Transcript #216

MuggleCast 216 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

Micah: This week’s episode is brought to you by, the leading provider in spoken word entertainment. Get a free audiobook download of your choice when you sign up today. Visit to get the details.

Andrew: This episode is also brought to you by, the fast and easy way to publish a high-quality website or blog. For a free trial and 10% off your new account, go to and use the code “Muggle”.

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello, this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films, and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: Because we’re about to interrupt your regularly scheduled Saturday morning programming – that was by Micah, not me – this is MuggleCast Episode 216, for December 11, 2010.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Good morning everybody. Hello Jamie and Micah!

Jamie: Hey!

Andrew: Hey, hey, hey!

Micah: Yo, yo!

Jamie: Hey, it’s not morning!

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: It’s not morning, it’s afternoon. It’s almost dark here. How can it be morning there? That’s ridiculous.

Andrew: I know, we are worldwide. This is morning for me. If you’re listening to us on the West Coast this morning, I can feel your pain. But we thank everyone for getting up and listening.

Jamie: Wait, what time is it?

Andrew: Well, it’s 8:00 AM. I mean, it’s not that early. [laughs]

Jamie: Awww, I don’t know.

Micah: Jamie would have been working for an hour by now if he was there.

Jamie: Yeah!

Micah: He gets to work at 8:00 AM, don’t you, Jamie?

Jamie: No, no, no, I don’t.

Micah: Oh.

Jamie: No, I was trying to make out there that I was some type of really hard worker and stuff, but no, I get there at 9! [laughs]

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: That’s what – most people do go to work at 9:00 AM.

Jamie: Yeah, but don’t you get to school at, like, 7:30 or something? And then you finish at…

Andrew: Yeah, when I was in high school! [laughs]

[Matt laughs]

Jamie: That is obscene.

Andrew: I’m in college now.

Jamie: What’s wrong with you people over there?

Andrew: One time…

Jamie: That’s…

Andrew: …I dragged Jamie to school with me. He was doing our morning show.

Jamie: [laughs] Oh yeah, that was fun.

Andrew: Yeah, it was! And I think it was a live show, so I think we had to be out the door at 5:00 AM [laughs] and you were in the worst mood.

Jamie: Oh, I remember that, I remember that. Oh, that was – Andrew, I did enjoy that, and I understand why you want to take part in your school programme and that, [laughs] but I wouldn’t get up at 5:00 AM…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …to go and do that!

Andrew: I know.

Jamie: I would just record it and send it on CD.

Andrew: I know. [laughs] And send in a CD. Well, we like to do it live and that’s why we’re doing it live today. Eric – hey Eric.

Jamie: Hey Eric.

Eric: Hey guys.

Andrew: You hopped on a minute late…

Matt: Hey.

Andrew: …otherwise I would have said hello to you at the beginning.

Eric: That’s okay.

Andrew: Well, we have a great show for everyone today, it’s our annual Year in Review show. This is the third time we’re doing a sort of award show and just the second year that we’re doing this really fun format. If you guys remember last year, we had a variety of categories and we had you guys vote on them live as we’re recording to determine the winners. And we have pretty much the same categories as last year, and there are some good stories and categories. For example, Most Shocking News Story, this is going to be one of my favorites this year, I think.

Eric: So, it’s the MuggleCasties!

Andrew: The MuggleCasties!

Eric: It’s the annual MuggleCasties.

Andrew: Third Annual MuggleCasties. That name is so long, but…

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Andrew: …whatever. Anyway, first before we do that, Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast news center. He’s going to update us on the latest stories. What’s going on in Harry Potter this Saturday morning, Micah?

News:Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Video Game Reviews

Micah: The Deathly Hallows video game – Part 1 video game was released in the middle of November and surprisingly it was met with negative reviews. And I actually went out, I bought the game, I’ve played it a little bit, probably too much in fact, and I have to agree. I was optimistic a couple of shows ago about how this game was going to turn out because we had Nick on, and Nick said he had gone to EA and he had experienced the game, and he had a lot of good things to say about it. And the initial reviews before the game was released about the graphics and things like that were pretty positive, and – just the gameplay, that’s what it comes down to every time. The gameplay is just terrible and…

Jamie: What does that mean?

Andrew: Yeah, what does that mean for us…

Jamie: [laugh] What does “gameplay” actually mean?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Well…

Jamie: It’s a jargon word…

[Matt laughs]

Jamie: …but I don’t understand what it means. [laugh]

Micah: Just going from scene to scene – or, I guess, level to level – and just the things that you are tasked with, the things that you have to do. And I know they have to try and come up with innovative ways [laugh] for the game to be different, but – for example, which makes absolutely no sense, you have to put on the Invisibility Cloak once you Apparate to London away from the wedding, and go and test different people to see if they are Death Eaters or not. But you bump into somebody and the Invisibility Cloak falls off, and then you have to go back and do it again. So – but it’s…

Andrew: Ooh, but that makes it challenging!

Jamie: Well, that’s realism! Yeah, yeah!

[Eric laughs]

Jamie: Micah…

Eric: It sounds like I want this game.

Jamie: Yeah!

[Matt laughs]

Micah: No, you don’t want this game. You don’t want this game.

Andrew: It sounds like Micah is just fed up…

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: …because he’s not a good wizard, so…

Jamie: I know, it sounds like he’s having trouble!

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Yeah, he’s still on that same level. He hasn’t even passed it yet.

Jamie: He can’t beat a child’s game? [laugh]

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Micah, don’t let your own incapabilities get in the way of reviewing the game.

Eric: Or giving us the news, geez.

Micah: Well, I will say I’m not the only one that has reviewed this game [laughs] in a negative light, so…

Andrew: You’re right. You’re right. Lots of video game sites – they review video games as they always do, and they’ve always been harsh on Harry Potter and this one was no different. And just…

Micah: Do you know which one was reviewed positively? It was the LEGO Harry Potter video game.

Andrew: Yes.

Matt: That game was awesome!

Andrew: Well, it was…

Eric: You know what? I’m still on Book 1 with that one – with that game. I don’t know that I love it. I’m just going to say that.

Matt: You’re still on…

Eric: I think the…

Matt: What do you mean you’re still on…

Eric: Yeah. I love and I played all the LEGO games, but I haven’t advanced past the first out of – it’s Years 1 through 4, and I’m still on the first year in the LEGO game.

Andrew: So, Eric…

Eric: I mean, I have – yeah.

Andrew: …according to this Google Doc, it says you have an idea for a successful Potter video game?

Eric: Yeah. They really hyped this Game 7 up – DH Part 1 game – to be this amazing game because it wasn’t structured in Hogwarts. And I don’t think that that’s – just like the movie wasn’t in Hogwarts, it kind of felt odd. It was off. There was something off about it. I think they need a free-roaming Hogwarts game. I’m surprised that they haven’t done it by now.

Jamie: Like “Grand Theft Hogwarts?”

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Yeah, pretty much. But from Years 1 through 7, you start off and you can be in any of the houses, and it would create a ton of content because you would be just going to classes, everything from events – it doesn’t even have to really have anything to do with Harry Potter other than the namesake, “Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Journey.” And you would just basically meet all sorts of interesting people – the ghosts, the characters – and it could be done really well. I feel like…

Jamie: That’s not…

Eric: …when they’re trying to combine – cram it all into a game or create these game scenarios where there ordinarily wouldn’t be game scenarios. That’s where the stress comes in and maybe EA would do better to kind of think outside the box, but inside the castle.

Micah: Well, the problem, though, is that I think they have the agreement with the movies. So, so much of what you see on the film is being translated to the video game and I don’t think that always works out very well. And actually the video game did something that the movie didn’t when they find Dean and Griphook wandering around, and you have to follow them kind of through all these forests scenes and that wasn’t in the movie but it was in the book. So, they do include some things from the book but I just think – if you thought the forest scenes dragged in the movie, wait until you play the video game. [laughs]

Matt: Is there dancing?

Eric: It’s ten levels.

Matt: Micah, is there a…

Eric: No checkpoints.

Matt: …dancing level with Hermione?

Andrew: Ooh, like a Dance Dance Revolution?

Micah: I haven’t gotten that far.

Jamie: I hope not.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: He’s still on Tottenham Court Road.

Jamie: Yeah!

Micah: But the other thing, though, is this: there is not enough. The fact that they split this game, like the movie, into two parts, they have you do all these side tasks that don’t kind of flow with the game very well.

Andrew: Uh huh.

Micah: So all of a sudden you’ll be moving from one scene to the next as if you were watching the movie and you’re sort of taken on this detour of having to fight Death Eaters or creatures or whatever in these different areas that never existed, and it just – the game doesn’t flow very well in that sense, but…

Andrew: Okay. Well, before we move on we want to remind everyone that this episode is brought to you by, the fast and easy way to create and manage a high-quality website or blog. Create a website that is uniquely you to display your photos from Flickr, a blog you’ve been thinking about starting, or the tweets and RSS feeds you like the most, all in the design and colors of your choice. Whatever you want to communicate, you can say it easily and with style with Squarespace. They also have an iPhone app which makes it easy to update your site while you’re on the go. Try it all out today for free. Visit and sign up for a free trial. Then choose a design template to get started. No credit card needed, just give it a try to build your website. Then if you decide to purchase, enter code “Muggle” to receive 10% off for six months. That’s, offer code “Muggle”. We thank Squarespace for their support of MuggleCast.

Micah: We’d like to remind you again that today’s podcast is brought to you by, the leading provider in spoken word entertainment. Audible has over 35,000 titles to choose from to be downloaded and played back anywhere, just like MuggleCast. Log on to to get a free audiobook download of your choice when you sign up today. Again, go to for your free audiobook.

Jamie: Andrew, do you know what you should do as a game?

Andrew: Hmm.

Jamie: You should – [laughs] because your name is “Sims” you should get your entire family in one house, and then have people tweet in and tell you what they want you to do. [laughs]

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Andrew: Like the video game The Sims, yes. [laughs]

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, that would be so cool!

Andrew: I can’t tell you how many people – when people find out my last name, the first thing out of their mouths almost always is, “Oh, like the video game?” and I’m, like, “Yes, like the video game.” And as a joke I’m, like, “I invented it,” and half the time people are, like, “Really?” I’m like, “No.”

[Jamie laughs]

Micah: Because clearly you didn’t come before the video game.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Matt: Right.

Andrew: One day when people hear the name “Sims” they will think of me and not the video game.

Eric: And not the video game, yeah.

Andrew: It’s like The Seacrest. Nobody would think of the video game, they would think of Ryan Seacrest.

Micah: So, when they go to the store to buy the game, they will say, “Oh! I wonder if this is modeled after Andrew Sims.”

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: Is that what you’re saying?

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Anyway…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: And his life.

Andrew: …what else is going on…

Jamie: The world over.

Andrew: …in the news?

News: Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Box Office Results

Micah: Well, Deathly Hallows: Part 1 grossed so far $713.3 million worldwide. As far as I know it sold top in the box office internationally. It struggled a bit domestically in its third week, falling to Tangled. And I’m not sure it will do much better this week with The Chronicles of Narnia movie that is coming out. But that’s a lot of money in a very short period of time. I’m sure it will work its way up into the top ten in the next couple of weeks. But…

Movie Discussion: Jamie’s Review

Andrew: Jamie, this is the first time you’ve been on since the movie came out. What do you think of it?

Jamie: Yeah, I was just about to ask you if you guys have reviewed it yet. I assume you have. Well, I started writing a review that I want to finish but I haven’t really gotten around to it yet. Yeah, I thought it was excellent, really. There are a couple of things that I just – that really annoyed me to the point that I thought, well, if you’re going to put that in there then I don’t see how you can call yourselves filmmakers. Like…

Eric: [laughs] What?!

Jamie: No, no, no, honestly. When Snape first appeared at the…

Jamie and


Malfoy Manor.

Jamie: Yeah, and he walks in and Voldemort says, “We’ve saved you a seat,” and I thought, “Aww!”

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: That’s such a terrible line after what he says in the book and it’s just brilliant when he says, “You are very nearly late,” and that’s such a great line. And then when Arthur Weasley arrives at The Burrow and he just strolls up all causally, and there is a good chance that one of his children has died. And tell me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Mad-Eye say, “Go to the Burrows,” with an ‘S’ instead of “The Burrow?”

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: And I thought, well, how can you get that wrong?

Andrew: I don’t know about that last one. I think maybe Voldemort saying, “We’ve saved you a seat,” it fed into the – I got the impression that Voldemort was quirkier in this film. He was a bit more crazier and I think that sort of fit into it. Because he was sort of sarcastic, wasn’t he?

Jamie: Well…

Andrew: “We saved you a seat.”

Eric: Well, he bullies the rest of the Death Eaters so it makes it seem like – it just emphasizes that Dumbledore – Voldemort still trusts Snape and that the events of the previous films, although limited and edited, omitted even…

Jamie: I guess, I guess. It just – oh, I don’t know. I just don’t think it worked. But the rest of the film was brilliant, apart from the dancing scene, obviously.

Andrew: You didn’t like that?

Eric: Didn’t like the…

Jamie: No.

Andrew: Why not?

Jamie: It was ridiculous. [laughs] It was so cheesy.

Andrew: You didn’t like the song, “Oh Children,” Nick Cave?

[“Oh Children” by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds plays]

Jamie: Well, not really. Why? Am I supposed to? Is it supposed to have meaning? Or…

Eric: Well, David Yates likes it, so you’re supposed to.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Oh right, oh right. Well, in which case I love it. But no…

[Matt laughs]

Jamie: It was – I don’t know. The entire film was great.

[Song finishes]

Jamie: The stabbing of the…

Eric: Elf?

Matt: Of the Dobby?

Jamie: No, no, no – [laughs] of the Dobby.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: No, the stabbing of the locket was amazing. I really liked that. That was really interestingly done. But yeah – no, no, Dobby. I thought when she threw the dagger, and then it went through and she just gave a look that was perfect, just like, “I’ve got one over on you.” Oh, it’s brilliant. Yeah, such a good scene.

Andrew: So overall, where does it rank in terms of the films?

Jamie: Oh, first I think, definitely.

Andrew: Really? Hmm.

Jamie: Oh yeah, definitely. It was easily the best. It just sort of flowed from beginning to end well and it took itself more seriously. I know that’s like a stock phrase of film reviews, but it seems to be true.

Andrew: Especially for Harry Potter. “This one is the darkest yet.”

Jamie: Yeah, exactly.

Matt: This one is the darkest…

Jamie: The darkest…

Matt: …you can’t even see anything.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah!

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Well, you can’t in the copy that I downloaded. But I didn’t do that, [laughs] so…

[Andrew laughs]

News: Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Box Office Results (Cont.)

Micah: So, I did take a look, though, over on Box Office Mojo and the film is currently at number 40, all time. And…

Andrew: Oh, that’s not very…

Micah: …I’m sure it will creep its way up. Well, no – I mean, it will pass a lot, probably, with this weekend.

Andrew: You think so? I mean, it’s already been out for almost a month now.

Eric: Yeah, and it’s got Tangled. And the new Narnia movie, isn’t that out?

Andrew: Yeah, it’s coming out this…

Matt: Yeah…

Andrew: Or yeah, it came out…

Matt: …it came out – yeah, it’s out already.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, but I mean…

Eric: And I have to go see it.

Micah: Probably the films in front of it – I didn’t look, but – I mean, you’re talking probably about a couple of million dollars either way. So, it will move past those films easily. I mean, I think pretty much with the exception of Prisoner of Azkaban, all the Harry Potter films are in the top 25. So…

Jamie: Why was Prisoner of Azkaban not there then?

Micah: I don’t know.

Andrew: Nobody likes Alfonso.

Micah: It didn’t make the cut.

Jamie: It bombed then. [unintelligible]

News: Deathly Hallows: Part 1 DVD Release Date

Andrew: Micah, I am dying to see this movie again but I don’t want to go to the movie theater. When can I expect to see it on DVD?

Micah: March 18th.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: What? I must have missed that. Is that new?

Andrew: That’s new. Like, three big stories all came out last night. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] I checked MuggleNet last afternoon.

Micah: Andrew had trouble with one of them.

Andrew: Yes, I did. Warner Bros. Switzerland apparently told that the DVD is coming out March 18th, 2011. That’s not a Tuesday, so I think in the U.S. it will either come out on March 15th or the 22nd which I think if you remember – if I remember correctly that’s typically when November DVDs come out, so I think that’s just the right period of time.

Matt: Yeah, I think you’re right about it. I think it being the 15th is correct because the U.S. gets a lot of the DVDs earlier than the European ones.

Andrew: Because we are better than you.

Matt: No, it’s just better to… [laughs]

Eric: Although I don’t…

Micah: Don’t say that, we have people listening. They finally can…

Eric: There’s…

Micah: …listen in the U.K. and you’re saying that?

Andrew: I’m just going to…

Jamie: Yeah, you’re going to alienate everyone now. [laughs]

Andrew: That’s why I’m up early. We’re up early for you guys in England.

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: So, yeah.

Micah: Well, while you’re talking about this, Andrew, you spoke to David Yates at the premiere. What kind of deleted scenes can we expect on the DVD?

Andrew: [laughs] You think I remember? I can’t remember what he said.

Eric: Look it up, you wrote it down…

Andrew: I was…

Eric: …in 2,000 words.

Andrew: No, I didn’t. No, it was on video. Watch my premiere footage to hear what David Yates says.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I honestly forget. That was such a whirlwind. [laughs] I was – it was nuts.

Eric: You fail, Sims.

Andrew: I’m sure it’s some good stuff. Anyway, what else is going on in the news?

News: Kelly Macdonald Cast As The Grey Lady

Micah: A little bit of casting news. Kelly Macdonald – Andrew, who you seem to know a bit about some of the other things that she’s done. She’s going to play the Grey Lady in Part 2.

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: And I’m sure we’ll be getting some small bits of casting news in the next couple of weeks. I don’t think we have the full cast yet but we do have a casting page over on in the Movie 7 section. Shameless plug but…

Andrew: Kelly Macdonald is hot right now. She’s in the hit show Boardwalk Empire on HBO and she’s so great in the show, so this is really exciting news for everyone who has been watching Boardwalk Empire this season who is also a Harry Potter fan.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: It hasn’t been cancelled, has it?

Andrew: No, it was renewed after the second episode. They…

Eric: I thought so.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But this interview with Kelly Macdonald says, “I hear that now that Boardwalk is done, you’re working on this,” so I guess it just means filming…

Andrew: I think…

Matt: Well, filming the first season.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. Right, right, right.

Matt: She looks good though.

Andrew: Oh, and her voice.

Matt: She really plays it.

Andrew: Her voice. If you watch her, you will – this screams Grey Lady, seriously.

[Eric laughs]

Matt: She screams the color grey.

Andrew: No, she has a very soft-spoken voice. She’s very pleasant to listen to. She has an air about her. It’s just really nice.

Eric: Yeah, that scene with Harry and the Grey Lady in the book, in Book 7, is just so interesting because Grey Lady is kind of distant – obviously, she’s a ghost.

Matt: Mhm.

Eric: She just withholds things back and doesn’t tell the full story. She has to be coerced and I think that that will give something – Kelly something.

Matt: Have they announced the casting for the Bloody Baron?

Andrew: No.

Matt: So…

Eric: Oh, wouldn’t it be cool if they did backstory…

Matt: Yeah, I was just thinking that.

Eric: …with young Grey Lady?

Matt: If she tells the story. All that blood and everything after he kills her.

Andrew: But by the way…

Eric: Plus they have the costume at the exhibit, the Bloody Baron costume. It’s amazing and I would hate to think it went through the whole series of movies with only, like, five seconds of screen time.

Andrew: By the way – what was I going to say? I just had a Bob-fail. [laugh]

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Andrew: Oh, I remember now. Dan Radcliffe – we interviewed Dan Radcliffe, this phone interview, fan site interview, about a month before Part 1 came out. And somebody asked him if the Grey Lady had been cast and he wasn’t allowed to say, but he had some very, very nice things to say about the actress. He said he was very happy – he was just blown away that she was going to be signed on, so now he was probably talking about Kelly MacDonald. So, hopefully we’ll get to hear more about her from him soon. Anyway, what else is going on in the news?

News: Deathly Hallows: Part 1‘s Chances In Academy Awards

Micah: Final bit of news for Deathly Hallows: Part 1. It’s gaining a little bit of steam in terms of Oscar talk. The L.A. Times has written up a couple of articles considering its release in November and the fact that it hasn’t won a single Academy Award for the series as a whole. And…

Matt: That’s just ridiculous.

Micah: …one of the things – Andrew, you posted yesterday – was that it is one of the fifteen visual effects semi-finalists…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …for the upcoming Oscar Awards but – or Academy Awards.

Andrew: Which is good news, but it’s – there’s only been fifteen films that really had good visual effects this year, [laughs] so I don’t know if this means that it has a good shot. I think it’s been short-listed before, hasn’t it?

Micah: Yeah. No, it’s definitely been up…

Andrew: Harry Potter?

Micah: …for Academy Awards. There’s no question. And I think John Williams has been up for…

Matt: Yes! And he hasn’t won a single time.

Micah: Yeah. So, it’s going to be interesting.

Jamie: Yeah, but he’s won enough other ones, hasn’t he?

Micah: I know we were going to try and…

Matt: Oh, well – yeah, a couple.

Andrew: We’re going to try what?

Micah: I think we were going to try and center a discussion around this for the next episode, but just kind of overall, do you think that this film as opposed to any others before it deserves an award more, or is it just getting to that point where – look, this is going to be the highest grossing franchise of all time. They should get something. I mean, [laughs] how are they going to go make eight films and not win any awards?

Andrew: I don’t think it should get an Oscar, though, just for that reason.

Matt: Yes.

Andrew: I mean, maybe for “Best Picture” but not – I don’t think it should get a “Visual Effects” Oscar just for – sort of a sympathy, “Oh, look at you. You guys, highest grossing franchise of all time.” And if you look at the competitors, Tron: Legacy – I mean, I think that’s going to – that’s very visual effects heavy, so I think that’s going to be a hard one to beat. Inception – all of these are very visual effects heavy.

Jamie: Oh, Inception, yeah.

Andrew: Harry Potter – this film – I mean, [laughs] Dobby and Kreacher looked great, the Harry and Hermione Horcrux scene looked great, Voldemort looked great. But are they really blow-your-mind visual effects…

Matt: Okay – well, no.

Andrew: …that are worthy of an Oscar?

Matt: No, no, no, I don’t think blowing-your-mind qualifies as having an Oscar. I think special effects – if you are – if it’s believable in front of the camera, that you actually believe that it’s part of the film, that it’s actual reality, then I think that deserves an Oscar. And I think a lot of this stuff that you see in Deathly Hallows is mostly CG that you don’t even realize it is because it’s just so well done.

Eric: I disagree. There’s a lot of acting in the film as well that would support an Oscar.

Matt: Well, there’s a lot of acting and there’s a lot of cinematography and all that crap, but I’m talking about as special effects go – like of course, Dobby – the house-elves are obviously CG but the spellwork between them – I think the chase scene where – the Snatcher scene in the forest with all the spells going back and forth. I mean, that’s great CG.

Andrew: [laughs] No, it’s not!

Matt: Yes, it is!

Eric: It’s actually not – it’s not CG, though. It’s really not.

Matt: You don’t think so?

Eric: This movie was not near as reliable on CG as prior Harry Potter films.

Jamie: I think – yeah, I agree, Eric. A lot of it was clever filmmaking and I’m not saying that it wasn’t sort of – it didn’t use CG but it was used…

Eric: Like – yeah.

Jamie: …in a clever way, like with the Snatcher just seeing Hermione and just going around, and it’s…

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: Subtle CGI can also win Oscars, I think, if it’s done in the best way.

Eric: Very much so. I’d like to see a soundtrack Oscar for this film because…

Matt: A soundtrack one?

Eric: Maybe I just haven’t noticed it – yeah, other Oscars, but…

Matt: Oh, for the score?

Eric: Yeah, for the score.

Matt: Oh, okay.

Micah: Well, will it be short listed for “Best Picture?” Have they announced that yet, or is that still going to…

Andrew: I don’t think so.

Micah: …be released sometime in the future?

Andrew: I say let’s…

Eric: No, it will be Black Swan and all those movies that haven’t been released yet to the rest of the world.

Andrew: Let’s save all our hope and energy for Part 2 getting “Best Picture.” I feel like that really could be a contender for “Best Picture.” This one – again, I don’t know, was it a “Best Picture?” Were the scenes when they are on mountaintops, was that – does that make it a “Best Picture?” I mean…

Eric: Just because you don’t get the film doesn’t mean the Academy won’t.

Matt: Yeah, thank you, Eric.

Andrew: I get the film.

[Jamie and Micah laugh]

Andrew: I just think you guys are relying too much on a sympathy vote.

Matt: Sympathy vote?

Eric: Wow.

Jamie: I don’t know if that’s the right word…

Micah: Well, don’t you think…

Jamie: …but I think you could be right.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Micah: Well, wasn’t this the case, Jamie and Matt, with Lord of the Rings where the first two films didn’t really get any…

Matt: Get anything, no.

Micah: …Oscar consideration and then…

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah:Return of the King got everything?

Matt: Yeah. And in my opinion, I didn’t think The Return of the King, the one that won eleven Academy Awards, was the best of the trilogy.

Jamie: It was just long and epic.

Matt: It was long and epic, and it had all these fight sequences. I thought that, in a way, that they gave all eleven as a sympathy vote for not giving any of the other films Academy Awards.

Jamie: Maybe, yeah.

Eric: No, they don’t…

Jamie: But do they do that?

Eric: They aren’t even human!

Jamie: They’re quite hard, aren’t they?

Eric: They aren’t even human!

Jamie: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: They don’t have a sympathy vote.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: What? They’re not even…

Andrew: The filmmakers are!

Eric: The Academy!

Matt: Oh, the Academy.

Jamie: The Academy, yeah.

Eric: The Academy!

Matt: I thought you were talking about – well, no because – of course it’s not. It’s a fantasy film. None of them are human.

Best MuggleCast Moment of the Year: Episode 190

Andrew: All right. Well, that’s all for news. Before we get to our big Year in Review: The Third Annual MuggleCasties, all throughout the show today we’re going to be looking back at some of the best MuggleCast moments of the year. This first one was from Episode 190. It was our “Helping Haiti Heal” special. It was when a few Harry Potter podcasts – MuggleCast, PotterCast, Harry Potter Alliance’s podcast, Hogwarts Radio. I think one or two others, too, Fiction Alley – all got together to do one giant podcast and we each took turns doing, like, a half hour, and this is a moment from our portion. It was – Micah told me I could pick any moment from this one, so naturally to inflate my ego this Saturday morning, I picked something that I did this episode.

Matt: Of course.

Andrew: So, let’s go back in time and listen. [makes time-traveling noises]

[Episode 190 clip plays]


Thank you. That’s exactly what I was going for. Okay, I did one more because I wanted to double check my work…

[Matt laughs]


…and I decided to – this second scene is where Ron rejoins Harry and Hermione after running away. You guys remember this from Book 7, right?








Now, this may be a little controversial, but I had to do it. I mixed it in with his score from “The Meadow”…

[Matt gasps]


…which can be heard in the film ‘New Moon’. Don’t judge it yet. Take a listen. I really think this works.

[“The Meadow” plays]


I’m judging, Andrew.


I’m judging.


“‘You come back after weeks – weeks – and you think it’s all going to be all right if you just say sorry?’ ‘Well, what else can I say?’ Ron shouted, and Harry was glad that Ron was fighting back. ‘Oh, I don’t know!’ yelled Hermione with awful sarcasm. ‘Rack your brains, Ron, that should only take a couple of seconds!’ ‘Hermione,’ injected Harry, who considered this a low blow, ‘he just saved my – ‘ ‘I don’t care!’ she screamed. ‘I don’t care what he’s done! Weeks and weeks, we could’ve been dead for all he knew.’ ‘I knew you weren’t dead,’ bellowed Ron drowning her voice for the first time and approaching as close as he could with the shield charm between them. ‘Harry’s all over the ‘Prophet’ and all over the radio, they’re looking for you everywhere, all these rumors and mental stories. I knew I’d hear straight off if you were dead.'”

[Clip ends]

Andrew: [makes time-traveling noises] So, that was…

Jamie: That was quite cool, actually. I don’t think I’ve heard that before. [laughs]

Andrew: You were on that show! [laughs]

Jamie: Oh, really?

Andrew: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Oh. Well, I’ve forgotten that. I was quite pleased with that.

Micah: Maybe we should put you up for an Academy Award.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: No, that was when we had learned that Alexandre Desplat was going to do Part 1, so I took…

Jamie: Sorry, who? Who? [laughs]

Andrew: Alexandre Desplat was going to compose Part 1. He was going to be the composer for Part 1.

Jamie: Are you sure that’s his name, Andrew?

Andrew: Alexandre Desplat! Yes, I know it for a fact. Come on, [laughs] how do you think it’s pronounced?

Jamie: Well, I can’t remember, but I don’t think it’s that.

Andrew: It is Desplat. I a hundred percent know that for sure.

Jamie: But Andrew, he’s not American. Not everyone in this world is American.

[Everyone laughs]

Third Annual MuggleCasties: Most Interesting Potter Star on Twitter

Andrew: That has nothing to do with it! It’s Desplat. Desplat. Anyway, he was signed on to do Part 1 and I took some of his previous scores, including that from The Twilight Saga: New Moon, go put them together with part of Harry Potter. So anyway, now it’s time for the Year in Review: The Third Annual MuggleCasties awards. As everybody remembers, last year we took live – we did a live poll in numerous categories to help determine what were the biggest stories, the biggest winners of the year. And we’re going to do that same exact thing this year. This year, I’m happy to say, it’s easier than ever for the 533 people listening live right now. A poll is just going to show up right over the top of the video screen, so it’s – you can’t miss it. It’s going to be very easy to vote. Our first category is “Most Interesting Potter Star on Twitter.” Now, I think these are the same contenders from last year. [laughs]

Matt: Yeah, this is last year’s one.

Andrew: But we’re looking at who was the most interesting this year. First person was Tom Felton, second person is Emma Watson, third person is Warwick Davis, fourth person is Matthew Lewis – and Micah, we’re also giving an honorable mention to J.K. Rowling. Can you explain that, please, while I get the poll ready?

Micah: Well, I thought we should just mention her.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: I mean, even though she’s used Twitter probably about as much as she has updated her site in the last year or so.

Matt: Ooh.

Micah: [laughs] So, I’d just like to give a little nod, that’s all. Nothing more.

Andrew: Yeah. All right, so we’re starting the poll now, people can now vote and we will get the music going to progress this.

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Andrew: Here we go. The results are…

Micah: Can we vote?

Andrew: Yes, feel free to vote if – well, I prefer you not because then you’d have to bring up the stream. But Tom Felton seems to be taking…

Micah: I already have the stream up.

Andrew: Oh. [laughs]

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Tom Felton seems to be taking an early lead with 56% of the vote.

Micah: I’m going to give Warwick Davis a vote since he was on the show.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Andrew: I have to say, I think I’m agreeing with most of the listeners. Tom Felton was very active this year on Twitter. He’s always re-tweeting people.

[Music ends]

Andrew: And that’s it. With 56% of the vote, the winner is…

[Drum roll plays]

Andrew: …Tom Felton!

[Trumpet sound plays]

Eric: Whoo!

Andrew: [poorly imitating Tom Felton] “I’d like to thank everybody for…” [normal voice] Jamie, could you do a Tom Felton impression? I can’t.

[Matt laughs]

[Prolonged silence]

Andrew: I think Jamie walked out.

Eric: Don’t worry about it.

Matt: It sounds like…

Eric: We would have to do a…

Matt: [laughs] Your Tom Felton impression sounds like John Lennon.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Between the two of us we would have to do a Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell impression interrupting him accepting this award.

Andrew: Hey, people on Twitter – or people listening to us live – can you please at reply Tom Felton and let him know [laughs] that he just won a MuggleCastie?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] See if we can get him to comment. No, but seriously, at reply him. Let him know he won a MuggleCast award for “Most Interesting Potter star on Twitter.” Okay, so…

Micah: I hope he doesn’t expect us to send it to him.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: Oh, geez. [laughs]

MuggleCast 216 Transcript (continued)

Third Annual MuggleCasties: Most Shocking News Story

Andrew: I’ll send him a sticker. Okay, so our next category is “Most Shocking News Story.” This is my favorite category, especially this year. We have some great stories. First one: the Mayor of London saying a theme park shouldn’t be built in Orlando. If everyone remembers, I think he wrote an op-ed in The Times over the summer and he was saying that he was furious [laughs] how the theme park…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …was opening up in Orlando when London doesn’t even have one yet. So, that’s our…

Micah: Didn’t he say you’re more likely to get shot in Orlando than in London?

Andrew: Yes! [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I think in the headline, I wrote, “Cites getting shot…” [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: “…more likely.” Okay, so that’s our first contender. Second contender: MuggleCast – oh, come on! Who put this in here?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: What…

Eric: You’ve got to go with it.

Andrew: No! No! I do not…

Eric: We didn’t even mention this on the show!

Andrew: My story…

Eric: We didn’t even mention this on the show. This is the show that we have to mention this on!

Matt: This is a – no, this is big. This is big, Andrew.

Andrew: Okay, well then, I need to get the Bieber story in here. This can’t be replaced.

Eric: Oh, it’s replacing The Biebs, Andrew!

Andrew: No.

Eric: I’m sorry.

Andrew: No.

Matt: No.

Eric: There can only be four, it needs to replace the…

Andrew: Do you know how many comments we got on that? On the thing? Okay, I – okay, so second story – because Eric replaced it without telling us. Thanks Eric! – [laughs] MuggleCast not nominated for a 2010 Podcast Award. We got snubbed.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Third – sorry, I’m typing these into the poll as we go. Third: Emma Watson cuts hair following Deathly Hallows wrapping. Everybody knows she now has a new haircut.

Eric: It’s pretty shocking.

Andrew: And…

Jamie: It looks weird! [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Finally…

Micah: Oh, welcome back, Jamie!

Matt: [laughs] That’s a nice little return.

Jamie: Oh, yeah. Sorry, sorry, my phone went. I had to go and pick up my phone.

Andrew: That’s all right.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: And fourth, Dan Radcliffe thinks Bieber is a girl. And we’re going to start the poll now. See how…

[Trumpet sound plays]

Andrew: Oh.

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Andrew: See how people…

Micah: Who won?

Andrew: [laughs] Sorry, I got a little happy.

Matt: Come on, Bieber!

Andrew: Anyway, the results are tight. Emma Watson cutting hair seems to be taking an early lead. Honorable mention goes to John Williams not returning for Film 8. That’s obviously a bit of a disappointment, but it’s…

Matt: Yeah, that’s the most depressing story.

Eric: Oh, come on, MuggleCast! Beat Bieber, beat Bieber, beat Bieber, beat Bieber! Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!

Andrew: As David Yates said at the premiere, their schedules just did not align.

[Music ends]

Andrew: David Yates would have had to give John Williams the film too early. Anyway, the winners are now in for the winner of “Most Shocking News Story.” And the MuggleCastie goes to…

[Drum roll plays]

Andrew: …Emma Watson cuts hair following movie wrap!

[Trumpet sound plays]

Matt: Whoo!

Andrew: Emma Watson, I’ve got to say, she looks beautiful with her new hairstyle.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: That won with…

Eric: Ha!

Andrew: …40% of the vote. With 27% of the vote, [laughs] MuggleCast not nominated for 2010 Podcast Award.

Eric: Thank you.

Andrew: With 26%, Dan Radcliffe thinks Justin Bieber is a girl. And only 5% thought the Mayor of London story was shocking. I found the Bieber story to be most shocking because…

Matt: Yeah…

Jamie: I agree. I agree.

Matt: …I thought it was, too. I thought that was the most controversial.

Jamie: It is controversial…

Eric: Is he being serious?

Jamie: …isn’t it, in saying that?

Matt: Yeah. Emma Watson cutting her hair, it’s something that grows back.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Which everyone does as well! [laughs]

Matt: [laughs] Doesn’t everyone…

Eric: In, like, ten years!

Matt: …eventually cut their hair?

Andrew: But her hair was so radically short. I mean, she looks like a…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …pixie.

Jamie: It does look weird. I think it looks weird. I know some people like it, but I don’t know. I don’t know. I do think it looks a bit funny.

Matt: You don’t have to date her, Jamie. Geez.

[Jamie and Micah laugh]

Eric: You could attend Brown University, though…

Matt: Thank God you’re not her boyfriend! [laughs]

Eric: …and you could tell her in person.

Jamie: What was that ten points to Gryffindor thing? I read that it wasn’t true somewhere.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Oh, I don’t know.

Jamie: That’s such a shame.

Matt: That was hilarious.

Eric: I don’t know.

Andrew: We don’t know if that’s true. Rumor has it that…

Jamie: No, no, no, she had an interview and she said it wasn’t true. But she could just be saying that because it’s so damn funny. [laughs]

Andrew: Oh.

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Andrew: Well, somebody is going to do it now, now that the story has gone out. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, someone will now.

Third Annual MuggleCasties: Best Returning Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Actor

Andrew: All right, our next category: Best Returning Actor in Deathly Hallows: Part 1.

Eric: Returning.

Matt: Wait, when you say “returning,” does this mean an actor who was not…

Andrew: Who has been…

Matt: …on prior to the film?

Andrew: No…

Matt: Well, then…

Andrew: …who has been in…

Matt: …that doesn’t make sense.

Andrew: “Returning” meaning coming back for another film, who has been in it before or before who has been in them all before. Best actor! So, the nominees are: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Ralph Fiennes and Tom Felton.

Matt: Aww, you should have had Dobby in this.

Andrew: Start the poll now.

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Jamie: But he’s not an actor, is he? He’s a tennis ball on a stick.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Matt: He had the best acting in the entire film.

Andrew: These are people who have been in every film, with the exception of Ralph Fiennes.

Matt: Oh, okay.

Andrew: He’s in almost all of them.

Matt: I didn’t read the fine print.

Andrew: Surprisingly, Rupert Grint seems to be taking an early lead with 56% of the vote. Everyone else is sort of lagging.

Eric: Man.

Andrew: I mean…

Micah: Wow, I’m surprised. I picked Ralph Fiennes, I thought his job as Voldemort in this film was really good.

[Music ends]

Andrew: Well, the results are now in. The winner of the best – of the MuggleCastie for the “Best Returning Actor” is…

[Drum roll plays]

Andrew: …Rupert Grint!

Matt: Yay!

Eric: Woo!

Andrew: That drum roll was, like, a second too long. [laughs]

Matt: I think this is good, accurate voting.

Eric: I really don’t think so.

Matt: I thought…

Eric: Everybody snubs Dan. What the hell? Okay, is it that Harry is your character reading the book? He’s your – in person, you’re in his head, and is that why nobody likes Dan?

Matt: No, it’s not…

Jamie: You can’t say that no one likes him.

Matt: No, it’s not that no one likes Dan, it’s just that Dan wasn’t the best actor in the film.

Eric: Well, I mean, he got the least votes is what I’m saying…

Matt: Well…

Eric: …on this poll…

Matt: Maybe everyone is just…

Eric: …and I’m tired of that!

Matt: Well, I think the main reason why Ron won was because he was the stand-out actor, I think. I think he stood out more than he’s done in the other films and that he had the biggest improvement. Also…

Eric: But that Tom Felton and Ralph Fiennes and Rupert Grint stood out more?

Matt: Well, Tom Felton, Ralph Fiennes and Rupert – yeah, Tom Felton and Ralph Fiennes all had maybe a collective five minutes in the film.

Eric: Mhm.

Third Annual MuggleCasties: Best Returning Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Actress

Andrew: Hmm. Okay. You know what, I agree with the voting. I thought Rupert Grint was great in this film and really a lot better, sort of unexpected, in terms of his performance, it exceeded my expectations. Sorry. Next category: Best Returning Deathly Hallows Actress. The nominees are: Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, Imelda Staunton and Bonnie Wright. Start the polling now…

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Andrew: …and the votes are coming in by the second.

Jamie: [imitates the “Jeopardy” countdown] This music…

Eric: Ooh.

Jamie: …makes you sleep.

Matt: Hmm.

Jamie: It’s like being hypnotized.

Andrew: [laughs] This song will be running through everyone’s head all day, I’m sure…

[Matt imitates the “Jeopardy” countdown]

Andrew: …after hearing it…

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: …eight times.

Matt: Oh, we’re going to hear this nine times?

Andrew: I’m sorry. Emma Watson seems to be taking the lead, 55% of the vote, but closely followed by Helena Bonham Carter with 36%. [laughs] Bonnie Wright…

Matt: [laughs] Guys…

Andrew: …has a disappointing 2%.

[Music ends]

Matt: [laughs] Ten votes!

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, that’s not amazing, is it?

Andrew: No.

Jamie: I bet that’s her.

Andrew: The winner of the MuggleCastie is…

[Drum roll plays]

Andrew: …Emma Watson!

Matt: Yay!

Micah: Tweet her!

[Trumpet sound plays]

Matt: What do you think was her…

Andrew: [laughs] Tweet her.

Jamie: [laughs] Tweet her.

Matt: What do you think was her most notable scene, Emma Watson?

Andrew: I loved…

Jamie: Oh, the first scene! The first scene, the one when she’s…

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: …erasing all her photos, it was such good filmmaking! It was a great choice to start that.

Matt: Oh, it’s the best opening ever.

Jamie: It was so cool.

Andrew: I have to also say when Hermione is asking Harry for her wand back. She’s, like, “Harry, where’s my wand?” after Ron returns. “Where’s my wand? Where’s my wand?” [laughs] I thought that was really funny.

Matt: I liked when she had the Rita Skeeter book in her hand talking about her parents, in the forest.

Andrew: If everybody could please notify Emma Watson via Twitter – her Twitter handle is “EmWatson.”

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: So, E-M-Watson – that she won [laughs] a MuggleCastie award for “Best Returning Actress.”

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, but she also won the hair one. They’re going to be, “We think your hair…”

Matt: Best hair.

Jamie: “…is the weirdest story!” [laughs]

Andrew: Oh yeah!

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Tell her she also won for “Best Shocking News Story” and her stickers are in the mail.

Matt: [laughs] Her stickers.

Andrew: Or will be in the mail by the end of the day.

Matt: Are we sending them pickles?

Andrew: Yes…

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: …you also get a commemorative pickle. [laughs]

Jamie: [laughs] A commemorative pickle!

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: With a smiley face on it. How about we give her an exclusive membership to Pickle Pack?

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: So we can re-open it. We can re-open it for her!

Andrew: Today’s winners will receive prizes from Pickle Pack. Okay, great ideas. We have some great ideas. No, but seriously, let her know on Twitter. Maybe she will respond, maybe she will be, like, “Oh, thanks!” [laughs]

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: Okay…

Jamie: It will be like the Oscar that never was. [laughs]

Andrew: I mean, I figure if they get enough tweets – I’m going to do it once the show is over, I’m going to let them know, too, via Twitter. If they get enough tweets they will think it’s something really big, [laughs] so they will have to respond!

Matt: Yeah…

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah!

Matt: …if we get it trending…

Jamie: Yeah, if we get it trending!

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: We got to beat the Miley Cyrus trend.

Jamie: MuggleCastie hashtag.

Third Annual MuggleCasties: Best New Potter Actor

Andrew: All right, our next category is “Best New Potter Actor” and the nominees are – oh geez, [pronounces incorrectly] “Rise” Ifans… [laughs]

Eric: [pronounces incorrectly] “Riss.” It’s “Riss.”

Jamie: [laughs] Both words are wrong there!

Andrew: Bill Nighy – got that one right? Good. Peter Mullan and Andy Linden. Now you might be saying, “Who do these people play?” Rhys plays Xenophilius Lovegood, Bill Nighy plays Rufus Scrimgeour, Peter Mullan plays Yaxley, and Andy Linden plays Mundungus Fletcher. I am starting the poll now and the results are coming in.

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Matt: Hmm.

Jamie: Can we still talk now? I can’t remember.

Andrew: Yes, please. Yeah.

Jamie: Oh, right. No, I was going to say, Andy Linden was not the Mundungus Fletcher that I thought Mundungus Fletcher was going to be like.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: Did you really think that?

Jamie: Oh yeah, yeah. He was supposed to be lanky and ginger, and this guy was Cockney, short and squat.

Andrew: [laughs] Cockney?

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: You mean to tell me that – [laughs] Cockney, short and squat. That should be the name of this episode.

[Jamie laughs]

Eric: Do you mean to tell me that when Jo writes, “lanky and ginger,” that immediately your mind responds and says, “Oh, all right. I’m drawing a picture right now of a lanky ginger man” and that’s…

Jamie: Yeah, that’s what I do when I read. I thought that’s what everyone did…

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: …they visualize what’s on the page. [laughs] What do you do?

Eric: No, I…

Micah: Well, wasn’t he bald in the movie?

Andrew: He was, pretty much.

Eric: I base more on his personality, so I tend to form on their actions.

Jamie: Well, you’re an arrogant reader! No, I do as well, I still visualize…

Eric: How is that? How am I an arrogant reader?

Jamie: Well, because you’re saying, “I don’t pay attention to her characterization.”

Eric: No, it’s just – she – hey, look, you have to agree that she uses colors as meaningful to represent certain things, so it’s almost less realistic to go by what color a shirt was or a day was or the sky was because…

Jamie: Yeah, but what about a person, though? A person – if she says he’s ginger and tall, then I’m going to imagine that. I’m not going to think, “Well, if she says that, I won’t think that.”

Matt: Right.

Eric: Maybe all the ginger actors were cast as Weasleys, [laughs] in Britain.

Jamie: Yeah, maybe. Yeah.

Andrew: Guys, this is fascinating, but we must announce the winner.

Micah: I have a question for Jamie, though, after you announce the winner.

Andrew: Okay. The…

[Trumpet sound plays]

Andrew: Oh. [laughs] The winner…

[Drum roll plays]

Andrew: …of the MuggleCastie [laughs] for “Best New Actor” [pauses] goes to [pronounces incorrectly] “Rise” Ifans!

[Trumpet sound plays]

Jamie: And [pronounces correctly] Rhys Ifans as well.

Andrew: [laughs] Rhys Ifans!

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: Thank you.

Andrew: Listen, I’m not good at pronouncing English names, I’m sorry.

Micah: I like how you waited until…

Jamie: Or French ones. [laughs]

Micah: …the very end to correct him, Jamie.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: You could have said it right at the beginning.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Is he back in Part 2? Because I hope to never say his name again.

Matt: Who?

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: The guy who won. No, but he won with 40% of the vote. Bill Nighy came in with 27% of the vote, Peter Mullan came in with 17%, and Andy Linden came in with 15%, so tight – or equally spread across the pie compared to other categories.

Micah: Yeah, I was going to say, though, we obviously left off some people.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: The guys who played Runcorn and Cattermole. We only have a certain number of options we can put in, right? On the poll, Andrew? So…

Andrew: That’s correct.

Micah: What did you think of that scene, Jamie? Did you like it? How…

Jamie: What, the…

Micah: The Ministry scene.

Jamie: …Tottenham Court Road one?

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: Oh, oh, the Ministry one. Yeah, I did like it. I thought the bit where he is turning back into Harry and he brings his scars up was a great touch. It’s really nice. But what I didn’t like is how they transformed back when they were already inside the – sorry, when they were still inside the Ministry. I didn’t think that was that good because I’m sure that many wizards could prevent them from leaving. The whole point was that they almost got there before they transformed and then they got out just as they were transforming back. It just seemed a bit – but yeah, it was funny as well with the Cattermole thing. But I wanted to say – actually, about that scene, you know in Lord of the Rings when you wear the ring and it affects you, and in Harry Potter you wear the Horcrux and it affects you? Well, since Umbridge was wearing the Horcrux, was she acting completely of her own accord? Or was the…

Eric: Right.

Jamie: …Muggle-born Committee actually because she was wearing it, or what?

Matt: Well, it affects people more the other and I think Umbridge was just already at that point. She’s a you-know-what anyways, so…

Jamie: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: You mean to say that it didn’t affect her at all?

Matt: No, because she’s just evil. She’s an evil person.

Eric: Oh, geez. Well, look, I think it brings out the worst in you. I think she was absolutely affected by the locket Horcrux. Maybe not more…

Matt: Well, I think anything, the locket would only make her a nicer person.

Andrew: Was there anything you noticed…

[Eric and Matt laugh]

Andrew: Eric, was there anything you noticed that made you think she was – it was making her act stranger?

Eric: It…

Andrew: Or strange?

Eric: Just the particular malice with which she says, “You are not a witch,” and, “Who did you steal it from?” I can understand a prejudice, but that seemed to be enhanced by the locket, to me.

Jamie: I agree. I agree. Well, I don’t know. It’s a tough one, but I think it probably did have an effect on her. I don’t think there is evil and not evil, there’s always…

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: …shades of grey, isn’t there? Great scene though, Micah. Great scene. I did like it a lot, yeah.

Third Annual MuggleCasties: Best New Potter Actress

Andrew: Now we’re moving on to “Best New Potter Actress.” The nominees are: Matyelok Gibbs who plays Aunt Muriel, Sophie Thompson who plays Mafalda Hopkirk, Hazel Douglas who plays Bathilda Bagshot, and Kate Fleetwood who plays Mary Cattermole. The results – the polls…

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Jamie: I don’t want to influence the poll…

Andrew: Go ahead

Jamie: …but the first one, Aunt Muriel, was fantastic!

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Especially that line when she said, “My boy, didn’t you know him at all?” or whatever she said about Harry and Dumbledore, which was a great line. It was absolutely brilliant! It was a great way to dramatize how Harry was feeling towards Dumbledore at that point. Really…

Eric: What accent was that? Jamie, do you know? Do you recognize it?

Jamie: What, her accent?

Eric: Yeah.

Jamie: She was just English, I think.

Eric: Oh.

Jamie: Yeah, I think she was.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Her costume, too, was pretty incredible!

[Music ends]

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, it was. Yeah.

Andrew: Okay. Well, it was actually a very tight competition for this category.

[Drum roll plays]

Andrew: The winner is – geez, I can’t – [laughs] I have to look closely – Matyelok Gibbs! So, Jamie, you did influence the vote. She plays…

Jamie: Or perhaps I didn’t.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: …Aunt Muriel.

Matt: Or perhaps she was just good.

Jamie: Perhaps she’s just good, yeah. Assume the worst, Andrew. [laughs]

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] 27% of the vote. Coming in a close second, Hazel Douglas with 26% and…

Jamie: She was good as well.

Andrew: …Sophie Thompson had 25%. Kate Fleetwood with 20%. So, mixed results. That was a…

Eric: I don’t understand.

Micah: Go ahead…

Eric: Kate Fleetwood probably did…

Micah: …and tweet Matyelok Gibbs.

Eric: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: I’m sure she has Twitter.

Matt: Wouldn’t it be awesome if they had the…

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Send her a pickle.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: Oh, he said it. I don’t get it, Kate Fleetwood had the most acting to do in this film.

Matt: Yeah, but Matyelok Gibbs…

Eric: But…

Matt: …was the best.

Eric: But Hazel Douglas, Bathilda Bagshot, really?

Matt: Bathilda Bagshot wasn’t even – she was dead!

Andrew: But…

Eric: Best new actress, really?

Andrew: Matyelok Gibbs also – now you get more from her in the book, I feel, but Aunt Muriel – with that short amount of time that she had, I feel like she played it off well, with the amount of time…

Jamie: She did a great job.

Andrew: She was limited, she didn’t have much…

Matt: Mhm.

Jamie: Really great job, yeah.

Andrew: All right…

Jamie: Why wasn’t he wearing the Invisibility Cloak, though? No, sorry, I don’t mean that. I mean, why wasn’t he transformed into the Weasley? And why…

Micah: Barney? Was it Barney?

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, Barney. And why didn’t they wear the Invisibility Cloak when they went places? I know it’s a visual medium…

Eric: So that you could see them! [laughs]

Jamie: Well, yeah. But – aww, that was annoying, but understandable.

Andrew: Well, especially because it does play a big role in terms of the Deathly Hallows, so you would think…

Eric: [imitating Harry] “I was born here, Hermione. I’m not coming back as someone else.”

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Matt: That was a big…

Andrew: Or maybe you could have seen them take off the Invisibility Cloak as they approached their destination?

Eric: Well, I argued this before. Bathilda still knows it’s Harry. Maybe it’s the snake-Horcrux connection. But even though he’s disguised as Barney, she knows it’s him and they still make that connection. So, there’s really no point to him being disguised to begin with. There’s no example where him being disguised actually helps them out in the Godric’s Hollow scene.

Matt: Mhm.

Third Annual MuggleCasties: Best Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Scene

Andrew: Out next category is “Best Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Scene.”

Matt: Geez.

Andrew: Now, of course there is a ton of great scenes in this movie, so it was very…

Jamie: Tough, very tough.

Andrew: Very hard to pick four, but these were at the discretion of Micah, [laughs] so…

Micah: Yeah, put it all on my shoulders. That’s all right.

Andrew: Micah…

Eric: Hey, I saw it too.

Andrew: And Eric. Micah and Eric…

Micah: Hey, people reviewed this document, all right? So, don’t go…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …giving me hell if your favorite scene…

Eric: It was shared with five people.

Micah: …doesn’t make the cut.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: The nominees are: Seven Potters, The Ministry, The Locket Horcrux, and Malfoy Manor/Dobby’s Death, we had to put those two together. And the voting…

Matt: Aww, that’s not fair.

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Andrew: The voting has now begun. My vote, personally – [poorly imitating Jamie] I don’t want to influence the vote, [normal voice] but my vote, personally, is…

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: …Malfoy Manor/Dobby’s Death because Malfoy Manor – those scenes in general – there were a few throughout the movie and any time we were in Malfoy Manor, I loved it.

Matt: Yeah, I got to agree. Well, I agree strictly on Dobby’s death.

Andrew: The early winner seems to be Malfoy Manor and Dobby’s death with 43% of the vote.

Eric: Go banana!

[Music ends]

Jamie: Easily winning, aww!

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: The one I voted for…

Micah: Wow, I voted for the…

Jamie: …is dying a slow death.

Andrew: The winner…

[Drum roll plays]

Micah: Which one?

Andrew: …is…

Jamie: The Seven Potters.

Andrew: Malfoy Manor and Dobby’s Death with 43% of the vote!

[Trumpet sound plays]

Matt: Yay!

Andrew: Coming in a close second is The Ministry with 23%, The Locket Horcrux with 21%, and Seven Potters with 11%.

Jamie: Oh, by the way, that scene, Seven Potters, one more bad continuity error was that their voices didn’t transfer over, but in Chamber of Secrets they did transfer over.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: No, in Chamber of Secrets they…

Andrew: No, they…

Eric: What do you mean?

Andrew: No, they…

Jamie: When they use Polyjuice Potion.

Eric: Yeah, they kept film continuity. In Chamber of Secrets their voices don’t change.

Matt: Yeah, their voices…

Jamie: Oh, I thought they did.

Matt: …don’t change at all.

Jamie: Right. Oh, right. Okay.

Andrew: They impersonate. They make…

Eric: So, it’s a difference from the…

Matt: [in a deeper voice] They go like this.

Andrew: Yeah, they solved the…

Eric: So, they actually – yeah.

Jamie: Okay, sorry. Ignore. Ignore. Big fail. Ignore it.

Eric: But you’re right, it is a book difference.

Jamie: It’s a book difference, yeah. Oh, by the way, what I was going to say is in the locket scene when they’re trying to curse it and it isn’t dying, [laughs] I was expecting Elrond to come in and say, “The Ring cannot be destroyed.”

Matt: “Cannot be destroyed!”

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: “Gimli, son of Gloin.” [laughs] That would be so cool if they had to go to Mount Doom and chuck it in there. [laughs]

[Matt laughs]

Third Annual MuggleCasties: J.K. Rowling Award

Andrew: Okay, we’ve arrived at our final category before determining the top seven stories of the year. This is the J.K. Rowling Award. Now in years past, J.K. Rowling has won the J.K. Rowling Award, but we’ve added some competitors [laughs] to make the competition tight. Now, in order to be nominated for the J.K. Rowling Award, you have to be female, you have to be an author or influential in the book community, and you also have to be sort of a somebody in the entertainment industry as well. So, we’ve picked four women who meet all of those criteria and the nominees are J.K. Rowling, J.K. Rowling – no, I’m kidding. Suzanne Collins, who is the author of The Hunger Games, Oprah Winfrey, we all know Oprah. [laughs]

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: And last but not least, or maybe least [laughs] depending on how this poll goes, Stephenie Meyer…

Jamie: Oh, this is going to be so interesting.

Andrew: …who is the author of Twilight. So, the voting…

Eric: Now, if I may sway the poll here…

Andrew: …has now begun.

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Eric: …I’m going to say that there is only one J.K. Rowling.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: It’s… [laughs]

Jamie: Wow, that’s not going to…

Andrew: So…

Matt: Wow, why was J.K. Rowling even on this? [laughs]

Andrew: Well, because she – to win the J.K. Rowling award you have to be…

Matt: J.K. Rowling? [laughs]

Andrew: …a woman. Yes, basically.

Matt: You have to be J.K. Rowling to win the award.

Micah: So, Justin Bieber could potentially beat J.K. Rowling…

[Jamie laughs]

Micah: …according to Dan.

Jamie: Well, they have to be female, yeah. [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Well, J.K. Rowling – in years past, we haven’t put J.K. Rowling up against anybody else…

[Music ends]

Andrew: …but this year we decided to try and do that. Anyway…

Matt: So, it’s fair.

Andrew: …the winner is now in and it’s very clear.

[Drum roll plays]

Andrew: The winner of the J.K. Rowling Award goes to [pauses] J.K. Rowling!

[Trumpet sound plays]

Jamie: Tweet her! Tweet her! Tweet her! Tweet her! Tweet her!

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Now, guys, you’ve got to tweet her. You’ve got to tweet her and tell her that she won the J.K. Rowling Award at the annual…

Jamie: Hundreds of millions of times! [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: With an astounding 81% of the vote. Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games had 10% of the vote. With 5% of the vote, Stephenie Meyer. And with 2%, Oprah Winfrey. I thought for sure Oprah would beat Stephenie but not.

Eric: I thought so, too. Well, we didn’t have Melissa Anelli on this poll and if we had…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …she would have seriously been a contender, so…

Andrew: So, then J.K…

Jamie: Oh yeah – go on. No, I was going to say, Stephen King came out and said that Stephenie Meyer is not a good writer.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: What?

Jamie: …and Stephen King is a god, so…

Eric: No, actually, Stephen King – he’ll put his name on anything these days. Do you notice that? Do you ever go to open up a book that looks interesting and then Stephen King gives his word of praise? And then you’re, like, “Oh, I don’t know if I should actually read this because…”

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: “…he’s given words of praise for every other book I’ve picked up.”

Jamie: No! No! I love him!

Eric: It’s so true!

Jamie: He’s such a good writer, though. He’s so – read The Shining, it’s so good. It is such a good book.

Matt: That’s fifty years old, though.

Jamie: Oh, that – oh, well, that doesn’t matter!

Micah: Timeless classic!

Jamie: Timeless classic, yeah! What about Lord of the Rings?

Matt: Oh, okay. Well, timeless classic, okay…

Jamie: What about Homer?

Eric: I’m saying the media has – I’m saying Stephen King’s word of endorsement isn’t what it used to be when he first endorsed the Harry Potter books.

Matt: Exactly.

Eric: That’s all I’m saying. That’s all I’m saying.

Matt: He’s kind of lost…

Eric: He’s still a good writer. I’ll still read his books…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: All right.

Eric: …but I won’t read the books that he says are good because these days…

Jamie: Oh, no.

Eric: …I feel the publishers own his ass, you know? So…

Jamie: I don’t know. He’s powerful. I don’t think they do. He can go to any publisher in the world and say, like, “I want to publish a book,” and they’d be crawling all over him just to read his words. I just tried to get “MuggleCasties” trending by putting a tweet out, but instead of putting “trending” I put, “Let’s get it trendy, people.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: It is trendy, isn’t it?

Eric: Let’s get trendy?

Jamie: Oops.

MuggleCast 216 Transcript (continued)

Best MuggleCast Moment of the Year: Episode 211

Andrew: Okay, so before we move on to our top seven stories of the year, we are going to play another Best MuggleCast moment now. This is from Episode 211, Dumbledore is Order of Merlin, First Class. Was that the show title or is this the clip?

Micah: No, it was “Order of Micah.” [laughs]

Andrew: Oh, “Order of Micah” for – oh, I see. Okay.

Micah: No, that was the name of the show.

Andrew: Oh, right. Okay, I remember this now. So, let’s go back in time all the way back to Episode 211 and listen. [makes time-traveling noises]

[Episode 211 clip plays]


…that is so hilarious.


First up, Dumbledore versus Merlin. Andrew, you take Dumbledore. Jamie, you take Merlin. Andrew, you go first.


Dumbledore is clearly the greatest wizard of all time, there’s no question about this. If you ask anyone on the street, “Who’s going to win, Dumbledore or Merlin?” more people will say Dumbledore just because they know him better.

[Andrew laughs in the present]


I mean, this is someone who’s been fighting Voldemort all his life. What did Merlin do? Who did he fight? He didn’t fight anyone.

[Andrew laughs in the present]


He didn’t have to take down anyone. Did Merlin sacrifice himself for the greater good? I don’t think so.


All right. I think, actually, Andrew is completely wrong, and if you ask most people in the street, “Name a famous wizard,” I think more would say Merlin after Gandalf than would say Dumbledore. I also think that if you consider that Dumbledore has the Deathly Hallows as the biggest legend surrounding him, and you think, “Well, that’s quite a big legend,” but it’s only involved in a ‘Harry Potter’ thing, whereas Merlin was involved in the search for the Holy Grail and everyone’s heard of the Holy Grail, and if you can trust someone to that kind of task, they’ve got to be pretty damn powerful. And I think Merlin’s probably got access to different types of wizardry, whereas Dumbledore is more of a ‘Harry Potter’ book thing only, whereas I think Merlin comes in different guises, and he’s probably had more experience than Dumbledore. I think he’s probably older than Dumbledore as well, and age is wiseness and blah, blah, blah, so I think Merlin would cane Dumbledore.

[Everyone laughs]


Well, I would just like to add this fact to it. I mean, isn’t Dumbledore ‘Order of Merlin, First Class’?




And there is no ‘Order of Dumbledore’.

[Everyone laughs]


Oh, darn it!


Awww, that is a great, great – that is brilliant. That is absolutely brilliant. If I…

[Andrew sighs]


I wish I had just said that. I would have just been, like, “Andrew, what is the Order that Dumbledore has got?” And he said, “Merlin,” and I said, “I rest my case.” [laughs]

[Micah laughs]

[Clip ends]

Andrew: [makes time-traveling noises] So, Micah that was one of your brilliant moments this year.

Jamie: That was amazing, that was!

Matt: Oh, this wasn’t – I thought you guys were talking right now.

[Everybody laughs]

Andrew: That was a clip.

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: Obviously.

Jamie: But surely, since you sit with Andrew, and you didn’t see his mouth…

[Eric laughs]

Matt: Well no [unintelligible] – I thought I was just totally lost in the conversation. I thought, “What are we talking about?

Jamie: Weird.

Matt: Sorry.

Andrew: Weird is right.

Matt: Sorry.

Top Seven News Stories of 2010: #7-5

Andrew: Okay, so we’re going to move on now to the top seven stories of the year. We selected the lowest three, so we determined Stories [laughs] Seven, Six, and Five, and we will leave it up to the listeners to determine the top four. And the way we’re going to do that is have you vote for your – what you believe is the top story and from there, we’ll be able to determine the top four if you…

Eric: Of the year.

Andrew: Of the year.

Eric: Of the year.

Andrew: Right. So, number seven – [laughs] boy, we’re really tooting our own horn here – MuggleCast’s landmark 200th episode and podcast inside the Wizarding World. This was obviously very special for us because this was the first time a podcast had been done inside the theme park. Frankly, I don’t know if a podcast has ever been done inside any theme park before, unless it was the park’s own podcast. But that was really special, and we thank everyone who turned out for that and everyone who’s been with us in general.

Eric: And now that episode is separate.

Andrew: What’s that?

Eric: The 200th episode is when we interviewed David Heyman.

Andrew: Right, yeah.

Eric: The podcast inside the Wizarding World was actually 203, was it? Or something? So…

Andrew: 201, I think. Wasn’t it right afterward?

Eric: Oh, really?

Andrew: I think it was – maybe a couple of episodes after.

Eric: Yeah. But…

Andrew: Anyway, it was a good summer because we hit two hundred episodes, which is really – when we look back and think that we’ve done over two hundred of these, it’s pretty insane, isn’t it, Micah?

Micah: Yeah. No, I agree with you. I think two hundred episodes – none of us thought when you, Kevin and Ben [laughs] started the show that it was going to last as long as it has, and going into – what would it be, six years next year?

Andrew: Yep.

Micah: It’s crazy.

Jamie: Six years, aww. Ten years is going to be the big one.

Andrew: Number six story…

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: What are we going to do for that?

Jamie: Oh, I had an idea, actually. Do you know Boys Like Girls? That band…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: …I used to talk about all the time? Well, apparently, they like Harry Potter, so I think we should do a joint show with them. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, let’s start working on that. Let’s start at replying them, too.

Jamie: Well, yeah, yeah, we need to, yeah.

Andrew: Number six, Warner Bros…

Jamie: Tweet them, yeah.

Andrew: Number six story of the year: Warner Bros. purchasing Leavesden Studios. And we selected this story because Leavesden – that is where all of the Harry Potter films have been shot, primarily. And it’s really turned into a Harry Potter world there. I mean, all the sets are there, the Great Hall, Dumbeldore’s office. Even ones they built and then deconstructed and rebuilt a million times, they’ve all been there. And I think the cast and crew would agree that’s been their second home for the past ten years. And the fact that Warner Bros. is purchasing it is great because they are making – they are going to add a Harry Potter museum in there. So, some of the sets are going to live there forever, so that’s pretty special. And people – fans will be able to go and visit.

Eric: Yeah, those are going to be the actual sets, not the re-creations or anything like that.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: I mean…

Andrew: It’s going to nothing…

Eric: What you saw on film, yeah.

Andrew: And it’s going to be better than the exhibition because the exhibition is sort of a reconstruction – I mean, reconstructed. In the exhibit, there are…

Eric: Well, the exhibition is props and costumes.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: I mean…

Andrew: But I’m saying the real sets are going to be…

Eric: Yeah, maybe a few set pieces in the exhibition to help guide you along in a story, but the sets – I mean, what you mean to say is that it will be more authentic than the Wizarding World.

Andrew: Yes, you’re right. And Leavesden – I mean, you’re going where the films were shot. How cool is that?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean…

Eric: Yeah, very, very cool.

Andrew: Yeah. Number five story – this is a sort of round-up category – the Harry Potter movie merchandise. There’s a few things that came out this year which I think fans have been really enjoying: the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire Ultimate Editions, the Harry Potter pop-up book, and what I think is the best Harry Potter merchandise to come out this year, Harry Potter Film Wizardry. It’s the book we’ve talked about on episodes of MuggleCast before. It’s basically an encyclopedia about the films. There is tons of new interviews in it, tons of behind-the-scenes pictures, concept art. If any of you have purchased it – you know what we’re talking about. I mean, it’s very comprehensive and a very good read.

Micah: Yeah, especially because it does take a look at the final two films more than I anticipated. Looking at some of the sets and some of the actors, sitting down and interviewing them, and you do get a brief look at Part 2. So, if you want a quick glimpse into what some of the things they worked on for Part 2 is like, definitely go and check out that book.

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: And now the top four stories of the year, we will – they will be determined by you guys…

Matt: Oh, wait, wait…

Andrew: …our listeners.

Matt: …Andrew, you didn’t say the best Harry Potter merchandise of the year was the Harry Potter Snuggie.

Andrew: Ooh, the Harry Potter Snuggie, have you guys seen that?

Eric: See, I can’t find that anywhere.

Andrew: Matt, go grab it.

Matt: I’ll go get it.

Andrew: It’s available at Hot Topic. I have one, I’ve been wearing it whenever I’m cold and when you wear it, you look like a Gryffindor student. And Matt’s going to model it off on camera right now.

Eric: So, is it just Gryffindor? Because I’ve seen a Harry Potter Snuggie that was all four of the crests.

Andrew: This one from Hot Topic is the crest – or sorry, it’s – you look like a Gryffindor. [to Matt] In front of the camera, right there. Now duck down so we…

Eric: Hang on…

Andrew: …can see your head.

Eric: …there is a lag, so…

Andrew: Doesn’t Matt look like a Gryffindor student?

Eric: Can’t see it yet.

Andrew: He’s nice and warm, and he’s cozy.

Jamie: Lag.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, that counts as some of the Harry Potter merchandise this year.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Thanks Matt. Matt’s going to wear it for the rest of the show now. [laughs]

Matt: It’s nice and warm.

Eric: [laughs] Oh God.

Top Seven News Stories of 2010: #4-1

Andrew: Okay. So, now moving on to the top four stories of the year. Interestingly, our viewer count went up when Matt started modeling. I don’t know if that says something or…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: The top four stories of the year, they’re going to be determined by the people listening live right now. Competitor number one: the final day of Harry Potter filming. This was, of course, huge because they’ve been filming for ten years. And I think we reported the final day, like, five times because – [laughs] I don’t think it’s still been determined when exactly the last day was because Warwick Davis would tweet, “Oh, it’s the final day!” But now they’re going back for re-shoots, [laughs] so…

Matt: I’m glad they’re doing re-shoots!

Andrew: Yeah. The point is, generally, filming ended this year. Competitor number two: of course, Movie 7 being released. Competitor number three: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opening. I mean, that was huge.

Matt: It was okay.

Andrew: And finally, two of the competitors in the J.K. Rowling Award: J.K. Rowling’s interview on Oprah which was big because that was the only interview that J.K. Rowling gave this year and we really got a good look into her personal life. So, we’re going to start the poll now.

[“Jeopardy” countdown plays]

Andrew: Now this is big. Do not take your vote lightly. You are determining what the biggest story of the year was. And how we’re going to decide the winners is…

Eric: Huh.

Matt: Oh God.

Andrew: …the most-voted story will be the top story, and we’re going to descend from there.

[Matt laughs]

Eric: Oh wow. Two of them were legitimately tied, man.

Matt: I can’t even vote on this.

Eric: Oh, it’s neck and neck.

Matt: It really just depends on what you consider is huge. The books or theme parks?

Eric: Andrew, we really have to call this a tie.

Jamie: Oh, this is tough.

Eric: We do.

[Music ends]

Andrew: Well, it’s very close. It’s very close. The winner of the – or shall we – well, let’s go up from number four to number one.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So, the number four story, with 9% of the vote, was J.K. Rowling’s interview on Oprah. I enjoyed it! I thought it was a good interview. A lot of people speculated, “Oh, she’s going on Oprah, why would she do this? Is she going to announce anything?” Well, no, [laughs] she didn’t announce anything.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: We all know, Andrew, that if J.K. Rowling announces something it’s going to be on her Twitter.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Ahhh yes, that is true.

Matt: Well, also, probably not a lot of people voted because most of the time during the interview, Oprah talked about herself.

Andrew: No, that’s not true! The interview was criticized because at one point, they were talking about how rich they both were. [laughs]

Matt: [laughs] Well, they are! I mean, if I was rich like that, I’d talk about it for at least five seconds.

Andrew: “Oh my God, Jo, are you as rich as me?” “Yes, Yes!”

Matt: “Yes! Yes!”

[Eric and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: That’s kind of mean, that’s kind of mean. Anyway, the number three story: the final day of Harry Potter filming. It was kind of bittersweet when – did anyone cry when they heard that they were done?

Matt: No.

Eric: Well, not having been personally involved or invested with the filming of the film franchise, I’ve got to say – well, I’m confused that this isn’t the top story because the Part 1 film being released is actually, I think, less significant than the fact that all the movies together are done filming. And, sure, they have reshoots in December, but that really means that this ten-year film project is finished. That to me is more significant than the second-to-last film being out, as a top story.

Matt: Yeah. What was a huge story I thought, too, was the first release of the Deathly Hallows trailer. The first one, the one that had both movies.

Andrew: It was a big story, but it’s not as big as the film being released.

Matt: I don’t know. I cried…

Eric: Yeah, or the films being finished.

Matt: …when I saw that.

Andrew: The number two story.

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: By the way, the top two stories, very, very tight vote. It was actually going back and forth while the voting was going on. But number two is The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opening, with 34.48% of the votes.

Eric: Nice.

Andrew: I think I agree. It’s a very close competition between the film being released and the theme park.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: The significance of the theme park being that it is going to be there forever. I mean, this is a wonderful way for Harry Potter to maintain its influence – for people to come back and feel the magic of being in that park.

Eric: In the heat and waiting in line.

[Micah laughs]

Matt: And it’s only going to get bigger.

Andrew: And yeah, there’s already some rumors that it’s going to get bigger and I think that has potential to be a big story in 2011.

Micah: Yeah. I mean, I voted for the theme park. I thought that – I mean, when you look at it – this goes back to what Eric was saying before with – this movie being released was only one part of a larger series. So to me, even the final day of filming should have been higher than the Movie 7 release.

Andrew: And the number one story of the year goes to…

[Drum roll plays]

Andrew:Deathly Hallows: Part 1 being released!

[Trumpet sound plays]

Matt: Well, of course!

Jamie: Ooh.

Andrew: Of course.

Jamie: It had to be, didn’t it?

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: It had to be.

Andrew: Yeah. But it is interesting…

Micah: It didn’t have to be! [laugh]

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Okay, sorry…

Eric: I know!

Jamie: …it didn’t have to be. I hate…

Eric: Does that mean that next year, the top story no matter what…

Micah: Yeah, is Part 2?

Eric: …is going to be Part 2 being released?

Jamie: No, you’re absolutely right!

Matt: Yeah, pretty much.

Jamie: I shouldn’t have said that. I hate it when people say that it had to be because there was no reason it had to be that whatsoever!

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Jamie: I just felt it was the right thing to say at such an emotional juncture.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But that’s what fans get most excited about and the theme park was extremely exciting, too, and that’s why it was such a close race between those two.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Plus, I think if – let’s say all of our listeners had been to the theme park this year, I think that one would have won.

Eric: Well, out of 470 votes – I mean, a difference of nine votes which really determined the first and second place winners – nine votes out of 400 and whatever I just said. That’s really neck and neck.

Matt: Mhm, right.

Eric: Aren’t they both 34%, and one’s 34.48% and the other one’s…

Matt: Well, the Wizarding World will probably win the 2012 end-of-the-year show because next year is going to be Part 2. There’s really nothing else in 2012, so we can count on the theme park.

Eric: It has to be.

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: It has to be…

Matt: It has to be.

Eric:Part 2.

Matt: It has to be.

Andrew: The theme park will win one year.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Andrew: By 2015 we’re going to be, like, “And the top story is Universal adds a new drink to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!”

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Yeah, and one of us is going to turn, what, 35 then? I don’t know. That’s pretty intense.

Andrew: Somebody on the show is 30?

Eric: Are they?

Andrew: No.

Eric: How old is Mikey B.?

Andrew: Mikey B. is not 30!

Matt: [laughs] He’s not 30!

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: Aww.

Micah: Oh, come on!

Andrew: Mikey B. is, like, 24!

Eric: I was thinking on my feet, man.

Jamie: Mikey B. is 24?

Eric: He just gives off this maturity.

Matt: No, he’s, like, 26.

Eric: He gives off this maturity.

Jamie: He’s not 24! I’m 24!

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Okay, maybe he’s 26.

Jamie: Mikey B. is, like, Mikey B.!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Let’s look this up.

Andrew: [imitating Mikey] I’m Mikey B.!

Eric: I’ll look this up.

Jamie: [imitating Mikey] Mikey B.!

Eric: All right.

Best MuggleCast Moment of the Year: Episode 197

Andrew: Anyway – oh, [laughs] Eric has got to look it up! So, there we go, there are The Third Annual MuggleCasties. It was a lot of fun and we’ll be back next year for another award ceremony. Don’t forget to tweet the winners. If you want to see the results written down, we will be making a post sometime within the next week with all the winners laid out so you can see how close each competition was – or how easy it was, in the case of the J.K. Rowling Award. Now we’re going to look at another Best MuggleCast Moment of the Year. This comes from Episode 197, it was a clip from our interview with Warwick Davis. And was this the one in April, Micah?

Micah: Yeah, I think so.

Andrew: Okay, I’m pulling up the correct audio file. And I guess there’s not much to intro, so we will just go back in time as I get it ready. And here we go. Let’s go back in time. [makes time-traveling noises]

[Episode 197 clip plays]

Micah: Well, just going back to ‘Potter’ for one second. One of the questions that seems to come up the most often is, if you could take one prop from the set, of all these films, what would it be? What would you love to have on the mantlepiece at home?

Jamie: [in the present] You mean that Emerson always asks that question [laughs] when he does the questions?

Warwick Davis: You know what would be lovely, and I’m sitting here as I’m talking to you looking at a prop that I have from ‘Willow’, I have the ‘Willow’ wand…

Matt: [in the present] [gasps] No!

Warwick: …in a frame on the wall here. And I would love a ‘Harry Potter’ wand in a frame just next to that.

Andrew: Right.

Warwick: I think it would be marvelous.

Jamie: [in the present] That is pretty cool, though.

Matt: [in the present] Yeah.

Warwick: So, that would be the one thing.

Jamie: [in the present] One from every film.

Warwick: I mean, I think all of the professors would tell you exactly the same thing.

Andrew: [in the present] Shhh! [laughs]

Matt: [in the present] Oh.

Jamie: [in the present] [whispering] Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Warwick: All of the faculty at Hogwarts would love to have their wand at the end of all of this. But who knows? Yeah. That would be the one, that would be the one.

Andrew: So you could pick it up from time to time and reenact that classic scene from…

Jamie: [in the present] Sorry for spoiling that.

Andrew: …’Sorcerer’s Stone’, the “swish and flick”. [laughs]

Warwick: Oh, I do enjoy the “swish and flick”, absolutely.

[Eric and Matt laugh in the present]

Warwick: And I do a lot of talks at schools about acting, and how youngsters might get into acting. And at one point somebody will ask me about that and I’ll always end up doing a little Charms class with everybody. And it’s quite magical to see all of the kids kind of practicing their [as Flitwick] “swish and flick”.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Warwick: [as Flitwick] “Wingardium Leviosa!”

Andrew: [laughs] That’s it, it brings us all back. [laughs]

Warwick: Absolutely, yeah.

[Clip ends]

Andrew: [makes time-traveling noises] We were totally trying to set him up to do that impression because… [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …we heard that he had done it – [laughs] that he usually does it, so…

Eric: Man, it’s not an impression, though. He is that guy!

Andrew: He is.

Eric: I love it. Although it’s funny, when we asked David Heyman that same question about what would you take, [laughs] he’s, like, “Well, it was funny, I actually have taken a few pieces off the set.” [laughs]

Andrew: Apparently, they get in serious trouble for doing it. Towards the end of filming, there was some extra security to make sure nobody was stealing anything. [laughs]

Eric: Well, it makes sense.

Matt: Well, I doubt David Heyman is going to get in trouble for stealing the movie he is producing.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, no. But I guess random cast members or something.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Who knows? Okay, so…

Micah: Alfie Enoch?

Andrew: [laughs] Before we…

Eric: Does it go by screen time? Do you think that they will set up all the props at the end on a long table, and if you have more than five minutes of screen time, you get sort of the second tier of items that you can choose from to take home?

Andrew: Maybe.

Matt: There’s a booth that you can just take things from?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I think they should just give everyone a Harry Potter Snuggie. By the way, Matt, that was a clip we just played. That was not actually – Warwick Davis did not actually…

Matt: Oh, I was…

Andrew: …just join us.

Matt: …going to thank him for being on the show just then.

Micah: Well apparently, Jamie thought he was joining us.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Oh, when? When? What? Warwick?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, right now and you were just commenting.

Jamie: No, no, no, no, I got so confused. When you said, “Oh, that’s great,” I thought you were talking now, so I was…

Matt: Yeah. See, it’s not easy.

Jamie: I know, Matt. I know. I know. I ripped you earlier for making the mistake thinking, “How could you do that?” and then I’ve just…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …done it myself now.

Matt: Yeah.

Jamie: Sorry!

Looking Forward to 2011

Andrew: Okay, and now before we get onto the final MuggleCast moment, we are going to look forward to 2011, look into the future. [makes time-traveling noises] Micah, what do we have to look forward to in the year 2011 as Harry Potter fans?

Micah: Deathly Hallows: Part 2.

Matt: That’s it! Yay! [laughs]

Micah: [laughs] That’s it.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: I mean, there’s a couple of other things here. The Wizarding World, will there be any expansion plans? I’m sure they’re not going to build anything next year, but certainly there could be plans put together. What about J.K. Rowling? I mean, she’s been quiet for a while. Whether we’re talking about the encyclopedia or we’re talking about writing something completely different, we still haven’t heard from her in a long time and I think it’s about time if she’s planning on doing anything else that she might want to let people know. No?

Matt: I think the encyclopedia might be coming out next year.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: I think she’ll probably announce it. I mean, she’s been doing something. [whispers] You never know.

Andrew: Well, writing has been her priority for a year and a half now, so…

Jamie: Yeah, so…

Matt: She must have written something.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Something is going to have to come out soon.

Best MuggleCast Moment of the Year: Episode 200

Andrew: All right. Now let’s move on to the final MuggleCast moment that we’re reliving today. This came from Episode 200 when producer of all the Harry Potter films, David Heyman, was on. It was an absolute pleasure to have him on the show because he has been such an important person in the Harry Potter franchise. He’s a genuine fan of the series, he’s appreciative of the fan sites. Yeah, he’s just an all-around great guy. So, here now is a clip from Episode 200, “Admit Defeat.” [laughs] I think this clip actually has him saying…

Eric: The namesake.

Andrew: …admit defeat. So, let’s go back in time. [makes time-traveling noises]

[Episode 200 clip plays]

Eric: I guess two short bits here, we do have a segment on our podcast called The Dueling Club which is where we basically choose a character in our heads, and then we state the characters and we face them off against each other, arguing in favor of the character we chose, who would win in a duel. Would you think that’s something you would be interested in playing?

David Heyman: My goodness, I’m going to be – who will I be playing?

Eric: You would be playing against Micah, and you can choose whatever character from the ‘Harry Potter’ books that you could possibly think of.

David: [in a hesitant tone] Okay.

[Andrew and Micah laugh in the present]

Eric: Do you have your character?

David: Yes.

Eric: Okay, Micah, do you have your character?

Micah: Yes.

Eric: Okay, which one…

David: Micah, you go first, just to give me a hand.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

David: What I’m meant to do. [laughs]

Micah: [laughs] I guess I’ll go with Bellatrix.

David: Ahhh, excellent! I’ll go with Snape.

Micah: Wow.

Eric: Ooh!

[Andrew laughs in the present]

Eric: This is good. All right, gentlemen. Since Micah, you presented first, what is your argument in favor of Bellatrix beating Snape?

Micah: Wow. [laughs]

[David laughs]

Micah: I don’t know. I think…

David: Do you want to accept defeat now?

Micah: [laughs] Yeah, exactly!

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: I don’t even know that that’s even a fair fight. I mean, I know she’s a very powerful Death Eater and kind of Voldemort’s right-hand woman, but I don’t know that she would stand up very well in a duel against Snape. I think he’s too powerful. I think…

David: I think Snape is really under – I think the power of Snape – I think we both agree that Snape would win.

Eric: Yes.

Micah: [laughs] Absolutely.

David: But I think – and I didn’t think of that just because you chose Bellatrix – because I think Snape is very underrated. One, he has the ability to deceive brilliantly…

Eric: Yes.

David: …because he deceived the Dark Lord for an extended period of time. He also wanted to be the professor of the Dark Arts forever so you know that he is well versed in all the Dark Arts and defense of as well – or defense against. And also he’s not too bad at Potions either. So, he’s a quite well-rounded wizard…

Eric: Yes.

[Clip ends]

Andrew: [makes time-traveling noises] So, it’s fun to listen to that clip because you could tell how passionate of a fan David Heyman really is.

Matt: Yeah. If he was passionate, he would have said, “Molly Weasley.”

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: I don’t know. She has one good line the entire series. Come on.

Matt: She kills Bellatrix.

Eric: Snape has got several. Does she? It just sounds like she shouts at her, I don’t even remember. It’s been so long since I read the book.

Jamie: Oh Eric, that’s…

Micah: Don’t say that on the show. I mean…

Jamie: Yeah, what’s wrong with you?

Micah: …you just admitted that to 500 people. [laughs]

Jamie: You can’t remember?

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: No…

Andrew: Despicable.

Eric: …it didn’t make an impression on me. It didn’t – there was so much else happening there at that time.

Matt: No one was saying anything, though. She said what everyone was thinking.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: All right. Well, this…

Eric: I am sure half the people in the room were thinking the opposite.

Show Close

Andrew: This concludes our Year in Review show. It’s been a lot of fun and we thank everybody for listening. Also, thanks to – I think it’s Terrance. Somebody using the username “HogwartsPodcast.” Is that Terrance, Eric? It must be, right?

Eric: I don’t know. He usually goes by the name “Terranceus” or “HogwartsRadio.”

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh. Well, regardless he’s been modding…

Micah: Plug.

Andrew: …the chat – the live chat, so I just want to say thanks to him or whoever is behind “HogwartsPodcast” right now. [laughs]

Micah: Well, also…

Matt: You don’t even know who is modding the chats?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Well, I…

Eric: So, it could be anybody?

Matt: [laughs] It’s just some random name?

Eric: We just give them…

Jamie: Maybe it’s J.K. Rowling.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I trust. I’m a very trustworthy person. Oh, he said, “Thank you, guys.” Yeah, so…

Micah: Oh.

Matt: Okay.

Andrew: He’s good.

Micah: Well, speaking of that, though, we mentioned the Podcast Awards before and obviously, Terrance does Hogwarts Radio and they are nominated, so we encourage people to go out there and vote for them.

Matt: Because we’re not.

Micah: As well as – [laughs] yeah, because we’re not…

[Matt laughs]

Micah: …for whatever reason. And we also have another podcast that we do called “Smart Mouths,” that’s up for “People’s Choice.”

Jamie: Oh, we do? Do we do that?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Well, yeah. Yeah, Jamie, you don’t know…

Andrew: Well, the majority of people on this show do it…

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: …so we can say “we.” [laughs]

Jamie: Oh.

Andrew: Don’t worry, Jamie. It’s ending. You don’t have to feel left out anymore.

Jamie: Good.

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: [laughs] Good.

Micah: [laughs] Good.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Jamie is going to start a show called “British Mouths.”

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, I will. I will. No, no, I’m not. I’m going to call it “Smarter Mouths.”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Good one. Good one. All right. Well, it’s been a lot of fun, and we’ll actually be back before…

[“Auld Lang Syne” plays]

Andrew: …the year ends with Episode 217 and we’re going to have another – just great, Harry Potter discussion. But for just now, we want to say it’s been another great year in Harry Potter. And we appreciate everybody sticking with us as we trek through the final two films and beyond. Any final words, gentlemen?

Matt: The final two? There’s just one left.

Jamie: God, I feel kind of patriotic.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: To – a decade of Potter is concluding. The decade of Potter is…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …concluding.

Andrew: Yes, it is. Well…

Eric: The majority of the books…

Matt: Oh my God, that’s depressing.

Eric: The majority of the books, all of the movies except the final, final one – all of them were filmed.

Matt: [sighs] We’ve got to grow up now, don’t we?

Eric: We’ve got to… [laughs]

Jamie: No, we don’t. Do we?

Eric: “It’s all going to change now, isn’t it?”

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Yes.

Micah: Well, Jamie, you’re already a business man, so…

Jamie: [laughs] No, I’m not the business man. I can’t take credit for Ben!

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: He’s the business man, man!

Andrew: All right. Well, thank you everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Jamie: Thanks for tuning in!

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Matt: I’m Matt Britton.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Jamie: And I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Andrew: And we’ll see you next time for Episode 217! Thanks for listening live…

Jamie: Thank you!

Andrew: …everyone! Thanks to the…

Matt: Bye guys!

Andrew: …chat mods!

Matt: Whoo!

Andrew: Thanks to everyone!

Matt: Is this…

Andrew: [pronounces incorrectly] Auld “Lew Sang”! Auld Lang “Sin”! [laughs]

Matt: Wow.

Micah: [pronounces correctly] Auld Lang Syne.

Matt: It’s okay…

Andrew: Auld Lang Syne!

Matt: …it’s French!

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: I wonder if…

Eric: [pronounces incorrectly] “Riss” Ifans.

Jamie: [pronounces incorrectly] “Riss” Ifans, yeah. [laughs]

Eric: [pronounces incorrectly] “Riss” Ifans.

Jamie: I’ll bet he listens to that.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Everybody tweet Rhys Ifans. Apologize for…

Jamie: [pronounces incorrectly] Alexandre De-splat.

Matt: This is Bruce Springsteen, isn’t it?

Andrew: Micah gave it to me, it wasn’t me. Thanks…

Eric: Well, hang on, De-splat – what is it, Jamie?

Andrew: Desplat! It is Desplat! I know for a fact.

Jamie: Okay Andrew, I can’t wait until you’re on the red carpet and you interview him because I’m going to laugh my arse off.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: We have interviewed him and his name is Desplat!

Jamie: He was just being polite! He was just being polite! He didn’t want to call you out on it there and then. [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Jamie: [laughs] What could he say to you?

Andrew: All right. Have a good Saturday, everyone listening. Buh-bye!

Jamie: Bye guys! See you later! Bye!

Matt: Bye.

[Music continues]

[Easy Button plays]

Transcript #215

MuggleCast 215 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

Andrew: MuggleCast is brought to you by GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all, plans start at just $3.95 a month and no matter what plan you choose, your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener, enter code “Muggle”, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E, when you check out and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at!

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello, this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films, and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because one Deathly Hallows review show just wasn’t enough, this is MuggleCast Episode 215 for November 24th, 2010.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome everyone to MuggleCast Episode 215! I know what a lot of you are thinking: “You guys don’t put out two episodes within four or five days of each other. What is the meaning of this?” Well quite frankly, on Episode 214 we made a few mistakes and we wanted to get out a new episode sooner rather than later because there was a good ñ I don’t know if it was a large group of people, but I will say there was a vocal group of people who were disappointed in some mistakes that we made on the last episode. So, we wanted to get this new episode out to let you guys know we don’t take the mistakes lightly. We appreciate that you guys are so passionate about it and you guys rely on us for accurate information in a timely manner. And we got the timely part right but [laughs] we didn’t get the accurate part right! So…

Eric: Plus, we promised a Part Two to our Part 1 discussion anyway…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …and while it’s all fresh on our minds…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So – and I do also have to say, Episode 214, we got a lot of downloads very quickly, so that also motivated us to get another episode out to you guys as soon as possible. So, we have quite a few things to address and Matt’s joining us this time, and he has a more positive take on the film, right?

Matt: Yes, most definitely.

Eric: Do you promise?

Matt: I promise.

Micah: Well Andrew, why don’t you tell them the truth? At the beginning of 214 when we sat down to record you said, “Micah, you need to be more critical of this film.”

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: And that’s the reason why on Episode 214 I was so critical of the film.

Andrew: We have a lot to address this week, so let’s get started. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: I’m Matt Britton.

Richard: And I’m Richard Reid.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: No news this week! This is a purely rebuttal sort of episode. And really, there hasn’t been much news other than, I guess we should mention quickly, ticket sales. The movie made $300 million worldwide over opening weekend, which shattered the previous opening weekend record set by Goblet of Fire. And it should be taking over the box office this upcoming weekend as well, so…

Matt: I don’t know, Tangled is coming out this week.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, I think Harry Potter will – it’s funny, there’s already articles out saying, like, “Harry Potter set to rule the weekend box office – Thanksgiving weekend box office.”

Micah: Yeah, I think it will do pretty well just for that reason in and of itself, is that kids are off whereas last weekend – at least this is an extended period of time where they can go see the film.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: That was interesting because they were comparing the gross of Deathly Hallows to the opening weekend gross of – what was it, Movie 3? Or…

Micah: Movie 4.

Eric: …one of the other successful ones that had happened in the – well, Movie 4 was also in November but I guess the difference was the kids were off school and so they thought that maybe Deathly Hallows – I mean, it did amazingly. What, $125 million opening weekend domestic? So, it did great but they thought it might do even better if kids had been off school.

Movie Discussion: Clarification on Bellatrix’s hair

Andrew: Anyway, let’s get into Part Two of our Part One Deathly Hallows discussion. Three big things we want to start out with. These are three things we talked about last week that we were incorrect about. [laughs] The first one – and I got to say, I don’t know if we’ve ever gotten so much feedback about a particular episode.

Micah: Hundreds of e-mails, literally.

Andrew: But that’s great, by the way. We’re not complaining. We really appreciate that you guys do write in and we do read all the e-mails. But the most e-mailed thing, the most e-mailed topic we received was concerning the hair that fell on Hermione.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: And we did not – well, some people did not know what it was. Honestly, I hadn’t even seen it in the film, so I just saw the close-up of Hermione. I didn’t actually see the hair. And I think, Eric, you’re sticking by that same excuse too, right?

Eric: Well no, no. I saw it and I questioned what it was, but I legitimately didn’t remember where it would come into play.

Micah: I just wasn’t sure what the scene was setting up because the switch-over happened so quickly. And to see this hair falling through the air, I just didn’t make the connection.

Eric: So, it turns out – if I can take this away from you, Andrew – that the hair is obviously very significant because in Part 2 – in the film Part 2 and later in the book after Malfoy Manor, Hermione needs the hair which is Bellatrix’s hair to Polyjuice herself into Bellatrix so that they can invade Gringotts. Obviously huge, huge, huge plot point right there is this hair which in the film is just kind of – the camera shows Hermione laying and the hair gently falls on her. And I re-watched the film last night after all of this feedback that we got for the show, and it’s in the scene where specifically Bellatrix is torturing the goblin – she’s cutting him up and interrogating him. And we don’t see how close Bellatrix is to Hermione but we’re meant to believe, I guess, from the positioning that Bellatrix is right outside the camera frame so that her hair just fell off of Bellatrix and is flowing down to Hermione. It’s really odd because never is it really set up that that is actually Bellatrix’s hair. Or never is it actually shown that. We’re just meant to believe that she is right next to where Hermione is laying. So, it is really confusing, to be fair. But there is no excuse for my mistake, which is that I didn’t know where the hair came into play. Andrew legitimately didn’t see it.

Matt: Eric, also what I thought was really cool that Helena Bonham Carter did during the entire film basically is just keep blowing the hair out of her face. It showed…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Oh, that’s where it hints at.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: …how it’s all over the place, basically, because she keeps spitting, basically, the hair out of her mouth.

Eric: [laughs] So, you’re saying kind of like Barty Crouch Jr. in Movie 4 where they had that tongue thing so that you could recognize him.

Matt: Yeah. Well, so you keep your attention to her hair, basically, because [laughs] it’s going to start falling off pretty soon!

Eric: I think it’s brilliant. I think it’s brilliant.

Andrew: So, we’ll see that in Part 2. Presumably, Harry and Ron will be, like, “We need Bellatrix’s hair,” and Hermione will be, like, “Oh yeah, remember at the end of Part 1? I totally got one of her hairs when…”

Matt: [laughs] I totally got one!

Andrew: “…I had one fall on me!”

Eric: Well, her eyes are like – she’s crying but her eyes are slightly open. She kind of pays attention to…

Andrew: See, that’s what distracted me, was her crying. I was focused on her eyes. I wasn’t even watching what was going on with the hair. But anyway…

Eric: Yeah.

Movie Discussion: Clarification on the Reading of The Tale of the Three Brothers

Andrew: That’s big thing number one. Number two – [laughs] and this one was my mistake – the reading of The Three Brothers. I said on Episode 214 that the reading of The Three Brothers was done by Ollivander in the book. That’s not true, it’s still done by Hermione. What had confused me about that was the preview trailer for Parts 1 and 2, where we see Ollivander talking to the trio, saying something about, “There’s only three!” or something like that. That comes into play in Part 2 somehow, but that’s what confused me in terms of who’s telling the story. But yes, everyone who e-mailed in was absolutely right about that.

Micah: Yeah, he says, “It’s rumored there are three.”

Movie Discussion: Clarification on Gregorovitch/Grindelwald

Andrew: “It’s rumored there are three.” Okay. So, that’s what confused me there. And finally, the Gregorovitch/Grindelwald slip-up was number three of the three big things we screwed up. And Micah, can you address this one?

Micah: Yeah. So, I was going through the Deathly Hallows subplot and I started by talking about Gregorovitch. And I think it was just so fast-paced when I was talking that I slipped up, and I said that Gregorovitch was the one that was in the prison when Voldemort comes and tries to get the memory from him. In fact, it’s Grindelwald, but that led to Eric making a comment, I think, that he wanted to address as well.

Eric: Yeah, I made the comment that the actor portraying Gregorovitch must have read the Harry Potter books because he portrayed Gregorovitch as if he were a gay character. And not only was this comment, I think, inappropriate – I was of course speaking of Grindelwald whose relationship with Dumbledore was outed canonically by J.K. Rowling later. But I think everything from the comment – sometimes I can imagine the listeners of the show have these moments where they’re listening to us talk and they’re, like, “Well, what did he even say there? What was he thinking?”

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: And this is one of those moments where I caught it long before any e-mails sent in. Honestly, I think people held back on the e-mails because I was nice to the film in that discussion.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: But I have to say, when I was listening to myself talking, not only did I realize we had confused Gregorovitch with Grindelwald, but I just don’t know what I was thinking. I really do apologize. Like, it was an…

Andrew: It’s okay, Eric.

Eric: …inappropriate comment to make anyway. So, I just want to say that that whole thing, I just – if I could erase it, I would. But I can’t, so I do apologize.

Andrew: It’s all right. It’s all right.

[Matt laughs]

Movie Discussion: Matt’s Review

Andrew: So, those are three big things we wanted to clear up. We still have lots of e-mails we’re going to get to today and we’ll be talking about all of them. Little things in the movie, things you guys didn’t like or you did like. So Matt, since you were not on the show last week, we want to get your review, your short review of the film. And we can discuss a couple of the things that you bring up. And you are pretty positive about it, right?

Matt: Yes, basically. Like Andrew just said, I thought the movie was amazing. I thought it was – I was basically floored after the first time I saw it. And I think mainly the reason why I like the movie so much is because I think I felt the same emotions that I did when I read the book when I saw the movie. Because usually when I watch the movies, I don’t really have the same feelings that I felt when I read the books, which in Deathly Hallows: Part 1 is not the case. I was very extremely impressed with the acting. Like you guys said in the last episode, I thought – my favorite actor actually was Rupert. Emma did a lot of great scenes, but I feel like Rupert stole the show for me. I thought the music was a lot better than what I listened to from the soundtrack. I think it fit a lot better than it does by itself. The first time I saw it though, I basically forgot ten minutes of the movie after Hedwig died because I was just floored by what they did. Hedwig’s death was ten times better in the movie than it was in the books…

Eric: Oh, thank God.

Matt: …because…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: So, you’re saying you forgot because it was awesome, right? [laughs]

Matt: Yeah, I was basically, like, “Oh my God, the movie’s still going.” Because…

[Eric laughs]

Matt: …what they did with Hedwig was they gave her a noble death. In this case, she saved her boy, basically. She was protecting Harry, the one that she loved. And I thought that was just the icing on the cake. Unfortunately, we couldn’t go find the damn bird and bury her, but that was…

[Eric laughs]

Matt: You can’t do that when Voldemort is chasing you. And – let’s see, some of the other things that I really like. I honestly – you guys may disagree with me, but I really love the pacing of the film because…

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: …it is – we’ve got to understand, it’s half of a full movie. This is only Part 1, so even if the road movie was half of Part 1, that’s still a quarter of this entire story. And, I think – because when I read the books I thought it was slow-paced anyways because that’s what it exactly is. It’s months and months of traveling, and they have to condense that in a two-and-a-half hour film because half of the entire story is them just looking for Horcruxes, which they have no idea how the hell they’re going to do it. So, I think they portrayed what the feeling was, and if they even shortened it – because a lot of people do say this about how it drags. Even a lot of the critics say this, about how the “on the road” part of the film where they look to destroy the Horcruxes is slow. Well, also Ron is getting very upset about it taking forever, and I think if they shortened it any way in the movie it wouldn’t have come across – the emotion that Ron had to give for him to leave.

Micah: Yeah, the point I was going to agree with was that in the last show, obviously, I said some things about the pacing of the film and even some of the subplots that were going on, whether it was the Horcruxes or the Hallows, or backstory on Dumbledore. And I think you brought up a good point, something that I didn’t really think about in the sense of it being a two-part film, and that a lot of those things have payoff in Part 2 that you’re just obviously not going to get for that very reason in Part 1 because there are still three hours left to go.

Eric: Right.

Matt: Well, yes…

Micah: And I think that that’s really where I made some missteps.

Matt: Well, no. I mean, honestly, Micah, I wasn’t even thinking about what you guys mostly said in the last episode because I’ve been reading so many reviews on it and a lot of it had to do with how there was no cliffhanger at the end, basically which – I mean, they would have to create a cliffhanger, basically, because they’re going off of a book – and how slow it was. But really, if they tried to make it all action-packed, it’s – if you see Part 1 and Part 2 in its entirety, you’re going to get so bored by the time the big battle hits at Hogwarts. It’s going to be so boring up to that point because you’re going to be seeing two-and-a-half hours of action and then you’re going to be seeing another two-and-a-half hours of action too. And no offense to American audiences, but we’re very fickle with that. We can only stand a few minutes of action and then we’re going to be tuning off.

Movie Discussion: End of the Film

Micah: Now what did you think, though, of the point where the movie did leave off? Were you satisfied with it?

Matt: Did you guys touch on this? I don’t think you did.

Andrew: No, we did. Yeah.

Matt: Oh, okay. Well – no, I loved it. I absolutely loved it because I…

Andrew: Well, was it a cliffhanger? Didn’t you just say it wasn’t a cliffhanger?

Matt: I say – well, I think it was a cliffhanger. The last time I saw it – which was, like, the fourth time. The last movie I saw, the girl next to me started swearing.

[Micah laughs]

Matt: Like, “What the hell?”

Eric: My dad swore.

Matt: “The worst ending ever! How am I going to wait until the next film?”

Eric: My dad swore. I saw it with my dad last night and at the end of the movie, he swore loudly and he said, “What a place to end it.” And he was laughing, of course, and I think it was kind of bold because clearly – I mean, Dobby has just died. We have this emotional low but then Voldemort gets the Elder Wand and it’s such a position of power for the villain to be in when the film ends. So, I think maybe it came across as bold to some people, but I definitely agree it was a worthwhile ending. I don’t think that there was any point they should have done better.

Matt: Yeah. I mean, it’s really hard to create a cliffhanger from a pre-existing book.

Andrew: I thought it was a good cliffhanger, though. And Micah last week addressed – he said he didn’t really feel it. And I think we only didn’t feel it because we knew what the cliffhanger was going to be, so…

Micah: That’s fair.

Andrew: …it was – it came across as predictable to us. And right, like Matt said, you do have to go with the book so you do have to create a cinematic cliffhanger off of the story. I mean – and if they had created a new scene, that would have caused even more trouble. So, I think it was a good idea to leave it when Voldemort takes control of the Elder Wand. If you haven’t read the books, if you haven’t been spoiled with where the split would be made, then I think it was a good cliffhanger and I do remember a specific e-mail from someone who said their whole theater audience went, “Ahhh…”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …after Voldemort got the wand.

Eric: It’s the light.

Matt: Well, not only is it a good cliffhanger, but – I mean, you really – it’s really subjective on what defines a cliffhanger, but I think it’s the perfect place…

Andrew: Well, he was kind of on a cliff, right?

Micah: Ha ha.

Andrew: So, that sort of helped too.

Micah: Ha ha.

Matt: He was on an island.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Matt: He was on the cliff of the grave, so we can just say that.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Right.

Matt: But it’s also the perfect point in the story where it kind of transitions over to the other half of the film, too.

Eric: Well, that’s the other thing. I noticed this last night while watching the film that the first film really is a lot about the Elder Wand and it’s – because in the beginning of the film, Voldemort has this scene and I hadn’t forgotten this scene in last week’s episode, but I did notice this more last night. Voldemort actually sets his wand down on the table at Malfoy Manor when he goes to grab Lucius’. And he has this dialogue in the beginning of the film about how his wand and Harry’s can’t face each other.

Matt: Right, they’re twins.

Eric: And so if you’re a stranger to this film, which is the kind of – I tried to put myself in the shoes of a stranger last night to judge things…

Micah: Don’t do it.

Eric: …like pace. No, to judge things like pace…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …in the film. Don’t warn me, Micah. I know you got all the hate mail, I’m sorry. But to judge things like pace, I tried to put myself in those shoes. So, taking in Voldemort’s dialogue in the beginning of the film about him not being able to face Harry with his wand, it makes sense that he takes Lucius’. And then, of course, at the Seven Potters scene, Voldemort loses a wand. A few scenes later, Harry has this memory/vision of Voldemort being very upset with Ollivander, da da da da da. It goes on and on in the story, and Harry later develops that we’re going to get the wand. The story of the Three Brothers, we find out about the unbeatable wand. The end of the film has Voldemort, he has attained the Elder Wand. So, it’s really this film – I think it makes continual sense, and I think that it actually makes sense, or would make sense, to non-viewers because I was shocked at how many little scenes there were that really emphasized that Voldemort is looking for this unbeatable wand. So, I thought it was fine.

Andrew: Richard, as someone who gave the film a three out of ten, were you satisfied with the cliffhanger?

Richard: Yeah. I mean, again like I said last week, I was still a little disappointed with the way the ending – well, it’s not where I would have ended the film, put it like that. But I guess that when I was originally writing my review just after the film, you have to remember that it is only Part 1 of a two-part film, as Matt said earlier. So, although I’m critical, I kind of – I’m almost trying to say, “Well, look, I’ll hold off until I see the next film before I decide.” It was relatively – it was okay, I guess. I mean, it wasn’t brilliant, but it did the job.

Eric: So now, Richard, you said you would end the film while they got snatched, right? Prior to the Malfoy Manor scene?

Richard: Yeah, yeah, right.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: And so what would you have – what would you do – what would that effect achieve? Like, I’m trying to think – I had originally considered that to be a good spot because then both the first film and the second film could start off at Malfoy Manor. But that was really, in the end, the only rewarding thing, I thought, about it, to have that continuity between the two films.

Richard: I just – well, I think that the tension from building up from being chased by the Snatchers, from being caught, I think that would have been much more profound than – because I – since I found Dobby’s death such a letdown. But I think the tension from the Snatchers would have been more interesting to watch as a cliffhanger.

Andrew: But I think the problem with the Snatchers is they weren’t that powerful. I think they needed that…

Micah: They were comical.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: They were.

Andrew: They needed that ending shot to be Voldemort because it’s Harry versus Voldemort. Snatchers are, like, “Ahhh, who cares? It’s the Snatchers.” And yes, he’s being brought back to Malfoy Manor. I mean, maybe a good cliffhanger is, like, Malfoy being right about to call Voldemort or something like that.

Richard: They could still use Voldemort for the end of it. The bit I didn’t really like was the Malfoy Manor scene because remember that in the books – unless I’m wrong, but Voldemort, when he takes the wand from Dumbledore’s grave, it comes well after the Malfoy Manor scene.

Andrew: Well…

Richard: So, they moved that forward anyway, so I mean, they could still do that after being caught by the Snatchers.

Muggle Mail: Casting Bill Weasley and Mad-Eye Moody

Andrew: Let’s get to some e-mails now. We got lots of them from several listeners. This first one is from Ian, 19, of Massachusetts, and he writes:

“In your review of ‘Deathly Hallows: Part 1’ in Episode 214, you mentioned that Bill Weasley was the one to announce the death of Mad-Eye and how odd it was that he should be the one to do so. I realized that Bill is played by Domhnall Gleeson, the son of Brendan Gleeson, who plays Mad-Eye. Do you think that this casting choice affected the script in any way, specifically as an inside reference to the actors?”

Eric: [laughs] So, is Bill Weasley the one who mentions Mad-Eye’s death because it’s played by his…

Andrew: “Mentions.”

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: His son?

Eric: Does he get the line?

Andrew: I think – well, at the least, it’s a coincidence. I don’t think that would have been intentional.

Eric: I think the interesting thing is David Thewlis wanted his wife to play the role of Tonks, his real-life wife to play the role of Tonks. Do you think that – it’s kind of like asking the question, do you think that that would play up – they would have played up Remus and Tonks in the films if Thewlis’ wife had been cast in the role of Tonks?

Andrew: Mmm, I don’t think so.

Eric: I just don’t know. I think the…

Micah: No…

Eric: In every interview we have had with Heyman and Yates, they say the respect is to the form and the content, and then less to any of those other worldly things.

Micah: Well, I think it goes back to the point you made last week. And even though I disagreed with it, I think how you mentioned that what’s going on is larger than just sort of this smaller group of people that we’ve come to know throughout the course of the films. Here is Bill Weasley who obviously is introduced in the books very early on but isn’t introduced in the movies until right now, and yet he has all this knowledge about what’s going on with all these different people that we’ve come to know. And so it was kind of a nod to the greater danger that’s being presented to this group of characters, that here is somebody who we’ve never met before saying that Mad-Eye Moody is now dead.

Matt: Well, Bill does say Mad-Eye’s dead in the book.

Eric: [laughs] So, it also happens to be canon.

Matt: It also happens to be exactly what happens in the book.

Andrew: Is it? Are you absolutely sure about that?

Matt: Yeah, I’m actually on the page right now. That’s why I was quiet for a bit.

Eric: Wow.

Andrew: What page is it?

Matt: It’s page 78 of the U.S. edition, the very top.

Andrew: All right, I’m double-checking because this is an error-free episode of MuggleCast.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: But I do think with that point that Eric brought up last show is fair.

Andrew: Yeah. I would like to confirm as well that Bill Weasley [laughs] does say that in the book.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: He is the one that reveals it.

Eric: Thank you, Matt.

Matt: You’re welcome.

Andrew: So, it was a good theory, though, from Ian anyway. I mean, maybe that’s why they cast him anyway because they were, like, “Well, Bill’s going to announce it, so let’s get…”

Matt: Who better than his son?

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Seeing it last night again, the Seven Potters scene when they have that car chase, they’re on the road. I love seeing the Death Eaters casting the spells at the traffic…

Matt: Oh, yeah!

Eric: …and parts of cars falling off. Again, another one of those scenes that I think the first time I saw it, it just kind of went by. I wasn’t thinking about it. But it’s actually kind of cool seeing how all those spells are affecting the cars…

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: …and Hagrid, I don’t know where he learned to drive but he did a pretty good job.

Matt: Well, throughout the entire series, the wizards and the Muggles, they keep to themselves. They don’t really cross over worlds, but this time they just don’t care, you know?

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: It’s like – what a clash between titans.

Micah: The other thing that I noticed too is that, in the film, Harry uses Hedwig as the reason why Voldemort knows…

Matt: Yes!

Micah: …who he really is, as opposed to Expelliarmus.

Matt: I thought that was a brilliant…

Micah: I thought it was good.

Matt: …way to kind of transition it.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: And it just made me even cry more because Hedwig’s dead.

Eric: Well, maybe the Ministry has her because they found Moody – or his eye at least, and put it up on a door. Maybe they have the bird, maybe they’re…

Matt: Well, I’m expecting in the epilogue that Hedwig comes flying back and then perches on his shoulder, and then everything is okay.

Eric: I don’t think that’s going to happen.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: You don’t know that, Eric! You haven’t seen Part 2 yet!

Richard: In the movie, there was no reference to them about going to get Moody’s body though, was there?

Andrew: No.

Richard: So, they completely omitted that.

Eric: Well, they can’t really. The world – we’re meant to believe the world is too dangerous. I mean, soon enough the Ministry has his eye nailed to the door, so…

Matt: It’s fine though, because if they can find Moody’s body, then they can sure as hell find a bird on the floor.

Eric: I’m sure they have it on display in some museum. “This is Harry Potter’s bird.” I’m sorry, Matt. You’re going to have to pay to go see it.

Matt: I want to going to have to e-mail J.K.

Muggle Mail: Mad-Eye Moody’s Eye

Andrew: Speaking of Moody, Timber, 28, of the U.S.A. writes:

“I believe the commentators mistakenly say that Harry did not take Mad-Eye’s eye from Umbridge’s office door. I was specifically looking for that and I think he did. I think in that brief second when Harry, disguised with Polyjuice, walks away from Umbridge’s office, that the eye is missing. Later on in the forest, there’s a scene where we can see Hermione in the background kneeling at the foot of a huge tree with a bunch of wildflowers in her hand. I believe this was the moviemakers’ allusion to the burial of Mad-Eye’s eye in the forest. Anyhow, when you see the movie again, as I know we all will, let’s watch and make sure it’s missing when Harry walks away from the office. I think the moviemakers did include this point.”

Can anyone verify this?

Matt: I didn’t even – I totally forgot about that part. I mean, it wasn’t even that [laughs] important to me, about Mad-Eye’s eye.

Eric: Yeah, the only thing I can verify is that if that’s included in the film, the attention is not drawn to it.

Andrew: It is not.

Eric: It is not.

Andrew: Because it’s a wide shot, it’s a wide shot.

Eric: It’s a wide shot. Both are wide shots, the one of Hermione with her – flowers in her hand and the one where Runcorn walks away. I don’t – wow, that’s going to have to be a Blu-Ray zoom-in thing for me.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Matt: Yeah.

Eric: I can’t do that in the film.

Micah: Yeah. I mean, I know I brought this up in the last episode, so if it is in fact missing from the door, then obviously I’ll not have anything to say about it. But…

Andrew: We’ll keep an eye out.

Eric: Still, shame on them for not…

Micah: …definitely next time when I go and see it, I’ll take a look. I know we all will.

Matt: If – that would be a really nice little homage to the fans, though, because I mean, it’s not in any way intricate to the plot in any shape or form. But if they just put that very subtly in, just for a fan to go, “So, she must be burying the eye right there!”

Eric: Fans shouldn’t have to do that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: You should either be completely – you know what I’m saying? Like…

Andrew: They need to spell it out for us.

Eric: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Muggle Mail: Dobby’s Speech

Andrew: [laughs] Next e-mail comes from Brianna, 18, of Omaha, Nebraska. She writes about Dobby’s speech:

“Hey guys, I have been a long time listener and I love the show. I just wanted to make a comment about Dobby’s speech scene in Deathly Hallows. I really hated that particular scene. I thought Dobby’s speech was too comedic, especially because his death was only 30 seconds away. I know at my midnight showing the whole audience was laughing. I thought that they, the writers, ruined what should have been a very dark moment. I too agree that movie Dobby was not developed enough to give such a strong and empowering speech. Anyway, loved the rest of the movie and thanks for the awesome podcast!”

It’s funny that she e-mailed this in because I did a review with AOL Moviefone and the link is on MuggleNet, by the way, if you want to watch it. And one of the people on the panel said the same exact thing that in his theater, everyone was laughing!

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: That…

Eric: I can see how that would ruin…

Matt: Right.

Andrew: Yeah, I agree, it must ruin it. But for me I thought that was a very empowering moment, when you see Dobby standing up there. He’s standing above the trio and everyone…

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: …else standing around him. And I thought that was the moment to build up the love for Dobby…

Matt: Right.

Andrew: …so that when he’s killed, just 30 seconds later, everybody feels bad for him. They needed that scene because, yes, he was nowhere to be found in the past few movies. So, they needed that kind of thing to make you feel with him and – by the way, just in my audience, everyone was cheering, applauding, not laughing.

Matt: Yeah. Geez, you guys got some cynical audiences.

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Yeah, can I just talk about Dobby’s death? Because I haven’t been able to yet. I loved it! Okay, so to go into it more – I do hear that a lot about Dobby’s speech, and Micah and I, you and I were talking about how cheesy it was because every Harry Potter movie needs a cheesy line and unfortunately Dobby got it in this movie.

Andrew: That was not cheesy, are you kidding me? That was not cheesy!

Matt: But I do think that it was completely appropriate for Dobby to say that because Dobby’s character, he is – there is no cynicism, there is no sarcasm, there is no…

Eric: Innocence.

Matt: …sense of anything in Dobby’s character. Dobby is completely – yeah, he’s completely innocent, he’s an innocent soul, he’s honest, there is no way for Dobby to lie. He even says how he wanted to hurt Bellatrix. He didn’t want to kill her, he only wanted to maim or – so I can see how an audience member can see this as a comedic, not really touching moment. But it would be completely out of Dobby’s character to say anything profound. I mean, not that what he said wasn’t profound, but very dramatic, almost like an Oscar moment sort of thing. But it’s because that Dobby is just a pure soul that there is not an ounce of anything negative or – you know what I’m talking about? Dobby just cannot say things in a manner that’s insulting.

Eric: I want to say that one of the things that got me thinking about this when I saw the film last night was what Micah said last week about Movie 2 being a deathfest. And I thought about this when I was watching the film, particularly when it comes to Dobby. I noticed two things. One, I think Dobby has the best lines in this film. “Can you get us out of here, Dobby?” “Of course, sir! I’m an elf!”

Matt: That was hilarious!

Eric: It’s – but it’s wonderful and the fact that he dies, and I’m not going to dwell on this too much, but Hedwig – obviously they changed Hedwig’s death so that she sacrifices herself for Harry in the beginning of the film, happens offscreen, the same with Moody. But when it comes to Dobby’s death at the end of the film, we’re at such a point where the film audience sees how a completely innocent character has completely, onscreen, sacrificed himself for Harry, and I think that’s a great moment for the film to be at. It’s a great point for the film to be at because come Part 2, we’re going to actually see a lot of people onscreen giving their lives for Harry and I think Dobby was kind of the intro to that kind of behavior, in people sacrificing themselves for Harry onscreen. Because up until this point, even in previous films – with the exception of maybe Cedric Diggory – we heard about Lily Potter sacrificing herself for her son – more or less happened offscreen, we’ve never seen it before. And so to do it with Dobby, to do it with such a pure soul and to build it up the way they did, giving him these innocent lines and that moment of triumph where he’s, like, “He’s my friend!” That was really important, I think…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …because come Part 2, they’re going to need to – a lot of people are going to be dying for Harry. Otherwise we wouldn’t know how to take that if we haven’t been prepped by David Yates with Dobby.

Micah: Can I just say one thing about this, though? And obviously she’s responding mostly to what I said on the last episode. I do think, still, that there was a comedic touch to Dobby’s speech, and yeah, that is part of his personality but I just don’t think that that set up his death very well.

Matt: I still cried every single time I’ve seen it, though.

Micah: And maybe it’s just that I need to go and see the movie again and…

Matt: You should come see it with me, Micah.

Micah: …I’ll have a different perspective. [laughs]

Matt: I’ll make you cry.

Micah: Matt is convinced to make me cry and to…

Eric: He’s going to give you a big old hug, a big old Matt hug, when Dobby appears.

Matt: No, I’m going to slip – I going to put some vapor rub under your eyes or something.

[Micah laughs]

Matt: But what did you think about his speech to Harry right before he dies?

Micah: Oh, I liked that scene. I did liked that scene.

Andrew: [accusing tone] Was that funny? Did anyone laugh at that?

Micah: No.

Matt: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Good!

Micah: I just thought the setup wasn’t good. That’s my criticism of it, it’s just the setup of it wasn’t good and I’ll leave it at that.

Matt: Well…

Andrew: I’ll tell you guys why it connected with the audiences: Dobby has been trending on Twitter since the movie came out!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: What was that about? I mean, sure, I don’t think the world is in agreement that Dobby should win an Academy Award for Best Actor in a Film.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: But I think it did connect with the audiences. When it started trending, I think it was a surprise to a lot of people who haven’t read the books and I think people did connect with him. I did, it seems like Matt did, and probably some others. Richard, what do you think? Were you moved by his speech or anything at all?

Richard: In the books, this was actually the only moment of the series that made me cry, it was the scene when Dobby died. My problem was more artificial though. And I liked the story and I liked the dialogue, but as I said last week, I just felt the CGI was poor. I struggled to take the entire scene seriously and I felt a little bit let down about it. I mean, it’s almost so cartoony. And at the same time, you’re just given this great, passionate speech – almost like the “Freedom!” moment from Braveheart. But I just kind of felt a lack of believability and I think that was down to the CGI.

Eric: Richard, did you laugh earlier in the film when Dobby is pushing Kreacher out of the way so that Dobby can be the one to tell the story of how they found Mundungus? Did you – were you moved at all by that? Did you feel it was unnecessary?

Richard: In the film?

Eric: In the film.

Richard: I wasn’t particularly moved by it, I don’t think. I mean, it was nice to see Dobby’s character back again, finally, after such a long absence. I mean, he has a really, truly wonderful role in the books and I kind of missed him in the movie series as a whole, but I don’t think the scene with Kreacher was particularly thought-provoking. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the lines were good and they were delivered well. I liked the speeches on the whole but like I said, I’m just not sure I believed it as a filmgoer.

Andrew: I think most people would probably be more receptive to Dobby’s performance if we had seen him sooner than 2002.

Matt: If the audience fell in love with him…

Andrew: [laughs] Or that brief cameo in Goblet of Fire.

Eric: Well, it’s still been two or three years since Movie 6, and there was no place for him in Movie 6 because he wasn’t following Malfoy around, Malfoy was going it alone, so there was no ñ I mean, they could have made a place for him, I suppose, but it’s still been years since that movie came out, and unless he’s on promo posters next to Harry in all of the posters, I don’t think anybody would really remember him. I mean…

Andrew: He had his own character poster, though. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, he did.

Eric: Oh, he did in this film, didn’t he?

Micah: Well, didn’t – don’t you remember – I brought that up even before the film came out, and I said look at what they did with Fenrir Greyback in Half-Blood Prince and they didn’t even really make an introduction to his character. And here’s Dobby who hasn’t been around since Chamber of Secrets and they’re using promotional posters of him. So, again, I’m not – here’s the thing from last episode, if I can just take, like, 30 seconds…

Andrew: Yes. Closing point, please.

Micah: …because I got a lot of – the most feedback that I got was the comment that I made about the casual moviegoer. And I listened back to this episode and I have to say, I used the casual moviegoer argument way too much.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: And I’ll concede that. No, I said in the comments. And in all honesty when I say casual moviegoer, I was really referring to some of the issues that I, myself, had with the film. Whether it was the Durlseys, whether it was Dobby’s speech, whether it was the Hallows storyline. But these are things that other people had issues with as well. And I still feel, as I said in the last episode and I think it kind of got lost with a lot of the criticism. I do think this was the best book-to-film adaptation that we’ve had and I think you can still like a movie and be critical of it.

Andrew: Absolutely.

Matt: Oh, absolutely.

Andrew: And another thing that I wanted to bring up is that some people were saying we were being too negative, we weren’t bringing up too many positives – I should have brought this up at the beginning of the show but I’m bringing it up now. The fact of the matter is if we were to be completely positive about a film, it wouldn’t be…

Micah: Real?

Andrew: …a good – it wouldn’t be a good episode.

Eric: Well, we wouldn’t be representative of the whole fanbase. I mean, I thought it was…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: I was stunned because you had withheld from me that we were at such disagreement from the film, Andrew. I feel like I don’t even know you anymore…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: [laughs] …because when it turned out we all had different opinions, I was excited, genuinely excited. It’s not only a change of pace for me, it’s got to surely be a change of pace for the listeners who listen to us weekly and…

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true.

Eric: …we tend to agree on a lot of stuff, so the fact that we didn’t…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …I think made for a more interesting episode. I mean, if we can…

Andrew: But yeah, we needed to be critical, it couldn’t be an all-rave show. Yes, this is a fan podcast, but an hour and a half of us going, “Oh my God, I loved that!” “Oh, me too, me too!” That’s just not good. [laughs]

Micah: And the thing is the same people who wrote in and said that we were too critical would write in and say we weren’t critical enough.

Andrew: We can’t win! [pretends to cry]

Micah: Yeah, we can’t win.

Eric: I think Matt and I are talking about Dobby.

Matt: Well yeah, and also I think a lot of the listeners when they say you guys are being too critical, they meant you guys are being too negative to where they wanted you to be more positive.

Andrew: Maybe, maybe.

Matt: I seriously don’t think you guys were too critical because basically that’s exactly what this podcast is for. You guys are critiquing everything. We analyze the books and we critique the movies, that’s what the fan podcasts do.

Richard: Someone left a comment on MuggleNet, on the actual site, saying that maybe Micah and myself should see the film again and look at it in a different light. And I’m definitely going to do that because I think, on a second viewing, which I haven’t had time to do yet, I would probably enjoy it more than I did the first time. That initial shock of saying, “All right, all of my favorite scenes may not have made it in,” then, “Okay, I can accept that,” and then I can look at, “Well, the rest of the film as a whole wasn’t that bad.”

MuggleCast 215 Transcript (continued)

Muggle Mail: Disconnection with the Audience

Andrew: Okay, let’s now get to the next e-mail. Brittany, 25, of Colorado. She wrote in a very long e-mail. We’re just going to read a couple of the things that she had to say:

“Hey guys, on the discussion about ‘Deathly Hallows’ on Episode 214, thank you Micah and Richard for saying exactly what I felt. I was so excited about this release. I enjoyed it, but I have to say that I cannot imagine how anyone who has not read the books is going to have a clue what is going on or feel the same sense of urgency J.K.R. creates in the books. I thought the first 30 minutes or so of the film was excellent. I was completely sucked in and excited for what was to come. But somewhere after the wedding scene is where the disconnect started. I was never emotionally drawn into the movie. Instead, it felt more like I was watching these really great and sometimes epic scenes without really knowing why they were so important. I know it’s difficult to make all the pieces fit together when the general audience doesn’t have all the backstory. But as someone who loves and has read the series, I still wasn’t happy. Something was definitely off, and I’m not afraid to say it has me concerned about what will take place in Movie 8. Overall, I’d say a 5 out of 10. Thanks again and keep up the good work!”

Eric: That’s more generous than Richard’s 3.

[Richard laughs]

Andrew: Yes. [laughs]

Matt: Did she say anything on why? Was there any specifics about this? Because we can’t really…

Andrew: Well, I think she’s responding to a lot of the stuff that Micah and Richard were saying last week…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …concerning the purpose, right Micah?

Micah: And as far as the disconnect that she talks about kind of after the wedding, I really think that one scene that they could have included that might have helped people understand more of the going at it alone and the need to do that, would have been Lupin showing up at Grimmauld Place.

Matt: Yes.

Micah: You get more of a feeling watching the movie that, okay, this is why Harry feels that they need to go off and do this on their own. And I think that – a lot of people actually wrote in about that scene and they were upset that it wasn’t in the film.

Matt: Right. Well, I was mainly upset they didn’t include that because all you see of Lupin in this entire film is him screaming at Harry.

Eric: Well, that’s important though too, because he does it twice. First is the time when he pulls Harry aside to make sure that he’s the real Harry. And immediately following that, him and Kingsley face off. So, it’s really – I think that scene heightened the stress level, which is what this writer is talking about, the sense of urgency. I think that that’s really conveyed in Lupin’s character. And then Lupin at the wedding scene is the one who – Harry wants to go find Ginny, and Lupin throws – [laughs] literally grabs him and throws him. Sure, it might be a little forceful than it is in the book, but just like he was the one to hold Harry back from the veil in Book 5 and Movie 5, he’s the one who throws Harry into the trio so that they can Disapparate to safety. So…

Andrew: I loved that by the way. I thought that was great.

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: How he yells at Harry.

Eric: The muted scene. Yeah, so I just think it may take a further viewing or just a different way of looking at it – that Lupin really does show and push Harry into solitude just in a different way and…

Matt: Yeah. No, I completely agree with you, Eric. And to be honest, I’m kind of glad they didn’t put the Lupin scene where he “slaps” Harry.

Eric: But what a great character moment for Lupin.

Matt: It’s – but I don’t like it! I don’t like knowing that part of Lupin.

Eric: Yeah, me neither.

Matt: [laughs] I felt really uneasy when I read that in the book.

Eric: Yeah.

Matt: But I do agree that – I think that that would have been a very important scene as far as urgency and just for Lupin and Tonks’ announcement of the child. I mean, they don’t even say it at all.

Eric: Well, they’re about to.

Andrew: Well, there’s a quick reference, yeah.

Matt: Well – I mean, yeah. “Wait until you hear the news. Yeah, you’re supposed to know I’m pregnant.”

[Eric laughs]

Muggle Mail: The Invisibility Cloak

Andrew: Next e-mail comes from Alex, 22, of Rhode Island. He or she writes:

“Hey there, love the show, smiley face. Wish I could say the same about the movie. Although I have several concerns with the adaptation of ‘Part 1’, my main concern is where the heck was the Invisibility Cloak?! In the book, they use the cloak just about everywhere they go because they are hiding. Now I realize that maybe it is hard to portray transparency, but come on now. The fact that Harry has had one of the Hallows in his possession is a huge part in tying the story together! What do you think?”

Matt: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Can I say something?

Andrew: Yes.

Matt: Okay. I didn’t get this the first time I saw the movie. But the second, third and fourth time when I saw it, I did see – when they are at Xenophilius Lovegood’s house, when he’s discussing the Deathly Hallows and he talks about the Invisibility Cloak, there’s an obvious huge lightbulb that goes on in Hermione’s head when she goes, [gasps] “An Invisibility Cloak!” and she looks at Harry. Did you guys catch that?

Andrew: No.

Micah: No.

Eric: I don’t think it was a lightbulb moment. She looks at him though. There seems to be some kind of – there seem to be the early threads of a dawning realization, but it seems then and it seems to me like it’s going to play a part in Part 2. Obviously with – I mean, Harry has two of the Hallows in his possession at this point. The only one he doesn’t have is the one that Voldemort has, very obviously, at the end of Part 1. So, there’s bound to be a moment in Part 2. I’m kind of glad that they didn’t realize it in Part 1. “Hey, we already have most of the stuff we need,” because I feel like that’s kind of, not a plot hole in the books, but it’s convenient. And I don’t want anything about Harry defeating the Dark Lord, this villain of the series, to be convenient, that he happens to have half of what he needs out of luck and not out of skill. So, I’m not saying they’re going to change it in Part 2 but I’m glad that Part 1 is untouched by that feeling of, “Hey, we don’t need to work for this,” because Part 1, I don’t think it would have worked because Part 1 is largely about desperation.

Matt: Were they under the Invisibility Cloak in Godric’s Hollow…

Micah: No, they didn’t use anything.

Matt: …or did they have Polyjuice Potion?

Richard: They didn’t use either.

Matt: Yeah. No, no, they didn’t use anything in the movie.

Micah: In the book, they used the Invisibility Cloak.

Matt: I could have sworn they used…

Richard: Yeah, they used both, Polyjuice and the Invisibility Cloak.

Matt: They used the – see, that’s – see, okay, because that’s what I was wondering. Was that like a big “eff you” to J.K. Rowling?

Eric: No, no…

Matt: Because…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …because Bathilda – look, here’s what I took it as. Because Bathilda still knows that they’re Harry and Hermione because they’re standing in front of James and Lily’s grave. So, they’re definitely under Polyjuice, I think, according to – the comments that I read on MuggleNet said that they were in Polyjuice in the books.

Matt: Yeah, they were under Polyjuice…

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: …and in the film, Hermione says, “I still think we could use Polyjuice Potion,” and then Harry says, “I don’t want to come to my parents’ graveyard as somebody else.”

Eric: And that was a great line though in the film and…

Matt: Oh, I loved it! But I was, like, “Ooh, ouch!”

Eric: But I don’t think it’s an “eff you” to J.K.R. but the fact of the matter is Bathilda still knew who it was. And Bathilda and Harry could both be talking Parseltongue, and so it didn’t make any sense for them to cast – to disguise them again. They are disguised quite a bit and they will be disguised once again as Bellatrix in Part 2, so I feel like the disguises were – yet another one would have been a little unnecessary.

Micah: Well, doesn’t it also sense the presence of the Horcrux?

Eric: I’m sorry?

Micah: It senses the presence of the Horcrux. I mean, Nagini is a Horcrux and so is the locket around Harry’s neck. You see that…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …once they’re in the actual house but it’s also possible that that could be part of the reason of what drew Bathilda out to the graveyard.

Eric: Well, Harry is a Horcrux too.

Micah: Well, there you go as well.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: So double Horcruxes.

Micah: There were three in one spot!

Eric: Triple rainbow!

Muggle Mail: Cormac McLaggen on the Hogwarts Express

Andrew: Next e-mail comes from Casey, 26, again of the U.S.A. These people who just want to give us their countries, not their states. Whatever:

“I just listened to Episode 214 and I agree with Eric and Andrew. I thought the movie was great. I can’t wait to see it again. Just thought I would point out an inaccuracy. You mentioned the short scene on the Hogwarts Express where Cormac McLaggen has a funny one-liner, and then I remembered that he was a year ahead of the trio and should be out of Hogwarts by now. It makes me wonder if other graduated students will be traipsing around the castle during the battle scene. Anyways, love the show. Thanks!”

Eric: [laughs] Actually, it’s traipsing.

Richard: Traipsing.

Andrew: Traipsing.

Eric: Well, it could be either because it’s misspelled. But…

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Matt: “Trapeze-ing?”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Well, I don’t know. I mean…

[Matt laughs]

Andrew: …it’s a battle. There could be gymnasts.

Eric: Yeah, on that comment, there are graduated students in Hogwarts…

Andrew: Who show up at the battle.

Eric: …during the final battle because they show up to show their loyalty to…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …Harry and the cause. So, yes, there are older students but the fact that Cormac is on the train is a book-to-movie error, or difference, I should say.

Matt: Right.

Andrew: Yes. Because he’s in his seventh year in Half-Blood Prince, so that wouldn’t make sense. But… [laughs]

Eric: But there are older students at Hogwarts.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, it was a funny comic relief sort of moment and it was totally unexpected. I’m not sure if we even knew he was cast for this film.

Eric: Again two seconds long, tops.

Muggle Mail: Lack of Good Content in the Movie

Andrew: Next e-mail comes from Josh, age Harrow – I think that’s his last name – [laughs] from the United Kingdom:

“I completely agree with Micah and Richard. This movie had so many relevant parts missing. The characters were very underdeveloped in the previous movies, causing this movie to not have good enough content. I would rate this movie maybe 6 out of 10.”

Matt: Owww! Wow! Whoa!

Eric: Yeah, look, let me take this moment to talk about pacing, okay? Things left out, “This movie doesn’t have good content.” I completely disagree that this movie cannot be rated or judged separately from either the past movies…

Matt: Exactly! Thank you, Eric.

Eric: …or anything like that. And one of the reasons is especially again while seeing it again last night, while seeing it for the second time – or third time actually – I just noticed when they are in the woods, first of all there was no sense of urgency in the book when they are in the woods. Let’s get that right out there, right out there. There was no urgency.

Micah: Well, you didn’t – let’s throw it out there. You didn’t like the book and you actually like the film.

Eric: It’s my favorite film.

Micah: But you hated the book. Well, “hate” might be a strong word, but you didn’t like the book.

Eric: I didn’t – yeah, I didn’t like the book.

Micah: So, that’s interesting.

Andrew: Hmm.

Eric: It is interesting to me…

Matt: I love both.

Eric: …but I think – okay, so when they are in the woods, with the movie there is always something going on. It might be subtle, it might be slow to some people. But I don’t understand when people say the forest dragged because in the book it dragged but also in the film there is always something going on, either if it’s a character analysis, either it’s Ron slowly growing disenchanted, it’s Harry finding out about the Snitch, it’s Ron listening to the radio, it’s Harry and Hermione dancing. There’s always something going on until the moment they get snatched. And I think it just – it depends on how into the movie you are. You have to listen to everything, you have to see everything and just immerse yourself in the world. And if you do that the film doesn’t seem long, it doesn’t seem like a drag, it doesn’t seem…

Matt: Right.

Eric: Although the comments we’ve got have said that people really did like the movie, but then they felt a disconnect growing after the wedding scene. I didn’t feel that disconnect, so I was able to kind of coast through the rest of the film.

Matt: Well, when they say “disconnect,” what do they mean? Because technically they are supposed to be disconnected.

Eric: Well, let’s ask Micah and Richard, who felt that the forest scenes dragged and yet loved the beginning of the movie.

Micah: Well – I mean, I’ll say what I said on the last episode and yeah, I know you said you have to be fair, and you have to look at this movie by itself and not really make it a larger part of the series. But I do think there are things that were left out previously that caused this particular part of the movie – maybe “drag” isn’t the right word, but for me it kind of – it didn’t move a little bit slow, but Matt made the point earlier which was a good point is that this is supposed to be months and months and months.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: When they go to Godric’s Hollow, it’s Christmas time. So, you’ve moved all the way from the wedding, which takes place in the summer, to Christmas, so I think that that is a good point. The time – you’re supposed to feel the time that’s ticking by here and maybe that’s what I didn’t look at on the last episode.

Andrew: See – well, I’ll disagree with that, though, because of one thing David Yates said at, I think, the junket. He said that in the film they narrowed it down to a few days – of traveling for a few days whereas, of course, in the book as you noted it’s months.

Eric: I think it’s…

Andrew: So, I actually…

Matt: No, you’re incorrect there, Andrew. He said they narrowed – you only see a few days in the film. You don’t necessarily had only three days because Harry’s hair doesn’t grow that fast.

Eric: And it’s still…

Matt: She gave him a hair cut.

Eric: Yeah, there is the hair-growing subplot and it is also Christmas Eve when they arrive at Godric’s Hollow because they’re singing carols and Hermione points that out. But I was confused when I read that junket report too, Andrew. But I think that what he means is – what Matt said was that you see a few days in the life as opposed to seeing weeks…

Andrew: Hmm, maybe.

Eric: …and so they had to condense it like that.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t know. The way he was talking – they were trying to – okay, yeah, the haircut, fine. But it’s never established that the wedding happens in the summertime. I mean, the only hint at that would be that Ginny is not in school.

Eric: And his birthday. Hermione says they were going to give him a cake after the wedding.

Micah: Right, which is in July.

Andrew: Right. I mean, but doesn’t in England – I mean, doesn’t it snow in August? So, I mean…

Micah: No. [laughs] What are you talking about?! You’re trying to stretch this.

Andrew: And they were just guessing it was Christmas Eve. It wasn’t actually – we didn’t get confirmation on it. I – okay, at this point I’m just making stuff up.

Matt: [laughs] By the way, Harry, it’s July. Oh, Hermione, isn’t it December?

Andrew: Okay, but maybe you’re right. Okay, so maybe David Yates, what he meant was they were just ñ they only showed a few days. Fine, that’s fine. They had to. They couldn’t show [laughs] thirty days.

Matt: No.

Andrew: Sixty days.

Matt: Then I would definitely agree that the pacing was very slow.

Muggle Mail: Episode 214 Praise

Andrew: Okay, next e-mail comes from Siona, 16, from Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

Eric: Is that near you, Andrew?

Andrew: That is near me.

“Dear MuggleCast, where has Richard been my/MuggleCast’s whole life?! His debut on…”

Who put these e-mails in, by the way?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: They’re all in favor of Micah and Richard.

“His debut on MuggleCast was amazing, except for those who disagreed with his opinions which were so funny. I think this episode deserves to be on the Wall of Fame. The combination of Eric’s optimism and reasoning, Micah’s and Richard’s endless complaints, and Andrew’s trying to be the middleman, so enjoyable! I think that’s the first time I’ve ever listened to an episode twice in one day, or maybe I’m just insane. Anywho, thanks so much for coming out with a ‘DH’ episode so soon and so perfect! Lots of Lovegood, Siona.”

I like how she said I tried to be the middleman, not that I accomplished this. [laughs]

Eric: I think she was just reading the show notes. [laughs]

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: I think in the show notes it says, “Eric has optimism and reasoning. Micah and Richard have endless complaints. Andrew tries to be the middleman.”

Andrew: [laughs] Well, thank you for that. So, I guess, Micah you put that in there just because you…

Micah: Well, the thing was a lot of the comments that we had in here beforehand were negative against – I was trying to balance things out, but I don’t know where those comments went. Comment: Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Storyline

Andrew: We have one comment from that we wanted to put in because Eric thinks it brings up a good point. Eric, would you like to read it from pantera?

Eric: Sure, I’ll read it. Okay:

“I definitely echo some of what has already been said.”

Oh sorry, this is from pantera2012. She writes:

“I definitely echo some of what has already been said. During the podcast, I found myself on Eric’s side much more than the side of Andrew, Micah and Richard.”

There we go, some difference. She says:

“Number one…”

Actually, this is – no, she says, or they say:

“I believe the ‘Deathly Hallows’ storyline was explained in good enough detail that non-book readers could have understood what was going on. I mean, we saw the necklace Xenophilius was wearing, we saw the symbol on the gravestone in Godric’s Hollow, we saw it in the copy of ‘Life and Lies’ that Hermione had, and we watched/heard a freakin’ short story about the Hallows from ‘Tales of Beedle the Bard’, and Xenophilius went step-by-step and drew out the symbol by hand on a piece of paper. What else can you ask for? I saw the movie with my sister, who has not read the books, and on the way home I asked her why Voldemort stole the Elder Wand from Dumbledore. She said that it was because it was one of the Deathly Hallows. Like someone has already said, five-to-ten-year-old kids are not the only people who go to see these films.”

So, I take it that her sister was a young kid who understood this. She says:

“Actually, ‘DH Part 1’ had moments that were ‘heavy’ enough that I think would make some parents question if they should let their seven year old see the movie. Scenes like Ron getting splinched, Bathilda/Nagini, definitely Hermione’s torture scene, that was pretty darn terrifying, etc.”

So, that was interesting. She said her young kid knew that…

Andrew: Daughter. Or sister.

Eric: Her sister knew that Voldemort wanted the Elder Wand, so…

Andrew: Yeah, I think they made it clear.

Matt: Oh yeah, that was completely obvious.

Andrew: I mean – and then the big cliffhanger. Voldemort gets the Elder Wand, and you see him hold it and he’s smiling. And it’s a – I think it’s a pretty powerful moment.

Micah: Yeah, I think that the parts with say, Gregorovitch and then with Grindelwald, will probably be explained in Part 2 because they kind of left that open-ended.

Andrew: They did and they go by in a flash. And there’s just a lot of loud banging noises because you’re sort of supposed to get the impression that it’s taking place in Harry’s head. I mean, people who have read the books know that, but I don’t know if it’s as clear if you haven’t read the books. I don’t know if you know what’s happening in Harry’s head. It’s kind of established, but it goes by so quick.

Eric: Well, it’s happening in the real world.

Andrew: I know that, but…

Matt: It’s all through…

Andrew: But…

Matt: …his vision.

Andrew: Right, it’s still Harry seeing this in his head…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …because…

Eric: Because he’s a Horcrux.

Andrew: …he’s a part of Voldemort, right.

Matt: I do think though that – I don’t know who said this in the last episode, but I do think that this was all just a tease and that it will be explained further when they talk about The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore in Part 2 because they will – I mean, they will talk about it.

Andrew: Let’s hope so.

Matt: And regardless if it’s at Hogsmeade with Aberforth or just a conversation at Shell Cottage or some point, it will be discussed.

Andrew: Well, because – Micah, didn’t we report a while ago that Dumbledore’s family was cast?

Micah: No, I think it’s the opposite. I don’t think they were cast.

Andrew: And we were wondering why they weren’t. Oh, okay. So…

Micah: Yeah, we were wondering why they hadn’t been cast. And I guess with that scene that they had at the wedding with Aunt Muriel and Elphias Doge, they were just trying to put it in place right there, where they mentioned his father, they mentioned his brother and what happened to – what’s her name? Ariana, right?

Andrew and



Micah: And actually, somebody pointed out that if you look closely at Dumbledore’s file in the Ministry…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …as Harry is flipping through in Umbridge’s office, it lists his mother and his siblings’ names.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Matt: Mhm. Yeah.

Micah: So, I didn’t see that, but I guess that was another kind of tip towards the fans to include that information.

Eric: Yeah, it says his father’s name is Percival. Comment: Episode 214 Was Too Negative

Micah: All right. I also have one more comment that came in from Professor Lily on the comments. She said – I’m assuming it’s a she:

“I have been listening to MuggleCast since Episode 1, reading the books since 1999, and watching the movies since 2001. I was really looking forward to your review episode because they have usually been excellent, pointing out hits and misses in the films in a good and appropriate way. So, I was really shocked at the level of negativity in this episode. In a way far different from the reactions of three out of the four of you, this is the first time I have ever left a ‘Harry Potter’ film and said, ‘Wow. This one they got right.’

Micah, you have always been one of my favorites, but I think you just missed this one. I don’t think you’ve ever forgiven the filmmakers for cutting out “The Other Minister,” which was a delightful scene of exposition in the book but would never have worked as well on film. And Richard – sorry, mate. While I actually agree with your comment about Bill Nighy, I thought the tone of your critique was unnecessarily mean-spirited and harsh. I thought the acting of the trio – all of them – was spot on. The extended period in the forest gave all three actors a time to shine and to show the transition that Harry, Ron and Hermione have made from teenagers to the young adults their scary world has forced them to become. Your comments about Dan Radcliffe were not only off base, they were gratuitously cruel. Yes, I have my quibbles: why no memorial to the Potters in Godric’s Hollow, either in the square or at the house, for example. So easy to do and so touching. But that’s what they are: quibbles.

The tone of loneliness and bleakness of the camping scenes was perfect. The constant reading of the list of the missing gave a haunting view of the threat in the world outside. The stopping of the train showed the intense hunt for Harry, and Neville’s sullen, defiant response, far from being weak, gave a foreshadowing of the resistance leader he will become.

I’m really struck by the dichotomy between your reactions and the reactions of the overwhelming majority of the fandom who absolutely loved this film and called it the film they have been waiting for. I wonder where that is coming from? As for Micah’s consistently expressed concern that non-fans would not get this movie, I’m sure they don’t get the nuance we do. But every ‘Harry Potter’ virgin I know – movie viewers, not book readers – got it. I’m sorry to say that in this review episode, I don’t think three of you did.”

Andrew: Richard, do you have any sort of rebuttal without tearing apart this lovely listener?

Richard: I actually saw this comment and I put it in earlier. [laughs] I thought it was a really well thought out reply to some of my comments from last week’s episode. Okay, if you look back over the series, you could probably argue that the trio’s acting was a bit rough. They’re all kids, after all. They’re all young. I don’t think you really expect otherwise and they did a fantastic job given the experience that they actually have. But where I think Emma and Rupert have both matured as actors and embrace the developments and changes in their characters, I’m not convinced Daniel Radcliffe has, at least not to the same extent as the others. I think his acting is a little bit wooden, a bit dry. I mean, not all the time but at times and especially at those moments when he really has to convey emotion. I think that’s when he struggles. I mean, don’t get me wrong, [laughs] I don’t dislike the guy and I think there are some parts when he is very good. In Half-Blood Prince, for example, when he had taken the Felix Felicis potion, I thought that was some of his best acting of the entire series. But I mean, going back to Deathly Hallows there was that scene when he was dancing with Hermione and I was just – oh, I was just cringing so much! It was awkward and it was clumsy. But hey, then again perhaps that was intended.

Andrew: Well, but if you – that tent scene when they’re dancing – I mean, the beauty of it is that Dan and Harry Potter are not good dancers. And it’s funny, Dan Radcliffe actually said that that was the coolest Harry Potter has ever been. [laughs] That moment – because of that song, which by the way is called “O Children” by…

Andrew and


Nick Cave.

Andrew: We…

Eric: [laughs] There’s a MuggleNet post specifically about it.

Andrew: Right, we made a post about it because I figured a lot of people were wondering what song that was.

Eric: It has a good backstory to it too, but – so I think it’s interesting because Richard did say that he felt Emma Watson carried the trio. And I think the fact that he points out the dancing scene as being an example of his disagreement with Dan – I don’t think it’s the best scene to point out to express yourself because it is this happy joyous moment where he’s not really supposed to be acting as supposed to feeling. Harry is feeling in that moment and that’s what that scene is about. But I think it just signals a larger disconnect between you and Dan which is what you’re saying there is, that you just don’t feel that he hits the character and that you can’t see him as Harry Potter, and I understand that.

Andrew: You know what? I think another reason some people may have been bothered by Richard’s comments is that it was his first episode, and he just steps in and [laughs] just starts crapping all over the movie.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So, they haven’t gotten to know you, but in due time.

Micah: Can I just respond to two things that are in here…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …when she was addressing me? I think that “The Other Minister” scene would have worked in Half-Blood Prince, I’m just throwing that out there. She says she doesn’t think that it would. I do think it would have, but – and the second thing, obviously she mentioned the casual moviegoer, which I already addressed so I’m not going to address that again. But I do think “The Other Minister” scene would probably have been a really good scene to include in Half-Blood Prince, but obviously we can’t go back and make that change.

Matt: Right. I mean, it’s really easy to go back into other films and say what would have worked, what would have made this movie a lot better if they added that. But I mean, it’s always a futile argument especially at this point since it is the last film, so we can only hope that they actually get it. I really don’t care if it doesn’t make any sense because they didn’t put it in the other movies because damn it, I read that book! I want to see it in this movie!

[Eric laughs]

Matt: Regardless if they introduced the two-way mirror in Order of the Phoenix or not. They put it in this movie. Thank God they did because it would have been an atrocious film if they didn’t have it at all and then try to make some two-bit excuse on how Aberforth sent Dobby or something. It’s just…

Eric: Well, then they didn’t explain it.

Matt: Regardless if it makes sense.

Eric: They didn’t explain it, though.

Matt: Huh?

Andrew: But, but…

Matt: No, they didn’t explain it, but there’s no point in us doing it now.

Andrew: No, they will.

Eric: Yeah, there’s no point in us…

Andrew: I think they will explain it in Part 2. They have to.

Matt: What, about the two-way mirror? Yeah, they probably could, but the fact is is that they actually have it and thank God…

Micah: Well, they do explain it. Aberforth explains it in the Hog’s Head when they get there.

Matt: No, but I’m talking about in Part 1.

Micah: Oh.

Eric: About where he got it from?

Matt: About how an audience member doesn’t know why does Harry have a mirror with Dumbledore’s face in it?

Eric: Even those who have seen the films and not read the books wouldn’t know, specifically.

Matt: Well, yeah. But also – I mean, people who haven’t read the books going into these movies know that they’re not going to get some of this stuff because they haven’t read the books.

Micah: Well, exactly.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: It’s like saying, “Who is this person in a prison that Voldemort is talking to, that’s laughing in his face?”

Matt: Right. “Well, if I had read the books, I probably would know.”

Micah: Right.

Matt: And shame on them for not reading the books in the first place.

Listener Tweets: Favorite Scene from Deathly Hallows: Part 1

Andrew: To wrap up the show today, we asked people who follow us on Twitter,, what your favorite scene is. We got lots of responses. This first one from Jessica, she says:

“My favorite scene was when they opened the locket.”

Nicky Smith wrote:

“The dancing scene with Harry and Hermione. It was so intimate and showed what a great friendship the two have. I loved it.”

So, that’s why I liked it. It was a great friendship.

Matt: Yeah, me too.

Andrew: [singing] “Oh, children!” [normal voice] I like that song, too. I listen…

Micah: [laughs] That’s exactly what it sounds like.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [singing] Oh, children!

Matt: Yeah, geez, uncanny.

Andrew: That is how it sounds.

Micah: Yep, you’re right.

Andrew: Because there’s a little…

Matt: I’m getting goosebumps.

Andrew: …gospel choir sort of chorus singing going on. It was really nice. Hope Burke wrote:

“My favorite scene in ‘Deathly Hallows’ was probably the Three Brothers scene, but I loved it all. Favorite movie so far.”

M. Joy wrote:

“Favorite scene is at Malfoy Manor when Voldy and his followers are seated around the long table, especially Voldy snapping Lucius’ wand.”

Which I agree with. That was awesome. Ryan Duffy writes:

“The Harry and Hermione dance scene. Believe it or not, that’s the only scene in any ‘Harry Potter’ movie that ever made me cry.”

Did it make anyone else cry?

Matt: No, I didn’t cry for that.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Oh, from pain?

Richard: Not from joy. Yeah, from pain and anguish. [laughs]

[Andrew laughs]

Matt: Wait, he cried when they danced, but they didn’t cry for Hedwig…

[Richard laughs]

Matt: …or Dobby’s death? What kind of a person is this?

[Eric and Richard laugh]

Andrew: It was the song. It was a moving song.

Eric: Meet the new host of MuggleCast, Matt. It’s Richard Reed! [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: From Scotland!

Andrew: Jenny writes:

“My favorite scene is the Hedwig death scene. It was so much sadder than it was in the books. I cried.”

John Finnegan writes:

“My favorite scene was definitely the Seven Potters escape. Hedwig’s death was much more noble than the book, the only good change!”

And we got lots of others. Thanks to everyone who @ replied us. We do enjoy reading them all.

Matt: Not one of you mentioned my favorite scene.

Andrew: Which is what?

Matt: It’s Hermione’s monologue in Forest of Dean.

Andrew: When Ron returns?

Matt: How is that not everyone’s – no, when she’s sitting with the book in her hand and talking about how she and Harry should grow old together.

Andrew: Awww.

Eric: Yeah, that was interesting.

Show Close

Andrew: So, that’s it for Part Two of our Part 1 review! Of course, we covered a lot of stuff. We’d love to get your feedback on this episode as well, so please do visit, click on “Contact” at the top, and you’ll see a handy feedback form where you can write in to us. Also, on, you’ll find links to our Twitter, our Facebook, our iTunes page, and a whole lot more.

Micah: Oh, but speaking of stuff related to the podcast, we are looking for some more transcribers, probably about twenty more people who are interested in transcribing MuggleCast. And what I’ll do is I’ll make a post on of where you can send your application. But yeah, we’re looking for some more people and obviously we don’t say this enough. We do have a great group of people that put together these transcripts for every single show. I think we’re up to 209 now, so we’re pretty up-to-date with the shows that have been released. But they do a tremendous job over there and it is kind of a thankless position, so we really do appreciate it.

Matt: Yeah, you are right.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Thank you, guys. And one final plug: Eric, on Tuesday night he appeared on an internet radio show called AfterBuzz TV and you can find it now. He did a little review of the movie with the guys at AfterBuzz TV and you can find a link to his interview on the MuggleCast Twitter account, which is Or just search for AfterBuzz TV in iTunes.

[Show music begins]

Eric: Yeah, they’re on iTunes. Really interesting people, they knew a lot about Potter and they were talking – obviously, they do recaps in and out of commercial breaks and things like that for television shows, and this was their first foray into movie discussion. But they’re awesome people. The host in particular was just really good at managing the other co-hosts. I think it’s…

Andrew: Was he better or worse than me?

Eric: I didn’t want to say.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Listen and form your own conclusions, Andrew. [laughs]

Andrew: All right, fair enough.

Eric: He’s British, so I think everything…

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: …is tipped in his favor.

Andrew: He’s automatically better.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Thanks everyone for listening! It’s been a lot of fun. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Matt: I’m Matt Britton.

Richard: And I’m Richard Reed.

Andrew: And we’ll see you next time for Episode 216! Buh-bye!

Matt: See ya!

Eric: Bye Richard!

Richard: Bye!

Andrew: [laughs] Bye Richard.

[Show music continues]

Blooper: Error Free

Eric: Narcissa, Narcissa. Error-free episode. He says that about Narcissa.

Matt: Oh, well, he’s talking to Bellatrix in the movie.

Eric: Yeah. But about Narcissa.

Matt: Well, she said, “You could have killed me.” Bellatrix…

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, Bellatrix says, “You could have killed me.”

Matt: Yeah, so he’s talking…

Eric: Oh, my bad. Oh, error free. Cut me out.

Micah: How many times do you need to see it, Eric?

Eric: Jesus. All right.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: All right, fine. Go on, Matt.

Matt: Okay.

Transcript #214

MuggleCast 214 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

Andrew: MuggleCast is brought to you by GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all, plans start at just $3.95 a month and no matter what plan you choose, your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener, enter code “Muggle”, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E, when you check out and save an additional 10% on any order. Get your piece of the internet at!

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello, this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films, and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because we’re about to only scratch the surface, this is MuggleCast Episode 214 for November 20th, 2010.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 214, and oh my goodness, is this a big show! Not only are we talking about the penultimate film in the Harry Potter series, but we are also welcoming MuggleNet’s – I like to call him a god, I don’t think that’s too high of a praise. Richard Reid is joining us this week on the show. Hello Richard!

Richard: Hello everyone.

Andrew: Richard is Scottish and he stepped in when MuggleNet was on its knees about a year ago when the site was down for a week, and ever since then he has been a MuggleNet god. So, it’s great to have you on, Richard.

Richard: It’s great to be here.

Andrew: Yes. And our peasants, Eric and Micah, are here too, so hello peasants.

Eric: I like to think of Micah and I more as serfs, really, living off the fat of the land.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: That’s just me.

Andrew: Well, we have lots to get to this week, so we will worry about classifying our ranks in the MuggleNet kingdom at a later date. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Richard: And I’m Richard Reid.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum, what’s going on in the news this week? Besides the elephant in the room.

Micah: Well…

Andrew: And I’m not talking about Eric.

Eric: Although I do make a nice elephant.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: There was a movie that was released earlier this week, in case you didn’t know, Andrew.

Andrew: Right. But other than that… [laughs]

Micah: Other than that, what’s going on? I don’t know, not too much. How have you been? How are things going?

Andrew: Oh my goodness, you’re failing as a news anchor.

Micah: Oh. Well, you knew that a hundred episodes ago.

[Andrew laughs]

News: Deathly Hallows: Part 1 U.K. and U.S. Premieres

Micah: But let’s start with the premieres for Deathly Hallows and Richard, Andrew, you guys were in London, let’s start there.

Andrew: Yeah, so I didn’t go to the premiere but Richard did along with Nick, who’s been on the show a few times. And you guys filmed the interviews and you said it was a blast, right Richard?

Richard: Yeah, it was absolutely crazy. I mean, if you can imagine four or five thousand fans screaming all afternoon. The place was surrounded by fireworks and everything, so it was so cool. We got to meet everyone, all the cast came round to us. Warner Bros. was really great by bringing all the cast particularly to the fan site section. Other than that, the cast and the crew basically decided where they wanted to go, and of course, J.K. Rowling came especially over to talk to us so that was…

Andrew: That’s very cool.

Richard: …amazing.

Andrew: Yeah. And who else did you get to talk to in particular? Any stand-out interviews?

Richard: Actually, the most interesting interview we had was the person who played Runcorn because…

Andrew: Mhm.

Richard: …this was his first time in the films and it turned out he was a major Harry Potter fan, he had read all the books so many times.

[Eric laughs]

Richard: And he was talking about stuff that wasn’t even part of this film but in previous books so that was really cool. He was actually the first one on the red carpet, I guess not many people really knew who he was.

Andrew: [laughs] He couldn’t wait to get out there and talk.

Richard: [laughs] Exactly, this is finally…

Andrew: Yeah.

Richard: He’s got his shining moment in the press. The producer, David Heyman – we had a really good chat with him. We didn’t really get to speak to Dan and Emma that much because the time they got to us was the very end, and they were all being rushed right through.

Andrew: They’re always being rushed in.

[Eric laughs]

Richard: Yeah, so that kind of sucks.

Andrew: They’re always being rushed in, which is the same thing that we had in New York where we talked to a few of the crew members, David Barron, David Yates, and Stuart – sorry, not Stuart Craig…

Micah: Steve Kloves.

Andrew: Steve Kloves. And those interviews will be on MuggleNet soon. We have – we got a lot of cool information out of them, particularly Steve Kloves, the screenwriter. He’s written all of them except for Order of the Phoenix and he said that – I said to him, “David Heyman has said that you have jokingly said you could turn the seventh book into three films.” And he’s, like – and he looks at me deadpan and he is, like, “Oh, yeah.” I was, like, “You could?” [laughs] And he was, like, “Yeah, absolutely.”

[Richard laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] And then he goes into this rant about how it would be so easy to do. And of course they’re not going to turn it into three films but I found it interesting that he thought it would be so easy to turn it into three, so maybe you missed the opportunity by Warner Bros. I don’t know.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: No, I think two is enough and…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, me too.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: But let’s talk a little bit about the New York premiere in comparison to London because I feel as if a lot of fans wrote in – a lot of fans had comments about how the premiere was set up, and even Andrew, you and I. You mentioned how the trio were sort of rushed through at the end. Ralph Fiennes didn’t come over. We didn’t really get a chance to talk to David Heyman at all, I don’t even know if – that he walked the red carpet for that event. And it was a little bit disappointing, I think, especially in comparison to the coverage that we had for Half-Blood Prince and Order of the Phoenix.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And then even – I remember going to the premiere in New York City for Goblet of Fire, that’s when we all met each other for the first time, and this was nowhere close.

Andrew: Yeah, there were a couple of problems. For one, the fans were upset because the stars didn’t meet the fans, the fans who had been waiting there all day to see them. And then the red carpet interview area was sort of housed in a tent so the fans couldn’t even see the stars being interviewed like they could at past premieres or like you could at the world premiere in London that Richard went to. And we got this one e-mail from Sara, 19, of New York, New York who went to the premiere, and she writes:

“My name is Sara and I’ve been listening to the show for a while, but I’ve never felt the need to write in until now. I live in New York and went to the ‘Deathly Hallows’ premiere tonight. I got there at about 8:30 AM, got a nice spot right by the barricade and made some friends. The whole day was very exciting with everyone waiting for the stars, talking about ‘Harry Potter’, cheering whenever a bus with a ‘Deathly Hallows’ ad on it drove by. As it got closer to 6:00 PM…”

Which is when the stars would arrive.

“…we kept wondering when they were going to shut down the street so the actors could walk by the barricades. Except that they never did, and as a result, the actors weren’t allowed to walk by the fans for their safety. Most of the people around me got there at 8:00 AM or earlier, some camped out overnight, and some drove 14 hours just for the premiere, just to see the stars and get something signed. But we got nothing. I had never been to a movie premiere before, but I’ve seen previous Harry Potter premieres, more specifically, the most recent London premiere, which looked amazing and it seemed like there was a lot of fan interaction. The most we got in New York was Ralph Fiennes rolling down his window and waving at us, which sparked a ‘Voldemort’ chant through the crowd, and Tom Felton who actually crossed the street and starting signing autographs before security whisked him away. Overall, it was just a very big disappointment. I spent 12 hours sitting on the sidewalk for absolutely nothing. From what I’ve seen, I feel like this was the worst of the Harry Potter premieres, the most unorganized. Why? Was it just from poor planning?”

She said it was a great weekend because of the Quidditch World Cup and all that, and she looks forward to hearing our review. So yeah, and then we sort of – we went out to film the fans waiting outside, they’re all excited, we like to get footage of that. And I’m filming for, like, a minute and this security guy comes up to me, and he’s, like, “Are you press?” I’m, like, “Yeah.” And he’s, like, “We need you to stay in the tent and stay there.” I’m, like, “What? What is this?” I mean, [laughs] when did…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Urgh! It was nuts.

Micah: It was disappointing.

Andrew: And it was all because they wouldn’t close down the street and my theory is they could have closed down the street if they wanted to. I think they chose not to.

Eric: Well, that’s it, isn’t it? I mean, why didn’t they make that choice?

Andrew: Because the stars – I hate to say it, the stars didn’t want to go meet the fans? I don’t know.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: That’s the only thing I could think of.

Micah: Well, clearly that’s not true though. You look – Tom Felton went over there to sign some autographs.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: I think…

Eric: He braved his own life by doing that, crossing the street.

Micah: Well, I don’t know about that.

Andrew: [laughs] He braved his own life!

Micah: The cars were going pretty slow. I think that it could have been that the cast that they had for this particular film on the red carpet was so small that maybe they didn’t think it was necessary to close down the street. You’re only talking about a handful of actors from the films that were there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: As opposed to the London premiere? Or…

Micah: As opposed to even Half-Blood Prince, from last year. I mean, you had the trio, Tom Felton, Ralph Fiennes, and that was it.

Andrew: Last year we had Alan Rickman…

Eric: Well, this was a different venue than before, wasn’t it? Or not?

Andrew: It was a different venue, that’s the other thing. This is the first time a New York premiere wasn’t held at the Ziegfeld Theater.

Eric: I thought so.

Andrew: So, we don’t want to dwell on it but it was a little bit of a disappointment. I don’t know.

Eric: I noticed a sheer drop in our coverage too. I mean, the London premiere…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: No, on MuggleNet there were updates, a live stream, all sorts of stuff coming out of London, and New York, it was the next day, it was nothing.

Andrew: Yeah, I know. It was hard, it was hard, it was hard. But okay, so what else is going on in the news, Micah? Other than that.

News: Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Epilogue Reshoot

Micah: You were over in London and there was a press junket that took place.

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: And some of the information that came out of this press junket – one of the biggest pieces of information is that they are going to be reshooting parts of the Deathly Hallows epilogue, and you got a chance to talk to, I think it was David Yates, about it?

Andrew: Yeah. Well, I didn’t get to, but then at another table – by the way, the press…

Micah: No, you asked him at the New York premiere.

Andrew: Oh, right. Yeah…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …at the New York premiere I did. [laughs]

Eric: Well, the New York premiere…

Andrew: No, but…

Eric: …was so low-key it didn’t even happen, really.

Micah: I can’t remember if it was…

Andrew: [laughs] No, I know.

[Richard laughs]

Micah: Was it Yates…

Andrew: I rate it…

Micah: …or was it David Barron? I can’t remember who you asked.

Andrew: No, I asked Yates.

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: I asked Yates. But yeah, so this piece of info originally came out at the junkets which, by the way, went very well. That was very well-organized and we got a lot of time to talk to everyone, and I wrote up a report which is on MuggleNet now about that. But anyway, so they are going to be reshooting some of the epilogue scenes and David Yates, Radcliffe, Watson and Grint all confirmed this. Basically the studio looked at it and they want it – basically what Yates said to me was that they needed to draw it out a little more and not in a bad way but so people can appreciate the moment more, can really get in the scene. It can’t feel rushed, it has to feel just right because this is the final scene of the series. So, they’re going back to do some reshoots. They’re not going to King’s Cross…

Eric: Right.

Andrew: …they’re going to be doing these at the studio. They originally shot the epilogue at King’s Cross so I’m sure they’re going to mix the scenes together. So, it’s a bit of a surprise but it’s good that they’re doing that because I think everyone’s worst fear would be this scene being screwed up…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …being rushed or not feeling long enough.

Eric: Yeah.

News: Fourth Annual Quidditch World Cup

Micah: I agree, yeah. And last bit of news – you mentioned it earlier, but let’s talk for a few minutes here about the Quidditch World Cup that took place over the premiere weekend and Andrew, you and I and Richard got a chance to go check it out firsthand. And I have to say, I was pretty impressed, I thought it was kind of cool. And a lot of different colleges and universities were there, I didn’t realize how big of a sport this has become. And people had, literally, fans that were there, I guess classmates from their school that came to cheer them on, and overall it was a pretty impressive event to watch.

Andrew: Yeah. So, for anyone who doesn’t know, the Quidditch World Cup – we talked about it on Episode 213 and we said we were going to go, and Micah and I were going to have a picnic. And we didn’t have a picnic but we did have a fun time watching and Richard was there, too. And yeah, it was just a lot of fun. I mean, it’s really – it was more exciting than I thought it would be and it got very violent at some points, these people are tossing balls at each other and knocking each other out. A few people had to be sent to the hospital because they were – I don’t know what exactly, what injuries…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …they received but [laughs] there was blood being shed.

Eric: Wow.

Andrew: It’s a brutal – it’s a surprisingly brutal sport [laughs] so it was a lot of fun to watch. And presumably it’s going to be in New York again next year and anyone who can make it there should definitely go. We saw a lot of MuggleNet and MuggleCast fans there too, so shout-out to them who all went. They all had the right idea by going. Richard, do you have any other thoughts about it? I know you were enjoying it, too.

Richard: Oh, I loved it. I wrote up a review as well, so if anyone wants to…

Andrew: Oh, right.

Richard: …find more information about it then they can check that out. But I thought the highlight of the entire thing was the commentators because in true Lee Jordan style, they were hilarious throughout the entire process.

[Eric laughs]

Richard: Occasionally they reported on the matches but mostly they were going off on random tangents about Death Star trash compactors and…

[Andrew laughs]

Richard: …epic Nicolas Cage movies and… [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, they were improv students at Middlebury College which is the college that started this whole Quidditch World Cup thing.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: And won this year.

Richard: And won.

Eric: Ooh.

Andrew: And won again. They have won every cup. [laughs]

Eric: Man, that’s like Gryffindor, man.

Andrew: I know.

[Richard laughs]

Micah: And how about the Snitches, though? I thought that – the things that they did were pretty creative.

Andrew: Right.

Richard: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: So, how did they do the Snitch?

Andrew: The Snitch was the best part. It would be one person – sometimes a guy, sometimes a girl – dressed in all yellow and she would have a – he or she would have a ball hanging from their waistband, bouncing on their butt, basically, because when they’re running…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …it’s bouncing off their butt. And then – so they will come out onto the field and they will start running around. And there’s a couple of rules in place so if a Seeker gets hit by – I guess it was a Bludger or a Quaffle, they have to go back and tag their end of the field…

Richard: Yeah.

Andrew: …before chasing the Snitch again. And then the Snitch could run around anywhere, it didn’t just have to be the field, so they were running outside of the park…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …they were hiding in tents, they were wearing referee costumes pretending to not be the Snitch…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …a bunch of clever stuff like that. It was cool.

Eric: That’s hilarious.

Andrew: Yeah, that was the best – the funnest part. And the Snitch was only worth thirty points so that way it wasn’t an automatic win.

Eric: Yeah.

Richard: Yeah.

Andrew: But it did end the game.

Micah: Yeah, I thought they did a really good job. It’s kind of a creative game where they let the Snitch go wherever he or she wants to go at the beginning of the match. And everybody has to keep their eyes closed, I guess it’s kind of an honor system, that you don’t take a peek as to where the Snitch goes. But I think there is so much going on on the pitch that it would be hard for the Seekers to – or not the Seekers. What do you call the people that go after the Snitch?

Eric: Yeah, the Seekers.

Richard: The Seekers.

Andrew: The Seekers.

Micah: The Seekers. Sorry, yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] What did you say? The Sneakers? Like the Nike shoe?

[Richard laughs]

Micah: No, no, I said, “Seekers,” but I thought I had it wrong.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: No, I think it would even be hard for them to find this person, especially with four other matches going on or whatever it was, so I don’t know. I had a good time, I thought it was well done.

Andrew: I did too, yeah.

Richard: Even if they did find the Snitch, each Snitch could really take care of themselves.

[Eric laughs]

Richard: They were all…

Micah: Especially that one girl.

[Andrew laughs]

Richard: …pushing and punching people away from them.

Micah: I want her name.

[Richard laughs]

Andrew: There was this one girl who was…

Micah: Yeah, she was awesome.

Andrew: …the Seeker – or was the Snitch and then on one of the teams, the Seeker was this big guy. And I was, like, oh man, this is not fairly matched. I mean, this big guy is going to take this little girl down quick.

Richard: Yeah.

Andrew: But she was standing on her own, she was doing good, fighting him off and stuff. [laughs]

Richard: She was slapping him on the back of the head and running away! [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Overall Thoughts

Andrew: Yeah, it was excellent. So, that’s the Quidditch World Cup. We’ll report – we’ll definitely let everyone know when the next one is. Presumably it will be in November 2011 and we hope everyone who can get there can go because it’s really worth checking out and we’ll try to get there next year as well. So, now let’s get to the big story, the main event, the bread and butter.

Micah: And what would that be?

Andrew: That would be the countdown to Part 2.

Micah: There you go.

Andrew: [laughs] No, the movie, let’s talk about the movie. So much to talk about, too. We should actually give some box office numbers to start. As of Friday, it brought in $61 million for the opening day and that puts it on track to break a franchise record which is highest opening weekend of all time for a Harry Potter film. So, the previous record was set by Goblet of Fire, actually, which brought in $102.7 million and experts believe that [laughs] this film, Part 1, will break that record. So, very cool to hear, very exciting to hear. And let’s talk about the film now. Let’s get – we’ll start with overall thoughts, then we’re going to break it down scene-by-scene. And then we’re going to go into favorite new character, least favorite scene, talk about the split and get some listener thoughts as well, so we have a lot to get to. Eric, let’s start with you. You, of course, saw it at a very, very, very early screening in Chicago, practically last year at this point, and the special effects weren’t complete. So, now – and the music wasn’t either. So, now that you’ve seen it complete, has your thoughts on it changed at all? Better? Worse? What do you think?

Eric: I loved it even more this time than I did the first time and many people may not think that is possible, but it is. I loved it, I absolutely loved the movie. I think it’s my favorite movie, I think it’s – I would even go so far as to say it’s very close to perfect, in my opinion.

Andrew: Were there any big changes that you saw that – between the screener copy, the screening that you went to a few months ago and this one?

Eric: There were …

Andrew: Like any scenes added or removed?

Eric: Yeah, there were six that I counted that were either just different shots – none of them are huge, but there were six different kind of changes and I mean, I don’t want to talk about them all here but I will talk about them later on in the show.

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: But yeah, I thought that this movie just blew the others away, especially with the completed soundtrack. I hadn’t heard it at all the first time and it fits so well with the film just as you’re going through. And I mean, I listened to the soundtrack the night before too, so I just had it on my mind. But it seemed to match everything in the film, it didn’t disappoint. We were worried – we talked on MuggleCast about the soundtrack possibly being less or different from what fans expected but I thought it was perfect, and I just – I loved it.

Andrew: Richard, your overall thoughts, please.

Richard: Well, I think mine is pretty much the opposite of Eric’s because I came out of the cinema feeling pretty disappointed, to be honest.

Andrew: Hmm.

Richard: I didn’t think that much of the film. I thought – I don’t want to go into too much detail at this point but I thought the first third of the movie – the first thirty minutes was brilliant. That was some of my favorite scenes from any Harry Potter movie. And from then onwards I thought it deteriorated. It was dragging, it became dull and I thought the ending was quite anti-climatic, so – I don’t know. Overall – I mean, I’m not that impressed with it.

Andrew: Micah, similar thoughts to Eric or Richard?

Micah: I’m going to go somewhere in between. I think when I left the theater, I felt as though something was missing and I’ll go into that a little bit more, I guess, as we talk about different scenes and plot points, and things like that. I thought the book-to-film adaptation was great and I think it’s probably the closest to anything we’ve seen since the first two films, and Steve Kloves did a great job. I think overall it’s a good movie but I have some issues with it. I’ll leave it at that.

Andrew: I think I would have to side with Micah, I agree. I enjoyed it a lot and I’ll get into some specific favorite scenes in a bit, but overall – I was shocked at first and I was a bit worried that fans were going to have the same reaction that I did but I was proven wrong. I mean, most fans it seems like really, really loved it and really thought it was going to be – or everyone thought it was the best. So, obviously we have a lot of opposing thoughts which is good…

Micah: Which is good, yeah.

Andrew: …so we can…

Eric: It’s going to be a good show.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Opening Montage

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, so we’re not all going to be, like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” So, let’s go first to major scenes and we’re going to go in order to try to keep this as orderly as possible. [laughs] We’ll start with the opening montage, at least I’ve been calling it the montage because we see a variety of scenes sort of all mashed together. It’s not a montage like what we’ve seen in Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince, which I didn’t like. But the opening montage with the Minister making a speech, Hermione Obliviating her parents’ minds, the Dursleys leaving, shots of Ron at the Burrow, all those. That opening montage got me really excited for what I was about to watch. Did anyone else have that sort of feeling?

Micah: I thought those opening few minutes were great and it was really impactful the way that Hermione went about Obliviating her parents’ minds.

Richard: Yeah.

Micah: And I think people who maybe didn’t get the severity of what was going on in this film got it right off the bat…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …with what she had to go through. And with the Dursleys though, I really felt that – and I put this in the review that I wrote – possibly one of the most redeeming moments in the whole series was questionably omitted here, specifically when Dudley asked why Harry isn’t coming with him. That was in the book but in the movie all Dudley asks is why they have to leave. And I’m worried about how they’re going to tie in Petunia to the next film, even though I know David Yates mentioned when we spoke to him on the red carpet that that scene is a deleted scene on the DVD. So, why they didn’t include it? I was a little bit upset about that…

Eric: Sorry, what scene?

Micah: …because I thought it really redeemed – a scene between Harry and Petunia. But I feel that leaving that scene out, it was a redeeming moment for Dudley and I think a lot of people were actually looking forward to that.

Andrew: Maybe they took it out because his character really wasn’t developed…

Eric: Yeah, I think…

Andrew: …in the past few films.

Eric: Exactly. I think people have to remember that the Dursleys – the role of the Dursleys is quite diminished in the films, especially as of late. In the first three films I would say they were probably given due credit, but lately it’s been reduced. I mean, I think the most – especially with Dudley, it’s been Movie 5 when he obviously gets attacked by the Dementor. But I don’t know that it would have had the same effect that Petunia and Harry are talking. Meanwhile the rest of the world is in – a lot of people are going through a lot of horrible things. I don’t know that it would have meant anything to the audience, especially those unfamiliar with the books.

Andrew: One thing that Emma brought up at the junket in London about that scene with Hermione Obliviating her parents’ mind is she said she could really connect to that, and she said – she was like, “I don’t want to get very emotional but my parents separated, and so I could really connect with that, having to split the family into two.” I was, like, “Oh wow, she had something really to relate to for this very small scene.”

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But it was very – it really struck a chord with her.

Eric: So powerful, too.

Richard: Yeah.

Eric: And just – I know we will be saying this a lot but I mean, Emma Watson, man, she was awesome in this movie.

Richard: She was. I thought her acting…

Andrew: Yep.

Richard: …was the best I’ve seen in any of the Harry Potter films, and she kind of stole the show a bit. And you always saw in every scene how much emotion she was pouring out, and particularly in the Obliviating scene.

Andrew: And another fun fact about that scene was those baby pictures of her were her actual…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …baby pictures. [laughs]

Eric: I was trying to think – are those the same parents they had in Chamber of Secrets?

Andrew: Well, not the same…

Eric: The same actors?

Andrew: Those weren’t her real – oh, I don’t know. But the shots of Emma in those photos were her actual child photos, not – the parents were obviously…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …replaced for the film.

Eric: I thought it was fitting because she is removed from those photos. So, the fact that they had to place her in those photos is kind of funny, it’s kind of easy to create that effect…

Andrew: Mhm.

Eric: …if she hadn’t really been in those photos to begin with. Just before we move on, there was a small change in Dursleys departing. There wasn’t the scene with Harry and Petunia, I didn’t see that and I’m interested. But actually what Dudley says to Vernon, I guess in the film, is, “Why are we leaving?” And Vernon says, “Because it’s not safe.”

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Is that – yeah. Originally at the pre-screening, there was another shot of Vernon and Dudley learning – sorry, loading the car and Dudley asked him – Dudley asked Vernon, “Why isn’t Harry coming with us?” or “Why isn’t he coming with us?” And Vernon says to him, “Because he doesn’t want to.” And it’s not the kind of scene – it’s not like he’s telling Dudley that Harry is being a jerk. He’s saying very matter-of-factly he doesn’t want to diffuse the emotion. It’s this great…

Micah: So, you’re saying that that was cut out…

Eric: That was cut out.

Micah: …of the final film?

Eric: And in fact replaced…

Micah: Yeah. And I don’t know why that…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: See, I do think that could have been, as I said before, a redeeming scene for Dudley because despite what you said, he wasn’t as built up as much as a character, with the exception of Order of the Phoenix. I still think that when you look at that family as a whole and how they have treated Harry, to have their son turn around and say something like that…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: I think it was something that people were looking forward to.

Eric: And I think maybe it was removed because people would think it would be confusing because obviously Vernon is saying Harry doesn’t want to. Maybe people would have taken that literally but what it really means is, what the line in the film is, it’s not safe. So, I guess that was just one of those – but that was the first change that I noticed.

Andrew: Another scene I really liked in this montage was when Harry opens the old cupboard under the stairs again. And I’m trying to page through the book right now to see if that is actually in here, but does anyone remember that actually being in the book…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …where he sort of looks at that?

Richard: It’s in the book.

Andrew: And he – it is? Okay. And he picks up the old pieces from his…

Eric: The knights.

Andrew: The knights which he played with in Sorcerer’s Stone, right?

Eric: [laughs] Those…

Andrew: In the film. I thought that was awesome.

Eric: I’m surprised nobody made off with those. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, that was really cool. I thought that was a really good throwback and that was one of the things I’ve been hoping to see in this film, just a lot of references to the older films, a lot of little tributes like that. That was definitely a nice little tribute that they did.

Eric: And that first shot from inside the cupboard, when he first opens the cupboard door, the camera is inside the cupboard and it just looks so much like that first teaser for Sorcerer’s Stone

Andrew: Hmm.

Eric: …years ago, in 2000, maybe it was? “There’s no such thing as magic,” and he…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …slams it shut. But it’s so reminiscent of that that it was painfully beautiful.

Andrew: Somebody should do a side-by-side shot of those two…

Eric: [laughs] Well, it will still be a vent in the cupboard when all is said and done.

[Andrew and Richard laugh]

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Seven Potters

Andrew: Next big scene: Seven Potters. We all know it well from the book. I had made it very clear this is one of the scenes that I was most looking forward to on past episodes of MuggleCast and I was pretty satisfied with it. The one thing that I thought – and I teased this on the last episode of MuggleCast, I said I didn’t want to spoil it for anyone too early. But I think that where the camera sort of does a pan around and you don’t see their true transformations, you just see their early transformations, I thought that was a bit cheap at first. But now, seeing it in the film, in the context of everything, I thought it was really well done and the audience in the fan theater that I went to just ate that up, with all of the different Harrys talking in different people’s voices.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: That was hilarious.

Eric: Yeah. Interestingly, they kept the continuity of, I guess, Chamber of Secrets, which is a departure from the book, that you don’t sound like the person you are changing into. Complete movie-ism, but it works so well again in this film because even later at the Ministry, you need to remember who is who. It’s just a lot easier. But it was interesting they kept that and that pan-around shot is why I liked the Seven Potters. It’s one of two pan-around shots in the film that were just so awesome and – I mean, the other one being later in the woods when Hermione’s protection is tested by the Snatchers. But I was just blown away by everything the camera is doing, even this early on. It was awesome.

Micah: Yeah, I agree. This scene was done very well. We got a pretty good sense of it beforehand because most of it was released online. But there were parts of it that I was surprised weren’t in that clip, that 90-second clip that we got and I thought it was one of the better scenes of the entire film.

Richard: I seem to remember the girls at my screening seem to enjoy when Harry was taking his shirt off.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: And there was a bra underneath.

Andrew: And Harry in a bra was very funny as well. And by the way, we got our answer to the question of how they would introduce Bill Weasley and it was basically how I predicted. Micah, were you satisfied with that? I mean, basically Bill just says, “Hey, I’m Bill!” [laughs] And that’s it.

Micah: Yeah, and he mentions that he was attacked by Greyback.

Andrew: Right, which was said so quickly and so…

Micah: I don’t know if people picked it up.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think so either. And he had a thick accent, in my opinion, so [laughs] all I heard was, [mumbles] “Greyback.” [mumbles] [laughs]

Eric: And then Lupin makes the joke about steak which is in the books. But yeah, it’s kind of rushed.

Andrew: Yeah. So, at least we got that. And also Fleur was, like, “Oh, hey, hey! How are you?” And…

Eric: Oh, Tonks and Lupin are kind of pregnant.

[Richard laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, that was really quick too! Because we don’t hear her say it, we just hear her…

Eric: Yeah, she gets cut off…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …by Moody.

Andrew: Right.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor

Micah: Let’s talk about the scene at Malfoy Manor because we completely left that out.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: Oh yes, of course. Malfoy Manor, when Snape gives Voldemort what the plan is to move Harry. The Malfoy Manor scenes overall, each one of them was my absolute favorite because Ralph Fiennes was just fantastic, as was Alan Rickman, and Bellatrix was just incredible!

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, she had this extra sense of craziness to her.

Eric: Well, not just craziness, but I want to say she was more rooted in reality. Sure, she’s serving this dark wizard, but she just seemed to be in the zone a little bit better than she has been. She’s not just crazy laughing for no reason. She was kind of seriously – she wanted to be the one to kill Harry.

Richard: She was…

Eric: And she asked permission and then she was denied permission, and she bowed her head, kind of sulky.

Micah: She looked like a beaten dog.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Or not a beaten dog. Like when you scold a dog and the dog puts its head down?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: You know what I am talking about? That’s exactly what she looked like.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. [laughs]

Richard: I just thought she came across as pure evil. I mean, there is no other word to describe it.

Eric: I wanted to talk about Lucius just quickly because…

Micah: Oh, yeah.

Eric: …Jason Isaacs in this film – he didn’t shave for a couple of days.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Lucius is kind of rough around the edges and [laughs] when Voldemort asked him for his wand, I think this is one of the standout scenes in the film, is when Voldemort takes Lucius’s wand, and snaps off the little…

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: …extra bit and just throws it on the table, and it clunks and you could just hear it clunk. And the face Lucius makes, he’s just defeated.

Andrew: In my theater when he cracked it, everyone went, “Ooh.”

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] It was very creepy. I don’t know if this was in the book: did Voldemort steal Lucius’s razor, as well?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t shaved.

Eric: Yeah, yeah, I don’t know.

Micah: I think they really did a great job of showing how stressed out Lucius Malfoy has been…

Richard: Yeah.

Eric: The whole family.

Micah. Yeah, the whole family, really, over the course of, I guess, the couple of weeks since we last saw them in Half-Blood Prince. I mean, you could really see it in Jason Isaacs, just how embattled he was and everything.

Eric: A change is brewing.

Micah: The stress that he’s been under, yeah.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Dumbledore’s Will and Testament

Andrew: So, now let’s move on to The Will and Testament. This was, of course, right before the wedding, when Scrimgeour comes in. And this scene, I was pretty pleased with this because it turned out to be pretty funny because Ron is sort of just acting a bit dumb. He’s just, like, “Oh, cool.” [laughs] And Bill Nighy, he was just great, I thought.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Anyone have any problems with this scene? Or…

Richard: I actually didn’t think – I didn’t really like his performance. I think I’m one of the only ones because…

Andrew: Really?

Richard: Well, in the book, you get the impression that the Minister – he was an ex-Auror, he’s really rough. He kind of personifies a sort of power and bravery. I didn’t think he came across as that. I thought Bill Nighy’s accent was sort of middle England and he was kind of a bit afraid, he was a bit weak. I don’t know. I didn’t think he was that great.

Eric: It’s interesting because obviously in the book, he has a little bit more time to try and persuade Harry. I think even in the movie he tries to persuade – he says something like, “You can’t fight this on your own.” And it’s almost like he is extending an invitation to cooperate, to work with Harry. But it’s not developed and if they – obviously he’s dead in the next – in the very, very next scene, it’s the wedding and we find out that he’s just been killed…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …mere hours after visiting Harry, so I guess maybe that was a choice so that they couldn’t – I mean, if they had made him more – stronger, they would have had to develop sort of why he was able to die. We’re just able to believe that he was overpowered and that’s just how things were, without asking too much about it.

Micah: And can I bring up a larger point here? Because I think it’s kind of the bigger problem that I had with this film and it relates to Scrimgeour. One of the biggest disconnects I felt with this movie is in large part to do to what didn’t play – take place in previous films, particularly Half-Blood Prince. And I felt that they really missed the boat to show just how much danger Voldemort presented to the rest of the world.

Andrew: Yeah!

Richard: Yes!

Micah: And…

Andrew: Which they emphasized a lot in the beginning of Half-Blood Prince.

Micah: Well, yes and no because I think if they would have done the “Other Minister” scene, sort of that transfer of power from Fudge to Scrimgeour and then meeting with the British Prime Minister, it would have made people realize just how much danger he did present, the gravity of the situation, so to speak. And I think that when this all transfers over to that road opera with the trio traveling in the woods – if they would have developed that earlier, it would have made this all make a little bit more sense and more believable. And that’s what…

Eric: You’re saying people need to know more about how Voldemort poses a threat to non-wizards?

Micah: Exactly, because I – and to show the danger that he presents to…

Eric: But…

Micah: …the real world.

Eric: …the only cast – the only characters in this film are wizards and…

Micah: Right, but…

Eric: …the whole movie is about wizards.

Micah: …they are traveling in the “real world.”

Andrew: Right. I mean, they go…

Micah: When they go to the forest they are in the real world and there is this danger of these other wizards attacking them in the Muggle world. They’re no longer in the magical world anymore and I think that that’s where Deathly Hallows really just – it lost itself when they transferred over to the road opera, so to speak.

Richard: Yeah, I completely agree. I don’t think this film at all managed to capture the sense of fear that the trio had throughout or the entire wizarding world has throughout, the whole fear of what Voldemort’s up to and he’s killing everyone. And the only time you even got a slight reference to that was when Ron was playing with the radio, and the only way the film sort of personified was that Harry didn’t like it and Harry got annoyed with it. And there’s no other real way of capturing what the world is feeling right now, and I thought that was my biggest letdown of the entire film.

Micah: Yeah. And just on Scrimgeour, one more point. I think if they would have introduced him a movie earlier – and Eric, you mentioned the fact that there was sort of this pre-existing relationship that nobody really got because they didn’t introduce him in Half-Blood Prince – people would have had a better idea of just how they felt toward each other. And it’s not even stated in this movie that perhaps the most influential and powerful government official in the wizarding world just died for Harry Potter.

Richard: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: It’s mentioned in passing by Kingsley’s Patronus that the Minister is dead, but you have no idea how that impacts Harry in terms of him moving forward as a character, so…

Eric: Right, because didn’t he refuse to give over Harry’s whereabouts or something like that?

Micah: Exactly!

Richard: He did, yeah.

Eric: Yeah. So, he refused to believe that the Ministry was corrupt and then at the very last moments of his life, when he was forced to believe that the Ministry was corrupt, he didn’t sell Harry out.

Micah: Yeah.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Mad-Eye Moody’s Death

Andrew: Well, speaking of deaths, were you guys satisfied with the reaction to Mad-Eye’s death? I mean, it does come very sudden in the book. Did you like how it was transferred to the movie? Personally for me, it felt…

Micah: Rushed?

Andrew: It did feel a bit rushed, but I hate to say that because it’s, like, how long do you want to actually dwell on that?

Micah: Well, I feel though…

Andrew: Because…

Eric: Hmm.

Micah: The way it was introduced, though, was poor. I think it was Bill who said, “Mad-Eye’s dead.”

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Micah: And here’s a character…

Andrew: I agree.

Micah: If it was delivered by a character that we had seen throughout the other movies it might have been more impactful. Having Bill do it, I thought – it was just, like, “Oh, Mad-Eye’s dead,” and it didn’t have any emotion behind it.

Eric: I think the emphasis – I think using Bill to do it was the right thing. Bill was, I think, the right choice as an actor. I think they cast him well, he looks just like the others, so I believe instantly when he’s, like, “Hey, I’m Bill Weasley.” Oh okay, so that’s Bill, I just went with it. And when he says Mad-Eye is dead, he is sad about it. And the fact that somebody we’ve never met can be that sad about Mad-Eye’s death shows that there is a larger world. It shows that there is this larger Order, people we haven’t maybe even considered, who are affected by Mad-Eye’s death, who are affected by the deaths of these characters we do know.

Micah: Well, no. I mean, it comes after a very comedic moment where George talks about being holey. And then you just get that quick one-liner, “Mad-Eye’s dead.”

Eric: They weren’t sure about it.

Micah: I don’t think it was delivered well, in my opinion.

Richard: Yeah, I agree with you, Micah.

Andrew: I agree. You nailed it. The introduction was my problem with it because – yeah. I mean, you just met this character, Bill. Most people really still don’t know [laughs] who he is. And they don’t spend too much time on it, but that was okay with me because you’ve got to keep the pace of the film moving and maybe a little more reflection would have been okay.

Eric: Yeah, I just think that they really – their concern was George. I mean, not everybody had returned immediately. And when George lost his ear, the Weasleys, obviously their main concern is going to be their own, who is cursed. It was each other at first and then when mostly everybody arrived, they were able to focus on George. So, I don’t know when they would have announced Moody’s death if it were sooner than that. And I guess I can see kind of where you’re coming from, that it was Bill, a periphery character, to say it. But I think they – I think it all meant the same to them and I’m glad they didn’t dwell on it anymore.

Micah: Yeah, but there wasn’t even a question from, say, Arthur or Remus, “Where’s Mad-Eye?”

Eric: I felt like that was just synonymous with how life changes suddenly like that. It’s kind of – I guess it was supposed to be like a shock to everybody but to also the audience, that this character who had just been making jokes about goblin piss – Fred and George were taking the piss out of him for that…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …is just gone. No longer going to be in the film, he gets no outro, he gets no nothing. It’s just boom, he’s dead, and I think that was the intended effect.

Andrew: Closing point, Richard.

Richard: Oh, all right. I was just wondering when George lost his ear, was there any reference to Snape since he was the one that actually did it?

Eric: No.

Andrew: No.

Richard: Because that could be important because I’m assuming they’re going to have a montage in the next film about Snape’s good side and there was no reference to that at all. I thought it would be a nice entry point.

Andrew: It is kind of weird that they really didn’t play up the Snape, “Do we trust Snape?” angle…

Richard: Not at all.

Andrew: …in promoting this film at all because with the book it was such a big question and maybe because they figured everybody knows the outcome anyway or most people do. But…

Micah: Yeah, he got very little screen time other than just really the opening few minutes.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: And that was it, right? I mean, he didn’t appear at all in the rest of the film.

Eric: Although interestingly, Harry is looking at the Marauder’s Map at one scene after he hears on the radio that Snape is the new headmaster, so there is those little bits…

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: …but they are easy to miss, but there are those little bits.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Bill and Fleur’s Wedding

Andrew: Yeah. So, let’s get to the wedding scene. Of course we don’t see the actual wedding, we just see the after-party. And Harry is sitting there talking with Muriel, and she gives some information about Dumbledore and Harry starts to distrust him. And that’s one of the main themes of this film, is, “Can Harry trust Dumbledore?” and the viewer is supposed to take that in, too. So, I personally don’t think that it was emphasized enough.

Micah: Yeah, I agree. I completely agree here with you. I thought they did – this is the only part where they developed sort of the distrust of Dumbledore, and then they don’t revisit it all throughout the course of the movie. This is it, when you have that…

Andrew: Well, they do a little bit when Ron says, “Oh, we’re chasing down all these Horcruxes, and…”

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: “…Dumbledore didn’t give you any information?”

Micah: But as far as his background, as far as sort of the plan that has been laid out for Harry – or lack thereof – as Harry goes through and learns more and more from the book that Rita Skeeter wrote, there’s just – you don’t hear much about him. And I felt like this was a great opportunity because I think when we read Deathly Hallows, we all questioned Dumbledore. I mean, Eric, you were the one who said he raised him like a pig for slaughter…

Eric: Which he did.

Micah: …and that was not even touched on in this movie after the wedding scene where Harry is sitting down with Muriel and Elphias Doge.

Eric: I think you’ve got to look at a few key things. The first is that Hermione – in the movie, Hermione is the one reading The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. She picks it up at Bathilda’s house quite late in the film and is shown only about halfway through it, I think, in a scene closer to the end of the film. So, she’s still kind of picking up things about it. It’s kind of like you wait until the end of the book to do a book review. So, I’m saying maybe a lot of that will come into play in Part 2, especially when they are going to introduce Aberforth because they made such a big deal about the mirror and we can talk about that later. But little things like casting the photographs of Grindelwald and Dumbledore that are in the book, I feel like the groundwork is all laid. I didn’t feel shorted at all on the, “Dumbledore, can we trust him?” subplot, particularly because whoever they got to cast as Muriel is a freaking bitch.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: She just tore Harry apart and…

Andrew: Her costume was amazing, though, what she was wearing.

Eric: A friend of mine made the comment – they didn’t feel it was right to include the characters of Elphias Doge and Aunt Muriel in the film because they are periphery and my friend felt that they could do more with the actual main characters if they had those characters do some of the exposition. But again, my feelings on that – if I can echo them here if anybody else is feeling that way. Again, outsiders who we as the film viewers have never met talking about Dumbledore, who even the film viewers should know, again it gives the illusion of the wider world – the wider wizarding world. Characters we’ve never met talking about someone we know intimately and casting a different shadow on him, I think that was fine. Plus not to mention, it’s canon to have those characters and I thought they were well acted.

Micah: I think that it would have been better if Harry would have questioned Dumbledore more throughout the course of this film because you’re just left with Aunt Muriel saying to Harry, “Honestly boy, how well did you really know him?” and that’s it, and that was my problem, ultimately.

Andrew: They drove that point home, too, because they got a close up of her and…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …it was like they really emphasized that. And by the way, that was our little cameo from Rita Skeeter, Miranda Richardson, so…

Eric: What, on the back of the book?

Andrew: Yeah, on the back of the book. That’s what she came in to film. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Her winking suggestively?

Andrew: Right. “Check out my book!” So, that was the wedding scene and then we get to…

Eric: Well, Kingsley’s Patronus, not fully formed. Why not?

Andrew: Not fully formed – yeah. Well, maybe…

Eric: And what’s with those faces?

Andrew: I think they didn’t fully form Kingsley’s Patronus because a regular viewer would not know why it’s in the shape – why it’s in a particular shape.

Eric: But then there’s the silver doe. Do you think if they would have filmed or fully formed Kingsley’s Patronus that maybe they didn’t want the audience to know that the silver doe exactly, specifically was a Patronus?

Micah: Well, they also had Umbridge’s in the Ministry, though.

Eric: Oh, and that was so cool. I just noticed…

Andrew: That was cool. I loved that.

Eric: …for the first time last night that that was what was keeping the Dementors at bay in the court scene.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that was awesome.

Eric: I hadn’t realized that.

Micah: Did anybody else not feel as much of an impact as when you read it in the book about Kingsley’s statement that the Ministry had fallen?

Richard: Yeah, I thought it was dragging out and he was sort of telling a short story as opposed to saying, “Hey, get the hell out of here!”

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Because it was a “holy bleep” moment in the books. And this, it didn’t come across that way. The same way I didn’t feel the ending came across either, but we’ll talk about that later.

Eric: “They are coming, they are coming.”

Andrew: By the way, Viktor Krum, completely cut out of the wedding.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Change number two. Change number two.

Andrew: He did – he was in your screening, Eric?

Eric: Absolutely.

Andrew: In the Chicago…

Eric: There’s a scene where Hermione talks to Krum or she goes up to him. He kind of says hi and then he looks at her like he recognizes her and stuff, but then a Veela girl passes, and he actually just turns and walks away. So, they filmed it and he probably got paid to be in this movie, but they cut him out of the film.

Andrew: At least he got his pay, and hopefully we’ll see him on the DVD.

Eric: Actually, that’s what I liked about the wedding, too. I just realized there were some Beauxbatons girls there and I thought that was – obviously it’s important to include them. But they were dressed in their blue uniform from the fourth movie. There were just a few scattered around the wedding in the background and I thought maybe the film – I think that’s kind of a testament to the Department of Costuming. They said, “Hey, we need some old school friends of Fleur’s here.”

MuggleCast 214 Transcript (continued)

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Cafe Attack

Andrew: So, the trio get the heck out of there and then suddenly they are in London. And I thought this was good, the transfer, the Apparating to London. And they, of course, land right in front of a double decker bus, so they move out of the way very quickly. And then Hermione gets them into new clothes and they go into the cafe where there is a Snatcher attack. And I thought that was funny because the waitress…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …is completely oblivious to what’s going on until she walks out…

Micah: Yeah, that was good.

Andrew: …and – was it Hermione who says “Leave!” or was it Harry?

Micah and



Eric: Yeah, it was Hermione.

Andrew: Hermione. “Leave!” [laughs]

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Well, and this was the first instance where the taboo was used…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …but they don’t realize it. And I thought again they didn’t really explain this at all in the film. Not sure that they had to, but I think it would have been – it would have made more sense for people to figure that out because then you could go back to the different moments in the film that they said the name “Voldemort,” and all of a sudden these Snatchers showed up.

Eric: Yeah. I mean, Harry is shown saying “You Know Who” in one scene and it seems almost – it was jarring that he says “You Know Who” and we aren’t explained why he just doesn’t say “Voldemort.”

Richard: I picked up on that as well and I almost wondered why. I mean, what was the point of it? I guess because they didn’t really want to explain the whole taboo thing.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: Well, later – okay, when Lovegood says it, when Xeno says it, obviously that’s the moment when they come. But you’re wondering if – because there was also that crow that was flying away from the place to start The Three Brothers scene…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …so we’re wondering if he sent a letter, though.

Micah: Right.

Eric: But then when he says “Voldemort” is when they actually show up, so it’s kind of – but it’s still not explained and like I said, Harry does say “You Know Who” in one scene he’s talking to Hermione. You can use the name freely with Hermione, but he doesn’t and it’s not explained.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Grimmauld Place

Andrew: The trio then goes to Grimmauld Place and they see the Dumbledore sand/ghost figure thing, and that wasn’t explained too much. It was sort of just like, oh, it was probably put in place for Snape.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: But it’s like – any viewer would just think, “Well, if Snape saw that, wouldn’t he just stand there and scream like Hermione did?” [laughs]

Richard: I thought that was quite terrifying, though. That whole scene was one of the scariest in the entire film.

Andrew: It was. And then they’re sort of searching around the house and we see Kreacher. And Kreacher looked good and he sounded good, and I think he didn’t change too much from Order of the Phoenix in terms of visual appearance and I liked him. Any comments about Grimmauld Place?

Micah: Yeah…

Andrew: This part of Grimmauld Place?

Micah: I think this moved really fast. This whole part – figuring out who R.A.B. was, sending Kreacher after Mundungus, finding out where the locket was, and then getting to the Ministry. It was very fast-paced, so I wonder if non-fans of the books are going to get completely lost in terms of what’s going on here because it did move very quickly.

Eric: It did. There was a lot of kind of story elements that were just thrown in there.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Like them rereading the locket for instance.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Ministry of Magic

Andrew: They then head to the Ministry of Magic and they turn into the Ministry members. This was pretty funny because the way that these other actors portrayed Harry, Ron, and Hermione, in terms of their walk, their talk, their ‘isms,’ they were very well done. And I think at the junket interviews or somewhere, one of the billion interviews that have been online in the past few weeks, the trio said that they would first act out the scenes and then these Ministry of Magic actors would then mimic them.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: So, the trio was there, too, filming alongside and I thought that was a cool idea.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: I’m going to go out on a limb. I’m going to say that this was some of the best acting in the entire film.

[Andrew laughs]

Richard: I agree. Yeah, I agree.

Andrew: Really? Why?

Eric: Was done by the strangers?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Why do you like it, Richard?

Richard: Well to be honest, in the entire film I kind of thought Daniel Radcliffe’s acting was really wooden in a lot of scenes. I mean, he has improved a lot as the films have gone on, but sometimes he comes across as very, very fake and very dense and very uninspiring. And I thought that these scenes in particular, [laughs] I thought they came alive more mostly because he wasn’t in them and…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Wow! Tell us how you really feel.

Andrew: Go ahead, go on. No, stand by your opinion. Go ahead.

Richard: Well, I just thought – there is a nice sort of irony to that, is that I thought…

[Andrew laughs]

Richard: That was my favorite scene in the entire film – was the Ministry. And I thought…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: In a Harry Potter film.

Richard: Yeah, I know! Exactly, there’s an irony to that. But I just thought that those actors delivered a more credible performance than Dan can give.

Eric: Well, he’s got a few years. [laughs]

Micah: Just to throw it out there, Runcorn was David O’Hara, Mafalda Hopkirk was Sophie Thompson, who is the sister, I think, of Emma Thompson, right?

Richard: Yeah.

Eric: Wow.

Micah: And…

Richard: They were brilliant though.

Micah: Reg Cattermole was played by Steffan Rhodri. So…

Eric: Yeah, I think Reg was my favorite.

Micah: …put them up for Academy Awards.

Eric: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Richard: I think all three were just brilliant.

Andrew: They were good, yeah. So, they get into the court room. And when they’re going around the Ministry, that was very funny. I mean, going into the elevators, running into Umbridge. Imelda Staunton was as great as ever, I thought.

[Micah laughs]

Richard: Yeah.

Eric: She does the laugh. She does the laugh.

Micah: She’s awesome. But can I…

Eric: Well…

Micah: Can I throw one thing out there though? You talked about going around the Ministry, the fact that Harry didn’t take the eye off the door, of Mad Eye?

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Micah: Such an easy thing to do that they left out and…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …there’s no reflection at all from Harry in that scene. When he saw it, he should have reacted a little bit better, I thought.

Eric: Yeah, it’s kind of one of those things where they’re expecting the audience to recognize it, but it gets no pay. Like the mirror scene, they’re at – Harry is in Sirius’s room and still he has this mirror whose origins are unexplained. It’s never explained how he got the mirror. He picks it up at the very beginning of the film when he is in his bedroom at Privet Drive, and later on in the film we see him in Sirius’s bedroom. He could have picked up the mirror at that point in the film, and they just didn’t do it. Missed opportunity, or what was going on?

Andrew: Yeah. Well, speaking of the mirror, I was very disappointed with that whole thing because there is no introduction for the mirror, either. You just see Harry looking at it and suddenly you see what some would probably figure out to be Dumbledore’s eye, but it’s not even Dumbledore’s, it’s Aberfoth Dumbledore’s, and there is just no explanation. And I counted – he picks it up three or four times…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …in this movie.

Eric: Well, we did have a pretty lengthy discussion on MuggleCast about this. I think it was last episode where you guys were asking me about this and I want to get your thoughts on that, but I also want to stick to the points here, quickly.

Andrew: Yeah, let’s – well, we can…

Eric: Yeah. But when they flush themselves in – okay, when public servants have to flush…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: …themselves in to work…

Micah: That was funny.

Eric: It’s the best. It’s the best ever. I just loved that.

Andrew: That was good. So, when they get down into the courtroom, Umbridge is there and like Eric mentioned earlier, the Patronus keeping the Dementors at bay. That was really – that was pretty well done and it was nice to see Umbridge’s Patronus, which of course was the kitty cat.

Eric: Did you guys notice the music notes emanating from the cat? There was the Patronus and then there’s these little music staff notes like…

Andrew: Maybe.

Eric: …you would normally see – that’s what was coming…

Andrew: That seems to ring a bell.

Eric: It was coming from the cat and floating up to the barrier to prevent the barrier – so the cat was singing or something. It was really interesting.

Andrew: And this was one of my favorite parts of the movie I think, actually, when Harry slowly starts walking up to Umbridge and Umbridge says, “What are you doing?” And Harry throws the spell at her…

Eric: And he’s transforming…

Andrew: …and then all hell breaks loose.

Eric: …as it happens.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly, exactly. [laughs] And now what did you guys think – this is, of course, a change from the book. What did you guys think of when Ron is transforming back into himself mid-kiss? For a theater, I guess, it’s very funny. It’s very, “Oh haha, of course he transforms back mid-kiss.” That’s not in the book, though. Did you guys like that?

Richard: Yeah…

Eric: I think…

Richard: …it was all right.

Eric: …it was an effort…

Micah: It was funny.

Eric: Yeah, to diffuse the tension, too, because this poor Mary character has gone through…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: …so much. So much, really. And everybody in the Ministry is wearing red bands, like they are the S.S. It’s this really heavy allegory of people being persecuted and the fact that – the look on Mary’s face when she kisses Ron and then, of course, the real Reg just walks into work at that moment. It’s just this – the look on her face. She is terrified, she doesn’t know what to say.

Micah: Well, I think it’s supposed to show Ron’s development as a character too, though…

Eric: Yes.

Micah: …when he says to her, “Take the kids and go.”

Eric: “Take the kids,” yeah.

Micah: You’re supposed to see a different side of Ron that you haven’t seen up until this point. And Andrew what you mentioned – I also liked the tie back to Order of the Phoenix when Harry says to Umbridge, “You shall not tell lies.”

Eric: Ahhh.

Richard: Yeah, I liked that.

Andrew: Yeah, that was good. That was good.

Richard: The only thing I didn’t like about the Ministry-whole scenes – and this is kind of a petty thing to argue about – is that I always felt that they’re starting to lose a touch of the magic to it. You notice that no one was really wearing wizarding robes any longer. Security guards were dressed like regular cops or whatever. And I was kind of expecting to see people dressed as wizards, not as Muggles in the Ministry of Magic.

Eric: That’s a fair point. Yeah, I agree. I would agree to an extent. I would say – again it’s kind of Nazi Germany, so everybody is wearing the same thing and it’s not going to be extravagant. It’s going to be dull tones, dull outfits sort of thing, and everybody alike – uniformity. That’s what I would argue.

Micah: What did you guys think of Yaxley? He was in Malfoy Manor, but he was also in this particular scene. He reminded me…

Andrew: I loved him.

Richard: I thought he was brilliant.

Micah: …of an Italian mobster.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. I thought he got the anger across great.

Eric: [imitating Yaxley] “It’s still raining in my office.”

Andrew: I mean, you can just see his anger when he starts chasing after Harry, Ron and Hermione. And those scenes, by the way, were great too, where Harry, Ron and Hermione are running towards the fireplace to get out of the Ministry. And there was sort of a slowish – or a shot that sort of slowed down, and you see Ron running and then his mouth is gaping open, like, ahh!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: And then he – yeah.

Andrew: And that transition, too, was great. I thought…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …when they get in the fireplace and it sort of – you see the roots of the trees and then they see the silhouettes of the trees. And then they sort of just come up and then they are on the road.

Eric: Well, the silence of the music – just the soundtrack is dead and you see these trees and you know something is wrong way before you see Ron Splinched.

Micah: Yeah. And Yaxley, I think – he’s almost like a horror-movie character, like a Michael Myers. He’s slowly stalking them. He doesn’t start to run after them until he absolutely needs to. It’s kind of like a slow gait to catch them like he almost knows that eventually he’s going to get his hands on them.

Eric: Yeah. He’s such a – he’s a good actor too. Again with finding the Polyjuiced trio actors and Yaxley, all these new actors – new adult actors, there were still some left in Britain apparently because they…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …cast them in this film and they were awesome.

Micah: Yeah, I agree.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Camping in the Forest

Andrew: So, now they’re on the road and this is the thing that they had been promoting a lot where it’s going to be a road movie. They’re going to be on the road, living on their own. And these scenes in particular were unique in that it’s just these three and they sort of – they have to hold the scenes up on their own because in the past, they’re surrounded by these great British actors or fellow Hogwarts students. For this part of the movie it’s just these three, and I have to be honest and say I thought this is where the movie drags a bit.

Micah: Yeah, absolutely.

Richard: Yeah.

Andrew: Most people felt that way with the book, I think. There’s still a lot of information being shared around the trio and of course, there’s the big fight and the destroying of the Horcrux and Godric’s Hollow. But it still felt like it dragged. Micah, why did you think it dragged?

Micah: I think it goes back to what I said earlier. The lack of development that took place prior to this film of Voldemort’s threat to the Muggle world, and just why they would have to be on the run and maybe why the Muggle world is a bit safer than being in the wizarding world. Why not just go back under the protection of the Order of the Phoenix? Why are they on the run going to all these different places around England? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense and I…

Eric: Well…

Micah: Go ahead.

Eric: It’s not only – they have a job to do, let’s not forget. So, they’re on the run just out of convenience because they need to find Horcruxes and that’s really why they are in the woods to begin with. It’s – they’re only in the woods essentially because Hermione had to escape from the Ministry, needed a place to go immediately after finding the Horcrux. And they stay in the woods because their job there isn’t finished, they need to figure out how to destroy the Horcrux. One of the earliest scenes in the woods is them trying to destroy the locket with all sorts of spells. They are unsuccessful and thus begins sort of the trek. It’s not only they’re in the woods because they’re hiding from Voldemort. They need the time and the place…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …and the space to be able to develop the end of Voldemort. So, it’s the plot, it’s the main beef of the film. I feel like if you feel it drags here, then you’re more inclined to dislike the whole film.

Andrew: Richard, did you feel it dragged or were you a fan of these scenes?

Richard: I felt it dragged, but as I said earlier, I thought Emma Watson held this whole section of the film together. I thought – and Rupert Grint was very good as well but you really got the most from Emma, particularly when Ron stormed off and she had to choose whether she helped Harry or she goes with Ron. And you could see the tears in her eyes and you believed it, and that – I thought she was sort of the shining beacon in that whole section of the movie, which otherwise I thought was kind of dull and prolonged.

Micah: Yeah, I think Ron summed it up the best when he had the locket around his neck and he was clearly angry about the lack of information that Dumbledore had provided to Harry. I kind of felt that way as a fan, too, that we didn’t get as much coming up to this point to really understand what was going on.

Eric: Hmm.

Micah: And that’s why I feel…

Eric: And in the books we had so much more.

Micah: Yeah, exactly. And I feel – and look, I understand book-to-film adaptation, there’s only so much that you can do. But I felt that there were integral things that were left out prior to this point that allowed this to drag maybe more than it had to.

Eric: There’s the third change I noticed between the pre-screening and the final film is there is a moment they’re walking through the tall grass when they’re in the woods, when they’re on the road, and it’s a fairly open field and there is tall grass. And they kind of just keep going and it’s one of those I want to say montages. It’s not a montage, but Ron is watching Harry and Hermione kind of work together. Well, the scene originally, there was a moment where Ron stops them, and they’re in the middle of the field and he says, “What’s the game plan?” And Harry turns to him and says, “We’re just going to keep going.”

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: And Ron says, “Isn’t that what we’ve been doing? Like the day before that and the day before that, and the day before that?” And Harry kind of – he is taken aback and then Hermione is, like, “Ron.” And so there is some dissent there. There is this short moment where it’s really, I guess, to help the passage of time, is what it originally was for because they have been doing this for weeks and weeks and weeks, and all of a sudden it’s snowing. So, it was cut out but I think it still played well because the very, very next scene is when Ron does have the locket on and they are in the tent, and he says pretty much the same stuff. So, it was condensed maybe or that scene was removed, but I think it was still fine. It’s one of those things that I really want to see on the deleted scenes because they are in a big open space and Ron is causing problems, so it’s kind of significant.

Andrew: Let’s try to get through these wood scenes particularly quickly. There were four that I listed here as standouts. Ron and Harry’s fight, which was very good, and Richard, you had mentioned earlier that Dan’s acting was kind of stiff. But here, I thought this was his standout scene. It felt very real between Harry and Ron, so I thought the acting was great.

Richard: Yeah.

Andrew: Would anyone agree/disagree with that?

Richard: I would agree. I almost thought they hated each other in real life, it was so convincing.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Godric’s Hollow

Andrew: Yeah. And that was good because the last thing you want is for that to be fake and I think a lot of viewers really connected with that. Then Godric’s Hollow which probably was one of the more interesting parts of the woods, in terms of action going on. We see Harry and Hermione at his parents’ grave which was a nice addition, as well as Bathilda being basically – turning into the snake. You could tell right from the start that she’s creepy as hell but Harry was just so determined to get any sort of information out of her and of course, that backfired.

Eric: Well, she speaks Parseltongue.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, and like…

Eric: When she finally does speak, she speaks a little bit of Parseltongue. It’s not subtitled, we don’t know what she’s saying.

Andrew: Why Harry did not just run at that point, I have no idea unless he was stalling so Hermione could look around.

Eric: Well…

Andrew: That was the one thing I was thinking.

Eric: Hermione discovering that room with the blood in it and the flies, a decaying corpse…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: It’s really – I feel like there was a little bit more of that in the pre-screening, but…

Andrew: Oh, but one other thing before we get to the dance, which I can’t believe I didn’t list that here. When ñ I had seen it twice, I saw it at a screening in London ñ so I, like most people who saw it the first time, jumped back when the snake comes jumping out from the lower level in Godric’s Hollow. Well, for the second time that I saw it, I knew it was coming and I was sitting towards the back of the theater, so instead of watching the screen I was just staring at the audience. [laughs] And the entire theater backed up and just lurched when the snake jumped out that time. And then for the next few, like seriously, solid thirty seconds, everyone was just laughing [laughs] because everybody was so scared by that scene.

Eric: It’s such a movie…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: It’s so common, but it still works as a movie technique.

Andrew: Right, it gets you every time.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yep. [laughs]

Micah: One thing…

Andrew: Thank god that wasn’t in 3D. [laughs]

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: The Deathly Hallows Symbol

Micah: One thing I wanted to bring up, though, was the symbol, also, the Deathly Hallows symbol. I felt like they kind of just made it show up in different places but didn’t really explain it that well. I mean – and the reason why I bring it up…

Eric: Well, Hermione ties it together.

Micah: …is because it shows up on the grave – yeah, but it was – I don’t feel like it was developed that well, either. You saw it on Xenophilius Lovegood at the wedding, then you saw it on the grave, and it was kind of like this whole underlying story of the Deathly Hallows. And I’m sure we’ll talk about it when we get to the animation scene. It was just kind of…

Eric: Where else was it in the book – I mean, that it would be in the film? I feel like they touched – they had it in all the moments.

Micah: Not to us, to the regular viewer. It kind of moved very quickly and I don’t know that a lot of people will catch on to it.

Eric: Well, Hermione specifically lists all the times that they were able to – that they saw that symbol to Xenophilius and there is this – literally, it lasted for sixty to eighty seconds where he has the piece of chalk and he draws – after we hear the story, he draws out the symbol, so it’s really – the time spent, I thought, was just fine on that symbol. And maybe there are more implications about that, obviously Harry at one point has to discover that he has two of the three Hallows already on his person, but that’s something for Part 2.

Micah: Yeah.

Richard: Going back to the Godric’s Hollow section, one of my favorite scenes from the book was when Voldemort appeared and then had that flashback to when – the night when he was destroyed almost, and I was really disappointed that didn’t make the film whatsoever.

Eric: Well, you know what’s weird, wasn’t there – there was a shot when Harry and Hermione are standing in front of the house, the destroyed house. Harry has some kind of flash and there is Lily’s body on the ground, laying – there’s a crib and it’s turned over, like, split second. Did you guys see that?

Richard: I don’t remember that bit.

Eric: It felt like ó yeah, it was really just a few seconds but it looked like a further shot of Harry’s parents maybe mid-attack or after they had just been attacked. It was really weird.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Destroying the Locket Horcrux

Andrew: Let’s talk about Ron returning and destroying the Horcrux. I think this again was pretty funny because Hermione is so pissed when Ron comes back [laughs] and asks Harry for her wand back, which was very funny. And the acting was just great, I loved that.

Eric: I thought that was one of those scenes that was obligatory for the audience. Ron visibly repentant, Hermione visibly reluctant to forgive Ron, and then some cheesy lines about, “Want to put it to a vote? I vote we go with Hermione.” It’s funny and I really enjoyed it, but I ñ what are you going to do? You’re condensing a lot of emotions right now, so…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: I am jumping a little ahead though, of course, Ron destroying the Horcrux happens right before this. Did you guys like when the Horcrux gets opened by Harry and then we see the Horcrux talking smack on Ron, and then Harry and Hermione ñ the vision, they’re nude, making out, we see side-boob.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Actually…

Andrew: Eric Scull, your thoughts on the side-boob.

Eric: Okay, copious side-boob is the – okay, there is more of this scene than there was in the pre-release because the effects weren’t completed, so there is a shot and they go back to them embracing, and they’re actually really, really making out. But the problem I have is that Hermione’s bust is visibly enhanced. And I mean, you can tell it’s enhanced, or at least I can tell. I noticed it…

Andrew: It’s not the real…

Eric: It’s not the real deal…

Andrew: Hmm.

Eric: …and originally when I first saw it it was the real deal, and it’s going to be impossible for me to ever see that again and I’m really upset about that because they have enhanced it. It looks fake…

Andrew: So, they sexed it up a bit.

Eric: …and they took me right out of the moment.

Andrew: They sexed it up.

Eric: They sexed it up just like they did – I think it was The Order of the Phoenix movie poster.

Andrew: The IMAX poster.

Eric: There were two versions.

Andrew: They added some…

Eric: Yeah, the IMAX movie poster. They…

Andrew: They enhanced Hermione’s chest.

Micah: Or when Slughorn was checking out Hermione. Do you remember that in the Half-Blood Prince poster?

Eric: No.

Andrew: No. Was that…

Eric: Oh yeah, he has that look.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh. [laughs]

Eric: And it’s that. Yeah.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: But…

Andrew: But did…

Eric: Okay, so – yeah.

Andrew: Did you guys like this? I thought it came off really well. It was really a shining moment for Ron and Rupert’s acting.

Eric: But it was…

Andrew: Which amazes me…

Eric: It could have been better.

Andrew: …because honestly Rupert is such a bad interview. You try to ask him questions and he just cannot put out a comprehensible answer. But then his acting is so good that it’s kind of unbelievable. [laughs] It’s two different people. Or that it’s one person – it’s the same person. Any other thoughts about this?

Micah: Yeah, I thought this scene was good. I liked how the spiders came out first and then…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …you had Voldemort talking to him about how his mother really wanted a daughter but got Ron instead. And then it transitioned to the whole Harry/Hermione thing. I thought this scene was pretty good.

Andrew: And that, “what are you? What are you…”

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew: “…to this trio.”

Micah: And the side-boob.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Well, like I said, it took me out of the moment. I feel like it was lesser because I don’t think it looks like it’s real. And maybe it’s not because it’s in Ron’s head, but – I don’t know, I wish they would have reduced – just kept it real. Like, come on, what’s the – there was plenty of side-boob the first time around. I feel like they really enhanced it. I really do and it looks unreal to me.

Andrew: Well, as much as you guys would like to talk about the side-boob all day, we can’t. So, we’ll move on to – well, I guess that’s it for this portion of the woods.

Eric: We skipped the silver doe, we skipped the…

Andrew: Oh okay, yeah. But is there much to talk about with that silver doe?

Eric: Well, it just – I want to make the comment, it seems plausible that Snape would be there in the woods, just out of sight. It seemed plausible. Do you guys agree? Because at this point, there is so much less Snape in this film, I guess, than there is in the – well, at this point it’s just not explained at all, but it seemed plausible that Snape had been searching for the trio.

Micah: Well, I think – and I’d hope that it would be a flashback of sorts when you get that moment between Harry and Snape, and he takes a look at his memory in Part 2. I’d hope that you get a flashback to this particular scene as well…

Andrew: Yeah!

Micah: …so you kind of see how he’s been playing double agent the whole time.

Richard: How does he even find out? Because there is no picture of the guy from Grimmauld Place which is also another portrait in Dumbledore’s office, so how does Snape even find out about what their current location is?

Eric: You mean Phineas Nigellus?

Richard: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, he’s unable to discern their situation from the portrait.

Micah: Oh yeah, because Hermione takes the portrait, right…

Eric: I don’t know.

Richard: Yeah.

Micah: …along with them?

Richard: But…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, and they were talking to – she mentions specifically being in the Forest of Dean where she’s never been before.

Richard: Exactly.

Andrew: David Yates specifically takes that out, actually. He said when I interviewed him – we asked how do you decide what to take out, what to keep in, in terms of adapting. And he specifically mentioned that one thing – [laughs] Hermione taking the portrait. They purposely left that out, so – that doesn’t add anything but…

Richard: But how did Snape find them? Well, it will be interesting to see how they explain that in the next film, I guess.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Harry and Hermione’s Dance

Andrew: Yeah. Snape will just be, like, “I was watching you,” with no real explanation. One other thing that…

Eric: Harry and Hermione dancing?

Andrew: Yes, Harry and Hermione dancing. Dan, he’s quoted as saying that this – Harry Potter has never felt more real than this scene because it’s a great song by…

Eric: Nick Cave.

Andrew: Nick Cave. Thank you. Eric, do you know the name of the song?

Eric: Yeah, “O Children.” And it has parenthesis…

Andrew: Yeah, I love the song. I thought it was a perfect match. David Yates said he spent a lot of time, he went through hundreds of songs trying to find the perfect one that would give off a sense of hope, but also that there is still some trouble going on. So…

Eric: They’re still kids, you know?

Andrew: They’re still kids.

Eric: And Dan’s dancing – I didn’t notice this the first time. The second time I saw this – his dancing is just so cheesy.

Andrew: Same. Yeah, I didn’t notice this the first time either, but…

Eric: Yeah, it’s Dan Harry. It’s Felix Felicis Harry, basically, trying to find a happy moment. And later, I guess I heard somewhere that the trio was instructed – or Dan and Emma were instructed to play that scene as if it would end in their kissing.

Andrew: Hmm.

Eric: Because there is this great moment at the end of it where there is that tension for only the tiniest of seconds and obviously they come to themselves, they pull back. But it’s not – it’s just so tender.

Andrew: Yeah, I have to say, I was almost fooled. As someone who has read the books and knows the outcome, I thought Harry and Hermione were going to kiss. [laughs] They were getting pretty close and – but I’ve told this to a couple of people now and they were, like, “What are you talking about? I didn’t feel that way at all.”

Richard: I thought they would as well.

Eric: Yeah. But I’m glad they didn’t, obviously. But I think that the tenderness is something that’s real. It’s real acting from both of them.

Andrew: Definitely.

Eric: And it’s just something that I think is one of the biggest points of this film, is just the acting from the kids.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: The Tale of the Three Brothers

Andrew: So next up, the Lovegood’s home. When the trio get to the Lovegood’s home and we see Xenophilius Lovegood for the first time. And he – well, not for the first time. We saw him at the wedding as well.

Eric: The second time.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And we see the big Three Brothers animation which everyone, critic or not, whether you like the story or not – everyone seemed to be in agreement that this animation was just very well done.

Eric: Yeah. This animation was completely completed. It’s almost like they sent it away to another company that does these for a living and had commissioned it.

Andrew: Yeah, they hired a separate – someone outside of who normally does Harry Potter stuff to work on this and it was inspired…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …by Chinese shadow puppets and some other work as well. I mean, it was fun to watch.

Eric: It’s brilliant.

Andrew: Of course…

Eric: I am so happy that they had that completed in time for the pre-screening because it was the entire scene just as it is.

Andrew: Oh, good.

Eric: Because obviously they are not going to change it because it’s either they have the product or they don’t…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …if they outsource it. So…

Andrew: Of course, the glaring change here was Hermione reading the story, telling the story, rather than Ollivander, which I thought was a bit odd when you think about it because then it’s, like, “Well, why did they go to the Lovegood’s house in the first place if Hermione had the story the whole time? Couldn’t she have figured this out? Couldn’t she have…

Eric: No, she hasn’t.

Andrew: But…

Eric: She didn’t make that connection.

Andrew: …she figures out everything, [laughs] so…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: You know what I mean?

Eric: Eventually.

Andrew: She could have, so – I don’t know.

Micah: Well, yeah…

Andrew: It would have been nice if they kept how it was in the book with Ollivander.

Micah: I think that – going back to what I said before, with the Deathly Hallows and kind of it being rushed. Eric, the whole symbol thing, I think – and again, look, I understand things need to be left out of the films just from a time standpoint. But the whole scene where Viktor Krum notices the symbol around Xenophilius Lovegood’s neck, he mentions…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …Gregorovitch. Nobody has a clue who Gregorovitch is in this film.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Harry passingly comments on him as the wandmaker and – or Hermione, I forget. I think Harry says, “He’s after Gregorovitch,” and Hermione goes, “Oh, the wandmaker?” Well, fans only know…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …Ollivander up until this point. Who is Gregorovitch? And then the scene, of course, in – what’s it, Nurmengard, I think is the name of the prison? People are – I guarantee you there are going to be people who are lost with that scene, have no idea…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …what’s going on. And the whole backstory with Grindelwald.

Eric: Okay.

Micah: You have to agree with that, Eric. I mean, he just shows up at the prison, talks to him, gets this fleeting memory out of him, kills him and Harry wakes up. And it’s like…

Eric: Yeah, what I liked about that scene – sorry, go on.

Micah: No, I’m just saying – and then you go to the grave and you see the symbol on Peverell’s grave, and then you go to the Lovegood home. I feel like people who haven’t read the books are not going to follow that storyline and the movie is called Deathly Hallows.

Eric: Well, like…

Micah: So…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: The movie is called Deathly Hallows, but like Richard said – okay, Richard brought up the point about Voldemort not being in Bathilda’s. The snake jumps up at the screen, Harry and Hermione Apparate or Disapparate kind of sideways. It reminded me of that scene in Chamber of Secrets when Harry goes through the Floo Network and he shoots out of the fireplace sideways. They basically Disapparate through the wall out of the house, but there is no Voldemort in Godric’s Hollow. And the only Voldemort we get is scenes like this where Harry is dreaming, and Voldemort goes and interviews Gregorovitch, and I think we’re meant to believe it’s Legilimency, that Voldemort is actually physically reading Gregorovitch’s mind because he doesn’t – there is no exposition. And it’s short but I don’t know. I feel like the essentials were there. I mean, to me – maybe this is like offensive, but do you think that they cast the actor who played Gregorovitch as a gay man?

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Because it just came across that way to me.

Andrew: This is irrelevant.

Eric: My gay-dar went off the charts. My gay-dar just went off the charts.

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: So, that’s canon.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: That’s canon.

MuggleCast 214 Transcript (continued)

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Dobby

Andrew: …I question your gay-dar. Let’s move on now to the trio at Malfoy Manner. Of course, they get caught by the Snatchers right before this. And we see Dobby and this is not the first time we see Dobby. We saw him a little bit earlier in the film. I loved Dobby in this film. I think even though you have a limited amount of time with him and we haven’t seen since Chamber of Secrets, I think you really get a connection with him. I really was, like, “Awww, Dobby!”

Richard: I don’t agree.

Micah: I can’t say I did.

[Richard laughs]

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yep.

Andrew: Really?

Micah: I mean, I feel like we’re negative on all these points but I guess it’s good to have sort of the counter-balance. Richard, go ahead, I’ll let you go first.

Richard: Well, I kind of felt cheapened by Dobby. I mean, from a CGI point of view, it was the exact same model as they used in Chamber of Secrets. It looked out of date.

Andrew: But you know what? Can I say…

Eric: I don’t know about that.

Andrew: No, I agree. And the first time we had seen him – in a clip, I think, a few weeks ago – we were, like, “Something looks off about him. What’s wrong?” I think they purposefully left him a bit cartoonish, I dare say, because that way viewers can connect with him a little bit more. He’s not as scary looking as Kreacher, he’s a little more harmless, he comes off a little more friendly. I think they did that on purpose. I think they – and I think he actually looks different than he did in Chamber of Secrets. I think they did that…

Eric: He does look different.

Andrew: …so you felt more emotion towards him. He’s a little more like a stuffed animal or a little pet bunny that you would have in your home.

Richard: I’m not convinced. I mean…

Micah: Yeah.

Richard: …the Dobby in the books was covered in clothes and socks and hats because he was free and he loved his clothes. And I just think they took the same model because it was cheaper and it was easier to do that, rather than making a new CGI model for Dobby. I kind of felt a little bit robbed.

Eric: I don’t think I agree with that at all.

Micah: Well, I don’t…

Eric: Sorry, I don’t think the CGI is underdeveloped or in any way the same model that they used eight years ago on the second film. I don’t feel like that’s true at all. It looked just fine to me.

Micah: Well, I’m not going to talk about the CGI side of things though.

Eric: And…

Micah: I’ll talk about…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Sorry to cut you off there. But I’m going to talk about sort of what happens with Dobby, and I thought it was great to have him back because he’s really one of my favorite characters in the entire series. But the free-elf speech, when he’s talking to Bellatrix right before she throws the knife…

Andrew: Don’t you dare say that was bad.

Micah: Not only was it bad, I think…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …people would have connected with his return a lot more had he been present in the other films because here he is, he’s kind of like this indignant house-elf, basically telling Bellatrix to go screw herself and two seconds later he’s got a knife in his chest. So – and it’s just – he wasn’t developed enough as a character to have him do that and to have him be dead, fifteen, thirty seconds later.

Micah: …as a character to have him do that and to have him be dead fifteen, thirty seconds later.

Eric: Don’t. Don’t, Micah. Micah, don’t blame David Yates for the knife in Dobby’s chest. Blame J.K. Rowling.

Micah: No, I – am I the only one…

Andrew: See, I…

Micah: Am I the only one who thinks that he wasn’t developed enough as a character in previous films to do that to him?

Richard: I agree with you completely. I agree completely.

Andrew: But is any character developed enough…

Micah: Yes!

Andrew: …besides the trio? I mean, they’re all lacking, they all lack. But you just have to go off your knowledge from the books and you have to…

Micah: But not everybody has that.

Andrew: …connect it that way.

Micah: Not everybody has the knowledge from the books…

Eric: Well…

Micah: …and I’m saying that if – look how much Dobby plays a vital role in the series, even after Chamber of Secrets. And the fact that he hasn’t been around since the second movie and here he is all of a sudden in the final one, it’s like a nice cameo, and then all of a sudden he’s dead. And I don’t think people get the full connection. That’s my point.

[Andrew sighs]

Eric: Well, how did you feel about his ending speech? Because his ending speech, the second time I saw this, it seemed to go on for a little bit because…

Andrew: When he was…

Eric: …he’s about to die.

Andrew: When he was stabbed?

Eric: He’s about to die. Yeah. Well, right before he was stabbed, he has this…

Andrew: Oh, that.

Eric: …long conversation.

Andre: Okay, that…

Eric: I mean, Narcissa is in on the conversation. They’re talking back and forth.

Andrew: That was one of my favorite moments. I mean, you see him up there on the chandelier, trying to unscrew it. That was hilarious. Then – and this is based off the audience screening or the fan screening I went to. It was the one at the premiere, so it was a lot of fans. Everybody was cheering during Dobby’s speech. Everyone really got behind him and connected with him. And I didn’t get that the first time I saw the film, so I think the fans really connected with it and I would guarantee that many of the midnight screenings, all the fans were cheering along with Dobby. I mean, it was a great speech, it was a great buildup, I thought.

Eric: But what about non-fans?

Andrew: I have yet to speak to them.

Richard: I still agree with Micah and I think that if the character was developed more, then I would have felt sadder when he did die.

Eric: I don’t think there is anything sadder than Harry holding the corpse of Dobby…

Micah: Well…

Eric: …and Luna coming and closing his eyes.

Micah: Not that.

Eric: I mean, that – and it looked…

Micah: Not that.

Eric: …real.

Micah: I’m talking about what takes place right before that. But…

Eric: So, you’re saying the rescue makes somehow less of an impact?

Micah: No, his speech! His speech was out of nowhere. All of a sudden he’s giving this – being a free house-elf. It felt fake to me. Sorry.

Andrew: All right.

Micah: Sorry…

Andrew: Well…

Micah: …I’m the Simon Cowell of MuggleCast today.

[Everybody laughs]

Eric: No, no, no, it might be – okay, I think what you’re saying is Dobby talking about being a free elf has less meaning…

Micah: It does.

Eric: …because the freedom of elves has not been touched, because the freedom of elves and the independence of elves as a race has not been touched on at all in the films…

Micah: Right. No, you’re right.

Eric: …as it has in the books. I mean, I don’t think there are too many significant scenes where Dobby is between Book 2 and the rescue in Book 7. I mean, maybe following Draco around in Book 6 is the most important but that subplot was cut because he does it alone in that movie.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Trio at Malfoy Manor

Micah: Well, let’s talk a little bit more about Malfoy Manor. There was a scene, though, where – and I didn’t get this, maybe you can explain it because you guys know more about the making of the movies. But where that hair falls on Hermione when she is being tortured by Bellatrix.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: What was that?

Andrew: The hair.

Eric: I don’t even know what that was.

Micah: There was…

Eric: Yeah, there was a hair and it wakes her up, she comes to.

Micah: Yeah, I didn’t get what that was. Maybe it was just…

Andrew: I don’t know. Maybe something to stir her. But that shot when Bellatrix is torturing Hermione was another stand-out moment in this film.

Eric: That was changed.

Andrew: You really connect with Hermione. What, was it shorter now?

Eric: It wasn’t just shorter. There was – okay, I’m going to be really quick but there’s a camera shot where we see what is on Hermione’s arm. But originally there was a scene – I guess because it was all one shot maybe of Bellatrix jumping on Hermione, torturing her, and then jumping or getting off Hermione, and Hermione looks – physically turns and holds her arm up to herself to read “Mudblood.” Instead Hermione is passed out and the camera shows “Mudblood” and then we show Hermione, and she is kind of immobilized and she has a tear in her eye like she can read it. But it is not the same scene that it was originally was and I think the reason was – we heard Yates and Heyman talk about the intensity, and Emma Watson talks about the intensity of her screaming and getting really into the moment. And I think that everybody was really afraid of showing too much, so a lot of that seems different or was cut.

Andrew: Or they’ll bump us to R.

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: But as long as you guys thought it was worthwhile then that’s cool.

Andrew: One other thing in Malfoy Manor here was Peter Pettigrew. I mean, there was a big change here where Pettigrew doesn’t kill himself. Harry shoots a spell at Pettigrew to knock him out while he has the fence – while he has the gate thing open because Harry and Ron were sort of hiding where Pettigrew couldn’t see them. I was disappointed that they changed this because I think Pettigrew’s silver hand registering, so to speak, the redemption, was a great part of the book.

Richard: Yeah.

Andrew: And it is – we do see it in Prisoner of Azkaban, so I don’t figure – I don’t know why they couldn’t have continued that plot line. I don’t – maybe they were fearing they would have had to have – they would have to remind the audience of what’s going on but that could have been solved with a couple of lines of dialogue, I thought.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Or maybe it just broke from the pace of the – the pace that they were going for.

Eric: Yeah, because Harry was, like, “Hey. By the way, I saved your life one time. Now you need to – now you owe me one, buddy,” and then Wormtail hesitates. But then – I mean, I think seeing his own hand – strangled by your own hand is a great scene in the book because it’s so horrifying…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …and it would have been good in the film.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: I wonder if they’re not going to really do the silver hand beats a werewolf thing because Pettigrew’s hand, even in the first Malfoy Manor scene when we see Pettigrew, Voldemort is chastising him for not taking care of Charity Burbage, not keeping her quiet. And he has his hand and it’s really out. And later he’s walking up the steps from the dungeon in Malfoy Manor, and his hand is hitting the wall and it’s clunking, heavy metal. I feel like they’re really building that up and obviously…

Andrew: So, maybe they’ll kill him in Part 2.

Eric: …it’ll come into play in Part 2.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Part 2, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: They’re going to…

Andrew: I hope so.

Eric: Obviously, they have to.

Micah: I don’t think they will do it with Lupin, though. I think they stated that Lupin dies the same way that he does in the book and Harry just kind of sees him…

Eric: Offscreen?

Micah: …sprawled out on the table when he goes into the Great Hall. But the other thing I can think of was they didn’t want to kill two people in a very short period of time. To kill Pettigrew and then…

Andrew: Hmm.

Micah: …to kill Dobby right after that. Maybe it’s a little bit too much. Again, going – even taking the rating into consideration. I mean…

Andrew: I hope that’s not the reason, though, because I mean, what are they going to do with the battle? [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, that’s true.

Richard: Exactly.

Micah: That’s very true.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: In Part 2.

Eric: That’s a good point.

Micah: That’s a very good point.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: Dobby and Hedwig’s Deaths

Andrew: So, Dobby has his big speech. Like I said, in my theater, the fan theater at the premiere in New York, everyone ate that up. I mean, huge applause. And then, of course, the knife goes into Dobby and there is the scene where Dobby is being buried by Harry. Harry mentions he wants to do a proper burial, no wand work, which was good because that’s in the book, and we see him get buried. We don’t see his grave, though, the one that says, “Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf.” But I think…

Eric: Part 2.

Andrew: Yeah, I think we’re going to see it in the beginning of Part 2 to refresh people’s memories. Maybe we will see another montage, sort of like what we got in the beginning of this film and – yeah, so I hope we do see that. I hope we do see that.

Micah: Yep.

Andrew: Was everyone moved by Dobby’s death? Any tears? Richard Reed, did you cry?

Richard: I didn’t. I actually thought Hedwig’s death was sadder.

Andrew: Oh, we didn’t even talk about that.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I mean, that was kind of a quick, quickie death.

Richard: I loved how she sacrificed herself for Harry.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that was good.

Eric: It beats the “Expelliarmus” line. Do we all agree that it beats the original way of dying, or not?

Richard: Yeah.

Eric: Are we too true to J.K. Rowling to say that?

Richard: I think the movie one was better, actually, yeah.

Micah: Well, speaking of that scene with the wands, obviously, were – did – was this similar to the book where Harry just grabs Draco’s wand and takes it away from him? Because that’s what happened in Malfoy Manor.

Richard: Yeah, that’s what he did.

Micah: It was a bit of a fight, though, wasn’t it? It was more of a fight than there was in the film.

Richard: In the book…

Micah: I thought…

Eric: Yeah, because he physically disarms him and that’s what transfers the allegiance of the Elder Wand, is that he disarms Draco and Draco had disarmed Dumbledore…

Micah: Right, right.

Eric: …the year previous. I don’t know. The allegiance of the Elder Wand is so hard to track. But yeah, it was basically that, so when he takes it from him physically, it seems like maybe that will have a different explanation in Part 2.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Review: End Scene

Andrew: And then, the big cliffhanger, we see Voldemort taking control of the Elder Wand. We again see Dumbledore’s tomb, which is still a very odd-looking tomb. I mean, like I mentioned…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …when we first saw it in the trailer, it looks like a Jenga game and the blocks are sort of set up like they would in a Jenga puzzle. And they open up, Voldemort cracks his – cracks the tomb, which was cool, and then we see Voldemort go right in, face-to-face with Dumbledore, takes control of the Elder Wand, sends the spell up into the sky, and end scene. Credits. Fin. See you at Part 2. There was no teaser for Part 2. I was kind of hoping for a sort of little teaser thing or something.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: That would have been a nice touch, I thought.

Eric: Like at the end of Back to the Future? [laughs] Where they do that – first scenes?

Andrew: I haven’t seen that.

Micah: No surprise here, though, I thought the ending was a little anti-climactic. I thought…

Andrew: Maybe because you expect…

Eric: Why does everybody say that?

Andrew: Yeah, everybody – nobody was really blown away by…

Micah: Because there was no energy! There was no sense of – if Harry would have said – if there would have been a quick shot to Harry saying, “He has the Elder Wand,” and then back to Voldemort casting into the – there was no real feeling of foreboding at the end. It was just kind of, oh, shot the spell in the air! Movie’s over.

Richard: Yeah, exactly.

Micah: And they should – they could have done a lot more with that cut-scene, especially since I think they split it at the right point. They just didn’t – they didn’t drive it home the right way.

Andrew: Richard, where do you think it should have been placed?

Richard: The split?

Andrew: The split, yeah.

Richard: Well, I think if I had my way I would have had the split as they got caught by the Snatchers and then I would have left Malfoy Manor for the last film. I mean, considering how much content – I mean, this film was really two-thirds of the book. It wasn’t really half of the book, and that’s so much content that they could have gone into that I’m worried that the next film is going to be all action, no story. And this film was kind of – it was almost the opposite, but I wasn’t convinced by the story.

Favorites: Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Edition

Andrew: All right, we’re very far into the show. Obviously, there is still a lot more to discuss, but that sums up the major scenes and we will definitely talk more about everything in future episodes. For now though, we’re going to do a couple of quick questions. We’re just going to go around the table, give some quick answers. First question: favorite new character? Eric Scull, go.

Eric: Reg Cattermole.

Andrew: Micah?

Micah: Runcorn.

Andrew: Richard?

Richard: Runcorn.

Andrew: My answer is Runcorn, too. Favorite scene, Eric?

Eric: The Three – no, I’m not going to say The Three Brothers…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …because that isn’t acting. It doesn’t take any kind of acting. I’m going to say still the Horcrux scene.

Andrew: Micah?

Micah: The Ministry.

Andrew: Richard?

Richard: The Obliviate at the start.

Andrew: I – mine was the – [sighs] I hate to – I can’t pick one Malfoy Manor scene. I’m just going to say Malfoy Manor in general. Those were great. Least favorite scene, Eric?

Eric: Hmm, don’t go to me first.

Andrew: [laughs] Micah?

Micah: Well, where should I start?

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: No, no, I’m just kidding.

Andrew: One that really bugs you.

Eric: Superlative, Micah. Superlative.

Andrew: If you could pick one that had to be changed.

Micah: One that had to be changed. Oh man…

Eric: Yeah, be Warner Bros. Be, like, “Hey, this needs more reshoots in December.”

[Micah laughs]

Eric: What would you…

Micah: Oh man, I would say probably…

Richard: This is like a Rupert Grint interview.

Micah: Yeah. [laughs]

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Yeah, no, it’s hard.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: It’s hard because we’ve talked about so much here.

Eric: Poor Richard.

Andrew: How about you, Richard, while we’re waiting for the other two?

Richard: I hated the Harry/Hermione dance scene so much.

Andrew: Oh my goodness!

Richard: It just felt wrong on many levels…

Andrew: Why? What bothered you about it?

Richard: …that they were trying to imply that those two might kiss.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: I…

Andrew: Well, I agree with that, but that didn’t bother me.

Micah: I would say the pacing of the forest scenes. If they could have quickened the pace of the forest scenes, I think I would do that.

Andrew: Yeah, you know what? I have the same answer as you. I don’t know how, though, but – because there is a lot of information going on there, particularly Harry and Ron fight, Ron returning, the destroying of the Horcrux. I mean, those were big things. But yeah, I think they could have tuned that up a little bit, if they had to change that. And Eric?

Eric: It almost seems like they would have to be less faithful to the book if they were going to quicken the pace any further in the forest.

Andrew: I know, yeah. But what’s your…

Eric: Least favorite scene?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: The scene on the train that takes place on the Hogwarts Express.

Micah: Oh yeah.

Eric: There’s this great moment where Neville is, like, “Harry is not here.” And he says it like he’s – it’s supposed to sound defeated, like even he is upset that Harry is not with them.

Andrew: Well, Neville…

Eric: But it’s so short.

Andrew: …calls him stupid, too.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. “Hey, losers.”

Andrew: I couldn’t…

Eric: “Hey, losers.”

Andrew: Oh, right. Yeah, what – I didn’t get that.

Eric: “He’s not here.”

Andrew: Because…

Eric: But there is so much – it’s a second, it’s really a second. There is nothing to it, so I hated – that’s my least favorite scene because why even film it when – I even felt that Matt Lewis’s acting was trying to tell me something.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Well, in a way, it gets back to…

Eric: And the timing that the film – yeah.

Andrew: It gets back to explaining…

Eric: Gave it…

Andrew: It gets back to explaining why – to helping explain that people are looking for Harry. That’s why they are…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …on the run. Micah, I think you were saying earlier…

Eric: Right, but how do Harry’s friends feel about him being missing is what I was interested in…

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: …and I felt like that was about – going to be what that scene was about because even Cormac McLaggen is in this film for that [snaps fingers] split second…

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Eric: …where he’s, like, “My father will be hearing about this.” But it’s so short that it’s my least favorite scene because it – you almost can’t even take in what does happen and not to mention what doesn’t, and should, happen. It’s what does happen is so quick.

Andrew: That got a lot of laughs, though.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: What were you saying, though, Andrew? You…

Andrew: Well, you had mentioned earlier that there was no – I think it was you. You mentioned that there was no explanation of why they were on the run. I mean, this sort of explains – this helps explain why they are on the run because they are being looked for even on the Hogwarts Express. So, it helps explain to the viewer why they are not going to Hogwarts.

Micah: Well, I think…

Andrew: It’s not the best, no.

Micah: No, no, I think my point was just – the severity of the situation is undermined a bit because you don’t get as much of a look into how threatening Voldemort is to not just the wizarding world, but the Muggle world as well.

Listener Tweets: Deathly Hallows: Part 1

Andrew: Let’s now get into some listener tweets on Part 1. We asked you to send these in if you follow us on Twitter and our Twitter name – our Twitter URL is

nidia112 writes:

“Some parts sucked, some parts were awesome. The Seven Potters was just too funny for me. Hedwig’s death was awful.”

rosanaser wrote:

“I watched the seventh movie and found it amazing. By the way, our favorite scene was when Harry and Hermione danced, and when Ron kissed that man’s wife.”

HarryJPUK wrote:

“The film is definitely the best so far. Wasn’t sure about the start with the Minister of Magic, but loved the creative animation.”

Anorexorcist13 wrote – you guys have some crazy Twitter names, by the way:

“I loved ‘DH Part 1’, although Grindelwald gave Dumbledore up too easily when Voldemort came looking for the wand.”

Soontobeangel wrote:

“Six out of ten for blazing fast pace, episodic feeling, par acting, but great aesthetics far superior to all previous ‘Potter’ films.”

Yeah, the on-location stuff was great. I mean, some of the – when they were camping, there were some beautiful areas they were walking around.

Richard: Yeah.

Eric: Andrew, can you talk about J.K. Rowling being a producer? Did they mention that at the junket? I heard it got kind of a non…

Andrew: They said there was no difference. It’s what she’s always done, she’s just actually credited as a producer.

Eric: All right.

Andrew: DarkWolf312 wrote:

“Why didn’t they show Bellatrix using ‘Crucio’? Some people thought she was biting Hermione’s arm, initially.”

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: LultimaNotte said:

“First time I left an ‘HP’ movie without feeling disappointed. I love it!”

srkarnati wrote:

“I thought the overall movie was great, but I hate that they left out the Dudley/Harry part. The Three Brothers part excellent though.”

femgamerbird wrote:

“I loved it, best adaptation so far. I loved that they included a lot of dialogue from the book, but why is Wormtail still alive?!”

Eric: That’s the question, isn’t it?

Andrew: Hopefully in Part 2, we’ll get an answer.

Eric: I feel like they had to do something so jarring that everybody is talking about it and is going to go see Part 2 to find out why Wormtail is still alive.

[Andrew and Richard laugh]

Eric: They might even do…

Andrew: That’s the big cliffhanger.

Eric: They might even do Deathly Hallows: Part 2 posters of just Wormtail…

[Richard laughs]

Eric: …with the silver hand going, “I’m still alive!”

Richard: That’s the hook for the next film.

Eric: You think so?

Andrew: ItsLaurenYvonne wrote:

“The film felt like a different entity in itself. I kind of can’t imagine seeing ‘6’ then moving to that but not a bad thing! Loved it.”

miss_jess wrote:

“Surprisingly faithful to the book. The cliffhanger was deliciously cruel. Kloves is a closet Harry/Hermione shipper.”

[laughs] That’s the answer to that. He totally is.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Maria Natera wrote:

“Hi from Venezuela! Loved the movie, some lines were exactly from the book! Didn’t like that they left out Kreacher’s story.”

And finally, Dreyesbo wrote:

“If this was the exposition movie and ‘Part 2’ the action, I feel the audience is still missing crucial info.”

This was definitely not the exposition movie because David Yates said they cut out everything that was exposition, [laughs] so…

[Eric laughs]

Show Close

Andrew: So, that’s our big movie review episode. Obviously, there was a lot to talk about and we hoped you enjoyed this discussion but this is, of course, not the end of our discussion on this movie. We will be talking about it for many episodes to come. And I’m sure lots of you have feedback about what we had to say today, so to send it in, please do visit, then click on “Contact” at the top, and from there you can fill out our feedback form and give us your thoughts, whether you disagreed or agreed with anything we had to say, and we cannot wait to read your e-mails and get some of them on the next show.

Micah: I think we had a healthy difference of opinion on a lot of things.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s good.

Micah: Might be the first time in a while that’s actually happened.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Speaking of e-mails, on Episode 213 we asked for weird places that you have listened to MuggleCast. We got lots of answers and they have been a lot of fun to read, so thanks everyone for sending them in. We ran out of time on this episode, but we will definitely read them on Episode 215. And finally, one last reminder: if you’re listening to this on Saturday, November 20th or Sunday, November 21st, the nomination period for the 2010 Podcast Awards ends on Sunday, November 21st. Just go to and at the top of the page right above our Twitter box, you will see – or right above the pumpkins, you will see very easy instructions on how to nominate us. We appreciate that very much and hopefully next month we will learn that we have been nominated…

Micah: Cool.

Andrew: …in the 2010 Podcast Awards.

Micah: So, can I ask one last question here before we go? If you had to rate this movie, just a number out of 10, what would it be?

Andrew: I would give it an 8, but I fully anticipate giving Part 2 a 10.

Micah: Eric?

Eric: Oh, that seems like a good double question: What would you rate Part 1 and what do you expect you will rate Part 2, given where you think they are going?

Andrew: Richard?

Eric: Are you worried?

Richard: I would give Part 1 a 3, maybe a 4, purely for Emma Watson.

Andrew: Whoa!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Jesus.

Richard: Part 2

Andrew: Well, what…

Richard: I kind of hope it’s really – I’m kind of expecting it to be awesome and if it is, then I will gladly give it a 10. I mean, I want to give this film a 10, but I just can’t.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You can’t even give it half of 10. [laughs] And Eric, your answer?

[Show music begins]

Eric: I’m going to give Part 1 a 10 and I’m only going to expect a 7 out of Part 2.

Micah: Wow.

Eric: I feel like – just in general, I feel like this was the film that’s going to connect with me the most for some reason, whatever reason.

Micah: I give this movie 6 out of 10.

Andrew: All right, there we go. Thanks everyone for listening! It’s been a lot of fun. Again, our next episode will have much more. We barely scratched the surface talking about this film, so we will be back soon. Thanks everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Richard: And I’m Richard Reid.

Andrew: We’ll see you next time for Episode 215, where we will have Part Two of our Part 1 discussion. Haha, see what I did there?

Micah: Yeah, that was pretty clever.

Andrew: [laughs] Bye.

Micah: Not really. Bye.

Richard: Bye.

[Show music continues]

Transcript #213

MuggleCast 213 Transcript

Show Intro

Andrew: MuggleCast is brought to you by GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all, plans start at just $3.95 a month, and no matter what plan you choose your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener, enter code Muggle, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E, when you check out and save an additional ten percent on any order. Get your piece of the internet at!

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello, this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: Because I’m ready to put on my Sunday best, this is MuggleCast Episode 213 for November 12th, 2010.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome everyone to MuggleCast episode two hundred and – ooh – an unlucky thirteen.

Eric: Hmmm.

Andrew: Micah and Eric are here, along with me. Hello boys.

Micah: Hello, Andrew.

Eric: Hello.

Andrew: And we’re diverting from the normally scheduled programming that we would have here. We’re actually going to skip Chapter-by-Chapter this week because the movie is – the upcoming film is on everyone’s mind and what better thing to discuss than the adaptation of the book to the film, and we’re going to do that this week, based on the wonderful editorial that MuggleNet editorialist Lady Lupin wrote for MuggleNet a few weeks ago. It was posted on the site, got great feedback. I think we briefly mentioned it on the show when it was released, so thats going to be our main discussion this week and of course we have lots of news, so you guys ready?

Eric: Yes!

Andrew: Are you set?

Micah: I thought you were talking to the fans.

Andrew: Fans, rev up your engines!

[Eric makes car engine noise]

Micah: I can see people riding the school bus and just screaming out “Yes!” as you…

Andrew: Yeah!

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …said that.

Eric: School bus.

Andrew: I would understand that because I used to – when I rode the school bus I would listen to podcasts.

Eric: Do those…

Micah: Would you really?

Andrew: Yeah. Not ours, but I would.

Micah: Well I shouldn’t just say the school bus. People that are driving to work, people that are working around their home, or at work. I know people listen to us at work as well – we’re a fine substitute for getting things done.

Andrew: If anyone listens in the bathroom please let us know so we can start saying people listen to us in the bathroom.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: We want to cover all areas of your world.

Eric: …I’ll listen to us in the bathroom just to forego anybody e-mailing us in and confessing to that.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Why don’t you podcast in the bathroom? That’ll one up everyone.

Eric: I think the bathroom is occupied at the moment.

Micah: An interesting question though would be what is the most unique place that somebody has listened to this podcast?

Eric: I feel like we’ve already done a contest.

Andrew: I feel like we’ve asked that before.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. [laughs] I think we have! We should…

Micah: Well, we haven’t done that in 150 episodes though…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Micah: …so why not try it again?

Andrew: Well…

Micah: I feel like maybe Ben asked that question at one point or another.

Eric: Because he – well he podcasts from his car, and then we had a listener competition – “send a picture of you listening to us in a really odd location,” and I forget if we ever even compiled the listeners.

Andrew: If you do have – if you think your location is unique…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …do e-mail it in, visit and e-mail us. Anyway, let’s get the show started. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

[Show music continues, plays out]

Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum.

Micah: Yes.

Andrew: What’s in the news?

News: Dan Radcliffe in Simpson Halloween Episode

Micah: Well Andrew, before we get to talking about Deathly Hallows, Dan Radcliffe made an appearance on The Simpsons earlier this week and we want to talk a little bit about it – not spend too much time on it – but it was part of The Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror” their annual Halloween episode. It aired on Sunday evening at eight o’clock here on the east coast and probably will air throughout the country. I don’t know – The Simpsons, I would assume, airs overseas as well. If not, you can probably watch it online. It will end up on YouTube undoubtedly as well, so I’m sure we will post the full episode on MuggleNet at one point or another, but Eric, you and I both got a chance to see it. What was your overall impression of the part that Dan Radcliffe appeared in?

Eric: I thought it was really, really funny and I was worried because we found out that he was going to do this – it was before last year’s “Treehouse of Horror” took place that we found out he was going to be on The Simpsons, and I remember specifically the MuggleNet post was like, “Okay, it’s going to be on ‘Treehouse of Horror XXI’,” which is next years, so we waited – I mean we were waiting like a year for this to hear from when he had to record it to when it finally aired, and I have to say I was really pleased. I thought this episode was funny and that the segment with Dan Radcliffe in it was very funny.

Micah: Oh, okay.

Andrew: Micah, you have an opposing opinion.

Micah: I thought it was terrible. I thought the whole show was awful.

Eric: All of it?

Micah: But that [laughs] that’s just my own opinion.

Andrew: Now, do you normally like The Simpsons?

Micah: I probably haven’t sat down and watched The Simpsons in years. I watched it when I was growing up because it’s been on for twenty years now, [laughs] and it obviously has its place in American television culture, but I just thought this episode was terrible.

Eric: Whoa-ho-ho!

Micah: The only time I laughed at was when Homer shot the pelican…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …during the second comedy sketch.

Eric: Which had Hugh Laurie on it.

Micah: It’s just my own opinion. I didn’t even notice that, and Dan Radcliffe didn’t even sound like he was British in the early part of the segment that he appeared in, so it took a while to be able to tell that it was him. I’m not sure that anybody who was randomly watching would know that it was him if they didn’t see a post like this or commercial in advance saying that – “starring Dan Radcliffe” – but I didn’t think that it was very funny but maybe that’s because I haven’t read Twilight and I guess that’s what it was spoofing.

Eric: Well, I suppose – I think in particular the first Twilight film probably got the brunt of the references and the jokes. It kind of followed the plot of the first film more, although there were elements of the whole series in this short. There were three stories to this “Treehouse of Horror” episode and each of them were about six to nine minutes I would say, without commercials.

News: Alexandre Desplat to Compose Part 2

Micah: Well, the other news that was released over the weekend – maybe unintentionally by the official Harry Potter website – is that it seems as if Alexandre Desplat will be composing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 which is in complete contrast to information that we reported…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Micah: …probably a couple months ago, that it was going to be John Williams who was going to return for the final Harry Potter film, so this is…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …I don’t think it’s that unexpected though, since he did work on Part 1 that he would return for Part 2, and…

Andrew: Right, the only surprise is that we had heard, apparently from W.B. Brazil, that John Williams was on board and a lot of people wanted John Williams to come back for Part 2 because he did the first three films, obviously did an amazing job, wrote the now iconic “Hedwig’s Theme”, and everybody knows him for his great scores whether it’s Star Wars, Jurassic Park – he’s done it all. He’s done the biggest franchises.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So, for him to come back and round out the series – put his magic on it – it would’ve been great and the crew have been on the record as saying, “yes we would have liked to have him back,” but it looks like it hasn’t worked out. I think this was definitely an unintentional leak. Whoever writes the copy for the site is getting a slap on the wrist on Monday.

Micah: Is no longer employed on Monday.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, is going to be looking for some work somewhere else.

Eric: Yeah, I think a lot of fans are craving the closure that John Williams – or the circularity, I want to say, of everything coming back to the start, especially with the films, which ties in with our editorial discussion today. A lot of people are looking for the films to have a circular – have a kind of full, wholesome feel to them, and that would have been achieved…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …easier with John Williams – same composer as the first film coming back for the eighth.

Micah: But I think the thing people need to remember, though, is that John Williams hasn’t really been a part of the series since Prisoner of Azkaban, right?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: So, that was released in ’03, I think, or around that time, so you’re talking seven years he hasn’t been involved with this franchise. Maybe he’s consulted in some respect with some of the other composers since then, but ultimately he hasn’t been around for that long, so it shouldn’t be that big of a surprise that he’s not going to be back for the finale.

Eric: Yeah, I mean he only…

Andrew: And by the way…

Eric: …yeah.

Andrew: …I watched the Part IV of the Harry Potter documentary that we were talking about on the Ultimate Editions…

Eric: Oh, about the music?

Andrew: …yeah, and John Williams at one point – he’s talking and he reveals something really interesting that before he had even seen a single frame of the films, he wrote “Hedwig’s Theme” because they needed it for something. I can’t remember what they needed it for, but they needed it and this is before he had even seen any of the film, not a single frame, and he wrote that and then they heard it and they were like, “Oh my God, this is perfect,” and I just think that’s an incredible story because now that is the theme of the entire franchise and – [laughs] – he hadn’t even seen any of the film.

Eric: See, I don’t know. I like him even less from knowing that story. [laughs]

Andrew: Why, because he’s so perfect?

Eric: Yeah, yeah…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …well, no, because also [laughs], also it just shows that he wasn’t personally moved by Harry Potter, like all of us are personally moved by his music, so…

Andrew: Well, come on, he made some other scores that were inspired by what he saw on-screen, so…

Eric: Maybe, but I don’t particularly love the third film, which was really the film that he as a composer, broke all the boundaries on, so I don’t feel like I owe him that debt of loyalty. He’s only composed three out of the what will be eight films and despite “Hedwig’s Theme” and the good themes that fit well to the movies he was a part of, I also really like what these new composers have done since, so…

Andrew: What else is in the news, Micah?

Eric: Sorry, gentlemen.

News: Deathly Hallows – Part 1 Clips Released

Micah: Let’s stick with Part 1 here for a second and talk a little bit about all the clips that have been released over the course of really the last week or so and, Eric, I know you’re going to chime in. You’ve seen the film in some capacity and obviously you’re a bit disappointed that this much is being leaked out there, but some of the things that we have seen is a look at the Seven Potters with Mad-Eye Moody going around and giving the Polyjuice Potion to everyone who’s at Privet Drive. We saw a clip of Dobby in Malfoy Manor with – who is it – Ollivander, Harry, Ron, Luna, and Griphook. We saw recently a shot of Kreacher as part of a TV spot, and him talking about the Deathly Hallows, and there was also some other clips that were released. One at the cafe, I think, right? When …

Andrew: Yes, yes.

Micah: …they’re fighting some of the Death Eaters…

Andrew: Snatchers.

Micah: …or Snatchers, and there was another one with Bellatrix fighting at Malfoy Manor as well, so a lot of different clips being thrown out there – TV spots and different things and [laughs] it’s just – you can tell the movie is close at hand, but I was – the thing I was really surprised to see was the one at Privet Drive because I thought that was a scene a lot of people would be looking forward to, and for them to throw it out there before the movie – I know it angered a lot of people.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …listen…

Micah: Maybe…

Andrew: …you can be as angry as you want, but the fact of the matter is you don’t have to watch the clips.

Micah: …I agree with that, yeah, I know, I agree with you….

Andrew: The clips are not …

Micah: …but we have to.

Andrew: …the clips are not – no, I’m speaking to the listeners now…

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: Listen, listener who’s upset about this…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …you don’t have to watch it, and it’s not ruining anything for you, it’s not ruining anything for anyone else. Actually, I do have comments about that clip. I think what they did was a bit lazy, but I think I’ll save that for our movie review episode. The way that everyone transforms into the seven Potters, I thought it was kind of lazy. I’m a bit disappointed.

Eric: Oh, is that your comment?

Andrew: That’s my comment, so, I’m mad too. It ruined it for me. [laughs]

Eric: Well, how would you know if you hadn’t already seen it?

Andrew: I did.

Eric: That scene is like 90 seconds long in the movie, and there’s a …

Andrew: It’s a 90 second clip.

Eric: …65 second…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Andrew: Yeah, so…

Eric: It’s pretty, solid ridiculous. There are no other words for that. And even though you don’t have to watch these scenes, I feel like the fact that they’re out there and you need to purposely try to avoid them – we got fans and listener comments. I posted two of them…

Andrew: You don’t need to try to avoid them! You just don’t click on them! It’s not like someone’s shoving them down your throat! [laughs]

Eric: If you have friends who are Harry Potter fans, Andrew…

Andrew: Aw, come on.

Eric: They are posting this on Facebook, they are linking this on Twitter, and it’s just annoying.

Andrew: You’re one of those people that are feeding into this nonsense…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: About, “Oh my God, it’s ruining the films.” They’re just clips. Micah, what else is going on? Come on, get us out of here.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Out of this hole.

News: Quidditch World Cup

Micah: All right, the last bit of news is about the Quidditch World Cup, which is going to take place this upcoming weekend, November 13th to the 14th, in New York City, and…

Andrew: Now, wait a second, how is this possible? I thought these books were fiction.

Micah: Oh, well, Andrew…

Eric: [whispering] Brooms are real. Brooms are real.

Micah: If you watch MSNBC, you will see the feature that they recently did on the Quidditch World Cup and Quidditch as a whole. They actually had a girl by the name of Annabel Cryan on, who’s a high school Quidditch Captain. So I guess what they’re doing is they’re not just bringing colleges in, I guess high schools as well for this Quidditch World Cup, coming up this weekend. So, it’s pretty cool that it’s caught on the way that it has. I remember, I think it was Middlebury College initiated this…

Andrew: Yeah, you’re right.

Micah: This whole idea of playing Quidditch as a sport, and it’s really grown over the course of the last couple of years, and it’s taken on a life of its own, kind of like Wizard Rock has, not to the level. But it’s interesting to see all these different colleges and schools out there playing this now, getting featured on something like MSNBC. I’m sure it’ll be a great event leading up to the premiere on Monday, so…

Andrew: Right. So when is this actually – it’s taking place the weekend before the premiere?

Micah: Yeah, so the 13th and the 14th in New York City is where it’ll be.

Andrew: Why don’t we go watch this? What – why – what day is it?

Micah: I just…

Andrew: It…

Micah: It’s the 13th and the 14th.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: November 13th and 14th.

Andrew: I just asked you…

Micah: For the third time…

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: In New York City, for the fourth time.

Andrew: I was looking it up. I wasn’t listening.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Especially for somebody – now I know, Micah, I know you’re a football fan. As a sports watcher, I never found one sport besides baseball that I could follow and especially no sport that I would follow religiously in terms of fan-ship. I think Quidditch, being a Harry Potter fan, a fan of the books, I’d like to see this sport adapted to reality as it has been and gain in notoriety as it has been. I would like to go to this Quidditch World Cup, and I would like to see this in action.

Andrew: All right, Micah, it’s decided. Clear your schedule Sunday. I’m flying on Saturday. I’m going to miss it. But Sunday, I will bring a picnic basket and a blanket, and we will sit and watch the game together and have a little picnic.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: On the field? I got to tell you, they don’t actually have brooms. They’re going to be running…

Andrew: Not on the field! We’ll be in the – the spectators! We’ll be on the sidelines, and everyone listening should go.

Eric: I got to say, you should pool your resources. Somebody who listens to our show might actually have front row tickets to spare.

Andrew: No, I know the guy who runs this. He e-mails and asks us to plug it, so I’m going.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Everyone listening, if you’re in New York City, go. We should go. It’s going to be fun.

Micah: And, of course, it is sponsored by our good friends over at Alivan’s. They are the…

Andrew: Ah, yeah.

Micah: Title sponsor of the event, so…

Andrew: Do they supply the brooms?

Micah: They might. They might.

Andrew: I think they do. All right. Well, Micah, you and I have a date. November 14th.

Micah: Sounds like a good time.

Andrew: I’ll wear my Sunday best.

Micah: You do that.

Andrew: All right. What else is going on?

Announcement: 2010 Podcast Awards

Micah: Well, I think we can just wrap up talking about the fact that nominations are open for the 2010 Podcast Awards, and we’d like people to go out there and nominate us in the categories of People’s Choice and Entertainment. You can – as the rules not so clearly state – you can nominate us in the People’s Choice and one other category, so we ask that for that other category you nominate us in Entertainment. Voting will open I think two weeks after, so on November the 21st is when the voting should open.

Andrew: Well, that’s when nominations close.

Micah: Oh, that’s when nominations close. I’m not sure when voting opens. We’ll keep you guys posted on when that happens.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But, obviously, we appreciate you guys going out and nominating us and then hopefully voting for us if we make the cut, so…

Andrew: Right. We need your help. We need your help now, so go to…

Micah: Yes. In the People’s Choice box – it’s right on the main page, it’s very easy – put in ‘MuggleCast’. Under podcast URL put ‘’. Do the same thing in the Entertainment box. Then at the bottom you put your name and your e-mail address, and you hit submit. It’s very easy. Instructions can also be found on We really appreciate your support. Thank you so much.

Micah: Yeah, and also our friends over at Hogwarts Radio are running – are trying to get in the running for two podcast awards as well. I believe, Eric, you said in Education, and there’s one other category they’re in?

Andrew: Best Produced.

Micah: Best Produced, so…

Eric: Best Produced.

Micah: If you guys can, definitely go ahead and fill out their names and what’s the website that they can include?

Andrew: Just go to, and right there on the main page you’ll find all the instructions. It’s very easy. It’ll take you ten seconds.

Micah: Oh, well…

Eric: Yeah, Hogwarts Radio is a good podcast too. I – they like us, and we like them.

Micah: Absolutely.

Eric: And I also happen to be on their show.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Oh really? I didn’t know that.

Main Discussion: Books versus Films

Andrew: Full disclosure. Okay, so for our main discussion this week, like I said at the top of the show, we are going to focus on an editorial that was posted on MuggleNet a couple weeks ago now by our own Lady Lupin. It really got a lot of feedback, and this is the reason why we’re talking about it here on the show today. It’s really interesting because we have talked on this show so much about the good and bad of what the adaptations have done, and this editorial basically broke everything down. She compares Film Harry to Book Harry, what Film Harry knows – sorry, what Book Harry knows and what Film Harry doesn’t know, what they could possibly do to fix those problems in Parts I and II. It’s a lot so…

Eric: And she’s not afraid to lay it on the line as far as her personal feelings, too. I found myself agreeing with the non-strict points she was making, such as her feelings on Dumbledore in the films and all of that, so hopefully Micah will [coughs] do a good job…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …on touching on all of that.

Micah: Yeah. No, I think…

Eric: No pressure. No pressure, Micah.

Micah: No, no pressure at all. We’ve done over 200 episodes, so I think pressure has gone out the window at this point. But, no, I think this is really a great editorial, and really we can talk to almost every point that exists in it, and I put pretty much close to every point in here. But, Eric, you did bring up a good point when you said she wasn’t afraid to really lay it on the line, and I think she made it clear though that people should differentiate between the books and the movies, and she does that. I mean, she goes in with the anticipation that everything that we like about the books is not going to be able to make it into the films.

Eric: Mhm.

Micah: And I think that that’s a huge misconception that a lot of Harry Potter fans go into seeing a movie with, that everything they loved about, let’s say Half-Blood Prince, is gonna be in the Half-Blood Prince film, and it’s just not feasible from a time standpoint.

Eric: Well, Half-Blood Prince is, I would say, her primary focus as well as a film in this editorial. I think that’s the right choice to make because it is the most recent film. It is the one that kind of mattered the most as far as, obviously, setting up the finale to the series, and there’s even a little bit about, I guess, some excerpts from DH Part 1, like the trailers and stuff that have been released, in this editorial. So it’s very fresh, but she does even say she liked the sixth film, but then she’ll continue to be very, very skeptical about all the things they did cut out, and she goes into detail as far as that so…

Micah: Right.

Eric: …I think it’s really effective, and I can’t wait to just start talking about this, so let’s do it.

Micah: Okay, well, Andrew you mentioned that really the whole point of this editorial is analyzing what book-Harry knows prior to Deathly Hallows versus what movie-Harry knows prior to the final two films. She starts out with the great point that really, for the first five films, the screenwriters were flying blind. They weren’t really sure how the series would end, and they had to make a lot of their choices without being certain what would prove important later on in the series. Now, certainly they had J.K. Rowling as a resource but…

Eric: Mhm.

Micah: Once you get to Half-Blood Prince, we all know what the ending is going to be and to her point, she says that the filmmakers can’t hope to have the same impact that scenes like the Lightning-Struck Tower would have when you were reading it for the first time. So…

Eric: See, I don’t know that I feel about this. I don’t know that I feel that those two points are mutually exclusive, and I don’t know that I particularly agree that they can’t match on screen what we feel in the books.

Micah: Why is that though?

Eric: Do you…?

Micah: No, I agree with you. I’m not sure that those two points that she throws out there necessarily connect with each other. I think she makes a great point that the first five films, there wasn’t as much knowledge. But, now with Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows had already been out, so you knew how the series was going to come to an end. I think her point should have been…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: That they should have done more with Half-Blood Prince

Eric: Yes.

Micah: Knowing what was going to be the outcome of the series.

Eric: Yeah, and I completely agree. And on that topic, things like Kreacher, when they went to cut him, JKR said no. But less significant changes, of which there are probably a hundred in each film – more in the later films after 2, I would say, than others – but the very small details that everybody just took liberties with – obviously they weren’t that bad, like the frog choir, that JKR allowed in – do eventually, through the course of eight films, work to create – or, I should say, six films – work to create the situation that we have now, which as she points out – as Lady Lupin points out, is a completely different movie-Harry. A completely different Harry than the one in the book, in terms of what he knows, in terms of what his world is like, and in terms of how he reacts to that world. They’re completely different.

Andrew: Well, let’s run through a couple of those points, and then feel free to stop me if you want to mention anything related to them.

Eric: Okay.

Discussion: Harry’s Knowledge

Andrew: Point number one that she brings up:

Book-Harry knows that Dumbledore believes that the remaining Horcruxes are Hufflepuff’s cup, Nagini, something of Ravenclaw’s or Gryffindor’s, and the part of Voldemort’s soul that resides in his new body. Film-Harry knows none of this.

So, this one could be a problem, looking at Part 1, because Harry – presumably he’s going to have to find out about this information from Dumbledore somewhere in Part 1 since he didn’t learn it in Half-Blood Prince.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Eric, as someone who has seen the film, does he acquire this information in a way that’s…

Micah: Acceptable?

Andrew: Feels okay?

Micah: Spoiler Alert!

Eric: Yeah. Well, since you asked, I’m going to say that…

Micah: Let’s just say spoiler alert.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Okay, I think that’s fair, but I think that we already have listeners who comment and say, “We’re not listening to MuggleCast until November 19th.” So, yeah, spoiler alert. But I’m going to say that the seventh film employs something I’ve never seen them do before, as far as filmmaking. I think this is their response to some of this, their preparation for some of this. They struggle – it’s echoed in the mirror, Sirius’s mirror. In the seventh film, Harry has it, and it’s odd because it was something that was almost even deliberately, completely ignored by filmmakers in Movie 5, when Sirius is supposed to give Harry this mirror and it’s supposed to be sentimental, dadadadada. So, what I’m saying is they employed this technique to suggest that things have happened in the world of the movie that weren’t shown in the movies. So, it actually for the first time feels like a real…

Andrew: What?

Eric: Yeah! So for the first time it feels…

Andrew: So, does he get the Horcrux information through the mirror?

Eric: No.

Andrew: Oh.

Eric: But having the mirror already shows that in the world of the film, Harry has had some of the training we haven’t seen him get. Does that make sense? So, say for instance that Harry received a lesson from Dumbledore during the course of his sixth year that wasn’t shown on screen in Movie 6. It’s plausible based on how he acts in the seventh film. And I’m not saying that the Horcrux knowledge is not going to be shown on screen at all, because I think it absolutely will be, but in Part 2.

Andrew: Okay…

Micah: So…

Andrew: …So the short answer of that was “No.”

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: Well, here’s my question, Eric. Are you saying that Sirius’ mirror is an example of one of those things where…

Eric: Yes.

Micah: …that the producer or the director is trying to make it clear to the person going to the film that there have been things taking place that that viewer hasn’t been privy to. Is that what you’re saying?

Eric: Yes. Because, yes – the shock I received when seeing that Harry had the mirror and that it wasn’t questioned by the characters kind of stunned me…

Andrew: It wasn’t explained at all?

Eric: Well, he knows what it’s about. And…

Andrew: Uh huh. But what about the viewer?

Eric: …it’s jarring. Well, the viewer, if they’ve read the books, they know what it’s about. And if the viewer who hasn’t read the books – they don’t really – I don’t know why they’d care.

Andrew: So, he just pulls out the mirror…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …and he sees a flash of an eye in the movie?

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: Oh no…

Micah: So, but – the assumption is…

Eric: What’s significant…

Micah: Wait, wait…

Andrew: I have a feeling the…

Eric: What’s significant with the mirror – okay, what’s significant with the mirror is that he thinks it’s Dumbledore in it and that that ties into the theme that the movie does talk about, which is same as the book, which is who Dumbledore really was.

Andrew: Does he find a piece of the mirror in the woods?

Eric: No.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Eric: He has it in his trunk. Or in Hermione’s purse-bag.

Andrew: All right, all right. Hm, hm.

Eric: So I’m saying – no – so I’m saying, in order to combat this ignorance that movie-Harry had, they’ve actually employed this new technique. And this isn’t going to be the end all, be all, solve everything – because, I think – I’ll elaborate on that later. But for the moment, I think that some things are going to be expressed or take – be okay. I was okay with it because the way Movie 7-Harry acted made it really seem like a non-issue. And I feel horrible saying that because I’ll be the first person to critique line-by-line the third movie about where it was unfaithful. And so this editorial is right up my alley.

Micah: Could somebody make the argument, then, that David Yates is making the assumption that the person going to see Deathly Hallows – Part 1 knows what Sirius’ mirror is?

Eric: No, it’s not…

Micah: Because how can you bring that into play without fully explaining what it is?

Andrew: See, I think this is one of the things – let’s try to keep the discussion on the editorial.

Micah: Okay. Yeah.

Andrew: Because I think it’s one of the things that needs to be discussed once we actually see the film.

Eric: Yeah. But the short answer is, it’s a non-issue because Harry knows what it is. If Harry knows what it is that he’s looking at, there’s no reason for you to need to know what it is.

Micah: Right. Well, okay, let’s keep going down this list. But, Andrew, I just wanted to bring up…

Andrew: Yeah.

MuggleCast 213 Transcript (continued)

Discussion: Horcruxes Take A Back Seat

Micah: …one point before we go on, because it was a focal point of what she was discussing. And that was that, really, Half-Blood Prince as a whole – its main plot took a back seat. She says: “It was back-burnered for teenage romance.” And so everything from what and where the Horcruxes were, how they can be found and destroyed, what the identity of the Half-Blood Prince was, was all overshadowed by who was kissing who, and she felt really strongly. This is something that comes up a number of times throughout the course of her editorial, and I think she’s right. I mean, I always said with Half-Blood Prince that they paid very little attention to Snape and really did nothing to develop his character, other than him shouting that he was the Half-Blood Prince at the end of the film, which we’ll get to a little bit later, but what are your guys’ thoughts on that? Do you agree with that statement, that it was a little bit too teeny-bopper?

Andrew: I thought that was a big statement, because that essentially throws out everything that’s going on in the film. To say that the main point of the film was the teenage romance, I think that was kind of pushing it, though I think the fact of the matter is, that’s what a lot of people want to see. They want to see that romance. I mean, look at the Harry Potter fandom and how excited people get when there’s a new picture of Ron and Hermione sort of looking at each other a funny way. The image spreads like wildfire around Tumblr and Twitter. It just goes nuts. People love that kind of stuff. So, I think they have to fight a hard balance of catering to two groups of people. You have the people who really want to see some passion. You want to see a loyal…

Eric: Purists.

Andrew: Yeah. You want to see a loyal adaptation from the book. But then on the other hand there’s the general audience, which could be even a larger portion of the audience, that read the books for fun, doesn’t really analyze them, just breezed through them, and likes to see that love stuff, because sex sells. So…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …I think that’s something that they struggled with in Half-Blood Prince, and look, I mean, I don’t think they would deny Lady Lupin’s claim, because think of how they marketed the Half-Blood Prince film: sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

Eric: As – yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, that was his three thing, three itemized answer. Was that David Heyman or David Yates who said that?

Micah: One of the two, yeah. I think it was probably David Heyman. It sounds like something David Heyman would say.

Eric: Yeah, one of the Davids. But, Micah, in answer to your question – and off the show a moment, the more we talk about what Lady Lupin was thinking, the less we actually have to talk about her editorial. I know this is an editorial discussion, but I think that Micah’s question here is very relevant to everything Lady Lupin said – okay, back into the show. So Micah, in direct – what I feel about your direct question there, is that later on in her editorial, she also makes the comment that Dumbledore in Movie 6, for the first time she agreed with, and even liked, Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, and that’s when I knew that Lady Lupin and I were going to one day be married because I feel the same way. So for her – and I said as much when we first started seeing the sixth film, so even though she does say – make this claim that the romance was completely fore-fronted and everything else back-burnered, like the coming of age of Voldemort, all of that that’s important to the understanding of the series, she also feels that Dumbledore was the most – the best he’s ever been, Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, and I feel the same way. So she does kind of – she doesn’t contradict herself – but she feels as I do and I feel like I can possibly express that we see the film, and even though there was a lot of romance there were also important gains made in the Dumbledore department and for that reason, Movie 7 and Movie 8 are not completely – I haven’t lost hope in them.

Discussion: Horcrux Knowledge

Micah: All right. So getting back to this list here, going down the points that Andrew started earlier:

Book-Harry knows that Dumbledore believes Voldemort was unable to obtain an object of Gryffindor’s. Perhaps a reminder of the sword hanging in Dumbledore’s office would have been helpful as well, since it will come into play, a pretty large part, in ‘Deathly Hallows.’

And this points towards the mystery Horcrux being a Ravenclaw object. So, I think her point there is just again, sort of the lack of knowledge on Harry’s part about what potentially the Horcruxes could be.

Eric: Mhm.

Micah: And I know, Eric, it’s helpful that you have seen the film because you can also sort of comment on the Horcrux knowledge that Harry does have in this film or the lack thereof.

Eric: Right, yeah – I want to say read some more points and I’ll eventually get to what I want to talk about later with this editorial, which is sort of how Movie 7 deals with things, but…

Micah: Okay.

Eric: …we’ll talk about that later.

Micah: So, continuing down the list, and these are straight from the editorial: “Film Harry knows nothing what so ever about who and what Fenrir Greyback is, or why he is particularly threatening. He is introduced without an explanation in the film – ” which is actually – we actually talked about this a couple of weeks ago…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah:It’s hard to believe the film makers missed the golden opportunity they themselves created for clarity near the beginning of the film, given the proximity of Greyback and Lupin, one of his victims during the attack on the Burrow.

Andrew: Yeah. [sighs] I…

Micah: I agree with that.

Andrew: …in the…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: They added that whole attack on the Burrow scene because, ooh, it was a pacer, it was a pacer!

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And now – yeah, that was a great way to get some more information about Fenrir, and if you think about one of the promotional posters for Part 1, it’s that big shot of him, it’s just Fenrir.

Eric: I mean, one of what ends up being one of the millions of promotional materials for this film, but it’s true, and that’s what I was suspecting it was about, the Greyback poster.

Andrew: Do you know why?

Eric: …as Lady Lupin points out – what?

Andrew: They did – they made that poster because he’s scary. They want to appeal to people, “Ooh, who’s that? Who’s that monster?”

Eric: Yeah. [sighs] Well, yeah, but two days after the movie comes out, who’s going to be buying the Greyback Bus Shelter poster on EBay? Nobody, because he has no significance to anybody. Maybe there’s one Greyback fan from the books, none from the movie, because they haven’t introduced him. Like Lady Lupin says, he’s a non-entity, and she points out that they created that Burrow scene with Lupin and Greyback at the same scene and they didn’t do anything with it.

Micah: Right.

Eric: So, I think that’s a very valid point.

Andrew: Next point: “Book Harry not only knows that Tonks is in love with Lupin, but he knows that Lupin is worried and reluctant to go forward with the relationship because of his condition and the prejudices against him.

Eric: Yeah, as far as Lupin’s characterization, that’s why this is important, but otherwise I don’t think it’s important at all. How Lupin feels about Tonks or how Tonks feels about Lupin. They both end up dead at the end of the film series, there’s no reason for the…

Micah: It was never really developed much in the movies to begin with. Putting Half-Blood Prince aside, I mean, I think you started getting a feeling for, in Order of the Phoenix, when she was first introduced and they never really did anything more with her character.

Andrew: Next point: “Comparing film-Harry to book-Harry, film-Harry knows nothing, whatsoever, about the character of the new Minister, Scrimgeour.” I…

Eric: She does go on in the article to say why that’s significant, but it’s not here in our notes.

Andrew: Well, I think – I was just going to say that I think, Eric you can correct me if I’m wrong, but I imagine we’re going to get a lot of explanation when he comes and gives the items from Dumbeldore’s will.

Eric: Well, explanation as far as, “Hello, I’m the new Minister”?

Andrew: Will we learn that he’s kind of an oddball?

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: I mean, will we – so we just learn that he’s the new Minister, is that all?

Eric: Well no, I’m asking, is that what you think, he’s going to sit down and explain who he is?

Andrew: Well, my theory is that to explain this, I would imagine a good opportunity to explain the character of the Minister more was to have him show up and sort of personify the descriptions of the book.

Eric: Yeah, the descriptions of the book are very clearly – personified – acted out, by the moments we have, which is another scene that’s leaked, you can actually just find it online…

Andrew: Oh, is it? I haven’t seen that.

Eric: …between the Minister and Harry, so, where he reads Dumbeldore’s will. That’s the only scene with the Minister, other than the beginning of the film, which is also been leaked online, where he’s addressing the Wizarding public. Bill Nighy is a great character – plays a great character in this movie. I think it does the book justice. But, what is it that Lady Lupin is saying is significant here as far as, Harry not knowing who the new Minister is? And, I think, isn’t it that the Ministry and their stand on Voldemort is significant, because eventually the Ministry has to be infiltrated? But all of that, in my opinion, gets taken care of when they actually have to infiltrate the Ministry. So, I don’t really know what else to say…

Andrew: Well then, speaking of the Ministry: “Film Harry has no idea that Dolores Umbridge is still employed by the Ministry, despite her terrible record at Hogwarts in Film and Book 5.” I know, we all know that Umbridge does make a return in Part 1, but I wonder why she feels that this is a problem?

Eric: Well, isn’t there in Book 6 – there was a line where Harry does a double take, and he says, “What, she’s still with the ministry?” And that’s in Book 6.

Micah: Yeah, that’s at Dumbledore’s funeral.

Eric: Oh, yeah. And that’s from movie…

Micah: Because she’s there.

Eric: Right, and that was omitted from – yeah, okay, I’m on board here. So that’s significant.

Micah: I think some of the other points that are coming up, though, are a little bit more central to the plot. For example: “Film-Harry has never met Mundungus Fletcher, and incidentally, neither have viewers, and we have been told nothing of this character or history, nor the fact that he was stealing objects that someone like Aberforth bought from him. He and every plot point he touches, including the location of the locket and the two way mirror, are non-existent at this point.

Eric: Do you guys remember a few MuggleCast’s back, we did a who are we most stoked to see in the film, or what actor are we most proud of? And me having seen the film, I said Mundungus Fletcher; Andy, what’s his name…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Well, that’s how I feel. He was really good in the movie, and I don’t think that – as much as I would have liked him to have been a character, because he’s so enjoyable to watch, in the other films, I think it’s okay, that they just pushed him in the end…

Micah: Yeah but, I think the point is that he has no idea that Mundungus was ransacking Grimmauld Place when they were cleaning it out in Movie 5, because they never cleaned it out in Movie 5.

Micah: I think the point is that he has no idea that Mundungus was ransacking Grimmauld Place when they were cleaning it out in Movie 5 because they never cleaned it out in Movie 5.

Eric: Right.

Micah: So her point is that, who is this random character that will be introduced about a locket that we never even knew about in the first place? It all ties into some of the other points that are here, like Harry having no idea that he owns Kreacher or Grimmauld Place…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Dumbledore never gave him of that information to him in Half-Blood Prince.

Eric: That is fairly significant.

Micah: These are a lot of plot points that are absent from the films preceding the one that is coming out on November the 19th.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, again it is important to keep in mind, as we have also discussed on numerous occasions, it is impossible to take everything from the books and put them in the films. As Lady Lupin points out, too, they would have to be much longer. Next point: “Film-Harry does not know he has his mother’s protection for Privet Drive and will until his 17th birthday. Even if this is stated in an earlier film, it certainly would have been benefited by a reminder somewhere in ‘Half-Blood Prince’.

Eric: Yeah, everything from…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: It also…go on.

Andrew: No, I was just going to say I agree it would have benefited, because not everyone sees these films – every film.

Eric: Yeah, and it downplays the character of Dumbledore, too. Knowing what Dumbledore had to do to protect Harry would have been important information. Both the characters of Dumbledore and Snape are extremely downplayed in the films. And Lady Lupin, that’s one of her central points, especially Snape later on in the editorial.

Discussion: Voldemort

Andrew: Next point: “As compared to book-Harry, film-Harry has very little information on the evolution of how Tom Riddle became Lord Voldemort, and the psyche of the Dark Lord, with which Harry will have to contend in ‘Deathly Hallows’. Since Voldemort’s psyche is largely responsible for his downfall and Harry’s victory, that is an unfortunate omission.

Eric: Okay, I want to spend the most time talking about this. Not me, but you guys. I want to know what you think about this specific point.

Micah: I agree with the point on the whole. I do, I think a lot was omitted from Half-Blood Prince, a lot of flashback scenes in particular. And I think David Heyman and David Yates really tried to drive home the one at the orphanage, but I think the memories that Dumbledore was able to obtain about the Gaunts, and giving a look back into how Voldemort came to be who he was. And just the way his mind worked, his ability to charm people. You saw it a little bit with Slughorn but also with making Hufflepuff’s cup with Hepzibah Smith into the Horcrux as well.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: I think that was a major omission from the films, and again the question arises, how is he going to know of Hufflepuff’s cup, and how is he going to know it is in Gringotts, in Bellatrix Lestrange’s vault?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: You know, all that stuff has been unfortunately left out prior to this, and I think she brings up a great point, because Harry is able to match Voldemort’s wit when he calls him Tom at the end. There is just so much here that just…

Andrew: It breaks my heart.

Micah: Yeah, doesn’t it? It’s just so sad.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: [laughs] But no, I mean, that’s kind of my main point.

Andrew: I think there was a very large missed opportunity in Half-Blood Prince because we did get some backstories. And we could have heard more from Slughorn or Dumbledore, or just more from the backstories. Though I did love…

Eric: About Voldemort?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah! To get a better picture of how Tom Riddle became Voldemort. But I did love the Tom Riddle flashbacks in the film.

Eric: Yeah. Well, I mean, the film could’ve benefited from the Gaunts and Hepzibah Smith, and especially for the reasons that Lady Lupin says in this editorial regarding Riddle’s ability to charm people. That’s extremely important in Movie 7 – or Movie 8. But her point here about Voldemort’s psyche – Harry not understanding Voldemort’s psyche and how he came to rise to power affecting him, being an issue for the seventh or eighth film – I don’t really feel that that is that big of a deal, not understanding Voldemort’s personality.

Micah: Yeah, I think you’re right. Ultimately, though, it’s just – there’s so much in that one point about how the producers left out the flashbacks because it really – it takes away from the fact that Movie 6 should have been about Voldemort and how he came to be. And instead it was about teenage romance.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Which is what her point was early on. And that all takes a backseat to the story of teenage romance. So that’s the unfortunate side of how they ended up producing Movie 6. And there’s other major plots, too, that were left out from Movie 6, like Snape as well.

Eric: Do you feel like Book 6 ever reached a conclusion as far as how Voldemort became a dictator? Because Dumbledore makes some really broad quotes – there are some really broad quotations like, “Voldemort created his enemies just as dictators everywhere do,” and he seems exclamatory about it. But I don’t feel like it was ever answered whether Voldemort is Voldemort because he was born that way or Voldemort was Voldemort because he was made that way. I think the case is made for him being born that way, but it just seems like – come Book 7, I feel like Voldemort’s psyche is extremely inconsistent with the buildup from the first six books. He’s shown very careless and he’s shown forgetful and he makes many, many mistakes in Book 7 that I don’t think anybody as terrifying as the Voldemort that Jo has written up in Book 6 would have made. And it’s so – it’s interesting because I feel that there’s inconsistency there. And Lady Lupin feels that it’s important somehow that the psyche of Voldemort is important to know. I don’t feel like the book ever reaches a conclusion why Tom Riddle became Voldemort, and, therefore, I don’t necessarily feel that it’s too upsetting that they left it out of the film.

Micah: Well, I just think there are major plot points that are missing from Half-Blood Prince that needed to be there, especially from a Horcrux standpoint.

Eric: Okay. So go on.

Micah: I think we agree on that.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: So this kind of touches a bit on the last point that we were discussing – that “film-Harry doesn’t know how and where Voldemort obtained objects of significance to make into Horcruxes, or anything about Tom Riddle’s ability to charm others into giving him what he wanted. This will handicap Harry’s sleuthing ability when encountering the Grey Lady, whom film-Harry also never heard of. That may be less of an issue since book-Harry didn’t pay any attention to the Ravenclaw ghost either. However, it would be nice if viewers at least understood that each Hogwarts house has a ghost. Have we ever even seen the Bloody Baron?

Eric: [laughs] That’s a good point, because she pulls out all the stops. I mean we don’t even know – movie viewers won’t even know that each house has a ghost. I don’t know that it’s significant but I think she has a sound point here, especially about Harry’s sleuthing ability when trying to find the Horcruxes. So what do you guys think?

Andrew: Well wasn’t there a brief mention – this isn’t an excuse, but wasn’t there a very brief mention of the Bloody Baron in Sorcerer’s Stone? Like, [in high voice] “Oh it’s the Bloody Baron!”

Eric: Well that was when he was sweeping over the students. It was during the welcoming feast.

Andrew: Right, yeah.

Eric: He was sweeping down and kind of…

Micah: Well Eric, wasn’t it you that saw a prop from him at one of the exhibitions…

Eric: Yeah. It’s his costume. They have it at Harry Potter: The Exhibition, and it’s probably my favorite prop from the exhibition. Maybe because of how little it’s shown in the film, but just the attention to detail. It’s basically the best example of the HP exhibition when it was in Chicago that shows the detail that goes into the films, which gets traded off against how much screen time any of those props are actually getting. So yeah, the only thing I remember about the Bloody Baron or the Grey Lady is the brief bit during the welcoming feast.

Micah: Yeah, it just ties into our earlier point though, about Harry not being knowledgable about the fact that Voldemort would have wanted to take and make Horcruxes from each of the founders.

Eric: Yeah. I think maybe that’s what she was getting to too, that one of the revelations of Book 6 is that Tom felt as strongly about Hogwarts as Harry does. And it’s for that reason that he seeks out the magical objects to create Horcruxes out of it. It’s for that reason. I think that about his psyche is extremely important.

Micah: Yeah and kind of following that point, film-Harry doesn’t know that his potions book is hidden under a beat up old tiara.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: And the recollection of the tiara is an important moment for book-Harry in Deathly Hallows and will eventually lead to him going to the Room of Requirement. So that ties into whole Diadem Horcrux. So…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: It’s kind of like nitpicking now a little bit here, but I think it speaks to the larger hole in the plot that has been created here.

Eric: Yeah. Here’s where I’ll say that the movie split may benefit a lot of these issues quite a lot. Because in the book – in Book 7, sorry – Harry gets to Hogwarts pretty late in the game. Really, he’s gone from Hogwarts for most of the book up until the final battle. And it’s when he gets to Hogwarts that he not only discovers the Diadem – I mean that’s really the first time we hear about the Diadem is once he’s at Hogwarts, five eighths of the way into the book. And that’s also where he finds the – that’s also where a lot of the exposition about the remaining Horcruxes is discovered. Harry not only finds out about the Diadem while he’s at Hogwarts for the very first time, he also finds out about Fiendfyre destroying it. It happens so sudden in rapid succession in the book even. So that, splitting the film, they’ll be able to dwell on that a lot more. I feel like it’ll be a lot less forced or rushed as it is in the book, since they have a whole second movie to devote largely to Harry being at Hogwarts. I feel like the book didn’t get to do that because it had to show them in the woods with all that other – with the important Dumbledore plot that was running. So because Movie 1 can focus on a large part of that, Movie 8 can focus a lot more on the actual Horcrux quest.

Micah: Now, just another couple of quick points here. “Film-Harry doesn’t know why Tom Riddle was orphaned.” That kind of ties into the backstory that we were talking about that was left out of Half-Blood Prince – a lot of look-backs at the Gaunts, and Harry getting a better understanding of the fact that he is actually very similar…

Eric: To Tom Riddle.

Micah: To Tom Riddle. And I do think that’s an important recollection. Because there is that moment with Dumbledore where he realizes that Tom Riddle chose to go down one path, whereas Harry chose to go down another – sort of those two diverging paths. I think it is important that Harry has that recollection or that recognition of the difference between the two of them.

Eric: I agree. That is sort of the one definitive where, I feel like Harry should know more about Voldemort, and Voldemort should be a more fleshed-out character. But in the films, he really just has to be a villain, and only has to function as a villain. Fortunately they’ve got a good actor playing him in the films, but unless they are going to do something with that actor, he may as well not be there in that sense, if you get what I’m saying. They really should do more with Voldemort’s character, and because he’s a villain – somebody’s got to want him to make the Most Compelling Villains list that comes out. But if not, then he just looks really cool. In the end Harry defeats him with Expelliarmus, so really, what…

Andrew: What does this all matter anyway?

[Micah laughs]

Eric: What was Jo ever saying about Voldemort? If he can be defeated with Expelliarmus, which isn’t even a defensive spell!

Andrew: Another point – well, we’re going to get e-mails about that, I mean, obviously the Horcruxes were gone, so he couldn’t have just killed him with Expelliarmus with the Horcruxes still intact. But anyway, another point: “Film-Harry has no connection to or knowledge of Bill Weasley and hasn’t seen or spoken to Fleur since the end of Year Four. And yet, in ‘Deathly Hallows’, their wedding is the jump-off point of the trio’s hunt for Horcruxes, and their home plays a major role as a sanctuary.

Andrew: …and yet, in Deathly Hallows, their wedding is the jump-off point of the trio’s hunt for Horcruxes, and their home plays a major role as a sanctuary.” I disagree that this is too big of a deal because, you know, one of the Weasley members, could just be like, “Okay hey, our plan is to go to Bill’s because nobody knows…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …them,” including the viewers, so…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …or you, so. I mean, that would actually make more sense that Harry doesn’t know Bill, to go there because nobody would really…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …expect him to go there. So…

Eric: Yeah their reduced role in the film is, I think, appropriate because Harry doesn’t speak to Fleur since Movie 4 anyway until she shows up at The Burrow in Book 7. You know essentially they’re re-introduced, both characters are re-introduced in Book 7, and so it’s very easy for that to translate to Movie 7, even though we haven’t seen Bill before. He looks just like…

Micah: Well, I will say this though, it goes back to a lot of the points that were brought up earlier, for example Fenrir Greyback and the fact that he attacks Bill Weasley, and that’s the whole reason Fleur really ends up falling for him and they end up getting married in Movie 7, or Book 7. And you know they think – another thing is they completely leave out the fact that Fenrir Greyback is a werewolf. I mean for all you know he’s just an ugly looking villain…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …and you know that’s the only thing I would say with respect to that.

Eric: Well I’m going to play devil’s advocate here, you know – wouldn’t – okay, things like knowing about Bill Weasley, obviously, you know we see him in Chamber of Secrets, the book, and you know he sits down at dinner and he’s really cool, Harry gets the impression that he’s a really cool guy, and things like that are what make the book special, so would you really want a film to have introduced Bill Weasley way back in Movie 4 or do you want to be able to read the books and have this whole sense of a greater world, and a whole sense of a family, that the films really would have had to strain themselves to include? Because if a film is about…

Micah: No, that’s a fair pointÖ

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: It’s a fair point, but I mean, part of the reason why it wasn’t included previously was because they cut out the whole fight scene at the end of Half-Blood Prince.

Eric: It’s very true.

Discussion: Harry/Snape

Micah: So, you know we spend a lot of time here talking about Voldemort and the Horcruxes but you know Lady Lupin also touches on Snape, and she mentions that, “Film-Harry does not know that it was Snape who betrayed the Prophecy to Voldemort. The lack of that knowledge is unfortunate in that the realization escalates book-Harry’s hatred of Snape and ultimately becomes a vehicle for his acceptance of his former enemy-teacher.” You know and…

Andrew: Yeah, I mean, I think one of the most upsetting moments for me in Half-Blood Prince was at the end, where there’s just that quick moment where Snape admits that he is the Half-Blood Prince, Harry doesn’t call him a coward. I mean that was something that a lot of fans were looking forward to, and that basically just wraps everything up about this point in a bow. That there is no – Harry and Snape…

Eric: Correlation?

Andrew: Yeah, and it’s gonna be a shame when Snape dies in Part 2, and I hope we feel the emotion that we should.

Eric: Yeah, they practically have to cast Lily for the first time, just to show that Snape had been in love with her the whole time. I mean I’m glad that they kept the same actress from Movie 1 to portray Lily in all of the photographs they’ve shown of her since, but it almost seems ridiculous and that it’s likely to be cut, even though it’s very important at this point because Snape, alone has suffered such reduced screen time, compared with how prominent he is in the books.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: I mean, the Half-Blood Prince is Snape, and we don’t even – I don’t even – that’s – easily, easily, easy to miss by watching the sixth film.

Micah: Yeah, and you know she brings up some points about the Harry/Snape relationship and the fact that it was really obliterated in the sixth film. The train is one example. Obviously Luna finds him in the movie, where it’s Tonks in the book. And Tonks is the one that brings him up to Snape in the start of the term. There’s no Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons, where obviously Snape has taken over that post. You know, so something that Harry had come to really enjoy learning about is now taught by the person he loathes the most. And there was no detentions post-Sectumsempra, as she says, after Harry curses Draco and he’s sentenced to detention with Snape. So it just goes to show you, that where they had the opportunity to really develop this hatred between the two and then have it come full circle, in Part 2, they missed the boat on that. And they made it seem more like Snape was just doing what was being asked of him by Dumbledore, which really isn’t supposed to be revealed until the final film.

Eric: That’s true. And then, so the other thing she does run through really quick is the – what I think is a very important point – several instances in which all of the films, of the Harry Potter series have failed to show Harry as an emerging leader. She mentions Quidditch tryouts, which we did see some of in the film. The cave scene…

Andrew: But as she points out – but as Lady Lupin points out in her article – at the beginning of the lesson, it takes Ginny to quiet down the group of people. Harry can’t even do it.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Which is, which is,,,

Eric: Maybe they’re, yeah, maybe they’re sensible, the filmmakers. They know that Harry…

Micah: Well that was her point, though. That was her point…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: That is should have been Harry, and not Ginny. You know, making Ginny do it made Harry look weak.

Andrew: Yeah, he’s about to get the entire school fighting for him two films later, and he can’t even quiet down a little Quidditch team? It seems, it seems like a stretch.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah. The cave, they showed more of – I think, what was her point that they’re going into the cave – or no, in the beginning of the movie, actually it’s in the book, too, where they Apparate. Harry says that he feels safe because he’s with Dumbledore. And then in the cave, it’s Dumbledore who says that he feels safe because he’s with Harry. And they’ve – really the way that they did the cave scene, where it just kind of ended with them up in that middle island and not showing Harry taking Dumbledore out, she felt was a mistake on their part.

Eric: It’s a short change because in the beginning when Harry goes with Dumbledore to see Slughorn, Harry makes the comment, “I’m okay because I’m with you,” and it plays off each other, which I never realized until I read this article, like that that was a setup and payoff. I loved that.

Andrew: Okay. And a couple other points related to that. Harry and Ginny, the kiss, Harry kind of – he’s not the one making the move there…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …it’s Ginny. And also, not being immobilized atop the tower. The whole point in the book was Dumbledore immobilizes Harry because Harry really wants to intervene. But instead, Dumbledore just says, “Oh, go downstairs. Hide.” And…

Eric: And Harry is immobilized by fear.

Andrew: …Harry runs. He scampers, like a little rat.

Eric: Yeah. [laughs] Like a little rat. That’s a little harsh.

Andrew: [laughs] Like a little mouse – well I didn’t mean rat like a – I don’t know, a little bunny. There, is that better?

[Eric laughs]

Listener Tweet: Information from Half-Blood Prince

Andrew: So to wrap up this discussion, we have a couple Tweets. We asked you guys what you thought of the adaptation, especially in regards to Lady Lupin’s article. RajahReid wrote:

“I agree that W.B. left out critical info for Harry in ‘Half-Blood Prince.’ I bet they’ll use Hermione or the will to get Harry the info.”

Of course Hermione always knows everything.

Listener Tweet: Keeping Up

Andrew: AlabamaMike2814 wrote:

“I complete agree with that article. Those who only watch the movies will have to take several leaps of faith to keep up.”

That’s a little unfair, though. We don’t – until we actually see the film, we don’t know for sure. I imagine it’s not going to be a complete mess. [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Despite everything we’ve discussed in the past 45 minutes.

Eric: My hope is that…

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Yeah…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Go ahead.

Micah: Plot holes abound, but don’t worry, the movie will be fine.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Listener Tweet: No Justice

Andrew: peculiarways writes:

“I don’t think they’ve given the prophecy, specifically its origins, any justice, and how it was Snape who informed Voldemort.”

Eric: Snape informing Voldemort, personally in the book, it felt like that wasn’t always meant to be, you know, it was kind of a last minute extra reason to hate Snape. But what does she mean the prophecy wasn’t given any – or peculiarways – what do they mean that the prophecy wasn’t given any justice? Because also regarding Book 7, I don’t think the prophecy specifically even matters by the end of it all.

Andrew: No, it doesn’t, but there wasn’t – I agree, there wasn’t too much of an explanation with the prophecy.

Micah: Yeah, I agree with that. I think that – was it ever revealed too that it was Trelawney that made the prophecy in the movies? I’m not sure that they ever figured out in the initials.

Eric: The original?

Micah: On the prophecy.

Eric: No because Harry doesn’t have that. Yeah, he doesn’t have that follow-up meeting with Dumbledore. Dumbledore just comes to his bedroom and talks about curtains instead.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: No, I think you’re right in that aspect.

Listener Tweet: Scenes Left Out

Andrew: kb1073 wrote:

“I love the article and I agree 100%. I think that fans that haven’t read the books are going to be a little lost.”

But again, that’s you know, to be determined. And finally, GabrielaMaria94 writes:

“If they do remake the series, maybe they’ll make sure not to leave out scenes…”

[Eric laughs]


“…where Harry finds something out.”

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Well, that’s a…

Andrew: Don’t get your hopes up.

Micah: That’s a great way to end the discussion.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: It is. And now let’s get into some Muggle-mail before we wrap up the show today.

Muggle Mail: Magical Contracts

Eric: This ones’ from Laura from Manchester. She says:

“Sorry if this has been sent more than once, I’ve been having internet problems…”

Oh, I guess I was supposed to read over that.

“I was just listening to your new show when you discussed why the Beauxbaton students sat at the Ravenclaw table – an idea came to mind straight away. Yes, it balances out so that there’s a champion at each table, but there are also comparisons between Fleur and Rowena Ravenclaw. Fleur is obviously good looking, considering the attention she gets from the boys – especially from Ron. Rowena is described as fair, which again indicates attractiveness. A lot of other Ravenclaws are also seen as good looking – Cho Chang, Roger Davies, Padma Patil – so possibly this is a trait for members of the house. And I think that Xenophilius Lovegood’s bust of Rowena is described as beautiful, but austere looking (‘Deathly Hallows’ page 327 of the U.K. edition). This severe look could link to Fleur’s Veela blood in her, especially when they are angry and become harpy-like. Harpies also have bird features, another link. Just a thought, love the show. Laura.”

Hm, Interesting – and there are plenty of connections between Durmstrang and there dart arts – especially with Grindelwald. So, I feel like that and Slytherin, you know, so I feel like that’s important.

Andrew: Next e-mail comes from Shwee, 18 of Utah:

“Hey, in ‘Goblet of Fire,’ Harry is forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament because it is a binding magical contract. I think that if he had refused to compete, it would have been like breaking an Unbreakable Vow, and he would have died. What do you think?”

This is of course in response to last episode’s Chapter-By-Chapter, where we were wondering…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …why he was forced.

Eric: Yeah, we talked about this. Where it was like, we weren’t sure to what point Harry actually agreed to this magical – like a magical contract, especially an Unbreakable Vow, you’ve gotta shake hands on it, for crying out loud. And Harry had nothing to do with his name being submitted into the Goblet, so…

Micah: Right, so…

Eric: He shouldn’t have been able…

Micah: Right…

Eric: …you know, been bound to compete.

Micah: I mean, if he physically didn’t put his name in, or write his name down, then you would think that it wouldn’t magically bind him to have to compete.

Eric: And therefore not kill him.

Micah: Unless Mad-Eye/Barty Crouch took a piece of his report or something where “Harry Potter” was written at the top and…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …submitted it into the Goblet.

Eric: Yeah, that would be a little – that would be yeah – I get that.

Andrew: No, but. No, but still, there should have been a special piece of paper to put in the Goblet too. I think future competitions will be more secure.

Micah: Absolutely. Wasn’t it that Mad-Eye/Barty Crouch Jr. was able to trick the Goblet because he entered Harry under a fourth school?

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: Yes I think you’re right. Yeah.

Eric: What fourth school?

Andrew: But like – why – but, yeah. But we sort of talked about this. Why doesn’t the Goblet only know there’s three? Doesn’t – shouldn’t the Goblet know what the three schools are?

Eric: And especially since they’re making decisions about…

Micah: It’s a PC, not a Mac.

Eric: [laughs] Especially if they’re making decisions about a champion’s character based off their name. You know, we heard from the Goblet of Fire last week and he talked, he told us about you know viewing Facebook profiles, going by the eyes.

Micah: Oh yeah.

Eric: I don’t know. I think it’s very…

Micah: It’s only Goblet of Fire 1.0. It needs to be upgraded.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Micah, can you read the next e-mail please?

Micah: Sure.

Muggle Mail: Deathly Hallows Soundtrack

Micah: The next e-mail comes from Madeline, 13 of Virginia. And she says:

“Hi MuggleCasters. I was listening to Episode 212 where you played audio clips of the ‘Deathly Hallows’ soundtrack and as I listened I noticed the score sounded quite weak to be frank. I realize this is a new composer of course he produces different songs than John Williams and Nicholas Hooper. However, the score didn’t come across as if it was from a ‘Harry Potter’ movie. More like a one-off film, not the first part of the final movie highly important loved series. ‘Dobby’s Death’ didn’t even make me cry. Just somewhat of a disappointment. In Hooper’s and Williams’ scores, they had so many instruments playing at once in an organized chaos sort of way where it was hard to detect every single instrument. Whereas the new score sounded quite dull and not supported. I understand that there is a lot of pressure put on new makers of anything ‘Harry Potter’ because us fans are very picky and hardly ever fully pleased. Although I would have liked to see – or rather hear – Nicholas Hooper back for the last film. Thanks for reading my lengthy…”

Eric: This is so harsh.


…complaint, and thank you for giving me a new podcast to listen to every two weeks.

Well thanks for being a new listener. Now Eric, proceed to…

Eric: This is…

Micah: …criticize.

Eric: This is so harsh. This is ridiculously harsh. I can’t even – I can’t even begin…

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Okay. Okay.

Micah: We have to see it in context. Is that what you were going to say basically?

Eric: Well not – no…

Micah: You have to see it in…

Eric: No no no. That’s not what…

Micah: …with the film.

Eric: Okay. Yes. And I made the point that last, you know, in the earlier films when John Williams did compose, the music had to be, what I called it last week, “its own character.” Because the acting – it was not being supported by the acting. Movie 7 or 8 there is such strong acting coming from the trio that you actually almost don’t want to here this loud, brassy, extreme music playing during these scenes because what’s going on is far more interesting than the music, but I don’t…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …know how she could make the claim that this sounds like it’s not the music of an important and highly-loved series. I don’t even get that. That’s horrible. What kind of music doesn’t sound like it’s from a highly loved series? I thought that there were plenty of instruments. I thought that the thirty second clips, which again she said she listened to the score – it’s only thirty second clips. Dobby’s death didn’t make you cry? That’s because of a ninety second clip you only heard thirty seconds, and you haven’t seen Dobby’s death on screen. So I don’t know.

Andrew: And this concludes Eric’s spiel.

Eric: Okay. I was concluding it!

Micah: Stop ripping on a thirteen year old. Okay?

Eric: I disagree.

Micah: Before we get letters.

Eric: I just…

Potter Art

Andrew: Yeah. Don’t forget we need votes for the Podcast Awards! So that’s it for e-mails. Before we wrap up the show we want to give you guys a couple reminders about everything going on in the MuggleCast/MuggleNet/Harry Potter world. First of all, a quick little fanart plug. We have a great section on MuggleNet, the MuggleNet fanart area, where every week there’s a new piece of art being featured created by a Harry Potter fan, and we wanted to feature a cool piece of fan art – two actually. I just remembered a great one. First of all, visit, and there you’ll see a pumpkin carved of the trio: Harry, Ron, and Hermione. It’s really well done. It’s pretty amazing, and that was done by Alexandra, and she talked with Noah, who runs the MuggleNet fanart section. We are going to feature it, so Alexandra, thanks so much for sending that in. And also MuggleCast listener, Anne, she carved a MuggleCast pumpkin. Have you guys seen this?

Micah: Yeah, it’s…

Eric: No.

Micah: …really cool.

Andrew: Go to and you’ll see our album art carved into a pumpkin. It’s really well done. I’ve had it sitting on my desktop because I love looking at it. It’s just really well done, so thanks, Anne, so much for doing that for us. It’s right now our MuggleCast profile picture on…

Eric: Oh my God.

Andrew: …on Facebook.

Eric: That’s awesome. Hey, I don’t “like” MuggleCast apparently. I’m fixing that now.

Show Close

Andrew: Also we want to remind everyone about the Podcast Awards. Go to and you’ll see how you can nominate us. It’s really quick. Really easy. And once we’re nominated – once we get enough nominations, you guys will be able to vote for us, and this will all be taking place over the next couple of months, so thank you so much for your support in nominating us. Again, just go to to get all the information. Speaking of you can find everything you need to get in touch with us, to “like” us on Facebook, to follow us on Twitter, to subscribe and review us, and much much more. If you do want to e-mail us just click on contact at the top…

[Show music begins]

Andrew: …and you’ll see a feedback form, and you’ll also see our mailing address if you would like to mail us anything to our P.O. Box. And we do appreciate that. One final piece of news: our next episode, which will be 214, that will be our big Part 1 review show, so make sure to tune in. We plan on releasing it November 20th at the latest. We’re going to record the day the film is actually released, but of course, it takes a little time to edit it. So we plan to have it out November 20th at the latest. You’ll get all our thoughts on it – every little scene. We’ll pick apart everything, we’ll get plenty of your e-mails, and it’ll be a fun show. Thanks everyone for listening. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We’ll see you next time for our big Part 1 review show, 214. Buh-bye!

Micah: Bye.

Eric: Adios.

Micah: Enjoy the plot holes.

[Show music plays out]

Transcript #212

MuggleCast 212 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

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[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: Because Micah has it in for the Hufflepuffs, this is MuggleCast Episode 212 for November 1st, 2010.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome everyone – MuggleCast Episode 212. Eric, Micah and me are here this week to tell you about Harry Potter. What’s going on in the wizarding world? There’s obviously a lot going on with the movie just a couple weeks away, and we’re here to give you our thoughts in a timely, efficient, and hopefully humorous manner.

Eric: Who’s that, Andrew?

Andrew: Eric, actually I have a bone to pick. Well, since it is technically our Halloween episode we should probably mention your Halloween costume this year.

Eric: Oh no.

Andrew: I think it stole the show. If anyone’s friends with Eric on Facebook – I mean who isn’t, really – you’ll see a whole album of photos of
Eric dressed up as a Hogwarts student.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: A female Hogwarts student.

Eric: Pansy Parkinson.

Andrew: Complete with a corsage.

Eric: Corset.

Andrew: Corset.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: A corsage is…

Andrew: Is a corsage a flower?

Eric: A flower. Yeah. It’s a corset and yeah, it’s Pansy Parkinson was the objective there.

Andrew: Ah, well you make a great Pansy.

Eric: Well, thank you!

Andrew: Yes. I was kind of weirded out by it. I don’t know.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I wouldn’t do a female Hogwarts student. But you were at a Harry Potter meet-up group, so that’s cool.

Eric: Yeah, it was kind of a Halloween – Harry Potter themed Halloween party. I think my mom must have seen those pictures, because I haven’t heard from her in a few days. So I don’t know what the deal is, but yeah, that’s – that album is public on Facebook, so…

Micah: Your mom’s on Facebook?

Eric: Yeah, my mom’s on Facebook.

Micah: Oh.

Andrew: My mom’s on Facebook.

Micah: I was disappointed, I didn’t get a chance to meet her in Orlando.

Eric: Yeah, that was upsetting. She was there.

Andrew: That’s kinda weird too, that you would want to do that.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: But anyway, let’s get into some – let’s get this show started. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum, before you set up your date with Eric’s mother, why don’t you let us know what’s going on in the news?

News: Deathly Hallows TV Spots

Micah: Well, as you mentioned earlier, Andrew, there’s a lot going on. We’re just weeks away from Deathly Hallows: Part I, and Warner Bros. has been just churning that P.R. machine, and they released what I call an endless supply of TV spots. And we’ve all seen them. I’m sure most of our listeners have seen them by this point. And I really want to know, are they revealing too much of this film?

Andrew: [laughs] Stop! Listen. Come on…

Micah: Eric, can you recreate the film, frame by frame…

Eric: Yes.

Micah: …now with what you’ve seen having gone…

Eric: Yes.

Micah: …to the preview…

Eric: Yes.

Micah: …or the screening? You probably can sit down on your computer, load up some program, and just go and piece all these different TV spots and trailers together. You don’t even have to pay the money to go to the movie theater!

Eric: Right, and here’s why. Here’s why you can do that. The only thing that they haven’t released in TV spots are the transitory, dead silence moments where characters are walking from one place to another or the camera’s, you know, moving from one thing to another. Those are the only things that you’ll need to – I mean, that’s worth the price of a movie ticket, to see those intermediary scenes. But if you’re the kind of moviegoer that just wants the dialogue, all the dialogue that’s in the film is in these TV spots. Absolutely, 100 percent.

Andrew: I completely disagree with that. Most of the TV spots have a lot of the same clips. They share a lot of the same clips. I think the TV spots were very good in that they didn’t show too much, because they are so repetitive. They are – and they picked out some pretty funny moments. I guess there was a nice balance of funny and dark stuff. We got a couple new looks at Dobby, which was really nice. We got – we do have a lot of “Seven Potters” footage. I will say that.

Eric: Yeah, I mean that’s my point too – like, “a couple of shots of Dobby?” Well, how many shots do you think there are in the film of Dobby?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah…

Eric: I think I wrote down months and months ago when we saw the film, “not much of Dobby.” It’s more than there has been for sure, but you look at a couple different camera angles and that’s all that Dobby’s in the film. And the “Seven Potters” especially. That’s the TV spot I watched with Dan Radcliffe in a bra as Fleur, or whatever. Like, I can’t…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …believe that they showed that! That’s ridiculous, because it’s such a good thing to see in the movie. They just shouldn’t have revealed that. Now you can just go on YouTube and search it now and see it. It detracts from the movie experience.

Andrew: Is that what inspired you to dress up as a woman for Halloween?

Eric: Yeah, I saw Dan do it and said I could do it better. And then I did.

Andrew: You and him do musicals; you dress up as women together; you do everything together!

Eric: We’re going to do a one-man play – actually, a two-man play. But we’re going to be the opposites – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Look for that on the West End in 2012.

Andrew: Doesn’t sound appealing to me.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Micah, what else is going on in the news?

News: Deathly Hallows Too Funny?

Micah: Well, I wanted to touch on something that you guys said, which was the humorous side of it. Do you think they’re painting this film as being a little bit too funny? They had a lot of comedy in Half-Blood Prince, but with Deathly Hallows: Part I, I think this is supposed to be a little bit more serious. And we’ve seen a number of different bits of comedy. You mentioned the “Seven Potters”; there’s a couple lines from Mad-Eye Moody; there’s a couple lines from Dobby; there’s a couple lines from George. So, is it a little bit too funny? This is supposed to be the finale of the films. It’s supposed to be the darkest film yet, as we progress. That’s always the line that we hear. You think maybe they were afraid if they didn’t show a little bit of the lighter side people might not be as interested? Maybe not the average Harry Potter fan or the average movie-goer wouldn’t be interested as much?

Andrew: I think so. Because that’s what they do! If you see any movie trailer or any commercial, there’s always some funny bits. Usually if it’s a comedy film, but for a fantasy film like Harry Potter they try to bring the ‘lols’. Eric, would you say the film brings some ‘lols’? Other than the “Seven Potters” stuff, I mean, that seems pretty apparent.

Eric: Wait, the film or the trailer?

Andrew: No, the film overall. Since you have seen it.

Eric: No. I’m…

Andrew: It doesn’t bring the ‘lols’?

Eric: It doesn’t bring the ‘lols’. Okay, there are very few scenes such as when the trio transforms into the Ministry officials. That sort of thing is funny. But I’m actually surprised that they found this many humorous moments, dialogue and all of that, for these TV spots. Because the film is not funny. It’s not as funny as the past films have been, and I like it for that reason. But, I think it has to do with what the audience expects, because you can’t make this trailer with this exciting music if there’s like a dramatic scene. And very few trailers, even of drama films, are going to show just drama scenes. They’re going to show heart-warming things of drama, and relationships and characters interacting because that’s what trailers do.

Andrew: Do the TV spots make you want to see the film?

[Prolonged silence]

Micah: Well, I…

Eric: They make me feel like I…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: That’s a hard – that’s a hard question.

Eric: They make me feel like I’ve seen it.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Although I also have seen it, so I can’t answer that. [laughs]

Andrew: Let’s move on…

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: I mean – this happens with every film.

Eric: But I agree with that, Micah.

Micah: Okay.

Eric: I agree with everything you said.

Micah: Well, thank you, Eric. But…

Andrew: Micah’s never satisfied.

Micah: [laughs] No, I am! Look, I’m playing devil’s advocate here.

Andrew: If there’s too little, we hear the complaints! If there’s too much, we hear the complaints!

Micah: At least there’s not a million pictures this time, okay? They’ve limited that.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Yeah. Wow, they’re doing something right.

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News: Deathly Hallows Soundtrack Samples

Micah: Well, we did get some samples from the Deathly Hallows: Part I soundtrack, and, Andrew I know you have some of those cued up. We wanted to talk about this. They were released on –

Eric:, yeah.


Micah: “Co,” sorry, left out the “co.” But you could always go to MuggleNet, just click the link.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: That wasn’t a shameless plug or anything.

Eric: [laughs] If you’re URL-impaired.

Micah: First of all, I guess let’s play them, and then we’ll kind of give our overall thoughts.

Andrew: Well – okay, so we’ll – which ones do you want to listen to?

Eric: Well, what are the ones that you said…

Andrew: And we don’t have to play them all.

Eric: Okay, in the news post on MuggleNet, you were like, “We strongly think that these few…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Eric: …are of [laughs] importance.”

Andrew: Okay, well, here’s one. This is “Farewell to Dobby.” This is, of course…

[Eric groans]

Andrew: …when Dobby dies, you’ll be hearing this.

[“Farewell to Dobby” plays]

Andrew: It’s very sad.

[“Farewell to Dobby” continues]

Andrew: Makes me want to cry. So, it’s very slow. I think it’s very – it’ll be very moving when that’s matched up to when Harry buries…

Eric: Well, play – compare that to “Dobby”- just the one titled “Dobby.” Can you play that?

Andrew: Okay. And here’s “Dobby,” when he’s alive. This is what it’ll sound like.

[“Dobby” plays]

Andrew: It’s kind of – what’s the word?

Eric: Hooper-ish?

Andrew: Quirky?

Micah: Bouncy? [laughs]

Andrew: Bouncy. I think it fits Dobby well. Do you guys – would you guys agree?

Eric: Yeah.

[“Dobby” continues]

Eric: I love this. This is going to be – I think this is – the standout new theme is going to be “Dobby.”

Andrew: Yeah. I like it. I like it. Some others I thought were good – “Snape to Malfoy Manor.” This is very – this is a very large, very large sound.

[“Snape to Malfoy Manor” plays]

Andrew: [laughs] It’s got an epic and eerie feel to it.

[“Snape to Malfoy Manor” plays]

Andrew: Do you guys like that one?

Micah: Yeah. Is that – that’s at the beginning of the movie too?

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: It sounds like it’s at the beginning. You get that feeling.

Andrew: Well, there is one track before it.

Micah: Oh, is there?

Andrew: The one track before it is “Oblivion.”

Eric: Yeah, I don’t think these are in order, though. Like –

Andrew: No, they are.

Eric: They’re in a sense of order but track 18 is “Hermione’s Parents.” And you know, that’s at the beginning of the film.

Andrew: Oh, that’s true. Well, maybe…

Eric: So…

Andrew: Well, maybe “Obliviate” is at the beginning and Hermione obliviates her parent’s minds right?

Eric: Oh, right. Right. Right. Right. So, I wonder…

Andrew: So that’s where that fits in right?

Eric: I wonder where the deal is –

Andrew: Maybe Hermione’s – “Hermione’s Parents” – the song “Hermione’s Parents,” is when Hermione’s talking about her parents. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] I guess.

Andrew: Here – how about we have two “Ron” ones. This first one is “Ron Leaves.”

[“Ron Leaves” plays]

Andrew: It’s actually more sad than when Dobby dies I think.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

[“Ron Leaves” continues]

Andrew: This must be what’s going on in Hermione’s head.

[Eric laughs]

[“Ron Leaves” continues]

[Andrew laughs]

[“Ron Leaves” continues]

Andrew: It’s actually one of the saddest things I ever heard. And then there’s “Ron’s Speech,” later on.

[“Ron’s Speech” plays]

Andrew: Sort of inspiring. Sort of like, “Oh okay. Things will get better.”

[“Ron’s Speech” continues]

Andrew: I would assume it’s sort of a Part Two to “Ron Leaves.” Because “Ron’s Speech” would be when he returns of course.

Eric: Oh…

Andrew: And then…

Eric: Play “The Deathly…”

Micah: How about “Destroying the Locket”?

Andrew: “Destroying the Locket.” Okay. This is right before “Ron’s Speech.”

[“Destroying the Locket” plays]

Andrew: This must be when he’s thinking of doing it or something? That’s okay. Some people were saying in the MuggleNet comments that these samples – the soundtrack overall, it doesn’t have as whimsical of a feel. I guess you would say. Compared to the other Harry Potter films. Especially John Williams’ work.

Eric: Mhm.

Micah: Yeah, well, that’s interesting. That’s what the first tweet there says, from peculiarways:

“I’m not hearing the John Williams original themes that Desplat said he would incorporate. Probably to early to say.”

This is a darker film.

Eric: Yeah. You’re not going to…

Micah: This is it. This is the final battle, essentially, this final piece of the franchise. It’s not supposed to be happy-go-lucky, whimsical. It’s supposed to be dark.

Eric: I listened to the first ten or so samples of this score and one of the things that struck me immediately was the use of the instruments. It just seems like Desplat really commands the use of instruments to create different emotions, but what also struck me was that none of the instruments stood out as being a character. Like John Williams’ film, the score is a character. And things on screen, such as owls landing on Privet Drive are sort of the background to what is playing as far as music goes. Well, now we’ve progressed where these movies are actually films – cinematic pieces of art and the music is simply supplementing what is actually going on in the scene. I think it’s just an evolution. It doesn’t – it’s way too early to say, “Oh, he didn’t incorporate any John Williams like he said he would.” That’s a little too early, I feel, because Desplat – I believe Desplat when he said he really wanted to get back to basics.

Micah: And “Hedwig’s Theme” will be in there, but it doesn’t make sense to have a sample of that because we’ve all heard it a million times over already anyway.

Andrew: Yeah, and these are 30-second samples. There’s a lot more to each of these songs.

Micah: Oh, of course.

Andrew: I mean, some of these songs are up to six minutes long. The final track is “The Elder Wand,” which, of course, would suggest what we’ve already been reporting – that the movie will be split when Voldemort takes control of the Elder Wand. So, just to wrap up this news bit, let’s listen to “The Elder Wand.”

[“The Elder Wand” plays]

Eric: This is the music that…

Andrew: I feel like I’m…

Eric: Yeah, what?

Andrew: I feel like this is out of Survivor, the reality show.

Eric: [laughs] This is where everybody in the audience is wondering why Dumbledore’s grave/tombstone came from Ikea.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Like, “But isn’t that…? Eh. How’s it…? Okay.”

[“The Elder Wand” ends]

Andrew: So, that was the little sample.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s only – the entire song, “The Elder Wand,” is a minute and a half.

Eric: That was a third of it right there.

Andrew: Yeah!

Eric: Can you play – I’m sorry. I know you said that was the last one, but can you play the one called “The Deathly Hallows”? I’m pretty sure that’s going to be playing during the “Three Brothers” scene.

Andrew: Absolutely. MuggleCast Live! Coming up next, “The Deathly Hollows!”

[“The Deathly Hallows” plays]

Eric: Hallows! You still can’t say it right.

Andrew: Hallows.

Eric: Backstory, the third brother…

[“The Deathly Hallows” ends]

Micah: I could definitely see Hermione doing a voice over to that. Reading The Tale of the Three Brothers.

Eric: The third brother greeted Death as an old friend and together they crossed into the abyss.

Micah: All right, just a couple more tweets. Because we did ask people, with this limited bit of music, to rate Alexandre Desplat. crestsofwaves said:

“I rate Desplat an eight point five for being consistent, but imaginative.”

jimmyqex says: “On Desplat: The excitement and magic in “Sky Battle” is great. The hopeful uncertainty of “The Burrow” is wondrous. “Dobby” equals fun, nine out of ten.”

And WhatTheGrace: “I rated Desplat nine out of ten. He is the reason why I started listening to movie scores, after “New Moon” and “Benjamin Button,” the rest was history.”

Andrew: Yeah, his scores are good. One other one he did recently was Fantastic Mr. Fox. I think that is the name of it.

Eric: Oh yeah.

Andrew: And that one is really good. I’ve haven’t seen the movie. Actually, I have it waiting for me. But, I’ve heard some samples from the soundtrack and it’s good. He really cares, I think he’s a good composer. So, look forward to seeing his score. What else is going on in the news, Micah?

News: Deathly Hallows Run Time

Micah: All right, Eric alluded to this before, and we do have a run time for the film. It’s a little bit conflicting, depending on where you read it. IMAX was reporting, I think it was…

Andrew: 1:47.

Micah: 1:47, and then the BBFC was reporting right around 1:45. So, it’s not that drastic of a difference…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: The movie is going to be somewhere in that range…

Eric: The…

Micah: But, regardless it does make it the third shortest film. Whether it’s 1:45 or 1:47, or somewhere in between, it is the third shortest film, to date.

Eric: The…

Andrew: I wrote the headline like that to get people talking…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Because…

Micah: You’re a smart business man, Andrew.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: With the final film. Well maybe – come to think of it I take that back. I was going to say that the final film needs to be the longest. But, really it doesn’t. I mean, there’s no point really to make it the longest. I was just, sort of, saying that just to start. [laughs]

Eric: You’re stirring [bleep] up. Ok, so I read that, on MuggleNet, and I was like, ok a hundred forty-seven minutes that sounds amazing. Then, you said it’s the third shortest film ever. And then I was second guessing my initial appraisal of it…

[Micah laughs]

Eric: I was like wait a minute it is the third shortest. Now how do I feel about it? Oh crap, oh Andrew got me thinking.

Micah: So it puts it just shy of two-and-a-half hours.

Eric: But that’s two-and-a-half hours.

Andrew: It’s two-and-a-half hours, that’s a long time.

MuggleCast 212 Transcript (continued)

News: Deathly Hallows Rating

Micah: That’s not terrible, that’s pretty long. I think we should just be happy with it and move on and expect that Part II will be longer. I mean I would hope that with everything that they have to do, the loose ends they have to tie up that we were promised that a majority of that film is going to be the battle that we should just be happy with this and I’m sure it will be fine. This next news item, I don’t really know much about. It says the MPAA, the Motion Pictures Association of America, added “sensuality” as to why the movie here in the United States received a PG-13 rating and supposedly our site made a big deal about this, Andrew?

Andrew: Well you know lately I’ve been in the mood to write some link bait news posts. No, I’m kidding, the thing is, it was interesting because we’ve talked a lot about the MPAA here on MuggleCast. One of our listeners even recommended that I watch a documentary on the MPAA.

Eric: This Film Is Not Yet Rated?

Andrew: Right, great documentary, it really exposes them. But anyway, they issued the PG-13 rating a couple of weeks ago and then just the other day they revised their rating. They added that the film includes a moment of brief sensuality and is it that big of a deal?

Eric: No. This is the text that you see at the bottom of the green screen in the trailer, before the trailer begins. This is what you see, “rated PG-13 for…”

Andrew: Actually technically, no, that’s the rating for the trailer itself, not the film. You see that at the end. I’m sorry.

Eric: Oh, well…

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, fun to read.

Eric: I still feel as though this text will not appear anywhere significant and the changing of this text, correct me if I’m wrong, the changing of this text is almost to avoid some sort of lawsuit. I don’t understand why it was changed and I don’t understand…

Andrew: Yeah it’s just weird that they added it two weeks after the fact. Why didn’t they catch this the first time around?

Micah: I think the British are just so much better. They don’t sugarcoat anything. They give it to you right as it is. They rated the film a 12A for their own reasons and of course that’s the PG-13 equivalent.

Andrew: They didn’t mention sensuality.

Micah: Yeah, sensuality, that’s a bunch of fluff as far as I’m concerned.

Eric: Their description of Deathly Hallows, the BBFC, is even worse. It says “moderate fantasy violence and threat”. Moderate? What is “extreme fantasy violence and threat” sound like?

Micah: But they’re British. Eric, they’re British. They have to make it sound nice, you know? That’s what they do.

Eric: [in a terrible English accent] It’s moderate!

Andrew: All right.

Eric: [accent] Little trepidation on the fantasy violence.

Micah: Look, when you have a snake eat somebody within the first ten minutes of the film, I think it should be rated at least PG-13. That’s my own take on it.

Eric: Or – or 12A, as it were.

News: 2010 Podcast Awards

Andrew: And the final piece of news today, which is actually more of an announcement about something coming up. The 2010 Podcast Awards are quickly approaching. If you’ve been a long-time listener of the show, you know we try to get nominated in the Podcast Awards every year and for the years we’ve tried, we have and I think for each year that we’ve been nominated, we’ve also won thanks to the amazing support of you, the listener. So the 2010 Podcast Awards are coming up. Nominations will be opening on November 7th and this year we are trying to run in the “People’s Choice” as well as the “Entertainment” category. So there’s two categories we want to compete in this year. “People’s Choice” and “Entertainment.” So again the – the period for nominations will be opening on November 7th. We will post details on as well as on our Twitter and Facebook so you know exactly how to help us out. We hope you can help us. We’d love to win this year. It’s a perfect time for us to compete in the Podcast Awards considering that the movie is just coming out, so keep an eye out for details about that soon and we’d really appreciate your support. The “People’s Choice” award is the – the big award.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s the top gun.

Eric: It’s the big award. We really try and push this voting and nomination not only because we’ve been successful in the past, everybody has really come together. But even five years down the road, you know, MuggleCast celebrated its fifth birthday just a few months ago, and you know, we’re still producing what I know I feel is a quality show and you know, I know the three of us contribute to it greatly and still feel as though it’s relevant.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: And, you know, certainly one of the best things a listener can do for us if they feel the same is to support us at these Podcast Awards. You know, which are the creme de la creme or the big kahuna actually.

Micah: Yeah, and I think it’s been overall, like Eric said, it’s been a big year for us, you know, crossing that threshold of five years, 200 episodes, getting David Heyman and talking to him as well as Warwick Davis, he was also on the show this year so – obviously none of this could be done without the support of everybody out there who listens so, as Eric mentioned, you know, kind of the way you can give back to us is by helping us out here and going out to vote.

Eric: So, so…

Andrew: So…

Eric: Everybody who ever sent in a Chicken Soup, we have your name and your city so if you don’t vote for us we will [laughs] we will find you.

Andrew: So that’s it for news. Later on in the show we’re going to be, of course, reading your e-mails and we’re also going to do Dueling Club: Ghost Edition in honor of Halloween and also, recently, we asked on our Twitter if anyone’s dressing up for Halloween in a Harry Potter costume, besides Eric, and we got some of your responses so we’ll be reading those, too. But, for now, Chapter-By-Chapter. This week we’re looking at Chapter 16 through 18 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Micah’s kicking us off with Chapter 16, “The Goblet of Fire,” the title of the book.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Goblet of Fire”

Micah: How appropriate.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: So, when we last left off, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had arrived. And the chapter begins with kind of a funny exchange between Ron and Hermione over Viktor Krum. And then they get into it a little bit when the Veela girl from Beauxbatons comes over and asks Ron for the French Bouillabaisse. And you can see a little bit of tension developing here. Do you guys notice that? And Ron clearly – he’s enamored by Viktor Krum, but he’s very much enamored, even more so, by who we later find out is Fleur Delacour.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. Ron is a little uncertain in who he likes to fangirl more.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Teenage love.

Eric: But I think Viktor Krum – it’s interesting because in these next few chapters we see a lot more Viktor Krum – or we see a fair amount of Viktor Krum. And he’s described very often as being sulky, like in a corner and kind of a loner. And it’s interesting that he has all of this attention, especially from guys like Ron, who are very rarely passionate about anything other than themselves. And he’s got this hard-core dedication as being, you know, this distinction as being a great Quidditch player. So it’s kind of interesting to see him act in these moments.

Micah: Yeah, and you can definitely see the jealousy start to develop a little bit on the part of Hermione, especially when Ron suggests that the girl must be part Veela, because he just can’t seem to take his eyes off her, no matter what he does.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: Now, an interesting question here: does it say something when these two schools arrive that Durmstrang ends up sitting with Slytherin and Beauxbatons ends up sitting with Ravenclaw?

Eric: Hm.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Well…

Micah: I mean…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Durmstrang obviously is very heavily involved in the Dark Arts, and they sit with a house that’s associated with Tom Riddle and Voldemort. And Beauxbatons seems to find something about Ravenclaw that they like. You know, they’re sort of the more intelligent, intellectual group, and that seems to be where they go to.

Eric: Yeah, I think if the – let’s play the opposite here. I mean, if Durmstrang sat with Hufflepuff, you know, there might be a few Hufflepuffs…

Andrew: They wouldn’t mix.

Eric: Yeah, there might be a few Hufflepuffs that wouldn’t leave the table, or leave the Great Hall that night. You know, target practice. I don’t know what the Durmstrang kids do. But yeah, I think the – considering that some of Beauxbatons, or at least Fleur Delacour, are actually Veela, as Micah just said, maybe it’s just the Ravenclaws are more proper and can control themselves a little bit better. You know, Ravenclaws being intellectual, have more self control.

Andrew: It could also maybe be that the head of the house invites the students to sit at their table, but I agree – there’s definitely some connection there.

Micah: Well, Ron was very strongly voicing his opinion for Viktor Krum to come sit over at the Gryffindor table. And you’d think, you know, Potter being over there, that that would be a lure for either of those two schools to want to sit there. But…

Andrew: Well, yeah, and we’ll…

Micah: …doesn’t happen.

Andrew: …talk about that more in a little bit. But the fame thing within the schools is kind of interesting because Viktor is sort of being treated by Ron as others do towards Harry – but Viktor has more of a celebrity to him, of course because of the World Cup, so…

Eric: You know what I…

Andrew: I…

Eric: …just thought of?

Andrew: I don’t know about that. What?

Eric: I just solved it. Viktor Krum – Durmstrang’s associated with Slytherins, and Beauxbatons with the Ravenclaws, because together then the four champions also make up the four Hogwarts houses. Because Hufflepuff has their Cedric Diggory, so no one’s, you know, the other two schools don’t sit with them. And Gryffindor has Harry Potter, so…

Andrew: Hmm. That’s interesting.

Eric: It’s kind of foreshadowing where the champions, or the other schools are sitting with the houses that don’t – and won’t – have champions this year.

Andrew: Oh, that is interesting. I wonder if that was planned. But I still agree with Micah’s point, the Beauxbaton/Ravenclaw and Slytherin/Durmstrang connections.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Both valid points.

Micah: And also…

Andrew: Alright, so…

Micah: So Karkaroff and Snape are both former Death Eaters, I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.

Eric: Karkaroff and Malfoy’s father and all sorts of…

Andrew: Well, that’s sort of my point, which is Snape knows Karkaroff so he could invite him, too…

Micah: Oh, okay.

Andrew: …for his students to stay at the table.

Micah: So Dumbledore introduces Barty Crouch Sr., and Ludo Bagman – who joined the table up in the front of the hall – and he reveals the Goblet of Fire, he explains the guidelines and how you can go about entering. And, you know, I’m wondering why even have such strict guidelines for those that are entering. You know, isn’t it dangerous regardless to expose 17 year olds to such binding magical contracts? I mean, Dumbledore explicitly says you know, when you put your name in the Goblet of Fire, it creates a binding magical contract. And, isn’t this a little bit of a risk for somebody, no matter what age they are? I mean, we’re talking about students here. Why put them in such harm?

Andrew: Well, that’s the thrill of the Quidditch World Cup, but I think it’s sort of mentioned a little later on that…

Eric: You mean the Triwizard Tournament?

Andrew: Sorry, yeah. [laughs] The Triwizard Tournament. That’s the thrill of it is that there is danger to this and it tests the wizard or witch’s true abilities…

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: And their strengths so – I will say, though, I think there should have been more warning about, look, if you put your name in this, first of all – and they did warn you are committed to it – but second of all, this stuff really is dangerous. We’re not kidding around here, this is not…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …some class lesson.

Eric: They really should have made it so other people couldn’t put other people’s name in the Goblet of Fire, too, but I guess then we wouldn’t have a book.

Micah: Yeah, well, it’s interesting, though – and we’ll talk about this later on, I think, in the next chapter, or the one after that; I don’t remember which one – but Ludo Bagman actually says that there wasn’t an age restriction prior to this…

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: So, you know, we can talk about that a little bit once it comes up.

Eric: Well, it’s interesting to compare because the magic of the Goblet of Fire has the ability to read a name that you put in and assess that person’s criteria, as whether they’re fit to be a school champion. So, based on their name on a slip of paper, it can judge their characteristics, their personality. That’s the…

Micah: Right.

Eric: …magic of the Goblet. So, Micah, what you just said, with the age restriction being a very new thing, it would be interesting to think that, a long time ago, someone who was younger, like a thirteen year old, could actually be chosen as a school champion along with a seventeen or an eighteen year old student.

Micah: Now, Fred and George jokingly ask Harry if he’ll enter, and Harry wondered how angry Dumbledore would be if someone younger than seventeen did find a way to get over the age line, and my comment was, “Don’t worry, Harry, you’ll find out soon enough.”

Andrew: [laughs] Mike Newell has solved this problem. Mike Newell along with Michael Gambon and the lovely folks at Warner Bros. Oh, man.

Micah: So, after the introduction of the Goblet of Fire they have their feast and as they are vacating the Great Hall, Karkaroff stops to stare at Harry. It takes him a couple seconds to realize who he is, but then Mad-Eye Moody comes along and there’s this interesting interaction that takes place between the two. And we know Karkaroff is in a state of shock, because he’s face to face with whom he believes to be Moody the Auror, but reading this for the first time, this should be a tip to Karkaroff’s dark past.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Because, I mean, I understand Moody is not the best looking person in the world…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: So, naturally people might have that kind of reaction upon seeing him, but the way that they say that Karkaroff goes white in the face, or he goes pale in the face, it’s very clear that there’s past history between these two.

Andrew: Definitely.

Micah: And I know last show, Andrew, you mentioned, well, hopefully we see more of these types of moments, sort of these foreshadowing moments, throughout the course of the book. Now Moody, a.k.a. Barty Crouch Jr., has his magical eye fixed upon Karkaroff’s back, a look of intense dislike upon his mutilated face, because he despises Karkaroff, who’s a former Death Eater. And – so again it’s sort of that split…

Eric: Meaning, Yeah.

Micah: …perspective from Moody / Barty Crouch Jr. You could either read it that Moody has his eye fixed upon Karkaroff because he’s a former Death Eater and they have a past history together, or because it’s Barty Crouch Jr., who really hates this guy who has been a turncoat and tried to really make his past as a Death Eater invisible at this point.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: You know what I’m saying?

Andrew: Yeah, I mean the real answer is that the latter – it’s the latter.

Micah: It’s Barty Crouch. Yeah.

Andrew: Right, but…

Micah: And he’s pissed at Karkaroff for what he’s done, leaving Voldemort and basically disowning the whole Death Eater thing and trying to start over by being this Head of or Headmaster at Durmstrang.

Andrew: Right. Of course the reader perspective is the first one – Moody. So – or why Moody’s upset. So it’s a cool double meaning.

Micah: Yeah, absolutely. And something you wouldn’t catch unless – at least I didn’t catch it.

Andrew: You’d have to read it the second time.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Yeah, exactly, exactly. Well, of course this is not the second time we’re reading this book.

Eric: No, no! Come on. Please.

Micah: We’ve all read it hundreds of times. [laughs]

Andrew: Speak for yourselves.

Micah: It’s only an eight hundred page novel. I mean…

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: So the next day the trio spend visiting Hagrid, and they get into a discussion about S.P.E.W. Andrew, there you go. I won’t say the other word. And is it odd that Hagrid can really understand how house elves operate better than Hermione?

Eric: No. He…

Andrew: I don’t think…

Eric: No.

Andrew: Hermione – I think Hermione understands it. She just doesn’t – she just won’t accept it. It’s not – it’s more about personal opinion on slavery versus actual knowledge.

Eric: Hermione’s got this…

Andrew: You know what I mean?

Eric: Yeah. Hermione has this inflated idea of what the house elves – not are capable of – but just of their perspective. Hagrid hangs around with loser magical beings all the time. And so it’s not unusual that he can sympathize or at least put off this idea that he knows what they truly feel like. He hangs out with Aragog and all the creatures in the forest – Centaurs. Most people don’t get along with. So the fact that he’s lecturing Hermione on House Elves not wanting sick leaves and pension, that sort of thing as Nick had said earlier, I think it’s fitting. And I think also that Hagrid cares about Hermione, and he doesn’t want her getting too stressed out, involved in this cause that he feels is kind of a moot point or kind of not worth it, for good reasons.

Micah: Right, it’s interesting to hear him say that they’re happy with what they do and when he refers to Dobby as being, “an odd one in every lot.”

[Eric laughs]

Micah: He’s sort of like – you get that weirdo in every group. For Hagrid to be saying that is a little bit comical and hypocritical but it just seems like – everybody in the wizarding world that is human seems to think that this is what House Elves are like and this is how their lives have always been and will continue to be.

Eric: Well, and unfortunately we do have the two case studies that have the worst masters. I mean, Dobby had the Malfoy’s as his master and Winky has this troubled Crouch family as her master. So – and Barty Crouch Sr. is very near the end of his life, very manic, not quite stable as a master so when Jo is playing these race questions to us about what House Elves deserve and the kind of treatment that they get – it’s very meant to resonate because we have these examples of House Elves being oppressed and the question she’s trying to ask us is Hogwarts – and this is what Hermione is concerned with – is Hogwarts oppressing this race of House Elves?

Micah: Yeah, are they contributing to a larger problem. Yeah, absolutely. And so we finally get to Halloween evening and the Goblet of Fire selection and as we all know the Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum, the Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour and the Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory and then of course the fourth champion ends up being Harry Potter. So – that’s really all I have for this chapter. There is – I don’t really think there’s much more to discuss. I mean, there’s more fact in this chapter than topics to really go into.

Andrew: You don’t need to make excuses.

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

Micah: Sorry.

Eric: That was a good – that was a weighty discussion.

Andrew: One thing we should talk about as we go in to this next chapter is why Cedric was chosen? Because during Micah’s chapter we get the explanation that the Goblet will select based on skills and such, why was Cedric chosen? I mean Krum makes sense. Fleur for an all girl school…

Micah: Well, it’s not all girls.

Eric: It’s not all girls!

Andrew: Well…

Eric: It is in the movie, that’s the difference. The movie…

Micah: Yeah, it’s not in the book.

Eric: …portrays Beauxbatons as the all-girls school…

Andrew: Okay.

Eric: …but in the book it is very much not.

Andrew: Well, putting them two aside, what is – why Cedric? I mean, then again to be fair who else really in the school stands out? I don’t think any characters especially…

Eric: That’s a good question.

Andrew: I don’t think any characters at this point especially in the series would really…

Micah: It was to give Hufflepuff their one moment, really, in the series, aside probably from the final battle. I think if you look at it they’re just irrelevant, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. We’ll get hundreds of frickin’ e-mails now about how…

Eric: Are you kidding, I called House Elves a ‘loser-race’.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Eric: I don’t think you’ll get many more e-mails about that.

Micah: But I think that from a writing stand-point, the way that they’re portrayed is just that they’re not as relevant to the story, and they’re not as relevant – really if you were attending Hogwarts they’re sort of the overlooked house, and this was that one opportunity for them to be able to shine, and to have somebody represent them.

Eric: It’s funny you should mention that because there is this whole paragraph devoted to Hufflepuffs in the next chapter. But I think Cedric Diggory represents – obviously he represents the qualities of his house, and because at this point – up to this point in the books it hadn’t been clear what Hufflepuff was really about. I feel like Jo devoted a portion of this book, especially with the character of Cedric Diggory, to showing what kind of traits – like loyalty, I believe the Sorting Hat says regarding Hufflepuff – what exactly Hufflepuff had. So Cedric Diggory very much is the representation of Hufflepuff. But it shows as well – the fact that the Goblet of Fire chose him shows that there is some sort of quantifiable trait that goes into becoming a champion that Hufflepuff has. It doesn’t rule them out of the coolest people on Earth list. It tries to give them a little boost-up.

Andrew: Yeah, and when you look at what Cedric has done, other than being a Quidditch player and also being a prefect there wasn’t really anything stand-out. But then again, other than Harry Potter, I don’t know if there are many stand-out superstar people in Hogwarts.

Micah: Right, I think…

Eric: You know what, Cedric is a good student! Let’s not…

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah.

Eric: Let’s not forget he’s probably good at academics, and that counts for something. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, I think the other side of it though too is he’s popular. He’s the one person that you could put Harry Potter against that is going to have the school turn on him, if that makes sense.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Here’s somebody who’s not just liked by Hufflepuff, he’s really liked by all four houses. And if you take somebody like that and then have the counter be Harry people are going to be in favor of Cedric, because it seems like Harry gets all the glory, let’s face it.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, coming up next week we are going to have an exclusive interview with the Goblet of Fire…

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: …whose going to tell us why he or she…

Eric: Are you kidding?

Andrew: …selected…

Eric: This is how it’s going to go. It’s going to be like a French man in a movie with a cigarette. He’s like, “Yes. Well, I get their names. And I just – ” No, wow! That derailed totally.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: I feel like….

Andrew: Well, then…

Eric: I feel like – I’m just going to admit that was partially Mr. Burns, “Yes and not quite.” But he’s going to be like, “Yes, well, I get their names and I search them up on Facebook. Oh, that Cedric Diggory, he just has this incredible profile picture. These eyes, just like Matt Britton’s eyes, they are just like beautiful and I just had to chose him because his Facebook – ” It’d be something like that. So…

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Four Champions”

Andrew: Well, all right. So, let’s move on now to Chapter 17, “The Four Champions.” Harry and everyone in the room are in shock that his name came out of the Goblet of Fire, of course, and the only person who seemed to be fascinated, really excited by it was Ludo Bagman. And Micah, you’re wondering why was it that the age restriction was never in place before and why add it now?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I mean…

Micah: Well, yeah. This kind of fits in here because this is where all the discussion starts between the Heads of the different schools, and Barty Crouch Sr., and Ludo Bagman. So Bagman does mention, as we talked about in the last chapter, that there wasn’t an age restriction prior to this point. So the question is, why now? Why decide to implement an age restriction. One would think that it would be to prevent Harry from getting into the Triwizard Tournament. So it kind of backfires.

Andrew: But also it’s…

Eric: But specifically Harry…

Andrew: But I also think it’s just because it’s dangerous. And they’ve realized we do need to put a restriction on it.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Because when – when say a thirteen year old get’s in there would probably be a lot of out lash in the wizarding world. Lot of people saying why would someone so young be able to fight even though the Goblet of Fire selects it based on…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …a good match for it. So theoretically the Goblet of Fire no matter what age would select someone based on if the Goblet thought it could…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …the person could compete successfully.

Eric: Let’s not forget these people had the school Governors to answer to and if you want to say we’re bringing back this ancient tournament that hasn’t been held in hundreds of years you are going to have some new restrictions because there’s a reason that the Triwizard Tournament hasn’t been held in hundreds of years. It’s dangerous, archaic even, like old barbaric torture chambers. That sort of thing.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: And I feel the age restriction was just one of those things where if they ever had to take it to the Hogwarts school Governors, which realistically I’m sure they would, either that’s the kind of thing that sugar coats it – that makes it seem less dangerous this time around.

Andrew: So…

Micah: What about – sorry I don’t mean to cut you off but we talked a lot about this on the last Episode with the Unforgivable Curses but how would you be able to enter this tournament without parents’ permission?

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, well now with the age limit I mean…

Eric: If you’re seventeen…

Andrew: …technically you’re of age.

Eric: Yeah, you’re of age.

Andrew: So, yeah.

Micah: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: So moving along, Madame Maxime and Karkaroff express their disapproval that Harry was selected. But the way Jo describes Karkaroff’s actions was interesting. I think it’s sort of suggests that he was to blame here. She wrote,

“He was wearing a steely smile. His blue eyes were like chips of ice. He gave a short and nasty laugh.”

Is this possibly a hint at that he was to blame? I mean it’s not conclusive, but it was interesting. He seemed a little too pleased with it. I mean one could say he was pleased because this meant he could pick a fight with Dumbledore and possibly get his way and get another student selected to compete.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But I think more likely he was pleased his plan worked and…

Micah: I think it’s kind of a red herring. You’re supposed to believe – because they do the same thing in the movie where they have Karkaroff go into the room with the Goblet of Fire and then he slowly closes the doors as he exits.

Eric: Yeah

Andrew: Right.

Micah: And I think you’re supposed to believe that he’s the one who put Harry’s name in the Goblet of Fire because he’s kind of one of those new characters that you don’t know about and usually that’s the one that ends up being the trouble maker. But I think it’s just kind of a misleading description of – maybe he’s just demented, I don’t know.

Andrew: Well, it was – I think I agree it was a red herring. And definitely the first time you read that you probably could miss it unless you’re looking for clues. So the group continues discussing with Maxime and Karkaroff reinforcing their disapproval when Moody comes in. And Moody begins suggesting it was a powerful wizard who is to blame for this, of course hinting that it was Karkaroff, but Karkaroff of course has none of it. Bagman on the other hand is very excited by the new twist. He was very excited that there was going to be this fun new element to the game with four people. So why was he so excited? I mean it’s kind of cruel. He should – was he excited because it would make headlines…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …there was a fourth player and the person was underage and was Harry Potter. I mean I guess from a press standpoint it was gold.

Micah: Oh, yeah, this is great. And it’s a money maker for him. You know he’s going to go out and bet on the tournament.

Eric: That’s true.

Micah: I’d bet on Harry Potter.

Eric: Wait, would you though?

Micah: Wouldn’t you?

Eric: Would you? I mean…

Micah: Probably, I mean, he’s got a good enough track record, you look at the past three books. I mean, I’d bet on him winning.

Eric: I feel like, if you just compare him to Krum, you’ve got this international Quidditch star, and some kid who plays Quidditch on the weekends for his school – for his high school.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: It’s kind of a big difference.

Micah: Yeah, no, I mean, I agree, but this also sets up the plot point that Ludo Bagman is possibly hoping to win back enough money to pay off Fred and George, whom he owes a large sum of money to.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: So I think that’s part of the reason why he might be happy as well, and I don’t know though, as far as betting goes you bring up a good point. I mean, there’s probably a number of different reasons to bet money on any of them.

Andrew: Eric, I think you added this next point. You’re wondering why Dumbledore did not comment when Mr. Crouch gave a different interpretation of the rules than Dumbledore had the previous evening.

Eric: That’s not my comment.

Micah: Yeah, I added that, I’m sorry.

Andrew: Oh, Micah – he says that:

“If someone’s name is ejected from the Goblet, he is required to compete in the tournament.”

The rulebook wording almost certainly states that any person entering his name into the Goblet must compete. So Micah, you’re saying, the fact that Harry didn’t enter his name means that he shouldn’t have to compete. However, everyone’s pretty skeptical of Harry, everyone, as we’re going to discuss in a little bit, everyone thinks that it was Harry that put his name in. So…

Micah: Well, the reason why I put this point in here is that Dumbledore specifically states that any person entering his name creates this magical binding contract, but Barty Crouch Sr. says, only when the name is ejected it creates this magical binding contract.

Eric: Oh, I get it.

Micah: And the point being that this should have been a tip-off that something’s wrong with Barty Crouch Sr. He acts really odd during this whole process and this is the starting point of seeing him deteriorate throughout the course of the next few chapters. And I just thought this was a early shot – an early look into the fact that he wasn’t in the right state, because think about what’s just happened. They’ve just added a fourth champion to an event that’s only had three champions for how many hundreds of years. And he’s complicit in all of this. He’s not willing to stand up and say something about it. So it’s clear that the Imperius Curse is working its toll on him.

Eric: Yeah, I like that discrepancy, too, where it is a binding magical contract, but like all contracts you need to sign somewhere, and I feel like you sign when you put your name in not when the Goblet chooses your name – it should be that by entering, by putting your hand in, maybe you have to…

Micah: Right.

Eric: …dip your hand in whatever’s in the Goblet – [clears throat] excuse me – whatever’s in the Goblet, and you know, that creates the contract.

Micah: But the point is he should know this. This is his tournament, and for him to be, you know, so off on the rules…

Eric: Yeah, but doesn’t it suck…

Micah: Even on a small point like this.

Eric: Doesn’t it suck that they got to him?

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Micah: Yeah, but – I mean, this is sort of the groundwork being laid, and you know, he should be really opposed to this whole thing that’s happening. He should be launching an investigation into it. You know, we hear Percy talk about him so much as being this stickler for detail earlier on in the book…

Eric: Mhm.

Micah: And this is clearly not the same person.

Eric: Yeah, I blame Dumbledore more because Dumbledore is a character we know more than we know this Barty Crouch Sr. stranger, and I blame Dumbledore for letting all of this go on. You know, Dumbledore likes to pretend that his hands are tied, but I feel like maybe he just has his nails painted and he doesn’t want anybody seeing his hands right now, because…

Micah: Yeah, and…

Eric: You know…

Andrew: Yeah, he lets it off a little too easily.

Micah: Yeah, I agree. And I think the fact that Barty Crouch Sr. refused to stay for a drink – and you know, if you noticed, there is that one scene where Moody kind of stepped in – it’s all about Barty Crouch Jr. exerting this control over his father and making sure that nothing happens to compromise. You know, the plan…

Andrew: So Crouch introduces the first task, and says “We are not going to be telling you what the first task is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in the wizard… very important…”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Which I thought sort of relates to Book 7 when Harry’s facing Voldemort, with the whole courage thing. I thought that was kind of, you know, kind of related. The meeting wraps up, and as Harry and Cedric walk back to their respective common rooms, Cedric asks Harry how he did put his name in the Goblet. Harry says “No, I didn’t. I insist,” but Cedric doesn’t believe him, which disappoints Harry. So Harry gets back into his common room and Harry is met with a lot of support from fellow Gryffindors. He doesn’t like it though, because he still is really confused about all this, and he’s too preoccupied wondering how the hell his name did get in there. And to make matters worse, once he’s in bed, Ron also questions whether he put his name in the cup. Harry denies it but Ron still doesn’t believe him, even though, as Harry says, it should be Ron who – Ron of all people who trusts him.

Micah: And here’s why I don’t like this whole thing. It’s that Ron’s pretty much with him 24/7…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: So one would think he would know if he put his name in, and that’s what bothers me about this more than anything else. But it’s just Ron being an immature prick.

Eric: Well, it’s just that. Due to the duration of time that Ron spends with Harry, that was why he was so upset. It’s because he internalized it and said “Well, despite all the time I’m spending with Harry, he still snuck off and did this. Why wouldn’t he have shared that with me? We’re together like almost all the time.”

MuggleCast 212 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Weighing of the Wands”

Andrew: And that brings us to Chapter 18, “The Weighing of the Wands.”

Eric: “Weighing of the Wands.” Harry wakes up and Ron’s gone. Ron already went down to breakfast. He didn’t even wake Harry. He didn’t say “Harry, get up.” It’s not like he kicked him or anything like that. Ron’s just gone. So Harry wakes up, he’s alone in the Gryffindor common room, and he has to go down into the common room. Of course, the common room breaks out in applause. Everybody’s still really happy about Harry being the champion and Harry again just doesn’t like the attention. He’s dreading going down to the Great Hall because he knows that Ron is upset with him, and he doesn’t want even more people cheering him on or asking how he did it and he just doesn’t want the attention. This is something – it’s a renewing character trait with Harry, where he doesn’t want the attention he’s getting and he doesn’t…

Andrew: It’s kind of interesting that everyone is applauding him for something they don’t really even know much about.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: It’s kind of ominous. They don’t know what the first task is…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: They don’t know what any of the tasks are going to be. It seems – I don’t know…

Eric: Well, you’re saying people shouldn’t be excited about this new tournament then? Or…

Andrew: No, I’m saying people should be a little more concerned for Harry instead of being excited that he’s going to be, you know, their entertainment for the next few months.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s just…

Eric: Maybe they feel like…

Andrew: It’s a…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s kind of thoughtless…

Eric: Maybe they feel like Micah does…

Micah: Well, he’s really their entertainment for seven years.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Maybe they feel like Micah does, you know. He’s survived this far. He’s got a pretty good track record, but yeah. So anyway, Harry leaves the common room to go down and get breakfast. Fortunately, Hermione is right there and she already has brought toast up for Harry and says “Lets take a walk.” I thought this was a really nice moment in the books. Harry and Hermione take a walk, they do walk along the lake and she’s brought toast up from the Great Hall. This is just good insight into Harry’s character from Hermione. You know, she’s being – she’s being a good friend, and this is played out in contrast to Ron and how he’s behaving.

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: I agree.

Eric: Anyway, Hermione tries to convince Harry while they are walking to write to Sirius. [Harry] doesn’t want to do that and she’s worried, you know, obviously just for his safety, but he doesn’t want anymore attention, et cetera, et cetera, and Hermione makes an interesting comment. She says that Harry is “in half the books about You-Know-Who already” while they are talking about him being popular and getting attention. She says she doesn’t want to – she thinks there’s a write-up already in the Goblet – in the Daily Prophet probably. But half the books about You-Know-Who, doesn’t that number seem low to you guys?

Andrew: Well, I was thinking maybe those books are outdated.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s the only thing I can think of. They were probably written…

Micah: There are probably books about his rise to power or something like that.

Eric: But okay, so my – I guess my point was many people seem to be ignorant of Voldemort, or like who he was before he was Voldemort and – you know, surely a lot of the subject matter is going to be about his downfall and therefore have Harry Potter. I just think the number of Harry being “in half the books about You-Know-Who” suggests that there are a whole another half of books about You-Know-Who that don’t have Harry Potter in them. What would they be about if people don’t in fact know that Voldemort used to be a man named Tom Riddle? If people don’t in fact know that Voldemort is a direct descendent of Slytherin and – you know, what I’m saying is the knowledge should be out there that would enable other people to eventually find the Horcruxes or at least know the Gaunt family and that sort of thing.

Micah: Yeah, but I think probably those books are about his – as I said before – his rise to power, you know. Maybe once he became Voldemort – forget about Tom Riddle, very few people know about that. I think it was probably from whenever he first started gaining a following and gaining power up to the point of when that First War took place. I mean, you could write a book on that prior to whatever happened with the Potters.

Eric: Mhm.

Micah: You know, maybe you create a second edition or a third edition, whatever it might be, but there could definitely be books out there about him and about what he did and things that he did prior to what happened on the night that he went to Godric’s Hollow. So, I think that there’s definitely books out there about him that have no mention of Harry Potter. You know, think if you’re like a Borgin or Burke. You write a book about Voldemort as he’s rising to power and how powerful he is.

Eric: That’s true.

Micah: Obviously Harry hasn’t even been conceived at this point yet.

Eric: Yeah, didn’t Voldemort have like a seven-year reign or something like that where he was terrorizing people for quite some time?

Micah: Yeah, I’m sure.

Eric: I mean, it’s called the First War, you know, so…

Micah: Yeah. Absolutely.

Eric: Yeah, I do suppose you’re very right on that. And I guess my point was, too, that Hermione is probably not exaggerating when she says “You’re in half the books.” I feel like Hermione is pretty reliable, that he is probably in half those books, that we aren’t supposed to take that to mean that it’s just any number of books. So, I don’t know, anyway. Okay, so the next comment we talked about earlier in this discussion, so we’ll be brief. But there’s a quote in the books and it’s talking about everybody giving Harry crap because it seems like – or now it really is that the whole school is against Harry. They either think he cheated, or the Hufflepuffs in particular think that he’s trying to take the glory away from Cedric. So here’s the quote from the book. Jo writes,

“The Hufflepuffs, who were usually on excellent terms with the Gryffindors, had turned remarkably cold toward the whole lot of them. It was plain that the Hufflepuffs felt that Harry had stolen their champion’s glory; a feeling exacerbated, perhaps, by the fact that Hufflepuff House very rarely got any glory, and that Cedric was one of the few who had ever given them any, having beaten Gryffindor once at Quidditch.”

This is perhaps the biggest insight into the mindset of the Hufflepuffs like ever in the series, so it’s interesting that Jo acknowledges this because she’s trying to explain why even the Hufflepuffs turn against him. But did you guys have any thoughts on this, like…

Micah: Yeah…

Eric: …at all?

Micah: But shouldn’t they know to believe Harry by this point? I mean, you look what happened in Chamber of Secrets, when they thought that he was responsible for what happened to Justin Finch-Fletchley. And, you know, they were all talking behind his back – Hannah Abbott, Ernie Macmillan, there’s that scene in Chamber of Secrets – and it ends up being that Harry’s the one not responsible for any of this. So, it’s just – they should know by this point that usually the accusations that were made against Harry – the Heir of Slytherin thing, and now this, putting his name in the Goblet of Fire – usually don’t end up being true. But I can understand the animosity because as we said before, Cedric is their House and is representative of their House, so they have every right to be ticked off that there’s somebody who’s clearly more well-known than him, has sort of overshadowed him now and taken away this glory. Think about rivalries that exist between schools, or even within schools, or within districts, you know. I mean, it’s kind of the same thing. In my opinion, anyway.

Andrew: Right. Then – no, I think the large majority of this comes from the animosity about stealing Cedric’s thunder.

Eric: Mhm. All right. Of course, everybody is upset with Harry, even Draco, and Draco has this throwaway line. He’s insulting Harry, and he says that, “Half the Triwizard champions have died.” And I thought that was interesting. It’s another moment in this chapter where a character says half of something, but if that’s true, then that’s pretty – that is pretty high odds. I know we talked about how safe the Triwizard Tournament is or isn’t, but if half the champions have died in the past, maybe they really should have re-thought holding this tournament, because half is pretty high odds, and by the end of this book, almost half the champions have died again.

Micah: Well, I think it’s Dumbledore’s personality shining through again. He’s a big risk-taker. The whole reason I think he’s doing this is to bring everybody together for that final battle in Deathly Hallows, you know, to sort of unite, not just these three schools, but to unite Hogwarts as a whole. This is the beginning of all of that taking place, and that’s sort of his plan being put into action very early on. So, it is a huge risk that he’s taking, obviously, and he’s putting people’s lives in danger, but it wouldn’t be the first time. I mean, certainly these are not the first people he’s put in harm’s way.

Andrew: And it’s a tradition, it’s a very large tradition. I mean this is a very epic event, everyone’s been talking about it. We’ve seen people talking about it since the beginning of the book because it’s so exciting to them.

Eric: Mhm.

Andrew: I don’t know at the end of the day what it really proves or does for anything in the wizarding world, but it’s a very well respected event.

Eric: I guess so, or feared. But moving on, Malfoy and Harry do end up dueling. They’re sitting outside of Potions waiting for Snape and Harry casts a spell on Malfoy that is not Expelliarmus, which I thought…

Andrew: [sings] Hallelujah!

Eric: [laughs] He casts Furnunculus which causes boils to appear on Goyle’s face, and Malfoy’s spell was Densaugeo which causes…

Andrew: Those are two very funny words.

Eric: Yeah, funny words, spells never seen again as far as I recall, and very, very interesting where they pick up these spells. Of course Malfoy’s spell hits Hermione and makes her teeth grow abnormally large. [laughs] It’s just very interesting that Harry casts something that’s not Expelliarmus. I thought that was worth noting. Moving on, Colin Creevey saves the day…

Micah: Well, can I just throw in one thing here?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: The thing you left out is what happens when Snape arrives.

Eric: Yeah, that was a point I cut for the interest of time. But…

Micah: But I think it’s important because it shows Snape being a complete ass. And if you think about what would happen to a teacher in this day and age for doing something like that, he would be sent packing to insult a student that way, to basically have enlarged teeth. Think of a comparison, you know, say somebody gets hit in the face with something and the teacher turns around and says, “Oh, I don’t see that much of a difference.”

Eric: Yeah, I mean Hermione is very upset with this, and Snape, he says, “I don’t notice a difference.” That’s irresponsible. That’s completely – it’s horrible, is what it is.

Micah: Yeah. It’s a terrible thing.

Eric: Anyway, so they’re in the Potions lesson. Harry is sure that Snape is about to poison him because they’re testing antidotes and Snape is, I don’t know, eyeing him funny. Fortunately, Colin Creevey shows up in the Potions room and says Harry needs to go and be excused because he’s needed upstairs. Snape objects (Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh), but Colin says “Oh, it’s for the wand weighing ceremony.” And this is something Harry didn’t know about. I’m wondering why nobody either scheduled the wand weighing ceremony at another time that wasn’t during Potions, or why Harry didn’t know to expect this wand weighing ceremony. This is the first time Harry heard of this. What is this?

Micah: This is…

Andrew: There’s not much organization at Hogwarts.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: So for something like this to happen is completely normal and expected.

Eric: Didn’t you get the memo?

Micah: Well, I think part of this though, too is to really just increase the hatred towards Harry. Oh, look at him, he’s able to get out of class so he can…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …go and participate in this special event. It pisses Ron off to no end. It’s just to set up those types of plot points, I think.

Eric: Yeah, that’s a good point. Moving on. So, he goes upstairs, Rita Skeeter’s up there with her photographer who is Zobo or Bonzo in the movie. She gets Harry alone and we meet the Quick Quotes Quill. [laughs] Fortunately, he is rescued by Dumbledore, and just before that happens, or when that happens, there are some weird descriptors that Jo uses for Rita. And I am going to quote from the book.

“Harry noticed that her quill and the parchment had suddenly vanished from the box of Magical Mess Remover, and Rita’s clawed fingers were hastily snapping shut the clasp of her crocodile-skin bag. ‘How are you?’ she said, standing up and holding out one of her large, mannish hands to Dumbledore.”

Mannish hands, she’s not – Jo isn’t talking about me in my Halloween costume here. She’s talking about Rita Skeeter. Clawed…

Andrew: Man hands.

Eric: Clawed man hands.

Micah: [laughs] She’s got man hands.

Eric: What’s the deal? What is the purpose of this?

Andrew: That’s sometimes what – that’s – the purpose of it is to describe Rita as a larger than life figure. [laughs] No, I…

Eric: Ugly? Is Rita ugly?

Andrew: Yeah. See, I’m afraid to say anything to offend, to be offensive. I feel like man hands is a sort of – it is a sort of derogatory – I know she doesn’t use the word “man hands”, but that is basically what she is saying. It’s derogatory.

Eric: Is it?

Andrew: It’s to make her seem like a man.

Eric: Well, she’s not – it just means not feminine, right? I mean, the kind of…

Andrew: Yeah, partly, yeah.

Eric: So, I mean she’s kind of like a vulture. I guess there are more vulture allegories. Like clawed hands, for instance. I guess that probably just fits her character.

Micah: Which is the complete opposite of Miranda Richardson in the Goblet of Fire film, but…

Eric: Mmm, do you think so?

Andrew: She’s not manly.

Eric: No, she… [laughs]

Micah: No, she’s definitely not.

Eric: No, she’s not manly, but she is – but she knows what she wants and, I guess, uses different ways to get it. It’s just – it was a weird descriptor. Okay, so Ollivander is in and he weighs everybody’s wands. I don’t know what the purpose is. I guess – he says the purpose is to make sure that their wands are all functional. Really, I think Ollivander doesn’t have a lot to do when it is not school season, so he just…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …looks for these…

Andrew: Probably.

Eric: …excuses [laughs] to go around. He finds out that – or he says – we find out reading the book that Fleur’s wand is actually made of Veela hair. She says it is her grandmother’s and Harry reminds himself to tell Ron about that, that she is Veela, but remembers Ron isn’t speaking to him. Ollivander says, “I’ve never used Veela hair myself, of course. I find it makes for rather temperamental wands,” and I thought this was funny because…

Andrew: That is funny and I wonder what other types of hair would – what effects they would…

Eric: Yeah!

Andrew: …have, like…

Eric: Like – that is very interesting.

Andrew: I mean, I can’t think of any examples on the spot, but maybe like a giant’s hair… [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …or a half-giant’s hair.

Eric: [laughs] Half a…

Andrew: I don’t – that would make someone clumsy maybe…

Eric: Your spells are magnified.

Andrew: …or make the spells clumsy.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, the spells bigger, who knows?

Eric: [laughs] So, Cedric’s wand contains a single hair, quote: “From the tail of a particularly fine male unicorn.” [laughs] Then Ollivander says, “Must have been seventeen hands, nearly gored me with his horn after I plucked his tail.” So I guess that means that Ollivander physically goes out and gets, acquires, procures the unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers and dragon heartstrings that make up the core of his wands.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s pretty cool. So that explains what he’s doing when school – when people aren’t shopping for wands.

Eric: I guess so. He’s going out and making them.

Andrew: Closes down and goes wand hunting.

Eric: Well, [laughs] I wrote here that it sounds like he shouldn’t be kidnappable.

Andrew: Because he is so experienced out on the field?

Eric: Because he can get – he can pluck a tail feather off a unicorn and not get gored. It just sounds like – I don’t know. I don’t know. It was funny. But all right, so Ron is still not talking with Harry when he gets back. He just says, “Harry, you got a letter,” and Harry reads the letters from Sirius. Harry did end up writing to Sirius. I don’t know if I wrote that. He kind of summarizes things. But Sirius wants to meet Harry face-to-face at 1:00 A.M. on the 22nd of November. Now I looked this up because I have been a big supporter, or actually the opposite of a supporter. I don’t like this timeline that people have established saying that Book 4 is in 1994. And I looked it up and sure enough – I mean, I think eventually Jo gave in and was, like, “Sure, Book 4 is 1994.” But the 22nd of November is a Tuesday so if we go by canon here, Sirius wants to meet Harry face-to-face at 1:00 A.M. on Tuesday night. And I say, that is a school night, Sirius is officially a bad role model for Harry.

Andrew: Well, it’s not like Harry – well, we don’t know for sure, but I presume they’re not going to bed early every night or anything. I don’t think Sirius is really damaging him.

Micah: Well, do you…

Andrew: And plus, that is the best time because nobody is in the common room. I mean, sure – and on a weekend night people may be up at 1:00 AM in the common room. So…

Micah: Yep, yep.

Eric: So…

Micah: I agree.

Eric: …that concludes the chapter.

Listener Tweet: Interrogation

Andrew: So, that is it. We have one tweet here from Liz_Anne_B. She has a question about these chapters:

“Why does Dumbledore interrogate Harry, asking if another student put his name in the Goblet and not ask about non-students?”

Eric: Is this a book question…

Andrew: I think…

Eric: …or is this a movie question? Because…

Andrew: Book, book…

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: …book. I think the reason would be that Dumbledore just assumes he is working with other students. I mean, unless it was Sirius I don’t think Dumbledore would assume any other possible non-student that would do it for Harry.

Micah: Yeah, there is nobody there. I mean, Lupin is gone. I mean, he would probably be the only one. I mean, he is not going to ask McGonagall to do it for him. Or Moody who has just gotten there wouldn’t be a candidate. [laughs] Snape sure as hell wouldn’t be putting it in for him. So I mean, I guess it doesn’t – from a plot standpoint it doesn’t make sense, but I think overall we kind of talked about it. I think Dumbledore really botched this whole thing. I think there should have been a huge investigation other than just saying, “Well, there is a binding magical contract and the kid has to do it.” That seems so irresponsible.

Eric: Yeah, it undermines everything that he is trying to do with bringing everybody together if he can be controlled the way he is in this book. But that reminds me of a question: okay, doesn’t Snape threaten to use Veritaserum on Harry in this book? Veritaserum shows up later when they use it on Barty Crouch Jr.

Andrew: That would have been helpful here.

Eric: Yeah. Well like I’m saying, it’s very, very easy – very simplistic – to find out if Harry put his name in the Goblet of Fire and clear his name because the last thing any student needs – I think – okay, on one hand Dumbledore doesn’t want to torture Harry and be – give him any kind of substance that is going to force him to tell the truth, heaven forbid somebody ask him what he does with himself at night and he has to answer. But I feel like it would have cleared Harry’s name and would have prevented him from a lot of hatred.

Micah: It would have cleared his name, but I don’t think it would have made a difference though. I think he would still have to compete in the tournament and that is what it comes down to. I think a majority of people in that room, maybe with Karkaroff and Madame Maxime aside, believe that he didn’t put his name in there. I mean, I don’t think Dumbledore does, I don’t think McGonagall does, and…

Eric: Well, I’m talking about…

Micah: …Moody definitely doesn’t.

Eric: Yeah. I’m talking about Harry’s peers though because you’ve got this situation where, sure, he has to compete…

Micah: What? Are you going to put him on display in front of the Great Hall [laughs] and…

Eric: With Veritaserum?

Micah: …give him Veritaserum?

Eric: Maybe not. But I’m saying – look – I mean, Harry now has to – it’s not only being the youngest champion and still having to do the tournament no matter what. It is – in addition to that is the crap he has to go through in classes for the stupid reason that people think he put his name in. It doesn’t matter if they ever find out who really did it because they will anyway through the natural course of time, but I feel like that would have been one of the ways that we know is in this book, is introduced maybe a little further along. But it would have really helped Harry out given all that Harry is doing for Dumbledore and has to do for Dumbledore in the future if at this point Dumbledore counts on Harry to defeat Voldemort one day.

Andrew: All right…

Eric: Dumbledore could have outstretched one of his painted hands a little bit further there.

Muggle Mail: The Imperius Curse

Andrew: Let’s get to Muggle Mail now. This first one is from Nicole Shields, 26, of Columbia, Missouri. She writes about the Imperius Curse:

“I just want to make sure the point that one can leave the side of a person under the Imperius Curse. For example, in ‘Half-Blood Prince’, Malfoy doesn’t spend every moment with Rosmerta who he has under the Imperius Curse. He places the curse and then stays in the castle controlling her from there. Also in Book 7, Yaxley in Chapter 1, page 5, American edition, says that he has placed the Imperius Curse on Pius Thicknesse. Since…”

[laughs] She spelt it ‘Thickness’.

[Eric and Micah laugh]


“Since Thickness isn’t sitting with them at Malfoy Manor, I think it’s safe to assume that it is still in effect despite the distance from the caster.”

So, here is our answer for that.

Eric: Yeah. That’s kind of weird how that happens because I feel like with any spell you should have to make eye contact, but it’s canon.

Micah: Well, yeah. I mean, I think you also look at the fact that Barty Crouch, Sr. – he eventually stopped showing up at work but he is still going to work at this point in the book and clearly is under the Imperius Curse from Peter Pettigrew, so it has to be able to work from a distance.

Muggle Mail: Dumbledore’s Approval

Andrew: Next e-mail is from Lucinda, 53, of Virginia. She writes:

“Just wondering why you think Moody/Barty Crouch was telling the truth when he tells the class Dumbledore thinks they are ready to know about the Unforgivable Curses or agreed they should experience the Imperius Curse. I think he used Dumbledore’s name to keep the students from questioning his teaching these curses. Love the discussions, especially while I’m re-reading the books before the next movie comes out.”

Micah: I think Dumbledore would have found out though, eventually. I mean…

Eric: Oh easily.

Micah: …it’s okay for Moody to use his name, but I think that it’s not like it’s going on without Dumbledore’s knowledge.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think Dumbledore – Dumbledore can be a little screwy but when it comes to what’s going on in the classes, I don’t think he misses a beat.

Eric: Well – did you guys cover this question last week? Why now are they learning the Unforgivable Curses?

Micah: Yeah, we talked about that.

Andrew: Yeah, we did. We talked a lot about that actually.

Eric: Okay, I’ll just…

Andrew: So…

Eric: …listen to the last episode.

Andrew: Do do that. Eric, you want to read the next e-mail?

Muggle Mail: Moody’s Defense

Eric: Yeah. This one is from Karla, 33, of Montreal. She says:

“Hello all, I just want to start by saying I love your show. You guys are my companions all of the way to work. Keep up the good work! Now as for Moody a.k.a. Crouch Jr., I just wanted to point out that I believe the reason Moody came to Harry and Ron’s defense against Draco has a lot to do about the fact that Crouch Jr. really hated the Death Eaters that turned their back from Voldemort after he disappeared. Draco represented that by attacking them behind their backs. Crouch Jr. was so upfront about his devotion to Voldemort that he was proud of the fact he went to Azkaban instead of pretending that he was Imperiused. He is a lot like Bellatrix in that sense. His reaction to Draco was genuine, not only because of Lucius’ betrayal to Voldy but because of Draco’s character as well. Thank you all for your show, Karla.”

Micah: Yeah, that’s a good point I think, just following up on what we said last week that Barty Crouch/Moody was more than willing to attack Draco because of how he felt toward Lucius and sort of Draco being the closest thing he can get to Lucius Malfoy.

Andrew: Micah, how about you read the next e-mail?

Muggle Mail: Trelawney’s Observations

Micah: Next e-mail, Eric, 35, of Dublin writes in and he says:

“In Chapter 13 of ‘Goblet of Fire’ during Divination class, Professor Trelawney makes an interesting observation about Harry. She says, ‘I was saying that Saturn was surely in a position of power in the heavens at the moment of your birth… your dark hair… your mean stature… tragic losses so young in life… I think I am right in saying that you were born in mid-winter?’ We later find out in Book 6 that Voldemort was born on New Year’s Eve. Also, Trelawney’s three descriptions of Harry could pertain to Tom Riddle/Voldemort as well. Since we know that Harry and Voldemort share a link since Voldemort tried to kill Harry as a baby, could Trelawney be seeing a glimpse of the part of Voldemort that is in Harry? Just an interesting bit of foreshadowing that I picked up on. Keep up the great work.”

Andrew: I think that is an awesome theory.

Eric: [laughs] I agree.

Andrew: And sort of – and another double meaning of sorts like we were talking about earlier with the thing in Chapter-by-Chapter…

Micah: Yeah, absolutely.

Muggle Mail: Cheesy Endings

Andrew: …with Moody/Barty Crouch. That’s really cool. I like that a lot. And finally, the last e-mail comes from Hallie, 16, of Minnesota:

“Hey MuggleCast, great show! My question is why, in my opinion, do the ‘Harry Potter’ movies always have cheesy endings? I don’t recall the ending of the first movie but the second movie ended with Hagrid and Hermione coming back and everyone cheering for Hagrid, third movie ended with the freeze frame ending of Harry on the Firebolt, fourth ending with people leaving and Hermione says, ‘Everything is going to change now, isn’t it?’ Harry says, ‘Yes.’ Cheesy. The fifth ends with them going to the train and Harry says they have something worth fighting for. And number six ends with the trio on the Astronomy Tower with Fawkes in the background.”

Yeah, I think she makes a good point. They have never gotten a movie ending right, which is kind of worrying for Part II. [laughs] Part I may be the best one because it’ll sort of just drop off.

Micah: Yeah, I agree. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: She makes a good point, you’re right. She does.

Andrew: I can’t – what was – oh, Part – Movie 1, she said she couldn’t remember. It’s – they are on the train and they are waving bye to Hagrid. That wasn’t that good.

Eric: Look, I don’t…

Micah: It’s a kids movie.

Eric: …have a problem with any of these endings, with the exception to Movie 3.

Andrew: Well, yeah actually now that I think about it, Movie 1’s ending was nice. Movie 3 ending was the worst with the freeze frame, no doubt about that.

Eric: And because the Firebolt scene from…

Micah: Thank you, Alfonso.

Eric: Yeah, the Firebolt scene…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …from the middle of the book is at the end of the movie. I just – I don’t even know.

Dueling Club: Ghost Edition

Andrew: So, that’s all for Muggle Mail. If you want to possibly get your e-mail read on the show, just visit and there is a contact form, and you can write in that way. Now it’s time for Dueling Club: Ghost Edition.

[Eric makes ghost noises]

Andrew: In honor of Halloween. Micah and Eric – Micah, thank you for selecting these ahead of time.

Micah: It wasn’t me.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: [laughs] It was Eric.

Andrew: Oh. Eric, thank you. You’re wonderful. So, Micah, you’re assigned to defend The Grey Lady and Eric, you’re assigned to defend Moaning Myrtle. Micah, you first. Go ahead. Why should The Grey Lady defeat Moaning Myrtle in a duel of the ghosts?

Micah: Oh, this is so simple. I mean, The Grey Lady is the daughter of one of the founders of Hogwarts. I mean, clearly she would inherit the intellect and the wisdom of Rowena Ravenclaw. This is a no contest. Moaning Myrtle is just a whiny little bitch…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …in the corner of the girls’ bathroom. She was petrified to death by a snake because she was too busy letting the emotions get the best of her. I mean, The Grey Lady would eat her up in a matter of seconds.

Eric: Micah…

Andrew: And Eric, why would you…

Eric: …I anticipated your using that defense and I have completely prepared myself to meet it. Lord Voldemort is a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin and therefore you would assume that he has inherited some of the unique magical strength and powers that has come from his bloodline. And when compared to Harry Potter, a whiny little bitch who has no talent and only always uses Expelliarmus as a spell, you wouldn’t expect that Harry, who has never done any studying in his entire life, ends up defeating Voldemort in the end. I compare the two. I compare Moaning Myrtle and The Grey Lady to Harry Potter and Voldemort because I feel like Jo’s books are an example of how unprepared little children can go up against great power, and still beat the odds and survive.

Micah: Oh, okay. So what’s Moaning Myrtle’s strength then? Is she going to flush The Grey Lady down a toilet?

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Or she’s going to haunt her. Moaning Myrtle haunted a…

Micah: Oh.

Eric: Diligence.

Micah: Well, that would be annoying.

Eric: Diligence. [laughs]

Andrew: Well…

Micah: That would be annoying.

Eric: No, I’m saying diligence because…

Andrew: …as the judge…

Eric: …Moaning Myrtle – hang on, I’m not finished. Moaning Myrtle haunted Olive Hornby for a real long time. That’s dedication. It takes – it’s got to be…

Micah: [under his breath] It’s dedication? [laughs]

Eric: …tiresome. It’s got to be tiresome. It really has been. So I feel like Moaning Myrtle, no matter what The Grey Lady threw at her, Moaning Myrtle would be resilient.

Andrew: As the judge of this duel, I think Micah wins. Because he is right, there is really nothing to Moaning Myrtle, especially in a duel.

Eric: Well, there is nothing to Harry Potter.

Andrew: Moaning Myrtle I think would be…

Eric: I mean…

Andrew: Huh?

Eric: …there is nothing to Harry Potter either. I mean…

Andrew: [gasps] What?!

Eric: He happens to get the same wand as Voldemort and his mother happened to die defending him, and that is really the only reason he even survives the entire book series.

Listener Tweets: Halloween

Andrew: And now as promised, a couple – we asked people on Twitter if you’re going to be dressing up – continuing with the Halloween theme, we asked people if they’re going to be dressing up for Halloween as a Harry Potter character just like Eric and his womanly get-up over there. ArwenJesusFreak said:

“For Halloween, I’m going to my college’s chapter of the Harry Potter Alliance and watching ‘A Very Potter Musical.’ I’m quite excited.”

So, she’s not dressing up but – he or she. underthestars writes:

“I’m dressing up as a Hufflepuff for my band concert on Halloween.”

And singsongsalong says:

“Last night UF held an event called ‘Halloween at Hogwarts’ which included everything from tasseography to trivia.”

What’s tasseography?

[Prolonged silence]

Andrew: I guess we’ll never know.

[Eric and Micah laughs]

Andrew: So…

Micah: I’ll look it up. Hold on a second.

Andrew: Well, it doesn’t even come up with spell check.

Micah: Oh, it’s a divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns…

Andrew: Ooh.

Micah: …in tea leaves.

Andrew: Ooh.

Eric: Oh, tasseography…

Andrew: That’s kind of clever.

Eric: …I knew that.

Andrew: Harry Potter is very Halloween oriented so it’s kind of not a surprise that schools would have “Halloween at Hogwarts”-like events. That is really cool. Too bad the Wizarding World of Harry Potter didn’t do anything.

Micah: Yeah, it’s a BobFail.

Andrew: Because the theme park has Halloween events, just not the Harry Potter park.

Eric: Oh dude, I can’t believe they didn’t do anything for Harry’s birthday, they didn’t do anything for Halloween. Halloween is the most important holiday in the Harry Potter series. That’s completely…

Andrew: And it looks like they’re not even doing something for the movie release.

Eric: Or Christmas!

Andrew: I thought…

Eric: Geez!

Show Close

Andrew: …we would have heard something by now. Yeah. Well, Christmas we may – there is still time. Before we wrap up the show today we want to remind everyone about our great little website, It has all the information you need about this show that we do each and every other week.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: At the top of the site is a contact link and you can use that to find our P.O. Box address as well as a feedback form where you can write to us if you have any questions about the show that we did here, this episode that you just listened to. And also on the right side of the website are links to our iTunes page where you can rate and review us, our Twitter page where you can follow us, and our Facebook page where you can like us. And all of those ways help you stay up to date on the show. So that’s about it, everyone. Thank you so much for listening! We’ll have an update about the Podcast Awards in about a week from now and we’ll be back soon with another episode. We’ll discuss the latest movie developments and a whole lot more. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: See you next time for Episode 213. Buh-bye!

Eric: See ya!

Micah: Peace.

[Show music continues]

Transcript #211

MuggleCast 211 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

Andrew: MuggleCast is brought to you by GoDaddy hosting plans are now more powerful than ever. Best of all, plans start at just $3.95 a month, and no matter what plan you choose your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in the world-class data center. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener, enter code Muggle, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E, when you check out and save an additional ten percent on any order. Get your piece of the internet at!

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello, this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films, and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because Dumbledore is just one reckless educator, this is MuggleCast Episode 211 for October the 17th, 2010.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome everyone to MuggleCast Episode 211. It’s Micah, Jamie, Nick, and I this week. Two English accents on the show.

Jamie: Yeah! We’re going to outrank you soon. We’re going to take over this show.

Andrew: Well, hopefully we can decipher the difference between your two voices.

Jamie: You should be able to, Andrew, you should be able to. You should know what I sound like after all this time.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: 211 Episodes!

Andrew: I do, but it’s still – you still both have that accent, and it still throws me off.

Jamie: Wait. Sorry, sorry, sorry. 211 Episodes and some IRL time, as all the kids are saying now.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh, you mean “in real life”?

Jamie: Yeah, and you don’t even know who I – that’s just charming. That is excellent.

Andrew: I do, I do. It’s just – I can kind of tell – Nick, no offense but your voice is just a bit higher than Jamie’s, so…

Nick: Ouch.

Andrew: …I can decipher it that way.

Jamie: That’s because he’s two years younger though. Give him two years, and he’ll [drops voice down lower] probably be speaking like this.

[Andrew laughs]

Nick: I’m going to try that for the remainder of this Episode.

Jamie: Okay, go, see if you can pull it off.

Micah: Jamie, Jamie, I don’t have to do the show anymore because you can do my voice too.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, I’ll do yours. There you go, it’ll just be a one-man show. Andrew, you’re going to have to find a new job.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Oh, no! Well no, we need everyone for the show this week because there is lots of news to talk about, and of course we have Chapter-by-Chapter, and a fun Dueling Club segment, so let’s get to it! I’m Andrew Sims.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Nick: And I’m Nick Myers.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Micah, we’re just a month away from Deathly Hallows: Part 1 now, so lots of news to talk about.

Jamie: And it’s come up so quickly.

Micah: I know. I was going to say, it’s amazing that it’s only 30 days away. It’s just – it seems like only yesterday Eric and Emerson were going to the theatre to see…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …the screening.

Jamie: What actually was the story behind that? Because I read it and it read to me like, “I was walking past a building and suddenly someone came out and said ‘Do you want to see the new Harry Potter film?’ And I said yes. And I went in and saw it.”

Andrew: [laughs] Well, that’s…

Jamie: And to me that just didn’t sound real.

Andrew: Well, it is very odd that – of course it would be Emerson that got selected for this, but that’s the truth. This is where they go to do these screenings – these test screenings in Chicago. And Emerson was already going to see a movie and somebody there said “would you like to see a movie?” They didn’t say it was Harry Potter. But Emerson sort of guessed that it was Harry Potter since it was getting close to the release and they always do the test screenings in Chicago for whatever reason.

Jamie: Or did he just say that he guessed it after he saw it?

Andrew: I don’t know…

Jamie: Because then he’d sound cool.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: No, he guessed before and he had emailed me, he was like, “I think it’s going to happen tomorrow.”

Jamie: Oh, right. Cool.

Andrew: Yeah, so…

Jamie: Nice.

News: Deathly Hallows PG-13 Rating

Andrew: So what’s going on in the news?

Micah: Well, Deathly Hallows finally got a rating here in the United States. The MPAA gave it a PG-13 rating. I don’t think there’s really too much of a surprise there.

Andrew: We – it was a bit worrisome because with Half-Blood Prince it was rated PG. So question was would they rate Part 1 PG-13? And they did.

Micah: Well, when you…

Andrew: It’s not that big of a deal because it doesn’t impact…

Micah: When you start killing people I think you have to rate it PG-13. And Dumbledore’s death, like I said on the last Episode, it kind of looked like he was just floating.

Jamie: But don’t you think it’s weird though?

Micah: It wasn’t very dramatic. What’s that?

Jamie: Don’t you think it’s weird that if you start – if you create a film and people die you have to rate it PG-13? Whereas in life people die, so it’s just a reflection of what happens in everyday life, yet you don’t need a PG-13 rating to live?

Andrew: Well, didn’t you see the – a few years ago they decided to rate life PG-13. So…

Jamie: Life?!

Andrew: Yeah. Like, life.

Jamie: No…

Andrew: Life…

Jamie: Oh, you…

Andrew: The world.

Jamie: Like actual life? Oh…

Andrew: Yeah! [laughs]

Jamie: Right! I thought…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: I thought I was really clever there and that had gone way over your head, but apparently…

Andrew: [laughs] No.

Jamie: …it went way over my head instead!

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Micah: Jamie, that’s an excellent point, though. Because they didn’t rate The Lion King PG-13.

Jamie: No, and that was really sad, so…

Andrew: That was sad.

Micah: Not to spoil the film for people. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah. Well, you only said it was sad. Or, like Up. I haven’t seen Up, but quite a grown man in my office confided in me that he cried! [laughs] So…

Andrew: [laughs] Confided! “I have a deep secret to tell you. I cried during Up.”

Jamie: Did you – what, did you as well?

Andrew: No, I’m…

Jamie: Oh, you were paraphrasing him.

Andrew: It was – the beginning was very sad…

Jamie: Our chemistry is gone Andrew.

[Jamie and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: The problem with the MPAA is that it’s a bunch of parents just rating the films. So I don’t think…

Jamie: Oh, really?

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t think there are many standards. It’s sort of just like what they feel. It’s very – there’s a whole documentary on it called, This Film Is Not Yet Rated, I think.

Jamie: That’s weird – it’s…

Andrew: And…

Jamie: It’s parents doing it.

Andrew: It tries to track down people in the MPAA and they’re very secretive about it. It’s – it was a pretty interesting documentary.

Jamie: That’s pretty stupid.

Andrew: So – yeah, it’s all over the place.

Micah: And the film hasn’t been rated in…

Andrew: What else has been going on?

Micah: …the U.K. yet, either, right? But we would…

Andrew: No.

Micah: …expect that it would receive, what, Nick? A 12-A you said?

Nick: A 12-A again, yeah.

Andrew: That’s the PG-13 equivalent here.

Micah: But Half-Blood Prince also got a 12-A in the U.K. which, like you said, Andrew, is a PG-13 equivalent. But it was rated PG here in the United States, so it seems like there’s no consistency.

Nick: We have a – strict guidelines here, so if it has dark, dark horror, threatening and deaths and stuff, it would get the 12-A rating. So – whereas in America they just have the parents doing it. [unintelligible]

Jamie: How weird is that? Nick, can you imagine if in The U.K. they said, “Oh, we’re going to get the parents just to rate something”? There’d be…

Nick: That’d be the Daily Mail readers.

Jamie: …an uproar! The Daily Mail readers, yeah! [laughs] God, that would be insane! I can’t believe – oh you just do things weird in America.

News: Deathly Hallows: Part 1 not in 3D

Micah: Yeah we do. Well, the other big news about Deathly Hallows is that Part 1 will not be available in 3D and W.B. released a statement a couple of weeks ago saying that, they weren’t able to finish everything from a technical stand point and I think this is a good thing. I mean, why put a movie out that is not going to meet fan needs if it’s not complete and it’s going to look like crap.

Nick: It shows their commitment to quality.

Jamie: Yeah, it does and also we don’t have one more film where it’s in 3D and you get there and the first 20 seconds are in 3D and the last 2 minutes and then you think, “Well, that’s not really a 3D film, is it?” That’s just…

Andrew: Yeah, I have to admit that was – the way the marketed Half-Blood Prince was… [unintelligible]

Jamie: That it was all in 3D, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. They didn’t say just the first 5-10 minutes. However Part 1 was going to be – I’m pretty sure the plan for Part 1 and now Part 2 is that the entire film’s 3D which you’ve seen in quite a few films recently. I mean, Avatar and pretty much every film now has a 3D version. But good on W.B. for deciding that the quality just wasn’t there and they couldn’t get it done in time.

Listener Tweets

Micah: But we wanted to read a couple of tweets that people sent along as to how they felt about this, about the film not being available in 3D. So, Andrew, did you want to read some of them?

Andrew: Yeah, the first one’s from ‘KirpalJutla’ says:

“Bit disappointing that ‘DH Part 1’ isn’t going to be in 3D but at least they didn’t move the movie back six months again for it.”

That’s very true. Can you imagine if it was their fault for the delay and then they just decided to push it back? [laughs] ‘ItsLaurenYvonne’ says:

“I think it’s great because I don’t have the option to waste money to see if it’s any good. We all know 3D is cool but crap.”

Jamie: I think that’s a great slogan if you see, “Harry Potter coming soon in 3D, cool but crap!”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: ‘Jessicayeto’ says:

“I’m disappointed it’s not in 3D. I was really looking forward to it. I don’t get why some people are so happy either.”

‘sheenabeans2’ says:

“I was personally excited for the movie in 3D but I was going to watch it in 2D. Either choice is just losing them money.”

Finally ‘z00here’ says:

“Kind of happy about no 3D. When films are shot in 2D but are 3D-ized in post production, 3D is subpar. See ‘Alice in Wonderland’.”.

Nick: That is so true.

Andrew: What if they’re not happy with Part 2? Because now Part 2 has to be really good, because they’re like, “Yeah, Part 1 we did you guys a favor. We didn’t show you it because it was so bad.”

Micah: Yeah. Is there a potential though for them to re-release the movie in 3D?

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Micah: Sometime early next year?

Andrew: Part 1, and put in in theaters, as 3D. I bet they would do that right before the release of Part 2.

Nick: I bet, if it would make up the thirty million they’ve invested in it already. And it would build the hype up.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. And actually, it would be really cool to see Part 1 and Part 2 back-to-back in a theater.

Jamie: I’m sure they will do that.

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: They are going to do that, aren’t they, and just run them together completely.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Jamie: I don’t see why they wouldn’t.

News: Promotional Posters

Micah: Well, Jamie, you mentioned earlier that there was a lot of promotional posters you saw when you were going to the movie theater.

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: And I’m not sure that all of these were there, in your theater, but there’s been quite a few. Have there been any that have stood out to anybody?

Jamie: I have to say that, this year, I thought they’ve been a bit poor. The ones I’ve seen tend to just have “HP7” on a backdrop of Hogwarts, and that’s about it. Perhaps my movie theater’s just crap. [laughs] But…

Andrew: [laughs] Well, the recent ones – MuggleNet was able to release two exclusively – which was really cool – and they were posters of Snape and Voldemort, and they have Hogwarts castle in the background. Those were nice. And then, we’ve been getting these beautiful profile shots of all the main characters. And we got Dobby, Harry, Ron, Hermione…

Jamie: Nice.

Andrew: …Snape, Bellatrix, Greyback – who else? A couple others too. And they’re beautiful, because they’re close-up shots, and you can see every little pore on their face. [laughs]

Jamie: So, proper HD, yeah.

Micah: I was going to say though, the Dobby one I don’t think is good from a promotional standpoint, because nobody knows who he is. The last film he was in was Chamber of Secrets. He’s been absent.

Jamie: Yeah, that’s a fair point. I guess they’re just trying to cover all characters.

Micah: Yeah. It was like using Fenrir Greyback for Half-Blood Prince. Nobody knows who he is, so why are you promoting that?

Andrew: Yeah, I agree with that.

Micah: And I thought the “Seven Potters” one is terrible.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, I think that one leaked a little too early, before it was complete. I don’t think this is the finished product. We posted it on MuggleNet a couple of days ago. It’s a very wide banner showing Harry – the Seven Potters, on one side…

Jamie: Oh yeah, that’s awful.

Micah: It looks like it’s from the video game.

Nick: The slogan, with “trust no one,” did anybody else think that was really, really weak?

Jamie: It’s a bit cheesy as well, yeah, “trust no one.”

Nick: It’s so overused.

Jamie: This one looks like my grandma photoshopped it. It’s terrible.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: She can’t even…

Micah: I think I see her there.

[Andrew and Nick laugh]

Jamie: What, she wanted her two minutes of fame?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: No, her finger actually came in front of the lens if you look at the bottom.

Andrew: Yeah, I think it’s just incomplete. I don’t think you’ll see that one in movie theaters.

Jamie: Yeah, it’s not very good.

Andrew: Because, you know how they usually have those really wide banners, and they’re cool, but this one is just odd. So yeah, it’s nice to see all the posters, and I’m sure soon you will see them all in the movie theater. Right now the one I think that’s in all theaters is the one of the burning castle.

Jamie: Wait – in that poster have you seen how Voldemort’s holding his wand? He’s holding it between his two – like top two fingers.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: That looks absolutely ridiculous. It’s like a Roman Centurian holding a sword and putting it between his knees. That’s stupid.

Andrew: It’s not good.

Jamie: That looks terrible.

Andrew: I have a feeling it’s just not finished. Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: What else is going on in the news?

News: Trailer for Part 1 Game

Micah: Well we talked a little bit about the video game when I said that poster looks like that’s where it came from. But EA actually released a trailer earlier this week from the Part 1 video game, and Nick, I know you had a chance to go to EA and experience the game for yourself, but I think this game finally looks like the one we’ve been waiting for. Just from the action itself.

Nick: Yeah, they’ve gone about their approach completely differently on this game. The content has allowed them to open up what they do with it and they’ve brought a whole new game engine to harness the high definition controls.

Jamie: That’s cool. That’s very cool.

Nick: And there’s now millions more pixels in the characters. They can really focus on getting the stubble on Harry’s face to really shine through, and they’ve gone about it…

Jamie: What tasks do they do?

Nick: …It’s much more action oriented. There are going to be tasks. I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to say, but there’s an element of, when you’re in the campsite, you’ve got to go around and collect bits to make potions to heal yourself, or to protect the campsite. There are – and apparently there’s some sort of goblin merchant you’ll be trading objects with, and there are, then, sort of tasks, but obviously there’s not going to be the Hogwarts crest style thing there used to be.

Jamie: Oh, yeah. Cool.

Nick: But yeah, it’s definitely shaping up to be a much better game, more action oriented. Yeah, it should be good. A lot of people are criticizing the graphics.

Andrew: I was just going to say, I think they look incredible in this trailer.

Nick: I really like them, too. I think they look really good.

Andrew: They look very lifelike. The emotion that you see on the faces, it’s very well-animated, and Hermione’s hair, and Bellatrix’s hair, it moves naturally.

Nick: They’ve even gone and done – does anyone watch Lie to Me? It’s a TV show, and it’s based on micro-expressions, and there’s something called the Facial Action Coding System, which picks up really minute details in the face. And they’re now able to animate twenty different places on the character’s face at once.

Jamie: Oh, that’s insane!

Nick: So the level of detail in the animation is now so good.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, it looks great.

Micah: And I’ve been the biggest critic, too, of these games in the past, and I think this one looks better than anything that’s gone before.

Andrew: Oh, Micah, come on! You’ve learned this lesson before.

Micah: Well, look, when I get it and I play it, and if I don’t like it, I’ll retract my statement. I’ll admit that I was wrong.

[Andrew and Nick laugh]

Micah: But it does, it looks better, there’s more action. You get those shots of them fighting in the streets of London, they’re fighting in the Ministry, they’re running from the Snatchers in the forest. And they’re facing all these creatures which I guess they’ve added in even though they have nothing to do with the storyline. Like Harry running into a dragon in the middle of nowhere. But it looks better. I think this is what people were expecting when they’ve gone out to buy the last two video games.

Andrew: We’ll see!

News: J.K. Rowling’s Interview with Oprah

Micah: We will see. Last show, we had recorded it just before J.K. Rowling’s interview with Oprah Winfrey aired, here in the United States. And I think we all got a chance to see it, or at least clips from it. And to me it was a pretty standard interview. It was more focused on J.K. Rowling’s life, as opposed to Harry Potter. Even though Harry Potter has been such a huge part of her life. And what I mean by that is, there wasn’t a lot of Oprah going into the canon. She didn’t discuss the story itself, so I don’t really think we got much new information on that front. What do you guys think?

Andrew: Yeah, this interview was tailored towards Oprah’s audience, so Oprah couldn’t start asking her questions about Barty Crouch Jr. That would totally turn off Oprah’s audience. So, it was an okay interview. I think one of the more interesting things that Jo said was that she has at least two or three more Potter books in her head and she would never say no to returning, and, of course, that made headlines everywhere: “J.K. Rowling says it’s possible she may write another Harry Potter book!”

Nick: But it’s a big change of stance as well because a few years ago she said seven and that’s it, final, no more, she wouldn’t even consider the possibility…

Andrew: That’s true.

Nick: …at least now it’s an option.

Andrew: That’s true.

Jamie: It’s weird she’s trying to U-turn, though. She always said – it was always, like you say, Nick, it was just – no more, no way, definitely not. It’s kind of weird.

Andrew: Hm. [laughs] There was also a very awkward moment – I haven’t seen the whole interview, admittedly, well, I haven’t seen this part – where J.K. Rowling and Oprah are both talking about how rich they are, [laughs] and everyone I’ve talked to said that it was so awkward…

Jamie: Who’s richer?

Andrew: For the viewers.

Jamie: Who’s richer? It’s got to be Oprah, easily.

Andrew: Really?

Jamie: I thought so, easily!

Andrew: Hmmm.

Jamie: J.K. Rowling’s probably got like…

Andrew: No!

Jamie: 1.5 billion…

Andrew: I don’t know.

Jamie: And Oprah’s probably got like 4 billion. I don’t know, those are figures I just picked out my head, but…

Nick: It was such a funny clip, though, because they’re both just trying to be really humble and say that money hasn’t changed them and everything, and then they talk about how…

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah!

Nick: …they can buy everything.

[Andrew and Nick laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, exactly! That’s so awkward. Very awkward. But…

Jamie: Oh, wow, look at this list…

Andrew: It…

Jamie: Oh, sorry. Wait. By 2008 her yearly income had increased $275,000,000 and…

Andrew: Is that Jo or Oprah?

Jamie: Oprah. And…

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Jamie: According to Forbes, in September 2010 she was worth over 2.7 billion.

Andrew: I wonder what Jo is – if she has this idea to write two or three more books, what place – where do these take place in terms of the Harry Potter timeline? Is it – is it after? Yeah, I mean, they – could they be prequels? Could they be stories with Harry and Ron and Hermione as adults? I wonder where in the timeline…

Jamie: That’d be so weird.

Andrew: …these would take place.

Jamie: It’d be so hard to pull off.

Nick: I would take it would be after because there’s so much she revealed in interviews after the final book went out that a lot of the fans didn’t see, and the characters still evolve in her head. I’d like to think she’d do it after.

Andrew: Yeah, I would think that whatever she wrote would have to have the trio still featured – be the main event, so to speak.

Micah: Yeah. But just some other pieces from this interview – she mentioned that the books wouldn’t be what they were if Jo’s mother hadn’t died. She said: “At least half of Harry’s journey is dealing with death. It’s there on every single page. If she hadn’t died, I don’t think it’s too strong to say that there wouldn’t be Harry Potter.” And…

Nick: I was going to say that things like the Mirror of Erised is a perfect example of that, isn’t it? Where she drew upon that early on in the series to shape the book.

Jamie: Early on, too, Nick.

Micah: Yeah. She actually mentioned that in the interview, didn’t she? Or maybe it was another interview that she brought up the mirror. Or was it Oprah that brought up the mirror? And then she also addressed people like Laura Mallory when she says: “I’m not pushing any belief system. The scene in Deathly Hallows was an illusion to a belief system I was raised on. I think if the evil makes it legitimate for parents to say if this is a little old for my child.” So in there she was just talking about – she’s fully accepting of parents saying, “Look, the evil that’s in these books is a little bit too mature at this point and time for my children. They don’t have to read it.” But using the whole religious argument, I think, she’s not very fond of.

MuggleCast 211 Transcript (continued)

News: Harry Potter Film Wizardry

Andrew: What else is going on in the news?

Micah: So the last bit of news is that there’s this book coming out on the Harry Potter films next week, on October the 19th, called Harry Potter Film Wizardry. And Andrew, you and I have gotten a chance to look at this book, to review this book, and, really, it’s something I think that a lot of Harry Potter fans will really enjoy because it gives you an in-depth look, behind the scenes of the films in great detail.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s really well done, because it has all these new pieces from primarily David Heyman and Stuart Craig about designing the films, and there’s also a couple – well, actually, quite a few new interviews with the cast. It’s just – it’s really full of detail, it’s a very large book. I describe it as an encyclopedia of the films, because they really cover every aspect of the films. Different sets, scenes, characters, actors, I mean, everything is covered in here. And also nice – it’s loaded with pictures and tons of short – I guess short essays, so to speak, about different aspects of the films, from the people who actually did them. So it’s very legit, very nice concept art…

Nick: Shame about the cover though.

Andrew: Yeah, I mean, the thing is when you – when everyone first saw this book, and this is what I thought, thinking, “What the heck is this?” The cover is just so basic that you don’t expect that so much detail is going to be inside. But then when you hold it and open it up you see that it’s very large. It’s got quite a few different props, so to speak, that you can take out of the book like there’s an Advanced Potions Making journal and there’s a Marauder’s Map. There’s a proclamation, one of Umbridge’s Educational Decrees. So it’s – you say this about a lot of things, but it’s the perfect Christmas gift. [laughs] The perfect holiday gift. So definitely check it out. It hits bookstores soon, just in time for the release of the film.

Micah: I thought they did a really good job of hitting every character, like characters that you would think were obscure in the films and they took the time to sit down with them and talk with them and like you said, there’s sort of these exclusive interviews. And also what they did with Deathly Hallows: Part 1. They hit all those scenes that you would expect to see in the film – Godric’s Hollow, they revisited the Ministry, the Lovegood house – all these things in such detail, you would think that W.B. would have prevented them from including them. But the wedding is in here and they also give you a look at Part 2, and it’s some pretty cool stuff. So I forget what it retails for. I think it’s around forty dollars but through other places like Amazon you can get it a little cheaper than that.

Andrew: Yeah, it’ll be marked down in bookstores I’m sure too, so.

Nick: Sounds reasonable for what you’re getting.

Andrew: Yeah, actually I think it’s worth the forty. I mean there really is a lot of stuff.

Micah: Yeah it’s hard cover and it’s hundreds of pages, easily. So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …you are getting value for it.

Andrew: And endless hours of entertainment, just like MuggleCast.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And this is free! All right.

Micah: Yeah why did we ever do this for free?

Andrew: I don’t know. We should start charging for – I think each episode is worth at least forty dollars.

Jamie: And that’s when our listener count goes [makes diving sound]

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Just for fun we should do an episode and charge for it. [laughs] See how many people buy it. No, I’m kidding. This has not gone to my head, I swear.

Micah: That is all the news.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Mad-Eye Moody”

Andrew: Good. So let’s get into Chapter-by-Chapter now. This week we’re looking at Goblet of Fire Chapters 13-15. And we will start with Chapter 13. Micah, lead us, please, through the Mad-Eye Moody chapter.

Micah: So, Chapter 13 starts with all the lessons for Harry in his fourth year, and we get a pretty in-depth look at a couple of them. The chapter starts off with the trio headed to Herbology, and Professor Sprout has them collect Bubotuber Pus. Now, my question is, and this is going off the Mandrakes from Chamber of Secrets, does Professor Sprout actually teach, or is she just running an underground market of stuff?

Andrew: I don’t know. She does seem a bit odd.

Nick: There can’t be that much to teach, either, about plants, really. She probably just sits around watering them.

Andrew: You just offended a lot of plant majors.

Nick: Really, cut that out. I don’t want gardener hate.

Andrew: No, I’m sure there’s a – I don’t know the exact name of it, but there are people who study plants.

Micah: Yeah, it just seems like she’s always doing something for somebody else. You know what I mean? So, they need the Mandrakes for this purpose, or they need this pus for another purpose.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: It never actually seems like there’s a lesson on something.

Jamie: I think she’s just a hands-off teacher though. It’s like if you’re trying to teach a kid how to change a bike tyre, you let them do it and you guide them and stuff. I think she’s just one of those teachers who takes a back seat. I know what you mean, though. It’s not like any of the other magical ones where they get stuck in and show everything. Maybe she’s just different.

Micah: Yeah. Maybe that’s…

Andrew: I actually could use some of this Bubotuber, because I’m reading now that it acts as a treatment for severe acne. I could definitely use that.

Micah: All right. Well, we’ll get you some.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: All right. Well, the second class that Harry, Ron, and Hermione go to is Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid, of course, teaches this class, and he introduced them to Blast-Ended Skrewts. And what happens here is Draco asks a question. You know, he’s really rude with Hagrid initially but then he rephrases it. And Hagrid’s inability to teach here, I thought, really comes through because he has no idea why anybody would want a Blast-Ended Skrewt, no idea what to feed them and doesn’t really know a whole lot about their anatomy. Yet he’s willing to expose his students to them. So I’m sort of wondering, you know, is this a bad hire on Dumbledore’s part? We know Hagrid’s affinity for dangerous creatures but, you know, he doesn’t even know the – the important information about these things. He just kind of brought them to class.

Andrew: I have a feeling there’s going to be a certain theme with this whole Chapter-By-Chapter segment about how good Dumbledore is at managing the school because in Chapter 14 and 15, we also question the purpose of teaching the young students Unforgivable Curses. But isn’t – isn’t this sort of like the Sprout argument that you’re making? Like they’re not actually learning anything, they’re just sort of doing?

Micah: No, no, no. Sprout, I think is knowledgeable and she knows what she’s teaching. She just has a weird method of doing it whereas I don’t think Hagrid is very knowledgeable.

Nick: Yeah, Hagrid is just a hobby; he’s learning whilst he’s doing it and…

Andrew: Mhm.

Nick: …he’s then going to try to teach that to his kids at the same time.

Micah: You know, and we’ve said this before, that the Professors are a bunch of misfits at the school. They really are, you know, whether you’re talking about Hagrid or, you know, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, whomever that is, or Trelawney, you know. It doesn’t seem like there are a lot of established teachers that are there other than maybe McGonagall. I mean even Snape is a former Death Eater.

Andrew: [laughs] Well, hmm. I don’t – well, Dumbledore – obviously Dumbledore and Hagrid have a really good relationship. Dumbledore trusts Hagrid and Hagrid obviously does a really good job at taking care of the creatures. So, I think Dumbledore trusts that he knows something. And then again, what – what is the point of learning about these Blast-Ended Skrewts? I mean, I guess in school you do learn a lot of – you learn about quite a few things that you don’t really need to know but maybe – maybe Hagrid just had other things on his mind.

Nick: I guess also things like he’s been trying – teach the curriculum given by the Ministry and they’re not the sort of animals that excite Hagrid and things he knows about. It’s not the dragons he’s got to teach, it’s these Blast-Ended Skrewts. So I think it’s not necessarily his forte in the magical creature topic. That makes sense. It doesn’t, does it?

Micah: Yeah, it does. We’ll get to another teacher in a couple of minutes here but, you know, during this chapter Hermione sneaks off to the library several times so I just thought that that was important to note. We come to learn that, you know, eventually learn that she’s off planning SPEW.

Andrew: It’s not “SPEW” it’s “S-P-E-W!”

Micah: [laughs] I’m sorry there, Hermione. I’ll remember to say that from now on.

Andrew: Thank you.

Jamie: Wow, you guys are good.

Micah: But why the role reversal, though? Ron takes a couple digs at her. He says, “Oh, well now all of a sudden you’re stuffing your face – you obviously got hungry – that’s the reason why you’re willing to eat the food that the house-elves are preparing.” Why go back on your promise? Aren’t there other ways to get food?

Andrew: Well, she’s not going to starve to death.

Jamie: I think she was just hungry…

Andrew: I don’t think there’s other ways…

Jamie: It’s one of those things – you get principle – everyone’s got principles and some people think they’ve got to follow them all the time or they’re failing. And some think, well, there’s degrees of principality – or whatever the word is. She helps house-elves more than other people do, but she can’t – I guess, starve herself – like you say. I don’t know.

Andrew: It’s sort of like when you are against trees being cut down, but then you go and buy paper because – well, it’s going to be printed anyways – it’s not like I’m stopping it.

Jamie: Well, that – yeah, yeah…

Andrew: That’s at least what I think. It’s probably horrible, but – they’re making the food anyways. It’s going to be there whether Hermione rebels or not. I mean, sure…

Jamie: That’s terrible argument, Andrew. That’s an absolutely terrible argument.

Andrew: No – no. Well, and so is what Hermione’s doing. She’s all for it, but she’s still eating the food, so…

Jamie: Oh maybe…

Micah: Yep. Well, we’ll see what happens later on. But now they go off to double Divination with Trelawney. And during the class – of course Trelawney whenever Harry’s around predicts his imminent doom – and she tells him, “I fear the thing you dread will indeed come to pass and perhaps sooner than you think.” Now, I’m wondering what this is – because usually her predictions are pretty accurate, right?

Andrew: She dreads Voldemort coming back – he dreads Voldemort coming back. And it’s coming pretty soon.

Micah: Sure. All right. Also, during this class, as we all know, Lavender Brown really likes Professor Trelawney and is a bit of a show off in the class and she thinks she’s found some unnamed planet – I believe it was, and Professor Trelawny comes over and says, “No dear, that’s Uranus,” and then Ron says, “Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender?”

Jamie: Eh, that’s a classic isn’t it?

[Andrew, Jamie and Micah laugh]

Micah: I thought this was the first real mature sort of joke that’s in the series.

Andrew: Yeah. But at the same time, this is totally the joke everyone said in high school too or middle school.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Ha, ha. Uranus.

Micah: Exactly. So it’s nice to see that there’s a little bit of dirty humor in the Potter series. But…

Andrew: Oh yeah, it’s very nice.

Micah: Well, you know.

Andrew: What are you saying about yourself, Micah?

Micah: That I like dirty humor.

Andrew: “I’m happy to see this dirty humor.”

Micah: I like dirty humor, that’s what I’m saying. There’s nothing wrong with that. Anyway, we move on and the trio are coming out of the Great Hall and they run into Draco Malfoy who’s bragging about the fact that Ron’s dad is in the Daily Prophet again. And of course it’s written by Rita Skeeter, and they get into a little bit of a fight and it goes something like this: Draco insults Arthur and Molly. Harry insults Narcissa. Draco tries to curse Harry, and then Mad-Eye Moody makes an appearance and turns Draco into a ferret. And this scene is completely taken out of context in the movie, because it doesn’t occur in the Great Hall. It’s actually after Ron and Harry get into a fight so Ron is not even there. It’s outside.

Jamie: It’s outside as well. isn’t it? Yeah, it doesn’t work really.

Andrew: But it was still really funny, and the look on Moody’s face in the film was hilarious, I think, as he’s controlling him. And actually besides it being out of context and in a different scene it was pretty loyal – it was pretty accurate. I mean how Moody was throwing him around and how McGonagall steps in and freaks out.

Micah: Yeah, the lines are actually the same too, you know, “Didn’t Dumbledore…”

Andrew: Yeah – yeah.

Micah: “…tell you about this?” He says, “Maybe,” or whatever it was.

Andrew: Yeah – yeah.

Micah: So, I’m wondering, do you think Mad-Eye overheard this conversation and he felt a need to step in and protect Ron because his father did come to his aid? And I know this is Barty Crouch Jr., but maybe Barty Crouch is thinking, ‘You know, Arthur came over to investigate for me. I need to sort of act as if I’m doing something good on behalf of his son.” Or do you think it was just a matter of chance that Moody was there?

Nick: I thought he was just trying to win over support and get closer to Harry and Ron.

Jamie: I think that’s completely true, Nick, yeah.

Andrew: Ah.

Jamie: He’s just trying to – Jo kind of perhaps tries to make you think that it’s because his dad helped him out, but yeah, it’s just to try and build his trust and get him to trust him so in the future he can screw him over, as it were.

Micah: Yeah. Now, I’m also wondering though, is Mad-Eye – slash Barty Crouch Jr. – so willing to do this to Draco because he really doesn’t like Lucius Malfoy? Moody tells Draco to tell his father that he will be keeping an eye on his son. Obviously, Barty Crouch is not Lucius Malfoy’s biggest fan, because he feels that Lucius betrayed Voldemort. So, is there a little bit of that in this to?

Jamie: Perhaps! That is a fair point as well. It’s always nice when there are several reasons for a character doing something, and I guess when there are several reasons, you can’t be sure which one is true, but I think as such a dedicated Death Eater, he will probably feel quite strongly about that, so I can imagine that perhaps as part true, or he got an extra kick out of it maybe, because of that.

Micah: But then Moody starts talking about who Draco’s Head of House is, and he refers to Snape as saying he needs to sit down and have a conversation with another old friend. Now, ‘another’ here is interesting because the only person he’s mentioned prior to this point is Lucius Malfoy, so I was wondering if this was a clue that Moody wasn’t necessarily who he appeared to be.

Jamie: That’s a fair point as well. Yeah, I guess if you read that closely – what was the first friend, and why is he friends with him? Actually, I think you probably just assume because he was an Auror, and Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater he was trying to catch him, but I guess – yeah – you were wrong to think that, and really he was in league with him. It’s quite interesting, really. Yeah, it’s good writing.

Micah: Yeah, it’s almost like is it a sarcastic ‘old friend’…

Jamie: Or is it true?

Micah: …even though …

Jamie: It’s clever, yeah. Very clever.

Micah: …so…

Andrew: It’s a double meaning.

Jamie: Yeah, exactly.

Micah: …exactly.

Andrew: Hopefully we’ll see more of these too, as we read along.

Micah: Yup.

Andrew: Now knowing the truth.

Micah: So, Harry and Ron are really excited, obviously, about the way that Moody has treated Draco and so they’re looking forward to his upcoming class, but Ron’s a bit upset because they have to wait a couple days in order to have Moody as a teacher but that wraps up that chapter.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Unforgivable Curses”

Andrew: All right, next is Chapter Fourteen: The Unforgivable Curses. We learn right off the top of the chapter that Snape is acting abnormally spiteful towards Moody, and what is the reason for that, Micah? I couldn’t figure it out.

Micah: Why does he not like Moody? Well…

Andrew: Yeah, more than other Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers.

Micah: …well I would say that he has the Defense Against the Dark Arts job, but…

Andrew: But the way Jo was writing it was that there was something even more, and I don’t know what that is. I mean, unless Snape just had a bad feeling about Moody and that was it.

Micah: …well at this point I don’t think he has any idea who Mad-Eye Moody is. He doesn’t believe him to be Barty Crouch Jr. in any way, so maybe he just doesn’t like the idea of an Auror potentially breathing down his neck and keeping an eye on him. Maybe he doesn’t trust him.

Andrew: Well in the previous chapter, the Weasley twins tell Ron that Moody is like no other teacher because he’s experienced the Dark Arts, and this is proven when Moody teaches the trio about Unforgivable Curses for the first time, and for the first lesson. He just basically jumps right into it as he says. He’s just like “lets go, lets do this.” Moody mentions he only has one year with the students and Ron asks why he’s only there for a year, and Moody says, “this year of teaching is just a special favor to Dumbledore,” and that’s interesting. I guess Moody and Dumbledore sort of just had this agreement that’s sort of in the style that Slughorn and Dumbledore do in Half-Blood Prince where Slughorn just says “one year,” – or, I don’t know if he says “one year”, but Dumbledore has to work to convince him. If Dumbledore is aware of this, had he already been thinking about a new DADA teacher to replace him, or did he just assume that Moody – after he came back, he would realize what he’s missing and hoping he’d stick around longer?

Jamie: Well, he’s quite optimistic and trusting, Dumbledore, so I think it’s kind of like when he tried to get Slughorn in and he was like, “well, trust me Harry, he’ll come back,” and stuff, I think.

Nick: I guess Dumbledore’s aware of the curse’s rule as well, so he’s probably already looking for next year, assuming he isn’t coming back.

Andrew: [laughs] He’s like, “I know you’re not going to survive one year anyways, so…”

Jamie: It could be a number of things, really.

Andrew: I don’t know, as Headmaster, I’d be working to somehow break that curse, but maybe with Voldemort around…

Jamie: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: …that just isn’t high up on the priorities list. So, getting back to the class that the trio are in, Moody mentions that despite the Ministry’s thinking, Dumbledore and Moody believe students should not have to wait until their sixth year to learn about Unforgivable Curses. Do you guys agree with this? It’s comparable to learning about major issues in the real world. You don’t really learn about this in classes – at least in American schools – but murdering and torture, this is basically what it’s comparable to, and the students here are what? 14? 15? Maybe 16? So, should they be learning about Unforgivable Curses in their fourth year?

Nick: And more importantly, why would he teach them this, because he’s just given Harry the ammo later on to use – we know he tries the spells and he’s not really successful at them, like the Crucio. Why would he teach them these things that will later be used against him and Voldemort and the Death Eaters? It’s crazy.

Jamie: I agree. I thought – well, it’s one of those questions that’s age old, isn’t it – and it’s sort of well, should people know about the world they live in, or should they live in a bubble, or how much should children be aware of, and how can you trust children to handle those issues in the right way? It’s a – she’s good at bringing ethical considerations into the books, and this is one of those things. They seem to handle it pretty well. You have the Fred and Georges that say, “Oh, that was cool. That was cool.” Neville, obviously, is pretty upset by it, and that’s because of personal circumstances, and I think that’s a good point that she’s making. You can say – you can do something and it could affect very few people, but it still affects a few people, so it’s hard to know where she stands on it, really. From that scene, it’s quite hard.

Micah: I think there’s a difference though, because most of these students, they know about the curses. It’s just actually seeing them applied to something, and I think there’s a huge difference there. They know the names of the curses. Moody goes around to the class and he asks, “What are the names of the Unforgivable Curses?”, and there’s a difference between knowing them and actually performing them, and I think to perform them in front of these students, though – do they really need to see that? If you read it in a book – this is what the Imperius Curse does, this is what the Cruciatus Curse does, this is what the Killing Curse does – I think you have a pretty good idea, you don’t need to see it necessarily in front of you.

Jamie: No, I think that’s true, yeah. But I can’t think…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: …of a real world example, but yeah, it’s kind of like – yeah but you could argue that it’s showing them how it’s done so they don’t go and see it bad way, like with friends. And I know that he said, “Well, you aren’t powerful enough to create Avada Kedavra and the other curses,” but it’s kind of like showing them in the most – the best way possible so that they don’t hurt themselves trying to find out something that interests them. I don’t know. It can go both ways.

Andrew: Yeah, and I guess in Dumbledore’s and Mad-Eye’s defense, as you guys brought up, there’s – they can’t conduct these spells themselves; they’re just not powerful enough yet. So in that regard – and it is better that they are learning about it in an educational environment first, rather than seeing it firsthand. Because if they see if firsthand, they don’t really know what’s going on.

Jamie: But wait, you’re saying that if…

Andrew: If they are out in the street and they just happen to run into somebody doing a Crucio on somebody, they don’t know exactly – that it’s an Unforgivable Curse, what it actually does…

Jamie: I guess so, I guess so. I mean I can go in to his lesson and come out and think that the world’s completely out to get me, he seems to impart that on the on people, which is probably not – perhaps he doesn’t go about it the right way saying, “You need to know these things because people are going to attack you and you will need to know what to do.” Perhaps a better way would be, “We’re showing you this so you don’t do it yourself and these are really deadly and some people may do it” – I don’t know, again it’s the character, he would do that so that’s how he would act.

Andrew: Well…

Jamie: I guess you can’t really say it’s wrong.

Andrew: Like we mentioned, they watch these – they watch Moody do these spells on – do these curses on spiders, and it’s a bit unsettling and it makes everyone feel kind of nervous in the classroom. After the lesson the trio find Neville shaken by what Moody had said and performed. And when approaching Neville about it – when the trio approach Neville about it – Moody walks up and offers Neville some tea at his office. And while we don’t know at the time, presumably, Moody’s talking to Neville – do you guys think that Moody talked to Neville about how his parents were tortured? And of course this is Barty Crouch, Jr., the one who tortured his parents. So, I mean, lord knows what the heck went on in the office…

Nick: I’d imagine he was getting some kick out telling him.

Andrew: Yeah, enjoying hearing the son – [laughs] – talk about…

Jamie: Yeah…

Andrew: And this is the point at which Moody – which we’ll find out later on – plants the clue on Neville for the second task about the…

Jamie: Gillyweed.

Andrew: Yeah, the Gillyweed.

Micah: Now, isn’t it different in the movie too? Because I don’t think it is the same in the book. I don’t think that Neville is the one who mentions the Cruciatus Curse. Is he?

Jamie: Yeah, no, he does, just because Moody’s – oh wait, are you talking about the book or the film…

Micah: The film, he does. Because I think they do it in the film to set up that plot point. But I don’t think he does…

Jamie: No, he does in the book as well…

Micah: Does he?

Jamie: No, no, he puts his arm up, and he’s really nervous and Moody asks him to repeat it. And he goes, “Your name’s Neville, isn’t it?”

Andrew: Oh, yeah, yeah…

Jamie: And his hands go white and that’s when Hermione tells him to stop doing it on that spider.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. I think you’re right. So then Harry spots Fred and George writing something together – this is later in the night, in the common room. And they’re looking suspicious in the corner. The only hint of what’s going on is when he overhears George say, “No, that sounds like we’re accusing him. Got to be careful.” So we’ll learn about that later on. Then Hermione comes in to the common room and introduces her brand new campaign, S.P.E.W. This is what Hermione has been working on in the library, like Micah said earlier. And she, quote, “Can’t believe no one has done anything about it before now.” And Hermione gets kind of bossy here, and hires Ron and Harry as treasurer and secretary, respectively, without ever really asking them. And there is not too much SPEW talk, I mean S.P.E.W talk here because then, all of a sudden, Hedwig shows up with the letter from Sirius. And Sirius says he’s coming back immediately because Harry’s visions are in line with the rumors he had been hearing. He doesn’t say where or when he’ll arrive, he just says that he’s coming back north. And this angers Harry, because he doesn’t want Sirius to get caught by the Dementors, because then it would really be all his fault that he was caught again. And this leads us into Chapter 15. Micah, could you kick us off, and we’ll go back and forth on this.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Beauxbatons and Durmstrang”

Micah: Sure. So, still feeling guilty about Sirius’ decision to come back, Harry writes a letter to him saying that everything is fine, and he only imagined that his scar was hurting. And ‘Casper’ tweeted in:

“Isn’t Harry a bit naive when he tries to stop Sirius from coming? ‘I reckon I just imagined my scar hurting, I was half asleep.'”

Is the quote.

Jamie: I think it’s more than naive, I think it’s reckless. He’s – you know, if he’d believed him – which he didn’t – then the entire book could’ve gone a completely different way. It’s just – it’s really stupid of him to do stuff like that. I know he doesn’t like to think that people – that he’s causing issues with people or he’s making people do things because of him rather than because they want to, but he’s just – it is a stupid thing to do. But it is him, I guess, Sirius sees it in James, and that’s why he knows straightaway, but…

Andrew: Yeah, and as we – when Sirius gets – replies back to Harry’s letter saying, “Oh no, it was just – I was just imagining it,” did Harry really think – like ‘Casper’ said, was Sirius really going to be like, “Oh, okay, fine, never mind, peace out.” I mean, Sirius is bored, too. It’s not like he has anything else going on, so he gets excited – I think, in a weird way, to know that he has something to start.

Micah: Yeah. It’s like another adventure with James, almost.

Andrew: Yeah!

Jamie: Yeah, exactly. That’s why he likes it, yeah.

Andrew: So a few weeks later, we’re back in Moody’s class, and in taking this curse stuff a step further he gets permission from Dumbledore to put the Imperius Curse on each of them so they know what it feels like. And – I – this is where Dumbledore’s decisions – the decisions he makes come into question. How can this be okay? I mean, this is one of the Unforgivable Curses. And granted, Moody’s not making them do anything inappropriate or making them kill themselves, but I just think this is so bizarre that this would be allowed. And Moody makes them dance around, but shouldn’t the parents have to agree…

Micah: Yes.

Andrew: …to this?

Micah: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, if you knew that this type of teaching was going on at school – first of all, the fact that they taught the Unforgivable Curses is one thing. Now they’re performing them on the students? It’s…

Jamie: I know. Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: That’s stretching it a bit. It’s almost like when you have something comparable happen in public school here where the parents don’t agree, whether it’s a book being taught or a particular subject being brought up. You know, it causes all this controversy. I would imagine it would cause a tremendous amount of controversy.

Jamie: Especially because they need to have a signed form to go into Hogsmeade, when it’s just a village…

Micah: [laughs] Exactly. And…

Jamie: …and you know, they don’t need a form for that.

Micah: You need one for a field trip…

Nick: The fact Harry’s in the class is making him lose his judgement and do things he wouldn’t normally do.

Jamie: I mean, I guess – like, the Imperius Curse is a really weird one, because I don’t really see how you can have a curse in the world where you can just, you know – I mean, for example, it would completely mess up the law about rape, for a start. Like, it would be impossible to quantify anything in that world legally with the Imperius Curse. I mean, they say that. They say it was impossible when Voldemort was around. Everyone was under the Imperius Curse. I – it doesn’t – I mean, I don’t know. It’s just everyone could be under it. You wouldn’t ever know who was acting of their own accord. And if the use of it is enough to get a life sentence in Azkaban, but no one’s going to know they’ve been under it. It’s kind of weird, really.

Micah: Yeah, and I think the only thing this is here to do is to set up the fact that Harry can resist the Imperius Curse.

Jamie: Yeah, it is. Definitely, definitely.

Micah: So – and…

Andrew: Wild.

Micah: What’s that?

Andrew: Wild. Go ahead.

Jamie: Wild.

Micah: But I think that’s the point though, isn’t it? Harry says that he actually enjoys the sensation, but then realizes he can fight back. So he tries to fight it off completely, but is ultimately unsuccessful. And then somebody tweeted in, ‘Paul94uk’:

“In Chapter 15 Harry resists the Imperius Curse, so do you think he could resist all the Unforgivable Curses?”

Jamie: Well, he did resist Avada Kedavra. We wouldn’t have a book if he hadn’t done that.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: But doesn’t…

Jamie: Crucio.

Micah: Yeah, Voldemort performs that on him at the end of this book, doesn’t he?

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. And he…

Jamie: And it hurts like hell, so…

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: I guess not.

Andrew: Well, two for three isn’t too bad. I mean, it’s more than anyone else can say. [laughs]

Jamie: That’s not bad at all, really.

Micah: If I’m not mistaken, doesn’t he also use the Imperious Curse on him at some point in the series?

Jamie: Yeah. He makes him – oh no! He makes him bow. Oh no, no, no! Doesn’t – because it says, “Harry felt that familiar feeling.”

Micah: Was it Deathly Hallows that they use the Imperius Curse on him?

Jamie: No, no, Micah! It’s in Goblet of Fire at the end when he’s like, “Bow! Bow!” And then he’s like, “I won’t! I won’t!” And then Voldemort says, “Oh, you won’t, will you? I value bravery,” or whatever, something like that. I can’t believe I still remember that. I haven’t read that book in ages. But yeah, I think it’s then. Hey, Andrew – I’ve got…

Andrew: Well, and…

Jamie: I’ve got a question for you. Which do you think hurts more, the Cruciatus Curse or in Twilight when that Volturi vampire says “Pain”?

Andrew: [laughs] That’s a good question. I mean, they both seem to have equal effects. But because I will be flamed if I give the wrong answer here, I will say that the Harry Potter one hurts much worse.

Jamie: Yeah!

Andrew: Because, I mean, J. K. Rowling’s clearly a better writer so…

Jamie: Yeah! That’s the right answer!

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Well done! Full marks to you!

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Jamie, I can’t believe you read Twilight. You may want to come on my other podcast.

Jamie: I have not. I’ve seen the film.

Andrew: Oh! Sure, sure!

Jamie: I would have if you invited me!

Andrew: [laughs] Oh! We will have to talk about that. But the way Jo described Harry realizing he can control the curse actually makes it sound really easy. It seems to come really easy to Harry because he just has this little head – this little voice in the back of his head that says, “Oh, wait! Hold on! I can stop this. I can get in control of this decision making that’s going on right now.” So it was interesting that Jo described it as kind of being easy to take over and yet it’s not easy for everyone. So, I guess it takes over your mind to the point where you can’t even think that you can control it. [laughs] So, I don’t know. The writing there is pretty interesting.

Micah: What do you think about the other tweet?

Andrew: Yeah. We got this other tweet from protagonistDev:

“I never understood how the Imperius Curse worked. Does the one who conjures has to be there near the victim like a puppet?”

Do we see Moody actually say the spell?

Jamie: Or does he do it silently?

Andrew: I don’t think so.

Jamie: I think he does for dramatic effect because when he says…

Andrew: Silently?

Jamie: No, no, no. Out loud because when he says Avada Kedavra, Harry feels a thrill of foreboding and a rush of power. I think he does because it’s easily exclamation markable and people like it and I don’t know. Perhaps he does it once but he doesn’t the other time or something.

Andrew: Well – and that may answer that question. I imagine that you have to be looking at the person to take over them. I can’t imagine that they can be in a different part of the school.

Micah: Well, you have to remember that Barty Crouch Sr. is under the Imperius Curse for this entire book pretty much from Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch – well, obviously Barty Crouch Jr. has left so Peter Pettigrew is the one putting the Imperius Curse on him. So, how close does Peter Pettigrew have to be to Barty Crouch Sr.? Is he like living in the basement or something? I really don’t remember, to be honest.

Nick: I always imagined that the wand would have to point at the person. You have to be within the vicinity to cast the spell, and once they’re under the Imperius Curse – you have to be around them.

Andrew: I’m looking at the book now. It says “Moody raised his wand, pointed it at Harry and said ‘Imperio!‘” So yes, you say it out loud and yes, you have to point at the person.

Micah: But how long does it last?

Jamie: I think they said that you have to top it up, don’t you? You can’t just leave it and it doesn’t last forever.

Nick: Yeah, because they’ll naturally resist it over time.

Andrew: Yeah, and Moody keeps saying “Jump on the desk! Jump on the desk! Jump now!” And maybe that’s because Harry is resisting it, but maybe that’s what you have to do to kind of keep it going. You have to keep saying things, giving commands. Okay, so moving along, we learn – well, the students learn that the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students will be arriving in just a matter of days. And meanwhile, Fred and George confront Hermione about her S.P.E.W. campaign and insist that the house-elves are happy where they are, but still Hermione has none of this. A little bit later in the chapter, Harry gets a letter back from Sirius who knows that Harry is lying about the scar pain being from his imagination as we mentioned earlier, and Sirius says “Don’t worry, Harry. I’m well hidden, I’m not going to get caught.” So then at the end of the chapter the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students arrive. We meet Madame Maxime and her students with the arrival of their huge carriage, and she’s adamant about her horses being well taken care of, but Dumbledore assures her that her future love interest, of course being Hagrid, will take care of them just fine. Despite not being able to handle…

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: Not even being able to handle Blast-Ended Skrewts.

Jamie: Giant horses next.

Andrew: Right. And then the Durmstrang students show up with their giant ship, and Ron quickly notices that his idol Krum is in the group!

Jamie: Wow.

Andrew: So exciting. He’s so hot.

Micah: I was going to say, that’s probably a lot to clean up with those horses if they’re that big.

Jamie: Yeah. It’d take forever, wouldn’t they?

Micah: I think there’s actually a part later on in the book where Hagrid is cleaning out the – never mind, but…

Andrew: We’ll know later. [laughs]

MuggleCast 211 Transcript (continued)

Muggle Mail: Mistakes

Andrew: So that’s it for Chapter-by-Chapter. Next episode we will look at Chapters 16-18, so look forward to that. Let’s get to some Muggle Mail now. Nick, could you read the first email from Charlotte?

Nick: Sure. This is from Charlotte – she’s 24 and from Knoxville. And she writes:

“I was just listening to Episode 210, and I noticed a couple of mistakes. When Micah was talking about the latest ‘Deathly Hallows’ news, he said Scabior was a new character not mentioned in the book. Scabior was mentioned in ‘Deathly Hallows’ starting on page 448 of the U.S. hardcover edition as one of the Snatchers. During your Chapter-by-Chapter discussion, you were talking about how dustbins that were set off in Moody’s yard seemed too simple for someone like him. Barty Crouch Jr. was the one who set off the dustbins,” and she quotes, “‘I made the dustbins move about the yard. I told Arthur Weasley I had heard intruders in my yard, who had set off the dustbins.’ I think Crouch set them off in order to make it look like more of a struggle. I love the show and think you guys do an awesome job, Charlotte.”

Andrew: Other than your screw-ups.

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: No, I thought that Scabior was the one that was made up for this – wasn’t there a Death Eater that was made up specifically for this film? Or am I making that up?

Andrew: Well, we probably have to look into that. I don’t know.

Micah: Well, okay. Apparently he was in the book. I apologize. The dustbin thing is probably my fault, too, so I’m 0 for 2 so far.

Andrew: Micah, as your punishment, read the next email.

Jamie: Bad boy.

Andrew: You bad, bad boy.

Muggle Mail: Jo on the Bus

Micah: [laughs] Next email comes from Kristina, 22, of Sweden, and she says:

“Hi MuggleCasters, my friend and I really had to laugh about your discussion on whether J.K. Rowling still rides a bus. I always thought it was a nasty and untrue cliche that Americans drive absolutely everywhere by car, and I was surprised to hear that you really find the idea strange that someone who could afford a driver would go by bus. I’m from Sweden so I can’t really judge the situation in the U.K., but where I live it is quite common for politicians and celebrities to go by train, bus, or bicycle and I guess it’s the same in most parts of Europe. Also, I think Jo would want her children to grow up as normally as possible, and in most parts of the world that includes using public transportation. This is the first time I’m writing to you, but I’ve been a fan for many years. Thank you for never failing to make me laugh, even if this time it was unintentional. Lots of love, Kristina”

Andrew: So, we did get Jo’s answer. This got brought up last episode when a commercial for Oprah had Oprah asking Jo the question “Is it true you still ride the bus?” and it cuts to Jo and she does this little shudder but she doesn’t answer because it’s a teaser. So Jo ended up saying that she rode it, I think, as recently as a year ago. So all right, I stand corrected. Now I sound like an idiot that just believes Jo’s too good to take a bus. But turns out that she still does. And good for her. Buses are nice. That’s how…

Micah: I mean, here Mayor Bloomberg goes by subway to work everyday and he’s a billionaire.

Andrew: Oh really?

Micah: I guess people do use public transportation that are celebrities. I don’t think we were discounting that every celebrity has a driver that takes them somewhere.

Andrew: I was.

Micah: You were?

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Muggle Mail: Rita Skeeter

Andrew: Next email comes from Seth, 19, of New Jersey – my home state.

“Hey MuggleCast, in your recent episode (210), Micah had mentioned that Rita Skeeter”

Oh, is this you making a mistake again?

“Micah had mentioned that Rita Skeeter had found out about Bertha Jorkins’s disappearance because [imitating Micah] ‘It’s just one of those examples of the press getting hold of information that they shouldn’t have.’ I do agree with this comment but it’s also probably because Rita is an Animagus and was probably snooping around.”

So Micah, you weren’t wrong here.

Micah: We’re not that far in the book yet, though.

Andrew: Right. When we do these – I guess it’s probably important to make clear, when we do these Chapter-by-Chapter segments we try to take it from the standpoint as if – sometimes – as if we hadn’t read ahead because otherwise some of these things aren’t really worth discussing, so we take it from the information we know so far in the book and the previous books.

Micah: Yeah, if it’s necessary to make the point that something happens later on we’ll do that, but sometimes when you’re quoting from further along in the book or further along in the series, it kind of takes away from what we’re doing with the Chapter-by-Chapter.

Andrew: Micah, or Jamie, could you read the final email from Kyle?

Muggle Mail: Durmstrang

Jamie: Yep, Kyle, 18, from London, nice place:

“Hey, MuggleCasters, my email this week relates to the comment on Episode 210 about the fact that why did Durmstrang have no involvement in the final battle. Do you think that the students and teachers at Hogwarts would have trusted having them join in and fight? I mean, from all that we have learned about them throughout the books, it would have been a big risk. They don’t let Muggle-borns into their school, their headmaster was a Death Eater, it’s notorious for teaching the Dark Arts, and was the school that taught the dark wizard Grindelwald. Wouldn’t it be more likely that they would join Voldemort’s side than defend Hogwarts? Anyway, just my thoughts. You guys are great, and I’ve been an avid listener since about Episode 70, keeping me up-to-date with all things Potter, which I can’t thank enough. Kyle.”

Thanks, Kyle!

Andrew: That’s about the time that Jamie, or Nick sounded like Jamie, or Jamie sounded like Nick.

Jamie: When? Episode 210?

Micah: Episode 70.

Andrew: Voice-wise, yeah.

Nick: It gave the transcribers some difficulties.

[Andrew and Nick laugh]

Nick: [laughs] Sorry, guys!

Micah: Well, isn’t that pigeonholing Durmstrang a bit? Like saying that all of them would join up with Voldemort’s side? And Karkaroff is dead at this point, so just because…

Jamie: It probably is true that you can’t, you wouldn’t be sure, you know, sort of. You might ask them to join in, but then there’ll be a few of them that don’t agree with fighting Voldemort, and I guess a few of them, you know, if they’re insiders, could cause a lot of damage.

Micah: Well, they can sit out. They don’t have to participate!

Jamie: It’s not like an American football game where there’s a bench!

Micah: [laughs] Yeah, they’re going to substitute Durmstrang in for this play. But, I don’t know. You would think that some of them that had come to Hogwarts to spend this year here would have come to fight against Voldemort. Just because Karkaroff led their school…

Jamie: True, true.

Micah: Doesn’t mean that they’re all bad. I know Draco says earlier in the series that he thought about going to Durmstrang because of the Dark Arts. But…

Andrew: Well, but how long would it take for them to get there? And…

Jamie: Well, they’d Apparate. Apparate, Apparate.

Andrew: But they couldn’t into the castle – I guess they could right outside the school.

Jamie: Oh, true true.

Andrew: But they couldn’t into the school. So…

Micah: I think it would have been more effective though if they came the same way that they did in this book. The battle’s going on and all of a sudden like, that scene were you have the Hogsmeade villagers coming…

Andrew: The ship emerges.

Jamie: Yeah, I was thinking that, Andrew. I was thinking that.

Micah: Yeah, the ship…

Andrew: Pirates of the Caribbean-ish.

Micah: Yeah, the ship comes up…

Jamie: Oh, oh.

Micah: And the carriage comes in from the sky. That would have been – that would make a great movie scene too.

Jamie: No, you see I was going to say like in Lord of the Rings when Aragorn runs forward and then the ghost army comes out behind him. That would be so cool, a scene like that.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Instead you’ve got wimpy Hogsmeade villagers that are running with like pots and pans.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: But they’re close by! When you consider how detailed, how many people actually showed up for the final battle, it’s almost sort of like, well if Jo wrote them in would they – would it take up too much extra time because they would kind of – they would probably need a little introduction again?

Jamie: Yeah, maybe, yeah.

Andrew: There may have been some technical difficulties adding them in, and you can’t have everyone. That would be a good question for Jo.

Jamie: I do see what you mean, Micah, because like for the final battle, it’s like the fight for the whole of the wizarding world and it takes place at a school.

Andrew: That’s true.

Jamie: You’d think it would take place at the capitol with spectators and everyone joining the fight like it’s a bit sort of – I mean if the good people lose, surely Voldemort will reign supreme over the entire country, or though perhaps he won’t because you’ll still have people fighting the fight from the Order of the Phoenix so what is the final battle for? Is it merely for Harry’s life when you consider it or is it for control of the whole wizarding world? With Dumbledore gone it’s quite – unless Harry kills Voldemort, he’s pretty much going to take over isn’t he?

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: I would say.

The Dueling Club

Andrew: Okay, so now as we promised at the top of the show, it’s time for the Dueling Club segment. We haven’t done this in a very long time. This is famous witches and wizards, and how we play this, if I remember correctly [laughs], is we take two people, in this case the theme this week is famous witches and wizards, and we figure out who would win.

Micah: That’s right.

Andrew: Actually, the last time we did this was the interview with David Heyman.

Micah: That’s right.

Andrew: Micah, [laughs] and you did this with him.

Micah: Yeah, David Heyman got the upper hand on me, I will say.

Andrew: I hear now that he does this with the…

Jamie: Did he like it?

Micah: Yeah, he did actually!

Jamie: That is really cool! That’s cool.

Andrew: Yeah, you should listen to it. It was pretty funny. He’s like, “Are you conceding defeat already, Micah?”

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: When Micah just gives up. [laughs] It was funny. I hear that he plays this with the crew now…

Jamie: Oh, nice!

Andrew: When they’re working together.

Jamie: I hope he credits us. I hope he credits us.

Andrew: [laughs] “Hey guys, I heard this great thing on MuggleCast, you want to play?”

Jamie: Yeah.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: “What the hell is MuggleCast?”

Jamie: Andrew, Andrew, I read a story – I don’t know if it’s true or not – that Emma Watson was in one of her classes at Brown, and the teacher asked a question and she answered it correctly, and someone in the back said, “Ten points to Gryffindor!” [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I feel like I heard that somewhere too, and that is so hilarious.

Micah: First up, Dumbledore versus Merlin. Andrew, you take Dumbledore. Jamie, you take Merlin. Andrew, you go first.

Andrew: Dumbledore is clearly the greatest wizard of all time, there’s no question about this. If you ask anyone on the street, “Who’s going to win, Dumbledore or Merlin?” more people will say Dumbledore just because they know him better. This is someone who’s been fighting Voldemort all his life. What did Merlin do? Who did he fight? He didn’t fight anyone. He didn’t have to take down anyone. Did Merlin sacrifice himself for the greater good? I don’t think so.

Jamie: All right. I think, actually, Andrew is completely wrong, and if you ask most people in the street, “Name a famous wizard,” I think more would say Merlin after Gandalf than would say Dumbledore. I also think that if you consider that Dumbledore has the Deathly Hallows as the biggest legend surrounding him, and you think, “well that’s quite a big legend,” but it’s only involved in Harry Potter thing, whereas Merlin was involved in the search for the Holy Grail. Everyone’s heard of the Holy Grail, and if you can trust someone to that kind of task, they’ve got to be pretty damn powerful. And I think Merlin’s probably got access to different types of wizardry, whereas Dumbledore is more of a Harry Potter book thing only, whereas Merlin comes in different guises, and he’s probably had more experience than Dumbledore. I think he’s probably older than Dumbledore as well, and age is wiseness and blah, blah, blah, so I think Merlin would cane Dumbledore.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Well, I would just like to add this fact to it. I mean, isn’t Dumbledore ‘Order of Merlin, First Class’?

Jamie: Awww!

Micah: And there is no ‘Order of Dumbledore’.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Oh, darn it!

Jamie: Awww, that is a great, great – that is brilliant. That is absolutely brilliant. If I…

[Andrew sighs]

Jamie: I wish I had just said that. I would have just been, like, “Andrew, what is the Order that Dumbledore has got?” And he said, “Merlin,” and I said, “I rest my case.” [laughs]

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Well, that doesn’t necessarily mean that he is a – that he is not better. I mean, to be fair, Merlin and Dumbledore never had a duel, so we don’t know for sure. Just because – I mean, the only reason Merlin has this ‘Order of Merlin’ award thing going on is because he was – he existed first.

Jamie: Or because he is richly powerful and really cool, and kills wizards for show and could kill Dumbledore with his little finger, maybe.

Andrew: All right. Let’s take one more then.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: Micah and Nick. Ravenclaw – well, who won that, by the way? I guess Jamie did with the Merlin thing.

Jamie: No, don’t put yourself down!

Andrew: Well, I can’t go – the Order of Merlin thing was…

Jamie: That was an awesome point. That was a great…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …point.

Andrew: All right. Nick and Micah. Micah, I will assign you Ravenclaw. Rowena Ravenclaw, right? We’re doing that. And Nick, you will have Salazar Slytherin. Nick, you go first. Why would Slytherin defeat – or why would Salazar defeat Rowena?

Nick: Salazar Slytherin would kill Rowena big style because he is more powerful, he has more skills, he has the mind-set to use the Dark Magic, and cunning. And to be deceiving and – I don’t know. Just generally more powerful than Rowena. She has got her intellect, but does intellect beat strength?

Micah: Well, I think in a battle that intelligence and wisdom is more important than actual action. You need sort of the intelligent side of it in order to outwit your opponent and I think that Rowena would definitely be able to do that on Slytherin. Slytherin strikes me as somebody that rushes to judgment, not thinking before he acts, whereas Rowena would think things through and possibly end up trapping Slytherin in some kind of way. I mean, she designed the moving staircases in Hogwarts. I mean, what has Slytherin ever done? Create some dumpy chamber in the basement of the school?

Andrew: Mmm, all right. I’m sorry, Nick. I’m…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …going to have to give this one to Micah. I feel…

Nick: Yeah.

Andrew: …his argument was stronger.

Nick: I concede.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: Well, if you guys agree or disagree with us, feel free to write in and let us know why, and maybe we’ll read it on the show.

Micah: I have a feeling we will get a lot on the Dumbledore-Merlin side of things.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: I think they are just going to get people saying that was an awesome point, Micah. That ended him. [laughs]

MuggleNet Giveaways

Andrew: [laughs] Well, we have quite a few things going on with MuggleNet that we want to tell you about before we wrap up the show. First of all, a ton of giveaways. Last week, we had a Hot Topic giveaway. That was a lot of fun. We gave away two Hot Topic Deathly Hallows t-shirts. We currently have a pop-up book giveaway going on, as well as a – which of these – I can’t even keep track. We currently have an Ultimate Edition giveaway going on and we also have the pop-up book going on. What’s going on with Film Wizardry one?

Micah: Okay, so by the time this show is out – it will probably only be a couple of days away, we’re going to be giving away a couple of copies of the Harry Potter Film Wizardry book that we talked about on this show earlier. And I think what we will do is we will probably give them away through some creative contest that we come up with on the site as well as maybe give one copy away on this show. Maybe the next episode, Episode 212, we’ll give away…

Andrew: Excellent.

Micah: …a copy of that, so look for that coming next week. The Ultimate Editions sweepstakes – that is really cool because the grand prize winner gets a brand new Blu-ray player as well as…

Jamie: Nice.

Micah: …copies of Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire Ultimate Edition. And then there is some runner-up prizes as well. So that started today, which is on Saturday, October 16th and you have all the way until November 14th to sign up, so you got a little less than a month to be able to win those prizes. So, just a lot of stuff going on.

Andrew: And the pop-up book – that contest just started just a few days ago. And that one, not only can you win a pop-up book, but you can also win four tickets to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park plus a $1,000 gift card to help you get down there.

Micah: Wow.

Andrew: So these prizes are nothing to sneeze at. They are pretty good. And these prizes, by the way, are being funded right out of Micah’s wallet. So…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …very generous…

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: …of you.

Micah: Very generous of me. And it’s like everything is happening next week. October 19th, Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire, those Ultimate Editions come out in stores. That’s when the Film Wizardry book is coming out. No surprise there that they would look…

Andrew: And the pop-up book…

Micah: And the…

Andrew: …on the…

Micah: …pop-up book. And then I think October 19th is when we will open up that giveaway for the Film Wizardry book. So, just a…

Andrew: Actually, I have a correction. The pop-up book comes out November 16th, but whatever! Point is…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …all this stuff is coming out [laughs] and you want to buy it all.

Micah: Or win it!

Split Script Contest

Andrew: So – yeah, or win it. Right. So, best thing to do is just keep an eye on MuggleNet. We have lots of updates going on there. Also, quick update, Micah, regarding the Deathly Hallows Split Script Contest.

Micah: Yeah, people entered, probably at this point, over a month [laughs] ago and we’ve had a little technical trouble getting a poll together, but we’ve finally done that. So hopefully by the time this show is released we will have the finalists up. A lot of people entered this competition, close to a hundred entries. We thank everybody obviously for entering because we know it takes a lot of work to sit down and write these things out. So look for that and of course the winners – the top three will get a signed copy [laughs] of’s Harry Potter Should Have Died which…

Andrew: There you go!

Micah: …everybody…

Andrew: Look at that!

Micah: …should have a copy of.

MuggleNet Updates

Andrew: All right. And also, content-wise on MuggleNet, we have new recipes, fan arts, fan of the week, and a bunch of other stuff being updated every week. So check those out as well as two new editions to MuggleNet. For one, the Wizarding World Easter Egg section. It points out all the little intricacies of the Wizarding World. All the little hidden things they have throughout the park. So if you’re going to go or if you want to go, check that section out so you are well prepared to know where you can find all the hidden little goodies throughout the park. Also, we have a new editorial added by Lady Lupin. She is a long time editorialist for MuggleNet. She wrote this great article. It’s been getting some amazing feedback from people who have read it, about comparing Book Harry’s growth and the knowledge that Film Harry has and what are the things that the films have left out that have an effect on Book Harry’s ability to get to the climax of the story.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s called Half-Baked Prince/Half-Baked Harry. Definitely check it out.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Micah, you loved it, I know.

Micah: Yeah. No, it was really interesting to read that because it shows you just how much the films have left out and she…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …really hit all major points.

Andrew: Somebody said, “Way to go, MuggleNet. You’re going to really upset W.B.” [laughs]

Micah: We have done that…

Andrew: We…

Micah: …a long time ago, so don’t worry about that.

Andrew: Yeah, and we didn’t publish it in – to be, like, W.B., you suck. It’s just an interesting look at what they have left out, and the screenwriters should actually give it a read. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, they really…

Andrew: They will feel really crappy…

Micah: They really should.

Show Close

Andrew: …about themselves. [laughs] Okay, so on top of all of that, please visit for all the information about the show. You will be able to subscribe and review us on iTunes. You can follow us on Twitter and send us in feedback that we actually read on the air, as you have seen. And also like us on Facebook. We’re about to cross 20,000 fans on Facebook. We currently – oh, actually, no. We passed it this week. So, yay, we have 20,000 fans on Facebook. If you haven’t become a fan of us on Facebook yet, just go to and every time we release a new episode you will get an update saying, “Hey, the new one is out! Give it a listen.” And you can talk with other fans who are also listeners and you can talk about the show right there on Facebook.

Micah: Everything that I said wrong…

[Jamie laughs]

Micah: …in the show, you can talk about it…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …which is a lot.

Andrew: We quite frequently gossip.

Jamie: Yeah, that’s…

Micah: Except Order of Merlin…

Jamie: You can’t argue…

Micah: …First Class.

Jamie: …with that until…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: That is the name…

Nick: That is for Micah winning.

Micah: …of this show. That is…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Episode 211: Order of Merlin, First Class.

Andrew: I’ll call it ‘Order of Micah…’

Micah: There you go.

Andrew: ‘…First Class’. How about that?

Micah: That is even better. That…

Nick: Yeah.

Micah: …may top the – Jamie, do you remember – I don’t even know…

[Show music begins]

Micah: …what episode this was, but the – was it the Patronus comment that I made about the otter being related to the weasel?

Jamie: That rings a bell. What did…

Micah: Do you remember that?

Jamie: Oh, it’s so – yeah, yeah. It was something that made us laugh to do with that. Was it to do with someone’s Patronus?

Micah: Yeah, yeah. That Hermione’s Patronus was an otter and that it is part of the weasel family.

Jamie: Oh, yeah. I think I remember you saying that. Yeah, yeah. That…

Andrew: Oh, Jamie collapsed to the floor.

Micah: Yeah, yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: He was, like, “Can we have five minutes or five moments – [laughs] – of silence to appreciate that?”

Jamie: You do come out with some insane points at times. Just blown away points, yeah.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Thanks everyone for listening! It’s been a very fun show and we’ll see you next time for Episode 212. Buh-bye!

Jamie: Bye!

Micah: Bye!

Nick: Bye!

[Show music continues]

Transcript #210

MuggleCast 210 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

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[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because the Floo Network just got X-rated, this is MuggleCast Episode 210 for October the 1st, 2010.

[show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome everyone to MuggleCast! It’s Episode 210, Micah and Laura are here, and – well, Eric’s supposed to be here, but as we all remember with Episode 208, he delayed us so long – if you listen to – I think I put in the bloopers, I’m not sure – he delayed us so long that poor Laura was on for only a half hour or 45 minutes, so this time we’re just starting without him!

Micah: We know how much everybody wants to hear Laura, so…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: And less of Eric. [laughs]

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Yeah, we can’t only have her on for a half hour. That’s just not enough Laura.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Well gosh, Micah…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Laura: …I’m all flattered and stuff over here.

Micah: Well, it’s…

Andrew: Maybe I should leave.

Micah: It’s not me, it’s what the people who write in the e-mails have to say.

Andrew: Oh, sure.

Laura: Oooh.

Andrew: Sure, Micah.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: We’re on to you.

Micah: Oh, damn.

Andrew: Well, as always, there’s plenty of Deathly Hallows news to talk about, and we’re going to continue our Chapter-by-Chapter series, and also bring back an old favorite segment. And that would be Favorites.

Laura: Oh, man.

Andrew: The favorite Favorite segment.

Laura: I forgot about that one.

Andrew: So everyone get ready. I’m Andrew Sims.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

[Show music continues]

News: Deathly Hallows Posters

Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum, give us the news! What’s going on?

Micah: Well, actually today, Warner Bros. released hi-res versions of Deathly Hallows: Part I posters…

Andrew: Mmm!

Micah: …and I was wondering, did you guys have a chance to take a look at these yet?

Laura: Yeah!

Andrew: I – [laughs] – it’s funny, there’s this big emphasis on Part I with the, “they’re not at Hogwarts.” So we see these posters, and it’s Harry, Ron, and Hermione each behind – you see some London landmark in the background. [laughs] And Ron, he’s…

Laura laughs

Andrew: …in front of power plants, which is so funny to me!

Laura: [laughs] I know!

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: I just like the “nowhere is safe.” [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] “Not even a power plant, because it’s toxic.”

Micah: Yeah, what’s up with that, though? To be honest with you, I really didn’t like the posters. They were a little weird, they didn’t really seem to fit with the whole Harry Potter theme even though, like you said, they’re not at Hogwarts anymore, but it just didn’t look right to me.

Laura: Well, it seems like they’re definitely trying to play up the action element of this, and I swear to God, every poster we get, they’re all cut up. [laughs] And I like how these, there’s blood splatters in them, I’m like “Really?” [laughs]

Andrew: I – yeah. [laughs]

Micah: Who’s doing the Photoshop?

Andrew: That is very odd, the red at the bottom of all of them. What’s going on there? What does that even mean? It looks like it’s out of V for Vendetta or Watchmen or something – another Warner Bros. film. But yeah, it’s definitely action-oriented, these posters. The camera is nice and low, and you’re sort of looking up at the actor, and it’s sort of god-like, and I like them actually. I don’t think they’re bad. My favorite one is actually Harry, maybe just because I have a crush on him, but the Ron and Hermione ones aren’t as cool as the Harry one I don’t think.

Laura: No, well, and…

Micah: It looks like armageddon, though…

Laura: [laughs] Yeah!

Micah: …in Harry’s poster.

Laura: And Andrew, you’re totally right, the Ron poster – he’s just not even in front of anything remotely significant. You look at…

Andrew: [laughs] It’s like it’s out of The Simpsons!

Laura: Yeah! You look at Harry and Hermione and they’re clearly in London, but Ron could be anywhere. It’s just – maybe – I don’t know, maybe that’s when he runs away. I don’t know, but it’s kind of silly.

Andrew: Well, there’s definitely – what happens with – we sort of get the idea from a couple of screen-caps we saw from the video game, the Snatchers find the trio around a power plant. Now…

Laura: Ah!

Andrew: …of course, this isn’t in the book, but obviously between the stills from the video games and now this poster, we know there’s definitely going to be some action-oriented scene – [laughs] – around a power plant.

Laura: Oh! Well great, so on top of the fact that they’re being sought out by the Snatchers, they’re going to get radiation poisoning. Awesome.

Andrew: And see Homer walk out of the office after a long day.

[Laura laughs]

News: J.K. Rowling on Oprah

Andrew: [laughs] What else is going on Micah, in the news?

Micah: Author J. K. Rowling will appear on the Oprah show…

Andrew: Hmm…

Micah: …tomorrow – we’re recording on Thursday night.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: So we don’t have much to say about it, other than the fact that she’s going to be on the show, and it’s going to be interesting to hear from Jo because he haven’t heard from her in quite some time. Hopefully she’ll shed a little bit of light on the encyclopedia and where she’s at with that.

Andrew: I know, it’s hard to say. We know Oprah’s going to ask the question, as it was teased already. Oprah’s going to ask the question: Will there ever be another Harry Potter?

Laura: Oh my God.

Andrew: So, we’ll get an answer like that. I imagine Jo’s going to give us the best hints yet. Because you know in the past when she has been asked about writing another Harry Potter book she sort of beats around the bush, and we know she’s working on an encyclopedia and we know she’s been busy writing, based on her tweets. So I hope she announces a – it would be very cool if she announced a book, but I’m not getting my hopes up. I feel like there would be more hype around this interview. They would want to promote that Jo was going to announce her next book with Oprah. You know what I mean?

Laura: Yeah, I just don’t see it happening, I just don’t…

Andrew: Me neither.

Laura: …see where else she could go with this without being very contrived. You know what I mean? Harry’s story is over, he’s grown and he has kids now. So I mean, what is she going to write about, like, Harry Potter and the Diaper Genie? Like, I just…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Laura: I just don’t see it happening.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. Well I mean for Oprah’s audience, that’s the way you want to tease it: Will she ever write another Harry Potter? Of course hardcore fans just want to know when the Encyclopedia is coming out. [laughs]

Laura: Right.

Micah: I think you’re right though, Andrew. I think if that was going to be the case then they probably would have done a lot more PR around it.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah!

Micah: So…

Andrew: Oprah did mention this is one of her favorite interviews she has ever done, which is pretty exciting because I don’t watch Oprah that often, but I imagine that she doesn’t say that with every interview. [laughs] And they released a commercial the other day, it’s like a 30 second preview. And we see a couple of quick shots of Oprah firing the questions at Jo, and at one point Oprah says to Jo, “Is it true that you still ride the bus?” [laughs] And I’m like, “What?”

Laura: [laughs] What?

Andrew: Jo still rides the bus? Come on! If she says yes to that I will be very surprised because in the commercial, they edited it so Oprah asks the question and you see Jo cringe and look down and it looks all depressing. [laughs] But you know, is Oprah losing her touch? Surely J.K. Rowling does not ride public transit? [laughs]

Laura: Well, it’s possible when you think about where she lives.

Andrew: What? Possible – what? Like people wouldn’t recogniZe her?

Laura: Well no, I mean, it’s the sort of – I’ve never been to Edinburgh, but from what I’ve heard it’s sort of the – kind of a small town, like a small city-type community, almost.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: And the fact of the matter is, we’re one of the only countries in the world where people drive everywhere. I mean, everywhere else tends to have very good public transit.

Andrew: But come on, Laura! Jo? Jo can afford having her own private…

Laura: But she doesn’t…

Andrew: …car.

Laura: …drive. Didn’t you guys know that? She actually – don’t you remember hearing that? She never learned to drive, or she doesn’t have a driver’s license.

Andrew: Yeah, I’m not saying she drives. I’m saying someone drives her around.

Laura: You actually…? I don’t know. I don’t know that she would be pretentious enough to have a chauffeur.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Well we – didn’t we have this conversation, though, about flying, though, too, when she was writing Deathly Hallows? She was taking the manuscript back overseas with her or something along those lines and she was getting on a Virgin Atlantic or a British Airways flight, and we were thinking to ourselves, “Wouldn’t she have a private plane that would take her?”

Andrew: I do not remember that, but…

Laura: Yeah, I do remember this.

Andrew: And she took a public – a regular flight?

Micah: Yeah. Because they wouldn’t let her get on the plane with the manuscript, which was in this massive briefcase. And I guess she didn’t want to check it.

Andrew: Mm. Oh. Oh. Right.

Micah: So…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: I wouldn’t want to check it either. That’s a lot of money that’s in that suitcase.

Andrew: I mean, where would Jo even have gotten that question from, about the bus? Wouldn’t we have known that? So why would Oprah – is there a rumor going around that Jo rides the bus?

[Micah laughs]

Laura: We’re clearly just not good enough fans.

Micah: For fun, she just rides the bus all day.

Andrew: Rides it, “Whoo!”

Micah: She could buy the bus.

Andrew: [as J.K. Rowling] “Oh, I’m riding the bus!” And I mean, if she’s riding on the bus, she can certainly spend some more time Twittering.

Micah: Exactly.

Andrew: What are you going to do when you’re riding the bus?

Laura: I don’t know…

Andrew: Nobody reads.

Laura: Maybe…

Andrew: Everybody Tweets now.

Laura: Maybe she doesn’t have a smartphone, Andrew. You never know.

Andrew: [as J.K. Rowling] “I am riding the bus!”

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: [as J.K. Rowling] “I’m riding it around town! It’s a beautiful day!”

Micah: All right, it’s time to move on.

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News: Deathly Hallows Casting

Micah: Well, we got some new casting news for Deathly Hallows: Part II, particularly for the epilogue scene. Ryan Turner will play Hugo Weasley. That seemed to be everybody’s favorite choice in the comment section. Will Dunn will play James Sirius Potter and Arthur Bowen will play Albus Severus.

Andrew: Yeah, I saw – somebody did a side-by-side comparison of this Hugo Weasley actor next to the young Ron, or young Rupert Grint back when he was first cast, and they actually do look very similar…

Laura: They do.

Andrew: …so that was a great casting.

Micah: …and also Ellie Darcey-Alden will play young Lily Evans, and the article that we got this from also mentioned that Rohan Gotobed – that’s an interesting last name…

Andrew: [speaking quickly to pronounce name differently] Gotobed.

Micah: …was cast as a young Sirius Black, so they will be doing those flashback scenes…

Andrew: Oh, good.

Micah: …from Part II, so I’m sure everybody is looking forward to that.

Laura: That’s going to be cool.

News: Deathly Hallows Music and Release Date for Soundtrack

Andrew: What other Deathly Hallows news is going on?

Micah: There’s news on the music front, Andrew.

Andrew: Oh!

Micah: Yeah. Conrad Pope, a composer who is apparently working with Alexandre Desplat for the score of Deathly Hallows: Part I, updated his Facebook profile – we get news from everywhere…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …with the following information: “Just finished the first week with the LSO of recording Alexandre Desplat’s score for HP7. Harry Potter now occupies a new musical universe. For Lovegood, A.D. has written a charming, groovin’ theme. Dobby, too, is given a new voice. The emotional music reaches its climax in Ron’s speech in the wilderness where the poetry of A.D. conveys the emotion in a single chord’s voicing. Stay tuned.”

Andrew and



Andrew: Sounds very technical.

Micah: Yeah. Well, I think A.D. stands for…

Andrew: Assistant…

Micah: …Alexandre Desplat, or no…

Andrew: …oh, right, of course. Yeah.

Micah: …yeah, he’s trying to get creative there, but he was not fooling me.

Andrew: Yeah, so Dobby has a new voice, that’s interesting. Not literally a voice, but his new tune so-to-speak.

Micah: Does he sound like a mouse or something?

Andrew: No, no, he’s saying voice like the background music for him, right?

Micah: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Interesting. Also, we got a release date for the score: November the 16th, the soundtrack will go on sale, so pre-order Andrew.

Andrew: I wonder what Dobby’s old voice was – what was his old score? I don’t remember that. I may have to watch Chamber of Secrets to refresh my mind.

News: Nick Moran Discusses The Darkness Of The Film

Micah: You just might. The last piece of Deathly Hallows news was Nick Moran, the actor who’s going to play Scabior, a snatcher which is a new character, not in the book. He revealed in an interview that some scenes were cut because they were too gory, and the quote was: “The scenes I did were really really dark – really really dark. Well, when I went to see them, they cut some of the worst bits out, and I was talking to producer David Heyman saying, ‘Oh no – why is that gone?’ He said, apparently, it was like watching Saw.”

Andrew: [laughs] Ah…

Laura: I don’t believe it was that bad.

Micah: Yeah, I don’t think so.

Laura: They say this every time, they’re always like, oh, this scene was really dark, so we had to cut it, because it was just too violent. And I’m like, yeah…

Andrew: It’s the darkest one yet!

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Laura: …yeah, exactly.

Micah: Well, it would have been interesting to ask Eric about that though, because he’s seen the movie, but apparently they cut those scenes out anyway, so it wouldn’t have made much of a difference.

Laura: Yeah, well, Eric’s not here, so that doesn’t make much of a difference either.

[Everyone laughs]

Muggle Mail: Is Deathly Hallows Comparison to WWII Appropriate?

Andrew: Well, in terms of darkness, we have an e-mail I was going to save for Muggle Mail, but I’d like to do it now since it’s sort of the same topic, and I really want to get Laura’s take. It comes from Sam, 19, of Toronto. He writes:

“Hi guys! After listening to Episode 209 and watching the trailer myself, I was a bit concerned with the fact that the movie will have scenes that are strongly reminiscent of the Holocaust. While I do agree that parts of the book reminded me of this, I am not sure how appropriate it is to have such blatant similarities, such as the red armbands those Ministry officials wear. Many people are likely to get offended by this. I was wondering what your guys’ opinion on the matter is.”

Now, Laura, did you see the Part I trailer? Yeah, and I don’t know if you caught it, but during the Ministry of Magic scenes, when you see shots of the Ministry, there are Ministry officials wearing red armbands, and it was very apparent what it was and what it was resembling. What’s your take on that? Do you think that’s appropriate?

Laura: I don’t know. I think you’re going to see this kind of reflection in any film that deals with the war scenario. In Order of the Phoenix, for instance, do you remember the big black and white poster they had of Fudge?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: That was very reminiscent of Stalin…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …so I don’t know, I guess it goes both ways, and I think it’s one of those things where if you’re looking for something like that, you’re going to find it, but you can also look at these movies and these books and dig out a number of other [laughs] references to dictatorships and wars and messed-up societies, so, I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Obviously, I think World War II is more prevalent because it’s the one that people are most familiar with, especially due to the Holocaust, but I don’t know. These sorts of things happen with corrupt people. They come up with silly armbands, and they take symbols that were originally from Asian culture that meant peace, and turn them on their side, and then you have the swastika, so – [laughs] I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah. I think it is okay for them to have it in the film. I think it really connects the Wizarding World to the real world, and it makes you realize what it was like.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: So I think it’s okay.

Micah: I think, definitely, it’s a way for David Yates to be able to make the connection a lot stronger, as you were saying, Andrew. I think – there’s nothing wrong with it – I think he wants to drive home the point that the Ministry is corrupt and it’s an absolute power and the best way to do that is to draw the parallel to Nazi Germany.

Andrew: All right, well, let’s continue with the news.

News: Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire Ultimate Edition Clips

Micah: Okay. We got some clips from the Ultimate Editions of Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire, and the first was “Creating the World of Harry Potter” documentary, and it focused on Part Three, which is Creatures, and in that particular scene, crew members discussed how they designed goblins. It also features some great never-before-seen concept art, and I took a look at the clip earlier – Andrew, you have both of the Ultimate Editions for Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets?

Andrew: That’s right, Micah.

Micah: You do, okay. No, because – this is the reason why you go out and buy them, right? I mean, more or less.

Andrew: Yeah. This is the best – for anyone who doesn’t know, the Ultimate Editions – they released the Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets Ultimate Editions last year. They are releasing the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire Ultimate Editions this year, and the special thing about these Ultimate Editions is that they have one part of an eight part documentary looking at everything in the Harry Potter fandom – in the Harry Potter universe! The creation of the creatures, like Micah mentioned, finding the stars, composing the scores – there’s going to be one part on the Harry Potter fandom, I think on the Half-Blood Prince or Deathly Hallows: Part I documentary. So, it’s really cool…

Micah: Are you featured in that fandom piece?

Andrew: …yeah, I made that whole thing.

Micah: Oh, you did? Oh.

Andrew: I made that whole part, yeah.

Laura: Andrew made the fandom, didn’t you know that, Micah?

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: You know what, actually, I really hope that Warner Bros. approaches the fan sites about that because how could you not include the fan sites in a whole thing about the Harry Potter fandom?

Micah: It’s true. You raise a good point.

Andrew: It’d be ridiculous. What else are they going to talk about? They could talk about the fans turning up to the premieres, and the book releases, but anyway – the best part about these Ultimate Editions is the documentary because when it’s all said and done, we’re going to have this beautiful eight – nine – hour documentary looking at everything that the Harry Potter franchise has created. It’s really special, and the packaging – you get a little booklet with each one too that has some really nice concept art and stills, so it’s really cool and I can’t wait to have the entire set. It’s going to be great.

Micah: Yeah, so, go to the site check out the clips, as you mentioned, the one from Goblet of Fire is on the music and the composing side of things, and the one from Prisoner of Azkaban – as we talked about – has the goblins and also how they went about designing the Dementors, and both of them are on sale October 19th, so this month…

Andrew: Yes.

Micah: …and we may or may not be running a promotion to give away Ultimate Edition DVDs.

Andrew: Can I enter to win?

Micah: No, sorry.

Andrew: Mm.

Micah: You are a MuggleNet staffer; therefore you are prohibited from entering the contest.

Andrew: [chuckles] Oh!

Micah: But it will be a great contest. We did it before with the last two Ultimate Editions. We also gave away a Blu-ray player, and we will be doing that again.

Andrew: Sweet! Blu-ray is the way to go, by the way. Especially for the Harry Potter films. They look great.

News: Wizarding World Expansion

Micah: Yep. All right. Final bit of news, we touched on it briefly in the live show but we didn’t have too much time to talk about it. Apparently, the Wizarding World could expand within the next 12 months.

Andrew: Well, I – see – I don’t think they’re going to do it in the next 12 months…

Micah: Oh.

Andrew: …but they sent out a survey to people who have visited the park and they said, “What if instead of expanding it, we double the size of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? How likely will you be to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter again within the next 12 months to visit a Wizarding World of Harry Potter that was twice as big with twice as much of everything?” So, you select “Very likely,” “Likely,” “Somewhat likely,” “Not very likely,” and “Not at all likely,” and it’s very interesting! What this says is, yeah, they are – they don’t want to just expand it, they want to double it! They want to see if doubling it would get everyone back to the park, and I hope…

Laura: That’s awesome!

Andrew: …yeah, and I hope many people selected “Very likely” because…

Laura: As long as we don’t have to watch another freaking promotional video that’s an hour long before we can get in.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: …yeah. Well that was before the little party in the park, Laura. Not everyone has to see those, you know.

Laura: Yeah! Yeah, okay. You know very well that if they do this we’re going to end up having another one of those night-in-the-park events.

Andrew: [laughs] Yes.

Laura: I – you know what? I’m already there, Universal. I don’t need you to sell it to me, thanks.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Well…

Andrew: Yeah. So, it’s exciting! I hope they do. I don’t think it’ll happen within a year. I think, maybe two years. Even that’s pushing it, I think.

News: Forbidden Journey Size Restrictions Update

Micah: …and just kind of a follow-up on the story – I think we did it on Episode 208 of the gentleman who couldn’t ride the Forbidden Journey because of a weight problem.

Andrew: Yeah, we talked about that on the last episode.

Micah: Yeah, but apparently they fixed some of the seats so that now…

Andrew: Oh, right!

Micah: …you can go, and you can ride, for people who might be – have a little bit more weight on them.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Laura: Have different body dimensions, Micah.

Micah: What was previous – they have a whole lighting system in place now.

Andrew: So it’ll tell you if you’re too big for the regular seats. You have to sit in one of the larger seats, so to speak, and…

Micah: It’s just so terrible though. You’d think that they would make this ride so that everybody could ride it. The fact that we’re even having this discussion is a little bit unsettling.

Andrew: Yeah, I mean it can get complicated though, I mean designing these rides. I’m sure – at least they added a seat that lets more people ride it.

Laura: Yeah. I don’t know. Well, I was also reading about that as well, and what Micah is describing is it’s like a green, a yellow and a red light. So like if you get a green light then you can sit in any seat, if you get a yellow light you have to sit in a modified seat, and if you get a red one you still can’t ride. Can you imagine being the person who still gets a red light? That would suck…

Andrew: Oh, gosh, yeah, that’s not good.

Laura: …so bad. I would be devastated.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s not good. But there you go. So that’s all the news, Micah?

Micah: That is all the news I have.

MuggleCast 210 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Mayhem at the Ministry”

Andrew: All right. Well, don’t sit back – kick back just yet. It’s time now for Chapter-by-Chapter, and you are guiding us through the first chapter.

Micah: Oh, that’s right. I didn’t even notice. [laughs]

Andrew: Chapter Ten: “Mayhem at the Ministry.”

Micah: All right. Well, everybody, remember that when we last left off they were at the Quidditch World Cup, the Death Eaters had their little fun by hanging Muggles in the air, and now everybody is returning back to their homes and the Weasleys return to the Burrow. And the first people that Mrs. Weasley goes for are Fred and George. And remember on 208 we had this whole discussion about why doesn’t Mrs. Weasley just leave the two of them alone, give them their space to plan their joke shop, and stop being so hard on them, and it’s interesting that she says, “Oh, I can’t believe the last thing that I did was essentially yell at you guys and hear you go off to the Quidditch World Cup and you almost get killed.” So it seems that events like that always change people’s perspectives on silly situations.

Laura: Yep, she’ll be regretting that one in three years.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: Ouch.

Andrew: Do you think Mrs. Weasley had a major change of heart after this, now that her worst fear had almost come to fruition? Like it sort of made her realize like…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: “Oh, man, I should stop treating them this way. What if I do lose them? Because we are at war!”

Micah: Yeah, well, it’s interesting because later on in the chapter, Fred and George continue to play it up every time Mrs. Weasley might have the opportunity to reprimand them for something they say, “Oh, well, what if we go off to Hogwarts and the train crashes and we both die? Think about the last thing that you’ll have said to us.”

Andrew: [laughs] That was pretty funny.

Micah: Yeah. They’re definitely taking advantage of it. So – but we learn in this chapter about one of our favorite characters, Rita Skeeter.

Micah: We get our first introduction to her because she writes a terrible account of what happened at the Quidditch World Cup, and Percy in particular calls her a terrible woman. I don’t remember exactly, but I think his attitude towards her does change a bit as we move towards Order of the Phoenix and she starts writing all those things about Harry and Dumbledore. So it was interesting how when she was attacking the Ministry, Percy thinks she’s a terrible woman, but as the books progress and she is supportive of the Ministry and against Dumbledore, he begins to take her side.

Andrew: Yeah, and Rita’s intro was actually kind of quick. It wasn’t a typical character intro, like one we’re going to get a little later on with Mad-Eye Moody, and we’ll talk about that major intro when we get there. But Rita’s, it sort of just slipped by. There wasn’t too much of an introduction. We just heard that Rita Skeeter had written the article and that was it, but of course we learn a lot more about her later on.

Micah: Yeah, and J.K. Rowling has a tendency to do that sometimes, I think.

Andrew: Yeah, we talked about that recently actually.

Micah: Yeah, she did it with Cho Chang, she did it with Cedric Diggory, both during Quidditch and it was kind of just in passing. So she has this way of intro-ing characters that come into play later on in the series. Now Arthur Weasley has this little bit of an argument with Molly, and he decides it is important to put his job above his family, and he spends a lot of time at the Ministry over the course of the week that takes place in the chapter. Now my question was, is he really that valuable to the Ministry or do you think he just feels bad about the statement that he made that Rita used in the paper? Because he’s not that high-ranking of an official, he may be within his department, but as far as the hierarchy of the Ministry is concerned, he’s not that high up there. So I just wonder if he’s doing it more to atone for what he said.

Andrew: Well, I wonder at what point he doesn’t put his job above his family. Where is the threshold? Because you should see your kids off to school, though granted I do agree with you the second part of your question, I think he just felt bad about his statement more than anything, and he explained that in this chapter. He said, “I feel so bad, it’s all my fault, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Micah: Now during this conversation, they all eventually head off, and Harry reveals to Ron and Hermione that he kept his scar hurting from both of them and he had written to Sirius. Now I can’t remember, but is this the first time he’s kept something big from them and he’s chosen to go to Sirius instead? He has sort of that godfather figure now, kind of like a parent. Does he feel more comfortable going to Sirius? Or he just thinks Sirius will understand and not overreact?

Laura: Well, I do think it is the first time, Micah. I think you’re right about that, and I think also judging based on previous events, like the way we’ve seen both Ron and Hermione react. Ron is just typical flabbergasted and doesn’t really offer much input, and Hermione just flips. So, it’s sort of probably a combination of him wanting to retain some amount of normalcy with his friends while at the same time taking advantage of this new father figure he has.

Andrew: Eric is joining us now. Eric, where were you?

Eric: I know this isn’t your political podcast, Andrew, but I feel like I need to take this opportunity to lobby for better infrastructure in Chicago. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like highways, by definition, are supposed to be able to handle sort of high volumes of traffic. So, when it’s not even rush hour and cars are bumper to bumper, it’s kind of an issue.

Andrew: Well, I’m sorry you got stuck in a traffic jam, but – we had to start without you. We just had to record.

Eric: I understand.

Micah: So during this time, we are introduced also to the Weasley’s grandfather clock. As Arthur is spending a lot of time at the Ministry, Harry notices this grandfather clock on the wall, and I think it’s the first time that it’s described. I believe it was mentioned in Chamber of Secrets, but this is the first time we get a full analysis of it. It kind of tells you what the clock does. It points to all the different members of the Weasley family and what they’re doing. I was wondering, who would make something like this? [laughs] I don’t know…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Dumbledore I think talks about it later on in the series, how much he likes the clock in the Weasley’s kitchen area. So, I don’t know… it seems like something cool and useful to have, to know where everybody is and what they’re doing.

Laura: I don’t know, it seems sort of Big Brother-ish to me. Kind of freaks me out.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, I used to think it was cool, but now I just think it’s creepy.

Eric: Like if you had a…

Andrew: Because…

Micah: Well, it’s limited in description.

Andrew: Yeah…

Eric: So do you think you could purchase a clock, for instance, if Laura went into the clock shop – I’m sure it’s just some independent clockmaker – and she was like, could you make me a Johnny Depp clock? I need to know exactly where he is at all times.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: Do you think they’d be able to do that?

Laura: I hope so.

Micah: Might be.

Andrew: I could use that for other people.

Laura: Oho! Like who?

Micah: Now, is this clock in the movie?

Eric and


Yeah! It’s in Chamber of Secrets.

Andrew: Yeah, you see their heads, and their heads sort of react to the hands on the clock moving around. They’re sort of looking up and stuff. It was clever. This was actually one of the things that I think Microsoft attempted to make in real life. I remember there was a news article about this a really long time ago.

Micah: In addition to the Invisibility Cloak?

Andrew: Right. I’m going to do a quick Google search just to check, but – yeah. It was back in August 2007. There’s an article on Boing Boing dot – sorry, back in 2005, at an internal tech-fest, and Microsoft – [laughs] they tried to make one. So, it’s cool!

Eric: [laughs] That’s a good memory Andrew.

Andrew: It’s one of the cooler items in the Harry Potter world, I think. Albeit, creepy.

Micah: Yeah, definitely.

Eric: It’s kind of like Twitter status update for wizards!

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Right.

Micah: Eric, you put the next point in here. One of the things that Arthur shares with the family is all the Howler trouble that the Ministry is having, and you pointed out that Howlers are one of those things they probably wish they hadn’t invented but not enough to do anything about it. Couldn’t they stop them somehow? The reason we bring this up though is the Ministry is being bombarded with Howlers after the Quidditch World Cup, and you also ask how many wizards are requesting Ministry compensation for possessions that were lost. I don’t know.

Andrew: But isn’t that sort of like saying in our world, in the Muggle world, why don’t politicians just figure out a way to stop political smear campaigns? Like this is just one of those things you have to deal with in the world. There are these magical items called Howlers, and the Ministry can’t keep them out. I mean, maybe they were designed to get anywhere to serve this exact purpose because you want to make sure this person is getting your message. And if the Ministry can’t block them…

Eric: So Howlers as pioneers of free speech?

Andrew: Right, yeah! Yeah, it’s free speech, and it’s getting your message where it belongs.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: I never thought of it like that.

Andrew: So it’s like a protest, sort of. You don’t have to go out and protest. You just send Howlers.

Micah: The compensation for possessions thing is interesting though. I wonder what would have happened here if everybody affected by Katrina went to our president and asked to be compensated for their lost possessions.

Eric: Weren’t they?

Andrew: They did get some money.

Micah: Yeah, but there were nowhere near compensated.

Eric: Percy is going on about this and how people are trying to defraud the Ministry into replacing their items supposedly lost at the Quidditch World Cup fiasco. And that’s what this whole chapter is about, is this whole fiasco and how the Ministry deals with it. But I thought it was interesting, and obviously it’s slightly humorous, but Percy is ranting here about people who are submitting false reports.

Micah: Yeah, especially Mundungus Fletcher, which you pointed out.

Eric: [laughs] The twelve-bedroom tent with ensuite jacuzzi. But Percy knows for a fact he was sleeping under a cloak propped on sticks. This is J.K. Rowling when – I mean, it’s just so enjoyable, reading this.

Andrew: And that happens all the time in the real world too, I’m sure. People try to get more then they’ve actually lost.

Eric: Insurance.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Micah: And what happens during this conversation that they’re having at dinner is we get our first look at Percy starting to side with the Ministry over his family. And he says: “Well father feels he’s got to make up for his mistake at the match, doesn’t he? If truth be told, he was a tad unwise to make a public statement without clearing it with his head of department first.” And Mrs. Weasley yells at him for making that statement, “Don’t talk about your father that way.” But we see the development already of Percy, and…

Andrew: This has sort of been building up, too, hasn’t it?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean, we’ve seen Percy speak so highly of the Ministry and so he really stands for it – and then now that he sees his family being mad at the Ministry causing – essentially the Ministry causing his family to lose their dad for the day – it’s frustrating that they feel frustrated at the Ministry.

Micah: Right.

Andrew: So there’s my convoluted sentence. But my point is…

Micah: No, I know what you’re saying.

Andrew: …my point is he’s trying to defend the Ministry, because he loves them so much. He’s been saying it this whole book so far.

Micah: Yeah, and this is all happening at dinner before Arthur arrives, and I thought it was ironic that Molly says that: “Arthur hadn’t spent this much time at the Ministry since the days of You-Know-Who.” And my comment was, “Well, guess what, Molly?”

Eric: [laughs] He’s back. He’s back.

Micah: [laughs] Yeah, exactly. Well, I mean, it’s a little bit ironic I thought that she would say that. But when Arthur does finally arrive home we learn that Rita Skeeter has found out about Bertha Jorkins – that she has gone missing. And I don’t know how some big piece of information like that gets leaked, but I guess it’s just one of those examples of the press getting hold of information that they shouldn’t have. Arthur also mentions Winky during the conversation, and this sets off a huge argument, and you see the beginnings of S.P.E.W. in some of the statements that Hermione makes, because she stands up a lot for Winky throughout the course of the conversation. Did you guys notice that?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. And it’s really – and this is one of the first times we see Hermione being a true leader. I mean, there’s other examples in the other books, but this is really one of her most ambitious projects yet – or at least, it will be, later in this book.

Micah: Yeah. And just going back to Percy for a second though, I mean – it’s interesting that he’ll defend the Ministry even though the Minister – or, sorry, Barty Crouch Sr. – can’t even remember his name. It just goes to show you how dense of a character he is.

Andrew: Well – and how much he loves the Ministry. He’s just delusional about it.

Micah: Someone had sent in an interesting question, though, about this. Do you think Barty Crouch Sr. couldn’t remember Percy’s name because he was already under the Imperius Curse?

Andrew: Oh, yeah, maybe…

Laura: That’s possibly – possible.

Andrew: …that’s what it is.

Micah: So after all this – arguments take place, they go upstairs to pack for school, and Ron finds that he has some second-hand clothing from – I don’t know, the Salvation Army of Wizards [laughs] and that he’s going to have to be wearing formal attire at some point this year. And you really see how bothered by all this Ron is, because Harry, of course, has these brand new, better-looking, formal clothes to take to school. And you know it’s a money issue. And don’t you think Mrs. Weasley could be a little bit more – you know what I’m saying? She knows that by doing these types of things or buying something along those lines, it sets Ron up for…

Andrew: Bullying?

Micah: …being made fun of.

Andrew: Yeah. But this is the family. The family just can’t afford it. If she listened to you and decided to buy him new robes, then the family couldn’t eat for a week, so.

Eric: Plus…

Micah: Why couldn’t she fix…

Eric: What?

Listener Tweet: Dress Robes

Micah: What? I was going to go to the tweet that somebody sent in, “Tstarkeyy” wrote:

“Why can’t Mrs. Weasley just fix Ron’s dress robes? She’s like the queen of all things domestic.”

[Eric laughs]

Micah: [laughs] “I’m sure she could make the needle and thread sew themselves.”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Well, because then Draco couldn’t make fun of Ron later on in the book.

Eric: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Everything happens for a reason.

Eric: “Queen of all things domestic.” I’m going to use that in something. It’s a very, very nice way of saying that she’s a stay-at-home mom.

Andrew: And Harry mentions here he wishes he could give the Weasleys half his fortune, but they just wouldn’t accept it. I mean, maybe give Ron some money under the table and buy some stuff on his own in Diagon Alley.

Eric: It worked for the Weasley twins.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Plus, Ron is Harry Potter’s friend. What does he possibly have to be sad about? [laughs] He’s friends with Harry Potter.

Listener Tweet: Harry’s Vault

Micah: Yeah. And the other thing that we can bring up was “LoGiants55” wrote in and asked: “How can the Weasleys get gold out of Harry’s vault? It’s always bothered me.”

Laura: That’s like any other bank account. You can put another account holder on there who can access the money.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: Maybe.

Micah: I guess that’s probably what Harry did. All right, and that wraps up Chapter 10. Andrew.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Aboard the Hogwarts Express”

Andrew: Okay, now it’s time for Chapter 11, “Aboard the Hogwarts Express.” This is always one of the chapters I look forward to the most, because heading back to school for another year – at least in the first six books. So, Harry, for the first time sees what it’s like to communicate with someone via fireplace, this was right at the beginning – they’re talking to Amos Diggory and we see here that Mrs. Weasley is even able to feed Amos a piece of toast through the fire, and I had forgotten this happened, because in the movie you just see Harry talking to Sirius through the fireplace so [laughs] I just thought – imagine all the possibilities you can do – you can transfer items through a fireplace…

Laura: Diseases.

Andrew: …without Floo Powder, and Eric suggested you could even do something else very inappropriate that I won’t mention on this show, but I think you’re right…

Eric: Through a fireplace.

Andrew: Yeah, there’s all these things you can do through the fireplace…

Laura: Well…

Andrew: …including feeding someone.

Laura: …man, that just eliminates the problem of the long distance relationship.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: Yeah, but…

Eric: It’s also – Laura, it’s also pretty hot, wouldn’t you say?

Laura: Ugh. Eric.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Hey Laura, I’ll meet you at our respective fireplaces tonight.

Micah: You don’t want the Ministry watching, though, because don’t they monitor the network?

Andrew: Oh, right. Darn it.

Eric: Oh, don’t tell me you don’t want somebody watching. Come on, it adds to the fun, Micah.

Andrew: So, I just – I just thought that was kind of funny that you could feed toast and probably so much more through the fireplace.

Eric: [laughs] Sorry.

Andrew: But I wonder, why couldn’t humans just transfer their bodies through it? Does it – is it just because somehow the face makes that open connection and then…

Eric: In the movie – I mean, you can transfer bodies through that’s how the Floo Network works, but…

Andrew: But is this the Floo – are they talking through the Floo Network?

Eric: Doesn’t – in one of the movies doesn’t somebody use Floo Powder just like normal Floo Powder, but only put their head in? Or, actually, that’s even in the books – I think Order of the Phoenix, maybe where it’s – it works the same way as the Floo Network, but instead of putting your whole body through you just put your head through. I feel like that’s Order of the Phoenix the book somewhere where they just do that so…

Micah: Yeah, well…

Eric: …as a result…

Micah: …Harry does that…

Eric: …you’re in both places…

Micah: …in Umbridge’s office when he’s going to try and find Sirius and he runs into Kreacher.

Eric: So that’s how it works.

Micah: Yeah, I mean, that’s just one example…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …he does it in this movie – this book, too when he talks to Sirius.

Eric: Well Sirius talks to him, he doesn’t. Does he go through the fireplace to talk to Sirius?

Micah: Oh yeah, I see what you’re saying.

Eric: Yeah, Sirius – but that’s what I’m saying, so this is just a thing where Amos Diggory – before he leaves, Molly gives him a piece of toast and he says, “Thanks,” and he’s obviously chewing it. So, it’s just like the regular Floo Network, only you’re not actually leaving, you’re still kneeling at home. It’s just your head is transferring through the fireplace – it’s magic.

Andrew: Yeah, okay, I just looked it up quick and according to the Harry Potter Lexicon, which – and they got this information from Goblet of Fire – you can use the Floo Network just to speak with another Floo connection rather than traveling there. So, yes, this is on the Floo Network, very good. All right, so that answers my question. You can transfer your body [laughs].

So, the gang heads to King’s Cross and Bill drops a few hints about the Triwizard Tournament, but still doesn’t reveal exactly what’s going on. And this time it’s really bugging – I think it was Ron who said, “What? What? Tell us. Tell us, already!” And while on the Hogwarts Express, Harry – while overhearing a conversation that Draco’s having, learns that Durmstrang – learns about Durmstrang for the first time. And of course, we’ll be learning much more about them throughout this book thanks to the TriWizard Tournament. As the trio continue talking about Durmstrang on their own, Hermione reveals that Hogwarts cannot be seen by outsiders. It just looks like an old ruin with an old sign that says, “Danger. Do Not Enter. Unsafe.” I’m wondering what if someone does try to get in? What happens? Does it push you away?

Eric: [sighs] Yeah, I wonder what kind of ruin it is. Is it a ruin that is exactly shaped? Same walls, same…

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Eric: …everything as Hogwarts? Because that’s a pretty impressive ruin.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Or if it’s just a sign like – then again if there is such a thing as being unplottable, it’s very possible that you walk up to the cliff and you’re actually nowhere near Hogwarts, so.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, that’s sort of what I’m thinking – if Hogwarts is unplottable like Hermione says. So, I wonder if you see the old ruin and if you approach it maybe you can walk into it but it’s not Hogwarts. It’s just the old ruin.

Laura: I don’t know.

Andrew: We don’t know for sure.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: What was the one with the appointment? That was the Quidditch World Cup?

Eric: That was – yeah, that was specifically the Quidditch World Cup. So Hermione, having read “Hogwarts, A History” did not make that same connection about Hogwarts, but she said maybe it’s like the Quidditch World Cup where you do remember that you’ve forgotten something important.

Andrew: Yeah, that could be. I’m sure Dumbledore has the right protections in place. I mean, that’s for sure. So, moving along – where was I? Draco comes in and asks Harry and Ron if they’ll compete. But they don’t know what he’s talking about. This was the same thing Bill was hinting at. So Draco makes fun of Arthur and Percy’s inability to get secret big information because Draco just assumed that Arthur and Percy didn’t even know, when in fact [laughs] pretty much the entire Weasley family knew about it except for the trio. Well, all the Hogwarts students didn’t know about it in the Weasley family, of course. So this makes Ron push Draco out, and Eric do you want to just go ahead and take this point?

Eric: Yeah. When they walk in on Draco earlier in the train, he’s talking about his dad knowing Karkaroff and he’s bragging about the event. And then when he comes in and taunts Harry and Ron and Hermione about it, he talks about his father knowing about it weeks and weeks and months ago. He says particularly that Cornelius Fudge himself told Lucius Malfoy about the Triwizard Tournament. Obviously he doesn’t mention what it is to them, but he says that Fudge himself told Lucius. So this is – I felt like this was setting Lucius Malfoy up because he’s – we find out about Durmstrang in this chapter and Durmstrang is this school where they practice Dark Arts, and the headmaster at this Dark Arts heavy school is good friends with Lucius Malfoy. And it’s just setting up – obviously we know that Karkaroff was formally a Death Eater, has the Dark Mark. And so Lucius and Karkaroff are probably BFFs.

Listener Tweet: Foreshadowing

Andrew: And we have a tweet here related to this topic. “BDailey2” writes:

“Doesn’t it seem like a little foreshadowing to Voldy’s return when Malfoy talks so openly about wanting to practice Dark Arts on the train?”

Micah: Well, I don’t know if it’s foreshadowing, though. Because now they don’t even know that Voldemort is back – even Lucius doesn’t know that. He was just as shocked to see the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup as anybody else – we learn that later on. I mean, all the Death Eaters were scared because none of them had conjured it up. So, I don’t think it was necessarily foreshadowing because even then, Draco has no idea that Voldemort is back.

Eric: Yeah. It’s more like setup and payoff. In Year 4 Malfoy’s on the train complaining about how he can’t do more Dark Arts, and then in Movie 6 Malfoy is inducted as a Death Eater into Voldemort’s inner circle and he’s thinking the exact opposite. It’s ironic.

Micah: Yeah. He’s ready to wet his pants.

Eric: [laughs] While he’s on the train. So…

Micah: Yeah. He’s so scared.

Eric: It could just be the journey. It’s a long journey. On the train.

Andrew: To wrap up this chapter, right before they arrive at a rainy Hogwarts, Eric in all his inappropriateness put down this quote: “‘Ron’s bad mood continued for the rest of the train journey. He didn’t even speak much while they were changing into their robes.’ Isn’t this because he can see Hermione’s underthings?” writes Eric. Oh, Eric. You wished you were Ron.

Eric: She says they changed into their robes, you know. Whatever. It was funny.

Andrew: And Chapter 12, Eric. It’s all you. You made it just in time.

[Music plays out the show]

MuggleCast 210 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Triwizard Tournament”

Eric: Chapter 12: “The Triwizard Tournament”. All right, so the trio encounter their worst trip to Hogwarts. It’s rainy, rainy, rainy, rainy. Ron says the lake might overflow. But regardless, first year students are still crossing the lake to get to the school. Harry remarks about this. He asks Hagrid about it. Hagrid’s all “Oh, it’s going to be a big one!” All that stuff. So, isn’t this a safety hazard? I mean, these first years – you see them later – they show up in the Great Hall and Dennis Creevey is under Hagrid’s coat. He fell in the lake. Couldn’t they have – surely there is room, or there could be room in the carriages that take the rest of the students up? I feel like the storm is a little dangerous. Do they not care about…?

Micah: But it’s a rite of passage.

Andrew: Exactly! It’s a tradition. They wouldn’t want to go through their years of Hogwarts knowing that their first year they didn’t do what everyone else did, take the boats up. It’s very beautiful and kind of eerie.

Eric: Not in a storm!

Andrew: Like we saw in the first movie.

Eric: Well, right, but my point is…

Andrew: It makes it all the more special.

Eric: It depends on the storm, I would argue. If it’s cloudy and – what about on a foggy first day at Hogwarts? Foggy September 1st?

Andrew: Well, that would be nice, too.

Eric: Maybe I don’t know the climate. Maybe it’s never foggy on September 1st.

Andrew: They should have had umbrellas or something.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: That what it comes down to.

Eric: It just seemed pretty dangerous. That’s all I had to say about that. They end up…

Andrew: Well, I’m glad no one died.

Eric: Actually, I was going to send you a song to play anyway. Just in case, in the rare event that there was a first year who was unaccounted for and…

Andrew: Speaking of – well Eric, speaking of songs, on Episode 208 we played a song because you thought Muggles died. But we got a lot of e-mails from people saying Muggles actually didn’t die. You dropped the ball there, buddy.

Eric: I just like music. If anybody has a problem with that, they can send an e-mail to eric at staff dot mugglenet dot com, or…

Andrew: Yeah, but a lot of people got emotional, myself included, thinking that innocent Muggles had died during the…

Eric: Well, actually if you go back…

Andrew: …World Cup.

Eric: If you listen to the episode – and this is not me weaseling out, but if you go back to the episode, it was actually more of a tribute song to all Muggles who had been tortured and killed by Death Eaters, by Voldemort’s followers.

Andrew: Oh, like ever?

Eric: Yeah, yeah, like ever.

Andrew: [laughs] I see.

Eric: And I’m pretty sure that the wordage that is in the – because I was aware of that and I want to say that the wordage that is in the show should support that. But as we were going over in that Chapter-by-Chapter, it was pretty horrific what had been done to that Muggle family. So, I feel like it still warranted a “Ballroom Blitz” song by Sweet. Anyway…

Andrew: Well, nice try.

Eric: Thanks.

Andrew: But before we continue, Laura has to leave now. Laura, we’ll try to plan it better in the future so we can have you on for an entire episode.

Laura: Yeah, let’s try not to make this into a pattern.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: All right. Well, thanks for joining us, Laura. Good luck on your school stuff.

Laura: Thank you. See you guys later.

Andrew: All right. Bye.

Laura: Bye.

Eric: So they traipse through the rain, they get up into the Great Hall, dodging water balloons by Peeves. And they’re in the Great Hall and they’re at the feast, and Nearly Headless Nick is sitting among the Gryffindors. And he is described as being “dressed tonight in his usual doublet, but with a particularly large ruff, which served the dual purpose of looking extra-festive, and ensuring that his head did not wobble too much on his partially severed neck.” So, J.K.R. is saying he was dressed usually, except for this particularly large ruff. Can ghosts change clothes?

Andrew: Well, this seems to prove it, doesn’t it?

Eric: It would seem like she’s saying that he’s changed his clothes. That he’s wearing his usual except for this large ruff.

Andrew: So even the clothes are ghostly, you’re saying.

Eric: Well, I’m saying he’s got a ghostly wardrobe somewhere. Maybe ghostly designer clothing stores…

Micah: Wow. Well, didn’t he wear something different on his Deathday Party, too?

Eric: That’s a good question, but it was a while ago. I don’t remember.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: [sighs] I mean, the Headless Hunt…

Andrew: I guess that is a little factoid, though.

Eric: It’s kind of a factoid that – yeah, I thought it was interesting because I didn’t really remember that being in the books, being mentioned. But yeah, probably during the Deathday Party because you want to assume that the members of the Headless Hunt don’t always wear their horses. Okay, so next point is I – it’s actually a really sentimental story that I wanted to share because a lot of people don’t know this actual fact of the books. There’s a quote from Nearly Headless Nick again. He says, “I do hope this year’s batch of Gryffindors are up to scratch.” And he is applauding as “McDonald, Natalie” joined the Gryffindor table. And in real life, I want to share this article in the show notes. In real life, the student Natalie McDonald was actually a nine-year-old Harry Potter fan who passed away from leukemia. And her mother had written to J.K. Rowling just about Natalie, about how big of a Harry Potter fan she was. And J.K. Rowling got the letter, but wasn’t able to respond to it before Natalie passed away. And the result was – I think it was like a day after she passed away – that J.K. Rowling had really, really tried to get a response to her letter in time but didn’t, and Natalie’s mother and J.K. Rowling continued a friendship which lasted years after. And actually, it’s just a wonderful article. I can’t do it justice here. It was written in Maclean’s, which I believe is a magazine in Canada. But anyway, Accio Quote, which is a wonderful archive of J.K. Rowling interviews, newspaper articles and all that – I included a link in the show notes and I think that…

Andrew: So in honor of Natalie…

Eric: Yeah, basically…

Andrew: Jo decided to include her as a Hogwarts student.

Eric: As a Gryffindor…

Andrew: Which is really cool.

Eric: You know, for bravery. Because she braved the illness.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s great. And heartbreaking that Natalie couldn’t finish reading the entire series.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: I actually heard that J.K. Rowling was looking to send her a copy of Goblet of Fire, so that she could read what happened before anybody else.

Eric: According to this article, she actually in her letter – in her response letter which arrived the day after Natalie passed away was the secrets of what would happen in Book 4.

Andrew: Oh, wow. That’s very nice of her.

Eric: So, yeah, it was quite special and then Natalie’s mom kept that letter and kept it out of the press until far after the story had been written.

Andrew: Ah. Cool.

Eric: So basically this student who is a fly-away line – Nearly Headless Nick says, “I hope this year’s Gryffindors are up to scratch,” but actually that Natalie McDonald was a real life person and according to this article again, is the only real life person that is named in the books as being a fictional one. So, that’s J.K. Rowling’s tribute to a fan.

Andrew: Very cool.

Eric: It’s a really nice gesture and because Jo’s going to be on Oprah tomorrow, I feel like it’s important to reflect on Jo’s good deeds. At any rate, I mentioned they dodged water balloons coming in that Peeves was throwing and we didn’t really know what was up with him. He was just adding insult to injury, I guess. With the wetness Ron was really upset. Nearly Headless Nick reveals that Peeves had wanted to attend the feast in the Great Hall, but by way of a vote from the ghost’s council he was vetoed. Now, I don’t know – this struck me as interesting because I’m wondering what this ghost’s council was. You know, Nearly Headless Nick says that the Fat Friar was all for letting Peeves into the Great Hall during the feast but the Bloody Baron put his foot down. [laughs] He put his bloody stump down! So I guess Dumbledore just lets the ghosts decide ghost matters on their own. This is the first mention of this ghost’s council – that was really interesting to me. What do you guys think?

Andrew: I think they sort of live in their own world in Hogwarts and Dumbledore can trust them. They’re obviously mature adults so I think – yeah, I like this idea of the group of ghosts that get together – sort of the council – that make decisions based on a vote. I think that’s a clever idea for them to manage their issues – ghostly issues.

Eric: I just think of it like a ghost game show with the Grey Lady and the Bloody Baron on like a dating show because of their history together. But maybe that’s just me.

Andrew: The Newlywed Game!

[Eric laughs]

Eric: [In a girly voice] “Contestant number three, would you kill my sister to get at my heart?” No, what happened? I’m sorry. Detracting, detracting! Back to the chapter!

Andrew: Next item.

Eric: Next item! [laughs] There’s this funny exchange, okay, because Nick is talking about something else – oh, and Peeves as a result of being denied goes and terrorizes the House Elves in the kitchen and Hermione just drops her plate – drops her pumpkin juice actually and stains the white [laughs] table cloth orange. And she says, “There are house-elves here at Hogwarts?” And Nick is, like, “Mhm, over a hundred.” And she is, like, “Wait, I’ve never seen one.” And he says, “That’s the mark of a good house-elf, isn’t it? That you don’t know it’s there?” [laughs] And Hermione stared at him.

Andrew: This is where I think Hermione starts to push it because at least they are in a good environment that isn’t like, say, the Malfoys. You know Dumbledore isn’t treating the house-elves poorly.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: They are in a nice work environment, I’m sure. At least nice by house-elf standards.

Eric: Well, Hermione is…

Andrew: And…

Eric: Hermione doesn’t think it’s a nice environment because she asks Nick, “Do they get sick leaves and pensions?” And…

Andrew: No, but that’s what – but I’m saying Hermione should at least be happy that it’s a good environment, that it’s Hogwarts.

Eric: Well – yeah, right. But according to…

Micah: That’s… [laughs]

Eric: I feel like Hermione thinks that it’s – she says slave labor, she protests, she doesn’t eat any more food that night despite Ron wafting smells of spotted dick at her. But regardless…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: That’s what it is. It’s in the book. Don’t think I’m being incorrect.

Andrew: No, I know. I’m not denying what you are saying. I just disagree with…

Eric: Well, she thinks…

Andrew: …Hermione.

Eric: …that because they don’t get sick leaves and pensions that it’s still slave labor even though…

Micah: And that’s a complete Muggle thing to say by the way, too. Sick leaves and pensions.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: I mean, do they even exist in the wizarding world?

Eric: Sick leave?

Micah: Sick leave? Maybe. Pensions? I don’t know. Does Arthur have a pension from working at the Ministry?

Eric: Why wouldn’t he?

Micah: I don’t know. But anyway, go ahead.

Eric: Nick chortled so much that his ruff slipped off his head and fell off. So, he put on this extra ruff that’s not normally part of his ghostly costume and his head fell off anyway. But he says, “Yeah, they don’t want sick leaves and pensions,” but his words are lost on Hermione who puts down her plate. So yeah, I agree with you, Andrew. I mean, it’s a positive environment and as we meet them later in the book, they are really happy to be at the kitchens. Only Dobby – in fact, they think Dobby is really weird for going about his business like he is. So anyway – so they finish their feast and actually Dumbledore has some announcements. And the sky lights up, there is lightning, and they meet or are introduced to who they think is Mad-Eye Moody. And this is an interesting descriptor here. I’m going to quote this from the book:

“The lightning had thrown the manís face into sharp relief, and it was a face unlike any Harry had ever seen. It looked as though it had been carved out of weathered wood by someone who had only the vaguest idea of what human faces are supposed to look like, and was none too skilled with a chisel. Every inch of skin seemed to be scarred. The mouth looked like a diagonal gash, and a large chunk of the nose was missing. But it was the manís eyes that made him frightening.”

And my question to you guys is, where can you get writers like J.K.R.? Because this is – this to me just signified how darn awesome she is.

Andrew: Well, what really stood out to me about this introduction is that it’s a solid six paragraphs, and these are big paragraphs. I cannot remember – there may be other times, but this is a big intro for one specific character. And that just really surprised me because it’s six paragraphs of you not knowing who this is until Dumbledore says, “May I introduce to you our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.” I just thought that was interesting. I’m not – I don’t think there is really anything to it, but six paragraphs! Whoa!

Eric: It’s kind of ironic too because this is the – it’s not – there wouldn’t be six paragraphs of description if Barty Crouch Jr. didn’t pull a good Moody. You know what I’m saying? So this is the character that might have the longest introduction and most descriptions but he is not who we think he is, so a lot of it is actually just false because it is not Mad-Eye Moody at all. You know what I’m saying?

Andrew: No, that’s a good point.

Eric: So maybe she put…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …extra effort into it even though it is not him. So that – yeah, that is very, very interesting. He is definitely an important character and – but this intro, yeah. It was absolutely very, very descriptive. So…

Andrew: Huge!

Eric: Huge! Yeah, six paragraphs. So Dumbledore announces the Triwizard Tournament. Finally, they know what was going on. He says it’s between – [laughs] he says traditionally it’s between the three largest wizard schools in Europe, which is Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts. But he calls them the largest wizard schools in Europe. But he doesn’t say that they are the only wizard schools in Europe, so I feel like there are definitely more. I’m sure J.K. Rowling has touched on that, so I won’t go further. But…

Andrew: Well – and what is mentioned maybe in this chapter is that there are – these are the three largest schools in Europe I think it said. So maybe there are smaller wizarding schools, which I would be very interested in seeing…

Eric: Like an Italian…

Andrew: …because there has…

Eric: …wizard school?

Andrew: Yeah, because there has got to be a lot of different dynamics in the smaller wizard schools. I mean, how many houses do they have? Do they have houses? How does it work?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It would be interesting to see.

Eric: And plus, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are really – they seem to be extreme exaggerations. One is – has a pirate ship that [laughs] carries its students everywhere and they wear fur capes. It’s just very – and it’s – is it Germany? It’s not Germany, it’s Bulgaria, isn’t it? So – because Viktor Krum goes there.

Micah: Well, yeah.

Eric: So…

Micah: I mean, Krum plays for the Bulgarian Quidditch team. So – I mean, it’s not a definite that that is where Durmstrang is, but it’s in the general vicinity. I think that’s probably a safe bet.

Eric: So at any rate, I did want to mention this Triwizard Tournament because I thought it was a clever way for J.K. Rowling, in terms of the books, to kind of not have the same recurring theme, not get bored with things. Because all of the last book, all of Prisoner of Azkaban, we were worried about Sirius Black and Hogwarts had all this security, the Dementors. It was a morbid type of state to have school in. But this year, in order to sort of make people forget, I feel like the Ministry and Dumbledore both probably agreed to try and revive this old contest, this old sports event. And I feel like it was largely in a part to have people forget about the terror of last year. And everybody is excited about sports. I know I am. So, I thought it was a great sort of way to detract – there is still security, but it is kind of exciting. You know what I’m saying? So, it is not…

Micah: It is interesting that even now how Dumbledore is laying the ground work for unity. And I think that is a lot of what this book is about, is building those relationships that come into play later on in the series. Whether it is Fleur and her obvious relationship with Bill, and how that all plays out. Or Hermione and Krum. And I was surprised that we didn’t really see any more of those two schools in the final battle. But that is Dumbledore’s hope, I think, by hosting this tournament. Even though like you said, there is that Ministry element of it. Dumbledore knows the value of having…

Andrew: Unity?

Micah: …all these people together. Yeah, exactly.

Eric: Well, it begs the question though. He wants unity which is good, but what role do they have in the final book? Fleur is relevant as a character because she marries Bill, and bothers the heck out of them in the beginning of Movie 7 and eventually provides shelter for Harry when he is on the run. But Fleur is important because she marries into the Weasleys, and Krum isn’t necessarily important. I feel like Madame Maxime is probably the second most important character of all of either Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and that is because she journeys with Hagrid to go to the giants. So in the end, Beauxbatons – and maybe I’m completely wrong here, but Beauxbatons and Durmstrang don’t really have that large a role that we see. I am sure they do in the war against Voldemort. And it’s kind of one of those things where I want to say the story is set in England, so of course we hear about England. We can…

Micah: Right. But…

Eric: We can assume that if Voldemort took over England and killed Harry Potter, that America and South America and Africa would all have fallen as well. But I think as far as Harry’s story is concerned, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons don’t really, as far as I can see, play a larger role in the later books.

Micah: Yeah. I mean, the only thing that I can remember is Krum and him telling Harry that symbol that Xenophilius Lovegood was wearing was the mark of Grindelwald.

Eric: Oh, because Grindelwald went to Durmstrang.

Micah: Durmstrang. So that – but even that – I mean, obviously it is a big plot point. But again, there is no fighting. You would have expect to have – with all the characters that were in the final battle, have figured Krum would be somewhere in there.

Eric: I mean, they got a pirate ship. Come on! [laughs] And…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …he is a Quidditch captain. I mean, really? There is action!

Andrew: [in a pirate voice] Yarr! We be fighting Voldemort! Yarr!

Eric: Yarr! [laughs]

[Andrew starts coughing]

Eric: Oh, you all right?

Andrew: Yeah. Sacrifices I make for the show.

Eric: Get some water.

Micah: Air? [laughs]

Andrew: No, my voice.

Micah: [laughs] You are sacrificing air…

Eric: [laughs] You are sacrificing…

Micah: …for the show?

Eric: …air?

Andrew: [in a pirate voice] I will scratch my voice to turn it into a pirate!

Eric: [in a pirate voice] I put up air!

Andrew: Arr!

Eric: It’s not ‘air’, it’s ‘arr’. Anyway…

Andrew: So Eric, what else happens in this chapter?

Eric: [laughs] All right. So Dumbledore – anyway, he announces the Triwizard Tournament. He talks about the age restriction. He says that he is going to be personally overseeing the security for the age restriction. This really upsets Fred and George. But anyway, I think this is one of those things where it sets it up so that – to make the readers kind of confused. But it was really easy it turns out – it seems like it was really easy just for Mad-Eye Moody to put Harry’s name in the Goblet because that is who it was. I mean, it was Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Moody, went – simply walked through the age restriction because he was old enough and was able to put Harry’s name in it. And the Goblet didn’t have such an age restriction so obviously it shows Harry because he is the Chosen One. But it was easy, wasn’t it? I mean, to fool…

Andrew: I think you are thinking too much into this. Dumbledore just – what was meant by it was that Dumbledore was going to set up the age line and no one else was. And yeah, apparently he thought that age line was secure enough but apparently not.

Micah: Yeah, it’d be secure enough so that Fred and George couldn’t hoodwink it.

Eric: Right.

Micah: But not for somebody like Mad-Eye Moody. He’s an Auror and Barty Crouch Jr. is a very experienced person in Dark Arts so I think he would be able to figure out how to do that between his knowledge and adapting Moody’s qualities, he would certainly be able to do something like that. I agree, it’s kind of one of those things when you hear it in the movie, Moody says when they’re all in that trophy room, “Only somebody who could have conjured an extremely powerful Confundus Charm could have done something like this.” So, you feel like it’s a little bit of a cheap escape that they went that route, but – I don’t know.

Eric: Yeah, in the movies it’s played up more than it is in the book. In the book, it’s just to keep people like Fred and George out, but in the movie it’s meant to drive even more suspense to Harry being chosen.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: As if there wasn’t enough suspense with Michael Gambon throwing Harry around the room.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: Anyway, we were going to talk about that eventually on the show – again. So you talk about Barty Crouch Jr. Now, I feel like he was just a punk kid when he was with the Death Eaters. Now Dumbledore – it also goes to say that Dumbledore trusts his teachers to not put Harry’s name or endanger a student and when Moody first enters the Great Hall, he sits down – Dumbledore motions for him to sit down at Dumbledore’s right hand. It’s the seat to his right, that was mentioned. I thought that was important. He really does trust Moody. They’re old friends and he trusts his teachers too. Final thought, they all go up to bed and Harry, unlike before where he’s had dreams of things that become relevant – this time, he’s awake and as he’s going to bed, he’s thinking fondly of hoodwinking the age line and winning the Triwizard Tournament. J.K. Rowling writes that he sees Cho’s face in the crowd when he has done this.

Andrew: Awww.

Eric: And he is particularly glad that Ron cannot see – Ron, who is next to him in the other bed cannot see what he is seeing as he drifts off to sleep.

Andrew: Young love. Nothing like it.

Micah: Yeah. One thing I want to bring up – did we discuss at all how Moody was attacked? Was that brought up at all in these chapters? I thought it was.

Eric: It was. It was – but, it’s – yeah.

Micah: I thought it was weird that somebody as powerful as him would set up a trap like trash cans. That’s a little novice.

Eric: Well, it wasn’t him who set up – right? Oh yeah, he…

Micah: No, that was his trap to let him know if somebody was approaching his property. And, obviously, he was scouted by Barty Crouch Jr. and Peter Pettigrew so they knew what to do, but it was just – I mean, really? That was your defense? Trash cans?

Eric: Well, Pettigrew is completely absent from or not this book but – you know, I wonder if – the trash cans is what the Ministry found when they got there. There could’ve been more permanent curses or something, but then again, maybe the real Moody was really buying into the idea that he might actually be more paranoid than he should be. Or – we don’t know the mental state of Mad-Eye Moody at this point, so I wonder if he wasn’t in fact just actually, actually really crazy. And it turns out for a good reason.

Micah: Or is that the trap is so stupid that it just might work?

Eric: I think that’s it. [laughs]

Micah: Who would ever suspect trash cans? I don’t know. I just thought I’d bring it up.

Andrew: Well, that wraps up Chapter-by-Chapter this week. We’re done another three chapters boys. Good work. Yes. Now, let’s move on to Muggle Mail!

Muggle Mail: Fred and George at the Quidditch World Cup

Andrew: First e-mail comes from Rebecca Jackson, 15, of Vancouver. She writes:

“Hey, MuggleCasters. Just wanted to give my thoughts on how Fred and George predicted the Quidditch World Cup. Is it possible they just predicted off what they already knew about the two teams? Harry, after seeing the match, remarks on how the Irish Chasers were too good, and Bulgaria was never going to catch up, so Krum ended it on his terms. Maybe Fred and George already knew of the Irish Chasers’ skill and Krum’s nature as were big Quidditch fans. Just my thoughts. Keep on being awesome. Love, Rebecca.”

And we got a lot of e-mails similar to this one in response to our Chapter-by-Chapter discussion for Episode 208. Micah and Eric, a lot of people think that they just made an educated guess.

Micah: Yeah. I think that’s probably the answer.

Andrew: That’s the best answer?

Micah: Yeah. I think that they’re right. They’re pretty knowledgable about Quidditch. So, seems like a good evaluation.

Andrew: Micah, how about you take that second e-mail?

Muggle Mail: Trailer Analysis Feedback

Micah: Sure. The next e-mail comes from Tonya?

Andrew: Yes! You’re right!

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: All right, next e-mail, Eric!

Eric: Okay.

Micah: [laughs] Okay, from Tonya, 33, of Paoli, Indiana and she says:

“In Episode 208, Wannabe Wizards, you guys were wondering about the Voldemort voiceover in the TV spot where he mentions Harry’s heart. I believe this is the scene where Ron destroys the locket Horcrux. The quote is, “I have seen your heart and it is mine,” this is taken directly from the book and is directed at Ron on page 375 in the US hardcover. I think they simply took it out of context for use in the TV spot. Thought you guys may find this helpful. The show is fantastic, keep up the good work, Tonya.”

And, yeah, she’s definitely right. We talked about this – if people haven’t listened to – on Episode 209, the live trailer analysis. We mentioned it towards the end of the episode because it’s in that trailer as well.

Andrew: And we have gotten a lot of e-mails about this as well.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: So wanted to bring it up again.

Eric: Yeah. I’ll take the next one.

Andrew: Eric…

Eric: Yep.

Andrew: The final e-mail, please.

Muggle Mail: Mrs. Weasley’s Marriage

Eric: The final e-mail from Katrina, from Minneapolis. Subject is “Mrs Weasley’s marriage.” She says:

“Hello, everybody. I’m listening to Episode 208 right now and you guys are talking about the Weasley’s marriage and whether it is a healthy one.”

Did we talk about that?

“I think it is a very healthy marriage and that they very much love each other. Molly is simply a mother hen. Let me tell you, as a mom of three kids under four they drive you nutters. I’d bet when they first met Molly was a lot like Ginny: exciting, energetic, brave, and those traits still show through. But now she has such a huge responsibility of a family, you have to keep a tight leash. I mean, come on, if you had Fred and George as children, would you give them an inch? No way. You would discipline them like crazy and just hope they turn out all right without killing one of their siblings on accident.”

That’s a good point. It reminds me of that time the one of them tried to force Ron into an unforgivable vow. Anyway – that was me. That was me, not reading that.

“Mr. Weasley hiding things from his wife isn’t sneaky or malicious. It is simply keeping things from her that would rile her up. She has a temper and probably Molly knows all about the things he does because she’s a sharp cookie. He is probably leaving spark plugs all over the house as he has got such a scatterbrain. Super-laid-back, unorganized men like Arthur usually marry strong-willed women, that is what my marriage is. Molly’s job is to keep her family healthy and safe. And though her family has pushed her sanity to its limits – needing the clock that says where everyone is, for instance – she is still warm, loving, and down-to-earth, just like any good mother. I think Arthur and Molly are a perfect match.”

Andrew: Well, it was nice to get an opinion from a mother on this topic.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And even though I still don’t completely agree with her because she thinks it’s a very healthy marriage, I mean, though granted – oh, heck! What do I know? I’m not married. I’m just bitter.

[Eric laughs]


Andrew: So now, moving on. As promised at the top of the show, we are going to play an old favorite segment: Favorites! And this Episode we are talking about new actors or actresses to see in Part I. Micah and Eric, while you guys are thinking about your favorite actor or actress – new favorite actor or actress in Part I – I’m going to read some of the listeners’ thoughts on their favorites, and these were sent in to us via Twitter. “doctorgracie” writes:

I’m really looking forward to seeing Rhys Ifans. He’s a really wonderful actor and very underrated.

Of course, he is going to play Xenophilius Lovegood.

Micah: I think it’s Rhys.

Andrew: Rhys?

Micah: So you don’t get e-mails.

Andrew: Rhys Ifans? Is that right?

Micah: Rhys, yeah, Rhys Ifans.

Andrew: Kate…

Micah: I could be wrong, but…

Andrew: “katesiv” writes:

“I can’t wait to see Bill Nighy! He’s amazing!”

Bill Nighy. Or Bill Nigh-ey?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I think it’s Bill Nighy.

Eric: These Brits…

Andrew: Isn’t it Bill Nighy? We’ve talked about this before, I think it’s Bill Nighy.

“I can’t wait to see Bill Nighy! He’s amazing! Also Rhys Ifans…”

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Did I get it right that time?

Eric: Actually…

Andrew: “…will make an awesome Lovegood.”

Eric: …you’ve got to put it into – I’m going to put it into Microsoft Narrator and see…

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Okay, thank you.

Eric: We’ll blame Bill Gates. We’ll send him all our hate mail.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: “marie_aren” writes:

“I’m definitely most looking forward to Jamie Bower Campbell.”

Of course, he’s going to play Grindelwald. Young Grindelwald.

Eric: [laughs] She at replied Jamie Bower.

Andrew: Yeah. “HeatherRD” writes:

“I’m most looking forward to seeing Bill Nighy. I’ve been waiting for him to get cast in ‘HP’ for years.”

“peculiarways” writes:

“Domhnall Gleeson as Bill Weasley. I’ve never seen him act before, just know that his dad is Brendan Gleeson.”

Who of course plays Mad-Eye. “JazminesWings” writes:

“Charlie, because they took him out of the previous ones.”

[laughs] And finally, “Spazzo” writes:

“Yaxley, in the chase after Ron.”

Andrew: So, Micah, who are you most looking forward to seeing?

Micah: That’s – I mean – I think I would have to go with Bill Nighy as Scrimgeour, I think. Sort of that interesting dynamic that he has to play between the press, and of course, the trio. I’m interested. Of course Eric has seen the movie. So he knows what that’s like.

Eric: Oh, don’t keep bringing that up.

Micah: No, I’m saying that you know how Bill has done in this role, and I’d be interested to hear, do you think he fit the part well?

Eric: Yeah, absolutely. It was weird, kind of, because, depending on how they’re casting – it was just like he had been in all of the previous films. It’s – he kind of had this friendly look about him, that it’s like you had grown up watching him on-screen but you hadn’t. But yeah, he fits the part.

Micah: Yeah, so he would probably be my top choice, and then everybody seems to also want to see Rhys Ifans as Xenophilius Lovegood.

Andrew: Okay, Eric, how about you?

Eric: Actually, my favorite person who is a new character in Deathly Hallows: Part I is Andy Linden, who plays Mundungus Fletcher.

Micah: I was going to say, is that from seeing the movie, or would you have said that prior to seeing the movie?

Eric: Yeah, I would not have said that prior to seeing the movie. I’m sorry.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: So, he does a good job, is what you’re saying?

Eric: Yeah, as Mundungus Fletcher and the reason I bring it up and choose him is because reading about him billing the Ministry – [laughs] – for his twelve-bedroom tent with en-suite Jacuzzi and in this chapter that we just read for Chapter-by-Chapter, it seems like the kind of thing this actor would very much do. He’s just sleazy and unreliable in Deathly Hallows: Part I, the movie.

Andrew: To break the – all the answers that we’re seeing here, I’m going to say my favorite – and this technically doesn’t count but my two favorites are Miranda Richardson and Imelda Staunton. And I say that because they haven’t – we haven’t seen them in a while. Of course Miranda Richardson, who plays Rita Skeeter, we haven’t seen her since Goblet of Fire. And Imelda Staunton, who plays Umbridge, we haven’t seen her since Order of the Phoenix. And I miss them.

Micah: Who – which one of them was it that said that they didn’t think they would be back?

Andrew: Miranda Richardson.

Eric: Miranda Richardson, yeah.

Andrew: She said that at the Goblet of Fire premiere. I was very upset.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: She was like, “Ah, I’d rather give somebody else a chance to do it.” But she’s back.

Eric: I think she said she’d rather saw one of her kids, actually. That never showed.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: That’s how much she hated it. [laughs] But it’s going to be a small appearance. I think she’s just going to be in a picture or something.

Eric: I think – yeah.

Andrew: But she is there.

Micah: Hazel Douglas, who plays Bathilda Bagshot? No? Anyone?

Eric: Oh, she’s just – ah. Just the creepy, creepy – that’s like Mrs. Figg except Mrs. Figg is worse because Mrs. Figg wasn’t supposed to be creepy and she was really, really, really creepy.

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul

Andrew: To wrap up the show today, we have a Chicken Soup e-mail. This comes from Hayley, 14, of Fort Calhoon, Nebraska. She writes:

“Hi MuggleCasters, I’m your biggest fan. No joke. I listen to your show 24/7, literally. I have severe insomnia and your show helps me to fall asleep at night. Because I spend so much time with my earbuds in, I get lots of annoyed looks from my parents and siblings. My brother will take one look at me and say, ‘MuggleCast’ and ignore me for the rest of the day. Not that that is a bad thing sometimes. My mum has to tell me at least three times a day to ‘take out your earbuds and listen to me’! Well, one rainy afternoon I turned on my computer to find a new Episode waiting for me. After doing my ritual dance of joy, I popped my earbuds in to hear the wonderful sounds of your voices once more. Okay the thing with me is I cannot just sit and listen to music, I have to do something. So, I set about cleaning our living room and ended up cleaning the entire house! My mom was shocked and pleased to find this and asked me what my motive was. ‘MuggleCast!’ I replied. My family has a new respect for your show now. They get almost as excited as me when there’s a new Episode. ‘It’s Hailey cleaning the house time!'”

She’s quoting her mother there.

“So here’s a thank you from my whole family for your great podcast and we all will be angry beyond imagination if you stop podcasting.”

Andrew: Well, for your mother’s sake, I know she wants a clean house, so we will continue podcasting.

Micah: Nice!

Andrew: I don’t listen to my own podcast while cleaning, but I do listen to other podcasts while cleaning. It’s – doing the dishes and stuff. I mean, I’m not going around dusting and turning on a podcast.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: Long term – the tasks that take a little bit of time. And like Hailey, I too do a ritual dance of joy whenever a new Episode is released of MuggleCast, so all good.

Eric: That is my favorite Noodle Soup.

Show Close

Andrew: Yeah that was really nice, thank you Hailey. So, before we let everyone go we want to remind you about our website which is There you’ll find lots of information pertaining to this wonderful Harry Potter program that we produce every other week for your listening pleasure. You can find a link to our iTunes page where you can subscribe and review us. You can also follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, vote for us in Podcast Alley, we haven’t plugged that in a while. And so much more.

Micah: Yeah, we haven’t been on there in a while. [laughs]

Andrew: You can even find the – our new P.O. Box address which is Andrew Sims, MuggleCast, P.O. Box 3634, Fullerton, California, 92834-3634. That was a mouthful.

[Show music starts]

Andrew: So, just visit, click on contact at the top and you’ll see the P.O. Box. While you’re there you can also fill out a little feedback form to e-mail us if you have a question about what we talked about on the show today or maybe you disagree with something we said, or maybe you want to yell at Eric more for playing a song on Episode 208 for no good reason. You can use the feedback form for any…

Eric: We’re going to play a song on this Episode. You can just edit it in later.

Andrew: Nobody died.

Eric: Well, yeah, I feel like there was a first year who fell in the lake and wasn’t accounted for and nobody remembered him because he was unpopular.

Andrew: I don’t know.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: We’ll need listener permission before we do that again. They were very upset Eric.

Eric: I’m sorry.

Andrew: Thanks everyone for listening. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We’ll see you next time for Episode 211. Bye-bye. Yar!

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Bye!

Transcript #209

MuggleCast 209 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

Andrew: Looking to start your own website? The first thing you need is a domain name, and the best place to get one is at With your domain registration you’ll get hosting, a free blog, complete email, and much more. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener, enter code Ron, that’s R-O-N, when you check out and get your dot com domain name for just $7.49 a year. Get your piece of the internet at!

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: Hello everybody! [laughs] Welcome to MuggleCast Live, September 22nd, 2010 and the trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I was released and joining me via Skype is Micah Tannenbaum. Hello, Micah.

[Prolonged silence]

Andrew: Micah?


Andrew: Oh great, Micah. Don’t tell me you just crashed too?

Micah: No, I was just on mute. Sorry.

Quick Trailer Roundtable

Andrew: Oh, good job, geez. Okay, well, at least that wasn’t my fault. So anyway, welcome everyone to the show. Matt’s going to be joining us in a little bit. So, Micah, have you watched the trailer yet? [laughs]

Micah: Yes, I was actually able to watch the trailer once. I’m going through it right now, trying to pick out some things. But I do have to say, I am really impressed with this trailer. A lot of people were concerned about Part I not living up to the action of Part II and I think there’s plenty of action in this trailer. What about you?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. And, you know what? You are absolutely right. That was one of the initial concerns and I think W.B. has absolutely proven everybody wrong, there is a lot. And we learned that the split is so late in the book that we actually see – there’s plenty of action to put into Part I.

Micah: Yeah, absolutely, and I think with this trailer they really did a great job focusing in on that action. There’s no question about it. And I really do think this is shaping up to be a good movie.

Andrew: Well, thanks everybody for tuning in. Now, if you remember last time, our last trailer show, we basically just went through the trailer scene-by-scene and talked about every little thing. So, Micah, if it’s okay with you, I think we should just do that same thing again.

Micah: If we don’t encounter anymore technical difficulties then, absolutely, let’s do that.

Andrew: Actually, I wasn’t even going to give you any option.

Micah: Oh.

Andrew: I was just telling you what’s going to happen.

Micah: Oh, okay.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: See, this is what everybody doesn’t hear when we record not live.

Andrew: I take out my whip and I crack it on the MuggleCast news desk and I say, “Micah! This is what we’re going to do.” Okay, so, let’s get into it. I’m just going to load up the trailer right now and we’re going to go scene-by-scene. Maybe for old time’s sake we should watch it all the way through first?

Micah: Sure. You’re going to play it for everybody?

Andrew: Yeah. I don’t know if you’re going to be able to hear it though.

Micah: I can press play at the same time. How about that?

Andrew: All right. Start it at the beginning. Everybody watching on UStream will be able to see it just fine through UStream. All right Micah? On three hit play.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: You’re going to want to mute you’re copy because you’re going to hear it through my computer. Okay? One, two, three. Now, this is my favorite part. This vibrant green is the best color they’ve chosen for the warning – okay, here we go.

[Micah laughs]

[Deathly Hallows trailer plays]

Andrew: All right! So anyway…

[Trailer continues to play in the background]

Scene-by-Scene: W.B. Logo

Andrew: Get this off. I mean you can’t watch that trailer and say that there is not enough action in Part I. There is plenty to go around. So let’s start right at the beginning and just like we did for the last trailer – that major one that included both parts, we are going to discuss every little scene that we see. Okay, now we start with the W.B. logo here, and I think this is my favorite W.B. logo. Isn’t it your’s, Micah?

Micah: Oh yeah, the logo is great. It reminds me of all the pictures.

Andrew: Didn’t Eric complain last episode about the way that W.B. logo swooped in – it was very odd.

Micah: I don’t think Eric ever complains about anything.

Scene-by-Scene: The Ministry

Andrew: [laughs] Okay, so first scene is of the Ministry. We see them in the long main corridor. This is where everybody comes in via fireplace and we see Rufus Scrimgeour right at the front. And this is actually, I think, the first time we’re getting a glimpse at his voice, right?

Micah: Yeah, I think so.

Andrew: And he sounds pretty good. He doesn’t sound as bad as Barty Crouch Jr. did in Goblet of Fire, I was severely disappointed by that when I first heard his voice.

Micah: It was a little weird.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: And all the twitching that he did.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly. And we get the shot of the back of him again and we hear him say the following:

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “These are dark times, there is no denying.”

Andrew: [laughs] And you get the good look at his face. And I love the way that he drones on. “These are dark times, there is no denying.”

Micah: Yeah, and the other thing is, I think this is exactly how the movie opens up, from what Eric and Emerson told us…

Andrew: Did they say that?

Micah: …is this scene. I believe they did. Am I making that up?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: If they didn’t say it on the podcast I think Eric told me this is how the movie opens up.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: So you’re getting that very ominous tone right from the get-go.

Scene-by-Scene: Dumbledore’s Tomb

Andrew: So then we get the look at Dumbledore’s tomb, which is – it looks like – [laughs] I’m sorry, but what’s going on here? Why is Dumbledore’s tomb the bottom of a Jenga puzzle?

Micah: [laughs] Yeah. I kind of was trying to think what puzzle to call it, but that’s probably the most accurate. I think maybe LEGO Harry Potter got a little bit of a deal in this whole thing.

Andrew: Oh no! That’s exactly what it is. Oh. Not good.

Micah: But yeah, it looked a little bit weird, like they were opening something out of The Da Vinci Code.

Andrew: Yeah. I – now of course I don’t have the description off the top of my head, but – from the book – but surely J.K. Rowling did not describe it as a basic rectangle standing with two smaller rectangles underneath of it.

Micah: Probably not.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: But you would think that wherever Dumbledore would be buried it would be very secure and only somebody who is as intelligent and as well-versed in magic as Voldemort would be able to open his tomb.

Andrew: Yeah. Okay, so that’s disappointment one of this trailer.

Micah: But they’re a little too close for comfort there, though.

Andrew: What do you mean?

Micah: In that shot with – it’s very ominous, very eerie – of Voldemort hanging over Dumbledore.

Andrew: Oh, okay. Right. So we get to…

Micah: Did I jump ahead?

Andrew: Yeah, you kind of did. [laughs]

Micah: Sorry.

Andrew: The shot of Voldemort sticking his head into the tomb face to face with Dumbledore. And this was the preview we saw at Comic Con. We saw this shot. This is what I was trying to describe to you a few weeks ago. And I think it’s fair to say this is one of the eeriest scenes that has ever hit the Harry Potter films, am I right?

Micah: Yeah, absolutely. It’s just – what happens? Is this the exact same shot that they showed you, there wasn’t any more after it?

Andrew: No, this is it. We saw…

Micah: He didn’t say anything?

Andrew: During the Comic – we didn’t hear him say anything, I don’t think. During the Comic Con preview we just saw this shot right here of Voldemort and Dumbledore. A little bit wider, but – [laughs]. I wonder – okay. Do you think that’s actually Michael Gambon, or is that a fake…

Micah: It may be fake.

Andrew: I’m thinking it’s fake, too. Because if it wasn’t, if it was a real Michael Gambon, he totally would have done a couple joke takes where he just wakes up…

Micah: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: …and just laughs.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: I was thinking that, I was thinking that Michael Gambon wouldn’t take that scene too seriously at the very beginning…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …he’d be making the directors waste a lot of different takes and money, so.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly. [laughs]

Micah: Maybe it was a prosthetic Dumbledore.

Andrew: Yeah, I think so. I think so. My set report will reveal that information in due time.

Micah: Oh, okay. I’m glad to hear that.

Scene-by-Scene: Trio Standing Around

Andrew: So [laughs] you know what we do – I do have to admit – what we do get a lot of in this trailer and in pictures that we’ve seen released, and the past two trailers is we get a lot of Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing in the middle of nowhere. Now, granted, that happens in the book, yes – and this was the concern, like you brought up at the top of the hour, Micah, or ten minutes ago. People are worried that there won’t be enough action, and so we see this shot of Harry standing on a cliff, I believe this location was also used for the Pixar film “Up” And we see a tent in the background, presumably Ron and Hermione are in there, but what do you think is going to be going on during these scenes when Harry’s just standing around?

[Prolonged silence]

Andrew: Micah, you’re on your mute button again. You really need to stop putting that on your earbud.

Micah: No, no, what happened was I tried to bring up the UStream here, and an ad blasted on through the speakers, so I figured you didn’t want to have to listen to that.

Andrew: Oh, okay. Well thank you, you’re very thoughtful. But did you hear what I said?

Micah: No. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Harry – what are they going to be doing during these scenes when Harry, Ron, and Hermione are standing in the middle of nowhere? For example, the shot I have up right now, at twenty-one seconds in, Harry is just standing on the cliff, on the rocks, staring around. There seems like there’s going to be a lot of these during the film.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: So…

Micah: I think that’s – that’s probably what a fan’s biggest concern is going to be going into this film, is having too much of these types of moments. It is a little bit worrisome, I’m sure David Yates did a great job mixing them in, but I…

Andrew: As long as they’re all one to five seconds…

Micah: …I wouldn’t be too concerned.

Andrew: …they can’t be too long.

Micah: Yeah. The hard part is, though, for a large part of the beginning of Deathly Hallows, this is what is going on, though. They’re traveling around from one place to another.

Andrew: Right.

Micah: I know Eric said that what made it was the fact that some of the places that they go to have these great landscapes, so I don’t – to me, that’s not going to help me like that scene any more, just because they happen to be in a really nice place.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: [laughs] So…

Andrew: “The scene sucks, but at least it looks cool.” [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew: And if you’re just joining us, thank you for tuning in. It’s Micah and I here. We’re discussing the Deathly Hallows trailer that was just released about forty five minutes ago. Of course, the Internet is in a frenzy over this trailer. I presume, Micah, it’s the final trailer we’re going to be getting for Part I, right?

Micah: I would say this is probably it. Yeah, I don’t see anything else coming around, maybe a short thirty second…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …deal, but they’ll probably chop up parts from this. I really don’t think that they can give away that much more at this point.

Scene-by-Scene: Hermione, The Burrow and Dumbledore

Andrew: Yeah, so then we see Hermione and Hermione is just – this is another one of those shots that I was talking about – Hermione is just standing there looking a little emo. Then, next shot we get – this is actually – something about this shot I really like – it’s Ron standing in front of The Burrow and he’s sort of just all alone, and you can see Mrs. Weasley and Ginny in the background, and there’s something very artistic about it. There’s nothing else really to say about it, but…

Micah: Now, this shot that you have up now of the river. [laughs]

Andrew: Oh, what about it? It’s a split second long.

Micah: No, I was – I was just joking.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh, okay. Moving along, a couple quick flashes, then we get to ghostly Dumbledore and it’s a very brief shot and we saw it in the TV spot so that was really nothing to…

Micah: That’d be cool on a ride, to have ghostly Dumbledore pop up…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …as you’re on the roller coaster or something.

Scene-by-Scene: Harry and Hermione in the Cemetery

Andrew: Yeah, well, if recent news is to be believed, then hopefully we will be seeing a double in size Wizarding World theme park but we’ll save that for another episode of MuggleCast. As we move along, we get to Hermione and Harry in the cemetery looking at James and Lily Potter’s grave. What does it say at the very bottom? “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” Aw, isn’t that nice. Now, I hope – has everyone gotten a good look at the grave yet? Because we want to make sure there are no issues like there was the Goblet of Fire grave scene when there was a major mistake on that that Warner Bros. had to fix. Do you remember that?

Micah: Yeah, yeah I do.

Andrew: Right, okay.

Micah: Little bit of a conflict, yeah.

Andrew: Oh my gosh, I noticed Harry has stubble and facial hair! [laughs] This really is a road movie, ladies and gentlemen.

Micah: Well, he is what? Twenty in real life?

Andrew: Right.

Micah: So, I would hope that he does.

Andrew: I’m not saying that’s a surprise.

Micah: Oh.

Andrew: It’s just that they always are shaved, [laughs] but this is a road movie.

Micah: Well, yeah, they’re on the road man!

Andrew: Tough times. I don’t know, but Hermione’s got that giant bag that you could put a…

Micah: Hermione doesn’t have any stubble going on, which is good.

Scene-by-Scene: Two-Way Mirror

Andrew: We’ll have to check to make sure in the hi-res version, but as of right now, it looks like no. Okay, so then we get the close-up shot of Harry and he’s looking into the two-way mirror and you see Aberforth in it, but it totally looks like Michael Gambon. [laughs] Do you think?

Micah: Yeah. Do you remember when Harry first looks into it, he thinks he sees Dumbledore?

Andrew: Right.

Micah: The Dumbledore that he knows, so perhaps, they did use Michael Gambon for that scene.

Andrew: Well, that’s what I was just thinking. Are we seeing this through Harry’s perspective, so we actually do see Michael Gambon?

Micah: It’s possible, because the next scene is Dumbledore falling off the Astronomy Tower.

Andrew: Yeah, and you see the blackened hand. Of course, this is a clip from Half-Blood Prince. I can’t remember the dialogue that was happening at this exact moment.

Micah: He looks comfortable there though.

Andrew: Dumbledore falling? [laughs]

Micah: He looks comfortable.

Andrew: Have you seen the end of the movie?

Micah: Yeah!

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Well, when you’re dead, I mean you are kind of comfortable.

Micah: He’s not, he’s not – yeah, I guess.

Andrew: I mean, you can’t show any emotion.

Micah: You’re just kind of floating out there.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort Casting A Spell

Andrew: Yeah, I guess. And then, we see Voldemort, he’s casting a spell [laughs]. And honestly, he’s doing it oddly, I think this is when he has, uh – who does he have? – could this be when he has Bertha Jorkins? I think this is when Bertha Jorkins is standing there, or is floating in the middle of the air. Or [Charity] Burbage! Thank you, to everyone in the chat. I’ve got my books mixed up. We’re doing Goblet of Fire Chapter-by-Chapter right now. And I’m very confused. But, okay, so that’s probably what’s going on in this spot. And Matt is joining us.

Recorded Voice: The person whom you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.

Andrew: Hello Matt!

Matt: Hello everybody.

Andrew: Hold on. Let’s get you on camera, to make sure you’re actually here. Oh, look, he is actually here! Welcome to the show.

Matt: Oh thanks.

Andrew: You’re actually just in time because Micah’s in New York City where there was just a power outage, so the power just died where he is.

Matt: Oh, nice.

Andrew: So, it’s just you and me.

Matt: So you’ve been by yourself?

Andrew: No, like literally ten seconds ago, he left.

Matt: Hasn’t New York already suffered a power outage too?

Andrew: Uh, they’re suffering it right now.

Matt: No, but they did before, a tornado hit them or something.

Andrew: Ah, that’s right, maybe they did. But this is not the WeatherCast, this is MuggleCast, so lets get back into the trailer here! Matt…

Matt: Okay, I haven’t seen it yet.

Andrew: Well, good, you can play the role of the person who hasn’t seen the trailer.

Matt: Great. Can I play the role of the person who’s seen it though pretty soon?

Scene-by-Scene: Old Footage

Andrew: [laughs] Yes. So, we get the shot of Dumbledore. And – or sorry, Voldemort – we talked about that. We get to a shot of Harry. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure this is from the Order of the Phoenix.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Because – and somebody brought this up on my Twitter feed – there’s a couple of times when they actually reuse clips. And honestly, it’s kind of annoying. Micah, welcome back.

Micah: Sorry about that. We had a huge thunderstorm come through here, and, of course, the power goes out after the fact, not during.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: So, I think tonight is just a technical nightmare all across the board.

Andrew: I think it is too.

Matt: Hey Micah!

Micah: Hey Matt, what’s going on?

Matt: Nothing much, just chillin’.

Micah: You chillin’?

Matt: Apparently, there’s a trailer that just got released too.

Micah: Really? I had no idea.

Andrew: All right, so we’re at 40 seconds in, if you’re following along at home. We see a black crow. Or is this an owl? [laughs]

Micah: It’s Hedwig, charred.

Scene-by-Scene: Birds, Symbols, & Snakes

Andrew: [laughs] We fixed her, she’s free! But she’s charred. So, I guess that’s a hard call. I think that’s some sort of bird. I’m assuming it’s an owl.

Matt: Can I just watch this freaking trailer or something?

Andrew: Yeah, watch it to yourself.

Matt: Okay, I’m going to watch it to myself.

Andrew: Okay, so then at 41 seconds, we get a shot of the – we see the Deathly Hallows symbol, and then we get a shot of Harry. This trailer’s just full of [laughs] random, quick, one-second shots. We see the snake. We see Ron on the ground. We see the Gryffindor Sword. These are all, keep in mind, these are all happening second by split second.

Micah: Yeah, they try to sneak things in there.

Scene-by-Scene: Fire

Andrew: Yeah, but nothing really too discussion worthy, which is why I’m moving through it pretty quickly. We see Harry on the ground. It’s…

Micah: What’s the fire in there? Can you close in on the fire?

Andrew: The fire, I think, is when they – it’s in Hogwarts when Draco sets the fire, isn’t it?

Micah: Okay, well, is it all from Part I or…?

Andrew: Oh, yeah, you’re right.

Micah: Or are they slicing in clips?

Andrew: You see the snake, so…

Micah: Could it be at Lovegood’s home possibly?

Andrew: Yeah, it could be. You see some shrubbery outside.

Micah: Anybody in the chat? Any ideas?

Andrew: Some people are saying it’s – yeah, they may be right. Bathilda, when she turns into Nagini, when she turns into a snake.

Micah: She can turn herself on fire?

Andrew: I don’t know – that is – maybe she knocks over a lamp or something, and it catches fire! Then we get the shot of Harry. He’s just laying there on the ground. And then we get – who’s house is this? Is this Hermione’s? No.

Micah: Where are we now?

Scene-by-Scene: Malfoy Manor

Andrew: At 45 seconds in, we see the mansion.

Micah: I’m trying to bring the stream back up, but that stupid ad is playing again.

Andrew: I’m sorry. We’re at 45 seconds in, where we see a mansion.

Micah: Is it Malfoy Manor or not yet?

Andrew: Oh, that must be it, yes. I think this is the first time we’re getting a look at the outside of it, though, in the trailer, which is why I didn’t pick up on it immediately.

[Matt laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort and Snape, Umbridge

Andrew: But it’s kind of odd. You see these two – Malfoy Manor, the front lawn, it’s like they have two Christmas tree farms on either side of the front gate, and they’re closed in. They’re just sort of sitting there. Kind of strange. Okay, so Voldemort – and then we see this great shot of Snape talking to Voldemort, and he says the following:

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “…infiltrated the Ministry.”

Andrew: Well, let’s rewind that so we can hear that properly again. Snape says the following:

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “We have infiltrated the Ministry.”

Andrew: “We have infiltrated the Ministry.” And then we get our first look at Umbridge! I’ve been looking forward to seeing her for so long, and she’s in a very white pink.

[Prolonged silence]

Andrew: Micah, your analysis on the white pink.

Micah: It still doesn’t make her look…

Matt: Dobby!

Micah: I can hear the trailer in the background…

Andrew: That’s probably from Matt’s…

Micah: The playback.

Andrew: That’s probably from Matt’s mic.

Micah: Yeah, I’m getting some playback.

Scene-by-Scene: Magic is Might

Andrew: Okay. So, at 48 seconds in, we get to the shot of the “Magic is Might” statue. Now, this is the first time we’re getting a look at this, too. It’s in the center of the Ministry of Magic, and we see what looks like Muggles holding up the statue. It’s very eerie because – and this is obviously a very intense visual.

[Prolonged silence]

Andrew: Micah, are you there?

Micah: Yes, I’m here.

Andrew: Do you have anything to say about this “Magic is Might” statue?

Micah: Yeah, it’s definitely creepy. That’s for sure. And the picture you showed before with Umbridge looking hot in that pink dress, that was creepy, too, because you saw how everybody was lined up. It almost was reminiscent of what you would see in a movie that would have parts of the Holocaust in it. You know, the guy that’s there with the clipboard, ready to check people in. And then you see this statue of, like you said, these Muggles supporting the “Magic is Might” statue, and we got a really good shot, a good photo of this statue, at least the top part of it where is said “Magic is Might,” earlier today.

Andrew: Right, and at the bottom here of this shot, at 48 seconds in, you can see some Ministry officials running towards a wizard or two, towards the bottom of the shot. Do you see that? If you scroll back and forth, you can see them moving at the bottom, and it’s hard to tell who exactly they’re chasing after, but…

Micah: Oh yeah.

Matt: Well, there is a chase scene in the Ministry.

Andrew: Yeah, I wonder if this is – oh, I guess this is Harry and Hermione. Could it…?

Matt: Well, isn’t it right after that shot when Harry does a spell towards the camera? I mean, it could be in sequence because right after that, they start running.

Micah: Now, who are these people next to Umbridge? One of them is Pius Thicknesse, who took over.

Andrew: Is one of them Ludo? I think the guy on the far right is Ludo?

Micah: Ludo’s in Goblet of Fire. I don’t think he’s in…

Matt: Ludo Bagman?

Andrew: I’m trying to remember – oh, somebody…

Micah: There’s Yaxley.

Andrew: Yeah, Yaxley, Thicknesse, and some people are saying – I don’t know. Nobody’s really sure. Thicknesse.

Matt: Thicknesse. Yeah, Thickness?

Andrew: Runcorn. People think it’s also Runcorn. And we haven’t seen these actors yet, so I guess we would have to go just by what’s happening in the book.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: But Umbridge looks good, and it’s refreshing to see Umbridge. I mean, you can tell Imelda Staunton, who plays her, she’s still got it. She’s still got that smirk.

Matt: She’s thrilled to be there.

Andrew: She’s got that smirk, that hair.

Micah: Somebody in the chat wants to know if you’ve read the books, gosh.

Matt: No, God – dang, she’s right.

Scene-by-Scene: Ministry Officials

Andrew: Okay, so then we get the shot of the Ministry officials, and like Micah said, they got their clipboards, they’re checking people in presumably. And they have that red armband around their shoulder on the left, I noticed. Micah, what is that reminiscent of?

Micah: Nazi Germany.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly. Now, I’m wondering if that was described in the book – with the red arm bands?

Micah: You know, I don’t remember the arm – I don’t know if that’s something that Yates added to the film. I remember Eric talking about it when he did the short podcast with Emerson after they saw the film, and I forget – he said there was something on them, I forget what it was though.

Andrew: Maybe he was talking about that because that stands out! That was the first thing that I noticed in the wide shot that they were wearing those.

Micah: Mhm.

Andrew: Presumably, they have little “m”s on them.

Micah: Yeah, yeah. Maybe that was it.

Andrew: So then we see a shot of the trio and they’re walking across the giant hilltop again with these scenic shots…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …so we’re not sure what they’re going to do with all these, unless it’s going to be a nice long montage of all the scenic shots.

Matt: Well, isn’t it in the book – a wizard is supposed to be sitting on a whole bunch of Muggles?

Andrew: Yeah, we talked about that before.

Matt: Was I not listening to it?

Andrew: The statue.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: When you were watching the trailer.

Matt: Sorry.

Scene-by-Scene: Voldemort and Nagini

Andrew: So we get past those shots then we see a shot of Voldemort and he’s petting Nagini. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, that was a little creepy, a little weird.

Andrew: And you see his nails. He needs to wash out his nails or something, it’s about time. Then Voldemort – to get back up to speed here, let’s hear what Voldemort is saying.

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.”

Andrew: So, Voldemort says that and then it kicks off into another montage of fast action clips and we see Nagini – what’s the correct verb – slithering down the table, [laughs] and you can see quite a few people in the shot. We can see Snape, Draco, his father, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and a couple other unknowns.

Matt: Purely shot for the sake of 3D though.

Micah: Is that Yaxley across the table from Lucius? Because we just saw him in the Ministry right?

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Micah: Because it’s Yaxley that chases them down and ends up on the foot – the doorstep of Grimmauld Place.

Scene-by-Scene: London

Andrew: Yeah, you’re right, and speaking of that we’re going to get to one of those shots soon. We see the trio – this is actually kind of clever, this will be a cool entrance – we see a shot of them Apparate into London, and as soon as they Apparate in they’re right in front of a bus, [laughs] and it looks like in the next shot you see them back away just in time. [laughs] That’s kind of funny.

Micah: That would have been a bad end to the movie.

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, it would have been. So then we see a couple shots and they’re like “Oh my god, I cannot believe we just Apparated in front of a bus. Go figure!” So then we see a couple more shots and these were seen in the original teaser trailer too.

Matt: Right.

Scene-by-Scene: The Dursley’s House

Andrew: And then we get to Grimmauld Place, and Harry lets Mad-Eye in. This is, of course – oh no, no, no.

Matt: No, this is the Dursley’s home.

Andrew: This is the Dursley’s home, right.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Because I was going to say, wait, he’s dead. Okay, so they get into the Dursleys’ home, and this is where we see the Dursleys’ home is evacuated, the Dursleys have left. As you can see, none of their furniture or kitchen appliances are – they’re nowhere to be found.

Matt: Because they just moved.

Andrew: And the layout of this house – correct me if I’m wrong – this is different than what we saw in Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets.

Matt: We never see the left side of the living room.

Andrew: But look where the kitchen is in relation to the living room.

Matt: Well no, it’s – it’s not directly next to each other. I mean, it’s – they’re two different rooms.

Andrew: They’re next to each other in the trailer though.

Matt: Are they? Oh.

Scene-by-Scene: The Seven Potters

Andrew: Yes, I’m looking at 1:05. Okay, so then we get our first look, finally, at the seven Potters and this too was in the Comic Con – Comic Con preview. But it was so fast you couldn’t even see. [laughs] You couldn’t – you didn’t have a good chance to look at what was going on. So we see – so we see, of course, the seven Harrys and this looks good. It looks real. It doesn’t look – it doesn’t look digitized, it doesn’t look fake.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: And in a couple of interviews Dan Radcliffe commented on, you know, some really cool technology, apparently that they used to create this scene where the camera just replicated the shot seven times and then they – they were able to, you know, do seven takes. Of course, it – it took multiple takes for each shot so – for each Harry. Micah, any comments about this?

Micah: Yeah, like you guys said, it looks really cool. I’m trying to make out who’s in the background. It looks like Lupin, Hagrid…

Andrew: And Arthur.

Micah: I can’t – and Arthur, yeah.

Andrew: Hagrid’s head is just… [laughs]. He’s just…

Micah: Just clears the ceiling.

Matt: Hitting the ceiling, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly [laughs].

Matt: It looks good. Harry looks really good in a female shirt or blouse. That – that has to be Fleur.

Andrew: Yeah. In the blue?

Matt: Yeah.

Scene-by-Scene: The Wedding

Andrew: Yeah. Okay, so moving along, we see the exterior of the wedding – the wedding scene, because we see the Burrow…

Matt: Mhm.

Andrew: And then there’s the long pink carpet and then the party tent. And you can see Mr. Weasley’s shack there, too, off the left.

Matt: Yeah, and the barn.

Andrew: Yeah. That made an appearance. So this is the – the scene where we hear Kingsley say the following:

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “They’re coming. They’re coming.”

Matt: Oh, I was so excited.

Andrew: Now that’s – that’s definitely not how I pictured it in the – when I read it in the book. Was it for you guys?

Matt: Well it’s not what he says. I mean he says “the Ministry has fallen, Scrimgeour’s dead, they’re coming.”

Andrew: Right, well hopefully they – they included those other lines.

Matt: Right.

Andrew: They were just – they just cut it down for the trailer.

Micah: It didn’t sound like Kingsley though.

Andrew: You don’t think so?

Matt: I don’t think we’ve seen enough of Kingsley to really connect it too, unless they do like an obvious, oh that’s Kingsley’s patronus.

Andrew: Well maybe you see him sending it.

Matt: Hopefully.

Andrew: So then we get a good look at the wedding party. Or, I mean, everybody who attended the wedding party. Oh wait, at 1:11 you see somebody’s head in the Patronus but – and that does not look like Kingsley.

Micah: I’m trying to make this out.

Andrew: Do you see what I’m – I’m looking at? 1:15, there’s this screaming head.

Micah: They brought back the shrunken heads? No.

Andrew: No, it’s definitely not.

Matt: Is it not his patronus?

Andrew: Oh some people are saying it’s Scrimgeour dying. I guess so, the nose looks a little – it doesn’t – you know what it looks like, it looks like Jim Dale, to be perfectly honest [laughs]. But…

Micah: Yeah, it does.

Andrew: Oh they’re saying it’s Fudge. Some people are saying it’s Fudge. But it doesn’t really look like him either.

Matt: Is Fudge even credited in this film?

Andrew: Grindelwald…

Matt: Is he an actor?

Andrew: A lot of ideas going on in the chat on Ustream.

Micah: Well, no. Grindelwald isn’t dead yet.

Andrew: Greyback. Pettigrew. Ehh…

Matt: Pettigrew?

Micah: Well, there is this scene later on I was trying to figure out who Voldemort and Pettigrew were going after.

Andrew: Well, somebody brought up in the chat a good point. In the USA Today article they have a bit of dialogue and they say it is Kingsley saying ‘They are coming’, so it’s definitely him saying it.

Matt: Yeah! Why wouldn’t it be. It’s him in the book.

Andrew: Well, because Micah said it wasn’t.

Matt: Oh. Micah.

Andrew: Okay, so…

Micah: What? What did I say?

Andrew: No. Nothing.

Micah: He’s making shit up. I shouldn’t [laughs] have said that either.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: But we’re live, and you can’t edit anything out.

Andrew: So we get to – I just want to go back for a second and look at the party scene. We see all the attendees seeing the Patronus come in, and we see quite a few people here, and this is at 1:10. We see Hagrid, Ginny, Ron – jeez who else do we see? Fleur, Bill, perhaps Arthur.

Matt: That’s going to be such an awesome scene. They’re going through all the tunnels and stuff.

Andrew: Somebody said – oh yeah, there’s Luna right there in the dress. I think that – we see her back at least. Madame Maxime, of course right next to Hagrid [laughs] looking very tall as always. So the Patronus scene again with the mysterious head that we have no idea who that is…

Micah: Maybe we can ask Eric at some point later for the next episode and get a little clarification on what’s going on there.

Andrew: Yeah. Then we see the shot of Hermione and Mrs. Weasley, and they’re staring at the Patronus looking all scared. [laughs] Oh, Mrs. Weasley. She looks great. [laughs] She looks so terrified, and look at that – who’s that behind Mrs. Weasley? It’s Aunt Muriel. Dun duh duh duh dah! First look. This is at 1:12 if you’re following along at home.

Micah: So did you always plan on intro-ing her like that?

Andrew: No. It sort of just came to mind.

Micah: She – I don’t know – I don’t think she would like that kind of intro.

Andrew: Dun duh duh duh dah! First look. No?

Micah: Yeah. Maybe.

Matt: No.

Andrew: We then see Harry, and he’s looking outside of the wedding tent and then the shot up into the clouds, and it’s – I presume it’s – yeah – Death Eaters showing up sending spells at the wedding. Now the way the trailer sets it up we see Hermione grabbing on to Ron. We see Harry. Then we see Lupin say ‘Go go go’…

Micah: Is that Draco?

Andrew: Where?

Micah: Behind Ron and Hermione in that shot.

Matt: Oh. I’m trying to see.

Andrew: No.

Matt: No. It’s not.

Micah: Okay. Looked like him for…

Andrew: It’s a very – he’s got the same hair, but it’s not.

Matt: It seems like – in the book it seemed like it happened so fast, but in this they’re going to like linger for a bit and show some damage.

Andrew: Yeah. Oh and look who it is. It’s Fred! Is it? Oh wait no. Who is this with – is it Fred? It is Fred, he’s got the headband around him. I was so looking forward to seeing the missing ear. Aw.

Matt: I’m sure you’ll live Andrew. You don’t want to see a disfigured head – wait what are you looking at? Because I’m looking at the feed and I’m not seeing anything. I’m seeing Lupin holding Harry.

Andrew: Yeah, but in the background right to Lupin’s left. Oh George. George. Sorry I get them two confused. George is the one with the missing ear and you see him right here at 1:17 and he’s wearing the headband, which kind of disappoints me I was hoping we’d just see this giant gaping hole in the back of his head.

Micah: Yeah the easy way to remember it is that Fred’s dead.

Andrew: Fred dead. Right

[Everyone laughs]

Matt: That’s so sad.

Andrew: Jeez. Okay so we see Harry and Harry’s obviously – there’s Ginny right here so this is when Harry’s trying to run after Ginny, but Lupin insists that no you must go, you must run and this is the one scene that gave me chills in this trailer out of [laughs] Lupin’s got kind of a funny face on him.

Matt: No!

MuggleCast 209 Transcript (continued)

Scene-by-Scene: The Motorbike

Andrew: As we move along here then we see what we saw in the TV spot Harry and Hagrid on the motorbike on the road and now people were looking forward to seeing them flying and at this point it just does not seem like they will be flying it seems like all the actions going to be going on down on the road which I guess…

Micah: Really?

Andrew: Well yeah I mean…

Micah: You’d think at some point they would go to the air. I mean wouldn’t that be kind of weird to be driving down the road and you have Voldemort coming in your rear view mirror?

Andrew: But then again you – yeah, but then again wouldn’t be awkward if like what happens is Hagrid like oh wait I forgot this thing can fly [laughs] and then he shoots up into the air?

Micah: Yeah, you’re right. What – are they driving on the correct side? I guess so because – is that like a middle lane…

Andrew laughs

Micah: …that they’re in?

Andrew: No.

Matt: There is no wrong lane when you’re riding Sirius’ bike.

Andrew: No.

Micah: No, no I’m saying…

Andrew: It’s just a two lane one direction road.

Micah: Right I know its opposite in Britain, but it looks like – I guess I didn’t see the other cars going the other direction on the left I just looked at the empty lane on the right.

Andrew: Oh I see you’re saying.

Matt: I mean they do fly. I mean we do see them flying together, but maybe…

Andrew: I guess only when Voldemort starts coming after them.

Matt: No, I don’t think necessarily think it’s going to be that long…

Andrew: Oh, wait!

Matt: …while they’re on the road.

Andrew: Actually you do, they are very hard to see but look, you can see Death Eaters back here. Right above the cars, the people on UStream can see my mouse moving but right towards the top you can see people on brooms flying in.

Matt: Maybe it’s the same people, maybe it’s the other Potters.

Andrew: No, no, they’re Death Eaters. They’re black cloaked and they’re just riding by themselves.

Micah: Well we know they go to the air because we see the scene where their wands connect.

Andrew: Yeah, eventually. We were just wondering when they go up in the air.

Micah: This looks cool, you know. I think that this will be a much liked scene that’s been added to the film.

Andrew: Yeah, I think it adds a lot to it when – this is classic film making when all the action is happening on the road and they’re swerving in-between cars, we see it in every Bond movie, we see it in ever Bourne movie, we see it in every action movie.

Matt: Do you think this is early on in the chase or do you think it’s later on? Because they find them, they obviously already flew because that’s how they meet all the Death Eaters in mid-air.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, maybe and then they land on the ground.

Matt: Right, they try to find a way to maneuver them.

Scene-by-Scene: Running

Andrew: So, I’m moving ahead here. We see the trio running through the forest and the snatchers are going after them, we see Harry saying something. Let’s rewind a bit and find out what Mr. Potter is saying to us all.

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “Nobody else is going to die. Not for me.”

Andrew: “Nobody else is going to die, not for me,” that was a pretty big line in the book I thought.

Matt: Mm, it’s a pretty big promise.

Micah: Oh, what happened to Hermione?

Andrew: What’s wrong with Hermione?

Micah: I don’t know where you are in the stream right now…

Matt: She cast a pretty big spell. That was kind of cool. You see Hermione running full sprint but she cast a spell behind her, she can multitask, she’s Hermione.

Andrew: That’s some spell, she hardly – she just throws it back there and boom. It looks like the roots from the tree sort of came out from under the ground and [laughs] attacks them. So then we get to Grimmauld Place – what were you going to say Micah?

Micah: No, I was just going to say she doesn’t mess around.

Andrew: Then we get to Grimmauld Place and we see, as someone is saying in the chat ‘Dumbledust’ but it’s very brief we only see the dust swarm.

Micah: Yeah, we saw them earlier didn’t we, right?

Andrew and



Andrew: Then there’s the shot of Harry – sorry Ron, he’s in the barn. [laughs] What barn, you may ask? I have no idea.

Matt: Now is this the sick Ron? Like the one that he leaves back home?

Andrew: No, no, no, no.

Matt: Oh. Do they even keep that scene?

Andrew: Um…

Matt: Or do they just skip it?

Andrew: I don’t know, I don’t know, we haven’t heard anything. That would be another question for Eric as he has already seen it.

Matt: Oh okay.

Andrew: We see Harry and Ginny and then we see Death Eaters flying through the sky. This is of course the “Seven Potters” scene.

Micah: Well the scene before it, that’s when Lupin attacks him right?

Andrew: Oh right.

Micah: Asks him to identify himself.

Andrew: Yeah. We saw stills from that a couple of weeks ago. What you don’t see in this shot right here is Arthur, or sorry…

Micah: Lupin.

Andrew: Lupin. [laughs] Lupin about to walk in and he name checks him, but I think also if the caption is to be believed, I believe on the caption when W.B. released this still from the scene, it’s them getting in a fight. I think. [sighs] Maybe, I think this might be when Harry and Lupin have that little fight about Lupin taking care of his kid.

Matt: Yeah, but that’s at Grimmauld Place. That does not look like Grimmauld Place.

Micah: Yeah, this is at the Burrow, I think, when Harry comes back.

Matt: Yeah, this is when everyone comes back.

Micah: From the Seven Potters.

Matt: Because Ginny is there.

Andrew: Oh, when you see Hagrid is there. Isn’t this Hagrid right behind Harry? You see his hand.

Matt: Well Ginny wouldn’t even be there at Grimmauld Place when he and Harry get in the fight, with Lupin and Harry.

Andrew: Okay.

Matt: It’s just the Trio and Lupin.

Andrew: So then we see the Death Eaters riding the Thestrals, and we see one of them get blown up. I wish…

Micah: I think – well I would have guessed that that was Mad-Eye getting killed, but I don’t know that they put that in the film based on what Eric had to say. I think he said you find out after the fact. Once they all arrive at the Burrow, that Mad-Eye was killed.

Andrew: Well this definitely isn’t Mad-Eye getting killed, because you see he’s wearing a mask.

Micah: okay.

Matt: No, that’s a Death Eater.

Andrew: Right, right.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: You see the Death Eater. But I wonder – Oh, this is Kingsley. You can totally see this is Kingsley right here. He’s wearing the clothes you saw in Order of the Phoenix as well.

Matt: Kingsley’s got style.

Andrew: So that’s how I recognized him. Cool. So that’s one of the first times we saw something like that. Then this is when the music cuts out, and Harry and Ron have their little fight.

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays]

Harry: “You think I don’t know how this feels?”

Ron: “No, you don’t know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!

Hermione: Stop!

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip ends]

Andrew: Oh my God. [laughs]

Matt: So much drama and gossip, Potter.

Andrew: And you hear a little [gasps] from Hermione. [laughs] So this should be – honestly, I think this should be one of the more emotional scenes in all the scenes. Seeing Harry and Ron actually fight, it will be pretty emotional, I think. Pretty stunning.

Matt: Pretty climatic.

Andrew: Pretty heart-aching.

Matt: I’m excited for this fight because this is the only fight you ever get to see Ron and Harry do. Harry kind of has a little crying scene with Ron in Book 5, but you don’t get to see them actually have an all out fight against each other, so it’s going to be interesting.

Scene-by-Scene: Dobby

Andrew: Skipping ahead a bit, we see Dobby, our first look at Dobby! He’s looking good.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: What, Micah?

Micah: No, no. Go ahead.

Andrew: No. What? Please, what were you laughing about?

Micah: Nothing. Matt laughed too.

Matt: What is wrong with Dobby? He looks nothing like he did in Book 2.

Micah: Yeah. I was going to say that. He looks like he’s in that Defense Against the Dark Arts room, too.

Andrew: He does. [laughs] That’s what I thought too.

Matt: Yeah. He doesn’t even – I don’t know. It just doesn’t look that good.

Andrew: Well you know what I think it is? To give Warners Bros. the benefit of the doubt, I think it’s been ten years. They’ve absolutely have had major advancements in CGI. So I think if anything he looks better – he’s going to look more real.

Matt: Well no, it’s not that – it looks like he’s obviously CGI’d in that scene. It doesn’t look like he’s really…

Andrew: Mmm, that’s not fair though because the shot’s not moving, there’s no…

Matt: Well maybe it’s not done. Maybe they haven’t finished it yet.

Andrew: Yeah, this may not even be finished. They may have just added that stupid background just for the trailer.

Micah: Right. Now this is in Malfoy Manor, but is it possible they reused the Defense Against the Dark Arts set in this room? Because that looks really familiar…

Matt: It wouldn’t be the first time.

Micah: The set.

Andrew: But it’s just – I see what you’re saying – it’s that little…

Micah: Balcony.

Andrew: Right, right, but wasn’t – there was a staircase leading up to the one in Chamber of Secrets – at least one of the balconies, so.

Micah: Yeah, they could have removed it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: No, they don’t need just one balcony in this entire movie series. They probably added another one, too.

Andrew: So we get a title that says, “This Fall”.

Micah: Somebody asked, “Why’s Dobby still wearing the pillowcase?”

Matt: Yeah, I was wondering that. Doesn’t he get a tea cozy for a hat or something, too? In the past ten years – or we’ll say eight years – hasn’t he developed some type of clothing?

Micah: I would think so.

Matt: Yeah, get some socks or something.

Andrew: It’s hard to say.

Matt: Oh, Dobby.

Scene-by-Scene: Pettigrew in Malfoy Manor

Andrew: So we see “This Fall” title and then we see a shot of Voldemort and Pettigrew – Pettigrew’s got the silver hand it looks like. Oh, and this is Ollivander! Is this the…

Micah: I don’t think it’s Ollivander.

Andrew: You don’t think so?

Micah: I…

Andrew: I would almost say this is Malfoy Manor. Now I don’t…

Micah: This is underneath the…

Andrew: Underneath Malfoy Manor.

Matt: Yeah, this is the cellar. That’s where they throw everybody down.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. Because you see the staircase behind Pettigrew.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Now I don’t particularly remember – some people are saying it could be Gregorovitch, too.

Micah: I don’t think it’s Gregorovitch because you see that scene of Gregorovitch backing up in his wand shop in the other trailer…

Matt: This is obviously – oh, sorry, go ahead Micah.

Micah: Doesn’t he also kill Grindelwald?

Matt: Yes, but at least in the book we don’t really get a very good glimpse of what’s going on – we just see him dying. Like, “I know what you’re here for and I don’t have it.”

Andrew: Someone said this also may be Harry’s vision of what’s going on in the Burrow.

Matt: That’s what I think, too!

Andrew: I think that makes the most sense.

Matt: It makes the most sense because he does see Voldemort torturing Ollivander. And so they may just add a couple clouds around just to make sure he’s – so it’s obviously looking through his mind or something.

Andrew: Well see how the camera’s kind of drifting? I think that sort of gives you a good enough idea that it’s sort of like a vision. Okay, so – alright, we figured that one out. Yay. [laughs]

Micah: Hopefully.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs] We see Harry riding on the motorbike – what did I say with that TV spot, Micah – do you remember?

Micah: What’s that? Say that again.

Andrew: Do you remember what I said – Harry and the motorbike scenes when we talked about seeing this during the TV spot? I said we’re going to see these stupid shots of Harry on the motorbike over and over and over again, and this is totally what we got in this trailer. They’re not going to stop.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: I really don’t mind as long as they keep away from the Hedwig scene. I want to be surprised.

Scene-by-Scene: Grindelwald

Andrew: So then we get to a shot of Voldemort and the picture is skewed, it’s stretched out, and this has happened before, and looks at this, this shot is stretched out too. Now who’s this? Is this Gregorovitch?

Micah: No, I think that’s Grindelwald.

Andrew: This is Grindelwald, okay.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: You see in the – on the rock, is that a chain? Because he’s in prison, remember.

Matt: Yes.

Micah: And this is all during the Elder Wand search.

Matt: That’s why he’s happy, because he knows that he came to a dead end.

Andrew: Oh, yes! Perfect! So then that was that – was that the shot of Grindelwald we were talking about earlier?

Matt: No, that was Gregorovitch.

Andrew: Ah, I’m so confused.

Micah: You mean the shot in the cellar?

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I think you were right, I think that…

Andrew: That was Harry having a vision.

Micah: …was Ollivander.

Matt: Yeah, no, the one in the cellar was definitely Ollivander.

Andrew: Oh, okay. All right, very good. This is pretty exciting seeing this all finally come to life. So then we see Bill and Fleur on top of a Thestral arriving at what looks like The Burrow, with tall grass around it.

Matt: Yeah, there is corn, and grass looking stuff.

Andrew: We see a title called “Can Live.”

[Matt laughs]

Scene-by-Scene: Back to the Ministry

Andrew: We’re in the Ministry, we see the Magic is Might statue again with the Muggles holding up the two wizards and then we see – this is also in the Ministry – you can see Harry’s transforming back, you can see Harry’s glasses, and it almost kind of looks like the suit’s a little too big for him.

Matt: Yeah.

Micah: Hermione is too right? She’s transforming also.

Matt: It looks like Hermione’s halfway through transforming.

Andrew: You think so? That’s totally her face though.

Matt: It is her face but she’s looking kind of aged. Like her skin is kind of droopy a bit.

Andrew: Her hair is disappearing, it’s shrinking away.

Matt: Yeah. I think she’s in mid-transformation.

Andrew: Yeah, they probably all are. Probably all are. Now we see a few Death Eaters and I’m looking at – on the left side here – trying to figure out what that is.

Matt: That looks like the eagle that led up to Dumbledore’s office.

Andrew: It does, but it doesn’t have its…

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: …yeah.

Micah: What are you talking about? In the top…

Andrew: Top left, at 1:46.

Micah: …above the Dementor?

Andrew: Yeah. Very far left.

Matt: Well this is definitely probably where what’s her face – Imelda Staunton’s character – Umbridge…

Micah: Umbridge.

Matt: Where she’s – [sighs] questioning the wife of one of the officials at the Ministry. You know, when they’re being surrounded by Dementors? [pause] Do you know the scene I’m talking about?

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah. Do you think this is the scene?

Andrew: Could be. It’s hard to tell.

Micah: Yeah, I’m trying to see what that is, but…

Andrew: It doesn’t matter, it’s just…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: So then we see Snape and – a very brief shot of Snape, and it looks like he’s about to cast a spell. Or he’s flinging them away like, “Get away! Get away!”

Micah: Do you think…

Matt and


“Stop it! Stop it!”

Micah: Is that protecting Malfoy Manor or do you think this is the Silver Doe? I know he does it in Dumbledore’s office.

Matt: Yeah. I don’t know what this could be. Maybe when he’s defending – maybe they moved him getting defended off of McGonagall before he flees.

Andrew: I think it is Malfoy Manor…

Matt: Oh no, that’s Part II.

Andrew: Because when we see the wide shot of Malfoy Manor, you see the giant grass walls.

Matt: Oh yeah! You’re right! And the white pillars.

Micah: Yeah. Because I know – what was I going to say – because the book actually opens with him and Yaxley walking around Malfoy Manor.

Andrew: Yeah. So skipping ahead a bit, we see Bellatrix with what looks like a whip. And we talked about this before…

Matt: What is with her?

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: So she’s got a whip and she’s got the Gryffindor sword in her other hand – she’s holding onto it. So this is obviously when they were trying to get it from her.

Micah: She’s looking for a good night.

[Matt and Andrew laugh]

Scene-by-Scene: Lovegood’s House

Andrew: And then we see – oh, the poor Lovegood’s house under attack! And we see [laughs] Xenophilius standing on the front steps and his knees are buckling in. He’s just – you can see the look of hopelessness coming out of him.

Matt: What a weirdo.

Andrew: And then…

Micah: Why would they go back to the same thing they did to the Burrow? I mean, wouldn’t it have been just as effective to have the Death Eaters show up at his doorstep?

Matt: Didn’t they do that in the book?

Andrew: It’s just filmmaking-wise, it’s just cinematically…

Micah: Yeah, I know…

Andrew: [laughs] It’s a poor innocent home sitting in the middle of nowhere. It couldn’t possibly be safer.

Matt: Well, in the book the [Death Eaters] come in through the front door. Let’s just burn the place down and destroy it! [pause] I think it’s – I don’t know…

Scene-by-Scene: Dobby Again

Andrew: So then we see the inside of the house being destroyed, and we get the quick shot of Harry on the ground. And we saw a still of this shot released by Entertainment Weekly a few weeks ago if everybody remembers. And again, the shot, they’re coming down – the house is coming down. Black again. Ron and Hermione, arm-in-arm. Let’s hear what happens here.

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “Help me!”

Andrew: I love that line: “Help me! Help me!”

Matt: Oh, god. So sad!

Andrew: Well, hold on. Wait a second. Is this – no, it’s not Harry – what is he asking for help for?

Matt: Dobby’s dead!

Andrew: Oh, I was thinking that he was burying Dobby right here…

Matt: No…

Andrew: But Harry does that on his own.

Matt: He’s dying at that point. He’s screaming – he’s saying [whispers] “Harry Potter”…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: …before he dies. He’s dying!

Andrew: So what are they going to do?

Matt: Well, maybe it’s just a reaction. When there’s someone dying right in front of you and you don’t know what to do, don’t you cry out for help?

Andrew: Hermione’s like, “I’m sorry! I don’t have a spell for this one for once.” [laughs]

Matt: Awww.

Andrew: Okay. So, yeah. Pretty emotional. I thought for a second this was Harry burying Dobby, and I was going to be upset because of course, in the book Harry does it on his own. And that’s when Kreacher has that wonderful change of heart. So then we see Harry throwing a Patronus in the Ministry, it looks like.

Matt: Yeah. Hermione’s still – I think Hermione’s not quite changed at all yet.

Andrew: And it cuts to a shot of Lucius and he’s in his own home. This is not Harry casting that spell. It’s just how they edit these things for the trailer. So he sort of flies upward, whatever is happening.

Matt: That looks like a Dobby spell.

Andrew: Then we see Ollivander. We’ve seen that shot before. We see Harry and Hagrid on the motorbike. We see Ron going in the water grabbing – well, trying to reach for the sword. And then we see Harry, Ron taking the sword. A lot of – these are a lot of the shots we had seen previously. We see Voldemort casting a little spell. And this – this is Tom Riddle right here. It’s got to be, right? At 1:58 – you can’t see his face, but we see the Tom Riddle hairdo.

Matt: That’s just – that’s just a shot from a previous film.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: That’s totally from Chamber of Secrets.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Because they do that a lot – why do they do that in these trailers?

Andrew: I don’t know. And then at the two-minute mark you would think, “Oh, it must be done. The trailer’s two minutes long – we’re done.” No, not yet! We see the shot of Voldemort, and this is from Order of the Phoenix which is so frustrating. And you see them stretching out the picture because they don’t have anything else to fill this moment in the trailer with, which is so…

Matt: So not only are they going to add an old scene, they’re going to try and fool us by obscuring the way the screen is.

Scene-by-Scene: Final Moments

Andrew: To fool us, but we won’t fall for it.

Matt: By stretching the screen.

Andrew: We see a close-up shot of Harry zooms into his eye. Black.

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “It is mine.”

Andrew: “I have seen your heart, and it is mine.” We see a great shot of Voldemort sending up a spell in the air, and it cuts to – it cuts to the Harry Potter logo. So go figure. It’s Voldemort all along who keeps creating this Harry Potter logo.

Matt: Of course.

Micah: [laughs] Well, this is the protection, right? Or the “protection” that’s around Hogwarts that he’s shooting up into the air?

Andrew: Well, no, no. It looks like that, but it just turns into the giant “P” from “Harry Potter”, so I think – I don’t think…

Matt: They just added it?

Andrew: Yeah. You’ll see the shot of Voldemort sending the spell up into the air, but I think that’s when Voldemort’s standing on Dumbledore’s grave.

Micah and



Andrew: With the Elder Wand. So it’s just an effect.

Micah: Oh, okay. I see what you’re saying.

Andrew: So that’s the trailer – Part I of the epic finale, November 19th. Don’t forget, ladies and gentlemen, it will be in 3D theaters everywhere so you can see the snake come right at you.

Matt: I don’t want Dobby’s death in 3D.

Andrew: Well, then you can watch it in 2D.

Matt: Fine! I’ll go see it in 2D.

Trailer Roundtable

Andrew: So again you’re listening to MuggleCast Live. We’re talking about the trailer. We just went scene-by-scene through the entire thing picking apart the difficult parts, the parts we absolutely recognized. Micah, what were some of the stand-out scenes for you in this trailer?

Micah: Stand-out scenes – I definitely like the scene at the wedding when the Patronus or whatever that was showed up to the wedding to warn everybody, kind of the insanity that ensued afterwards. Seeing Harry running over trying to get to Ginny, everybody scrambling, I like that. I like the scenes also with Voldemort in them. Voldemort and Snape, Voldemort obviously going after Ollivander down there in the cellar. But again, I don’t think they gave a whole lot away as far as the Deathly Hallows were concerned. We didn’t see much of that. The focus of the trailer was kind of all over the place.

Andrew: It was. It was a lot. But that’s what they – but the final trailer, I think, is always a mash-up as much as possible. They explain having – I mean, what were some of the key points in this trailer? They ran through the Ministry – well, the Ministry, you sort of got the idea that the Ministry – things were going awry at the Ministry. You see that Voldemort’s after Harry, obviously.

Matt: Yeah. They don’t really go too much into the plot.

Andrew: You get a good look at the wedding, though – or the wedding after-party, at least. You know what’s still really bugging me, though? A couple of things are still bugging me. One, that damn shot of Dumbledore’s grave and it’s just a rectangle. It’s a box. It’s a Jenga puzzle as I said earlier in the show. I really hope they do something else with that because right now it looks – [laughs] I just don’t get it! What is that? UGH!

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: It looks like a LEGO piece.

Micah: That’s what we were saying earlier. LEGO Harry Potter got a little cut.

Matt: Oh my god! Micah, did you know that I have that game?

Micah: Yeah, I heard you got the game.

Matt: So much fun! I’m on Year 4 right now.

Micah: Nice.

Andrew: I think another stand-out thing for me was Umbridge, seeing her for the first time. I think that was…

Matt: That was great!

Andrew: I said on the last episode I’ve been really looking forward just seeing her. Period.

Matt: She just has that presence.

Andrew: Yeah. And if you guys remember in Order of the Phoenix at the beginning of the film, her dresses were a light pink, and as the film went on they got darker and darker to sort of reflect her anger. And I wonder if they’re going to do that here. Of course, you don’t see Umbridge as much in this movie, but maybe you see the colors change a heck of a lot quicker.

Matt: I hope this movie is going to be so great we won’t even notice what color her dress is.

Andrew: The Nazi Germany red armband, that was another thing that definitely stuck out for me.

Matt: Honestly, I think the only thing I keep thinking about is Dobby. He’s been absent this entire series since Movie 2. Now with his triumphant return, that’s all I can think about right now.

Andrew: Micah, any stand-out scenes for you?

Micah: Yeah, I said definitely the wedding scene and Kingsley’s Patronus. I liked seeing the chase scene. I’m interested to see – we talked about it a lot like how they do that with going through the traffic and then having to go back to the air and how they work all that out.

Matt: The Seven Potters looks really great, too. Just the opening scene with all of them together.

Micah: Yeah, definitely.

Matt: Because we’ve been waiting to watch – to see anything from that scene.

Micah: Yep. You know, a lot of Voldemort’s interaction with the Death Eaters also – with Snape in that opening scene and also with Lucius, to see how he treats him. We – I know, Matt, you said it looked like a Dobby spell that knocked him backwards, but I almost wonder if Voldemort kind of picks on him a bit like he does in the book. Because doesn’t he take Lucius’s wand from him at one point because he can’t use his own against Harry?

Matt: Like a little slap in the face.

Micah: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah, I could see that.

Andrew: Maybe that’s what’s going on. Let’s see, what else, what else?

Matt: Well, we’re just talking about stuff that comes from our mind, right? Like things that stood out. I’m really happy that Fleur is back. Just the fact that she’s in this film just makes it all the more legit. Because she’s not that big of a character, except for in Deathly Hallows because she gets married, but just the fact that they got the same actress to come back and everything, I think it’s really nice.

Live Calls

Andrew: Well, now we want to hear your thoughts about the film for a few minutes before we wrap up the show. You can call in 1-218-206-2442, that’s 1-218-206-2442. When you call, please mute your stream and please have something to talk about, because if we answer and you have nothing to talk about, then it’s kind of a little strange. Hello Roxanne!

[Caller says something]

Andrew: Roxanne?

Matt: Roxanne…

Caller: Yes?

Andrew: Hi! Welcome to MuggleCast Live.

Caller: Hi! [laughs]

Andrew: What are your thoughts about the trailer?

Caller: I think it’s very nice. I liked it. All my friends are on Facebook and are like, “Ah! It’s so amazing!”

Andrew: Were there any stand-out scenes for you?

Caller: You know what I thought [stood] out particularly? Is when they go to the Ministry and you see Umbridge there and then you see a guy – he looks like a soldier checking the people.

Andrew: Yeah.

Caller: I thought that was really cool.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. We were talking about that earlier. It sort of has that Nazi Germany feel.

Caller: Yeah.

Andrew: And I think it’ll be interesting to hear what David Yates and everyone has to say about that in upcoming interviews, because I think they’re going to have a lot to say about that.

Caller: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew: Any other stand-out scenes for you? Any complaints?

Caller: I just – I don’t like how they reused the Voldemort scene. I thought that was a little tacky.

Andrew: I agree. I agree.

Matt: Yeah, it would have worked without it. I mean, they didn’t need to have that scene in the trailer. It just didn’t do anything.

Caller: Yeah. And then the wedding scene, it wasn’t exactly how I pictured it, but it was still – I like the whole tent thing…

Andrew: Yeah.

Caller: It was pretty nice.

Matt: Yeah. Where were they exactly? It looked like they were on some dried-out volcano because it looks like they were in Hawaii where the tent was. At least…

Caller: I know.

Matt: You know what I’m talking about?

Caller: And the Burrow is usually all weeds and stuff and then it was grass.

Matt: Yeah. Well…

Andrew: Well, I think that was the way it was in Half-Blood Prince, too.

Caller: Oh.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: I’m talking about that scene where it’s obviously the trio’s hiding place because it kind of zooms in. It’s early on in the trailer and then you see all these black tar-ish kind of flooring. It must be near a cliff or something, but it looks like they’re right near a dried-out volcano that was extinct or something.

Andrew: Mmm.

Caller: Yeah.

Matt: You know what I’m talking about? It just looks kind of weird.

Andrew: All right. Well, thank you for calling in, Roxanne.

Caller: You’re welcome.

Andrew: All right, bye.

Caller: Bye.

Andrew: You have to hang up. For some reason I can’t.

[Caller hangs up]

Andrew: Oh, thank you. Don’t forget the number 1-218-206-2442. You can also Skype the username “MuggleCast” if you’d like to do that as well. Hello, Courtney! You’re on MuggleCast Live.

Caller: Hello.

Andrew: Oh no. Hold on – hold on a second. Oh sorry, I lost her. Skype can be so weird sometimes.

Matt: Yes.

Andrew: I’m getting Micah back in here first.

Matt: You cut off Micah?

Andrew: Yeah, I cut him off. Sorry, Micah.

Micah: That’s all right.

Andrew: Hello, caller. You’re on MuggleCast Live. Pie-ly, is that how you…?

Caller: Hello?

Andrew: Hi. Pie-ly, is that how you pronounce your name?

Caller: I’m sorry?

Andrew: Pie-ly? Is that how you pronounce your name?

Caller: Yeah, that’s Piely. [pronounced “Pilly”]

Andrew: Oh, Piely. Where are you calling from?

Caller: Yeah. Mexico.

Andrew: Oh. Well, thank you for calling in.

[Caller laughs]

Andrew: What do you think about the trailer?

Caller: Oh, I loved it. I loved it.

Andrew: What was your favorite part?

Caller: I loved the Seven Potters.

Andrew: Yes.

Matt: Oh yeah.

Caller: Yes. I like that I was able to tell apart everyone.

Andrew: Really? Could you tell us the order? We will challenge you right now…

[Caller laughs]

Andrew: Hold on. Let me bring it up on the – well, I don’t know if you can see the live stream right now.

Caller: Ah, yeah.

Andrew: But okay. Here, I’m going to put it on the live stream. Left to right, let’s hear them. Come on.

Caller: Fred, George – or I don’t know, George, Fred.

Andrew: Right. [laughs]

[Caller laughs]

Caller: Mundungus.

Andrew: Oh, yeah. Okay.

Andrew and



Andrew: Yeah.

Caller: Ron and Hermione.

Andrew: Very good!

[Andrew, Matt, and Caller laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, I guess Fred and George were the giveaways on the left because they’re wearing the same thing.

Caller: Yeah.

Andrew: Just a slightly different color.

Matt: Well, yeah. They also look at each other in that kind of mischievous smile.

Andrew: Oh yeah. And Hermione’s looking very worried on the right.

[Andrew and Caller laugh]

Andrew: I didn’t notice this the first time, but if you look at the Ron/Harry, so to speak, his mouth is open a little bit like, “Duh!”

Matt: And his shoulders are pushed back.

Andrew: Yeah. Oh yeah, Dan did a really good job with that, getting those down. And actually in an interview with him that I did with a couple other fan sites a few weeks ago, he talks about that kind of thing. And hopefully the transcript from that will be up as soon as W.B. lets us release it. But yeah, so Dan Radcliffe did a really good job of getting everyone down.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: You can see…

Caller: Yeah, it was amazing.

Andrew: You can see the look of disgust on Mundungus’ face.

Matt: No, he looks just so uptight and worried. You couldn’t pull a needle out of his butt with a tractor.

Andrew: Yeah.

Caller: Yeah, his face was kind of a giveaway.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

[Andrew and Caller laugh]

Andrew: You’re right.

Caller: Oh. Also I was going to say that you were talking about the scene where Lupin was like attacking Harry.

Andrew: Yeah.

Caller: I think it was when Harry gets to the Burrow and Lupin is trying to see if he’s the real Harry.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, I think you’re right.

[Andrew and Caller laugh]

Caller: It might be that.

Andrew: Yeah. We have it up on UStream now. Yeah. No, I think you’re right. Well listen, thank you for calling in.

Caller: Thank you for answering my call.

Andrew: No problem. And have a nice night there in Mexico.

Caller: Thank you. You too.

Andrew: Bye.

Caller: Bye.

Andrew: How many more callers should we…

Matt: I don’t know. Like thirty?

Andrew: Thirty? I’m afraid we don’t have time for thirty, but here’s another one. Hello, Vicky!

Caller: Hi! How’s it going?

Andrew: Hi! Good! How are you?

Caller: Sorry, I’m just going to mute my stream for a second.

Andrew: Okay. I called Piely back accidentally.

Caller: There we go. That’s better.

Andrew: So what did you like for the trailer? Hi, Piely. You’re back.

Caller: Oh, hi!

Andrew: Sorry. I accidentally called you. You can hang on the call if you want. [laughs] Or you can go. It’s up to you.

Caller: [laughs] I’m going to go.

Andrew: Okay. Thanks.

Caller: Bye.

Andrew: [laughs] Bye. I don’t get it. Skype is so buggy. Anyway, Vicky, what did you think of the trailer?

Caller: I thought it was good. I actually liked the tomb.

Andrew: Liked the two what?

Caller: The tombstone.

Andrew: Oh, the tomb!

Matt: The tomb.

Caller: Yeah.

Andrew: Now why do you like it? That’s not how it’s described in the book, is it?

Caller: Well, it’s described as a very simple, marble, white…

Andrew: Rectangular.

Caller: Yeah. It was just really described as something very simple. And white marble, so I don’t know. I don’t think Dumbledore would want something very complicated and elaborate.

Andrew: I guess. I just think he deserves it, but…

Caller: Yeah, but I know in the book it was described as very simple and just a marble, white kind of tomb.

Andrew: Okay. I still think it’s out of the game Jenga. Have you ever played Jenga?

Caller: It does look like a Jenga block.

[Andrew laughs]

Caller: I agree. [laughs]

Andrew: Maybe this is new marketing for Harry Potter Jenga.

Caller: Oh.

Andrew: Or Dumbledore tomb Jenga.

Caller: I can see that happening. But also, I was going to comment on the fact that Harry wasn’t disguised at the wedding.

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Caller: He was supposed to be Barney. [laughs]

Andrew: Oh right.

Matt: Yeah. He’s supposed to be the cousin.

Caller: But I almost think it’s better that he’s not Barney at the wedding. I think in a cinematic – it looks better on film.

Matt: It would have taken too much time though to explain why he has to change and everything.

Caller: I also didn’t like how he was disguised in the book either. I just – I don’t know.

Andrew: I think it’s – and it’s also just easier to understand. So that you don’t get confused.

Caller: I think they’ll have a lot more – I mean they can do more between Harry and Ginny during that as well if he’s actually Harry.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: And it’s not going to be the first time they do that in this film especially since we see the scene with Harry and Hermione who aren’t changed at Godric’s Hollow. And they are supposed to be transformed into different people and they aren’t in this film, so I guess just for the sake of explaining it and getting any confusion made, they’re just going to have the actual actors.

Caller: Yeah. I figure it’ll just look a lot better on film as well to have them.

Matt: It’ll just keep the pace going, too.

Caller: Yeah. Although it would be funny to see him as a fat ginger, but…

[Andrew and Matt laugh]

Andrew: All right. Well, thank you for calling in, Vicky.

Caller: Yeah. Thanks a lot for taking the call.

Andrew: No problem. Where are you calling from, by the way?

Caller: I’m actually from Canada, in a small town in Ontario.

Andrew: [sings] “O Canada!” All right. Well, have a good evening there in Canada.

Caller: All right, you too. Bye guys.

Andrew: All right, bye bye.

Matt: Bye.

Andrew: There’s Vicky.

Matt: Where’s Micah? Is he back?

Andrew: Yeah, Micah’s back.

Micah: I’m here.

Matt: Okay, sorry.

Micah: You just left me on hold last time.

Andrew: Yeah, Skype is acting very strange, so I may have to deal with more strangeness from that, Micah. So please bear with me.

Micah: It’s all right.

Andrew: Let’s take another caller now. Hello, Angeline!

Caller: It’s Angie.

Andrew: Angie! You’re on MuggleCast Live. Welcome.

Caller: Hi! Thank you.

Andrew: What do you think of the trailer?

Caller: I liked it, but I can’t remember if the part with the Lovegood’s house is in the second part or the first part. So I’m kind of upset that if that part is from the second movie, or from the second part of the book, that they included it when it’s supposed to be in the first part.

Andrew: Mmm.

Matt: I think it is in the first part.

Caller: Okay, then I like the trailer a lot. Either way I like it, it’s just that one part.

[Andrew laughs]

Caller: I couldn’t remember, so I was like, uh… [laughs]

Matt: No, that is in the first part, because they discuss the Deathly Hallows – the story of the brothers.

Caller: But he goes there, I thought, after they leave Shell Cottage, and then – I don’t know. But I think…

Matt: No, they go to Gringotts after the cottage. Because Hermione transforms into Bellatrix at Shell Cottage.

Caller: Okay, that makes sense. And then, the scene where Bellatrix looks like she has a whip, I think that’s her wand and she’s trying to do that spell, the binding spell. Like where in Order of the Phoenix you see Umbridge binding the centaur. I think it’s that same spell.

Micah: So who would she be doing it on? Hermione?

Caller: Probably. Or to anyone, if it’s after Ron and Harry break out of the cellar with Dobby’s help. She could be just trying to get hold of anyone since she’s already summoned Voldemort.

Matt: Hmm.

Andrew: Well, good theory. Good theory. Hopefully we’ll find out. Well, thank you for calling in, Angie.

Caller: No problem.

Andrew: Where are you calling from?

Caller: Chicago, Illinois.

Andrew: Oh, represent. Okay, have a good night there.

Caller: Thanks.

Andrew: Bye.

[Matt imitates Skype sounds]

Andrew: I had to disable the Skype sounds.

Matt: Awww!

Andrew: And we’re going to give…

Skype Lady: Please enjoy the music while your party…

Matt: “Party is reached.” Oh, we don’t even know what song they were going to play!

Andrew: Here, we’ll hear it again.

Skype Lady: Please enjoy the music while your party is reached.

[Classical music plays]

Matt: Ohhh!

[Echo of what was just said is heard from caller]

Andrew: Hello?

Eric: Hello?

Andrew: Eric! [laughs] What do you mean – you of all people should know to mute your stream before you pick up the call!

Eric: Uh, I’m…

Andrew: So Eric, welcome to the show here.

Eric: Hey guys, how’s it going?

Andrew: Hey, what are you doing?

MuggleCast 209 Transcript (continued)

Eric Clears Up A Few Things

Eric: What am I doing? I’m sitting in my car in the parking garage at school. I’ve seen the trailer, and now I’m watching you guys just chilling at your dual desks there.

Andrew: Okay, so what did you think of the trailer? Having – now you, of course, for anyone who doesn’t know, have seen the film. You got into a screening in Chicago, and so do you think that the trailer does a good job of representing the film?

Eric: I think so. I think this trailer feels different to me than the other trailers for other films. It’s not just a simple montage, there’s a lot to it. I have two complaints that I jotted down while watching it, which was – I don’t know if you guys have talked about this yet on the show, I’ve only been listening for five minutes – but my first observation rather was Dumbledore’s tomb looks – to me it looks low-tech. Did you guys – and sure, it’s only supposed to be stone, but it looks like…

Matt: It came from IKEA.

Eric: …unfinished. Yeah, it looks like an IKEA, exactly. Have you guys been over this already?

Andrew: We’ve been talking about this actually, quite a lot. I’m very disappointed with this tombstone. Now, didn’t you see it in the movie?

Eric: Yeah. Well, remember in the movie some of the effects were unfinished. So I figured, “Hey, obviously that’s going to be more detailed in the film, when it comes out.”

Andrew: Oh, right, so now…

Eric: Now in the trailer I see, no, it really is just a rectangular stone. And it’s unmarked – it’s on an island somewhere. Now it just feels like they moved Dumbledore’s body off to an island somewhere to be away from the grounds of Hogwarts. I don’t know, I don’t get it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: Maybe they don’t want everyone to see what kind of tomb they gave Dumbledore.

Micah: Yeah, I said it looked almost like a Da Vinci Code or Indiana Jones

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: …type of tomb. Like you press something…

Eric: The Ark of the Covenant.

Micah: Yeah. You press something in the wall and it slides open. I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s just – it’s weird.

Andrew: I just think for someone who’s such an epic character in the series, he deserves at least a regular looking tomb – one that’s shaped properly.

Matt: Disrespect for Dumbledore, jeez.

Andrew: But we won’t dwell on it too much. Any other things, Eric?

Eric: Yeah, the other observation was just the sequence of events in the trailer. Okay, they’re running all around long before they show the wedding scene where Kingsley’s voice is heard, “They’re coming, they’re coming!” and the tent at the Burrow is set ablaze. That happens long after they’ve been running and running and running, and I feel like it would have been a lot better if they’d positioned the scene – all the running should not have happened until the scene at the wedding, because that kind of sets it afoot. And honestly, they’re showing them running through London and all that long before they have a reason to run. So it feels kind of disjointed. I don’t know, it feels like the order of the trailer is just wrong.

Andrew: Right.

Matt: Okay. Well, I’ve got a question for Eric, since he’s seen it. Since we’re talking about Kingsley, what is with his Patronus?

Eric: What do you mean?

Matt: Like, we don’t see it. What is that?

Eric: Well…

Matt: Like, we didn’t really see anything.

Eric: Right. I guess it would’ve looked weird if it were a talking penguin and not just an orb. What is Kingsley’s Patronus? Do you guys remember?

Micah: It’s a lynx.

Matt: It’s a – oh, that’s right.

Micah: Isn’t it a lynx?

Matt: A lynx, yes.

Eric: Yeah, a lynx, not a penguin. My bad.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: A penguin?

Micah: Can you see Kingsley Shacklebolt having a penguin as a Patronus?

Matt: It’s just waddling around, “The Ministry has fallen, the Ministry has fallen!”

[Micah laughs]

Eric: An Emperor penguin. They’re the ones that take care of the kids, just like he takes care of the Order by warning them. No, look! He – obviously, that’s – I think that’s what it is. We haven’t seen a Patronus being used as a communication tool in the films, so I feel like they kept it as an orb so that it could convey its point and leave. You know, if a lynx came into the room…

Andrew: It’d cause a scene.

Eric: And, not to mention a white, billowing object – yeah, I think it would look too much like the silver doe that they have to show later in the film.

Matt: Right.

Micah: Well, what exactly happens there? Because you can see somebody. We’re not exactly sure who that is, though.

Eric: Who’s – what?

Andrew: In the orb – the Patronus orb, we see a picture of someone. We see somebody’s head and we were all trying to figure out who it was. And my best guess is Jim Dale, but that just doesn’t make sense.

Eric: Oh, weird. Can you bring that up on the screen so I can see it?

Andrew: Yeah, I’m trying to right now.

Matt: I just had an idea. Do you think that maybe he – it’s almost like a video recording of what’s going on where he’s at at the moment? And maybe it’ll just – the orb will clear out a little bit and then will show Kingsley talking to his wand or something and it’ll show people running in the back?

Andrew: Maybe.

Matt: Like we saw it just starting to dissolve into what is happening.

Andrew: Here’s what I’m talking about, Eric. There’s this little face right here. Oh! Hold on. Right there.

Eric: Oh!

Andrew: And it’s hard to tell who it is. It doesn’t look like Kingsley, it…

Eric: That does look like Jim Dale!

Andrew: Yeah, it looks like Jim Dale.

Eric: That’s so weird. It is – and it’s coming out of the orb, isn’t it?

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: Exactly. And the head’s in pain.

Eric: And it’s not like – yeah. I feel like maybe it’s…

Micah: It’s not Scrimgeour, either.

Andrew: Yeah, some…

Eric: Maybe it’s just extras.

Matt: Yeah, I don’t think it’s anybody.

Eric: Maybe it’s extras and it’s from the set of the Ministry where his Patronus – that’s odd. Very, very odd.

Andrew: It’s the great trailer mystery. There’s always at least one of them. Ah, people – some people are saying it’s Nicolas Cage. I think that’s a reasonable…

Micah: That makes sense.

Matt: No, there’s too much hair.

Andrew: [laughs] Barty Crouch, Jr. I don’t know. None of those are standing out at me.

Micah: Well what about those other characters we were kind of up in the air about? I mean, we figured some of them out, but I don’t know if Eric can kind of confirm them?

Andrew: Eric, the characters at the Ministry – I’ll put them up on the screen here. You see Umbridge, you see Yaxley, you see Thicknesse. But can you correctly identify those?

Eric: What? Who’s who or what?

Andrew: Yeah, who’s who.

Eric: Oh, yeah. The guy on the far left right behind Umbridge is the character that Harry turns into…

Andrew: Oh, right.

Eric: …so, that would be…

Andrew: [laughs] I just forget…

Micah: It’s not Runcorn, is it?

Eric: Yeah, Runcorn – Albert Runcorn. Although I can’t – wait, isn’t – I feel like Ron is – yeah, anyway, so then in the center is…

Andrew: Yaxley.

Eric: …the man at the – yeah, is the man at the Ministry, and then Thicknesse, or his assistant, is the man to his left. And of course, Umbridge you know. And actually why I like this is shot is because you can see the statue behind them…

Matt: Right.

Eric: …of the Muggles being oppressed.

Andrew: Right, right. It’s a very striking statue. I hope the – what’s that company called, that sells all the Harry Potter products?

Eric: Noble Collection?

Matt: Necca?

Andrew: Noble Connection!

Matt: Oh.

Andrew: Yeah, I hope they make a life-sized version of this statue, because I would absolutely love to…

Eric: Yeah, I would absolutely love to buy that.

Matt: Or a paperweight.

Andrew: Or a paperweight, yeah. I’d love to have a…

Micah: Now, what about that cellar shot? Can we bring that up?

Andrew: Yeah, Eric, we were talking about the cellar shot. We see Pettigrew and Voldemort coming after somebody with longish hair.

Eric: Yeah – yeah, bring it up, for sure…

Andrew: There it is. Right there.

Eric: …but it reminded me – I’m still not seeing it just yet, I feel like there might be a lag, but…

Matt: There it is. There it is.

Eric: …I do want to say, before we – oh. Yeah, it’s…

Andrew: Is that the vision? It is Ollivander?

Eric: Yeah, it’s Ollivander. And it looks like it’s in a vision, I think…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …that Harry has. But speaking of Ollivander, I feel like they’re really getting a lot of use – or maybe overuse, of that shot where Ollivander looks up towards the camera, and he’s terrified.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I feel like that’s in all of the trailers so far. I’m really tired of seeing that, because Ollivander has almost zero screen time in this film, and…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …they’re really getting – you see that, and it’s like, “Oh, I’m anxious, Ollivander’s getting hurt.” It’s great to see him back, but they’re really “yeah, look at that terrified look.”

Andrew: Enough’s enough.

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Yeah, enough’s enough…

Micah: Show more Dobby.

Eric: …we get it. Yeah, show more Dobby! Dobby’s appearance in this trailer is my favorite part of it, because everything about Dobby is just so matter-of-fact, like, “Humph! You shall not harm Harry Potter!” It’s awesome.

Andrew: Well, we wanted to ask you about that scene. Where does that shot take place?

Eric: I don’t know, it’s hard to tell because it’s just Dobby in front of a black background, what am I going to do?

Andrew: [laughs] Well, did you see it in the movie? Do you remember that at all?

Eric: I would say it happens at Malfoy Manor, which – the whole place is dark.

Matt: There’s only so many scenes Dobby’s in in this film.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Well…

Eric: Actually, they – remember they did add scenes that weren’t in the book, I don’t think. Or at least, Dobby shows up a little earlier in the film, not just at Malfoy Manor before he dies and it leads up to his death. He is at Malfoy Manor, you can see that there’s a balcony…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …and the tapestries, but yeah, columns and pillars. Yeah, he is – I believe he’s actually rescuing Hermione, or leading an advance on the offenders, either prior to or right after Hermione is tortured by Bellatrix.

Andrew: Yeah. We thought it was in Malfoy Manor, it’s just hard to tell. We thought – it reminded us of the Defense Against the Dark Arts room, with the balcony. And then I was thinking, “Well, maybe this scene just isn’t finished, they threw in that background shot just so – just because they don’t have the actual camera shot finished.”

Eric: I know what you mean. [laughs] Oh, we’ve got two – I know what you mean because it reminds of that – I guess its called the Astronomy Tower but it’s not the Astronomy Tower in – it’s where Lupin and Harry have his first Boggart lesson…

Andrew: Mm.

Eric: …in Prisoner of Azkaban in the movie. You know, where it’s all like that balcony and the steps leading up to it, but it’s – they redid it for Movie 6?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: We have two questions in the comments, one of them says, “Does Dobby look weird?” Did you guys talk about this at all? Does…

Andrew: Yeah…

Eric: …Dobby look a little weird?

Andrew: Matt and Micah actually don’t like how he looks. But I disagree…

Matt: Well, no! No no no no no. I love the way that he’s designed…

Andrew: [laughs] Designed.

Matt: Yeah, well…

Andrew: What is he…

Matt: Well, no…

Andrew: …a robot?

Matt: I mean he’s – he obviously does not look the same as he did in Chamber of Secrets. That – they added more features, more detailed features on his face. I’m saying that the CGI does not look it would – it’s finished yet. It looks obviously like it’s – he is a CGI character in that scene.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Is he too pale for you?

Matt: No, he just doesn’t look finished. Like, they did in Chamber of Secrets, the finishing product – he looked like he was in that scene with Harry hitting himself with everything. He just does not look…

Micah: Well, does he…

Matt: I don’t – it just doesn’t look as clean. He doesn’t…

Micah: Is he supposed to look like – better because he’s not chained up anymore, he’s not a slave anymore? He’s kind of…

Eric: Regained some of his complexion?

Micah: …been free for the last couple of years?

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Yeah, so he’s a little bit – got a little bit of weight put on…

Andrew: Well, I guess my issue was that he doesn’t have enough wrinkles. He doesn’t look as – he doesn’t look…

Micah: He’s not as stressed out!

Andrew: …as aged.

Matt: [laughs] Yeah!

Andrew: Yeah…

Matt: He’s not stressed! [laughs] He’s not getting the crap kicked out of him!

Andrew: Yeah! Well, I guess that’s it then. [laughs] Despite the – but there’s still a question about why he’s wearing the pillowcase, why isn’t he wearing actual clothes. Yeah, I think the issue is they just can’t just make him look too adorable, because then people will love him too much. Like, if he was wearing real clothes – like, say there was a line of House-Elf clothes, that you go to Oshkosh – House-Elf-gosh. And there’s this whole line of House-Elf clothing.

Matt: Go to The Gap.

Andrew: He would just look too adorable! You’ve got to make him look kind of crappy.

Matt: Well, isn’t the whole point of him wearing clothes is – kind of correlates to the whole S.P.E.W. thing? So I mean, there really is no point for him to wear clothes since they didn’t add the whole S.P.E.W….

Andrew: Yeah, I mean…

Matt: …plot.

Andrew: …this is how audiences will recognize him. This is how he looked in Chamber of Secrets. So…

Eric: Right. Except, I wonder if people will make the connection that Dobby was actually the Malfoy’s elf, so he knows Malfoy Manor far better than anybody else.

Micah: Mhm.

Eric: I was waiting for that connection to be made in the film, say Lucius or Narcissa or Draco or Bellatrix even giving him a look, like “Hey, I recognize you, elf.” I’m not going to say it didn’t happen, I’m just really excited seeing this, I want that confrontation.

Matt: All right.

Micah: Now can you confirm Grindelwald? I know we pretty much did that, but we wanted to make sure.

Eric: Yeah, he shows up in – I mean, I believe…

Micah: Well, we had a picture of him, somewhere.

Eric: I saw those photos earlier.

Andrew: Yeah. So anything else to say about the trailer Eric?

Eric: Oh just those things. I feel like the order of events is a little messed up. But what are you going to do? It’s kind of really late in the game to get a trailer, so…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: I’m happy that one has existed, let me just say that…

Andrew: Yeah.

Matt: You’re welcome, Eric.

Eric: …because I was worried that there wouldn’t be one for just Part I.

Andrew: Well of course one existed. Come on.

Eric: Well you know, take it off the list! It’s really late and they’re running before something blows up, but whatever. What are you going to do.

Matt: Well its the one and only trailer for Part I, I mean at least we’re not going to get that spoiled.

Eric: What I loved about – actually, remember the title card that said, what? “Only one can survive”? Or “Only one can live”?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: The prophecy? I love that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That was awesome.

Micah: The other thing I was going ask you, though, is that this trailer didn’t really seem to touch on the Deathly Hallows at all, or the Horcruxes. I know this movie really only one Horcrux gets destroyed, but there’s really none of that in the trailer at all.

Matt: Right.

Eric: Yeah, which is – I kind of like that because I don’t want the whole movie ruined before I see it, but – by a trailer. And, also those scenes in which they’re searching for Horcruxes, and learning about the Hallows are very – the way that they’re shot is that if you were to show any of that scene you would have shown it all. It would have ruined it because – like, for instance, when we see – the shots that we’ve been showing in the trailer of them running around London, when we see that, when you guys see that in the movie you’re going to recognize it, “oh yeah I saw that in the trailer,” but if it’s a fast-paced scene and there’s a lot going on and so it’ll be cool to see it in the context of the film. However, if they were to show Mr. Lovegood explaining the Hallows or Harry talking about Horcruxes with Ron and Hermione, that would be – the whole scene would be ruined because they dwell on it quite a bit in the film, and the scenes are heavy and weighted with anxiety and emotion. And to show that in the trailer would really kind of ruin it in the film, I think.

Micah: Yeah, we did – you do get the scene of Ron destroying the Horcrux and the brief underwater scene, and then Voldemort at the end of the trailer talking about seeing Ron’s heart and being able to eat it, or – I don’t remember exactly what he said, but that’s a line from the book. It’s not – it seems like its directed at Harry but it’s actually directed at Ron, its the locket speaking. That line, you know what I’m talking about? That line at the end of the trailer?

Eric: Which line?

Andrew: It sounds like this:

[Deathly Hallows trailer clip plays] “I have seen your heart, and it is mine.”

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, see, that’s the locket right?

Eric: Yeah, yeah. That’s the second time they’re doing that where it sounds like he’s talking to Harry but he’s not!

Matt: Oh, that makes sense…

Andrew: Very deceiving, as usual.

Matt: …because I was thinking, “Where is that going to be in the movie?”

Micah: Yeah I thought he said, “eat his heart,” but whatever.

Matt: Yeah, I mean jeez.

Andrew: It actually sounds eerier than it did in the TV spot. The TV spot version sounded less – ghostly, I guess you would say.

Eric: Yeah. I feel like they’re either still playing with that or their playing with it to screw us up because it sounds like – or I think it’s made to sound like he’s talking to Harry, but he’s not.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: It should sound ghostly though because…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …it’s not like Voldemort is present.

Andrew: No, I agree.

Eric: Well they’ve elongated the face crawling across the screen. I know, Andrew, you were saying that that was the scene from The Order of the Phoenix but I guess it’s not anymore. Did you talk about that at all?

Andrew: No no, it still is. That’s still there and it still is. I hope they just put that in the trailer just because the effects aren’t finished yet or for some reason they felt the need that that kind of shot had to be in there. But that was still from Order of the Phoenix. They had a few of those where it was really stretched out.

Eric: Ah huh.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Well I know Snape sitting with the Death Eaters and saying, “We have infiltrated the Ministry,” that was kind of cool.

Matt: Yeah.

Andrew: It was. It was. We were talking about that earlier as well.

Micah: And what about – what spell is he casting there in the trailer, Eric?

Andrew: Who?

Eric: When?

Micah: Snape.

Eric: When what?

Andrew: There’s a quick shot of him what looks like he’s walking up towards Malfoy Manor. Is that what you’re talking about?

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Oh. Yaxley, I think it is, surprises him? Apparates right next to him or comes down from the sky and Snape is, I guess, just raising his wand in defense.

Andrew: He’s sort of like…

Micah: Oh, okay.

Andrew: He’s sort of like, “Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Get out of here!”

[Micah laughs]

Eric: Oh, there? Yeah. He’s probably just opening the gates or – to the Malfoy area. You know those darn peacocks, they can’t get enough of their Snape.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: He needs to A.K. them to get them to leave him alone.

Matt: What?

Show Close

Andrew: Very good. Well, we’ve been at this for close to two hours now so we are going to start to wrap it up. Thanks everyone for dealing with the technical difficulties towards the beginning. It’s been a lot of fun. Of course we are going to have a lot more to come on upcoming episodes of MuggleCast. What episode is this technically? 210?

Micah: 209.

Andrew: 209. So 210 and beyond will be filled with much more discussion about this trailer and hopefully we’ll get some other great Deathly Hallows video content to talk about as well, whether it’s clips or TV spots.

Matt: The entire movie?

Andrew: Or the entire movie leaks online? That would be fun. All that, all that to look forward to. People in the chat are requesting that they get the easy button, so here you go.

[Andrew pushes the Easy Button]

Micah: Do you still have the Trump bobble-head?

Andrew: No. He broke.

Matt: Awww.

Andrew: All of my fun toys have gone away.

Matt: He’s been fired.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: He doesn’t bobble anymore? So he just hangs his head?

Andrew: No.

Matt: He doesn’t have a head.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Well in recap – to wrap up the show today, my friend Enrique Iglesias, he wrote a song just for the trailer tonight, because he was so happy with it…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …so I will play that now to send us all off. [laughs] What, Micah? What’s so funny? We’re friends, okay? Leave me alone! [laughs]

Matt: He just doesn’t know it yet.

Andrew: Thanks everyone for listening, Eric, thanks for calling in at the last minute there.

Micah: Thanks to the 2000 people who listened to us.

Andrew: Yeah, we had a pretty good turnout today.

Matt: Yay! Well it’s a pretty big day.

Andrew: Yeah. All right, Enrique – [laughs] – Enrique…

Matt: Enrique!

Andrew: …play us out!

Micah: Your amigo, “mi amigo.”

[“I Like It” by Enrique Iglesias begins to play]

Andrew: Ah, yes. This is for Laura, too.

Eric: It was good to talk to you guys.

Andrew: All right.

Matt: I thought you were going to play “Bailamos.”

Andrew: Goodbye, everyone!

Micah: That’s a man singing?

Andrew: [singing along] I like the Deathly Hallows trailer, it’s really good.

[Song plays out the show]

Transcript #208

MuggleCast 208 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

Andrew: Looking to start your own website? The first thing you need is a domain name, and the best place to get one is at With your domain registration you’ll get hosting, a free blog, complete email, and much more. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener, enter code Ron, that’s R-O-N, when you check out and get your dot com domain name for just $7.49 a year. Get your piece of the internet at!

Andrew: This weeks episode of MuggleCast is also brought to you by The internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature including fiction, non-fiction and periodicals. For a free audioboook of your choice go to today for details.

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because Andrew just can’t accept that Hedwig is a she, this is MuggleCast Episode 208 for September the 13th, 2010.

Andrew: Welcome everyone! Back to the show. It’s a very exciting time to be a Harry Potter fan. We are getting lots of great Deathly Hallows: Part I promotional material. Or is it great? We’ll talk about that coming up in a little bit. Eric, Micah and Laura are here. Hello.

Laura: Hey.

Andrew: Ladies, and Micah and Eric.

Micah: Hey.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Laura, I think this is your first regular show. I don’t know maybe…

Laura: I know I did one after the tour. But yeah, this would probably be my first one in about a month. I’ve been busy getting moved back to college and everything.

Andrew: Ah yes…

Laura: But now I’m all settled. So…

Andrew: …back to Maryland.

Laura: yes.

Andrew: Well, it’s good to be podcasting with you all. So we have a lot to do this week. There’s very little time for a proper intro anymore. There’s just too much to discuss on each and every episode. I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

[Show music ends]

Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum, tell us what is in the news this week? You are a fantastic reporter. I always look forward to your reports.

Micah: Oh, well thank you. That’s very nice of you to say.

Andrew: You have your finger on the Harry Potter pulse.

[Eric laughs]

News: Deathly Hallows Pictures

Micah: That’s true, I do. Or at least I try. But as you mentioned there’s been a lot of stuff since our last show, and one of the things that I wanted to talk about that you know that I really enjoy very much is pictures when it comes to movies.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: I just really enjoyed all the pictures from Half-Blood Prince that were released last year, and I’m really enjoying all the Deathly Hallows photos that have been released up until this point. We got a lot of them in the last couple of weeks, and I just wanted to know what you guys’ thoughts were, and we can run through some of them here if you want.

Andrew: Yeah, I mean a lot of pictures of the trio. Somebody pointed this out. I think – was it on Twitter? Yeah, yeah. Somebody sent this in to us. Farrah is upset. She said,

“I want more pictures of the other people in the series, not just the trio. I really want to see the earless George.”

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Which – I don’t think we’re going to get a picture of that.

Eric: Oh! Look the earless George is not a pretty picture. You do not want to see it, I’m sorry. Farrah is obsessed.

Andrew: Well, I look…

Eric: It’s not pretty.

Andrew: …forward to some pictures from the wedding. Let’s see, what else is there to look forward to? The Ministry, seeing Umbridge. I mean, there’s still a lot of good stuff to look forward to that they’re sort of holding back I guess you could say.

Eric: Yeah, I’m glad they keep it under the wraps because it’s good. I just like when they withhold things because I hate when they show the whole movie before it comes out. Although, I think with this movie in particular, there you kind of – they could show a little bit more. At least in the former video, like…

Micah: You don’t like seeing the movie before it comes out?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Because you totally saw it.

Eric: No.

Micah: Yeah, if I’m not mistaken you saw the movie.

Eric: Oh! Oh! Oh!

Micah: Didn’t you? A couple of weeks ago?

Eric: Come on, Micah. You had to bring that up. I’m talking about them revealing it in the forms of trailers, showing all the scenes, and pictures, exhaustive pictures. This is not the case with Deathly Hallows: Part I. We only…

Laura: You mean like with Goblet of Fire where they released something like twelve video clips from the movie?

Eric: Twelve, separate, five-minute video clips from the movie? Yeah. Yeah, bad idea. Bad marketing. But it seems like they did it with every movie until now. When only yesterday we got a thirty second video.

Micah: Yeah, well that was what I was going to ask you, though. Having seen the film already, are they doing a good job with not showing a lot of stuff that’s in the film? I mean, we’re going to get a trailer at some point in the next couple of days, a week maybe, but do you think that they’ve done a good job so far keeping people in the dark?

Eric: Well, I mean I’m going to reserve judgment until the first official trailer, but these promo pictures for instance, Scrimgeour giving – passing on Dumbledore’s will inside the Burrow, I like that image. I would say it’s probably my favorite promotional image because it’s at an angle. The picture is taken from an angle that we don’t see in the film. So, I like it.

Andrew: Well, I noticed that they have food on their little coffee table. Wasn’t there some perfectly placed food on the coffee table in Half-Blood Prince, too, during that awkward Christmas moment?

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: But I like the look on Scrimgeour’s face. You can see in this picture – you can see his reluctance to hand it over.

Laura: Oh yeah.

Andrew: He looks P.O.’d, which is really cool.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I like that.

Laura: He looks awesome. I can’t wait to see him play that role.

Andrew: Yeah. Before we move on we’d like to remind everyone that this week’s episode of MuggleCast is brought to you by The internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, and featuring audio versions of many New York Times best sellers. For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook to give you a chance to try out their service. One audiobook to consider is Will Grayson, Will Grayson, the new book by John Green. He’s the author of Paper Towns, and he’s a great young adult author. So for a free audiobook of your choice such as Will Grayson, Will Grayson, go to That’s So what other promotional material have we seen, Micah, from the film? Besides pictures?

News: Deathly Hallows TV Spot

Micah: Besides pictures? Well, we got a TV spot yesterday or two days ago.

Andrew: It was on Thursday.

Micah: Thursday! So…

Eric: Is that what you call it, Micah, a TV spot? Because I was pretty sure I exhaled and it was over.

Andrew: Well, that’s the thing about a spot…

Eric: I don’t know what that is.

Andrew: It’s a boom. It’s a little punch. It’s a spot.

Micah: Yes. It’s like a commercial, Eric.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s a commercial. I mean, for some reason they call them “TV spots”, but they’re technically commercials. And it’s pretty good. I wasn’t too blown away by it, but the thing with these commercials is that they’re only thirty seconds so they don’t have much time to build up momentum and emotion. So, you just see a bunch of clips and then before you know it, it’s over.

Micah: A lot of the focus is on Voldemort in this…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …TV spot, which is – I’m wondering if that’s the direction they’re going to be going in with at least Part I, having a heavy focus on him.

Andrew: Well, yeah, because they’ve got to build up the whole “How is Harry going to defeat this crazy man – this crazy, evil man who wants Harry’s heart”, as he says in the TV spot.

Eric: I don’t know. I don’t think that any of that’s in Part I. I think there’s a lot less of Part I than everybody thinks is in this TV spot. Because all those voice-overs of Voldemort, that’s not – at least in the version of the film I saw it’s not – he doesn’t talk about Harry’s heart and stuff. That doesn’t happen. There’s no direct Voldemort to Harry, using the force to talk to him, none of that.

Micah: Well, it could be just for the TV spot. They could’ve recorded it just for that.

Eric: Yeah, like this overview to build it up – to psych it up. But I didn’t feel like there was a whole lot from Part I, especially new footage. There’s not any in this TV spot. So, I can’t wait for a trailer because I really want to see how they’re going to use the scenes in this movie to portray the film, because we still don’t have a trailer of just Part I.

Micah: There were definitely things in here though that we haven’t seen before.

Eric: Such as?

Andrew: Ghostly Dumbledore…

Micah: Yep.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: …which was very cool to see. That was our first look at him. We also saw Death Eaters attacking the Burrow, I believe. Somebody said there was a shot of Voldemort or Death Eaters attacking Shell Cottage but I don’t think that’s…

Eric: That’s…

Micah: No, no. I think what they were attacking was Lovegood’s home.

Eric: Yes, that’s Lovegood’s home.

Andrew: Yeah. Okay.

Micah: And we also saw Nagini slithering down the table.

Laura: Yeah that was cool.

Andrew: And if you look closely you can see Snape in that shot by the way. If you look at the end of the table, Voldemort’s – Snape’s sitting right next to Voldemort.

Micah: So what’s her name? Charity Burbage is about to meet her untimely end.

Andrew: Yes, and we see some cool shots of Harry and Hagrid on the motorbike. I feel like that’s going to be one of the clips we are going to see a lot. Harry and Hagrid riding through Britain.

Laura: Yeah I really enjoyed them going through the tunnel in London. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah the little loop-de-doop? That could be a great new ride at the Wizarding World theme park.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: You should work for them.

Eric: The Motorbike Escape?

Laura: When people get sick of the Forbidden Journey. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But also that mid-air battle between Harry and Voldemort. Where their wands connect?

Eric: Oh they spoiled that. I can’t believe it. That is cool.

Andrew: It’s hard to tell it’s Voldemort though. If you look at it, it just looks like a ghostly figure.

Eric: He’s doing a lot of weird stuff. Voldemort’s…

Andrew: I guess you can kind of figure out what’s going on there.

Micah: So plenty of new stuff.

Andrew: Yeah, and just a minor thing at the end when you see the title it looks like they used the – where it says, And the Deathly Hallows it looks like they used the font that was used on the book. That’s the first time I think that’s ever been done.Which is kind of cool.

Eric: Do you think?

Andrew: I think so.

Eric: Huh.

Andrew: It’s written more closely. It’s more – it’s not exactly but it’s a little closer to what you see on the book.

Eric: Cool.

Andrew: Hey Eric, I meant to ask this actually and this would be really cool, I’ve been meaning to say this on MuggleCast. You know how the Deathly Hallows, the U.S. edition, it says at the beginning, “We now present the seventh and final blah blah blah blah blah”. Wouldn’t that be cool if they had text like that at the beginning of Part I?

Eric: Of?

Andrew: The movie.

Eric: Wait in Book 7 what happens? You say they present it…

Andrew: At the beginning of Book 7 Scholastic has a page that says, “We now present the seventh and final installment of the greatest series ever” or whatever.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: You know that page I’m talking about?

Eric: No I don’t! I’m looking it up right now!

Andrew: Micah, you know what I’m talking about, right?

Micah: No, I never saw that.

Eric: That’s not in my copy, Andrew.

Laura: Yeah me neither.

Micah: Is that a special book?

Eric: That is not in my copy. Andrew, you have a special…

Andrew: How about the inside flap? The inside flap?

Eric: Yes! Okay, the inside flap of the hardcover says, “We now present the seventh and final installment of the epic tale of Harry Potter.” That’s in…

Andrew: Yeah they should have…

Eric: Okay…

Andrew: They should have something like that in the beginning of the movie. I think that would be really cool. A little tribute to the book and it’s also to get you freaking pumped!

Eric: [laughs] Well, I wonder when the title card came up in the beginning of the movie, it didn’t say, Part I even then. So, I don’t know when they’re going to – this whole Part I, Part II nonsense. Because there’s no trailer for just Part I I’m really wondering if they’re ever going to say that this is just Part I. But it’s obviously in two parts. So, what I’m saying is I don’t think that they’ll celebrate that it’s the final thing until the next movie. Maybe they can do something for the beginning of the next film. Because this is just – this is just leading onto that. It’s not the finale.

Listener Tweets: Part I Clips

Andrew: We got some feedback sent into our twitter which is twistedowl87 says:

“Amazing! I was very pleased with the fact it seemed to only show clips from Part I.”

ErinAvenant said:

“Zombie Dumbledore looks freaking awesome! And Bellatrix got a whip?”

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Andrew: Yeah, it was pretty hot. Liz_Anne_B says:

“They showed too much for a thirty second preview. It’s hard to follow and you have to stop at every second to actually see the clip.”

You can’t win with Harry Potter fans. You show too much, people complain it’s too much.

Micah: Well, that’s why I put these in.

Andrew: You show too little, people complain it’s too little.

Micah: There’s such a mixed response. That’s why I like seeing what people had to say particularly about this clip.

Andrew: mattcahoy said:

“Very solid looking spot. It captures how against the odds Harry is. Plus we see the wands connect in the ‘Seven Potters’ scene.”

APGB says:

“Why does Voldemort say ‘I’ve seen your heart and it is mine’, in the TV spot?”

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Sounds like a bad romance fan fiction.

Eric: Yeah, APGB, the jury’s out on that one. I don’t know why. [laughs] I don’t know why he says that.

Andrew: And pinkdude64 says:

“Epic! Slightly repetitive and a little confusing. I both can and cannot wait at the same time.”

Muggle Mail: Stretched Images in the TV Spots

So, overall a good TV spot. And finally somebody emailed us, Meghana, 17, from Williamsburg, Virginia. She pointed out that again Warner Bros. used old clips from previous films in the TV spot. And she specifically refers to at the – about the six second mark you see the stretched image of Voldemort, and you can tell it does not fit with this trailer. It’s not even in the proper format. They stretched it out – I think they stretched it out because there’s another person in that scene. And they don’t want people to realize that it’s an old clip. Because you see Voldemort talk, but his mouth…

Eric: Oh yeah!

Andrew: …isn’t moving with those words. Very strange of them to add that.

Eric: Wow! That is very weird.

Andrew: It was one of the first things I noticed.

Eric: I’m looking at that now, I think it’s from Goblet of Fire.

News: Trailer Due?

Andrew: So, anyway we’ve been talking a lot about a trailer, Micah. Apparently it’s due out by the end of this month?

Micah: According to, yes.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Eric: The source that we rely on for our news in this show.

Micah: Yes, according to this news post, an alleged tweet from the official Harry Potter Twitter account appeared online claiming a specific date and time for a Deathly Hallows: Part I trailer release. contacted Warner Bros. International to confirm whether or not this was true, and W.B. told them a trailer for the film will indeed be released at the end of this month. So, we will get a trailer.

Andrew: I don’t believe the tweet was real because nobody re-tweeted it, and usually I get a little text message every time this Twitter account sends out a tweet, so I think it was definitely fake. But we know a trailer exists. We talked about it on the last episode. The British Board of Film Classification whatever, they rated a new trailer for Part I. It’s about two minutes long. And it’s just time. Now somebody emailed in and – Joshua, 20, from California e-mailed in and said,

“Do you think the Part I trailer will be premiering in front of ‘Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole,’ another Warner Bros. film released September 24th? ‘The Order of the Phoenix’ trailer debuted before W.B.’s ‘Happy Feet,’ and I think they’d like to show it in front of one of their films with a similar audience and possibly the same weekend online as well.”

I think he’s absolutely right. This owl movie first of all, it looks like you might as well call it ‘Hedwig’s Tale.’

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: It looks like Hedwig. And I only want to see it because it reminds me of Hedwig, and it looks adorable.

Eric: It actually looks like David Bowie in Labyrinth, playing Jareth the Goblin King who can become an owl.

Laura: [laughs] Oh my God!

Eric: That’s what the movie’s stylized like, but I really want to see this Legend of the Guardians.

Andrew: So, I think, yeah, Joshua’s absolutely right. Every time I see the trailer for this movie, this owl movie, I think it’s Hedwig. They should have just made it a Hedwig spin-off.

Micah: Yeah, and what? Blow up the bird in the end?

Andrew: Well, it works great, because in the film, we see Harry let go of Hedwig so this could be Hedwig’s – say he didn’t die. This could be his…

Eric: She. She.

Andrew: She, sorry. This could be his…

Eric: Her.

Andrew: His epilogue.

Eric: Her.

Andrew: [laughs] Her epilogue.

Micah: Her illegitimate child?

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Micah: Anyway, but what does that mean for us though? Because normally we would get the trailer before it ends up in theaters.

Andrew: Yeah, I think they’ll release it online first. So, maybe the week beforehand. I actually have a theory I shared with Micah the other day. They are letting me release a tease of my Deathly Hallows: Part I set report on September 15th. So, I’m guessing it’s going to be that week that the trailer comes out. So, in just a few days.

Eric: Oh, they’re like promoting – that thing you did a few months – well you can talk about it but only some of it, and not for another two weeks.

Andrew: Two paragraphs.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Two paragraphs, no quotes.

Micah: Wow.

Andrew: So I think they’re going to release it in a few days and that makes sense because I think that’s what they did with Half-Blood Prince too. They released the trailer and at the same time they said: “Oh yeah you can do a tease for your set report.”

Eric: But it’s really close!

Micah: Oh, that’s nice of them.

Eric: It’s really close to the release of the film isn’t it? Like six weeks? Eight weeks? Something like that for a trailer is kind of late in the game.

Andrew: It’s two months, two months. Anyway, what else is going on in the news in the wizarding world Micah?

News: Forbidden Journey Limitations

Micah: We talked about this next story a little bit, or how this story came about, with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in that if you try and go on the Forbidden Journey ride, there is a certain body size limit that may prevent some people from being able to enjoy themselves and you noted that specifically it has to do with your gut area. If the ride worker does not hear the safety harness click inward three times, you cannot go on the ride and apparently, some man was so determined to go on this ride that he actually lost the weight necessary in order to go on the Forbidden Journey.

Laura: Wow, that’s really cool actually.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, it’s a cool idea and he started this whole blog called Banks Lee and the Three Clicks.

Eric: Which is awesome. Everything about this story, everything about this guy inspires me. This is – as soon as I saw the post on MuggleNet I was like I had to friend him on Facebook and I sent him a nice message and I said congratulations because I think it’s cool. This whole three clicks thing is pretty official. Universal says “if we don’t hear it click three times, you’re not going on the ride” and for him to overcome that is awesome.

Laura: Actually, I’m reading his blog right now and it says that they’ve just added modified seating to some of the cars for larger riders so that’s a good thing, I mean because I remember when we were there, there were a lot of people who just flat out got turned away and it was really sad because that was sort of the highlighted event for those of us who were there. So I’m really glad to hear that they’ve done that so that more people have access to it.

Andrew: We’ll have to contact Universal and ask about this because first of all he just posted this today and he said he heard it from one of the commenters. But in a recent article Universal said that they didn’t have any plans to make any changes so we’ll have to look into this, but yeah it’s definitely good news.

Micah: How much did he lose? I think it was 12 pounds? I wonder if he is continuing on to lose weight after that. If this has inspired him to lose weight. It’d be interesting.

Eric: Well I know it’s interesting because both Andrew and Micah, both of you have been hitting the gym a lot in the past two, three years. I read your tweets and stuff, so it’s really cool, fitness. And I really need to – this article made me realize that I should probably get more in shape too.

Andrew: Eric, you’re in fine shape.

Eric: Oh, well thank you, Andrew.

[Eric and Micah laugh]

Eric: No, but really, I should work out.

Andrew: I check you out quite frequently. Okay, what else, Micah?

News: Theme Park Expansion?

Micah: Well speaking of the Wizarding World, it’s possible that the theme park will expand within the next two to three years. And Andrew, you actually did some digging on this, and you think that the Lost Continent will be lost…

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Micah: Within, I guess, six to twelve months. And never return. Jurassic Park is going away, and hopefully they don’t make – how many movies are there now? Three?

Eric: There are three.

Andrew: Four.

Eric: There are three.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: Well hopefully they’re not making a fourth. And this is great, I think, for fans of Harry Potter who have already gone to the park and experienced it, that they will have something to look forward to if they decide to go back in the coming years. And there’s really no limit in terms of what they can do, I think, in terms of ideas for rides and other things.

Andrew: Right. I think I said this to you guys at the park, or I said it to some people – you walk through that Lost Continent area and it’s just not good.

Laura: No.

Andrew: There’s one good thing about it, and it’s the restaurant Mythos. It’s a really good restaurant. But other than that – there’s this dumb show, I don’t even know. It’s some Greek god battle show. And I went on it once, and when I went on it there was this huge technical difficulty where the audio cut out, so we were just watching all the action in silence. It’s this giant area for nothing. So it’s really good to hear that that’s the big rumor. It makes sense because the first comment on this news post I made said it best: ‘Time to beg my mom take me back.’ That would be the entire point of them expanding it. Once they expand it and open it up, every single person who went for the opening is going to come back again.

Eric: Well, I think some people will come back even without an expansion, and it took them…

Andrew: Of course!

Eric: …two or three years to build the Wizarding World Park. How long would it take to expand? That’s a lot of construction, and in the mean time, you’ve got people trying to get into the park that exists already, the Harry Potter. If there’s construction all throughout the Lost Continent, which is the only way to get into that park. You can also get in through the Jurassic Park entrance, but what I’m saying is, if there’s all this added construction, it’s going to add to the wait times just to get into the Harry Potter park because there’s less space to wait.

Micah: Yeah. Well, one thing we did note is that wait times have diminished at the Wizarding World. One of the bloggers, who writes frequently about the Wizard World theme park did say at the beginning of September, just after Labor Day weekend, that the wait time were going down significantly on the rides, and you could actually navigate your way through Hogsmeade without really bumping into somebody else. If they were going to start, they would definitely have to start it within the next couple of months if they’re looking to open an extended area by 2012.

Andrew: Especially now that the summer is over. It’s…

Micah: It’s a good time.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, crowds are diminished. I don’t think we’re going to get an announcement soon, but you know they’re working on an expansion. We’ve also heard that W.B. has an agreement with Universal stating that they have to make additions every two or three years. Or changes. Something to refresh it every two or three years. That is that. What else Micah?

News: J.K. Rowling Donates 10 Million Pounds

Micah: The final piece of news: according to BBC, J.K. Rowling donated over 10 million pounds, which is I think about 15-and-a-half million dollars, to the University of Edinburgh to set up a Multiple Sclerosis research clinic. This clinic is in memory of her mother, and the hope is to help researches find a cure for the disease, which took her mother’s life just at the age of 45, and the significant thing I think about it was that J.K. Rowling herself just turned 45 in July. So it obviously meant a lot for her to be able to do this at the same age that her mother had passed away at.

Andrew: Well it’s great that she donated all that money. It’s a nice remembrance.

Eric: I hope it works. I hope they find a cure. It seems – there’s always donations of great magnitude. Jo has been a patron of a lot of charities and I hope that it works.

Jonathan Smith Interview

Andrew: Yeah. Okay. So that’s all for news. We have a special interview this week with Jonathan Smith of TT Games, one of the developers of the Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 video game. Micah conducted this interview with him at – what was it Micah, like five in the morning your time? Four?

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Yeah, maybe there were some bloopers to include from the beginning of our conversation, but Jonathan was definitely surprised that I was up at five o’clock in the morning here in New York talking with him but…

Andrew: That’s how much you love the game!

Micah: …that’s how much I love the game, and it was good talking to him – head of production, so he oversees everything – and they’re really happy with the success of the game.

Andrew: Let’s listen to the interview.

[Interview begins]

Micah: Okay, well we are now joined by Jonathan Smith, who is the head of production at TT Games Publishing, makers of LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4. Jonathan, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today.

Jonathan: Micah, thanks so much for having me here. It’s great to talk to you and all the MuggleNet guys.

Micah: Now, I wanted to start talking about the success that LEGO Harry Potter has enjoyed so far. The last report that I saw said that 2.7 million copies had been shipped to date and I think that was sometime around the end of July, beginning of August. Did you guys anticipate the success that this game was going to enjoy?

Jonathan: Well you’ve made two points, it’s a fantastic number and we’re so proud. I’m so pleased that everyone’s been enjoying the game, that so many people have been enjoying it. We never bank on success, we can’t become complacent. We have had some success in the past with our previous LEGO games but with each new title we work incredibly hard and the whole team works incredibly hard to raise the bar for what they’re putting in the game, the quality of the game, and the scope and the level of ambition of the game. Harry Potter was a completely new world for us to make a LEGO game in and we never know. We never know quite how it’s going to turn out and we never know quite how people are going to receive it so yeah, we’re absolutely delighted.

Micah: How many hours of development went into creating the game itself and the different levels? I played it as soon as it came out in June and I still haven’t made my way completely through it. I think I’m somewhere between the second and third task in Year 4, but the levels themselves just seem far more than anything that we’ve seen previously even in other Harry Potter video games.

Jonathan: Well, you know, we’ve always set out to make games that can be played for a very long time. We’ve always set out to make games that are really fun, not just for a day or two, but for months and months that people can really fall in love with and so expansive, so rich. So luscious is the world in Harry Potter that we just found so much that we wanted to put in the game and so much to get our teeth into, so yeah, it is our biggest ever LEGO game. I said we wanted to raise the bar, raise the scope of ambition each time and that was the goal we set ourselves for Harry Potter. We have had a massive team, the size of the team fluctuates so we’ve had about up to eighty people working on it over the course of two full years. A quick calculation of how many hours that is I supposed it’s many hundreds of thousands of hours. There is a lot of work that’s gone into LEGO Harry Potter and again it’s lovely that it’s paid off.

Micah: Yeah, absolutely, it definitely has paid off, I think, just by sitting down and seeing everything that’s there and just the different areas that have been created that maybe you’ve always wanted to go to but you have had that opportunity from something as simple as the Quidditch Pitch to walking around Diagon Alley and being able to attack different people.

Jonathan: Is that what you always wanted to do? Attack people in Diagon Alley.

Micah: [laughs] Well, you know, it’s interesting the different characters you see walking around Diagon Alley now and again and it’s tempting to take a shot at them, I won’t lie.

Jonathan: That’s where everybody needs to go to get their magical supplies.

Micah: It’s true, it’s true. Now, with creating the levels, was a lot of that taken from the books or the movies or was it a bit of both?

Jonathan: Well, as I’m sure you can tell, it’s both. Visually, we take a look at cues from the movies, the movies have realized the world of Harry Potter over the many years now and in a really compelling way. A lot of people have quite strongly in their imaginations and we really wanted to work and build and take advantage of all the work that has already been done by those extremely talented people so visually there are lots of cues from the movies, very sympathetic to the movies but there are as you’ve pointed out areas which are not yet touched on in the movies and we wanted with the games to create a really coherent game world that’s like everything you’ve imagined from the books with all the presence from the game where we build areas of Hogwarts in particular like the Common Rooms which you haven’t seen before like Hufflepuff Common Room, Slytherin Common Room, sort of extrapolating from clues in the books and then going through – and this is behind everything that’s in the game – really attempting the process of support and feedback and discussion with a lot of representatives from the book side, from J.K. Rowling and from the movie side from Warner Bros. as well and then pull that projection as a reflection of their own imagination of what these places are like and coalesce into what you finally see on the screen.

Micah: Yeah, you mentioned the Hufflepuff Common Room in particular. I was wondering what the process was of creating that particular area because it was only mentioned but never seen in the books – or it was never talked about in the books or described.

Jonathan: Right. You know we have lots of other pieces of information about how Hufflepuffs behave by personality and examples of individual’s who come from it. So you sort of extract that. You build on the clues that are there throughout the text, what you’ve seen in the movies. And you know the world of the books is so imaginative and compelling. You may not have seen a place like Hufflepuff Common Room on screen in the movies before but everybody has read the books. If you were to ask them to describe it they would probably have a pretty good go at it and be able to see it pretty vividly. And I’d have to say what we did was talk with lots of different people who were experts in this area and were very intimately connected with the fiction and with this imaginative world and draw upon everyone else’s ideas. And ultimately it’s the work of a couple of individual artists at Traveller’s Tales – who are putting all of that together with extreme talent. And it seems to have worked.

Micah: You also mentioned building on the other LEGO games that have come before it – Batman, Star Wars. What features were you really looking to improve upon with Harry Potter and maybe what are some features that you added in this game that you were really looking forward to people getting a chance to play?

Jonathan: So in order – the level of improving there is a continual, sort of technical, rolling process of innovation that the teams at Traveller’s Tales are taking on for each project. So you’ll notice with Harry Potter just look back at any game you’ve seen before. There are lots of pieces of innovation technically going on behind them that enable the artist to do their job which sparkles even more than it has done before with a greater level of visual detail. There are technical things going on behind in the background such as now the implementation of a physics system within the world that make the world feel more real, that make the LEGO elements that you encounter in the world behave in a way which is much more like real physics, like real LEGO. You can kick the LEGO around. You don’t build necessarily from pre-scripted animations anymore. You can actually pick up using magic, individual LEGO elements and build them to your own design. That resting on the bedrock of the new physics system which is technical innovation. It’s also a completely new addition that really fits with the world of magic that we wanted to create distinctively in LEGO Harry Potter. So the really big new things that we were focusing on moving forward with LEGO Harry Potter was obviously magic implementation. Lots of different spells, cool spells, special effects, particularly magical building, and then immersing you in the scope of a massive adventure of four full years of experience within Hogwarts and beyond as well. So creating what you were describing earlier. This sort of apparent and massive, sort of awe inspiring environment of Hogwarts which feels real, which feels alive. Which is recognizably the place you’ve been to when your imagination from the books and films, but also functions of the video game environment so you’re not completely overwhelmed when you start. That the game is structured in such a way that by attending lessons, by sometimes perhaps following Nearly Headless Nick, but being always free to explore, you get sufficient cues to lead you on adventures that take you through the story in a way that we hope is compelling.

Micah: Yeah, absolutely. The ability to switch characters I think was essential for the gameplay and I was wondering also – I guess it kind of goes along with this question about – did you feel that the game players would like, obviously, the ability to switch off to different characters? I know in certain scenes you don’t really have a choice, you have to sort of divert from being Harry. I think that is one of the things that people really like about the game. I know there are over 150 or 70 – something like that – playable characters.

Jonathan: That’s right.

Micah: And that’s just unbelievable in and of itself to be able to wander around this world as Scabbers, or Hagrid, or…

[Jonathan laughs]

Micah: …any number of different characters.

Jonathan: Yeah, absolutely! You know, we refer to it as The World of Harry Potter – the films and the books have got Harry Potter in the title – and Harry Potter is an amazing story, but Harry Potter is not the only person in that world by any means. Anyone who’s a fan of that world and those stories follows the stories of many, many other individuals perhaps equally closely as well. They all add texture, so in our games right from the start we’ve always thought it was important for the way that our team functions and the way we like to play games to be able to be free to try out different things, to experiment. That means experimenting with being different people so that seemed a really good fit for this one.

Micah: Yeah, I know one of the things that people have enjoyed immensely with this LEGO Harry Potter game – or this LEGO game in general – is the humor, and I was wondering who is responsible for putting those cutscenes together? Because one of the things that made this game, in my opinion, so highly anticipated was seeing those vignettes and the way that they were put together. It just seemed like people couldn’t wait to get the game into their hands to play it. Is there a specific group of people that is dedicated to writing those scenes?

Jonathan: There is. We have a specialist LEGO cutscene group within the team at Traveller’s Tales who have worked on the games previously and absolutely relish the opportunity to bring that style of humor. It’s an authentic irreverence, I think. I’ve just coined that term.

[Micah laughs]

Jonathan: We haven’t used it, and it sounds like jargon but it means that we’re always absolutely true to the elements that make the story imagined to be powerful, but at the same time in the world of LEGO, surprising things will happen and it won’t always get played straight because that’s how the world of LEGO behaves. We have a fantastically talented team of animators led by the head of animation at Traveller’s Tales, Jeff Pardon, who are able to draw the inspiration and be absolutely true to the very best and most exciting, most dramatic sequences you remember from the fiction or you see in the films, but then put that wonderful LEGO twist on them, bring the humor out in the characters and out in the scene in a completely fresh way.

Micah: Yeah, and with really no sound, no speaking lines between these characters, I guess it can be difficult to communicate the story.

Jonathan: We always have – sorry, I interrupted you.

Micah: No, it’s okay.

Jonathan: That does make it easier, in some ways, to be funny. That is part of the LEGO characters creating their distinctive way of interacting with each other, adding to the story, which is more funny than were they explaining everything in a way that was very similar to a movie.

Micah: Yeah, I absolutely agree.

Jonathan: But you’re right, there are some instances where not having words can make – particularly where the plots of the LEGO Harry Potters do become quite complex at some points can make that hard to explain, but we do have this quite strict rule that if we start trying to explain things, we’re probably going to have a long part and we should just skip over it.

[Micah laughs]

Jonathan: Because the books tell the stories extremely well, and the movies tell their stories extremely well as well. And our job is not to tell the whole – every detail of the story. We’re not there replicate the experience of reading the books, we cannot come close to the experience of the books in terms of the density of information and the story and the detail that’s there from a plot point of view. We shouldn’t try to do that, the books are there for everybody. We should experience – what we should concentrate on is keeping our tempo moving, keeping people smiling, and communicating the scope and breadth and reach and energy of the overall narrative.

Micah: Yeah.

Jonathan: And the personalities.

Micah: [laughs] I was going to say I think those cutscenes do a great job, especially with the humor, of keeping the flow of the story for the game player. Who decided on the main set of spells that were going to be used in this game? I know you sort of had that little circle that you could choose from and you can also go into Diagon Alley and buy additional spells on top of that that you can use – but sort of the core group, were they the most popular in the books and the movies and that’s why you felt that they would work best? What was the process in deciding that?

Jonathan: The lead designer of LEGO Harry Potter at Traveller’s Tales, this chap called Arthur Parsons who’s, as you’d expect, a massive Harry Potter fan and lots of big fans like him…

Micah: Yeah, I met him in New York.

Jonathan: Oh, excellent, so you know Arthur. Arthur was primarily responsible for determining which spells were included in the game and what functions they have and how they were arranged. They were in the process of development over two years, so of course it was back and forth with other people as well. That sort of knocked things in shape, but afterwards picking on certain spells which were very important to fulfill the story of Harry’s progression through Hogwarts in those early years, those certain spells he learns in the lessons and which he learns more memorable and the uses to which he puts those spells to help progress the actual main narrative. Also spells which were very important for us because we had good gameplay effects for them. I mean Leviosa is a case which also covers both of those. Leviosa‘s obviously a signature spell in the fiction early on. Also it enables – in the video game – us to build objects out of LEGO, which is something that is very important to us in a LEGO game. You can go around building and constructing, and particularly in LEGO Harry Potter, building to your own design by moving around individual LEGO bricks, elements. That was naturally a key focus. Many of the other supplemental spells, the bonus spells, the extra spells, Arthur’s just taking from his wide and deep reading of the fiction and just running off in his own imagination about how cool – “I’d like to see some things, and wouldn’t that be really cool if I could turn – put antlers on someone’s head, and a spell which does that, so we’ll put that in the game.” So the energy of the team led by Arthur to include as much as possible, that is fun and cool lies behind the extra spells that there are in the game.

Micah: I definitely think that you can tell his passion for the series when you go and you play the game, because there’s just so much that’s there from a detail standpoint. I thought it was unbelievable just playing though those first couple days when I got the game and just seeing everything that’s there, that you would think about when you went and read the books. So it’s just an unbelievable job and that’s why we’ve pushed this so much on the site, on the podcast, “Go out and play this game because if you’re a Harry Potter fan you will absolutely love it.”

Jonathan: That’s what we set out to achieve.

Micah: [laughs] A couple of final questions – I’m assuming that you’ve played the game, do you have a favorite year, a favorite, task, a favorite character, from your time sitting down and…

Jonathan: Yeah, I mean, we’re seeing the game – as the game’s being built up, we see new sequences, new themes come in over the course of a very long time rather than having the experience of playing them all through in a very smooth progression. And so some of them have – some things have real impact at the point that they first appear. I think what really stands out most is the dragon task from Year Four for us. When we first saw that fantastic creature, the fire, all the drama and the action and that, it came at a point in the development when we were – we’d just got Hogwarts – Hogwarts was just starting to work. The whole thing was starting to fall into place after quite a long period of trying to put it all together. It’s a long time, when you’re making a game, before you can actually play it. The whole thing was just starting to come together and then in the individual story sequences – to have that as a real signature “wow, this is how cool and exciting the action’s going to be and that really stands out,” it’s absolutely a favorite. Favorite character, like so many other people it has to be Snape, I think. I think to a very specific extent it’s the story of – I mean, for me it is the story of Harry Potter is what is very dramatically the story of Snape.

Micah: Yeah.

Jonathan: And that’s a great story.

Micah: Do you play as him throughout the course of the game? Have you…

Jonathan: [laughs] Well, you’re – where possible. I mean, often when we’re checking specific things within the game we’re just trying to get through things as quickly as possible under a very short program we use to try and get through things as quick as possible. But for pleasure, for fun, let’s say for pleasure, yes.

Micah: [laughs] Okay. Anything as far as Easter eggs – I think is what they call them, that if you’re a diehard Harry Potter fan that you should keep an eye out for that may be hidden in the game?

Jonathan: I think you’ll find them all over…

Micah: Yeah.

Jonathan: …throughout the whole game, since if you’re a fan you should find some things, surprises, at every turn rather than having a little bit of fan service tucked away later on in the game. That’s what you should find in Harry Potter, definitely.

Micah: Okay. Well…

Jonathan: So I wouldn’t pick up any individual – I mean, it’s just so full of little sort of winks and nods.

Micah: Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I think it’s…

Jonathan: That’s the way the game works, it’s full of secrets and things.

Micah: It’s very rich with detail. Now I want to thank you – those are all the questions that I have – for taking the time to speak with us, we really appreciate it.

Jonathan: It’s a great pleasure. I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed playing the game and thank you for your time.

[Interview ends]

Andrew: All right, great job, Micah. Even at four or five in the morning you are still an intrepid reporter. Thank you.

Laura: Yeah, that was impressive.

Andrew: And the game’s been a huge success, like you guys talked about. So it’s pretty impressive that – I’m really happy to see it was so successful, because it totally deserved it. Matt got it the other day and I’ve been watching him play it and the graphics are beautiful, the gameplay’s great, and a pleasant surprise, I found, was that they used all the music from the films. So that really added a lot of the authenticity of it. Even just when you’re just walking around, you hear the nice – some of John Williams’ nice compositions from the film. It was really nice.

Micah: Probably the biggest question that I didn’t ask that a lot of people are probably wondering is are they going to make a follow up? Years five through seven. And I would bet on it. Unfortunately I wasn’t allowed to ask that question, but I would bet on them making another game because of the success that this one’s had, like close to three million copies sold just in these first couple months.

Eric: And speaking of Matt, it’s his birthday today. Isn’t it?

Andrew: Yes, it is.

Laura: Awww…

Andrew: Matt’s not on the show this week, but…

Laura: Matty.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Bagman and Crouch”

Andrew: Happy birthday to Matt Britton, turning 25, and playing LEGO Harry Potter as we record this. Always Harry Potter going on in this apartment. Anyway, time now for Chapter-by-Chapter. This week we’re looking through Chapters 7-9 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Cozy up, open up your book. We have a lot to talk about this week ladies and gentlemen. We’re going to start with Chapter 7 of course, and this chapter is called “Bagman and Crouch.” And I have to say before we start, I have a paperback version of Goblet of Fire, and it’s really falling apart…

Eric: Mine too.

Andrew: …and I’m going to be really impressed if we get through Chapter-by-Chapter without this thing completely splitting in half…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …because that’s the condition it’s in. So anyway, the chapter begins with Harry, the Weasleys, and the Diggorys arriving at the World Cup campsites, and they head to their particular tent. Mr. Weasley struggles with the Muggle money, and I – because he has to pay the Muggle owner of the campsite, and I agree with Mr. Weasley. The British Muggle money is very – something about it, I have yet to learn their coins very well. I’m still very confused. I have to sit there like a tourist and pick out the specific coins.

Eric: The coins are cool. I think that the two pence piece is like gold surrounded by silver. I love it.

Andrew: They’re cool, but…

Eric: Absolutely.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. Those are my favorite.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: I don’t like to spend them, I like collecting them, holding them. So the Muggle who owns the campsite tells Mr. Weasley he doesn’t understand why all these people are showing up at the same time, which I feel is a bit risky. And they keep wiping – Mr. Roberts, the Muggle owner, they keep wiping his memory. They say they have to wipe it ten times a day. It just seems very interesting that with all the magic in the world and all the precautions they put around the Quidditch World Cup stadium itself, so Muggles when they walk towards it they remember an urgent appointment, Why couldn’t they have built their own, I don’t know, underground – something where all these people can stay? I mean, we talked on the last episode that it must be very hard to coordinate a huge event where one hundred thousand wizards are all descending on one Muggle area, but…

Eric: Yeah, well, they do say in the book that it was like – it did take months and months of preparation and, I’m wondering if they wipe Mr. Roberts’ memory ten times a day why even bother paying him for his services? Why go through the hassle of British money at all? If, I mean, I feel like he needs to have some memory, that’s why they don’t just do away with him, or – why didn’t they relocate Mr. Roberts and his family? Say he won a trip to Hawaii…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …or something?

Andrew: Right. I mean, I guess they want the Muggle to earn their – I mean, he runs a business. He’s running his campsite business and they want to pay…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …him for his business. So this book, I’ve been noticing, even in these early chapters, Harry’s learning a lot. And…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s something I’ve forgot. [laughs] Even in Goblet of Fire, he’s still learning quite a lot of big bits of information. So, Harry and Ron start going to walk around for water – to get water, and Harry gets his first look at a large group of Wizards. And he sees wizarding mothers and children for the first time, which I thought was interesting because it’s just hard to imagine. This is his first time! This is his fourth year going to Hogwarts, and he’s just now getting a good look at real wizard families other than the Weasleys.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And he also realizes, “Wow, there are a lot of wizards in the world” now. And we also here get our first look at Krum. And Ron points him out. [laughs] And Hermione only notes that he looks really grumpy.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: But we’ll see in a couple of chapters later the developing love interest there…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …but she brushes him off so quick. Which tends to be my problem with women. They brush me off very quick until I show off my great skills and then they – my great podcasting skills.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yep. That’s how you win them all, Andrew.

Eric: I think it’s the line, “Don’t you know who I am?”

Andrew: So, speaking of love interests, we also get to see Cho Chang. Now, this wasn’t the first time we get to see her but Harry’s still very taken with her. He spills his water all over himself when he goes to wave at Cho. He’s very nervous, the poor guy.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: So they get back to the campsite and the group meets Ludo Bagman, and Mr. Weasley makes a cheap bet with him while the Weasley twins make a pretty large one.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And Ludo asks for Crouch’s whereabouts but nobody knows, so Mr. Weasley asks for an update on Bertha but there is none, and he suspects she’s just lost, the poor girl.

Micah: I wanted to ask you a question here. There was actually a tweet that somebody sent in, a DoctorSubmarine, asked about Bagman.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: Yeah, I don’t know, DoctorSubmarine. Anyway:

“Bagman is one of the biggest omissions from the films. Why do you think that is and would you have preferred to see him in it?”

Eric: Okay, so Bagman is what? The International Department of Magical Games and Sports, right? That’s Bagman. That’s not Crouch.

Micah: Yes. That is Bagman.

Eric: And he gets into debt with some goblins in this chapter or later on, and ends up getting – disappeared by the mob. I feel like even Mr. Crouch when they showed – a lot of Crouch Sr. is omitted too, particularly his death. Isn’t it? Or is it not? Is his death omitted from movie four? I forget.

Micah: No, it’s there.

Eric: The focus in all of this is Crouch Jr. where they had to splice him into the beginning scenes so the end of the movie would make sense. So a lot of this I feel like – the wider world as it were – this book is all about the wider magical world, but I feel like the movie didn’t really – had to omit it because there’s so much.

Micah: Yeah. Well, no, I agree. I think there’s definitely bigger omissions of characters in this book than just Ludo Bagman, but I don’t know. He comes into play obviously later on towards the end of the book, and he’s really the whole reason why Harry ends up giving his winnings to the Weasley twins because Ludo never came through.

Eric: Oh, I didn’t remember that.

Andrew: So Barty finally does show up and discusses business with Ludo, Arthur, and Percy. Ludo drops another hint about that big thing that’s happening at Hogwarts. Fred finally gets curious and asks what it is, but Percy insists that “it must remain secret. The Ministry isn’t ready to disclose the information.” Blah, blah, blah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Percy is such a jerk. That’s something else I forgot. Ugh. How annoying. He’s got real issues. So the summary of the chapter, I think, is that this is one giant disorganized event. It looks to be impossible to organize without Muggles not realizing what’s going on. It just seems like a lot of trouble.

Eric: Well, Muggles – there are some things Muggles can’t see – what’s going on. So I feel like they have some – and what’s the difference between an unorganized and disorganized event and an organized one? Really? If you’re talking about a sporting event, what decides if it’s organized or not? I think this is as good as it’s going to get. They did this for months, and without the disappearance of Bertha Jorkins, which I think she worked in this department – did she? Or something organizing this. I feel like losing her – I feel like she was one of the planners somehow, but in the end I feel like it came off pretty well.

Micah: She was involved with the Triwizard Tournament. That’s why she was of such value to Pettigrew.

Eric: Oh, yes. Okay, my bad.

Micah: The one other thing I was just going to mention was the – we get a mention of American wizard school, which is, I think, really the only time throughout the entire series with a reference to American wizards actually existing.

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Eric: There may be one or two in Fantastic Beasts, I feel like, where they mention America somehow, but it’s very rare, and a lot of people I think – and I don’t know if Jo ever responded to that, but she’s like they are British books, so…

Micah: Right.

Eric: …we shouldn’t expect to find – I know fanfic, the first thing you find is people – American wizards. Right, Laura?

Laura: Oh, God. I can’t even tell you how many times we got the ones with the American exchange student. I was like, please, spare me.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Micah: Was it the Salem Institute, I think? Wasn’t that what it was called in Goblet of Fire?

Laura: Yeah. Everyone used that – I don’t understand. Oh my God.

Eric: Because the witch trials!

Laura: So annoying.

Eric: Salem, Massachusetts.

Laura: Yeah, I get that. But – I mean – come on.

Micah: I think that’s actually what it’s called…

Laura: Be a little more creative.

Andrew: So that wraps up Chapter Seven. Unfortunately, Laura has to leave a little early…

Laura: Yeah, sorry guys.

Andrew: No, it’s okay. I blame Eric because Eric delayed us a half hour.

Laura: Oh well. It was nice chatting with you guys.

Andrew: Yeah. So we’ll speak to you soon.

Laura: I’ll talk to you soon. Buh-bye.

MuggleCast 208 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Quidditch World Cup”

Andrew: Bye. Now, let’s get into Chapter 8, “The Quidditch World Cup.” Micah, what a perfect chapter for you, you are a sports fanatic.

Micah: It is. It’s true. This is a great chapter for me. I actually mention – I’ll go right to that point – that J.K. Rowling does such a good job, I thought, for somebody who I – I don’t know – I don’t really think she’s that much of a sports girl. I’m not sure, but she does a really great job describing Quidditch and this whole match that takes place between the Irish and the Bulgarians, and just the way that she could be able to go from one player to the next and all the different moves that these players were doing, and I was wondering, you know, maybe one day she has a chance at for working for ESPN. What do you guys think?

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, well – hasn’t Jo admitted that she isn’t a fan – she doesn’t like writing Quidditch scenes. Right?

Eric: Yeah, she said something like that, yeah, because she – but she’s always been good at keeping track of who won. Like Micah said, too, the details. I feel like there were only seven or eight actual quidditch matches in the series that she had to write out. But even when she did that book for charity, Quidditch Through the Ages, she was really meticulous about details of how the sport came about. So she didn’t putz around creating that sport. She’s been 100 percent on that. And I feel like you’re right – I feel like she did say at some point that she needed to come up with ways to make the Quidditch matches at Hogwarts not seem repetitive, setting one in the rain, you know, having Dementors – that sort of thing, set them apart in her memory. I still feel like there were quite a bit of Quidditch matches in the game. This is, obviously, the most important because it’s international, and she can write about how the difference in international teams and their supporters – that’s what makes this chapter so interesting.

Micah: Yeah. So, the actual chapter though, starts out with them heading off to the event itself, and there’s this back and forth again between Harry and Mr. Weasley telling Harry that the stadium could hold a hundred thousand people, and Harry is shocked at this. You have to remember that this is a kid who’s probably been – or not probably – has been locked up for the majority of his young life and hasn’t had the opportunity to experience anything like this even going to a sporting event in England. I’m sure soccer matches or football as they call it would have comparable crowds certainly, but maybe he’s only ever caught a glimpse of it on TV. And I thought – Andrew you mentioned liking sports before – one of the things I hate about sports is all the advertising and commercials that take place, but even in this wizarding world there are these scrolling advertisements that are on these boards throughout the stadium, so a little bit of our world meeting their world I guess.

Andrew: Yeah, and something else I thought was interesting, when they climb to the top – when they get to their seats, it’s at the very top of the stadium. I thought that was – and that’s the best seats you can get.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: I thought that was interesting because in the Muggle world, at any sporting event, the best seats are always the lowest.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Now, obviously the best seats in Quidditch are the highest because the gameplay takes place in the air, but I just thought that was interesting how it was the complete opposite.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: If you heard somebody had the best seats at a basketball game all the way at the top, you’d be like “Oh, great. I’m in the nosebleeds. How is that good?”

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But in the magical world it’s – the best seats are at the top.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: Yup. You just mentioned this, but the difference between the book and the movies is that the Weasley’s, Harry, and Hermione they sit in the Minister’s box in the book, but in the movie they’re up in those “cheap seats” all the way in the top of the stadium, and I think – who would it have been at the time – Mike Newell did that to kind of show the difference between the Weasley’s and the Malfoy’s. The Malfoys obviously end up sitting in the Minister’s box in the movie when in the book they share it together. And J.K. Rowling notes the reason why Malfoy is there is because he made this huge contribution to St. Mungo’s. You look at somebody like Mr. Weasley who kind of made it there on his own merit and wasn’t it that he got tickets from somebody that he knew? I forget.

Eric: Somebody in the office, yeah.

Micah: Somebody in the office, versus Malfoy who kind of paid his way into it.

Andrew: Yeah, so I was – I wanted to ask you guys that. Did he – did Lucius make that donation to the hospital just so he could get those good seats? Do you think he knew he would get those seats if he made that donation? Because why else would he have?

Eric: Well, St.Mungo’s is like – I know its not really – we don’t really go there until Book Five, but I feel like early on there were these clues that St. Mungo’s – a lot of it was dodgy. Lucius Malfoy – thats the question. Lucius Malfoy donates money to it, doesn’t it seem like they’re doing something wrong? Or something shady, if…

Andrew: Right.

Eric: …Lucius Malfoy is going to throw his money at it? But it could be what you’re saying – just to get a seat at the Quidditch World Cup. I think thats perfectly plausible.

Micah: Right. Because you…

Andrew: I – that’s what I think.

Micah: You learn that he’s there on Fudge’s invitation after Fudge says, specifically, that Malfoy has made this donation. So, I’m sure that played into it somehow. But also, speaking of Lucius, we get to see his wife for the first time, Narcissa.

Andrew: Oh la la!

Micah: And she is introduced as looking as if she has something fowl underneath her nose.

Andrew: [laughs] She’s just one of those women.

Micah: Yep.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: But I would assume that that might have something to do with the fact that the Weasleys and Hermione were in the box as well. But…

Eric: That is an excellent descriptor, the dung under her nose thing. I was surprised when Harry actually says that to Malfoy later on, because its one of those instances where I am reading and I am thinking, ‘That is a great way to describe somebody. She turns her nose up at anybody who is below her in class…’

Micah: Yeah, absolutely.

Eric: ‘… in status,’ and its a great descriptor. So when Harry actually says that out loud to Malfoy, it almost doesn’t translate as well when you are saying it. It still makes sense and everything, but I’m surprised that he did that. But it was a good comeback, I guess. I just…

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: …felt like it was better reading it than for Harry to say that, but it’s still funny. It’s still a good way to depict high class narcissism.

Micah: That’s where she gets her name.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Anyway, but before the Malfoys even enter the Minister’s box, Harry encounters Winky for the first time. And, initially, he thinks its Dobby because she looks very much like him. And I thought it was interesting as she talks about Dobby getting out of control and ending up in front of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, “like some common Goblin.” Now here’s a house-elf who is basically born into servitude making it seem like some Goblin is less of a creature than the house-elf. I thought it was kind of ironic that you’d have a house-elf insulting a Goblin, but that’s just my own take on it. But the bigger question, I thought, that nobody raises, not even Harry, is how does Winky know Dobby? You know, this whole conversation that’s going on between them, she never says how she knows him. And I thought that might have been a clue early on to readers that perhaps Winky belongs to somebody that is not so good.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, maybe Harry just figures…

Micah: All house-elves know each other? [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: And it sounds a little extreme, but we know that these are very unique creatures, and they’re all – I mean, I guess they encounter each other at one point or another. Then that brings up the whole question, like, what’s the house-elf family tree look like? How are these things even born?

Micah: That’s a good question.

Andrew: Yeah, I just think that – I love house-elves, first of all, and not because they’re slaves to wizards, but I think that – I feel like they all know each other some way or another. They’re all very old. They’ve been around forever.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: You know?

Micah: Well, this is really our first re-introduction to Dobby, I think, since Chamber of Secrets.

Eric: Yeah, he was absent in Prisoner of Azkaban.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I don’t even think he was mentioned.

Micah: And obviously he comes into play a lot in this book and after that, but – and, again, we see how house-elves are treated. This particular one is up in this box, hundreds – not hundreds, but thousands of feet in the air, and she’s very much afraid of heights. So, again, the whole cruelty factor – her having to sit here. She’s peering through her fingers because she doesn’t want to look out into the arena, basically. Also, a couple other things happening in this Minister’s box. Fudge ends up showing up, and he greets Harry as if he’s this old friend. And you can tell Percy is a little bit jealous. He’s a little envious…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …of the way the Minister is interacting with Harry. So, I wonder, do you think that played at all in Order of the Phoenix when Percy completely not only turns on his family, but turns on Harry.

Eric: That he’s jealous?

Micah: Well, I think – does that play at all into it? You know, Fudge, his opinion of Harry begins to change, obviously, and Percy is pretty much a carbon copy of the Minister in terms of ideas and how he views what’s going on. So, you know, I wonder if this at all plays into it. You know, this is just the beginning of Percy developing that jealousy about Harry because of this relationship he seems to have with the Minister. And then once the Minister’s point of view changes, he immediately latches on to it.

Eric: Yeah, I feel like Percy at many times is like a – seems like a zombie, because he’s just that intense on – or intent on – gaining status under Fudge’s eyes. The fact that Fudge can’t even remember Percy’s name, but yet Percy continues to work for him, you know, later on in this book absolutely says something. And I think sure, Percy being jealous – it’s that and it’s how he turns to Mr. Weasley and says, you know, ‘I need to make something for our family.’ Later on, when times get tough, he feels like his family is kind of a laughing stock. And so, it’s not just that they’re blood traitors, although that is what it amounts to, Percy is just – confused. This is just the time of his life where he’s confused.

Micah: One other thing that I pointed out was I thought it would have been a funny scene in the movie between Harry, Fudge, and the Bulgarian Prime Minister when Fudge is trying to introduce him and they have this whole language barrier problem. And as we learn later in the chapter, the Bulgarian Prime Minister speaks English pretty well…

[Eric laughs]

Micah: …but just wanted to have a good time at Fudge’s expense. So, we finally get to the match and during the team introductions, Ron gives the gold that he gets from the leprechauns – you know, the mascots are introduced prior to this; the Bulgarians have the veelas which captivate the attention of all the males in the audience, and then the Irish present the leprechauns who are throwing all these gold coins around. And Ron’s first – what do you call it?

Eric: His instinct! Instinct? Yeah?

Micah: Yeah, there you go. That’ll work. So Ron’s first instinct is to give the gold to Harry, to repay him for the Omnioculars that he bought for Ron before they entered the stadium. So, what does that say that his first thought is to repay Harry instead of just pocketing it? Keeping it for himself?

Andrew: I think it shows that Ron’s very – that Ron was raised right. He knows – he feels bad that Harry bought this for him – bought the Omnioculars for him, and I think we saw that when Harry initially did buy them.

Eric: They were like a hundred Galleons, weren’t they?

Andrew: Yeah! And Harry reminded him, “Oh, it’s your Christmas gift for the next ten years.”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Or something like that. So I think Ron was very grateful for it, and he wanted to pay him back. I understand that. It was very nice of Ron. It says a lot about his character.

Micah: Yep.

Eric: Or maybe he knew …

Andrew: I know Eric wouldn’t do that for me.

Eric: What?

Andrew: I know you wouldn’t do that for me. You’d keep the money for yourself.

Eric: Oh, if I knew the secret of leprechaun gold, I would absolutely do that for you.

Micah: [laughs] But the action gets underway, and like I said before, Jo does a really good job of really following the event and describing it and it sounds like a real sporting event where people are getting into it and having a great time. There’s a lot of fighting that goes on, really, between these two teams. A lot of questionable moves where people get temporarily injured. And I thought the Omnioculars were a really cool thing. You know, they let you slow down the action, they tell you the different moves that are being done. We don’t really have anything comparable to that in the Muggle world. I guess you have instant replay or slow motion, but that doesn’t really let you do it in real time. So…

Eric: And it’s not – it’s someone else showing you what to look at, too.

Micah: Right.

Eric: It’s not like you can go on your own and point at something and say, “I want to see what that was doing 25 seconds ago.” That’s really cool.

Micah: Yeah. It’s really through your own perspective.

Eric: It’s almost like Jo is a sports fan because she knows exactly what…

Micah: I think she is.

Eric: Yeah, because she knows exactly what we would want. It’s like an interview she gave about the Internet and she said, “Oh, wizards have something much cooler than the Internet,” which ended up being Patronuses, I think, because they communicate that way. But yeah, she makes these really cool magical improvements that – Omnioculars, they’re awesome. They’re very real.

Micah: Yeah. And the other thing from this match that I wanted to bring up was the word, “mediwizards” who tend to the injured players. Is that specific to sports? Because I don’t ever remember this word being used at any other point in the series.

Eric: Which – oh, mediwizards?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, I think – and maybe for a game as large as the Quidditch World Cup – I mean, think about it, have we ever seen – well okay, let’s say at Hogwarts they have the hospital wing and that can handle the school, but when you think about a hundred thousand wizards descending on one location there has to be some sort of medical care. You know, like when you go to a concert or something, you’ll see an ambulance or two out front just in case something happens.

Eric: Paramedics is the word.

Andrew: Paramedic, yeah.

Eric: Paramedics is a word you’ll never hear anywhere else. Paramedics don’t work at a hospital, or I may sound stupid if that’s untrue. But I mean – I feel like paramedics are the people in the field who are going to resuscitate you and get you to the hospital. So the school nurse is at school. You’re not going to have paramedics at your school, you’re going to have the school nurse.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: So I feel like mediwizards is like paramedics.

Micah: Yeah, but when we go to St. Mungo’s in Order of the Phoenix, I just don’t ever remember hearing that word being used. I could be wrong. It could be in that chapter, but I just don’t remember it.

Eric: I think that’s a long chapter, but yeah, I don’t remember it either.

Micah: It was always like Healers or, you know – even in that list of…

Eric: Yeah, you’re right.

Micah: You know when they see the list on the wall of all the different units in St. Mungo’s and all the different levels that you could go to? I’m sure mediwizard was in there somewhere, but it just seemed like such an odd word.

Andrew: I think you see them mentioned here because it’s on location.

Micah: Yeah, you’re probably right. One funny scene that during the match that might have worked in the movies as well is Hasan Mostafa, the referee, during one of the timeouts after an injury, gets taken with the veelas, and he’s over there under their spell flexing his muscles and…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, the veela are so interesting. At one point we saw Harry put his leg over the box.

Micah: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: It’s so odd what is going on. It’s almost like sexual.

Eric: It is!

Andrew: Of course, Jo didn’t want to say what the guys were thinking, but it is very – I think there are some very sexual thoughts going on.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: But it’s almost like subconsciously, too because…

Andrew: Right. You can’t control it.

Eric: Yeah. You’re not thinking, “Oh, I want to bang her,” but your body is thinking that. It’s Harry with his leg over the box…

Andrew: Well, speak for yourself.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. Well… but there’s more about the veelas here.

Micah: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: There is.

Eric: In the notes.

Micah: Even Arthur Weasley says once they – I can’t remember exactly what happens, but the veela start throwing fire at the leprechauns. I know the referee wants to throw them out of the stadium because of what has just happened to him, but I think there’s some sort of dirty move that takes place. Or the leprechauns join in formation and stick up, basically, a middle finger.

Eric: Yeah, it’s like a giant middle finger. I think that’s…

Micah: And so the veelas start throwing fire.

[Eric laughs]

Micah: And Arthur Weasley makes the comment, “That’s why you should never go for looks alone.” And Harry sees through the Omnioculars that these once-beautiful women are now crazy, decrepit-looking, fire-throwing beasts.

[Eric laughs]

Eric: That’s why I think I like veelas as my favorite fantastic beasts, just because of this. There’s the saying: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” And there you go, ladies and gentlemen. That’s J.K. Rowling’s companion to that statement. There are these fire-throwing beasts.

Micah: There you go. So the match is finally ended when Krum grabs the Snitch. And actually, Ireland ends up winning the match because they were enough ahead. And Hermione thinks that Krum is so brave for going and grabbing the Snitch, even though he knew that it wouldn’t end up giving his team the win. The point being, the Irish were just too good, they were just too fast, and they were going to outscore them no matter what. So Krum decided that for everyone involved, it would be best just to capture the Snitch and put an end to all of it. So the Weasleys’ prediction comes true, that the Irish would win but Krum would get the Snitch. And I always wondered, did they just pull that out of their butt? Did they just say, “Okay, this is what’s going to happen in the Quidditch World Cup”? I mean, it was so accurate a prediction. It was almost like they had some sort of inside as to what was going to happen.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s interesting. Because we never get an explanation.

Eric: I feel like Jo eventually answered this. This is like the number one mystery for me, too because it just seems like they’re time traveling. You know, Fred and George, going through time, cheating people out of winnings that way. But yeah, I don’t know how they did it. And you’re right, it’s a million to one kind of odds thing where it’s like…

Micah: Yeah. But the one thing…

Eric: I think in Quidditch Through the Ages it’s even said something like how often that happens.

Micah: Yeah. Well, the thing is too, it does set up the whole joke shop storyline. Because without it, you don’t progress along that line. You never know, though, I guess. Even if Ludo did pay up – we’re discussing here how they knew it, but maybe that’s just a plot point. Jo said, “Okay, how am I going to get them to get enough money for the joke shop? Well, I’m going to write that they accurately predict the Quidditch World Cup and everything falls out from there.”

Andrew: There is a – I just did a quick Google search to find an answer and somebody has an editorial up and they suggest either they used a Time Turner, they just guessed, the match was fixed, or they used magic other than the Time Turner. So no solid theories, but I don’t think there is a specific answer. I don’t think Jo ever…

Eric: Yeah. I Googled it, too and I can’t find anything.

Andrew: I mean…

Eric: Maybe we should be using Bing, the decision engine.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Feel free to send in your thoughts, everyone listening. I don’t – I think they got lucky. And it’s typical Fred and George, right? Because they go against the popular opinion, and they end up with a positive outcome.

Micah: Yep. And once they face Ludo at the end of the chapter, he’s like “How much do I owe you guys?”

[Eric laughs]

Micah: So you can tell that that’s going to be a little bit of a problem moving forward. So the only other thing though was about Hermione sort of changing her opinion on Krum – I know you mentioned that earlier. We see that change a lot throughout the next couple chapters.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Dark Mark”

Andrew: All right, so now it’s time for Chapter 9, our final chapter for today.

Micah: “The Dark Mark.”

Eric: Beans! “The Dark Mark.” So…

Andrew: Another chapter where Harry learns a lot.

Eric: Yeah. There’s these separate moments, it almost seems – I’m not going to say forced, because it’s not ever seemed forced – but they totally stop amidst all the chaos, and there’s lots of chaos in this chapter, to learn things. So the chapter opens up, they’re heading back from the Quidditch match, and Mr. Weasley tells Fred and George not to tell their mother that they have been gambling. Even though they won all this money, “Don’t tell your mom you’ve been gambling.” I feel like Mr. Weasley’s a good guy, he’s a good time guy. He realizes…

Andrew: Hey, not to go too off-track, but when I read this, it made me think, why is Mr. Weasley with Mrs. Weasley? It just seems like nothing but hiding things from her. She’s always getting angry at everyone.

Eric: [laughs] This is going to be like our…

Andrew: Is this a healthy relationship? I’m not so sure about this relationship.

Eric: Didn’t we just talk about if Hermione and Ron are a healthy relationship?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Didn’t we do that?

Andrew: I mean sure, there were times when my dad said, “Don’t tell your mother this,” but it seems like Mr. Weasley’s always doing that. It’s like, so many secrets, I can’t handle it.

Eric: Yeah. Well, the twins agree. At any rate, the twins do agree that they don’t want their winnings confiscated.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Like their mom would take their money. Well, she did take their sweets at the beginning.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. She was like, “Accio sweets!” But anyway, they all go back, they’re really excited about the Quidditch match, nobody asks Fred and George how they knew the outcome. I don’t think – I didn’t read it, that they did.

Andrew: I don’t think so, we never got a real explanation.

Eric: Yeah, it’s really awkward. That seems to be a pressing issue. But anyway, I digress. They all pretty much fall asleep talking about the match, though it’s really late in the morning and Harry doesn’t even feel tired. Ginny falls asleep at the table and spills some hot chocolate, then Mr. Weasley says, “Okay everybody, off to bed.” So, Harry has this dream, and I had to say it because it’s canon, but I didn’t think it was. In Goblet of Fire, okay, right here, Harry’s asleep and he has this fantasy – he’s actually not quite asleep – he fantasizes that he “saw himself in robes that had his name on the back, and he imagined the sensation of hearing a hundred-thousand-strong crowd roar, as Ludo Bagman’s voice echoed throughout the stadium, ‘I give you… Potter!'” And the whole name on the back thing that was in the Quidditch World Cup, I forgot that that was actually what they did. I thought that having Harry’s name on the back of his Quidditch robes was a strict movie-ism. And number seven, when was Harry number seven? That just seemed like it was never in the book, but…

Andrew: Well, yeah. And I remember before Book 7 came out, we would speculate what Harry was going to do – in the epilogue because we knew there would be an epilogue – so we weren’t sure. And I think that was one of the stronger theories, that Harry would end up playing Quidditch one way or another in the future.

Eric: And Harry having this fantasy of him being a Quidditch player, this is one of those things where he’s fantasizing about being famous, but it’s for something that he earns. It’s for his prowess on the Quidditch field and…

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. Totally.

Eric: So it’s for skill and also – it’s interesting to have this moment because by the end of the book, Harry has such a task ahead of him, to kill Voldemort… This is before Voldemort comes back, so Harry’s actually considering a career aspiration that isn’t an Auror. Later on, he just says, “Well, I never really considered it, but I always figured I’d probably just fight dark wizards…”

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Now it’s kind of like – in the age of innocence, in a way.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly. It’s another sign of his childhood.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Because a lot of kids this age will be like, “I want to be a firefighter! I want to be the quarterback on my favorite football team!” So, and this – I think this is sort of like Hedwig being a sign of Harry’s childhood – this aspiration to become a Quidditch player is also a childhood dream that he grows out of, I think.

Micah: Yeah, he does. But I also wondered if it was a nod towards what happens with the Triwizard Tournament, because with Ludo Bagman introducing him in the first task, and having all those people around – maybe not a hundred thousand people, but there’s still a crowd there. So I wondered if it was a bit of foreshadowing to the Triwizard Tournament.

Eric: You know, that’s a good point. That’s a good point.

Andrew: And Harry has his name on the back of his – thing.

Eric: Well, in the movie.

Andrew: It says “Potter.”

Eric: Not in the – even in the book, do you think?

Andrew: Well, I don’t know about the book, but…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But yeah, it’s still connected.

Eric: Still connected.

Andrew: All right. Well, that was interesting.

Eric: So they have their nice little evening until the middle of the night – or later, later that night, [laughs] Mr. Weasley wakes Harry and Ron up. He says, “Get a jacket on! There’s no time to actually get dressed in proper clothes!” It’s pretty hectic from this point on. They go – Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Mr. Weasley are going to help the Ministry sort out this problem. People are running, people are scared, there are other children that are sort of walking, and Harry and Ron and Hermione make their way into the woods, and they are separated from Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys, but they make their way into the woods, and [laughs] Ron trips and – I forgot who lost their wand. It is Harry, but I felt like this is where Ron would lose his wand, but he says something – Hermione can’t find him, she uses Lumos, and she finds him. He tripped, and Ron says, “I tripped over a tree root,” he says angrily. He gets to his feet. And then they hear a voice [laughs] – I’ll read it quote-for-quote from the book: “‘Well, with feet that size, it’s hard not to,’ said a drawling voice from behind them. Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned sharply. Draco Malfoy was standing alone nearby, leaning against a tree, looking utterly relaxed. His arms folded, he seemed to have been watching the scene through a gap in the trees.” So…

Andrew: So he knew exactly what was going on.

Eric: Yeah. Basically, that’s what this amounts to. I said this as Draco like a great opening line, because he’s like, “Well, with feet that size…” I don’t know why he’s concerned with the size of Ron’s feet, but…

Andrew: Well, it’s a typical cheap insult.

Eric: Yeah. Cheap insult. Not very funny, you know. Whatever you can think of, flying by the seat of your pants sort of thing. But Draco has been watching this whole thing. So they meet Draco and they pretty much assume, especially by the end of the chapter, that Lucius Malfoy was out causing all this chaos. Now they meet a few other people in the woods; they sort of leave Draco. They encounter a French student who is looking – who is asking where Madam Maxime is. She’s like, “Ou est Madame Maxime?” and they don’t speak French so they’re like “What?” And she says, “Oh, Hogwarts” and Hermione assumes correctly that this is a student from Beauxbatons and Ron’s like “What?” And she says, “They must go to Beauxbatons. You know, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic… I read about it in An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe.” That’s what she says to him. Wouldn’t it have been easier for her to say “It’s another wizarding school in France” like she tells Ron…?

Andrew: Yeah, this is just “Hermione-Know-It-All” and as you point out in your notes, she does this twice! She goes, “I read about it in blah-blah-blah,” and it reminds me of in the movie when she goes “I read about it in Hogwarts: A History.”

Eric: Quite importantly, Harry realizes he’s lost his wand. At some point he reaches into his pocket, they’re traveling through the woods, and he’s like “I don’t have my wand.” So again we talk about Jo, how she’s less subtle about conveying information, but in this book it says “Harry usually kept his wand with him at all times in the wizarding world, and finding himself without it in the midst of a scene like this made him feel very vulnerable.” So she says that Harry’s feeling vulnerable because he doesn’t have his wand. By Book 7 she just kills Hedwig to make him feel vulnerable, but right now it’s just the loss of his wand. And pretty soon, Winky, the house elf, finds her way out of some bushes and it’s also stated in the books – this is verbatim: “She was moving in a most peculiar fashion, apparently with great difficulty; it was as though someone invisible were trying to hold her back.”

Andrew: So why didn’t Winky say – okay, Winky…

Eric: Basically Winky’s whole…

Andrew: Winky is told not to say anything.

Eric: …task is to babysit Barty Crouch Jr. so that he can go to the Quidditch World Cup. At least that’s what I remember, is that she basically has to look after him. I think it’s probably Barty Crouch Jr. that actually steals Harry’s wand. There is a Veela in the woods and this is interesting, there is like a clearing in the woods and there is a Veela and she is surrounded by all these men who are trying to impress the Veela. They say a few things. Harry recognizes Stan Shunpike who is telling the Veela that he is up for grabs for the next Minister of Magic. Kind of foreshadowing that the Minister of Magic will be kind of done with, but maybe a little early I guess for this. But it is a scene of chaos and Ron even at this point – this is kind of the thing with Harry having his leg over the box. Ron just out of context just jumps in, “And I’ve invented a broomstick that will travel to Jupiter.” [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, they are just trying to pull the most impressive things and I guess in Stan’s mind, to impress a woman, it’s – one of the most impressive things you could say is that you will be the next [laughs] Minister of Magic.

Eric: [laughs] Yeah, it’s kind of goofy.

Andrew: Yeah…

Eric: Andrew…

Andrew: …it is.

Eric: …way to pull the nerd card there. [laughs]

Andrew: Why? I guess he has an aspiring – he thinks being a Minister of Magic is cool, which sort of is.

Micah: And I mean, they cut all of this out of the movie for obvious reasons. But I mean, this whole Winky storyline was never included.

Andrew: And S.P.E.W.

Micah: Yeah, that too. I mean, that…

Eric: Yeah…

Micah: …comes in…

Eric: …and S.P.E.W.

Micah: …later on, but…

Andrew: The whole first 20-30 minutes of the Goblet of Fire movie moves so fast.

Eric: It does.

Micah: Yeah, they do.

Eric: That’s why I…

Andrew: Fourteen…

Eric: You – yeah, we were saying, I think – it wasn’t before the film came out, but after we saw the film. At the first live podcast, MuggleCast, I think we talked about how the Quidditch World Cup could be a 20-30 minute deal. And what we were just saying in Chapter-by-Chapter last chapter, all the advertising and stuff, you can kind of see it in the movie but it’s – the movie scene really only lasts fifteen seconds. They sit down, they grab their seats at the Wizarding World Cup and then there is that overhead shot where you see Fudge announce it. And then there is an overhead shot of the whole stadium, and that’s it. That’s the Quidditch World Cup. I mean, until nightfall. But it is very condensed.

Micah: No, I agree. It is very condensed, and I think they did a great job with it. I’m just disappointed that they left out such an integral part of Goblet of Fire because I think what it is is they have Harry just get caught up in a crowd, and he trips and loses his wand. And then Barty Crouch Jr. finds it and loses it. But there is so much more to the story that J.K. Rowling included in the books, so it was kind of disappointing to see it left out of the movie.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: And remember, this is the film that they first considered turning into two parts.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, I wonder how that…

Andrew: They have…

Eric: …would have…

Andrew: …said that.

Eric: Yeah, I wonder how that would have played out because if you think about…

Andrew: Well, a lot less would have been cut.

Eric: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: [sarcastically] Oh, really?

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Yeah, but I feel like…

Andrew: I mean…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: And they were – reading this back now – I mean, this is the first time I’ve read it in a while, probably since before the film came out. And it reminds you how much there was that could have been included. I mean…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …the whole S.P.E.W. thing would have taken up quite a bit of time, and I think it would have been interesting to see, even though the house-elves would have been expensive to…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …produce, but…

Micah: Yeah, instead of just throwing them on a camel for 0.5 seconds…

Andrew: That was the funniest…

Micah: …in the movie…

Andrew: …thing in…

Micah: …of the – in the beginning of Goblet of Fire.

Eric: Oh, to show that they had been to Egypt or what?

Micah: No, there is a scene…

Andrew: No.

Micah: …that Andrew – I think Andrew was the one who pointed it out.

Andrew: Somebody emailed it in to us.

Micah: Where there is house-elves in Goblet of Fire but it is literally for a second. It…

Eric: What?!

Andrew: At the Quidditch…

Micah: At the…

Andrew: …World Cup.

Micah: …Quidditch World Cup, yeah.

Eric: Oh, wow. What? That’s awesome.

Micah: They are…

Eric: That’s awesome.

Micah: …riding on a camel or [laughs] something like that.

Eric: [laughs] That’s – I don’t think that’s accurate. That’s really weird. If the movie were split into two, they obviously would have had to split every movie after that into two, wouldn’t they?

Micah: Probably.

Eric: Do you think?

Andrew: Yeah, I guess so. There definitely would have been a lot more pressure to do that.

Eric: 5 is…

Andrew: But…

Eric: …the longest…

Andrew: But then there wouldn’t have been time to release so many films. I mean, by the time they got to Deathly Hallows, the actors would have been too old. So that may have been an issue too, time constraints. Getting these films shot before the kids grew up too much. And Emma was rushing to cut her hair. She didn’t want to wait…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …any longer than she had to.

Eric: She would have gone – [laughs] anyway, moving on. What happens is they end up meeting up with Winky again. But they are in the woods and first they pass a group of goblins who are described as – I think it is the ones that Barty – or Ludo Bagman paid off because they are just huddled around their gold, and they seem totally disinterested in what is going on to the wizards. Basically, Ron, Harry and Hermione – they hear a voice in the woods. It is the incantation which sends off the Dark Mark and the incantation is Morsmordre. What do you think – what was the point of us hearing the incantation and then seeing this thing that we don’t yet know what it is. First we heard this low voice. I feel like it gives it a special entrance. What did you guys think when you were reading this?

Andrew: I thought it was a good introduction for the Dark Mark. There is – it was a very eerie, as you put, cryptic way to introduce it because Harry doesn’t know what it is, and this is one of the two major things he learns about in this chapter: the Dark Mark and also Death Eaters. And I was surprised to see that this was the first time he had been able to associate a term with those hooded masked figures. But no, I thought it was a fine introduction.

Micah: Yeah, I agree. It was very dark feeling, that something was definitely wrong. I mean, it’s just one of those things where you know that something isn’t right.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: And just the word itself, it has a deathly feeling about it.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: Yeah. And this particular scene is in the movie with him shouting, “Morsmordre!” But obviously, it rushes by pretty quick. There is a scene, I brushed through it really quick because – they interrogate Winky, they find Winky, she has Harry’s wand. We also learn in a kind of a Hermione-bookish moment, but I forget who says it. I think it is Bagman – says that there is under Article 3 of the section of International Magical Cooperation I think it is, that house-elves and other non-humans are not allowed to carry a wand. That is actually a breach of a law, only wizards can carry a wand. And this is mentioned in Book 7 I believe it is, when Griphook is talking about wizards being fair to other creatures because only wizards are allowed to carry a wand. All other beings that are magical can do magic, but not carry a wand. So…

Andrew: And we’ll discuss the elf rights stuff later when we get into S.P.E.W and all that.

Eric: But there are other wizards all around. This is what annoys me – who have actually seen the Dark Mark before. Mr. Weasley says later on, it was a simple, used only when Death Eaters killed, and imagine coming home and finding it above your house with your family – knowing that you can expect to find your family dead inside. That is an amazing image. It is horrible, it is dreadful. And this whole Hermione saying, “Oh, it’s simple. I read about it in this,” in front of all these other wizards seems almost disrespectful, certainly inappropriate. And it annoys me. Why is she like this? I just want to shake her.

Micah: Well, I mean, maybe she was the only one not afraid to admit what it was to Mr. Weasley and others around her – around him. That means something far more significant than it would to a fourteen-year-old Hermione. I mean…

Eric: So, they are…

Micah: …that part…

Eric: …in denial.

Micah: …could mean – well, maybe they don’t want to admit to themselves that he could possibly be back. Because that meant…

Andrew: Yeah, and they…

Micah: Yeah, go ahead.

Andrew: They said that they haven’t seen it in, what, thirteen years? Or something like that. So it’s been a really long time since they had seen the Dark Mark, and so…

Eric: So, it is…

Andrew: …I guess…

Eric: …almost like…

Andrew: …it is a bit…

Eric: …nobody would have talked…

Andrew: Yeah, it is denial and it is shock. And it is just in the moment.

Eric: Okay, so – yeah, to wrap up this chapter, we basically – we learnt that the Death Eaters or what is left of them, they were scared away by the Dark Mark. This is – they actually pretty much deduced that for themselves, Mr. Weasley and the trio, that somebody cast the Dark Mark and it actually scared the Death Eaters away. The Death Eaters had been torturing the Muggles, at least the Muggle family, Mr. Roberts and his wife. She is turned upside down in mid-air, exposing her knickers. It is pretty disgusting. And basically the Death Eaters were scared away by the Dark Mark. So somebody, perhaps even more faithful – and this brings back the first chapter of Goblet of Fire where Voldemort talks about his faithful servant at Hogwarts who is going to be called into action. Somebody almost more faithful than even these Death Eaters who were torturing these Muggles cast this Dark Mark. They were really close to Harry. They didn’t kill Harry even though they were right next to him, but apparently they scared the real Death Eaters away. So, it kind of – it is very foreboding. It is very, very scary leading up to the future of the book.

Listener Tweet: Harry Losing His Wand

Andrew: Okay, so that’s it for Chapter-by-Chapter. But first we have a couple of tweets sent in to our Twitter account, and Micah is going to run through them.

Micah: All right. We already talked about DoctorSubmarine with Ludo Bagman and his character being omitted from the movie. We know a lot of characters were omitted from the film. So, Lizz_Anne_B says:

“I feel like in Chapter 9, Harry losing his wand is too convenient and for Barty Crouch Jr. to find it too easy. What do you think?”

Andrew: Yeah, and especially because Harry is not one to drop his wand [laughs] and forget.

Eric: Well, Winky…

Micah: Well…

Eric: Winky, that’s the thing. I think – I…

Micah: That’s the movie though.

Eric: [sighs] Yeah, that’s the movie. I feel…

Andrew: What’s the movie?

Eric: Yeah, where he trips and drops his wand. A wand…

Andrew: No, I’m not even referring to the movie. I’m referring to the book.

Eric: Well, in the book…

Andrew: And he has…

Micah: I…

Andrew: …it with him in the book.

Eric: Winky is at the…

Micah: She steals it…

Eric: …scene of the crime. Winky steals…

Micah: She steals it…

Eric: …it from him. I mean…

Micah: …in the box.

Eric: Yeah, she doesn’t – oh, in the box?

Micah: Yeah, he loses his wand in the box.

Eric: Oh, I forgot…

Andrew: Yeah. Well…

Eric: …about that.

Andrew: …but no. But no. But see, that’s my point. It’s still – Harry doesn’t do that. [laughs]

Eric: Well…

Andrew: I mean…

Eric: …wouldn’t Harry have realized that he lost…

Andrew: It’s sort of like a cell phone. You always check to make sure you have it before you go to your next – like me.

Eric: It is…

Andrew: I’m checking my…

Eric: …like a cell phone. It really is. That’s a good comparison.

Andrew: When I’m out and about, I’m checking to see if I have my cell phone with me. I mean, that’s how the wand should be treated too.

Micah: Well, especially that he goes back to the tent, goes to sleep and doesn’t realize that it is missing until he is in the forest. [laughs]

Andrew: Exactly.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. That is…

Andrew: That is…

Eric: …weird.

Andrew: Yes.

Eric: But okay…

Andrew: This is my point. It is…

Eric: But okay, even if she hadn’t stolen it then, remember, they meet up with Winky before they actually meet up with Winky the second time after she has cast the spell. So Winky – where she is dragging something as if it were invisible, they meet her then. So she could have stolen Harry’s wand then. Even though she stole it in the box – if Jo were so inclined, she has them meeting that other time and just after that happens, Harry realizes that he has lost his wand.

Listener Tweet: House-elves at Hogwarts

Micah: Okay. JazminesWings says:

“If Winky isn’t in the movies along with the other house-elves besides Dobby, what do you think they are going to do in ‘Deathly Hallows’?”

Well Eric, you have seen the movie and Kreacher…

Eric: I assume…

Micah: …and Dobby are both there.

Eric: Yeah, they are both there. I assume she means as far as the final battle where house-elves are throwing pots and pans, and forks and knives at the Death Eaters.

Andrew: I’m sure…

Eric: It will be weird actually.

Andrew: I think they will have them.

Eric: They will – but it will…

Andrew: It will be weird.

Eric: But it is weird because even in the movies, you see the food just appear and because you never go down underneath the kitchens in the movie, seeing a bunch of weird elves that we haven’t seen before residing at Hogwarts coming out of Hogwarts would probably be weird. I don’t – I feel like…

Andrew: But maybe they will just be in the background. There won’t be a big scene with the house-elves rebelling – or not rebelling, fighting. It’s just – you see them in the background or you see them mixed in with the crowd because I think it would be a nice tribute to the book. And considering how long the battle is going to be, they need as much variety as possible.

Eric: They do…

Andrew: So seeing…

Eric: …need variety.

Andrew: …the house-elves would be great for the book – for the film.

Eric: I agree with that. But I feel like the final battle is already going to be really different than it is in the book because…

Andrew: Probably.

Eric: …as we have seen in the trailers for both parts, Voldemort and Harry alone in the middle of a courtyard with half of Hogwarts missing. That is totally different and – because there is nobody surrounding them also fighting. So that is going to be interesting how they get to that statement. So, I almost want to say – I feel like we won’t see giants storming the battlefront. You have to see that because it is such an iconic scene in the book. But I really wonder what it is going to look like because things like house-elves, they could just not include if the movie takes them a different place. And they would – it would still be a satisfying Battle of Hogwarts.

Listener Tweet: Bill Weasley

Micah: Yeah. I mean, I think – I would hope that – like Andrew said, that they would be there as a tribute to the books. The same thing with the centaurs and I don’t remember if the Merpeople got involved either, but certainly sort of as a whole group coming together to fight against Voldemort. But – final tweet is from Gryffin_Sandler, who says:

“Why is Bill just as smart as Percy but so much cooler? How do you think it affects Percy?”

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: Percy just has personality issues. He is very stuck-up, he is in serious need of friends and a life. Yeah, whereas Bill has friends and a life. So obviously, we lost a lot of Muggles during this whole battle. And in memory of these poor people who lost their lives, we have a song to play for them because as we all know, we now – well, we’re getting back to a tradition on MuggleCast where we play a song in memory of those who have passed away as we read their deaths in the series. So, this song was chosen by Eric and this is for them.

[“The Ballroom Blitz” by Sweet plays]

Andrew: [sings with the song] “Ballroom Blitz.”

[Song continues]

Andrew: So rest in peace, dear Muggles.

Eric: Dear Muggles. Poor Muggles. A lot of craziness at the hand of – they even said in that chapter the Death Eaters used to kill people just for fun. Just for fun.

Show Close

Andrew: That’s right. Well, it’s been a very full show and a very long one, so we’re going to wrap it up. We want to remind everybody about our website, It’s got all the information you need about the show, including how to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, get all the episodes, get all the transcripts, read about us…

Micah: Transcripts, yeah.

Andrew: …because you know you like to read about us. And…

Eric: Ooh.

P.O. Box Update

Andrew: …I have a very exciting announcement. We now have a new P.O. Box. Laura…

Eric: Whoa!

Andrew: …of course, now is in Maryland for her studies and it is just faster if the mail goes to someone else. So it’s going to go to me from now on. [laughs] And…

Eric: Awww.

Andrew: …we have a…

Eric: That’s awesome.

Andrew: …new P.O. Box. If you have sent mail and it didn’t get sent back to you, we did receive it and – so we do have it. So don’t worry if you sent it to the old P.O. Box. We still received it and we thank you very much for what you have sent. We really do appreciate it. We have a new P.O. Box. It is on the MuggleCast website. It is:

Andrew Sims
PO Box 3634
Fullerton, CA

So that is a long address, so just visit, click on ‘Contact’ at the top and you will see the new P.O. Box there. You can send us baked goods, small animals, items for Micah for his news desk, etc., etc.

Micah: Bobble heads. I like…

Eric: Bobble heads.

Micah: …bobble heads.

Andrew: Bobble…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …heads for sure. You don’t have to send anything. We set up the P.O. Box a long time ago because people wanted to send us written letters and actually, I have a couple here on my bulletin board. Nice memories…

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: …and stuff.

Eric: Christmas cards are nice. People always do really nice things for us for Christmas.

Andrew: Yeah, so – and we’ll get back to thanking people on the air for things that come in, so send us stuff!

Eric: And it is…

Andrew: We’d like…

Eric: …Matt’s birthday.

Andrew: …to receive it.

Eric: It is – Matt Britton’s birthday is today. So, happy birthday.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: Yes, or send Matt a gift. So, you can also find a feedback form on the ‘Contact Us’ page to write in, give us your thoughts about everything that we discussed today. We want to hear how you – what did you – how do you think Fred and George figured out who would win the Quidditch World Cup? I mean, if anyone could figure it out easily, surely everyone would do it, and bet on it and make big money, right? So, a lot to debate there.

Micah: And I’m sure…

Andrew: So yeah,…

Micah: …we made a mistake or two somewhere…

Andrew: …has all the information…

Micah: …along the line.

Andrew: …you need. Yes, that’s right. So, that does it for this week’s show. We will – probably our next episode may be a live one since the trailer is probably due out soon. I am guessing – it is very – it is imminent at this point. Thanks again everyone for listening! I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We’ll see you next time for Episode 209. Buh-bye!

Micah: Bye!

[Show music continues]

Transcript #207

MuggleCast 207 Transcript

Show Intro

[Intro music begins]

Andrew: Looking to start your own website? The first thing you need is a domain name, and the best place to get one is at With your domain registration you’ll get hosting, a free blog, complete email, and much more. Plus, as a MuggleCast listener, enter code Ron, that’s R-O-N, when you check out and get your dot com domain name for just $7.49 a year. Get your piece of the internet at!

[“Hedwig’s Theme” plays]

David Heyman: Hello this is David Heyman and I’m the producer of the Harry Potter films and this is MuggleCast.

[Show music begins]

Micah: Because Matt can predict the future, this is MuggleCast Episode 207, for August the 25th, 2010.

[Show music continues]

Andrew: Welcome, everyone, to Episode 207! We have two people on the show this week that we haven’t heard from in a while, Mikey and Jamie. Hey guys.

Jamie and



Jamie: So how long haven’t we been on for? Mikey, when were you last on?

Andrew: Well – you – it’s only been a couple weeks. But Mikey, I think this is the first time he’s on as a married man!

Jamie: No way!

Mikey: Well, maybe, maybe no, I think I was on once.

Andrew: Oh.

Mikey: Or maybe I was sick and that’s why I cancelled. No, I was – I was supposed to be, but I cancelled, because I was feeling sick that day.

Andrew: Well, let’s get an update on married life. What’s it like, Mikey? Tell us, tell us, please! We all want to know!

Mikey: Kind of like life before I was married. [laughs]

Andrew: Oh…

Mikey: I know, it’s not that exciting…

Jamie: Mikey, what’s your tip for staying together? “Mikey’s Top Three Tips for Staying Together.”

Mikey: She is always right.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Two more…

Jamie: You can be abstract if you want, but say it like an old Chinese proverb.

Mikey: [laughs] Communication.

Andrew: And honesty, right?

Mikey: And – honesty. Definitely honesty.

Jamie: Awww.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Mikey: There we go. Thank you, Andrew.

Andrew: Well let’s…

Jamie: Three brand new things I’ve never heard before.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Mikey: Well you know, Jamie, it takes time. We’ll teach you a little bit here.

Andrew: Well, we all need to be honest for today’s show, because there’s lots of Deathly Hallows content to be talking about. There’s a news bonanza. We’ve got lots to talk about today. I’m Andrew Sims.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

[Intro music plays]

Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum! Give us the news this week, please. You are the leader in the news industry.

Jamie: Leader of the pack.

Andrew: I always look forward to your news reports.

Micah: Well thank you, Andrew.

Andrew: No problem.

News: Deathly Hallows Screen Test

Micah: [laughs] Well, Deathly Hallows was screen-tested yesterday in Chicago, and our own Emerson and Eric were there. It seems like Eric always ends up at a test screening of a Harry Potter movie somehow.

Andrew: He was also at the Half-Blood Prince one.

Micah: Yes, he was.

Andrew: But with a – he got lucky with the Half-Blood Prince one, and then with this one, Deathly Hallows, it was Emerson who was walking out of the movie theater, and some guy just approached him and said, “Hey, can you come to a screening tomorrow? We’re testing a movie.”

Jamie: No! No way. Really?

Andrew: That’s really what happened. Yeah.

Jamie: No, that’s insane. That’s like…

Andrew: You know…

Jamie: …I can’t think of what that’s like, but that…

Andrew: People think that there’s a conspiracy, but there’s really not. Like, it’s a Nielsen guy – you know, it was completely unrelated.

Jamie: It was a what guy? A what guy?

Andrew: Nielsen. Nielsen ratings.

Micah: Okay, so a couple of the big bullet points from the test screening, the first one is the movie is about two hours and thirty minutes so do you guys think this is enough time? I know Emerson said yesterday that he thought it might be a little bit too long for some of the casual movie goers.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: What do you guys think?

Jamie: Yeah, it probably is.

Andrew: [sighs] I guess, maybe. I mean most Harry Potter films are two and a half hours. I think the reason Emerson said that it would be too long for casual people because it that because it’s so loyal to the book, Part I, that it has a lot of things that non-fans would not appreciate. That’s the impression that I got.

Micah: We finally got confirmation that Hedwig does indeed die.

Andrew: Oh, good.

Micah: There was a lot of speculation about that the last couple of weeks because of the scene of Harry letting Hedwig go…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …but we learn that she does come back and save his life in some capacity. So, I guess that’s a good thing that they didn’t cut it out…

Andrew: Yeah, people were really – people were really, very, horrible, I think. Like in the MuggleNet comments when we did a report on that; people were like, “No! Hedwig must die!”

Jamie: Why?

Andrew: They were saying it with such fury.

Mikey: Well, you know what it’s also, though – do you remember reading the book for the first time?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: This was the first death we were introduced to, at the beginning of the book. It was like, for me…

Andrew: It was shocking?

Mikey: It was shocking. I was like, “You’ve got to be kidding me! Really?”

Jamie: I didn’t think that.

Mikey: Of everything that dies, it’s Hedwig. So I was totally taken aback.

Jamie: Yeah, but Mikey, but Mikey, how much were you taken aback because the owl died or were you taken aback because it was an actually shocking death? Because I thought, wow that’s pretty bad, but I was sort of expecting – I don’t know what I was expecting. I just thought…

Mikey: You know, Jamie, I think it was you on the MuggleNet Deathly Hallows tour, afterwards, that you said, “When Hedwig died that was the end of Harry’s innocence.”

Andrew: That’s what Jo said. That’s what…

Mikey: Is that what Jo said?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Oh, I remember something like that.

Andrew: It’s the end of his childhood.

Jamie: Well Mikey, you must think – you obviously think well of me.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Well, you know, I have to sometimes. But it’s one of those things where – I definitely agree. Hedwig had to die. It was part of the book.

Jamie: Yeah, true. That’s true.

Mikey: It was one of those – it was a pivotal moment in the book. Because now you knew that everything – there was – no one’s safe. If Hedwig is not safe, there’s nothing else safe in the book.

Jamie: No one is, yeah. It’s true and it kind of came full circle as well.

Micah: Now, one of the other things that was confirmed was the split and I know Jamie and Mikey, we don’t know what your thoughts are on this because, as Andrew was saying, you guys haven’t been on in a little bit. That the film is going to be split where Voldemort goes and grave-robs Dumbledore and steals the Elder Wand. So you guys think that’s a good spot for the film to be split?

Jamie: That’s quite a cannon part for it to be split. I guess that’s going to please people who know what comes next but is that going to be good for people who don’t know the significance of him taking the Elder Wand?

Andrew: I think it’s, well – there is some build-up prior to him taking the Elder Wand because in the book we do get an explanation. We learn that the Elder Wand is all-powerful. It can defeat anyone. So I think the movie-goers are going to get that introduction to the Elder Wand, realize that…

Jamie: They will get that, will they?

Andrew: What’s that?

Jamie: Well, they will know. If people go and haven’t read the book, will they get from the film how powerful the Elder Wand is?

Andrew: Well, hopefully. Yeah, that’s the hope. So they will get that explanation from Ollivander and then they see Voldemort taking control over the Elder Wand and then it cuts to black and my thinking is, W.B. is thinking, “Okay, this is a great spot because he gets the wand and everyone is going to be left thinking, Oh my God. How is Harry going to get out of this?”

Jamie: Yeah, true. Actually, that’s quite interesting. I mean, that is a good – that makes sense as long as people know the significance of it. Otherwise, it could look a bit – I don’t know what the word is, but not serious enough to split the film.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Well, I think it’s a good spot because I definitely think they’ll have something that you have to explain what it is. This is kind of like getting Excalibur. It’s a game changer. You know, once Voldemort gets this wand that is undefeatable, how is our hero going to defeat him? So definitely I think it’s a great spot because it leaves you wanting more.

Jamie: Yeah. Yeah, that’s true.

Mikey: That’s what W.B. wants. They want you to want more, to go see Part II. Not to just say, oh well, I’m over it. So definitely, yeah. I think it’s a great spot to end it.

Micah: One of the things that Eric talked a lot about in the part of his review was Bellatrix’s character development, particularly in the scene where she is torturing Hermione. He said that in it and of itself will give the movie a PG-13 rating. He said that it really brings out a side of Bellatrix, an aspect of her character that we haven’t seen before. What drives her to torture Hermione is both interesting and exciting on film. When Hermione awakens from being tortured, she notices the word Mudblood carved into her arm.

Andrew: That’s so cool. That’s so cool. That’s almost, that’s very Joker-like too. Dark Knight. You know how Joker would always leave his mark, like the Joker cards?

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Now Bellatrix is leaving Mudblood in her arm. That is so cool.

Jamie: That’s kind of like Book 5 as well. Umbridge.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. Very true.

Jamie: In a way.

Andrew: So all these reviews, overall, were very positive. Everybody was saying – One reviewer said, “I can’t believe this is only Part I.” Which meant that she felt very fulfilled. She was very satisfied with this. So I think this is very exciting. I cannot wait to see this movie! And people were worried about Part I because Part I – it’s the slower part of the book. So, as one of the reviewers said, if Part I is this good – oh my God, can you imagine how good Part II is going to be?

Mikey: Well, my biggest concern for Part II would be is, because Part I is the slower part of the book, it means you have a lot more time to develop characters and get into it. The last thing I want is Part II being a big old roller-coaster where there’s no development, no story. It’s all action, action, action.

Jamie: I think it will be quite a bit of action, though. It’s going to – they’re going to concentrate on that.

Mikey: Yeah, I want plenty of action, you know, I want the battles. I do want that, but I want the – I really want the stuff that they’re dealing with because, again, we’re so emotionally attached to Harry at this point in time.

Jamie: It is going to be hard, yeah. It’s going to be hard to sum up everything, to…

Mikey: Yeah.

Jamie: …in two and a half hours, to take it completely full-circle – sum it all up, include all the action – and satisfy the big fans and the casual movie-goers and I think they’ve got their work cut out more in Part II than in Part I, to be honest.

Mikey: Yeah, because Part I, I think, is more like the other books where there’s a general pacing all the way through with enough action towards the end. And there’s enough action towards the end of where the split is to kind of give it the full movie effect…

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: Whereas, with Part II there’s just so much going on. The book – reading it was a roller-coaster, all over the place, but that was because it was the whole thing. Now, by taking it separate, they have a lot of work to do in Part II to make it a complete movie versus action, action, action.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, and the end. The end as well.

Andrew: And so now we know that Part II will start with the heist, as Dan Radcliffe described it, when they go into Gringotts Bank and they break into the Lestrange vault. And from there it’s just action-packed! And there have been rumors of the final battle scenes lasting a good hour, which is incredible.

Jamie: That will be incredible.

Andrew: Yeah, that will be some damn good filmmaking.

Micah: A couple more things though; one of the ones I wanted to bring up that’s actually kind of big in terms of the plot, is that Pettigrew doesn’t die in Part I, he gets stunned by Dobby. And so the question is, how are they going to kill Pettigrew off in Part II?

Andrew: Oh wow! So maybe they’re just going to throw him into the battle. That’s odd. I wonder why they did that.

Mikey: It could be he’s also one of the characters we know throughout the films and it’s one of those things where seeing him in the battle – and dying in the battle – kind of could symbolize the death of the Death Eaters.

Andrew: The evil.

Mikey: Yeah, he’s also the one that brought Voldemort back. And he’s been there. He’s been this constant character that we realized was bad all the way across.

Jamie: So wait – are you saying that he isn’t killed with the hand? With the silver…

Micah: Not in Part I, no.

Jamie: So – oh right! That is quite weird though, because that was a great scene. That was an amazing way that – it’s quite a good moral for the whole…

Andrew: Did we ever get an explanation about his hand?

Jamie: Well…

Andrew: I mean, we see it in Goblet of Fire turn, but I don’t think we know what the significance was.

Jamie: Wasn’t there a theory about it that was Voldemort did it on purpose, knowing that Pettigrew was – his loyalty wavered and it wasn’t that strong and so he gave him this hand knowing that if Harry saved his life it would turn on him or something? I can’t remember what it was. But yeah, it was always an interesting thing throughout the books – what’s going to happen with his hand? Why would Voldemort help him even though he says he rewards his followers, why would he do that without…

Andrew: Yeah, I mean it did turn on him. I just don’t think in the films, we see an explanation for that, so maybe that’s why they changed the way he dies. Hopefully he does die, though.

Jamie: Perhaps. Hopefully. It was cool, though.

Andrew: He can’t escape again! [laughs] Yeah. Anything else?

Micah: What do you guys think about the Three Brothers being told as an animated sequence?

Mikey: I’m excited.

Jamie: I think it’s weird. It’s very weird, isn’t it? How are they going to do it?

Andrew: People were happy with it, they said in the reviews. I guess Hermione narrates. Is that right, Micah?

Micah: Yeah, that’s right. Now, speaking of Hermione, I don’t think we can do this episode without talking about the side boob?

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Yes, there are reports that the love scene between Harry and Hermione is very sexual. It’s very sexy.

Jamie: I’m sure they’ve done it on purpose. I’m sure they’ve done all that on purpose.

Mikey: Of course, they did.

Andrew: They look like smoke figures, but they look real, and there’s a little piece of dialogue where Ron says something about Twilight? Like it’s not as good as Twilight?

Jamie: No way! Oh, that’s horrible!

Andrew: This one reviewer thought it was a Twilight – oh, here we go. This reviewer, Gabby, who sent a great review in, by the way, she said:

“A ‘Twilight’ reference was made when Hermione begins to read the ‘Tale of the Three Brothers’. The scene sort of went like this, not exact words: Hermione says, ‘One day long ago, three brothers decided to go out traveling the world together at twilight.’ Then Ron says, ‘It’s midnight. My mom always says midnight.’ Hermione gives Ron an angry look. Ron instantly backs off. Ron says, ‘Oh, no, you’re right. Twilight is good. Twilight is better.'”

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Oh, that’s ridiculous.

Andrew: I don’t know if that’s really…

Jamie: Is that word for word?

Mikey: I don’t think that’s a reference to…

Jamie: Is that word for word from the book? Or I bet…

Andrew: No, no, no. But she says it’s not exact words from the movie, but that’s basically what they said.

Jamie: If it’s like that, though, screenwriters think about every word, every sentence. I doubt they could read that without knowing what it meant.

Andrew: Thinking Twilight. Yeah. [laughs] That’s funny.

Micah: But let’s wrap it up with the house-elves. Kreacher – we had this issue on the MiniCast yesterday where Eric and Emerson paused briefly when we mentioned Kreacher and it was because they don’t do the flashback to Regulus and Kreacher in the cave, but Kreacher is in the film and it’s clear that he does obey Harry and do what’s asked of him.

Andrew: Okay. That’s good. And Dobby makes a surprise appearance we hear.

Micah: Yeah. I heard that people were clapping a lot every time Dobby showed up on the screen but that Dobby’s death is very emotional and pretty much everybody had some tears in their eyes during that scene.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. Oh boy. I’m sad just thinking about it.

[Jamie sighs]

Andrew: Those were the test screenings. Very exciting. This sort of came out of nowhere but they’ve done it for pretty much every film I think. And I’m sure it will happen again for Part II and we’ll get some nice early reviews for Part II as well.

Micah: For anything else, just check out the reviews because there is obviously a lot of stuff but those were kind of the major points.

Andrew: Yeah. We have five reviews on MuggleNet now. They’re all very good so visit MuggleNet and you’ll see them right at the top. What else is going on, Micah?

News: Deathly Hallows: Part I Video Game for Xbox

Micah: Well, the Phelps twins did a demo of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 video game using the new Xbox Kinect technology. What are your guys thoughts on this game? I mean, it seems to be a little bit better overall…

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: …than what people were expecting from Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince.

Jamie: I’ve not seen the game since Order of the Phoenix so this – I bet this is incredible now. I’ve completely lost track with the technology and I remember it improving a hell of a lot back then. So…

Andrew: Yeah, well, the special thing with this Part I video game for Xbox is it’s using the Kinect technology. It’s this new thing Microsoft developed where it…

Jamie: It’s like the Wii isn’t it?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. But there’s no controller. Your body is the controller. So you’re going to be able to throw spells with your body and the Phelps twins demoed this and I was watching the video. It looks interesting. They really do move their wands – or their arm to cast a spell. It’s a good gimmick, I guess, but personally when I’m playing video games I’m there to be lazy. I don’t want to be moving around, standing up. I just want to sit there with my controller. So, Mikey, you’re a bit of a video game nerd. What do you think of this Xbox Kinect and how it relates to Harry Potter?

Mikey: I don’t really like the Kinect that much. I think it’s a cool concept, but you know what? I was really excited for the Order of the Phoenix game with the Wii and being able to cast spells and I was let down on that, let down on a couple other games that the Wii really was going to do all sorts of fun things with, even when they added the additional piece to give you 3D space with the Wiimote, I was kind of disappointed. I have a friend who has the Kinect and its – to me it’s a novelty kind of like – it reminds me a lot of when the Wii first came out and everyone’s like Wii Sports is amazing.

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: And don’t get me wrong, Wii Sports is fun and Kinect is fun, but it’s – I don’t know…

Jamie: Isn’t it…

Mikey: If a whole game played with it would be…

Jamie: Isn’t it a bit before…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: …it’s time – that type of gaming where you don’t have a controller or anything just feels to me like its 20 years in the future when you’ve got a bit of VR or something like that. It just – I don’t know…

Mikey: Yeah…

Jamie: It just seems a bit…

Mikey: I agree with you. I agree with you on that. Its not that it’s too early for it I think it has to start somewhere, but I will say I think the technology and the game development on it – I think it’s a little disproportionate in the sense that – at least in my experience with the Wii that and don’t get me wrong I love the Wii. I play all the Mario Kart stuff and everything, but it’s one of those things where I think the ideal of it and the actual practicality of it’s just not there yet.

Jamie: Yeah, exactly.

Mikey: You’re not completely immersed in it yet.

Andrew: What else is going on Micah?

News: BBFC Rates Part I Trailer

Micah: Well, the BBFC has approved the first trailer for Part I of Deathly Hallows. But the question is when will we see it? According to their site, the trailer is two minutes and six seconds long, it’s rated PG, and as I made the mistake, this is the rating for the trailer not the rating for the film.

Andrew: Micah IM’d me in a tiff. He was like, “Are you serious? How could they rate it PG?” I was like, “It’s just the trailer. Don’t worry.”

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: So, pretty soon, I would think. Within the next couple of weeks we will get this trailer.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Right?

Andrew: Yeah, and there’s been rumors about the Part I trailer coming out at the end of August, and I don’t know what films are coming up that they could debut it with, but I think now is the time. We’re three months out. We need a trailer for this film – for this individual film.

Micah: Well, I was going to ask you if you think it would be similar to what you guys saw at Comic Con, but so much of that was from Part II as well. Right?

Andrew: Yeah. There was a big mix of both in that, so I don’t think that was it. Though we did see Seven Potters which was cool. There were also rumors that it could debut in September so I would say within the next month we will have this trailer. If it’s approved now then at least we know it’s finished. It’s ready to go, whatever they decide to do with it.

Micah: Well, now does it come here? Does it come to the MPAA to be approved?

Andrew: I guess – yes. But the difference is…

Jamie: It’s going to be quicker though isn’t it?

Andrew: Probably. But the…

Jamie: Than the initial one.

Andrew: …difference with the MPAA…

Micah: Yeah, we have no morals.

Andrew: …that you can’t go on their site and see the approvals. I guess it’s some law in England that the ratings have to be posted or whatever.

News: Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey Sees 1 Million Riders

Micah: All right. Final bit of news for the week, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey down in Orlando has seen 1 million riders.

Jamie: Aw, that’s incredible. Have you guys been on that one?

Andrew: That’s huge. Yeah!

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: And how is it? Is it fast?

Andrew: It’s…

Micah: It’s awesome.

Andrew: …it is fast. It does throw you around. I’ve got to be honest after I rode it for a second time, I’m not – it – I don’t know what to say. I don’t love it.

Micah: Oh, don’t trash it, Andrew.

Andrew: I don’t love it. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it.

Micah: Well, I think the problem with it is that it shifts you too much in between virtual and actual set. You know what I mean, Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah and it’s just such a mess. The story – it’s all over the place. I feel like they could have come up with such a more clear story. I don’t know.

Jamie: Is it canon? Or is it completely made up?

Andrew: Yeah, it’s completely made up. You see a lot of stuff from the books and films, but it’s still – and you see the actors. They did a really good job with it. It’s just the story, it’s just, ugh. What am I watching?

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t know what’s going on. I just – you see people, you see scary things, and then it’s over and you’re like, “What just happened?” [laughs] I don’t know.

Mikey: But that’s how all the rides are. That’s how all the rides are. That’s how all those types of rides are.

Andrew: And as I have said on a previous episode that when you are doing one giant ride for the Harry Potter series I guess that’s the only way to do it. You have to throw as much in as possible so you can cover everything in Harry’s world. And there’s a lot of stuff in the Wizarding World. The theme park overall though is fantastic. I love it, but that that ride – it was 1 million riders? I did the math. That’s about 16,000 a day. That’s pretty incredible.

Jamie: Oh, that’s a lot. I wonder how many people they’ve got through the gates then. I wonder if they’re making money. Well, I guess they are making money, but profit I mean.

Andrew: Oh, yeah. They posted – Universal posted good results. They’ve spiked their ticket prices twice since the park opened.

Jamie: How much is it now?

Andrew: I think close to $100.

Jamie: Oh, what? Just to get into the Harry Potter one?

Andrew: I think for the day. No, no. Well, you get into the whole Universal park.

Jamie: That is a lot of money. Actually, actually, wait, wait. Is it for all of Universal then? Is that what you’re saying? It’s for all the entire complex.

Andrew: I think so, I think so.

Micah: The park hopper? Yeah, I just went ahead and bought a four day, which was only like $140. So it’s actually cheaper to buy it for multiple days.

Andrew: Right, right. The more you buy, the more you save.

Micah: Yeah, but that’s amazing though, if you think about that. You mention it’s only been open for a month, or a little over a month. Well, two months now, I guess. Right?

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: But when you posted the story, it had just been a little bit over a month. So…

Andrew: One day, two parks. Meaning you get access to both of their parks for one day, is $112.

Jamie: Whoa!

Andrew: One day, one park is $82. They do have one nice thing which is that if you – you can buy an after 2:00 PM pass for, I think, about $45. And that’s what I did one day.

Jamie: So when does it close?

Andrew: 8:00 or 9:00 PM? So…

Jamie: All right, that – that’s not bad at all then.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jamie: That’s like eight hours.

Andrew: And there’s no line in the afternoon. When I went there, there was no – you just walk right in. You can – I mean you have to wait a little bit for the rides, but you can go up, get a Butterbeer, go to the bar, get a Strongbow.

Jamie: Yeah, oh yeah.

Andrew: It was all good. So I definitely recommend that after 2:00 PM pass.

Jamie: Hmm.

Andrew: Okay.

Mikey: Jamie, you want to go?

Jamie: Yeah, yeah. I’ll bear that in mind. I’ll just cough up $1,000 for the thing.

Andrew: You can buy it right now. It’s 3:00 PM right now when we’re recording.

Jamie: I don’t know if I can get there in time, but I can probably get like two hours. No, no…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: I want the – I would have to fly now.

Andrew: You’d need a private jet. Anything else going on, Micah?

Micah: No, that’s it.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: We’re done.

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Back to the Burrow”

Andrew: All right. So, Chapter-by-Chapter this week, we’re looking at Goblet of Fire, Chapters 4 through 6 – the fourth book. And it starts with “Back to the Burrow”, Chapter 4. And again, these chapters are pleasant in that they’re nice and short. So we’re going to get through them pretty quick. The chapter opens with the Dursleys eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Weasleys. And of course, again there’s all this awkward tension. The Dursleys are nervous, Harry is nervous that something is going to go down. And Vernon, of course, is concerned about what they’ll be wearing and their mode of transportation because Vernon hates not seeing – hates these wizards showing up, but then also them standing out. He doesn’t want to make a scene to the neighbors. So the Weasleys don’t arrive normally. They arrive by Floo Powder but they get stuck in the fireplace because Mr. Dursley has it all boarded up; he’s using an electric fireplace for some reason. And after some awkward tension among the two families, Harry’s things are collected and they head back one-by-one to the Burrow. And the Weasley twins came, and it seems like the only reason they came to help pick up Harry was purely to get back at Dudley because Fred drops the candy. He spills some candy on the way back into the fireplace, and he knows that Dudley is going to pick it up. And so finally, only when Mr. Weasley and Harry are left, Mr. Dursley only says goodbye to Harry once Mr. Weasley urges him to do so. And all of sudden, Dudley begins throwing up out of control. Mr. Weasley tries to fix it, but Petunia blocks Dudley and Vernon starts throwing objects at Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley insists that Harry leave. Harry peaces out and the common trend between wizards and the Dursleys seems that nothing ever goes as planned.

Mikey: Was he throwing up or did his tongue get engorged?

Jamie: His tongue got huge.

Andrew: I think it was a mix – yeah, his tongue got…

Mikey: I thought it was just that his tongue got huge. You said throwing up, and I was like “Wait a minute…”

Jamie: But I think he choked on his tongue, didn’t he? Perhaps he threw up also, though.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, he was choking on his tongue because of him and Aunt Petunia were…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …trying to pull the tongue out of his mouth because it was so big.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

[Jamie laughs]

Chapter-by-Chapter: “Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes”

Andrew: And this is – as we get into the next chapter, Chapter 5, “Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes” – this is the first time we see the Weasley twins’ new business developing. So, as soon as Harry arrives at the Burrow in Chapter Five, Fred asks if Dudley ate the Ton-Tongue Toffee. It turns out they just invented it this summer. I’m pretty sure this is the first time we see one of Fred and George’s products that they developed. Right?

Jamie: Aren’t there fireworks before? I swear they let off something. When do they test them? Is it in this book that they test them in the common room? Because I swear in this one it’s the big testing session where they serve – taking down notes and stuff. But I swear in the past they set off a firework or something or I could just be making that up.

Andrew: Well, maybe they did set off fireworks, but I think this is the first time that we see their own products.

Jamie: It’s got serious as well, yeah?

Andrew: Yeah…

Jamie: That’s probably true.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah. But going back to what you said, though, about them going to the Dursleys’ with the strict intention to get at Dudley, I think it’s because Fred and George kind of view Harry as a brother in a way. And they’re kind of being protective of him and they’ve heard all the stories about Dudley, so they’re just looking to have some fun with him.

Mikey: And they’ve also been there once before when they broke him out of his room.

Andrew: And the Weasley twins, they’re smart. That is a good test subject to try out their new product on. So why not?

[Mikey laughs]

Andrew: And that is sort of what they explain to Mr. Weasley when he’s yelling at them. And when they do get back to the Burrow, we’re introduced to Bill and Charlie for the first time, and at the same time, we’re seeing Mr. Weasley return and yell at Fred and George for doing that to Dudley. And then Ginny and Hermione enter the room, and in a bit of foreshadowing, Jo notes that Ginny has been a bit taken with Harry ever since they first met.

Jamie: Oh yeah, the foreshadowing. Her foreshadowing has improved a lot since those days when…

Andrew: You think so?

Jamie: I think so. I can’t give any examples. That’s just my instinct, though, because I remember then it’s like Ginny went red, stuff like that. Actually no, that’s a complete lie because in the first book when Peeves is talking in his sing-song voice and then Fluffy is still asleep and that saves them. Do you guys remember that?

Andrew: Mhm, yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, that was a brilliant piece of – I guess that’s not foreshadowing completely, but it’s kind of not explaining what’s happening.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: In fact, if anyone can make sense of that, email me because I don’t know what I’ve just said.

[Jamie and Andrew laugh]

Jamie: I swear – I got confused. I got confused.

Andrew: Are you saying that – I mean, on one hand, you don’t really know that there’s even foreshadowing going on in the first few books because – unless you go back and read those again.

Jamie: Yeah, true. Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: So in that regard, you don’t see it coming. But I – and I’ve said it a million times on the show – I love catching up on the foreshadowing now that we do re-read the books, now that we are re-reading them after all the books have come out. And I’d never guessed that Harry and Ginny were going to get together. I mean, the hints were clearly there.

Jamie: It’s a bit taboo, isn’t it. Sort of…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: …your best friend’s sister. It’s not…

[Andrew, Jamie, and Micah laugh]

Jamie: It’s not common. It’s not common at all.

Andrew: Right. And then seeing all this setup before they actually do get together, you know, Ginny was a bit taken with him. That can happen. I’m sure there’s plenty of instances in the real world or in the wizarding world where little sister gets taken with older brother’s friend, but nothing ever comes of it. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, except in this one they get married and have children.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: Because he’s the Chosen One. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah. But it is weird, though. Ron, seeing your best friend married to your – at my work, there used to be a guy there whose sister was married to the boss, our boss. Oh, it was weird!

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: He claimed it wasn’t weird, but I think it was weird.

Andrew: That would be like Ben marrying my sister.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: Because I know Ben’s a bit taken with my sister, but I know they’d never get married. Because Ben’s not the Chosen One.

Jamie: It would just be like that.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Jamie: Can you imagine that? If you went round, seeing your sister when you were in Ben’s house.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: I mean, if Ben had a nice house, I guess I wouldn’t mind too much. But other than that…

Jamie: Oh, I think that would be weird. I think that would be very weird.

Andrew: Yeah, it would be weird.

Mikey: That would be really weird.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: So moving along, while Fred and George are getting yelled at, Harry is introduced to the new business, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. And like I said earlier, it becomes apparent that this is what Fred and George will be doing in their future because in this little area it’s noted that they don’t – they didn’t do well on their O.W.L.s and Fred and George have said all they want to do was open a joke shop. So this is one of the first times it is becoming established that this is what they want to do for a living. We’ve always known that they’re pranksters, but we didn’t really know that they wanted to open a joke shop. And good on them! They’re being entrepreneurs. It’s good to see in the wizarding world. You don’t see much of it.

Jamie: It’s good. It’s good and it’s also nice that Jo shows that you don’t only have to be academic, if you can call turning pigs into cats academic.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: They’re being resourceful.

Jamie: Resourceful, yeah they are. They are. They can be successful and everyone has got talents. Blah-blah-blah and everyone can do well at something. It doesn’t have to be academia. It’s quite nice.

Mikey: Well, I also like that their mom, Mrs. Weasley, wants them to follow in their father’s footsteps and work at the Ministry, and they don’t at all. And it’s like, you know what? That’s what they want to do. They follow their passion and they’re…

Jamie: That’s true, yeah.

Mikey: …extremely successful in it. So I think that’s a nice little encouragement, you know. Follow what you’re passionate about. So, I like it.

Andrew: Harry then catches up with Ron and Hermione and we see Percy developing his interest in the wizard government, calling for – [laughs] this is actually really clever on Jo’s part. She came up with this idea where Percy would be really into calling for cauldron thickness regulations. And it’s just so clever. I don’t know how you would possibly sit there and think like, “Okay, what can Percy really be about? Oh, I know! Cauldron thickness!”

Jamie: It’s a nice boring thing, yeah. What sums up his boringness.

Mikey: Yeah…

Andrew: But Percy does give a good argument. He’s bringing up the point that some cauldrons are leaking in these grooves…

Mikey: They’ve been rising. You know cauldron leakages have risen three percent over the past year. That’s a huge, huge rise in cauldron leakage! No, I agree with you completely, that cauldron – honestly, cauldrons are not necessarily a wizard type thing. They’ve – it’s a big pot! And I think that is just purely like Jamie said, it sums up Percy’s boringness…

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: …perfectly. [laughs] Is boringness a word? Who knows.

Andrew: And this again, this chapter is like, “Hey everyone, here’s the future of the Weasleys.” Ginny’s going to get married to Harry, Fred and George are going to open a joke shop, and Percy’s going to get involved in the government. [laughs] This is just one big – you know, here’s what we can expect of the Weasleys in the future. So at dinner Percy and Mr. Weasley are in a deep discussion about things at the Ministry. They talk more about cauldron thickness and Percy tries to get the trio to ask him about a big top secret event he’s been bragging about. And we really see Percy’s character shine through here. And I always hate this when people do this. They try to get you to ask them about something like, they’re so – they want you to ask. They want them to – they want to feel need, they want to feel important. And Percy’s doing that. He keeps dropping that he’s working on this big secret event, which is the Triwizard Tournament, and this is unbeknownst to the trio at the time, but they just can’t be bothered. They don’t really care.

Jamie: They think it’s rubbish. They think it’s probably to do with cauldron thickness. They don’t…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: I guess that’s quite clever really. Because Percy’s obviously boring and he can’t be organizing anything interesting. And it’s probably about cauldron thickness.

Andrew: And that leads us into Chapter Six, “The Portkey”. Take it away, Micah.

Mikey: Before we jump into that, isn’t that where we discuss the missing person, Bertha Jorkins?

Andrew: Yes. Yes they do. I’m sorry I didn’t…

Mikey: Yeah. That’s where they’re missing – they discuss her missing and how Barty Crouch wouldn’t not let that be. He was actually concerned about her. Right?

Andrew: Right. Yeah. You’re right.

Mikey: Sorry, I just something in my head – trying to look it up in the book right now…

Andrew: Why was he concerned for her?

Mikey: Apparently she had worked in his department cause she’s been shuffled around multiple times…

Andrew: But did he really care? That’s what I mean.

Mikey: You know what? I don’t think so because again we know that at this point in time, Barty Crouch Jr. has already been released from Azkaban. And I’m wondering if, he was wondering if something else was going on because again Barty Crouch knew that the Death Eaters could be on the rise because his son – he’s already snuck out his son from Azkaban. I think there’s a lot more that could be read into that, but it’s all me reaching at strings here.

Andrew: Of course it was Peter Pettigrew that she ran into. All right Micah, you lead us through Chapter 6: “The Portkey”.

MuggleCast 207 Transcript (continued)

Chapter-by-Chapter: “The Portkey”

Micah: All right, well the chapter opens up with all of them waking up to go to the Quidditch World Cup, and as Harry comes downstairs he sees Mr. Weasley wearing a golfing sweater and a very old pair of jeans. Slightly too big for him and held up with a thick leather belt. This is just J.K. Rowling again showing how interested Arthur Weasley is in Muggles and Muggle clothing in this case because he asks Harry, ‘Hey, do I look like a Muggle?’. And Harry kind of laughs and says ‘Yes, you do’. A bit of comedy here. Now Andrew you noted that in this particular scene Mrs. Weasley continues to be…

Jamie: Not very nice.

Micah: A not very nice woman. About the practical jokes Fred and George…

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: When I…

Micah: Why can’t she just lighten up a bit?

Andrew: Well, when I read this I was just thinking about you know, as a parent sometimes you should really be supportive of what your children’s interests are and maybe instead of telling them…

Jamie: What if they were interested in prostitution? [laughs]

Andrew: Well, okay, there’s a limit but if they’re interested – okay, I get it, you don’t want these pranks happening to Muggles like Dudley and what not. At least say, ‘Hey, you know, I’m all for you guys develop – getting into this – developing your interests in the prank business. [laughs] Which I know sounds kind of funny but just try to do it in a controlled environment’

Mikey: I think it does take – she’s a mom! She understands where they’re coming from but at the same time they’re her babies and they’re not doing what everyone else in the family are doing. They’re doing something completely different, they’re taking a risk and she’s worried for them. Think about it, everyone else – Charlie works with Dragons in Romania, Bill works for Gringotts, Percy is working for the Ministry. She wanted them to work for the Ministry like their father.

Jamie: I think…

Mikey: She sees all the potential in them.

Jamie: Also, they don’t have any money so what they’ve got, perhaps in her eyes are career based – as you said Bill and Charlie both have good jobs, Mr. Weasley is quite high up in the Ministry and I guess she just doesn’t want Fred and George to not amount to anything, I think in her eyes…

Mikey: And she probably wants them out of the house too, she doesn’t want them to be 24 and living at home either.

Jamie: I know yeah, true.

Mikey: So, come on, imagine going into a new field ‘The Joke Business’ which we only know of one other joke shop and that’s in Hogsmeade in the Wizarding World so maybe it’s not that lucrative of a business.

Andrew: Yeah, I guess.

Jamie: It’s probably hard to make your money in. Thinking about it from a commercial point of view, if every single piece of magic is to do with creating – I mean, what can be a trick when you can cast spells daily?

Andrew: Well they’ve got the…

Jamie: What can surprise you and make you – I guess this is good.

Andrew: …I thought the fun of Fred and George’s stuff was that it was edible.

Jamie: It’s new magic.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, it is, exactly.

Jamie: Oh you mean that stuff? Yeah, yeah. I think it’s just new magic put into new toys. I guess it’s kind of like when Umbridge was casting spells and their fireworks just split and got bigger and got more powerful. I guess that’s the real change that they sort of – I bet everyone can create fireworks, magical fireworks.

Micah: No, well I think the other side of it though is the intelligence it took for them to be able to make some of these things…

Jamie: Yeah, that’s true.

Micah: …as you see later on in the books, so she should be supportive in that respect. I know she yells at him – or yells at them – again in this chapter for not getting higher grades on their O.W.L.s. because – I think it was George who said that they’d been, or sorry, Fred who said that they’d been spending six months developing the Ton-Tongue Toffees. So, then she says “Well, oh, that’s what you were doing instead of studying for your O.W.L.s.” So they do have a bit of intelligence about them when it comes to developing these sorts of things.

Mikey: But you’ve got to understand, coming from Mrs. Weasley’s point of view, she can’t brag about her kids creating Ton-Tongue Taffy, or toffee. She can’t put it like, “Oh, together they got twenty O.W.L.s.” She can’t brag about that to her friends, think about it. She’s a mom, guys!

Micah: But… [laughs]

Mikey: She’s not…

Andrew: She can brag about it now though! They have a very – well, George – has a very profitable business.

Jamie: It wasn’t at that time though, was it?

Mikey: …but at that time she was trying to…

Jamie: It was experimental.

Mikey: …yeah! She was trying to get on her kids to make something of them. We see her change as they get older and they actually have their own shop. She’s worried about them because Voldemort is around, but she is proud of her sons! So yeah, she does take to change, but right now she just wants her kids to do the best they can.

Andrew: All right.

Mikey: Lay off her. Come on. It’s Mrs. Weasley.

Andrew: I don’t…

Mikey: She takes on Bellatrix.

Andrew: For the record if I ever have children, I will encourage them within reason…

Micah: To be practical jokesters.

Andrew: No. But Jamie’s right. If they’re in to prostitution I will of course discourage that, but if they have a…

Jamie: You’re a good man.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: You’re a good father there, Andrew.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: You’ll be a very good father. Say no, don’t do prostitution.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Took a while for me to come to terms with that. I will not let my children do prostitution. Anyway. [laughs] Go ahead, Micah. It is funny analyzing their business.

Micah: So Mrs. Weasley uses Accio and collects all of the – the little Ton-Tongue Toffees they have around the house. It’s kind of interesting to see like – imagine standing there and seeing all these different wrappers…

Jamie: Sweets. Sorry candy.

Micah: …fly. [laughs] Yeah to Mrs. Weasley. I’m wondering why she didn’t do that beforehand. I think this was kind of the final straw where she said okay now I’m collecting everything. Because literally every little place that they’ve hidden over the course of I guess the last couple months is sort of found. We do learn about Apparition in this chapter I think for the first time. Harry talks to Mr. Weasley pretty extensively about what it is. We also learn that setting up the Quidditch World Cup is this massive production with all these wizards going to one area. and I thought it was interesting that the people with the cheaper tickets have to arrive two weeks early.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: It’s kind of a little bit of a dig at people who aren’t as well off and it’s kind of interesting that the Weasleys are the ones with the better seats.

Andrew: Well, because they got them from the friend at the Ministry. I don’t think they paid for the tickets.

Micah: Right, but normally…

Andrew: They would…

Micah: …you would think they would have to be the ones would arrive two weeks early.

Andrew: …well, it makes sense to me because you can’t have all these wizards congregating towards one place at the same time, so they do have to stagger the…

Mikey: Arrival.

Andrew: …yeah, and I think that makes sense.

Mikey: Think of any sporting event.

Andrew: Is two weeks extreme? Maybe. Huh?

Mikey: Well, think of any sporting event though. There’s traffic going in, there’s traffic coming out, and it’s a pain. Most people say, “Okay, we’ll leave during the last inning of the baseball game,” so they can beat traffic.

Micah: Right.

Mikey: Or you just wait until it’s completely done and you get yourself a drink, and eat an extra hotdog after the game’s over and wait until it’s completely dissipated because it’s just so ridiculous trying to get in and out of that traffic. Even Andrew, you’ll know, at Disneyland, if you leave when the park is closing, how crazy is that traffic trying to get out of there?

Andrew: Right, or after the fireworks.

Mikey: Exactly!

Andrew: Nuts.

Mikey: It’s just nuts, and you’ve got to remember this is worldwide. If you remember reading in the chapter, they’re talking about how these are wizards from all over the world coming in and that’s why it’s such a big production! I can definitely see it taking two weeks, at least, of staggering people arriving, and it’s just going to be constant. If you remember looking at the movie when they actually arrive there, you can see how it’s just this endless array of tents and stuff like that camping.

Micah: Right, so we also learn that some of these wizards are taking Muggle transport, some are Apparating, and some are taking Portkeys, so it’s another introduction there to a form of magical transportation. Andrew, you pointed out that we do learn a lot about that in this particular chapter, so what is everyone’s favorite mode of transportation in the wizarding world?

Andrew: I think I like Apparition the best.

Jamie: Me too, me too.

Andrew: Because one, it’s dangerous, which is kind of cool. You can lose half your body as we learn in this chapter.

Mikey: Splinching.

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: Also, it’s obviously the most efficient. You can get there nice and quick, and you can go wherever you want, except for some places.

Jamie: It makes everything else just seem pretty pointless to be honest.

Mikey: Yeah. No, I agree.

Jamie: If you have to carry around a jar of dirt to throw into a fire, or you could just turn on the spot and appear somewhere else, it’s not exactly a tough choice, and these Floo fireplaces you have to add to the network so there is a lot of admin stuff to get out of the way. You have to call up and get it added, or you could turn on the spot, and appear somewhere else, anywhere in the world.

Andrew: The downside about Apparition is that you do have to take a test.

Jamie: If you’ve had a few glasses of wine as well, then you mess that up then.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. It’s just like no drunk driving. No Apparition…

Jamie: No drunk Apparition. [laughs]

Andrew: …yeah.

Micah: And again, this is J.K. Rowling introducing something earlier on in the book that plays a huge role later on, especially with the Portkey, and we all know what happens in the graveyard scene. They do continue…

Andrew: [in a British accent] Portkey.

Micah: …what’s that?

Andrew: [again in a British accent] Portkey.

[Jamie laughs]

Micah: Was that a good accent, Jamie?

Jamie: No, it was terrible. It was absolutely terrible.

Andrew: Aw!

Mikey: Aw.

Jamie: Andrew, Andrew, try again without trying to rib me. Try and do it so it’s…

Andrew: I wasn’t trying to rib you! I feel like I’ve heard that in the movies said like that, “Portkey,” I don’t know.

Jamie: …but just say it…

Andrew: [in a British accent] Portkey, Portkey.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, there you go. Yeah, that’s better. Yeah, Portkey.

Andrew: [in a British accent] Portkey, Portkey, Portkey, Portkey, Por-kay?

Mikey: Yeah, it’s porky. I think that’s probably one of my favorite ways of transportation because just imagine, it’s anything. I would make the doorknob to my house a Portkey so every time someone touches it…

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s a nice security system too!

Mikey: …it’d be funny.

Micah: Oh.

Mikey: Yeah, that would be a great one. How simple would it be to make the doorknob to your house a Portkey and it transports you to the living room?

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: You just travel five feet, but it’d be hilarious, because every time they’d grab it, they’d just spin around and come out. It’d be amazing!

Andrew: I would do that – I would have a Portkey at my desk to bring me to the bathroom so I wouldn’t even have to get up. I’m just sitting at my computer chair one moment, and then I touch my mixer Portkey and then it just takes me to the toilet.

Jamie: Oh, that would be cool, that would be so cool! Yeah…

[Mikey laughs]

Jamie: …if you had a keyboard just with buttons on them, and each one was a…

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: …Portkey that said…

Mikey: It was a different Portkey and you just type in where you want to go.

Jamie: You just type in where you want to go, yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: You’re like, “Bathroom. Living room. Bed. Food.”

Jamie: Anything, or countries as well if you had a globe.

Micah: And the bathroom constantly plays “The Downeaster Alexa.”

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Oh, yeah! Yeah! Oh, I’d love that. That would be incredible.

Micah: So they all head out, and it’s actually a pretty long trip from the sound of it – an uphill trip too, Harry says he’s winded at one point – and they finally get up to where the Portkey is but just before that they run into the Diggorys. And I thought it was interesting how Amos Diggory was talking about his son because he talks about everything that‘s going to happen in the future. For example, he says “I’ll be glad when he’s got his Apparition test,” and then he says “Ced, that’ll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will. You beat Harry Potter!” And we all know that he ends up getting killed at the end of the chapter.

Andrew: Right, right. [laughs]

Micah: I mean the end of the book.

Andrew: Yeah and oh man, this felt so awkward when you’re reading this because he’s like, “Well Cedric, you’re the one who didn’t fall off your broom and Harry did so you’re clearly the better player.” It was so awkward, it was just so awkward, I felt awkward.

Mikey: Yeah, well I think it felt awkward too for Cedric if you read – I’m trying to find where it is in the book –

Jamie: Yeah, he hated it.

Mikey: …but it’s because he hated the praise from his father because Harry fell off because he was attacked by Dementors and stuff like that.

Andrew: Right.

Mikey: It’s not like Harry fell off his broom because he didn’t know how to fly, so it wasn’t necessarily “the best man won,” but I definitely see where it’s like Amos has all this future hope for his son and it’s all taken away from him. I think, yeah – it’s kind of showing you the emotional connection between Amos and his son, how he has all these aspirations for his son and then it’s taken away from him at the end.

Micah: Yeah, exactly. Well, you’re right, because he won’t pass his Apparition test and he won’t have grandchildren, unless there’s something Cho Chang isn’t revealing…

[Mikey laughs]

Micah: …later on in the series.

Mikey: Is there a scandal?

Micah: [laughs] So, just the last thing I wanted to mention about this chapter before they go ahead and take the Portkeys – we get the first mention of the Lovegoods, and the fact that they live so close, or in the same general area as the Weasleys, and we know that obviously comes into play…

Andrew: Right.

Micah: …in Deathly Hallows.

Andrew: Oh, wow. Very nice.

Micah: So. And Luna as a character – is she introduced in this book at all, or is not until Order of the Phoenix that they…

Andrew: I don’t think until Order of the Phoenix.

Mikey: Yeah, I think Order of the Phoenix is the first time we see her.

Andrew: Maybe a small reference, but of course, she comes into play…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …big time in Order of the Phoenix.

Micah: Because Jo has that way of introducing characters very quickly and you pay them no attention, and then later on in the series…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …they become important. Because she did that with Cho Chang…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …and she did it with Cedric Diggory.

Andrew: All right.

Micah: So they are now at the Quidditch World Cup, and…

Andrew: That’s where we’ll continue next time.

Micah: …that’s where we’ll start next time.

Listener Tweet: Harry at Peace

Andrew: We have a couple tweets to round out the chapter. These were sent via our MuggleCast Twitter, which is if you want to follow us and stay up to date on everything MuggleCast. This first one comes from beccithenerd:

“In Chapter 5, it’s nice to see Harry at peace for once. He’s relaxed and enjoying the Weasley dynamics. Humor before the dark.”

It’s one of the last books we see Harry really be chill. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: And…

Jamie: That is true.

Mikey: Well, it’s also before Voldemort is back – comes back to life, so.

Andrew: Yeah, so things get really dark then. But Jo even mentions in this, “for once he wasn’t thinking about Voldemort,” or something like that.

Mikey: Yeah.

Listener Tweet: Accio What?

Andrew: This next tweet’s from andreaenero.

“Chapter 6, Mrs. Weasley Accios Fred and George. How did the spell know what she was summoning if she didn’t say, ‘Accio toffees?'”

You know, I was thinking this too…

Jamie: Maybe she…

Andrew: Hm?

Jamie: …Well I was going to say, perhaps she said the half of it in her head – silent spells, which would be stupid if she said, “Accio” and then the other half in her head, which wouldn’t make sense. Or perhaps, if you want something enough, you can just say the first part of it. Or perhaps Jo just made a mistake.

Mikey: Well, I think Accio would be a perfect spell for being part silent, because if you know if you want something, you don’t have to say what you want, and you know what you want already, and I think – you know – if you remember reading how to do silent spells in, what was it, Half-Blood Prince? that it’s one of those things where you have to have that idea in there. She wants the toffees; she might not know exactly what to call them, and that’s why they kind of just flew towards her. She just wanted what Fred and George made.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah. It’s her house, too, she probably has control over whatever’s inside it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah. She’s a pretty powerful witch.

Listener Tweet: How to Deflate a Tongue

Andrew: Next Tweet’s from Brady_Stonica:

“After what happens with Dudley eating one of Fred and George’s candies, how did they fix his tongue? Is there a tongue deflating spell?”

I mean…

Jamie: Perhaps you…

Andrew: Mr. Weasley knew exactly how to fix it…

Mikey: He said it was just an Engorgement Charm.

Andrew: so he would’ve been like, “Reducto!

Mikey: That’s exactly it.

Andrew: Man, I’m good.

Mikey: You’re smart there, Andrew.

Andrew: And finally from jeremytwilliam:

“In response to something about last Chapter-by-Chapter: Nagini wasn’t a Horcrux yet. He became one after Voldemort killed Frank Bryce.”

So we were watching it being created there…

Micah: Oh, okay. Yeah, because I think last week what we said was that Voldemort was getting power from one of his Horcruxes by milking Nagini, but I guess Nagini wasn’t yet a Horcrux. So, sorry about that.

Muggle Mail: Matt Can See the Future

Andrew: Micah, time now for Muggle Mail. Can you read that first one from Nicole?

Micah: Yes, the first Muggle Mail comes from Nicole, 16, of Rochester, New York. Subject: “If Matt were a betting man.” Not Andrew.

“Hi, MuggleCasters. First and foremost, I wanted to say that you guys are totally awesome. To the main point, I was listening to an old episode, Episode 140, at the gym, and literally squealed during Chapter-by-Chapter, making everyone near me look at me oddly, then change machines like I was the one smelly guy that nobody wants to be around. You guys were analyzing Chapter 24…”

I’m guessing of Deathly Hallows.

“And Matt brought up the idea of the movies being split right after Voldemort gets the Elder Wand. You all shot him down quickly, though, and moved on. I thought it was amazing. Maybe Matt can see the future. Thanks for reading, Nicole.”

Andrew: We had been wondering if anyone had predicted this spot for the split, and it looks like Matt was one of the people who caught it.

Mikey: Good job, Matt.

Andrew: I don’t know, does he win something? I mean, it’s not that hard to do, gosh. No, I’m kidding. Very impressive.

Mikey: I could’ve done it. I just didn’t, so I let Matt do that one.

Andrew: And here now is the clip. Again, this is from Episode 140. It’s when we are doing our Chapter-by-Chapter segment on Chapters 24 and 25 of Deathly Hallows. So let’s flash back now. [makes time traveling sound]

[Andrew plays clip from Episode 140, click here for the transcript].

Andrew: [makes time traveling sound] I’m so excited about this split spot now. If they change it I’ll be disappointed because this is just too good now – it just seems too good and everyone liked it at the test screening, it seems like. Jamie, could you read the next email?

Jamie: Uh…

Andrew: From Alexandra?

Jamie: …Yes.

Micah: From the Alexa.

[Jamie laughs]

Jamie: The Downeaster Alexandra.

[Micah laughs]

Muggle Mail: There are Three

Jamie: This comes from Alexandra, 16, from Sydney, Australia, and she says:

“Hi, at the beginning of the Episode 205, you discussed the trailer where Ollivander says, ‘It is rumored there are three,’ and a thought occurred to me. In the book, Chapter 24, Harry asks him if he knows of an unbeatable Wand. Ollivander says, ‘It is rumored that there are three, the Deathstick, the Wand of Destiny, and the Elder Wand, but I believe only the Elder Wand exists,’ or something to that effect. Then Harry asks if he knows anything about the Deathly Hallows and Ollivander replies, ‘No.’ Perhaps Ollivander was in fact answering the question about the Unbeatable Wand, but in order to set the story in the trailer they did it the way they did. Just a thought, I hope it helps.”

Andrew: I think that’s a good idea. And the way they cut up these trailers sometimes is just so odd.

Jamie: A lot of the time trailers make no sense.

Andrew: Yeah exactly. Exactly, they just mix a bunch of audio bites together so it makes sense for the trailer.

Jamie: Yeah, exactly, yeah.

Micah: Right. Then – according to Eric though too, there is no conversation between Harry and Ollivander in Part I, so it will probably happen at the start of Part II.

Andrew: Oh, hm, all right. That’s interesting. We’d thought that would be Part I, I had thought it would be Part I. Because now the big question is, how do they set up the Elder Wand explanation?

Micah: Well, Voldemort is going around – I mean, he kills Gregorovitch. So he’s in pursuit of the Elder Wand, so – I’m not sure, maybe they explain it more through Voldemort than through Harry…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …if that makes sense.

Andrew: I guess so.

Mikey: Well, I think also the story that Hermione tells of the three brothers, that would also explain the wand too.

Micah: And doesn’t he kill Grindelwald in this as well?

Andrew: In what?

Micah: In Part I. Well, he definitely kills Gregorovitch. We know that, right? Because he breaks into the prison.

Jamie: He breaks into the prison to kill him, yeah. But – oh no, wait, no. That would have to – he breaks into the prison, and while he’s breaking into the prison they’re torturing Hermione. Because at that point, they go to press the Dark Mark. And then he’s – then it’s like, “Oh, his terror was unimaginable, and if they’ve summoned him for no reason apart from Harry Potter then they’d all be dead.” So that was at the Malfoy Manor when he was killing Grindelwald, so was that…

Andrew: He was…

Jamie: Is that before the split?

Andrew: He was murdered by Voldemort in Chapter 23 of the book. So then yes, that would be before the split.

Jamie: All right, cool.

Andrew: That’s what I just read on the Lexicon.

Micah: So yeah, that’s what I’m thinking, that they’re going to be telling this more through Voldemort’s side, because of – he’s going about killing all these people in pursuit of the Elder Wand, and then he finally gets it at the end of Part I.

Muggle Mail: Brendan Fraser to Appear in Deathly Hallows?

Andrew: Okay, next email. Mikey, could you read that one?

Mikey: Yes. So the next email is from Christian, 18, Wisconsin. “Ronald Weasley and the Tidal Wave of Doom.”

“Hey, guys. Just listened to the latest episode about the EW article on DH. I thought there was a lot of good discussion on the split, but I was actually more interested in something else the article said. Ron and Hermione have recently destroyed another Horcrux in water, and were pursued by Voldemort-shaped tsunami. WTF? Did they cut out the Chamber of Secrets? How could water destroy a Horcrux? Will Brendan Fraser be there? What do you guys think?”

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] I’m excited to see a tidal wave shaped in the face of Voldemort. [laughs] I really am.

Andrew: Well, some people are thinking that happens in the Chamber of Secrets. The Voldemort-shaped tsunami. And, I – yeah, I could picture that being kind of laughable [laughs] because – I don’t know. That has the potential to be very cheesy. But I guess my thinking is they wanted to have it shaped like [laughs] Voldemort so you get a better visual representation of who is causing the tsunami.

Jamie: I’m lost. I’m lost.

Micah: So…

Jamie: Where is this happening?

Micah: What is this? This…

Andrew: I think it occurs…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …in the Chamber of Secrets. When Ron and Hermione go down there.

Jamie: I’ve – but…

Micah: That is the cup, right? That they destroy…

Jamie: No…

Micah: …down there?

Jamie: …it is the diary.

Micah: With the Basilisk fang?

Jamie: The diary. No, wait, what are you guys talking about?

Andrew: The diary is already…

Jamie: Oh. Sorry, sorry. I’m lost. You’re talking about Book 7.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Jamie: I thought you were talking about Chamber of Secrets.

Andrew: Oh, no.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: No.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: They go into the Chamber of Secrets in Book 7. And I think we do see it in the film because there was a brief shot of them in what I think is the Chamber of Secrets in an ABC Family preview. So, some are speculating that the tidal wave happens in the Chamber of Secrets.

Jamie: What is a Voldemort-shaped tsunami? Surely a tsunami is shaped like a tsunami. I don’t know how you could get a Voldemort-shaped one. That’s going…

Mikey: All right…

Jamie: …to be weird.

Mikey: …it is Voldemort’s head as…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …water.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: It’s a big wave…

Andrew: And it’s just…

Mikey: …and it is…

Andrew: …like, “Ahhh!”

Mikey: …Voldemort’s head.

Jamie: Okay, that’s weird.

Andrew: [laughs] That’s weird.

Mikey: Yeah, it’s just like that. Maybe he will have his arms flailing above his head or something too.

Jamie: And there will be a guy surfing him as well. [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: It automatically goes into surf.

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: And it’s, like, “Brrr…”

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: “Wipeout!”

Andrew: “Wipeout! Ron and…”

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: “…Hermione!”

Mikey: Exactly.

Andrew: That would be so cool.

Jamie: That would be funny.

Mikey: [laughs] Just totally break from the movie…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …into something else.

Muggle Mail: Wizarding World Theme Park on Halloween

Andrew: All right. And let’s see, we have one more e-mail here today from Karen, 54, of Churubusco, Indiana:

“Love the show and enjoy listening with my grandchildren. As you well know, Harry crosses all generations. We are planning on going to Universal Harry Potter world for Halloween this year, taking three grandkids with us. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks. Keep up the good work.”

Well, I’m sorry, Mikey and Jamie, but you guys cannot answer this question because…

Jamie: Oh yeah.

Andrew: …you have not been…

Jamie: No, no. I don’t have any advice on this. I…

Mikey: I need to go soon. Maybe during the winter.

Andrew: I would say – there is good news: you can easily knock out the Harry Potter park in a day. If you get there in the morning, you can knock it out in a day. Even if you get the ‘After 2:00 PM Pass’, which I recommended earlier in the show, you can knock out the whole – I mean, there is a lot to do. But at the same time, you can do all of it in a span of seven or eight hours if the crowds are reasonable. I don’t know what it is like down there in Halloween but you could – I…

Micah: It should be cool. I’m guessing they are going to do something special down there for Halloween.

Andrew: Yeah, I hope so.

Micah: What do you think?

Andrew: I – yeah, maybe add some pumpkins, add some more pumpkins. [laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] Maybe add some more pumpkins, make it Halloween-like…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …or something. [laughs]

Andrew: But I would say if you are…

Mikey: If it is spooky…

Andrew: …going to go there multiple days, just – you don’t have to rush as much as you think you will, unless it is very crowded. Otherwise I think you can knock – if you get to the park – Universal park in the morning, you can knock out the entire Universal…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …park in one day.

Micah: Well – and it also – it depends I think how old these grandkids are because they are probably not going to get on the Dragon Challenge ride. They are probably – that cuts down at least one ride that you’re going to be going on. But to me, the thing that always had the longest line was Ollivander’s.

Andrew: Yes, yes. That does take a while. I haven’t done that yet. That is where…

Micah: [laughs] Neither…

Andrew: …you…

Micah: …have I.

Andrew: Where the wand chooses you. But you go in a group of ten and they only pick one person out of the group of ten to have the wand-choosing experience. And I think that they usually – they pick little kids because little kids would be, like, “Oh, Mommy, come on. Buy this wand for me, please.” So…

Mikey: Except you would have bought a wand, Andrew.

Andrew: I – maybe. I don’t know. I’m not a…

Jamie: Did you? Did you buy one?

Andrew: No, I didn’t. No. I’m not a big wand guy. I don’t know.

Jamie: How much were they?

Andrew: They were pretty expensive. I want to say forty-five or fifty.

Jamie: Whoa! That is quite a lot.

Andrew: Because they are legit. I mean, they are well-made. It’s just that they are expensive. [laughs] So…

Mikey: Wow.

Show Close

Andrew: So there are a couple of tips, Karen. You’ll have a great time and like I said, if the crowds aren’t going to be too bad, you don’t have to rush. ‘After 2:00 PM Pass’ is a nice thing, especially if you’ve already done the park once or twice. Get the ‘After 2:00 PM Pass’ for basically half-price and the crowds will be relatively light. So, that does it for another MuggleCast. We just want to remind you all…

[Show music begins]

Andrew: …first about the website. has all the information you need about the show. You can subscribe and review us on iTunes. You can also follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook, all from All – and…

Mikey: Wow.

Andrew: …also there on the site, we have a video of our trailer analysis. You can listen to the trailer analysis as you watch the particular scenes that we are talking about. So, do enjoy that. It’s right there on the homepage. You can also find a contact link on the site where you can write to any one of us, or just use our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Thanks everyone for listening! We hope you enjoyed the show.

Jamie: Thanks!

Andrew: And…

Mikey: Bye!

Andrew: Wait…

Micah: We ain’t…

Andrew: …don’t say…

Micah: …over the show!

Andrew: …bye yet! We have to…

Mikey: Wait, no?

Andrew: We have to…

Mikey: What?

Andrew: …remind everyone what our names are. I’m Andrew Sims.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next time for Episode 208. Buh-bye!

Jamie: Bye!

Micah: Bye!

Mikey: Bye!

[Show music continues]

Blooper: Jamie Loves Google Docs

Andrew: Well, I think W.B. hires them and – I don’t know. Anyway…

Jamie: I just have to interrupt quickly because I’m on the Google document, and I haven’t yet seen that thing that flicks back and forth with the name of the person…

Andrew: Oh yeah.

Jamie: …and where they are.

Andrew: You can see who is typing. [laughs]

Jamie: [laughs] Awww. It’s amazing! That is actually amazing. Awww, I haven’t been impressed with a computer feature for quite a while, and that is…

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: That is quite impressive.

Mikey: It’s all right. You haven’t seen the new iPhone either, Jamie. So…

Jamie: No, I have. I have. Oh right, you mean the one after the 4?

Mikey: Yeah.

Jamie: You get – awww…

[Mikey laughs]

Jamie: …no way. What’s it called, Mikey? Tell me what it’s called.

Mikey: The iPhone 5.

Andrew: He doesn’t…

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: …have it, come on.

[Mikey laughs]

Andrew: Come on, Micah. Go.

Jamie: Yeah, but I could have said that, Mikey. That – I could have…

[Andrew and Mikey laugh]

Jamie: …said, “The iPhone 5.” What’s its codename?

Mikey: I don’t know. I’m making it up…

[Jamie laughs]

Mikey: …as we go.

Blooper: The Latest Movies

Jamie: Have you guys seen The Last Airbender yet?

Andrew: No, but I’ve heard it is crap.

Jamie: [laughs] It is terrible. It is so bad.

[Mikey laughs]

Jamie: It is unbelievably terrible. Oh, it’s one of the worst films. The only funny thing was when [laughs] one person says – [laughs] I think it was, “Since you were…” – no, no. “Since you’ve been born, we’ve known that you are a bender,” [laughs] or something like that. It’s really funny. What was I going to say? Oh yeah, it’s terrible. But Inception, Inception

Andrew: [laughs] I haven’t seen that no.

Jamie: You haven’t…

Mikey: I haven’t…

Jamie: …seen…

Mikey: …seen it either.

Jamie: Awww.

Mikey: I haven’t even had a chance to get around…

Jamie: Awww.

Mikey: …to it, sorry.

Jamie: What’s wrong with you guys?

Mikey: I did see – I saw Scott Pilgrim. Sorry, that’s all…

Jamie: Oh.

Mikey: …I did…

Jamie: Oh.

Mikey: …see.

Jamie: Is it actually good, Scott Pilgrim? Or…

Mikey: Scott Pilgrim is amazing, although it did horrible at the box office.

Jamie: Why did it do so bad? I thought everyone…

Mikey: It – well, it opened up against Love, Eat, Pray, the Julia Roberts movie.

Jamie: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Mikey: And it also opened up against The Expendables with…

Jamie: Oh, yeah. I’m going…

Mikey: …Stallone…

Jamie: …to see it this week.

Mikey: …and everyone else. So it – Scott Pilgrim did not do very well on that sense. But honestly, people at my work and stuff, they have seen it five, six times. I’ve seen it twice. It is, like – do I go see Inception or see Scott Pilgrim again?

Jamie: Awww…

Mikey: I’m going to go…

Jamie: …no…

Mikey: …see Scott Pilgrim again.

Jamie: No, Mikey. See…

Mikey: It’s…


Mikey: Dude, when…

Andrew: All right.

Mikey: …you have…

Andrew: All right.

Mikey: …seen it…

Andrew: Great.

Mikey: It’s…

Andrew: Great.

Mikey: It’s amazing.

Andrew: I’m sure the movie…

Mikey: Anyway…

Andrew: …is amazing.

Mikey: …back on to…

[Micah laughs]

Mikey: …the news, Micah. Micah, back to the news!

Blooper: Outro Fail

Andrew: We have to remind everyone what our names are. I’m Andrew Sims.

Micah: Oh yeah.

Jamie: Oh sorry, sorry. Your voices keep going. It just keeps cutting out. So, what’s happening? Are…

Andrew: Just say your name.

Jamie: …we saying bye?

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: All right. Jamie Lawrence.

Micah: [laughs] I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: [laughs] And I’m Mikey B.

Jamie: Oh right. Oh sorry. That sounds stupid. I did an intro one.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: I mean…

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: I mean…

Andrew: Say it again.

Jamie: I’m – all right. I’m Jamie Lawrence. No, no. That is still bad.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: No, it ain’t…

[Mikey laughs]

Jamie: Micah, just do it. Yeah, you do it first and I’ll follow your lead.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: Okay.

Jamie: Start again. Start again.

Andrew: I’m Andrew…

Micah: Okay.

Andrew: …Sims.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Jamie: Yeah, there you go.