Transcript #33

MuggleCast EP33 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: [screaming] Oh my god, it’s MuggleCast – Episode 33 for April 02nd, 2006! See why is the No. 1 domain registrar world-wide. Now with your domain name registration you’ll get hosting, a free blog, complete e-mail and much more. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener enter the code “RON,” that’s R-O-N when you check out and get your dot com domain name for just $6.95 per year. Get your piece of the Internet today at

At USA Network characters are welcome. Even you have what it takes to be a star. Can you believe that? Enter the 2006 “Show Us Your Character Contest” to find out if you’re America’s most unique character and you could win a chance to be featured on the computer screen, the TV screen, and even the big screen! Enter now at

Hello, everyone and welcome to MuggleCast 33! I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Greg: And I’m Greg Porter.

Andrew: Wait! Greg Porter?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Any relation to MuggleNet Greg?

Greg: Maybe!

Andrew: Yes or no? Just yes or no?

Greg: Yeah, the real.

Andrew: Oh John Noe would like to be on this episode. And America’s favorite Brit Jamie Lawrence is also back too. It’s about time Jamie.

Jamie: I know. It’s terrible, isn’t it? It’s a bad effort.

Andrew: Before we go anywhere else, first let’s check in with Micah Tannenbaum for the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah:, a fan site for the actress who will be portraying Luna Lovegood in Order of the Phoenix, has debunked recent rumors of Evanna dropping out of the fifth film. Although the rumors suggest her agent made the departure statement, makes a point of reminding visitors that Evanna doesn’t even have an agent. Evanna will be in Order of the Phoenix, due out sometime next year.

Wednesday morning, the Australian show “Sunrise” aired an interview with Dan, Rupert, Emma and Katie on the set of the fifth Harry Potter movie where they talked quite a lot about filming.

And thanks to you can see more photos (1, 2, 3) of Hagrid’s hut. I know you’ve been waiting for those. If you weren’t excited enough by the first set, there is now a scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head standing in the vegetable patch. Wow!

As we reported a few weeks ago, Harry Potter was nominated for both favorite book (for the entire series) and favorite movie (for Goblet of Fire) at the 2006 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards. The series and the movie proved successful, nabbing both the awards.

At Wednesday night’s British Book Awards ceremony in London, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was named book of the year. The awards are voted on by the public and Rowling beat out autobiographies by the likes of John Peel and Sharon Osbourne.

The fourth Harry Potter DVD has proved enormously successful in the UK where it now holds the title of fastest selling DVD ever. Every second on the day of its release (on March 20th), six copies fell into eager fans’ hands, and three copies per second were sold in the first six days since the movie hit the shelves. To date, 1.4 million copies have been sold, making it the seventh best selling DVD of all time.

Rupert Grint – along with the Phelps twins – were at the “Harry Potter Movie Marathon” in Rome’s Warner Village. The Marathon included screenings of the first three Harry Potter movies, and the actors signed autographs between breaks.

JKR recently painted a ceramic egg and donated it to an auction organized by Make Your Mark in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis Society in Scotland. The egg raised £2600 and a total of almost £30,000 was raised at the event.

Finally, J.K. Rowling has opened the door on her website to give us…a test! Not sure what this all WOMBAT stuff means, but I am sure that we will find out in the upcoming week. Be sure to tune in to MuggleCast next week as the crew will be discussing JKR’s latest surprise.

And before I wrap things up, Emerson and Melissa, I want that toaster back I sent you guys as a wedding gift.

That’s all the news for this April 02nd, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show!

Andrew: All right, thank you Micah. [laughing]


Andrew: Now, a couple of quick announcements. The shortest MuggleCast t-shirt ad ever. Buy a MuggleCast t-shirt today!

Jamie: Yes, excellent!

Andrew: Moving on, vote for us on Podcast Alley!

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I’m not complaining much because we’re in the Top 10 list now.

Jamie: Even shorter, brilliant!

Andrew: Don’t forget. Thank you for all your e-mails. We’re taking your feedback and putting it to good use. And it’s time to put in your RSVPs for Lumos 2006. We will all be…

Ben: E-mail hplive…

Andrew: at…

Ben: hplive at gmail dot com.

Andrew: at gmail dot com. Remember, this doesn’t give you a seat. It merely says that you’re coming. [laughs]

Ben: It let’s us know. It let’s us know some numbers.

Andrew: Yeah. hp live at gmail dot com. It’s really important that everyone tells us if they’re coming or not so we can get a good number.

Ben: And by the way Jamie Lawrence will be there.

Andrew: Yes, he will.

Ben: He will be there.

Andrew: Greg, you coming?

Greg: Hmmm.

Eric: Who?

Greg: Me?

Ben: Yeah, you.

Andrew: Are you coming?

Greg: Oh, I don’t have money.

Andrew: Oh.

Greg: So, no.

Andrew: Ohhh, okay.

Greg: I’m poor.

Ben: Maybe if you concentrated on selling stuff on your website.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: And then changing the layout every other day, you would have money.

Greg: Well, actually I’m going on a rather long vacation this summer that’s going to take up most of my money.

Jamie: A layout camp?

Ben: A layout camp. [laughs]

Greg: Yeah.

Andrew: A layout camp. [laughs] Is that like band camp?

Greg: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay. And… [laughs]

Greg: Well Andrew, you know that book I published?

Andrew: Yes.

Greg: Yeah.

Andrew: Ohhh.

Greg: So…

Andrew: He’s got his own book published.

Ben: Yeah, he does. Buy it, Shadows Like Us by Greg Porter.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Put a link in the Show Notes. That’s a good idea.

Andrew: And Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Go back weekly for a brand-new layout. You can see Greg hard at work on that stuff. [laughs]

Listener Rebuttal – All A Dream?

Andrew: Now let’s move on to Listener Rebuttals. We got a lot of good ones this week. This first one comes from Kimberly from Chattanooga, Tennessee. She write on the last MuggleCast you said you cannot think of a TV show where the story had been a dream, and two examples came to mind

One was, in the 1980’s Dallas had an entire season that was a dream that had killed off Bobby Ewing and the actor Patrick Duffy decided to come back to the show. At the end of the season his ex-wife walked into the bathroom and he was in the shower. It had been her dream. That must have been upsetting.

Then also, an example was Newhart. Bob Newhart starred as an innkeeper in Vermont. The town had lots of crazy characters. In the last episode you see Bob in bed and he “waked up.” Whoa, woke up. This girl isn’t good at writing.

Ben: Woked up?

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Andrew: When he roles over his wife from his earlier show, The Bob Newhart Show was in bed with him. The entire series had been a dream. How upsetting.

Ben: Well, okay. Is this about us saying…

Greg: They make fun of that pirate thing on Family Guy.

Ben: Is this about us saying there wasn’t a TV series or movie that ends in a dream?

Andrew: Yeah, like over a ten-year period and then it’s all a dream.

Jamie: That would be a long time dream.

Greg: Weh weh weh wehhh!

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: Weh weh weh wehhh!

Greg: Wow. Yeah, who would run after J.K. Rowling to bring her down?

Eric: Yeah.

Greg: Yeah.

Listener Rebuttal – Mispronunciation

Andrew: Next e-mail. Hi, I have a listener rebuttal to do with Episode 32. You were talking about the pronunciation of [pronounces as ka-noots] “knuts.” I know the Scholastic site says it is [pronounces as ka-noots] “K’nuts.” But when Jo was reading Half-Blood Prince in Edinburgh, she pronounced as “nuts,” no “K.”

I meant to get confirmation on this, but yeah, Jamie what’s your take on it?

Jamie: I think [pronounces as ka-noots] “K’nuts” is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

Andrew: [laughs] Me too.

Jamie: I can’t believe after I read… So sorry now, after I listened to the Scholastic. I thought there had been some kind of error. [pronounces as ka-noots] “K’nuts,” it doesn’t sound right at all – “nuts” is clearly it. And Andrew, it’s Edinburgh not “Edinburrr.”

Andrew: Oh, sorry Jamie.

Jamie: Just wanted to point that out.

Ben: It’s Edinburgh.

Jamie: It’s okay. Don’t worry, I completely forgive you.

Andrew: I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

Ben: It’s Edinburgh.

Greg: “Edinbore.”

Andrew: Maybe for some reason Scholastic thinks it should be [pronounces as ka-noots] “K’nuts” and over in England they think it should be “nuts.” [laughs]

Jamie: But nuts, how could you say [pronounces as ka-noots] “K’nuts”? It’s like Galleons…

Andrew: “Ka-noots” sounds better I think.

Jamie: Galleons, Sickles, and [pronounces as ka-noots] “K’nuts.” Oh yeah, that flows really well.

Andrew: Yeah. Good point.

Ben: Yeah.

Jamie: “Suh-ickles” and “Guh-alleons.”

Ben: Just like the Scholastic Pronunciation Guide also says, “Rubayus.”

Jamie: I know, I know.

Ben: “Rubayus,” like “Rubayus,” “Rubayus.” “Ka-noots,” “Ka-noots.”

Jamie: The woman is so softly spoken you can barely hear her. She couldn’t actually get more softly spoken.

Greg: I think she’s a machine.

Jamie: Yeah, she is.

Ben: “Rubayus.”

Andrew: All right.

Greg: Yeah, one of those free ones.

Andrew: Well, there you go.

Listener Rebuttal – Audio Comment Music

Andrew: Sorry if I pronounced your names wrong. Zainab, 15 from Milton, Ontario, Canada. Eh, Eh, Andrew. Ay, Andrew?

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Actually it says, “Hi!” but I was just wondering about the music you play during the audio comments. What is it called. I absolutely adore it for some random reason.

Jamie: This is just to fan Andrew’s ego, this is.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Yes, it is.

Ben: Yeah, that’s all it is.

Andrew: I just wanted to say I added this because we get so many e-mails, believe or not, and I’m not joking. I made it in SoundTrack. It’s one layer of music with three different guitar riffs.

Jamie: Wow. Wow.

Andrew: So, I’ll be releasing it on a CD for $39.99.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Shipping is $30.00 as well.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: $50.00 to ship it to England. So, if you want it, please email andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com. I’ll be happy to mail you a 20-minute version. [laughs] A 20-minute loop.

Ben: 20-minute version…[laughs] You’ll just loop it over and over.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Jamie: A CD costs one thousand [pronounces it ka-noots] Knuts.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah! There you go!

[Everyone laugh]

Andrew: Put that in the CNN Money Converter[laughs]

Jamie: Or ten Knuts.

Andrew: …and see what happens.

Jamie: One thousand [pronounces it noots] Knuts or ten [pronounces it ka-noots] Knuts, okay? Whichever you prefer.

Listener Rebuttal – Hagrid’s Bad Wizard Comment

Andrew: [laughs] Next one comes from FJ, 22 of North Carolina. “Hi. You guys analyzed Hagrid’s comment that ‘There weren’t a witch or wizard that went bad that wasn’t in Slytherin’ and tried to apply that to the case of Pettigrew. You have to remember, though, that no one knew Pettigrew was alive – not even Dumbledore. Granted, that was a gross over-exaggeration, however it’s not the sort of comment that can be analyzed that way because Hagrid didn’t have all the information on Pettigrew. He’s a ‘special case’ because he faked his own death – rather successfully.”

Jamie: I just assumed that – that comment, “There wasn’t a witch or wizard that went bad that wasn’t in Slytherin,” – I mean obviously, it means that, you know, every single witch or wizard that went bad came from Slytherin. But, does that mean that there have been some good people who have come from Slytherin, or that every single person from Slytherin is bad?

Ben: They can’t all be bad.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: That’d be what we call – [in a British accent] in America, we call it a stereotype.

Jamie: What are you talking about, Ben?

Andrew: Stereotyping!

Ben: Well, if you – if you [laughs] say that everyone goes into Slytherin comes out bad…

Jamie: I’m not stereotyping.

Ben: …that’s a stereotype. It’s like saying every Muslim’s a terrorist.

Jamie: Ben, I’m not stereotyping, I’m generalizing.

[Andrew, Ben and Greg laugh]

Jamie: Get it right, get it right!

Andrew: No generalizing is allowed…

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: …on MuggleCast. That’s one of our rejected slogans, actually.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Jamie: “Loads of generalizing is good” – then we thought, no, it doesn’t actually work.

Andrew: None of these book nerds [laughs] will think it’s cool.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: All right.

Jamie: Generalizing is cool.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah!

[Ben, Greg and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: All right, next rebuttal.

Greg: Let’s put that on a t-shirt!

Listener Rebuttal – Mimble-Wimble

Andrew: Okay, last comes from several people. We have found where Eric was trying to find out where on earth Mimble-Wimble came from. It turns out – thanks to quite a few people, who realized – who recalled that it comes from the Chamber of Secrets video game. There’s a spell – is it called Mimble-Wimble, or do they say Mimble-Wimble?

Jamie: The Mimble-Wimble Spell. That sounds terrifying.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: “I’m going to Mimble-Wimble you!”

Greg: We’ll add that with Tinky-Winky and all the rest of the Teletubbies.

Jamie: [laughs] La-La’s going to Mimble-Wimble you!

Andrew: It’s amazing how like, you’ll hear it once, and then it’ll come back to you, but you can’t exactly put your finger on it.

Eric: Greg asks a really cool, good question, which I kind of wanted to talk about too. Does JKR have anything to do with the games? Do the game producers say, “Hey, we want something like Flippendo. We want something to flip something around.” And does she write them or what? What is it?

Ben: That is the most annoying spell ever in creation.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: Especially in the first game. “FLIPPENDO!”

Andrew: Flippendo! You…

Ben: [imitating the video game voice] FLIPPENDO!!!

Andrew: You had to use that spell every single time! It drove me nuts!

Ben: Yeah! [laughs]

Jamie: I hated the games.

Andrew: The games are weak. But you know what?

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: It’s these game developers, who absolutely hate Harry Potter. So, they couldn’t care less! [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s…

Jamie: Yeah, exactly.

Greg: Well, I do know that most authors have no say in their own games.

Jamie: Yeah.

Greg: But J.K. Rowling isn’t most authors, so…

Andrew: Well, it’s WB that’s making these video games happen, so J.K. [mispronounces] Rowling is probably out of the loop.

Ben: JK Rowling!

Andrew: J.K. Rowling! Sorry! I don’t know why I keep saying it that way! But anyway.

Chapter-by-Chapter – Chapters 6 & 7, Sorcerer’s Stone

Andrew: Moving on to the Chapter-by-Chapter discussion, Chapters 6 and 7. We continue to take your feedback and put it to use, and so then this is revision three of Chapter-by-Chapter. [laughs]

Chapter 6 – The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

Andrew: So starting off Chapter 6, “The Journey From Platform Nine and [in a British accent] Three-Quarters.”

Ben: Congratulations, Andrew! You got the title right!

[Andrew laughs]

Greg: Excuse me while I open my book and finish this reading.

Andrew: Oh no, you’re done. Your chance is up.

Jamie: Yeah. You’ve missed it. [laughs]

Ben: Here, I’m – I’ll be Jim Dale while we’re waiting for Eric. [in a British accent] “Harry’s last month with the Dursleys was not fun. True, Dudley was now so scared of Harry, he wouldn’t stay in the same room.”

Jamie: Jim Dale – Jim Dale’s American.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, but…

Ben: I swear he sounds like that, though.

Andrew: He does.

Jamie: No, he doesn’t.

Andrew: Yeah, he definitely does.

Jamie: If you want a real British accent, do Stephen Fry, who did the British ones.

Ben: I’ve never heard him speak before.

Jamie: You…

Andrew: Yes you have! You must’ve.

Ben: I heard him on the little interview with JKR, but I don’t remember what his voice sounds like.

New, Important Characters

Andrew: So, we’re introduced to a lot of new characters this chapter, and a lot of new items, particularly. We’re introduced to Ron, Neville, Fred and George, Ginny, Charlie and Bill, Mrs. Weasley of course, Crabbe and Goyle, we see more Draco – and Quidditch! And we see the – and we also sort of see the crazy side of magic with the Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans and the Chocolate Frogs.

Ben: I have – I have – I have some notes, some of my notes here.

Andrew: Great!

Ben: Page 91 of the UK edition…

Jamie: So, I just think…

Ben: …is where we first hear the…

Jamie: Of the UK edition?

Ben: No, excuse me, the US edition. Sorry.

Jamie: Oh, okay.

Ben: Of…and…

Jamie: Sorry.

Ben: Molly Weasley first here talked. “Packed with Muggles, of course.” And then basically, this is where we first meet the Weasleys.

Greg: Yep.

Ben: And I’d just like to point out how she’s already sort of – like, you get, like, the impression of what – how she is, and how she’s really motherly.

Jamie: That is true. That is very true.

Ben: And I thought that it might be nice to point that out. That’s when we first see her, you know, be motherly. And then the other thing, another personality thing that happens on this pg. is Fred and George. You see they start becoming jokesters. When they mentioned…

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: …”I’m Fred,” yeah. Stuff like that. Well, on pg. 93 of the US edition is something else I noticed. It’s where we get our first description of what Ron looks like. And it says, “he was tall, thin and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.” And sometimes I think we all forget that that’s what Ron actually looks like because of the perception of Rupert Grint.

Andrew: Mmmm.

Ben: You know, Rupert Grint’s stocky, has these broad shoulders…

Jamie: Yeah, I agree.

Ben: And he’s not really that much taller than Dan Radcliffe, who plays Harry. So I just – I mean, I wanted to point that out too.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: It doesn’t say anything about his hair though, although judging by the covers, we sort of get the gist of it.

Pompous Percy

Ben: I would like to move to pg. 96. Like – like Andrew said in the very start of the introduction to the segment, that throughout this chapter, we get a nice, a nice perception of all the new characters that we’re going to see. For example, like, I can mention the Weasleys, Hermione, Neville – all of these people. And something important that we learn about Percy, who becomes very important in the future books – this happens on pg. 96 of the US edition – where he says, “Can’t stay long, Mother. I’m up front. The Prefects have got two compartments to themselves.” You know, and I just think it’s the first demonstration we see of him being really pompous…

Jamie: That’s very interesting.

Ben: …and pretty arrogant about the position he holds. And I think that there have been a lot of parallels drawn between him and Tom Riddle, and I think that this basically starts the whole – you know, the whole role into the power-hungry Percy, who is just after – he’s after the highest position he can possibly have.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Do you guys agree with me there? Or… [laughs] You guys have gone silent.

Jamie: No, I think – I think it’s just an interesting point, yeah. And also the way he just says, “I can’t stay long, Mother.” It just seems really, really informal, not because – I mean, sorry. Really, really formal. It doesn’t seem like the kind of way you’d talk to your mother.

Greg: To me, it sounds like he’s trying too hard.

Jamie: Well, I wouldn’t, anyway. I’m a big mommy’s boy.

Greg: Yeah, it sounds like he’s trying too hard to be…

Jamie: Yeah.

Greg: …real nice, and, you know, I’m this perfect kid.

Ben: Yeah, he’s very pompous. That’s what I wrote on my notes.

Jamie: Yes, he is.

Ben: I wrote “Pompous Percy.” [laughs]

Andrew: And then Fred and George try to rip on him and have a little fun, and he goes, “Oh, shut up.”

Greg: Yeah.

Andrew: And that’s really the last we see of him until they arrive at Hogwarts, as we’ll see later in Chapter…

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: …what, 7? End of Chapter 6?

Chocolate And Money

Jamie: Can I go on to…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Okay. Page 76 of the UK edition…

Andrew: Oh boy. [laughs]

Jamie: Looking at – no, no, no, no.

Andrew: We’ll…

Jamie: I’ll just tell you what happens.

Andrew: Yeah, we’ll just find it.

Jamie: It’s where they buy all the chocolate and stuff…

Andrew: Oh okay.

Jamie: …from the lady with the trolley. Now this is going to sound like I’m really overanalyzing stuff, and I’m sure I am, but that cost him – he got one of everything on that trolley, and there was a lot stuff there. And that cost him roughly £3.19, which is about – I don’t know, $7.00? $6.00? Which seems not very much for how much he bought.

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: For all those things. So, I was just wondering, like, I mean – it seems weird that, like, each galleon is worth about £5.00. So about $10.00. And it seems like if you wanted to buy something, like, really, really big, it would seem difficult to pay in normal wizarding money. Like, if you wanted something that cost, I don’t know, £10,000 it would be an awful lot of Galleons that you couldn’t really keep in one vault at Gringotts. I don’t know. I just… I mean…

Ben: That’s true.

Jamie: I don’t know where I’m going with this. I just thought I’d try and mention it. And also…

Andrew: Well, he probably felt like a lot to him, because he’s had so little. It doesn’t say one exactly – well I don’t know if it says in UK actually, but…

Jamie: No, no.

Andrew: …in the US edition it just says some.

Jamie: It just says there is something of everything. But, um, this leads to… like, one more point. I mean, Snape, in Half-Blood Prince, we see, lives in London, yeah? Or he has a house in London where he stays…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Surely, he can’t, you know, like, stay in London without spending more money, going to Muggle shops and buying stuff. Stuff like that, so it doesn’t say where he gets his cash from, but…

Ben: Well…

Andrew: Well does he?

Ben: Well, there’s probably currency – currency conversion in Gringotts, I’m sure. Just like you would…

Jamie: What’s it worth, though, what’s it worth?

Ben: …go to any bank to get your currency conversion.

Jamie: I mean, how strong is it, the wizarding money?

Ben: Well, I’m sure there’s some, there’s some…

Jamie: I mean like…

Ben: That’s true. I don’t know about that.

Andrew: Well, I mean, would Snape really need it? Like, do the Weasleys need it?

Jamie: I don’t know, I mean… They can’t magic everything though.

Andrew: Or, do…

Jamie: I’m sure Jo’s…

Andrew: It just seems, like…

Jamie: …made it clear, that you can’t conjure anything you need out of thin air. I mean, you have to acquire it, and there has to be some things that you can’t acquire solely on the wizarding world. Like, I mean, if a wizard, I mean, there has to be some really, really in-tune wizards who like plasma TVs, and big, you know, stuff like that. So, they have to buy it. You can’t buy that from Diagon Alley, I don’t think. So, you must have to go to, like, a Panasonic shop or something like that and pay with… Because I’d like that 40-inch…

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Yeah.

Jamie: …rear-projection TV and I’ll pay with, I’ll pay with ten thousand Galleons, you know?

Jamie: So, I just wanted to…

[More laughing]

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Snape walking into a Best Buy< .

Greg: [imitating Snape] I’d like a 20-inch LCD monitor with a…

Jamie: That’s what Snape really wants. Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: [imitating Snape] I want to visit MuggleNet…

Greg: [imitating Snape] …with twelve speakers.

Jamie: I mean, that was totally over-analyzed, but…

Ben: [imitating Snape] I want to see who’s playing me in the movies.

Andrew: No, but,… Good point.

Ben: Well… Something, something…

Andrew: Whose to say he doesn’t have a house-elf, or some other way of acquiring…. Like, I can’t picture Snape going among the Muggles, it just doesn’t seem right, and I would imagine that he doesn’t like Muggles.

Jamie: No, no, no, I agree, I agree. But, there has to be some way of buying stuff from the Muggle world or…

Greg: eBay?

Jamie: …or just like, conversing with Muggles. What?

Andrew: eBay! [laughs]

Jamie: eBay dot wizard?

Andrew: Yes, exactly. [still laughing]

Ben: I was thinking that.

Greg: I’ve always wondered what the Wizard Wireless Network is, because it’s not really described that well.

Jamie: Yeah, didn’t she say that wizards have some way of communicating with people that’s much, much…

Ben: Better than that.

Jamie: …than the Internet. Yeah.

Greg: Yeah, the Wizard Wireless Network.

Andrew: She probably has to think it up first before she actually…

Ben: I don’t know if it’s that.

Greg: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: She can say anything, but, you know, you got to explain it.

The Killing Curse And Green Light

Ben: Something that I notice on pg. 99 of the US edition, is throughout the entire series, there’s always this… they always draw a parallel between the Killing Curse and a green light, and Harry describes it… Whenever Ron asks him what he remembers, he says, “I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else.” And I thought it was interesting to point out that the Killing Curse is always associated with green light, and I never quite understood why. And, coincidentally, green is also one of the house colors of Slytherin.

Andrew: Hmmm.

Jamie: Yeah… But it could be like – I mean, could you say that – I mean – if you’re killed by Avada Kedavra, you can’t remember anything, obviously, because you’re dead. But, Harry sort of came back from a near-life experience. I mean, could you liken it to, like, drowning, and then being brought back to life by, you know, the paramedics? And, people who have had that say that they’ve gone down a tunnel, you know, and they see all the experiences of their life. You can sort of, half-liken that to the green light. You know, so like… I don’t know if Harry sees anything, but…

Ben: No, no, no, I’m under the impression that the Killing Curse actually…

Jamie: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Ben: …shoots green light out of the wand.

Andrew: Yeah, we see that in Goblet of Fire, don’t we?

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, at the end with Voldemort’s… Voldemort’s wand?

Jamie: What type of green is it?

Andrew: But, I mean, think about…

Jamie: Is it like a dark, dull green, or is it like neon green?

Andrew: Uh, neon?

Jamie: With specks of white and flowing white spots?

Andrew: Nah, I think it’s like neon.

Jamie: Sorry.

Andrew: I don’t know, but just, like, think about it as symbolism.

Jamie: A lot of sic.

Andrew: What do you think when you see green? Well, money, for some people, but…

Jamie: Jealousy. Jealousy.

Andrew: …red is more…

Jamie: Green’s jealousy.

Andrew: Yeah.

Chocolate Frog Cards

Ben: Okay, moving on to pg. 102, something else that I’ve…

Andrew: Skipping all over the place. We’re still on the train ride.

Ben: Well, it’s moving forward. We’re moving forward at least. Okay, pg. 102…

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: …is where we first see the Chocolate Frog cards. And, this
may not seem that significant, but in Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore
mentions that, “Let them do anything, but just don’t take me off the
Chocolate Frog cards.” And here, Ron says, “Chocolate Frogs have cards inside
them, you know, to collect famous witches and wizards.” And he tells how
he has five hundred himself. And, what do you think the significance of being
on the Chocolate Frog card is, and how do you actually earn the position to be
on a Chocolate Frog card? What do you guys think?

Greg: Isn’t it just – yeah, famous wizards?

Jamie: Isn’t it just, like, being famous? Sorry. It’s just
like… you know. But, when, I mean, we can bring this back to when… I
can’t remember, I think it was Bill, said that Dumbledore didn’t mind what they
did to him, as long as they didn’t take him off the Chocolate Frog cards.
Everyone thought that was a joke, but then, I read that it could be because it’s a
way of communicating with people.

Andrew: Yeah, didn’t we discuss a theory on that or something?

Jamie: Yeah, but I’m not too sure about that. I think we did, but
I don’t know, I think it’s just that he likes being on the Chocolate Frog
cards. You know, it’s a kind of recognition of him, I think, because
Merlin’s on there, you know, famous wizards.

Greg: It’s a big thing to be on there.


Ben: Yeah, but, we have to move on here since we sort of covered
that. On pg. 102 to 103, is where they actually look at a Chocolate Frog card
of Dumbledore, and it says that he’s particularly famous for his defeat of the
dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945. I think we might have talked about
Grindelwald before…

Jamie: We shouldn’t get into this. We’ll be on this for

Ben: But, do you think it’s any coincidence that it happened in

Jamie: World War II – yeah.

Ben: …and that’s when the end of World War II was. I think J.K.
Rowling got asked a question, weather sometimes the wizarding wars coincide
with the Muggle wars, and I think she said they do, to an extent. So…

Andrew: I think so. I mean, at the beginning of Half-Blood

Jamie: Oh yeah, yeah.

Andrew: …what was everyone thinking about?

Greg: Well, war.

Andrew: [laughs] No, I don’t know, it just brought back to
me, it felt like, I know, I’m sure this isn’t true – I just think J.K.
Rowling was sort of, almost making a political statement. Because, the only thing I
could think about was the whole war thing going on right now.

Greg: Yeah.

Andrew: And this book just happens to come out, and the first
chapter or so is covering the war, it’s… I… You make a good point.

Jamie: Who could Grindelwald be, though?

Ben: Hitler.

Jamie: Because, I mean, it’s been, like, visited in the past that, you know, the Nazis have some kind of magic
element. Like in Indian Jones and the Last Crusade, you know, Indiana Jones and the other one.

Ben: Lost Ark?

Jamie: What’s the other one?

Ben: Yeah.

Jamie: Not the Temple of Doom. Yeah, yeah, Ark of the
one. So, I don’t know if that’s, you know, it’s kind of going
down that route, or it’s just, like, Grindelwald was a Nazi sympathizer and it
was like that. I mean, and, he isn’t automatically on the German side. It’s just

Ben: Why else would Dumbledore defeat him?

Jamie: …that seems like some kind of a conclusion. Yeah. Well,
the Germans weren’t the only, Axis powers in World Ward II.

Ben: Yeah. Oh, and, another thing that I’d like to bring up about
Grindelwald. It says that he has been defeated, but does that truly mean, yes,
does that truly mean he’s gone?

Jamie: But not killed, yeah.

Ben: Because, take for example, Voldemort. Everyone said that he
was defeated by Harry Potter, but does that mean that Grindelwald is gone?
Voldemort came back, so is it possible for Grindelwald to experience the same

Jamie: I read an extremely interesting theory once that Grindelwald
was really the big Dark Lord, and that, you know, Voldemort was just one
other person, but I don’t know if that’s true and that could – that seems a little far-fetched since, you know, she’s only got one more book.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: And it would be hard to explain all that and – but I don’t know. I mean, I think it’s just pure speculation.

Andrew: I mean, would we want to see this guy coming back? Like Ben – you were just asking.

Ben: Yeah. I think – I think it would – I think it would cause too much trouble because think about all the loose ends she already has to tie up now…

Greg: Yeah.

Andrew: Yep.

Ben: …and how much that would add to it…

Jamie: Yeah. And also…

Ben: …and how big of a problem it would cause.

Greg: Mhm.

Jamie: But it, it could be that Voldemort is only scared of Dumbledore because he defeated Grindelwald, maybe?

Ben: And for all we know, defeated…

Jamie: Or something like that? Yeah.

Ben: didn’t mean… A lot of people think that Harry actually defeated Voldemort as in like he killed him. And that was a lot of the perception, but then there was always the skeptics who thought, “Oh, that’s not true.”

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: But, I think we need to move on before we’re on this forever.

Andrew: Well, hold on. I mean, let me just say one more thing.

Greg: Can I…

Andrew: There’s – if Dumbledore is being recognized for defeating this guy, and according to this chocolate card, it’s a dark wizard, he must be a huge dark wizard.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t think we’ve mentioned this.

Ben: Yeah, but you don’t hear him being as talked about as much as Voldemort.

Andrew: No. Maybe he’s more unspeakable.

Jamie: Because he’s being…

Andrew: Or they just don’t want to because of something that happened.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: It would be like us being afraid of saying Hitler’s name because he might come back. That type of thing.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Ben: But then again, we know there’s no way to resurrect the dead but then we have to watch…

Greg: But even so, Hitler’s not something that comes up in conversation very often in school or anything – it would only come up in school, I mean. So it’s not something you’d just go to your friends and talk about like, “Hey, Hitler!”

Ben: Yeah.

Greg: So maybe Grindelwald is just the same way – it’s just long gone. Nobody really thinks about it much anymore.

Ben: That’s true.

Jamie: I don’t know.

Ben: Because it would have to be the people’s grandparents. The students at Hogwarts, their grandparents who were dealing with Hitler.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: I mean not Hitler, but Grindelwald.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Not their parents like it is now because the aura still lingers.


Ben: Page 105 is where we get our description of Hermione and here it says, “She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth.” And what I’d like to bring up here is that this sort of gives us the whole perception of Hermione from the start of the series.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: And you see her – you see her going around bossing everybody around sort of telling Ron, “That’s not a real spell,” that type of stuff. And I think that it shows us how uptight she was at the beginning and then as the series progresses, we see how she starts to loosen up, and I’m sure we get in that later on in other chapters and in future books, but I just think it’s interesting to point out how uptight she is at the start of the series. And how she – you know, “I memorized all the coursework front to back,” and all that stuff.

Jamie: Yeah


Jamie: Can I go somewhere for a minute as well? I was going to say that after Ron tries the spell on Scabbers, he says afterwards that George gave him the spell – or was it Fred? And that he knew it was a dud, but the reason, well, I know – the reason the spell didn’t work was because Scabbers wasn’t a rat? I read that somewhere. And I think that – that could explain it. Because you know, it was a spell to turn a rat yellow and everyone thinks it didn’t work because it wasn’t a proper spell, but it could be that it didn’t work because Scabbers wasn’t actually a rat.

Ben: Oh and another thing that I think we have to pay attention to as we’re reading – something that may become an important part of the future books – is when J.K. Rowling suddenly makes it clear that Scabbers is in the room or that Scabbers is somewhere nearby and so any conversation they’ve had – they have – is actually being overheard by Peter Pettigrew, which could become significant in the future.

Jamie: Yeah, definitely. That’s brilliant.

Ben: So, I think it’s important for us to remember.

Jamie: Yeah. I agree.

Ben: Oh geez, Scabbers is listening to this. This could be very valuable to Voldemort’s cause.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Well, he’s certainly going to remember these things.

Jamie: He was lying in waiting so he had to get information.

Ben: See, Peter Pettigrew is sort of like – sort of like Slughorn except in a different type of way. You know how Slughorn wants to associate himself with the rich and the famous. Pettigrew is the same exact way, where he wants to be involved with powerful people…

Jamie: With the powerful…

Ben: …like Voldemort or whoever can offer him the best. And he’s very selfish it’s about what – what’s in it for him and how he can achieve that in the quickest manner possible.

Andrew: But…

Jamie: I’ve got two points.

Andrew: Well, I just…

Jamie: Sorry. Go on, sorry.

Other Characters Introduced

Andrew: I just want to say that, Ben, you were saying Hermione’s developed. A lot of characters are developed and we can get the gist of what they’ll be like throughout the entire series although we don’t know it. I mean, Ron, already he’s looking – he’s looking kind of unsure of himself. Neville – he loses his rat already so we already know that he’s forgetful. Fred and George – we see them joke around. Ginny – we don’t really see much, but she has an interest in Harry a little bit, [laughs] just wanting to know him.

Ben: Yeah she says, “Can I go see him, can I go see him?”

Andrew: Yeah. Draco’s a jerk we already know that. Crabbe and Goyle – although we’re not up to that point yet we see that they’re right up Draco’s butt.

Jamie: There’s some interesting stuff about, Draco.

Andrew: Yeah. So many characters are developed in just this one chapter and by Chapter 7 – Book 7, we’ll be looking back at this book and saying, “Why didn’t I notice that?” Yeah.

Jamie: Wow.

Ben: Yeah

Jamie: Yeah. The stuff about Malfoy though…

Andrew: Yeah, let’s keep moving.

Jamie: On the train…

Andrew: Let’s get to there.

Harry And Malfoy

Jamie: I, I had a kind of, what if question. What if Harry had taken his hand – Malfoy’s hand and shook his hand? What, what would the… I mean, do you think the entire series would be different or do you think he’d still have realized that he didn’t like him and that…

Andrew: Well that…

Jamie: …the handshake really wouldn’t have meant anything? And from… Sorry.

Andrew: No, finish. Go ahead.

Jamie: Oh okay. And from there after he doesn’t shake his hand he starts off by saying stuff about that if Harry isn’t careful he’ll go the same way as his parents. Now that just sounds like sort of an idle threat, you know, that – that because he’s annoyed that he didn’t shake his hand, he doesn’t want to be friends with him. But, if you read into that it’s actually quite interesting. It’s stuff about that they didn’t know what was good for them and stuff like that and I’ve – I mean, I only re-read this about two hours ago, so I’m still trying to like, see if that relates to any episodes in the chronology, but I haven’t gotten anything yet.

Andrew: Well I think the handshake – if Harry would’ve shaken Draco’s hand, that whole scene would’ve been different. But, I think by the time they got to the school and he had learned more about Draco, he would’ve wished he took that back. So…

Jamie: Yeah, he’d be the same. Yeah.

Andrew: It wouldn’t have been long term.

Jamie: No yeah, I agree on that. But I’ve got the paragraph now and it says, “‘I’d be careful if I were you, Potter,’ he said slowly. ‘Unless you’re a bit politer you’ll go the same way as your parents. They didn’t know what was good for them, either.'”

Andrew: Page 109, US edition.

Jamie: “‘You hang around with riff-raff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid, and it’ll rub off on you.'” It’s just like, “‘They didn’t know what was good for them, either.'” I don’t know.

Ben: Yeah, it’s kind of…

[Andrew sighs]

Jamie: I can’t think of what that relates to, but I think there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Why did Hermione Want To Be In Gryffindor?

Ben: Okay, and I hate to move, move back…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: …because we’re progressing forward, but on pg. 106…

Andrew: Oh god.

Ben: Hermione – Hermione comes into the train car and she says, “‘Do either of you know what house you’ll be in? I’ve been asking around, and I hope I’m in Gryffindor.” Okay, we talked about this on the Hermione show where we analyzed Hermione, but why do you think that she wanted to be in Gryffindor? Just because it’s the house Dumbledore was in? Or why don’t you think she was in Ravenclaw? Do you think there’s something in the future that Hermione is going to display that proves to us that she really does belong in Gryffindor? Some type of courage? Courageous act?

Andrew: Well, I think Hermione…

Jamie: Uhhh, yeah.

Andrew: I think Hermione has already been courageous – not in the sense of a true Gryffindor but…

Jamie: Yeah, definitely.

Andrew: …she’s helped Harry try to defeat Voldemort, which not every kid in that school would particularly want to get involved with because they could very well be harmed, too.

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah, I guess you’re right.

Andrew: So… I…

Jamie: She hasn’t proven herself totally yet though.

Andrew: Right, yeah.

Jamie: Because, I think it’s in Book 5, after she does a Protean thingamabob Charm on the gold Galleons – so that when Harry changes his, everyone else’s change as well, was it Terry Boot who says, who asks why she wasn’t in Ravenclaw because the charm is N.E.W.T. standard? She says that she doesn’t know and I think that can be a kind, you know, of marker to show that she’s going to have to do something extremely courageous and brave to prove she should have been in Gryffindor. Maybe like sacrificing herself to save Harry?

Ben: It’s true.

Jamie: Oh my god, bad to think about.

Ben: Yeah.

Jamie: I don’t know, could be it.

Scabbers Chows Down

Ben: Okay, moving on here to pg. 109 where we see Scabbers again in this scene and here he says – here Jo writes, “Scabbers the rat was hanging off his finger, sharp little teeth sunk in deep into Goyle’s knuckle.” This is when Goyle reaches for the candy and tries to steal it from Harry and Ron, but there’s something I’d like to point out here. Is that, when you think about it, when you finally realize that that all along was Peter Pettigrew, and how he sort of had a low self-esteem, and how he was sort of picked on in school too – that you would assume – and maybe it was him sort of, you know, stepping up for the little guys for once.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Before…

Jamie: Hmmm.

Ben: I don’t know. I found that interesting. I don’t know about…

Greg: Well, You have to wonder how Lucius Malfoy would have treated him in school.

Jamie: Yeah, definitely.

Ben: I think that – doesn’t that about conclude Chapter 6?

Jamie: I’ve got one last thing to point out quick.

Andrew: God, yeah. I didn’t even feel like we were making much progress. [laughs] Go ahead, Jamie.


Jamie: Why is it only the first years that go by boat and why do they need to go by boat? Why can’t they just have a few more Thestrals?

Ben: Maybe it’s sort of an initiation-type thing? Not really an initiation but orientation, you know, freshman orientation like they have at some high schools.

Jamie: I don’t know, though.

Ben: Where as, when they go across in the boat, they can see the castle and get the real experience.

Andrew: Right. And they’re moving slow. They can get a nice long look of the school and where they are going to be for the next seven years.

Jamie: I’d rather go up in the horse – you know, invisible horse-drawn carriages because across the lake they can fall in as Dennis Creevey did. They can bump their heads as when Hagrid said, “Mind your heads,” and, you know – I don‘t know. Well, perhaps it’s just…

Andrew: Well you’ve got to keep them scared.

Jamie: Yeah. Treat them mean. Like just…

Andrew: Well, yeah. I think boats are just a great way of – Jo really – now that I think about it, now that we’re all thinking about it, I just think that was a great way to introduce the kids. It’s slow.

Jamie: That’s true, yeah.

Andrew: It’s starting them off slow and they get a nice long look because when you’re nervous, you don’t want to be rushed into that school. At least they have time, I mean, who knows how long that boat ride takes, probably five, ten minutes.

Jamie: But…

Andrew: So…

Jamie: But weren’t the people who came from wizarding families, who were used to you know, magic and all that kind of stuff, their parents must have told them stories of Hogwarts, so I just don’t think they we as nervous as Harry obviously. But I would have liked to see inside the mind of other people as well just to see how they were feeling there.

Chapter 7 – The Sorting Hat

Ben: Okay, this chapter opens with the Sorting Hat – the sorting ceremony that we hear about every year.

Jamie: Yeah.

Greg: Almost every year.

The House Ghosts And Peeves

Ben: And this is where – something I like about the beginning of the chapter…

Jamie: Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo!

Ben: …is that we get introduced to the ghosts. Yeah, please.

Jamie: Ok, sorry, thank you. First of all, on pg. 83 of the UK edition, I was wondering what had Peeves done wrong that made all of the ghosts talk about, you know, getting rid of him? Because…

Andrew: Were they…

Ben: It’s probably the same usual stuff that he does.

Jamie: Yeah exactly. That’s what I thought.

Andrew: Yeah. Are the referencing a specific…

Jamie: But also…

Andrew: …event, or…

Jamie: …what powers do ghosts have? If they say we want to get rid of Peeves and Dumbledore doesn’t want to get rid of Peeves, I would have thought Dumbledore has more power then them, but I don‘t know.

Ben: Well, the Bloody Baron has the ultimate power.

Jamie: No, no…

Ben: Doesn’t he? Over Peeves?

Jamie: He doesn’t have ultimate power, he has personal power, you know? He can make him do things, but I don’t know if he can banish him.

Ben: Remember – but Peeves has to hold some significance to the castle…

Jamie: Yeah, has him there. I agree.

Ben: …since Dumbledore has yet to banish him.

Jamie: I think there is more to him that meets the eye. But – going on from there – how do ghosts become House ghosts?

Ben: Well I’m – it’s sort of, probably the same way someone becomes the Head of House, wouldn’t you think? There is probably some requirements like you had to be a member of the House during your day, but…

Jamie: You have to be dead as well. [laughs]

Ben: Right.

[Jamie laughs]

Ben: You have to be dead and…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: …you have to be a ghost. The thing is, is how – do they ever change House ghosts? Or do they…

Andrew: Yeah, that’s what I was going to say.

Ben: …or do they keep the same House ghosts for all time?

Andrew: Maybe there isn’t any rules at all. Just four of them. Yeah

Ben: Did they happen to die around the same time they all became ghosts and that was it?

Jamie: Yeah, Greg raises an interesting point that Peeves isn’t even a ghost; he’s a poltergeist. I don’t know if that just means poltergeists intrinsically evil or they’re just naughty, but it is interesting to see that Peeves is sort of generally all naughty, but the other ghosts are generally logical, rational, and good. But…

Andrew: I see Peeves sort of as a young ghost. He has got so much energy in him.

Jamie: Yeah, he does, definitely.

Andrew: He’s like the kid who died young and they felt bad for them so they were like…

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: “You can stay around for a few more hundred years.”

Ben: And another thing – another thing about Nick is, what did he do to get chopped in the head with an axe for 500 times or whatever?

Jamie: I don’t know. Should we – ooo, ooo, ooo! Can I go?

The Sorting Hat Song

Andrew: All right, so moving along to the…

Jamie: To Sorting Hat song I was going to say about three-quarters of the way down.

Andrew: Oh, you’re really jumping ahead.

Jamie: Yeah, I know but we…

Ben: That’s fine.

Jamie: I can wait if you want, but I was going to say…

Andrew: No, there isn’t much else happening here really.

Jamie: About three-quarters of the way down it says, “There’s nothing hidden in your head the Sorting Hat can’t see.” So, could it be…

Greg: That’s creepy.

Jamie: …a rudimentary form of Veritaserum? Like, if you put it on your head – no – if you put it on Barty Crouch’s head, would it tell you everything? Like, is it just like an interface that shows you what the person’s thinking? Can it act like that?

Greg: Well, couldn’t it be similar to Legilimens…

Jamie: Sorry, what was that?

Greg: Or Occlumency rather?

Jamie: Yeah, that’s interesting. So… Yeah, but if you ask a question, they can’t help but think about what you’ve asked, you know, they can’t just block it all out. So, I mean, you could ask somebody a question and the Sorting Hat could just suck out what he was thinking at the time. I mean, I don’t know, it was just an idea.

Ben: Maybe there’s a pact of confidentiality. Maybe the spell the Sorting Hat has on it doesn’t allow it to divulge that information.

Jamie: Did the Sorting Hat sign the Official Secrets Act?

Ben: No, just when the Founders put the spell on there, maybe they – when they enchanted it, maybe they made it so it won’t be able to divulge information.

The Ceremony

Andrew: Okay, so moving on to the Sorting Hat ceremony. So, you know, we see a few people. Susan Bones gets Hufflepuff. Terry Boot gets Ravenclaw. Good old Millicent Bulstrode becomes Slytherin. Then we get up to Hermione and she gets in Gryffindor, all right. Neville gets into Gryffindor. Malfoy gets into Slytherin. Then we get to Harry Potter and, last thing Harry sees is the hat – [laughs] – the last thing Harry saw before the hat jumped over his eyes was the hall full of people craning to get a good look at this guy. And then the Sorting Hat starts to figure out which House he belongs in. And he doesn’t say – he doesn’t make up his decision, but then Harry starts getting worried because he’s really pondering over this and then Harry starts going, “Not Slytherin, not Slytherin.” Your first impression is, Harry says, “Not Slytherin” and then the Sorting Hat says, “Not Slytherin, all right cool. You’re in Gryffindor.”

Jamie: Quoting Eric…

Andrew: Why? Was this decision based off of just what Harry said? Or was the Sorting Hat just trying to mess with him?

Jamie: Well..

Ben: As Dumbledore has said several time throughout the series, it’s not – it’s not something that makes us who we are, it’s our choices.

Andrew: I wish we had more time to cover this but…

Jamie: But…

Andrew: …we don’t right now. This is a good main discussion.

Ben: Jamie, do you have something to add finally though?

Jamie: I was just going to say that there are loads of online people who are – nice people, really, really nice people – who would like to be in Slytherin. But on that, obviously in comparison, these are people in the real world.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: You know, who base it off the book, but there are people like that. I mean, I think, I think it would be interesting to be in Slytherin.

Harry’s Pain From Quirrell

Andrew: Okay, so then, later during the feast, Harry gets a sharp pain from Quirrell, which is another major foreshadowing. I mean, just by reading the first few chapters, you get the gist of the whole book [laughs] and half of the series.

Ben: And the final thing I think we need to mention about this chapter is the ending.

Andrew: Yes.

Ben: Right, Andrew?

Andrew: Harry goes to bed and he gets a dream where Professor Quirrell is in it – he’s wearing Professor Quirrell’s turban and then, Quirrell transforms into Malfoy.

Jamie: Yeah, that could be it.

Andrew: And we see that green light again. So, what is this – this is the beginning of Harry’s pain throughout the books.

Ben: The thing is foreshadowing, truly.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Because when I very first, when I first read the series, you know, I sort of breezed over that, but then when I came back through for a second time, and you re-read that part, you think, “Oh geez, this is heavy foreshadowing to what’s going to happen at the end.”

Jamie: Yeah that would be a big thing, where he…

Ben: Where he talks about the turban, saying that it’s his destiny and all these things and how – another thing is, that was significant about the turban is Lord Voldemort’s underneath there. [laughs]

Andrew: All right, so that wraps up this week’s Chapter by Chapter discussion, as we keep repeating, we are still tweaking it, and we decided [laughs] that we are going to start doing one chapter a week. Two if there’s not a lot in them, but especially now that there’s a ton of stuff we keep wanting to talk about.

Voicemail – James Potter: Head Boy Or Bad Boy?

Andrew: So now, moving on to the general voicemail questions. We got a few of them for you this week. First, let’s take you to Isaac from Los Angeles.

[Audio]: Hey, this is Isaac from LA and, it says in the first book and you mentioned it in MuggleCast 32, that Harry’s father was Head Boy. How in the world is this possible if he got detention, like, every other week with Sirius? Thanks, bye.

Andrew: Well, there’s no requirement that, to be Head Boy, you can’t get any detentions, right? And even then, you have enough time.

Ben: It’s true, yeah.

Andrew: Next voicemail. [laughs]

Jamie: And also, Head–[laughs] But also, Head Boy isn’t only about, you know, behaving well…

Greg: Yeah.

Jamie: …in terms of, you know, keeping within school rules. There’s nothing to say that schools aren’t wrong quite a lot of the time, so you also need a strong character that isn’t prepared to do the right – sorry, that is always prepared to do the right thing, who is prepared to stand up for people, and all that kind of thing. So, it’s all about the sort of, you know, that kind of thing…

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: …for Head Boy, I think…there’s nothing about detentions.

Greg: Yeah.

Voicemail – Aunt Marge

Andrew: All right, so let’s move on to our next voicemail: Morgan from Arizona.

Audio: Hi, this is Morgan from Scottsdale, Arizona and I was wondering, in Book 1 when Mrs. Figg broke her leg, Uncle Vernon said, “Why don’t we phone Marge?” And Petunia said, “Don’t be silly, Vernon, she hates the boy.” That implies that she’s near enough for her to come over and baby-sit Harry, but in the third book she’s far away enough to have to stay over at their house for a few days to have dinner. Does that mean she moved, or is this just a mistake? Thanks, bye! Love the show!

Jamie: People stay over for all sorts of reasons, though. She could have had too much to drink or something like that. So…

Andrew: I – wait a second – I don’t think that implies that she’s near enough for her to come over and baby-sit Harry.

Jamie: Right, I just means…

Andrew: Basically, she could be on the way towards the zoo. So, if the zoo is like forty-five minutes away and Marge is forty minutes away and just up the highway from the zoo, they could just quick drop off Harry at Marge’s real quick. Great question though.

Voicemail – Muggles And The Magical World

Andrew: Next one comes from Eric of Los Angeles.

Audio: Hey MuggleCast, this is Eric from Los Angeles. I’m one of your old listeners – I’m an oldie. I’m actually listening to the audio books while I’m listening to the show as you’re going through the chapters. I think it’s great. But, I have a comment about the secrecy of the world. Because, how many kids have Muggle parents and they’re are going to Hogwarts, so those parents have got to know and do they tell their, you know, friends and family? “Oh yeah, my kid is going to Hogwarts.” Or, is there some kind of secrecy agreement that they have to sign from Hogwarts? Like, how do they keep those people away from knowing about that particular world? Because, how many of the kids at Hogwarts has Muggle parents? But anyway, great show, I love listening to your show! Keep up the good work! Talk to you soon, bye!

Andrew: No reason for an agreement. We’ve already read that – or we’ve already discussed – I can’t remember which one it is [laughs], that there is some knowledge out there. The knowledge being some Muggles do know that wizards and witches exist just through family, through direct family members being wizards, etc., etc.

Jamie’s British Jokes Of The Day

Andrew: Okay, so keeping it moving along here, next up is Jamie’s British Joke of the Day. Jamie, it’s been so long. I hope your joke keeps me in tears.

Jamie: The first one, and I have somebody from the forums – the fan forums – to thank for this. It is, RM with a smiley face after their name. I don’t know how you can pronounce that, but yeah, RM with a smiley face. And it was, why did the farmer win a Nobel Prize? Because he was outstanding in his field.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: And the other one I got…

Andrew: Well, hold on, wait a second. What’s the – well no, go ahead, just do it now.

Jamie: Sorry? Well, okay it was going to be – I dreamt last night that I had written Lord of the Rings

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: …but when I woke up, I realized I was just Tolkien in my sleep.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I’ve heard that before.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s a good one.

Jamie: Okay, I’m done. Thank you.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Well, that’s a good one. Thank you, Jamie.

Heart-Warming Story Of The Week

Andrew: Now, it’s time for the MuggleCast Heart-Warming Story of the Week. This comes from Angela Garner, 30, of Stockport, England. Have your tissues at the ready, ladies and gentlemen. Angela writes: “Hi, just thought I’d drop you a line. I am currently off work now and expecting my first baby and I now have plenty of time to listen to your Podcast episodes. I have just been listening to Episode 30 and it’s funny in the fact that my baby has really been active while listening to you all! It’s like he/she (don’t know the sex of the baby, yet) has their own opinions on Harry Potter and was more active more times than others. I will keep monitoring movement while listening to you all, and maybe when baby arrives, you might serve as being able to soothe the baby when it gets grumpy!!! Keep up the good work. Love, Angela & Bump.” And now, MuggleCast is officially…

Ben: The pacifier! MugglePacif – MuggleCast Pacifier.

Andrew: Yeah, MuggleCast is officially a certified…

Ben: Pacifier.

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: …baby soother, yeah. [laughs] MuggleCast: we soothe babies. So…

Ben: Name your baby “Ben.” Name your baby “Carl Benjamin.”

Andrew: So thank you, Angela, from Stockport, England for your story and best of luck with your child in the next twelve weeks. That does wrap up MuggleCast 33. We thank everyone for listening. So, next week – next week we will be talking about Chapter 8 of Sorcerer’s Stone. So, that does it for us, once again I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Greg: I’m Greg.

Andrew: I’m Greg Porter from…

Greg: I’m Greg Porter, go to my website! Ben Schoen!

Andrew: and wrote some crazy book that I hear is at – now available at your local library. We will see everyone next week for MuggleCast Episode 34. Goodnight, everyone.

Greg: Bye!

Andrew: And, for two weeks only, there’s a character in all of us and now you can share your unique character with the world at Join now and begin uploading your videos, photos, and profile. You can share a hidden talent, show off your celebrity impersonation, or give the Show Us Your Character community a glimpse into your life. Chat and interact with thousands of other members and get to know some of the characters of the United States. You’ve got what it takes to be a star. Enter the 2006 Show Us Your Character Contest to find out if you’re America’s most unique character and you can win a chance to be featured on the computer screen, the TV screen, and even the big screen. Enter now at


[Music begins]

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast, my name is Katie and I’m from outside of Atlanta. But I’m in Savannah now and I listened to MuggleCast all the way here. And it helps me keep my mind off of getting car sick. Thank you so much!

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast, this is Michelle. I just want to say I love you guys and I just – I’m sitting at lunch at school and I just decided to call you because you’re my favorites! Yay, thanks for being so great! Bye!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Casey from Ontario, Canada and I just want to say MuggleCast rocks and Andrew’s my idol. Woo-hoo!

[Audio]: Hey, it’s Amanda from New Jersey. I just want to say I love MuggleCast, my favorite Podcast ever. Okay, thanks, bye!

[Music ends]


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, Rhiannon, Roni, and Sarah

Transcript #32

MuggleCast EP32 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: Heart-stoppin’, house-rockin’, booty-shakin’, delusional fan-takin’ MuggleCast 32 for March 26th 2006. See is the No. 1 domain registrar world-wide. Now with your domain name registration you’ll get hosting, a free blog, complete e-mail and much more. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener enter the code “RON,” that’s R-O-N when you check out and get your dot com domain name for just $6.95 per year. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Ben: Hey everybody! Welcome to MuggleCast – Episode 32 – coming to you live from Moundridge, Kansas. I’m Ben Schoen.

Andrew: Sims, Andrew.

Ben: [impersonating Kevin] I’m Kevin Steck.

Eric: [impersonating Jamie] I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Andrew: [impersonating Laura] I’m Laura Thompson.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Ben: [impersonating Micah] And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

We have a full house here this week, people.

Andrew: We do.

Ben: We have Eric, Andrew, Kevin, Jamie, Laura. Geez.

Andrew: [impersonating Laura] Yeah, this is great. I love this.

Eric: [impersonating Jamie] Can somebody post the schedule? Can somebody post the schedule?

Andrew: [impersonating Laura] No, why do you keep asking?

Eric: [impersonating Jamie] I want the schedule.

Ben: Okay, Jamie. I gave you the schedule three minutes ago.

Eric: [impersonating Jamie] Go into the Writely. Dude, go into the Writely and get the schedule.

Ben: [impersonating Micah] Hey Ben, I forgot to do the News this week. What are we going to do about that?

Andrew: Micah, can you stop asking questions?

Ben: Micah! Andrew, what are we going to do about him?

Andrew: I don’t know. Laura?

Ben: [impersonating Kevin] Hey, don’t be so mean to Micah! Micah is a good person. I am backwards compatible with Windows 3.1.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [impersonating Laura] No you’re not. You’ve got Windows XP. Windows 3.1 doesn’t exist.

Eric: Oh, quiet down Laura. I used to have Windows 3.1.

Andrew: [impersonating Laura] What are you talking about?

Ben: Okay.

Eric: Laura, okay, whatever.

Andrew: [impersonating Laura] Stop it!

Ben: Okay. Okay, guys. [laughs] The jig is up people. It’s not really… We don’t have a full house here. It is just the Three Amigos, right Eric?

Eric: The Three Amigos – that’s correct.

Ben: It’s me, Ben Schoen, Andrew Sims, and Eric Scull. Micah, grace us with your amazing power of voice-over and take away the News.


To celebrate the release of the UK Goblet of Fire DVD, Collectormania 9 will be attended by several Harry Potter actors. Actors confirmed thus far are Robert Pattinson (Cedric), Matthew Lewis (Neville), and James and Oliver Phelps (Fred and George). Admission is free and the event runs from April 28th to May 1st, with most of the Harry Potter guests appearing on Sunday, 30th April.

Lizo of CBBC Newsround recently visited the set of the fifth Harry Potter movie and interviewed the stars. Among the information that was gathered we learned that the kissing scene has been postponed for a few weeks due to Dan having the flu, scenes involving the Room of Requirement and the Forbidden Forest have started filming, including the part where the centaurs rampage after Umbridge. And David Heyman said the film would be released either summer or fall 2007, and the sixth film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be out late 2008. He also mentioned that a trailer should be revealed by the end of this year. Check out the full video of the interview on

More Order of the Phoenix news: Gary Oldman’s long-time manager Doug Urbanski completed the deal Tuesday morning with Harry Potter producer David Heyman, making it official that the actor will reprise the role of Sirius Black in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie.

Jamie Waylett, the actor who plays Crabbe in the Potter films has updated his online blog with a few Order of the Phoenix filming updates, so be sure to check those out.

J.K. Rowling has painted a ceramic egg and donated it to an auction taking place at Jam House in Queen Street today, which will benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland. A variety of other celebrities have done the same, and at least 150 people are expected to attend and tickets are priced at £50 each, which includes a champagne reception, a three-course meal, whisky tasting and live entertainment from The Jam House band. Man, I wish I was going to that.

British afternoon talk show Richard & Judy announced Friday that in series two, beginning on June 19th, they will conduct an exclusive interview with Jo Rowling! By that time, we expect her to have quite a good bit of Book 7 written, so you know, we hope she’ll talk a little about that. The date of this interview ties in with Jo’s planned appearance at the Queen’s 80th birthday party at Buckingham Palace.

Continuing their site updates, Scholastic, the American Harry Potter publisher has updated once again to include new downloads related to Prisoner of Azkaban. Updates for Goblet of Fire through Half-Blood Prince are expected in the upcoming weeks.

Finally, you can read about Snape killing Dumbledore in paperback, as the UK and US editions of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince are set to be released on June 23rd and July 25th, respectively. Both versions can be pre-ordered through

That’s all the news for this March 26th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the Trio.

Ben: Thanks for that, Micah.


Ben: Okay, it’s time for some announcements, right Andrew? Right, Andrew? Right, Andrew?

Andrew: That’s wrong, Ben.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: No, let’s see. What do we have here? Just the usual stuff guys. Don’t forget to buy a MuggleCast t-shirt because as Eric said last week, something about Tootsie Rolls – they are going to explode. I can’t… I can’t… I can’t remember why.

Eric: [laughs] Explode.

Andrew: Something about exploding Tootsie Pops.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: I zoned out after your first two sentences.

Eric: Yes, Andrew.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Usually everything you say after your first two sentences is completely useless. So… [laughs]

Eric: Except for the last two sentences in which I sum it up.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Ben: But also, vote for us on Podcast Alley – this is ridiculous, right Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah, because usually I don’t like to ask because it’s like, “Oh, they already know. I shouldn’t have to say anything.” But then, we’re not even in the Top 10 list, so it kind of worries me. So, don’t forget. Once we’re in the Top 10 list I will stop bugging.

Ben: It’s terrible! Yeah.

Andrew: And one last thing, just a general notice, we usually record these shows on Wednesdays now, so if you want to get in your Listener Rebuttals or your What Ifs or whatever you want, your Voicemails too – those especially – make sure you get those in by Wednesday of each week because we usually record on Wednesdays. Anything after that is usually going to get, won’t make it on the show. We’ll read them, but it probably won’t make it on the show.

Eric: Right, for…

Andrew: So, listen to the show early in the week, gather your thoughts and send in your stuff.

Eric: That’s right.

Ben: That is correct. We forgot to explain ourselves – why there isn’t very many people this week. I think…

Eric: I got the perfect idea.

Ben: What is it Eric?

Andrew: Why?

Eric: They didn’t buy their MuggleCast t-shirts. And so now they are running around stark naked trying to find clothes and they couldn’t be with us because of what I said the first time, which was…

Ben: [laughs] Yeah!

[Andrew and Ben laugh throughout]

Andrew: You’ll lose your clothes. But seriously the reason that they are not on is because originally we were going to record Wednesday like we usually do and then now we’re recording Saturday night. [laughs]

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: We got… I got T-minus 12 hours – 18 hours to finish it.

Ben: Yeah poor…poor Andrew.

Andrew: Nobody could make it.

Ben: Well see what happened was, on Wednesday we were going to record, and then Jamie had some audio problems where he couldn’t get his mike working.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: And then tonight, he set his alarm for 4 AM…

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Just to get up.

Ben: …so he could come on the show, and then his mike still wouldn’t work – the poor guy. So we’re going to get him hooked up with a new one here soon enough.

Andrew: And then the reason Kevin isn’t here is because he’s at some community service event, which I thought was really nice. I said, you know what, go do your community service thing.

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, its…

Andrew: Because you’re…

Ben: Hope he doesn’t have too wild of a night.

Eric: Yeah, it’s Daffodil Days.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: I just thought that was nice, and sorry he couldn’t be on. And Laura is doing something and Micah is doing something, so… [laughs]

Listener Rebuttal

Ben: It’s time for this week’s Listener Rebuttal, right Andrew? I always say that, “Right, Andrew?”

Eric: [impersonating Andrew] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: So, as you guys remember from last week, this is going to be the part of the show where we read listener e-mails on the air that respond to things that we discussed the episode before. So, this first one comes from Jenna, 14, of Connecticut. She writes (very short and to the point): “I think the reason JKR does more narrating in the first book is that the characters aren’t developed enough yet in order to drive the stories themselves.”

Now, we had been talking about how J.K. [mispronounces] Rowling wrote it this way, and basically that sums up what we were saying. I just thought that was nice.

Eric: That’s nice, yeah.

Ben: That is nice.

Eric: Well also, Harry is young in the way that… Well, first of all, if the story started with Harry that would be kind of interesting, but we wouldn’t have that back story. And what little back story we have is very important. But yeah, I like hearing about… I think one of the things about Harry Potter is that the most fascinating characters are – I don’t want to say the ones that aren’t Harry, but all the characters are interesting and it’s good to see stuff about them too, and we don’t really get a lot of that later on.

Andrew: Right, and then also a little slip up last week. Well actually, I don’t know. Was this a slip up, Eric?

Eric: Wait, what?

Andrew: About Ted Tonks being a Muggleborn?

[Ben laughs]

Eric: No, because I’m… Well, read it first.

Andrew: A lot of people missed… Well, it came from tons of people. I don’t have… I’m not quoting any specific person.

Eric: Oh…

Andrew: A lot of people wrote in to say that, “You guys are wrong. You’re idiots. Ted Tonks is actually a Muggleborn.” But Eric was the one talking about it. Do you… I think people just misinterpreted what you were saying.

Eric: Yeah, I think… Ted Tonks is Muggleborn. There were a lot of people who cited that, and somebody we actually quoted – are you sure it isn’t in the Writely? – said something about…

Andrew: The milkman thing?

Eric: Yeah, yeah. Somebody wrote in to say that I was wrong, that Ted…

Andrew: Matt…

Eric: Oh, you have the name?

Andrew: Matt Smith from Bloomington, Illinois in fact. He points out that Ted Tonks was actually a milkman. He wasn’t sure where he found it, but he read somewhere that Ted Tonks was a milkman, actually.

Eric: [gasps] But I do have a response to this. I think that actually it was not Ted Tonks that was a milkman – I might be going out on a limb, you can Listener Rebuttal me next week – but I think it was Colin Creevey’s and Dennis Creevey’s dad who was mentioned as being a milkman. And it doesn’t mean that Ted couldn’t be a milkman, you know, don’t get me wrong, but I think it was Mr. Creevey who specifically said… I think it was Book 2, Colin went up and introduced himself to Harry and then told him his whole lifestory about his father being a milkman, so I think that it’s Mr. Creevey. So, Ted Tonks may be Muggleborn – that’s fine. Or he may be Muggle, who knows? The world may never know. Just like Tootsie Rolls, but never mind. Tootsie Pops and so yeah, I think Mr. Creevy is the milkman.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, I think so too. Our next Listener Rebuttal. Tricia M., 14, from Long Island, New York writes Sirius had a wand in Book 5 in the chapter when Harry and the Weasleys went back to Grimmauld Place after the attack on Mr. Weasley, Sirius uses his want to summon Butterbeer and he clearly says, “Accio, Butterbeer.” So, we know he got a wand back, but was it his wand, or was it someone else’s wand?

Eric: Well Andrew, my question is what’s it really matter if he got the Butterbeer? [laughs]

Andrew: Because… Well, it proves that he says…

Eric: [laughs] Well, yeah. No, I was… But he got what he wanted. So…

Andrew: We just want to know how he got it back.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: That was the question last week.

Ben: It’s sort of like how did Voldemort get his wand back after he died?

Eric: Well, and the thing is…

Ben: It’s sort of the same thing. And don’t you think the Ministry would have snapped his wand?

Eric: You’d really think so. Just like, you know, what the heck.

Ben: He’s given a life sentence is Azkaban, wouldn’t they snap his wand?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: I think to be safe, they would. In fact, Hagrid’s wand was snapped and he only got expelled from Hogwarts, didn’t you notice that?

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Like what’s the deal with that? Couldn’t he enroll in another school or something? Did he need a new wand? I mean he paid like seven Galleons for that thing, you know? You’re not going to just… Why snap it when he got out of Hogwarts? Couldn’t he, you know…

Ben: Right, but I have a feeling he probably went to [mispronounces meaning to say Ollivander’s] Alivan’s to get – no he couldn’t have done that, because he was on the run.

Eric: You mean Ollivander’s. I made that mistake too.

Ben: Ollivander’s. I was like Alivan’s – wait a minute.

Eric: Yeah, [laughs] but…

Ben: Actually, I sent him one. I sent him a wand.

Andrew: Now, wasn’t…

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: …I thought I remember seeing an e-mail about this.

Eric: I don’t know, our good friend… Actually guys, while we are on about Sirius. Our good friend Chaya from the LIVE podcast – she lives in New York.

Andrew: That I called “Shhaya” or something? [laughs]

Eric: She wrote to me. Chaya, yeah. But anyway, she wrote in to me like… She wrote me an instant message like five minutes before I signed off, before we recorded the show, and she said, she had a rebuttal about needing a wand to use Animagus – to turn yourself into an Animagus. And she said that was probably not true because Sirius once again escaped Azkaban and he found that he was able to turn gradually like into a dog. And they wouldn’t notice because they sensed, the Dementors sensed a diminishing feeling – that sort of thing. So, I think it is just a movie error. But yeah, that was her rebuttal. She said Sirius pretty much escaped as a dog, you know, and therefore couldn’t get his wand or couldn’t have his wand or didn’t need to use his wand.

Andrew: But he could have used someone else’s or…

Ben: It’s true.

Andrew: Or he could have…

Eric: Well, I don’t think wands are easily accessible.

Ben: This last listener rebuttal is just about, well, how did he end up with a wand in the first place?

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: After he got out.

Eric: And that’s really the question.

Ben: I don’t know. Ask Jo.

Andrew: One last listener rebuttal. This comes from Jimmy Rose who sent us a really long e-mail with lots of rebuttals. Some of them are pretty good, like the Tootsie Roll one, but I just want to talk about the one where he talks about “won’t” and “shan’t” because we had discussed this for an alarming amount of time last week.

Eric: This is interesting. This is like, yeah. This is one of the most responsed theories.

Andrew: Because this is an interesting topic, but I think Jimmy gets it. Jimmy writes: “I’m sorry to tell you guys that revision of “shan’t” in the British version to “won’t” in the American version is the result of American common usage, changing the proper forms of the English language. The truth is that one should never say “I will” or “I won’t”. First person present tense of this verb is “shall”. This is given more properly as “I shall” or “I shan’t”. American usage is colored by our need to remove perceived complexities or perceived pretension. “Shall” somehow sounds a little prissy so America decided not to use the word properly. In fact “shall” has come to take on a slightly different meaning in legal language. In that arena the word “shall” carries with it the intent of command. For example, “the claimant shall be compelled to cease and desist.” Proper English would rephrase that as “claimant will be compelled.” So basically, what he’s saying, in all of that, is that us Americans screw up the English language terribly.

Ben: Right, right. Like the point I made last week. It’s just idiomatic differences between the two languages. Well, they’re the same language, but between – idiomatic differences between American English and between British English. That’s all it is. The Americans messed things up. I guess. Blame America.

Andrew: But it is our fault, right? Not ours personally, but the country as a whole.

Ben: It’s better.

Andrew: I think it is better.

Ben: We’re…[laughs]

Andrew: That’s your typical American, grease at McDonald’s mentality, teenager.

Ben: Mock. [laughs] Well…

Andrew: I mean I’m not walking around saying, “Dawg, what’s up?” and “Dawg, yo ‘sup?”

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: “The kitchen’s done,” when you’re supposed to say finished.

Ben: That wraps up this week’s Listener Rebuttal. Remember send in your listener rebuttals to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. You can go to and use the Feedback Form and send them to us. So remember, if there’s something that we mess up, or if you have some complaints, just e-mail us. Right, Andrew? [laughs]

Andrew: That’s right.

Book Discussion: Chapters 4-5, Sorcerer’s Stone

Ben: Eric, this your baby right here. Our in-depth discussion. The Three Amigos here. We’re going to have an in-depth discussion about Sorcerer’s Stone Chapters 4 and 5. So, I hope all of you little kiddies out there read Chapters 4 and 5.

Andrew: Did your homework. That was your assignment.

Ben: Did your homework. That… Yeah, MuggleCast homework.

Andrew: I love assigning homework – my minions.

Ben: So Eric, do you want to start off with a summary or something here?

Eric: Sure, first I am going to say we did get a lot of feedback. And thank you to everybody who gave us feedback on the Chapter-by-Chapter segment. I did respond to a lot of the things in length over on our fan listing forums: But I’m just going to recap here. A lot of people seem to think it was a bit too much summary last week that we included in it, and that maybe we should bring up things, like, maybe the top four ideas that we think happened in the chapter and, you know, things like that. While we’re doing this chapter discussion, and I wanted to say…

Andrew: And to that I say, “Tough!”

[Ben laughs]

Eric: No, actually, you were the one that said, “Yeah, that’s a great idea!” until I thought…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Because if we only did four things it would only be – I took fifty notes for this chapter alone. I mean…

Ben: Eric Scull, you are hardcore!

Eric: I am, but it’s not like – I’m not going to talk about all of them, I’m not going to kill our listeners. I think that we should still follow Harry through the book so that we can point out issues.

Chapter 4 – The Keeper of the Keys

Ben: Chapter 4: “The Keeper of the Keys.” [impersonating Hagrid] Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts.

Eric: No you’re right.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: [impersonating Hagrid] Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Let’s just skip to the point because, as you anxious fans have said, “We’ve already read the books! We know everything!” So, here we go. First thing you notice, or first thing I noticed, Vernon, Uncle Dursley, was holding a rifle and, you know, that was the thing in the long slip that he bought and nobody knew what it was – next to the chips. Guys, why do you think he has a rifle? I mean, it seems like a stupid question but if you think about – here’s these, you know, magic people he’s running all across the country from and he buys the rifle, and Hagrid just bends it in two. It’s completely useless. So, why would Vernon even buy a rifle? Seems like a waste of money. He could have bought…

Andrew: Because…

Ben: It is. It is a waste of money.

Andrew: No, it’s not. He’s using it in his defense.

Ben: Sort of as a symbol. Yeah, I think J.K. Rowling, the reason she wrote it that way, it was a symbol to demonstrate just how scared he is and how he’s pulling at strings to try to find a way somehow to protect his family, and Harry, from the magical people.

Eric: Okay.

Ben: If you know what I’m saying.

Andrew: And didn’t you say, Eric, it just went to waste?

Eric: Yeah, it really did. Like, he could have bought more rations with that money. [laughs]

Ben: Oh yeah, more bags of chips.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, he didn’t know Hagrid was going to show up and bend the gun in half. Like, not every wizard can bend a gun, so what’s the worst they could do? Grab it from them and…

Eric: I think they were very lucky it was…

Ben: Or they could zap them into oblivion. [laughs]

Andrew: Incendio.

Eric: You know? And they could turn the Dursleys into animals. Several times in the books the Dursleys are all worried about – especially after the Dudley pig thing.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But, anyway…

Andrew: True. But a gun is a gun.

Eric: A gun is a gun.

Andrew: Which is interesting. I don’t know how wizards would take a gun. Like, if someone is pointing a gun at you…

Eric: They would wrap their hands around the barrel, and they would pull it. [laughs]

Andrew: No. No, they wouldn’t. That’s interesting. How would wizards…

Ben: Actually, actually, actually…

Andrew: How would wizards react to a gun?

Ben: I don’t know.

Eric: They would do the Matrix thing with their wand, where they would stop it in mid-air with their wand. Here’s a book-movie discrepancy. It’s still… The first line of the chapter right? So, Hagrid bursts through the door, but in the movie – movie, it’s a little bit more comical. He says, “Oh, sorry about that,” and he goes and picks the door up. That doesn’t happen in the book. What happens in the book, Hagrid comes in – it’s rather rude. Because he comes in and they’re staring at him and Hagrid says – he says, “You wouldn’t happen to have some tea? It hasn’t been an easy journey.” It’s like – you know? He just comes in and is like, “Got some tea?”

Ben: Yeah.

[Ben and Eric laugh]

Eric: You know? Instead of like, “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to,” this clumsy giant – and also, he recognizes Harry right away, which is interesting in the movie why they, make him recognize Dudley first, you know? And have him say, “You’re particularly round.”

Ben: Well, it was just for comic…

Eric: Well, I guess but…

Ben: Comic purposes.

Eric: It’s really interesting, so…

Andrew: I really think that was basically Chris Columbus’ style. He wanted to make it fun.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Like if you’re going to a movie to see entertainment and be entertained, Hagrid is a perfect of character to bring out the laughs from people because you see him come in, “Oops, sorry about that.”

Ben: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: You know? Ha, ha, ha, ha – look at him.

Ben: “Oops.”

Andrew: It was for comedy. Chris Columbus is a very family-orientated film maker.

Eric: He really is and he…

Andrew: When he’s filming, I will bet you he is always keeping the family of four going to see the movie in mind.

Eric: And Steve Kloves.

First Eye Mention

Here’s a big plot. Once Hagrid recognizes Harry, he says right away, out of nowhere, almost as his abruptly as he says, “You got any tea?” – which was rude. He turns to Harry and says, “You look like your dad except you’ve got your mother’s eyes. Those mother’s eyes.” Now we hear, time and time again. And just like where we want to track – where I wanted to track all of Harry’s dreams, we should track all the times they tell him he has his mother’s eyes because everybody, the first thing, “Oh, you look like your dad but you have your mothers eyes.”

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: What do you guys think? Like why is that – it’s after Book 6. And why is…

Ben: Right, well I think there’s something significant about Harry’s eyes.

Eric: I think there has to be, I mean…

Ben: Because it has something to do with, you know, it’s the one trait he has of his mother because besides that he looks pretty much like his dad. And his mother’s love is the only reason that he’s alive to begin with.

Eric: I think that’s interesting. What do – yeah…

Ben: What about the eyes though? What significance do they hold?

Eric: I don’t know. What do eyes do in the books? Have we met any powerful eyes, I mean any power…

Ben: Well, Voldemort’s eyes are oftentimes – aren’t they – they’re red. Right?

Eric: I don’t know. That might be a movie thing, that might be a book thing, I forget which. I think they’re slit-like. They’re like snake eyes.

Ben: Yeah, they’re slit-like but – I don’t know. Sometimes you can tell a lot by somebody’s eyes.

Andrew: Yeah, I was going to say – I think you guys are over thinking it a little too much. Eyes show the most emotion in someone’s face. I think…

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Eh.

Andrew: I thought I remembered reading something about that. They got to, they show a million different things. If you just look at a person’s eyes, you could probably see how they’re feeling. Eyes are very defining.

Eric: I agree with that, and I was going mention…

Andrew: Eric, you have beautiful eyes.

Ben: He does. God, they’re beautiful.

Andrew: Like, what does anyone say? Even like your typical family? Your typical family member will go, “Oh, he has his mother’s eyes,” you know? Like to a newborn or, you know? No one says he has his mother’s…never mind.

Eric: [laughing] He has his mother’s… ankles.

Andrew: No.

Eric: They always bring up Lily’s eyes like it’s some kind of magical significance because they do bring it up a lot, but I wanted to say, in addition to what Andrew said, actually I agree with that. I think maybe – do you guys think that since they compare him to his dad physically, do you think that the relationship where they say that you have your mother’s eyes and the eyes tell most about the person, say that Harry isn’t cocky like his father was? Do you think that’s what JKR’s trying to draw out? That Harry even though he looks like his dad, he’s more kind than possibly we know James to have been.

Ben: I think that it’s – I think it’s just a distinct differentiation between him and his father. I personally think that’s all it is.

Eric: You are truly are not your father’s son, Harry. Because…

Andrew: No, not that way. There has got to be differences. If those two are just like each other, there are going to be a million more assumptions.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: You’re right, you’re right.

Andrew: He can’t really have that. It’s a boring character. I mean, you read up on James and you know about Harry.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: They’re going to be exactly alike.

Hagrid’s Coat

Eric: Cool. In his coat, there were: a copper kettle, sausages, a poker, teapot, chipped mugs, and some amber liquid he took a swig from, which is probably alcoholic but shhh, we can’t say that. And so, in addition he also has the owl, and the letter, and the quill in his pockets which we find out later. That’s a lot of stuff in his coat. Where do you think he got one?

Andrew: And not only that, I’m looking at one page right now – Chapter 5, page 62 – oh, I’m a chapter ahead.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: But…

Eric: If it’s significant, that’s okay.

Andrew: …J.K. Rowling goes on to say: bunches of keys, slug pellets, balls of string, peppermint humbugs…

Eric: Oh my god.

Andrew: …tea bags, and then finally Harry pulled out a handful of strange looking coins.

Eric: Huh. Wait, are you sure the coins wasn’t the Knut [pronounces it like newts] thing?

Andrew: It’s the Knuts [pronounces it like nuts}.

Eric: I actually think it’s pronounced Knuts. [pronounces it like newts]

Andrew: Really?

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Actually…

Ben: They’re K-nuts. If you look on the Scholastic pronunciation guide.

Andrew. K-nuts or Knuts?

Ben: K-nuts.

Eric: Oh, K-nuts.

Andrew: Really?

Eric: Oh, that’s really cool because I don‘t know when that would have been…

Andrew: That’s weird.

Eric: It’s one of those extra pop fluff things. I’ll post it on a website but you know, we won’t hear it in the movie.

Andrew: Anyway, what was your question?

Eric: Where did Hagrid get his coat? Because that holds a lot of stuff, and why didn’t he have only one giant-sized pocket that’s the size of a room and he jumps into it and – I don’t know? [laughs]

Ben: I don’t know where he got his coat. It’s sort of silly.

Eric: Okay, then in that case, I think it’s important to know that when he does get the sausages, and the poker, and the tea, and stuff out of his pocket, he cooks up sausages and Harry likes them. Now this is…

Ben: [mock gasps] Oh my gosh, he likes food? He likes food! [laughs]

Eric: No, Hagrid’s food. It’s a downward spiral from here because that’s like the only food of Hagrid’s that Harry likes, isn’t it? Because like the rock cakes and the other stuff – from here on in, you know, Harry, Ron, and Hermione turn down everything Hagrid offers them.

Andrew: Well, it could have been one of those things where in the beginning of writing the book, Jo was like, “Hey, I’m going to…” She probably just didn’t think it through all the way.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah. Well, yeah. But Harry was starving too, so I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah, well, I think in the beginning of the book she didn’t really think about, “Oh, should Harry not like anything that Hagrid makes?” you know? Sausage isn’t like…

Ben: Yeah, how can you not like sausage?

Andrew: You know what I mean? Yeah.

Eric: Can you make a sausage bad? Yeah.

Ben: I don’t know.

Andrew: That’s definitely Hagrid food.

Ben: And Hagrid doesn’t – the food they don’t like of Hagrid’s is food that Hagrid has sort of like, home-brewed you know? [laughs] He made it himself.

Andrew: Right.

Ben: It isn’t like he went out and slaughtered the pig and made the sausage out of the entire intestines and stuff, but…

Mimble Wimble

Eric: I need Micah or Laura for this, but maybe you guys can help. When Hagrid…

Andrew: Why, are we too stupid to answer?

Eric: No, it’s not like that at all.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, go ahead.

Eric: Anyway, [laughs] when Hagrid backs Vernon Dursley into the wall he mutters something that sounds like Mimble Wimble. Well, Dumbledore is Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot or whatever, and he has like this Mugwump, this Supreme Mugwump thing. And there is all these other weird terms that – they’re like status symbols, but I thought, I swear I could have hear Mimble Wimble actually mentioned somewhere as something else. Like, it might be an actual…

Andrew: Somewhere else?

Eric: Like a word. Like in another future book like “Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak.” I don’t know, Mimble Wimble is – I just feel like I’ve heard it somewhere else. In fact, what kind of reply is that anyway? Hagrid goes up and is like “Mimble Wimble,” you know?

Ben: No, he was cowering. He was like [mutters incoherently]. It just sounded like Mimble Wimble.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: It’s not like he looked at Hagrid and he says, “Mimble Wimble!”?

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Ben: It’s like he was mumbling. He wasn’t…

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: He was mumbling.

Eric: All right.

Ben: Not, “Mimble Wimble!” [laughs]

The Potters

Eric: This is our first correlation backwards. Our first backwards compatible correlation. Last week we were talking about McGonagall and Dumbledore on Privet Drive. Now, Hagrid tells Harry that not only he was famous but the Potters were famous. He says, “Your parents were famous. The famous Lily and James Potter.” And Harry’s like, “Really?” And Hagrid’s like, “Yeah, you didn’t know?” And then he goes into the car crash, but anyway. He says the Potters are famous, but now McGonagall and Dumbledore, you got to remember in Chapter 1, they’re walking along and she’s – McGonagall is trying to get the rumor out of Dumbledore, like what happened to the Potters, except she’s says, “What they’re saying is that Lily and James Potter are…well, that they’re dead.” Well, she talks to Dumbledore in a sort of third person sense about the Potters, but it seems that if they were in the Order, and McGonagall was in the Order previously and Dumbledore were in the Order, she would not have used the last name. Like she would have just said – it would have just been “Lily and James are dead?”

Andrew: Lily and James.

Eric: Lily and James. I mean…

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Right after he nods, she’s like “Lily and James, oh I can’t believe it, Dumbledore.” So, she does use their first names like – I don’t know. It seems like some intimacy is lost. Anyway, the Potters were famous. Which was an interesting thing.

Ben: They were?

Eric: They really were and they were famous before Harry was famous, and so that’s…

Ben: Where did you read that at?

Eric: No, Harry hasn’t come across any books about – first of all, himself. Hermione said there are books everywhere about him, but he hasn’t come across books about himself…

Ben: Hold on, hold on a second.

Andrew: When did Hermione say that?

Ben: How do you know that Harry’s family was famous?

Eric: Because Hagrid says it. There are all these books apparently about Harry, so wouldn’t it make sense they are about his parents if his parents were famous?

Andrew: Are you sure Hermione says that? And when?

Eric: It’s in one of the future chapters I can’t talk about because we can’t read it yet.

Andrew: I never remember that. Interesting, though.

Eric: I think it’s on the train in Chapter 6 or 7 of this book. I think she says, “There are books written about you.”

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Because she helped him out about Voldemort in the future or something. Oh, “I’ve read about you.” Remember she says…

Andrew: Oh, well that could be in a newspaper or something. That doesn‘t mean…

Eric: Oh well, anyway. Okay, it’s page 50 in the US version. It says, “‘But you must know about your mom and dad,'” he said. I mean “‘They’re famous. You‘re famous!'” Which is all he said. It’s right after Mimble Wimble. He says, “They’re famous.” Something out of nothing maybe, but it did say that they were famous. So, it’s interesting. Well, do you think they’re famous because he’s famous? Or do you think they were famous beforehand? Because if they are then Harry could easily read up on his parents.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: You know? It seems like there are all these resources available to Harry that he’s not taking.

Andrew: That’s a good point. No, I think…

Ben: I don’t know.

Andrew: …they are famous because they are the parents of the Boy-Who-Lived.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: And everyone knows that is was Lily that protected Harry so that’s why she’s well-known.

Eric: Actually, wait, no, no, no. Because then he asks – Harry asks right after that, “What, my mom and dad weren’t famous, were they?” and the Hagrid says, “You don’t know. You don’t know.” So, actually it seems that it implies that they were famous before they had Harry – before they died. Because this is…

Andrew: No, he’s saying “were famous” because they’re dead.

Eric: My mom and dad weren’t famous – no.

Ben: Yeah, and that they’re…

Eric: No, because he should say “aren’t” then. If he said, “My mom and dad aren’t famous, are they?” He says, “Weren’t famous, were they?” They were at the time is what it‘s asking.

Andrew: No, I still think it was at the time when they died.

Eric: I don’t. I’m sorry.

Andrew: Let’s keep moving on. We’ve got some other stuff we can talk about.

Hagrid and the Letter

Eric: I think Hagrid knows what Dumbledore wrote in the letter or at least lot of it because – or at least he has an idea because he confronts the Dursleys about… He says, “You never told him, never told him what was in the letter Dumbledore left for him? I was there, I saw Dumbledore leave it.” And I think that really implies, you know, “You never told him what was in the letter?” Because I think Hagrid knows what’s in the letter. Do you guys think so? And maybe Harry could consult him in the future about what exactly was in it?

Andrew: Never telling him – no, you’re thinking too hard at this.

Eric: No, I think we can imply…

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Eric: We can imply that the letter at least told him that he was a wizard or something, you know? And that he would be accepted into Hogwarts or whatever.

Andrew: The letter probably said what happened to the parents, to Lily and James. Yeah, that he’s a wizard and why he was brought to them.

Eric: Then what did, in Book 5, what did “remember my last” mean? Do you think that was in the letter or did that happen after the letter?

Andrew: No, I think that probably had to do with something afterwards…

Eric: I think so, too.

Andrew: Because there were so many run-ins with the magical world during Books 1 though 5, so, between the Dursleys.

Eric: I think “remember my…”

Andrew: I mean, just with, you know, like the accidents and all that.

Eric: Yeah, I think “remember my last” happened after the letter, but, that was that question.

Voldemort’s Attempt at Potter Persuasion

Eric: The two final theories of Chapter 4: Hagrid is telling Harry about his parents and he says, “Now, yer mum an’ dad were as good a witch an’ wizard as I ever knew. Head Boy an’ Girl at Hogwarts in their day! Suppose the myst’ry is why You-Know-Who never tried to get ’em on his side before. He probably knew they were too close ter Dumbledore ter want anythin’ ter do with the Dark Side. Maybe he thought he could persuade ’em…maybe he just wanted ’em outta the way.” You see, Hagrid says here that he thinks Voldemort tried to persuade the Potters into turning or something, because he says, “The myst’ry is why You-Know-Who never tried to get ’em on his side before.” So, do you think, like Hagrid apparently thinks that Voldemort tried to turn the Potters to his side, to join him? And, why do you think he thinks that? That’s pretty big, don’t you think?

Ben: That is true.

Andrew: Was there…just trying to think how that kind of word would have spread. Because there wasn’t anyone else around that whole scene, right?

Eric: Yeah, why would he think that?

Andrew: Maybe it’s just misinterpretation. [laughs]

Eric: It could be just a silly Hagrid bumble.

Ben: Probably.

Andrew: Or just some random rumor.

Eric: Hagrid attributed – there’s an answer. Last week we asked what destroyed the Potters’ house – we asked what destroyed it? Hagrid thinks it was the Death Curse itself, even though the Death Curse normally doesn’t touch anything, Hagrid says that the Death Curse, when he says that Voldemort couldn’t even kill a little baby, he said, “It took care of your mom and your dad and your house even, but it couldn’t take care of you.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: You hear that? He says, like, “It took care of your mom and your dad and your house,” so I think, as far as Hagrid knows, it was the Death Curse that did destroy the house.

Chapter 5 – Diagon Alley

Andrew: Yeah, well. That does solve that question. So, that pretty much wraps up Chapter 4, how about we move on to Chapter Cinco now?

Eric: Okay, we are going to speed through Chapter 5, are you guys ready?

Ben: Let’s go, a hundred miles an hour.

Andrew: Yeah, right.

Eric: Shoot your Mountain Dew or caffeine or whatever you have. Okay, they go to bed [laughs] and they wake up the next day, and Harry has Hagrid’s coat over him and he says, he thinks it’s a dream and he hears the owl tapping on the window and he thinks it’s Petunia tapping on his cupboard. Anyway, I just realized…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …how quickly Harry comes to the conclusion that it’s all a dream. It’s like he’s really willing to believe that it’s all a dream. So, do you guys think…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …that the Harry Potter series is all a dream?

Ben: No.

Andrew: That tells you – I really… Everyone assumes that with every single book or…

Eric: I agree.

Andrew: …television show or movie. Well, not with the movies, by the end of a movie you know everything, but… Like, for example the television show Lost that we are staring a Podcast with me, Melissa, and John, hopefully someday soon…

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Uh oh.

Andrew: Everyone’s like, “Oh, well maybe it’s a dream.” Why?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Why? What kind of ending would that be?

Eric: What kind of a… Yeah, you’re right.

Andrew: Has there ever been a book, or movie, or television show where it ends up in a dream? I really don’t think so.

Ben: Right.

Andrew: I’m sure we’re going to get emails with someone saying, “Yeah, a movie back in 1970.”

Ben: Galadriel Waters theorized about this in both of her books, in all of the books she’s written to this point, about whether this series…there’s all types of things it could be. It could be like Alice in Wonderland. How does Alice in Wonderland end? Was that, “It’s all a dream?”

Eric: All I know is that Hagrid had dormice in his pocket, which is kind of like Alice in Wonderland.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, the point we’re getting to is that, no, it can’t be true.

Eric: No, I think…

Andrew: Harry could have assumed – of course Harry could assumed it was a dream because he’s actually living in a moment like this.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But sometimes you’ve got to get yourself together…

Eric: [Sings] You’ve got to get yourself together…

Ben: I guarantee you that if…

Andrew: …and you can’t get out of it.

Eric: [Still singing] You got stuck in a moment…

Ben: Right, but – Eric!

Eric: [Still singing]…and you can’t get out…

Andrew: But oh Lord, look at him now, he got himself stuck in a moment.

Eric: Yeah, no seriously…

Andrew: And he can’t get out of it.

Eric: Who does that song?

Ben: U2.

Andrew: U2, [laughs] are you serious? You’re singing it.

Eric: [laughs] I didn’t just ask that question. Okay, no so…

Andrew: But it’s so typical…

Eric: No, in the case… I agree, I agree Andrew…

Andrew: It could be typical of anyone.

Ben: No, but seriously though, I think – Yeah, that’s the point. That’s what I was going to say.

Eric: Yeah, I…

Ben: Many people would be so mad if J.K. Rowling uses a lame ending…

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: …like, “And then, it was all a dream,” you know?

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: He woke up and he searched for his scar.

Ben: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] Harry woke up in his four-story mansion with his parents by his bedside.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Sirius was there, a long-bearded man was there too.

Eric: You were there, you were there, you were there. [laughs and continues in a deep voice] “It was all a dream, Harry.” Okay, but see, yeah. My main thing against the dream theory, first of all, in the case of Lost, what sick mind comes up with all that drama, you know, for a dream? And also…

Andrew: The writers. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] The writers! Yeah, Chris Carter – X-files. But the – no, there are too many nights and days, I think. There is too much information. There is too many… There’s too much information, I think, in the Harry Potter series for it to believably be a dream. When I have really weird dreams–and I do have really weird dreams, I don’t learn anything new really. It just kind of like – it adds things, but I don’t really, you know, here Harry is for seven years. He sleeps, he wakes up, he eats, he goes and he plays Quidditch, he almost dies however many times – all that stuff and then he goes to bed at night. And, you know, how can going to sleep and waking – have you ever had a dream where you were having a dream, where you were having a dream, where you were having a dream? Have you? Because I haven’t.

Andrew: No, but I had this dream once where it was like I closed my eyes and I woke up and it was morning. It was so awesome.

Eric: Yeah, I thought I did that do…

Andrew: It’s like the shortest night’s sleep ever.

Eric: I was thirteen, I think and I was really tired and I closed my – I blinked and then it was morning again. Like I blinked, like I didn’t even feel like it was…

Andrew: Yeah. And then there was this one time where…

Ben: What do you mean? I’m confused. What are you talking about – you blink and it’s morning, I don’t get that.

Andrew: Like, you fall asleep and then it feels like a second later you wake up and it’s morning. That happened to me once.

Eric: That happened to me once, too.

Andrew: But, anyway…

Eric: Pointlessness. Hagrid… They take the boat that the Dursleys use to get on to the rock off the rock. Hagrid says, “We should take the boat because we shouldn’t use magic.” First of all, once they get in the boat, Hagrid says, “Do you mind if I do magic to make us go faster?” And Harry’s all like, “No.” And he’s like, “You shouldn’t mention it at Hogwarts.” So the whole reason they got in the boat was because they couldn’t do magic and then as soon as they get in the boat, Hagrid’s like, “This is – screw this Muggle thing, it’s too slow. We need to magic-it up.” He’s totally a hypocrite. And, now the Dursleys don’t have a ride back. How do you think the Dursleys got back? Did they swim?

Andrew: Oh, it’s another one of those building continuity problems where – they show up everywhere. It’s just another error. How do they get back? Well, wait a second, wasn’t there a man with a boat who drove them over originally?

Eric: No, No.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: They took the man’s boat and threw themselves over.

Andrew: Okay, so the man, the man… Well, if you want to argue this, you could say that the man came back over looking for them, to see what they were doing.

Eric: Because he didn’t see the…

Andrew: Picked them up and brought them back.

Eric: Yeah, maybe they didn’t…

Andrew: There’s the answer right there.

Eric: Maybe they didn’t pay for their…unless they paid ahead of time. Okay, so…

Ben: Maybe they floated on Dudley back over.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: He’s a big whale, pretty big whale.

Eric: Or Vernon.

Cornelius Fudge

Eric: Okay, according to Hagrid, you know, Hagrid starts reading the paper the owl brought, which we won’t talk about because we talked about Knuts and that’s the only thing we wanted to say about that. Hagrid is reading the paper and Harry asks him about a Minister of Magic, because Hagrid mentioned the Minister of Magic, you guys remember this?

Ben: Yes.

Eric: I think it said that Cornelius Fudge only appeared to the Muggle Minister in times of desperate crisis, like once every year or so, or months, you know? He didn’t keep him updated at all. So, according to Hagrid, the Minister of Magic’s main job is to keep the Muggles from noticing, but yet he never talks to the Muggle Minister so it seems. I don’t know. Like, what does Cornelius Fudge do all day besides send letters to Dumbledore asking him what to do all day?

Ben: Well, it’s the same type of thing you think about when you say, what does the principal at school do all day?

Andrew: Exactly.

Ben: I mean, sit back in the office and do nothing, you know. That’s totally not what they do. They actually have a job that’s a lot more complicated than you would think. Because when you’re on the outside looking in like that, at first glance, it appears that they’re not really doing that much, but in reality, they’re doing a lot.

Eric: I would agree with that.

Andrew: Paperwork, there’s hearings, there’s meetings.

Ben: Right.

Eric: Yeah, there’s bribes to accept from Lucius Malfoy.

Ben: And then, [laughs] yeah. Think about all the magical departments. He has to oversee all of them.

Eric: Does he though, does he? I mean, I think, in the case of Fudge, he’s very incompetent and I don’t even know if he would. Like, it’s really interesting. Like, he has to attend so many meetings…

Ben: I think people overplay the Fudge incompetency thing.

Eric: I would agree with that only because, if he was too incompetent, they would have kicked him out.

Ben: Yeah, he would have been impeach – the equivalent of the US President being impeached. But, the point I’m trying to make, the point that I think we’re all trying to make here is that – what I was trying to say basically was that Cornelius Fudge, even though sometimes it appears… For example, the only reason people say he’s incompetent… I kind of got…I don’t know what I was trying to say. But… [laughs]

Eric: It was because he was compared to Dumbledore a lot?

Ben: That and he just denied that Voldemort was back and that’s what people say made him incompetent. I think that the reason that he may have denied it to begin with was because he knew he wasn’t capable of coping with that and he didn’t want to basically have it be his administration that has to deal with Voldemort coming back and get blamed for everyone being killed and stuff like that.

Eric: I can really see that from a political standpoint, like…

Ben: Thank you.

Eric: Yeah, Ben! Woohoo.

Ben: [Imitating Andrew] Yeah! Yeah! All right!

Eric: Do you think on a side note relating back to the impeachment thing – do you think that Cornelius Fudge would have a relationship with the woman who was the voice on the phone in the telephone booth at the Ministry?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Aren’t you funny?

Ben: I would not be surprised.

Evil Wizards and Witches

Eric: Take this one on for size, this note kicks butt, I might say. “Not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.” Now, you can twist – that’s a lot of double negatives there. But when Hagrid tells this to Harry, it is Hagrid, not Ron as it is in the movie – Hagrid says that there’s, listen to this, “There’s not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.” Now, you could take this to mean that there’s no witches or wizards who weren’t in Slytherin that didn’t go bad.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Can he mean that? But, Pettigrew…

Andrew: So all Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaws are good?

Eric: If you can read this like this, like “Not a single witch or wizard who went bad…” Like, “there was not single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.” So, does that mean… We do know Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, right? Yeah, so does that mean that Pettigrew didn’t go bad? Does that mean that all these other characters who are, you know, other houses than Slytherin didn’t go bad? I mean, if this holds true, if Hagrid isn’t…

Ben: Well, it all depends on what your interpretation of “going bad” is because…

Eric: Well, Pettigrew killed the Potters, didn’t he?

Ben: I think, Pettigrew… Well, Pettigrew is misunderstood. He’s after power. He goes after the person – he’s not actually, he doesn’t want to be in a position of power himself. He wants to be where he’s able to, you know, follow somebody who has power because he’s not charismatic. He’s not good enough to be able to build it up himself, but he finds somebody who he can suck up to like Andrew does to me…

[Eric laughs]

Ben: …then, you know, he just has that situation.

Andrew: Okay, so he wants power, so does going to Voldemort consider himself going bad? I mean, I think so, he’s assisting the most deadliest, worstest, baddest, the meanest wizard alive…

Eric: Right, so then what Hagrid said is wrong…

Ben: The most deadly. [laughs]

Andrew: Mostest deadliest.

Eric: So, what Hagrid said is just a gross generalization and it really doesn’t apply to anything.

Andrew: Yeah, but you know, you have to keep in mind that Hagrid is not the brightest bulb in the box.

Eric: He’s not the brightest giant on the grounds. And so anyway…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Actually, he is.

Eric: Yeah, he is.

Andrew: And also the stupidest.

Eric: Well, he’s a half-giant. Not when Grawp’s there.


Eric: Harry goes into Ollivander’s – this is just real quick – he goes into Ollivander’s, and the back of his neck prickled and he says, “As if there–” JKR writes, “Harry sensed that there…”

Ben: It’s just a spooky place, man.

Eric: It is, but Harry sensed – this is like the quote, almost, “Harry sensed that there was some sort of secret magic.” Now, my question is who is Harry to judge magic? Harry hasn’t even experienced any kind of direct magic, so why would he even be equipped to feel like there’s some kind of “secret magic” within this place? I think it’s JKR telling us that there’s a secret magic in Ollivander’s shop, something we don’t know about, which could have further implications regarding the whereabouts of Ollivander.

Andrew: Well of course there is.

Eric: Well, right.

Andrew: You’re surrounded by these wands that can do thousands, millions of different things.

Eric: But that’s magic, it’s not “secret magic.” It might be “secret magic” because Harry doesn’t know about it, but the way it’s written it seems like it’s ancient… beyond. When I think of the term, “secret magic,” used in this context, I think of Dumbledore’s muttering that weird language at the end of Book 6 when he’s like finds out that he has to cut his wrists to like spray blood to get the Horcrux. I mean, that’s what I think when I think “secret magic.” And like, the door in the middle of nowhere, the invisible stuff.

Andrew: I think it’s called “secret” because Harry is not aware of what any of these hold. So, it is a secret to him.

Eric: So…

Andrew: Well no, not only that, I mean…

Eric: So any magic is “secret magic”?

Ben: No, because Ollivander’s has been within – it’s sort of a – it’s a family business and it’s been there for centuries.

Eric: Is it a family business, or is it just Mr. Ollivander? Could he have been the one who’s been around since 382 B.C.?

Andrew: He’s a pretty old guy. [laughs] Well, not that old.

Ben: That too and he disappeared in Book 6.

Eric: Well, Flamel is 666…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …in Sorcerer’s Stone, so…

Ben: Right, but he had the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Eric: Yeah, he had the Elixir of Life, right.

Ben: Right, but the point is, about Ollivander. I don’t know, I think the “secret magic” may have something to do with, you know, just the aura you get when you walk in. Do you know what I mean? Have you guys ever been someplace where it feels like, “Oh there’s something.” You know, like when you go to New York City, for example. Andrew and I talk about this all the time. You know? You just get this energy off the city…

Eric: Yeah, it is in the air.

Ben: …and yeah, it’s a positive energy, you know? But, in terms of, you know there may be some places too where people, you know, you go there and it just makes you depressed because of the way it is.

Eric: Yeah, like a funeral parlor, you wouldn’t find yourself being immensely, you know, joyous in a funeral parlor…

Ben: Excited to go there.

Eric: …unless it’s somebody you really hated.

Andrew: That’s mean, yeah.

Eric: [laughs] That’s a horrible thing to say. But anyway, no, no. I think JKR classifies a lot of rooms, you know, based on what Ben said, I think she does classify a lot of rooms as having like a somber, library sort of, you know, you can’t talk and this kind of thing. Like that’s how she says how Trelawney’s room is, you know kind of like…

Andrew: And you’re unsure of it, so that’s…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …sort of a way to call it a secret.

Eric: But, my guess was that, since she mentioned “secret magic” and Harry was rather ill-equipped to disguise, like, any magic at all, let alone “secret magic,” I think she was trying to tell us – that it’s possible that she’s trying to tell us that there is some kind of ancient stuff, but I don’t know how that would come into play, considering Ollivander went missing. Like, I don’t know, like as soon as Voldemort enters Ollivander’s shop to buy another wand, Ollivander just disappears? Like he folds up, or it’s like a Fidelius Charm? You know, what’s the deal? “Secret magic” can imply a lot of things. I just wanted your thoughts.

Ben: Well, the building – the building could be enchanted for certain things and that might be the “secret magic” that he’s thinking of.

Andrew: And Harry, at this point, Harry has no clue…

Ben: Like you said, like…

Andrew: …what any of this. So..

Ben: Right, right. And like you said, and like you guys were talking about how she has a lot more narrating in the book at the beginning because we have to learn everything first. And we grow – we grow as Harry does, and so it could be, it could go back to that, where she still hasn’t really explained much yet.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Okay.

Ben: And, you know, “secret magic” is just really the magic that the wands can hold.

Eric: So you’re saying that was like an initial…

Ben: Because he didn’t know any spells.

Eric: That was like an initial introduction to the kind of environments we’d be seeing in the future?

Ben: Right. It could be that, or it could be something deeper.

Eric: Okay. Same page as the “secret magic” reference, which is 63 in the UK edition – UK paperback, woo! I was hoping to have Jamie on this week so he could read the UK with me and we’d both be on the same page for once, but anyway, another mention to Harry’s mother’s eyes. It’s just another mention on page 63. Ollivander says, “You look like your father, but you have your mother’s eyes,” or whatever. But guys, this is possibly the biggest theory. This is the “shan’t/won’t,” only it’s more significant. This is another tie-in to last week’s show, Chapters 1 and 2, and it has something from Chapter 5. Ollivander greets Harry. He recognized him right away, of course, and he says, you know, “Harry Potter…” Actually, I can read the direct quote because I wrote down the page number. Yay for me! Sixty-four in the UK edition, as I turn to it right now. Okay. He says, “Mr. Ollivander had come so close that he and Harry were almost nose to nose. Harry could see himself reflected in those misty eyes. ‘And that’s where…’ Mr. Ollivander touched the lightening scar on Harry’s forehead with a long, white finger. ‘I’m sorry to say I sold the wand that did it.'” He says. And that’s where…[snaps]! And he points to his scar. That’s awkward. And you know why that’s awkward is because in Chapter 1, McGonagall – it’s right before Dumbledore says it, “He’ll have that scar forever…”

Andrew: Hold up, hold up.

Eric: All right.

Andrew: [laughs] Before you go into going crazy here. And that’s where – that’s where the scar is.

Eric: No, no. And that…

Andrew: That’s where Voldemort cast the spell from the wand that Mr. Ollivander…

Eric: Exactly.

Andrew: …sold to him.

Eric: Exactly. And that’s what I’m going to. No, and that’s where – I’m thinking it means and that’s where… but is that where the Death Curse hit him? Is that what he’s saying? Is he saying, “And that’s where the Death Curse hit you, creating that scar!” Or is he saying, “And that’s where Voldemort made his Horcrux!” Or, you know, “And that’s where…” You know, because a Death Curse, first of all, shouldn’t leave any mark and especially not a mark in a specific place. You know, what is that trying to say? And that’s where his wand was aimed when he fired the Death Curse at you? What does Ollivander know about Harry that Harry doesn’t? You know, about this whole…

Ben: It’s probably, “And that’s where the spell hit you.”

Andrew: That’s what I said, yeah.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: But it…

Ben: I get… Yeah, it as simple as…

Eric: …it seems like such a specific place. Look at this. I’m tying up loose ends. In Chapter 1 – in Chapter 1, he has… After Harry arrives, listen to this. “Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall bent forward over a bundle of old blankets. Inside, just visible was a baby boy fast asleep. Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead, they could see a curiously shaped cut like a bolt of lightening. ‘Is that where?’ whispered Professor McGonagall.” Is that where WHAT? This – McGonagall says, “Is that where…” and Dumbledore replies immediately, “Yes. He’ll have that scar forever.”

Ben: Is that where the spell hit you!

Andrew: Yeah, yeah! Is that where… [laughs]

Eric: The spell doesn’t – no!

Ben: Is that where the spell hit him! [laughs]

Andrew: Nobody’s seen – Shhh. Nobody’s seen it before, so your first reaction… Yeah.

Ben: Nobody’s seen it for eleven years. For eleven years.

Eric: Because they don’t know.

Ben: Forget you two!

Eric: No. I don’t think that’s it at all, because they don’t know the Death Curse isn’t supposed to leave a mark, first of all. So is that where the spell hit him? Is that what they’re asking? Is that what she’s asking and Ollivander’s asking? Because Ollivander proclaims it. He’s like, “And that’s where something did this to you.” But McGonagall asks, “Is that where,” and Dumbledore says “yeah.” It’s the exact same words! It’s, like, bringing attention to the scar. But I really don’t feel that it’s just simple, like “Oh, and that’s where the Death Curse hit you,” because it’s not supposed to leave a mark. Is that where Lily’s love set in? Is that where Voldemort imprinted himself into you? You know, they’re asking all these questions, but Dumbledore replied, “Yes.” It makes me think that Dumbledore and Ollivander know a lot more about Harry’s scar than they’re ever letting on.

Andrew: Well, that could very well be, but if they both know it, if they both know it, then wouldn’t a lot of other people know? And in that case, wouldn’t someone have told Harry by now? You know? It’s open for a lot of debate.

Eric: I’m not thinking – okay. But ‘is that where,’ that’s like the whole chapter of this whole… It’s the epiphany of everything, because they always reference Harry’s scar and then it cuts off.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true, good point. Hopefully in Book 7 we’ll find out!

Eric: They’re like…

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: “And that’s where, dot, dot, dot.”

Ben: Do you guys know – do you know what really excites me, though, is after we do this and after we’re done doing all of our speculating, and we come back and we look back to all that we’ve said. I’m anxious to see how right we were about things. [laughs]

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Ben: After Book 7.

Eric: I really am. And you know, after we have all these episodes out, we can easily – well, they won’t all be on the feed, which sucks. But they’re, you know, on MuggleCast dot com, you’ll be able to go back and any time in the future, ten years from now, you’ll be able to go back and actually pick a chapter. Like, if you wanted to just read one chapter in the middle of the series, you could hear our discussion on it. It’d be like a companion.

Ben: So, that wraps up the Chapter-by-Chapter discussion for Episode 32 of MuggleCast. Hope you guys enjoyed reading along with us, because we’re having a good time discussing it.

Andrew: We really are.

Ben: It may get a little bit heated from time to time, but we enjoy it.

Segment Contest Honorable Mention

Ben: Next thing we’re going to move on to is the Create Your Own MuggleCast Segment entry. Honorable mention goes to: Several Minutes with Snape. Dun dun dun dun.

Andrew: This is – this was a really – once again, Laura, Micah, and I judged these, and this one was another pretty humorous one. It’s very clever, so… This is also, yeah. This is also the last of the MuggleCast segments that we’re going air actually on the MuggleCast show, and then the rest that were submitted will go into the feed. [laughs] So here it is now, Several Minutes with Snape, by Luke from Melbourne, Australia.

Several Minutes with Severus

Snape: Hello, and welcome to yet another exhilarating episode of Several Minutes with Severus, here on the Wizarding Wireless Network, where I teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, etcetera, etcetera. This show, as always, is brought to you by our sponsors, Total Wassup Daddy, and their new Diagon Alley store – where the latest in filth bling is at fully sick prices. I’m your host, Severus Snape.

First up, the news. Ministry of Magic officials are still searching for the murderer of Albus Dumbledore. Any listeners who might know anything about the whereabouts of the man with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, a tendency to speak in a soft, slow, depressing voice, and say nasty things, should give him a few galleons and maybe some new boots, as mine are worn out at the heel. Those using the Floo powder network to go to work today should take care around the Ministry. An unfortunate collision between an Unspeakable and a chimney sweep has caused severe fireplace jams all the way back to Diagon Alley. Residents of the house at Feelockam Alley, who crossbred a bulldog with a Shih Tzu, are advised: “That’s not funny.” And finally, a foolish wizard who ended up the victim of a series of joke items purchased from Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes would like his legs back.

Well, every week here on the show, we allow you to send in your wacky jokes on this Snape’s Sniggering Section. Today’s joke comes from the Ministry of Magic and has been officially passed by a panel of experts.

Knock Knock.
May I enquire who is there?
Your husband.
Well, I’m afraid I can’t let you in without a code word because there are dark wizards about.

Hilarious, is it not?

Here’s the part of the show where you can ring up and pester me with your woefully superficial problems and I pretend to care and offer advice not endorsed by any professionals whatsoever. Go ahead Caller One, I believe you are Harry or Sarry.

Harry: Ah, hello there.

Snape: Hello to you, Harry.

Harry: I have this problem, you see.

Snape: [interrupts Harry] That does not surprise me in the slightest.

Harry: Well, you see, I’m actually looking for someone.

Snape: And who is that?

Harry: Well, I was wondering – could I just pop right into the station and show you a picture?

Snape:And why is it necessary to come to the station?

Harry: Well, so I can kill you – I mean, kill… kill… someone.

Snape: Thank you, Caller One.

Now that Idiot has ceased wasting valuable time here on the show, it’s time to move on to our voicemails. This one comes from Ronald.

Ron: Well Severus, I was just wondering, how can I stop my best friend from dating my sister? Thank you very much! Love your show, listen to every week.

Snape: Well, Ronald, I suggest poison. As it happens, to me in my youth, I was tormented by a pig-headed and arrogant bully at school. However, my motto has always been forgive and forget. So later in life, I naturally got him murdered, forgave myself, and forgot all about it.

Now we come to everyone’s favorite section, Spy on Severus. I’m right here.

And now to the forecast: up in the areas of Manchester, it will be freezing cold, as low as negative 12 degrees Celsius. Things will get very hot in here though, when I find the little pixie who stole the rest of my weather report.

Today’s book review is on the A to K section of the Yellow Pages, by Anonymous. I found the start thrilling, but the plot became repetitious; and the sequel, L to Zed, was much of the same thing.

We now come to our final section of the show, where I tell you what will happen in the next show. I will, however, maintain suspense and keep a tight lip on this matter.

Well, thank you for joining us here at Several Minutes with Severus, brought to you by the Death Eaters, where they guarantee dismal service or your children back. Stay tuned for our next show here on the Wizarding Wireless Network, Five Frightfully Fur-Fluffing Fun-Filled Fashions from Gregory Goyle, who would like to thank our alliteration expert for coming in one letter of the alphabet too early.

Until next week, I’m Severus Snape. But after that, I’m changing my name to Elvis.

Andrew: Okay, so once again, that was Several Minutes with Snape by Luke from Melbourne, Australia. Congrats to him! And don’t forget, we will be running everyone else’s segments that were entered into the comments – er, into the contest what, like, two months ago? [laughs] They will be…

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: They will be airing in their own show – probably, like, two shows – coming up in the next few weeks.

Eric: Cool.

Andrew: [whispers] Once I’m not lazy!

Looking Ahead

Andrew: Okay everyone. We’re going to cut the show a little short this week, because we want to have everyone on for the voicemails as well as everything else next week. A full crew will be back with the regular content and everything else you have come to love, right here on MuggleCast.

Ben: Okay! Well, everybody, that wraps up Episode 32 of MuggleCast. Next week on the show, we have many things coming back to you.

Andrew: And an…

Ben: Such as…

Andrew: …an editorial. Hopefully.

Ben: …the Editorial Discussion.

Andrew: Hopefully.

Ben: Hopefully.

Andrew: We’re not – we’re having a hard time getting editorialists to come on and talk with us. So, if you have a favorite one in mind, make sure to email them and say, “Hey! You should call MuggleCast. E-mail Micah.”

Ben: I really want to get Maline on.

Andrew: Email her.

Ben: The North Tower? That’d be a good idea. That’d be good. And also, we have our What If segment, which we skipped over this week also because of the lack of numbers. We can also do the Listener Rebuttals, the voicemails, and everything. Kevin Steck will be back next week with more voicemails than you can imagine! Awww, geez. It’s going to be incredible.

Eric: And also, Chapter-by-Chapter. We’re thinking of doing Chapters 6 and 7, to let you know what chapter we’re… Once we get into the future books, we’ll be able to jump ahead a little bit more. But right now, the whole thing, the whole introduction to Harry is where all this… We’re taking it a little slow, so we’re still doing two chapters at a time. We hope it’ll go faster. But six and seven for next week.

Andrew: Yeah, which is another thing. We got – we seriously got a record number of emails this – over the past week, we got like 400. And that’s because last week, last week I was like, “Send this to mugglecast at staff! Send that to mugglecast at staff! Send that to mugglecast at…” [laughs]

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: So… What?

Eric: Wait, Andrew! The most important rebuttal – Tootsie Rolls. They’re invented, or they’re made by the Tootsie Roll Company. Tootsie Rolls.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: I think it’s literally called…

Andrew: God bless them.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: …Tootsie Rolls Industries, Incorporated. Chicago, Illinois. And I’ve been to Chicago.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: So next time I’m in Chicago, I’ll have to go to…

Andrew: Yup.

Eric: …there’s a street address, but yeah.

Andrew: Take a picture?

Ben: Tootsie…yeah.

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: So, thanks…

Ben: Okay.

Andrew: Thanks everyone for your emails…

Ben: Hope you all had fun.

Andrew: …and thanks for all your support. You know, I love, like, going on, like, MySpace and just, like, the fan forums and the chat room, and just seeing everyone, how appreciative they are of the show. And, you know, we’ve said it before. We love the, we just love the reactions.

Ben: Yeah, we love you guys! Okay, everybody. I hope you all enjoyed the show. Remember, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please send them to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Continue to visit MuggleNet, continue to visit the site. Hope you guys had fun! I’m Ben Schoen.

Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: [impersonating Jamie] I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Ben: [impersonating Kevin] I’m Kevin Steck.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Andrew: [impersonating Laura] I’m Laura Thompson.

Ben: [impersonating Micah] And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: Goodnight!

Eric: [impersonating Laura] Goodnight!

Ben: Goodnight, everybody!


Andrew: Just, like, the fan forums, and the chat room and just seeing everyone and how appreciative they are of the show. And, you know…

Eric: I feel so bad, I have like ten thousand friend requests.

Andrew: …we’ve said it before. We just love the reactions.

Eric: It’s funny, because I have ten thousand…

Andrew: Okay, don’t show off.

Eric: No! I have ten thousand friend – no!

Andrew: I bet I have more friends than you on MySpace.

Eric: I have ten thousand friend requests, but I have no posts.

Andrew: You’re such a liar! [laughs] Shut up!

Eric: No, no! But I have no posts!

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Eric: Not one single – so, like, I haven’t updated – I created the account.

Ben: Awww.

Eric: In fact, I think it’s dead now. I think they actually disactivated – deactivated – disconnected the MySpace account, because I didn’t use it. But I had so many friend requests. It was so funny because I didn’t have time to update.

Andrew: [laughs] You’re such a show-off.

Eric: No! I’m not a show-off!

Andrew: [laughs] You’re such a…

Eric: I’m saying that it’s so sad…

Andrew: “I had…”

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: “…thousands of friend requests, but they deactivated it, so it all went away.”

Eric: All I’m saying is…

Andrew: What?

Ben: Dude, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. I can barely fit…

[Eric laughs]

Ben: Andrew, Andrew I can barely fit in this chat, his ego’s so big! Ugh!

Eric: All I’m saying is my reputation precedes me.

Ben: I think it’s time – I think that it’s time to say goodnight.


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #31

MuggleCast EP31 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: MuggleCast, no Potter Plimpies allowed, March 19th, 2006 – Episode 31. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all plans start at just $3.95 per month. No matter what plan you choose, your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. I recommend you use them for your upcoming website or podcast because as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you checkout, and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

And don’t forget go to to purchase your very own MuggleCast t-shirts. Just click on “Store” at the top.

Hello, everyone and welcome back to the show. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And this is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussions and oh, so much more! Before we go anywhere else, first let’s check in with Micah for the week’s top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: At the Sony Ericsson Empire Awards in London Monday, the Harry Potter movies were honored with the Empire Outstanding Contribution Award. Dan Radcliffe accepted the award, and Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and David Heyman were also present.

In an interview with Empire, Dan, Rupert and David discuss Order of the Phoenix filming. Dan had this to say about David Yates: “The new director’s fantastic. I’ve never been quite this pushed before, so regularly. He’s really pushing Harry’s emotional and psychological journey. But he also seems to have an incredible eye for sets and shoots and things.”

Heyman also addressed how they will be shooting until the middle of May, before taking a two-month break for exams, and then start filming again from July until roughly October or November. Additionally, individual scenes with Grawp and the Centaurs have begun taping, which requires a lot of blue-screen acting.

In a BBC1 interview, Dan discussed his first kissing scene saying: It’ll be odd because one of my parents will be on set. It will be embarrassing but hopefully I’ll work past that and be utterly professional but I’ll probably keep screwing it up so that I can keep doing it. That a boy!

Blackwell, The Knowledge Retailer, has donated a first-edition UK copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, signed by several Goblet of Fire cast members, to the National Literacy Trust. The Trust’s children’s literacy initiative, Reading Is Fundamental, UK (RIF), motivates children in deprivation to develop an interest in reading and donates three books to over 20,000 children annually. The book is being auctioned until March 21st (which is this Tuesday) on eBay.

Friday night, J.K. Rowling hosted a Venetian-style masquerade ball at Stirling Castle in Scotland. Yahoo! News reports, “Live music was being provided by Abba tribute band Bjorn Again, with live opera from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama’s Vocal Fusion.”

A second article from the AP states that over £200,000 was raised for the Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland, for which the ball was held. You can check out pictures of Jo from the event over on

To promote the UK release of the Goblet of Fire DVD (which is released tomorrow, March 20th), Katie Leung, Clemence Poesy, Robert Pattinson and Stanislav Ianevski (Cho, Fleur, Cedric and Krum) have appeared on several British morning shows over the past week. So far they’ve done interviews on E4 and ITV’s This Morning. Next Saturday, March 25th, the cast will make an appearance on Holly and Stephen’s Saturday Showdown, which starts at 9:25 AM on ITV. And it is being reported Krum has said MORE than two sentences.

That’s all the news for this March 19th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Tootsie Rolls And Other Announcements

Andrew: All right, thank you, Micah. Well, as I’ve been overly-promoting for the past two or three shows now. Actually, it’s only really been one show.

Eric: MuggleCast: Version II.

Andrew: We are starting… Yeah. We are starting this week a couple new segments for the show, that are going to keep it live, afresh, and anew. And so far we’re about three minutes into the show and already you are thinking, “What the…there’s nothing new already.” [starts singing Frank Sinatra]

The best is yet to come, and won’t that be fine.

Eric: It’s all going to change. From this point forward nothing, nothing is old from now on.

Andrew: Nothing is old.

Eric: That’s right, we’re now going to be talking in backwards English among several other things.

Andrew: [laughs] And don’t forget, MuggleCast t-shirts are available at Just click on “Store” at the top.

Eric, Eric has stated a few very important reasons why you must buy one of these t-shirts. Isn’t that right, Eric?

Eric: Yes, that’s correct – Episode 29.

Andrew: Can you give us another one though. I don’t think people are completely convinced.

Eric: Okay. Tootsie Rolls, right? Okay, Tootsie Rolls. I am staring at a tube of Tootsie Rolls and I am thinking, “Gee, who manufactures Tootsie Rolls.”

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah?

Eric: Now, you never know who does it. It’s not the Hershey’s company. It can’t be because I am looking at this tube an nowhere does it say, “Hershey’s Tootsie Rolls,” right? You follow?

Laura: Ummm.

Eric: Okay, so…

Micah: No.

Eric: No. Okay, quiet Micah. All right. So now, Tootsie Rolls. Everybody…

Micah: Because I say so much.

Eric: No, everybody knows what Tootsie Rolls are – everybody has had Tootsie Roll. You know what? If they haven’t, they are going to have a Tootsie Roll. So I’m thinking, I’m sitting here looking at this whole tube of what used to be Tootsie Rolls – I actually ate them all – and I am thinking who manufactured these? Nobody knows. Nobody knows what company owns Tootsie Rolls unless you work for that company. I am thinking, but they sold millions. I mean how many Tootsie Rolls have you sold…have you bought in your life? That’s a lot of Tootsie Rolls. So…

Andrew: [laughs] So what’s your point?

Eric: The point…

Andrew: So what’s your point.

Eric: So the point is, Andrew and Micah and Laura and viewers at home, that you don’t know who manufactures Tootsie Rolls yet you buy them anyway. And in the case of MuggleCast t-shirts you know who manufactures them. You know that you’re going to get your money’s worth from MuggleCast. You know exactly who that money is going to and why it is going to. And you can support the show by buying this, just like you support Tootsie Roll manufacturers. Like the CEO of Tootsie Roll, the CEO of Tootsie, is sitting there on a desk chair and he’s not doing anything for Harry Potter fans, but we are, and that’s why you should buy a MuggleCast t-shirt.

Andrew: Wow, that was inspiring. Long, lengthy and inspiring.

Eric: Hey, Andrew, Andrew…

Andrew: We really appreciate it.

Laura: And full of Tootsie Roll plugs.

Andrew: And by the way when you go to the podcast Live in Las Vegas, you want to be all dressed up in MuggleCast apparel. So…

Eric: That’s right.

Andrew: Hey, before we go any further, I think Ben wants to join us. Ben, what happened – why aren’t you, why weren’t you here from the beginning?

Ben: Well, it turns out that I re-adjusted my schedule…

Andrew: Oh.

Ben: …so I’ll probably be able to stay here.

Eric: Ben now has TiVo.

Andrew: Probably?

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Ben now has TiVo so he can record Barney and watch it later.

Book Discussion: Chapters 1-3, Sorcerer’s Stone

Andrew: All right. Now starting with Episode 32 this will be the part of the show where listeners will be able to e-mail in their thoughts about things that we’ve said last week. So, for example, this week we are going to be talking about Chapters 1-3 of Sorcerer’s Stone. You guys can e-mail in what your thoughts were about our thoughts. So after listening to the show this week, send in your e-mails to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And please put in the subject line “Listener Rebuttal” to give your feedback on what we’ve said. And then we will read them on next week’s show during this part of MuggleCast. Now, it is time for what I’ve been calling the pinnacle of the new version of MuggleCast, “Chapter-by-Chapter” – where we go through every, single little chapter of the Harry Potter series.

Ben: By the time Book 7 comes around we hope be done, and like finish the last chapter of Book 6 the week of Book 7 or something.

Eric: Okay, we can’t promise… Yeah, it would be nice to, but… Okay, I am going to talk about this a little bit here, quick. All right, this chapter-by-chapter thing is something that I know a lot of people are looking forward to – me especially. I’m trying to figure out how it’s going to be doing, working with Andrew and Ben and everybody on working this out. But basically, we’re going to as Ben so boldly put it – we’re going to read every chapter and go through. But, it is much more exciting than that. What we’re going to do, the MuggleCasters, we’re going to have to [sighs] go through each chapter (well, we will put a few chapters per episode), and we’re going to actually talk about pretty much anything we can think about. We have been taking notes as we read and will point it out to the show for discussion. Now, the point of this – we do, we do, we do, we do , we do, we do want the listeners to read with us, to read along with us, at a slow, weekly pace, a few chapters a week. Maybe another hour, hour-and-a-half’s time more than you put into the show during the week and read along with us. Now, the point of this whole thing is so that we can get a better and clearer idea of just what has happened, to relive the books as we’re going along and understand and get viewpoints and theories that have never been heard of before because nobody has done this. Isn’t that right, Andrew? Nobody has done this all out, you know, fan-wide…


Andrew: Yes.

Eric: It is unprecedented.

Ben: Unprecedented.

Andrew: And what I really like about it is that we are going to be on the same page with everyone else.

Eric: Literally.

[Everyone mocking laughs]

Eric: You said it. You said it.

Chapter One – “The Boy Who Lived”

Ben: Literally. Moving on, just a little bit of information about the book. It starts off with Mr. Dursley noticing strangle things happening on his way to work one day. Then at night, Albus Dumbledore, the head of wizardry at some place called Hogwarts meets up with Professor McGonagall (who can turn into a cat). So, it is already starting off kind of weird. And then Dumbledore tells McGonagall that someone named Voldemort or You-Know-Who has killed a Mr. and Mrs. Potter. And then they tried to kill Harry, or the son, and he was unsuccessful. And so like this whole community is wowed that a baby was able to stop this evil, dark wizard, which we are not really sure about yet. We know some things are happening because some of the magic that is going on. And then a big giant named Hagrid shows up on Privet Drive with a basket and a baby, and they leave Harry, young Harry, at the doorstep of the Dursley’s with a letter explaining what happened. And then ten years later is where it all begins.

Eric: Ben, I underestimated you – that actually wasn’t complete crap.

Ben: What do you guys think?

Micah: That was very good. You did a pretty good job there.

Ben: Sorcerer’s Stone is pretty much, is the beginning of the end per se where, you know, where it all starts off. With Sorcerer’s Stone – this is where we… We probably find out the most information in Sorcerer’s Stone, just about Harry’s life and stuff like that. And then we find out that Harry has really been deceived all his life, that his mother – that his parents never really were in a car crash, that they were killed by this wizard. And we also see the Dursley’s’ last attempt to shield Harry from the magical world. Because Rowling uses some foreshadowing when she talks about how Harry used to get punished for things he would to do at home, for things he would to do at school – where one time a group of bullies was chasing him and he just appeared on the roof of the schoolhouse. And they use a lot of foreshadowing to demonstrate that the magic is actually going – that is something is up with this kid. And I don’t know – I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed Sorcerer’s Stone. That’s just a brief overview. Let’s start with Chapter 1 here.

The First Sentence And The Dursleys

Eric: Let’s just – you know what everybody? Let’s just take focus here on the first sentence of Harry Potter. And you know people may say, “Oh my god, we’re going to be here forever. It’s the first sentence.” But I think the first sentence of the Harry Potter book is very, very intriguing. It means a lot, even today.

Laura: It’s a great hook.

Eric: The first sentence reads:

“Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dursley of number four Privet Drive were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.”

Based on that sentence, what would you say knowing what happens with the Dursleys – all these rumors that Petunia might be a Squib or a witch hiding it or something like that? What do you think that means – that they are perfectly normal and proud to say it?

Ben: I think it means that it shows that they are basically – they think that they are morally and socially superior to those around them.

Laura: And they are in denial.

Eric: Oooo.

Andrew: Well, we don’t know that they are in denial yet.

Laura: Oh, I think you always those people – the snotty neighbors or evil teacher who always has this facade of protection and you just know that everything is not perfect in their life, and they are just putting on this mask to try and cover up the fact that they just have something they don’t want anyone to know. They dread anyone finding out about this secret.

Eric: Facade of perfection? I love that term.

Andrew: Well…

Ben: We all have our skeletons in our closets.

Andrew: “Proud to say that they are perfectly normal, thank you very much.” That to me, means the most.

Ben: Means the most.

Andrew: Right, because it’s the part that makes them look very obnoxious. It’s “Thank you very MUCH!”

Ben: The snobby line, yeah.

Laura: And you better not question it.

Ben: No, no, it’s more, “We’re proud to say that we’re perfectly normal, [in nasty voice] thank you very much!” You know? I think it’s more like that. Yeah.

Eric: No guys, I get what you mean. I think it’s cool.

Ben: I agree with you.

Eric: I also think, it’s really interesting – I thought, I read it as if it is stated matter-of-factly with JKR. I mean as you guys were reading the first three chapters, you know, J.K. really includes a lot of her storytelling narration humor that really isn’t as present at all, especially in the later books. But storytelling matter-of-factly…

Andrew: Yeah. Yep.

Eric: …you know, interactivity. While she’s talking about Harry she’s being much more vocal. She uses the pronoun “you” a couple of times and actually talks to the reader.

Andrew: Yeah, you know what? I noticed that too. And right now I am trying to find the sentence that says, “Our story begins…” because that really stood out to me.

Laura: Well, the thing I find interesting about Sorcerer’s Stone is that it is the book that has the most narration outside of Harry’s point of view.

Andrew: Yeah, why is that? Is that because she is just trying to set it all up?

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Well, of course.

Ben: Why else would she do it?

Eric: Harry is very young at this time.

Laura: And it is good because like you and Ben were saying earlier, you kind of get that outsiders point of view that the Dursleys have. And she is trying to show the impression that Harry’s mere existence has on people.

Ben: Right, and guys, the way this is going we have so much to talk about just with once sentence. So I think after we do the chapter-by-chapter, we should do sentence-by-sentence analysis of the entire series.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: “When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley woke up on the dull gray Tuesday our story starts.”

Laura: Oh, I see it – pg. 2.

Ben: “There was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things…”

Seriously, I’m the next Jim Dale. I can see it already.

[Laura laughs]

Ben: [impersonating Jim Dale] “When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley woke up on the dull gray…” I’m sorry – go ahead. Think about it though.

Andrew: Yeah, and that sentence really stood out to me because I hadn’t read the book since like before ‘Nam practically.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: What?

Andrew: When I read that and I was like, “Whoa, just copy Jo’s writing.”

[Everyone continues laughing]

Eric: Now wait a minute it guys, it says, “When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley woke up on the dull, gray Tuesday our story starts.” Now, this is the day where Vernon goes to work and all that stuff happens and they find out that the night before, or whatever, this great, evil wizard fell. Now, why do you think JKR chose to start on this dull, gray Tuesday. If you think about it any kind of – any back story that we find out about, any story, any retelling of any event that occurred before this night is actually back story because she started it on this particular day. And I’m not saying it’s overly significant or “ovary”…overly, ovary [laughs] I quit.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Eric, I think it is just that. It’s a Tuesday. It’s your average, normal day – there’s nothing special about it. And that’s what I think Jo was trying to show is that there is nothing special – it’s just your average, typical day except for all this weird stuff going on.

Eric: But, yeah. No, that was going back to what we said about JKR as well, being more into, you know, more personal with the fans just to start the story and establish everything. Now, it’s interesting because he’s starting to think about this nephew he has, you know? And his wife, Mrs. Dursley’s sister and husband, good-for-nothing husband it actually said – which is also probably another personality thing – who have this kid and they might behave strangely. You know? He related it to the Potters. And then he actually hears somebody talking about the Potters, and he’s thinking “WHAT?” And so Mr. Dursley stops dead.

Ben: Just as coincidence though. He reassures himself it’s a coincidence again.

Eric: Yeah, right, exactly. So now it says right here, okay, “There was no point in worrying Mrs. Dursley because she always got so upset at any mention of her sister. Now Vernon Dursley didn’t blame her. If he’d had a sister-in-law like that…” But then it cuts off. It is the classic JKR cut-off moment. “If he had a sister like that…” You know? But at the same time those people in cloaks… So, I mean that’s something too. Now Vernon seems to be very well educated at what type of person or people his in-laws are. Don’t you guys think so? I mean re-reading this it really gave me an idea that Vernon is pretty much tuned in to everything that Harry later on has to tell him over and over and over and over again because he’s trying to deny it all, you know what I’m saying?

Andrew: Yeah, this is the way he is throughout the entire series – he’s always in denial because he never wants to believe any of it. He just wants to get it out of his life.

The Risk Takers

Andrew: Now one question I had was why were they so careless when it came to walking about in public with their cloaks still on? Was it just because there was nothing to worry about now that they could go out in public and say Voldemort wouldn’t see them because he’s dead now.

Ben: Well, that makes the most sense. I mean one of the darkest wizards of the time, they believe his reign is over, so they sort of want to flaunt it. I don’t understand why they would be so careless though. I don’t quite get that.

Eric: Yeah, well that’s what they normally wear. That’s what they normally wear too. You got to imagine that. It’s just like they are particularly flooding the Muggle streets and that’s interesting, but at the sometimes I think it just is carelessness and the fact that they are really, really happy, you know? They are hanging around and talking excitedly. It is really careless for them to be out in front of all these Muggles, but at the same time, you know, the owls and shooting stars are so much worse that it’s like, you know, everybody’s celebrating yeah, but at the same time, you know it’s not like they put on cloaks just to go tell, you know – I don’t even think they were intending on showing the Muggles. They were just really happy and they were, I mean, as Dumbledore later says also, they had very little to celebrate for the past 11 years or whatever.

Micah: Couldn’t she have just written the dressing up off as a post-Halloween celebration if she really wanted to?

Eric: It’s interesting, because even though we know this is Halloween…

Micah: Because doesn’t Voldemort fall on Halloween?

Eric: Yes, but we didn’t know that and it doesn’t say that in the book.

Andrew: Well, I don’t get it, why should they be able to wear them just because it’s just after Halloween?

Eric: Yeah well, no Micah’s right, technically this is either the day after Halloween or the next day and, you know, we don’t know that and that’s not said in this book. The only thing that’s said about the date this early on is that next week is Bonfire Night, which is said on the news back at home while the small cat is watching.

Laura: Everyone’s kind of under this mentality that the darkest wizard of all time has just fallen, what are a bunch of Muggles going to do to us, you know?

Eric: Yeah, I mean everybody feels invincible and they’ve had very little to celebrate, they just go out in their cloaks. Not to tell the world about him, but just to be there and their sending owls in broad daylight and that kind of thing. They don’t really feel the need to be careful about anything because they’ve forgotten what it’s like just to be careful about being seen by Muggles. Like it’s interesting because if we’re seeing in the Second War, you know, that Muggles are almost finding out about the wizards, it makes sense that they would have before. I mean 11 years is a really big slump for Voldemort’s reign and if he didn’t try to take over the Muggle world, then that shocks me.

Micah: Yeah, I think they felt safe for the first time in a long time and they were willing to jeopardize it just a little bit.

Eric: So, Vernon goes to work with his back to the window, the big gigantic window. He yells at five people, he has a normal day. He yells some more. Goes to the bakery, right? Knocks into some guy who calls him a Muggle. What’s a Muggle? I don’t know, your guess is as good as mine. So he goes back and, you know, he’s hearing all these things and he just can’t wait to get home. So he hurries back to his car and he sets off, hoping he was imagining things, which, [laughs] as it brilliantly says, “he had never hoped before because he didn’t approve of imagination.” So, here’s Vernon and all this weird stuff is happening. He doesn’t know what’s going on, but he has this strange gut feeling that it’s coming back to him and that it’s all going to, you know, come back to them.

Andrew: And then he starts hearing people talk about the Potters.

Eric: Yes, he does hear mention about the Potters. I did not say that specifically, but he does hear that their son, named Harry, did something.

Andrew: And that’s when he really starts to worry.

Eric: Yeah. Because, I mean, it does say, you know, he’s not even sure Harry’s name is “Harry” and stuff like that, but he’s really thinking…

Ben: Yeah, he tries to play it off.

Eric: Exactly, like Ben said, he’s really trying to play this off.

Shan’t vs. Won’t

Eric: So now he gets – let’s change the pace just a little here. He gets home and finds that Dudley has learned a new word. Now this, I think, is probably one of the first big differences between the UK and the US book, because…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: In the UK book, the word he learns is “shan’t.”

Laura: In ours he says “don’t.” [laughs]

Eric: No, it’s “won’t”…it’s “won’t.”

Andrew: Yeah, he says “won’t” in the US edition.

Eric: But in the UK it’s “shan’t” and it’s interesting because I think that “won’t” is actually a more characterizing kind of first word to learn or new word to learn. “Won’t” is saying that you will not do something and “shan’t” I mean, it’s kind of sissy. It’s saying “shall not.” You know? This little kid…

Ben: No, I think the whole reason Jo did that is because, because of the idiomatic differences in the languages.

Andrew: No, it wasn’t even that. It was the editors, not Jo.

Eric: Well no, she…

Ben: It was her editors. Yeah.

Eric: She had very little, you know, control over it. It’s just interesting she wrote it as “shan’t” and I think actually, you know, the UK book was written before the US one was translated and all this stuff. So, it’s interesting that it’s “shan’t” because I think “won’t” is more appropriate for Dudley that he actually won’t do something. “I shall not do this, nah” [makes baby noises] you know? “I shall not take a nap.” But maybe it just means something different, maybe I’m being very offensive right now. Maybe “shan’t” is the equivalent to “won’t.” I just find it funny that the American terminology has a more direct, you know, more direct term for classifying a rude little child from hell, you know, than the UK dialect.

Ben: No Eric, you fail to understand that even though Jo wrote the word “shan’t” or whatever, that’s irrelevant because they translate it just to…so Americans don’t think “shan’t. What’s up with that?” Just like they wouldn’t put a “biscuit,” they would put a “cookie.” You know?

Eric: A cookie, I understand.

Ben: I think we’re on the same page here… I hope we are. I hope we are in a sense.

Eric: No, we are, we are. I just think that “won’t” is funny because I know the US book came afterwards and “won’t” is actually I think a funnier, a funnier word for him to have learned and it works better to tell the story for us. For the – I don’t know.

Laura: Well sadly, I think that a lot of the changes in this book and just the title – changing it from Philosopher to Sorcerer’s – I think they were doing a lot to Americanize it that way when American children read it, they wouldn’t be confused which I think is very wrong because I think that children are smart enough to pick up on the fact that it’s a different culture, and they will use different words.

Eric: I don’t know, this early on I like that they’ve at least made more allowances lately. Like with the later books they’ve definitely not changed a lot.

Laura: Yes.

Eric: You can practically smell the Britishness. You open up the book and it’s just like “Woo, a whiff of British air.”

Andrew: It smells like Jamie’s house.

Laura: Yeah, pretty much.

Eric: Yeah, it does smell like Jamie’s house.

[Everyone laughing]

Newscaster = Ted Tonks?

Eric: So moving on, Vernon sits down at the news and he hears about the shooting stars in Kent. Now, guys, this is a complete jump ahead to Book 5, but if you guys notice the news anchor, his name is Ted and when he’s talking about the shooting stars, it says, “He allowed himself a grin.” Now would you assume that this Ted knew a little more about the shootings stars than he was letting on? He seems like a guy who’s like really happy to be reporting that there are shooting stars. I don’t know, maybe – I’m thinking he’s Ted Tonks. Ted Tonks, you know, is a Muggle.

Laura: That’s interesting. No, actually I never thought about that and I also think that it’s possible that we know that certain people in the Muggle world do know about the magical world. Like we know the Prime Minister knows. So it’s entirely possible that certain people are enlightened, but I think that’s a really cool tie. I never thought about it.

Eric: I thought it would be really cool if he introduced – but yeah, he’s like, “‘Experts are unable to explain why the owls have suddenly changed their sleeping pattern…’ Then the news reader allows himself a grin… ‘Most mysterious…'” It’s like, “Oooo, most mysterious!” It’s very funny, but “Now over to Jim McGuffern with the weather.”

Andrew: Well, I think it could be one of those things where like on real television, newscasters, when they’re reading a story that they find really stupid, they start laughing. I think that might be the same case with him.

Eric: Which is great. Which is why it’s so normal and you wouldn’t expect but knowing that Nymphadora – well, right. But knowing that Tonks’ father’s name is Ted, I thought that was pretty funny. And that might have been a really interesting… Like, it’s possible. It’s one of those things we never find out about. But, you know?

Micah: And it’s something she’d definitely do.

Eric: Right.

Micah: She would put it in at the very beginning of the series knowing full well you’d forget about it and not really tie it in until some later point.

Andrew: Yeah, good point.

Ben: But then again, think about Mark Evans, how we thought that was something.

Eric: Oh god, no, don’t mention that.

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: Don’t mention that, don’t mention that – it’s five books from now.

Laura: That’s why we have to be cautious about those red herrings.

Eric: So Vernon hears all this crap on the news about everything going haywire and he finally musters up the courage to ask Petunia if she’s heard about her sister. She says “No.” He leaves it at that and goes to bed, but he can’t sleep very well. And outside he looks, and the small cat is still there. The cat is still there outside watching him.

Andrew: And then midnight comes.

Eric: And a man appears on the corner. And he walks – well first of all, he takes out a cigarette lighter-type thing and takes out all the street lights, which makes it like the thing we saw in the movie.

Laura: This is where the movie starts.

Andrew: Yeah, when I was reading a couple of these quotes, they reminded me of the movie because they’re direct out of the book, which I thought is always pretty cool when you get really down to it.

Eric: Yeah, I know what you mean. So…

Andrew: And then McGonagall rips on Dumbledore. Dumbledore says…

Eric: She rips on him?

Andrew: Yeah – Dumbledore says on pg. 9: “My dear Professor,” says Dumbledore. “I’ve never seen a cat sit so stiffly.” And McGonagall goes, “Girrrrrl you be stiff you be sittin’ on brick wall all day. Mmmhmm.”

[Everyone laughs]

Lost Day

Laura: Which sort of directly ties to the whole Lost Day thing. I mean when you think about it… How long would it take for Hagrid to fly from Godric’s Hollow to Privet Drive? It certainly wouldn’t take him 24 hours, and he’s talking about how he pulled Harry from the rubble before the Muggles started swarming around.

Eric: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait – we didn’t get to that, we didn’t get to that yet…

Laura: What?

Eric: [makes unintelligible noises] – I have that written down…

Laura: Okay.

Eric: …about the Muggles and I was thinking “What are Muggles doing in Godric’s Hollow?” But we’ve got to talk about that later. Hang on. Okay. So when Dumbledore first appears, it says, “Nothing like this man had ever been seen before on Privet Drive.” That ties in to the missing day too because it states that he had not set foot on there before. So he probably, I think we can deduce that he put most of the protection on Privet Drive after that night if nothing had been seen like him.

Laura: Yes.

Eric: I think that’s just a general observation that we can make. Now, the question is he sits down and tells McGonagall that he must have passed a dozen feasts on his way there, but you know if Dumbledore Apparated there, how would he have passed a dozen feasts? Or is it an expression? Is he saying, you know, “Yo girl, you need to get out more, Yo.” You know, to McGonagall. Or is he just… You know, it struck me as odd; he passed a dozen feasts on his way, but if you Apparate, don’t you go directly to that place? And what does he mean by that?

Laura: I don’t think that’s – I don’t think that’s what he meant. I think he was just referencing the celebration, really. Sort of bringing the topic of conversation around to all of the parties and the shooting stars and…

Why Was McGonagall There?

Micah: Why is she there, though? I mean is it just for protection? Is she just kind of watching over the house? I mean do we ever get a real reason why she’s there?

Andrew: I thought it was exactly that. I thought it was just to watch over the house. I thought it said that in the books.

Micah: Yeah, but it doesn’t really say definitively, does it?

Eric: She’s there on her own will. Actually, nobody told her to go there. She had to beat it out of Hagrid to find out where he was going, which is interesting. Now I get the impression during Dumbledore’s relation to McGonagall that McGonagall does not know about the prophecy. This is jumping ahead just a little bit, but she does say that, let’s see, it’s on pg. 15 in the UK version. Okay, well, here, you know – she’s questioning Dumbledore about how the little boy, you know, all the people he’s killed – he couldn’t kill a little boy. It’s just astounding of all the things to stop him, how in the name of heaven could Harry survive. Clearly she doesn’t know about the prophecy and I think it’s interesting because Harry didn’t tell her what happened with Dumbledore at the end of Book 6 and you know, I don’t think Dumbledore told her about the – if she knew about the prophecy, she would clearly know at least that it, you know, she wouldn’t be so shocked that Harry survived or that something weird happened at all. I think it’s another instance where Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, hasn’t even told his Headmistress some key element of something, and I think it’s interesting to see Dumbledore hide stuff from Harry and then also hide stuff from teachers too.

Micah: I don’t think she knows all that much throughout the series. I mean, I don’t think she gets a lot of information. I think Dumbledore is very selective in terms of whom he trusts with information and it might not necessarily be because he thinks that she’s going to slip up, but just because he thinks that she doesn’t need to know the information.

Laura: And also with things like the prophecy and the myriad of other things that Dumbledore, you know, shares with Harry, the less people you tell, the less risk you have. It’s just the – it’s the same thing when you tell your friends a secret. You tell all of your friends something and suddenly the whole school knows, it’s like, how am I going to know who slipped?

Eric: Well right, I mean I think it would definitely – it’s just, I don’t even know if it’s a trust issue. It’s just in the way Dumbledore operates, I think.

Laura: Well, I mean like for instance, whenever I was doing this, I sort of picked up on things that I thought kind of stuck out and I was thinking about the Lost Day and also McGonagall’s and Dumbledore’s relationship. It just goes to show that I think we were right in assuming that they weren’t as close in the beginning of the series, and I think Harry was the reason that they got closer and they started working together more.

Eric: That would be another testament to what Ben and Andrew were saying about how the world changes around Harry and I think that’s really cool.

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: Speaking of this: “A fine thing would be if on the very day You-Know-Who seems to have disappeared, Muggles found out about us all.” Is this not the ultimate foreshadowing to like, Book 7? If Voldemort disappears, would, could this not be in the very first book on pg. 13 of the UK freaking book, I think it starts on eight anyways, so it’s on pg. 5 or 6 in the US. McGonagall’s saying, “A fine thing it would be if the Muggles found out about us as soon as Voldemort is gone.”

Where was Sirius?

Eric: So Hagrid comes. They’re talking and this big giant on a motorbike comes down, says he borrowed the bike from Sirius Black, which is really cool.

Andrew: So my question for this part is… Where was Sirius at this time? We know the whole Godric’s Hollow thing. What exactly was he doing right around the time Hagrid came because he borrowed Sirius’ motorcycle.

Eric: Well I think we can deduce…

Laura: Well…didn’t he…

Eric: He’s not the Secret-Keeper, but he would be…

Laura: Ummm…

Eric: …with the Potters.

Andrew: Do you think he’s looking out for them right now?

Eric: I think, I think it would make sense in, in…you know…

Laura: Well, didn’t he – wait, wait, wait, didn’t he actually – not to jump ahead in the series, but didn’t he go after Peter the day after they were murdered?

Eric: Yes, he did. Which is…

Laura: Or hours after they were murdered?

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Which means he’s already been arrested at this point.

Eric: Ummm no. No. No, no, no. It was the next day. It was the next – I think it was sunlight.

Laura: But this is the next day.

Eric: I know, but mid-afternoon, I’m talking. Like it had to have been – I think, I think it would be still another day or so, Laura. I think…

Laura: I’m almost positive that there’s something up there. That there’s a mistake…

Eric: Hagrid…

Laura: …because it really seems like he went after him right after he found out.

Eric: Yeah, but that doesn’t mean he caught up with him right away. You know, Peter could be miles away. He could have told Voldemort. I mean, because the thing is – Hagrid says in Book 3 that he went back to return his bike back, but Hagrid would have found out. If he’d delivered Harry… If that had already happened….

Andrew: He doesn’t say it in Book 3, he says it right in the beginning of Book 1. “Okay, I have to go return this to Sirius.”

Eric: But in Book 3, he says when he found out about Sirius being a lying murderer, that was after. Like he didn’t say any of that when he dropped Harry off. So that hasn’t happened yet or they don’t know. They don’t need – and it’s interesting also; it’s kind of a contradiction like Laura was almost saying because Professor McGonagall, again, doesn’t know any of this about Pettigrew and the Secret-Keeper and all sorts of other stuff and yet it’s so mainstream in what’s happening. But I think that does happen the next day.

Micah: Well, no one knows about Pettigrew being the Secret-Keeper. Not even Dumbledore. We went over this when we talked about Pettigrew.

Eric: You’re right. So…

Micah: Yes.

Eric: But still, still, they don’t know that Sirius is a bad guy. So she mentions his name and that’s all good, and this whole thing happens I think, before all that stuff happens. So I’d imagine right now, Sirius is – Oh yeah, that’s right! Sirius shows up and asks to take after Harry because he’s his godfather, remember that? He asks Hagrid to take him. And then Hagrid says no, “I’ve got orders from Dumbledore,” but okay so, Hagrid…

Laura: Yeah, that was at Godric’s Hollow.

Godric’s Hollow

Eric: So, Hagrid lands and he tells, he tells him that the house was destroyed and stuff and that he had to get Harry out of the house before the Muggles all swarmed around. First of all, okay, this is Godric’s Hollow. At the end of Book 6 we don’t even know what it is. We can assume that Harry knows what it is because that’s one of those things that JKR never explained and probably should have, but we get a pit feeling that Harry knows because he’s all like, “Let’s go to Godric’s Hollow. My parents are buried there.” Anyway, Godric’s Hollow: What is it?

Laura: Wasn’t that answered?

Eric: Muggles, Muggles, can be there though. So what’s…

Laura: Well, we don’t know that it was a pure wizarding community.

Eric: But, you’d think it would be if it was named after – but then again, Godric was a welcoming person. But the question is, we had this whole Fidelius charming thing so I don’t even know why Hagrid could have found the house the Potters were in, even though after they were dead, it might have worn off. That’s the other thing. But Hagrid went and there was all of this smoldering rubble. First of all, the Death Curse shouldn’t leave any trace, so I don’t know why the house was destroyed. Maybe that was because Voldemort, you know, kind of blew up when he died – whatever. That’s fine I can deal with that. Where are Lily and James? Why would Hagrid pick Harry up and take him out and what would happen to Lily and James? That’s the other thing: Harry is so convinced that they’re buried there at Godric’s Hollow. I don’t even know why he would know that, because from the look of things, it just seemed like the whole house was destroyed and Hagrid kind of went in to get Harry and left.

Laura: But didn’t Sirius say something about seeing their bodies?

Eric: I really doubt it. I really don’t know. I don’t remember. We’ll find out when we’re reading through but… Listener Rebuttal please call, phone in.

Andrew: Actually, e-mail mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Eric: “The house was destroyed and he got Harry out before the Muggles started swarming around. He fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.” But you did bring up a point. I don’t know how long Hagrid was going through, flying, and taking him, but…

Laura: Yeah, but it’s…the kids get on a train in London and we know that they’re going somewhere in Scotland. That only takes them, you know, from the morning to the evening.

Eric: Well, it’s just, it’s just like at the end of Chapter 3.

Laura: And that’s in a train, not flying, and flying is much faster.

Eric: Well at the end of Chapter 3, Harry’s counting down to his birthday, and he starts from like five minutes when he starts hearing Hagrid on the rocks, you know, when it’s five minutes to go. So, it’s like, you know, it takes five minutes for Hagrid to get out of, you know, whatever he’s using, climb up and knock on the door. That’s just crap. It’s not right, but it’s perfectly timed with his birthday. And we still don’t know why Harry knows when his birthday is, but that’s been speculated and stuff.

Andrew: So, we learned a lot about a few people in this chapter. We learned a lot about Mr. Dursley, a good amount about Dumbledore, a good amount about Dudley, and how already we can see that he’s pretty obnoxious. We learn that McGonagall is very “rrrarrr,” snap.

Eric: [attempting to impersonate Andrew] “Girl, you be sittin’ like that too, if you had your back to the wall, Girl.” That was funny, Andrew. He’s got the Jersey thing going on. Andrew has totally got this Jersey Hooker, red-light district type attitude going on. It’s really funny.

[Everyone laughing]

Laura: WHAT?

Andrew: Flattering. Thanks, Eric.

Chapter Two – “The Vanishing Glass”

Andrew: So , that wraps up Chapter 1. Now let’s go on to Chapter 2. “The Vanishing Glass.” Eric?

Eric: So, it’s Dudley’s birthday and that’s when Harry wakes up. It’s Dudley’s birthday and we get really, if we didn’t have enough of it from his childhood, we really learn a lot more about Dudley in this chapter.

Andrew: And this is the chapter where we first see Harry’s ability. His real ability that’s going to play a part mostly in Chamber of Secrets.

Eric: His specialness.

Andrew: It’s Dudley’s birthday and they decide to go to the zoo…

Eric: They don’t…

Andrew: Where do you want to start talking, Eric?

Eric: Well, first of all they go – yeah – he’s basically getting treated really badly. He lives in a cupboard under the stairs, they don’t really acknowledge him and don’t ask questions. That’s pointed out very early. That’s the key to living a life with the Dursleys. No questions, and Harry really can’t help it, you know? Dudley doesn’t want him to go to the zoo, but they really have no place other to take him and Harry can’t…

Andrew: Because Mrs. Figg broke her leg…

Eric: That’s interesting.

Andrew: And then Uncle Vernon says, “Oh, we could phone Marge,” and then Mrs. Dursley says, “Don’t don’t be silly, Vernon, she hates the boy.”

Eric: But Harry can’t help but feel responsible for this because strange things have always happened around him. Such as – you know, I think I found something, and it offers complete insight into the Goblet of Fire films and the trend of the future films. But I think it’s very unfortunate because it’s foreshadowing. Let me just find this, it’s on 21 in the UK book. It says, “About once a week, Uncle Vernon looked over the top of his newspaper and shouted that Harry needed a haircut. Harry must have had more haircuts than the rest of the boys in his class put together, but it made no difference. His hair simply grew that way, all over the place.” So, people of the world: I’m sorry. If you want to see Dan Radcliffe and Rupert Grint with shorter hair in the future movies, don’t count on it. JKR has said it quite clearly, right here, that Harry’s hair simply grows that way.

Harry Talking to the Snake

Laura: What I thought was [laughs] particularly interesting about Harry talking to the snake from Brazil was that he really didn’t seem to find it all that peculiar.

Eric: Yeah, hey I’m talking to a snake.

Laura: There were really no thoughts of “Why is this happening? Why am I talking to a snake? Am I imagining this?”

Andrew: Well, I think it doesn’t come as a surprise to him because like Eric said, strange things have happened to him in the past.

Eric: But actually I think…

Andrew: So…

Eric: I still think that would throw an alarm. I think there was a moment where Harry was like, “Is this happening?” I think because…

Laura: It was the part where you know he was thinking, wait, “Snakes don’t blink.”

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Or something like that, “snakes don’t wink.” The snake winked at him.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It winked.

Laura: It makes you kind of wonder does Harry think there are – yeah – he’s probably at that point wondering, “Are there other kids out there that this is happening to? Am I just weird?”

Eric: Well, it was right now. He looked quickly around him to see if anyone was watching and they weren’t. So he looked back at the snake and winked too, and then like the snake jerked his head and gave Harry a look that said, you know, kind of, that said, he didn’t say, the snake didn’t talk to him first, but the look in the snake’s face or eyes or whatever said, “I get that all the time.” So, Harry just kind of starts talking as he, as kind of – he doesn’t expect it to reply, you know? Even though it just winked at him, he can understand what the snake’s going through because clearly they relate to each other in probably more ways than one, Harry and snakes. But you know he kind of feels empathetic or sympathetic, so he starts talking to him, and lo and behold, he can actually talk to – I think it’s just the way it was written, and the way it happens. Harry, you know, he looks around – even if he’s imagining it, it’s a new friend to talk to.

Laura: I think it goes to show a lot about Harry’s character. Just with the fact that the Dursleys have always told him, you know, “we don’t approve of imagination, don’t ask questions.” Yet Harry is, of his own free will, sitting here, kind of testing the waters. He winks back at the snake. And it just goes to show that he’s not letting his curiosity be buried by the Dursleys.

Eric: Which is really cool. Now the Dursleys said when they took him in, they’d put a stop to all the magic. And I know, they say that in Chapter 3 when they get the letter, but what do you guys really think that means? They always say, “We swore when we took him in,” and you know Vernon says that in the movie in the hut. And he says, “We swore when we took him in.” I think they just swore to themselves really. They didn’t have to promise Dumbledore anything, certainly. I mean that would be against everything the letter must have said because Dumbledore, when he dropped the letter, he said to McGonagall that they’ll be able to tell him everything. He had no reason to believe the Dursleys wouldn’t tell Harry.

Andrew: So then at the zoo, Piers calls over Mr. Dursley and Dudley, and they push Harry aside to get a better look and then the glass in front of the snake’s tank vanishes. Now, this is Harry’s doing.

Eric: Kind of – it’s wandless magic.

Andrew: Which I would think is pretty advanced for Harry, being so young.

Eric: Uh, no.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: I think it is part of – in this case I think it’s a part of growing up. When you were angry or scared, as Hagrid tells him in the movie…

Andrew: Oh, right, right.

Eric: By accident. That kind of thing.

Laura: Yeah

Eric: Like when he was trying to escape Dudley’s gang and wound up on the chimney. Now do you guys think he Apparated then? When that happened?

Laura: No…

Eric: I get – it’s either – because Harry didn’t feel any squeezing or anything he feels when he does properly Apparate, so he must have gotten up there some other way. I mean he thinks it’s the wind or whatever – that’s silly. But he got up there somehow and I was thinking, “Wow, did he just accidentally Apparate or what?”

Laura: Well, I think strange things like that often happen to kids because again, not trying to jump too far ahead, but Colin Creevey said he was having weird stuff happen to him.

Eric: Wait, he did?

Laura: Yeah, he did. He said he could never figure out why all these weird things were happening to him and then they got the letter and they found out why.

Micah: Well, going back to the anger thing. Doesn’t Mr. Dursley knock him over when he’s going up to look at the snake? Which is a possible reason…

Andrew: That’s why he got angry and that’s the reason I’m pretty sure…

Micah: …why the glass…

Andrew: Yeah, especially in the movie they made a point to make that stand out. So people understand why he, why the glass vanished. Because when Hagrid explains it…

Eric: Yeah, actually in the movie he twitches his eyes even, you know, and then he seems surprised, but he really did the eye twitch thing, where he’s like “I wish that happens.”

Andrew: Well, if I remember, Mr. Dursley knocks him over and then it’s an immediate cut to Harry falling and then staring at him really intently and then the glass vanishes.

Eric: Actually it was Dudley. Dudley knocks him over.

Andrew: Well, Dudley then. Right. Sorry. Yeah

Eric: Get over here, boy! Okay, so this earns… The escape of the Brazilian Boa Constrictor earned Harry his longest ever punishment. So, now, whatever date it was to start with it says by the time he was let out of his cupboard again, the summer holidays had started. So it’s now summer, and there’s kind of this thing where Harry’s being punished for another thing he couldn’t do, and he goes to check the mail one morning and it’s a letter, for him. Now nobody’s…

Something Scares The Dursleys

Andrew: Are we on Chapter 3 now?

Eric: Nobody’s ever written… Yes. Nobody has ever written Harry. Let alone cared about him, or knew he existed, pretty much except Dudley’s gang.

Andrew: So can I just add something real quick?

Eric: Sure.

Andrew: The reason why the Dudleys – [laughs] the Dudleys?- the reason why the Dursleys had him locked up was because, I think in my opinion, and I think we could discuss this a little bit, is because they were scared, right?

Eric: I think…

Andrew: Scared of what he would do next.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Well, right. That’s also why they won’t leave him home.

Laura: Well also think they were scared because he would be turning 11 soon and, of course, Petunia knew that was when Lily got her letter.

Eric: I actually don’t know…

Laura: So they’re afraid because he’s showing magical ability that he’s going to get his Hogwarts letter.

Eric: I think that’s interesting. I don’t think Petunia had, like a conscious thought going that he’s now soon 11, so he’ll get his letter then. You know I don’t really think that was…

Laura: Well, she was around when Lily got hers.

Eric: She was, but at the same time, I thought she – I get the idea that she was just afraid any magic would spark something as opposed to, you know…

Laura: Oh, I’m sure…

Eric: We didn’t see…

Laura: …but I mean, with that deadline coming up, it would definitely make it more apparent.

Eric: But, Petunia is not the one who’s punishing Harry. She doesn’t like the boy, but Vernon’s really the one who’s burning all the letters, who’s doing all this and that. And actually…

Laura: Well, she’s not stopping him…

Eric: Yeah, but Petunia is so locked up in denying everything, even more so than Vernon, you know, not talking about her sister, pretending she doesn’t even have a sister, that I think, until the letter comes, I don’t even think she realizes that a lot of this stuff is going to happen to Harry.

Micah: I think the thing that may have scared them the most was when they were going back in the car…

Eric: And he was talking to the snake.

Micah: …and Piers mentions that Harry was talking to the snake.

Eric: I think so too, that’s freaking crazy.

Laura: Well yes, someone else noticed that they have a nephew who has an abnormality.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: They can’t…yeah.

Chapter Three: “The Letters From No One”

Andrew: So now, Chapter Three: “The Letters from No One.”

Eric: Yes. This is – It’s funny because there’s more J.K. Rowling humor in the addresses of the letters. Now, don’t jump to the end of the chapter already, but no matter where they go, the letters always know exactly where Harry is, which is quite, you know, the contrary to anybody ever knowing that Harry even existed, you know, widespread and so… [sighs] It’s funny because Harry was originally going to be away from Dudley anyway this year. Dudley is going to Smeltings and Harry is just going to Stonewall High.

Micah: You know what’s funny about Smeltings, just to throw in a quick thing? When you smelt something you basically take a piece of crap and turn it into something good.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Really?

Andrew: That’s funny.

Eric: That’s like the funniest thing ever. Okay, and J.K. Rowling humor, see – okay so he finds this letter in the mail, he says nobody writes to him, right? And I’m actually going to read this because this is really, really, really funny. “Harry picked it up and stared at it. His heart twanging like a giant elastic band. No one, ever, in his whole life, had written to him. Who would? He had no friends, no other relatives. He didn’t belong to the library so he’d never even got rude notes asking for books back.” Now, that is a J.K. Rowling sentence.

Andrew: “Yet here it was, a letter, addressed so plainly…”

Eric: “…there could be no mistake.” But that is a J.K. Rowling sentence.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Come on. This is a complete jab, from JKR to all the libraries. See, I see a scenario where JKR had to do some research for these books, so she borrowed books and then, you know, she’d always get – I feel she’s speaking from personal experience. That she’s gotten rude notes asking for books back. I mean, just the way this is worded, it’s incredibly funny that it should just state here that he doesn’t even get letters from libraries that are really, really rude, you know? It’s just, I laughed because it seems like JKR’s just…

Laura: Oh, I think there are a lot of personal examples in the books.

Andrew: So, get the letter, Uncle Vernon gets all afraid all over again. Harry tries to keep the letter, but Uncle Vernon keeps it from him. The following morning, Harry wakes up again. Well, he tries to get up early that morning to see if there’s another letter that arrived, by any chance. At this point though, he doesn’t know it’s magic, so I don’t know what would lead him to believe that another letter would show up automatically.

Micah: Especially the day right after.

Andrew: Exactly.

Eric: No, no, no, no. There was another letter to the – no, you guys are forgetting a day. That day, after the first one arrived, Vernon went in to the cupboard and told him to move into Dudley’s second bedroom. At which point, the next morning, he made Dudley get the mail and then there was another one addressed to “The Smallest Bedroom.” So they had actually tried twice to get him and then that’s how…

Micah: Yeah. But the point is, why would he be expecting it right after the first one?

Eric: It’s not after the first one, it’s after the second one.

Micah: You know…whatever. Why would he be expecting it that quickly?

Eric: That’s two days straight. That’s two days in a row that they’ve tried to contact him, you know? It’s – they knew he was changing – that’s why, because it goes from the smallest – you know, from the cupboard under the stairs to the smallest bedroom. Somebody’s like, pinpointing his exact location and they…

Micah: I think he’s getting spoiled…

Eric: He really is.

Micah: …getting his letters one day after the other. He’s starting to anticipate too much.

Eric: Yeah, it’s not good for the healthy mind. But…

Micah: It’s not good for the ego.

Eric: I think he definitely does have enough to go on – to want to get up early. The problem is, Vernon beat him to it. He, you know, Vernon, it’s funny because Vernon puts all this confidence in Harry that he’s going to try and sneak up really early so he better, you know, sleep there the whole night. And Vernon actually gets out a sleeping bag and sleeps there to prevent Harry from doing it. I think, you know, he just gave Harry the best compliment there ever is, knowing he’s like, that intelligent to figure that out and try and stop him.

Andrew: So then, more letters start to arrive in all these impossible ways, and long story short, Mr. Dursley says okay, it’s time to move out. Dun-dun daaa.

Eric: And they can’t take it. They can’t let Harry get these ideas that what he – that there are other people like him out there because they’re so bent, you know, hell-bent even, on keeping it down that he’s special at all.

Micah: Well, he knows something’s up now.

Eric: Yeah, he does and that’s unfortunately – you know, they can’t stop because magic has a sense of humor and magic is determined.

Laura: Well, they also can’t stand the thought of letting Harry think that he’s actually important enough to be getting all of these letters.

Eric: That’s right, too.

Laura: They don’t like the idea that he thinks that there’s someone out there who so persistently wants to contact him.

Eric: And that’s their problem because every time they try and deny it more letters come, and more letters come, and more letters come.

Why Don’t the Dursleys Like Harry?

Micah: I still don’t get why they don’t like him, I mean…he’s just…

Andrew: Yeah I was just thinking that, too. Why do they treat him like that? Okay, it’s because Lily was a wizard, or a witch, and Aunt Petunia absolutely hates the thought of that, but…

Micah: It’s family…I mean…

Eric: Well, the Potters…

Andrew: Yeah. I could see not…

Laura: Well, not everyone comes from, like great families. I mean, there are a lot of situations where family members are spiteful to each other just because, you know, “I didn’t like your mom,” or “I don’t like your dad,” so…

Eric: Yeah, I mean…

Laura: It’s just a simple matter of…

Eric: It does say at the beginning of the book that…

Laura: …dislike.

Eric: …the Potters were as “unDursleyish” as they could be. So, even if it weren’t like magic in general, just something – like I can see common talk, kind of like what happens with, you know, when Arthur Weasley goes up to – or the way Arthur Weasley views Muggles. You know? They’re just so peculiar and so different they just can’t get over, you know, he can’t get over their differences. So I’m thinking, well, the Dursleys, in addition to the fact that Petunia absolutely hates Lily and, you know, her husband’s unemployed and they totally looked down on that or whatever. I think it’s just also the kind of people. You know, James, even though that – he used to be a really egocentric prick. I mean, let’s face it, that’s what we found out. So, I can’t say he’d pull a Fred and George Weasley on them, but he might not be terribly, you know, fixated on making the best impression possible when he’s around the Dursleys and I think that could have an effect, or we can just assume and – or at least…

Laura: They are just these kind of people who, if you don’t fit their definition of normal, then they’re just going to shun you. That’s who they are.

Micah: I still think that maybe there’s a little bit more we have to learn about, hopefully, about Lily and Petunia’s relationship.

Laura: Oh, I’d love to learn more about that.

Micah: So I think that plays a big role. I think that does play a really big role in why there’s this sort of like, animosity between them, or at least between the family and Harry.

Eric: Well it’s almost a question…it seems like, especially – no, even all throughout the books, it seems like Vernon is even more hell-bent on stomping the magic out of Harry than Petunia is. I mean, would you guys agree? I mean, he’s the one who’s saying, you know, “No effing owls,” you know and all this other stuff and Petunia is kind of sitting there. I mean, obviously, he’s a decent husband if he doesn’t want his wife to get upset, but at the same time, he’s going even further out. I think he’s taking most of the initiative to try and make her happy and he’s ruining it for the both of them. I don’t know, I’m just wondering how many of the ideas that the Dursleys do – I’m wondering how many of the ideas are actually Vernon’s, you know, to torture Harry?

Laura: Well you, I mean, you look at it, Vernon and Petunia have very similar ideas about how people should behave and, you know, here he comes along and he has, in his eyes, the perfect wife, but if anyone finds out that she’s related to a witch, I mean that’s just going to ruin the reputation.

Eric: Yeah, but witches are cool. Magic is cool.

Laura: Not to him, obviously. [laughs]

Eric: Well right, but, I don’t know I think it’s – I think that more of that is kind of needed, but at the same time also, if we don’t find more out, we have to accept that this is a fiction story and there are people that the Dursleys could relate to in life who just really aren’t nice people and aren’t, you know, well-rounded and aren’t completely there and they might be mean just to be mean because it’s something that gets them by for whatever reason.

Andrew: All right, so that concludes our Chapter Discussion this week. First one. Not too bad, we were thinking…

Eric: We’re going to work on cutting it down slightly.

Andrew: Yeah, not only that but we’re just going to plan out a little bit more, highlight the key parts of it.

Eric: But…absolutely.

Andrew: Obviously the first three, especially Chapter 1, needed the most work.

Eric: The one thing – I just want to mention one thing – the one thing that will determine the future of this section – no you can’t axe it, but please send in suggestions. Talk about it on the forums: Talk about it and let us know what you think and what should happen, how we should handle things. Because this did last longer than even I wanted it to and, I mean – but it was interactive, as I hoped it would be, and it is, as I said, I mean – if you guys do read along, it will be a completely excellent re-living of the entire series and it’s at a slow pace and we can analyze everything and really get everybody, like the whole world, re-psyched. I mean, as Andrew said, “It had been since ‘Nam…”

Andrew: Yep. So…

Eric: …since we read. I mean, hey, same here…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: …which is why I did it, because I mean, we have this podcast and, you know, we haven’t…

Laura: I feel like such a loser. [laughs]

Eric: I feel like one too. We have this podcast and we’re always talking about Harry and we’re always talking about the books, but it had been forever since we last read the books that we’re talking about. It’s almost hypocritical. Which is why this section was so great.

Laura: Well, I tend to flip through them a lot, but that’s cool.

Eric: I know.

Andrew: So next week, we’ll be doing Chapters 4 and 5, that is, “The Keeper of the Keys” and “Diagon Alley”. And so if you want to send in your questions about those chapters, read up on them, during the week. Actually, read up on them soon, over the weekend because we record this show usually during the middle towards the end of the week. So read up Chapters 4 to 6, email us your questions.

Eric: 4 and 5!

Andrew: Sorry.

Eric: 4 and 5!

Andrew: 4 and 5. And send in your questions to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Put in the subject line: “Chapter-by-Chapter” and we’ll read your questions and we’ll answer a couple of them on the air.

Eric: For people who will be reading along, this will be a much more fan-interactive section in the future chapters. We will focus on voicemails…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …you ask and those will be our highlighting topics.

Andrew: Yes. So don’t forget, Chapters 4 and 5 for next week. It’s like homework. All right, class…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: …next week have Chapters 4 and 5 read and we will discuss it in the podcast.

Eric: You really want to kill this section, don’t you? You really want to get them, “Eric, that sucked, that was the worst section ever. Andrew gave us homework?”

Andrew: No, I like – I like being the teacher.

Eric: You like getting homework?

Andrew: And Micah, if you forget to read one more time, that’s a detention.

Micah: Oh man.

Third Place Winner

Andrew: All right, now let’s take – let’s shake things up a bit. It is time now for the Third Place winner of the Create Your Own MuggleCast Segment Contest. For the past three shows, I’ve been, we’ve been revealing winners, well, for the past two. And third week, here we are with Third Place, and the Third Place winner is…

[Eric makes drum-roll sound]

Andrew: Da da-da, da da-da. Heather Cachet and her third and fourth graders at Southwestern City Schools in Ohio.

Eric: Woo-hoo!

Andrew: Congratulations to them and here is their segment right now.

[Intro music from The Goblet of Fire Movie Soundtrack]

Heather: This is Mrs. Cachet coming to you from Grove City, Ohio. I have some students here with me that are also interested in Harry Potter.

Student 1: Yo, yo, what’s up, I’m Margo and I love Harry Potter.

Student 2: My name is Jordan V. and I love Harry Potter books.

Student 3: I’m Kennedy F. and I love Harry Potter books.

Student 4: I am Emily C. and I can imitate Hermione.

Student 1: Emily, why don’t you do it?

Student 4: Okay. [Imitating Hermione’s voice] “Have either of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville’s lost one. Oh, are you doing magic? Let’s see then.”

Student 1: Great job!

Heather: In the first episode, the MuggleNet boys ask, “Do younger kids read the series?”

All the students: Yes!

Heather: If Hogwarts stays open, will Harry return?

Student 3: Well, I think Harry definitely will go back because he always says that Hogwarts is his home.

Student 4: I also have a question for the seventh book. Will JK Rowling really put in Bill and Fleur’s wedding?

Student 1: Yeah, really.

Heather: It’s a happy beginning.

Student 4: Yeah, it would be. They always…

Student 1: Yeah, I think things should start out with a happy beginning.

Student 4: It’s always really dull and boring. Visit the Dursleys, go right to the Weasleys… Or, you could start out with the wedding music, right when you open the book.

Student 1: Do you…

Heather: Would it be like of those cards that has the little microchip in it that plays music?

All the students: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Student 4: What if they are getting married by Muggles?

Student 1: Yeah.

Student 4: They wouldn’t know.

Heather: I wonder. Would they have the same kind of wedding ceremony?

Student 4: I don’t know.

Student 3: Probably not.

Heather: It should be on Valentine’s day. [laughs]

Student 4: They will probably just, like use a wand to get away from them.

Student 1: After they kiss, they like blast off.

[Everyone laughs]

Student 4: And they’re going to have sparks that said, “Just married.”

Heather: Oh, that would be cute. [laughs]

Student 4: And they’d have…

Student 2: Well I think that it definitely won’t be a Muggle wedding, because if something pops out of thin air, the Muggles might suspect something, then they’ll tell the news and the news people will put it in the news and then everyone all around will know.

Heather: Because the wedding is a happy place, do you think that it would be a time that Voldemort would take advantage of something that is happy and bring in misery?

Student 2: Yeah.

Student 4: Yeah, that would…yeah.

Heather: Any ideas?

Student 1: Voldemort could just pop in any second.

Heather: Do you think that they’ll really fight with wands though?

Student 1: Well maybe…no. If it was a Muggle wedding, no way. They would have to punch each other and be like, “Ha-ha ha.”

Student 4: I think that somebody unexpected could come to the wedding.

Student 1: And then they kill Fleur.

Student 4: Yeah, I think that they’ll kill Fleur.

Heather: Do you think so? Why?

Student 4: Yeah.

Student 1: Because she…

Student 4: I think that is was a little bit of a mistake for her to be in the Triwizard Tournament.

Student 1: [Imitating Fleur] “Awww ‘Arry.”

[Everyone laughs]

Student 3: Explain yourself. She put the…

Student 4: Well, yeah, but…

Student 1: She’s a little too…girly.

Heather: [laughs] But girls can be amazing athletes.

Student 4: And I also think that either, at the wedding, if Voldemort does come, two or three people will die. One of them is Fleur and the other is either Harry or Voldemort. One of them has to die in the seventh book. Somewhere in there.

Heather: But do you think Harry is actually going to be the one to kill him, or will he die somehow by another hand?

Student 4: One of them is going to kill each other.

Student 3: I have a little theory. Malfoy is not going to be in the seventh book.

Heather: Why?

Student 3: Because he said, to Dumbledore, “Well if I don’t kill you, then Lord Voldemort will kill me.”

Student 1: Yeah but Snape killed Dumbledore, so he might be dead.

Student 4: Yeah.

Student 3: Oh.

Heather: I’m kind of wondering about Malfoy because now he has this life debt to Dumbledore, basically.

Student 3: But if he does not die, then does it make a really clear path right to Harry?

Heather: If who doesn’t die?

Student 3: If Malfoy doesn’t die. It’s a real clear path.

Student 1: But who knows when Malfoy will turn seventeen, because, when they’re seventeen, they are of-age wizards and they can do magic outside of school. So, Malfoy could track down Harry and kill him if he has to.

Student 4: Do you actually think he would cause that cause that commotion?

Student 1: I think he could. He hates Harry.

Student 4: Yeah but what…

Student 1: Yeah, but he secretly likes him.

Heather: But I don’t think he has the rage. Because remember in the fifth book, when Harry tries to cast the Killing Curse on Bellatrix and fails, she turns around and laughs at him and says you have to really mean it…

Student 3: No, it wasn’t…

Heather: …Does Malfoy and does Harry really have that in them – can they really do that to someone else?

Student 1: No, they can’t.

Student 2: Harry’s got a heart…he can’t kill anything.

Heather: And doesn’t it say that Harry will best Voldemort with something that he doesn’t have? And he has love.

Student 4: Yeah.

Student 1: Yeah, that’s why he couldn’t touch Harry in the first book.

Heather: Exactly.

Student 1: And Voldemort has hatred.

Heather: Yeah.

Student 1: But Harry has enough strength and enough heart to kill Voldemort with Ava-dada Kadabara.

Heather: The Killing Curse.

Student 1: I just like to say the name.

[Heather laughs]

Student 1: I don’t know if I say it right, but still, I like to say the name.

Heather: That’s good.

Student 2: I think Ginny will definitely die because there’s a chance she might be a Horcrux. In Chamber of Secrets, when Tom Riddle says to Harry that “Ginny gave her soul to me,” you have to give your soul away for you to be a Horcrux and she gave it away. He could’ve gone in there and it came back to her, so she could be a Horcrux. And it’s also going to be someone who you’d least expect, because no one will want to kill Ginny, except for Slytherins but not more than Voldemort does.

Heather: Thinking about what you said about a piece of the soul being used to create a Horcrux. It wasn’t a piece of Ginny’s soul that was killed, it was Tom Riddle.

Student 4: Yeah.

Heather: When Harry struck the snake fang into the journal, and Tom Riddle died…

Student 1: His memory died.

Heather: Well, he was a Horcrux.

Student 2: One out of seven gone.

Heather: One out of seven that’s gone. The reference to Ginny’s soul… Did he actually leave a piece of that soul?

Student 2: He possibly did. When he had her right under control, he could make her do anything he wanted. And he also took her soul a little bit…she would have died if he took hold of it.

Heather: An interesting idea.

Student 4: I’m Emily.

Student 3: I’m Kennedy.

Student 1: I’m Jordan.

Student 2: And I’m Margo.

Heather: I’m Mrs. Cachet.

Everyone: See ya!

Andrew: Okay, so once again, that was Heather Cachet and her third and fourth grade classes, so congrats to them once again.

Laura: You guys were great!

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I really loved listening to your segment.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: It was awesome.

Andrew: Let me just read her email real quick. “I’m attaching an entry for the Listener Challenge. It’s one my students and I put together. The students were third and fourth graders who, until last Friday, had never heard of podcasting. It took three sessions and lots of editing to compile this and we hope you enjoy it.

Laura: Which…

Andrew: And yes, it turned out great. We really enjoyed it.

Laura: I thought it was really amazing, because these kids…

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: …really put some effort into their discussion.

Eric: I love little kids.

Voicemail – How Did Sirius And Voldemort Get Their Wands Back?

Andrew: Now it is time for the general voicemails. Let’s roll the first one right now.

[Audio]: Hello, MuggleCast. This is Zev from Peaks Island, Maine. I was wondering, how do you think Sirius and Voldemort got their wands back after so long? I’m guessing Sirius had his confiscated when he was arrested, and I would imagine that Voldemort dropped his when he was ripped from his body. And, speaking of wands, what did you think of Voldy’s wand in Movie Four? Did it seem a little un-Ollivander for the handle to look like a bone? Just wanted to hear what you thought. Thank you!

Andrew: To answer the second part of that question: Yes, it was very un-Ollivander, but it was another one of those things where the movies don’t really relate to the book. I think it appeared like that in the movie just to illustrate what evil things Voldemort could do with this wand.

Eric: He wouldn’t have a pink teddy bear as a wand.

Andrew: Exactly.

Eric: But, at the same time, I think, in the movie they did mention that “Its brother gave you that scar,” you know that kind of thing. I think it’s possible to change the outside of your wand at least if you are trying to make sense of the movies, which again, you don’t have to. But really I think it’s what’s at the core of the wands that matters. And, the Holly and – I mean, sorry the Phoenix feather, being from Fawkes that’s what counts and you know, they dueled and they couldn’t do it and Priori Incantatem and “boom,” and…that’s what counts. That…yeah.

Laura: It’s what’s inside that counts, guys.

Eric: I know.

Andrew: So, how did Voldemort get his wand back? First of all, was there any clear proof that said he lost it in the first place?

Eric: Well, he must have.

Laura: Well, even if he did, Pettigrew could have gotten it…

Andrew: That’s what I was going to say.

Laura: I mean, Pettigrew could’ve just gave it back.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: He lost his body.

Andrew: It wouldn’t have taken much for Pettigrew, or any of the other Death Eaters to grab it.

Eric: Well, let’s assume…

Micah: Especially if Pettigrew was there.

Eric: Yes. Well no…

Micah: …the night…

Andrew: He would have snatched it right away.

Eric: It’s interesting though, because if he would have… We’re assuming Voldemort used his wand to say, you know Avada Kedavra and kill the Potters. And then at that moment he would have been gone, you know, whatever. But the question is, at what point did the house actually explode? When he lost his body or what? Because would Pettigrew have been able to go in there and just snatched the wand – and would he have not snatched Harry then, or something? You know, what was the thought process there? Because… I mean, I think Pettigrew had Voldemort’s wand, but I don’t know…

Laura: Why would he, though? His master was gone, you know?

Eric: I don’t know how he would’ve…

Laura: Pettigrew only serves himself and it wouldn’t be much to his benefit if he were caught running around with Harry Potter after his parents had been murdered.

Micah: I mean, was it possible the house was destroyed afterwards…

Laura: I mean it’s possible that Death Eaters…

Micah: …by whoever was there with Voldemort?

Laura: …could have just shown up and blown the place to smithereens.

Eric: But why would they save Lily and James’ bodies? You know, apparently, they’re…

Laura: Who says that they saved them?

Eric: Well, if they’re buried and somehow Harry knows that, you know, that they’re buried in Godric’s…

Laura: Well, what do you mean by “save their bodies”? I don’t – you mean, why wouldn’t they take them? Or…what? I mean, no one says – I mean, I’m not trying to get morbid here, but no one says their bodies were perfectly preserved after the house blew up.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: I think Hagrid said that, actually. Because he said saw Lily and James or something when he picked him up. But, you know, I really don’t know, I’m just saying it’s really a question – I don’t know. I think Peter had Voldemort’s wand and I think that’s what makes sense to me, but I don’t know how he would’ve gotten it.

Micah: And that he blew the house up?

Eric: No, I don’t – well, he blew the street up.

Micah: I just have a hard time believing that he would be all, you know, fine after the house blew up and he was still inside it.

Eric: Yeah, well he blew the street up, which was cool. I don’t know – I just don’t know why the house blew up, but, getting back to the voicemail question – what was the first part of the question?

Andrew: Oh, well, it was how did how did Voldemort get his back and then how did Sirius get his back? But, I think it’s completely feasible that Sirius could have picked it up as he was escaping.

Eric: No, they would have taken it from him.

Laura: Well, it is interesting though, because you would think that Azkaban would have varying degrees as to who would get their wands back. Because we know that people like Hagrid, for instance, have gone to Azkaban and gotten out, and obviously they’re not going to snap the wands of people who are going in there for, you know, only specified periods of time. I would think that with someone like Sirius, who they believed to have murdered so many Muggles and killed Peter Pettigrew, betrayed the Potters, that they would have destroyed his wand.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: So I’m just wondering how that worked.

Eric: And he, he broke out of Azkaban. It’s not like he was released, and they were like, “Oh, here’s your wand.” You know? He broke out. So…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: …if he still has the same wand that he always did, then it would make – he would have to find it, first of all, in Azkaban, and grab it and take it with him, you know, during his escape. I think that’s needed, that’s extra unneeded baggage.

Andrew: Ahhh…

Micah: Was it possible Dumbledore got it back for him?

Eric: No, because the whole…

Andrew: But what would his excuse be? For getting it back?

Eric: Wait!

Andrew: “Hey, uhhh, could I, uhhh…”

Eric: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Actually, that’s a good question.

Micah: He’s Dumbledore! He can, you know – I don’t know.

Eric: I was going to say that he couldn’t have because Sirius had his wand in Book 3, but if you think about it, I don’t think he did. Because when he’s standing over Ron, he has, like, a knife or something. He doesn’t have his wand, does he?

Laura: Well, and he stole – I think he was using Ron’s wand whenever Harry and Hermione got into the Shrieking Shack.

Eric: That’s a good point! So…

Laura: Maybe he got a new one.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …I think Dumbledore could have haggled a wand out, you know, a wand for Sirius. Or, do we actually see Sirius with a wand before the end of Book 5? When he has to…

Micah: No. I mean, what does he need it for?

Eric: Exactly! Like, he’s been in the house, you know, in Grimmauld Place. And in Movie 4 he’s in the cave, in Hogsmeade – he doesn’t really have a wand. So actually, did he ever get his wand back is the real question.

Micah: But how is he changing into and out of…

Eric: I don’t even know if he has a wand.

Micah: …his Animagus form?

Eric: What do you mean?

Micah: Well, we see Pettigrew using his wand specifically to do that.

Eric: Ummm…

Laura: Maybe it depends on…

Micah: His power?

Laura: …the amount of power you have. I mean, he could be using wandless magic.

Eric: When did, when did Peter use a wand to turn himself? Because I think that’s crap because you can’t take the…

Laura: In Prisoner of Azkaban.

Eric: …you can’t take the wand with you. So did he do it in the movie or the book?

Laura: The book. He, whenever Remus started to transform, he dropped the wand and then Pettigrew took it.

Eric: I think he did that to unbind himself, though. I don’t think you need a wand to turn out of Animagus form.

Laura: Well it, actually, I looked into that after we talked about it on one of the shows, and it’s not specific. It doesn’t say whether or not he just used it to unbind himself. So we’re not 100 percent sure.

Eric: Because, like, I think that would be stupid because you can’t take – that’s the other thing, can you take your wand with you when you change into an animal? Like, that’s the thing about the Prisoner of Azkaban movie. His clothes fell to the floor, you know, Peter Pettigrew – all his clothes fell to the floor and he turned into a rat out, you know, under, inside his clothes and crawled out of them. So…but then other Animagi kind of seem to turn with their clothes on, you know, and when they come out of Animagus form, they aren’t naked. So how does that work?

Laura: I think that’s just a movie error. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: It’s just a matter of him escaping, I guess.

Voicemail – Will the Time Turner Be Important Again?

[Audio]: Hi, my name is William Blake and I’m from Red Hook, New York. My question for you is, what role do you think the Time Turner will play in Book 7, if any? We all see that it played a profound role in POA, so do you think JKR will bring it back? Also, just how rare do you think that Time Turners are? Do you think they will be a savior of the Trio if they make a fatal error in the final Voldemort-Harry showdown? Thanks, guys. I love the show, so keep up the good work.

Andrew: Does Hermione still have that thing?

Eric: No, she gave it back. You have to be very strict to use it.

Laura: Yep.

Eric: But she, JKR, has not forgotten about time. We saw the time room, you know, the whole room devoted to time, and it turns – well, it actually aged, or rather de-aged a Death Eater’s head and gave him the face of a baby. You know what I’m saying? I mean, it’s, like crazy stuff. There’s nothing you can’t do with time. So it’s really… I don’t know. Do you guys think time management will, [laughs] time management, in many ways, play a book in – play role, a part in Book 7?

Laura: I think it’s got to because I think the Department of Mysteries is going to play a huge role in Book 7.

Micah: I could be wrong on this, but didn’t Time Turners – weren’t they banned in one of the books? [long pause] Was it after Prisoner of Azkaban?

Laura: I can’t remember. I know that students aren’t normally allowed to use them. Hermione was a very, very special case.

Eric: Yeah. She had to write, you know, all those letters, and McGonagall had to really lay it down hard on her.

Micah: But also, I think she uses certain magical instruments for a purpose, and I don’t know if I see her reusing things over and over. I think she brings them up only when they’re necessary.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Well, that’s the question, also. Polyjuice Potion. That’s the number one overused thing in the entire series. I mean, if you have to think about it, it was introduced like this vague thing that Snape once mentioned in Book 2, and then, you know, in Book 3, you get – no, in Book 4 you get Barty Crouch Jr. using it with his mom, and you get Rita Skeeter using it, you know – oh no, she’s an Animagus, I’m sorry. You get – that’s the other thing, Unregistered Animagi. Polyjuice Potion and Unregistered Animagi. I mean, Crabbe and Goyle are using – you know, it’s like, Book 3 we found out there are three of them, and then Book 4 there was Rita Skeeter, too. It’s like, how many Animagi can there possibly be that aren’t registered? And then, you know, the Polyjuice Potion. Just stuff like that. So…

Laura: Well, it’s sort of like people who are driving without licenses. [laughs] It’s a pretty…

[Eric laughs]

Laura: …I’m sure that that’s got a common likeness. I mean, it happens. And then Polyjuice Potion is simple; anyone can do it. So…

Andrew: So basically we’re all…

Laura: …why wouldn’t it be common?

Andrew: …yeah. So we’re really, we’re all in agreement here – one-hit wonder. [laughs] It was.

Micah: Yeah. I still…

Andrew: That’s what Micah’s thinking, and I agree with that.

Eric: Well, we saw it again, so at least it was a two-hit wonder.

Micah: I mean yeah, you can go to that, you can go to Polyjuice potion. You can even talk about the Pensieve and how many times that’s been used after it’s come into play. But I just think that this is the type of thing that – I don’t know, after Book 3, I don’t really see a use for it, and Dumbledore was pretty strict about its usage in the first place. So…

Andrew: So, I think it’s one of those things that’s just best not brought back. Just leave it out of the picture. Saying it was banned would be a good way to get out of it, but then again, Harry does a lot of illegal things, so…

Eric: How did Fred and George know the outcome of the Quidditch World Cup hours and hours before it happened?

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I don’t know! That’s not a voicemail question. Why are you asking that?

Eric: It just relates. It would make sense if they had a Time Turner. I don’t know. Moving on.

Andrew: Yeah, so moving along. We’re actually going to cut the voicemails right here, because at this point, the show is very long, longer than shows that we’ve done before. So we’re going to go to the Editorial Discussion right now.

New Editorial Segment

Andrew: We’ve been talking about this for so long, and finally our first one is here. This one was done by Laura and Micah.

Micah: No, it was really well done. Brandon really did a good job explaining everything about the editorial we discussed. And actually, to I guess sort of promote him, he’s got another editorial that just came out recently. It’s about Aberforth Dumbledore, and it’s kind of interesting. So be sure to check that out in addition to the one we talk about.

Andrew: So here it is now: our first-ever editorial discussion with Brandon Ford.

Editorial Discussion – Brandon Ford

Laura: Micah and I are now joined by Brandon Ford, editorialist and author of The Underground Lake column. First off, Brandon, we owe you a huge thank-you for helping us kick off this new segment. This is our first time doing it. We’d contacted quite a few people and you were the first person to pull through. So it’s really great to have you here this week!

Brandon: Thank you! That’s mostly because I have no life.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Laura: Well, we don’t either.

[Brandon laughs]

Laura: So do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself? Like, you know, a little bit of background information?

Brandon: Sure! I am a junior, a senior by hours but I’m a junior by years, at the University of Kansas. I’m a theater major, film minor.

Laura: Cool!

Micah: All right. So I guess a good place to start would be, you know, what is the Underground Lake? What is the significance of it? I know you went into it a little bit in one of your editorials and you mention it every now and again, but why did you choose that name for your section?

Brandon: Well, what happened was first I had submitted a regular editorial, which was the Lost Day series that went up there. And then when Nicole asked me to get, if I wanted my own column, I went through a whole bunch of names and most of the ones that I wanted were already taken or were about to be taken. And I was just looking, I was reading Sorcerer’s Stone at the time, and I came across when Harry and Hagrid were in the – in Gringots. And they mentioned this underground lake, and I was thinking about how all the lakes are connected in Harry Potter. And I guess that was kind of my whole theme behind the column is that everything is connected somehow. And that’s how I came up with it.

Laura: Wow, that’s pretty cool! So today we’ll be discussing your latest editorial, The Underground Lake #32 – “Hogwarts: Year Seven – Why Go Back?” Now, I thought this was a pretty interesting piece due to the fact that Harry himself said he wouldn’t be going back to Hogwarts. So for a little bit of an outline, why should Harry go back for his seventh year? Does he need to?

Brandon: Yes, I definitely think Harry has to go back for many reasons. One: you know, Harry and Hermione and Ron, they’re pretty clever, but I don’t think they know nearly enough to be able to, one, destroy the Horcruxes, and I think there’s a whole lot more that’s going to be going on in Hogwarts in Year 7, which is actually going to be coming up in my next editorial. But I think he has to go back. I think he’s got to look in the Pensieve, I think he’s got to talk to Dumbledore’s portrait, and those are just a few of the things that – a few of the reasons I feel that he has to go back.

Micah: You kind of laid out here what he’s going to do, I guess, leading up to his seventh year and then if he actually does go back to Hogwarts. The first thing that you talked about was going back to the Dursleys’ home until his birthday. Could you elaborate, you know, what you think is going to happen? Is anything specific going to take place during I guess, maybe that period of time he’s going to be there?

Brandon: Yes. Of – well, first of all, we still haven’t – I thought we were told we were supposed to find out what Dudley, what happened to Dudley when the Dementors attacked him in Order of the Phoenix. So I’m still waiting for that. But mostly, the reason that I know he’s got to go to the Dursleys is it’s a selfish reason. I really feel like there has to be some kind of closure with Harry and the Dursleys. I don’t know what’s going to happen with Petunia, if they’re just going to stay evil all the time, but I’d really like it… Personally, I would love for Harry to be able to read the letter that Dumbledore wrote to Petunia back when he left him on the doorstep, because I think she’s got it stashed somewhere. And I – basically, I just want them to have some sort of conversation at the end that gives closure to the Dursleys, because he’s not going to go back again, obviously.

Micah: Right. Were you taken a little bit back when you found out on Jo Rowling’s site that Petunia doesn’t have any sort of magical ability?

Brandon: Yeah, because it kind of poked a hole in one of my theories about her being a closet broomstick: that she has powers, she chooses not to use them. So that kind of put a huge hole in one of my thoughts. I thought that somehow they were going to get attacked and she would have some kind of latent magical ability, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. But I just feel like there needs to be some kind of closure, basically.

Laura: Right. Something else that you said you were looking forward to seeing was Harry picking up on more of the little details as opposed to having Hermione do it for him. Apart from the pretty obvious Regulus Black connection, what are some of the, if any, finer points you’re waiting for Harry to catch on to?

Brandon: Well, I think one of the ones I mentioned was about the – and the thing is, he’ll need Hermione for this, but it is the runes on the Pensieve. And, because I think Dumbledore has left a lot of clues for Harry still, in the Pensieve. I don’t know what happens to thoughts after the person dies, their memories, if they just stay in the Pensieve or how that works. But I – the Pensieve’s still there. I like the Pensieve, and I want to see the Pensieve. And I think probably written on it is how it’s used, and so I think Harry needs to figure that out. But mostly, Harry – there’s a lot of stuff going on, and I’m thinking Harry just needs to kind of pick up stuff a lot faster than he has been, basically.

Micah: You also mentioned in here that, and you said that you’ve said it before, that Dumbledore is showing Harry how to play chess with time. What exactly did you mean by that? Are we going to see any more of that in the upcoming book?

Brandon: Basically, that metaphor, I kind of screwed it up when I wrote it and I didn’t bother to change it. But I meant he was kind of playing chess against time. That Dumbledore has to make all these moves that he can’t do anything with for years, stuff like taking Harry and giving him to the Dursleys knowing that basically, Harry’s got to wait there for 10-11 years before he can come to Hogwarts. And he has to make all kinds of decisions now that won’t come into play for years and years, like, just stuff like with Peter Pettigrew and all kinds of other things. And so I think the reason that Dumbledore had to die, which of course was sad, was to show Harry that he needs to sort of watch and wait. Because as I’ve said before in my editorials, if Dumbledore wanted to get away from Draco Malfoy, he could have done it.

Micah: Cool. And you just, in your previous answer, you talked about the Pensieve and maybe what lies in there in terms of Dumbledore’s memories. Do you think that – you mentioned destroying the ring and Harry possibly going in and seeing how Dumbledore did that. Do you think that’s going to be able to tell him how to destroy all of the Horcruxes, or just the few in particular?

Brandon: Just a few in particular. I kind of had a theory that somebody else had too that I thought was interesting, that the reason that Dumbledore’s hand was all messed up during Six was that he actually had the ring and he put it through the veil. I don’t know if anybody’s talked about that. But that’s kind of where I got the whole Voldemort-going-through-the-veil-will-kill-him theory. And so I was just thinking that – because to me, the only Horcrux that Harry knows that he has destroyed was the diary. And since I don’t think he has any basilisk fangs just hanging around somewhere, I think he’s going to need some help learning how to destroy them.

Micah: And do you think maybe that was a little bit more by accident than anything else that he destroyed that one?

Brandon: Yeah. Because I think it was just, when you read it and when you watch the movie too, it was just instant that the fang was sitting there and it was all about the book. So he knew, poison fang… book is controlling this guy… [snaps fingers] Put two and two together.

Micah: Okay. And I guess kind of a wrap-up question, we didn’t really talk about the Godric’s Hollow part of your editorial. You said obviously, Harry is going to be going back there and that a future editorial is going to be written about this. Can you give us a little bit of a preview as to what you’re going to talk about there?

Brandon: Yeah. Godric’s Hollow, I’ve been thinking about a lot just because I’ve wanted to go, I wanted to go there in Book 6. But basically, I want to see the scene of the crime, where everything happened, and hopefully there’s some details that will corroborate some of our theories. Maybe there’s a hidden Horcrux there, I don’t know. I’m just thinking that he’s going to go there, and obviously there’s something very important hidden there that nobody has thought of, and I haven’t thought of it either. But I just – it’s more that I just really want to go to see Godric’s Hollow and find out what’s really there and what actually happened that night.

Laura: Mhm. And I think we’re running out of time, but Brandon, do you have any last minute theories you’d like to share with us? Any…?

Brandon: Theories, no. I did want to say, just because I’ve gotten a lot of emails about it recently, the fact that we’ve been talking about my most recent editorial, but that was like a month-and-a-half ago. And I just want to let everybody know that I have written one, and I just sent it to my editor. And I’ve got four more that I’m writing right now about Slughorn and Draco and Ron and Peter Pettigrew, and where he was. I guess that’s the one theory that I could be talking about is Peter Pettigrew and why he was gone for pretty much all of Book 6 and most of Book 5, and what I think he’s up to. But I haven’t put that much thought into it yet, but that’s what I’m working on now.

Laura: Well that’s awesome. We’ll definitely be looking forward to reading those. And thank you again for spending a few minutes with us this week, and…

Brandon: No problem!

Laura: …just really, just getting the show on the road for this section.

Micah: Absolutely.

Laura: Because we’ve been really excited about it, and I think it turned out great.

Brandon: Well, thank you!

Laura: Thanks again!

Micah: Yeah, as you say, thanks for setting the wheels in motion.

Brandon: [laughs] Thank you.

Laura: Mhm. Definitely.

Micah: You did a great job, thanks a lot.

Brandon: Thanks. No problem!

Andrew: All right, so there you have it. And if you have any ideas for a future MuggleCast editorial discussion, please send them in to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com, and be sure to put in the subject line: “Editorial Discussion Idea.”

What If… Slughorn Had Given Ron The Potions Book?

Andrew: All right, now it’s time for another new segment on MuggleCast. This week we are premiering What If?, the MuggleCast segment where we take a look at something in the Harry Potter series that, if it was changed, if the tiniest little detail had changed, what would have happened? We’ve got a good one for you this week. This one was sent in by Carrie. And Carrie writes, “If Slughorn had given Ron the Half-Blood Prince’s Potion book instead of Harry, what would’ve happened?”

Eric: They both needed their – it’s important to mention, they both needed books. They both needed Potions books, because neither of them expected to – I’m sorry, Defense Against, or Potions, or whatever it was, Potions – neither of them expected to be in the O.W.L. class for it. So they both needed to borrow their books, otherwise they would have bought them in advance. And it’s important to mention that Slughorn handed out, you know, them both rental copies that were in the cupboard…[sighs] and Harry got the Half-Blood Prince’s. Luck of the draw.

Andrew: [at the same time as Eric] Luck of the draw! [laughs]

Laura: Well, do you think that the story could have worked out had Ron had it? I mean, obviously Harry would have been more in the dark on what was going on. Do you think Ron would have told him? Or would he have kept it secret?

Andrew: Well, that’s what – no, I think Ron and Harry’s… [laughs]

Eric: Ron shares more with Harry.

Andrew: I think Ron and Harry’s relationship at that point would have been…well, is, where Ron would have told him.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: I think Ron would have shared.

Andrew: Because it is really interesting, and Ron wouldn’t have thought about it. He wouldn’t have thought it through.

Laura: The thing is…

Andrew: He would have just been like…

Laura: …I was thinking…

Andrew: …”Harry, look what I found!”

Laura: And I’m not sure Ron would actually take the initiative to follow the directions.

Andrew: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure.

Eric: I think also, Ron would show more to Harry than Harry would to Ron. I think it’s just a personality thing. So it wouldn’t be like Ron has all the secret spells and he’s doing excellent in Potions and, you know, all the stuff. I think he would have shared with Harry, especially. Like even if he didn’t – even if he regretted it later.

Micah: Do you think Slughorn’s perception of Harry would have been a little bit less as a result? Maybe he wouldn’t have developed a closeness that he did?

Eric: I think Harry…

Laura: Oh, definitely.

Eric: Harry Potter is still Harry Potter, he’s still the Boy Who Lived, and Slughorn likes famous people no matter what. I think his praise for him in class may not have been so outstanding, but at the same time, I think he still would have tried to stalk Harry like he did just because he is the Boy Who Lived and Voldemort is back. I think Harry’s still famous enough, be it he’s good at Potions or not, you know? And Slughorn had all the memories of Lily, which were just enhanced by Harry’s knack at Potions. But I think Slughorn still would have made a point to be around Harry all the time.

Micah: And Ron would have ended up with the good-luck potion, most likely.

Eric: Felix Felicis, yes.

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: All right, so that does do it for MuggleCast 31. That was a longer show than normal, and all future shows will probably not be as long as this one. It’s just we got a little carried away with our Chapter-by-Chapter discussion, I’m sure you all understand.

Next week on MuggleCast, we will premiere our Theory of the Week segment, where we pull a popular theory out of the MuggleNet CoS Forums and put our spin on it. And then we’ll be happy to read and respond to your listener rebuttals on the air. Then, don’t forget Chapter-by-Chapter. We’ll be looking at Chapters 4 and 5, so make sure you read up on them and have them ready for next week. That’s your homework, don’t forget!

And, to the delight of podcast fans world over, MuggleNet and MuggleCast’s favorite Brit, Jamie Lawrence, will [coughs pointedly] most likely be returning next week for MuggleCast. He is on a break, he IMed me the other day and said, “Hey mate! Guess what? Going to be on a break starting March 17th!” So I said, “Okay, dude! That’s sweet! Come on down!” So, hopefully we’ll have him on for at least three or four shows, starting next week on Episode 32 of MuggleCast.

Oh, and by the way, in case you’re wondering where Ben went, [laughs] well, let’s spend a little, let’s spend a minute on this. Ben suddenly got attack of the allergies, and if you can’t hear it in my voice, I’m pretty congested too.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Laura’s not feeling well either. [laughs]

Laura: I’ve been sitting here popping cough drops like Dumbledore pops his lemon drops. So…

Eric: Which is…

Laura: So I have an excuse.

Micah: Hey. Who gave you that line?

Laura: Yes. I completely credit you, Micah.

Micah: Yeah, okay.

Laura: I completely credit you.

Eric: Good night. Oh wait, are we going to say our names?

Andrew: Oh yeah! Yeah. So, I almost forgot! [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric… [snores] Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: [laughs] Now we will see everyone next week for Episode 32. [In a nasally voice] Good night!


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #30

MuggleCast EP30 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: “M-U-double G-L-E-C-A-S-T” March 12th, 2006 – Episode 30. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all plans start at just $3.95 per month. No matter what plan you choose, your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. I recommend you use them for your upcoming website or podcast because as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you checkout, and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

And don’t forget, go to to purchase your very own MuggleCast t-shirt. Just click on “Store” at the top.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the show! I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And this is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussion, gossip…

Ben: Bottle caps.

Andrew: Bottle caps? I don’t even… [laughs]

Ben: Toilet paper.

Andrew: Whatever… Whatever you can imagine related to Harry Potter, it is in this show!

Ben: Paper towels.

Andrew: Well, almost everything. We’re getting there. We’re making our way until we can expand everything. [laughs] What am I supposed to say now?

Ben: He’s a little bit out of touch with reality people.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Notice the verbal pauses.

Andrew: I forgot how we intro. I need like a teleprompter. [laughs] Before we go anywhere else, first let’s check in with Micah Tan for the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: All right, Andrew.

Warner Brothers announced Wednesday that in its first 24 hours of being on store shelves, the Goblet of Fire DVD sold nearly 5 million copies. On this impressive accomplishment, President of Warner Home Video Ron Sanders had this to say:

We are extremely pleased with the out-of-the-gate success of the DVD release of Goblet of Fire. We knew fans really connected with this installment in the Harry Potter series, and that continued loyalty to the franchise has carried over to these phenomenal DVD sales figures.

The DVD was released in Canada and U.S. on Tuesday. Feedback has been strong as Entertainment Weekly gave it a B+ rating and Aced Magazine gave it a very positive review.

Speaking of Goblet of Fire, Warner Bros. released its final episode of their Goblet of Fire podcast. They wrapped things up with a small interview with the cast and included another clip from the Goblet of Fire DVD.

Forbes has published their annual list of the richest people in the world, and they have ranked JK Rowling at #746 with an estimated net worth of $1 billion! A passage from the write-up said:

Rowling sold 60 million books (referring to Half-Blood Prince) worldwide last year, bringing the tally to 310 million copies of Harry Potter books sold. The movie (referring to Goblet of Fire) pulled in $287 million in the U.S., the highest grossing film in the series after the debut film (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone).

In addition to writing Book 7, Jo took the time to do some major changes on her website. There are plenty of new puzzles to solve. All the secrets we’ve heard of that have been verified to work can now be found on our updated Info section.

The interview J.K. Rowling did with TVR while visiting Romania earlier this year along with coverage of the trip, was aired TVR on Thursday night in Romania (which was roughly 4 PM here on the East Coast). Keep checking back to as we get video of this event.

The new member of MuggleNet’s network of sites is This site will be your one-stop place for news, pics, bios, interviews and more on the actress who’s set to play Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

A few weeks ago, the American book publisher Scholastic introduced a new addition to the Fun Stuff section with special downloads for each Potter book. Only Sorcerer’s Stone content was available when it first opened, but yesterday they introduced the Chamber of Secrets area. Sections for the other four books will be available in the coming weeks.

Kids television station Nickelodeon has commenced voting for its annual Kids Choice Awards. Goblet of Fire is up for Favorite Movie and the entire series is up for Favorite Book.

The Kids Choice Awards will be aired live from Los Angeles on April 1st.

Speaking of awards, Goblet of Fire picked up Best Movie and Ralph Fiennes won Vilest Villain when the 2006 AOL Moviefone Moviegoer Awards were revealed on February 28th.

That’s all the news for this March 12th, 2006, Episode 30 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show!

Announcements and Corrections

Andrew: All right, thank you, Micah. First of all, we owe everyone a little apology for not showing up last week.

Ben: It was all Andrew’s fault.

Andrew: It was just one of those weeks…

Kevin: It was all Andrew’s fault.

Andrew: [coughs] No, it wasn’t.

Ben: Yes, it was.

Andrew: It was just one of those weeks. Sorry, I had a life last week.

Ben: He had to go get tutored for his Pre-Algebra homework.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Kevin: Because he can’t count.

Andrew: I’m in Algebra II, Ben. I’m in Algebra II.

Ben: Andrew can’t count.

Andrew: [laughs] It was just one of those weeks where we couldn’t all get together. The good news is that we’re not going to be skipping anymore weeks because I refuse to let PotterCast get an episode higher than us. That will not be happening!

Ben: Actually, so one week…

Andrew: What was that?

Ben: One week we’ll actually, probably do two episodes, so we one-up them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah. We could always knock them off. You know?

Andrew: Knock them off what?

Kevin: We could crash one of their computers. Make it…

Andrew: Oh, right. No, that would be a good idea. They started like four weeks after us, but somehow they are still, they are right on our tail now. And I’m pretty sure we only skipped two weeks. I’m not sure how that happened. But anyway, a little correction from last week. Micah, would you care to elaborate?

Micah: Yep.

Andrew: Jumping the gun there, yesterday…or last week.

Micah: Yeah, you know, I apologize. Anna Friel is British not American. I read it on Leaky. Sorry.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Good one, good one.

Micah: So, credit them with the mistake just as much.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You know, we’re not perfect. And then also, to make up for not being around last we decided that it would be good to give you guys a sneak peek of what our plans are for the show, because it’s been 30 episodes now. Congrats guys, by the way – 30 episodes! It’s impressive.

Laura: Yay.

Ben: Yay.

Kevin: Woohoo.

Andrew: It’s been 30 shows and it’s been the same format, we’ve been doing the same thing, week by week, and people enjoy it, people love it. You know? But, we want to add it. So, we have four or five new segments. They are going to be intermixed week by week. Some won’t show up one week, some won’t show up the other. Just want to go through them real quick.

New Segments

Andrew: The original segments will still be on the show, except for the Main Character Discussion – we’re expanding that into something even bigger. So, the first segment we will doing is Listener Rebuttal. And this will be the part of the show where listeners can send in e-mails in response to theories that we’ve discussed the week before. And we’ll response to the listener’s response, if it is needed. Because each week we get tons of e-mails saying, “Hey! I disagree. Hey! Just expand on that!” Blah, blah, blah. We’re going to start reading your e-mails to go a little farther into what we talked about. So, this way, this gets everyone else more involved.

And then the Editorial Discussion. Micah and Laura, you two are leading that…yes?

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: Yep.

Andrew: Can you quickly elaborate on that? Sorry to put you on the spot, but…

Laura: Basically, what we’re going to be doing – I don’t know if it is going to be an every week thing. We’ll probably alternate it, like you said.

Andrew: It’ll be… Yeah, it’ll be every other week.

Laura: Mhm. Well, we’re going to be going through the editorials on MuggleNet and picking out the best ones, and getting a hold of the people who wrote them, and just doing a short little, ten-minute interview with them, discussing some theories. So, it’ll be good stuff.

Andrew: Our Editorials Section on the site has become so big and popular – it’s just the perfect segment for MuggleCast.

Micah: Yeah, and is it this week? Are you going to do… Are you going to put it in this week or are we going to wait?

Andrew: Next week the first one is going to air.

Micah: Okay. So…

Andrew: You guys already recorded the first one.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: Yep.

Andrew: So, everyone should look forward to that next week.

And then the Theory of the Week. This is a new, clever segment we sort of put together. Each week…or…well, when we decide to… [laughs] Each week we will be covering one theory that is popular in the Chamber of Secrets Forums ( –‘s official forums. Any theories that are in there that are being discussed heavily, that are getting a lot of buzz – we’re going to talk about in the show and put our spin on them.

And another one. This one was suggested by Emily, who as most of you remember was on the show a few weeks ago. I don’t know. I guess we’re going to make this the working title for now. I don’t know. I’m not really crazy about it. I don’t know if you guys are. The “What If…” Segment – where we take a situation and work out what would happen if something happened differently in the Harry Potter series. So, say for example as Kevin suggested [laughs] – What would happen if Ginny was not handed the book from Lucius Malfoy? [gasps] Well, we sort of all know what… [laughs]

Ben: Oh my gosh, then of Secrets wouldn’t even matter anymore.

Andrew: That’s sort of a goofy example. So, basically this will be the part of the show where we examine theories surrounding the “what ifs” of the series.

And then finally, what will be the pinnacle of the show: MuggleCast Chapter-by-Chapter. Where we go through every single chapter of Books 1-6 and discuss every little thing, well, relatively important little thing that has happened in that chapter. We’re going to do a couple of chapters per show depending how, what content was in each chapter. So, like say the final chapters of Book 5. Those were huge. Those will probably require their own shows. But like…

Kevin: And we’ll also provide an unabridged copy of the chapter for each of you.

[Silent pause]

Kevin: Not really.

[Kevin and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: We won’t. But this is going to be fun because…

Kevin: As we get arrested.

Andrew: …we’re going to get – basically, everyone who is listening is going to be on the same page as everyone else, as the hosts, as your fellow listeners. Everyone is going to know what’s going on, and we’re all going to have the same information in our heads because we’re all discussing the same things. And then ahead of time, we’re also going to let everyone know what chapters we’re going to be discussing next week. So, you too can read the chapters ahead of time and when we’re discussing you can be like, “Oh yeah, I remember that.” It’s going to be a lot of fun. There’s going to be some serious participation going on. So, we’re really looking forward to those. And just a reminder – this is not going to get rid of the “unpredictability” that has made this show so popular. We’ve gotten a few e-mails actually, people saying, “Is this going to take away from you guys going off and talking about whatever?” And no…

Kevin: We’re pretty sporadic people.

Andrew: Believe or not, we do plan some of this, laughs although it may not seem like it. So, this will all begin with Episode 31, just a week away.

News Discussion – Goblet of Fire DVD

Andrew: All right, now moving on to some discussion here. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the Goblet of Fire DVD was released in the United States and Canada this week, much to the delight of fans across the United States and “Eh” Canada. So, initial thoughts.

Ben: See Andrew, here’s what happened. I was in a good mood and you had to go talking about the Goblet of Fire DVD.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Ben…

Ben: You just downright bummed me out.

Andrew: Wait, why? What was the issue? I liked it, personally.

Ben: It was terrible.

Andrew: Why do you say that?

Ben: Okay, so I go to Wal-Mart. First, I find the regular edition. I can’t find the Special Edition. I make my way up front, finally find it, and I go to check it out and this DVD is already cursed because my debit card doesn’t even work to buy this DVD.

Andrew: Ohhh.

Ben: When it has worked every time before this.

Kevin: That’s because you have no money.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: So, there’s the first thing that went wrong. Oh, funny!

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Geez, Kevin. That hurts. That hurts. And then so I come home and I finally start watching it, and since I’ve already seen the movie enough, I pop in the Special Features DVD. And it takes me three years to find the actual interviews. And then there are some really lame games on there. And it’s just really not that great. And I was pretty upset that I had to pay $23.00 for a DVD that, for a two-disc DVD set, when it used be just the normal edition had the deleted scenes and all that stuff.

Kevin: Yeah, it’s true.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: Yeah, that was a little annoying.

Ben: It was just a disappointment. I don’t know, it depends on… Little kids will probably like the games. Like if you have a little kid in mind, like Andrew does, then you’ll probably like those games. But…

Laura: Yeah, but I think we read that in one of the reviews that we posted on the site, who can actually navigate those games with a TV remote?

Andrew: DVD games never work out!

Laura: No!

Andrew: They are just… Yeah.

Kevin: They’re horrible. Yeah.

Laura: They’ve had them on the other Harry Potter DVDs and they’ve all been really bad. So, I don’t think there was…

Kevin: So, why would they try to put them in?

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Laura: Fill up space? [laughs]

Andrew: Because it’s a marketing scheme. You look on the back of this cover, I guarantee you it is going to talk about the games. It does, but it doesn’t call them games. It just says… Well, it says “Dragon Challenge,” “Lake Challenge,” and “Maze Challenge.” They are to appeal to younger kids.

Kevin: Now what about, did you like the…

Andrew: Well hold on, wait a second, did anyone else play the games, because I didn’t. I had no interest in them.

Laura: I accidentally ended up clicking on one, but I didn’t play it.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, it just kept yelling at me.

Andrew: It wasn’t too specific. Like the interviews, they don’t say “Interviews.” They say, “In Too Deep – The Second Task,” which you get the idea, but it would be nice if…

Laura: I actually didn’t have a hard time navigating it. I found everything just fine.

Andrew: No, well Ben what were you saying, it took you three years?

Ben: See there’s, there’s Laura, there’s Laura trying to make herself feel socially superior to me.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: No, it said something like “Discussion With The Cast.” [laughs]

Ben: No, it didn’t. It said, “At Hogwarts – Take A Trip.”

Kevin: That’s true. Yeah.

Laura: Yeah it says, “At Hogwarts.” And then you click it. And then you’ve got all the little things and it says something with the cast.

Ben: Yeah, but who would think, who would think to click, who would think to click “At Hogwarts”? I clicked all the others before I finally got to “At Hogwarts.”

Laura: Oh, well that’s your fault. [laughs]

Andrew: Well, it would be assumed that “At Hogwarts” would be where all the main specials are because it’s Hogwarts.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: Oh okay, yeah. I just assumed that.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That’s what I did.

Laura: Yeah, same.

Andrew: I just looked at it and said – I said, “Dragon Area, Lake, Maze, Hogwarts – where would all the information be?”

Ben: Now that’s stupid.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Ben: No, you did not even think that.

Andrew: Well, it’s true. You shouldn’t have to think about it. [laughs]

Laura: No, you shouldn’t.

Andrew: I automatically clicked on “Hogwarts” because it’s Hogwarts.

Ben: Okay, but I have to make a comment that it is a lot better than the previous DVDs. Well, especially Two and Three weren’t bad…

Laura: Yeah, that one…

Ben: But One…

Laura: WAS BAD!

Kevin: Yeah, everyone complained about that.

Ben: You had to win…

Kevin: Yep.

Ben: You had to get through the Chambers and fight Voldemort. I don’t even remember if you had to fight Voldemort. You had to get past [in dumb voice] Fluffy, the three-headed dog.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Ben: I finally did that.

Kevin: We actually posted a solution for that on MuggleNet because people were having so much problems – so many problems with that.

Andrew: Yeah, I remember that. You had to go through this whole thing just to get to the deleted scenes.

Laura: And they weren’t even that good.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: That was the problem.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Speaking of deleted scenes, I enjoyed them this time around. And I am glad they put it all into one video…

Kevin: I’m glad…

Andrew: …all into one video so you were forced to watch all of them.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: I didn’t like that. I liked being able to skip through, you know? Because some of the scenes are really crappy and they were cut for reason.

Andrew: But you still want to watch them all, don’t you?

Kevin: Yeah, you watch them all the first time, but after that, I mean if you want to see a deleted scene you go click that deleted scene. I think it’s just pure laziest to not make a menu for it and have a “Play All” option. [laughs]

Andrew: Now, the one deleted scene that was especially interesting was the whole Yule Ball one where the Weird Sisters are rocking out. Me and John from Leaky were talking about this earlier and did everyone watch it?

Kevin: Yep.

Laura: Yeah, I am glad they left that out. [laughs]

Kevin: I was too.

Andrew: I’m glad they left it out, but the intro was a much, much better one.

Laura: Ehhh.

Andrew: It didn’t just cut to some random rock guys…

Laura:I thought it was kind of lame. [laughs]

Andrew: …you know, playing out. Well, it stretching out six minutes was really lame. I mean, we’re all glad that they cut that out. That would have taken away from the movie so much.

Ben: Okay, are we going to get into this theory about video editing and what transitions are the best, right Andrew?

Andrew: Yes. No, I’m saying the intro was much better to the whole Weird Sisters thing.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: In the final cut, it just goes into some random rock concert, and you’re like, “What the hell is this? There’s no rocking at Hogwarts. It’s all classical music.”

Laura: That’s no true, they had the band.

Kevin: That’s not true at all. No.

Andrew: Where do…

Kevin: Didn’t you watch the interview?

Andrew: But, from a movie standpoint. Yeah, I watched the interviews.

Kevin: Where they said that it’s not all classical music.

Andrew: I know, but if you only watch the movies and then all of a sudden this rock-n-roll music starts showing up, you can’t tell me that fit into the movie.

Kevin: I think it did.

Laura: I thought it was fine. I didn’t see any problems with it.

Kevin: It’s a ball.

Ben: It’s supposed to be a concert.

Kevin: It’s a dance for teenagers.

Ben: Yeah.

Kevin: Do you think they are going to be playing…

Andrew: Yeah, but at Hogwarts? Have you ever heard rock music… I don’t know, I just thought it was weird to me.

Ben: They’re not going to be listening to…

Kevin: Have you ever heard all teenagers listening to classical music?

Ben: No, no, they’re not going to be playing…

Andrew: I know all… No, but…

Ben: Really…


Andrew: Ever seen a teenager with a wand that can do magic? It’s completely different.

Kevin: So, that makes them all classical lovers?

Ben: Okay, no, not true, not true. No, Andrew, come on dude. They’ve had to, throughout the entire series, it’s a parallel to real life. Just because [imitating Andrew] no real teenagers carry around magical wands, [laughs] that doesn’t matter. What matters is teenagers, they start developing relationships with members of the opposite sex, like we saw in Goblet of Fire. And they like rock music. I don’t see what the big deal is.

Laura: Yeah, I thought it was good.

Andrew: I just thought it felt out of place.

Ben: It may seem out of place.

Laura: One thing that I really like when I was watching the deleted scenes was the fact that as I watched them, there weren’t any of them that specifically jumped out at me and said, “This should have been in the movie.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: With all of the previous movies there have been at least two or three scenes in the deleted I was like, “Why didn’t you put that in? That would have just, you know, two-minute scene – it would have explained so much.” But with this it was like, you know, these scenes weren’t bad, but I don’t think they would have added all that much. So, I think it goes to show that Mike Newell did a good job deciding what to cut and what not to.

Ben: Yeah, and actually on the DVD Dan Radcliffe said that when he was filming the movie there would be a time when he said, “Oh, I didn’t very well in that scene.”

Kevin: Oh yeah.

Andrew: I remember that.

Ben: When he goes back and watched it, he saw that they actually deleted it.

Andrew: [imitating Dan] “Oh, thank god they cut it.”

Laura: Mhm.

Ben: Yeah. Speaking of that interview, what did you guys think of that interview?

Andrew: The main one?

Ben: The interview with Dan, Emma, and Rupert?

Kevin: I think it was pretty cool.

Andrew: I thought it was good. I think, eh…

Ben: I miss Lizzo. I miss Lizzo. [laughs]

Kevin: The whole fan, the fan question thing was awkward.

Andrew: Yeah, you know… Oh yeah that girl, P.S. that girl who was wearing the black shirt, curly hair. I don’t know if you remember specifically.

Kevin: Here, let me get her name.

Andrew: She actually found out about that contest through MuggleNet, which was pretty cool.

Laura: I remember that.

Andrew: I had actually talked to her. Yeah, remember? I think you were one of the people who… Well, no it might have been K’lyssa. But I talked to her on AIM and she was all excited. You know what else is pretty lame – Disc II, when you put it in, what do you get? Trailers for WB movies.

Kevin: I was going to say that!

Laura: Oh, I skipped that.

Kevin: That was the first thing I was going to say.

Andrew: It’s so dumb!

Ben: Okay, why does it matter thought guys, seriously? Why can’t you just press skip twice?

Kevin: You spend, you spend $7.00 more for the Special Edition and you stick in the Special Edition disc and you get advertisement.

Andrew: I know. Yeah.

Kevin: [imitating Ben] So?

Ben: So?

Andrew: It more understandable to play it at the beginning of the movie, not at the Special Features disc, that doesn’t make sense.

Kevin: I know.

Laura: Just press the “Menu” button.

Ben: Why does it matter though?

Andrew: Who wants to watch that?

[Laura laughs]

Ben: Why does it matter?

Andrew: You buy this…

Ben: You don’t have to watch it though.

Andrew: You spend this extra money…

Ben: It’s a DVD, you don’t have to watch it. The first complaint that I originally had with DVDs was that they didn’t have previews, and that’s when sometimes I say, “That’s a good movie, I want to go see that movie.” And so actually I like the previews sometimes. It wasn’t like it was some ad for, “Buy your Clorox Bleach Now.”

[Laura laughs]

Ben: Or George Foreman.

Andrew: So, you actually watched them?

Ben: “You buy my grill!

Andrew: So, you watched them?

Ben: Huh?

Andrew: You watched the trailers?

Ben: I didn’t watch them this time because I needed to start watching it so I could, to get ready for the show, but if I had more time, I would have watched.

Andrew: But Kevin made a good point.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: If you paid an extra seven bucks to get this one disk, why are they going to put more trailers on it?

Kevin: I say throw it on the first disk and then…

Ben: Why does it matter?

Andrew: Because!

Kevin: …and have them skip through that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: On the Special Features disk…

Ben: If you’re Warner Bros. and you have the opportunity to make, to make a few million, a few hundred thousand dollars just putting those two ads on there, and it’s not that big of an inconvenience.

Kevin: Yeah, but why not put it on the first disk?

Ben: Why not do it?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: That’s kind of how I feel because there’s this nice little button on your DVD remote that says, “Menu.” [laughs]

Ben: That says, “Skip,” “Skip.” Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, I know. Yeah, when you press “Menu,” it skips it, but it was just out of place.

Ben: If it was mandatory for you to watch them…

Andrew: All right, okay.

Ben: If someone tied you down to you chair…

Andrew: All right, all right.

Ben: …and held your eyelids open and made you watch it.

[Ben and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Kevin.

Ben: Actually, a rep from WB came over and did that to me. Tied me down.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: The point me and Kevin are trying to make is that they’re just out of place. That’s all.

Ben: And the point I’m trying to make is that you can stop your whining.

Andrew: So, the rest of the behind-the-scenes stuff was good. Ran about five to ten minutes a piece. They all gave great looks into developing the movie.

Laura: Did you guys notice that during the features on the three tasks, there were a couple of bits that weren’t in the movie and they weren’t in the deleted scenes either? Like certain lines that people would say and they just sort of disappeared.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah.

Laura: Like there was one with Voldemort when he was talking about – I forget. It was about the Lord give-ith or something like that. I can’t remember what it was, but it wasn’t in the movie and it wasn’t in the deleted scenes either.

Andrew: I just, the Quidditch World Cup, it jumps – the movie just jumps right into the Quidditch World Cup and everything moves so fast in that first ten minutes. Before you know it, you’re at Hogwarts…

Laura: Yeah, that’s the first 10 chapters, right there.

Andrew: Yeah, and plus I would have liked to see a little game play from the Quidditch World Cup because the intro to that is so huge. They spend more time with Harry walking up the steps getting to his seats than they do with the actual game play. [laughs]

Laura: Well, I liked how Mike talked about pulling out the central theme in the movie being a thriller, and how he sort of chose what was more important to emphasize that theme and I think that while the beginning does rush a lot, it was a necessity because there was no way…

Kevin: Yeah, definitely.

Laura: …that we were going to get everything in there. The book is just so massive, it’s just, it’s impossible.

Andrew: Unless you just expand it another ten minutes, which, you know, we could talk about that forever. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah. Well, it’s never going to happen. I mean…

Andrew: Yeah, there was no explanation with the Quidditch World Cup. They just showed up there.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: So, unless you’ve read the book, you’re like, “What the…what is this?” [laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Is this football on brooms? What the…?

Laura: I had a friend who was like that. [laughs]

Andrew: Oh, really?

Laura: She was just sitting beside me just sort of staring at the screen like, “What is this?” She was pretty confused.

Andrew: Hey, hey. Guess who I am. [Impersonating Krum] “You have no business here. This room is for champions and friends.” [laughing] Who am I? Hey, I only said one line in the entire film.

Laura: I think you’re Fleur.

Ben: Stanislav Ianveski.

Andrew: I don’t know. I think he should have had more then one line. [laughs] Especially, you know, people were looking forward to seeing these three champions shine.

Laura: Yeah, but according to Hermione, Viktor is more of a physical being.

Andrew: Oh, right.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I almost forgot. [laughs]

Laura: I sort of have this visual of them throwing that line in last minute to explain the fact that he says nothing in the movie.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs] Like, guys, he’s not a talker. He’s just, you know, he’s touchy-feely.

Ben: He’s the strong and silent type. Another thing about Fleur I liked on the DVD was when they were doing the interview with her, she – we finally got to see some personality behind Clemence Poesy then what we’ve seen before, and I really like that because she is really attractive. Don’t tell Emma I said that, you know, but…

Laura: I actually kind of liked the whole thing with the champions. I thought it was a little drawn out, but they also seemed really funny. Like when I was watching it, they were all really – they had a good sense of humor and they weren‘t annoyed that they had this camera following them around.

Andrew: Yeah, who’s – excuse me for forgetting his name – who’s the guy who plays Cedric?

Laura: Robert Pattinson. He’s really funny.

Andrew: Robert Pattinson. [laughs] I should have asked Matt. Yeah, he was really loose. Like, I never expected him – because whenever you see him in the films he’s always, he’s not always like loose like he was. He was very fun. And WB, I’m sort of surprised WB would let that sort of thing go into the film, onto the DVD because that was really – you saw a lot of stuff. Like Leavesden Studios.

Ben: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: I like the part where, what’s his name? Pattinson ran up and tackled Ianveski, you know? Where he sort of ran into him? I don’t know, they were just like, playing around on set.

Andrew: Oh yeah. Yeah, when they were saying when that was their…

Ben: First day together.

Andrew: …yeah, first day on the set.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Any thoughts, Micah?

Kevin: Micah has…

Micah: No, actually I have kind of a story because I didn’t buy the right DVD.

Kevin: Okay.

Andrew: Oh no. No wonder you’re not talking.

Micah: And when I got home today and put in the DVD, I didn’t see any special features on there. So…

Andrew: You know, I’m sure a lot of people are going to be confused by that, because there’s never been three versions of it.

Kevin: Yeah. I think it’s stupid still.

Ben: The one that I saw was… Yeah, at my Wal-Mart, the Wal-Mart I went to, there were four of them because there was one that came with the Scene-It? DVD.

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: In a dual pack.

Andrew: Yeah, and someone emailed us today…someone emailed us today about the Scene-It? thing. It doesn’t come with the special features. It’s just…

Laura: Oh my god.

Andrew: And the Scene-It?, it’s a demo. Well, here’s the kicker, it’s a demo version of Scene-It?. [laughs] It’s not even the real thing.

Laura: That Scene-It? game, I’m sorry, is really lame.

Andrew: I’ve never played it.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Remember in that hotel. [laughs] At the premiere, Eric – like right after the premiere.

Kevin: Oh yeah.

Andrew: I think it was premiere night. Eric’s like, “Let’s play Scene-It?! Let’s play Scene-It?!” [laughs] And we’re all like, “No!”

Kevin: Enough is enough.

Andrew: Overall, a good DVD right?

Ben: Yeah, it was all right.

Kevin: Yeah, I was a little disappointed with the features, but…

Laura: Yeah, it’s fair.

Andrew: It’s more than what’s been there in the past.

Kevin: Yeah, but the thing is that, when people are rating DVDs now, they expect special features without purchasing anything else.

Andrew: Oh yeah. Three or four years ago that was unheard of, all this special features stuff.

Kevin: Exactly. And on this DVD, if you buy the basic version, you get nothing. So, I’m sure they’re going to rate it…

Micah: That’s right.

Kevin: …a two out of ten.

Ben: Micah would know.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: They’re going to rate it horribly because it’s – DVD-wise, it’s crappy. It doesn’t include anything.

Andrew: I just don’t understand. Why even give people that choice to get the one without special features?

Kevin: You’d think they’d want them to spend more money.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, do the special features only, and make $7.00 for every million more people that are doing the special features, but everyone does.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Not to mention…

Andrew: Plus there’s…

Laura: …every store I went into, had the normal edition out front. You had to go and find the Special Edition.

Kevin: Yep.

Laura: It was hidden.

Main Discussion – The Last Character Discussion

Andrew: Yeah. [groans] But anyway. So, moving on to the main discussion of this week, this is kind of sad because this is our final main character discussion. Where we go in-depth on a specific Harry Potter character…

Ben: Awww.

Andrew: …within the series. We’ve done a – how many characters have we done?

Laura: We’ve been doing it since like Episode 11.

Kevin: Have we? That long?

Andrew: That’s it? [laughs]

Laura: I think so.

Kevin: I thought it was shorter than that.

Micah: Yeah, I don’t even think we did Harry Potter.

Andrew: I thought it was since Episode 7 or 9.

Laura: No.

Kevin: No, it’s not.

Andrew: What did we talk about? Yeah, we didn’t do Harry Potter. There’s always room. We’ll continue it after chapter-by-chapter.

Micah: He gets talked about by everyone else, so we don’t need to do him.

Andrew: Mhm, exactly. Yeah, he always gets in somehow. After chapter-by-chapter, which will take, oh god, at least 20 shows.

Kevin: Well let’s count up the…

Andrew: More than 20 shows, more like 50.

Kevin: Let’s count up the chapters.

Andrew: Don’t quote me on it, I think there’s 160 chapters, something like that. 160.

Main Discussion – Sibyll Trelawney

Andrew: All right, so our main character discussion this week and the final one until Episode 4000, is Professor Trelawney. A good way to end it off because she’s not that huge of a character, but she…

Kevin: Yeah, she is.

Andrew: …she’s pretty important in the series.

Kevin: A little vital.

Andrew: She’s done…

Laura: Only a little.

Andrew: Well she’s… Yeah.

Laura: It’s not like she has anything to do with anything important.

Kevin: Nothing.

Micah: No.

Ben: Don’t be lame, Laura. Don’t be lame.

Andrew: It’s not like she created a prophecy or spoke of one.

Ben: Okay, enough. Enough.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Andrew, give me some general information about Trelawney. Please! Please, Andrew!

Andrew: Ben, if you insist. So, Sybill Patricia Trelawney: extremely thin, wears large glasses that magnify her eyes, usually draped in a large number of spangled shawls, beads, chains, bangles — What the heck are bangles? — and rings. She’s a pureblood and she’s the great-great-granddaughter of the celebrated seer Cassandra Trelawney — who, uh, one of the questions that we have ready, uh, is related to — right, Micah?

Micah: Yep.

Andrew: Care to start us off?

Sibyl vs. Sibyll

Micah: Sure. So the Sibyls in Roman mythology were a group of seers. And what some people have done with this is in particular in the Aeneid, there’s a Sibyl who meets Aeneas before he goes to his journey in the Underworld and she is responsible for guiding him through the Underworld to meet his father. And a lot of people have said, “Well, can something similar happen with Harry in the Final Book?” You know, can Trelawney sort of guide him, maybe not necessarily talking about going through the Veil or anything like that, but is she going to be responsible for guiding him on his journey in Book 7?

Kevin: I hope not.

Ben: I don’t think so.

Kevin: She’s a pretty dull character in my book.

Ben: I think that… Okay, even though J.K. Rowling uses a lot of references to mythology and all of that, I don’t think that she’d choose a mythological ending necessarily, though.

Kevin: Yeah, same here. I don’t see that happening.

Ben: Because, she uses things and she gets ideas and borrows ideas from it, but I don’t think she’d actually wind up using, like, inclusion from one of those stories.

Laura: Yeah. And if you think about it, she’s already sort of filled that purpose because she’s not directly leading Harry through the series, but she’s sort of provided, the, you know, the…

Kevin: Catalyst.

Laura: Yeah, thank you, Kevin.

Micah: Yeah, I agree with Ben. I think it’s just used because of the name itself has some connection to prophesizing and things like that. So, I don’t know. To go any deeper would probably be the wrong way to go, especially since Trelawney is such a whacked-out character.

Andrew: Yeah. That, and I think people kind of blow it out of proportion because there’s so many people who are into mythology who read these books because they’re really into the whole literary analyzation and all of that. I just think people take it a little too far.

Laura: I — I agree with that because I like mythology but I’m not going to sit here and say that, you know, the entire Harry Potter series is determined by what happened with their mythological equals, you know?

Andrew: Mhm.

Kevin: I think it would be very disappointing too.

Laura: Yeah. It’s like, if you want to know what happens to Harry at the end…

Kevin: Just read The Odyssey!

Laura: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Go read The Odyssey! [laughs]

Kevin: Not to mention mythology tends to relate to everything because that’s the whole point of mythology. It was, you know, mythology used to be considered a religion, whatever was myth, or is myth now was a religion then, you know? And it was a code of ethics, and it had to relate to something, so you would assume it would relate to daily life.

Trelawney: Fake Seer?

Micah: So, we’ve seen her throughout the series make two prophecies. But, she doesn’t seem to be able to be good any other time. So, is she a real seer? Or does she just predict things when she’s not trying to?

Kevin: Well, she’s obviously a real seer.

Ben: Agreed.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: She just doesn’t have the gift constantly. I don’t think…I think that in the series, people have the misconception that seers can just walk around and just suddenly go into a trance and, you know, predict the future.

Ben: Right.

Kevin: Because I think…

Ben: Sorry, Kevin, go ahead.

Kevin: …I think it’s more of a random thing.

Ben: Right. Like Kevin was saying, I think it’s not really that she can do it when she wants to. It’s when she has something true to predict about the future then she will, but other times…

Laura: Yeah, but it’s also, she kind of feels the pressure of people around her expecting her to be able to, you know, go around and just tell the future at the drop of a hat and so she makes stuff up.

Kevin: And not to mention, the one – one of the main prophecies she created is secret, you know? So, no one knows about — maybe some people know, but not the general public, you know? The general public doesn’t know that she actually created THE prophecy that, you know, dictates how Harry is going to defeat Voldemort or Voldemort will defeat Harry.

Micah: Right, well, she doesn’t even know that she created the prophecy.

Kevin: Exactly. So it’s sort of, like, you know, it’s sort of somewhat sad because she’s trying to live up to her, you know, relative’s name and she already has without realizing it.

The Prophecy: The Easy Way Out?

Micah: So, this is actually something we haven’t talked about very much on the show, but it’s obviously the whole kind of, I don‘t know, backbone of the series, the prophecy. Do you guys think that Jo took the easy way out or is there still more to this prophecy that we don’t know?

Andrew: I don’t understand what you mean by “easy way out.”

Micah: Well, I think people were expecting more out of it, and it turned out to be just as it was written.

Andrew: Well, she got cut off.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, she didn’t get cut off, but the guy who overheard it…

Laura: Snape.

Andrew: …was, uh, thrown out a window or something?

Laura: Yeah, Snape was thrown out.

Kevin: No, I think he’s referring to the overall prophecy, the one that Dumbledore showed Harry.

Andrew: Oh. Which one? Is that it, Micah?

Micah: Yeah.

Kevin: Yes, because people were expecting that… The wording of the prophecy seemed as though it could be taken multiple ways and people were – I’m assuming Micah is referring to the fact that J.K. Rowling probably, it hasn’t truly been confirmed yet, probably, you know, she went with a base meaning of the prophecy, the one that was the obvious choice of meanings and not the alternate choice, if you know what I mean.

Andrew: Well, that’s sort of like the whole – well, that’s not really a good example.

Kevin: Well, at the same time we haven’t had confirmation that she has. So, I mean people may think that she took the “easy way out,” as they call it, but we don’t have any confirmation of that.

Laura: I just don’t get why people are calling it “the easy way out.”

Kevin: I know! She created the prophecy!

Laura: I thought it was a pretty straight-forward thing and it was about time we figured out what Harry needed to do, you know? It would have – I think it would have been a little late to introduce that in the sixth book. So, maybe people were expecting a little more since she did it in the fifth book, but I thought it was fine.

Micah: Yeah, I mean..

Andrew: Well, Micah, didn’t you just say that it was open so that people could take it different ways?

Micah: Yeah, that’s what I was going to say is that maybe that’s the creative part of it – that it’s open to interpretation and the whole reason that… Go ahead.

Andrew: That’s true. That’s Jo’s style isn’t it? To leave things open? To leave things a mystery? So, I don’t really think it’s…

Micah: Well, yeah.

Andrew: So, I really don’t think it’s that much of a surprise.

Micah: Yeah, but she sort of took it and opened it to interpretation in the book itself, do you know what I mean? Like, if it hadn’t been heard the way that it was heard and the actions that were taken weren’t taken, then we’d be on a totally different path. I mean, maybe just the big thing about the prophecy was that it could have been interpreted a different way and it wasn’t. I didn’t have a problem with it. I’m just saying when you read editorials and things like that and people’s response to that book in particular, it seemed like they were upset that there wasn’t more to the prophecy. You know? Some huge twist.

Andrew: Maybe it’s just people going out of spite that, “Oh gee, I put so much thought into it and then it’s as simple as that? What the heck?”

Laura: I don’t know. I thought there was a pretty big twist in the fact that the prophecy didn’t have to come true.

Micah: Yeah, that’s why I’m saying.

Laura: We found out that it was all about choice…

Kevin: Yeah that’s true.

Laura: …and if Voldemort would just say, if he would just say, you know, “I don’t want to do this,” then nothing would have happened. I thought that was a pretty big twist.

Micah: Right.

Kevin: Yeah, but I think they were expecting something like Neville is the actual person and…

Laura: You know, people still think that.

Kevin: I know.

Laura: And I’m like, “What would be the point of writing this series about Harry if in the end…”

Kevin: If it turns out to be Neville.

Laura: [laughs] I know! It’s like Harry just gets to sit back and do nothing in the seventh book.

Kevin: I mean, yeah, I still maintain that I think Neville is going to play a part, but…

Laura: Oh, I do too. Yeah, no doubt.

Kevin: But I don’t think he’s going to play a huge part. Or, you know, maybe a huge part, but not the Harry Potter part.

Prophecy Recall

Micah: We sort of touched on this a little bit before when we said that she didn’t remember the prophecy, but do you think anything would be different if she did?

Kevin: Absolutely.

Micah: What do you think would be different?

Ben: Because what would happen is, she’d be captured by Voldemort and Voldemort would try to extract the memory from her.

Kevin: Well, I think that’s, well, I think that’s one of the reasons why. I think that even though she doesn’t remember it, she still has some of it in her mind, and I think that’s why Dumbledore keeps her there and protects her. But, I think it would be different in the sense that she wouldn’t… Maybe not the book be different, but maybe the character itself would be significantly different in the sense that she doesn’t have to prove herself, you know what I mean?

Micah: And she’d also be aware of what she’s responsible for.

Kevin: Exactly.

Micah: So, she is at risk and that’s why she’s at Hogwarts. I don’t think any of us disagree with that.

Kevin: Right.

Laura: No, I think that’s, that makes perfect sense.

The Hog’s Head

Micah: Okay, so going back to the prophecy for a minute. The whole mystery that sort of exists surrounding the night at the Hog’s Head…we know that Trelawney said that it was a cheap place for her to stay, and let’s not go into that…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: [laughs] …but, why does Dumbledore use the Hog’s Head for the interview? You know, is it…?

Ben: I don’t know if there’s really a reason behind it.

Micah: Is it because we think his brother is the bartender?

Andrew: Well, wouldn’t it be just because Trelawney is already there in the first place?

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: That too.

Andrew: And it’s just at her convenience that she’s already there. I mean, in another sense, if you are all in depth you can think well, maybe Dumbledore was there so it wasn’t like a – it was just an average, typical location it wouldn’t have been out of place or, nobody would have thought anything of it.

Laura: Well, we also know that the Hog’s Head is kind of a shady place now, but maybe it wasn’t then. Maybe it was an okay place to go, you know. Obviously, if Dumbledore turned up in there now, people might kind of you know, turn their heads, but…

Ben: Well, especially since he’s supposed to be dead, but…

Laura: Well, yeah. You know what I mean…

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: I knew that was coming. Okay, no…

Andrew: Heads would definitely turn.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: No, but say it was like the Three Broomsticks then, you know. No one would think, you know, anything of him showing up there.

Micah: Right.

Ben: And what’s – now, are we sure that Dumbledore chose the location?

Micah: No, I mean…

Laura: We don’t know.

Ben: Because she – I mean, she’s a pretty strange person. She could’ve…

Micah: Yeah, she was staying there. That was the whole point.

Kevin: Oh, so…

Micah: And it’s not like Dumbledore – he didn’t know that the prophecy was coming, he was just interviewing her for the job.

Kevin: Exactly, yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: If he had known that I think he would’ve brought her to a little more secure location. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah.


Micah: Throughout the series it seems like the whole idea of divination and prophecy just isn’t a respected subject and, you know, what is she saying, Jo in particular, about this subject? I mean, Hermione doesn’t like it, she’s smart. McGonagall doesn’t like it, she’s smart. Why does this subject just get absolutely no credibility whatsoever?

Laura: I don’t think it gets credibility from the more logical characters.

Ben: Because it’s such an unpredictable branch of magic…

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: …like McGonagall said. Where… You know, you’re predicting the future, and it’s, you know it’s sort of like – hate to draw a comparison – sort of like art class in high school, choir in high school…

Andrew: Oh no.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: I mean, a lot of people take it but it’s not, you don’t really, it’s hard to find someone who’s really, actually gifted at it.

Andrew: Oh, that’s not true. [laughs] If you’re taking that class, that means you’re into it, especially in high school.

Ben: I disagree.

[Laura laughs]

Ben: Some kids get shoved into that class.

Laura: That depends, we had no choice.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: I got stuck in art for three years.

Andrew: Well, oh okay. At my school, it’s not required.

Kevin: Sometimes, it might be the better of the two evils, you know?

Andrew: [laughs] I was thinking it wasn’t required. I thought it was just an elective.

Laura: Well, I think there’s a lot to be said for the fact that it’s very unpredictable and, you know, despite what Hermione says, I’m sure that there’s some resentment there that there is a subject she can’t do.

Andrew: I think it’s sneezed upon in Hogwarts because it’s taught by Trelawney and she’s always making these false predictions and so everyone’s like, “What a joke!” [laughs] This class is a joke.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And Hermione dropped out of it, so obviously she’s ticked off by the teacher and she probably doesn’t like the class. I don’t really think it’s because she couldn’t do it, I think it’s because she couldn’t – was it because she couldn’t stand the teacher? I thought that was like the…

Kevin: Yeah, I think it was, yeah.

Laura: Well she didn’t like her, but at the same time Hermione could never have any type of vision in the crystal balls or anything. Like it always…

Kevin: Yeah but, if you notice, it’s not so much that she couldn’t see things, it’s because she didn’t believe in it, so she was sort of stopped by herself.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: And at the same time, Trelawney would sit there and tell her, you know, you’re not gifted at this subject, basically insulting her and you know, yeah it’s probably true to an extent and I think that kind of hit home for her – definitely touched a nerve.

Kevin: Yeah but I don’t think she resents the subject though.

Laura: I think she resents it because of Trelawney. Like, I don’t think that she hates seers, but when she thinks about transfigura – not transfiguration, excuse me – when she thinks about that subject at Hogwarts and she sort of thinks about it along the lines of Trelawney’s teaching it, she doesn’t like Trelawney, therefore she doesn’t like the subject.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true.

A Bottle Of Sherry

Micah: In Half-Blood Prince, Trelawney is, you know, she’s hitting the bottle a little bit.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: She is. She is wandering around with that bottle of sherry and, do you guys think that maybe she saw something that we don’t know about–maybe she had one of her visions perhaps, that would bring that on? Or is it just the whole kind of stress of what’s been going on over all?

Kevin: I think it’s just the stress.

Andrew and Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s what I first thought.

Laura: Well, I noticed that she wasn’t the only one drinking a lot. There was a lot more alcohol consumption in that book than there have been in any of the other books.

Andrew: [laughs] Was there? I don’t remember that.

Laura: Yeah there was. Anytime it talked about a teacher or an adult, they were always drinking something alcoholic and I think it just goes to show that times are getting hard, people are getting stressed out, people are scared.

Ben: Yeah, that is a really good point, Laura.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: That’s so funny.

Laura: Well, it’s true. [laughs]

Andrew: Harry Potter finally is cool with teenagers.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Now we see why Jo wrote it in. Who are we kidding? It’s for all of these teenagers…they can relate now. [laughs] I’m not encouraging anything. I’m not suggesting anything.

Firenze vs. Trelawney

Micah: Following Book 5, we see Firenze also come in and start teaching Divination. And we know that the Centaurs have a different type of way that they go about making prophecies versus the way Trelawney does. What do you guys think? Is one of them more accurate than the other?

Ben: Well, certainly Firenze would be because he’s a Centaur and they are gifted at that. And, he’s probably more accurate more of the time than Trelawney is. Trelawney is sort of – she’s a bit shaky, you know? Every once and a while, she’ll pop up with an actual prophecy but, Firenze, he’s not telling us as much as he knows, of course, but I think he knows quite a bit. More than Trelawney, at least. Anyone disagree?

Laura: No, I don’t disagree at all, in fact, I think that’s kind of a disadvantage that the characters have – that the Centaurs won’t tell them what they know.

Ben: Mars is awful bright tonight.

[Everyone laughs]

Trelawney’s Future Role

Micah: We kind of debunked the whole idea of Trelawney helping Harry out in Book 7. Is she going to play any role or is she done now?

Andrew: So, wouldn’t she make for a good character to be killed off by now?

Laura: Well, she might, but I personally am not going to cry if she dies. [laughs]

Kevin: [laughs] No.

Andrew: Well, yeah. I don’t know, I just picture this mass murder happening in Book 7.

Laura: Well, I think it’s definitely true that she needs protection.

Andrew: Like Voldemort has a hit list.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Yeah.

Laura: That’s why Dumbledore didn’t want her to leave Hogwarts whenever Umbridge was trying to kick her out.

Ben: Guys, we have to stop talking about Book 7. It’s just getting me so depressed.

Andrew: Why? Because it’s the end?

Laura: Because it’s almost over! [laughs] It’s going to suck.

Andrew: I don’t know how you people can think that when it’s over a year away still. [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah I know. But that’s…I’m looking forward to it.

Laura: Okay, come on. It’s coming…

Andrew: God only knows what going to happen.

Laura: It’s coming up on a year since Half-Blood Prince came out. I mean, time just flies, it’s so sad.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: We’re going to have to plan something for that too.

Andrew: Rumor has it that Jo is going to invite everyone to her house. This big fiesta party.

Laura: Awesome.

Micah: Nice.

Kevin: Awesome.

Ben: I don’t know if that’s true or not. I think Andrew just…

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Yeah, we’re going to podcast from her living room.

Andrew: Yeah. Could you imagine Eric in the presence of J.K. Rowling?

Kevin: Oh, geez.

Andrew: I can’t.

Kevin: I don’t think he’d be able to talk.

Andrew: He would put on such an act. He would put on such an act.

Kevin: No, he would see her and then just drop to the floor…

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: …and just…

Laura: That’s what I would do. I would faint. [laughs] It’s really sad.

Emma Thompson

Micah: All right, so wrapping it up, Emma Thompson as Professor Trelawney. What do you guys think of her, so far?

Ben: Actually…

Kevin: I think she is pretty good.

Ben: Coincidentally, she was on David Letterman the other night, but regardless of that…

Andrew: Re-run or?

Ben: It was a re-run, yeah. But…

Andrew: What was she promoting?

Ben: I don’t know, but she looked a lot different than what I saw in the movie. It was really weird.

Andrew: Of course.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I hear Ralph Fiennes looks nothing like he does in the movie.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: He actually has a nose. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] And hair!

Kevin: It’s amazing!

Ben: But yeah, I think she has done a really good job. I thought she was excellent.

Kevin: Yeah, I like her character.

Ben: It was kind of confusing, I don’t know. I didn’t really expect when she did the prophecy, to be [speaks in hoarse, creepy voice] “Ahhh, the Dark Lord will rise at midnight and the servant…”

Andrew: I thought that was the perfect…

Kevin: I thought that was pretty good, yeah.

Laura: I thought that was good.

Ben: [Speaks in hoarse, creepy voice again] “The Dark Lord…”

Andrew: Because she is a crazy woman. And she… [laughs] Okay!

[Everyone laughs]

[Andrew still laughing]

Kevin: Because she’s a crazy woman…

Andrew: And she was… Yeah, she was really emotional with it. I mean, it fit her perfectly. [laughs] And everyone’s like, who is this woman? I thought it was good.

Ben: [Speaks in hoarse, creepy voice again] “The Dark Lord…”

Andrew: Okay, enough.

Ben: Sorry. Got a little taken away there.

Voicemails – Will Minerva Give Sibyl The Boot?

Andrew: And now let’s move on to one of the best parts of the show – the voicemails – where you guys send in your questions. We’ll do a couple of Trelawney questions first. Kevin Steck…

[Audio]: Hi, this is Taylor Neumann from Eaton Rapids, Michigan. In Book 7 since McGonagall is the new Headmaster and hates Trelawney, do you think Trelawney is toast…bye-bye? I think she is, I think she is toast that is burnt. Okay, thank you. And the runners up in the MuggleCast segment, do they still get a t-shirt? Because I entered and I want a t-shirt and I want to have clothes when the world ends because I don’t really have money to buy them from you, but I will soon. Love your show, bye.

Andrew: Taylor Neumann from Eaton Rapids, Michigan, I am sorry but we can’t give shirts to every single person who sent in a segment. However, your segment will be aired on the MuggleCast feed and show – in a special show.

Kevin: Which we have to do.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Yes, which we won’t do until the other four runner-ups are played individually.

Laura: With that, I do not think that Trelawney is toast because McGonagall is not someone who’s going to throw someone out of the school just because she doesn’t like her. She’s a fair person, and I just don’t see that…

Kevin: I think so too, yeah.

Laura: …in her character.

Andrew: And she would do what’s in the best interest of the students.

Laura: Yes, not to mention what is in the best interest for…

Andrew: Which might not be Trelawney, but…

Laura: Well, what’s in the best interest for just the current situation because we’ve already specified that Trelawney is in danger, you know? She leaves Hogwarts, where is she going to go?

Ben: Yeah, that’s true. That’s why she was able to hang around in Book 5 anyways.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: And also, I think that McGonagall would never go against what Dumbledore thought.

Laura: No.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: And Dumbledore was obviously putting her up in the school to protect her, so I’m sure she has some idea of why she’s there, so…

Voicemail – Is She Safe? What’s The Deal With McGonagall And Trelawney?

[Audio]: Hey, this is Sara and I’m from Canton, Georgia. My question is about Professor Trelawney and the reason she’s still at Hogwarts. Do you think it has anything to do with her past and trying to – and Dumbledore trying to protect her? And also, do you think McGonagall has a grudge against Divination or actually against Trelawney herself? Thanks, I love the show.

Andrew: She has something against Trelawney herself, because she just thinks Trelawney is crazy.

Kevin: Yeah she thinks she’s…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s nothing, well it is personal, but…[laughs]

Laura: I don’t think that it’s anything big…

Andrew: Right.

Laura: …she just thinks that she’s full of crap.

Kevin: Yeah and I think that that’s what bothers McGonagall. I think she values honesty and Trelawney is dishonest constantly, you know?

Laura: Yeah and I mean, she takes teaching very seriously.

Kevin: She does, yeah.

Laura: And when you have someone like Trelawney running around, predicting the death of a student every year, you know, that would tick someone like McGonagall off.

Micah: Yeah, and she probably thinks that Transfiguration contributes to these kids’ education far more than Divination does, so to have somebody going around and teaching this stuff just doesn’t sit well with her.

Ben: Can you even earn an O.W.L. in Divination?

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Okay. I drew a blank there, sorry about that.

Andrew: Why wouldn’t you?

Ben: I don’t know, maybe…

Laura: They took the O.W.L.s for Divination so I’m assuming you would take the test to earn one.

Kevin: So, and also I think we all agree that she’s there because Dumbledore wants her protected.

Micah: But see, here’s the thing though. [laughs] We know that Snape or, most likely it was Snape that told Voldemort the part of the prophecy, but do we know that Snape told him who it was though that gave the prophecy?

Laura: Do we even know if Snape knows who gave the prophecy? I mean…

Micah: That’s what I’m saying.

Laura: Who knows if he even remembers what she looks like, or anything like that?

Micah: Yeah, I mean, did he even give that information off to Voldemort?

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: So is she really in danger?

Kevin: I think…

Micah: In that sense.

Laura: Well, I think, just the general idea that Voldemort would want to know who…

Kevin: And keeping tabs on her…

Laura: …you know, made the prophecy, that’s just…

Kevin: If for some reason, if for some reason more information comes out where Snape reveals to Voldemort, or someone reveals to Voldemort that she did in fact give the prophecy, then Dumbledore would want to know exactly where she is, you know?

Micah: Right, and that…

Kevin: It’s easier to protect someone when you know where they are, rather than having to hunt them down. Not to mention that she is a true seer, so she does, you know, fit the part.

Micah: Well, I mean, could that be a reason why Dumbledore trusts Snape? Because even though Snape gave up on the prophecy, he didn’t give up who the person was who was responsible for giving it.

Kevin: It’s possible, but we don’t have any information that tells us. I would think that, as a Death Eater, if he was a Death Eater at the time, he would give all the information. I don’t see Snape withholding information from Voldemort as a Death Eater.

Laura: No, I think he probably told him everything he knew.

Kevin: Spilled his beans, yep. Just my opinion, though, I mean.

Voicemail – What House?

[Audio]: Hey guys, this is Erica from Las Vegas. Just want to say I love your show, you guys are awesome. I have a quick question – I was just wondering which house do you guys think Trelawney was in when she went to Hogwarts? I was trying to think about it and I can’t find any of her traits that we know of that would place her in any particular house. And also, do you think we will ever see her use a wand, because we never actually see her doing any spell work or anything. Also, a suggestion for listener challenge may be do an impersonation contest of HP characters or something, I don’t know. Not to try to copy PotterCast, but I think that it would be pretty funny and maybe get some folks going, and please do another Leaky Mug, I miss those. Thanks, and I hope I’ll see you guys at Lumos. Bye.

Laura: You know, I think it’s really hard to place her, but if I had to go with my first inclination, I would say Ravenclaw.

Kevin: I would too.

Andrew: Same.

Micah: Yep.

Kevin: Agreed. I don’t know why, she just seems like a Ravenclaw.

Laura: I don’t think she’s stupid. I think she’s probably fairly intelligent, she’s just probably – well, she is very disconnected from the real world.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: And you see a lot of intelligent people are disconnected from the real world, so, like Luna.

Andrew: Take Ben Schoen, for example.

Ben: Oh, ouch.

Laura: What?

Micah: That’s exactly what I was going to say.

Ben: Well, at least I’m intelligent.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Didn’t someone draw a connection between, if you’re in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, you’re not like, popular or anything?

Laura: What?!

Kevin: No, what they said…

Laura: Popular?

Andrew: I think I heard that on PotterCast to be honest with you. [laughs]

Kevin: I think they said, what did they say? They said…

Andrew: Who’s they?

Kevin: I can’t remember where.

Laura: Well, Cho’s popular.

Micah: Cedric’s popular.

Kevin: I can’t..

Andrew: I don’t know… Someone – I thought I heard someone say that. And they made a good point of it, but I can’t remember who it was.

Micah: Luna’s clearly popular.

Kevin: No, I think they were saying that, typically…

Andrew: They just don’t fit in?

Kevin: No, it’s not that they don’t fit in, it’s that they don’t come to the foreground very often. They have…

Andrew: They just sort of hang around in the back.

Kevin: Exactly, they…

Andrew: But, I mean that’s real…

Laura: Yeah, but…

Andrew: Isn’t that how Jo made them? Because I would think…

Laura: Yeah, because the main conflict is between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins.

Kevin: Exactly. But I…

Andrew: Well, not only that, but that could also be disproved because we’ve also seen of Cedric and Luna out of different Houses.

Kevin: Yeah, I think the point they made was that they can have very good abilities, but they never really show the abilities the way Slytherins or Gryffindors do. Exactly.

Andrew: So they’re modest?

Kevin: Unlike Slytherin.

Laura: I don’t know, I don’t think that’s necessarily true. I mean, look at that Zacharias Smith kid.

Kevin: Yeah, I know there’s exceptions to it, but in general.

Andrew: All right, so now let’s move on to some general voicemail questions.

Voicemails – Horcruxes or Voldy First?

[Audio]: Hi, this is Nolan from Savannah, Georgia. The general agreement is that Harry must destroy all the Horcruxes and then go after Voldemort, but why is that? After all, the last time Voldemort was beaten it took him 13 years to get his body back. Why doesn’t Harry beat Voldemort first and then destroy the Horcruxes at his leisure without the Dark Lord breathing down his neck? Thanks, love your show.

Ben: Okay, well there’s like a big flaw with that idea is that, to my knowledge after he would kill Voldemort, Voldemort would he become one of the Horcruxes? Isn’t that right?

Kevin: I think the Horcruxes link him.

Laura: It would be anti-climatic.

Kevin: No, for one, I think that…yes, it would be anti-climatic, but I think that, the way I understand it, the Horcruxes, so long as a piece of your soul exists after you die, like at the point when you die, it holds you to living, if that makes sense. And, I think that the way she wrote it, it would make it so that, if he killed Voldemort and then destroyed the Horcruxes, or Horcri, he would still be – Voldemort would still be bound to the earth until he was destroyed again, at least the way I understand it.

Ben: I think so, yeah. I think I can see what you’re saying.

Kevin: And I think that’s… Not to mention, I would – it would be pretty crappy for the book. [laughs] So…

Laura: Yeah. Imagine reading Book 7 and having Harry kill Voldemort at the beginning.

Kevin: Yeah.

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Kevin: It would serve a…

Laura: It would be pretty lame.

Kevin: Yeah.

Micah: Well, do we even know…

Andrew: Opening page…

Micah: Do we even know, do we even know that Harry could kill Voldemort without going after the other Horcruxes? I mean, the first time it happened, it was kind of just – it was ancient magic that destroyed him. It was kind of just an accident, really.

Kevin: No, it wasn’t ancient magic, it was the Avada Kedavra charm, or spell. It was the ancient magic that deflected it back to him that protected Harry.

Micah: I don’t know. It just seems that that’s the way the books have been set up. That he’s going to have to destroy these things before he gets Voldemort. Because, like you were saying before, he can just travel from place to place to place. I don’t know, maybe it just makes more sense to go for the Horcruxes first and then go after Voldemort. I think in general, it just weakens him, probably, as an individual, even mentally, for Harry to go up and say, you know, “You really have nothing else to turn to. Once I kill you, you’re going to be dead and that’s going to be it.”

Kevin: Yeah. I think so too. I think the – I think it’s going to be one of the main reasons why Harry is going to be able to defeat Voldemort is because Voldemort is, he’s a very focused individual. And I think this will be enough to throw him off balance. And I think it’s going to come down to that throwing off-balance that’s going to make it so that Harry can defeat him.

Voicemail – Voldemort As A Ghost?

[Audio]: Hi, I’m Marshall from New York, and I was just wondering: If Harry manages to kill Voldemort, wouldn’t he just come back as a ghost because he fears death and the people who become – the people who turn ghost are the people who fear death?

Kevin: I don’t think people who fear death necessarily come back as ghosts.

Laura: Well, I don’t think he’ll come back as a ghost simply because of the fact that he split his soul into so many pieces.

Kevin: [laughs] That’s true.

Laura: I think a requirement for coming back as a ghost is that your soul is whole, I mean…

Kevin: He’s going to be coming back as what, 13 ghosts?

[Laura laughs]

Ben: Right. Well, isn’t what Nearly Headless Nick said was that…

Kevin: Something has to bind you to earth.

Ben: …that – yeah, they have to leave something on earth. Like, they’re not ready to move on yet. It’s not necessarily that they fear death, it’s more of, “I have unfinished business here.”

Kevin: Well, I think Voldemort would be a candidate for that. I mean, his unfinished business is taking over the world. [laughs]

Ben: Oh yeah! So, could Voldemort become a ghost and then rally Death Eaters around him even though he couldn’t actually do anything himself?

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: It could be Harry Potter, the sequel.

Laura: I just, I don’t think so. I have a feeling that you can’t have your soul be fragmented…

Kevin: Yeah, I agree with Laura.

Laura: …and come back as a ghost.

Kevin: I don’t see – I think it’s sort of you’re damaging yourself.

Micah: But don’t a lot of people think that the final battle’s going to take place somewhere in the Ministry of Magic near the Veil? So if he goes through the Veil, can he even come back if he wanted to, as a ghost?

Ben: Well it depends on whether he’s truly dead or not. Right guys?

Kevin: It’s true.

Ben: Yeah.

Laura: Well, if you fall through the veil, you die.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs] Sirius is dead as dead and he didn’t become a ghost, so…

Ben: Yeah, but Dumbledore’s not, right guys? Dumbledore’s not dead, right, Andrew?

Micah: No, he’s still kickin’ somewhere.

Andrew: [laughs]

Kevin: But I agree with Laura. I think that in order to be a ghost, you have to be somewhat whole in your soul. Haha! That rhymed.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Okay.

Laura: You’re a poet and you know it!

Kevin: I know!

Andrew’s Listener Challenge – Second Place Contest Winner

Andrew: Now, moving on to one of the newer parts of the show – The MuggleCast Create Your Own Segment Contest – blah, long title – Winners. Last show, we played the first place winner, which was Order of the iPod by Anthony. And this week, we have the second-place winner, who is…drum-roll, please…

[Faint drumming noises]

Andrew: Taaa daaa! Katy Cartee. We don’t have an official title for her segment, but it’s a really good one. Laura, Micah and I judged them. So, here it is right now: Second-place winner, Katy Cartee.

Katy: Hello MuggleCast and fans! My name is Katy Cartee. I’m 26 years old, and I live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I’ve been listening to MuggleCast for a few months now. I really love it. I really, really love Harry Potter, obviously, and wanted to participate in your competition! I think MuggleCast has just about everything that a podcast should have. But one thing I think it’s a tiny, teensy bit lacking in might be music. Now, I know you’ve got the music that plays the beginning and sometimes at the end and so forth, which is great. And whoever composed that is a genius! Love it. But you don’t have any singing! And I love to sing, and I make up my own songs sometimes. So, I thought it might be funny to make a little parody song for you guys, having to do with Harry Potter. I was inspired by a man named Steve Goodie, who made several Harry Potter parodies that are hilarious that you can find online, and thought I would just do a little kind of tribute to him and to all the Harry Potter fans, and make my own. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy it!

[Music begins]

You say, I only do what I want to
You say, I break rules all the time, so

I’ve always known what I had was special
Always knew I didn’t quite belong
And now that I’ve left those Muggles
I realize that they treated me wrong
I don’t miss them
No, I don’t miss them

You say, I only do what I want to
I don’t listen hard
To all the precautions that are given by Professor Dumbledore every year
Stop berating me, I don’t really care
I’m sick of hearing negatives
No, no, bad

So I put on my dad’s old Invisibility Cloak
And I walked out through the school
Ran into Filch, so I had to run away
Found the Mirror of Erised and wanted to stay

There was my parents who were gazing down and smiling
Just as they were the day I was born, well, well
It’s not that I don’t want to leave them
But I don’t

And I thought I’d stay forever
But Dumbledore arrived
He said this mirror, it is clever
But it won’t take me anyhow
Or anywhere
But down

I guess that I was naive and maybe I was not strong
I thought, “Hey I can leave, I can leave”
But Dumbledore knew I was wrong
Because I miss them
Yeah, I miss them

He said, “I’ve watched you for a long time
Now this mirror must go
It won’t be here tomorrow
I’m sorry, Harry, no, I know it’s hard to lose”
And I say, “okay”

And you say
I only do what I want to

[End of song]

Andrew: All right! So once again, that was Katy Cartee. Thank you very much to her! Next week we will have the Honorable Mention. Who will it be? It was a really good one, and we gave them Honorable Mention. Oh wait! No, no, no, no. I’m sorry. Next week we have the third-place winner, and then the week after that will be the Honorable Mention. Who will be third place? Who will be Honorable Mention? Find out…next week. Well, you’ll find out third place next week. And then by the way, guys, we have gotten so much feedback all about last week’s winning segment, Order of the iPod by Anthony, like I mentioned earlier, that he and his friend Mike, who was the voice of Harry, are up for creating more of these segments! So I said, “Hey! That’d be cool. Do one maybe once a month, or so.” So, he’s going to do them once a month. They’re going to be interviews with the characters, and those two are really funny, so…

Laura: [laughs] Yeah.

Kevin: [laughs] They are.

Andrew: I never told you guys. I kept it a [whispers] secret.

[Kevin gasps]

Laura: I know!

Andrew: So, we’ll look forward to that. That’s just going to be an extra little thing, a lot of fun, bring some extra humor to the show.

Laura: So much stuff that you reveal on the show is stuff that we don’t know until we’re recording!

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: I forget!

Kevin: Thanks a lot!

Andrew: Because, listen. We never – we never talk to each other during the week. All I do is say…

Laura: I know.

Andrew: …”Hey, when do you want to record?”

Kevin: He’s always nagging us.

Laura: I know. These people are really disillusioned if they think that we sit there and talk to each other.

Kevin: Oh, speaking of which…

Andrew: Oh. Well, now I’m revealing stuff that I never tell you… [whispers] I’m pregnant.

Kevin: …did you guys see that list that’s going around with our AIM names on it?

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: What?

Kevin: Here, let me get…

Andrew: It doesn’t bother me, though, because everyone knows it anyway. [laughs] And I have it blocked if you’re not on my buddy list.

Laura: I’ve never given mine out! How the hell did they find it?

Andrew: The chat room.

Kevin: It’s your… Yeah, it’s your…

Andrew: Ooo, Laura’s getting a little [makes a cat noise]! [laughs]

Laura: Oh! Is it the public one?

Kevin: Yeah, it’s your public one.

Laura: Oh, okay. I was about to be like, “Oh man!”

Kevin: They have my private one on there.

Heartwarming E-mail Of The Week

Andrew: So that just about wraps up the show for this week. This show marks the end of MuggleCast – Revision A.

Laura: Mmmm…

Andrew: Starting with Episode 31, we begin a new era in MuggleCasting. It’s not going to be completely different. We’re still going to have the same stuff. We’re still going to be just as awesome, hilarious, and coolest people alive…ish.

Kevin: [laughs] I’m glad you added the ish.

Andrew: So, I’m going to start and end the segment this week. It’s called the MuggleCast Heartwarming E-mail of the Week. This one comes from Christina Branco, 15, of Portugal. Subject: Thank you, MuggleCast. By the way guys, it’s an uppercase “C”, not a lowercase “c.” [sighs] People these days.

My name’s Christina, 15 years old and from Portugal. Last Friday I had a major accident on a go-kart that could have put me on a wheelchair, but thankfully I’m getting a lot better and can walk for a little at a time now, with some pain obviously.

The reason I’m e-mailing you guys is to thank you for your company during my 4 days at the hospital — I had nothing to do, laying on a bed for hours and hours, but I had loads of MuggleCasts that I hadn’t listened to (because of all the schoolwork) on my iPod, so I listened, agreed or disagreed at your theories, laughed at your jokes, forgot about my pains and worries for a while.

I sincerely wish all the best for you guys, and keep up the fabulous work!

Andrew: Isn’t that nice?

Kevin: Awww.

Laura: Awww! Well, we wish you the best. Hope you get better soon!

Andrew: Yeah. It’s always great to hear the stories of how we’re – [laughs] I hate to be, like, “We save people!”

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: Just to keep people entertained through the low points.

Kevin: You’re going to sound like Dr. Phil.

Andrew: Because…

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Oh my god. No.

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: People are always saying, “Awww, thanks! You guys make my week with these shows.” It just makes us feel good that we’re…

Kevin: Influencing your life.

Andrew: So everyone, that does wrap up the show for this week. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck. [laughs]

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We’ll see everybody next week for Episode 31.


[Groovy music starts]

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast! My name’s Jason Lance, and I’m from Albuquerque. I’d like to give a shout-out to everyone over here, and especially to a friend of mine named Bobby, who I think is obsessed with Emma. Even more than Ben. He’s got pictures of her on his car and he wrote “I love Emma” all over it. Yeah, I just want to say I love your show, I just started listening to it a couple of weeks ago. I think it’s great. Keep up the good work – yeah! Bye!

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast people! This is Brock from Australia. I got through on the 1-218-20-MAGIC (62442) line! I’m so excited! It took me so long, I had to call international calls and…phweph. Yeah, a long story. But it’s so awesome! Go MuggleCast! Yay. I’ll leave you now. Bye bye!

[Audio]: Hi, my name is Kevan. I’m from Hawaii, and I’m six years old. Just to tell you, I love your podcast. My favorite caster is Kevin because my name’s Kevan too. I love Harry Potter! Talk to you later. Bye!

[Audio]: Hi guys, this is Danielle from California. I just wanted to say, Ben, I found out from the Leaky Mug mini that you like the show The OC. And I’m sorry, but that’s THE dumbest show ever. And I live in Orange County, and it’s nothing like that. I mean, I live ten minutes from the beach, but that’s probably the only thing that’s the same. It’s filmed in, like, Malibu and Canada my friend told me, so it’s nothing like it is here. And…yeah. I just wanted to say don’t watch it. Please. Okay. Bye.

[Audio]: Hello. My name is Ibrahim Asadullah. I’m calling from Milton, Ontario. I just like your shows and I love Harry Potter. It would be really nice if you got my call on your next Harry Potter – on your next MuggleCast. Thank you, and bye bye.

[Audio]: Jacie: Hi, this is Jacie and Grace from London, England, and Grace is three years old. And I think she’s your youngest listener, so here’s what she’s got to say!

Grace: Hello, I’m called Grace, and I’m three, and I love MuggleCast.

Jacie: Yay! [laughs]

Grace: I think we did good.

[Groovy music ends]


Andrew: Eric’s like, “Let’s play Scene it? Let’s play Scene it?” [laughs] And we’re all like, “No!”

Ben: That was pretty funny.

Andrew: And then him and the Leaky Mods went up to their room.

Ben: Who was it – okay. Who was it that went up to, that came with me up to the other room? This is off topic, but it was me, and we were down in the…

Andrew: Me.

Ben: We were down in the – yeah, you went up there with me? And they were all like, uptight and stuff.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [laughs]

Ben: And they seemed upset that I was completely…yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, I was, like, trying to crack a joke, and, like, nobody laughed. [laughs]

Ben: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: That was like at what, 2:00 AM or something?

Ben: They were like, “We’re leaving.”

Andrew: I’m pretty sure we walked…[laughs] yeah. Ahhh, good times.


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #29

MuggleCast EP29 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: “M” to the “UggleCast” – Episode 29 for February 26th, 2006. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all plans start at just $3.95 per month. No matter what plan you choose, your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. I use them for my personal website, and I know that GoDaddy has some of the best, affordable hosting plans online. I recommend you use them for your upcoming website or podcast because as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you checkout, and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello everyone and welcome to the show. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And of course this is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, and now Ben fighting childhood obesity. Isn’t that right, Ben? [laughs]

Ben: Yes, folks. I am fighting childhood obesity.

[Eric and Andrew laugh]

Ben: See, I’m starting here on a personal level. Lately, lately, as I step on the scale, it’s going the wrong way. It’s going…

[Eric and Andrew laugh]

Ben: No, I decided ENOUGH! I have had enough. So I am making a turnaround, you know? I’m going back the other way.

Andrew: We’re proud of you, Ben.

Ben: That’s, that’s… See, MuggleCast, we’re… Lately we’ve become so diversified it’s not even funny anymore.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: We’re doing so many things these days, you know?

Andrew: Okay. [laughs]

Ben: Fighting childhood obesity, saving the world. You know?

Andrew: Yeah…right.

Eric: So now everybody – we have to now ask that the fans now send Nutri-Grain bars to the PO Box instead of cookies because Ben is trying to cut back.

Andrew: [Laughs] Excellent suggestion.

Ben: Seriously, send me… Yes, please, please send me some Energy Bars or some Power Bars. I will love anyone who sends me Power Bars. Start a campaign – “Ben Schoen Losing Weight.” Be the change.

Andrew: Quick, Micah Tannenbaum, before the music runs out – Ben’s taken up all the time on this awesome theme song. Update us with the past week’s top Harry Potter new stories.


All right, Andrew.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has accumulated over $600 million in international box office sales, making it the fifth highest-grossing film outside North America. It ranks only behind Titanic, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Sorcerer’s Stone, and Chamber of Secrets.

With North American tickets sales included, Goblet of Fire has earned a total of $888 million and is eighth on the list of the top films of all time. That’s a lot of “eights.”

Speaking of the fourth film, the results are in for this year’s BAFTAs and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire won the award for Best Production Design. The fourth movie was also nominated in the categories of Best Make Up/Hair and Best Achievement in Special Visual Effects.

Goblet of Fire also won the Best Film Award at the 2006 NMEs and Jarvis Cocker, who played the Weird Sisters’ lead singer at the Yule Ball in the movie, was in attendance to pick up the award.

Moving to Half-Blood Prince, the sixth Harry Potter book has been nominated for the WH Smith Book of the Year award. The awards, which have been running annually for the past 17 years, will take place in London on March 29th. Order of the Phoenix won the award in 2004, and we hope Half-Blood Prince will be just as lucky! The Spanish version of Half-Blood Prince was released to fans on Wednesday.

At Tuesday’s Book Aid International auction in London, Dan Radcliffe’s mother, Marcia Gresham, bought – on the actor’s behalf – Jo Rowling’s hand-drawn Black Family Tree for £30,000. Marcia also purchased a Tom Stoppard play and a piece on writing by Iain Banks.

Dan’s mother had this to say: “This should put paid to anyone who says that Daniel doesn’t like reading. Daniel hasn’t stopped since he read the first Harry Potter book and he loves Iain Banks and Tom Stoppard.”

The charity, which provides books for African schools, was delighted to raise a total of £63,000.

The Sunday Mail had an article last weekend with more information on JK Rowling’s upcoming charity ball/auction in aid of MS Scotland. Jo has apparently put Trainspotting star Robert Carlyle in charge of running the show. All 250 tickets for the event – costing £250 a piece – have already sold out and the society hopes to raise more than last year’s haul of £300,000.

Finally, has received two photos (1, 2) from the Order of the Phoenix filming area. In these pictures you’ll see…get ready for this…this is big…Hagrid’s Hut, which was clearly under construction at the time these were taken. You can check these photos out over on I’m just interested in why they’re rebuilding a hut that’s already been in four movies. But hey, I’m just looking out for you financially. When you can’t afford that extra owl, don’t say I didn’t warn you. But, wrapping it up, Alan Rickman will return to England in April in order to film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

That’s all the news for this February 26th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show!

Andrew: Okay, thank you, Micah. Let’s get to a few announcements.


Andrew: Ben, I just… I just can’t get over how you’re fighting childhood obesity. It really…

Ben: I know.

Andrew: I’m just so proud of you. I can’t even…

Ben: I know.

Andrew: Words cannot comprehend.

Ben: It brings a tear to my eye.

Andrew: You know, you should sell that George Forman grill on eBay for MuggleCast listeners. [laughs]

Ben: Yeah! Buy Ben Schoen’s George Forman grill.

[Eric and Andrew laugh]

Ben: Hey, if you’re interested in buying my George Forman grill used by Ben Schoen – the Ben Schoen (he’s cooked many hamburgers on it) – e-mail me.

Eric: Ben’s Burger Grill.

Andrew: I thought I was going to get it. First let’s check up on a few announcements – MuggleCast announcements. We just wanted to update you on a theory last week concerning McGonagall as Headmistress. And we weren’t exactly sure whether she would become Headmistress now that Dumbledore is dead in Book 7. And as it turns out, on page 51 of Sorcerer’s Stone, McGonagall signs her letter to Harry as Deputy Headmistress, meaning she acts as, and as I quote from “an assistant exercising full authority in the absence of his or her superior and equal authority in emergencies.” Which suits her perfectly for becoming Headmaster or Headmistress of Hogwarts school.

Eric: Plus, she was in charge when Dumbledore left in Book 2. Correct?

Andrew: Yes. So, thanks to Kevin Duncan for pointing that out to us. See what happens when you guys e-mail us? You get plugged on the show.

Ben: Okay, folks. We have some more announcements here. Everyone, everyone, everyone needs to buy a MuggleCast T-shirt?

Andrew: Ben, why would everyone have to buy a MuggleCast T-shirt?

Ben: Well, for several reasons, Andrew. You help support the show. And they’re so fashionable that I bought 12 of them last week. I mean…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: …they’re just that great. So, everyone buy a MuggleCast T-shirt, okay? They come in two designs, a multitude of sizes, and even one design even has silhouettes of each MuggleCaster. So, that’s my favorite. So, make sure you buy a MuggleCast T-shirt.

Eric: Ben, you stink at PR. Let me do this. L-L-Let me do this, please. Okay.

Ben: No, no, no, no, hold on. Hold on.

Eric: These shirts… No, no, no, no. These MuggleCast…

Andrew: I want to hear Eric.

Eric: I insist, I insist. These MuggleCast T-shirts are made out of a special synthetic fabric and in like one year, there’s going to be something big that happens and all the clothing in the entire world is going to deteriorate and we are going to have left are these MuggleCast T-shirts.

Andrew: Wow, I didn’t even know that.

Eric: So, if you want clothing, buy a MuggleCast T-shirt.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: But it like it’s the only…

Andrew: To save yourself in 2007.

Eric: Buy it like there is nothing left.

Ben: But also, visit, click on the “Store” tab and it will take you to wear you can purchase a shirt. You can purchase it through PayPal, so now worries there. But also, in addition to that, if you don’t want a MuggleCast T-shirt itself, you can buy a shirt for MuggleNet. So visit, you can click off to the right there. You’ll see a flashing image that says, “MuggleNet T-shirt – Get Yours!” So, you can buy one of those.

News Discussion – Black Family Tree

Andrew: Okay, now moving on to some news discussion – it was a semi-busy week. Right, Micah Tan?

Micah: Oh yeah.

Andrew: Come on, you’re our head news monkey. You got to give me the…

Micah: I haven’t been to once this week.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Ouch!

Andrew: What a great news reporter you are! [laughs]

Eric: Whoa! Not even when compiling your news, Micah?

Andrew: Hey, you aren’t supposed to tell people you steal your news from Leaky.

Micah: I haven’t compiled my news yet.

Eric: I know, I know.

Micah: Not to date the show or anything.

Andrew: What? You just said it. Stop ruining the magic behind MuggleCast.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Gosh! [laughs] So apparently even Micah Tannenbaum doesn’t know that Mrs… This really surprised me! Mrs. Radcliffe, as it turned out, was the one who purchased The Black Family Tree that was on auction earlier this week. There was so much speculation over who was going to buy it and then people were thinking, “Well, are they going to share it with us?” Now we know that answer is definitely, “NO!” I’m just surprised. And then in a quote by her, she had said that this was to prove, not exactly to prove, but to show that Dan reads books.

Eric: And to prove that, she bought an Iain Banks and Tom Stoppard works. But, have you…guys, have you ever heard the rumor that Daniel hates to read?

Andrew: No, I haven’t. I don’t know where she was getting that from?

Eric: And we work for MuggleNet. And I’m assuming she’s not delusional. She’s his mother and she’s looking out for him, but really! I never heard that. I heard his eyes were blue. And that’s about the biggest insult I’ve heard for Dan Radcliffe. Evidently, there were people who said he couldn’t read or doesn’t like to read.

Micah: It’s clearly a conspiracy.

Eric: Yes.

Micah: I mean, Jo told her to go an buy it.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: [laughs] Oh yeah, I bet.

Andrew: All kidding aside, I just don’t understand why… I think it would be better left in the hands of a real fan or I don’t know. It just surprised me.

Eric: On the contrary, I kind of, I kind of like it. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world when I read that this afternoon. I got online, I was like “Wow!” – that Mrs. Radcliffe had bought it. It kind of closes the connection between them as well, between the Radcliffes and J.K. Rowling. But what fascinated me was that it only went for what? £30,000? And that’s not actually… I mean if this is as big as we think it is…

Ben: That’s how much I weigh.

[Micah and Eric laugh]

Eric: 30,000 lbs.? Ben, I feel very bad for you.

Ben: Just kidding! Just kidding!

Eric: That’s why you haven’t been to the PO Box. Okay, anyway. So, £30,000 is not a lot. And if this is supposed to reveal a lot that we think it reveals, it kind of went pretty cheap. I think, I think… And what surprises me is that nobody could have outbid “Mrs. Relling” on this. Oh, sorry – Mrs. Radcliffe.

Andrew: I would have been much happier seeing a fan get it, though I don’t know how many fans have £30,000 to go and spend on this kind of thing. It just seems…

Micah: Yeah, I mean I agree. It’s something better left in the hands of a fan. Because I mean what does, why does Dan need it?

Andrew: Dan wants it just as much as the next fan because he’s as big a fan. So…

Eric: Well, that proves a point.

News Discussion – JKR Site Update

Andrew: And then in other news, J.K. Rowling has updated her website, which she does not do as often as she used to. She updated her F.A.Q. Poll yesterday.

Ben: Dun-dun-dun.

Eric: Yes. Well…kind of. I was, I was very disappointed.

Andrew: At what? The question or the answer?

Eric: Especially the answer because she has this F.A.Q. Poll that’s on there for, you know, a long time. And I don’t know how… I forget what the other questions were. And I don’t know by what margin this one won, but then JKR said in the Poll, and I quote this…hang on, let me…JKR says, “I was surprised that this question won because it is not the one that I’d have voted for. But hey, if this is what you want to know, then this is what you want to know.” And now first of all, she… You know, there’s a very big time period before she, you know, she answers these questions. And then she goes and practically re-questions us, and she’s like, “Well, pfhhh! I don’t, you know, this is not the one I would have ‘choosen.'” And then she gives a one paragraph answer and says, “When a Secret-Keeper dies, their secret dies with them. To put it another way, the status of their secret will remain as it is…as it was at the moment of their death. Everybody in whom they confided…” She answered it and then repeated it four times and then reiterated how the Fidelius Charm works. And I really don’t feel insulted, but the fact is, the answer to this question…

Micah: You feel like she copped out.

Ben: Well Eric, Eric, this question isn’t nearly as big of a letdown as, “Who is Mark Evans?” “Mark Evans is nobody. You’re stupid for that one.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Well, I thought that, I thought that was…yeah. That was funny. That was a funny response. For the record, the other two questions for the Poll were, “Does the destruction of the Horcrux involve more than the destruction of the object?” and the second question was, “Why did Voldemort want the Philosopher’s Stone if he already had the Horcruxes?”

Eric: Hey, wait. And, wait a minute. I’m on Jo’s side now. This one won?

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah right.

Andrew: To be honest…

Eric: I’m suddenly on Jo’s side. Wait a minute here.

Andrew: Yeah. I was…

Ben: I think Lightmaker, Lightmaker rigged the Poll here.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: No, I’m…

Eric: Wait, how could this question have won?

Andrew: I’m more intrigued… I’m more intrigued by the Secret-Keeper question because the other two… “Does the destruction of the Horcrux involve more than the destruction of the…” Well, okay that question I’d be interested in. [laughs]

Eric: I don’t know. I would have “choosen” the other one. I would have chosen the other one. I think the Horcrux thing is obvious because Dumbledore’s hand, you know, was all black from trying to destroy the ring or at least that’s what we infer from it. So, but, you know the Secret Charm, I think we could have kind of figured out. I mean as J.K. did say, we could have figured it out that it just stays the same. There’s no…it’s not like revealed or anything. Otherwise…

Ben: Well, hindsight is 20-20.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: In this case, after the fact, once we know what the answer is, we’re really disappointed, because, “Oh, we could have known the answer to these two questions.” But what if we had chosen the other ones and it had turned out to be something simple, then we would have said, “Oh man! We should have figured out what happened to the secret after the Secret-Keeper dies.”

Eric: Yeah, well I appreciate…

Ben: That’s just what I think.

Eric: I appreciate that, you know, she went and answered this, but at the same time I am disappointed that it got pretty much the answer we could have figured out anyway. That it just dies with him and then she repeated how it works. You know that’s all good that she’s at least re-clarifying herself, with herself, you know, to figure out. But I think the F.A.Q. Poll needs to be answered a lot more, you know, a lot more frequently.

Andrew: Yeah, but you know what? When you think about it, not many authors have a fan site where they answer the fans questions and they discuss whatever we ask.

Eric: That’s more than we can ask for. Forgive me if I have offended anybody too, because it is true. Just the fact that she updates and has this site… I don’t want to hassle her for not updating because she does…she’s incredibly busy. She’s writing Book 7 right now, you know?

Andrew: We’re not J.K. Rowling [mispronounces name], but what if we trying answering the other two questions?

Eric: Okay. So, what was the other one?

Ben: Andrew, we’re not who? Hold on a second. Andrew, we’re not who?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: J. K. Rowling.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Okay, just checking.

Eric: I thought he said that.

Ben: Because I thought I heard Rowling.

Andrew: I have this New Jersey accent.

Eric: What was the third …

Andrew: Rowling sounds like Rowling, it’s hard. It’s hard for me to fight. Why did Voldemort want the Philosopher’s Stone if he already had his Horcruxes? Which is a good question. I would say as a backup system.

Ben: No, I’d say because he has to find a way to get his body back. Perhaps?

Andrew: What if all of his Horcruxes were blown up? Then what would he do? So that’s why he needed the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Eric: Yeah, the thing is, I think with the fact poll, I voted on this a few months ago.

Ben: F.A.Q. F.A.Q.

Eric: Ok, and if you want to tell me that it’s not suppose to be satisfactory…

Andrew: Let’s stay on topic, Eric.

Eric: Ok, what I was going to say, I answered this a few…I chose the Horcrux questions a few months ago because I wanted to, I think JKR’s, even if she gave us a half answer, she would have answered in a way that related to Voldemort’s motivations. And those are going to be everything, and everything that Voldemort wants to do. She could easily say, “Oh! Well, he just needed a full body,” but by saying that she would further continue the story of how he…of what happened while he was floating around in Horcri-ness and was looking for something to do for 13 years.

Micah: You’re talking about the object question. Do you have to destroy the object?

Eric: No, I’m talking about why he wanted the Philosopher’s Stone even if he had his Horcruxes. Didn’t we talk about this and say it was quality of life or something?

Micah: Yeah, even immortality.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Even the more stronger Sorcerer’s Stone in addition to all his Horcruxes.

Eric: Yeah, it’s all about getting the stone.

Andrew: Now that I think about it, I think we have already answered question two, or at least talked about it on previous shows. Does the destruction of a Horcrux involve more then the destruction of the object? I could have sworn we got a voicemail on that or something. Does anyone else remember?

Eric: Yeah, I think we determined it was the quality of, I think we just mentioned that Dumbledore’s black hand… it was taking Dumbledore a little…a long time – first of all just to get to the Horcrux, you know, at the end of the book, that was in the…that turned out to be the RAB pendant or whatever. Just to get to the Horcrux seemed to be a pain in the butt, more than it would be just to destroy anything else.

Micah: Yeah, we saw the destruction of the diary in Chamber of Secrets. Even thought we didn’t know it was a Horcrux at that point.

Eric: Well, actually he just stuck a fang through that. That died… that, that thing broke pretty easily. I don’t know. That was what made me question it…

Andrew: I hope fangs don’t come back. Although, it would be nice foreshadowing.

Eric: What about the…

Ben: Oh dude! I see it now. Fang killed the Horcrux, Fang is going to kill the other Horcruxes. Fang, the dog. Oh yeah.

Eric: Yes, he’s really…no, no.

Ben: He’s really James Potter actually.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I’m just kidding, I’m not going to start that…I can see it now.

Andrew: You know, I’m looking through the JK Rowling section on The JK Rowling dot com info section. It’s an excellent resource for everything JK Rowling dot com. Um…

Ben: Yeah, Emerson did a really good job of it.

Andrew: Absolutely – wait, he did it? So, I think we should, in future episodes, we should answer these runner up questions. Benjamin Carl Schoen, do you have a another top ten list for us this week? Remus Lupin style in celebration …

Ben: Yes I do!

Andrew: Or Remus Lupin edition this week.

Ben: Let’s do this Lupin style.

Andrew: Hit us with it!

Ben’s Top 10

Ben: Of course. Here we go, the Top 10 reasons to become a werewolf.

Number Ten – Snape will never disrespect you.

Number Nine – the ladies don’t seem to mind.

Number Eight – you don’t ever have to worry about cooking.

Number Seven – plenty of fresh air and exercise.

Number Six – because Animagi are just too boring.

Number Five – Your boss won’t object when you take a few days off from work.

Number Four – You never have to dress up for Halloween.

Number Three – You never have to shave.

Number Two – You’re never forced to take strolls in the moonlight.

And the Number One reason to become a werewolf – you’re guaranteed at least one wild night every month. [laughs]

Andrew: All right, thank you, Ben. Excellent top ten list, as usual.

Main Discussion – Remus Lupin

Andrew: Now, getting on to our main discussion of the week: as promised, Remus Lupin. Let’s read up on some quick information, courtesy of the MuggleNet Encyclopedia. He’s 37 years old, according to the official Harry Potter timeline. He was in the Gryffindor house. And Lupin is a werewolf, transforming during the full moon each month. The rest of the time, he is a kind, talented, and highly intelligent wizard. Remus has a – has a mischievous streak that manifested itself during his time at Hogwarts, although he was the most restrained of the trouble-making Marauders. He’s also an expert on Dark Creatures and how to subdue them, he’s a vital member of the Order of the Phoenix, and Lupin is undoubtedly powerfully magical. He’s also loyal, hard-working, and self-sacrificing – but modest to the point of being self-deprecating.

Father Figure

Eric: Lupin cares for Harry, but is he a father figure like Sirius would have been? And will he be even more of a father figure and a helping hand to Harry in Book 7? What do you guys think?

Ben: Well, in my eyes, I don’t think Harry has one single father figure. He has a bunch of role models that he looks up to – I don’t think there’s just one person you can call a father figure. Well, I guess Lupin will sort of, he’s all that Harry has left, really, besides the Weasleys. And, you know, in terms of older males he can look up to, that’s pretty much it.

Eric: Well I think also, at the stage that was in Book 3, he was the most a father figure, I think. I think that’s right too, because Harry really was figuring all that stuff out about his parents in Book 3. And Lupin was there kind of like, you know, to guide him and to lead him through this transition, you know, with the Dementors, and dealing with his parents’ death. And Lupin, I think, really connected to that because I guess this was the first time he had seen Harry in at least thirteen years, or at least twelve years. And that was also since, you know, the last time he saw James and Lily. So he was very connected to that.

Micah: Yeah, and I think Lupin may even be more of a father figure than Sirius was. I think Sirius came across as more of a, you know, a friend, because Sirius really saw James in Harry, and so he tried to make that connection a little bit more so…

Eric: So you’re saying…

Micah: …than taking care of Harry, I would say.

Eric: You’re saying that that Lupin is actually better, a better father figure, because he sees Harry as Harry.

Micah: Yeah, I think so.

Eric: I think that works.

Andrew: Well, Ben was saying earlier that he looks up to a lot of people, but I really don’t think at this point that he does anymore. Because he’s sort of, he’s sort of a free lancer now. He doesn’t exactly look up to anyone. He’s on his own now. And I’m not just saying that from an observation standpoint, but I think he decided that he can’t rely on people anymore.

Eric: I think, yeah. I think, really, Harry had become independent, I think, definitely during Book 5…

Andrew: Right, and…

Eric: …when he was expecting everybody to fill him in.

Andrew: It started with Sirius’ death, because at that point, he was really relying on Sirius, and then he died, and it just totally threw everything off for him.

Eric: Well, I think it actually happened before then, too. Because Dumbledore, remember, was avoiding him all of Book 5, like, wouldn’t even glance him in the eye. And of course Harry found out later that, you know, if he did, that Voldemort would have come out, you know, whatever. But yeah. He was really ticked off in the beginning of Book 5, when nobody would fill him in. And remember, he ranted at, you know, Hermione and Ron about it. But he was becoming independent.

Andrew: That’s true. He had to.

Eric: And ever since then, you know, he’s really… and the only reason he relied on Dumbledore in Book 6 was because Dumbledore was the only one who knew the most about Voldemort, so he developed that trust. But of course, that went all to hell when Dumbledore died. So I think really, he is his own person now.

Andrew: Good point! I didn’t think of that. I’d always thought it started with Sirius.

Final Exam

Eric: Lupin’s course seemed to bring out the best in everyone. Remember, some people failed at different points and different types of monsters. The question is: remember, like, some people got stuck in the tires, other people got… I think it was Neville that got lost with the little creature that held the flashlight and lured him elsewhere. You know, like, different people got stuck at different places. What do you guys think that means?

Andrew: It means that they couldn’t excel in those different areas. [laughs]

Ben: Yeah, everyone has their weaknesses, dude. Just like in…

Eric: I know, but do you guys remember what they were?

Ben: Just like in school, some people are good at math and science and some people are good at reading. It all depends on who you are…

Andrew: Well…

Ben: …and what you’re good at.

Andrew: …Lupin was teaching an entire subject. I mean, I guess at some points of math you can be bad and some points you can not, but this was more hands-on. It’s not exactly the same thing.

What’s In A Name?

Micah: Just the name Remus Lupin…. Did you guys immediately realize when you first opened Prisoner of Azkaban and you got to the train scene that he was a werewolf? I mean, his name gives away a lot of information.

Eric: Yeah. Lupin is – well not just Remus and Romulus, but yeah. Lupin and lupine… I mean, anybody who’s had any ling – you know, linguistic stuff, should have gotten that right off the bat. That is one of the more obvious names. But I didn’t know, I mean, I was like, fourteen, so I didn’t notice.

Andrew: It must be a lot of fun for her to think up all these names.

Eric: She has to have a lot of fun! Every time she introduces a new name, it’s like a name I could not have thought of. You know? I’d think of, like…

Ben: Well, she finds it through things like Greek mythology. It’s not like she just sits there one day: “Re… re… re-re-mus! Remus Lupin! Oh yeah. That’s just…”

[Eric laughs]

Eric: Rrrr… clicks.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: She’s sitting in her sitting room, right? And she’s just sitting there going, “Rrrr…” and Neil walks in, and he looks at her and goes, “Mommy?” And… [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, I was going to say.

Eric: Or David, David walks in. And he goes, “Mommy?” And she’s just sitting there, going “Rrrr…”

Micah: Mommy is what Neil calls her on the side.

Eric: …with a little pen. [laughs] No! I’m not doing that! I’m not going to say it. But she’s sitting there with a pen, and all of a sudden she just shouts, “Remus Lupin!” and writes it down. She just shouts, “Remus Lupin.” And he’s like, “Oh! That’s the new….”

Andrew: I think her strategy is that she has a Latin dictionary, and then she picks out a word that means something that would relate to the Harry Potter films, and then she changes…

Eric: Oooo, moon! Let’s go look at that.

Andrew: …two letters into the word.

Eric: We are forgetting too, she taught Spanish – she taught English as a second language, didn’t she? So she’s got to know her English pretty darn well.

Teenage Lupin

Eric: Do you guys remember in the Shrieking Shack that Lupin described himself as like this self-conscious teenager? And he was even, like, he was unsure of himself, basically, and he was all insecure and stuff. But then the, then he said to Harry that all the Marauders became Animagi for him. Do you guys think that’s like…. Do you think guys think that’s like them? And why do you think they befriended him in the first place if he was…. I mean, I like the fact that they like adventure, but why were they, why were they friends with Lupin in the first place? Because they didn’t know he was a werewolf until afterwards, until they saw him sneaking off, you know, having to excuse himself. But why Lupin? Why did they become friends? Why did they click, do you think? And Lupin as a teenager, being all self-conscious and stuff…. James is clearly very arrogant. How would they fit together?

Ben: Yeah. And it just sort of…. How did you become friends with your friends at school? Everything just fell into place. That’s how it happened. There’s no… it just sort of happens. I mean, like…

[Ben and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Well, he’s meaning is there any sort of connection or anything?

Micah: Well, they were all in Gryffindor.


Eric: Right. Guys, what does the Wolfsbane Potion do? Does it keep him in his own head? What, you know, I think…

Ben: Yeah, it’s just the psychological part, I’m pretty sure.

Eric: But he said, I think it was like, somebody corrected me on this when I mentioned it to him, and they said it was him being with the Animagi in their animal form that kept him in his own head – but when he took the Polyjuice Potion, he was still kind of a wolf, but he didn’t, like, transform, he just, like, got stuck in his office. But in addition to this, the Wolfsbane Potion, even though we don’t know exactly what it does, Snape made it for him you know, and that was all that Lupin told

Harry: about how, you know, he made it for him every month and that’s why he doesn’t think Snape’s the bad guy. I know we defend Snape a lot on this show, but I think it’s important to bring up, too. Like, every month like clockwork, you know, Snape… it’s interesting, you know, because Snape hated the Marauders enough to give Harry crap, yet he made the potion for Lupin anyway. So, like, is Snape only mad at James? And, you know, what is the Wolfsbane Potion, what does it do? Because I think at one point, Lupin said… when he was bitten, Lupin was referencing when he was bitten as a child, that that was before the Wolfsbane Potion, as if the Wolfsbane Potion could have prevented that or something.

Ben: It’s like when people get old and they start forgetting stuff.

Eric: No that’s Alzheimer’s. Dementia is just any kind of crazy delusions. Like it can be forgetfulness but it’s also hallucinations and if you imagine you’re in like, a different time or…

Ben: Okay, okay, Dr. Scull. Thank you, Dr. Scull.

Andrew: Eric, I think I remember reading somewhere, I don’t know if it was an interview with JK Rowling or whatever that it prevents dementia which is a side effect of transforming into a werewolf. Now, why would Snape make this for Lupin? It could have been a favor that he was returning because I doubt Snape creates anything that would require Lupin to give him a favor.

Micah: I thought it was on Dumbledore’s orders.

Eric: Yeah, it’s kind of expected of him…he’s a co-teacher. He would look bad if he were still holding this grudge, and you know, Dumbledore already knew that Snape was giving Harry crap still so…I think it might have been overboard if he didn’t, you know, and Snape was probably the only person who could make the Wolfsbane Potion. David Thewlis, beyond Hit…sorry…beyond Hitler’s ‘stache, how good is he for the role and will he change much to accommodate Order of the Phoenix? Now, remember, the way he acted and like the whole mustache thing, that’s not necessarily tied to…it’s not necessarily going to be in the fifth movie, you know what I’m saying? I mean, he might shave, he might act a little differently. I think he would be a little stupid if he kept the Hitler ‘stache too. It would kind of be like, the fans would still complain about it. I think…

Andrew: Well, wait a second. Doesn’t Warner Brothers tell them what to do? Is it that big of a decision to shave your mustache? [laughs]

Eric: There’s people though…there’s fans who say, “Oh David Thewlis sucked as Lupin. I hate that ‘stache.” And they like totally go on to diss his acting skills based on his mustache. Now, I thought he did a great acting job in Prisoner of Azkaban, probably one of the best actors in that movie. One of the best performances, you know. He worked with what he had, and what he had was a ‘stache and everybody gives him crap about it.

Andrew: I’ve never seen that crap about the ‘stache. If the part requires him to look differently than he did in Movie 3, then he’s going to do it. He’s not going to suppress the fans by objecting to, you know, something as simple as a mustache.


Eric: David wanted his wife to play Tonks and she was an actress but then they went and cast somebody else. So what do you guys think about that? Like, I actually thought it might be cool if his wife…if David’s wife was Tonks because she likes the books and whatever.

Micah: She’s American.

Eric: Oh she’s American? Okay, never mind. Thank you.

Andrew: There you go. [laughs] Well folks, for people who don’t know there’s…Warner Brothers does not allow people from the US… Basically, if you don’t have a British accent, you can forget about it.

Eric: And not even. If you don’t have an authentic British accent too, not like, faked ones, because there’s Americans, including me, who think they can fake one and it really just doesn’t…they don’t do that. Plus, there’s probably some kind of rights behind it.

Lupin And The Veil

Eric: Okay, here’s something you guys are all going to comment on, because this is a good topic. You know in the Department of Mysteries…you know, Harry’s all running after Sirius, well Sirius falls into the big freaking curtain, alright. Didn’t upset me at all, no not at all. The big freaking curtain, right? So, Harry runs after him, jumps, you know, tries to jump in after him, but Lupin holds him back and says, “He’s gone, Harry,” you know, that’s it. Now, when I first read this, I thought of two things. I thought, either Lupin knows about the veil and what it does so that he can actually make an informed decision and say, “He’s gone, Harry” because that thing kills you when you go into it. Or, he was just saying, you know, “He’s gone,” you know that’s it, to hold Harry back from jumping in because he know…that he, you know if he didn’t know what was in the veil he wouldn’t want Harry to go in there too.

Ben: You’re making a good point here, Eric, that Lupin would have to know something about the veil in order for him to say definitively that Lupin is gone, I mean, that Sirius is gone.

Micah: Isn’t it Luna also…when Harry talks to her…that says something about voices?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: So, it’s not, I mean, maybe she doesn’t know specifically about the veil, but she has an idea about, you know, what happens to people.

Eric: I saw Lupin as the father figure, just saying, you know, “Oh he’s gone,” even if he didn’t really know what was back there, you know. He had to say it to get Harry to stop and I think that worked effectively, so. I just want to know if you guys thought it he actually knew what was back there, or it was just, you know, a fatherly thing, you know…instinct to get Harry away from it.

Micah: Yeah, it definitely could have been instinctual, if that’s a word but, yeah he might have just thought that there was danger and he thought first about protecting Harry more than anything else.

Unemployment Line

Eric: Just how hard is it, guys, do you think, to get a teaching job and respect as a werewolf, even with Wolfsbane Potion and, you know, because Lupin’s all talking about, you know, his prejudice and how their parents wouldn’t want the, you know, their teachers schooled by werewolves, but then what can werewolves do in the world besides go around, you know, underground and kill people? Like, can they get any professions?

Ben: You raise a good question, Eric. That’s a good point, but I think it’s kind of tough because it’s not truly that, like once you actually get to know a werewolf, it’s not like they’re all bad people, you know, but of course there’s the negative people, the werewolves who actually do do the bad things that get the primary focus for the entire group. So, it’s what creates the stereotype and what propagates at the center of attention. You know, it’s like many stereotypes we see in society. Things like “all black people are thieves” and things like “all Mexicans must be illegal,” “all Jewish people are rich” all things like that. And we continue to see these stereotypes and it’s just the same thing as for a werewolf. And it’s hard to overcome those stereotypes because it’s just ingrained into society.

Eric: Ben brings up a point, guys. Things like goblins: what if they don’t want to be bankers but they’re…you know, just because they’re goblins society tells them, oh you have to be bankers? Same thing. They see how society treats them, they can’t do what they want anymore. They can’t become teachers and it’s not even their faults. They just go and live as werewolves because that’s what they…

Ben: Well it all comes down to, is the glass half full?

Andrew: No, it doesn’t come down to the glass.

Ben: Or is the glass half empty?

Eric: It doesn’t really come down to that.

Ben: Yes it does, it does come down to that. It comes down to the whole perception. You’re born a werewolf and are you going to take it and say, “Well, I’ll just evolve into the typical stereotype werewolf and bite little babies” or are you going to say, “Well, I’ll just make the best of the situation. That sucks, and that life dealt me a bad hand of cards, I’ll just deal with it,” you know. Make the best of it.

Andrew: Ben, you were saying the whole stereotyping thing…if a werewolf can prove himself as a good person, or a good animal, then there would be no stereotyping to that one specific person. It’s just like in the real world…

Ben: No, but…No, because not everyone knows Remus. So when they just hear, “Oh, a werewolf teaching my kids,” it’s not “Remus Lupin teaching my kids.”

Eric: I agree.

Andrew: Unless Dumbledore…

Ben: A werewolf is teaching my kids…

Andrew: Unless Dumbledore or someone else high up that people already do respect can show the public that yes, he can be trusted.

Eric: I agree…

Ben: Absolutely not. Absolutely not, Andrew, because everyone thinks Dumbledore is crazy anyway.

Eric: Yeah that’s…

Andrew: Okay, then not…

Ben: Dumbledore’s already done radical things and by that same logic, Andrew, when Dumbledore said that, “Hey Voldemort’s back,” then people would have believed him…the majority of the people would have believed him.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: Well that’s not Dumbledore’s fault.

Eric: I agree with Andrew to a point except for the fact that, yeah the media was discrediting Dumbledore ever since, you know, the beginning and Fudge was too because he didn’t want to admit that he was weaker than Dumbledore, so there was no respect for Dumbledore. I think Dumbledore probably could have, if everybody respected him, tell them “Hey, this werewolf is okay by me.” I think even if there were people who sided with, you know, Dumbledore like Hagrid, you know, people who really had reasons to, I think that the majority would still probably fall back on whatever prejudice like Ben mentioned was that werewolves were dangerous people, but how hard is it to get a job? What job…okay, goblins have banker jobs where they’re all in tunnels and stuff and they can…because they know math very well and they can, you know, steer a mine cart. So what do you think werewolves can do if there were a trade like, for werewolves that society was okay with werewolves doing, what so you think they would be doing?

Ben: I really don’t think there’s anything because, like I said, they’ve been alienated and they just become this group where people don’t want to have any involvement with them. I hate to… Here’s a good parallel for you. Someone like, say a werewolf goes and gets a job, like Lupin did. Once they found out that he was a werewolf, then he was done and over with and a parallel to that in American society is when someone gets a job and they find out that they have a different sexual orientation than everyone else, then they could face a lot of scrutiny for it and probably end up getting fired. And that’s…the same situation applies in terms of werewolves because as long as your employer doesn’t know they have, you know, this condition and maybe if they get the right days off each month, you know, then it will be alright.

Andrew: I don’t know if it’s to the point of getting fired unless your boss is really, really biased.

Eric: But consider, no. In the case of a werewolf, you can be very, you know, hazardous on, in certain…but even with the…the Wolfsbane Potion is a discovered potion… It’s a discovered thing that makes this less harmful so I’d think werewolves would start being more accepted, you know, in society.

Ben: Right, but how widely available is the Wolfsbane Potion though?

Eric: Well, that’s the question. Apparently, it’s a real bee-atch to make, which is why Snape had to do it. So, I mean, it is comprehensive, so that’s a good point.

Micah: I just think that JKR is compelled to put certain things in the books and prejudice is one of them. It’s just like, when you’re talking about Ministry corruption in government, this is just one of those things, I think, that she feels that she has to get across and I don’t know if we’re taking it a little too far when we’re talking about werewolves getting jobs. I think her whole idea behind this is just to show that prejudice exists even in this type of a setting.

Eric: I agree with that.

Andrew: I think Jo Rowling adds prejudice into the stories because it adds an interesting angle where, from the reader’s standpoint, you’re going to be thinking “Oh, come on, it’s not fair.” And you feel the emotion, sort of like with Umbridge: you get really angry at her. You get angry at these people who are doing exactly that. You’re saying, oh well look at Lupin, he’s being disregarded as some stupid worthless animal.

Eric: And it points out more unfairness. I like that.

Andrew: Grrr. I hate this, but…hmm. So intriguing.

Dumbledore and Lupin

Eric: [Laughs] Okay, the Whomping Willow, guys, and this is what shocked me. This actually was an all-time high for…on my Dumbledore meter, my Dumblemeter. My Dumblemeter was completely going off when I heard this. Dumbledore’s tree, the Whomping Willow…that tree Dumbledore willingly planted there to protect the students from Lupin, but actually this is a very dangerous tree that almost killed Harry and Ron. The whole…this huge, dangerous tree that’s on the school grounds, he put there just so Lupin could come and attend Hogwarts. Now, do you think that was a statement, like to Dumbledore… Was it a testament to his own “oh, any student can come here” or was that just complete absurdity that, you know, he would even do that. But Dumbledore went through all this trouble just to get Remus to come to school and what do you guys think about that?

Andrew: Well, it shows that Dumbledore cares for every single student. I think it’s as simple as that. I, you know…

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: …unless there’s some specific reason that Dumbledore really wanted Lupin there, but what would it be?

Micah: He’s Remus’ father, obviously.

Andrew: You know, so many people try to make parallels between Dumbledore and certain HP characters here. Like, everyone thinks every character is related to him.

Eric: Dumbledore is everyone’s father.

Andrew: Somebody sent me an email saying McGonagall was Dumbledore’s daughter. I said, “No.”

Eric: Awww.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: McGonagall was an accident.

Greyback Attack

Eric: Lupin, guys, we found this out…he said this off-handed in Book 6…Lupin was bitten by Fenrir Greyback. That was such a character introduction, but doesn’t Fenrir usually kill kids and, like why would Lupin have survived that?

Andrew: What if he wanted Lupin to become a werewolf?

Eric: Yeah, but he was just a kid. He was a little baby when he got bit…

Andrew: So?

Eric: …you know, he was like three. So how would he…

Micah: He did it to get back at Lupin’s father.

Eric: Oh, I completely forgot about that…really?

Micah: So wouldn’t it be more harmful to have…to see his kid live as a werewolf?

Eric: Yeah, well completely, but I…

Andrew: It’s like a slow, painful death compared to a quick one.

Eric: No, Micah, I agree with that, but that really happened?

Micah: Yep.

Eric: I completely forgot about that.

Andrew: Eric, you’re fired.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Where’s the bobble-head?

Andrew: Oh, thank you for reminding us.

Eric: [Still laughing] Oh no.

Voice: You’re fired. You’re fired.

Eric: Not the bobble-head! Not the bobble-head, please. I’ll be good. I won’t spiel for three minutes. Come on, not the bobble-head.

Andrew: So, it would’ve been better to get back at him by just biting rather than killing because…

Eric: Yeah. No, I completely agree with that.

Andrew: …it’s a long term.

Eric: I just completely…I don’t recall reading that at all, so thank you guys, because that’s…

Ben: Now, tell me where it says that in the book. I’m confused; I don’t remember that either.

Micah: Would you like me to…

Eric: I don’t know this is like…

Micah: Would you like me to go get it?

Eric: It’s like a weasel/otter…yeah get it. This is a weasel/otter relation type of thing, where I’m like “oh my God, oh my God.” Micah?

Micah: It says, no, it says that he offended him. He offended Greyback…Lupin’s father offended Greyback.

Eric: Please find that…please.

Micah: Also, Greyback bit Lupin as a result.

Eric: Please, Micah, find that, that would be… Yeah but no, guys, while Micah’s finding that, what about Lupin’s parents? Like, you know, he offended Greyback but his parents still had to raise him and I guess they really loved him and really had to care for him but they had to search probably for a while to find Dumbledore. What do you think his parents. What do you think his parenting was like, you know, growing up. He was still a little self-conscious about his gift, but I think they encouraged him, you know, still.

Micah: Alright, I got the line, if you want.

Eric: Okay, Micah got it, Micah got it. That was fast.

Micah: Okay, “Lupin paused and then said, ‘It was Greyback who bit me.’ ‘What?’ Harry said, astonished. ‘When you were a kid, you mean?’ ‘Yes, my father had offended him. I did not know for a very long time the identity of the werewolf that attacked me. I even felt pity for him, thinking that he had no control, knowing, by then how it felt to transform.'”

Eric: Oh God, that’s imagery. Micah, that’s brilliant. What page is that?

Andrew: Chapter? Page?

Micah: It’s page 335 of the American edition. It’s in the…

Eric: What chapter?

Micah: “A Very Frosty Christmas.”

Andrew: So that wraps up this week’s main discussion.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge – Winner Announced

Andrew: All right, a couple weeks ago, I announced to everyone our brand new MuggleCast contest, Create Your Own MuggleCast Segment and now it is time to reveal the winners. I’m here with Laura and Micah.

Laura: Hey.

Andrew: Segment judges extraordinaires. And they helped me judge the segments. What do you guys think, overall, of the entries as a whole?

Laura: I thought they were extremely creative. I was really blown away by some of them, just some of the ideas you guys came up with, really…you know, props to everyone.

Micah: Yeah, I agree with Laura. Overall, things were pretty good. There were a few here and there that were a little disturbing, I guess would be the right word, but…

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Overall, good job, though.

Andrew: Yeah. I agree. And so now we have the three big winners. Well, actually we have the five big winners. And, how this is going to work is we’re going to air first place winner in a few moments and…but then for the next four weeks after this show, we are going to air the runner-ups. Second place, third place, honorable mention, and then fifth place, if that makes sense. Honorable mention is basically fourth place, but they just missed out on the third, so it’s sort of honorable mention, you see what I mean here? [laughs] So first place on the Create Your Own MuggleCast Segment Contest goes to…da da da-da, da da-da…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …da da-da, da da-da, da da-da…after this commercial break.

[Laura laughs and sighs]

Micah: Oh that was so funny.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Don’t you want to go third place to first place?

Andrew: is your ultimate sponsor. What?

Micah: Don’t you want to go third to first?

Andrew: No…no, I don’t.

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: Well, I don’t…how about this…

Laura: It builds up excitement.

Andrew: How about we don’t reveal the runners-up until the following weeks, huh?

Laura: Oooo.

Andrew: All right.

Laura: That can create some excitement…some…

Andrew: Some tense moments.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay, so we’ll just do first place for this week. So, first place winner goes to Anthony Traina with Order of the iPod with his friend Mike.

Laura: [Laughs] I really liked that one…it’s pretty funny.

Micah: Yeah, it was really creative.

Laura: Actually, there’s one point where I found myself laughing out loud so that was really…[laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, same.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I was judging these while on my way to school and throughout school because instead of talking to real people, I listen to MuggleCast listeners.

Laura: Hey, I did the same thing.

Andrew: …with my life. Yes.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Or paying attention in class.

Andrew: Right, and, well actually, no, I turned it off during class, but yeah I was laughing out loud too. I had to hide my smile.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: You are so much…

Andrew: Micah, what did you think of it?

Laura: …of a better person than I am, because…

Micah: Oh, I enjoyed it…sorry.

Laura: No, I’m sorry I interrupted you.

Andrew: Why, Laura?

Laura: Because, I would get bored during school and I would put my school stuff away and judge the contest winners. So, that’s how faithful I am, that I actually put my school aside for you. Don’t you love me?

[Andrew laughs and sighs]

Andrew: Of course we do, Laura.

Laura: I wasn’t talking to you.

Andrew: Micah, why do you like this segment so much…Order of the iPod?

Micah: It was good. I thought the guy who played…whether he was playing Dan Radcliffe or playing, you know, the fictional character, I thought he did a pretty good job of imitating it.

Laura: He did.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: He really did.

Andrew: So the deal is, we had the rule…it has to be under seven minutes, but Anthony also created an extended version, which is eight and a half minutes that we’re going to air instead of the shorter version, which is even funnier. And this is a really great segment. So listen now, first place winner Anthony Traina and his friend Mike with Order of the iPod.

Winning Segment

[Intro music with voiceover] Harry, you are Dumbledore’s man through and through.

[Intro music continues, followed by recorded applause]

Mike: What is up? Welcome to Order of the iPod. This is Mike.

Anthony: And I’m Anthony.

Mike: And we’ve got a special guest here today. We got the big man, the big dog, Harry Potter, sitting with us in New York City. What’s happening, Harry?

Harry: [With a British accent] How are you fellas? It’s great to be here, I must say my time in New York City has been very, very good and I can’t wait to hear what kind of questions you’re going to ask me today. It’s just getting me very excited.

Anthony: Well, we definitely have some questions for you, Harry, don’t worry about that. We’re going to kick it off now with the very first one. What is one thing that you’re looking forward to next year at Hogwarts?

Harry: Oooo. Next year…well I must say, the first thing that I’m looking forward to is getting rid of these darn glasses. I can’t stand them and I can’t wait to get contact lenses. They keep falling off my face when I’m fighting dragons and things like that. And then, everybody’s just laughing at me when I do these things and then they say mean things: that I look like John Lennon and…I don’t even know what that means, but I know it’s hurtful.

Anthony: Yeah that’s not right. That’s not right.

Mike: No, no. You got to get those contacts Harry, you know what I’m saying? Got to represent. Alright, now what I want to know, and I know people want to know these things, is that there’s a little bit of love going in the air, so how are things between you and Ginny Weasley? Oh, that’s a good one.

Harry: Well I must say, that I’m really trying to keep myself pretty single these days and not so tied down to one person. As I know you Americans say in your hip-hop music, which I know you’ll be able to relate to, I compare myself to 50 cent, because we are both a P-I-M-P, if you know what I mean? I really can’t say it any better than that.

Mike: Absolutely, man. You got to be P-I-M-P, man. So, what are your true feelings about Professor Snape?

Harry: Well, over my time at Hogwarts, I’ve gotten to know Professor Snape very well, very personally, very closely. And I tell you, being that close to him, is very tough because that man’s breath is horrible.

Anthony: Oh! [laughs]

Harry: I’ve got to tell you, it is terrible. He is, honestly, he smells like he eats a Bertie-Bott’s Every-Flavor Bean that’s just poo flavored. All he eats is the poo-flavored beans. He takes all the other ones, picks them out, throws them in the garbage…poo beans all day long, that’s all the man eats. And it makes my nose-hairs curl. It’s horrible.

Anthony: So, he’s poo-breath? Professor Poo-breath.

Harry: Absolutely. He’s Professor Poo-breath and everybody knows it. And he’s Professor Poo-face because he’s ugly and smelly.

Anthony: Well, that’s definitely one person we will never interview, then.

Mike: Absolutely.

Anthony: Thanks for that heads-up.

Mike: Yeah.

Anthony: All right, moving on, what’s up with Luna Lovegood? Does she really act that way? Because it seems that she has a little bit of Jessica Simpson there.

Harry: Well, absolutely, I have to agree with you, Anthony. She…I’ve caught her, in her room doing Calculus, studying Latin, and reading these extremely hard books and then when I come in, I say, “Luna! What are you doing?” She shuts the books and looks at me and says, “Harry, I’m dumb. I’m stupid. I don’t know why I have these things in front of me…who put them there?” And I say, “It’s obvious, lady, that you are very smart, why don’t you just admit it?” She looks at you with this blank stare, “I’m stupid.” It’s really quite annoying, I’ve got to say.

Anthony: Wow. That’s definitely a great insight to Luna Lovegood.

Mike: You see, I knew it, I knew it, An. She can’t be that dumb.

Anthony: Nobody is.

Mike: No.

Anthony: Except for Jessica Simpson, of course.

Mike: Right, right.

Anthony: But, she’s hot.

Mike: Right.

Anthony: All right, next question, we’re going to actually see if you can do any impersonations.

Harry: Oh, an impersonation? Absolutely. Okay, let me see, I’ve got a couple good ones. My favorite impersonation is my pal Ronald Weasley. And here we go. “Oh Harry, I love Hermione. She’s so pretty. She’s so cute. I love her hair…I want to touch her hair. I want to rub her back.” Alright, Ron. It’s enough, we know you love her, we know you want to kiss her, we’ve had enough.

Anthony: Yeah, Ron just needs to step up to the plate and get that done.

Mike: Just do what you got to do… Be a man, right?

Anthony: Definitely. Well, Harry, we really appreciate the time that you’ve given us, but, unfortunately that’s all the time we have.

Mike: So you want to give any shout outs to any people that you got back at Hogwarts or something, Harry?

Harry: Absolutely! I love to give a big shout-out to the Order of the Phoenix. I know they’re listening and I want to say Dumbledore’s Army forever! And, Dumbledore’s alive!

Anthony: Oh, there you have it, there you have it.

Mike: All right, man.

Anthony: We just need to wrap it up right now.

Mike: All right.

Anthony: Thank you for listening to Order of the iPod, I’m Anthony.

Mike: And I’m Mike.

[Outro music, followed by recorded applause]

Anthony: Alright and we’re back. Mike had to leave for a brief second, but I actually pulled Harry Potter back in. We’re going to do a new segment we call the Listener’s Shout-Out. I know it’s a little extra, but hopefully we’ll get a couple extra minutes to do this segment, it’s pretty fun. And we’re going to actually pull people that have registered for, on MuggleCast, at the Tell Us Where you Live segment. So Harry’s going to pull some names out, just kind of give a shout-out to people that are out there.

Harry: Alright, I’ll do that. And I love when we do this fan appreciation stuff. First off, we have Katie from London, England, Natalie W. from London, England…she loves Andrew. Go, Andrew. Also, we have Sara Greene from Oxford, England and Cara from Edinburgh, Scotland. We also have Ricki Sutton from Edinburgh, Scotland.

Anthony: We’re going to take it back to the States now, actually where we’re broadcasting from…Rockland County, New York…who’s out there?

Harry: We have Matt M. from Blauvelt, Val from Spring Valley and Val says, “Andrew Rocks.” Go, Andrew, you are the man, alright. We have Jessica Gordon from West Nyack and finally Emily Chang from Hartsdale, New York. She loves the MuggleCast. I’m glad you like it.

Anthony: Thank you very much, Harry.

Harry: Oh, you’re welcome. I’m off on my broom and I’ll see you at Platform 9 3/4. Rock on, Hogwarts!

[Outro music and recorded applause]

Andrew: Okay, so there you go. We hope everyone enjoyed it. Laura and Micah, I was in tears all over again.

Laura: Oh, I was too. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Laugh out loud funny. No, it was really good.

Laura: It really was.

Andrew: For future…yeah. Second place winner will be announced next week, third place, then honorable mention, and then fifth place. So this is going to span out across a few weeks here. And then, all the other segments, we know everyone put a lot of time into them, will be put together all into one show that is just the rest of the segments. So everyone has a chance to get their voices heard, because, you know, like I said, we know people put a lot of work into these.

Micah: Most people put a lot of work.

Andrew: Mhm. And I forgot to mention that Anthony and Mike will both be winning a MuggleCast T-shirt on top of just being aired on MuggleCast, so congrats guys and, you know what, I wouldn’t mind hearing some more from them.

Laura: Definitely.

Andrew: You know what I mean, segment wise, yeah?

Laura: Oh yeah, definitely.

Micah: Yeah, they did a good job.

Andrew: All right well, thank you, Micah and Laura, once again for helping me judge this.

Laura: No problem.

Andrew: It was rough, but we got through it. It was a lot of fun.

Laura: Yeah, it was a battle, let me tell you.

Micah: Puking Pastilles. You guys, does anyone want some Puking Pastilles?

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: Mmmm! Pass them over here!

[Micah and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: All right. Thanks, guys.

Voicemail – Lupin The Legilimens

Andrew: Now let’s head over to the voicemails. Kevin Steck gathered them for us this week, despite the fact that he’s not here.

Eric: Kevin.

Andrew: Where is he again? He’s like, studying and stuff? For college? And…

Ben: [Imitates Kevin] His differential homework!

Andrew: [Imitates Kevin] Differential! He’s working on a project, he wanted me to tell everyone!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Kim, from Melbourne, Australia, and I was wondering: Do you guys think that Lupin is a Legilimens? Because there’s a lot of mentioning, like, he says something and then it says “as if he’d read Harry’s mind,” and they mention that in Snape a lot- and we all know that Snape is a Legilimens. So, I was wondering if you guys thought there was anything to it. Thanks! I love your show.

Eric: I think… yeah. I think, I think it’s cool how they, you know, because Lupin did read Harry’s mind too. But I think this is more to emphasize the fact that Lupin was so close to James, and kind of really relates to Harry in the way that they both lost James and Lily and stuff. So, I think when Lupin reads Harry’s mind… I mean, I’m not going to rule out that, you know, I’m not going to rule out that Lupin can, is a Legilimens. But I think usually when he reads his mind, especially in, like, Book 3 and stuff, even though the… even though when other people read their mind, it’s kind of like the omen of Legilimency, I think in the case of Lupin, it’s just that he relates to him and can understand what he’s going through.

Voicemail – Lupin’s Role In The Order

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCasters! This is Sarah from Massachusetts, and I have a question. What do you think Remus’ role in the Order was in the last war, and what do you think his role in the Order is now? Thanks! I really love the show… and I’m a Girl Scout, so if you guys really want some cookies, you can get back to me on that one. I’ll pay for it! Okay, thanks. Bye!

Eric: That wasn’t me, that was my evil twin.

Andrew: No, I’m pretty sure that was you.

Ben: Dude, I really want cookies.

Eric: People are…

Ben: If they’re low-fat.

Eric: … people are Photoshopping me…

Ben: If they’re low-fat, send the cookies.

Eric: People are Photo-shopping me in a dress, okay? That’s insane. And then, somebody emailed me and said, “I’m a Girl Scout, and we don’t really wear dresses.” And I was all like… you know, I’ve offended people…

Andrew: Lupin’s role in the war now. Ahhh… to transform into a werewolf and attack? [laughs] I don’t see a…

Ben: No, I don’t know. I think he makes sure…

Eric: No, his role is to get on a…

Andrew: Is he even involved in the war?

Ben: Yeah, he provides chocolate for everyone.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Ben!

Andrew: I don’t think he’s really involved in the war. Yes?

Eric: No, no. He’s on the werewolf side now. He’s on the…

Ben: Yeah, that’s true.

Eric: He’s underground. But I don’t know what he was, I don’t know what he was doing in the last war. Like, I doubt he was doing that because they would know they couldn’t trust him if he already bailed on them. I don’t even know if he was in the last war, because if you think about it, he was the same age as Lily and James. Was Lupin, like, were they old enough to really be in the war? I mean… you know? What do you think.

Ben: I don’t know. Lupin… in the first war, you mean?

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: I don’t know about the first war, because Lily and James seemed to sort of be privileged, and maybe Lupin, you know… just out of Hogwarts, doesn’t know what he’s going to do with his life yet, that type of thing. I don’t know.

Eric: Because I mean, they just…

Ben: Well, do you remember… does anyone remember in Order of the Phoenix, was Lupin in the first Order?

Eric: He… I think he might have been.

Andrew: Why wouldn’t he have been?

Eric: Yeah. Because it was like, well it was Sirius, and it was, you know, James and Lily. And wasn’t there also a picture…?

Ben: Well, why weren’t Arthur and Molly Weasley in the Order the first time? So…

Eric: Well, that’s a good question. And they’re older, so…

Andrew: And they’re in the Weasley family.

Eric: Yeah. Which is…

Andrew: I mean, what relation do they have to the Order, other than that Arthur was in the Ministry of Magic and he didn’t have any… well, did he have sons or daughters?

Ben: Well according to Andrew, everyone, the “W” in Weasley is for worthless. Because he thinks all the Weasleys are worthless. [laughs]

Andrew: No! I think they didn’t have any connections back during the first war. So…

Eric: I think that makes sense. And then once, during the first war, Molly’s brothers got blown away, so they needed to start choosing a side and making it clear.

Andrew: So really, all it depends on basically is what your connections were at the time of the first war.

Voicemail – The Werewolf Trait

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCasters, I’m Ally from Illinois. And I was wondering if being a werewolf could be passed on to your children. Like, if Lupin and Tonks have a child, would that child be a werewolf? Or have werewolf-like qualities, like Bill Weasley suffers from? I’d love to know what you think. Thanks. Bye!

Eric: I think this is an interesting question, because it reminds me of, once again, The Underworld Series of movies, and I guess they made books out of them too…

Andrew: Yeah, they have.

Eric: … does that make them good books?

Andrew: But does the Underworld Series, does it run on the same track of rules here as the ones in the Harry Potter books?

Eric: I actually don’t know, because…

Andrew: I feel like this question’s been answered already.

Eric: … what would create…. Well, it’s interesting, because I don’t think they really answered it in the Underworld series, and that was my big question. And I think it seems to be the same big question, because if werewolf children, you know, if the children of werewolves are also werewolves, then clearly there is two kinds of werewolves. There’s the ones that were mortal but then they were bitten, or then there’s the ones that were born into it. And would they be stronger for being born into it? Or what exactly would happen? And I don’t know exactly, like, the werewolf qualities Bill Weasley suffers from. I think that’s unique to his case, where he was just kind of scratched a bit. But… you know. Ally from Illinois asks this question, and it’s really questionable because you wonder if there’s two different types of werewolves. There’d be like, if a mortal person, if a Muggle was bit by a werewolf, or if a witch was bit by a werewolf, or if you were born into a werewolf-hood. It’s like this whole thing of stuff that’s clearly, I don’t think, ever going to be answered.

Andrew: Can a werewolf be carried in your genes, though? The werewolf trait.

Eric: It’s still a question.

Andrew: And with that said, can it be carried in your blood?

Eric: I think… I think, I think, I think I’m going to say that maybe. If you make love in your human form, I guess… and maybe you’ll just have a human baby. But if you make love during the full moon… [like a werewolf] Awooo!

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Was Tonks’ mother or father a Metamorphmagus? [laughs] You know, did that carry on through?

Eric: That’s a good question. Well, Ted Tonks was a mother, so… I mean, Ted Tonks was a Muggle…

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Eric: Ted Tonks was a Muggle.

Micah: Yeah, there you go.

Eric: So I doubt he was a Metamorphmagus. But then…

Micah: Did Andromeda have any weird traits in her?

Eric: Good question. That would be like saying, does Sirius?

Micah: Does it skip a generation?

Eric: Maybe Sirius had to learn his Animagi skills…

Andrew: I’m going to have to lean more towards you would actually have to be bitten.

Eric: Yeah, I think so too. I think that would keep it simple.

Andrew: The whole genes thing, then there would probably have to be some plot of mix-up between the characters or something.

Voicemail – Payback For Greyback?

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast guys! I’m from Pleasant Hills, California. In the seventh book, if Lupin fights and kills Greyback, would he be cured of being a werewolf, or will it stay with him even though the person who cursed him before is dead? Thank you!

Eric: God, another Underworld-related question about werewolves! Darn this! There was a…

Andrew: Stop!

Eric: I’m sorry! But there’s this myth that says, you know, that if the head werewolf was killed, then all of them… I think it’ll still happen. I think… I don’t think they’ll turn back normal, I think they’ll still be werewolves. Because there’s no, it’s not like there’s a one major bloodline necessarily. Like it kind of is, but I see no reason why the gene should subside just because somebody’s dead. You know, like if they kill the leader, I don’t think that should change him because of this. But it’s magic, so that might actually work.

Ben: But is there, is there, I don’t know if there is… isn’t there an alpha-wolf? Do you know what I’m saying? The alpha, the ultimate wolf?

Eric: Is there an alpha-wolf?

Ben: Omega?

Eric: A beta-wolf? A delta-wolf?

Ben: Omega-wolf?

Eric: Gamma-wolf?

Andrew: I don’t know. It seems stupid. I mean, it sort of relates to the whole Secret-Keeper thing. It stays with you still.

Eric: Yeah. I think that… I think that’s a good tie-in, Andrew!

Andrew: Oh, thanks!

Eric: I like it. It just stays.

Andrew: It’s, like, how would you be related? Sure, it came from him, but how would you be directly connected to the point where if someone died who bit you, then you’re automatically… [laughs] But I mean, in that case…

Eric: Yeah. Andrew, Andrew….

Andrew: In that case, Lupin would go after Greyback and kill him right away.

Eric: Or somebody else who didn’t want to be a werewolf would surely have tried to kill Greyback years ago.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Also, Andrew, relate it to AIDS, too. You know, any kind of disease. The person who dies, you know, clearly it doesn’t cure AIDS, so…

Andrew: Yeah. And wouldn’t Greyback, where did Greyback’s come from? And wouldn’t have Greyback’s thing been cured now?

Eric: Exactly. Greyback… yeah.

Andrew: So, yeah. It definitely stays with you.

Ben: It all comes to the whole, what came first, the chicken or the egg?

Voicemail – Animagus or Werewolf?

Andrew: No, it doesn’t really come down to that, because the chicken died anyway, so… and the egg still survived.

[Audio]: This is Tyler from Lancaster. I was wondering – this doesn’t completely have to do with Professor Lupin, but I was wondering what you think would happen if someone turned into a werewolf but they were also an Animagi, and they turned into a different animal: if the werewolf instinct would have control or if they would regain control. Thank you. Bye.

Andrew: Geez! No, I think you would just, if you turned into your Animagus form and then the full moon came out, I would think you would just turn into a werewolf.

Eric: As to… yeah, I agree. I think you still would. But that’s, you know, the same reason Lupin didn’t turn into an Animagus too. It wouldn’t have really helped him, I think. Plus, it would just be, you know, he already turned into an animal, he doesn’t need to turn into another animal. What if his Animagi were a werewolf? [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, and you start as a human. So take, for example, Lupin starts as a human. Then, when the full moon comes out, he turns into a werewolf! Wouldn’t the same thing apply where if you were an animal? Whatever you are, you turn into a werewolf.

Eric: So there can be rabbits that turn into werewolves on the full moon?

Andrew: If they were bitten?

[Ben laughs]

Micah: Sure!

Ben: Cool!

Andrew: Absolutely! Absolutely.

Ben: Andrew, Andrew, did you get that from your pattern?

Andrew: No, I got that from my new book on podcasting.

Voicemail – Secret-Keepers

[Audio]: Hi, my name is Amy. I’m from Florida. I have a question about J.K. Rowling’s new FAQ poll that she posted. She says that if a Secret-Keeper dies, the secret dies with them. Does this mean that if someone has not been to, for example, Grimmauld Place, then no one else will ever be able to go, since Dumbledore has already died? And also, if Harry wants to go to Godric’s Hollow to see his family’s old house, since Wormtail was the Secret-Keeper, would he have to get the secret from Wormtail to be able to go there? That’s all. Thank you!

Eric: In relation to the second part, the Wormtail Secret-Keeper, the secret was the Potters resided in Godric’s Hollow. So, I think it would probably be the case where Harry could find Godric’s Hollow, but he just wouldn’t be able to find Lily and James. You know, if you know what I’m talking about. But, if they were all…

Ben: No! Because the thing… okay. Lily and James have already died, so I think the charm is gone since they’re dead.

Eric: It was, like, to protect them. But even if it wasn’t, he could still find Godric’s Hollow, I think, because the secret wasn’t…

Ben: The charm was not on, like at Grimmauld Place.

Eric: Godric’s… yeah. Grimmauld Place, it was on Grimmauld Place.

Ben: Right.

Eric: So now that’s the question that’s…

Micah: Because Hagrid’s been to the house, too. So why couldn’t Harry find it?

Eric: No, Harry could find it, but he couldn’t tell anybody else. See, when JKR just clarified- I guess I’m glad she did!- the Fidelius Charm, she said that none of the people who knew it… wait. Could they… I don’t even think they could tell people. Like, I think only the Secret-Keeper could tell more people, right?

Andrew: Right.

Ben: Well, well, they could tell them. It’s just they wouldn’t be able to find them.

Eric: Yeah! So that’s even interesting. So now, the only people who could see Grimmauld Place ever would be the people who…

Andrew: But weren’t they planning to ditch Grimmauld Place anyway?

Ben: Yeah, but another thing is, I think, okay, Dumbledore cast the charm to create the, to make himself the Secret-Keeper. So if that’s the case, and he’s dead now, then, then so the charm would be broken.

Eric: No.

Ben: Just like we saw that when Dumbledore, the charm was broken off Harry. Right?

Eric: No, but the charm’s not broken, the Fidelius Charm. But I just thought of something else. The Fidelius Charm was not for Grimmauld Place, if you read it carefully. It’s for the location of the Order of the Phoenix. So actually, the secret, you know, the house might not have died with Dumbledore, per se, it just, you know the secret…. Because the secret was that the Order of the Phoenix resides at 12 Grimmauld Place. I think the fact that it disappeared and was in the middle of those houses was another charm entirely.

Andrew: Oh yeah, well, absolutely.

Show Close

Andrew: Well, we do believe that wraps up this week’s episode of MuggleCast, Episode 29. Eric was really kicking butt this week. We’re sorry, everyone. We were a little down in the dumps. It was a rough week. I’ve been in New York City all day, Ben actually had some physical activity. Micah was in the city too, although we didn’t actually run into each other. Good job, Eric, saving all our butts. We have some big plans for future episodes. We’ll talk about that in detail next week. I’m actually pretty excited about that.

Eric: Yeah, well, not willingly. I was like, “Guys! What do you think about this? Hey! Moony: as a teen!” And you’re all like…

Andrew: We’re all beat, and you’re like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah! Remus, Remus, Remus, Remus!” [laughs]

Eric: Chirp. Well, because the fans were waiting for it, and that made me passionate about it. I mean, ever since Episode 13, you know, everybody… Oh, Andrew, thank god you’re here! Can you clarify that they will not get the original footage of 13? There isn’t even original footage. In fact, the original footage is the one we have. People want the footage of, from what was going to be 13, when we talked about Lupin the first time. Can you go show them that we never even had that footage?

Andrew: Yes! But Eric, I can’t… [laughs]

Eric: Or is there, like, a secret cast that’s going to, you know, going to be released.

Andrew: [Whispers] Send me 20 dollars and I’ll mail you the secret show.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: Does that work for you, Eric?

Eric: Because, I mean… People were asking. Because, I mean, I hope that this episode satisfied the people who wanted to hear about Lupin.

Andrew: So next week, for Episode 30, we will bring you… it’s just so unexpected, I can’t even tell you. I’m Andrew Sims!

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull. And I wish people would talk as much as I do.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: [In a deep voice] And I’m Micah Tannenbaum. [laughs] We’ll see everyone next week.


[Groovy music starts]

[Audio]: Hi, this is Collin from Pennsylvania, and I just wanted to say that I really, really, really like your show. It’s the best, and I listen to it every week. I can’t wait for every episode. And Laura? I like you the best! Sorry, guys. All right. Bye!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Rebecca from Pennsylvania. I just wanted to say that I love your show, and you guys have inspired me to make my own podcast called So, thanks! Keep up the great work. Go Laura!

[Audio]: Hey! This is Jeffery, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I just finished listening to Episode 28, and all I have to say is: [imitates Andrew] Yeah! I’m Andrew-I-talk-with-my-mouth-full Sims!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Nakia from New Jersey. And I’ve been listening ever since you guys were started, in like, you know, August. And I think you guys rock. And Ben Schoen, you have the most hottest voice in the world. So keep up the good work! Bye.

[Audio]: Hey, this is Mary from Delta, Colorado, and I wanted to give a shout-out to all the Delta people. If any of you guys listen to MuggleCast, you need to come talk to me. All right. Bye!

[Audio] Caller 1: Hi, I’m Sam, and I’m from Panama City Beach, Florida.

Caller 2: And I’m Natasha, and I’m from Panama City Beach, Florida!

Caller 1: And I must go out to the noble world [laughs] and do noble things for the good of all.

Caller 1 and 2: And you can’t come because you don’t speak French!

[Groovy music ends]


Eric: Micah, was that you who just parked at the News Center with your Jag?

Andrew: What does that have to do with anything in this world that just happened?

Eric: Jewish rich people! I wanted to prove that they were all rich. Nevermind.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Forget it.

Micah: Aw, geez.

Eric: No, but…


Eric: I just wanted to mention this before we move on. This dude’s from Lancaster, the guy who just did the voicemail. Tyler from Lancaster.

Andrew: Shout-out!

Eric: I think I got an email from him, and so that’s pretty cool.

Andrew: I’ve been to Lancaster.

Eric: Pennsylvanians know that I’m right.

Andrew: Amish people, everywhere.

Eric: Yes!

Andrew: Everywhere you look! Long beards and top hats.

Eric: Yes!

Andrew: And horses.

Ben: How does this guy have a computer? He must be shunned.

[Andrew, Micah, and Eric laugh]

Eric: Yeah! He’s been banned, so he listens to the show now.

Andrew: He’ll hide it in his closet.


Eric: [Singing] Hershey’s chocolate, Hershey’s chocolate, Hershey’s chocolate world! It’s a place where they…

Micah: [Interrupts Eric’s singing]Can we stop recording?

Eric: Okay.


Eric: Talk amongst yourselves.


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #28

MuggleCast EP28 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: M-M-MuggleCast 28 for February 19th, 2006. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all plans start at just $3.95 per month. No matter what plan you choose your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. I use them for my personal website, and I know that GoDaddy has some of the best, affordable hosting plans online. I recommend you use them for your upcoming website or podcast, because as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you checkout, and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello, everyone! And welcome to another edition of MuggleCast. This is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussions, recipes – whatever you want. All bundled into a little hour of your time. I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Andrew: And joining us this week for the first time ever, Laura is excited because it is another girl on the show.

Laura: Yes!

Andrew: Rachel Godoy – MuggleNet content extraordinaire. Welcome, Rachel!

Rachel: [laughs] Thank you very much!

Andrew: Now, Laura. It was Rachel’s turn to talk.

Rachel: Wait, that’s me.

Laura: No, that was Rachel.

Kevin: Oh! Oh!

Andrew: [laughs] You guys sound a little alike. That’s okay. It’s cool.

Laura: No, we don’t.

Rachel: Okay, everyone says that.

Laura: Guys, write to Andrew – andrew at staff – and tell him…

Kevin: Yes, you do.

Andrew: Okay…

Laura: …Rachel and I do not sound alike.

Andrew: On second thought, please don’t.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Who was that talking?

Laura: Be quiet!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I couldn’t even tell. I’m kidding! Before we go anywhere else, first let’s check in with Micah for the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

Some Order of the Phoenix casting news: Afshan Azad, the actress who plays Padma Patil, has now confirmed in an interview
with Manchester Online that she’s coming back for the fifth movie. Her twin sister, Parvati Patil, will be played by
Shefali Chowdhury. And John Cleese, the actor who portrayed Nearly Headless Nick in the first two films
has been rumored to be returning for Order of the Phoenix, but nothing has yet been confirmed.

Evanna Lynch’s mother and sister sat down with a local radio show in Ireland to discuss the casting process Evanna went
through to be cast as Luna Lovegood and her personality in general. You can listen to the five-minute interview over on

Speaking of movies, for our international audience a list of release dates have been posted on for when the Goblet of Fire DVD will be released in various countries across the globe.

Don’t forget voting for the 2006 AOL Moviefone Moviegoer Awards is still open.
Nominations are in the areas of Movie of the Year (Goblet of Fire), Actor of the Year (Dan Radcliffe),
Actress of the Year (Emma Watson), Best Scene-Stealer (Brendan Gleeson), and Vilest Villain (Ralph Fiennes).
The winners will be announced February 28th.

The written version of the Black Family Tree that JK Rowling recently donated to Book Aid International will go up for auction
this Tuesday, February 21st. The Italian newspaper La Repubblica has now published a complete photo of the
Tree which includes more details on the family. At JKR’s request, some parts have been blurred so as not to give
away too much information.

And the Spanish translation of Half-Blood Prince will be released this Thursday, February 23rd at 12:30 PM EST.

Finally, an official announcement was made last week that our next Leaky Mug Live podcast is set for July 29th
with a tentative 6:30 PM start time, at the JW Marriott in Las Vegas, Nevada. Attendees who are registered for Lumos 2006
will be given seating preference at the event.

That’s all the news for this February 19th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right, thank you, Micah Tan.


Andrew: First of all, let’s welcome Kevin Steck back to the show, he’s been off for two weeks. Where have you…

Kevin: Two weeks? You mean like what? Three or four now?

Andrew: Uhhh, maybe three weeks. Well, you haven’t done voicemails for two weeks.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: Where have you been, Mr. Steck?

Kevin: I’ve been busy with school. I’ve been…

Andrew: Pfffffhhhhh!!!

Kevin: …overwhelmed. I’m sorry, it’s true.

Andrew: [laughs] School.

Kevin: Yeah

Andrew: Okay, moving on.

Kevin: I’m taking…I’m taking 20 credits. You have to give me some leeway here.

Andrew: Okay, moving on to some announcements. Now, as we have said recently, registration for Lumos is running out and now it is completely sold out. The convention is 100% filled up. That means that we are going to be in for a lot of fun. But one important thing to remember is that if you still want to go to the LIVE podcast that we’re going to be doing at Lumos , Las Vegas, 2006 at the end of July – you can still come and see the show, but it is going to be a first-come, first-serve basis for those that registered. Then they are going to let those who haven’t registered. Don’t forget that we are going to post a page very soon with all the latest info about MuggleCast Live in Las Vegas on That will be in a few weeks.

In other news, the “Create Your Own MuggleCast Segment” is now closed. We received 20-30 entries. We haven’t listened to them yet. Basically, people created their own MuggleCast segments and the best one, chosen by us, will be aired on our show. And runners-up will be aired later on. We might put a whole show together of just user-submitted segments. The winner will be announced next week on Episode 29 (that’s the February 26th show) and the winners will be receiving a MuggleCast T-shirt. Everyone who participated in creating the segment will receive a MuggleCast T-shirt and will have their segment aired, like I already said. And, Laura?

Laura: I just wanted to give a shout out to Noah from Georgia who sent me his band’s, I believe it is their first CD, the Warp Tones. And I just wanted to say Noah I had a great time listening to your CD. It’s… All the songs are on my iPod and I just think it is really cool you’re doing something like this. You guys have exhibited loads of potential and talent and I am looking forward to seeing where you go. So, good job. The reason that came so late (because you sent it in December) is because Ben can’t manage the PO Box. So, I apologize on Ben’s behalf.

[Kevin and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: That’s why he’s not here this week, Laura. I punished him for you.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Yeah, good. [laughs] He’s in the corner right now.

Kevin: No, he’s… No, he’s in mailroom, sorting all the mail for five months.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And one last thing. We’ve been getting a lot of e-mails on this. And there is some concern. On, a few of you noticed if you mouse over “Media” there’s a new button that says “Podcast.”

Kevin: Uhhh.

Laura: Mmmm.

Andrew: Which suggests, and which we now is to be a…

Kevin: [coughs] Rip off!

Andrew: Harry Potter podcast…[laughs]…that is being developed by Warner Bros. We got e-mails from people saying, “Well, what the heck? Are you guys going to cancel your show now?”

Laura: NO!

Andrew: And the answer is… Well, I was going say, “Yes!” But, if you don’t want to, then, “No!”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: No, we are not going to cancel the show. It will still be just as exciting as ever. Honestly, I think we should be flattered that WB is doing a podcast because between MuggleCast and PotterCast, we have created quite the Harry Potter podcasting phenomenon.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: And without all the shows that have been created, I don’t think Warner Bros. would have ever considered it.

Laura: Yeah, I think there was definitely some influence there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: A tad bit.

Andrew: Now, what are they going to have on the show? [laughs] Probably some good stuff.

Kevin: Yeah. I would guess interviews and stuff like that. How are they going to approach it? Do you think they will have adults host or kids host?

Andrew: Oh, it will definitely be adult hosts.

Kevin: Are you sure?

Andrew: Yeah, Who are they going to have do it?

Kevin: They could have, they could be like the Disney Channel where they get all the kids to like, do all the reporting.

Laura: Oh my god. The Mickey Mouse club.

Andrew: Yeah, but the Disney podcasts aren’t hosted by children.

Kevin: Oh, that’s true.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Kevin: Because they’re unreliable. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, like Andrew.

Andrew: They should have asked us. We would have done it.

Kevin: [Whining like a child] I don’t want to do a podcast!

Andrew: Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: But seriously, we look forward to seeing what they are going to be doing. We don’t think it is going to be, well, I don’t think it’s going to be like a weekly thing.

Laura: No.

Andrew: I think it’s going to be like a nice Order of the Phoenix promotional podcast. I’m sure they’ll… Yeah, they’ll have interviews like someone else just said.

Kevin: That was me.

Laura: But it’s not like every show is going to be hosted by Harry Potter stars.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: And the effect on MuggleCast will be very minimal. We’re kind of hoping that they are going to have another section that says “Other Harry Potter Podcasts” and we’re going to be right there.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Please Warner Bros.! Pllleeeaaassseee!!!

[Kevin sighs]

Andrew: We will link back to you, I promise!

Laura: You know we love you!

Andrew: Yeah. Now, so we look forward to that. Thank you for your concern though, but we’ll be okay.

We have got a lot on the show this week, including the return of voicemails.

Kevin: Thanks to me.

Andrew: Thanks to Kevin.

Laura: Finally!

Andrew: I didn’t want to blame you, but if you insist, we will.

[Kevin laughs, then sighs]

Main Discussion – Minerva McGonagall

Andrew: But first let’s get to our Main Discussion this week, which is our continuing discussion on a specific character in the Harry Potter series. This week is Minerva McGonagall. So, so some basic info here.

She is 71 years old according to the official Harry Potter timeline. She is a member of the Gryffindor House. And her distinguishable characteristics: her square-framed glasses and her black hair pulled back severely into a bun. She is a registered Animagus, with her animal form being a tabby cat. Now, let’s get on to some questions that we have thought up here. A few of these were submitted by Terri, who suggested doing McGonagall in a future episode. So, thank you to her.

Here, Kitty

Andrew: One of the first questions is: What is her purpose as an Animagus? We saw it in Sorcerer’s Stone; she was spying on Harry and the Dursleys.

Laura: Yeah, but was that her specific purpose? I mean, I doubt she became an Animagus just to do that.

Andrew: No, no.

Rachel: Right.

Andrew: I’m saying one purpose that she’s found of it is to be able to spy.

Laura: Mhm. Well, yeah.

Kevin: But her purpose as an Animagus, like, I mean, I don’t think anyone becomes an Animagus with a single purpose in mind.

Laura: Yeah. I think it’s just a general thing.

Kevin: I think it’s more for the…

[Rachel laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, it’s more for the ability than the…

Andrew: Well, why can she use this ability? For spying. Anything else?

Kevin: I don’t know. It seems like a bizarre question. There’s multiple purposes.

Laura: I just think it would be… [laughs]

Kevin: It’s her.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t think there was any specific purpose she had in mind. It’s just helpful.

Name Origins: Minerva

Andrew: What are her characteristic ties to the goddess Minerva?

Laura: Well, we know that Minerva was the goddess of crafts and wisdom and she is also known as the warrior goddess. Zeus is her father, which suggests that whomever her father was might have some sort of high place in power, or had – I doubt he’s alive anymore. But, he could have been high up in the wizarding world. We also know, and this was kind of something that I found interesting, the goddess Minerva assisted hero the Perseus (I believe that is how you pronounce it) to kill the Medusa. And basically she told Perseus to look at Medusa’s reflection so that he could behead her, which I found kind of interesting because of the whole tie to the whole Basilisk and stuff. Even though Minerva didn’t have anything to do with that. And Perseus gave the head to Minerva and she used it on her shield to turn her enemies to stone. And I kind of attributed that to the fact that Minerva sort of has this expression that when she puts it on, the students kind of freeze because they are all a little bit intimidated by her.

Andrew: Maggie Smith does a good job of this in the movies. I think she was a perfect choice for the role.

Laura: I agree.

Kevin: Yeah, I do too. I think…

Andrew: She has that eye.

Kevin: And she’s like one of those people that they actually got correct. You know?

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: Like not many people had complaints about her.

Andrew: Well, not many people… They got most of the characters correct. Nobody really complains about the characters.

Kevin: I don’t know if they got everyone correct.

Laura: Mmmm. I see a lot of complaining.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Really?

Laura: Especially about the Trio. Lots of Trio complaints.

Andrew: Well, we will have to save that for another episode.


Andrew: Now, is she a pureblood?

Kevin: Oooh.

Andrew: Is there any proof behind it?

Laura: I don’t remember them saying anything.

Kevin: I don’t think they’ve ever mentioned it. Yeah, and would that really matter?

Laura: I think a lot of people tend to assume that Minerva and others like her are pureblood just because they just have such a knowledge of the wizarding world, and they tend to dress like wizards. But I don’t think that would matter, because if she’s 71, and she was Muggleborn, she would have picked up the wizarding habits by now. So, I don’t know if we can now for sure.

Rachel: Should it matter?

Laura: I don’t think it matters.

Rachel: I don’t think it should matter if she’s pureblood or not. [laughs] In my honest opinion.

Andrew: Not really. I mean…

Laura: No, no unless you’re Draco Malfoy.

Rachel: No, exactly. If you were that kind, then yeah, it does matter. But…

Laura: I think that, like Hermione, it just, it doesn’t matter because Hermione is one of the best witches in school, yet she’s Muggleborn. So, I think it just goes to show that it doesn’t matter what your background is.

Rachel: Exactly.

Teaching In December

Andrew: Now, one question that someone asked was, she’s mentioned to have been teaching at Hogwarts, in Order of the Phoenix, “39 years this December.” And the question is, why would she start teaching in December? By… But… My initial thought is, “Well, another teacher just dropped out or something happened.”

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Rachel: Yeah.

Andrew: It was probably no big deal.

Kevin: It’s probably no big deal, but it’s possibly a big deal. [laughs] You know what I mean? That could be one of those things that she’s saving for another time. Maybe in the war or something that happened. I don’t know. I mean it’s sort of like Dumbledore and what’s that other wizard’s name?

Laura: Grindelwald?

Kevin: Grindelwald. You know? She mentioned it, but never mentioned it again, and it’s supposed to be a big deal. So…

Laura: Well, do we know if Dumbledore went straight from being the Transfiguration teacher to headmaster?

Kevin: No, we don’t. We don’t really know if…

Laura: Because if that’s what happened then it’s always possible that he just became headmaster mid-term.

Rachel: Hmmm, that’s a possibility.

Kevin: Did that happen around the same time as Grindywald? Grindelwald? I can’t even pronounce it.

Laura: He defeated Grindelwald in 1945, correct? I think that that’s around the same time that Tom Riddle went to Hogwarts.

Kevin: That could be possible, though, as well. There could be a parallel between that. But, I don’t know. I think it’s like Andrew said: the most likely situation…

Laura: …scenario is that another teacher left.

Kevin: Yeah. Exactly. Or died or something happened to him.

Laura: But there’s always room for speculation.

Kevin: For all we know, that other teacher was Grindelwald.

Laura: Oooo! I like that.

Kevin:: Oooo!

Lacking Order

Andrew: She’s not in the photograph that Moody shows Harry in Order of the Phoenix. Uh, it’s a picture of the original Order of the Phoenix. Now why couldn’t she have been working in the first war and why is she in the Order now? I don’t think in Order of the Phoenix, we really saw much participation from her.

Laura: Well, she was showing up at meetings and stuff.

Kevin: Yeah, but that’s a lot like Hagrid as well. Because we didn’t see any participation…

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: But for all we know she was one of the most active members. You know?

Laura:: Mhm.

Andrew: And Hagrid seems like a good go-to guy. Like for simple tasks.

Kevin: Yeah, but…but…my point is, is that people make assumptions that just because we didn’t see them actively participating in certain Order tasks, means that they weren’t, you know what I mean?

Laura: Also, I think that she keeps a close eye on it because if you remember in Order of the Phoenix, when Hedwig got hurt and Harry took her out of whichever class he was in — I think it was History of Magic — and he ran into McGonagall and she was basically telling him, you know, giving him the hint that owls were being intercepted and stuff and that Umbridge had probably been the one that injured her trying to intercept the letter.

Kevin: And I’ve always imagined McGonagall as sort of like Dumbledore’s heir, like the one where he passes down all his stuff to. You know what I mean?

Laura: Mhm.

Role Reversal

Kevin: Sort of like, Dumbledore’s her mentor. Maybe I’m getting that incorrectly. You know? It’s… I just get that feeling from her.

Andrew: No, it made sense. I mean, what was everyone’s initial thoughts when Dumbledore died? Who was going to take over? McGonagall. It’s the perfect choice.

Kevin: Exactly.

Andrew: Yeah, so…

Laura: Except for those of us who think Dumbledore’s still alive. Andrew?

Andrew: No, I’m still mixed on that. I’m still mixed on that.

Laura: Oh! Okay. I don’t think that… I think that a lot people will try to look at that and say, “Oh, she was a Death Eater” and all this other stuff. I think…

Rachel: Oh no. No. [laughs]

Kevin: Wait a second, she was not a Death Eater. Anyone who says that is…

Laura: I think it’s just…. No, no, no. I think it’s… Well, whenever I think about the first war, I almost think about in the same sense as the second war where either people didn’t know or didn’t believe that Voldemort was around. It could just be a lack of information.

Kevin: Well, it could also be that she was just dealing with her own problems. I mean, it was a war so everyone was on one side or the other, you know? You were either the…

Laura: Or, you know, she might not have been there when they took the picture. She could have been off doing something important. We don’t know.

Kevin: That’s true, yeah.

Andrew: And, I mean, she must have known Dumbledore, because as we just stated a few minutes ago, she had taught for thirty-nine years and that would have been way before the first war.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: So then the next question is what will her role in the Order become now that Dumbledore is gone? I’d imagine she’d, well, she could step up, but on the other hand, now she has a school to run.

Kevin: Yeah, but at the same time, that’s what Dumbledore did.

Laura: I’m not sure who I could see taking Dumbledore’s place, you know?

Kevin: You don’t think it’s McGonagall?

Laura: No, no, no, no, no. I’m saying in the Order…

Kevin: In the Order or at the school?

Andrew: Oh, in the Order.

Laura: In the Order.

Kevin: Oh.

Laura: I’m not sure who I could see taking that lead command position.

Kevin: I’ve honestly always seen, like, Lupin there, to be honest. Just because he’s one of the only Order members that is able to pull himself out of “the real world,” kind of, because of his affliction, so it enables him to have more time to devote to the Order, you know?

Laura: I also think the Order is going to become more of a group leadership effort, if you know what I mean. Like, I don’t see it having one specific head person anymore.

Andrew: That’s true. Although, I was thinking Dumbledore could have made it clear who would take over.

Laura: He might have.

Andrew: In the event that someone died…he died.

Laura: I’m sure he has some kind of will or something along those lines.

Kevin: Yeah, I think…I think I’ve said that before. I mean, I doubt he just left them sitting in the dust.

Laura: Yeah, I think he knew that there was a great possibility that he could die.

Andrew: But no, Laura, I think you made a good point. I think it would make sense for them all to become a team rather than having just a leader.

Laura: And that might be what they need.

McGonagall and Dumbledore

Andrew: Let’s talk a little bit more about McGonagall and Dumbledore because in the first chapter on Privet Drive, she seems a little out of the loop when finding out any information from Dumbledore. But then she’s surprised that Dumbledore recognized her in Animagus form. Dumbledore’s like, “Minerva.” And she‘s like, “Whoa, how’d you know?” So how close, or distant, is their relationship together? I think in the beginning, in Harry’s first year, it definitely wasn’t as close as it is now.

Rachel: Yeah.

Laura: I think it’s definitely something that developed because of Harry.

Andrew: She’s Head of House, he’s head of school, so of course…

Kevin: And is that possibly…maybe that’s a possible reason for why she wasn’t in the Order at the time of the first war. Because if their relationship was strained…

Laura: Yeah, because Dumbledore seemed to be…

Kevin: Yeah, it’s possible that….

Laura: Recruiting people that he knew well.

Andrew: And in each book she really steps it up, in handling, like, Chamber of Secrets. I’m not referring to the book, I’m referring to the actual problem with the Chamber of Secrets. All these people being petrified, and she steps up.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: And this continued throughout the rest of the series and none of this really happened until Harry got there…any of these big events. So, yeah, they absolutely could have bonded together.

Laura: Well, that could go straight into the whole theory that, you know, do Dumbledore and McGonagall, do they have some sort of romantic interest in one another?

Rachel: Oh no. I doubt it.

Andrew: I doubt it.

Laura: I don’t think so but I know a lot of people like the pairing.

Andrew: It was an office relationship.

Rachel: No.

Laura: Yeah, I think so too.

Rachel: I don’t think so, no. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: But I’ve actually seen quite a few fan fictions on that topic.

[Rachel and Laura laugh]

Kevin: Wow.

Andrew: And what…

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Let’s get off that topic very fast.

Andrew: Rachel is blown away. She can’t…

Rachel: Oh yeah.

Andrew: …imagine it. So what have we seen from her in terms of magical ability? Besides her Animagus transformation.

Kevin: Well, she was fighting the Death Eaters.

Laura: Stunned. She got stunned five times in the chest. And even Madam Pin…uh, who was it…Madam Pomfrey. Excuse me, I was thinking of the librarian for a moment. Um, she said that it wasn’t every aging wizard that could take that many spells in the chest and come away from it. So I think she’s definitely…

Andrew: Oh.

Laura: …pretty powerful.

Rachel: Also, I also think that the reason that McGonagall is so powerful is because her relationship with Dumbledore. You’ve got to learn a thing or two from him, I guess, you would assume so…

Andrew: Yeah, everybody does.

Laura: I agree.

Rachel: Yeah, so I think that’s pretty much the reason why she’s gotten…she’s a pretty strong wizard because of that. She’s been with Dumbledore for quite some time now so she’s developed as their relationships developed, I guess.

Laura: Mhm.

Rachel: You would think.

Laura: I’m sure he’s shown her a thing or two.

Devotion to Harry

Andrew: So she seems very devoted to Harry throughout the series. Any particular reason for this? Laura?

Laura: I think it’s because she was…she showed a considerate amount of sympathy at the fact that the Potters had been murdered and I think that just being their teacher and seeing what kind of struggles their son has to go through. I think she wants to facilitate any of his dreams, goals, whatever she can.

Kevin: Well, I was just going to say that she seems like one of those all around nice people. So, it just seems like she sympathizes with his situation. I don’t think it’s any particular love of Harry, you know what I mean? Like…

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true.

Kevin: She’s built…

Andrew: She’s very motherly.

Kevin: Exactly. She’s built a relationship with but I don’t think the initial, you know, helping was for the fact that he was Harry Potter. You know, she just sympathized with his situation.

Andrew: She’d be that way, in other words, she’d be that way with any other character.

Kevin: Exactly, yeah. Yeah.

Rachel: You think?

Andrew: Well, in her House at least.

Rachel: I wouldn’t think so.

Andrew: In her House?

Rachel: Yeah, like I think her devotion to Harry, it mirrors maybe her relationships towards the Potters. But I can’t really see her being that way towards Ron or even Hermione. I don’t know, it just seems it’s something she’d only do for Harry, in my opinion.

Laura: Well, and I think that she was fairly fond of them when they were at school.

Rachel: Yeah. They were, exactly.

Laura: When she found out they were dead, she said “Lily and James…I can’t believe it.” But she called them by their first names, it wasn’t a last name basis like she tends to refer to her students as.

Kevin: Yeah, but I still see her as a person who, if any other student had their parents killed she’d still be just as sympathetic and helpful.

Laura: I think she’s sympathetic, but at the same time she treats Harry like another student.

Kevin: I mean, look at Neville.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: Well, now that she built the relationship, yes, but what I’m saying is initially. When she first met Harry, I think that she…if it was anyone else, she’d be just as sympathetic.

Laura: Well, I think that she would definitely have some sympathy towards the person, but even if they were anyone else, they aren’t the Boy Who Lived. And they aren’t the Chosen One. Harry is and he’s got even a larger burden then anyone else who’s lost their parents because he’s the one who has to defeat Voldemort.

Kevin: I guess I just believe she sees past that.

Laura: I think she would definitely be helpful in giving other students guidance.

Kevin: Well, I think she’d be helpful as acting as a motherly figure towards anyone who has lost their parents. That’s what I’m saying.

Laura: She’d definitely be a stern motherly figure. She does it without being…

Kevin: Oh, absolutely.

Laura: …unprofessional in a teacher’s sense.

Kevin; Exactly, but that’s what I’m saying. I believe she’s all professional in a sense that she offers sympathy when sympathy is required.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: And if someone else lost both their parents, she’d treat them the same way as she treated Harry the first time.

Rachel: I still stand by my word that McGonagall, I don’t know, is just more of a Harry thing towards her. Of course, she is motherly towards everyone, I guess, but I think there’s just something.

Kevin: So you think that she’s looking over Harry as sort of, she feels an obligation?

Rachel: Yeah, as more of a son. Well not really an obligation but I don’t know. It’s weird because when she talks about the Potters, you see that she really did have some sort of really close relationship with them. So I guess she feels the need to protect Harry as her own. And, yeah well, I agree with Kevin, though. Like, if it was anyone else who’s parents had died she’d do the same, but…

Laura: Yeah, I agree. I think the differing factor is that, like I said, Harry is the Chosen One, he’s the Boy Who Lived, he’s the one with this burden and I think that’s what makes a little bit of a difference in the way she’s trying to offer Harry guidance.

Minerva As Headmistress

Andrew: Now, we’ve discussed this in the past but, is she definitely the new headmistress, or just serving as a temporary role? I think we’re in agreement that she’s going to be the headmistress.

Laura: I think so, too.

Rachel: I hope so.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Who else would they put in that place? Although…

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: …I’m having terrifying thoughts of the Ministry taking advantage of the fact…

Andrew: I was just going to say that. Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: …that Dumbledore’s gone and trying to shove someone back in there.

Kevin: Yeah, but at the same time, I don’t think the Ministry has…I think the Ministry lost a lot of their power so…

Laura: Yeah, I think so, too.

Kevin: …you know.

Andrew: Absolutely.

Kevin: They lost a lot of their credibility so now, there….

Laura: Yeah but, just because they’ve lost credibility, is that going to stop them from using their power?

Kevin: It may not stop them, but…

Laura: People won’t like it, basically.

Kevin: …the power….exactly.

Laura: People will protest.

Kevin: You have to remember…exactly. The parents are sending their students, you know, their kids to this school. If the parents don’t like what’s going on, they’re going to vocalize. And, I think that it’s always been shown that the majority rules in the wizarding world and in this case…

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: …it’s going to be…

Andrew: Although it may sound a little too political for the Harry Potter books, she’s going to have to prove herself, somehow.

Kevin: Do you think so?

Andrew: Yeah, well, to the parents? Who…why would they trust this woman now? She’s just jumping in out of nowhere. Unless Dumbledore…

Kevin: Yeah, but she’s been a teacher at this school for so many years…

Andrew: And that means what?

Kevin: A lot!

Andrew: Anyone can be a teacher; that doesn’t mean you can run a school.

Kevin: But, I understand that, but there’s quite a few superintendents are originally teachers.

Laura: Well, consider…how close did your parents pay to various unassorted…

Rachel: True, true.

Laura: …superintendents at your schools?

Andrew: And, were these teachers, whoever became superintendents ever in control of a school that was in danger of being…

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Massacred. [laughs]

Laura: Because my parents…

Kevin: Yeah, but…

Laura: …they mainly pay attention to my teachers.

Kevin: Do you think…one, do you think that the Order is going to be, like, public knowledge now? And two, do you think that will be enough to convince people?

Laura: I think the Order is going to remain more of an underground-type thing. Obviously, it will be public knowledge to some, but if too many people know about it, then…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, you lose your…yeah.

Laura: Yeah, they kind of lose their bite.

Andrew: No good could…no good would come out of making it completely public.

Kevin: But I just think that the fact of her taking a stance on the Voldemort issue will have enough credibility, you know what I mean?

Andrew: If you take a stance, that’s fine. But I just think McGonagall will have to prove to parents that the school will be safe, which is going to be a hard thing to do now.

Laura: I think it…it’ll be definitely a challenge for her.

Rachel: It will be, but I think she’s capable of showing what she’s got. So, I don’t think it will be a big problem like that…I don’t think it will be a big issue in the book, for parents to be worried. It’ll be like, really small and then people will be like, okay.

Laura: How much of that are we going to see because…

Rachel: Exactly.

Laura: …Harry says he’s not going back to Hogwarts.

Rachel: Exactly. If we even do see Hogwarts.

Andrew: That question always comes back to haunt us.

[Everyone laughs]


Andrew: And now, is she going to be working closely with the Trio in the way that Dumbledore did? Dumbledore helped Harry out a lot in Half-Blood Prince.

Kevin: I don’t think so.

Laura: I don’t…no, I don’t think so either.

Kevin: Maybe in the sense of occasionally helping, but I don’t think that any of the Order will play a vital role in the Trio’s searching for the Horcri and all that stuff.

[Rachel laughs]

Laura: Well I think, it’s…

Kevin: I used “Horcri” because I know people like that.

Laura: I think it’s just part of the theme that Harry has to do it alone and what would be the point of not having Dumbledore around anymore if someone else was going to come along and take his place?

Kevin: Exactly…is going to fill in…exactly.

Andrew: And could Dumbledore have given her any sort of information before he died?

Kevin: Vital information would have been…

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: …given to Harry. I think some of, maybe the Order stuff, like the…this is what should happen…this is what should happen to the school…would go to McGonagall but anything of, like, importance like, to defeating Voldemort would be a Harry exclusive.

Laura: Mhm.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: It’s like Warner Brothers.

Kevin: Harry exclusive, exactly.

Andrew: Harry exclusive. So, she’s been a Transfiguration teacher all these years, we think she’s going to become the headmistress, could she possibly teach Harry, give Harry a few extra lessons in Transfiguration that could help him?

Kevin: I don’t think so. I think that Harry is on his own.

Andrew: But, why not help him out?

Kevin: Because he is separating himself from the school, and in doing that, I don’t see him getting involved in the school in any way. I think he should…it’s my hope at least, that he’s going to be self-taught and anything from here on out that he needs to defeat Voldemort will be learned by Harry himself.

Laura: I also think that, in terms of story-telling, there’s a lot that needs to be accomplished in Book 7 and I’m not sure we’re going to have time…

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: …to see Harry go learn all sorts of new tricks.

Andrew: Unless it’s vital to what he does to get another Horcrux.

Kevin: Yeah, maybe every once and a while…

Laura: Maybe, but…

Andrew: All he has to do is transfigure into some small, unmovable object and…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …he’s safe from being spotted from wherever he is.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Or someone will turn him into a Horcrux.

Andrew: Yeah, there you go.

[Laura laughs]

Voicemail – Lost Kitty

Andrew: So now, let’s move on to some voicemails. Finally, yes! After two weeks…

Laura: Oh my god, we have voicemails!

Andrew: We’re back in it. We started getting emails of concern that people thought we’d canceled it.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: And Kevin just canceled his interest in MuggleCast for two weeks, that’s basically what happened.

Kevin: I did not! [laughs]

[Audio]:: Hi, my name is Blake from Long Island, New York and I was wondering why, in the first book, McGonagall is mentioned as an Animagus and then throughout the rest of the series, it was never mentioned again? So, thank you, I love your show. Bye-bye.

Kevin: I would say that either, one, she never had the opportunity to mention it, or two, it’s going to be used in Book 7 in a specific way and she doesn’t want to reveal all the implications of being an Animagus.

Andrew: Or three, she had no reason to turn into a…

Kevin: Cat every five seconds.

Andrew: Right, she had no reason to turn into a cat, yeah.

Laura: Also, it was convenient for Prisoner of Azkaban because Hermione went and looked up the rosters for everyone that was an animagus and she went to look up Professor McGonagall and it was just a convenient part of the storyline for her to show that none of the Marauders were registered Animaguseses-thingies.

Kevin: Animagi.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Look, I just coined a new word.

Laura: Yay, Kevin…you get a gold star.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Alright, now it’s time head into one McGonagall voicemail, then we’ll go into some general voicemails. You guys ready? Kevin, you ready? It’s been a long time. Here we go.

Voicemail – Fan Fiction

[Audio]:: Hey guys, this is Kate from Chicago and I was just wondering what you all thought of fan fiction. Are you a fan of it yourselves or do you think it’s just for delusional kids who have no time on their hands? Personally, I think fan fiction is a great time consumer between HP releases…movies or books. What do you think? Bye.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s a great way to fill up time between books and movies, besides listening to our show, of course. It’s too bad Ben’s not here because he is a big fan of fan fiction. Me, personally no. What about you guys?

Kevin: Same. I think it skews my opinions of the books, so I don’t read it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I used to read a lot of fan fiction, obviously because I used to moderate over at MuggleNet Fan Fiction…but, prior to that, I’d say…

Kevin: Especially the dirty stuff.

Laura: Yeah, and you know, actually we did get some dirty McGonagall stuff, but I’m not going to bring that up here.

Kevin: Okay.

[Laura laughs, then everyone laughs]

Laura: No, I used to…I’d say between the ages of thirteen and fifteen I read a lot of fan fiction. There was a period for a few months where I actually wrote quite a lot of fan fiction…and I think it’s really good if you’re pursuing a writing career whether it be in journalism, being a novelist, whatever… It’s a good way to tone your skills. Because Harry Potter is such a complex and diverse type of story that you can come up with so many theories and just elaborate on them and I think it’s a really, really good output. So, keep writing.

Andrew: Yeah, some of them are beautifully written. What about…

Laura: Yeah, there’s some great stuff out there.

Kevin: Well, yeah, I mean they’re good reads. It’s just that I probably won’t start reading them until after the final book.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true.

Laura: On the other hand, there’s some really scary stuff out there, but I think that…

Andrew: Mhm. What are your thoughts on it, Rachel?

Rachel: Well, I started fan fiction before I, like…I think it was sophomore year in high school, I used to read it a lot. But, that was before I had my job on MuggleNet, so now I don’t read it as often because, yeah…

Kevin: You have no time.

Rachel: I have no time because I’m always working for the site. But, I used to write quite a bit of fan fiction, not really a lot, mostly one-shots and I used to be a beta for some fan fiction site, I don’t even remember what its name…but yeah, I used to read it a lot. It’s really cool, like some of the stories I used to read were awesome. But yeah, I don’t read as many anymore, oh well.

Laura: I also think that if you work for a site like MuggleNet and just any other Harry Potter site, you pretty much see all the theories that…

Rachel: Yeah

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true.

Laura: And it’s kind of redundant to read fan fiction.

Andrew: I mean, it’s not like fan fictions really break through on a lot of theories either.

Laura: No, but I can think of a couple that I’ve read that I thought were just really outstanding. Picked up on things that I hadn’t noticed in the books. There are definitely some talented people out there.

Kevin: Although, you know what? I would like to see those people who are devoting their time to writing Harry Potter fan fiction to writing a book.

Rachel: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm. Well, I think that’s what people do because, I mean, I don’t write fan fiction anymore. I write my own stories now. And I really think that writing fan fiction sort of helped me find my ground, sort of helped me find my writing style and kind of showed me what I wanted to do and what I wanted to write about, so, I think it’s a good thing. I think a lot of people do sort of break through from fan fiction to their own fiction once they become more adult.

Kevin: Yeah, and I do think that it’s a… There are some people who get stuck on it though, you know? Like, they aren’t willing to take the next step to try to write their own material and it’s somewhat disappointing because they are writing such good fan fiction, you know they could be writing very good books, you know. So…

Laura: Yeah, I agree. I don’t think…I think there are some fandoms you see that more in than Harry Potter. There is some fandoms where fan fiction…

[Rachel laughs]

Laura: …is kind of horrifying.

Kevin: Yeah, I can imagine.

Voicemail – The Killing Curse

[Audio]:: This is James from Southern California. My question is that there’s been a lot of debate on MuggleCast lately about whether it takes more than one Avada Kedavra to kill Hagrid, with his giant’s skin, or a dragon. But it says in Book 4 that Moody says, “There’s no counter curse, there is no blocking it,” referring to Avada Kedavra. And I think “there’s no blocking it” refers to not being able to block it, whether it be dragon’s skin or whatever. Just like to hear your comments. Love the show. Bye.

Kevin: Yeah, I agree. I don’t think there is any blocking it. Because, if there was any blocking it, then not as many people would be afraid of it, you know. So…

Andrew: Right, yeah, Hagrid might be more prone to fight it. He might not be as much of a wuss.

Kevin: Yeah but I honestly believe it would…

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: …kill Hagrid in one hit or a dragon in one hit, whether or not…

Laura: Well, I think there are good points raised on both ends. I believe it was Ben who said it during the Hagrid episode that, if you walk up to someone with a baseball bat, a normal person, you’re going to do a lot more damage than…as if you walked up to a dragon and hit them with a baseball bat. On the other hand, if it’s a curse that can’t be blocked, then it’s reasonable to assume that it is a curse that could kill anyone, no matter their size or power.

Kevin: Not to mention, we’re not…who says it’s even going to work on a dragon? For all we know, it can’t…you know, the curse is only against humans.

Laura: It’s exclusive to humans?

Kevin: Yeah, it’s possible. I mean, I think I’ve read theories where they said it actually tears a person’s soul away from their body or something like that.

Laura: Well, but then, Moody used it against the spider.

Kevin: That’s true, that’s true.

Laura: Well, the imposter Moody used it against the spider…

Kevin: That’s true.

Laura: …in Goblet of Fire.

Kevin: So I guess it works for all of them and it kills all of them in one hit. [laughs]

Voicemail – Nagini, The Secret-Keeper?

[Audio]: Hey, this is Robert from Florida, and I was wondering: if you can speak Parseltongue, do you think that you could make, say, a snake your Secret-Keeper? And another thing, what happened to Sirius’ two-way mirror that he gave to Harry? They didn’t mention it in Half-Blood Prince, and I was thinking she was going to do something with that. I love your show!

Laura: I guess it depends on…

Rachel: Why would you make your snake a Secret-Keeper, though?

Laura: Well, I guess the reason you would do something like that is not that many people are Parseltongues, so…

Kevin: And it’s not like…

Laura: …it’s not likely that your snake is going to go blab [laughs] to somebody.

Rachel: True.

Kevin: And it’s not likely that they’d suspect that person as being your Secret-Keeper in the first place…

Laura: Mhm.

Rachel: Yeah, exactly!

Kevin: So they wouldn’t manipulate them. You know? Because…

Laura: That’s an interesting theory, though. I like that!

Kevin: But also, in that case, wouldn’t it be wise of Voldemort to make Nagini…

Laura: [At the same time as Kevin] Nagini.

Kevin: …his Secret-Keeper for hiding the Horcruxes. And then they’d be…

Laura: That’s pretty cool.

Kevin: …unfindable unless you had the snake.

Rachel: That’s…

Kevin: But…

Rachel: That’s definitely something to take into consideration.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: But as we know, they have found them, so…

Rachel: Yeah.

Kevin: It’s an interesting possibility.

Laura: Hmm!

Kevin: I don’t know how to…

Laura: It is.

Rachel: Yeah! It is.

Kevin: …I don’t think we can fully answer that. I mean, it’s a possibility that…

Laura: No.

Kevin: …yes, it could be, you could make an animal your Secret-Keeper, but the implications to that are not that great.

Laura: Yeah. And as for Sirius’ two-way mirror, Jo, I believe, did say that we were going to find out something about that. And I think that something that everyone needs to remember is there is one more book. And obviously, not everything is going to be answered…

Rachel: Right.

Laura: …in Half-Blood Prince.

Voicemail – Animagus Antics

[Audio]: Hi, this is Summer from Alexandria. I was just curious as to is there a way that you could transform into an animal and back from an animal by yourself that does not require you to be an Animagus? Because in the fourth book, Krum transfigures his head into a shark. I mean that’s at least partial transformation. And Moody (Mad-Eye) turns Draco into a ferret. I was just- that might be a way that you could transfigure yourself, or at least someone else could transfigure you. Thanks. Bye!

Kevin: I think the only benefit to becoming an Animagus is one, a more personal connection to the actual shape you become; and two, I don’t think it requires a wand, does it?

Rachel: No. When…

Laura: I don’t think so.

Kevin: Because… no, it doesn’t. Because Pettigrew did not have a wand when he tried to…

Rachel: Yeah, that’s what I was going to say.

Kevin: …transform into a rat.

Laura: Well, wait, hang on.

Kevin: Am I right? No?

Laura: I’m not sure if I’m confusing the book and the movie.

Kevin: I think I… yeah.

Laura: But it seems like I remember, I remember when Remus dropped his wand in Prisoner of Azkaban

Kevin: He picked it up and then transformed.

Laura: …he picked it up and started to transform. Yeah. But I’m kind of, I’m kind of having this thought that maybe you can transfigure yourself into an animal, but it’s not a permanent thing, you know? Like… whereas being an Animagus, [pronounces with a hard “g”] Animagus, however you pronounce it…

Rachel: Yeah.

Laura: …you can turn into one and stay that way for the rest of your life, if you want to.

Kevin: Yeah, so the transformation may…it’s limited by your magical ability.

Rachel: Right.

Kevin: Whereas an Animagus, you can, you know, it’s not limited by your strength or…

Laura: Yeah, mhm. Well, you know, as we saw, Krum couldn’t even totally transfigure himself into a shark.

Rachel: Yes.

Laura: It was just his head.

Kevin: So it’s obviously some heavy magic.

Laura: Mhm.

Rachel: Yup!

Andrew: Okay.

Surprise Guest

Andrew: Oh! Wait! Hold on, guys. Before we get to the Dueling Club, I think I hear a knock at the MuggleCast studio door! Kevin, can you go see who that is? I’m too busy to go.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah, one sec.

Andrew: It’s… okay.

Kevin: Hello?

Andrew: It’s right over there, around the corner. Yeah.

Eric [in a false girly voice]: You guys want some cookies?

Kevin: Oh my god! Close the door!

Andrew: Oh, oh, it’s a Girl Scout! Awww…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Awww, no, it’s a Girl Scout. They’re selling cookies again! Wait… that’s Eric Scull, dressed in a Girl Scout uniform! Uh, Eric, shouldn’t you be recording the show rather than selling Girl Scout cookies?

Eric: I just thought I’d help out in the community. You know, doing my part, Andrew.

Andrew: [Laughs] Oh, right! Well…

[Laura and Rachel laugh]

Eric: Doing my part by wearing a skirt and prancing about with cookies.

Kevin: And he…

Andrew: Isn’t that something? You put on your headset and then you walked right over to the studio table here, and… that’s amazing. Because we’re all in one room.

Eric: Well, see, I figured by doing this, I not only sell cookies, but I, you know… you guys are what, six people here? So I’m going to sell a lot of cookies. You’ll all buy my cookies, won’t you?

Andrew: No, this would be…

Laura: Five.

Andrew: …five people.

Eric: Doesn’t matter, you guys will all buy my cookies anyway, right?

Andrew: Yes, of course. So thanks for joining us, Eric. You were actually working at the movie theater.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: At your fine, fine job.

Eric: Yep!

Andrew: Sell many tickets?

Eric: Um…

Andrew: What was the hit movie this weekend? Give us the scoop.

Eric: The hit movie so far… well, it’s only Friday, so…

Andrew: Yeah, well Friday night. Friday night hit movie- what was it?

Eric: I’d have to say Date Movie.

Andrew: Yeah, I heard about that.

[Kevin laughs]

Eric: Yeah, Date Movie‘s getting lots of reviews. Lots of good people coming up to us for no reason and saying, “That was a really good movie. You should go see it.” And we feel bad, because we can’t really see it. So…

Kevin: Do they allow you to see the movies?

Andrew: Why not?

Eric: We get to peek in if all our other jobs are done.

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: No, I mean do they have, like, the twelve o’clock screeners?

Eric: Yeah, there will be a screening of Date Movie tomorrow night, but unfortunately Pennsylvania residents, I can’t get you in.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: It’s kind of employees only.

Andrew: What about New Jersey residents?

Eric: Yeah. Well, that…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …maybe for you. But nobody else. Shhh.

Andrew: Awww. Okay. Well, [laughs] thanks. I’ll head straight out there to save seven bucks.

Eric: Yeah, because I have a strange feeling that somehow, I’m going to find out that 300 people listen to MuggleCast right next door to me, and would all want in on this movie.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: You know, they’ve never contacted me before; I’ve never heard from anybody. But I have a strange feeling.

Dueling Club

Andrew: Well as most of you know, the Dueling Club is where two co-hosts pick a wizard or witch behind the other person’s back. And at the same time, they give each other their character, and then they figure out who would possibly win. It’s an exciting new twist on the Dueling Club on MuggleCast.

Eric: It’s so exciting!

Andrew: One, two… [laughs]

Eric: It’s so exciting that it makes me…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: It’s so exciting it warrants five seconds of silence!

[Laura and Rachel laugh]

Andrew: Often imitated, never duplicated. Okay, so on three. Ready, girls?

Eric: [in a mock girly voice] Ready, Andrew!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Seriously, what’s so funny?

Eric: How many times have we had that many girls on the show where we can just say, “Ready, Girls?”

Andrew: I know.

[Andrew, Kevin and Eric laugh]

Eric: It’s like…

Andrew: Usually it’s, “Ready, boys? And Laura.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, okay. On three. One, two, three.

Laura: Professor Flitwick.

Rachel: [At the same time as Laura] Cormac. [laughs]

Laura: I think Professor Flitwick would win, just because he’s so advanced at Charms and he’s obviously better…

Rachel: Well, yeah! You cheated! You got a professor. I got stuck with…

[Rachel and Laura laugh]

Laura: Hey, you’re supposed to defend your character.

Eric: Yeah, defend him. Be like…

Rachel: I don’t know! Well, he’s… he’s always kind of like an airhead, but… [laughs]

Eric: I don’t think there’s enough…

Laura: No, I think Flitwick is definitely far more magically advanced than Cormac McLaggen could ever be.

Rachel: Oh, you give… you don’t give Cormac enough credit. He might seem like an idiot or a jock or something, but I…

Eric: But he’s really a sweetheart. He’s really a sweetheart.

[Rachel laughs]

Laura: Well, he’s got a horrible temper.

Rachel: Well see, his temper might work. Because then he might curse you all, with like…

Laura: Yeah, he might sit on Flitwick!

Rachel: Yeah! See? He doesn’t need his wand. [laughs] He can just sit on him altogether!

Eric: He’s got his thumpin’ fists!

Rachel: [Gasps] Twins! Or… [laughs] See, I win. There we go.

Eric: Yay, Rachel!

Laura: Mhm…

Eric: She’s won her first Dueling Club.

Rachel: Yay!

Laura: Oh, please. Oh, please!

Andrew: Well, I think that does do it for this episode of MuggleCast, episode… what is this? Twenty-eight?


Laura: Twenty-eight.

Andrew: Seriously, once we got into the twenties, I just lost count. [laughs] I’m like, for some reason, I can’t remember.

Kevin: Well, that’s because you can’t count over twenty.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Oh, right.

Eric: Kevin can divide by zero!

Kevin: Yeah, I can!

Eric: He would whoop Goyle any day. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, you would divide by zero. You’d think there’s some theory behind it. [laughs] So…

Laura: Wow, it’s been twenty episodes since my first show.

Eric: It’s been 25 since mine! Twenty-five since mine!

Andrew: Awww, Laura!

Kevin: Awww… it’s been 28 since mine.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Kevin’s all like, it’s been…


Andrew: I’ve been on every episode. I’m so proud of myself!

Eric: You should be.

Kevin: You should be proud of yourself.

Eric: You’ve edited almost every episode.

Andrew: I’m sick of it. Twenty-eight, when you think about it, hasn’t really been that much.


Eric: No, it has! When you think about it. Think of that, and then…

Andrew: I guess. Twenty-eight hours…

Eric: Think of it like, five/six months, like, half a year.

Andrew: Oh my god.

Eric: I mean, that’s what it’s been. It’s been half a year.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: 28… there’s 52… So, two weeks ago was like our halfway mark.

Andrew: I can’t wait for our year anniversary.

Laura: Awww.

Andrew: It’s going to be a fun show.

Kevin: We’re going to have a hazing.

[Eric and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Well it’s going to be right after Vegas. We’ll have to record something down in Vegas and then put it out on August 4th.

Show Close

Andrew [Show close with music in background]: So once again, [laughs] I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Kevin: I added some force to that.

Rachel: And I’m Rachel Godoy.

Andrew: And Eric, thank you for joining us at the end this week. It’s always good to have you on.

Eric: Thank you, Andrew, for having me on.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 29. And don’t forget that you can send in your questions, concerns, comments, complaints- whatever you want- to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And also, if you have a question for us next week concerning Remus Lupin, who is the character we’ll be going in depth on, please send those in to voice at staff dot mugglenet dot com, or call it in at 1-218-20-MAGIC (62442).


[Groovy music starts]

[Audio]: Hey guys, this is Proma from Michigan, and I just wanted to thank you for Episode 27, because it was just awesome. I mean, I was having, like, a really bad week before that, and it cheered me up. It was so hilarious! And not only that, but it was kind of a good luck charm! I mean, the next day, I found out I was going to Lumos. So, thank you! Just thank you! Thank you. Okay, I’m sort of tripping over my words now, but thanks!

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast! Anna from Maryland, and I just wanted to call to say how much I love your show. And Kevin, you rule, you’re my favorite. I love you guys a lot, and keep up the great work. And I loved watching the New York live podcast. Great job guys, you’re hilarious. And Laura, love you too. Bye!

[Audio]: Hey! This is Taylor Gibbon from Michigan.

Laura: you rock, man! But I have something to say about Episode 26, because Luna Lovegood could be so much better than that, man. Putting the down low on herself… boo! But I love your show. Okay, bye!

[Audio]: Hey all you MuggleCasters. This is Jeffery calling from California, and I have got one single thing to say about MuggleCast: [imitates Andrew] Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! All right. Thanks. Bye!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Laura from Ohio. I love your show, I’ve been listening ever since it came out. I was really excited, because I just got my iPod. Keep up the good work!

[Audio]: Hi! This is Spencer, and I just wanted to say I’ve been having a lot of fun watching your video- and Micah looks like a young John Stewart… which is really creepy. Yeah. Bye.


Andrew: Yeah. Well in previous shows, we had said, well, could Hagrid possibly block it? Because he’s got that… [laughs] it seems kind of dumb, when you think about it. He’s got the coat on, which some…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …we had thought, well maybe that helps. But then he’s got a thick layer of skin.

Laura: Is it the coat?

Andrew: Huh?

Laura: The coat?

Andrew: The coat!

Kevin: Yeah, apparently, there’s something with the coat.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Have you seen that coat? He has everything in that coat.

Laura: Well that doesn’t mean…

Andrew: You never know, it could have some sort of…

[Laura and Rachel laugh]

Laura: That doesn’t mean it deflects stuff!

Andrew: I know! I know! That’s why I just said it’s kind of stupid! But what I’m saying…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …yeah.

Laura: No, I’m just… I’ve never heard of a theory that Hagrid’s coat [laughs] could deflect…

Andrew: That’s what we said!

Laura: [Laughs] …an Unforgivable Curse.

Andrew: That’s what we said on the show a few weeks ago.

Laura: No! We were talking about his skin. His giant skin. [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Andrew: Yeah, then we were talking about a coat! Because then I was like, “Oh yeah…

Laura: No!!!! No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Andrew: “…he’s got the sausage hanging out of it.”

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Oh god…

Laura: That’s not what we said! No! No, no, no. What happened was…

Andrew: I remember vividly.

Laura: No, apparently you don’t.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Laura: No, no, no…

Andrew: Where is that Hagrid doll for the second time? Go ahead.

Laura: No. [laughs] What happened was Eric said that if that were the case, people would be buying Hagrid-skin coats.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Like coats made out of giant skin and dragon skin.

Andrew: Right. Forget I said that, I’ll just take that out.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Okay. But…


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #27

MuggleCast EP27 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 27 for February 12th, 2006. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all plans start at just $3.95 per month. No matter what plan you choose your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. I use them for my personal website,, and I know that GoDaddy has some of the best, affordable hosting plans online. I recommend you use them for your upcoming website or podcast because as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you check out, and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another edition of MuggleCast! I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Dylan: And I’m Dylan Spartz.

Andrew: And this is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussions, trivia, whatever you want. And now with 100% more Dylan Spartz.

Ben: Yay!

Laura: Yay!

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Hooray!

Ben: And I’d just like to take a moment to congratulate U2 on their five Grammys. Okay, Harry Potter. Let’s go.

Andrew: Oh me too.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: Welcome Dylan, to the show. We had you on a few weeks ago – by weeks, I mean months.

Ben: Yeah.

[Ben, Eric, and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: And we had to cut you out because there were audio problems.

Dylan: Right, that’s what you say.

Andrew: [laughs] None this week.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: You sounded like a chipmunk. I didn’t want people getting the wrong impression.

Dylan: Right.

Andrew: I’m not even joking, man. [laughs] Before we go anywhere else, first let’s check in with Micah for the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

CBBC Newsround reported Friday that after their absence from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the Dursleys will return in Order of the Phoenix. They also announced some of the other actors cast for the fifth Harry Potter film.

Sian Thomas will play Amelia Bones the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Office. She’s appeared in several productions for the Royal Shakespeare Company, as well as roles in television and film.

Lending more credibility to the rumor that the Dementor Attack will appear in Order of the Phoenix, Jason Boyd has been cast as Pier Polkiss and Richard Macklin will play Malcolm, two of Dudley’s friends.

Young Peter Pettigrew will be played by Charles Hughes and Young Lily Potter will be played by Susie Shinner.

Finally, Richard Leaf will play Ministry Auror Dawlish and Nick Shim has been cast as Zacharias Smith.

Warner Bros. said earlier this week that both Gary Oldman and David Thewlis are still under negotiations to appear in Order of the Phoenix.

Filming began for the fifth film on Monday.

Moving from Order of the Phoenix to Goblet of Fire, Warner Bros. has released a commercial for the upcoming Goblet of Fire DVD! You can check it out as well as a review of the new DVD over on

The Harry Potter series has been nominated for a Kids’ Choice Award in the category of Favorite Book while Goblet of Fire is up for consideration in the Favorite Movie category. You can vote on the Nickelodeon’s website starting March 6th. The Awards will be presented on Saturday, April 1st at 8 PM.

And don’t forget voting for the 2006 AOL Moviefone Moviegoer Awards is still open. Nominations are in the areas of Movie of the Year (Goblet of Fire), Actor of the Year (Dan Radcliffe), Actress of the Year (Emma Watson), Best Scene-Stealer (Brendan Gleeson), and Vilest Villain (Ralph Fiennes).

Finally, you’ve asked about if for months, now the video from our LIVE New York City podcast is available over on’s Episode Page.

That’s all the news for this February 12th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: Okay. Well thanks, Micah Tan.


Andrew: Let’s go to some announcements before we do anything else this week. One e-mail that we have been getting a lot of is where did all of the older episodes go on the feed?

Ben: The reason we don’t have any more than ten episodes on the feed is because it gets sort of crowded and it is not necessary. So, if you want to have episodes before that, go to, click on “Episodes.”

Andrew: That’s what I just said.

Ben: I don’t know why it was so hard for him to say that. [laughs]

Andrew: Because I have ADD. What’s the… What’s the… You trying to insult me or something?

Eric: But so guys, guys, won’t that mess up the way people play MuggleCast on their iPods? Because it won’t show up under podcasts, it’ll show up under…

Andrew: Well, some people were saying that, but is that true?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: When it goes out of our feed it deletes it from their podcast directory?

Ben: No, it doesn’t. It shouldn’t.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think so.

Eric: What it does is, it shows up as “Songs.” Except the problem is the earlier episodes don’t have the same artists. They’re under like Andrew Sims, Ben Schoen, you know?. Now, it’s just as The MuggleCasters. So, it’s almost impossible…

Andrew: But, if you go to “Podcasts,” if you go to “Podcasts” on your iPod…

Eric: Yeah?

Andrew: All the ones that aren’t on our feed anymore aren’t there? I don’t think that is true.

Eric: I think…

Andrew: I’m not able to test it because of my settings.

Eric: All I am saying is if you direct download it, there’s no way to get it on the podcast part of the thing.

Andrew: Oh, right! [coughs] Right. Well…

Eric: It just shows up as a random episode.

Andrew: Yeah, well…

Eric: Or random song.

Andrew: [laughs] …what are you going to do?

Eric: There’s no way to fix it.

Ben: So, yeah. Buy an iPod.

Andrew: That’s the problem. [laughs] People, people…it’s going to show up in a different place on their iPod, that’s what he is saying.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But it’s not an issue if you have already downloaded all of them through the feed.

Eric: Well, right, but it actually…

Andrew: New people, yes.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay. [laughs]

Ben: Now this is, this is the borefest with Andrew and Eric.

Andrew: I know. [laughs] This is “This Week in MuggleCast Tech.”

Ben: Yeah.


Andrew: All right. And now the update on the Andrew’s Listener Challenge that is sweeping the nation are my contests, my segment contest – “Create Your own MuggleCast Segment” – that will then be aired on our show, and you’ll also win a fabulous MuggleCast T-shirt for you and everyone who participated. I’d like to remind everyone that you must send your final entries to challenge at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And send any questions to me at andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com. This is the final week for the contest because it closes on the 18th.

Ben: Yeah!

Andrew: When we release our next show – it is closed! So get them in this week.


Andrew: So Ben, we have to remind everyone that we are now selling MuggleCast T-shirts.

Ben: That’s right! Get yours today! Visit and there’s a link that says “Store” where you can buy a T-shirt comes in two designs and a variety of sizes. They cost is around $15.00. And for every shirt you buy, it supports the site and it supports MuggleCast in itself.

Andrew: And they come in two great designs, a little – what do we want to call it, Ben?

Ben: Ehhh…

Andrew: [whispers] Not iPod. Shhh.

Ben: Generic headset that are coincidentally white style.

Andrew: Mhm. And have different color backgrounds. You guys will love them. They look great. I mean Ben and I both have them. We wear them proudly.

Ben: Exactly.

Andrew: And we get noticed for once. [fakes crying]

Ben: Oh, yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: And then also the second design is a Micbolt, which is a microphone and lightening bolt skewed into one. It’s really cool. It’s a great design for our show – it fits perfectly.

Ben: But not only that, Andrew. We need to remind them that – it is actually a T-shirt I am wearing at this moment – you can buy MuggleNet T-shirts at, the Harry Potter website this podcast is for. And those T-shirts go towards supporting the podcast and go towards supporting the site. So…

Andrew: We appreciate your purchase very much.

Ben: So, go… Any business, we love it.

Andrew: Mhm.

Ben: So, thank you.

Andrew: And go buy one today.

Ben: Right now.

Andrew: All right. So, thanks everyone!


Andrew: And we have two corrections from last week’s show. For one, we mentioned that we asked, “Well, what the hell does Wormtail do with his silver hand?” and Margaret from New Orleans and a few other people pointed out to us that when Wormtail receives it, he crushes a stick to dust with his new shiny hand, which means that it is very powerful. So, we really did know what it was for.

Ben: Yeah.

Dylan: Because he is cool like that.

Andrew: We didn’t, we didn’t look into that fully, So, sorry about that. And…

Eric: Andrew, I’ll handle the second one.

Andrew: Oh, oh, okay. Go ahead.

Eric: All right. I can handle the second one. The second correction to last week…

Andrew: In an hour or less.

Eric: Okay. No, absolutely. [laughs] A few people sent in concerns saying last we discussed whether or not Peter Pettigrew could reveal himself fully to the public. And I had speculated in the episode with everybody else that he could not indeed show his face because that would mean that Sirius was innocent, and there would be this big revolution and everything. However, people sent in copies or segments of the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince during “The Other Minister” where Fudge is admitting to the Muggle Minister that Sirius was innocent. Now, what I wanted to say was that I had this in mind while thinking about it, and I truly don’t believe that the wizarding public has been informed that Sirius is innocent. I just think that was Fudge giving into explaining… At that moment he was explaining everthing to the Muggle Minister, and even though Fudge admits to the Minister that he was, you know, that Sirius was innocent, that he was wrong and…

Laura: Yeah, I agree. I think if Sirius’ name had been cleared that Jo would have mentioned it, definitely.

Eric: I don’t think that Fudge is the kind of Minister, the kind of politician who would admit things to the public. So, even though he may have thought, even though he may have admitted to the Minister, I still don’t think the public knows.

Andrew: And was there really any reason for the Prime Minister to tell the public because he would have been the one who told the public, right?

Eric: There wasn’t. It was just a matter of the Minister at that time was running through with Fudge all that stuff he had told him in the past, and Fudge had to correct himself because, “Oh gee, that was very unfortunate that we were wrong.” But, I swear, I really don’t think he told the public.

Micah: Not to mention Fudge would have been in a whole lot of trouble for getting the wrong guy.

Eric: Yeah. And he would have been ousted out before they deemed him incompetent. They would have kicked him out long before that.

Andrew: So take that and rewind it back! [laughs]

Eric: Yeah! That’s right! Take that, fans! Okay.

Andrew: No, I’m just kidding. We appreciated when fans point out when we make mistakes.

Eric: We really do, but I had that in mind.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Because we’re not perfect. It’s hard to get every detail nailed down into our heads and sometimes we are going to screw up. So…

Ben: You, especially.

Andrew: Rarely. Rarely. Very rarely.

Eric: We do appreciate when you keep us in check.

Laura: Also… I did get several emails concerning the fact that people thought that we were saying that Dumbledore knew that Pettigrew was the Secret-Keeper and I just wanted to clear up that I don’t think that was the point we were getting at. I think we were getting at the point that Dumbledore thought one of the Potter’s friends was a traitor, not anyone specifically. So…

Andrew: Right. Yeah. I saw emails about that too.

Ben: Thank you.

Andrew: People think we’re crazy sometimes.

Eric: Any other corrections from last week?

Andrew: No, that’s it, Eric.

Eric: Cool beans.

Ben: We’re like the New York Times: we have corrections section on our show, man.

Eric: That was a nearly…

Andrew: Yeah, you know…

Eric: …nearly perfect episode. I thought that was very well…

Andrew: Yeah, people really appreciated last week’s show.

Ben: What about it?

Andrew: They liked what, well, for one, you weren’t on. That was a big plus.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Awww…ouch, come on.

Andrew: That was highly rated. Just kidding. Okay…

Ben: Like a knife to my heart.

Ben’s Top 10

Andrew: Okay, now for the main discussion this week, as most of you know unless you’re living under a rock and/or you are extremely anti-social, Tuesday is Valentine’s Day so it would only be right if we discussed a little bit of Valentines. Alright, so, Ben, you haven’t been on the show; you weren’t on last week and you’ve been sort of neglecting the Top Ten List…which is upsetting.

Ben: Yeah, I’m terrible.

Andrew: Yeah, you’ve upset many fans. So, you have one for us this week, right?

Ben: Yeah so, in the whole spirit of Valentine’s Day, I think it’s time that we do Top Ten Harry Potter Relationships.

Andrew: Ooooo.

Ben: Yeah let’s…

Andrew: Fitting for Valentine’s Day…Show Special. [laughs]

Ben: Very fitting. So, when you’re listening to MuggleCast, snuggling up with your loved one…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: It’s time for our Top Ten List. Number ten… some of these are very generic, some of these are very wild, you know, some of these are…

Andrew: Was this created by anyone or was this created by you?

Ben: This is created by me, so…

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: If it sucks, email me. [laughs] Number ten…Harry and Ginny. Number nine…Ron and Hermione. Now, right now, many of you are thinking, “This Top Ten List sucks” but it’s heating up here.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Number eight…Dobby and the Giant Squid.

Andrew and Ben: Oh!

Ben: [Laughs] Number seven…Trelawney and Umbridge.

[Andrew and Ben groan]

Andrew: Oh, Ben! [laughs] Took me a second to catch that one.

Ben: No…number six…Harry and Hagw…Hedwig. [laughs]

Andrew: [Laughs] Harry and Hagrid…Hedwig.

Ben: Hagrid? Harry and Hagrid, that one should have made the list too, what am I thinking?

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Now, number five…Snape and McGonagall. Number four…Draco and Pansy. Number three, this is probably my favorite, Micah and Eric.

Andrew and Ben: [laugh] Oh!

Ben: Just kidding, guys, just kidding. Number two, Emerson and Melissa.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Andrew: [Whispering] Melissa, that was Ben’s idea.

Ben: Memerson for life, yo.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah.

Ben: Number one, perhaps my favorite…Snape and the Nimbus 2000. [laughs]

Andrew: Oooooh! [laughs] Yeah, is that a fan fiction somewhere?

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh, is it really?

Ben: Yeah, there is.

Andrew: Link me to it.

Ben: That’s a link that will not be in the show notes.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Love In The Harry Potter Series

Andrew: So, there hasn’t been much that has happened on Valentine’s Day in the Harry Potter series, strangely, because Harry Potter is such a novel of romance and mystery and…

Ben: And loooove.

Andrew: Loooove. [laughs]

Laura: Oh yeah.

Eric: Yeah, the key to the series is love, everybody.

Andrew: The first thing would be Harry’s first date with Cho Chang in, as we all know, Order of the Phoenix, which was closely followed by Rita’s interview with Harry for The Quibbler. Okay, and on top of those two things, there was in Chamber of Secrets: THE Valentine.

Eric: As we all know, thanks to JK Rowling in Book 6, Harry and Ginny have a thing going on. And, in Chamber of Secrets, four years prior to it, Ginny sent Harry the Valentine with the little cupids that really, really embarrassed him. And it was the singing Valentine and Ginny sent that to him.

Andrew: If I may…

Eric: That was…

Andrew: If I may just interrupt you here for a second, Eric.

Eric: Sure.

Andrew: You said that it embarrassed Harry…I would like to quote the book. “Harry would have given all the gold in Gringotts…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …to evaporate on the spot.” That is how much he was embarrassed.

Eric: [Laughs] Which is interesting, as well, his reaction to it. I think the two most interesting facts are that Ginny was only, what, eleven at this time, and she was, you know…and that’s the perfect, you know, little girl action to…but even that she was displaying magical talent to bewitch, you know, cupids to show up and give him a Valentine.

Laura: That wasn’t what happened, actually. Lockhart commissioned a bunch of the little…

Andrew: To send Valentines…

Laura: …cupids to come in and you could, yeah you could have them send Valentines.

Eric: Oh, wait I mixed them up so, okay then she just…But still, she was acting on her affections for Harry at a very young age and, of course, she told Riddle about it too, because that’s how he knew about Harry.

Andrew: Now maybe one of you can answer this for me, but I don’t know why there’s so much speculation as to why it might have or might not have been Ginny. Because in the book, Draco insulted the Valentine and he sent it towards Ginny…I don’t remember what he said exactly, but it was something along the lines of “looks like Harry didn’t like…”

Laura: Yeah, didn’t like your Valentine.

Andrew: Right, and then Ginny covered her face and ran off. So…

Laura: Which, I felt really sorry for her because that would have sucked.

Andrew: It was an innocent…like…

Eric: Yeah, that was bad.

Andrew: It was an innocent, I don’t even know how to put it…innocent…[in a crying voice] innocent love. I’m crying all over this episode.

Eric: Yeah, and so then, the second thing I wanted to bring up as far as that Valentine event goes is how Harry reacted to it as well. Like you said, Andrew, with your fabulous book quote, that Harry would have given “…all the gold in Gringotts to evaporate on the spot.”

Andrew: Right, that was on page 238, chapter 13, US edition.

Eric: Nice.

Laura: Thanks!

Eric: Nice specs!

Andrew: Yeah, I have it all in my head.

Eric: Nice.

Laura: I’m sure you do.

Eric: That’s pretty much Harry’s typical reaction and I think in Chamber of Secrets, Harry is very characterized as not wanting fame and you know with Lockhart around, always giving him tips on being very famous, it seems Harry is really an impenetrable character. When it comes to showing affection and he just doesn’t want to be classified as arrogant or attention-seeking.

Ben: Let’s talk about ‘shipping. What is ‘shipping? What is ‘shipping?

Laura: ‘Shipping is…

Ben: I’m like Dr. Phil. I’m like the Dr. Phil of ‘shipping.

Laura: Oh my God.

Ben: [Impersonating Dr. Phil] Well, you know what I’m going to say here. I think ‘shipping…it is very, very important to the Harry Potter series.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: ‘Shipping is very important to a lot of people in the Harry Potter series.

Ben: Mhm, and some people take it a little too seriously.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s fueled by the fan fiction. It’s fueled by these crazy fans. It’s fueled by shows like us. It’s fueled by…

Ben: Guys like us.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I think it’s next to the whole plot, the in-depth plot and figuring all of that out. It’s just amazing. [laughing]

Laura: Yeah, I really don’t get it. You look at the books and they really don’t have a very heavy romance line in there but you go to MuggleNet Fan Fiction and romance is the largest category.

Ben: Right, because that what people love writing about things they can compare to, you know? And another thing is, what’s surprising is that Harry and Hermione is the most popular ‘ship. There is no denying that even though it isn’t going to happen it‘s still the most popular one that people like to write about.

Eric: We’re not talking about, I don’t think we should talk about delusional people at all.

Ben: No, we didn’t talk about delusional people.

Laura: We’re not, we’re not.

Eric: Well, you’re bringing that up, I mean. But I liked what Laura said about fan fiction and romance being the largest thing. As far as JKR not mentioning it in the books or it not taking place in that books, I think that’s also what gives them free room to write. And wherever there are characters, there will be relationships formed and I think people just have their own interpretations of what characters should be with who and they let it free roam and other people say “Hey we really like that, so let’s write about it.”

Andrew: You keep referring to people, but it’s…I think we need to be more specific. It’s these teenage girls. Their hormones are raging. Yes, you can…yeah…

Eric: Oh, come on.

Ben: It is.

Andrew: It is!

Laura: It’s true, it’s true.

Andrew: Eric, do you have an argument against this?

Ben: Andrew, I’d be…hold on, Andrew.

Andrew: What?

Ben: I’d be careful of insulting teenage girls.

Andrew: I’m not insulting!

Ben: Because they account for 72 percent of our audience, so…

Andrew: I’m not insulting. I’m just saying it’s the perfect thing for them. It’s…

Laura: The majority? Yeah.

Andrew: What interests them the most. That’s why Harry Potter, that’s probably why it’s so successful because you’ve got these teenage girls, on top of swooning over Harry, they have this huge world of ‘shipping they can get into. There’s PodCasts about ‘shipping! [laughs] It’s huge!

Laura: No, no, it really is true because if you look at…whenever I was in public school, most of the girls my age were reading romance novels. So it’s really, it’s just something that teenage girls get into. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just an age thing.

Andrew: Eric, did you have an argument against this?

Eric: Um, no. I think it was proper in pointing that out and I think that Harry Potter, among other things like romance novels, it’s just something for teenage girls to get into because of whatever reasons but, it’s just a shame they aren’t in real relationships. Not that it’s their fault.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Do you think…

Ben: So yeah, if you’re not in a real relationship, call up Eric Scull. He’ll hook you up.

Andrew: Jo has said in the past that nothing she reads online and the movies don’t affect her writings of the book or anything like that but, do you think JK Rowling takes in all this ‘shipping and puts it into her books because well, the kids like it, then might as well. Might as well if it’ll interest them more.

Dylan: I don’t think so. I think she writes what she writes.

Eric: Yeah.

Dylan: I mean, she knows exactly what she’s going to write.

Eric: Dylan’s correct.

Dylan: She can’t be persuaded by any party.

Eric: Um, Dylan’s right except where a certain emphasis lies. I think no matter what relationships had to occur in the books but JKR was very adamant about putting in hints and clues that Ron and Hermione were going to get together and not Hermione and Harry. And so she’s pointed in the direction and I think she’s responded to the ‘shipping but just making it not a little more clearer than she might have, prior of. Just like everyone pronouncing Hermione’s name Hermy-own and she has that thing in Gobelet of Fire where she made Viktor pronounce it right so we all knew. It’s just JKR’s way of kind of responding to us subtly, but I mean as Dylan said, I think she does know who’s going to get together. It’s just a matter of, I think she might not have pointed it out as much as she did if the fans hadn’t been ‘shipping other things.

Dylan: Well she…she wants to write the books how she wants to write them because I think we have that figured out. It sort of started out like a kids’ book and then by the sixth book, we know it’s not a kids’ book at all.

Andrew: Right. She doesn’t have to turn it into a whole plot. If she throws one sentence in there saying, “Snape and McGonagall looked at each other in a funny way,” it’s going to start up a whole new frenzy.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: These people are intense about this kind of stuff.

Micah: I think it was a way of her humanizing the series a little bit, too. I mean, you know what I mean?

Andrew: It’s…yeah.

Micah: So people can relate to it.

Laura: I also think that in comparison to the first five books, Book 6 really seems it has this huge romance line it but really, when you look at it on its own as just its own book, it’s really not a lot when you compare it to other books you might be reading that have huge romance lines. So, I really don’t think she’s just doing it because a lot of people seem to like it, I think she’s just doing it because it’s part of growing up. I mean, how weird would it be if Harry had gone six books without kissing anyone?

Eric: I agree with Laura also that it needed to take place. It would have been really weird. So yeah, Book 6 was the point where JKR had to establish that before it was way too late.

Ben: I know but the thing that got to me was when I read the part where Harry, like, first kisses Ginny. It felt like straight out of a fan fiction story. I don’t know.

Laura: It was definitely…

Eric: There’s nothing wrong with that.

Laura: No, there’s nothing wrong with it. It was definitely a little…I would say overdone, but not bad, just not what I was quite expecting.

Eric: When I read Half-Blood Prince, I read it twice in about a week, once was in 24 hours and the second time I took my time, but, um, I thought at first that the book was all about snogging and I was so tired and everybody I was talking to was all, “Oh man, I couldn’t get enough of that snogging,” and it was just snog, snog, snog this, snog that. And I read it again and the second time through, it really didn’t seem that big at all. I was, like, shocked. I was, like, “Wait a minute, where is all this snogging?” And it was funny because when I was first reading it, I was like, “Oh my God, this is so much more romance,” but at the same time, the second time around, it didn’t seem like any. And it seemed very, very minor, in fact. So, it’s interesting to find out how much romance is actually in that book.

Andrew: Well, Ben brought up a good point that it sounded like it came straight out of a fan fiction, so is she being influenced? I mean, I hate to say that but she says that she looks at the sites…

Laura: I don’t think so.

Andrew: And reads all the crazy stuff that’s going on.

Eric: I think that it’s less influence and more the fact that it did go six books without waiting. I think it just seemed more like a fan fiction and more outward because she had waited so long and, you know, anything Harry and Cho did in Book 5 still wasn’t adequate enough to set the whole stage for romance in the book. I just think it was just JKR’s way of…I think it’s just the way the book came out and it may have seemed like a fan fiction because we weren’t used to it but, I mean, that’s only because we just hadn’t had any of it.

Laura: Also because there are so many Harry Potter fans that it was extremely unlikely that Jo was going to come up with a situation for Harry and Ginny that hadn’t already been written in a fan fiction.

Eric: Well, I think if anything, the fact that book 6 seemed like fan fiction just says that we have some pretty good fan fiction writers out there.

Micah: Yeah, I think she felt that she had to add certain human elements, certain everyday elements of life to the book and to the series. And, you know, the whole romance angle is just one of them.

Eric: Yeah, and to say that the fanfiction writers couldn’t capture some of that angle would be a little bit of an insult, a little bit of a low blow. I think some of them have and some of them have created work that is sometimes adequate and worthy of Harry Potter.

Andrew: What about Book 7? I think it would be a great idea for Jo to throw in a lot of those little lines that would stir up some controversy just to…because Book 7’s the last book…

Laura: [Laughs] Just to leave it.

Ben: Yeah, just to leave it completely open and it’s going to keep the interest in the series going for a while.

Laura: See now, that would be really cool except for the fact that…

Ben: What are we talking about here?

[Ben and Laura laugh]

Laura: …there will be some weird fan fictions coming in after Book 7.

Eric: Oh my God…

Andrew: Jo, we need something to talk about. Please leave stuff open.

Eric: Oh my gosh.

[Laura laughs]

Main Discussion: Professor Umbridge

Andrew: We’re going to lose listeners and we’re going to have to live on the streets again. Please! Okay, so on top of the romance this week, we have to get into our character discussion because without it, MuggleCast is simply just not complete. So, this week, we will be talking about, of all people, Professor…former Professor…Umbridge.

Micah: But you know what, Andrew?

Eric: Dolores.

Andrew: What’s that Micah?

Micah: Nothing says Valentine’s Day like Professor Umbridge.

[Andrew makes drum noise and everyone laughs]

Eric: Well, no, Micah’s right. I mean, you know?

Andrew: [Laughs] What are you talking about?

Eric: Well, you told me that the character discussion was, like Umbridge and I was like, “What the hell?”

Andrew: Irony.

Ben: Oh, the irony.

Eric: But it’s so not…Micah’s right. Nothing says Valentine’s Day like Umbridge.

Ben: Dolores Umbridge. Umbridge was appointed to the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts at the beginning of the 1995-1996 school year, we don’t agree with that, but she does not seem to possess any talent for the subject. She was, however, both willing and able to commit at least one of the three Unforgivable Curses, the Cruciatus Curse. Part of her abilities are limited to negotiating circumstances in her favor and a penchant for cruelty, almost as depraved as the Death Eaters themselves…is that of the Death Eaters themselves. She’s short and fat. She’s toad-like. She has short fingers. She has a really annoying voice. She oftentimes gave Harry detention where she had this special quill where it would engrave it into his arm too…or a little spot on his hand, whatever he was writing. She used to be the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic and nothing’s really known about her early career. And just, we know that she was thrown in there because they needed another Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. And like every other Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, she didn’t last.

Andrew: And the one thing that we all absolutely hate about her the most is that she issued all those Educational Decrees that drove us insane.

Ben: Yeah.

Laura: Oh my god!

Andrew: As I read that book, I would pound my fist against tables. I could not stand it. It drove me nuts.

Ben: Is that why there were all those holes in your walls, Andrew?

Andrew: Yes, yes, yes.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Oh, wait, those holes? Those other holes? No.

Eric: All throughout Book 5, it was really just a question of: What will she think of next? And, you know, she was the absolute dictator, where it’s just like, what she’s tried to do goes and nobody supported her and it was great. The whole thing where Professor McGonagall openly opposed her and said to her, “I wasn’t sure that I had the authority to clean up that mess.” Or I think that was Flitwick or somebody. It was just so great because she was there at Hogwarts, nobody wanted her there, Dumbledore let her there because he couldn’t conflict with Fudge at that moment, and she was ruining everybody’s lives and she got no respect and I really…she really didn’t deserve any. So it was like, she knew she wasn’t welcome there, but she still made everyone’s life a hell anyway. And it was just the character that…it’s the only character that I actually just punched my pillow repeatedly after reading a line, or you know, from the book. She made me feel so…she’s the only character that…Lord Voldemort I love reading about but Umbridge, no.

Umbridge A Slytherin?

Andrew: So some of the questions, we have a series of questions, but one question that comes to mind is what house would she have been in? Not Gryffindor, I don’t think.

Laura: No.

Ben: Slytherin, duh.

Dylan: Slytherin.

Andrew: I don’t think she fits the Slytherin personality.

Eric: I think she does. She’s overly concerned about herself and her own personal morals. I think it’s one thing to be there stationed under the Ministry, but she actually took matters into her own hands beyond what even the Ministry would try to control Hogwarts as. And, if you think about it in the long run, she also sent the Dementors to Privet Drive, which is complete defiance of the Ministry. And if anything, it complicated a lot of things for the Ministry and for Harry and that was all because she, personally, wanted to.

Ben: I don’t know if it’s possible to determine whether she’s really a Gryffindor, whether she’s a…whatever she is.

Eric: She’s not brave.

Ben: Because, whoa, whoa, because here’s what happens, here’s what we do when we talk about sorting people into the Houses: the people we don’t like, they go into Slytherin, the people we do like go into Gryffindor, the people that are lamers, they don’t talk to anybody, they go into Hufflepuff, and the people that are smart go into Ravenclaw.

Eric: But what’s wrong with that? You know, I’m saying…

Ben: I don’t think that’s necessarly a true, accurate representation.

Eric: No, because I think it is.

Laura: Well, I would agree with you if it weren’t for the fact that she did something to endanger Harry’s life…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But so did Pettigrew, and Pettigrew was in Gryffindor.

Laura: …by sending the Dementors to Privet Drive, yeah.

Eric: And defied her own law, you know, to do that.

Laura: And it’s…I think there’s definitely…I think what a lot of people don’t consider is that it’s not just good traits that get you put into Houses. It’s bad traits as well and Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw have them just as much as Slytherin does. Slytherin just happens to have gained a reputation for having bad traits.

Eric: Yeah. Well, we said that last week as well.

Ben: It all depends on the person because Dumbledore said that it’s our choices that make us who we are.

Eric: But I really, honestly believe that Umbridge would be in Slytherin because even though she’s supposed to be buddy-buddy with Fudge, she went and sent the Dementors after Harry to Privet Drive just because she wanted him…

Laura: Also, notice which students she buddied up with.

Eric: Yeah, exactly. The Slytherins were her Inquisitorial Squad. And first of all…no, she wouldn’t be in Gryffindor because she’s not brave at all. No, she needs to have a squad of little Dracos running around.

Ben: Okay, okay, okay. No, no. The flaw here is that…you fail to realize sometimes we wonder, “How did this person make it into this House?” And it’s because the Sorting Hat is the only person that can read their mind, so to speak, and tell who they truly are. Just because she gives out the appearance of being a big dictator and all these terrible things doesn’t mean that she would be put in Slytherin.

Eric: So, wait, are you trying to say that she’s actually a good person and that her whole Inquisitorial Squad and everybody she gets to wreak havoc on the school and write people up, good people including prefects and other things and get them into trouble, you’re saying that she’s actually not a Slytherin or not…

Ben: I don’t think I ever said any…I don’t think I ever said anything about her being good. I just said that her outward appearance doesn’t reflect how she truly is.

Eric: So you’re saying she’s not a Slytherin type of person or she’s not…

Ben: I’m not saying that she isn’t, I’m just saying that could be the case because, like, looks can be deceiving, that’s what I’m saying. And that we’ve seen that some people wonder, “Well how is Pettigrew in Gryffindor?”

Micah: Right, exactly.

Ben: Or if he was in Gryffindor, I’m not sure.

Micah: He was. We went through that this week with Pettigrew being in Gryffindor.

Ben: Yeah, then how is Pettigrew in Gryffindor if he’s so, you know, he’s working for Voldemort. How can a Gryffindor be working for Voldemort? That’s what I’m saying, Eric.

Laura: No…

Ben: That’s what I’m saying here.

Eric: Yeah, I think you’re right in pointing that out. I think, the case of Umbridge clearly…yeah, even though she is an evil-doer, I think, at the same time, she’s clearly had issues beyond that. Like, she seems to be a smart person as far as she knows what she can and can’t do. And, you know, the whole reason behind her, you know, Educational Decrees, was that she knew she could do that. So, why then would she actually go and send Dementors to Privet Drive? Do we know why she did that? I mean, clearly she was upset or, you know, she really is…

Ben: But, there’s so many other things you have to take into account. For all we know, she could be under the Imperius Curse. See that’s the thing…we don’t know who’s acted on their own will and who isn’t. And whether that’s truly how she is…

Laura: That’s very true.

Andrew: Well, what makes her…

Micah: Maybe she felt it was the right thing to do.

Truly Evil Or Simply Misunderstood?

Andrew: What makes her act this way? I mean, why is she like this? Could it have been early childhood, or could it have been, what I feel is probably the Ministry of Magic influencing her…telling her all this has to be done or she’s fired…

Ben: It’s a combination of those things.

Andrew: …or something like that.

Laura: Yeah, well.

Ben: Because, look who’s…

Laura: The Ministry is terribly corrupt.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: Look who’s cutting her paycheck. It’s all about the galleons, baby.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah! [Still laughing]

Ben: You don’t have galleons…you’re not worth much.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Just replaced his own name…instead of saying “the Benjamins” he’s saying “the galleons.”

Andrew: Well, I mean, I really think that’s true. If Fudge or whoever is threatening to fire her, then what is she to do?

Eric: No, I understand that…

Andrew: You have to take control back of the school or you’re out. And that’s it. So, and if she really is close to her job and is really passionate about it, then…God bless her.

Eric: I understand her desperation…

Laura: Well, I also…

Eric: …but, she’s not…I mean, do you really think that Fudge told her he’d fire her if she didn’t make Harry cut into his own hand? I mean, the thing with Umbridge is that that was her preferred punishment of choice.

Ben: No, those are just side things, dude. Things that she…that…

Eric: That was her punishment of choice for Harry…is the most…

Laura: I think she’s just power-hungry.

Eric: The most heinous thing of…ever…is to dig into your own hand, and again and again and again. And she outright denied any claim that Harry made, that Quirrell was a good person and a good teacher and that, you know, she openly insulted and took pleasure in knowing…I think that’s what everybody’s forgetting because it’s all been a while since we’ve read Book 5…but she took pleasure in…

Andrew: I read it last night.

Eric: …in Harry…oh, you did, Andrew? Very nice. She took…

Laura: Yeah, I read mine a lot too, but that’s okay.

Eric: I’m sorry. Well, she took…she had so much pride in proving Harry wrong and making Harry suffer because he knew the truth and she was ignorant to it.

Andrew: But would she have done that to anyone else but Harry? I think she did it to avoid heat at the Ministry…

Laura: She did it to Lee Jordan…she did it to him.

Andrew: Oh, really?

Ben: Yeah, but it wasn’t the same…

Laura: Yeah, basically…

Ben: It wasn’t the same extent though, where we see, every night…

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: …every night Harry had detention, and he had to go home after he had to…

Laura: Not every night…

Ben: …dig into his hand. Well, it was a lot.

Laura: However, I think that Umbridge is the type of person who is so power-hungry and is just so…she just needs to show that she’s superior to everyone else by forcing people to do things that they don’t want to do by taking power over things. And, the first person who disagrees with her, they’re screwed.

Eric: And…

Ben: Watch out!

Eric: And screwed to a point where everybody else is afraid to speak up. I mean, I really liked…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: …the very few people like Lee Jordan who stood up to Umbridge after they saw what had happened to Harry, perhaps, or even in the midst, where they understood that she was not going to tolerate their upheaval, they still did it anyway. And…

Ben: It’s…what’s the word I’m looking for? It’s totalitarianism, right? That’s what it is…

Eric: Well, it is. But also, I got the distinct impression, especially in the scene where Harry flips out on Umbridge the first time in class and says about how Lupin was a great teacher and about how Voldemort was growing out of the back of Quirrell’s head, you know, all that stuff…I got the distinct impression that she knew…that she was a person who actually was smart enough to understand where Harry was coming from and…

Laura: Of course she knew.

Eric: No, she knew!

Laura: That’s why she didn’t want him to say anything…

Eric: She knew the…

Laura: …because it threatened her position.

Eric: It did, but at the same time, she knew that Harry was right, and she openly denied him and punished him for telling the truth to everybody else because she was…

Laura: Yes, because it…

Dylan: Taking control of something, you know.

Laura: Yeah, basically just undermined anything the Ministry might tell the public if Harry was right, so of course she did….

Eric: Exactly. But, it was such…she did it with such pleasure I really don’t think she’s in a hard enough situation where she can be that mean just because she has to be, I think she wanted to be. And I think that’s what would probably make her…

Laura: Oh, I think she did too. I think she wanted to be. And I think that, assuming the common house stereotypes… considering those…she would probably be put in Slytherin but, obviously, we don’t know her true circumstances…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …as a child. Nor do we know terribly much about…in depth, I should say…about what the Sorting Hat does and does not accept for certain houses.

Micah: But for all the ruthless things that she’s done as a teacher, I would say that she’s probably one of the most influential characters in the series just because, without her, Dumbledore’s Army would never have started.

Eric: That’s true. That is very true.

Laura: Oh, I agree. Book 5 wouldn’t have been half as interesting if it weren’t for her.

Ben: Because, what’s been happening…because what has been happening in the series, is that each year, they get an inadequate or an incompetent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and finally they realize, they’ve had enough and they say, well, let’s teach real Defense Against the Dark Arts. So, they start the Dueling Club…

Eric: No, they didn’t realize that but they…

Ben: …or whatever they call it. No, no. Not the dueling club…

Andrew: Dumbledore’s Army.

Ben: I meant, the Defense Association. Not the dueling club.

Andrew: [Laughs] They don’t have MuggleCast in Hogwarts.

Ben: They should.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: As much as we wish they did…

Eric: But know, they…I don’t even think that was…that they realize that their previous teachers had been incompetent because I don’t think they’d admit to that even if it were…I mean, I think they admitted Lockhart was not, but at the same time, I just think they weren’t going to learn actual defense under Umbridge and I think that’s what made them do the Defense Association, or Dumbledore’s Army, because they knew, you know…

Laura: Well…

Eric: …Dolores Umbridge was the kind of person who read from books and they seriously did not learn any actual, you know, spells in defense. It was all practical with the books and stuff so they really needed to take action and actually learn stuff because it was the time in the year where they just had to seriously learn to defend themselves.

Laura: And I don’t think it was just the education, I think it was the oppression that made them want to revolt against her. I mean…

Eric: I agree. It was…yeah.

Laura: You see that everyday in school. You have teachers who are unfair, or are seemingly unfair, and then the whole class just has this vendetta against that teacher, so…

Andrew: Can I tell you guys a secret? I didn’t make this connection earlier…I have this new study hall teacher…I won’t say her name in case she listens…but, she’s laying down the rules, you know, first class. She goes over, you know, “Okay, no talking, no iPods,” and then she says, “So basically, no fun.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: What are you?

Eric: Now that’s way too…

Laura: And she won’t know if she hears this…that you were talking about her…

Eric: That’s a bigger person…come on, “no fun”? Even…no, even if that’s true…

Dylan: No great story has a lukewarm bad guy. I mean, come on, every great story, like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter has got that Voldemort or that Sauron or whatever you want to do. But, every great story has to have a great bad guy.

Laura: Exactly, exactly. I completely agree with that. While I would hate Umbridge as a person, I love her as a character because she just brought so much interest to the book.

Eric: Agreed.

Micah: But is she, like, the first bad person that’s not necessarily a Death Eater that we meet?

Laura: No, she’s not, but she’s…I’m trying to think of a word to describe her…

Eric: I don’t…yeah.

Laura: …that isn’t a swear word. [laughs]

Andrew: She’s Andrew’s study hall teacher.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: No, Andrew…

[Everyone still laughing]

Eric: You’re completely right, Andrew. And, you know, to say “no fun,” even if it’s true…even if the rules do constrict fun, their view would be that it constricts misbehaving. But for her to go out and summarize the rules…the rules don’t say “no fun,” even if by abiding by all the laws, there is no fun. Just the kind of person who would say [in a sinister, high-pitched voice] “in other words, no fun” is just a mean person. And there’s…

Andrew: By the way, I forgot to mention that the whole “me doing the MuggleCast thing” is all over my school website, so…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: [Still laughing] Bad publicity.

Ben: Okay guys, so what about Umbridge…the toad imagery that Jo uses? Could it be because she is…she’s able to transform into a toad, or maybe that’s her Animagus or…?

Laura: I don’t think so.

Ben: What’s up with the toad imagery?

Laura: Because you see…

Andrew: Honestly, she looks a lot like one, I mean…

Laura: Yeah, but you see a lot of correlations between people and animals in this series. Like Scrimgeour, she described that he was sort of like a lion.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: And you have…

Eric: And Slughorn like a walrus.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That threw everyone off…with the Half-Blood Prince thing…

Laura: Yeah. It’s just an association, I think.

“Crazy” Umbridge Theories

Micah: You guys want to know a crazy editorial that I read? It said that…

Eric: Yeah, sure.

Laura: Sure.

Micah: Umbridge was actually Trevor.

Laura: Oh, I’ve heard that one. [laughs]

Eric: Guys, actually…

Andrew: [Laughs] Oh yeah.

Eric: I have something to add that might throw you all skyrocketing sideways. I read something on one of the forums in the past that actually speculated Umbridge…drum-roll please…[someone does sound of a drum-roll] Somebody said that the way Umbridge and, believe it or not, Peter Pettigrew were described, was similar in the way that she might be his mother.

Andrew and Laura: [Laugh] Ewwww.

Eric: Do you think?

Ben: Well, if you think about it…

Eric: Maybe, no, we’re talking about this. Maybe that is why she is out to get Harry and, if you think about it, it would mean that Umbridge was actually mentioned in the past, which is JKR’s style. Because, in Book 3 when they talk about Peter Pettigrew, all his mother got back was his finger, which was obviously the plot element because, you know, he was missing his toe as Scabbers. But, what do you guys think? Could that be a possible reason for why Umbridge is so mean to Harry?

Ben: Well we know, okay, if that’s the case…

Eric: And why she’s so bitter? And personal about…

Ben: Hypothetically, theoretically speaking, if that is the case…

Andrew: We already…

Ben: Say that Umbridge is Pettigrew’s mother, then there’s no way that she’s in Lord Voldemort’s circle, because she’d have to know, she’d have to be under the assumption that Peter’s dead, right?

Eric: Okay.

Ben: So, what I’m saying is that, I don’t know if that’s true or not. [laughs]

Eric: But I don’t think…

Laura: I just don’t think so. I don’t…I can’t think of anything to disprove it…

Andrew: It’s just another one of those crazy theories.

Laura: …but, I just don’t see it happening.

Dylan: I don’t think she’s old enough to be. I really don’t think she’s old enough to be.

Andrew: Well there’s solid evidence at the same time.

Ben: The wizarding world age is kind of relative…you…isn’t…you don’t really know.

Andrew: Now Micah, what question you had on your mind? Or was it Kim Parker’s mind?

Micah: That was Kim Parker’s mind. [laughs]

Umbridge and Hermione

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah, okay. What question did Kim Parker have on her mind? Was…is there a parallel between Umbridge and Hermione? Can you elaborate that…on that a bit little more?

Micah: The question is…

Andrew: Micah?

Micah: Yeah, the question is basically would Hermione have become like Umbridge if it wasn’t for Ron and Harry sort of coming in and befriending her the way that they did?

Laura: No, I don’t think so. Because Umbridge is very clearly filled with malice and I don’t see Hermione as a malicious person. Now, Hermione was kind of militant in Sorcerer’s Stone, even a little bit in Chamber of Secrets

Ben: She was an innocent little Gryffindor, is all she was.

Laura: Yeah, and the thing is, but the thing…she doesn’t, she’s not out to get people…Umbridge is.

Micah: Well, I think it was moreso along the lines of following the rules and being strict to those sorts of things.

Ben: And the thing is, that you guys will realize, is that Umbridge wasn’t always …hasn’t always been that way, just like Lord Voldemort hasn’t always been the way he is. I mean, at one time, he was a kid…

Eric: Wait, no. Voldemort was always the way he was and I think that..he was…

Laura: Ummm…

Eric: He was. No, he was. No.

Laura: He strangled bunny rabbits. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, in Half-Blood Prince, we see a lot of…background.

Eric: Yeah, I think…No, that’s the point with Voldemort which actually…

Ben: No, no, no. No, but what I’m saying is that he’s living a lot differently now. You know, I’m just trying to point that things have changed. He used to have a real body, now he’s this mass…this blob of flesh.

Eric: What disappoints me with Voldemort, since Ben brought it up, was that JKR kind of made a point that he was always evil, even as a kid. And genuinely evil, like to torture kids and that…and you know, she truly believes, at least in the series, it says that people can be evil from birth and just be rotten eggs to begin with because, even…I mean, it’s really sad, but Voldemort was characterized as the kind of kid who said, “Well, my dad must have been the one with magic because my mom would have been not so weak and, you know, she was weak and died.” And, even though he’s got this, even though I feel very bad for Merope gone, Voldemort was not the kind of person who was…I mean, he was raised in an orphanage and yeah, and that sucks, but he seemed to be very genuinely evil from birth and I think that’s a little off, from what I’d imagined for how most dictators are just created.

Ben: Not necessarily…

Dylan: Well, it’s a mixture of both, I think.

Ben: Dictators are sort of found…

Laura: I think it can go either way.

Ben: …like, there has to be a reason. For example, Hitler, the reason that he came to power was because all the Jews were getting blamed for everything and he found a rallying cry. And the ironic thing was that he was…there’s a lot of similarities between Hitler and Voldemort. Hitler was…is half-Jewish actually…his grandfather was…

Dylan: I think dictators come from a mixture of being cruel from birth, I mean, if they do such terrible things, then of course they have to have a cruel background, but it’s also fueled by some sort of inspiration, like Eric was saying.

Eric: I mean, in a way it makes sense that, you know, Voldemort got no love and, you know, he’s been raised in an orphanage where nobody could love him, but at the same time, he’s not a lovable kid and he never was, if he was taking kids into, you know, caves and scaring them and Dumbledore saw it, you know, Dumbledore should have known right then and there and I think he actually did that…it just wasn’t…he’s the kind of kid who was proud that he could talk to snakes and send them and make them so what he wanted to and all that stuff. So, do you think Umbridge is the same way? Do you think, you know, going back to Umbridge, that she, as a dictator, was…is power-hungry by birth or is she power-hungry because she really thinks she needs the power?

Ben: It’s innate, man.

Eric: The authority?

Ben: It just sort of happens. It’s a personality trait that she developed.

Micah: Yeah, I mean…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Or is it just that she thinks that she’s doing the right thing? I mean, that could be it too.

Eric: No, but she knows she’s not. That’s the thing. She knows that…

Laura: She’s thinking about doing the right thing for herself…

Micah: Right.

Eric: Yeah and…

Laura: …to benefit her.

Micah: And for the Ministry, in her mind.

Eric: But I, no. I think as far as the Ministry goes, she knows that, yeah, she’s supporting the Ministry because she knows that Lupin was a good teacher, and she knows that everything Harry stood for is probably correct, but she still goes with the Ministry.

Laura: She’s forgetting that the Ministry is around to serve the people of the wizarding world and not the people in power.

Eric: I like that. But, is the Ministry serving the people? It’s really not.

Laura: No, they’re not.

Eric: They aren’t, there’s…

Laura: No, they’re not! And she’s forgetting that that’s what she’s supposed to be doing.

Ben: Okay, then what will Unbridge- Umbridge’s role be in Book 7? If any.

Andrew: Well, we didn’t see her much in Book 6, so…

Eric: That surprised me. With all the roles of the Ministry, including Scrimgeour and how he was undermining Harry and wanting him to be his supporter, I thought that Umbridge was too missing. Like, too missing. She needed to be there. If you think of the Ministry post-Book 5, you’re supposed to think of Umbridge and Fudge, and all the new characters in 6. But with all the people we met in six and how they were trying to change people and arrest the innocent and all that stuff, I am very shocked that Umbridge was not mentioned.

Andrew: As much as I hated her, I liked her. [laughs]

Laura: I was looking for her. Yeah, I was looking for her in Book 6…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …so I’m a little nervous about what she was up to.

Eric: But she was there too!

Laura: Yeah, she was there.

Andrew: So…

Eric: She almost…she didn’t deserve to be there. She was- that was a mockery. That was…

Ben: The thing is…no, no, she served her purpose. The reason she was there is that she was still working for the Ministry. I don’t know how that worked out, but…

Laura: Yeah. She was trying to make the Ministry look good.

Micah: But if she served her purpose, shouldn’t she be dead according to all of us?

Ben: According to the other bozos, it’s not according to me. I don’t think “Oh, they serve their purpose and then they die, everyone dies.”

Andrew: [laughs] No, I disagreed with that, too.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Not everyone who doesn’t serve a purpose dies.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Laura: No.

Andrew: But we don’t need to go there.

Ben: There’s Eric’s philosophy.

Andrew: Well the point is…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …I think we’re all on the same page with that.

When Centaurs Attack

Micah: So, at the end of Book 5, what do you guys think happened to her when the centaurs took her into the forest?

Eric: I’m surprised she survived! Maybe that’s where she was in Book 6. She was in the Recovery Ward at St. Mungo’s for the whole year. Because I honestly don’t think- I mean the centaurs, at certain points in the book, were ready to kill Harry.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And a lot of the creatures in the forest were ready to kill Harry. And even though the centaurs knew what was supposed to happen to him, and they still would have done it – maybe that’s what was supposed to happen to him. But besides that, the centaurs won’t stop to kill humans and they won’t bow to humans. And they’ve said that. And even though I was very happy that they paid tribute to Dumbledore at his funeral and stuff, but they really don’t take crap from humans trying to treat them as animals. And so, I thought Umbridge was going to die, actually, when that happened. And I’m really surprised she got out alive.

Micah: And it… [laughs] It was Dumbledore that saved her, too.

Eric: Yeah, it was Dumbledore. I was just going to ask if- yeah. Dumbledore would probably be the only one that could- that could save her. And I thought it was very noble of Dumbledore… but I was just going to ask if anyone saved her?

Micah: Maybe that’s why she was at the funeral.

Eric: You know what, I agree with that.

Micah: To show her respect.

Eric: I agree with that, because Dumbledore had no reason to, you know, morally, he didn’t really have to.

Laura: Looking at Umbridge’s character, I think it was just to keep up face for the Ministry.

Andrew: Alright, so that wraps up our Umbridge discussion for this week. Good job, gentlemen. And Laura.

Laura: Yeah, thank you!

Dueling Club

Andrew: So now it’s time for this week’s Dueling Club: Dueling Club version two. We’re now… we pick randomly. You don’t know who the other person is going to duel against you. We’ve gotten emails about last weeks’. People really seemed to like it. So, Eric, you had one?

Eric: I’ve got one.

Laura: I’ve got one.

Andrew: Okay, on three. One, two, three.

Laura: Cornelius Fudge.

Eric: [At the same time as Laura] Romilda Vane.

Andrew: Who did you say, Eric?

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Romilda Vane.

Andrew: Ooo!

Eric: And Cornelius Fudge.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Maybe she can fall in love with him and give him love potion and…

Laura: Yeah! Hey, that’s…

Micah: Take him to the forest.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: Maybe they can just live happily together. Do you think they’d fight? Or would she… I don’t know, he’s an older man. What do we know about Romilda and…

Laura: Yeah, he’s a fully trained wizard, and Romilda was what, a fourth year… I want to say?

Eric: Something. And she was all into the whole Ronald being an older gentlemen, so…

Laura: Yeah. And she seems kind of…

Eric: We’re, like, supposed to be defending them fighting and we’re like, “Maybe they won’t fight! Maybe they’ll love!”

Laura: [Laughs] I know!

Eric: Maybe they’ll make love one day! Well, no. In a fight, who would… [laughs]

Laura: Eugh!

Eric: Who would win?

Laura: Ew.

Eric: Fudge is incompetent. Would anybody take down Fudge? Could a student take down Fudge? Or could Fudge actually hold his own in a fight?

Laura: I’m sure there are some students who could take down Fudge.

Andrew: So, Dylan, think of someone else and then… alright. Okay, then Micah. Ready?

Micah: Alright.

Andrew: One, two, three.

Dylan: Peter Pettigrew.

Micah: [At the same time as Dylan] Slughorn.

Eric: Slughorn and Pettigrew. Very nice.

Laura: Hmm. That’s interesting.

Dylan: I think Pettigrew would win. Just because Slughorn’s good at making potions. I don’t know, we haven’t seen his hand with a wand.

Eric: Slughorn is like a little bit… it amazes me how close to Hagrid Slughorn is sometimes, as far as… especially when he’s drunk, and you know, they’re drunk and singing together. I don’t know, I’ve always made- he seems like a jolly fellow that like being accepted by people. But Pettigrew really likes being accepted by people too.

Micah: Well he also knows a lot of powerful people, so I’m assuming he learned a lot from them along the way. And he knows about Horcruxes too.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Not that that would be useful in a duel, but…

Eric: But he is one of the more powerful…

Dylan: Unless he’s like, you know, very bad at dueling. [laughs]

Eric: He could throw, like, some potion in Peter’s eyes and turn him into something.

Dylan: I don’t know, Peter would probably run from a fight though. He’d be like, [imitates Peter Pettigrew] ” Ohh! Master! Save me!”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Well, if the Dueling Club stipulations say that a character can run away, then yeah, Pettigrew would win.

Dylan: Well, I guess he could crush him with his silver hand or something like that.

Micah: I think he’d just sit on Pettigrew, and that would be the end of it.

Dylan: I don’t know, I don’t know. It would be a close battle because Peter Pettigrew would probably do some sort of flash and then run. [laughs]

Micah: He’d turn into a rat and then Slughorn would chase him down and eat him.

Dylan: Oh yes. Right. [imitates Slughorn] “I make a good rat stew, m’boy.”

[Dylan, Micah, and Eric laugh]

Eric: Well rat stew makes good… good magical properties there.

Andrew: Okay, Eric and Laura. On the count of three. One, two…

Laura: Grindelwald.

Eric: [At the same time as Laura] Eric.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, Eric…

Eric: No, no, not myself! Andrew, not myself! There is an Eric…

Andrew: Oh!

Eric: …in the Harry Potter series!

Andrew: Oh! Well why do you think he would win?

Eric: There actually is! Do you guys… do you… did you… did you pick this up?

Laura: I think Grindelwald would take Eric, whether it be MuggleCast Eric or Harry Potter Eric.

Eric: Ohhh, ohh, that’s low. Come on.

Laura: No, NO! Grindelwald would kill me too! [laughs]

Eric: Do you know the Eric I’m talking about? Did any of you guys, did you pick this up? Do you remember an Eric in the book?

Laura: It seems like there was someone called, like, Eric Abercrombie or something like that in the books. I can’t remember.

Eric: I think Eric was the name of the guy in Order of the Phoenix who worked in the Ministry. He was, like, a doorman, or something. It was like an incredibly insignificant job, and he’s probably not established well enough in the books for me to argue with him. But I thought it was cool. And I thought I’d show some Eric love, since it is Valentine’s day.

Laura: Well, there is a Laura in the book too, so… [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Laura: [Laughs] I mean, there are lots of different names in there…

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Laura: …that I recognize, but…

Eric: I know, but I just thought it was cool. She didn’t even, like, I don’t even think she gave him a last name. It’s just really awesome, because, you know, he’s named Eric, and I was like…

Andrew: Eric was like, [imitates Eric] “She named him after me! Ahahaha!”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Laura, Laura, we have to duel these guys! And actually, I think Eric would win. Do you know why?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Why?

Eric: Because Grindelwald’s already dead!

Andrew: Ohh. [laughs]

Laura: Ugh. I mean alive Grindelwald.

Eric: [Laughs] You didn’t say that! You said Grindelwald.

Laura: Well…

Eric: And I think in his current state, I think in his current state…

[Laura sighs]

Eric: …if we do know that he’s dead, I think in his current state…

Laura: Well…

Eric: …I think that Eric would win.

Laura: …do we know that he’s dead, though?

Eric: No, we…

Laura: All it said was that Dumbledore defeated him.

Eric: Defeated him. It does not say dead. But at the same time, he’s not offending anybody that we know, so I think it might be safe to say that Eric might actually have it over him! Maybe.

Laura: Okay. [laughs]

Andrew: [Laughs] Just like Barty Crouch, Jr. is a good guy! It’s…

Eric: You expect me to rebuttal, but I’m completely impervious to your Barty Crouch, Jr. stuff.

Andrew: I don’t know what to do with you, Dylan. I mean [laughs] Eric.

[Laura laughs]

Dylan: Barty Crouch has got that, the…

Andrew: Anything else you

Dylan: Barty Crouch has that cute little tongue lick. I mean, come on.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: [Laughs] What?

Laura: That thing where he’s… yeah.

[Dylan makes slurping noises]

Eric: That was so weird. That was so wrong.

Laura: That was really weird.

Eric: That was a strict movie-ism, that was a Newell-ism, rather. They needed that for plot device stuff so that would make sense because so they didn’t have to…

Micah: What you guys didn’t know was that he was looking at Umbridge.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Eww.

Laura: Eugh!

Dylan: That is awesome.

Andrew: Okay, well…

Laura: Eugh.

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: Okay, well I think that does just about wrap it up for this week’s edition of MuggleCast. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen. Yellowcard Lights and Sounds, out in stores now!

Eric: I’m Eric Scull, particularly fond of a group called the Electric Lights Orchestra.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson, a fan of Green Day, and I think that Yellowcard sucks.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Dylan: And I’m Dylan Spartz.

Andrew: [Laughs] Dylan, thanks for joining us this week.

Dylan: Oh, my pleasure, Andrew!

Andrew: We’ll have you on the show again soon, and we’ll see everyone again next week for Episode 28.


[Groovy music starts]

[Audio]: Hi guys, this is Kirstan from Tennessee, and I’d just like to say that I love your show and it’s a really great thing! And I really enjoy it, so keep up the good work. Bye.

[Audio]: Hey, this is Summer. I’m calling on behalf of the Twain School drama department, where MuggleCast is always the best way to drown out our psycho director. Congratulations! You’ve won our most coveted unofficial award. Yay, MuggleCast!

[Audio]: Hi, I’m Sam from Washington, and I just wanted to say I love your show, you guys are awesome. Andrew is hot, Ben has a really awesome voice, really awesome. Jamie’s hot too and he’s British, and I love his British Joke of the Day and… yeah, that’s pretty much that. And everyone else that’s MuggleCast staff. Love you, Micah, love you, Laura, I love you, Kevin. All of you… yeah. Peace out.

[Audio]: Hey, this is Ashley and I’m from Connecticut, and I just wanted to say that I love MuggleCast. It rocks, and it’s so much better than PotterCast. But… [laughs] not that I don’t like PotterCast, but MuggleCast rules. So… that’s all I wanted to say! Thanks! Bye, guys. Oh, and Ciaran, you’re so hot. [laughs]

[Audio]: Hi guys! And Laura! [laughs] This is Kallie from Kansas, and I just wanted to say that I love the show. And I listen to it every… every few days before I go to sleep. Bye!

[Audio]: Caller 1: Hey guys, this is Ally.

Caller 2: And Alice, from the fan-listing.

Caller 1: We just wanted to call up and say…

Caller 2: …how much we absolutely love your show.

Caller 1: We’re so happy for all of your support…

Caller 2: …and all the participation on the forums.

Caller 1: Thanks again…!

Caller 2:! Bye!

Caller 1: Bye!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Katie from California, and I’m just calling to confess my love for MuggleCast. I listen to your show religiously every week, and I just love you guys. You’re so funny. And I just love Andrew- Andrew, you’re my favorite! I love you. And Laura, got to love Laura. All of you. I just love you so much. Thank you for having a wonderful show.

[Audio]: Hello MuggleCast, this is Jack from Just want to say hi and I love your podcast, and I realize that we’ll never be as good as yours but we’re out there. Tell your listeners to go to that place. Yeah. Enjoy… YEAH MUGGLECAST!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Devon and Taylor from New York. And we just wanted to say… [imitating Andrew] Yeah! Yeah!

[Audio]: Hey, this is Edna from India, and I just wanted to say your show is absolutely wonderful, and I really like Eric, and I just wanted to tell you that you guys are doing a great job. Keep going! Bye.

Andrew: Don’t forget that if you want your voice to be heard on MuggleCast, you can always call our hotline at 1-218-20-MAGIC. Please keep your message under 30 seconds and be sure to include your name and location.

[Groovy music ends]


Andrew: Okay, now for the main discussion this week: as most of you know, unless you’re living under a rock and/or you’re extremely anti-social, Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. So it would be only right… [laughs] it would only be right if we discussed a little bit of Valentine’s Day in the Harry Potter series.

Ben: Hey, hey, hold on a sec. What did [name blanked out] get you?

Andrew: [Laughs] Oh, Ben, come on!

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: No! No, no. [laughs] No, you’re taking that out. You’re taking that out. I will kill you- I swear to god.

[Eric laughs]

Laura: Who’s editing this week? Andrew?

Andrew: Yes.

Ben: Yeah.

Laura: Okay, if you don’t take that out, I am coming to New Jersey and I will castrate you. I swear to god.

Andrew: For everyone who doesn’t know, [name blanked out] is Laura’s 38… 30 year old from Canada.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So anyway…

Laura: Take it out! Take it out! No!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I’m going to, Laura.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: [Imitating Laura] “No, take it off!”

Laura: Shut up, Eric.

Andrew: Okay, Melissa. Geez.

Ben: Eric, Eric. That was pretty funny.

Andrew: [Laughs] That did sound like Laura.

Dylan: Getting a little too friendly with Canada.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: I hate you. [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay, well…


Micah: What do you guys think happened in the forest when she was taken away [laughs] at the end of Book 5?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Micah, you are the- I cannot- first it’s whack, then it’s “what happens in the forest.” I just can’t… I just… Micah, I don’t know what to do with you.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Well, I’m pretty… were the centaurs…[laughs]

Micah: Magorian had his way with her?

Andrew: Grow up, everyone! Geez!

[Eric and Micah laugh`]

Andrew: So immature.

Laura: [laughs] I’m sorry.

Dylan: Centaurs like their toads.

Andrew: Micah, try asking your question again.

Micah: Should I ask that in a more serious way?

Andrew: Yeah, and we’ll try to grow up.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Micah: So at the end of Book 5, what do you guys think happened to her when the centaurs took her into…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You said the forest…

Eric: Well, Micah. I think they took her all night long.

[Laura’s still laughing]

Eric: I think… I think they took her all night long, Micah. In the deep, dark…

Micah: You know, it’s a legitimate question.

Eric: It is a legitimate question!

Andrew: So answer it. [laughs]


Micah: Thanks, Andrew! CBBC Newsround reported friday that after their absence from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the Dursleys will return in the fifth movie. They also announced some of the other actors cast for the fifth Harry Potter film. [pronounces incorrectly] See-on… see-on… [pronounces correctly] Sian… [pronounces incorrectly] see-on… that’s a blooper.


Andrew: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages. You have not laughed until you’ve heard… The Micah Tannenbaum Laugh.

[Micah laughs for six seconds]


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #26

MuggleCast EP26 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 26 for February 05th, 2006. GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all, plans start at just $3.95 per month. No matter what plan you chose your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world class data center. I use them for my personal website, and I know that GoDaddy has some of the best, affordable hosting plans online. I recommend you use it for your upcoming website or podcast because as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E when you checkout, and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello everyone, and welcome to MuggleCast. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: And that’s it – four people this week! This is the core group of MuggleCasters. We’re not messing around! No Ben. Well Ben, I fired Ben for last week’s show.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Kevin’s off getting fitted for some wedding thing.

Eric: Oooh. His own wedding?

Micah: Kevin’s getting married?

Laura: Yeah, Kevin’s getting married everyone.

Andrew: Yes, Kevin is getting married. That’s exactly what I was implying.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Before we go anywhere else, first: let’s get updated on the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories with Micah Tan.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

It was a busy week in the Harry Potter movie world. A number of casting announcements were made for the fifth film, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Evanna Lynch, the 14-year-old from Ireland, who attended the open casting call for the role three weeks ago, beat out 15,000 other Luna Lovegood hopefuls to become everyone’s favorite Ravenclaw.

And it was speculated about for months, but earlier this week WB confirmed that Imelda Staunton will play the role of the newest Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge.

Natalia Tena, who has starred in the BBC drama Casualty and acted in movies such as About a Boy will play the part of Nymphadora Tonks.

Additionally, Helen McCrory has been cast for the role of Bellatrix Lestrange and George Harris will play Ministry Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Kathryn Hunter will take on the part of the neighborly, cat-loving Squib, Arabella Figg. Hey, that rhymed.

Finally, Michael Wildman has been cast as Magorian, one of the Centaurs from the Forbidden Forest, and Robbie Jarvis will play the part of a young James Potter, ensuring that the flashback scene from “Snape’s Worst Memory” will indeed be in the fifth film.

Filming for Order of the Phoenix begins February 6th.

The fourth Harry Potter movie has received one Oscar nomination in the category of “Achievement in Art Direction,” for Stuart Craig (art director) and Stephenie McMillan’s (set decorator) work on the blockbuster. The winners for the 78th annual Academy Awards will be announced on March 5th.

As a celebration of children’s literature – new and old – the Queen of England will host a party for her 80th birthday in Buckingham Palace Garden on June 25th. Children aged 4-14 can apply through CBBC’s website for an invitation. There are 1,000 invitations available allowing each child to take a friend and parent or guardian. JK Rowling will be one of many famous children’s authors attending.

The Harry Potter author has also released a list of the Top 10 books she thinks all children should read. You can check that list, which includes titles such as To Kill A Mockingbird and Catcher in the Rye and over on

That’s all the news for this February 5th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right. Thank you, Micah.

Micah: No problem.

Andrew: Micah, how is the MuggleCast NewsCenter doing anyway?

Micah: It’s good, it’s good. It actually, eh…geez. [laughs]

Andrew: Wah, wah, wah, wah!

Eric: Just keep that in, just keep that in. Seriously.

Micah: That was a miserable failure right there. [laughs]

Eric: [Imitating Micah] “It’s good, eh…” As Micah realizes it’s just…

Andrew: If you were going to… No, if…

Micah: Hold on, I’ve got to think of something. Let’s do that again.

Andrew: No, this is live-to-tape.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: If you were going to say something like, [in dorky voice] “Oh, I got to dust it,” I was going to be like, “Okay, you used that joke three years ago.” [laughs]

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But anyway, let’s start off with a few announcements, then we’ll get into the discussion of news.


Andrew: We’ve got tons of stuff for you this week. First of all, come on, it’s a new month, and of course, as all of you know, it’s time to vote for us again at Podcast Alley. It’s the one time of month that we ask. We appreciate it. Why do we ask you to vote for us? We’ve never been No. 1. We’ve always been losers. [laughs]

Eric: We’re actually going to try…

Laura: Because no one listens to us to the show anyway.

Eric: Yeah. Wow.

Andrew: [laughs] As we briefly mentioned last week, MuggleCast T-shirts are now available on You listen to us every week, but now here is your chance to wear us.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: These shirts, we have two different styles: Micbolt and “Squares,” which is looking a lot like the Apple design. It’s really cool. We all got our T-shirts. We all love them, right?

Laura: Oh yeah.

Micah: Yep. I’m actually wearing mine right now.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, same here.

Laura: I wore mine all around my town last weekend.

Eric: Nice.

Andrew: Did you?

Laura: Yes, I did.

Andrew: Were you spotted?

Laura: No, I wasn’t spotted, but I did have a couple of people ask me what it was. And…

Eric: She was “squared,” Andrew.

Andrew: By buying these shirts, you do support the show, which we appreciate greatly because we need a little extra cash to upgrade some of our equipment, as you heard last week. [laughs] I suffered a bit. We even had some problems just before we just recorded this. So, we thank you for your support and thanks to Sam and Nate at, who helped us design these shirts and get the made up for you guys. So, check them out – And then you click on “Store.”

You know, we’re always thinking about the show. We’re always considering what to add next. And we have a new idea for an “Editorial Segment,” where we’re not sure of the name, we’re not sure exactly what we would go into every week, but we want to cover a specific editorial on the MuggleNet Editorial Section of the website. So, if you have any editorial ideas that really stand out to you, send them into mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. And then put in the subject line “Editorial Segment” with your favorite ones. We’re going to…we’re thinking of interviewing the people who wrote them, go in-depth with them, ask them about their theories because…

Micah: Provide direct links too, I would say, to the actual editorial.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, to make to it easier for us. Because those articles are really, really excellent!

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: They’re just well-written. They cover…they’re just great! So, we want to use the ones that you guys like the best. So, please send them in. Thanks for that. Now, Laura.

Laura: Yes, thank you Andrew. For the past few months, Elysa of MuggleNet Fan Fiction and myself have been working to starting a charity with the intention of raising awareness and funds for the humanitarian crisis in Sudan. The situation over there is… Frankly, it’s sickening. Basically, there’s genocide in Sudan – millions of refugees are being killed and starved. And the lack of awareness is making it harder to fix the problem. After the Holocaust we said, “Never again!” and it’s absolutely necessary that we uphold that promise. If you’d like to help us out with that, you can visit I’ll be posting that link over at the Fan Forums and see what we can do about putting it in the Show Notes?

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Laura: All right. Awesome.

Andrew: You guys have created an excellent website.

Laura: Mhm. Thank you.

Andrew: Along with the help of lo and behold, MuggleNet Greg.

Laura: Mhm. Yeah.

Eric: The real MuggleNet Greg.

Laura: He designed the layout for us.

Andrew: Not the John Noe MuggleNet Greg, the real MuggleNet Greg.

Eric: The REAL MuggleNet Greg.

Laura: The REAL MuggleNet Greg.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah. And…

Laura: Greg was so good about it. He really has been instrumental in just making the site look great. So…

Andrew: And you guys have put a lot of thought into this site and I was looking through it.

Laura: Yes, it’s been a long time in the making.

Andrew: Very good. Thank you, Laura.

And last but not least with the announcements, as we said earlier, we do want to apologize for last week’s show. [laughs]

Laura: Really. [laughs]

Andrew: My computer had ran into a few problems. It just said to me last week, “Sorry, dude. I’m not helping you out.” And then we were rushing to get it out because we always try and get it out Sunday nights, so you can have it for Monday morning. You know, get it before the week begins. So, we do apologize. And of course, our No. 1 consideration is making you guys get the show on time and with great quality, and [laughs] last week we failed. So…

Eric: Andrew, I think you should say it without laughing. I think it’s more than quality issues as well. I think it’s becoming content. And a lot of the complaints I read over in the Fan Forums were that it was less content and more inside jokes between us and John Noe and PotterCast and stuff like that.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: So, content.

Laura: I saw. [laughs]

Eric: I mean… Yeah. When you say that the content is bad and we’re sorry because our equipment sucks, it’s also our fault, and I’d like to apologize and I think everyone should.

Andrew: No! Oh no! I know it’s our fault! Absolutely!

Eric: Because we just went off topic way too many times.

Micah: Right.

Laura: We did. And I saw a lot of people upset about Emerson’s power-hour.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Well, listen guys…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Let me give you a little secret. Ben is a little lenient on what goes in and what doesn’t. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, I noticed. I noticed.

Andrew: But no, really, we are dedicated to getting it out the best that it can be because in the end it is all about you guys. We’re just the idiots who sit here and talk to each other about Harry Potter. Ah, so we do apologize. And from now on they will be top-notch quality.

Eric: We promise.

Andrew: Always and forever.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Oh god. Toujours pur! That’s on my class ring, did you know that?

Andrew: No, actually I didn’t. I was completely unaware. Thanks for getting us off topic after we just apologize.

Eric: You’re welcome. Let’s go…

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: No, let’s go back to Peter Pettigrew – this week’s topic.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

The Black Family Tree

Andrew: No, no. Well first, before we get to Peter Pettigrew, there was so much news that happened over the past week. Order of the Phoenix casting, mainly.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And then the Black Family Tree – the little card that JK “Rowling” is donating to Book Aid International for charity. First off, we’ll start with the Black Family Tree. This reveals bits of new information.

Eric: I just depends how much we saw of it, really. We didn’t see that much.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: No, we didn’t. We only saw part of it. Most notably the Black family has relations to the Potter family and the Longbottom family.

Laura: The Weasley family too.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Wait, Potter? Wait, Potter?

Laura: I wasn’t…

Andrew: Yes, Potter.

Eric: Potter?

Andrew and Micah: YES!

Andrew: Pot-ter!

Eric: I just stared at that for a half-an-hour and I didn’t get the Potter, where was that?

Andrew: Arcturus is also in there, who is rumored to be the R.A.B. Now that Arcturus that we see on the Family Tree, he is deceased, but a relative, that would make sense, that would make perfect sense.

Micah: Right. For his middle name.

Andrew: Right. A couple… What I found interesting, was on this little portion of it, we see two, what Jo I assumed made out to be, two little black holes with missing names.

Laura: Yeah, where Mrs. Black blasted them off the Family Tree.

Andrew: I forgot about that.

Laura: Yeah, remember in the book? That would be Sirius and then I think Andromeda, Tonks’ Mom.

Andrew: Ahhh, I’m sorry. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah. They sounded to me like cigarette burns, that’s what I kind of…

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: That’s what they sort of look like, doesn’t it?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So that’s that. Should we be hoping to see this entire thing before it goes on sale?

Eric: It’s the question. I think you’ll get it after. I don’t think we’ll see it all before it goes on sale.

Andrew: I say that because they are having an open house…

Eric: Ahhh.

Andrew: …with all the items that will be up for auction. Now, you pay ten pounds I think it is, you can walk in, take a picture of that, theoretically.

Eric: But, can you?

Andrew: If nobody catches you.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know. I don’t know. [laughs]

Eric: I think it’s a matter of…doing it…doing it…

Andrew: If someone can jot it down, it’s completely…

Laura: Tell them… Tell them that you are an official photographer for MuggleCast.

Eric: Yeah. Uh-huh. No, they’d pay thousands of dollars for…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Micah: Well, somehow I’ll get my hands on it. I mean, I got the Dumbledore’s toast. I got the Ford Anglia. So, it’s only a matter of time before I get my hands on it.

Laura: Yeah!

Eric: Yeah, get… No, get… Yeah, you have contacts, Micah.

Andrew: What’s sad is that you’re not joking. That’s the sad part. [laughs]

Micah: I know. I did spend a lot of money on that toast.

Laura: Yeah, how do you think we’re all getting to Vegas in July?

Micah: Yep.

Eric: Yeah, it’s Micah Tan.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: And his contacts.

Andrew: But seriously if somebody took a picture of this… Of course, we would love…

Micah: Siriusly?

Andrew: Yeah, no pun intended. If someone took a picture of this and sent this in to MuggleNet or even one of the other sites, this could seriously decrease the value of it because the hype won’t be as big. You know what I’m saying?

Laura: Yeah, you just have a copy it saved to your desktop now.

Eric and Andrew: Yeah.

Andrew: Who cares? Well, I mean it is the original thing. This is hand-written, correct?

Laura: I think so.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, and her signature is right there. So…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I think…

Laura: That’s definitely something a die-hard fan would love to have, but at the same time I think the knowledge is equally as important to the fans.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: So, if they already have, you know, a jpeg of it, I don’t anybody is going to be too fussed for it.

Eric: I highly doubt… I don’t think they need to show the entire thing to sell it. In fact, it’s best if they didn’t. The real question is, the people who buy it – will they want to spend all that money on it and then share it with the world? Or would they want it to themselves? Whoever buys.

Andrew: I would think. I would probably…oooh, geez. What would you guys do? Would you keep it for yourselves?

Laura: I don’t know. [laughs] I don’t know because…

Eric: I’d wait until Book 7 and then give it out.

Laura: …if I spent all that money on it, and then it was like everyone else could have it for free – I don’t know. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: It’s just, kind of, I don’t know.

Andrew: That’s a good point. But then again you know THE original copy that Jo actually drew out, which is…

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Eric: You know what?

Andrew: Priceless! I mean, except for at this auction. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Eric: Then later on, you’ll find 100,000 hand-draw, you know, family trees on eBay signed by JKR.

Andrew: So it is interesting. We look forward to seeing that being sold. The little book over 70-something words, I can’t remember off the top of my head, do you guys? 70? 72 words?

Laura: Mmmm. Don’t remember.

Andrew: It was in the seventies – 70 words. That never made it online, so I would think that they would tell whomever won, “Look, just don’t post it online.” So…

Eric: I don’t think they can do that because it is the person’s property then.

Laura: I guess we will find out.

Order Of The Phoenix Casting

Andrew: And then also the Order of the Phoenix casting. Of course there were several big announcements this week. Most notably we have our Luna. Imelda Staunton was confirmed, which we’ve talked about her in a previous show, but I would just like to say I think she’s perfect for the role.

Laura: She looks great. She really does.

Micah: Yep. Especially if you look at her picture over on, what is it? Internet Movie Database?

Eric: Yeah, IMDb.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: That shot of her, looks exactly like Umbridge.

Eric: IMDb is my homepage.

Andrew: Yeah, IMDb is a great site. She just looks perfect for the part. I can’t wait to see her in costume, and I just can’t wait to see her acting. And the newbie, well, the young newbie, 14-year-old Evanna Lynch from Ireland, who actually attended the open casting call just like a billion other people and actually made it in. Which I had found interesting because even before the open casting call, correct me if I am wrong, but Warner Bros. had narrowed it down to five people. Correct? So, what happened? Any ideas? Was Evanna that good?

Laura: She might be. You know, maybe they had those five people narrowed down, you know, as the five best out of everyone they saw, but maybe none of them fit just what they were looking for. And that excites me.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: It gets me pumped up because I think that this girl could, if she’s really that good, then she can really do a spot-on job of playing Luna. I’m really excited about that.

Andrew: I just think it is interesting, but yeah, like Laura said, it is pretty exciting. And then of course, she’s had background with the brush of fame. She was in the hospital for…I don’t think it was mentioned.

Eric: I mean, put it this way. If you can already Google her, she’s good fame material. She can handle it well.

Andrew: Yeah, by fame I meant that she had just, she had gotten Book 5 signed. She looks like a good Luna, yes?

Laura: Yeah, I think she looks pretty good.

Andrew: She matches the physical features, yes, we’re going for? [laughs]

Micah: Yep.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: And then there were some other people that were cast, but there’s not exactly much to say with anyone because we haven’t seen or heard much from them. Of course they’ve all had some experience, but they are not huge movie stars. Yet again, not exactly big roles. So, you can’t expect much.

Eric: But, you can, in a way. You can still expect…

Andrew: Explain, Eric. Elaborate.

Eric: There is an old adage and it is kind of actually annoying even to me. But it says, “There are no small roles…” [stutters] Sorry. “There are no small roles, just small actors.” What this means basically, even if you only have one line as a character on stage or in a movie, you could make that simply the best line there is. And you put your heart into it, you think how would your character say this, and you establish yourself on screen. Even without words there have been characters that are, you know, bold. And from a cinematographic point of view, they stand out. And so I think even though Kingsley Shacklebolt might just show up at, you know, Privet Drive and just be standing next to Moody as he says, you know, “This is the different teacher than you’ve had before.” Brendan Gleeson who has obviously been with Daniel Radcliffe, Kingsley might just stand there. But at the same time, you know who he is, we know who he is, and we can fun with that.

Andrew: And then of course on a smaller note (it sort of got overshadowed by the wonders of Luna Lovegood and Umbridge and the like), that Robbie Jarvis is going to be playing young James Potter. Which tells us that yes, Snape’s bad memory would indeed be in the movie. Which is exciting because I like seeing the stuff from the past. We haven’t seen as much in the past. We haven’t seen many past, you know what I mean, like seen…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, we really haven’t.

Andrew: Because this, we’re going to be seeing a younger Snape then, right?

Eric: We’ll be seeing younger…

Laura: Yeah, that means we’ll be seeing younger Marauders, younger Lily…

Andrew: Everything, yeah.

Eric: A younger everybody which is… I think they really need to capitalize on this because they’ve cut all the past stuff out of Movie 3, and the only past thing we’ve had is the Chamber of Secrets, you know? The thing with Tom Riddle and Hagrid, and that really didn’t happen.

Andrew: Goblet of Fire too…

Laura: Well that’s not true, in Goblet of Fire, you had the court and everything.

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: Oh, right.

Andrew: But those didn’t give us great looks it was just…

Laura: No, was it just me or when you saw that, they didn’t really make everyone look younger?

Andrew: No, no, they never try and they didn’t try this time.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: Yeah, I meant as far as life at Hogwarts by the way, when going back into the past.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah so, that will be interesting.

Eric: Also, I wanted to mention with Robbie Jarvis cast, there were a few people that were suggesting since Harry and James look so much alike, why didn’t they just get Dan Radcliffe to portray James?

Andrew: Yeah, good idea.

Laura: I don’t think they look that alike though. I mean…

Eric: No, I don’t think they do either. And that’s what I wanted to point out too, I don’t think, it’s better they cast someone different entirely because first of all, I doubt they could make him up to look any different and I think it would just be weird.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: It would be more weird than…

Andrew: It would probably look weird, but if they were on a budget or something, it might not have been a bad idea. You could easily, come on, you got the make-up and stuff. They took a nose off of Ralph Fiennes, they can do anything. So…

Eric: Well true, true, but look at, sorry, Richard Harris in Chamber of Secrets when they made him look younger or whatever. He looked completely different. That actually just disproves my point, but I mean he looked really different there.

Laura: I don’t know, for some reason I can’t see Dan doing the cocky thing very well.

[Eric laughs]

Laura: I don’t know. I’m not insulting his acting skills, but I think he does a really good job portraying the role he’s in and I don’t know, maybe it’s just because I’ve seen him in four movies being so noble that I can’t actually see him picking on someone.

Eric: Yeah, I also think Harry – sorry – Dan’s Harry portrays more the Lily side of Harry than the James side of Harry.

Laura: Yes. Yes, I think it does.

Eric: I think in movies. And I think that would probably create a problem if he were to do James.


Andrew: Now, moving on to our main discussion of the week, as promised, [says in Remus Lupin voice] “Peter Pettigrew.” What movie?

Eric: Petti-grew-oo.

Laura: Remus Lupin.

Andrew: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Laura: Yay!

Eric: Wait, what? You cut out, sorry, what?

Andrew: Ah, you lost, that’s the point.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Let’s just inform everyone of some few basic facts. He is an unregistered Animagus who can turn into a rat. He is short, balding, and plump. [laughs] Peter sacrificed his right hand to renew Voldemort’s body and he bears a silver hand in replacement from his master, which of course is Lord Voldemort. Ummm, nothing is official but he is considered at least half-blood since he was accepted as a Death Eater. And all of that information is provided to us by, no, not the HP-Lexicon, but MuggleNet’s very own Encyclopedia. [laughs] You know, we’ve been checking…

Laura: We actually use our own Encyclopedia.

Eric: Wow.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I was checking the Lexicon this week and then I realized: wait a second, we have all of this on our own website. [laughs] So…

[Everyone laughs]

The Rat And His Master

Andrew: Ah, that’s funny. So, we have a variety of questions to cover. Number one, most importantly, what drew him to Lord Voldemort?

Laura: Lord Voldemort’s power, I think, because we know Pettigrew will definitely side up with the biggest bully on the playground and it seemed at the time that Voldemort definitely had the upper hand. And then of course, his downfall to Harry, he went and hid for twelve years.

Micah: But do you think Pettigrew went right after Voldemort, or do you think Voldemort kind of sought out Pettigrew? Because I know it’s hard…

Laura: I think Pettigrew went for Voldemort.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Pettigrew had to go for Voldemort.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That’s the whole point of making Pettigrew Secret-Keeper, was that Voldemort wouldn’t seek him out. So, I think Voldemort, or the majority of it had to be Pettigrew going to Voldemort saying, “I have this big secret for you.” And even though Pettigrew blames Voldemort and says he has ways or persuasion, Voldemort wouldn’t have just gone out on the street, picked a few people, you know, who were on the good side and said, “I’m going to make you my servants,” because he would have picked all the purebloods and stuff. So, yeah.

Micah: But he was a close friend of James. Why wouldn’t Voldemort want to try…

Eric: Well, that’s what made him so good.

Micah: …seek out and convince those people surrounding the Potters to sort of turn against them.

Eric: Well no, he would, but at the same time would he just go out again? He was their most pitiful friend. Would he just say, “Let’s go all the…” I think he would try and convert Sirius or Remus first if he was just looking for friends of the Potters.

Laura: They said that Pettigrew had been passing information to Voldemort a year before they died, so he probably went to Voldemort ages before he became Secret-Keeper and Voldemort probably said, “You need to become Secret-Keeper. You need to do something to convince them that you should do it,” and it worked.

Eric: Well, it was suggested as a joke actually, according to Sirius.

Laura: A joke?

Eric: Yeah, he said he suggested Peter as a joke almost.

Laura: Oh, really?

Eric: Yep. Because who…

Laura: Oh I don’t remember that.

Eric: Who would possibly suspect…yeah.

Andrew: Now as Micah said, they were close, Pettigrew was close friends with James, but I just… Is that an excuse for why Pettigrew went to Voldemort?

Laura: No! None of it’s an excuse for what he did.

Andrew: I know…

Eric: No, there is no excuse for what he did.

Andrew: But why? What made him? I mean, because he grew up in a life – he was surrounded by, he grew up with James and Sirius. He spent a lot of time with them at Hogwarts, correct?

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So I just don’t understand why. Why? Why, Peter?

Laura: Because he wants to saddle up to anyone who has power.

Eric: But at the same time… I don’t know. I think, they definitely characterized him in Prisoner of Azkaban they said, you know, they actually said it to his face, they called him the person who would shackle up to anybody who had power and, you know, leech off them. But at the same time, there had to have been a point where Peter was then saying, you know, “My side no longer has the power.” Except I don’t know when that would have been, but for him to go to Voldemort – I mean, if you’re going to be with anybody who’s anybody from the good side, you should be with the Potters. And that’s who he was. So even though Peter was actually on the best of the good side, he just still chose to go over to the bad.

Micah: But even thought he was a part of that group, do you guys think he was picked on a little bit? Like he wasn’t the star of the group.

Andrew: I’m sure he was.

Laura: Oh, yeah of course.

Micah: So maybe that was part of it, too. Maybe part of it was, “Look how powerful I can be by going over to Lord Voldemort’s side and look what I will be able to do.”

Laura: It’s entirely possible.

Eric: I think that’s…

Laura: And it’s just as immature as Snape taking things out on Harry for what his father did, you know? I’ve always found it extremely immature that you have people who will take things that you did when you were 14, 15 years old and hold them against you when you’re an adult. It’s like, everyone makes mistakes.

Eric: Well, at the same time, James never seemed to be one to apologize. His cockiness may have subsided, but I don’t think Pettigrew ever got an apology or anything that he was due because nobody, including, you know, Sirius and Remus, felt that he was due one.

Laura: No, probably not.

Eric: So I think that Pettigrew’s turning is a slap in the face, and is a “Hey, you don’t appreciate me, maybe Voldemort will more,” which we know is not true, but I think that’s probably what it was.

Laura: I’m sure that there was some of that in there. Definitely. Along with the fact that he probably felt that as someone, you know, working so close with the Potters and Dumbledore, he was at high risk to be killed. And he probably figured, “If I give this information to Voldemort, then I’m on their side and they won’t hurt me,” which is very untrue.

Eric: I like that. He valued his own life, which was good.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: …and not the life of the Marauders as a whole.


Andrew: Now, why did Dumbledore let him become Secret-Keeper? I mean, in a way, you think, “Okay well, it’s because he’s always hanging around them,” but, around James, but could that be the full reason why?

Eric: Is it…is it in my memory that, uhhh, maybe, ummm…is it just in my head that maybe Dumbledore thought that it might have been Pettigrew that was sneaking information to the Potters and he still let them make him Secret-Keeper anyway?

Laura: I don’t think he had anyone specific in mind. I know Dumbledore offered to be the Potters’ Secret-Keeper.

Eric: Yeah, I know that, too, but see what happened was, ummm…

Laura: I think they knew that one of their friends was betraying them.

Eric: Yeah, and so I think, even though Dumbledore has always been characterized as, you know, valuing choice and all this other stuff. Even though he sat by as they made Peter the Secret-Keeper, I think he probably should have objected to it.

Laura: What could he do though? Because, I mean, the Potters were adults. He couldn’t tell them what to do.

Eric: I’m just saying, I really, honestly don’t know why it wasn’t Dumbledore anyway because that would have been the absolute…

Laura: Because if it was Dumbledore, then the Potters wouldn’t have been murdered and there would be no Harry Potter. There would be no Harry Potter series. [laughs]

Eric: Well, that’s a good thing. No, that’s a good thing. Not for the content-wise, but…

Laura: There’d be no MuggleNet and there would be no MuggleCast.

Andrew: How is it good, Eric?

Eric: Because James and Lily would be alive and there still would be a Harry, just not the Harry we know, so…

Laura: And there would be no story. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, but Dumbledore should have been the Secret-Keeper if the Potters wanted to survive, that’s all I’m saying.

Laura: Yeah, of course!

Eric: Well, okay, so we understand each other.

Micah: Didn’t they talk about Sirius being it, too? But they thought that was too obvious.

Laura: Yeah, they wanted to use Sirius originally.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: But I think it was actually Sirius who suggested Pettigrew.

Eric: Yeah, it was.

Laura: Because he, he basically said in Prisoner of Azkaban, “I as good as killed them.”

Eric: Yeah, because he joked, which is what I said. He joked about choosing Peter and then lo and behold Peter was the upper hand…or had the upper hand.

Pettigrew In Slytherin

Andrew: Why wasn’t he in Slyth… [stutters and then laughs] Slytherin, because of the way he was so self-protective?

Laura: I think it’s proof that not all bad wizards are in Slytherin because of course, in Sorcerer’s Stone, it’s either Hagrid or Ron, I can’t remember, who told Harry that.

Eric: No, it’s both.

Laura: It’s both?

Eric: Yeah, because…

Laura: But I think that’s more of a stereotype type thing. I mean, obviously you have a lot of dark wizards that come from Slytherin, but I really don’t think that you necessarily have to be in Slytherin to be a bad wizard.

Micah: Yeah, and what he did, he did display bravery even if it wasn’t bravery in the good sense.

Eric: Yeah. Which is…

Laura: And I wouldn’t call him a dark wizard anyway. [laughs]

Eric: No. [laughs]

Micah: No. [laughs]

Eric: Micah is entirely correct.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And also, if you think about it, even the Hufflepuffs are characterized as being bad people. You know, when they seclude themselves from Harry with Justin Finch-Fletchley thing in Chamber of Secrets

Laura: Yeah, they were being loyal.

Eric: Everybody has…they were being snooty and…and, you know, royal pains in the butts to Harry and you know, they weren’t being nice people, nice, accepting, generous people, which shows that there aren’t many in any house. There aren’t…you know? Not everybody is.

Andrew: It’s just several factors. I mean, being bad is a personality thing. Of course, that’s one of the factors. I think that goes into your sorting, but there’s other things too.

Eric: Maybe it was his choice. Maybe all the power was in Gryffindor so he was like, “I’m going to shackle up to Gryffindor. Make me Gryffindor.”

Wormtail The Wizard

Andrew: So…so what powers did he possess? What kind of magical ability?

Eric: He’s good at dealing with things – being a rat for 13, 14 years, you know? Actually, do you guys think… Here’s a good question, do you guys think that he ever revealed himself to Percy?

Andrew: No! No! If he had…

Eric: All those times living as him.

Andrew: The surprise would have been just big as it was with Ron. I don’t see why he would. And I’m pretty sure, I remember reading that he did stay in secrecy that entire time.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t think he would, really. Because as corrupt as Percy is, I don’t think that he’s going to be a Voldemort-supporter.

Eric: I agree with that. My problem was of course, well, the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, it all happened so fast when he came out of that, and he was so used to walking around like a human and stuff, it just seemed like he had done it before or something. But that was just probably due to how he acted it, you know, in the movie and how it was directed and everything like that.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Because he was…a lot of people complained too, when talking about Timothy Spall as Peter, they say that he did it too mousy, you know…too not human enough and it was almost silly watching this overgrown rat-type thing. But, I just felt that..

Laura: But in the book, that’s how it described him though. That he, that even as a human he seemed rat-like.

Eric: He was rather done well in Goblet of Fire, I felt, so it was just a matter of what we saw in the movie.

Andrew: I…I would agree.

Missing In Action

Eric: So now, if Peter didn’t ever reveal himself to Percy and everything like that, where was…where was Peter in Book 5? Because he wasn’t mentioned, like, at all. And even in Book 6 he was only mentioned in the very beginning, do you remember that?

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: With Snape in “Spinner’s End.” But he wasn’t mentioned at all the read of the book. He wasn’t even, at the end of Book 5, he wasn’t even in the big battle with all the Death Eaters.

Laura: I think in an interview, I can’t remember specifically which one, but someone asked where he was during Book 5 and she said, “You will find out eventually.”

Andrew: And we didn’t find out really in Half-Blood Prince.

Laura: So, he might have been. Well there’s still one more book.

Andrew: I mean, we didn’t find out in Half-Blood Prince.

Laura: No, there’s still one more book. I think…

Andrew: My thoughts on that is…

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: …if they don’t show up in a book then they’re not doing anything that is super-important.

Eric: No, I think it’s a red herring.

Laura: Either that, either that or they’re doing something VERY important [laughs] that we’re not supposed to know about.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I just don’t understand why you would avoid mentioning him. It’s just like, is that Jo’s writing style that if you don’t mention someone then it’s assumed that…? It’s just weird.

Laura: Well, not necessarily.

Eric: There is such a thing as a red herring.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And you know, the absence of signs is a sign.

Laura: I think she wanted to draw our attention away from a lot of things in Book 5 and in Book 6 as well, just by not mentioning the Department of Mysteries really. I think she’s trying to draw our attention away from that so she can set up, you know…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: The plot for Book 7.

Eric: Traditionally the style with J.K. too, when she doesn’t want to mention something, she’ll still at least have it exist in the book. Like it won’t completely, completely drop out. Even though it seems like it will, it will still there a little bit. Just enough so that when she does bring it back, we’ll still remember it. Such as Gilderoy Lockhart and things like that. You know, there was the mention, I think it was in Book 3, which was after Lockhart that Hermione said – No! It was Book 4! – when Hermione was going on about how she doesn’t like people for how the looked and then Ron joked Lockhart. And you know, made that, “Cough! Lockhart! Cough! Ha! Lockhart!”

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And that was just her way, you know, obviously we saw Lockhart in Book 5.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Which is really weird because I just completely didn’t think of that, but he’s there and he’s ever-present in the background.

Laura: And something that that reminds me of is in…I want to say it was in Book 5 when Hermione was asking Fred and George where they were getting all this money for their joke shop. One of the twins said, “Ask us no questions and we’ll tell you no lies.” And I think that that is her attitude towards it.

Eric: I agree. The only difference is between lies and what she actually changes her mind about.

Laura: I don’t think…

Eric: I…

Laura: She’s not… I don’t think she’s going to lie, but I think it was definitely a present theme.

Eric: Well yeah, but the question is, will she actually ever…are any of the major book secrets do you think she actually changed her mind about? That might actually change, it might actually maybe contradict a possible… See we have to understand there is so many things that she has to finish up with Book 7…are… Could it be possible that maybe, once she gives us this answer, this final answer, that they actually contradict one or maybe even more things that she’s actually said in the past?

Laura: It’s possible, I mean, when you’re writing something as epic as this…

Eric: Of course, which is…

Laura: …there are going to be inconsistencies.

Eric: She’s been writing for over fifteen years hasn’t she?

Laura: Mhm. Yeah.

Andrew: And she said on her website, that, just a couple weeks ago, that she was trying to avoid, you know, getting screwed up with the plot. But, it’s just going to happen, especially with a book so in-depth like this and it’s already turned up so far and it’s…parts of it have been fixed in some revisions of the books, but it, you know, I think it’s impossible. Jo does great, but, you know…

Laura: But she’s human.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

How Did He Find The Weasleys

Andrew: Yeah, oh…so how did he get to the Weasleys’? How did Percy pick him up? Could he have got into a store and…or, he was just crawling on the street?

Laura: Did it ever say? I don’t think it said.

Eric: I’d be more interested…

Andrew: No.

Eric: I’d be more interested in figuring out why, like, if Mr. Weasley was all like hanging around in a coffee shop and saw a rat, why he’d want to give it to his son, Percy, as a pet. You know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: “Oh look, a rat! This would be a good pet.”

Andrew: “A rat, cool!”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: “Cool! It’s a Muggle rat.” You know?

Andrew: But, did…

Laura: Well, it’s something they can afford.

Andrew: Did Pettigrew intend to get into the Weasley family?

Laura: Yes, he did.

Andrew: Okay.

Laura: It’s…

Eric: I think we can give him that.

Laura: …in Prisoner of Azkaban, I’m pretty sure it was…

Eric: Where it says that he shackled up to make sure that he knew the news.

Laura: Yeah, they were like, Sirius was like, “Yeah, you made sure that you, you know, got into a wizarding household where you could hear the news, hear if your old master had come back” and all this other stuff. So, I think, it’s not, I’m not sure that he was looking for the Weasleys specifically, but he was definitely looking for a wizarding family.

Andrew: I mean, it’s completely possible he could’ve been aiming to get into the Weasleys. And they are pretty gullible so…[laughs] especially Mr. Weasley, you know, with his Muggle fascination.

Laura: What? You think he picked up the rat and started talking to it, Andrew? Was he like…

Andrew: No. I’m saying his fasc…

Laura: “Are you an evil wizard?” [laughs]

Andrew: I’m saying his fascination with Muggle anything. He’s just fascinated with anything…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: The guy’s like, you know? So…

Laura: Well, he’s very curious.

Andrew: Yes, yes.

Laura: And I think that if he found just a normal garden rat, he would…that would be something he would like to have.

Andrew: And since they’re poor, they can’t exactly afford it, so Percy gets it. It, you know, makes sense.

Reveal Yourself

Eric: Okay, I guess the next thing is why didn’t he attack Harry prior to Book 3? But I think that’s also already been answered in the book, too.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Where he needed the assurance that, if he was going to act, that he needed to…or maybe that was…was that about Lucius Malfoy?

Laura: No, that was about Pettigrew, he would need somewhere to go. And we…and he doesn’t want to do anything unless it directly benefits him.

Eric: Right.

Laura: You know?

Micah: It was just an added bonus.

Eric: Okay.

Laura: He wouldn’t want to do it under Dumbledore’s nose…

Eric: Yeah, so wait, guys.

Laura: …unless Voldemort was back.

Peter Gets No Love

Eric: Now, Pettigrew really is the character in the books, next to Snape, who gets no love. And, would you guys agree with that? Because I mean, here he is and he’s this, and he is a bad person, I will agree with that, that’s been argued. He is a bad person, he’s chosen all bad things, but he’s really had to take the crap from the Marauders all his life and here he goes and he signs up with Voldemort and causes the whole series to spin out of control, but at the same time, he still gets no love. And when we did see him, the very little we did in Book 6, he was being abused by Snape, who was also abused by the Marauders. He’s getting abused and he’s getting, you know? He’s this little servant-slave thing “make-me-tea-or-else” type. He’s not getting any kind of affection from either side.

Laura: Yeah. I wouldn’t give him any affection.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Besides the fact that he’s, you know, “only a mother could love him.” What do you guys think?

Laura: Besides the fact that he betrayed his best friends to their death… Why doesn’t anybody love him?

Eric: Why doesn’t anybody?

[Laura laughs]

Eric: No, really nobody did before. He was this short little, fat kid and McGonagall never treated him properly.

Laura: Well, we don’t know for sure that no one loved him. I mean, he definitely got a lot of tough treatment, but I don’t think it’s an excuse at all because…

Eric: No, I’m not saying that’s an excuse.

Laura: With me and my friends, we make fun of each other all the time.

Eric: I agree!

Laura: And it’s just…I’m not going to go and betray them.

Eric: There is a point when too much is too much though. And they can respect that. I mean, it’s just… No, I’m not giving…

Laura: Well yeah, but they were young people and they weren’t thinking. And they weren’t expecting him to do what he did.

Eric: Well right…exactly. And believe me, I am not saying… This is completely different from the Barty Crouch Jr. thing. I am not saying…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: …that…I wasn’t going bring it up. No, this is not saying that Wormtail deserves love…everybody deserves love…but at the same time, I’m not justifying his actions. I’m just saying that, you know, he really took a lot of crap and it’s really unfortunate that he still has to take crap with Voldemort. And he’s never really going to…the good side…the bad side isn’t any better than the good side. In fact, it’s worse.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: Well, are you saying that Pettigrew should have gotten more love, or Wormtail should be getting more love?

Eric: I would assume that it would be…I don’t know. It is interesting…just the fact that you classified them as, like, two different people. Pettigrew was… I see the character of Peter Pettigrew as being somebody who was, you know, always not as skilled as he was able to let on and he was satisfied with, at least, you know, just living the life of the greats. But, there was a point where, I think he had to become his own person, and kind of take his own, you know, take his own path and that was when he decided that the rap he’d been getting, maybe he could do without it if he… He saw himself as becoming valuable once he started getting information from the Potters. And this wasn’t just about their Secret-Keeper, this was obviously a year before, but I think there was a point where he started seeing that he was a valuable person, but not to the good side anymore. That he was starting to become valuable to somebody else and maybe he wanted to try to see. Maybe he did want to try, maybe he just wanted to give it a little dab into the dark side and see if he could actually be possibly more appreciated or more happy with himself on the bad side, which I actually think he is, probably more happy.

Laura: I just see him as, sort of, a pathetic person, really. Like he’ll…

Eric: Well, he is.

Laura: He’ll get himself pulled in way too far. You know, he’ll get in over his head and he won’t even really have realized what he has done. I think, possibly if he knew, if he could look into the future and see what all was going to happen to him in the future, he probably wouldn’t do what he did but not because of, you know, out of, you know, love for the Potters…

Eric: I agree.

Laura: Out of, you know…

Eric: I agree entirely.

Laura: …love for himself.

Eric: Yeah. For himself, I think, looking back, he would probably change it. Not for the Potters. I agree with that.

Loyalty: Snape vs. Pettigrew

Andrew: Here’s another question: Who is more trusted by Lord Voldemort? Snape or Pettigrew? And I’ll…

Eric: Snape!!

Andrew: Okay. Great. Thanks, Eric. I just like to voice my opinion here that, yeah, at this point, I think it’s Snape too. Pettigrew’s too weak. Snape’s got the trust and the power.

Eric: Even…

Laura: Yeah, I think so, too.

Eric: Even after…

Andrew: Pettigrew’s got the trust and that’s it.

Laura: But, I think that it’s possible that Voldemort would use his followers to spy on one another. I think that having…

Andrew: To test loyalty?

Laura: Yeah, I think that having Pettigrew and Snape in the same house was sort of a double win for him, to keep them, you know, in line…

Eric: A check.

Laura: To keep them spying on each other.

Micah: See that’s the thing. I mean…

Laura: Yeah?

Micah: Wormtail has shown his loyalty throughout the series to Voldemort, whereas Snape has been the one who has always been in question, so why would we all of a sudden naturally assume that it’s Snape that’s watching over Wormtail as opposed to the other way around?

Eric: And I like that.

Laura: Well…

Eric: That’s a brilliant…

Laura: I think it’s both ways, personally.

Eric: Well, it’s just, the way Micah just worded that. It fit exactly what I wanted to ask. And that was brilliant. That was brilliant, Micah because, I don’t know. It makes…it’s a complete opposite. It makes sense. We should be suspecting Snape would be, you know, the one who’s being spied on.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Because Pettigrew has clearly said…you know, Pettigrew…it’s not a question if he’s good or bad, because he is bad. And, the problem is, he can’t be trusted by Voldemort because Voldemort chooses to value the morals of it for, you know, Voldemort’s not a moral person, but yet he realizes that Pettigrew only does what he wants out of fear instead of wanting to. And I guess he looks…

Laura: And that Pettigrew would leave at the drop of a hat if the opportunity came up and it would benefit him and keep him safe.

Eric: I guess he sees that, but fear is a lot more powerful than choice. I think Voldemort would, at least, try and think that way, but he’s not.

Laura: Mhm. Oh, he’s…I mean, he’s afraid to leave and probably even more afraid since he’s, you know, allegedly being watched over by Snape.

Eric: And assuming that…assuming that Voldemort trusts Snape, he’s trusting somebody, who, even if he was bad, would only want to be in it and doesn’t… Snape doesn’t feel compelled to have to be in it, you know.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Even if Snape were a bad guy, it’s still a choice he makes, and I think that’s interesting to observe that Snape is actually choosing to be on the bad side whereas Peter is choosing, but also, he fears for his life and it’s more… I think Peter is more likely to stay on the bad side than Snape and yet Voldemort’s Snape…trusts Snape more.

Micah: Yeah and I don’t even know if “weak” is the right word, because somebody mentioned this before, to describe Wormtail. I don’t necessarily think he’s weak when you consider all the things that he’s done throughout the series.

Laura: He’s…I mean.

Andrew: Who said that? That wasn’t me, was it?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I didn’t…

Laura: I don’t remember. I honestly don’t remember.

Andrew: Well, because, I didn’t say “weak,” I just said he wasn’t as powerful.

Laura: I think when you compare him to the likes of some of the Death Eaters, he is weak, but he’s definitely…he’s a good rat. That’s what he is, I mean, he’s good at sneaking around and…

Eric: He really is.

Laura: …gathering information

Andrew: He’s sort of like Peeves, only more worthwhile.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Just, sort of like the attitude and, I don’t know. He’s sort of annoying, but…

Laura: I find Peeves to be funny.

Eric: I find Peeves…

Andrew: Peeves is funny, but he’s annoying… He annoys Harry.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: You know?

Eric: All his strange words…”ickle” and…

Andrew: Yes, yes.

Laura: [Laughs] I wish they had Peeves in the movie.

Eric: [In a funny voice, imitating Peeves] “Potty-wee lad. Potter-wotter wee lad. Gah.”

The Silver Hand

Andrew: So, what is the silver hand meant for, if anyone…? I see it as, like, Voldemort’s reward to him…to Pettigrew.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Like, check out this silver hand… Ooo.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: He’s a rat, exactly, he’s fascinated by shiny things.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Like sewer pipes, right?

[Everyone still laughing]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. And cheese.

Laura: In all seriousness, I think the hand probably has some magical ability.

Eric: It’s topic, it’s topic, should Voldemort, you know, what exactly is silver? Now think of this. Okay, you just brought me back, I’m not going to give you your regular hand back, I’m going to give you a silver hand back. I don’t even think Voldemort thought about it. I don’t even think it was a second thought, like, “Gee, you were actually a decent, you know, friend to me, I’m going to give you a silver hand.” I…

Andrew: What’s the advantage though?

Laura: It’s probably got some kind of magical ability. I really think so…

Eric: It has to.

Andrew: I guess more powerful spells if you have your wand in that hand?

Micah: Well, Jo said that people naturally assume that, since it was silver and silver bullets kill werewolves, that there was going to be some kind of connection there, but she sort of struck down the whole Lupin thing when she updated her site.

Eric: Yeah, but I…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Why does nobody accept the idea that it could be the bad werewolf…that other guy?

Micah: Greyback?

Eric: That…Greyback.

Laura: I think it’s possible. I think…

Eric: Whenever I mention that, everybody goes silent and I’m like, you know, that could be…he could just kill Greyback.

Laura: That could be his debt to Harry…I mean, paying off his whole debt…his life debt and stuff.

Eric: I don’t know…

Laura: I don’t know if he will kill anyone purposely. But I think…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …that it’s a definite possibility that he could…

Eric: But I want to say, also, when Voldemort gave him that silver hand…

Laura: …inadvertently cause the death of…yeah.

Eric: It’s not like Voldemort was planning ahead to have to kill a werewolf and so he said, “Hmmm, you know, I’m going to…you saved me, resurrected me, I’m going to give you a silver hand so you can fight off a werewolf one day.”

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: You know, I don’t think he said that. I think it was an off-hand type thing. No pun intended.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I can also see it as just a way to, you know, excite Pettigrew over nothing. You know, he’s like a child. He’s easily…what’s the…he’s…what’s the word, duh?

Eric: Easily contented?

Andrew: He’s…no, I was going to say gullible.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: He’s, you know, “Ooo…silver hand!” And he goes off to play with it.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: In a non-weird way.

Eric: No, no, we weren’t thinking in a weird way. It was just a cute thing to say.

[Laura still laughing]

Laura: No, also I think it’s a way of making sure that he remains loyal by thinking “Hey, if I keep doing this kind of stuff, he’ll keep giving me more stuff,” you know.

Eric: I agree.

Micah: You know, two silver hands instead of one.

Andrew: Yeah exactly, Micah.

Eric: Soon he’ll have the silver foot.

[Laura laughs]

It’s Payment Time

Andrew: So well, we sort of talked about this in different questions, but how will he repay his debt to Harry? We just suggested, “Oh, the silver hand can do it with Greyback.”

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Any other theories? I just…saving him from Voldemort in Book 7? I…

Eric: I want to talk to…I want to talk about the unlinking of Voldemort’s inner circle and just how Pettigrew’s going to fit into that and possibly repay his debt, in the meantime. I think we characterized Pettigrew before as being the kind of person…and I think this was mostly due to Laura…the kind of person who would stumble into helping fulfill Harry’s…you know, his debt to Harry whether, just say, “Okay I have to go help Harry now.”

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: I don’t know that he’ll necessarily say, “Okay, the good side is where I truly should be” before he helps Harry. You know, I don’t know that that will happen.

Laura: I could see Harry forcing him. Seriously, I can seriously see…if they somehow took him prisoner, I could see Harry like, pointing his wand at him and saying, “You will do this for me, or I will kill you.”

Andrew: Yeah. He bullied him around in Prisoner of Azkaban in the Shrieking Shack scene.

Eric: I, well I…yeah. But, the thing is also, Harry wouldn’t have to do that too, which is the question…is what is the debt? Because Harry wouldn’t have to push him around. I mean, I’m sure that would be effective and all, but I don’t know how we’re going to find out what exactly his debit is to Harry because, you know, it’s not going to… I don’t know how Harry’s going to find out and Pettigrew is probably unaware that he even has a debt. So…

Laura: Yeah. It all depends on how debts work. If they’re actually, I mean, if there’s a specific span of time in which it has to be completed or…?

Andrew: Or is it similar to an Unbreakable Vow where…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …it has to be done. But, Pettigrew’s got really nothing to lose. He’s not in any sort of [laughs]…it sounds stupid, but he’s not in any sort of relationship or, he doesn’t have some reputation built up that’s absolutely vital…

Eric: Which means he’s…

Andrew: …he’s not trying to save the world…

Eric: You know, what this means?

Andrew: He’s just Pettigrew. He’s a tool to be honest.

Eric: Yeah, which means he’s not going to die. Also, like, if he had like a girlfriend and family and everybody loved him, he’d probably die, following the JKR rule.

Andrew: I was saying the exact opposite, that, in fact he’s got nothing to lose.

Laura: I think he will die. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, so, why not go back…

Laura: I think he will die.

Andrew: …why not go back on his debt?

Eric: I’d like to see Pettigrew dying for Harry’s cause. I would like to see Snape die for Harry’s cause.

Andrew: But he won’t. Snape is evil.

Eric: But, I would like to see, yeah, both. But Pettigrew filling his debt, it’s just a question of – I don’t know, he might find the courage to – I don’t know that it will stand up to Voldemort, but he did stand up to Sirius and Remus in the Shrieking Shack. There was a point where he did… Did he not say something that was something to the effect of, you know, he gets no respect or something? And then it was…

Laura: I don’t remember that specifically.

Eric: He said a lot of crazy things. He said a lot of crazy things and especially like the whole, you know, “I made a better rat,” and then Sirius told him that’s nothing to brag about. But at the same time, I think it’s just the future and how Pettigrew repays his debt I think just depends on what he’ll see as good and evil when the time comes. And I don’t think he’s necessarily a good person. So…

Wormtail’s Fate

Andrew: And beginning to wrap this up: What will his fate be in Book 7? There’s so many different ways this could go. [laughs] He could completely bail out, like I was just saying. He’s got nothing to lose. Why not run off again? Not… I’d hate to say commit suicide.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I mean, with anyone, it’s kind of depressing, but…

Eric: I just realized something.

Andrew: What’s that?

[Eric laughs]

Eric: He can’t… whatever he’s been doing and whatever he does, he can’t be seen to the public! Because that would mean that Sirius Black was innocent if he were still alive. Whatever he does, he can’t show himself to the wizard public. Do you guys agree with that? Because…

Andrew: But people…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Because it would create the gradual unlinking and show that…

Laura: Well, that was why they killed Bertha Jorkins at the beginning of Goblet of Fire.

Eric: Exactly! So, whatever he’s been doing lately, he had to be utter, über top secret with it. And whatever he does in the future has to be… Maybe, I don’t know, but maybe he actually has to – maybe he’ll come forward or something in the future. I don’t know. But…

Laura: I think he’s going to die, personally.

Eric: Maybe he will. But the fact is, that’s what sucked about Book 3, was that nobody knew that Pettigrew was alive and they couldn’t prove it.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: But if they saw Pettigrew, I mean, that alone would have some value at least in the wizard public’s understanding of what’s been going on and at least they’re, you know, they’re kind of getting to know that Dumbledore had been telling the truth the whole time.

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: I don’t see Pettigrew really straying from Voldemort very much in the next book. And like Laura said, I think if he repays Harry at all, it’s almost going to be by mistake. And if he does die, I really don’t know who’s going to kill him either. I mean, it could be any of the Marauders, it could be Voldemort for accidentally repaying Harry somehow. But in the end, I really think that he’s a goner.

Andrew: You know, when you think about it, to quote Micah next week:

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: “Someone’s got to whack him off.”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: That’s all there is to it.

Micah: It was last week, not next week.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I said last week!

[Micah laughs]

Eric: [still laughing] You said next week!

Laura: [still laughing] No, you said next week!

Eric: “To quote Micah next week…”

Andrew: We record episodes in the future, and Episode 26 was actually before Episode 25, and that’s how it works.

[Everyone laugh]

Andrew: I think that just about wraps that discussion up. Anything else you guys want to cover?

Laura: I think we covered him pretty well. I mean…

Andrew: Okay, I’m out of here. Bye!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: No… We’ve still got way more to do.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Andrew: Andrew’s Listener Challenge update for this week: we’ve gotten – well I’ve gotten – many emails from people asking questions about their segments. In case you didn’t listen to Episode 25, I started a brand new contest this week – well, starting this week, where you will create a MuggleCast segment that will go onto the show!

So to just touch on a couple of things here: Your segment must not be any longer than seven minutes in length. It must relate to Harry Potter in some way, shape, or form. Your segment must be turned in no later than February 18, 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. So get a start on them now!

Winners will have their segment aired on MuggleCast, as I mentioned before. And all participating hosts will win a shiny MuggleCast tee-shirt. They are beautiful. They really are. I love them.

Laura: They are really nice.

Eric: They are!

Laura: I really like mine.

Andrew: So if anyone has any other questions, you can always email them to andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Good luck, and we cannot wait to hear your segments.

The Las Vegas Minute

Andrew: Now it’s time for the Las Vegas Minute! We haven’t had time – we haven’t done one of these in a while. And then we’ll wrap it all up with a fine, fine Dueling Club. The reason we’re… we’re only going to do these Las Vegas Minutes when we have actually something to say. And that is…

Eric: Okay, I’m going to time it.

Andrew: Go ahead.

Eric: Are you ready?

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: Okay, Andrew. Go. [Eric’s watch beeps]

Andrew: Space is running out for you to sign up for Lumos 2006. So if you are interested in going, we are going to be there, we are going to do the live podcast. That is the final decision. There hasn’t been, like, an official announcement through Lumos yet, but they’re working on, you know, all this stuff, and we’re going to post lots of information on But! Please register soon if you’re interested because space is running out.

Eric: Thirty seconds.

Andrew: Space is running out, space is running out! So get… [laughs]

Laura: Not to mention that the rates get higher…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: …the longer you wait.

Andrew: And the hotels…

Eric: They only get higher.

Laura: Right now, it’s $160. And sometime – in May I want to say? it jumps to $180.

Eric: Yeah. Quick!

Andrew: The hotels are running out too. And we really… if you think you can come, then come, then. Because this – the place is beautiful where we are all staying at and where the convention is being held.

Eric: Okay, okay. I’m going too. Bye.

Andrew: A huge group of MuggleNet-ers will be here.

Eric: Time! It’s one minute.

Andrew: Oh, oh. You are going Eric?

Eric: Do you guys actually time this?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. I’m going.

Andrew: Oh, I wasn’t aware of that.

Eric: I’m going. My whole family’s going. My mom and sister and me are going.

Andrew: Oh, that’s nice! I get to meet the Sculls! And just real quick!

Eric: Yeah!

Andrew: It’s funny because Eric and I just realized that we’re both [laughs] about 45 minutes away from Philly.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: So, we’re going to try and meet up and record a couple of these shows together. Because I know he tends to rant a lot…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …so this way I can actually punch him when he starts to go off too much.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So.

Eric: Like Sock’em…

Laura: Yeah, I’m actually going to be in D.C. in May!

Andrew: Are you?

Laura: So we should all, we should all get together and do…

Eric: Yay!

Laura: …do a group recording.

Eric: For some reason, I’m getting the image of like, Sock’em Boppers with Andrew and Eric sitting at, like, a café…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That’s what I was doing, although Eric wouldn’t punch back.

Eric: …you know, punch and like my jaw comes off and… No, I wouldn’t do that.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: My hands, my hands would be holding Book 6, or something.

Andrew: Of course.

Dueling Club

Andrew: So now, moving on to this week’s Dueling Club. We had this idea where instead of deciding who we would duel beforehand, two of us would throw a name out there and then we’d compare the two. So…

Eric: Huh.

Andrew: …you guys want to try this?

Eric: Sure!

Andrew: I thought it would be- I thought it would bring a little bit more excitement to the premises.

Laura: Okay.

Andrew: So me and… Who wants to go? Who wants to fight me?

Laura: I don’t know. [laughs]

Andrew: And then we have to defend our own character.

Laura: I’m intimidated.

Eric: All right, Nymphadora Tonks.

Andrew: No! No, no. You don’t get it. You have to say it at the same time as someone else.

Eric: Laura, do you have your character?

Laura: Let me think. Mmmm… Yeah.

Micah: 3, 2, 1…

Eric: Petunia.

Laura: [At the same time as Eric] Bellatrix Lestrange. [laughs]

Eric: Petunia and Bellatrix. What do we think?

Andrew: [laughs] Petunia and Bellatrix?

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: That was… see? This was good! Andrew!

Andrew: Who chose Petunia?

Eric: I did. She’s not the… [laughs] she’s not the ordinary… She’s not the ordinary Auntie, but at the same time, I think anybody battling Bellatrix – you know, Bellatrix probably has the upper hand.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Just because she’s so more evil and more, you know? But…

Laura: Yeah, I was about to say that I think that Bellatrix would pretty much PWN Petunia.

Andrew: Micah, it’s me and you now. Let me gather my thoughts here for a moment.

Eric: And I’ll…

Andrew: Okay, gathered.

Eric: You ready?

Andrew: You got one, Micah?

Micah: Yeah, I’m ready.

Eric: Okay, guys.

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: Andrew. Micah.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Play safe. Play fair. Okay. 3, 2…

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: …1, shoot.

Andrew: Luna Lovegood.

Micah: [At the same time as Andrew] Dobby.

Eric: Luna Lovegood and Dobby!

Andrew: Ooo…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Well, we haven’t really seen much from Dobby, besides… well, okay. He’s got…

Eric: Yeah, we have!

Andrew: He’s relatively powerful.

Eric: He took down Lucius Malfoy.

Andrew: Good, Micah. You defend him. You said it. [laughs]

Micah: Well, he’s relatively powerful.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: You know, we saw what he did to Lucius.

Andrew: Mhm, right.

Micah: At least in the movie, I don’t know.

Laura: He did it in the book, too.

Micah: Okay. And…

Eric: He made him lose his hair tie.

Micah: He just… He just seemed once he was sort of set free, we’ve seen more things from him throughout the books. And we talked about this, I think, in another episode. We’re not really sure exactly what type of powers that house-elves possess. But based upon how he’s just able to shoot his hand out and send Lucius flying down the hallway, I think he would be able to handle Luna pretty well.

Andrew: Actually, I would have to agree with that. [laughs] Because…

Laura: What happened to defending your character?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Well, because I didn’t… see, this is the thing. You don’t know who you’re going to put them up against!

Micah: He wasn’t ready for the Dobster.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I wasn’t. I was defeated.

Laura: That’s fun. That’s fun! We should do that again.

Andrew: I don’t know… Yeah! Wait!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I’ve got to defend Luna now! I’ve got to stick up for her a little bit. So…

Eric: Her father is an editor and he can slander Dobby all he wants to. So nobody would know – even, even, even if the truth was that Dobby PWN’d Luna, you know, nobody would know about it. Everybody would read the Quibbler and then it would be like, “Oh! Luna just whooped that elf’s patinski.”

Andrew: I think Luna just seems too unsure about herself to really be able to fight.

Eric: But she could hear the voices and see the Thestrals.

Andrew: Yes, because that’s because she’s weird.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But that doesn’t suggest…

Laura: Hey.

Andrew: …that she’s a powerful wizard.

Laura: Weird is good.

Eric: Ohhh…

Andrew: I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m just saying it doesn’t mean that [gets cut off]

Laura: You kind of broke out there for a second. [laughs]

Andrew: I didn’t say she was mean, I’m just saying that she was…she’s not…that doesn’t mean she’s a powerful wizard.

Laura: No, it doesn’t.

Andrew: Why’d I pick her? [laughs]

Laura: But we can assume…

Eric: [laughs] Andrew’s like, “Why did I pick Luna?”

Laura: No, no, no! Seriously. Because we know that her mom used to do tests with all these really powerful spells. So her mom must not have, you know, been too shabby at magic.

Eric: Actually, yeah. And who knows what that, you know… I think Luna’s very powerful. I think we’ll see more from Luna.

Andrew: We have not seen Luna as a bad person. As a bad wizard.

Eric: Why would we?

Andrew: Just I don’t know, there could have been an occurrence.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: So it’s completely possible that in Book 7, she ends up, you know, making a comeback.

Eric: I think she could.

Micah: Now what happens if it’s Luna and Dobby versus Petunia and Bellatrix?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, that’s too complex. I can’t…

Eric: No, I think…

Andrew: I think it’s two on one.

Eric: No, Petunia would take down Dobby for being in her hydrangea bushes…

Andrew: Yes.

Laura: Oh yeah.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: … in the beginning of that. She’d be like, I…you left those things in my bushes and… it’s like Whack-A-Mole.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, can we stop using that word, please?

Eric: It’s like Whack-A-Mole, for Petunia.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: She just, she just runs around her yard and…

Andrew: [laughs] That word is officially banned from MuggleCast.

Eric: What word?

Andrew: Whack.

Laura: Whack.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Banned from MuggleCast.

Eric: But it’s like Whack-A-Mole! I’m going to do that, I’m going to go on Macromedia Fireworks or whatever and I’m going to play with it. I’m going to come up with a game that’s like Whack-A-Mole with Petunia with a broom…

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Oh dear god…

Eric: …and she’s like running around the back. And, like, Aunt Marge is floating around in the background and, it’s like…

Andrew: All right, well thank you, Eric.

Eric: …to continue…

Show Close

Andrew: So, is there anything else you guys wanted to discuss this week? It was a busy news week. It definitely was. Micah, you were busy in your news center this week.

Micah: I really was. I’m going to have to read all of those names, too, that we couldn’t pronounce before. [laughs]

Andrew: Aw yeah. [laughs] Good luck with that.

Micah: Thanks.

Andrew: Well, guys, I think that does just about do it for Episode 26 of MuggleCast. I’m…

Micah: One more thing.

Andrew: Oh, what’s that, Micah?

Micah: I just… I wasn’t the only one who came up with those questions there. Kim Parker, from Leaky

Andrew: [laughs] Oh my god, you’re kidding.

Micah: [laughs] You want to talk about…

Eric: Oh yes, you’ve got… Yes.

Micah: She did a good job on some of those questions, so we just wanted to thank her.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Laura: Thanks, Kim.

Eric: Thank you, Kim.

Micah: Because they did help out with the discussion.

Andrew: Kim hurt my feelings last week, in the Leaky Lounge. But I won’t go into that.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: So…

Eric: You just did.

Andrew: No, remember I said I won’t go into it.

Laura: I hurt your feelings weekly…

Micah: It’s going to magically disappear from this conversation.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: …and you’re not mean to me.

Andrew: [laughs] So thank you, Kim. Sorry we couldn’t get the pre-show out for you.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Hey! Hey! Hey.

Andrew: Ooo! Speaking of pre-show…

Eric: Andrew…

Andrew: Speaking of pre-show, how could I almost forgot! How could I forget to mention? The Muggle – the LIVE podcast video from New York City is now out and available for your viewing pleasure on So definitely go and check that out. It’s – they are pretty big video files. If you’re a dial-up user, you’re going to have to go over to a friend’s house or at school to watch them. But…

Eric: Yeah, Andrew, I heard you took a screenshot…

Andrew: It’s…

Eric: …I heard you took a screenshot of your computer uploading, like…

Andrew: Yeah, because people are so desperate…

Eric: …saying and then it came out.

Andrew: On, yes. So many people…

Eric: But it came out a week later, anyways.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. [laughs] I said a few days, I didn’t want to be very specific. Definitely check those out. It’s a very fun video. You see us doing the podcast and you see the crowd. Everyone’s so excited. You see Eric, because Eric was, like, right in front of the camera. [laughs] So once again, I am Andrew Sims.

Eric: I am Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: By the way, I was just getting kidding earlier. I didn’t fire Ben. [laughs]

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: However, I could. [laughs] No, probably not.

Eric: [laughs] He could…

Andrew: He’d probably body slam me, and then I’d be like, [in a breathy voice] “Okay!”

Eric: Ben hired you. [laughs]

Andrew: Ben did hire me for MuggleNet, that’s true. But I hired him for MuggleCast. So he’ll be back for next week, hopefully. Kevin will be back. And Ciaran will be back. Ciaran’s in London this week. He’s doing something London-ish that is unspeakable. So, thanks everyone for listening and we will see you next week for Episode 27. Goodbye!

Laura: Adios!

Eric: Goodbye!

Micah: Bye.

Eric: Okay. [laughs] Goodbye! Goodbye!

Andrew: Stop. Stop.

Eric: Goodbye! Goodbye now.


Andrew: Listen as Laura, Eric, and Micah try to figure out how to host the show without me.

Andrew: We have this girl – Evanna… [laughs] I don’t have her full name up right now.

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Whoops!

Laura: Lynch.

Andrew: Hold on one second.

Micah: She’s calling you.

Andrew: I know! She’s calling! Oh my god! [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Hold on a second.

Eric: Let’s get her on the show.

Andrew: Here, you guys can talk… no, actually, you guys can talk – yeah. You guys can talk about her. Go ahead.

Eric: Ummm.

[Long pause]

Laura: What’d you guys think of her?

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: I thought fine.

Laura: Don’t laugh at me. I’m trying to start a conversation here.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: I… no. They had her on – when we linked to her on MuggleNet, we did that other article we found about, that was supposedly about her, you know, and Harry Potter?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Do you remember that? And then…

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: …so I thought that was pretty cool, like she’s clearly a Harry Potter fan…

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: …which is good, because there are some girls who would show up for the audition and not know a single thing about it and, you know, really rip all the die-hard fans slash actresses off.

Laura: Yeah! And I mean, we know that there are actors in the movie who haven’t read the book. So I’m…

Micah: Like good old Michael Gambon.

Eric: Thank you, Micah.

Laura: And Tom Felton, and about [laughs] half the other people in it.

Micah: Well…

Eric: Yeah, but you know what? They’ve all read it now, and that’s… Well, except maybe Michael Gambon, but then that’s just, you know…

Micah: Wow, this is really just, like…

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: No. No.

Laura: [in a sarcastic voice] This is going great, guys!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: The second Andrew leaves… no. No.

Laura: This is top-notch content, right here.

Eric: Okay, guys, though. Guys, though. What about the James?

Micah: You know this is all going at the end, right? [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Yeah. Don’t say anything…

Eric: Guys.

Laura: You know, I try to get conversation starters going, and you two just sit there.

Eric: Okay.

Micah: Well, there’s a lot of new people here.

Eric: Yeah. Guys, let’s…

Micah: We’ve lost our leader.

Eric: What do you think about James?

Laura: [laughs] I know.

Eric: The James casting.

Laura: Fearless leader. We can’t do anything without him.

Eric: Am I even here anymore?

Micah: He’s busy on the phone with Evanna.

Eric: I’m not even here anymore, am I?

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Laura: Well, what do you guys think of the way she looks? Like, do you think… Does she look the way you imagined Luna to look? Or no? Maybe? Kind of?

[Long pause, in which typing noises are heard]

Micah: I can hear you typing.

Laura: I can’t hear you, Eric. Yeah, I can hear you typing, but…

Eric: Well, because I brought up like one hundred thousand points and nobody heard me.

Andrew: We hear you, Eric!

Laura: I didn’t hear it at all. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, I didn’t hear anything.

Andrew: I’m back.

Eric: Good. Andrew, I think when you muted me, I think that totally…

Andrew: I didn’t mute anyone.

Eric: Oh. Well…

Andrew: I muted my mic.

Eric: Yeah, I think that might have muted me.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I hit the little red button on my microphone.

Eric: Well I’m sorry! But your little red button is like…controls me.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: And my computer.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: Andrew, I think we just took care of the bloopers for the end of your show.

Andrew: Did you? Oh, okay…

Micah: In those last three minutes. [laughs]

Andrew: Okay.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: So what’d you guys talk about?

Laura: [laughs] Nothing!

Andrew: Oh. [laughs] Okay.

Laura: I’m like sitting here trying to start this, and they both just sit there. And I’m like, what the hell.

Andrew: You sitting ducks. You losers. Okay, here. Should we start that again…

Laura: Yes, just do it again.

Andrew: …and then Eric can bring up his three million points?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Okay.

[Long pause]

Andrew: How did I intro Luna? I forget now.


Andrew: And then the other people who were cast were [mispronounces] “Natalee-a Teena”… [laughs]

[Micah, Andrew, and Laura laugh]

Eric: [pronounces correctly] “Natalia.”

Andrew: [pronounces correctly] “Natalia.”

Eric: Natal… [pronounces incorrectly] “Natalee-a.”

Andrew: Natal… how do you say it? [laughs]

Laura: Natalia.

Andrew: Natalia?

Laura: Not [pronounces it the incorrect way] “Natalee-a.”

Eric: It’s [pronounces it incorrectly] “Natalee-a.”

[Micah laughs]

Eric: No, it really is.

Laura: Natalia? [laughs]

Eric: I know her personally. It’s [pronounces it incorrectly] “Natalee-a.” Like Andrew said it was.

Andrew: Natalia [pronounces incorrectly] “Teena”? [pronounces correctly] Tena?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Oh, forget it!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Natalia! Natalia! Haven’t you ever seen Golden Eye?

Andrew: No! Natalia Tena?

Micah: Who does she play in Golden Eye?

Andrew: Who cares, that’s the question.

Eric: No, Natalia was the name… [laughs]

Micah: Oh.

Eric: Natalia was the Bond girl in Golden Eye.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Anyway, I’m sorry.

Andrew: Uhhh… [laughs]


Eric: That wasn’t an attack on Ben, by the way. I felt bad, but I have no problem with Ben editing the show.

Andrew: Awww, I can’t believe I lost this.

Eric: As I had mentioned earlier, I think the problem with last week’s show was content – actually what we did talk about or didn’t talk about, rather than the quality of the show. So forgive me, Ben. Because he’s going to listen and be like, “Oh! That hurt, Eric.”

Andrew: He’s not going to listen. I’m not putting this part in. Just tell him over AIM.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Seriously.

Laura: Who’s editing this week?

Andrew: Me.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: Thank god.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: You guys! I’m like, “I’m sorry Ben!”, and you’re all like, “THANK GOD!”


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #25

MuggleCast EP25 Transcript


Ben [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 25 for January 29th, 2006. This week’s show is sponsored in part by, your No. 1 source for all of your Internet needs. has domain names, transfers, and renewals for as low as $1.99. Plus, check out their hosting plans, website builders, secure certificates and much more! Plus as a MuggleCast listener, enter the code MUGGLE, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E, when you check out and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Also this week, we’re very happy to introduce our first-ever MuggleCast T-shirts. Be the person people notice – in a good way – walking down the street, by supporting the show. Our T-shirts come in two different styles and three clothing types – regular T-shirts, long-sleeved, and women’s fitted. Just go to and click on “Store” at the top to order. And with that, let’s start the show.

John: Hey everybody, and welcome to another episode of MuggleCast. I’m your favorite MuggleNetter, MuggleNet Greg, bringing it to you this week.

[Everyone acts puzzled]

Andrew: Ummm, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: Ummm, I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I once was a man named Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Laura: Ummm.

Andrew: Ummm.

Ben: MuggleNet Greg?

Andrew: Hold on.

John: Muggle… Yeah.

Andrew: MuggleNet Greg? Yeah. Hey!

John: Did I miss my cue here, boys? I apologize.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: No, no. You did fine. Just…did anyone invite you this week? Or… This is sort of…

John: I did get that postcard in the mail the other day.

Andrew: Oh…oh, right. Right.

Eric: He’s MuggleNet Greg. He doesn’t need an invitation.

Andrew: Right. That’s cool.

John: Is there…

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: He doesn’t need an invitation.

John: Ummm.

Andrew: Alright. Well, if you want to host, just…

Ben: But dude, hold on.

Andrew: …go ahead.

Ben: Hold on. MuggleNet Greg…

John: Alright.

Ben: Wait a second.

John: What?

Ben: MuggleNet Greg sounds an awful lot like someone else.

John: No, surely you must be mistaken. There’s only one MuggleNet Greg.

Andrew: No, he sounds like MuggleNet Greg.

John: There’s only one MuggleNet Greg.

Andrew: I’ve heard…I’ve heard MuggleNet Greg on PotterCast. I know he’s for real.

Ben: But who is that guy from The Leaky Cauldron, from PotterCast. What’s his name?

Andrew: Kim Blaire?

Ben: No, no, no.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: His other name.

John: They have a podcast. When did they have one?

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: I know. It’s total crap.

Andrew: iMuggle? [laughs, then yells] I’M CONFUSED! THERE’S TOO MANY MUGGLES!

Ben: Well, there is only one good one.

John: Yes.

[Laura and John laugh]

Ben: Okay, the jig is up. Guys, the jig is up.

John: The jig’s up.

Ben: Joining us this week is PotterCast’s John Noe.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Oh my, you just spilled the beans.

Ben: He’s now MuggleCast Pyromaniac – that’s his nickname.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: For those of you who don’t know, John almost burned down his dorm last week.

[Everyone laughs]

John: No, that’s probably getting a little over-exaggerated there.

Ben: Oh whatever, dude. The fire department had to come and his windows were bursting out, and flames were everywhere.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Only three kids jumped from the balcony.

[Everyone laughs]

John: But, that was not my fault. They over-reacted. They would have jumped anyway.

Ben: Okay guys, enough chitchat. Let’s go to Micah for the News.


Micah: Thanks, Ben.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has now climbed to No. 9 on the list of the highest-grossing films of all time, one place behind Chamber of Secrets. The fourth movie has accumulated more than $286m domestically and over $589 million overseas, bringing its international total to $874.9 million, roughly $2 million behind the second Harry Potter film.

Each year, NBC’s morning news show asks special guests to sign a coffee table book to sell for charity. The 2005 book includes signatures from Dan Radcliffe and Emma Watson and is currently up for auction on eBay. All proceeds will go the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA).

Jo Rowling attended a press conference in the Romanian government’s Victoria palace in Bucharest this past week. At the press conference in Bucharest, Jo spoke about her concerns for the mental and physical well-being of children in Eastern European orphanages. She said, “There is now widespread agreement among child health experts that irreparable long-term damage is caused to young children who are institutionalized without a parent.”

Yahoo! News reported that during the charity dinner in Bucharest, the Harry Potter author raised a €170,000 by auctioning off six signed Harry Potter books and purchasing a famous Brazilian footballer’s shirt. A number of photos from the event can be seen through various sources over on

Voting for the 2006 AOL Moviefone Moviegoer Awards is now open. Nominations are in the areas of Movie of the Year (Goblet of Fire), Actor of the Year (Dan Radcliffe), Actress of the Year (Emma Watson), Best Scene-Stealer (Brendan Gleeson), and Vilest Villain (Ralph Fiennes).

Warner Bros. has announced that the Goblet of Fire DVD will be released on March 20th in Britain. Here in the U.S., it will hit shelves on March 7th.

Earlier this week it was confirmed that Katie Leung, the actress who portrays Cho Chang will be back for Order of the Phoenix.

In book news, the Polish translation of Half-Blood Prince was released to eager fans in a thousand bookstores across the country yesterday at midnight on January 29th.

Yesterday’s Daily Telegraph has a early preview of what we will be seeing at this year’s Book Aid International Auction, benefiting the poorest countries in the world. JK Rowling is one of the authors who are participating in the donation of a special item related to their books. Her item is a handwritten version of the Black Family Tree. The auction will be held in London on February 21st.

Finally, be sure to head over to as the Harry Potter author has updated both her Diary and News sections this past week.

That’s all the news for this January 29th, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Ben: Thanks, Micah.


Ben: Now, let’s go to the Announcements. This week we have tons of announcements, right, Andrew? Maybe two.

Eric: Yeah, all three of them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Do you want to do one, Andrew? Do you want to do an announcement?

John: I want Eric to do one. I want Eric to do one.

Andrew: MuggleNet Greg, hold up for a second. First of all guys, I have a bone to pick with you.

John: MuggleNet Greg says…

Andrew: What’s going on? Joe Vitale beating us on Podcast Alley. What is up with this? I mean it’s… [laughs] Who is this?

John: I happen to like Joe Vitale. He’s this guy who commentates on sports, on college basketball.

Ben: No, no, that’s Dick Vitale.

Micah: Yeah.

Ben: That’s Dick Vitale.

John: No.

Ben: He’s like, “I smell upset city, BABY!”

John: Yeah. [laughs] That guy.

Ben: “Yeah!”

John: Isn’t that that guy?

Andrew: This is Joe.

Ben: No.

John: Oh, son of a gun.

Ben: But the point is, the point is…

John: It’s his brother Joe.

Ben: ..we’re sucking it up on Podcast Alley and we need your help.

Andrew: We haven’t asked in a few weeks.

Ben: Go out and vote for MuggleCast on

John: Yeah.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

John: And if you forget how to spell MuggleCast, you can probably type in PotterCast. You know, it’s the same thing – Harry Potter.

Andrew: Oh, I knew this would happen. Lots of shameless plugs.

[Laura laughs]

John: It’s all good.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah.

John: Shameless nothing.

Ben: [Laughs] Yeah. Hey Eric, Eric, Eric, did you have something to say – an announcement of some sort?

Andrew: [Whispers]: Just don’t talk.

Eric: Andrew can do it if he wants to.

Andrew: As we mentioned last week, don’t forget, we have our MuggleCast Remix, which is basically a look back at all the past episodes – from Episodes 1 to 23, I believe it is.

John: Woo-hoo! Golly!

Andrew: Yeah, aren’t you impressed? [laughs]

Eric: Cool beans.

John: Oh, funny.

Eric: You should check it out, though.

Andrew: Yeah. It was headed by Eric Scull.

Eric: Hooray.

Andrew: You put in all the hours in on it and we recommend everyone check it out. It’s long, it’s not just, you know, your average everyday remix. It’s a MuggleCast remix. We don’t mess around.

Eric: That’s right. That’s right. [starts humming]

Andrew: So, check that out on the MuggleCast site at [Says something that can’t be understood] Oh, I screwed it up!

[Eric says something weird]

Andrew: Over to you Ben.

Main Discussion – Ronald Weasley

Ben: Over to me. Oh geez, what’s going on this week, Andrew? Oh yeah, at the end of each show I always comes up with some random character and we end up discussing them. This week, it is Ron.

Andrew: Oooh.

Ben: So, it’s time to go on to our Main Discussion of the week. Oooh. Throw the confetti everywhere. Yay! Main Discussion time.

[Laura laughs]

Ben: Andrew, do you have, what’s that one site? HP-Lexicon? Do you have that up?

Andrew: Oh, you mean…part of the Floo Network, which is also in affiliation with The Leaky Cauldron.

John: Oh, I’ve heard very good things.

Eric: Okay, stop plugging. Honestly.

John: Well, we’re not called that anymore.

Andrew: What?

John: We changed the name.

Andrew: What do you call it?

John: Yeah.

Eric: It’s

John: It is Leaky News,

Andrew: Oh, right. I thought you were talking about the network got changed. But anyway… [coughs]

John: Noooo. [laughs]

Andrew: He was born March 01, 1980. He’s a pureblood…

John: Ohhh.

Andrew: …with five brothers and one sister, blue eyes, and green hair? Oh no, red hair.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And in the book he’s described as a tall, red-hair, and gangly…gangling…gangling…

Ben: Gangling…with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.

Andrew: What on Earth? [laughs] I’m sorry, but that’s kind of raunch.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: His Patronus is a Jack Russell Terrier. His Boggart is a spider.

John: “Boe-gart.”

Ben: And in the future…whatever it is. And in the future he wants to pursue a career as an Auror.

Time stamping The Series

Eric: I wanted to start off this week, since it’s Ron, and since I’m back, and I’m happy to be back and all that crap. I mean, all that stuff. I wanted to start off by saying I noticed…

Ben: Steal the show?

Eric: …when you were going to the Lexicon stuff, you said Ron’s birthday was the first of March, 1980. Now, I for one, don’t agree or never really have agreed with labeling dates.

Ben: Put a timestamp on the series?

Eric: Putting a timestamp on the series. Right. This whole 1980 thing, and I realize, you know, the main reason is the 500 years since Nick died, and you know, 1492, and that kind of stuff, but I really don’t think there is substantial evidence. And I think in the first few books, there had been people who had proved that she was purposefully trying to make the series unplottable. So, do you guys agree with this whole timestamp thing: from 1955 to 1970, the Marauders went to school, and…

Andrew: Yeah, it makes it feel old.

Ben: I don’t like it.

Eric: Yeah, I really don’t like it either.

Ben: Personally, I think it takes away from the timelessness of the series.

Andrew: Right. That was so ‘99.

Eric: Not only that…

Ben: Yeah, whenever, whenever you read it, you want to make it feel like it’s happening right now. Not that, “Oh yeah, this was 1983,” this is happening.

[Eric laughs]

John: I don’t think Jo’s too up into that.

[Andrew starts singing “I Want To Party Like It’s 1999”]

Eric: Yeah, Jo hasn‘t really, like she hasn’t come out said…she hasn’t confirmed it. I mean, has she?

John: I think she’s on the fence because she doesn’t really give recent dates, but then she puts in stuff like, “Yeah, you know, Dudley got a PlayStation for Christmas.”

Eric: Well, right.

Laura: Yeah.

John: That’s going to be irrelevant in twenty years, ten years even.

Eric: Well that’s…

John: Playstation what? PlayStation 5? It doesn’t say.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But isn’t there a timeline on one of the Harry Potter DVDs?

John: Yeah.

Eric: I think so.

John: There’s going to be one on the new one too.

Eric: But it’s a question about…

Andrew: Yeah, so, what’s going on there? Who proved all that? That’s always been a big question, hasn’t it?

Eric: Yeah, I think it’s a matter of…

John: I think they can for the third one or the second one, that Jo helped them out with that thing. The timeline.

Eric: I think JK is starting to give in.

Andrew: I guess, just basically what we’re trying to say is that even if Jo confirms it, we still see it as a little strange to date the book. Because that’s basically what it is.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And that’s like saying, you know…

Andrew: I agree with Ben that it throws you off. You don’t, it doesn’t feel…well it doesn’t completely ruin it, but you don’t get that current feeling.

Ben: It’s not as timeless, yeah. You don’t feel…like when I’m reading the books, I want to feel like it’s happening right now, that I’m with Harry, that type of thing. Where, when Harry’s fifteen… For example when the last couple books have came out, I was the same age as Harry.

Laura: Mhm, same.

Ben: I don’t know, it just felt like…

John: Awww.

Ben: I want to think that it’s happening right now, rather then “Oh yeah, this was ‘X’ number of years ago.”

Laura: Oh yeah, I completely agree with that. I mean it’s that whole feeling of growing up with the series and being the same age as Harry when you read the books. I’ve never really thought too much about the timeline on it. I’m pretty indifferent to it because when I read the books, it’s about reading the books. I don’t really care what timeframe it’s happening in.

Eric: And I think with…

John: Yeah.

Ben: Because since the books are still being released, I think that takes away from…that adds to the timelessness of it too because right now, since we don‘t know what’s happened even though theoretically in the series, it may be in the past, we still feel that it’s still in the future for us. If you get what I’m saying. If you catch my drift.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah, and you can’t say that JKR didn’t use current events to influence what she writes.

John: Yeah. So like, your timeline and all this stuff has actually already happened years ago, that sort of thing.

Andrew: Yep. So back to Ron.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: That was very impromptu. That wasn’t on the schedule, Eric!

Eric: Oh, I’m sorry.

Andrew: You’re killing me.

Eric: Sorry.

Andrew: Prove the world wrong. We do plan our shows out, we do!

John: It’s actually brilliant.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Ben: Okay, guys, something everyone’s dying to know.

Andrew: Yeah, right.

John: It’s even color-coded. With little clip arts.

Ben: Hey Andrew, Andrew, stop taking away from the show.

Eric: Color-coded black and white.

Would Harry Have Befriended Draco?

Ben: What do you guys think? Did Ron prevent Harry from going to the dark side by becoming friends with him instead of Harry becoming friends with Draco? Basically, if Harry had not have met, yeah, if Harry wouldn’t have met Ron…

Micah: No.

Ben: …on the train, do you think things would be a different story?

Eric: No.

John: No.

Laura: Nope.

Eric: Micah?

Micah: What?

Andrew: Well, he…

Laura: Well, obviously he wouldn’t have Ron, but he wouldn’t have gone to the dark side.

Ben: Doesn’t Harry find strength in his friends, though?

Andrew: And Harry was…

Laura: Yeah, to a degree but…

Andrew: Harry didn’t know… Oh, how do you put this?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Harry wasn’t sure…[laughs] Okay, if he had become friends with Draco, he would have, he would have…Was it possible for him to get into Slytherin?

Micah: Sure.

Andrew: Okay, so it would have been a completely different ballgame.

Laura: Not necessarily. No, no, because it’s been…a theme that has been presented throughout the all books is that our choices define who we are.

Eric: But you know what, Laura…actually…

Laura: Harry didn’t like Draco, from the moment he met him in Madam Malkins…

Eric: Wait, that’s true but… Wait! Laura, Laura, Laura…

Laura: Harry chose not to be put in Slytherin. I don’t think Harry would allow himself to go over to the dark side.

Eric: Wait, if it weren’t for Ron, he wouldn’t actually know that all the dark wizards were in Slytherin. He might not actually be opposed to Slytherin because he wouldn’t have found out beforehand, before the sorting ceremony, that Slytherin was bad.

John: Hmmm.

Laura: That doesn’t mean he’d be a dark wizard though.

Eric: No I mean, I agree completely and wholeheartedly that he’d be good guy no matter what. But as far as being put in Slytherin because, he might have actually been because if you think about it… I’m just trying to bring more validity to this question because we’ve already talked about how, you know, Harry’s…

John: Well, this question is also saying about…it’s putting it in the context of Ron becoming friends with Harry at the beginning, but I think also we have to remember and at least I hope this actually happened in the book and not just in the movie, [laughs] I haven’t read the first book in a while. Draco making fun of Ron at the beginning.

Eric: Yeah.

John: And just Draco demonstrating the kind of personality he is.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

John: And I think that initial introduction to Draco like that there…I mean, I know they met at Diagon Alley, or wherever the hell they were trying on clothes, but I think that that’s also one the purposes for the character of Dudley is to parallel these two people in Harry’s mind and that Draco reminded him of Dudley immediately made it clear to Harry this is not someone he wanted to be friends with.

Eric: Oh, and you know what?

John: I think, regardless of whether or not he met Ron he would have known that he wouldn’t like Draco and…

Eric: And that…that was a…

John: While he could have ended up in Slytherin, that really…

Eric: Yeah.

John: I don’t think that would have guaranteed any other choices.

Eric: I like that parallel, MuggleNet Greg.

Laura: Mhm. Yeah, me too.

Micah: Yeah, I completely agree with that. The way he was brought up, I think that he never would befriended Draco to begin with.

Eric: Yeah, he got hand me down clothes just like Rupert did…I mean…sorry…Ron.

John: Exactly.

Eric: Yeah, growing up with Dudley and stuff. So, that was very nice, MuggleNet Greg!

[Andrew laughs]

John: Yeah, MuggleNet Greg is good for one of those every once and a while. Now, I’ll mute for 30 minutes until I think of something else.

Eric: Don’t go mute! Don’t go mute.


Ben: [Laughs] What about Ron’s Quidditch skills? He kind of guided the team in Book 5 to the Quidditch…to the House Cup…to the Quidditch House Cup…whatever you want to call it. The Quidditch Cup I guess. [Laughs] What do you guys think about his Quidditch skills?

Eric: I think it was very cool how Ron was characterized as being the kind of person who, if he lets his emotions get in the way of his Quidditch playing, you know, he can’t do it…he can’t do a thing…and he lets himself get defeated by his own, you know, confidence. But, if he has confidence, he can do anything. I really like…I think that fit with Ron in, you know, the rest of the world, not just Quidditch.

Ben: Anyone else have anything to say?

Laura: Yeah, you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. So…

John: I think the lessons he’s learning from that about confidence when he’s playing Quidditch is probably going to help him if there is any kind of war scenario in this last book where he’s going to be doing fighting and stuff.

Andrew: Now, when he looked into the Mirror of Erised, was he Captain of the Quidditch team or was he on it?

Eric: That’s the question…

Ben: He was Captain.

Laura: Yeah, he was Captain and he was Head boy and all this other stuff.

Eric: But all this stuff, he actually…you know that’s coming true or something, isn’t it?

Andrew: What’s coming true?

Eric: Isn’t it starting to come…a lot of what he saw in the mirror?

Laura: Well, sort of. He got on the Quidditch team and he became a prefect.

Eric: He’s Head Boy…no he’s not Head boy…he’s a prefect.

John: And didn’t, wasn’t Hermione in the mirror too, with her hands in his pocket, I thought?

Andrew: [Laughs] What?

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: [Laughs] No.

[Everyone is still laughing]

Eric: MuggleNet Greg! That’s dirty!

John: [Laughs] I thought…

Andrew: Report him.

Ben: John doesn’t know that he comes from PotterCast.

Andrew: PotterCast!

Ben: Actually, I’m going to call up iTunes. Call up Jobs and make sure he removes your “Clean” rating from your Podcast.

John: Hey, you know the day they stick us with an “Explicit” tag, is the day our ratings triple.

Eric: That’s true.

John: “PotterCast: Unrated.”

Andrew: Well, I think he’s already…

Harry’s Stupid Little Friend

Ben: Yeah. [laughs] What do you guys think about Ron always being overshadowed by Harry? Everyone’s always viewed him as “Harry’s stupid little friend.” He’s never really made a name for himself, if you guys understand what I’m saying. Do you think Ron will be able to step out from under Harry’s shadow?

John: That’s…

Ben: Because we’ve seen the jealousy towards Harry because, Harry got to be a Triwizard Champion and all of those things.

Laura: I think Ron’s matured beyond that, though.

Eric: Yeah, I think they do view him as a separate person, though. I mean, they realize he’s Harry Potter’s friend and that’s all cool. But, I think, in the later years there are more and more moments where he gains more respect, you know, separately as far as…you know in the fifth book and all those Quidditch triumphs and “Weasley is Our King” and stuff. Those are things that happened to him without Harry.

Laura: Well, Lavender is a perfect example of the fact that people are starting to see him as his own person.

Eric: I really like that, that’s…yeah. So, even though it may have seemed like that at first, the older they grow together, they know more and more about their fellow Gryffindors, you know? They know them more as individual people. The thing about what’s going on with Voldemort is that many things happen to each individual’s family that it really separates them apart. So, you know, when Mr. Weasley got attacked, you know, everybody could see that happened to Ron, and even though, Harry had a lot to do with it. I think that they were separate. Like, Seamus and his mom…basically all the Gryffindors are individually characterized more and more throughout the books. Some people are their own individual people, just generally.

Laura: Uh-huh.

John: Yeah. Well the only real worry about looking at Ron as Harry’s “stupid little friend” is what happened to the characterization of Ron in the movies. That’s where you want to see Harry’s little stupid little friend.

Eric: Yeah.

John: …and watch, you know, number three.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: But, Laura’s right, he’s sort of matured out of that, and I think it shows by him becoming a part of the Quidditch team that he’s becoming…

John: Oh yeah, totally.

Andrew: …his own person and building his own reputation.

John: In the books, that’s never supposed to be. I mean, that may be his poor self-image of himself, but he’s supposed to have a lot of positive traits in the books.

Eric: Yeah.

John: They just missed those chapters when they were writing the script.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: [Imitates Ron in a high pitched voice] “My wand, look at my wand!”

John: …up late reading, yeah…

Andrew: Steve Kloves was lazy…oops! Skipped six chapters.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Yeah, that was Columbus…all, like at the press conference, “Yeah, we were going to do the Death Day Party, but…next question, please.”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Steve was like, what? When did that happen? What? You didn’t see Steve Jobs sneaking out the other side of the limo, you know, during that interview?

Andrew: How does Steve Jobs always make his way into our conversations?

Eric: Not Steve Jobs, I meant Steve Kloves, sorry. I’m sorry, Steve Kloves. Kloves.

John: [Laughs] You have a crush on Steve “Jobes”!

Ben: “Jobes”?

Eric: I don’t even know what he looks like, actually. I’ve never even seen a picture of him.

Ron and Hermione

Ben: Well, guys, speaking of romance, what about Ron in Book 6? He’s sort of started to lay the mack down on Hermione.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I think he’s desperate at this point…he’s desperate at this point.

Ben: Do you think they are a match or not?

Eric: I don’t think Ron is boyfriend material in certain ways. He is for Hermione and I think that’s why…I mean, I think if it’s Hermione…

Laura: In five years, Eric! [laughs]

Eric: What?

Laura: No, as of right now, Ron… Okay, if I were Hermione, he would drive me up a tree. He would absolutely drive me insane. I would want to strangle him. And I think that Book 6 completely brought that across.

Eric: No, no, no, that’s if you were Laura.

Laura: No!

Eric: If you were Hermione…

[John laughs]

Eric: No, Hermione loves him, she’s…

Laura: I’m sure she does, but she also set off a flock of birds after him. [laughs] I mean, he clearly ticked her off.

Eric: Well he…she has feelings for him and I think if you were Hermione, you would have the same feelings, but if you were Laura, you’d strangle him, and, you know, rightfully so. But, you know…

Laura: I would strangle him regardless, because he’s an idiot sometimes.

John: Are you a man-hater, Laura?

Laura: No!

Eric: You’re a Ron-hater!

Laura: If I were a man-hater, how could I do this show every week? Come on. [laughs]

Eric: You do hate us! You threaten us…

John: That’s a very good point.

Andrew: [laughs] Good point.

Eric: …Andrew has to edit out the death threats. I helped him edit one day and counted all the death threats we get.

Laura: That’s right. Mhm.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

John: Oh, Laura.

Eric: Yeah, people…

Andrew: Let’s pause now for editing.

John: To tease Laura.

Andrew: We’re back!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: That’s great.

Ben: Awww, geez. Okay.

Eric: Micah, Micah, what do you think about Ron and his…

John: What are we talking about?

Eric: What do you think about Ron and his…

Andrew: Uh, Micah dropped out. Micah dropped out.

Eric: Micah dropped out?

John: What?

Andrew: Micah dropped out and then he went offline. I don’t…he’s…I guess his internet is sucking. His modem fried and then now he’s on wireless, so I think he has a problem.

[Andrew and John laugh]

Eric: So, let’s talk about this a little bit more. Ron: boyfriend material? MuggleNet Greg, what do you think?

John: Let’s think here. MuggleNet Greg thinks that Ron had to go through the trial that was Lavender before he can have a relationship with Hermione.

Laura: Yeah. Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah, I agree.

John: I forget where I discussed this with, and who it was, but I think after Ron’s bouts of jealousy with Hermione and Krum, I guess he probably had to figure out what exactly it was that he wanted…

Eric: You know, that’s…

John: …if he wanted a girlfriend. Why did he want a girlfriend? Did he want it just so he had somebody to make out with in the common room in front of everybody?

Ben: Of course. Social acceptance.

John: Or, for the other good things, you know?

Eric: You know what? That happened to everybody.

Ben: Dude, hang on a sec, there are other things?

John: [laughs] Well, one day, Ben, you’ll meet that right, lucky girl.

[Everyone laughs]

John: Who you will have a connection with.

Andrew: Ben, now, this is called a…

Ben: What?

Andrew: No, but I think Lavender was sort of like a test monkey…

Eric: Test monkey.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: No, she was prepping the oven, man, prepping the oven.

Laura: It’s really sad to say, but she was. [laughs]

Ben: Oh, it’s just terrible to say. It just breaks my heart to say it. It’s really sad.

Andrew: Shut up. Ben, you’re so negative.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: Yeah, I think…

Andrew: Um… [pauses]

Eric: Yeah, continue. No, no, Andrew, please.

Andrew: Go ahead, Eric. Go ahead, Eric.

Eric: No, Andrew. Really.

Andrew: No, no, okay, fine.

Eric: No, Andrew. Go.

Andrew: Okay, if you insist.

Eric: Alright. Andrew, everybody!

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, so I think Lavender was just basically a test dummy for Ron. His first [laughs] relationship couldn’t have been with Hermione. I don’t think it would have worked.

Eric: Well, she would have to…

John: It certainly wouldn’t have been…

Andrew: Natural?

John: It certainly wouldn’t have been the same kind of “make out with you in front of your little sister” kind of junk, like with Lavender. You would have never had that with Hermione. I think by the time he was done with Lavender, he figured out…

Laura: No!

John: …that’s not really the kind of girl I like.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, Greg.

John: Yeah.

Laura: No, because Hermione expects more out of him. She expects him to be more mature and she expects a more mature relationship out of him. No one can go into that when they are sixteen.

John: Mhm.

Andrew: Yeah, and also, if you think about it, they’ve been friends for such a long time. I think it would be awkward at this point to have a relationship.

Eric: Well, at a previous point. I think it really brought out…See the thing with relationships, I think, in the books is that all of them…in fact, now that we’re mentioning this, all of them really taught the characters, like everybody, each one of the trio had a somewhat bad or different first relationship that didn’t last. Like, you know, Ron’s with Lavender taught him that he should, you know that snogging wasn’t everything. Hermione’s with Krum taught her that, maybe she doesn’t need to look for a star Quidditch player, you know? And maybe she doesn’t need to look for the sports guy who really isn’t particularly loquacious, or whatever the term was, you know? So, each one of their first relationships kind of taught them something about their future relationships and stuff.

John: I think that’s absolutely not the reason why she started being interested in Krum. I mean…

Ben: I completely agree. I think it’s that Krum…

John: …the Krum relationship was just…here’s this strange new guy coming…here’s this strange guy that’s, you know, paying attention to Hermione and she’s like, “What’s this all about? Some dude’s paying attention to me and he’s an older guy?”

Ben: Yeah, he’s the first guy that actually give her the time of day.

Laura: Yeah.

John: Yeah. Nothing to do with him being a sports star or anything. She’s not impressed by that stuff.

Eric: Well no, I thought that was her…

Ben: So, in other words, Eric, Eric, get off my show.

Laura: Well, she made it pretty clear in the book, you know, basically Krum noticed that she was a girl and Ron didn’t.

John: Yeah. Krum knew what was there. Did you see his face in that movie? She comes down the stairs and you see that little wink, that little nod of the head.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Well, I just thought…

John: He’s like “Yeah, boy!”

Ben: Oh yeah.

Eric: Book 4 was all about Hermione actually being more of a girl than she was before too, you know, with Krum and things. I don’t know. You’re right.

Ron’s Role in Book 7

Ben: How do you guys think Ron is going to do in Harry Potter 7? What’s his role going to be?

John: He’s going to die.

Andrew: You really think so? Or are you just being funny?

John: Actually, you know, yes and no. I…if it were a different kind of story, he probably would die. I don’t think she’s going kill him off.

Eric: Why do people have to die?

Laura: I think it’s possible.

Ben: Oh, it’s really possible?

Eric: Why do, you know, why does JKR have to kill these people off, you know? I’m really tired of this, you know?

Andrew: To make it an interesting plot.

Eric: No, it’s not an interesting plot, it’s a sucky plot. Every…

Micah: Dumbledore’s not dead anyway, we all know that.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Uh…no.

Ben: Okay, stop. Micah Tan, get off the crack.

Andrew: Don’t say “Micah Tan,” that’s my name for him.

John: Micah Tan? Are you tan, Micah?

Andrew: No. [Laughs]

Eric: All these hero stories are like, “everybody has to die” for the hero to appreciate life. Why can’t the hero just, you know…Why do they have to die to prove anything? What does that prove besides that drama happens in real life? You know, this is a fantasy story I don’t think she has to…

Ben: Actually, I heard Jo wrote it in there to make you mad, Eric.

Eric: I think…

Andrew: She wrote it in there so the kids…

John: [In a funny voice] I’ll get that Scull!

Eric: You know, I understand life has to be unfair and, you know, she should represent that if she is doing a book about anything, but at the same time, everybody’s like, “Who’s going die in the next book?” and “There’s going be more deaths.” But, what’s the point? Why do they really have to die? Honestly, couldn’t, you know?

Andrew: To make us cry.

John: I don’t like it becoming a gimmick.

Ben: It makes the book interesting.

Eric: I think it makes…

John: I think it’s…

Laura: Because it would be boring if people didn’t die.

Eric: But does everybody have to die? Does Ron have to die? Does Harry, you know? Everybody’s like…

Laura: No, not everyone has to die.

Andrew: We never said everyone.

John: Harry absolutely won’t die.

Laura: No.

John: There’s not a chance in hell that Harry will die.

Eric: But JKR is…

John: I can’t believe anybody is even entertaining the idea.

Eric: JKR is all like, you know, “More lives will have to be taken.” And, I’m thinking…

John: Well, that’s because they’re having an all-out war. That’s what happens.

Eric: I’m aware of that, and that’s fine. But, I mean, as far as main characters, why does she feel so compelled to keep killing people? Why is she so compelled to, you know, keep the death count up? You know? I mean I realize it has to happen in war.

Ben: But, the point is, she has to do it to keep the books interesting, as part of the series. Death is a part of real life, the series are life, and she’s trying to make it like real life, as analogous as possible. So, it’s just too bad – people die.

Eric: Then why don’t we have a drug addict in the books?

Ben: I’m sorry. Harry’s life’s rough.

Laura: Wait, Ben. Ben, I thought in real life, people didn’t run around with wands.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Thank you, Laura.

John: [Laughs] I wish.

Ben: Well, that’s true.

Eric: Laura is my homegirl.

Ben: I’m trying…no, you stole that from me from last week. Last week I said that. But, what I’m saying is that…

Eric: Laura is my homegirl.

Laura: No, really?

Ben: I’m saying that the setting that she’s trying to create. Like the concept of family and the concept of love…

Eric: Yeah, but not everybody’s family has to die for them to be heroes.

Ben: …concept of death…hate.

Eric: Not everybody’s family has to get blown to smithereens for them to…

Laura: No, not everyone’s family is dying.

Ben: We’re all going to die anyways. Eric, we’re all going to die anyways, dude.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Ben’s going die alone.

Ben: Why did, whoever…I am!

[Laura laughs]

Ben: I am going to die alone with my MuggleCast headset and my freakin’ Yellowcard CD. Yellowcard Lights and Sounds – in stores now. Go buy it.

[Everyone groans and laughs]

Eric: Okay, more on topic. What do we got?

Ben: Now, shifting roles…

Micah: But you guys…

John: I’m really confused. And I was trying to pay attention.

Eric: Micah was saying something…

Andrew: Me too.

John: I’m so confused.

Andrew: Eric, you confused us all again.

Eric: I’m sorry.

Rupert As Ron

Ben: Shifting gears to the movies, what do you think about Rupert Grint as Ron? [Imitates Ron] “I can’t think. Your hand’s all sweaty!”

[John laughs]

Eric: I think in the case of Rupert, it’s just, I’ve heard that he’s a very nervous person to meet on the red carpet. He’s very, you know, like, almost unsure of his answer. Like he’ll answers questions and things, but he doesn’t really handle it particularly well. And I’m thinking, you know, I can kind of relate to that, because, Rupert was, he had no acting experience and he auditioned for the role of Ron through Lizo and Newsround and he got the role. So, he’s like the…to me, he’s the fan who got to be part of the series. And you know, he’s really just a human person. And I think he has the right to be…to have these little tendencies – to be a little afraid, or a little nervous and anxious and I think it shows through with him more than it does anyone else. I think it’s just nerves as far as…I think…yeah…a little less of a…

Laura: Yeah. I agree.

John: You really can’t blame him either.

Eric: You really can’t. And I think he does well in interviews and stuff. Just not…on the red carpet events – he might be a little bit more…less…yeah.

Ben: Timid.

Andrew: Did he talk at all on the red carpet? I know he was like the first one to show up. But…

Eric: Which shows that he likes it, you know? He just really doesn’t really know… I mean he still goes.

Ben: You were there. Wouldn’t you know?

Andrew: No. It was a long line of press. You couldn’t see everyone and where they stopped, but I don’t know. John, did you see him stop at all?

John: I mean, I don’t even think we even got to interview him, did we?

Andrew: No, that’s my point.

John: I don’t know.

Andrew: I mean we didn’t get to interview Emma either, but she stopped. We saw her stop.

John: It’s obviously exhausting and they’ve just done the premiere the week before. I don’t know. I can’t pretend to get into their heads about how they actually feel.

Andrew: Yeah.

John: But you look at Dan and it’s almost like you’re thinking, “Wow, this kid is, you know, putting on a show for us even when he’s not acting in his movies.”

Andrew: Yeah.

John: How can somebody be that outgoing…

Andrew: Yeah.

John: …and always excited and into it? But, I talked to Melissa, who’s met him obviously a lot more than I have, and she swears that’s just the kind of kid he is. I think some people just have that naturally and some people have to either work for it or just, it’s just a lot more difficult for them. And that’s probably why Rupert stands out because it’s such a contrast between him and Radcliffe.

Eric: Him and Dan.

Andrew: Emma, too.

John: Yeah. Right.

Andrew: Although Emma’s more in-between Dan and Rupert. But this is not RedCast, this is MuggleCast.

[John laughs]

Eric: Yeah, yeah, right. No. Yeah, one final thing, just talking about Dan Radcliffe and the things he does because he’s “that kind of person” in contrast to Rupert. Did you guys see what he did for UTube? UTube, he was like…

Andrew:, you’re talking about?

Eric: I’m actually plugging another site, yes.

Andrew: Yeah, what about it?

Eric: It’s Dan Radcliffe on a show called This Way Up, I think it is. And, it turns out he’s like…they joke about…it’s this show and they joke about…it’s this skit. And he actually has a side job as a police officer who loves the attention, and so he writes. It’s great stuff.

Ben: Yeah, I’ve seen that.

Eric: So, please, I just wanted to mention that. It’s like the funniest thing I’ve seen him do.

John: Oh.

Eric: But, I’m sorry, you know, this is like the fifth time I’ve taken the show off topic. Please by all means, back to Ron.

Ben: Yeah, okay well we’re quite a ways in now, so I think it’s time we moved on. Hey, yeah we definitely did.

Andrew: Did we cover him enough?

Ben: We’re forty minutes in. It’s time.

Andrew: Well, we were answering…

Ben: Yeah, wait a sec. Hold on a sec.

John: I thought we had a few more…about Ron…

[Everyone groans]

Eric: We had a little about him growing up as a Weasley…

Ben: Hey, John, John…

John: Are we running long?

Ben: Nah, let’s…we need to move on. We’re forty minutes in. Well, hold on, John, you think we should do voicemails now?

John: [Imitates Andrew] Yeah, yeah!

Andrew: [laughs] Shut up!

Ben: Well no, hold on. Andrew, hold on. John, are you sure?

John: [Imitates Andrew again] Ummm…Yeah, yeah alright! Yeah! Yeah! Let’s do voicemails.

Ben: Okay, I think that’s been settled.

John: [Still imitating] Yeah!

Ben: Well, that settles it, we’re doing the voicemails.

Eric: We never get tired of it.

Voicemails – Ron’s Skills

Andrew: Well, okay. Let’s do the voicemails.

Ben: We’re Steckless this week.

Eric: Steckless!

Ben: We’re Steckless this week again.

Eric: Actually…

John: How about we read the voicemails backwards in his honor?

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Backwards compatible.

Eric: Actually, I have something to report. Kevin Steck is, apparently, knee-deep in differential equations and digital logic homework right now.

Andrew: In other words, he’s a dork.

John: Oh my gosh!

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: First voicemail.

John: In other words, he’s smarter than all of us.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: And he’s paying for it with his time.

Ben: Okay.

John: Yeah.

Ben: Roll the first voicemail.

[Audio]: Hi. This is Amy from Los Angeles and I really do enjoy your podcast. Since Ron is the topic this week, I wanted to ask you guys about, basically, his skills. It was pointed out over and over again that Ron is really good at chess, and although his magical abilities may not be as brilliant as others, do you think that Ron’s talent for strategy will play an important part in the seventh book and the final confrontation with Lord Voldemort? That’s it, thanks! Bye.

Andrew: Yes, absolutely, because…

Ben: Why?

Andrew: Well, obviously he’s going to be helping Harry and that’s all there is to it. If Ron gets with Harry, he will… Okay we haven’t seen much from him since Sorcerer’s Stone with the strategy like we saw all the way through the whole chess game.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But, that could be a good point that it does foreshadow what Micah is about to explain.

Ben: Micah Tan?

Micah: Yeah. It’s a good follow-up question. Do you guys think that what happened in Sorcerer’s Stone foreshadows Ron’s fate?

John: I was totally just thinking that, Micah. That blows my mind that you just said that.

Micah: We’re on the same wavelength.

John: I know. We’re totally in tune.

Eric: What about him getting…him sacrificing himself?

John: Naw, we’re totally in tune. I think there’s a…

Laura: I think it’s entirely possible.

John: There’s a theory…I forget where it’s published…about the whole chess game theory. How pretty much every move in that chess game is supposed to mirror something that’s going to happen…

Andrew: Oh, brother.

John: …in the battle. Yeah, it’s true.

Andrew: Oh, brother.

John: Actually, I’m a firm believer that she uses chess games as a foreshadowing device on more than one occasion, including in Order of the Phoenix when they are in the Order and they are playing a chess game and Ron is yelling at the chess pieces. He says something like, you know, “Take him, he’s a pawn, kill him,” or something. And right at that moment, the next words printed on that page is Snape coming into the room, randomly to talk about something. I think that’s a major foreshadow that Snape’s getting the axe in the last book. And he’s going do it in a sacrificial way.

Eric: Well, as long as he was a pawn for Dumbledore and not Voldemort. But no, I think that’s a good question – what Micah brought it up too. Will he sacrifice himself? I think it’s possible. But, the thing is, is he in a position to sacrifice himself? I think if anybody sacrifices himself to save Harry and his cause, I think it will be Neville.

John: Mhm.

Eric: I think Neville holds more importance as the one who was almost the Chosen One and that, if anybody really sacrifices himself and was able to be, you know, important enough to stop Voldemort or whatever they have to do to let Harry through, I think Neville would have to sacrifice himself before anything Ron did.

Laura: Yeah, but I could see Ron taking a bullet for Harry.

Eric: I can.

John: Yeah.

Eric: No, as a friend, I think it’s in his character. I don’t know about the series, if that will do anything though…if that will allow…what exactly Ron will be able to do that would stop Voldemort from doing something to Harry?

John: I mean, it would be more of a simple action than a complicated action that would involve magical complexities. It would just be jumping in front of a spell. Or, it could be something like he captures Ron or somebody and he’s like, “Tell me where Harry is!” and be like, “No! I’m not going to tell you where Harry is!” Like that. And “I’m going to kill you now,” then he’s like “Fine, kill me!” And then he dies and then next chapter.

Eric: Yeah, that’s over-published in sci-fi hero stories too. But…

Laura: Mhm. It’s true. [laughs]

John: I know.

Eric: You know? His strategy has been missing in the past books. It really has like, he’s this big strategy guy and all this stuff Harry basically plans his own war and attacks and that’s because, you know, he doesn’t let people in, but now that, seeing as he might let people in, do you think Ron will be able to help strategy-wise?

Laura: I don’t think Jo would have given him the talent if it weren’t going to have, you know, some sort of place in the book.

Eric: I like that. Well, it got them fifty points for Gryffindor.

John: Do you think it will help him with the hunt for the Horcri?

Ben: Hunt for the Horcri?

Eric: Let’s just not, no! Ben, Ben, don’t feed him. Ben, just don’t.

John: Figure out where they are?

Ben: No, hold on. John, you just figured out the title for Book 7.

John: The Hunt for the Horcri You know, I want to go and buy that domain right now.

Ben: Harry Potter and the Hunt for the Horcri.

[Everyone laughs]

John: I’m going to go to GoDaddy and I’m going to buy “Hunt for the Horcri” and I’m not going to put in the MuggleCast code.

Andrew: Use the code “MUGGLE”: M-U-G-G-L-E and save an additional ten percent off any order.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Yeah.

John: I’m going to type it in wrong on purpose.

Andrew: Use the code “RON” and save five dollars off any additional order. We have a lot of codes, I’m not even joking.

Ben: Guys, we have…

Eric: Really?

Andrew: Yes.

Ben: Guys, we have a lot of voicemails to get to though. So, I hope that was sufficient enough an answer, but it’s time to move on to the next one.

Voicemail – Weasley Magic

[Audio]: Hi, MuggleCasters. This is Jill calling from the University of Arizona in Tucson, and I have a question about Ron, my favorite character. In general, you guys seem to give Ron and the Weasley family a hard time. Especially last week when you said that the Weasley family wasn’t very good at magic. I see the Weasley family as having proven themselves time and time again throughout the series, especially as members of the Order. What would each of you like to see from them, specifically Ron, in the final book? Thanks, I really love your show. Talk to you later.

Andrew: When I said last…

Eric: You dug yourself a hole.

Andrew: No, I didn’t.

Eric: Hole.

Ben: Stop.

Andrew: Shut up, I still stand by what I said about…

Eric: Watch him dig himself out.

Andrew: …the Weasleys’ not being good at magic, but clever magic so to speak. Yes, Mrs. Weasley is great at it. Just like all the little things around their house.

John: What do you mean?

Andrew: You won’t see those things around the wizarding world anywhere else. I’m not saying Mrs. Weasley invented it, but she’s clever in that she can come up with little things, like, you know, that clock is priceless. Everyone loves the clock. I don’t know, I just…

John: Yeah.

Laura: I don’t think the Weasleys are entirely bad at magic. It said in Chamber of Secrets that their house was…

Andrew: Clever magic, not defensive magic.

Laura: Held stable by it. If they were bad at it, their house would have collapsed.

Eric: Mr. Weasley…

Andrew: I don’t know how many times I need to say this. You can’t assume stuff, when, you know…

Laura: Well, we haven’t really seen what kind of…no, no, no. I’m saying…no. What I’m saying again is that Ginny got them out of Umbridge – the whole situation with Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix. I don’t think they can be entirely bad at defensive magic if Ginny was able to get them out of that kind of situation where they were clearly the underdogs.

Ben: Well see, what the fans have to realize about Andrew is that he makes statements without any substance to make the statement. He says it without thought and goes spouting off…

Eric: No, no, no, no, no, no.

Ben: He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Eric: Andrew is in this little hole, and he’s got this iShovel and he’s trying to dig himself… What I want to say is that I think the Weasleys are just a kind of people… Now we’ve seen, as Laura has pointed out, and with Fred and George too, they could hold their own in a battle and could defend themselves against whether it be Umbridge or even any kind of defense. But I think the Weasleys are just, what it is, is just they’re generally are the type of people that don’t use defensive magic or feel threatened by it. They’re well-mannered people and Arthur Weasley went and punched Lucius Malfoy before he wanted to use any magic against him, and I think just what we’re seeing in Book 6 with the whole Mollywobbles, you need to know the password to enter the Weasley house is how they’re really stooping to accept the hard times that lie ahead. And they are well-natured people who generally would use their magic and use their cleverness for things like the clock instead of things like defense. Like you don’t have to, when the flying car went to the Weasleys’ house, it didn’t have to be buzzed in and you didn‘t have to fingerprint scan or anything like that. That’s not the kind of people they are, so I just think that…it’s not that they can’t hold their own. They just have preferred not to accept the potential danger until they absolutely had to.

Ben: Thank you.

John: Who do you think would win in a fight: Lucius Malfoy or Arthur Weasley?

Ben: We did that last week.

John: What did you decide?

Laura: Yep.

Ben: We decided that…

Andrew: We decided that…

Ben: Actually Andrew, isn’t that when you made the comment about the Weasleys sucking at magic?

[John laughs]

Andrew: No, no, I said Arthur.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Arthur doesn’t do anything.

Eric: Yes, he does. He does the flying car.

Andrew: Oh my god. Oh, big deal! Flying car. Defensive!

John: I imagine he’s pretty good.

Andrew: Defensive! Defensive! We haven’t seen anything defensive out of him.

Eric: Yeah, but the flying car saved them from Aragog.

Andrew: That’s not defensive! That’s clever magic.

Eric: From Aragog, from Aragog. It saved them from Aragog.

John: No, here’s what it is, Andrew…

Ben: Okay, just because we haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t…

Laura: Well, you know what? Andrew.

Andrew: But you can’t assume this, that’s what I’m saying.

Laura: Andrew.

Eric: iShovel.

Ben: Well you can’t say they’re bad at magic, you can’t assume they’re bad either. So you’re contradicting yourself, Andrew.

Andrew: I’m not saying they’re bad. I’m not saying they’re bad. I take that back, okay?

Eric: The word of the day is: iShovel.

Ben: There you go flip-flopping again.

Andrew: I’m not flip-flopping. You know what, this is outrageous. No, no! No, no!

Laura: Okay, Andrew, I have a question for you.

Ben: Just leave.

Andrew: I’ll be back in a few minutes. You guys stress me out way too much.

Laura: No, no, shut up. Oh my god. Okay, here’s what I was going to ask…

Ben: Dude, dude.

Laura: …Andrew before he got up and left. Okay, I was going to ask: Do you think it‘s necessarily, I don’t know, essential that the Weasleys used defensive magic? I mean clever magic could get them out of a tight spot. You don’t always need to use defensive magic, I don‘t think.

John: There are clever forms of defensive and offensive magic especially if your offensive magic isn’t going to be unforgivable magic. But here’s what I think, what it boils down to. Any member of the Order of the Phoenix, any member of the first Order of the Phoenix implies they were in battles before in the first reign of – not the reign – but the first times of Voldemort. The fact that they’re still alive means they were obviously up to snuff enough, snuff enough, to battle…

Eric: Up to snuff enough.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

John: …with Death Eaters and to not get themselves killed.

Eric: You know, I like that.

Laura: Although, the Weasleys weren’t in the Order the first time.

Eric: Oh they weren’t?

John: Yeah they were, weren’t they? Weren’t they in the picture?

Laura: No, they weren’t.

Micah: No.

Laura: No. In Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore said something like: “You weren’t in the Order last time, Molly.”

Eric: Ah, I think it was Hagrid.

Laura: Well somebody said that to her.

Eric: I think that was Hagrid.

John: Foiled again. Answer me this: If they weren’t in the first Order, which I’ll concede that they’re not, I’m just stupid when it comes to the books, I guess. Then how did they get involved with all these people like Lupin, and Mad-Eye, and Dumbledore?

Ben: They went to school together, maybe?

John: No, they weren’t in the same year. They weren’t Marauders. They weren’t…

Ben: It doesn’t matter, John.

John: They were like five or six years apart.

Eric: The thing is…

Ben: He’s worked at the Ministry of Magic.

Eric: They’re friends with Dumbledore.

John: But why are they involved other than the fact that it’s a story-telling thing? That Harry’s friends are people that relate to other people in the story.

Eric: Well, I think it’s that they’re all friends of Dumbledore. I think Dumbledore was the central, central character and he knew, he was in contact with Sirius Black after Prisoner of Azkaban, and he was always in contact with Hagrid – he let him stay on. And he was always helping Remus out throughout his life, and so I think it’s just a matter of Dumbledore, when he needed people, he was able to pull them together because they were all friends with him. And I think it was really him who they all shared a friendship with. When they first met each other, I don’t know when it was, but they can all relate through Dumbledore. And so, even by nature, if Dumbledore likes them, the people would get along well together. And…

Micah: Or what about Harry even?

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: I mean, they’re the main protectors of him now. So, it’s possible that they were brought into the Order for protection themselves.

Eric: Which is true.

John: I mean, it makes sense now that Harry’s involved but I guess, did they associate with each other before Harry came along?

Eric: It’s really a question, yeah, that, too. And also, would they even… Harry and Ron would have had to meet if his family was in the Order, you know? If Ron’s family… I don’t really see how Ron and Harry couldn’t be friends if their, or couldn’t at least be incredibly aware of each other with how intertwined their families are. I mean, that’s a valid point.

Laura: Yeah. Well, I think I said this in an earlier episode as well, but I think part of the reason the Weasleys became part of the Order was that because Molly’s brothers were killed in the first war by Death Eaters.

Eric: Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

Laura: Yep.

Eric: Wow, that was my JK Rowling moment right there. I was like, “Wow, trivia.”

Voicemail – Amortentia

[Audio]: Hey guys, this is K’lyssa from and Texas. Okay, so I’ve been thinking of a way to force you all to let me on the show for a while now, and then I thought of something I’ve always wondered about. Everyone always asks what your Patronus would be, or what your Boggart would be, but no one’s ever asked about Amortentia. Amortentia is, as you probably know, the most powerful love potion mentioned in the Half-Blood Prince. And it said it smelled differently to each person with what they like. So, what would it smell like to all of you? That’s my question and I’ll talk to you guys later. Bye.

[Laura laughing]

John: No, that’s fun.

Eric: How do I…

Laura: I don’t know what it would smell like.

Andrew: Is this a voicemail question?

Laura: I don’t walk up to people I like and sniff them.

Eric: Yeah. [laughs] K’lyssa sent in a voicemail.

John: You don’t understand. It’s suppose to smell like your favorite things.

Ben: Yeah.

John: Like to Harry it smelled like Quidditch and grass, and crap.

Ben: No. No, it smelled like Ginny, man.

John: Yeah, Harry’s is going to smell like grass and a locker room apparently.

Andrew: Mine would smell like the Listener’s Challenge this week because I’m in love with this week’s Listener’s Challenge.

Eric: [Laughs] So, I guess that means we have to play the voicemail because you want to have that in.

Ben: We’ll get to that later, Andrew.

Andrew: But thanks, K’lyssa.

Ben: I already played it, dude, you missed it. Thanks, K’lyssa.

Eric: K’lyssa totally pulled an Izzy there.

Voicemail – Weasley Magic

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast. My name is Allison, I’m 14, and I’m from La Porte, Indiana. That’s near Chicago. And I have a comment slash question about Ron Weasley. I read in a book, and I think you guys mentioned something about it, that JK Rowling was greatly inspired by Hamlet and especially the idea of somebody dying for who they love. So, do you think Ron will die in the next book to save Hermione? I think you guys mentioned it and I know I read about it in Muggles and Magic, and I was wondering what you think. Thanks. And I’m a big Bemma shipper. Bye.

Ben: Hey, Allison. Do you know Emerson? He lives right down the road. I know his address. If you send me an email, I’ll send you an email back with his address. But often times, he goes to the YMCA, you know where the Y is, and he also can be seen at Little Caesar’s Pizza – I’ve been there before. I’ve been in that Little Caesar’s. I’ve bought breadsticks there, but that’s besides the point. They were very good breadsticks. [laughs] So…

John: Little Caesar’s is not interesting…

Eric: Even if I take the show off topic, I think breadsticks is just…you know, that’s the line.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Ben: Oh, be quiet, Eric. Be quiet.

Laura: That’s going to be on an avatar soon.

Ben: Do you guys think – okay, who’s going to die for someone they love? That’s the question. Will Ron die to save Hermione?

John: Well, that’s why everybody is dying. That is why everybody is dying.

Eric: Everyone is dying for the ones they loves.

Ben: That is true.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: But I think they mean any one of the cases. Like you take, uh, like you step in the way. Sort of like a Secret Service agent who will step in the way of a bullet to save the President.

Andrew: Well, sort of like the MuggleNet poll.

John: Yeah.

Andrew: Would you take a bullet for JKR in order to save Book 7?

Eric: I got a lot of captions for that. That was really great.

Andrew: Would you? I wouldn’t.

Eric: I wouldn’t.

[Andrew Laughs]

Andrew: No!

Ben: Cause you wouldn’t get to read it. What would be the point?

Eric: The end has already been written.

Andrew: Either way.

Laura: Either way.

Eric: The end is already written, so, I don’t know. That’s a big factor if it weren’t already.

John: Would it be published?

Andrew: Yeah, I’ll never be able to talk about that.

Eric: No, no, no.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t know.

Eric: Let’s stick to Ron. Stick to Ron.

Laura: That’s dangerous territory. [laughs]

Andrew: Although it would be a good topic.

John: I heard Scholastic gives her incredible health insurance, so she is going to be all set. Lord knows she couldn’t afford it otherwise.

Eric: Do you think she’ll get frozen?

Andrew: She probably has a clone waiting for her.

Ben: Okay, guys.

Andrew: It doesn’t matter.

Ben: We’re talking about Ron. Will Ron die in the next book to save Hermione?

Eric: He…he…

Ben: I don’t know. I’m not…

John: The trio’s not dying. Period.

Ben: Actually, I think we’ll lose a third of the trio.

Eric: John, are you really against Harry dying?

John: I just know it’s not going to happen. I’m just a realist here, you guys. That’s all.

Eric: Really? I think it’s interesting.

Laura: I don’t think Harry is going to die either.

John: Well, obviously Harry’s not going to die.

Ben: Ron’s going to die, guys. [laughs]

Eric: So then you could have Emma.

[Everyone laughs]

John: If Harry… This is what’s going happen. If Harry or any of the trio dies, Jo is going to get served with so many lawsuits from so many organizations all around the world paying all of their kids’ anti-depressant medicines, because they’re all going to be so devastated she’s going to lose her entire fortune to lawsuits.

Andrew: Yeah, think, like, all the merchandise, like you have these –

John: Yeah, who’s going want to buy stuff?

Andrew: Yeah, you have like all these dolls and you’re like, “Oh, he’s dead now.”

John: Buy your Harry Potter action figure. He comes in a black suit for mourning.

[Everyone laughing]

Eric: No, the Lego. Ron’s Funeral Scene.

John: Hermione comes in a very flattering black veil.

[Everyone Laughing]

Ben: Oh, come on John. That’s terrible.

John: That’s terrible.

Eric: It is terrible.

Andrew: No, but it’d be true. Who would want to buy that?

John: I know, nobody would!

Eric: But it’s one thing when you’re reading about Sirius and you’re thinking, “Oh, well he’ll be dead in a few books,” that’s sad. And when you read about Dumbledore, yeah, that’s sad. But Dumbledore’s so entertaining that you can still read him and not be too upset. And you know, you still hope he died with good intentions. But if Ron dies…

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: I think the majority of the people are really going to be a little bit more upset because he shows up so much more in the books, you know, as far as the Trio goes. It’s just like killing your best friends and what John said about the anti-depressant medicine, I agree with that.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I would sue her.

John: I mean people are already going to be depressed with the end of the books, period.

Laura: Well, I think if anyone out of the Trio… Well…

John: People are going to go through the postpartum depression, but there’s also a big difference…

Laura: I think that if anyone does die in the Trio, it’ll be Ron.

John: Well, I agree with you. If anyone dies in the Trio, it could be Ron, but I think that there’s a very big distinction between the death of somebody who is more or less your elder than one of your contemporaries.

Laura: Oh, yeah, of course.

John: And Cedric dying was probably, arguably, one of the most traumatic deaths he’s had to go through because it was someone closer to his age. And he wasn’t even really good friends with the kid, he was kind of a prick.

Ben: And it happened like two feet away from him.

John: Yeah, but I mean, if it was one of his best friends…

Eric: I think he would be devastated.

John: It’s like, how could you even celebrate vanquishing Voldemort?

Eric: Maybe he couldn’t. Maybe that’s…

Ben: That’s true. I mean, especially if everyone gets wiped out except him. He wouldn’t have anyone to celebrate it with, so…

John: I mean, granted, he’ll have…

Laura: I’m not sure Harry’s going to celebrate it, though.

Eric: I don’t think he’ll celebrate anyways.

Laura: I mean, it’s not like he’s going to kill Voldemort and then…

John: Yeah, they’re not going to go drink Firewhiskey in the common room or anything.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: No, dude, there’ll be a big kegger.

Andrew: It’s going to be reflection time.

Eric: Just to say one of the things about Harry. You know, about him dying and stuff. I think it’s possible, but at the same time, he is the Boy That Lived. We might have brought that up before. He’s the Boy Who Lived only to get killed, you know, 17-18 years later by the same guy. I don’t think that’s going to happen.

John: Yeah.

Eric: You know, he is the Boy Who Lived so if you only live to die then that would be pointless and it would say something about evil. But…yeah.

John: That’s Donnie Darko.

Eric: Yeah.

Dueling Club

Ben: Everyone, it’s time for everyone’s favorite segment: The Dueling Club. This week, I don’t know who we have. Well, who cares, who cares?

John: Soon to be featured on PotterCast with a different name.

[Everyone laughing]

Eric: PotterCast…no…PotterCast, they would never steal our segments!

Andrew: [coughs] Essays.

Ben: They steal about twelve of these segments of ours.

John: I know, well…you guys are more than welcome to borrow our “Extendable Ears” segments if you knew anybody famous enough to talk to. [Makes an “ohhh” noise]

Andrew: We do. We just don’t need them. We are the talent. We are the stars.

John: Oh, I forgot.

Eric: We don’t need famous people. Yeah, we are the famous people.

[Laura laughs]

John: You just interviewed somebody who was almost Luna Lovegood. I remember.

Ben: John, John.

[Eric laughs]

John: Well, that was close. I haven’t listened to it yet. I’m sure…

Ben: Hey, John, John. I remember all the work you did to establish the interviews. It was all you, wasn’t it?

John: Are you kidding me? It was actually…they call me first and then I give the calls to Melissa.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: It’s true.

Andrew: But bottom line is: We are the talent. We are the stars. We don’t need acts coming on.

John: I haven’t, I haven’t had this much fun recording anything ever. I haven’t had this much fun period since breakfast.

[Everyone laughing]

Andrew: Since breakfast?

Eric: Why? What happened at breakfast? Did you have Captain Crunch?

John: I found this really cool baseball card at the bottom. And it was holographic.

[Everyone Laughing]

Ben: Okay, Micah Tan, who’s dueling?

Micah: I guess…let’s do, uh, Trelawney vs. Luna. The battle of whack jobs. [laughs]

Ben: Haven’t we already done that?

[Everyone laughing]

Micah: No, we did it another time, but we cut it out, didn’t we? And we moved it to this one.

Ben: How about Ron vs. Bon Jovi? I mean, Ron vs. Seamus.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Who would win?

Laura: Probably Ron.

Ben: Ron, because we haven’t seen enough of Seamus.

Eric: But I think Seamus holds his own in certain ways, like against Harry and stuff, but, I don’t know, Seamus lets his mom control him a little bit more than Ron would.

John: Was Seamus even in the DA for any length of time?

Eric: I forget.

John: Because at least Ron’s been in the DA and actually learned stuff.

Ben: Wasn’t he reluctant to join? He was reluctant to join right?

Laura: Yeah, he was. He came to, like, one, I think. I think he came to one DA lesson.

Eric: But he hasn’t rotted him out.

John: Anybody in the DA vs. anybody not in the DA is going get…is going win. It’s not like they’ve learned anything of value from any of their DADA teachers.

Eric: That’s true.

Ben: True dat, true dat.

Eric: Though I guess we now have to call you Umbridge.

Ben: Ladies… Hey, hey, Andrew.

John: Is this thing usually this boring, this segment? I was all excited. It’s called Dueling Club.

Eric: Yeah. Andrew’s like: “The exciting, that was another exciting episode of…”

[Everyone laughing]

Eric: And it was like… Last week’s was good.

Andrew: Yeah, last week’s was good.

Spy on Bon Jovi

Ben: Andrew, Andrew, Andrew I just want to tell you…

Andrew: What, what?

Ben: [Sings] It’s my life. It’s now or never. I ain’t going to live forever!

Eric: [Joins in singing] It’s now or never. I ain’t going to live forever! I’m going to live while I’m alive.

Andrew: Oh, Ben. You “Have A Nice Day.”

Ben: Andrew, it’s time for Spy on Spartz. We’re sick of Spy on Spartz.

Andrew: Let me intro this the right way. Ummm, often PotterCast always has these celebrities on their show that, like, they like to call them stars of Harry Potter or whatever…

John: That’s over-rated.

Andrew: But screw Harry Potter

John: Ooo!

Andrew: What about rock stars? This is what MuggleCast is about. You hear our opening and closing music, okay? So this is why…[laughs]…we are very proud and excited to bring to you: Spy on Bon Jovi.

John: The hippest rock star of our day.

Andrew: Micah, take it away.

[Micah laughs]

John: He was just on TRL. I saw him yesterday.

Andrew: Micah Tan, set us up and take it away!

Micah: Bon Jovi is…this is so bad! [laughs]

Andrew: No!

John: What’s he wearing, Micah?

[Everyone laughing]

Andrew: No, it’s not! It’s beautiful!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: No. No, no, no.

Micah: Here, why don’t you set it up?

Andrew: I’ll set it up. So, Micah Tan is very high up in the football world. He works in the AFL. He’s in a multi-billion dollar contract.

John: Damn, Micah.

Andrew: This guy is rich, okay? I’m like…it’s just outrageous.

Eric: We have to call Micah “Moneybags.” Moneybags Tannenbaum.

[Everyone laughing]

Andrew: [laughs] Ummm, so Micah… So, today Micah was Bon Jovi’s personal…what was it? What were you doing?

Eric: Bodyguard?

Micah: Escorting him around. I mean it wasn’t that hard…

John: You were his escort?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Escorting him around New York City.

Ben: He was Bon Jovi’s male escort.

[Everyone still laughing]

Andrew: He was an escort. He told me he had shades on, he was…

John: That is hot, Micah!

Andrew: So you asked him about Harry Potter and podcasting and all that. What’d he say?

Micah: I did. He actually heard about John Noe’s incident last week. He asked me…

John: No kidding! Wow!

Micah: Yeah! He asked me how you were doing, he wanted to make sure you were alright, and, you know, if anything that he could do for you to give him a call, John.

John: Awww. He’s a very considerate man, that guy.

Eric: Assuming John can get the number.

Andrew: Yeah, that is nice.

John: Are you kidding me? I’ve got everybody’s number.

Andrew: That is nice.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: Micah was his escort.

John: Oh, Micah…

Ben: Micah probably has his number.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

John: How did that turn out? [laughs]

Andrew: Bon Jovi gave it to him…. [laughs]

Eric: “If you ever need anything…”

Andrew: “Hey, here’s my number.” [laughs] I’m just kidding, I’m just kidding.

John: Micah, Micah- did you transcribe the encounter?

Ben: Well, one of the problems you guys had with the Spy on Spartz is it was way too long and it was ridiculous. So, I think Spy on Bon Jovi’s over this week. Next week, we’ll spy on your favorite celebrity.

John: Oh!

Ben: It may even be you. Actually, actually, I think we’re doing Bono next week.

Andrew: Rock celebrity.

Ben: Ciaran lives down the road from him. We’re doing Bono.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Wait! This is outrageous. We have all these connections!

Ben: Yeah, really. We’ve got the connections.

Andrew: Who are we kidding? What’s this Emerson? [laughs] We’ve got a rock star. [laughs] We got the rock stars.

[Phone starts ringing]

Eric: Who’s getting called?

Andrew: We’ve got the rock stars! Oh no. [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

John: Who are we spying on?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Who’s calling who? [laughs] No.

[Phone is picked up]

Emerson: [on the phone] Hello?

John: Hey, who’s this?

Emerson: Emerson.

[Micah laughs]

John: Emerson! What are you doing right now?

Emerson: Actually, I’m in the middle of a power hour.

John: You’re doing what?

Emerson: A power hour.

John: Oh, what’s that mean for our G-rated audience?

[Micah and Ben laugh]

Emerson: Uh… it’s where we drink a lot of, like, water to stay healthy…

John: Oh!

Emerson: …and, ummm, it’s that we watch movies and stuff. You know, we’re just chilling out basically.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Now tell me, are you with your new girlfriend right now?

Emerson: I am not.

John: Are you with the girl who’s almost your girlfriend right now?

Emerson: I am not.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Awww, nuts. And why is that?

Emerson: Because she’s actually been asleep for about the past five hours.

[Andrew laughs]

John: Well, that’s cool. Well, we just wanted to see what you were up to.

Micah: Tell him he’s been kicked to the curb for Bon Jovi.

[Andrew laughs]

Emerson: Is this going to be on, uh…

Andrew: We’re not going use it, tell him.

Emerson: …you’re recording?

John: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

John: But you won’t, you won’t say anything inappropriate. Oh, that was weird. Well, I don’t want to interrupt your power hour or else you’re going to have to add more minutes on.

[Micah laughs]

Emerson: Oh, yes. I’ll think of a cool song and just have another shot of water.

John: And we know how poorly you handle your water.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Emerson: Right, yes. That water just…

Eric: Yes, Emerson takes his water very seriously.

John: All right, dude.

[Andrew laughs]

Emerson: All right.

John: We’ll see you later, dude.

Andrew: [laughs] We, we… No. Here’s what we need to do. We need to just call him and say…

John: And that was Spy on Spartz à la PotterCast.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Ben: Hey Andrew! Tell me, is the Listener Challenge back this week?

Andrew: Oh my god, it is back. And with a vengeance.

Eric: Wooo, Betty!

Andrew: So we’ve been off… and I don’t know! This just came to me. I was like, “Jesus!”

Ben: This is the mother- THE MOTHER- of all listener challenges.

Eric: Andrew praised Jesus. He was like, “…Jesus.”

Andrew: So, let’s just jump into it. This is a Listener Challenge and a contest. It is the Design a MuggleCast Segment Contest where YOU will be able to make your very own MuggleCast segment that will be aired on [laughs] MuggleCast!

So, basic details: You create your own MuggleCast segment to be ran on our show. You plan your segment, you gather your content, you assign your hosts, you gather the hosts, you get your friends together and all that. And then you record the show, and then you edit it all together. You do everything! And then you send it to us.

The judging will be based on creativity of the topic, the presentation, and the personalities of the hosts. And the winner…

Ben: But, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.

Andrew: …will have your segment aired [realizes Ben was trying to talk] What? What, what, what?

Ben: So, about the host personalities. So, in other words, you don’t want people like Andrew on there.

Andrew: You just can’t be boring, that’s what I’m saying. [laughs]

John: Ohhh.

Andrew: Just go through iTunes and look at random podcasts and you’ll see what I mean. You have to have a good personality.

Ben: So, don’t listen…

Andrew: Don’t be like us.

Ben: Yeah. Don’t listen to PotterCast.

John: Ohhh, snap.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Ben: Don’t go there for examples.

John: And here I was just ready to work on my submission…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So, winners will have their segment aired on MuggleCast, and all the participating hosts will win an up and coming MuggleCast product that will probably be…

Ben: Debuting.

Andrew: That we will probably be announcing – yeah, that too…

John: Ooo!

Andrew: …next week.

John: What do you got – coasters, bottle coolers?

Andrew: Yeah, we’ve got coasters, napkins, party hats…

Ben: Toilet paper.

John: Toilet paper with Andrew’s face on every sheet.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: It’s Bemma’s, it’s Bemma toilet paper.

Andrew: [Laughs] Wait, let’s get through this. The rules. Your segment must be no longer than seven minutes in length.

John: The magic number seven!

Andrew: The topic must relate – [responding to John] You know that, I didn’t even think of that! The topic must relate to the Harry Potter books, movies, fan culture, or anything else if related to Harry Potter. So it can’t be on, like, you know, quadratic formulas or whatever.

John: That’d be awesome!

Ben: Kevin’s already made it. He’s already working on it. He’s like…

[Someone laughs]

Ben: …he’s like, [imitates Kevin] here’s how you solve a differential equation.

Eric: Ummm yeah, John Noe.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: [Still imitating Kevin] The opposite of b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four a c all over two a.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, let’s get through this please, people!

Ben: Sorry.

Andrew: Now here’s the kicker: John, listen up. You cannot use someone to host who is in association [laughs] with a Harry Potter podcast website.

[John sighs]

Andrew: And I say this because I don’t want… we don’t want…

Ben: iMuggle.

Andrew: …some Harry Potter website trying to do this just to get… no, iMuggle’s a good podcast.

Ben: Or the Harmony Podcast.

John: I love the Harmony Podcast!

Andrew: iMuggle’s good. I’m going to call John out on iMuggle in a few minutes.

John: Ohhh.

Andrew: And the deadline. Your segment must be turned in no later than February 18th, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard time. Now, for more information on sending the file to us because some of them will be pretty big and you might not be able to do it on email…

Eric: Andrew, tell them…

Ben: Please compress it to an mp3.

Andrew: …visit

Ben: Please compress it to mp3.

Andrew: Yeah, it has to be an mp3. Right. We’re going to have the entire list of rules up on And then, additionally, the winners will be announced and then their segment will be aired on the weekend of February 26th. Which will be the show closest to that date.

Eric: Andrew, I have one quick question.

Andrew: [clears throat] Yes.

Eric: What’s the difference between…I’ve noticed, well, I mean there’s… Basically, if you look at our fans, there’s a lot of… I think it’s about 10 to 15 different fancasts out there right now. So what… yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. They’re all rip-offs… so what’s your point?

Eric: So when you say that, besides that, when you say they can’t be anybody in association with a Harry Potter podcast or website, I… You know? Where’s the differentiation between our fans and…? Because I think every, well like a lot of our fans on the fan listing and things like that have all done or been a part of a podcast. So can they send the stuff in? A lot of them, a big majority, have done…

Andrew: Not really. Not really. [laughs]

Eric: …the MuggleCast Fan Cast Chat and a bunch of other stuff.

Andrew: Oh…

Eric: Yeah. So can…

Andrew: Okay. We’ll change it.

John: Here comes Andrew’s blanket insult on all Harry Potter fan podcasts.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: No, no, no, no. No. Anyone…

Eric: Do you want another iShovel?

Andrew: This is open to anyone, but…

[John laughs]

Andrew: This isn’t to have your show promoted or anything.

Eric: He needs an iDozer.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That’s what I’m saying. Okay?

Micah: So, MuggleNet Greg, you’re safe. You can do it.

Andrew: Now… yeah.

John: I can’t wait until the winning submission is this mystery voice that you later find out was me all along.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: We’re going to run some checks on the files to make sure.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Now, segments from runners-up will be considered for airing in future episodes because people are going to put a lot of time into this.

John: Yup.

Andrew: So, you should be recognized, unless it’s complete crap.

[Micah and Eric laugh]

John: Here’s the translation of the Listener Challenge: MuggleCast is having a hard time filling up the show with interesting content…

[Eric, Laura and Andrew laugh]

John: …and because they have no imaginations to think up a new segment, this is where you all come in.

Andrew: Yes!

Ben: Exactly.

[Everyone laugh]

Andrew: Now hold on a second, John. I beg to differ. Spy on Bon Jovi, Andrew’s Listener Challenge…

Ben: Ben’s Top Ten List…

Eric: Advice with MuggleCast…

[John laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] This is all original quality content!

John: [still laughing] I forgot about that one! Oh, that was fun!

Andrew: Am I good or am I good right now, Noe? That is not a rip-off your [in a mock impressed voice] “Live Call-In Show”. It doesn’t even relate to it!

John: I didn’t even bring it up!

Andrew: The Advice with MuggleCast…

John: I didn’t even bring that up, but it’s funny how soon that entered your mind!

Andrew: Yeah, but you and Melissa…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …because Melissa hasn’t got off my butt about that, and you probably won’t, too!

John: Ugh!!! I heard next week’s challenge is Micah’s idea. Micah says, “Hey! For this week’s fan challenge, let’s see how you would transcribe MuggleCast!”

[Everyone laughs]

John: And then they come piling in and Micah kicks his feet up on the desk…

Micah: Good.

Eric: [Laughs] Oh my god.

John: …and drinks a limonada.

Ben: No, no, no, no…

Andrew: This is going to be a one-time thing; we’re not going to make the segments into “Oh hey, could you do this every week for us?”

Ben: …then Micah’s next fan challenge would be, [imitates Micah’s deep voice] “Let’s see how you would do the news.”

Andrew: No, we’ve got… the show that we’ve got right now is kickin’.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: What?

Ben: Pretty soon… well actually, no, no, no, no! No!

Eric: We don’t use our fans.

Ben: No, we’re going to progress, and eventually we’re going to have one… Like episode 30, it’s going to be 30 seconds long…or two minutes long, and it’s going to be Andrew’s Listener Challenge. And the new challenge is to create an episode of MuggleCast.

[Ben and Andrew laugh]

John: Oh cool!

Ben: And we’ll just air those from here on out.

Andrew: Uhhh… way to sound like you’re lazy.

Eric: Anyway…

Andrew: But anyway. So, good luck. I think everyone will enjoy this. This is another quality contest brought to you by

Eric: Oh my.

Andrew: [laughs] Your Harry Potter podcast.

John: Oh geez…

Ben: Oh, funny.

Andrew: Enter the code MUGGLE! That’s M-U-G-G-L-E.

Ben: I’m going to throw up.

[Everyone laughs]

John: I’m peeking at my famed recording because of you.

[Everyone laughs again]

John: Oh, you know, all you MuggleCast listeners are just itching to start and buy domain names. I know it.

Andrew: No, this is a… no! You’d be surprised. You’d be surprised.

John: Yes, this is the most brilliant demographic.

Andrew: We’ve made a lot of… we’ve had a lot of customers.

John: Oh! Ten out of 60,000 is like a ridiculously good percentage.

Ben: We’ve made a lot of, ummm….

Andrew: [laughs] It’s not ten, shut up.

Eric: I haven’t gotten any cookies out of you, Ben.

[Micah, John and Laura laugh]

Ben: Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen.

Andrew: This show has turned into a joke.

Ben: Everyone, everyone.

John: I will say this is probably my favorite episode of MuggleCast.

Eric: Yeah, mine too.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: We’ll see how it turns out with your editing.

Ben: Why, thank you. It’s the only one you’ll listen to.

John: Awww, no.

Ben: Well, guys and gals. This wraps up episode… is this 25?

Andrew: Yeah, it’s 25.

Micah: Yeah!

Laura: Yeah.

John: I thought it was 24!

Andrew: No, it’s 25.

Ben: No, it’s 25, be quiet.

John: Oh, that’s right.

Laura: It’s 25.

Ben: 25 episodes. We’re halfway to 50. Guys, this is our silver.

Eric: This is our silver show. [fake crying voice] Oh my gosh!

Andrew: Actually I think we should just skip to 100 right from here.

John: No, because see by the time you get to 50, we’ll be on 50.

Andrew: What?

Ben: Yeah, because you’re trying to…

John: We’re going to release a bonus episode so we can be 50/50.

Ben: Once again, the Leaky policy of one-upping.

[Everyone laughs]

John: No. If we wanted to one-up you, we’d be at 51 while you were at 50.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Funny, funny, funny. Well, everyone. MuggleNet Greg, thank you for joining us. We really enjoyed your company this week. Hopefully you’ll come back again.

John: Well, you’re going to have to…

Ben: Did you guys like Mugglenet Greg?

John: You’re going to have to invite Mugglenet Greg back.

Andrew: Yeah, thanks, Hot Pants.

John: Don’t you…

Ben: He’s a hottie.

John: For calling me Hot pants, you have to give me my 15 seconds.


Andrew: Oh, oh, John. Can I have a minute with you real quick? We’re going to cut a lot of this out anyway. Well, except for this part.

John: What?

Andrew: What is… I was listening to PotterCast earlier today. What is…

John: Yes?

Andrew: Why do you hate iMuggle? What’s the problem with them?

John: I’ve never even heard, I’ve heard of the show before, but….

Andrew: Yeah.

John: I’ve heard good things. I can only imagine that some portion of the MuggleCast Fan Chat is involved with the project.

Andrew: I don’t know, I just feel like… you’re making fun of it. I… I… Ugh.

John: No. Well here’s the story.

Andrew: What?

John: Here’s my thing about iMuggle, okay?

Andrew: Okay.

John: The thing about iMuggle is this. In about three or four days, Leaky is going to revamp the entire website. And then iMuggle emailed me this thing about their show and they said that they heard that Leaky was going to be introducing a bunch of new features and a whole new lots of things.

Andrew: Hmmm.

John: And then iMuggle said that they want me to listen to their episode. Then I said, “That’s fine.” I heard you’re a great show and just for being… listening to your show, I’ll let you know to visit instead of the old stupid web address.

Andrew: Mhm.

John: And then, and they gave me a high-five and said that MuggleCast was cool for letting me just say that.

Andrew: I don’t get it. What’s your point? [laughs]

John: My point is that I love…

Ben: He’s just used us as a shameless plug is what he’s saying.

John: …I love iMuggle is what I’m saying.

Andrew: I think you’re just jealous that your podcast doesn’t have its own fan podcast. [laughs]

John: Is that what that is?

Eric: And we have like fifteen of them, we’ve got 15 of those…

Andrew: You’ve never listened to it?

Eric: …fan podcasts.

Andrew: They… No, that’s not true, Eric. They sit there and they discuss MuggleCast! [laughs] It’s awesome!

John: I’ll be gosh-darned.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: It’s kind of weird.

[Laura laughs]

John: You know, if anything, I regret that our audience is comprised of people who either work or, you know…

Andrew: [Laughs] They have, like…

John: …do things with themselves other than sit around with their hands in their pants and making podcasts.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, okay, you say that. And then we listen to PotterCast and here’s these professionally produced songs.

Ben: You hear the fifty-year-olds.

John: I know.

Ben: Yeah.

John: I know.

Ben: There’s these fifty-year-olds…

Eric: Yeah, John, John…

Ben: …like Melissa, John…

[John laughs]

Eric: …your adult listeners work and when they get back from work, they go into the MuggleCast fan chat.

Andrew: [laughs] And they hang out with people there.

John: Yeah, that’s… you know?

Ben: [laughs] Yeah, that’s what happens.

John: We don’t go in there. Are you kidding me?

Andrew: Oh please!

Eric: You and Melissa are both in there a lot.

Ben: I’ve seen them in there, dude.

Andrew: And you, Eric.

John: The Leaky Lounge is the most intelligent of all lounges online, I believe. You know? It’s true.

Eric: Can we end this show?

Ben: Well, guys.

Andrew: No. You’re not putting that in.

Eric: He’s messed up?

Show Close

Ben: Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys. This has been a wonderful show; I have enjoyed it immensely. Ladies and gentlemen, before we go, I must say.

[Andrew and John laugh]

Ben: YellowCard’s Lights and Sounds comes out this week. Go purchase it.

Laura: Ughhh! NO! Nooo!

Ben: And visit, and and and for much fun.

John: Yeah, since when do you have a Muggle – an Emma Watson website?

Eric: Okay, okay.

Ben: Since forever, man.

John: So, that night…

Ben: Who’s better than me?

[Long pause]

Ben: Hey, John. Hey, John. Who’s better than me? No one’s better than me.

John: So that night you wanted me to make an Emma Watson layout just for fun, you were going to use that for your own website and not tell me?

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Yeah. I’m dead serious.

John: You little jerk!

[Eric, Ben, and Laura laugh]

Ben: Okay, guys. Guys. I am Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Andrew: I’m…

Eric: …but if I were a MuggleCast mix, I’d be at

[Everyone laughs, but John laughs the hardest]

John: Ha, ha, ha!

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson. [laughs]

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Eric: I’d be too cool for iTunes.

John: I’m MuggleNet Greg. MuggleNet Greg also known as John from PotterCast.

Andrew: Thank you.

Ben: Well guys, stay around…

Laura: Yay for Greg!

Ben: …stay around after this recording for a little bit of the post-show.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: You get the pre-show earlier, and now you get the post-show.

Eric: We didn’t release the other post-show.

John: Is this like Oprah?

Ben: I don’t know.

[Show ending music starts]

John: Is this going to be on Oxygen?

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: I don’t know if we ever actually released the footage for the pre-show.

Eric: Or the post-show.

Andrew: Oh, I have that. Are we going put that in?

John: The post-show is Ben with his shirt off running around a hotel room.

Ben: Yeah…

[Everyone laughs]

John: That’s a video podcast.

Andrew: That would be your screensaver.

John: That’s actually my screensaver right now.

Laura: Yeah! I have a copy of that too.

Eric: [in a dumb voice] Is that a camera?

John: That’s my screensaver.


[Show intro music begins to play]

Eric: Okay.

Ben: [singing like Bon Jovi] Have a nice day.

[Andrew and Eric make guitar noises]

John: All right, cue the music.

Ben: Okay. [begins to sing MuggleCast’s show music and continues to sing it]

Eric: Hello and welcome to MuggleCast. This is our weekly Harry Potter discussion show where we bring you the latest in news, theories, discussions, Acne treatments, home recipes… we have it all here. So welcome. This is Episode 25. [continues to talk in the background]

John: No, seriously. Where’s the music? You guys don’t play the music live?

Andrew: Oh, shut up, you don’t.

John: Yeah, we do!

Andrew: You do? Really?

John: Yeah!

Andrew: No way.

John: [imitates Andrew] Yeah!

Ben: [imitates Andrew] Yeah! Yeah! All right!

Andrew: I almost thought of doing that, but then I was like, what’s the point? No, we do it raw. This is raw audio.

John: But it gets you in the mood! It gets you going.

Eric: [finishes his long speech] All right. I’m Eric Scull.

Andrew: Shut up, Eric.

[Everyone laughs]

John: Ahhh, Eric Scull. Eric Scull Island.

Comments and Questions

[Show Intro music is still playing]

[Audio]: I’m Liz and I’m from Maryland and I was wondering: if I call you guys enough times, will you ever call me back?

[Audio]: Hi, this is Cleo…
Beth:: And I’m

Cleo: From Oregon. We love your show!
Beth:: Yeah.
Cleo: Andrew Rocks! Woohoo! Bye.
Beth:: Bye.

[Audio]: Hi! This is Elizabeth from Texas. I just wanted to tell you guys that I love your show. It saves me from my school life and from long car rides. So, thanks! Keep up the great work!

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast, this is Lily from Massachusetts. I SCREAMED when I heard my voice playing. I am proud to say I’m on the radio now! I feel so special. And to follow up on your question, my sister’s eleven, and she’s not really in sync with the Potter world and everything, but it’s really funny because I let her listen to the MuggleCast episode, and so now she’s just always like, “Oh my god! Let’s go listen to MuggleCast!” You totally got her into that and now she thinks you guys are like the greatest thing and she thinks that all of you are really funny and that you’re just the greatest. So thank you so, so, so much. HUGS for all of you! And have a happy day. [laughs] Love, from Lily. Hearts. Love you! Bye!

[Audio]: Hey this is Kayla Simmons from Michigan. I’m sorry, Andrew, but Dumbledore is dead. I have to agree with the others. And he will talk to Harry again, but I’m sorry. He’s dead. There’s no way of going back. Great job, love ya. Bye.

[Music ends]


Written by: Micah, Ally, Martina, and Sarah

Transcript #24

MuggleCast EP24 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 24 for January 23rd, 2006. MuggleCast is sponsored in part by See why is the No. 1 domain registrar worldwide. Now, with your domain registration, you’ll get hosting, a free blog, complete e-mail and much more. Plus as a MuggleCast listener, enter code RON, that’s R-O-N when you check out, and your “dot com” domain name for just $6.95 per year. Get your piece of the Internet today at

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the show. This is the place where we bring the latest in Harry Potter news, discussions, cooking recipes, drum sets, iPods, thumb drives, house keys. It’s all right here bundled into a little hour of your time. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Ciaran: I’m Ciaran.

Andrew: [in high-pitched voice] Hey!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I got so excited my voice almost cracked.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: New MuggleCaster on this week with us. Seer… Ciar… [laughs]

Ben: Seeron?

[Ben and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: [laughs] Ciaran! Welcome, Ciaran!

Ciaran: Hey.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Hey! Clearly, you hate me now.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Before we go anywhere else, let’s check in with Micah for the past week’s, the past two weeks’ top Harry Potter news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is now situated at #10 on the list of the highest-grossing films of all time. Chamber of Secrets is in seventh position having earned $876.7 million. Goblet of Fire has grossed a total of $866 million worldwide.

WB has also announced that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience is now IMAX’s highest grossing digitally re-mastered 2D release. It earned a staggering $16 million on 89 screens around the globe.

Harry Potter has received several nominations at the 2006 Moviefone Moviegoer Awards. Nominations are in the areas of Movie of the Year, Actor of the Year (Dan Radcliffe), Actress of the Year (Emma Watson), Best Scene-Stealer (Brendan Gleeson), and Vilest Villain (Ralph Fiennes).

The 2006 BAFTA nominations have been announced – Goblet of Fire has been nominated in the categories of “Production design,” “Achievement in special visual effects” and “Make Up and Hair.” The awards, hosted by Stephen Fry, will be held on February 19th in the Odeon Leicester Square, London.

Warner Brothers Home Video confirmed on January 11 that Goblet of Fire will be released on DVD, March 7th. The film will be available as a single-disc, a two-disc special edition, and as part of a collector’s set of the first four films.

Moving on to Order of the Phoenix, Warner Bros. announced on Tuesday that they have narrowed down the 15,000 Luna Lovegood hopefuls who turned up at the open casting call on Saturday to just 400. Order of the Phoenix casting director Fiona Weir said:

“We were really amazed at the response and would like to say a big thank you to everyone who gave up their Saturday. Even though we had many thousands more than anticipated, we were determined to see everyone who came along.”

And actor Chris Rankin confirmed yesterday that he will be coming back as Percy Weasley for the fifth movie after being absent from Goblet of Fire.

In book news, Scholastic has announced that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be released in its paperback form on July 25th for a retail price of $9.99. There will be an initial print run of two million copies.

Aaron Lambert, the genius who stole two copies of Half-Blood Prince last June, has been sentenced to prison for four and a half years . The body-builder later attempted to sell the books to a Sun newspaper reporter, threatening him with an imitation firearm. Following the incident, Lambert admitted to two counts of phoning and blackmailing Harry Potter publisher Bloomsbury.

Jo Rowling recently sat down with Tatler Magazine for a very in-depth interview. A portion of the interview has been published in the UK newspaper The Telegraph. She discussed everything from her fund-raising for Multiple Sclerosis to the new children’s book she has finished. The interview will be published in its entirety in the February 2006 edition of Tatler. Scans of Jo and transcript of the interview are available on

The author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling may take part in a charity dinner on January 25 organized by Baroness Emma Nicholson in Bucharest, with the purpose of raising money for children in European orphanages. A public TV station will also interview the Harry Potter author. The program will air Wednesday, January 25th at 9:50 PM.

Finally, PotterCaster John Noe set fire to his dorm while trying to cook dinner. The building had to be evacuated. Noe later admitted he wasn’t really cooking but attempting to destroy a set of Horcri in the back of the stove.

That’s all the news for this January 23rd, 2006 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.


Andrew: [laughs] Thank you, Micah. So, first of all, we need to apologize to everyone. I guess apologize, because people were upset.

Ben: For what?

Kevin: They were. They were very upset.

Andrew: We have… Well, we…we duped everyone by not showing up last week for the show. We were a little busy. We had some scheduling problems, not everyone could be on at the same time. So, we’re sorry, I guess.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: We shouldn’t be sorry. We put out 31 shows for the past…since early August.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: [in old man’s voice] Give us a break please!

Ben: Actually, Andrew had a hot date at Sophomore Cotillion. Oooh.

Andrew: Are you saying the show can’t go on without me, Ben? [laughs]

Ben: No, I’m saying there were other scheduling conflicts, but your particular scheduling conflict was the lamest of all.

Kevin: Yeah, it was.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: The lamest of the lame.

Andrew: Sorry I had a life. Announcements! Last week instead of bringing you the new show, we brought you a MuggleCast Remix created by Eric Scull. He wanted us to plug it because he really did do a great job on it and he put a lot time on it. So, definitely give it a listen. You can download it at We didn’t put it in the feed because we weren’t sure if everyone would want to get it. But, it is really good. So, check it out. Also, Micah Tan has a quick update on the transcripts for us.

Micah: Yeah. I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails asking about where the last, I think three transcripts are. They are on the new site. We have a cool little update box that Andrew put on there that has the most recent transcript in it, as well as the “Transcript” link in the navigation bar because we’re not updating’s main page anymore when we release our transcripts. They are only going to be on

Andrew: So…

Ben: [in deep voice] Thanks, Micah.

Andrew: Thank you. Yeah, so that whole update, that tab bar thing – I don’t even know what to call it – at the top of on the main page, that has all the latest news updates and stuff like that. So, we encourage you…

Ben: It’s called pure genius is what it is called, Andrew.

[Everyone laughs]

Main Topic – Rubeus Hagrid

Andrew: Thank you, Ben. Thank you. So, we encourage everyone to check that often to stay updated with what’s going on around the site and the show. So, let’s jump right into the main discussion this week, which would be, as promised, Hagrid. Rubeus Hagrid. That’s how you pronounce it, right?

Laura: Yep.

Kevin: Yep.

Ben: It’s “Ru-bay-is.” According to the Scholastic Pronunciation Guide, it’s “Ru-bay-is.”

Laura: Well…

Kevin: According to the movies, it’s…

Andrew: Rubeus, Rubus…

Laura: It’s Rubeus.

Kevin: Rubeus.

Ben: [in cackling voice] Ru, Ru, Rubeus Hagrid!

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Let’s give you some information about Hagrid. He’s a half-blood. His mother is Fridwulfa, one of the latest remaining British giants. His father was a Muggle and she abandoned his family when Hagrid was only three years old.

Andrew: Awww.

Ben: Awww. His Dad died in 1941-1942 during Hagrid’s second year at Hogwarts. Hagrid has a brother, half-giant brother named Grawp who has actually becomes civilized in the last book. He was raised by his human father and was orphaned in his second year at Hogwarts. By the way, I made a mistake. His father was not a Muggle. His father was a wizard, so please don’t spam my inbox.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Hagrid has a love for very, very dangerous creatures. Things like dragons, Acromantulas or giant spiders, Hippogriffs, you know, big giant dogs, three-headed dogs. Yeah, and Hagrid is a big, fluffy, loveable guy, and we all love him. Right, guys?

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Yep.

Hagrid’s Love For Magical Creatures

Andrew: So, what is up with his love for magical creatures? Why does he have such a love for them?

Laura: I think it’s because he can sort of identify with them. Because people see them as, you know, dangerous, obviously. And people see Hagrid as being dangerous because he is part giant. And Hagrid always talks about how he can see himself in Harry, so I think he likes to be close with creatures that he can identify with.

Ben: Not only that, but it has a lot to do with, like you said, he can identify with them because they are outcasts, they’re dangerous, people think they don’t belong with the rest of society, and they think the same thing about him.

Kevin: Not to mention a lot of the creatures he gets aren’t dangerous to him because of his size.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: So…

Andrew: Yeah, they are intimidated by him.

Kevin: [laughs] Yeah, so I mean, you know, they’re dangerous to wizards and Muggles, but to Hagrid it is just a normal creature.

Andrew: So, really he is perfect for the position at Hogwarts.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: That he currently is in.

Ben: He develops a love for all these creatures. I think Laura and I both already hit it on the head, that the reason he likes them is because he is able to identify with them, and he was an outcast, they were an outcast…they are outcasts. So, he has to find someone like him or something like him because I doubt he had many friends when he was at Hogwarts because they thought he opened the Chamber of Secrets. They thought he was trying to Petrify everyone.

Hagrid’s Magical Abilities

Ben: Speaking of which, since he was expelled in his second year, what do you guys think about his magical ability, I guess you would say?

Kevin: It’s very, very…

Ben: Limited?

Kevin: Limited. Exactly.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: That’s the word. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: He really doesn’t have a great knowledge of magic and I think that’s one of the reasons why he identifies with magical creatures. Because there is really no need for a vast knowledge in Dark Arts to control them.

Loyalty and Trust

Ben: What was Hagrid doing the night of Voldemort’s demise? We all know he met with Sirius to get the motorbike and to go get… Well, that was actually after his demise, but he had to end up going to get…Harry, actually. [laughs] He stole Sirius Black’s motorcycle. What do you guys think went on that night?

Laura: I don’t know because there is a whole day lost in there.

Kevin: Well, I think Hagrid was always considered to be one of Dumbledore’s most trusted friends.

Ben: He trusted him with the Sorcerer’s Stone too. So…obviously…

Kevin: Exactly. So, I think that whatever he was doing, it was vital to the Order and Dumbledore would trust him with it.

Laura: Oh, of course.

Ben: Yeah, because you notice at the beginning of Sorcerer’s Stone McGonagall says, “Why would you trust Hagrid with such a thing?” And then Dumbledore says, [impersonating Dumbledore] “Professor McGonagall, I would trust Hagrid with my life.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Why, though? What developed that trust?

Ben: There had to be some thing.

Laura: Well, I mean you look at Hagrid… He was…

Andrew: I know.

Ben: Maybe he has just been reliable over the years.

Laura: Well, yeah. He’s served as gamekeeper for years and years, and Dumbledore has plenty of time to get to know him, not to mention Hagrid is fiercely loyal. I mean, he has never once in the books broken an alliance to someone he promised one to.

Ben: Yeah, and the thing about that is, is do you think… Why do you think Hagrid was in Gryffindor? Don’t you think he should have been in Hufflepuff because of the whole loyalty thing?

Laura: Well, he’s really brave too. I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: But you never know, because we never got a chance to see what Hagrid would have developed with magically. So, it’s possible that he has some skill that we don’t know because he was kicked out of school too early.

Laura: Yeah, but we also know that you can have multiple traits…

Kevin: Talents, yeah.

Laura: …that apply to different Houses. You know, we see Hermione, who the Sorting Hat considered putting her into Ravenclaw. So, it is entirely possible that Hagrid could have some Hufflepuff traits, but I think his bravery pretty much outweighs that and would make sense for him being in Gryffindor.

Andrew: Is there still a question about, is it really a big deal what happened with the motorcycle? Where the motorcycle went?

Laura: Didn’t Jo say that we were going to find out? It seems like she did, but I don’t remember.

Andrew: I just don’t see what’s the big deal about finding out.

Kevin: I don’t see the significance.

Andrew: Yeah. Who cares? Yeah.

Laura: I don’t think it’s… I don’t really think it’s going to be a major plot point. It just might be something that Harry inherits.

Ben: I also don’t see the significance of the order of the names on the Map, but you guys had to discuss that.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Actually, I heard Voldemort strolls downtown London and picks up chicks on his motorcycle.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So that’s where it went?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: No, but at least the Map had some sort of backing to it. The motorcycle – is just stupid. It’s like where….

Micah: It’s a Horcrux.

Ben: Yeah, it’s a Horcrux.

Andrew: …did the bed sheets go that…that…Mrs. Weasley talked about in Book 2? Nobody cares. You’re supposed to laugh at that.

Kevin: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Micah: Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Andrew: A few applause.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Like I said, it’s not a major plot point, but it just might be something that Harry would like to have eventually.

Kevin: It could be like whimsical, the kind of thing she brings up just for fun.

Laura: Yeah, maybe Harry and Ginny ride off on the motorcycle in the end.

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Kevin: Exactly.

Ben: This has been Pointless Discussion #654 on MuggleCast.

Laura: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]


Ben: Okay. What do you guys think that Hagrid knows about Tom Riddle? Because they went to school together, obviously.

Kevin: And they had some social contact, we know that because Tom Riddle spoke to Hagrid, so he was familiar with him.

Ben: And he framed him.

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: So he had to know him somehow.

Kevin: I don’t know. I mean, I don’t.

Ben: Why was Hagrid chosen to be framed by Tom Riddle? Why did Tom Riddle choose him?

Kevin: Because Hagrid is an easy target. People are scared.

Ben: That’s what I thought.

Laura: Yeah, he is.

Kevin: They are very willing to believe that Hagrid is evil because of his giant blood. So…

Ben: And he’s a big oaf.

Laura: Not to mention that, he’s pretty gullible.

Kevin: He is, yeah.

Laura: You know?

Kevin: He’s almost too trusting.

Laura: Mhm.

Ben: For example, the dragon, when he meets with the person in the Hog’s Head in Book 1, and he wins a dragon egg off of them, and he gets really drunk and tells him about Fluffy. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Laura: And pretty much was the reason that Quirrell managed to figure out how to get to the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Ben: Get to the Sorcerer’s Stone or try to get it.

Laura: Yeah, almost.

Andrew: But, we didn’t finish answering, what does Hagrid know about him? But I think we can conclude from that, from what we’ve seen, not much. Maybe personality.

Kevin: Yeah, especially since he was manipulated.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: So, what he does know probably wasn’t real.

Hagrid-Horcrux Connection

Micah: Well, not the Horcruxes. Does he, could he possibly know anything after spending some time in school with him?

Andrew: Locations? Well, yeah, you would think so. The Horcruxes relate to parts of Voldemort and if anyone’s… I think Hagrid would be useful for that. But then there’s the question: Why hasn’t Hagrid given any of this information to, say, Harry?

Kevin: But does Hagrid know?

Laura: Yeah, that’s the thing…

Andrew: Well, anything.

Laura: How would he know, though?

Andrew: We haven’t even heard if Hagrid doesn’t know.

Laura: But how would he know about Horcruxes?

Kevin: Yeah. See the thing is, yeah, the Horcruxes were…

Andrew: Well maybe not Horcruxes in general, but anything. Any information though.

Kevin: Yeah, but I think Horcruxes are one of those things that if he was told about them, he would go back in his memory and go, “Wait. I remember something.”

Andrew: Mhm.

Kevin: The kind of thing that, you know, brings up memories that at first you didn’t think it was suspicious, but when you get more information, it tends to be. You know what I mean?

Andrew: But he hasn’t been approached about it at all.

Kevin: Right, right. But…

Ben: It would be stupid for him to tell Hagrid about it because Hagrid can’t keep his mouth shut.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: It’s true. [laughs]

Laura: Not to mention I have a sneaking suspicion that if he did tell Hagrid, Hagrid would be dead by now. [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: Why would Voldemort tell Hagrid?

Laura: Exactly. He wouldn’t.

Ben: Why would he say, “Hey Hagrid! I plan on splitting my soul into a million pieces and conquering the world!”

Kevin: Yeah, but I think…

Andrew: No! No, no, no, no! But I mean any information that could suggest where he would have put it. Like if Hagrid always saw him hanging out in a certain spot or was always obsessed with…

Kevin: A certain item. Yeah.

Andrew: Yes. Or, you know… yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, a certain item that…

Ben: He was always sitting in the corner of the Great Hall with a T-shirt on that says, “I’m making a Horcrux over here.”

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: No!

Andrew: No!

Laura: No, no ,no! I see what Ben’s saying, though. I see what Ben’s saying.

Andrew: [still laughing] You’re so mean.

Laura: How much attention would Hagrid have paid to him? I mean it’s not like they, it’s not like they were friends or anything.

Andrew: We don’t know! We’ve got to ask Hagrid!

Laura: It’s not like they talked on a regular basis.

Ben: Okay, in your high school.. Andrew, tell me. In your high school, do you walk around writing down the habits and particular objects people are obsessed with?

Andrew: No, but there are people, there are people that you see on a daily basis that I’m not saying act weird or anything, but…

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, but their actions seem normal at the time but…yeah.

Andrew: Yeah! You can tell! You can tell what they’re, you know, like…

Kevin: You, you…

Andrew: You know, if someone’s always sitting in one corner, you know, drawing out little sketches of the school, you know something’s up.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Micah: As far as we know, he really only made one Horcrux while he was at school. Right?

Kevin: Ehhh, that’s an assumption. I mean, we really have no proof on how many he made or if he made…

Ben: [interrupts Kevin] I think he only made one. Okay, why would he, he’s not a stupid person. He would know that someone might catch on if he’s always obsessing over a trophy in the trophy room, or something like that.

Kevin: Yeah, but [sighs] I don’t think that it takes that much time that it would seem he was obsessing. I think he would make his mark where…

Ben: Hey, if he were going to make a Horcrux, he would do it secretly.

Kevin: Of course!

Ben: I mean, he’s not going to…

Kevin: Of course. But does he need to see the trophy to know that the trophy is there and to know where he’s going to go to make the Horcrux? Does he need to obsess?

Ben: I have no idea! Do I look like, do I look like Jo?

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: What I’m saying is he may show no indication of obsessing over an item and then just create the Horcrux.

Micah: But doesn’t the item have to be nearby?

Andrew: Of course.

Kevin: It does have to be nearby, but that’s why I’m saying. If, for example, it was a trophy, he knows the trophy’s there. So when he’s ready to create the Horcrux, he goes to the trophy room and creates a Horcrux.

Andrew: This is what I’m sayin’!

[Micah laughs]

Ben: I’m sure when he went to the trophy room to make the Horcrux, he invited Hagrid along too.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, stop being sarcastic. [laughs] It’s the personality thing. It’s just, you can assume…

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Sorry. What’s the word I’m looking for? You can gather information about a person just by observing what they do at different points in the day or whatever.

Laura: Yeah, but how much does Hagrid observe? I mean, how much does he observe other students?

Andrew: I don’t know! We need to ask him! That’s what I’m saying.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: We need to ask him. Hagrid’s going to be on MuggleCast next week.

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Hagrid’s Family

Ben: Okay, what about Hagrid’s parents? We already discussed how his father was a wizard and his mom was a giant. I mean, the conception of Hagrid must’ve not been pretty.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Let’s not go into that.

Andrew: Whoa. Please don’t.

Laura: Thanks, Ben.

Ben: Well, what about the relationship with his brother, though? Grawp.

Ciaran: Well, I think it must be pretty strong for him to endure it like what Grawp put him through in Book 5. You know? And he had bruises nearly every day, so he must’ve been beating him up pretty hard. So, I think we can gather from that that it’s pretty strong and I think Grawp would definitely be an asset in Book 7 in, like, the fight against Voldemort.

Kevin: Now do you think Grawp is going to play a role in convincing other giants to join the cause, rather than Hagrid?

Ben: I think it’s a lost cause, personally.

Kevin: Do you?

Laura: Mhm, me neither.

Purpose In Series, Role in Book 7

Kevin: See, the thing is, is that Hagrid has been kept around until this book. I mean, we’ve been predicting he’ll die every book, for two books.

Ben: That’s because people are a-holes: they want him to die.

Kevin: I know, but J.K. Rowling herself said that she keeps characters around because they have purpose.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: If they don’t have a purpose, she’s not going to show them, mention them, or, you know, deal with them. So, why is Hagrid…

Laura: She kills them.

Ben: Of course Hagrid has a purpose. Hagrid has a purpose because he’s one of Harry’s mentors. Just because… just because-

Laura: Well, so was Dumbledore!

[All except Ben laugh]

Kevin: Yeah!

Ben: I know! I know! No, no, no. Listen. Just listen.

Kevin: We’re listening.

Ben: She had a reason for killing Dumbledore. She wouldn’t kill Hagrid because Harry’s taken enough blows as it is and Hagrid’s sort of like a fatherly figure to him.

Laura: But that’s not real life, though! That’s not real life; the thing she always tries to portray, real life. And just because someone’s a mentor doesn’t stop them from dying.

Kevin: It’s true.

Ben: Okay… that has nothing to do…

Andrew: Shot down, Ben!

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Ben: Not really shot down, because that has nothing to do with what I was even talking about.

Kevin: No, but it’s true.

Ben: I was saying that Hagrid still has a purpose in the series. If you want to talk about real life, last time I checked, there wasn’t a school where people are running around shooting spells at each other. So, you can just back down.

Laura: No, that’s not what I’m saying. [sighs]

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Well, okay. Hagrid is a lifeline to Harry because he’s one of his mentors and he’s always there for Harry when Harry’s in some problem or difficulty. Harry goes down to his hut and blah, blah, blah. But so is Dumbledore and Sirius!

Kevin: Exactly.

Andrew: They were both mentors for him too. So…

Kevin: So why is Hagrid still around when they aren’t?

Laura: Why is he special?

Ben: Because! Okay, she’s not going to kill everybody! Why is that third-year kid who was…

Andrew: We know that!

Ben: Why is Ernie Macmillan still around?

Kevin: But why would…

Micah: [laughs] Pigwidgeon?

Ben: Why is Justin Finch-Fletchley still around? And why is Filch still around? Why is…

Kevin: [interrupts Ben] Why do you think there’s a limitation for her to kill only one character per book?

Ben: There isn’t a limitation! Multiple people die per book.

Kevin: Yeah, but one major.

Andrew: But one major. It’s one major character.

Laura: Yeah, it’s one major.


Andrew: Although I think it’s Book…

Kevin: Because there’s still purpose to that character! Just like Dumbledore was kept around in Book 5 because he had to show Harry the Horcruxes, Hagrid has a purpose in Book 7.

Ben: Okay, I think you guys… Hagrid isn’t that major of a character anyways.

Kevin: Yes, he is! What is…who is the first magical character that Harry ever meets?

Ben: Okay, that’s fine. But his role in the books has diminished.

Kevin: Okay, so that character’s not significant? Of course it’s…

Ben: No, his role in the books have diminished, [stammers] has diminished! And you’re always…

Kevin: [interrupts Ben] But that’s what I’m saying, he’s going to…

Ben: [interrupts Kevin] You’re trying to make a connection here which doesn’t even make sense.

Kevin: No, no. All I’m saying is…

Laura: Actually, I disagree.

Ben: You’re all, [in a mocking tone] “Hagrid is the key to the series!”

Laura: No, no, no! No, no, no, no, no. Hagrid’s role has not diminished. we haven’t seen him as much…

[Ciaran laughs]

Laura: …because I think he’s been doing other things.

Ciaran: Hmmm.

Kevin: I agree.

Laura: Especially going out and trying to gather the giants in Book 5.

Ben: He’s going to throw rock cakes at Voldemort, that’s what he’s going to do.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Kevin: Honestly, I think it’s, I think it’s either to deal with the giants or to help Harry directly fight Voldemort in some way like…

Ben: Okay, just because he’s still around doesn’t mean that he has this ultimate purpose in the end.

Andrew: I think it makes sense for Hagrid to die in Book 7 because… [laughs] I’m going to talk about my pattern.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Listen, there’s one significant character that dies in…well, in the past two books. Sirius was very important to Harry and he died in Book 5. Dumbledore was very important to Harry and he died in Book 6. Now, wouldn’t it make sense that, the only other really important character, besides Ron and Hermione, is Hagrid. Right? Is there anyone else that is really important to Harry, like a mentor?

Kevin: Yeah.

Micah: The Weasleys…

Andrew: So, according to my pattern, my calculations, my… Well, the Weasleys… I don’t know.

Micah: Lupin.

Andrew: They are sort of separated because…

Ben: Okay, Micah’s definitely tearing you down.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: No, Lupin is not a mentor as much as anyone else.

Ben: Micah’s just destroyed your pattern, dude.

[Everyone laughs some more]

Andrew: Lupin is not a mentor as much as…

[Everyone is still laughing]

Andrew: Lupin is not as much of a mentor as Hagrid is.

Kevin: But he is a mentor.

Andrew: So, according to my… Yes, but not as major. I’m just saying it would make sense that Hagrid would kick the can in Book 7.

Ben: Why?

Kevin: Honestly, I don’t know if he’s going to die.

Andrew: Because he’s Harry’s final lifeline inside the school.

Kevin: Honestly, I don’t know if he’s going to die, but I do think he is going to play some role.

Laura: I agree.

Ben: Okay, Sherlock Holmes. Thanks, Captain Obvious.

Andrew: I just think it would make sense because Hagrid dying…

Kevin: No, let’s do a roll call. Who believes that Hagrid will play a significant role? Laura?

Laura: “Aye.”

Andrew: Yeah, well, all of us. I think we all do.

Kevin: Ben doesn’t.

Andrew: But, I…

Ben: No, no.

Andrew: Ben is Ben.

Ben: Okay.

Andrew: What, Ben? Go ahead.

Ben: Okay, you guys are definitely misconstruing my viewpoint on this. What I am saying is that you guys have to find an ulterior reason for everything. There’s always something else that has to be going on. Hagrid is still around just because he’s not 85 and he’s not dead yet. It’s not like JK Rowling says [Ben continues in a high-pitched voice] “Well, I haven’t killed Hagrid off for this reason.” Of course he’s still going to have some purpose in the final book, and it may be to mentor Harry, but being a mentor could be enough because Harry’s had multiple mentors killed off already, why would she kill off another? And also, like you said…

Andrew: [Laughs] Because…look at my pattern! Clearly!

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I haven’t seen your pattern, I haven’t seen your pattern.

Andrew: I’m going to draw a picture of it.

Kevin: And we will include that in the Show Notes?

Andrew: Yes.

Ben: We’ll have a picture of Andrew’s pattern.

Andrew: Hagrid dying would tear him apart more than many other people in the books.

Kevin: I think so, too.

Andrew: And Sirius dying tore him apart and so did Dumbledore.

Ben: Why doesn’t Jo just kill everyone?

Andrew: That’s what I’m saying…it’s what should happen.

Kevin: That’s a good idea.

Andrew: It would be an easy way to end Book 7. There’d be no more mysteries.

Kevin: An apocalypse!

Ben: Andrew, what does your pattern say about this?

Andrew: Everyone dying? My pattern says “slim to none.”

Ben: Awww.

Andrew: The ratio is a little bit off.

Where Did He Go?

Ben: What do you think… Okay, Hagrid is expelled in his three years. Where did he go immediately following his expulsion? Did he immediately become gamekeeper…assistant gamekeeper to Ogg? Or, was it that he ran away from the school and he…?

Kevin: I think at the very least he was, he had some involvement with Dumbledore.

Ben: Oh really? Really? Did it take you a long time to think that one up? [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, it did. No, but seriously, like direct contact, where, to the point where Dumbledore set up whatever he was doing.

Andrew: You mean the grounds-keeping?

Kevin: Well, not necessarily the grounds-keeping at first. Maybe where he was living, you know, what he was doing in his spare time, stuff like that.

Andrew: Well, I’m sure…

Laura: I think he definitely hung around at Hogwarts.

Andrew: Yeah, well I was thinking, in between after graduating and getting his job there, that’s when he really spent some time…maybe he lived in the woods and was like a total…

Kevin: Hermit?

Andrew: Outcast.

Ben: Neanderthal.

Laura: I’m not sure that Dumbledore would let him do that, though.

Kevin: I don’t think so either.

Andrew: I mean just learning about creatures and living among them. Being a part of their community.

Kevin: Well, I would think that Dumbledore would promote his interest in magical creatures and maybe hint at where he should go and what books he should read and stuff like that.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Can Hagrid read?

Kevin: I would hope so.

Ben: Okay.

Kevin: He did go to school for a couple years.

Laura: Yeah he can, because in the first book he wrote a letter to Dumbledore.

Ben: Ooops.

Kevin: Yep, see. Shot down.

Andrew: Couldn’t he, like, not spell though? Wasn’t…

Ben: Yeah, he has poor spelling.

Laura: Yeah, but he can still read.

Andrew: At like a fifth-grade level. [laughs]

Hagrid as Groundskeeper

Ben: There’s a really silly question here that I’m seeing in our–in the chat here – did Hagrid always want to be a Groundskeeper? How much does he know about the grounds? Well, the thing about him – did he always want to be a Groundskeeper? I doubt it was his dream, you know. It’s like if someone works at McDonalds. [in a deep voice] “Did he always want to work at McDonalds?” No, he didn’t, but he sort of got forced into that position because he wasn’t able to get the rest of his education.

Kevin: Yeah, but I think he loves it.

Ben: He likes it now.

Kevin: It’s a job that, it’s potentially a job that he may not have seen himself in, in the beginning, but now he just loves it, you know, kind of thing.

Micah: Yeah.

Kevin: Something that grew on him maybe.

Micah: And I don’t think we’ll ever know what he could have potentially been because he got expelled.

Ben: But how much does he know about the grounds, of the school?

Kevin: We don’t know.

Andrew: I think he’s…who mentioned this yesterday?

Micah: Ciaran, I think.

Andrew: …or two days ago. About Filch being…

Ciaran: Oh yeah.

Andrew: Go ahead.

Ciaran: Yeah, Filch knows basically, the whole of Hogwarts, like, inside while Hagrid knows everywhere outside. So I think, yeah, he’s basically the equivalent of like what Filch knows inside.

Andrew: I think that makes sense because you got to have someone who’s completely experienced with the grounds outside. And, being that Hagrid is the Groundskeeper, I think it’s sort of a no-brainer there.

Ciaran: I think that if he wasn’t expelled in third year, I think one of the jobs he might of liked is what Charlie does, you know dragon-keeping. But, I’m sure he’s happy with grounds-keeping.

Andrew: It’s not a paying job, I don’t think. Do you think he gets paid? [laughs] Not like it really matters, but…

Ciaran: Well, he’s a teacher now anyways, so.

Andrew: Yeah, bringing in the big dough.

Kevin: Oh yeah.

Ciaran: Definitely.

[Everyone Laughs]

Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid

Ben: What do you guys think about Robbie Coltrane and how he’s portrayed Hagrid in the movies? I think he’s done an excellent job and he’s sort of what I’ve always…

Kevin: Oh yeah. Definitely. I think he’s one of the major…one of the only characters that have been portrayed perfectly. Like, to the dime.

Laura: I agree, definitely.

Ben: [In a Hagrid-like voice] “Rubeus Hagrid!”

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: [In a Hagrid-like voice] “Keeper of the Keys.”

Andrew: I love that voice. [laughs] Yeah, it really is perfect. And he looks great in the role and…he’s just a good person. Ciaran, did talk to him on the Red Carpet?

Ciaran: No, actually I was talking to someone else and he walked by.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Ciaran: But he’s actually funny and…I was talking to David Bradley, the guy who plays Filch and, yeah, he came up behind him and pulled his hair for some rhyme or reason.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Does he have, like, a ponytail or something?

Ciaran: David Bradley?

Andrew: Yeah.

Ciaran: Yeah, he has pretty long hair.

Andrew: Oh, okay. [laughs]

Ciaran: Yeah, but Robbie Coltrane…

Andrew: He pulled it!

Ciaran: Yeah! But I don’t know why.

[Andrew laughs]

Voicemail – Keeper of the Keys

[Audio]: Hi! This is Madison from New Jersey. I live right near Medford, Andrew. Anyway, I have a question about Hagrid. What is the job “The Keeper of the Keys”? We haven’t actually seen Hagrid keep keys since The Sorcerer’s Stone. And where did he get Harry’s key? Thanks, and I love the show! Bye.

Andrew: I think he still has the keys…They just don’t get mentioned. Because they serve no purpose.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Exactly. Harry’s key, I think that’s obvious, I think it came from Dumbledore.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: I thought Dumbledore…I’m sure…

Andrew: For the vault, we’re talking’ about, right?

Ben: Yeah. I’m sure that Harry’s parents had their affairs in order, because they knew they were going to get killed soon.

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: So they probably told Dumbledore, “Hey, if we die, you know, Harry gets everything. Here’s his key.” You know, [laughs] that type of thing.

Kevin: But, what is a “Keeper of the Keys”? Like, is there any doors that we haven’t seen that are important to Hogwarts?

Ben: Ummm…

Andrew: He’s just in charge of handling the keys. It’s like a management position.

Ben: What else is there to it?

Andrew: There is nothing.

Ben: He has the key to the Quidditch broom closet, I bet. [laughs]

Andrew: He’s got the key to happiness…and joy.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: I think the reason, why they ask, is because it’s…they make it out to be a very large title like, “KEEPER OF THE KEYS,” you know?

Ben: Well, based on how you and Laura reacted earlier, it’s like he has the “key” to the series.

[Everyone laughs, then Laura and Kevin sigh]

Kevin:: Oh.

Andrew: I think it’s just a clever title. Because, it’s “Keeper of the Keys”…what’s the term for that?

Micah: Janitor?

Ben: Janitor! [laughs]

Andrew: No, I mean, the English term…alliteration?

Ben: Yeah, alliteration…the “K.”

Kevin: So, do you think it’s just simply he has the keys and he controls them?

Andrew: Yeah, there’s nothing to it. Stop over-analyzing, guys.

Kevin: Hey, that’s what we do.

Ben: [In a sing-song voice] You’re over-analyzing…

Laura: I agree, I think that it’s just a job that Dumbledore gave him.

Andrew: I think we’re burning into people’s minds that they have to over-analyze everything. Because like, they listen to us for like an hour-and-a-half.

Laura: Well, they do.

Kevin: [laughs] They do over-analyze everything.

Andrew: Whatever. Apparently I’m not funny anymore.

Kevin: You aren’t.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: You never were funny.

Andrew: Next voicemail.

Kevin: [laughs] Ohhh.

Andrew: Yeah right, I’m freakin’ hilarious.

Voicemail – Hagrid’s Fate and Horcrux Ginny

[Audio]: Hi. I’m Freddie from London, England. And I was just wondering what you thought the chances are of Hagrid dying in the seventh book were as he does have a close relationship with Harry, and whenever Harry forms a bond with someone, they always seem to die, which is the reason he broke off with Ginny? Which brings me on to Ginny. Do you think there is a possibility of Ginny becoming…being a Horcrux in the seventh book? She did handle Tom Riddle’s diary, she’s the seventh child, which is a magical number–or bad magical number–and, she…has unusual talent. Bye.

Andrew: I agree with Freddie there. And this is what we talked about earlier. Hagrid…Harry is very close to Hagrid. I think that it would…

Ben: Let’s just kill him.

Andrew: …make sense.

Ben: I’m going kill him.

Andrew: You never know.

Ben: [laughing] I’m going kill Hagrid.

Andrew: You never know. Okay.

Kevin: You’re going to kill Hagrid?

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: But, as for that second part of the question, Ginny Weasley being a Horcrux?

Kevin: Not a chance.

Laura: No, I don’t think so.

Ben: How could he make Ginny a Horcrux?

Kevin: Exactly.

Ben: He wasn’t even alive in human form.

Kevin: Exactly, and I believe that he created all seven Horcruxes or “Horcri” before he died.

Ben: He had to have.

Andrew: Yeah.

Voicemail – Headmaster Hagrid

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast. This is Louis from Massachusetts and I have a question about Hagrid. My sister thinks he’s going to become the next headmaster after Dumbledore died, but I think she’s crazy, so anyway, I really don’t think that’s going to happen. Well, do you think he’s going to stay at Hogwarts now that Dumbledore is dead because he said that if there are students that he could teach, he would stay. But, is Hogwarts really going to stay open? And, what can he do for the Order if he doesn’t stay? I mean, what can he do to help the good guys’ side, if you will? Thanks so much! I love your show.

Andrew: Um…headmas…Hagrid as a headmaster. I don’t know if that would work very well.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: I doubt it. Not a chance.

Laura: No, no no.

Andrew: How old is your sister?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Tell her to listen to MuggleCast some more. Yeah, I think that the best chance is for McGonagall to become the Headmaster…Headmistress. Excuse me.

Ben: Yeah, let’s not use gendered language here.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: As for what he would do, do you think…I don’t know…

Andrew: Of course. No, of course he’ll stay at Hogwarts.

Laura: I think he’ll stay.

Andrew: I don’t think he’d abandon it.

Ben: Hogwarts is his home.

Laura: I know. Hogwarts is really, I mean it’s really the only home he’s ever known.

Kevin: Well, he’s going to stay at Hogwarts, but what is he going to do? Like, what is his classification going to be?

Ben: Ummm…Keeper of the Keys?

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: I think this leads into another voicemail I have somewhere around here.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I like how Kevin acts like he has a pile of them and he puts them in his cassette player and hit play.

Ben: Yeah. [laughs] No, that’s a good point. Let’s play that voicemail now.

Voicemail – Hagrid, Head of Gryffindor?

[Audio]: Yeah my name is Ryan Moore. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah and I had a question. I noticed your next topic will be about Rubeus Hagrid and I was curious if you guys think that, with Professor McGonagall, now as the Headmistress of Hogwarts after Dumbledore died and that, who will be the next Gryffindor Head of House? I think it will be Hagrid. To me, he seems to the obvious choice. Wondering what you guys think and hope that you haven’t already answered it? Thanks!

Andrew: Oh yeah, that is a good question.

Ben: What I think is that Hagrid might actually…I mean, there’s a possibility he would. I think Slughorn, if Hogwarts is open, I think that Slughorn is going to become–resume his position as Slytherin Head of House and, who better than Hagrid to become Gryffindor head of house? Who else is there? Or, is it possible for McGonagall to be head of house AND headmistress?

Laura: I don’t think so.

Kevin: I don’t think so either.

Laura: I don’t think so, because it would show favoritism.

Kevin: Yeah, exactly. So… I think that’s a possibility. Distinct possibility.

Andrew: Good question though. Okay, so that wraps up all of our Hagrid discussion. Now, let’s go to the regular voicemails.

Voicemail – Foe Foreshadowing?

[Audio]: Hi, guys. This is Holly from Arkansas. I was listening to you on my way to work this morning and I had a question about Goblet of Fire. In the chapter with the Foe Glass, Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall are all reflected in Moody’s Foe Glass…er…”not Moody’s” Foe Glass. And I didn’t know what that meant. Does that mean they’re all on the same side? That’s my question. Thanks!

Laura: I don’t think so.

Ben: I don’t…

Laura: I don’t think the Foe Glass is a long term-type thing. I think it just applies to present…to a present-type sense.

Kevin: I don’t think it shows allegiances. I think it shows…

Laura: …who is against you at that time.

Kevin: …who’s against the person at that time, exactly.

Laura: Yeah.

Voicemail – Harry Using Crucio

[Audio]: Hi, MuggleCast. This is Carolyn calling Paris, France, not Texas. I wanted to bring up the fact that Harry’s attempted to use the Cruciatus Curse on more than one occasion but nobody seems to be bothered by this. Now, as we all know, a successful use of this curse merits a lifetime sentence in Azkaban. Doesn’t it follow that the attempted use, like attempted murder, is a crime as well? And, on a moral level, does it worry or bother you that Harry tried to cast it? Thanks.

Ben: On a moral level, I don’t really think so because he was extremely mad both times and I think the fact that he wasn’t able to do it, shows that he doesn’t have enough hatred to do it.

Kevin: Yep, I agree.

Ben: Yeah, like Bellatrix said, “You have to mean it, you have to want to see them scream…want to inflict pain on them.” And he doesn’t have enough hate in him to do it.

Andrew: But, it…I think it does worry us that he has that temper that he would do that. Because, does…he’s aware of what the consequences are, right? So…you get what I’m saying here? [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, but he was trying to defend himself.

Andrew: I know, but isn’t…doesn’t the rules…

Kevin: Yeah, but I find it hard to believe that, if a Death Eater is about to kill you…

Ciaran: Yeah. Self-defense.

Kevin: …and you use a killing curse on them and they die, you’d be sent to Azkaban.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: I find it very hard to believe.

Ben: Well, there’s an exception. Of course there’s an exception. Kind of like if someone breaks into your house and has a gun, and you shoot them with your gun, you’re not going to get sent to prison for it. Because you are defending yourself.

Kevin: Exactly.

Ben: It’s kind of like how if…you can kill someone or like shoot someone if you believe that your life or the life of someone else is in danger.

Kevin: Yep, I agree.

Voicemail – Legilimency On The Tower

[Audio]: This is Kelly from California. Do you think that Snape used Legilimency to communicate with Dumbledore on the Astronomy tower? Because on page 595 it said that Snape gazed at Dumbledore for a moment before he got killed. Thanks, bye.

Ciaran: I think that definitely were… If it’s true that they had planned this beforehand, that Snape would kill Dumbledore. I think that Dumbledore let Snape read his mind and say…urge Snape to go ahead with it and just kill him and not be weak.

Kevin: So, do you think it’s possible that there wasn’t a Unbreakable Vow like we were predicting and rather, just a communication between Snape and Dumbledore? Because that’s another possibility. Well, in the previous episode we said that Dumbledore and Snape possibly had an Unbreakable Vow between the two of them.

Ciaran: Yeah.

Kevin: Where, if Dumbledore was ever in a position, well, if Snape was ever in a position where Dumbledore’s life over his…Snape’s own position was questioned. If that makes sense.

Ciaran: Yeah.

Kevin: It would be Dumbledore’s life. You know, you would take Dumbledore’s life.

Ciaran: Ummm.

Laura: Well, no. I think what you’re trying to say is, assuming that Snape is innocent…

Kevin: Did that make any sense? I think I…

Laura: They were probably…

Kevin: “construted” that one.

Ciaran: I don’t really follow.

Laura: …speaking to each other on a different platform then out loud.

Kevin: Well, I’m not only saying that. I’m saying that – is it possible that, instead of what we predicted as an Unbreakable Vow, it was actually just a simple communication between the two.

Laura: That’s possible too.

Micah: Yeah I think so, especially because of that whole “Serevus, please” line. I think it was more of a remind–

Ben: Serevus?

Micah: [still mispronouncing Snape’s first name] Serverus, whatever.

Kevin: Serverus.

[For the record, everyone was wrong, it’s “Severus”]

Micah: Whatever. That line is the same line-we mentioned this last time-that is said by Narcissa in “Spinner’s End.” So I think, by Dumbledore saying that exact same line in that chapter, he was reminding Snape of the Unbreakable Vow he had with Narcissa and that he had to go through with it.

Andrew: Okay, so that wraps up this week’s voicemails. Good job, everyone, good job, everyone.

Dueling Club – Arthur vs. Lucius

Ben: Well, let’s duel it up guys, let’s duel it up.

Andrew: Ben, Ben. You want to duel it up, Ben? You want to duel it up?

Ben: Let’s duel it up.

Andrew: Duel this, Ben!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Arthur…here’s a few we’ve picked out this week – Arthur versus Lucius.

Ben: Arthur.

Andrew: No.

[Everyone groans]

Ben: Hang on, in ancient mythology, wasn’t there a King Lucius that killed a King Arthur?

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I’m not kidding.

Micah: It’s the other way around.

Laura: No, I think there’s something…

Ben: That’s right. It’s the other way around. Yeah. Arthur killed Lucius.

Andrew: Yes, Arthur’s a rather big king.

Laura: I’m not sure how much magic… We haven’t really seen how talented Arthur is when it comes to magic really, apart form the fact that he can enchant, you know, like Muggle things like cars to fly. So, I’m assuming he might be pretty powerful.

Ben: Yeah, he’s still a full-grown wizard.

Andrew: Still, if Lucius is a Death Eater, there’s no question about it that he could…

Ben: Okay that’s…okay that is the stupidest reasoning I’ve ever heard in my life too.

Andrew: Why? Who says? Arthur? Are you kidding me? He does nothing, like Laura said.

Ben: You make it sound like Arthur, like the TV show on PBS. He’s that bad… [laughs]

Andrew: Arthur Weasley! [laughs] Okay, I used to love that show.

Laura: So did I.

Ben: Arthur?

Andrew: Arthur, no. Arthur Weasley, we haven’t, like Laura said, we haven’t seen anything with him. So, how can you assume that he…

Ben: We haven’t seen anything of Lucius either, we saw him–

Andrew: Well, we’ve seen him in Chamber of Secrets, and he’s a Death Eater, so he must have some magical skills.

Ben: Well, Arthur is a member of the Order, so, so should he.

Andrew: No, pshhh no.

Laura: But there’s a difference. Dumbledore will let anyone who wants to help into the Order.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: See, with Voldemort, you have to…

Andrew: Molly Weasley is in the whatever.

Laura: …have some sort of talent.

Ben: Not true. How the hell is Wormtail in there if you had to have some kind of talent?

Kevin: It’s true.

Laura: It’s because he’s a servant. Voldemort will take any type of help he can get when it comes to things that benefit him.

Ben: Okay, you guys definitely making flawed, flawed connections.

Andrew: That’s a good point. Why would Voldemort say “No” if he’s going to be able to help him?

Ben: Yeah, but that’s the same thing that the Order does then. So, you can’t…

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Ben: Then, Laura’s falling all over herself in contradictions because first she says, “Well…

Laura: No, no, no.

Ben: Yeah, you said…

Laura: Ben.

Ben: You said that…

Laura: Ben.

Ben: …you have to be talented to get into…

Laura: Ben…

Ben: No, you said that, Dumbledore let Hagrid, not Hagrid, but ummm…

Laura: No. Does Voldemort let…

Ben: …let Arthur into the Order so he could help out.

Kevin: Let’s play it back.

Ben: Let’s play it.

Laura: Ben.

Ben: Micah, Micah, read that back for me.

Micah: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Laura: Does Voldemort let Wormtail go out and fight for him? No, he doesn’t. That’s the thing. Dumbledore will choose people according to their particular talents and he will assign them different tasks.

Ben: Well, same thing!

Laura: Voldemort seems to…

Ben: Well, that’s the same exact thing that Dumbledore does.

Laura: No!

Ben: Yes, it is!

Laura: No, no, no! No, I’m saying…

Ben: Yes! Yes, yes, yes!

Andrew: Yeah, but we always take from what we know, and from what we know, [laughs] Arthur’s nothing.

Laura: Exactly.

Ciaran: Well…

Kevin: Honestly guys, honestly, I don’t think we know enough about Arthur to make a clear judgment on whether he’d win.

Ciaran: We know Ron isn’t good at magic, so does it like run in the family that all of them aren’t good at magic? Because…

Andrew: Probably.

Ciaran: …Draco’s probably better than Ron.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ciaran: So, Lucius must be better.

Micah: Wait, but Arthur was good enough to stand guard in the Ministry of Magic. He must obviously be a somewhat powerful wizard.

Andrew: Stand guard, but did he do anything? He works in the Ministry of Magic.

Kevin: Yeah, but if you’re standing guard this…

Ciaran: Yeah.

Kevin: Not to mention he’s at in the Ministry of Magic, so…

Ciaran: He would have an excuse for being down there Well, at least in the Ministry, because he works there. Whereas everyone else doesn’t.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s not like to alert other people. Well, he could be. He could’ve been.

Ciaran: Right.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: That’s stupid. Ben, you’re out of your mind.

Ben: You’re out of your mind.

Andrew: No, you’re out of your mind!

Ben: Well then, stop making a judgment.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: I am making a judgment. About Lucius.

Laura: I don’t know. I really don’t think we know enough about Arthur [laughs] to make a clear judgment.

Andrew: [laughs] Next…

Laura: I don’t.

Ben: Did your pattern tell you that, too?

Andrew: No, but… but looking back, okay. If Arthur the Aardvark is to Arthur Weasley… So…

[Everyone Laughs]

Andrew: They’re both weak. Period.

Dueling Club – Hermione vs. Ginny

Andrew: How about Hermione versus [pronounces her name with a hard “G”] Gin- [pronounces her name right] Ginny? I think this would be another cat-fight, like McGonagall and Umbridge that we spoke about.

Kevin: I think so too. I think this would be pretty cool.

Ben: Oh, yeah.

Kevin: No, I’m teasing.

[Kevin and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: [speaking in a “cool dude” voice] It’d be pretty sweet, man. [laughs] No, but I don’t know. This is sort of like with the first one. We haven’t seen much out of Ginny, as we haven’t out of Arthur. Like Micah brought up, it could run in the family that all of them are bad at magic, sort of like Ron is. So…

Kevin: I don’t think so either. I think she’s…

Andrew: But have we seen? Have we seen…

Laura: I don’t think Ginny’s bad at magic, though. Well, we know that Ginny used that Bat-Bogey Curse and got them out of the grips of Umbridge and all of her Inquisitorial Squad.

Kevin: I think the word for her would be clever.

Laura: So, she can’t be all that bad. [laughs]

Kevin: She tends to be a little bit more devious in her methods, you know?

Andrew: Well so is Hermione, don’t you think?

Kevin: No. I think Hermione is a little more direct.

Andrew: But clever too.

Laura: She thinks before she leaps. Unlike Ron. [laughs]

Kevin: Like what?

Andrew: Well, I don’t have any specific examples, but…

[Andrew and Ben Laugh]

Kevin: I put you on the spot.

Andrew: [in a scholarly voice] Like for example, in Book 4, on page 350…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: I don’t have any specific examples.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: You haven’t memorized all that?

Ciaran: I think we have to assume that Hermione would win because we don’t know enough about Ginny, but we know that she’s a year below Hermione. So, I’d say Hermione would definitely win.

Kevin: I would say so too.

Laura: Mhm. I think that’s saying something.

Spy on Spartz

Andrew: This week we are going to make an indefinite [laughs] postponing of Spy on Spartz. Because guys, Emerson has become so boring over the past two weeks, it’s just like there’s nothing going on, so… [laughs]. That we could talk about.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: So if you want us to spy on a random person, on someone that you want to know more about, whether it’s a MuggleNet staffer, whether it’s some famous celebrity, we’ll look into it. Actually, no, make it a MuggleNet staffer. [laughs] If you want to spy on Jamie or you want to spy on, uh…whoever! Send us your “spy-ons” to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Ciaran’s Irish Joke Of The Day

Andrew: So now, in light of Jamie not being here, let’s start, let’s start a new segment.

Kevin: Oh god. [laughs]

Andrew: It’s not Jamie’s British Joke Of The Day. It’s Ciaran’s Irish Joke Of The day! [laughs]

Ciaran: Okay!

Andrew: Ciaran, you got one for us? [still laughing]

Ciaran: Yeah, I got one. Okay. How can you tell if an Irishman is having a good time?

Laura: How?

Ciaran: He’s “Dublin” over with laughter.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: [singing] Da, da, da, daaaaa!

Kevin: Wow.

Andrew: Wow. Thanks for that, Ciaran! [laughs]

Kevin: That’s well said.

Ben: [singing] Wa wa wa waaaaa…

Andrew: That was good.

Ben: Oh yeah, Andrew! we almost forgot!

[Andrew gasps]

Ben: Last week we did an interview with Melissa, who made it to the second…

Andrew: Anelli?

Ben: No, not Anelli. Melissa “Blank,” we never got her last name. But she made it to the second round…

Andrew: [laughs] We do, but we’re not going say it.

Ben: She made it to the last round, not the last round, the second round of auditions for Luna Lovegood. So, let’s hope she gets in! But we have a little interview with her. She talks about the auditions, the process she went through, how she’s excited about it. So, let’s play that now.

Luna Lovegood Hopeful Interview

Andrew: So Melissa, tell us how you became interested in applying for this role?

Melissa: Well, I was actually, I was with my family in the United States because my Mum died from cancer a few years ago, and every January I go visit my parents. And I found out about the audition through MuggleNet, and I begged my Aunt to let me fly back home. So, I went back home, and I went with one of my friends and we went to the audition at like 5:30 in the morning. And I slept most of the night away. She kept on having to wake me up so I could get in. And then… Basically, I just said where I was from, my name, where I work. And they were like, “We want you for our film.” I was like, “All right. Why not!”

Ben: What made you want to try out for Luna?

Melissa: When the fifth book came out, I read it, and I was like, “That girl seems so familiar to me.” And I was just asking my friends why she seemed so familiar. And they were like, “She’s exactly like you.” I was like, “Oh! That’s why.”

[Laura laughs]

Melissa: So, some times you need to hear it from other people to know where you’re from. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. Well, I mean, there were a lot of people who went out to audition, so what was it like waiting in line?

Melissa: Well, I slept most of the night, but my friend’s Dad, we were waiting for about four hours before we got called in – about four or five hours – and I was like, “Well, that’s not too bad.” She was like, “Of course it wasn’t bad for you, you were sleeping.” I was like, “Yeah. So?”

Laura: Oh, I was just wondering you thought the general atmosphere was like? What it was like to be around so many other people who were intent on getting this role?

Melissa: I didn’t feel actually very nervous because everyone was so nice. Like, there was like this huge group of girls around me and they were like, “So why are you here?” And I was like, “Same reason everybody else is.” And they were like, “Well, for what reason?” And I was like, “I WANT THIS!” [laughs] And they were like, “Well yeah, but is there any specific reason why you want it?” I was like, I was like, “I don’t know. I just want it!” [laughs] So, everyone was really nice and friendly. They don’t even think about intimidating you.

Ben: How far into the auditioning process did you make it?

Melissa: Well, we just went through the first round, which was really, really fun. And I was like, I didn’t pay attention actually. I was one of the last girls to say where I was from. And my friend kept nudging me. She was like, “Melissa, Melissa, it’s your turn.” I was like, “Ohhh!” I was like, “I’m Melissa. I’m from Oxford.” And they were like, “Oh, okay.” And I was like, “Yeah.” So that was that.

[Andrew laughs]

Melissa: And I said, “Okay, we’ve got that situated then.”

Andrew: [laughs] Well, that’s good. One question we have is about the auditioning process. What exactly was involved? How do they decipher between who was good and who would not fit the part?

Melissa: Like, basically, after we said our names and where we were from they had a group of us, like a small group, small groups of one hundred or so girls. And they walked passed us in our group and they would just kind of look at our faces. I had a hard time to keep from laughing because everyone is just looking at me and I’m like, “What am I supposed to do here? Am I supposed to laugh or am I supposed to be serious?” So, I just kind of smiled and was like, “Hi!” You know?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: So you were a bit nervous, right? [laughs]

Melissa: [laughs] Yeah, a little bit.

Laura: I have a question regarding Luna’s appearance. Could you tell if they were looking for girls who fit the description of having blond hair and kind of silvery blue eyes or were they kind of letting that slide figuring, you know, someone could dye their hair and put in contacts?

Melissa: Well, my friend that I went with, I thought she looked exactly like her and I thought for sure she was going to get through without getting cut because she has really long hair – dirty blond hair. Not like bright blond, but dirty blond. And she has these really big, kind of pale eyes. And then they didn’t call her. And I was like “What?” They have this process. They look at you and see if you’re right for it, but they’re kind of looking for your personality even though you can’t really have personality when you’re saying your name and where you’re from. And then they kind of were like, “Well, that girl seems kind of like, all right. This is fine. You know? They want somebody that can actually relate to stuff. And they want someone that girls can relate to. They look for that as well because some girls, they do look like her, like when I came out and saw the next group of girls because some of my friends were in there. This girl with really dark hair and really dark eyes got through. I was like, “What? Hey, I got through too! You look nothing like her. This is great!”

[Laura laughs]

Melissa: So, everyone just went… It’s not a big deal appearance-wise, but it kind of is, because they want somebody that looks like her. But they’re also kind of like, “Well, we want somebody that girls can relate to.” Because she has to be kind of like… distant sometimes, but she also has to be someone girls can relate to.

Andrew: Right, and do you think you can do that?

Melissa: Yes.

Andrew: Do you think you look like her at the same time?

Melissa: Well, a tiny bit. I’m more like her in personality than anything… than looking alike, you know?

Andrew: So, where do you go from here? What’s next? When do you expect another message from WB?

Melissa: Well, I’m… My Dad actually, he’s back in London, he’s waiting, and he’s going to call me if they call me back. So I was like, “Okay Dad, that’s fine.” And he was like “Are you sure? You can stay there with your Aunt, or I can come.” And I was like “Yeah, you can stay home.” And he was like, “Well, who is going to teach you school?” I was like, “Aunt Wendy…” [laughs] And they were like, “Oh, okay…” So… My Aunt has been teaching me school since I was eleven, and I hang out with cousins too.

Laura: How many people were evaluating you while you were, I guess, auditioning? I’m not sure you’d call it an audition since they were mainly looking for an appearance, and kind of an aura, but how many people looked at you?

Melissa: I’d say at some points… Some girls had about ten, and I had around seven, so I guess around seven to ten people.

Laura: Mhm. Wow.

Melissa: Depending on which group it was and what time it was.

Laura: That’s pressure.

Andrew: Yeah, really, I’d say. So do you have any final thoughts? Such as what you’d hope to see in the final Luna Lovegood?

Melissa: Well, I just think that, whoever they pick, I hope that girls can relate to her, even if it’s not me because there were lots of girls that wanted it there, but I do hope whoever gets picked everyone can just say, “She perfect!”. So that’s what I am hoping for, no matter what.

Andrew: Okay, cool! Well, enjoy your time in the States and thank you for joining us, and best of luck!

Laura: Yeah, definitely.

Melissa: You too, thank you very much for having me.

Ben: It was great talking to you!

Laura: Oh, it was great talking to you.

Luna Lovegood Hopeful Interview

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: That just about does it for us this week. We hope you enjoyed the show. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am,, REDcast – all of these things. I’m just spreading myself out here.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck. [laughs]

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Ciaran: And I’m Ciaran.

Ben: Oh, and everybody! Everybody…

Andrew: [interrupts Ben] Thanks again for joining us.

Ben: What? Hold on! Hold on! We’re not done yet.

Andrew: Humph!

Ben: Everybody join us next week when we are going to be discussing… I have it, guys, I have the perfect person we’re going to discuss: Ron.

Kevin: Okay.

Ben: Ronald Weasley.

Andrew: Ciaran, thanks for joining us this week. I think we’re going have you on as a regular.

Ciaran: Okay.

Andrew: People, people love those foreign dudes.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: That they do.

Ciaran: They do.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for episode [pronounces it with a “V”] venticinco.

Ben: It’s [pronounces it with a “B”] venticinco.

Andrew: Did I say that right?

Ben: It’s [pronounces it with a “B”] venticinco!

Andrew: No, it’s not [pronounces with a “B”] venticinco!

Ben: Yeah, it is.

Laura: Yeah, you pronounce “V’s” like “B’s.”

Andrew: It’s a “V!”

Laura: You pronounce “V’s” like “B’s!” [pronounces it with a “B”] Venticinco!

Andrew: I’ve had five or six years of Spanish and we were never told that.

Ben: Not all time, but it’s venticinco, like…

Laura: Yeah, it’s venticinco.

Andrew: [in a mock Spanish accent] venticinco!

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Huh.

Ben: Good night everybody! Good morning.

Laura: Bye.

Andrew: What was that kid’s name who, uh… what was that kid’s name who crossed Cuba?

Ben: Elian Gonzales… [talking fades out]


[Soothing music begins playing]

[Audio]: Hey, this is Ben from New Jersey and I wanted to tell you guys that I really love your podcast, even though I just started listening to it this year. Great, keep up the good work, love Harry Potter. Thanks. Bye.

[Audio]: Hi guys! This is Sam from Maryland. I just wanted to let you guys know that there’s a new podcast in the house and it’s called iMuggle- AND we’re now on iTunes. So, watch out! I mean, we’re not ever going to be as good as you guys, but still. Please could you just mention us on the show, because we’re just that great? Oh, and remember, sporks rule.

[Audio]: Hello, this is Marjorie from Georgia. I am, well, pretty much I’ve just turned 12. My birthday was January 11th, so Happy belated Birthday to me. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I love your show and I listen to it while I do my homework, while on the ride to school, on the ride home from school, and also at night when I’m in bed. So, yeah. And I haven’t gotten that far into it because I just pretty much discovered how good it was. So, yeah. Bye.

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast, this is Sarah from New York. I just wanted to say how upset I am that there’s no episode this week, so I hope you make it up next week with a really long two-hour episode, and everybody’s on it. You guys are amazing. Keep up the great work, and I love the girls on the show. Woohoo! Ummm, and… yeah!

[Audio]: Hi, my name is Alex. I’m from Ohio. I just wanted to say I love your podcast and I’m watching it all the time on my iPod, and I don’t have any questions. I just wanted to call and thank you for having it. Thanks! Bye!

[Audio]: Hi, this is Sam from England. Just wanted to say your show is great. Keep the good work going. Thanks!

[Audio]: Hey! This is Lionel Wichowski from Orange County, California, and I would so, so, so like it if you could give a shout-out to everyone at RSM Intermediate School. I would just frickin’ love it! I would love it, I would love it, I would love it. And I love the show. You guys are awesome. I love you, Andrew! YOU’RE CRAZY! But I love you! Bye!

[Soothing music ends]


[Everyone laughs]

Ben: That sounds like such a three-year-old thing.

Micah: They’re probably plenty of other main characters for her to whack off in Book 7.

Ben: Okay. [laughs]

Andrew: But… but…

Ben: She’s just going to “whack off” these characters?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You just said whack off?

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: Yeah! [laughs]

Andrew: What’s wrong with you, Micah? Get your head out of the gutter. Um…


Andrew: Ummm… what is the job of the keeper… Kevin!

Kevin: What?

Andrew: Read these.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: What is the job of the keeper of the keys? We haven’t actually seen Hagrid keep keys since The Sorcerer’s Stone- and where did he get Harry’s key?

Andrew: Madison, come over to my house sometime.

Kevin: I think that would be a little bit scary, but…

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: To meet you, I mean, Andrew.

Andrew: Why?

Laura: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: Why?

Kevin: It was a little traumatizing for me, so…

Laura: I wouldn’t want to go to your house either.

Andrew: Kevin, I remember seeing you walk in through the door of the hotel, and I was like “That’s Kevin Steck? God, he’s short!”

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Okay, shut up!

Ben: He saw me and he’s like, “Oh my god! He’s huge!”

Kevin: [laughs] It’s true!

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: I remember he saw me, and the first thing he did was his eyes got really big and he goes, “You’re a lot bigger…”

Andrew: Me? [laughs]

Ben: No, no no…

Kevin: No, Ben.

Ben: …Kevin.

Andrew: Good, cause I was like..

Kevin: Ben. Yeah, I saw Ben, and I’m like, “Holy crap”… [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Kevin’s eyes got really big and he was like, “Holy crap! You’re a lot bigger than I expected!”

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: It’s true!

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Awww.

Andrew: Wow. I don’t think Ben’s that big.

Kevin: For such a small personality, you’re a big person.

Ben: Ouch. Ouch.

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: Okay.

Andrew: So anyway, that’ll be the blooper. Let’s, ummm… well we got that out of the way at least.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Kevin: Yeah. Ummm, okay.


Written by: Micah, Martina, Sarah, and Laura