Transcript #93

MuggleCast 93 Transcript

Show Intro

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[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because we gots a mini show, this is Mugglecast Episode 93 for June 4th, 2007.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: Okay, well, last week we opened up the show by saying we were having a rough week, and not to complain some more, but it’s been another busy week…

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …in our lives.

Micah: I don’t think…

Andrew: So we’re going to…

Micah: Last week doesn’t compare to this week, because I don’t think this show wants to come out.

Andrew: If you take last week, and how busy we were last week, multiply it by a thousand times more busy-ness, raise that to the 50th power, multiply that by infinity’s – infinity brought to the infinity, and that is one-tenth of how busy we’ve been this past week.

Laura: Yeah, basically it’s just been a lot of busy.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: It’s been bad.

Andrew: A whole lot of busy. But yeah, enough about us. So we’re – this week we’re going to be doing a mini show, because we’re coming up a little short on the co-host bank here this week, and so it’s the only three people that actually do stuff anymore for the show.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

New Harry Potter Theme Park

Andrew: So, I mean, heck, we could still call it a full show. That’s just my opinion, I don’t know how everyone else feels. Anyway, so we wanted to definitely do some sort of a show this week, because we had some big news this week, right guys?

Laura: That we did.

Micah: I think so.

Laura: I haven’t really…

Andrew: Anyone care to say?

Laura: I haven’t really paid attention to the news. I’ve been so busy with school.

Andrew: It was…

Micah: Well, I’ll say what happened.

Andrew: Okay.

Micah: You want me to? Because I was recording something called a Blickle on Wednesday night, and I get this IM, and I get another IM, and another IM, and another IM, saying, “Micah, I need a thumbnail to use, a generic thumbnail to use for this post I need to make right now. Please, please, please get me a thumbnail.”

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: “I need one now.”

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Micah: And, Andrew, what were you IMing me about? [laughs]

Andrew: Well, what happened was a few days prior to that, WB had emailed me and said, “Can you be on Tuesday – are you going to be able to check your email Tuesday morning?” I was like, “yeah.” And then she said, “Are you going to be available Wednesday at midnight your time?” And I was like, “Yeah, what is this about?” So I thought it was something else for a bit, so I told all of you guys.

Laura: Yep.

Andrew: I was like, “I think it’s going to be this.” I don’t want to say what I thought it was going to be…

Laura: Got us all hyped up.

Andrew: …because I’ll look like an idiot. So, it wasn’t that. So, then we find out – I get this e-mail saying, “You are invited to this thing,” and it had my name, and I was like, “Huh?” And then they spelled my name wrong, two “M”s, but that’s beside the point. So then we get onto this thing, and – this website, this special website for this special announcement that we were all supposed to be taking a part of. By all, I mean me and then a few other fan sites, and I’m sitting there with Jenna from on GoogleTalk, and we’re like, “What the heck, what could it be? [laughs] God bless, Jenna from She looks at the copyright at the bottom of the page, and it says, “Copyright 2007, Warner Brothers Pictures and Universal Studios.” And we’re like, “Oh my god! This must be about the theme park.” Because why else would they be putting Universal in their copyright, and sure enough they made the announcement live over the internet in a video web chat. A representative from Universal Studios and also Stuart Craig made the announcement with this guy from Universal Studios about the theme park. The rumors are actually true. Can you guys believe it?

Laura: I was a little shocked…

Andrew: Because I couldn’t… Yeah

Laura: To be honest. It kind of caught me off guard. I was sitting there actually working on school work and you IMed me asking me to put the picture up in the gallery, and of course I put it up in the wrong gallery.

[Micah and Andrew laugh]

Laura: So, we spent…

Micah: Because those things are so easy to navigate through, by the way.

Laura: Thank you, Micah.

Andrew: Yeah, I meant to tell you guys…

Laura: Thank you.

Andrew: I meant to tell you guys, you were a great help that night. Thanks a lot.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: I didn’t even do anything.

Andrew: And Micah not responding to my IMs, and Laura putting the picture in the wrong spot. You guys were just…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, I did find that thumbnail of the Islands of Adventure, but it proved to be worthless. So…

Andrew: Yeah, but yeah the rumors have been going on for so long that when you see the new one spark up, it sort of just like, “Oh, whatever. We’ve heard this a million times. It’s never going to happen.” But then, I don’t want to say it’s a dream come true because it’s really cool, but it’s almost surreal because oh my gosh, it’s actually happening.

Laura: Yeah. I really didn’t expect it to happen- I just didn’t see it really going forward or at least not so soon, I guess. I kind of figured if something like that was going to happen it would be at least after the movies were, but apparently not.

Andrew: Yeah, you say that, but it’s actually been in development for a few years.

Laura: I know. Oh my gosh, it’s crazy.

Andrew: No one ever said it was.

Micah: Which is why we would probably have the rumors. People were sort of leaking it, but nobody would believe it.

Andrew: There was no authoritative source saying, “Yes, it is actually in development, behind the scenes right now.” But actually it was interesting because I had seen on a couple of hours prior to the real announcement they had an article out from the tabloid and it actually had one piece of concert dart, it was of Hogsmeade and I saw it, and I thought it might have just a picture that they pulled off Google Images. I couldn’t understand where they had actually got it from. They even had that quote from Jo. So, somehow they got the press release early and they had to first credit to The Sun, but it’s all very exciting. I thought we could discuss a few details. Laura? You’re pretty close to Florida.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Will you be one of the first people in line?

Laura: I go to Universal Studios fairly regularly because I’m from Orlando…

Andrew: Do you? Oh, good.

Laura: [laughs] I’ve got family down there.

Where They Going To Put It?

Andrew: One of the first things you said to me was do they room.

Laura: Yeah!

Andrew: I don’t know where are they going to put.

Laura: Well, the thing is, I mean, when you look at the way the theme park is constructed right now the Islands of Adventures is sort of set up in a circular type shape, like each little area leads into another. So, I wasn’t quite sure how they were going to set it up. Then I was reading that they are actually going to get rid of half of one of the other ones and using that and some additional space to build the Harry Potter one, which is pretty cool because the one they are getting rid of sucked anyway.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Which is it? Do you know?”

Laura: It’s called “The Lost Continent’ I think? I think it’s basically
got a hole bunch of stuff about like, Sinbad, and Posiedon, and stupid stuff. All the stuff there is really stupid.

Andrew: Okay, because one of the papers down in Orlando actually had a sketch of the park and where it is going to be placed, but then they said they are also going to be taking out a little part of that is reserved for the staff right now? I think it was just a little parking lot for them, or whatever.

Laura: Oh, god, Harry Potter slashing staff benefits.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs] Well, I’m sure they’re going to build elsewhere for those guys. But there were quite a few details announced in the little video that went on. They’re going to be building Hogsmeade, Hogwarts Castle, and the Forbidden Forest. Those are three areas. That’s good, I guess. I mean…

Laura: That was something that kind of floored me. Because-have you been there? Or, you’ve only been to Disney?

Andrew: No. I’ve never… Micah, have you?

Micah: Yeah, a long time ago.

Laura: Because when you look at all these different areas, they’re not very big. And whenever I think about them building Hogwarts, the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade, those are three areas that, in the books you imagine them as being huge. So you kind of wonder how much they’re going to scale them down. Or how much they’re going to leave out to kind of make it fit in with the rest of the park.

Andrew: Yeah. I know.

Micah: Well these drawings look absolutely massive, to begin with.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: I mean the amount of space they look like they’re going to take up and- are you saying because Hogwarts has the grounds that exist? Is that what you’re saying, Laura?

Laura: Well, what I’m saying is that…

Micah: That you’re afraid they’re going to leave stuff out?

Laura: Well, no. I’m saying that – I don’t know. I’m just wondering how detailed it’s going to be. Because when I was there I think I noticed that the one that was the biggest was the Jurassic Park area. And what they had was they had the whole museum area that you could go in. And then they had a food court and then they had rides. And that was pretty much it. And that was the biggest one out of all the areas. And it had, I would say, the most detail from the story that it comes from. So, I’m just kind of wondering how they’re going to fit all of this into this one area, since they’re saying that it’s going to be relatively the same size as all of the others.

Andrew: Right. Yeah. Do you think Universal can pull this off, Laura? I mean this is jumping the gun. But…

Laura: Oh, I think they can. Because anybody who has been to Universal knows that they know how to do a set up. They’re very, very good with that. I mean, even when you’re in line on rides, it’s not cheap. I mean, waiting in the line is half the fun there. Because they’ve got so much stuff up for you to look at. Just so much cool stuff going on. So, I think that they can definitely do it, it’s just a matter of if they actually do it right, which I hope they do.

Andrew: Yeah. Now, they seem to be really dedicated to this. Both Warner Brothers and Universal Studios. They have a good 20 – 30 people working on the project right now. And of course, that’s sure to expand once construction actually starts. But they seem to be really dedicated to this. Especially Universal, they want to get this down to suit the Harry Potter fan. Because they’re going to be under pressure. This is one part that fans, you know, they have to appeal to the serious fans of the books.

Laura: Yeah. Well it’s also definitely going to, I think, sell them more tickets. I mean, the first thing that I thought of was people are going to buy tickets to go here just to go [laughs] to the Harry Potter island. I mean, that’s going to be a priority for so many people. I mean, and I can just think of people going there and spending their whole day there. You know, not really caring about the rest of it.

Andrew: Exactly, exactly. I mean, I don’t even think that they’re trying to make it that big, where you would have to spend the whole day there.

Laura: No.

Andrew: I mean, because…

Laura: None of those areas are big enough to where you’d spend the whole day in them.

Andrew: Right. Maybe a couple of hours, I mean, waiting in line, of course.

Laura: Yeah.

The Concept Art

Andrew: That’s always a factor. Did you look at the concept art?

Laura: I did.

Andrew: They have the one shot of the- they call it the Owl Looking Over Hogwarts or Looking Over.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Now, I think that’s the entire park. Or the entire area.

Laura: Oh, the entire area. Yeah, with Hogwarts in the middle.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I can see that.

How Big Will Hogwarts Be?

Andrew: Which is interesting. I think the biggest question right now, at least for me, is how big is Hogwarts actually going to be?

Laura: Yeah, that’s what I was wondering. That was really what I was kind of concerned about. And how are they going to have everything set up in relation to one another? You know? Are they going to have…

Andrew: Like, the castle?

Laura: Yeah. I mean, how is it going to be all set up?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I mean, is it going to be like the books? Or I don’t know.

Andrew: I mean…

Laura: I don’t know.

Andrew: They have to have the Great Hall – I would think they would have the Great Hall, the Gryffindor common room, Dumbledore’s office.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I’m just thinking like the main movie sets…

Laura: Room of Requirement.

Andrew: …that they already have designed. Yeah, well, do you think so? The Room, I mean…

Laura: I think, I mean, it could be kind of lame…

Micah: Only when…

Laura: …if they…

Micah: …you need to find it, Laura.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: [laughs sarcastically] Sorry.

Laura: He said, “Only when we need to find it.”

Micah: It was a dumb joke.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh. [laughs] I get it.

The Rides and Characters

Andrew: I mean, just looking at this concept art, it doesn’t look like there are a ton of rides. I mean, I could pick out maybe three or four in this…

Laura: Well…

Andrew: …drawing.

Laura: …that’s how those areas are all set up, though. Each of those areas has maybe five rides maximum. Most of them are three or four.

Micah: Would you guys think we’d have something in Hogwarts and then maybe something in the Forbidden Forest, or do you think the rides will be spread out sort of around that area?

Andrew: Well, I would say at least one ride in each area.

Laura: Yeah, I would think so as well.

Andrew: And then I mean, Diagon Alley, it just has to be filled with – I would think that’s just dedicated to the shops.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And eating areas. I mean, that’s probably one of the things I’m looking forward to the most; being able to eat in like, say, The Leaky Cauldron.

Laura: I know. Oh, that’s so exciting. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Or get, I mean, like butterbeers, like the first thing you would think of…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …when they’re trying to sell something at one of these places.

Laura: But then, you know, I was thinking about some of the lame things that could go on with this, like I immediately had a visual of a guy running around in a Hagrid costume taking pictures with kids, and so… [laughs]

Andrew: That’s funny, because someone e-mailed in saying that same thing.

Laura: I mean, that was one of the first things…

Andrew: Did you read that e-mail?

Laura: No.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh.

Laura: [laughs] I haven’t read my e-mail in like…

Andrew: Because…

Laura: …three days, but it was just one of the first thoughts that came to my mind, like are they going to have the characters running around, you know, in costume and stuff? Because they do that with all the other places.

Andrew: But they would have to look just like the movies’ characters, wouldn’t they? Because otherwise, we would be like, “Who’s this?” Because – don’t you think so?

Micah: It’s not like, a Disney place, where you can actually have people in costumes, I guess. Like, I agree with what Andrew’s saying, it’d almost have to be a replicate of the actors in the films because it’s not like…

Laura: Well…

Micah: …in Looney Toons, you have, you know, Bugs Bunny. There’s no…

Andrew: It’s a cartoon.

Micah: Yeah, there’s no real cartoon, that’s what I meant to say.

Laura: Yeah, but they do have that at Universal Studios. They have people come out dressed up as random characters from movies and stuff. So…

Andrew: I do hear that – a rumor is right now, not sure how true this is, but after Equus, Dan is looking for a new role, so he might be doing – might be walking around this theme park.

Laura: Wow, that’s a step up.

Andrew: As Harry Potter, you know?

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Laura: Not to downgrade the job of any person who does that [laughs], but…

Why The Park in The U.S.?

Andrew: No. [laughs] Let’s see. What other details are there to talk about here? Oh, one thing I found interesting in the release was someone sent in the question, “Why in the United States? Why isn’t the park in the United Kingdom since the books were written in the UK?” And Stuart Craig actually said [laughs] he thought that an American theme park could do it better. He thought the UK people wouldn’t be able to pull it off, and I thought – I wasn’t sure whether or not to put that in the news post because I didn’t want to upset [laughs] any of the people in the UK that read that.

Laura: You know what? I think he’s right, though, because there’s something very unique about American theme parks. I mean, there’s really nothing quite like them. People travel from all over the world to go to Orlando. I mean, you meet people of all walks of life in these theme parks, and I think that it’s a great central location to have it, because you know, A. you’ve got the fact that those theme parks don’t have to close at all and if they do it’s not very long because it’s always warm there. The weather’s not great year round in Britain, so you can’t constantly have something like that open.

Andrew: That’s true.

Laura: It’s got to be an attraction that’s, you know…

Andrew: That’s actually very true.

Micah: Yeah, that’s a great point.

Laura: Able to be reached by a lot of people.

Micah: And I don’t think Warner Brothers would open a strictly Harry Potter theme park in, say, London or some other area of England. It wouldn’t make sense.

Laura: No, because Warner Brother is an American based company. Why would they want to do something like that?

Andrew: Plus, there are more Harry Potter fans in the US, right?

Laura: Hmmm, I guess if you – I mean, I guess if you want to say that we have a bigger population, and the chances are that we more fans, but just be careful how you word that.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: Because people get upset.

Andrew: Yeah, well, all right. So, maybe that’s not a proven point, but arguably there are more Harry Potter fans in the United States.

Jo Touring The Park

Andrew: So WB does seem to be very dedicated to this. J.K. Rowling has been reportedly involved since the very beginning of the project, and she’s also supportive and encouraging. My question is, will she be going there privately? Because I don’t think she’s going to want to be waiting in line with fans.

Micah: Oh, I’m sure for the opening they’ll invite her, and she’ll probably go.

Laura: Gosh, that would be surreal, I would think.

Micah: Well, couldn’t you see her getting her own private tour of it before it opened?

Andrew: Oh, definitely. Yeah, definitely. With jer kids.

Laura: Oh, sure. Can you imagine? She’s already seen her books made into movies, and can you image riding a roller coaster with Harry’s face plastered to it or something? That’s just so weird.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Or walking through Hogsmeade and Hogwarts.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: And the way that they’re going to construct it? She can actually sit right out on that road there, and pull up a desk and sign books the whole entire day when people walk by.

Andrew: Yeah. That would be very cool. So Jo has said she’s incredibly excited, and I think there’s nothing but good things to come out of this.

Hype Over by 2010?

Andrew: Not until 2010, though. A little disappointing, because, I don’t know, is it just me or is the hype going to be over by 2010? [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, well, by 2010 we’ll have the sixth movie, right?

Andrew: We could have the seventh.

Laura: Really? I thought the sixth was coming out in ’09.

Andrew: 2008.

Laura: Oh.

Andrew: November 2008, and I think in the press release, or in the announcement video, one of the guys said it would be right around the time when the seventh film comes out. So…

Laura: Oh, that’s crazy.

Andrew: I guess there still will be movie hype.

Micah: So I guess we know where the premiere for the seventh movie’s going to be.

Andrew: Yeah! Yeah, you know what? They could.

Laura: Oh my gosh, that’s weird.

Andrew: They could have some sort of press event there,

Laura: We should go. We should go do a show there.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, that’s what Micah said to me, I think. [laughs]

Cost of Building

Andrew: And then all the Orlando newspapers are getting the juicy details, since they’re right next door to Universal. The project is going to be costing upwards of $265 million.

Micah: That’s kind of cheap.

Laura: Micah! [laughs]

Andrew: Is it?

Micah: It just sounds, I don’t know. It doesn’t sound like it’s a lot.

Laura: I realize that’s chump change compared to your salary that you get from MuggleCast, Micah.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Laura: But you didn’t have to be that blunt about it.

Andrew: Yeah, please. How much does it cost to build a Hogwarts, that’s what I want to know.

Micah: My point was, though, when you hear about stadiums being built in – around the country, you always hear, oh, it costs x amount, and you’re always like, “Why does a stadium cost that much?” so I guess, in comparison, it just doesn’t seem like it’s a whole lot of money.

Laura: So are you afraid…

Micah: They have it. It’s not like they don’t have the money.

Laura: Are you afraid they’re going to cheap out on it, or…

Micah: No, no, not at all. I’m just saying it doesn’t seem like a whole lot.

Andrew: Well, I mean – I guess once we see the final picture we’ll be able to be like, “Does this look like $265 million spent?” You know, we don’t claim to know how much building materials cost for Hogwarts and…

Laura: Well, you also have to consider that our taking, you know – they are using part of a pre existing area of the park, and I’m sure that they are going to use some materials from that towards building it. Once of the first things I thought of was in that area that they’re talking about taking down, there’s this one ride, that’s not really so much a ride as much as a big walk-through, tour type thing. But it’s essentially a huge castle, like it’s supposed to be, I think, Atlantis or something, and I mean it’s enormous, and I was kind of thinking that they might just remodel that to be Hogwarts, or at least add on to it. Because, you know, it’s a pre-existing structure.

MuggleCast 93 Transcript (continued)

Theme Park Reports

Andrew: Right. Yeah, well good question. My question for you Laura is will you be able to provide us with some updates since this is you are so close. Next year.

Laura: Ummm, well, seeing as…

Andrew: Head down there, take some pictures.

Laura: Yeah, seeing as next year I’m going to be in Maryland, ummm…

Andrew: Oh shoot, that’s right.

Laura: And seeing as I live seven hours away in my current location, but…

Micah: What’s your…

Andrew: Well, I’m sure…

Micah: What’s your mom doing?

Laura: Yeah, she has nothing better to do. [laughs]

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: I’ll tell her, “you have to go down to Orlando once a month, Mom.”

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: I’m sure we will be able to get plenty of people taking pictures and sending them in. Because there’s like – I’ve been on… After I went to Disney for the first time, I became like obsessed with how Disney’s like run and stuff that kind of stuff fascinates me.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: So, there’s these websites where people will like provide weekly reports on forums that take pictures and do like a photo report of “Okay so this ride closed.”

Laura: Yeah. On my gosh, yeah.

Andrew: “This ride is getting renovations made,” and it’s like so hardcore.

Laura: Have you ever seen these sites…

Andrew: So I’m hoping people do that with this.

Laura: Have you seen these sites, and this might have nothing to do with our show at all, but have you seen these sites where they have all the different injuries that have happened at these theme parks [laughs] all the people who have gotten hurt on rides?

Andrew: My god! Why would you want read that?

Laura: Okay, I’m going to tell you this, when we were at Universal [laughs] they had these plaques up on the rides that they hadn’t had up before, like in front of all the roller coasters and all the big rides and stuff [laughs] that said, “Please remove all prosthetic limbs before boarding the ride.”

[Micah laughs]

Laura: And we were like…

Andrew: Oh my god.

Laura: …what the heck is this?

Micah: Wow.

Laura: Why are they saying this? And so we get back to the hotel and I’m just sort of running around on Google and I find this article from 2004, that this guy’s prosthetic leg flew off on one of the roller coasters.

Andrew: Oh my gosh!

Laura: [laughs] It was so funny…

Andrew: Wow.

Laura: It was so mean though. Okay.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: That guy is now listening; he is a MuggleCast listener now. So…

Laura: Oh great.

Warner Brothers and Universal in 10-Year Deal

Andrew: Shout out to him. But, okay so Warner Brothers is in a 10-year deal with Universal for this. So we’re going to have it until at least 2020. [laughs] Which seems so far off. And then there’s the – they have two options for a five-year extension, so – then by 2020 if there’s still interest in the Harry Potter theme park they can go for another five years. And then after that if they want five more they can take it. And then after that, I guess they can extend it if they wanted to.

Laura: Yeah. It just depends on how long people stay interested in it, I guess. I mean I…

Andrew: Yeah,

Laura: …think 10 years is definitely doable. I mean, I think people will…

Andrew: Definitely, I mean how long has Universal been opened?

Laura: Ummm, it opened when I was very, very little. I mean, and when it first opened there wasn’t much there.

Andrew: That’s it.

Laura: It hasn’t been that long, but the Islands of Adventures area is fairly new it’s like…

Andrew: Oh is it?

Laura: Six or seven years old. So…

Andrew: Because you get – Disney’s been open for…

Laura: A lot longer.

Andrew: …how long? 30, 40? 30 or 40?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean how can they – it makes me wonder what they think about when they are designing these parks and rides in terms of how long they’ill last. Because, like, Disney, you know – 50 years from now, what’s Walt Disney World going to be like? Or 100 years from now?

Laura: Oh, well, they’ll definitely…

Andrew: I mean…

Laura: …have to keep updating it. I mean, there’s no question about it. These theme parks are constantly having to update. When I was down there recently they were getting rid of the Back to the Future ride because…

Micah: Oh, here we go…

Laura: Most people don’t know what Back to the Future is anymore.

Andrew: [laughs] Right!

Laura: No, I mean, a lot of kids don’t.

Andrew: No, they don’t.

Micah: Universal Studios in Florida opened in 1990.

Andrew: 1990. So, seventeen years are coming on and already they’re willing to go 20 years with Harry Potter. So, it’s interesting.

Micah: By then, they’ll be redoing the movies over, so they’ll have more reason to keep it running.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Right, right. You know, in 50 years, I could really see that happening.

Laura: Me too, I think so as well. That’d be weird.

Andrew: We’d all go see it.

Micah: And Disney World opened in 1971.

Andrew: Can we enter into an agreement right now that if they decide to remake the Harry Potter movies, we’ll start up the podcast again?

Laura: [laughs] When we’re all, like, in Depends with our dentures.

Micah: And when they cast Americans to play the roles, that we’re all going to try out?

Andrew: [laughs] Mhm.

Laura: No, we should all try out for lead roles. When we’re, like, 50. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. “And what’s your claim to fame, sir? What credentials do you have?” “Well, I used to host a podcast back in the early 2000s, 2005-2006.” “Oh, good, you’re in!”

[Micah laughs]

Laura: Can you see us, like, 50 and meeting up again [laughs] for like a movie release? That’d be so….

Andrew: Maybe…not.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: [attempts old man voice] Heyyyy! [laughs] I used to be able to do a good old person’s voice, but I can’t anymore, especially not at this late hour. So, overall, I think we’re all very excited for the theme park.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yes. We’ll get everyone else’s feedback next week, if they decide to show up or not. Anything else to bring up about it?

Micah: Yeah, there is.

Andrew: What? What?

What Kind of Rides?

Micah: What kind of rides are there going to be?

Andrew: Oh! [laughs] Well, we sort of talked about it, a little bit.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean…

Micah: We didn’t get specific, though. Really?

Andrew: No, we didn’t, we didn’t.

Laura: They have tons of – there’s so many potential ideas, I mean you have all the various magical creatures that Harry has flown on. I mean you can have a thestral ride, you could have a hippogriff ride.

Micah: Quidditch.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: You could do a Quidditch simulation

Laura: Quidditch. Yeah, definitely Quidditch.

Micah: Wouldn’t you say?

Laura: What else?

Micah: I was going to say, what about doing a ride that takes you through the tasks of the Triwizard Tournament?

Andrew: Yeah, that’d be cool.

Laura: I don’t know, I see it as being a little bit too specific, as something they might do.

Andrew: Mmmm.

Laura: Because just – just from riding some…

Micah: You think they’re going to stay basic?

Andrew: Yeah, I did think…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …they said they wanted to capture it as a whole.

Laura: Yeah, because…

Andrew: Rather than a specific book.

Laura: …when you look at some the other rides they have in that park, it’s all very generic ideas from, you know, the different genres and stories and stuff. They didn’t pick specific events, they just sort of threw stuff together. So…

Andrew: Are you guys big roller coaster fans?

Laura: Yes! Oh my gosh.

Micah: No.

Laura: I am a junkie.

Andrew: No, Micah. Neither am I.

Laura: I am.

Andrew: Really? So, I guess you’re expecting at least one good roller coaster ride.

Laura: Oh, they better, they better, or I’ll be upset.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I ride them, but not to the extent, you know, probably not…

Laura: I ride them ’till I puke.

Andrew: I…I…I don’t know, I have a weak stomach.

Laura: No joke.

Andrew: Oh. Cool. I guess.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a couple walk-through rides or some simple, like – sit and it takes you through like a tour or something like that. Virtual reality is always cool.

Laura: Yeah, they’re definitely going to have to have something to appeal to children, though, something that’s lame.

Micah: Well, isn’t Islands of Adventure, isn’t it more…

Andrew: [laughs] Lame like?

Micah: Isn’t it more on the adult side of the park or am I wrong about that?

Laura: No, not – I would honestly say that the Universal side is more adult because there aren’t as many rides, and the stuff is older. The stuff on Island of Adventures – I mean, you’ve got Seussland, which is for all the little kids, and then you’ve got certain rides in areas that are like mini roller coasters and all that kind of thing for little kids. It’s definitely varied. But, I think that they would definitely have to have at least one ride geared toward the little kids in this area just because, you know, it’s based on a children’s book and a lot of kids really like Harry Potter, so you can’t have all scary rides, you know?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: So, I’m actually reading another article right now. It says the theme park’s going to span 20 acres of the 85 in the Islands of Adventures.

Laura: Wow. That’s pretty good.

Andrew: So, there you go. You have a little under a fourth there for Harry Potter.

Laura: I mean, when you say it like that it sounds huge, but I don’t know. Just, I don’t know, just comparing it to the sizes of some of the other ones, it doesn’t seem that big.

Bad News For Disney?

Andrew: Yeah. Good news or bad news for Disney? I mean…

Laura: I honestly think Universal has been bad news for Disney since day one.

Andrew: Really?

Laura: Yeah, I mean, I used to live in Orlando, and everybody favors Universal Studios over Disney, because Disney’s problem…

Andrew: Really?

Laura: Yeah. Disney is…

Andrew: Disney’s for tourists, isn’t it?

Laura: It is. Disney – and no offense, Andrew, but [laughs] everybody makes jokes about…

Andrew: It’s not magical?

Laura: No, no, everybody makes jokes about Jersey people and Disney. Like, how all the Jersey people come down to go to Disney World. So, yeah.

Andrew: That’s – yeah, it’s true. I mean… [laughs]

Laura: It is true. [laughs]

Andrew: But screw all of them. I really like Disney, and I’ve never been to Universal.

Laura: Disney’s kind of outdated. That’s the problem with it.

Andrew: I like the kiddish stuff, though. I like all of that. I like the trains, I like the – I like their transportation systems, I like their rides. I’ve only been there twice, but I do like all of this.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Micah: Please stand clear of the closing train doors. Sorry.

Andrew: I don’t think they say that, Micah.

Micah: On the monorail, they do.

Andrew: No, you’re wrong. Yeah, you’re right, they do. [laughs]

Micah: And then they say it in Spanish.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean…

Micah: And then it gets stuck in your head for the next two months.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. Yeah. I don’t – I’m just not into the Spiderman or the Superman rides. I’m just a Disney

Laura: Yeah, see, I’m more into thrill rides and all that kind of stuff. So, Disney just…

Discussing Old Universal Rides

Micah: Do they still have King Kong?

Laura: No, they got rid of it. They replaced it with The Mummy.

Micah: You know, I’ll tell you, I was very hesitant when I was in high school to go on all those rides, and then I got on one of them – I think it was Earthquake was the first one I went on, or something like that.

Laura: Yeah, that one’s really lame.

Micah: They’re all lame. King Kong is terrible.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Micah: You see him coming up to shake the car that you’re in and you’re like, “Are you serious? This is the ride?”

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Laura: No, the one they replaced it with is pretty cool, though. Yeah.

Micah: Jaws still there?

Laura: Oh Jaws. Yeah, Jaws is still there, Jaws is still lame.

Micah: Back to the Future, awesome.

Laura: No, they got rid of it.

Micah: Really?

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: There’s one with Warner Brothers characters in it. All the guys from – Bugs Bunny, and Daffy – or, no, with all the Scooby-Doo characters. I forget what it’s called.

Laura: Geez, I don’t remember that.

Micah: It was another virtual reality one.

Theme Park Too Much For Franchise?

Andrew: On the other hand of all this positive news about the theme park, a lot of people – not a lot – but some people have been criticizing the fact that Harry Potter – the Harry Potter franchise is being spread out even further. Do you guys think a theme park is pushing it or what?

Laura: I don’t really have much feeling on that one way or the other. I think that something like this was eventually bound to happen just because, when you’ve got something this big, people are going to try to make as much money off of it as they can. I mean, there’s no doubt about it. But, as long as they do the books and the movies justice, I don’t see a problem with it.

Andrew: Yeah. Micah?

Micah: I agree with what Laura’s saying. I think that for certain people who are involved in it, it’s a financial – it’s a revenue issue. And by building this, you’re saying that theirs spending – what, $265 million to make this? They will easily make that back…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Micah: …without any trouble whatsoever and I just – I don’t see a problem with them going ahead and building the park. I don’t understand necessarily the issues that – you’re taking something that has been popular now for so long and you’re building on it and you’re allowing the fans to go out and experience something they otherwise wouldn’t have if it wasn’t built in the first place.

Andrew: I agree. I just think that it may, it may hurt a tad in 2010 when the books have been done for three years and it’s just so hard to say. It’s hard to predict where the fandom is going to be going after the book. Especially with the online community.

Micah: I think for a lot of people, though, this brings – aside from the movies – this brings the whole series to life. Where you can actually go and experience it for yourself.

Andrew: Yeah, it really does do that, yeah. And I’m just trying to think how we’re going to be feeling about Harry Potter in three years from now. Because three years from now – none of us – Laura, I don’t think you were – three years ago, none of us were involved to the extent that we are now. And it’s just like, there years from now, where are we going to be with – three years from now, this park should be open. It said late 2009/early 2010. So, I don’t know, it’s just…

Laura: Well, I mean, I know that I will…

Andrew: I still want to go of course.

Laura: I mean, I always have been and I always will be a fan. But this is definitely, you know, this whole – this right now, what we’re doing right now, is definitely the height of my fan experience.

Andrew: Absolutely.

Laura: Just because I’ve gotten so involved. And I mean, I’m not saying that I won’t go to this theme park. I absolutely will. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: But I’m not going to be there camping outside the night before it opens.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Well, you don’t know that. I mean, come on.

Laura: You know some people will. You know they will.

Andrew: No, absolutely, there’s going to be a ton of hype when this park is opened. Almost – probably as much as the book – book release.

Laura: Yeah. I honestly think that…

Andrew: It’s going to be a midnight park release. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah, I honestly think that people might get more excited about this than the movies just because it does bring it to life.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: You can actually walk the halls of Hogwarts. It’s crazy.

Andrew: That’s true actually. I mean, why do people like the movies so much? To see Harry Potter. Now you’re going to be able to be in Harry Potter.

Laura: It’s so weird.

Andrew: You know what I’m saying?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: The rest of that park is going to be empty when it opens – seriously.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Laura: We should get them to take an overhead shot of the day that that opens…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Laura: …so that you can see the cluster of people.

Andrew: You know, overheard shots are always so disappointing because it makes the park look so small and unexciting.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Like, when I look at Disney on Google Maps and you see an above shot, you’re like, “That’s it? It doesn’t look that cool from high above.”

Laura: It’s because it’s not.

Andrew: [laughs] I knew you were going to say that.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: So, I think that’s about it for that.

Laura: Yeah.

MuggleCast 93 Transcript (continued)

Back to Rides

Andrew: I’m sure there’s going to be plenty more to discuss over the coming three years [laughs] since being developed. I just really – I really – we need to hear more. We need to hear more about the rides, because they’ve got to have those down by now if they’re going to be starting construction next year.

Laura: Yeah, they’ve got to have some idea as to what they’re doing.

Micah: Well, it might be not able to be mentioned depending on if it includes any elements of Book 7. So, they may have to wait.

Andrew: I don’t think Jo would be… See, in the article it said that – in the press release – they want to get the theme of Books 1 through 7, not just one book. So, I mean, when you are getting places like Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, that – those aren’t book-specific. They’ve been in every book, give or take. So…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: So, you know? They probably will be general. I mean, think about…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Think about rides in – I hate to go Disney again, but Disney. Pirates of the Caribbean. It’s just a general theme. And – what are some other rides that – you know, like the Superman rollercoaster. Laura is that movie-specific? There’s been a few Supermans.

Laura: Yeah, well, I mean, you just – they don’t look into specifics when they are making these rides. They are just looking to make something entertaining and something that encompasses a general theme.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: So, I think talking about, you know, having a Quidditch ride, that is definitely a huge possibility just because everybody associates Quidditch withHarry Potter. So, even if you don’t read Harry Potter, you probably know what Quidditch is, or at least have some sort of idea.

Andrew: Right, and people will still want to go into this park. I mean, I don’t think the snow theme…

Laura: Except Laura Mallory.

Andrew: Yeah!

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Micah: Speaking of her…

Andrew: Someone has got to pay her to get in. What?

Micah: She lost again, this week…

Andrew: She did lose again. Let’s not talk about that right now.

Laura: [says, sarcastic] Darn!

Andrew: Who cares about her anymore?

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: She thinks she is going to have to start over, according to reports.

Andrew: Yeah, but again, who cares about her, anymore?

[Laura laughs]

Hogsmeade Snow Theme

Andrew: Ummm, Hogsmeade, I don’t think the snow theme is very good for a park down in Florida. Is that going to look interesting?

Laura: Ahhh…

Micah: It’s going to melt. It’s going to flood.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Well, it’s obviously not real. It’s not real snow.

Laura: They might – they might not do snow. I mean, that might just be part of the concept.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I mean…

Andrew: They do have the Hogwarts Express, though.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: That is going to be probably one of the big photo-op spots.

Laura: I imagine what they’ll do – if they want to incorporate snow, they’ll do it during the winter months.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, and not during the summer. That would look really stupid. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. Oh, can you imagine? In Universal do they sort of theme-up the park around Christmas time?

Laura: They do.

Andrew: Do they?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh. Oh, that will look awesome around Christmas time.

Micah: That’s when we’re going to go. That’s when we have to go…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …if we do go.

Andrew: Yeah, definitely.

Micah: That’d be fun.


Andrew: I also like how Hogwarts is all the way in the back, so you have to walk to it. It’s not just…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …right in the front where you just go, “Hey! Cheesy Hogwarts, right there. Right in front of you.”

Laura: We can all spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Hogwarts.

Andrew: Yay!

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Micah: Ha ha. Well it’s set up kind of how it would be in the books. You know, the train pulls into Hogsmeade, you go through. The forest is there, so is the school.

Andrew: Yeah. I’m looking at the concept art of Hogwarts, and it’s hard to tell the scale of it, because you see the Great Hall, and you see a couple towers, but then it’s all up on this hill. And if you try to scale it to the people that you see walking below on the sidewalk, it’s hard to tell actually how big this is. It doesn’t look like…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …there’s going to be much to Hogwarts besides the Great Hall.

Laura: Yeah, I think they’re definitely just going to take some of the rooms that we’ve associated most with the books, and just sort of throw them in there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Do you think Hogwarts…

Laura: Give you a couple of hallways…

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: …and that kind of thing.

Micah: Is it going to be more of a walkthrough area, do you think?

Laura: I think so…

Andrew: I would think so. Cause I was just thinking, what are you going to do in the Great Hall? Like, there’ll probably be music and…

Micah: Food.

Laura: They will probably…

Andrew: Food?

Laura: …serve food in the Great Hall.

Andrew: Ohh. That’s – that would be a very good idea. [laughs]

Micah: You can probably get sorted.

Laura: [laughs] Oh, that would be cool!

Andrew: Maybe.

Laura: Yeah. Get sorted.

Andrew: Sorting Hat? I don’t know, that’d be kind of – well, I don’t know. I guess it would be cool. It’d be a long line if it’s just one Sorting Hat, though. You know how in Disney one of the things they’ve been doing lately? They have this ride called the Monster’s Inc. Laugh Factory, and you go in – it’s a live audience – you’re part of a live audience, and on the screen you’ll see Mikey. Not our Mikey B, but Mikey from Monster’s Inc. And he talks to the audience, and he puts on this little comedy show. And he also puts it on with these other characters, and they will actually interact with you. Obviously there’s live people behind the scenes that are doing this – that are doing the voices, but they’re improv comedians, and the show’s actually hilarious because they’re interacting with people and their actually making really funny jokes with these guys. And I actually went to it three times to see – figure out how they did it, and see how much it varies from show to show, and these guys who are doing the voices are actually really good improv people. They’ll pick up on stuff right away when they interview these kids right in the audience. So, it’d be cool to have something like that in Hogwarts with the Sorting Hat.

Laura: So that it could kind of…

Andrew: Interact with you.

Laura: Yeah. Oh, that’d be cool. Maybe they’d ask you some questions, or something?

Andrew: Right. Right.

Laura: Oh, that’d be pretty cool!

Andrew: Yeah, you’d just have to hire some British guy, and…

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: …you know, hire a few, because when I went to a couple of different shows, I went to two right after each other, and the voices changed. So…

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: …you know, they’re obviously getting different people in there, because they can’t do it all day, but it pretty much runs all day, I think. So, something like that would be pretty neat. There’s one of my ideas for a ride. You guys got anything else you want to discuss? This is actually 41 minutes long, so this could almost be a…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …full show.

Laura: Almost. No, I think we pretty much…

Micah: Did you want to go through the…

Laura: …beat it with a stick.

Jamie’s Return

Micah: Didn’t you want to go through those announcements about…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: …next week?

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, so, I mean, this is a smaller show. We didn’t really have time to put together a full one because, honestly, we have been busy trying to finish up school, and stuff like that, before the summer starts. So we do want to just bring up a couple of announcements. Jamie is going to be back next week and Micah already knows why, because of the rehearsals. But, Micah [laughs] I guess we can’t really make the joke again, can we? Jamie…

Micah: Uhhh, yeah, because they didn’t hear the joke the first time.

Andrew: Okay, so we’ll just pretend like, Micah, you’re clueless. Micah, why – do you know why Jamie has to be on next week no matter what?

Micah: I do.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Because he’s going to be in your house.

Andrew: [laughs] That is correct. He will have no choice, whatsoever. Unless you guys don’t want him on, then just e-mail me, andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com, and he will not be on. But, he’ll be back in the States next week to hang out with me for a couple of weeks. So, that’ll be fun, and he’ll definitely be on next week, along with Laura, Micah and I, and whoever else decides to show up. If they feel like it. Apparently nobody does, anymore.

Laura: Awww, you know that’s not true.

Andrew: [laughs] I’m just kidding. Sort of.

Laura: I was devastated when I thought I couldn’t do the show this week.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Devastated.

Andrew: Well at least you gave me fair warning [laughs]. That was nice of you.

Laura: I did.

National Wear Your MuggleCast T-Shirt Day

Andrew: Yeah. Also, what was today, guys?

Laura: It was June 2nd.

Andrew: No kidding. [laughs]

Laura: National Wear Your MuggleCast T-Shirt Day.

Andrew: Yeah. I checked the MuggleCast inbox just before we recorded, and there are 10 of people who already sent in pictures of themselves wearing their t-shirts today, so we will be posting those on sometime during the week. Laura and Micah, you guys wear your t-shirts today? I know I did.

Micah: Yes, we did.

Laura: Yep.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Sweet, and we’ll…

Micah: And we took pictures, too, so…

Andrew: Perfect.

Micah: …we’ll post those.

[Laura laughs]

Pickle Pack

Andrew: Perfect. [laughs] So we’ll put those online later this week. Also – let’s see what else. Don’t forget Pickle – time is running out to sign up for Pickle Pack, the official membership thingy of MuggleCast, as I’ve been calling it. We will be taking sign-ups until June 16th, and then they will be closed probably forever. At least it won’t be open until June 16th, 2008, if we decide to reopen it. So, definitely sign up today. It costs $30.00. If you’re a big MuggleCast fan and looking for a good way to support the show, this is definitely the way to do it. All the proceeds from the sign-ups will be going to covering expenses for the summer and any future events that we do, so we thank everyone for signing up. A lot of people have been enjoying it. Right guys? What’s some of the things…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …that we’ve been putting in lately?

Laura: Oh, well, I mean, we have bonus audio content. You know? We all have our daily video blogs. Oh, yeah, you can see Andrew when he was 13.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Laura: That was amusing.

Andrew: I posted a video of when I was 13 years old, hosting my middle school news program.

Laura: You looked so little.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: I saw that and was I like, “Are you kidding me? Oh my gosh, he’s, like, 10.”

Andrew: You know, I thought I was really good.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I was realty impressed with myself for being in seventh grade and being able to read that well.

Laura: Yeah. It’s very impressive.

Andrew: Read a PowerPoint slide that well. And, also this week, we released a piece of audio from last week’s show – a 13-minute clip of Eric going on a spiel about the movies, and how Warner Bros should be…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …and the length on them.

Micah: And various hosts trying to calm him down…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Micah: …to no avail whatsoever.

Andrew: And Micah bringing up a good point about Snape that Eric also went off about. [laughs] So, it’s actually a pretty funny clip, but…

Micah: Yeah. We can talk about that in some future show, though.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Because it is big news and it is a relevant point to bring up concerning the movies.

Andrew: Yeah. So, visit for more information. We do promise that you will get your money’s worth big time. There’s a lot of stuff going in there every week. So,, sign up today.

Andrew’s Wizard Rock Single

Andrew: Let’s see, what else? I regret to inform everyone that my wizard rock single will be coming out next week, not this week, because, like I’ve said…

Laura: Oh no.

Andrew: …we’ve been busy this week. I promise you it will be next week. I am so sorry. I hate when I say that something is coming out next week and then it doesn’t.

Exciting MuggleCast Changes to Come

However, on a positive note, we are working on a couple things for MuggleCast, for this summer – don’t want to say what yet, but we should have some announcements within the next few weeks. We’re all very excited about what’s coming up. Again, don’t want to say much, visit and see my latest Blickle for a little teaser about one of those things. [lauhs] And next week we’ll also be continuing the Road to Deathly Hallows, and we’ll be having a dueling club up and the wizard rock premiere.

Andrew: So, I think that is it for this week’s show. A pretty easy show to do at that, as we try to catch up with our real lives, we will see…

Laura: We have real lives?

Andrew: Some of us do, Laura. I do. I guess you don’t…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …apparently. That’s okay, though, we still love you. Some of us.

[Laura laughs]

P.O. Box Update

Andrew: So, we do want to remind everyone about our contact information. Laura, what’s the P.O. Box, and do you have a little P.O. Box update for us, maybe?

Laura: Oh yeah, I do have a P.O. Box update, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it. Okay, yeah, we did get several items in our P.O. Box this week, and I’m sure some other stuff has come in since I got this, but something else – something that we got that I didn’t open, because it was not addressed to me. It was – looks like a birthday card for Andrew from Laurie. So, there you go, Andrew.

Andrew: Ah, thanks, Laurie.

Laura: We did get a really nice little drawing from Rachael P., who actually lives in Alpharetta, Georgia, and it says: “I love MuggleCast.” And it has a pickle drawn on it – and it says: “Pickles love MuggleCast.” So, that’s really great. I actually have that hanging up in my closest right now. Also the first piece of mail that we got – I know that we promised a t-shirt to the first person who wrote to us and that would be Kirsten from Suwanee, Georgia. Actually, most of the mail we got was from Georgia. So…

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: …that’s pretty cool. So, congratulations, Kirsten, we’ll get your contact information and all that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I also got a nice little letter from a girl who got out her calligraphy set and actually wrote me an acceptance letter to Hogwarts, so that was pretty cool. That was from Karen, who is in Athens, Georgia. And then possibly my favorite thing that we got was from – I don’t know how to say her name, Wafa? [laughs] W-A-F-A. So, I’m so sorry if I butchered that, but she actually made puppets out of all of us, like, stick puppets.

Andrew: Oh, wow. That’s awesome.

Laura: [laughs] So yeah. Yeah. It’s like they’ve got all of our faces on them and…and…

Andrew: You should take a picture of this.

Laura: …it’s pretty cool. Yeah, I should. I was actually going to use them – have them in my Blickle this week, but yeah. I was going to take some pictures of those and put them up on the site, so thank you for that!

Show Close

Andrew: Also, if you would like to call the MuggleCast hotline, you could always dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. That’s 1-218-206-2442. If you’re in the United Kingdom, you can dial 020-8144-0677. If you’re in Australia, you can dial 02-8003-5668. You can also Skype the username MuggleCast. If you’re contacting us in any of those ways just be sure to keep your message under 60 seconds and take out as much background noise as possible. We’ll try to get to some voicemails next week.

You can also contact us via the handy MuggleCast feedback form located on the lovely created by Greg Porter of That’s X-A-L-E-R That’s “relax” backwards

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know why he made it – called it that, but it’s a cool name, if you ask me.

Laura: Very cool.

Andrew: Let’s see. We also have the MySpace. We’ve got the
Facebook, the YouTube, the Frappr,, Fanlisting and Forums. I just want to do a quick check here to see the popular bands over on Last.FM.

[Show music begins playing]

Andrew: Right now, it’s looking like – top artists right now, besides us, number two is Fall Out Boy, number three is The Beatles, four is Muse, and five is Death Cab for Cutie. See the rest of the list over at Just click on the Last.FM link, then click on “Charts,” which is pretty cool. does a great job handling everyone’s music.

Laura: We’ve got to fix that Fall Out Boy problem.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: I’m serious. Come on, guys.

Andrew: [sings] This ain’t a scene. It’s a god darn MuggleCast, yeah…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I like that song.

Laura: Oh my god, it’s so stupid. But anyway…

Andrew: You’re stupid. Okay, well, thank you, everyone, for joining us.

Laura: My god.

Andrew: We will be back next week with a lazy Brit and a silly Georgian, and a guy who has a really…

Laura: You’re having Laura Mallory on?

Andrew: …low voice that’s from New York. That’s funny, Laura.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 94. Heck, let’s call this one 93. I don’t think we…

Micah: Yeah, why not? The trio.

Andrew: I think this is a full episode.

Laura: Yeah, let’s do it.

Micah: The trio do 93.

Andrew: The MuggleCast Trio. [laughs]

Micah: You’re Ron.

Andrew: Okay. No, I’m not.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I’m hairy!

[Laura keeps laughing]

Andrew: And I’m also Harry Potter. All right, we’ll see everyone next week.

Micah: [laughs] Wow.

Laura: [laughs] Okay.

Micah: Bye.

Laura: Bye.

Micah: Did we ever intro the show?

[Show music concludes]


Andrew: Let’s see, what else? Next week we’ll have more of a discussion on the theme-park, we’ll have a little favorites segment, Road to Deathly Ha… Okay, every time I change how I pronounce it I get an e-mail saying I’m doing it wrong.

Laura: Yeah, “Hallows.”

Andrew: Hallows.

Laura: Hallows.

Andrew: Hallows.

Laura: Not “hollows.” Not “hollow”…

Andrew: Hallows.

Laura: …like a hollow in a tree.

Andrew: I don’t – I never say, “hollow.”

Laura: Yeah, you do.

Andrew: I say, “hallow,” I say, “hallow.”

Laura: Hallow. But that’s still a hollow in the tree. Hallow.

Andrew: Hallow.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: “Deathly Hallows.”

Andrew: Hallow. Okay. [laughs] I’ll never get it right, I’m telling you.

Micah: I just say, “Deathly Hallows.”

Laura: [laughs] You should just say it that way from now on. Hallow.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs] Next week we’ll also be doing the Road to Deathly Hallows. See, but then it sounds unnatural, because I’m, like, trying too hard.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Haaaallows.

[Bloopers repeated]


Written by: Micah, Briana, Christina, Cindy, Eloise, Haley, Hannah, Jessalyn, Jessica, Jessie, Karen, Laura, Leah, Luke, Margaret, Marya, Rebeca, Sapna, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #92

MuggleCast 92 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: Hey there, MuggleCast listeners. I am back to inform you of some excellent news. is having better deals than ever. For only $3.59 a month for 12 months, you can get’s economy package. With 250 gigs of bandwith, five gigs of storage, and up to 500 e-mail accounts, you can get your own website up and running with success. And as usual, enter code Muggle, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E, when you check out and save an additional ten percent on any order. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: Today’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. It won’t be long before the much-anticipated release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Do you have your mind made up about where Severus Snape’s loyalties lie? Do you think he’ll betray Harry and his friends, or will he help them to triumph over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Find out more about this complex character in the hot new book The Great Snape Debate available only at Borders. Remember to reserve Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at Borders and save 40 percent.

[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because Voldemort is like a big, bald Mr. Clean, this is Mugglecast Episode 92 for May 28th, 2007.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: I’m not going to lie, this has not been our week.

Kevin: No, it hasn’t.

Andrew: We’ve…

Laura: Definitely not.

Andrew: Sorry to start the show off with a couple of bumps in the road, but besides it being my birthday. Thanks to everyone who sent gifts, grand total of one. It has not been our week. But now I feel like we got a good show planned.

Laura: Yes.

Kevin: Yeah, we do. Definitely.

Andrew: I’m really excited because I have a very big announcement on the show this week.

Micah: What is it?

Andrew: It’s – well, I don’t want to give it away, because it’s sort of like my teaser into the show.

Micah: Awww, that’s not fair.

Andrew: Well, Micah, I don’t want to reveal anything because it’s big news.

Micah: Wow.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I’m excited.

Laura: Really.

Andrew: I’m excited to tell you, but I can’t tell you yet, so…

Micah: Awww.

Kevin: Awww.

Andrew: Sorry. Micah, you seemed like you were in a good mood earlier. What was that about?

Micah: I am in a good mood, because today is the unofficial start of summer: Memorial Day.

Laura: Well, not necessarily. Down south summer started in like February, but okay.

Andrew: I actually think my announcement is more exciting than that, Micah.

Micah: Really?

Andrew: Yeah. I can’t say anymore, though. I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

[Intro music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the MuggleCast news center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Micah?

Micah: All right, thanks Andrew.

Jo Rowling has updated her website with her plans for the release of Book 7. According to Bloomsbury, to celebrate the publication of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on July 21st, J.K. Rowling will be signing the night away at the Natural History Museum in London. 1,700 fans will have the opportunity to meet J.K. Rowling and have their book signed at the Natural History Museum. The first 500 randomly selected winners will attend the midnight reading with J.K. Rowling and the signing is expected to last until dawn. Tickets to the event are free and were made available by online drawing back on May 23rd. The deadline for applicants is June 11th. To apply for these tickets, be sure to head over to Bloomsbury’s website.

Tilden, the Swedish Potter publisher, has revealed on their official website that JK Rowling has provided an alternative Deathly Hallows title to foreign countries. It will now be called Harry Potter and the Relics of Death. The second title was released by Jo and Bloomsbury because the phrase “Deathly Hallows” is hard to translate.

Speaking of Sweden, the book will be released there on November 21st and in Germany on October 27th.

The Mirror reported on Saturday that initial printing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has begun at a GGP print factory in the small town of Poessneck, Germany. Reportedly, staff at the factory are searched when entering and leaving the factory each day. Furthermore, they are forced to work in “total darkness” to prevent them from reading the book. While we already know that security is stricter for this book, this seems to be a rather ridiculous measure. Keep in mind, however, that The Mirror is a tabloid.

Moving on to movie news, The Scotsman is reporting that Warner Brothers is looking into several locations in Scotland for Half-Blood Prince. Warner Brothers, which is preparing to shoot the sixth Potter film, has sent an executive to the cliffs and caves around Cape Wrath. The producers are interested in using the caves and cliffs as part of the dramatic climax of the new film.

And the BBC reported earlier this week that the World Premiere of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be held in Japan on June 28th. The Japanese capital was chosen after another highly-anticipated sequel, Spider-Man 3, opened there and broke box office records. But a Warner Brothers spokeswoman said there was “no special reason” for opting to launch the film in Japan.

As previously mentioned, the London premiere will take place on July 3rd, and the US premiere will take place in Los Angeles on July 8th.

And speaking of the U.S. premiere, Warner Brothers has announced that actors Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint will all be participating in a “hand, foot, and wand” ceremony at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Los Angeles, California, on July 9th.

Finally, the British Board of Film Classification has revealed that the fifth Harry Potter movie will be 138 minutes long. That’s 2 hours and 18 minutes. Also, the movie will be rated 12A in the UK and PG-13 here in the US.

That’s all the news for this May 28th, 2007 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right, thank you, Micah.

Micah: No problem.

News Discussion: Movie Spots

Andrew: You know, Micah. There’s been an okay amount of news over the last week, and I know last week we were complaining that there wasn’t news.

Micah: Yeah. It’s been great, man. Keeping me busy. Having been getting much time away from the News Center, to be quite honest with you.

Andrew: You know, that’s all right, though. Earlier this week, ix new TV spots came out for Order of the Phoenix. WB sort of through them all on us at once, and did you guys watch these?

Micah: I caught them on TV. These were the ones that were on during Survivor: Fiji. Is that what you were talking about?

Andrew: Was it? Yeah, I think they were the same ones. I’m just not – I watched all six of them and I wasn’t very impressed. They weren’t very momentous. They weren’t very…powerful. They
were just bland. I guess when you are only doing 30 second spots, you can’t really make much.

Micah: Saw Draco for the first time.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, we did…

Eric: Whoa, Draco’s in this movie?

Andrew: Draco’s in this movie.

Eric: [laughs] Hey!

Andrew: No big surprises that wasn’t anything special. They just lacked power. They failed to make me want to go see the film, just by watching those TV spots, which is what they should be
aiming for. You know?

Eric: Hmmm.

Andrew: But also, this week on The Ellen Degeneres Show here in the United States, they aired an entire scene…

Kevin: Yeah, I saw that one…

Andrew: The Umbridge welcoming scene.

Laura: I did watch that…

Andrew: Where Dumbledore is giving his welcome speech.

Kevin: Yeah, me too. I really liked it.

Andrew: I’m really happy with it.

Laura: Yeah. I was impressed. Exactly how I imagined from the book, which – it’s kind of a rare thing wen you can consider these movies, you know whenever you see something that is exactly as
it was in the book, it’s like, ‘Wow!’ Because so often they are changing things, or condensing things. So, it was really good to see it intact.

Eric: Does Hermione say, you know, ‘The Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts?’ or what exactly sticks to the book?

Laura: Well, they didn’t really get that far, it was like Umbridge’s character and the way she presented herself to the school, and they were actually lines verbatem from the book. Like, you
know how she said…

Eric: Umbridge’s speech is really in the book, is it? I mean it opens, but then Harry tunes out. Harry tunes out.

Laura: Yeah, but the whole theme of it is there though.

Eric: Oh, yeah.

Laura: The whole beginning part were she was talking about how she hoped to be good friends with everybody and they left that whole thing in. And they really had her…

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: …talking to everyone as though they were five-years old, which was really fantastic.

Andrew: Right, right.

Kevin: Yeah, it really was.

Micah: I liked the way she interrupted Dumbledore.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, I was just going to say that. Perfect. I really enjoyed that. Michael Gambon was looking pretty good, and there was a little cut scene of the trio. I’m trying to load the clip up. Oh, Trelawney. [laughs] The look on Trelawney’s face!

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: The look on Trelawney’s face is the best!

Kevin: Yeah, it’s awesome.

Andrew: Oh my god. Oh my god. I love her. So good. [laughs] But yeah, this is going to be fantastic. I love show spots, too. It’s a very short preview, but it’s great. It looks like a great scene.

News Discussion: Running Time

Andrew: And then the Order of the Phoenix running time was confirmed: 2 hours and 18 minutes. The shortest film [laughs] of all five.

Eric: Is it?

Andrew: I’m pretty sure. Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s the shortest.

Laura: I’m wondering how they are managing this because it’s the longest book…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: It doesn’t make sense.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: The shortest and yet- The shortest movie, and yet it still seems it fits more of the book than perhaps 3, or 4.

Andrew: Well…

Kevin: We’ll see.

Andrew: What are you basing that off of? Pictures?

Kevin: Small clips.

Eric: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: It’s very true. [laughs] I mean, it’s kind of weird.

Eric: Still. I mean, they can make the third Pirates movie three hours long. And that’s not even, you know – I mean, they could have condensed that into two-and-a-half hours, I think. So, I think that Harry Potter…

Andrew: You’ve got to think of the production company, too. That wasn’t WB, was it?

Laura: Yeah, that was Disney.

Eric: Umm…

Andrew: I mean, they all – yeah, that’s a Disney film.

Eric: That’s Disney.

Andrew: They all have their different takes on it. I don’t know. You know, just seeing the facts: longest book, shortest film. Yeah, it doesn’t make sense immediately. But maybe they’re going to prove us wrong.

Laura: Well, I think what we need to consider is that they have done a lot of condensing when it comes to certain plot lines. Like they’ve completely left out Rita Skeeter. I mean, and that was a huge part of the book.

Kevin: Oh yeah, definitely.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: They’ve left out a lot of that kind of stuff. And I think that they’re kind of going to stick to the idea of the Order and Harry’s conflict with Umbridge. And when you’re thinking about sticking to only those two plot lines, it’s not going to be a really long film.

Kevin: That’s true. Yeah.

Eric: That’s true.

Andrew: That’s true.

Kevin: And hopefully they’ll do those parts correctly and we’ll be happy with it.

Eric: So, if they can essentially just squeeze off some of the threads of the plot and hold it and focus on two of the larger ones, or two of the ones they want to focus on. The other ones can kind of fall into place. Not necessarily aren’t possible by the movie, but just aren’t focused on in the movie. You know? So the plots could potentially – do you think the plots could still be going on, kind of? Even though they aren’t in the movie? Or do you reckon this is actually, WB presents the fifth Harry Potter book. And they totally just don’t use some of the stuff.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Well…

Eric: Because we’ve seen before where they…

Laura: You can’t really use all of those plot lines. You just can’t. There’s too much to follow in a movie. And I’m sure…

Eric: Yeah, I suppose you’re right.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I’m sure that they’re considering that they’re going to have a lot of little kids going to see these films. And little kids don’t like to sit through three hour movies.

Micah: I don’t like that argument. That argument drives me nuts.

Laura: I can tell you…

Eric: I totally don’t – yeah. Micah…

Laura: It’s true though.

Kevin: It’s true, yeah.

Laura: I mean, it’s a true consideration. Not all kids are like that. But when you…

Eric: It’s “bull” true.

Micah: Well, let’s look at Goblet of Fire, which obviously was longer than this film. Not by much, but still, why not extend it out to at least two-and-a-half hours. Like you guys said before, this is the longest book in the series.

Laura: Yeah, but at the same time, would you want them to give it an extra 10 or 20 minutes if it really didn’t need it?

Micah: No, no, no, no. I agree.

Laura: I mean, if it was tied up well enough.

Micah: Quality is the most important thing. If it’s 2 hours and 18 minutes and it’s quality for those two hours and eighteen minutes, then that’s fine.

Eric: I agree, too. I agree.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, if you think about it, 10 to 20 minutes is maybe three scenes.

Kevin: Yeah. It’s not going to make that drastic…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: So, you’re not adding much in a 10 to 20 minute period. That could be enough time for maybe a re-made Rita Skeeter plot.

Eric: Could be enough…

Andrew: Or maybe a little more development of the Cho Chang relationship.

Eric: No, no. It could be enough to show all of the Mrs. Black scenes, with her portrait. Could be enough time to…

Laura: Yeah, but that’s a big budget-cut, though.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: I mean, leaving her portrait out of the movie saved them a lot of money.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, but this is Harry Potter

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: What money do they need to save?

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Eric: You know?

Laura: Well, I mean…

Eric: That’s the actual question. This might end up being, and I predict it will be, probably the coolest movie. A lot of people will be very happy with it, as a movie, as a compilation of the longest book. Even despite how much it leaves out. But at the same point, even though we’ve always acknowledged that Warner Brothers has no – they have a commitment to the fans, but they don’t need to please them. They can cut whatever they want to out of the movie. If it cuts the budget, then that’s fine. They can do that. But what I think we’re going to see is, even though it’s 2 hours and 18 minutes long, it is the shortest movie. I think that is slightly worrying, not for any content of the film. But I think it’s a little bit sad that they turned the longest book into the shortest movie. Even if it’s the best movie yet. And I agree with your quality statement. I think they should have added just a bit more. Just so that they could do it, because this – These are supposed to be the movie representations of the books.

Kevin: Yeah, but it’s hard to say that without seeing the movie, because like Laura was saying, it’s quite possible that they just removed, they just removed certain plot lines in the book and the added time wouldn’t help the movie at all.

Laura: No, because if you consider that…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: …the movie’s already 2 hours and 18 minutes, if they tack on another 15 to 20 minutes to try and develop another plot line, it’s going to be very poorly developed.

Eric: Well, that’s…

Laura: It’s going to be very rushed.

Eric: That’s if the added footage – that’s if the added footage is another plot line.

Laura: Yeah, but then you’re talking about…

Eric: They could also seemingly…

Laura: …over – then you’re talking about overdoing…

Andrew: Overdoing it, yeah.

Laura: …a plot line that already had plenty of explanation.

Andrew: Laura’s right, yeah.

Eric: Well, what I mean is adding a plotline as opposed to adding scenes that are good to see, but don’t actually go either way with the plot. I mean, each movie – obviously the director wants to add their own, you know, feel to it, so that overall, you can see, like in Goblet of Fire, the whole thing had, you know, an ongoing movement to it. The movie didn’t really necessarily stop, or if it did stop…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …those were fun scenes, too. Oh, I’m just saying adding…

Andrew: What do you think…

Eric: …scenes – sorry, Andrew.

Andrew: What do you think is WB’s main goal when designing how long the film is going to be? I don’t think it’s going to be kids, because I think kids would rather sit through a movie. I think the bigger concern with littler kids is how scared they might be. Because I was talking to a parent the other day who’s not taking their kids, and granted, they’re young, they’re about three or four, but they’re huge fans of Harry Potter, just based on, you know, seeing other kids dressed up as Harry Potter, and the first two movies, which aren’t very scary, and even Prisoner of Azkaban, but Order of the Phoenix, this parent was telling me, looks pretty darn scary, and they’re right, with the Voldemort scenes at the end. That’s scary, that scares kids. So…

Eric: He’s a big…

Andrew: I don’t think…

Eric: …bald Mr. Clean!

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: It doesn’t matter.

Eric: With talcum powder on. He’s not…

Kevin: Yeah, but…

Micah: Wow!

Eric: Just because he doesn’t have a nose.

Kevin: But Eric, how old are you?

Eric: He doesn’t have a nose – okay.

Kevin: How old are you?

Eric: Rolie Polie Olie looks scarier than that.

Kevin: Because you can…

Eric: Rolie – okay, okay. So I can get into the mind of a three-year old, okay, but…

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: …but I grew up watching Eureka’s Castle and Nick Jr., okay, and by – I was a little – actually, Nick Junior was a little bit after my time, but I still watched it, okay? So, don’t tell me that kids are going to A. you know, be in a theatre for three hours, because if you put them in front of the TV, which is not how children should be raised, but they will sit there for as long as they want to. Now, as far as the scary scenes, I would like to be sympathetic and say that you’re right, Order of the Phoenix will be a scary movie, and they should cut out, or they should at least worry about some of the scariness. Yes, to a degree I believe you’re right as well but you can’t really say that Chamber of Secrets wasn’t scary, because some people might not like spiders.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: You know, and just…

Andrew: Yeah. Okay, but let me…

Micah: Or the basilisk.

Andrew: …put it this way. I went to see…

Eric: And the basilisk was…

Andrew:Shrek 3.

Eric: …scary. I would, I would actually…

Andrew: I went to go see – yeah. No, you’re right, you’re right. All right. I went to…

Eric: I would say that the basilisk was scarier than Voldemort. I don’t want to, I don’t want to keep cutting you off, Andrew, but I would say that the basilisk was scarier than Voldemort, and Voldemort’s…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …just done well, you know? That’s – and well, the basilisk was, too, but…

Andrew: I went to go see Shrek 3 last week with my brother, and towards the end of the movie…

Eric: Congratulations.

Andrew: …that whole – well, I’m just saying. There was a little kid who got scared at the end of Shrek 3. Shrek 3! And that wasn’t scary at all. So what I’m saying is, little kids can get scared easily by these things. However, back to the point. What is WB’s main concern? Micah?

Micah: WB’s main concern is what’s ending up in their pocket after the day is done.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Exactly.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

News Discussion: Printing in Germany

Andrew: Moving along to some other news now, rumor has it that Deathly Hallows is being printed up in Germany, so that means in about another week we’re going to be seeing the bets about the outcome of Book Seven and the whole plot is going to be ruined for all of us.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: So I can’t wait for that. In the article, it said that they were printing the books in the dark…

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: …which sounds a bit extreme. That can’t, I mean…

Laura: That’s awesome! [laughs]

Andrew: It came from a tabloid, but how can you work in the – that’s – I can understand…

Laura: They’ll have to bring their night lights.

Andrew: Yeah, well I can understand dark lighting, or dim lighting, so they can’t – so they they have a hard time making out…

Eric: What, with each other?

Andrew: Chapter titles and stuff like that.

Laura: Is it hard to make out in the dark?

Kevin: Oh, geez.

Eric: No, it’s really not if you find each other.

Laura: [laughs] I was being stupid.

Eric: Why, Laura? Haven’t you ever made out in the dark before?

Laura: Eric, that is not a question you need to be asking.

[Everyone laughs]


Andrew: For the answer, join up the Pickle Pack. Speaking of Pickle Pack, I’ll get to that announcement in a second. National Wear Your MuggleCast T-shirt Day is coming up. Remember last year, June 2nd.

Eric: Thank god you read your e-mail.

Andrew: [Laughs] Yeah. It was a great success. We had tons of people wearing their muggleCast t-shirts on June 2nd. Everyone took pictures and sent them in to MuggleCast, and we posted them on the website. We want you guys to do the same thing again, so on June 2nd everyone get out and wear your muggleCast t-shirt with pride, and then send us a picture of you wearing it somewhere outside besides your house, because your house is boring. Yeah, I said it, and we will post it on

Micah: And we have to wear ours, all the hosts.

Eric: Can we acknowledge?

Andrew: Yeah, well we’ll promise that we’ll do it this year, and once again, not do it, so…

Eric: Yeah, because you guys didn’t do it last year. I did it.

Andrew: Eric did it, Micah did it, Laura did it.

Laura: I did it!

Eric: I hung from a tree upside down with my shirt on.

Andrew: I didn’t. Sorry.

Eric: But you’re going to.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: And I will be happy to do it this year, Andrew, I just need you to send me another shirt.

Andrew: Oh, yeah we can do that. I still have got plenty of MuggleCast t-shirts here, and no I’m not selling them to anyone. Every time I say that on the show I get people e-mailing me asking, “Can I have a shirt?” No! Contest only.

Eric: It’s illegal. It’s illegal

Andrew: And co hosts. Ummm, under the table, 50 bucks. Also, this month – June, we are going to start something new. It’s nothing new, just a little thing to help us spread the word about the show. It’s Global Spread MuggleCast Month, and on we have a new page where you can use some banners and avatars to put in maybe your forum profiles, or Myspaces or your Livejournals, your blogs, and anything else to help spread the word about MuggleCast. They all have catchy little phrases on them like “I love Harry Potter,I love MuggleCast”, or “I crave Harry Potter, I crave MuggleCast.There’s one more. they’re some cool banners you can put – so if you want to help us spread the word about the show – we cant to get the word out because we’re getting really close to Book 7, and Movie 5. We want to make sure everybody knows about the show, because, don’t you guys think that if a lot of Harry Potter fans that don’t know about the show, if they did find out that they’d be pretty interested in hearing what we have to say? I mean, I’m not trying to sound arrogant, but…

Laura: I think so.

Andrew: But, you know…

Laura: No, I think so.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, people like the show.

Micah: People leave feedback as new listeners, and it’s pretty good, so…

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, not is a great time to try to get the word out. You couldn’t get any better timing than this, so visit for that.

Eric: What about new listeners who haven’t been able to get a shirt because we weren’t allowed to sell them since they started listening. What should they do for MuggleCast shirt day?

Andrew: Well, they could sign up for Pickle Pack, which is the official membership thingy of MuggleCast. Just go to, create a account if you don’t already have one, and you can pay thirty dollars to get access to bonus content, audio, bonus MuggleCast audio content, pictures, secret documents, and also a daily video blog by each one of the hosts. On Sundays I post, Mondays Laura posts, ummm, I can’t remember the rest.

Eric: Tuesday, Eric; Jamie, Wednesday…

Andrew: Jamie’s got Wednesday.

Eric: Micah, Thursday; Kevin, Friday; Ben, Saturday…

Kevin: Sometimes Friday.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Mikey B – you know, Kevin, it was just that you owe them, like, four Blickles, but your first one, as I said, I really liked.

Andrew: Yeah, MIkey just joined the crew too he’s going to be posting video blogs when he can. He just posted a new one last night and we have some bonus audio content going up. Plus, you get a free Pickle Pack T-shirt with your order. So visit and You only have until June 16 to become a member then we will be closing registration for probably forever so – and I am not just saying that just to make everyone buy now, I am actually serious.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: So go visit today to for more details and all proceeds from Pickle Pack go to supporting the show to makre sure that – we want to be able to cover all the events going on this summer and the best way to do that is to raise an ample amount of money and Pickle Pack is our solution for it. So thanks everyone who does sign up. Okay also…

Eric: And still developing.

Andrew: …yeah, yes. Also, vote for us on Podcast – oh, sorry one more thing about Pickle Pack this week we added new member profiles. People can have their own mini MySpace right there on Pickle Pack like with their favorite MuggleCast episodes a little picture of themselves and all that. Its optional you don’t have to if you want to remain, you know, if you want to keep your identity private. But you can create your own profile so that other Pickle Pack members can get to know you. Its all part of becoming a little community and people are really enjoying it.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So it’s been a lot of fun.

Andrew To Perform at Prophecy

Andrew: All right so moving on Do not forget to vote for us on Podcast Alley and I have a big update that I was teasing about in the beginning of the show. [sighs] I lost my notes, of course, but earlier this week I received an e-mail from Prophecy letting me know that I was accepted to perform at Prophecy. How awesome is that?

Kevin: Oh, geez.

Micah: Wow.

Andrew: I am going to perform as [laughs] part of…

Micah: Are they desperate for music acts?

Andrew: Micah, Micah. Come on.

Micah: I am just kidding, you know I love you.

Andrew: What are you trying to say? I’m not good?

Eric: So wait. Are you going to be intro-ing the show the way Alex from the Remus Lupins did?

Andrew: No, they are having a Wizard Rock Night where it has a – all the Wizard Rockers are going to be performing one night [laughs] and I am a part of this so…

Laura: Is your friend coming to do back-up vocals?

Andrew: No.

Eric: Snare the drums?

Andrew: No.

Eric: Your buddy on the drums.

Andrew: I can’t – do not have the money to fly him out. For more information visit But, yeah I am going to be doing that I’m really excited about that I hope you guys are all going to be there.

Kevin: Oh, definitely.

Andrew: Front row, cheering me on?

Laura: Oh, we will.

Kevin: I’ll be passing out earplugs.

Andrew: Hopefully I’ll be getting help for back-up.

Kevin: One pair.

Andrew: Oh, I get it very funny.

Eric: I will be…

Andrew: So, I will be performing my first Wizard Rock single but also coming next week I am going to release my next single, which is a spin on the song “Bye Bye Bye.” Which I sang a little preview on that special…

Kevin: Oh geez.

Andrew: …episode of MuggleCast where we – where the release date was announced and we talked about it and I sang “Bye Bye Bye, don‘t let it be July” I made that into a full song and that single will be premiering here on MuggleCast next week, Episode 93. So, definitely looking forward to that. It is pretty good, dare I say it is better than my last one. So…

MuggleCast 92 Transcript (continued)

Jo Makes Book 7 Plans

Micah: You know the woman who writes these books. Didn’t she update her site?

Andrew: Yeah, J.K. Rowling. She did?

Micah: yeah, she did.

Kevin: Oh yeah. Whoa.

Micah: She released her plans for Deathly Hallows.

Andrew: Oh, man. Oh my god. We didn’t even talk about that.

Laura: Oh my gosh, we suck.

[Laura and Andrew laughs]

Andrew: I completely forgot.

Micah: See.

Andrew: Okay so you Micah, you got a little update again. J.K. Rowling announced her plans for the book release. She will be having her event at the Natural History Museum in London. 1,700 fans will have the opportunity to meet her and have their book signed. The first 500 randomly selected winners will attend the midnight reading and the subsequent signing is expected to last until dawn. So, all night long long she’s going to be signing books. 500 books, at least. Right? Or is she signing them for all 1,700?

Laura: Wow.

Kevin: I think all 1300.

Andrew: 1,700.

Laura: Yeah, all of them get it signed…

Andrew: Oh my god!

Laura: …and then 500 get that reading.

Andrew: Oh my god! Is she serious?

Eric: Wow!

Andrew: What’s she thinking?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I would not be the – want to be…

Laura: What a way…

Andrew: …the last in line. Her handwriting’s going to be done by then.

Laura: Oh my gosh!

Eric: Well, she doesn’t need her hands anymore, you know?

Andrew: That’s true.

Eric: That’s what it’s coming down to. She – they say, “What part of your body can you sacrifice – well, no, what can you sacrifice now that you’re don’t need to write any Harry Potter books,” and she’s like, “I can do signatures.”

Andrew: You know, we’re not going to this, so we really can’t get that excited, you know. It will be a fun event for anyone…

Micah: Oh, I’m going.

Andrew: …who attends. Are you, Micah?

Micah: She asked me to sign the second half of the books.

Eric: I’m totally going, dude.

Micah: I’m just bringing a – I’m just bringing a stamp with her signature on it and I’m just going to stamp all the books…

Kevin: Oh, okay.

Micah: … as they go through. That’s…

Eric: Dude, that’s what those people did to eBay and you saw what she did to them. So, you know.

Andrew: So, apparently Jo really did want to do this. She said on her site that, “I’m delighted that we are launching the book in this way. It’ll be wonderful for me to get the chance to speak to people who have already a few chapters while in the queue.” So…

Kevin: I think that would be pretty stressful, to be one of those people.

Andrew: That – I’d be afraid if something bad happens and they’re reading it and then they go to meet Jo.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: And someone spoils it.

Micah: Yeah, that’s my biggest concern.

Kevin: Yeah, it’s not only spoiling, it’s the pressure of having to read the book while waiting for a signature from Jo herself. You know?

Andrew: But could you imagine, though – could you imagine…

Eric: From Jo, Yeah.

Andrew: … the reading it while waiting in line. I wouldn’t be able to stay focused on the book.

Kevin: Yeah. No kidding.

Andrew: I’d be like, “Man, I’m meeting her,” and you know, and you’ll actually get to tell her…

Eric: Andrew, you…

Andrew: … what you think of the book so far. Which is amazing in itself.

Eric: We know Jo loves the fans. Jo totally does like doing these things with the fans.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: It’s not that she’s been in, you know, seclusion since she’s had her kids and writing these books, but she does like doing things for the fans, and that’s always been apparent. So, Jo, we’re really excited that you’re doing this because it will be cool for everyone who’s able to go, because we do know that you try and really do stuff for us fans.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: And we thank you.

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: And by the way if you want to be on MuggleCast, you are more than welcome.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: I don’t know, she’s one of those people. I’m not too sure about having…

Eric: Just to talk about the book.

Andrew: You know, I think she’d give out too many spoilers.

Eric: Guys, what if she came on MuggleCast one week? We would be – we would all be silent. Even I would be silent.

Andrew: No, you wouldn’t. No, you wouldn’t.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: I would be like, bull crap, what could I possibly…?

Laura: Jo, please don’t come on our show.

Eric: For about five seconds, and then I’d think of a question.

Andrew: You would be silent because I would keep you muted.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: I would not be able to ask her a question?

Andrew: No, no. Just one, just one.

Eric: I would totally be like – I would totally be like, “Jo, do you visit the Caption Contest?”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You know, sometimes, I wonder if she does listen to this show. We – I think she does. I think she does.

Laura: I hope so.

Eric: We don’t know. We just don’t know.

Laura: I hope she listens to good episodes.

Andrew: Yeah, well, yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: It’d be fair to say she doesn’t…

Eric: That’s the second hope, Laura.

Andrew: It’d be fair to say she doesn’t listen to every episode because obviously she has better things to do with her life, but, you know, I wouldn’t be surprised that we did hear that, hint-hint, that she did listen to a few episodes, just to see what the heck we’re doing here. Because this is a, you know, this is…

Eric: Yeah, this is pioneering.

Andrew: This is.

Eric: We’ve got, we’ve got – I mean, there are a large amount of Harry Potter podcasts out there.

Andrew: This is like a book; this is like a free book – a free audiobook.

Eric: This is a free audiobook. It’s literary discussion for a year-and-a-half, two years.

Andrew: Yeah, it is. Yeah. So, I’m sure she’s listened to it, which is pretty cool. But you know any nod would be pretty cool.

Eric: But it could have been a bad episode. She could have said, “That Eric kid talks so freaking much, I just, this show is crap.”

Andrew: Sometimes…

Eric: And I could’ve spoiled it or ruined it for you guys. So I want to apologize in advance if she says that on her site that, “I listened once, but Eric just wouldn’t be…”

Laura: I don’t’ think she would say anything like that.

Eric: “… quiet.” No, no.

Andrew: Sometimes, I think it would be a good idea to start spreading rumors about her here on the show to sort of get her attention, and, you know, have her mention us.

Kevin: I don’t think she would appreciate that.

Eric: Yeah, maybe that’s…

Kevin: Is that…

Andrew: You don’t think that…

Laura: Yeah, for some reason…

Andrew: You don’t think that? Really?

Kevin: No, I think she’d be pretty angry. Yeah.

Andrew: Really? I thought that would be, you know?

Eric: Yeah if – what if we were to get a British woman…

[Micah laughs]

Eric: …to pretend to be JKR, and we bring her on and she’s, you know, “Hi!”

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And so – what do you think – that would’ve been an added cool thing to have done for April Fool’s. “So why did you kill Harry?” and then have this woman respond.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, well…

Eric: But that’s – afterthoughts, you know?

Andrew: It’s – yeah, well, we hope she does listen, and we hope she enjoys the show. So, Jo, e-mail us. Okay, so, moving on, let’s get to some rebuttals now. The first one comes from J.K. Rowling, 42, of Edinburgh. [laughs] No one finds that funny?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: If you listen to the show: get it, rebuttal. Oh, come on.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Listener Rebuttal: Correction on Northern Lights

Kevin: Okay, Shelby:

Actually, in response to the comments made in Episode 91, ‘Northern Lights,’ retitled ‘The Golden Compass,’ was not released in March of this year. It was actually released in 1995, the second (‘Subtle Knife’) was released in 1997, and the third (‘Amber Spyglass’) in 2000. A lot of fans of these books, like ‘Harry Potter,’ were hounding Pullman to release them and a few had midnight parties for release as well. If you haven’t read these books yet, I recommend they make your summer reading list.

I can hardly read today.

I’ve been an avid Harry Potter fan since I was 11, but I only recently discovered these books this past semester when I took the Harry Potter’s Library class at K-State. The class covered many books that Rowling has been influenced by and that she has been compared to, including the ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy. While second to ‘Harry Potter’ in my opinion, it is excellent, and I recommend it to anyone who’s looking for a great series to read after the last ‘Harry Potter’ book.

Laura: You know, I have a confession to make. I don’t remember who it was who said that that book came out this year…

Andrew: Me.

Laura: …but I knew they were wrong – I knew you were wrong. I just didn’t say anything.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Oh, what a likely story.

Laura: I was too lazy.

Kevin: Oh, that’s not nice.

Laura: No, because I have read His Dark Materials

Kevin: I have, too, yeah.

Laura: …and it’s a very, very good trilogy. I love those books and just, for some reason, it didn’t even occur to me that…

Andrew: The reason I said that is because I looked right there and it said that it was published in 2007, but maybe that was just a revision or a new edition?

Eric: Probably.

Andrew: I don’t know, it said March 2007.

Laura: Maybe.

Eric: Well, wait. Laura and Kevin, if I recall appropriately, around episode twenty-something, you, Laura and Kevin, both of you were going to review these books, weren’t you?

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, we were going to do the book reviews.

Listener Rebuttal: Swot up on Potter

Andrew: Ginger, 18, from Virginia writes in. She says,

Hi, Mugglecast hosts. I was just wasting time on the Internet and I was checking out the Bloomsbury website. I clicked on the section ‘Swot Up on Potter’ and entered the Hogwarts express. Outside the window is the building from the back of the DH cover and when you click on it pops up with the title ‘Hogwarts Staff.’ From that, I guess we can be sure it’s Hogwarts. Thank you for your time and I love the show, Ginger.

So that pretty much confirms it.

Laura: Yeah, I guess that confirms it.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Which makes sense, because I’m pretty sure I said on the episode that we were discussing this, that the moonlight was casting a glow on Hogwarts. That’s why it was icy; it wasn’t a different school.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: But it wasn’t made of ice, yeah.

Andrew: So, I was right as usual…

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: …except for that last rebuttal.

Laura: Yeah, really. [laughs]

Andrew: Laura, you want to do the next one?

Listener Rebuttal: The Symbol

Laura: Yeah, sure. This comes from Shruti? Don’t get mad if I pronounce that wrong.

Andrew: That’s a nice name. I like that. Shruti.

Laura: Yeah. 17, from [laughs] Austria. I think…

Eric: Vienna’s beautiful.

Laura: …I think it’s a she, anyway. She says:

Hey! I love listening to your show and you guys do a great job! Last night, I came up with another theory about the symbol on the spine of the HP7 UK Children’s Edition. And before I say anything else, I’m sorry if somebody has already thought of this. I believe that the symbol represents Voldemort’s soul. Each component of the symbol represents the number of times he split his soul in order to become immortal. If you count the number of geometrical figures, you can see that there are six (the exact number of times Voldemort split his soul, according to HP6). If you look closely, you will see that there are six shapes: the entire circle, the entire triangle, the two halves of the circle, and the 3 parts of the triangle that are ‘outside’ the circle. What do you guys think? I would love to hear back from you about this theory. And I hope you understand what I am getting at.

Andrew: I don’t know what she’s getting at exactly.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But that is a pretty interesting take. So she’s saying each one of the Horcruxes could be a part of that symbol.

Laura: Yeah, she’s saying that the symbol could represent the different Horcruxes, basically.

Eric: I think it’s important to think of the Horcruxes as a function of the number seven, as opposed to the symbol being – you know, relating to the Horcruxes. Horcruxes relate to the number seven. The number of Horcruxes Voldemort have relate to the number seven. If this symbol had six or seven pieces to it, sort of, then it would be cool – possible. But I’m not sure.

Andrew: But, I mean, could each of those shapes in the symbol – each of those six shapes represent something?

Eric: America Online? [laughs]

Micah: It’s their new symbol.

Andrew: No, no. Ideas? Micah, any thoughts? Or Kevin?

Eric: This is the fourth podcast I…

Kevin: I think it’s definitely possible. But like I’ve said previously, we really don’t know where the symbol is coming from, like any reference. I mean, it could be a rune, but we don’t know enough about runes to actually make an analysis of it. So, it could be anything, as far as I’m concerned.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: I think it’s safe to say that this symbol could relate to the Horcruxes just because we’ve recently just found out what the Swedish translation of “Deathly Hallows” is. Which is a great transition into our Main Discussion, right, Andrew?

Main Discussion: The Relics of Death

Andrew: Horcruxes!

Micah: What?

Andrew: Earlier this week… [laughs] Oh, Micah, you’re surprised?

Micah: We’ve never discussed that on the show before.

Andrew: The Swedish translation of “Deathly Hallows” is not actually “Deathly Hallows;” it’s actually “Relics of Death.” And it turns out, as reported by the Swedish publisher, that J.K. Rowling released this alternative title because “Deathly Hallows” is too hard to translate without first reading the book. So this basically answers what the deathly hallows are – the relics of death.

Eric: The Horcruxes. The relics of death.

Andrew: Which equal the Horcruxes.

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: So after I made this post on MuggleNet, I sort of did a search on my Gmail for anyone talking about the relics and I came up with this email from Joao, 24, of Anderson, Indiana. It’s kind of a long email, but it’s very well thought-out. She writes:

I read recently on the internet that one meaning of Hallows refers to the relics of gods, kings, etc. But over time the relics themselves are not considered the Hallows but the gods, or person of importance is considered the Hallow, but in fact the relic or possession is what the true definition, but these relics are so associated with a person that the person is considered this.

This brings me to my point. People have made many theories that the Deathly Hallows are the Horcruxes themselves and I believe this to be true and this is why. Voldemort wants to become immortal – we all know this. But what is the main characteristic of a god? Well the top thing that pops into my head is that they are immortal. These relics, or Horcruxes, are the actual Hallows, but also directly refer to Voldemort himself, as a piece of his soul is in each one, which would give meaning to the theory of a ‘god’ actually being the ‘Hallow.’ It would give a literal sense to this definition of the word in its own unique way. Although most of the Horcruxes are probably inanimate objects, they are all in a way Voldemort and alive. Now you bring the word “deathly” into the fray. Just look what the ring did to Dumbledore’s hand.

Throughout ‘Half-Blood Prince,’ it never seemed to get better, perhaps only Gregory House could make a diagnosis on what was eating his hand and turning it blac,k but I think that over time that it could have taken Dumbledore’s life or anyone else’s. Perhaps the only reason Dumbledore survived as long as he did is because he knew enough counter magic to stop the infestation of guarded magic on the ring to keep from killing him, yet he himself couldn’t even cure his hand all the way. We all saw what Dumbledore had to do to get the fake locket Horcrux. He could have
very easily died if Harry had not been there, we don’t know what would have happened, we only know it was a deathly situation. If one thing is for sure the spell on the ring and the way to obtain the locket were of a deathly manner and these inanimate objects could easily be referred to as ‘relics’ Deathly Relics…Deathly Hallows…still following me…I knew you would

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Most people believe that to destroy any remaningHorcruxes, Harry’s life will be put in many dangers and either to obtain to destroy the soul itself in each Horcrux, I think explains Deathly Hallows. Perhaps this is all over-simplified and we should expect something bigger or to be surprised what Hallows really means… But if Book 6 and 7 are supposed to be more of a two part series like I’ve heard JKR say… and the word Horcrux officially came into play in the sixth book, it makes more than perfect sense to me that one of these two books actually be referring to Horcruxes as they are the main theme in the last book and presumably in the seventh book, it’s hard for me to believe that the title isn’t directly pointing towards Horcruxes.

Kevin: Yeah, I think… Yeah.

Andrew: I think this is a great email.

Eric: Very well said.

Andrew: I really think [laughs] it makes perfect sense. Deathly Horcruxes – the Horcruxes are deathly.

Eric: That said, they have pretty much taken the discussion for us.

Andrew: Well, it’s a good way to start it off, because…

Eric: This week’s main discussion was brought to you by Joao.

Andrew: [laughs] It basically nails everything. But Laura, there was more that you sort of came up to discuss.

Laura: Yeah. I do have to say that I love the House reference by the way. I’m a big fan of House

Kevin: Yeah, we’re not talking about your…

Andrew: I didn’t get it, but I pretended to know what was going on.

Relic: Historical or Sentimental Value

Laura: You don’t matter. [laughs] Anyway, so we know that the Swedish title is Harry Potter and the Relics of Death, and I think that we’ve
pretty much established that that confirms that the Deathly Hallows are Voldemort’s Horcruxes. I don’t think that there is any question about that. Whenever I looked at the definition of “relic,” it said that it was an “object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest,” which again makes the theory more concrete, I think, just because of the word “sentimental”…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Because all the objects Voldemort would choose would be items that were sentimental to him, you know?

Andrew: Right.

Kevin: Yep.

Eric: Left in context, yeah. What determines a relic and an antique? If it is an object surviving from an earlier time, how much earlier does it have to be? What’s the difference between a relic and an antique? Well, obviously a relic has religious or sentimental significance, do you reckon, or is there just confusion there with the words?

Laura: Well, what I was interested about is how much we can flex that definition of a relic. When you talk about an earlier time, what exactly is an earlier time in these books? Is it something ancient, like from the time of the founders?

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: Or can an earlier time be the first war for instance?

Eric: But it does have to do with a founder or a deity or an entity of some sort. As Joao said to us, some kind of a god or immortal being the hallow placing one’s self, or the relic actually is considered part of that person, if I read that correctly.

Laura: Yeah but what I’m saying is from this definition, can we kind of determine what time period the relics would come from?

Micah: Yeah. No, I think that is a good idea. I think that the time frame I would pick would probably be from the founders, because that’s what we’re still left to sort of explore. As far as the remaining Horcruxes, we know about the cup. We know something of Ravenclaw’s and possibly something of Gryffindor’s, so that would make perfect sense to me that we’d be talking about a time period where these founders existed and items of their possession is what Harry will probably have to look for.

Eric: And…

Laura: Is it possible though that Dumbledore was maybe a little off, like maybe there are a couple of items from the founders, but not necessarily…

Eric: Well, I was going to say that that’s the direction that Dumbledore was pointing Harry in, so that is why I am accepting it as pretty much on the right track, but that doesn’t mean that all of Voldemort’s Horcruxes are relics. I mean if you say Dumbledore told Harry that Nagini was probably a Horcrux…

Laura: Well, they’re relics to him though…

Kevin: Yeah, I was just going to say that…

Micah: Right.

Laura: Not necessarily something you would consider treasure…

Eric: well, Nagini is not even a relic, necessarily…

Micah: No, no, not true.

Andrew: Well…

Eric: Nagini is a reminder of his – no, no – Nagini’s a reminder of his heritage, but not a relic. And not even a relic to him.

Laura: Well, he had Gaunt’s ring, I mean, clearly that was important to him…

Eric: The diary was just a reminder of what was once… Well, the diary wasn’t a relic. It wasn’t a special diary. He bought it at a second hand store…

Micah: Well no, hold on, no.

Andrew: So, that proves Laura’s point.

Micah: Hold on.

Laura: The diary was special, though, because he poured his soul into it.

Kevin: Yeah, but…

Laura: He made it into a relic.

Micah: It says “of sentimental interest”. The diary was of sentimental interest, so could be Nagini.

Andrew: To him.

Micah: Yeah.

Kevin: And Nagini is definitely…

Eric: Okay, okay so, but that’s obviously a very contemporary relic or a contemporary piece.

Micah: Well, that’s why it says historical or sentimental.

Eric: So, why did he mention about it being – oh, okay. Historical or sentimental.

Micah: So I think then, if you use both of those descriptions you can fit all of the remaining Horcrux possibilities into either of those categories.

Eric: Okay, but I’m saying, you know, when Laura was about to question if all the Horcruxes were relics of the founders, you know, with Nagini and the diary, they’re obviously…

Laura: Well, I mean all the remaining ones.

Eric: …very living, very current – well, okay. If it is, I mean, they don’t have to be.

Laura: Well, I’ve found something somewhat interesting, and it does seem to be kind of a stretch but I was, you know, going through – I was actually at and I was looking up all of these new wonderful words that we’ve been given recently.

Andrew: [laughs] Relics. And Relics.

MuggleCast 92 Transcript (continued)

Breaking Down The Word Horcrux

Laura: And just… [laughs] I learned a new word today! But anyway, I was thinking about Horcruxes and I was kind of wondering why exactly Jo chose this word and what the meanings were behind it, and so I kind of broke down the word and when I typed in H-O-R, ummm, “Hor” [laughs]

Eric: What – what word is that? What word?

Andrew: Hor. H-O-R.

Laura: [laughs] When I typed that in, I didn’t get an answer, but it referenced me to a couple of other entries and I [laughs] got horology, which sounds really bad, but…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: For all you children listening, H-O-R. Go on, “hor”…

Laura: [laughs] It’s the study of interest in time, which interested me because if Voldemort is wanting to be immortal then obviously he’s going to be very interested in time.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Or surviving time. Lasting throughout all time.

Laura: Do you think that there’s more to that choice of word or choice of wording than just kind of Voldemort’s motivation or do you think that we’re actually gonna find out he’s been messing around with, say, time, or maybe he’s been using a Time Turner, or something along those lines.

Andrew: Well, I think it’s also important to decide what “crux” means in terms of Horcrux.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: You sort of have a definition here. It can literally be “a cross.”

Laura: Well…

Andrew: “A vital, basic or pivotal point.” So a point in time? Horcruxes

Eric: Or crossing time.

Andrew: Well, I think…

Laura: Well something else that interested me…

Andrew: Hmmm?

Laura: …was a “crux” was also listed as something that torments by its puzzling nature or a perplexing

Eric: Hehehehe. So like, Sudoku should be called Sucrux. Anyway, I’m out. That was my last stupid line. I have to leave. I’m just leaving the show.

Andrew: Do you think he would call it a Horcrux to imply that they’re confusing?

Kevin: Wait, wait, wait…

Laura: It’s important to remember that Voldemort didn’t name them Horcruxes.

Kevin: That’s what I was going to say, yeah.

Laura: Remember he was asking Slughorn about them in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Andrew: Oh.

Micah: Well, really, I mean, J.K. Rowling came up with the term.

Laura: It was a pre – yeah, it was a pre-established form of magic.

Andrew: Okay. Well, in that case, whoever came up with them – were they trying to imply that it was confusing? Or could it be – I mean, you know, it
could be a few things on purpose.

Kevin: Yeah, but I don’t think it has to do with time, necessarily. Because maybe there’s something involved in time, with the incantation, or whatever spell you have to cast. But it just seems as though it’s a long stretch to say that the person who initially thought of it had the same goal in mind as – maybe, maybe time…

Laura: It’s interesting…

Kevin: …is embedded in the word, just for the fact that it can prolong your time. Or – yeah…

Micah: Right.

Laura: It relates to time? Yeah.

Micah: Could it be the time at which this torment is occurring? Sort of…

Kevin: Yeah, that…

Micah: …a ripping of the soul that takes place.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: But we’re talking about being immortal, which relates to time. Timeless. What if a Horcrux – each represents a point in time where his soul is saved? I don’t know – that’s a little bit of a stretch, but… [laughs]

Why a Spell not a Curse that makes a Horcrux?

Laura: Well, we know that time definitely has to play into the meanings somehow. I mean, just because even if he’s not necessarily experimenting with time, he’s trying to, sort of, utilize this very horrible magic to keep him alive throughout all time. So, it’s got to relate, somehow. But, I was interested when Kevin brought up the idea of using a spell to encase the part of – the piece of the soul inside of an inanimate object. Because when you read Half-Blood Prince, Tom Riddle says, “Encase, but how?” And then Slughorn says, “There is a spell. Do not ask me. I don’t know.” What interested me about this was everything related to Horcruxes is negative. I mean, to develop a Horcrux you have to kill somebody, and therefore you split your soul. Slughorn even said that that was against nature. So, why is it that it’s a spell? Because spells aren’t necessarily associated with doing anything bad. That’s usually curses.

Kevin: Yeah, but – but see the thing is, though, that…

Micah: Where’s Jo when we need her?

Kevin: …the way I think of it, it’s…

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: …splitting your soul, but the spell itself doesn’t split your soul. The act of murdering someone does. And it’s – and it’s…

Micah: Right. The curse does.

Kevin: Exactly.

Micah: The actual curse splits your soul…

Kevin: So, it’s casting the fragment that’s already been created…

Laura: Well, then…

Kevin: …in my mind.

Laura: …is the spell – is the spell that’s used to encase the soul inside of the inanimate object. Is it a spell that was specifically created to aid someone in the making of a Horcrux, or is it a common spell that people use everyday?

Micah: You’re going deep. [laughs]

Laura: Because I would think that…

Kevin: I…

Laura: No, because… [laughs]

Kevin: I would think it’s a special spell. I would think it’s a very specific spell…

Laura: Well, then, wouldn’t it be…

Kevin: But…

Laura: …evil? Because it’s being – it’s specifically used to…

Kevin: Yeah, but, at least my view of a curse is something that you cast to do something harmful to another. But, what I’m saying is that the act of killing someone fragments your soul, so that’s a curse. And then you use a spell to take that fragment and put it into an object.

Micah: Right, you’re casting a spell…

Laura: Yeah, I guess, but…

Kevin: Because you’re not harming – you’re not harming someone with the spell. You’re – if anyone, you’re harming yourself.

Laura: Yeah, but it’s also allowing you to take advantage of the fact that you just killed somebody.

Kevin: True, but I think it’s like a fine line, I don’t know.

Andrew: [says in a sing song voice] Lost.

Making a Horcrux 101

Laura: How exactly do you – [laughs] how exactly do you think that the whole encasing process happens? This is something that has always interested me.

Andrew: How it’s made?

Laura: Do you have to have – yeah, how do you do it? Does that actual object have to be in the room? Or does it have to be something that you’re thinking of?

Kevin: I would think that it would have to be in the room, or something that you’re at least in contact with. What – the way I always imagined it happening, at least in my mind, was like a Pensieve, except with the soul. Instead of pulling out part of your thoughts, you’re pulling out a part of your soul. But at least in that, I guess, view of things you would have to be in direct contact with whatever you’re putting it in, in order to actually, you know, physically…

Laura: Yeah…

Kevin: …put it in the object.

Laura: And what happens if you don’t encase it? Because the way that Slughorn was sort of describing it, it sounds like when you kill somebody it automatically rips part of your soul from your body.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: What happens to that if you don’t place it inside of anything? Does it go away?

Kevin: I would think it…

Laura: Does it, like, [laughs] fly off somewhere?

Kevin: I would say it’s lost. Because it would make sense, wouldn’t it? If you’re damaging part of yourself by actually committing murder, how are you…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: …damaging yourself? You are ripping a piece of you soul out. And I would think that it just goes away. Literally, it ceases to exist. So, the damage you’ve done…

Andrew: Mhm, but…

Kevin: …is permanent.

Andrew: Well, that makes sense because you have to think about people in the wizarding world who are killing other people. You know? What’s happening to their souls? Their split souls? They’re not turning them into Horcruxes.

Laura: …That’s very interesting, because – I mean, you look at characters like Bellatrix, who are clearly deranged, and, I mean maybe that’s…

Kevin: The more…

Laura: …what happens; you lose your soul. You just become worse and worse, and…

Kevin: Which is sort of true, even…

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: I mean, even in our real world…

Laura: It’s – and see, what’s…

Kevin: …it seems fitting.

Laura: What’s almost contradictory about that is, yeah, you are paying the price by losing a piece of your soul, but it seems like the more and more these people do horrible things…

Kevin: The worse they’re going to get.

Laura: …the more desensitized they become, and they keep doing it at increased levels. So, it’s not helping anybody that they’re losing their morality – you know, their morals and…

Do All Killings Split The Soul?

Micah: Right, but say one of the members of the Order killed a Death Eater. Would it rip their soul? I mean, what if they were doing it in defense?

Kevin: See, I don’t think so…

Laura: Yeah, that’s hard.

Kevin: Because – because there’s a fine line between murder and just killing. You know what I mean? When you say “murder,” it typically means the spiteful act of actually killing someone that does not need to be done. It’s not in self-defense, it’s not in protection of anyone, you are killing them just for the fun of it. And I think that aspect of it – well, maybe not just for the fun of it – but I think that aspect of it is the part that damages your soul. If you are protecting someone, or you are protecting yourself, and you end up killing someone, I don’t see how that would affect your character, or your soul. Because you’ve done nothing to… It was… There was nothing angry or, you know, there wasn’t – there was purpose behind the killing, you were trying to protect yourself. Where as what Voldemort does, and what Bellatrix does, is without purpose.

Laura: Do you think Snape lost part of his soul when he killed Dumbledore?

Micah: Depends if he was…

Andrew: Why wouldn’t he?

Laura: It’s hard.

Kevin: That depends on the circumstances behind the killing.

Laura: Yeah, but, I mean, how much – I mean the thing is, it’s not like… [sighs] It’s not like the magic that, or, you know, whatever force in the wizarding world that causes that to happen has any sort of sense to know when something like that was pre-planned. Like – do you get where I’m going? Like even if Dumbledore told Snape to do it, he was still doing something that didn’t need to be done.

Kevin: Yeah, but also, do you think – do you think if Dumbledore told him to do it, do you think he enjoyed it?

Laura: No.

Andrew: Snape?

Kevin: But, my point is, do you think there’s maybe some – there’s some connection, there’s…

Laura: Like maybe if you enjoyed the killing?

Kevin: Well, not only enjoy it, but there’s some connection between the purpose of the killing and whether your soul is damaged. Meaning, if he knew that he had to…

Laura: So…

Kevin: …kill Dumbledore, with Dumbledore’s permission, or Harry would die, and, therefore, destroy all hopes of Voldemort ever being defeated, right? Do you think that that purpose would have spared him the damage it might have done? You know?

Laura: Yeah, I mean, I guess it could, but then that brings me to the question, would Draco have been spared that damage? Because by killing Dumbledore, he would have saved himself and his family.

Micah: Yeah, but he’s killing him with malicious intent, which I think…

Laura: I don’t think he was, though, because he faltered.

Micah: Well, he faltered shows his true character.

Laura: You could clearly…

Micah: He never would have killed him. That’s the whole point.

Laura: Yeah, but had he killed him…

Micah: Well, had he killed him…

Laura: Do you think he would have been spared?

Micah: …there would have been malicious intent behind it. You know?

Laura: I don’t think so. I would have seen it as more of a pressured killing.

Micah: He…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I don’t think he ever would have had the ability inside him…

Kevin: Yeah, same here.

Micah: …to cast that curse. I don’t there’s any question about that.

Laura: I don’t think so either, but I’m speaking hypothetically.

Kevin: I think that it would have damaged him. Absolutely. At least in my mind, he would have been doing it for…

Laura: For a malicious reason even it wasn’t his intent?

Kevin: Well, for one, for malicious and selfish reason. I mean, it was saving his own…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: …butt.

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Kevin: He – I mean, he was there to save him and his family, but him and his family got themselves into that situation. So, the honorable thing to do would be join the other side and try to salvage it, but the whole reason he was in that situation is he chose not to.

Laura: Yeah, I agree with that.

Do Relics of Death Imply Death to Those That Seek Them?

Kevin: I’m not sure if you guys – I think it was in an e-mail. They were saying that it’s interesting that the title was – what was it? Deathly Relics? Is it?

Laura: Mhm. Relics of Death.

Andrew: Relics of Death.

Kevin: Relics of Death. You – some people have been wondering whether the Relics of Death are not only referring to the Horcruxes, but also to the fact that people die over them. That is, people die in their discovery or in the quest to find them.

Andrew: Oh, that’s true. So it’s – instead of saying, Harry Potter and the Horcruxes, it’s just a fancy way of saying “Horcruxes.”

Laura: It’s a more encompassing title.

Kevin: Exactly. You think of the Horcruxes and how much trouble is going to be, you know, made because of them, and what people are going to do to get them in order to kill Voldemort. And you wonder who those people are and what’s going to happen to them in the quest to find them. The Horcruxes, that is.

Micah: Well, I remember – this was back a few shows. One of the things that I had mentioned is that if you look at the Horcruxes that have been destroyed so far, you know, they’ve cost people their lives. I mean, we’re – that’s under the assumption that R.A.B. destroyed the locket. He’s now dead. And even if you read his letter, he was under the assumption, I think, that he was going to die as a result of what he was doing. You know, Dumbledore died, or at least looked like he was dying, with his whole black hand, which is what you were bringing up earlier, so is it that thing that’s going to happen down the line, where people are going to die in order for these Horcruxes to be destroyed? You know, was Dumbledore doomed from the beginning of Half-Blood Prince? I think, you know, if you look at his hand, he was on his way well before he drank that potion.

Laura: Yeah, I think so too.

Kevin: Oh, yeah, I think that too, and you’ll actually find it as a theme that when the – when a character is mutilated in some form, they tend to die.

Micah: Right.

Kevin: You – you see it even in recent…

Andrew: Sooner, rather than later, you mean.

Kevin: What do you mean? What – what was that? You broke up.

Andrew: Sooner… When, when you see – what did you say?

Kevin: Oh yeah, yeah, when you see a character mutilated. Yeah, sooner rather than later. You’re absolutely correct. Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: So, they’re going to die before the story is resolved.

Andrew: Oh, okay. All right.

Kevin: So in that sense alone, I think Dumbledore was fated to die, you know?

Laura: Yeah, I think he was doomed from the beginning of that book.

Andrew: Hhm.

Relics of Death: Objects of Those Who Died to Create the Horcruxes?

Micah: Well what if it – on the other side, you’re saying Relics of Death. What if they’re just the items of the people who were killed in order to make them, as opposed to people dying in order to destroy them?

Kevin: Yeah, that’s also a possibility. Yeah.

Andrew: As we can see by discussing this, there’s multiple things it could be. It’s just like Half-Blood Prince. It was like the prince of the half-bloods or the…the…what was the other one?

Micah: The half-blood prince.

Andrew: The literal half-blood prince.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, so. Well, Hmm, there you go. All right, well, good stuff. As always, if you guys want to e-mail in your rebuttals for that main discussion you can always e-mail…

[Kevin starts laughing]

Andrew: mugglecast at staff dot mugglecast – no, it’s not MuggleCast. It’s MuggleNet, dot MuggleNet dot com. Guys, it’s 12:41 A.M. [laughs] And now we know what’s it like when Jamie complains about recording this late at night.

Kevin: I don’t.

Andrew: Now I can understand.

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul: Improving Grades

Andrew: Let’s wrap the show up today with a Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul: Finals Edition. First one comes from Jenae, 18, of California. She writes:

Right now, well, not exactly right now, I am studying for a final exam. I am just finishing up my first year of college and in my philosophy class, I have a major paper due tomorrow, and I have my final. I can never find the right way to study in that the TV is too distracting. And with music I end up dancing around and singing. So today, for a change, I decided to listen to MuggleCast and I am really able to focus better and it’s entertaining while I go through all my boring philosophy notes. It worked out, because I had been so busy, there were a few episodes that I had downloaded, but never got to listen to and now I have. Smiles! Well, hopefully I get an “A” with MuggleCast. Wink! Thanks Always, Janae.

Kevin: Hmmm, yeah.

Andrew: So that’s good. Yeah. Like, when you guys study do you use music, or…

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Music.

Kevin: I typically listen to music.

Andrew: Do you watch TV?

Kevin: Although I don’t study much. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. What kind, though, because that plays a big role too. I’m a – I listen to jazz when I study.

Micah: Yeah. I don’t study anymore.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Micah, when you did, at Syracuse – music? I don’t know how you could study with the TV on.

Micah: No, yeah.

Andrew: I think it would be distracting.

Micah: TV is way to distracting. I don’t know, Janae needs to turn that off.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: That might help, first of all.

Andrew: And, podcasts,

Laura: I like instrumental music.

Kevin: Oh yeah, classical.

Laura: Like…

Kevin: Yeah. Absolutely.

Laura: Classical…

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah.

Laura: …and movie soundtracks.

Andrew: I listen to jazz. Smooth jazz.

Micah: Well, Andrew, when I was in college, I’m not sure that podcasts were a big thing. So…

Laura: That’s how ancient you are, Micah.

Micah: I know.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: It’s only two years ago.

Kevin: That’s a long time, Micah.

Andrew: Yeah. I listen to jazz and it’s very helpful. But we’re glad MuggleCast helps her. I could not listen to a podcast and study at the same time. That’s like TV.

Micah: Yeah. Hopefully she did well.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: The second one comes from Elizabeth, 15, of Oklahoma. She says:

I was pleased to receive an “A” on an English paper I recently wrote relating Dicken’s ‘Great Expectations’ to the ‘Harry Potter’ series. I thought this was a great time to send in a Chicken Soup. I have been meaning to for a while. I have been listening to MuggleCast for a little over a year, and, besides being amazing and fun to listen to, listening to you all analyzing ‘Harry Potter’ every week has made a significant difference in my skills in English class. I now have a better eye for symbols, clues, and picking up themes when reading novels. I wanted to thank you all for the great job you do on MuggleCast, and wanted to let you know you are helping people in even more ways than you meant. Which is the point of all Chicken Soups I guess, right? Anyways, I am also a Pickle Pack member, and all MuggleCast listeners/non-PiPa members…

Andrew: Pip-uh.

Micah: [laughs] …should know the $30 is so worth it.

Laura: Okay, is it Peep-uh, or Pipe-uh?

Andrew: It’s Pip-uh.

Laura: Or Pip-uh?

Andrew: Pip-uh.

Laura: I like Pipe-uh. Pip-uh is lame.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: You’ve got to abbreviate it how you pronounce the real phrase. So, pi…pickle, pi…pip-uh, Pickle Pack, pip-uh.

Laura: You don’t say, “puck”…[laughs]

Andrew: No, no, no. No, we’re just discussing it.

Laura: …you say, “pack.” [laughs]

Andrew: Pip-uh, pip-ah.

Laura: You don’t say…

Andrew: Pip-ah. Pip-ah. [laughs]

Laura: I like pipe-uh.

Andrew: Well, you can stick the pipe-uh up your pip-uh.

[Micah laughs]

Kevin: Okay.

Andrew: It’s too late. [laughs]

Show Close

Andrew: Hey so, that just about wraps up today’s show. We want to remind everyone about our contact information. Laura, what’s the P.O. Box?

Laura: Our new P.O. Box is:

P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia

That’s “Cumming,” spelled C-U-M-M-I-N-G.

[Show music begins]

Andrew: All right. And anyone else could also send in a voicemail question. To do that you can dial any one of our MuggleCast phone numbers. If you are in the United States you can dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you’re in the in the United Kingdom you can dial 020-8144-0677. And if you’re in Australia you can dial 02-8003-5668. You can also Skype the username MuggleCast, just remember to leave your message under about a minute long. And you can also use the handy feedback forum on to contact any one of us, or you can always use our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Don’t forget our community outlets. You got the MySpace, you got the
Facebook, you got the
YouTube group, the Frapprmap, Last.FM, the Fanlisting and the Forums. You can also Digg us at, vote for us once a month at Podcast Alley, and rate and review us on Yahoo! Podcasts.

I think that’s everything. Every week I’m always like, [in a dumb voice] “I think that’s it. I don’t really know.”

Laura: I had an idea. Really quick.

Andrew: What? What?

Laura: What about the first person to send something to the new P.O. Box gets a shirt. What do you think? First thing we get in the P.O. Box, they get a shirt.

Andrew: Oooh. Okay. Well, I – all right. All right. Sounds good.

Micah: I am sending that right now.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Micah’s got a head start. Once again, thank you, everyone, for listening. I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We have no idea where Eric Scull went.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 93. Bye-bye.

Kevin: Bye.

Laura: Bye.


Written by: Micah, Briana, Christina, Cindy, Eloise, Haley, Jessalyn, Jessica, Jessie, Karen, Laura, Leah, Luke, Margaret, Marya, Matt, Meredith, Rebeca, Samantha, Sapna, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #91

MuggleCast 91 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: What’s up, MuggleCast listeners? If you want to make an impact online, has what you need. Get your own dot-com domain name for as low as $1.99. Plus world class hosting, fast and easy website builders and much more. Plus as a listener of MuggleCast, enter code Ron – that’s R-O-N – when you check out and get your dot-com domain name for just $6.95 a year. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: Today’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. It won’t be long before the much-anticipated release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Do you have your mind made up about where Severus Snape’s loyalties lie? Do you think he’ll betray Harry and his friends, or will he help them to triumph over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Find out more about this complex character in the hot new book The Great Snape Debate available only at Borders. Remember to reserve Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at Borders and save 40 percent.

[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because we have no limits and no lives, this is Mugglecast Episode 91 for May 19th, 2007.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: Hey… [holds out the word for a ridiculously long time]

Eric: Yeah. [holds out the word]

Andrew: …everybody I’m back. Ben is back, too. Laura is…

Ben: I was here.

Andrew: Oh. Sorry.

Ben: I guess technically I still would be back, though. I’m back again. Back again this week.

Andrew: No, you would be back. The Ben is back, as one of the shows is called.

Eric: [sings] Ben is back.

Andrew: Laura’s back though.

Laura: Finally.

Andrew: Laura, a lot of people missed you.

Laura: Awww, well that’s good to know.

Ben: How are you feeling, Laura?

Laura: A lot better. Thank you for asking, I appreciate it.

Andrew: Oh, I don’t get it. Why would anyone get the idea that Laura was sick?

Ben: I don’t know. She was gone.

Eric: By subscribing to our Pickle Pack.

Andrew: Correct, Eric.

Laura: Oh, yep.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Pay $30.00 dollars to see me sick.

Eric: Well the correct answer, Andrew, is – yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: [in goofy voice] That’s why I paid. We have a good show for everyone. We have a lot to go over this week. Just yesterday, we didn’t have the show planned at all, but now we have a jam packed schedule.

Ben: [laughs] Just yesterday. We’re here – yeah.

Andrew: No joke. That’s the funny thing.

Ben: You wouldn’t ever believe it.

Andrew: Yeah, you will not be able to tell after we’re through with you. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is in the Mugglecast news center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Hey, Micah.


Micah: All right, thanks, Andrew.

J.K. Rowling updated her website with a new diary entry which reinforces a recent editorial made on Leaky about spoiling Deathly Hallows for the fans. We also would like to stress that MuggleNet will not reveal any spoilers to fans prior to the release of Deathly Hallows. Just like you, we don’t want it ruined. We will also take the necessary steps after the book is released to ensure that you are not spoiled if you have yet to read the book.

Warner Brothers has officially confirmed their plans for the Order of the Phoenix premiere on July 8th in Los Angeles, California. From the press release:

Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson will be in attendance. The screening will begin at 5:00 p.m. at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

Both the official UK Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix site and have been updated with news design for the upcoming film, so be sure to check those out.

Speaking of the fifth film, a new clip will air on the Ellen DeGeneres Show this Monday, May 21, and this past week we caught new versions of the trailer during both the finale of Survivor: Fiji and Supernatural. You can check out all of the videos and get the latest Order of the Phoenix news on

The June/July issue of Teen Vogue magazine has a new spread featuring Potter actors Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. Scans from the entire article can be viewed here in our galleries, and each of the three actors contributed interviews.

Finally, coinciding with their 25th anniversary, UK bookstore Waterstone’s has named Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone the best book in the past 25 years.

That’s all the news for this May 19th, 2007 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

News Discussion

Andrew: All right, thank you Micah.

Ben: Actually, I want to do a little bit of news discussing this week. Something that I thought was pretty cool was the Waterstone’s thing, because aren’t they the bookstore in London?

Andrew: Pretty much.

Ben: Aren’t they the bookstore over there? Is that right, or…

Andrew: Yeah, they’re – Waterstone’s is like the…

Ben: Barnes and Noble?

Andrew: It’s like the Border’s. or the Barnes and Noble, yeah.

Ben: That’s awesome. And they named, as Micah said, Philosopher’s Stone the best book in the past 25 years.

Andrew: That’s a really bold statement.

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: Best book.

Ben: They don’t leave any – yeah,there’s no grey area there. Best. I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: …best is the best, so I thought that was pretty cool.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Hey guys, that’s like us at the Podcast Awards. Oh, we were People’s Choice.

Ben: Oh yeah. [laughs]

Eric: Sorry.

Andrew: Actually, reading this now, it’s the top 25 books of the past 25 years voted for by you. So.

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: This wasn’t completely…

Laura: Oh.

Ben: It wasn’t me, it was you. It was you who did it.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: It’s probably based off of, like, total sales and stuff. I guess. So, it’s still pretty big. Rounding out the top 5: The Time Travelers Wife, Northern Lights (His Dark Materials). One of those Philip Pullman novels), Bird Song

Eric: Oh.

Andrew: …and the DaVinci Code. So…

Eric: Hmmm.

Andrew: Interesting.

Eric: DaVinci Code is a good book, but I wouldn’t consider it one of the Top, you know 5…

Laura: No, me neither.

Eric: Of the best… It’s not very well…

Micah: Eric, it was voted on by you, so…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, so it’s your fault.

Ben: Oh, yeah. I don’t know why you did that.

Eric: There’s room for – yeah.

Andrew: Actually, It’s kind of strange that one of the novels in the His Dark Materials series was No. 3.

Ben: That is kind of strange because that- to me, it doesn’t carry the same clout that Harry Potter does.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: No, it really doesn’t.

Eric: Or any book. I mean, there are a lot of good books in there, like Steven King and also – I mean, what was it…

Ben: Does anything really compare to this, though? In all honesty? Do you really think you can compare it too Harry Potter? Do you know what I mean?

Andrew: No, no. I don’t think so.

Laura: No, I don’t think so.

Micah: No.

Andrew: I’m looking at the details of this Philip Pullman book and it was released in March of this year. So… [laughs] Okay, maybe not the most accurate list they can put together.

Eric: You J.R.R. Tolkien has a new book out.

Andrew: Oh, really?

Eric: And he’s been dead for a couple of decades.

Andrew: Oh, a Life of Pi is in this list. I’m a Life of Pi fan.

Eric: What happened is his son, naturally, edits, or illustrates, or co-writes the books, but it was actually like J.R.R.’s ideas in half-written books, is my impression? So, it’s his new book
that we got in at Borders where I work: The Children of Hurian. Hurian, as in H-U-R-I-A-N. So, it’s really cool because we are selling this J.R.R. Tolkien book. People come in asking for the new J.R.R. book and we are like you know, “Wow.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But it’s cool.

Andrew: Eric thinks…

Ben: Eric, since you work there, I was going to ask do you ever have people come in and ask, ‘do you have the new Harry Potter book?’ Really niave people who don’t know that it’s not out yet?[laughs] Do you know what I mean?

Eric: It’s really interesting. Yeah, I know what you mean, and it’s really interesting. We have some people that will do that, but we have big signs by the entrances that say ‘Pre-order, release July 21st’. So, unless they don’t read then the door pretty much stops them.

Andrew: Are you guys making preparations already for the book, or have you heard any ‘talk’ about all this stuff we’re going to do.

Eric: Well, we do have a few really cool ideas. I’ll be, of course, wearing my robes. You know how that goes does at all these cool events.

Andrew: Yeah.

Book Security

Eric: No, but what you guys don’t realize is that bookstores are actually taking a very, very, very larger than ever kind of – there’s, like, so much security on these books.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Like, even more than was before. There is absolutely, like, major, major security that Warner Brothers has obviously binding every single bookstore…

Andrew: Or Scolastic…

Eric: That is selling the book.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Or Scolastic. Sorry, did I say Warner Brothers?

Andrew: Yeah. Yes, you did.

Eric: I give them more credit, then they have, but no, it’s – you can’t actually, we can’t actually put the books, I think on the floor until, like three hours before we sell the books? Like wecan’t actually shelf them, or anything. They have to be in the back room, locked in a safe with a tarp that is fireproof and flame retardant and all sorts of stuff.

Andrew: [laughs] No.

Laura: Oh my god.

Andrew: Fire retardant?

Laura: YOu got to be kidding me? [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, I’m dead serious. It’s actually – they supply the flame retardant blanket, but we actually have to… Yeah, so it’s pretty intense. So, yeah, we have cool plans going on, but uhhh…

Micah: Isn’t that a little a bit overboard? I mean, I…

Laura: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking…

Micah: I remember when the news first came out about how the books were supposed to be delivered and how Scolastic is keeping them at these secret areas around the country.

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: And when they get to the stores, there only going to get there, something like the day before and there locked down in these padlocks. And nobody can even open them until the hour before…

Ben: [chuckles] Yeah.

Micah: …the book is suppose to come out.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. No, no. It’s true. But it’s because they don’t want it spoiled. I mean, this is like…

Micah: It’s a book, though! I don’t know… It seems a little intense to me.

Andrew: You know what?

Eric: Hey, hey, hey! Are you saying it’s just a book?!

Andrew: Hold on a second. Hold on.

Eric: Just a book?!

Andrew: Micah’s got a good point, and I remember with Half-Blood Prince I was talking with my dad about this right before it came out and he’s like ‘Why is there so much ‘I think Jo’s just trying to, you know, create all this hype so she can earn some extra money.’ And I mean, that’s not necessarily true, however, Micah’s right.

Ben: It was your dad that said that.

Andrew: Yeah, because he was kept seeing the report on T.V. Well, you know, Micah’s right. There is a lot of security for this book and this doesn’t happen with any book. However, this is the final book, and this sort of is a good transition into the spoilers thing that Jo talked about on her website earlier this week.

Micah: Can I just say, so I don’t get a lot of e-mails. I know I said that it’s just a book, but I kind of meant that in a – I don’t know. I didn’t mean it… I know it’s the last and final book, but it’s still a book.

Laura: No…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I know what you mean.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Like, I remember…

Micah: Why not just have the delivery trucks be surrounded by a motorcade as it comes to the store, you know?

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: You know, I just think that it’s a little bit overboard for, you know, a book.

Eric: Well Micah, they don’t have the motorcade because then that’s petrol prices and the warin Iraq.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Those are going up.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: All because of the war in Iraq. So actually the security measures are because of the war in Iraq.

Andrew: Well you know what, though?

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: It’s probably because, Micah, there already is so much hype about the books that they know people are going to try to get them. So even if they lowered their security, people would just try to get the books and then release the information online. You know what I’m saying?

Micah: It’s going to happen anyway.

Andrew: Well yeah, it’s bound to happen anyway…

[Ben and Eric laugh]

Andrew: But, you know, this way…

Eric: Still, but it…

Laura: You know, they’ve always had some of weird restrictions on the books around release time. Like, whenever I went to Baltimore for Half Blood Prince, they wouldn’t let us take pictures of the boxes. Like, they had all the boxes up by the window at the front of the store.

Ben: Yeah, you told me that. That is so weird.

Eric: Well, Laura…

Laura: And they were like, “You can’t take pictures!” And we did anyway. And then they put a tarp over it. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, yeah. Well actually Laura, I know why that is too. And this is just a rumor. All these things that I’m disclosing are just ideas that I’ve gotten. I haven’t actually been privy to any special information. But what I’ve heard is, seriously, they will stop you from taking pictures. Because what they don’t want to happen is if Scholastic catches any bookstores doing any of the things that violate their strict code of conduct – we’re talking the insane rules that we just kind of laid out there. If they violate that, Scholastic will actually – and this is just an idea, just a rumor I have. That they’ll actually pull all of the – they’ll stop further Scholastic books from coming to that bookstore. So, the store itself can actually not sell anything from Scholastic.

Ben: Yeah, that does sounds right.

Laura: That’s crazy.

Ben: There’s an embargo. An embargo. Because I remember with The Order of the Phoenix, there was a store in New York City. A health food store that order three copies of the book to sell. Okay? They ordered just three copies of the book to sell and they got them in about a week beforehand and they just threw them up on the shelf. And then, [laughs] they don’t get Harry Potter anymore because of that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Even though it’s a health food store. Don’t know why.

Laura: That happened with a Walmart store for Goblet of Fire too.

Eric: Yes. So, I guess it is true. But, I mean, that’s what I heard. It sounds really crazy. But for a bookstore to actually not be able to get those books in – like, they lose money, it’ll go out of business. That’s a serious threat for a bookstore. So, it’s fun to get yelled at by people for taking pictures of your, you know, your Harry Potter book, but seriously.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I have open here a – Scholastic has a little webpage on their website with all the details for booksellers. And they actually have online their On Sale Date policies. And I’m reading one of them and it says that, “Restricted titles, blah-blah-blah blah-blah-blah, you must ensure that restricted titles are kept secure and not placed on any selling floor and/or in any display areas and are not sold or otherwise distributed. All resellers must ensure that their account/retail locations are aware of and abide by the on sale date. Any retail location that sells, displays or otherwise distributes a restricted title prior to its on sale date for the first time will be required immediately to take the restricted title off sale until the on sale date.” Which isn’t too bad. And they’ll also be placed on a 12-month watch list. And then the second time, they will still be on the watch list and they will not be shipped any restricted titles until the actual on sale date. For the duration of the 12-month period.

Eric: I’m sure it’s actually more scary than that.

Andrew: It is. Because it goes into, you’re liable for any lawyer costs and all that stuff.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So, you know, they’re very serious about this.

Ben: Yeah, I wouldn’t… [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] But then again, it is the last Harry Potter book. So… [laughs]

Ben: Well how tempting would it be? I mean, would any of you mind spending 15 years in prison for breaking the embargo…

Andrew laughs

Ben: …or whatever it is….

Eric: Well…

Ben: …for stealing the book?

Andrew: Depends on how much money I make by releasing the book early.

Eric: Because there aren’t any…

Ben: Call Vegas. [laughs]

Eric: Well, there aren’t anymore Harry Potter books coming out. So I can’t really read them in prison. I suppose maybe if you read a word a day…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: …for the rest of the 15 years.

Andrew: There you go.

Jo’s Update on Spoilers

Eric: You could read Book 7 and have it, like, spread out. But I’m not even going to entertain that idea any longer. Micah, what did JKR say?

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: What do mean, what did she say?

Andrew: On the website. On the website, she made an update.

Eric: On her website, what did she say about this and about spoilers? Because you got your wish again, didn’t you?

Micah: Well, I did get a little bit of some of a update, I guess, from her.

Eric: Oh, don’t downplay it. You downplayed it two weeks in a row.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: No, no, I’m not. Okay, look, I’m not downplaying this.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: I won’t downplay it, all right? Geez, guys. No, she made an update on her site. She addressed the whole spoiler policy issue. And I know that we at MuggleNet also do a pretty good job about warning people, as far as Book 7 is going to be concerned. We did it with Half Blood Prince. We even did it on MuggleCast. I know our early episodes, we had some spoiler warnings in there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: To ensure that people did not listen to it if they hadn’t read the book.

Andrew: Yeah. And we’ll do it again with Deathly Hallows. I mean, you know, we are going to let people know ahead of time. We’ve been getting e-mails already, [whiney voice] “What are you guys doing? Don’t spoil us!” And, granted, we did spoil a lot of people…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …back on our April 1st show. That was a mistake. Forgot to add in a little spoiler warning.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: We’re reformed spoiler-holics.

Laura: We won’t do it again.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: We promise.

Andrew: Harry dies in Book 7. But, basically…

[Ben, Eric, and Micah laugh]

Laura: [gasps] Andrew!

Andrew: We will warn people ahead of time…

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Of, you know, if we – We’re not going to talk about spoilers on this show. [laughs]

Ben: Yeah. That’s not going to happen.

Andrew: Yeah, we’re going to try to avoid that.

Ben: Well, we will. But if we do, there will be fair warning, so don’t worry about it.

Andrew: If we talk about them, it’s out of anger, before the book comes out. Because someone will have spoiled it for us.

Ben: Oh, before the book comes out, you don’t have to worry about spoilers.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: But if, post-book…

Andrew: Yeah. I’ll start my, “and don’t worry…and yes, there are spoilers.” [laughs]

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Well, we are a discussion podcast. I mean, I think…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: What do you think? Do you think we’re actually going to take a break? Like the week after the book is released…

Andrew: Nooo.

Eric: Just so we can read it, and then formulate out thoughts for, maybe an episode or two after that?

Andrew: I doubt it.

Laura: It’s not going to take us a week to read the book.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: Oh, it took me a week to read.

Andrew: It takes me about a month.

Laura: We’re going to have that thing wiped out in less than…

Ben: Well, the thing is…

Laura: …24 hours.

Ben: A question for you guys: Do you think it’s better – okay it’s like saying, it’s the equivalent of, you get a carton of ice cream, okay? Do you eat it all the first night, you just devour it, and then once it’s gone, it’s gone? Or do you spread it out over…

Andrew: Depends on what flavor.

Ben: …a few weeks, over a week?

Eric: And depends on how hungry I am.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Well…

Ben: So it’s going to be dependent on how hungry you are for Harry Potter?

Andrew: Which, the answer is very hungry. Everyone will…

Ben: Yeah, I guess so.

Eric: Those are really capitalist answers.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: How hungry are you for Harry?

Eric: Depends on what flavor, depends on how hungry…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: I love that.

Micah: I think based on what we do, it’s going to be hard not to talk to each other and, you know, be careful about what we say.

Laura: The thing is, I’m going to have to be in a separate room by myself because I’m that paranoid.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I really am.

Ben: Actually, I run MuggleNet’s Feedback Form, and so I’ll probably get it spoiled for me first.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Thank you, whoever e-mails in.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: And Laura, I plan on telling you first thing, so…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Ben: …you don’t have to worry about locking yourself in a room either.

Eric: You can’t escape Ben’s…

Laura: Yeah, if you…

Ben: What?

Eric: You can’t escape the wrath of Ben Schoen.

Andrew: So that was Jo’s update.

Micah: It was a good update.

Andrew: It was good. Micah, I don’t think we’re going to be getting any real facts or anything new like in the ‘Rumours’ section, or in the ‘About the Books’ section until the book comes out.

Micah: Oh, I don’t know about that.

Eric: Don’t stir him up.

Micah: I think we’re, I think we’re leaning towards the door opening very, very soon.

Andrew: [laughs] What else is…

Ben: Oh, geez.

Andrew: …there big to reveal? Chapter titles? Maybe chapter titles.

Micah: Oh, you never know.

Andrew: Or a quote from the book.

Micah: You never know. You don’t know what’s going on in her mind. I mean, hey, she could…

Laura: Only Micah knows that, right?

Micah: She could decide, “May is the month for me to go out there and update my site a couple times.”

Andrew: Well, she has.

Ben: It’s true.

Micah: Exactly, so, I mean, little things are starting to change around the site. I wouldn’t be surprised, guys.

Andrew: I guess.

Micah: I’m telling you.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Well, just remember, Micah. Keep this philosophy at heart: when Jo closes a door, she opens a window.

Laura: Something that I’m kind of expecting an update on is what she’s going to do for the book.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh, yeah! Yeah, you know, that would be a good door thing.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Like, her big announcement for the – yeah, yeah, well, yeah. [laughs] It should be soon, right?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I mean…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …we found out in May…

Laura: I’m kind of surprised we haven’t heard anything yet.

Andrew: Yeah. We found out in May, when Half-Blood Prince – for the Half-Blood Prince release. That was, that was a May announcement, wasn’t it?

Laura: I thought it was April.

Andrew: Okay, well, point is it’s time. [laughs] So…

Laura: Yeah, it really is time.

Eric: What’s next?

Harry Potter Site Updates

Andrew: Well, and both received Order of the Phoenix updates. MuggleNet gave everyone an exclusive preview of the .com site the day before it went live. What do you guys think? I like it. It’s okay.

Eric: I like the music.

Laura: Yeah. I mean…

Ben: I just don’t…

Laura: I think it looks a lot like all the other sites they’ve put up.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: I, I – it’s fairly standard.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: I wouldn’t say it’s impressive, really.

Andrew: Yeah. I think the most interesting about both websites is that the music sounds like it’s from the movie. It’s not just your…

Laura: Yeah, it does.

Andrew: …generic, you know, like, lame music. And…

Ben: What that reminds me of, is if you – it reminds me of the DVD menu on the – when you buy the DVDs.

Andrew: Right.

Ben: I know it sounds weird, but…

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I’m going to turn it up now.

[Music from website begins playing]

Andrew: And, I mean, I really like it. It’s very whimsical.

Laura: I really like it, too.

Andrew: I really – and I made this mistake. It’s actually Nicholas Hooper who is composing the soundtrack. And I really like it. He puts a new spin on John Williams, his work.

Laura: Mhm. Yeah, I like it a lot.

Andrew Yeah.

Laura: I thought the Goblet of Fire soundtrack was kind of boring, so…

Andrew: It was…

Laura: I kind of like hearing this stuff.

Andrew: It was all right.

Eric: I found it – it was an adventure movie, I mean, action kind of…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: …dominated.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: But this seems less – maybe we just aren’t using the military kind of, totalitarian, because this sounds more like Chris Columbus’s movies.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s very happy.

Eric: It’s very rich.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: It’s very happy, but very rich in all sorts of instruments that sound magical, obviously.

Andrew: If you listen to the whole clip, it’s about – the whole loop that plays on the site is close to five minutes long and it seems to me, listening to it, it seems to me that it’s broken up into sections, like it’s six songs mashed into one.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: It goes from the whimsical stuff to Hedwig’s theme, like remix. It’s got some different effects to it, which I really liked by the way. It seems to jump around. So, they’re really giving people a nice little sneak peak, and I really like it. You guys do too?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, so when’s the soundtrack due out?

Andrew: Uh, I don’t know, actually, no. I don’t know.

Ben: Who here owns all of the soundtracks?

Andrew: Errr, I don’t.

Laura: I don’t.

Micah: I don’t.

Eric: I own one, two, and three.

Laura: I only have three.

Eric: I have the Richard Harris version of Chamber of Secrets, and I think I also bought the Harry version, because remember they had five different characters for the Chamber of Secrets soundtrack?

Laura: Yeah. Why would you want to buy the same CD five times?

Eric: That’s the unfortunate thing.

Andrew: I’m looking on right now, and they have the release date set at July 10th, so…

Eric: That’s cool.

Andrew: Three days before the movie comes out, which is not bad. Yeah, so you guys might remember that we had a little Goblet of Fire soundtrack contest on MuggleCast last year, and we gave away some CDs and that was a great success. So maybe, hopefully we can do that again with the Order of the Phoenix soundtrack. I’m looking forward to it, I think it will be good. I think Nicholas Hooper sounds like a good composer. Nothing really else big happened in the news this week, right Micah?

Eric: But, this summer we have plenty of stuff.


Andrew: Yes we do. Moving onto the announcements, we have – let’s see here – five live podcasts scheduled so far that we’ll be at.

Ben: Five? Five?

Andrew: Yeah, we’re going to kick it off with the UK premiere as a Leaky Mug, the US premiere as another Leaky Mug. The UK premiere is looking like me, Jamie, and Kevin, and then also with Melissa and John from Leaky, and the US premiere is Ben, and Laura will be there, too, with Leaky Folks. Then Enlightening 2007 is going to be me, Ben, Jamie, and Micah. The Deathly Hallows release is hopefully going to be everyone. Eric, are you coming state side for the book or no?

Eric: No, but I’ll mention in another – like in a minute.

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: Are you going to be working that night?

Eric: Uh, I’ll let you know in a minute.

Andrew: And then we also have Prophecy. We’re going to wrap it up with Prophecy. We’re looking into maybe doing a couple other shows, nothing guaranteed yet, but we know that a lot of people – well, I won’t say anything yet. So…

Ben: What are you talking about?

Andrew: Doing a couple extra shows this summer.

Ben: Oh, yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: So, we’ll keep you guys updated. It’s a very busy summer, though, and it’s hard getting everyone around.

Eric: Yeah, so…

Andrew: So, that is that. Eric go ahead.

Eric: So, I don’t know exactly. I actually won’t be at Prophecy this year guys, I wanted to let you know.

Ben: Weren’t you already registered?

Andrew: Yeah, weren’t you?

Eric: Yeah, it actually was…

Ben: If anyone’s looking for a Prophecy registration…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: No, no, no no. I’ve actually got a few ideas that Prophecy is going to be really good, and really, really fun.

Andrew: It is.

Eric: A little birdie told me, so I want you guys to have fun. I won’t actually be there. I know, I’m sorry, I’m just completely overwhelmed with school here because we don’t get a summer break until November. So…

Andrew: That stinks.

Eric: This southern hemisphere thing is kind of funny. The UK/US premieres and stuff, I really don’t think I’ll be there, but I’ll be there in spirit, and if anyone is in New Zealand or Australia, come to the Borders in Wellington, because that’s probably where I’ll be. In my robes.

Andrew: Sweet. Well, you can hold a sort of MuggleNet event.

Ben: You should hold one.

Eric: I was thinking about that. I want to invite you guys to New Zealand, actually. You can come here.

Ben: Ummm, sorry. We won’t be there.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: We have plans.

Andrew: Yeah, sorry.

Laura: We’ll be there in spirit, though.

Eric: Come on, guys. Actually, there’s a lot of Australian hype. You guys would be surprised…

Andrew: No, no, no I’m sure it is. We actually have a lot of MuggleCast listeners in Australia. I don’t know about New Zealand exactly, but Australia, you know…

Eric: Yeah, yeah. No, it is a big deal. I’ve been getting some comments and e-mails saying are you going to do something?

Andrew: Cool.

Eric: Right now I don’t know. I’ll keep you posted on it. What I’m doing for Book 7.

Andrew’s Apple Store Appearance

Andrew: Keep us posted. You know what I was doing the other day? I was at the local Apple store, where I had a sort of mini-event. My Shawnee High School TV tech program, we put on a little student showcase event, and I did a thing on MuggleCast and how MuggleCast is made, and I posted on Mugglenet earlier in the day about it, and we had about 15 people show up. It was a lot of fun meeting all the fans, there are some pictures on Facebook if everybody wants to see some pictures, and everyone got a shirt, and they really enjoyed their time, so I want to thank everyone who did come out to that. Also, birthday shout-out to one of the girls who was there, Hannah E. who recently turned 13 the other day. We usually don’t do birthday shout outs on the show, but she was a very nice little girl who came out. She was very cool, she was there with her friend, and that was a lot of fun. Also, Laura, one of your big fans was there.

Laura: Oh, really?

Andrew: Yeah, a girl named Ashley.

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Age ten, actually. She is…

Laura: Awww.

Andrew: Yeah, she was very cool.

Micah: She is calling you right now, actually.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: So maybe not your biggest fan, Laura, because she is a little ten-year old.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, but she wanted me to tell you on the show that she also thinks that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the best Potter film yet.

Laura: Thank you, I appreciate that. I am telling you from the mouth of the future generation, right there.

Andrew: [laughs] And we tried calling you but you did not answer your phone you saw that it was me, so maybe next time. [laughs]

Laura: No, I was at work, I was at work…

Andrew: That is what I told her.

Micah: Oh, come on you could have picked up the phone.

Laura: I was slaving away at the Target Guest Services desk.

Micah: Andrew picked up today in phone during class when you called him…

Andrew: Yeah, return the favor.

Micah: You could pick up the phone at work.

Laura: You were in class?

Micah: Yeah, trying to get him in trouble.

Andrew: Yeah, I was in class, yeah I was.

Laura: You are so full of crap.

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: No he is not.

Andrew: Somehow Micah knows all the details. [laughs]

Laura: You had me feeling really bad for a second.

Andrew: Yeah so shout out to Ashley and Hannah and everyone else who came out it was a lot of fun and about 15 people came up and I posted that the day of, so it was pretty cool having all those people come out and all the kids from my school could not believe it they were like, “Who are all these MuggleCast fans?” [mumbles]

So, also don’t forget to vote for us in Podcast Alley and do’nt forget you have a little under a month to sign up for Pickle Pack, it’s the official membership service of the MuggleCast. You will get a new video blog everyday from one of the co-hosts. So, I’m on Sundays, Ben’s on Saturdays, Laura you’re on Tuesdays?

Laura: Monday.

Eric: Monday.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: Eric is Tuesday, Jamie is Wednesday, Micah is Thursday, Kevin is Friday.

Andrew: It’s a lot fun.

Ben: Thank you.

Andrew: We’ve been doing some crazy stuff and…

Eric: And by the way – sorry to cut you off Andrew, I just have to know: were you or were you not wearing your seatbelt in your latest Blickle?

Andrew: I was, I was, I was. In my latest Blickle I was recording my Blickle and driving at the same time. You have a little under a month. We will stop taking registrations on June 16th at which it will be closed for at least a year. Don’t know if we’ll ever open it up again so, you know, buy now. And, of course, all proceeds go to the show for all of our summer plans and we appreciate your support very, very much. I think that is about it for announcements, just a little side note: my birthday is on Tuesday, so if you want to send me gifts, just e-mail me and I will provide you with a mailing address.

New P.O. Box

Eric: Oh, if you want to send him gifts, do we not have a new P.O. Box for that?

Laura: Oh, that is right. We do.

Andrew: [laughs] We do have a P.O. Box.

Ben: This is another announcement isn’t it?

Andrew: It sort of is. Laura, go for it. [laughs]

Laura: We now have a P.O. Box that is going to be:

P.O. Box 3151

Cumming, Georgia 30028

Ben: And if you just love writing Moundridge you can still send it here. It’s gonna end up in Georgia.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: I did the forwarding thing today. Oh by the way, Emerson Spartz, the ever – you know you never hear anything about him anymore, we are going to have a real Spy On Spartz on my Blickle next week.

Eric: Oh.

Ben: Because Emerson is going to be here for my graduation, so come watch, get Pickle Pack, you can see me and Emerson having a good time at the Schoen residence.

[Eric laughs]

Listener Rebuttal: The Symbol and Azkaban

Andrew: [laughs] Okay. Lets move onto a couple of rebuttals now. Just a couple. We got some feedback last week about the symbol, that symbol that you guys did a great job discussing. The first one comes from Dusty Stout, 25 of Utah. He writes:

“I wondered why no one had noticed that Azkaban was a huge triangle. It hit me right away that it resembled the Rune Symbol on the UK Cover. Do you think there is a connection? If so, do you suppose the trio pays a visit to the famed wizard prison? You guys are great. Keep it cool, I mean, Pickley. Thanks, Dusty!”

Micah, what do you think about this?

Micah: I think that it is a good theory. It’s just another one of those things we can add. I know Ben was going over it last week saying we have so many good theories but we really have no basis to go on.

Ben: Confirm or deny…

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

Ben: …whether or not it’s true.

Micah: It is just a symbol. It is just complete speculation at this point. I think it’s cool, I mean, why not? Why not send the trio to Azkaban at some point? But, I just don’t know. To me it jjust seems like a symbol to me than anything else. I do not know if it is representative of the prison, per se.

Laura: Do you think Jo would work with the movies on that? Like…

Andrew: That’s a good point.

Laura: …tell them they specifically needed to make Azkaban look like this?

Andrew: that would make sense.

Ben: She would actually. Because I remember hearing that she had a lot of say in something in the first movie with how…

Eric: It was the Voldemort and going back to…

Ben: Yeah, the Voldemort entering the Godric’s Hollow. She had a lot of say of how that was filmed. So, if something was crucial, if that symbol really matters as much as we seem to think it does, then…

Micah: If it is Azkaban then what does the circle represent, you know, with the line down the middle? You know, how does that play in?

Eric: Time.

Micah: Well…

Ben: Oh, a line.

Eric: Time is circular.

Ben: It means Azkaban is going to be split.

Eric: In half.

Ben: Then they’re going to form a circle around it.

Eric: By a giant circle.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Yeah. [laughs] By a giant circle.

MuggleCast 91 Transcript (continued)

Listener Rebuttal: The Symbol and Spelling Out Voldemort’s Name

Andrew: Well, actually speaking of shapes, we got another email from Chrissy, 15, of Tabernacle, New Jersey. I know, I know. It’s from New Jersey.

Eric: That’s a cool name.

Andrew: Chrissy?

Eric: Tabernacle.

Andrew: Oh, Tabernacle. That’s actually a nearby town to me. Close to me.

Eric: Well it’s a holy name, but…

Andrew: Okay, yes, you’re right, actually. This is a long email; I’ll try to get through it quick.

I really enjoyed your discussion of the symbol on the cover of ‘Deathly Hallows,’ but while listening I came up with a theory that you didn’t mention. I thought that because this book is probably mostly about Voldemort’s Horcruxes, maybe the symbol has to do with Voldemort. I know that he already has the Dark Mark but that has more to do with his Death Eaters. And if you wanted to make a Horcrux of some kind the Dark Mark would be far too obvious. The triangle and the split circle could very easily represent Voldemort. You were talking about the points of the triangles representing three things. So I thought what values does Voldemort most care about? Power, fame, and wealth. This seems to be all he wants out of life and the triangle could represent these things. The split circle could be eternal life and that has been what Voldemort has been looking for all along, right? The split in the circle could represent that fact that Voldemort lives divided lives; he is both Tom Riddle and Voldemort. Or the fact that he split his soul when he created the Horcruxes.

Interesting point. She goes on to say,

And I know this is going to sound crazy but you can create every letter in Voldemort from this symbol, that’s on the spine. If you don’t believe me then look at this picture.

She attached a photo that we’ll put on the site if you guys want to take a look at this, go ahead. It’s kind of clever; basically, every letter of Voldemort’s name could somehow fit in the triangle. So…

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: …take a look at that.

Eric: That’s pretty sweet.

Andrew: It’s actually kind of interesting because they all seem to fit pretty well, except for the “R.” You can’t really make a – you can make a lower-case R out of the word Voldemort.

Eric: Ohhh. Oh, yeah.

Ben: And the sideways “E,” that doesn’t look…

Andrew: Yeah. But I mean…

Eric: Well, no, I thought it was very clever.

Andrew: It is. It’s a good idea. Because I mean, yeah, you couldn’t do the letter “H,” you couldn’t do it with the letter, like, “Q” or the letter “B” – well, you might be able to do it with “B.” But as follow…

Ben: I think it just spells – I think it just spells “Ooooooo,” like…

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: With all the circles, I think it just spells “Ooooooo.” [laughs]

Micah: I don’t really know about the whole power, fame, and wealth aspect of it, because – power I can definitely see, fame sort of, but wealth? I don’t really think he’s out to achieve wealth.

Eric: No, no, that’s what flawed.

Micah: Or that in any way…

Eric: Just a…

Micah: … represents him.

Eric: Specifically naming three things is a little bit different from saying it’s still Voldemort’s symbol. Like, that might be power, fear, and infamy, you know. I mean, it could be anything.

Micah: Right. No, I know, I mean she was probably just throwing out a couple of things that…

Eric: Ideas.

Micah: …they could represent. Yeah, but the wealth one I’m not too big on.

Eric: The wealth one not so much.

Andrew: I guess, but I like the idea that the triangle is split, so split lives, split ideas.

Eric: Split lives.

Andrew: You know…

Ben: But I don’t think Voldemort…

Andrew: …split Horcruxes.

Ben: …leads two lives though. I think if that symbolized anybody it’d be Snape.

Andrew: Oh, oh, yeah.

Ben: Split lives, wouldn’t that be Snape?

Eric: That’s true.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Because Voldemort – Tom Riddle he’s not – he does not consider himself to be Tom Riddle any longer. The only person who calls him that…

Eric: No, no, no.

Ben: …is Dumbledore. So…

Eric: He’s more machine now than man. Jamie would so pat me on the back for that one.

Main Discussion: Lily’s Secret

Andrew: All right, so this week, we’re going to have a main discussion on Lily’s secret. We haven’t really discussed this much in detail and Laura or Micah, I think you guys got the idea for this discussion from an e-mail?

Micah: The e-mail that we got came from Alexander Miller, 15, from Pennsylvania, and he said that he:

“…was inspecting Jo’s website and found one of the easier unlockable accomplishments, a few pages that were cut from ‘The Sorcerer’s Stone.’ And in these pages the reader finds that originally the Sorcerer’s Stone was found in Lily and James’ vault at Gringotts, not vault seven hundred something.”

Andrew: Thirteen. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah. [laughs]

[Ben laughs]

Micah: “This cut information, plus her skill in potion making caused me to think that maybe Lily was an alchemist. I want to know what you guys think, your show is awesome. Pickles.”

Lily The Alchemist?

Laura: I think it’s definitely possible because of how good she was at potions, and you would have to be good at potions to be a good alchemist. Because the two kind of go hand in hand, you know?

Micah: And I could be completely wrong here – I don’t know alchemy at all, but I remember a couple of theories that came in originally was that, that there’s three main elements, or three main colors in alchemy. Is that true? I think white, black and red…

Laura: Yeah, that’s right.

Micah: …and so far we’ve seen Sirius, Albus, and whoever the third is going to be – they’ve all died.

Ben: Weasley. [laughs]

Micah: Or – yeah.

Eric: Ruby. Or a Weasley, yeah.

Micah: Or, Rubeus, yeah. Hagrid. So, this would kind of – I think there’s definitely an undertone of alchemy in the series, and it’s referenced a bunch of different times. So, for her to be an alchemist, I think, would be kind of interesting, and the fact that the stone was initially considered to be in the Potters’ vault, I don’t know if we should take that as a clue towards anything.

Ben: What about…

Laura: Well, also…

Ben: What was I going to say? Didn’t J.K. Rowling say that Harry’s parents’ jobs were significant?

Andrew: They…

Ben: She should’ve…

Laura: She said that James didn’t need a high-paying job because he had money from his family, but she didn’t mention Lily’s, and I think that her job might be her secret. Just because, I mean, why would…

Ben: Do you think they were doing the same thing or do you think they would be in separate occupations?

Laura: No, I don’t think so. I think – just kind of the impression I got from Jo – what she said was that it would be separate occupations because she almost made it sound like that, James had so much family inheritance that he could’ve been doing something like working in a store in Diagon Alley, whereas Lily could’ve been, like, working as an alchemist…

Ben: Bringin’ in the big bucks?

Laura: Exactly.

[Eric laughs]

Laura: Like every woman should.

Ben: Bringin’ home the bacon.

[Laura laughs]

What Does Thrice Defied Mean?

Eric: I think it’s interesting, Lily’s possible occupation being alchemy. What I was thinking about the other day, though – this is quite interesting – was that, you know the prophecy says that the parents of the one who has the power defied Voldemort three times. Thrice, thrice defied Lord Voldemort? Well, if you guys think about it, what exactly does that mean, thrice defied? Does that mean that Lily and James Potter specifically were up against hand-to-hand combat with Voldemort, just like Harry has been, three separate times and lived? Like, what exactly would – I mean, we read these books, and they’re structured kind of like…

Ben: Well, yeah…

Laura: Well, yeah, I think they would.

Eric: …well, they’re structured like Voldemort has spent all year looking for the stone, or he’s spent all year trying to come back. You know? What exactly would the plots have been, I’d be interested to know, where Voldemort would specifically have tried to do something, and Lily and James specifically would have gotten in his way? Not to mention Frank and Alice Longbottom, who were also candidates for that. Do you think it was actually just the whole Order that was thrice defying him or, or is it specifically Lily and James were out there on their own, on a battlefield with Voldemort, as Harry has now been, defying him three times?

Laura: I think it was specific.

Ben: Yeah, I think it was, too.

Eric: I think so, too.

Laura: Because when Harry talked to Voldemort, he pretty much confirmed that both the Longbottoms and the Potters had confronted him three times each, alone. So I think they definitely did.

Eric: Yeah, but that’s so interesting. Like, what would they say, “Fancy seeing you here again, Voldemort.”

[Micah laughs]

Ben: How do they – yeah – how would they defy him, though? You know what I mean?

Micah: Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. If…

Laura: They didn’t die.

Micah: Well, no. Defied means that…

Ben: No.

Micah: …that you would have to not listen to something that he said. Almost like they were…

Ben: Right. Like, how do you do defy your parents?

Micah: Right. So, were they…

Ben: You know, you don’t do chores.

Micah: …in some alliance with him? You know?

Laura: Well, I guess that could go hand in hand with, I mean, everybody thinks that – a lot of people think that Voldemort didn’t…

Ben: I wouldn’t say alliance. I don’t think alliance…

Lily The Unspeakable?

Laura: No, I don’t think so either. But, a lot of people think that Voldemort wanted Lily on his side for some reason, possibly because she was an alchemist, maybe. But that would sort of explain…

Ben: Well, something I see here is that, also, there’s the thought that she might be an Unspeakable, which would make sense…

Laura: Yes.

Ben: … why he didn’t kill her unless he had to.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: You know, how he tried to pardon Lily. But some people think that the reason that he did that was because of Snape, because of Snape’s love for Lily. But, I don’t think Voldemort…

Laura: I don’t think so.

Ben: …would understand love enough to be sympathetic. He wouldn’t be sympathetic of that enough to make anything else.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I don’t think he would care enough about any of his followers to care about their feelings. So, I think… Yeah.

Ben: So the Unspeakable thing makes more sense, then.

Voldemort, the Elixir of Life and Immortality

Laura: Yeah. I think that either the alchemist thing or the Unspeakable thing makes sense, because if Voldemort was looking for the Elixir of Life and Lily was an alchemist, well, there you go. But, I know that a lot of people – sorry.

Eric: Well, was he looking for the Elixir of Life before he lost his body?

Laura: No, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he was looking for it anyway…

Micah: No.

Laura: … because he goes out of his way to…

Micah: Yeah, I mean, he wants immortality.

Laura: Yeah, exactly.

Ben: But I guess he thought he’d already achieved immortality because, something about Voldemort is, you have to remember what type of character he has and he’s a very arrogant person. So, he thinks his Horcrux plan is invincible. He does not recognize weakness, I don’t think. So, I don’t think Voldemort would be on a quest for the Sorcerer’s Stone because he already thinks that he has a foolproof plan right now.

Laura: Well, if he thought he had a foolproof plan, why go and kill Harry?

Andrew: Because Harry’s…

Eric: Well, I thought that was to make his seventh and final Horcrux.

Ben: Because of the prophecy. Because the prophecy drove him to do it.

Laura: Yeah, but if he thought that his Horcruxes would save him anyway, why would he go do it?

Eric: Yeah, that’s true.

Laura: That’s my point. I’m saying that even though he thought his Horcruxes were foolproof, I wouldn’t put it past him to go the extra step. I think he would.

Ben: Well, no, the reason that he went to kill Harry was because the prophecy said that this boy is basically going to be his downfall, didn’t it?

Laura: It did, but it didn’t say anything…

Ben: The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.

Laura: Yeah, but it didn’t say anything about Horcruxes, it just said the Dark Lord. I think that if Voldemort truly thought that his Horcrux plan was completely infallible, he would have – I think that he would have been more likely to try and coerce Harry to come to his side instead of trying to kill him. But, the point is, he doesn’t think that he’s foolproof and I think that he would go out of his way to try and do whatever he could.

Eric: You guys forget that Voldemort only had six Horcruxes at the time of his death – or only had five Horcruxes?

Andrew: Six.

Eric: His soul was only split into six pieces. Based on, I think – I’m actually almost positive about this – but based on Half-Blood Prince, he only had five Horcruxes there for six pieces of soul at the time that he went to kill Harry, so he didn’t think his Horcruxes were imperfect, because he was aiming to have seven pieces of soul. He was aiming to have his soul in seven pieces.

Micah: Yeah, I mean, he wants immortality. That’s the thing, and he fears death. The way to make sure he’s immortal is to have the Sorcerer’s Stone. And what Laura was saying, I think, is correct – if Lily was an alchemist, then she would definitely be on the top of his list of people to have on his side, and maybe even Snape used that as a reason to keep her alive if he really did have feelings for her, by going to him and saying, “spare her,” because she’s useful.

Ben: He convinced her that way.

Eric: Well, there’s an argument.

Micah: She’s useful to you.

Eric: We’re saying that Lily might have been an alchemist because she was good at potions. Well, guess who else was good at potions? Snape. And Voldemort had him. So, is it possible that the good side had Lily and the bad side had Snape for potions?

Lily and Snape

Laura: Well, you know, someone actually pointed something out about Lily and Snape – how they were both good at potions. And you know, whenever you read back on Snape’s Worst Memory, I almost get the impression that Lily is offended beyond the point that a normal person would be when someone you don’t like insults you. And someone kind of thought that maybe they were friends – you know, a lot of people think that there was a whole secret love affair going on. I don’t. But they think that they might have taken some upper-level classes together and that Lily might have actually helped Snape the way that Hermione helps Harry.

Ben: Lab partners, or something.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Well, lab partners is plausible, but I think it was unrequieted, whatever it was. She felt sorry for Snape.

Laura: No, I – I don’t think that they liked each other that way.

Eric: No, I totally think that she felt sorry for Snape but didn’t actually – I mean, she… Lily’s the kind of person who strikes me as – she respects, you know, humanity. She’s not going to insult Snape because he had bad parentage. She’s not like that. She’s smarter than that. But, at the same time, I don’t think she was in love with Snape at all…

Laura: No.

Eric: I just think she was nice enough – nice enough to him and genuinely nice enough that it just sparked… He had a crush on her and he wanted to act on it, but she just didn’t feel that way. But at the same time, she’s going to stop James Potter from completely humiliating him.

Laura: Do you really think that he liked her, though? Like…

Eric: I’m saying if he did, I don’t think it was…

Laura: As a crush? I don’t know…

Eric: I don’t think it was plutonic.

Laura: I don’t really think he did.

Eric: I don’t think it was returned love.

Andrew: There had to be some sort of connection there, if they’re both into potions and they are sort of what Ben was suggesting to be, lab partners. Because if two people are working together and they might have been helping each other with homework or something, or you know, just a simple thing like a lab, they would have a connection.

Laura: Yeah, exactly. And I always got the impression that, yeah, Snape was good at potions, but he always wanted to be a Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher because that’s what he was better at. That’s what I always thought and it would sort of make sense that Lily would be a better potion maker than Snape and that maybe she helped him out while they were in school together.

Eric: That’s an interesting analysis.

What Would Lily Provide Voldemort?

Laura: Aside from the prophecy, what do you think would be in the Department of Mysteries that Voldemort might want to get to if Lily were an Unspeakable?

Micah: The door. Whatever’s in there, I don’t know.

Eric: If he knows about the door.

Laura: You don’t think that it would like – he would melt if he opened it? If it’s love?

Eric: Oh, he would do more than melt.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Melting isn’t just – I mean this is Voldemort, come on.

Micah: What about the weapon that he has now that he didn’t have previously? Do you think she could provide him that?

Eric: Well, that’s what they thought. Wasn’t the prophecy the weapon that everyone was talking about? Because we found out in Book 5…

Ben: The love was the weapon, wasn’t it?

Eric: I don’t know, was it? I don’t think so. I think the prophecy. Because he wanted the prophecy and the Order was talking about him maybe getting a secret weapon that was more powerful than ever.

Ben: Well, I…

Micah: But he never heard the prophecy. He still hasn’t heard the prophecy.

Eric: Yeah, I know.

Ben: And what was the weapon, though? What was the – what is the weapon? Do we know?

Eric: I’m saying what if the prophecy was the weapon? Knowing exactly what…

Micah: But didn’t Lupin say that he has it now, and he didn’t have it before? Or was it Sirius? I forget, but I think it was Sirius that said it.

Laura: Ah, the connection to Harry through his blood.

Eric: I think they said they were looking to have it now. They were looking to have something now that they didn’t have before. I don’t think they actually have it.

Why Didn’t Lily Have a Wand?

Andrew: Another point that we wanted to bring up was, did she loose her powers at some point before her death, because in neither the book or the movie do we see or hear mention of Lily holding a wand or trying to fire curses at Voldemort. She just pleads with him. So if she had a wand or was able to perform wandless magic, why wouldn’t she have done so to protect Harry? Uh…

Ben: Oh! That is another anomaly – another abnormality about that night. We just don’t know. [laughs]

Andrew: Well it just seems to me that…

Ben: Why wouldn’t she? Why wouldn’t she? If you had a gun, why wouldn’t you use it if someone is trying to kill you?

Andrew: Because she was caught off guard. Maybe she couldn’t get – it would seem right, but…

Laura: I don’t think so.

Ben: Here is the question: Do wizards carry their wands with them absolutely everywhere they go? Because if you think about – I guess there is no real equivalent to what we have right now, but I’m sure you’d leave it somewhere. “Oh geez, I forgot my wand.” You know? I bet that happens.

Andrew: Well, they’ve come to rely on it though, so maybe they do carry it with them all the time…

Laura: Yeah. And see, at a time of heightened danger like that, they were already barricaded in their house, hiding from them…

Ben: They thought they were okay, though? They figured when you choose a Secret-Keeper – if I was to choose a Secret-Keeper, I would choose someone that I trust.

Eric: Well, they should have chosen Dumbledore, but that’s beyond the point.

Laura: Yeah, but I mean the thing is…

Ben: Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

Laura: I think that Lily and James were probably very smart people, and I think that they were aware of all the risks that were out there, and even if you have a Secret-Keeper, a Secret-Keeper can be tortured, and they can spill your secrets. So I think that they were perfectly aware of what was going on. I don’t see why they wouldn’t be on guard for something like that, especially considering that they had defied him three times before…

Ben: Well, what if they were putting the kid to bed? You know? They’re not – I’m just saying, what if…

Eric: Oh yeah, “I’m going to put Harry to bed.”

Ben: What if they were getting ready for bed? What if their wand – what if she had already stowed it away at her bedside, and Voldemort busted in? See…

Eric: Ohhh…

Ben: There are so many individual factors, individual details that we don’t know, that we can’t really know…

Andrew: Well…

Eric: I think it was…

Ben: We can’t really make any type of judgment.

Laura: I don’t know. The impression that I have gotten from the way the scene was written, was that they were in a living area type-thing, like a living room.

Ben: Now in the movie, they were in…

Andrew: They were in a bedroom

Laura: Like a kitchen or a public area of the house…

Ben: And in the movie they were in Harry’s bedroom, correction?

Eric: Well, not at first…

Laura: Well, Lily was. Lily ran in there.

Eric: If you listen to – if you read the book, Prisoner of Azkaban actually, when Harry is playing Quidditch and he hears his parent’s voice, isn’t it that James says, “Lily, take the boy. I’ll fend him off.” You know, “for now” or something – doesn’t he say something like that, “Lily take Harry up…”

Laura: He says, “Take Harry and run.”

Ben: So, then she wouldn’t need her wand, so that whole discussion was pointless. [laughs]

Micah: Well… No well…

Andew: No, why wouldn’t she?

Laura: I don’t see why she wouldn’t need her wand. She’s running from Voldemort…

Ben: She wouldn’t…

Laura: Of course she needs her wand.

Micah: Sorry. [laughs] I was going to say…

Eric: I think it is interesting… Yeah, Micah.

Did Lily Know The Prophecy?

Micah: What if Lily’s big secret is she knew the prophecy, and that is why she didn’t have her wand? She knew that she had to die to protect Harry.

Eric: Ohhh. You know what actually…

Andrew: That is not bad, but…

Eric: That is an interesting question.

Ben: Yeah it is.

Eric: What if Lily and James both knew the prophecy? What if Dumbledore shared it with them?

Andrew: Well if Lily knew, I think James…

Laura: Do you think Dumbledore would lie to Harry about that though?

Andrew: Dumbledore would lie to Harry…

Eric: Did he lie to Harry? Did he tell Harry that he didn’t tell…

Laura: Well, at the end of Order of the Phoenix, he said that there were…

Micah: I know what you are saying.

Laura: Only three people who knew, and that was Harry, Dumbledore, and Trelawney, but she didn’t…

Ben: All right.

Eric: Three living people who knew? Yeah, three living people who knew. Honestly, if you knew the prophecy…

Laura: Yeah, but I would think that…

Eric: …the responsible thing for Dumbledore to do would be that he would have shared that prophecy with both Frank and Alice Longbottom and the two Potters.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Oh, no, no! That would be a bad idea, because…

Andrew: Why?

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Because, that gives – there are more people now that know that prophecy, and who here has read MacBeth? Anybody familiar with the story?

Micah: A while ago.

Laura: Uh.

Eric: You shouldn’t say, “MacBeth.”

Ben: MacBech hears the three witches’ prophecy about…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Ben: About him becoming this duke or this king, the king of the whatever – someone send in an email and tell me the exact story, but anyway…

[Micah laughs]

Eric: It’s slightly different, but…

Ben: The point of the story is that – I was taught in my English class at least – was that when MacBeth hears the three witches prophesizing his greatness, him becoming great and all these things and his downfall, that’s when MacBeth goes nuts. Okay, it’s because he creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Okay, so it’s the paradox, when these people say these things, are they really going to come true, or do they come true because of the choices that you make? And, if if Voldemort – if Lily and James, and Frank and Alice were to know that their kid could be pinpointed as the one that is going to destroy Voldemort, it could just, it would just completely mess things up. I mean, what would you do if you were told that your kid was The Chosen One, you know?

Eric: Well, that…

Ben: You know? Beause they have that over their head the rest of their lives.

Eric: No, no, no, no, I think they would respond – yeah, but I think they would respond more amicably than that. Why weren’t Frank and Alice under the Fidelius Charm, hiding from, you know, what’s the deal with that? Why weren’t they – why were they…

Laura: Because…

Ben: Because Dumbledore was sure that Volde – wait a second, why wouldn’t they be? Why wouldn’t they?

Eric: That Voldemort would choose…

Ben: But were they though?

Laura: Yeah, I don’t think that we’ve ever really heard anything about that.

Eric: Well Bellatrix got to them.

Laura: I think they’d already been tortured.

Eric: And tortured them. I dunno, wasn’t that on the same night though?

Ben: No no, they hadn’t, they hadn’t because Voldemort was already gone, they hadn’t already been tortured. Or had they?

Laura: No, I think that…

Eric: Oh, I’m forgetting again.

Laura: I’m saying that they’d been tortured by the time Lily and James died.

Ben: Hold on a second, weren’t they – weren’t they tortured after Voldemort was vanquished?

Eric: I – yeah I think they were because they were holding… They were…

Laura: Really?

Eric: Held in court with Barty Crouch for the torture of Frank and – uhhh.

Laura: Yeah, but that just means that’s when they caught them.

Eric: Uhhh.

Ben: Right, but I thought it was a sort of after-the-fact thing.

Eric: But I mean it’s interesting.

Laura: I always thought it was before they died.

Ben: It was before they went crazy and on a rampage, and decided

Eric: Yeah it’s interesting in retrospect that – well I think it might have been before the Dark Lord died though, because all his Death Eaters were kind of disbanded after he disappeared, they were all scared, they had to go back to leading normal lives.

Ben: Right, but look who it was here.

Laura: Yeah, so…

Ben: It was Bellatrix.

Eric: Yeah it was Bellatrix and Barty…

Ben: She’s the one who is loyal.

Eric: And a bunch of punk kids, you know? Yeah, yeah. So…

Ben: Here, I’m Googling it.

Eric: Yeah, so it’s – it’s really curious I think that…

Micah: But why wouldn’t they know about the prophecy, though? I mean, think about it, why would they just go into hiding? I mean, Dumbledore…

Eric: No I don’t think it means…

Micah: …just comes up and says, “Hey Potters, you have to go into hiding, but I’m not telling you why.” You know?

Eric: Yeah I don’t think it’s one of those…

Micah: They had an idea, yeah.

Eric: Self-fufilling prophecies either.

Laura: Yeah, I really don’t think they knew, because Dumbledore pretty much came out to Harry in that chapter and said, everything that I’ve ever lied to you about, I’m going to tell the truth right now.

Micah: But see…

Eric: Oh pish posh, he didn’t tell them anything.

Laura: So I don’t think he would leave out…

Eric: Pish posh. He still won’t tell him anything.

Micah: No, no. Okay, a secret. But is it a secret though? Is it a secret to us, or the entire wizarding world. That’s my thing. Is it, you know – because if we say Lily was an alchemist, well obviously people would have known that she was. You know? It’s – but if, like we’re saying, if she knew the prophecy, that’s a secret she’s keeping from everybody. If that makes sense, I don’t know.

Eric: Yeah, I don’t think they go boast to their neighbors.

Ben: Yeah, I don’t think she…

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Eric: Well I don’t think – I don’t know, I don’t think they’re going to go an boast to their neighbors. “Hey, my kid is better than you kid. Hey, my kid’s going to grow up to have the power to vanquish the Dark Lord.” And I don’t think there is any rivalry between Frank and Alice’s result to that, I think it was just a responsible thing to do, to tell them about the prophecy. And whereas I understand your point Ben, with Macbeth, where like, you know, you can’t change fate and the more you try to – once you hear a prophecy you try everything to stop it, but it just comes true as a result of you, you know, trying to mess up – mess with fate. But the person who’s responsible…

Ben: Trying to stop it, yeah. [laughs]

Eric: Yeah, yeah well the person who is responsible for that is Voldemort, because Dumbledore has also said the prophecy doesn’t have to come true unless Voldemort acts on it. If Voldemort chose to leave it…

Ben: They could both just walk away.

Eric: So. So yeah, they could both just walk away, but because Voldemort wasn’t going to walk away – like Frank and Alice, and James and Lily aren’t the ones who have to worry about tempting fate. You know? I think it could only make sense if they defied Voldemort three times, then they’re bound to either be killed or have another confrontation. I mean, they are the, apparently the fore-runners who go up against Voldy, so it only makes sense, kind of, that they were going to die, but I just think it would have been responsible for Dumbledore to tell them that secret. And why else would they have gone that much into hiding? I mean, I – according to Hagrid I think they said the Potters knew Voldemort was going to come looking for them. But, at the same time, that goes back to my other question. Why weren’t Frank and Alice under the Fidelius Charm?

Laura: The thing is I don’t think it would be responsible to tell four people about a propchey, something that’s supposed to be that top secret, even if it might possibly concern them. The point is, you don’t know who it concerns. For all you know, there’s another wizarding family with a kid somewhere on the other side of the country whose defied Voldemort three times…

Ben: Well I just don’t think it would be very customary I think…

Eric: No, no. Actually, I disagree with that

Ben: I bet in the magical world they have sort of taboos around things like prophecies where a per – I bet Dumbledore wasn’t even supposed to hear that prophecy. He just happened to be the witness of it. You know what I mean?

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: I bet if there’s a prophecy that’s made. Because you know it says at the top so-and-so Trelawney to Albus Dumbledore, and then it says who the prophecy’s about, too, right? Am I right? In Order of the Phoenix it has that. And so I bet it’s – you don’t go around telling people what’s been prophesized, cause it’s for the people in the prophecy, it’s their…

Eric: Well I think they would know…

Laura: No, considering …

Eric: They would that trying to screw with the prophecy would bring results. They aren’t stupid. They aren’t dummies.

Laura: Yeah, but how many people – how many people actually know that much about prophecies? Because when they got into the Hall of Prophecy, even Ron, who is a pure blooded wizard, who was brought up in a family – didn’t know what the orbs were.

Eric: Doesn’t mean the Potters wouldn’t’ve known.

Laura: He had no clue.

Ben: Well, isn’t Ron exceptionally ignorant though?

Eric: Especially if Lily was…

Laura: But the point – no – what I’m saying is that…

Eric: Well, yeah and, well if Lily was an Unspeakable, if Lily was an Unspeakable, she would definitely know what the prophecies were about, or a little bit more about them than the average bear.

Laura: If she were, but the point is, not everybody in the wizarding world is going to know what a prophecy is, and the . . .

Eric: Not everyone in the wizarding world was told about the prophecy. I’m suggesting that Dumbledore told Frank and Alice and James and Lily, because it concerned their children.

Laura: I just don’t think he would do something like that…

Andrew: Eric…

Micah: I’m suggesting that he told Lily and that’s it.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t think he would tell more people than he had to.

Ben: And to me it would make more sense to tell the female over the male, too, wouldn’t it? Because, it depends on how . . .

Eric: What are you, sexist?

Ben: No.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: No.

Laura: Yeah! Actually, I think it does make more sense…

Andrew: Why?

Laura: Because even Jo said that there’s no – like in her interview with Emerson and Melissa, she said that James’s love wouldn’t have saved Harry. That it was only his mother’s love that could’ve done that.

Eric: That’s crazy.

Micah: And maybe that’s the ancient magic. Maybe she had to do what she did – sacrificing herself – in order to, you know, because she knew the prophecy, she knew what she had to do effectively. I don’t know..

Eric: I think – I think it makes sense. Guys, I have to go.

Andrew: Okay. Well, all right. Well, Eric, I had a crackpot theory for you, but we’ll wait until next week.

Eric: I’m off, I’m off, I’m off.

Andrew: Why do you always have to leave? What the hell do you do?

Eric: Oh, did you?

Andrew: You’re in New Zealand . . .

Eric: Well, I’m working. I work at Borders, man, I have to go to Borders…

Andrew: Oh. Oh, okay. I was just wondering.

Eric: …beause we always record at this specific time.

Andrew: All right, okay. Well, thanks for coming on.

Eric: So you had a crackpot theory for me?

Andrew: I do. We’ll save it until next week.

Eric: All right, so bye everybody!

Andrew: All right, goodbye…

Ben: Bye.

Laura: Bye.

MuggleCast 91 Transcript (continued)

Discussing Jo’s Quotes on Lily

Andrew: Also, in the Leaky/Mugglenet interview Jo says that she can’t tell us why Voldemort offered Lily so many chances to live, which is also kind of interesting because that’s foreshadowing probably something else we’ll learn in Book 7.

Ben: Well, something we’ll have to learn if she can’t tell us…

Andrew: [laughs] Well, yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: So, there are a few quotes about Lily in the interview. I’m looking
at it now.

Ben: That one split second decided it all, though. Isn’t that crazy?

Andrew: What? When she killed – when he killed her.

Ben: That one decision that she made.

Andrew: Oh, yeah. Why, why, why did Voldemort offer Lily so many chances to live? That wouldn’t make sense if she knew the prophecy.

Laura: I think…

Andrew: Would it?

Micah: No, you’re right, it wouldn’t make sense. No.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: So that completely, you know, throws that out, but…

Laura: Well, if she knew the prophecy – if he wanted to try and force it out
of her.

Micah: Yeah.

Ben: But what – hold on a second – where’s the contradiction there? Why does it – why couldn’t she – why does it matter, if she knows the prophecy, why wouldn’t – why would that make him not try to kill her?

Laura: Yeah, I think…

Ben: Why would that make him want to kill her?

Laura: I think he was – yeah, I think he would want to keep her alive until he forced it out of her and then kill her.

Andrew: Actually, no wait, maybe that does make sense. Yeah. Yeah! Okay. Yeah, that does make sense, actually. Micah, what’re you talking about?

Micah: I don’t know, I – well, you sounded…

Andrew: Yeah, okay, maybe Voldemort…

Micah: You sounded right and then you contradicted my whole argument.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: No, no. Now, I’m contradicting me.

Ben: Who here’s done sudoku?

Andrew: Oh, I hate those. They’re no fun.

Ben: Do you know how…

Laura: I have. I love those things…

Ben: You know how you can try and keep track of all the numbers and stuff…

Andrew: Yeah…

Ben: And try and keep track of everything?

Laura: Yes. [laughs]

Ben: That’s exactly what we go through…

Andrew: I know.

Ben: Every week, pretty much – just trying to keep track of all these little specific things.

Andrew: Well, all right. No, Laura’s right. Maybe Voldemort just got so fed up with trying to get the prophecy out of her that he killed her.

Laura: And I mean, I guess he would figure that by killing Harry, he was at least eliminating 50% percent of the threat, which he ended up not doing.

Ben: Yeah…

Andrew: Right. Well I think it’s one of those two things.

Ben: So Voldemort’s – Voldemort essentially is the Macbeth of Harry Potter, I think.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Because he knows his own fate.

Laura: In a way, yeah.

Ben: If you know your own fate, you’re going to go crazy and if someone told you this is how things are going to be 20 years from now, and if it’s something that particulary, that’sdispleasing to you, you know, if someone tells you you’re going to die, then you’re going to [laughs], you’re going to freak out.

Laura: Well, you can also look at it as Harry being in the same position.

Ben: It’s weird, because…

Micah: Harry knows the whole prophecy.

Andrew: However…

Micah: Whereas Voldemort doesn’t.

Andrew: In this interview, which sort of does take away from the prophecy theory, in the interview, if Lily had stood aside and let Voldemort kill Harry, she would’ve been allowed to live. So, wouldn’t Voldemort . . .

Ben: So, it isn’t like he would’ve killed her a little later on…

Andrew: Right.

Ben: She would’ve actually, this would’ve actually been a real pardon.

Andrew: Right.

Ben: Genuine.

Micah: Here though, Andrew, your argument stands up…

Andrew: That’s not…

Micah: …because she would have been allowed to live.

Andrew: …correct.

Micah: Then, you know, the prophecy would be no reason to allow her to live, because Harry would be dead. So the prophecy means nothing, then. So it would probably have to be…

Laura: So, do you guys think that…

Micah: …one of the other things that we brought up.

Laura: …he would just – he would let her live on her own? Like he wouldn’t – there would be no strings attached. Like she would just be free, or would she be allowed to live, as in he would use her for…

Ben: That’s the thing.

Laura: …whatever.

Ben: I mean there’s always theories out there that she was evil and J.K Rowling shot that down…

Laura: No.

Ben: Yeah – or you – yeah. There’s no way, but I don’t if – I guess that that’d be the only way she could live…

Laura: I just really…

Ben: …if she’s not in cahoots with Voldemort.

Laura: I think the best possible option is that she had some sort of skill or some sort of job that would have benefited Voldemort, and that’s why he wanted to keep her alive. If he killed…

Micah: And I think that’s probably why we haven’t learned what her occupation is, yet.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Good job, Micah.

Why Did Lily Get a Choice?

Laura: What I don’t get, though, about that whole scenario, why wouldn’t Voldemort, he had a wand, she didn’t – if he didn’t want her to die – like if she really had something that would benefit him, why didn’t he just do something like perform the Full Body Bind curse and then just kill Harry…

Ben: Because I think…

Laura: …like just get her out of the way.

Ben: …it’s because it’s all part of the – it’s all part of the choices, I think. I think that’s why…

Andrew: Maybe Voldemort didn’t want to treat her…

Ben: …you have to choose, I’m not going to force – you have to choose to do this. Because if she chooses that’s all…

Laura: Since when does Voldemort care…

Andrew: Because if Voldemort wanted…

Laura: …about people’s choices, though?

Andrew: …Lily to work for him, then he would’ve been – have a little – he wanted to have a little more respect for her.

Ben: And prove that she has loyalty towards him.

Andrew: And not want to kill herself, basically.

Ben: Yeah, and what more loyalty…

Laura: I don’t think…

Ben: …would she have than to step out of the way? Do you know what I mean? If she’s offering him – if Voldemort’s offering Lily a pardon, because she – you know what I mean? I don’t know, maybe you don’t.

Laura: I guess it’s because it’s something he would do. I guess, maybe he would see it as a sign of strength on her part.

Ben: Yeah, because – if she allows him to complete the prophecy, to kill the only person that can stop him… [laughs] I don’t know.

Laura: Well, actually, I think that there’s…

Ben: Not to mention her own son.

Laura: …an important – there’s an important thing we need to remember here, that the prophecy isn’t actually about who’s going to kill who. It just points out that there’s someone coming who can kill Voldemort, and that’s it. So, really, the prophecy doesn’t state who’s going to die or who’s going to triumph. It’s just about who could possibly win.

Ben: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: Well, [sighs loudly] I think that wraps up the discussion. That was – that was pretty deep…

Laura: My brain hurts.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: We didn’t – we didn’t even think it was going to go for as long as it did. That was a good half hour – 40 minutes. So. Unedited.

Dueling Club: Ginny vs. Dobby

Andrew: So, do you guys want to do a little dueling club action? Because we haven’t done that in a while.

Ben: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: This one we got from Sam Spracker, 13, of Alaska. She writes:

“Yeah, it’s an old segment but I love the dueling club. I was wondering who you thought would win in a duel: Ginny vs. Dobby. A young and fairly talented witch, going up against a small bat-like creature with a powerful magic of his own.”

I think Dobby would win – I think Dobby’s got clever magic whereas Ginny sort of has regular magic.

Laura: I don’t know. I think Ginny has clever magic, too…

Andrew: Like what? Prove it.

Laura: …we have to look at what she did in Order of the Phoenix. The bat-bogey curse, for instance. I mean – come on.

Ben: I don’t know, Ginny? I don’t know. They’re two different…

Andrew: That’s – that’s the whole point. It’s supposed to be…

Ben: …styles. But Dobby… Dobby kind of… Lucius Malfoy… he kind of side-stepped him in the movie.

Andrew: Right.

Ben: I don’t know. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I never – I never got the impression that Lucius was really all that powerful, anyway.

Micah: Well no, I mean in the movie – I can’t remember if it’s the same in Chamber of Secrets, but he’s about to perform Avada Kedavra on Harry and Dobby just steps right in the way.

Laura: Well in the book he didn’t – he wasn’t going to do that, but Dobby, I think he… I think he did shoot him backwards in the book, though. I know he did something…

Andrew: Well…

Laura: But I don’t know. I mean, Ginny is definitely a really powerful witch. We really haven’t seen a lot much of what house-elves can do. I mean, we know that they have magic that’s unlike that of wizards. They kind of have the advantage where they can do things like Apparate inside Hogwarts, whereas witches and wizards can’t. So we don’t really know…

Micah: But that wouldn’t be an advantage in a duel, though? I mean…

Laura: Well no, but I’m saying that obviously house-elves have certain powers that witches and wizards don’t.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Which goes without saying that witches and wizards would also have the upper hand in certain departments.

Andrew: But Dobby can, unless my brain is mixing thoughts with the movie, again, Dobby can also disappear and reappear.

Laura: But wizards can disappear and reappeartoo.

Andrew: Yes, but Ginny couldn’t at her current age.

Laura: Just not inside Hogwarts.

Micah: I give…

Ben: I think I’d give it to Ginny. You’ve got to give it to the human.

Andrew: Well…

Laura: Yeah…

Andrew: I disagree there.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Yeah, I disagree.

Andrew: Ah, no – I’m going to go with Dobby, because I don’t think Ginny – Dobby’s been around for a long time. Ginny is still a young wizard.

Ben: I know, but wouldn’t it be easy to just zap, boom, bye Dobby, in all honesty?

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: But I guess if he knew something was coming, he could…

Andrew: Yes.

Ben: Whip out some – he’d bust a bowl of pudding over her head.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Well, I guess if anyone else has a good Dueling Club for us, or even a What If – We know you guys are missing the older segments and we want to bring them all back. We’ll get Crackpot Theories started again soon. Hey, Ben, maybe you can give us a Butterbeer sometime soon.

Ben: Yeah.

On The Road to Deathly Hallows: Will Hogwarts Reopen?

Andrew: And, you know, all that. Also, Micah you had an idea to start a new segment this week. Well, I sort of thought of it too, but…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: …sort of like an on the road to Deathly Hallows sort of thing, where we take one big question from Half-Blood Prince or just the series in general, and try to answer it. We figured we’d try to go with Scholastic’s questions, right? Because they’re the seven big questions. Although, I mean, you know, anyone could predict them. The most recent one was, “Will Hogwarts reopen?” Which we’ve discussed – I think we spent a whole episode discussing once, didn’t we?

Laura: We did a debate on it, as well.

Andrew: Oh, okay, yeah. So, I thought we could just go around the table, and – since we are at a table right now, in the MuggleCast studio – and give our thoughts. Micah, do you want to start

Micah: Sure.

Andrew: Just basic, you know, it doesn’t have to go into detail. Just…

Micah: Yeah, I do. I do think it will reopen. I think that we’ve been there for seven books or six books, now, and we’ll be there in the seventh book and I think even if Harry and Hermione and Ron aren’t necessarily there that we’ll see it at certain times. I think that even though there are events that took place there, it’s still the safest place for students, and…

Andrew: Well the question is, will it reopen?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Not if we are going to see it again.

Micah: No, no. [pauses] Oh. No, no. Yeah, I think it will reopen, because it is a safe place for the students to go to, and Dumbledore said, “As long as those are loyal to him, Hogwarts…” or something. I don’t know. I’m screwing that up. But anyway, I think it’s – it’s a safe haven. It’s a place where they can go, they can rally, they can use to their advantage. So, I think it will reopen, it will have classes, and, you know, we’ll definitely see it in Book 7.

Ben: I think that you can’t let the bad guys win. So, Hogwarts has to reopen, because by people hiding in their homes, by running away and shutting down Hogwarts, they’re just going to be saying, “Come get us, bad guys.” [laughs] “We’re in our homes, now.” I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: …it doesn’t make any difference whether or not Hogwarts is open. I mean, there’s a battle going on, and get them in their homes, get them at school, whatever, it doesn’t – I think Hogwarts is a safer place for them to be than their homes, probably. Even with Dumbledore gone. Because you’re still going to have a staff of trained witches and wizards who know what they’re doing, for the most part. I wouldn’t – I don’t think that they’re going to close it, I think it will reopen.

Andrew: I think…

Laura: Yeah, I agree.

Andrew: Well, I think it will reopen, but I think it’s just going to be so different because there’s going to be so much going on outside of Hogwarts that I don’t think students will be able to stay as focused as they have been able to, you know, stay concentrated on their studies. And now, with all of this going on, with this war going on…

Ben: You know, I’d be playing it up.

Andrew: What do you mean, “playing it up”?

Ben: Ohhh…

[Micah laughs]

Ben: …you know me, if I was there I’d be saying, “Oh, can’t study tonight…”

Andrew: [laughs] Oh, right, right, right.

Ben: “…Voldemort’s on the prowl.”

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Well, Ron will be doing that, but – oh, geez, I don’t know. Imean I guess that’s another good question to ask – Laura you can get your thought in, too – but, you know, what teachers are we going to be seeing new at Hogwarts?

Laura: I don’t really think that we as readers are going to see too much about the teachers at Hogwarts, because I don’t think Harry, Ron, or Hermione are going to go back. I think if they do go back at all it’s going to be for a very short amount of time, and it won’t be for school.

Andrew: Do you think Mrs. Weasley…

Laura: I also think that…

Andrew: …would let Ron go out?

Laura: Mrs Weasley can’t tell Ron what to do, he’s legal. [laughs]

Andrew: Okay, but, well, she still yells at Fred and George.

Laura: And did that ever stop them?

Andrew: No, but Ron’s not like them.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Ron’s whipped.

Laura: I don’t think so. I really don’t think so. I think if Ron were whipped, he would have listened to his mom and not joined in with Harry in Dumbledore’s Army. So, I definitely think that…

Andrew: Hmmm.

Laura: …they won’t be at Hogwarts, and I think that Hogwarts might serve multiple purposes. It might just not be a school, it might actually be opened as a safe haven for people who want protection.

Andrew: That’s a good idea.

Laura: For people who…

Andrew: Sort of like shelter. A Red Cross shelter.

Laura: Yeah. I really think so. I think that’s something that Dumbledore would do. And I think that’s kind of something that McGonagall would let the school do, as a kind of a legacy-type thing for Dumbledore.

Andrew: But what would happen if, like, an impostor got in? I mean, that would be an easy way for someone to get into the school.

Micah: Well, that’s happened before.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, exactly, but I’m saying…

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: I’m saying, like, you know, to – pretending to want, or need, shelter. Know what I’m saying?

Micah: Mhm. That’s interesting.

Laura: It can happen.

Ben: Well, I guess there is validity to both sides.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: There really is no clear thought of whether or not they should reopen Hogwarts. We had a debate on this a while ago…

Laura: A long time ago.

Ben: Yeah. But I just don’t think – part of me says, well, it doesn’t make sense in a time of war to get all of your youth together in one spot, so they can all be killed together. But at the same time, as I said before, you can’t back down. So…

Laura: I think that they should…

Ben: …I think that takes precedence.

Laura: …I think they should just leave options open for people. If they want to come to school, they come to school, if they don’t, they stay home. It’s as simple as that.

Micah: Well, I think…

Andrew: I…

Micah: …the big thing, though, is…

Andrew: Wait. Do you think they’re going to leave it open as an option? Because what are kids going to do? Re-take, or, you know, take their fifth year, whatever, the following year?

Ben: Well, we don’t know…

Laura: Well, no.

Ben: …what schooling requirements there are, but if…

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: I’m sure if your parents don’t want to take you…

Laura: Don’t want you to go to Hogwarts, then you don’t have to go.

Ben: Right.

Laura: I mean we saw that…

Ben: It’s probably the same thing. If you don’t go to public school, or Draco wants to go to Durmstrang, because his mother or his father…

[Micah laughs]

Ben: …wants him to go to Durmstrang.

Micah: Wasn’t…

Laura: I mean, we saw at the end of Half-Blood Prince that tons of parents were coming and taking their kids away from the school.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah.

Micah: Yeah, but what I was going to say, though is, is it all goes back to the Sorting Hat and saying that the Houses would need to be united. And I think that in order for that to happen, the school has to be open.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm. I think so, as well.

Andrew: That’s true. Okay, well, I guess we’ll try to take one of these questions every week, and how many weeks do we have left?

Ben and Micah Discuss Music

Micah: We should get that music. We should get that music, you know, Ben, the Road to the Final Four music, since we’re calling it The Road to Deathly Hallows.

Ben: Oh, yeah! We should, we should.

Micah: [laughs] We should play that. I love that song.

Andrew: Okay. Is it short? Is it…

Micah: I have it.

Andrew: …long? Okay, send it to me.

Micah: Well, you can just play a part of it.

Andrew: Okay, well is there like a cool intro or something?

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: All right, cool.

Micah: I’ll send it to you.

Andrew: Okay. I mean, the other questions that Scholastic has posted so far, well, are, “Who will live, who will die?” That’s one question. And, “Is Snape good or evil?” So, I mean…

Micah: We could spend shows on that. I think we have too.

Andrew’s Birthday

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, actually, you’re right. So, the next question they’re going to release is on May 29. I guess we’ll try to cover some other stuff in the mean time. By the way, my birthday’s on Wednesday, so if anyone wants to send anything just let me know.

Micah: I thought it was on Tuesday! You said before…

Laura: I thought it was Tuesday.

Andrew: Sorry, sorry…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: It’s actually on Wednesday. I’ve been getting stuff screwed up with stuff planned next week. It’s actually on Wednesday, I’m sorry. So that gives you an extra day to go buy me something.

Listener Rebuttal: Location of Godric’s Hollow

Andrew: So anyway, one last e-mail that we have for today from Vivian, 15, of Australia. She writes:

I think I may have found the general area were Godric’s Hollow may be. These quotes are from ‘The Goblet of Fire.’ This is Chapter 7, ‘Bagman and Crouch’: “They set off across the deserted moor.” That was on pg. 70. And then later on in the book the Sorting Hat says, “Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor.”

Micah, you put this in here. Is… I mean, I don’t… This doesn’t really answer where Godric’s Hollow is.

Micah: Yeah.

Laura: It’s in a moor?

Andrew: It’s in a moor.

Micah: I mean, moors can be very large places.

Laura: There are also a lot of them in Britain I hear. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah, there’s a few here and there. We’d have to get Jamie’s word on that, but I don’t know. It – I know she says it seems like too much of a coincidence that they’re mentioned twice in the book, but I don’t know. Just because – well, I don’t know. Saying that he’s from a wild moor – I don’t know. And it says “deserted” back on pg. 70 which would make sense, because of after what happened there. We don’t know exactly after the Potters fell if that place, sort of, became deserted.

Laura: Wasn’t that pretty close to where the Weasleys live, though?

Micah: Yeah, it was.

Laura: So, why wouldn’t they know that that’s where…

Micah: Well, I mean…

Laura: …all that went down.

Micah: …that’s like a lot of things in the series, though. It’s just, well, why don’t they tell them this? Well, why isn’t this revealed? It’s just… Maybe it’s just something…

Andrew: It’s for the story. [laughs]

Micah: Yeah. Exactly. It’s never come up in the conversation and Jo has done a good job of writing around it.

Andrew: That’s such a pointless question, though, because it’s like, you know, “Why wouldn’t Snape just say if he’s good or bad?” Because the story wouldn’t make sense!

Micah: Yeah, exactly.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Laura: I don’t think so though. [laughs] I think a lot of people would be like, “Oh by the way, this is where Godric’s Hollow was.” You know, it’s like – I think that it’s an important…

Micah: No, but it’s just…

Laura: …area.

Micah: …nobody knows what Lily’s job was? Nobody’s told Harry? I mean – it’s just what we were discussing before. That seems kind of stupid that nobody would’ve told Harry what his parents did.

Laura: I guess, but it’s just…

Micah: It’s kind of the same idea.

Laura: I would think that if like – and I know that you all think that Ron is, like, a moron…

Andrew: He is. [laughs]

Laura: …but I would think that he would at least know if a neighborhood was blown up close to his house when he was a baby. [laughs]

Micah: “On your left is Godric’s Hollow.” [laughs]

Annoucement: Listener Challenge Winners

Andrew: Announcement! Update on my listener challenge. Thank you to everyone who entered. I posted the winners on I’m not going to reveal them here because all the links go to YouTube, so visit and check out the winners and the – I’ll provide links to everyone, but the top winner receives a free MuggleCast t-shirt and I’ll be in touch with them very soon if I’ve not emailed you already. There’s no Chicken Soup.

Show Close

Andrew: So, I think that does it for the show today. That was pretty good, guys!

Ben: Good job.

Micah: Solid!

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Good work, good work! Yaaay! High five! Okay, so if you guys want to get in touch with us, we have many ways.

You can always call the MuggleCast hotline. That’s 1-218-20-MAGIC. I got an e-mail from someone the other day saying, “What is MAGIC? How do you type that into your phone?” It’s 1-218-206-2442. Also, if you’re in the United Kingdom, you can dial 020-8144-0677 and if you’re in Australia you can dial 02-8003-5668. Those all go to the MuggleCast voicemail line. Maybe we’ll get to some voicemails next week.

You can also Skype the username MuggleCast. For all those, whether you’re dialing or calling in via Skype, keep your message under 60 seconds and get rid of all that darn background noise. Laura…

Laura: Yes.

Andrew: What’s the P.O. Box?

Laura: You can also – you can also send parcel mail to our brand new P.O. Box at:

P.O. Box 3151
Cumming, Georgia

Ben: Don’t send any to Moundridge.

Andrew: And you can…

Ben: I’m not going to be here. I’m going to be gone.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: That is why we are moving the P.O. Box. [laughs] You can also contact us…

Laura: So my mom can do it while I’m at school.

Andrew: [laughs] …via the handy feedback form. Just visit and click on “Contact” at the top. You can also e-mail any of us at our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Small note: Phoenix Rising is going on right now, and Mikey is down there having a good time. We’re all jealous we couldn’t be there. It sounds like a lot of fun. So, next time he’s on the show we’ll get a little review of Phoenix Rising. ‘Kay?

Ben, Laura, and Micah: ‘Kay.

Andrew: And don’t forget all of our community outlets. There are lots of fun ways to interact with fellow MuggleCast fans just like you. You can visit our MySpace at There’s a couple other MuggleCast MySpaces out there, but the link to the one on is the – the official one, I guess you could call it. We’re getting close to 9,000 friends. So definitely be a friend of MuggleCast. And it’s MySpace, if you haven’t done so already. We’ve also got a group on Facebook, we have a YouTube group, we have the Frappr map which lets you tell us…

Ben: What don’t we have, Andrew? That’s the real question.

Andrew: You know, we don’t have lives, that’s the problem.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: You can tell us where you live by visiting our Frappr map, which you can put a little point in this map. I’m refreshing everyone’s memory, ’cause we haven’t really described all these in a while.

Ben: Yeah, we haven’t done…

Andrew: I’m looking…

Ben: …any of these things for a while.

Andrew: Yeah, we really haven’t. I’m looking at the Frappr map now. I’m going to click on members. It doesn’t give you a total – maybe stats. Okay. No, this doesn’t tell you anything. So, we have quite a few members on the Frappr map right now. You can also go visit our Last.FM, which is a cool, like, music community where you can join up with other MuggleCast members to see what everyone’s interested in, music-wise. I’m looking at the top artists from MuggleCast fans right now. Number one is the MuggleCasters, of course. Number two is Fall Out Boy, number three is The Beatles, then Death Cab for Cutie, Muse, Snow Patrol, Maroon 5, The Killers, Coldplay, and Killer Queen. So check those out over on Last.FM.

[Show music begins playing]

Andrew: Finally, the fanlisting and then forums over at is a great way to meet up with some other MuggleCast fans who are just as into the show as you are. You can also Digg the show on Vote for us once a month at PodcastAlley, and rate and review us on Yahoo Podcasts.

Ben: You got all that? Are you done yet?

Andrew: So there you go.

Ben: Are you done yet? Thanks!

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: That’s a little refresher. You know? We should start refreshing people because we are getting new listeners as we’re getting closer to the book. We’re going to have some cool new promotions – ways to promote the show within the next couple weeks. Also, hopefully soon we are going to have a tour page up with, like, dates for all the places we are going to be and how to make sure that you can get a seat at any of the shows we’re going to be doing over the summer. I think that’s it.

Laura: I think so.

Andrew: Goodbye, everyone.

Laura: That was almost as long as one of Eric’s spiels.

Ben: Goodbye.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Bye.

Andrew: See everyone next week for Episode 92.

Laura: I don’t think we outroed, did we? [laughs]

Andrew: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ninety-one – oh, by the way, for the 100th show, a lot of people have been saying that we should all, like – we should do every single segment we’ve ever done, except for maybe Chapter-by-Chapter. What do you guys think? Good idea?

Ben: Definitely. The “except.”

Laura: Yeah, sure.

Ben: I like the “except.”

[A pause and then everyone laughs]

Andrew: Okay. So, that’ll be a nice way of sort of recognizing everything that we’ve been doing for the past 100 episodes.

Ben: Can you believe that it’s been that many episodes?

Andrew: So, I think that just about does it. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 92. Bye, everyone!

Ben: Bye.

Micah: Bye.

[Show music ends]


Ben: [sings] We’ll do what we’re told, before we get too old. [stops singing] Sorry. [laughs]


Written by: Micah, Briana, Christina, Cindy, Eloise, Haley, Hannah, Jessalyn, Jessica, Jessie, Karen, Laura, Leah, Luke, Margaret, Marya, Matt, Meredith, Rebeca, Samantha, Sapna, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #90

MuggleCast 90 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: How do you do, MuggleCast listeners? Domain names from are up to 70 percent less than the competition. Plus, each domain includes free hosting with a website builder, a free blog, complete e-mail, and much more. Plus, as a listener of MuggleCast, enter code Ron – that’s R-O-N – when you check out and get your dot-com domain name for just $6.95 a year. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: Today’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. It won’t be long before the much-anticipated release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Do you have your mind made up about where Severus Snape’s loyalties lie? Do you think he’ll betray Harry and his friends, or will he help them to triumph over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Find out more about this complex character in the hot new book The Great Snape Debate available only at Borders. Remember to reserve Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at Borders to save 40 percent.

[Show music begins to play]

Micah: Because the highlight of Spiderman 3 was watching the Order of the Phoenix trailer – thank you Zach, 21, of Philadelphia – this is MuggleCast Episode 90 for May 13th, 2007.

Ben: Guys, I don’t believe it. I’m done with high school.

Kevin: Who let you out of high school?

Ben: I don’t know, but they did. Today was my last day ever.

Mikey: You sound just as excited about it, too.

[Micah laughs]

Mikey: You’re like, “Ooo, yeah, party.”

Ben: Well, I am, dude. High school’s done, man! I was just shocked. I can’t believe it’s over.

Micah: Are you going to graduate?

Ben: Welcome back to MuggleCast, everybody. Yes, I am graduating, Micah. Next week.

Micah: Well, congratulations.

Ben: Next Sunday. Thank you.

Mikey: Where’s my invitation?

Ben: Oh, I’m sorry, Mikey. It must have gotten lost in the mail. But you’re invited. Come by.

Mikey: Okay. I will. I’ll just roll on out to the middle of nowhere and I’ll see you.

Ben: Oh, be quiet. Welcome back, everybody. I’m Ben Schoen.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Eric: I am Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

[Intro music concludes]


Ben: Let’s to Micah Tannenbaum for a look at this past week’s Harry Potter news stories.

Micah: All right. Thanks, Ben.

The U.S. Harry Potter audio book narrator is set to play host to Barnes & Noble’s Deathly Hallows release party. The event will commence at 10:30 PM, on July 20th, at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square. Dale will discuss how he got the role of narrator, how he creates his characters’ voices, and read excerpts from previous Harry Potter books.

A new listing on Barnes & Noble’s website is promoting an upcoming box set of all seven Harry Potter novels. Due to be released on September 18th, according to Barnes and Noble’s website, the books will be enclosed in a cool case that includes a privacy lock and sticker set. The listing price is $195, but Barnes & Noble has a discounted pre-order of $136.50.

Film Music Weekly recently conducted an interview with Nicholas Hooper, the man who composed the score for the fifth Harry Potter film. In this interview, Nicholas discusses in detail various themes on the soundtrack.

And according to Warner Brothers’ new Dumbledore’s Army website, the fifth Harry Potter movie will be rated PG-13 in the United States. Order of the Phoenix is the second film in the series to receive this rating; Goblet of Fire was the first.

And speaking of Warner Brothers, they confirmed earlier this week that Order of the Phoenix will be released on July 12th, 2007, in the U.K. That is one day earlier than originally scheduled, and U.S. fans will still have to wait until the 13th to see it in theaters.

In addition to the July 12th release in the U.K., Yahoo! U.K. has released another Order of the Phoenix trailer that runs 1 minute and 2 seconds long. Unfortunately, there are no new clips.

For all the latest news, screenshots, posters and interviews related to the fifth movie be sure to head over to

Warner Brothers has announced that the popular 20Q game will be released with Harry Potter answers later this year. The game works by asking the player twenty questions. Once all of them are answered, the system tries to guess what person, place, or thing the person is thinking. Radica, the company behind the game, is asking Potter fans to help train the system by visiting their official website and clicking on “Harry Potter” at the top.

Finally, J.K. Rowling updated her site during the week to answer a few Frequently Asked Questions, as well as update her fan site award. Can we expect more to come? Maybe?

That’s all the news for this May 13th, 2007, edition of MuggleCast. Happy Mother’s Day. Back to the show.

Jo’s Update

Ben: Thank you for that, Micah. Now we have a little bit of news to discuss. Micah, didn’t you have some requests for Jo? Did you do a little “what’s bugging you” thing? No.

Micah: I did.

Ben: And did she come through for you?

Micah: She did. It was a little bit delayed, though. It was a little delayed. But nonetheless, she did come through. She updated her F.A.Q. section earlier this week, and we got some interesting information out of it.

Ben: Yeah, let’s talk a little bit about that information that we did get. Now, we learned that we don’t know what Draco’s Patronus is, and I don’t know if you guys think that’s going to be significant or not, but she gave us quite a bit of information about the exact date of Voldemort’s birth, and the houses that Tonks and Myrtle were in, and, by the way, they were in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, respectively. So, Micah, was this quite the update you were expecting or were you wanting a little more?

Micah: I was expecting a little bit more.

Eric: Oh, Micah.

Micah: I mean, I don’t know if these are pressing questions. I mean, even the one that she answered concerning Draco’s wand, I mean, who cares, honestly? Do you guys care?

Eric: Oh, Micah, Micah, Micah.

Mikey: I care. I care. I care. Come on.

Eric: Dude, I care.

Ben: Did they – I don’t think it – Micah makes a good point, though. It’s not exactly…

Kevin: Like vital, yeah.

Ben: …imperative information. It’s not imperative, but it’s – I don’t…

Kevin: It’s interesting. It’s interesting.

Ben: Yeah, it’s interesting, yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, but it’s not like great stuff – juicy stuff that we want.

Eric: But we’re not going to get it. We’re not going to get that stuff. We’re not going to get the juicy, juicy – you know, I mean, Micah begged her, said that if he could he was going to get down on his hands and knees to make her update her site, and so she did, but now you’re – now you guys want even more. She’s a busy woman. Come on, guys.

Ben: Yeah, that’s a good point.

Mikey: She’s working hard on that Harry Potter book. I mean she’s done.

Micah: Exactly.

Ben: No, she’s still…

Mikey: I just want to know.

Ben: She’s still editing. She’s still editing.

Eric: Well, no, the editing is gone. The editing is over because they have a page count, but…

Kevin: Oh, that’s true. Yeah.

Ben: That’s a good point, too. Yeah.

Kevin: I don’t think it’s about her being busy…

Ben: She is done. [laughs]

Kevin: I think it’s just what we were saying before. She doesn’t want to give anything away. She’s…

Ben: Well, I guess, guys, we’ll just have to wait ourselves, you know…

Micah: See, but I don’t agree with that, though.

Ben: Oho! I…

Mikey: Was it 71 days?

[Micah laughs]

Ben: Yeah, just a whole 71 days and then find out all this information without reading on her website. [laughs] I don’t know. I think it’s interesting stuff to know and, like Eric says, we aren’t going to get any real juicy stuff.

Micah: She tried a little bit, though. She tried…

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: She tried messing around with us with the whole invisibility cloak question that she posted. So…

Eric: Oh, wait. What was that?

Micah: When she asked why – was it Dumbledore? – had James’ invisibility cloak the night that…

Ben: Yeah.

Micah: …Voldemort was in Godric’s Hallow.

Eric: Oh, was this a recent update?

Ben: This was a while ago.

Micah: This was months ago.

Ben: We’ve discussed this months ago.

Eric: Oh, okay. I thought this was months ago, but I wasn’t sure. What were you trying to say, Micah?

Micah: What I was saying…

Eric: Oh, was that when she kind of tested the water…

Micah: Yeah. I mean, she can mess around with us…

Ben: Yeah, that’s true.

Micah: …if she wanted to. I mean, we’re still expecting a couple of updates before the book, right? I mean, she does generally do that kind of thing.

Ben: Well, speaking of which, Micah, how long is this mini-update she did now going hold you over for? When are you going to need some more updates, huh?

Micah: Oh, I was ready after I read it. I mean, come on.

Eric: Wow, Micah.

Ben: [laughs] Hold on, hold on…

Mikey: A little demanding.

Ben: We’ll save a “What’s Bugging Micah?” for another day, but right now we have some announcements to get to.


Ben: Vote for us on PodcastAlley. I don’t know where we’re at right now. Let me take a look, see here. I’ll type it into my Google. Not my Google, my Firefox here to see what we are ranked.

Kevin: Third.

Ben: Loading, loading, loading. Okay, right now we are number three.
Number three behind Keith and the Girl, and Free Talk Live. So, go vote for us. We are the only Harry Potter podcast in the top 10. Thank you for making us the number 1 Harry Potter podcast that you listen to. It’s awesome. We love you guys. So, go vote for us there some more. Let’s see here.

Oh, how could I forget? I’m so silly. This summer there is a lot going on with MuggleNet and MuggleCast. I want each and every one of you to be there for the ride. Now we have Enlightening 2007. Micah, what are the dates for that?

Micah: They are, I believe, July 12th through the 15th? I should just double check on that, but I know we’re doing the podcast the night of the 12th, right? Thursday, July 12th?

Ben: Yeah, I think that sounds about right. So, yeah. We have Enlightening where Andrew, Micah, and myself will be there. And you can discuss things with us. Come and have a good time. Then we have Prophecy 2007, another convention this time, this one is in Toronto, Canada, and we are actually going to be having the podcast at midnight. So, come out and see us there. The next event you can find us at is the U.S. premiere and the U.K. premiere. The U.S. premiere is held on the 8th of July, is that correct?

Mikey: Ah, yeah.

Ben: On the 8th of July, and the U.K. premiere is on…when is it, guys? Do you know?

Micah: July 3rd.

Ben: On the 3rd of July. So, yeah. We are going to have shows then, so you can come out and mingle with the MuggleCasters. That will be a good time, and right now we are talking about doing some possible other shows around the country. It just really depends on what exactly we are doing. So, hopefully that all works out. You can find out all the full details on our Summer Tour Schedule coming up on the MuggleCast website.

Another thing: MuggleCast fans, listen here, all right. If you are a hardcore MuggleCast fan. If you are the Number 1 MuggleCast fan, if you are going to be the MuggleCast fan who is at Prophecy, who is at Enlightening, who is at the premieres, who is at all of our Live shows, then we have the thing just for you. Don’t we, Micah?

Micah: Yes, we do.

Ben: Pickle Pack. It’s been released for two weeks now. We have a bunch of members, but we are always in the need of more. It’s for the hardcore MuggleCast fan only. It’s your home to bonus audio, videos, pictures, secret show info, and much, much more. Registration is only open until June 16th. Remember that. June 16th is the last day we are taking signups. We don’t even know if we are going to open them again. It will at least be a year, if we do open signups again. So, today is your last chance to sign up. So, please hurry and sign up today.

Mikey: I’m a member. [laughs]

Ben: Mikey’s always – Mikey’s a member.

Mikey: I love it.

Ben: Mikey is one of our first members…

Eric: So, Mikey…

Ben: He loves the pickle pack.

Eric: So Mikey, are you pleased with what you’ve received so far? As a Pickle Pack…

Mikey: Oh, of course. I’m waiting for my t-shirt to come in, you know, I’m excited! I got to see all the “Bickles.”

Eric: Blickles.

Mikey: I think the name is amazing. The Blickles are amazing.

[Eric laughs]

Mikey: Jamie and Ben’s and Andrew’s. I love it. I’m a proud member.

Ben: One final announcement here. Go ahead and pick up our book,’s What Will Happen in Harry Potter 7. The success for this book has been mind-blowing, to say the least. It’s been incredible how many sales we’ve gotten; how much media coverage we’ve gotten over this thing. Our book is up to Number 2 on the New York Times Best Seller List this week. According to Nielsen Book Sales, it’s the 58th overall best selling book in the country, the 14th best selling paperback, and the 4th best selling children’s book. And the 1st best selling children’s nonfiction book. So, thank you. Thanks to everybody. This is all because of all of you. Everyone who has bought the book. Remember, you can order it online through our online retailer, known as Alivan’s. is selling the book. You can order it through there and support the site and the show. So please do that, if you haven’t yet. It will help hold you over these last 70 days until we finally get our hands on Book 7. So…

Mikey: No mention of the tour? Of the book tour, Ben?

Ben: Yes. Oh yeah. Good point, Mikey. We’re going to be on tour. Visit MuggleNet dot com slash booktour dot shtml. You can find all of our dates. We’re going to be in California, then we’re going to be in Ohio; Portland, Maine; New York; Washington D.C.; Baltimore – all of these places – Connecticut. We’re going to be all over promoting the book. You can come out and meet us. We’ll have a good time. So…

Mikey: It should be fun, right, Ben?

Ben: Yeah. It’s going to be a great time. Mikey’s actually the driver while we’re in California. So, if you want to meet The Mikey B. The Mikey [mispronounces] Bouchereau.

Eric: Wait.

Ben: Come out and see us. [laughs]

Eric: Mikey, you’re not going to be the driver in Portland? Not in Portland?

Mikey: No, no. I just want to be California. That’s it. California. That’s my home state.

Eric: Yeah. Okay, so not in Portland.

Ben: Mikey’s our…

Mikey: I’m the California contact. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: I guess. I guess. I don’t know. So what’s up next, guys?

Listener Rebuttal: Music for Movie 5

Ben: Well, we have some rebuttals this week. Some people who had a problem with what we said on last week’s show. [laughs] I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding, some people may have some disagreements here. Our first e-mail comes from Bruce, age 17, of New York. And he’s talking about the music for Order of the Phoenix.

Hey, MuggleCasters! I was listening to Episode 88 today and was interested in your brief discussion of the ‘Order of the Phoenix’ music. Andrew mistakingly states Peter Doyle as the composer for the new film, when in fact, says Nicholas Hooper has composed the music for ‘Order of the Phoenix’ and Patrick Doyle was the composer for ‘Goblet of Fire.’

Ben: Whoops, Andrew! He says:

No worries, Andrew! Everyone makes mistakes. But I am still a bit disappointed that John Williams has not composed the newest HP movie soundtrack.

Kevin: Yeah.


Should I just be content with the fantastic legacy he has already left on the Harry Potter world?

Eric: Yes.


Love the show.

Eric: Yes. You should be.

Ben: End quote. I don’t know. I’ve never really had an opinion on the composers. Because I’ve listened to the – you know, you hear the music in the movie. And I always think that’s good. But I’ve never really purchased the soundtrack and listened to it fully, so…I know, terrible fan. What do you guys think?

Kevin: I think they should just be satisfied with the work that has already been done. I mean, it’s not likely John Williams is coming back. So, you know, he set the stage for the other composers and they’ve built upon his work.

Ben: Yeah, I think John Williams did a fantastic job.

Kevin: Yeah, it was a great foundation.

Ben: Right. And I think that…

Mikey: Was there a reason…

Ben: Patrick Doyle and Nicholas Hooper are probably – Patrick Doyle, I enjoyed the music in Goblet of Fire. I thought it was great. I think…

Micah: Yeah.

Ben: Hooper’s likely to do the same. I don’t think we’re going to be disappointed with the soundtrack. So…

Kevin: I don’t think there was a reason, Mikey.

Mikey: Oh yeah, I didn’t know if there was…

Kevin: I don’t know if there was a reason why John Williams left. Probably just for his own reasons, John Williams, you know?

Ben: He might have just wanted to move on, you know?

Kevin: It could have been, you know, costs. It could have been him just wanting to move on.

Eric: Yeah, it could have been a number of things, really.

Kevin: We don’t know. But, I mean either way, just because it’s John Williams doesn’t – or just because it’s not John Williams doesn’t mean that we’re not going to get great music.

Eric: Oh no, and that’s why…

Mikey: That’s very true.

Eric: That’s why they can still have the rights to “Hedwig’s Theme” and stuff like that. You know? And once John Williams came in and created the world out of it, and come up with the, you know – he has several different underlying, kind of, musical themes?

Kevin: Scores?

Eric: Yeah, themes?

Kevin: Yep.

Eric: That just get, not recycled, but reinvented…

Ben: Yeah.

Eric: …throughout all the movies that he does. And so, when he left in 3, I thought that Prisoner of Azkaban’s score was, like, vastly new. I mean, Chamber of Secrets was too. Just like Chamber of Secrets was before that. But, he left with quite a good few things just to possibly – for other composers to take off of. And just the fact that…

Kevin: Oh, yeah, definitely.

Eric: …you know. And, so the rights of the film, etcetera, that allow other composers to do “Hedwig’s Theme.” I mean, that’s all you really need, “Hedwig’s Theme,” in a Harry Potter movie.

Ben: Yeah, that’s the main one.

Micah: Well…

Eric: And because of the – well, sorry, I just, I’m just going to finish up here. I just think that the movies now, four and five and stuff, have been done in a certain way where the music does enhance the plot, but it’s not as mystical, I guess, as the previous movies were. You know, they – I wouldn’t say they relied on the music but they’re just different movies where it doesn’t really call for all these different themes, like Umbridge can have her own theme and stuff, but it’s just not – I’m not paying attention to music as much as I used to.

Ben: Yeah, good point, Eric.

Mikey: He – there was actually a reason, and I was searching online because I remember one of my film music teachers telling me about this, why he didn’t continue on. I found it online: he was actually contracted to George Lucas and Steven Spielberg for their films at the time of Goblet of Fire. That’s why he wasn’t able to do work with Warner Brothers on the new Harry Potter film.

Eric: Ohhh.

Ben: Oooh.

Mikey: He was doing War of the Worlds for Spielberg and he was doing Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith with George Lucas.

Eric: Oh, my gosh.

Ben: Both great movies, both great music. [laughs]

Mikey: And so – but he was – obviously they went with Patrick Doyle. I think the music was really good, so obviously they didn’t lose out too much, you know, like you said. Williams made the world with the music, and it’s just continued on. I don’t know if there was another reason why he couldn’t do it with this one, but…

Ben: He quit.

Listener Rebuttal: Voldemort’s Eyes

Ben: Right, but we have some more rebuttals to get to here. Chris, age 20, from Missouri writes – he wants to discuss Voldemort’s red eyes, by the way – and he writes:

Hello, MuggleCast, I am a relatively new listener, and I really enjoy your show. I have a response about the question of why Voldemort has red eyes. I remember watching an interview/behind the scenes that I believe it was the director who said they decided to change Voldemort’s red eyes because, on film, red or dark eyes do not express emotion as well, and they thought with blue eyes, that they could really display Voldemort’s emotions and expressions a lot better. Sorry, this is kind of a broad answer, but that is all that I can remember. I currently don’t have access to the copy of ‘The Goblet of Fire’ to recall the details. I hope this helps. All you guys are very entertaining. Keep it going. Chris.

Micah: A number of people wrote in saying that Heyman actually talked about…

Ben: So it’s probably true. [laughs]

Micah: …that. Yeah, on behind the scenes, the Goblet of Fire DVD, basically what this guy is saying – sorry, forgot his name, Chris – what Chris was saying is accurate, that he didn’t feel that Voldemort’s character could be portrayed the right way. You couldn’t see sort of the emotion in his eyes, so that’s why they decided not to make them red. Not because they would scare little children, like we said on last week’s show.

Eric: Yeah.

Mikey: Wow.

Ben: Yeah, I was pretty convinced that it’s not because of scaring little children, I just didn’t – I wasn’t aware that David Heyman had said this. [laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Well, it’s like…

Mikey: Wow, I was corrected there.

[Eric laughs]

Mikey: I thought it was because it scared children, but, you know.

Eric: Oh. Well, no, I mean…

Mikey: It would’ve scared me, it would’ve scared me, so I’m okay with it.

Eric: Yeah, it would’ve scared me, too.

Ben: Yeah, but, Mikey, you get scared by pretty much anything.

Mikey: I get scared by vacuum cleaners, too, just like Andrew’s brother. So…

Micah: Ph geez [laughs]

Eric: Just like cats. Mikey, you’re a cat. But no, the – now you can go up to Voldemort now and say, “Hey, you’re so full of anger and hate that…”

[Kevin laughs]

Eric: “…your eyes are blue.”

[Ben laughs]

Eric: [laughs] Nevermind.

Mikey: He’s blue with anger.

Ben: He’s blue with anger. [laughs]

[Eric and Mikey laugh]

Eric: [sings] Behind these hazel eyes

Listener Rebuttal: The Photo of the Order

Ben: Thanks, Eric, thanks. [laughs] We have one final rebuttal this week from Karen, age 23, from Fargo, North Dakota.

Hey, guys, fun show tonight. After listening to you, I was looking at clips on YouTube and came across those ABC specials from ‘Order of the Phoenix.’ Remember those clips that were like 30 seconds a piece and they had one for Bellatrix, the D.A., the director, etcetera? Well, the clip for the Order seems to answer the question you got by one of the Pickle Pack, when she asked what piece of paper (a.k.a. the love note from Cho) Sirius was holding when talking to Harry at the train station. Well, in the clip you hear Sirius say, “That’s the original Order.” So it appears he is showing Harry the pic that Moody showed Harry in the book. Makes sense since we know Sirius also says, “It’s your turn now, Harry,” in that scene. I thought I’d pass that one. Back to studying for my final. Take care. Karen.

Kevin: She’s linking one…

Ben: So what’s she saying here, exactly?

Mikey: Last week we talked about that picture with Sirius at the train station with the scroll, we had no clue what it was. It’s the picture of the Order.

Ben: Oh, okay, so she’s…

Mikey: She’s point something out…

Ben: Yeah, thanks.

Mikey: …that we missed.

Ben: Thanks, Karen, for clarifying that. Well, that wraps up this week’s listener rebuttals. Remember, if you have any problems with what we say on the show, if some information is not factual, or you have an opinion that does not agree with ours, go ahead and send us an e-mail telling us why you disagree with us to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Or if you want to attack one of us personally, you can e-mail our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Eric: And it’s a good thing I don’t check…

Ben: And we’ll gladly reply to you. So… [laughs]

Main Discussion: The Symbol

Ben: Well, it’s time to move on to this week’s main discussion. We’re going to be discussing that symbol. You know what symbol I’m talking about. You all know what symbol I’m talking about. Don’t they, Micah?

Micah: I hope so, otherwise this will be a very short discussion.

Ben: Yeah.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: To figure out what we’re talking about here, go to and the symbol we’re talking about is now the centerpiece of Bloomsbury’s website. So, Micah, you want to do a little explaining here?

Micah: Yeah, I mean, I think that when the covers first came out, we looked at the spine of the U.K. children’s edition, and we were kind of wondering what that symbol was. And I know we came up with a couple different ideas here and there, and we weren’t really sure well was itjust some Bloomsbury print logo that they happened to put on there for the final book? And we looked at some of the other past U.K. children’s editions and saw that there were some pretty significant symbols that were on the bindings. So, I think now that Bloomsbury has taken it and thrown it in the middle of their site, we can be pretty certain that this is pretty important in the final book.

Ben: Right, and what’s interesting is that whoever the illustrator is for the U.K. edition – I’m not familiar with who they are – they decided to take a different approach on making the cover, which they do with every book, of course, but if this is something that’s really pivotal in a way, if it’s key, if it’s an important symbol, what’s interesting is that it isn’t on the American cover. So, Mary Grandpre must not have thought it was that important, I guess. I don’t know. Do you guys have anything to say about that?

Kevin: I don’t think that it necessarily wasn’t that important, it’s just that ehse didn’t want to include it in her cover, you know? She chooses what she wants and what she thinks is interesting, and…

Ben: Right, but if we’re saying that what’s on the Bloomsbury cover – the symbol – if it’s a significant symbol, you know, if it’s something that pivotal, then why wouldn’t it make the cover?

Kevin: Well, just because she chose…

Eric: Because it doesn’t have to make both covers…

Kevin: Because she chose more – maybe not more pivotal, but just another important scene from the book that she wanted to portray. I mean, for all you know that symbol is written on a door, and she didn’t want to paint the door.

[Eric laughs]

Ben: Well I guess it’s true that – well, don’t you remember with Half-Blood Prince when there was the ring on the spine, wasn’t that right?

Mikey: That was on the U.K. version.

Kevin: Right.

Ben: Yeah, on the U.K. edition just like this, and that wasn’t on the U.S. edition.

Kevin: Exactly, so…

Ben: I don’t believe so. So, I guessed there are – if you look to the past, there have always been a little bit of difference between what’s seen – I guess it’s always been different.

Micah: Well, we haven’t seen the inside flaps, though, have we? Of the U.S. edition?

Kevin: No, we haven’t.

Mikey: Yeah, we have… Haven’t we seen the full artwork, though?

Kevin: We have seen the full artwork, but I think Micah’s referring to with their added text, and sometimes they add extra images in there, too. You know?

Micah: Yeah, I mean, I think Mary Grandpre was going for a very basic, not trying to give much away, whereas this U.K. edition – I mean, even putting the symbol aside has so much more on it than the American edition.

Mikey: Yeah.

Ben: And Bloomsbury has said that it does play a significant role, so that’s not up in the question. It’s just, what role does it play? I’m sure there’s somebody out there who’s studied ancient runes or something that could tell us what the symbol means, so if you have any idea what this symbol represents, please e-mail us. [laughs]

Eric: So Bloomsbury said it was important?

Ben: Yes.

Mikey: Yes. It’s also on their website. Have you been to their site recently at all?

Eric: Yeah, if you go to…

Ben: Yeah, we talked about that at little bit ago.

Eric: You go to the site, and there’s this – is it a piece of chalk or something? That just scrapes across the screen; it goes [makes noise] fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! To this like…

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: Wait, you forgot the circle part and the line.

Eric: And the circle and then the line that goes up, and I thought it was being slashed; I thought the new Zorro movie was coming out. But no, it’s just this sign, this symbol for America Online that just keeps haunting all of us.

Mikey: You know…

Ben: Yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: I’m wondering if – because it looks like you said, chalk – what if it’s in stone, maybe that’s Dumbledore’s stone that it’s being written in? Because it’s white.

Eric: Or it could be written in runes.

Mikey: Yeah, but it’s being written on something that’s kind of white, and I’m looking at the cover right now. It’s the same – what’s on the website is the same in this little section on the book cover, also. The same white section, so I don’t know.

The Key of Solomon

Ben: Well see, we’re having trouble here coming up with any explanation for what this symbol means, so let’s get a few listener thoughts on the subject. Jeremy, 18, from Sydney – [says with an Australian accent] from down under… [laughs]

Eric: Ben, that was pretty good.

Ben: …writes:

I’ve heard a lot of people think…

Was it? Thank you.

I’ve heard a lot of people thinking that the spinal art on ‘Deathly Hallows’ may be part of The Key of Solomon. The Key of Solomon is a book on magic attributed to King Solomon. It is divided into two books and contains the conjurations to summon spirits of the dead, spirits from Hell, and how to protect the conjurer. The book has many “magical circles” in that it is usually a type of symbol made up of circles and magic. In the past two books, the spine art has been very relevant, and possibly even a minor cause of the deaths at the end of each book. Sirius died working for the Order of the Phoenix, and in part Dumbledore died because he had weakened himself twice for Horcruxes (or at least Harry thinks he did). So what do you guys think? I’d love to hear your feedback! Thanks, Jeremy.

Mikey: Hmmm!

Kevin: You see the problem with the symbols is that…

Ben: I really don’t know. You got something…

Mikey: He’s got something.

Kevin: …at this time it can be anything. You know what I mean? We have absolutely no basis of where she is linking this symbol in history or in runes so, I could probably – you could probably find a hundred different meanings of the same symbol.

Ben: Well, this book that they’re talking about reminds me of the Book of the Dead in – I think that’s what it’s called in The Mummy? Do you guys remember that movie?

Eric: Yeah, The Mummy. I was just thinking about that. It is the Golden Book of Amman Rah.

Ben: Yeah, that’s it. It has basically all these things on how to summon spirits of the dead, spirits from Hell, and how they kill the Mummy at the end.

[Ben and Eric laugh]

Micah: Well, I like that. I like it because a lot of our discussions about Deathly Hallows was about the day where the Veil’s the thinnest between the world of the living and the dead so, perhaps, this is how it’s somehow tied to it?

Eric: Yeah.

Micah: I don’t know.

Ben: So you do think that this indicates that, since Harry and Voldemort really can’t duel and if Harry wants to eventually defeat Voldemort – we all pretty much agree that he will kill Voldemort – do you think that the fact that this is an ancient symbol or something, do you think that it can indicate that Harry is going to have to discover some form of ancient magic…

Eric: Well, Ben…

Ben: …in order to defeat Voldemort?

Eric: Well, Ben, the Book of Amman Rah, the character – Imhotep’s last line in the movie is, “Death is only the beginning,” and death was the very beginning of our Harry Potter series.

MuggleCast 90 Transcript (continued)

Delta Phi

Ben: So, yeah that is true. I don’t know. But Rob “Cheeseman”, he knows something. He writes – he is 23 and he is from Liverpool, England – and he writes:

Is it me, or does Ron have Godric Gryffindor’s sword in his hand? More importantly: Why? Regarding the Delta image, Delta in mathematics is used to denote “difference between” or “change in” things. If the other symbol is indeed Phi, then perhaps the image is being used to denote a change in wisdom? As for Phi, the number to which you refer in the “Golden Ratio,” which is intimately related to nature and aesthetically pleasing things, including Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man.” Incidentally, the great pyramid at Giza is proposed to be closely related to the golden ratio. More evidence for an Egyptian adventure? It was also described by Johannes Kepler as “a precious jewel.” Significant? Not entirely sure of the significance of all of this, but I’m sure it’ll make for good discussion.

Eric: More Egypt.

Mikey: Before we go into Delta Phi, I was actually reading – we have another one, actually the next message – the next caller talks about Delta Phi specifically. So…

Ben: So…

Mikey: …why don’t we hold off that one.

Ben: …we will go ahead and read that one.

Mikey: Oh, you want to read that one now.

Ben: We will go ahead and read that. Robin, 45 from Santa Rosa, California writes specifically about Delta Phi. She…

I had an idea about what the symbol on the spine of the U.K. children’s edition ‘Deathly Hallows’ cover might be. I was thinking that in Greek, maybe the letters “Delta” and “Phi” might be the abbreviation of “Order of the Phoenix.” I went to BabelFish and did an English to Greek translation of “Order,” and the word that came up did begin with a Delta. Then I put in “Phoenix,” and the word that came up did begin with a Phi. Pretty neat, huh? What do you think? Hmmm. So…

Kevin: That would be pretty interesting.

Ben: That’s crazy.

Kevin: Yeah.

Ben: That seems almost like too much of a coincidence for me.

Mikey: Yeah, and you know what the symbols for Delta and Phi are, right?

Kevin: Of course, yeah.

Mikey: Delta is a triangle and Phi is a circle with a line through it. So, kind of the symbol here? I don’t know…

Kevin: Phi is typically caps, though, like an “I.”

Mikey: Yeah, it is more like an “I” instead of a line.

Kevin: Capital “I.”

Mikey: I don’t know if I – that’s a cool coincidence. I don’t know if that is actually what the symbol means. I don’t know.

Micah: Well, Mikey, though, you were talking before, though, that this symbol was very similar to sort of the white marble on Dumbledore’s tomb. Isn’t that what you were going for before?

Mikey: Yeah, well it seems like…

Micah: So…

Mikey: …well, it is on white so it would make sense, I don’t know.

Micah: It would make sense then if it is the symbol for the Order of the Phoenix.

Ben: Right, if it is Dumbledore’s tomb, but why would it be significant if it was on Dumbledore’s tomb? That’s the thing.

Mikey: Well…

Ben: Well, I guess that Dumbledore – I don’t know.

Mikey: The Order of the Phoenix, it has to be significant.

Ben: It’s so hard to tell.

Mikey: This book is going to be the death of me! I’ll never know.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Honestly, like, my brain right now hurts because I’m trying to answer these questions logically…

Ben: Yeah.

Mikey: …but there’s so much like, I don’t know. Like, what could it mean?

Dumbledore’s Tomb

Ben: Before we get ahead of ourselves here, Daniel, 19, from Armagh – someone’s going to get mad and correct me – Ireland. [pronounces several different ways] Armagh? Armagh? E-mail me and tell me…

Eric: Ask Ciaran.

Ben: …how it’s pronounced – has a little bit of information about – has a question and a little information about Dumbledore’s tomb:

Hi all you MuggleCasters, I love the show and can’t get enough of your cover coverage. Let’s get to it. In one of the previous episodes, 80 something, I can’t remember which one exactly, you talk about the odd symbol on the top of the spine on the U.K. children’s cover. And I noticed that when you look closer at the background for the symbol it appears to be marbled. Now, when I realized this I tried to remember any time that marble is mentioned and I came up with Gringotts, which we can eliminate, I think, because it is described in the book as being snowy white not really marble, and Dumbledore’s tomb. So, I think the symbol on the spine can be some sort of symbol on Dumbledore’s tomb that might be recognized and translated by, say, someone who has been studying Ancient Runes for the past three years. No idea formulated about what it could mean yet, but just an interesting point. Hmmm, who’s been studying Ancient Runes?

[Kevin laughs]

Micah: Uh, Hermione? [laughs]

Eric: Hermione.

Ben: Yeah. So, yeah, mark my words. That’s probably going to play a role. Hermione’s knowledge in ancient runes.

Eric: Oh wow!

Mikey: Really?

Eric: I just realized. I was looking up – I’m on Wikipedia and I searched for marble, and there’s a term called [mispronounces] faux-marbling or [mispronounces again] faux-marbling.

Kevin: [correct pronunciation] Faux. Yeah

Eric: Or whatever. And it’s a wall painting technique. Faux, yeah, that’s what it is, but I saw [pronounces like “Fawkes”] faux and I was like, “Holy crap!” But no. Nevermind.

Mikey: How were you like? What were you doing?

Eric: I’m looking up marble – I’m looking up marble and…

Micah: Are you redecorating?

Eric: …trying to see, it just says [laughs]: “Marble is a metamorphic rock.” No, I was just on Wikipedia. “Marble is a metamorphic rock, resulting from regional or early-contact metamorphism of sedimentary carbonate rock, either limestone of Dulles stone. The metamorphic processes causes a complete…” This is why I’m not taking Geography or Geology. Yeah. Geology. This is why I’m not a geologist. Nevermind.

[Kevin and Mikey laugh]

Eric: I thought I’d found something.

Ben: [laughs] Yeah.

Eric: But Jo, Jo, Jo – but speaking about marble, though, Jo did talk about Alchemy in the first book, you know? The Philosopher’s Stone? And Dumbledore did some work on Alchemy with Nicholas Flamel. I’m wondering if Alchemy itself will come into play in the future books.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: Future book, you mean. There’s only one left.

Eric: Oh, right! Yeah, crap.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: Future book. Future 700, or 800-some pages. Yeah.

Ben: I don’t know, but this symbol is what’s important right now and I don’t think…

Micah: I think these are a lot of good ideas, and I think they raise just a whole lot more questions.

Kevin: Yeah, it’s true. And like I said before, we have no basis for what…

Micah: Right.

Kevin: …it’s linked to, so it could be linked to anything in history. Or it could be – like, I saw an e-mail recently…

Ben: Right.

Kevin: …that said it’s a triangle, which represents the trio, and a circle, which represents unity, and a line down the middle, which represents a breaking of this unity.

Ben: Right, and…

Kevin: That was a completely interpreted response to the symbol that could be absolutely correct.

More Symbol Analysis

Ben: Yeah, and we have an e-mail about that from Jared Pratt, 20, from Canandaigua, New York, correct me on that, too. He says:

Micah: No, you got it right.

Ben: Hey, MuggleCasters… – Is that right?

Micah: Yeah, Canandaigua…

Ben: Canandaigua.

Micah: Upstate New York. Yeah.

Eric: Winnibega.

Micah: Indian territory. Native American, sorry. Native American territory.

Ben: Okay.

Hey, MuggleCasters, I heard about the symbol in Episode 85 and promptly turned to my copy of ‘The Book of Signs’ by Rudolph Coke. After examining the picture of the U.K. cover and analyzing the symbol through the compendium…

Is that right?

…of symbols, I have come to this conclusion. It’s the compound signet comprised of two elemental symbols. The vertical split circle, which stands for God’s vision of light from darkness and/or time, and the vertically split equilateral triangle means a broken trinity or loss of faith. This is purely an academic view as my amateur analysis can reveal. I’d love to hear what you guys have to say on this.

[Mikey sighs]

Ben: End quote. Thanks for that…

Kevin: See, and like I said before, where, I mean, it sounds…

Mikey: So many questions.

Kevin: It’s completely plausible. You know, there’s – it’s absolutely plausible that’s what it’s going to be, but…

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: …until we get at least some bit of information as to where it links, whether it be Greek or, you know, this book of signs, we won’t have any idea exactly what it is. I think it could absolutely be correct. Yeah.

Ben: But his interpretation, Jared’s interpretation here about it – well, yeah, I think even if this is not specifically what the symbol was referencing in Half-Blood Prince, I think that his interpretation could mean – the symbol could have more than one meaning, because, you know, he talks about an equilateral triangle – a split equilateral triangle meaning a broken trinity or loss of faith. Well, that would make sense because, as they have this time of war going on and stuff, a lot of people may start to lose faith in the cause on both sides. You know? They may lose faith in the fact of thinking that things are going to work themselves out. So, when there’s despair going on, when there’s war going on, it does make sense for there to be a loss in faith…

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: …even in that symbol isn’t referring to that…

Eric: Yeah. Well, I mean…

Ben: …specifically.

Eric: We learned about – I mean, Half-Blood Prince is the name Snape called himself. Maybe Draco goes around calling himself this.

[Kevin laughs]

Eric: Like maybe he took a leaf out of Prince’s book, you know? Just…

Mikey: [laughs] The wizard formerly known as Draco Malfoy?

Eric: Yeah. So now he’s Phi Delta, or something. I don’t know.

Ben: Yeah.

Mikey: Delta Phi.

Eric: Delta Phi.

Ben: That’d be funny. Well…

Mikey: Well, what do you guys think?

Ben: Well, that wraps up this week’s main discussion.

Eric: Yep.

Ben: We’re sorry we can’t offer anything that isn’t really anything more than conjecture, but we haven’t read the book yet, so we don’t know what’s going on, but…

Mikey: Well, I have, but…

Ben: Oh, right, Mikey. [laughs] Well, hopefully this gives you guys – gives each of you a few ideas as to what to expect or what it could possibly be and that’s the best we could do. If you have any rebuttals of this or any e-mails or any thoughts that we have missed in the show, please e-mail us at mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Voicemail: Harry Killing Voldemort

Ben: Now, we have a few voicemails this week about stuff other than analyzing the cover – well, overanalyzing the cover like we love to do. So, we have a few voicemails for you here this week, and let’s roll the first one.

[Audio]: Hey, MuggleCasters. This is Wesley from California. Your show is fantastic. I just started listening to it about a week ago and now you guys have me completely addicted. Anyways, my question is this: From what I can tell, you guys seem to have concluded that Harry will not be able to kill Voldemort as long as Voldemort still has a wand with the same phoenix feather as Harry’s, because if Harry tries to do the Avada Kedavra on Voldemort, Priori Incantantem will just keep blocking it. Although this is logical, in The Goblet of Fire, Voldemort still performs a Cruciatus curse on Harry even while Harry has his wand drawn. I think this was because Harry wasn’t performing a spell at that exact same time, so Priori Incantantem didn’t block it. Doesn’t this mean that Harry could actually kill Voldemort as long as Voldemort wasn’t doing a spell at the exact same time? What do you guys think? Thanks, bye.

Ben: This person makes a very interesting point, and I think Harry can kill Voldemort as long as Voldemort doesn’t shoot up any type of curse so – to create the Priori Incantantem. So, they can’t duel and can’t shoot spells at each other at the same time, but they can put spells on each other. So – but everything would be all too easy to block, that’s the thing. If Harry attacks…

Kevin: If all he had to do is shout out any random spell that comes to…

Ben: Any random spell, right.

Kevin: Yeah. I think it’s…

Ben: Because, what was it that saved Harry? It was Expelliarmus. [laughs]

Micah: Well…

Kevin: Yeah. I think it’s going to come down to something beyond – I think either one of them is going to lose their wand or, you know, something unique. It’s not going to be wand on wand.

Mikey: You know, I have a question about that, maybe you guys know. Is it that – if they were able to just toss out anything, you know, wouldn’t Harry’s shield charm or shield spell backfire Voldemort’s Avada Kedavra then, because they’re technically connecting? Or is it that the spell has left the wand and it’s no longer connected? How does Priori Incantantem actually work?

Kevin: I think the wands just link. It completely nullifies whatever spell you were casting and just links the wands.

Eric: But it’s not that a shield charm cast by Harry’s wand would deflect something or cause a problem for Voldemort’s wand. I just think it’s when the wands are directly faced with each other.

Micah: Yeah, I don’t think the spell matters.

Kevin: It’s basically – exactly. Anything that comes out of the wand is nullified by the fact that the two wands are brother wands.

Ben: Right. Brother wands and they can’t really – they can’t fight each other. So…

Mikey: So they connect somehow.

Micah: This could be interesting for – on the cover of the American edition of Deathly Hallows, if they’re both reaching for a wand, maybe Harry’s reaching for it and Voldemort’s trying to push it away.

Kevin: Yeah. I’ve seen someone – someone sent that in at one point, and I thought it was pretty interesting, where it comes down to just a single wand between the two of them, and whoever gets the wand first is going to, you know, win. That would be pretty interesting.

Eric: Well it’s – what I like about Star Wars is that when they’re lightsaber dueling, some of the coolest stuff happens without the lightsabers. I mean, lightsabers are cool, but they’ll also punch each other or their lightsaber will get cut in half, or they’ll lose it and they’ll have to go hand-to-hand combat or jumping and rely on everything else. You know? It’s not just strictly lightsaber battles, it’s actually just hand-to-hand combat and face-to-face, and really battle of the wits, and, you know, everything else.

Ben: Well, guys, how athletic is Voldemort? How do you think Voldemort would handle hand-to-hand combat?

Kevin: Yeah, I don’t think so, either.

Ben: He wouldn’t have to use it, would he? Because he could just use wandless magic, he wouldn’t even need his wand.

Eric: Well it’s not exactly like you can test Harry and Voldemort to run the mile, either, now that they can just Apparate.

Kevin: Yeah [laughs].

Ben: Yeah, that’s true [laughs]. Who can Apparate the quickest?

Eric: So to answer your question, I don’t know how physically fit they are. Because…

Ben: I don’t think it matters. See, that’s the beauty of the wizarding world. You don’t have to be…

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: To be a good wizard, you don’t have to be buff. You don’t have to be thin.

Eric: You can have treacle tart and pumpkin pasties all day long and just Apparate to work and never be late and never be fit.

Micah: Yeah.

Ben: Seriously, obesity must be a big problem, because imagine if you didn’t have to walk anywhere.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: Actually, you can probably just zap the fat right off.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: Oh boy.

Ben: There’s probably some weight loss potion. Aw man, I wish I lived in that world. Thank you…

Micah: Ben, I think you just titled the show.

[Kevin laughs]

Ben: What?

Micah: “Zap The Fat Right Off.”

Ben: “Zap The Fat Right Off”? Yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: Oh, man.

Voicemail: Aunt Petunia and Dumbledore

Ben: [laughs] Thank you. Thank you for that voicemail; we have another one here. Go ahead and roll the clip.

[Audio]: Hey, MuggleCast! I was reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to my two younger sisters and I came across some quotes in the hardback edition of the U.S. book. On page 8, it said, “Nothing like this man has ever been seen on Privet Drive,” of course referring to Albus Dumbledore. This made me think. Knowing that we’re missing 24 hours from the Potters’ death and where the book picked up, do you think Dumbledore talked to Aunt Petunia about her sister’s death somewhere else than Privet Drive? If you think – if so, where? I would love to know. I love your show. Bye! Pickle!

Ben: That really sounds like pure conjecture to me. I don’t – it’s not necessarily – it’s not unlikely, but I don’t know. She – that was the purpose of the letter, I think. I don’t think a letter would have been left if they had already met and discussed these things.

Kevin: Yeah, it was to explain the situation.

Eric: Right.

Micah: I think it’s just setting the tone for the book. I mean, you know, it’s supposed to be taking out of just the sort of mundane style of life that these people normally have and just…

Kevin: Yeah, it’s supposed to be mysterious and…

Micah: Yeah. It sets up who Dumbledore is, too.

Ben: Yeah, and there wouldn’t be as much of – I mean, okay, imagine if you’re Petunia and Vernon, and a baby is just on your doorstep. What can you do, you know? Imagine how cruel – I mean, I know they’re cruel people, but I don’t think they’re viciously cruel to the point where they wouldn’t even… [laughs] You know, if someone drops a baby off on my doorstep, I’m going to take care of it until I can turn it over to the proper authorities or whatever, you know? So, I think that there really – I really doubt that there was a prior meeting to when Dumbledore showed up.

Kevin: Yeah, I’m fairly it’s the letter that set everything up.

Voicemail: Harry Will Die

Ben: Yup. Thanks for that voicemail. Our next voicemail comes from two girls from Los Angeles, California:

[Audio]: Girl #1: Hi, I’m Audrey [unintelligible]

Girl #2: And I’m [unintelligible], and we’re two 11-year-old MuggleCast fans from Los Angeles, California.

Girl #1: Our theory is that Harry with die in Deathly Hallows because when he encountered the Mirror of Erised, his heart’s desire was to be with his family, and dying would certainly make that happen.

Girl #2: We thought that the book would culminate in a big battle between Harry and Voldemort, in which they both die. That way, it would be sad because Harry dies, and happy because Harry sees his family again and Voldemort dies, too.

Girl #1: Jo could do the ending from many different takes. It would be totally an awesome way to end the series. We think it’s a probable theory and we want to know what you guys think.

Girl #2: Keep up the good work!

Both girls: Bye!

Micah: I thought we have always talked on the show about how your desire changes. And I think that when Harry is so young, that is his desire, to be with his family, but I think if he looked in the Mirror now, it would be a completely different picture. Do you agree with that?

Ben: Yeah, I think that makes sense that his ultimate desire has changed and I think that he wants – saving the wizarding world is now more important to him than being with his family. Because Harry isn’t a selfish person, he’s going to put the needs of the few – I mean, excuse me – the needs of the many are going to out way the needs of himself. So…

Eric: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think it goes back to the Mirror of Erised and if you believe that it will actually show what’s true, because Dumbledore said it didn’t show truth, nor knowledge…

Kevin: Or the future.

Ron and the Mirror of Erised

Eric: …nor anything else like that. But at the same time – or the future, yeah. But at the same time, Ron as since become Head Boy, and won the Quidditch Cup, and done all the crap that he saw in the Mirror. Or done all the stuff that he saw in the Mirror of Erised. So, I don’t know what to think about the Mirror of Erised anymore, because what Ron saw came true. So…

Ben: Well, right, right, but that doesn’t mean that all of the sudden it’s prophetic, if that’s even a word. Is that even a word?

Mikey: Yeah, it is.

Ben: It’s not like – it doesn’t mean – that does not mean that Mirror is predicting these things. Because if you think about it, people have their greatest desires in life come true at times, but at the same time a lot of people don’t. So…

Kevin: And also, remember Ron has always had a confidence problem. And what better to boost his confidence than seeing that his desires – seeing himself as the Quidditch champion? It could’ve just been the fact that seeing it motivated him to try to be what he desired.

Ben: Because once he saw himself, than he realized, “I can do this.” He realized the potential, maybe.

Mikey: You know, I don’t think Ron was aiming that high to where – his most desires were out of his reach. You know? Being Head Boy and Quidditch Captain.

Ben: Well, at the time they seemed a bit extreme because he wasn’t even on the Quidditch team, he was this first year who didn’t…

Mikey: [imitating Ron] “Bloody hell, Harry!”

Ben: Hold on a second. Has Ron become Head Boy?

Kevin: No.

Mikey: No. We don’t know. We don’t know Seven yet.

Ben: Has Ron become Head Boy?

Mikey: No. He’s not Quidditch Captain, either.

Eric: But he’s been a Prefect.

Kevin: He’s getting close. He’s getting close to his goal. Yeah.

Eric: Well, he’s a Prefect. He’s getting very close.

Mikey: He’s on the Quidditch team. He’s a Prefect, yes, but he’s not there yet.

Eric: Well, Weasley is our King! Come on.

Ben: Well, there you go. He didn’t even achieve his goals, so…

Mikey: Yeah.

Eric: He came pretty darn close.

Mikey: And he’s not coming back to school for year 7. He’s going on the hunt for the Horcruxes.

Ben: Oh, please…

Mikey: So he’s not getting that.

Ben: According to Mikey… according to Mikey.

Eric: Was he not in Book 6 holding the Quidditch Cup after he blocked all of the goals against Slytherin or something?

Mikey: Except for the whole point to that was so that Harry and Ginny can get their mack on.

Eric: Well, okay, they can get their mack on.

Ben: [laughs] Their mack…

Mikey: I’m trying to keep it nice and, you know, PG-rated here.

[Kevin laughs]

Mikey: I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t know about the whole Mirror of Erised. I don’t think it means that much. I think we are looking way too much into it.

Eric: No, I don’t agree that it shows much. I mean, I don’t think it does,
is what I was trying to say.

Back to Harry Dying

Micah: Well, I still think that his desire – at least on Harry’s side – his desires have definitely changed, and it’s not to be with his parents anymore, I don’t think. When he was young, definitely. When he was only 11 years-old, then I’m sure after everything he has been through, that that’s what he wants more than anything else.

Eric: He just needs someone to love. Someone to be loved.

Micah: But I always – I don’t think that that foreshadows Harry dying, because I think in Sorcerer’s Stone – and so many people have sent this in, and I don’t know if we have talked about it – but there is a quotein pg. 262 of Sorcerer’s Stone, and it says, “In years to come, Harry would never quite remember how he managed to get through his exams, when he half expected Voldemort to come bursting through the door at any moment.”

Eric: Yeah! You know what? That’s cool. I don’t recall if we ever talked about that, Micah, but I remember reading that.

Micah: So, “In years to come…” I mean, that to me signifies much more than just a couple years down the road.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah. Me, too, because during years two through six as we have seen, Harry is not exactly thinking in depth about exam week in Year One. You know what I’m saying? So that J.K. put this, “In years to come Harry would never quite know how he got through exams in Year One…” We don’t see him thinking about that, so it’s possible – it is very possible that because…

Micah: Does he never quite remember, because he dies, or does he never quite remember, because…

Eric: [laughs] Yeah. In years to come, Harry would never quite reflect on the task of the…

Micah: Yeah. But if you are a supporter of Harry living, then that’s definitely a quote that works in your favor, I think.

Eric: It’s pretty good.

MuggleCast 90 Transcript (continued)

Voicemail: How Book 7 Will End

Ben: Yeah. [laughs] Well, thanks for that voicemail. We have another one here from Emma from Australia.

[Audio]: Hi, MuggleCast! This is Emma, 17, from Victoria in Australia. I’m submitting a theory about how Book 7 will finally end. My theory is that Harry will go back to Godric’s Hollow, as he said in Half-Blood Prince, and then he will journey with Ron and Hermione to find the Horcruxes. Harry will then lead Voldemort to Godric’s Hollow and try to destroy the final one of the Dark Lord’s soul, which is Voldemort himself. I define Deathly Hallows as a holy place of death and furthermore believe it is where Harry’s parents are buried. I am confident that the final battle between Harry and Voldemort will take place at Lily and James Potter’s grave where Harry will be driven to kill Voldemort due to the love he can generate from being with his parents. I hope you like what I think. Bye! Pickles!

Kevin: I don’t know about that. I mean, it’s pure speculation. It would be cool to have it end where it began, but I don’t think necessarily that it’s going to. I think it is just – I don’t know, a long stretch to actually say where the final battle is going to take place, but I do think it would be pretty cool to have it end where it began.

Ben: Definitely. Godric’s Hollow seems like a likely place where it could happen, but the thing about hallowed ground, holy ground, I think that would be one of the holiest places they could probably go to would be his parents’ grave, but another holy place – we don’t even know.

Kevin: And you also have to remember, what do you think would have brought Harry to that place, besides maybe a Horcrux? You know, is Voldemort really going to meet Harry there, or is it somewhat unlikely that that will occur?

Ben: I think we all can agree that Harry is going to have to be the one being the one playing the game this time.

Kevin: Instigator. Yeah, exactly. He’s the one…

Ben: Because before he was the one always getting suckered in, so he is going to be so prepared that he is the one who – like you said – he instigates the…

Kevin: And that’s what I’m saying. Exactly. Is it likely that Voldemort would be at Harry’s parents’ grave?

Ben: Well, he’s got to lure him there if that’s where he wants to have the battle, I guess.

Kevin: That’s true. He could.

Ben: And the whole gathering the motivation, I think that it, you know, the saving the wizarding world is going [laughs] to pump Harry up enough…

Kevin: [laughs] Yeah.

Ben: …to motivate him to try and finally kill Voldemort once and for all. But, I guess I see what she means, how it could – it’s a significant place, that means a personal – that means personal to him. That’s very personal to him. You know? Sort of – “Am I going to let Voldemort kill me on my own parent’s grave?” He’s not going to let that happen. So…

Eric: I don’t think that the …

Micah: Do you guys think that…

Eric: Sorry, Micah.

Ben: Go – go ahead, Micah.

Micah: I was just going to say, do you guys think he’d go there more than once in the book? Because he says at the end of Half-Blood Prince that he’s going to Godric’s Hollow, so we would expect him to go there at the beginning of the seventh book.

Kevin: Well…

Ben: Unless he gets delayed.

Kevin: Either that or if he’s trying to lure Voldemort into a trap. I mean…

Micah: That’s true.

Kevin: It’s a good place to lure him.

Micah: Maybe there’s something special about Godric’s Hollow…

Kevin: About the place, exactly.

Micah: …that we still don’t know. Maybe there’s magic still there.

Eric: Well, it’s a question because, apparently, Hogsmeade is the only wizard establishment – only all wizard establishment in Britain or whatever, and that really leaves the question, Godric’s Hollow. Is it – are there Muggles in Godric’s Hollow? Or – or being in Godric’s Hollow, if you happen to be the heir of Godric Gryffindor, if that’s what the name reference is, is Godric’s Hollow somehow different or special for you, if you are the heir of Gryffindor? And, you know, if that’s true, is Harry the heir of Gryffindor, or is Ron, whatever? But, I don’t think he’s going to be there more than once or twice and I think it’s very unlikely that Voldemort will have a Horcrux in Godric’s Hollow. Because Voldemort had to go to Godric’s Hollow – you know think of the context, Voldemort was only in Godric’s Hollow because he found out that that’s where the Potters were hiding. You know? And once he was dead there was no opportunity to…

Kevin: Create a Horcrux. Yeah.

Eric: …place a Horcrux, yeah. Well, not just create a Horcrux but to actually place a Horcrux somewhere in Godric’s Hollow. I think it’s very unlikely that – that he would have done that.

Ben: And by the way, J.K. Rowling said on her website that Harry is not…

Micah: Right.

Ben: …the heir of Gryffindor.

Eric: Okay. So, that’s fine but it – what I was trying to establish is the place. You know, the place. Is the place special? If Hogsmeade is the only wizard establishment – the only all wizard establishment, what is Godric’s Hollow? You know, what is it really?

Micah: Yeah.

Mikey: Isn’t Godric’s Hollow where the Snitch was invented or something like that?

Eric: Uh…

Ben: I have not read my copy of Quidditch Through the Ages for…

[Micah laughs]

Ben: …a year now. So… [laughs].

Eric: Well, Quidditch…

Ben: I could not tell you.

Eric: Quidditch was invented near Queer Ditch Marsh or something, but I don’t remember about the Snitch.

Voicemail: Graduating from Hogwarts

Ben: Well, thanks, Emma for that – for the e-mail. Love the accent, I love Australians. Keith Urban, give a shout-out. We have one more voicemail, this one comes from Melissa from Illinois.

[Audio]: Hey, this is Melissa from Illinois. I was just wondering what you guys thought about the nice dress robes being graduation robes and maybe that does imply that end battle or adventure will be, you know, in June at the end of the school year?

Ben: I don’t think Harry’s going to be graduating from Hogwarts.

Kevin: I don’t think so, either.

Ben: Personally, but…

Micah: Well why would it be…

Ben: I guess that would make sense.

Micah: Why would it take place at Hogwarts? Just because they have the robes on doesn’t mean it’s at Hogwarts, you know?

Ben: That’s true. And she was saying they might be graduation robes?

Micah: No, I think…

Eric: Well, not, that’s…

Micah: They could be from the wedding. That was my initial thought. You know, they’re all dressed up from Bill and Fleur’s wedding.

Kevin: Yeah, you’re right. That’s…

Eric: Yeah, yeah. They’re just at a wedding and then all of a sudden they get swept into the world of Narnia or, I mean, Gringotts. Whatever.

[Micah and Ben laugh]

Ben: Hmmm. I don’t know! You see, with all these voicemails that we get, we don’t – we can’t exactly say whether or not that seems…

Eric: Definitively, yeah.

Ben: I mean, that does seem realistic, but [laughs], I don’t know. Well actually, I guess it kind of doesn’t seem realistic since I don’t think Harry’s going to be…

Eric: Well, even if they were…

Ben: …at graduation.

Eric: Yeah, that’s the question.

Ben: But – and do they even have graduation?

Eric: We don’t know, because we’ve never seen…

Ben: Or do they just send them on their way? [laughs]

Eric: Every year…

Micah: Harry is not dressed the same. But Harry…

Eric: But every year students from Hogwarts graduate and, you know, Year 7’s all graduate, but yet, the only time we’ve seen Year 7’s, or whoever, leave school, is to actually quit! You know? Fred and George’s exit – that’s the only thing. But graduation happens every year, so is there a ceremony? Is there a graduation? But then again, at the end of every year is usually when all of the crap goes down, or when all the stuff goes down, that allows Dumbledore to cancel final exams and for all these large school dramas to happen. So…

[Micah laughs]

Ben: Convenient, huh?

Eric: Yeah, convenient! So maybe it’s true that the past six years, nobody’s graduated Hogwarts, or everyone’s graduated, but they haven’t had a ceremony, just because of all the stuff that Harry Potter gets himself into.

Mikey: Wow!

Ben: That’s a good point. Good point, Eric.

Well, that wraps up this week’s voicemails. If you have – we’ll get to contact information a little bit later in the show, but remember, you can send those into us by calling – skyping the name MuggleCast, in the U.S. call 18…

Eric: 218. 218.

Ben: …00…wait a second. 1866. Wait, nevermind. No, no, I lied. 1-218-20-MAGIC.

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Listener’s Soul

Ben: Now, before we wrap up the show this week, we have a Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Listener’s Soul. This comes from Brittany, age 16, from California.

Hey, MuggleCasters, recently my grandmother was diagnosed with brain cancer. Because of all the radiation and medication, she has been losing memory and becoming very confused, which is extremely often. She now has to live with us. Everyday, I have to make sure she gets up, eats, and take her where I go, when I can. Balancing that, school, track, and volleyball everyday has made me go crazy. The only way I could find time to relax was to listen to you guys. You make me laugh, and just get on with the day. Whenever I begin to get all stressed out, I just listen to one of the episodes and I feel much better. I just want to thank you guys for doing this show and keeping me sane. I love all of you. Thank you so much. Brittany.

Well, I’m glad – I’m glad we can help you out, Brittany. I know what it’s like to have relatives sick, and I’m sure some of the other hosts do, too. So…

Kevin: Yeah, that’s tough.

Ben: It’s good that we can help you get you through your day. If you have an inspiring situation or an inspiring story in which MuggleNet or MuggleCast has helped you out, go ahead and send us an e-mail.

Show Close

Ben: Before we wrap up this week’s show, we have some contact information for you.

You can e-mail us at mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com or, each of the hosts’ first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com, or you can use the contact form on the website.

We have some numbers for you to call and leave a voicemail. If you live in the United States, please dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you live in the United Kingdom, call 020-8144-0677. And if you live in Australia, call 02-8003-5668.

[Show music begins playing]

And, oh yes, you can catch us on many other places out there. MySpace – blegh, I can’t say it like Andrew; I mean, I haven’t been doing this as long as he has. Let’s see here – MySpace, Facebook,YouTube, Frappr, LastFM, Fanlisting/Forums. Digg the show at, vote for us once a month at Podcast Alley, and rate and review us at Yahoo! Podcasts.

Kevin: Yeah, that was pretty good.

Eric: That was pretty darn good, there. Good job.

Micah: Don’t forget the P.O Box, man.

Ben: Oh, don’t forget about the P.O. Box.

P.O. Box 223
Moundridge, Kansas

Send us anything! Any type of parcel mail.

Micah: And then I have one announcement from Andrew. He just – he gave a listener rebuttal – or not a listener rebuttal, listener challenge out on last week’s show and he said the results will be on Episode 91. So, for those people wondering…

Ben: Guys, we’re 90!

Micah: We’re old.

Ben: That’s crazy how time flies.

Eric: You know, we’re going think of something really cool for our 100th show. We have to.

Mikey: Wow!

Eric: We have to do something really cool for our 100th show.

Kevin: Well, we have ten episodes to…

Eric: Not to state the obvious. Not to state the obvious.

Kevin: …decide. Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: I agree.

Eric: Ten episodes to plan it, so…

Ben: If you have any cool ideas for our 100th show, go ahead and send those bad boys in. Well, it’s been a fun ride. I hope you learned a little bit more about Deathly Hallows and all that stuff, but I think that does it for us this week on Episode 90. I’m Ben Schoen.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Ben: That does it for us. Come back – check back next week for Episode 91. Have a good week, people.

[Show music ends]

EA Interview: Part One

Andrew: Andrew here using the magic of editing to insert myself into this week’s show. As we told everyone last week, Jamie was at EA Studios a few weeks ago to conduct some interviews with the folks making the great new Order of the Phoenix video game. And for the next few weeks we’re going to air a few of those interviews, and here is Part One right now.

Wayne: Supervisor

Wayne: So my name is Wayne, I’m the – my role here is the supervisor on the game team. So, I’ll try to work out the best way to describe it to you – have you guys met Calvin yet?

Female Interviewer: Not yet, no.

Wayne: So, I want you to meet Calvin, who is the art director of the game. It’s probably a little bit easier to explain what I do by explaining what he does. He defines the style of artwork for the game, you know, whether – say whether or not Hogwarts is going to be seen at night or dark or certain color pallets or things like this. He defines pretty much what he wants the game artwork to look like. My job is then to deliver that artwork into the game. To work with the art teams and make sure they do it. And I – my job is sort of a mixture of art and technology, basically. So, when you meet some of the world guys that build the worlds like Simon and stuff like that, the tools that they use to build stuff, I help work with them to make sure that they’ve got those tools in place. Really, what we’re ending up with inside the game is what Calvin did.

Basically, I also then work with all the producers and production and to make sure they’re both on target. I work with the game’s engineers who then have to, like obviously, write the code to make the stuff play in certain frames. And I sort of – I give – there’s a balancing act between all the different worlds and trying to put stuff in the game and trying to make the game run. I just sort of work between them – or do – speak on what we’re delivering, on what we’ve actually done. Make sure we’re also pushing the bounds on what we do. We have a great job because I get to push what we get into the game, which means I also have a tough job, which means I have to say well, unfortunately, we can’t get into the games. You know what? If we had our way, we would make this game for years, and years, and years, and we would keep on adding stuff until it would end. Unfortunately, it all has to end at some point.

[Everyone laughs]

Wayne: I don’t explain what I do terribly well, but. So…

Female Interviewer: Okay, so over to you guys, really, to ask some questions.

Jamie: It’s very impressive for a fan who doesn’t know how these things are done…

Wayne: Right.

Jamie: …to sort of, you know, watch the first video and see Hogwarts in all
its glory. Can you describe sort of the process from – you start off with, I assume, a sort of stencil drawing of Hogwarts. Do you – it’s your job to turn that into the computer thing.

Wayne: Absolutely. So, I think the process that we use is not so
different to what architectural or design firms use today, as well. They will typically say if they – say if you want to build a building. You get someone to come and build it and your going to spend a lot of money on building that building. Typically what will happen is you’ll hire an architect, they’ll draw blueprints and design layouts. And then they’ll do a computer mock up for you that you’ll go through, and then they’ll refine that and might put like trees and stuff that so that you get a really good sense as to what is going on.

We actually go through a similar process. The difference is, we got our blueprints from the set designers, and from Warner Brothers, and then ourselves. We basically – they don’t work with, they’ve mapped out – they have interpreted what, I guess, J.K. Rowling’s vision of what these rooms would look like, etc. And they put blueprints for the set. So we took that, and what we did is we built basic mock up layouts of those. So it was like, all the rooms, all the corridors, the outside, the courtyards, the boathouse, the common rooms, etc. Except they would just done this like gray and blue architectural drawings. Everything was to scale inside those rooms, the doors where there were supposed to be, but there was no dressing on them, there was no texture on them, they were just gray.

That gives us our starting point because that lays out Hogwarts for us. Obviously, Hogwarts is a really big part of our game. So that gave us a place. What was really great with that, really early on, we could walk through Hogwarts. It sort of looked like you were walking through an architect’s blueprints, so it looked a little bit odd. But everything was where it was supposed to be and where that is sort of really important, is that we could start to lay out a game play into those rooms. We could start to set up our cameras into those rooms. And we could sort out a lot – 1,001 technical issues.

One of the fantastic things about our games is that we have what we call – really no streaming – no, sorry, fully streams, we have no loading signs. And what’s neat about that is that you can walk from the blueprints – ah, blueprints – the boathouse to the Owlery, and you don’t see a loading screen. That’s kind of cool. And so I guess… And getting that for PS2 is almost unheard of. That doesn’t happen just by magic, obviously. There’s a lot of very boring details into how we actually achieve that. By setting up Hogwarts in a very low resolution fashion enables us to do that. What it means is also those blueprints can go off to our world artists and things like that, and they can then start to actually model all the detail into those. And they have very accurate blueprint of what the room looked like. This kind of a process that I went through is sort of like: I got the blueprint, did the mock ups, start to build, and then everything just – it’s sort of like it gets built, you know, the whole game just builds up respectively on top of…

Jamie: Yeah, so at what stage do you sort of completely abandon drawing and, you know, manual stuff, and you move it all – after you’ve got the blueprints?

Wayne: Yeah, we do it… Yeah, exactly. As we get each blueprint for each room we will immediately start building a computer…

Jamie: Okay.

Wayne: …mock up of it at that point in time. And the game will exist as greyscale. If you’ve seen the game – if you’ve walked to the game say, three months ago, you would’ve seen – a lot of it would have been all lit and textured, but you still would have walked into rooms that would have looked just like three dimensional blueprints, at least. We built the entire castle out of these blueprints and then we just built up each section of it.

Jamie: And how does it work for sort of the owls, or, you know, the characters, or…

Wayne: How do we build those?

Jamie: Yeah.

Wayne: So, they go through a really slightly different process. We sort of get them given to us throughout the year, typically, particularly if it is a new character inside the movie, we have to wait until we get stills of them. Some of the older characters like Harry, we know what they are going to look like. So, the biggest thing we have to wait on is, well, what uniform might he be wearing this year, or what changes might the movie have made to him this year that we recognize. We have, you know, newer characters that appear in the movie that we’ve never, you know, seen before. We have to wait to get photographic reference off of Warner Brothers. And also we – They’re great. They give us a lot of – they help us out a lot like that. So, we sort of wait for that to come through from them. And we just… But they’re built from a relatively high resolution right from the way we go. We don’t sort of sketch them out. We just kind of build them as quickly as we can. We don’t have time to a large extent. Or otherwise – we have an awful lot of characters in this game. I can’t remember the exact ones, but a huge amount. When we get stuff we just build it

Female Interviewer: Wonder if you might mind taking how different from video games and what you have an interest in too?

Wayne: Right. My background is I’ve been at Electronic Arts for – coming on to about two-and-a-half, kind of three years now. Before that I worked in the movie industry for a very long time. I worked for a company in New Zealand called Weta.

Jamie: Who did Lord of the Rings?

Wayne: Yeah, we’ve done Lord of the Rings films. I’ve actually worked out of Weta for a very long time before Lord of the Rings. But I left there for another movie company called P.D.I. DreamWorks, to work with them, then I started moving into the gaming industry. I moved into the gaming industry because it got kind of interesting. And I’ve always played a lot of games. I thought with the next generation hardware and things like that – Xbox 360, PS3 – it was going to become kind of interesting. As it turns out, I discovered I could care less about that. I don’t actually care about the Xbox 360, I don’t care about PS3s. What I discovered – what I probably always knew – is that it’s like anything in life. What really matters is what you are working on. I just really enjoy working on Harry Potter movies. You know? I like the books and stuff like that, you know. I’m a bit of a – I’m a huge Lord of the Rings fan, and a lot of other science fiction type fan. So, I’m also a big Harry Potter-type fan. So, the more I got into making games, the more fun it just became, the actual process of just making a game. And you know what? Making Harry Potter games is a pretty cool thing to be able to do in life. To me, probably making a war game or something wouldn’t be so interesting, but I just happen to like – the fact is, I like castles, as well.

[Female Interviewer laughs]

Wayne: Harry Potter is great. It’s one of the great things about moving to England, of course. All over Europe you have these great castles. I mean, we have a fantastic one here in Gilford. But I got to – you know, I get to make castles. Sort of moving, I don’t see it being that much of a difference between working inside a movie and working inside a game. We’re both just trying to entertain people; we have different ways of doing it. You know? One’s a game, an interactive thing, one’s a movie they set for two, two-and-a-half hours, whatever the movie is. But it’s all about, you know, just really trying to bring this entertainment to somebody, probably where their jobs are. Try and do. Does that answer your question?

Jamie: Thank you.

Female Interviewer: Yes. Do we have anything else?

Jamie: The thing I was going to ask about – the – some of the things like water, and grass, and the trees react brilliantly to the elements and the – you know, the grass sways in the wind, so do the trees and the water looks like it’s shimmering. How do you achieve this?

Wayne: So, I guess I can answer that sort of like – the grass and the trees, for those, you’ll notice that they don’t do that on like the PS2, they only do that the Xbox 360, and on the PS3s. They just simply take advantage of the graphics hardware that’s inside them. What that graphics hardware enables me to do is, if I create a model like this, with the texture – with the texture of a branch on it, what I can do is that model is made up – excuse me [coughs] – of a number of little points, and what I can do in real time is I can actually move those points around, so when you see those things shimmering, all I’m doing is – it’s like everything in life.

It’s like everything from an illusionist on stage to visual effects in a game. It’s just an optical trick. And so it just moves those things around. And if you want to get all – if you can remember your mathematics – it’s a sign wave. I don’t know if you guys remember your mathematics at all, but if you remember a sign wave – I can’t remember it very much but it basically does this. If you ever look at it, that’s what a branch is. And we adjust the speed, and we adjust things like this, but it just moves around. And like everything we try to put it in there so we don’t draw attention to it. It’s just part of it. And the water is done very simply – sorry, very similarly in that it’s just a bunch of optical illusions, but we sort of know what a reflection should look like to your eye. So we cheat things to give you that version of it. And it’s like everything that we do has to be achieved because, you know, in the real world, God has a bit of an easier type of time in that He’s got infinite computing power to make these things look great, so we have to do our best facsimile of that, our best adaptation of that. And incidentally, a lot of the tricks that we use for doing that is very similar to identical to what you would do in visual effects. The same sort of like processes is more common across the industries than you…

Female Interviewer: With the games, obviously, you’ve seen those kind of little touches add to that kind of like ambiance of the world and that whole experience, as well, and it’s all those kind of little details that add together to really give you such an immersive experience, as well.

Wayne: And I can honestly tell you in the next Potter games that will come out after this, you will see more and more of that inside – that we spent a lot of time on this game trying to build up Hogwarts and things like that, and for me, now, when I play through the game, I think, “Man, I want to add this to it, I want to add this to it.” I want to just continue to dress that world, so as we’ve learned more how to do that we just continue to add those background details.

Female Interviewer: I think that was kind of what Harvey was saying earlier. That, you know, if we could, we’d sit there and add more, and more, and more to the game and, you know, timelines and milestones would go out the window…

Wayne: Absolutely.

Female Interviewer: But, you know, this is where, you know, these sort of things that are being learned along the way will kind of go into the next game so, you know, that will progress like that. Okay? You carry on, Jamie, please, carry on.

Jamie: This is more personal, sort of, interest. Where do you think, with these next generation consoles, where do you see computer, you know, video game graphics going? What’s going to happen next? You know, we have the realism. Do you think it’s just going to keep getting more realistic?

Wayne: You know, I sort of don’t know. I think that’s a good question and I honestly don’t know the answer to it. It’s sort of – a lot of people search for the holy grail of photorealism. I don’t see the point. And the reason why I don’t see the point is the point of a gaming console is not to make something photorealistic. The point of a gaming console is to give somebody a great game that they can play and have enjoyment. Now, the style of the game might push that towards realism, but I don’t think every game needs to follow. I play games like Viva Pinata and stuff like that on the 360 that aren’t at all photorealistic that I enjoy. I think we will push towards – we will definitely push towards going more realistic. We’ll push towards making our characters look and talk and act more realistic, but the purpose of that is not just to make them look realistic for their own sake, it’s to try to immerse you in the game more. It’s going to be all for game-play’s sake, is the only reason why we would do that. If I wanted to do something just to make something look realistic as I could, I’d go and buy a camera. Film it. If it isn’t helping out the game and making the game look better, and in our case making our world of Harry Potter look better, it’s very much my own personal opinion. I know people would probably hang me up for saying that.

[Everyone laughs]

Wayne: But it is just personal. It is just personal opinion. It’s just what I look for. I enjoyed making Shrek 2, very not at all photorealistic, as much as I did, say, work on Lord of the Rings or something like that.

Female Interviewer: Okay?

Jamie: Thank you very much.

Wayne: You’re welcome.

Female Interviewer: Thank you so much, Wayne. Appreciate it.

[Everyone laughs]

Interview #2: Game Designer

Designer: I’m a game designer on Harry Potter, and my job is, I work really close with Matt because he’s my creative director. And what I do is work through the whole story of the game, plotted out all the missions, mapped out what all the game-play was, worked on all the game-play mechanics, like the magic and how you do that, how he moves and, basically, turned the story into the levels that you have. And then what my job then, from that point on, is to go through the game and work with all the other designers, and the programmers, and the artists to make sure that everything that we started with is what we get, and also plays well, and kind of an ongoing job. And now at the end, I’m just playing the game and making sure that it’s what we want it to be and solve all the problems, basically.

Jamie: How many hours of testing do you think go into this until it’s done?

Designer: [whistles] Well, we have, what, five embedded testers on the team and then we have, I think, about 70 or 80, and also we have languages testers, as well, to make sure languages are correct. So hundreds of hours…

Jamie: That’s a great deal of people.

Designer: Hundreds of hours. Working shifts towards the end of the game, we have people just covering 24 hour shifts.

Jamie: Literally?

Designer: That they have worked 24 hours. With different groups.

[Everyone laughs]

Designer: That would be Draconian.

Jamie: That would be terrible.

Designer: You’ve got people working a normal day and when they go home somebody works another shift.

Jamie: Do you have to see every single thing in the game? Every single scene?

Designer: Yes, and have to be able to tell Warner Brothers and Christopher Little Agency exactly what everything is so they know we’re not doing anything crazy like Harry Potter robot, you know, they don’t want that. We have to make sure that everything is as it should be.

Jamie: How do you choose missions for the game? Is it – Do you and Matt, sort of, you know, think what would be best for the game, for the people who play it?

Designer: Yes, we do that, but then the other thing that we do do is we get very early access to the movie scripts so that gives us a really good idea of how they’ve broken down the story, so what they think is important in the movie helps us, sort of, figure out where to put our emphasis. It’s not always – it’s not an exact science because there’s changes a lot from the script, but Warner Brothers is great. They give us a lot of support so we get to see a lot of stuff like the concept art and stuff early on so we can sort of get an idea of what things we need, so we can work out – I mean, the first pass you do is you pick what are the major story points, figure out what game-play you want to do in those, and then you also have to think about a whole unified game-play. So how is the game going to play from start to finish? Because you don’t want Harry planning to learn a new thing every five minutes. They never will, they’ll just forget.

Jamie: Yeah.

Designer: So you have to have a set system to figure that out. And we have stuff like, we looked at the D.A. and saw a really good structure. We really have been with all the missions and their personalities, who is giving you the…

Jamie: Choose the sort of game-play after the art mark up is done as well, what do you sort of do?

Designer: Or after and during. Because you can, you know, the game is designed on paper. We do lots of video prototypes and that sort of thing. And, you know, build models, do all that. And then the art starts going in, you see something and everyone is like, “Oh, I really like that. That’s really cool. We could do this.”

Jamie: Yeah.

Designer: Or, “Wow, that fountain’s really cool. We need to figure out a way we can turn it on and off.” It’s a constant process.

Jamie: Favorite part of the game? [laughs]

Designer: I really like the bit I showed you earlier where Draco’s goading Ron about having been taken away and then Ron loses it, tries to cast a spell at Draco, Draco blocks it, and then it all dissolves into a big, massive scrap.

Jamie: It all heats up.

Designer: Yeah. And I really like that. I really love Dumbledore versus Voldemort.

Jamie: Yeah.

Designer: Because it’s likely you are not going to get the chance to play that again, as we’ve found out.

Jamie: What do you think is different, or what have you tried to do different in this game that’s going to appeal to…

Designer: Well, I think what we’ve done is, we’ve looked at the audience that we make the game for, which is Harry Potter fans, primarily. And we’ve tried not to make a super hard core game experience, because we need to really appeal to a broad audience, but we want to make it incredibly rich in content. We don’t want to make a really easy game where you can sink everything in five minutes.

Jamie: Yeah.

Designer: But we want to make a game that isn’t frustrating that has literally tons of stuff to do. Initially, they feel as if they’ve got, you know, too much to do, which I think is really good. And then they can just play it at their own pace. I think if you look at previous Harry Potter games, they’re very puzzle-orientated, very linear. Just bang, bang, bang, bang. And also, they maybe drift a little too far from the story. And so, I think with this one we stick really close and we set out to do Hogwarts, and I think that’s what we did.

Female Interviewer: Guys?

Designer: Any questions?

Female Interviewer: No? Could you possibly just go into a little bit more detail about how you work with Matt?

Designer: Sure.

Female Interviewer: And probably your, kind of, thoughts on the Potter franchise, as well, and how you’ve kind of got into it, and what you thought, say – If you can start with the Matt bit…

Designer: Sure.

Female Interviewer: …and then how you feel about Harry afterwards, that would be good.

Designer: One of the cool things is that I get on really well with Matt, and before I did Harry Potter I worked on a series of games called Burnout. I did those for six years. And I really, I’ve always been a big Harry Potter fan. And I spoke to Matt and he said, “Well, why not Harry Potter? We’ll work together?” And I’m like, “I’ll do that, that sounds awesome.” And then, you know, it’s – And we work very closely. So basically, what we do is we draw out the timeline of the story initially at the start. And we’ll both just throw around ideas, disagree and argue our points. You know? And just say, “Okay, that would make a really good mission.” But he would be, “No, no. Don’t do that.” And Matt, his knowledge of the fiction is very large. And, you know, mine’s pretty big, and we end up having quite a few, sort of, heated discussions…

[Everyone laughs]

Designer: …about what goes in and what doesn’t. We try and sort of, you know, out-geek each other, which is always fun. And then once you’ve done that, we kind of work out how we want to break it down into prototypes. So say, for instance, with the spells and the fighting we actually filmed each other, loads of us, doing spell gestures to see what they would look like.

Jamie: Yeah.

Designer: Because we’re dealing with people, so we may as well film people. And then we filmed corridors with people and watched what would happen if somebody walked down the corridor and how people would react. Because if you look in the game when you’re playing it, you wouldn’t notice it because it’s really subtle. But people in the corridor would look at Harry as he walked passed, and they would do that. If you think about somebody like Harry who is really famous, and he is famous in the school, so if you walk passed, people would look at him. So we looked at that and did lots of prototype stuff for that, which is really cool. And then we worked very closely with the artists to try and figure out how Hogwarts would fit together.

Jamie: Yeah.

Designer: So, initially, we did – we looked at some new designs, and built a map filled with boxes for the locations. So how it would all locate together. So then we live with that for quite a long time. So then I could say, “Okay, to get to D.A.D.A., you go out of the common room, you go down to the third floor, you go down the third floor corridor, across the suspension bridge of the D.A.D.A. tower, and you’re in D.A.D.A.” But if you’re going to Occlumency you go down out of the D.A.D.A. tower, onto the second floor corridor, and then down to the bottom corridor.

Jamie: Yeah.

Designer: So we knew exactly where everything was. And so we built the map in our heads. So then, the artists also lived with it, and then when they were building it they knew how Hogwarts was built. And then we looked at things like the Little Whinging, and we wanted to have a big opening. So we wanted it to have a – we didn’t want it to be long, we just wanted it to be a big moment where the Dementors attack, like the movie does. Almost like that bit in the Bond movie, you know, where you have, like, a three credit sequence, like every action scene. We knew that, fathomed that Grimmauld Place was cool, but we also needed a place where we could teach the player all the basics in the right place to do it. Because Ron is always shooting off spells, and Ginny is younger, and Hermione, you know, is always ready to teach. And also, Harry, at that point, is a little bit nervous about using magic because of the trial, or the upcoming trial. So it just seemed like a really logical point where Harry would get back on the horse. One of the things we have to deal with in every Potter game is, we have to teach the player how to use spells that Harry actually, fictionally…

Jamie: Knows already.

Designer: …knows already.

Jamie: Yeah.

Designer: So we have to always come up with some sort of reasonable way of doing that. And then we go back at Christmas to Grimmauld Place for no other reason than for the fans. Loads of fan stuff. So you can find some things that will be important, and you can look at the Black Family Tree, you can go there after the Weasleys are there, after the accident and you just get to walk around. Just as guests at – would walk around a place, and you can leave whenever you want. And basically, we’ve set it up so then, as the missions get bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and the fights get bigger and bigger, and then once you get to the Ministry of Magic, you get to play with Sirius and you get to play as Dumbledore and fight Voldemort with Occlumency.

Jamie: You mentioned you worked on other games, Burnout?

Designer: Yes.

Jamie: How does the Harry Potter experience sort of differ from every other game? Are there any sort of…

Designer: I think there’s a lot of similarities in the way games are made, but one thing I really love about working on Harry Potter, is it’s a really specific audience. You know who you’re making the game for. I think one thing with games is sometimes game developers can be a little selfish and make the game for themselves. And I think it was really nice to have as much contact with the people who buy the games. Speaking to you guys have been really good, and loads of focus testing, stuff like that. All the way through this game we’ve had kids of various ages in playing the game. That, for me, is great, because I have to react to what people want.

[Someone coughs]

Female Interviewer: I have something to add into that – is constantly on the forums, I think in a sense that every single person in here, what’s happening on fansite forums and, you know, and early on in the process as well, about what we wanted, what you guys wanted in the game. And a lot of it, as well, was kind of validation, because a lot of points, we kind of had an idea of what was going in.

Designer: Mhm.

Female Interviewer: But it was just really great to see what was coming up on the forums, what people wanted and be able to check it back and go, “Yeah, we were on the right track.” We know we’re on the right track, this is what people want. We really believe that we are really on track to deliver something that, you know, is what people are after.

Designer: We’d have been really worrying if we can’t have the fansites. And if nothing we were doing were on those, we’d have been, “Oh, no!” But it was a case of, “Yes!” We think we’re in the right place. Just going back to what you said earlier, working on other games. Forums for games in general are usually bitter, twisted, nasty places. Whereas, you know, this has been an entirely useful, you know, useful forums like – we’ve looked at just great feedback, basically. It’s not always positive, but it’s helpful, and it’s just great.

Female Interviewer: And a lot of the patrons were actually really constructive, as well, weren’t they?

Designer: Yeah.

Female Interviewer: Really, really constructive. Like you said, there was no kind of negativity, nastiness. It was all like, people really genuinely…

Designer: Wanted to help.

Female Interviewer: …wanted to help. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


Written by: Micah, Briana, Christina, Cindy, Haley, Hannah, Jessalyn, Jessica, Jessie, Karen, Laura, Leah, Luke, Margaret, Marya, Matt, Meredith, Rebeca, Samantha, Sapna, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #89

MuggleCast 89 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: How do you do, MuggleCast listeners? Domain names from are up to 70 percent less than the competition. Plus, each domain includes free hosting with a website builder, a free blog, complete email and much more. Plus as a listener of MuggleCast, enter code Ron-that’s R-O-N- when you check out and get your dot-com domain name for just $6.95 a year. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: Today’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. It won’t be long before the much-anticipated release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Do you have your mind made up about where Severus Snape’s loyalties lie? Do you think he’ll betray Harry and his friends, or will he help them to triumph over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Find out more about this complex character in the hot, new book The Great Snape Debate available only at Borders. Remember to reserve Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at Borders and save 40 percent.

[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because call-ins are fun, this is MuggleCast Episode 89 for 05-06-07. Oooh.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: Hi, everyone, welcome back to another episode of the show. Mikey’s here with us this week. Hey, Mikey.

Mikey: Hey, everybody.

Andrew: We’re missing a couple people this week. We came up short-handed. Let’s see, what are the excuses this week? Jamie is…

Mikey: Sleeping.

Andrew: …busy with school and sleeping. Eric got called into work. Kevin has to study for finals. And Laura, I don’t – anyone know what Laura is doing tonight? Micah, do you know?

Micah: Not a clue. Working. Working, maybe?

Andrew: Her away message says, “Out.” No, I don’t think she was supposed to be working today.

Micah: Maybe she’s going to see Spiderman.

Andrew: It is a Friday night. I mean, I know that usually we don’t do much on Friday nights, us co-hosts, but maybe she has plans. Anyway, today is our special call-in show about the Order of the Phoenix film. There’s been a lot of developments lately and we want to get your feedback on everything. So, for the next hour, we’re going to be taking everyone’s calls, so I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

[Intro music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the MuggleCast news center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Hey, Micah.

Micah: All right, thanks, Andrew.

A new interview conducted by SciFi Magazine quotes Order of the Phoenix Director David Yates confirming that he will direct Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. He said,

“I am doing ‘Half-Blood Prince,’ and I’m doing it because I love the world, I love the characters,” the BAFTA-winning director said in an interview. “I think I have more business with this world and these characters.”

We’re still waiting for official word from Warner Brothers. David has been rumored for quite some time to be directing the sixth film. As of right now, Warner Brothers is giving a “no comment” on the story. However, this story has not been deemed as being inaccurate.

The Los Angeles Times has a new article on the Order of the Phoenix movie, quoting director David Yates, Dan Radcliffe, and Emma Watson.

Emma mentions that Yates is perfect for this film: “I don’t know if he could have directed any of the other ones. This was his story to tell.”

Also, in an article previewing some of this summer’s movies, USA Weekend writes about how Luna Lovegood actress, Evanna Lynch, made her own radish earrings for use in the film. Oh, she’s so talented.

And there are also several brand-new promotional posters featuring Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix actors. You can check out all of those screenshots over on

Framestore CFC, a firm which works on some of the special effects seen in the Harry Potter movies, has updated its site with some information on the Order of the Phoenix film, including that there will be over 100 centaurs.

They said, “We have been hard at work on some of the film’s most demanding beings, including over 100 centaurs, a house-elf named Kreacher, the return of Fawkes the Phoenix and assorted magical effects. In addition, we are creating the films title sequence for the first time.”

In other news, Dale Neuschwander who worked as a student teacher in Wydean School, which J.K. Rowling attended, has spoken about how she was “extremely intelligent.” Jo was 13 at the time, and Dale says:

“She got straight As and A-pluses in creative writing. I do recall an extensive vocabulary for one so young. I was also amused by her witty use of informal language in essays; slang and regionalisms. She has a good sense of humor.”

Finally, Scholastic has updated their bookseller information page with a page count of 816 pages for the U.S. Special Edition of Deathly Hallows. A description, which has been available for sometime, explains what the extra 32 pages will hold.

That’s all the news for this May 6th, 2007 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: All right. Thank you, Micah.

Micah: No problem.

Andrew: Micah, you know we get all this news last week, all the Order of the Phoenix developments, and then this week has been a little slow.

Micah: It has been slow. I’m not going to lie.

Andrew: There has been some pretty good news. David Yates is confirmed to be directing Half-Blood Prince. No word yet on if that’s good news or not because we haven’t seen the fifth film. But Mikey, what do you think about this? Is this a good sign? Does this show that WB is confident?

Mikey: I think it does. Also, you know, I’m really excited for Order of the Phoenix. I really am. So hopefully, if Warner Brothers says that he can do number six also, five should be pretty good then.

Andrew: Yeah. What were your thoughts on the trailer?

Mikey: Oh, man. Both trailers: the International and the U.S. release. As soon as I got the U.S. release trailer, I downloaded the 1080p version.

Andrew: Yeah, there you go. [laughs]

Mikey: It was wonderful watching that. I actually saw the trailer last night in the theater with Spiderman 3.The midnight showing.

Andrew: Oooh. Oooh.

Mikey: The Order of the Phoenix trailer is on there.

Andrew: Awesome. That must be so good to see in theaters.

Mikey: [laughs] It was pretty funny, the minute it came on I was like, “Aww, it’s Harry Potter,” and instantly these group of girls behind me heard me say that and said, [imitates girly scream] “Ahh!”

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: And, of course, everyone is like [lower voice] “Harry, the weather’s changing again,” but it was like, all girls screaming. I was like, “Yeah, okay. I’m excited too, but I don’t want anyone to know.”

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Andrew: All right, I just thought of a listener challenge for this show. I did this last time. I did this for the Goblet of Fire trailer. We all know everyone’s going to go see Spiderman 3 this weekend, or sometime this week. When you go see the film, at the end of the trailer, just yell out, “MuggleNet-dot-com!” And film it and then put it on YouTube and then…

Ben: Link us to it.

Andrew: Link us to it, and that will be my listener challenge for this week. People who do it get a free t-shirt.

Mikey: Very cool.

Andrew: A free MuggleCast t-shirt, yeah.


Mikey: Oh, by the way, sorry to interrupt you.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: But I saw, since I was at the iMax theater for it, they did mention that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in iMax 3-D. So, yes.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I’m excited for that. That’s where I’ll be seeing it.

Andrew: The last twenty minutes in 3-D. Now, I’m confused by this whole thing, Mikey. What does 3-D mean? Do you wear…

Ben: Googles, probably.

Mikey: You actually wear 3-D glasses. You actually wear the goggles.

Andrew: Ohhh.

Mikey:I saw Superman Returns in 3-D at the iMax theater. It’s pretty awesome. The iMax team does a – there’s actually – you can probably search on YouTube right now for the Superman Returns iMax special they had. It was a 15 minute little thing, and they talk about how they take the 2-D stuff that they saw on film and make it 3-D and it – truthfully, Superman Returns looked amazing. I could only imagine how those last 20 minutes…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: You know, the battle at the Ministry, Dumbledore and Voldemort. I just…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I’m like, wow.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: It’s going to be – if you have an iMax theater near your, check it out in iMax. I cannot tell you how awesome it is. I saw 300 in iMax, Superman Returns.

Andrew: Oh, wow.

Mikey: All those really cool things in iMax, so check it out.

Andrew: Awesome.

Mikey: And it is in 3-D. So, yeah. I’m excited.

Andrew: That is going to – that scene – that ending scene: Voldemort vs. Dumbledore in the trailer looks amazing, you know, not in 3-D, so I can just not imagine. You’ll be so immersed in that scene.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: Awww, man.

Andrew: Awesome.

Mikey: You’re going to be – It’s like “Avada Kedavra!” and you’re going to duck because it’s going to be coming out at you.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: You’ll be like, “Oh, no! Ah! I don’t want to die!”

David Yates Directing HBP

Andrew: Yeah, so. Looking forward to that. Micah, Ben, your thoughts on David Yates taking over Half-Blood Prince?

Ben: Sounds good to me. I mean, I don’t know, I haven’t seen – It’s hard to tell.

Andrew: Right. Tough to say.

Ben: And he may be able to handle the material in Half-Blood Prince better than he did in Order of the Phoenix. So, we don’t really know.

Andrew: Yeah. I’m excited just because we haven’t had the same director direct two films since Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets.

Mikey: Columbus.

Andrew: Chris Columbus, yeah. So, I really think that will make a difference in Half-Blood Prince since he’s going to be on for a second time. He’s going to know what to do differently, and all that, after he gets feedback about Order of the Phoenix.

Micah: I don’t know, though. I didn’t really feel that Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince were necessarily tied together very strongly.

Andrew: No, but I just mean filming-wise, cinematically – if that’s a word. Just with shooting it, just with the Hogwarts grounds. Just with, you know, just with the overall feel, I think. They’re both dark.

Micah: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s all that matters.

Mikey: Yeah.

Too Much Revealed In The Trailer?

Micah: With the trailer – I know I was saying to you. If you’re not the average book-reader and you see this trailer, don’t you guys think it gave a little bit too much away?

Mikey: I think it shows that it’s an action-packed film. I think the fact that they started off with the weather changing and then you see the Dementors, and then you have the Umbridge thing and the twins. It just shows that this whole movie is going to have action throughout the whole thing. Whether you read the books or not, you’re going to enjoy this just because it’s going to be a summer blockbuster. So…

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Mikey: Kind of like other movies that are coming out.

Spiderman 3

Andrew: Yeah. Hopefully it won’t be as big of a disappointment as Spiderman 3. I’m seeing it tonight, but Mikey, you weren’t very thrilled about it. Did you want to touch on that?

Mikey: Well, no. Peter Parker becomes a little Emo. I kind of was like, “Oh man, he just needs to put a red tie on with that black suit and black shirt.”

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: “And he’s flat out of, how many bands do that?”

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: But you know what? There’s actually a clip on YouTube, I’m not going to say. My roommate posted it. But there’s a scene where Peter Parker’s just strutting down the way. And right away, I just started thinking, Saturday Night Fever.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: My roommate has it up on YouTube. Search for it. It’s “Spiderman Saturday Night Fever.” It’s amazing. It’s put to the music of the Bee Gees. It’s pretty awesome.

Andrew: Awesome.

Mikey: Because you’re just going to laugh when you see it. Because you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s ridiculous.

Andrew: You did show me. [laughs] It’s pretty good.

Pickle Pack

Andrew: Any other news that we want to talk about this week before we get to the call-in part of the show?

Ben: Pickle Pack?

Andrew: Nothing really.

Ben: Pickle Pack?

Mikey: I’m a Pickle Pack member.

Andrew: Oh yeah. Let’s…

Mikey: I think it’s amazing, guys. You should join. [laughs]

Andrew: Well, let’s get into that. Mikey, you’re a Pickle Pack member? Are you?

Mikey: I’m a Pickle Pack member. You guys should all get it. It’s amazing. I logged in today, actually, just to see what was posted. I’m a little sad, there’s no Ben content yet. But Micah posted. So…

Andrew: Yeah, Ben posts on Saturdays, and we started Pickle Pack this past Sunday.

Mikey: Okay. So, Ben, I’m going to be checking tomorrow, you know. [laughs]

Andrew: So, he’ll have his blickle up this Saturday.

Ben: Well, you be ready.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I’m going to expect something in there, you know. Okay. No, seriously, people. Pickle Pack, it’s awesome. I even got it. Don’t know why, but I did!

[Andrew and Mikey laugh]

Mikey: It’s pretty cool, I think. And the shirts are just absolutely wonderful. Watch the little video of Andrew and his brother.

Ben: So cute.

Mikey: Wearing the t-shirt around…

Ben: So cute.

Mikey: Isn’t his brother – his brother is so cute.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Why are you you, Andrew? Your brother is so much better looking.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: How did you end up like that? Yeah, really.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I know, seriously.

Andrew: Sorry. I mean…

Mikey: Were you dropped on your face, you know? Smashed in a door?

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I don’t know.

Andrew: Starting next week, Ryan Sims hosts MuggleCast. Now this is, for anyone who doesn’t know, this is our new membership to MuggleCast which will get you lots of bonus content about the show. And then we also do video blogs, which we’re calling Blickles: a cross between blog and pickle. And we’ve been getting a few questions I want to answer. First, where did the whole joke of “pickle” come from? I went into the MuggleCast archives, and I pulled up the clip that started it all. Here it is now.

Andrew: Hello, Potter pickles! [laughs] Welcome back to…

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: …the show. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull. [at the same time as Jamie]

Laura: And I’m Laura Thompson.

Eric: Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.

Andrew: And this is the show where we bring you the latest in ‘Harry Potter’ news, theories, discussions, ummm…

Jamie: And some other stuff as well.

Andrew: Plumpy pickles, and much more. [laughs]

Jamie: [laughs] Plumpy?

Andrew: [laughing] But before we go anywhere else, a tasty pickle by the name of Micah Tannenbaum is over at the MuggleCast news center with the latest ‘Harry Potter’ news stories.

So, that’s how it all started. Really stupid, it makes no sense. But since Episode 54 when I made that little joke on the show, we sort of just started referencing it. Now it’s a membership name. A couple other questions. All content will be available to you, no matter when you buy. So, say you purchase Pickle Pack today, the stuff from last week that we put up there will still be online. So, you’ll still get everything. And your membership will last for 365 days, not just until the end of 2007. And you have until June 16th to sign up. So, sign up today. Ben, how can they do that?

Ben: Sign up by going to And, first and foremost, you must register for a MuggleNet news commenting account. And once you do that, then you can log in, pay the amount, support the show. Then you have your content.

Andrew: Awesome.

Ben: And speaking of content, occasionally we like to offer Pickle Pack members a little incentive. And this week’s call-in show, the Pickle Pack members have their own time slot to talk to us.

Mikey: Oooh.

Andrew: Yeah, we posted on that we would start taking calls at 8 o’clock, but we’re actually going to start taking calls a half hour earlier for Pickle Pack members. Only they knew that. And I have quite a few of them calling right now. So, are you guys ready to get into the talk?

Ben: Let’s do it.

Mikey: Well, I’d just like to say, since I’m a Pickle Pack member, that’s why I’m here…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …already, guys.

Andrew: [laughs] That’s why you’re…

Mikey: Just so you know.

Andrew: He’s our guest host this week.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Just so you know. Pickle Pack, guys? It’s the best, what was it, $30.00 I spent on it?

Andrew: $30.00 for a year.

Mikey: It was amazing, you guys.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Honestly, I love it. I’m excited. I can’t wait until my t-shirt comes. It’s going to be awesome.

Call: Tonks Portrayed In OOTP

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Stacey.

Stacey: Hi!

Andrew: Hi!

Mikey: Hi!

Stacey: [laughing] Hi!

Andrew: Stacey is our first caller for the day. Congrats, Stacey!

Stacey: Thank you. Oh my gosh, this is so cool.

Andrew: Stacey, we were just talking about Pickle Pack. And you, I’ve seen you around on Pickle Pack before.

Stacey: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: You are a member.

Stacey: This is too cool.

Andrew: How are you enjoying it?

Stacey: I absolutely love it. It’s so awesome.

Andrew: [laughs] Cool.

Mikey: That’s exactly what I said.

[Andrew and Stacey laugh]

Mikey: I said I love it. I love it. I’m so happy I joined.

[Andrew laughs]

Stacey: I love it. Yeah. So worth the $30.00. I mean, so worth it.

Andrew: Awesome. Awesome. Now, Stacey, you got a question or thought about the film?

Stacey: Yeah. I wanted to ask you what you guys thought of the actress who is playing Tonks. Like, what was your first impression about her looks? Like, with the pictures and stuff. Because she really doesn’t look like the Tonks that I really imagined, you know, for me.

Andrew: Yeah. Her purple hair is very…

Ben: Purple?

Andrew: …purple. [laughs]

Stacey: Yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: It’s violet…

Andrew: Well, purple…

Mikey: Guys, I’m re-reading Order of the Phoenix right now, it’s violet hair.

Andrew: Ooh.

Mikey: It was a violent shade of violet.

Stacey: Aha.

Mikey: Come on, guys.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, I guess that would make sense. It is, it is…

Ben: Nice use of alliteration there.

Mikey: Exactly. Well, that’s what it says, I actually just read that chapter this morning before I went to work.

[Andrew laughs]

Stacey: Well, that makes sense.

Mikey: So, I can really say I remember that, but yeah.

Andrew: So, well…

Stacey: I just…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Stacey: I just hope the movie captures her klutziness and it just like – her goofiness…

Andrew: Yeah.

Stacey: …because that’s what I love about Tonks is how goofy and klutzy she is.

Andrew: Right, right.

Stacey: I can relate to it. So – [laughs] But I just want to know what you guys thought of the actress, and…

Andrew: I don’t know, we’ve got to see her. [laughs]

Mikey: Yeah.

Stacey: [laughs] It’s true. It’s hard.

Mikey: I haven’t really seen her in anything else really, so I couldn’t say as an actress, what I know about her.

Stacey: Yeah, yeah.

Mikey: From what I’ve seen in the pictures, you know, she’s passable. Until we actually see the movie…

Stacey: Yeah.

Mikey: ….I couldn’t give you like a, you know, I don’t want to say something and then a month later be like, “Oh, man, she was horrible,” which I highly doubt she is. She’s probably going to be wonderful…

Stacey: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …and I’m going to be regretting I even mentioned that, but you know, who knows?

[Andrew laughs]

Stacey: Yeah.

Mikey: I just want the, I just want the…

Stacey: You just have to wait until the movie comes out.

Mikey: …spikey pink hair. I just want spikey pink hair.

[Ben laughs]

Stacey: Yeah.

Mikey: So, I want that to show up, you know, I haven’t seen any pictures with that hair, so, hopefully…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …it’s there.

Stacey: Yeah, I’m really excited about seeing how she portrays Tonks in the movies.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, sort of on the same subject, we’re also seeing another female actress, the actress who’s playing Bellatrix.

Stacey: Uh huh.

Andrew: Bellatrix looks fantastic.

Stacey: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: Fantastic.

Stacey: She’s so scary.

Andrew: She’s crazy, I love it!

Stacey: [laughs] Yeah, I love it! It’s awesome.

Andrew: And the new promotional picture that – the poster that came out today, one of the new ones with Sirius. It also has a smaller picture of Bellatrix in there. Oh, she looks great.

Stacey: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Can’t wait. Good stuff.

Stacey: I’m so excited.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, Stacey, we have a few other Pickle Pack members calling right now, so we’re going to get in touch with them.

Stacey: Awesome, awesome.

Andrew: Thank you for becoming a member, and thanks for coming on today.

Stacey: Yeah, thank you for taking my call.

Andrew: No problem. See you.

Stacey: Bye.

Ben: Bye.

Call: Poster Taglines

[Phone rings]

Ben: What’s up?

Female Caller: Hi, is this Kevin and Ben?

Andrew: No…

Mikey: Oh, no.

Andrew: …this is Andrew and Ben. [laughs] Close, though.

Mikey: It’s all right, we wish it was Kevin, we wish it was Kevin…

Female Caller: [laughs] I’m so sorry, Andrew.

Mikey: …but it’s not, it’s Andrew.

Andrew: [laughs] And Mikey.

Female Caller: I’m sorry.

Andrew: And Micah.

Female Caller: Yes, I heard that Rupert called you…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Female Caller: What did he call you?

Andrew: Meekah.

Micah: Meekah.

[Andrew laughs]

Female Caller: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, that was funny. [laughs]

Ben: Yeah. Ah, that’s awesome.

Andrew: Hey, well, thanks for calling in today. You’re a Pickle Pack member, I assume, because you called in early.

Female Caller: Yes.

Andrew: Are you enjoying it?

Ben: What do you think of it?

Female Caller: Actually, I really like it. I was a little skeptical at first…

Andrew: Mhm.

Female Caller: …and – but I decided because I love you guys.

Andrew: Awww, well, thank you.

Female Caller: Yes, and I really like the Blickles.

Andrew: Oh, good. Do you like the name? [laughs] Blickles?

Female Caller: Yes.

Mikey: It’s ridiculous, you do realize that, but I love them.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I love them.

Ben: Yeah, the name is pretty – pretty weak.

Andrew: [laughs] Pretty weak? By weak, you mean awesome. Hey, well, do you have a question about the film or some thoughts on it?

Female Caller: I love the trailer.

Andrew: Mhm.

Female Caller: The most recent one. I think, especially the ending scenes with the Ministry, I just think are going to kick some serious butt.

Andrew: Yeah.

Female Caller: I think that’s sort of what we’re all waiting for, is that confrontation at the end with Dumbledore. It’ll be interesting to see when – you know that part when Voldemort gets a little quiet time with Harry and is saying, “You will lose everything”? I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

Female Caller: …I don’t remember that…

Andrew: “You will lose everything.” Yeah.

Female Caller: Yeah. It’ll be interesting to see that tied on, you know, how it gets quiet.

Andrew: Yeah.

Female Caller: I don’t remember it being very quiet in the book.

Andrew: Yeah, well, what do you guys think about all these tag lines, actually? Like the, “You will lose everything,” and “The rebellion begins”? I think they’re all pretty nice.

Mikey: I’m a little…

Ben: I don’t know.

Andrew: Not a fan?

Mikey: …kind of sad about that. Of – the Hermione one, I’m a little sad about.

Ben: I’m not too big of a fan.

Andrew: What’s the Hermione one say?

Mikey: The something rebellion – I don’t know. I read it and I was just like, “That doesn’t really fit, I don’t think.”

Micah: But they’re trying to sell the movie.

Female Caller: I think Hermione says, “It’s good to be” – “it feels good to be rebellious,” or something.

Andrew: Oh, on the poster it says, “The only way is rebellion.” Yeah, that’s kind of lame.

Mikey: Yeah.

Female Caller: Oh, right, right. Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, I thought they could’ve came up with something a little more witty for her, because I think Ron’s is with Lucius, it’s like, “No one can protect you,” and it’s like, all right, I can see that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: “You will lose” – or, “Only one can survive” is Harry. And then “Take a last stand” is – what do you call it? – Sirius and Bellatrix. Those all make really good sense, but, “The only way is rebellion”? I’m like, “Eh.”

Andrew: “Evil must be confronted” is on Evanna’s – sorry, Luna’s poster.

Mikey: Which is really good.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Sorry, I just knocked my headset off my head.

Andrew: That’s all right.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] What are you doing over there, Ben?

Female Caller: I’m wondering where they’re getting these lines because you’re right. A lot of these taglines aren’t even from the books if I’m not mistaken.

Micah: They’re all creative marketing. I think that’s what it is. It’s just to sell the movie.

Female Caller: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s to scare people, too, I think.

Micah: I don’t like…

Mikey: It’s the same thing with “You will lose everything.”

Micah: Yeah, I don’t like that.

Ben: I think the only cool one they’ve ever came up with was “Something wicked this way comes” from Macbeth. That was pretty sweet, I thought.

Mikey: I agree with that one one hundred percent. That one was awesome.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. But hey, we’ve got a lot of people calling in right now, so we’re going to let you go and get another Pickle Pack member in here.

Female Caller: Okay, well good job. I’m really enjoying it, you guys.

Andrew: All right, well, thank you.

Call: Book Details Cut From The Movie

[Phone rings]

Andrew: JJ.

JJ: Hi, Andrew.

Andrew: What is up?

JJ: Oh, I’m sorry I’m being a pesky, pesky person. Thank you so much for setting up my Pickle Pack account.

Andrew: Hey, anytime.

JJ: Oh, I’ve enjoyed it so much.

Andrew: Oh good.

JJ: So, what’s going on with you guys, is everybody – oh, there’s Ben…

Ben: Ben’s here.

Andrew: Ben.

JJ: Oh my goodness.

Andrew: Micah.

JJ: Awww! I feel so special. I downloaded Skype just to do this.

Andrew: And Mikey. [laughs]

Ben: You should feel special. Where are you from?

JJ: I am right outside where Laura lives in Alpharetta, Georgia. She’s like five exits up highway 400 from me.

Andrew: Oh. That’s kind of scary, actually.

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: I’ve used that joke already. [laughs]

Mikey: Do you visit her at Target?

Ben: So, you live in Alfredo, Georgia?

JJ: Alpharetta! Alpharetta!

Ben: Oh, okay. Alpharetta. Okay, sorry.

JJ: Alfredo, that would be pretty cool, though.

Ben: Well, just like Cumming, that’s not the best name for a town.

[Andrew laughs]

JJ: No. No, no, they didn’t.

Andrew: So, what’s up JJ? Got any thoughts about the film?

JJ: Well, I screamed when I saw all three of the trailers.

Andrew: Mhm.

JJ: Everybody else did.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Like, everyone.

Ben: Me too.

JJ: My little concern was, though, when I saw the international trailer, and I guess it’s the shot right before Hogsmeade where you kind of see the dark mark and the ghost cloudy things, and you have the voice over that says, “The dark lord approaches.” I’m guessing that’s an audio segment clip from the prophecy, but my concern is, just in the matter of fact – to tone down the film and make it easier to write for the film, are they going to cut things out of the prophecy?

Andrew: Haven’t we heard something already that the prophecy’s been changed? It was changed, wasn’t it?

Ben: Well, it was changed in Movie 3 with Trelawney, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did it again.

JJ: Well, that’s really disappointing because, you know, basically the focus on Book 6 is the prophecy, and that’s upsetting. Ohhh.

Andrew: Yeah.

JJ: Okay.

Andrew: I don’t know. It’s weird because the prophecy seems like one of those easy things that could be kept untouched.

JJ: Yeah! I mean it’s like five lines!

Andrew: Right.

JJ: Oh, shoot. What do you think they are going to cut out?

Andrew: Micah, any ideas? Well, they’re going to cut out – do you mean just in the film in general?

JJ: Yeah.

Andrew: I mean one thing they’re changing is – we’ve talked about this – is Cho Chang being the one to rat out Harry and the rest of Dumbledore’s Army.

JJ: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: Which is silly.

JJ: That’s retarded.

Micah: It’s not silly, though. It follows – you can create more of a story with that than you could with some no-name character ratting them out.

Ben: Yeah, that’s true.

JJ: Yeah, I guess so, because you can kind of go in further depth of Cho and Harry and why they broke up.

Micah: They built up her character in Goblet of Fire, and now they can take her in Order of the Phoenix and sort of use her, in a way. So, I’m not as big of a critic about that as maybe changing the prophecy.

JJ: Yeah, that’s my number one big thing is – I mean, I’ll live without the line, “Give her hell from us, Peeves” from Fred and George, which is one of my favorite lines. I can live without that, but I’ll kind of be sad if they change the prophecy.

Andrew: See, a lot of people can’t live without that. I’ve been seeing a lot of feedback to the MuggleCast e-mail saying that – everyone’s saying stuff like, “Oh, we just got to have the ‘Give her hell from us, Peeves!’ line because it’s such a great line!” and it really is.

JJ: It really is.

Mikey: But we haven’t seen Peeves.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Mikey: See, Peeves, they’re not going to introduce him right now. It wouldn’t make sense.

JJ: Yeah, it makes total sense. Ohhh.

Andrew: Oh, well, that’s upsetting. I mean, it’s going to be upsetting, however, I think we’re all going to be so blown away by the movie that we won’t even care about the changes.

Mikey: I’ll see it in 3-D.

[Andrew laughs]

JJ: Yeah, awesome.

Mikey: It’s gonna be amazing. It’s going to be like, “Woah!”

JJ: Oh, if there was only an iMax. Me and Laura have this one little predicament where the nearest iMax to us is like 20 miles away. Thirty miles.

Andrew: Oh, really?

Mikey: That’s like 40 minutes; you guys can do it! That’s not far at all.

Andrew: Not too bad.

Ben: Yeah, that’s not far.

Andrew: Alright, well…

Ben: Have Laura pick you up.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

JJ: Yes, go Laura. Laura, if you’re out there, pick me up!

Andrew: [laughs] We’ll let her know. Hey, thanks for calling today. We’re going to get to some other callers now. We’re getting a lot of Pickle Pack members calling in.

JJ: Thanks so much, guys. Oh, I love the show. Pickles for all.

Andrew: [laughs] Thank you. Buh-bye.

Call: The Wii And The Ministry

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Andy.

Andy: Hey, what’s up, guys?

Andrew: What’s up, buddy?

Andy: Not much, been watching the trailer way too much.

Andrew: Oh, well, that’s good because we’re talking about it today.

Ben: Yeah. But first, Andy, buddy. Where are you from and how old are you?

Andy: I’m 24, I’m from Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Andrew: Allentown. Hey, Billy Joel wrote a song about Allentown. [laughs]

Andy: [laughs] Yeah. Not a big fan though.

Andrew: Awww. [laughs] Hang up.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: [singing] In the middle of the night…

Andrew: I’ve been walkin’ in the… [laughs] All right, anyway, what’s on your mind today?

Andy: I don’t know, I’ve been playing Spiderman all day on the Wii, so Harry Potter’s been in the back my head.

Ben: Okay, tell me, how cool is Wii Bowling?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: [laughs] Are we back to Wii Bowling here?

[Andrew laughs]

Andy: I actually got a perfect game.

Mikey: Really?

Ben: Oh, whatever, you are just trying to brag.

Andrew: Yeah, you liar.

Ben: You’re trying to brag in front of the audience.

Andy: I swear to God. It e-mails you and tells you. If there was some way I could I prove it to you guys – If I could take a picture and give it to you guys, I will.

Mikey: Wait, wait. Hold on Andy, here. Did you find the cheat?

Andy: No, no, no.

Mikey: Did you find where you can always get a strike? Because it’s really easy to get a perfect game once you know how to do that.

[Andrew laughs]

Andy: All right, I’m caught.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Ohhh.

Mikey: I’m just saying it’s pretty easy once you figure out the cheat, and it’s all over the internet telling you how to get a perfect game. I’m just asking.

Andrew: [laughs] I did not know that, but hey, guys, we’re recording a Harry Potter podcast, so… [laughs]

Mikey: Oh, yes.

Andrew: Andy, do you have any thoughts about the film?

Andy: I mean, it’s going to be amazing we all know that, obviously.

Andrew: Yeah.

Andy: I don’t know what else to say. I’ve been listening to the last podcast. It’s so long. I don’t know what I can actually add to this.

Andrew: Yeah, I mean is there anything really bugging you about the film from what you’ve seen so far?

Andy: No, I’ve been watching it in my HD mode, and I’ve been pausing it a lot and going back and forth, and I really like the part where Harry is walking into the Ministry. Everybody else is kind of rushing in with him. I mean, it’s just going to be a really good scene if we actually get to see it in the theaters.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: You should be a MuggleCast host. I like the way you talk.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: I like the way you think.

Andy: Thanks, Ben.

Andrew: Well, Andy, we’re going to get to some other calls now, unless you have any other thoughts about the film.

Andy: Oh, I totally understand. The game for the Wii is going to be amazing.

Andrew: Oh, definitely, definitely. Absolutely.

Andy: But yeah, man. Thanks for taking my call.

Andrew: No problem. We will talk to you again soon.

Andy: Take it easy, guys. Pickle Pack rocks.

Andrew: Thanks.

Ben: Yeah, see ya.

Mikey: Yes.

Andy: [laughs] Later.

MuggleCast 89 Transcript (continuted)

Call: “Look At Me!” Quote

[Phone rings]

Eva: Hi.

Andrew: Hi, did I get your name right? Is it Eva?

Eva: Yes, you did actually.

Andrew: Oh, it’s a miracle.

Ben: What’s up, girlfriend?

Andrew: Pickle Pack member, I assume?

Eva: Yes, I am.

Andrew: Awesome, awesome. How are you enjoying it?

Eva: So, great. It’s already worth the $30.00, and I haven’t even gotten the t-shirt yet.

Andrew: Oh, wow. Geez. [laughs] We’ve been getting a lot of good feedback about this. I’m very happy. So, what’s your thoughts on the Order of the Phoenix film?

Eva: Well, no one’s discussed this yet, but I was wondering when Harry says, “Look at me,” it’s in both trailers. And then Voldemort opens his eyes – that’s from Goblet of Fire.

Andrew: It’s a clip from…

Eva: A shot. It’s in the international trailer.

Andrew: Oh, so wait…

Eva: So, like…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Eva: It’s at 1:51, the time.

Andrew: So, do you actually hear Harry saying – or do you see him saying this too?

Eva: Yeah, he just yells “Look at me!” and then there’s a shot of Voldemort really quick where he opens his eyes. It’s at 1:51 in the international trailer.

Andrew: Hmmm. That is interesting I can’t get it up right now, but…

Eva: I have no idea what that is about, no one’s discussed – I’ve never heard anyone discuss it yet.

Mikey: Hold on, I’m looking it up right now. It looks like – I kind of always assumed this was in the – with Snape in the – because the room, the lighting and everything.

Andrew: I was just thinking that, yeah.

Mikey: It looks like he’s sweating and working on Occlumency.

Eva: Oh, yeah.

Mikey: So, I think he’s yelling, “Look at me!” to Snape because that’s maybe after – I don’t know. Maybe him and Snape – That’s when they have their fight. I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s a good idea. I mean, he could be talking to a lot people. He could be talking to Ron or Hermione in one of their little arguments or…

Eva: Yeah.

Andrew: …he could even be talking to Dumbledore.

Mikey: Oh, no yeah, it actually looks like Dumbledore’s room after Dumbledore is kind of trying to – after the whole – after Sirius’ death.

Eva: Oh, man. I hope they keep that. That would be great.

Mikey: Wow, no, because he looks all angry and distraught and he is all-caps Harry right there.

Eva: [laughs] Yes, he is.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: You know, I’m looking at this international trailer now, and I just saw Voldemort’s suit, and I saw a suit all black like that at this place I went to go get my Prom vest…

[Eva laughs]

Micah: Tuxedo?

Andrew: Prom tux, exactly. And I was seriously considering going all black and then taking a picture for MuggleCast because…

Eva: Oh, you should totally do it.

Andrew: …that suit is so cool.

Eva: It really is, it suits him.

Andrew: It – hey!

Ben: Literally.

Mikey: Hey, you know what?

Andrew: Pun intended.

Mikey: Andrew, if you get that suit, we can also Photoshop out your nose, and you’ll be…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …just like Ralph Fiennes there.

Andrew: Are you calling me pale?

Mikey: Maybe. [laughs] I won’t say anything else against that.

Andrew: Mikey, I don’t appreciate your mean-ness.

Mikey: It’s all with love, I’m sorry.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Mikey: I’m sorry. I apologize on the air.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: Hey, Eva. Thank you for calling today.

Eva: Oh, thanks.

Andrew: And we hope you continue to enjoy Pickle Pack and the show.

Eva: Of course, yeah.

Andrew: Cool. See you later.

Eva: Bye.

Call: The New OOTP Website

[Phone rings]

Arjun: Hello?

Andrew: Hi. What’s your name? Where are you from?

Arjun: I’m Arjun, I’m from Bangalore, India.

Andrew: Oh, wow.

Ben: Woah.

Mikey: Wow.

Andrew: We’ve never had a caller from India before, I don’t think.

Arjun: Yeah, I actually used to live in the States, but I got sent here for two years beacuse of my dad’s job. So…

Andrew: Oh, I see. So, what time is it there right now?

Arjun: 5:30 in the morning.

Andrew: Oh, wow! Did you stay up just for this?

Arjun: Yep.

Andrew: Oh man! That…

Mikey: Congrat – Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Yeah, a round of applause to you. [claps]

Andrew: A round of applause. That is impressive.

Ben: That’s hardcore.

Mikey: I don’t think I’d be up…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …at 5:30 in the morning for anything.

Andrew: [laughs] So, what’s up, dude? I’m glad we could take your call.

Arjun: Well, thanks for taking it.

Andrew: No problem.

Arjun: This is about what you think of the new website and stuff, all right?

Andrew: Okay.

Arjun: I saw the website, and what really kind of irritated me was that they had the same kind of background for everything. They didn’t change anything for it. Like, if you wanted to see somebody else’s profile, they still had the same background. So, you didn’t see anything new.

Andrew: Oh, I see.

Arjun: So, it really doesn’t show you that much.

Andrew: Right, right. Yeah, that is a little bit disappointing, but, I mean, I guess this is just a teaser site for now. So…

Arjun: Yeah.

Andrew: It’ll probably turn in to something bigger, right?

Arjun: Yeah, the trailer’s…

Mikey: I also…

Arjun: …awesome though.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …don’t know if I liked the DA logo either. It’s like DA – red. I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s not – I mean…

Mikey: It could’ve been cooler, I think.

Andrew: Yeah, I mean, I like the – I like the overall theme of the site. I think it’s pretty cool. They have this – they have Dumbledore’s Army on MySpace now.

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: That you can get on your site too.

Mikey: I might have to do that.

Ben: I don’t know. I signed up a week ago, and I still haven’t got my e-mail. I’m sad.

Andrew: Oh, really?

Mikey: Oh, I got my e-mail.

Andrew: Huh.

Mikey: I signed up, like, the day it came on.

Micah: I don’t think you made it, Ben.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: Ben, did you hit submit? [laughs]

Ben: I really did.

Mikey: Did you hit submit? That’s the thing.

Ben: Yeah, dude. I promise. I promise I did.

Andrew: You are not good enough for Dumbledore’s Army, I guess. Harry rejected you.

Ben: Okay.

Andrew: Loser!

Ben: As an aside, it is three…

Arjun: No, I think it was the whole army.

Ben …it was 3,000 – it is 3,000 degrees in my room right now.

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: It is so hot, just so you guys know.

Andrew: Okay, thank you for adding that.

Mikey: [sings] It’s getting hot – is it getting hot in here?

Ben: Yes, I’m about to take off all…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: …my clothes.

Mikey: All right! Ooh.

Ben: Which is this week’s Pickle Pack exclusive. No, I’m just kidding.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Hey, that’s Ben’s exclusive for Saturday, guys.

Andrew: Sounds good to me. I’ll be downloading. Well, hey, dude, thanks for calling in today. Do you have any other thoughts about the film before we let you go?

Arjun: Yeah, the trailer was pretty cool.

Andrew: Yeah.

Arjun: And when Fred and George are circling her, do you know exactly what they’re doing? Are they chucking fireworks or what?

Andrew: It’s hard to tell because it’s such a short clip. You guys know what he’s talking about, right? Where…

Mikey: No, no, I think it’s – I think it’s fireworks. I’m pretty sure. Or it’s Fizzing Whizbies.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Or the Frisbees or whatever.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Because it looks like he pulls – I actually went frame-by-frame on the big trailer, the 1080p one, and he reaches into his bag and he throws it like a frisbee. I don’t know if it’s the firework or something, but it looks – he throws it like a frisbee, if you go frame-by-frame.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I don’t know why I did that, but I did.

Andrew: [laughs] Because you are a dork, Mikey.

Mikey: [laughs] Yes.

Andrew: I did that too, actually, but that was to get screen caps for MuggleNet. At least I have an excuse. You don’t.

Mikey: Oh, see, you just go to file, export – every single frame as a still image. It’s like 2,000-something frames.

Andrew: I only did about 200 of them, but – alright. Hey, thanks for calling in today.

Arjun: Thank you for having me.

Andrew: No problem. Thanks for staying up so late too, geez. It’s impressive.

Arjun: Yeah. Bye.

Andrew: Bye.

Call: Cho Selling Out The D.A.

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Savannah?

Savannah: Yes?

Andrew: Hi.

Savannah: Hi!

Andrew: Hey, so what’s up? What’s on your mind about the films?

Savannah: I was actually – I was wondering what you guys thought of the change that they made, how Cho’s the one that tells on the DA.

Micah: I love it.

Andrew: I don’t – do you?

Mikey: I think it’s okay.

Micah: No, it’s okay. It’s not a big deal.

Mikey: I think it suits the movie as a movie. Not the book, obviously.

Savannah: I don’t know.

Mikey: It’s a separate enity – entity. It’s a separate piece of work.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Micah: Who does it in the book? Edgecombe? Is that who it is?

Mikey: Yeah. Marietta Edgecombe.

Savannah: Yeah.

Micah: So, I mean, they’re not going to build up her character and make her into something when they don’t need to. So, I think it suits the story, like Mikey was saying, a whole lot more to have Cho do it. It creates a little bit more of an angle.

Andrew: Yeah. Originally, I was upset about it because – well, I was upset because it seems like a silly thing to change. But then I realized, to explain – to give a good reason for Harry and Cho breaking up, Cho rats Harry out.

Savannah: Yeah, that’s true.

Andrew: So, that sort of makes sense. It’s an easy way of breaking them up.

Savannah: Yeah, that’s what one of my friends said.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Oh, I thought it would’ve been better if the twins said, “You know what, and Harry’s doing this club,” as they fly out. They’re the ones that tell on him.

Ben: That would be awesome.

Mikey: That’d be absolutely wonderful.

Ben: Except not!

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: I know, I know. These filmmakers, they ruin the books. No, I like the movies.

[Savannah laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. Anything else that you’re upset about, Savannah?

Savannah: I don’t know. Nothing in particular. I just kind of – I don’t know. It kind of bothered me that even though it’s the longest book that it’s going to be the shortest movie.

Andrew: Hmmm, yeah. Well, that’s true.

Mikey: I do have a question for you, Savannah.

Savannah: Hmmm?

Mikey: Andrew keeps asking you anything you don’t like or anything that makes you upset about the movie. Is there anything that you’re excited for about the movie? Because I’m excited for the 3-D, I don’t know about you. I love this 3-D stuff.

Savannah: I don’t know. I would love to go see it in 3-D. I’m actually excited about the scene where Fred and George leave on their brooms, as probably everyone else is. That looked really cool in the trailer.

Savannah’s Friend: Tell them about the Quidditch robes.

Savannah: Oh. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, your friend’s in the background.

Savannah: Yeah, my friend is here as well. She just wanted me to tell you guys that for Halloween, we are making Ravenclaw Quidditch robes.

Mikey: Oooh.

Ben: Awesome.

Andrew: Nice.

Savannah: I’m not making them, because we can’t sew, but she can.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh, cool. Hey, well, thanks for calling in today. We’re going to get to some other people now.

Savannah: Alrighty.

Andrew: But thanks for calling in. We hope you keep listening.

Savannah: All right, bye-bye.

Andrew: Bye.

Call: Voldemort In A Suit

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hello, Tara?

Tara: Hello.

Andrew: Welcome to the show.

Tara: [laughs] Hello.

Andrew: Where are you from?

Tara: I’m from Northern Ireland.

Andrew: Oh, wow. What time is it there right now?

Mikey: Wow.

Tara: It’s like, six minutes past one.

Andrew: Oh, gee. Well, you know, Jamie’s up, too. But he – nevermind.

Ben: He’s working hard. He’s studying.

Andrew: He’s, yeah, working hard and studying.

Mikey: Working hard for the money.

Tara: He’d probably be better with some sleep, really, wouldn’t he?

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

[Tara laughs]

Andrew: So, what’s up? What are your thoughts on the film?

Tara: It looks good, no, I must say.

Andrew: Mhm.

Tara: But, kind of thinking, why’s Voldemort in a suit?

Andrew: Why’s Voldemort – did you listen to last week’s show? Because we sort of talked about that.

Tara: Yeah. He looks well, though.

Andrew: Yeah. What’s that?

Tara: I kind of think if you ignore the fact he hasn’t got a nose, he looks well.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. I really like that suit.

Ben: I love your accent, by the way. I love the accent.

[Andrew laughs]

Tara: Thank you. [laughs]

Andrew: That’s very nice. Yeah, I mean, Mikey, what are your thoughts on the suit? We didn’t really hear your thoughts about that.

Mikey: You know, I like it. I really do.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I think it’s – Again, it’s not the book. We have to look at this as a movie. Kind of like you look at Prisoner of Azkaban, Cuaron’s version of the book.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: It’s a good – I think it’s a good plot device for it. I think it shows that Harry is seeing – he’s hearing Voldemort. He doesn’t know what it is. I think it’s going to really add to the whole Voldemort thing because in the book we constantly are seeing these dreams. I don’t think they’re going to put that much focus on the dreams. Because in the book, it’s like every night almost, he has a dream about Voldemort or something.

Andrew: Right.

Mikey: And we’re not going to see him, you know, in a dream every 15 minutes in the movie. That’s why, I think, it’s kind of giving the audience a sense that Voldemort is there even though everyone’s denying it. I think it’s a good plot device. So…

Andrew: Yeah, definitely.

Mikey: At least that’s what I’m saying now until I see it.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: And then I can argue, and say, “Well, I was completely wrong on that one. I’m sorry.” But…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: We’ll see how it goes. For right now, I like it, though.

Andrew: Uh huh. Yeah. I mean, I said it last week. I still think that’s it’s going to be one of those mirages that Harry’s going to have, and then realize that – you know, he’s going to shake his head or whatever, and he’s going to realize that he wasn’t actually there. The suit, I can’t understand unless it’s sort of, like Harry – it’s just a regular businessman who would be hopping on the train.

Micah: Yeah.

Tara: Maybe.

Micah: That’s what I was going to say.

Andrew: Yeah. Any other thoughts, Tara?

Tara: It just generally looks like a good film, I think.

Andrew: Yeah. Quality.

Tara: It seems very kind of dramatic.

Andrew: Yes, it does. Yeah. Alright, well, thank you for calling today. We’re going to get to some other people now.

Tara: Okay, thank you.

Andrew: No problem. Have a good night.

Tara: Bye.

Call: Bellatrix Using Floo Powder?

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Julia.

Julia: Hi.

Andrew: Welcome to the show.

Julia: Thanks.

Andrew: Where are you from?

Ben: What’s up?

Julia: I’m from California.

Andrew: Ooh, [sings O.C. theme] California, California.

Ben: And what’s up?

Andrew: What’s up?

Julia: When you’re going through the international trailer, when it show a bunch of scenes really fast?

Andrew: Yeah.

Julia: And that has Bellatrix and she’s in green flames. It looks really weird. And I was wondering what you thought of that.

Mikey: Oh, I think she’s Floo-ing away.

Andrew: Oh, yeah, because they were green in Chamber of Secrets, weren’t they?

Mikey: Yeah, because…

Julia: Yeah, but…

Mikey: …she looks like she’s in – what do you call – a fireplace, like one of the ones from the Ministry.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I don’t think she Apparates, I think she Floo-ed away or something. I’m trying to look for it right now.

Andrew: I know exactly what you’re talking about. Yeah, those fireplaces are how they get into the Ministry of Magic.

Julia: Oh. Okay.

Andrew: They slide into them. To be honest with you, I don’t know if that’s in the book, but that’s what they’re doing for the movie.

Julia: Oh, that’s fine.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s…

Julia: Yeah, I was re-reading the book last night and I was like, “I’ve never seen that.”

Andrew: Oh, okay. Yeah, there’s – that’s your answer.

Mikey: At the book, I think they have Apparation points, but obviously, they can’t really show that in the movie.

Andrew: Right.

Mikey: So, if they all come through the fireplace, because we’ve seen that before when Harry gets lost to Knockturn Alley, and stuff like that. So, we’ve seen it before in the movie. So, I think it makes sense for that.

Andrew: Yeah. I think that’s about it. Anything else on your mind about the film?

Julia: Well, I thought the Dementors looked really cool, they way that they’ve changed them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Julia: It looked much better – well, not better, because I really liked the Dementors in the third book, well, Prisoner of Azkaban, but it looks almost as if they’ve changed them to adjust it to the film’s darkness and just the mood of the whole film.

Andrew: Yeah.

Julia: And Harry in the trailers we’ve seen so far.

Andrew: Yeah. All right. Well, hey, thank you for calling us today.

Julia: Okay, thanks!

Andrew: And we’re going to get some other people in. So, thanks for calling!

Call: Harry And Sirius Reading

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Jackie.

Jackie: Hi!

Andrew: Welcome to the show.

Jackie: Thank you.

Andrew: How’s it going?

Jackie: Very good.

Andrew: Where are you from?

Jackie: Michigan.

Andrew: Oh, nice.

Jackie: Yeah.

Andrew: So, hey, what’s on your mind today?

Jackie: Well, I was just wondering. See, the picture for the Caption Contest from April 17th to the 23rd…

Andrew: Ah, see, Eric’s not here. Eric’s not here, sorry.

Jackie: Ah, well, it’s…

Andrew: I’m just kidding. [laughs]

Jackie: [laughs] It’s of Harry and Sirius looking at a piece, of paper and I was wondering what you guys thought they were looking at. Maybe the Marauder’s Map?

Andrew: Oh, okay, yeah – it’s this picture. This is a shot with Dan Radcliffe and – well, Harry and Sirius. I don’t know where they are. I’ve been wondering this, too. Let me send this to you guys.

Mikey: It looks like…

Micah: Could be the map.

Mikey: Huh.

Andrew: The what?

Mikey: Yeah, it looks like parchment or something.

Micah: But I thought it’s just…

Mikey: Where would that be?

Micah: …of Hogwarts, though, right? Why would he need the map there?

Andrew: No, but I’m saying – what room is that? That’s not – that doesn’t look like a room in Hogwarts.

Mikey: It looks like…

Ben: It looks like a train station.

Mikey: Very – yeah.

Ben: “London travel.”

Andrew: Yeah. Probably is the train station. Oh, yeah, you’re right. It says “London Travelcard” behind there. All right, so there’s your answer. But maybe that – is that a letter from… Hmmm. Good question.

Mikey: Could it be – I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine.

Micah: Maybe he’s getting… No, I was going to say

Andrew: Could it be a letter from Ron and Hermione?

Mikey: But why would Ron and Hermione be there? You know – they’re there at the train station with him.

Andrew: Oh, right. That’s stupid. Yeah.

Mikey: Could it be a letter from – you know, it could be one of those kind of cheesy moments where it’s like, “Here, Harry. Here’s the letter. I couldn’t say this out loud to you.”

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Ben: Oh shut up. Yeah, I actually thought about that.

Mikey: Because he needs to be – he needs to be kind of like a man. You know, Sirius Black, he’s this really cool guy, he can’t show his feelings. I don’t know.

Andrew: Whatever it is, Sirius is pretty interested in it. So…

Mikey: Maybe it’s a love letter from Cho.

Andrew: Oooh.

Mikey: Maybe he’s sharing it with Sirius, going, “What do I do here?” You know, I don’t know. Asking for some manly advice.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: Something like that. Fatherly advice, you know. They’re having the talk right now.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I don’t know.

Andrew: We lost…

Micah: It’s weird, though…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Micah: …that they would be at a train station, though, because I thought Sirius can’t show himself.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, well – maybe he’s…

Ben: Are you sure this isn’t Photoshopped?

Andrew: No, this is definitely real. I’ve seen this before.

Micah: Maybe it’s something from his parents.

Andrew: Yeah, it could be. I like that robe that Sirius is wearing.

Mikey: It’s kind of cool.

Ben: I think – his tattoos. I like the tattoos.

Micah: Could it be the picture?

Mikey: I’m going to get that robe so that I can wear it to Prophecy.

Micah: Could it be the picture?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I’ll wear the robe around with the cane.

Andrew: Yeah, hell, I would.

Call: The Posters

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Curtis.

Curtis: Hello.

Andrew: Hey! Where are you from?

Curtis: Hey! I’m from Atlanta, Georgia.

Andrew: Oh cool. That’s our second Atlanta caller for today.

Curtis: Oh, really?

Andrew: Yeah. No Laura here today, though. I’m sorry to say.

Curtis: Awww, no Laura.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Curtis: Yup.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: What’s up, though? What have you got on your mind?

Ben: Yeah. What’s up?

Curtis: Well, I don’t know. Just the new posters that recently came out about Order of the Phoenix and everything.

Andrew: Yeah.

Curtis: Order of the Phoenix was probably my favorite book so far, and so far the movie looks amazing.

Andrew: Yeah. What do you think about those posters? I like them a lot.

Curtis: Yeah. They’re cool. It seems to show the person and then in the little bubble like their enemy or something. Like on the picture with Harry it shows Voldemort in the little sphere and everything. So…

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. We were talking about those a little bit earlier. I can’t wait to see the real posters because when they put those up in the movie theater, they’re huge.

Curtis: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: I’d love one for my room. What are your guys’ favorites?

Mikey: Oh, wow.

Andrew: Sorry. I just really like these. [laughs] I think the… Sorry, I think the Sirius one is my favorite.

Mikey: I was going to say Sirius or the Harry one. I actually also liked the Luna one too with just the generic Death Eater.

Andrew: Yeah, and she almost looks – I don’t want to say unreal, but she looks… There’s like a lot of – I don’t know. It almost looks like a sketch of her, almost, because there are so many effects in that picture.

Ben: Yeah. I would say that about some of them. Some of these pictures…

Andrew: Harry’s I’m not that impressed with because we have seen that pose one million times already.

Mikey: Yeah. I like it just because I am the Harry/Voldemort – I like that.

Andrew: Shipper?

Mikey: Yeah, I like that. Yeah, I’m a Harry/Voldemort shipper.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: Yeah. I’m all about it. No. Come on, seriously.

Curtis: Really?

Ben: I’m bad.

Mikey: It’s all right.

Andrew: I’m just…

Mikey: I…

Andrew: Go ahead.

Mikey: I like Harry in general. He’s a very cool guy.

Andrew: Yeah. I like…

Mikey: And Voldemort there.

Andrew: I like the cool poses. Which is why I like the Sirius one because he is kind of doing a cool thing there with his wand, and Bellatrix is sort of reaching out. So…

Micah: My question is with the Umbridge one. Why are the two reversed? You know? It almost seems like the good guys are the ones that are depicted in the larger picture, and so in that prophecy ball, it’s the bad person, but Dumbledore is in Umbridge’s picture.

Andrew: Probably because Umbridge is taking over.

Micah: Yeah, I guess. I just thought they had a little bit of theme.

Mikey: I also think it is probably because…

Andrew: What’s that?

Micah: I was saying that it looks like he had a theme though with the Order and then the people who were causing the problem, whereas in the prophecy one…

Andrew: Okay. Well, Micah. Micah, do you want to argue with WB?

Micah: Yes.

[Ben laughs]

Andrew: Well, go ahead. You talk to them because I don’t want to hear it.

Micah: And they used Umbridge twice.

MuggleCast 89 Transcript (continuted)

Andrew’s Problem With Umbridge

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. I didn’t like that. I didn’t understand that, but see this is my thing. I think they’re promoting Umbridge a little too much, and this helps out in my little case. I mean, sure she does play a big role in the book. However, I think they’re giving her a little more air time in the trailer and with all this promotional stuff than what is due.

Mikey: You know what? I don’t think so. I don’t think so at all, and I’m thinking it’s because I really loathe Umbridge. I don’t like her at all.

Andrew: So do I.

Mikey: Reading the book, I got angry.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Watching her and her being all over this stuff, I’m really angry already.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Watching the movie I will be angry, and I will be like, “Yeah! Get that!” All those centaurs are going to come and…

Andrew: Get her. [laughs]

Mikey: Get her! Uh! Yeah!

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Right now I am punching with my fist. I am so angry with her. I am looking at the poster like, “Aah!”

Andrew: Mikey, take it easy.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: Sorry! Breathe, breathe. Breathe, Mikey, breathe.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I think it suits it because honestly she is used twice, but I don’t, you know? I think they both fit. I like how Hermione has Umbridge in her bubble because it really is Hermione that kind of sticks it to the man in the sense of pushing Harry for the D.A. and then…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: If Umbridge was the big person, who would be in her bubble? Because it’s all done at school. It’s really – she’s going after Dumbledore, so I think the posters match. I don’t think I would have chosen her to be in two of them because I don’t like her.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: But I think she has an important enough role in the story to be credited for that.

Andrew: Ben and Curtis, what do you guys think?

Curtis: Like you were saying earlier, I think that they seem to be pushing Umbridge as the main villain, kind of, in this movie.

Andrew: Yeah.

Curtis: Because in trailers and everything, they show Umbridge for the majority of it, and Voldemort only appears for like, a couple clips of the trailers.

Andrew: Right, right. That’s actually exactly why I’m not really liking it too much. I mean, whatever. I shouldn’t be complaining.

Mikey: But she is..

Andrew: Ben?

Mikey: She is the main villain. She is!

Andrew: No, she’s not!

Mikey: In this one. Yes, because Harry’s fighting against the Ministry to show that Voldemort is back. Yes, Voldemort is the overall bad guy, but in this book specifically, it’s the Ministry, and more specifically, Umbridge.

Andrew: Well.

Mikey: It’s constantly…

Ben: Mikey’s right, Mikey’s right.

Mikey: The whole…

Andrew: I guess. No, he makes a good point.

Mikey: I’m a film student guys. I know.

Ben: I don’t think Umbridge is really blown up. I think there’s a lot of time spent on Umbridge in the book, so it makes sense for it to translate over that way in the movie. So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Hear, hear Ben…

Andrew: [sigh] I guess, I guess.

Mikey: I agree with you.

Micah: No, I understand what Andrew’s saying.

Mikey: You just want more kissing don’t you. You just want more kissing. Seriously.

Andrew: Ben does, yeah.

Micah: No, no, he – Andrew has a good point because the whole reason Umbridge is there is because of Voldemort. So…

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Regardless…

Ben: But how does that validate Andrew’s point, though?

Micah: Voldemort’s still the big villain.

Andrew: Well…

Micah: How does that validate it?

Andrew: Because Voldemort’s the real enemy. The ultimate enemy.

Mikey: Well, yes, he is.

Ben: Well, yes, he is, but…

Mikey: He’s in 3-D. He’s in 3-D. Come on.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Mikey: Voldemort’s in 3-D, alright. You can’t say he’s not a bad guy. I’m just saying that Umbridge is the villain through majority of the film, and then he – Voldemort finally shows himself at the end to everybody.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: We know it as readers…

Micah: Right. Hey, Mikey.

Mikey: We know it, as movie-goers, that Voldemort is back.

Micah: Mikey.

Ben: Hold on, hold on a second. What Mikey is trying to say – what Mikey is trying to say is that the majority of the early parts of the book are spent on the conflict between Harry and Umbridge, and Voldemort doesn’t emerge until the end. Sure, the ultimate goal, the ultimate bad guy is Voldemort, but Umbridge does see a lot of time in the actual written copy of the book, so it’d make sense for her to see a lot of screen time in the movie. I don’t think her role is exaggerated at all. I think it’s just right.

[Andrew sighs and laughs]

Mikey: You’re not going to win, Andrew.

Andrew: No.

Mikey: I’ll fight the tooth and nail.

Andrew: All right, all right, I’ll give it to you guys for now, but I’m still a little weary of it. We’ll wait to see how they continue to promote the films.

Ben: You…

Andrew: I just think they put a lot of emphasis on her.

Ben: Hold on a second, you can’t tell me that she’s not awesome.

Andrew: No, I’m sure she’s going to be great. No, no. Yeah, she’s going to be great and she looks great in the trailers and all that, and Imelda Staunton really…

Ben: Then what’s your beef?

Andrew: My beef is that I just think they’re promoting her…

Mikey: And you know what?

Andrew: Too much as the central…

Mikey: Hey, Andrew. Andrew.

Andrew: …theme and I don’t know I just…

Mikey: Andrew.

Andrew: I don’t know. Micah, help me out here.

Mikey: It’s because – you know what?

Micah: Well…

Mikey: You’re like me, Andrew. You loathe her. You really don’t like her so you’re upset that she’s in this promotional stuff. You’d rather see Harry or Hermione…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Or the trio, or Dumbledore, or a phoenix…

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: …or Sirius. Someone else because you don’t like Umbridge.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I don’t like Umbridge either, don’t worry!

Andrew: Mikey, Mikey, I’ve said this before. When I was reading Book 5, the first time I read it, I was actually – I would punch my couch.

Mikey: [laughs] No, I agree, same here!

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: Same here! I’m like, “No!” Like, “There it is again!” I’m like, angry! Umbridge – did you hear the first time she was like, [imitates Umbridge] “We will have order!” It was so like, nails on a blackboard. I was so angry already at it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: Like, honestly. Every time she talks I’m going to be like, throwing something at the screen.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I – Ooh, sorry. That’s my rant. Umbridge.

Andrew: No, no, I completely understand.

Micah: I think that the D.A. would have been created no matter what. But I – I guess I have to agree with what Ben and Mikey are saying here, I mean…

Andrew: Yeah.

[Mikey laughs]

Micah: …she is the reason why the D.A. was created.

Andrew: All right, all right, all right.

Ben: Okay, so, Andrew, now it’s your turn to concede defeat.

Andrew: [laughs] All right, I concede.

Mikey: To say that me and Ben…

Andrew: For the first time in 89 shows, I concede defeat.

Mikey: Yes!

[Andrew laughs]

Micah: Mikey?

Mikey: And we win. We need to have a song.

Ben: I always win. I always win.

Andrew: Party after the show.

Mikey: Ooh, it’s Ben Schoen’s winning.

Andrew: [laughs] Hey, well, Curtis…

Curtis: I still…

Andrew: What’s that?

Curtis: I still agree with you, Andrew.

Andrew: Well, thank you Curtis, let’s hang out sometime.

Ben: Well actually, Curtis…

Andrew: We’ll discuss this more.

Ben: Actually, Curtis, Andrew doesn’t even agree with himself anymore.

[Andrew and Mikey laugh]

Andrew: I’m confused!

Micah: Ooh.

Mikey: Curtis, since you agree with Andrew, Andrew agrees with us. So, technically, you’re agreeing with me and Ben.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: So, we win still. That’s all that matters.

Andrew: All right, well we’ll just discuss this later. Point is, I’m right. All right, so Curtis thanks for coming on today.

Curtis: Oh, no problem. It’s been great talking to you.

Mikey: That was a good question.

Andrew: Yeah, that was a good question. That was probably our longest answer. That was good. So, thanks, dude.

Curtis: Okay, no problem.

Andrew: See ya.

Call: Voldemort’s Eyes

[Phone rings]

Andrew: Hi, Emma.

Emma: Hi.

Andrew: What’s up?

Emma: Not much, how are you?

Andrew: Welcome to the show. Where are you from?

Emma: I’m in Connecticut right now, but I’m originally from England.

Andrew: Oh, I was going to say, I thought I heard a hint of an English accent.

Emma: Oh, really?

Andrew: Yeah. Am I – just me?

Mikey: Eh, it’s kind of.

Ben: Not really, no.

Mikey: Nothing…

Emma: It usually comes out when I…

Ben: How long did you live there for?

Emma: It usually comes out when I’m talking to English people, but…

Andrew: Oh.

Ben: Hold on a second, how long did you live there for? Until you were a little kid or…

Emma: Hmmm?

Ben: Were you a little kid when you moved to the U.S.?

Emma: I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well.

Ben: How old were you when you moved to the U.S.?

Emma: Oh, seven.

Andrew: See, like right there. Did you hear it?

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t know. Whatever, whatever.

Mikey: No, no. It was the seven. Yeah, I heard it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: I thought she was British…

Mikey: It’s good. I like it.

Micah: …when she first called.

Andrew: Yeah, me too.

Micah: When she said, “Hello.”

Andrew: Plus her name’s Emma. [laughs]

Mikey: Yep.

Micah: Last name is really Watson.

Andrew: So.

Mikey: Really.

Andrew: So, what’s on your mind today, Emma? Got any thoughts about the film?

Emma: I actually wanted to talk to you guys about Voldemort’s eyes in the movies.

Andrew: Oh?

Emma: I – I don’t like them. They’re – they’re nothing like I pictured them.

Andrew: Well, what don’t you like about them? Is it, are they too small? They’re too sharp? They’re too what?

Emma: His eyes are described in the book as red or scarlet snake eyes, and they’re like blue, round eyes and…

Andrew: Hmmm.

Emma: …they don’t look anything like I pictured them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I think – can I fill this one, Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah, go for it.

Mikey: I have a – I think I remember listening to you guys last year during the Goblet of Fire stuff about how his eyes weren’t red, I think it’s probably because they want to keep it a children’s-type movie, you know? Not a kid’s movie, but they don’t want to scare off the kids. And I think that if he had red glowing eyes, like in the book, it’d be a little over the top.

Ben: It’d be pretty freaky.

Mikey: Yeah, like right now I’m looking at a picture of him from the trailer because I’m at a screenshot, and he is kind of creepy looking. His face is all pale and he’s got these, like, weird vein lines and he’s got no nose. His teeth are all like [makes monster noise] looking.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: And his eyes are kinda sunken. And if they added red glowing eyes, which they can easily do, they can do that and not a problem, but I think that – I think it’d just be a little over the top, like more demonic.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: And it’s something they probably don’t want to go to. Like, if you read Harry Potter, it’s pretty heavy stuff. It’s not a children’s book. But I think since it appeals to a wide range of kids and everything, Warner Brothers probably made this decision to kind of keep it a little bit, you know, more kid-friendly than with the red eyes.

Andrew: Yeah. You know, I agree with that because I think they’re already – I guess I want to say pushing it with how he does look. I mean, he doesn’t have a nose. The guy’s freaky.

[Emma laughs]

Andrew: He’s scary.


Andrew: And, like Mikey said, adding the red eyes would really, really push it over the top in terms of scaring kids and making him look like a demon. Especially when that comes through in the movie.

Micah: I don’t know, scaring kids? They kill people in these movies now, I mean…

Andrew: They do, but you don’t see it.

Ben: That’s not the point. I don’t think – I don’t think red eyes would be enough to get the movie an R-rating and stuff.

Andrew: No, no.

Mikey: No, no. But I’m thinking, like, red eyes, him looking like that. He’s gonna look pretty fearsome, and honestly that single image of him would be scary enough to where kids are going to start having nightmares about it with the red eyes. I think…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: The red eyes, you know, without the red he’ll stand out enough.

Ben: I don’t think it makes a difference.

Andrew: Well, no, Mikey’s right. Little kids are scared by stuff like that. I mean, my own little brother’s scared of a, well, used to be scared of, a vacuum cleaner. So, you know…

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] That’s why your brother is so much cooler than you. I can really understand that.

Andrew: Some things… [laughs] Some things give kids nightmares. And I think, Micah…

Micah: So, you…

Andrew: What?

Micah: You don’t think the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets scared kids?

Andrew: Well, you got to put that in. You can’t turn him into a bunny. Purple bunnies do the announcements – let’s skip those, you know what I’m saying? Wizard Rock?

Ben: What color are the Basilisk’s eyes?

Andrew: Were they red?

Mikey: No, they were yellow.

Emma: I hated the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets movie. It doesn’t look a bit like a snake. I hated it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: I thought it was pretty cool.

Emma: It looked more like a legless lizard, first of all.

Andrew: [laughs] Well…

Mikey: Well, isn’t that what a Basilisk is? It was a giant snake…

Emma: It’s a snake!

Mikey: It was the king of snakes.

Emma: It’s the king of serpents.

Mikey: But it’s made from a chicken egg. It’s made from a chicken egg. We don’t know what a Basilisk looks like.

Emma: Which is funny because I worked on a chicken farm, and I used to work with snakes. So…

Andrew: Ah, there you go. Snap, Mikey.

Mikey: I know, I lost. I don’t know.

Andrew: You’re just a computer tech employee. What do you know?

Mikey: I know.

Emma: Yeah.

Mikey: Seriously, I don’t know.

Emma: Yeah, I’m an animal science major. You can’t mess with me with snakes.

Andrew: Oh. [laughs]

Mikey: Yeah, well, I’m going to say, yeah, okay, I give up.

Andrew: Hey, well, we’re going to take a couple more callers today, Emma, and then we’re going to wrap up the show. Thanks for calling, though!

Emma: Okay.

Andrew: Good question!

Emma: Thanks for letting me talk, you guys.

Andrew: No problem.

Emma: I’m really enjoying the Pickle Packs, by the way.

Andrew: Oh, good! Glad you’re enjoying it…

Mikey: Yes. I have one too. I like it too.

Andrew: Mikey is too. He’s been raving on it, on, you know, on the whole show about it.

Emma: Oh, yeah? [laughs]

Mikey: It’s awesome. I joined. Everyone join! I love my…

Emma: It is cool. Thanks, guys!

Mikey: We can wear our shirts together.

Andrew: Yeah. Let’s do it. All right, see ya.

Emma: Bye bye.

Mikey: Let’s have a Pickle Pack Day. We’ll all wear our shirts, everybody. Come on.

Call: “You Will Lose Everything” At The Ministry?

[Phone rings]

Cameron: Hey.

Ben: What’s up, buddy?

Andrew: Hey. What’s up?

Cameron: Nothing.

Andrew: Nothing? You tired? You okay?

Cameron: Yeah, I’m tired. Took a little nap.

Andrew: [laughs] So, what’s up, dude?

Cameron: All right, well, I’m looking at the international trailer.

Andrew: Yes?

Cameron: And at the end where Voldemort says, “You will lose everything,” or whatever?

Andrew: Yeah.

Cameron: You know which part I’m talking about?

Andrew: Yep.

Cameron: Okay. Where do you think he is?

Andrew: That’s got to be in the Ministry of Magic, by the – sorry, what is it called again? The statue of…

Mikey: Magical Brethren.

Ben: Fountain of Magical Brethren?

Andrew: Yes. Fountain, yeah. I think that’s it, isn’t it?

Cameron: I have no idea. It looks like some sort of Star Wars scene, right there.

Andrew: What gets me, though, is the stuff that’s like falling around him.

Cameron: Yeah.

Andrew: It almost looks like it’s snowing.

Cameron: Yeah, it’s like… Yeah, it’s like… I thought maybe for a second – like it looks like it’s some sort of scene that’s not in the book, though, to me.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, yeah, he doesn’t say, “You will lose everything,” in the book.

Cameron: Yeah. Yeah.

Andrew: That’s a great scene, though.

Mikey: Oh, you know what? I’m looking at both the international trailer and the second U.S. trailer.

Andrew: Yeah?

Mikey: It looks, you know – it’s definitely at the Ministry of Magic, but it looks like Voldemort broke a bunch of windows and the glass and I think that’s what’s coming down where the snow looks like. I think there’s still like bits of the glass kind of floating in the air and stuff like that.

Andrew: Oh, yeah. But why is it slow?

Mikey: Well, like, maybe it settled and it’s just kind of, you know, sifting there?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: You know what I mean?

Andrew: Yeah, so. Yeah, that’s interesting. It’s definitely something new. I love that line though: “You will lose everything.”

Cameron: Oh yeah, that sends chills down my spine, right there.

Andrew: Yeah. Oh, definitely.

Mikey: You have to put – you have to put the Harry Potter in there first. [impersonating Voldemort’s voice] “Harry Potter, you will lose everything.”

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: You got to put the pause – the dramatic pause, too.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: It’s like, “You will lose…” Pause, pause, pause, pause. “…everything.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: You know, it’s – yeah, it’s ridiculous.

Andrew: All right.

Mikey: I don’t know. I like it, though.

Andrew: All right, well, Cameron, thanks for calling in today.

Cameron: No problem.

Andrew: And we will talk to you soon.

Cameron: All right, thanks.

Andrew: All right, see ya.

Cameron: Bye.

Interview with Joe Fulton

Andrew: Alright, before we wrap up the show today, I did an interview a little earlier this week with Joe Fulton of We have a new review of the Hogwarts Order of the Phoenix LEGO set. So, here it is now.

Andrew: We are joined once again by Joe Fulton of

Joe: Hi, Andrew, how are you doing?

Andrew: Welcome back, Joe. I’m doing good, thanks.

Joe: Oh, I’m glad to be here.

Andrew: How are you?

Joe: Oh, I’m good.

Andrew: Busy with some LEGO developments lately? Especially concerning Harry Potter?

Joe: Well actually, a lot of Harry Potter toys. We’ve – you know, we’ve got the new LEGO Hogwarts Castle already.

Andrew: Yeah.

Joe: And as you saw last week, you guys linked to it in our video podcast, and…

Andrew: Yes, we did.

Joe: …we also got the NECA toys just recently, too, so we’re actually working on a podcast about those as well.

Andrew: Sweet. And before we move on, we have to clear up a big question that goes around MuggleNet and MuggleCast, which is: What on Earth is the meaning of How did you guys decide that name?

Joe: [laughs] Millionaire…

Andrew: Because when people think Playboy, they think the adult magazine, but that’s not what you’re going for here, is it?

Joe: No, no, no, no.

[Andrew laughs]

Joe: And to clarify this stupid – I’ll just say that – Millionaire Playboy name. Millionaire Playboy is the name of what they refer to as Bruce Wayne of Batman. Bruce Wayne is known as the Millionaire Playboy. So, we basically – we’re trying to come up with a name that sort of came away from saying geeks and toys and stuff like that. And we thought that Millionaire Playboy was the perfect name for the website because one, we want to think that, you know, we’re playboys with our toys, I guess you could say.

Andrew: Mhm. [laughs]

Joe: And that’s where the name comes from. Just to clarify all those people who think our name is stupid…

[Andrew laughs]

Joe: …but that’s why.

Andrew: All right, thanks for that. Now, you guys, [coughs] you recently received the new Order of the Phoenix Hogwarts LEGO set.

Joe: We’re actually the first people to receive the LEGO Hogwarts Castle. So, I’m actually…

Andrew: Awesome.

Joe: …feeling sort of privileged about that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Joe: Yes, so LEGO sent this to me. And as you saw last week in the podcast, you know, I show a little bit of how the thing works. The castle is built into three different sections. The first section is the Greenhouse, which opens and reveals the Mandrakes on either side, which when you pull out, have a screaming little head on them. And also has a chalkboard and a magnifying glass, all sorts of little added details. The second area is the Room of Requirement, and the third section you build is a selection of the castle that has Umbridge’s office and a trophy room for Hogwarts. All sorts of fun little details.

Andrew: Oh, awesome. Now what sort of characters do you get along with the set?

Joe: You get the basic characters that seem to come with almost every LEGO set. You get a Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Snape, and Hagrid. But two new ones have been included: a Death Eater and Dolores Umbridge. I’m kind of mad, though, because this is a great opportunity to start to add additional mini figures. Especially with – because of the D.A. I mean, you want to see – you want to get a Ginny figure. You want…

Andrew: Right.

Joe: …you know…

Andrew: Luna.

Joe: …Luna!

Andrew: Luna Lovegood.

Joe: Right. Thank you, thank you. [laughs] Yeah, you want to get a Luna Lovegood. Unfortunately, they still just have not made those characters and it seems like we get – constantly get a Harry Potter figure or a Ron or Hermione. Now, granted, I understand the marketing aspect of that, because if someone’s just starting to collect LEGOs, they’ll want to get a Harry Potter figure or a Dumbledore. But, you know, for people who have been collecting the LEGO sets since the beginning, you have five or six of these by now.

Andrew: Right, right. And I’m looking at some of the pictures you have up on your review, and I’m really liking how Umbridge looks.

Joe: Yeah, they actually really made her agitated looking. A little…

Andrew: Yeah.

Joe: Just a simple little line of her mouth just makes you realize how agitated she is with the students.

Andrew: Yeah, and it’s also very colorful. Like, she’s got those little flowers and stuff.

Joe: They’re very pink.

Andrew: I like that.

Joe: And if you look at the details in her office, they even give you stickers to put on the backdrop of her little cat plates, which I thought was just the perfect little touch.

Andrew: Yeah, that is very cool. Now, for someone who already has a Hogwarts – the first Hogwarts Castle set…

Joe: Uh huh…

Andrew: this a good idea to purchase?

Joe: Well, this is actually the third castle set they’ve made.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Joe: The first one was done for the first film, and then I believe they made a Hogwarts Castle for the Prisoner of Azkaban and now for Order of the Phoenix.

Andrew: Right.

Joe: I find that they all sort of fit together.

Andrew: I was going to say, you know, are they like extensions?

Joe: They’re – They use the same – the bricks, the basic color scheme fits with each one of them. Each one of them seems to be an added section to the site. Or to the castle, I mean. And I think that they fit well together. I have yet to put – build all three of them and put them together. That might actually be something that I’d take hold of and see what happens. But I think you need to have each set because each one is different from the other.

Andrew: Cool.

LEGO Contest

Andrew: Now, today we are going to announce – like we did last year, with the Goblet of Fire sets, a new contest between Millionaire Playboy and MuggleNet and MuggleCast.

Joe: The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows LEGO custom contest.

Andrew: There we go. Could you fill us in on all the details?

Joe: Well, we had such a successful contest a few years ago for the Goblet of Fire set that I convinced LEGO to provide a Hogwarts Castle for the person who produces, what we feel, is the best scene from Book 7. Now, the added – the interesting thing is, no one knows what’s in Book 7.

Andrew: [laughs] Right.

Joe: Unless you’ve been listening to MuggleCast lately. But…

[Andrew and Joe laugh]

Joe: But, so you can basically – the field is wide open. You can have, for instance, Dumbledore returning from the grave, or Harry and Hermione starting to snog, or, what I think is probably a great scene to happen in Book 7, Snape and Harry embracing each other in friendship. To me…

Andrew: Ah, now wait a second.

[Andrew laughs]

Joe: It’s going to happen!

Andrew: That’s debatable.

[Joe and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: How about… [laughs] How about a nice battle scene between Dumbledore… [laughs] Or, not Dumbledore – between Harry and Voldemort?

Joe: That – obviously, that’s going to happen.

Andrew: Something like that? Yes.

Joe: I would imagine that would happen. But the field is wide open. Anyone – all you have to do is take your LEGO sets, create a scene of what you think is going to happen in Book 7, send that to us at the e-mail address we have on the contest page that you can find at, and provide a short description of what is going on in that scene. That way, when we reveal the contest, show the pictures, everyone will be able to see the scene that you’ve created and what is going on in that.

Also, an added bonus is a selection of runner-up entries will also receive some sort of prize. We have, at Millionaire Playboy, a number of the LEGO Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Knight Bus sets. So, a selected number of runner-up entries will receive at least something. We have a number of these sets, so just by entering the contest you have, at least, a really good chance of winning something.

I want to go over the rules, though. You can enter as many as you like. Photos can be jpegs submitted to, along with a title, description of scene, and your name, and how to contact you. However, if you feel you can be more creative, we also will accept video. You must use LEGO bricks, mini-figures, or anything from LEGO in the design to qualify for entry. However, you’re not – you are allowed to use other items. For instance, you can use paper, other toys, and some people even use Photoshop, if you looked at the last contest. The scene must be a scene you believe will happen in Book 7, and a good detailed account of what is going on in your scene, and entries are due by June 15th. And we will announce the winner on MuggleCast the following week.

Andrew: Excellent. So, you have about a little over a month…

Joe: Mhm.

Andrew: …to get in your entries. Should be a lot of fun. We’re looking forward to checking them out and judging them. And we also have a link on to the contest page if you do need it. So, Joe, thanks for joining us. Thanks for the review of the Hogwarts set.

Joe: Oh, no problem, Andrew. Thanks for having me.

Andrew: And we’ll see you again in a couple weeks.

Joe: Great.

Andrew: And once again for more information you can just go to and there’s a link there for the contest info.

Show Close

Andrew: I think that does wrap up the show today. Thank you to everyone who has called in, and we hope to do another one of these call-ins soon. Hey, Mikey, thanks for coming on again.

Mikey: Not a problem, guys. I love being here.

Andrew: You’re – yeah, you’re a great co-host. We love having you here. So, thanks a lot.

I just want to remind everyone about our contact information. You can also – you can always call MuggleCast…

[Show music begins to play]

Andrew: …by dialing the number 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you are in the United Kingdom you can call 020-8144-0677. If you’re in Australia you can dial 02-8003-5668. Or you can always Skype the username MuggleCast, just try to keep your message about a minute long.

Ben, what’s the PO Box, if people want to send up parcel mail?


PO Box 223
Moundridge, Kansas

Andrew: You can also visit for a feedback form to contact any one of us, or just use our first names at staff dot mugglenet dot com and don’t forget the Pickle Pack, $30 dollars for a year of membership. You get tons of great content. This week we put up some fun stuff. We all posted our very first Blickles. We posted some new notes from the shows. We’ve posted – what else have we posted, guys? I’ve forgot.

Mikey: Some amazing stuff. It doesn’t matter what you post, it’s pretty awesome. I love it all.

Micah: Even Rupert Grint had something to say.

Andrew: Coming this week on my Blickle, I’ll give you guys a little hint: It involves my wizard rock song. I’ll give you another hint: I recorded it…

Mikey: It’s a new one?

Andrew: …live acoustic. So, basically, I just gave it all away.

Ben: Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

Andrew: Yes, so look forward to that. And I think that wraps up the show for today. Thanks, everyone, for listening. Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 90! Ohhh! Bye, everyone.


Written by: Micah, Allison, Briana, Cindy, Haley, Hannah, Jessalyn, Jessica, Jessie, Karen, Laura, Leah, Luke, Margaret, Marya, Matt, Meredith, Rebeca, Samantha, Sapna, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #88

MuggleCast 88 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: What’s up, MuggleCast listeners? If you want to make an impact online, has what you need. Get your own dot-com domain name for as low as $1.99. Plus world class hosting, fast and easy website builders and much more. Plus as a listener of MuggleCast, enter code Ron – that’s R-O-N – when you check out and get your dot-com domain name for just $6.95 a year. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: Today’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. It won’t be long before the much-anticipated release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Do you have your mind made up about where Severus Snape’s loyalties lie? Do you think he’ll betray Harry and his friends, or will he help them to triumph over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Find out more about this complex character in the hot new book The Great Snape Debate available only at Borders. Remember to reserve Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at Borders and save 40 percent.

[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because, oh my god, like, two new trailers, this is MuggleCast Episode 88, for April 29th, 2007, dedicated to AF.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: We got a Facebook comment on our little group profile last week, and I thought it was very fitting because we were off the show last week, and it just so happens that a certain video game came out last week. It comes from Chris Heaton in West Midlands, the West Midlands network Facebook group. Anyone a part of that?

Ben: I am.

Andrew: Okay, Ben.

Ben: [laughs] Hi, I’m back.

Andrew: Yeah, nobody cares.

[Laura laughs]

Ben: Oh, ouch. That hurts.

Andrew: He wrote:

So, you guys are having a break on the 22nd of April, which curiously is the release date of “Pokemon Diamond/Pearl” in the US. Coincidence? I think not. Doing other things? Yeah, right. Oh, how I love it.

Uh, Chris found out.

Ben: So, he thought we got together to play Pokemon? Is that what…

Andrew: Yeah, because we’ve been doing this segment on the show lately where we make Pokemon references, and the week we took off…

Ben: [laughs] Oh.

Andrew: …just happened to be the week that the new Pokemon game was released.

Ben: Oh.

Andrew: That is true for some of us like Eric and Jamie, but for others it’s not, like me. I like taking a week off because when we come back it’s like a whole big thing, and now I have a studio audience and we’ve missed out on so much news that we have so much to talk about this week. I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: And I’m Laura Thompson.

[Intro music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the MuggleCast news center with this week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Micah?

Micah: I don’t even have time to thank you, Andrew.

Well, it was a week ago today that we received the international trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and later in the week received a full theater version that debuted on Yahoo. You can check out the trailers as well as a handful of new screenshots from the film over on

Speaking of trailers, another new trailer has been released, but this time it is for the upcoming Order of the Phoenix video game. It is available for download. The game will be released on June 25th. has posted a review of the brand new Hogwarts LEGO set as part of their new Order of the Phoenix collection, due out in May. You can watch a video review and see some great pictures over on

TIME Magazine has a new article discussing the villains of this summer’s movies. Dolores Umbridge is, of course, one of those listed, with the following being said:

“As Dolores Umbridge, the bureaucrat from the Ministry of Magic in this summer’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Imelda Staunton is a little bit priestess, a little bit villainous. Staunton, the latest in a line of top British thespians to visit Hogwarts, found it a tough balancing act. She said, ‘The character has to be ridiculous and yet real and frightening. She has to be silly and yet not cartoony. It’s difficult to gauge.'”

And speaking of TIME Magazine, they are currently running a poll asking who the most influential people are in the world. No one person will be selected, but the results are based on an overall vote influenced by site visitors. JK Rowling is one of 202 nominees, so go vote for her now. As of today, the Harry Potter author ranks in at No. 9.

And speaking of Jo, she was honored with a 2007 Rave Award. The award, given to 22 distinguished people, recognizes those who “before changing the game in technology, business, or culture, they first changed themselves.” The award ceremony took place Friday night in San Francisco, but Jo unfortunately could not attend.

July 3rd, 2007 has been confirmed as the date for the UK premiere of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The US premiere will take place on July 8th. The venue is rumored to be in Los Angeles. Furthermore, it’s alleged that a premiere is scheduled for June 28th in Japan.

Finally, Bloomsbury has employed security measures for the release of Deathly Hallows. The British Harry Potter publisher has revealed some of their security measures to ensure the magic of Deathly Hallows is maintained until July 21st. According to The Scotsman, the book will only be delivered to bookshops one day prior the release and they will be sealed in crates bound by steel chains. Furthermore, security guards will be deployed to printing plants, and Amazon has agreed to store its copies in warehouses at secret locations.

That’s all the news for this April 29th, 2007 edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: Alright. Thank you, Micah.

Virginia Tech

Andrew: We’re going to start off the show with a little serious note.

Laura: Yeah. We kind of wanted to take a moment, since we did take a break last week, to address the tragedy at Virginia Tech. As former, current, and soon-to-be enrolled college students it really is a horrible realization that something like this can happen on a campus, or anywhere else. Really, I mean, what did you guys think of it?

Andrew: It was just – Yeah, it was just absolutely terrible.

Ben: I just couldn’t believe it, you know?

Andrew: Yeah, and…

Ben: It was shocking.

Andrew: And immediately everybody thinks back to Columbine, and this was all very devastating. But even, you know, the magnitude.

Ben: The video was…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Ben: That was terrible. They gave the guy exactly what he wanted, which is the problem that I had with it.

Eric: Yeah. I agree, Ben.

Ben: You don’t put those videos on air.

Andrew: Right, right. Well, I’m sure NBC got a little…

Ben: Kickback.

Andrew: Kickback. Well, no not a kickback, but you know, they benefited from it.

Ben: Yeah, because CNN – Everywhere had the NBC watermark in the corner.

Andrew: Right. But anyway, Micah came up with a good idea that he suggested to us earlier this week, that we put a little Virginia Tech remnant in the album art this week, to recognize those who were lost in the tragedy and to show our support for everyone trying to get…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …through this time right now.


Andrew: So, we have quite a few announcements to get to. First, Jamie is off the show.

[Dramatic pause]

Andrew: For a month.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Got everyone excited for a second. He was actually at Electronic Arts today to report for MuggleNet and MuggleCast about the new Order of the Phoenix video game coming out, and he has to finish up school for the next month and he’s busy with that. So, he will be off the show for some time. I just want to let everyone know now before we start getting any e-mails – [In a crazy voice] “Ah! Where’s Jamie! I think he’s funny! I think he’s…” You know?

Ben: British.

Andrew: “A good co-host, and British, yeah.”

[Ben and Laura laugh]

Andrew: So, if anyone wants to share some gossip about him? Anyone got some gossip about Jamie?

Ben: About Jamie?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, he actually made the train this time.

Andrew: Yeah, he did. Good point, Laura. He was on a train today and he did make it. We weren’t going to bail him out of this one.

Ben: Actually, send your donations to Jamieisawasteofspace2@gmail.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: Just kidding. Don’t send your money.

Laura: Also, everybody, Micah is not here this week and that’s because he’s been pretty upset of the lack of updates on Jo’s site, so last I heard, he was on his way to Edinburgh to have a little chat with her.

Andrew: [laughs] He seriously IMs me everyday and says, “Why hasn’t Jo made an update? Why hasn’t Jo made an update?”

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And it really gets to him more than anyone else…

Eric: I think Micah’s got a crush.

Laura: Yeah.

Wanted: MuggleCast Audio Editor

Andrew: Also, I just wanted to make a note that we are looking for an audio editor. Someone who can start editing the show this summer just for, like, a month, or two. What I need – What we need is someone who can take the show, take the five audio tracks that we all record, put them together, and clean it up; take out everyone else talking, take out all the – not inappropriate stuff, but stuff that really can’t go on the show.

Laura: You can say it. The inappropriate stuff. [laughs]

[Eric laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. No, we’re looking for someone with experience who is very good at audio editing. You’ve heard the show, so you know what we are looking for. So, for like a month or two over the summer I need someone who can edit the show because we are going to be very busy. So, e-mail me at andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com if anyone is interested. And hey, there might be a little kickback your way…

Eric: Yeah, like a shirt.

Andrew: …if you help us out. You know what I’m saying?

Ben: Also, I’m going to be very busy over the summer so I am looking for somebody in the Wichita, Kansas metro-area to do my laundry.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: So, [laughs] e-mail me at ben at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Andrew: A little kickback for that, too? Or…

Ben: Yeah, yeah. [laughs] You can hang out with me.

Eric: If you need guidance and…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: You can handle my undergarments [laughs]

Eric: If you need emotional guidance from that suggestion that Ben just made, you can contact any of us and we will be happy to help you through this tough time.

Prophecy 2007

Andrew: And also if you checked up on the site within the past week or so, we are going to be at – not LeakyMug – we’re going to be at Prophecy 2007. We’ve sort of been hinting at it for a while. We’ve said we’re going to be probably going to Prophecy. And now it’s official and we’ve got all of the details worked out. We’re going to be doing a midnight podcast.

Ben: It’s going to be sweet.

Andrew: Podcast at midnight.

Ben: Oh my gosh.

Andrew: That’s past my bedtime. That might be a problem for me. But we’re going to be doing that. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Ben, you’re excited?

Ben: Oh my gosh. I thrive at night. I’m a night owl. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] You are.

Ben: Love it. I love it.

Andrew: [laughs] So, that’s going to be a great new spin to the whole live podcast thing that we do.

Laura: The question, you know – A lot of people have been asking, are we really going to wear pajamas?

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t see why not.

Laura: I think we should.

Ben: Well.

Laura: I think we should.

Andrew: Ben, what’s your problem with it?

Laura: Appropriate pajamas, Ben.

Ben: I sleep in the nude, thank you.

Andrew: [laughs] Okay. You’ve said too much. So visit for more information on that. It’s going to be a lot of fun. And I think registration – You can still register.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: I’m sure they’re running out of spots. The Yule Ball is going to be a lot of fun. Excuse me, the Decade of Enchantment Ball. They just got 250 more spots. So, this thing’s going to be huge. I can’t even believe it.

Ben: Huge.

Pickle Pack

Andrew: Also, Ben. Okay.

Ben: Yes.

Andrew: It’s time now for our big announcement of the show.

Ben: Oh, geez.

Andrew: We’ve been working on it for…

Ben: Nobody told me.

Andrew: It’s been in the Writely. Seriously?

Ben: Oh. Yeah. Oh, I know.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: Nevermind, I do know.

Andrew: Okay. [laughs]

Ben: I’m kidding.

Andrew: What did you think I was going to say, Ben?

Ben: Oh, I just got you guys good.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: I knew all along.

Andrew: Alright. So, Ben, we’ve been working on something for a while now. I mean, with all of the trips we’re going to be doing over the summer; with all of the live podcasts and such that we’re going to be doing, we need money. And we were selling t-shirts for about a year. And…

Ben: We can’t do that anymore.

Andrew: Right.

Ben: So, there’s a bit of a problem here.

Andrew: Right. But we’ve come up with a solution.

Ben: A solution. What is it, Andrew? It’s pickles again.

Andrew: It’s pickles. We’re going for a pickle kind of solution.

Ben: It’s pickles.

Eric: And Peter Piper picked a peck of peckled pickled peppers. Pickled – pickle – pickled peppers.

Andrew: You know what? Did you say, “pack” in there?

Eric: No, there was a peck, though.

Ben: A pack of pickles.

Andrew: Because today we’re introducing the Pickle Pack. Which is a brand new membership, so to speak, to MuggleCast. We’ll still be doing the regular shows every Sunday. We’ll still be doing the hour-long episodes that you’ve come to know and love with all the humor and great content that you guys all enjoy. But we’re starting something new at, which is a – How do I want to put it? A membership, it’s a membership to MuggleCast. But what you get is a bunch of new, bonus material.

Ben: Bonus content.

Andrew: Bonus content, right. Ben, can you explain what people are going to be getting?

Ben: Essentially, here is what’s happening. You’re paying us for a subscription to this website. And with this subscription – In addition to the subscription, you get a free t-shirt mailed to you, and you get a lot of bonus content. Now, when we say bonus content, you’re probably thinking, “Guys, you’re being really vague here. What is bonus content and why would I buy?” Okay. Here’s why: You get video blogs for each of us, special episodes, a hint at what’s to come with MuggleCast. So, basically, you get previews of things. You get all the stuff that you normally wouldn’t get.

Andrew: If you’re a hardcore MuggleCast fan, you’re going to want this. Each day one of us is going to be making a new blog post, which we’re calling, “Blickles.” And everyone’s going have an assigned day of the week. So, say Laura’s on Monday, she’ll be posting whether it’s a written blog or a video blog. And these can be about anything. They don’t even have to be about MuggleCast. But then also we’re going to have the inside content, like Ben was mentioning. We’re going to throw some bonus stuff in there. Okay, we’ve been holding to this map that Jamie drew of the United States for quite a while now.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: It’s probably one of the funniest things we’ve ever seen in our lives.

Ben: Do you still have that?

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, I still have it.

Ben: Oh, awesome.

Andrew: Jamie probably doesn’t want that to get out but it’s going to get out. [laughs] Micah has some audio content, we’re going to be recording lots of extra stuff, we’re going to have bloopers, bonus segments, all kinds of stuff. So visit for more. I have 600 Pickle Pack t-shirts sitting here in my room right now, and we need to get rid of every last one of them. One of the first videos going up on is going to be a video of me and my brother, Ryan, modeling off the Pickle Pack t-shirts. So, Ben, how can people sign up for Pickle Pack?

Ben: You can sign up for Pickle Pack by visiting, well, Those of you who already have an account on MuggleNet to make comments on the news, you’re already a step ahead of the game here. You just go to, log in, and it will ask you to enter your payment information and Andrew will send you a t-shirt.

Andrew: Right. And it is also going to be coming with a nice little letter that Laura wrote up.

Laura: Yeah, that’s right.

Ben: Yeah, the cost is only $30 per year. That includes shipping and handling domestically. We are still working out a system for international orders right now, but it may be slightly more depending on your location and all that, so stay tuned for that. So yeah, go – And remember, all proceeds from the Pickle Pack go to support the show. As we’ve said before, we have movie premieres this summer we need to go to, we have Harry Potter conventions, and our parents aren’t just giving us – they just aren’t giving us enough allowance.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: So, we…

Andrew: I’ve done all my chores.

Ben: We need all of your help.

Andrew: Yeah, we are serious when we say every last dollar of this is going to be going to – into the podcast, into the expenses that it takes to do these live shows. And you are going to be getting your money’s worth. There is going to be at least – at least – ten new things going on every week. So, I mean, this is definitely worth the money. Plus you get a free t-shirt. You know, so it’s going to be great. For more information visit

Ben: We are only going to be taking sign-ups until June 16, so that gives you basically a month and a half to get signed up. Get your Pickle Pack t-shirt. Go down in history as a member of the Pickle Pack.

Andrew: Exclusive, elusive, MuggleCast Pickle Pack. And then we probably won’t be taking sign-ups again until probably next year. So, you know, now is the time to get into the Pickle Pack. And again, all the money will be benefiting MuggleCast. And we appreciate everyone signing up very, very much as you will see in the nice letter Laura wrote up.

Laura: Mhm.

OOTP Trailers

Andrew: Now that we got that out of the way it is time to talk about the trailers because we got two trailers within the past week, even. So, which one, do you guys want to start with the international trailer?

Ben: Yeah.

Andrew: Since we got that one first?

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Let’s start with that.

Andrew: Alright. Initial thoughts, boys and girls.

Ben’s Thoughts

Andrew: Who wants to start?

Ben: I want to start. I really do.

Andrew: Okay.

Ben: Okay. I am so pumped for this movie. You have no idea how pumped I am after watching these things. Because I remember back when Prisoner of Azkaban came out, I remember sitting at my computer – we had one family computer, I didn’t even have a laptop back then. I was sitting at the one family computer just watching the trailer over and over and over again. And I just got more and more excited. I remember going into the theater and sitting there and getting all antsy, you know.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Antsy in my pantsy at the screen. It was, it was great. And, after seeing this, it was comparable to having that all happen again. You know, being basically a virgin Harry Potter fan. You know, being exposed to it for the first time. And I just – I am really excited for this film. There are a few things I noticed in the international trailer. Something that I really liked was when Umbridge just busts the people making out. I mean…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Ben: …that’s something we’ve never seen before – people just snogging each other in the hallway.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah, and I also liked when Fred and George – that scene with the fireworks and stuff as they’re flying over the Great Hall. That was really cool.

Voldemort In King’s Cross

Ben: But the one thing that just really confused me that I’m still having a hard time understanding, is why was Voldemort in a suit? Does anybody know?

Andrew: [laughs] Laura, you had a good idea about this, didn’t you?

Laura: I can’t remember specifically where it was in the book, but I remember at one point – I think it was in Order of the Phoenix where Harry remarked and made some kind of comment or a joke about Voldemort hiding behind a dust bin in the street or something and leaping out from behind it or something, and I almost kind of took that as an interpretation, and the suit almost being so many people denying that he was back, that he could be standing in the middle of Platform 9 3/4 in a suit, and no one would notice.

Eric: Exactly.

Laura: And I’m pretty sure it’s a nightmare.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: I mean, there’s no way it’s not.

Eric: It’s definitely a dream sequence-type thing.

Ben: That’s a good point, though, Laura.

Eric: Harry just kind of fades in and out.

Andrew: You think this is Harry having a nightmare? Because isn’t this right before he’s about to get on the Hogwarts Express? Don’t you think he might be zoning out or something?

Laura: Well, that could be – it could be a daydream or a nightmare or something.

Ben: Or Voldemort’s getting inside of his head. Voldemort put it there. Hm, interesting, though.

Andrew: What if after the close-up of Voldemort in the suit, it cuts back to Harry and he squints at him closer or something, and…

Ben: It turns back into a normal person or something.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s like Malfoy or something.

Laura: That would be really cool. I think that would be great interpretation.

Ben: At least it’s not a shrunken Jamaican head.

Eric: Yeah, yeah. [laughs]

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: That’s the way I look at it. [laughs]

Laura: I liked the shrunken head. [laughs]

Ben: [Jamaican accent] Hey, man!

Andrew: That was Cuaron’s touch.

Laura: That guy was awesome.

Andrew: I enjoyed that very much. I liked the suit.

Eric: I want that suit.

Andrew: I might be getting that for prom. Still don’t have a date yet, e-mail me at andrew at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

[Ben and Laura laugh]

Corny Lines

Ben: Moving on to the trailer, Ron has a really corny line, and I think that it’s going to be one of those lines that everybody’s thinking, “Why did he just say that?” Because every movie has a really corny line. In Goblet of Fire was when Harry walked into the tent, and he just turns around and goes, [imitates Harry] “I love magic.”

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Ben: And it just – “Oh, did he just say that? Did he just say that?” That’s what you think. The line in the trailer was, [imitates Ron] “Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?”

Andrew: Oh, I thought that was good! I don’t think that was very corny.

Eric: No, it was a good line.

Laura: I thought it was okay.

Andrew: It is kind of cliche.

Ben: I thought it was too cliche for my taste. I’m just having a hard time with the sincerity of the acting, you know?

Eric: With Ron? Or Rupert.

Ben: Not with Ron.

Eric: I – geez.

Ben: In that scene, I had a problem with Emma. And, I know, shocking.

Andrew: [Gasps] Ben!

Ben: I love Emma. I love Emma. Emma, I love you. It’s just the way she said, “Breaking rules is fun, isn’t it?” It just didn’t sound like she was in the role, like she was Hermione. It is taken out of context, but in that part it just didn’t sound like she was Hermione, you know? That she was being Hermione.

Eric: But thus far in the movie series we haven’t really seen – I mean, we’ve seen a booky Hermione Granger, maybe, in the first movie, but it’s never really been important. What’s always been more important is, “Does my hair really look like that from behind?” kind of a fashion-sense thing. They’ve made Hermione more of a girly girl.

Ben: More superficial, basically.

Eric: More superficial, exactly. So, for Ron to say, “Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?” Yes, it’s funny, but only for those who’ve read the book and actually have an image of a booky, intelligent Hermione Granger. Because those who’ve seen the movies, I mean…

Ben: [laughs] Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: So, in a way it’s almost ironic, too, because…

Eric: Yeah, I think they should have been a bit more careful before drawing that contrast because there’s nothing in the movies to support that line and make it funny at all, really.

Ben: Yeah. And something about Goblet of Fire was that I really thought that Emma Watson did an excellent job in that movie. I thought it was her best yet, and I’m expecting that same in Order of the Phoenix, just that line was sort of – to me, it was almost a corny moment. Kind of like at Goblet of Fire when Harry and Ron say “I’ll write you every day,” or whatever and they are like, “No, we won’t.”

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Ben: It’s just sort of – it’s just dumb because – Oh, you’re friends, you’re friends, but you aren’t going to bother to talk to each other. I mean, Harry doesn’t have anybody but his fat cousin who sits on the couch eating Oreos all day, but he’s not going to write to you guys. No, that’s not going to happen.

Eric: Biscuits, Ben. Biscuits.

Andrew: Now, I’m a big Alan Rickman fan and I love his portrayal of Snape, but was anyone not amused by him hitting Ron over the head? Because he has already done that, he’s already done that.

Eric: Aw, come on.

Andrew: Why is he doing that again?

Laura: But that is part of the thing with these movies. They have these, like Ben was saying, these constant, recurring corny moments, like…

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: If you remember back to Sorcerer’s Stone, the big thing throughout that was Seamus blowing stuff up all the time. [laughs]

Andrew: Right, right.

Laura: Like ever five seconds he blew something up.

Andrew: That got old quick.

Laura: Yeah, it did. And, I think they just do it for the kids. I think they do it so the kids have something to laugh at.

The Music

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true. Let’s see. What else do these people want to talk about? I was a real big fan of the music underneath this international trailer.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I just thought it was very powerful and, you know…

Ben: Now who’s doing it this time? Is it the…

Andrew: It’s not John Williams, correct?

Ben: Dolin? Something Dolin?

Andrew: Yeah. Peter Dolin, I think, or something like that? Peter Doyle.

Ben: Peter Doyle, yeah that’s right. Peter Doyle.

Andrew: Yeah, so I was really impressed by that. My favorite part of the trailer, the music at least, is underneath Hermione – underneath Ron’s line “Who are you and what have you done with…” It was like, “bum, bum, bum.” I just thought that that was really good.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

“Don’t Fight Him, Harry”

Ben: Something that I noticed, there’s a – I typed out a few of my favorite lines in here.

Andrew: Oh, good prep work, Ben.

Ben: In the international trailer when Dumbledore says, “Don’t fight him, Harry, you can’t win.” To me that doesn’t seem like something Dumbledore would say.

Andrew: Yeah. We’ve been getting a lot of feedback about that, actually.

Laura: I think he was talking about…

Ben: But that just…

Laura: …the Occulmency, though.

Andrew: Ooh.

Laura: I think he was kind of telling Harry not to try to invade Voldemort’s mind, just to focus on keeping Voldemort out of his.

Andrew: Ooh.

Laura: That’s what I took it as.

Andrew: Because everyone seemed to take that to be Dumbledore talking about Voldemort. That might make sense.

Harry Dueling With Voldemort

Ben: See, at the end of the trailer a lot of people think that when Harry shouts Expelliarmus and then Voldemort is shown doing something right after that – At first I thought, “Well, what’s Harry doing dueling Voldemort again?” Or did he duel Voldemort?

Laura: No, he didn’t.

Ben: Sort of. Well, he just dived out of the way in Order of the Phoenix, right?

Laura: Yeah, pretty much. Dumbledore dueled him.

Ben: And so – Yeah. And so, I was just sort of wondering, “Well, what was going on there?” So, I think it’s just two different clips, they wouldn’t put a new dueling scene in. [laughs]

Laura: Well, remember Harry dueled with Bellatrix. He tried to go after her.

Andrew: Yeah, and in this shot Sirius is blocking Harry, so that’s probably that scene. I hope they’re not trying to create the perception that Dumbledore and Harry are dueling because that would be kind of…

Laura: Yeah. One thing – I’m pretty sure that it was in the domestic trailer where Dumbledore and Voldemort were dueling, and they were having a Priori Incantatem moment. Did you guys notice that?

Andrew: Yeah, you know what…

Laura: Their wands were connected.

Andrew: Yeah. Well – Hold on, wait. Let’s get to that in a second because…

Laura: Okay.

Andrew: I just – That end of that trailer was so good.

Laura: I know.

Andrew: But…

“You Will Lose Everything”

Ben: Okay, at the end of the international trailer when Voldemort…

Andrew: Yeah, let’s talk about the international…

Ben: When Voldemort says, “You will lose everything,” that sent chills down my spine, I was…

Andrew: I was so happy that made the trailer because it looked so corny on the poster.

Laura: It looked really lame.

Andrew: It was just said, straight up, “You will lose everything,” and I’m like, “That’s stupid, what – ” You know.

Ben: I was just wondering who said it, who says, “You will lose everything”? That was the thing for me.

Andrew: Well, I thought it was Voldemort because Voldemort’s right there on the cover, but – or on the poster – but in the trailer it sounds so much better because there’s that long pause “You will lose” – [whispering] – “everything.” Bah bah bah!

Eric: Well, Ralph Fiennes is great!

Andrew: He is great.

Laura: He is an awesome actor.

Ben: The actors in these movies are incredible. They do every role justice in my mind, with the exception of Gambon/Dumbledore from time to time. I think that every role is done justice. I mean, there is nothing that I am extremely displeased with in these films.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Feel free to disagree.

Andrew: In these films or in the trailers – in this Order of the Phoenix? What are you talking about?

Ben: In the films, in general, I just…

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: The acting is just so wonderful.

Andrew: Yeah.

“He’s Not Back”

Andrew: Oh, another thing I wasn’t happy about though is when Dumbledore is there on trial and Fudge says, let me play it – “He’s not,” “he’s not” – What does he say?

Laura: “He’s not back”?

Andrew: “He’s not back.” He says it like he’s losing his voice or something. I hate that voice, because that’s not how he sounds in Prisoner of Azkaban.

Ben: Oh! Oh, I take that back. I was extremely disappointed…

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: …with Barty Crouch, Senior. Okay. Ugh. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, that…

Ben: [in a high voice] “Harry Potter, you…” [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Andrew: But, just – Fudge – his voice, was he – did he lose his voice that day, because that sounds terrible.

Laura: No, it sounded to me like he was – I don’t want to say whispering, but kind of trying to shush Dumbledore, in a way.

Andrew: Like he’s afraid.

Laura: By the tone of his voice.

Andrew: Oh, oh.

Ben: Has anyone else seen Robert Hardy, the actor who plays Fudge, act a lot before or…?

Andrew: No.

Ben: He really isn’t that much in the movie. You don’t really hear him speak that much so maybe we just haven’t seen him talk enough until now.

Andrew: Yeah. I’m looking at his IMDB just for kicks. He hasn’t really starred in any big movies.

Eric: Well, there was a…

Andrew: Lassie. [laughs]

Eric: Well, for British actors – British actors you can never really tell what movies they do, how popular they’ll be but, you know, unless they’re premiered in America, which you know everyone’s kind of doing. But no, he had a big scene in Chamber of Secrets. Remember when Lucius Malfoy went with Cornelius to Hagrid’s hut and tried to…

Laura: Was that the same guy?

Eric: Yeah.

Ben: It was. It was.

Eric: It was the same guy, but that’s…

Laura: He looked different to me.

Eric: That’s why you asked that, Laura.

Laura: So, I just…

Eric: He looked different, he looked completely different. And in Prisoner of Azkaban he was pretty much the same, you know, “Oh, Harry, we don’t send people to Azkaban just for blowing up their aunts.” [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: But, then Tom was so different, so, that was really messed up.

Imelda Staunton And Umbridge

Andrew: Anything else to bring up about this international trailer?

Laura: Well, while we were still talking about the characters, I just wanted to bring up Imelda Staunton as Umbridge.

Andrew: Yeah.

Ben: Oh, she is awesome.

Laura: She just looks so good. She really looks brilliant. And I’m so excited, like…

Andrew: She does…

Laura: You know, whenever she did that kind of squeaky laugh – I can’t even imitate it, but when she did it, it annoyed me so much.

Andrew: You know what – and I…

Laura: I wanted to hit the wall. [laughs]

Andrew: I was thinking, I extracted that clip of her laugh and I thought we could start playing it on the show every time we said something funny, but then it just got so annoying after I played it for like the tenth time.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: And it sounded so fake after you hear it so many times. But I was thinking about this, I’m a little afraid that there’s almost too much focus on Umbridge, like they really center around her in this trailer. Like she’s in almost every shot just her being herself, and I almost feel like there might be too much of Umbridge.

Laura: Well…

Eric: Well, the Ministry…

Laura: …I don’t think so.

Eric: …is imposing.

Andrew: She plays a big role, but I just really want to come out of the movie hating her, and if we do, then I think…

Eric: Oh yeah, well, look at the…

Andrew: …it’s a job well done.

Eric: Look at the international trailer, right after Hagrid says something about the war coming full-scale uprising and then there’s like…

Andrew: Yeah, yeah.

Eric: …ten centaurs who are like running through the woods who burst out of this, like – in between two trees – like, if that’s…

Andrew: You’re willing to see the movie?

Eric: …the scene where Umbridge gets attacked by the centaurs, I’m willing to see it.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah, I’m going to run to see the movie because that’s just going to be so good.

Filch Hammering The Decrees

Eric: But Laura was talking about hitting the wall, too. The international trailer is punctuated with the hammer and the nail.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: On the wall, nailing up Umbridge’s…

Andrew: I thought that was too much.

Eric: …educational decrees, so…

Laura: Yeah. Really?

Eric: I thought it was cool.

Laura: I thought it was kind of cool the way they had those set up.

Ben: I thought it was cool, though.

Andrew: No, no. I love how they have them set up. I don’t like how it kept cutting back to Fudge nailing in the different – I don’t know.

Eric: Well, not – Filch? You said Fudge.

Andrew: Oh, I meant Filch.

Cho’s Change

Andrew: But have we talked on the show at all about the change in the movie where Cho rats out Harry?

Laura: Yes. Yeah, we did.

Andrew: Because the trailer gives that away, so I thought it’s fair game now.

Laura: Yeah.

The Ministry Of Magic

Andrew: Also a big fan of the scene where they’re running through the Hall of Prophecies. I thought that looks really cool.

Laura: Oh, my gosh.

Andrew: Completely digital.

Laura: It looks amazing.

Andrew: Laura, what did you think of the Ministry of Magic?

Laura: I don’t know. I think the Ministry – I think the whole thing looks really good just from what we’ve seen of it in the trailers.

Eric: Oh, my gosh. Guys, I just uncovered the scene where Remus is holding Harry back from the veil. It’s towards the very end of the international trailer right after the wall of Educational Decrees blows up, but then the fiery dragon is coming through it. There’s a short scene where Harry’s just screaming and you can see Remus holding him back. I really like that. The way that it looks – it’s just – because you can tell Sirius has just died.


Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. Let’s move on to the domestic trailer which came out a mere, what, three days later?

Laura: Yeah, one of the first things I noticed were the Dementors. And they look really different, but I like them.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: They look really, really good. This was the one that I basically sat there and went through frame-by-frame just to look at everything, and I just love the way the dementors look. They look really, really good.

Dumbledore And Voldemort’s Duel

Andrew: Yeah. The ends, which you wanted to talk about earlier – the shot of Dumbledore and Voldemort dueling.

Laura: Oh, Dumbledore and Voldemort.

Andrew: It’s like, I can’t even – it’s really – [sighs].

Laura: Yeah, it looks so good. But, my only problem with it is it looks like they have Priori Incantatem going on.

Andrew: I need to find it.

Laura: It really does. And at first I thought it might’ve been Harry, but then I looked at it and the robes looked like Dumbledore’s.

Andrew: Oh, it’s 1:42.

Laura: Ah, I don’t even have it up right now. It’s towards the end.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s definitely not Harry. Hm. Yeah, because the colors are different in the spells, and they’re clashing; Voldemort’s is green and Dumbledore’s is red. That scene is going to be so amazing, though.

Falling Into The Department Of Mysteries?

Laura: Yeah, another thing that I wanted to bring up: What was with that – did you notice that one – it was really short, where the kids – they were falling…

Andrew and

Laura: And then they stopped.

Laura: Yeah, what was that?

Andrew: Was it bouncing?

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Laura: I was trying to think of what happened in the book that would even influence that.

Andrew: Oh, they must be coming into the Department of Mysteries because they’re all there.

Laura: But they didn’t fall into the Department of Mysteries.

Andrew: I know, but…

Eric: It reminded me of Hook, when Robin Williams’s character just begins to gain flight after falling down the old tree house shaft and then bursts out in tights and everything.

Andrew: Yeah, but this is the Department of Mysteries. Look around it.

Laura: Well, it’s got to be. They’re all there.

Eric: Is it? Because all you see is…

Andrew: They’re all there. Look at the brick.

Eric: The question is who’s casting it.

Andrew: And then, one of the pictures that was released a month ago by Newsweek, there’s a picture with this set, with those green bricks, and you know, that kind of set, and they said it was in the Department of Mysteries.

Eric: Oh, wait. Actually, when – I thought originally that it was when they fall and somebody’s holding out an arm with a wand, but actually, it’s two feet.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Eric: So, somebody else is in front of them? What is going on?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: That makes very little…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I also see Umbridge casting a spell just before that.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: I don’t know, guys. I can’t find the whole Dumbledore/Priori Incantatem thing.

Andrew: I also – well, that’s at 1:42, I think.

Privet Drive

Andrew: I like the shots where Harry and Dudley back at Privet Drive, right after Dudley gets attacked the Dementor, Harry casts a spell, and the way he casts it, it’s like he’s rolling a bowling ball, sort of. I’m going frame-by-frame.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: It’s like an underhand pitch almost, it’s not the normal overhand thing.

Ben: Yeah, his stroke – his wand stroke.

Andrew: But that’s a really cool shot.

Laura: The whole set of Privet Drive and the surrounding neighborhood is completely different.

Andrew: Yeah, they’re in a tunnel. They weren’t in a tunnel in…

Laura: It almost looks like they’re in a city.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Inside that tunnel.

Ben: Yeah, because in Prisoner of Azkaban, it was fairly open, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: Hmmm.

Andrew: Yeah.

Harry And Cho

Ben: Something I liked about the trailer – Ben Schoen, always a sucker for romance.

[Andrew laughs]

Ben: When Cho says, “You’re a really good teacher, Harry,” and then they kiss. That’s just so – it was heartwarming, to say the least.

Andrew: What I did like about that was right afterwards the transition from that stupid love scene to the dark serious stuff because the music suddenly changes.

Laura: To all the good stuff, yeah.

Ben: No…

Andrew: Exactly.

Ben: I thought that was a really cool line, though. “You’re a really good teacher, Harry.”

Andrew: I guess.

Ben: Yeah.

Laura: And then she had to drop the kid because they had to have another one of those corny moments…

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: …like we were talking about.

Ben: Or when Sirius said, “It’s your turn, Harry.” I really like that too.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, that was a good one.

Eric: Oh, wow. I’m just…

High-Definition Trailer

Andrew: But there was – by the way – everyone should download the 1080p version. It’s beautiful. You can see every last thing.

Ben: What’s a 1080p?

Andrew: It’s hi-def. It’s like a 150 megabyte trailer, it’s – yeah, the quality’s awesome.

Laura: My computer couldn’t handle that one.

Andrew: Yeah, it plays a little slow.

Eric: Where do we get this from? Guys?

Andrew: You – links are on MuggleNet, I can’t remember exactly. Well, let’s just run through shots that we think are really good. I mean, I loved the one where Harry is in a really close isle of prophecies and he’s running by himself. I’m a sucker, Ben, for shots that are shaky-camera shots to illustrate the action in the movement of the scene.

Judging OOTP Too Soon

Ben: Okay, guys, here’s what happens. Hold on a second. You have to hear me out here, quickly. Here’s what always happens whenever, and I’m serious – I mean, whenever we start talking about a movie. It happened with Goblet of Fire, it always happens. We start off talking about, “Oh my gosh, this movie looks so great,” and then the second we see the movie…

Andrew: We always start judging it.

Ben: After we get out of the movie, we say, “That was a wonderful movie,” and then Emerson says, “Hands down, hands down…”

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: “…best film I’ve seen, the best film yet,” and then…

Andrew: “Best movie ever!”

Ben: The crowd goes wild and they scream and stuff. Right. And then three weeks later, three weeks or a month later, we’re talking about the movie on the show and all the sudden, we’re all talking about how much we hate it and how it didn’t do the book justice. It’s what we always do.

Eric: I don’t know, I was really always…

Andrew: It’s because we all get caught up in the hype in the beginning, and the trailer’s like an amazing action-packed two minutes of just…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: You know, the best scenes.

Ben: So, let’s be realistic here. What does this mean for the film?

Laura: I really think this trailer…

Ben: What does this mean for the film? What does this trailer mean for the film?

Andrew: Honestly?

Eric: Freaking awesome.

Andrew: Jam-packed. I have to say, looking back at Goblet of Fire, I didn’t – it was good, but it’s not as good as…

Eric: Aw, come on. Ben, you’re right.

Andrew: I thought it was when I first saw it. Because I saw it a couple weeks ago…

Eric: It’s just that simple, Ben’s right.

Andrew: I just – I almost felt like it was a pain to get through the three challenges because it’s like, “Alright, now we’re at number one. Okay, now we’re at number two. Alright, now…”

Ben: No, it wasn’t a pain. I thought it moved incredibly fast.

Laura: Well, you know…

Andrew: It was quick.

Ben: I thought it did an excellent job. Because everything is just so boom, boom, boom, boom, there is no – if you go to the bathroom in Goblet of Fire, during that movie, you’re hosed, okay? You…

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, that’s true.

Ben: Come back and you’re completely out of the loop. So, yeah. Parents, before seeing Order of the Phoenix, take your children to the restroom. Or else you’ll regret it.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah, take yourself to the restroom, too. When you see Movie 5, though, you’re going to immediately think that Movie 4 sucked. I really think so. I’m going to. I’m already thinking Movie 4 sucked before Order of the Phoenix.

Ben: Initially, initially. People are going to run out of the premiere after they see the movie, run into the live podcast, and talk about how cool everything was, instead of objectively judging the movie like they will a week later, you know?

Eric: No…

Ben: Because, that’s how I honestly think it was.

Eric: I don’t like what you’re doing, Ben. I mean, you’re saying that people will not like this movie after they give it a real, serious think. Are you ignoring…

Ben: No, I’m not. No. No, I’m saying is that from our perspective as people on a podcast, we analyze every little detail. Andrew started talking about time stamps a little bit ago. “Did you see at 44 seconds?” You know? We analyze every little detail to the point where even if we actually do enjoy the film, it sounds like we don’t because we are scrutinizing it so much, is what I’m saying. And I think that’s true.

Andrew: But, you know, at any rate, I think we are all in agreement that this is probably going to be – completely countering what you just said – but it’s going to be the best movie ever.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: I really think so. I think it’s got a great group of actors…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: We’re going to be seeing everyone in this film, and we are going to have an awesome duel at the end.

Eric: I don’t – yeah.

Andrew: And well besides the fact, Order of the Phoenix is my favorite book – Eric, your opinion on all of this?

Eric: Well, I don’t think their acting was lacking, really. I mean, I love all the other movies. I don’t hate the previous films just because I think five is going to be great. I’ve even made my amends with POA. I really have. So, I love all the previous films. I don’t really know what’s going on.

Ben: See, that’s the thing. When I remember first watching Sorcerer’s Stone, I loved that movie. I mean, that was my favorite movie. At the time, it was my favorite movie period.

Eric: You’re allowed to have new favorites.

Ben: I know. I’m just saying that it’s just sort of interesting how from the standpoint of someone who – Back then I wasn’t involved in the website or anything like that, and I really enjoyed the movie, and I kept enjoying the movie. Then once I saw it a thousand times, I started nitpicking at it. [laughs]

Eric: Hmmm.

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: And I liked it less.

Laura: Well, I think that’s what people like us do. When you consider the general public who isn’t as obsessed with Harry Potter as we are, the people who are going to watch it once maybe twice, they won’t have as many problems with it as we obviously will because we are going to watch it ten million times.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: There is no doubt about it, and I think that’s a big part of all of the criticisms we have for the movies.

Eric: Hey, if somebody has to sit in a room and review this movie five thousand times, I’m game to volunteer.

[Andrew and Eric laugh]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Because it looks like it is going to be so good.

Andrew: It really does.

Laura: It does.

Listener Feedback: Positive Review

Ben: Should we see what the listeners thought about the trailer?

Andrew: Ben, that’s a great idea. Earlier this week we posted on and looked for your feedback.

Ben: Vanessa, 19, from California says,

I must say; wow. Just wow. I get goosebumps whenever I watch that trailer. There are a lot of shots of action scenes with things breaking and with lots of chaos, which the book did convey. I’m particularly excited about the Weasley’s chaos. Other than that, I’m just speechless.

Andrew: Yeah. Everyone got chills, right, when they saw it?

Laura: I agree. Yeah. I think this is probably the best preview we’ve ever gotten for any of the Potter films, really.

Eric: That’s what I agree with, but, if you remember, I think it is something different that they did in marketing because with Goblet of Fire, remember we had full scenes from the movie – not full scenes – but clips from the actual movie. We had, what, ten scenes of like a minute long, two minutes long?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Like the ferret scene and etcetera, and they released it. They are not doing that with this, but yet we get such a better trailer, and international and domestic trailers are just so much more…

Ben: But how do we know they are not going to do that? The last time, what they did was they waited until May, and they did a special on ABC. Wasn’t that what it was?

Eric: Ooh.

Ben: That’s what it was for Prisoner of Azkaban. They had a special in May on ABC where they played Chamber of Secrets on TV, and then they had the previews – the interstitials – for Goblet of Fire.

Eric: They were actual clips from the movie, and if anybody understands what I’m saying, I just want to speak out against that happening in this movie because they ruined the…

Ben: Spoiled it in a way…

Eric: They took it out of context of the rest of the movie, and even though they were great scenes, and it’s great, “Oh, yes. They kept this scene in the movie!” I would prefer it if it stayed in one whole piece. You know, Order of the Phoenix exists as a whole film. I don’t want to just see one scene given to me in advance. I want to see the whole movie.

Laura: Well, you…

Eric: And I want it to be good.

Laura: You don’t have to watch it.

Eric: I know I don’t have to watch it.

[Ben laughs]

Eric: But the fact that they’re releasing it to – to…

Ben: Well, okay.

Eric: Everyone just to watch it but the fact that they’re releasing it to everyone to watch is just disgraceful because what they’ve got is something that seems to be very coherent and very important to where it is in the movie. It seems to be fit and crammed so tightly that taking it out to show the people, “Hey, we did this scene and we like it.” It’s just not good for anyone. It’s just not – People don’t need to see that. They’ll see the movie anyway. Alright, guys. I gotta go. Good luck discussing everything else. I don’t wanna snub the listeners, I try to get in a little bit, but I have to go to work now, so. I’ll…

Ben: Okay, have fun at work. Where do you work at?

Eric: Oh, Borders, man.

Ben: You flying back to the movie theater?

Eric: [laughs] Yeah, I fly back to the movie theater. No, but we do get – we do get Spiderman 3 before y’all. By like a day, so it’s pretty cool.

Ben: Ooh.

Eric: Alright, cool. Take care.

Listener Feedback: Good Scenes And Voldemort’s Appearance

Ben: Enough of what we think of the trailer, Samantha, 19, of Illinois writes:

Hey, guys. Love you, love the show. I was very pleased to see Fred and George Weasley flying around wreaking havoc. My only hope for this movie is that they keep in the funniest line, “Give her hell from us, Peeves!” Umbridge looks positively annoying, as she should. At first, it was a bit weird to see Voldemort in a suit, but now I kinda like it. Does he look kind of different to you guys? Like, redder lips or something? And of course, there was Dumbledore’s flight. I think that maybe Michael Gambon may finally be bringing out the true Dumbledore. About time. Overall, this movie looks amazing. I can’t wait.

End quote.

Andrew: Voldemort’s lips do look pretty…

Ben: I didn’t – I didn’t – I wasn’t – I wasn’t looking at his lips.

Laura: I thought Voldemort looked a little different.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Like his face, it almost looked like his eyes were more sunken and there was more darkness there and his lips looked more human than they did in the last one. I noticed that as well.

Andrew: Which I think is a good idea. Because you…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …want to make him look more real, but at the same time you want to make him look unreal.

Laura: Yeah. It doesn’t – he doesn’t look drastically different, I just think they’ve made some make-up, cosmetic-type changes just to kind of upgrade him, I suppose.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: I think it looks fine.

Andrew: Right. Um, yeah. What else did she say here?

Laura: Oh, Dumbledore’s flight. That looked really great.

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Laura: [laughs] That just looked amazing.

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

Laura: That was just another thing in that trailer with so many large-scale type action moments, and I’m just – I’m really, really excited for it.

Andrew: Definitely.

Listener Feedback: Negative Review

Andrew: We got some other feedback from Andrew of Chicago, Illinois. He writes:

I’m probably the only one that hates the trailer. I can accept changing some things and cutting things to make a movie, but this is Potter blasphemy. They might as well call this “Harry Potter and Some of The Things That Occurred In Order of the Phoenix, but Perhaps in Different Places or With Different People and Some Things That Didn’t Occur At All, With Some Other Stuff That Will Look Cool With a Bunch of CGI.

[deep breath] Um, I think that’s too long of a title.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: PS: Is that Jamie I see in the business suit at the train? I thought he missed it.

Oh, snap!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: That’s a good one, Andrew, and Jamie can’t defend himself which makes it even better. I think it’s too early to be complaining about the changes. Although, we already have. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah. I think his big complaint is that what they’re doing is basically taking characters who weren’t there during certain parts of the movie. Like they have Ron in the woods with Harry and Hermione when they come into contact with Grawp. And then they’ve definitely put more of a focus on characters like Fred, George, the trio, Luna, Cho and Ginny for Dumbledore’s Army as opposed to how many people were in it originally, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing because if you tried to focus on all of the people that were in there originally, it was like what, 25 people? There’s no way you can put that kind of focus in a movie. You’ve gotta keep your focus with the characters that the audience can relate with because they’re the ones that they know.

Listener Feedback: Ron

Andrew: Alright, and one last piece of feedback comes from Laura, 24 of [imitates English accent] Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK. Chip, chip! She writes:

Wow. That’s all I can say. I’m now even more excited about this film than I was before, and I didn’t think that was possible. The most exciting thing in this trailer, for me, is Ron. It seems like the filmmakers have realized that Rupert is more than just a rubber face and have given him some great lines.

Uh, Ben would not agree with this, but, she quotes:

“Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?” Perfect, she says.

Ben: Ooh.

Andrew: Laura from the UK thinks…

Ben: Alright, Laura. I just have problems with people named Laura. I think that’s more than obvious by now.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Ben: Just kidding, Laura. I love you. You know I love you, Laura.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Laura: Which one are you talking to, Ben?

Ben: Both! All Laura’s.

[Andrew and Laura laugh.]

Ben: If your name is Laura, Ben Schoen sends his love.

New OOTP Website

Andrew: [laughing] Alright, so that does it for the feedback this week. If you have anything to add to our conversation please email it in to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com and maybe we’ll put it on the show next week. Also, something that came out this week, a new Order of the Phoenix website. Have you guys checked that out?

Ben: I did. I actually…

Laura: Yeah.

Ben: I signed up for the Dumbledore’s Army. It was awesome.

Laura: Me too, but they wouldn’t let me in. [laughs]

Andrew: I couldn’t – Yeah.

Ben: Yeah, they had to review my profile.

Andrew: Yeah, but then once you come back like an hour or two later they’ll let you in. I was trying to do the spells and it wouldn’t register any of them. Like, it gives you twenty tries and then it tells you…

Ben: Ooh, Andrew’s a squib! Ooh, Andrew’s a squib.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Geez, I guess that’s what it is. I just thought it was a computer problem. I didn’t even think it was me. But it tells you how to do it, but I couldn’t do it right. That’s that. Anything else about the website? It’s nice. I hate sound on websites.

Ben: Yeah, that was so annoying. Oh my gosh.

Laura: Every time you opened up a window it would play the music.

Andrew: Yeah, but you know, I’m rocking out to Freddie Mercury and then all of a sudden – [imitates the website music] – like, obnoxiously loud.

Laura: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: Thank god they have a turn-off button, but you know, that’s just…

Theme Park Rumor

Ben: You know…

Andrew: What?

Ben: You know what’s annoying to me?

Andrew: What’s that?

Ben: This Harry Potter theme park rumor that just won’t seem to die.

Andrew: Ben, but it’s true.

Ben: It’s true? Oh yeah, it is true. That’s right it is true – sort of.

Andrew: Well, not really, but – So, there’s been rumors going around for a while, but now they seem to be picking up pace again, which, you know, could mean absolutely nothing but it could also mean that some things are in the works. The Harry Potter Automatic News Aggregator independently confirmed, apparently, that Universal, J.K. Rowling, and Warner Brothers are on talks to make it happen. So with that said, I think it’s certainly a possibility.

Laura: I think it’d be pretty cool.

Andrew: Oh, there’s so many possibilities. You could do…

Ben: Oh, this would be awesome – Azkaban, the Azkaban ride. That would be sweet.

Andrew: It seems like a stupid question, but would everyone go to the theme park?

Laura: Yeah, I’d go.

Ben: Oh, dude, oh man, that’d be a giant attraction.

Andrew: I don’t know if I’d be first in line.

Ben: Well, that’s because I would shove you out of the way, I’d be first.

[Andrew and Ben laugh]

Ben: So, no, you wouldn’t be first.

Laura: Well, you know, in that article that we posted, didn’t it say that they were considering just adding it as part of the Islands of Adventure thing? At Universal Studios?

Andrew: Right, it wouldn’t be an actual – it would be an extension of one of those things.

Laura: Yeah, and I mean those – I was just there a couple months ago and those little sections have like two or three rides each. So, it wouldn’t have tons and tons of Harry Potter rides. There would be like a restaurant and like, some shops and stuff, but it wouldn’t be huge if they had it there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Which would be kind of disappointing.

Andrew: Oh, can you just imagine the store area, Diagon Alley? I mean, it would be very predictable.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Some of the things. [laughs]

Ben: I think it would be awesome just to go there.

Andrew: It would be awesome.

Ben: I wish that there’d be like actual Dementors that come around and suck out people’s souls. Now that would be cool.

Andrew: Well, yeah, cause there would be mascots. Wouldn’t that be weird seeing like a Harry Potter…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: But Harry Potter, you couldn’t really put like Mickey Mouse…

Ben: Yeah, can you imagine a little kid going up to get his picture taken with a hooded, cloaked…

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Ben: You know, a Dementor. That’d be crazy. [laughs]

Equus In The US

Andrew: And also, moving along, Dan and Richard Griffiths are coming to the United States for Equus, apparently. Not completely confirmed yet…

Ben: That is crazy.

Andrew: Isn’t it? Because we were just joking around on the show a couple of weeks ago that they wouldn’t be coming out to the U.S. It wouldn’t seem to make sense because like, with filming Half-Blood Prince coming up later this year, you know?

Ben: Yeah, I remember that, actually.

Andrew: I think – It’s gonna be huge here, first of all. I mean, you know, all these Dan Radcliffe fangirls. I mean, there’s quite a few in the United Kingdom, but there is even more in the United States, and I think it’s just going to be huge. The fangirls are going to be going crazy. But – oh, it’s closing down in mid-June which – And there’s been like, tabloids have been saying, “Oh, they’re being shut down because it’s been doing so bad.” It hasn’t been doing bad, but I don’t think it met their expectations in terms of ticket sales. Obviously, Dan Radcliffe was a big selling point for anyone interested in going to see Equus.

Promotional Poster

Andrew: Okay, so I think that wraps up the news discussion for this week. Is there anything else anyone wants to talk about? I mean, there’s been so much lately. It’s unbelievable.

Laura: We’re probably going to have ten million things we remember we wanted to talk about once we stop recording.

Andrew: Yeah, I’m looking at the news now. I mean, there was the Order of the Phoenix promo poster, which looks fantastic. I think it’s probably…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …my favorite one.

Laura: One thing I’m glad about – and I think it was actually addressed in one of these rebuttals that we just read – was that for once in these posters, Ron does not look like he just wet his pants.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah!

Laura: I love that so much! I’m like, “Finally!” [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah, and I love the caption: “The Rebellion Begins.”

Laura: Yeah, I really like how they’re taking on the political rebellion-type thing that’s going on in the wizarding world during that point in the series.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I’m really glad that they’re…

Andrew: Ginny…

Laura: …doing that.

Andrew: Yeah. Bonnie Wright looks much more mature. I could have sworn she’s aged ten years since we’ve seen her. Seriously. I mean, she looks a lot…

Ben: Where’s the picture of her at? In the photo – in the poster?

Andrew: Right there. I just linked you. Yeah, and Evanna Lynch is looking very nice, too. Shout out to Evanna Lynch, MuggleCast listener.

Ben: Does she really look that mature? Or is it just because the way the…

Laura: I think she does because…

Andrew: She just looks older to me.

Laura: …they have some promo pictures, like individual headshots of everybody, and she looks a lot older in this one. They had them all…

Andrew: You do get to that point where you do suddenly…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …grow up a lot.

Laura: Yeah, I mean…

Andrew: And I think Ginny looks taller than Harry in this photo. But really, she’s not. That might be making her look a little bit older. Why isn’t Harry wearing his Hogwarts wardrobes?

Laura: Neither is Hermione.

Andrew: Him and Hermione.

Laura: That’s what I didn’t get about it.

Andrew: Why aren’t they all matching?

Laura: Like, why are they two in – why are they in normal attire, and everybody else is in their robes?

Ben: [laughs] That is kind of strange.

OOTP Video Game

Andrew: Also, there’s been a lot of news with the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix video game. They released a “sizzler” trailer, they’re calling it, basically to hype up the new game with awesome – with some great shots are up. The game’s looking fantastic. You’re going to be able to walk around the game, or walk around Hogwarts, as you please. It’s going to be unbelievable.

Ben: Un-be-lievable.

MuggleNet In Portuguese

Andrew: And MuggleNet news is now available in Portuguese for all you out there who…

Ben: You Brazilians out there.

Andrew: Yeah, for all you Brazilians. Let me try and read a post.

[Andrew reads post in broken Portuguese]

Ben: That’s very disrespectful, thank you very much.

Andrew: No, I just, I don’t – Well, no, I don’t know my Portuguese. I’m just – I’m not good at any language, not even English.

Ben: I know a – I had a Brazilian foreign exchange student at my school last year. I have one this year, too.

Laura: Yeah, me too.

Ben: Thank you.

Andrew: Yeah?

[Laura laughs]

Ben: You have a – at your school Laura?

Laura: [laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: The video game’s going to be amazing. When me and Jamie were there last month – the PS3 version is unbelievable quality. Jamie was actually just there today – we’re recording on a Thursday. Jamie was there today. He got a bunch of interviews and we’re going to have them on MuggleCast within the next few weeks. So, we’re going to get another good look at the video game coming very soon on the show.

Chicken Soup For The MuggleCast Soul

Andrew: Let’s wrap things up today with two Chicken Soups for the MuggleCast Soul to make up for last week and all the other times that we skipped. This is a really – you know we’ve talked about this before – but this is a quality segment on the show, I do believe. Alright, so our first Chicken Soup today comes from Linda, 47, of Missouri. She writes,

I just had to tell you guys, and Laura, how much I love the podcast and listening to all of your theories and comments. It reaffirms my lost faith in today’s youth.”

We get that a lot – people saying that. [laughs]

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: It makes me – “I feel so much better about teenagers these days when I listen to you guys.” I guess that’s a compliment. Yeah, if they only knew what we do outside of the show.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I thought you might enjoy a little “Chicken Soup” moment. I am a grandma in the Midwest with a 21-month old granddaughter named Raven that was born visually-impaired. One of the things we enjoy doing together is reading Harry Potter out loud, as I rapidly tire of reading the routine toddler fare. Raven may not be able to see what is on the pages, but she knows what books are by touch and likes to help turn the pages and hear the paper crackle, as well as the stories. She is learning to walk and talk and can say “book” and “read” and recently started bringing books to me and saying, “Mi-nee.” I thought she was saying “Mine” because we have Raven’s books and Grandma’s books, but one day I kept hearing her say it when I had Goblet of Fire playing on the TV and I realized she was saying “Hermione.” It was heartwarming to know that one thing she and I will always be able to share is a love of reading, whether out loud or later on by Braille, and especially a love of Harry Potter. Thanks to all of you for helping to keep the love of reading alive in your generation and those that follow you. I look forward to the podcast each week and think you are all great, but Laura is my favorite. Sorry, guys.

Thanks for all you do. Linda.

Thank you, Linda, very much. That was very nice.

Laura: Yeah, thank you.

Andrew: Laura, you can’t talk.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Alright. And the next Chicken Soup comes from Andy, 15, of Ohio. She writes:

Hey, guys. My name is Andrea and I’m from Ohio. I have a disease called RP and I am gradually losing my eyesight. I look forward to MuggleCast every week and I love listening to you guys. You really cheer me up, especially when I’m stuck in the hospital or at my doctor’s office for a really long time. I am sad that I will have to listen to Deathly Hallows and I won’t get to read it, but whenever I am listening to MuggleCast, I always forget and just listen. Thank you guys so much for being there for me, and I will continue to listen every week. Signed, Andrea, also goes by Andy.

Show Close

Andrew: Well, on that note, ladies and gentlemen, I think that does wrap up today’s show. That was an entire Order of the Phoenix show. It was nice to get a little bit of a break from the books.

Laura: Yeah, I agree. Definitely.

Andrew: Yeah, we had some voicemail planned, but we talked so much about the movies that we’ll get to the voicemails next week. If you want to contact – you know, I really don’t like how you guys mock me in the contact information thing.

Laura: [laughs] You do do that.

Andrew: Because you got this thing going on.

Laura: [laughs] You do.

Andrew: I’m going to start doing it more obnoxious because I’m trying to, you know, raise my voice to keep the tempo to not bore people. So, I’ll do it again. Ben, what is the P.O. Box for people who would like to send us a parcel mail?


PO Box 223
Moundridge, Kansas

Andrew: You can also call in a voicemail question, comment, or a listener rebuttal. Just keep your question under 60 seconds, and eliminate as much background noise as possible. To call us, if you are in the United States… [laughs] Now I hear myself doing it.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: If you are in the United States you can dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you are in the United Kingdom you can dial 020-8144-0677. If you are in Australia you can dial 02-8003-5668. You can also Skype the user name MuggleCast. Just try to keep your message under a minute and eliminate as much background noise as possible. Bam!

Ben: Have a wonderful day, people.

Andrew: [laughs] I’m not done yet! I’m not done yet. Stop! Ben, I’m not done yet! Ben, I’m not done yet.

Ben: Have a wonderful week! Remember this is a historic time period, folks. A historic time period. Go on.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: [laughs] I’m not done yet.

Ben: I’m sorry.

Andrew: Ben’s trying to inspire us all now. You can also use the handy feedback form located on Just select whoever you want to talk to. You can also email all of us at the same time, or you can get in your little listener rebuttals, or submissions that way. Or just email…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: …all our first names at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Also… [laughs] I’m really tuckered out for today. You can also call – use any of our community outlets. We have the MySpace, the Facebook, YouTube, Frappr,, and the Fanlisting/Forums. [laughs] You can also digg us on, vote for us once a month on Podcast Alley, and rate and review us at Yahoo Podcasts. Guys, guys, guys, we have over 8,000 friends on our MySpace now.

Ben: 8,000!

Laura: I thought you were supposed to stop it at…

Andrew: 8,000!

Laura: …7777.

Andrew: I did – we did for, like, two days. But then some friends would start dropping off, like, people would delete their accounts, so then it would drop underneath. It was too hard to keep it at exactly 7777. So, that is that. And don’t forget to become a member today at for exclusive MuggleCast audio, visual, pictures, secret documents and much more. You also get a free shirt! We’re only accepting sign-ups through June 16th, so sign up today. And all money raised benefits the show and our summer plans with the live podcasts and all that. And if you have any question for us just email andrew or ben at staff dot mugglenet dot com and we’ll be happy to answer them for you. So, once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Ben: I’m Ben Schoen.

Laura: And I’m Laura Thompson.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week for Episode 89. Buh bye!


Written by: Micah, Allison, Briana, Cindy, Haley, Hannah, Jessalyn, Jessica, Jessie, Karen, Laura, Leah, Luke, Margaret, Marya, Matt, Meredith, Rebeca, Samantha, Sapna, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #87

MuggleCast 87 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: What’s up, MuggleCast listeners? If you want to make an impact online has what you need. Get your own dot-com domain name for as low as $1.99. Plus, world class hosting, fast and easy website builders and much more. Plus, as a listener of MuggleCast, enter code Ron, that’s R-O-N, when you check out and get your dot-com domain name for just $6.99 a year. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: This week’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. Prepare for the upcoming release of Book 7 by catching a glimpse of where it all began. During the month of April, you can purchase Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on DVD for only $14.99 at Borders. Also be sure to reserve Book 7 at Borders at 40 percent off and get a free sticker. Choose from “Trust Snape” or “Snape is a very bad man.”

[Intro music begins to play]

Micah: Because we lost Andrew on the Outer Banks, this is MuggleCast Episode 87 for April 15th, 2007.

[Intro music continues to play]

Laura: Okay everyone, I think it’s time that we come clean.

Jamie: Do you really think so? Because it was such a joke.

Laura: I really do think that we should, Jamie, because so many people were so upset about it and I think it’s just time we came out and admitted that we really didn’t get the Book 7 manuscript.

Jamie: I would base this on one question: Would a general member of the population believe that in the seventh book, Jo would personally write that Harry slipped on a slice of carrot cake and broke his pelvis?

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Jamie: Because if the general population says, “No,” then I don’t think we should come clean. I think we should let people stew in their own disbelief, and believe it’s true and stuff.

Eric: Or we can insult our listeners for believing that Harry slipped on a piece of carrot cake, or…

Jamie: I think we should – I’m sorry, Eric. I think that they deserve insulting if they believed that.

Eric: Well if that didn’t do it for them, the whole Facebook thing…

Jamie: Yeah exactly.

Eric: …Was a lot more realistic. So…

Jamie: Oh wait, that wasn’t true?

Eric: Oh. Then it is time to come clean.

Jamie: Well listen, I tagged him, I wrote on his wall. So, don’t spoil the magic for me.

Laura: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, in all seriousness everybody, it was a joke.

Jamie: It was.

Laura: Frankly I was a little surprised that there were people who believed it.

Jamie: It’s just a joke. It’s just a joke.

Laura: I love how our supposed to be 30-second intro has now turned into two-and-a-half minutes of intro. And with that, I’m Laura Thompson.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Jamie: Jamie Lawrence.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

[Intro music continues to play]


Micah: Well Laura, there will soon be seven. That is the new ad for the Deathly Hallows marketing campaign designed by Scholastic, and it appears in the most recent addition of Entertainment Weekly.

Speaking of the seventh book, back in March, Scholastic announced their promotional plans for Deathly Hallows which included a Knight Bus tour. Scholastic has now released the dates and locations for their 37-stop tour along the East Coast of the United States. For more information you can check out

In an interview conducted on the Order of the Phoenix set last fall, producer David Heyman discussed what cuts they made to the film, his take on the film’s darkness and intensity and director David Yates. He said about Yates,

“You see a director with real strong point of view. A really idiosyncratic sensibility. He is someone who grounds things. He makes everything seem very real and authentic, and that’s very important for this… This is a film which is grounded, I think, more in reality in the sense that it’s about a revolution, in a way. War is upon us, or is getting closer, as Voldemort has returned.”

And Evanna Lynch recently did an interview where she spoke in detail about the past year where she won the role of Luna Lovegood. On whether she and Luna share similarities, Evanna says this:

“Yes, quite a few. I believe that almost anything is possible if you see the possibilities rather than the obstacles; Luna has some very unconventional beliefs that need no basis of fact and while I don’t share them I think it shows us that she won’t believe things are untrue until you have some very firm evidence. There is no evidence to suggest that the Crumple Horned Snorkack exists, but there is no evidence to suggest that it doesn’t exist, therefore she can believe in it. I think the main difference between us is that I am a lot more ambitious and that makes me serious. Luna is so free and seems to drift along with life, dealing with everything as it comes to her.”

JK Rowling is set to be featured on “Britain’s Rich List” next Thursday on ITV1 at 9 p.m. According to Radio Times, “Every year the Sunday Times Rich List ranks Britain’s top earners by their wealth. ITV gets an exclusive preview and meets the members of this exclusive club where the entry level is seventy million quid.”

Finally, happy birthday to Emma Watson. The Harry Potter actress who plays Hermione Granger turns 17 today, and another Emma, Emma Thompson, who plays professor Trelawney, turns 48.

That’s all the news for this April 15th, 2007, edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Laura: All right, thank you Micah.

Micah: You’re welcome, Laura. You know I like doing the news for you much better than Andrew.

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: Oh yeah. I know I’m not as pushy about you getting it done, right?

Micah: That’s right.

Jamie: Yeah, you should see Andrew.


Laura: Okay, we’ve only got one announcement for everybody this week-it’s just Podcast Alley. We’re number one over there so just keep up the voting. We’re ahead of that other Potter podcast and Keith and the Girl, which is always nice.

Jamie: But do you know what?

Laura: Uh-huh?

Jamie: Can I just say quickly, do you think we’re insulting the intelligence of our listeners by asking them every week to vote on Podcast Alley?

Laura: I don’t think so.

Jamie: Because you’d think after 87 shows, they might just remember.

Kevin: I wouldn’t, honestly.

Jamie: No, I wouldn’t.

Laura: Yeah, neither would I.

Kevin: I would totally forget.

Laura: And you notice that when we’ve gone for weeks at a time without doing it, we’ve slowly dropped down the list and I just think it’s good to remind people every now and then.

Jamie: Every week. Every week, you mean.

Laura: So just keep it in mind. [laughs] Every week and especially at the beginning of every month, go vote at Podcast Alley.

Jamie: Shouldn’t we add a kind of threat in there to make it seem more realistic? If you don’t vote for us on Podcast Alley…

Laura: Well let’s see, we have you listen to the other Potter podcast and God kills a kitten. So…

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, that’s God kills a kitten, but I think we need to take it a bit further, because if they listen to it it’s okay, but I think if they don’t vote on Podcast Alley, that’s pretty serious. So God doesn’t only kill the kitten…

Laura: Oh, well then…

Jamie: …he kills its family.

Laura: We will really spoil Book 7. We will really spoil Book 7. There we go.

Jamie: No, no, Laura it’s just a book though. It’s just a book. He’ll kill the kitten, he’ll torture their family and empty their checking accounts, and he’ll forge their signature and buy 500 quids worth of…

Eric: Wow!

Jamie: …coats from…

Laura: Wow. That’s…

Religious Complaints Addresseed

Eric: No. And speaking of dissing God, we have to say that right now in this announcement. I think we should really talk about that, actually. Because that’s – yeah.

Laura: Yeah, definitely. A lot of people – yeah, well not really – tons of people, but we’ve gotten several emails concerning listeners who think that we are dissing Christians and that’s one hundred percent not true. We have never on this show dissed Christians.

Jamie: How could you possibly think that way? We’re a Harry Potter podcast.

Laura: Yeah. It’s because we make jokes about Laura Mallory, and I think that if you go back and listen to previous episodes, you can clearly grasp that making fun of Laura Mallory is not making fun of other Christians, because we don’t associate fanatical Christians with non-fanatical Christians. And I think that pretty much sums it up. Does anyone else have anything to say on that?

Jamie: [coughs] I think that was pretty perfect.

Eric: Even though we’re not associating with non-fanatical Christians with Laura Mallory, are we associating Laura Mallory with fanatical Christians?

Laura: Yes. Of course we are because…

Eric: I withhold the question. I withhold the question. You’re doing great.

Laura: Okay [laughs] All right.

Andrew’s Note

Micah: Just let’s stay away from that. Please. Laura, I have an announcement.

Laura: You do? What is that Micah?

Micah: I do. If people haven’t noticed already, we kind of…

Jamie: You’re pregnant.

Micah: Yes, I am Jamie, but you weren’t supposed to know that. So don’t tell everyone. At least not now.

[Everyone snickers]

Micah: Anyway we’re down one of our hosts. Andrew is not here this week, but…

Laura: Oh, yeah…

Micah: He wanted me to read a little bit of a note that he put together for all of his fans out there. Do you mind if I go ahead?

Eric: Why does he always do this?

Laura: It just creates pickle. That’s all it says, “Pickle.”

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: They all know what it means.

Micah: No, it’s a little bit more involved than that. It’s actually why he’s not here. So, I think we should take a few minutes and go into this…

Jamie: Is it embellished and sensationalized as well?

Eric: Why do we do this every week? The guy can’t make it, or adding it when he’s editing it.

Jamie: Because it’s normally a boring excuse. Why can’t he make it? Oh because he’s going on a family meal. Oh, wow.

Laura: [laughs] Okay, Micah. Why don’t you go ahead and read it.

Micah: All right, it says, “Dear listeners, I deeply regret not being here on this week’s show.”

Jamie: No, he doesn’t.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: “I am on an important business trip to track down the latest fabricated Michael Goldenburg interviews. Don’t tell Micah this.”

Ummm, okay.

“But I think it was him who tried to frame me. Always yours, Andrew.”

[Jamie laughs]

Micah: So, he’s having me try to implicate myself…

Laura: Uh-oh…

Micah: …by reading his e-mail here. That’s a little bit…odd.

Laura: Micah what have you been doing in your spare time?

[Kevin laughs]

Micah: Apparently fabricating Michael Goldenburg interviews. [laughs]

Jamie: Michael…Micah, that’s your hobby. That’s what you do.

Laura: Okay, moving on. I think we have some rebuttals. Eric?

Listener Rebuttal: Spine Symbol

Eric: Oh, yes. Of course. Micah and I will be doing this episode’s rebuttals. From Guro, age 19 from Norway. Subject is Spine-symbol, and greek letters. Its says:

“Hey, guys just wanted to comment on episode 85 where you talk about the symbol on the spine of the UK children’s edition of the seventh book, and Mikey said that it was a circle and a perfect triangle. This is probably true, however I think he overlooked that it can also be a combination of the two Greek letters Delta and… Phi…”

Jamie: Phi…it’s “phee.”

Eric: Yes, I thought it was “Phee.”

“I think this is the case, because of the straight line across the circle. Now what does that mean you say? Phi is related to wisdom (as anyone who has read ‘The Da Vinci Code’ will tell you)…”

Jamie: Absolutely. Very true, very true.

Eric: “And Delta is…”

Yeah Jamie, you are a big Dan Brown fan I hear.

Jamie: I am, I am. Quite a big Dan… I am. I am.

Eric: “And Delta is as I’m sure most of you know, related to math. However Delta is also the symbol used in legal shorthand for the defended. This may not mean anything, just thought I should point it out. Thanks!

Laura: I think that little bit about the defended…

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: …because when you think about it, the character who is going to need the most defending in Book 7 is Snape.

Eric: I’m trying to think in terms of this in being a part of the cover. I really think it’s a publisher’s symbol of some sort because you know it’s on the…

Laura: I don’t think so – yeah, but it’s on the spine in the same area where other pictures have been on the rest of the books.

Eric: Oooh, okay, then I am completely wrong.

Jamie: That is true. Phi is actually very interesting in The Da Vinci Code. For those people who haven’t read it, let me just completely spoil it by saying that Robert Langdon, the main character, talks about the symbol Phi and it’s relation to sort of physics, biology and he says the relation between female and male honeybees in the community is one point – oh, I can’t remember this – six point eight?

Eric: I thought it was three point…

Jamie: No that’s Pie.

Eric: Oh well, yeah, 3.14, but, no. I mean, I loved Da Vinci Code – I actually prefer Angels and Demons – but 1.618 I think it is. You’re right, Jamie, it is. The relation…

Jamie: And the relation between honeybees and bees and male bees in their communities and sort of the relation – the ratio of shells, the inner thing of the shells. Stuff like that. It’s very interesting, and I encourage people to read it. And that’s my check from Dan Brown’s publishing company, as well as from FOX last week for Prison Break references.

[Everyone laugh]

Laura: Yeah, really. [laughs]

Eric: Ieah, I’ll cut in on some of that action.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: The male, the proportionate human. [Something beeps in background] Sorry. The proportion of human is also divisible in also body lengths…

Jamie: It is, yeah.

Eric: …by Phi.

Eric: So, yeah, it’s quite cool. But no, the symbols on the spine of the UK editions. The first book had – oh, now I’m forgetting it. Well, the second book at any rate, it had Hedwig in her cage, the third one had the Grim, the fourth one had yet another owl, actually. Book 5, Order of the Phoenix, in UK had the feather of the Phoenix and Book 6 had Marvolo Gaunt’s ring, or the Gaunt ring, presumably.

Jamie: That’s interesting.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: So…

Laura: I like especially that Gaunt’s ring was on the spine of Half-Blood Prince because it goes to show that they are really putting emphasis on important aspects from the books on the spine. So, I think that the symbol definitely is going to play a role in the book. I don’t have a question about it.

Listener Rebuttal: The Prophecy

Micah: Alright, next rebuttal comes from Ayzil? Is that right? I hope so.

Jamie: A-zil. I think so.

Laura: A-zul. A-zil. Yeah, sorry!

Micah: Twenty-seven, from Texas. She writes in about The Prophecy. So, a little bit unrelated about our Book 7 discussion, but she comes up with a pretty cool idea. She said:

“I thought of this while listening to one of your casts a couple weeks ago when Jamie was talking about tying Voldemort to a chair and Avada Kedavra-ing him.”

Jamie: [laughs] That’s a good idea.

Micah: “Why does Harry have to do that? I have an off-the-wall theory regarding the prophecy given to Dumbledore during Trelawney’s interview. It starts with, ‘The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…’ and then pauses. Could she have been talking about another person besides the chosen one? If you think about it, two people were ‘approaching’ that room at that very moment: Snape and Dumbledore’s brother. I thought it would be interesting if the Prophecy was meant for Harry, but that first sentence was meant for another who will help Harry in the end. Let me know your thoughts even if you think I’m an idiot.”

Jamie: That is the hottest thing I have ever heard in my life…

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: That is…oh my god.

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: This room is definitely 25 degrees.

Laura: You are definitely not an idiot.

Jamie: Yeah, you aren’t an idiot. That’s actually so true. It’s clearly got to be right, just because it is so awesome. That is actually brilliant.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: Well, done. Please some over here so I can hug you.

Eric: So, what… Snape and Aberforth Dumbledore presumably Snape -by the ear- were approaching…

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Yeah. “The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…” Approaches the room…oh my god. I wish I was that clever!

Laura: I mean, what’s great about it is she’s right. There’s a pause between the two thoughts…

Jamie: Yeah, really.

Laura: So, they might not be related.

Jamie: That is brilliant.

Eric: Yeah, what’s the next sentence? “Born to those who thrice defied him…”

Laura: It’s “Born to those who thrice defied him…”

Eric: The-what?

Jamie: [sneezes] God, that is absolutely genius.

Eric: Yeah, well. There are two nouns there. If she refers to someone… If she uses a different term to describe Harry right then and there, then it’s definite I think because doesn’t she say “Born to those…”

Jamie: Cue the moment of silence for this…

Laura: “Born to those who thrice defied him, Born as the seventh month dies…”

Jamie: “And the Dark Lord will…”

Laura: “And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal.”

Eric: “And he will have the power of the Dark Lord knows not…”

Laura: “And he will have the power the Dark Lord knows not…”

[Kevin laughs]

Laura: So actually she only uses the word “one” in reference to the person who can defeat the Dark Lord once. She doesn’t use it multiple times.

Jamie: “Approaches,” that is just so good. [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, it’s a pretty interesting…

Laura: [laughs] Oh, I know.

Jamie: Oh my god. Can we have a collective, “Oh, god”?

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Heave ho, god.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: I really like this though. I think this is a great, great theory because…

Jamie: It’s – no, that’s actually brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Micah: I think – I’ve always thought there’s more to the prophecy.

[Kevin laughs]

Micah: I think we all have. And Jo said that she worded it very carefully with Trelawney.

Jamie: She did. Yeah.

Micah: So, it’s very possible…

Jamie: It clearly isn’t Trelawney, though, because she’s useless. So it has to be Snape. [laughs]

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: All Trelawney does is drink sherry. You know…

Micah: No, no, no.

Jamie: What’s she going to do?

Micah: What I was saying is that she worded it when she wrote it…

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: ..,carefully with Trelawney.

Jamie: She did.

Micah: Not that Trelawney…

Eric: Trelawney stumbles, too.

Jamie: Eric, do you think it’s a kind ofPirates of the Caribbean thing? When, you know, Harry’s going to be fighting Voldemort…

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: …in this, sort of, blacksmith’s yard. And then Trelawney’s going to be sitting there, asleep. And just as Voldemort steps backwards, she’s going to grab her bottle and just smash him over the head.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: And then, right after that…

Jamie: I swear.

Eric: Right after that, Jamie, she’ll say, “But why is the sherry gone?” So.

Jamie: She will. Yes. Exactly.

[Laura laughs]

Listener Rebuttal: Durmstrang and Gringotts

Micah: Next rebuttal comes from Tiffany, 24, of Australia. She said,

“Hi, MuggleCasters. Love the dumb jokes…”

I don’t think our jokes are dumb, do you?

Laura: Dumb?

[Eric, Jamie and Laura laugh]

“Love the topics, love the show! P.S. I think the castle on the back of the U.K. children’s cover may be Durmstrang, as it looks quite icy and J.K.R. said we will be seeing Krum again. Also, the mist could be the dementors breeding. I would also like to add that I think the U.K. children’s may be Gringotts. Hagrid takes an “indestructible” goblin-wrought helmet to present to the Gurg in Half-Blood Prince – or may possibly be a vault of Gryffindor’s, seeing as the only stones in that treasure are rubies. Sorry if I’m repeating anything anyone else has said, and thanks for a great show!”

Jamie: Interesting, interesting. I like that Durmstrang idea.

Laura: I like the mist.

Jamie: Very clever. The mist, as well.

Laura: Yeah, a lot of people seem to think that it’s Durmstrang.

Kevin: Yeah. I saw that.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: But I’m not so sure because they say it looks icy. And it just seems like…

Laura: It just seems like that’s the moon.

Eric: It’s a play on the moon. Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t think it’s really icy. I mean, it’s definitely icy in color and appearance, but I don’t know if it’s actually. But, what I really like about Tiffany’s rebuttal is she talks about the possibility of the U.K. children’s cover taking place in Gringotts. Which is great, because…

Jamie: It is. Yeah.

Laura: Today’s main discussion is about Gringotts. And we’ll be getting to that in a few minutes. Does anyone else have anything to say on this one, or should we move on?

Jamie: Well, didn’t we talk about, on a previous show, that we thought that the treasure had to be at Gringotts. Because, you know…

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: It had the – and…

Laura: I mean, definitely has the look.

Jamie: I think that it’s a pretty safe conclusion, you know. It’s – And Gringotts has always been hyped up. Actually no, not really hyped up. But, she made the…

Kevin: Like highlighted it.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah. Exactly.

Kevin: Yeah. She made a point of putting it in.

Jamie: And Jo made the deal of making the poem to be a big deal. You know, the thing on the front door of Gringotts. And Hagrid said that Gringotts was the safest place to keep something, apart from Hogwarts. And it just seems like a safe place anyway. So, we have to go back there. All these places have to be important to both sides of the Wizarding war, you know?

Laura: And what I love about it is, you’ll remember that I’ve been, you know, harping on about this whole parallels between the different books.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: And really, the largest role that Gringotts has played was in Book 1.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: And I’m really excited about seeing it again in Book 7.

Jamie: I agree.

Laura: I think it’s awesome.

Micah: I like the part about the indestructible, goblin-wrought helmet. Because if you look at some of the pieces on the cover of the U.K. children’s edition, it shows that there’s not just the helmet but it seems like there’s a lot of different pieces of armor. Which actually leads into the rebuttal. So, Eric, go ahead.

Listener Rebuttal: Goblin-Wrought Armor

Eric: Why, thank you, Micah. And now with today’s weather. This fourth rebuttal comes from Ann Beth, age 16, also from Norway. We have a lot of Norwegian Harry Potter fans. And we appreciate every single one of them.

Jamie: [sings] Sara Beth. [laughs] Two.

Eric: Well, two in one episode is very, very big.

Jamie: It is.

Eric: Very good. Okay, subject is U.K. children’s cover.

“Hey, guys and Laura. I was just listening to Episode 83…”

Woot woot. Which Eric did a wonderful job editing.

“And when you were discussing the U.K. children’s cover, I remembered something.”

Micah: I don’t think it said that. [laughs]

Eric: Well, just because it’s not transcribed doesn’t mean she doesn’t say it.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: “In ‘Half-Blood Prince’ pg. 407, U.K. edition, Dumbledore and Harry are looking at the memory of Hepzibah Smith. Voldemort visited Hepzibah because he wanted to know if she still wasn’t willing to sell her goblin-made armor. It was only mentioned in passing, but we all know that that’s J.K.’s style.”

We sure do.

“Could that be the armor featured on the U.K. children’s cover?”

The goblin-made armor in from there. Yeah.

Jamie: Very interesting.

Eric: “If so, is it a Horcrux? Perhaps it belonged to Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, seeing that Gryffindor had a sword, perhaps he had an armor to go with it. Just wanted to know what you guys think.”

Kevin: It’s possible, yeah.

Micah: Well, one thing I just wanted to bring up was that Hepzibah Smith was visited by Tom Riddle when he was still working at Borgin and Burke’s. And upon arriving to Miss Hepzibah, he told her that he was there because Mr. Burke would like to make an improved offer for the goblin-made armor. So, I thought that was kind of interesting because, again, there is armor on the cover the children’s edition in the U.K. for Deathly Hallows. So, is it possible that maybe Mr. Burke didn’t want it. Maybe Tom Riddle wanted it to make a Horcrux because we know the nature of the armor itself is almost indestructible.

Laura: Yeah. It’s definitely possible. It would be something that would really appeal to him, I think. My question is, did he actually make a Horcrux out of it? What are the chances that the Cup, you know, Hufflepuff’s Cup and some armor: two Horcruxes would come from one person?

Jamie: But it isn’t only that. It’s just, goblin-made armor, it doesn’t…

Kevin: Yeah.

Jamie: I agree. It just doesn’t seem special enough. Yes, it’s special, but there’s more than one goblin who can make it.

Kevin: He wants one-of-a-kind pieces. Yeah, unique.

Jamie: Whereas, Hufflepuff’s Cup – exactly, yeah, he wants – Pokemon reference, Pokemon reference.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: The three legendary birds in the game, you can only catch one of them once. You had one chance to catch them, and if you missed it, you missed it…

Eric: Would that be Zapdos, Molestare – Moltres and…

Jamie: Almost…

Eric: Articuno…

Jamie: Articuno…

Eric: Yes!

Jamie: …Zapdos and Moltres. But yeah, you only had once chance to catch them and if you missed it, you missed it. And it’s kind of like that. I think he just wanted one-of-a-kind things. So I don’t think he’d want something which, although very, very rare and which could be done with a spell or made by, you know, any number of goblins and it’s still rare and the techniques are still rare, I don’t think he’d want that. Because he’d just want one-of-a-kind items.

Micah: Well, what if it’s one-of-a-kind in who it belonged to, though. We don’t know who the armor belonged to.

Jamie: That’s true.

Laura: Yeah, that’s true. I think it’s also possible that even if he ended up not making it into a Horcrux, he might have been considering it.

Jamie: Yeah, that is true.

Laura: Like maybe he thought about doing that and then as time went on he thought he wanted to be a little more selective about the items he chose.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Yes, no, maybe?

Eric: Yeah, well…

Jamie: We…

Eric: And also, it’s dependent on – I mean, I’m willing to believe that maybe it was actually Borgin that – or Mr. Burke – that wanted this, you know? Maybe, potentially? Just because of it’s retail value. But also, about what Laura was asking regarding could he – would he take two things from the same founder, from the same person? I really – I think kind of it might have been desperation if he did. You know, what he can get his hands on of the four founders? Because, obviously, anything Hogwartsian is kind of special to him. But I also think in the Book 7, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all the items of the founders are Horcruxes. But I do think that Harry will have to find items of the founders as a completely separate entity. Perhaps for a different reason. Maybe the founders of Hogwarts’ items will aid Harry. Not because they’re Horcruxes, but just because they’re special in themselves. Do you guys think that is possible?

Laura: Mhm. Well, I was almost thinking that Harry might have to – Part of his adventure might just be finding clues. Not just finding Horcruxes…

Kevin: Yeah.

Possibility of Fake Horcruxes

Laura: …but finding various things that Tom Riddle had owned that aren’t Horcruxes but that lead him to one. Kind of along the lines of the locket.

Eric: Voldemort’s got a secret stash.

Laura: Of fake Horcruxes?

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: No.

Jamie: He’s got…

Laura: He just throws them out at will?

Jamie: Can I make a parallel?

Eric: Well, I don’t know.

Laura: Yeah, go ahead, Jamie.

Jamie: There was a film called Under Siege 2 which starred Steven Seagal.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: And basically what happened was they put this – no, seriously. This is serious. They put this satellite into orbit and this satellite could blast any location on Earth with like a power of…

Eric: Like GoldenEye?

Jamie: Like GoldenEye. Exactly, just like GoldenEye. And, basically what happened was the U.S. military wanted to destroy this satellite. So, the mastermind who took over this satellite and made it evil to blast all these things created a number of, sort of, like fake satellites. And then the military had, like, 50 to choose from. In the end they got the wrong one, but then it all worked out because in Steven Seagal films he has to be the, you know, the cool hero who kicks everyone’s thing. So…

Eric: Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: But yeah, that could be like it. Voldemort creates bad, like, fake Horcruxes. Because, I mean, I’d do that if I wanted to make people, you know, look forever for the real thing. Maybe.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Throw them off the scent, yeah.

Eric: Well, and the other thing, though, is that Voldemort is blinded by his arrogance. In suggesting or even thinking that somebody would be able to find out his secret of his Horcruxes. Yes, they might be highly guarded. But also, I don’t know if he’d go so far as to create fake ones if somebody were to – I think he’d have more pride and more time to conquer the world than keep creating, you know, an obscene amount of false Horcruxes. I mean, if Dumbledore had difficulty finding one or them, I think Voldemort is kind of right in his false security of being safe with his secret. But obviously somebody like R.A.B. could have easily come and found him out. So, you know, I don’t think there is a lot of decoy Horcruxes as it were, but, you know?

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: For exactly that reason.

Laura: Good point, Eric.

Eric: Thank you. And I just wanted to, you know. Jamie went all out here with Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. Which was released the 14th of July…

Jamie: It is Dark Territory. Very good.

Eric; Yes. The 14th of July, 1995.

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Eric, you aren’t using IMDB, are you? That excellent site…

Eric: I am using IMDB.

Jamie: …for finding information?

Eric: At the top-right of the page I can’t help but notice this lovely advertisement for

Kevin: Oh, yeah.

Eric: But, at any rate. Director – directed by Geoff Murphy. And the writers are J.F. Lawton and Richard Hatem.

Jamie: Awesome.

Laura: Okay.

Jamie: Awesome.

Laura: Unless anyone else has anything to say about these rebuttals, I think it’s about time we move into our main discussion. So are you guys ready?

Jamie: Yep.

Main Discussion: Gringotts in Book 7

Laura: Okay, with all of the feedback that we’ve gotten about Gringotts, I thought that it would be good to talk about what role Gringotts could play in Deathly Hallows. Now, I was looking through Sorcerer’s Stone, and I noticed that the description of Gringotts kind of fit the description that we see on the cover. It’s described as having “narrow stone passageways with flaming torches. It slopes steeply downward and there are little railway tracks on the floor. Twisting passages.” Harry also saw “a burst of fire at the end of the passage,” which would support the theory that they’re actually facing a dragon…

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: …in that one image. Also, Harry passed “an underground lake where huge stalactites and stalagmites grew from the ceiling and the floor.” So, we know that Gringotts isn’t just a bank. It’s actually kind of an – I mean, it’s actually got an underground lake, and…

Eric: There are catacombs.

Laura: …it’s got ravines, and…

Jamie: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah. It’s not just a building. And that’s what I find interesting about it.

Jamie: Well, the thing I always thought, the main point I always thought about Gringotts and the thing that we should to always include and stress, is that it’s not under the control of the good side, and it never has been. And like, even though Dumbledore uses one of the vaults to store the Philosopher’s Stone, that doesn’t mean that he has control over everything. It’s just a high security vault that he happens to own or loan. And I think that it’s, you know, it’s important to point out that both sides can use Gringotts if they want to. It just seems like a kind of neutral player in the whole war, you know?

Laura: Yeah, it really does.

Jamie: Don’t kill us and we won’t side with the other side. So, I think it could be immensely important in the, you know, seventh book, just because of that.


Laura: Yeah, the impression that I’ve gotten of the goblins is that they don’t really care one way or the other as long as they’re not affected.

Jamie: Exactly, yeah.

Eric: Hmmm. I don’t think it is so much that, though.

Jamie: And as long as they survive and as long as they, you know, get their gifts.

Eric: Well, yeah. They do want to survive, but they aren’t necessarily the people who are going to say, “Just don’t hurt us and we’ll go along with you.” I think they’re also -There’s a bit of greed and there’s a bit of loyalty among goblins. I mean, they’ve rebelled how many times throughout history that we hear of. So they aren’t exactly…

Jamie: That’s true.

Eric: …non-active members when wars and things are breaking out. They do participate in wars. So, I think they are not as much, you know, importantly neutral as they are appearing to be now. I think it’s just a matter of greed and power. I think they have ties to both the good and the dark side. And, let’s face it. I mean, both the good and bad people can have the same bank. So, money’s kind of, money kind of – you know, there’s charity and there’s obviously blood money, you know?

Kevin: Well, I wouldn’t say necessarily that they have ties to the good or bad side. I think they are neutral to who they serve. So, whether you’re good and bad they are going to give you a bank account. Because they…

Eric: Right, but they aren’t necessarily going to stay out of war, either.

[Jamie laughs]

Kevin: I’m not sure about that, because…

Laura: [laughs] I think the only way they involved in a war was if they – if it directly impacted the goblins.

Jamie: I agree, yeah.

Laura: If they don’t have any reason to be involved, I don’t think they will be.

Kevin: And if you remember, this has already happened before. So, the fact that they weren’t – they didn’t mention punishing them or, you know, putting any restrictions on them, it means that they weren’t a problem before. Why would they be a problem now?

Laura: Yeah. I mean, you hear about how giants played a big part in the first war, but you never hear anything about goblins.

Kevin: Right, and that’s not to say that there’s not one goblin that’s corrupt, but that goes for anyone.

Micah: Well, I think that they have a lot of pride in what they do, and I think if that pride was threatened, whether it was from one side or the other, then that may cause them to act. And I liked what Jamie was saying before about how we’ve seen it play such a big role in the first book, and we saw that it’s not completely safe either, because that vault was broken into by Voldemort, so – or Quirrelmort, whatever you want to call him. It’s a very good chance that, you know, they’re not playing one side or the other because I think they would have reacted a lot differently if, for instance, they were on the good side completely.

Kevin: Yeah.

Micah: You know what I mean?

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true. But can’t they just be neutral? There’s those people who decide to stand out and, you know?

Laura: I mean, I’ve just always kind of gotten the impression of the goblins that, save someone from the good side, did something bad to a goblin, they’re not going to go join Voldemort’s ranks just because someone from the good side did something to them. They’re going to go after that one person.

Jamie: They are, but – I don’t know, I mean, I don’t want to sort of insult these creatures, but it just seems that if I were a dementor…

Micah: You shouldn’t insult them.

Jamie: No, no, no.

Micah: They might come after you in your sleep.

Jamie: They might do, Micah. Don’t – don’t – you know, you read these chain letters, and it’s like, “I am six years old. I have no eyes. If you don’t forward this to 100…”

Laura: [laughs] Oh yeah, I saw that one.

Jamie: “…million people in the next two seconds, I’ll come to your bed tonight and kill you.”

Laura: I got that one once.

Jamie: So then they might come after you, Micah.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: So don’t – so don’t push your luck. No, no.

Kevin: Oh, god.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: The way I see it is that it seems that these kind of creatures – now, I don’t want to sort of generalize over goblins – but dementors – it seems that they are ideally suited to be on Voldemort’s side. He’ll give them what they want, which is a feast of souls, and it just seems like – I don’t know if it’s just me, but it seems that they would be better served by going with Voldemort. I’m sure whatever they want, he could provide for them, whereas Dumbledore will say…

Kevin: Yeah, but is it…

Jamie: “Is it good? If it’s good, I’ll give it to you. If it’s not good, then you can ‘Go Fish.'”

Kevin: Yeah, but that’s why I’m saying I don’t think it’s about good or bad with them.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: I think it’s about money.

Jamie: What they want. Exactly, it is, yeah. I agree.

Kevin: And so they’re completely neutral, so long as they get money.

Jamie: Exactly, yeah.

Kevin: They could care less if it’s, you know, Voldemort’s vault or Harry Potter’s.

Laura: You know what, though? I’m not…

Kevin: It doesn’t matter, so long as money’s going in it.

Laura: I’m not sure I – I mean, whenever I consider the goblins, I think of a very proud culture, and…

Eric: Yeah, they are.

Laura: . . .a group of people or a group of creatures that would not take kindly to being seen as a group that would need an outside influence to give them what they wanted. I think they’re very self-sufficient and they want to earn what they can get for themselves, not have someone give it to them.

Eric: Yeah, it’s – that’s the other thing, too, and it’s great for Laura to point that out because if you think about it, despite the fact that they just want money, they are a proud people, or a proud group of creatures, or – they’re a proud group. And if you recall things throughout the Harry Potter books, for instance, Barty Crouch, was it? Who gave them false leprechaun gold to pay back some of his debts? I mean, things like that earn Ministry officials, if anything, if not just humans, very bad reps and very – you know, if somebody’s unreliable. I think Voldemort – if he can not just give them business but show that he is, in some ways, more true to his word, at least, that that might be respectable. Because, I mean, we’re coming down to the seventh book where we have to understand where the Ministry has screwed up in terms of being effective or not effective and treating other people as they should be treated.

Laura: Mhm. I’ve always wondered…

Eric: You know? So, I mean, yeah.

Laura: Sorry, Eric. I didn’t mean to cut you off, but I’ve always wondered what exactly is so frightening about goblins, because you were talking about Barty Crouch Jr., and I specifically…

Eric: No, no, Sr.

Laura: Oh, Sr., excuse me – and I specifically remember him being very nervous around the goblins, like – generally, if you give someone fake money and you’re not afraid of them, you’re not going to be trying to avoid them.

[Jamie coughs]

Laura: But he was clearly trying to avoid them and he seemed very nervous and I just wonder what, exactly, the goblins can do.

Eric: Well, Laura, they have a cave with a dragon and a lake and stalactites and stalagmites. They can…

Laura: Well, are they going to drag him down there and feed him to the dragon?

Eric: They can put him underground and tie him to a stalagmite. I’m dead serious. That’s the kind of stuff that happens in this world.

[Kevin laughs]

Laura: Yeah, but do they have the kind of powers that house elves have? Because we know that house elves –

Jamie: I think they’re more powerful.

Laura: We’ve never really seen a goblin exhibit power.

Eric: Well, take a look at the vault, then – the special vault, 713 – Dumbledore’s vault, by the way, which the Sorcerer’s Stone was kept in. I think it was at least – no, it was in the book – if anybody but a goblin tried to open the door this way, they would be sucked into the door and kept there forever, you know, “until we check it.” And Harry says…

Jamie: Ten years. Ten years.

Eric: Ten years – well, no, he said, “until we check it.”

Jamie: Roughly 10 years.

Eric: He says, “How often do you check it?” And he says, “Once every ten years,” so they’ve got some kind of power.

Jamie: Right, so 10 years.

Eric: It’d be a horrible lifestyle, kind of sucked into a door, but I wonder if you age.

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Jamie: I think it would be quite like…

Eric: I’d rather see Jumanji, when he gets sucked into the board game and lives in the jungle for…

Jamie: Well, I’d rather seeJumanji – no, no, no, Eric, in Jumanji, that hunter…

Eric: Van Pelt?

Jamie: …Van Pelt, yeah? He could have beaten him easily. That gun that he was using – if he’d just thrown a barrel of water on them, it was so old, it would have jammed or something. He would have taken him down easily. It was so annoying watching him. He was like, “Van Pelt!”

Eric: Well, actually, the same guy who played the hunter Van Pelt also played Robin Williams’ father as a child, did you know?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, the actor, Jonathan Hyde.

Jamie: Oh, awesome. Really?

Eric: That’s Jumanji, which premiered the 15th of December, 1995. Thanks to the IMDB for that as well.

[Jamie laughs]

Griphook’s Quote

Laura: You know, Eric, it was kind of interesting that you brought up the whole quote…

Jamie: That’s pretty awesome.

Laura: …where Griphook said, “If anyone but a Gringotts goblin tried that, they’d be sucked through the door and trapped in there.” I think that’s interesting because if you look at the U.K. children’s edition cover, we’ve been talking about how it looks like they’re being dragged in somewhere. What if they’re being sucked into a vault?

Eric: Oh, wow. That’d be funny!

[Laura and Jamie laugh]

Eric: “We touched the door! We shouldn’t have touched the door! [moaning] Noooo.”

Jamie: That’d be interesting.

Eric: “Let us hope that in this…”

Jamie: You’d think that Harry would be cleverer than that, though.

Eric: Yeah, you really would.

Laura: You would, but now I can just see it. Like, we have – halfway through the book, we have ten years later, when the goblins finally come to check the vault.

Eric: Oh my gosh, actually, you know what? That’s more clever than I thought. In Episode 83, didn’t we talk about how it looked like a vault or an archway? Or something obviously…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: …with treasure, so it makes sense that it’s a Gringotts vault, but maybe they were being sucked out of it. Or being sucked into the door, which would really suck for the ending of the series, but…

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: How, how would – I think a Muggle would fare better in there than a wizard, because…

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: …basically, we have cell phones, you know?

Laura: Yeah. Yeah, but do you…

Jamie: They’ve got nothing.

Laura: Would you get a cell signal in – at Gringotts?

Jamie: Although I doubt you get much reception down there, yeah.

Eric: Yeah, underneath London, but it all depends on how overloaded London is will cell phones, how deeply the…

Jamie: No, no, no, they have – yeah, that’s true. No, but – yeah, but Gringotts must install a Vodafone mast inside the building just so people can’t get a signal down in the vault, because it would be a bit unfair if you couldn’t.

Eric: Jamie, you have Vodafone.

Jamie: I think. Or there’s WiFi – free WiFi down in the vaults. I think that’s it.

Eric: Free WiFi, so when you’re down there, you can surf and…

Whose Vault Is It?

Laura: If they are being sucked into a vault, whose do you think it is? I was thinking maybe Hepzibah Smith…

Jamie: It has to be one of the special ones, though.

Laura: …because we were talking about how…

Micah: Yeah, I agree with that.

Laura: …she had a lot of treasure…

Jamie: She has a lot of treasure, yeah.

Laura: …plus the goblin-made armor. I mean, it could very well be hers. What if they go there looking for something that they thought Riddle might have used or wanted to use?

Eric: You know what I just thought?

Jamie: That’s true.

Eric: A brilliant thought just occurred to me. If they were to take an image – well, you tell me if it’s a brilliant thought, anyway. If they were to take a photograph of somebody, say, who has another photograph, for instance, with them in their pockets, such as wallet photographs, for instance. You know, if they move, etcetera. If they were able to get sucked into a door, couldn’t they then use that portrait to either travel themselves to the other person’s portrait, which would be outside of the door of the vault, or tell the other person inside to transfer to their portrait and get some serious help?

Laura: I guess it all depends on if you actually carry around a portrait, because I’ve never heard of having a wallet-sized picture that was a portrait.

Eric: It’s true. Well, photographs move, but we don’t know if photographs are separate from portraits in that they can move and visit their other subjects that are…

Laura: Well, they can leave, but the only personality we’ve seen has been from portraits.

Eric: Well, I don’t want to talk about whether or not they’re imprints of personalities or not, but they can transfer between portraits.

Laura: Yeah, they can.

Eric: I mean, that happens all the time in the books.

Laura: Yeah, but I mean…

Eric: And they can also visit their other selves such as the old headmaster who was at Grimmauld Place who was Sirius’ great-great-grandfather. What’s his name, please?

Laura: Phineas Nigellus.

Eric: Thank you, okay.

Laura: You’re welcome.

Jamie: Oh, go you, Laura.

Eric: Anyway, he went between his own potrait…

Laura: That’s like remembering your birthday, Jamie.

Eric: Yeah, well. Yeah, that’s freaking crazy. So, Kevin, are you April seventeenth, then? That’s pretty cool.

Kevin: Yes, I am.

Eric: I’m April 23rd. Shakespeare’s birthday, by the way.

Laura: Yeah, happy early birthday, you guys. Side note. [laughs]

Jamie: No, Eric, Eric. Shakespeare was born on your birthday. Come on.

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Laura: Do you think, though? I mean, just talking about what Eric was saying about trying to get help. Do you think that even if you somehow manage to alert a friend or someone in your family, could they get you out? Would the goblins even let you out?

Kevin: I’m sure they would.

Laura: Do you think so, though? Because they’re the only one who can do it.

Jamie: They must do. Think of the claim if they didn’t let you out. You could sue them for so much money.

Laura: But how could you even prove that someone was locked in there?

Jamie: Well, you’d say, “Go and open it. And if there isn’t someone in there, I’ll give you some money.”

Laura: But they say they only check it every 10 years.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Jamie: No, no, but they only check it every ten years if no one says anything. I think that’s just a random check. Every 10 years, they’ll check it to see if anyone’s in there, but if someone comes down and says, “Look, my son’s gone in there, okay? And I haven’t seen him for a few years…”

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: “…so could you just go and look and see if he’s in there,” I think they’ll go and check, to be honest. I don’t know.

Micah: I just have a hard time believing that it’s a vault.

Laura: I think they might be reluctant.

Micah: Like, the problem with it is because of the sky that’s behind. It looks like the same sky, we said it one million times, that’s on the U.S. cover.

Laura: Yeah, it does. It definitely does. I mean, it could be the color of the inside of the vault. I know that whenever they opened Harry’s vault, green smoke came out, so what if we have various different colors of smoke that come out of the vaults when you open them?

Jamie: That’s interesting.

Laura: Maybe?

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: That’s interesting, yeah.

Micah: Going back to what you said before, though, about whose vault might it be? I mean, there’s a couple of different things that look like cups that are in that treasure there, including one that’s right above the helmet, if you look sort of right above the helmet on the right-hand side. So maybe that’s her cup.

Eric: Well, cups are a very important thing.

Micah: Maybe he’s going for a Horcrux.

Eric: If you’re going to make something useful out of gold, why shouldn’t it be a goblet, you know?

Micah: My point is the Horcrux that’s supposed to be Hufflepuff’s cup.

Eric: But it actually could also be a grail reference, of course, to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, per se, where at the end…

Micah: Yeah. I mean, they’re riding around Gringotts on those little carts.

Eric: …he has to choose wisely.

[Laura and Jamie laugh]

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, that’s what they say.

Laura: It could also be a reference to all of the Arthurian legend we’ve been talking about, Micah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: That’s very true. That’s very true.

Eric: Possibly. So, I don’t know.

Laura: But you think that’s a bit more likely, right, Eric?

Eric: Well, no.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was about the Arthurian legend and Saint – what was it, Peter or Christopher, who stayed behind and guarded the grail?

Jamie: Who are you talking about?

[Laura laughs]

Eric: I don’t know. But the guy who guarded the grail, and so he chose…

Jamie: In what? In what?

Eric: … poorly.

Jamie: Oh, that knight. That’s got to be the suckiest job ever. Oh my god.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: But he had immortality and he had faith, so Jamie, don’t mock.

Jamie: Eric, Eric, it doesn’t matter if you have immortality and faith. When you’re stuck in a room for 3,000 years with a load of cups, seriously, there’s no worse life ever.

MuggleCast 87 Transcript (continued)

Horcrux at Gringotts?

Laura: [laughs] So kind of backtracking here and talking about the possibility of Voldemort – or the trio going to Gringotts to find something of Voldemort’s. Do you think it’s possible that he would have actually hidden a Horcrux at Gringotts?

Micah: Yes!

Eric: What? Voldemort?

Laura: Where do you think…

Micah: Why not?

Laura: Yeah. I mean where do you think he’d hide it?

Micah: It’s the safest place.

Laura: I mean there’s definitely – no, I’m not saying no, I’m saying there’s a large number of underground natural places – like, you know, the lakes, ravines…

Micah: And a vault.

Eric: Well, it’s important to think – it’s important to know that Voldemort has already been to Gringotts and remember that, because Voldemort has been to Gringotts before. He was with Quirrell trying to break into vault 713.

Laura: Was he?

Eric: Yes, he was.

Laura: I thought Quirrell hadn’t been possessed by then. Because Quirrell wasn’t wearing…

Eric: No, I think it was after his failure…

Laura: But Quirrell wasn’t wearing the turban when Harry met him first.

Eric: Well, look, whether or not he was possessed, Voldemort was probably right there next to Quirrell, if it was on the back of his head or not, trying to help him get into Gringotts, because, “believed to be the act of dark witches or wizards unknown” – its serious, you know, Quirrell wasn’t sucked into the door so, you know, I’d like to think that Voldemort had some kind of aide in that because Quirrell is really supposed to be a bumbling fool.

Laura: But he turned out not to be. It kind of turned out to be an act.

Eric: Well, no, no, it’s not a matter of – I mean he was daft enough – he was daft enough to get himself lost in Albania or whatever and be possessed by Voldemort, so I would still say part of that is how stupid or incompetent he was as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Laura: You know we’re kind of just talking about how Voldemort likes to hide his Horcruxes in areas that wouldn’t necessarily be considered completely safe. I mean Gaunt’s ring was in kind of the ruins of the house and the locket was in a cave. So, I think it definitely is a possibility that he would hide a Horcrux in Gringotts, maybe not even in a vault. Because he seems to kind of like secluded areas that…

Jamie: I don’t know, but – but, it leaves it kind of open, doesn’t it? It’s like, it’s like having a house which is really, really secure and then breaking into it and hiding your Horcrux in there. It’s like giving control over your Horcrux to a different group. I don’t know. It just seems like I am sure the goblins know all of Gringotts secrets and I’m sure that there’s a way to find out what’s in there automatically. So…

Laura: Well, what – I mean, you know, we’re kind of talking about the goblins as being impartial. What if they view customer confidentiality the way any other bank does? I mean, not to get terribly confidential – or terribly specific here but if they’re viewing anything being locked up in their bank as something that belongs to a customer, they’re not going to tell anybody about it.

Eric: That’s actually true, Laura. It’s a brilliant idea as well, because if Voldemort’s got a safe deposit box – here’s an idea, Voldemort: get a safe deposit box and the only way anybody else will be able to enter it will be if they inherit the safe deposit box. Hide your Horcruxes in there and you will never have to worry about anybody else inheriting…

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: …because you won’t have to worry about being expired.

Laura: Yeah, never have kids.

Eric: Just, you know…

Laura: For obvious reasons.

Eric: Well, never have kids but what I’m saying…

Laura: Don’t have kids.

Eric: …is he can’t die because of his Horcruxes, so if he puts his Horcruxes in something that will only be passed on once he dies, it’s kind of a win/win situation. I don’t know, I mean that makes sense to me.

Laura: Yeah, it’s true.

Micah: I was going to say, I don’t necessarily think the cave was a not safe place to hide it. I mean think of all the things that they had to go through just to get to the locket. But my other thought was what if the rest of the Horcruxes, at least the ones that are sort of the inanimate objects, aside from Nagini – what if they’re all in a vault somewhere? Is that possible? I mean, are they all in the same place? Or do you think they’re all in different places?

Laura: Well, I mean – I personally think for the sake of the story, they’re in different places.

Jamie: Yeah, I think so.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: But that’s not to say that in reality they couldn’t all be together, but I think they way Voldemort operates is he doesn’t want – at least in my opinion, he wouldn’t want to make it completely impossible to find a Horcrux because in that way, if he makes it so that there is way to get to them, like there was in the cave, when someone doesn’t it’s like saying he is intellectually superior…

Jamie: Exactly…

Laura: …and he has beaten that person. So, I don’t think he’s going to go out of his way to make it impossible to find his Horcruxes.

Jamie: And also people like him…

Eric: Because he wants to watch people try and fail.

Jamie: And – no, but more than that he wants to see somebody succeed. He wants to have an equal, but he doesn’t want to have an equal. He wants to have somebody who can solve the thing and then go on to beat them. You know? It’s like all people in power, you want somebody who’s as powerful as you, or almost as powerful as you so that you can…

Eric: Because otherwise you’re bored.

Jamie: Otherwise you’re bored and can…

Eric: You get bored …

Jamie: …beat everyone. It’s hubris.

Laura: So, kind of – I mean, take…

Jamie: It’s a kind of hubris.

Laura: Taking what you just said, Jamie, isn’t it kind of creepy that Harry’s sort of doing what Voldemort wants.

Jamie: Exactly, yeah. It is. I think – why would you – if you wanted no one to find your Horcruxes – now Voldemort isn’t stupid and I know that Dumbledore says he’s attracted to power and that he wanted Horcruxes that were symbolic and you know, special objects, but if he wanted people not to find his Horcruxes he would have made them all tin cans and buried them 500 meters below the ground, you know? If…

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: As a wizard he could make his Horcruxes Unfindable if he wanted them to but clearly…

Eric: Yeah, Unplottable.

Jamie: …he hides them under mazes, you know, with loads of challenges so that people, if they’re worthy, can find them. You know? I don’t think – I don’t know – perhaps he’s looking for a successor one day. You know? It’s like – again a Dan Brown reference in The DaVinci Code – the cryptographer, Sophie, talks about self-authorizing code. If you’re smart enough to read it, then you’re smart enough to know what it says. So, it’s kind of like that. If you’re smart enough to find out where his Horcruxes are and beat them then you’re smart enough to defeat Voldemort. Perhaps it’s like that.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Or the clues, you know – the traps and things are only as smart as those who create them or set them.

Jamie: Well, exactly.

Eric: You know, so – I think you’re right in that. I think you’re right, definitely.

Micah: Well, I think the person who obviously has to find out first that he’s created Horcruxes. I mean, think about how much Harry had to go through just to be 100 percent sure that that’s how Voldemort was able to stay alive.

Eric: That was Dumbledore’s process actually.

Micah: Yeah, but think about that. If you don’t even solve that initial piece, you’re – you can’t even begin your quest to destroy them.

Eric: Oh, yeah. Then you don’t even know where to look, where to begin to look. I mean, it’s still such a mystery to you then. Why Harry has his scar? I mean besides the prophecy. Why, you know – why Voldemort just is not killed and why he exists in such minimal soul form, when he loses his body. If you don’t even know about Horcruxes, as I presume most people don’t then you’re right. It’s the – I mean, that’s the first puzzle piece. And we saw Dumbledore piece the things together from hearing Harry talk about the diary in Year 2, to kind of seeing these living entities as potential Horcruxes, and then further tracing things back. Three cheers for Dumbledore, man. Seriously, what the – you know? That’s…

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: …some good detective work.

Laura: Yay. [laughs]

Eric: That’s some good detective work. Dumbledore is the real HP sleuth, I’ll tell you that.

Is U.K. Cover the Final Showdown?

Laura: Kind of moving on, you know, everybody had kind of been speculating that perhaps the U.K. cover depicted the trio coming back from the setting that we see in the U.S. cover because the skies are the same color. Now, this kind of led me to wonder exactly when in the book does this scene take place? Like, is this the final showdown which would take place at Gringotts, or is this the middle of the book? Where do we think this is?

Jamie: I don’t know if I could take that the last confrontation is going to be in Gringotts. I want it to be somewhere…

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: …a bit more. I mean…

Kevin: Yeah, same here.

Jamie: …I know Gringotts is important, but something a bit more symbolic.

Eric: Well, then again…

Kevin: I think it would be more towards the middle, actually.

Eric: I think it depends on…

Laura: That’s what I’ve been thinking. If it’s Gringotts, I think it’ll definitely be more towards the middle of the book.

Eric: Yeah. I think it depends on where the book is heading, though. I mean, if you think – because I had seen an interview once, of this – of a kid who developed a friendship with J.K. Rowling and wrote letters back and forth, and it must’ve been on Oprah or something, but he had said that he wrote letters back and forth and tried to guess the ending of the books, and he shared J.K.R.’s sincere, you know, kind of nodding her head, when he said to her that he thought the Muggles were going to find out about the Wizarding World. So, it depends on the direction Book 7 takes, because if you’re thinking about – if Book 7 is headed in a direction where Muggles find out about wizards, then actually, an end battle being underneath London is kind of climatic enough for me, I think. If, you know – if you want to really take it like that.

Laura: That’s a good point, actually, but just one last thing that I wanted to add was that the trio’s actually on the U.K. edition, which kind of leads me to believe that that scene would be more towards the middle of the book, because I’m a firm believer that Harry has to face Voldemort on his own, and that’s the one thing that always kind of threw me off of thinking they were coming back from whatever setting we see on the U.S. cover because I don’t think they’re going to be there, at the end.

Micah: I mean, are they…

Eric: But is that because they’re standing, by eating plum cake?

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Or is that because they’re dead.

Micah: That’s right before Harry slips and cracks his pelvis.

Jamie: Yeah, on that carrot cake.

[Kevin laughs]

Micah: One thing I’ve always wondered about this scene was, could you take it and make it so they’re falling down as opposed to being pulled through?

Jamie: What? Into the arch, you mean?

Micah: Yeah. No,no. Like if…

Eric: As they’re being thrown out.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: …you looked, if you’re looking at this on a computer, say you took your computer and flipped it.

Jamie: If you think that Harry’s face is pointing skyward…

Micah: Right, that’s what I’m saying. Is – are they falling down?

Laura: So it’s, like, you look at it like a vertical…

Micah: Right.

Laura: …completely…

Micah: Right.

Laura: …downward view, as opposed to – oh, okay. Yeah, I see what you’re talking about.

Eric: Well, what would that change? It would change because they’re about to land on some sharp gold…

Micah: No, no, no.

Eric: …cups.

Micah: It would be that they would be falling into the ground…

Laura: It would be interesting because…

Micah: …when they’re supposed to be pulled through something that’s standing upright.

Eric: Oh, well.

Laura: Ah, that makes me excited because it gives me another parallel about how they fell through the trapdoor. Ahhh! I love it, sorry.

[Eric and Laura laugh]

Laura: I’m a dork, don’t make fun of me.

Eric: All so magical!

Laura: It really is. So, are – you think we’ve pretty much covered this, everybody?

Kevin: I think so.

Laura: Covered Gringotts to death.

Making The Connection

Jamie: Okay, and then we’ll go to our segment that we came up with a few weeks ago for the special show, which hopefully we’re going introduce a couple of times. We’re going to do “Making the Connection,” where I name a random thing and then each of the hosts have to make a connection between that thing and Harry Potter. Kevin, yours is the – the curtains as a fire hazard and Harry Potter.

Kevin: Oh, well, that’s obvious because the Veil can light on fire with all the…

[Jamie laughs]

Kevin: …torches around in the veil room and stuff.

Eric: See, Kevin’s good at this.

Kevin: All they use is candles, and you know, they don’t use any light bulbs or anything.

Jamie: No, they don’t.

Kevin: So, I could see Book 7 – it’s going to be a major event.

Jamie: Yeah.

Kevin: The veil lighting on fire.

Eric: No, no, no, no. That’s Crackpot Theory, but I mean, I see what you’re saying. I mean, if you set that on fire – if you set the Veil on fire, that’s no portal to the world of death anymore.

Kevin: Oh, yeah, absolutely.

Eric: Souls can’t get through. It’s like Little Nicky, where they’re just sticking to the – the – you know?

Jamie: Okay, Eric, yours is – let’s think. Okay, an overpriced buffet and Harry Potter.

Eric: Well, clearly the Weasleys are…

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Eric: …personified in the series as being not of sufficient money, so an overpriced buffet would actually greatly upset them and they would not actually be seen – basically, an overpriced buffet is an unlikely scene in the Harry Potter series on two – with two exceptions. One is that for Bill and Fleur’s wedding, they go all out and say, “What the hay, we’re going to go to an overpriced buffet,” and in the meantime, you know, what is the function of the toffee…


Eric: Well, no, they have toffees and stuff, but – and the other exception would be that Harry treats, perhaps at the end of this, you know, at the end of the book – this is, again, kind of originally Crackpot Theory. Basically…

Kevin: Or the house elves start charging.

Jamie: Yeah.

Eric: Oh, that’s true as well.

Kevin: That’s true.

Eric: That’s true. Hey, hey, put it this way, Kevin. Thank you for that, because if the house elves started charging, gosh, what wouldn’t be an overpriced buffet? All the, you know, all the pumpkin pasties, and everything that they eat, and it just keeps refilling itself, that’s an overpriced buffet. Thank you, Kevin.

Jamie: Laura, your one is Augustus Gloop and Harry Potter.

Laura: Oh, well, I mean, you look at all the candy you see in Harry Potter, it’s…

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: …a wonder that people don’t come out like Augustus Gloop. I mean, next thing you know…

Eric: Some do.

Laura: …Harry’s going to get sucked up a giant [laughs] tube of chocolate milk…

Eric: Hey, hey, Laura.

Laura: …in the next book.

Eric: Some do. Some do turn out like Augustus Gloop.

Laura: Oh, Dudley, that’s true.

Jamie: That’s very true. Okay, Micah, back to you.

Laura: But see…

Jamie: I can’t remember what yours is. You’re just going to have to improvise.

Eric: It’s Tiger Woods and Harry Potter.

Jamie: Oh, yeah, Tiger Woods and Harry Potter. Come on.

Micah: Well, I mean, I think it’s pretty obvious, don’t you? Tiger Woods is a huge sports star, Harry is a huge sports star. He plays Quidditch, Tiger Woods plays golf. They both play on grass. Or Harry plays over grass, I guess. But I think – I think that’s, you know – Harry’s won a few trophies in his time, and Tiger Woods has won his fair share as well. So…

Jamie: Very good.

Eric: There’s just one detail I would’ve for you to mention as well. Small balls.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Micah: Oh my god. [laughs]

Jamie: Eric, do you know something about them we don’t know?

Eric: No, no, no! Not – not – not…[laughs]…no, Jamie, no, Jamie! Listen…

[Laura and Micah are still laughing]

Micah: No, no.

Eric: No. Small balls. They both play a sport involving and centralized around small balls.

Micah: No, you can’t leave that in.

Jamie: Yes.

Eric: The snitch…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: The snitch is the most important ball in Quidditch, and golf is very small…in fact, the snitch, if I’m not mistaken, is described as being shaped – the size as a golf ball.

Laura: Why don’t you use that as your comparison? [laughs]

Jamie: Eric, Eric. Do you know in Philosopher’s Stone when Harry first went to play Quidditch and Oliver Wood didn’t want to lose the golden snitch, so he threw a load of golf balls around, and Harry caught them all? Well, when Tiger Woods first played golf, they got a golden snitch and he hit it, and it flew away and they couldn’t find it.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Well, that’s good. That’s a great story to end on for me because I’ve actually got to get going.

Laura: Well, Eric, thank you for joining us.

Jamie: Bye, Eric.

Eric: Oh, you’re so welcome!

Laura: Outro yourself.

Eric: Yup, okay, ‘night, everybody, and take care and everything.

Jamie: Bye bye.

Eric: And also, the Kiwis say it here, cheers! Cheers, cheers.

Jamie: Chars! Bye bye.

Laura: Cheers.

Chicken Soup For The MugleCast Soul

Laura: From there we’re going to move onto Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul. This one comes from Chris, 22. He’s located on the Atlantic Ocean. And he writes: Hey, MuggleCast…

Jamie: [laughs] On it? [laughs] He lives on the Atlantic Ocean?

Laura: Yes! He does, actually, Jamie, listen to the e-mail.

Jamie: What? He can walk on water? He just lives there? Sorry, go.

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Laura: I’ve been a pretty big fan of you guys for a while now, and I have never missed an episode until a couple of months ago. I’m in the Navy and right now my ship is sailing the Atlantic. I barely get access to the Internet, and I get no access to the weekly podcasts. The only thing that is keeping me from going insane is my iPod packed with past episodes that you guys have done. Only two of my co-workers are into Harry Potter and MuggleCast as much as I am. But we work opposite shifts, giving us no time at all to mention the boy wizard’s name to each other. Well, I just wanted to write you guys, while the Internet is still up and working, to let you know that you are missed. When I come back to land I will not hesitate to download all the missed episodes. Take Care!

Jamie: Awww.

Kevin: Does he receive mail? I wonder if we can…

Jamie: I don’t know. You’d have to ask him.

Laura: Yeah, he does. I wrote him back, actually. Yep, he does.

Kevin: Because I wonder if we can’t send him a couple DVDs with just episodes on them.

Laura: Oh, that would be a good idea. Let us know, Chris, let us know if we can do that for you.

Jamie: How does he receive the mail? How does the receive the mail?

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: They actually fly it in, I believe.

Laura: By owl, Jamie. [laughs]

Jamie: By owl, yeah. No, no, no, no. One person just builds a paper airplane and he puts it all on there and throws it as hard as he can and it just gets to the boat.

Kevin: Well, there was an amazing invention in the last century called an airplane.

Jamie: Never heard of that. What does it do? Is it good?

pLaura laughs]

Kevin: It actually flies.

Jamie: No! No! Only birds can do that.

Laura: You don’t have those in Britain?

Jamie: And Icarus. But he screwed up.

Micah: So, Jamie, how did you get over here all those times? You swam?

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: I flapped my arms as hard as I can.

Laura: [laughs] He flapped his arms really hard.

Jamie: Yeah. I just got lucky.

Laura: Thank you, Chris, and you take care. Definitely. Thanks for writing.

Jamie: Thank you.

Show Close

Laura: Yeah, and I’m pretty sure that that wraps up this week’s show. As always, Skype the username MuggleCast and… [stumbles over her words] I can’t even do this. I can’t even do it.

[Show music begins]

Laura: I don’t know how he does it.

Kevin: Have Jamie do it.

Laura: I think he must pull up a…

Jamie: It doesn’t have to be truthful information. Just be like: [imitating Andrew] “Ifff” you want to… [stumbles over his words] Uhhh, sorry.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: [imitatig Andrew] “Ifff” you want to leave a voicemail, Skype the username MuggleCast. Please keep your message under 30 seconds and eliminate as much background noise as possible.

Laura: [imitating Andrew] As possible.

Jamie: If you are in the U.K., dial 12127864321. If you’re in the U.S., dial 028-024-20-MAGIC. If you’re in Australia, dial 4765927. And yes, please call soon. Or you can go on Frappr

[Micah laughs]

Laura: I don’t think you gave the right numbers, Jamie. [laughs]

Jamie: No, I didn’t. I just made those up.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: For our communities you can go on Facebook, MySpace, or Frappr. Please see us because we love hearing from you guys. We’ve got over 6000 friends on MySpace now. So, please add us and we will add you back. Thank you very much. I’m Andrew Sims.

Laura: Even though we won’t really.

Jamie: No, no, no, no, no.

Laura: And for those of you who are really wondering what the numbers were, in the U.S. that’s 1-218-20-MAGIC (62442). In the United Kingdom that’s 020-8144-0677. And if you’re down under that’s going to be 02-8003-5668.

Also, do not forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley, and please review us at Yahoo! Podcasts.

I think that pretty much wraps up all the closing announcements. So, with that, I’m Laura Thompson.

Jamie: I’m Jamie Lawrence.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum. [laughs]


Eric: Yeah. By the way, Pirates of the Caribbean comes out next May. And I think we should promotionalize that one, as well, to see if…

Laura: This May.

Eric: Oh, this May, this May. This upcoming month.

Jamie: Yeah, we should. We should start getting more of these deals where we just promote a few books or films, or you know…

Kevin: Isn’t it?

Eric: Yeah, totally. We need to talk to…

Micah: The trailer actually is out. Have you seen the trailer?

Eric: I haven’t seen the trailer.

Laura: Oh, it looks so awesome. I’m so excited.

Eric: I am going to go on the Internet Movie Database, that is, I am going to go on the Internet Movie Database to check out that trailer.

Laura: Johnny Depp. Oooh!

Eric: With Apple Quicktime. I am going to view Apple Quicktime.

[Jamie laughs]

Eric: Checking out the trailer on IMDB…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: …of Pirates of the Carribean, you know…

Jamie: How do you view Apple Quicktime? Eric, Eric. Can you view Quicktime on a normal computer, or do you need a specialist Apple Mac, which you can buy from, I hear, I’m not sure, though. I think you get a discount from being in education, but I’m not sure at all. Are you sure? Do you know?

Eric: Jamie, as a matter of fact, I’m working off a PC Dell XPS M140 laptop, which I purchased at…

Jamie: They’re good I hear, very good, I hear. Very good, very good.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: They are quite good. Quite economic, and it actually work overseas, as well.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: You only need a small adapter.

Jamie: Wow!

Eric: Nothing as far as voltage converters.

Laura: And you don’t have to restart your computer twice to record the show. [laughs]

Eric: This can be purchased from any Triple A travel store and travel center, for the unwitting price of about 495. So, it’s quite economical and…

Jamie: Or you could vote on Podcast Alley.

Laura: Okay.

Eric: And…yes, of course.

Laura: Now that Eric has his check, I think he needs to read the next rebuttal.

Jamie: I think he does.

Kevin: [laughs] He does.

Jamie: Here’s a – I’m sure she’s heard this a million times before, but if she invited us round for the first meal of the day, what would we be doing? [pause of silence] What would we be eating, and where? What’s the name, or what… [laughs]

Kevin: What? If who invited – what? I’m confused.

Laura: Oh…

Jamie: If the person who wrote this thing invites us around for the first meal of the day…

Laura: Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Jamie: [laughs] Oh, god.

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: She said she loved the dumb jokes.

Laura: Oh, you’re sooo funny.

Jamie: She said she loves the dumb jokes. There you go.

Laura: Yeah, and she probably loves how it takes us like 10 years to catch onto them.

Kevin: Yeah.

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Jamie: I bet she does. I bet that’s her favorite thing.

Micah: That’s all the news for this…[laughs] I don’t know what date it is. That’s all the news for this…[laughs] Oh, [word bleeped out].


Written by: Micah, Allison, Briana, Cindy, Jessica, Laura, Leah, Margaret, Matt, Samantha, Sapna, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #86

MuggleCast 86 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: What’s up, MuggleCast listeners? If you want to make an impact online, has what you need. Get your own dot-com domain name for as low as $1.99. Plus world class hosting, fast and easy website builders and much more. Plus, as a listener of MuggleCast, enter code Muggle – that’s M-U-G-G-L-E – when you check out and save an additional 10 percent on any order. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: This week’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. Prepare for the upcoming release of Book 7 by catching a glimpse of where it all began. During the month of April, you can purchase Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on DVD for only $14.99 at Borders. Also be sure to reserve Book 7 at Borders at 40 percent off and get a free sticker. Choose from “Trust Snape” or “Snape is a very bad man.”

[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because Jamie still continues to be a waste of space for one more week, this is MuggleCast Episode 86 for April 11, 2007.

[Intro music continues to play]

Jamie: Hello, and welcome to MuggleCast Episode 86. This is our live call-in show. It’s the second of our special shows because I am a waste of space, and I missed the train, as you all well know. And before we get to our live call-ins today, I’m joined today by Andrew and Micah. Say hello, guys.

Andrew: Hi.

Micah: Yo.

Jamie: And Kevin – Kevin is supposed to be here but he’ll be joining us soon.


Jamie: Before we start our live calls, we have a few announcements to make. Podcast Alley – please vote for us. You all know the drill by now. Blah, blah, blah, I can’t do this as well as Andrew, but yeah, you should know by now. And Andrew has an announcement as well.

Andrew: Jamie, I just wanted to say that you did excellent on the show.

Jamie: Oh, really? I think that’s very kind of you to say so.

Andrew: When you hosted without me. It was fantastic. Also, I just wanted to point out, as we announced on Episode 85 this past Sunday, we have a brand new website along with our brand new album art. We’ve been getting a lot of good feedback about it and we just want to thank Greg Porter over at If you want a great website design, definitely head over to his site because as you can see from he can do some really fantastic websites. Alright, I think we’re ready to start the calls. Jamie?

Call: U.S. Cover Harry Beckoning Something?

Jamie: Okay then. Let’s go to our first call.

[Sound of phone ringing]

Richard: Hello?

Jamie: Hey.

Richard: Yeah. Hey, listen, I just have a theory about the cover art.

Andrew: Wait, first of all, say what’s your name and where you’re from.

Jamie: And where you come from. And also, one question before you start. Do you watch “Prison Break”?

Richard: No. [laughs]

Andrew: Aww. [laughs]

Jamie: Oh. Well, you should. [laughs] Okay, then go ahead.

Richard: I’m Richard and I’m from New York, New York. And I just have a theory about the Death Hallows American cover. And my theory is, instead of Harry being happy about the thing that’s coming down from the heavens, he’s actually beckoning toward it because he wants it to destroy himself and the Horcrux, therefore effectively destroying himself, Voldemort, and the Horcrux so that way he can kill him.

Jamie: What do you think it could be, this thing?

Richard: I’m not sure, but it’s just a theory so I’m still working the kinks out of it.

Andrew: [laughs] What are some of the kinks? Are there any? I think that’s a pretty good idea.

Jamie: Well, it’s interesting because everyone so far has been thinking that he’s looking towards the sky for something to bring down, but go ahead.

Richard: Yeah. It also sort of explains the orange sky like it could be something reminiscent of doomsday.

Andrew: Hm.

Jamie: Very interesting.

Andrew: That’s not a bad idea.

Jamie: Thank you very much.

Andrew: I don’t know though. Hold on. Wait a second before we wrap that up. I don’t know if Harry would sacrifice himself though.

Jamie: Oh, well, that’s not that…

Andrew: I think if Harry’s going to die it’s going to be by accident.

Richard: Well, you’re you.

Andrew: Well, I am me. [laughs]

[Micah laughs]

Jamie: That’s a whole other story, though.

Micah: Yeah, it really, really is.

Jamie: He’s going to sacrifice himself.

Micah: No, but Andrew, you and I were talking about this earlier in the week, and somebody else had proposed a theory that was similar to what he’s saying. And that is, Voldemort seems to be backing away from what’s going on, whereas Harry is sort of more so beckoning it. So is this possible that this is the final confrontation in the book and both of them going to die, it’s just Harry is more accepting of it?

Andrew: Yeah.

Richard: Also, just a quick note, there seems to be wooden planks on the ground, so it could be that wood is falling from the sky. [laughs]

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Well, I mentioned this in a previous show. They look very broken up, sort of like Harry’s destroyed something, or perhaps the thing in the sky is a result of it being destroyed.

Richard: Well, maybe Voldemort destroyed it.

Jamie: Yeah, or perhaps Voldemort did. I don’t know. Interesting theory though.

Andrew: Whatever’s going on, it’s very messy.

[Richard laughs]

Jamie: It is very messy. Okay, thank you very much for your call.

Richard: Thank you.

Andrew: Thank you, Richard.

Jamie: Bye, bye.

Micah: Thanks.

Call: Final Battle At The Coliseum

[Sound of phone ringing]

Jamie: Hello, caller, you need to state your name, where you come from and your theory, please.

Peter: Hi, this is Peter Pickles and I’m from Saint Louis.

Andrew: Peter Pi – is that your real name? Peter Pickles?

Jamie: Yeah, I was going to say, is that your real name?

Peter: No, it’s just my name online.

Andrew: Is your – is Peter real?

Peter: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh, okay. [laughs]

Jamie: Interesting choice of name. What’s your theory?

Peter: To me, it looks like they’re in the Coliseum in the background.

Andrew: Coliseum.

Jamie: What? Like the Roman Coliseum?

Peter: Yes. Yeah.

Jamie: Oh, so Jo’s sort of introducing history and Rome into her books?

Peter: Yes.

Jamie: That’s pretty interesting, I like that. What, they’re sort of in the Ministry of Magic and they apparate to the Coliseum and have the final battle there?

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: I’d like that. I’d like that.

Peter: It’s certainly possible.

Jamie: It is definitely possible, and it would make a very interesting ending. Andrew?

Andrew: Wait. Do you think Jo would really put a real world landmark into the books?

Jamie: I don’t know. Well, wouldn’t it show that both worlds are completely intertwined and you can’t have something affecting one thing if it doesn’t affect the other. And you could have a huge crowd there as well, and right at the end, the emperor could do like a thumbs up or a thumbs down on whether Voldemort should live or die.

[Andrew and Peter laugh]

Jamie: So, I love that theory. Thank you very much.

Andrew: Do you really?

Micah: Do you get lions? Do the lions come into play at all?

Jamie: Yes, exactly. The lions could be there, and they tie Voldemort to a stake, and he’d come in and they’d tell his crimes against Rome and how he’d insulted the emperor’s wife and mother and then the lions would be set loose and he’d be gone.

Peter: Or maybe the lions retrieved the Horcrux.

Jamie: Or perhaps they did, and then they ate it.

Andrew: [laughs] And afterwards, Harry’s just like “I guess might as well go say ‘Hi,’ to the Pope, since I’m here.”

Jamie: Yeah. Well, exactly. Yeah. Alright, thank you very much, Peter. Bye, bye.

Peter: Bye.

Andrew: Thanks, Peter.

Call: The Hanging Man

[Sound of phone ringing]

Jamie: Hi, can you state your name, where you’re from and your theory please?

Kyle: My name is Kyle, from Gibbsboro, New Jersey.

Andrew: New Jersey? Aw, man.

Jamie: Close to you, Andrew? I wonder why you picked this one.

Andrew: Yeah. Exactly.

Jamie: Can I just ask, before you state your theory, can I ask you a very important question? Do you watch “Prison Break”?

Kyle: Uh, no.

Jamie: Okay well, you should.

Kyle: Okay.

Jamie: That’s all I’ll say on this.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Go on. What’s your theory, please?

Kyle: Well, what I want to say really quick is great show. Andrew, I live like 15 minutes away from you.

Andrew: Not going to lie, I’m a little freaked out by that.

[Kyle laughs]

Andrew: Just kidding. [laughs]

[Jamie laughs]

Kyle: And…

Jamie: Wait, is that your theory? That you live 15 minutes away from Andrew, or is that true?

Kyle: No, that’s true. Here’s my theory: I was re-reading Harry Potter 4, Goblet of Fire, the other day, and on page two – I think it is – they’re in the bar and talking about the caretaker of the Riddles’ house and that he murdered them. And the bar’s name is called the “Hanging Man.”

Jamie: It is, it is.

Kyle: And Deathly Hallows is supposed to be about the hang man or something like that.

Jamie: It is. This is very interesting idea. People have talked about that, I think, and how it sort of like – that relates to the title, as you say. And whether we are going to see anything else happen in that pub, or if it’s going to be a central location in Book 7, but I don’t know. Micah?

Micah: Yeah, I think all the shows that we did, that’s a great reference. We tried to catch as many as we possibly could throughout the series referencing the Hang Man. So I think it’s a good catch, and people are probably going to find more and more things as they re-read the books.

Jamie: Kyle, do you think there is going to be action in the Hang Man in Book 7?

Kyle: I don’t know, I hope so. I think Harry is going to have to go back probably to the Riddles’ house because I think that maybe there’s a Horcrux there because he murdered his parents that day. So, possibly.

Andrew: Good point.

“The Office” And U2

Jamie: That’s pretty interesting, but going back to the “Prison Break” thing, sorry. What TV series do you watch?

[Andrew laughs]

Kyle: My favorite is “Office” and “Heroes.”

Andrew: Oh, I’m an “Office” fan, too.

Jamie: Do you watch the American “Office,” though, or the British one?

Kyle: I watch the American “Office,” but I’ve also seen clips of the U.K. one, and it’s pretty funny.

Jamie: I’m a kind of, you know, original British “Office” person. I don’t think the American one…

Andrew: Oh, it’s hilarious.

Jamie: …owns up to it.

Andrew: Steve Carell, man, am I right, Kyle? Steve Carell?

Kyle: Definitely. Did you watch it last night, Andrew?

Andrew: No, I haven’t seen it in so long. Was it new?

Kyle: Yeah. Dwight says…

Andrew: Oh. Don’t ruin it for me! I got to watch it. [laughs] Okay, what does he say, what does he say? Tell me.

Kyle: At the end, he says, “I’m not a hero. The person who’s a hero is Hero Nakamura from ‘Heroes.'”

[Andrew laughs]

Kyle: And then he also goes…

Jamie: Nice.

Kyle: …And Bono.

Andrew: Does he really? Oh man. He wins in my book.

Kyle: Yeah, and…

Jamie: Isn’t he the guy from Bruce Almighty?

Kyle: U2…

Andrew: No. U2, what?

Kyle: …Is like my favorite band. Me and my two friends last night had a sleepover and all week my friend brought over the Elevation Tour on DVD.

Andrew: Awesome.

Kyle: And all we did for three hours was watch that over and over.

Andrew: Hey, man. I’m only 15 minutes away. Give me a call next time you’re watching the U2 DVD. I’ll be there.

Jamie: Yeah, you can have a kind of party.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: In New Jersey. Light the town up.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. Alright, Kyle.

Jamie: Thank you very much, Kyle. See you later.

Kyle: Thank you, guys. Bye.

Call: Reaching For A Horcrux?

[Sound of phone ringing]

Jamie: Hey, can you state your name, where you come from and your theory please?

Chloe: My name is Chloe, I’m from New Jersey and my theory is that maybe, possibly that the cover art is not the final battle between him and Voldemort, but maybe Voldemort finds out about his search for the Horcruxes and that they are both reaching for the Horcrux and that possibly…

Jamie: Oh, so you mean that Voldemort is trying to save it before Harry can get to it.

Chloe: Yeah.

Jamie: Micah? What do you think about that?

Micah: I don’t know. I mean, I think when you look at Voldemort that he’s sort of falling back a little bit. And I don’t know if he was trying to stop Harry from getting whatever that is that he’d be falling back. He’d be a little bit more aggressive. Whereas Harry has his palm open for it, almost welcoming whatever it is. So, I think whatever that is that he’s reaching for, Voldemort’s afraid of it, more than anything else.

Andrew: Yeah.

Cover: The Building

Jamie: Chloe, Chloe, what do you think that building is? Because we’ve just had a call that talks about that it could be the Coliseum from Rome because it looks like it. What do you think that building is? Where do you think they are?

Chloe: I was pretty convinced that it might be part of the Ministry of Magic that we haven’t introduced to yet.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: And what do you think the shadows are around the edge? Because didn’t Scholastic say that they were definitely figures; shadows of people? Do you think that they are people who Voldemort just killed, or a kind of Priori Incantatem thing where they’ve come back to watch Harry take a Horcrux or something like that?

Chloe: I actually thought that it might be Death Eaters and other followers.

Jamie: Yeah. That’s pretty interesting.

Micah: Well, what do you think, Chloe, about them being the Deathly Hallows? The spirits of those that Voldemort has killed? They’re sort of watching what’s going on.

Chloe: Yeah, I think it’s, for me, definitely one or the other.

Micah: Yeah.

Jamie: I agree.

Micah: What…

Jamie: I agree.

Micah: Sorry.

Jamie: No, go on.

Micah: I was going to say everyone has all these theories about it being the Ministry, but what if it’s Hogwarts? We have stone on the ground; we have wood on the ground. Perhaps wooden doors…

Andrew: Well, we thought about the Coliseum before, unless they’re going to build on by Book 7.

Jamie: Well, yeah. They could well do that.

Andrew: We’ve pretty much seen all of Hogwarts now, haven’t we? There’s no place that we haven’t been to.

Jamie: No, that’s very good. Can we just take this moment to intro Kevin, who was supposed to be here on time, but thanks to Windows Vista, which he now uses, he’s about 10 minutes late.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Hey, Kevin.

Kevin: Hello. How’s it going?

Jamie: Very well. Very well, Andrew…

Andrew: We’re speaking with Chloe.

Jamie: Yeah, we are speaking with Chloe here. Okay, thank you very much, Chloe. See you later.

Chloe: Thanks. Bye.

Call: The Full Moon

[Sounds of phone ringing]

Abby: Hi, MuggleCast.

Jamie: Hi. Please state your name, where you’re from and your theory please?

Abby: I’m Abby, 13, from North Carolina.

Andrew: Hi, Abby!

Abby: Hi!

Jamie: Hey, how’re you doing?

Abby: I’m good.

Kevin: Hi, Abby.

Andrew: How’s the weather in Arizona? What was it?

Abby: North Carolina.

Jamie: North Carolina.

Micah: North Carolina.

Jamie: Pretty easy to confuse them, Andrew.

Andrew: Oh, North Carolina! [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] Sorry, Skype broke up. It was a little…

Jamie: Abby, can I just ask you one question before you state your theory?

Abby: Yeah, go ahead.

Jamie: I was wondering, do you watch “Prison Break” by any chance?

Abby: I do not.

Jamie: Every person who phoned up has said that they don’t. I think it’s a travesty. You should. Really. It’s so good. It’s unbelievable.

Abby: I’ll keep that in mind.

Andrew: One other thing…

Jamie: You should. You really should.

Andrew: I’m going to be driving to South Carolina tomorrow. So, when I pass through North Carolina, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for you.

Jamie: Yeah.

Abby: Okay.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Because it’s a very small place. You’ll probably see her. I can guarantee it.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: Not that you’d know, Jamie.

Jamie: No.

Andrew: I have a map to prove it.

Jamie: That’s very true.

[Abby and Jamie laugh]

Kevin: What are you going to do when you go through Arizona?

Andrew: [laughs] I said North Carolina.

Jamie: Keep driving, probably.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: What’s your theory, Abby?

Abby: Well, I was going to talk about the full moon on the back of the British children’s edition of the cover.

Andrew: Ooh.

Jamie: Yeah.

Abby: And you guys talked about this for a little while in Episode 83, but you never really mentioned the moon. And full moons are often associated with insanity and insomnia as well as magic.

Jamie: Yeah.

Abby: So, I think this could be a symbol of the final battle ending in, like, a whole mess of just magic and things. But the castle is icy, as you said, but I think it’s Hogwarts.

Jamie: Oh, really?

Abby: Yeah. I thought that it might have something to do with all the magical stuff going on in it. And that it might show that it’s, like closing down. The final battle takes place there.

Jamie: Why do you think the castle is silvery? That it’s due to the moon, or…

Abby: I don’t really know. I think it just might have something to do with all the magic that’s going on with it.

Andrew: Hmm.

Jamie: And you’re sure that it’s not Aladdin’s Palace?

[Abby and Andrew laugh]

Jamie: From Aladdin? Because I’m 110 percent sure it is. Honestly.

Abby: Well, as much as I would love to think that Disney would meet Harry Potter, I think it’s Hogwarts.

Jamie: They have – No, no, no, no, they have really. They signed a deal. Warner Brothers and Disney have signed this huge multi-million pound deal.

[Abby and Andrew laugh]

Jamie: And they’re fusing the two together. Isn’t that right, Micah?

Micah: Umm.

Jamie: Yes. I’m glad you agree.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: I agree. Sure.

Andrew: You didn’t pick that up in the News Center, Micah?

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: No, no, I didn’t catch that story.

Jamie: Oh, that’s bad. You’re fired then.

Micah: Okay.

Jamie: If you can’t even work that out. What did you think about that theory then? The moon?

Abby: Well, I also just wanted to say that, by the US edition, it kind of shows that the – or well, that I think that the final battle will take place in the Death Chamber in the Ministry. And I was just wondering whether you guys had any ideas why they would show separate places on the covers.

Jamie: Andrew?

Andrew: Oh. I don’t know. For the covers, you mean? Like, why they’re both set on different, you know…

Abby: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, I really think it’s just up to the illustrator to decide what they want to do. I know Mary GrandPre reads the whole book, so I assume the UK illustrator does too.

Jamie: Well, I think they change them. The illustrators. I don’t think it’s the same person who does it.

Andrew: No, but it’s still definitely Mary GrandPre.

Jamie: Oh, what, for the US?

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely. Well, I think it’s just a creative license. You know, they draw what they feel personally what is the best illustration for the book. I mean, I’m sure they put it through Jo, but I guess it’s just a creative license type thing. Kevin?

Kevin: Well, I was just going to say that, going back to the full moon, it’s interesting that she – he or she, I’m not sure who illustrates the UK cover, decides…

Andrew: I’m pretty sure it was a dude.

Kevin: Was it?

Andrew: Sorry. Go ahead.

Kevin: Well, just the fact that they put a full moon on the cover has some implications as to what we can expect from the seventh book. I mean, it’s not an arbitrary choice, so you…

Jamie: No, it’s not.

Kevin: Wouldn’t expect that a full moon would come up. And with a full moon you’d know of, you know, werewolves and Lupin and, you know, all the implications behind that.

Jamie: Well, that’s exactly what I thought. I thought it was the, you know, whole werewolf reference. It’s obviously a huge full moon. Slap. Bang on the back of the cover, you know. I assumed that either Lupin would figure or Greyback would figure pretty heavily.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s what I thought of when I saw it.

Jamie: I don’t know. Micah?

Micah: Well, what was I going to say? I think what’s interesting is that…

Jamie: Only you know that.

Micah: [laughs] No. Yes, that’s very true. I think the British illustrator actually, for the children’s edition, is told what to draw. Not necessarily reads the book. At least that’s what I remember.

Jamie: Really?

Micah: Yeah. So, that’s kind of interesting. With the full moon, again, I agree with what you guys were saying as far as Lupin, werewolves, that sort. But what’s interesting to me about this is that the castle looks very calm.

Andrew: It does.

Micah: It’s very relaxed. Whereas everything around it looks like it’s in complete disarray and destruction.

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: If you look at the tree, everything seems to be off of it. There’s smoke or clouds rising in the distance. You don’t really have any look at the Forbidden Forest. At all.

Jamie: But, Abby, do you think that sort of calmness isn’t really calmness, but is more hostility and problems within Hogwarts? Or do you think it is calm over the castle?

Abby: I think does kind of show calm a little bit. But if you actually look behind it, there’s some clouds. And there’s kind of a face in one of the clouds. I don’t know whether that’s just – it looks like – I don’t know, you kind of see a face and two teeth. I don’t know if that’s just me imagining things, but…

[Jamie laughs]

Abby: And you also see a tree which I think might be the Whomping Willow. So, I don’t know whether that could resemble a return of the Marauders, because…

Jamie: That’s interesting. Yeah.

Abby: Because they used that.

Jamie: Well, do you know, isn’t Prongs on the cover as well?

Abby: Yeah, he’s on the inside flap.

Jamie: Well, that’s very interesting.

Kevin: I was going to say that it looks like a large amount of trees. And the first thing I thought of when I saw it was the Forbidden Forest that had been destroyed but was being, you know, covered by smoke or some cloud of some sort.

Jamie: Yeah.

Kevin: Like sort of the battle right on their doorstep.

Micah: I mean, could it be the oncoming, the ensuing battle? The clouds rolling towards Hogwarts.

Kevin: Right.

Abby: Yeah, the calm before the storm.

Micah: Right.

Kevin: And I also saw what you mean by the face in the clouds. It looks like they meant to put, like wispy faces in the cloud. I don’t know if they did.

Jamie: Yeah.

Abby: Yeah, like the spirits returning.

Kevin: Right.

Jamie: I think that’s pretty right. But that reminds me of – I don’t know why or how I remembered this. But I saw some photos of the Twin Towers after September the 11th. And there was a conspiracy theory that you could see the face of the devil in them.

Kevin: The face, yeah.

Jamie: I saw these photos and I thought they looked pretty real, but I didn’t know if they’d been doctored or if they were the real thing or if my mind was just being, you know.

Andrew: Everyone sees something different in clouds, I believe. So.

Jamie: That’s true.

Andrew: I mean, you know, it all depends on how kinked your neck is when you’re looking at it.

Jamie: That’s true.

Micah: Andrew saw Flipper.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. We got some other callers to get to. But thanks, Abby, for calling.

Jamie: Thanks. Abby. See you later.

Kevin: Thanks, Abby.

Abby: Alright, bye.

Micah: Bye.

Andrew: Bye.

Call: Book Title Trends

[Sound of phone ringing]

Jamie: Do you think you could state your name, where you come from, and your theory, please?

Lena: Yeah. My name is Lena. I’m from Silver Spring, Maryland, sixteen years old.

Andrew: Everyone is on the east coast today. It’s awesome.

Jamie: Yeah, it’s true. Although we’ve had somebody from – oh no, wait. North Carolina is on the east coast, isn’t it?

Andrew: [laughs] Yes, it is.

Jamie: I was thinking of a Californian. Lena, before you give us your theory, could I just ask you one quick question?

Lena: Sure.

Jamie: I was wondering, do you – Do you know who Michael Scofield is?

Lena: No. [laughs]

Jamie: Oh, okay.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie; Because, you see, the question I’ve been asking everyone is, “Do you watch ‘Prison Break’?” And he’s a character from “Prison Break,” but everyone hasn’t heard of him and no one watches “Prison Break.” It’s very, very depressing. I think you should start, definitely. Trust me.

Lena: Is that the name of the actor or, like, the character on the show?

Jamie: That’s the character.

Lena: Oh.

Jamie: He’s played by Wentworth Miller. You should definitely watch. Promise me. Please, please.

[Everyone laughs]

Lena: I’ll try.

Jamie: It will make my year. It will make my year if you do. Please. Okay, go on. What’s your theory?

Andrew: That is hilarious.

Lena: Not really a theory, but I was thinking about how all of the other books were titled. And it seems to be something tangible each time. Like the Sorcerer’s Stone, and even like, the Half-Blood Prince is a person.

Jamie: Yeah.

Lena: So, I think that the Deathly Hallows is going to be something very specific.

Jamie: Yeah.

Lena: Like, people think it’s like, I don’t know, the final battle and whatnot. But I feel it’s going to be a place, or, yeah. Do you know what I’m saying?

Jamie: Well…

Kevin: Yeah, I totally agree, yeah.

Jamie: We talked about this a while ago, and we said that, as you say, you know, the Philosopher’s Stone was a specific thing, Chamber of Secrets a specific thing, Prisoner of Azkaban a person, Goblet of Fire an object…

Lena: Well, yeah.

Jamie: Order of the Phoenix a group. But then Deathly Hallows just seems like, at the moment it could mean anything, but…

Lena: It could be anything, but I don’t think that Jo would deteriorate from the kind of…

Jamie: The theme, yeah.

Lena: Yeah, which she’s already set up.

Jamie: Well, I mean. But, when you first heard Half-Blood Prince you knew it was either a prince that was half-blood or the prince of the half-bloods. But with this book it just seems that there is so much that it could be. I mean, I agree with you, it is probably going to be something specific. But right now, do you think she just wants to build up the mysticism by sort of, you know, not telling everyone exactly what it is? Or…

Andrew: I think that’s exactly it. Because, I mean…

Lena: I don’t know.

Andrew: We are going to be so short on details about this book that if she keeps it open with this title then we’re going to have much more to speculate about. Because I really don’t think, like, the summary in the – we talked about this last week. The summary inside the flap of the book, it’s very broad. It doesn’t really name anything new in Book 7. It just says that Harry has got to fight this final battle, you know…

Jamie: Exactly, yeah.

Andrew: …and he’s all on his own. And just the whole – so by making the title very broad, very, there’s much to speculate about, you know, it sort of makes up for it I guess. If that makes sense.

Lena: That is true. I do know, though, that we will be very sure what it is. At least we always find out what it is. It’s not going to be like this, you know, we’re going to finish reading the book and then we’re going to go, “Wait, what was the Deathly Hallows?” [laughs] We are going to find out what exactly it is.

Kevin: Yeah, it’s going to be more tangible and less a theme of the book.

Jamie: Yeah.

Kevin: Is what you’re saying.

Lena: Mhm. Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, I agree. I definitely agree.

Andrew: It seems as if the locket is going to be the theme of the book based on…

Kevin: Yeah. [laughs]

Andrew: …where we’re seeing it. I mean, it’s on the main cover.

Kevin: Everywhere, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. It’s – I don’t know. I wanted something big and new [laughs] to be the theme of the book.

Jamie: I wanted that too.

Kevin: Yeah, but for all we know they’re putting the locket on there just to put a piece of the old books in the new book just to catch your interest. You know?

Micah: Very true.

Kevin: Just to, yeah. It’s sort of like, you know, twenty years down the line for someone newly reading the books. You know, seeing the locket may spark some interest in them, so. I just think…

Jamie: I think so.

Micah: Lena, what do you think…

Kevin: I don’t think…

Micah: …the Deathly Hallows are?

Lena: Well, I was recently re-reading Order of the Phoenix, and I came across an interesting line – and I’m going to misquote this – but, Ron said something like [laughs] maybe Sirius’ brother – oh, what was it? Something like, maybe – they were talking about the weapon. They kept saying, you know, the weapon. The weapon was a big theme in Order of the Phoenix.

Jamie: Yeah.

Lena: And they said maybe Sirius’s brother knew something about the weapon…

Jamie: Yeah.

Lena: …and he told Sirius. And I thought that was kind of interesting because, you know, everyone thinks that the locket’s in Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

Jamie: Yeah.

Lena: So, if Sirius was, I don’t know, there for the Order meetings I just – I just found that quote really interesting. Because maybe Sirius did know something that he didn’t tell Harry.

Jamie: I think that’s interesting. Especially because, you know, R.A.B. is clearly, you know, an important character in it. Not least because he’s got the Horcrux. But there has to be more to him, you know. Because, that note, she clearly meant to show everyone that note. So, I agree. I think. And Sirius as well. I have the – Laura completely disagrees with me on this – but I don’t think Sirius has completely, you know, used up his role, so.

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: I’d like to think that he can talk to us from beyond the grave, or, you know…

Lena: Well, I feel like we’re going to find more about the past, about James and Lily and Snape and Sirius in the past because I feel that it is very important. And we need to find out about the moment when James saved Snape’s life. And I think Sirius might be involved with that.

Jamie: That’s pretty cool. Yeah.

Andrew: Probably, yeah.

Jamie: I like that.

Andrew: So, do you think we’re just going to see him in a flashback sort of thing, or…

Lena: That’s the problem. Either – I don’t think we can use a Pensieve again, just because we already saw Snape’s worst memory that way.

Andrew: Yeah.

Lena: And Dumbledore wouldn’t be keeping, you know, Snape’s memories in his office.

Andrew: Right.

Lena: So, I think that Harry is going to use time travel.

Andrew: Hmmm.

Lena: I know, that theory is kind of common that he is going to go back and stuff.

[Andrew laughs]

Lena: [laughs] But there’s not many other ways for us to find out.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Well, I would say a flashback. I mean, I’m one of those people who think that a lot of these characters, including Dumbledore and Sirius, left a trail of bread crumbs. In the sense that they…

Andrew: [laughs] What kind of bread?

Kevin: Well. [laughs] Well, in the…

[Jamie and Lena laugh]

Kevin: …sense that they knew that they were in grave danger, and they knew that that there was a high possibility that they were actually going to end up dead. And I just don’t see them not leaving something behind to help the people they love.

Jamie: I agree, yeah.

Kevin: And I think that may contribute to the overall flashback thing because something can be explained in a letter that Sirius hid for Harry, or a memory that Dumbledore left in a Pensieve only for Harry and stuff like that.

Andrew: Alright, well, Lena – it’s Lena, right?

Lena: Yeah.

Andrew: Thank you for calling. We’ve got some other people to get to now, so we’re going to let you go.

Lena: Yeah. Thank you!

Andrew: Thanks for calling. Bye bye!

Jamie: Thank you.

Andrew: Pickles!

Call: Beyond The Veil

[Sound of phone ringing]

Andrew: [in a fake accent] Hello, Dunkin’ Donuts!

Johnny: Hey, Andrew. This is Johnny, 13, from Boston, Mass., and I heard that you guys were doing a theory submission?

Jamie: Hey, Johnny.

Andrew: [in a fake accent] I’m sorry, we only sell – ah, I screwed it up. Alright.

Jamie: Alright, it worked pretty well. Johnny, before you get to your theory, can I just ask you a question quickly?

Johnny: Yes.

Jamie: Okay, do you know who Michael Scofield is?

Johnny: I do, actually. Yes.

Jamie: You do!

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: You do, excellent. Excellent. Who is he? Just to prove it.

Johnny: Scanfield?

Jamie: He’s what, sorry?

Johnny: Scanfield, you said?

Jamie: No, Scofield. Michael Scofield.

Johnny: Scofield. Oh, the…

Jamie: Do I hear Google?

[Andrew laughs]

Johnny: No. The “Prison Break” guy.

Jamie: Yeah, the “Prison Break” guy.

Johnny: The main character – or the brother.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The main guy. Do you watch “Prison Break”?

Johnny: No, but I’ve heard of it.

Jamie: Oh, okay. Awesome, awesome. You’re the best guy so far. I’ve been asking every single person if they watch “Prison Break.” I’ve just finished watching the second season and it’s so good, so now I have to find out who else watches it, but you’re the first guy who’s heard of it, so well done.

Johnny: I don’t want to spoil anything for you.

Andrew: So, you’ve seen a couple?

Johnny: I’ve seen some of it, yeah.

Andrew: Oh, okay.

Jamie: Oh, that’s cool. Okay then.

Andrew: So, what’s your theory, Johnny?

Johnny: Well, about the cover, it’s – I think that the stadium or coliseum in the background is actually what is behind the veil or where the veil leads to, and it’s where Voldemort and Harry are going to have their final showdown.

Andrew: Hm.

Jamie: Well, you know, it’s extremely interesting that you call it the coliseum because we had a caller before that actually said he thinks it is the Roman coliseum, and that they’re going to have a battle there. Do you think it’s a real life place? Or is it just something beyond the veil.

Johnny: Well, as real as it could be. I mean, it’s – I don’t think it’s a place in London or anything. I think it’s more fictional, more kind of not reality. It’s more behind the veil. I think that’s where Harry is going to meet up with the…

Jamie: That’s actually a pretty good theory, I think, because the veil has been built up so much, there has to be something dramatic happening with it. What do you think they’re reaching up for? Because we also had a caller who said that the thing that Harry’s reaching for – it looks like he wants to get it, but they think it could be a Horcrux that both Harry and Voldemort are reaching for. Voldemort wants to take it so Harry can’t get it, and Harry obviously wants to take it first so he can destroy it. What do you think about that?

Slytherin’s Locket

Johnny: I think that’s a pretty good idea, since the British version – since the British cover art is the Slytherin locket, and that could be the Horcrux they’re reaching for.

Jamie: That’s very interesting.

Andrew: But isn’t that what is hanging on Harry’s neck?

Micah: That’s what I thought.

Johnny: I thought it was his iPod when he’s listening to MuggleCast that’s hanging on his neck.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: It is, it is.

Andrew: Alright, fine. [laughs] No, but seriously. You think it’s a locket, don’t you?

[Jamie laughs]

Andrew: I think it’s a locket because it seems to be such a central part of the book now.

Jamie: I think it probably is, but why – obviously, it can’t be a Horcrux, then, because why would he wear it? Bringing a Horcrux to Voldemort, you know?

Andrew: Oh, that’s a good point.

Jamie: He must have destroyed it, and now he just keeps a photo of Ginny in there or something.

[Andrew and Johnny laugh]

Andrew: Maybe it really is an iPod.

Jamie: It could be. Micah?

Is Harry Reaching For Something?

Micah: I was going to ask Johnny because we talked about this earlier with a couple of callers; sort of the hand motions where Harry seems to have his hand open welcoming or trying to draw to him something, where Voldemort seems to be sort of having his hand pushing whatever it is away. I wanted to know what you thought about that.

Johnny: Well, it could just be Mary – the artist is trying to – he kind of just could be reaching up just for the sake of it. He might not actually be – I don’t know, I don’t think that he’s – Actually, well, I don’t think he’s actually reaching for anything, no.

Andrew: Mhm.

Johnny: And do we know that definitely is Voldemort? The snake in the robe? I don’t know who else it would be.

Andrew: Oh, absolutely. Wouldn’t that be terrible if it wasn’t really Voldemort?

Jamie: It’s Sirius. He’s been deformed from being behind the veil so he puts that cloak on.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Johnny: And I know you guys probably talked about this, but isn’t the British children’s Deathly Hallows just terrible?

Andrew: Well, you mean the cover?

Jamie: Oh, the cover?

Johnny: Yeah.

Jamie: You didn’t like it?

Andrew: Have you listened to our discussion on the show?

Johnny: I have, but that’s why I know you don’t like it.

Micah: Which one, the children’s?

Johnny: Yes.

Andrew: I was a bit taken aback. I was like, “Wait, why is it so colorful?”

Jamie: It’s very fairytale-ish.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Jamie: It is very fairytale-ish. I think that’s kind of the theme of the children’s Harry Potter ones. I mean, Philosopher’s Stone had the train, Chamber of Secrets – I shouldn’t have said that because I can’t remember what Chamber of Secrets was.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: All of them were pretty fairytale-ish. I think it’s just – I just like it because there’s treasure, and, you know, I know not all treasure is gold and everything, but I don’t know. I see what you mean, though. I can understand why people wouldn’t like it because of how serious the book is.

Johnny: Do you guys think that that has to do with Deathly Hallows? The treasure?

Jamie: I don’t know. Kevin?

Kevin: Oh, the – I don’t think so. I think that it may come up in the sense of the location that they’re fighting in or a location they’re brought to, but I don’t think it’s directly involved in the title of the book.

Andrew: I’m very intrigued by all this treasure because we’ve never seen so much treasure in the books before, except for going to Gringotts.

Johnny: Is that Harry’s vault, do you think?

Andrew: Well, do you have a quick theory about that? Do you have any ideas? It could be Harry’s vault. I mean – well, I don’t think it can be Harry’s vault because there’s all that armor too.

Jamie: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, see, that’s what I didn’t understand. They were pretty deliberate about showing a false suit of armor.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: You know, they have the chest piece, the shield, the sword.

Andrew: Yeah. It was very prominent. It was front and center.

Kevin: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, that’s true.

Kevin: And it’s a different color from all the other pieces.

Andrew: Right, right. Well, thank you for calling in, Johnny. We’ve got some other callers to get to.

Johnny: Okay, sorry. Thank you for having me.

Andrew: No problem. Thanks for coming on.

Jamie: See you later, Johnny.

Johnny: Long live MuggleCast and have Ben back on the show.

Andrew: Woo! Well, you know what? You can yell at Ben. You want his phone number? I got it.

Jamie: E-mail him. E-mail him and tell him.

Andrew: E-mail him, yeah. And trust me…

Johnny: I have.

Andrew: …he had an open invitation to be on the show today, but apparently, he couldn’t. So, whatever. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah. Oh well.

Johnny: Alright, well.

Jamie: Thanks, Johnny.

Andrew: If you don’t like us, Johnny, you know, whatever. We’ll just…

Jamie: Yeah.

Johnny: No, I – [laughs].

Andrew: I don’t know why I answered your call to begin with.

Johnny: No, you’re my favorite, Andrew.

Andrew: Okay.

Johnny: You and Jamie are my favorites.

Andrew: Whatever. Still, it’s too late.

Jamie: Aw, see you later.

Kevin: Aw, thanks a lot, Johnny.

Andrew: [laughs] Oh, and by the way, Kevin and Micah are here too.

[Micah and Kevin laugh]

Micah: Yeah.

Johnny: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: [laughs] Alright.

Johnny: Yeah. Alright, thank you.

Andrew: Thank you, Johnny.

Kevin: Thank you.

Johnny: Alright, bye.

Andrew: That’s weird. He didn’t try to clean it up and say, “Yeah, I love you guys.”

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Hey, whatever, it’s cool. Alright.

Call: Voldemort’s Vault?

[Sound of phone ringing]

Andrew: Hello, Katya? How do you say your name?

Katya: [pronounces name] Katya.

Andrew: Katya. Sorry about that. Katya.

Katya: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: Where are you from?

Katya: Philadelphia.

Andrew: Alright! Representing! Everyone is in the area today. I should have just had a live podcast. Why are we doing this over Skype? We just had someone call over from Gibbsboro, New Jersey. Do you know where that is?

Katya: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, it’s not too far from…

Katya: It’s close to…

Jamie: It’s pretty cool.

Andrew: Yeah. Alright, what’s your theory today?

Katya: Well, I was thinking that Voldemort has a vault or something at Gringotts, so that’s why that on the cover there’s all the coins and everything. So, maybe they went to Hogwarts, got Dobby and the sword, and then went looking for his vault, maybe?

Jamie: That’s very interesting. We just had a caller who wondered what the treasure was on the children’s cover, and he said it could be his fortune. But we thought it probably wasn’t because the armor on the front is so prominent, and Jo clearly wants us to see what that armor is.

Andrew: Right.

Jamie: I’m not sure though.

Katya: Well, it could be in his vault. Maybe it might be a Horcrux that he hides in there. Because…

Andrew: That Harry hides in there?

Katya: No, that Voldemort hides in there.

Andrew: Oh.

Jamie: It’s extremely funny that you should say that as well because I was thinking the other day that when Hagrid says that Gringotts is the safest place to hide a Horcrux, you know, except – sorry, to hide an object except Hogwarts. I would think if you were Voldemort, wouldn’t you get a vault – I mean, I would…

Andrew: Store them all in there, yeah.

Jamie: …think about putting all of the Horcruxes in there. Or one at least. Because they have to have some kind of secrecy clause. You know, you can’t give a key to somebody who is – whose vault is – who doesn’t own it. The goblins don’t seem to have any allegiance, so even if the Ministry of Magic came and said, “You have to open this vault because we think that Voldemort’s Horcrux is in there.” That seems to be an idea. What do you think about that?

Andrew: I wonder if the Ministry of Magic does have that power to open up a vault, to look inside it if they think someone might be trying to hide something in there. Not even Voldemort could say…

Jamie: It’s a private bank, isn’t it? It’s a private bank.

Andrew: It is, but that would be a big plot hole, wouldn’t it? It’s one of those things where you’re just like, “Oh, couldn’t you just put it in Gringotts and then…”

Jamie: If I was a goblin, I’d be a tough one though and – you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Katya: Well, maybe the goblins are working for Voldemort now. Maybe they’re on his side.

Andrew: Well, yeah.

Jamie: They could well be.

Andrew: Yeah, he could just possess one and…

Kevin: Either that or he has them under some sort of spell that requires that they can’t give up that information. Like…

Andrew: Yeah.

Katya: Yeah.

Kevin: …Unbreakable Vows or something of the sort.

Goblin Or House Elf?

Micah: Speaking of goblins, what if that’s a goblin on Harry’s back? Why does it have to be a house elf?

Andrew: Because of the ears, I thought.

Jamie: Because it looks like one?

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: Why does it have to be Harry? Because it looks like him.

Andrew: Well, you know, he’s…

Jamie: But I agree, though.

Andrew: …got a point, yeah.

Jamie: It’s interesting. You do have a point.

Micah: The face is hidden. I mean, it’s just a thought.

Andrew: That might be because they don’t want us to know if it is Kreacher or…

Kevin: Dobby.

Andrew: …Dobby, yeah.

Micah: Yeah, to be honest with you, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, though [laughs].

Andrew: Yeah, that is – No, no Kreacher is a heck of a lot older.

Kevin: You could. Yeah.

Andrew: And grumpier.

Jamie: Yeah, he is a lot grumpier.

Micah: That, and he’s got a little pot belly.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. Okay, so you could tell. [laughs]

Micah: I don’t know.

Jamie: There’s that theory gone.

Katya: Do you think that maybe he went back to Hogwarts and stuff because of the sword? Maybe?

Jamie: Gryffindor’s sword?

Katya: Yeah.

Jamie: You mean.

Andrew: Didn’t we talk about this on the show? I think we said it was, wasn’t it?

Jamie: I don’t know. What, that his sword was up? But do you know, it’s so dangerous, though, because he must – Gryffindor, I don’t want to say that Gryffindor was close to Dumbledore and everyone’s hearts, but it seems to be more so than the other Houses. And he must realize the risk that he’s getting into by making the Horcrux – sorry, by making the sword a Horcrux when it obviously has a greater connection to Hogwarts and in Hogwarts now than the cup and the locket and things like that, so I don’t know. What do you guys think?

Kevin: I thought originally, when I saw the sword, that he definitely went back to Hogwarts, and I still sort of think that. I mean, it’s hard to believe that she’s going to not have him go back to Hogwarts at least once during the book, you know?

Jamie: What, you mean…

Kevin: We’ve been there all six years and…

Jamie: That is very true. And…

Kevin: It’s just hard to believe that…

Jamie: And just how important the seventh book was as well if they did that.

Kevin: And she set up Hogwarts through six books, I mean, why would she not…

Andrew: Yeah. Hogwarts is as integral as Harry is to the story, if you ask me.

Kevin: Exactly.

Andrew: So.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Exactly. Alright, well, thank you for calling in today.

Katya: No problem.

Andrew: And we hope you keep on listening.

Katya: Thank you. Bye.

Jamie: Thank you. See you later.

Katya: Bye.

Andrew: Bye.

Kevin: Thanks for calling.

Call: Harry’s Life After Voldemort

[Sound of phone ringing]

Andrew: What’s up, Nick?

Jamie: Hey.

Nick: Hey, how’s it going?

Andrew: Pretty good. How about you?

Jamie: Not bad, how about you? Where are you from?

Nick: I am in Idaho at college.

Andrew: Oh, very cool.

Micah: Idaho.

Jamie: Is that east coast?

Andrew: No.

Nick: Yep.

Jamie: Oh.

[Andrew laughs]

Nick: Not.

Jamie: Nick, can I ask you a quick question?

Nick: Yeah, Jamie.

Jamie: Okay, well, I’ve been asking everyone who’s been calling in and I am sure when people listen to this show, it’s going to annoy them a lot, but I am sorry. But do you know who Michael Scofield is?

Nick: No, I have no idea.

Jamie: Oh, okay, well [laughs] he’s the main guy from “Prison Break,” the series, and I’ve been asking everyone if they watch it and so far no one watches it. So, I’d like to encourage you to watch it if you can because it’s awesome. Okay, I’m done. [laughs]

Andrew: Alright. [laughs]

Micah: Jamie, did you sign a contract with Fox recently or something?

Andrew: It’s heavy promotion going on.

Jamie: Yeah, I did – I did. My check’s in the post now, so I need to start getting people watching it or they won’t send me any more money.

Micah: Because clearly you need to do that now that the season is over.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Jamie: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It’s a weird deal, Micah.

Andrew: So, what’s your theory, Nick?

Jamie: It’s a weird deal. Yeah, what’s your theory?

Nick: I wanted to know if you guys thought that Harry could truly live a happy and fulfilling life if he ends up defeating Voldemort? You know, because of what he has gone through and what he is going to go through in the next book. Could he really truly live a happy and fulfilling life after?

Andrew: That’s a good question.

Jamie: That’s interesting.

Andrew: He’s going to be so mentally unstable, I think, after he kills Voldemort.

Nick: Right. You can see all the emotion that he’s gone through in the last two books…

Andrew: Exactly.

Nick: …that’s affected him psychologically.

Andrew: Yeah. He’s going to need some sort of counseling going on.

[Nick laughs]

Andrew: But – I don’t know.

Kevin: I think he could be alright.

Andrew: I think if anything’s going to stable him it’s going to be…

Kevin: His friends.

Andrew: It’s going to be Ginny. Well, and his friends, but more importantly Ginny. Like, continuing a relationship with her.

Jamie: Will his friends still be there at the end? This is the question.

Nick: Yeah.

Jamie: Is he going to finish the series completely alone with Voldemort killed, or is he going to end it with Voldemort done but still with his friends?

Harry’s Future Job

Jamie: But Nick, if he does survive, and he can lead a normal life, what job do you think he’s going to do? Because we were talking about this…

Nick: In the last episode, yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Nick: Oh gosh, I have no idea. [laughs]

Jamie: Really?

Andrew: I mean…

Jamie: We focused on him being a hot dog seller.

[Nick laughs]

Jamie: Which we thought was pretty surefire.

Andrew: Yeah, I think that’s weak.

Jamie: He needs, you know – Why, why is it weak? What do you think he’s going to do?

Andrew: Well, I, well – Okay, [laughs] come on, [laughs] he’s not going to be a hot dog vender.

Nick: He should be a model.

Andrew: He should be a – yeah, he should be a model, there you go.

Nick: He should be a model.

Andrew: Yeah, or a podcaster. The possibilities are endless.

[Jamie and Nick laugh]

Nick: Oh, yeah. Wow.

Andrew: And just think that Harry needs to – Harry’s definitely…

Jamie: What he’s…

Andrew: …going to need to find something to – I hate – I guess, stabilize his life because he’s going to be…

Jamie: He does, sure.

Andrew: He’s going to be coming out of school, out of this mayhem that he’s being going through for really the past seven years – the past eighteen years of his life, really. So…

Kevin: His whole life, you mean?

Andrew: Yeah, his whole life. And he’s got to…

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, his whole life.

Andrew: His parents left him with enough money where I don’t think he’d really immediately need a job. He wouldn’t immediately need a job right out of school.

Jamie: He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t need one.

Andrew: So…

Kevin: He wouldn’t need one. No.

Andrew: But…

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Is he the kind of person who would get bored if he didn’t have a job? You know, something to do.

Kevin: Definitely.

Jamie: Because it seems like…

Kevin: I think so. Yeah.

Andrew: Because he lives on the edge, he wouldn’t… [laughs]

Kevin: Well, it’s not only living on the edge. It’s after coming off of so much excitement.

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: You would think that he would get so used to it, that he’d have to do something.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true. Any ideas?

Too Psychologically Damaged To Move On?

Jamie: Nick, do you think he’d need to – he’ll need to do something to, you know, live his life properly, or do you think he can just relax and, you know end his life having a nice time?

Nick: My theory is that he’s more going to be psychologically damaged and that he’s not going to be able to live a fulfilling life, so that kind of edges towards I want him to die, but I really don’t.

[Andrew laughs]

Nick: I don’t know.

Jamie: The thing is…

Nick: It’s still too early.

Jamie: The thing is though if he’s, you know, psychologically damaged, which psychiatrist is going to believe him when he goes in and says, “I’ve just had a huge battle with this wizard, and I killed him, but I’m scarred for life.” You know, you’d think he was mad. You wouldn’t think he was telling the truth. So, [laughs] he’s going to go to like an insane asylum or something if that happens. He shouldn’t go and tell a therapist because they wouldn’t believe him in like a million years.

Andrew: Good point.

Jamie: But I mean I can see what you mean but – and you think if it happened to somebody who is older, as well, they’d have more chance. But if you think, you know, because he’s got one more book effectively to do all this stuff, he’s going to be eighteen, possibly nineteen, when he’s killed Voldemort, and his life as Harry Potter in the series is ended. And that’s an extremely young age to have that responsibility and background. So, I see what you mean. I think he could…

Andrew: Yeah.

Jamie: He could be too damaged.

Andrew: That’s a good point. Yeah, nothing – he’s always going to be – not messed up, but just honestly – I know I keep…

Kevin: He’s got to be affected by it.

Andrew: Yes. [laughs]

Kevin: I wouldn’t call it – I wouldn’t call it unstable, though. I mean, you can be stable and have traumatic things happened.

Andrew: I’m just saying…

Kevin: It’s just how you handle it.

Andrew: I’m just thinking he’s going to keep having nightmares about it and, who knows, his scar might still continue to hurt because of the Death Eaters, you know.

Jamie: Yeah, so…

Andrew: So, there’s lots of possibilities.

Micah: I think it may depend on the structure that’s around him. I mean, who survives, as Jamie said…

Jamie: That’s true, yeah.

Micah: …just before. That’s going to have a huge impact on how stable or unstable he’s going to be after Book 7…

Nick: With his friends.

Micah: …assuming that he does survive. You know, if he loses those closest to him, maybe he’d rather be dead.

Jamie: That’s the thing, yeah.

Micah: In all likelihood, that might be the solution.

Harry’s Missing Scar

Jamie: Here’s a question for you, Nick. Somebody emailed about this. On the children’s cover – the U.K. edition children’s cover, you can’t really see his scar. Some people are saying, “Well, his hair is covering it.” But some people are saying that his scar isn’t actually there. What do you think about that?

Andrew: Sorry, on which cover?

Jamie: The U.K. children’s cover.

Nick: I’ve never seen that.

Andrew: It’s on the…

Nick: I’ll have to look at that.

Andrew: It doesn’t – you don’t see it on the U.S. one either, actually.

Jamie: Well, this is the thing; people are saying, is it left out on purpose? Is it just, you know, because of the light there? Because it’s extremely interesting if you see him with Voldemort without his scar, because you think something would’ve had to have happened. Like, perhaps, if Harry’s a Horcrux and he’s found a way to, you know, get rid of it without killing himself, but I’m not sure about that.

Andrew: I don’t see how scar can be the last word of the book, though, if it’s already gone for the final battle.

Jamie: Yeah, that is very true. That is very true.

[Andrew laughs]

Andrew: You know, I don’t know. Or maybe his scar reappears. “And reappeared…

Kevin: Yeah, but…

Andrew: [whispers] “…the scar.”

Kevin: It – No, it definitely could be the last word of the book. I mean, there’s always those wrapping up sentences where they, you know, she could do something like, “And that’s the story of Harry Potter, the boy who…”

Jamie: “And his scar.”

Kevin: “And his scar.” Or something like that.

Jamie: “The boy who had a scar.”

Kevin: Exactly.

Micah: “The boy with the lightening bolt scar.”

Jamie: I guess. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] “I cut myself last week, and I have a scar. The end.”

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Yeah. “On my head.”

Andrew: Alright. Well, Nick, thanks for calling in. We’re going to get to some other calls right now.

Jamie: Thanks, Nick.

Nick: Alright, sounds good. Thank you very much.

Andrew: No problem, thanks.

Jamie: See you later, Nick.

Andrew: See ya.

Kevin: Bye.

Call: Draco On The U.K. Cover

[Sound of phone ringing]

Andrew: Hi.

Jamie: Hey. Do you think you could state you name and where you’re from, please?

Emily: Okay, I’m Emily from Maryland. I – you’ve probably heard this, or maybe not, about – I know on your last show you kept calling the three people on the cover of the U.K. album art Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but I could have sworn who you were referring to as Ron was really Draco.

Jamie: You think Ron is Draco?

Emily: Yeah, because…

Jamie: Oh, interesting.

Emily: …if you look at it, he’s – it’s blonde. He’s blonde, and he’s wearing green robes. So Slytherin, you know, green. And obviously, Draco is blonde.

Jamie: But wait, his hair’s still ginger, isn’t it?

Emily: Not really. It’s kind of the lighting, though.

Andrew: It looks kind of ginger to me. I don’t – I mean, that’s interesting.

Jamie: Well, they do like to hide, you know, very small things in there, but do you think that that means that Draco is going to be there working with Harry right at the end?

Emily: Yeah, that’s kind of what I was thinking about it. Because the first thing I thought when I saw that was that it’s Draco, because even though it looks kind of red, ginger, it’s very blonde looking, which – It could be just because of the lighting, you know, the sky’s orange and all. I don’t know, but – I don’t know, that’s what I was thinking.

Jamie: Well, it really is an interesting thing because everyone’s been wondering, you know, will A. Draco be with Harry? Will he be with Harry to be bad, you know, to hinder his path, or will he be there to redeem himself? And that, I think, is going to be a big theme in the final book: redemption. So, I agree, I wouldn’t be surprised if, you know, Draco was there at the end. Kevin?

Kevin: I mean, it’s a possibility, but I really think that they wouldn’t put Harry and Hermione on the book without Ron. I think it’s just the trio, you know what I mean? I just think that being the trio, one isn’t without the other, in the sense of, you know…

Emily: Well, you don’t know what actually happens. [laughs] Something could…

Kevin: Right.

Emily: …happen, so the trio’s not really the trio.

Kevin: It – That’s true, but I don’t think for – One, they’re – One, I don’t see Draco playing – I don’t see Draco making that expression, honestly. It sounds somewhat stupid, but it just seems as though they wouldn’t represent Harry Potter, the last book, with Harry…

Jamie: That’s a fair point.

Kevin: …Hermione, and Draco. I think they…

Jamie: What do you think, Micah?

Kevin: …have to represent it with the trio.

Micah: Well, one listener actually wrote in over the week, and, particularly about the clothing that Ron – who I think is Ron, and Hermione seem to be wearing. If you go back to Goblet of Fire, they actually, at the Yule Ball, Ron had on a green robe, I believe, and Hermione had on something that was purple, so perhaps this is…

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: …after the wedding. Are they coming from the wedding dressed up?

Jamie: That’s interesting.

Andrew: Oh!

Emily: Well…

Jamie: Didn’t even consider that.

Kevin: Well, that’s…

Emily: Hm.

Micah: And Harry actually had on some sort of black tuxedo, and he has on a black something there.

Andrew: It doesn’t look like a tuxedo.

Micah: I don’t know what to call it, but – Yeah, it doesn’t really look like a tuxedo, but overall…

Jamie: You’d think they’d bring a change of clothes as well, if you were going to fight Voldemort afterwards.

Micah: Well, Harry actually looks like he’s wearing his Hogwarts….

Andrew: It does, yeah.

Micah: …clothing, whereas the other two look like they may have come from the wedding.

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: Maybe Harry doesn’t go.

Andrew: Do you think this scene is that early in the book, though? Oh, well, actually, I’m assuming that – the wedding’s over the summer, right? It’s got to be.

Emily: Well, I’m thinking that it could be towards the end, because I mean, usually they illustrate that – well, not usually, but you always think that they would illustrate the bottom, like the last scene, the final battle. So, if Draco’s there, actually defending Harry, or he’s being killed in the photo.

Kevin: Do you think it would be the coliseum?

Andrew: Well, previously…

Emily: Drawing.

Andrew: Well, I was just going to say, I mean, like, the U.K. covers – I know Chamber of Secrets was the Ford Angela. And what were the others, Jamie?

Jamie: Yeah, sorry, that was the what? Anglia, Anglia. It’s Anglia.

Andrew: Anglia, sorry. Ford Anglia.

Jamie: Angela’s a girl’s name, Andrew. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, sorry.

[Emily laughs]

Andrew: What are some of the other covers? What do they have on them? I mean, the phoenix is on Order of the Phoenix

Jamie: Yeah, Prisoner of Azkaban was the – God, oh, wow. I can’t remember.

Emily: So, like the significant things.

Andrew: Alright, well…

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, they were all the significant ones, definitely.

Andrew: Well, how – Okay, yeah, I guess so. Alright. Well, thank you for calling in today.

Emily: Thank you.

Andrew: And we’re going to get to some other calls now, so thank you for calling.

Jamie: Thank you very much. See you later.

Emily: Okay.

Andrew: Bye.

Emily: Bye.

Jamie: Bye bye.

Micah: Thank you.

Dropped Call

[Sound of phone ringing]

Andrew: Hey, Jack.

Jamie: Hey, Jack. Where are you from?

Andrew: Ah, he hung up.

Jamie: Aw, he hung up. That’s a shame.

Kevin: We lost Jack.

Jamie: Jack Sparrow.

Andrew: Jack is not back. [laughs]

Jamie: It was actually Jack Sparrow.

Andrew: Alright, here comes another one.

Call: Snape Is Good

[Sound of phone ringing]

Michelle: Hello?

Andrew: Hi.

Jamie: Hey. Where are you from?

Michelle: Hi, I’m from Oregon, USA.

Andrew: Woo! Have we had any foreign callers…

Micah: Nice.

Andrew: …today? You know why? It’s the time zones thing, I bet.

Jamie: It is – it is the time zone thing. It’s half twelve here. People are in bed.

Andrew: Why are you still up, dude?

Jamie: Most people are in bed. Oh, well, after I called the show thingy – you know, all my friends are in the U.S., so they get to do it at a nice, reasonable time, while I have to stay up and talk…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: What a loser.

Micah: Very creative last name for the show.

Andrew: You guys are losers.

Micah: Great life, Jamie.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah.

Andrew: Is that your real last name?

Michelle: Me?

Andrew: Yeah.

Michelle: No, but I just go by Michelle Potter because…

Andrew: Oh.

Jamie: Oh.

Michelle: …it – Harry Potter fan, of course.

Andrew: Hey, we know this guy who goes by Pickle – Peter Pickle.

[Michelle laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, we asked him if it was his real name, but no. He said no.

Andrew: [laughs] I was – Go ahead, sorry.

Jamie: I have a quick question for you: Do you know who Michael Scofield is?

Michelle: No.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: Oh. I’m going to have to stop asking this.

Andrew: Do you know who Jack Bauer is?

Michelle: Yeah, some actor who…

Andrew: Yeah, the guy on “24.” Yeah. Everyone…

Jamie: Okay, Jack Bauer is not as cool as Michael Scofield.

Michelle: I don’t even watch “24,” but I know him.

Jamie: Well, Michael Scofield is the lead guy from “Prison Break,” the TV series, and he can kick Jack Bauer’s thing anytime.

Andrew: No, Jack Bauer is so bad, but that – Chuck Norris jokes…

Jamie: He is not. He takes 24 hours to do things.

Andrew: There are Jack Bauer jokes like Chuck Norris ones.

Jamie: There are loads of Jack Bauer ones. But, Andrew, Andrew…

Andrew: Yeah, there’s no Michael Scofield.

Jamie: Michael Scofield could do what Jack Bauer does in 12 hours.

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: He could cut each episode in half. He’s that cool. And do you have a theory, Michelle?

Michelle: Well, kind of. Well, for one thing, I’m positive that Snape is good because he has to know the entire prophecy. Because how could Dumbledore know the entire prophecy if he was interrupted by Snape? So, I think that Snape only told Voldemort part of it, and that was also another reason why Dumbledore trusts him. I’m not, like, the inventor of this theory, but it just makes a lot of sense.

Jamie: Oh, so are you saying that Snape heard the entire thing, but he was working for Dumbledore, so he deliberately fed Voldemort only half the information?

Michelle: Well, he must have – something like that. He must’ve realized that it meant that Voldemort was going to kill someone. He probably didn’t know it was the Potters, but I think he was teaching at Hogwarts at the time, or something like that. It’s just that…

Jamie: Wouldn’t it be easier – sorry, go on.

Michelle: Sorry. I’m messing myself up.

Jamie: Sorry. Go on, go on.

Michelle: But Dumbledore wouldn’t know the whole thing if he was interrupted by Snape, because when Trelawney goes into her trance, when she’s giving a prophecy, Harry couldn’t figure out what was going on, and she doesn’t remember it. And so, it’s not very likely that Dumbledore could be doing two things at once. But then again, he is Dumbledore, and he can do anything.

Jamie: [laughs] That is true, he can multi-task. He’s the only man alive who can multi-task. Because the rest of us can’t. Seriously, we’re absolutely useless.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Jamie: But you’d think that if Snape was completely good, wouldn’t he feed Voldemort completely false information? Because, you know, half the prophecy is more dangerous than no record of the prophecy at all.

Andrew: That’s true, yeah.

Michelle: True.

Andrew: I mean, if I was Snape, I’d be feeding them the wrong information.

Jamie: Yeah.

Andrew: Weak theory, I know, but…

Micah: Well, I think this gets into the whole area about, if he had any type of feelings for Lily, then he felt remorse for telling Voldemort anything in the first place.

Andrew: Yeah.

Michelle: Yeah.

Micah: And so that’s why he went to Hogwarts, that’s why he let Dumbledore take him in, and do all those sorts of things. I think, even at the end of the sixth book, one of the things that may prove even more so that’s he’s good is, he can do anything he wants to Harry at that time. When he’s running away, he could have stunned him, he could have killed him, he could’ve done anything he possibly wanted to do. So, why didn’t he? He teaches him. He tells Harry to close his mind. He stops a Death Eater from putting the Cruciatus Curse on him. And he tells him to leave him alone because Harry belongs to Voldemort. So, I just found that interesting. I think – Even as Snape was fleeing Hogwarts he was still teaching Harry. Why would he do that if he’s completely evil?

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah.

Jamie: No, yeah, definitely. I agree. And he’s clearly a very clever character, Snape. I don’t care what people say about him being stupid. Even if he is out for himself, he’s clearly very, very, very intelligent. And I think he could play both sides, so it does remain to be seen.

Snape’s Involvement In Book 7

Andrew: We talked about this last week, just a real little bit, I think. It’s kind of disappointing he’s not on any of the covers, because, you know, the big question is: Is Snape good or bad? And yet he doesn’t play that big of a role in the final battle, so – I don’t know.

Michelle: Yeah.

Andrew: I was sort of hoping that he was going to be the X factor in the final battle. Where it’s like between Harry and Voldemort…

Jamie: He could be.

Andrew: …and then Snape shows up…

Micah: Yeah, he could be.

Andrew: …and they’re both living on a prayer that he’s, in Voldemort’s case, bad, and Harry’s case, good.

Jamie: Like Ryan Adams. No, sorry, Jon Bon Jovi. He was living on a prayer.

[Micah and Michelle laugh]

Andrew: Yeah, exactly. That’s what I was going for. Yeah. He will be. They’ll both be living on a prayer. Or a spell. Ha ha ha ha.

Jamie: [laughs] Living on a spell. That would be the best music…

[Andrew laughs]

Jamie: …to put to the final battle, “Living on a Prayer.” I would love that in the movie.

Andrew: I was just thinking about Bon Jovi jumping into the, what everyone’s calling the Coliseum, and starting to rock out.

Jamie: Yeah, playing his guitar.

Andrew: [sings] Woooah! Livin’…

Jamie: [laughs] That would awesome.

Andrew: [laughs] Alright. Well, thank you, Michelle, for calling today.

Jamie: Thanks, Michelle.

Michelle: Thank you. I’ll see you at Enlightening.

Andrew: Oh, will you be at Enlightening?

Michelle: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh, wonderful, we will, too.

Michelle: Doing the whole camp thing.

Andrew: Oh, cool. Excellent. So we’ll teach you how to podcast.

Jamie: See you later.

Michelle: Alright.

Andrew: See ya.

Micah: Bye.

Michelle: Bye.

Call: Death Eaters Or Dementors?

[Sound of phone ringing]

Andrew: Phil!

Jamie: Hey, Phil. Where are you from?

[Pause of silence]

Jamie: Phil?

Andrew: Outside space, apparently. [laughs] Phil, you there?

Jamie: Yeah, takes a long time for the signal to get down.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs] Born June 13th, 19…

Phil: Hey, sorry about that. I had my mic off.

Andrew: There you go. No problem, dude.

Jamie: Oh, hey, Phil. No problem. Where are you from?

Phil: I’m from Orange County, California.

Andrew: Awesome, man!

Jamie: Ah, a west coast. You’re a first west coast.

Andrew: Hailing from Mikey’s hometown area. Sort of.

Phil: Yeah.

Andrew: Cool.

Jamie: State, it’s called, Andrew. State. [laughs]

Andrew: No, actually, I was going for hometown, Jamie, thanks for calling me out there.

Jamie: Oh, does he live in Orange County?

Andrew: Yeah, he does, actually.

Jamie: I’ve been completely wrong, I’ve been completely wrong. Phil?

Andrew: Yeah, that’s where he is right now.

Jamie: Can I ask you a quick question before you say your theory?

Phil: Sure, sure.

Jamie: Do you know who Michael Scofield is?

Phil: Uh, no.

Jamie: Oh, what a shame. He’s…

Andrew: Jamie, I just think…

Jamie: Yeah?

Andrew: Maybe it’s just not a big thing among Harry Potter fans to watch “Prison Break.”

Jamie: It must be. He’s the lead guy from “Prison Break,” and I’ve just seen the season finale, and I’ve trying to find out who else watches it for intense “Prison Break” discussion, but no one does. Every single caller doesn’t watch it, so it’s a shame.

Phil: Oh.

Jamie: But do you have a theory, Phil?

Phil: Yeah. Actually, I thought that the figures around Harry and Voldemort on the cover weren’t Death Eaters, but Dementors, and the smoke that’s coming from Harry’s hand is actually a premature Patronus.

Jamie: Aah.

Andrew: Ooh.

Kevin: Oh, that’s good.

Jamie: I haven’t heard anything like that before. I like that. And I like that because it – Everyone assumes they’re Death Eaters because they’re dark figures and they’re in shadow, but I like that a lot. But I hadn’t even considered Dementors. But do you think that Harry can make a Patronus strong enough to ward off all those dementors while still battling against anything that Voldemort sends?

Phil: Oh, yeah. That’s why I think that it’s premature and silvery wisps of smoke, like an incomplete Patronus. Because he doesn’t have a wand, and he’s also trying to fight Voldemort.

Jamie: Yeah.

Phil: So, he might not have enough magical energy, or anything left.

Andrew: Hm.

Phil: Whatever it’s called.

Jamie: It’s interesting, though, that because the Dementors are, obviously, you know, exceptionally powerful creatures. And you’d think if Voldemort had them at his beck and call…

Phil: Yeah.

Jamie: …that they’re more powerful to have than Death Eaters, because you need a specific charm to get rid of them, they make you unhappy and can stop you using your powers effectively. But I guess to a trained wizard, a Patronus is an easy thing to create, so that could be why they don’t use them.

Phil: Yeah.

Jamie: I don’t know. Micah?

Micah: I think it’s an interesting idea. I’m looking at it right now. I had to take another look at it to know what he was talking about, but – I actually asked this to another caller. If there’s some object maybe out there that you can’t see – what does it look like to you? I mean, Harry’s hand is open almost like he’s welcoming it. Maybe if he’s not doing the Patronus charm, is he trying to draw whatever it is to him in a welcoming way, whereas Voldemort seems to be pushing back against it. He has his hands…

Jamie: Yeah.

Micah: …sort of forced out, almost looking like he’s pushing it away. What do you think about that?

Andrew: He’s leaning back, too. Huh!

Micah: Yeah, he is leaning back.

Jamie: What about a phoenix? Do you think it could be Fawkes, because I think that Harry would welcome Fawkes, and Voldemort would push his hand away because it strikes fear in the heart of the impure, so it could be that. But I really like the Patronus idea. Those figures – it’s too easy to just assume and accept that they’re Death Eaters when they could be so many things.

Andrew: I’m just trying to think, though, would he be able to do it without a wand? Conjure one?

Jamie: Well – what, a Patronus?

Andrew: A Patronus, yeah.

Jamie: I think it’s probably possible, despite – wand only channels your stuff, your inner power. So, if you’re powerful enough to create something without a wand, then you must be able to do that powerful magic without – I bet that Dumbledore could.

Andrew: But, I mean, he was just learning how to do it, how to conjure a Patronus with a wand. Not just, that was in Book 3, but…

Jamie: I know. Yeah.

Andrew: Now, could he do it without a wand? Is he that good at wandless magic at this point?

Jamie: What do you think, Phil?

Phil: Um.

Andrew: I’m not shooting it down, though. I think that’s a very good idea, it’s a clever theory.

Phil: Yeah. And also…

Jamie: Do you think he could…

Phil: What?

Jamie: Do you think he can conjure a Patronus without a wand, or…

Phil: Well, he’s Harry Potter, so…

[Andrew laughs]

Phil: …he must be able to without practice.

Jamie: That’s true. I like that answer. That’s very good.

Phil: He’s supposed to be learning a lot more in Deathly Hallows, so maybe he’s going to be focusing on wandless magic.

Andrew: Yeah. Alright.

Jamie: That’s very interesting.

Andrew: Very good theory. Thank you, Phil, for calling in today.

Phil: Thanks for having me on the show.

Andrew: No problem, dude.

Jamie: Thanks. See you later.

Andrew: See you later.

Phil: Bye!

Jamie: Bye.

Kevin: Bye.

Show Close

Jamie: Okay, guys, that wraps up our call-in show. And I’d just like to apologize very briefly for asking absolutely ever caller who – if they knew who Michael Scofield was, or if they watch “Prison Break.” I’m sure it got tedious. But if you are a watcher and if you’ve watched the season finale…

[Show music in background]

Jamie: …then you’ll know how absolutely incredible and exciting and fantastic and brilliant the show is, and you’ll be wanting to know who else is watching it, too. So, it’s like a paradox. You’ll have to watch to realize how important a question it is.

Andrew: I also want to say that I think that went pretty well, for – I guess that’s pretty much our first…

Jamie: Yeah, I agree with you.

Andrew: …call-in show. So I think it’d be a good idea if we did a couple more of those in the future.

Jamie: That’s a good idea.

Andrew: So, if you tried to call in today and you didn’t get on, do not worry. We will try to get you next time. We took all Skype calls this time because Skype – the quality on a Skype call compared to a regular landline is a thousand times better, so…

Jamie: It really is, yeah.

Andrew: …we recommend using Skype for any of those – for any of you out there who tried to use your phone. But yeah, overall very good. I think we’ll definitely do that again whenever we don’t feel like coming up with a normal show. [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: Thanks, guys, for calling in. I am Michael Scofield.

Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims. [whispers] Toots.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

[Show music ends]


Jamie: So, Andrew, do you have any thoughts on that?

Andrew: Well, no. I think the theories presented were pretty good. I think it was pretty good. I don’t know.

Jamie: I think it’s good. Okay, thank you very much, Chloe. See you later.

Chloe: Thanks. Bye.

Andrew: Bye.

[Andrew and Jamie laugh]

Andrew: My bad! [laughs]

Jamie: I know! [laughs] I know you would. I know you would. Sorry. I’m so sorry. I finally realized afterwards that you weren’t listening. [laughs]

Andrew: [laughs] I thought – I was just trying to get Kevin in here, so I wasn’t paying attention.

Jamie: I was like, “Andrew, what did you think of that?” “Yeah, I thought it was pretty solid!”

Andrew: [laughs] Sorry.

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: “Pretty…”

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: I started laughing, as well. So, okay.


Written by: Micah, Adrienne, Allison, Briana, Cindy, Jessica, Laura, Leah, Margaret, Matt, Samantha, Sapna, Sarah, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #85

MuggleCast 85 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: What’s up MuggleCast listeners? If you want to make an impact online, has what you need. Get your own dot-com domain name for as low as $1.99. Plus world class hosting, fast and easy website builders and much more. Plus as a listener of MuggleCast, enter code Muggle, that’s M-U-G-G-L-E, when you check out and save an additional 10 percent on any order. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: This week’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. Prepare for the upcoming release of Book 7 by catching a glimpse of where it all began. During the month of April, you can purchase Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on DVD for only $14.99 at Borders. Also be sure to reserve Book 7 at Borders at 40 percent off and get a free sticker. Choose from “Trust Snape” or “Snape is a very bad man.”

[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because some people quit listening to our show because of what we said about what happens in Book 7, this is MuggleCast Episode 85 for April 8, 2007.

[Intro music continues to play]

Andrew: Got a few e-mails here this week I thought we could read to kick off the show. First one comes from Donna, 36, of Missouri. She writes:

I cannot believe you have ruined MuggleCast for me. I will no longer be able to listen until after the seventh book comes out. You were making the wait until then bearable because I had you guys every week giving me something to think about before the next book comes out. Now that you guys have read it, I will be afraid to listen just in case you let slip with a big spoiler and ruin the book for me. I guess I will have to start listening to the “other” Harry Potter podcast even though I never enjoyed it as much. I wish you the best. Loved your podcast.

Donna wasn’t too happy, guys, about our little review of the book.

Laura: And you know what I found funny about it is that so many people thought it was an April Fools joke…

Andrew: Yeah, that’s what gets me.

Laura: …and I guess now would be a really bad time for us to tell Donna that it wasn’t.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean that’s what gets me, Laura. That’s what gets me. Another e-mail from Stella Rooney, 8-years-old from Glasgow, UK. She writes – her subject is April Foul:

Dear MuggleCasters, what a nice little joke about the manuscript. Not! How could you do something like that? I’m sure I’m not speaking for myself when I say that there are people out there that took that seriously and didn’t think about it when it was released. It really was an April Foul. I’m lucky that my mum pointed out to me that if it was for real, it would be all over the newspapers. You didn’t think about that, did you?

Again, not sure why it didn’t make it to the press, but it was real.

Mikey: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Everyone got it, right? Everyone can say that they got the book, right?

Kevin: Yep.

Mikey: Yeah I just got mine the other day.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: So I just finished reading it.

Andrew: Oh Mikey how did you enjoy it, by the way?

Mikey: Oh it’s wonderful.

Andrew: Yeah?

Mikey: Yeah I was a little surprised. I was left out but I got it finally, so I’m happy.

Andrew: Yeah, well, sorry about that. I mean, this US mail. You try to do like the confirmation sending, where they swear it’s going to be there by a certain day and then, you know, it doesn’t show up.

Mikey: It’s alright.

Micah: Well I mean there’s no guarantee that the post person wouldn’t want to read it themselves. I mean, come on.

Andrew: That’s true, that’s true. I forgot to wrap it up so they didn’t know what it was inside. Anyway, welcome everybody to the show, and we got some more cover coverage to talk about this week. But before we do anything else, I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey Bouchereau.

[Intro music continues to play]


Andrew: Micah Tannenbaum is standing by in the MuggleCast news center with the past week’s top Harry Potter news stories. Micah?

Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

The US Potter publisher, Scholastic, has introduced unbending rules for libraries handling Deathly Hallows this summer. According to the contract which Scholastic is having the libraries sign, the number of employees handling the novel must be limited. Oh, time to put in my application to work in the library.

Furthermore, those libraries that breach the contract could be blacklisted from future book releases. Well guys, I mean, this is your last shot. This is the last Harry Potter book, so who cares about any releases after this? The contract states that “We acknowledge and agree that any such violation will cause irreparable harm to Scholastic and the author, J.K. Rowling, and that monetary damages will be inadequate to compensate for violations.”

Last Saturday, the Harry Potter series won in the category of “Favorite Book” at the 20th Anniversary of the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards. Always a favorite at this slime-filled ceremony, Harry has also won in the category of “Favorite Movie” in past years. The series beat out How to Eat Fried Worms, Island of the Blue Dolphins and Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Bloomsbury has updated their “21 Great Reads for the 21st Century” with news that over the next year, “two or three authors will be featured each month, giving details of their careers, forthcoming books and events and suggestions of similar Bloomsbury authors you might be interested in.” We’re unsure as to whether JK Rowling will be featured but we will keep you updated.

Dan Radcliffe, the Harry Potter actor, previously recorded a video to raise awareness and funds for children in extreme poverty in America and Africa. This video, along with those of Helena Bonham Carter, who plays Bellatrix Lestrange, and a number of other celebrities, will be broadcast on “American Idol Gives Back,” April 25th.

Finally, a new report states that Harry Potter is the most searched fan fiction on Yahoo!.

That’s all the news for this April 8th, 2007, edition of MuggleCast. Back to the show.

Andrew: Okay, thank you Micah.

Micah: Yo, yo.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Is that your new thing now?

Mikey: What’s up Micah?

Andrew: Yeah what’s up, yo?

Mikey: Yo what’s up, G?

Andrew: You want to do your own rap, Micah, for the show?

Laura: Mhm.

Micah: Yeah. Yeah, why not? The news rap.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, there you go. We have a…

Micah: Don’t sound so excited about that. Really.


Andrew: Well, you know. We have a couple of announcements this week. Of course, a big one for the show: we have changed our cover art and we have a brand new website over at Does everyone like it?

Kevin: I think it’s awesome, yeah.

Mikey: It’s awesome, yeah. I like it.

Micah: I like it.

Laura: I love it.

Andrew: Yeah I’m really happy with how it turned out. Basically, I want to talk about a few things here, but the website was made by Greg Porter. He’s been on the show a couple of times, of He does fantastic website designs, so head over to his website today and you can use the code ‘MCMUGGLE’ to get a special discount on your design created by Greg. We highly recommend him. He made that website in a day, guys, and coded it for us. He did a fantastic job.

Mikey: Wow.

Laura: Wow.

Andrew: Yeah, and of course we have the new album art, if you haven’t checked the Myspace, or the Facebook, or anywhere else lately. But the reason we did this change – and I don’t want to get sentimental – but the reason we did this change is because, really, it’s a new era of MuggleCast where all we are talking about now is the seventh and final Harry Potter book and that’s what we’re focused on now, so it only makes sense to change over our visual. Our one and only visual for the show, which is the cover art and the website. S,o I guess that’s two, but I know what most of you are asking right now. [mimicking]‘Why do you guys do this just like the other Harry Potter podcast?! You guys ripped them off!’ Two things about that: one, last time I checked…

Micah: [Makes buzzer sound] Wrong.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: Last time I checked…

Mikey: We have a black iPod.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: We got the black iPod! I like that, we got a black one!

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. My favorite part of this new album art is that we still have the MuggleCast album art, the old one- the Half-Blood Prince one-inside the iPod. But anyway, first of all, we’ve said publicly on this show multiple times that we were going to be probably switching over to the new cover as our album art, once it came out. Second of all, we can’t hear any complaints about people saying, ‘Oh, you guys copied the other Harry Potter podcast.’ When in fact we were doing the whole book-cover-as-the-album-art thing with an iPod on it for, what, a-year-and-a-half now? So whatever. But we hope everyone does enjoy it a lot and we know we do. So that’s that.

Also, bad news about the suitcase video, I’m not going to make a big deal about this. Long story short, I can’t bring it into school. There’s all this nonsense going on about filming in school. That doesn’t involve MuggleCast itself, but doing it in school. So, I do apologize for that. The winners are going to be getting the pieces of the suitcase. Maybe I’ll take some pictures of the destroyed suitcase. It is still sitting here in my room and the dead body in there is still rotting, so I do want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Also, don’t forget to vote for us on Podcast Alley. We thank everyone for their vote, and don’t forget me, Micah…

Micah: Yo.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: Ben and Jamie will be at Enlightening 2007 in Philadelphia, PA, at the University of Penn., from July 12th to the 15th. We’re going to be going to the movie premiere, hosting a podcast and we are also going to be doing a seminar on how to make your own podcast. We’re going to teach you all the ropes. We have an update on the live podcast. It’s going to be in the Irvine… Irvin, or Irvine Auditorium. Over 800 seats, a beauuuuuuutiful theater to host the podcast in, so we are really looking forward to that and more details could be found on

Kevin and Mikey’s Thoughts on the Covers

Andrew: So, we are going to get right into our main discussion this week. Guys? I want to start off with Kevin and Mikey’s thoughts. Kevin, do you want to go first? Your general thoughts about the cover? So we can kick off our session…

Kevin: Well, I’ve heard a lot of people don’t like it because it seemed too colorful but I like it. I think it’s a little…

Andrew: You’re talking about the UK cover, children’s edition?

Kevin: Yeah. I like it. I think it’s unique.

Andrew: What was your initial thought about the US cover?

Kevin: Well I was very interested to see the little silhouettes in the background. That along with Harry and Voldemort grasping out towards something. I think I said it to – or Micah brought it up to me- it looks almost like they are trying to cast wandless magic, which I think is pretty cool.

Andrew: Yeah. We brought it up on the show that on, I think it was at least four of the covers, Harry is holding his wand, along with at least one, or two other people. And in this case neither Harry nor Voldemort are holding their wands…

Kevin: Yeah. Not too mention it’s the first time we actually saw
Voldemort illustrated.

Andrew: Yeah, that’s true. I really think it only makes sense that he only shows up on the final cover…

Kevin: The final cover, yeah.

Andrew: Because it’s sort of like – granted, though it’s not on the front cover- he’s on the back cover. Nonetheless, though, it’s still very cool. How about the UK adult edition with R.A.B.’s locket?

Kevin: I think that’s really interesting because it showed up in – or at least we think it’s in the children’s edition in the US version around Harry’s neck…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: I’m very surprised they’re giving so much focus to it.

Andrew: Yeah. Well, I mean we were talking about the fact that last time it was it was Snape’s diary right there on the cover and now it’s the locket. So, it’s like, is that going to play a semi-important role? Or is it going to be a huge role or what…

Kevin: Well, what I was thinking was maybe perhaps it’s the last Horcrux to be found and that’s why they’re giving so much, you know, attention to it.

Andrew: Well, are we all in agreement that the locket is a very crucial Horcrux for one reason or another?

Kevin: Yeah, absolutely…

Laura: Yeah, definitely.

Mikey: Yeah, definitely. It has to be…

Laura: It wouldn’t be featured on the cover if it wasn’t.

Kevin: And I think it is because of the fact that it’s now potentially hidden beyond where it was hidden originally. So, it’s not like the other Horcruxes which could be found in their original spots. This has, you know, been moved.

Mikey: Well, I also think that it has so much more meaning because it’s been alluded to so many times…

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true…

Mikey: We think we see it in Order of the Phoenix. We saw it, or we thought we could have seen it in Half-Blood Prince, and now it’s – like you said, it could be moved, we might find out more about R.A.B. – we will – but it’s all these different things surrounding that locket. So…

Micah: But now I mean, are we under the impression that it’s not destroyed? Because…

Andrew: No, it can’t be…

Micah: …based on the note I thought R.A.B. destroyed it, or did he just take it?

Kevin: I think everyone…

Mikey: Or we hoped he destroyed it.

Kevin: Right. And I think everyone thinks that it’s the locket that it showed in Grimmauld Place. So…

Andrew: Right. So Mikey, what are your general thoughts on the covers. Are you happy with them?

Mikey: Yeah, I like the US edition. The children’s UK edition kind of freaks me out a little. It looks weird. It’s got a lot of information on there, but I’m not too found of the artwork. It just kind of – maybe too much is going on, I guess? I don’t know…

Andrew: Yeah. I’ve never been found of any of the UK covers.

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: This one, honestly, I would have to say that this one is my favorite just because of how much detail is in it. I kind of like how colorful it is. I love Hogwarts on the back. If that is Hogwarts, which…

Mikey: I know. It’s a different color. It’s got some really cool stuff. What’s with Prongs on the right-hand side and the snake globe on the left?

Andrew: I don’t – I… [laughs]

Mikey: You know, it just brings up too many questions. And I like simple things, you know, art. Simplistic. I like the US cover. I like the adult cover. It’s nice. Very simple, again. It’s the locket. But I like it, you know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I had some inside information when it was coming out. So, I woke up to see it right when it was released.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Andrew: Mikey, you’re just…

[Micah laughs]

Mikey: I was up at four in the morning. [laughs]

Andrew: You’re just on top of the ball, man.

Mikey: Yeah, what can I say?

Mysterious Symbol

Andrew: I wonder – do you know anything about what that little – I don’t even know what to call it. The triangle with the circle inside of it and the line going through the triangle on the UK children’s cover spine. It’s Legend of Zelda-ish. And me and Micah were talking about this earlier this week.

Micah: [laughs] Yeah.

Kevin: Oh, I know what you’re talking about.

Micah: The Triforce of Wisdom.

Andrew: It’s like a Triforce thing.

Mikey: It’s like a Triforce – it’s like the Eye of the Illuminati. You know, where the triangle is above it all and the eye inside of it.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: But I don’t know what it is.

Andrew: I think that has to be – that has nothing to do with Bloomsbury. I don’t think.

Mikey: I don’t.

Micah: No. No. Because I think somebody else brought up a couple of shows ago or something like that. That usually whatever’s in that area, and it may have been you, Andrew, is critical to the book. Is critical to that particular book of the series. Whatever little object shows up there.

Mikey: Oh, you know what? I just Google-searched it and I found it. It’s the equilateral triangle. And that’s what it means. It’s because it’s a perfect circle inside a perfect triangle.

Andrew: Oh. And…

Mikey: That’s what it, you know…

[Kevin laughs]

Mikey: Harmonic ratios of the regular polygons. That’s what I found.

[Kevin laughs]

Mikey: I Google-searched, “circle triangle,” and that’s what popped up.

Andrew: Are there going to be parallel universes in the seventh novel?

Mikey: Actually I just found a religious site relating to this triangle. So give me a second, if I can find it.

Andrew: Oh.

[Kevin laughs]

Laura: Maybe it means they’re doing geometry in this book.

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah.

Micah: Yes.

Mikey: Who knows.

Andrew: Seventh year students need to take geometry classes.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Well, a couple listeners wrote in with creative ideas that perhaps it’s an ancient rune.

Andrew: Oh, it could relate to runes. Hm.

Micah: We know Hermione likes that subject a lot.

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: Maybe it comes into play. I think somebody even went as far to go to J.K. Rowling’s website and into that Ancient Runes book that she has.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: And to see if it had any relevance. But, of course, there was nothing there.

Mikey: Oh, you know what? Actually, hold on, I found a religious site. It says, “Circle and triangle combines the symbol for eternity with the symbol for trinity.”

Andrew: What? Eternity?

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: Symbol for eternity with the symbol for trinity. I don’t know if that means, you know, religious trinity or – eternity is circle, you know, that’s cool.

Andrew: Well, you’re looking on a religious site, right? So.

Mikey: No, no. It’s some Greek – hold on, let me see what the name is. Christian Symbols Glossary Forums, Feeds, Religions Forums. So yeah, it is a religious forum.

Micah: Is that by Laura Mallory?

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: I don’t know. But here’s the link, so you guys can take a look yourself. I got it off Google.

Andrew: Well, I’m looking at a definition of “trinity,” and it can also mean, “three people considered as a unit.”

Kevin: Whoa.

Andrew: The trio.

Mikey: Harry, Ron, Hermione.

Andrew: There you go. And the trio happened to be…

Mikey: Eternity. Eternity. Eternity. Those three will be forever together.

Andrew: Nooo.

Laura: In life or death.

Mikey: They will destroy Voldemort!

Andrew: I don’t want to… [laughs]

Mikey: They will destroy Voldemort! They will win! Yeah!

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Oh, Mikey.

Mikey: Alright!

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: What’s interested about that there, Mikey, is usually when people refer to eternity that means death.

Mikey: But they will…

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: Quiet down! I don’t want them to die, okay?

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: You’re going to make me cry here. I don’t want to cry. No, I won’t cry. Not on recording. No. I don’t know.

Andrew: So we have the trinity, the trio, in eternity.

Micah: This is groundbreaking stuff right here.

Kevin: This is on the spot.

Andrew: This is just thinking live on the show.

[Mikey laughs]

Andrew: This is called, “We didn’t prep beforehand, so let’s do it on the show.” [laughs]

Mikey: I’m showing my Google searches skills right now.

Andrew: Interesting.

Mikey: As I’m bringing this up.

Andrew: I don’t know. Well, that’s very interesting. If anyone has any thoughts, e-mail them in to mugglecast at staff dot mugglenet dot com. I’m sure we’ve got some people out there who could come up with some interesting theories for that. But I mean, you know, the trio’s on the cover too.

Kevin: Well, we definitely want to see what the other covers have in that location, as well.

Andrew: Well, we can…

Kevin: Because we could link it, somewhere.

Laura: Where exactly – hang on, I’ve got my UK editions. Where exactly is it?

Mikey: It’s at the very top.

Kevin: It’s at the spine at the top.

Laura: There’s nothing on…

Kevin: On any of them?

Laura: There is nothing like that. Like, they have little pictures on the top that continue from the back cover. But there’s no symbol or anything like that.

Andrew: Interesting.

Laura: Like on the Goblet of Fire one…

Mikey: Laura, are you going to make me look online?

Laura: It’s just like a little owl at the top of it.

Andrew: Oh, you know what? Yeah, I think I remember seeing that owl on the books before. But…

Mikey: I don’t know, maybe I have.

Andrew: Yeah, there’s so much more information on those UK books. You got Prongs. And you got that, like, prophecy thing with the snake in it. And then the back cover’s pretty – I love the back cover.

Mikey: I love Hogwarts.

Micah: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, definitely. Especially the full moon.

Andrew: It’s definitely moon-lit.

Kevin: Yeah.

Mikey: Hey, what’s the Bloomsbury logo? Is it a dog?

Laura: It’s a dog.

Andrew: It’s a dog.

Mikey: Or is it something else?

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: No, it’s a triangle with a circle in the middle.

Mikey: I love how it’s a black dog.

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Mikey: Well no, because you know what? That black dog reminds me of Sirius. I’m just saying. [laughs]

Andrew: Oh, yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] I’m sorry. I’m screeching at limbs here.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: But, I’m trying to make myself sound a little bit better, but yeah. Alright.

Hogwarts Description Debate

Laura: You know what’s interesting? You know how last week we were kind of debating about whether the castle on the back of the Deathly Hallows UK Edition is Hogwarts? And I’m looking at the Goblet of Fire edition, and it has an inside view of, like one of the staircases and one of the archways. And it doesn’t match. At least in my opinion. Like, the inside of the castle does not match the outside of the castle that we’re seeing on the back of the new cover.

Andrew: Does it say the cover illustrator on the inside flap?

Laura: I’m sure it does.

Andrew: Because on this one, it says Jason Cockcroft.

Laura: This one has a bunch of blurbs on it.

Andrew: Because it’s been a different illustrator for each, you know. I mean, that’s interesting, what you bring up, but…

Laura: It’s a different illustrator?

Andrew: For each book, yeah.

Laura: Are you serious? That’s stupid.

Andrew: That’s what Jamie said, yeah.

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. So, that’s interesting.

Mikey: But in the US we all got the same illustrator, so it’s cool.

Laura: Yeah, this guy was Gils Greenfield.

Andrew: Hmmmm.

Laura: So, I mean, it could just be lack of continuity.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: But, it’s so weird. You would think that they would want to, kind of, have them all make sense, but.

Andrew: Yeah. Did we talk about this last week? On the front cover of the UK edition, Harry Potter; it’s white on black. Black sort of representing the end, death. I mean, it’s nothing really big, but…

Laura: I don’t think so.

Andrew: It’s just kind of interesting. Just a little side note there.

Mikey: It’s not that…

Listener Rebuttal: Kreacher

Andrew: Let’s move on to some emails. We’ve been getting lots of emails this week, of course, with everyone sending their theories. We love reading them all. We have a couple here. We are going to start off with one from Matt, he’s 18, of Western Australia. Perth, Western Australia. He writes:

“I just wanted to note to you guys that, although it would be the more likely the situation for Dobby to be on Harry’s back, I believe it’s Kreacher. Why? Because Jo made sure Kreacher was kept in the Order of the Phoenix film, whereas Dobby is long gone. You would expect that the house elf on Harry’s back is, at that moment, playing an important role in the book, and as such couldn’t possibly be Dobby as I take Jo’s insistence to mean that Dobby has no further part to play. Just a theory, I have millions more, but this will do for now. Adios, Matt.”

I like that. That is an interesting point. I mean, Dobby is gone now. He’s not going to be in the fifth film, and if she pushed for Kreacher to be in the film, and I know we’ve heard that there has been argument – that there was actually an argument over whether – not an argument, but there was a discussion to decide whether or not Kreacher would be kept in or not. I think that just says right there that he plays an important role that we haven’t seen yet.

Laura: I mean, I think it’s plausible, but I think we also need to remember that he played a pretty important role in the fifth book. I mean, he’s essentially the reason that everyone went to the Department of Mysteries.

Andrew: Well, that is true.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s actually – that’s a good point.

Laura: And how do you explain that? I mean…

Kevin: Well, I think…

Mikey: Yeah.

Laura: What lame justification could…

Kevin: She – what she…

Laura: …they use, really?

Andrew: Well, trust me. They could come up with…

[Andrew, Laura, and Mikey laugh]

Laura: Well, I mean, I’m saying it would be really bad.

Micah: Well, I was listening to what you guys were saying on Episode 80 because I was working on the transcript for it earlier. I think that…

Andrew:… Actually, not at all. Never mind, go ahead.

Micah: [laughs] No, they can explain away a lot of things if they really, really wanted to. And – but in this case I agree with what Laura is saying. I think that Kreacher in particular was much more important to Book 5. So, his inclusion in the movie is probably a little bit more important than Dobby.

Kevin: Well, don’t you think that she’s just giving them pointers for vital points in the plot that they will have to include in the movie? And not necessarily what’s going to happen in the book? Because Dobby can play a part in, like, Book 5, but they can explain away that particular part that he played. Whereas maybe Kreacher plays such a large part they won’t be able to just simply explain it away. Because these are large books and they have to cut a lot of…

Micah: Yeah.

Kevin: …you know, stuff from it. And maybe her saying that is just…

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: …her saying that Kreacher is going to play a role that you can’t cut out from the movie. Not saying that Dobby doesn’t play a role in the book, it is just that…

Micah; Yeah, but I think that at the same time…

Kevin: ….Dobby’s part in the book could be, you know, swept to the side whereas Kreacher’s couldn’t.

Micah: Yeah. No, I agree with that.

Laura: Well, we actually do have a voicemail about what else that thing on Harry’s back could be. So, I mean, we’ll get to that in a few minutes, but.

Micah: Oh, so, basically what you’re saying is…

Kevin: I think we know where it’s going.

Micah: Okay, I won’t say anything.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: How about a goblin?

Laura: I don’t want to spoil it or anything.

Kevin: We already – oh okay. Yeah.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs] That would be it. But yeah.

Kevin: Yes. [laughs]

Micah: [laughs] We mention that on a future episode.

Listener Rebuttal: Format of Book 7

Andrew: [laughs] Yeah. Alright, we have another email now. Natalie, 14, of Utah. She writes:

“Hi, MuggleCasters! I was just wondering what you think the format of Deathly Hallows will be in comparison to the other books. In this final book, Jo has things to tie up, not more plot lines to formulate. Do you think that this book will differ from her trademark writing style? Just wanted to hear your comments. Thanks, and love the show.”

I don’t know what the – it’s going to be following the same format, I think. He’s going to start off in the Burrow, we know that much. And…

Mikey: The Burrow? I thought he was going to start of at Number 4, Privet Drive.

Andrew: Well, where does – why did I think that?

Kevin: Yeah, he’s going to. Yeah.

Laura: Well, he will go to the Burrow.

Micah: Because the cover is sort of…

Laura: He will…

Mikey: He will go to the Burrow, but…

Andrew: Oh, sorry. Alright, yeah.

Mikey: [laughs] Just correcting you now, Andrew. Just so you know.

Andrew: I thought the cover said Harry is waiting in the Burrow. Nevermind. This says Privet Drive.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Carry on.

Laura: I think that Deathly Hallows will definitely stay consistent with the same kind of theme that Books 4 through 6 had. Because if you look at the series, Books 1 through 3 kind of tend to be focused more on the future and learning things about what will happen. But as you got into the Goblet of Fire and moved onward, we saw a lot more memories and diving into pensieves, and, you know, all that kind of stuff. So, I think we are definitely going to learn a lot more about the past in this book as well.

Kevin: Yeah, and 1 through 3 were really used for a lot of character development.

Laura: Yeah, it was a lot of setup.

Kevin: And…

Mikey: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah. After Book 3 it became – you know, there was character development, but not nearly to the extent that we saw in the first books. So, I agree, I think it’s going to be just like Books 4 through 6.

Mikey: Well, as I reread her email, it says “no more plotlines will be formulated.” I think it is more of the fact there is still going to be new plotlines that we don’t know about, you know. We are going on an adventure…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: …that we don’t know anything about. So, it’s not that she is going to just be giving us answers to stuff that we’ve been questioning, but, you know, we still are going to be finding new stuff out. So, I definitely think it’s going to be the same to what we’ve read. Definitely the last few books. Same there.

Andrew: The ending of course is going to probably like nothing we’ve ever seen before. And of course the epilogue. So…

Mikey: Yeah.

Listener Rebuttal: Final Battle at the Graveyard

Andrew: Then we have another email from Mike, 15 of St. Louis. He says:

“Hey, guys. I remember J.K. Rowling saying that we would see the Hogwarts graveyard before the series is over. To me, the US cover seems to be set outside and all of the dark shadows that look like people are also in the shape of gravestones. This leads me to believe that this may be the scene of a battle; final, is my guess since he is wearing the locket. This could make for some interesting happenings since Dumbledore is buried there. Okay, that’s all. Keep up the good work.”

I don’t – it doesn’t really look like a graveyard to me.

Kevin: No.

Andrew: Does it to you guys?

Kevin: Not really.

Laura: No, it doesn’t look like a graveyard to me – at all.

Mikey: It looks like the Coliseum.

Kevin: That’s what everyone…

Mikey: A stadium.

Kevin: Yeah, the Coliseum.

Laura: Yeah, it really does.

Mikey: Not the Coliseum. It actually looks like – someone actually hunted and told me the exact place that it looks like and showed me comparison pictures.

Kevin: Oh, geez.

Mikey: I said, “That’s cool.” But I don’t remember.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: But I give props to that person, whoever you were. I don’t even remember who it was.

[Keivn laughs]

Mikey: But, yeah. Not the Coliseum, somewhere else.

Micah: Didn’t somebody confirm that they weren’t graves?

Laura: I don’t know.

Mikey: I don’t know.

Andrew: Even so…

Micah: I thought I read an e-mail that…

Laura: Something that I find kind of interesting – and this is kind of what Mike was addressing – if the final battle takes place at a graveyard or at Hogwarts or anywhere like that, that would mean that the final showdown would be at Hogwarts, and this is something that I’ve always been kind of firmly against. Like, I’ve always thought that it would never happen at Hogwarts, because so much has already happened there, and I feel like if Harry’s going on a journey, it’s going to end somewhere different then where it began, and I don’t think it will be at Hogwarts. Do you guys think it will be? Do you think this is Hogwarts, or what?

Andrew: I think this is through the veil in the Ministry of Magic.

Mikey: That’s what I think. I agree with Andrew.

Laura: I think that, too!

Andrew: [laughs] That’s what I’m hoping for.

Laura: But somebody pointed out something very interesting, and this really crushed my theory and it made me really upset: the death chamber that the veil’s located in is rectangular-shaped, this room is circular.

Andrew: Well, who says this has to be the death chamber?

Laura: But that’s where the veil is. [laughs]

Andrew: But what if – it, it could be something…

Laura: What if it turned circular? Like, the other side is circular?

Mikey: What if we’re in the locked door?

Laura: Oh, interesting…interesting moment.

Mikey: The love room.

Kevin: Yeah.

Mikey: The love room. What if we’re in there, you know?! Guys, who knows?

Andrew: That does not look like a love room.

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: I don’t know, man. It’s nice and orange. Can you – I can imagine some hearts in there, maybe.

Andrew: That’s the sky!

[Kevin laughs]

Mikey: Quiet!

Andrew: See, I mean. Then you can say it is the death chamber, or it is the love room, but there’s a sky right above us. That’s, like, the biggest clue! Maybe we’re over-thinking this.

Laura: It’s a window in the sky.

Andrew: It is a window in the sky.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And to love, Harry’s rhapsodize – ing.

Mikey: I remember another room. Something like the Great Hall, it’s magically enhanced to see…

Andrew: No way.

Laura: No!

Mikey: Who knows? Who knows? Oh man!

Laura: What’s interesting about this, though, – we were talking about the circle meaning eternity, and if Harry is on the other side of the veil where death is, and that room is circular, it’s just kind of a cool connection to eternity.

Andrew: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Mikey: Ahhh.

Andrew: But I don’t think it looks circular. I think it looks more oval.

Laura: Oblong.

Mikey: Actually, I found an e-mail for where that was sent to me: someone said it looks like the Istanbul Amphitheatre, and actually, as I’m looking at it…

Andrew: What is that?

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Mikey: It’s an amphitheatre where we’re looking at it like it’s a stage. That’s why there’s curtains and everything. It’s round like that, and there’s even seating and people sitting there and everything.

Laura: so Harry’s going to go from Istanbul to Constantinople, right, Mikey?

Mikey: Why not?

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Micah: [sarcastically] Oh, Laura. You’re so funny.

Andrew: It doesn’t look to me, though, that…

Mikey: High five, Laura. I like that joke.

Micah: What do you guys think about it being Hogwarts? I mean, it’s not that crazy of an idea. You look around the rubble. It’s a stone rubble, there’s wood rubble there too, which could be the front door of the school. Is that such a far-fetched idea?

Laura: It’s not…

Andrew: Yeah, but look at the coliseum thing. What would that be?

Micah: So maybe that’s the remnants of the school?

Andrew: No way!

Mikey: Oooh!

Andrew: No way! I mean, unless this thing is going to be built in the seventh book, I don’t think there is any way that this is Hogwarts.

Mikey: Really? There’s Hogwarts on the other cover, too.

Andrew: There is, but on the back cover. It’s just an exterior shot. I mean, that illustrator could have been thinking, “Hmmm. What could I put on the back cover? Hogwarts would be cool. Moonlit.”

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: I don’t know. That’s a stretch, but…

Mikey: I’m sure that’s exactly what he was thinking.

[Everyone laughs]

Micah: They had to get the right side of Hogwarts.

Andrew; Yeah…

Mikey: Because the other side is all rubble. It looks just like the US cover.

Micah: Exactly.

Andrew: Is it just me, or – enough mocking me.

Laura: I just – I just feel like…

Mikey: It’s alright, Simsy.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: … the hunt for the Horcruxes is going to end with the location of the final battle, and it just seems so implausible to me that Harry would go off looking, and he would find the last one at Hogwarts, and then end up having a showdown with Voldemort.

Mikey: Well, the last one’s Nagini, so we’re going to – he’s going to go hunt Voldemort eventually. I don’t think the last Horcrux that’s not the snake is going to be there. I don’t know.

Micah: I’m going to take this completely off-topic now. You know that little ball that Nagini is in? What if Harry catches him in a Pokéball?

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Oh my god.

Mikey: I choose you, Nagini! That’s actually pretty awesome.

Andrew: That’s it. There it is.

Mikey: That’s it. And then Fawkes is going to come by and eat him.

Micah: [laughs] What?

Laura: You know what someone pointed out? I don’t know if you guys talked about this on a future show…

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: … but somebody pointed out that that little sphere thing looks a lot like the way the prophecy spheres were described in Order of the Phoenix. What if Harry somehow uses prophecies to his advantage to find the remaining Horcruxes? It almost looks like he captured a snake within that.

Mikey: Hmmm.

Andrew: Yeah. Yeah. But like we were saying last week, there’s that window.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And its presence makes me think that it’s supposed to be offering some sort of clue.

Micah: What if it’s outside Harry’s window? what if it’s the initial prophecy, and Voldemort is sort of depicted as a snake?

Laura: That’s interesting.

Micah: No?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I like that, Micah. Well thought out.

Micah: Thanks. Almost as good as the Pokéball.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: I don’t know. That Pokéball is just amazing.

What’s With Voldemort’s Hand?

Andrew: Looking at the US cover again, and maybe you guys have given this some thought, but Voldemort’s right hand – if you’re holding out your hand like that, you can’t physically hold your hand out like that unless your arm is twisted all the way around. So, I’m not saying that’s a hint for the book, but see how his thumb is on our right?

Micah: Wrong side? [laughs]

Andrew: Exactly. It’s on the wrong side.

Laura: Okay, everybody hold out your arms and see… [laughs]

Andrew: That’s what I’m – I’m doing it.

Mikey: That’s what I did.

[Kevin sighs]

Andrew: His forehand is facing us.

Laura: So, wait, are his palms facing us, both of them?

Andrew: His palms are facing us. Right.

Laura: Well, no, you can do that.

Mikey: Andrew?

Andrew: If you can twist your arm all the way around.

Laura: I’m not doing…

Mikey: Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. This is what you’re going to do. Put your arm out in front of you.

Andrew: Yeah?

Mikey: And point your thumb…

Andrew: Yeah?

Mikey: … away from you and your thumb and your hand is now turned…

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: …and the perspective of the reader your thumb is on the other side. And I’m doing it right now. [laughs]

Andrew: I don’t think you understand what I’m saying, though.

Mikey: I see what you’re saying, man. It’s not that difficult to do.

Kevin: No, it isn’t.

Andrew: But does anyone hold their hand out like that?

Laura: If you are trying to…

Andrew: My arm is aching holding it like this.

Laura: Well, you would – obviously, he’s not holding it like that for a minute. He’s reaching… [laughs]

Andrew: Laura, he’s been holding it like that for the past two weeks.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: He’s pushing – he’s using wandless magic to push things away.

Micah: I think what Andrew is trying to say is perhaps that this is a reflection.

Andrew: A reflection? No, no.

Micah: Through the veil.

Andrew: Well, yes, Micah, that’s exactly what I was trying to say. Thank you, Micah.

Micah: Exactly, see.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: But if you look at it as if it’s a reflection, it would be – you would be holding your arms in the same type of position, just the opposite way, you know what I’m saying?

Micah: No, but it does look weird. It looks weird. If you tried to hold your hand out…

Andrew: Thank you, Micah, thank you.

Micah: … it doesn’t work the same way.

Laura: But here’s the thing, though. When I think of this, I think of somebody trying to catch – like, my brother pays soccer and when I hear you guys talking about this, I think about him leaping to the side to catch balls and the way he throws out his arms that way. And obviously, you don’t hold out your arms like that forever, but if it’s just a quick moment in time captured, of course it’s going to look funny.

Kevin: Well, Laura, soccer is typically played with the feet.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: When you’re a goalie it’s not, Kevin. [laughs]

Mikey: Well, I like to call it football.

Listener Rebuttal: Hand Position

Andrew: Yeah. To start off that little discussion we have another e-mail: Kathryn T, 16, of New York. She writes:

In Episode 83 you were discussing Harry and Voldemort’s hands on the Book 7 cover and someone stated that both Harry and Voldemort seemed to be reaching out towards something. Although I agree that Harry, based on the position of his hand, is grasping for something in the air above him, the position of Voldemort’s hand seems to suggest that he is either shielding himself or trying to push something away. It makes sense that Harry would be grasping or reaching for something based on the position of his hand. When you reach for something your hand has a slight curve to it and your thumb goes forward, almost as if you were trying to wrap your hand around whatever you are reaching for, and that is exactly what Harry’s hand is doing. Voldemort on the other hand, no pun intended, appears to have his hand more flat than Harry’s, although it might just be the angle.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I don’t think we ever really talked about this. In general.

Laura: It does look like he’s…

Andrew: On what is going on here.

Laura: It does look like he’s trying to push it away, instead of trying to catch it or trying to keep Harry from catching it.

Micah: Mhm. Yeah, we do talk about it on a future show.

Andrew: What if…

Mikey: Oh. [laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. I think, and I didn’t say this on a future show, Voldemort seems to be leaning back.

Mikey: I was going to say, what if they tripped and fell and they’re just trying to grab something just to keep themselves from falling?


Mikey: Because you said that Voldemort looks like he’s falling back…

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: … and he’s reaching out to Harry, to try and grab him. I don’t know.

Andrew: It’s almost symbolic because he’s sort of, like, falling behind the curtain.

Mikey: A curtain.

Micah: Well, Andrew.

Andrew: Yeah. Yes.

Micah: After I read this e-mail, I talked to you and I said, “Now, I am 100 percent convinced that Harry is going to die in this final book.”

Andrew: I don’t remember you saying that, Micah, but go on.

Micah: I really think that that’s what going to happen, though. And I know it’s terrible, but I am really convinced and now I’m preparing myself for it because then it will be a nice little surprise if he doesn’t.

Andrew: Emotionally?

Micah: Yeah, because if you look at what’s happening, to me, what it suggests is Harry is welcoming whatever that is, like – let me get her name right.

Laura: Like “Welcome, death?”

Micah: Yeah, exactly. He’s not afraid of it, though.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: And kind of what Kathryn’s saying is he’s holding it out – his palm wide open and it may not be death – it may be something that resembles death or something that causes death, whereas Voldemort is in a position holding out his hand where, like she said, he’s almost shielding himself. So, that suggests to me that this is the final battle and…

Andrew: Well, it’s got to be the final battle. Yeah.

Mikey: Well…

Micah: Something’s coming for both of them and Voldemort doesn’t want any part of it.

Andrew: That’s a good point.

Mikey: What if it’s love?

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: There’s the opposite of that. Love and death, man. It’s – Voldemort doesn’t like either of them. So, I don’t know. Maybe it’s Ginny coming after him.

[Mikey and Micah laugh]

Mikey: She’s mad. I don’t know.

Listener Rebuttal: The Castle IS Hogwarts

Andrew: Well, Micah, you brought up a good point. Voldemort doesn’t want any part of it, whatever’s going on there. I like that idea. Let’s move onto one more e-mail, and then we’ll head to voicemails. It comes from Daphne, 20, of Los Angeles. Mikey, you live near Los Angeles, don’t you?

Mikey: I do, I live in Orange County.


First, I would like to say that you had a lot of interesting theories about the covers and I enjoy listening very much. The castle on the children’s U.K. version, I think, is Hogwarts, because I know it looks sort of curved in places but you need to take into consideration the angle that the picture is being drawn from and then picture it standing from a distance, where you aren’t looking up at it but rather straight at it. Also, Harry does look like he’s being sucked in along with Ron and Hermione and just like Hermione by his feet.

Daphne is talking about the U.K. children’s cover.

The look on his face suggests that maybe he’s been taken by surprise and it’s not a good surprise and Dobby (assuming it is) is holding onto his shoulder because if he doesn’t, then he’ll get sucked in first just because he’s too small.

Well, whichever house-elf it is – that’s an interesting perspective about the Hogwarts castle. Does anyone still think it’s not the Hogwarts castle?

Laura: I mean, I guess it is. I guess it just doesn’t really look like how…

Andrew: It just looks different.

Laura: …I imagine Hogwarts. I mean, even if you’re standing far away from something – if it’s a castle, it’s not really going to have circular shapes to it. I mean it’s going to have towers, and I mean, we’re talking angles, not – I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem…

Micah: Understand though too that our perception of Hogwarts really comes from the movies.

Andrew: Mmm, yeah.

Micah: You know, just because it doesn’t look the way it does in the movies, doesn’t mean it’s not the castle.

Laura: No, I’m not saying that it’s just that, even disregarding the movies, when you think of an ancient castle, you don’t think of rounded towers.

Mikey: Ehhh, I don’t know – I don’t know. [laughs]

Laura: I mean, I guess it’s just – I mean, honestly, it’s just probably just an artist’s perception.

Andrew: Mhm.

Laura: And it probably is Hogwarts, but it just doesn’t quite look like the way it’s always been described. It doesn’t look as old.

Micah: It just looks like it’s reflecting in the moonlight, really.

Mikey: Yeah…

Kevin: I think it’s hard…

Mikey: There’s that cloud coming in and…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah. I think it’s hard to tell because of the moonlight. It sort of…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: …skews the image, so…

Andrew: Yeah, if there wasn’t that moonlight on there, what would the color underneath be? Probably the…

Kevin: Exactly.

Andrew: If there was the brown Hogwarts that we’ve always seen it would probably look more like what we’re used to seeing.

Laura: Mmhmm.

Andrew: Right?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And then what else? Yeah, this Daphne also pointed out about Ron, Hermione, and Harry falling into whatever that is there. Mikey and Kevin, you guys have any ideas about that? We discussed it on Episode 83.

Mikey: I don’t know…

Kevin: What…

Mikey: …what did you guys come up with?

Kevin: …what…

Andrew: Well, I mean, what were we saying? That it could have been a Gringotts vault. You know, it can’t be the veil.

Mikey: I like the vault idea.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: I’m going with that.

Andrew: There’s just so much treasure.

Kevin: Yeah, me too.

Andrew: It’s very interesting. So, I thinkyou guys ready for some voicemails?

Voicemail: Dragon in Gringotts

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast. This is Cheryl from Santa Clarita, and I was listening to your last podcast and I was just thinking two things on the U.K. edition cover. If you look in the lens of Harry’s glasses you can see something. It looks like it’s spewing flames, like it’s a dragon, and could they be in Gringotts? So, just wanted to know what you thought.

Andrew: I don’t get it. Why would that confirm…?

Laura: Because, what was – I forget his name, was Griphook the goblin, I believe, told Harry in the first book, or Hagrid did, that dragons guarded Gringotts.

Andrew: Oh! So – oh!

Kevin: Oh.

Andrew: That’s interesting. Yeah because…

Kevin: That is interesting.

Andrew: …we were wondering what the – what on earth was in the reflection on Harry’s glasses, last week. Hmmm.

Laura: So, I mean – maybe their actually falling towards a dragon, or maybe their trying to escape one and, I mean…

Andrew: Hmmm…

Laura: I mean, does this mean that Voldemort like has a Horcrux locked up in a vault there? That would be kind of cheesy.

Andrew: Yeah, well we were talking about…

Kevin: On a future episode we…

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: All right…

Laura: I’m not liking this future episode stuff.

Andrew: Yeah, no. Yeah, I know, I know. We do talk about…

Kevin: Oh, the possibility that Voldemort put – had an item of consequence like…

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Kevin: …that he put in a vault, that he created – he used to make a Horcrux.

Andrew: Yeah, we were asking why he would do that. But…

Kevin: Which is why some – in this future episode…

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: [laughs] …we were considering that that house-elf may not be a house elf and may be one of the Gringotts Goblins.

Andrew: Right.

Laura: Yeah

Andrew: More on the future episode.

Kevin: Yes.

Andrew: Next voicemail.

Voicemail: Proof the Trio Survives?

[Audio]: Hi, this is Andy from Tennessee. I have a theory on – well, almost proof that the trio will survive. Not proof – I’m not sure. If you look at the U.S. cover, Harry doesn’t seem to be scratched up, and keep in mind that the sky is still the same color as it is in the U.K. cover. If you look at – what I am saying is that they’re in the veil or wherever they are fighting, Voldemort and him, and I think they’re actually exiting the veil because they’re all stopped the U.K. cover, going down that weird tunnel with all the rubies and the treasure, and the skies still orange. They’re exiting the veil, or wherever they are. So, while he’s fighting Voldemort, he’s not scratched up in the U.S. cover, so I’m saying the U.S. cover chronologically happens before the U.K. cover. The U.K. cover is the end – well, towards the end, assuming that it’s toward the end of the book. And the trio comes out all scratched up, but Harry’s not scratched up when he’s fighting Voldemort in the U.S. cover. So, tell me what you think. Thanks.

Andrew: That’s interesting.

Laura: That is interesting.

Andrew: The sky covers thing has good…merit, I guess you could say.

Laura: Well, it almost…

Mikey: And now that…

Kevin: I…

Mikey: That looks like an archway now. We’re talking about the veil earlier.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Mikey: On the U.K. cover. Huh…

Kevin: You mean on the U.K. cover, it looks like an archway?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yep.

Laura: It does.

Mikey: It doesn’t look like a circle any more.

Laura: Well, yeah, that looks like an archway and the room look – I mean, did we think that – did we used to think it looked circular?

Andrew: Well, heck, I mean, you could almost think – you could almost say that…

Kevin: Well, you can see a…

Andrew: …that archway is the same as all the archways circling Harry and Voldemort in the coliseum. It’s…

Laura: Oh, that’s true.

Andrew: …probably not, but they…

Laura: But it’s similar, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. And honestly, the same sky colors are on the other side, through the archway.

Kevin: And you can see a piece of the – on the U.K. cover, if you look below Hermione’s arm, you can see a piece of it, so it does confirm that it’s not perfectly circular.

Laura: Yeah, I mean, it almost…

Kevin: Otherwise it would be curving back.

Laura: …looks like, if they’re falling forward, it almost looks like they’re escaping from whatever room we see depicted on the U.S. cover.

Kevin: Yeah, but – but look at…

Mikey: But why would Ron…

Kevin: …Ron’s position.

Mikey: Yeah, it’s like Ron.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I guess.

Kevin: That’s what’s confusing about it.

Mikey: You know, if you look hard enough, I think you can see the…

Kevin: Oh.

Mikey: …US cover hidden in the background…

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: …of the UK cover. I think I zoomed in enough and I can kind of see it.

[Andrew laughs]

Mikey: I don’t know. I’m sorry.

Kevin: Although, actually, if you look at the position of Ron’s foot, it’s possible that he’s coming out…

Andrew: It’s so confusing how…

Kevin: …feet first. It really is.

Andrew: …this is setup, because like, there’s a dragon right in front of them, it seems, so like, you know, you wouldn’t be going towards that, would you? And…

Laura: Well, I mean…

Mikey: Unless it’s Norbert.

Laura: …the Death Room, or dragon? I mean… [laughs]

Andrew: Hermione and Ron are definitely falling back because of their hair. Definitely Hermione…

Laura: Well…

Andrew: …because her hair’s in front of her.

Micah: What do you guys think about him being pulled, because if you look at the left side of Ron’s cloak…

Andrew: Oh, it looks like he’s being tugged, yeah.

Micah: …up by his shoulder, it looks like he’s being pulled down, and that would…

Kevin: Oh, you’re right.

Micah: …kind of go with what’s going on with Hermione. She looks like she’s being pulled back, also.

Mikey: And Harry’s got this guy pulling him back with a sword.

Kevin: But Harry looks like he’s resisting it a bit more than the others.

Micah: He looks like he’s determined.

Mikey: We don’t see his feet.

Andrew: We don’t see his feet.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: And Hermione also looks like she’s trying to grab onto something, but…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: …Harry, on the other hand, is just blocking himself, or at least with his left arm and hand, he is. Hmm, well.

Laura: There seems to be a running theme with this, like, blocking, catching type thing going on with the covers.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: Again, no wands – no wands.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: It’s all windless magic. We’re not going to see a single magic wand in this entire book.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Oh, we better.

Mikey: Oh, no.

Andrew: I miss the spells. Flippendo!

[Laura and Mikey laugh]

Andrew: Sorry, that was the video game.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs] My god.

Mikey: That was a fun spell.

Andrew: Flippendo! Flippendo! Flippendo! Over and over! Overused!

Laura: That used to piss my parents off all the time.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Laura: I would play that to like, three in the morning, and my dad would come out and be like, “Shut the hell up.”

Kevin: Oh god.

Voicemail: Hogwarts and the Forbidden Forest

[Audio]: Hi guys, on the last episode of MuggleCast, you were talking about the back of the U.K. children edition and the castle, and what I thought was the castle is Hogwarts and the tree-type thing is maybe the Forbidden Forest, and because the Forbidden Forest is a lot darker, that that’s where the Death Eaters and bad guys are hiding, and as Hogwarts is illuminated, that’s where the good side are, and the way the clouds are heading towards Hogwarts, maybe it’s some sort of foreshadowing of a battle that will take place there. Love to hear your thoughts. Thanks, guys. Bye!

Kevin: Well, it looks – there’s two possibilities: that the clouds are like, fog, or like, something generated from a spell, or it’s just smoke and the woods are like the, you know…

Laura: On fire.

Kevin: …Forbidden Forest on fire.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: It’s quite possible.

Laura: Yeah. Oh, yeah, it is.

Kevin: If you’re going…

Laura: Forest fire.

Kevin: If you’re going to siege a castle, you’re going to want to, you know, get rid of any cover that people could use to go in and out of the castle.

Laura: That’s true.

Kevin: Not to mention, clear a path, you know, a nice clear path to the castle, and what better way than just destroy a path right through the forest?

Micah: Clearly they need to listen to Smokey the Bear.

Laura: Yeah.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: I was going to say, although what’s interesting about the cover is that if you look, all this is going on, but look at that door on the bottom.

Andrew: What door?

Kevin: The bottom right.

Andrew: What door? What are you talking about?

Kevin: Well, well look at the back of the U.K. cover.

Andrew: Oh, oh, the back.

Kevin: It’s open.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: I mean, light is coming out of it, so why, if you know, the castle is being attacked or something, why…

Laura: Well, maybe this is like…

Kevin: …is the door open?

Laura: …the calm before the storm.

Kevin: That’s – that’s true.

Micah: Mhm. Yeah, I agree with that.

Andrew: It’s an awfully bright light. It’s – I mean, it’s casting a…

Kevin: The moon?

Andrew: Well, no, no, no.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: What’s coming out of the door. See how it’s sort of…

Kevin: Yeah, yeah.

Listener Rebuttal: Meaning of the Color Orange

Andrew: …the light is like, spreading across the grounds. That’s interesting. I just got an interesting e-mail from Phil, 15, of right there in Orange County.

Mikey: The OC, represent.

Andrew: The OC. [sings The OC theme song]

“I just thought it would be good to let you know that the color orange means strength, honor, generosity, and prosperity. I was wondering if this could mean the opposite of a black cover for Book 7.”

And, I mean, the spine of the U.K. children’s cover is orange…

Kevin: It’s orange, yes.

Andrew: …and the sky is orange, and the curtains are orange. So, I thought that was kind of…

Kevin: And right below the ISBN is orange on the U.K. edition.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: There you go, yeah. So, I thought that was kind of interesting.

Mikey: Nothing rhymes with the word orange.

Andrew: I know! It’s such a problem when I play the rhyme game.

[Kevin laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] Or purple.

Andrew: Or purple. Slurple?

[Kevin laughs]

Micah: No.

Voicemail: Locket on UK Cover

[Audio]: Hey, this is Kitty from Georgia. I was calling because I was listening to MuggleCast number 83, and the locket on the U.K. adult edition – you were saying it’s not quite as extravagant as we would think Slytherin’slocket would be, and I was actually thinking that it might possibly be the one that Dumbledore and Harry found. The one that replaced there after they got the real Horcrux. All right, I love your show, bye.

Kevin: It could be. I mean…

Laura: See, my thing was…

Kevin: I don’t think the locket has to be extravagant in any way. You know what I mean?

Laura: It was Slytherin’s locket, though.

Kevin: Right.

Laura: …and the way that Voldemort kind of treasures very extravagant things…

Kevin: Right. If you look at that locket on the adult cover, those are gem stones laid into the…

Laura: Mardi Gras beads.

Kevin: Yeah, exactly. Do you think they’d actually be Mardi Gras beads. If it was Slytherin’s, I’m quite sure they’d be emeralds or something precious.

Laura: I’m sure they would be, but I think what – something I kind of wondered about…

Kevin: I didn’t see…

Laura: …was, if Harry is wearing the locket around his neck, I don’t think it would be safe to wear a Horcrux around your neck. It almost seems like he would wear the fake one as some sort of homage to Dumbledore.

Kevin: No, what I was thinking was…

Mikey: Dumbledore wore the ring.

Kevin: And what I was thinking…

Laura: Yeah, and look what happened to him.

[Laura and Mikey laugh]

Micah: Nice, Laura. Way to show respect.

[Mikey laughs]

Kevin: Well, what I was thinking was this: If Harry had destroyed the Horcrux – right?

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: Like Dumbledore had destroyed the ring and now it was just a useless object – not useless, but you know what I mean.

Laura: Yeah, that’s an option, too.

Kevin: What a better way to psych out Voldemort than pull out the locket that Voldemort knows is a Horcrux, but is no longer a Horcrux.

Laura: Or what a better way to just walk up and be wearing it.

Kevin: Right. In a fight with Voldemort – I mean, if Voldemort is expecting to go into a battle with Harry and thinking that he has the upper hand because of the Horcruxes, and, all of a sudden, Harry pulls out a Horcrux, or is wearing a Horcrux that he knows is a Horcrux, he’s got to assume that Harry has done his job. And that’s a perfect way to psych…you know?

Mikey: Yeah. And he fears death, and that means he’s just one step closer to actual death, because Harry knows his secret.

Kevin: Right. Not to mention, I didn’t see, like – when I imagined the locket I didn’t imagine this gaudy piece of, you know, purely gem-encrusted jewelry. This is a locket that a man wore, you know, it was probably simple. It was not flashy.

Laura: Well, there’s not – I mean, there is a description of it. I forget what it was.

Mikey: But you’ve got to understand, the cover – the adult cover is not something to really take to heart.

Laura: Yeah, that’s true.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true.

Mikey: I’m looking at the Chamber of Secrets one and you see the door, and it’s got like, glowing emeralds in the eyes; the philosopher’s stone’s like this glowing red stone and…you know? I think those are just made to, kind of, get the idea across, but they’re made to look more like an adult book. And I think it comes off really, really nice the way it is, but I don’t think it’s really meant to give us a perfect description of what the locket’s really supposed to be. That’s just me.

Laura: Hang on, I’m finding the description of the one at Grimmauld Place.

Mikey: Oh, it’s just like a heavy, unopenable locket. I remember reading it recently.

Laura: Yeah, “also a heavy locket that none of them could open.” So, we know it’s heavy.

Mikey: Yeah, see, very simple.

Kevin: That tells us a lot about the appearance of it. [laughs]

[Mikey laughs]

Laura: Well, no, it tells us that it is kind of a nondescript type thing, because if there was anything interesting about it, it would’ve been noted.

Kevin: They would’ve mentioned it, that’s true.

Micah: So, it wasn’t described at all in Half-Blood Prince?

Mikey: Also..yeah.

Laura: Well, not the real one.

Mikey: Well, also the “S.”

Micah: Well, it would have to be pretty close to the real one to make Voldemort think that when he opened it…

Laura: Well, how do we know that Voldemort actually made trips back to visit his Horcruxes, though?

Micah: No, but I’m saying, if R.A.B. found it in the first place, the replicate…

Kevin: He was intending that letter for Voldemort.

Micah: Yeah, the replicate would have to look…

Kevin: At least something like it.

Micah: …enough like the original…

Laura: Well, not necessarily, because he was trying to wig Voldemort out by saying, “I destroyed your Horcrux,” and what better way than for him to go and look and see something that’s very obviously not his, and then to open it and find that note.

How Did The Note Stay Dry?

Mikey: Question. Question. How did the note stay dry when it was inside that potion?

Kevin: [laughs] I would assume the locket was sealed…

Laura: Sealed.

Kevin: …with a gasket.

Mikey: Was it that sealed, you know, sitting there for years, you know, no water, no solution would get in?

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah. Well, no, I own several lockets and if they’re well-made, they can be air-tight.

Kevin: And they said even on the Titanic and stuff, they found lockets and stuff like that with photos in them still.

Laura: Mhm.

Mikey: Yeah, but, when Dumbledore hit the ground the locket bumped open, so I’m assuming it’s not that good of a locket that they replaced it with.

Andrew: You could just hit it at the right angle.

Kevin: Yeah, if you hit it at the right angle, plus he’s dropping…

Mikey: [laughs] Okay. I’m sorry, you’re right.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: Susepnd your disbelief disbelief…

Mikey: [laughs] I’m trying to cause problems here.

Andrew: No, no, no, no. I respect your opinion, but…stop talking.

Kevin: No. [laughs]

Mikey: All right, I’ll stop talking.

Andrew: I’m kidding, I’m kidding.

Eric’s Editing and Andrew in Disneyworld

Andrew: All right, so that does it for our voicemails and our cover coverage for now. Ha, ha, ha, ha. By the way, I just want to – Round of applause for Mr. Eric Scull last week for editing the show.

[Someone claps]

Andrew: Did a good job.

Micah: Oh, yeah.

Laura: Yay.

Micah: He did do a good job.

Andrew: If you recognize who – didn’t get the excellent editing that you always get, it was because of Eric. I’m just kidding. He actually did a…

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: He did a really good job for his first time. Because I was down in Disneyworld!

[Pause of awkward silence]

Andrew: Okay, so…

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: Okay.

Andrew: Don’t feel free, anyone, to participate.

Mikey: I was at Disneyland.

Andrew: [laughs] Were you?

Mikey: Yeah.

Andrew: Tell us more!

Mikey: I went with John Noe.

Andrew: Oh! That’s right, you went with John! Who is that guy? I don’t know. [laughs]

Mikey: Oh, I don’t know. Some guy.

Micah Wants an Update

Andrew: [laughs] Micah, the other day you were saying to me that you – Well, something was bugging you the other day.

Micah: Yeah, just a little bit. Nothing too, too much, but…

Andrew: Yeah.

Micah: When I asked for Jo to update her site not too long ago, it was great that we did get the cover art and everything.

Andrew: Uh-huh.

Micah: But she still didn’t update her site! And…

Andrew: That’s a good point. You…

Micah: I might…

Andrew: I think she tried to trick you out!

Micah: I would just like to see something. She did try to trick me, and I don’t appreciate that, either.

Andrew: Uh-huh.

Micah: So, Jo, you don’t – don’t play games with a New Yorker like that.

Andrew: Ooo…

Kevin: Ooo…

Micah: Anyway…

Kevin: He has a family!

Mikey: I’m just saying…

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Micah: Maybe Easter. I think it would be nice if it sort of coordinated, since they call those things Easter eggs on her site.

Andrew: Mhm.

Micah: If she did something along those lines. Maybe a little update. Maybe she’s celebrating with her family on Sunday, so I don’t want to interrupt that. But Monday – in that time frame. That would be interesting to get something from her. Even a diary post! I’m not asking for big things here, okay? Just something nice; nice and simple.

Andrew: Yeah Alright. Very good, very good. I think that was a fair request, so we’ll see what you can make of it.

Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul

Andrew: I thought it’d be fun to play Chicken Soup for the MuggleCast Soul…

Kevin: [laughs] Play?

Andrew: …NCAA edition. That’s why I said play.

Mikey: All right!

Kevin: Oh, I see.

Andrew: We have an email here from Paul Crookston, 14, of Tampa, Florida. He writes:

Hey, guys! I would just like to say that a liberal dose of MuggleCast and World of Warcraft…

[Makes mocking noise]

…kept me from extreme depression. After seeing Ohio State lose to the Florida Gators in basketball after Florida previously beat us (with great help from lady luck)…

[Makes mocking noise]

…in football as well, I was ready to ax-murder the next person I saw with gators swag on.


But MuggleCast and Warcrafting…

[Makes mocking noise]

…calmed me down enough to already have my mind on next year! Go MuggleCast and go Buckeyes!

Mikey: Go Buckeyes.

Andrew: I don’t support that statement, though. So, thanks, Paul, for that.

Listener Rebuttal: Manuscript Complaints

Andrew: And before we close out the show today, a couple more e-mails. I don’t understand why people are so upset that we revealed what happens in the final book. Another e-mail came from Rachel, 21 – she’s 21. She’s from the U.S.A.:

I can’t believe how immature you all are. I used to love you guys, and then I listened to Episode 83. If this was all a joke, I need to know, otherwise you’ll have lost one very faithful listener. With that, I spread the word. So far I have three people who will not listen to your broadcast, and the number will grow. Not a threat…

I don’t know how that’s not a threat.

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: Continuing on:

…but you might want to change how you act. I can’t believe none of you thought it was wrong. Sigh. I think I’ve ranted enough. You guys are still a great group of people. I just think Episode 83 should have been more planned out, as in cutting out the part where you ruin my enjoyment of waiting to find out about the book when I read it. So long, and thanks for all the spoilers!

Anytime, Rachel! Anytime. One more e-mail…

Micah: [laughs] It was a joke! I mean, come on! We said they used MySpace and Facebook.

Laura: Well, here’s what I don’t get. All these people complaining about not wanting to know what happens in Book 7, but then you look – you look at the sales of’s What Will Happen, and it’s like…

Andrew: Exactly! [laughs]

Laura: …you did too want to know! You bought the book! You obviously want to know.

Mikey: They don’t want to know any definitive answers. They don’t want to know that Hermione and Ron die.

Laura: But, Mikey, it’s what will happen. No question marks.

Mikey: [laughs] But it’s still speculation. It’s still speculation.

Laura: That’s what you think!

Andrew: It’s not speculation if you’re telling the truth! You read the manuscript, didn’t you?

Mikey: Yeah, well, I did.

Listener Rebuttal: More on the Manuscript

Andrew: One more e-mail – I thought this was very cool – David and Mary, aged 12 and 15 of Ohio. They write:

Hey, MuggleCasters. We would just like to add some comments regarding the seventh book. To begin, our mother works for Scholastic. She also discovered a loophole in the system, allowing her to inform us of the events that occurred in the latest installment of Harry Potter. We were extremely shocked to discover Lord Voldemort made Luna’s radish earrings into a Horcrux! We also felt astonished that Voldemort possessed Arnold, the Pygmy Puff, thus infiltrating the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix. We love the show, but we’re disappointed you forgot to mention these vital plot details. Thanks! David and Mary.

David and Mary…

Micah: Another Pokemon reference.

Andrew: …well, I just…

Mikey: We didn’t want to give everything away.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly.

Laura: Besides, now there’s two more people for everybody to yell at for spoiling Book 7!

Andrew: Yeah!

Micah: E-mail them, e-mail them.

Andrew: Okay, you want their IP address? They didn’t give me their email, but do you want their IP address?

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I’ll send it to everyone.

Micah: But I was just going to point out another Pokemon-Harry Potter connection. [laughs]

Andrew: Oh, what’s that?

Micah: Arnold the Pygmy Puff is just like Jigglypuff.

Andrew: Good point, good point!

Show Close

Andrew: [Show music in the background] All right! So I think that wraps up today’s show. We thank everyone for listening.

To contact us, you can just head over to our brand new MuggleCast website. You can send us some parcel mail with the MuggleCast – to the MuggleCast PO box:

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Moundrige, Kansas


You can also call the MuggleCast hotline: if you’re in the United States, you can dial 1-218-20-MAGIC (62442). If you’re in the United Kingdom, you can dial 020-8144-0677. And if you’re in Australia, you can dial 02-8003-5668.

You can also Skype the username “MuggleCast,” and try to keep your message under a minute and eliminate as much background noise as possible. You can also go to for a handy feedback form to contact any one of us, or our first name at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Also, don’t forget to visit all of our community outlets – the Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, Frappr,, and the Fanlisting and Forums.

You can also Digg the show at, vote for us once a month at Podcast Alley, and rate and review at Yahoo! Podcasts. I’m really tongue-twisted right now.

Also, one last note, coming up on Wednesday or Thursday, not sure which, we have another special midweek “Jamie is a Waste of Space” show! And that is a live call-in show that we did a little earlier today, hence the reason we kept referencing the future show. So, that about does it! Once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Andrew: We’ll see everyone next week – actually, Wednesday – for Episode 86! Bye, everyone!

Kevin: Goodbye!

Laura: Bye!


Written by: Micah, Adrienne, Allison, Briana, Cindy, Jessica, Laura, Leah, Margaret, Matt, Samantha, Sapna, Sarah, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina

Transcript #84

MuggleCast 84 Transcript

Show Intro

[Audio]: What’s up, MuggleCast listeners? If you want to make an impact online, has what you need. Get your own dot-com domain name for as low as $1.99. Plus world class hosting, fast and easy website builders and much more. Plus, as a listener of MuggleCast enter code Ron, that’s R-O-N, when you check out and get your dot-com domain name for just $6.95 a year. Some restrictions apply, see site for details. Get your piece of the internet at

Andrew: This week’s MuggleCast is also brought to you by Borders. Prepare for the upcoming release of Book 7 by catching a glimpse of where it all began. During the month of April, you can purchase Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on DVD for only $14.99 at Borders. Also be sure to reserve Book 7 at Borders at 40 percent off and get a free sticker. Choose from “Trust Snape” or “Snape is a very bad man.”

[Intro music begins to play]

Andrew: Because Jamie is special, this is MuggleCast Episode 84 for April 5th, 2007.

[Intro music continues to play]

Jamie: Okay, hello, everyone. Welcome to MuggleCast Episode 84. This is a special episode due to me being an absolute idiot and missing my train. What do you all think of that?

Mikey: [laughs] I donated.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Did you donate? I wouldn’t donate to that.

Ben: I think we should tell the full story. Explain what happened, Jamie.

Mikey: Hold on. I donated.

Jamie: We’ve already told the full story. I know you did, Mikey.

Mikey: But no one knows how much I donated, Jamie.

Jamie: Well, it was a very generous donation. You helped a lot with that, thank you.

Mikey: I donated $0.01, and Paypal let them know how much I sent them and everything.

Jamie: He did.

Kevin: Did that cost you money?

Jamie: And we were just overjoyed, Mikey, with that obviously very generous donation.

Mikey: Of course. I was not laughing at you at all.

Kevin: I hear static.

Ben: So, basically, since Jamie…

Jamie: We’ve told the story, Ben.

Ben: Hold on, hold on. Since Jamie can’t drive, they had to take the train into London. How many times have you ridden the train? That’s the real question.

Jamie: Well, let me count. There was that time five years ago when I jumped on it for twenty minutes quickly. There was that time – how am I supposed to know how many times I’ve ridden the train?

Ben: Well, I don’t know. You’ve ridden it plenty haven’t you?

Jamie: Loads of times, yeah.

Ben: Well then how could you screw up this big? Like, seven hundred, you know.

Jamie: Well, I’m sorry Ben, I completely forgot that…

Ben: You did it on purpose, didn’t you? You did it on purpose.

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Yes, that’s exactly – you see, I love wasting four hundred pounds. It’s my favorite thing in the world, so I thought I’d, you know, waste four hundred more.

Ben: The cat’s out of the bag now, Jamie.

Jamie: It is, I know. It’s terrible. But since it’s to celebrate – this show is to celebrate an extremely funny and silly event, I thought that we’d make it a very funny and silly show. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to go through all the segments that we used to have on the show and we’re going to do something for all of them. Well, most of them. We aren’t going to do Chapter-by-Chapter.


[laughs] I wonder why.

Jamie: I wonder why as well.

Ben: That’s my favorite.

Jamie: Well, mine too, but you know, I was just too excited so we couldn’t get it on.

[Laura laughs}

[Intro music continues to play]


Jamie: Now we have a few announcements. You know, I’m reading this right off the show plans, and I’m trying to sound like Andrew to try and do as well as him, but it’s actually quite hard. I have a newfound respect for the guy.

Kevin: Don’t respect Andrew.

Jamie: Okay.

Kevin: Don’t respect…

Jamie: What? Don’t respect Toots?

Kevin: Exactly.

Jamie: I respect Toots.

Mikey: You know, I think we should call him Simsy because I was calling him that in New York City.

Jamie: I think we should call him Simsy. But you know, I thought everyone had called him Andrew, but when I went to his school for the day, everyone just calls him Sims. Everyone calls him Sims; “Alright, Sims?” “Hey, Sims.”

Ben: That’s weird. I couldn’t…

Jamie: I think we should just call him that.

Mikey: Well, I think we should call him Simsy because it’s a little bit further.

Jamie: Simsy, yeah.

Mikey: It’s like, “What’s up, Simsy.”

Jamie: It’s a cute name, as well.

Ben: Well, I usually call him other names. But I can’t…

Jamie: You can’t really say them on the show.

Ben: Yeah, I can’t really say them on air. First of all, Enlightening 2007; Jamie, Andrew, and myself are going to be there – and Micah, are going to be there. There’s going to be a podcast open to the public. We’re going to be talking all about the movie, the book…

Jamie: Harry Potter?

Ben: …Our excitement, all that good stuff. There’s 350 spaces for registered guests, and 250 for the public. So, yeah, you can – most likely, if you show up there, you’re going to get a space. Philadelphia’s really a – it’s a really high – the per capita of Harry Potter fans I was pretty impressed with because when I was there this past – you know, it was on this book tour with Emerson…

Jamie: Ooh.

Ben: …And there was a surprising amount of people at the Philadelphia event. There were more people there than there were at any of the other events, and there were close to 250. So, it was pretty impressive.

Jamie: Wow.

Ben: Particularly for a weeknight event, too. So, yep. And the podcast is going to be held on July 13 after dinner. Podcast Alley – go vote for us. We want to be number one. We want to be the best. We want to be the top Harry Potter podcast because we know you guys think we’re the best, so show some love, yo.

Jamie: Where is the love?

Ben: Where is the love?

Jamie: The Black Eyed Peas had a similar sentiment.

MuggleNet Book Tour

Ben: And also, Emerson and I have some more tour dates that I am pleased to announce for everybody right now. We don’t have any times yet – we don’t have any specific times yet, so those will be announced at a later date. But in Encinitas in the San Diego area; we’ll be there on May 25th. Then we’re going to be at Otay Ranch in the San Diego area on May 26th. Then we’re going to be at Newport Beach on May 27th. Then we are going to be in Torrance, California, on May 31st.

Jamie: Cool.

Ben: So these are all going to be at Barnes & Noble locations. There will be a website – excuse me, we already have the website, MuggleNet.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: It will have a page with all of this information on it and the times to be there. Of course, we’ll be giving away prizes from Alivan’s. You know, talking about Harry Potter and having a good time with you fans. So come out and see us, and then later June we’ll have somewhere around 12 to 13 stops in June. So yeah, get excited. We’re coming to a town near you. That’s all through the Midwest and east coast again.

Jamie: Thank you, Ben.

Make the Connection

Jamie: And now we go to our first segment today, which is a new one. Sort of extremely silly to celebrate the stupidness of the event. This is “Make the Connection” in which the hosts have to make a connection between Harry Potter and a random book, film, movie, or whatever that I tell them to. This should be quite exciting. So Laura, your connection is Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice, the book.

Laura: Okay.

Jamie: Go.

Laura: Well, I think that big themes in both with Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice are love, and… [laughs]

Jamie: Good. Very good.

Laura: …Overcoming pride and prejudice. So, I mean, obviously I know that the main character in Pride and Prejudice comes from a poor family which is kind of like Ginny, and I know that…

Kevin: [laughs] Oh, geez.

Laura: Actually, I haven’t read the book, so I don’t know any of this, [laughs] but I know that the leading male does not like her first, and Harry kind of didn’t like Ginny. He didn’t dislike her, but he didn’t have romantic feelings towards her in the beginning, and…

Jamie: Not bad, not bad at all. Very good.

Laura: And he did overcome it, so.

Jamie: Ben, you have to make a connection between Harry Potter and Saving Private Ryan.

Ben: I’ve never seen Saving Private Ryan.

Jamie: That doesn’t matter, come on.

Ben: I don’t know. There’s a lot of war. There we go.

[Everyone laughs]

Ben: There’s tons of war in both of them.

Jamie: Two out of ten. Kevin, you have to make a connection between Harry Potter and Windows Vista.

Kevin: Okay. Well, this one is easy.

[Everyone laughs]

Kevin: You know how – have any of you ever re-read Goblet of Fire?

Jamie: Yeah. [laughs]

Kevin: You know how it goes really, really slow at certain points? And then speeds itself up? Exactly like Windows Vista.

[Laura and Mikey laugh]

Jamie: Wow. [laughs] That’s very good. You’re the winner so far, but Mikey, I’ve got quite a difficult one for you.

Mikey: Oh, no.

Jamie: You have to make a connection between Harry Potter and elephant gestation periods. So, come on.

Mikey: laughs I’m going to say both are pretty awesome, and…

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Right there, right there. That’s a connection that the two have.

Jamie: Anything else to add?

Mikey: Both are kind of graphic. Harry Potter is not really a children’s book, but it is at the same time. But that’s as much I can think of off the top of my head. Thank you for that one, Jamie.

Jamie: Okay. That’s a pretty good job.

Kevin: How about you, Jamie?

Jamie: Very good.

Kevin: How about Harry Potter and making a train on time?

Jamie: Well, I think this is very, very important because Harry Potter is all about responsibility and caring for your friends, which I failed at completely because I was suppose to get Andrew and Sam to London and I completely failed, unlike Harry. He’s going to – actually, that’s a kind of anti-connection.

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Completely different; Harry Potter and missing your train.

Laura: Yeah, Jamie. Geez, at least when Harry and Ron miss the train in Chamber of Secrets, Ron got him a car.

Kevin: [laughs] Yeah.

Jamie: Got him a flying car, yeah. Damn! There was a flying car outside.

Ben: Yeah, it didn’t cost them 10 million pounds.

Jamie: I just didn’t think of them. Yeah, exactly. [laughs]

What If?

Jamie: Okay, let’s go on to our next segment. This hasn’t been done for a while now. It’s “What If.” So, we ask a question, “What if something in the books or movies completely changed, how would the series develop as a whole from there?” Our question today is, “What if Harry and Hermione had seen themselves when they had gone back in time in Prisoner of Azkaban?” Laura?

Laura: Hermione would have said, [imitating a British accent] “Does my hair really look like that from the back?”

Jamie: And Harry would have been…

[Kevin and Laura laugh]

Jamie: “You have your mother’s eyes.”

Laura: I don’t know. I mean, obviously it wouldn’t have been very good because they talked about the consequences of that in the chapter. They would have thought there was really, really dark magic going on. They would have gone insane. Knowing the way Harry is, he might have gotten kind of crazy and killed himself.

Jamie: You see? You say that, but don’t you think they’re extremely accepting?

Laura: “It’s okay if there’s another me. That’s okay.”

Jamie: If I saw – [laughs] exactly, exactly. But if I saw myself, and myself explained, “Look, I’ve come back in time to save a few people and stuff,” would you believe them?

Laura: No. [laughs]

Jamie: I think I’d be tempted. I would challenge myself to an arm wrestle to see who won.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: I don’t know, what do you think?

Mikey: Myself from an hour ago.

Jamie: [laughs] Exactly.

Ben: I don’t think anything would happen. I don’t know.

Mikey: I think Harry would’ve flipped out and, “Oh my gosh. My dad’s alive.”

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: “Dad, Dad.”

Jamie: It’s a good idea.

Mikey: And…

Ben: “It’s him. I can see him. I want to see him.”

[Jamie laughs]

Mikey: He thought his dad saved him, so, you know, he did see himself, and…

Jamie: That is true.

Mikey: And Hermione, in the movie; “Does my hair really look like that?” That’s what would have happened.

Laura: Well, I don’t think it matters if – Oh gosh, this is so hard to explain. I don’t think it matters if the person who is actually traveling back in time sees the past self because they already know that’s what happened. I think it’s if the past self sees the future self that you have the problem.

Kevin: Yeah, without knowing that they were actually going to go back in time. Yeah, that would be a little confusing.

Mikey: Well, I think for Harry it’s the biggest one. Because, one, he didn’t know about the Time-Turner. But again, he still thought his dad was alive and his dad saved him. You know what I mean? And then he worked it out himself. He was waiting for his dad to show up and then he realized it wasn’t his dad, it was himself.

Kevin: Yeah, but if you saw yourself close up you would know it’s you and not your dad. [laughs]

Jamie: You would think so, yeah.

Mikey: Well, fine! Just destroy my theory there. Okay.

[Kevin and Jamie laugh]

Laura: Do you really think that he thought James was alive? I kind of took it that as him thinking it was his spirit or something like that.

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah, who knows. I know, but…

Jamie: I don’t know, though. I don’t know if Harry would accept, you know, hearing from himself. Is Harry trusting or is he not trusting? Because I think he’s a bit of both. He’s sort of trusts people easily, just like Dumbledore. But then, because of all he’s been through, perhaps he doesn’t trust people as well. What do you think?

Laura: Hm, I don’t know. I mean, I think especially after a couple of years at Hogwarts and learning about the Dark Arts and stuff, I think that Harry would be very suspicious of seeing himself.

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: You know, walk…

Jamie: It must be weird, though. Seeing yourself. I don’t know.

Spy On Spartz

Jamie: Anyway, Ben, you’re going to be the main guy on this. Now, we haven’t done this for a long, long time. We’re going to Spy on Spartz. So, you’ve been doing the book tour with him for awhile. Where is he now? What has he been doing? What’s he up to?

Mikey: Eating McDonalds.

Ben: I don’t know…

Kevin: Five.

Ben: Going to school. He has five tests tomorrow.

Jamie: [laughs] Five? In one day?

Ben: Or three. My bad.

Jamie: That’s still quite a lot in one day. Has he studied for them?

Ben: Probably not. [laughs]

Mikey: Well, what went on during the book tour?

Ben: What went on during the book tour? He forced me to drive the van because he’s a jerk. His dad’s van. His dad’s big conversion van.

Jamie: Why couldn’t he drive it?

Ben: Because he wanted to sit in the back and play Nintendo 64 with his roommate.

[Jamie laughs]

Ben: I was like, “Okay, whatever.”

Dueling Club

Jamie: Right, let’s do our Dueling Club now because it hasn’t been done for awhile. We’re going to continue the Pokemon references and do: What would happen if Dumbledore faced off against MewTwo?

Ben: MewTwo? I’ve never heard of MewTwo. You’re saying all these things I don’t even know, dude, like Saving Private Ryan.

[Jamie laughs]

Ben: Lots of wars. Tons of wars. [laughs]

Jamie: I thought it was a good connection. You know, there’s a big war in both. I think that’s fine. Who knows who MewTwo is?

Mikey: Isn’t he a Pokemon?

Jamie: He is a Pokemon.

Laura: Um, yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: I’m Google searching it and…

Laura: Wasn’t he in the first movie? He was, like, the messed up version of another one or something?

Jamie: Of Mew. Yeah, yeah. Okay, Mikey, let’s do one for you here. Instead of Dumbledore versus MewTwo, I want to do Dumbledore versus Darth Sidius.

Mikey: Oh, wow. It’s good versus dark right there. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: Well, Darth Sidius, he was very cunning. Very Slytherin-like. He manipulated a lot people, you know? He was the dark master in the new trilogy of Star Wars. I’m going way too serious into this. [laughs]

Jamie: No, no, no. It’s good. It’s good. Good stuff.

Mikey: Dumbledore, you know, he started the Order of the Phoenix. He’s the protector of the light. I definitely think – I’m going to say it. I think Dumbledore would win. You know, come on, if Luke Skywalker eventually wins. That whiny little Mark Hamill.

Kevin: Yeah, that is definitely true.

Jamie: Yeah, that’s very true.

Mikey: [laughing] That – You know, if Mark Hamill can eventually beat, you know, the Emperor, I definitely think Dumbledore could with just…

Jamie: Easily.

Mikey: With a couple of wand flicks here and there. Yeah.

Jamie: Here’s a question, though. Here’s a question. Does a light saber absorb spells?

Mikey: Yes, it would. Because we know for a fact – Okay, so this is my Star Wars geek side coming out. Part of the Dark Side…

[Ben and Kevin laugh]

Mikey: They can use Force Lightening. And there’s also another planet where they’re considered witches, people who use the Force. And a light saber can absorb Force Lightening and other Force-thrown items. So, just like a spell, a light saber would be able to block it and absorb it. So, yes.

Jamie: And here’s a – For ten extra points, what substances – this is going to turn into a Star Wars podcast.

[Mikey laughs]

Jamie: Now, what substances can a light saber not cut through?

Mikey: Only another light saber.

Jamie: No, no, no. There’s more, there’s more.

Mikey: No. Only another…

Jamie: There’s more.

Mikey: Well, I don’t know.

Jamie: No. I saw it on Wikipedia. And that’s the utmost, you know…

Kevin: Source of information?

Mikey: Well, it…

Jamie: Legitimate resource.

Mikey: There’s other things it can’t cut through. Like, you know…

Jamie: Is it Krick? No, no, not Krick. It’s got, like, a word.

Mikey: No, no. For other – no, no.

Kevin: Okay, guys.

Mikey: No, there’s been a comic book where…

Jamie: I’m looking now.

Mikey: A Jedi master fought with his cane, but it was a Force-enhanced, you know, cane.

Jamie: Oh, really?

Mikey: Yeah, so it’s like, it can’t cut through everything. But like, it can cut through any material. But the only other material it can’t cut through is another light saber.

Kevin: There’s always “Wookiepedia,” guys.

Jamie: It’s not – I’m sure there’s something else. Perhaps I’m wrong.

Kevin: “Wookiepedia,” anyone?

Mikey: Well, I Google searched, “What can’t a light saber cut through?” And the question is close.

[Ben laughs]

Mikey: Can a light saber cut through Captain America’s shield? I don’t know. [laughs]

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Can it?

Ben: I’ve never, I…

Mikey: I would assume so. But, okay, let’s go back to Harry Potter because that’s what we’re talking about here.

Ben: It’s not a Star Wars podcast.

Jamie: Mikey, Mikey. Cortosis ore, is one of them. And Frick alloy.

Mikey: Huh.

Jamie: According to Wikipedia.

Mikey: According to Wikipedia?

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: See, now I’m not going to pay attention to this, guys. I’m going to end up looking up Star Wars facts online.

[Kevin laughs]

Mikey: And I’m supposed to be…

Jamie: Oh, sorry, Mikey. I mean – Mikey, I mean, you’re absolutely right. The only thing in the entire world that a light saber can’t cut through is one more light saber. So yeah, well done. Right. Harry Potter.

Mikey: Good. Alright.

Jamie: Harry Potter. Right.

Favorite Book 7 Ending

Jamie: We’re going to go on to one more segment that hasn’t been done in ages: Favorites. And we are going to have what would be your favorite Book 7 ending? And this isn’t just if Harry dies or not, this is what, in total, do you want to happen? So what happens to each of the major characters, what do you want the final outcome of the war to be? I hope everyone says that they hope Voldemort wins, but you know, each to his own. So, Ben?

Ben: Hm, favorite Book 7 ending. I want to see Harry die because that would be the coolest thing ever. Hate me.

Jamie: Wouldn’t you cry, for weeks and weeks and weeks?

Kevin: Ooh.

Ben: No, I would never cry over a book.

Jamie: Oh, hard man. Hard man.

Ben: Oh, okay. I will cry when it’s over, like when it’s done, but I wouldn’t cry over what happened in it. You know what I mean? I’ll cry when it is all said and done, like, “Oh my God! No more Harry Potter!” Because the other day I was sitting there thinking about it. This is crazy. We only have 784 pages of Harry Potter left. [whispers] Ever.

Jamie: I know. Ever. Unless she writes a bit more. She’s like, “I want to buy a new house.” [laughs] Bit too expensive. I better write one more book. That’ll do.”

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: Kevin, what do you think? What do you want?

Kevin: I agree. I like the idea of Harry dying.

Jamie: You want to cry at the end as well?

Kevin: Yeah. Ron and Hermione living on but Harry dying.

Jamie; Why? Why, though? I mean, come on…

Kevin: I don’t know.

Jamie: Come on, people. Substantiate your reasons.

Kevin: No, I think it would be fitting with, you know, the way his life has been going. I think it would be actually a relief for him. I don’t know.

Jamie: Laura?

Laura: To die?

Kevin: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, to die. [laughs]

Kevin: Well, I mean, he lost all his friends and he lost his family, so.

Laura: I mean, there was that one episode, Jamie, where you talked about Harry opening up a hot dog stand. I think that would be pretty cool.

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: But, I don’t know.

Jamie: Yeah, but people would go just to buy a hot dog from Harry Potter.

[Ben and Laura laugh]

Kevin: I have this horrible vision of Ginny dying.

Jamie: “Can you sign my hot dog?”

Laura: [laughs] Well, okay, honestly though? What would I like so see – I think I would like to see more than anything justice done to the different characters. You know, characters like Malfoy.

Jamie: So, you want to see Voldemort dead?

Laura: Yeah, like Voldemort dead. Harry getting what he deserves, which is a happy life with Ginny and lots of kids.

Jamie: Is Jo that kind of author?

Laura: No, she’s not.

Jamie: It would seem, I mean…

Laura: You would like to see that kind of thing. As for what we will see, well…

Jamie: You would.

Kevin: Do you see Ginny dying? I have this horrible…

Laura: I’ve thought about it…

Jamie: What?

Kevin: Ginny dying.

Laura: …and I used to think it a lot more than I do now.

Jamie: Well, you see, over here, soaps, sitcom things, like, if one person kills another character, you know, and everyone’s like, “Well, are they going to get caught? Are they not going to get caught?” You always know they are going to get caught because TV producers over here can’t show that crime pays. I don’t know if it’s the same over…

Ben: Yeah, it’s pretty much the same here too.

Jamie: It’s the same. But, you know, the book is a different thing. She doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone. It isn’t like it’s a role model for future books, you know. So, do you think that justice is going to get served?

Laura: Probably not. I mean, not to everybody.

Jamie: Because her world works that way.

Ben: I don’t think it will. Because, I don’t think – Not necessarily everybody, but – Well, I guess it will to some people. But I just don’t think, I mean, something that Jo has made clear, I think, is that this is not a…

Jamie: It isn’t a fairy tale.

Ben: A dream world. Yeah, it’s not a fairy tale. There is no happily ever after. And…

Jamie: No, there’s not.

Ben: Honestly, I would be disappointed if she turned it into, “Oh, everyone lived – yeah, everyone. Harry and Ginny went off and had a perfect life together.”

Jamie: Exactly.

Laura: I think that…

Ben: And all those things.

Laura: What I mean by – When I say “justice,” I mean characters like Bellatrix Lestrange who deserve to be blown into a million pieces for what she did. Obviously, it’s not going to happen to everybody. But I think that the perfect Book 7 is going to leave me – Well, first of all, it will leave me in tears. I’ll be crying the whole way through. But it will leave me wishing there was more, but, at the same time, thankful for what all I’ve gotten. And that’s what I really want. I want something that really closes up all of the years, you know, and all of the experiences I’ve had out of Harry Potter.

Jamie: I think that’s fair enough. Mikey?

Mikey: I do want Harry to live. I would really be sad if Harry died.

Jamie: Same here. I would be as well, I just…

Mikey: The reason is if Harry died, I would have very – I really wouldn’t want to reread the series because he dies in the end. I would hate to be jaded, with as much as I love Harry Potter, so.

Ben: [sings] J-J-Jaded.

Jamie: [laughs] Thank you, Ben.

Mikey: Really, I think you know… [laughs] Really, I’d be happy with whatever outcome. But I really want Harry to live, not to die.

Jamie: I just – he’s a person who just lives, that’s the thing. He just soldiers on. He can’t die.

Mikey: He’s the Boy Who Lived. He’s got to live, you know.

Jamie: He is, yeah.

Laura: I have to ask you guys a question.

Mikey: But I…

Jamie: The Boy Who Lived for seven books and then died.

Mikey: [laughs] Died.

Ben: The Boy Who Died doesn’t make sense.

Jamie: [laughs] The Boy Who Died.

Laura: I honestly don’t care either way.

Mikey: You know what, Laura, it’s because you’re a bad person.

Laura: Well, okay…

Mikey: He is supposed to live.

Laura: It’s not that I don’t love Harry because I do. But for something like…

Mikey: No, no, no, no, no. You’re a bad person. For saying that.

Laura: I’ve thought about this for ages. Because everybody talks about how if Harry dies it would just be horrible. If Harry lives, he shouldn’t live because it isn’t realistic. I think it could go either way, and it honestly doesn’t bother me to think about which outcome we get. I’m more bothered about characters like Ron and Neville because I love them and I’m terrified that they’ll die. That’ll just, like, break my heart.

Jamie: Oh, so you love them, but you don’t…

Jamie and

Mikey: Care about Harry?

Laura: Of course I care about Harry. Otherwise…

Jamie: No, Laura. No.

Mikey: Laura, you just, you know what Laura, is this Laura Mallory or Laura Thompson we’re talking to?

Jamie: Yeah.

[Everyone but Laura laughs]

Laura: Hey.

Jamie: Damn, I dialed the wrong number on Skype.

Ben: Yeah.

Mikey: Sorry, Laura. I had to. I had to put that out there. That really…

Laura: No, I do love Harry. I think, I mean it will be sad if he does, I’m not saying it won’t be.

Jamie: It will be.

Laura: But I don’t have a preference either way, I guess.

Ben: How do you know it’s going to be sad, though.

Laura: I don’t think he should die, I don’t think he should live.

Ben: Okay, I don’t get this. How – Why would it be sad?

Laura: Because!

Ben: That’s what I don’t get.

Laura: It would be sad.

Jamie: Ben, Ben…

Ben: No, listen, listen. In many cultures, in many cultures…

Jamie: If someone dies, why would it be sad? I don’t know.

Ben: Okay, in many cultures in the world people celebrate death, okay?

Laura: Yeah, but…

Ben: They say, “Oh my gosh, they’re…” It’s not because – I mean, sure, they don’t like it that they’re dead, but they…

Jamie: No, they don’t celebrate death, it’s a celebration of their life.

Laura: Life, yeah.

Jamie: You mourn their death by remembering their life.

Ben: No, you celebrate them going on to the next thing. Because would it be such a bad thing if Harry was reunited with his parents, with Sirius, and with Dumbledore?

Jamie: Well, if you believe in that.

Laura: If you believe in that.

Jamie: The afterlife. He could just go into a – you know. I don’t know, though.

Mikey: But Dumbledore said death is not something to a person who is well prepared for it, and again, it’s not the worst thing.

Jamie: But it is – it is, clearly.

Mikey: Well, that’s what Voldemort fears, so definitely. It has to be the worst.

Ben: I think Voldemort’s actually Jamie, ha ha ha. [Mockingly laughs]

Jamie: Yes. Damn, you’ve told my second secret of the show.

Mikey: Was that Micah or was that Ben?

Ben: That was me being an idiot – doing an idiot voice.

Kevin: It did, yeah.

Ben: That, incidentally, sounded like Micah.

Mikey: [laughs] Yeah.

Jamie: It did happen to.

Mikey: I know. [laughs] That’s why I looked up, like, did someone else get added?

Ben: [Imitating Micah] Yeah.

Jamie: Okay. Second favorite.

Ben: [Imitating Micah] Welcome to the show. I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Favorite Job For Harry

Jamie: Okay, favorite job for Harry. Now, Laura, you’ve already mentioned you’d love him to work as a hot dog vendor. Okay, so really, if Harry survives and all evil is vanquished, and everyone lives happily ever after, what job do we want Harry to do?

Kevin: I would say teacher.

Laura: Well…

Kevin: Like, everyone says Auror and stuff like that because that’s what he wants to do, but I don’t see him wanting to go back to the whole fighting dark wizards after all of this.

Jamie: Well, I’m sorry to say that I’ve read Book 7, and he’s a grave digger after he finishes.

Kevin: I think he would be great if he lived at Hogwarts.

Mikey: I agree with Kevin.

Laura: I don’t think Harry will have a job if he lives.

[Jamie laughs]

Ben: Actually, he’s going to write a book called…

Jamie: What happens after my life and who lives with me.

Ben: Harry Potter’s What Happened in Harry Potter 7.

Mikey: Who Lived, Who Died[laughs]

Ben:and How the Adventure Finally Ended.

Mikey: How I finally got old. No, I agree with Kevin. I think it would be cool if Harry was a teacher. I can totally see him being, eventually, headmaster.

Jamie: Isn’t that too obvious, though?

Ben: I think he’s going to become all washed up.

Laura: Didn’t Jo say that none of the trio would be teachers, though?

Ben: Yeah, she did.

Mikey: No. I thought she said one of them, but it wouldn’t be Harry, so I always assumed it would be Hermione.

Laura: Oh, okay.

Mikey: I’m pretty sure it was something like that.

Ben: I think…

Laura: I thought she said one character. I don’t think she specified it was a trio member.

Mikey: Oh, maybe.

Ben: I think he’s going to become head of the Auror department. I don’t know. I think what’s going to happen is…

Mikey: Maybe he should become Minister of Magic.

Ben: You know, he saved the world and all that stuff, but eventually I think he’s going to get washed up, you know what I mean?

Jamie: Yeah, he will.

Mikey: [Imitating Harry]“Do you remember what I did for you!? Do you remember what I did?! I saved the world!”

Ben: Yeah, he’s going to be a has-been.

Kevin: Hanging out in the Hog’s Head.

Jamie: [laughs]

Mikey: [Imitating Harry] “Give me another Firewhiskey!”

Ben: He’s going to become a has-been.

Jamie: He’s going to hang out in bars. Yeah, exactly. He’ll smoke sixty a day, hang out in all the poky bars, and say, “Oh, one day people respected me. Look at me now.” I can see that.

Ben: Talking about the old days.

Jamie: I’m depressed now talking about that. The old days, yeah. Exactly.

Huh? Of The Week

Jamie: Laura, I believe – now, since Andrew can’t be here, we have a “Huh?” email of – I can’t say it properly.

Ben: Huh?

Laura: Yeah, how do you do it? It’s like [Imitating Andrew] Huh?! I can’t quite do it. [laughs]

Mikey: [Imitating Andrew] Huh?! Huh?!

Jamie: [laughs] Yes, that’s brilliant. So, Andrew isn’t here, so he can’t do his – as you just said – that email of the week. So, Laura, I believe you have one to rant about – rave about.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs] I was actually – laugh about, more like.

Jamie: Laugh about, yeah.

Laura: I was going through my inbox today, and I found this because I hadn’t – sometimes, whenever you get tons of emails, you’ll get some that are all about the same thing, so you’ll just read one or two of them to kind of get the gist, and then if there’s anything important, you go back and read the rest of it. But I found this one that had my name in the subject line, and it says:

Hey, guys. I love the show. Jamie’s awesome. Pickle! Okay, so I have something I’d like to say. You know what? I’m just going to be blunt: I hate Laura.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: I just don’t like her. She shoots down every theory that the guys put out.

Ben: I like this person already.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: I love Laura.

Kevin: We all replied to this email.

Laura: Yeah, I’m sure you did.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s hard being the only girl, but I think MuggleCast is better off without her. Could Mikey B. possibly take her place? Permanently, I mean.

Ben: Even better suggestion!

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] But I love Laura.

Laura: I like Mikey. He’s cool. Oh, I think the GoDaddy ads, etcetera, at the beginning of the podcast are too long. Could you just stick them in the show notes or something?

Jamie: Yes, of course. Anything else you want? Anything else you want? Do you want the show moved two minutes later on Sundays, or…

Laura: [laughs] Well, wait, wait, wait. Jamie, Jamie.

Jamie: Okay.

Laura: I appreciate your time and effort that goes into this awesome podcast. Keep up the good work.

Jamie: Aw. Isn’t that nice?

Laura: Well, see, my favorite…

Jamie: So, Laura, what do you feel towards this person?

Ben: Time? Effort? [laughs]

Laura: Well, see, I think that…

[Jamie and Mikey laugh]

Jamie: What did you say those words were?

Laura: I think that just because she asked so nicely, I’m just going to leave.

Jamie: Oh, yeah, well, you’ve been planning it, haven’t you, Laura? So, you’re going.

Laura: Yup. I’m going.

Jamie: I hope you got what you wanted! She’s gone! She’s gone! She’s off! Out! Vamoose! Disappeared!

Laura: Not really.

Mikey: Vamoose?

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: One of my favorite things, though, is can we move the GoDaddy ads so we can start charging listeners to listen to the show? That way…

Jamie: Yeah, that would be the problem.

Laura: That would be the only way we could pay for it, so yeah, sure. If you want to pay, that’s fine.

Jamie: But Laura, I think you should thank her for sending in this email because she took the time and effort to send this email in.

Laura: Yeah, tell me how much she hates me.

Jamie: You shouldn’t be too mean. [laughs]

Laura: Oh, no, no, no, no. I appreciate all feedback.

Jamie: There you go.

Laura: No matter how ridiculous.

Voicemails: The Longbottoms’ Information

Jamie: And let’s go to some voicemails now. Laura?

[Audio]: Hey, MuggleCasters. This is Tanya from the freezing cold Montreal, Canada right now. Last night, I was re-reading Goblet of Fire and I noticed that at the trial of Bellatrix and Mr. Crouch’s son, Mr. Crouch says that they tortured the Longbottoms into insanity, but particularly Frank Longbottom because he had information of where Voldemort was. Do you think that he was the only Auror that really knew where Voldemort was, and do you think that he still has information that Harry needs to know? Thanks, I love the show.

Jamie: Well, he is clearly a senior Auror.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Frank Longbottom.

Mikey: Well, I doubt that he remembers it.

Jamie: He and his wife. Well, no, I doubt he remembers much, but no, I think he and his wife are good senior Aurors in the Auror hierarchy. I don’t know, I just think that – I don’t know if you can say that he knew solely, you know, about Voldemort. But I think he was probably entrusted with more information, and so they went for the top guy and girl rather than aiming lower. But I don’t know.

Laura: Well, I mean – I don’t know. I think what she is asking is, is there any way that Harry can get any information from him at this point or is he too damaged?

Ben: I think he’s too damaged. The memories and stuff still may be there but we saw with Voldemort – he completely destroyed Bertha Jorkins when he got that information out of her. So, I mean, I don’t know if you can destroy them anymore. I know that sounds really bad, but I don’t know if it’s possible to destroy them any more, but you may have to leave them for dead, probably, if you broke their minds any more than they are already broken.

Jamie: But they are basically dead already. Are they worse than dead or not?

Laura: I would say so.

Ben: I’d say so. Yeah, I would say so.

Laura: Especially because of the way that Neville has to see them.

Ben: Well, to him, especially.

Jamie: Well, that’s true.

Kevin: Yeah, it’s a pretty horrible existence.

Ben: To him, especially.

Mikey: Yeah, that’s kind of harsh.

Ben: To his parents, they’re not aware of their surroundings. So, honestly, they might as well be dead.

Mikey: Are they not aware? Because Alice always gives Neville the gum wrapper, so they know it’s – something is different about this person coming to visit them.

Laura: She knows, but…

Jamie: [laughs] Can I just say…?

Laura: Yeah, go ahead, Jamie.

Jamie: I love that theory that people came up with – to be fair, I was an advocate of this as well until I found out that it was complete rubbish – that she was passing him information in these gum wrappers.

Laura: I thought that was kind of cool too.

Jamie: Well, the evidence to this theory was, I think…

Laura: It was an anagram? [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, yeah. What’s the…

Laura: “Gold bribe beneath St. Mungo’s” or something?

Jamie: Yeah, “Gold bribe below St. Mungo’s” was an anagram of the gum name, you know, the – and I thought that…

[Laura laughs]

Jamie: How do you find an anagram? I just – I don’t…

Laura: If you’re good at puzzles, I guess.

Ben: You have way too much time on your hands.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: Perhaps.

Laura: Kind of like us. [laughs]

Mikey: You’re Ben Schoen.

Jamie: Yeah, yeah. Ben figures out so many anagrams, it’s unbelievable.

Ben: [laughs] Yeah, it’s – I know.

Mikey: [laughs] It’s because he’s a genius.

Jamie: Yeah, he is.

Mikey: We just don’t know that part of Ben.

Jamie: I.Q. of 230, isn’t it, Ben? Since the last time you had it tested.

Ben: Well, isn’t it true, like, with people with I.Q.’s of 230 can’t, like, walk? [laughs]

Jamie: I don’t know if you can make…

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: …that blatant claim, but I think yeah, they…

Ben: They have other types of disabilities once they’re that smart. [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, a lot. Yeah, a lot of smart people have some issues.

Jamie: That’s ridiculous how you can have…

Kevin: Not everyone.

Ben: Like you, Kevin. Like you, Kevin. [laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, it’s true.

[Jamie laughs]

Ben: Yeah, he lacks basic social skills. Just kidding.

Jamie: He has like an I.Q. of 3497. It’s huge. He knows absolutely everything.

Ben: Actually, it’s 1024. Right, Kevin? [Mockingly laughs]

Jamie: No, Ben, it used to be that. Oh, I see. Sorry, I get it now. [laughs]

Voicemail: Last Chapter Or Epilogue?

Jamie: Okay, Laura, next voicemail?

[Audio]: Hi, this is Lizzie from Melbourne, Australia. I was just thinking about when J.K.R. said the last word “scar” was going to be in the last chapter, or the last word of the non-epilogue chapter. That could make quite a difference because it could end, “The son was born with a scar.” I’m not sure. I don’t know. But if you guys could tell me what you think, that’d be great. Okay, bye.

Jamie: Last chapter, I thought – I think she wouldn’t talk about the epilogue.

Kevin: Well, didn’t she say the last word in the book will be “scar?” Or…

Laura: It would be “scar,” yeah.

Kevin: Because…

Jamie: You don’t talk about…

Kevin: Yes.

Laura: The epilogue is part of the book.

Kevin: Absolutely, you need both.

Ben: Maybe it’s both.

[Jamie laughs]

Mikey: Maybe she put them in both. It makes sense, Ben.

Ben: Maybe every chapter is going to end with “scar.”

Jamie: No, every word is.

Mikey: Every sentence. [laughs] It’s like, “Harry scar went scar to scar the…” You know.

Jamie: Mikey, she couldn’t think of anything to write, so she just put ten thousand words of “scar,” and you have to try and figure it out the meaning just from that. That could be fun.

Mikey: Well, I thought it was only seven hundred and eighty four and it was one word per page…

Jamie: Oh, yeah, it is.

Mikey: …that just said “scar” written over and over again.

[Everyone laughs]

Mikey: Because that’s what I was told.

Ben: Wouldn’t that be funny? Seriously, wouldn’t you buy a copy if it had that? I would. You know what I mean? She…

Mikey: I still would.

Jamie: I’d buy two.

Ben: Just to say you had…

Jamie: Would you read it? Just to say you’ve read it.

Ben: Every single page. Yeah. Every single page.

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: Yeah, of course.

Jamie: You couldn’t say that you read it.

Mikey: Dude, I can speed-read it. It just goes “scarrr.” In just one big flip-through real quick. You can say the word slow.

Jamie: How many people – If she hid, like, a load of details on page 340, how many people would actually read all the way through it and then go – and then get to 340 and then realize or did they just skip through it and say, “Oh, yeah, it says ‘scar’ on this page.”

Mikey: I would say that most likely, MuggleNet would end up posting that information, and I’d jump straight into that page.

Jamie: Well, it is your number one Harry Potter resource for top news, so.

Mikey: Of course it is. It’s my favorite site.

Jamie: Aw. Thank you, Mikey. [laughs]

Voicemail: S.P.E.W.

Jamie: Okay, Laura, next voicemail.

[Audio]: Hey. I was just listening to Episode 784, and it reminded me that I have been having this theory for awhile. I have just gotten a new jacket since my old one had worn out, and so I got it from the WB shop and it’s a S.P.E.W. jacket. And so I was wondering if this means that S.P.E.W. might actually be in the movie. Because, I mean, it’s just such a great part of the books, and so I think it would be great if they included it. So, could you tell me what you think? Thanks, love the show. Bye.

Jamie: Didn’t they say it wasn’t?

Laura: It wasn’t. Yeah. I’m pretty sure that they said it wasn’t. Yeah, I really don’t think that that means anything because I know that WB puts out a lot of merchandise, and some of it is just stuff from the books.

Kevin: In general, they’re just trying to sell stuff. So, if they think people are going to like it, they’re going to sell it.

Jamie: And it’s a cool jacket, with S.P.E.W. on it.

Laura: Yeah, I remember whenever – Well, before the first movie came out, my friend and I were in the WB store, and there was a whole bunch of stuff in there with a bunch of different characters and stuff. They had a shirt that had Peeves on it.

[Jamie laughs]

Laura: laughs And so we thought Peeves was going to be in the movie, and he wasn’t. And we bought…

Mikey: Well, no, he was. Didn’t you see him.

Laura: No, he wasn’t.

Mikey: I saw Peeves. He’s in every movie.

Jamie: Yeah, he is, Laura. You just aren’t watching them closely enough.

Mikey: [laughs] You’re just missing it, Laura.

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: She blanks out just as he comes on. It’s like a subliminal Peeves.

Mikey: You know what, I think most fans blank out and don’t see Peeves.

Kevin: Yup.

Mikey: I see him every time. He’s always right there.

Jamie: It’s only one frame, isn’t it Mikey? So, you know, it’s quite hard to see him.

Mikey: [laughs] Yeah. Exactly.

Kevin: [laughs] So, it’s like Fight Club?

Mikey: But as a film student, I tend to view it one frame at a time for almost all my movies, so.

Jamie: Mikey watches every single movie one frame at a time.

Mikey: One frame at a time.

Jamie: So it takes you four weeks per movie, but you get every single detail. Every single thing.

Mikey: Oh, of course. I absorb all the detail. I’m like, “Ooh, look at the cinematography for this for this frame.” And there’s Peeves.

[Jamie laughs]

Mikey: He’s always just pops up in one frame. [laughs]

Jamie: He does.

Kevin: So, it’s like Fight Club.

Jamie. Yeah, well, exactly. He…

Mikey: Exactly.

Jamie: …pops up and has his arm around Harry’s shoulder and, you know, it’s awesome. It’s awesome. Everyone re-watch Philosopher’s Stone. You’ll see Peeves.

Mikey: You’ll see Peeves in that.

[Jamie and Mikey laugh]

Jamie: Okay, next one.

Voicemail: Sirius’s Attempt To Kill Snape

[Audio]: Hi, MuggleCasters. This is Kristin Stapleton, 15, from Seattle, Washington, and I was just re-reading in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. And I noticed something that I hadn’t heard properly explained or mentioned throughout the rest of the series. In the chapter “Hermione the Great,” Sirius has just gotten captured and Harry and Ron and Hermione are in the hospital wing – this is before they go back in time, by the way – and Harry awakes and hears Snape and Dumbledore arguing. On page 286 of the U.K. Prisoner of Azkaban hardback edition, Snape says, “Sirius Black showed he was capable of murder at the age of 16. You haven’t forgotten that, Headmaster? You haven’t forgotten that he once tried to kill me.” I immediately associated this with the Marauder scene in Order of the Phoenix, but then I realized that Snape didn’t really get harmed in that disagreement so I’m guessing he isn’t referring to that. What do you guys think he is talking about here? Could Sirius not be as innocent as we all think? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and I love you all, but Eric and Andrew are my favorite. Bye.

Jamie: Interesting.

Laura: I don’t think so. Honestly.

Jamie: No, I don’t think so.

Laura: I mean it’s an interesting theory because we know that, especially between Sirius and Snape, there was a huge amount of animosity, but I think that he was talking about the werewolf thing, just because if he had come upon Lupin…

Jamie: He would’ve been killed, yeah.

Laura: …he most likely would have died.

Jamie: But he just thought that Sirius meant to kill him.

Laura: Kill him.

Jamie: But perhaps Sirius didn’t realize the implications of….

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: [unintelligible] or two.

Laura: I think it’s exactly – it’s completely, one hundred percent, something that Sirius would do, and he wouldn’t do it with any intention of killing him.

Jamie: No.

Laura: He was most likely just thinking, you know – scare the crap out of him, mainly. I think.

Jamie: I agree.

Laura: Yep. Does anyone else have anything to say?

Jamie: And, well it’s just Snape…

Kevin: I agree as well.

Jamie: …thinking that everyone is terrible and that because he tricked him, he wanted to kill him. I don’t think he’s, you know.

Ben: Bad.

Mikey: Sirius is a nice guy.

Laura: Was.

Jamie: Well, actually – he was a nice guy, yeah.

[Kevin laughs]

Laura: Oh, no, wait. I hear…

Mikey: Oh, no – no.

Laura: …that if you read between the lines in the books, he pops up every now and then, right?

Kevin: That’s true.

[Ben laughs]

Jamie: If you read, if you read…

Mikey: [laughs] Yeah – well, you know…

Jamie: …one letter at a time.

Mikey: He only went through that veil.

Jamie: Exactly.

Mikey: And that veil doesn’t mean he’s dead. So, he’s still around.

Jamie: Laura.

Mikey: We just have to, you know.

Jamie: Laura, if you go back to the Ministry of Magic you can see his…

Kevin: Well…

Jamie: …fingernails just over the edge of the veil, and he’s hanging on for dear life.

[Laura and Mikey laugh]

Jamie: And he’s hoping someone’s going to come back and pick him over the edge, but no luck so far.

Mikey: But they won’t let Harry back, so.

Kevin: But Laura – Laura, you know those flip books?

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: Where you have to flip the pages really fast.

Jamie: Oh, yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: You have to flip the pages really fast in order to see him.

Jamie: Oh, I thought you meant those ones…

Laura: He pops up – you know, waves.

Jamie: …where it’s like – Kevin, I think you meant those ones where it’s like you come face-to-face with the monster, to turn and run turn to page 161.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: But – but, you know.

[Kevin laughs]

Jamie: But to stand and fight…

Laura: Did you guys ever read those, the Goosebumps make-your-own-ending books?

Jamie: Yeah.

Ben and



Laura: I loved those.

Kevin: Ah.

Laura: It’s my favorite thing.

Mikey: Me and Andrew had a whole conversation about if R.L. Stine and J.K. Rowling got in a fight.

Jamie: That would be awesome.

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: Who would win? It would be amazing.

Jamie: That would be awesome.

Mikey: Because like, come on.

Kevin: Oh, geez.

Goosebumps And “Are You Afraid Of The Dark?”

Mikey: Do you remember the T.V. show on Fox?

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: “Hi, I’m R.L. Stine.”

Ben: That used to freak me out – that show did.

Mikey: That would be amazing. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, but…

[Mikey laughs]

Mikey: Back to Goosebumps – I mean, Harry Potter.

Laura: Yeah. [laughs]

Jamie: “Are You Afraid of the Dark” was scarier.

Laura: That show was awesome.

Mikey: That was – I own every episode.

Laura: I love that show.

Ben: Do you really?

Jamie: Mikey, do you remember the one where…

Mikey: Yeah, I bought it for a hundred bucks on DVD off eBay.

Jamie: Oh my god.

Mikey: 19 DVD’s.

Jamie: 19?

Mikey: Every episode of “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” Yeah.

Jamie: Do you remember the one where there’s that creature that’s hidden in the wall of the house, and they recite and incantation and it comes out of the wall?

Mikey: Oh, “Quicksilver.”

Jamie: “Quicksilver,” yeah. That – I have never been so scared of anything, I don’t think, in my entire life.

[Kevin laughs]

Mikey: That’s one of my favorite episodes, and the guy is getting sick because…

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: …he’s trying to do the incantation read back…

Jamie: I’ve never – it’s…

Mikey: …but he wasn’t using real silver…

Jamie: Yeah, he was…

Mikey: …they were using a spoon…

Jamie: Steel.

Mikey: …that wasn’t silver.

Jamie: It’s like, “Arabarious, the creature of darkness.” Oh, no.

Ben: So…

Jamie: I expected a thing to come on my wall here, and the thing to come out to get me, just like in the books. [laughs]

Ben: So, how many episodes are there per disc?

Mikey: It’s like five per disc. It’s not a real version because Nickelodeon has never released the real version, but it’s – some guy ended up downloading them all or recording them, and I saw it on eBay…

Jamie: Did you buy pirated [pronounced “pi-RATE-ed”] material, Mikey? Mikey.

Mikey: Um, no, I didn’t.

Ben: You bought – you bought…

Mikey: But somehow I stumbled across it.

Ben: He bought pirated [pronounced “PI-rut-ed”]

Jamie: You just stumbled across it.

Ben: …not pirated [pronounced “pi-RATE-ed”] – he bought pirated material.

Jamie: No, it’s not. It’s pirated [pronounced “pi-RATE-ed”].

Mikey: I bought – I bought burned…

Jamie: I say pirated [pronounced “pi-RATED”].

Mikey: …DVD discs. I bought burned discs. I thought they were blank when I purchased them for an – a lot of money. [laughs]

Jamie: Yeah, yeah, a hundred dollars for five DVDs. [laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] And they happened to have some wonderful, wonderful old…

Jamie: And you were like, “Damn!”

Mikey: …Nickelodeon shows that I – “Oh, well, I guess I’ll have to watch these.”

[Jamie laughs]

Mikey: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah, well.

Mikey: It’s from Canada, so.

Jamie: Well, perhaps William Shatner sent them to you. [laughs]

[Kevin laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] I know. Oh, how I love William Shatner and Canada. We’re going to be in Canada soon, aren’t we?

Jamie: We are, yeah. Well, perhaps he’ll be at Prophecy.

Laura: Oh, yay.

Jamie: Hopefully.

Mikey: Aw, that would be amazing.

Jamie: Go on, Laura. Next one.

Voicemail: Harry’s Protection In Little Whinging

[Audio]: Hey, MuggleCasters. This is Stephanie from Illinois and I was just re-reading Book 5, and on page 143 in Chapter 8, called “The Hearing,” I found something kind of interesting. When Mrs. Figg is brought in to testify on Harry’s behalf, she says that she lives in Little Whinging, and Madame Bones replies, “There is no record of any witch or wizard living in Little Whinging other than Harry Potter. This situation has always been closely monitored given past events.” I’m not really sure what this means, but could it possibly imply that someone has – someone of the wizarding community has tried to attack Harry while he was staying at Privet Drive, but Dumbledore’s magic that he invoked could have prevented it? Thanks, love the show. Bye.

Jamie: Well, it depends on what type of ancient magic it is. Do you think it’s ancient magic that stops people knowing he’s there, or stops you coming…

Laura: Yeah, I don’t know.

Jamie: …to get him.

Laura: I think it’s the ancient magic that kind of continues the love that he has protecting him. Like, it kind of renews it, I suppose, like when he goes back there. He gets another year of love protection.

Jamie: That’s – [laughs] Of love, yeah.

[Mikey laughs]

Kevin: His dose of love.

Jamie: That’s pretty cool.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: Yeah.

Laura: But, I mean…

Jamie: No, I’ve always thought of it as kind of weird, all these ancient magic things that only Dumbledore seems to be able to do, you know. He seems to know all these ancient magical spells that protect Harry. I wish that Jo would tell us more about them because I think they’re pretty interesting.

Laura: Yeah, but, I mean, do you think that means…

Mikey: I want to know more.

Laura: …that at one point, you know – or you know, multiple points, maybe Death Eaters, other followers of Voldemort showed up at Privet Drive, tried to do something?

Jamie: Tried to do Harry in. They could – they had to have tried, you know, it’s…

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: You know, it’s…

Laura: It’s just weird that Harry wouldn’t know about it. It’s kind of creepy, if you think about it.

Jamie: It is.

Mikey: I don’t think they’ve ever been. I honestly don’t think they know where Harry goes over the summer.

Jamie: He disguised himself as a postman, the Death Eater.

[Ben laughs]

Laura: Yeah, but it’s not that hard to figure out that…

Jamie: It didn’t work, though.

Laura: …that’s where Harry goes. I mean, pretty much everyone knows that he lives with his aunt and uncle.

Mikey: I know, and a lot of people know, but the thing is, what if one of the spells that are cast on there, because of the blood – because, like, one, now that Voldemort has Harry’s blood running through him, that blood magic technically doesn’t matter anymore.

Jamie: Yeah.

Mikey: You know what I mean? But why does he still have to go back? It’s some type of protection, and maybe that protection has kept the Death Eaters from actually finding out because they, you know, kind of like how, think about the, you know – Dumbledore came up with the Mirror of Erised. Only if someone wanted to get the Stone, but not use it, you know what I mean?

Jamie: So if somebody wanted to just talk to Harry, but not kill him? [laughs]

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: But not kill him, or harm him, it would be okay. You know, something like that – we just don’t know.

Laura: Well, do you think it means that maybe Privet Drive is unplottable, or only certain people…

Mikey: Possibly.

Laura: …can see it?

Kevin: Yeah, that’s possible.

Mikey: Again, only, you know, if you want to just contact Harry for the sake of contacting Harry, not to be a…

Jamie: That’s interesting, yeah.

Mikey: Not to be a – you know what I mean? Something that – there’s something there that I know we don’t know.

Jamie: Oh, completely, yeah.

Mikey: And that’s why there’s never been, you know, that’s why there’s never been a, you know, a Death Eater attack there.

Jamie: She has been, you know, especially secretive about the advanced magic that protects Harry, the advanced magic that – sorry, ancient magic that protects Hogwarts, you know – all these kinds of things that only Dumbledore knows about and perhaps that’s been built up, but now he’s gone, and all these things collapse, and it really does come to Harry.

Mikey: Well, also, she’s also been very tight-lipped about the whole Grindelwald and Dumbledore battle also because the first thing you do when you go, you know, into any battle, is you research the past. You find out what’s worked, what hasn’t worked, so you have some type of an idea, and that’s like the only one that we really know about that took place, you know, previously with another dark wizard, and it was, of course, Dumbledore that was the one that fought against – so, it’s like, if we knew something there, maybe we’d know what to expect between Harry and Voldemort’s battle, but we don’t know anything there, we don’t know. There’s a lot that we’re missing, and I don’t know if we’re going to get all the answers, I really don’t.

Can Anyone Kill Voldemort?

Jamie: That’s just reminded me about something, and I wanted to get your guys’ opinion on this. I put out our show, and I wanted to ask, if Voldemort is tied to a chair, okay? Completely tied up. He can’t reach his wand, he can’t do any magic at all. Could Dumbledore, or Snape, or any other wizard, come in and kill him, or does the prophecy…

Mikey: This was your Minority Report thing, huh?

Laura: You know what’s interesting?

Jamie: It was, it was Minority Report, yeah.

Mikey: I actually just listened to that today.

Jamie: Oh, cool.

Mikey: I was stuck in traffic and I had my iPod. I was like, “I’ll listen to Jamie rant today.”

[Jamie laughs]

Mikey: [laughs] Um, I don’t know. Laura, you can go first.

Laura: I was just saying, our next voicemail is actually about that.

Jamie: Oh! What do you know?

[Ben laughs]

Voicemail: Who Else Can Kill Voldemort?

Mikey: Well, why don’t you read it because I have a response to that because I wasn’t on that show, so I have a response. But why don’t you read your voicemail first?

[Audio]: Hey, this is Amanda from California, and I was listening to MuggleCast 82. You were talking about could somebody else kill Voldemort, once all the Horcruxes are destroyed? And what you guys overlooked was, in the sixth book, when Dumbledore is talking about the prophecy – visionary – he says that it will still take a wizard with uncommon skill. And he says that Harry has that uncommon skill because it’s the love that he still has, no matter how much he suffered. And it’s that love that will help him destroy Voldemort. And I don’t believe anybody else has that special sort of love that Voldemort couldn’t touch beforehand. And that that love will be what enables Harry to be the only person who can kill Voldemort. I love the show. Thanks, bye!

Jamie: But doesn’t that kind of preclude everyone else who has lost people? The reason Harry – I think I’ve drawn this reference before, but I’ve got to draw it again. Like in “Prison Break” – which you should all watch, by the way, because it’s awesome – Michael Scofield, the lead character…

Mikey: I don’t watch that.

Jamie: You should, Mikey, it’s – oh, oh, oh my god. It’s brilliant.

[Laura and Mikey laugh]

Jamie: The lead character, he – because of his abused childhood, he is extremely empathetic towards people, and he can’t stand other people’s suffering. And it’s like Harry, and that’s born out of all the people close to him dying and seeing all these bad things happening. He feels empathetic towards people, and that’s why he has his power of love. But you can’t say that it’s only Harry in the whole wizarding world who has that power.

Laura: Well, I think…

Jamie: Other people have lost people, too. So, you know, – and hate Voldemort for that same reason.

Laura: Well, Jamie, I think that…

Ben: But Harry’s special.

Laura: …there’s something – there’s something unique about Harry’s situation that we don’t know yet. I think that there’s something about the Potters, maybe, that makes Harry’s case unique. I think that there’s more of a connection than just, Harry has the power of love to defeat Voldemort. I think there’s definitely something else that Harry has that he’s going to use against him. We just don’t know what it is yet.

Mikey: Well, you know what? Actually, because of that, I actually wasn’t sure about Jamie’s theory. Because the whole, like, predetermination, you know, if you knew your future, could you change it? Stuff like that. I actually just went back to the prophecy right now. I actually pulled it up. I have the book open. And it says, you know – the key words in there are “vanquish,” and I went and looked in the dictionary for it. It’s “to defeat thoroughly,” which could be – You know, he could defeat Voldemort thoroughly just by destroying the Horcruxes and someone else can off him, so you know…

[Jamie and Laura laugh]

Mikey: So, Ron can come by and just take the Gryffindor sword and chop his head off.

Jamie: That’s absolutely right.

Mikey: Here’s the part right here: “But either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives.” “…at the hand of the other.” That kind of says, whoever that Voldemort marked, which is Harry, has to be the one to off him, basically. So, I’m sorry, Jamie.

Jamie: Oh, that sucks.

Mikey: “…the hand of the other.” It’s that right there.

Jamie: But, Mikey, couldn’t Ron be about to kill him, and Harry goes, “Go on, Ron, you can do it, you can do it.” And then he’s died at Harry’s hand because Harry’s encouraged him to do it. There you go. [laughs]

Mikey: I guess, if that’s how you – that’s what this thing is. It’s the interpretation, it’s a prophecy.

Jamie: It is.

Mikey: I definitely think Harry’s…

Kevin: Oh, yeah, without a doubt.

Mikey: …the only one that would be able to destroy the Horcruxes.

Jamie: Oh, definitely. Yeah, yeah.

Mikey: But that final strike blow, I think anyone could do it if Voldemort was tied to a chair, broken wand, and unconscious.

Jamie: Yeah. [laughs] And dead.

Mikey: I think anyone could do it, but again, I don’t think anyone would do it unless Harry flat out gave a command, order to, or Harry did it himself.

Jamie: But you know about these Horcruxes. The thing that gets me is that Dumbledore, when they went to the cave, Harry had no idea what was going on. He was oblivious. He didn’t know anything. He couldn’t have found the boat, he couldn’t have worked out to give blood to get into the inside, he couldn’t have worked out to drink the thing. And even if he had, what would have happened? I know it’s going to be him who deals with the Horcruxes, but I think it’s going to have to be the problem-solving minds of all of them put together that solves it, rather than…

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Oh, yeah, of course.

Importance Of The Locket

Mikey: Yeah. Actually, that locket has started to give me a lot of questions. You guys have seen all the artwork for the different books, right? If you take a look at the U.S. artwork, he’s wearing that locket around his neck. I was just saying – also, the adult book cover has the locket on it, so I’m thinking that locket is a very significant Horcrux.

Jamie: Yeah, definitely.

Mikey: Just for that sake. Just for that sake. Because why would it be a cover – why would it be a picture of the locket versus a picture of Nagini, or – why is that the Horcrux? And, of course, when you go back, he’s wearing that locket there.

Kevin: It is, it really is.

Mikey: You know what I mean?

Jamie: It’s so Lord of the Rings, it’s unbelievable.

Mikey: It is.

Jamie: He’s going to throw it into Godric’s Hollow…

Mikey: Yes.

Jamie: …where the adventure started and it’s going to melt down.

Voicemail: Did Dumbledore Make A Horcrux?

[Audio]: Hey, MuggleCast. [message sped up] …Episode 74 or Episode 82, whichever one you prefer. I thought of two ideas. One was that when Dumbledore was talking to Malfoy, Snape used Occlumency to read Dumbledore’s mind or get in there, and Dumbledore was telling Snape what to do, and get here fast. And my second one was when Jo said that Dumbledore’s death was more complex than it really was, she meant maybe that Dumbledore in a higher duel might have killed someone and created a Horcrux then. Only one, maybe, and he’s still out there somehow. Dumbledore is alive! Thank you.

Jamie: Ummm…

Ben: No.

Jamie: Wow, that was very profound.

Ben: No, no, no.

Jamie: He’s not – you can’t question…

Ben: Why would J.K. Rowling say, “He’s dead, Dumbledore is dead.”

Laura: [laughs] Exactly.

Ben: Unless, you know…

Jamie: He’s definitely dead. And also, creating a Horcrux, it’s – it was a banned subject inside Hogwarts. He didn’t want people talking about it. It’s clearly an evil thing, and he’d never bring himself to do that. And he’d have to – he would have to kill someone. He just – I could never see him ever doing it. Ever. Ever. Ever!

Mikey: No.

Laura: Yeah, I don’t think he would, either.

Mikey: Yeah, Dumbledore would never do that.

Laura: Just to get that part of the question out of the way: I don’t think Dumbledore killed anybody, I don’t think he has a Horcrux. He’s dead. Sorry.

Mikey: Oh. I think Dumbledore’s…

Ben: I think he’s killed somebody.

Mikey: But not…

Ben: He doesn’t kill for pleasure like Voldemort does.

Mikey: Yeah.

Laura: Not to use them as a Horcrux.

Ben: Right, right.

Laura: I mean, maybe in self defense.

Mikey: Yeah. He did it out of…

Ben: He did it out of necessity.

Jamie: Justifiable homicide.

Mikey: It’s like killing Hitler.

Jamie: Yeah. That’s pretty fair.

Mikey: Kill one person to save millions of lives.

Jamie: That’s pretty fair, to be honest.

Mikey: He didn’t – it was Grindelwald, you know, so…

Jamie: Yeah. Well, that’s a very interesting thing, but for another show. You know, the Grindelwald timeframe, Nazi Germany, Hitler thing. Very interesting. 1945. But would you…

Laura: Do you think that Snape and Dumbledore were communicating via Occlumency?

Jamie: That’s very interesting. They were staring at each other.

Laura: Yeah.

Mikey: Like Obi-Wan and Luke? “Run, Luke, run!” [laughs]

[Jamie laughs]

Mikey: You know, very. I really don’t – they could have been, but I highly doubt it.

Jamie: Mikey.

Mikey: [laughs] Why would – you know?

Jamie: Mikey.

Mikey: Yes?

Jamie: And then after he Avada Kedavra-ed him, Dumbledore’s cloak just fell to the ground and he completely disappeared, and he didn’t actually fly off the roof.

Mikey: [laughs] Exactly! And, “By destroying me now, I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine.” He’s going to be there. No, I really don’t think they were talking to each other via Occlumency.

Snape’s Stance

Jamie: But it says that – now, this is from memory, so I’m not sure. Doesn’t it say that, “Snape looked at Dumbledore with a look of utmost revulsion on his face”? And it actually says that he stared at him, I think.

Laura: Yeah.

Jamie: So it could be that he was sending him mind bullets.

Mikey: But didn’t he also – with that look, didn’t he also – wasn’t Dumbledore also saying, “Please?” Saying, “Please, Severus.”

Laura: Yeah, he was saying, “Severus, please.” Yeah.

Mikey: Yeah. And so with that look, like – I would say Snape is just disgusted that he has to kill Dumbledore.

Jamie: Yeah, that’s true, because Snape is good.

Mikey: And that Dumbledore is pleading him to kill him.

Laura: I think that’s probably…

Mikey: Snape is good.

Jamie: Of course he is.

Mikey: I agree that Snape is good.

Jamie: Yes, he is. Snape’s very good.

Mikey: Snape has to be good. If he’s bad, it’s just like…

Jamie: It’s not fair.

Mikey: Even if he’s not good, he’s out for himself, so he’s going to end up helping Harry out regardless.

Jamie: Yeah, exactly, yeah.

Mikey: So even if he is bad or out for himself, he’s going to help Harry in the end.

Jamie: Yeah, he’s got to.

Mikey: He still owes him a life debt.

Jamie: Help the winner, help the winner. I think so.

Laura: I think that is a good bet.

Occlumency Versus Telepathy

Jamie: One last point about communicating with Occlumency: Can you actually – obviously, you can send if you think something and the other person picks up, but can you just talk telepathically? Can you have a conversation? You just walk into a room and you hear, “Hi, how are you?” “Yes, I’m fine, thank you.”

[Laura laughs]

Mikey: Well that’s what we did in Vegas, Jamie.

Laura: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: Me, you, and Ben were just talking like that.

Jamie: Yeah, we were.

[Show music begins]

Mikey: And Andrew had no clue what we were saying about him, so we were like, “Simsy! Geez! Come on! Join our conversation!”

[Jamie laughs]

Mikey: And he couldn’t figure it out!

Jamie: No. He’s been practicing, though, Mikey…

[Mikey laughs]

Jamie: …so hopefully he’ll have…

Mikey: So by Prophecy we’ll be able to talk about – we’ll be able to record our own podcast in our heads, talking back and forth.

Jamie: [laughs] Yeah, exactly.

Ben: [laughs] Yeah.

Mikey: Laura, you have to catch up with us if you’re going to want to be part of it.

Jamie: Yeah. Start learning now! [laughs] Go to after-school Occlumency classes.

Show Close

Jamie: And that wraps up our special edition of MuggleCast. Now I’m going to try and do an Andrew here and do it in his voice, so, [imitating Andrew] if you want to contact us, dial 1-218-20-MAGIC. If you want to write to us, write to P.O. Box something, something, something, Moundridge, California.

Ben: That’s me. He says, “Ben? What is it, Ben?”

Jamie: Oh, yeah. And then Ben goes, [imitating Ben] “Moundrige, California.”

Ben: It’s Kansas, actually.

[Everyone laughs]

Jamie: I mean Kansas.

Mikey: California!

Ben: P.O. Box 223
Moundridge, Kansas

Jamie: If you want to contact us, go on our Facebook, that is the group MuggleCast. Or, you can go on Frappr Map and see – because we love seeing all you people there. Or you can go on MySpace, that is MuggleCastFan. I’m not actually quite sure. We’ve got 5,000 friends now, so go on there. If you want to call the Skype, use the username MuggleCast, but please keep your message under one minute and eliminate as much background noise as possible.

I’m Andrew Sims – I mean, I’m Jamie Lawrence. Wow, I got so into it there. It was unbelievable.

Ben: I am Ben Schoen.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Mikey: And I’m Mikey B.

Jamie: See you guys next week.

Laura: Alright. Bye, bye.

Mikey: Bye.


Written by: Micah, Adrienne, Allison, Briana, Cindy, Jessica, Laura, Leah, Margaret, Matt, Samantha, Sapna, Sarah, Shannon, Shelly, and Tina