, I just don’t see it happening.

Dylan: I don’t think she’s old enough to be. I really don’t think she’s old enough to be.

Andrew: Well there’s solid evidence at the same time.

Ben: The wizarding world age is kind of relative…you…isn’t…you don’t really know.

Andrew: Now Micah, what question you had on your mind? Or was it Kim Parker’s mind?

Micah: That was Kim Parker’s mind. [laughs]

Umbridge and Hermione

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah, okay. What question did Kim Parker have on her mind? Was…is there a parallel between Umbridge and Hermione? Can you elaborate that…on that a bit little more?

Micah: The question is…

Andrew: Micah?

Micah: Yeah, the question is basically would Hermione have become like Umbridge if it wasn’t for Ron and Harry sort of coming in and befriending her the way that they did?

Laura: No, I don’t think so. Because Umbridge is very clearly filled with malice and I don’t see Hermione as a malicious person. Now, Hermione was kind of militant in Sorcerer’s Stone, even a little bit in Chamber of Secrets

Ben: She was an innocent little Gryffindor, is all she was.

Laura: Yeah, and the thing is, but the thing…she doesn’t, she’s not out to get people…Umbridge is.

Micah: Well, I think it was moreso along the lines of following the rules and being strict to those sorts of things.

Ben: And the thing is, that you guys will realize, is that Umbridge wasn’t always …hasn’t always been that way, just like Lord Voldemort hasn’t always been the way he is. I mean, at one time, he was a kid…

Eric: Wait, no. Voldemort was always the way he was and I think that..he was…

Laura: Ummm…

Eric: He was. No, he was. No.

Laura: He strangled bunny rabbits. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, in Half-Blood Prince, we see a lot of…background.

Eric: Yeah, I think…No, that’s the point with Voldemort which actually…

Ben: No, no, no. No, but what I’m saying is that he’s living a lot differently now. You know, I’m just trying to point that things have changed. He used to have a real body, now he’s this mass…this blob of flesh.

Eric: What disappoints me with Voldemort, since Ben brought it up, was that JKR kind of made a point that he was always evil, even as a kid. And genuinely evil, like to torture kids and that…and you know, she truly believes, at least in the series, it says that people can be evil from birth and just be rotten eggs to begin with because, even…I mean, it’s really sad, but Voldemort was characterized as the kind of kid who said, “Well, my dad must have been the one with magic because my mom would have been not so weak and, you know, she was weak and died.” And, even though he’s got this, even though I feel very bad for Merope gone, Voldemort was not the kind of person who was…I mean, he was raised in an orphanage and yeah, and that sucks, but he seemed to be very genuinely evil from birth and I think that’s a little off, from what I’d imagined for how most dictators are just created.

Ben: Not necessarily…

Dylan: Well, it’s a mixture of both, I think.

Ben: Dictators are sort of found…

Laura: I think it can go either way.

Ben: …like, there has to be a reason. For example, Hitler, the reason that he came to power was because all the Jews were getting blamed for everything and he found a rallying cry. And the ironic thing was that he was…there’s a lot of similarities between Hitler and Voldemort. Hitler was…is half-Jewish actually…his grandfather was…

Dylan: I think dictators come from a mixture of being cruel from birth, I mean, if they do such terrible things, then of course they have to have a cruel background, but it’s also fueled by some sort of inspiration, like Eric was saying.

Eric: I mean, in a way it makes sense that, you know, Voldemort got no love and, you know, he’s been raised in an orphanage where nobody could love him, but at the same time, he’s not a lovable kid and he never was, if he was taking kids into, you know, caves and scaring them and Dumbledore saw it, you know, Dumbledore should have known right then and there and I think he actually did that…it just wasn’t…he’s the kind of kid who was proud that he could talk to snakes and send them and make them so what he wanted to and all that stuff. So, do you think Umbridge is the same way? Do you think, you know, going back to Umbridge, that she, as a dictator, was…is power-hungry by birth or is she power-hungry because she really thinks she needs the power?

Ben: It’s innate, man.

Eric: The authority?

Ben: It just sort of happens. It’s a personality trait that she developed.

Micah: Yeah, I mean…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Or is it just that she thinks that she’s doing the right thing? I mean, that could be it too.

Eric: No, but she knows she’s not. That’s the thing. She knows that…

Laura: She’s thinking about doing the right thing for herself…

Micah: Right.

Eric: Yeah and…

Laura: …to benefit her.

Micah: And for the Ministry, in her mind.

Eric: But I, no. I think as far as the Ministry goes, she knows that, yeah, she’s supporting the Ministry because she knows that Lupin was a good teacher, and she knows that everything Harry stood for is probably correct, but she still goes with the Ministry.

Laura: She’s forgetting that the Ministry is around to serve the people of the wizarding world and not the people in power.

Eric: I like that. But, is the Ministry serving the people? It’s really not.

Laura: No, they’re not.

Eric: They aren’t, there’s…

Laura: No, they’re not! And she’s forgetting that that’s what she’s supposed to be doing.

Ben: Okay, then what will Unbridge- Umbridge’s role be in Book 7? If any.

Andrew: Well, we didn’t see her much in Book 6, so…

Eric: That surprised me. With all the roles of the Ministry, including Scrimgeour and how he was undermining Harry and wanting him to be his supporter, I thought that Umbridge was too missing. Like, too missing. She needed to be there. If you think of the Ministry post-Book 5, you’re supposed to think of Umbridge and Fudge, and all the new characters in 6. But with all the people we met in six and how they were trying to change people and arrest the innocent and all that stuff, I am very shocked that Umbridge was not mentioned.

Andrew: As much as I hated her, I liked her. [laughs]

Laura: I was looking for her. Yeah, I was looking for her in Book 6…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …so I’m a little nervous about what she was up to.

Eric: But she was there too!

Laura: Yeah, she was there.

Andrew: So…

Eric: She almost…she didn’t deserve to be there. She was- that was a mockery. That was…

Ben: The thing is…no, no, she served her purpose. The reason she was there is that she was still working for the Ministry. I don’t know how that worked out, but…

Laura: Yeah. She was trying to make the Ministry look good.

Micah: But if she served her purpose, shouldn’t she be dead according to all of us?

Ben: According to the other bozos, it’s not according to me. I don’t think “Oh, they serve their purpose and then they die, everyone dies.”

Andrew: [laughs] No, I disagreed with that, too.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Not everyone who doesn’t serve a purpose dies.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Laura: No.

Andrew: But we don’t need to go there.

Ben: There’s Eric’s philosophy.

Andrew: Well the point is…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …I think we’re all on the same page with that.

When Centaurs Attack

Micah: So, at the end of Book 5, what do you guys think happened to her when the centaurs took her into the forest?

Eric: I’m surprised she survived! Maybe that’s where she was in Book 6. She was in the Recovery Ward at St. Mungo’s for the whole year. Because I honestly don’t think- I mean the centaurs, at certain points in the book, were ready to kill Harry.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And a lot of the creatures in the forest were ready to kill Harry. And even though the centaurs knew what was supposed to happen to him, and they still would have done it – maybe that’s what was supposed to happen to him. But besides that, the centaurs won’t stop to kill humans and they won’t bow to humans. And they’ve said that. And even though I was very happy that they paid tribute to Dumbledore at his funeral and stuff, but they really don’t take crap from humans trying to treat them as animals. And so, I thought Umbridge was going to die, actually, when that happened. And I’m really surprised she got out alive.

Micah: And it… [laughs] It was Dumbledore that saved her, too.

Eric: Yeah, it was Dumbledore. I was just going to ask if- yeah. Dumbledore would probably be the only one that could- that could save her. And I thought it was very noble of Dumbledore… but I was just going to ask if anyone saved her?

Micah: Maybe that’s why she was at the funeral.

Eric: You know what, I agree with that.

Micah: To show her respect.

Eric: I agree with that, because Dumbledore had no reason to, you know, morally, he didn’t really have to.

Laura: Looking at Umbridge’s character, I think it was just to keep up face for the Ministry.

Andrew: Alright, so that wraps up our Umbridge discussion for this week. Good job, gentlemen. And Laura.

Laura: Yeah, thank you!

Dueling Club

Andrew: So now it’s time for this week’s Dueling Club: Dueling Club version two. We’re now… we pick randomly. You don’t know who the other person is going to duel against you. We’ve gotten emails about last weeks’. People really seemed to like it. So, Eric, you had one?

Eric: I’ve got one.

Laura: I’ve got one.

Andrew: Okay, on three. One, two, three.

Laura: Cornelius Fudge.

Eric: [At the same time as Laura] Romilda Vane.

Andrew: Who did you say, Eric?

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Romilda Vane.

Andrew: Ooo!

Eric: And Cornelius Fudge.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Maybe she can fall in love with him and give him love potion and…

Laura: Yeah! Hey, that’s…

Micah: Take him to the forest.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: Maybe they can just live happily together. Do you think they’d fight? Or would she… I don’t know, he’s an older man. What do we know about Romilda and…

Laura: Yeah, he’s a fully trained wizard, and Romilda was what, a fourth year… I want to say?

Eric: Something. And she was all into the whole Ronald being an older gentlemen, so…

Laura: Yeah. And she seems kind of…

Eric: We’re, like, supposed to be defending them fighting and we’re like, “Maybe they won’t fight! Maybe they’ll love!”

Laura: [Laughs] I know!

Eric: Maybe they’ll make love one day! Well, no. In a fight, who would… [laughs]

Laura: Eugh!

Eric: Who would win?

Laura: Ew.

Eric: Fudge is incompetent. Would anybody take down Fudge? Could a student take down Fudge? Or could Fudge actually hold his own in a fight?

Laura: I’m sure there are some students who could take down Fudge.

Andrew: So, Dylan, think of someone else and then… alright. Okay, then Micah. Ready?

Micah: Alright.

Andrew: One, two, three.

Dylan: Peter Pettigrew.

Micah: [At the same time as Dylan] Slughorn.

Eric: Slughorn and Pettigrew. Very nice.

Laura: Hmm. That’s interesting.

Dylan: I think Pettigrew would win. Just because Slughorn’s good at making potions. I don’t know, we haven’t seen his hand with a wand.

Eric: Slughorn is like a little bit… it amazes me how close to Hagrid Slughorn is sometimes, as far as… especially when he’s drunk, and you know, they’re drunk and singing together. I don’t know, I’ve always made- he seems like a jolly fellow that like being accepted by people. But Pettigrew really likes being accepted by people too.

Micah: Well he also knows a lot of powerful people, so I’m assuming he learned a lot from them along the way. And he knows about Horcruxes too.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Not that that would be useful in a duel, but…

Eric: But he is one of the more powerful…

Dylan: Unless he’s like, you know, very bad at dueling. [laughs]

Eric: He could throw, like, some potion in Peter’s eyes and turn him into something.

Dylan: I don’t know, Peter would probably run from a fight though. He’d be like, [imitates Peter Pettigrew] ” Ohh! Master! Save me!”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Well, if the Dueling Club stipulations say that a character can run away, then yeah, Pettigrew would win.

Dylan: Well, I guess he could crush him with his silver hand or something like that.

Micah: I think he’d just sit on Pettigrew, and that would be the end of it.

Dylan: I don’t know, I don’t know. It would be a close battle because Peter Pettigrew would probably do some sort of flash and then run. [laughs]

Micah: He’d turn into a rat and then Slughorn would chase him down and eat him.

Dylan: Oh yes. Right. [imitates Slughorn] “I make a good rat stew, m’boy.”

[Dylan, Micah, and Eric laugh]

Eric: Well rat stew makes good… good magical properties there.

Andrew: Okay, Eric and Laura. On the count of three. One, two…

Laura: Grindelwald.

Eric: [At the same time as Laura] Eric.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, Eric…

Eric: No, no, not myself! Andrew, not myself! There is an Eric…

Andrew: Oh!

Eric: …in the Harry Potter series!

Andrew: Oh! Well why do you think he would win?

Eric: There actually is! Do you guys… do you… did you… did you pick this up?

Laura: I think Grindelwald would take Eric, whether it be MuggleCast Eric or Harry Potter Eric.

Eric: Ohhh, ohh, that’s low. Come on.

Laura: No, NO! Grindelwald would kill me too! [laughs]

Eric: Do you know the Eric I’m talking about? Did any of you guys, did you pick this up? Do you remember an Eric in the book?

Laura: It seems like there was someone called, like, Eric Abercrombie or something like that in the books. I can’t remember.

Eric: I think Eric was the name of the guy in Order of the Phoenix who worked in the Ministry. He was, like, a doorman, or something. It was like an incredibly insignificant job, and he’s probably not established well enough in the books for me to argue with him. But I thought it was cool. And I thought I’d show some Eric love, since it is Valentine’s day.

Laura: Well, there is a Laura in the book too, so… [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Laura: [Laughs] I mean, there are lots of different names in there…

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Laura: …that I recognize, but…

Eric: I know, but I just thought it was cool. She didn’t even, like, I don’t even think she gave him a last name. It’s just really awesome, because, you know, he’s named Eric, and I was like…

Andrew: Eric was like, [imitates Eric] “She named him after me! Ahahaha!”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Laura, Laura, we have to duel these guys! And actually, I think Eric would win. Do you know why?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Why?

Eric: Because Grindelwald’s already dead!

Andrew: Ohh. [laughs]

Laura: Ugh. I mean alive Grindelwald.

Eric: [Laughs] You didn’t say that! You said Grindelwald.

Laura: Well…

Eric: And I think in his current state, I think in his current state…

[Laura sighs]

Eric: …if we do know that he’s dead, I think in his current state…

Laura: Well…

Eric: …I think that Eric would win.

Laura: …do we know that he’s dead, though?

Eric: No, we…

Laura: All it said was that Dumbledore defeated him.

Eric: Defeated him. It does not say dead. But at the same time, he’s not offending anybody that we know, so I think it might be safe to say that Eric might actually have it over him! Maybe.

Laura: Okay. [laughs]

Andrew: [Laughs] Just like Barty Crouch, Jr. is a good guy! It’s…

Eric: You expect me to rebuttal, but I’m completely impervious to your Barty Crouch, Jr. stuff.

Andrew: I don’t know what to do with you, Dylan. I mean [laughs] Eric.

[Laura laughs]

Dylan: Barty Crouch has got that, the…

Andrew: Anything else you

Dylan: Barty Crouch has that cute little tongue lick. I mean, come on.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: [Laughs] What?

Laura: That thing where he’s… yeah.

[Dylan makes slurping noises]

Eric: That was so weird. That was so wrong.

Laura: That was really weird.

Eric: That was a strict movie-ism, that was a Newell-ism, rather. They needed that for plot device stuff so that would make sense because so they didn’t have to…

Micah: What you guys didn’t know was that he was looking at Umbridge.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Eww.

Laura: Eugh!

Dylan: That is awesome.

Andrew: Okay, well…

Laura: Eugh.

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: Okay, well I think that does just about wrap it up for this week’s edition of MuggleCast. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen. Yellowcard Lights and Sounds, out in stores now!

Eric: I’m Eric Scull, particularly fond of a group called the Electric Lights Orchestra.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson, a fan of Green Day, and I think that Yellowcard sucks.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Dylan: And I’m Dylan Spartz.

Andrew: [Laughs] Dylan, thanks for joining us this week.

Dylan: Oh, my pleasure, Andrew!

Andrew: We’ll have you on the show again soon, and we’ll see everyone again next week for Episode 28.


[Groovy music starts]

[Audio]: Hi guys, this is Kirstan from Tennessee, and I’d just like to say that I love your show and it’s a really great thing! And I really enjoy it, so keep up the good work. Bye.

[Audio]: Hey, this is Summer. I’m calling on behalf of the Twain School drama department, where MuggleCast is always the best way to drown out our psycho director. Congratulations! You’ve won our most coveted unofficial award. Yay, MuggleCast!

[Audio]: Hi, I’m Sam from Washington, and I just wanted to say I love your show, you guys are awesome. Andrew is hot, Ben has a really awesome voice, really awesome. Jamie’s hot too and he’s British, and I love his British Joke of the Day and… yeah, that’s pretty much that. And everyone else that’s MuggleCast staff. Love you, Micah, love you, Laura, I love you, Kevin. All of you… yeah. Peace out.

[Audio]: Hey, this is Ashley and I’m from Connecticut, and I just wanted to say that I love MuggleCast. It rocks, and it’s so much better than PotterCast. But… [laughs] not that I don’t like PotterCast, but MuggleCast rules. So… that’s all I wanted to say! Thanks! Bye, guys. Oh, and Ciaran, you’re so hot. [laughs]

[Audio]: Hi guys! And Laura! [laughs] This is Kallie from Kansas, and I just wanted to say that I love the show. And I listen to it every… every few days before I go to sleep. Bye!

[Audio]: Caller 1: Hey guys, this is Ally.

Caller 2: And Alice, from the fan-listing.

Caller 1: We just wanted to call up and say…

Caller 2: …how much we absolutely love your show.

Caller 1: We’re so happy for all of your support…

Caller 2: …and all the participation on the forums.

Caller 1: Thanks again…!

Caller 2:! Bye!

Caller 1: Bye!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Katie from California, and I’m just calling to confess my love for MuggleCast. I listen to your show religiously every week, and I just love you guys. You’re so funny. And I just love Andrew- Andrew, you’re my favorite! I love you. And Laura, got to love Laura. All of you. I just love you so much. Thank you for having a wonderful show.

[Audio]: Hello MuggleCast, this is Jack from Just want to say hi and I love your podcast, and I realize that we’ll never be as good as yours but we’re out there. Tell your listeners to go to that place. Yeah. Enjoy… YEAH MUGGLECAST!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Devon and Taylor from New York. And we just wanted to say… [imitating Andrew] Yeah! Yeah!

[Audio]: Hey, this is Edna from India, and I just wanted to say your show is absolutely wonderful, and I really like Eric, and I just wanted to tell you that you guys are doing a great job. Keep going! Bye.

Andrew: Don’t forget that if you want your voice to be heard on MuggleCast, you can always call our hotline at 1-218-20-MAGIC. Please keep your message under 30 seconds and be sure to include your name and location.

[Groovy music ends]


Andrew: Okay, now for the main discussion this week: as most of you know, unless you’re living under a rock and/or you’re extremely anti-social, Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. So it would be only right… [laughs] it would only be right if we discussed a little bit of Valentine’s Day in the Harry Potter series.

Ben: Hey, hey, hold on a sec. What did [name blanked out] get you?

Andrew: [Laughs] Oh, Ben, come on!

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: No! No, no. [laughs] No, you’re taking that out. You’re taking that out. I will kill you- I swear to god.

[Eric laughs]

Laura: Who’s editing this week? Andrew?

Andrew: Yes.

Ben: Yeah.

Laura: Okay, if you don’t take that out, I am coming to New Jersey and I will castrate you. I swear to god.

Andrew: For everyone who doesn’t know, [name blanked out] is Laura’s 38… 30 year old from Canada.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So anyway…

Laura: Take it out! Take it out! No!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I’m going to, Laura.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: [Imitating Laura] “No, take it off!”

Laura: Shut up, Eric.

Andrew: Okay, Melissa. Geez.

Ben: Eric, Eric. That was pretty funny.

Andrew: [Laughs] That did sound like Laura.

Dylan: Getting a little too friendly with Canada.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: I hate you. [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, well…


Micah: What do you guys think happened in the forest when she was taken away [laughs] at the end of Book 5?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Micah, you are the- I cannot- first it’s whack, then it’s “what happens in the forest.” I just can’t… I just… Micah, I don’t know what to do with you.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Well, I’m pretty… were the centaurs…[laughs]

Micah: Magorian had his way with her?

Andrew: Grow up, everyone! Geez!

[Eric and Micah laugh`]

Andrew: So immature.

Laura: [laughs] I’m sorry.

Dylan: Centaurs like their toads.

Andrew: Micah, try asking your question again.

Micah: Should I ask that in a more serious way?

Andrew: Yeah, and we’ll try to grow up.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Micah: So at the end of Book 5, what do you guys think happened to her when the centaurs took her into…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You said the forest…

Eric: Well, Micah. I think they took her all night long.

[Laura’s still laughing]

Eric: I think… I think they took her all night long, Micah. In the deep, dark…

Micah: You know, it’s a legitimate question.

Eric: It is a legitimate question!

Andrew: So answer it. [laughs]


Micah: Thanks, Andrew! CBBC Newsround reported friday that after their absence from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the Dursleys will return in the fifth movie. They also announced some of the other actors cast for the fifth Harry Potter film. [pronounces incorrectly] See-on… see-on… [pronounces correctly] Sian… [pronounces incorrectly] see-on… that’s a blooper.


Andrew: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages. You have not laughed until you’ve heard… The Micah Tannenbaum Laugh.

[Micah laughs for six seconds]


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #26

MuggleCast EP26 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 26 for February 05th, 2006. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all, plans start at just $3.95 per month. No matter what plan you chose your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world class data center. I use them for my personal website, and I know that GoDaddy has some of the best, affordable hosting plans online. I recommend you use it for your upcoming website or podcast because as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you checkout, and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello everyone, and welcome to MuggleCast. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And that’s it – four people this week! This is the core group of MuggleCasters. We’re not messing around! No Ben. Well Ben, I fired Ben for last week’s show.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Kevin’s off getting fitted for some wedding thing.

Eric: Oooh. His own wedding?

Micah: Kevin’s getting married?

Laura: Yeah, Kevin’s getting married everyone.

Andrew: Yes, Kevin is getting married. That’s exactly what I was implying.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Before we go anywhere else, first: let’s get updated on the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories with Micah Tan.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

It was a busy week in the Harry Potter movie world. A number of casting announcements were made for the fifth film, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Evanna Lynch, the 14-year-old from Ireland, who attended the open casting call for the role three weeks ago, beat out 15,000 other Luna Lovegood hopefuls to become everyone’s favorite Ravenclaw.

And it was speculated about for months, but earlier this week WB confirmed that Imelda Staunton will play the role of the newest Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge.

Natalia Tena, who has starred in the BBC drama Casualty and acted in movies such as About a Boy will play the part of Nymphadora Tonks.

Additionally, Helen McCrory has been cast for the role of Bellatrix Lestrange and George Harris will play Ministry Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Kathryn Hunter will take on the part of the neighborly, cat-loving Squib, Arabella Figg. Hey, that rhymed.

Finally, Michael Wildman has been cast as Magorian, one of the Centaurs from the Forbidden Forest, and Robbie Jarvis will play the part of a young James Potter, ensuring that the flashback scene from “Snape’s Worst Memory” will indeed be in the fifth film.

Filming for Order of the Phoenix begins February 6th.

The fourth Harry Potter movie has received one Oscar nomination in the category of “Achievement in Art Direction,” for Stuart Craig (art director) and Stephenie McMillan’s (set decorator) work on the blockbuster. The winners for the 78th annual Academy Awards will be announced on March 5th.

As a celebration of children’s literature – new and old – the Queen of England will host a party for her 80th birthday in Buckingham Palace Garden on June 25th. Children aged 4-14 can apply through CBBC’s website for an invitation. There are 1,000 invitations available allowing each child to take a friend and parent or guardian. JK Rowling will be one of many famous children’s authors attending.

The Harry Potter author has also released a list of the Top 10 books she thinks all children should read. You can check that list, which includes titles such as To Kill A Mockingbird and Catcher in the Rye and over on

That’s all the news for this February 5th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right. Thank you, Micah.

Micah: No problem.

Andrew: Micah, how is the MuggleCast NewsCenter doing anyway?

Micah: It’s good, it’s good. It actually, eh…geez. [laughs]

Andrew: Wah, wah, wah, wah!

Eric: Just keep that in, just keep that in. Seriously.

Micah: That was a miserable failure right there. [laughs]

Eric: [Imitating Micah] “It’s good, eh…” As Micah realizes it’s just…

Andrew: If you were going to… No, if…

Micah: Hold on, I’ve got to think of something. Let’s do that again.

Andrew: No, this is live-to-tape.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: If you were going to say something like, [in dorky voice] “Oh, I got to dust it,” I was going to be like, “Okay, you used that joke three years ago.” [laughs]

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But anyway, let’s start off with a few announcements, then we’ll get into the discussion of news.


Andrew: We’ve got tons of stuff for you this week. First of all, come on, it’s a new month, and of course, as all of you know, it’s time to vote for us again at Podcast Alley. It’s the one time of month that we ask. We appreciate it. Why do we ask you to vote for us? We’ve never been No. 1. We’ve always been losers. [laughs]

Eric: We’re actually going to try…

Laura: Because no one listens to us to the show anyway.

Eric: Yeah. Wow.

Andrew: [laughs] As we briefly mentioned last week, MuggleCast T-shirts are now available on You listen to us every week, but now here is your chance to wear us.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: These shirts, we have two different styles: Micbolt and “Squares,” which is looking a lot like the Apple design. It’s really cool. We all got our T-shirts. We all love them, right?

Laura: Oh yeah.

Micah: Yep. I’m actually wearing mine right now.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, same here.

Laura: I wore mine all around my town last weekend.

Eric: Nice.

Andrew: Did you?

Laura: Yes, I did.

Andrew: Were you spotted?

Laura: No, I wasn’t spotted, but I did have a couple of people ask me what it was. And…

Eric: She was “squared,” Andrew.

Andrew: By buying these shirts, you do support the show, which we appreciate greatly because we need a little extra cash to upgrade some of our equipment, as you heard last week. [laughs] I suffered a bit. We even had some problems just before we just recorded this. So, we thank you for your support and thanks to Sam and Nate at, who helped us design these shirts and get the made up for you guys. So, check them out – And then you click on “Store.”

You know, we’re always thinking about the show. We’re always considering what to add next. And we have a new idea for an “Editorial Segment,” where we’re not sure of the name, we’re not sure exactly what we would go into every week, but we want to cover a specific editorial on the MuggleNet Editorial Section of the website. So, if you have any editorial ideas that really stand out to you, send them into mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And then put in the subject line “Editorial Segment” with your favorite ones. We’re going to…we’re thinking of interviewing the people who wrote them, go in-depth with them, ask them about their theories because…

Micah: Provide direct links too, I would say, to the actual editorial.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, to make to it easier for us. Because those articles are really, really excellent!

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: They’re just well-written. They cover…they’re just great! So, we want to use the ones that you guys like the best. So, please send them in. Thanks for that. Now, Laura.

Laura: Yes, thank you Andrew. For the past few months, Elysa of MuggleNet Fan Fiction and myself have been working to starting a charity with the intention of raising awareness and funds for the humanitarian crisis in Sudan. The situation over there is… Frankly, it’s sickening. Basically, there’s genocide in Sudan – millions of refugees are being killed and starved. And the lack of awareness is making it harder to fix the problem. After the Holocaust we said, “Never again!” and it’s absolutely necessary that we uphold that promise. If you’d like to help us out with that, you can visit I’ll be posting that link over at the Fan Forums and see what we can do about putting it in the Show Notes?

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Laura: All right. Awesome.

Andrew: You guys have created an excellent website.

Laura: Mhm. Thank you.

Andrew: Along with the help of lo and behold, MuggleNet Greg.

Laura: Mhm. Yeah.

Eric: The real MuggleNet Greg.

Laura: He designed the layout for us.

Andrew: Not the John Noe MuggleNet Greg, the real MuggleNet Greg.

Eric: The REAL MuggleNet Greg.

Laura: The REAL MuggleNet Greg.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah. And…

Laura: Greg was so good about it. He really has been instrumental in just making the site look great. So…

Andrew: And you guys have put a lot of thought into this site and I was looking through it.

Laura: Yes, it’s been a long time in the making.

Andrew: Very good. Thank you, Laura.

And last but not least with the announcements, as we said earlier, we do want to apologize for last week’s show. [laughs]

Laura: Really. [laughs]

Andrew: My computer had ran into a few problems. It just said to me last week, “Sorry, dude. I’m not helping you out.” And then we were rushing to get it out because we always try and get it out Sunday nights, so you can have it for Monday morning. You know, get it before the week begins. So, we do apologize. And of course, our No. 1 consideration is making you guys get the show on time and with great quality, and [laughs] last week we failed. So…

Eric: Andrew, I think you should say it without laughing. I think it’s more than quality issues as well. I think it’s becoming content. And a lot of the complaints I read over in the Fan Forums were that it was less content and more inside jokes between us and John Noe and PotterCast and stuff like that.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: So, content.

Laura: I saw. [laughs]

Eric: I mean… Yeah. When you say that the content is bad and we’re sorry because our equipment sucks, it’s also our fault, and I’d like to apologize and I think everyone should.

Andrew: No! Oh no! I know it’s our fault! Absolutely!

Eric: Because we just went off topic way too many times.

Micah: Right.

Laura: We did. And I saw a lot of people upset about Emerson’s power-hour.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Well, listen guys…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Let me give you a little secret. Ben is a little lenient on what goes in and what doesn’t. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, I noticed. I noticed.

Andrew: But no, really, we are dedicated to getting it out the best that it can be because in the end it is all about you guys. We’re just the idiots who sit here and talk to each other about Harry Potter. Ah, so we do apologize. And from now on they will be top-notch quality.

Eric: We promise.

Andrew: Always and forever.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Oh god. Toujours pur! That’s on my class ring, did you know that?

Andrew: No, actually I didn’t. I was completely unaware. Thanks for getting us off topic after we just apologize.

Eric: You’re welcome. Let’s go…

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: No, let’s go back to Peter Pettigrew – this week’s topic.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

The Black Family Tree

Andrew: No, no. Well first, before we get to Peter Pettigrew, there was so much news that happened over the past week. Order of the Phoenix casting, mainly.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And then the Black Family Tree – the little card that JK “Rowling” is donating to Book Aid International for charity. First off, we’ll start with the Black Family Tree. This reveals bits of new information.

Eric: I just depends how much we saw of it, really. We didn’t see that much.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: No, we didn’t. We only saw part of it. Most notably the Black family has relations to the Potter family and the Longbottom family.

Laura: The Weasley family too.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Wait, Potter? Wait, Potter?

Laura: I wasn’t…

Andrew: Yes, Potter.

Eric: Potter?

Andrew and Micah: YES!

Andrew: Pot-ter!

Eric: I just stared at that for a half-an-hour and I didn’t get the Potter, where was that?

Andrew: Arcturus is also in there, who is rumored to be the R.A.B. Now that Arcturus that we see on the Family Tree, he is deceased, but a relative, that would make sense, that would make perfect sense.

Micah: Right. For his middle name.

Andrew: Right. A couple… What I found interesting, was on this little portion of it, we see two, what Jo I assumed made out to be, two little black holes with missing names.

Laura: Yeah, where Mrs. Black blasted them off the Family Tree.

Andrew: I forgot about that.

Laura: Yeah, remember in the book? That would be Sirius and then I think Andromeda, Tonks’ Mom.

Andrew: Ahhh, I’m sorry. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah. They sounded to me like cigarette burns, that’s what I kind of…

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: That’s what they sort of look like, doesn’t it?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So that’s that. Should we be hoping to see this entire thing before it goes on sale?

Eric: It’s the question. I think you’ll get it after. I don’t think we’ll see it all before it goes on sale.

Andrew: I say that because they are having an open house…

Eric: Ahhh.

Andrew: …with all the items that will be up for auction. Now, you pay ten pounds I think it is, you can walk in, take a picture of that, theoretically.

Eric: But, can you?

Andrew: If nobody catches you.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know. I don’t know. [laughs]

Eric: I think it’s a matter of…doing it…doing it…

Andrew: If someone can jot it down, it’s completely…

Laura: Tell them… Tell them that you are an official photographer for MuggleCast.

Eric: Yeah. Uh-huh. No, they’d pay thousands of dollars for…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Micah: Well, somehow I’ll get my hands on it. I mean, I got the Dumbledore’s toast. I got the Ford Anglia. So, it’s only a matter of time before I get my hands on it.

Laura: Yeah!

Eric: Yeah, get… No, get… Yeah, you have contacts, Micah.

Andrew: What’s sad is that you’re not joking. That’s the sad part. [laughs]

Micah: I know. I did spend a lot of money on that toast.

Laura: Yeah, how do you think we’re all getting to Vegas in July?

Micah: Yep.

Eric: Yeah, it’s Micah Tan.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: And his contacts.

Andrew: But seriously if somebody took a picture of this… Of course, we would love…

Micah: Siriusly?

Andrew: Yeah, no pun intended. If someone took a picture of this and sent this in to MuggleNet or even one of the other sites, this could seriously decrease the value of it because the hype won’t be as big. You know what I’m saying?

Laura: Yeah, you just have a copy it saved to your desktop now.

Eric and Andrew: Yeah.

Andrew: Who cares? Well, I mean it is the original thing. This is hand-written, correct?

Laura: I think so.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, and her signature is right there. So…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I think…

Laura: That’s definitely something a die-hard fan would love to have, but at the same time I think the knowledge is equally as important to the fans.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: So, if they already have, you know, a jpeg of it, I don’t anybody is going to be too fussed for it.

Eric: I highly doubt… I don’t think they need to show the entire thing to sell it. In fact, it’s best if they didn’t. The real question is, the people who buy it – will they want to spend all that money on it and then share it with the world? Or would they want it to themselves? Whoever buys.

Andrew: I would think. I would probably…oooh, geez. What would you guys do? Would you keep it for yourselves?

Laura: I don’t know. [laughs] I don’t know because…

Eric: I’d wait until Book 7 and then give it out.

Laura: …if I spent all that money on it, and then it was like everyone else could have it for free – I don’t know. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: It’s just, kind of, I don’t know.

Andrew: That’s a good point. But then again you know THE original copy that Jo actually drew out, which is…

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Eric: You know what?

Andrew: Priceless! I mean, except for at this auction. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Eric: Then later on, you’ll find 100,000 hand-draw, you know, family trees on eBay signed by JKR.

Andrew: So it is interesting. We look forward to seeing that being sold. The little book over 70-something words, I can’t remember off the top of my head, do you guys? 70? 72 words?

Laura: Mmmm. Don’t remember.

Andrew: It was in the seventies – 70 words. That never made it online, so I would think that they would tell whomever won, “Look, just don’t post it online.” So…

Eric: I don’t think they can do that because it is the person’s property then.

Laura: I guess we will find out.

Order Of The Phoenix Casting

Andrew: And then also the Order of the Phoenix casting. Of course there were several big announcements this week. Most notably we have our Luna. Imelda Staunton was confirmed, which we’ve talked about her in a previous show, but I would just like to say I think she’s perfect for the role.

Laura: She looks great. She really does.

Micah: Yep. Especially if you look at her picture over on, what is it? Internet Movie Database?

Eric: Yeah, IMDb.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: That shot of her, looks exactly like Umbridge.

Eric: IMDb is my homepage.

Andrew: Yeah, IMDb is a great site. She just looks perfect for the part. I can’t wait to see her in costume, and I just can’t wait to see her acting. And the newbie, well, the young newbie, 14-year-old Evanna Lynch from Ireland, who actually attended the open casting call just like a billion other people and actually made it in. Which I had found interesting because even before the open casting call, correct me if I am wrong, but Warner Bros. had narrowed it down to five people. Correct? So, what happened? Any ideas? Was Evanna that good?

Laura: She might be. You know, maybe they had those five people narrowed down, you know, as the five best out of everyone they saw, but maybe none of them fit just what they were looking for. And that excites me.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: It gets me pumped up because I think that this girl could, if she’s really that good, then she can really do a spot-on job of playing Luna. I’m really excited about that.

Andrew: I just think it is interesting, but yeah, like Laura said, it is pretty exciting. And then of course, she’s had background with the brush of fame. She was in the hospital for…I don’t think it was mentioned.

Eric: I mean, put it this way. If you can already Google her, she’s good fame material. She can handle it well.

Andrew: Yeah, by fame I meant that she had just, she had gotten Book 5 signed. She looks like a good Luna, yes?

Laura: Yeah, I think she looks pretty good.

Andrew: She matches the physical features, yes, we’re going for? [laughs]

Micah: Yep.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: And then there were some other people that were cast, but there’s not exactly much to say with anyone because we haven’t seen or heard much from them. Of course they’ve all had some experience, but they are not huge movie stars. Yet again, not exactly big roles. So, you can’t expect much.

Eric: But, you can, in a way. You can still expect…

Andrew: Explain, Eric. Elaborate.

Eric: There is an old adage and it is kind of actually annoying even to me. But it says, “There are no small roles…” [stutters] Sorry. “There are no small roles, just small actors.” What this means basically, even if you only have one line as a character on stage or in a movie, you could make that simply the best line there is. And you put your heart into it, you think how would your character say this, and you establish yourself on screen. Even without words there have been characters that are, you know, bold. And from a cinematographic point of view, they stand out. And so I think even though Kingsley Shacklebolt might just show up at, you know, Privet Drive and just be standing next to Moody as he says, you know, “This is the different teacher than you’ve had before.” Brendan Gleeson who has obviously been with Daniel Radcliffe, Kingsley might just stand there. But at the same time, you know who he is, we know who he is, and we can fun with that.

Andrew: And then of course on a smaller note (it sort of got overshadowed by the wonders of Luna Lovegood and Umbridge and the like), that Robbie Jarvis is going to be playing young James Potter. Which tells us that yes, Snape’s bad memory would indeed be in the movie. Which is exciting because I like seeing the stuff from the past. We haven’t seen as much in the past. We haven’t seen many past, you know what I mean, like seen…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, we really haven’t.

Andrew: Because this, we’re going to be seeing a younger Snape then, right?

Eric: We’ll be seeing younger…

Laura: Yeah, that means we’ll be seeing younger Marauders, younger Lily…

Andrew: Everything, yeah.

Eric: A younger everybody which is… I think they really need to capitalize on this because they’ve cut all the past stuff out of Movie 3, and the only past thing we’ve had is the Chamber of Secrets, you know? The thing with Tom Riddle and Hagrid, and that really didn’t happen.

Andrew: Goblet of Fire too…

Laura: Well that’s not true, in Goblet of Fire, you had the court and everything.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: Oh, right.

Andrew: But those didn’t give us great looks it was just…

Laura: No, was it just me or when you saw that, they didn’t really make everyone look younger?

Andrew: No, no, they never try and they didn’t try this time.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: Yeah, I meant as far as life at Hogwarts by the way, when going back into the past.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah so, that will be interesting.

Eric: Also, I wanted to mention with Robbie Jarvis cast, there were a few people that were suggesting since Harry and James look so much alike, why didn’t they just get Dan Radcliffe to portray James?

Andrew: Yeah, good idea.

Laura: I don’t think they look that alike though. I mean…

Eric: No, I don’t think they do either. And that’s what I wanted to point out too, I don’t think, it’s better they cast someone different entirely because first of all, I doubt they could make him up to look any different and I think it would just be weird.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: It would be more weird than…

Andrew: It would probably look weird, but if they were on a budget or something, it might not have been a bad idea. You could easily, come on, you got the make-up and stuff. They took a nose off of Ralph Fiennes, they can do anything. So…

Eric: Well true, true, but look at, sorry, Richard Harris in Chamber of Secrets when they made him look younger or whatever. He looked completely different. That actually just disproves my point, but I mean he looked really different there.

Laura: I don’t know, for some reason I can’t see Dan doing the cocky thing very well.

[Eric laughs]

Laura: I don’t know. I’m not insulting his acting skills, but I think he does a really good job portraying the role he’s in and I don’t know, maybe it’s just because I’ve seen him in four movies being so noble that I can’t actually see him picking on someone.

Eric: Yeah, I also think Harry – sorry – Dan’s Harry portrays more the Lily side of Harry than the James side of Harry.

Laura: Yes. Yes, I think it does.

Eric: I think in movies. And I think that would probably create a problem if he were to do James.


Andrew: Now, moving on to our main discussion of the week, as promised, [says in Remus Lupin voice] “Peter Pettigrew.” What movie?

Eric: Petti-grew-oo.

Laura: Remus Lupin.

Andrew: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Laura: Yay!

Eric: Wait, what? You cut out, sorry, what?

Andrew: Ah, you lost, that’s the point.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Let’s just inform everyone of some few basic facts. He is an unregistered Animagus who can turn into a rat. He is short, balding, and plump. [laughs] Peter sacrificed his right hand to renew Voldemort’s body and he bears a silver hand in replacement from his master, which of course is Lord Voldemort. Ummm, nothing is official but he is considered at least half-blood since he was accepted as a Death Eater. And all of that information is provided to us by, no, not the HP-Lexicon, but MuggleNet’s very own Encyclopedia. [laughs] You know, we’ve been checking…

Laura: We actually use our own Encyclopedia.

Eric: Wow.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I was checking the Lexicon this week and then I realized: wait a second, we have all of this on our own website. [laughs] So…

[Everyone laughs]

The Rat And His Master

Andrew: Ah, that’s funny. So, we have a variety of questions to cover. Number one, most importantly, what drew him to Lord Voldemort?

Laura: Lord Voldemort’s power, I think, because we know Pettigrew will definitely side up with the biggest bully on the playground and it seemed at the time that Voldemort definitely had the upper hand. And then of course, his downfall to Harry, he went and hid for twelve years.

Micah: But do you think Pettigrew went right after Voldemort, or do you think Voldemort kind of sought out Pettigrew? Because I know it’s hard…

Laura: I think Pettigrew went for Voldemort.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Pettigrew had to go for Voldemort.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That’s the whole point of making Pettigrew Secret-Keeper, was that Voldemort wouldn’t seek him out. So, I think Voldemort, or the majority of it had to be Pettigrew going to Voldemort saying, “I have this big secret for you.” And even though Pettigrew blames Voldemort and says he has ways or persuasion, Voldemort wouldn’t have just gone out on the street, picked a few people, you know, who were on the good side and said, “I’m going to make you my servants,” because he would have picked all the purebloods and stuff. So, yeah.

Micah: But he was a close friend of James. Why wouldn’t Voldemort want to try…

Eric: Well, that’s what made him so good.

Micah: …seek out and convince those people surrounding the Potters to sort of turn against them.

Eric: Well no, he would, but at the same time would he just go out again? He was their most pitiful friend. Would he just say, “Let’s go all the…” I think he would try and convert Sirius or Remus first if he was just looking for friends of the Potters.

Laura: They said that Pettigrew had been passing information to Voldemort a year before they died, so he probably went to Voldemort ages before he became Secret-Keeper and Voldemort probably said, “You need to become Secret-Keeper. You need to do something to convince them that you should do it,” and it worked.

Eric: Well, it was suggested as a joke actually, according to Sirius.

Laura: A joke?

Eric: Yeah, he said he suggested Peter as a joke almost.

Laura: Oh, really?

Eric: Yep. Because who…

Laura: Oh I don’t remember that.

Eric: Who would possibly suspect…yeah.

Andrew: Now as Micah said, they were close, Pettigrew was close friends with James, but I just… Is that an excuse for why Pettigrew went to Voldemort?

Laura: No! None of it’s an excuse for what he did.

Andrew: I know…

Eric: No, there is no excuse for what he did.

Andrew: But why? What made him? I mean, because he grew up in a life – he was surrounded by, he grew up with James and Sirius. He spent a lot of time with them at Hogwarts, correct?

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So I just don’t understand why. Why? Why, Peter?

Laura: Because he wants to saddle up to anyone who has power.

Eric: But at the same time… I don’t know. I think, they definitely characterized him in Prisoner of Azkaban they said, you know, they actually said it to his face, they called him the person who would shackle up to anybody who had power and, you know, leech off them. But at the same time, there had to have been a point where Peter was then saying, you know, “My side no longer has the power.” Except I don’t know when that would have been, but for him to go to Voldemort – I mean, if you’re going to be with anybody who’s anybody from the good side, you should be with the Potters. And that’s who he was. So even though Peter was actually on the best of the good side, he just still chose to go over to the bad.

Micah: But even thought he was a part of that group, do you guys think he was picked on a little bit? Like he wasn’t the star of the group.

Andrew: I’m sure he was.

Laura: Oh, yeah of course.

Micah: So maybe that was part of it, too. Maybe part of it was, “Look how powerful I can be by going over to Lord Voldemort’s side and look what I will be able to do.”

Laura: It’s entirely possible.

Eric: I think that’s…

Laura: And it’s just as immature as Snape taking things out on Harry for what his father did, you know? I’ve always found it extremely immature that you have people who will take things that you did when you were 14, 15 years old and hold them against you when you’re an adult. It’s like, everyone makes mistakes.

Eric: Well, at the same time, James never seemed to be one to apologize. His cockiness may have subsided, but I don’t think Pettigrew ever got an apology or anything that he was due because nobody, including, you know, Sirius and Remus, felt that he was due one.

Laura: No, probably not.

Eric: So I think that Pettigrew’s turning is a slap in the face, and is a “Hey, you don’t appreciate me, maybe Voldemort will more,” which we know is not true, but I think that’s probably what it was.

Laura: I’m sure that there was some of that in there. Definitely. Along with the fact that he probably felt that as someone, you know, working so close with the Potters and Dumbledore, he was at high risk to be killed. And he probably figured, “If I give this information to Voldemort, then I’m on their side and they won’t hurt me,” which is very untrue.

Eric: I like that. He valued his own life, which was good.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: …and not the life of the Marauders as a whole.


Andrew: Now, why did Dumbledore let him become Secret-Keeper? I mean, in a way, you think, “Okay well, it’s because he’s always hanging around them,” but, around James, but could that be the full reason why?

Eric: Is it…is it in my memory that, uhhh, maybe, ummm…is it just in my head that maybe Dumbledore thought that it might have been Pettigrew that was sneaking information to the Potters and he still let them make him Secret-Keeper anyway?

Laura: I don’t think he had anyone specific in mind. I know Dumbledore offered to be the Potters’ Secret-Keeper.

Eric: Yeah, I know that, too, but see what happened was, ummm…

Laura: I think they knew that one of their friends was betraying them.

Eric: Yeah, and so I think, even though Dumbledore has always been characterized as, you know, valuing choice and all this other stuff. Even though he sat by as they made Peter the Secret-Keeper, I think he probably should have objected to it.

Laura: What could he do though? Because, I mean, the Potters were adults. He couldn’t tell them what to do.

Eric: I’m just saying, I really, honestly don’t know why it wasn’t Dumbledore anyway because that would have been the absolute…

Laura: Because if it was Dumbledore, then the Potters wouldn’t have been murdered and there would be no Harry Potter. There would be no Harry Potter series. [laughs]

Eric: Well, that’s a good thing. No, that’s a good thing. Not for the content-wise, but…

Laura: There’d be no MuggleNet and there would be no MuggleCast.

Andrew: How is it good, Eric?

Eric: Because James and Lily would be alive and there still would be a Harry, just not the Harry we know, so…

Laura: And there would be no story. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, but Dumbledore should have been the Secret-Keeper if the Potters wanted to survive, that’s all I’m saying.

Laura: Yeah, of course!

Eric: Well, okay, so we understand each other.

Micah: Didn’t they talk about Sirius being it, too? But they thought that was too obvious.

Laura: Yeah, they wanted to use Sirius originally.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: But I think it was actually Sirius who suggested Pettigrew.

Eric: Yeah, it was.

Laura: Because he, he basically said in Prisoner of Azkaban, “I as good as killed them.”

Eric: Yeah, because he joked, which is what I said. He joked about choosing Peter and then lo and behold Peter was the upper hand…or had the upper hand.

Pettigrew In Slytherin

Andrew: Why wasn’t he in Slyth… [stutters and then laughs] Slytherin, because of the way he was so self-protective?

Laura: I think it’s proof that not all bad wizards are in Slytherin because of course, in Sorcerer’s Stone, it’s either Hagrid or Ron, I can’t remember, who told Harry that.

Eric: No, it’s both.

Laura: It’s both?

Eric: Yeah, because…

Laura: But I think that’s more of a stereotype type thing. I mean, obviously you have a lot of dark wizards that come from Slytherin, but I really don’t think that you necessarily have to be in Slytherin to be a bad wizard.

Micah: Yeah, and what he did, he did display bravery even if it wasn’t bravery in the good sense.

Eric: Yeah. Which is…

Laura: And I wouldn’t call him a dark wizard anyway. [laughs]

Eric: No. [laughs]

Micah: No. [laughs]

Eric: Micah is entirely correct.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And also, if you think about it, even the Hufflepuffs are characterized as being bad people. You know, when they seclude themselves from Harry with Justin Finch-Fletchley thing in Chamber of Secrets

Laura: Yeah, they were being loyal.

Eric: Everybody has…they were being snooty and…and, you know, royal pains in the butts to Harry and you know, they weren’t being nice people, nice, accepting, generous people, which shows that there aren’t many in any house. There aren’t…you know? Not everybody is.

Andrew: It’s just several factors. I mean, being bad is a personality thing. Of course, that’s one of the factors. I think that goes into your sorting, but there’s other things too.

Eric: Maybe it was his choice. Maybe all the power was in Gryffindor so he was like, “I’m going to shackle up to Gryffindor. Make me Gryffindor.”

Wormtail The Wizard

Andrew: So…so what powers did he possess? What kind of magical ability?

Eric: He’s good at dealing with things – being a rat for 13, 14 years, you know? Actually, do you guys think… Here’s a good question, do you guys think that he ever revealed himself to Percy?

Andrew: No! No! If he had…

Eric: All those times living as him.

Andrew: The surprise would have been just big as it was with Ron. I don’t see why he would. And I’m pretty sure, I remember reading that he did stay in secrecy that entire time.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t think he would, really. Because as corrupt as Percy is, I don’t think that he’s going to be a Voldemort-supporter.

Eric: I agree with that. My problem was of course, well, the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, it all happened so fast when he came out of that, and he was so used to walking around like a human and stuff, it just seemed like he had done it before or something. But that was just probably due to how he acted it, you know, in the movie and how it was directed and everything like that.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Because he was…a lot of people complained too, when talking about Timothy Spall as Peter, they say that he did it too mousy, you know…too not human enough and it was almost silly watching this overgrown rat-type thing. But, I just felt that..

Laura: But in the book, that’s how it described him though. That he, that even as a human he seemed rat-like.

Eric: He was rather done well in Goblet of Fire, I felt, so it was just a matter of what we saw in the movie.

Andrew: I…I would agree.

Missing In Action

Eric: So now, if Peter didn’t ever reveal himself to Percy and everything like that, where was…where was Peter in Book 5? Because he wasn’t mentioned, like, at all. And even in Book 6 he was only mentioned in the very beginning, do you remember that?

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: With Snape in “Spinner’s End.” But he wasn’t mentioned at all the read of the book. He wasn’t even, at the end of Book 5, he wasn’t even in the big battle with all the Death Eaters.

Laura: I think in an interview, I can’t remember specifically which one, but someone asked where he was during Book 5 and she said, “You will find out eventually.”

Andrew: And we didn’t find out really in Half-Blood Prince.

Laura: So, he might have been. Well there’s still one more book.

Andrew: I mean, we didn’t find out in Half-Blood Prince.

Laura: No, there’s still one more book. I think…

Andrew: My thoughts on that is…

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: …if they don’t show up in a book then they’re not doing anything that is super-important.

Eric: No, I think it’s a red herring.

Laura: Either that, either that or they’re doing something VERY important [laughs] that we’re not supposed to know about.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I just don’t understand why you would avoid mentioning him. It’s just like, is that Jo’s writing style that if you don’t mention someone then it’s assumed that…? It’s just weird.

Laura: Well, not necessarily.

Eric: There is such a thing as a red herring.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And you know, the absence of signs is a sign.

Laura: I think she wanted to draw our attention away from a lot of things in Book 5 and in Book 6 as well, just by not mentioning the Department of Mysteries really. I think she’s trying to draw our attention away from that so she can set up, you know…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: The plot for Book 7.

Eric: Traditionally the style with J.K. too, when she doesn’t want to mention something, she’ll still at least have it exist in the book. Like it won’t completely, completely drop out. Even though it seems like it will, it will still there a little bit. Just enough so that when she does bring it back, we’ll still remember it. Such as Gilderoy Lockhart and things like that. You know, there was the mention, I think it was in Book 3, which was after Lockhart that Hermione said – No! It was Book 4! – when Hermione was going on about how she doesn’t like people for how the looked and then Ron joked Lockhart. And you know, made that, “Cough! Lockhart! Cough! Ha! Lockhart!”

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And that was just her way, you know, obviously we saw Lockhart in Book 5.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Which is really weird because I just completely didn’t think of that, but he’s there and he’s ever-present in the background.

Laura: And something that that reminds me of is in…I want to say it was in Book 5 when Hermione was asking Fred and George where they were getting all this money for their joke shop. One of the twins said, “Ask us no questions and we’ll tell you no lies.” And I think that that is her attitude towards it.

Eric: I agree. The only difference is between lies and what she actually changes her mind about.

Laura: I don’t think…

Eric: I…

Laura: She’s not… I don’t think she’s going to lie, but I think it was definitely a present theme.

Eric: Well yeah, but the question is, will she actually ever…are any of the major book secrets do you think she actually changed her mind about? That might actually change, it might actually maybe contradict a possible… See we have to understand there is so many things that she has to finish up with Book 7…are… Could it be possible that maybe, once she gives us this answer, this final answer, that they actually contradict one or maybe even more things that she’s actually said in the past?

Laura: It’s possible, I mean, when you’re writing something as epic as this…

Eric: Of course, which is…

Laura: …there are going to be inconsistencies.

Eric: She’s been writing for over fifteen years hasn’t she?

Laura: Mhm. Yeah.

Andrew: And she said on her website, that, just a couple weeks ago, that she was trying to avoid, you know, getting screwed up with the plot. But, it’s just going to happen, especially with a book so in-depth like this and it’s already turned up so far and it’s…parts of it have been fixed in some revisions of the books, but it, you know, I think it’s impossible. Jo does great, but, you know…

Laura: But she’s human.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

How Did He Find The Weasleys

Andrew: Yeah, oh…so how did he get to the Weasleys’? How did Percy pick him up? Could he have got into a store and…or, he was just crawling on the street?

Laura: Did it ever say? I don’t think it said.

Eric: I’d be more interested…

Andrew: No.

Eric: I’d be more interested in figuring out why, like, if Mr. Weasley was all like hanging around in a coffee shop and saw a rat, why he’d want to give it to his son, Percy, as a pet. You know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: “Oh look, a rat! This would be a good pet.”

Andrew: “A rat, cool!”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: “Cool! It’s a Muggle rat.” You know?

Andrew: But, did…

Laura: Well, it’s something they can afford.

Andrew: Did Pettigrew intend to get into the Weasley family?

Laura: Yes, he did.

Andrew: Okay.

Laura: It’s…

Eric: I think we can give him that.

Laura: …in Prisoner of Azkaban, I’m pretty sure it was…

Eric: Where it says that he shackled up to make sure that he knew the news.

Laura: Yeah, they were like, Sirius was like, “Yeah, you made sure that you, you know, got into a wizarding household where you could hear the news, hear if your old master had come back” and all this other stuff. So, I think, it’s not, I’m not sure that he was looking for the Weasleys specifically, but he was definitely looking for a wizarding family.

Andrew: I mean, it’s completely possible he could’ve been aiming to get into the Weasleys. And they are pretty gullible so…[laughs] especially Mr. Weasley, you know, with his Muggle fascination.

Laura: What? You think he picked up the rat and started talking to it, Andrew? Was he like…

Andrew: No. I’m saying his fasc…

Laura: “Are you an evil wizard?” [laughs]

Andrew: I’m saying his fascination with Muggle anything. He’s just fascinated with anything…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: The guy’s like, you know? So…

Laura: Well, he’s very curious.

Andrew: Yes, yes.

Laura: And I think that if he found just a normal garden rat, he would…that would be something he would like to have.

Andrew: And since they’re poor, they can’t exactly afford it, so Percy gets it. It, you know, makes sense.

Reveal Yourself

Eric: Okay, I guess the next thing is why didn’t he attack Harry prior to Book 3? But I think that’s also already been answered in the book, too.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Where he needed the assurance that, if he was going to act, that he needed to…or maybe that was…was that about Lucius Malfoy?

Laura: No, that was about Pettigrew, he would need somewhere to go. And we…and he doesn’t want to do anything unless it directly benefits him.

Eric: Right.

Laura: You know?

Micah: It was just an added bonus.

Eric: Okay.

Laura: He wouldn’t want to do it under Dumbledore’s nose…

Eric: Yeah, so wait, guys.

Laura: …unless Voldemort was back.

Peter Gets No Love

Eric: Now, Pettigrew really is the character in the books, next to Snape, who gets no love. And, would you guys agree with that? Because I mean, here he is and he’s this, and he is a bad person, I will agree with that, that’s been argued. He is a bad person, he’s chosen all bad things, but he’s really had to take the crap from the Marauders all his life and here he goes and he signs up with Voldemort and causes the whole series to spin out of control, but at the same time, he still gets no love. And when we did see him, the very little we did in Book 6, he was being abused by Snape, who was also abused by the Marauders. He’s getting abused and he’s getting, you know? He’s this little servant-slave thing “make-me-tea-or-else” type. He’s not getting any kind of affection from either side.

Laura: Yeah. I wouldn’t give him any affection.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Besides the fact that he’s, you know, “only a mother could love him.” What do you guys think?

Laura: Besides the fact that he betrayed his best friends to their death… Why doesn’t anybody love him?

Eric: Why doesn’t anybody?

[Laura laughs]

Eric: No, really nobody did before. He was this short little, fat kid and McGonagall never treated him properly.

Laura: Well, we don’t know for sure that no one loved him. I mean, he definitely got a lot of tough treatment, but I don’t think it’s an excuse at all because…

Eric: No, I’m not saying that’s an excuse.

Laura: With me and my friends, we make fun of each other all the time.

Eric: I agree!

Laura: And it’s just…I’m not going to go and betray them.

Eric: There is a point when too much is too much though. And they can respect that. I mean, it’s just… No, I’m not giving…

Laura: Well yeah, but they were young people and they weren’t thinking. And they weren’t expecting him to do what he did.

Eric: Well right…exactly. And believe me, I am not saying… This is completely different from the Barty Crouch Jr. thing. I am not saying…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: …that…I wasn’t going bring it up. No, this is not saying that Wormtail deserves love…everybody deserves love…but at the same time, I’m not justifying his actions. I’m just saying that, you know, he really took a lot of crap and it’s really unfortunate that he still has to take crap with Voldemort. And he’s never really going to…the good side…the bad side isn’t any better than the good side. In fact, it’s worse.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: Well, are you saying that Pettigrew should have gotten more love, or Wormtail should be getting more love?

Eric: I would assume that it would be…I don’t know. It is interesting…just the fact that you classified them as, like, two different people. Pettigrew was… I see the character of Peter Pettigrew as being somebody who was, you know, always not as skilled as he was able to let on and he was satisfied with, at least, you know, just living the life of the greats. But, there was a point where, I think he had to become his own person, and kind of take his own, you know, take his own path and that was when he decided that the rap he’d been getting, maybe he could do without it if he… He saw himself as becoming valuable once he started getting information from the Potters. And this wasn’t just about their Secret-Keeper, this was obviously a year before, but I think there was a point where he started seeing that he was a valuable person, but not to the good side anymore. That he was starting to become valuable to somebody else and maybe he wanted to try to see. Maybe he did want to try, maybe he just wanted to give it a little dab into the dark side and see if he could actually be possibly more appreciated or more happy with himself on the bad side, which I actually think he is, probably more happy.

Laura: I just see him as, sort of, a pathetic person, really. Like he’ll…

Eric: Well, he is.

Laura: He’ll get himself pulled in way too far. You know, he’ll get in over his head and he won’t even really have realized what he has done. I think, possibly if he knew, if he could look into the future and see what all was going to happen to him in the future, he probably wouldn’t do what he did but not because of, you know, out of, you know, love for the Potters…

Eric: I agree.

Laura: Out of, you know…

Eric: I agree entirely.

Laura: …love for himself.

Eric: Yeah. For himself, I think, looking back, he would probably change it. Not for the Potters. I agree with that.

Loyalty: Snape vs. Pettigrew

Andrew: Here’s another question: Who is more trusted by Lord Voldemort? Snape or Pettigrew? And I’ll…

Eric: Snape!!

Andrew: Okay. Great. Thanks, Eric. I just like to voice my opinion here that, yeah, at this point, I think it’s Snape too. Pettigrew’s too weak. Snape’s got the trust and the power.

Eric: Even…

Laura: Yeah, I think so, too.

Eric: Even after…

Andrew: Pettigrew’s got the trust and that’s it.

Laura: But, I think that it’s possible that Voldemort would use his followers to spy on one another. I think that having…

Andrew: To test loyalty?

Laura: Yeah, I think that having Pettigrew and Snape in the same house was sort of a double win for him, to keep them, you know, in line…

Eric: A check.

Laura: To keep them spying on each other.

Micah: See that’s the thing. I mean…

Laura: Yeah?

Micah: Wormtail has shown his loyalty throughout the series to Voldemort, whereas Snape has been the one who has always been in question, so why would we all of a sudden naturally assume that it’s Snape that’s watching over Wormtail as opposed to the other way around?

Eric: And I like that.

Laura: Well…

Eric: That’s a brilliant…

Laura: I think it’s both ways, personally.

Eric: Well, it’s just, the way Micah just worded that. It fit exactly what I wanted to ask. And that was brilliant. That was brilliant, Micah because, I don’t know. It makes…it’s a complete opposite. It makes sense. We should be suspecting Snape would be, you know, the one who’s being spied on.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Because Pettigrew has clearly said…you know, Pettigrew…it’s not a question if he’s good or bad, because he is bad. And, the problem is, he can’t be trusted by Voldemort because Voldemort chooses to value the morals of it for, you know, Voldemort’s not a moral person, but yet he realizes that Pettigrew only does what he wants out of fear instead of wanting to. And I guess he looks…

Laura: And that Pettigrew would leave at the drop of a hat if the opportunity came up and it would benefit him and keep him safe.

Eric: I guess he sees that, but fear is a lot more powerful than choice. I think Voldemort would, at least, try and think that way, but he’s not.

Laura: Mhm. Oh, he’s…I mean, he’s afraid to leave and probably even more afraid since he’s, you know, allegedly being watched over by Snape.

Eric: And assuming that…assuming that Voldemort trusts Snape, he’s trusting somebody, who, even if he was bad, would only want to be in it and doesn’t… Snape doesn’t feel compelled to have to be in it, you know.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Even if Snape were a bad guy, it’s still a choice he makes, and I think that’s interesting to observe that Snape is actually choosing to be on the bad side whereas Peter is choosing, but also, he fears for his life and it’s more… I think Peter is more likely to stay on the bad side than Snape and yet Voldemort’s Snape…trusts Snape more.

Micah: Yeah and I don’t even know if “weak” is the right word, because somebody mentioned this before, to describe Wormtail. I don’t necessarily think he’s weak when you consider all the things that he’s done throughout the series.

Laura: He’s…I mean.

Andrew: Who said that? That wasn’t me, was it?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I didn’t…

Laura: I don’t remember. I honestly don’t remember.

Andrew: Well, because, I didn’t say “weak,” I just said he wasn’t as powerful.

Laura: I think when you compare him to the likes of some of the Death Eaters, he is weak, but he’s definitely…he’s a good rat. That’s what he is, I mean, he’s good at sneaking around and…

Eric: He really is.

Laura: …gathering information

Andrew: He’s sort of like Peeves, only more worthwhile.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Just, sort of like the attitude and, I don’t know. He’s sort of annoying, but…

Laura: I find Peeves to be funny.

Eric: I find Peeves…

Andrew: Peeves is funny, but he’s annoying… He annoys Harry.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: You know?

Eric: All his strange words…”ickle” and…

Andrew: Yes, yes.

Laura: [Laughs] I wish they had Peeves in the movie.

Eric: [In a funny voice, imitating Peeves] “Potty-wee lad. Potter-wotter wee lad. Gah.”

The Silver Hand

Andrew: So, what is the silver hand meant for, if anyone…? I see it as, like, Voldemort’s reward to him…to Pettigrew.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Like, check out this silver hand… Ooo.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: He’s a rat, exactly, he’s fascinated by shiny things.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Like sewer pipes, right?

[Everyone still laughing]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. And cheese.

Laura: In all seriousness, I think the hand probably has some magical ability.

Eric: It’s topic, it’s topic, should Voldemort, you know, what exactly is silver? Now think of this. Okay, you just brought me back, I’m not going to give you your regular hand back, I’m going to give you a silver hand back. I don’t even think Voldemort thought about it. I don’t even think it was a second thought, like, “Gee, you were actually a decent, you know, friend to me, I’m going to give you a silver hand.” I…

Andrew: What’s the advantage though?

Laura: It’s probably got some kind of magical ability. I really think so…

Eric: It has to.

Andrew: I guess more powerful spells if you have your wand in that hand?

Micah: Well, Jo said that people naturally assume that, since it was silver and silver bullets kill werewolves, that there was going to be some kind of connection there, but she sort of struck down the whole Lupin thing when she updated her site.

Eric: Yeah, but I…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Why does nobody accept the idea that it could be the bad werewolf…that other guy?

Micah: Greyback?

Eric: That…Greyback.

Laura: I think it’s possible. I think…

Eric: Whenever I mention that, everybody goes silent and I’m like, you know, that could be…he could just kill Greyback.

Laura: That could be his debt to Harry…I mean, paying off his whole debt…his life debt and stuff.

Eric: I don’t know…

Laura: I don’t know if he will kill anyone purposely. But I think…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …that it’s a definite possibility that he could…

Eric: But I want to say, also, when Voldemort gave him that silver hand…

Laura: …inadvertently cause the death of…yeah.

Eric: It’s not like Voldemort was planning ahead to have to kill a werewolf and so he said, “Hmmm, you know, I’m going to…you saved me, resurrected me, I’m going to give you a silver hand so you can fight off a werewolf one day.”

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: You know, I don’t think he said that. I think it was an off-hand type thing. No pun intended.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I can also see it as just a way to, you know, excite Pettigrew over nothing. You know, he’s like a child. He’s easily…what’s the…he’s…what’s the word, duh?

Eric: Easily contented?

Andrew: He’s…no, I was going to say gullible.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: He’s, you know, “Ooo…silver hand!” And he goes off to play with it.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: In a non-weird way.

Eric: No, no, we weren’t thinking in a weird way. It was just a cute thing to say.

[Laura still laughing]

Laura: No, also I think it’s a way of making sure that he remains loyal by thinking “Hey, if I keep doing this kind of stuff, he’ll keep giving me more stuff,” you know.

Eric: I agree.

Micah: You know, two silver hands instead of one.

Andrew: Yeah exactly, Micah.

Eric: Soon he’ll have the silver foot.

[Laura laughs]

It’s Payment Time

Andrew: So well, we sort of talked about this in different questions, but how will he repay his debt to Harry? We just suggested, “Oh, the silver hand can do it with Greyback.”

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Any other theories? I just…saving him from Voldemort in Book 7? I…

Eric: I want to talk to…I want to talk about the unlinking of Voldemort’s inner circle and just how Pettigrew’s going to fit into that and possibly repay his debt, in the meantime. I think we characterized Pettigrew before as being the kind of person…and I think this was mostly due to Laura…the kind of person who would stumble into helping fulfill Harry’s…you know, his debt to Harry whether, just say, “Okay I have to go help Harry now.”

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: I don’t know that he’ll necessarily say, “Okay, the good side is where I truly should be” before he helps Harry. You know, I don’t know that that will happen.

Laura: I could see Harry forcing him. Seriously, I can seriously see…if they somehow took him prisoner, I could see Harry like, pointing his wand at him and saying, “You will do this for me, or I will kill you.”

Andrew: Yeah. He bullied him around in Prisoner of Azkaban in the Shrieking Shack scene.

Eric: I, well I…yeah. But, the thing is also, Harry wouldn’t have to do that too, which is the question…is what is the debt? Because Harry wouldn’t have to push him around. I mean, I’m sure that would be effective and all, but I don’t know how we’re going to find out what exactly his debit is to Harry because, you know, it’s not going to… I don’t know how Harry’s going to find out and Pettigrew is probably unaware that he even has a debt. So…

Laura: Yeah. It all depends on how debts work. If they’re actually, I mean, if there’s a specific span of time in which it has to be completed or…?

Andrew: Or is it similar to an Unbreakable Vow where…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …it has to be done. But, Pettigrew’s got really nothing to lose. He’s not in any sort of [laughs]…it sounds stupid, but he’s not in any sort of relationship or, he doesn’t have some reputation built up that’s absolutely vital…

Eric: Which means he’s…

Andrew: …he’s not trying to save the world…

Eric: You know, what this means?

Andrew: He’s just Pettigrew. He’s a tool to be honest.

Eric: Yeah, which means he’s not going to die. Also, like, if he had like a girlfriend and family and everybody loved him, he’d probably die, following the JKR rule.

Andrew: I was saying the exact opposite, that, in fact he’s got nothing to lose.

Laura: I think he will die. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, so, why not go back…

Laura: I think he will die.

Andrew: …why not go back on his debt?

Eric: I’d like to see Pettigrew dying for Harry’s cause. I would like to see Snape die for Harry’s cause.

Andrew: But he won’t. Snape is evil.

Eric: But, I would like to see, yeah, both. But Pettigrew filling his debt, it’s just a question of – I don’t know, he might find the courage to – I don’t know that it will stand up to Voldemort, but he did stand up to Sirius and Remus in the Shrieking Shack. There was a point where he did… Did he not say something that was something to the effect of, you know, he gets no respect or something? And then it was…

Laura: I don’t remember that specifically.

Eric: He said a lot of crazy things. He said a lot of crazy things and especially like the whole, you know, “I made a better rat,” and then Sirius told him that’s nothing to brag about. But at the same time, I think it’s just the future and how Pettigrew repays his debt I think just depends on what he’ll see as good and evil when the time comes. And I don’t think he’s necessarily a good person. So…

Wormtail’s Fate

Andrew: And beginning to wrap this up: What will his fate be in Book 7? There’s so many different ways this could go. [laughs] He could completely bail out, like I was just saying. He’s got nothing to lose. Why not run off again? Not… I’d hate to say commit suicide.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I mean, with anyone, it’s kind of depressing, but…

Eric: I just realized something.

Andrew: What’s that?

[Eric laughs]

Eric: He can’t… whatever he’s been doing and whatever he does, he can’t be seen to the public! Because that would mean that Sirius Black was innocent if he were still alive. Whatever he does, he can’t show himself to the wizard public. Do you guys agree with that? Because…

Andrew: But people…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Because it would create the gradual unlinking and show that…

Laura: Well, that was why they killed Bertha Jorkins at the beginning of Goblet of Fire.

Eric: Exactly! So, whatever he’s been doing lately, he had to be utter, über top secret with it. And whatever he does in the future has to be… Maybe, I don’t know, but maybe he actually has to – maybe he’ll come forward or something in the future. I don’t know. But…

Laura: I think he’s going to die, personally.

Eric: Maybe he will. But the fact is, that’s what sucked about Book 3, was that nobody knew that Pettigrew was alive and they couldn’t prove it.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: But if they saw Pettigrew, I mean, that alone would have some value at least in the wizard public’s understanding of what’s been going on and at least they’re, you know, they’re kind of getting to know that Dumbledore had been telling the truth the whole time.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: I don’t see Pettigrew really straying from Voldemort very much in the next book. And like Laura said, I think if he repays Harry at all, it’s almost going to be by mistake. And if he does die, I really don’t know who’s going to kill him either. I mean, it could be any of the Marauders, it could be Voldemort for accidentally repaying Harry somehow. But in the end, I really think that he’s a goner.

Andrew: You know, when you think about it, to quote Micah next week:

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: “Someone’s got to whack him off.”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: That’s all there is to it.

Micah: It was last week, not next week.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I said last week!

[Micah laughs]

Eric: [still laughing] You said next week!

Laura: [still laughing] No, you said next week!

Eric: “To quote Micah next week…”

Andrew: We record episodes in the future, and Episode 26 was actually before Episode 25, and that’s how it works.

[Everyone laugh]

Andrew: I think that just about wraps that discussion up. Anything else you guys want to cover?

Laura: I think we covered him pretty well. I mean…

Andrew: Okay, I’m out of here. Bye!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: No… We’ve still got way more to do.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Andrew: Andrew’s Listener Challenge update for this week: we’ve gotten – well I’ve gotten – many emails from people asking questions about their segments. In case you didn’t listen to Episode 25, I started a brand new contest this week – well, starting this week, where you will create a MuggleCast segment that will go onto the show!

So to just touch on a couple of things here: Your segment must not be any longer than seven minutes in length. It must relate to Harry Potter in some way, shape, or form. Your segment must be turned in no later than February 18, 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. So get a start on them now!

Winners will have their segment aired on MuggleCast, as I mentioned before. And all participating hosts will win a shiny MuggleCast tee-shirt. They are beautiful. They really are. I love them.

Laura: They are really nice.

Eric: They are!

Laura: I really like mine.

Andrew: So if anyone has any other questions, you can always email them to andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Good luck, and we cannot wait to hear your segments.

The Las Vegas Minute

Andrew: Now it’s time for the Las Vegas Minute! We haven’t had time – we haven’t done one of these in a while. And then we’ll wrap it all up with a fine, fine Dueling Club. The reason we’re… we’re only going to do these Las Vegas Minutes when we have actually something to say. And that is…

Eric: Okay, I’m going to time it.

Andrew: Go ahead.

Eric: Are you ready?

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: Okay, Andrew. Go. [Eric’s watch beeps]

Andrew: Space is running out for you to sign up for Lumos 2006. So if you are interested in going, we are going to be there, we are going to do the live podcast. That is the final decision. There hasn’t been, like, an official announcement through Lumos yet, but they’re working on, you know, all this stuff, and we’re going to post lots of information on But! Please register soon if you’re interested because space is running out.

Eric: Thirty seconds.

Andrew: Space is running out, space is running out! So get… [laughs]

Laura: Not to mention that the rates get higher…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …the longer you wait.

Andrew: And the hotels…

Eric: They only get higher.

Laura: Right now, it’s $160. And sometime – in May I want to say? it jumps to $180.

Eric: Yeah. Quick!

Andrew: The hotels are running out too. And we really… if you think you can come, then come, then. Because this – the place is beautiful where we are all staying at and where the convention is being held.

Eric: Okay, okay. I’m going too. Bye.

Andrew: A huge group of MuggleNet-ers will be here.

Eric: Time! It’s one minute.

Andrew: Oh, oh. You are going Eric?

Eric: Do you guys actually time this?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. I’m going.

Andrew: Oh, I wasn’t aware of that.

Eric: I’m going. My whole family’s going. My mom and sister and me are going.

Andrew: Oh, that’s nice! I get to meet the Sculls! And just real quick!

Eric: Yeah!

Andrew: It’s funny because Eric and I just realized that we’re both [laughs] about 45 minutes away from Philly.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: So, we’re going to try and meet up and record a couple of these shows together. Because I know he tends to rant a lot…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …so this way I can actually punch him when he starts to go off too much.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So.

Eric: Like Sock’em…

Laura: Yeah, I’m actually going to be in D.C. in May!

Andrew: Are you?

Laura: So we should all, we should all get together and do…

Eric: Yay!

Laura: …do a group recording.

Eric: For some reason, I’m getting the image of like, Sock’em Boppers with Andrew and Eric sitting at, like, a café…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That’s what I was doing, although Eric wouldn’t punch back.

Eric: …you know, punch and like my jaw comes off and… No, I wouldn’t do that.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: My hands, my hands would be holding Book 6, or something.

Andrew: Of course.

Dueling Club

Andrew: So now, moving on to this week’s Dueling Club. We had this idea where instead of deciding who we would duel beforehand, two of us would throw a name out there and then we’d compare the two. So…

Eric: Huh.

Andrew: …you guys want to try this?

Eric: Sure!

Andrew: I thought it would be- I thought it would bring a little bit more excitement to the premises.

Laura: Okay.

Andrew: So me and… Who wants to go? Who wants to fight me?

Laura: I don’t know. [laughs]

Andrew: And then we have to defend our own character.

Laura: I’m intimidated.

Eric: All right, Nymphadora Tonks.

Andrew: No! No, no. You don’t get it. You have to say it at the same time as someone else.

Eric: Laura, do you have your character?

Laura: Let me think. Mmmm… Yeah.

Micah: 3, 2, 1…

Eric: Petunia.

Laura: [At the same time as Eric] Bellatrix Lestrange. [laughs]

Eric: Petunia and Bellatrix. What do we think?

Andrew: [laughs] Petunia and Bellatrix?

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: That was… see? This was good! Andrew!

Andrew: Who chose Petunia?

Eric: I did. She’s not the… [laughs] she’s not the ordinary… She’s not the ordinary Auntie, but at the same time, I think anybody battling Bellatrix – you know, Bellatrix probably has the upper hand.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Just because she’s so more evil and more, you know? But…

Laura: Yeah, I was about to say that I think that Bellatrix would pretty much PWN Petunia.

Andrew: Micah, it’s me and you now. Let me gather my thoughts here for a moment.

Eric: And I’ll…

Andrew: Okay, gathered.

Eric: You ready?

Andrew: You got one, Micah?

Micah: Yeah, I’m ready.

Eric: Okay, guys.

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: Andrew. Micah.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Play safe. Play fair. Okay. 3, 2…

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: …1, shoot.

Andrew: Luna Lovegood.

Micah: [At the same time as Andrew] Dobby.

Eric: Luna Lovegood and Dobby!

Andrew: Ooo…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Well, we haven’t really seen much from Dobby, besides… well, okay. He’s got…

Eric: Yeah, we have!

Andrew: He’s relatively powerful.

Eric: He took down Lucius Malfoy.

Andrew: Good, Micah. You defend him. You said it. [laughs]

Micah: Well, he’s relatively powerful.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: You know, we saw what he did to Lucius.

Andrew: Mhm, right.

Micah: At least in the movie, I don’t know.

Laura: He did it in the book, too.

Micah: Okay. And…

Eric: He made him lose his hair tie.

Micah: He just… He just seemed once he was sort of set free, we’ve seen more things from him throughout the books. And we talked about this, I think, in another episode. We’re not really sure exactly what type of powers that house-elves possess. But based upon how he’s just able to shoot his hand out and send Lucius flying down the hallway, I think he would be able to handle Luna pretty well.

Andrew: Actually, I would have to agree with that. [laughs] Because…

Laura: What happened to defending your character?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Well, because I didn’t… see, this is the thing. You don’t know who you’re going to put them up against!

Micah: He wasn’t ready for the Dobster.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I wasn’t. I was defeated.

Laura: That’s fun. That’s fun! We should do that again.

Andrew: I don’t know… Yeah! Wait!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I’ve got to defend Luna now! I’ve got to stick up for her a little bit. So…

Eric: Her father is an editor and he can slander Dobby all he wants to. So nobody would know – even, even, even if the truth was that Dobby PWN’d Luna, you know, nobody would know about it. Everybody would read the Quibbler and then it would be like, “Oh! Luna just whooped that elf’s patinski.”

Andrew: I think Luna just seems too unsure about herself to really be able to fight.

Eric: But she could hear the voices and see the Thestrals.

Andrew: Yes, because that’s because she’s weird.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But that doesn’t suggest…

Laura: Hey.

Andrew: …that she’s a powerful wizard.

Laura: Weird is good.

Eric: Ohhh…

Andrew: I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m just saying it doesn’t mean that [gets cut off]

Laura: You kind of broke out there for a second. [laughs]

Andrew: I didn’t say she was mean, I’m just saying that she was…she’s not…that doesn’t mean she’s a powerful wizard.

Laura: No, it doesn’t.

Andrew: Why’d I pick her? [laughs]

Laura: But we can assume…

Eric: [laughs] Andrew’s like, “Why did I pick Luna?”

Laura: No, no, no! Seriously. Because we know that her mom used to do tests with all these really powerful spells. So her mom must not have, you know, been too shabby at magic.

Eric: Actually, yeah. And who knows what that, you know… I think Luna’s very powerful. I think we’ll see more from Luna.

Andrew: We have not seen Luna as a bad person. As a bad wizard.

Eric: Why would we?

Andrew: Just I don’t know, there could have been an occurrence.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: So it’s completely possible that in Book 7, she ends up, you know, making a comeback.

Eric: I think she could.

Micah: Now what happens if it’s Luna and Dobby versus Petunia and Bellatrix?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, that’s too complex. I can’t…

Eric: No, I think…

Andrew: I think it’s two on one.

Eric: No, Petunia would take down Dobby for being in her hydrangea bushes…

Andrew: Yes.

Laura: Oh yeah.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: … in the beginning of that. She’d be like, I…you left those things in my bushes and… it’s like Whack-A-Mole.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, can we stop using that word, please?

Eric: It’s like Whack-A-Mole, for Petunia.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: She just, she just runs around her yard and…

Andrew: [laughs] That word is officially banned from MuggleCast.

Eric: What word?

Andrew: Whack.

Laura: Whack.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Banned from MuggleCast.

Eric: But it’s like Whack-A-Mole! I’m going to do that, I’m going to go on Macromedia Fireworks or whatever and I’m going to play with it. I’m going to come up with a game that’s like Whack-A-Mole with Petunia with a broom…

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Oh dear god…

Eric: …and she’s like running around the back. And, like, Aunt Marge is floating around in the background and, it’s like…

Andrew: All right, well thank you, Eric.

Eric: …to continue…

Show Close

Andrew: So, is there anything else you guys wanted to discuss this week? It was a busy news week. It definitely was. Micah, you were busy in your news center this week.

Micah: I really was. I’m going to have to read all of those names, too, that we couldn’t pronounce before. [laughs]

Andrew: Aw yeah. [laughs] Good luck with that.

Micah: Thanks.

Andrew: Well, guys, I think that does just about do it for Episode 26 of MuggleCast. I’m…

Micah: One more thing.

Andrew: Oh, what’s that, Micah?

Micah: I just… I wasn’t the only one who came up with those questions there. Kim Parker, from Leaky

Andrew: [laughs] Oh my god, you’re kidding.

Micah: [laughs] You want to talk about…

Eric: Oh yes, you’ve got… Yes.

Micah: She did a good job on some of those questions, so we just wanted to thank her.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Laura: Thanks, Kim.

Eric: Thank you, Kim.

Micah: Because they did help out with the discussion.

Andrew: Kim hurt my feelings last week, in the Leaky Lounge. But I won’t go into that.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: So…

Eric: You just did.

Andrew: No, remember I said I won’t go into it.

Laura: I hurt your feelings weekly…

Micah: It’s going to magically disappear from this conversation.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: …and you’re not mean to me.

Andrew: [laughs] So thank you, Kim. Sorry we couldn’t get the pre-show out for you.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Hey! Hey! Hey.

Andrew: Ooo! Speaking of pre-show…

Eric: Andrew…

Andrew: Speaking of pre-show, how could I almost forgot! How could I forget to mention? The Muggle – the LIVE podcast video from New York City is now out and available for your viewing pleasure on So definitely go and check that out. It’s – they are pretty big video files. If you’re a dial-up user, you’re going to have to go over to a friend’s house or at school to watch them. But…

Eric: Yeah, Andrew, I heard you took a screenshot…

Andrew: It’s…

Eric: …I heard you took a screenshot of your computer uploading, like…

Andrew: Yeah, because people are so desperate…

Eric: …saying and then it came out.

Andrew: On, yes. So many people…

Eric: But it came out a week later, anyways.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. [laughs] I said a few days, I didn’t want to be very specific. Definitely check those out. It’s a very fun video. You see us doing the podcast and you see the crowd. Everyone’s so excited. You see Eric, because Eric was, like, right in front of the camera. [laughs] So once again, I am Andrew Sims.

Eric: I am Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: By the way, I was just getting kidding earlier. I didn’t fire Ben. [laughs]

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: However, I could. [laughs] No, probably not.

Eric: [laughs] He could…

Andrew: He’d probably body slam me, and then I’d be like, [in a breathy voice] “Okay!”

Eric: Ben hired you. [laughs]

Andrew: Ben did hire me for MuggleNet, that’s true. But I hired him for MuggleCast. So he’ll be back for next week, hopefully. Kevin will be back. And Ciaran will be back. Ciaran’s in London this week. He’s doing something London-ish that is unspeakable. So, thanks everyone for listening and we will see you next week for Episode 27. Goodbye!

Laura: Adios!

Eric: Goodbye!

Micah: Bye.

Eric: Okay. [laughs] Goodbye! Goodbye!

Andrew: Stop. Stop.

Eric: Goodbye! Goodbye now.


Andrew: Listen as Laura, Eric, and Micah try to figure out how to host the show without me.

Andrew: We have this girl – Evanna… [laughs] I don’t have her full name up right now.

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Whoops!

Laura: Lynch.

Andrew: Hold on one second.

Micah: She’s calling you.

Andrew: I know! She’s calling! Oh my god! [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Hold on a second.

Eric: Let’s get her on the show.

Andrew: Here, you guys can talk… no, actually, you guys can talk – yeah. You guys can talk about her. Go ahead.

Eric: Ummm.

[Long pause]

Laura: What’d you guys think of her?

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: I thought fine.

Laura: Don’t laugh at me. I’m trying to start a conversation here.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: I… no. They had her on – when we linked to her on MuggleNet, we did that other article we found about, that was supposedly about her, you know, and Harry Potter?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Do you remember that? And then…

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: …so I thought that was pretty cool, like she’s clearly a Harry Potter fan…

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: …which is good, because there are some girls who would show up for the audition and not know a single thing about it and, you know, really rip all the die-hard fans slash actresses off.

Laura: Yeah! And I mean, we know that there are actors in the movie who haven’t read the book. So I’m…

Micah: Like good old Michael Gambon.

Eric: Thank you, Micah.

Laura: And Tom Felton, and about [laughs] half the other people in it.

Micah: Well…

Eric: Yeah, but you know what? They’ve all read it now, and that’s… Well, except maybe Michael Gambon, but then that’s just, you know…

Micah: Wow, this is really just, like…

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: No. No.

Laura: [in a sarcastic voice] This is going great, guys!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: The second Andrew leaves… no. No.

Laura: This is top-notch content, right here.

Eric: Okay, guys, though. Guys, though. What about the James?

Micah: You know this is all going at the end, right? [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Yeah. Don’t say anything…

Eric: Guys.

Laura: You know, I try to get conversation starters going, and you two just sit there.

Eric: Okay.

Micah: Well, there’s a lot of new people here.

Eric: Yeah. Guys, let’s…

Micah: We’ve lost our leader.

Eric: What do you think about James?

Laura: [laughs] I know.

Eric: The James casting.

Laura: Fearless leader. We can’t do anything without him.

Eric: Am I even here anymore?

Micah: He’s busy on the phone with Evanna.

Eric: I’m not even here anymore, am I?

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Laura: Well, what do you guys think of the way she looks? Like, do you think… Does she look the way you imagined Luna to look? Or no? Maybe? Kind of?

[Long pause, in which typing noises are heard]

Micah: I can hear you typing.

Laura: I can’t hear you, Eric. Yeah, I can hear you typing, but…

Eric: Well, because I brought up like one hundred thousand points and nobody heard me.

Andrew: We hear you, Eric!

Laura: I didn’t hear it at all. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, I didn’t hear anything.

Andrew: I’m back.

Eric: Good. Andrew, I think when you muted me, I think that totally…

Andrew: I didn’t mute anyone.

Eric: Oh. Well…

Andrew: I muted my mic.

Eric: Yeah, I think that might have muted me.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I hit the little red button on my microphone.

Eric: Well I’m sorry! But your little red button is like…controls me.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: And my computer.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: Andrew, I think we just took care of the bloopers for the end of your show.

Andrew: Did you? Oh, okay…

Micah: In those last three minutes. [laughs]

Andrew: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: So what’d you guys talk about?

Laura: [laughs] Nothing!

Andrew: Oh. [laughs] Okay.

Laura: I’m like sitting here trying to start this, and they both just sit there. And I’m like, what the hell.

Andrew: You sitting ducks. You losers. Okay, here. Should we start that again…

Laura: Yes, just do it again.

Andrew: …and then Eric can bring up his three million points?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay.

[Long pause]

Andrew: How did I intro Luna? I forget now.


Andrew: And then the other people who were cast were [mispronounces] “Natalee-a Teena”… [laughs]

[Micah, Andrew, and Laura laugh]

Eric: [pronounces correctly] “Natalia.”

Andrew: [pronounces correctly] “Natalia.”

Eric: Natal… [pronounces incorrectly] “Natalee-a.”

Andrew: Natal… how do you say it? [laughs]

Laura: Natalia.

Andrew: Natalia?

Laura: Not [pronounces it the incorrect way] “Natalee-a.”

Eric: It’s [pronounces it incorrectly] “Natalee-a.”

[Micah laughs]

Eric: No, it really is.

Laura: Natalia? [laughs]

Eric: I know her personally. It’s [pronounces it incorrectly] “Natalee-a.” Like Andrew said it was.

Andrew: Natalia [pronounces incorrectly] “Teena”? [pronounces correctly] Tena?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Oh, forget it!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Natalia! Natalia! Haven’t you ever seen Golden Eye?

Andrew: No! Natalia Tena?

Micah: Who does she play in Golden Eye?

Andrew: Who cares, that’s the question.

Eric: No, Natalia was the name… [laughs]

Micah: Oh.

Eric: Natalia was the Bond girl in Golden Eye.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Anyway, I’m sorry.

Andrew: Uhhh… [laughs]


Eric: That wasn’t an attack on Ben, by the way. I felt bad, but I have no problem with Ben editing the show.

Andrew: Awww, I can’t believe I lost this.

Eric: As I had mentioned earlier, I think the problem with last week’s show was content – actually what we did talk about or didn’t talk about, rather than the quality of the show. So forgive me, Ben. Because he’s going to listen and be like, “Oh! That hurt, Eric.”

Andrew: He’s not going to listen. I’m not putting this part in. Just tell him over AIM.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Seriously.

Laura: Who’s editing this week?

Andrew: Me.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: Thank god.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: You guys! I’m like, “I’m sorry Ben!”, and you’re all like, “THANK GOD!”


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #25

MuggleCast EP25 Transcript


Ben [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 25 for January 29th, 2006. This week’s show is sponsored in part by, your No. 1 source for all of your Internet needs. has domain names, transfers, and renewals for as low as $1.99. Plus, check out their hosting plans, website builders, secure certificates and much more! Plus as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E, when you check out and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Also this week, we’re very happy to introduce our first-ever MuggleCast T-shirts. Be the person people notice – in a good way – walking down the street, by supporting the show. Our T-shirts come in two different styles and three clothing types – regular T-shirts, long-sleeved, and women’s fitted. Just go to and click on “Store” at the top to order. And with that, let’s start the show.

John: Hey everybody, and welcome to another episode of MuggleCast. I’m your favorite MuggleNetter, MuggleNet Greg, bringing it to you this week.

[Everyone acts puzzled]

Andrew: Ummm, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: Ummm, I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I once was a man named Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Laura: Ummm.

Andrew: Ummm.

Ben: MuggleNet Greg?

Andrew: Hold on.

John: Muggle… Yeah.

Andrew: MuggleNet Greg? Yeah. Hey!

John: Did I miss my cue here, boys? I apologize.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: No, no. You did fine. Just…did anyone invite you this week? Or… This is sort of…

John: I did get that postcard in the mail the other day.

Andrew: Oh…oh, right. Right.

Eric: He’s MuggleNet Greg. He doesn’t need an invitation.

Andrew: Right. That’s cool.

John: Is there…

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: He doesn’t need an invitation.

John: Ummm.

Andrew: Alright. Well, if you want to host, just…

Ben: But dude, hold on.

Andrew: …go ahead.

Ben: Hold on. MuggleNet Greg…

John: Alright.

Ben: Wait a second.

John: What?

Ben: MuggleNet Greg sounds an awful lot like someone else.

John: No, surely you must be mistaken. There’s only one MuggleNet Greg.

Andrew: No, he sounds like MuggleNet Greg.

John: There’s only one MuggleNet Greg.

Andrew: I’ve heard…I’ve heard MuggleNet Greg on PotterCast. I know he’s for real.

Ben: But who is that guy from The Leaky Cauldron, from PotterCast. What’s his name?

Andrew: Kim Blaire?

Ben: No, no, no.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: His other name.

John: They have a podcast. When did they have one?

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: I know. It’s total crap.

Andrew: iMuggle? [laughs, then yells] I’M CONFUSED! THERE’S TOO MANY MUGGLES!

Ben: Well, there is only one good one.

John: Yes.

[Laura and John laugh]

Ben: Okay, the jig is up. Guys, the jig is up.

John: The jig’s up.

Ben: Joining us this week is PotterCast’s John Noe.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Oh my, you just spilled the beans.

Ben: He’s now MuggleCast Pyromaniac – that’s his nickname.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: For those of you who don’t know, John almost burned down his dorm last week.

[Everyone laughs]

John: No, that’s probably getting a little over-exaggerated there.

Ben: Oh whatever, dude. The fire department had to come and his windows were bursting out, and flames were everywhere.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Only three kids jumped from the balcony.

[Everyone laughs]

John: But, that was not my fault. They over-reacted. They would have jumped anyway.

Ben: Okay guys, enough chitchat. Let’s go to Micah for the News.


Micah: Thanks, Ben.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has now climbed to No. 9 on the list of the highest-grossing films of all time, one place behind Chamber of Secrets. The fourth movie has accumulated more than $286m domestically and over $589 million overseas, bringing its international total to $874.9 million, roughly $2 million behind the second Harry Potter film.

Each year, NBC’s morning news show asks special guests to sign a coffee table book to sell for charity. The 2005 book includes signatures from Dan Radcliffe and Emma Watson and is currently up for auction on eBay. All proceeds will go the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA).

Jo Rowling attended a press conference in the Romanian government’s Victoria palace in Bucharest this past week. At the press conference in Bucharest, Jo spoke about her concerns for the mental and physical well-being of children in Eastern European orphanages. She said, “There is now widespread agreement among child health experts that irreparable long-term damage is caused to young children who are institutionalized without a parent.”

Yahoo! News reported that during the charity dinner in Bucharest, the Harry Potter author raised a €170,000 by auctioning off six signed Harry Potter books and purchasing a famous Brazilian footballer’s shirt. A number of photos from the event can be seen through various sources over on

Voting for the 2006 AOL Moviefone Moviegoer Awards is now open. Nominations are in the areas of Movie of the Year (Goblet of Fire), Actor of the Year (Dan Radcliffe), Actress of the Year (Emma Watson), Best Scene-Stealer (Brendan Gleeson), and Vilest Villain (Ralph Fiennes).

Warner Bros. has announced that the Goblet of Fire DVD will be released on March 20th in Britain. Here in the U.S., it will hit shelves on March 7th.

Earlier this week it was confirmed that Katie Leung, the actress who portrays Cho Chang will be back for Order of the Phoenix.

In book news, the Polish translation of Half-Blood Prince was released to eager fans in a thousand bookstores across the country yesterday at midnight on January 29th.

Yesterday’s Daily Telegraph has a early preview of what we will be seeing at this year’s Book Aid International Auction, benefiting the poorest countries in the world. JK Rowling is one of the authors who are participating in the donation of a special item related to their books. Her item is a handwritten version of the Black Family Tree. The auction will be held in London on February 21st.

Finally, be sure to head over to as the Harry Potter author has updated both her Diary and News sections this past week.

That’s all the news for this January 29th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Ben: Thanks, Micah.


Ben: Now, let’s go to the Announcements. This week we have tons of announcements, right, Andrew? Maybe two.

Eric: Yeah, all three of them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Do you want to do one, Andrew? Do you want to do an announcement?

John: I want Eric to do one. I want Eric to do one.

Andrew: MuggleNet Greg, hold up for a second. First of all guys, I have a bone to pick with you.

John: MuggleNet Greg says…

Andrew: What’s going on? Joe Vitale beating us on Podcast Alley. What is up with this? I mean it’s… [laughs] Who is this?

John: I happen to like Joe Vitale. He’s this guy who commentates on sports, on college basketball.

Ben: No, no, that’s Dick Vitale.

Micah: Yeah.

Ben: That’s Dick Vitale.

John: No.

Ben: He’s like, “I smell upset city, BABY!”

John: Yeah. [laughs] That guy.

Ben: “Yeah!”

John: Isn’t that that guy?

Andrew: This is Joe.

Ben: No.

John: Oh, son of a gun.

Ben: But the point is, the point is…

John: It’s his brother Joe.

Ben: ..we’re sucking it up on Podcast Alley and we need your help.

Andrew: We haven’t asked in a few weeks.

Ben: Go out and vote for MuggleCast on

John: Yeah.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

John: And if you forget how to spell MuggleCast, you can probably type in PotterCast. You know, it’s the same thing – Harry Potter.

Andrew: Oh, I knew this would happen. Lots of shameless plugs.

[Laura laughs]

John: It’s all good.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah.

John: Shameless nothing.

Ben: [Laughs] Yeah. Hey Eric, Eric, Eric, did you have something to say – an announcement of some sort?

Andrew: [Whispers]: Just don’t talk.

Eric: Andrew can do it if he wants to.

Andrew: As we mentioned last week, don’t forget, we have our MuggleCast Remix, which is basically a look back at all the past episodes – from Episodes 1 to 23, I believe it is.

John: Woo-hoo! Golly!

Andrew: Yeah, aren’t you impressed? [laughs]

Eric: Cool beans.

John: Oh, funny.

Eric: You should check it out, though.

Andrew: Yeah. It was headed by Eric Scull.

Eric: Hooray.

Andrew: You put in all the hours in on it and we recommend everyone check it out. It’s long, it’s not just, you know, your average everyday remix. It’s a MuggleCast remix. We don’t mess around.

Eric: That’s right. That’s right. [starts humming]

Andrew: So, check that out on the MuggleCast site at [Says something that can’t be understood] Oh, I screwed it up!

[Eric says something weird]

Andrew: Over to you Ben.

Main Discussion – Ronald Weasley

Ben: Over to me. Oh geez, what’s going on this week, Andrew? Oh yeah, at the end of each show I always comes up with some random character and we end up discussing them. This week, it is Ron.

Andrew: Oooh.

Ben: So, it’s time to go on to our Main Discussion of the week. Oooh. Throw the confetti everywhere. Yay! Main Discussion time.

[Laura laughs]

Ben: Andrew, do you have, what’s that one site? HP-Lexicon? Do you have that up?

Andrew: Oh, you mean…part of the Floo Network, which is also in affiliation with The Leaky Cauldron.

John: Oh, I’ve heard very good things.

Eric: Okay, stop plugging. Honestly.

John: Well, we’re not called that anymore.

Andrew: What?

John: We changed the name.

Andrew: What do you call it?

John: Yeah.

Eric: It’s

John: It is Leaky News,

Andrew: Oh, right. I thought you were talking about the network got changed. But anyway… [coughs]

John: Noooo. [laughs]

Andrew: He was born March 01, 1980. He’s a pureblood…

John: Ohhh.

Andrew: …with five brothers and one sister, blue eyes, and green hair? Oh no, red hair.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And in the book he’s described as a tall, red-hair, and gangly…gangling…gangling…

Ben: Gangling…with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.

Andrew: What on Earth? [laughs] I’m sorry, but that’s kind of raunch.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: His Patronus is a Jack Russell Terrier. His Boggart is a spider.

John: “Boe-gart.”

Ben: And in the future…whatever it is. And in the future he wants to pursue a career as an Auror.

Time stamping The Series

Eric: I wanted to start off this week, since it’s Ron, and since I’m back, and I’m happy to be back and all that crap. I mean, all that stuff. I wanted to start off by saying I noticed…

Ben: Steal the show?

Eric: …when you were going to the Lexicon stuff, you said Ron’s birthday was the first of March, 1980. Now, I for one, don’t agree or never really have agreed with labeling dates.

Ben: Put a timestamp on the series?

Eric: Putting a timestamp on the series. Right. This whole 1980 thing, and I realize, you know, the main reason is the 500 years since Nick died, and you know, 1492, and that kind of stuff, but I really don’t think there is substantial evidence. And I think in the first few books, there had been people who had proved that she was purposefully trying to make the series unplottable. So, do you guys agree with this whole timestamp thing: from 1955 to 1970, the Marauders went to school, and…

Andrew: Yeah, it makes it feel old.

Ben: I don’t like it.

Eric: Yeah, I really don’t like it either.

Ben: Personally, I think it takes away from the timelessness of the series.

Andrew: Right. That was so ‘99.

Eric: Not only that…

Ben: Yeah, whenever, whenever you read it, you want to make it feel like it’s happening right now. Not that, “Oh yeah, this was 1983,” this is happening.

[Eric laughs]

John: I don’t think Jo’s too up into that.

[Andrew starts singing “I Want To Party Like It’s 1999”]

Eric: Yeah, Jo hasn‘t really, like she hasn’t come out said…she hasn’t confirmed it. I mean, has she?

John: I think she’s on the fence because she doesn’t really give recent dates, but then she puts in stuff like, “Yeah, you know, Dudley got a PlayStation for Christmas.”

Eric: Well, right.

Laura: Yeah.

John: That’s going to be irrelevant in twenty years, ten years even.

Eric: Well that’s…

John: Playstation what? PlayStation 5? It doesn’t say.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But isn’t there a timeline on one of the Harry Potter DVDs?

John: Yeah.

Eric: I think so.

John: There’s going to be one on the new one too.

Eric: But it’s a question about…

Andrew: Yeah, so, what’s going on there? Who proved all that? That’s always been a big question, hasn’t it?

Eric: Yeah, I think it’s a matter of…

John: I think they can for the third one or the second one, that Jo helped them out with that thing. The timeline.

Eric: I think JK is starting to give in.

Andrew: I guess, just basically what we’re trying to say is that even if Jo confirms it, we still see it as a little strange to date the book. Because that’s basically what it is.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And that’s like saying, you know…

Andrew: I agree with Ben that it throws you off. You don’t, it doesn’t feel…well it doesn’t completely ruin it, but you don’t get that current feeling.

Ben: It’s not as timeless, yeah. You don’t feel…like when I’m reading the books, I want to feel like it’s happening right now, that I’m with Harry, that type of thing. Where, when Harry’s fifteen… For example when the last couple books have came out, I was the same age as Harry.

Laura: Mhm, same.

Ben: I don’t know, it just felt like…

John: Awww.

Ben: I want to think that it’s happening right now, rather then “Oh yeah, this was ‘X’ number of years ago.”

Laura: Oh yeah, I completely agree with that. I mean it’s that whole feeling of growing up with the series and being the same age as Harry when you read the books. I’ve never really thought too much about the timeline on it. I’m pretty indifferent to it because when I read the books, it’s about reading the books. I don’t really care what timeframe it’s happening in.

Eric: And I think with…

John: Yeah.

Ben: Because since the books are still being released, I think that takes away from…that adds to the timelessness of it too because right now, since we don‘t know what’s happened even though theoretically in the series, it may be in the past, we still feel that it’s still in the future for us. If you get what I’m saying. If you catch my drift.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah, and you can’t say that JKR didn’t use current events to influence what she writes.

John: Yeah. So like, your timeline and all this stuff has actually already happened years ago, that sort of thing.

Andrew: Yep. So back to Ron.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: That was very impromptu. That wasn’t on the schedule, Eric!

Eric: Oh, I’m sorry.

Andrew: You’re killing me.

Eric: Sorry.

Andrew: Prove the world wrong. We do plan our shows out, we do!

John: It’s actually brilliant.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Ben: Okay, guys, something everyone’s dying to know.

Andrew: Yeah, right.

John: It’s even color-coded. With little clip arts.

Ben: Hey Andrew, Andrew, stop taking away from the show.

Eric: Color-coded black and white.

Would Harry Have Befriended Draco?

Ben: What do you guys think? Did Ron prevent Harry from going to the dark side by becoming friends with him instead of Harry becoming friends with Draco? Basically, if Harry had not have met, yeah, if Harry wouldn’t have met Ron…

Micah: No.

Ben: …on the train, do you think things would be a different story?

Eric: No.

John: No.

Laura: Nope.

Eric: Micah?

Micah: What?

Andrew: Well, he…

Laura: Well, obviously he wouldn’t have Ron, but he wouldn’t have gone to the dark side.

Ben: Doesn’t Harry find strength in his friends, though?

Andrew: And Harry was…

Laura: Yeah, to a degree but…

Andrew: Harry didn’t know… Oh, how do you put this?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Harry wasn’t sure…[laughs] Okay, if he had become friends with Draco, he would have, he would have…Was it possible for him to get into Slytherin?

Micah: Sure.

Andrew: Okay, so it would have been a completely different ballgame.

Laura: Not necessarily. No, no, because it’s been…a theme that has been presented throughout the all books is that our choices define who we are.

Eric: But you know what, Laura…actually…

Laura: Harry didn’t like Draco, from the moment he met him in Madam Malkins…

Eric: Wait, that’s true but… Wait! Laura, Laura, Laura…

Laura: Harry chose not to be put in Slytherin. I don’t think Harry would allow himself to go over to the dark side.

Eric: Wait, if it weren’t for Ron, he wouldn’t actually know that all the dark wizards were in Slytherin. He might not actually be opposed to Slytherin because he wouldn’t have found out beforehand, before the sorting ceremony, that Slytherin was bad.

John: Hmmm.

Laura: That doesn’t mean he’d be a dark wizard though.

Eric: No I mean, I agree completely and wholeheartedly that he’d be good guy no matter what. But as far as being put in Slytherin because, he might have actually been because if you think about it… I’m just trying to bring more validity to this question because we’ve already talked about how, you know, Harry’s…

John: Well, this question is also saying about…it’s putting it in the context of Ron becoming friends with Harry at the beginning, but I think also we have to remember and at least I hope this actually happened in the book and not just in the movie, [laughs] I haven’t read the first book in a while. Draco making fun of Ron at the beginning.

Eric: Yeah.

John: And just Draco demonstrating the kind of personality he is.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

John: And I think that initial introduction to Draco like that there…I mean, I know they met at Diagon Alley, or wherever the hell they were trying on clothes, but I think that that’s also one the purposes for the character of Dudley is to parallel these two people in Harry’s mind and that Draco reminded him of Dudley immediately made it clear to Harry this is not someone he wanted to be friends with.

Eric: Oh, and you know what?

John: I think, regardless of whether or not he met Ron he would have known that he wouldn’t like Draco and…

Eric: And that…that was a…

John: While he could have ended up in Slytherin, that really…

Eric: Yeah.

John: I don’t think that would have guaranteed any other choices.

Eric: I like that parallel, MuggleNet Greg.

Laura: Mhm. Yeah, me too.

Micah: Yeah, I completely agree with that. The way he was brought up, I think that he never would befriended Draco to begin with.

Eric: Yeah, he got hand me down clothes just like Rupert did…I mean…sorry…Ron.

John: Exactly.

Eric: Yeah, growing up with Dudley and stuff. So, that was very nice, MuggleNet Greg!

[Andrew laughs]

John: Yeah, MuggleNet Greg is good for one of those every once and a while. Now, I’ll mute for 30 minutes until I think of something else.

Eric: Don’t go mute! Don’t go mute.


Ben: [Laughs] What about Ron’s Quidditch skills? He kind of guided the team in Book 5 to the Quidditch…to the House Cup…to the Quidditch House Cup…whatever you want to call it. The Quidditch Cup I guess. [Laughs] What do you guys think about his Quidditch skills?

Eric: I think it was very cool how Ron was characterized as being the kind of person who, if he lets his emotions get in the way of his Quidditch playing, you know, he can’t do it…he can’t do a thing…and he lets himself get defeated by his own, you know, confidence. But, if he has confidence, he can do anything. I really like…I think that fit with Ron in, you know, the rest of the world, not just Quidditch.

Ben: Anyone else have anything to say?

Laura: Yeah, you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. So…

John: I think the lessons he’s learning from that about confidence when he’s playing Quidditch is probably going to help him if there is any kind of war scenario in this last book where he’s going to be doing fighting and stuff.

Andrew: Now, when he looked into the Mirror of Erised, was he Captain of the Quidditch team or was he on it?

Eric: That’s the question…

Ben: He was Captain.

Laura: Yeah, he was Captain and he was Head boy and all this other stuff.

Eric: But all this stuff, he actually…you know that’s coming true or something, isn’t it?

Andrew: What’s coming true?

Eric: Isn’t it starting to come…a lot of what he saw in the mirror?

Laura: Well, sort of. He got on the Quidditch team and he became a prefect.

Eric: He’s Head Boy…no he’s not Head boy…he’s a prefect.

John: And didn’t, wasn’t Hermione in the mirror too, with her hands in his pocket, I thought?

Andrew: [Laughs] What?

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: [Laughs] No.

[Everyone is still laughing]

Eric: MuggleNet Greg! That’s dirty!

John: [Laughs] I thought…

Andrew: Report him.

Ben: John doesn’t know that he comes from PotterCast.

Andrew: PotterCast!

Ben: Actually, I’m going to call up iTunes. Call up Jobs and make sure he removes your “Clean” rating from your Podcast.

John: Hey, you know the day they stick us with an “Explicit” tag, is the day our ratings triple.

Eric: That’s true.

John: “PotterCast: Unrated.”

Andrew: Well, I think he’s already…

Harry’s Stupid Little Friend

Ben: Yeah. [laughs] What do you guys think about Ron always being overshadowed by Harry? Everyone’s always viewed him as “Harry’s stupid little friend.” He’s never really made a name for himself, if you guys understand what I’m saying. Do you think Ron will be able to step out from under Harry’s shadow?

John: That’s…

Ben: Because we’ve seen the jealousy towards Harry because, Harry got to be a Triwizard Champion and all of those things.

Laura: I think Ron’s matured beyond that, though.

Eric: Yeah, I think they do view him as a separate person, though. I mean, they realize he’s Harry Potter’s friend and that’s all cool. But, I think, in the later years there are more and more moments where he gains more respect, you know, separately as far as…you know in the fifth book and all those Quidditch triumphs and “Weasley is Our King” and stuff. Those are things that happened to him without Harry.

Laura: Well, Lavender is a perfect example of the fact that people are starting to see him as his own person.

Eric: I really like that, that’s…yeah. So, even though it may have seemed like that at first, the older they grow together, they know more and more about their fellow Gryffindors, you know? They know them more as individual people. The thing about what’s going on with Voldemort is that many things happen to each individual’s family that it really separates them apart. So, you know, when Mr. Weasley got attacked, you know, everybody could see that happened to Ron, and even though, Harry had a lot to do with it. I think that they were separate. Like, Seamus and his mom…basically all the Gryffindors are individually characterized more and more throughout the books. Some people are their own individual people, just generally.

Laura: Uh-huh.

John: Yeah. Well the only real worry about looking at Ron as Harry’s “stupid little friend” is what happened to the characterization of Ron in the movies. That’s where you want to see Harry’s little stupid little friend.

Eric: Yeah.

John: …and watch, you know, number three.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: But, Laura’s right, he’s sort of matured out of that, and I think it shows by him becoming a part of the Quidditch team that he’s becoming…

John: Oh yeah, totally.

Andrew: …his own person and building his own reputation.

John: In the books, that’s never supposed to be. I mean, that may be his poor self-image of himself, but he’s supposed to have a lot of positive traits in the books.

Eric: Yeah.

John: They just missed those chapters when they were writing the script.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: [Imitates Ron in a high pitched voice] “My wand, look at my wand!”

John: …up late reading, yeah…

Andrew: Steve Kloves was lazy…oops! Skipped six chapters.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Yeah, that was Columbus…all, like at the press conference, “Yeah, we were going to do the Death Day Party, but…next question, please.”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Steve was like, what? When did that happen? What? You didn’t see Steve Jobs sneaking out the other side of the limo, you know, during that interview?

Andrew: How does Steve Jobs always make his way into our conversations?

Eric: Not Steve Jobs, I meant Steve Kloves, sorry. I’m sorry, Steve Kloves. Kloves.

John: [Laughs] You have a crush on Steve “Jobes”!

Ben: “Jobes”?

Eric: I don’t even know what he looks like, actually. I’ve never even seen a picture of him.

Ron and Hermione

Ben: Well, guys, speaking of romance, what about Ron in Book 6? He’s sort of started to lay the mack down on Hermione.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I think he’s desperate at this point…he’s desperate at this point.

Ben: Do you think they are a match or not?

Eric: I don’t think Ron is boyfriend material in certain ways. He is for Hermione and I think that’s why…I mean, I think if it’s Hermione…

Laura: In five years, Eric! [laughs]

Eric: What?

Laura: No, as of right now, Ron… Okay, if I were Hermione, he would drive me up a tree. He would absolutely drive me insane. I would want to strangle him. And I think that Book 6 completely brought that across.

Eric: No, no, no, that’s if you were Laura.

Laura: No!

Eric: If you were Hermione…

[John laughs]

Eric: No, Hermione loves him, she’s…

Laura: I’m sure she does, but she also set off a flock of birds after him. [laughs] I mean, he clearly ticked her off.

Eric: Well he…she has feelings for him and I think if you were Hermione, you would have the same feelings, but if you were Laura, you’d strangle him, and, you know, rightfully so. But, you know…

Laura: I would strangle him regardless, because he’s an idiot sometimes.

John: Are you a man-hater, Laura?

Laura: No!

Eric: You’re a Ron-hater!

Laura: If I were a man-hater, how could I do this show every week? Come on. [laughs]

Eric: You do hate us! You threaten us…

John: That’s a very good point.

Andrew: [laughs] Good point.

Eric: …Andrew has to edit out the death threats. I helped him edit one day and counted all the death threats we get.

Laura: That’s right. Mhm.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

John: Oh, Laura.

Eric: Yeah, people…

Andrew: Let’s pause now for editing.

John: To tease Laura.

Andrew: We’re back!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: That’s great.

Ben: Awww, geez. Okay.

Eric: Micah, Micah, what do you think about Ron and his…

John: What are we talking about?

Eric: What do you think about Ron and his…

Andrew: Uh, Micah dropped out. Micah dropped out.

Eric: Micah dropped out?

John: What?

Andrew: Micah dropped out and then he went offline. I don’t…he’s…I guess his internet is sucking. His modem fried and then now he’s on wireless, so I think he has a problem.

[Andrew and John laugh]

Eric: So, let’s talk about this a little bit more. Ron: boyfriend material? MuggleNet Greg, what do you think?

John: Let’s think here. MuggleNet Greg thinks that Ron had to go through the trial that was Lavender before he can have a relationship with Hermione.

Laura: Yeah. Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah, I agree.

John: I forget where I discussed this with, and who it was, but I think after Ron’s bouts of jealousy with Hermione and Krum, I guess he probably had to figure out what exactly it was that he wanted…

Eric: You know, that’s…

John: …if he wanted a girlfriend. Why did he want a girlfriend? Did he want it just so he had somebody to make out with in the common room in front of everybody?

Ben: Of course. Social acceptance.

John: Or, for the other good things, you know?

Eric: You know what? That happened to everybody.

Ben: Dude, hang on a sec, there are other things?

John: [laughs] Well, one day, Ben, you’ll meet that right, lucky girl.

[Everyone laughs]

John: Who you will have a connection with.

Andrew: Ben, now, this is called a…

Ben: What?

Andrew: No, but I think Lavender was sort of like a test monkey…

Eric: Test monkey.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: No, she was prepping the oven, man, prepping the oven.

Laura: It’s really sad to say, but she was. [laughs]

Ben: Oh, it’s just terrible to say. It just breaks my heart to say it. It’s really sad.

Andrew: Shut up. Ben, you’re so negative.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: Yeah, I think…

Andrew: Um… [pauses]

Eric: Yeah, continue. No, no, Andrew, please.

Andrew: Go ahead, Eric. Go ahead, Eric.

Eric: No, Andrew. Really.

Andrew: No, no, okay, fine.

Eric: No, Andrew. Go.

Andrew: Okay, if you insist.

Eric: Alright. Andrew, everybody!

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, so I think Lavender was just basically a test dummy for Ron. His first [laughs] relationship couldn’t have been with Hermione. I don’t think it would have worked.

Eric: Well, she would have to…

John: It certainly wouldn’t have been…

Andrew: Natural?

John: It certainly wouldn’t have been the same kind of “make out with you in front of your little sister” kind of junk, like with Lavender. You would have never had that with Hermione. I think by the time he was done with Lavender, he figured out…

Laura: No!

John: …that’s not really the kind of girl I like.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, Greg.

John: Yeah.

Laura: No, because Hermione expects more out of him. She expects him to be more mature and she expects a more mature relationship out of him. No one can go into that when they are sixteen.

John: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah, and also, if you think about it, they’ve been friends for such a long time. I think it would be awkward at this point to have a relationship.

Eric: Well, at a previous point. I think it really brought out…See the thing with relationships, I think, in the books is that all of them…in fact, now that we’re mentioning this, all of them really taught the characters, like everybody, each one of the trio had a somewhat bad or different first relationship that didn’t last. Like, you know, Ron’s with Lavender taught him that he should, you know that snogging wasn’t everything. Hermione’s with Krum taught her that, maybe she doesn’t need to look for a star Quidditch player, you know? And maybe she doesn’t need to look for the sports guy who really isn’t particularly loquacious, or whatever the term was, you know? So, each one of their first relationships kind of taught them something about their future relationships and stuff.

John: I think that’s absolutely not the reason why she started being interested in Krum. I mean…

Ben: I completely agree. I think it’s that Krum…

John: …the Krum relationship was just…here’s this strange new guy coming…here’s this strange guy that’s, you know, paying attention to Hermione and she’s like, “What’s this all about? Some dude’s paying attention to me and he’s an older guy?”

Ben: Yeah, he’s the first guy that actually give her the time of day.

Laura: Yeah.

John: Yeah. Nothing to do with him being a sports star or anything. She’s not impressed by that stuff.

Eric: Well no, I thought that was her…

Ben: So, in other words, Eric, Eric, get off my show.

Laura: Well, she made it pretty clear in the book, you know, basically Krum noticed that she was a girl and Ron didn’t.

John: Yeah. Krum knew what was there. Did you see his face in that movie? She comes down the stairs and you see that little wink, that little nod of the head.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Well, I just thought…

John: He’s like “Yeah, boy!”

Ben: Oh yeah.

Eric: Book 4 was all about Hermione actually being more of a girl than she was before too, you know, with Krum and things. I don’t know. You’re right.

Ron’s Role in Book 7

Ben: How do you guys think Ron is going to do in Harry Potter 7? What’s his role going to be?

John: He’s going to die.

Andrew: You really think so? Or are you just being funny?

John: Actually, you know, yes and no. I…if it were a different kind of story, he probably would die. I don’t think she’s going kill him off.

Eric: Why do people have to die?

Laura: I think it’s possible.

Ben: Oh, it’s really possible?

Eric: Why do, you know, why does JKR have to kill these people off, you know? I’m really tired of this, you know?

Andrew: To make it an interesting plot.

Eric: No, it’s not an interesting plot, it’s a sucky plot. Every…

Micah: Dumbledore’s not dead anyway, we all know that.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Uh…no.

Ben: Okay, stop. Micah Tan, get off the crack.

Andrew: Don’t say “Micah Tan,” that’s my name for him.

John: Micah Tan? Are you tan, Micah?

Andrew: No. [Laughs]

Eric: All these hero stories are like, “everybody has to die” for the hero to appreciate life. Why can’t the hero just, you know…Why do they have to die to prove anything? What does that prove besides that drama happens in real life? You know, this is a fantasy story I don’t think she has to…

Ben: Actually, I heard Jo wrote it in there to make you mad, Eric.

Eric: I think…

Andrew: She wrote it in there so the kids…

John: [In a funny voice] I’ll get that Scull!

Eric: You know, I understand life has to be unfair and, you know, she should represent that if she is doing a book about anything, but at the same time, everybody’s like, “Who’s going die in the next book?” and “There’s going be more deaths.” But, what’s the point? Why do they really have to die? Honestly, couldn’t, you know?

Andrew: To make us cry.

John: I don’t like it becoming a gimmick.

Ben: It makes the book interesting.

Eric: I think it makes…

John: I think it’s…

Laura: Because it would be boring if people didn’t die.

Eric: But does everybody have to die? Does Ron have to die? Does Harry, you know? Everybody’s like…

Laura: No, not everyone has to die.

Andrew: We never said everyone.

John: Harry absolutely won’t die.

Laura: No.

John: There’s not a chance in hell that Harry will die.

Eric: But JKR is…

John: I can’t believe anybody is even entertaining the idea.

Eric: JKR is all like, you know, “More lives will have to be taken.” And, I’m thinking…

John: Well, that’s because they’re having an all-out war. That’s what happens.

Eric: I’m aware of that, and that’s fine. But, I mean, as far as main characters, why does she feel so compelled to keep killing people? Why is she so compelled to, you know, keep the death count up? You know? I mean I realize it has to happen in war.

Ben: But, the point is, she has to do it to keep the books interesting, as part of the series. Death is a part of real life, the series are life, and she’s trying to make it like real life, as analogous as possible. So, it’s just too bad – people die.

Eric: Then why don’t we have a drug addict in the books?

Ben: I’m sorry. Harry’s life’s rough.

Laura: Wait, Ben. Ben, I thought in real life, people didn’t run around with wands.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Thank you, Laura.

John: [Laughs] I wish.

Ben: Well, that’s true.

Eric: Laura is my homegirl.

Ben: I’m trying…no, you stole that from me from last week. Last week I said that. But, what I’m saying is that…

Eric: Laura is my homegirl.

Laura: No, really?

Ben: I’m saying that the setting that she’s trying to create. Like the concept of family and the concept of love…

Eric: Yeah, but not everybody’s family has to die for them to be heroes.

Ben: …concept of death…hate.

Eric: Not everybody’s family has to get blown to smithereens for them to…

Laura: No, not everyone’s family is dying.

Ben: We’re all going to die anyways. Eric, we’re all going to die anyways, dude.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Ben’s going die alone.

Ben: Why did, whoever…I am!

[Laura laughs]

Ben: I am going to die alone with my MuggleCast headset and my freakin’ Yellowcard CD. Yellowcard Lights and Sounds – in stores now. Go buy it.

[Everyone groans and laughs]

Eric: Okay, more on topic. What do we got?

Ben: Now, shifting roles…

Micah: But you guys…

John: I’m really confused. And I was trying to pay attention.

Eric: Micah was saying something…

Andrew: Me too.

John: I’m so confused.

Andrew: Eric, you confused us all again.

Eric: I’m sorry.

Rupert As Ron

Ben: Shifting gears to the movies, what do you think about Rupert Grint as Ron? [Imitates Ron] “I can’t think. Your hand’s all sweaty!”

[John laughs]

Eric: I think in the case of Rupert, it’s just, I’ve heard that he’s a very nervous person to meet on the red carpet. He’s very, you know, like, almost unsure of his answer. Like he’ll answers questions and things, but he doesn’t really handle it particularly well. And I’m thinking, you know, I can kind of relate to that, because, Rupert was, he had no acting experience and he auditioned for the role of Ron through Lizo and Newsround and he got the role. So, he’s like the…to me, he’s the fan who got to be part of the series. And you know, he’s really just a human person. And I think he has the right to be…to have these little tendencies – to be a little afraid, or a little nervous and anxious and I think it shows through with him more than it does anyone else. I think it’s just nerves as far as…I think…yeah…a little less of a…

Laura: Yeah. I agree.

John: You really can’t blame him either.

Eric: You really can’t. And I think he does well in interviews and stuff. Just not…on the red carpet events – he might be a little bit more…less…yeah.

Ben: Timid.

Andrew: Did he talk at all on the red carpet? I know he was like the first one to show up. But…

Eric: Which shows that he likes it, you know? He just really doesn’t really know… I mean he still goes.

Ben: You were there. Wouldn’t you know?

Andrew: No. It was a long line of press. You couldn’t see everyone and where they stopped, but I don’t know. John, did you see him stop at all?

John: I mean, I don’t even think we even got to interview him, did we?

Andrew: No, that’s my point.

John: I don’t know.

Andrew: I mean we didn’t get to interview Emma either, but she stopped. We saw her stop.

John: It’s obviously exhausting and they’ve just done the premiere the week before. I don’t know. I can’t pretend to get into their heads about how they actually feel.

Andrew: Yeah.

John: But you look at Dan and it’s almost like you’re thinking, “Wow, this kid is, you know, putting on a show for us even when he’s not acting in his movies.”

Andrew: Yeah.

John: How can somebody be that outgoing…

Andrew: Yeah.

John: …and always excited and into it? But, I talked to Melissa, who’s met him obviously a lot more than I have, and she swears that’s just the kind of kid he is. I think some people just have that naturally and some people have to either work for it or just, it’s just a lot more difficult for them. And that’s probably why Rupert stands out because it’s such a contrast between him and Radcliffe.

Eric: Him and Dan.

Andrew: Emma, too.

John: Yeah. Right.

Andrew: Although Emma’s more in-between Dan and Rupert. But this is not RedCast, this is MuggleCast.

[John laughs]

Eric: Yeah, yeah, right. No. Yeah, one final thing, just talking about Dan Radcliffe and the things he does because he’s “that kind of person” in contrast to Rupert. Did you guys see what he did for UTube? UTube, he was like…

Andrew:, you’re talking about?

Eric: I’m actually plugging another site, yes.

Andrew: Yeah, what about it?

Eric: It’s Dan Radcliffe on a show called This Way Up, I think it is. And, it turns out he’s like…they joke about…it’s this show and they joke about…it’s this skit. And he actually has a side job as a police officer who loves the attention, and so he writes. It’s great stuff.

Ben: Yeah, I’ve seen that.

Eric: So, please, I just wanted to mention that. It’s like the funniest thing I’ve seen him do.

John: Oh.

Eric: But, I’m sorry, you know, this is like the fifth time I’ve taken the show off topic. Please by all means, back to Ron.

Ben: Yeah, okay well we’re quite a ways in now, so I think it’s time we moved on. Hey, yeah we definitely did.

Andrew: Did we cover him enough?

Ben: We’re forty minutes in. It’s time.

Andrew: Well, we were answering…

Ben: Yeah, wait a sec. Hold on a sec.

John: I thought we had a few more…about Ron…

[Everyone groans]

Eric: We had a little about him growing up as a Weasley…

Ben: Hey, John, John…

John: Are we running long?

Ben: Nah, let’s…we need to move on. We’re forty minutes in. Well, hold on, John, you think we should do voicemails now?

John: [Imitates Andrew] Yeah, yeah!

Andrew: [laughs] Shut up!

Ben: Well no, hold on. Andrew, hold on. John, are you sure?

John: [Imitates Andrew again] Ummm…Yeah, yeah alright! Yeah! Yeah! Let’s do voicemails.

Ben: Okay, I think that’s been settled.

John: [Still imitating] Yeah!

Ben: Well, that settles it, we’re doing the voicemails.

Eric: We never get tired of it.

Voicemails – Ron’s Skills

Andrew: Well, okay. Let’s do the voicemails.

Ben: We’re Steckless this week.

Eric: Steckless!

Ben: We’re Steckless this week again.

Eric: Actually…

John: How about we read the voicemails backwards in his honor?

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Backwards compatible.

Eric: Actually, I have something to report. Kevin Steck is, apparently, knee-deep in differential equations and digital logic homework right now.

Andrew: In other words, he’s a dork.

John: Oh my gosh!

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: First voicemail.

John: In other words, he’s smarter than all of us.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: And he’s paying for it with his time.

Ben: Okay.

John: Yeah.

Ben: Roll the first voicemail.

[Audio]: Hi. This is Amy from Los Angeles and I really do enjoy your podcast. Since Ron is the topic this week, I wanted to ask you guys about, basically, his skills. It was pointed out over and over again that Ron is really good at chess, and although his magical abilities may not be as brilliant as others, do you think that Ron’s talent for strategy will play an important part in the seventh book and the final confrontation with Lord Voldemort? That’s it, thanks! Bye.

Andrew: Yes, absolutely, because…

Ben: Why?

Andrew: Well, obviously he’s going to be helping Harry and that’s all there is to it. If Ron gets with Harry, he will… Okay we haven’t seen much from him since Sorcerer’s Stone with the strategy like we saw all the way through the whole chess game.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But, that could be a good point that it does foreshadow what Micah is about to explain.

Ben: Micah Tan?

Micah: Yeah. It’s a good follow-up question. Do you guys think that what happened in Sorcerer’s Stone foreshadows Ron’s fate?

John: I was totally just thinking that, Micah. That blows my mind that you just said that.

Micah: We’re on the same wavelength.

John: I know. We’re totally in tune.

Eric: What about him getting…him sacrificing himself?

John: Naw, we’re totally in tune. I think there’s a…

Laura: I think it’s entirely possible.

John: There’s a theory…I forget where it’s published…about the whole chess game theory. How pretty much every move in that chess game is supposed to mirror something that’s going to happen…

Andrew: Oh, brother.

John: …in the battle. Yeah, it’s true.

Andrew: Oh, brother.

John: Actually, I’m a firm believer that she uses chess games as a foreshadowing device on more than one occasion, including in Order of the Phoenix when they are in the Order and they are playing a chess game and Ron is yelling at the chess pieces. He says something like, you know, “Take him, he’s a pawn, kill him,” or something. And right at that moment, the next words printed on that page is Snape coming into the room, randomly to talk about something. I think that’s a major foreshadow that Snape’s getting the axe in the last book. And he’s going do it in a sacrificial way.

Eric: Well, as long as he was a pawn for Dumbledore and not Voldemort. But no, I think that’s a good question – what Micah brought it up too. Will he sacrifice himself? I think it’s possible. But, the thing is, is he in a position to sacrifice himself? I think if anybody sacrifices himself to save Harry and his cause, I think it will be Neville.

John: Mhm.

Eric: I think Neville holds more importance as the one who was almost the Chosen One and that, if anybody really sacrifices himself and was able to be, you know, important enough to stop Voldemort or whatever they have to do to let Harry through, I think Neville would have to sacrifice himself before anything Ron did.

Laura: Yeah, but I could see Ron taking a bullet for Harry.

Eric: I can.

John: Yeah.

Eric: No, as a friend, I think it’s in his character. I don’t know about the series, if that will do anything though…if that will allow…what exactly Ron will be able to do that would stop Voldemort from doing something to Harry?

John: I mean, it would be more of a simple action than a complicated action that would involve magical complexities. It would just be jumping in front of a spell. Or, it could be something like he captures Ron or somebody and he’s like, “Tell me where Harry is!” and be like, “No! I’m not going to tell you where Harry is!” Like that. And “I’m going to kill you now,” then he’s like “Fine, kill me!” And then he dies and then next chapter.

Eric: Yeah, that’s over-published in sci-fi hero stories too. But…

Laura: Mhm. It’s true. [laughs]

John: I know.

Eric: You know? His strategy has been missing in the past books. It really has like, he’s this big strategy guy and all this stuff Harry basically plans his own war and attacks and that’s because, you know, he doesn’t let people in, but now that, seeing as he might let people in, do you think Ron will be able to help strategy-wise?

Laura: I don’t think Jo would have given him the talent if it weren’t going to have, you know, some sort of place in the book.

Eric: I like that. Well, it got them fifty points for Gryffindor.

John: Do you think it will help him with the hunt for the Horcri?

Ben: Hunt for the Horcri?

Eric: Let’s just not, no! Ben, Ben, don’t feed him. Ben, just don’t.

John: Figure out where they are?

Ben: No, hold on. John, you just figured out the title for Book 7.

John: The Hunt for the Horcri You know, I want to go and buy that domain right now.

Ben: Harry Potter and the Hunt for the Horcri.

[Everyone laughs]

John: I’m going to go to GoDaddy and I’m going to buy “Hunt for the Horcri” and I’m not going to put in the MuggleCast code.

Andrew: Use the code “MUGGLE”: M-U-G-G-L-E and save an additional ten percent off any order.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Yeah.

John: I’m going to type it in wrong on purpose.

Andrew: Use the code “RON” and save five dollars off any additional order. We have a lot of codes, I’m not even joking.

Ben: Guys, we have…

Eric: Really?

Andrew: Yes.

Ben: Guys, we have a lot of voicemails to get to though. So, I hope that was sufficient enough an answer, but it’s time to move on to the next one.

Voicemail – Weasley Magic

[Audio]: Hi, MuggleCasters. This is Jill calling from the University of Arizona in Tucson, and I have a question about Ron, my favorite character. In general, you guys seem to give Ron and the Weasley family a hard time. Especially last week when you said that the Weasley family wasn’t very good at magic. I see the Weasley family as having proven themselves time and time again throughout the series, especially as members of the Order. What would each of you like to see from them, specifically Ron, in the final book? Thanks, I really love your show. Talk to you later.

Andrew: When I said last…

Eric: You dug yourself a hole.

Andrew: No, I didn’t.

Eric: Hole.

Ben: Stop.

Andrew: Shut up, I still stand by what I said about…

Eric: Watch him dig himself out.

Andrew: …the Weasleys’ not being good at magic, but clever magic so to speak. Yes, Mrs. Weasley is great at it. Just like all the little things around their house.

John: What do you mean?

Andrew: You won’t see those things around the wizarding world anywhere else. I’m not saying Mrs. Weasley invented it, but she’s clever in that she can come up with little things, like, you know, that clock is priceless. Everyone loves the clock. I don’t know, I just…

John: Yeah.

Laura: I don’t think the Weasleys are entirely bad at magic. It said in Chamber of Secrets that their house was…

Andrew: Clever magic, not defensive magic.

Laura: Held stable by it. If they were bad at it, their house would have collapsed.

Eric: Mr. Weasley…

Andrew: I don’t know how many times I need to say this. You can’t assume stuff, when, you know…

Laura: Well, we haven’t really seen what kind of…no, no, no. I’m saying…no. What I’m saying again is that Ginny got them out of Umbridge – the whole situation with Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix. I don’t think they can be entirely bad at defensive magic if Ginny was able to get them out of that kind of situation where they were clearly the underdogs.

Ben: Well see, what the fans have to realize about Andrew is that he makes statements without any substance to make the statement. He says it without thought and goes spouting off…

Eric: No, no, no, no, no, no.

Ben: He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Eric: Andrew is in this little hole, and he’s got this iShovel and he’s trying to dig himself… What I want to say is that I think the Weasleys are just a kind of people… Now we’ve seen, as Laura has pointed out, and with Fred and George too, they could hold their own in a battle and could defend themselves against whether it be Umbridge or even any kind of defense. But I think the Weasleys are just, what it is, is just they’re generally are the type of people that don’t use defensive magic or feel threatened by it. They’re well-mannered people and Arthur Weasley went and punched Lucius Malfoy before he wanted to use any magic against him, and I think just what we’re seeing in Book 6 with the whole Mollywobbles, you need to know the password to enter the Weasley house is how they’re really stooping to accept the hard times that lie ahead. And they are well-natured people who generally would use their magic and use their cleverness for things like the clock instead of things like defense. Like you don’t have to, when the flying car went to the Weasleys’ house, it didn’t have to be buzzed in and you didn‘t have to fingerprint scan or anything like that. That’s not the kind of people they are, so I just think that…it’s not that they can’t hold their own. They just have preferred not to accept the potential danger until they absolutely had to.

Ben: Thank you.

John: Who do you think would win in a fight: Lucius Malfoy or Arthur Weasley?

Ben: We did that last week.

John: What did you decide?

Laura: Yep.

Ben: We decided that…

Andrew: We decided that…

Ben: Actually Andrew, isn’t that when you made the comment about the Weasleys sucking at magic?

[John laughs]

Andrew: No, no, I said Arthur.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Arthur doesn’t do anything.

Eric: Yes, he does. He does the flying car.

Andrew: Oh my god. Oh, big deal! Flying car. Defensive!

John: I imagine he’s pretty good.

Andrew: Defensive! Defensive! We haven’t seen anything defensive out of him.

Eric: Yeah, but the flying car saved them from Aragog.

Andrew: That’s not defensive! That’s clever magic.

Eric: From Aragog, from Aragog. It saved them from Aragog.

John: No, here’s what it is, Andrew…

Ben: Okay, just because we haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t…

Laura: Well, you know what? Andrew.

Andrew: But you can’t assume this, that’s what I’m saying.

Laura: Andrew.

Eric: iShovel.

Ben: Well you can’t say they’re bad at magic, you can’t assume they’re bad either. So you’re contradicting yourself, Andrew.

Andrew: I’m not saying they’re bad. I’m not saying they’re bad. I take that back, okay?

Eric: The word of the day is: iShovel.

Ben: There you go flip-flopping again.

Andrew: I’m not flip-flopping. You know what, this is outrageous. No, no! No, no!

Laura: Okay, Andrew, I have a question for you.

Ben: Just leave.

Andrew: I’ll be back in a few minutes. You guys stress me out way too much.

Laura: No, no, shut up. Oh my god. Okay, here’s what I was going to ask…

Ben: Dude, dude.

Laura: …Andrew before he got up and left. Okay, I was going to ask: Do you think it‘s necessarily, I don’t know, essential that the Weasleys used defensive magic? I mean clever magic could get them out of a tight spot. You don’t always need to use defensive magic, I don‘t think.

John: There are clever forms of defensive and offensive magic especially if your offensive magic isn’t going to be unforgivable magic. But here’s what I think, what it boils down to. Any member of the Order of the Phoenix, any member of the first Order of the Phoenix implies they were in battles before in the first reign of – not the reign – but the first times of Voldemort. The fact that they’re still alive means they were obviously up to snuff enough, snuff enough, to battle…

Eric: Up to snuff enough.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

John: …with Death Eaters and to not get themselves killed.

Eric: You know, I like that.

Laura: Although, the Weasleys weren’t in the Order the first time.

Eric: Oh they weren’t?

John: Yeah they were, weren’t they? Weren’t they in the picture?

Laura: No, they weren’t.

Micah: No.

Laura: No. In Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore said something like: “You weren’t in the Order last time, Molly.”

Eric: Ah, I think it was Hagrid.

Laura: Well somebody said that to her.

Eric: I think that was Hagrid.

John: Foiled again. Answer me this: If they weren’t in the first Order, which I’ll concede that they’re not, I’m just stupid when it comes to the books, I guess. Then how did they get involved with all these people like Lupin, and Mad-Eye, and Dumbledore?

Ben: They went to school together, maybe?

John: No, they weren’t in the same year. They weren’t Marauders. They weren’t…

Ben: It doesn’t matter, John.

John: They were like five or six years apart.

Eric: The thing is…

Ben: He’s worked at the Ministry of Magic.

Eric: They’re friends with Dumbledore.

John: But why are they involved other than the fact that it’s a story-telling thing? That Harry’s friends are people that relate to other people in the story.

Eric: Well, I think it’s that they’re all friends of Dumbledore. I think Dumbledore was the central, central character and he knew, he was in contact with Sirius Black after Prisoner of Azkaban, and he was always in contact with Hagrid – he let him stay on. And he was always helping Remus out throughout his life, and so I think it’s just a matter of Dumbledore, when he needed people, he was able to pull them together because they were all friends with him. And I think it was really him who they all shared a friendship with. When they first met each other, I don’t know when it was, but they can all relate through Dumbledore. And so, even by nature, if Dumbledore likes them, the people would get along well together. And…

Micah: Or what about Harry even?

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: I mean, they’re the main protectors of him now. So, it’s possible that they were brought into the Order for protection themselves.

Eric: Which is true.

John: I mean, it makes sense now that Harry’s involved but I guess, did they associate with each other before Harry came along?

Eric: It’s really a question, yeah, that, too. And also, would they even… Harry and Ron would have had to meet if his family was in the Order, you know? If Ron’s family… I don’t really see how Ron and Harry couldn’t be friends if their, or couldn’t at least be incredibly aware of each other with how intertwined their families are. I mean, that’s a valid point.

Laura: Yeah. Well, I think I said this in an earlier episode as well, but I think part of the reason the Weasleys became part of the Order was that because Molly’s brothers were killed in the first war by Death Eaters.

Eric: Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

Laura: Yep.

Eric: Wow, that was my JK Rowling moment right there. I was like, “Wow, trivia.”

Voicemail – Amortentia

[Audio]: Hey guys, this is K’lyssa from and Texas. Okay, so I’ve been thinking of a way to force you all to let me on the show for a while now, and then I thought of something I’ve always wondered about. Everyone always asks what your Patronus would be, or what your Boggart would be, but no one’s ever asked about Amortentia. Amortentia is, as you probably know, the most powerful love potion mentioned in the Half-Blood Prince. And it said it smelled differently to each person with what they like. So, what would it smell like to all of you? That’s my question and I’ll talk to you guys later. Bye.

[Laura laughing]

John: No, that’s fun.

Eric: How do I…

Laura: I don’t know what it would smell like.

Andrew: Is this a voicemail question?

Laura: I don’t walk up to people I like and sniff them.

Eric: Yeah. [laughs] K’lyssa sent in a voicemail.

John: You don’t understand. It’s suppose to smell like your favorite things.

Ben: Yeah.

John: Like to Harry it smelled like Quidditch and grass, and crap.

Ben: No. No, it smelled like Ginny, man.

John: Yeah, Harry’s is going to smell like grass and a locker room apparently.

Andrew: Mine would smell like the Listener’s Challenge this week because I’m in love with this week’s Listener’s Challenge.

Eric: [Laughs] So, I guess that means we have to play the voicemail because you want to have that in.

Ben: We’ll get to that later, Andrew.

Andrew: But thanks, K’lyssa.

Ben: I already played it, dude, you missed it. Thanks, K’lyssa.

Eric: K’lyssa totally pulled an Izzy there.

Voicemail – Weasley Magic

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast. My name is Allison, I’m 14, and I’m from La Porte, Indiana. That’s near Chicago. And I have a comment slash question about Ron Weasley. I read in a book, and I think you guys mentioned something about it, that JK Rowling was greatly inspired by Hamlet and especially the idea of somebody dying for who they love. So, do you think Ron will die in the next book to save Hermione? I think you guys mentioned it and I know I read about it in Muggles and Magic, and I was wondering what you think. Thanks. And I’m a big Bemma shipper. Bye.

Ben: Hey, Allison. Do you know Emerson? He lives right down the road. I know his address. If you send me an email, I’ll send you an email back with his address. But often times, he goes to the YMCA, you know where the Y is, and he also can be seen at Little Caesar’s Pizza – I’ve been there before. I’ve been in that Little Caesar’s. I’ve bought breadsticks there, but that’s besides the point. They were very good breadsticks. [laughs] So…

John: Little Caesar’s is not interesting…

Eric: Even if I take the show off topic, I think breadsticks is just…you know, that’s the line.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Ben: Oh, be quiet, Eric. Be quiet.

Laura: That’s going to be on an avatar soon.

Ben: Do you guys think – okay, who’s going to die for someone they love? That’s the question. Will Ron die to save Hermione?

John: Well, that’s why everybody is dying. That is why everybody is dying.

Eric: Everyone is dying for the ones they loves.

Ben: That is true.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: But I think they mean any one of the cases. Like you take, uh, like you step in the way. Sort of like a Secret Service agent who will step in the way of a bullet to save the President.

Andrew: Well, sort of like the MuggleNet poll.

John: Yeah.

Andrew: Would you take a bullet for JKR in order to save Book 7?

Eric: I got a lot of captions for that. That was really great.

Andrew: Would you? I wouldn’t.

Eric: I wouldn’t.

[Andrew Laughs]

Andrew: No!

Ben: Cause you wouldn’t get to read it. What would be the point?

Eric: The end has already been written.

Andrew: Either way.

Laura: Either way.

Eric: The end is already written, so, I don’t know. That’s a big factor if it weren’t already.

John: Would it be published?

Andrew: Yeah, I’ll never be able to talk about that.

Eric: No, no, no.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t know.

Eric: Let’s stick to Ron. Stick to Ron.

Laura: That’s dangerous territory. [laughs]

Andrew: Although it would be a good topic.

John: I heard Scholastic gives her incredible health insurance, so she is going to be all set. Lord knows she couldn’t afford it otherwise.

Eric: Do you think she’ll get frozen?

Andrew: She probably has a clone waiting for her.

Ben: Okay, guys.

Andrew: It doesn’t matter.

Ben: We’re talking about Ron. Will Ron die in the next book to save Hermione?

Eric: He…he…

Ben: I don’t know. I’m not…

John: The trio’s not dying. Period.

Ben: Actually, I think we’ll lose a third of the trio.

Eric: John, are you really against Harry dying?

John: I just know it’s not going to happen. I’m just a realist here, you guys. That’s all.

Eric: Really? I think it’s interesting.

Laura: I don’t think Harry is going to die either.

John: Well, obviously Harry’s not going to die.

Ben: Ron’s going to die, guys. [laughs]

Eric: So then you could have Emma.

[Everyone laughs]

John: If Harry… This is what’s going happen. If Harry or any of the trio dies, Jo is going to get served with so many lawsuits from so many organizations all around the world paying all of their kids’ anti-depressant medicines, because they’re all going to be so devastated she’s going to lose her entire fortune to lawsuits.

Andrew: Yeah, think, like, all the merchandise, like you have these –

John: Yeah, who’s going want to buy stuff?

Andrew: Yeah, you have like all these dolls and you’re like, “Oh, he’s dead now.”

John: Buy your Harry Potter action figure. He comes in a black suit for mourning.

[Everyone laughing]

Eric: No, the Lego. Ron’s Funeral Scene.

John: Hermione comes in a very flattering black veil.

[Everyone Laughing]

Ben: Oh, come on John. That’s terrible.

John: That’s terrible.

Eric: It is terrible.

Andrew: No, but it’d be true. Who would want to buy that?

John: I know, nobody would!

Eric: But it’s one thing when you’re reading about Sirius and you’re thinking, “Oh, well he’ll be dead in a few books,” that’s sad. And when you read about Dumbledore, yeah, that’s sad. But Dumbledore’s so entertaining that you can still read him and not be too upset. And you know, you still hope he died with good intentions. But if Ron dies…

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: I think the majority of the people are really going to be a little bit more upset because he shows up so much more in the books, you know, as far as the Trio goes. It’s just like killing your best friends and what John said about the anti-depressant medicine, I agree with that.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I would sue her.

John: I mean people are already going to be depressed with the end of the books, period.

Laura: Well, I think if anyone out of the Trio… Well…

John: People are going to go through the postpartum depression, but there’s also a big difference…

Laura: I think that if anyone does die in the Trio, it’ll be Ron.

John: Well, I agree with you. If anyone dies in the Trio, it could be Ron, but I think that there’s a very big distinction between the death of somebody who is more or less your elder than one of your contemporaries.

Laura: Oh, yeah, of course.

John: And Cedric dying was probably, arguably, one of the most traumatic deaths he’s had to go through because it was someone closer to his age. And he wasn’t even really good friends with the kid, he was kind of a prick.

Ben: And it happened like two feet away from him.

John: Yeah, but I mean, if it was one of his best friends…

Eric: I think he would be devastated.

John: It’s like, how could you even celebrate vanquishing Voldemort?

Eric: Maybe he couldn’t. Maybe that’s…

Ben: That’s true. I mean, especially if everyone gets wiped out except him. He wouldn’t have anyone to celebrate it with, so…

John: I mean, granted, he’ll have…

Laura: I’m not sure Harry’s going to celebrate it, though.

Eric: I don’t think he’ll celebrate anyways.

Laura: I mean, it’s not like he’s going to kill Voldemort and then…

John: Yeah, they’re not going to go drink Firewhiskey in the common room or anything.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: No, dude, there’ll be a big kegger.

Andrew: It’s going to be reflection time.

Eric: Just to say one of the things about Harry. You know, about him dying and stuff. I think it’s possible, but at the same time, he is the Boy That Lived. We might have brought that up before. He’s the Boy Who Lived only to get killed, you know, 17-18 years later by the same guy. I don’t think that’s going to happen.

John: Yeah.

Eric: You know, he is the Boy Who Lived so if you only live to die then that would be pointless and it would say something about evil. But…yeah.

John: That’s Donnie Darko.

Eric: Yeah.

Dueling Club

Ben: Everyone, it’s time for everyone’s favorite segment: The Dueling Club. This week, I don’t know who we have. Well, who cares, who cares?

John: Soon to be featured on PotterCast with a different name.

[Everyone laughing]

Eric: PotterCast…no…PotterCast, they would never steal our segments!

Andrew: [coughs] Essays.

Ben: They steal about twelve of these segments of ours.

John: I know, well…you guys are more than welcome to borrow our “Extendable Ears” segments if you knew anybody famous enough to talk to. [Makes an “ohhh” noise]

Andrew: We do. We just don’t need them. We are the talent. We are the stars.

John: Oh, I forgot.

Eric: We don’t need famous people. Yeah, we are the famous people.

[Laura laughs]

John: You just interviewed somebody who was almost Luna Lovegood. I remember.

Ben: John, John.

[Eric laughs]

John: Well, that was close. I haven’t listened to it yet. I’m sure…

Ben: Hey, John, John. I remember all the work you did to establish the interviews. It was all you, wasn’t it?

John: Are you kidding me? It was actually…they call me first and then I give the calls to Melissa.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: It’s true.

Andrew: But bottom line is: We are the talent. We are the stars. We don’t need acts coming on.

John: I haven’t, I haven’t had this much fun recording anything ever. I haven’t had this much fun period since breakfast.

[Everyone laughing]

Andrew: Since breakfast?

Eric: Why? What happened at breakfast? Did you have Captain Crunch?

John: I found this really cool baseball card at the bottom. And it was holographic.

[Everyone Laughing]

Ben: Okay, Micah Tan, who’s dueling?

Micah: I guess…let’s do, uh, Trelawney vs. Luna. The battle of whack jobs. [laughs]

Ben: Haven’t we already done that?

[Everyone laughing]

Micah: No, we did it another time, but we cut it out, didn’t we? And we moved it to this one.

Ben: How about Ron vs. Bon Jovi? I mean, Ron vs. Seamus.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Who would win?

Laura: Probably Ron.

Ben: Ron, because we haven’t seen enough of Seamus.

Eric: But I think Seamus holds his own in certain ways, like against Harry and stuff, but, I don’t know, Seamus lets his mom control him a little bit more than Ron would.

John: Was Seamus even in the DA for any length of time?

Eric: I forget.

John: Because at least Ron’s been in the DA and actually learned stuff.

Ben: Wasn’t he reluctant to join? He was reluctant to join right?

Laura: Yeah, he was. He came to, like, one, I think. I think he came to one DA lesson.

Eric: But he hasn’t rotted him out.

John: Anybody in the DA vs. anybody not in the DA is going get…is going win. It’s not like they’ve learned anything of value from any of their DADA teachers.

Eric: That’s true.

Ben: True dat, true dat.

Eric: Though I guess we now have to call you Umbridge.

Ben: Ladies… Hey, hey, Andrew.

John: Is this thing usually this boring, this segment? I was all excited. It’s called Dueling Club.

Eric: Yeah. Andrew’s like: “The exciting, that was another exciting episode of…”

[Everyone laughing]

Eric: And it was like… Last week’s was good.

Andrew: Yeah, last week’s was good.

Spy on Bon Jovi

Ben: Andrew, Andrew, Andrew I just want to tell you…

Andrew: What, what?

Ben: [Sings] It’s my life. It’s now or never. I ain’t going to live forever!

Eric: [Joins in singing] It’s now or never. I ain’t going to live forever! I’m going to live while I’m alive.

Andrew: Oh, Ben. You “Have A Nice Day.”

Ben: Andrew, it’s time for Spy on Spartz. We’re sick of Spy on Spartz.

Andrew: Let me intro this the right way. Ummm, often PotterCast always has these celebrities on their show that, like, they like to call them stars of Harry Potter or whatever…

John: That’s over-rated.

Andrew: But screw Harry Potter

John: Ooo!

Andrew: What about rock stars? This is what MuggleCast is about. You hear our opening and closing music, okay? So this is why…[laughs]…we are very proud and excited to bring to you: Spy on Bon Jovi.

John: The hippest rock star of our day.

Andrew: Micah, take it away.

[Micah laughs]

John: He was just on TRL. I saw him yesterday.

Andrew: Micah Tan, set us up and take it away!

Micah: Bon Jovi is…this is so bad! [laughs]

Andrew: No!

John: What’s he wearing, Micah?

[Everyone laughing]

Andrew: No, it’s not! It’s beautiful!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: No. No, no, no.

Micah: Here, why don’t you set it up?

Andrew: I’ll set it up. So, Micah Tan is very high up in the football world. He works in the AFL. He’s in a multi-billion dollar contract.

John: Damn, Micah.

Andrew: This guy is rich, okay? I’m like…it’s just outrageous.

Eric: We have to call Micah “Moneybags.” Moneybags Tannenbaum.

[Everyone laughing]

Andrew: [laughs] Ummm, so Micah… So, today Micah was Bon Jovi’s personal…what was it? What were you doing?

Eric: Bodyguard?

Micah: Escorting him around. I mean it wasn’t that hard…

John: You were his escort?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Escorting him around New York City.

Ben: He was Bon Jovi’s male escort.

[Everyone still laughing]

Andrew: He was an escort. He told me he had shades on, he was…

John: That is hot, Micah!

Andrew: So you asked him about Harry Potter and podcasting and all that. What’d he say?

Micah: I did. He actually heard about John Noe’s incident last week. He asked me…

John: No kidding! Wow!

Micah: Yeah! He asked me how you were doing, he wanted to make sure you were alright, and, you know, if anything that he could do for you to give him a call, John.

John: Awww. He’s a very considerate man, that guy.

Eric: Assuming John can get the number.

Andrew: Yeah, that is nice.

John: Are you kidding me? I’ve got everybody’s number.

Andrew: That is nice.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: Micah was his escort.

John: Oh, Micah…

Ben: Micah probably has his number.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

John: How did that turn out? [laughs]

Andrew: Bon Jovi gave it to him…. [laughs]

Eric: “If you ever need anything…”

Andrew: “Hey, here’s my number.” [laughs] I’m just kidding, I’m just kidding.

John: Micah, Micah- did you transcribe the encounter?

Ben: Well, one of the problems you guys had with the Spy on Spartz is it was way too long and it was ridiculous. So, I think Spy on Bon Jovi’s over this week. Next week, we’ll spy on your favorite celebrity.

John: Oh!

Ben: It may even be you. Actually, actually, I think we’re doing Bono next week.

Andrew: Rock celebrity.

Ben: Ciaran lives down the road from him. We’re doing Bono.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Wait! This is outrageous. We have all these connections!

Ben: Yeah, really. We’ve got the connections.

Andrew: Who are we kidding? What’s this Emerson? [laughs] We’ve got a rock star. [laughs] We got the rock stars.

[Phone starts ringing]

Eric: Who’s getting called?

Andrew: We’ve got the rock stars! Oh no. [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

John: Who are we spying on?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Who’s calling who? [laughs] No.

[Phone is picked up]

Emerson: [on the phone] Hello?

John: Hey, who’s this?

Emerson: Emerson.

[Micah laughs]

John: Emerson! What are you doing right now?

Emerson: Actually, I’m in the middle of a power hour.

John: You’re doing what?

Emerson: A power hour.

John: Oh, what’s that mean for our G-rated audience?

[Micah and Ben laugh]

Emerson: Uh… it’s where we drink a lot of, like, water to stay healthy…

John: Oh!

Emerson: …and, ummm, it’s that we watch movies and stuff. You know, we’re just chilling out basically.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Now tell me, are you with your new girlfriend right now?

Emerson: I am not.

John: Are you with the girl who’s almost your girlfriend right now?

Emerson: I am not.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Awww, nuts. And why is that?

Emerson: Because she’s actually been asleep for about the past five hours.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Well, that’s cool. Well, we just wanted to see what you were up to.

Micah: Tell him he’s been kicked to the curb for Bon Jovi.

[Andrew laughs]

Emerson: Is this going to be on, uh…

Andrew: We’re not going use it, tell him.

Emerson: …you’re recording?

John: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

John: But you won’t, you won’t say anything inappropriate. Oh, that was weird. Well, I don’t want to interrupt your power hour or else you’re going to have to add more minutes on.

[Micah laughs]

Emerson: Oh, yes. I’ll think of a cool song and just have another shot of water.

John: And we know how poorly you handle your water.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Emerson: Right, yes. That water just…

Eric: Yes, Emerson takes his water very seriously.

John: All right, dude.

[Andrew laughs]

Emerson: All right.

John: We’ll see you later, dude.

Andrew: [laughs] We, we… No. Here’s what we need to do. We need to just call him and say…

John: And that was Spy on Spartz à la PotterCast.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Ben: Hey Andrew! Tell me, is the Listener Challenge back this week?

Andrew: Oh my god, it is back. And with a vengeance.

Eric: Wooo, Betty!

Andrew: So we’ve been off… and I don’t know! This just came to me. I was like, “Jesus!”

Ben: This is the mother- THE MOTHER- of all listener challenges.

Eric: Andrew praised Jesus. He was like, “…Jesus.”

Andrew: So, let’s just jump into it. This is a Listener Challenge and a contest. It is the Design a MuggleCast Segment Contest where YOU will be able to make your very own MuggleCast segment that will be aired on [laughs] MuggleCast!

So, basic details: You create your own MuggleCast segment to be ran on our show. You plan your segment, you gather your content, you assign your hosts, you gather the hosts, you get your friends together and all that. And then you record the show, and then you edit it all together. You do everything! And then you send it to us.

The judging will be based on creativity of the topic, the presentation, and the personalities of the hosts. And the winner…

Ben: But, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.

Andrew: …will have your segment aired [realizes Ben was trying to talk] What? What, what, what?

Ben: So, about the host personalities. So, in other words, you don’t want people like Andrew on there.

Andrew: You just can’t be boring, that’s what I’m saying. [laughs]

John: Ohhh.

Andrew: Just go through iTunes and look at random podcasts and you’ll see what I mean. You have to have a good personality.

Ben: So, don’t listen…

Andrew: Don’t be like us.

Ben: Yeah. Don’t listen to PotterCast.

John: Ohhh, snap.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Ben: Don’t go there for examples.

John: And here I was just ready to work on my submission…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So, winners will have their segment aired on MuggleCast, and all the participating hosts will win an up and coming MuggleCast product that will probably be…

Ben: Debuting.

Andrew: That we will probably be announcing – yeah, that too…

John: Ooo!

Andrew: …next week.

John: What do you got – coasters, bottle coolers?

Andrew: Yeah, we’ve got coasters, napkins, party hats…

Ben: Toilet paper.

John: Toilet paper with Andrew’s face on every sheet.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: It’s Bemma’s, it’s Bemma toilet paper.

Andrew: [Laughs] Wait, let’s get through this. The rules. Your segment must be no longer than seven minutes in length.

John: The magic number seven!

Andrew: The topic must relate – [responding to John] You know that, I didn’t even think of that! The topic must relate to the Harry Potter books, movies, fan culture, or anything else if related to Harry Potter. So it can’t be on, like, you know, quadratic formulas or whatever.

John: That’d be awesome!

Ben: Kevin’s already made it. He’s already working on it. He’s like…

[Someone laughs]

Ben: …he’s like, [imitates Kevin] here’s how you solve a differential equation.

Eric: Ummm yeah, John Noe.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: [Still imitating Kevin] The opposite of b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four a c all over two a.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, let’s get through this please, people!

Ben: Sorry.

Andrew: Now here’s the kicker: John, listen up. You cannot use someone to host who is in association [laughs] with a Harry Potter podcast website.

[John sighs]

Andrew: And I say this because I don’t want… we don’t want…

Ben: iMuggle.

Andrew: …some Harry Potter website trying to do this just to get… no, iMuggle’s a good podcast.

Ben: Or the Harmony Podcast.

John: I love the Harmony Podcast!

Andrew: iMuggle’s good. I’m going to call John out on iMuggle in a few minutes.

John: Ohhh.

Andrew: And the deadline. Your segment must be turned in no later than February 18th, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard time. Now, for more information on sending the file to us because some of them will be pretty big and you might not be able to do it on email…

Eric: Andrew, tell them…

Ben: Please compress it to an mp3.

Andrew: …visit

Ben: Please compress it to mp3.

Andrew: Yeah, it has to be an mp3. Right. We’re going to have the entire list of rules up on And then, additionally, the winners will be announced and then their segment will be aired on the weekend of February 26th. Which will be the show closest to that date.

Eric: Andrew, I have one quick question.

Andrew: [clears throat] Yes.

Eric: What’s the difference between…I’ve noticed, well, I mean there’s… Basically, if you look at our fans, there’s a lot of… I think it’s about 10 to 15 different fancasts out there right now. So what… yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. They’re all rip-offs… so what’s your point?

Eric: So when you say that, besides that, when you say they can’t be anybody in association with a Harry Potter podcast or website, I… You know? Where’s the differentiation between our fans and…? Because I think every, well like a lot of our fans on the fan listing and things like that have all done or been a part of a podcast. So can they send the stuff in? A lot of them, a big majority, have done…

Andrew: Not really. Not really. [laughs]

Eric: …the MuggleCast Fan Cast Chat and a bunch of other stuff.

Andrew: Oh…

Eric: Yeah. So can…

Andrew: Okay. We’ll change it.

John: Here comes Andrew’s blanket insult on all Harry Potter fan podcasts.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: No, no, no, no. No. Anyone…

Eric: Do you want another iShovel?

Andrew: This is open to anyone, but…

[John laughs]

Andrew: This isn’t to have your show promoted or anything.

Eric: He needs an iDozer.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That’s what I’m saying. Okay?

Micah: So, MuggleNet Greg, you’re safe. You can do it.

Andrew: Now… yeah.

John: I can’t wait until the winning submission is this mystery voice that you later find out was me all along.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: We’re going to run some checks on the files to make sure.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Now, segments from runners-up will be considered for airing in future episodes because people are going to put a lot of time into this.

John: Yup.

Andrew: So, you should be recognized, unless it’s complete crap.

[Micah and Eric laugh]

John: Here’s the translation of the Listener Challenge: MuggleCast is having a hard time filling up the show with interesting content…

[Eric, Laura and Andrew laugh]

John: …and because they have no imaginations to think up a new segment, this is where you all come in.

Andrew: Yes!

Ben: Exactly.

[Everyone laugh]

Andrew: Now hold on a second, John. I beg to differ. Spy on Bon Jovi, Andrew’s Listener Challenge…

Ben: Ben’s Top Ten List…

Eric: Advice with MuggleCast…

[John laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] This is all original quality content!

John: [still laughing] I forgot about that one! Oh, that was fun!

Andrew: Am I good or am I good right now, Noe? That is not a rip-off your [in a mock impressed voice] “Live Call-In Show”. It doesn’t even relate to it!

John: I didn’t even bring it up!

Andrew: The Advice with MuggleCast…

John: I didn’t even bring that up, but it’s funny how soon that entered your mind!

Andrew: Yeah, but you and Melissa…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …because Melissa hasn’t got off my butt about that, and you probably won’t, too!

John: Ugh!!! I heard next week’s challenge is Micah’s idea. Micah says, “Hey! For this week’s fan challenge, let’s see how you would transcribe MuggleCast!”

[Everyone laughs]

John: And then they come piling in and Micah kicks his feet up on the desk…

Micah: Good.

Eric: [Laughs] Oh my god.

John: …and drinks a limonada.

Ben: No, no, no, no…

Andrew: This is going to be a one-time thing; we’re not going to make the segments into “Oh hey, could you do this every week for us?”

Ben: …then Micah’s next fan challenge would be, [imitates Micah’s deep voice] “Let’s see how you would do the news.”

Andrew: No, we’ve got… the show that we’ve got right now is kickin’.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: What?

Ben: Pretty soon… well actually, no, no, no, no! No!

Eric: We don’t use our fans.

Ben: No, we’re going to progress, and eventually we’re going to have one… Like episode 30, it’s going to be 30 seconds long…or two minutes long, and it’s going to be Andrew’s Listener Challenge. And the new challenge is to create an episode of MuggleCast.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

John: Oh cool!

Ben: And we’ll just air those from here on out.

Andrew: Uhhh… way to sound like you’re lazy.

Eric: Anyway…

Andrew: But anyway. So, good luck. I think everyone will enjoy this. This is another quality contest brought to you by

Eric: Oh my.

Andrew: [laughs] Your Harry Potter podcast.

John: Oh geez…

Ben: Oh, funny.

Andrew: Enter the code MUGGLE! That’s M-U-G-G-L-E.

Ben: I’m going to throw up.

[Everyone laughs]

John: I’m peeking at my famed recording because of you.

[Everyone laughs again]

John: Oh, you know, all you MuggleCast listeners are just itching to start and buy domain names. I know it.

Andrew: No, this is a… no! You’d be surprised. You’d be surprised.

John: Yes, this is the most brilliant demographic.

Andrew: We’ve made a lot of… we’ve had a lot of customers.

John: Oh! Ten out of 60,000 is like a ridiculously good percentage.

Ben: We’ve made a lot of, ummm….

Andrew: [laughs] It’s not ten, shut up.

Eric: I haven’t gotten any cookies out of you, Ben.

[Micah, John and Laura laugh]

Ben: Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen.

Andrew: This show has turned into a joke.

Ben: Everyone, everyone.

John: I will say this is probably my favorite episode of MuggleCast.

Eric: Yeah, mine too.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: We’ll see how it turns out with your editing.

Ben: Why, thank you. It’s the only one you’ll listen to.

John: Awww, no.

Ben: Well, guys and gals. This wraps up episode… is this 25?

Andrew: Yeah, it’s 25.

Micah: Yeah!

Laura: Yeah.

John: I thought it was 24!

Andrew: No, it’s 25.

Ben: No, it’s 25, be quiet.

John: Oh, that’s right.

Laura: It’s 25.

Ben: 25 episodes. We’re halfway to 50. Guys, this is our silver.

Eric: This is our silver show. [fake crying voice] Oh my gosh!

Andrew: Actually I think we should just skip to 100 right from here.

John: No, because see by the time you get to 50, we’ll be on 50.

Andrew: What?

Ben: Yeah, because you’re trying to…

John: We’re going to release a bonus episode so we can be 50/50.

Ben: Once again, the Leaky policy of one-upping.

[Everyone laughs]

John: No. If we wanted to one-up you, we’d be at 51 while you were at 50.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Funny, funny, funny. Well, everyone. MuggleNet Greg, thank you for joining us. We really enjoyed your company this week. Hopefully you’ll come back again.

John: Well, you’re going to have to…

Ben: Did you guys like Mugglenet Greg?

John: You’re going to have to invite Mugglenet Greg back.

Andrew: Yeah, thanks, Hot Pants.

John: Don’t you…

Ben: He’s a hottie.

John: For calling me Hot pants, you have to give me my 15 seconds.


Andrew: Oh, oh, John. Can I have a minute with you real quick? We’re going to cut a lot of this out anyway. Well, except for this part.

John: What?

Andrew: What is… I was listening to PotterCast earlier today. What is…

John: Yes?

Andrew: Why do you hate iMuggle? What’s the problem with them?

John: I’ve never even heard, I’ve heard of the show before, but….

Andrew: Yeah.

John: I’ve heard good things. I can only imagine that some portion of the MuggleCast Fan Chat is involved with the project.

Andrew: I don’t know, I just feel like… you’re making fun of it. I… I… Ugh.

John: No. Well here’s the story.

Andrew: What?

John: Here’s my thing about iMuggle, okay?

Andrew: Okay.

John: The thing about iMuggle is this. In about three or four days, Leaky is going to revamp the entire website. And then iMuggle emailed me this thing about their show and they said that they heard that Leaky was going to be introducing a bunch of new features and a whole new lots of things.

Andrew: Hmmm.

John: And then iMuggle said that they want me to listen to their episode. Then I said, “That’s fine.” I heard you’re a great show and just for being… listening to your show, I’ll let you know to visit instead of the old stupid web address.

Andrew: Mhm.

John: And then, and they gave me a high-five and said that MuggleCast was cool for letting me just say that.

Andrew: I don’t get it. What’s your point? [laughs]

John: My point is that I love…

Ben: He’s just used us as a shameless plug is what he’s saying.

John: …I love iMuggle is what I’m saying.

Andrew: I think you’re just jealous that your podcast doesn’t have its own fan podcast. [laughs]

John: Is that what that is?

Eric: And we have like fifteen of them, we’ve got 15 of those…

Andrew: You’ve never listened to it?

Eric: …fan podcasts.

Andrew: They… No, that’s not true, Eric. They sit there and they discuss MuggleCast! [laughs] It’s awesome!

John: I’ll be gosh-darned.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: It’s kind of weird.

[Laura laughs]

John: You know, if anything, I regret that our audience is comprised of people who either work or, you know…

Andrew: [Laughs] They have, like…

John: …do things with themselves other than sit around with their hands in their pants and making podcasts.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, okay, you say that. And then we listen to PotterCast and here’s these professionally produced songs.

Ben: You hear the fifty-year-olds.

John: I know.

Ben: Yeah.

John: I know.

Ben: There’s these fifty-year-olds…

Eric: Yeah, John, John…

Ben: …like Melissa, John…

[John laughs]

Eric: …your adult listeners work and when they get back from work, they go into the MuggleCast fan chat.

Andrew: [laughs] And they hang out with people there.

John: Yeah, that’s… you know?

Ben: [laughs] Yeah, that’s what happens.

John: We don’t go in there. Are you kidding me?

Andrew: Oh please!

Eric: You and Melissa are both in there a lot.

Ben: I’ve seen them in there, dude.

Andrew: And you, Eric.

John: The Leaky Lounge is the most intelligent of all lounges online, I believe. You know? It’s true.

Eric: Can we end this show?

Ben: Well, guys.

Andrew: No. You’re not putting that in.

Eric: He’s messed up?

Show Close

Ben: Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys. This has been a wonderful show; I have enjoyed it immensely. Ladies and gentlemen, before we go, I must say.

[Andrew and John laugh]

Ben: YellowCard’s Lights and Sounds comes out this week. Go purchase it.

Laura: Ughhh! NO! Nooo!

Ben: And visit, and and and for much fun.

John: Yeah, since when do you have a Muggle – an Emma Watson website?

Eric: Okay, okay.

Ben: Since forever, man.

John: So, that night…

Ben: Who’s better than me?

[Long pause]

Ben: Hey, John. Hey, John. Who’s better than me? No one’s better than me.

John: So that night you wanted me to make an Emma Watson layout just for fun, you were going to use that for your own website and not tell me?

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Yeah. I’m dead serious.

John: You little jerk!

[Eric, Ben, and Laura laugh]

Ben: Okay, guys. Guys. I am Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Andrew: I’m…

Eric: …but if I were a MuggleCast mix, I’d be at

[Everyone laughs, but John laughs the hardest]

John: Ha, ha, ha!

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson. [laughs]

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Eric: I’d be too cool for iTunes.

John: I’m MuggleNet Greg. MuggleNet Greg also known as John from PotterCast.

Andrew: Thank you.

Ben: Well guys, stay around…

Laura: Yay for Greg!

Ben: …stay around after this recording for a little bit of the post-show.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: You get the pre-show earlier, and now you get the post-show.

Eric: We didn’t release the other post-show.

John: Is this like Oprah?

Ben: I don’t know.

[Show ending music starts]

John: Is this going to be on Oxygen?

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: I don’t know if we ever actually released the footage for the pre-show.

Eric: Or the post-show.

Andrew: Oh, I have that. Are we going put that in?

John: The post-show is Ben with his shirt off running around a hotel room.

Ben: Yeah…

[Everyone laughs]

John: That’s a video podcast.

Andrew: That would be your screensaver.

John: That’s actually my screensaver right now.

Laura: Yeah! I have a copy of that too.

Eric: [in a dumb voice] Is that a camera?

John: That’s my screensaver.


[Show intro music begins to play]

Eric: Okay.

Ben: [singing like Bon Jovi] Have a nice day.

[Andrew and Eric make guitar noises]

John: All right, cue the music.

Ben: Okay. [begins to sing MuggleCast’s show music and continues to sing it]

Eric: Hello and welcome to MuggleCast. This is our weekly Harry Potter discussion show where we bring you the latest in news, theories, discussions, Acne treatments, home recipes… we have it all here. So welcome. This is Episode 25. [continues to talk in the background]

John: No, seriously. Where’s the music? You guys don’t play the music live?

Andrew: Oh, shut up, you don’t.

John: Yeah, we do!

Andrew: You do? Really?

John: Yeah!

Andrew: No way.

John: [imitates Andrew] Yeah!

Ben: [imitates Andrew] Yeah! Yeah! All right!

Andrew: I almost thought of doing that, but then I was like, what’s the point? No, we do it raw. This is raw audio.

John: But it gets you in the mood! It gets you going.

Eric: [finishes his long speech] All right. I’m Eric Scull.

Andrew: Shut up, Eric.

[Everyone laughs]

John: Ahhh, Eric Scull. Eric Scull Island.

Comments and Questions

[Show Intro music is still playing]

[Audio]: I’m Liz and I’m from Maryland and I was wondering: if I call you guys enough times, will you ever call me back?

[Audio]: Hi, this is Cleo…
Beth:: And I’m

Cleo: From Oregon. We love your show!
Beth:: Yeah.
Cleo: Andrew Rocks! Woohoo! Bye.
Beth:: Bye.

[Audio]: Hi! This is Elizabeth from Texas. I just wanted to tell you guys that I love your show. It saves me from my school life and from long car rides. So, thanks! Keep up the great work!

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast, this is Lily from Massachusetts. I SCREAMED when I heard my voice playing. I am proud to say I’m on the radio now! I feel so special. And to follow up on your question, my sister’s eleven, and she’s not really in sync with the Potter world and everything, but it’s really funny because I let her listen to the MuggleCast episode, and so now she’s just always like, “Oh my god! Let’s go listen to MuggleCast!” You totally got her into that and now she thinks you guys are like the greatest thing and she thinks that all of you are really funny and that you’re just the greatest. So thank you so, so, so much. HUGS for all of you! And have a happy day. [laughs] Love, from Lily. Hearts. Love you! Bye!

[Audio]: Hey this is Kayla Simmons from Michigan. I’m sorry, Andrew, but Dumbledore is dead. I have to agree with the others. And he will talk to Harry again, but I’m sorry. He’s dead. There’s no way of going back. Great job, love ya. Bye.

[Music ends]


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #24

MuggleCast EP24 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 24 for January 23rd, 2006. MuggleCast is sponsored in part by See why is the No. 1 domain registrar worldwide. Now, with your domain registration, you’ll get hosting, a free blog, complete e-mail and much more. Plus as a MuggleCast listener, enter code RON, that’s R-O-N when you check out, and your “dot com” domain name for just $6.95 per year. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the show. This is the place where we bring the latest in Harry Potter news, discussions, cooking recipes, drum sets, iPods, thumb drives, house keys. It’s all right here bundled into a little hour of your time. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Ciaran: I’m Ciaran.

Andrew: [in high-pitched voice] Hey!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I got so excited my voice almost cracked.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: New MuggleCaster on this week with us. Seer… Ciar… [laughs]

Ben: Seeron?

[Ben and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: [laughs] Ciaran! Welcome, Ciaran!

Ciaran: Hey.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Hey! Clearly, you hate me now.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Before we go anywhere else, let’s check in with Micah for the past week’s, the past two weeks’ top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is now situated at #10 on the list of the highest-grossing films of all time. Chamber of Secrets is in seventh position having earned $876.7 million. Goblet of Fire has grossed a total of $866 million worldwide.

WB has also announced that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience is now IMAX’s highest grossing digitally re-mastered 2D release. It earned a staggering $16 million on 89 screens around the globe.

Harry Potter has received several nominations at the 2006 Moviefone Moviegoer Awards. Nominations are in the areas of Movie of the Year, Actor of the Year (Dan Radcliffe), Actress of the Year (Emma Watson), Best Scene-Stealer (Brendan Gleeson), and Vilest Villain (Ralph Fiennes).

The 2006 BAFTA nominations have been announced – Goblet of Fire has been nominated in the categories of “Production design,” “Achievement in special visual effects” and “Make Up and Hair.” The awards, hosted by Stephen Fry, will be held on February 19th in the Odeon Leicester Square, London.

Warner Brothers Home Video confirmed on January 11 that Goblet of Fire will be released on DVD, March 7th. The film will be available as a single-disc, a two-disc special edition, and as part of a collector’s set of the first four films.

Moving on to Order of the Phoenix, Warner Bros. announced on Tuesday that they have narrowed down the 15,000 Luna Lovegood hopefuls who turned up at the open casting call on Saturday to just 400. Order of the Phoenix casting director Fiona Weir said:

“We were really amazed at the response and would like to say a big thank you to everyone who gave up their Saturday. Even though we had many thousands more than anticipated, we were determined to see everyone who came along.”

And actor Chris Rankin confirmed yesterday that he will be coming back as Percy Weasley for the fifth movie after being absent from Goblet of Fire.

In book news, Scholastic has announced that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be released in its paperback form on July 25th for a retail price of $9.99. There will be an initial print run of two million copies.

Aaron Lambert, the genius who stole two copies of Half-Blood Prince last June, has been sentenced to prison for four and a half years . The body-builder later attempted to sell the books to a Sun newspaper reporter, threatening him with an imitation firearm. Following the incident, Lambert admitted to two counts of phoning and blackmailing Harry Potter publisher Bloomsbury.

Jo Rowling recently sat down with Tatler Magazine for a very in-depth interview. A portion of the interview has been published in the UK newspaper The Telegraph. She discussed everything from her fund-raising for Multiple Sclerosis to the new children’s book she has finished. The interview will be published in its entirety in the February 2006 edition of Tatler. Scans of Jo and transcript of the interview are available on

The author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling may take part in a charity dinner on January 25 organized by Baroness Emma Nicholson in Bucharest, with the purpose of raising money for children in European orphanages. A public TV station will also interview the Harry Potter author. The program will air Wednesday, January 25th at 9:50 PM.

Finally, PotterCaster John Noe set fire to his dorm while trying to cook dinner. The building had to be evacuated. Noe later admitted he wasn’t really cooking but attempting to destroy a set of Horcri in the back of the stove.

That’s all the news for this January 23rd, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.


Andrew: [laughs] Thank you, Micah. So, first of all, we need to apologize to everyone. I guess apologize, because people were upset.

Ben: For what?

Kevin: They were. They were very upset.

Andrew: We have… Well, we…we duped everyone by not showing up last week for the show. We were a little busy. We had some scheduling problems, not everyone could be on at the same time. So, we’re sorry, I guess.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: We shouldn’t be sorry. We put out 31 shows for the past…since early August.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: [in old man’s voice] Give us a break please!

Ben: Actually, Andrew had a hot date at Sophomore Cotillion. Oooh.

Andrew: Are you saying the show can’t go on without me, Ben? [laughs]

Ben: No, I’m saying there were other scheduling conflicts, but your particular scheduling conflict was the lamest of all.

Kevin: Yeah, it was.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: The lamest of the lame.

Andrew: Sorry I had a life. Announcements! Last week instead of bringing you the new show, we brought you a MuggleCast Remix created by Eric Scull. He wanted us to plug it because he really did do a great job on it and he put a lot time on it. So, definitely give it a listen. You can download it at We didn’t put it in the feed because we weren’t sure if everyone would want to get it. But, it is really good. So, check it out. Also, Micah Tan has a quick update on the transcripts for us.

Micah: Yeah. I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails asking about where the last, I think three transcripts are. They are on the new site. We have a cool little update box that Andrew put on there that has the most recent transcript in it, as well as the “Transcript” link in the navigation bar because we’re not updating’s main page anymore when we release our transcripts. They are only going to be on

Andrew: So…

Ben: [in deep voice] Thanks, Micah.

Andrew: Thank you. Yeah, so that whole update, that tab bar thing – I don’t even know what to call it – at the top of on the main page, that has all the latest news updates and stuff like that. So, we encourage you…

Ben: It’s called pure genius is what it is called, Andrew.

[Everyone laughs]

Main Topic – Rubeus Hagrid

Andrew: Thank you, Ben. Thank you. So, we encourage everyone to check that often to stay updated with what’s going on around the site and the show. So, let’s jump right into the main discussion this week, which would be, as promised, Hagrid. Rubeus Hagrid. That’s how you pronounce it, right?

Laura: Yep.

Kevin: Yep.

Ben: It’s “Ru-bay-is.” According to the Scholastic Pronunciation Guide, it’s “Ru-bay-is.”

Laura: Well…

Kevin: According to the movies, it’s…

Andrew: Rubeus, Rubus…

Laura: It’s Rubeus.

Kevin: Rubeus.

Ben: [in cackling voice] Ru, Ru, Rubeus Hagrid!

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Let’s give you some information about Hagrid. He’s a half-blood. His mother is Fridwulfa, one of the latest remaining British giants. His father was a Muggle and she abandoned his family when Hagrid was only three years old.

Andrew: Awww.

Ben: Awww. His Dad died in 1941-1942 during Hagrid’s second year at Hogwarts. Hagrid has a brother, half-giant brother named Grawp who has actually becomes civilized in the last book. He was raised by his human father and was orphaned in his second year at Hogwarts. By the way, I made a mistake. His father was not a Muggle. His father was a wizard, so please don’t spam my inbox.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Hagrid has a love for very, very dangerous creatures. Things like dragons, Acromantulas or giant spiders, Hippogriffs, you know, big giant dogs, three-headed dogs. Yeah, and Hagrid is a big, fluffy, loveable guy, and we all love him. Right, guys?

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Yep.

Hagrid’s Love For Magical Creatures

Andrew: So, what is up with his love for magical creatures? Why does he have such a love for them?

Laura: I think it’s because he can sort of identify with them. Because people see them as, you know, dangerous, obviously. And people see Hagrid as being dangerous because he is part giant. And Hagrid always talks about how he can see himself in Harry, so I think he likes to be close with creatures that he can identify with.

Ben: Not only that, but it has a lot to do with, like you said, he can identify with them because they are outcasts, they’re dangerous, people think they don’t belong with the rest of society, and they think the same thing about him.

Kevin: Not to mention a lot of the creatures he gets aren’t dangerous to him because of his size.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: So…

Andrew: Yeah, they are intimidated by him.

Kevin: [laughs] Yeah, so I mean, you know, they’re dangerous to wizards and Muggles, but to Hagrid it is just a normal creature.

Andrew: So, really he is perfect for the position at Hogwarts.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: That he currently is in.

Ben: He develops a love for all these creatures. I think Laura and I both already hit it on the head, that the reason he likes them is because he is able to identify with them, and he was an outcast, they were an outcast…they are outcasts. So, he has to find someone like him or something like him because I doubt he had many friends when he was at Hogwarts because they thought he opened the Chamber of Secrets. They thought he was trying to Petrify everyone.

Hagrid’s Magical Abilities

Ben: Speaking of which, since he was expelled in his second year, what do you guys think about his magical ability, I guess you would say?

Kevin: It’s very, very…

Ben: Limited?

Kevin: Limited. Exactly.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: That’s the word. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: He really doesn’t have a great knowledge of magic and I think that’s one of the reasons why he identifies with magical creatures. Because there is really no need for a vast knowledge in Dark Arts to control them.

Loyalty and Trust

Ben: What was Hagrid doing the night of Voldemort’s demise? We all know he met with Sirius to get the motorbike and to go get… Well, that was actually after his demise, but he had to end up going to get…Harry, actually. [laughs] He stole Sirius Black’s motorcycle. What do you guys think went on that night?

Laura: I don’t know because there is a whole day lost in there.

Kevin: Well, I think Hagrid was always considered to be one of Dumbledore’s most trusted friends.

Ben: He trusted him with the Sorcerer’s Stone too. So…obviously…

Kevin: Exactly. So, I think that whatever he was doing, it was vital to the Order and Dumbledore would trust him with it.

Laura: Oh, of course.

Ben: Yeah, because you notice at the beginning of Sorcerer’s Stone McGonagall says, “Why would you trust Hagrid with such a thing?” And then Dumbledore says, [impersonating Dumbledore] “Professor McGonagall, I would trust Hagrid with my life.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Why, though? What developed that trust?

Ben: There had to be some thing.

Laura: Well, I mean you look at Hagrid… He was…

Andrew: I know.

Ben: Maybe he has just been reliable over the years.

Laura: Well, yeah. He’s served as gamekeeper for years and years, and Dumbledore has plenty of time to get to know him, not to mention Hagrid is fiercely loyal. I mean, he has never once in the books broken an alliance to someone he promised one to.

Ben: Yeah, and the thing about that is, is do you think… Why do you think Hagrid was in Gryffindor? Don’t you think he should have been in Hufflepuff because of the whole loyalty thing?

Laura: Well, he’s really brave too. I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: But you never know, because we never got a chance to see what Hagrid would have developed with magically. So, it’s possible that he has some skill that we don’t know because he was kicked out of school too early.

Laura: Yeah, but we also know that you can have multiple traits…

Kevin: Talents, yeah.

Laura: …that apply to different Houses. You know, we see Hermione, who the Sorting Hat considered putting her into Ravenclaw. So, it is entirely possible that Hagrid could have some Hufflepuff traits, but I think his bravery pretty much outweighs that and would make sense for him being in Gryffindor.

Andrew: Is there still a question about, is it really a big deal what happened with the motorcycle? Where the motorcycle went?

Laura: Didn’t Jo say that we were going to find out? It seems like she did, but I don’t remember.

Andrew: I just don’t see what’s the big deal about finding out.

Kevin: I don’t see the significance.

Andrew: Yeah. Who cares? Yeah.

Laura: I don’t think it’s… I don’t really think it’s going to be a major plot point. It just might be something that Harry inherits.

Ben: I also don’t see the significance of the order of the names on the Map, but you guys had to discuss that.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Actually, I heard Voldemort strolls downtown London and picks up chicks on his motorcycle.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So that’s where it went?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: No, but at least the Map had some sort of backing to it. The motorcycle – is just stupid. It’s like where….

Micah: It’s a Horcrux.

Ben: Yeah, it’s a Horcrux.

Andrew: …did the bed sheets go that…that…Mrs. Weasley talked about in Book 2? Nobody cares. You’re supposed to laugh at that.

Kevin: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Micah: Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Andrew: A few applause.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Like I said, it’s not a major plot point, but it just might be something that Harry would like to have eventually.

Kevin: It could be like whimsical, the kind of thing she brings up just for fun.

Laura: Yeah, maybe Harry and Ginny ride off on the motorcycle in the end.

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Kevin: Exactly.

Ben: This has been Pointless Discussion #654 on MuggleCast.

Laura: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]


Ben: Okay. What do you guys think that Hagrid knows about Tom Riddle? Because they went to school together, obviously.

Kevin: And they had some social contact, we know that because Tom Riddle spoke to Hagrid, so he was familiar with him.

Ben: And he framed him.

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: So he had to know him somehow.

Kevin: I don’t know. I mean, I don’t.

Ben: Why was Hagrid chosen to be framed by Tom Riddle? Why did Tom Riddle choose him?

Kevin: Because Hagrid is an easy target. People are scared.

Ben: That’s what I thought.

Laura: Yeah, he is.

Kevin: They are very willing to believe that Hagrid is evil because of his giant blood. So…

Ben: And he’s a big oaf.

Laura: Not to mention that, he’s pretty gullible.

Kevin: He is, yeah.

Laura: You know?

Kevin: He’s almost too trusting.

Laura: Mhm.

Ben: For example, the dragon, when he meets with the person in the Hog’s Head in Book 1, and he wins a dragon egg off of them, and he gets really drunk and tells him about Fluffy. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Laura: And pretty much was the reason that Quirrell managed to figure out how to get to the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Ben: Get to the Sorcerer’s Stone or try to get it.

Laura: Yeah, almost.

Andrew: But, we didn’t finish answering, what does Hagrid know about him? But I think we can conclude from that, from what we’ve seen, not much. Maybe personality.

Kevin: Yeah, especially since he was manipulated.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: So, what he does know probably wasn’t real.

Hagrid-Horcrux Connection

Micah: Well, not the Horcruxes. Does he, could he possibly know anything after spending some time in school with him?

Andrew: Locations? Well, yeah, you would think so. The Horcruxes relate to parts of Voldemort and if anyone’s… I think Hagrid would be useful for that. But then there’s the question: Why hasn’t Hagrid given any of this information to, say, Harry?

Kevin: But does Hagrid know?

Laura: Yeah, that’s the thing…

Andrew: Well, anything.

Laura: How would he know, though?

Andrew: We haven’t even heard if Hagrid doesn’t know.

Laura: But how would he know about Horcruxes?

Kevin: Yeah. See the thing is, yeah, the Horcruxes were…

Andrew: Well maybe not Horcruxes in general, but anything. Any information though.

Kevin: Yeah, but I think Horcruxes are one of those things that if he was told about them, he would go back in his memory and go, “Wait. I remember something.”

Andrew: Mhm.

Kevin: The kind of thing that, you know, brings up memories that at first you didn’t think it was suspicious, but when you get more information, it tends to be. You know what I mean?

Andrew: But he hasn’t been approached about it at all.

Kevin: Right, right. But…

Ben: It would be stupid for him to tell Hagrid about it because Hagrid can’t keep his mouth shut.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: It’s true. [laughs]

Laura: Not to mention I have a sneaking suspicion that if he did tell Hagrid, Hagrid would be dead by now. [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: Why would Voldemort tell Hagrid?

Laura: Exactly. He wouldn’t.

Ben: Why would he say, “Hey Hagrid! I plan on splitting my soul into a million pieces and conquering the world!”

Kevin: Yeah, but I think…

Andrew: No! No, no, no, no! But I mean any information that could suggest where he would have put it. Like if Hagrid always saw him hanging out in a certain spot or was always obsessed with…

Kevin: A certain item. Yeah.

Andrew: Yes. Or, you know… yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, a certain item that…

Ben: He was always sitting in the corner of the Great Hall with a T-shirt on that says, “I’m making a Horcrux over here.”

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: No!

Andrew: No!

Laura: No, no ,no! I see what Ben’s saying, though. I see what Ben’s saying.

Andrew: [still laughing] You’re so mean.

Laura: How much attention would Hagrid have paid to him? I mean it’s not like they, it’s not like they were friends or anything.

Andrew: We don’t know! We’ve got to ask Hagrid!

Laura: It’s not like they talked on a regular basis.

Ben: Okay, in your high school.. Andrew, tell me. In your high school, do you walk around writing down the habits and particular objects people are obsessed with?

Andrew: No, but there are people, there are people that you see on a daily basis that I’m not saying act weird or anything, but…

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, but their actions seem normal at the time but…yeah.

Andrew: Yeah! You can tell! You can tell what they’re, you know, like…

Kevin: You, you…

Andrew: You know, if someone’s always sitting in one corner, you know, drawing out little sketches of the school, you know something’s up.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Micah: As far as we know, he really only made one Horcrux while he was at school. Right?

Kevin: Ehhh, that’s an assumption. I mean, we really have no proof on how many he made or if he made…

Ben: [interrupts Kevin] I think he only made one. Okay, why would he, he’s not a stupid person. He would know that someone might catch on if he’s always obsessing over a trophy in the trophy room, or something like that.

Kevin: Yeah, but [sighs] I don’t think that it takes that much time that it would seem he was obsessing. I think he would make his mark where…

Ben: Hey, if he were going to make a Horcrux, he would do it secretly.

Kevin: Of course!

Ben: I mean, he’s not going to…

Kevin: Of course. But does he need to see the trophy to know that the trophy is there and to know where he’s going to go to make the Horcrux? Does he need to obsess?

Ben: I have no idea! Do I look like, do I look like Jo?

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: What I’m saying is he may show no indication of obsessing over an item and then just create the Horcrux.

Micah: But doesn’t the item have to be nearby?

Andrew: Of course.

Kevin: It does have to be nearby, but that’s why I’m saying. If, for example, it was a trophy, he knows the trophy’s there. So when he’s ready to create the Horcrux, he goes to the trophy room and creates a Horcrux.

Andrew: This is what I’m sayin’!

[Micah laughs]

Ben: I’m sure when he went to the trophy room to make the Horcrux, he invited Hagrid along too.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, stop being sarcastic. [laughs] It’s the personality thing. It’s just, you can assume…

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Sorry. What’s the word I’m looking for? You can gather information about a person just by observing what they do at different points in the day or whatever.

Laura: Yeah, but how much does Hagrid observe? I mean, how much does he observe other students?

Andrew: I don’t know! We need to ask him! That’s what I’m saying.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: We need to ask him. Hagrid’s going to be on MuggleCast next week.

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Hagrid’s Family

Ben: Okay, what about Hagrid’s parents? We already discussed how his father was a wizard and his mom was a giant. I mean, the conception of Hagrid must’ve not been pretty.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Let’s not go into that.

Andrew: Whoa. Please don’t.

Laura: Thanks, Ben.

Ben: Well, what about the relationship with his brother, though? Grawp.

Ciaran: Well, I think it must be pretty strong for him to endure it like what Grawp put him through in Book 5. You know? And he had bruises nearly every day, so he must’ve been beating him up pretty hard. So, I think we can gather from that that it’s pretty strong and I think Grawp would definitely be an asset in Book 7 in, like, the fight against Voldemort.

Kevin: Now do you think Grawp is going to play a role in convincing other giants to join the cause, rather than Hagrid?

Ben: I think it’s a lost cause, personally.

Kevin: Do you?

Laura: Mhm, me neither.

Purpose In Series, Role in Book 7

Kevin: See, the thing is, is that Hagrid has been kept around until this book. I mean, we’ve been predicting he’ll die every book, for two books.

Ben: That’s because people are a-holes: they want him to die.

Kevin: I know, but J.K. Rowling herself said that she keeps characters around because they have purpose.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: If they don’t have a purpose, she’s not going to show them, mention them, or, you know, deal with them. So, why is Hagrid…

Laura: She kills them.

Ben: Of course Hagrid has a purpose. Hagrid has a purpose because he’s one of Harry’s mentors. Just because… just because-

Laura: Well, so was Dumbledore!

[All except Ben laugh]

Kevin: Yeah!

Ben: I know! I know! No, no, no. Listen. Just listen.

Kevin: We’re listening.

Ben: She had a reason for killing Dumbledore. She wouldn’t kill Hagrid because Harry’s taken enough blows as it is and Hagrid’s sort of like a fatherly figure to him.

Laura: But that’s not real life, though! That’s not real life; the thing she always tries to portray, real life. And just because someone’s a mentor doesn’t stop them from dying.

Kevin: It’s true.

Ben: Okay… that has nothing to do…

Andrew: Shot down, Ben!

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Ben: Not really shot down, because that has nothing to do with what I was even talking about.

Kevin: No, but it’s true.

Ben: I was saying that Hagrid still has a purpose in the series. If you want to talk about real life, last time I checked, there wasn’t a school where people are running around shooting spells at each other. So, you can just back down.

Laura: No, that’s not what I’m saying. [sighs]

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Well, okay. Hagrid is a lifeline to Harry because he’s one of his mentors and he’s always there for Harry when Harry’s in some problem or difficulty. Harry goes down to his hut and blah, blah, blah. But so is Dumbledore and Sirius!

Kevin: Exactly.

Andrew: They were both mentors for him too. So…

Kevin: So why is Hagrid still around when they aren’t?

Laura: Why is he special?

Ben: Because! Okay, she’s not going to kill everybody! Why is that third-year kid who was…

Andrew: We know that!

Ben: Why is Ernie Macmillan still around?

Kevin: But why would…

Micah: [laughs] Pigwidgeon?

Ben: Why is Justin Finch-Fletchley still around? And why is Filch still around? Why is…

Kevin: [interrupts Ben] Why do you think there’s a limitation for her to kill only one character per book?

Ben: There isn’t a limitation! Multiple people die per book.

Kevin: Yeah, but one major.

Andrew: But one major. It’s one major character.

Laura: Yeah, it’s one major.


Andrew: Although I think it’s Book…

Kevin: Because there’s still purpose to that character! Just like Dumbledore was kept around in Book 5 because he had to show Harry the Horcruxes, Hagrid has a purpose in Book 7.

Ben: Okay, I think you guys… Hagrid isn’t that major of a character anyways.

Kevin: Yes, he is! What is…who is the first magical character that Harry ever meets?

Ben: Okay, that’s fine. But his role in the books has diminished.

Kevin: Okay, so that character’s not significant? Of course it’s…

Ben: No, his role in the books have diminished, [stammers] has diminished! And you’re always…

Kevin: [interrupts Ben] But that’s what I’m saying, he’s going to…

Ben: [interrupts Kevin] You’re trying to make a connection here which doesn’t even make sense.

Kevin: No, no. All I’m saying is…

Laura: Actually, I disagree.

Ben: You’re all, [in a mocking tone] “Hagrid is the key to the series!”

Laura: No, no, no! No, no, no, no, no. Hagrid’s role has not diminished. we haven’t seen him as much…

[Ciaran laughs]

Laura: …because I think he’s been doing other things.

Ciaran: Hmmm.

Kevin: I agree.

Laura: Especially going out and trying to gather the giants in Book 5.

Ben: He’s going to throw rock cakes at Voldemort, that’s what he’s going to do.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Kevin: Honestly, I think it’s, I think it’s either to deal with the giants or to help Harry directly fight Voldemort in some way like…

Ben: Okay, just because he’s still around doesn’t mean that he has this ultimate purpose in the end.

Andrew: I think it makes sense for Hagrid to die in Book 7 because… [laughs] I’m going to talk about my pattern.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Listen, there’s one significant character that dies in…well, in the past two books. Sirius was very important to Harry and he died in Book 5. Dumbledore was very important to Harry and he died in Book 6. Now, wouldn’t it make sense that, the only other really important character, besides Ron and Hermione, is Hagrid. Right? Is there anyone else that is really important to Harry, like a mentor?

Kevin: Yeah.

Micah: The Weasleys…

Andrew: So, according to my pattern, my calculations, my… Well, the Weasleys… I don’t know.

Micah: Lupin.

Andrew: They are sort of separated because…

Ben: Okay, Micah’s definitely tearing you down.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: No, Lupin is not a mentor as much as anyone else.

Ben: Micah’s just destroyed your pattern, dude.

[Everyone laughs some more]

Andrew: Lupin is not a mentor as much as…

[Everyone is still laughing]

Andrew: Lupin is not as much of a mentor as Hagrid is.

Kevin: But he is a mentor.

Andrew: So, according to my… Yes, but not as major. I’m just saying it would make sense that Hagrid would kick the can in Book 7.

Ben: Why?

Kevin: Honestly, I don’t know if he’s going to die.

Andrew: Because he’s Harry’s final lifeline inside the school.

Kevin: Honestly, I don’t know if he’s going to die, but I do think he is going to play some role.

Laura: I agree.

Ben: Okay, Sherlock Holmes. Thanks, Captain Obvious.

Andrew: I just think it would make sense because Hagrid dying…

Kevin: No, let’s do a roll call. Who believes that Hagrid will play a significant role? Laura?

Laura: “Aye.”

Andrew: Yeah, well, all of us. I think we all do.

Kevin: Ben doesn’t.

Andrew: But, I…

Ben: No, no.

Andrew: Ben is Ben.

Ben: Okay.

Andrew: What, Ben? Go ahead.

Ben: Okay, you guys are definitely misconstruing my viewpoint on this. What I am saying is that you guys have to find an ulterior reason for everything. There’s always something else that has to be going on. Hagrid is still around just because he’s not 85 and he’s not dead yet. It’s not like JK Rowling says [Ben continues in a high-pitched voice] “Well, I haven’t killed Hagrid off for this reason.” Of course he’s still going to have some purpose in the final book, and it may be to mentor Harry, but being a mentor could be enough because Harry’s had multiple mentors killed off already, why would she kill off another? And also, like you said…

Andrew: [Laughs] Because…look at my pattern! Clearly!

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I haven’t seen your pattern, I haven’t seen your pattern.

Andrew: I’m going to draw a picture of it.

Kevin: And we will include that in the Show Notes?

Andrew: Yes.

Ben: We’ll have a picture of Andrew’s pattern.

Andrew: Hagrid dying would tear him apart more than many other people in the books.

Kevin: I think so, too.

Andrew: And Sirius dying tore him apart and so did Dumbledore.

Ben: Why doesn’t Jo just kill everyone?

Andrew: That’s what I’m saying…it’s what should happen.

Kevin: That’s a good idea.

Andrew: It would be an easy way to end Book 7. There’d be no more mysteries.

Kevin: An apocalypse!

Ben: Andrew, what does your pattern say about this?

Andrew: Everyone dying? My pattern says “slim to none.”

Ben: Awww.

Andrew: The ratio is a little bit off.

Where Did He Go?

Ben: What do you think… Okay, Hagrid is expelled in his three years. Where did he go immediately following his expulsion? Did he immediately become gamekeeper…assistant gamekeeper to Ogg? Or, was it that he ran away from the school and he…?

Kevin: I think at the very least he was, he had some involvement with Dumbledore.

Ben: Oh really? Really? Did it take you a long time to think that one up? [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, it did. No, but seriously, like direct contact, where, to the point where Dumbledore set up whatever he was doing.

Andrew: You mean the grounds-keeping?

Kevin: Well, not necessarily the grounds-keeping at first. Maybe where he was living, you know, what he was doing in his spare time, stuff like that.

Andrew: Well, I’m sure…

Laura: I think he definitely hung around at Hogwarts.

Andrew: Yeah, well I was thinking, in between after graduating and getting his job there, that’s when he really spent some time…maybe he lived in the woods and was like a total…

Kevin: Hermit?

Andrew: Outcast.

Ben: Neanderthal.

Laura: I’m not sure that Dumbledore would let him do that, though.

Kevin: I don’t think so either.

Andrew: I mean just learning about creatures and living among them. Being a part of their community.

Kevin: Well, I would think that Dumbledore would promote his interest in magical creatures and maybe hint at where he should go and what books he should read and stuff like that.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Can Hagrid read?

Kevin: I would hope so.

Ben: Okay.

Kevin: He did go to school for a couple years.

Laura: Yeah he can, because in the first book he wrote a letter to Dumbledore.

Ben: Ooops.

Kevin: Yep, see. Shot down.

Andrew: Couldn’t he, like, not spell though? Wasn’t…

Ben: Yeah, he has poor spelling.

Laura: Yeah, but he can still read.

Andrew: At like a fifth-grade level. [laughs]

Hagrid as Groundskeeper

Ben: There’s a really silly question here that I’m seeing in our–in the chat here – did Hagrid always want to be a Groundskeeper? How much does he know about the grounds? Well, the thing about him – did he always want to be a Groundskeeper? I doubt it was his dream, you know. It’s like if someone works at McDonalds. [in a deep voice] “Did he always want to work at McDonalds?” No, he didn’t, but he sort of got forced into that position because he wasn’t able to get the rest of his education.

Kevin: Yeah, but I think he loves it.

Ben: He likes it now.

Kevin: It’s a job that, it’s potentially a job that he may not have seen himself in, in the beginning, but now he just loves it, you know, kind of thing.

Micah: Yeah.

Kevin: Something that grew on him maybe.

Micah: And I don’t think we’ll ever know what he could have potentially been because he got expelled.

Ben: But how much does he know about the grounds, of the school?

Kevin: We don’t know.

Andrew: I think he’s…who mentioned this yesterday?

Micah: Ciaran, I think.

Andrew: …or two days ago. About Filch being…

Ciaran: Oh yeah.

Andrew: Go ahead.

Ciaran: Yeah, Filch knows basically, the whole of Hogwarts, like, inside while Hagrid knows everywhere outside. So I think, yeah, he’s basically the equivalent of like what Filch knows inside.

Andrew: I think that makes sense because you got to have someone who’s completely experienced with the grounds outside. And, being that Hagrid is the Groundskeeper, I think it’s sort of a no-brainer there.

Ciaran: I think that if he wasn’t expelled in third year, I think one of the jobs he might of liked is what Charlie does, you know dragon-keeping. But, I’m sure he’s happy with grounds-keeping.

Andrew: It’s not a paying job, I don’t think. Do you think he gets paid? [laughs] Not like it really matters, but…

Ciaran: Well, he’s a teacher now anyways, so.

Andrew: Yeah, bringing in the big dough.

Kevin: Oh yeah.

Ciaran: Definitely.

[Everyone Laughs]

Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid

Ben: What do you guys think about Robbie Coltrane and how he’s portrayed Hagrid in the movies? I think he’s done an excellent job and he’s sort of what I’ve always…

Kevin: Oh yeah. Definitely. I think he’s one of the major…one of the only characters that have been portrayed perfectly. Like, to the dime.

Laura: I agree, definitely.

Ben: [In a Hagrid-like voice] “Rubeus Hagrid!”

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: [In a Hagrid-like voice] “Keeper of the Keys.”

Andrew: I love that voice. [laughs] Yeah, it really is perfect. And he looks great in the role and…he’s just a good person. Ciaran, did talk to him on the Red Carpet?

Ciaran: No, actually I was talking to someone else and he walked by.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Ciaran: But he’s actually funny and…I was talking to David Bradley, the guy who plays Filch and, yeah, he came up behind him and pulled his hair for some rhyme or reason.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Does he have, like, a ponytail or something?

Ciaran: David Bradley?

Andrew: Yeah.

Ciaran: Yeah, he has pretty long hair.

Andrew: Oh, okay. [laughs]

Ciaran: Yeah, but Robbie Coltrane…

Andrew: He pulled it!

Ciaran: Yeah! But I don’t know why.

[Andrew laughs]

Voicemail – Keeper of the Keys

[Audio]: Hi! This is Madison from New Jersey. I live right near Medford, Andrew. Anyway, I have a question about Hagrid. What is the job “The Keeper of the Keys”? We haven’t actually seen Hagrid keep keys since The Sorcerer’s Stone. And where did he get Harry’s key? Thanks, and I love the show! Bye.

Andrew: I think he still has the keys…They just don’t get mentioned. Because they serve no purpose.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Exactly. Harry’s key, I think that’s obvious, I think it came from Dumbledore.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: I thought Dumbledore…I’m sure…

Andrew: For the vault, we’re talking’ about, right?

Ben: Yeah. I’m sure that Harry’s parents had their affairs in order, because they knew they were going to get killed soon.

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: So they probably told Dumbledore, “Hey, if we die, you know, Harry gets everything. Here’s his key.” You know, [laughs] that type of thing.

Kevin: But, what is a “Keeper of the Keys”? Like, is there any doors that we haven’t seen that are important to Hogwarts?

Ben: Ummm…

Andrew: He’s just in charge of handling the keys. It’s like a management position.

Ben: What else is there to it?

Andrew: There is nothing.

Ben: He has the key to the Quidditch broom closet, I bet. [laughs]

Andrew: He’s got the key to happiness…and joy.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: I think the reason, why they ask, is because it’s…they make it out to be a very large title like, “KEEPER OF THE KEYS,” you know?

Ben: Well, based on how you and Laura reacted earlier, it’s like he has the “key” to the series.

[Everyone laughs, then Laura and Kevin sigh]

Kevin:: Oh.

Andrew: I think it’s just a clever title. Because, it’s “Keeper of the Keys”…what’s the term for that?

Micah: Janitor?

Ben: Janitor! [laughs]

Andrew: No, I mean, the English term…alliteration?

Ben: Yeah, alliteration…the “K.”

Kevin: So, do you think it’s just simply he has the keys and he controls them?

Andrew: Yeah, there’s nothing to it. Stop over-analyzing, guys.

Kevin: Hey, that’s what we do.

Ben: [In a sing-song voice] You’re over-analyzing…

Laura: I agree, I think that it’s just a job that Dumbledore gave him.

Andrew: I think we’re burning into people’s minds that they have to over-analyze everything. Because like, they listen to us for like an hour-and-a-half.

Laura: Well, they do.

Kevin: [laughs] They do over-analyze everything.

Andrew: Whatever. Apparently I’m not funny anymore.

Kevin: You aren’t.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: You never were funny.

Andrew: Next voicemail.

Kevin: [laughs] Ohhh.

Andrew: Yeah right, I’m freakin’ hilarious.

Voicemail – Hagrid’s Fate and Horcrux Ginny

[Audio]: Hi. I’m Freddie from London, England. And I was just wondering what you thought the chances are of Hagrid dying in the seventh book were as he does have a close relationship with Harry, and whenever Harry forms a bond with someone, they always seem to die, which is the reason he broke off with Ginny? Which brings me on to Ginny. Do you think there is a possibility of Ginny becoming…being a Horcrux in the seventh book? She did handle Tom Riddle’s diary, she’s the seventh child, which is a magical number–or bad magical number–and, she…has unusual talent. Bye.

Andrew: I agree with Freddie there. And this is what we talked about earlier. Hagrid…Harry is very close to Hagrid. I think that it would…

Ben: Let’s just kill him.

Andrew: …make sense.

Ben: I’m going kill him.

Andrew: You never know.

Ben: [laughing] I’m going kill Hagrid.

Andrew: You never know. Okay.

Kevin: You’re going to kill Hagrid?

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: But, as for that second part of the question, Ginny Weasley being a Horcrux?

Kevin: Not a chance.

Laura: No, I don’t think so.

Ben: How could he make Ginny a Horcrux?

Kevin: Exactly.

Ben: He wasn’t even alive in human form.

Kevin: Exactly, and I believe that he created all seven Horcruxes or “Horcri” before he died.

Ben: He had to have.

Andrew: Yeah.

Voicemail – Headmaster Hagrid

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast. This is Louis from Massachusetts and I have a question about Hagrid. My sister thinks he’s going to become the next headmaster after Dumbledore died, but I think she’s crazy, so anyway, I really don’t think that’s going to happen. Well, do you think he’s going to stay at Hogwarts now that Dumbledore is dead because he said that if there are students that he could teach, he would stay. But, is Hogwarts really going to stay open? And, what can he do for the Order if he doesn’t stay? I mean, what can he do to help the good guys’ side, if you will? Thanks so much! I love your show.

Andrew: Um…headmas…Hagrid as a headmaster. I don’t know if that would work very well.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: I doubt it. Not a chance.

Laura: No, no no.

Andrew: How old is your sister?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Tell her to listen to MuggleCast some more. Yeah, I think that the best chance is for McGonagall to become the Headmaster…Headmistress. Excuse me.

Ben: Yeah, let’s not use gendered language here.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: As for what he would do, do you think…I don’t know…

Andrew: Of course. No, of course he’ll stay at Hogwarts.

Laura: I think he’ll stay.

Andrew: I don’t think he’d abandon it.

Ben: Hogwarts is his home.

Laura: I know. Hogwarts is really, I mean it’s really the only home he’s ever known.

Kevin: Well, he’s going to stay at Hogwarts, but what is he going to do? Like, what is his classification going to be?

Ben: Ummm…Keeper of the Keys?

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: I think this leads into another voicemail I have somewhere around here.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I like how Kevin acts like he has a pile of them and he puts them in his cassette player and hit play.

Ben: Yeah. [laughs] No, that’s a good point. Let’s play that voicemail now.

Voicemail – Hagrid, Head of Gryffindor?

[Audio]: Yeah my name is Ryan Moore. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah and I had a question. I noticed your next topic will be about Rubeus Hagrid and I was curious if you guys think that, with Professor McGonagall, now as the Headmistress of Hogwarts after Dumbledore died and that, who will be the next Gryffindor Head of House? I think it will be Hagrid. To me, he seems to the obvious choice. Wondering what you guys think and hope that you haven’t already answered it? Thanks!

Andrew: Oh yeah, that is a good question.

Ben: What I think is that Hagrid might actually…I mean, there’s a possibility he would. I think Slughorn, if Hogwarts is open, I think that Slughorn is going to become–resume his position as Slytherin Head of House and, who better than Hagrid to become Gryffindor head of house? Who else is there? Or, is it possible for McGonagall to be head of house AND headmistress?

Laura: I don’t think so.

Kevin: I don’t think so either.

Laura: I don’t think so, because it would show favoritism.

Kevin: Yeah, exactly. So… I think that’s a possibility. Distinct possibility.

Andrew: Good question though. Okay, so that wraps up all of our Hagrid discussion. Now, let’s go to the regular voicemails.

Voicemail – Foe Foreshadowing?

[Audio]: Hi, guys. This is Holly from Arkansas. I was listening to you on my way to work this morning and I had a question about Goblet of Fire. In the chapter with the Foe Glass, Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall are all reflected in Moody’s Foe Glass…er…”not Moody’s” Foe Glass. And I didn’t know what that meant. Does that mean they’re all on the same side? That’s my question. Thanks!

Laura: I don’t think so.

Ben: I don’t…

Laura: I don’t think the Foe Glass is a long term-type thing. I think it just applies to present…to a present-type sense.

Kevin: I don’t think it shows allegiances. I think it shows…

Laura: …who is against you at that time.

Kevin: …who’s against the person at that time, exactly.

Laura: Yeah.

Voicemail – Harry Using Crucio

[Audio]: Hi, MuggleCast. This is Carolyn calling Paris, France, not Texas. I wanted to bring up the fact that Harry’s attempted to use the Cruciatus Curse on more than one occasion but nobody seems to be bothered by this. Now, as we all know, a successful use of this curse merits a lifetime sentence in Azkaban. Doesn’t it follow that the attempted use, like attempted murder, is a crime as well? And, on a moral level, does it worry or bother you that Harry tried to cast it? Thanks.

Ben: On a moral level, I don’t really think so because he was extremely mad both times and I think the fact that he wasn’t able to do it, shows that he doesn’t have enough hatred to do it.

Kevin: Yep, I agree.

Ben: Yeah, like Bellatrix said, “You have to mean it, you have to want to see them scream…want to inflict pain on them.” And he doesn’t have enough hate in him to do it.

Andrew: But, it…I think it does worry us that he has that temper that he would do that. Because, does…he’s aware of what the consequences are, right? So…you get what I’m saying here? [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, but he was trying to defend himself.

Andrew: I know, but isn’t…doesn’t the rules…

Kevin: Yeah, but I find it hard to believe that, if a Death Eater is about to kill you…

Ciaran: Yeah. Self-defense.

Kevin: …and you use a killing curse on them and they die, you’d be sent to Azkaban.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: I find it very hard to believe.

Ben: Well, there’s an exception. Of course there’s an exception. Kind of like if someone breaks into your house and has a gun, and you shoot them with your gun, you’re not going to get sent to prison for it. Because you are defending yourself.

Kevin: Exactly.

Ben: It’s kind of like how if…you can kill someone or like shoot someone if you believe that your life or the life of someone else is in danger.

Kevin: Yep, I agree.

Voicemail – Legilimency On The Tower

[Audio]: This is Kelly from California. Do you think that Snape used Legilimency to communicate with Dumbledore on the Astronomy tower? Because on page 595 it said that Snape gazed at Dumbledore for a moment before he got killed. Thanks, bye.

Ciaran: I think that definitely were… If it’s true that they had planned this beforehand, that Snape would kill Dumbledore. I think that Dumbledore let Snape read his mind and say…urge Snape to go ahead with it and just kill him and not be weak.

Kevin: So, do you think it’s possible that there wasn’t a Unbreakable Vow like we were predicting and rather, just a communication between Snape and Dumbledore? Because that’s another possibility. Well, in the previous episode we said that Dumbledore and Snape possibly had an Unbreakable Vow between the two of them.

Ciaran: Yeah.

Kevin: Where, if Dumbledore was ever in a position, well, if Snape was ever in a position where Dumbledore’s life over his…Snape’s own position was questioned. If that makes sense.

Ciaran: Yeah.

Kevin: It would be Dumbledore’s life. You know, you would take Dumbledore’s life.

Ciaran: Ummm.

Laura: Well, no. I think what you’re trying to say is, assuming that Snape is innocent…

Kevin: Did that make any sense? I think I…

Laura: They were probably…

Kevin: “construted” that one.

Ciaran: I don’t really follow.

Laura: …speaking to each other on a different platform then out loud.

Kevin: Well, I’m not only saying that. I’m saying that – is it possible that, instead of what we predicted as an Unbreakable Vow, it was actually just a simple communication between the two.

Laura: That’s possible too.

Micah: Yeah I think so, especially because of that whole “Serevus, please” line. I think it was more of a remind–

Ben: Serevus?

Micah: [still mispronouncing Snape’s first name] Serverus, whatever.

Kevin: Serverus.

[For the record, everyone was wrong, it’s “Severus”]

Micah: Whatever. That line is the same line-we mentioned this last time-that is said by Narcissa in “Spinner’s End.” So I think, by Dumbledore saying that exact same line in that chapter, he was reminding Snape of the Unbreakable Vow he had with Narcissa and that he had to go through with it.

Andrew: Okay, so that wraps up this week’s voicemails. Good job, everyone, good job, everyone.

Dueling Club – Arthur vs. Lucius

Ben: Well, let’s duel it up guys, let’s duel it up.

Andrew: Ben, Ben. You want to duel it up, Ben? You want to duel it up?

Ben: Let’s duel it up.

Andrew: Duel this, Ben!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Arthur…here’s a few we’ve picked out this week – Arthur versus Lucius.

Ben: Arthur.

Andrew: No.

[Everyone groans]

Ben: Hang on, in ancient mythology, wasn’t there a King Lucius that killed a King Arthur?

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I’m not kidding.

Micah: It’s the other way around.

Laura: No, I think there’s something…

Ben: That’s right. It’s the other way around. Yeah. Arthur killed Lucius.

Andrew: Yes, Arthur’s a rather big king.

Laura: I’m not sure how much magic… We haven’t really seen how talented Arthur is when it comes to magic really, apart form the fact that he can enchant, you know, like Muggle things like cars to fly. So, I’m assuming he might be pretty powerful.

Ben: Yeah, he’s still a full-grown wizard.

Andrew: Still, if Lucius is a Death Eater, there’s no question about it that he could…

Ben: Okay that’s…okay that is the stupidest reasoning I’ve ever heard in my life too.

Andrew: Why? Who says? Arthur? Are you kidding me? He does nothing, like Laura said.

Ben: You make it sound like Arthur, like the TV show on PBS. He’s that bad… [laughs]

Andrew: Arthur Weasley! [laughs] Okay, I used to love that show.

Laura: So did I.

Ben: Arthur?

Andrew: Arthur, no. Arthur Weasley, we haven’t, like Laura said, we haven’t seen anything with him. So, how can you assume that he…

Ben: We haven’t seen anything of Lucius either, we saw him–

Andrew: Well, we’ve seen him in Chamber of Secrets, and he’s a Death Eater, so he must have some magical skills.

Ben: Well, Arthur is a member of the Order, so, so should he.

Andrew: No, pshhh no.

Laura: But there’s a difference. Dumbledore will let anyone who wants to help into the Order.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: See, with Voldemort, you have to…

Andrew: Molly Weasley is in the whatever.

Laura: …have some sort of talent.

Ben: Not true. How the hell is Wormtail in there if you had to have some kind of talent?

Kevin: It’s true.

Laura: It’s because he’s a servant. Voldemort will take any type of help he can get when it comes to things that benefit him.

Ben: Okay, you guys definitely making flawed, flawed connections.

Andrew: That’s a good point. Why would Voldemort say “No” if he’s going to be able to help him?

Ben: Yeah, but that’s the same thing that the Order does then. So, you can’t…

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Ben: Then, Laura’s falling all over herself in contradictions because first she says, “Well…

Laura: No, no, no.

Ben: Yeah, you said…

Laura: Ben.

Ben: You said that…

Laura: Ben.

Ben: …you have to be talented to get into…

Laura: Ben…

Ben: No, you said that, Dumbledore let Hagrid, not Hagrid, but ummm…

Laura: No. Does Voldemort let…

Ben: …let Arthur into the Order so he could help out.

Kevin: Let’s play it back.

Ben: Let’s play it.

Laura: Ben.

Ben: Micah, Micah, read that back for me.

Micah: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Laura: Does Voldemort let Wormtail go out and fight for him? No, he doesn’t. That’s the thing. Dumbledore will choose people according to their particular talents and he will assign them different tasks.

Ben: Well, same thing!

Laura: Voldemort seems to…

Ben: Well, that’s the same exact thing that Dumbledore does.

Laura: No!

Ben: Yes, it is!

Laura: No, no, no! No, I’m saying…

Ben: Yes! Yes, yes, yes!

Andrew: Yeah, but we always take from what we know, and from what we know, [laughs] Arthur’s nothing.

Laura: Exactly.

Ciaran: Well…

Kevin: Honestly guys, honestly, I don’t think we know enough about Arthur to make a clear judgment on whether he’d win.

Ciaran: We know Ron isn’t good at magic, so does it like run in the family that all of them aren’t good at magic? Because…

Andrew: Probably.

Ciaran: …Draco’s probably better than Ron.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ciaran: So, Lucius must be better.

Micah: Wait, but Arthur was good enough to stand guard in the Ministry of Magic. He must obviously be a somewhat powerful wizard.

Andrew: Stand guard, but did he do anything? He works in the Ministry of Magic.

Kevin: Yeah, but if you’re standing guard this…

Ciaran: Yeah.

Kevin: Not to mention he’s at in the Ministry of Magic, so…

Ciaran: He would have an excuse for being down there Well, at least in the Ministry, because he works there. Whereas everyone else doesn’t.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s not like to alert other people. Well, he could be. He could’ve been.

Ciaran: Right.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: That’s stupid. Ben, you’re out of your mind.

Ben: You’re out of your mind.

Andrew: No, you’re out of your mind!

Ben: Well then, stop making a judgment.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: I am making a judgment. About Lucius.

Laura: I don’t know. I really don’t think we know enough about Arthur [laughs] to make a clear judgment.

Andrew: [laughs] Next…

Laura: I don’t.

Ben: Did your pattern tell you that, too?

Andrew: No, but… but looking back, okay. If Arthur the Aardvark is to Arthur Weasley… So…

[Everyone Laughs]

Andrew: They’re both weak. Period.

Dueling Club – Hermione vs. Ginny

Andrew: How about Hermione versus [pronounces her name with a hard “G”] Gin- [pronounces her name right] Ginny? I think this would be another cat-fight, like McGonagall and Umbridge that we spoke about.

Kevin: I think so too. I think this would be pretty cool.

Ben: Oh, yeah.

Kevin: No, I’m teasing.

[Kevin and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: [speaking in a “cool dude” voice] It’d be pretty sweet, man. [laughs] No, but I don’t know. This is sort of like with the first one. We haven’t seen much out of Ginny, as we haven’t out of Arthur. Like Micah brought up, it could run in the family that all of them are bad at magic, sort of like Ron is. So…

Kevin: I don’t think so either. I think she’s…

Andrew: But have we seen? Have we seen…

Laura: I don’t think Ginny’s bad at magic, though. Well, we know that Ginny used that Bat-Bogey Curse and got them out of the grips of Umbridge and all of her Inquisitorial Squad.

Kevin: I think the word for her would be clever.

Laura: So, she can’t be all that bad. [laughs]

Kevin: She tends to be a little bit more devious in her methods, you know?

Andrew: Well so is Hermione, don’t you think?

Kevin: No. I think Hermione is a little more direct.

Andrew: But clever too.

Laura: She thinks before she leaps. Unlike Ron. [laughs]

Kevin: Like what?

Andrew: Well, I don’t have any specific examples, but…

[Andrew and Ben Laugh]

Kevin: I put you on the spot.

Andrew: [in a scholarly voice] Like for example, in Book 4, on page 350…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: I don’t have any specific examples.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: You haven’t memorized all that?

Ciaran: I think we have to assume that Hermione would win because we don’t know enough about Ginny, but we know that she’s a year below Hermione. So, I’d say Hermione would definitely win.

Kevin: I would say so too.

Laura: Mhm. I think that’s saying something.

Spy on Spartz

Andrew: This week we are going to make an indefinite [laughs] postponing of Spy on Spartz. Because guys, Emerson has become so boring over the past two weeks, it’s just like there’s nothing going on, so… [laughs]. That we could talk about.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: So if you want us to spy on a random person, on someone that you want to know more about, whether it’s a MuggleNet staffer, whether it’s some famous celebrity, we’ll look into it. Actually, no, make it a MuggleNet staffer. [laughs] If you want to spy on Jamie or you want to spy on, uh…whoever! Send us your “spy-ons” to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Ciaran’s Irish Joke Of The Day

Andrew: So now, in light of Jamie not being here, let’s start, let’s start a new segment.

Kevin: Oh god. [laughs]

Andrew: It’s not Jamie’s British Joke Of The Day. It’s Ciaran’s Irish Joke Of The day! [laughs]

Ciaran: Okay!

Andrew: Ciaran, you got one for us? [still laughing]

Ciaran: Yeah, I got one. Okay. How can you tell if an Irishman is having a good time?

Laura: How?

Ciaran: He’s “Dublin” over with laughter.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: [singing] Da, da, da, daaaaa!

Kevin: Wow.

Andrew: Wow. Thanks for that, Ciaran! [laughs]

Kevin: That’s well said.

Ben: [singing] Wa wa wa waaaaa…

Andrew: That was good.

Ben: Oh yeah, Andrew! we almost forgot!

[Andrew gasps]

Ben: Last week we did an interview with Melissa, who made it to the second…

Andrew: Anelli?

Ben: No, not Anelli. Melissa “Blank,” we never got her last name. But she made it to the second round…

Andrew: [laughs] We do, but we’re not going say it.

Ben: She made it to the last round, not the last round, the second round of auditions for Luna Lovegood. So, let’s hope she gets in! But we have a little interview with her. She talks about the auditions, the process she went through, how she’s excited about it. So, let’s play that now.

Luna Lovegood Hopeful Interview

Andrew: So Melissa, tell us how you became interested in applying for this role?

Melissa: Well, I was actually, I was with my family in the United States because my Mum died from cancer a few years ago, and every January I go visit my parents. And I found out about the audition through MuggleNet, and I begged my Aunt to let me fly back home. So, I went back home, and I went with one of my friends and we went to the audition at like 5:30 in the morning. And I slept most of the night away. She kept on having to wake me up so I could get in. And then… Basically, I just said where I was from, my name, where I work. And they were like, “We want you for our film.” I was like, “All right. Why not!”

Ben: What made you want to try out for Luna?

Melissa: When the fifth book came out, I read it, and I was like, “That girl seems so familiar to me.” And I was just asking my friends why she seemed so familiar. And they were like, “She’s exactly like you.” I was like, “Oh! That’s why.”

[Laura laughs]

Melissa: So, some times you need to hear it from other people to know where you’re from. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. Well, I mean, there were a lot of people who went out to audition, so what was it like waiting in line?

Melissa: Well, I slept most of the night, but my friend’s Dad, we were waiting for about four hours before we got called in – about four or five hours – and I was like, “Well, that’s not too bad.” She was like, “Of course it wasn’t bad for you, you were sleeping.” I was like, “Yeah. So?”

Laura: Oh, I was just wondering you thought the general atmosphere was like? What it was like to be around so many other people who were intent on getting this role?

Melissa: I didn’t feel actually very nervous because everyone was so nice. Like, there was like this huge group of girls around me and they were like, “So why are you here?” And I was like, “Same reason everybody else is.” And they were like, “Well, for what reason?” And I was like, “I WANT THIS!” [laughs] And they were like, “Well yeah, but is there any specific reason why you want it?” I was like, I was like, “I don’t know. I just want it!” [laughs] So, everyone was really nice and friendly. They don’t even think about intimidating you.

Ben: How far into the auditioning process did you make it?

Melissa: Well, we just went through the first round, which was really, really fun. And I was like, I didn’t pay attention actually. I was one of the last girls to say where I was from. And my friend kept nudging me. She was like, “Melissa, Melissa, it’s your turn.” I was like, “Ohhh!” I was like, “I’m Melissa. I’m from Oxford.” And they were like, “Oh, okay.” And I was like, “Yeah.” So that was that.

[Andrew laughs]

Melissa: And I said, “Okay, we’ve got that situated then.”

Andrew: [laughs] Well, that’s good. One question we have is about the auditioning process. What exactly was involved? How do they decipher between who was good and who would not fit the part?

Melissa: Like, basically, after we said our names and where we were from they had a group of us, like a small group, small groups of one hundred or so girls. And they walked passed us in our group and they would just kind of look at our faces. I had a hard time to keep from laughing because everyone is just looking at me and I’m like, “What am I supposed to do here? Am I supposed to laugh or am I supposed to be serious?” So, I just kind of smiled and was like, “Hi!” You know?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: So you were a bit nervous, right? [laughs]

Melissa: [laughs] Yeah, a little bit.

Laura: I have a question regarding Luna’s appearance. Could you tell if they were looking for girls who fit the description of having blond hair and kind of silvery blue eyes or were they kind of letting that slide figuring, you know, someone could dye their hair and put in contacts?

Melissa: Well, my friend that I went with, I thought she looked exactly like her and I thought for sure she was going to get through without getting cut because she has really long hair – dirty blond hair. Not like bright blond, but dirty blond. And she has these really big, kind of pale eyes. And then they didn’t call her. And I was like “What?” They have this process. They look at you and see if you’re right for it, but they’re kind of looking for your personality even though you can’t really have personality when you’re saying your name and where you’re from. And then they kind of were like, “Well, that girl seems kind of like, all right. This is fine. You know? They want somebody that can actually relate to stuff. And they want someone that girls can relate to. They look for that as well because some girls, they do look like her, like when I came out and saw the next group of girls because some of my friends were in there. This girl with really dark hair and really dark eyes got through. I was like, “What? Hey, I got through too! You look nothing like her. This is great!”

[Laura laughs]

Melissa: So, everyone just went… It’s not a big deal appearance-wise, but it kind of is, because they want somebody that looks like her. But they’re also kind of like, “Well, we want somebody that girls can relate to.” Because she has to be kind of like… distant sometimes, but she also has to be someone girls can relate to.

Andrew: Right, and do you think you can do that?

Melissa: Yes.

Andrew: Do you think you look like her at the same time?

Melissa: Well, a tiny bit. I’m more like her in personality than anything… than looking alike, you know?

Andrew: So, where do you go from here? What’s next? When do you expect another message from WB?

Melissa: Well, I’m… My Dad actually, he’s back in London, he’s waiting, and he’s going to call me if they call me back. So I was like, “Okay Dad, that’s fine.” And he was like “Are you sure? You can stay there with your Aunt, or I can come.” And I was like “Yeah, you can stay home.” And he was like, “Well, who is going to teach you school?” I was like, “Aunt Wendy…” [laughs] And they were like, “Oh, okay…” So… My Aunt has been teaching me school since I was eleven, and I hang out with cousins too.

Laura: How many people were evaluating you while you were, I guess, auditioning? I’m not sure you’d call it an audition since they were mainly looking for an appearance, and kind of an aura, but how many people looked at you?

Melissa: I’d say at some points… Some girls had about ten, and I had around seven, so I guess around seven to ten people.

Laura: Mhm. Wow.

Melissa: Depending on which group it was and what time it was.

Laura: That’s pressure.

Andrew: Yeah, really, I’d say. So do you have any final thoughts? Such as what you’d hope to see in the final Luna Lovegood?

Melissa: Well, I just think that, whoever they pick, I hope that girls can relate to her, even if it’s not me because there were lots of girls that wanted it there, but I do hope whoever gets picked everyone can just say, “She perfect!”. So that’s what I am hoping for, no matter what.

Andrew: Okay, cool! Well, enjoy your time in the States and thank you for joining us, and best of luck!

Laura: Yeah, definitely.

Melissa: You too, thank you very much for having me.

Ben: It was great talking to you!

Laura: Oh, it was great talking to you.

Luna Lovegood Hopeful Interview

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: That just about does it for us this week. We hope you enjoyed the show. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am,, REDcast – all of these things. I’m just spreading myself out here.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck. [laughs]

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Ciaran: And I’m Ciaran.

Ben: Oh, and everybody! Everybody…

Andrew: [interrupts Ben] Thanks again for joining us.

Ben: What? Hold on! Hold on! We’re not done yet.

Andrew: Humph!

Ben: Everybody join us next week when we are going to be discussing… I have it, guys, I have the perfect person we’re going to discuss: Ron.

Kevin: Okay.

Ben: Ronald Weasley.

Andrew: Ciaran, thanks for joining us this week. I think we’re going have you on as a regular.

Ciaran: Okay.

Andrew: People, people love those foreign dudes.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: That they do.

Ciaran: They do.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for episode [pronounces it with a “V”] venticinco.

Ben: It’s [pronounces it with a “B”] venticinco.

Andrew: Did I say that right?

Ben: It’s [pronounces it with a “B”] venticinco!

Andrew: No, it’s not [pronounces with a “B”] venticinco!

Ben: Yeah, it is.

Laura: Yeah, you pronounce “V’s” like “B’s.”

Andrew: It’s a “V!”

Laura: You pronounce “V’s” like “B’s!” [pronounces it with a “B”] Venticinco!

Andrew: I’ve had five or six years of Spanish and we were never told that.

Ben: Not all time, but it’s venticinco, like…

Laura: Yeah, it’s venticinco.

Andrew: [in a mock Spanish accent] venticinco!

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Huh.

Ben: Good night everybody! Good morning.

Laura: Bye.

Andrew: What was that kid’s name who, uh… what was that kid’s name who crossed Cuba?

Ben: Elian Gonzales… [talking fades out]


[Soothing music begins playing]

[Audio]: Hey, this is Ben from New Jersey and I wanted to tell you guys that I really love your podcast, even though I just started listening to it this year. Great, keep up the good work, love Harry Potter. Thanks. Bye.

[Audio]: Hi guys! This is Sam from Maryland. I just wanted to let you guys know that there’s a new podcast in the house and it’s called iMuggle- AND we’re now on iTunes. So, watch out! I mean, we’re not ever going to be as good as you guys, but still. Please could you just mention us on the show, because we’re just that great? Oh, and remember, sporks rule.

[Audio]: Hello, this is Marjorie from Georgia. I am, well, pretty much I’ve just turned 12. My birthday was January 11th, so Happy belated Birthday to me. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I love your show and I listen to it while I do my homework, while on the ride to school, on the ride home from school, and also at night when I’m in bed. So, yeah. And I haven’t gotten that far into it because I just pretty much discovered how good it was. So, yeah. Bye.

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast, this is Sarah from New York. I just wanted to say how upset I am that there’s no episode this week, so I hope you make it up next week with a really long two-hour episode, and everybody’s on it. You guys are amazing. Keep up the great work, and I love the girls on the show. Woohoo! Ummm, and… yeah!

[Audio]: Hi, my name is Alex. I’m from Ohio. I just wanted to say I love your podcast and I’m watching it all the time on my iPod, and I don’t have any questions. I just wanted to call and thank you for having it. Thanks! Bye!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Sam from England. Just wanted to say your show is great. Keep the good work going. Thanks!

[Audio]: Hey! This is Lionel Wichowski from Orange County, California, and I would so, so, so like it if you could give a shout-out to everyone at RSM Intermediate School. I would just frickin’ love it! I would love it, I would love it, I would love it. And I love the show. You guys are awesome. I love you, Andrew! YOU’RE CRAZY! But I love you! Bye!

[Soothing music ends]


[Everyone laughs]

Ben: That sounds like such a three-year-old thing.

Micah: They’re probably plenty of other main characters for her to whack off in Book 7.

Ben: Okay. [laughs]

Andrew: But… but…

Ben: She’s just going to “whack off” these characters?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You just said whack off?

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: Yeah! [laughs]

Andrew: What’s wrong with you, Micah? Get your head out of the gutter. Um…


Andrew: Ummm… what is the job of the keeper… Kevin!

Kevin: What?

Andrew: Read these.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: What is the job of the keeper of the keys? We haven’t actually seen Hagrid keep keys since The Sorcerer’s Stone- and where did he get Harry’s key?

Andrew: Madison, come over to my house sometime.

Kevin: I think that would be a little bit scary, but…

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: To meet you, I mean, Andrew.

Andrew: Why?

Laura: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: Why?

Kevin: It was a little traumatizing for me, so…

Laura: I wouldn’t want to go to your house either.

Andrew: Kevin, I remember seeing you walk in through the door of the hotel, and I was like “That’s Kevin Steck? God, he’s short!”

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Okay, shut up!

Ben: He saw me and he’s like, “Oh my god! He’s huge!”

Kevin: [laughs] It’s true!

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I remember he saw me, and the first thing he did was his eyes got really big and he goes, “You’re a lot bigger…”

Andrew: Me? [laughs]

Ben: No, no no…

Kevin: No, Ben.

Ben: …Kevin.

Andrew: Good, cause I was like..

Kevin: Ben. Yeah, I saw Ben, and I’m like, “Holy crap”… [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Kevin’s eyes got really big and he was like, “Holy crap! You’re a lot bigger than I expected!”

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: It’s true!

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Awww.

Andrew: Wow. I don’t think Ben’s that big.

Kevin: For such a small personality, you’re a big person.

Ben: Ouch. Ouch.

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: Okay.

Andrew: So anyway, that’ll be the blooper. Let’s, ummm… well we got that out of the way at least.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Kevin: Yeah. Ummm, okay.


Written by: Micah, Martina, Sarah, and Laura

Transcript #23

MuggleCast EP23 Transcript

Show Intro

Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 23 for January 09th, 2006. MuggleCast is sponsored in part by See why is the No. 1 domain registrar worldwide. Now with your domain registration you’ll get hosting, a free blog, complete e-mail, and much more! Plus, as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code “RON.” That’s R-O-N, when you check out, and get your dot com domain name for just $6.95. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the show! I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Emily: I’m Emily Ogle.

Andrew: And this is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussions, cooking recipes, laptops, pizza…eh, whatever I can see in my view right now. But before we go anywhere, first let’s go over to Micah with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

Cambridge University’s annual science festival will this year examine the science behind the Harry Potter stories, focusing on broomstick flight, the Invisibility Cloak and whether owls could deliver the mail. The festival will run from March 15-26.

In movie news, has posted two great video interviews with some of the Goblet of Fire cast and crew including one with Katie Leung (Cho Chang) and Robert Pattinson (Cedric Diggory), and another with Stanislav Ianevski (Viktor Krum), Clemence Poesy (Fleur Delacour) and David Heyman (producer).

SoundNet has released the list of the best ten soundtracks for the past year with Patrick Doyle’s score making the list for his work with the soundtrack for the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

And, BBC viewers recently voted on their favorite films of 2005, with Goblet of Fire coming in at No. 6.

The Internet Movie Database is currently asking visitors to vote on their favorite movies and actors of 2005. The film and its actors are either at #1 or close to in every category… including Best Foreign Language (non-English) Film, Best Independent Film, Best Documentary and Best Animated Feature! So keep voting.

The latest installment in the Potter movie series also became the UK’s most successful film of 2005. To date, Movie 4 has collected $812 million worldwide.

Warner Bros. has announced that the Goblet of Fire High-Definition DVD will be released on April 11th.

Along with twenty-three people who were victims of the London bombings last summer, Robbie Coltrane (who portrays Hagrid), has been made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). These honors are given to those who have done something special in life. They are nominated by the Queen of England with advice of the Prime Minister.

Moving on to book news, the Italian version of the sixth novel in the Harry Potter series was released on January 06th. (You can check out the cover right here). The initial print run totaled 750,000 copies and midnight parties were be hosted throughout Italy.

And in absolutely stunning news, selling over 4.1 million copies on the day of its release alone, Half-Blood Prince topped the list of the best-selling novels of 2005 in the US. According to a report released today by Reuters and Nielsen’s BookScan, the sixth adventure beat out every other book that was on sale for the entire year.

Sales totaled over 7 million copies for the entire year, and they only started in July.

Be sure to check out our brand-new MuggleCast website as well and head over to JK Rowling’s official site, as she continues to update her Diary Section.

That’s all the news for this January 08th, 2005 [Note: Yes, I know it should be 2006] edition of MuggleCast. On with the show.

Andrew: All right, thank you Micah.

Micah: You’re welcome.


Andrew: Well, we’re missing a couple of people this week – Ben, Eric, and Jamie. They are all out and about. Except for Ben, who is…what was doing Laura?

Laura: He was sleeping. [laughs]

Andrew: Oh right, right. I could have guessed that. [laughs] But we do have a new MuggleCaster this week who has decided to join us – Emily. MuggleNet editor extraordinaire.

Emily: Yep.

Andrew: Can you tell us a little bit about what you do around the site.

Emily: I think probably the better thing to say is: What don’t I do?

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Well, you do do a lot.

Emily: Well, I guess maybe the better thing to say is: What don’t I edit?

[Andrew laughs]

Emily: There are only two things that I don’t edit.

Andrew: Which is what?

Emily: That would be Editorials and Graphics.

Kevin: How about Wall of Shame?

Emily: No, I don’t, because it doesn’t really need it. You know, if I wanted to edit, it would take… If I wanted to edit the actual e-mails, it would be an absolute nightmare, but that would be the whole point. So…

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: She would spend the rest of her life doing it.

Emily: Yeah.

[Emily and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, but you do do a lot of work around the site, which we do appreciate because we all stink at English. Especially me. So, you’re always there…

Laura: Yeah, Andrew “D-I-E-I-N-G.” Cough, cough.

[Andrew, Emily, and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I don’t know what you’re talking about, Laura.

[Laura laughs]

New Website

Andrew: Okay, so one quick announcement and then we will move along. As most of you know by now, we have a brand-new website over at We completely revamped it. It looks really great.

Laura: It looks really does.

Andrew: Yes, wouldn’t you all agree?

Laura: I do.

Andrew: For those of you who haven’t been there yet, you should definitely check it out. It’s basically an iPod. And you can browse around and do kinds of things. We have new stuff. We have a new transcript directory. You can play the show right through the website by clicking “Play/Pause” on the iPod. And we know everyone has enjoyed it. We’ve gotten some great reviews. So, so go check it out. And be sure to vote in the “Poll.” We’re going to put a new poll up every single week with the release of each new show. So, that’s about it.

Main Topic – Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Andrew: So, let’s get in to the main discussion of this week, as promised, as we told you last week, Dumbledore. A very, very, very interesting character, who we can talk about for very long periods of time. Hopefully we can cover as much as we can right now, but of course the main question on most peoples’ minds is: Is he dead? Now, of course…

Laura: I think so.

Emily: I think so as well.

Micah: I don’t.

Andrew: Laura thinks so as well.

Laura: Yep.

Andrew: Micah doesn’t. Good. I got Micah on my side.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think he’s dead either, and I was convinced by So, first let’s give everyone some basic information about the good guy. Oh, I can’t even… His full name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Not exactly sure where he got that whole name from. Voldemort refers to him as “That Champion of Commoners, of Mudbloods, and Muggles.” So basically, he’s the Voldemort of the good side. Right?

Kevin: Right.

Andrew: I think that’s a good way to put it.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Yes?

Laura: Ehhh…

Andrew: Yeah? Well… Well, I don’t know.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: He’s got blue eyes. He’s got white hair. He of course died in Half-Blood Prince towards the end.

Micah: Or did he?

Andrew: Or did he? [does a little humming] Thanks to HP-Lexicon for that information. There’s not really… I mean there’s tons of information on him, but there is no basic info about him.

Kevin: Yeah. They really don’t talk about his background.

Andrew: Mhm.

Kevin: And I think that is what adds to the mystery of Dumbledore.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: You got to love the guy. Who does not love that guy? (who reads the books anyway)

Laura: Oh, I bawled at the end of Half-Blood Prince. I was in tears. I was so upset. I was really ticked off too. Unfortunately, the lovely Jess, from MuggleNet Fan Fiction has photographic evidence of my temper tantrum. So, yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: Oh geez.

Andrew: Can we see that, Laura?

Laura: No!

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: In fact…

Kevin: So, we’re actually going to be uploading those images to

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Yeah. We should check them out.

Laura: No actually, if you find Jess bound and gagged in a closet somewhere unconscious, you’ll know it was me.

Andrew: Oooh.

Laura: Yep. No, I love Jess – she’s wonderful.

Kevin: Okay. So, we’ll inform the proper authorities. So…

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

He’s Dead…Or Is He? Why The Phoenix?

Andrew: So, as we said, Micah and I are pretty, pretty decided that Dumbledore is not dead. I mean of course, when you first see the death, you know, “Oh he’s dead.” And this happened with Sirius too. And people still think that Sirius is alive. But Dumbledore is different because there is a lot more evidence that shows that he could possibly be alive. Is this correct, Micah?

Micah: Yep. And you mentioned it before. does a great job of just kind of going through the whole series of events leading up to his death.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: You want to start us off with some, you know, clues?

Micah: Well I have something of my own.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: I don’t remember everything exactly from, but…

[Micah and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: All right. How many times can we possibly plug

Micah: [laughs] I don’t know.


[Laura laughs]

Kevin: What are you talking about?

Andrew: Yes.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Micah: How about, he’s so closely tied to the phoenix throughout the entire series. You know, it’s called the Order of the Phoenix, he has a pet phoenix, his Patronus is a phoenix, and the phoenix is a bird of rebirth.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Of immortality almost. So, is Jo trying to tell us something with that?

Andrew: Yeah, and…

Laura: Yeah, but didn’t she say that dead is dead? You know what I’m saying?

Kevin: Well, the whole reason why, well, one of the reasons why I think he is dead is because it fits. You don’t want… Throughout the series Dumbledore has always acted as though he was the protector and guardian of Harry. And I think it is about time Harry starts continuing his quest to defeat Voldemort without a protector.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: He needs to grow up. And I think I’d be pretty upset if it turned out he was alive, because I think he served his purpose perfectly, which was to show Harry that he’s not a kid anymore. He has this goal ahead of him and he has to do it himself.

Laura: Exactly. Harry has to walk alone. And I think with Dumbledore there, Harry would always kind of depend on him. Because we’ve seen Harry talk about how Dumbledore always has the answers. And he never until Order of the Phoenix really started seeing him as a human being who makes mistakes. And it is a recurring theme I’ve seen, that when Jo doesn’t need a character anymore, and that character has served their purpose, she gets rid of them.

Andrew: But getting back to the Fawkes thing, Micah brought up how Dumbledore… What did you exactly say, Micah?

Micah: That he is so intertwined with a bird that is symbolic of rebirth and immortality, basically.

Where was Fawkes?

Andrew: Yeah, but one thing I have noticed, and you know, that I’ve read, of course, is that Fawkes never saved him. He never tried to. But we did hear him crying…or singing. He was singing, right? He was singing for…

Laura: Yeah. “The Phoenix Lament.”

Andrew: …for, yeah…for a very long time. So Laura, wouldn’t you have to agree – or Kevin, wouldn’t you have to agree that’s a little weird?

Laura: I think it could be like a sign that maybe Snape’s not evil. That maybe Dumbledore planned to die, but I don’t think that he’s alive. Just because we saw his body laying on the ground, after he’d been thrown from the highest tower in the school. Even if it wasn’t the Avada Kedavra curse, which is something that I read on (there’s another plug for you). [laughs] But even if it wasn’t the Avada Kedavra curse, the fall alone would have killed him.

Kevin: And it… One thing that I always thought of when I thought of Dumbledore and the phoenix was that thing that Harry said…not Harry…actually it was Harry. When he said in Chamber of Secrets that Dumbledore is not gone so long as there still someone loyal to him in the school.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: Do you remember that?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: And I always thought that he wouldn’t literally be reborn, but he would never die because everyone would always remember him.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: You know?

Laura: That’s what I think it’s supposed to mean.

Kevin: Exactly. And I think that people are taking it as a literal he’s going to be resurrected, but he himself said there’s nothing to do about death.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: You know? Death is just another step, and nothing you can do can prevent someone from, you know…not dying.

Laura: Not dying.

Kevin: Exactly.

Laura: And Jo has said it too. She’s said it numerous times that dead is dead. There is no spell that can reawaken the dead.

Kevin: Right. So I don’t know why people are hoping he’ll come back to life for some reason. One thing that I have seen on the forums is that people are hoping he’ll come back as a ghost.

Laura: No.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I don’t think so.

Andrew: Yeah, me neither. It would be pretty dumb.

Kevin: I don’t… I don’t think it’s going to happen, but I think that’s as far as it will go with Dumbledore coming back.

Laura: I don’t think it would though.

Andrew: I just think that Jo saying that, “dead is dead” is just…could be, could possibly be a scheme to throw everyone off a lot.

Laura: Yeah, but she’s always made it very clear that she doesn’t say anything to directly mislead fans. And that would be kind of like a lie, you know? And she wouldn’t want to lie to us.

Andrew: Dead… Okay. Dead is dead. But what if he never died? [laughs]

Micah: There you go. [laughs]

Laura: But how could you not die even if it wasn’t Avada Kedavra? How could you survive that fall?

Andrew: Because he’s Dumbledore.

Micah: Exactly.

Andrew: Why wouldn’t Fawkes try to save him? Why wouldn’t…you know? Harry was near death…

Laura: Maybe he meant to die.

Kevin: Because he knows he was dead. You know? It was the parting of his…

Laura: And it’s one thing for when Harry…

Andrew: Okay, there’s always…

Laura: It’s one thing when Harry is in the Chamber of Secrets and he’s fighting for time, but when Fawkes is all the way in Dumbledore’s office, there is absolutely no time for him to get from the office to Dumbledore, who is falling from a tower.

Micah: Well, that conversation went on for a while. I mean, I guess it depends if Dumbledore thought he was in trouble that whole time that he was up there.

The Unbreakable Vow(s)

Laura: Mhm. Now, do I think that it’s a great possibility that Snape was under an Unbreakable Vow with Dumbledore to kill him if the time came. Yes, I do think that’s a great possibility and that would certainly explain why Fawkes wasn’t coming to save him.

Andrew: When the time came? Why would the time ever come?

Laura: Because Draco, that was what he was assigned to do.

Andrew: Oh, because Draco had the Unbreakable Vow too?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh.

Laura: No, no, no. What I am saying is that he had the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa and I think that he did it so he wouldn’t blow his cover.

Andrew: Snape, we’re talking about.

Laura: And he goes to Dumbledore and tells Dumbledore about it. And Dumbledore says, “No, your position is far more valuable than mine. So, if the time should come, you’ll have to promise me you’ll do it.”

Kevin: Yeah, that’s what I thought. Especially because a lot of people thought that it was out of character for Dumbledore to be begging Snape.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: And I think it would be perfectly fitting if he wasn’t begging him not to kill him, but begging him to kill him.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: It would meet… It matches Dumbledore’s personality perfectly. He’s, you know, he’s so… He knows what’s going on so well that he is willing to give up his own life knowing that’s better than the alternative.

Micah: Do you know that what Dumbledore says to Snape when he says, “Severus, please,” is the exact same thing that Narcissa says to Snape in “Spinner’s End” when she’s asking him to do the Unbreakable Vow?

Kevin: Yeah. And that’s one… Yeah, and that’s one of the things that I read on the forums, where people have seen that and that’s why they think that there is an Unbreakable Vow there. Although I don’t understand why if there was an Unbreakable Vow, why Snape wouldn’t have done it immediately. Because, you know, it’s sort of…you really don’t have a choice.

Laura: No, but this is actually something that I did read on yet again, another plug, – that we don’t really know the condition under which Unbreakable Vows work. Like if there is a time frame.

Andrew: Yeah, which is a good question that someone should ask Jo. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Soon, because there must be a lot involved.

Laura: Well, and it also depends, I mean are Unbreakable Vows, are they a conscious type thing? Is the Unbreakable Vow almost like a mind reader? Does it know that you’re going to fulfill it, if you’re honest? Or does it only depend on the person you’re making it with? If the person who you’re making the vow from a certain point of view, does it work out?

Andrew: I don’t know.

Laura: Yep.

The Missing Link

Andrew: But one thing I would like to point out is the missing text. Now, at first some people might just laugh it off because, you know, UK, USA, it’s always different. But, in the UK edition there were several sentences missing in the UK edition that appeared in the US edition. And these specific sentences I really think give away that there is something to this here because… Now, the question all relies on if the editors know anything about the future books. Do you guys think so?

Laura: I don’t know. Why would they?

Kevin: Yeah, I don’t think so.

Andrew: Well, that’s… Okay, but in… I’m going to read a couple of sentences to you that were not in the UK edition, but appeared in the US edition:

“He cannot kill you if you’re already dead. Nobody would be surprised if you had died in your attempt to kill me. Forgive me, but Lord Voldemort probably expects it. Nor would the Death Eaters be surprised that we had captured and killed your mother. It is what they would do themselves after all.”

Now, if you read this in its context, it is very convincing that they were taking it out because it gives too much away that he looks dead, but he might not really be dead.

Laura: Well, if you look at it too, the UK publishers could have been thinking that it was repetitious. They might have been trying to shorten it. We don’t know exactly why they took that out. We just know that the US and UK edits are separate. I mean if you go back and look at – I think they started doing that with Order of the Phoenix. There are loads of different sentences and different phrase wordings. So, I just think it’s purely coincidence. Either that or they thought it was giving too much away about something else.

Micah: Yeah, that’s, that’s… I don’t know. [laughs] It certainly fuels the fire.

Andrew: Just reiterating here. Dumbledore says, “He cannot kill you if you’re already dead.” Now, to me this gives away, that now Dumbledore’s not going to kill him.

Laura: No, of course not.

Andrew: They are going to hide him. Dumbledore’s plan was to hide him or somehow make him appear to be dead.

Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, but when I read that, the impression I get was that it was cut out for two…one of two reasons. One: wordiness. It sort of dropped in the middle.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: I do agree with that.

Kevin: And it’s sort of off-topic. You know? It’s… There’s not much Dumbledore is going to say that can change, you know, Malfoy’s mind now. And he should have said it earlier. Right?

Laura: Well, also…

Kevin: Right?

Laura: If the editors do know what’s going to happen, then that might be giving something away with what’s going to happen with Draco. Because for all we know, if Snape’s good…

Kevin: Exactly, and that was my second point.

Laura: He could be taking Draco to hide him.

Kevin: Right, that was my second point.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: I think that it’s sort of, if they do know what’s going to happen, it’s too much of a foreshadow, because that one sentence would say that Draco is going to start fighting for the Order and that is a huge, huge twist. That’s not something you want to give away.

Laura: Mhm, definitely.

Andrew: This is true. Micah, what was your theory?

Micah: No, I think this definitely lends to the whole idea that he’s not dead. I mean, I understand what Kevin and Laura brought up, but at the same time I think there are too many things they can kind of lead you to believe that there is a chance that he could come back in the Seventh Book.

Dumbledore’s Funeral

Andrew: Although it’s a weak argument, nobody saw Dumbledore’s body after his death. Now, you know, they say it’s lying under the covers and when it disappeared, did it disappear or did it…

Laura: Flames came up around it and encased it into the tomb.

Andrew: And the phoenix…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And the phoenix came out and all that. I don’t know, it’s…

Laura: Yeah, but I think that…

Andrew: If Dumbledore’s real body wasn’t under there, it was, perhaps, say I don’t know some kind of magic lift.

Laura: What, did they put hay under the blanket and…

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: And sculpt it in the shape of Dumbledore. [laughs] No, I’m saying if there is some spell or something that can make it look like a body was pushing up or I don’t know. [laughs with Laura] It’s such a weak argument but it’s something to point out.

Laura: Well actually, what I’ve been waiting for you to bring up is the phoenix leaving his body.

Micah: Yeah, was that a Patronus? What was that?

Andrew: That’s just another, you know, I can’t talk today. Go ahead.

Laura: Because I know that people have taken it as sort of a sign of Dumbledore’s reincarnation. What I think it is is one of two things. It’s representing his spirit, you know, leaving and going wherever it goes, wherever dead people go. Or, it has something to do with his Patronus and Animagus form.

Micah: Yeah, was it sort of a message to the, or…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …last message to the Order of the Phoenix on how to proceed.

Laura: Mhm. Because what happens to people’s Patronus and Animagus forms? Do we really know if a Patronus is sort of, actually kind of like a daemon, like from The Golden Compass, what Kevin and I are reading. I mean, we don’t know how external they are, if they are more like an external portion of someone’s soul. Do they leave the body when they die?

So Many Names

Micah: The reincarnation thing though. I know this is really far out there but I’ve that Dumbledore has so many middle names because he’s been reborn so many times.

[All laugh]

Laura: That’s kind of funny. That’s funny, I mean, that’s cool.

Andrew: Well it’s a good point. Let’s see, how many are there?

Laura: Yeah, but he’s also how old? 150 people?

Micah: Those are all his nicknames. Is that what it is? [laughs]

Laura: No, people tended to have longer names.

Andrew: What’s even, Brian seems like a random mix.

Laura: Yeah, but it’s spelled differently isn’t it?

Andrew: It’s Albus Percival Wulfric, no. Not according to the Lexicon. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Micah: I think it’s because it’s more of a Muggle name.

Laura: Yeah, but he’s Dumbledore. He’s so quirky.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: So if he’s quirky, his parents probably were.

Andrew: Yeah.


Andrew: Was, let’s see, was Dumbledore a Mudblood?

Laura: I always got the impression that Dumbledore was a pureblood.

Andrew: Well you would think so because all of his power. But I’m saying, so I’m just going to extend on Micah’s theory. Say he has lived several lives. Say he was a Mudblood initially. His first name was Brian because he was born with Muggles and they didn’t know he was a wizard. Then they, that doesn’t really make sense.

Laura: Are we going with the backwards thing again?


Andrew: No, it’s not a backwards thing, but I don’t know, it’s another good question.

Micah: There are so many unanswered questions about him.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: You could write a book just on him.

Laura: Well also, Emily and I were talking earlier about the one thing that really did it for us was the portrait. I mean, what did you think about that, Emily?

Andrew: Yeah.

Emily: Yeah I, the thing around that portrait is what drove home for me. Well that and the phoenix song, but also something that comes to my mind is that the spell was lifted from Harry and so the portrait is what made it all the more sadder and it, the portrait kind of just drove home with that yes, he’s passed on and it’s time for a new Headmaster, and all that.

Laura: Exactly, that’s what I thought. And the whole thing with the spell lifting, I mean, is Dumbledore actually consciously while he was falling, even if it wasn’t Avada Kedavra, and this is just assuming it wasn’t because I think it was, but as he’s falling is he really going to think, he doesn’t even have his wand, “I need to lift the spell on Harry.”

Micah: That’s another thing though, and I think that was on too, as we plug it for the hundreth time.

Laura: I actually really like that site. I have that site on my favorites. I don’t know about everything on it…

Micah: It is, it’s a great site.

Laura: But it’s a great site. They’ve done their homework, I’m proud of them.

What About His Wand?

Micah: The thing about the whole wand thing. Remember the song that Slughorn and Hagrid were singing about how when that wizard died, they broke his wand.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: We never saw Dumbledore’s wand snapped in half. I don’t know if that happens at funerals or…

Laura: That’s, yeah, what do they do with wands when wizards die? I mean…

Andrew: They snap them in half.

Laura: Yeah, well that was the song. We don’t know if that is actually true.

Andrew: Yeah, but maybe, it makes sense because…

Laura: What are they going to do with them after that?

Andrew: Bury it with them?

Laura: Do they bury them with their wands? I mean…

Kevin: You know what surprised me about his death? Was that I would expect Dumbledore to leave Harry something.

Laura: He might have.

Kevin: And he…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: She never said. I would expect for…

Andrew: Well that’s something to look forward to.

Kevin: Exactly. I think that without a doubt he’s going to at least leave Harry some legacy, you know? Because it would be an awful waste of a character.

Andrew: Especially if he knew he was going to die, then he must have thoughtout how he can help Harry in the future with finding these future Horcruxes.

Laura: Also, I think that Dumbledore was already dying before he was AKed off the tower.

Andrew: Of course, the whole story was the guy was weak.

Laura: Yeah, and the potion, I mean even if none of that had happened, do you think that he’d be alive?

Andrew: If it wasn’t for the Horcrux search?

Laura: No, I’m talking, even if none of the things with Snape had happened, do you think that Dumbledore would still be alive?

Andrew: At that point and time, if Snape didn’t kill him, yeah, I think he’d still be alive.

Laura: But that potion…

Andrew: He was sick, yeah…

Laura: Was clearly poisonous.

Andrew: Yes, but that’s not what killed him.

Laura: Well no, but I think it would have.

Emily: I don’t know. The way he was acting as he drinking the potion was almost like he knew what kind of potion it was and how much more longer he had left to live, and that’s just kind of the impression I got.

Andrew: Yeah, but he was confident it wasn’t going to kill him.

Laura: I don’t think he was confident it wasn’t going to kill him. Dumbledore realizes that he has to sacrifice himself to the greater good.

His Role In The Final Book

Micah: If he is dead and gone, are we going to see anything from him in the next book?

Kevin: Yes.

Andrew: The actual like, you know…

Kevin: From him or – yeah, I see where Andrew wants it clarified.

Andrew: Like are we going to see the ghost of Dumbledore or the will of Dumbledore?

Micah: Ghost, portrait, I don’t know.

Laura: I don’t think it will be a ghost because it’s been made pretty clear that anyone who’s been brought back as a ghost was kind of a somber person. Like Moaning Myrtle and Nearly Headless Nick, the Bloody Baron…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: So, and I don’t see Dumbledore as the type of person who wouldn’t be willing to move on.

Andrew: Yeah, but I can picture Harry approaching the portrait for information by like discussing the past…

Laura: Oh absolutely. Yeah.

Andrew: It only gives the, the portrait is only a reflection of their…how did we put it?

Laura: Personality.

Andrew: Personality, right, right.

Laura: It’s just like the so called ghost that came out of Voldemort’s want in Goblet of Fire. They’re really only mirror images, they’re not actually those people.

Kevin: Yeah, like I said before, I do hope that we’ll see at least some of the legacy of Dumbledore.

Laura: Oh, I think we will. I think we will and I think that Dumbledore will probably have left Harry something and it’s going to be something terribly cryptic because that’s just how Dumbledore is.

Kevin: I’m fairly sure he’s dead.


Laura: He’s dead, get over it.

Kevin: I’m sorry Micah and Andrew, you’re wrong.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: And what if we’re right?

Kevin: Ummm…

Laura: Then I’m going to kick myself. [laughs]

Kevin: Then…

Micah: You can’t say backwards compatible for a week.

Kevin: I was subconsciously correct without knowing it. You know, it was in my brain – I just, you know…


Laura: I was actually thinking about that, I was like, “You know, all the time I go on about Dumbeldore being dead, if he turns out to be alive, I’m never going to hear the end of it.”

Kevin: The thing is that if he turns out to be alive, I’ll be very upset.

Micah: I think a lot of people will be.

Laura: Yeah me too, because…

Kevin: Just the way she did it.

Laura: Yeah, that too.

Kevin: She made it at a perfect time where Harry is, it’s about time Harry grows up and Harry has to start doing things for himself, and he has to start learning magic that’s not second grade level.

Micah: I don’t like the way she did it. He put up no fight whatsoever.

Kevin: But that’s the whole point! Wouldn’t it be a great way for him to die knowing that his death meant something more.

Micah: Crouched in a corner and, well yes.

Kevin: And begging Snape to kill him so that Snape’s postition wasn’t compromised so Harry could continue his quest. That’s a pretty noble way to die.

Micah: What if Snape’s evil?

Laura: I don’t think he is.

Micah: And what if he’s evil?

Kevin: I don’t think Snape is entirely evil.

Emily: I don’t like him either way.

Micah: Well I don’t think Dumbledore’s dead.


Kevin: Well that’s your problem. I would be extremely upset if Dumbledore was…

Laura: So would I. I would too and for all the reasons mentioned, and not to mention there are pictures of me crying over the guy so if he doesn’t turn up dead…

Kevin: Which we are going to post on starting…


Laura: Um, no we’re not, ha ha ha – no. So if he turns out alive, and they have all that crap on me, I’m going to be ticked off. Like I cried for nothing.

Comparison To Other, Similar Books

Micah: But what if you compare it to other books. You know, like the Chronicles of Narnia, like the Lord of the Rings where you have that main character that appears to die but doesn’t really.

Laura: Gandalf and a…

Micah: Aslan.

Laura: Aslan.

Andrew: Well I don’t see that being down JK Rowling’s alley.

Laura: He doesn’t die.

Kevin: He doesn’t die, Gandalf never…

Laura: It just makes it look like he does.

Micah: Okay, then Aslan.

Laura: I think it kind of alluded to it, sort of. But I don’t think that, I also think that she doesn’t want to make her books exactly like everyone elses books because there is a lot of influence from various and assorted books. Including on Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter, but I don’t think she would follow it that closely.

Emily: I also think that, yeah, I also think that we’re able to kind of follow the experience as the books are coming out, that we kind of see JK Rowling as God almost and we kind of appeal to her to undo death is what does. And I think that Dumbledore is dead and JKR, this is her way of showing that.

Laura: Mhm, definitely, and also one thing that I have always thought is that Jo is always stressing that children are greatly underestimated in what they can handle in literature. And she talked about how after her mom died, death became such a real thing to her, and I don’t think she would take death so lightly as to make you think a character you loved so much is dead, and then have them come back.

Kevin: Yeah, I don’t see her decieving people like that.

Laura: Okay, I think we pretty much have…

Kevin: Killed that. We killed it.

Laura: I think we Avada Kedavred that, bascially.

Andrew: We Avada Kedavred that. [laughs]

Laura: It’s been AKed.

Andrew: All right, I think we covered that pretty well. In conclusion, Dumbledore is not dead. [laughs]

Kevin: He is dead.


Andrew: And the discussion will go on forever. Well, until Book 7 at least. Let’s move on to “Voicemails.” Mr. Kevin Steck.

Kevin: Okay. Sorry.

Voicemail – What If Dumbledore Never Approached Riddle?

[Audio]: Hey guys, this is Brian calling from Canada and I thought of something basically and wanted to hear your thoughts. If Dumbledore had never taken Tom Riddle to be a wizard, do you think he would have discovered his magical talent anyway and even discover the wizarding world? Or do you think he’d just be the Muggle equivalent to Voldemort? Thanks and keep up the great work.

Kevin: I think that is was apparent that he was already showing a bad side, so I think he would have most definitely showed his magical abilities. He wouldn’t have been as powerful because he wouldn’t have had the resources.

Emily: He wouldn’t have had the information about the Horcruxes either.

Kevin: Exactly. I’m not so sure he would have found the magical world. I think he would have tried to find if there was anyone else like him because he likes to gather powerful people to him, to control them. But I’m not sure about that. I say definitely he’d find his magical ability, discovering the wizarding world is a toss-up, and he would have been the Muggle equivalent to Voldemort. I think he without a doubt – by the time Dumbledore had met him he had already been well on the path to being evil.

Laura: Yeah, I agree with Kevin. I think that Voldemort is a very determined person and I think that he would have found out about his magical abilities, no doubt.

Kevin: I think they develop naturally at a point so he would have picked up something while he went along, you know.

Micah: Well, wouldn’t he have gotten a letter regardless?

Kevin: Well yeah but I think that’s the point of the question, if he had not because of living at an orphanage and all that big mix-up in his family life, if he had never gotten any indication that he was a wizard, had never have been visited by Dumbledore, would he have become what he has become now?

Micah: Right, well maybe not as much, but he certainly… I’m sure he would have used his abilities that were of use to him.

Kevin: Exactly, that’s what I said.

Laura: Also, do we know how Hogwarts finds out about students? Because it seems to me that the Gaunts would have been so upset about their daughter fraternizing with a Muggle, that they would want to keep the child hushed up and stuff.

Kevin: Yeah. That’s another good question. Voldemort discovered most of his family history in school, and that family history contiributed to his feelings about Muggles and Muggle-borns which also contributes to his Lord Voldemort persona. So just the fact that he wasn’t exposed to that information that he would have…I think that he would have become just as evil, just not as powerful.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: This is all Dumbledore’s fault.

Kevin: And that’s why he’s dead.

Micah: It’s all his fault.


Voicemail – Draco’s Destiny

[Audio]: Hey, I’m Jess Miranda from Clifton, New Jersey and I first want to say that MuggleCast is great, and when Andrew and Ben sing it’s hilarious. And I’d like to ask, if Draco was going to die, how do you think he’s going to die and by Snape? Or do you think Harry will do it? Or Voldemort? So, thanks. Bye, you guys are great. Bye!

Emily: I think he will die. But I don’t think…

Kevin: You think so?

Emily: Yeah, I don’t think that Snape would do it because if Snape was going to do it, what was the whole point of the Unbreakable Vow? I think it might be by Voldemort’s hand or it might…

Kevin: But going back to what we said before, Emily, do you think that he’s going to be dying as a Death Eater or as a member of the Order?

Emily: I think that since we don’t quite know what Snape’s doing, he’s going to end up kind of being in the middle for a while, I don’t think he can feasibly be Voldemort’s side but that’s a tough question. [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah see, I agree too because I don’t think that – honestly, after reading the last book, I think that Draco’s a misunderstood person. He’s not as evil as everyone thought he was, and I think he going to be exactly that a monkey in the middle. He doesn’t know which side he wants to be on.

Emily: I think that he’d resist Snape, if it does turn out that Snape is not a Death Eater. I think that he would resist, I’d imagine that Snape would have to explain his position, what’s happening, why he killed Dumbledore. I think Draco would be very resistant of somebody he trusted of not being on the Death Eaters side. He’d probably be relieved because Snape would probably be under orders by Voldemort or something like that.

Kevin: Yeah, and that’s a pretty good point that Draco does look up to Snape and if it does turn out that Snape killed Dumbledore at Dumbledore’s request and he’s not a Death Eater as Draco, you sort of get the impression that Draco thinks he is, I think that Draco will perhaps follow his lead in you know…

Andrew: No, I don’t know.

Laura: I don’t really see Draco as becoming a member of the Order. I think…

Kevin: I don’t see him becoming a member but I think he may become – I shouldn’t have said become a member, but I think he may be on their side.

Laura: Right. I think if he does, it would only be, like, Pettigrew, you know, just to side up with who was powerful.

Kevin: Do you think so? Because, I mean, Draco knows who’s having the advantage right now. I mean, it’s apparent that Voldemort is pretty much ruling the battle right now. And he still hesitated before, when killing, you know, before killing Dumbledore.

Laura: Yeah, but he, I mean…

Kevin: …before Dumbledore died.

Laura: I think anyone would hesitate before they killed someone. Honestly, I can’t…I don’t see Draco as being a good person at all. I think that he would side up to whoever would keep him protected.

Micah: I think if anything happened to one of his parents that that could have a large impact on which side he goes to or, if he stays on Voldemort’s side versus going to, maybe, at least, side with the Order for a brief period of time because I think he does care about…

Kevin: Yeah, see, honestly I don’t know which side he would…we should consider him on because I don’t see him as a pure evil character anymore. I always thought that he did a lot of things to Harry out of, you know, being much like Voldemort when he was younger, where he enjoyed it. And now you’re looking at it like that was just being childish, you know, he’s not as…he’s not the evil person everyone expected. He’s just as torn between the two sides as anyone else could be. So, I understand why you wouldn’t want…you wouldn’t see him as a good guy…

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: But, I honestly see him, maybe in the future, being one of those characters that does something that you don’t expect it to help Harry.

Laura: I agree to an extent. I can see him going over to the good side, in essence. For something that benefits him, or because something happened to his mother…to get revenge on the people who are responsible for it, but not necessarily to side with the Order. Like, he’s never going to become friends with Harry. It’s just not going to happen

Kevin: I…

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: …I understand that, but, I do see him making a decision where he realizes the importance of fighting Voldemort…

Laura: I can see him doing something inadvertently…

Kevin: Whether it be…

Laura: …that would end up in Harry’s favor.

Kevin: Whether it be through the, you know, harming of his parents, or whatever.

Voicemail – How To Detect A Death Eater

[Audio]: Hi, my name is Claire and I’m from North Carolina. I love listening to your show every week and I just had a quick comment/question. I was wondering why, if all Death Eaters have Dark Marks on their left arm, why in the old days when they were looking for Death Eaters they didn’t just check everyone’s left arm and why didn’t they see that Sirius did not have one? Thanks! Bye.

Emily: They didn’t know about it and nobody knew about the Death Mark until Snape showed Sirius in Goblet of Fire…I can’t remember. But, the Death Mark…Dark Mark was not known…it was not an indicator of a Death Eater.

Kevin: Yeah, but the same time, they also found people under the Imperius Curse which they were acting for the Death Eaters and they said it was very hard to distinguish whether someone was a Death Eater or not. I mean, I honestly believe that not everyone has a Dark Mark, only those who are most important to Voldemort.

Emily: But we also don’t know how often Voldemort used the Dark Mark to call his Death Eaters to him.

Kevin: Yeah, and not to mention that we don’t know that he can’t hide it altogether. I mean, they did mention that it fades, so why couldn’t you just hide it?

Andrew: Yeah…[Stutters and laughs] yeah…just yeah.

Kevin: Just yeah?

Andrew: Just yeah. Yeah, yeah all around.

Micah: And it fades when he’s not powerful so if they were, sort of, collecting people right after his fall, chances are it might not have been as prominent on the person’s arm.

Kevin: Yeah…yeah!

Andrew: Alright!

[All laugh]

Kevin: And I think that, I don’t think Voldemort is stupid so I can’t see him tattooing all of his followers with something that could give their position away.

Laura: Not to mention that we know that there is spells to conceal that kind of thing.

Kevin: Exactly, yeah.

Laura: Just like in Order of the Phoenix when students were making copies of The Quibbler look like blank pieces of parchment.

Kevin: Exactly.

Voicemail – The Wand Revisited

[Audio]: Oh my Gosh, I love you Andrew! – Okay, Hi MuggleCasters, my name’s Christina, I’m from New Jersey, South Jersey. I was just wondering what you guys think will happen to Dumbledore’s wand? Was it buried with him or was it lost when he fell off the building? Just wanted to see what you guys think. Thanks! Great show.

Andrew: Well, as we mentioned before, Christina, who lives strangely close to me and loves me, umm…we think, we are pretty much all in agreement, well it definitely, from what we can tell, breaks in half from that song. But then, it makes sense that they would burry it. I don’t know what else they would do it with it. It’s not like we’ve ever seen like a shrine so to speak of all the wines of…[Laughs] of all the wands of the dead wizards…sorry got wine of the mind. [Laughs]

Laura: I wonder why…

[Everyone laughs, Kevin laughs and sighs, and everyone laughs some more]

Emily: Do you think maybe that the wand went to his brother?

Andrew: Yeah. Maybe a family member could hold on to it. That’s a good thought.

Kevin: Let’s not talk about his brother…

[All laugh and sigh]

Laura: His brother likes goats. [laughs]

Kevin: Or perhaps it was used for firewood.

Laura: Umm….

Andrew: That would be terrible. [laughs]

Kevin: Okay! Well, ummm…

Laura: [Softly] Bonfire!

Kevin: Next voicemail!

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCasters, my name is Sasha and I’m from Manhattan. I have a question for you guys. JK Rowling only kills off her characters when they have fulfilled their purpose, could it be that Harry has no more to learn from Dumbledore himself? It seems that Harry didn’t even fully grasp what Dumbledore was trying to teach him, and as Harry very wisely put it, “He will only be gone from the school when none here are loyal to him.” I would love to hear your opinions. Thanks so much, I love your show. Four last words: “Oddment, blubber, nitwick, and tweak.”

Laura: Sasha, I love you! You brought up the point that I’ve been trying to get across this whole time: It’s that when she is done with a character, when a character has pervade all information that they possibly can, anything they can do to help Harry, she kills them. I know it seems brutal, Andrew, but…

Andrew: That is a good point.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: No, I would have to agree, I think that is a good point


Andrew: It just makes sense, it makes sense.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Okay, we give you all this info, well, in Jo’s mind, okay we give you all this info, now let’s go on with them.

Laura: Well I mean, just to keep a character alive that has no purpose anymore…it takes…

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: It takes up…


[Laughing] That seems kind of dumb!

Laura: It takes up…

Andrew: I mean…

Laura: It takes up space!

Andrew: Dumbledore would still have purpose…

Laura: Would he?

Andrew: And Sirius would too

Laura: Wha…

Andrew: yeah he would!

Laura: What purpose would Sirius have?

Kevin: What purpose, yeah?

Andrew: Finding the Hor—Okay, well I don’t know about Sirius…

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: …but, moral support for Harry.

Kevin: No but see, that’s my point…

Laura: [Speaks at the same time as Kevin] Harry’s got moral support. He’s got Ron and Hermione.

Kevin: I believe…

Andrew: More! He misses Sirius terribly!!

Kevin: I believe that Dumbledore…Dumbledore’s death was his final purpose. It was, he served the purpose of showing Harry that he had no one else to turn to, except his friends, and he had to do it alone.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: I think that was THE perfect purpose for Dumbledore: it’s finally showing Harry that he has got to get his butt in gear, that he has got to do this alone and do what he is destined to do.

Laura: I think so too.

Emily: And the prophecy says if …only one can kill the other.

Laura and Kevin: Yeah.

Kevin: Exactly. It’s not Dumbledore’s fight, it’s Harry’s fight.

Laura: And the prophecy.

Kevin: And I think—

Laura: See, the prophecy needs to be like: “Harry, just do it!”

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Laura: Stop depending on the people around you.

Kevin: “Just do it!” Okay, let’s plug Nike now.

Andrew: Put on your Nike shoes and just do it!

[All laugh]

Laura: I actually didn’t mean that, but that’s okay…

[All laugh]

Voicemail – Are There Things Worse Than Death?

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast, this is Laura from Chicago and I’ve got a question for this week’s show. Dumbledore tells Voldemort that there are more ways to destroy a man than killing him, “that nearly taking your life will not satisfy me, I admit,” and that his failure to understand there are things much worse then death has always been Voldemort’s greatest weakness.  And, it reminded me of when Lupin told Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban that the Dementor’s Kiss is much worse than death. Do you think this has any connection for how Harry would be able to defeat Voldemort? Or, what he would have to do to himself in the process if there are things that are worse than death? I love your show! Thanks! Bye.

Kevin: I don’t think Voldemort is going to die through a Dementor’s Kiss.

Laura: No.

Kevin: If that’s what you mean. But, I do believe that it was foreshadowing to the fact that Harry may not use, or in my opinion, probably won’t use, Avada Kedavra to kill Dumbledore.

Laura: [Correcting Kevin] Voldemort!

Kevin: I find it highly unlike…Dumble…urgh! I’m stuck on Dumbledore now…Voldemort! [laughs] I don’t see Harry casting that spell, honestly.

Laura: No, I think that Voldemort is going to have to feel some sort of…pain. I’m not sure whether that will be mental or physical but I don’t want to see Voldemort just get the easy way out, you know…

Kevin: Yeah…

Laura: I want to see something that just really gets to him.

Kevin: Well I think that, I think just the fact that, I think I said this in one of the earlier episodes, I think it would be a perfect way to finish Voldemort off just telling him that all those protections he put in place to keep himself alive were gone.

Micah: Yeah that would be a pretty good shock.

Kevin: Yeah I mean, yeah. Just that in itself would, I mean, that’s a slap to Voldemort.

Laura: Oh yeah.

Kevin: Saying…

Laura: Mmmm. Ow.

Kevin: You’re not as invincible as you once thought you were.

Laura: And it was just all taken away from you by a teenager.

Kevin: Exactly.

Laura: Ouch!

Kevin: The teenager that you failed to kill three times.

Micah: And of course there are things far worse than death. I mean, look at Harry; the life that he’s lived and losing…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …all those people that are close to him. That’s probably far worse than dying if you know, you go inside Harry’s mind.

Laura: Yeah. I agree, definitely.

Kevin: But…I agree, I think that he shouldn’t be killed just flat out. I think he deserves a little more…

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: …suffering than that. If that doesn’t sound too…morbid.

Laura: Oh no, I agree. Think about him, nothing’s too morbid for Voldemort.

Kevin: True. But still…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: He’s a jerk.

Kevin: You really don’t want to wish…

Andrew: It’s like Osama.

[Kevin laughs, and then Laura laughs]

Kevin: True…true…but you never want to wish suffering on people but…

Laura: Well, there’s a difference.

Kevin: …sometimes you do!

[All laugh]

Andrew: Let’s make an exception for Voldemort.

Laura: There is a difference, there is a difference.

Kevin: And Osama.

Laura: You don’t want to wish harm on a person. Voldemort is not a person. Voldemort is a monster. And I would, I know it sounds cruel, but I would wish just absolutely, positively anything on him because he is a Grade A jerk.

Kevin: [Gasps] Laura!

[All laugh]

Spy on Spartz

Andrew: Great! Now for this week’s edition of Spy on Spartz. Emerson has been in Hawaii over the past week on vacation before he heads back to Notre Dame. He had a lot of fun.

Laura: He’s visiting Tara.

Andrew: He said he misses it already. Is he visiting Tara?

Laura: I don’t know. [laughs]

Andrew: I don’t think so.

Laura: I just made that up.

Andrew: Tara is of course, the webmistress of, I believe it is.

Laura: I…guess.

Andrew: …who lives in Hawaii. I really did think that she would go after him, especially since, you know, Hawaii is like, so small.

Kevin: Yeah. Maybe we should send her an email with his location.

[Andrew and Laura laugh sly, girly laughs]

Andrew: Well he’s already back now so it’s a little too late.

Kevin: Oh yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: So…

Kevin: We should’ve, we really should’ve.

Andrew: So, that’s that. Surprisingly, it’s No. 3 on the…the No. 3 favorite segment according to our MuggleCast poll. I really didn’t realize it was such…it was so big!

Laura: Oh my god.

Andrew: How about “Spy on Sims”? How about that?

Laura:Vote for something else.

Andrew: “Andrew’s recording MuggleCast right now.” [laughs]

Kevin: And you can use the same clip of audio every episode.

Andrew: Yeah!

Kevin: Because nothing will change.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Except for when I’m away. When I’m away, guys, would you do a “Spy on Sims”?

Laura: Sure.

Andrew: I’ve never been away. Over thirty shows, including…

Laura: Well guys, no, no, no. All we have to do is record two separate sets of audio. One for “Andrew’s recording MuggleCast” and one for “Andrew’s at the Jersey Shore.” [laughs]

Kevin: That’s true.

Andrew: That IS true. Especially when summer comes around.

Dueling Club – 16 Yr. Old Snape vs. 16 Yr. Old Harry

Andrew: Okay, now it’s time for this week’s Dueling Club, where Laura had received an email over the past week.

Laura: Yep.

Andrew: A suggestion…

Laura: Yep. My Mom’s friend Bert, who actually listens to this show (which is really, really cool), suggested that we do…

Kevin: Hello, Bert!

Laura: [Laughs] Suggested that we do sixteen-year-old…

Andrew: [In a funny voice] Hello, Ernie!

[All laugh]

Laura: All right, all right.

Andrew: [Singing] “Rubber ducky…” Sorry.

[Everyone laughs, Andrew sighs]

Laura: Okay…[Andrew continues to laugh] Suggested…Bert suggested that we do sixteen-year-old Snape versus sixteen-year-old Harry. And I thought that was pretty interesting so I wanted to see what you guys thought of it.

Andrew: Yes.

Kevin: Well, what do you think? To start it off…

Laura: What do I think? I think, that at first glance, because of how advanced we know Snape was, you would that that, you know, Snape would just totally dominate Harry in a duel. But, I think, while he may win overall, Harry could definitely put a hurting on him.

Kevin: I think that it’s a hard match-up because where Harry focuses more on defensive spells than offensive, Snape obviously focuses more on offensive than defensive. So I would wonder whether Harry’s knowledge of defensive spells would make it so that Snape’s offensive spells would be almost useless.

Laura: So it would be kind of like, a toss-up?

Kevin: Exactly.

Laura: Mhm. I think that’s possible.

Kevin: Depends on who trips first, you know?

Laura: Mhm. It could definitely just be a situation involving who’s on their form that day.

Kevin: I’m hoping that by next book, we’ll be able to say…

Laura: That Harry…

Kevin: …without a doubt that…

Laura: Yeah. See that’s what I was about to say. What do you think, would a “current Harry” or, you know, “Book 7 Harry?” So, I mean, I think there is definitely going to be some distinguishing traits between the Harry that we’ve known in Half Blood Prince and the Harry that we see in Book 7.

Kevin: Exactly, yeah. I…one thing…that’s one of my main concerns about Book 7. I truly hope that when Harry faces Voldemort, that he’s facing Voldemort on an equal playing field…

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: …where both of their knowledge is somewhat equal and their power is somewhat equal and, in that case, I think that it would be obvious that Harry would just destroy Snape.

Laura: Mhm, definitely.

Emily: I think, when it comes to initiative, Snape shows a lot more initiative when it comes to just expanding his knowledge and talent. So I think that Snape would probably out-duel Harry.

Kevin: Just because of his, not only initiative, but his creative—you know, creativity in making spells and stuff. That’s true.

Laura: I mean, there is no denying he is very creative.

Emily: Harry has passion, but Snape just kinda has, I don’t know, improvisation on his side. He’s able to, I think, improvise a little bit more.

Micah: Hmm…yeah I don’t think Harry stands a chance.

Andrew: Yeah I think Emily makes a good point. She says that Snape does have a lot more initiative. Yeah, I can picture Snape as a much more…a very intense wizard compared to Harry at that age.

Micah: It’s like Kevin was saying, how—

Andrew: Sort of like Tom Riddle.

Micah: Yeah. How much would DADA really help if Snape is using all these offensive-type spells that maybe DADA wouldn’t necessarily work against. You know, he’s not going to shoot a Patronus out of his wand at some crazy spell that Snape made up.

Kevin: That’s true, that’s true. Well, hopefully…

Laura: Definitely.

Kevin: …by Book 7 we will all be saying exactly the opposite.

Laura: I do think, yeah. I think by Book 7, Harry is just going to be able to, hopefully, defeat someone like Snape. I’d be kind of disappointed if he couldn’t.

Advice With MuggleCast

Andrew: Okay so, this week we are premiering our new segment, on MuggleCast that we do think is going to be a hit. Well, I think it is going to be a hit. How about you guys?

Kevin: Well I think so too…

Andrew: If you know what I’m talking about…

Kevin: Yeah. The uh…

Laura: Oh, definitely.

Andrew: There’s been some, good amount of demand for it. Now, I’m not sure if we are going to do this every week or it’s going to be like, every other week or once a month sort of thing, but this is Advice with MuggleCast, where we give you advice on your Harry Potter dilemmas. You know, your friends don’t like Harry Potter but you do, your parents think you are crazy, the whole Christianity thing, and your life and whatever.

Laura: Oh boy.

Andrew: We are here for you. And what is different about this segment is that you actually get to talk to us because you call in with your questions. So, Ben and I hosted this week’s Advice with MuggleCast and here it is now:

Ben: Hello! MuggleCast Advice. What’s your name?

Sarah: This is Sarah from California.

Ben: Hey Sarah! How are you doing today?

Sarah: I’m good. How are you?

Ben: I’m pretty good. What’s the problem you’ve been having?

Sarah: Well, I’m thinking about going to Lumos 2006 to see you guys and everybody else, but my parents said okay, but the only thing is, if I’m going to go with my parents, then I can’t really go HP crazy because they are going to be staring at me.

Ben: Oh right.

Sarah: And you know they are going to think I’m insane because, you know, I’m obsessed; I like Harry. Yeah…

Andrew: Hmmm. So, your question is, how do you want to get rid of your parents, or distract them?

Sarah: Yeah, pretty much.

Andrew: Hmmm…

Ben: Well, the first thing I think you should do is that, instead of taking your parents along with you, I think you should find an older chaperone to go with you.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Someone who is over the age of 18…

Sarah: Yeah.

Ben: …who you could go with because then you can go by yourself and you can have a good time. But, if you really want to get away from your parents when you’re there, just, I don’t know, I don’t know, what could she do?

Andrew: [Laughs] Well, I hear there’s a lot of gambling…

Sarah: Ditch them?

Andrew: [Laughs] I hear there’s a lot of gambling in Vegas, so maybe if you, uh, hooked them up with some money, you could let them go gambling while you’re, you know, doing your thing.

[Caller laughs]

Ben: Or just send them to the casino, that’s what I say.

Andrew: That’s what I just said! [laughs]

Sarah: Well, yeah, I guess that’ll work.

Ben: Just don’t even worry about giving them money, just drop them off at the casino.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Hello, MuggleCast, this is live. What’s your name?

Tammy: My name’s Tammy from Naples, Florida.

Andrew: Hi, Tammy.

Ben: How are you doing today?

Tammy: I’m good.

Ben: Excellent. So, tell us, what’s on your mind?

Tammy: Um, all my friends and family think I’m waaaaaay too obsessed with Harry Potter. What should I do?

Ben: What I would do if I was you is I wouldn’t show the obsession so much when I’m in front of them…

Tammy: Okay.

Ben: …that’s what I try not to do.

Tammy: Okay.

Ben: What do you try to do, Andrew?

Andrew: And/Or get them obsessed, if it’s anyway possible.

Tammy: Yeah.

Andrew: You know what I mean?

Tammy: Yeah, but sometimes you just can’t help being obsessed.

Andrew: I know. Have they read the books before, or do they just think you’re out of your mind and the things are stupid?

Tammy: I don’t know, sometimes it makes sense to me, and then to them they have no idea what I’m saying.

Andrew: Oh, right. Who are these again? Your parents?

Tammy: My parents and my family and all of my friends.

Andrew: Oh jeez, no one? You don’t have any Harry Potter buddies?

Tammy: No, I do, but like most of my friends think I’m crazy.

Andrew: Oh, oh, I see.

Ben: Okay, well, first of all, don’t let them get a hold of your iPod with all your MuggleCast episodes.

Tammy: That’s a good one.

Andrew: I have friends in school too who, you know, think- well, you know, all you’ve gotta do is say how many people listen to the show and stuff, and they think the web site’s cool. But, I mean…

Tammy: Yeah.

Andrew: …I don’t know the answer. That’s a tough one because everyone’s different.

Tammy: Yeah.

Ben: Okay, well, we have about a million calls coming in right now, so I’ll…

Tammy: Okay, thank you so much!

Ben: Thank you!

Daniel: Hi, this is Daniel. I’m from Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Ben: Hey Daniel! You’re our first guy on the show tonight! How you doing?

Daniel: Well, at my school, I have a bunch of people who like PotterCast more than MuggleCast.

Andrew: No way. No way!

Ben: Nah, they’re just messing with you – it must be a joke.

Daniel: Yes, it’s a dilemma. So I am wondering how to convince them that MuggleCast is the better show.

Andrew: Hmm. Well you can say that you were on it. [laughs] How many friends? I didn’t realize that PotterCast was so popular in your area.

Daniel: Well, not many, but more than one.

Andrew: Oh. Well what do they like about it so much?

Daniel: I’m not really sure, but we have big arguments. Most of them just end up like, “You suck. No, you suck.”

[All laugh]

Andrew: Sounds like me and Melissa.

Daniel: Is this Andrew? I can’t really tell your voices apart.

Andrew: Yeah, this is Andrew.

Daniel: Can I have a “yeah”?

Andrew: No!

[All laugh]

Andrew: YEAH!!!!

Daniel: Well, now I’m on it, so they’ll have to listen to this.

Ben: Also, another thing is, tell them one doesn’t have to be better than the other. We have podcast love going on here.

Daniel: Yeah, I guess. But MuggleCast is way better. I mean, I listen to…

Ben: Don’t tell PotterCast we said that! [laughs]

Andrew: We’d have to agree. [laughs]

Daniel: I loved last week’s top ten list.

Ben: Thank you! Thank you very much!

Daniel: With number one, give him a CD of PotterCast.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Hello, MuggleCast advice, what’s your name?

Sam: This is Sam from Maryland.

Ben: Hey, Sam, how are you doing?

Andrew: Hey, Sam.

Sam: Good. Wow, this is cool.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

Daniel: I never thought I’d get through.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Yeah, there’s about a million calls coming in… what’s on your mind?

Sam: Well, anytime I mention Harry Potter around any of my friends or anybody at school, everyone looks at me like a nerd, like “Oh, why do you have to read Harry Potter, da-da-da,” you know.

Ben: Well, I think you should be who you want to be, Sam. You shouldn’t conform to your friend’s standards, because like I told a few callers ago: if they don’t like you for you, then they’re not really your friend.

Sam: I mean, they like me for everything else besides that I, you know, actually read. [laughs]

Andrew: Well I think everyone has something that not all of their friends like, there’s always that one thing.

Sam: Yeah, you’re right.

Andrew: I don’t know, because you can’t be perfect, so… but your question was how to get them to like it too? Or just…

Sam: Well, not exactly that…it’s not, well they don’t have to read it, but to not like, you know, look down on me every time I read it or talk about it.

Andrew: Right, right.

[A pause as another caller is added in]

Eric: Hello?

Ben: Hello!

Andrew: Whoa, whoa…

Ben: Sorry about that. [long pause]

Andrew: Is that Eric? That’s Eric! [laughs]

Ben: Eric Scull! What are you calling in for?

Eric: Hi guys! I want to let you know that I’m at work right now, and that’s why I can’t do the show.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh thanks, Eric.

Eric: Yeah!

Ben: Well, we’re doing the show right now, actually. Say hi to Sam from Maryland!

Eric: What?

Ben: Oh, Sam dropped out.

Andrew: He did?

Ben: Or… Sam, are you still here?

Sam: Yeah, I’m still here.

Ben: Hey! Say hi to Eric!

Sam: Hi, Eric!

Eric: Hi, Sam!

Andrew: I don’t think anyone knows, but Eric works at a movie theater.

Sam: Really?

Eric: Yeah!

Andrew: I just wanted to point that out. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, and they kind of won’t let me, well, my hours you know, kind of conflict with Mug- actually I’ve got to go, my boss is staring at me right now, I’ve got to get off the phone. But right now, do you have any advice for me? Should I quit my job, maybe?

[All laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, quit your job, sure.

Sam: You can’t be… yeah.

Eric: All right, all right, okay. I’m going to go quit and I’ll see you guys in half an hour, all right?

Andrew: Okay, bye, Eric.

Ben: Okay, bye.

Eric: Thanks!

Ben: Well, it was nice talking to you, Sam.

Sam: Okay. Same to you. See ya.

Andrew: See ya! Hello, MuggleCast hot line!

Julia (who sounds suspiciously like Melissa): [Very girly voice] He-hello?

Andrew: Oh, oh hi! Hi! Who’s this?

“Julia”: Is this Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah…

Ben: Ben’s here too, Ben’s here too, how are you doing?

Andrew: Who’s this?

“Julia”: Hi, Ben! Oh my god…

Andrew: What’s your name?

“Julia”: …is it really you guys?

Ben: It’s really us.

Andrew: How long have you been trying to call?

“Julia”: I’m Julia, I’ve been trying for a long time, but I’m glad you picked up.

Andrew: Yeah, well, what’s on your mind?

“Julia”: Well, um, see, I have this friend, and he sort of made fun of me… really publicly, and…

Andrew: What a jerk!

Ben: Awww.

Andrew: [In an angry voice] You know, I hate people who make fun of you in public. It is absolutely disgusting, immature, rude… [voice gets sweet again] but go ahead, Julia.

“Julia”: I know, and I thought he liked me a lot, and he instead made fun of me and I don’t know what to do, because he’s, well, I should do something bad, right?

Ben: I don’t know, I think sometimes getting revenge, really… An eye for an eye really isn’t the way to go.

“Julia”: What do you think, Andrew?

Andrew: Well, no, I’d have to disagree here, Ben. I think you just need to get back at them, you know? They did something to you, you’ve got to get back at them.

Ben: Aw, come on…

Andrew: It’s just, it’s only fair.

“Julia”: He’s a big Emma Watson fan.

Ben: Wow, I like this guy already.

Andrew: Ah!

“Julia”: And, see, he made fun of me about something really personal. So I think if I made fun of him back, it should be really personal. What do you think?

Andrew: Oooo.

Ben: Well, are you sure you aren’t misinterpreting what happened? Are you sure he was really making fun of you?

“Julia”: Well, okay, I’ll tell you what happened… I SANG A SONG, BEN SCHOEN.

[Melissa laughs after a pause]

[Andrew and Ben gasp]

Andrew: Melissa Anelli from PotterCast and

Melissa: No. Yes. Hi!

[All laugh]

Melissa: Hello, Ben Schoen. How are you, my dear?

Ben: Pretty good. I thought that sounded familiar… [laughs]

Melissa: You sounded a little scared for a second.

Andrew: So wait a second, this is the first time that you guys have spoken since, you know, the big mix-up.

Melissa: Yeah, I thought I’d crash your podcast to make up for it… not that this is even CLOSE to makes up for it. Not even a little!

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: It was a misinterpretation, okay? There was no malice intended with what went on.

Melissa: Mhm…

Ben: I promise.

Melissa: Hey, Ben. Have you been walking around looking over your shoulder?

Ben: Nah, nah, I’m safe here in Kansas.

[Andrew laughs]

Melissa: Then my work is not done. [Realizes what Ben just said] You’re safe in Kansas?

Ben: Yup.

Melissa: Do you remember who you’re dealing with?

Ben: [mocking tone] The M.A.F.I.A., ooooooo… the Ben Schoen mafia can take down the mafia.

Melissa: I didn’t say anything about mafia. You’re dealing with me.

Ben: Whatever.

Melissa: Bye, guys.

Andrew: See ya.

Ben: Don’t be mad, it was not malicious! Don’t be mad at me, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!

[Ben continues to keep chanting “I’m sorry” in the background]

Melissa: He’s scared. Andrew, can you hear it?


Andrew: I know he’s scared, yup!

Ben: Hung up on her. Haha.

Andrew: That’s all we have this week for advice, but next week we’ll have many more of you who called in. So stay tuned.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Andrew: So this week we’re bringing back Andrew’s Listener Challenge, because I missed it so much, and I know everyone did here.

Kevin: Yeah

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: I’ve really, really missed it.

Laura: My week was not complete.

Andrew: Laura would complete the listener challenges.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: So this week, I have two. One’s a little beggy, one’s kind of beggy-lame. [laughs] Actually, it’s my New Year’s resolution. I can’t, you know, I’ve got to follow it, right? And then the other one is a call for a little bit of help.

So, first challenge is to: as you know, our new MuggleCast website has a poll that we’re going to update every week with a new question. Send in your poll questions that you want the listeners to answer on our website. So say, you know, for example, like the one that’s up right now: “What’s your favorite MuggleCast segment?” Send in questions like that and we’ll post them and use those as a poll question. Send those in to .

My other challenge is this. I need you, YOU – this is so easy, I can’t even express it- listen. Here’s the deal. We have over 60,000 downloads/listeners. All I need is for 80 percent of you to go out there and get one of your friends, just one, just ONE, to download/subscribe to MuggleCast – and we will have 100,000 listeners overnight. Is that so much to ask? Come on, seriously.

Kevin: I think it is…

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: …but we can try.

[All laugh]

Andrew: We can try, and that’s the most important thing here. You all have friends who like Harry Potter. Get them into the show. It’s a fun show, we have a fun time.

Laura: Not that we’re biased or anything…

Andrew: And no, I’m not saying this because I’m like “I hate 50,000! Or 60,000!” No. I love how many people enjoy our show, and we really think it’s great. But [Starts laughing] it’s my listener challenge.

Kevin: He just wants that nice, even number.

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Listen. I want to be able to walk out of my home and brag that I have 100,000 people listening to the show.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I want, I want to brag that we have more listeners than CNN has watchers – CNBC, I meant. But probably CNN too. Ooo! I just bumped my head into the ending of the show. It hurt.

Kevin: Oh, that was clever.

[All laugh]

Andrew: I moved on, and I hit the end.

[More laughing]

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: So that does it for this week’s edition of MuggleCast. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Emily: And I’m Emily Ogle.

Andrew: Emily, thanks for joining us this week, we’d be glad to have you back again.

Emily: I’d love it.

Andrew: You gave us plenty of good input, so thank you.

Emily: Thank you.

Laura: Girls represent!

[Emily laughs]

Andrew: We’ll see you next week for Episode 24, where Jamie, Eric, and Ben should be returning.

Micah: And MuggleCast becomes older than I am.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Oh, geez.

Laura: Because, Micah, you are so old.

Andrew: We’re getting into the thirties here, we’re moving along.

Laura: [in a crying voice] It’s growing up! [cries]

Andrew: As a quick side note, I was adding up our download totals- you know, through our stats thing- we have had over 1,200,000 downloads.

Laura: Wow.

Kevin: Woo-hoo.

Micah: Nice.

Andrew: That’s a lot of downloads. [laughs]

Laura: Think about that: we’ve been listened to at least one million something times.

Andrew: Ugh, that makes me sick, actually.

[All laugh]

Andrew: It does.

Laura: I know, it’s very surreal.

Andrew: So, you know, again, we thank everyone for their support SO much. We really do. I’m not even joking for five seconds in my life. So… [laughs]

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: …thanks everyone. We will see you next week! Bye, everyone.

Laura: Adios!

Kevin: Bye!

Micah: Bye!

Emily: Bye!


Laura: Okay! I think we’re pretty much…

Kevin: Killed that.

Andrew: We killed it!

Laura: I think we Avada Kedavra’d that.

Andrew: [Laughs] We Avada Kedavra’d that…

Laura: Basically.

Kevin: Uhhh.

Laura: It’s been AKed.

Andrew: Don’t say that. It’s been trademarked by Warner Brothers.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: Oops, now they’re going to yell at me because I said that and they listen to the show.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Oops, now [laughs] I’m going to get in trouble because I said that they listen to the show.

Kevin: And you also said Warner Brothers, so Warner Brothers is trademarked too. So now they’re going to get mad at you for saying Avada Kedavra while saying Warner Brothers and the same time.

[All laugh]

Kevin: So now, on top of saying that Warner Brothers listens to the show and their trademark and Avada Kedavra, you know, I think we’re pretty much done for.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Yeah, we’re screwed. Guys, this is the last episode of MuggleCast.

Andrew: How many Warner Brothers are there?

Kevin: I think there’s only one.

Andrew: Only one Warner Brothers? So it would be Warner Brother, then? That doesn’t make sense.

Kevin: Oh, you mean literally.

Laura: [whispers] He’s got a multiple personality disorder.

Andrew: I mean literally! How many Warner Brothers are there?

[Laura laughs]

Micah: This is definitely a blooper.

[All laugh]

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: I just want to know, I don’t… oh well, anyway-

Kevin: Hey, let’s visit animationUSA/WBmore2.html!

[All laugh]

Kevin: They show a picture of all the Warner Brothers! [laughs]

Andrew: Oh!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Ah, so what else… okay. Umm…

[Chair squeaks and a weird yowling noise is heard]

Micah: What was that?

[All laugh]

Laura: [still laughing] Sorry, I was stretching.

Kevin: And a dinosaur has invaded our conversation!

[All laugh]

Andrew: All right, let’s all just take a stretch and then… [yawns]. I’m cold. All right, well…

Laura: Me too.


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #22

MuggleCast EP22 Transcript


Andrew: Hey everybody! This is Andrew. Before we get started with our New Year’s special, let me tell you a little bit about our sponsor, GoDaddy. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all, plans start at just $3.95 a month, and no matter what name you choose, your site receives 24/7 maintenance in the world class data center. I use them for my personal website, And although it is still under construction, I know that GoDaddy has some of the best, affordable hosting plans online. Use them for your upcoming website or podcast today by using the special offer from MuggleCast and GoDaddy. Enter code “Muggle,” that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you check out and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

[Show begins with “Auld Lang Syne” performed by Bruce Springsteen]

Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 22 for January 01st, 2006.

Hello, everyone! And welcome to the show. This is the place where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussions, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I am Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Eric: Happy New Year! I’m Eric Scull.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And before we go anywhere else, first let’s have Micah update us on the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew. A lot of end of the year awards here for the boy wizard.

Harry Potter came in at #9 on Entertainment Weekly’s list of the Top Entertainers of 2005 and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince grabbed the #7 spot on the list of the Top 10 Fiction Books over the past year.

The book also grabbed number eight on USA Today’s list of the Top 10 books of 2005 and came in first in a USA Today poll voted on by the fans to choose their favorite book of the year.

BlogPulse has released their end-of-year lists for 2005 and Harry Potter topped the charts in the category of Most Blogged Person, placing ahead of Britney Spears and President Bush. The book cover for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was named Top Image and the Goblet of Fire trailer came in fourth for Top Video.

Through January 1st, works of US Potter book illustrator Mary GrandPre will be exhibited in the ArtInsights Gallery in Leesburg, Virginia. The gallery will donate some of the money from sales of GrandPre’s artwork to the First Star charity.

Wrapping it up, just in time for the holidays, J.K. Rowling has updated her official site and it seems she’s been extremely busy. The Harry Potter author has made changes to the Rumour Section and Rubbish Bin, as well as added a brand-new F.A.Q. Poll. Be sure to read her new diary on the main page as well as she has promised to update it almost daily as she begins writing the final book over the course of the upcoming year.

That’s all the news for this January 01, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Have a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

Andrew: So, welcome everyone to our New Year’s Special and…

Ben: We’re the first podcast of 2006. Wooo!

[Somebody Owwws!]

Andrew: I hope so. I hope we are. That’s what we aim for. So, welcome.

Kevin: Yeah, but when are we aiming for it? Eastern time? GMT?

Andrew: I’m going to release this 12:01 AM EST.

Kevin: See, we should do…

Andrew: We’re going to be the first American-released podcast of 2006.

Kevin: Oh, okay. I was going to say we should do it for the first time zone that hits 12:01.

Eric: Which is New Zealand.

Andrew: That would be kind of hard. So…

Kevin: I don’t think so.

Eric: That’s sixteen hours. So, we’d have to do it…

Andrew: I can’t think that far ahead.

But anyway…So this is our New Year’s show. We had planned on having Jamie here, but he has something to do. Yeah, he was supposed to be on up until an hour-and-a-half ago. But, that’s okay because we have another full house of people. This week, Micah taking his place. So, we’re going to…we have a lot of New Year’s stuff to talk about. Ummm…

Kevin: Lost the train of thought. [laughs]

Andrew: First off… [laughs] Well, I was just trying to think what we were going to do first.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben’s Weekly Top 10

Andrew: First off, it’s a New Year’s Special of Ben’s Top 10 List.

Ben: [In deep voice] Thanks, Andrew. This week’s list is Snape’s Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions.

No. 10 – Get over his childhood grudges.

No. 9 – Find a girlfriend.

No. 8 – Wash his hair.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: No. 7 – Decide on his true affiliation.

No. 6 – Get a nose job.

Andrew: Oooh!

Ben: No. 5 – Use Clearasil for his greasy face.

No. 4 – Kiss and make up with Harry.

No. 3 – Eric.

Andrew: What?

Eric: What?

[All laugh]

No. 2 – Put a flower on Dumbledore’s grave.

And Snape’s No. 1 New Year’s Resolution is to get a tan.

Andrew: Da da da da da.

Ben: And some of you may think, “Well, these don’t sound very realistic.” But we all know most New Year’s resolutions don’t come true.

Andrew: We can all hope.

Ben: So…Eric?

New Year’s Resolutions

Andrew: Yeah. And speaking of New Year’s resolutions, should we go over ours now?

This is a time to celebrate. This is a time to back off of the regular MuggleCast for a minute. What are our New Year’s resolutions?

[Somebody mocks Andrew saying “New Year’s resolutions”]

Ben: MuggleCast resolutions or ours?

Andrew: Well, I have a MuggleCast News… New Year’s Revo… [laughs] Resolution.

Kevin: How many times can you say it? Come on.

[Kevin and Eric laugh]

Andrew: I can’t. That’s the problem.

Eric: News Year. News Year.

Ben: What is it Andrew?

Andrew: Well, let’s go around the table. I’ll start. My New Year’s resolution is to have by the end of 2006, 100,000 MuggleCast subscribers. Is that so hard to ask?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I don’t think so.

Ben: I don’t know about that one.

Eric: No. There’s 6.5 billion people in the world. So…

Andrew: Well, we’re almost there.

Eric: We’re almost there. We’re at what? 7?

Ben: Okay, my New Year’s resolution…

Andrew: Something like that.

Ben: …well, first of all, is to stop eating so much Sonic.

[All laugh]

Laura: Awww.

Andrew: Why, Ben?

Eric: Ben, trying to cut back. Trying to cut back.

Ben: Because, it’s not good for my heart.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: My second New Year’s resolution is to meet Emma Watson. Okay. Go. You, Kevin. It’s you.

Kevin: My New Year’s resolution is: get rich and take over the world. Yeah.

Andrew: Hmmm.

Ben: We all know that’s not going to happen.

Eric: Yeah, my New Year’s resolution is to get…

Ben: To stop talking.

[All laugh]

Eric: But, my New Year’s resolution is to get rich and take over the world first.

Micah: Booo!

Kevin: That was lame.

Andrew: Laura?

Laura: All right. My only New Year’s resolution would be to write more.

Kevin: Write more?

Laura: Yeah. Write more. I don’t write as much as I should.

Kevin: So, you’re going to write a book?

Laura: I’ve been writing since I was a kid, so…yeah.

Ben: So have I, actually.

Kevin: So, she wants to publish. You heard it first on MuggleCast.

Laura: Oh yeah. I want to be a published author. Definitely. I do.

Andrew: That’s inspiring. Micah Tan?

Ben: She’s the next JK Rowling.

Laura: [laughs] I wish.

Micah: I would say to sweep out the Transcript Dungeon. There’s a lot of stuff piled up down there.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Oh, you’re such a jokester, Micah Tan.

Main Topic – Looking Back on Harry Potter in 2005

Andrew: Now, now let’s take a moment to take a look back at the top Harry Potter stories of 2005. Obviously the first two things that come to mind are The Half-Blood Prince being released, and the…

Kevin: Movie.

Andrew: …the Goblet of Fire movie being released.

Kevin: Yep.

Andrew: But, the stories that surrounded it though; there were quite a few.

Kevin: Mhm. Yeah.

Andrew: Of course, with Half-Blood Prince

Kevin: Half-Blood Prince was fun.

Andrew: There… Leading up to it, and… Yeah, it was fun. Working on the site. Providing everyone with this information. But there were a lot of scams too, that happened.

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: Kevin Steck tried to steal a copy from his local Wal-Mart.

Kevin: I did. I did.

Andrew: Oh Kevin, that was terrible. He got arrested.

Ben: He was unsuccessful.

Eric: Then he realized he could get the book online anyway, on the computer.

Kevin: I was successful. I typed three of the chapters and put them online…

[Andrew, Eric, and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Of course the biggest story that occurred was when the man… There was a guy in Britain who stole a copy and he put…he had a gun and there was a whole shooting thing involved. And it was really serious. And then from there on we kept getting reports of lots of book stores putting out their books early.

Ben: I can’t believe Jamie did though. Can you believe that?

[All laugh]

Eric: Yeah, he has, his court date is today.

Andrew: Oh my god! That was so funny.

Laura: Yeah. For those of you who are really wondering why Jamie hasn’t been on lately, that would be why. [laughs]

Eric: He’s in court.

Andrew: [laughs] He’s been on probation.

Ben: He’s been charged.

Eric: Yeah, college is just what he paid us to tell you.

Andrew: So, Ben. So, we want to share a story with everyone right now, Ben and I.

Ben: Okay. [Starts to talk]

Andrew: Hold on. Wait. Let me set this up.

Ben: Okay.

Andrew: We’re going to be speaking for this first time since this tragic incident.

Ben: Well…

Andrew: And it’s just really hard to speak about it because…

Ben: It was very difficult for all of us.

Andrew: We… We were duped. It’s not fun to get an early sneak-peek at Half-Blood Prince and then have to turn it into Scholastic.

[Ben and Kevin laugh]

Ben: We can’t say that.

Andrew: So Ben, you talk. I can’t. Go on.

Ben: Well, it all started one bright June day. It was just a few weeks prior to the release of Book 6 – early July maybe. And well, one day we got an e-mail and you’ll never believe what was attached to this e-mail – three scans of the opening pages of the Sixth Harry Potter Book. Well, after reading these pages – it was the first chapter about the other Minister – we were flipping out pretty hardcore. We were like, “Oh, I want more right now and stuff.” Well, I called up Scholastic and I talked to a representative from there and I said, “I work on the fan site and we just got sent scans from the opening pages and I thought you guys might want to know about it.” And the representative basically flipped out and started calling all these lawyers. And they were calling me every five minutes. And it was pretty cool, actually.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: It wasn’t cool for them because they had a big mess on their hands, but it was kind of cool. You know? It was really exciting for a second there. Yeah, and over the next few days Andrew and I pretty much became Scholastic cops and we…

Kevin: [Laughs] Scholastic cops?

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Every time there was a… Every time someone broke the embargo, and we heard about it, we were calling up Scholastic and being like, “Hey…

Kevin: You may not want to tell them this. Because this is going to be like the last time you ever receive advanced…

Eric: Any kind of advanced copy.

Kevin: Exactly. Any advanced information.

Eric: That’s okay. Then I’ll start getting them.

Andrew: We never did receive any advanced information.

Kevin: Except for the first three pages of the book.

Eric: Yeah, nothing big. You know?

Andrew: Well, that wasn’t from Scholastic. [laughs]

Kevin: I know. But I’m saying the fans are never going to want to send…

Andrew: Oh. Oh please.

Ben: That’s true.

Andrew: That’s another two years from now.

Eric: If we’re going to stick Scholastic on them.

Kevin: Essentially, what they’re trying to say is that Andrew and Ben ratted you guys out.

[All laugh]

Kevin: And they were trying…

Andrew: Listen…

Kevin: And they were trying to get you arrested.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: We were protecting the books for the good of the people.

Eric: Right.

Andrew: Me and Ben spent a lot of time figuring out where those three pages came from.

Kevin: But see…

Andrew: And in the end… Shhh! Listen, Kevin. I’m making a breakthrough here. We did find out where these came from because there was a sticker on the book, and we looked it up, and we did all this Google searching and all that.

Kevin: I think the worst thing that happened was receiving – what was it? A new picture from the movie or a magazine scan, and you opened it, and highlighted and circled in big letters was, “Dumbledore dies” on the scanned page of Half-Blood Prince.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Right, and…

Laura: Oh no! You’re kidding me.

Ben: No, what happened was, was I was.

Laura: Oh, that sucks.

Ben: When I found out that…

Kevin: I was a little upset. I won’t lie.

Ben: When I found out it was Dumbledore that died, I was at Spellbound – the release party that MuggleNet sponsored.

Kevin: Oh were you? I knew well before then.

Ben: I was at… Well, what happened was I was sitting behind Damon Brangers, one of…our Senior Systems Manager, at his hotel room. And he opens up the window and he moves aside. And he points at it and it says, “Snape kills Dumbledore.” And I looked at Damon and I said – I probably used a few swear words. I said, “Dude, what is your problem? Why would you show me that?”

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Ben: He said, [imitating Damon] “You’re going to find out anyway.”

[All laugh]

Ben: It was really depressing. And then what was really fun though, was that during Spellbound, during the party, we were down in the basement running the media stuff and Matt Vines from was down there, and I told him I knew who died in the book. And he was like, “Do not tell me. Do not tell me.” And he was basically being a big spaz about it. And I’d be like, “Well, guess who dies?” And then he’d run around the room screaming like a little girl.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: And then I told Mike from who dies, and he started flipping out. And then Matt was so scared that I was going to tell him that he ran away. And then yeah, it was pretty funny.

Kevin: I was actually pretty upset that I found out. It was like a week or two before the book’s release. It really…

Eric: Yeah, Kevin. Kevin, hadn’t I talked to you? Or somebody on the… It was a few hours before the release and I called one of you guys and you were…I asked for hints and stuff. Was that any of you?

Kevin: I’m not sure if it was me.

Eric: Because…

Kevin: I remember before the release of the book, Andrew and Emerson were calling me about Warner Bros. because [laughs] Warner Bros. was…

Ben: It was actually Emerson’s dad who was calling you.

Kevin: Yeah, because they had an exclusive or something and they decided…

Andrew: Oh, that whole debacle.

Kevin: Yeah, and they decided to give it to us the night of the release.

Ben: Yeah, that was pretty funny.

Andrew: We ended up not getting…or did we? I can’t remember.

Kevin: No, I think we did. We got it in the e-mail and no one had access to the e-mail and it was a big mess.

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Well, if anything, Andrew and Ben, to ease your troubles, I think you’re pretty good for a walk-on role on CSI.

Ben: I think so too.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, they owe us.

Eric: You know? All this sticker-looking.

Andrew: What other stories were big?

Eric: Ummm.

Andrew: Goblet of Fire getting the PG-13 rating in the United States.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That was pretty big.

Ben: We talked about that in the First Episode.

Eric: Yeah

Andrew: Or was it the Second Episode, I think?

Ben: Actually, what happened… No, what happened was we talked about in the First Episode because, in the First Episode we said, “What’s this movie going to be rated?”

Andrew: We considered it.

Ben: Yeah, we considered it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: And I said it was going to be rated PG-13 and you two…you two doubted me. And then you said…Kevin said, “There’s no way. They would be shooting themselves in the foot.”

Laura: I remember that.

Ben: Later that week, later that week they said it was rated PG-13 and the next episode I couldn’t be on and rub it in Kevin’s face, so I’m doing it now Kevin Steck.

[All laugh]

Ben: It was rated PG-13! In your face!

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: But, but from what I remember of that episode I said, “If they did make it PG-13, it would be because of the last scene.”

Ben: No, no, no. What you said in that episode was that they weren’t going to rate it PG-13.

Kevin: Ask Eric. Eric just listened to the whole episode.

Ben: No. You said that they were not going to make it PG-13 because… I don’t believe you, Kevin Steck.

Kevin: What did I say, Eric?

Eric: You said it was right, but what I want to say… Yeah Kevin, you’re right. Ben’s right. You’re both right and that’s the solution to everything.

[Kevin and Eric laugh]

Eric: But what I want to say is…

Kevin: Okay. Solution to everything. We’re both right.

Eric: Yeah. I want to say that I’m going instant message Kelly when we’re done with this. Kelly Egan, our resident artist, and have her actually draw a picture of PG-13 being thrown in Andrew’s face. Like the giant letters PG-13.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: No. Have her having me throw it in Kevin’s face.

[Micah laughs]

Kevin: Oh, thanks a lot.

Andrew: Yes. And that will just happen?

Eric: We’ll get that out to you people.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I think that will be a fun thing for the new year.

Andrew: But Emerson had spoken to David Heyman, the producer of all the movies so far. Right? All the movies?

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Which reminds us…the interview with JKR.

Andrew: And David Heyman had said that they were aiming for a PG-13 rating.

Ben: No, no, no, no, no, no, you’re wrong about this.

Eric: PG. He said that they were going to keep it PG.

Ben: I told Emerson, I said, “I think the movie is going to be rated PG-13.” And he said, “No, I spoke to David Heyman and David Heyman said that they were going to have all the movies be rated PG.” And so, Emerson doubted me too.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: And guys, honestly, I’m just tired of being right. It gets…

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: But my point…

Eric: You know what, Ben? [laughs]

Andrew: Eh, what?

Eric: You have our mail from the PO Box, so just mail us PG-13 letters.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: Just mail us stuff. Mail it in our face.

Andrew: But my point with that was that it was sort of unexpected. Warner Bros. didn’t even expect it. At least it seemed that way. Or when Emerson had spoke to David Heyman about it. Because think about it, why would they want to make it PG-13?

Ben: But guys…

Andrew: In a way…

Ben: Andrew?

Andrew: What?

Ben: What you must realize is that it’s not that big of a deal because it didn’t hurt the movie at all. Because it’s the second largest grossing movie. Because the audience has grown with the series and most of the Harry Potter fans, a large majority of them are over the age of 13 right now. And so…

Andrew: And if anything, it did help it because more older kids said, “Hey, this is rated PG-13. This isn’t a kid’s movie.”

Eric: Which… Right. Which was speculated in Episode Two. You even said that it might actually help it.

Andrew: But, we’re not going to go back on that topic again. So, that was definitely a big story of 2005. What else?

Eric: The JKR interview and the delusional Harry/Hermione ‘shippers.

Kevin: Oh yeah.

Laura: Oh my god!

Kevin: Yeah. That was.

Eric: That was significant for MuggleNet.

Andrew: That was an online big story for the MuggleNet community fan base.

Eric: For MuggleNet, that was…

Laura: Oh, that was terrible.

Eric: That was a rift.

Ben: Well, Emerson did visit JK Rowling on the night of the release, was a big story – Emerson and Melissa doing that. That wasn’t just online, that was all over the news.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: I mean I was with Emerson when he did an interview with Soledad O’Brien from CNN’s “American Morning,” I think it’s called.

Andrew: Yep.

Laura: Mhm.

Ben: That was pretty cool.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: The LIVE podcast.

Ben: I actually made it to Emerson’s local newspaper. That was the best.

Andrew: You did?

Ben: Yeah. Because I was with him when they did an interview, and the interviewer said, “Who’s this kid right here?” And he said, “Oh, he works on the website with me.” Yeah, I made it in there. It was pretty cool. But Emerson was all over the news because of that. He was on TV left and right.

Laura: Yeah, I remember that.

Ben: There were videos up online.

Eric: And he gave her a key to the city.

Ben: So actually this summer is when Emerson Spartz became famous.

[Ben and Micah laugh]

Andrew: No, he got his five minutes of fame…maybe ten minutes.

Eric: Well, he was already… He had…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: There were articles or there used to be on MN, and with him…him and the paper. So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Dating back to like 2000. So…yeah.

Andrew: So…

Ben: But also Emerson, they transcribed the interview, which is up online now too. If you want to go back and review your JK Rowling information because they did that just right after they read the book. So, that would be a good thing to look at.

Kevin: It’s too bad we couldn’t hear the audio.

Eric: I know.

Laura: Oh yeah.

Eric: They have it, but they can’t release it.

Kevin: No, they’re not allowed to release it.

Eric: They’re not allowed.

Kevin: It was one of the, it was one of the… [thinking of word]

Micah: Stipulations.

Kevin: …stipulations.

Eric: So, we could hear the tone of voice and stuff, but I think we’ve been clued in from Melissa about JKR’s tone. And…no…you actually brought that up in Episode Two or so.

Kevin: Yeah, with R.A.B.

Eric: Yeah, with R.A.B.

Kevin: Yep. Because it’s very hard to figure out what the tone was through the transcripts. So…

Eric: Yeah. Our LIVE podcast.

Ben: That is a good story to talk about though.

Eric: That was brilliant.

Ben: When R.A.B. was leaked online.

Andrew: Yeah. That was another big one.

Eric: Yeah. The “Arcturus Black.” Do we ever know what happened with that? Why Lexicon

Andrew: What do you mean “leaked,” Ben?

Eric: Lexicon.

Ben: Well, because HP-Lexicon

Andrew: The HP-Lexicon thing? Yeah.

Ben: …posted that his name was “Regulus Alphord Black.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Arcturus.

Ben: And then like magic it disappeared.

Eric: No Arcturus, Ben.

Ben: Arcturus, whatever it was.

Main Topic – Looking Back on Harry Potter in 2005

Andrew: I remember – someone sent us an email the other day pointing out that in one of the translations, the middle initial was changed to a different word that still meant Arcturus. Or something like that.

Eric: That’s really cool.

Andrew: Yeah, which pretty much sums up that theory. Everyone knows that it’s Sirius…

Ben: R.A.B. is Regulus.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Ben: Because he was killed by Voldemort and all.

Andrew: There is no question at this point, so…

Eric: I think he was personally killed by Voldemort but that’s my own thing. I think Sirius underestimated his brother because Voldemort can’t tell his followers – well he can but then he can’t be descriptive. If they ask why, not that they do, but if they did, he’d have to tell them about the Horcruxes. I don’t know. Our Live Podcast guys, talk about that.

Ben: Well but first, but first…

Eric: No, cause I want the video. I want the video of it.

Ben: The pre-show. We know the pre-show was a lot.

Eric: Well something major.

Ben: But something major is just the release of our podcast. That was new. [laughs]

Eric: Oh well, MuggleCast in general.

Ben: Before this year, there wasn’t any Harry Potter Podcasts, not as specifically.

Andrew: Or just Podcasts in general, pretty much for 2005.

Eric: Yeah, Podcasts have gotten popular.

Andrew: They really started actually making a scene in late 2004 and then Twit came along and all that. But MuggleNet has changed a lot too.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, it really has.

Andrew: We got out HP Encyclopedia.

Eric: And about 500 layouts.

Andrew: Yeah, 500 new layouts. [laughs]

Ben: Yep, I put all of them up.

Andrew: 500 new staff members.

[All laugh]

Eric: Ah, man. That page is massive now. The eBay scam, which I wouldn’t bring up except I was just ripped off on eBay, twice. So, I’m doing that. [laughs]

Andrew: The eBay scams. It’s…

Ben: It’s JKR and Eric versus eBay. That’s what it is.

[All laugh]

Eric: Hey, Andrew, if I can have her lawyer, I’ll do that. If I can have…

Andrew: It’s such a big problem that I don’t even really think eBay could have stopped it effectively.

Eric: No.

Andrew: First of all, you really have no way in telling if the signature is authentic. If I took my signed copy, not saying that I do have a signed copy. [laughs]

Kevin: Oh yeah right.

Andrew: That’s unheard of. If I did have one and stuck it on eBay, would eBay automatically assume it’s fake? How do they know it’s real?

Ben: Yeah, there is one way to make sure it authentic.

Kevin: In order to get it truly authenticized, I guess you would call it.

Ben: Authenticated?

Kevin: Authenticated, thank you. You’re cutting that out.

[All laugh]

Eric: Authenticized.

Laura: No, no, no, no, no.

Kevin: What you have to do is, you have to go to an actual auction house like Sotheby’s or something, where they have an appraiser and they look at the signature and they make sure it’s authentic. You have to collaborate your story and stuff like that.

Eric: Yeah, the thing is, yeah eBay is not bad. People are bad, and people who use eBay are bad. So…

Kevin: Exactly, so in order to…

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: If you are going to spend 2000 dollars on a signed copy of Harry Potter, you should be going to an auction house…

Eric: Right.

Kevin: You shouldn’t be going to eBay.

Eric: And they might not have many…

Micah: Or toast.

Eric: Or toast.

Laura: Oh my gosh.

[All laugh]

Eric: Or toast, Micah. But yeah, Sotheby’s might not do auctions with signatures as often as people would like or as many as people would want, but that’s the only safe way.

Kevin: But you can also go to certain appraisers that will say, “This has been authenticated by me,” and the appraiser has a, you know, history and a reputation.

Eric: Oh really?

Kevin: Yeah, you can do that.

Eric: That would probably cost a lot of money though.

Kevin: Oh I’m sure, but…

Eric: Oh well.

Kevin: You are making 2000 dollars on the book.

Eric: Right.

Kevin: It’s worth spending 200 to get it properly appraised.

Eric: That’s a good point.

Kevin: Not to mention you should have it insured anyway since it’s worth 1,000 dollars, so…

Ben: Well, guys. Let’s talk about New York City. What did you think, Eric, what did you think of the Live Podcast?

Eric: I thought the Live Podcast went incredibly well, Ben. I think we did an excellent job of keeping the fans entertained while you guys sat around in the movie theater. Micah and I and Dylan were the only ones who didn’t get in to see the movie, but – so we went running around doing all the grunt work. Keeping the fans entertained, pre-show will never be seen again, but no, the Podcast…

[All laugh]

Eric: Honestly, guys, the Podcast went fabulous.

Andrew: Oh jeez.

Eric: Everyone loved it. Okay, I loved it. I sat in the audience most of the time and it was the best thing. You know, in my heart, I’m a fan, which it was just great seeing you guys and I got a voicemail in, and it was fun. I was very pleased with it. The fans loved it. We’re doing more and we’ve really got our own, that was the first time, the real culmination, where people from MuggleNet that listened to our Cast actually got together and congregated. I know people at Spellbound were like that to an extent, but I think this is the first time solely listeners of MuggleCast said, “Hey Mom, can I go to New York?” and they actually went there.

Ben: Tell me what it was like to be stuck on 50th and one way wearing your…

[All laugh]

Ben: …wearing your Gryffindor House robes.

Eric: Well, okay, Ben, that’s an excellent question and I’ll enjoy answering it. First of all, 50th and one way that is, I have to credit this, I’ve been saying it so often and I never ever credited it. I have to credit Zach from, Zach and Andy rather. They were staying with Catherine from MuggleNet and I, and they actually came up with a system and New York has so many one way streets and signs, that whenever you look up to find what street you’re on it usually says one way. So whenever you’re giving cross streets in New York, it’s always funny to say “Well I’m on so and so and one way.” 50th Broadway and one way, you know, stuff like that. Walking along the street was fine. Nobody said anything. People, it’s the interesting thing about New York, is you can blend in no matter how weirdly you’re dressed.

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Eric: People have seen ten times more weird things in one day walking along the streets, so me and my Harry Potter robes, the kids liked it. There were little kids that were like “Mommy, Harry Potter!” and stuff like that, but basically…

Andrew: [laughs] And you were like “Yay, hi! Want my autograph?”

[All laugh]

Eric: Well no…

Andrew: And you signed it Harry Potter.

Eric: But I can’t say I didn’t fake a British accent once or twice but, yeah. No, so I was just concentrating, went to the Disney Store and got the Mickey. Went to Burger King, the only Burger King in New York. [laughs] There is like three of them, three of them, one hundred McDonalds, anyway. But yeah, nobody jumped me or anything, it was just the cab driver.

Andrew: [laughs] Wait, are you sure that nobody jumped you?

Eric: I don’t remember anything.

Andrew: That person who came up to you with a knife, that’s called jumping.

Eric: Yeah, but that was Jamie. I greeted him like a friend, and you know…

Micah: Wait, where were you? Did you say 50th?

Ben: Micah’s all [in a deep voice] “I know pretty much everything in New York City.”

Micah: [Laughs] Well, I don’t think you get jumped on 50th street. Weren’t you on like 11th or something?

Eric: No, no. The Disney Store was on 50th. I actually went to I think, 5th Avenue, yeah, it was 5th Avenue., and the cab driver didn’t understand what I said. So, I was looking for the Disney Store and the thing is with information they give you, I asked for the address or something, but you have to ask for the cross streets or else you get lost. So, I was looking for, it’s a long story.

Ben: What do you guys think about 2006? What are we going to see in 2006?

Kevin: I hope to see a lot about Book 7.

Laura: Yeah, me too. Definitely, I want to.

Ben: Well JK Rowling, of course, because JK Rowling said in a little blog entry on her diary or whatever she calls it on her website, she said that 2006 will be the year I write the last Harry Potter book. So, I’m expecting sort of how we saw the title for Book 6 at the end of 2004, it’ll probably be the same with 2006. We’ll see the title of…

Andrew: The end.

Ben: Book 7.

Andrew: Which is great because we’ll have something to look forward to next year. Also, Order of the Phoenix filming, or should I say this year because, Order of the Phoenix filming. We’re going to be getting tons of information on that. Especially casting information.

Eric: Even Luna.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s a big thing, the casting.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Filming starts in February.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So we’re going to know Luna Lovegood in about a week or so, wouldn’t you say? They said they were going to release that early January.

Andrew: Yeah, and I’m going to be honest with you guys. I love filming season cause we always get tons of news.

Laura: Yeah, tons of news.

Ben: Yeah, that’s always fun.

Eric: And Emerson gets invited to the set, you know.

Andrew: So yeah, I look forward to that.

Kevin: Maybe we’ll be invited to the set.

Eric: Yeah, I hope so.

Kevin: That would be exciting. [Andrew laughs]

Laura: Podcast from the set.

Kevin: Yeah, seeing as…

Ben: By the way, didn’t Emerson and Melissa visit the set…

Eric: In Glencoe.

Kevin: Yeah, there was.

Ben: Don’t recall.

Eric: Yeah, now that we do stuff…

Kevin: What about her site? She said, JK Rowling said she was going to make updates on her site, didn’t she? Or changes?

Ben: Yeah, because for example: The “Fan Site of the Year,” I mean “of the Month” [Andrew laughing] is supposed to be updated.

Andrew: “The Fan Site of the Year.” [laughs]

Ben: This year it’s Leaky Cauldron.

Andrew: It’s been Leaky all year.

Ben: That definitely needs to be updated. Actually I heard MuggleNet’s getting it again, is what I heard. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, I heard MuggleCast is picking up a, oh I want to talk to Jo for a second. Hi Jo, it’s Andrew. I just really wanted to say that I hope you recognized the Podcasts. MuggleCast and PotterCast, because we’ve really put a lot of work into it, and…

Ben: Email us.

Andrew: I just think it would be cool if…

Ben: Love you, Jo.

Andrew: You could call me. You know my number. I sent you a Christmas card, I hope you got it. Um, and we’re on for next Friday? Ok, see you then.

Ben: Ok, 620-708-4753. Call me, Jo.

Andrew: Ok now on to the voicemails. This is the part of the show where we get you, the listeners, involved. Kevin, why don’t you play us the first one?

Voicemails – Harry’s Other Opponents

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast, this is Tyler from Massachusetts. In Book 7, Harry is probably going to be facing enemies before Voldemort. Do you think he is going to be able to finish off the enemies before facing Voldemort or would he not be able to kill them before he would get there? I don’t know if Harry would have the will to kill people before he would kill Voldemort. So, I was just wondering what you think. Thanks. I love your show. Bye.

Andrew: Have the will power, like he won’t be afraid to?

Laura: I think it’s a definite possibility.

Micah: Well, who’s he going to come in contact with? Who would be the people that he…

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: Snape and Bellatrix…

Laura: Death Eaters.

Eric: And all the Death Eaters.

Laura: I’d like to see Neville finish Bellatrix off.

Eric: Yeah, I do too.

Kevin: Yeah, me too. I think she’s been building that up though.

Laura: Yeah, me too.

Ben: Well, ok, if he doesn’t finish off these other enemies, then how’s he going to get to Voldemort in the first place?

Kevin: Exactly.

Laura: Yeah, I think he’s going to have to finish off various Death Eaters.

Kevin: Do you think he’s going to kill them or he’s just going to defeat them?

Ben: Actually I think he’s going to tie them up and deliver them to Azkaban gift-tied.

[Eric laughs]

Eric: For Christmas maybe.

Laura: Will he, though?

Eric: No, I think that it could be the case where Harry, if Harry starts accepting help in the books and he goes in with all the Aurors and things like that, then maybe they’ll do the killing for him. You know, and they’ll take care of them. Death Eaters won’t take, I think it takes death to get rid of a Death Eater, which sounds kind of funny, but they’re not going to keel over, they’re not going to be defeated by a Stunning Spell. Even though they were by the Shrinking Head and things like that in Book 5, but mostly, I think they will have to be killed to be taken care of. But Harry doesn’t have to do that. I don’t think.

Kevin: Yeah, and it’s a valid point to make that there really isn’t much of an Azkaban left, you know.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: The dementors have changed sides so where are you going to put these guys if you don’t kill them?

Laura: That’s exactly what I was going to say. As long as you have Death Eaters alive, there is always a risk that they are going to cause harm.

Eric: Right.

Ben: And I don’t see Harry actually, I don’t know how the Death Eaters actually are going to fight until the final battle. Because I think a lot of the books might just be planning. We’ll hear about the war going on outside of Harry but he’s probably not going to put himself in jeopardy, basically going out and try to…

Kevin: And I truly…

Ben: …search for Voldemort initially, until he’s ready for the final battle.

Kevin: And I truly hope he becomes a little more active in fighting wizards, you know. It seems that up until now he’s been sort of laid back.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: He’s always been, yeah he really has.

Andrew: A little too nice.

Kevin: Exactly and it seems like he doesn‘t have any power. He’s suppose to be one of the most powerful wizards in the world. He seems like he has no power.

Eric: Not only that…

Laura: There are points where he just stood and not done anything.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: And just been attacked.

Andrew: And although, if you think about it, all this weakness could be building up to the final Voldemort killing.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: You know what I mean? Like he’s playing up being weak.

Eric: But even when Harry…

Andrew: Not weak but…

Eric: But even when Harry has attacked, it’s been things like Expelliarmus. And that’s fine because he proved that one snotty kid right that Expelliarmus helped him in the past, but that’s not the point. When, in Movie 4 and Book 4 when Voldemort asked him if he’s been trained properly to duel, he hadn’t.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: The only dueling training was from Gilderoy Lockhart, the biggest stupid head in the world. So…

Andrew: Well…

Ben: When Voldemort – no. What Voldemort was talking about was just like the initial how you start off.

Eric: With the bowing, yeah.

Laura: Yes he was. He was using it as a mockery, but it still brings forth the fact that Harry doesn’t know how to duel properly.

Eric: Harry is inept.

Ben: Well, okay, okay. I don’t buy that for one minute because I don’t think you have to learn how to duel properly – he’s fought all kinds of people.

Eric: Yes, but it’s…

Laura: Yes, but in certain ways…

Kevin: Look at how he fought them.

Eric: Yeah, by the skin of his neck.

Laura: Yeah, a lot of the times he’s gotten out, out of luck.

Kevin: Exactly.

Ben: Yeah, but you need a little bit of luck with anything. No one is just that good.

Laura: Yeah, but luck runs out. Luck isn’t going to help Harry defeat Voldemort.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Yes, it is.

Laura: No, it’s not.

Ben: Yes, it is.

Laura: No.

Ben: 100 percent.

Eric: Not primarily, not primarily.

Laura: No.

Andrew: 100 percent luck. [laughs]

Kevin: I…

Ben: No, 100 percent chance that it will happen. Not that he’s defeating Voldemort because he’s lucky. It’s 100 percent chance that luck is going to play a role in him defeating Voldemort. Of course it is. Luck is how…

Laura: No, but that would totally undermine his character development.

Ben: No, not true. Luck is how he survived every time.

Laura: Yes but it’s got to come through that Harry can defend himself and not depend on luck. That’s the point.

Eric: Otherwise…

Ben: No, you need a little luck with anything. I don’t care how good you are…

Laura: A little bit of luck but it’s not going to be 100 percent luck that defeats Voldemort.

Ben: I didn’t say it was going to be 100 percent luck. You are taking what I said right out of context. I meant that luck will be involved. There will be 100 percent chance luck will be involved, that’s what I’m saying. I’m not saying that if he gets lucky, Voldemort’s going to perish.

Laura: I think if it is, it’s going to be very minimal.

Eric: Yeah, basically…

Ben: I’m just saying it will play some role.

Eric: Yah, of course it will, but he still needs more brawn than he’s got right now.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Or that we’ve seen. Or that we’ve seen him get. And he needs to start, we’ve said this before, he’s screwed. He’s inept and incompetent as far as we’ve know. At least organized battle. Every time he’s gotten grazes on his neck and things like that, he can’t keep doing that or he’s going to die. Maybe that’s the moral of the books.

Ben: No.

Eric: Maybe that’s the moral of the books. Maybe if Harry dies, maybe if he takes Voldemort with him, but maybe if he dies that he truly is a wonderful person and he could love but at the same time he didn’t study enough. Or something like that.

Kevin: No.

Ben: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I think the reason that he has come out of his battles not unscathed and he’s had all these scars and stuff is because he has never been the one to force the battle. He’s always got suckered into it. That’s why I think with Book 7 he has to stage it.

Laura: Definitely.

Ben: It has to be on his own time rather than being the will of Voldemort. Like I said a few episodes back, the reason he ended up in the graveyard is because of imposter Moody, who was a “good guy,” showed up with a Portkey and basically tricked everyone and sucked him into the graveyard. He was not prepared for that. Then we saw in Book 5 when Lord Voldemort put the scene into his head, he wasn’t prepared for that either. So that’s what keeps happening. He keeps falling into Voldemort’s traps. What he has to do is create a trap of his own.

Eric: I agree.

Ben: Because if, I guarantee that if Book 7 happens on Voldemort’s terms, that if the final battle is basically in Voldemort’s backyard, then Harry’s going to die.

Eric: I agree.

Ben: Harry has to make sure that it is planned out enough to where it is on his terms. Where he can surprise the enemy rather than being surprised by the enemy likes he‘s been in the entire book.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, it’s got to be on his turf.

Eric: Exactly. That’s what we’re saying. He needs to show that he can start doing that and start controlling that situation.

Kevin: But Ben, I think what they were trying to say was that they – no one wants to see him win by any amount of luck.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: They want to see him win consciously and fair. They want to see Harry win by himself without tripping over a rock and firing a curse that’s going to nail Voldemort in the chest.

[All laugh]

Ben: I know, I know. But the point I’m trying to make is that, we’ve kind of gone around in circles here, is that I think that there’s going to be some degree of luck involved because just like with anything, basketball even. You may have five of the best athletes in the world but if you have one night where everyone’s off, then you’re going to lose.

Andrew: I couldn’t agree more with that statement. Take the time when me and you versed. You won by luck.

[All laugh]

Ben: Oh whatever. I beat him by 15 points. I beat him in pool.

Andrew: All of it was luck.

Eric: I think all of you watch too many sports movies where it all comes down to the last shot with the buzzer, and the shot is…next voicemail. Please. For the love of God MuggleCast.

[All laugh]

Voicemails – Marauders Death Pattern?

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCasters! This is Kathleen from Michigan. The other day I was discussing the Marauders with some of the other listeners and we noticed they put the Marauders Map names Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Prongs being the first to die, then Padfoot, backwards on the map. Do you think that this is significant of who is going to die in the seventh book? Thanks!

Ben: Absolutely not.

Eric: No, Ben, this is the voicemail I’ve been waiting for.

Micah: It’s backwards though.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: It’s backwards compatible.

[All laugh]

Laura: I just think it’s a coincidence.

Kevin: I do, too.

Ben: I think so, too. I don’t think, because okay. Anything in the Harry Potter book, every time someone finds something that maybe a coincidence, just like on…

Laura: Mark Evans.

Ben: JK Rowling announced the title last year around Christmas. People tried to find some way to add up how many Christmas presents under the tree, amount of ornaments on the tree, divided by seven because that’s a magical number, add four to that just because there is four branches on top of the tree, divided by five because there is a five point star at the top and that gives you 7/16/05.

[All laugh]

Andrew: And MuggleCast staffer, MuggleNet staffer K’lyssa did that. [laughs]

Ben: Yeah, and I though that was absolutely absurd. You are just going to twist and get what you want. That’s ridiculous.

[All laugh]

Kevin: No, but this isn’t such a large…

Ben: Okay, actually…

Kevin: This isn’t such a large twist. It’s…

Eric: This is actually pretty good. This is…

Ben: Okay, this reminds me of English class where the teacher tries to make everything symbolize something else.

Eric: That’s because…

Ben: The word ‘the’ doesn’t have to symbolize something. The numbers of times my router light blinks in the next minute doesn’t have to symbolize something. It being backwards does not have to symbolize anything. It does not have to be a coincidence. That’s it. It’s just a coincidence. There is no…uhhh.

Eric: But, but Ben…

Micah: The names themselves…

Andrew: Ben, you need to slow down.

Laura: Ben.

Kevin: You need to calm down.

Laura: Chill. [laughs]

Kevin: You’re becoming Eric. You’re becoming your worst enemy.

Eric: Yes, exactly. Anyway…

Ben: Sorry.

Eric: I think, maybe your rant would be a little more appropriate on another voicemail. I think this is pretty cool. I think it’s an actual book-centered thing. They’re listed, why couldn’t it be Wormtail, Moony, Prongs, and Padfoot? That sounds cool. Or Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, and Moony. Why is it that way when maybe just cause it sounds right. I think that’s the right answer, but, two of them have died. Two of them are left. What’s to say if Wormtail doesn’t die first?

Ben: You know what? Then I’m going to write a letter to JK Rowling and say, “Jo. You know what? I am proud you put them in reverse order because that was a big plot spoiler.”

[All laugh]

Ben: That was a big plot spoiler. Eric, you spoiled the book for everyone, okay?

Eric: No, it wasn’t me. It was Kathleen! It was Kathleen.

Ben: Call me Mr. Negative but, I see people making that connection, and it’d just be a weird coincidence. But it’s not like I think there’s the key to the series in that. No, dream on.

Eric: She’s not saying that, though.

Andrew: Well there could be if it‘s true…

Eric: She’s not saying that.

Andrew: You just got to take it into consideration, if it happens, it happens and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: I remember, Ben, when she wrote in one of the earlier books that Voldemort’s soul was fragmented, I can’t remember her wording, and everyone took it as like a symbolic meaning. And it turned out to be literal.

Eric: Exactly.

Ben: I know, but what symbolism can you draw from being in reverse order?

Micah: I’m with Ben on this.

Eric: It’s not supposed to be…

Ben: Thank you, Micah. Thank you.

Laura: Yeah, if it turns out to be true, I will be the first person to step up and say I was wrong. I just think it’s a coincidence.

Micah: But if it does come true, did she even intend it that way?

Eric: No, maybe not.

Laura: Yeah, it could be a complete coincidence. It really could.

Eric: Look guys, I’m not saying this is a major plotline. Oh my god, you know, oh my god, what the F Horseybird, okay on this. I’m not doing that.

[All laugh]

Eric: I’m saying that if it happens, it’ll be cool. It doesn’t have to be the biggest thing since Voldemort soul is fragmented, it doesn’t. All this person is asking, and I think I’m right in asking this too, is: Wouldn’t that be cool if that happened and do you think, exactly what she said, do you think this is significant? And I don’t think it’s the key to the books is Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs backwards.

Ben: Whatever Eric. Eric, you do too. You do too, I know you do.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: All right.

Andrew: Well, we’ll just have to see. Next voicemail, please.

Eric: Okay.

Kevin: Wow.

Voicemails – Impact of Cruciatus Curse

[Audio]: Hi, my name is Valleri from Virginia, and I have a, I love your show first of all. It’s awesome. I just have a question about the Imperius Curse. Why is it that Harry can fight it off so easily when Mad-Eye Moody, the real one, can’t, when he’s so much more of a powerful wizard than Harry? And as my alternate question, if there is different levels of powerful Imperius Curse. Thank you so much for the show. I love it. Thank you, bye.

Eric: I think this is a brilliant voicemail because indeed an Auror, and especially Mad-Eye Moody, he’s supposed to be very powerful and very accomplished. He can’t fight the Imperius Curse from Crouch Jr. but when Crouch Jr. puts it on Harry, he says, “You know what, maybe I don’t want to jump on the table. It seems like a silly stupid thing to do.” So basically I think it’s brilliant because clearly Mad-Eye Moody, who’s an Auror, is much more powerful than Harry which is what we were just talking about, and why can Harry fight the Imperius Curse? I think it has to with his independence and the importance of his independence as a wizard and as how different he is from everybody else. I think it’s just…Yeah.

Ben: And also, yeah, I agree what you’re saying, and also I think it has something to do with Jo trying to show that he’s really gifted because, earlier we were talking about how some people think, “Well, he just escaped with luck. He’s going to amount to nothing.” But in reality he really is a powerful wizard and maybe this is one of the gifts he got from Voldemort.

Eric: Maybe.

Laura: Mhm, yeah.

Ben: I sure Voldemort’s able to do the same thing and when he transferred over the scar, he transferred over basically gave him Parseltongue. Why couldn’t he have the ability to resist curses that the mind just thinks are ridiculous?

Eric: Exactly. I think that’s a brilliant interpretation Ben. And also if…

Laura: I agree completely.

Eric: Yeah, Harry has been given things as well, like Parseltongue and maybe like this, and also like the good Patronus. And remember, they were shocked in Book 5 to figure out that he could produce a fully, whatever, a fully formed…

Ben: A corporeal.

Eric: Yeah, corporeal Patronus. They were like, “What? What the heck?” And that’s another one of those things that he was just always good at. Always good at Quidditch like his father, you know. Some things just carry on.

Kevin: I think, I also think…

Ben: Do you think Voldemort was good at Quidditch?

Kevin: I doubt it. [laughs]

Eric: That’s why it came from his father, you see, so it could have come from several places. That’s like asking if Voldemort can produce a great corporeal Patronus at age thirteen because Harry could. It doesn’t mean it came from Voldemort, could it have come from his father, like Quidditch.

Kevin: I also think it’s one of those subtle reminders that Harry is a powerful wizard but he’s not showing his full potential yet.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I think it’s just a reminder that he has the potential.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: I mean, we’ve seen Harry scream his lungs off at Ron and Hermione and stuff, he’s taken them down. He’s P W Ned them. He needs to P W N Voldemort and some of the bad guys now.

Voicemails – Employment Line

[Audio]: Good morning, this is Chad from Grand Rapids, Michigan. One of the main things that I’m curious about is what was the occupation of James and Lily Potter? They seem to have accumulated enough wealth yet I don’t imagine the Order of the Phoenix paid for your services. Any thoughts? Also on a side note, for wizarding duels, how about Fred versus George? Have a nice night.

Andrew: So I was actually intrigued by this question cause I thought it was interesting, and as it turns out JK Rowling does mention, has mentioned, whether it’s on her official site or in an interview, that James actually did inherit a large sum of his fortune. So that pretty much answers that question, which would answer why he wouldn’t need a well-paying job. And one of the many things…

Kevin: But…

Laura: I’m sure that they had jobs, but…

Kevin: Yeah, but…

Andrew: But however…yeah, but Jo’s never mentioned what they have done and… I was actually reading a couple articles because I’m so intrigued by this [laughs] and one theory was that James could have been a professor at Hogwarts.

Eric: I don’t think that’s true.

Andrew: Defense Against the…

Kevin: I don’t think so either.

Eric: If he was…

Andrew: Defense against the – well okay…

Laura: I think we would know, wouldn’t we?

Eric: Yeah, it would have been mentioned.

Ben: We would have known.

Kevin: Shot down there, Andrew.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Why? How? What would have been the point?

Kevin: Because that is a huge legacy, and…

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Kevin: JK Rowling would have mentioned that if…

Eric: Especially if Harry…

Kevin: …Harry’s father was a teacher.

Eric: If Harry’s…yeah.

Ben: Especially, no, no, Andrew, listen. Especially in Book 6 when we found out that Voldemort basically cursed the position when Dumbledore denied him of it. Dumbledore probably would have said, “Well Harry, your father took up that job and…”

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: “That year he was killed.”

Eric: I think he definitely would have known.

Andrew: That’s true. But if you think about it. Harry’s so good at Defense Against the Dark Arts and he ends up teaching people in Hogwarts about Defense Against the Dark Arts. So don’t you think it’s completely possible that was little hint at that James did?

Eric: No, it’s just…

Laura: No, wasn’t James gifted at Transfiguration?

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: I’m pretty sure that he…

Andrew: Was he?

Laura: Yeah. He was Transfiguration and Lily was Charms and Potions.

Andrew: Yeah but that doesn’t mean he had to teach it.

Eric: His wand.

Andrew: Yeah, Lily was Potions. We’ve already talked about that.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, well those are all my notes. [laughs]

Eric: The most obscure thing that we found out about James at Hogwarts was that he was a Seeker, or whatever, for the house team.

Laura: I thought he was a Chaser?

Eric: They changed it in the movie. They changed it in the movie, which is why. But in Book 5 wasn’t he playing with the Snitch? So…

Laura: Yeah, but I think she also answered that somewhere.

Eric: She did. She said that whatever it is…

Laura: Just because he was playing with, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Just because he was playing with the Snitch doesn’t mean he’s the Seeker.

Eric: Right, but he was on the Quidditch team and everybody that tells Harry says, you know “Oh your father was great at Quidditch.” Um…

Andrew: You know what I was just thinking about? They died pretty young, didn’t they? So…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: They wouldn’t have really had time to get a job.

Micah: Are we assuming though that just because James had money, that Lily didn’t work either?

Eric: No, maybe we’re assuming that since…

Laura: I don’t know. The kind of character that I’ve gotten the idea of what James and Lily are, I don’t think that they would not have jobs. I think that they would do it just because it was something they felt was a necessity to do.

Eric: You know what, guys?

Ben: Kind of like JK Rowling’s husband. How he…

Laura: It’s just part of being an adult. Having a job.

Ben: Right. Like JK Rowling’s husband. JK Rowling has billions of dollars. He wouldn’t have to work but he does because…

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: Guys, guys, guys I got it.

Kevin: Otherwise, you’d go crazy.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I got it.

Andrew: But…

Ben: And it wouldn’t look good in the media eye either. It would look like he was mooching off his wife.

[Micah laughs]

Kevin: Not to mention if you notice, everyone in the Order currently has a job except, of course, Sirius before he died, you know. He was the only one who was unemployed.

Andrew: Yeah, but…

Kevin: Lupin was unemployed for those people who are going to bash me.

Laura: Yeah, so is Molly and Mundungus Fletcher. [laughs]

Kevin: He wasn’t…That’s true.

Ben: Actually, you know what I think? I think that Aunt Marge was right all along. James is a drunken bum.

[All laugh]

Ben: I’m just kidding. I’m going to get massacred for saying that.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, um…

Kevin: Next voicemail.

Andrew: But hold on. Wait a second. What was the huge…we still haven’t really touched on this very much. What was the huge thing that was supposed to be revealed about Lily? Because…

Eric: I know it.

Andrew: I have gone back to work…what is it, Eric?

Eric: I know what it is.

Andrew: What is it?

Eric: Lily’s good at Potions, right?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And James is good at Transfiguration.

Andrew: Uh-huh.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: All right, everybody sit down. Take a deep breath [takes a deep breath along with Kevin]. I know what it is. I found the key, I found what Lily’s secret is.

Andrew: You better be serious about this. What is it?

Eric: I’m dead serious. I know what they did.

Andrew: What is it?

Eric: It was drugs.

Andrew: Okay, it was not drugs.

Eric: No, no, it was drugs. Lily made them and James disguised them so they didn’t get caught. That explains the fortune. That explains the fortune.

Laura: Maybe she explained it and we just didn’t see it.

Andrew: I know, exactly.

Laura: And we’re not going to realize it until Book 7.

Micah: From what I understand.

Andrew: What?

Micah: Is that Harry’s been looking in the book all year long, don’t you think he’d know Snape’s handwriting by now?

Eric: He should, because it says…

Laura: It depends.

Eric: It says that handwriting…

Laura: Because how much does he focus in Potions? [laughs] You know.

Ben: And also, what does Snape do? He probably, he could do it magically or…

Micah: That’s true.

Ben: When he hands a paper back with a grade on it, it might just say, F, A, B – whatever the English grading system is in. You can’t really tell what their handwriting is because…

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: It’s not…when you write a big A at the top of a paper, it isn’t your style when you’re writing a letter.

Micah: That’s true.

Laura: Not to mention the possibility that Snape’s handwriting could have matured, I mean…

Kevin: Yeah, it was quite a while.

Eric: Cause he sure hasn’t.

Kevin: He’d been a teacher for how many years after he wrote that book, so we all…

Eric: But that’s the thing. If he wrote it, he took it with him. He must have continued to update it or at least kept it close to him because it was in his Potions cabinet, so he must have had it with him when he became a teacher, don’t you think? Cause he left it in his room. I mean obviously I don’t think he was, he didn’t use it recently because he would have remembered to take it with him, but it was in the cabinet…

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true.

Eric: And he, you know. So, where would it have gone have gone from his school bag to his cabinet in the past? That he would have been opening it or looking through it or using it last.

Voicemails – ‘Ships

[Audio]: Hey, this is Michelle from LA, California, and I just was wondering what you guys ‘shipped? Like, what you thought was going to happen between two people before JK Rowling crushed your dreams in life, sadly. I just thought, I am one of the sad people who wanted Harry and Hermione, and Ron and Luna, and Neville and Ginny, but you know what that’s just me. So Merry Christmas and have a nice life. Bye.

[Eric laughing]

Micah: Ooo, this is a dangerous area.

Eric: I loved that.

Laura: No one say the D word.

Eric: Okay…

Micah: I killed everything last week or two weeks ago, with the otter and the weasel.

Kevin: This is a…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: This is dangerous but you know what? I loved the way she said JKR crashed her dreams. I love that. It makes her so criminated. Like JK goes around and takes pleasure in crashing, it’s great. I love it.

Ben: Well actually, okay I knew what was going to happen within canon because it’s all about what you define as a shipper. Some people think a shipper is someone who actually firmly believes that’s going to happen in the series or you just like having those two people together. For example, I’ve read many fan fictions where I like the Harry/Hermione relationship, it goes very well together and it adds a certain dynamic to the story. However, if you get down to the actual, like I said, I’m a realist here. I think in the books, it’s quite obvious it’s Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, and there is no debate about it. That’s just my two cents.

Laura: Yeah, I agree. Now, while I always pretty much figured that it was going to be Harry/Ginny, I always kind of liked the idea of Harry/Luna just because I thought it would be unusual.

Eric: Oh god, Harry/Luna.

Laura: And something that people would see coming.

Kevin: I thought so too, yeah.

Eric: Yeah. He thinks she’s crazy but if he can get past that, you know.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: I think Harry/Luna shippers have the veil, that they share that hearing the whispers. They at least have that down in canon.

Laura: But I think that there’s a point to them sharing too much with the death thing.

Eric: The Thestrals.

Laura: To understand being with each other.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah. It would be a pretty depressing couple.

Eric: I think we’re going to find…

[All laugh]

Laura: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: No, no, no. Cho and Harry are a depressing couple because that’s just, yeah. No but…

Laura: Apart from that, I don’t have any problems with it.

Eric: Harry/Luna both see Thestrals.

Ben: Actually guys, I was a Harry/Andrew Sims shipper.

Laura: Oh me too, no way.

Kevin: Yeah. That was a popular one.

Ben: Yeah, it really was.

Eric: Cause that’s all over the canon.

Andrew: Yeah, I just walked away too. Good thing I came back in time.

[All laugh]

Eric: Anyway…

Laura: No wonder Harry was so ticked off in Order of the Phoenix.

Andrew: I [laughs] I have no comment on that.

Ben: They are some pretty good ships for the MuggleCast people.

Laura: Oh god no.

Ben: Me and Hermione. Eric and Barty Crouch Jr.

[All laugh]

Eric: You know what, I’m going to clarify this. No, Ben, Ben. I’m going to clarify this once and for all.

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Barty Crouch Jr. was evil when he left Azkaban. It’s that simple.

Kevin: Ok, let’s not…

Eric: He was a bad guy when he left Azkaban.

Andrew: Alright, so I’m really excited about our next two voicemails because they are going to kick off our brand new, hopefully [laughs] hopefully weekly segment.

Kevin: Don’t say we’re going to do it every week.

Andrew: Well…

Kevin: Just say…

Eric: New Segment.

Andrew: I think we are, we’re going to have plenty.

Eric: Advice with us.

Andrew: We’re start a new segment–wait Eric! Come on, seriously. We’re starting a new segment this week called: Advice with MuggleCast. This is going to be the part of the show where we give you, the listeners, advice on your Harry Potter dilemmas. Say for example, you’re in a dilemma where none of your friends, all of your friends, think you are crazy for liking Harry Potter. We’re here to help you. We’re here to help you. So, we have two prerecorded, well one pre-recorded one and another one that relates to the show. Um, but each week at a specific time that I’m going to put in the show notes, you get to call in, 1-218-20MAGIC, and ask for our help with your Harry Potter dilemma. We’re going to record it for you and we’re going to put it on the show. Yeah, you guys like this, huh?

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Hi this is MuggleCast. We’re all ears.

[All laugh]

Andrew: We’re all ears. I think it’s going to be pretty fun, so ummm…

Laura: You sound like a little pedophile, [Used with a hard “e” like Jamie] Ben.

Micah: Oh geez.

Andrew: Let’s listen to the first one now. This one’s going to be prerecorded but the rest of them we’re going to actually talk to the people.

Kevin: Okay.

Andrew: Let’s listen first.

Advice – Getting Your Friend To Read The Series

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast boys, it’s Laura, and Lindsey, and we’re cousins from Maine. We love the show and we were wondering if you could help us out. Our friend Molly doesn’t like the HP series at all, and we obviously love it. Do you have any tips for getting her to read the books? Thanks a bunch and lots of love to Andrew. [Andrew impersonation] Yeah! Yeah! Bye.

Ben: Okay, dear Laura and Lindsey. Who cares about your friend? I’m just kidding.

[Everyone laughing]

Andrew: Ditch her.

Ben: Dear Laura and Lindsey: What you should do about Molly, is I think you should get her to see the first two movies. Because I don’t think you really explained to us what she’s seen right now, why she doesn’t like it, but you have to remove that barrier somehow. If it’s just because she’s been overexposed to the media and she’s sick and tired of hearing about Harry Potter, she needs to figure out what the craze is about because I kind of felt the same way at first. I heard about all the books and stuff and then my friends started reading it and I said, “What are you doing? What? No, no.” And I made fun of them for it, and then one day I needed a book for SSR and I just said give me, I just read a book and then I went “Wow, now I see why these millions of people love it.” You tell them, you tell them that Ben Schoen can’t be wrong. You say, the millions of people reading this book right now can’t be wrong, and I think that’s the truth.

Kevin: Okay, what I would say, is give her money to read the first book. Okay, tell her “I’ll give you ten dollars…” [Andrew groans in the background] No just listen. Ten dollars to read the first book because once she’s read the first book, she’s going to be hooked. So you say, “After you complete the first book, I’ll give you ten dollars. If you don’t like it from then on, you don’t have to read the rest of them.”

Ben: Molly’s going to like that book so much, she’s going to tell you to keep your money. She’ll pay you…

[All laugh]

Laura: Well I have a couple of things. First of all, don’t force it because the more you force it, the more obstinate Molly’s going to be and not read it. The next thing is, one of my best friends on the planet used to hate Harry Potter. I would wear my Gryffindor shirt to school and she would point at it and be like “Burn it.” and I was like, ok. And one day I was like, “Okay, how about this. You give me a book that you love and I’ll give you the first Harry Potter, and we’ll both read them by the end of the week.” She was hooked and I was hooked on the series she got me into, so…

Kevin: What series was it?

Andrew: Make a compromise.

Ben: Series of Unfortunate Events…

Laura: It was the Redwall series.

Ben: [laughs] No, I don’t know. Well we got to close this up. I’m sure that will help you, Laura and Lindsey. Sincerely, the MuggleCasters. [laughs]

Voicemails – Playing MuggleCast On Your MP3 Player

[Audio]: Hi, this is Haley again from San Antonio, Texas, and I was calling probably on behalf of many people. Because I have an MP3 player, I don’t have an iPod. It’s hard to find time to listen to your program on the computer when I have such a busy schedule as many people do. How do I either convert or find a way to put it on my MP3 player. It’s, MP3 players can’t use iTunes and that’s what everybody knows you’re available through. It says on your page that you can listen to it on any CD player, computer, or MP3 player. It’s just a question, you can…I don’t know. If you can find some way to tell me, I’d appreciate it. Thank you. I love your show! Bye.

Andrew: Well, this is a good question because everyone assumes that podcasts can only go onto your iPod, and that is not true. Obviously if you’re listening to this, you know how.

Kevin: I would hope. [Laugh]

Andrew: But for those of you who are wondering, it can go on any MP3 player. Just treat it like a normal song. Pretend like…

Ben: Well, I think the problem that she’s having is that she uses iTunes to catch it, because they can’t use iTunes. If you direct download it…

Andrew: Oooh.

Ben: If you direct download it from the site…

Andrew: Right.

Ben: You can just add it to your MP3 player like normal. It has the MP3 file, it’s just…

Andrew: We have a solution for you if you want to continue using iTunes which we do appreciate. All you have to do is got to Start and then My Music or if you are using Mac, you just open up a new finder window and hit Music on the left, click on the folder that says iTunes. Then click on the folder that says iTunes Music, then click on the folder that says podcasts, and each podcast show you subscribe to will have its own folder in there. So, click on MuggleCast, then each Episode you‘ve downloaded is in that folder. So all you have to do is click and drag these into your MP3 playing program. Or you can do the same thing if you’re burning a CD. So right here, they are just like normal songs. They’re MP3s, so all you got to do is drag and drop. Simple. That wraps it up so don’t forget, check in the show notes for the time to call us and we will answer your questions about your HP dilemmas. Anything, but it has to be about HP and we will hang up on you if it‘s not.

[All laugh]


Andrew: Don’t waste our time.

Ben: We don’t need to know about your relationship problems.

[All laugh]

Ben: Andrew Sims, don’t be calling in.

[Everyone laughing]


Andrew: Okay, okay just a couple quick announcements. As it is just past the holiday season, a lot of new people have gotten iPods. Lot of people got iTunes.

Laura: Myself included.

Andrew: See what I’m saying? Yes, so welcome all new listeners thanks to the holiday season. I just wanted to say welcome, to you, the new holiday listener. And then also, what else? Just a reminder, P.O. Box…

Ben: P.O. Box 223, no

P.O. Box 223
Moundridge, Kansas, 60107.

We had quite a lot of stuff over the holidays. Quite a few Christmas cards, someone even sent in candy canes. Thank you, Lisa, for sending those candy canes, they are very delicious. I might send them to the other people.

Andrew: You ate them all, admit it.

Ben: I didn’t eat all of them. But someone, let me get a name real quick because this is very remarkable and she definitely deserves a major thank you for sending this to us. Uno memento. Ok, a very big thanks goes to a Katie from Ellicott City, Maryland. And she did her report on Harry Potter versus Christianity, comparing and contrasting it, and how God fits in with Harry Potter and all that stuff. And she sent us all of her old books. Nineteen of them and the box was so heavy I about passed out carrying it to my parents’ car.

[All laugh]

Ben: That’s not the only reason I almost passed out but we can’t go into that.

[Continuing laughter]

Andrew: Oh my god.

Ben: Yeah so. it was a very big box so thank you for sending those to us. Thanks, so continue to send stuff in.

Andrew: We appreciate that.

Ben: I still want a Chipotle gift card.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: And, also thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone. We’ve gotten a lot of extra emails lately I’ve noticed. A lot of like “I love the show,” blah blah blah.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: We thank everyone and a reminder. We are reading every single one of your emails, we just don’t have time to reply to them all. So please…

Laura: We try. We really do.

Andrew: I feel bad cause, yeah, sometimes people send in really long emails and I read them, sometimes a few of us read them, we just don’t have time to reply to them all. So, keep them coming and we really do appreciate all of your support, of course. 2006, guys.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s going to be a…

Ben: Great Year.

Andrew: Fun year for…

Dueling Club – McGonagall vs. Umbridge

Eric: So Andrew, why don’t we do a Dueling Club for 2006?

Andrew: Yeah, let’s finish it off with a Dueling Club. Micah, you had an idea.

Micah: Yep. I guess I’m going to start with, how about, Umbridge and McGonagall?

Laura: McGonagall.

Andrew: Oooo.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I wouldn’t even call this a duel, I’d call it a cat fight.

[Laughing and oooing]

Laura: I say McGonagall all the way.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Cat fight?

Ben: Yeah because I think Umbridge is very…

Laura: I don’t think that she exhibited much talent. [laughs]

Ben: She doesn’t have much power. For example, if it was, basically she got overtaken by the centaurs. I think McGonagall is in the same situation. First of all she wouldn’t be in that situation, second of all, if somehow she got caught in it, she would be able to fight them off I think, or find a way to escape.

Eric: Well centaurs are very powerful. You know…

Andrew: I’m pretty sure…go ahead.

Eric: Ok. Well, centaurs are very powerful people. I just wanted to say that Umbridge would lose because she’s the kind of person who sits in her chair and gets very angry to herself and fumes, and if there is anything she can do in her power she will do another stupid Educational Decree 21, saying that she has P W Ned McGonagall. You know, that’s how she’d deal with it. But McGonagall said…

Ben: It’s PWN.

Eric: [laughs] McGonagall said to Umbridge that “I’ll train this boy up if it’s the last thing I do, to make sure he’s ready,” and all that crap. McGonagall is dedicated. McGonagall P W N’s Umbridge.

Laura: Not to mention, how many times have we seen Umbridge do anything for herself? She’s always finding minions.

Andrew: I was just going to say. I don’t think she really has experience.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: No, she doesn’t. She’s incompetent.

Eric: She’d get Goyle.

Andrew: Yeah, so…

Ben: Apparently McGonagall is a pretty powerful witch.

Laura: Oh she is.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Because don’t you remember in Book 5 when she got sucker-punched by all the Stunning Spells from the Ministry. Who was it? Madame Pomfrey said, “No one can take Minerva McGonagall if she…” basically aware of what was happening. Like a real duel, she wasn’t basically sideswiped like in Order of the Phoenix.

Laura: Not to mention she not exactly a spring chicken. And the fact that she was able to take all those and come out of them fine is pretty remarkable.

Hagrid And The Killing Curse

Ben: And about that. About taking spells, I’m not trying to spark a whole new discussion, but we all know that it would take more than one Stupefy to stun Hagrid. Would it take more than one Avada Kedavra to kill Hagrid, do you think?

Eric: No.

Kevin: I don’t think so.

Eric: No.

Andrew: I don’t think so. A Killing Curse is a Killing Curse, he’d be dead.

Eric: Hagrid in many ways, even though he’s loving, Hagrid in many ways is incompetent in certain ways. Because he’s only been through what? Two years of school, or so, so there is some things that even students would have over him and that‘s just based on whatever. Avada Kedavra killed probably many good Aurors. Avada Kedavra is good enough to kill the best of people so I think…

Ben: Right, but I’m just talking about the sheer size of Hagrid.

Laura: Well, it’s also been mentioned that giant’s skin is also sort of a repellent. It bounces spells off of it.

Kevin: Yeah, but do you think it gets rid of all spells?

Laura: I don’t know. It depends on if the spells are at a higher level than what a Stupefy spell would be. I think it’s possible that they are because it requires so much hate to cast one.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: And I think if you have enough hate to cast Avada Kedavra

Ben: Yeah, but…

Laura: Then it’s very possible that that could do Hagrid in.

Eric: You know…

Ben: Yeah, but Hagrid still is, what we have to realize here is that Hagrid is half a magical creature and…

Laura: Mhm.

Ben: That, that may play a part too because…

Laura: Yeah, definitely.

Ben: Do you think that if they try to Avada Kedavra a dragon, it wouldn’t work? I guarantee you one couldn’t take down a dragon. I don’t care if it’s Lord Voldemort, the most powerful wizard…

Eric: No, Ben you’re wrong, you know why?

Ben: The most powerful wizard of the age. They couldn’t take down a dragon with one spell?

Eric: Ben. I disagree with you for two reasons. If there were a magical creature whose skin was thick enough or size was big enough to repel Avada Kedavra, they would start selling Hagrid skin coats.

Kevin: Yeah that’s true.

Eric: Or Hagrid skin vests.

Kevin: And everyone would have dragon scale armor or something like that.

Laura: That’s true.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, if it could.

Micah: Good point.

Eric: If Hagrid, even though Hagrid’s big, he’s a big guy, he’s a big physical creature, he is still only one life. One person, one soul, kind of like that so…

Ben: I think it would be kind of ridiculous to think that if you shoot an Avada Kedavra spell at a dragon that it’s going to drop dead.

Laura: Yeah, but we don’t exactly know how dragons take spells anyhow. The only thing we’ve ever heard is that their weakness is their eyes.

Ben: And we don’t know how…

Laura: That was from Goblet of Fire, that’s the only thing we know.

Eric: Yeah, but if Hagrid could be killed…

Ben: But we don’t know how exactly how if you buy a dragon skin vest or something that…

Kevin: Or the creature itself, yeah.

Ben: The skin is what’s repelling the spell. I think it’s the creature itself and the size. Just the sheer size of the body of the person because, for example, if I was to take a baseball bat and whack Kevin Steck upside the head…

[All laugh]

Ben: It would be a lot more like, a steel bat, it would be more likely to kill him than…

Kevin: A bear.

Ben: If it was a big…

Kevin: A bear [laughs].

Ben: A big dragon or something.

Eric: Ben, forgive my French, but where the hell do you get this stuff?

Ben: It’s the amount of force…

Laura: I think everyone’s bringing up valid points here and that would be a good question to ask Jo.

Kevin: Let’s ask Jo.

Andrew: Dear, Jo. Hi, it’s Andrew.

Kevin: We have a problem.

Laura: Let’s call her up right now.

Andrew: I was wondering if…

Laura: Let’s Skype out Jo.

Andrew: No, Jo listens to this show so I’m sure she’ll answer it for us.

[All laugh]

Andrew: Thanks, girlfriend.

[Laura laughing]

Ben: Okay.

Andrew: Ummm…

Micah: Did we want to do anyone else?

Ben: Who else?

Andrew: 46 minutes.

Ben: Fred versus George. Is that a good one?

Andrew: Yeah sure.

Laura: Do we even know enough about their individual magical abilities?

Ben: No, we don’t. I don’t think we have because…

Micah: The two…

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: They’ve always been referred to as one.

Kevin: Basically a square match.

Laura: Yeah. They’re both pretty clever.

Dueling Club – The Two Ministers

Micah: What about the two Ministers? Do we have enough to go on with those two?

Eric: Yeah, because Scrimgeour can kick ass.

Andrew: Not Scrimgeour.

Eric: Fudge doesn’t do anything. Fudge hides everything from the public and he’s incompetent and he runs out to Dumbledore everyday because he doesn’t know what to do.

Ben: Right.

Laura: He sucks, just to be frank.

Ben: Actually Scrimgeour would win because didn’t he use to be the Head of…

Laura: I would say Scrimgeour would win just because he…

Eric: Scrimgeour would totally kick his butt.

Laura: Scrimgeour, like Fudge, is very focused on the all is well facade, but I think he still has more experience and more talent than Fudge.

Eric: Fudge is an all is well person because he sees that as reality. Scrimgeour has been through too much crap to not realize life isn’t like that and he can handle himself. You know, Fudge is like “Oh Voldemort can’t be back, that’s just not happening because it’s happy times.”

Laura: Yeah but Scrimgeour was trying to get Harry to come and tell everyone that everything’s okay. That’s what he was trying to do the whole book and that’s not what needs to happen. People need to understand the reality.

Ben: Right, but that doesn’t have anything to do with dueling.

Laura: Yeah, I’m just saying, like Fudge, he’s kind of a liar, but I think he’s far more competent than Fudge is.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Well he’s self-absorbed with the Ministry and basically his self interest, what’s going to make him look good.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Because Harry Potter basically went against Cornelius Fudge and said, “Publish the stories in the Quibbler,” and all that said Fudge is an idiot. And look how good it would be for Scrimgeour’s PR, Harry Potter saying how good he was…

Laura: Oh, exactly.

Ben: On his own side.

Eric: Scrimgeour is a politician and that’s what you have to remember about him.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Which is why he’s self-absorbed and like that. And maybe not all politicians are like this but you got to realize that’s who he is. But in a fight, he’s definitely more competent.

Laura: Oh I agree. 100 percent.

Kevin: I think quite a few people are more competent than Fudge.

Show Close

Andrew: So on that note, I think this does wrap up the first, aw sure why not, call it the first Podcast of 2006. Ever.

Ben: The first Harry Potter Podcast for sure.

Andrew: Well, that’s for sure. [laughs] Well, we just insulted our friends over at PotterCast.

Laura: Do you think they are going to try and do it too? I think they will.

Ben: No, they couldn’t touch this.

[All laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, no way.

Ben: We’re MuggleNet, no one can touch us.

Andrew: [laughs] And last but not least, Goblet of Fire Soundtrack winners. These are the people that entered our contest that we announced on Episode 19 and they guessed the songs we played quick samples of in the correct order. The correct order was The Black Lake, This is the Night, The Quidditch World Cup, Rita Skeeter, and Neville’s Waltz. And the winners were, I’m doing it just by first name: Chris, Lynn, Missy, David, Shay, Nicholas, Darcy, Amanda, Fay, Donovan, Perak, John, Raffia, Jennifer, and Violent Midget. That’s a weird one. You’ve all been notified by email so congratulations. And sorry if I pronounced your name wrong. For right now, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben

Eric: I am Eric Scull.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We will see you next week for Episode 23.

Laura: Happy New Year!

Andrew: Yeah, Happy New Year!

Micah: Happy New Year!

Andrew: And welcome all you iPod listeners again. I love you guys.

[Show ends with “Auld Lang Syne” performed by Bruce Springsteen]


[Soothing music begins playing]

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast, this is Katie calling from Maine and I love your Podcast. I listen to it every Monday. When I come home, I always update it onto my iPod and I listen to it before I go to bed. And I’d just like to say, Jamie I’m so glad you’re back. I love your British Jokes. And for Andrew I am obsessed with your “yeahs” and “all rights.” I think they are hilarious so keep up the good work you guys. Bye.

[Audio]: Hi this is Matthew, I want to give a shout out to Andrew Sims and I love Harry Potter! I can’t wait until the next movie.

[Audio]: This is J.W. from…and I just wanted to say that I was listening to you show on my CD player and I stopped and still heard it, and I looked next to me and there is someone else listening to MuggleCast. And I hear this cell phone number and I call it, and it is MuggleCast. I’m like whatever you know? It’s crazy. I’m listening to 19 and just about 20 so whatever. You guys have a great show. Bye.

[Audio]: Hello, this is Haley from Texas. I was just calling to say that I am very upset that Bemma was cancelled. I love listening to Ben go on and on about Emma and if you could give him 60 seconds to say whatever he wants, I think many fans would greatly appreciate it. And I love your show. And I love all of you. And um yeah, thanks. Bye!

[Audio]: Hey. Really good idea. Excellent! Can you put me on? I’m Andrew’s Dad. That would be awesome.

[Audio]: Beeeeen. I love Ben. Ben is my favorite. [makes girly squeaky noises] I love Ben. Out of them Ben is my favorite. Ben. Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. Do not date Emma. Emma’s nothing compared to me, she’s nothing! Okay? Emma is nothing! She’s a skinny little brat! I am your queen. Buh-bye!

[Audio]: Hi. Oh this is so loud. Hello MuggleNet, this is Kate and Lauren from Tennessee and we would like [someone talking in the background] Hi again. Hi MuggleCast, this is Kate from Tennessee and I just wanted to say that Micah looks like Jake Gyllenhaal. Especially in his picture on the About Us page and – okay, bye!

[Soothing music stops playing]

Andrew And Ben Sing, U2 Style

[Sung to the tune of U2’s “City of Blinding Lights”]

Andrew: The more we read the more we know. The more we find out as we go. I know so much more now than I did then.

Ben: MuggleCast is the best thing. Each episode makes me want to sing. They’re analyzing everything for people like us.

Ben and Andrew: And I wish you’d stick around.

Ben: There are so many theories to be found.

Andrew: Ooooo. Ooooo. Oh it’s fun to analyze [laughs] all night.

Ben and Andrew: In a world of Potterites.

Ben: Potter jokes make us laugh. We want Harry’s autograph. Finding clues and brand new theories. Make us want to squee.

Andrew: Book 7 makes us afraid. What will happen to the world we’ve made? Can you see the beauty in HP? Nothing could change the beauty of HP.

Ben: And I wish you could stick around. There are so many more theories to be found.

Andrew: Oooooo. Oooooo. Oh it’s fun to analyze all night.

Ben and Andrew: In a world of Potterites.

Ben: Time. Time. Time. We’re stuck here waiting again. Time. When will it be time for HP 7?

Andrew: Oh it’s fun to analyze all night.

Ben: Oh you don’t need sleep right. Oh it’s fun to analyze all night.

Andrew: In a world of Potterites.

Ben: The more we read the more we schpiel. Wishing Hogwarts was real. Harry Potter isn’t just for nerds. We should know. [laughing]

[Singing ends]

Andrew: That’s pretty long.

Ben: It was six minutes.

Andrew: Haha, yeah. Okay.


Andrew: Okay.

Ben: Well guys I’m proud of us. I’m really seriously proud of us.

Laura: Yeah. This was good.

Ben: Yep, that was really good.

Eric: Wait…

Andrew: I just said to myself…

[All laugh]

Ben: Audacity just froze. I am not kidding. I am not kidding.

Eric: Yes he is.

Laura: If you’re screwing with me, I’m going to kill you.

Ben: Okay. [laughs]

Laura: My heart just froze.

Andrew: Yeah, I changed my mind about taking a break next week. How could we give up this for a week?

Kevin: I know.

Andrew: How could we possibly stop this for a week? Apparently I’m the only one. [laughs]

Laura: No, I couldn’t either. It’s become part of my life…that’s really sad. [laughs]

Andrew: Okay.

Laura: My parents would like it if we took a week off.

Andrew: Well, Laura, we’re going to build you a studio, we just don’t know when.

[All laugh]

Laura: Ah, that’d be great.

Andrew: Once we start making some money.


Andrew: Ben, how are we going to do this?

Ben: Here, let’s talk it out and we’ll record it later.

Andrew: Why?

Ben: It’ll take like ten minutes.

Andrew: Why can’t we do it right now?

Ben: I don’t want to do it right now.

Andrew: Why not?

Ben: Because I need to get a drink and…

Andrew: Come on.

Ben: Relax my voice.

Andrew: I need an audience. Let’s just practice right now, please? Come on, come on.

Ben: No, stop the audio. Stop the audio.

Andrew: I really want to sing.

Ben: No, we’ll do it in a little bit. Yeah, stop recording.

Andrew: Yeah. Fine, I’ll stop.


Written by: Micah and Ally

Transcript #21

MuggleCast EP21 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 21 for December 25, 2005. Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of MuggleCast. I am Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Kevin: I am Kevin Steck.

Eric: I am Eric Scull.

Laura: I am Laura Thompson

Jamie: And I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Andrew: We have a filled room this week. Six people! That is a new record for this show, but only…

Ben: [in deep voice] And I’m Santa Claus.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: And I’m Harry…no, forget it! This is…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: We have a filled room this week…

Kevin: You’re on a roll.

Andrew: …because it is a special occasion. This is our Holiday edition. So…before we get started…let’s go over to Micah for the past week’s top news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew. The strike almost made it impossible for me to get to the studios, but…anyway…

The location of where JK Rowling wrote chapters of Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets is where a granite plaque will be placed to recognize the author. The idea was organized by Robert Watt, a retired teacher. Watt worked with JKR to provide a picture for the plaque as well. The Edinburgh Evening News reported:

Mr. Watt has never actually read one of her books, but said that he could still see the importance of recognizing where it all started.

Even though she fell short in the voting for Time’s Person of the Year, JK Rowling did win the 2005 TIME For Kids Person of the Year Award, beating out Lance Armstrong and the Chicago White Sox.

In movie news, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire became the UK’s most successful film of 2005 as it has made $75 million in just under five weeks. It has beaten out other movies such as Revenge of the Sith, the final installment of the Star Wars series and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Film critic Roger Ebert recently released a list of his Top 10 movies of 2005. Goblet of Fire didn’t make the initial list, but Ebert listed it as one of the films receiving a “Jury Award,” meaning that some critics (at film festivals) could easily vote it their favorite.

In two of Entertainment Weekly’s end-of-year polls, Harry Potter has emerged victorious. It was voted “Best Novel” for Half-Blood Prince and “Best Movie” for Goblet of Fire. These results will be published in the magazine’s final issue of 2005.

Furthermore, the fourth film was dubbed “Best Fantasy” and runner-up “Best Trailer” by IGN.

Ralph Fiennes will be back in Order of the Phoenix. The Lord Voldemort actor recently did an with USA Today where he said he will reprise the role of Harry’s foe in the fifth film. Ralph also discussed what it was like to dress up as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

In other news, the Hebrew edition of Half-Blood Prince was released Thursday evening in Israel. reports an initial print run of 120,000.

And each year, the world’s most popular search engine reveals lots of interesting tidbits from search data they collect. This year, “Harry Potter” came in 10th under top Google News searches.

Finally, for all the latest video clips, screen grabs, and interviews including Emma Watson’s interview with the Chicago Tribune log on to MuggleNet’s Main Page. Also, be sure to look into the England/Scotland tour that has been designed just for MuggleNet fans.

That’s all the news for this December 25, 2005 – Christmas edition of MuggleCast. Happy Holidays everyone! I’ll see you in ’06!

Andrew: Okay. Thank you, Micah. We did promise that Micah would be on this week, but he wanted to tell everyone that it was because of the transit strike that kept him out. Because, as you know, there’s a big one going on up in New York City. Actually, it was resolved just a few hours ago, but… Yes, breaking news. First on MuggleCast.

[Laura laughs]

Ben: You heard it here.

Andrew: I was…I found out an exclusive story. But anyway…

Ben’s Weekly Top 10

Andrew: So, this is our Christmas edition. So, we’re going to bring to you lots and lots of Christmas-themed things. First off, Ben’s Top 10 List that isn’t exactly a Top 10 List. Ben?

Ben: Okay, this one is a doozy folks. This one is the Best Top 10 List we’ve ever heard on MuggleCast and…

Andrew: Holiday Edition. [laughs]

Ben: …Holiday Edition. I came up with it. Well, I came up with…it’s the collective creativity of everyone on MuggleCast. So…number… Okay, better tell you what the list is first: “The Top 10 Things Not To Get Harry For Christmas.”

No. 10 – A pair of Uncle Vernon’s socks.

No. 9 – A Christmas card from Azkaban.

No. 8 – A yearly subscription to Witch Weekly.

No. 7 – A dragon.

No. 6 – A gift card to Borgin and Burkes.

No. 5 – A date with Umbridge (that’s a good one).

[All laugh]

Andrew: Whoever thought that one up was pure genius.

[Laura laughs]

Ben: No. 4 – A box of chocolates from Fred and George.

No. 3 – (This has to be my favorite) Eric.

[Andrew laughs]

No. 2 – A CD of me singing. (Oooh, who thought that up? Actually, that might have been me.)

Andrew: You.

Ben: And the No. 1 reason, the No. 1 thing not to give Harry Potter for Christmas – this is my favorite one of all time: A CD of PotterCast. Oooh!

Andrew: [singing]Da da da da da.

[Kevin hisses]

Eric: Okay.

Ben: I thought that was great.

Andrew: I’d just like to say it first right now. John, that wasn’t my decision.

Laura: Yeah, we tried to talk him out of it, but…

Eric: And we’ve just reached the 700th…

Kevin: We did.

Eric: Guys, we’ve reached the 700th tally for how many times we’ve bashed PotterCast on this show. I’ve been tallying it off.

Andrew: No, but all joking aside, PotterCast is a good show.

Ben: Yeah, we’re just messing.

Jamie: Very good, yes.

Andrew: And we do love the Leaky people.

Eric: We all…

Ben: And by the way people, if you like my Top 10 List send me an e-mail saying, “keep it going.”

Eric: Hate mail.

Ben: If you don’t like it, send me an e-mail saying, “I hate it Ben. Please stop. It ruins my week.” So…

Laura: [laughs] Okay, I’ve got to e-mail Ben now.

Eric: That’s a little harsh, Ben. That’s a little harsh.

Ben: If I get enough of those e-mails, I’ll just quit doing it.

Kevin: Yeah, let’s e-mail him right now.

[Laura and Eric laugh]


Andrew: Ah, just one quick announcement. We are the winners of the 2005 Weblog Awards for “Best Podcast,” so thanks everyone who voted for us. A special thanks to Jeanie, who actually nominated us. Otherwise we wouldn’t have been in it at all. So, thanks to her.

And, a quick reminder – PO Box and phone number – we just started. It’s an easy, the phone number is an easy way for you to call us and leave a voicemail, comment, question, suggestion; whatever you want to be aired on the show. That number is 1-218-20-MAGIC. Local calling rates will apply.

Ben: And also, we got our first letter today folks.

Kevin: Really?

Ben: I’d like to make shout-out to…let me get your name here real quick… I’d like to give a personal shout-out to Tracey Dye from Oklahoma. She sent us a letter about how much she likes the show, and about how much she likes us individually. She even sent in a Top 10 List. It didn’t make it on this week’s show, but we’ll see about in the future. So, keep sending in your letters to:

PO Box 223
Moundridge, Kansas 67107

Andrew: [fake crying] Our first letter. I’m so happy.

[Laura laughs]

Ben: So, thank you Ben.

Eric: Ben, post it on your refrigerator.

Christmas At Hogwarts And Throughout the Wizarding World

Andrew: Now, moving along, moving along, moving along. Like I said, it is our Holiday Edition, so… We’re going… Our main discussion for this week will be mainly Christmas at Hogwarts. Laura?

Laura: Andrew. [laughs]

Andrew: Laura, you brought up several ideas for us this week.

Laura: Yes.

Andrew: So, why don’t you start us off.

Laura: Well, I was thinking that, like in the Halloween episode how we discussed Halloween’s significance at Hogwarts, we should discuss Christmas’ significance. So, we’ll start off doing a little bit of a recap of what has happened in the books at Christmas in Sorcerer’s or Philosopher’s Stone, depending on which edition you own. Harry got his Invisibility Cloak from Dumbledore and found the Mirror of Erised, which turned out being instrumental in the climax of the book.

In Chamber of Secrets Harry, Ron, and Hermione use the Polyjuice Potion to turn into various Slytherins to try and spy on Draco Malfoy, which resulted in Hermione becoming a cat (sort of).

In Prisoner of Azkaban Harry got the Firebolt from Sirius Black, which Hermione ratted him out on and got it taken away.

In Goblet of Fire there was the Yule Ball, which wasn’t terribly significant plot-wise unless you count the romance and such.

In Order of the Phoenix, this is what I think is the most significant thing that has happened in the series thus far at Christmas – Mr. Weasley was attacked by Voldemort’s snake. Mr. Weasley was attacked by Nagini while doing his job for Order of the Phoenix at the Department of Mysteries.

And in Half-Blood Prince there wasn’t anything terribly significant apart from Harry’s little spiff with Scrimgeour.

Eric: Oh hey, that reminds me. In Book 6, no, we got the… No, Book 6 was very significant because we found out… Wasn’t that when Mr. Weasley called Mrs. Weasley, “Mollywobbles”?

Laura: No, that was at the beginning of the book.

Eric: Ohhh.

Jamie: Why is that significant?

[Kevin laughs]

Eric: Because that’s so cute.

Jamie: Oh, right. Yeah, it is, but I wouldn’t call it pivotal in the series as a whole.

[Eric laughs]

Laura: That was at the beginning of the book.

Kevin: Yeah. That’s a major plot element right there. You know?

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: You’re so right. It reveals so much about everything.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Although on Christmas in Half-Blood Prince, that is when Percy showed up with…

Laura: Scrimgeour.

Eric: Scrimgeour. For the first time in a book-and-a-half.

Laura: That is when it all began with “Dumbledore’s man through-and-through.”

Jamie: Right. Yeah.

Andrew: So, you know…

Eric: For a book-and-a-half.

Andrew: And that chapter was called “A Very Frosty Christmas.”

Jamie: I’ve got a theory. Well, it’s actually not a theory at all.

Eric: Oh okay, Jamie. Go.

Jamie: Okay, well, I was going to say that I don’t think that Christmas actually has that much significance. It really isn’t a wizarding holiday, you know? It’s like, I mean, Halloween is, and it just seems like it’s just one more day and things can happen. And I mean important things do happen on Christmas Day, but it just sounds like these things were going to happen whether it was Christmas Day or not. And also, I mean, things seem to get worse as we get further in the books. So, in Philosopher’s Stone, I can’t remember what you said happened on Christmas Day… What happened on Christmas Day?

Laura: He got his Invisibility Cloak.

Jamie: Okay, yeah. He got his Invisibility Cloak, which is good, which is good. He got that. Whereas, you know, in Order of the Phoenix Mr. Weasley got attacked. So, things are just going downhill. And also I think it’s to show that even though Christmas is supposed to be a good time and everyone is supposed to be happy, it’s really, really dark times in the wizarding world. And even when it is Christmas, bad things can still happen. So, it just emphasized that they are in a war and all that.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: The end.

Laura: I think that’s just part of Jo just being so realistic with her work and the fact that just because it’s a wonderful, joyous time of year, a war doesn’t stop.

Jamie: Yeah. Exactly.

Eric: I like what you said about it not being that big of a wizarding holiday, and I agree with that because presents come for them out of nowhere almost daily at Hogwarts. You know?

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Gifts and parcels and things like that. So the elves, which they know exist, delivering presents by the fire on Christmas is practically expected.

Jamie: Yeah. Exactly.

Eric: And it’s not that new.

Laura: It also depends on your background. If you’re Muggleborn it might be more prominent.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: And really, we don’t know. Without bringing any type of religious discussion into this, we don’t know if wizards have a specific religion that they take part in, or if it’s just… You know what I mean?

Jamie: Yeah, but…

Eric: You know, “Wizard of the Month” on JK Rowling should be St. Nicholas, should be Nicholas Claus or whatever his name is. Should be “Wizard of the Month” just to play with us.

[Laura and Jamie laugh]

Eric: I think that would be funny.

Jamie: Nick Claus.

Eric: Could he make a presence. I think that would be really cute. If the series didn’t have to be as dark as it is…

Jamie: Is Christmas even celebrated in the wizarding world or is it just at Hogwarts because the children go there and…?

Kevin: Well, I mean they put trees up and stuff. No?

Jamie: Yeah, but is that because it’s a school? If you walk past…

Laura: Yeah, but we’ve seen it celebrated at the Weasleys.

Kevin: That’s true.

Jamie: Yeah, I suppose that’s true.

Eric: Yeah, it’s a time for family. Actually, it reminded me of…

Kevin: Well, that’s why I’m saying.

Eric: Family dinner with the Weasleys reminded me of A Christmas Carol with the Cratchits and the whole, and the underprivileged family, and they still, they value love.

Laura: Mhm. Definitely.

Jamie: Yeah, that’s true.

Kevin: But, do you think there is going to be any significance to Christmas in Book 7?

Laura: Eh.

Jamie: I do.

Kevin: And when I say significance, I mean do you think she is even going to mention it? Because…

Laura: I think it is going to be mentioned. It’s a marking point so we kind of know where we are – corresponding the seasons to the story. Usually Christmas is the half-way point in the books.

Jamie: Yeah, but couldn’t you say that Christmas has sort of become much less important.

Laura: Oh, definitely.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: I think it will be rushed. It will be kind of a hurried thing.

Jamie: Yeah. But…

Laura: It won’t be heavily emphasized.

Jamie: But, in Book 6 it was like… In Book 6, as you said, Christmas was hardly mentioned at all and Scrimgeour came around and Percy came around, but then it just kind of shows they don’t have time for Christmas anymore since everything is so hectic and the war is going on. So, there’s a chance in Book 7 she’s going to totally exclude it, just to sort of remind everyone how serious everything is.

Laura: I definitely don’t think Harry is going to have time to pop around at the Weasley’s for Christmas Eve.

Jamie: No.

Eric: Scrimgeour…

Andrew: Well, on the other hand you could look at it as what they call “comic relief.” Where it is a good opportunity to lighten the mood of the story. So…

Kevin: Yeah.

Jamie: She can’t do that though because that…

Andrew: Well…

Jamie: It isn’t supposed to be lightened.

Laura: I’m not sure how much comic relief we’re going to have in Book 7.

Andrew: Well…

Jamie: No. You can’t just say, you can just say, “Oh, Harry’s just been killed, let’s go and celebrate Christmas.” That wouldn’t be nice.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Well who said he was going to die before Christmas?

Laura: Jamie says.

[Andrew and Laura laughs]

Jamie: Well even if he dies after Christmas… Yeah. Even if he dies after Christmas they’ll be celebrating it and they’ll find out he dies. It would be awful.

Andrew: I guess you’re right.

Jamie: So just don’t… I don’t know. I don’t know.

Why Do the Dursleys Send Presents?

Eric: Christmas has become a kind of…well, it always was…just another excuse for the Dursleys torture Harry. I mean, you know, with all their crappy gifts and you know, he’s kind of…I mean that’s not even important to him anymore. He sees, you know, they send him dirty socks and he gives them to Dobby. I mean he just doesn’t really care. He puts his Sneakoscope in them. It’s really not… I mean, I don’t even know why they send him Christmas presents just to be nasty. I mean…

Jamie: No, no actually that’s interesting. Because, they can’t do it just to be nasty.

Eric: You know what?

Jamie: They need to send them. Perhaps…perhaps when Dumbledore said they had to take him into the house, there are like certain things that they have to do.

Eric: [laughs] You must send him a Christmas present or you will grow five heads!

Jamie: No, no, no, no, but… It’s all about feeling welcome. Didn’t, I don’t know if this is true, but didn’t he say that Dumbledore…sorry, Harry always has to feel welcome at the Dursleys? And perhaps, and perhaps it would be the case that if they didn’t send him a Christmas present that would finally tip him over the edge, and he wouldn’t feel welcome at the house.

Eric: You know what Jamie? I think that’s really intelligent.

Ben: No, no, here’s what I’m thinking.

Jamie: No?

Ben: I don’t think that’s true. What I think is that it’s a situation like, you know, you go to eat at a restaurant and you sit there, and afterwards you’re supposed to leave a tip, and they say it’s more insulting if you leave a penny then if you leave nothing at all.

Jamie: Yeah, that’s true.

Ben: And the way that’s analogous is that well Harry can’t say, “Well, they probably just forgot.” It’s more of thing where, “We sent you a dime.” And it makes you feel shafted. It makes you feel bad about yourself.

Kevin: I think so too.

Ben: That’s what I think at least.

Laura: Not to mention, it might look kind of suspicious if Harry isn’t getting any Christmas presents, and that might make some people wonder. So, they might be doing it to avoid any suspicion.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: As well.

Jamie: I think that’s right. That could be right.

Kevin: I don’t think they would care, whether or not, you know, people wondered about his family or not.

Laura: Yeah, but then it draws attention to Harry’s abnormality, as they would call it. And they don’t want to draw attention to that.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true.

Ben: No, no, how would anyone know? How would anyone they care about know? How would their…

Laura: I don’t know. If Dumbledore showed up on their doorstep in the middle of the night, I think people would notice that.

Ben: Right, but is he going to show up at the doorstep and say, “You didn’t send Harry a coat hanger this year!”?

Laura: [laughs] No, what I’m saying…

Ben: [in weird voice] Avada Kedavra!

Laura: What I’m saying Ben, is that Dumbledore cannot constantly monitor Harry’s treatment at the Dursleys, therefore he probably doesn’t know half the things that happen to Harry. And if he sees Harry not getting Christmas presents that could tip him off. And we know the Dursleys aren’t exactly brave towards Dumbledore.

Ben: Oh, who are you kidding? You know that Dumbledore realizes that Harry gets treated like crap.

Laura: Well…

Kevin: He does. Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, he does. No…

Laura: Oh, I’m sure he realizes that, but I don’t think he knows half of the things exactly as they happened.

Jamie: Do you think he really cares though? Obviously he cares about Harry, so he doesn’t want him to get hurt. But his main concern while Harry is at the Dursleys is that he’s protected from Voldemort. So, I don’t think he’s going to go out of his way to make sure that they are getting him proper Christmas presents, and that they are treating him right when if they just turn around and say, “No we’re not going to keep him here,” he’s like 10,000 times more vulnerable.

Eric: Well guys, you just have to realize, even by mailing Harry anything, you know whether it be gifts or crappy gifts or whatever…just by mailing him something, they’re giving in to, as Laura said, “his abnormality.” I mean, they’re giving in… They have to find an owl and get it to send Harry a gift. For the Dursleys, who hate everything that’s unDursleyish and wizarding-kind, they have to give in every Christmas just to give him stuff. Maybe that’s why they send him crap, because they hate doing it. But I like what Jamie was saying – maybe they have to.

Ben: No, they wouldn’t have to. Maybe they are sending him crap because they don’t like him. I think that makes a lot more sense than.

Eric: But they still have to give in.

Jamie: Why would they send to him? Why would they bother then? Why do they bother?

Eric: They have to give in to the fact that they’re…I mean why would they acknowledge it?

Ben: Okay, I think there has only been once reference to it in the entire series, hasn’t there? Maybe one or two.

Laura: No, there have been more than one.

Eric: No, Harry…

Laura: Harry has gotten socks and tissues…

Eric: And hangers.

Laura: And coat hangers.

Jamie: A toothpick.

Eric: A used toothpick.

Laura: Yeah, he got a toothpick.

Ben: Okay. Big whoop! I don’t think it has to do with any hidden…

Laura: Well, it could also be like Snape feeling like he had that obligation to help Harry during Sorcerer’s Stone because of the debt he owed Harry’s father. It could be even though Petunia is not overly fond of Harry, she feels that obligation because at the end of it she is his aunt.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Right, but what’s he going to use a toothpick for?

Laura: Well, at least…

Ben: To poke Voldemort’s eyes out?

[Laura laughs]

Laura: Of course not, Ben.

Jamie: Ben, Ben…

Laura: You’re missing the point.

Jamie: The thought…

Ben: No, no, I think you guys are missing the point. I don’t see the point in talking about this when it’s just a side note that JK Rowling threw in there.

Jamie: It’s not a side note.

Ben: It’s not like it’s a big deal that I’m sure Aunt Petunia and Dumbledore didn’t sit there fore 364 days…

Jamie: You can say this about the entire thing though.

Ben: …thinking, “Oh my gosh! What am I going to send Harry this year.”

Laura: We never said they thought that.

Jamie: Ben’s being really, really negative in this episode everyone.

Kevin: Yeah, he is. He’s a scrooge.

Ben: Okay, but why does it matter what he gets sent over Christmas?

Kevin: Because it matters whether they are trying to do it maliciously or trying to do it out of necessity?

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Because that determines whether or not they’re nice people, which determines…

Andrew: Exactly.

Laura: Because it could have a lot to do with the ancient magic that protects Harry from Voldemort.

Ben: I disagree.

Laura: It’s seemingly minor, but it could have a connection. She likes to do stuff like that.

Ben: No, I think it has something to do… I think it’s just, I think it’s just… JK Rowling trying to remind Harry what he has outside the magical world, how much better he has it at Hogwarts. Because at Hogwarts he’s sitting there alone and then he gets a package from the Dursleys. Maybe it’s sort of, “Oh well. Better than being with them.” That’s what I think, because I don’t think it has much to do with: [in weird voice] “If they don’t send him a toothpick each year, he’s going to lose the enchantment of Privet Drive.” I think that’s ridiculous.

Jamie: No, but we aren’t saying that. We’re just saying that he has to feel welcome. Every single summer he has to feel welcome, however badly they treat him. He has to still think that they want him there.

Ben: I know, but do you think that them sending him a tissue and a toothpick is going to make him feel welcome? That would make me feel unwelcome.

Jamie: No, but that isn’t the point, what they send them on Christmas. I think it was what Kevin said, they are using what they hate the most. They’re finding an owl, they’re sending him something. Would you really go to all that trouble just to spite him. You know, if you hated somebody so much that you actually acquiesced to it, and find an owl and sent it to him just to annoy him… I think, I think there’s more to it than that.

Ben: I think that’s a good question to ask JK Rowling – how do they send it to him? Or do they…

Jamie: Owl, it has to be an owl. Doesn’t it?

Ben: Okay, but how do they get an owl? Is there a way for Muggle parents to send their kids something without…

Eric: Without acknowledging the…

Ben: …requesting an owl to come to their house. Could they send it some Ministry of Magic and they send an owl to a school or something like that?

Laura: Hey, here’s a thought. Maybe Hedwig goes. And we know Hedwig has pecked the crap out of people before.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. [laughs] Maybe she pecks them until they…

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: That would be cool.

Jamie: Maybe, maybe. I like that.

Ben: Yeah. That’s a good point.

Eric: PS…The bird bites!

Voicemail – Neville’s Role

Kevin: [laughs] Well, I actually have a voicemail relating to this. From Emma from California.

[Audio]: Hi! This is Emma from California and I was wondering what you guys thought about how Harry got his glasses? I mean the Dursleys don’t care about Harry, so I don’t think they would have taken him to the eye doctor and spent money to buy him glasses. So how did Harry get his glasses? I love MuggleCast and I support Bemma.

Ben: Rock on! Rock on!

Jamie: I think it has to do with school, you know? If you go to school…

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: If you go to school and you can’t see anything and you’re sort of squinting at the board in the front, the school will make inquiries about it. And here on the NHS, you know, if you don’t have any money, you can basically get glasses free in the end. So, I don’t think it is a case of money or the Dursleys not making him do it. I mean I can imagine it being the school.

Kevin: I think it was out of necessity to prevent them from attracting attention to themselves.

Jamie: That could be it as well. Yeah.

Andrew: Okay, I think that pretty much wraps it up for that part of the discussion. But the Christmas theme doesn’t end here. We’re going to cover a lot of voicemails right now because we’re in a voicemail-answering mood. So Kevin, why don’t you role the first one.

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast! This is Jade from London, England, and I was wondering, what do you think Neville’s role will be in Book 7? I think that he will help Harry out in some way to get him moving forward to defeating Voldemort or helping him defeating Voldemort or saving him or something. So, you’re thoughts on this idea? Thanks, and Happy Christmas!

Ben: Well, I think Neville is turning into a stud y’all. I think he’s starting to come into his own, so to speak.

Eric: Ben thinks that Neville is a stud.

Ben: Neville’s a stud.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: I think that he’s come into his own and that he’s becoming a real wizard instead of this pseudo-Squib we’ve seen in the first few books…

Jamie: Yeah, definitely.

Ben: …because of his… He didn’t even have his own wand. He had the wand of his Dad. And even though he felt bad about losing it, it’s probably good that he has his own wand now, and he could probably perform magic better. And see, we talked about this last week I think, and we said that there’s a reason Neville is in Gryffindor, and we haven’t really seen that yet. Well, we saw the courage he displayed in the Ministry of Magic, but I think there’s going to be something bigger for Neville that we’ll see in the future.

Eric: Hey guys, is it possible we won’t see anything. Is it possible that maybe the fact that Neville is in Gryffindor is just to emphasize the similarity he has to Harry.

Jamie: That’s interesting actually.

Eric: I mean he stood up for his friends or stood up to his friends in Book 1 and stuff. And I really think that he will play a bigger role, but do you think it could also kind of foreshadow the closeness and the similarity? You know, both Harry and Neville have parents who defied Voldemort three times. All that other crap. All the similarities. Like Neville could have been “The Chosen One,” so it makes sense that they are in the same house even though Harry chose to be in Gryffindor.

Jamie: Can I just check something? Does he know about the prophecy yet? I can’t remember.

Kevin: No.

Laura: Uh-uh.

Jamie: Do you think if he finds out, it’s going to change what he’s going to do in Book 7?

Eric: No.

Kevin: I think it would give him more confidence.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: I think that…

Jamie: Well, it would scare him.

Kevin: Because I think that Neville is actually a more powerful wizard than JK Rowling makes him out to be.

Jamie: Yeah, I agree.

Kevin: And that he just needs the confidence to push him.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Confidence is everything.

Kevin: Exactly.

Jamie: It is.

Kevin: So, I think that it is possible that he will find out about his…

Jamie: Yeah.

Kevin: …his involvement with the prophecy and that will give him the confidence to show what he’s really made of.

Eric: And…

Jamie: I think he will play a big part though. Yeah.

Laura: I think he will too. I like what Eric said and I think that, that is probably 100% true, but I also think we are going to see something big out of Neville in Book 7.

Eric: Well, I agree.

Laura: Just because we haven’t seen him with his new wand yet. What he can do.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Eric: We haven’t seen his new wand.

Jamie: We haven’t seen his new wand.

[Still laughing]

Laura: Okay…

Eric: Neville! Back with a vengeance and a new wand!

Jamie: Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Okay…Okay…let’s go on to the next voicemail.

Voicemail – Sinistra, Wormtail, and Voldemort

[Audio]: Hi, this is Katie from Maryland, and I have two questions. One, why have we seen everyone of Harry’s Hogwarts classes except for Astronomy with Professor Sinistra? Why does her name sound so much like the word “sinister”? And did Voldemort go to Wormtail forcing him to tell the whereabouts of James and Lily Potter, or did Wormtail decide to go to Voldie himself and offer the info? And Eric, don’t try and convince me that either of them are really a good guy. In your thoughts, and Happy Holidays!

Eric: Oh, come on. Neither of them is Barty Crouch Jr. Okay…

Laura: [laughs] Oh my god!

Eric: Anyway, anyway, the first part of the thing – Sinistra – I think that, that was a complete JKR moment where she chose to not tell us anything about Astronomy until something important happened, such as…

Jamie: The Lightening-Struck Tower.

Eric: …such as Dumbledore getting blown off of it. I mean, you know, the whole JK Rowling process is to tell us nothing and then have something big happen there.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: You know? Kind of like the Department of Mysteries. It was kind of like this mysterious thing and then all of a sudden we got all of it revealed to us. Now, as I did mention before in another episode, important stuff did happen on the Astronomy Tower.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: That’s where they got rid of Norbert and you know, things like that. But as for the actual class of Astronomy, I thin it’s just a red herring. I think we were supposed to wonder, “Well gee, what’s up with Astronomy.” And then Dumbledore gets blown off the tower. And then we’re like, “Oh, that’s what’s up with Astronomy.”

Jamie: Yeah.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: And the other thing, they had their… What I was interesting was that the first Astronomy class we did see was the O.W.L.

Jamie: It was.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: The O.W.L. for Astronomy when they were using the telescopes to spy on Hagrid’s hut or whatever.

Ben: And then McGonagall got nailed by the stunning spells.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. So that was strange. What was the second part of the question?

Kevin: Oh…what…do you think that Wormtail went to Voldemort or Voldemort went to Wormtail? I think Voldemort…or Wormtail went to Voldemort.

Jamie: I agree. Yeah.

Laura: Me too.

Kevin: Because he’s a front-runner.

Jamie: Yeah.

Kevin: He’s goes to the person who in his opinion is leading the race. So…

Jamie: Yeah, Voldemort couldn’t have known that he was the Secret-Keeper.

Kevin: Exactly.

Eric: Voldemort certainly wouldn’t have suspected Wormtail.

Ben: Because that’s the reason they chose Wormtail for Secret-Keeper.

Kevin: Right.

Laura: Yep.

Eric: Exactly.

Ben: And the reason Wormtail is so adamant about…is he loves to be with people in power.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: He’s kind of like Slughorn in the way that he likes to be around those who are famous and since he can’t basically build an empire of his own, he has to mooch off of others.

Eric: I agree with that Ben.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: I agree with you too.

Eric: In fact I think that’s brilliant.

Kevin: So, next voicemail.

Jamie: On that…

Laura: We agree on something. Oh my god!

Kevin: We do?

Eric: On Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Voicemail – Tom Felton as Draco

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast! This is Jackie from Chicago. After listening to your thoughts on how Hermione is portrayed in the movies versus the books, I was wondering if any other characters are the same way – such as Draco? In the books he seems a little more threatening and has a little more dignity, but in the movies he’s more of just comic relief. How do you think this will affect how he is portrayed, especially in Movie 5? Thanks, and Happy Holidays! Bye!

Jamie: I think up until sort of Book 4, you know beginning of Book 5, that wouldn’t have been a problem, but I can’t see Tom Felton portraying Draco in The Half-Blood Prince. You know? I just, I don’t know. I can’t see him crying in the toilet and being so scared of Voldemort that he sort of turns white and stuff like that and attempting to kill Dumbledore. I don’t know. I mean, in terms of looks I think he’s a good Draco. And, you know, his hair is extremely Draco-esque.

Eric: I don’t know. You basically said that he can’t act.

Jamie: No, I didn’t say that. No, because, I mean…

Kevin: Well…

Jamie: There are some actors that can’t pull off certain things. Like let me think, let me think.

Kevin: Well the one thing that really annoyed me…

Eric: Well he hasn’t…

Kevin: The one thing that really annoyed me was Prisoner of Azkaban with Hermione and the wand, where he almost started crying from her holding the wand to him.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, that was…

Kevin: That was completely against his character.

Eric: Well, luckily that was Alfonso’s take on things and not everybody else’s.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: But at the same time, no. I think that kind of goes along with what I wanted to say, which was that the movies are how what the plot of the movies calls for. In other words, if they need Draco to be serious and picked on, they are going to show a lot more of that in the movie. But if they just need him for one or two scenes, the important parts of him being a jerk and insulting Buckbeak, then that’s all that’s really going to be in the movie so they have him to come off as more comical.

Jamie: But, Eric, he isn’t just a jerk though…

Eric: What I’m trying to say is…

Jamie: He isn’t just a jerk. You know, that’s just such a small word to call him in Book 6 when…

Kevin: Yeah, he was a more diverse character.

Jamie: When he kills Katie and…

Eric: Oh, I know. I’m saying just only the jerk part of him showed and that‘s really all the time they had to fit into the movie. I think they’re going to make more of an effort to fit more of it because they’re going to have to…

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: If they don’t, it’ll be disappointing.

Jamie: See…yeah.

Eric: It’s just a matter of showing the character a little bit more and where the people who write the script decide to do that with the movie.

Jamie: Can I just clear something up, then? I think he’s a good guy, seriously. I think what he does he’s a very good actor, but it takes somebody of a lot of, you know, you have to really put your heart into it and I don’t know if he has enough experience to do that yet. But, I’d rather, to be honest, seeing Draco in the films, I’d rather see him being quiet and moody throughout the first five at least first four.

Kevin: Yeah, me too.

Jamie: And also, then he’d just suddenly come out of his shell and be evil like he does in, I say evil but that’s a whole different story. But you know, acting evil. I don’t know. It’ll be very interesting to see.

Kevin: It seems like, so far it seems like they sort of missed the mark with Draco when it comes to his character in the movies. They tend to…

Jamie: Perhaps.

Andrew: Ehhh.

Eric: You know what?

Kevin: They get down his evil side pretty well, but I don’t think they fully develop him the way they should.

Jamie: He’s not evil, though. It looks to me like banter, boyish banter in the first three.

Eric: Yeah, I know.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah less evil.

Jamie: But they have to have a huge step up to killing, attempting and trying to kill people in Book 6.

Eric: And you know what, guys? They cut out the scene in Chamber of Secrets, it was Chris Columbus who cut out the deleted scene with Lucius and Draco in Borgin and Burkes, you know, the extended scene anyway. And in that you see a little bit more of how Draco acts with his father around him. You didn’t really see that in Goblet of Fire either.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: They’re just cutting it out and delaying it, and it’s interesting.

Kevin: I think they’re waiting for 6 to actually show him a lot. I mean, if you’ve noticed, he really doesn’t play that large of a role in any of the movies so far.

Eric: They’re keeping…they are keeping the story though.

Kevin: Yeah, his character, his appearance keeps being reduced and reduced as movies go on.

Eric: But they still…

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Because he’s not very significant, you know…

Eric: The two things that they emphasize…

Andrew: To the final plot of the movie, well yeah.

Eric: The two things they emphasize on are the connection that Draco is a jerk and that he has a father who’s very powerful. That’s in all the movies, sequentially.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: He’s a jerk in all the movies and ever since Chamber of Secrets, they mention his father. Like when Hagrid mentions about Buckbeak, and in Goblet of Fire with “We have a bet that you won’t last ten minutes or five” or whatever. So, we were reminded that. I think Movie 5, when they show Lucius giving money to Fudge, or something like that, I think they’re going to start building the Draco character.

Jamie: Yeah, they’re going to have to. Because also, if you compare Prisoner of Azkaban to Half-Blood Prince. In Prisoner of Azkaban, you’ve got Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. I think it was those three, pretending to scare Harry at the Quidditch match by dressing up as dementors and that’s just a child’s game, you know?

Kevin: Yep.

Jamie: How can he make a massive jump from doing that, to sending poisoned drinks and…

Eric: Well, he can’t. That’s the whole thing. He can’t, though. He has…

Jamie: He’s going to have to.

Eric: Yeah, but it’s all been talk and that‘s the problem with Draco. It has all been talk. He’s been raised but can he really go through with it? And he can’t.

Laura: I think part of the problem with this is starting the movies before the books are finished.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Because there are always going to be little inconsistencies. We don’t know how far Jo went when she was telling Steve Kloves about the plot of the story. I mean, if I were her…

Ben: Well, she had to tell them…

Andrew: I don’t think she ever goes very far.

Laura: If I were her…

Ben: She had to tell him enough so he didn’t leave anything out in the movies.

Eric: Well, she tells the actors the important things. You got to keep in mind, she does tell the actors the important things. Like, if they absolutely need to know it, she usually tells them. Like Hagrid.

Laura: But you have to keep in mind that there’s certain things that if I were her, I would be afraid of leaking out – for instance: Draco being the one trying to kill Dumbledore in Half-blood Prince. Do you think she would actually tell them that was going to happen?

Eric: Not on the first day.

Ben: Right.

Eric: Not like, “You’re playing Draco. Well, one day you grow up and kill…”

Laura: Not necessarily, not Tom Felton. I’m talking Steve Kloves and the director.

Kevin: Yeah, but I think they take that pretty seriously.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: They would never say a word about that.

Ben: Steve Kloves and…

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: I’m pretty sure they’re on a contract too.

Laura: I’m sure, I’m sure. But there seems that there would always be a limit that you would want to take with how far you went telling people involved with the movie where the books were going.

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: Does this show though, that since Draco does have to make the jump up to killing people and seeing him crying in the bathroom with Moaning Myrtle, does this show that he can’t do things like this? He can’t kill so he isn’t really evil. So, you know, going from childhood games to being made to kill somebody, he just can’t do it.

Eric: And you know what’s interesting, Moaning Myrtle feels for him.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: I mean she feels for him. She was defending him against Harry.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: She was defending him with Harry, and here’s a girl who was picked on her entire life…

Jamie: By people like him.

Eric: …by people like Draco, precisely. And Draco, all he does is pick on Harry up until Book 6.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: So, for Moaning Myrtle to like him has got to be a testament to something, because she was picked on and he’s a bully.

Andrew: Do you think that if Book 6 had came out prior to even Goblet of Fire, or even say Prisoner of Azkaban being adapted into a movie, do you think there would be any difference in Draco? Draco’s role on screen?

Laura: I think there would be a huge difference if all the books were published prior to the movies even starting.

Jamie: Yeah, they’d have to.

Andrew: Yeah, in the first place, yeah.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Honestly, I’ve never thought it was a good idea to start filming movies half way through a series. I always thought that was kind of not the most swift move you could make.

Andrew: Then with that said, could we be seeing remakes of all the movies down the road?

Kevin: No, oh jeez.

Jamie: No, no.

Andrew: That seems a little far-fetched but I mean…

Jamie: No, no way.

Kevin: Although, you say no, Jamie, and then you were telling me about Narnia, where Narnia has been done how many times?

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: So…

Laura: Look at Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka.

Jamie: Charlie and the…yeah but there…

Andrew: It’s not like the plot changed with that movie.

Jamie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Andrew: And plus there’s seven of them.

Jamie: Exactly, the thing about…

Andrew: That was a good movie.

Laura: It was.

Andrew: I love those Oompa Loompas.

Jamie: The thing about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the first one’s a musical. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the first film was a musical where the second film was an actual film. So it really isn’t a remake.

Andrew: Well, the second one has music too. It’s got a lot of songs in it.

Eric: Well, the second one focused a lot more on Willy as a character, as an abused child, you know?

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: And…

Jamie: It is completely different.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: The thing that I find interesting is that Roald Dahl was incredibly disappointed with Gene Wilder’s movie, the Willy Wonka version.

Laura: I didn’t like it. [laughs]

Eric: I thought it was weird how he flipped out at the end and they never explained why he flipped out on Charlie. But apparently, Gene Wilder…

Andrew: Yeah, we could go on about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because we all love that movie.

Laura: But this is Harry Potter. [laughs]

Andrew: Let’s start a Wonka Podcast.


Ben: Go to WonkaCast if you want to talk about Wonka.

Jamie: WonkaCast.

Andrew: Seriously though. Everything about those books and movies rocked, but moving on.

Eric: Ok but…

Jamie: Moving on.

Kevin: The thing is, they can’t be remade.

Andrew: I dunno, I can see the movies…

Laura: I don’t know.

Andrew: If Book 7 gives…

Jamie: Why?

Andrew: What? Okay, maybe not all 7.

Jamie: The alienation risk…

Laura: But then again, think about the money potential.

Jamie: You could alienate so many people.

Laura: But think about the money potential.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: But there are so many problems with it as well. If you make the first three, you can’t go back and say, “This has been a failure.” You can’t make three and be like we aren’t going to make the further four.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: You’d have to finish them all then, yeah.

Jamie: And you’d risk alienating so many people.

Kevin: Yeah, you’d have to finish them all then.

Jamie: You have to pick three new characters, you’d have to pick new characters for everyone. And things couldn’t be exactly the same, you’d have to change them.

Ben: What about making it a mini-series?

Jamie: No way, uh. That’s sickening.

Andrew: If you make it a mini-series, then you’d have to get all these rights and…

Jamie: That’s a sickening thought.

Eric: That goes with…

Andrew: I don’t know, I could see…Go.

Laura: But what might happen is more of a compilation type movie of all the different plots.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s what I was just going to say. What if they try and combine but then I thought…

Laura: I mean…

Andrew: That’s a really long movie.

Laura: As a movie it might be good because there would be certain things cut but as being faithful to the book, it’d be…

Jamie: It would be a twenty-hour long movie.

Laura: No, no, no. I’m saying they take main plot points from each of the books and…

Jamie: Oh, ok cool.

Laura: Put them together in one movie, and where they might make a really great action film, it wouldn’t be faithful to the books at all, and you’d have Harry Potter fans all over the world screaming.

Kevin: But do you think, seventy, eighty years down the road, it’s possible they would remake the movies?

Jamie: I don’t think so.

Laura: I think it’s possible.

Andrew: It’s completely possible.

Kevin: When all of us are old and close to death.

Laura: I think seventy to eighty years down the road we’re going to be dead.

Eric: [In an old man voice] Welcome to MuggleCast. Episode…ughhh. [Laura laughing]

Andrew: [Also in an old man voice] Welcome to MuggleCast. Let me get my dentures and we will begin.

[All laugh and Eric making noises as if he had no teeth]

Andrew: [Still in old man voice] This is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter dentures and wheelchairs and…

Eric: [Old man voice] Viagra treatment.

Jamie: Uhhh.

Laura: This is MuggleCast for December 1st, 2057.

Kevin: Yeah. [laughs]

Eric: Andrew, can you see yourself editing the show every week from now until you‘re seventy?

[All laugh]

Ben: That would be funny.

Eric: I can see Andrew doing that.

Andrew: That’s a painful thought.

Voicemail – Missing Links

[Audio]: Hey guys, my name is Courtney. I’m twenty and from Omaha, Nebraska. I was wondering what all you guys thought about the things JK mentioned in Book 5 but didn’t mention in Book 6. Like the mirror Sirius gave Harry and the veil in the Department of Mysteries. Do you think that she didn’t mention them in Book 6 for a reason to keep us hanging? What’s the deal with that? Thank you.

Eric: Yes.

Laura: Yes. [laughs]

Eric: She totally didn’t mention the Department of Mysteries at all which I thought was incredibly uncharacteristic of Harry. I mean, he goes around school depressed about Tonks, who he thinks is depressed about Sirius, but he doesn’t at all mention how unfair it was that he went through the veil and he doesn’t look at the mirror again. We don’t see him catching a glimpse at the mirror to see if it still works or Reparo-ing it. It just doesn’t happen and I really think we’ll be back at the Department of Mysteries for Book 7.

Jamie: Yeah.

Kevin: Oh, I don’t have a doubt.

Jamie: Definitely.

Laura: Yea.

Kevin: Especially that door. That one door.

Eric: Yeah, that door, the love door.

Kevin: It has to…

[All laugh]

Laura: The love door. [laughs]

Kevin: It has to open.

Eric: You know that was brought up in Book 6. That was the only part of the Department of Mysteries that was brought up in Book 6. When Dumbledore tells Harry that it’s love behind the door. [sings] The love door is really cool place where…

[Jamie laughs]

Jamie: The veil though, the veil is such an interesting thing…

Eric: Oh it is.

Jamie: There has to be something beyond it.

Kevin: Yeah, but do you ever think she’ll explain it?

Jamie: Yeah, she’s…

Laura: She has to.

Jamie: She can’t leave like that hanging.

Kevin: I think she might in one of those, you know charity books, but I don’t think it’s going to go in the…

Eric: But she killed off a main character with that thing.

Laura: I think it’s…

Eric: She killed off Sirius with that.

Laura: It’s got to. We have to find out if that’s where people go, if that’s …

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: What happens to them, I mean.

Jamie: This is reaching very, very dangerous territory to come to a discussion about “Is Sirius dead?”

Kevin: Yeah, that’s…

Jamie: We should stop before we start killing each other.

Laura: Not to mention what Luna said at the end of the Order of the Phoenix. You know…

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: “Didn’t you hear them?” And all that other stuff. You can’t just leave that hanging.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: You know what, guys? Didn’t JK Rowling say that she was really going to elaborate on the ghosts and what it takes to become a ghost and all that stuff?

Jamie: Yeah, she did.

Laura: Yes.

Eric: And she hasn’t yet. So, if death is going to be explored you’d think they’d touch the veil a little bit.

Andrew: Next v-mail.

Voicemail – Do Patronus And Animagi Take The Same Form?

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast guys, this is Jeffrey calling from California. I am a huge fan of your show, I listen to it religiously every week. My question is about Patronuses. What do you guys think about my theory that Patronuses and Animaguses form the same animal? For example, Hermione’s Patronus is an otter so if she were to become an Animagi, would she become an otter? Um, I ask this because never really gotten a clear distinction in the books and I thought it would be, more or less, the same thing. So, I just wanted to know your thoughts on that. Thanks! Keep the shows coming. Buh bye.

Jamie: No, that can’t be right because Rita’s Patronus would be a beetle.

Laura: That would be a good question for her though. What’s the difference between your personality assuming your Animagus form and your Patronus form?

Kevin: That’s true, yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, that would be really interesting. What would Harry turn into, you think? If he became an Animagus.

Kevin: Lion?

Jamie: Yeah, because of Gryffindor.

Eric: He’d turn into Liam Neeson.

[All laugh]

Eric: He’d turn into Liam Neeson.

Kevin: I would think a lion.

Jamie: Yeah. I think a lion would be very cool.

Kevin: Yeah. So, next voicemail.

Voicemail – Triwizard Contract

[Audio]: Hi, this one is from California. I was wondering about the bonding contract that is involved in the Triwizard Tournament. Is it similar to the Unbreakable Vow, or does something else happen if one of the champions bails on the tournament?

Andrew: Ohh.

Jamie: Yeah. This is very interesting. They say that…

Ben: You don’t die.

Jamie: …you can’t really sue somebody in the wizarding world.

Kevin: And I think they really emphasize that in the movie.

Jamie: They have to be a death thing. It has to be a death thing. The thing is, when you bring in magic, everything changes because it could be a binding thing so that it’s impossible for…

Kevin: To turn it down.

Jamie: Yeah, it’s impossible. You’re just really excited whenever you think about it and you have to do it. Or even though you have doubts, you always end up doing it. It could be a magic binding contract rather than a…

Laura: Yeah, I agree with that.

Eric: What was Dumbledore thinking? And that’s a serious question. What was Dumbledore thinking? Now you have this Triwizard Tournament which is clearly deadly and they say that it was so deadly they had to tone it down a bit. But if you are legally bound to be in it, and Harry almost died so many times, and the rest of the competitors died so many times, if they can’t get out of it, it’s like a death sentence. Which is why we said that the whole Cedric thing being announced on Halloween…

Kevin: No, because you can be disqualified from it.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Can you be disqualified from the tournament or just a particular task?

Kevin: I believe from the tournament. I mean, if…

Eric: Because they could have disqualified Harry if they didn’t want him…

Jamie: No…

Kevin: You have to be able to be disqualified because, didn’t they mention if you got caught cheating that you’d be disqualified or something like that?

Jamie: The thing is though, how far do you have to compete to fulfill the contract? Like in the third task, could you just walk in two feet and send up red sparks and say, “I can‘t go take it”?

Kevin: “I give up,” yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, and in Task Two could you just jump in and say “I’m finished.”

Kevin: “I’m too afraid.”

Eric: You know, that’s another thing. But that’s what I’m talking about. They would have left them to drown, don’t you think? I mean that’s the impression I got from the movie at least. That they actually would have let Fleur’s sister…

Laura: No, no, no, no. In the book, in the book, Ron said, “What, did you think really think he was going to let us drown?”

Jamie: Yeah, there is no way they would have …

Eric: In the movies the merpeople really seemed like they wanted to.

Kevin: In the movie. But that’s a movie.

Eric: You know. I know the books definitely take prevalence but my only thing is it’s not really an honor to be chosen if you’re just going to get these trials and suffering and get almost killed. All for this cup you have to get anyway because you’re contracted into it.

Kevin: See, the way I always…

Laura: Yeah, but here’s something too. We know Crouch Sr. was under the Cruciatus Curse and he could have been saying that just to…

Eric: What?

Ben: You mean Imperius.

Laura: Imperius, whatever. Yeah, you know what I meant.

Eric: When was he under the Imperius Curse? When he said that?

Laura: I think he was, wasn’t he? He was under it the whole book. At least that’s the impression I got or I could be totally wrong and Andrew might have to edit this out.

Eric: Wait, Senior?

Kevin: This is the impression I got. The impression I got was that goblet would not spit out your name if it knew that you would not participate. It’s sort of…

Jamie: That could be it as well, yeah.

Laura: Ahhh, that’s good too.

Kevin: You know, the goblet chose, and it chose…

Jamie: If you had the will to participate.

Kevin: Exactly.

Eric: That’s weird. That’s like, what it reminds me of is searching for profiles. Like, it’s a background check…

Kevin: Exactly.

Eric: On everybody, just by their name. You write it and your name has magical significance in the world for the goblet to look at your character and see if you’d be able to compete. And to pick on the best one based on the name, obviously, there is more magic to it than that.

Jamie: Yeah, of course, yeah.

Eric: Yeah, I thought that was cool.

Voicemail – The Scar

[Audio]: Hey, MuggleCasters. This is Stewart from California. I was just wondering whether you think that Harry Potter’s scar will vanish or will it stay when Voldemort dies? Because that’s the bond between the two of them. Thanks. Love you guys. Bye.

Jamie: But isn’t the point of a scar is that it’s permanent?

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Mm-hmm. I don’t think it will.

Kevin: I don’t think so either.

Eric: Well, Dumbledore said he’d have that mark forever or something like that.

Kevin: No, Dumbledore said, I think it was the very beginning of Book 1, that – what was his quote? “Even if I could remove it, I wouldn’t because scars are there for a reason.” Yeah, they come in handy.

Ben: They come in handy.

Eric: It also says that he’ll have it as long as he lives or something.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Depends on if his scar is a Horcrux anyway because…

Jamie: They come in handy though because it tells him that Voldemort’s moving about and gets closer to him.

Kevin: Not to mention, it brings so much attention to him though.

Eric: I know. He would paint it on just to get recognized. He’ll be 80 and all lonely and stuff and just paint his scar on and they’ll be able to find him.

Laura: No, Harry wouldn’t do that.

Eric: Yeah, Harry, that’s atypical of Harry. Harry is not like that at all.

Laura: I think it’s going to stay because it is a part of Harry. That’s who he is.

Eric: It’s Harry.

Laura: And getting rid of it would be like saying, “I’m not Harry Potter anymore.”

Eric: That’s correct.

Jamie: Yeah. Like when…

Eric: I’m siding with Laura.

Andrew: But he might appreciate it…

Jamie: No he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t.

Laura: Oh, I’m sure he would appreciate it. But again, Harry’s got to learn. This is who he is.

Eric: But at the same time, people will respect him. They are actually witnessing his life in the tabloids and everything, and as the end of Voldemort draws nearer, they are kind of seeing that it isn’t an easy task for him and I think. It’s not necessarily like before where they said hi to him and they recognized him and it wasn’t to taunt him. But I think now they’ll respect him more and not be like “Oh my God, it’s Harry Potter! The guy I read about years ago.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: You said that he’d appreciate losing his scar, but do you think if someone asked him now, “I can take away your scar from you, and all the things it gives you, and all the things it helps you with.” Do you really think he’d say yes?

Kevin: I don’t…I don’t think so.

Laura: Not right now, he wouldn’t.

Kevin: No without a doubt.

Laura: Not right now he wouldn’t.

Andrew: I think that’s good a question, what would he do if he were given the choice to keep his scar or get rid of it? You know, because on one hand, his scar is what makes him so famous but…

Kevin: Yeah…

Andrew: On the other hand, he hates all that.

Kevin: The thing is he hates the attention but he understands the responsibility.

Jamie: Yeah, but it doesn’t have anything to do with the fame though.

Andrew: No, but I mean once everything is said and done.

Laura: He’s learning to except it.

Andrew: I’m saying like in the long run.

Kevin: Oh, in the long run?

Andrew: Does he really want it fifty years from now? You know what I mean?

Jamie: In Book 1, it says he actually likes the lighting-bolt scar.

Andrew: That was Book 1.

Kevin: I can see how after everything is said and done, he’d want to pull himself back from the public, you know.

Eric: I think he’s proud of his scar. In the beginning of Book 1, it said he really didn’t like his appearance except for the scar.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: Because, obviously that was foreshadowing because that linked him to the wonderful magic world or whatever. But at the end of 7, I think he might be proud of who he is. You know, he’s Harry Potter. He is the Chosen One. He has the responsibility and he completed his task.

Laura: One big thing that I’ve seen in the books is Harry having to accept who he is. We’ve seen points in like, Goblet of Fire where Harry’s wondering what it would be like if he were one of the students not participating in the Triwizard Tournament. What he’s got to come to realize is that wouldn’t be because that’s not who he is. That’s not what he’s destined to be and getting rid of the scar, it would just not be him.

Kevin: Yep.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true.

Jamie: Oh yeah, I was going to say that… if you can’t bluff the Killing Curse, can you like get rid of all the stuff it causes? So you can say instead of killing Harry, it’s caused that mark, it‘s caused the scar. It can’t really take away what’s already been caused by that.

Kevin: Oh yeah, the power behind the spell.

Eric: You know what, yeah. And Harry’s scar was created with the death of his mother or the absolute almost death of him. You cannot undo death so how can you undo the scar?

Jamie: Yeah. I think it’s going to stay forever.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Me too.

Kevin: That’s if he lives.

Jamie: Right, if he lives, yeah.

Eric: It’s not going to disappear the second he dies. Yeah, he’ll die with his scar.

Andrew: Yeah, well that wraps up the voicemails. We were on a roll this time I think…

Kevin: Yeah they were…

Andrew: People.

Kevin: I think it was the voicemail number. We get more submissions, it’s good.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s the holiday spirit.

Kevin: Everybody, keep sending them in.

Jamie’s British Joke Of The Day

Andrew: To keep things rolling. Jamie, you’ve got a “British Joke of the Day” for us. Holiday edition.

Jamie: Yeah, it is kind of holiday related. It has a Christmas and Star Wars theme.

Andrew: Ohhh.

Eric: Christmas and Star Wars? I have been waiting for this for like, ten episodes. Take it away, Jamie.

Jamie: Can I have a say? Okay, then. How does Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker’s getting for Christmas?

Kevin: How?

Laura: How?

Jamie: He felt his presents.

[All laugh]

Andrew: Ah, that’s funny on three different levels.

Eric: I give it a good three and a half actually.

Laura: For all you Star Wars nerds out there.

Jamie: Yeah.

Book Review Update

Andrew: Kevin, you want to do a quick update on book reviews?

Kevin: For book reviews, we’re exploring different ways to bring it to you because it’s too long to fit into MuggleCast. So, we’re coming up with some ideas and hopefully will be done in a little while.

Laura: But we are still doing the Golden Compass and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Kevin: Yeah, we are still those books. We just have to find a format that will work for you guys.

Laura: Hopefully sometime soon after Christmas.

T’was The Night Before MuggleCast

Andrew: Because a lot of people had shown interest in it. Now as a special holiday treat to you, we’re going to tell you a little story. It was, is there a specific title for this?

Jamie: T’was The Night Before Christmas?

[All laugh]

Jamie: That’s one popular name.

Andrew: T’was the Night Before Christmas MuggleCast Edition. This was written by Kelly Egan who has done some excellent artwork for us that we have, that we are going to put up this week to show you some Christmas-themed stuff. Pictures, drawing of us. It’s pretty cool. So, let us begin. Everyone sit by the fire, and enjoy.

[With Christmas music playing background]

Andrew: T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the web
Not a creature was stirring, not even on MuggleNet.
iTunes was open and refreshing with care,
In hopes that a new MuggleCast would soon be there.

Ben: The fangirls were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Emerson danced in their heads.
And I in my dress robes and matching posh hat,
Had just settled down for a quick cat nap.

Kevin: When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a bludger,
Tore back the curtains and threw out the shutters.

Eric: The moon on the crest of the new-fallen snow
Gave the illusion of several objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should I spy,
But Laura Thompson and all 6 MuggleCast guys!

Laura: With a echo of laughter, “yeah! yeah!” and “hem-hem”,
I knew right away it was most certainly them.
More rapid than Hippogriff herders they came,
Laura whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

Jamie: “Now Andrew! now, Micah! now, Kevin, Ben PLEASE!
Come on, Jamie! and Eric! Before you all freeze!
To the top of that porch! At the top of this lane!
Surely there’s someone here aware of our names!”

Andrew: They took to my porch and promptly rang the doorbell,
I respectably answered and in they propelled.
Up into the house hold each Caster debuted,
With American welcomes, and a British one too.

Ben: “Thank you, dear stranger, we’re awfully pleased,
If left out in that storm any longer we’d freeze.”
“What Andrew means,” said the one with fluffed hair,
“Is we’d rather cast inside instead of out there.”

Kevin: Then from Kevin’s pocket they dispensed a PC,
And all gathered round under my Chirstmas tree.
“Tonight we’re discussing,” inquired Ben Schoen,
“All great importance that Emma Watson sustains.”

Eric: “I agree,” cheered Laura and nods went around,
“They were better than Ben’s, and far more profound.”

Laura: And so the Podcast continued late into the night,
Ready on time tomorrow to the fans delight.
As I sat to the side observing the lot,
My stomach twisted into tight gillyweed knots.

Jamie: “We should do something nice since this fan let us stay,
I think we should show her Chirstmas our way.”
Andrew added, “Eric, I don’t think our ambition,
Settles merely with singing our carol renditions”

Andrew: “Hey guys,” said Micah, “I got a better plan,
We could make her drive the MuggleCast van.
“Excellent thought,” said the cast all a thrive,
“That saves us for asking Melissa to drive!”

Ben: “No, Micah you’ll drive, this fan is surely devote,”
She’ll see us real soon in Las Vegas no doubt.”
So with Laura guiding them off to the door,
I shook each hand of the guys I adore.

Kevin: They sprang to their car, the engine churned and roared,
And away they sped singing merrily off chord.
But I heard Ben exclaim, as they drove out of sight,

All:“Merry MuggleCast to all, and to all a good-night!”

Show Close

Andrew: So on that note, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen…dot com.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Eric: Merry Christmas. Happy Kwanzakah. Wait.

Jamie: Chanukah.

Eric: Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah! This is Eric Scull.

Laura: Happy Holidays, I’m Laura Thompson.

Eric: Say Happy Christmas, Jamie. You have to say Happy Christmas.

Kevin: You do.

Jamie: What, just Happy Christmas?

Eric: Happy Christmas.

Jamie: And to everyone, Happy Christmas. Happy Holidays. And a Happy New Year. And have a great time. And I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Ben: Trust the Brit. Trust the Brit.

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Eric: Trust him.

Jamie: Whatever I say goes.

Andrew: Next week on Episode 22 will be our New Year’s special, taking a look back at the top stories of 2005. And we will attempt to be the first PodCast of 2006. So on that note. Merry Christmas. Happy Kwanzaa. Happy Chanukah. Happy Festivus. Happy…

Laura: Winter Solstice.

Andrew: Happy Winter Solstice. [laughs] Happy Sunday. Happy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday…

Jamie: Happy Day.

Andrew: Whatever it is, have a Happy Day!

Ben: Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Kevin: And stay safe!

Eric: Stay safe.

Laura: Have a safe Holiday.

Eric: Don’t trust store Santas.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: And could we make this sign-off any longer?

Kevin: Goodbye.

Ben: Goodnight everybody.

Laura: Bye

Andrew: Goodnight.

Song Parodies

Andrew: Now, a few song parodies from our listeners. Thanks to everyone who sent these in. Enjoy!

  • “Voldemort’s Outside”
  • Ben Schoen – Emma’s Man (sung to the tune of “Frosty The Snowman”)
  • Ben Schoen and Emma Watson (sung to the tune of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”)
  • Benny Baby (sung to the tune of “Santa Baby”)
  • MuggleCast is the Best, PotterCast is Lame (sung to the tune of “Jingle Bells”)
  • Song to the tune of “Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire”


    Jamie: Now Andrew, now Micah, now Kevin, Ben please. Come one Jamie and Eric before you all freeze. To the top of that porch, at the top of this lane. Lane [bleeped out] sorry!

    [All laugh]

    Jamie: Let me go again. Sorry, sorry.

    Eric: And you did that so good.

    Jamie: You can use that as an outtake if you want, Andrew.


    Kevin: Is Andrew still here?

    Ben: Yeah he is.

    Andrew: Yeah, I’m still here. Me and Ben are singing Original of the Species over AIM.

    Ben: Yeah, because someone talked about confidence and it reminded me of U2.

    [Ben and Andrew singing]: I’ll give you everything you want. Except the thing that you want.

    Eric: Kevin, why‘d you have to ask? Kevin, why‘d you have to ask?

    Kevin: Yeah, I should have just stayed silent.

    [Ben and Andrew singing]: You are the first one of your kind.

    Kevin: This is where people stop listening.

    Ben: And you feel…

    Laura: Oh my God, shut up!

    Ben: Oh, come on.

    Kevin: Ok. Kitty, from Maryland.


    [Jamie singing]: On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me, five negative Bens.


    Written by: Micah and Ally

  • Transcript #20

    MuggleCast EP20 Transcript


    Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 20 for December 18, 2005.

    Ben: Hey everyone! Welcome to MuggleCast! I’m Ben Schoen.

    Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims.

    Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

    Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

    Jamie: And still, after ten weeks, I’m Jamie Lawrence.

    Andrew: The Brit is back.

    Ben: Hey, hold on a second.

    Jamie: Ehhh.

    Laura: You’re kidding me.

    Ben: That’s fine. But Micah, Micah, why did you go…hold on! Micah, why did you go ahead of Laura?

    Micah: Because Andrew told me to.

    Andrew: Because that’s what I told him to do. [laughs]

    Ben: Okay Micah, go to the Dungeon. Get out of here. Get out of my sight.

    [Laura laughs]

    Micah: You know what? You go to the Dungeon…Bain! [laughs]

    Ben: Okay.

    Andrew: Bain?

    Ben: Bain?

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Okay.

    Micah: Ben!

    Andrew: Sounds like Ben’s Mom.

    Ben: How dare you! [laughs]

    Andrew: Bain!

    Ben: Oh geez. Micah, okay…

    Micah: We’ll see how long you last down there.

    Ben: Micah, you don’t have to go to the Dungeon, but at least update us on this week’s News.


    Micah:Thanks, Ben.

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has been short-listed for a Special Effects Oscar. Six other films are also in the running, including King Kong and The Chronicles of Narnia. Fifteen-minute clip reels from each film will be screened for the Visual Effects Award Nominating Committee on January 25. At this screening, members will vote to nominate three of the seven films for Oscar consideration.

    Speaking of nominations, my personal favorite song from the Goblet of Fire soundtrack, “Do the Hippogriff” is currently one of 42 tracks long listed for an Oscar in the “Best Original Song from a Motion Picture” category. The final nominees will be announced on January 31st.

    Additionally, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has been nominated for Best Family Film at the 2005 Critics’ Choice Awards. Emma Watson and Dan Radcliffe have been nominated in the areas of Best Young Actress and Best Young Actor. The winners will be announced on January 9th on the WB Network.

    For all the latest Goblet of Fire screen shots, videos, and interviews (including ones with Dan Radcliffe on Dateline and Ralph Fiennes’ appearance on The Tonight Show and in the New York Times) head over to MuggleNet’s Main Page.

    Moving to Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Fan Zone has heard from Enchantment Casting, a British casting agency which represents young actors, that the role of Nymphadora Tonks has been filled. Apparently the role was filled right after casting began. Also, casting for the younger versions of Lily, Snape, Lupin, James, and Sirius is now in its final stages.

    Although Enchantment Casting is usually informed about all parts in the movie, they have not yet heard any news regarding Marietta Edgecombe and Lavender Brown. As to whether they’ve been cut, we’ll let you know when we receive more information.

    In November, CBBC Newsround reported that five girls had made it through to the final stage of Warner Bros.’ casting of Luna Lovegood. The children’s news show now expects a decision to be made on who will play the everyone’s favorite Ravenclaw early next month.

    Finally, on Wednesday the official site of author JK Rowling expanded to offer French, German, Italian, and Spanish visitors with text-only versions. Now, if she would just update her site.

    That’s all the news for this December 18th, 2005 edition of MuggleCast. On with the show. And Ben, I think I’m just going to hang around – no Dungeon just yet.

    Ben: Thanks, Micah. I think that News does redeem yourself. Okay, so Andrew, don’t we have some announcements before we get into our main topic?


    Andrew: Of course we do, Ben. As of the release of this episode… [coughs]

    Ben: Poor Andrew. He’s sick.

    Jamie: He’s very sick.

    Andrew: Sorry.

    Ben: Send him some Sudafed.

    Andrew: As…yeah…well we will get to that in a minute, about sending us stuff. As of the time of the release of this podcast, the Goblet of Fire Soundtrack Contest is now closed. So, we got a little over 500 entries. And once again, the winners will be picked randomly. Fifteen winners will win a free copy of the Goblet of Fire soundtrack. Free! Yours free for a fifteen-dollar value.

    Ben: Oooh! We can “Do the Hippogriff” together. Right, Andrew?

    Andrew: Yeah.

    [Ben laughs]

    Jamie: As opposed to having to enter a contest and then pay for the prize. I should hope they’re free entry, you know?

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: Unlike the contests we’ve done in the past, this one is free.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: Now…

    Jamie: Normally we charge a grand – $1,000 entry fee, but we thought we’d waive that this time.

    Ben: Well, another thing we have is…I saw this got all set up today, is that some of you have e-mailed requesting to send things to us. You say you want to send us a letter. You say you want to send us a Chipotle gift card or anything. Well, we have a Post Office Box now. So, if you want to send us something – a letter, just anything you want to send us, you can send it to:

    P.O. Box 223
    Moundridge, Kansas 67107

    Ben: That’s MuggleCast…

    Jamie: Maybe you should write that down.

    Ben: P.O. Box 223, Moundridge…that’s M-O-U-N-D-R-I-D-G-E, Kansas, 67107. I’ll check that quite often, so…

    Andrew: We’ll have it on so you don’t have to remember.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Ben: And it will also be in the “Show Notes.” So…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: If you want to send us something, go ahead and do it.

    Micah: And it will also be in the transcript.

    Ben: [laughs] Good job, Micah.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: And also, in addition to having this new way to contact us, Andrew has something else of interest.

    Andrew: Yeah, I just want to say about the P.O. Box, it’s good that it is in Kansas because it is in a central location. You know what I mean?

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: I guess not.

    Laura: Sure.

    Ben: You jerk. Kansas rules! Kansas rules!

    Andrew: No, I’m not even insulting. I’m just saying it saves on shipping rates, so…nevermind… [coughs] I can’t even talk. So…

    Ben: He can’t even talk.

    Andrew: And then also we’ve been working very hard this week. Non-stop! We just love MuggleCast.

    [Ben laughs]

    Andrew: We put a lot of effort into all of this. We also now have a phone number. A phone number to call us and leave voicemails. Because one of the biggest complaints that we’ve gotten is that, “Oh my god! I don’t have a microphone. How do I do it?” Well, you all have a phone…I hope.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: So…and the number for that is…it’s a US number: 218-20- [whispers] MAGIC.

    Ben: That’s MAGIC with a “C,” not a lame rip-off with MAGIK with a “K.”

    Andrew: Yeah. Absolutely not.

    Ben: It’s MAGIC with a “C.”

    Andrew: We put some work into this.

    Ben: Yeah. We actually, we searched through it and we found MAGIC with a “C,” so it is legit this time. And yeah, so…MAGIC with a “C.”

    Andrew: 218-20-MAGIC. Call us. Give us a call. Now, your normal, you know, rates will bah, bah, bah, will apply.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: But that’s it. And leave us a message. Don’t expect us to answer unless we’re bored.

    Jamie: Oooh! And also, you’ve forgotten one thing.

    Andrew: What?

    Jamie: Please seek the bill payer’s permission before you call up.

    Andrew: Ha ha ha. Yeah. [in deep voice] Please ask your parent’s permission before calling.

    Ben: Okay.

    Andrew: You don’t, you don’t really have to.

    Main Topic – Hermione Granger

    Ben: Well, folks. Laura, isn’t our topic this week Emma Watson? Isn’t that right?

    Laura: Eh, no! [laughs]

    Ben: Oh come on. Come on.

    Laura: This is not Bemma. This is not Bemma. Our topic is Hermione.

    Ben: Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma, Emma.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Bemma, Ben + Emma. Ben and Emma.

    Laura: No!

    Ben: See Jamie, you’re so in the dark here.

    Laura: No, no, no.

    Jamie: Oh no, I clearly am. I’ve missed all this.

    Laura: Andrew even said last week that we are canceling Bemma and for that I am glad.

    [Ben sighs]

    Ben: Okay, yeah. So I think…recently Emma just did an interview with the Kansas City Star. What did you guys think about that?

    Andrew: Did she really?

    Laura: I didn’t actually hear it, but I figured you were excited.

    Ben: Oh geez. You guys.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Okay, I guess we’ll discuss Hermione since you guys are being jerks. Okay.

    Andrew: Well, it is the one we promised this week.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Ben: But Emma is so much more exciting. Okay.

    Jamie: To be honest, Ben, they’re pretty much the same.

    Micah: That’s your Christmas present.

    Ben: They’re basically the same, are they? Okay.

    Jamie: Well, you know, Emma plays Hermione. It’s close to examine Hermione in relation to Emma then examine Malfoy or something. Unless you swing that way Ben.

    Ben: Okay.

    Andrew: Well, we should talk about how Emma, how Hermione is portrayed in the films.

    Laura: Mm-hmm.

    Andrew: Because…

    Ben: Very, very…

    Andrew: …some people take it the wrong way. See it badly, poorly.

    Laura: Mm-hmm.

    Ben: Okay.

    Jamie: Ben thinks, Ben thinks she’s portrayed very, very, very, very well.

    Andrew: We’ll get to that in a minute.

    Jamie: Don’t you, Ben?

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Oh yeah.

    Jamie: He has dreams at night. He has dreams at night of running through a cornfield and they’re chasing each other and their arms are open…

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Oh, come on.

    Jamie: …and you can hear like “Chariots of Fire” going…[hums the tune]

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Okay, enough of embarrassing me. Okay, about Hermione. This information is from the Her birth name is Hermione Jane Granger. The middle name came from the “World Book Day Chat” that JK Rowling did back in 2004. Hermione’s is a name from Shakespeare’s play…

    Andrew: A Winter Tale.

    Jamie: His only play.

    Ben: Oh yeah, a little…yeah…[laughs]

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Sorry about that. Shakespeare’s play A Winter Tale. JK Rowling has had to basically to teach everyone how to say her name. In Book 4, Her-my-o-nee with Krum. Her birth date is September 19th. She is Muggle-born. She’s a “Mudblood.” I don’t really think she’s a Mudblood.

    Jamie: [gasps] Ben! Ben, how could you?

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: Oh, you guys. She has a cat named Crookshanks. Her hair is brown. And her eyes are brown, and her hair is really bushy.

    Andrew: Oh, thanks for that.

    Ben: Yeah, in case you haven’t noticed.

    Jamie: Cheers, Ben.

    Micah: Are we talking about Hermione or the cat?

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Andrew: Ohhh!

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Hermioneee. Oooh. Okay.

    Micah: I was being serious.

    Jamie: Is this “Crimestoppers”?

    [Micah laughs]

    Jamie: If you’ve seen this girl, call us.

    Andrew: Brown and bushy hair.

    Ben: So…

    Jamie: Brown and bushy hair.

    Laura: Speaking of mispronouncing Hermione’s name, I’m curious, how did everyone here pronounce it before the movie came out?

    Jamie: I pronounced it “Hermione.” Normal.

    Andrew: I pronounced it “Her-mee-own.”

    Jamie: Oh my god!

    Micah: “Her-mee-own”?

    Andrew: I really think that’s how most people did it.

    Laura: I said, I said “Hermone” like hormone except with an “e.”

    Jamie: Oh my…

    [Laura and Ben laugh]

    Ben: I…for me it was different because I got into the books after seeing the movies. So, it was…

    Jamie: Emma.

    Ben: …I heard “Hermione,” so when I read the book, I thought “Hermione.” What about you, Micah?

    Laura: Oh, you’re just smarter than us.

    Jamie: Clearly he is.

    Micah: Yeah, same here. Yeah. I got in with the movies too. So…

    [All laugh]

    Hermione’s Role in Book 7

    Ben: Okay, so what role do you think Hermione is going to play in Book 7? That’s the question everyone’s dying to know.

    Jamie: Oh yeah.

    Laura: Well, I think it’s fairly obvious that she, as well as Ron, are going to accompany Harry to the end as far as they can.

    Andrew: Yeah, well no. She’s going to be how she always has been in the past books. The brains, the one who actually spends the time researching the stuff that they do.

    Laura: Of course.

    Jamie: Although, although, we still haven’t found out why she is in Gryffindor and why she isn’t in Ravenclaw. Because if you remember, when she did the Protean Charm in Order of the Phoenix, and I think it was Ernie Macmillan that asked her why she wasn’t put in Ravenclaw and why she was put in Gryffindor, she couldn’t answer it. So, I think we’re going to have to find out in Book 7 why she is. So, she’s obviously going to do something brave and she has a very special relationship with Harry because there is absolutely no romance there, so she’s going to there with him to the end, and she’s going to fight with him to the end, and she’s going to have to do something really brave. So I hope, I hope… Sorry, go on…

    Ben: I was going to say, Jamie, do you think she will live to the end of Book 7 or is she going kick the bucket? Could that be the courage she displays?

    Jamie: Oh, I hope not. I’m a really big believer in the really small hints that Jo puts in. So, I think in Prisoner of Azkaban where Ron was joking about how he was going to die, I hate to say it, but I think Ron is going to go and Hermione is going to live. Ohhh.

    Laura: Yeah, me too, me too. It’s so sad.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: In saving Ron? In trying to save Ron?

    Ben: That could be.

    Jamie: Perhaps, perhaps. Perhaps saving Ron. I don’t know.

    Andrew: Or perhaps, or perhaps Ron tries to save Hermione. Eh? Eh?

    Jamie: And dies in the process.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: Ohhh!

    Ben: The “PRO-cess.” Listen to this Brit. Oh, we missed him.

    Andrew: I missed him. I really did.

    Jamie: Well, what would you call it? Ben, what would you call it? What would you call it? The procedure, mannn.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: No, the process.

    Andrew: The process.

    Jamie: Oh the process. How the hell could you call it the process?

    Ben: It’s not the “PRO-cess.”

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: Okay, but we’re venturing off topic. I don’t know. I could see Hermione dying because…

    Laura: Ehhh.

    Ben: …like Jamie said, she has to display some sort of courage in the books. And what I thought was really interesting was that in Book 1, Hermione basically went against all of her morals about, “Oh, school. I have to have straight A’s. I can’t break the rules.”

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Ben: And then she sort of ventured out on a limb when she went down into the Dungeon and all that stuff. And I thought that could have been a displayment of courage.

    Laura: That’s exactly what I think.

    Ben: It doesn’t have to be something bigger.

    Laura: I think Hermione displayed so much…

    Jamie: Well, I think it has to be bigger, but…

    Laura: …courage, but I think we’re definitely going to see something that we wouldn’t ordinarily expect.

    Jamie: Yeah, definitely. I mean she has kind of half-showed it through the mini-ones like in the first book and in Order of the Phoenix when she was fighting in the Ministry of Magic, but I think it is going to have to culminate into one big act of bravery where she could save Ron or something.

    Ben: And I’ve read…I’ve continually cited this fan fiction story that I’ve been reading, throughout the last show too, because it brought up a lot of good theories. And one is that towards the end of Half-Blood Prince, Harry is sort of starting to shun the people around him so to speak. “Ginny, I don’t want to have anything to do with you. You’re going to get killed. Ron, you’re going to get killed. Hermione, you’re going to get killed.” You know?

    Jamie: That’s not shunning though. He’s not shunning them.

    Ben: Not shunning them, but he’s sort of turning them away, in a way. Do you agree with that?

    Jamie: But he has to do it. No, but he has to do it. I don’t think he has a choice.

    Ben: No, no, no. He can’t do it though. Jamie, he can’t do it because the reason he has thrived throughout the series so far is because of the friends he has had. And by turning them away, he starts to lose the power he has of love.

    Jamie: No…

    Laura: The thing is he’s trying to make the choice for his friends as opposed to allowing them to make the choice for themselves whether they went to see him through to the end.

    Jamie: Whether you believe in the prophecy then whether his friends are there or not, he, well depending on how you interpret the prophecy, if his friends are there or not, he would of still survived, since if people think that Voldemort is the only one that can kill him, then it wouldn’t have mattered if he didn’t have a wand because he would have had to survive some confrontations together.

    Ben: No, no, Dumbledore pointed out at the end of Book 5 that the reason the prophecy comes true is because people involved in the prophecy want it to come true. Because some people have asked: Why couldn’t Voldemort and Harry just say, “I don’t want anything of it.”

    Jamie: Exactly. Yeah.

    Ben: It’s because, it’s because, it’s because the way that Voldemort is driven just by the part of the prophecy that he’s heard.

    Jamie: Yes. Exactly.

    Ben: He’s very selfish. He’s very self-absorbed. And he has to have a way to…well, someone says this Potter boy is going to be my downfall. Well, that certainly isn’t going to happen. And he keeps pursuing Harry. And Harry just can’t keep running.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Ben: So, he’s going to have to have a way to step up to the challenge, so to speak.

    Jamie: Harry though… Harry… Sorry, go on.

    Ben: No, go on Jamie.

    Jamie: I was going to say Harry could pull out a gun, shoot himself in the head. No force would stop himself doing that. But he’s not since he has to go over Voldemort. So, it’s his choices that are causing him to pursue the prophecy.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Jamie: It’s such a complicated area. It’s just like time-travel. It’s so hard to analyze.

    Ben: Visit MuggleNet Section – Level Nine for more information.

    Jamie: Yes, do you think I could plug Level Nine? It now includes Horcruxes as well. Like trying to delve into the mysteries of Harry Potter and analyze the really tough stuff.

    Ben: That’s But before we move on, I want to hear what Micah Tannenbaum has to think about this. What do you think, Micah? What is Hermione’s role at the end of the series?

    Micah: Well, I think she’s going to be instrumental in locating the Horcruxes. I think she has an important role to play there, like you guys were saying before. Because of her intelligence that once Harry sort of divulges all that information to her that she’s going to be a big help in that respect.

    Ben: Yeah, she’s definitely the most clever of the three. And the reason I was saying that Harry needs people around him is basically for two reasons. First of all, because of love, because he has to love around him because that’s the power he has the Dark Lord knows not. And second of all, the reason Harry needs all the others around him is because they all offer something to an extent, especially Hermione. Not Ron so much, but Hermione has done more reading than Harry has. She knows more about the magical world than Harry. And so, having Hermione around is very crucial because Hermione will be able to basically feed him information – say, well, “I know about this spell, this curse, this part about history, magical history.” Don’t you guys agree?

    Laura: In a way, she is like a teacher to Harry, in a certain respect. So yes, that is quite important.

    Importance: Hermione vs. Ron

    Ben: Jamie, do you have something to add?

    Jamie: Well, I was going to say I don’t think, I think Ron is more instrumental really. I can’t remember which book and this is terrible, but…no, no, it was Goblet of Fire about he was saying how Harry was so pleased to be on speaking terms with Ron, that it really didn’t matter what was happening with Hermione at that time. Ron has always been there with him, regardless of how many arguments they have had. If I had to choose one which would be there to the very end, it would be Ron, not Hermione. I think Hermione is going to be instrumental, but I think Ron is always going to be there by his side.

    Ben: I think Hermione is more important than Ron. Sorry to all the Ron fans.

    Laura: Mmmm.

    Jamie: Not to Harry.

    Ben: It’s not because I’m in love with Emma Watson.

    Jamie: I think it could be, Ben. I think it could be.

    Ben: I think Hermione is more important because she has more tact and is more witty and…

    Laura: No, but you can’t, you can’t compare Ron and Hermione.

    Ben: She’s smarter than Ron. She’s wittier than Ron.

    Jamie: Brains are not that important, no.

    Laura: They’re not comparable. They’re really not.

    Jamie: Exactly. And Ben…

    Ben: Why not? Why not? Why not?

    Laura: They’re complete opposites. You can’t compare two things that are completely different.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Laura: You can’t sit there and say that this is better than that when they have close to nothing in common. I mean really.

    Jamie: And Ben, do you remember in the first film and in the books when Harry said how clever Hermione was when they’re on the giant chessboard and she said, “Books, it doesn’t really count. Friendship is all important.”

    Ben: Mm-hmm.

    Jamie: So, I don’t really think it matters how many books Hermione has read.

    Ben: Well, yes it does. Yes it does. Hear me out here. What I am trying to say is that the reason that the books matter is because – what’s going to help him defeat Voldemort more? Having his friends? Or they both will. Well, I’m sort of back-tracking here. [laughs] Okay, I think that Ron and Hermione each serve their own purpose.

    Jamie: They do. Yeah.

    Ben: That Ron is there for the friend part and Hermione is there for the intellectual part. “Well, here’s how we have to defeat Voldemort.” Ron is there for, “I’m here for you buddy. Here’s how I am going to help you with whatever Hermione comes up with.”

    Laura: But the thing is… Ben, the thing is we do see Hermione as a teacher-role type thing, and she does educate Harry to a certain extent, but seeing that the power that Harry has that Voldemort knows not is love, no one can teach Harry love. Harry has to learn it himself.

    Micah: Yeah, I think that Hermione is more important in the lead-up to whatever is going to happen in the finale of Book 7. I don’t really see her under pressure as the one who is going to make those split-second decisions.

    Jamie: I agree.

    Micah: The whole research and finding the Horcruxes and all that kind of stuff. She’s important to that aspect of it, but once you get to having to make those quick decisions, I don’t know if she can, how she really performs under pressure.

    Laura: She’ll see Harry through as far as she can…

    Jamie: Definitely.

    Laura: …but when it comes down to it, it’s Harry. He’s alone when it comes to defeating Voldemort.

    Ben: I don’t know, I don’t know if we can look at it that way. I don’t know if Harry looks at it, “Well, I’m alone when I do this.” Then I don’t he’ll be able to do it.

    Laura: No, no, no. I’m talking about the initial…

    Ben: At the very end.

    Laura: Yes, the initial defeat. No one…

    Ben: Well, he has to kill him. He has to kill Voldemort. But…

    Laura: Yes, exactly. No one else can do that for him.

    Jamie: Oh, I don’t know about that.

    Laura: He has to do it himself.

    Jamie: I don’t know about that. I don’t really buy the whole “they have to kill each other” thing. I’m sure there is something in the prophecy. I haven’t studied it enough but, I just don’t think it’s as clear cut as that. Jo says you have to read it very, very closely. Obviously, I think it will come down to Harry and Voldemort killing each other because it’s such a big build-up and it’s been on the cards since Book 1, but I’m sure there are other forces at play here. But going back to the thing, about you know, whether Hermione is going to be there. Isn’t it like what Harry said in Order of the Phoenix? It isn’t about memorizing spells and standing there, firing them at Voldemort. He’s the only one that’s faced him so he’s the only one who really knows how to defeat him, and in the end he knows what he has to do to defeat him. I don’t think that Hermione realizes, all wrong, realizes what it’s like to stand in front of him. Because, you know, people have feared him so long and only Harry knows what it’s like to face with the prospect of death and duel with him. So, in the end I think it has to be Harry but obviously, as Laura said, they’re all going to be right there until the very end.

    Ben: I think that’s a good closing on that initial discussion. Is there any other points you guys want to raise about Hermione?

    Hermione’s Patronus

    Laura: Why do you guys think, why do you think her Patronus is an otter? I’ve always been curious about that. What personality traits do you think that she exhibits that would make her Patronus an otter?

    Jamie: Can I go?

    Laura: Yeah.

    Jamie: I think she’s, I’m going to be really, really boring and just say that Jo thought that Hermione should have an otter. It sounded nice and it just sort of – I can just picture Hermione waving her wand and this otter just sort of flapping about on the ground, walking along. Well she like turns her head talking seriously to Harry. Just picture it.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: I don’t know. Jamie, I think I might have to agree with you there. Like we’ve said in the past, we overanalyze things – well, you guys know what I mean.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Ben: But I don’t if the whole otter thing, if there is really a hidden meaning behind it. Maybe it’s an otter for just for the sake of being an otter.

    Jamie: I don’t know.

    Laura: No, no, no. I’m talking personality traits and such.

    Jamie: I don’t really know how an otter behaves though. Are otters angry or…?

    Laura: We don’t know terribly much about Hermione’s background.

    Andrew: Didn’t, okay, you guys are going to think I’m crazy, but didn’t JK Rowling… I’m going to look this up right now. Didn’t JK Rowling say she…

    Laura: I know she said something…

    Andrew: She liked otters as one of her favorite animals?

    Laura: Yeah. It seems like that and she always talks about how Hermione was like her.

    Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

    Jamie: Yeah, that could be it.

    Andrew: So, yeah.

    Micah: I know I’m not a scientist or anything but isn’t there a relation between an otter and a weasel, somewhere along the line?

    Jamie: Is there? Oh my god.

    Laura: That makes sense.

    Jamie: Oh my god, that’s amazing! Oh my god.

    Ben: Oh my god.

    Jamie: Oh my god, Micah, that’s absolutely awesome.

    Ben: Oh my god. Micah Tannenbaum has discovered the key to the Harry Potter shipping series. Do you guys see this?

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Fans, send a letter to the P.O. Box.

    Andrew: Give us a call.

    [All still laughing]

    Ben: Send him fanmail. Give us a call. Oh my gosh, Micah.

    Andrew: 218-20-MAGIC. Seriously though, he makes a good point.

    Jamie: That’s an awesome point.

    Ben: That is true, that is true.

    Micah: Now I’m going to have to look that up.

    Andrew: I’m going to do Google image searches and compare.

    Jamie: Can we have ten seconds of silence to appreciate that amazing revelation by Micah?

    Andrew: [digusted noise] Nobody Google image search weasel. I’m sorry I mentioned that.

    [All laugh]

    Jamie: Really? I’m doing it right now of course.

    Ben: So Micah, yeah, Micah, that’s a very ingenious theory, I’m impressed. Do you have something else to add about it? You’re on to something here. I think you are.

    Andrew: You have pioneered this new shipping theory.

    Micah: Yeah, here. Ok, wait this is…

    Laura: Ah, the shippers are going to be…

    Micah: This is on the [laughs].

    Andrew: We’re going to hear this on the Harmony PodCast.

    Micah: Yeah. Sea otters may be similar to seals on the outside, but they are not closely related. Sea otters are related to the weasel family…

    Jamie: Yay.

    Micah: But they share the sea with the seals.

    Jamie: Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay.

    Ben: Micah, Micah. Are you JK Rowling?

    Micah: I am.

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Yeah, I swear. Listen to this kid.

    Jamie: Didn’t you know that, Ben? Didn’t you know that? Of course he is.

    Ben: Yeah, I was just on Skype with Jo the other day.

    Jamie: Did he catch you in the dark?

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Micah: You mean me?

    Andrew: Don’t steal John’s jokes. They are bad enough as they are.

    Micah: Who’s John?

    Ben: Do you guys think there is any question that Hermione is going to end up with Ron?

    Jamie: Uhh, no. Although, although…

    Andrew: At this point…

    Laura: Any question that Hermione will end up with Ron? No.

    Jamie: I have this horrible feeling that, no I don’t think it is, but I can see it happening, being some kind of tragedy. Like they’ll admit their undying love to each other just as Ron dies. I hope it isn’t going to end like that and I don’t think Jo would do that to us actually. But, you never know.

    Andrew: I don’t know.

    Jamie: Romeo and Juliet.

    Ben: The problem I see occurring is that Ron is too big of a – what’s the word I am looking for…he’s a chicken.

    Laura: No he’s not.

    Andrew: Yes he is, he always has been.

    Ben: Yes he is. He’s scared of spiders, he’s afraid of talking to girls…

    Laura: He is not.

    Ben: The only time he’s asked a girl out is Fleur when he was hypnotized by Fleur’s Veela… viva jazz…whatever it’s called.

    Laura: You know what. If Ron were a coward, he would not have done half of the things he’s done with Harry. He would not.

    Ben: No, he’s a coward when it comes to girls. That’s what I’m saying. When it comes to girls…

    Laura: Well, yeah, so is Harry.

    Ben: I know, but I’m saying that, how is Ron suppose to reveal his undying love for Hermione when he can’t even ask her to the Yule Ball?

    Laura: Okay, half the guys on the planet are terrified of girls – they get over it.

    Ben: Not true, not true.

    Laura: Yeah, true.

    Ben: I’m not. You guys hear me talking about Emma. I’m not terrified of anyone. I’m Ben Schoen.

    Laura: Right, well we’ll get you face-to-face with Emma and see what happens.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Oh, nothing will happen. But the point I’m trying to make is, the only reason I don’t see the relationship happening right away is because the whole…

    Laura: Well of course it hasn’t happened right away, it’s been six years.

    Ben: I’m talking about Book 7, when we get into Book 7.

    Laura: No, it’s not going to be straight off and I don’t even think we’re going to see that much of it.

    Ben: They have other things to worry about. [laughs]

    Laura: Yeah, exactly. I think if both of them live, which I think it’s very possible that Ron’s going to die, but if they both live, that they’re going to get together at the very end. And then she said she was going to write an epilogue letting us know what happened to everyone. So if they grow up and get married and have loads of kids, then we’ll find out. But it’s not going to be a huge part of the storyline.

    Ben: Definitely true.

    Jamie: I have something to talk about. Can we talk about something?

    Ben: Yes.

    Harry’s Life Post-Voldemort

    Jamie: Ok, I think we should discuss whether Harry, if he kills Voldemort, whether he can have a quiet life after Book 7 or whether he will always be living in the shadow of being Harry Potter and defeating Voldemort. He can like get married, settle down, and have children and live a normal life, or can’t he? Take the floor, somebody.

    Laura: I think he could get married and he could have kids and stuff, but I don’t think his life will ever be normal.

    Jamie: No, I agree. Yeah.

    Laura: I think it’s always going to be there.

    Ben: It’s kind of like, what’s the word I am looking for when actors are always known, like Mark Hamill. Luke Skywalker.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Ben: He’s always like, whenever you see a movie, you’re like “Hey, that’s Luke Skywalker” and some people think the same things going to happen to Daniel Radcliffe. People will say, “Oh, what is Harry Potter doing in the movie?”

    Laura: It’s entirely possible.

    Andrew: Well I mean like, when you say living a normal life, do you mean not being recognized on the streets and stuff like that? Cause if he kills Voldemort…

    Ben: No, no, no.

    Andrew: He won’t have to worry about that anymore. So in that sense, he won’t be constantly having this on his mind and his scar won’t burn and all that. But I think he’ll lead a normal life if it’ll just be, “Oh, you’re Harry Potter. You’re that guy, cool.”

    Ben: No, look at it after, before, look at it before Voldemort came back. When Harry, whenever he got on the train, everyone was trying to look at his scar. Whatever battle scars he has from Voldemort, if he survives the final battle, then it’s going to end up the same way. They are going to say, “Well, does he have a new scar? Does he have this, or does he have…?”

    Andrew: Yeah. Well, it’s just getting recognized.

    Laura: Not to mention, there is always going to be a little bit fear there, I think. People are always going to have that little bit of fear about Harry being powerful enough to…

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Laura: …defeat Voldemort. I mean, there is a possibility he could possibly rise up and be the same thing.

    Jamie: The thing is though, he’s like more than famous. It isn’t just fame, he isn’t like a celebrity. He’s like, you know, I can’t think of a word for it but, I think it extends beyond, “Oh hey, you’re somebody, can I have your autograph,” it’s just…

    Ben: He’s a phenom. Is that a real word, a phenom?

    Jamie: Don’t know.

    Ben: Phenom?

    Andrew: Phenomenon?

    Ben: Not a phenomenon, a phenom. Is that a word, phenom?

    Andrew: Female? Are you calling Harry a girl?

    Jamie: [laughs] Sounds like a type of water.

    Micah: I think it’s short for phenomenon. I think you’re good. Don’t worry about it.

    Ben: It’s a phenomenon: Especially remarkable or an outstanding person. Yeah, Harry Potter’s a phenom…

    Micah: There you go.

    Ben: …in the wizarding world. I found a word for it. Okay, guys, is there anything more to add about Hermione?

    Andrew: Yes, there’s plenty to add.

    Ben: Well then, tell me something. Tell me something good about her.

    Andrew: I just can’t think of it, I don’t know. See…

    Hermione and Draco

    Ben: [whispers] She’s a Mudblood.

    Andrew: Yeah, why was she so hurt when Draco said that to her?

    Laura: She wasn’t in the book. In the book…

    Ben: Yes, she was in the book.

    Laura: No, she didn’t know what it was.

    Ben: Yeah, she didn’t know what it was. She was like, “What’s a Mudblood?”

    Jamie: Oh yeah, she just didn’t know what it was.

    Ben: It’s because Ron reacted. In the movie, she’s like [makes crying noises], “It means dirty blood.”

    Jamie: Why is Draco so obsessed with Hermione being a Mudblood as well? Think how many…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Jamie: Oh, I shouldn’t say that word so rudely, but think how many of them there are at Hogwarts. Although the dialogue centers around Harry and his group of friends, still you’d expect him to concentrate on all of them, not just Hermione specifically. Oh, perhaps he has a thing for her.

    Ben: Ooooh.

    Andrew: I just…

    Ben: A love/hate thing.

    Laura: I think he’s threatened by her. I think he feels very threatened by her. Like as we saw in Chamber of Secrets

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: When Lucius was getting on to him about having lower exam results than her.

    Andrew: Exactly.

    Ben: Yep.

    Laura: And on top of that, she’s Harry’s best friend. I think he’s extremely threatened by her.

    Andrew: I think it’s Lucius that’s drilling it into Draco’s mind.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Andrew: “That you cannot, you have to hate this girl. She’s not wizard-born. Are you kidding me?” Stuff like that. It’s all how they’re raised.

    Ben: I agree with you, dude.

    Emma Watson as Hermione Granger

    Andrew: How about we talk about Emma for a little bit because Emma in the… Okay, Hermione in the movies is portrayed differently than she really is in the books. Mostly her looks. That rhymed.

    Ben: Oh yeah.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: Ben likes these looks.

    Ben: Well, obviously you do, too. You were confusing her. You were calling Hermione Emma and Emma Hermione.

    Andrew: I’m just trying to be mature, Ben. I’m going to hold my personalized thoughts to myself.

    Ben: That’s alright, I love you. Emma, if you’re listening to this, I love you.

    Andrew: Okay.

    Laura: Ben, shut-up!

    Andrew: She – just – in the movies, she looks like a beauty queen, which is completely wrong.

    Laura: She does. I think…

    Andrew: Laura, elaborate.

    Laura: It is, it really is. The Yule Ball scene was supposed to be a complete transformation.

    Jamie: Yeah, that’s a good point.

    Laura: And I don’t know about you guys, but as I was looking at the screen, I didn’t see any difference except for the fact that she was wearing a dress. And she had on earrings.

    Jamie: And her hair was up, yeah.

    Laura: Yeah, her hair was up. And there was just no…it wasn’t stunning. It really wasn’t because we see her as this more than average-looking girl. She’s prettier than most of the girls that she’s on screen with and not that Emma isn’t pretty, because she is very pretty, but…

    Ben: Got that right.

    Laura: I think they could do a better job of dressing her down.

    Andrew: Well, they don’t even try because they want to make Emma look good so that all the guys are interested in seeing the films.

    Laura: It’s sex appeal.

    Andrew: Yeah. I just, I can’t even mention the things my friends said in school the other day.


    Jamie: I’ve heard this story.

    Ben: I’d probably agree with many of those things.

    Laura: We can’t mention some of the things that Ben has said…

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: …when we’re not recording.


    Jamie: Don’t you think this comes down to, do you think the books – sorry – do you think the films should mirror the books? Because, you know, there are so many things…

    Andrew: That’s the important that that people are upset by.

    Jamie: But…

    Andrew: Most – a good portion of the fan base consists of girls, and they have this Emma in the movie looking very nice.

    Ben: Mighty fine.

    Andrew: [laughs] I was waiting for that.

    Laura: The reason that it bothers so many girls is because girls look to Hermione as a type of role model.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: They see her as someone who has a great amount of power in the series, but she’s not any, what’s the best way to put this…

    Andrew: A slut.

    Laura: She’s average. Yeah exactly, she’s someone you can identify with, on several levels, and when you see her as someone who is just physically perfect. It’s just…It kind of kills the image.

    Ben: And it’s weird that how in the movie when Emma, or Hermione, said the line, [in a horrible British accent] “It’s taken you this long, maybe you should notice I’m a girl” and all this stuff then…

    Jamie: Was that suppose to be a British accent, Ben? That was absolutely atrocious…

    Ben: It was a poor attempt.

    Jamie: Pitiful.

    Ben: But when Emma said the line about “Well, Ron, maybe you should notice I’m a girl next time,” then I kind of think, well how can he not notice? Look how good she looks.

    Laura: Exactly.

    Ben: Because in the books, I think the attraction is more of a – more of a, you know – they’re attracted to personalities as opposed to…

    Laura: Yeah, not to mention Ron doesn’t know it. He’s clueless.

    Ben: Definitely true, but I think Emma does a really good job portraying the personality I think.

    Jamie: Yeah, I agree.

    Ben: I think it’s just the problem – they prettied her up so much.

    Laura: She’s a good actress. She’s a great actress. I think she’s doing a good job, really.

    Ben: And another thing that I noticed is that, ever since the first, movie they started making her better and better. I don’t know if it has to do anything with her maturing…

    Andrew: It’s just her age. She was eleven when she started.

    Jamie: It’s maturity.

    Ben: But seriously though, look at the first movie. Look at her hair, though. It’s all frizzy and puffied out.

    Laura: Yeah, it was perfect in the first one.

    Ben: And then second movie, it was just kind of long and curly. Third movie, it was just sort of there; it wasn’t even trademark Hermione hair anymore. Then in the fourth movie, it was somewhat straight half the time.

    Andrew: But we know why they do this. It’s for marketing. A lot of this…

    Jamie: No, it’s…

    Andrew: Yes, it is.

    Jamie: No, it’s not. It’s because people change and the description that Jo gave at the beginning of the first book – she‘s not going to describe the characters in every subsequent book. People in this world change their hairstyles, they change their clothes, they change everything. You can’t expect Hermione to look exactly the same. Obviously, you know it is true that she is pretty different from the books, but she‘s changed and she’s matured just as Hermione in the books has.

    Micah: But, I mean, are we going to see like a Luna Lovegood supermodel in the next movie?

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Jamie: Uhhh…

    Laura: That’s what I’m afraid of.

    Andrew: Well, we’ll find out in January.

    Laura: The thing is I agree with Jamie to a certain extent, but the thing is, Hermione has never put a great deal of time into her appearance…

    Ben: Until the Yule Ball.

    Laura: The only time we see that is for the Yule Ball, and even after that, she never – there is no description of her ever. She even said so herself, trying to make her hair straight, she just wasn’t going to do it again. It was too much of a hassle.

    Andrew: Yeah, and I’m sure, I’m sure, that JK Rowling has intended it that way, to not look all fancy.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Andrew: She’s smart, she’s doesn’t care about looks.

    Jamie: But she does though, obviously. That…

    Andrew: Well, she might now.

    Jamie: No, no, no, but she does. The Yule Ball just proves everything, all of that. It all came together and she clearly does, and everyone thought before then that she just was obsessed with doing well in school and everything. But it turns out that she was a normal girl. Which means that, to be honest you know, the film producers can show that she cares about her looks because after you’ve read Book 4, you realize that.

    Laura: I think she does and I think she is a normal girl to a certain extent, but I think she also realizes there are more important things that she has to do…

    Jamie: Definitely, yeah.

    Laura: …other than put on lipstick.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Andrew: But Jamie, you have to think that it has to do somewhat with marketing.

    Jamie: Oh yeah, no, no. I do, of course, you can’t – I think the Trio has to…

    Andrew: It has to sell.

    Jamie: Yeah, Warner Bros. has to sell the Trio not only in the film, but outside the film. And, you know, you can’t always stay true to the book. But yeah, I think it’s partly to do with marketing, I wouldn’t say it’s completely to do with it. They do have to pick people who fit the roles in the real world as well as in the films. I mean, even if there was the most perfect Hermione who hated fame and hated all the publicity and PR stuff, you couldn’t pick her because she would suit the franchise. I think you have to pick actors who suit the franchise as well as the interior of the film.

    Ben: [In a British accent] Very good point, mate.

    Jamie: [In an American accent] Cheers, man.

    Jamie’s British Joke Of The Day

    Ben: Well, now that our main discussion is over, I think we should do some of our regular segments. Jamie, he’s back this week. Everybody, [In silly announcer voice] it’s time for Jamie’s British Joke of the Day. Sorry. [laughs]

    Jamie: [In an American accent] Thanks, man.

    [Ben laughs]

    Jamie: I haven’t really had time to get a good one, think about a good one. But I came up, well somebody told me this once so I thought I’d save it, okay. There is this trial going on and a skunk enters the room. What does the judge say? [Long silence] Well, right…

    Ben: P. U.

    Jamie: Odor in the court.

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: I love how Jamie says the punch lines.

    Jamie: You what?

    Andrew: He always has the most serious tones. I love how you always say the punch lines.

    Jamie: What, seriously? Well, it’s a serious matter you know, these jokes.

    Andrew: Odor in the court. [laughs]

    Jamie: I hope they bring a smile to a great many faces and I promise you that next week’s one will be better.

    [Ben laughs]

    Andrew: I thought it was good.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Spy on Spartz, Ben’s Weekly Top 10, and Andrew’s Listener Challenge

    Ben: Speaking of stuff this week, time for Spy on Spartz. Some people think this segments getting pretty lame and – I don’t know… This week isn’t very much better. Emerson loves college. Okay, now let’s go to Ben’s Weekly Top Ten List. The problem here is that I’m having trouble finding a Top 10 List that actually fits to the show well and that isn’t a chore for me to read, and that every point is actually funny. So, that is your challenge this week. There was a bunch of Top 10 Lists sent in; none of them really caught my fancy. They were good; they just weren’t quite what I was looking for. So this next week, send me a Top 10 List that is the best thing you’ve ever heard and maybe if I like it enough, maybe I’ll even Skype you or something.

    Andrew: Are you going to read the Andrew one soon?

    Ben: We might do the Andrew one soon.

    Andrew: No, we have to do the Andrew one.

    Laura: Yeah, you guys need to send in some good Top 10’s or else Ben’s Top 10 is going to go the way of Bemma.

    Jamie: Hey.

    [Gradual “ahhh-ing”]

    Andrew: Yeah, and we’re going to kick it off.

    Laura: And we wouldn’t want that.

    Dueling Club – Fenrir vs. Lupin

    Ben: It’s time for the second week of the Dueling Club. Micah came up with some pretty good people this week. Some of you sent in the same exact pair. This is Fenrir Greyback and Remus J. Lupin.

    Jamie: Can I say something? Can I say something?

    Ben: Yes.

    Jamie: Ok, this sort of just popped into my head. I was going to say that Fenrir Greyback is the most vicious werewolf alive and all that, and I think if it was just, you know, a one-on-one cage match with Lupin against Greyback, I think Greyback would tear him apart. But, I think that it comes down to the same principles of Harry and Voldemort – love, you know – I think Greyback is a kind of less powerful, less superior Voldemort character, and obviously Lupin can love and Greyback can‘t. So, I don’t know, perhaps Lupin can find something to beat Greyback, but I’m probably being too optimistic and Greyback would tear him to shreds.

    Ben: No, I completely, completely, completely disagree. I think that if it came down to Lupin versus Greyback in a wizarding duel, I think that Lupin would win. Due to the fact that Lupin is a Marauder, he’s had all this training. He’s been the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher; he’s proven himself to be competent in the past. So, I think he would win in a duel against Greyback.

    Jamie: Are we talking about transformed state, or what?

    Ben: Well, there’s definitely two differentiations there.

    Jamie: Well, Greyback isn’t scared about killing. He’s just…

    Ben: Isn’t a werewolf a werewolf, though, Jamie? Is there a more vicious werewolf or…

    Jamie: Put it like this. Could a really skinny five-foot tall guy turn into a eight-foot werewolf? And would a 6’8 body builder turn into the same werewolf? Or when they transform, do their transformations mirror their normal state, yeah?

    Ben: Their real…I don‘t know. That’s – Jo, if you hear this, send me a letter to the P.O. Box. [laughs]

    Laura: I think they would have to because along the same line as Animagus.

    Jamie: Yeah, definitely.

    Laura: You always transform into something that mirrors you.

    Ben: No, no, because Animagus is different because they’re transforming. They have to train to be an Animagus. When you’re a werewolf, you get bitten and it’s sort of out of your control.

    Laura: I realize that but you’re not going to all of a sudden grow power overnight, you know. You’re going to turn into something and you’re going to have your existing talents and power…

    Jamie: Depends on your personality traits.

    Laura: I don’t see how it could increase.

    Jamie: But, wouldn’t you say personality traits for Animagus’s – sorry, Animagi – as the Scholastic pronunciation guy tells you. Wouldn’t you say their personality traits – like when Rita Skeeter turns into a beetle because she’s like, she spies on people and she does stealth. Whereas James turns into Prongs, you know, a stag, because it mirrors his personality and everything. Whereas a werewolf is a werewolf. I can’t, you know, I just can’t see Greyback, you know, he’s been called the Marshall of the Werewolves. Just like in Lord of the Rings, you know, you’ve got the eight Nazgul and then you’ve got the ninth Lord of the Nazgul, you know, who’s superior in power. So I don’t know, I just think that Greyback would win. I hate to say it, but I think he would in either state. Especially in the non-transformed state because he kills even when he isn’t transformed. I don’t think Lupin would stand a chance.

    Laura: Hmmm, I think with…

    Ben: Micah…

    Laura: I think with wands, I think concerning wands, Lupin would kill him.

    Jamie: Yeah, with wands.

    Micah: In the transformed version, I think he doesn’t stand a chance just because he didn’t have much luck against Sirius when Sirius was transformed.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Micah: And that was a pretty serious fight, no pun intended there. But he does have a little bit of, I guess, a quest for revenge against Greyback since Greyback…

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Micah: …was responsible for making him a werewolf. So that might play into it a little bit as well.

    Jamie: Sirius was fighting like a dog.

    Ben: Yeah, well I think that covers that. What was the other one you came up with, Micah? What was the other two to duel?

    Dueling Club – Snape vs. Moody

    Micah: Snape and Moody.

    Ben: Snape and Moody. Well, I’m going to say Mad-Eye Moody.

    Jamie: I will as well.

    Ben: Mad-Eye Moody is the living legend. No one can beat Mad-Eye Moody. They’ve tried and tried and tried.

    Jamie: Dumbledore, Voldemort and almost Evan Rosier.

    Ben: Dumbledore probably could.

    Micah: Do you think he’d be a good wrestler, Mad-Eye Moody?

    [Laura laughs]

    Jamie: No, because of his leg. [laughs] His leg would fall off and he’d go down.

    Laura: I don’t know because Moody is aged.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Laura: And his reaction time is probably not quite what it used to be. And we know that Snape is good at what he does, so I’m on the fence there.

    Jamie: But aren’t Aurors suppose to be, like, the pinnacle of ability and magic? So like, Aurors should really be able to defeat all other wizards or they shouldn’t be Aurors. Because, I don’t know…

    Laura: But here’s the thing. Do you think Snape is powerful enough to be an Auror?

    Jamie: I think he is. I honestly think, I don’t know, I really think he’s a very, very powerful wizard because being kind of almost on both sides, as it were. He’s learned from Voldemort and he’s learned from Dumbledore, and whatever people say the Dark Arts being dark and evil, they are tremendously powerful. So, I think that…

    Laura: I think that Snape is very powerful.

    Jamie: I think he is as well.

    Laura: I really do.

    Ben: I don’t think we’ve ever really seen him in action that much, have we? Besides when he killed Dumbledore, isn’t that really pretty much it?

    Laura: Yeah, and that’s scary because think about the potential he has.

    Jamie: Yeah, do you think it takes a stronger Avada Kedavra curse to kill a more powerful wizard though? Because it’s already shown that you have to train a lot.

    Ben: I don’t know, a curse is a curse.

    Jamie: Yeah, but there has to be a difference between killing a small child and killing Dumbledore.

    Ben: Oh, that’s definitely true because- Well, I don’t know because I think it has to deal with the other person’s magical ability too, because of their ability to deflect. Well, you can’t deflect that curse but to, well of course it’s going to be harder to kill Dumbledore because he can Apparate around and he can move around a lot more – he’s a lot more agile than a newborn baby would be.

    Jamie: Apart from Harry, of course.

    Ben: Apart from Harry.

    [Ben and Jamie laugh]

    Ben: Harry didn’t need any curses.

    Jamie: Yeah, he didn’t. I agree with you, Laura. I think that Snape is ridiculously powerful and I’m really interested in seeing what he would do in the next book.

    Security at Gringotts and Hogwarts

    Ben: You know what I think is a good topic to discuss? The security at Gringotts coming in Book 7. Jamie, didn’t you have something to say about this?

    Jamie: Well, I think in general, Gringotts is a really interesting place. The goblins, I don’t know how the good side maintain their allegiance to them. Like, I can imagine goblins, you know – Hagrid said that they were very clever creatures but they weren’t very friendly, and that kind of just brings up an image of Voldemort and his followers. You know, Voldemort is intensely clever – obviously he is not that nice, to be fair. If I was Dumbledore, I’d realize that Hogwarts was the safest place on earth. I don’t know why I’d keep the Philospher’s Stone in Gringotts in the first place. Maybe it was transit and he had to keep it somewhere but…

    Ben: Why didn’t he keep it in his hip pocket?

    Jamie: Yeah, that’s a great idea, Ben, that is.

    Ben: Why didn’t he hide it in his toilet bowl, I mean no one’s going to look in there. [laughs]

    Jamie: Case he takes a [bleeped out] and flushes it accidentally.

    [All laugh]

    Laura: Okay.

    Jamie: Can you keep that in and just beep it out? Beep that word out.

    Ben: Yeah. [laughs] Oh geez. I don’t know if Gringotts is really any safer than Hogwarts, like you said, Jamie, because…

    Jamie: I think it’s less safe.

    Ben: Gringotts was broken into. And we saw…

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Laura: So was Hogwarts.

    Jamie: Hogwarts was as well, yeah.

    Ben: That’s true too but there isn’t an extremely powerful wizard – well there wasn’t one like Dumbledore watching over Gringotts. When he was watching over Hogwarts, it was pretty much the safest place there was.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Non-Verbal Spells

    Ben: Which is why I believe that a place as safe as Hogwarts couldn’t see one of the most powerful wizards of the age go down to Severus Snape. Why couldn’t he use wandless magic?

    Jamie: Yeah, true.

    Ben: There was a very large emphasis on that in Book 7.

    Jamie: 6.

    Ben: Excuse me, I mean Book 6. There was a very large emphasis on wandless magic in Book 6.

    Laura: It’s because I think it’s going to play an entire role in Book 7.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah, definitely. Look at what scenarios…

    Laura: Especially with Hermione.

    Andrew: Why’s that? Why with Hermione?

    Ben: Oh, excuse me, excuse me. There was not an emphasis on wandless magic in Book 6.

    Jamie: Non-verbal spells, yeah.

    Ben: It was non-verbal, excuse me. I don’t need people emailing me being upset.

    [Jamie laughs]

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: There was an emphasis on non-verbal spells.

    Andrew: Which they’re both just as important.

    Ben: They’re both, yeah.

    Laura: They are, but I think there is a specific reason concerning Hermione that we saw non-verbal magic in this book, because if you go back and look, she’s unusually good at it. She doesn’t have to work very hard at it.

    Jamie: But that’s the case with everything, no?

    Laura: Whereas everyone around her is struggling, and it’s not just like Alohamora, it’s something that’s very, very advanced. And I think it’s going to play a key role.

    Ben: Well, do you, Laura, do you think you could perform one of the Unforgivable Curses using…

    Jamie: No. Oh sorry.

    Ben: …using non-verbal spells?

    Laura: I don’t know.

    Jamie: I don’t think you can. There is no advantage to using a verbal over a non-verbal spell apart from its display and its impressiveness.

    Andrew: Well, you’re not knowing it’s coming.

    Ben: Well, that’s not true. Yeah, you’re not going to know it’s coming if you…

    Jamie: No, there’s no advantage of using a verbal spell, I said. So like in the…

    Andrew: No, you said non-verbal.

    Jamie: Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to. It’s 10 past 3, to everyone listening, I’m really sorry. [laughs] In the Unforgivable Curses chapter in the Book 4, Moody, if he could perform non-verbal spells, then there would be no point in performing a verbal spell to kill the spiders. It’s exactly the same in Book 6 when Snape kills Dumbledore, why would he need to say it if there was no need for it? Then in Book 5 in the Ministry of Magic when Voldemort was about to kill Harry after saying, “You’ve irked me too long for too far,” or whatever he said, there was no reason to do it.

    Ben: Why couldn’t he do it when Harry wasn’t expecting it?

    Jamie: Exactly. I agree. Those three, if Voldemort has to do it, has to say it, I think you’ve got to say it to do it. But hear me out on this topic. Do you think with Dumbledore gone, Gringotts is now safer than Hogwarts, and do you think Hogwarts can be infiltrated a lot more further and a lot deeper? Now that Dumbledore’s gone.

    Ben: I don’t think so, well…

    Laura: I think that’s part of the reason…

    Ben: I’m on the fence.

    Laura: …they’re contemplating closing it.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Micah: Well if Harry’s not there, who cares?

    Ben: Yeah that’s true too. If Harry’s not at Hogwarts, then why worry about it?

    Jamie: Because it’s a school. You know, all schools have security. It isn’t to protect Harry, it’s to protect all of the students.

    Andrew: But, yeah, but Hogwarts will most likely be closed in the first place.

    Jamie: Yeah, but that doesn’t have to do with only Harry. The reason it’s going to be closed, it’s for the safety of the students.

    Andrew: Right. So what’s your point?

    Ben: I think the point that he’s trying to make is that Dumbledore added the safe watch around Hogwarts.

    Andrew: Ohh.

    Ben: That’s probably the reason they didn’t close it initially in Book 6 and with Book 7 coming, they may have no choice but to close it because think about it. The person who has been deemed the most powerful wizard of the age was killed in his own backyard.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: It’s not going to do very well at all for the morale of the parents of the students who are trying to return to school.

    Laura: Yeah, not to mention all of the kids that won’t be coming back.

    Jamie: Yeah, which will be lots now that Dumbledore’s dead.

    Professor McGonagall

    Andrew: But you still have your regular powerhouses that could still keep the place relatively under control. Well, I mean…well, yeah Snape is sort of out of the loop now. But you got McGonagall.

    Jamie: I don’t think she’s not that powerful, though, compared to Dumbledore.

    Andrew: She’s a tough woman.

    Laura: She can manage the school but…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: I don’t think she wields the same amount of respect or power.

    Jamie: Not nearly.

    Andrew: Yeah, my point with her was that she was tough and she could handle managing the school.

    Jamie: I don’t think she could because, sorry.

    Andrew: They could put Ministry of Magic people in place.

    Jamie: They’d lose automatically. The whole point throughout the entire series is that the Ministry doesn’t interfere at Hogwarts and that has to continue for the school to return. But I was going to say, in Order of the Phoenix, if Dumbledore was in McGonagall’s place, he would have been hit squarely in the chest by those dolts from the Ministry of Magic people and taken off to the hospital.

    Laura: No, I don’t.

    Jamie: No, exactly, and also, I can’t remember what book it’s in oh no, but no it’s in Book 4. After Harry gets back from the graveyard and McGonagall sort of picks him up and she’s all shaky and she says he has to go down to the hospital wing but Dumbledore stands his ground and says he has to stay. Difference between both of them there is absolutely remarkable. Dumbledore still is standing solid and he’s tough, he’s firm, and he still has an air of authority. Whereas McGonagall breaks down. There is no way she could take that on.

    Ben: No she, no, no, no, no, no. She wasn’t breaking down.

    Jamie: Yes, she was.

    Ben: No, it was sort of the motherly instinct she had.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Jamie: She was shaky and everything. There is no way that she could run Hogwarts to the same degree as Dumbledore. Absolutely no way.

    Ben: I want to hear what Micah Tannenbaum has to say about this.

    Slughorn and School Unity

    Micah: Well this is my question. Actually Andrew kind of transitioned into it talking about McGonagall and the Head of the different houses. Would Slughorn, now being the Head of Slytherin, can the houses finally unite? Snape’s gone, Malfoy’s gone, Slughorn is in charge of Slytherin.

    Andrew: Yeah that’s true.

    Jamie: I would say no way.

    Ben: Yeah, because there is still too much animosity there. Because people believe that if you’re in Slytherin, you’re scum. [laughs]

    Laura: The point is, Draco isn’t the only obstinate Slytherin. I know in the movies, they kind of portrayed he, Crabbe, and Goyle as being the only crummy Slytherins. What, with the scene in the end of Chamber of Secrets where everyone but them stands up for Hagrid. I don’t think that’s an accurate portrayal at all.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: And I think a majority of the Slytherin students are like Draco.

    Andrew: But kids will bond – okay, I really don’t think that. Kids will bond together in times of crisis. Don’t you think?

    Jamie: But…

    Andrew: But imagine real life.

    Laura: Not at my school, they don’t. [laughs]

    Andrew: Well…

    Jamie: But Andrew, how important is it in the school for them to unite?

    Andrew: It’s not really important but…

    Jamie: No, no, the Sorting Hat talked about how everyone must unite or they will crumble from within, but is it talking exclusively about the school or is it talking about the magical world as a whole? Because in the end, Hogwarts is a school…

    Andrew: I think it’s talking about the school.

    Jamie: They’re all young. Everyone’s so young, though.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: Well I’m thinking is that the Sorting Hat was trying to teach them a life lesson.

    Jamie: Yeah.

    Laura: It was trying to send them out into the world ready to unite.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Jamie: Maybe, I don’t know.

    Andrew: I just think like, I’ll give you an example. I forgot to bring this up about Movie 4. Have you guys noticed, after Cedric dies, they’re all in the Great Hall and they do a pan from the ceiling down to where everyone’s sitting. And the banners up top are usually Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, they’re all usually all there. But when Cedric died, it’s all Hogwarts across it and I don’t think a lot of people thought that through. Maybe even Newell didn’t think that through but when I saw that, I was…

    Laura: But that was in the book.

    Andrew: Was it? I don’t know.

    Laura: Yeah, it’s in the book.

    Andrew: But that’s the point, there you go. She’s demonstrating the unity. It wasn’t about…

    Jamie: Maybe she’s demonstrating…

    Laura: I don’t think all the students that…

    Jamie: Dumbledore put those banners up – it isn’t representative. They didn’t have a photo.

    Andrew: Well that’s why Dumbledore, well I know that. But that’s what Dumbeldore was trying to portray and wanting them to do.

    Jamie: Yeah, but there’s a lot of things that Dumbledore wants that Dumbledore doesn‘t get in the school. I don’t think, I mean he was trying to unite them but there’s no way that we know, and it’s part of school rivalry. You always have college rivalry, high school rivalry if…

    Andrew: Yeah, but in time of crisis, I don’t want to bring personal examples into this, but I don’t know – just from what I’ve experienced. I think kids tend to bond together after…

    Laura: I don’t think…

    Ben: Well anytime of crisis. Look to 9/11…

    Andrew: That was one of my examples.

    Ben: After 9/11, what happened was America sort of united together and sometimes we look past our neighbors’ flaws.

    Micah: Well, I’m going to take this back to Slughorn, [laughs] but I was just saying the potential is there. You know what I mean? The potential to unite is there. There’s no more barriers that sort of exist. Do you know what I’m getting at?

    Jamie: Apart from Slughorn…

    Ben: Micah Tannenbaum , Micah Tannenbaum. For like the second time tonight, you’ve hit the hammer on the head.

    Micah: Thank you.

    Andrew: Well…

    Ben: I think Micah is 100 percent right.

    Andrew: Like what Laura just said.

    Jamie: Slughorn though, could you get anyone more divisive than Slughorn? He like, recruits people into his lunches on how much money they’ve got, what type of backround they’re from. How can he be a source of inspiration of unity? How can he unite all of the purebloods and the Muggleborns and everything?

    Micah: But in a way, he already started to.

    Jamie: How?

    Micah: With how divisive as the Slug Club is, there are still people from all different houses.

    Jamie: Yeah, that’s just a tiny, tiny representation of it. Even then though, you think of the conflict between McLaggen and Harry after their first confrontation on the train. I think, if anything, Slughorn’s going to be…and Dumbledore kept a sort of raids on him when he was still alive. But I think Slughorn just wants power.

    Micah: I think…

    Laura: I think there’s an opportunity for a certain small amount of Slytherins to cross the bridge, I guess you could say, but as for the whole house, no. I don’t, it’s not going to happen.

    Micah: This may be stretching it a bit, but Dumbledore brought him to Hogwarts for a reason, and…

    Jamie: Yes, definitely.

    Micah: …if you go along the whole line of – Dumbledore knew what was going to happen to him and this whole Snape thing was planned out, and he knew Snape wasn’t going to be there at the end of the year. You know what I’m saying? It may be stretching quite a bit but if he knew that Slughorn was going to take over, maybe he saw the potential of something.

    Andrew: Yeah, good point. I don’t really have anything else to say on top of that. Why don’t we move on?

    British Joke #2

    Ben: Okay, since Jamie’s been gone, let’s have him do two British Jokes of the Day. Go, Jamie. Yeah.

    Jamie: One more though, one more, right. I made this joke up myself when I was very bored so it could be a bit rubbish, but anyway listen to it. Okay, there is this piece of butter, okay. And he thinks, “I’m not doing very well in life so I really want to start making ends meet and progressing.” So he jumps onto half a slice of bread and he thinks, “Oh yeah, this is quite good, this half a slice of bread. But I still think I could do better in life.” So he jumps onto a full slice of bread. “This is amazing,” he thinks. “I’m really living the high life.” But he thinks, “I could still go further.” So he jumps unto a slice of toast and, “This is a very, very comfortable slice of toast.” It’s just like absolute luxury. But he thinks, “I could still go further in life,” so he jumps onto the next thing. And by now he’s thinking, “Okay, I’ve lived a very good life, I think it’s about time I wrapped everything up,” and he starts to walk away, but his friend calls out, “Oh no, don’t stop now. You’re on a roll.”

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: Oh geez.

    Laura: That was good.

    Jamie: I just made that up.

    Laura: I liked that. I thought that was good.

    Jamie: Thank you very much. Don’t ask me how I made it up, I just did. It must have came to me in a revelation or something like that.

    The Las Vegas Minute

    Ben: Well, I hope you guys have enjoyed the show to this point. But before we wrap things up, it’s time for everyone’s favorite segment.

    Andrew: I love this thing.

    Ben: The Las Vegas Minute. Faster than a New York minute.

    Jamie: Much faster in fact.

    Ben: Okay, well…

    Andrew: Wait, we have to say ready, set, go.

    Ben: Ok, the Las Vegas minute begins, now.

    Andrew: Ok, Jamie, you have an announcement.

    Jamie: 60, 59, oh. I’m really, really hoping to come along to Vegas. It’s almost definite but I just need to find out about booking the flights and everything and see if there’s anyone here I can go with.

    Andrew: Sweet.

    Jamie: But, yeah I hope to see a load of you there, hopefully. And I hope you can come to the Podcast with us there.

    Andrew: We’ve already gotten a ton of emails saying that they’re going to be coming and we still have a while.

    Laura: We have a lot of staff coming. Yeah, and a lot of our staffers are coming.

    Andrew: Yeah, I heard it’s going to be a much bigger group this year. I’m not sure why. I thought a lot more of us lived out on the east coast.

    Laura: I don’t know. I’m not sure, but for some reason, I think everyone saw how fun New York City was and decided they wanted to come with us.

    Jamie: Yeah, that was it, yeah.

    Laura: I’m really excited.

    Ben: They wanted a piece of the action in Vegas.

    Laura: Yeah, we’re going to have sleepovers.

    Ben: Yeah, it’s going to be really fun. I’m going to be there. 3, 2, 1. That concludes Las Vegas Minute No. 3. Okay, well, I hope you guys enjoyed the Las Vegas Minute.

    Andrew: Excellent, yeah. Just one last thing. This is Episode 20.

    [Everyone “ooo”‘s]

    Andrew: But seriously, we’ve done this for 20 episodes.

    Jamie: The big two zero.

    Andrew: That’s an accomplishment. Something to be proud of. I just wanted to point that out.

    Laura: This is my ninth episode. Whoo, next week’s my tenth for me.

    Andrew: This week’s my twentieth. I haven’t missed an episode and I’m proud.

    Ben: He will eventually.

    Andrew: Come sickness and in health. It’s like a marriage.

    Micah: We ought to put up a stats page, Andrew. You know, like the sports teams have. The most consecutive…

    Show Close

    Ben: Well, I think that wraps up Episode 20 of MuggleCast. Like Andrew said, we’ve gone a long, long way. Well, let’s see here, what do I have to say? Oh, yeah. Remember, we have a new number. What’s the new number, Andrew?

    Andrew: 1-218-20-MAGIC. I love saying that.

    Ben: And we also have a post office box.

    P.O. Box 223
    Moundridge Kansas, 67107

    Also, you can email us, send in a voicemail to Email us at Subscribe to us through iTunes. Subscribe to us through Odeo, all that jazz. Direct download, do all of that.

    Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: And one thing about to P.O. Box. If you want it to go to a specific person, just put their name on it. You know, attention Andrew, attention Ben, whoever. And send us Christmas gifts, please. Come on.

    Laura: Aww, that’d be so cool.

    Ben: Andrew’s like Tiny Tim.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: I want a Chipotle gift card.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Andrew: I want…

    Laura: I want an iPod.

    Ben: Oh, guys.

    Andrew: I’ll buy you an iPod, Laura.

    Laura: Awww, thank you.

    Ben: Before we go everybody. I’m

    Andrew: I’m [laughs]

    Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum, not dot com.

    Ben: Dot org actually.

    Andrew: Dot org.

    [All laugh]

    Laura: I’m Laura Thompson dot net?

    Andrew: Edu.

    Laura: [laughs] Okay.

    Andrew: You’re definitely a dot edu.

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: We all know what Jamie is.

    Ben: Dot co dot uk.

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: Exactly.

    Jamie: Oh yeah. And I’m Jamie Lawrence.m-a-n.

    Andrew: Dot m-a-n. [laughs]

    Jamie: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

    Andrew: Dot co dot uk works better for you.

    Ben: Goodnight, everyone.

    Jamie: Okay man.

    Jamie: Bye.

    Andrew: Bye.

    Laura: Bye.

    Micah: Bye.


    Jamie: That was nice. I like that, that was smooth. Smooth as a baby’s bottom.

    [All laugh]

    Ben: I should put that at the end.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: I’m putting that at the end. [Mocking Jamie‘s British accent] Smooth as a baby’s bottom.

    [Andrew and Laura laugh]

    Jamie: Yeah, you’re going to…

    Ben: [Mocking Jamie‘s British accent] Smooth as a baby’s bottom.

    Jamie: …have to get my first phrase as well or I’m going to sound like a pedophile.

    [All laugh]

    Micah: A what?

    Ben: A peed-ophile.

    Micah: You mean pedophile?

    Jamie: No, I don’t mean that, I mean that I mean pee-dophile. I’m not saying it like that.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Pedophile.

    Jamie: Pedophile sounds stupid.

    Laura: What you didn’t know about your favorite MuggleCaster.


    Written by: Micah and Ally

    Transcript #19

    MuggleCast EP19 Transcript


    Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 19 for December 11, 2005. Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another fine edition of MuggleCast. This is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussions, wrapping paper, Grammy nominations, MP3 players. It’s all right here bundled into a little hour of your time. I’m Andrew Sims.

    Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

    Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

    Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

    Laura: And I’m Laura Thompson.

    Andrew: We have a lot for you this week, but before we get started, first let’s go to Micah to fill us in on the past week’s top news stories.


    Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

    What’s with this News room being decorated in all Hufflepuff stuff? Anyway…

    The new JK Rowling and Stephen Fry interview, which aired at 9 AM Sunday morning on BBC Radio 4, is now available. There is also a transcript posted for those of you who are interested. In it the Harry Potter author discussed the end of the final novel, saying “Yes, I do know what’s going to happen in the end.” Well, I’m glad somebody does. “And occasionally I get cold shivers when someone guesses at something that’s very close, and then I panic and I think ‘Oh, is it very obvious?’ and then someone says something that’s so off the wall that I think, ‘No, it’s clearly not that obvious!'”

    Bloomsbury has announced the release date for the UK paperback version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: June 23rd, 2006. We’ll keep you posted on any news regarding the US version.

    Staying with releases, Blockbuster has become the second to report a release date of April 4th, 2006 for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD. We’ll keep you posted as April gets closer.

    For new interviews, pictures, and video clips, be sure to check out MuggleNet’s Main Page.

    Warner Bros. Pictures has launched their Official Awards Site. On it you will find information about the categories for each film WB is supporting in their campaigns. There are synopses, downloadable jpegs, and clips for our award hopefuls. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has been nominated in several categories including Best Picture and Best Visual Effects.

    And as promised, our Goblet of Fire interviews that we filmed with The Leaky Cauldron are now available in iPod video format. It has been added to our MuggleCast feed and only available in iTunes.

    And speaking of MuggleCast, our weekly Harry Potter podcast has been nominated for “Best Podcast” at The Weblog Awards. If you want me to stay employed and you’re confident that we’re cooler than Adam Curry, then go and vote for us!

    Finally, Jim Dale, narrator of the US audio books, has been nominated for a Grammy award in the category of “Best Spoken Word Album for Children” for his work on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Dale previously won a Grammy in 2000 for the Goblet of Fire. The awards will take place in Los Angeles on February 8th and will be broadcast later that day.

    Jim got himself in a little bind last week, in a recent interview. He commented on JKR, saying “She’s lived with Harry Potter so long she really wants to kill him off.” Based on this, hordes of media sources, mainly tabloids, printed articles claiming JK does indeed want to kill off the boy wizard. This of course is untrue. Dale was merely expressing his opinion. [whispers] But, Jim…buddy…probably not the best choice of words.

    That’s all the news for this December 11, 2005 edition of MuggleCast. Back to you guys!

    Andrew: All right, thank you Micah. Now, before we get started here…well, we’ve already started, what am I saying? [laughs as he talks]

    [Kevin laughs]

    Ben’s Weekly Top 10

    Andrew: Ben’s got a Top 10 List for us, right Ben?

    Ben: Of course. This is everyone’s favorite part of the show.

    Laura: Uh-huh.

    Ben: By everyone’s favorite caster.

    Kevin: [fake cough] Right.

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Okay. Ladies and gentlemen… the “The Top 10 Reasons For Why You Wonder If There Is Such A Thing As Over-speculation.”

    No. 10: Your favorite on MuggleNet besides MuggleCast is “The Little Things.”

    No. 9: You wonder…you wonder…whoopsie…you wonder from Book 3 about the prospect of being frightened to death because you kept seeing death omens and think about what would happen if you convinced yourself they weren’t real.

    No. 8: You hit your head on something whenever someone says, “Just speculation.”

    No. 7: You take everything on and further analyze it…if that’s even possible.

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: No.

    Ben: No. 6: You have written, made analysis of, and generally overspeculated on seemingly minor topics such as “How Dementors Are Created.”

    No. 5: That would be…You notice the smallest details in the book, yet completely failed to notice the Ron and Hermione ‘shipping until very late.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: No. 4: You try to uncover all the characteristics, all the character’s Patronuses and do conclude that Mr. Weasley’s is indeed a rubber duck and have a complete list why.

    No. 4: [Transcriber note: He says “No. 4,” but really means “No. 3.”] You try to find out the psychological issues Ben has that makes him able to perform a proper British accent. Oh, what’s up with that one?

    [All laugh]

    Ben: I can do a British accent fine. [in fake British accent] Right, Jamie?

    Eric: Keep going.

    Ben: Okay. No. 2: You developed a theory on why Andrew insists on saying, [imitating Andrew] “Yeah. Yeah. All right. All right.”

    Andrew: [Laughs] I have my own theory about that.

    Ben: [Laughs] And the No. 1 reason if there is such thing as overspeculation…You wonder if Micah had a troubled childhood because his last name means “fir tree” in German and is used in a Christmas Song.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: [Singing] O’Tannenbaum, O’Tannenbaum

    Andrew: Da da da da. [laughs]

    Laura: Ummm…okay.

    Ben: Okay.

    Kevin: Okay. Yeah, so…

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: Yeah, so if you’re disappointed with this week’s Top 10 List, have no fear. Send your own Top 10 List to ben at staff dot mugglenet dot com or you can select my name from the “Contact Form.” Also, thanks to Sara for sending in this week’s list. So, keep them coming. We want some good ones next week. Something interesting. Get down. Come up with your own Top 10 List.

    Andrew: Thank you, Ben.

    Eric: Does this mean I overanalyze things? I mean I have a theory on why Andrew said “Yeah” so many times. I think it was because he was excited.

    Andrew: Ehhh…

    Ben: No, that’s a false theory.

    Eric: Maybe. Possibly. I don’t know. I think I better consult the books.

    Andrew: My theory, my theory is because I had always felt like, with the gaps where people were just cheering, I felt like…I thought it was weird that nobody was… I thought, you know…

    Laura: You had to rev them up, basically.

    Andrew: …that we should have filled it.

    Eric: Yeah.

    Andrew: Well, they were already revved up.

    Ben: [Imitating Andrew] Yeah!!! Yeah!!!

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: But anyway, moving on from that.

    Kevin: I don’t think you needed Andrew to rev them up. [laughs]

    Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

    Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah.

    Ben: Okay.

    Andrew: All you got to do is walk in the building and it’s like, “Wooo!!!”


    Andrew: No, but anyway, moving on to a couple of announcements. It’s a new month, which means it’s another vote for you guys to put in over at Podcast Alley. I didn’t really want to ask this week…

    Eric: Because we ask every week?

    Andrew: We’re not…we almost…let me…I’m checking right now. We’re No. 5 and that is without begging you guys to do it. So, I don’t want to beat “Dawn and Drew Show” because I’m a heavy-duty listener of their show and they’re all excited that they are No. 1.

    [Kevin and Ben laugh]

    Andrew: But I don’t want to take it away.

    Kevin: Well…just vote for us.

    Ben: Just beat them. Beat them out.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: We don’t care about them.

    Andrew: No, I really don’t. I like them too much.

    Kevin: Maybe…

    Eric: Let them have…

    Ben: Humble? Andrew…humble?

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: That’s an oxymoron.

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Come on. Those two words do not belong together in the same sentence. You can’t be serious!

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: Okay.

    [Laura and Andrew laugh]

    Andrew: Here’s the deal…

    Eric: Neither do Ben and Emma, but that doesn’t stop you, Ben.

    Ben and Kevin: Ohhhh!

    Eric: Everybody knows she loves me.

    Andrew: Once we get up to No. 2, that’s when you guys can stop voting for us. Everyone pretty much knows that we use Skype and especially lately, we’ve been getting a huge amount of friend requests. Not that we don’t like you guys, we…

    Laura: Please stop.

    Andrew: If you notice…

    [Laura and Kevin laugh]

    Andrew: Yeah…

    Eric: We can’t do the show…

    Andrew: [Laughs] I tried to put it the nice way, but…

    Eric: So far, this show…

    Ben: Oh, you guys. Stop calling them. You can call me all you want.

    Laura: Okay…

    Eric: Oh, oh, okay.

    Ben: Just don’t make it between the times of midnight and 6:00 AM because I am sleeping.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: And if my speakers go off…

    Andrew: [Laughs] No you’re not.

    Ben: Yeah, well, sometimes I am. Occasionally.

    Eric: And people of the world, don’t call him on Skype, Sundays between like 3:00 and 8:00 PM because that’s when he edits the show.

    Andrew: When he does, yeah.

    Ben: If you call me…okay…you think a dementor is bad? You think Lord Voldemort is bad? [In deep voice] You haven’t felt the wrath of Ben Schoen.

    [All laugh]

    Eric: “The Wrath of Ben,” sounds like a strange Star Trek spin-off with Benjamin as Spock.

    Andrew: Yeah…

    Ben: I have an announcement here. So, this may be a minor steal from PotterCast, but I think it is a good idea too. I want you guys to write songs about MuggleCast. Make it a parody to any Christmas song, to any song there is out there.

    Eric: Except…

    Ben: No, absolutely any song as long as it is appropriate.

    Eric: And not, “O’Tannenbaum, O’Tannenbaum.”

    Ben: Yeah, because we already have that one covered, but what we’re saying here is you need to sing the song, record yourself singing it…you and your friends, whatever, and send it in to us, and then we’ll listen to it and play it on the show. And make it as funny as possible because then you have…you’re more likely to actually get it on the show. And for the Christmas Episode, Andrew and I will be singing the Harry Potter remix you guys come up with for U2’s “City of Blinding Lights.”

    [Kevin laughs]

    Andrew: [Starts singing] In the city

    Ben: So, you better…some of you at least write a version of this.

    Andrew:of blinding lights.

    Ben: Andrew will sing the regular version just so, you know, how…just to give a model for it. Yeah.

    Andrew: Don’t look before you laugh

    Ben: [Singing] Look ugly in a photograph. Flash bulbs

    Andrew: [Singing] Flash bulbs, purple irises the camera can’t see

    Kevin: I think you should skip this. Skip this section, people.

    Laura: Yeah, and you can send all of your doctor bills to ben at staff dot mugglenet dot com when your ears start bleeding.

    [Eric and Kevin laugh]

    Ben: Oh. Ouch!

    Kevin: Yeah. Okay, okay.

    Eric: Yeah, and additionally, you know the “Twelve Something of MuggleCast” would be cool.

    Ben: That’d be cool.

    Laura: Oh, that’d be cool.

    Andrew: Yeah, that’s a good idea.

    Eric: It’s like the “Twelve Pains of Hearing Ben Schoen’s Voice” or something.

    Ben: Oh! Oooo!

    Eric: No, no.

    Ben: Everybody, everybody send hate mail. Spam doesn’t count as hate mail. But someone seriously, seriously though, write a song about me and Emma. That would be my…the ultimate Christmas present.

    [All laugh]

    Eric: Wow. [singing] Deck the Halls with Ben and Emma

    Andrew: That will be just as successful as making you a fansite.

    Ben: Exactly.

    Eric: Deck the Halls with Ben and Emma, la la la la la…or…Clear the Halls

    Ben: Yeah.

    Kevin: Yeah, okay.

    Andrew: Okay, moving on.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: Okay…

    Andrew: I promised people these announcements are going to be shorter. [laughs] This is like taking up the entire show.

    Eric: They can fast-forward, Andrew.

    Andrew: Any last thoughts, Ben?

    Ben: Send me your song parodies.

    [Kevin and Laura laugh]

    Andrew: Okay, thank you.

    Kevin: Wow. Inspirational.

    Andrew: Let’s see, what else? Oooo. Well, we announced this on our Fan Forums. Well, I mentioned it on our Fan Forums –, which is an excellent resource for the MuggleCast fan. But, we are working on a brand-new MuggleCast website that is going to expand on everything that we have right now at

    Ben: It’s going to revolutionize the world.

    Kevin: It is.

    Andrew: It is. Guys, it’s going to have its own poll, okay?

    [Kevin laughs]

    Andrew: What now? [laughs] But, we’re going to expand a lot. We’re going to have a lot of FAQ articles. We’re going to have a “How To Section” on “Making Your Own Podcast” because we get that e-mailed all the time. So, it’ll be great. So, look for that in, eh, one to two weeks. Then also some big news for all of the British listeners and all the British fans – Jamie is going to be coming back.

    Laura: Yaaay!

    Kevin: I don’t think it is only for the British fans.

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: [Singing] The Brit is back in town

    Eric: No, I was going to say, the American fangirls would probably appreciate him a lot of more.

    Laura: Jamie has a lot of fan following.

    Andrew: Yes, ummm…

    Laura: So, uh…

    Kevin: Yeah, yeah.

    Andrew: We get complaints every week when we hear that he’s not on. You know, we’re…We understand, people.

    Ben: We want him back on, too.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Eric: Yeah, on the Fan Listing like his…the people who say they like him the best are only like 20 behind me. I’m like, “What the hell, I’ve been on so many more shows.”

    Andrew: But…

    Eric: [Laughs] But…

    Andrew: Eric always tries to be the best.

    Eric: Yeah.

    Andrew: But anyway…

    Ben: Moving on.

    Andrew: Jamie, he’s been busy with college. He’ll be on his Winter Break in just a few days, and so he’ll be on. He’ll be on a few shows, including next week’s. Hopefully, hopefully, because there’s no guarantees.

    Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, don’t…

    Ben: No promises.

    Andrew: It’s like a 90% chance we’re booking him.

    Kevin: Don’t get their hopes up.

    Ben: Who was that? Didn’t someone say one time that Jamie and I were both going to return one week and we didn’t? Who was that?

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: Oh yeah. That was me. That was me.

    Ben: I don’t remember. Who was that?

    Andrew: That was me.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: I don’t know. You guys said you would be on. [laughs]

    Ben: I was on actually, and then you guys re-recorded the show.

    [Kevin laughs]

    Ben: Without telling me.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Andrew: And then…

    Kevin: But, it was excellent without you, so…

    Ben: Oh, ouch! Yeah, so send your hate mail to iloveben at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

    Andrew: Yeah. No offense. Enough! [sighs]

    Goblet of Fire Contest Announcement

    Eric: Any more announcements, Andrew?

    Andrew: Yes, one final announcement. We are starting a new contest this week. A Goblet of Fire soundtrack contest, where 15 lucky people who listen to the show will be winning one Goblet of Fire soundtrack. All the great songs you heard in the movie are now in this one fine CD.

    Ben: Confettify!

    Andrew: Now, this contest…

    Ben: Wooo!

    Andrew: Yeah. This CD…this contest is a pretty fun one. We’re going to start it this week and it’s going to run through next week. It’s going to, it ends on the release of Episode 20. Now, here’s what you have to do. In one moment, I’m going to play five songs. Three-second clips of five songs. You have to e-mail us with each song’s title in the correct order of the order that they were played. Okay?

    Eric: We’ll give you a hint. They’ll all be U2 songs.

    [Laura and Kevin laugh]

    Andrew: No, they’re not U2 songs. They’re all from the soundtrack. You have to name all five.

    [Ben starts singing U2]

    Andrew: And then e-mail your contest entries to mcsongs at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Now, here are the five songs.

    [Plays song No. 1]

    Andrew: No. 2.

    [Plays song No. 2]

    Andrew: No. 3.

    [Plays song No. 3]

    Andrew: No. 4.

    [Plays song No. 4]

    Andrew: And No. 5.

    [Plays song No. 5]

    Andrew: Okay, so there you have it once again. E-mail them to “mcsongs”…what did we say, “mcsongs”?

    Eric: “Mcsongs.”

    Andrew: Yeah. E-mail them to mcsongs at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And then the winners will be announced on our Christmas Special, which will be Episode 21. And the winners will be chosen randomly out of the people who e-mailed in with the correct answers. So, good luck, everyone!

    Main Topic – Severus Snape

    Andrew: So, with that, now it’s time to move on with our main discussion of the week. Continuing our continuing series… [laughs] Wow, great wording there. Whoever writes these scripts are really bad.

    Ben: Micah. Micah, are you getting this down, Micah?

    Eric: Don’t make fun of Micah.

    Ben: Micah is actually transcribing this as we go.

    Andrew: We are going to continue… [Laughs] Yeah. We are going to continue our regular discussion on a specific character in depth, and this week as promised, is Severus Snape. Oooooo.

    Ben: Can I read the information about him? Can I read about him?

    Andrew: Sure, Ben. Tell us all about Mr. Snape.

    Ben: Okay, Mr. Snape was born on January 9th, 1959. His mother is Eileen Prince, hence the name ’Half-Blood Prince’ and he is indeed half-blood. His father was Tobias Snape. We found out a lot of this information in Half-Blood Prince. We don’t know if he has any children. Let’s see, what else do we have here? He’s Harry’s least favorite professor. He’s a real…

    Kevin: Really?

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Sounds a lot like me, ha!

    Eric: I disagree with that, Ben.

    Ben: Let’s see, he has a hooked nose. He was a former Death Eater or is he a Death Eater now? That’s the question everyone is dying to know. Is Severus Snape good or bad? That’s probably what our discussion is going to be centered around today, but that’s pretty much all there is to know about Severus Snape. He’s… There is information, once again this is from, and you can go there and look at information about the etymology behind his name and stuff.

    Kevin: Of course Eric wants to start the conversation, so…

    Ben: All right.

    Eric: No Kevin, I…

    Ben: Eric, is Snape good or bad? I’m really dying to know, what do you think, Eric?

    Eric: Well…

    Ben: Just tell me.

    Eric: Benjamin, I just thought it would be nice to inform the public that we did do quite a lot of talking about Snape in the first, I’d say, eight or nine episodes of MuggleCast. It was predominately, we just came off Book 6 and I remember we had to ask the fans to stop sending us Snape questions and stuff like that. So, we actually did talk a lot about Dumbledore and whether Snape is good or evil in the first, I’d say seven or eight episodes of MuggleCast. So, if you wanted to review this…

    Ben: But now’s a good time to, I think to summarize all of the information.

    Eric: Sure, I mean we can do that. I’m comfortable with going back to that subject right now. I think we had a nice break there.

    Kevin: Okay, so now that that’s been established, is he good or bad?

    Eric: I think he’s good.

    Ben: Well, I don’t know. It’s just…

    Kevin: I feel the same way.

    Laura: I’m on the fence.

    Ben: I think, I think, I think, no, no, I have an idea. Everyone is talking about whether Snape is good or bad. Maybe have you ever thought that Snape is working for himself?

    Laura: I’ve thought about that before.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: Snape’s concerned about Snape.

    Andrew: How would he benefit though?

    Ben: Okay, because he’s part of the good empire and the evil empire, so he basically gets the best of both worlds, you see what I’m saying?

    Kevin: Yeah, but at the same time, JK Rowling has made the distinction between Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters. Do you really think she’d go mid-way?

    Ben: Well, that’s true, but is there a gray area with…

    Kevin: I don’t really think so.

    Ben: …the good side and the dark side? Is there sort of an area where it’s muddled?

    Eric: Ben, I think it’s a gray area for every individual person, but everybody still chooses a side, what side they’re closer to I think.

    Ben: And I’m sure, I’m sure, after we say, it’s a year after Book 7 is out, if we look back into the previous books, I’m sure there is some foreshadowing that we’re missing right now about the truth, about the real identity of Snape.

    Kevin: Oh, I’m sure. JK Rowling puts stuff in there all the time that she puts right in front of us just for the point of laughing when we find out it was right in front of us the whole time.

    Eric: And here’s a question guys. Did you know Chamber of Secrets was originally going to be called Half-Blood Prince, and it was going to be about Snape?

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: That’s true.

    Eric: And then she realized she couldn’t fit that in, but then that really shocks me because how could we know all this about Snape upfront, and then she decides to say “No, I’m not going to them until the seventh book now.”

    Ben: So, do you guys think she was planning on killing Dumbledore too?

    Kevin: No. I think she was going to play it as a subplot.

    Ben: So another subplot? Yeah.

    Kevin: Yeah, where it was like a rolling plot and then come Book 6 or Book 7 she was going to kill Dumbledore using that subplot.

    Eric: One thing about his allegiance in the first book is simply, well his allegiance in the series. If he really turns out to be a bad guy, the whole point of suspecting him in Book 1 would be complete crap. I’d never read Book 1 again because here’s…

    Ben: Right, and but Eric, the first book, it’s sort of juvenile in a way that Snape is the Red-Herring and it feels like you’re watching Scooby Doo. There’s, what’s his name, there’s Fred who’s always saying “I know it’s Red-Herring, and I know it’s him” and Harry keeps saying “I know it’s Snape, I just know it is” and then it turns out not to be Snape, and then they keep suspecting Snape, suspecting Snape, and then finally it is, but at the same time isn’t really? You know?

    Eric: Ben, you watch Scooby Doo?

    Ben: I did. I used to.

    Kevin: Yeah, but I think that’s one of the points people have been making, that she has been playing it up as though he’s always the scapegoat. He’s always the person who does something bad and then it turns out that he doesn’t, and then the one time he does do something bad, you’re sitting there wondering was it truly him killing Dumbledore for the mere fact of killing him, or was it some agreement he made with Dumbledore in the past?

    Laura: Mhm.

    Ben: Well, Snape really had no choice but to kill Dumbledore…

    Laura: Right.

    Ben: …because he made the Unbreakable Vow, which in my mind it’s pretty sure that’s what it was about because Draco’s task was to kill Dumbledore, and when he couldn’t, Snape had the choice “Well, I do this or die” and…

    Eric: And I think, Ben, that’s a really important point to make. I’m sure we might have said it, but the fact that he had to do it could have been a good reason for him to be able to…people who think Snape is bad say “How could he?” I mean you really have to mean the death curse, so how could he possibly do that if he was good? But I think that it’s just a matter of having to do it.

    Kevin: Doing it out of necessity, yeah.

    Eric: Yeah, much like Harry and his Patronus, in Prisoner of Azkaban, he knew he could do it because he had to do it to save him in the past, who was also in the future.

    Snape and the Sphinx’s Riddle

    Laura: Well you guys, speaking of foreshadowing, Micah showed me a really cool editorial by Kirstie E. R. basically comparing Snape to the riddle that the sphinx gave Harry in Goblet of Fire.

    Eric: Huh.

    Laura: Yeah, it’s fairly interesting actually. Basically, if you read the first line, it talks about “the person who lives in secrets and tells but not lies.” She thinks that the sphinx was referring to Snape being this person, obviously not literally but as foreshadowing on Jo’s part. And that the “middle of middle and end of end” refers to mending relationships and that “middle” in that sentence literally means relationships that Snape has to mend in the middle of the series, which would be with Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and that “end” literally refers to the end of the series which could possibly be Harry assuming he is a good guy.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: In my mind that seems kind of a bit far out there.

    Eric: I don’t know, what I do want to say…

    Laura: Go ahead.

    Eric: Yeah. I’ll tell you one thing. That sphinx riddle didn’t seem to me, now whatever it was, and it was a lot of things, I don’t think it seemed like a spider to me. I actually think that whole riddle sounds more like a dementor then a spider.

    Kevin: Yep.

    Eric: Like, you wouldn’t want to kiss it and it’s so I knew at some point… I mean a spider?

    Laura: Exactly. Exactly. That’s a point

    Eric: I was ready for Harry to get tromped on. When I read it said spider I was like, “Okay, good, I’m going to read like a…” but she didn’t do anything. She was like “correct.” Like how was she supposed to…

    Laura: Yeah. And that’s actually a point that Kirstie made was at the end it talks about, “now tell me what is a creature you would not willing to be kiss,” “to kiss,” excuse me. If this is referring to Snape, what if he were to have his soul sucked out by a dementor, a dementor’s kiss?

    Eric: But I mean, yeah, I mean I don’t even know if that’s Snape, but I think that’s really clever. I’m going to read that editorial.

    Ben: That’s a good analogy I think.

    Eric: I don’t think it’s the spider. I was like, it has to be something besides that because that’s just…

    Laura: Well, she also made comparisons between Snape and spiders because we’ve seen several comparisons between Snape and bats which led people to believe he was a vampire.

    Eric: Yeah. What I want to know is what’s up with that? Like, if…

    Laura: Yeah, I sort of had…

    Eric: Is he…

    Laura: Sorry! We keep cutting into each other, but…

    Eric: No problem.

    Laura: [Laughs] She talks about Snape being referenced as a spider. For instance, he lives at Spinner’s End.

    Eric: Oooo.

    Laura: And in Order of the Phoenix during the Pensieve scene where Harry is…

    [Kevin laughs]

    Laura: Ooooh. I lost my train of thought. Anyway, where Harry is…[laughs]

    Eric: Yet you continued your sentence. How does that work?

    Laura: Yes, shut up. Okay, Harry is basically viewing his parents in “Snape’s Worst Memory” scene, and Snape is described as being twitchy like a spider. So, I sort of had a spin-off theory of…

    Eric: Spin-off, ha ha ha.

    Laura: Yeah. Ha ha ha ha.

    [Eric laughs]

    Laura: Of Kirstie’s theory. Right after Harry passes the Sphinx, he runs into an Acromantula. And I believe that the Triwizard Cup represents Harry’s goal in the maze, which was to defeat the maze, and I think if Snape or the Acromantula is representing Snape that it’s possible the Triwizard Cup could represent Voldemort being Harry’s goal to defeat him. Now, we know the Acromantula injured Harry, which made getting to the cup more difficult, which I can see as a comparison of Snape killing Dumbledore, which makes Harry’s quest to defeat Voldemort more difficult. However, we see that Harry does make it to the Cup and he does survive. So, it could be early foreshadowing to show us that Harry will defeat Voldemort and survive it. What do you guys think about that?

    Ben: Well, I like the connections you drew there.

    Eric: I like that.

    Ben: But, I don’t know if it’s really analogous to…I think I’ll probably end up eating my words with this. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised, but I just don’t know.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: It seems that it’s a connection but I don’t know if it’s being stretched a bit.

    Kevin: It’s true. [laughs]

    Laura: Oh well it could be.

    Eric: Well, actually…

    Laura: But we as Harry Potter fans stretch so many things.

    [Eric and Laura laugh]

    Eric: Yeah, but Ben, do you remember in Prisoner of Azkaban, remember when Ron is, when they’re all writing, doing their homework or something about trials and suffering and being happy. All that stuff comes true in the book.

    Ben: Oh yeah, when Ron starts talking about all the fires and stuff like that and all the bad things that are going to happen. Then Harry gets burned, yeah.

    Eric: Yeah, and all that stuff comes true in the book. It seems like, yeah, it seems like because each of those followed a task. Oh then, that was in Goblet of Fire then, each of the tasks.

    Ben: Yeah didn’t, yeah didn’t Ron say something that, “I’m going to save a friend from drowning” or “I’m going to drown next week,” and then Harry saved him or whatever. That was pretty interesting.

    Eric: Yeah. Yeah. So, actually that wouldn’t be the first time something long-drawn out was put in. My question is, I think there might be something more about Snape in the end of the book to begin with, about how Voldemort is going on about his faithful servant at Hogwarts, the one who has left forever and all that stuff that I think the whole end of the book has a lot more Snape in it. I think it’s definitely possible than most people thought.

    Ben: Galadriel had a really good theory about this. She wrote the Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter and all those books. In Galadriel’s books, she talks about how, how, who is the Chosen One, who is the faithful servant…not the Chosen One, but who was the faithful servant at Hogwarts and who was the coward that ran and – what’s the third one? I’m sorry, I’m a poor excuse for a Harry Potter fan.

    Is Snape Good, Bad Or Does He Have A Twin?

    Andrew: Just everyone’s dying to know: Is Snape good or is he bad? Or how about this, ooo, new theory popped into my mind? What if Snape has a twin?

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: One’s good, and one’s bad.

    Laura: The evil twin.

    Eric: And then…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    [Laura laughs]

    Eric: No, I think everyone should take responsibility for his or her own twin’s actions.

    Andrew: God, I’m so good.

    Eric: Or maybe a little Snape that he can detach and wreak havoc.

    Kevin: A little Snape [laughs]

    Eric: A little mini-me Snape.

    Andrew: It’s all figured out. I have it. Snape has a twin. That’s it.

    Eric: I think…

    Andrew: Just look at the fan-art pictures. Don’t they all look different from one another? I think he has like 40 brothers.

    [All laugh]

    Eric: Andrew!

    Laura: And twins look different from each other?

    Eric: It’s different artists’ interpretations.

    Andrew: Ohhh.

    Kevin: Ohhh, that explains it.

    Eric: Yeah, they are different artists so the artists aren’t like twins so they…going back to where Laura…

    Andrew: Okay, well…

    Eric: Eh, Andrew?

    Snape And The Dark Arts

    Andrew: Let’s do some comparing here. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? He’s into the Dark Arts.

    Eric: Okay great. Well, hang on here… Yeah.

    Andrew: Making him loyal to Voldemort, you would think.

    Eric: Well, making him…

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Eric: Good guys…no, good guys have to know the Dark Arts too. As Slughorn had said, the best wizards still kind of are interested in the Dark Arts.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Kevin: Of course, because how do you know your enemy if you don’t know they’re doing?

    Laura: Exactly.

    Eric: Exactly, exactly. So, just because he’s into the Dark Arts I think that gives him more of a reason to be more knowledgeable and be more mysterious and stuff.

    Kevin: I think his original motivations for going into the Dark Arts were those of being on Voldemort’s side. You know? Like his motivations now aren’t what they used to be. His intentions aren’t that way.

    Eric: I see what you mean. Yeah, Laura mentioned Spinner’s End and Snape being compared to a spider like that. I think that’s cool. Also, Spinner’s End, I think, has something to do with him creating a web of deceit. You know, a tangled web of, we don’t know what side he’s on and things like that. That could be the spider reference. You know?

    Laura: Mhm.

    Eric: Just that he’s this tangled web of people who think he’s good, who think he’s bad.

    Laura: Definitely.

    Ben: Okay, well the one reason – hear me out here – the one reason I think Snape is a good guy is because he absolutely has to be because he’s been around Harry for all these years. Why couldn’t he have zapped Harry once? What happened in Half-Blood Prince was at the end after Dumbledore gets killed by Snape, Harry’s unfrozen and he starts chasing after Snape, and he tries to do the Cruciatus Curse on him and is unsuccessful. And Snape’s yelling at him “You idiot, just go!” and all this stuff. At that moment, why couldn’t Snape have gone Petrificus Totalus and then went and grabbed Harry and taken him off to the Dark Lord…

    Kevin: And drag him along.

    Ben: And then zap zoom bammo.

    Laura: That’s one of the reasons that I’m on the fence.

    Eric: Guys, I have a great theory, I have a great, great theory. Okay, you guys. Ben, I think Snape kind of at least described himself well enough for Bellatrix on why he didn’t kill Harry yet, but at the end of Book 6, he said, “No, he’s the Dark Lord’s” when he’s chasing him across the grounds and he should have taken Harry away. Do you think, similarly to the Peter Pettigrew life debt that Pettigrew owes Harry, do you think Harry owes Snape now for saving his life like that? Because if you really…

    Ben: No, because I think with a life debt, it has to be something, you blatantly save a life. I think Snape would have to zap one of the Death Eaters after they said half of the death curse or something.

    Kevin: Yeah, exactly.

    Ben: Because he didn’t actually save his life; he just told him to turn and go.

    Kevin: He just chose not to kill him. [laughs]

    Eric: No, but still, that’s all it was with Wormtail. They were kind of pointing their wands at him and Harry said “No.”

    Laura: Yeah, but Wormtail was also the reason Harry’s parents died.

    Kevin: And Harry wasn’t the one who was going to be doing the killing.

    Ben: And also, they said they were going to kill him together and then Harry said, “Don’t kill him.” And in Half-Blood Prince, Snape really didn’t say – Snape said, “Turn and go ease the Dark Lord.” It wasn’t like he was saving his life, he was just delaying the moment that he was going to be killed by Voldemort.

    Eric: All right. Fine. I get it Ben. Fine, crush my theory. Whatever. I’m going to go and cry now. Okay, I get the point. You don’t like me, you don’t like me. It’s fine.

    Kevin: 3 on 1. [laughs]

    Ben: You know what, Barty Crouch Jr. is a good guy.

    Eric: He is.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Eric: No, actually, I’m going to talk about that for one second. If you look in the books, he’s actually really a good guy and it was a surprise because I had forgotten all the good stuff pointing to him in the books when I said that. But he doesn’t really seem evil in the trial before he gets put in Azkaban, and when he comes out, I think is when he’s really evil, but also the fact that he’s soul-sucked by a dementor just says we may never know stuff about him that could have come forward if he were still alive.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Eric: As to his past and stuff. So, I think there is a good margin for him being good, but back to Snape. But thank you for bringing that up, Ben.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Eric: Made me feel better about you crushing my theory. So, okay. What else? What’s up?

    Ben: Do you think Snape’s a good guy, Eric? Do you think Snape’s a good guy?

    Eric: Ooh, ooh wait, I forget, guys…

    Kevin: I wouldn’t say he’s a good guy, though.

    Eric: Yeah.

    Kevin: Just because he’s good in the sense he’s on the right side doesn’t mean he’s a good guy.

    Eric: He’s still…

    Laura: Just like Sirius said, there’s no defining line between Death Eaters and good people, it’s the same way…

    Kevin: Exactly.

    Laura: …on the other side.

    Kevin: I mean if, if Bellatrix was on the Order of the Phoenix – doesn’t mean she’s a good person, she’s just supports them.

    Ben: Definitely.

    Eric: Oh, I have a great contribution. I’m sorry, Andrew, go ahead.

    Andrew: I was just reading through some quotes that JK Rowling has said about Snape, and in the majority of them, she’s always reiterating how horrible Snape is. One quote calling him “Deeply horrible.” Does…can he be on this good side while still being this “deeply horrible” quote un-quote?

    Ben: I have a reason for that. First of all it’s JK Rowling. And second of all, I think that absolutely… He can be…

    Eric: You know what? That’s a good point, Ben.

    Andrew: My point was that she kept reiterating it. She kept saying…

    Eric: Well, he is a bad guy.

    Andrew: Her point is that Snape…

    Ben: Just because he’s a bad person doesn’t mean…

    Eric: Yeah.

    Ben: Just because he has a nasty personality doesn’t mean he has to be on the side of Voldemort.

    Andrew: Nobody said it was personality.

    Eric: He was picked on by Harry’s father. He’s not going to let that slide. He has a grudge and the best of people can hold grudges…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Occam’s Razor

    Eric: And can be pretty mean, I guess. I’m not saying he’s a good guy, he’s not, but that’s…I see that as a flaw. I still think there might be good, and are you guys familiar with Occam’s Razor?

    Ben: No.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Eric: Okay, Kevin is, he’s the college boy.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Eric: Occam’s Razor is a postulation, if you will. It’s a postul-ette thingy that states that one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything. In short, it means, the shortest answer is the best answer.

    Ben: You shouldn’t give that advice.

    Andrew: See, Eric would learn from that.

    [All laugh]

    Eric: Okay, okay, guys, besides that, the point is, people are using this to say that Snape is bad. And they say that, “Okay, so, all right, now Snape is bad or he’s good but he tricked Dumbledore, but he tricked this, but you know, he’s tricking Voldemort and he’s going on both sides,” and they make it out to seem that Snape being a good guy is such a long, drawn-out thing, that it’s just Occam’s Razor says we should make it out like he’s bad and in reality, I just think there is just enough explanation required for him to truly be bad. Which includes the fact that he has been proven good all throughout Book 1, and all throughout the whole series in all these different events.

    Kevin: Yeah, but at the same time, we know JK Rowling and she tends to hide things in her books. So, typically – with her at least – things don’t go according to Occam’s Razor.

    Eric: Oh, well yeah. That’s just more proof that he’s good though.

    Ben: Well, for example look at this show. Look at all the things we talk about, look at all the analyzing we do. Occam’s Razor, whatever postulization it is, is ridiculous because we come up with long-drawn answers because the thing that’s not true about that is…Well, I think it means that the simplest answer is usually the correct answer, but at the same time we have to provide proof for what we’re saying. We can’t just make flawed assumptions based off nothing.

    Andrew: So let’s go around the table before we get to the voicemails. In one word, Eric [laughs]

    Ben: One word, Eric. One word.

    Final Answer: Good Or Bad?

    Andrew: Explain, [laughs] not explain, say if you think he is good or bad. Ben? Or both.

    Ben: Did you say Ben?

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Oooh, good.

    Andrew: Laura?

    Laura: Don’t know.

    Andrew: Kevin?

    Kevin: Good.

    Andrew: Eric?

    Eric: Loyal. I’m not going to say loyal to Dumbledore or loyal to Voldemort, I’m just going to say loyal and let people figure it out.

    Andrew: I’ll take that as a both.

    Ben: And yourself?

    Andrew: I’d like to think good. I’ll say good because it’ll end up as not.

    Ben: You’re just going with Kevin and I.

    Andrew: No, no.

    Ben: You’re just going with what the group thinks.

    Andrew: No, I’m thinking about Book 7.

    Kevin: He’s a trend-follower, not a trendsetter.

    Andrew: No, obviously cool people say “good.” So…

    Laura: Aw, me and Eric aren’t cool.

    Eric: Guys… Hey guys, at the end of the book of Book 1, “The Man With Two Faces” when Harry is confronted by Quirrell and he says, “You?” and Quirrell smiled and says, “Me? I wondered whether I’d be meeting you here.” Harry says, “But I thought Snape…” and he goes “Severus. Oh yes, Severus seems the type, doesn’t he?” And then he goes on “So useful to have him swooping down like an overgrown bat. So, next to him who would expect p-p-oor stuttering Professor Quirrell?” But I think it really, that emphasizes too the fact that Snape really does seem like a bad guy, but really he’s just clouding the pool of potentials. I think that Quirrell really used that to emphasize how next to Snape, he could blend in with the good guys very easily. So, even though I think he’s distinguishing Snape as a good guy, what do you guys think?

    Ben: There’s a lot of deception going on in these books.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: [Yells] Constant Vigilance! Constant Vigilance!

    Eric: Thank you, Ben.

    Andrew: And like my solution is every week, we’ll just have Jo on the show and we won’t even have to have these podcasts anymore. [laughs]

    Eric: Not that she’d answer any of our questions, as said before.

    Andrew: Good thing Jo doesn’t update her site anymore because otherwise, we’d run out of stuff to talk about. [laughs]

    Kevin: I know.

    Laura: Yeah.

    [Eric and Laura laughs]

    Andrew: Well, well let’s get to the voicemails now.

    Voicemails – Why Didn’t Harry Kill Snape?

    [Audio]: Hi, I’m Catherina for Yano, Austria, and I really love your podcast. I have a question concerning Harry and Snape. In the sixth book when Harry was chasing Snape on the grounds of Hogwarts, why did he try the Cruciatus Curse and not the Avada Kedavra? For me, it would be clear that Harry would just kill him after all that he had done. Or is that Harry is not powerful enough to cast such a spell? Just tell me what you think. Thank you.

    Ben: The central theme of this book is the power Harry has that Voldemort knows not is love, and I don’t think, I think Harry has too much love in him be able to kill someone, as of right now. Eventually, he’s going to have to find a way to do it to Voldemort in Book 7 if he wants to defeat Voldemort. But the problem is right now, he doesn’t have, as Bellatrix told him in Book 5, “You have to really mean it, you have to really mean it to torture the person,” and right now he hasn’t developed enough hatred, he hasn’t practiced the spell really enough to actually torture the two people he’s tried it on. He tried it on Bellatrix in Book 5 and then Snape in Book 6. I think he would be capable of performing the death curse, but I don’t know if he really wanted to try it because he’s never really killed before and he’s a loving person.

    Kevin: You think he would use the death curse?

    Ben: Well, he’s going to have to.

    Kevin: Will he?

    Ben: Well, he’s going to have to find some way to kill Voldemort unless he uses one of the Top 100 Ways. I can see Jo borrowing one of them, borrowing from our contest winners.

    [Kevin and Eric laugh]

    Kevin: I just asked because it seemed as though Voldemort wasn’t hesitating to cast it at Dumbledore but Dumbledore was, you know what I mean?

    Eric: Yeah.

    Kevin: It seems as though there’s more to the death curse than we know, and there are better ways to do it as someone who’s…

    Ben: Yeah, maybe it’s similar to drinking unicorn blood because when you drink unicorn blood, you have that half-life, a cursed life, but then all the Aurors would be doomed too, so I don’t know. Dumbledore may have been hesitant to do it, but I think the reason he was hesitant was because the fact he knew that Harry had to be the one to do it and if he tried anything, that it wouldn’t work anyway. That Harry had to be the one to confront Voldemort in the end because of what the prophecy said.

    Eric: Yeah, I think Harry is a lover not a fighter. By that I also mean that…

    Ben: Ginny knows what you’re talking about.

    [All laugh]

    Eric: Yeah. He’s not a killer; he really, really isn’t. I think there are several other books series, including Narnia, which I just saw tonight, but I don’t want to talk about that because you guys are going to do that next week, but even in Narnia the hero is given a sword and he really doesn’t use it until he absolutely has to. He doesn’t just go wield it around and kill people for target practice, and I think Harry is definitely one of those people who doesn’t kill and it’s brought up.

    Ben: Right, but Harry has to make sure – to use the sword analogy – to keep his sword sharp, so to speak. So, he needs to practice the death curse, practice it on pixies or something so that he knows how to do it when it comes time for the final battle.

    Laura: Well, like you were saying, Bellatrix was telling him you really have to have enough hate in yourself to be able to cast an Unforgivable Curse, and I think Harry knows that. Also, I think part of the reason he didn’t use the Killing Curse is because in Book 5 when Sirius dies, Harry is described as wanting to track down Bellatrix and make her to feel the pain…

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Eric: Yeah.

    Laura: …that she has given Harry and I think Harry wanted Snape to feel the pain. I don’t think he wanted him to get a quick way out. He wanted him to suffer.

    Ben: That too.

    Eric: Like in court and trial. A lot of time. especially in Batman and X-Men, all the superheroes and stuff, they turn them over to the cops instead of killing them because that’s justice and they have this big emphasis on justice being done to them and death is the easy way out.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Eric: And I think one of the things bad guys definitely capitalize on is the term, the sentence, the phrase: “You should have killed me when you had the chance.” Because that’s just plain wrong. They shouldn’t have killed them. I believe Dumbledore says, Voldemort says that to Dumbledore, and the thing is that they’re drawing on… It’s love and they aren’t killing them, and then the bad guys make it seem like it’s the weak thing to do…

    Ben: When you think about it, Eric…

    Eric: …and it’s not.

    Ben: And this is sort of contradicting what I said a few minutes ago, but this just came to my mind is that when it comes down to it, we’re going to have to see some way to kill Voldemort other then using the Killing Curse because we saw in Book 4 what happens with Prior Incantatem.

    Kevin: Right.

    Ben: And it’d be a regurgitation of the previous spells that the wand committed. So, Harry’s going to have to find some other way.

    Kevin: Well, that’s only when you cast the spell at the same time.

    Ben: Right, but both of them have to be ready. I doubt… If you can block the spell, If you know you can block the spell by just throwing up Expelliarmus

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: …then that’s what Harry is going to do. To prevent himself from being killed.

    Kevin: That’s true.

    Eric: Yeah, I thought that was what pretty much what happens, it was emphasizing the connection between them and the fact that they had the same wand. So, and I think we answered this in a voicemail, like one of the earlier shows, about how Voldemort might want a new wand or something since theirs can’t work together. I think there will have to be another way for Harry to kill him.

    Ben: I don’t know. We’ll find out.

    Eric: I don’t know. What scares me, what scares me, even though this is SnapeCast, is how close Harry and Voldemort are even now.

    Kevin: Do you think so?

    Eric: But that’s for another show. I think they are incredibly alike. In every book they are alike.

    Kevin: Oh, okay, I thought you meant in strength. See, the whole problem I’ve been seeing is that – and it’s emphasized even by the point that Harry can’t really cast these high-level dark magic spells – is that he always seems to be a little too weak than the competition. And he always seems to just squeak by with his life, kind of thing.

    Eric: Oh, and we’ve said this on the earlier shows too. He’s pretty much screwed.

    Kevin: Yeah, exactly.

    Eric: We should really…

    Kevin: It seems like he has to do a lot of learning before he even attempts to face Voldemort because the last thing we want as fans is to see him kill Voldemort out of luck. [laughs] You know?

    Ben: I was actually reading a very interesting fan fiction story the other day in which Harry – he’s doing these studies about things and he gets some war guide, and he realizes it’s time for him to confront Voldemort, that he has to confront the enemy, because in the previous books, the confrontation has always been basically been set-up by Voldemort. Voldemort had the Portkey. Voldemort led Harry down into the little dungeon place with the Mirror of Erised. Voldemort led Harry to the Chamber of Secrets. Then we saw in Book 4… We saw in Book 5, Voldemort gave Harry the vision of Sirius being tortured and led him to the Department of Mysteries where there was a confrontation there.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: And…and Harry has to finally…he has to set it up this time around if he wants to have a shot at beating Voldemort. He has…it has to be on his terms.

    Kevin: He also has to hit the books. [laughs]

    Ben: Rather than…yeah. Rather than Voldemort actually, you know, setting it up again and then having the upper hand because he’s going to know the terrain, he’s going to know what’s going on and Harry will have to reverse the tides this time and…

    Eric: You know what guys? Unfortunately this wasn’t even really a high-emphasis Snape voicemail so we should talk about Snape. [laughs]

    Kevin: Okay. Well let’s move on to the next one.

    Voicemails – Snape’s Patronus: Spider or Bat?

    [Audio]: Hey guys, this is Mark from New York, great job with the show. You know, I honestly can’t think of a time when we have seen Professor Snape give a Patronus. So what do you think his Patronus would be? Also we’ve never seen that he’s an Animagus either. I mean – like everybody seems to be one, how come he isn’t? Or is he, and if he is, what animal do you think he’d transform into? Thanks guys.

    Eric: I think that if Snape had a Patronus, I think…well he does have a Patronus. I think if he did cast, it’d probably be a bat or a spider…same thing with Animagus. Um, focusing just on the tail end of this voicemail quick… I think that I like how they said that basically there is a lot of Animagi and everybody seems to be one. I really feel that it goes along, in hand with the Polyjuice Potion you know, everybody is using Polyjuice Potion and…and in Book 6 we saw you know, Crabbe and Goyle turning into girls with Polyjuice Potion, you know it just…and that’s how Barty Crouch’s mom bailed him out and you know it’s…things like these I guess have to be used more than once because it seems like…I don’t know. All I know is that yeah, I like that they really said pretty much everybody’s an Animagus and everybody’s using Polyjuice Potion, everybody’s doing it.

    Ben: Why couldn’t…?

    Eric: It’s…

    Ben: Why couldn’t Vold…?

    Eric: It’s a weak point but it’s also a…

    Ben: Why couldn’t Voldemort take the Polyjuice Potion and turn into Ron and then when Harry’s asleep, kill him? Or why couldn’t Voldemort, why couldn’t Harry use a Time-Turner and go back in time and kill Voldemort while he’s on the crapper?

    Eric: Yeah, certain plot…

    [Ben laughs]

    Eric: …points have been…certain plot points have been used again and again and again but I don’t know if I mind them. Snape’s Patronus I think, bat…bat or…or a spider.

    Kevin: I would say bat as well.

    Eric: Especially because…

    Laura: Yeah, I agree.

    Eric: What was happening with that whole vampire thing? She just stopped emphasizing that.

    Kevin: Well probably because she saw it was off-base. I mean, it doesn’t fit. He…the way he’s described, yes he could be taken as a vampire, but I don’t think she wanted the fans going in that direction with their theories about him. I mean, do you really think that he’s a vampire?

    Andrew: That would be just lame.

    Kevin: I think it would be, yeah.

    Eric: I think…

    Andrew: Do we know of any vampires?

    Laura: Yeah.

    Eric: She hasn’t really…

    Kevin: She’s never really emphasized them.

    Eric: No, what we know of…Yeah, what we know about vampires…

    Laura: It seems like she’s like mentioned them in passing before but no real details.

    Ben: For example, Quirrell met some in the Black Forest.

    Andrew: Oh yeah.

    Ben: That’s…those…

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: What book was that?

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Eric: Which was kind of like Snape and…

    Laura: So it almost, it almost sounds like the way she describes them there that they are kind of like centaurs in the fact that they would want to live…

    Ben: A beast. [Laughs]

    Laura: …in a specified, natural area.

    Andrew: Yeah, like the forest.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Laura: If that makes any sense.

    Andrew: For example.

    Eric: Yeah.

    Ben: It’s not the vampire like the Dracula type vampire, “I vant to suck your blood.”

    Andrew: You mean the one on the cereal box?

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: It’s not that type of…yeah.

    Eric: [Laughs] Count Chocula.

    Ben: Count Chocula.

    Eric: Andrew eats…

    Andrew: I love that guy.

    Eric: Andrew has Count Chocula…

    [Kevin laughs]

    Eric: …for breakfast. [laughs] I think, yeah, also the blood lollipops and things that were like catered to vampires, I think from what we know about…now Snape isn’t much of a human.

    Kevin: [Laughs] Isn’t much of a human!

    Eric: I don’t think he’s…

    Kevin: That’s a good way of saying it.

    Eric: He’s not much of a guy, but I think he’s more human than vampires.

    [Ben laughs]

    Eric: Yeah, he’s not a very humane man in the slightest, but I think he’s still a guy and still…still not a vampire. Guys, I have to go. Unfortunately.

    Andrew: So well I think…I think we wrapped up that voicemail anyway, right?

    Ben: Yeah.

    Eric: Yeah, so…so I’m going to… Can we announce that I’m going to go instead of cutting it out?

    Ben: I think we’ll just cut you out.

    Eric: And just not existing.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Kevin: We should just cut you out, yeah.

    Andrew: Eric, at 12:43 in the morning, has to go somewhere so… We’ll see you later, Eric.

    Kevin: Goodbye.

    Ben: Spielers unite.

    Eric: Goodbye.

    Laura: Adios.

    Spy on Spartz

    Andrew: Now moving along, it’s not another MuggleCast without Spy on Spartz. We’ve been doing this for every show since, what Episode 3?

    Ben: Something like that. However this one…

    Andrew: It’s been a while.

    Ben: …this one’s really goofy. I talked to Emerson, I talked to Emerson like yesterday night, last night and he told me that he went and had a massive snowball fight with everyone in the Notre Dame dorms.

    Andrew: No way.

    Ben: There was like a big snowball fight, a tackling snowball fight and they were running around and just knocking the, the snot out of each other and…and he said well, and his quad lost. Did you hear that? Emerson lost at something, guys!

    [Andrew and Kevin laugh]

    Laura: Oh my God!

    Ben: Can you believe it? And so…

    Laura: The Apocalypse has come.

    Ben: I know.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: It’s incredible, well someone…someone once told me that hell would freeze over the day Emerson lost at something and it looks like that day has come.

    [Andrew and Laura laugh]

    Ben: Okay. But, but back to how we’re spying on him. This week he is once again…he is at a snowball fight/football game on the North Quad. I don’t understand how it can be a snowball fight/football game at the same time. I don’t quite get how that works but…

    Andrew: I guess they’re throwing snowballs at each other while playing football.

    Ben: Yeah and then they…

    Andrew: Duh. Okay?

    Ben: They tackle each other, randomly tackle each other and…

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah, enough said.

    Ben: So, let’s all be happy and…hopefully, hope they…I hope Emerson wins, wins this time.

    Andrew: Go North Quad. [Laughs]

    Ben: But also, the full and final thing about Notre Dame/Emerson. Notre Dame made it to BCS Bowl this year in college football. They rank No. 5 in the nation. They’re playing Ohio State in the Tostito’s Fiesta Bowl. So all of you, who plan on watching the game, go out and cheer on Ohio State.

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Okay.

    The Las Vegas Minute

    Andrew: Thank you. Thank you, Ben. And now for our…one of our newest segments on the show. It actually is our newest segment on the show.

    [Kevin laughs]

    Andrew: The Las Vegas Minute where we spend exactly one minute talking about our trip to Las Vegas.

    Ben: Ready…go.

    Andrew: Okay, so…wow, Las Vegas. It’s still so far away.

    [Laura laughs]

    Kevin: Did you see how many people are signing up?

    Andrew: Yeah. A ton of people, thanks to us.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Andrew: Lumos owes us big time.

    Kevin: Yeah they do.

    Laura: We’re going to go gambling.

    Andrew: But you know what’s going to be interesting? How it’s going to be all these Harry Potter dorks in one single hotel.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: Definitely.

    Andrew: In most part.

    Ben: No video cameras allowed.

    Laura: Is anyone afraid…

    Ben: No video cameras.

    Laura: …of anyone knowing what room they’re in?

    Andrew: What? Says who?

    Ben: I say no video cameras.

    [All laugh]

    Laura: I wonder why.

    Andrew: I don’t know why not. Yeah.

    Ben: Yeah, but…

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Yeah, that’s going to be really fun, I can’t wait for it.

    Andrew: So…

    Ben: Very sweet.

    Andrew: So Ben, me and you were talking this week. [Laughs]. It seems kind of stupid when you think about it, but you’re going to fly out to my house and then we’re going to hit the Jersey shore.

    [Kevin laughs]

    Ben: And then we’re going to be going…

    Andrew: Then we fly out to Vegas.

    Ben: Fly out to Vegas

    Andrew: How crazy is that?

    Ben: This concludes minute number two of the Las Vegas Minute…bye-bye. Okay, so that’s the Las Vegas Minute.

    Andrew: Ah, darn it.

    Ben: That was the…

    Andrew: I wanted to add something in.

    Ben: It’s getting quicker and quicker every week, guys.

    Andrew: But I can’t break the rules.

    Ben: We don’t…that’s not our fault.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: The minute…

    Andrew: I know.

    Ben: It’s a New York minute. It’s a Las Vegas minute, I don’t know. [laughs]

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Oh geez.

    Andrew: So on that note.

    Ben: No, we’re not leaving yet, we can’t leave yet.

    Andrew: Yeah, at least hang around for a little bit.


    Ben: Here’s, here’s, here’s my new segment.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Kevin: What, he’s…

    Ben: It’s called Bemma. Bemma Segment.

    [Kevin and Andrew laugh]

    Ben: Emma…if you hear this, Emma – if you’re Emma’s…

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: …if you’re Emma’s publicist, if you’re hearing this…please get her in touch with me.

    [Kevin laughs]

    Ben: Contact me. Ben at staff dot MuggleNet dot com.

    Andrew: Why? Why?

    Ben: [Sounds shocked] Why?

    Andrew: Why?

    Laura: And if you’re Emma’s publicist…

    Ben: [Still shocked] Why?

    Laura: Sink that ship as soon as you can. For Emma’s sake.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: Awww, come on! It’s all right.

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: We know…

    Kevin: And a restraining order, I’m thinking restraining order.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Please don’t get a restraining order on me. Please.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: Okay, so that concludes…

    Kevin: He doesn’t stalk you too much!

    Andrew: Ben would…

    Ben: That concludes Session Number One of Bemma, Bemma, Bemma, Bemma… [Fades out]

    Andrew: It’s going to be cancelled.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Oh, don’t cancel Bemma!

    Laura: Yeah.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: Maybe next week, we’ll see what, we’ll see how everything goes down.

    Andrew: Ahhh…

    Laura: It sounds like a really bad…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: …soap opera. [laughs]

    The Dueling Club: Harry vs. Draco

    Andrew: Now this week we’re going to premiere a new segment that we’re going to test out. I think it will be cool. It’ll…it’s a fun little game that…

    Ben: I came up with it, Ben came up with it.

    Andrew: You can also learn a lot from.

    Ben: Ben came up with it. [laughs]

    Andrew: Thanks, Ben. We’ll be calling this The Dueling Club.

    Ben: Woo!

    Andrew: Woo. The Dueling Club. The Dueling Club is where we gather to put two characters face-to-face and see who would win. This week we’re going to start off pretty basic. Harry Potter versus Draco Malfoy.

    Laura: Harry.

    Ben: And also send, go ahead and send in your two characters that you’d like to see duke it out.

    Andrew: To…

    Ben: To…select Ben from the contact form and enter the subject line: ‘Dueling Club.’ Okay, sounds good. Okay Laura, why do you…Laura, why do you say Harry?

    Laura: There is a direct example in Order of the Phoenix at the end, whenever Harry is basically taunting Draco about his father being in prison, and Draco goes to grab his wand long before Harry does, yet Harry still manages to get his wand out of his robes and pointing at Draco first. He’s faster than Draco, he’s smarter than Draco, and he’s had far more defense experience. Therefore, Harry would win a duel against Draco.

    Kevin: Yeah, I think so too.

    Ben: I don’t know. The thing is, is that Draco’s a pretty, a pretty salty guy, if you know what I’m saying. I think that…that if he, if it came down to it, he could put up quite a fight. But then again, what you’re saying, Harry…Harry survived quite a few incidents in his…in his lifetime.

    Laura: I think Draco’s better with planning. I don’t think Draco’s good with spontaneous activities.

    Kevin: Right.

    Laura: He’s more of a plotter.

    Ben: Right for, yeah for example if Harry was thrown into the situation with Draco, Harry probably could think on his feet better than Draco does so he’d probably win then. But if it came down to it where say, you know in Book 1 where they said, “Let’s meet in the Trophy Room.” Say that happened again now, and…Draco could use sort of a guerrilla warfare tactic where he ambushes Harry and basically sends Harry for a loop and…

    Laura: Yeah, but Harry would think about that in advance.

    Andrew: Yeah but think about Book 6. He practically had him. I mean…

    Ben: He outsmarted Harry… He outsmarted everyone.

    Andrew: Yeah, he outsmarted him.

    Laura: Mm-hmm.

    Andrew: I think he can…he can think that way. He’s good at…[laughs] at outsmarting. It’s obviously proven in Book 6 but I mean…

    Laura: He’s cunning. He’s cunning but I…

    Ben: For example, for example…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: Really don’t think he’s quick on his feet.

    Ben: No I think…

    Kevin: I don’t think he is either.

    Ben: No, but hold on a second. Look to Book 6 where they’re on the train and Draco realizes Harry’s in the cart and he freezes him and then he…That scene like made me cringe because he stomps on his nose and the blood runs down his face.

    Laura: Yeah but again…

    Andrew: Yes.

    Laura: He had time to think on that.

    Kevin: It’s true.

    Laura: Because he saw Harry’s shoe whenever Harry was climbing up into the rack. So he had all that time that Harry was up there to think about what he was going to do to plan out how he was going to get back at him.

    Ben: Right, but that all, that all happened in a…in a matter of seconds and Draco was able to…

    Laura: No, no, no, no, no, Harry was laying up there for a long time while he listened in on their conversation.

    Kevin: Yeah, he was.

    Ben: That’s true, I guess. I don’t know. Andrew, do you have any thoughts?

    Kevin: Shot down.

    Andrew: Well I mean, if you want to be technical about it. [laughs] What are we defining as a duel? A planned out, already set…hey…

    Ben: Well how about we go about it like…

    Andrew: Hey, duel at 3 PM…flagpole.

    Ben: A western, a western-style you know, meet me outside at dawn.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Kevin: Okay, how about this-

    [Ben laughs]

    Kevin: Harry would win because only Voldemort can kill Harry. [Laughs]

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Oooh, good point, Kevin.

    Kevin: I know.

    Ben: Kevin wins on a technicality there.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: I don’t know. That…

    Andrew: That one’s up in the air for me.

    Ben: That one’s, that one’s…I agree. Okay.

    The Dueling Club: Harry and Hermione

    Andrew: Do you want to do another one real quick?

    Ben: Yeah let’s do another one, let’s do another one.

    Laura: That was fun.

    Ben: Hermione…Hermione and…

    Kevin: Emma Watson.

    Ben: No.

    Kevin: No, sorry.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: No, Hermione and Draco. Hermione and Draco.

    Andrew: I think it’s the same thing there.

    Kevin: I don’t think so.

    Laura: I don’t know.

    Kevin: I think to be honest I think Draco would, would win. Because Hermione doesn’t seem, well…she’s book smart but she doesn’t seem one to…

    Andrew: She’s not shrewd smart.

    Laura: Well the thing that holds me up there is…

    Ben: No, no but that’s…that’s completely untrue, look to the Department of Mysteries scene where Hermione was able to use a lot of wit and…

    Kevin: Yeah, think if she, if she were to win, it would be out of the knowledge, just out of knowledge of…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: Yes.

    Andrew: But I mean – has she ever proven herself under Defense Against the Dark Arts? In a real situation?

    Ben: I don’t know but I think…

    Kevin: I don’t think she can handle one-on-one.

    Laura: The Department of Mysteries is a pretty real situation.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: Yeah, that’s definitely true.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Because…

    Laura: Well…

    Ben: She was able to fight pretty well for [laughs] being a teenage girl, you know.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: Nothing against teenage girls.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: I love you all.

    Laura: Yeah, there’d better not be.

    [Kevin laughs]

    Laura: The reason that I’m leaning more towards Hermione on this one is a couple of years ago in an interview, someone asked J.K. Rowling if Harry and Hermione were to duel, who would win? And she said up until halfway through Book 3, it would have been Hermione. I think if at any point during Hermione’s life she’s strong enough to defeat Harry, then she’s probably strong enough to defeat Draco too.

    Ben: I don’t know about that because up until Book 3, who do you think would have won between Harry and Draco? See Harry, Harry sort of came into, came to the Hogwarts scene…

    Laura: I’ve obviously never seen Draco to be greatly talented. He’s not talentless. I just don’t see him as being an equal to Harry at all.

    Ben: That’s definitely true. But I don’t know, I think Draco, I think maybe we underestimate him a bit. Because for example, like we were saying, look to how he was able to handle…

    Laura: I don’t know – I think he could kick Ron’s butt.

    Ben: That’s true, he’d probably beat Ron. Ron’s sort of a…a sort of…he’s sort of a pushover, I think, I don’t know.

    Laura: I don’t think Ron’s a pushover.

    Ben: But look at the Department of Mysteries scene in Book 5 where [laughs] Ron basically…he turned into a blubbering idiot with that whole brain thing and I never would…

    Laura: Yeah but that was because he’d been hit with a curse earlier.

    Ben: Yeah, that’s true. Well people, send in your suggestions for this segment. Maybe we could evolve it into its own type of little game.

    Andrew: Yeah, I think what we should do is time it, like set it to like two minutes where we go back and forth about it.

    Ben: Yeah, for example it could be…

    Laura: Cross-fire.

    Ben: Yeah, like Cross-fire.

    Andrew: We can have some kind of space music in the background.

    Ben: Yeah, or like on ESPN there’s that show Pardon The Interruption where they spend like 30 seconds – I guess I’m the only one that’s ever watched ESPN, you Harry Potter dorks. But they spend 30 seconds…

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: …arguing about like a sport, a person…like Kobe Bryant or something. So…

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: We can do that exact same thing. Oh and also guys, also…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: …one last thing to say, is we want a fresh new remix at the beginning of the show. Take some clips out of previous episodes, funny little sayings, maybe if you have Andrew’s “yeahs” and sync them together and make us, make us a new show intro. Right now we have the, what I like to say, the “cracked out Hedwig’s Theme.” Some of you, a lot of you like it. It’s sort of become our trademark. But…come up with something new and hopefully we can have it for Episode 20 and we can put it at the beginning and it can be…we’ll make sure…

    Andrew: Well Episode 20 is going to be Christmas, so…we’re going to do something Christmassy, I think.

    Ben: Well, then the next time we have a normal episode, we’ll, we’ll play it, so…

    Andrew: Okay.

    Ben: Come up…give us a new theme. Give us a new theme. That’s all I had to say.

    Show Close

    Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: Then Episode 1…oh I just had this great new idea. Not Episode 1! [Laughs] Episode 21. We should make our goal to be the first new Podcast of 2006.

    Ben: Let’s do it.

    Andrew: 12:01 AM.

    Laura: We should.

    Andrew: Bam! It’s up.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Andrew: Let’s do it. Because New Year’s Day is a…er…

    Ben: A Sunday?

    Andrew: A Sunday. Yeah, New Year’s Day is a Sunday. So it will be good timing.

    Ben: Let’s do it.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: It’ll be out an hour earlier.

    Laura: Mm-hmm.

    Ben: Oh and…

    Andrew: Okay.

    Ben: Yeah, so that’s pretty much it. When you guys are writing those song parodies again, write one about, and Emma and all that stuff, put one together.

    [Kevin laughs]

    Andrew: So on that note…I would be Andrew…er, oh…Andrew Sims.

    Kevin: What?

    Ben: And I am everyone’s favorite Kansan,

    Andrew: You know what?

    Ben: That’s what I’m going to start calling myself, I’m calling myself from now on.

    [Andrew and Laura laugh]

    Ben: Not even going to…let’s just say that’s my new name.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Kevin: And I’m Kevin…Steck. Like the hesitation?

    Andrew: Without dot coms?

    Laura: And with no special way of outro-ing myself, I’m Laura Thompson.

    Andrew: Awww.

    Kevin: Awww, you have to make…

    Andrew: Laura, you’re special because you’re the only girl on MuggleCast.

    Laura: Awww.

    Kevin: Except Ben.

    Andrew: I don’t know do you…do you want an extra girl on the show, Laura? Do you need a…do you need a…

    Laura: Do I seem like I’m having a hard time handling it with you?

    Ben: Get Emma Watson on here.

    Andrew: No.

    [Kevin and Laura laugh]

    Ben: No, no, no, I’ll do you one better. I’ll do you guys even one better. Get Andrew’s sister on the show. Come on!

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: She doesn’t…she doesn’t even finish…

    Laura: I feel so sorry for your sister.

    Andrew: She hasn’t even finished reading Book 6 yet so she’s not even…

    Ben: She’s coming on here.

    Andrew: Although…yeah, although…yeah my dad, my dad said it, he was like “You should put Becky on the show. I think she’d be really good. Blah blah blah blah blah.” I’m like “No.”

    Ben: Dude, me and your sister are going to have our first date on MuggleCast.

    Andrew: Okay.

    Kevin: Okay. [laughs]

    Laura: Oh my God.

    Andrew: I’m glad that I got this PowerBook.

    Laura: I feel so sorry for Andrew’s sister.

    Andrew: That wraps up Episode 19, Episode…wait a second. Have I been counting these wrong?

    Ben: This is Episode 19.

    Andrew: Episode 22 is the New Year’s.

    Kevin: This is 19.

    Andrew: No, but Episode 22 is New Year’s, I said Episode 21.

    Ben: Okay, sounds good.

    Andrew: But at any rate. Episode…we will see you next week for Episode 20 with a special Brit. Hopefully!


    [Soothing music begins playing]

    [Audio]: Well Jamie, since the MuggleNerds can be stupid and forgot to post your birthday, we decided that as fans, it was our duty to wish you one. [Lots of girls saying] Happy Birthday, Jamie!

    [Audio]: Hey MuggleCast! It’s Meredith again. And I’m her twin sister Courtney and we listen to y’all religiously from Kentucky. Just want to say we love the show and keep up the great work. And I have another message. It’s not to any MuggleCast guys, you know who you are. You rubbed it in my face that you got on MuggleCast after sending in just one voicemail. Well, I’d like to say this is my third time and if you combine this with Courtney’s first time we’ve been on a total of 4. [Andrew impersonation] “Yeah! Yeah!” No, I’m just kidding. So we’ll see y’all later. [together] See ya! Bye!

    [Audio]: Hello MuggleCast. Kelsey from Iowa here. I just wanted to send in a thank you because MuggleCast helped me out during a 13-hour car ride to Colorado with my family. I listened to MuggleCast for the majority of the ride. MuggleCast was my savior. Thank you!

    [Soothing music stops]


    Andrew: [laughs] Podcast contest? MC contest?

    Ben: How about we just make something?

    Eric: Let me rack my brain on this.

    Andrew: I’m trying to think. I want to…

    Eric: I thought of Spy on Spartz and that hit it off, so…

    Ben: No, you did not.

    Andrew: No, you didn’t.

    Ben: You’re just saying that. Don’t bull me.

    Eric: Oh no, you guys cannot…

    Andrew: No, you didn’t.

    Ben: You coined the phrase.

    Andrew: So anyway, we don’t need to worry about that right now.


    Andrew: How do you do that so often?

    Ben: [Laughs] Eric, it’s really funny. I have Eric’s name set as [bleeped out] on my Skype.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Ben: So it says “[bleeped out]. ”

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Sorry Eric, sorry Eric. You know I love you. It was just a joke and I left it there. Okay, ummm…

    Andrew: [Laughs] Oh, that’s going to be the Blooper.

    Ben: Yeah. [laughs]


    Written by: Micah, Jess, and Ally

    Transcript #18

    MuggleCast EP18 Transcript


    Ben [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 18 for December 04th, 2005. This week’s show is sponsored in part by Get your own piece of the Internet and save money along the way. For a limited time, is offering a new domain name, transfers or renewals for just $1.99 with every new non-domain product you buy. Choose from hosting, website builders, email accounts and much more! Plus take an additional 10% off any order simply by entering “Muggle.” That’s M-U-G-G-L-E in your cart at check-out. So, visit and save big.

    Well, let’s get to this week’s show. Hey, everyone! We’re back this week again for another episode of MuggleCast. I’m Ben…

    Andrew: …Schoen. I’m Andrew…

    [Laura laughs]

    Kevin: …Sims. I’m Kevin…

    Laura: …Steck. I’m Laura…

    [Andrew and Laura laugh]

    Micah: …Thompson. I’m Micah… Somebody’s got to do it.

    Ben: …Tannenbaum.

    Micah: There we go.

    Ben: Wooo!

    Andrew: Wow!

    Kevin: Oh, that was interesting.

    Andrew: I had no idea we were capable of producing such as fine intro.

    Laura: [laughs] Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah. Great job guys! Wow!

    Ben: That was just, that was unintentional.

    Kevin: It was.

    Ben: Okay.

    Kevin: Impromptu.

    Ben: Well, before we go any further, Micah, take it away.


    Sue: Hello, hello, hello from the House of Hufflepuff! Hello, Ben Schoen! Hello, Ben Schoen! Hello, Andrew Sims! Hello, everyone! Hi, Eric! Hi all!

    Okay, here we go. [clears throat] Hello, everyone! Sue Upton here with your Harry Potter news recap for you. Author JK Rowling has revealed in an upcoming radio interview that she intends to write another children’s novel when she finishes writing the Harry Potter series. This book would be aimed at younger children, and this is one of many things she is considering writing for in the future. You can hear this interview, which will be broadcast on Saturday, December 10th on BBC 4.

    Our favorite author has also written a foreword to a new book where she discusses her life in poverty and as a single mother in Edinburgh, as she struggled to make ends meet before she was discovered, as it were, and she found new fame and fortune with her Harry Potter novels. She writes very movingly about her life as a single mom, and how things were very difficult for her and her daughter in those early days.

    Turning to film news now, there are some high-resolution photos from the Entertainment Weekly photo shoot with the Trio of Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. You can also see a great video clip of Dan Radcliffe as he appears on Sunrise Program, where he talks about the “Bathroom Scene” and the filming in the movie. It’s very good. It’s very funny. So, be sure and check that out.

    Also, we learned that Lucius Malfoy has now made the Forbes Fictional 15 of the fifteen richest fictional characters. Draco’s dad comes in at No. 15 behind Santa Claus and Ebenezer Scrooge. It’s a very funny article and you should be sure to read that one.

    Finally, in book news, we’ve learned the Japanese and Finnish Half-Blood Prince release dates for the books. The Japanese one will be out on May 16, 2006, and the Finnish edition of the book will be out on March 16, 2006. So, for all your news and information, please be sure to check out the website daily for all your Potter news and needs.

    Now…GO HUFFLEPUFF! No, just kidding. Now, on with the show. [laughs] Sorry, Ben. I couldn’t resist! [laughs]

    Okay, so for all your Potter news and needs be sure to check out the website, which is updated daily. And now, on with the show. How’s that for a proper end? But, GO HUFFLEPUFF! YAY! [laughs]

    Can’t resist. Okay, okay, okay. I’m done. Bye, bye, love you. [blows a kiss]

    Ben: Whoa, that didn’t sound quite like you, Micah.

    [Kevin laughs]

    Laura: Ummm.

    Ben: What’s going on here?

    Micah: Yeah, what was that?

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: I don’t know. So, let’s see…

    Ben: We were invaded by PotterCast.

    Andrew: But, probably, people have no idea what the joke is about that because nobody listens to PotterCast.

    Ben: Ohhh.

    Micah: Oooo.

    Ben: That was low.

    Kevin: Ohhh.

    Andrew: Slam!

    Kevin: That was a burn.

    [Kevin and Micah laugh]

    Andrew: So Micah, what happened there? You showed up on PotterCast last week for some reason, and then… It was funny because I was listening to PotterCast and I had no idea you’d done that with them. Melissa was on the show, Melissa was on the show and she was saying, “Oh no, oh no, oh no. The MuggleCast boys stole Sue.” And, I was like, “Eh, I didn’t know we stole Sue.” Then you showed up. Good job.

    Ben: Yeah. Well, actually…

    Andrew: That’s what? Your second appearance on there?

    Ben: Guys, I have a surprise…

    Micah: I appreciate it.

    Ben: I have a secret.

    Micah: I was in the holiday spirit and I figured they needed the ratings boost, so I figured what the heck?

    Andrew: Ohhh.

    Laura: Awww. That was so nice of you.

    Ben: Awww.

    Kevin: Yeah. That was nice of you, definitely.

    Ben: Micah, Micah, Micah. Guys, guys, guys, we have to be honest here. The truth is, I have to bail Micah- Micah out of jail last week…

    [Laura and Kevin laughs]

    Ben: …because he broke into the PotterCast studios, kidnapped Sue. Yeah, Micah’s in trouble. This is not looking good.

    [Micah laughs]

    Andrew: Well, thanks Sue for doing the News for us.

    Ben: Send your donations, send your donations to Micah Tannenbaum. Get him out of, get him off, get him off of such criminal charges.

    Okay. Well Andrew, do we have any announcements this week? I’m in the dark here.


    Andrew: Oh, Ben. It’s not a new episode of MuggleCast without a few announcements. We’re going to start keeping these announcement areas shorter because people are like, “Hey, it takes you forever to get to the actual Harry Potter content.” But, you know what? I don’t like Harry Potter. I like talking MuggleCast announcements. So…but, anyway… First of all, we’d like to make an announcement that we have been getting so many emails about birthday announcements because on one episode I wished two people a “Happy Birthday,” and we would love to announcement “Happy Birthdays” to people, but we literally got over 300 birthday wishes. And I actually started writing them down when we got the first 20 or 30 and then I said, “We can’t do this.” So, I’m sorry to everyone who has emailed. I wish all of you a “Happy Birthday!” That’s all I have to say. I’m sure we all do.

    Ben: Oh, sorry about that Andrew, but I am going to do a Birthday Announcement right now.

    [Andrew makes disgruntled noise]

    Ben: Happy Birthday to Marlese, who turns 17. She was one of the first people at the LIVE podcast. She showed up there at 8:30 in the morning. She was there before we were. So, this is probably the last Birthday Announcement you’ll hear on this show in a long time, but I just really had to say this because she’s one of our devoted fans who showed up that early in the morning, and she was the first one to greet us.

    Andrew: Yeah, she deserves it.

    Ben: So, Happy Birthday!!!

    Andrew: So, then, moving along, yeah, I’ve been getting a lot of emails about catching up on the challenge at staff dot mugglenet dot com stuff. We’ve been so busy with this podcasting, you know, in between having a life, it’s really hard to keep up with all your challenge entries. We appreciate them all. And, I have been looking at them all, and I will turn all the Halloween ones into a gallery. I still haven’t gotten that done. [laughing]

    Ben: Yeah, I’m telling you guys. Every week it just seems like the show is getting closer and closer. We just…I finish editing and then the next day we’re recording another one.

    Andrew: Yeah, practically.

    Ben: And it’s great fun, but these weeks just keep speeding up.

    Kevin: It’s true. Yeah.

    Andrew: I know.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: And then finally as promised, we finally have our demographic information. We actually got some cool stats. I am really happy how these turned out. Let’s just run through a couple real quick. These are the people who filled out the “Listener Survey” and told them a little bit about ourselves.

    Ben: Thank you. You can still do that by the way.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: You can still fill out the Listener Survey.

    Andrew: Yep.

    Ben: If you wish.

    Andrew: Yep. So, okay guys. Get this. Gender: 74% female, 26% male. A huge female majority.

    Laura: Wow, I am totally shocked.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: Absolutely astounded by that.

    [Laura and Kevin laugh]

    Andrew: Oh, I sense sarcasm there.

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: I don’t know. It’s pretty interesting. I sort of pictured that too. I mean that was basically the same percentile at the LIVE in New York City Podcast.

    Ben: Oh, and also, some of you who took the survey did “Listener Satisfaction” and you gave…

    Andrew: Oooh! And you gave us some great grades!

    Ben: …overall, overall our podcast was rated 8.87 out of 10, which is pretty remarkable. So, we’re pretty close to 9 out 10. Our highest rating was for, I believe it was for the hosts, we got 9.0…oh excuse me, “Overall Quality” was 9.12, but for the hosts we got a 9.09 rating. So, good job, guys!

    Kevin: Woohoo!

    Andrew: And the lowest, the lowest, ironically was website design. An 8.85. Hey guys, it’s cool.

    Ben: We’re working on that.

    Andrew: We’re working on something that’s going to fix that.

    Kevin: Ironically.

    Andrew: I’ll leave it at that. Wooo. Okay, and then another thing we found interesting, number of times listening to each podcast, 73% of you listen to it one time, but 20% of you listen to it two times, 3% of you listen to it three times, and 4% of you listen to it more than three times.

    Laura: That’s devotion!

    Ben: That’s pretty remarkable!

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Oh, and also…

    Kevin: That’s pretty crazy.

    Ben: And also most of you listen to the entire episode of the show. 88% listen to the entire episode, 10% listen to 75%, and 1% listen to at least half of it. So, this is really remarkable considering that it is an hour long and most of you are able to sit through what some people would consider a borefest.

    Andrew: Yeah, we love getting these stats. So, if you guys could continue filling out the survey, that would be great. A total of 4,060 people filled it out, which is a good response! I’m feeling it.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Ben: So, I’m hoping that you guys feel the same way about, “Well, who else is listening to the show,” and that type of stuff.

    Andrew: Yeah. I think so. Oh, and then the age range. 55% of you were under 18, 31% of you were in between the ages of 18-24, 13% of you were in the ages between 25-34, 4% of you were in the ages between 35-44, and 1% of you were in the ages between 45-54, which makes me wonder – what about the people older than 54? Because I know we have a couple of listeners older than 54.

    Ben: I guess they just didn’t fill it out.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: Pretty cool.

    Ben: Okay.

    Andrew: Well, that was fun.

    Ben: Well, is there any other announcements that we have?

    Andrew: Yeah Kevin, you have a little announcement?

    Kevin: Ummm yes, it’s actually regarding the book reviews we promised to be doing.

    Andrew: Woo-hoo!

    Kevin: Laura and I will be reading a book by next episode, yes.

    Laura: Mm-hmm.

    Kevin: By popular demand, His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass.

    Laura: Yay, I’m really excited.

    Kevin: And…

    Laura: Phillip Pullman.

    Kevin: Who is that by, Laura? Phillip Pullman. So, if you want to pick it up and…

    Laura: Brilliant, brilliant author.

    Kevin: Get a head start on us. Well we shall see, I haven’t read any of his work so. [laughs]

    Andrew: I’ve heard of that.

    Laura: Yep.

    Kevin: So yeah, next episode we will have the review.

    Ben: Oh and also Micah, are you here? Micah?

    Micah: I’m here. I’m still here.

    Ben: Okay. Micah don’t you have an update about the transcription position too, before we move on?

    Micah: Yeah, it has been filled.

    Andrew: Has it?

    Micah: I’d say about a hundred and…it has!

    [Andrew laughs]

    Micah: A hundred and fifty people or so sent in applications, so thanks to everyone who sent in. But Ally Pfohl is our new Transcription Assistant, I guess is the best way to put it.

    Andrew: Excellent.

    Laura: Okay.

    Micah: And she’s going to be working on…she actually worked on Episode 17 and did a good portion of it, so…

    Andrew: Great. Maybe we’ll get her on the show, too.

    Micah: She’s already doing a good job.

    Kevin: Awesome.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Micah: Actually, I have some very interesting things here. I’m just going to share real quick. There were two things that were really funny that came out when I got some emails for this position. And you know, because in the post thing, I said that you should be able to distinguish between people’s voices. That’s obviously something that’s important.

    Andrew: Mhm.

    Micah: And a lot of people emailed me back and they said, “Yeah you know, I’m really good at distinguishing between people’s voices.” And they were being very serious when they said this. “Particularly Laura and Jamie’s.”

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: Laura and Jamie’s, hmmm!

    Micah: I wonder why that is.

    Andrew: Girl American versus…

    Laura: I have no clue.

    Andrew: Boy British.

    [Micah laughs]

    The Return of Jamie Lawrence

    Ben: Oh speaking of Jamie by the way, people, everyone is wondering where Jamie is, and he will be back from December.

    Kevin: He dropped off the face of the earth.

    Ben: December 14th through about mid-January.

    Andrew: Well he…

    Ben: So, we’ll be able to have Jamie back on the show.

    Andrew: He…yeah, we’re not giving…

    Kevin: He said not to promise though.

    Andrew: Any guarantees.

    Kevin: He’s trying his best.

    Andrew: But, we know you all want him on, we keep getting emails. Frankly I’m a bit annoyed by them, of all the emails that we get asking for him back.

    [Micah laughs]

    Andrew: Ummm…so…

    Kevin: You should be asking for more Kevin, you know?

    [Andrew, Laura, Micah laugh]

    Ben: Actually we get emails asking for you to go away.

    [Andrew and Laura laugh]

    Kevin: Oh thanks a lot Ben.

    Andrew: Yeah. No but…

    Ben: I’ll cut that.

    Andrew: Yeah, but Jamie will be back. He misses doing the show, he really does.

    Micah: And…

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: College keeps him busy.

    Character Discussion: Molly Weasley

    Ben: Okay, well I think it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty, about Ole Molly Weasley, right guys?

    Laura: Right.

    Ben: Oh I like your reaction.

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Show me some real enthusiasm, geez!

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Okay, so…

    Andrew: Lay it on us.

    Ben: What do we know about Molly? Okay, go ahead.

    Andrew: A couple of facts we know about Molly Weasley. She is a pureblood. She has several children – Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and of course….Ginny. [said with hard “g” sound]

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: You mean Ginny.

    Andrew: As we like to call her around the…

    Laura: Ginny Whizzey.

    Andrew: …group here. Yeah, Ginny [hard “g” sound] Whizzey, Ginny whatever.

    Kevin: Ginny [with hard “g”].

    [Laura and Kevin laugh]

    Andrew: The Weasley Family has the pet owl. Or the family owl, Errol.

    [Kevin laughs]

    Andrew: She did attend Hogwarts. Her first year was in 1961 and her House was Gryffindor.

    Ben: No surprise there.

    Andrew: Of course. The boggart…her…how do you pronounce it? Bogart?

    Laura: Bogart I think. Boggart?

    Ben: Boggart, boggart.

    Andrew: Her…

    Kevin: Boggart, is how I pronounce it.

    Andrew: Her boggart is her family all dead. We always hear about how she fears that the most. Her skills…

    Ben: Well actually, what’s…what’s really ironic about, about when you see her boggart, the one person who isn’t there is Ginny. Isn’t that weird?

    Andrew: Oh yeah….

    Laura: Hmmm.

    Ben: Ginny doesn’t show up in her boggart.

    Laura: Yeah, it was still…

    Kevin: Wasn’t it still…

    Laura: Yeah, it was still changing.

    Kevin: Wasn’t it still switching?

    Ben: I know but Harry was dead before Ginny, and…I don’t know! Hmmm, let’s see.

    Kevin: We’ll get to that in a few moments.

    Andrew: So, of course, those facts are brought to you by the [laughs]

    Ben: I assume that’s HP hyphen Lexicon dot org.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: And also Molly Weasley was particularly impressed by Gilderoy Rock…Gilderoy Lockhart. Bleurghlalala.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Say that five times fast. Yeah and she was a big Gilderoy…Gilderoy fan.

    Laura: Quite smitten with him.

    Ben: I’ll never say that word again. But…is she…

    Kevin: Well, I don’t think she is anymore.

    Laura: Eh, yeah.

    Ben: Oh yeah, but…

    [Laura and Kevin laugh]

    Ben: And Molly is also a member of the Order Of The Phoenix. And I think that’s basically all the information that we, that’s pertinent about Molly. She has red hair, in case you didn’t know.

    Kevin: Really? [laughs]

    Ben: Oh and her birthday is October 30th.

    Andrew: So, here’s the typical riddle question. What would her “Paytronus” be?

    Ben: Her Patronus [pronounces it correctly].

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: [laughs] So here’s the typical question, what would her Patronus be?

    Laura: Hmmm.

    Ben: I really don’t know. That is a really good question though.

    Kevin: That’s a good question. I don’t think we have enough information about her to really formulate, you know…

    Laura: It would be something motherly.

    Kevin: …what it would be.

    Laura: Something motherly, definitely.

    Kevin: It would be, yeah.

    Ben: Yeah, it would be a koala bear or a kangaroo.

    Laura: A koala bear?

    Kevin: A koala bear [laughs]

    Laura: Koala bears are mean!

    Ben: Yeah, a koala bear.

    Kevin: Why did you…

    Ben: What about a kangaroo though? A kangaroo carries around…

    [Laura laughs]

    Kevin: [laughs] A kangaroo!

    Ben: …babies in the pouch and stuff.

    Micah: How about just a bear?

    [Laura laughs]

    Kevin: A bear?

    Ben: Bears are mean, Micah.

    Kevin: Oh that could…

    Laura: Mmmm.

    Kevin: Possibly a bear, that’s not bad.

    Andrew: How about a fluffy pink bunny?

    Laura: [laughs] No, that’s Mr Weasley.

    Kevin: I don’t think…

    Andrew: Ha!

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: Okay. Well…

    Andrew: No, Mr. Weasley’s definitely a rubber duck.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Yeah. Okay.

    Kevin: A rubber duck!

    Ben: Do you guys want to go to the voicemails now?

    [All laugh]

    Andrew: No, we’ve got to have some discussion.

    Laura: I think we have more questions. There’s more questions.

    Kevin: Yes.

    Ben: Well what is there, what is there to talk about Molly Weasley?

    Laura: No, there are more questions that we had sent in, weren’t there? Yeah, there are more.

    Kevin: There are.

    Ben: Oh, they were sent to us.

    Andrew: Oh here, Laura posted these ones, I’m sorry.

    Kevin: Yes, yes.

    Ben: Which side are the Weasleys on? That’s staring you right in the face. It’s pretty obvious that Molly Weasley is a member of The Order of the Phoenix. She’s Dumbledore’s Woman through and through. That’s what I think.

    Andrew: For sure.

    Laura: Uh…

    Molly’s Role in the Order

    Kevin: What? Now, now this is a good question. What is her specific job within the Order?

    Laura: Hmmm.

    Ben: That is a really good question.

    Andrew: Keeping the house clean. Seriously. Definitely. I mean…

    Ben: I don’t know, maybe we underestimate her real…her position. Maybe we think, “Well, she couldn’t help out that much,” but…I don’t know, she could be sort of a powerful wizard…

    Laura: Well, I think she does a lot of manning the Headquarters and such.

    Ben: Witch…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Kevin: Yeah, I think she’s like a protector.

    Laura: Yeah, basically.

    Kevin: Especially for…I know that a lot of people comment on her as a protector of Harry.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Kevin: Because she, she is always there for Harry and she’s the one who actually allows him to stay at the house, you know?

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Kevin: It seems like it’s her authority to let him stay and not Arthur’s, you know?

    Ben: Right.

    Kevin: I’m sure they discuss it but it seems like she’s the runner of the house, isn’t it?

    Laura: Yeah, definitely.

    Ben: Yeah, and what she says goes.

    Andrew: Yeah, I look forward to seeing her reaction to finding out the truth about Snape.

    Laura: Yeah, me too.

    Andrew: And hearing her talk to Harry for the first time. Hopefully, she’ll make a good appearance in HP 7.

    Kevin: But…do you think she’s going to play a major role?

    Andrew: No, just a side role, like…

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: One of the bystander roles.

    Micah: Wait, wasn’t she there? Wasn’t she there?

    Andrew: Where?

    Micah: After it all happened?

    Andrew: Oh at the funeral?

    Micah: In the hospital wing…

    Andrew: Oh, I’m not…

    Laura: Yes she was, she was there in the hospital, but we didn’t really…yeah, I mean she was…

    Kevin: Get a reaction.

    Laura: You know, she was…

    Micah: Okay.

    Laura: …upset, but no one’s really…we haven’t really seen too many of the characters’ reactions to it, really. There’s been no discussion between Harry and a lot of the other characters concerning Snape’s betrayal. Or you know, that is a topic of much debate, but…

    Ben: Oh yeah! We should do a show about that by the way.

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Have you guys done Snape yet?

    Laura: No.

    Micah: No.

    Kevin: No, we haven’t. We’ve discussed him a lot in…

    Ben: Next week’s Snape.

    Kevin: Okay.

    Ben: I’m saying that now.

    Kevin: Snape it is.

    Ben: Well, now that we’ve sort of hashed out who Molly Weasley is, what her role is in the series, let’s hear what questions you guys had.

    Voicemails – Molly’s Job Status and Financial Situation

    [Audio]: Yo dudes, this is Izzie from Oz and I would like to know in the book, Sorcerer’s Stone, there was a woman in Diagon Alley who Harry hears outside the Apothecary. She’s all like, “Seventeen Sickles an ounce, they’re mad!” raving about something on sale there. Now, not only is this strange because seventeen Sickles are a Galleon, but I believe this person is described like Molly Weasley, only Harry doesn’t know her yet. I think that the reason whoever said this “Seventeen Sickles” was because it sounds like a lot more money than a Galleon. And if you can’t afford a Galleon then that’s pretty bad. Also, how do you think the Weasleys can afford all their stuff? Do they, I mean they have things like the Flying Car and their house really isn’t that bad. How much do you think Arthur’s job pays, and is Molly Weasley really unemployed? Thanks!

    Laura: I really don’t think it was her, just because it didn’t sound like her talking, from what I remember of the quote.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Laura: It just didn’t sound like Molly. I think she said something like “Seventeen Sickles” for however much of whatever it is she was buying and she was like, “They’re mad!” or something like that, and it just didn’t sound like…

    Ben: Right, but the thing is, is that, the context that we’ve seen Mrs Weasley in, in the books, has been when she’s around Harry, when she’s trying to act like a mother.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Kevin: That’s true.

    Ben: And even though she may be acting, she may have seemed like the real Molly Weasley come out. I mean, not the non-motherly type, the one who’s just personally frustrated because, you know, she says, “‘That’s insane’ because they don’t have that much money.” So, it could be…

    Laura: Yeah, but again, they’ve always been kind of…I wouldn’t say secret, but they don’t discuss their financial situation in public.

    Micah: Yeah, but they do always say, you know, I don’t know if it’s just the movies or if it’s in the books too, but she always seems like she will always get by, no matter what the financial situation is.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Micah: Like when they have to go to Diagon Alley to get all their supplies.

    Laura: Really the only person that I’ve heard, that I remember talking about the Weasleys’ financial situation is Ron and it’s always when he’s complaining, like “I hate being poor.”

    Kevin: Yep.

    Laura: I don’t really…

    Ben: Well, no actually, actually, if you look to what Mrs. Weasley has said before how, “We had to get your robes hand-me-down.”

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: Like in Goblet of Fire

    Laura: But that’s…

    Ben: When he got the…

    Kevin: She mentions…

    Ben: His dress robes.

    Kevin: Yeah, she mentions it in passing but she never really you know, comes out and says, “We’re poor.”

    Laura: Yeah. I just couldn’t really see her…

    Ben: I think the reason that they don’t have very much…

    Laura: I don’t know, I just couldn’t see her standing there, talking about anything that would allude to…

    Kevin: I don’t see her being aggressive at all towards anyone.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Kevin: You know what I mean? About money.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: Well…

    Kevin: So, to be honest, I don’t think it was her.

    Ben: Well what about the rest of the question though?

    Kevin: Well…

    Ben: Is she unemployed? I’m guessing…

    Laura: Well, I think so.

    Kevin: I would say she’s a housewife.

    Laura: Yeah, and didn’t…

    Kevin: That’s what I’d say.

    Laura: Didn’t Jo say on her site somewhere that she taught the kids before they went to Hogwarts? I seem to remember that she was teaching her children, so…

    Kevin: Yes, yes.

    Andrew: Well, that’s almost like a housewife, kind of job.

    Laura: Yeah, I mean, but when you’re, you know when you’re home-schooling your kids, you don’t really have time for a job so…I doubt that she is employed.

    Ben: And also…

    Andrew: Laura knows all about home-schooling.

    Ben: Yeah, and also I think that the Weasleys…

    Laura: Yes, Laura does.

    Ben: [laughs] The Weasleys, the Weasleys would have a lot more money say if they only had two kids rather than having as many as they do. Because Arthur, he works for the Ministry as like a Government position.

    Kevin: Yep.

    Ben: And you’d think that that would pay pretty decently.

    Laura: Yeah but he works, he works in the Muggle Department

    Ben: And the problem is, is that he has all these older kids he has to support, and…

    Laura: And we know how Fudge feels about Muggles.

    Ben: Yeah, I see what you’re saying but…

    Kevin: Yeah, but…

    Ben: At the same time…

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Laura: I could, no I could seriously see…

    Ben: Okay.

    Laura: Cornelius Fudge jacking Arthur’s pay because a) he’s not a fan of Muggles and b) he knows that Arthur loves Muggles. So, I could totally see him giving him a raw deal. I really could.

    Ben: But, we don’t know if it’s Fudge who decides the salaries. I’m sure there’s a type of panel, you know?

    Laura: I’m sure he has input.

    Ben: You know, you know…okay. But it’s not like the President. It’s not…the President of the United States doesn’t decide how much money the members of his cabinet make.

    Laura: No.

    Ben: You see. Those are set by a sort of Parliament maybe, the Wizengamot or whatever, but I’m just saying that even just because he doesn’t like…

    Laura: Yes but he has influences on…

    Ben: …Muggles.

    Laura: …Those who determine…

    Kevin: Who set that pay.

    Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

    Kevin: Yeah. But at the same time, I don’t think that even if he did make a decent salary that he would still be in any better…

    Laura: I think they’d still be…

    Kevin: …situation money-wise.

    Laura: …they’d still be pretty tight.

    Kevin: They have so many children that…exactly.

    Ben: There’s so many expenses that they just have to be able to find a way to pay for everything. And look at their house, it’s…it had to be magically expanded, it wouldn’t hold together if it was a normal house like the houses we live in. So…

    Kevin: Yep. And I mean, all the stuff that…that the Weasleys have, if you notice, have been, has been repaired.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Kevin: You know, like the car that Mr. Weasley has, has been fixed up by him and modified.

    Ben: Right.

    Kevin: So, I mean you can go to any junkyard and get a car that won’t drive, but you can fix it up. So, I don’t think that determines their money.

    Andrew: But…

    Kevin: You know, how much they’re making.

    Andrew: Getting back to Molly Weasley’s professional profession. I just think that she hasn’t had the time to invest into anything. Because don’t you think they would want more money?

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: So Molly’s wanted to…you know, but she’s been held up with the kids and then…

    Laura: Now the Order.

    Andrew: Ginny got out but then…yeah, right.

    Laura: Now she’s got the Order.

    Andrew: Right, so there’s been no time.

    Kevin: Right.

    Andrew: You know, and then when you think about it, you know, Aunt Petunia, Malfoy’s mother, they…we haven’t really heard of jobs from them either. Like, what other women are there that Jo, JK Rowling has described jobs for them?

    Kevin: Ummm…Malfoy…

    Ben: Right, but in the end.

    Kevin: Narcissa.

    Ben: But in the end, what you need to realize with this is that the Weasleys are a family that it’s more than money that matters.

    Laura: Exactly.

    Kevin: Yep.

    Ben: So, when it comes down to it…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: It doesn’t really matter how much money they’re making and it’s sort of the model family that you, that everyone wants to be a part of.

    Kevin: And I sometime…I recall JK Rowling saying something about that. She was trying, I believe in an interview she said that she was trying to portray that type of character where material things really don’t matter.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: Yeah, but the entire family really isn’t materialistic at all.

    Laura: No.

    Andrew: Ah, that’s a sweet…

    Kevin: Okay.

    Ben: Izzie, Izzie I hope, Izzie I hope that answers your question. Next…next voicemail.

    Kevin: Next one.

    Voicemails – Why Join The Order?

    [Audio]: Hey guys, this is Mark from New York. Great job with the show. I was just wondering what you guys thought got Molly Weasley and I guess Arthur too, into the Order of the Phoenix. I mean I know they say at one point that they’re blood-traitors because they are pureblood and on Dumbledore’s side, but that doesn’t just mean you’re in the Order. What got them into it?

    Kevin: Well, this is what I think. Dumbledore constructed the Order himself, meaning he…he put people in that position. And what better people to put in the position than the people that he knew and taught. You know, he…I’m sure he had an impression of who the Weasleys were before he brought them into the Order and I believe that he selected from the talented witches and wizards that were in his opinion good people.

    Ben: That, Kevin…

    Kevin: And I believe that’s how…

    Ben: That’s definitely true too.

    Laura: Yeah, but…

    Ben: But, another thing would be is that he may have, you know, sort of it may have been an open invitation. They’ve known Dumbledore for quite a long time and they wanted to help out because you’re either with Voldemort or you’re against him.

    Kevin: Yep.

    Ben: It’s not, it’s not the situation where it’s…

    Laura: Well.

    Ben: “Well, I’m sort of lukewarm about him,” and it’s either it’s hot or cold, you know? And they decided to join the Order because they felt it was the right thing to do.

    Laura: Well, also there are a couple of points. They weren’t in the Order the first time. We don’t really know why yet. Also, I think a big reason, especially for Molly to join the Order is that her brothers were killed in the First War.

    Kevin: That’s true.

    Laura: And she probably, she wants to avenge them.

    Kevin: Also…also Mr. Weasley works at the Department of Ministries.

    Laura: Yes.

    Kevin: So that’s also a strategic position for the Order. So…

    Micah: Well, also Harry too, I mean, perhaps Dumbledore thought to give them some sort of…I guess even protection. Maybe he felt that they were susceptible to an attack.

    Laura: And they are.

    Micah: And putting them in…yeah, putting them in the Order is a way to kind of protect them and keep them safe.

    Kevin: Yep.

    Ben: Definitely agree.

    Andrew: Arthur is…

    Ben: Thanks for your…

    Andrew: Arthur is definitely the inside source for everything.

    Kevin: He is, yeah. He’s that guy who sits in the corner and watches what’s going on.

    Laura: And gets attacked by snakes while he’s doing it.

    Ben: He’s definitely kind of inconspicuous.

    Kevin: Yes.

    Ben: Who thinks that the person, the Head of the Muggle…Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office is going to be spying on you, you know? Everyone probably thinks he’s a lamer.

    [All laugh]

    Kevin: And…yeah! [laughs]

    Ben: It turns out that he’s a double agent, you know?

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: That’s how it works.

    Andrew: Yep.

    Micah: Dude, he works with toasters.

    [All laugh]

    Ben: Yeah.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: Thanks for your question, Mark, but we’ve got to move on.

    Voicemail – Over-protective Much?

    [Audio]: Hi guys, this is Natalie from Stoke-On-Trent in the UK. I’d just like to say first of all that I absolutely love the show! My question is, do you think that Mrs. Weasley was slightly over-protective of Harry in Order of the Phoenix. I mean at the end of the day, he’s not her son and whilst she rightly feels very protective of him, she should really accept that she can’t really boss him around like she does with her sons. And also, did you find her comment to Sirius about not being able to look out for Harry uncharacteristic? Thank you, and keep up the great work!

    Ben: Absolutely not. I just feel that she realized that Sirius was sort of overstepping his bounds to an extent, where he was starting to treat Harry more like…more like a brother-type, a brotherly-type rather than being his godfather, and Mrs. Weasley recognized this and basically tried to put a stop to it before it went to far, and before they were running out all night in their Animagi, with Sirius in his Animagus form and…[laughs] So, I really think that she wasn’t being overprotective, that it was to the extent where she realizes Harry is a teenager, she realizes that he’s not, that’s he not a grown adult. But at the same time, I do understand that Harry has been through a lot, and he deserved to know what was going on. But in terms of Sirius, I really don’t think it was too overprotective.

    Kevin: I also think that one of the reasons why Mrs. Weasley is so protective is that Dumbledore allows Harry to go there and he does that under the condition that he will be looked after and cared for.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Kevin: So it’s…it’s entirely her responsibility. Maybe she’s not her, maybe she’s not Harry’s mother but in this case she acting as it.

    Laura: She’s the closest…

    Kevin: She’s the guardian of Harry.

    Laura: …thing he has to a mother.

    Kevin: Exactly. And I mean, just imagine if something happened to Harry under Mrs. Weasley’s nose.

    Laura: Also…

    Kevin: You know, like…

    Laura: …I really think that there are points where I do feel she is over-protective of Harry, especially when he was asking what was going on with Voldemort. I think Harry had every right to know. However, that does make a lot of sense, what you said, Kevin, with her feeling that he, he is her responsibility in a lot of ways and it is understandable that she is overprotective at points. But I don’t think that Sirius was totally incompetent.

    Micah: Yeah but, I mean I agree with Ben. Like, based on Sirius’ previous activity, it shows that he’s kind of an irrational thinker.

    Laura: He definitely is.

    Micah: And…

    Kevin: Oh yeah, definitely.

    Laura: But I don’t think that he was…

    Kevin: And he’s rash.

    Laura: Totally inept.

    Micah: Yeah but Molly is already a mother, I mean she has all these children so I think it’s…

    Laura: And I think…sorry! [laughs]

    Micah: And basically all of what you guys are saying, it was a natural…no, no it’s all right. It was a natural kind of reaction to feel the way she does for Harry.

    Laura: I think…

    Kevin: And I don’t think that she meant it as…as almost a serious comment, she meant it as a threat kind of thing. It was…I think she intended it to be a wake-up call to him.

    Laura: Mhm.

    Kevin: You know what I mean?

    Laura: I also think there’s…

    Kevin: From what she was observing.

    Laura: …a little bit of rivalry going on there. I mean, here she’d been sort of Harry’s mother figure since he was eleven and then all of a sudden Sirius comes along, and I think she feels like he took it away from her, in a way. So, there could be a little bit of that going on.

    Ben: Okay, well I think we’ve pretty much discussed Molly Weasley. For those of you who want to hear about other stuff, well this is…this part of the show is for you. Okay Kevin. Roll the first non-Molly Weasley voicemail. [laughs]

    Voicemails – Columbus’ Return?

    [Audio]: Hey, MuggleCast! It’s Meredith and I had a question about what you thought about Chris Columbus. He said that he wouldn’t mind coming back to direct like the sixth or the seventh movie, so I was wondering if you think that would be good for the Harry Potter movies. Especially after a movie he just finished, Rent, and from what I gathered, like I thought the movie was amazing, but from other kids at my school, it seemed to be one of the movies that you either absolutely loved or absolutely hated. So I was just curious, so thanks for your time and hooday and peace out.

    Ben: Well, thanks, Meredith, for your question. Chris Columbus, I thought he did a really good job with the first two movies because we’ve talked about this in past shows, where he basically had to set the foundation for the entire series and he had to include as much as possible, because we see the books start to balloon out and things start getting cut. The first two movies are probably the most true to the book and the most true to the characters, and even though some people don’t think they’re very good movies because the Trio’s still basically coming into their own, learning better acting skills, and things of that sort. I think if he was going to come back for Movie 6 and 7, he would see what the other directors have done with the series and compare what he did and make the adjustments based off that, and perhaps make a better movie, something that no one would actually expect from him.

    Kevin: Well, I think that he would be an excellent director for the seventh movie, and the reason being is that, as you’ve said before, the Harry Potter movies have moved off from a lot of content base and have moved to being an artistic movie where it doesn’t necessarily follow the plot of Harry Potter to the T, like, the original two movies, and I think that what better director to finish off the series then someone who’s going to wrap up all of the loose ends that have been formed by the other directors. Although it may not be as good of a movie for those who are just coming in to the series, it’s going to be the final closure for those who are fans of the series.

    Andrew: Yeah, okay, I don’t think he should come back to direct anymore of the films. Sorry to anyone who has felt that way, because you compare the first two movies to movies three and four, and there is such a difference in the way that it was presented. I think that Chris would want to turn it back into the way he had them, because that’s the way he does his films and that’s the way he does his Harry Potter films. He’s done two, so we can say that. I mean, if we brought him back, I just think it would just be taking a step back.

    Laura: I agree. I agree.

    Ben: I don’t know about that.

    Kevin: I don’t know.

    Ben: Let me hear your defense, Melissa. I mean – not Melissa.

    Kevin: Oh jeez. [laughs]

    Laura: Oh, now I’m Melissa. Ok.

    Ben: Laura.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Laura: No, the reason I wouldn’t want to see Chris Columbus come back is because he tends to direct much lighter films…

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Laura: And I don’t think that Movie 6 and 7 need to be light. I really feel…

    Ben: What about…

    Andrew: Like I said, it’s…

    Ben: Hold on a second. What about David Yates? David Yates never has even directed a movie.

    Laura: Hey, I’m apprehensive about that.

    Ben: He’s only made for TV stuff.

    Andrew: Yeah, whoever said we were confident about that?

    Laura: Yeah [laughs].

    Kevin: Yeah [laughs].

    Ben: My flawed assumption there, sorry.

    [Laura laughs]

    Andrew: Yeah, well you don’t know what to expect and once they start filming in February, then we’re going to start to see pictures, we’ll see where they’re filming.

    Laura: Yeah. Honestly, this is just me, but I’ve never found Chris Columbus to be terribly creative. That’s just my perception. I’m not saying that everyone should feel like that but…

    Andrew: Well, I mean, but…

    Ben: Well, the first two films look what he was given to work with.

    Andrew: Yeah, he wasn’t given anything.

    Ben: There wasn’t much to be creative with.

    Kevin: Exactly.

    Laura: No, he wasn’t given good materials to work with per-se.

    Andrew: Well, you got to give him credit for starting the whole thing out and making it a pretty good show.

    Laura: I do, I do.

    Kevin: But what I’m afraid of is that the director that they are going to choose for 7, is going to be a director much like Alfonso, who focuses more on the artistic-ness of the movie.

    Laura: Well, I think Alfonso…

    Kevin: And we’ve read the story so people are like, “This is very disappointing.”

    Laura: I think Alfonso focused more on the tone.

    Ben: You are one of the three people that thought that.

    Laura: I think he focused more way more on the tone of the story really, and in a lot of respects, I think that focusing on the tone and being true to that is a lot more important then getting every detail from the story.

    Kevin: Yeah, but at the same time, if you leave out too much, you’re letting the people you have followed you through…

    Laura: Totally, I agree.

    Ben: I got an email from someone from Universal Studios this week and they told me that they had been listening to the Podcast quite a bit and they said, “From the moving-making perspective, that it’s not really, when you’re changing a book to a movie, it’s not really your job to basically include every detail. It’s your job to convey the idea,” which I agree the directors to this point have conveyed the idea of the movie of what it’s suppose to be about. The first movie, all these movies sort of contained the same central theme but had different twists on it and thing of that sort, and I think throughout the entire series so far, all the movies, all four of them have done a very good job. Each director has put their own little twist on it and put their own little, basically made it their own world and they’ve done good jobs. I don’t see what problems you guys have with it until you get down to overanalyzing it and I know there’s no such thing as overanalyzing but go on.

    Kevin: I think I’m just a typical Harry Potter fan who fears that the series will be destroyed by some crazy director.

    Ben: Right, see, you haven’t even seen…

    Laura: See, and I think the movies are intended for the fans, really, and I think that they expect that you are walking into the theater knowing the story. I think that’s the reason behind so many…

    Ben: That’s not necessarily true…

    Kevin: But that’s wha…

    Ben: Warner Bros. wouldn’t make a movie if that was the case. I know making movies, it’s meant to satisfy the fans and it’s meant satisfy the average person. If the average person in the street wants to go out and see a Harry Potter movie or see a movie, that’s plain, they aren’t exactly going to know Harry Potter walking into the theater.

    Laura: Yeah, but they are depending on the fact that there are so many Harry Potter fans.

    Kevin: Speaking of which, guys, there was actually an article in my school newspaper regarding Goblet of Fire, and the last paragraph did pretty well to sum it up. I quote, who is this, I quote Ted Blake…

    Andrew: Yo, Ted.

    Kevin: “Though the-” yes. “Though the movie is still a must-see for fans of Harry Potter book series, Muggles unfamiliar with Hogwarts, house-elves, or Hermione, should bring along a Rowling fan to talk them through the plot.”

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah, you’d go into it confused.

    Kevin: Exactly.

    Laura: Oh, I took someone who is a complete Harry Potter virgin, apart from the fact that she’s seen the first three films. She’s never picked up any of the books in her life and she was so confused by Goblet of Fire. She walked out and she was like, “What did we just see?”

    Andrew: And I remember my friend. I took a friend to see Prisoner of Azkaban and it was the same thing. He didn’t like the film because he was like “Uh, okay. He flew off on a broom and crashed into the screen and [Laura laughs] that’s all I can remember.”

    [Micah laughs]

    Kevin: And that is very similar to what Laura’s saying with – it’s for the fans. The movies up until now have been very fan-based where a person who hasn’t read the series ends up being confused by the movie.

    Andrew: I don’t think that WB thinks about the fans first. I think they think about making it appeal to as many people as possible.

    Kevin: Yeah but, think of how many millions read…

    Laura: Exactly.

    Kevin: The books. I mean, you can’t ignore the fans, especially in Harry Potter.

    Andrew: No, but here‘s the thing, you put Harry Potter in the front of a title of a film and every fan is going to go see it. Warner Bros. automatically knows that, but then you also want to get the people who aren’t the fans to go and see the movie. So, they’re trying to appeal to them first because they know these fans are going to go see it because it says Harry Potter.

    Laura: Well, that’s why – I mean come on. Look at the promotional pictures. Look how they make the characters look. They are trying to appeal to people who are not fans by making them look, I guess you could say…

    Andrew: Cool.

    Laura: Prettier, better-looking then they really are in the books.

    Andrew: Alfonso started that.

    Ben: Look at Hermione. For example, Emma Watson isn’t what Hermione really looks like…

    Laura: No, no.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Because she’s hot. Emma Watson’s hot. I love Emma Watson.

    Laura: I get personally annoyed because in all of the promotional ads she looks like a model.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: And Hermione is not a model. But see…

    Andrew: But you know, perfect example: Ben Schoen. How many times has he seen the movie?

    Laura: Yeah, they are trying to get people by…

    Andrew: 83 times.

    [Ben Laughs]

    Laura: They are getting the Ben Schoens of the world to go “Wow, that girl’s hot. I’m going to see this movie now.”

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: That’s what they’re doing. [laughs] At least you admit it.

    Andrew: You went to see the film 83 times right?

    Ben: Well not only that, I have about every Emma Watson picture ever in creation downloaded on my hard drive.

    [Andrew, Laura, and Kevin laugh]

    Ben: And I’m not a creepy stalker.

    [Andrew laughs]

    Laura: Yeah, right.

    Andrew: Seriously Ben…

    Kevin: Right Ben.

    Andrew: Yeah well, I just think Warner Bros. is trying to appeal to the mass audience before they appeal to the fans because…

    Kevin: But have they accomplished that, yet?

    Andrew: I think the…I don’t know. Well, I think the reviews are pretty good, and most of the critics aren’t die-hard Harry Potter fans, so I don’t know. And then they also consider money and time, and you know.

    Kevin: Well, in the end, at least I think that he would be a good director for the seventh movie, but it might not be the best movie but I trust him to include all the information.

    Micah: So, you want to see him come full circle, from the first to the last movie?

    Kevin: Right, right.

    Andrew: It would be nice, because I mean, that’s what a lot of people credit Chris Columbus for, keeping the movies real to the books. So, if people want to put that trust but then again Book 7 could be 2000 pages and then they are going to have to cut some stuff.

    Ben: The movie I’m really worried about is Movie 6 because the director is going to have a hard time jumping back and forth into the Horcrux scenes in the Pensieve and you know, that’s the movie I think would be the hardest to direct, to this point. Wouldn’t you guys agree?

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Laura: Just that whole scene where Dumbledore dies is going to be really hard to make it not seem cheesy. Like him flying off the tower.

    Andrew: [in high pitched squeak] Well.

    [All laughs]

    Andrew: You’re taking that out.

    Kevin: No, you’re keeping that in.

    Andrew: No you’re not.

    [All continues to laugh]

    Kevin: Well, they didn’t make the Cedric scene look…

    Laura: No, they did a good job with that.

    Andrew: That’s what I was going to say, but I’m not a man yet so.

    Kevin: Before you [laughs] before you squeaked.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: I’m a man.

    Kevin: I’m a real man.

    Ben: Thanks, Meredith. That question really sparked a pretty lively discussion there.

    Andrew: I like talking about the movies.

    Kevin: But…

    Ben: There are other questions, other voicemails. Roll the next clip, Kevin.

    Voicemails – Harry and Draco

    [Audio]: Hi, my name is Eric Peterson, and I listen to your show religiously. I have two questions for you. In the first year, why do you think Malfoy tried to befriend Harry? His family would have hated him because he brought the downfall of Lord Voldemort. Do you think this was an earlier plan to assassinate Harry? Thanks, and I love your show.

    Andrew: Well, if we go by the movie standard, Malfoy gave Harry the chance to come onto the Dark Side. That would have been a whole different ball game because I think Malfoy could have easily persuaded Harry to turn into a Dark Side-lover.

    Laura: I don’t agree.

    Ben: A Death Eater.

    Laura: I don’t agree.

    Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you would.

    Laura: No, Harry’s a much stronger character then that.

    Andrew: Yeah, because of his friends. If he wasn’t friends with Ron and Hermione…

    Laura: No, but we had this discussion during the Draco Cast. He didn’t like Draco when he originally met him at Madame Malkin’s.

    Kevin: Yep.

    Ben: That’s true.

    Kevin: But at the same time, I think he was trying to befriend Harry knowing what Harry is. I think he was being more manipulative then…

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: Right, and by the same token, look at the fact that Voldemort tried to convince Harry, “We can bring back your mother.”

    Kevin: Yep, exactly.

    Ben: And it’s just the reason for doing that is because Voldemort knows that this kid is the Chosen One to an extent and that basically we need this kid on our side or it’s going to end up, “He’ll eventually be my downfall.”

    Kevin: Yeah, and as for Malfoy’s family hating Harry, not a chance. If Harry had joined Malfoy, I think they would have opened Harry with open arms.

    Andrew: They would have been all like…

    Laura: Yeah.

    Kevin: Because they knew the importance of it.

    Micah: But there is no guarantee at that time that Voldemort’s going to come back.

    Kevin: Exactly.

    Laura: Exactly.

    Micah: So, why not get the next best thing?

    Andrew: Do you think Draco’s dad told Draco to try and become friends with Harry so that down the road…

    Laura: It wouldn’t surprise me. I would not surprise me in the slightest. If he at least said, “Try to get close to Harry Potter,” it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Laura: That’s the type of thing Lucius would try to do.

    Ben: I think he would have tried more then the one scene where it’s, you know, like in the movie it says…

    Laura: But Draco’s lazy, we know that. And he takes offense to people…

    Ben: I don’t know.

    Laura: Who don’t agree with him automatically, and don’t follow him, you know?

    Andrew: Yeah, well cause he learned it all from his dad.

    Laura: Exactly. His arrogance definitely gets the best of him.

    Ben: When it comes to his father he sort of, his father sort of has a lot of control over him. So, if his father told him to do this I think he would, so I’m not really convinced that Draco’s dad said, “Go befriend the Potter boy, or else,” because maybe it sort of happened in passing or maybe Draco realized the importance himself, but other then that I don’t see how it really relates to his dad. Thanks Eric.

    Kevin: Yes, thank you.

    Ben: Next voicemail.

    Voicemails – Love Triangle: Harry, Cedric, Cho

    [Audio]: Hi my name is Michael and I’m from Rochester, New York, and before I ask my question I just wanted to say that I personally thought the [Andrew impersonation] “Yeah! Yeah!” thing in the LIVE Podcast in New York City at the premiere was really, really funny so stop making fun of him, guys. So, anyways my question is: After watching Goblet of Fire, I personally thought they didn’t really show Cho and Cedric’s relationship that well because in the fifth book, we all know that Harry tries to date Cho and there is a big conflict between them, and him bringing up Cedric, so I wanted to know your guys’ personal thoughts was on that and if you thought they showed a good enough job with those two. Thanks.

    Ben: Well, the point of this movie was they had to get to the beefy parts.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: The Triwizard Tournament, Voldemort coming back, and things of that sort because they didn’t really have time to display the a lot of the subplots like I’ve said in the past, and they didn’t have time to develop the Cho/Harry thing, and you know there is something up because she sort of eyeballed him…

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Gave him a flirtatious look and they bumped into each other. “Oh, this way. No. You. Me.” You know, sort of there in that scene where they’re up on the castle and stuff.

    Andrew: Yeah, I think that whole area of the book is another victim of…

    Kevin: Yeah, the conversion to…

    Ben: [Andrew impersonation] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

    [Kevin and Micah laugh]

    Ben: I’m sorry, sorry, Michael.

    Kevin: I don’t see much happening with Harry and Cho in the fifth book, or fifth movie I should, fifth movie.

    Ben: Yeah, that can probably be completely be cut.

    Andrew: Yeah, they already bombed on the fourth movie, and that ain’t coming back.

    Laura: Yeah, but you know they are going to have that whole part with Harry and Cho in the Room of Requirement. You know that’s going to happen.

    Ben: That’ll probably happen but I don’t know about the date they have in Hogsmeade, I don‘t know where you‘d put it.

    Laura: Yeah, that’ll probably be cut.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: But, I definitely, speaking of this whole Harry Potter romance stuff, I definitely want to see the relationship between Harry and Ginny happen in Movie 6, and I think they sort of have to start building that in Movie 5 where they need to…

    Laura: Yeah, they need to.

    Ben: Where Harry starts noticing her more, where she’s no longer just a little girl.

    Kevin: Yep.

    Andrew: You think Steve Kloves…

    Ben: Yeah, right now.

    Andrew: Is looking into that.

    Ben: Kloves. [accentuates the “es”]

    Andrew: [repeats Ben] Kloves, whatever.

    Kevin: I hope so.

    Andrew: First of all, do you think ..wait let me start that again…

    Ben: Steve Kloves…

    Andrew: Do you think Steve Kloves is looking ahead to the future books?

    [Ben laughs]

    Ben: Well, I think the problem is, Andrew, that you don’t even know who the screenwriter is for the fifth movie. It’s not even Steve Kloves, it’s Michael Goldenburg…

    Laura: Yeah, I thought he left.

    Andrew: It’s who?

    Ben: Steve Kloves will return to write Movie 6, he’s already signed up for all that and talked to Warner Bros. about it so, he’s going to return to do the screenplay for the sixth movie, but the person doing it for the fifth movie is Michael Goldenburg.

    Andrew: Oh, sorry. I’m not up on my screenwriters.

    [Kevin and Laura laugh]

    Kevin: Well, the screenwriters is one of the most important parts.

    Ben: So, the fifth movie may be sort of an outliner, so to speak as comparison to the others, as Steve Kloves may do the rest of the series except Movie 5, and I’m anxious to see how it turns out without having the person who wrote the previous…

    Laura: He might try to emulate his style, but it won’t be exactly the same.

    Ben: That may happen just so, yeah they maintain…right. They want to maintain some iota of consistency throughout the films to the extent where it’s not really going to alienate the audience, where it’s “Oh my gosh! What did this guy do?” Cause you sort of gotten used to Steve Kloves’ style where we sort of know things where he’s going to lead into the very important parts, he’s going to leave in the key dialogue, and some of you might not be very pleased with him, but I personally think he has done a decent job.

    Laura: Yeah, I think he’s done great.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Andrew: But it’s not just him who’s making those decisions for the entire movie. Warner Bros. is telling him, “Ok, you have this much time, you have this much money.”

    Ben: Right, and JK Rowling has to approve all of this too.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Andrew: They run it by her.

    Ben: I’m sure Jo’s not going to let them massacre her work.

    Andrew: No.

    Ben: I’m pretty sure.

    Andrew: Too bad we don’t know her thoughts on the movie yet.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Andrew: We still haven’t gotten any official word.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Ben: Jo, Jo email me. JK Rowling email me, ben at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

    Kevin: Yeah [laughs].

    Ben: Tell me what’s up.

    Andrew: Sorry I didn’t return your message the other day. I forgot to give you a call back.

    Ben: Yeah right.

    Andrew: I’ll get back to you later this week.

    [Laura and Kevin laugh]

    Ben: Ok guys, I think this pretty much sums up the voicemails. If you want to send in a voicemail, send it to voice at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

    Kevin: Also…

    Ben: But don’t fear, the show is not over yet.

    Kevin: Well, also a mention of the voicemails. If you have it in different audio formats, send it – I can convert. It’s not a big deal.

    Laura: You have just asked for it, Kevin.

    Andrew: This has been Kevin’s Technical Note of the Day.

    Kevin: Yes, it’s my Technical Note of the Day.

    Laura: You are going to get 10 million random voicemails that you are going to have to convert.

    Kevin: I have software that can open all of it. Trust me. Backwards compatible.

    Laura: Oh, you’re so inferious.

    Ben: Ok guys.

    Laura’s Take on Goblet of Fire

    Andrew: One thing we haven’t got the chance to do yet is ask Laura her thoughts on Goblet of Fire.

    Laura: Oh yes.

    Kevin: What were they Laura?

    Laura: I came out, overall…

    Kevin: Great Laura, by the way.

    [Everyone laughs]

    Laura: Overall, I very much enjoyed the film. I didn’t think the pacing was as good as previous films, but it’s really the only thing I faulted on. I especially loved the Graveyard Scene. I thought that was so intense and so well done, and Ralph Fiennes is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

    Micah: Laura…

    Laura: Yes.

    Micah: I have a question for you. Did you think Barty Crouch was good?

    [Everyone laughs]

    Laura: Senior? Senior?

    Ben: Yeah.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Micah: Yeah, senior, of course.

    Laura: I thought, ok I don’t understand what everyone’s problem with him was. I didn’t think…

    Andrew: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Laura…

    Ben: He sounded like a girl.

    Laura: I didn’t think he was outstanding or anything, but I thought he was all right.

    Ben: Ohhh.

    Andrew: Did you listen to Episode 17, Laura?

    Laura: No, I never listen to MuggleCast.

    Andrew: Because, are you being sarcastic?

    Laura: Yes, that would be sarcasm.

    Andrew: You were suppose to laugh and be like, “Haha, Eric’s a joke.”

    Ben: When Eric said, “Oh my gosh, Barty Crouch Jr is a good guy.”

    Laura: [laughs] That’s something we should talk about later. But, no I didn’t think the guy who…who played him? I don’t remember, anyway, I don’t think that Barty Crouch Sr was bad at all, really. I thought that he was fine and I think that judging him on his high-pitched voice is a little stupid.

    Kevin: Well, I don’t think it’s so much the actor as it was just the representation. People were thrown off by it because you don’t imagine Barty Crouch as someone who has a high-pitched voice, and it just threw people off and that’s why they’re so critical.

    Laura: I thought he was good.

    Andrew: Yeah, it must have turned people off, because you see him and he’s always got this scary look on his face. Hey, quick question. Goblet of Fire DVD, we found out earlier last week. “March 2006” reports one DVD site. Good marketing on Warner Bros.’ Half? 5-ish months.

    Ben: Not too bad really.

    Laura: Well, for the first two movies, they released them, what? April, after about…

    Andrew: About five months later, yeah. I don‘t know, it just seems that…

    Laura: It’s Harry Potter. People are going to buy it.

    Andrew: Well, of course.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Andrew: That discussion went worse then I thought it would.

    [Everyone laughs]

    Laura: Good job, Andrew.

    [Laura and Andrew laughing]

    Kevin: Way to start a discussion.

    Ben: Yeah.

    Kevin: Speaking of DVDs, did you see…

    Andrew: [mocking Kevin] Speaking of DVDs…

    Kevin: Did you see that, not to give them an ad or anything, but Target has the Harry Potter series at $5.88 each.

    Andrew: Oooh.

    Laura: Yes.

    Ben: Really?

    Kevin: Yes.

    Ben: Go out and buy them.

    Andrew: Go check out and say MuggleCast and get an extra 10 percent off any order.

    Kevin: I can’t guarantee it, someone sent it in to me.

    Laura: Yeah, because all of our listeners don’t own Harry Potter anyway.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    [Everyone laughs]

    Andrew: Just desperate to get rid of it.

    Kevin: Hey, if you have a bad DVD…

    Ben’s Weekly Top Ten

    Ben: Well, before we close up the show, we have to get to our usual segments that we do each week. Last week I announced the first annual Ben’s Top 10 List and we have a doozy for you this week. This is a stellar Top 10 list, just let me pull it up quickly. This is, ah it’s amazing. The Top 10 Reasons Why You Know You’re A Ben Schoen Fan.

    Andrew: Oh brother.

    Laura: Uhhh.

    [Everyone moaning]

    Laura: Ben, did you write those?

    Ben: You renamed your…no I didn’t, someone sent them in actually.

    [Laura laughs]

    Micah: Oh god.

    Ben: Number 10: You’ve rename your favorite teddy bear Ben. Number 9: You feel like clubbing Andrew over the head every time he tells Ben to shut up. [Everyone laughing] I agree. You’ve added Ben to your AIM and Skype account, hoping you’ll have a chance to chat with him. Number 7: You’ve laminated Ben’s autograph, put it in a huge frame, and hung it up on top of your bed.

    [Laura laughing]

    Ben: Number 6: You have a Ben Schoen screensaver on your laptop.

    [Laura and Micah laughing]

    Ben: Number 5: You visit at least once a day.

    By the way, that’s a very good idea, visit

    Kevin: Ok.

    [Laura laughing]

    Ben: Number 4: You were saving money to go on a shopping spree to NYC with your friends but you decided to go to Kansas instead. Number 3: You’ve developed a sudden hatred for Emma Watson. That’s my favorite right there. I love you, Emma! Number 2: You just visited again while writing this. And number 1: You asked Ben to sign one of the body parts I can’t mention right now and now you have it tattooed. Ben Schoen’s Top 10 List everybody, woo!

    [Laura laughs]

    Ben: Ok, Spy on Spartz time.

    Kevin: Now that we’re thoroughly bored.

    Andrew: Two people were entertained by that list.

    Laura: Yeah if…

    Kevin: Oh!

    Ben: Yeah, whatever that was a funny list.

    Laura: You know you guys are misled, that’s all I have to say.

    Ben: How?

    Laura: Ben?

    Ben: How were they misled?

    Laura: They were misled by Ben.

    Ben: Oh, guys. I am totally a hottie.

    [Everyone laughs]

    Ben: Just so everyone knows. Actually, Emma Watson is a big Ben Schoen fan.

    Laura: I’m sure she is.

    Ben: Just kidding.

    Andrew: I saw you try to talk to her at the premiere.

    Kevin: Try, and get jumped by her bodyguards.

    Andrew: Yeah, they shot him twice.

    Ben: Oh, whatever.

    Kevin: Yeah.

    Spy on Spartz

    Ben: Well, now it’s really time for “Spy on Spartz,” and this is a doozy this week.

    Andrew: This one’s way too long.

    Ben: A very good “Spy on Spartz.”

    Kevin: Ugh.

    Ben: Ok, I’ll read to you Emerson’s away message. “I’ve been invited as a guest on the Mike Petersen show, which is a late night talk show which is sort of like Conan. It’s being filmed in front of a live audience at 10 at Legends. They’re expecting more than 150 people. You should go!” Well, by the time you get hear this, it’ll be too late but [Laura laughs] congrats to Emerson for making his first television appearance on a talk show. Woo, go Emerson.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Kevin: And from what I know, that show is only on…

    Andrew: Notre Dame.

    [Laura laughs]

    Kevin: Notre Dame TV. [laughs] Notre Dame TV, so if you want to watch it, move to Notre Dame.

    Andrew: Well hopefully, we should have found his fans from Notre Dame to record it for us. Get it online.

    Kevin: Oh yeah.

    Andrew: Now that would have been good. [laughs]

    Ben: We should have. Oh and by the way people, I know I’m sort of jumping around here but, next week I’d like to do a Top Ten list not related to me, and not related to MuggleCast. So please send in a Top Ten list related to something else, relating to Harry Potter and that would be great. Ok, now it’s time for “Andrew’s Listeners Challenge.” [does a drum roll]

    Andrew’s Listeners Challenge

    Andrew: [sings odd theme song music]

    Kevin: Has he thought of one yet?

    Andrew: I have my own Listeners Challenge which is to get Listeners Challenges done, and up online. Geez, I don’t have a Listeners Challenge this week.

    Ben: I have a good idea for a Listeners Challenge.

    Andrew: What?

    Ben: Send in your own jingle that’s an intro to Andrew’s Listeners Challenge. Send it to challenge at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Nice music…

    Andrew: That’s a good idea. No, no, no, no, stop, stop. Not only for Andrew’s Listeners Challenge but make little intros for all of them. Spy on Spartz, Ben’s Top 10 List of the Week, Jamie’s British Joke of the Day, Andrew’s Listeners Challenge, just make little songs. Like 10-15 seconds long.

    Micah: Hey my news too, or Sue’s news.

    Andrew: Micah, Sue’s news.

    Ben: No, Micah…

    Andrew: Micah, we give you an intro every week, isn’t that good? You have background music during your thing.

    Micah: That’s true.

    Kevin: You have your own theme song.

    Ben: Micah, do we have to downgrade your status from a human to an elf, seriously?

    [Everyone Laughs]

    Ben: You better watch it, Micah.

    Kevin: He has his own theme song, I mean…

    Andrew: Does he?

    Kevin: Could he ask anymore?

    Ben: Okay.

    Andrew: Just let it be known, Micah’s been on PotterCast more times then any of us have. We’ve been on zero, he’s been on twice now, right, Micah?

    Micah: Yeah, twice.

    Laura: They like him better then us.

    Ben: He’s our all-star transcriber everybody.

    Kevin: No, it’s Melissa who likes him better than us. You know, he has a thing going on now.

    Ben: Yeah. Let’s don’t start the…Micah, does that make any sense?

    The Las Vegas Minute

    Andrew: We’re premiering a new segment this week: The Las Vegas Minute.

    Laura: Yay.

    Andrew: And every week, we’re going to talk about Las Vegas for exactly one minute.

    Ben: Yes.

    Andrew: So, that way we’re going to have like, 30 minutes of Las Vegas talk.

    Ben: Okay, Andrew.

    Andrew: I love this new segment.

    Laura: Okay.

    Ben: The minute starts…now. Ok, everybody, Las Vegas. It’s going to rock.

    Andrew: I can’t wait,. July…

    Laura: I’m actually going to this one.

    Andrew: Yeah, Laura’s coming. Who else is coming? Micah’s coming…

    Laura: I think we’re all coming, aren’t we?

    Andrew: Yeah, we’re all going to be there. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

    Kevin: Yeah, Emerson.

    Andrew: Yeah, it’s like seven months away.

    Laura: No one cares about Emerson.

    Andrew: We’ve been getting a lot of emails [Kevin and Laura laugh] about people who’ve already signed up to go just because of us. So…

    Micah: Sweet.

    Andrew: Lumos 2006 owes us big time.

    Kevin: Yes they do.

    Ben: No they don’t.

    Andrew: Yes they do.

    Kevin: They do.

    Ben: They’re offering us a facility to host a LIVE Podcast, they don’t owe us anything.

    Kevin: That’s true.

    Ben: It’s a joint relationship we have going. [Kevin laughs] But anyways, Las Vegas you be there. Anybody who’s anybody is going to be there.

    Andrew: Anybody who’s anybody in the West Coast will be there. You know Chaya from New York City, even she’s going to be there.

    Laura: Awesome.

    Kevin: Wow.

    Andrew: Yeah.

    Ben: Well, T-minus five.

    Andrew: She already bought her tickets and stuff. I’m really excited, we can’t wait for Las Vegas. [Ben in background counting down] It’s July 29th-31st be there.

    Laura: Be there.

    [Andrew and Laura]

    Ben: Well, the wraps up the Las Vegas minute for this week, everybody.

    Andrew: That was fun.

    Kevin: Yes it was.

    Andrew: I can’t wait for next week to do it again.

    [Laura laughs]

    Show Close

    Ben: Thanks to everyone. Everyone, everyone to listening to the show, it was very enjoyable. I think this weeks’, this episode was pretty good. Well, if you have any questions and/or suggestions, visit or You can subscribe to our feed on iTunes, you can view information on how to contact us, and we’re actually going to post our demographic information for you guys to look at, and that’ll be cool so you guys know what your fellow Potterites are listen to the show. So I think that concludes this episode of MuggleCast. Episode 18, we’re getting up there. Andrew or…

    Andrew: I know. Episode 20 we’re going to have, actually, we have no plans.

    Ben: We’re going to party.

    Andrew: We’ve decided to take no breaks. We’re going straight through. We’re going to have a show on Christmas, we’re going to have a show on New Year’s day, it’s going to be a ton of fun.

    Kevin: It should be fun, yeah.

    Laura: Yeah.

    Ben: Definitely.

    Andrew: For Christmas, me and Ben are going to sing U2. Oh oh…

    Ben: We’re going to. So, so…[Ben with Andrew] beautiful.

    Kevin: So, I recommend most of you skip that episode.

    Laura: Yeah.

    [Andrew and Ben singing in the background]

    Kevin: Unless you want your ears bleeding.

    Laura: Or want to be drowned out by U2 fans.

    Andrew: American Idols going to call us and want us.

    Ben: Definitely.

    [Everyone laughing]

    Ben: Okay, well that wraps her up. I’m Ben Schoen.

    Andrew: I’m…

    Micah: No you got to do it the right way.

    Andrew: Oh yeah, Andrew Sims.

    Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

    Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

    Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

    Ben: Good night, everybody.

    Kevin: Goodbye.

    Laura: Goodbye.

    Kevin: Andrew say, bye.

    Andrew: No.

    Ben: Andrew say, bye.

    Andrew: No!

    [Everyone laughing]

    Ben: Goodnight everyone, or goodnight afternoon or morning, or whenever you’re listening to this.

    Andrew: Good afternoon.

    [Everyone laughs]


    Written by: Micah, Jess, and Ally