Transcript #14

MuggleCast EP14 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 14 for November 06, 2005.

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello.

Kevin: You’re saying “Hello” too much.

Laura: Okay.

Andrew: You 70,000 MuggleCast listeners.

Laura: We get the idea.

Andrew: I’m Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Georgia: I’m Georgia Mountford.

Andrew: And this is the show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, discussions, theories, cooking recipes, Acne treatments. I’ve told it to you all before. Before we get to anything else, first, let’s go to Micah for the past week’s top news stories.


Micah: Thanks, Andrew.

The World Premiere of Goblet of Fire took place earlier today. Be sure to check out our main page as it will be continuously updated with information.

And just a reminder about some TV appearances being made by the actors in the fourth Harry Potter film (All times are on the East Coast unless otherwise stated):

Thursday, November 10th: The Today Show – Dan Radcliffe to appear. The show runs from 7-10 AM on NBC.

Regis and Kelly: Dan Radcliffe to appear. The show airs live at 9 AM.

The Martha Stewart Show: Dan Radcliffe to appear. All times vary.

Friday, November 11th: MTV’s TRL – Dan Radcliffe and Rupert Grint to appear. Airs live on East Coast at 5 PM.

“ET on MTV”: Special airing on MTV about Harry Potter at 8 PM.

For a complete listing of all show appearances, please visit MuggleNet’s Main Page.

And, we informed you last week that a folk group called “The Wyrd Sisters” had secured a court date where they hoped to have Goblet of Fire banned from distribution across Canada. They believed that their band’s name was being used in the film without permission and that it would ruin their reputation. The Canadian Press reported on Friday that their motion has been dismissed, much to the delight of all Canadian Harry Potter fans!

As always, there are tons and tons of new video clips, screen shots, poster scans, post cards, including shots of Emma Watson in the upcoming editions of Teen and Elle magazine, Dan Radcliffe in Time Magazine and Entertainment Weekly, and Robert Pattinson in Teen People. There are also two new contests to check out: one being run by the Today Show and the other by MuggleNet, Warner Bros., and the Noble Collection. Go to for more information.

One brief announcement, for those of you wondering, the date for the release of the Spanish translation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has been announced. It is due out on February 23, 2006.

There are also two Minicasts available for download. One which is an interview with Matthew Vines of, who has already seen the new film and the other is a joint podcast with TLC‘s Melissa and John with information regarding the upcoming New York City podcast.

Finally, don’t forget our LIVE New York City podcast at Barnes & Noble this Saturday, November 12th at 33 West 17th Street between Broadway and Park Ave. in Union Square.

That’s all the news from our News center in New York for this November 06, 2005 edition of MuggleCast. I’ll see you guys live, next week.

Update on New York City Podcast

Andrew: Thank you, Micah. And the first thing many of you might have noticed by now is that we have a new MuggleCaster. Please welcome Georgia from MuggleNet Fan Fiction.

Laura: Yay!

Andrew: Yay!

Georgia: Hello!

Andrew: Hi, Georgia!

Georgia: Hi!

Andrew: Okay, tell us a little about yourself. Where you are from, what you do around the site.

Georgia: I’m British, but I live in Australia and I work on the Fan Fiction section, and I have for about a year now.

Eric: Woo!

Andrew: Excellent! And we brought you on here last minute because Ben was supposed to be on again, but… [Laughs]

Eric: Ben is on time out right now.

Laura: Yeah, Ben is in time out.

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: He’s outside the room. He’s out Andrew’s bedroom right now. We put him in the corner of Andrew’s hallway.

Andrew: Well, we had a couple of problems, but Ben will definitely be on next week because next week is our LIVE show. [Laughs] Wow, it’s only a week away now.

Kevin: I don’t think he has a choice then. Yes, it is.

Andrew: You know what’s funny? I don’t know who came up with this LIVE podcast idea first, but my original idea…

Kevin: It was me.

Andrew: No, it wasn’t.

Laura: It was all Kevin.

Andrew: My original idea was, “Hmmm, this will be nice. After the premiere, we’ll go to Starbucks. Oh, maybe ten people will show up.” [Laughs]

Eric: Yeah, how many people have registered?

Kevin: It’s true.

Andrew: Boy, was I wrong. Okay, well, we have like 600 people. That’s an estimate. We have about 350 reservations, but each person is bringing at least one other friend. There is one group that is bringing 15. There’s, the HP Fan Trips people are bringing, I don’t even know how many.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Sssh.

Georgia: No pressure.

Andrew: My advice to all of you is get there early. Just get there.

Eric: Yeah, even earlier than the time… Yeah.

Andrew: I just… [Laughs] It’s going to be so crowded. There will be tons of seating. There will be room for everyone. It’s not going to be like Ozzfest and there’s going to be no room to move around.

[All laugh]

Andrew: Kevin can attest to that.

Eric: Except that does not mean you can’t carry us in the crowd.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Because that might happen sometime later in the night.

Andrew: It’s just going to be, it is going to be a lot of fun, and we really cannot wait for it. I am looking at the e-mails right now. We have 332 e-mails. People who have sent us an e-mail and said to us, “Hey! I’m coming.” Each person is at least bringing one other person. Multiply 332 times at least 2, that’s 660.

Eric: Four.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: 664.

Andrew: Six hundred and sixty four.

Eric: Good.

Andrew: A couple larger groups. So, my only suggestion is to get there early. There will be plenty of room. It is going to be comfortable. It’s not going to be like a madhouse or anything. It’s going to be a nice time.

Laura: It’s not going to be a mosh pit.

Eric: [In creepy voice]It’s a madhouse!

Laura: Basically.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: [In creepy voice]A madhouse.

Andrew: I’ve been thinking about it so much lately. Me and Melissa just worked out our intro. That’s going to be pretty fun.

Kevin: Oh, geez.

Andrew: I don’t want to spoil any surprises yet. It’s going to be a fun time. And, for those of you wondering. Yes, we’re going to have a video version. Yes, we’re going to have an audio version. The audio…

Kevin: Oh, we’re having a video version now?

Eric: We’re having video.

Andrew: Oh, we’re going to do it all.

Kevin: Awesome!

Andrew: We’re going to do any version you could possibly think of, but the video version won’t be up as soon as the audio. That could be up to a week, but the audio version will…

Kevin: Yeah, that’s going to be tough to edit.

Andrew: The audio version will be up the following day, which is Sunday, because right after the show we don’t want to do that. We’re going out to dinner.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: Have a good time.

Andrew: And chillax.

Laura: Slackers.

Andrew: Laura, you want to do it? You want to edit the show?

Eric: Yeah, yeah. We’ll send it to you down in Georgia.

Laura: Oh, thanks!

Eric: Because you’ll be sitting at home on your computer being like, “I can’t be in New York!”

Laura: You know what? You suck!

Andrew: So, that’s that. We can’t wait. Kevin, Eric, Ben, Micah, Emerson will all be there from MuggleNet. And TLC… Ehhh… You know…

Laura: No one cares about them.

Eric: Other fan sites as well? Harry Potter Fan Zone will be there.

Andrew: Oh yeah. Mike from, Aris Janetakos, who made an appearance on MuggleCast on Episode 2, and Matthew Vines might be there. I’m not sure.

Kevin: HPANA as well.

Eric: Oh, Jeff.

Andrew: Oh, right. Jeff.

Kevin: Jeff. Yep.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: Jeffrey. Good man Jeffrey.

Eric: It will be a nice reunion.

Kevin: Yeah, it’s going to be quite a show.

Andrew: It’s going to be fun.

Kevin: It will be.

Andrew: But, moving right along. Today, we are announcing our new partnership with GoDaddy is your No. 1 source for all your hosting needs. GoDaddy has domain names, transfers, and renewals for as low as $1.99.

Kevin: Plus, check out hosting plans, website builders, secure certificates, and much more.

Andrew: Act now by entering the code “Muggle”. That’s M-U-G-G-L-E and you’ll save an extra 10% off any order.

Kevin: Vist and the click the “GoDaddy Banner” to get started with your new website today.

Andrew: And you might be saying, “Well, who says this GoDaddy is all said and good, and a good service?” Well, we have all used it ourselves.

Kevin: Yes, we have. I actually registered with it. So…

Andrew: Easy, quick, right? Yes?

Kevin: Yes. Very good. They actually called today.

Andrew: And, we’ve all…

Kevin: That was very good.

Andrew: Oooh!

Kevin: Yes.

Andrew: We’ve all used them for personal experience with different types of Internet hosting needs and we know a lot of you have come to us saying, “Well, how do you start your own website?” This is where you start with the hosting and the domain names.

Kevin: Yep. You got to have a good… Well, you have to have a good hoster before you have a good website.

Andrew: Yes, you do. And we do recommend GoDaddy today.


Andrew: Hey, guys. We screwed up again on Episode 13.

Eric: No, that was my fault, Andrew. I will take responsibility.

Andrew: Good job.

Eric: I did take responsibility on the Comments. It is…

Andrew: To clarify.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Go ahead.

Eric: To clarify it was not Katie Bell that was attacked in Book 6. It was, what was it?

Andrew: …Angelina Johnson. [Transcriber’s note: It was Katie Bell that was attacked]

Eric: Angelina Johnson. Sorry. So, when we were talking about the death attack that Draco was giving. I don’t know. Everybody understood what I meant, but it was incorrect. So…

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: And then we also got complaints about how we didn’t put a spoiler warning on Episode 13.

Eric: I…

Laura: Well…

Andrew: Because we talked about Goblet of Fire a lot. I mean…

Laura: But, we said we were talking about Goblet of Fire.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Telephone rings]

Andrew: People were upset, but I’ll put one at the beginning of this show if we talk about Goblet of Fire.

Eric: Too much.

Andrew: Heavy duty.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: For those of you wondering, that is my phone.

Andrew: I don’t think, I mean if you hear us start talking about Goblet of Fire just stop it. I mean I am sorry for those people who might have gotten spoiled a little, I guess, but we’ll start doing it again. I didn’t think it would be too much of a problem. My “B”. My “B”. My bad. Sorry, dudes.

[Kevin laughs]

Eric: Also, I’m getting nightmare stories from people. Last week, we were talking about British schools.

Andrew: Oh, yeah.

Eric: And, I asked if they are really as bad as they are being portrayed in the Goblet of Fire movie, and actually as a matter of fact, they make it seem like a playtime, compared to the stories that I am getting from these people.

[Georgia laughs]

Eric: You know? I must of got, I got at least twenty different re-tellings of how people were… I am not even going to go into it. It’s bad. So, that answered my question. Thank you, people!

Andrew: But, thanks for keeping Eric entertained.

Eric: Yes.

[Laura and Kevin laugh]

Andrew: It’s nice to see him…

Kevin: He likes hearing horror stories.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: It’s nice to see him busy.

Eric: Especially from British people. Yeah.

Andrew: And then also, quick Happy Birthday shout-outs! People who e-mail me say, “Hey! Can you wish me Happy Birthday on the show?” I say, “Eh. Sure!” Why not? It’s fun. [Laughs]

Happy Birthday to Chaya. Her birthday was back on the 16th. And Megan, who had a birthday earlier this week. So, [Singing] Happy Birthday to Megan and Chaya.

Eric: Also, if you’re a Harry Potter fan and would like to…

Andrew: Happy Birthday to you!

Eric: And if you would like to propose to your girlfriend or your future fiancé through this show, we do, do that for you.

Andrew: Happy Birthday to you!

[Kevin laughs]

Eric: We will gladly say, “Kim, will you marry Johnathan?”

Andrew: Happy Birthday to youuu! Wasn’t that nice background music while Eric was talking?

Kevin: Rambling?

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Oh, and everyone don’t forget…

Eric: I was offering to do wedding announcements, Kevin.

Andrew: Everyone, do not forget. I don’t know, how could you forget, but November is…

Laura: Native American Month.

Eric: Native American Month.

Andrew: Right! And that’s why is sponsoring MuggleCast all this month to bring you the latest information all about Pow Wows, the Native American culture. They have videos, audio, pictures, calendars, dance routines, songs, it’s all there. So, visit for quick links for students and teachers. It really is a great resource and we have been getting lots of e-mails about it, people enjoying it, thanking us for mentioning it, bringing it to them.

Let’s see, what else? Heck! That’s it.

Book Reviews

Kevin: Oh, we could talk about book reviews. We have been debating and we need some recommendations for doing reviews on books that Harry Potter fans can read other than Harry Potter, while waiting for Book 7.

Eric: Yes.

Kevin: So, if you do want to send us recommendations for books, you can probably send it to my e-mail address. That’s kevin at staff dot mugglenet dot com and we have to, we’re going to take our time with it. So, we’ll try to do maybe one a week or one every two weeks because you have to give us time to review it. You know? Read the book itself. But, after that we should get that off the…

Eric: We’re going to see if it works out.

Kevin: Yeah. We’ll try.

Eric: Yeah. I mean, because I know for one, Ben can’t read, so he’s out for the reading.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: No, don’t.

Kevin: No.

Eric: He admitted to it. He said Ben… Ben said he can’t read.

Kevin: Well, Andrew’s dyslexic.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I can’t read. I’ll openly admit it.

[Kevin laughs]

Eric: And, I don’t really read either. Which is…

Laura: None of us read. Do you know this book called Harry Potter?

Georgia: That’s a movie, Laura.

Laura: Maybe you’ve heard of it? Yeah.

Andrew: Parry Hotter? What?

Laura: [Laughs] Oh yeah. It is a movie.

Kevin: That’s where I’ve seen it.

Eric: Oh yeah, but what’s the…

Andrew: We are the most unentertaining podcast in the world!

Kevin: I know, but we try.

Andrew: I take that back. Now people are going to use that clip for other shows that hate us.

Laura: [Laughs] That’s going to be TLC‘s blackmail.

Eric: PotterCast will use that.

Andrew: You know, there several other Harry Potter podcasts out there.

Kevin: There are, yes.

Andrew: Believe it or not, we’re not the only one.

Georgia: But, we’re the best one.

Laura: Exactly!

Eric: Thank you, Georgia!

Andrew: Oh, Georgia! Thank you for saying that! How much should I promise to pay you?

[All laugh]

Georgia: I don’t get paid! What’s this?

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: Payment?

Eric: I think the currency… No, Andrew, unfortunately the exchange rate is crap right now, so whatever you offered her is probably triple that.

Andrew: Oh! Oh! I take that back.

Goblet of Fire Chat

Andrew: We are only a few days away until Goblet of Fire. Well, it depends on when you’re listening to this.

Eric: We just talked about this.

Andrew: But, we’re definitely less than two weeks away from the Harry Potter film.

Georgia: Away? We don’t get it here until December 1st.

Laura: Awww!

Andrew: Ohhh!

Eric: What? The Australian…

Andrew: That’s right.

Georgia: Yeah, I don’t know why they would do that. Why the U.S. and U.K. get it, but we don’t in Australia.

Andrew: I forgot about that.

Eric: They’ll have it on the Internet.

Kevin: Oh geez.

Andrew: We’re all giddy, while in the meantime…

Kevin: Eric, don’t say that. Come on.

Eric: [Laughs] Kevin will get it for you.

Kevin: Oh yeah.

[Andrew laughs]

Kevin: Let’s not. [Laughs]

Andrew: [Singing] WB, I hope you didn’t just hear that.

Kevin: Yes. Kevin would rather not be arrested.

Andrew: Ding, ding, ding, dun!

[All laugh]

Andrew: But, it would be pretty funny if someone came to arrest him during the LIVE show.

Kevin: Oh, okay.

Eric: They take him away.

Kevin: Do you want to give them the address too?

Andrew: So anyway…

Eric: No, the fans would mob them. No…

Andrew: So, if you live in the United States or the United Kingdom, Goblet of Fire is only two weeks away, less than two weeks away in fact. There has been a lot of news lately, but the one story we wanted to talk about was actually late-breaking. The follow-up just came out as we were about to record. A judge has dismissed the motion to block the Potter film in Canada. What happened was that the Wyrd Sisters, who play a role, their music is in the film, and recently they came to Warner Bros. and they said, “Hey. We don’t want to be in the movie.” They argued that a fictional rock band in the film would ruin their careers and were seeking $40 million in damages from Warner Bros.

[Kevin sighs]

Andrew: The Wyrd Sisters were going to be in the biggest film probably in the whole year and they were afraid it would ruin their career.

Eric: And they wanted $40 million?

Andrew: Does that make sense?

Eric: They wanted $40 million.

Georgia: Just, why would they do that?

Andrew: But, their name wasn’t use. It wasn’t used.

Laura: It has no name mentioned in the film.

Andrew: Warner Bros. proved it to them. This is the best promotion a band could get.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: I just don’t understand why they’re…

Laura: Yeah, why they were so upset about it.

Andrew: They wanted $40 million from Warner Bros.? I want to know how much Warner Bros. paid them in the first place.

Eric: They would have gotten that if they just did a website of their own. You know? If they would have done “” they would have gotten so many hits and ad revenue would have been $40 million. You know? From being a…

Andrew: This is just…

Eric: It’s crazy.

Andrew: It’s product placement. It’s easy. [Gets aggravated] It’s…

Eric: It’s free ads!

Laura: Yeah, but you know, I also think they might be doing it to get the attention.

Andrew: The press.

Laura: Because they probably know that there are a lot of Harry Potter fans.

Eric: But, you know what?

Andrew: They even… And then they wanted the film out of Canada.

Eric: Yeah! I mean…

Andrew: So, not only would they have made $40 million.

Eric: They would have ticked…

Andrew: It would have been banned from Canadian…

Eric: They would have ticked off everybody in Canada! You know. I have faith now in, now I have faith in the Canadian court system because…

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, it was a little ridiculous. I don’t think it ever had a chance.

Andrew: But, now of course, the judge has dismissed it, so there is no more worry for the Canadian fans. They’re rejoicing. They’re all going, “Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh!”

[Laura laughs]

Eric: No, I love…

Andrew: It’s a happy world up in Canada.

Eric: I love the voicemail we got from the Canadian girl that said, “Eh!”

Laura: Yeah, where he was like, “Eh!” [Laughs]

Eric: “Eh, I’m from Canada. Eh!” That was good.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: Oh yeah. I remember that. So, that’s good. Anything else you guys want to talk about relating to Goblet of Fire?

Eric: Ummm.

Andrew: It’s only a few days away.

Laura: That…

Kevin: We’ll have a lot to talk about.

Andrew: World Premiere attendees, pretty much everyone. The Trio.

Kevin: Yeah, that was to be expected.

Andrew: Bonnie Wright.

Kevin: Well, that thing on MuggleNet, that was for the premiere in London. Do we know if there’s any less people coming?

Andrew: Right, World Premiere.

[Transcriber’s note: They are referring now to the New York premiere.]

Eric: Yeah. Is there more people?

Andrew: Yes. We do know who is going to be there, but I am not sure if we can talk about it.

Eric: Oh.

[Absolute silence]

Kevin: [Laughs] Wow! That’s silent!

Andrew: [Whispers] Do you think, wait, do you think they are still listening? Warner Bros.?

Eric: Yeah. I’d like to see, I’d like to see them try and take them away.

Laura: They are too busy arresting Matt Vines, guys.

Andrew: [Whispers] Oh yeah.

Eric: Well, you know what.

Andrew: [Whispers] I just don’t want them to hear us.

Eric: I’d like to see them and try and arrest us. If the cops came in, guys. If the cops came in, the fans would just mob them, and we would be able to escape through the back door.

Andrew: That is true.

Eric: Or we’d like change…

Andrew: The MuggleCast Army is the strongest thing I’ve ever seen.

Eric: Yes.

Laura: Yes! I concur.

Andrew: It got us back on iTunes. It made me a multi-millionaire. It’s doing everything perfectly for us.

Eric: Andrew, I thought your house looked different.

Andrew: Well, I will say this. The World Premiere has many more attendees than the Domestic Premiere does. Many more. Robbie Coltrane, Robert Hardy, who plays Fudge, Robert Pattinson, Rider Lloyd Pack, Shirley Henderson…

Eric: Oh, Moaning Myrtle.

Andrew: Oh, who else? Warwick Davis. They’re all… Oh, and JK Rowling is going to be at the World Premiere.

Eric: Will she be in New York?

Andrew: Basically, the entire cast is going to be there.

Eric: Andrew, will she be in New York?

Andrew: At the World Premiere.

Kevin: But, that was to be expected, I mean.

Laura: Yeah, Americans can’t saying “Rolling,” everyone.

Eric: Rolling.

Andrew: Rowling, Rolling. I don’t know. I just think growl, rowl. Growl, rowl.

Kevin: Rowl, Rowl.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Next time I see her, that’s what I am going to call her. Yo, “Growl Rowl!”

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: She’ll appreciate that. I am sure.

Eric: If she spelled it differently…

Andrew: Oh, I am sure she’ll love it.

Eric: If she spelled it like “Rolling,” people would be saying, “Rowling.”

Kevin: Never talk to her again.

Andrew: So, I guess there is really nothing else to say there. Well, also good news for everybody who isn’t going to be going to the World Premiere online. You’re going to be able to watch it live. Not the actual movie, but the Red Carpet arrivals. You won’t be able to…

Kevin: [Laughs] Well, you may be able to watch the actual movie if someone sneaks in their camera, you know?

Laura: Kevin. Hush!

Kevin: Oh, sorry.

Eric: Yeah, they’ll stop the movie to take the person out.

Laura: Warner Bros. is going to come and like…

Kevin: Arrest me?

Laura: Yeah, they are going to get us all in the night.

Kevin: MPAA will deliver a $5,000 bill to my door.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: That’s okay. We’ll just podcast from jail then. Guys, we’ll podcast from jail.

[Kevin laughs]

Eric: It will be like, “Hi, we’re in the New York Penitentiary right now.”

Andrew: What does this doing for Warner Bros.? Why are they putting it online?

Kevin: Publicity.

Andrew: The Red Carpet arrivals.

Kevin: Publicity, I would say.

Eric: Because they are nice people.

Laura: Didn’t they do that with Chamber of Secrets, too?

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And…

Laura: I’m pretty sure a lot of movie premieres, I’ve seen a lot of…

Andrew: …with Sorcerer’s Stone, too.

Laura: Especially recently just a lot of publicity online with movie premieres. So.

Andrew: It’s this online craze. It’s madness!

Kevin: It’s true and it’s getting a little bit more sophisticated now, so they can stream things a little easier.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Especially with wireless.

Andrew: I don’t watch TV very often, but I sat down and watched it last night. I went through four or five channels. All of them have Goblet of Fire ads. They’re putting it everywhere.

Laura: Yay!

Kevin: Yep.

Andrew: They’re, they’re, I mean I guess it’s good. Well, obviously for them it is.

[Andrew and Kevin laugh]

Eric: Well, they have to meet the budget. They have to meet the budget of the film even though they would have done it anyway.

Andrew: Is it possible to overkill it?

Kevin: I don’t think so. I don’t think, I mean people…

Laura: I don’t think it matters.

Andrew: Especially with the Potter fandom.

Kevin: They’ll either see it or not. It’s like Lord of the Rings. They were pasting that all over the place. I saw that on billboards in Torrington. [Laughs]

Andrew: Yeah. But, I think if, I’ve said this in the past. If you promote it too much, people might get too much of a good look, and might change their minds on whether they want to see it or not.

Kevin: Well, the only thing I would be concerned about is that people think it is going to be better than it is because of all the publicity.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: And then they go and see it and they are disappointed because they have this expectation of it.

Eric: Like Prisoner of Azkaban.

Andrew: Right. Well, that’s what happened with me with Prisoner of Azkaban.

Eric: Yeah, me too.

Andrew: I’m not keeping my hopes up for Goblet of Fire.

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Matthew Vines is not going to change my mind.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, I’m sorry, but the movies aren’t the best, but…

Laura: Nooooo. They’re not.

Kevin: They’re entertaining. They’re entertaining.

Georgia: I’ll tell you what really annoyed me. I saw in a preview that Mad-Eye Moody has his eye strapped on?

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s a difference.

Georgia: What’s with that?

Laura: I don’t like that at all. I think it’s stupid.

Eric: I’m used to it now. I’ve gotten used to it though.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: To me that seems like a cheap way to not have to work on special effects.

Laura: Yeah, because if his eye is strapped in, it is not going to pop out like it is all the time. So.

Kevin: Yep.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: Hey. We’re not sure about that though.

Eric: You know what I think it was, I think there are probably…

Laura: Well, we’re not, but I think Warner Bros. is being cheap.

Georgia: Mmm. Oh, you know I couldn’t believe what they did to that werewolf in the third movie.

Eric: Oh.

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: Oh. Yeah.

Georgia: That was just terrible. I’ll never forgive them for that.

Kevin: [Sighs] Ugh. It really was.

Andrew: Sirius in the fire is going to be a big upset, too.

Eric: What? No it… Eh…

Andrew: I think.

Eric: Matt said it was cool.

Andrew: It’s like an intern made that.

Eric: Hey! Hey!

Kevin: An intern probably did make that. [Laughs]

Eric: What’s wrong with interns?

Kevin: They were like, “We don’t have to do this. Hey, you, come over here?”

Andrew: There’s nothing wrong with interns, the problem is, well, it wasn’t an intern, and the poor guy who made that is crying right now because everyone keeps insulting it.

[All laugh]

Eric: I think it’s cool.

Kevin: “Oh, my work!”

Andrew: I know. He probably spent like three months on that.

Laura: Instead of like his head…

Andrew: His face is in the fire.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I had no problem with it.

Andrew: It looks like molten lava!

Laura: [Laughs] It does!

Andrew: It’s supposed to be in the gas…

Eric: I expected to see a…

Andrew: I mean, the flames.

Eric: Yeah. I expected to see more-

Laura: It’s like he’s actually in the logs.

Eric: Yeah. I kind of expected…

Andrew: You can’t even see logs!

Eric: I wanted…

Andrew: It’s molten lava!

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Okay, Andrew…

Andrew: It’s like Harry’s in a volcano!

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Andrew, I was expecting a more Wizard of Oz type of thing.

Kevin: He’s in a volcano.

Eric: I was expecting, like, the…all right screw it!

Laura: They’re like, trying to combine Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings now.

Kevin: Hey, we try.

Eric: Andrew, I was expecting a sort of Wizard of Oz

Andrew: They tried. That’s for sure.

Eric: …kind of man behind the curtain thing.

Andrew: All right. [Voice cracks]

Kevin: Wow! Your voice just cracked there!

Andrew: My voice just cracked and that’s about it.

Laura: Awww!

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Andrew: I’m finally growing up.

[All laugh]

Kevin: It’s about time.

Goblet of Fire Sweepstakes

Andrew: Oh, by the way, our Goblet of Fire Sweepstakes on Click on that fine banner. Warner Bros. is great. Have you guys looked at these prizes yet?

Laura: No.

Andrew: Excellent prizes! Excellent prizes! We have Potter Sweatshirts, Dragon Eggs, future Triwizard Champion t-shirts, Ministry of Magic bags, temporary tattoos.

Laura: Ooooh!

Andrew: Come on! [Laughs]

Kevin: Ah! Everyone loves those temporary tattoos.

Andrew: Beauxbatons hoodies and beanies.

Eric: “Beauxbaxtons”?

Andrew: It’s all here! Oh, oh, and then the Grand Prize, worth a $125, a seven-inch replica of the Triwizard Tournament Cup thanks to the Noble Collection.

Kevin: And you can count, and you can count on me winning that. So, don’t even bother.

[All laugh]

Andrew: No, we’re playing absolutely fair.

Kevin: Yeah, we’re not allowed to win it. So…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: They give us an extra one.

Andrew: They should. We’ve been getting a lot of e-mails too about where we can get these from, where people can buy these from. We don’t know yet. I mean, the Triwizard Cup you can get off of The Potter Sweatshirt, which is the favorite among everyone because it looks like his jacket he worse in the Triwizard Tournament scene, I mean the Dragon Scene.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Cool.

Andrew: It’s actually a really sweet jacket. I want one, but I’m not going to get it. Some lucky person is going to win it.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Speaking of…

Laura: We’ll get you one for Christmas.

Andrew: Ah, would you?

Kevin: No. We wouldn’t.

[All laugh]

Andrew: Okay. By the way, guys. Christmas is right around the corner. We all want Christmas presents.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Yes, we do.

Laura: Cough up.

Andrew: No joke. No joke.

Eric: Harry Potter iPod.

Kevin: I don’t get Christmas presents. [Fake sobs]

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Awww!

Kevin: No, I’m teasing. I do get Christmas presents, but still…

Andrew: All right, so I think that’s about it.

Eric: Ummm.

Andrew: Goblet of Fire.

Kevin: Send in book recommendations.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: And speaking of t-shirts, if you have, once again we’re asking that if you have a nearby custom t-shirt store, that you create a MuggleCast t-shirt to wear to the premiere, if you’re coming, and make copies for us.

[All laugh]

Kevin: Make copies for us. Okay, that’s great.

Eric: I mean copies, extra shirts, make shirts for us too and we’ll wear them.

Kevin: Awesome.

Main Topic – Ginny Weasley

Andrew: Okay, so moving along to our Main Topic of the Week.

Eric: Ginny Whizzey.

Andrew: Continuing our regular series on a specific character in the HP series to bring out everything we need to know about that character. This week as promised, Eric?

Eric: Ginny Whizzey.

Andrew: Ginny Whizzey.

Eric: Ginny Whizzey.

Kevin: Say it with enthusiasm.

Eric: Ginny Whizzey!

Kevin: There you go.

Eric: There we go.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Today… This…

Andrew: Ginny Whizzey, Ginny Whizzey.

Eric: This week we’re talking about Ginny Whizzey.

Andrew: Let’s run through a few quick facts first about, all about her.

Laura: She is the only girl.

Eric: Yes, and if I remember, she was the first girl, she was the first Weasley that Harry saw at Kings Cross if I recall correctly.

Laura: I think she was, well, I think she was there with Mrs. Weasley and Ron, but I think she was definitely the first person he heard talk.

Eric: Heard. Yeah. Actually…

Laura: I don’t know. We might be wrong again. We do that sometimes.

Kevin: Could be.

Eric: Hang on, I have the first book.

Andrew: No guarantees. Her full name, Ginevra Molly Weasley. Born: August 11, 1981. She is a pureblood, thankfully.

Laura: What, are you prejudiced here?

Andrew: Her first year at Hogwarts. No, no, no.

Kevin: You just said, “thankfully.”

Andrew: Her first…

[All laugh]

Andrew: Because I didn’t want Draco to insult her. Duh!

[All laugh]

Laura: You’re so full of it!

Andrew: Her first year at Hogwarts, 1992, Gryffindor House. A Seeker for the Gryffindor team, isn’t that great? Yay!

Kevin: That’s excellent.

Laura: Yay!

Andrew: The Weasleys, they’re taking over the Quidditch.

Kevin: They are.

Andrew: Is it a genes thing?

Kevin: It’s possible. It’s distinctly possible.

Andrew: Genes in the Weasleys.

Eric: Quidditch. It’s actually the they have out in the back of their house. You know, all that summer practice?

Laura: Ah.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Anyway…

[Kevin laughs]

Andrew: She’s not a Parselmouth, but of particular interest, she named Dumbledore’s Army.

Laura: Oh.

Kevin: Oh she did. You’re right.

Andrew: There you go. Thanks to the HP Lexicon for all that info. No, I didn’t pull it out of my head. You kidding me!

Eric: You know I was actually fairly certain I hoped at least, that Ginny’s first name was Virginia and not Ginevra because…

Laura: Yeah, so was I until we found out.

Eric: It was like, yeah….Virginia. But actually clarifying, Ginny was the first Weasley child that Harry took note of when he is at Platform 9 and 3/4, when he’s at Kings Cross Station. Molly says, “Packed with Muggles” and that gets Harry’s attention and then she asks, “What’s the platform number?” and Ginny says, “9 and 3/4”. And…yeah. “9 and 3/4” piped a small girl, also red-headed who was holding her hand. “Mum, can’t I go?”

Laura: Just a general interest question. Who on here, when they first started reading the books, actually called her ‘Ginny’. [With a hard “G” sound]

Kevin: I didn’t, for sure.

Laura: I did.

Andrew: I don’t think it anyone did.

Eric: I think that was a strictly…

Andrew: Really?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I thought that was a strictly Laura thing to do. I don’t know.

Laura: [Laughs] No, I was eleven. I actually got the first three books for my eleventh birthday. I know, pretty cool. And as I’m reading the 1st Book I kept calling her ‘Ginny’ [With a hard “G” sound] and I’m reading it out loud at one point and my mom’s like…gives me this look like “Are you a moron? It’s Ginny!”. So…

Eric: Well…

Andrew: At eleven years old!

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: It’s one of those things where if you’ve seen the name before and if you’ve seen it written, you know how to pronounce it like…actually is Hermione a common name or is it like a name…like where does…

Laura: I actually looked that up at one point and according to, we don’t have to, we can just leave that out if we need to, don’t have to plug them, but according to that site Hermione was actually a fairly popular name in Britain in the ’20’s and ’30’s.

Eric: Kind of like Emma or Emily and, you know? Gertrude here in the States.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah, so that’s really interesting because I’m wondering where does JKR get all her names from, I mean, she has this extensive you know, list of everybody’s you know, Latin origins and everybody’s mythology and you know, she delves into like all of it. And some of it, I mean is probably even unintentional and she just goes so far into it with the creation of a name.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And I’m wondering if they’re also like popular names as well.

Laura: Well, also I mean, you’ve definitely got some mythological influences because Hermione in Greek Mythology was the woman loved by two men, but this is not the HermioneCast. So…

Eric: I don’t think it’s Harry and Ron either. We don’t want to get those emails.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: The two men are Ron and Draco, okay. I’m establishing that right now.

Laura: Draco?

Eric: It’s better than Harry.

Laura: Try Krum.

Eric: Okay yeah, Krum, alright Krum and Ron. That works.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Actually, talking about Ginny, since that’s what we were supposed to do in this Cast, I have to say that I actually called the Ginny/Harry relationship. I actually was…I was very pleased in Book 6 to find that my ‘ship had sailed because…not that I ship Harry characters because I really, really don’t but I was pleased to see because I thought that Ginny would make a really good potential girlfriend for Harry and it’s really a shame because with all the romance in Book 6, we really didn’t see Harry and Ginny together at all.

Andrew: When did you predict this?

Eric: Throughout the series when I was reading, I just thought, “Oh gee, wouldn’t it be nice, you know, for Ginny”. Because you have crazy girls like Cho and stuff and then you have Ginny who has always liked Harry, and who is actually growing into not just you know, this giddy little girl, but this actually really good defenseful…you know? So, I was very happy, I was like, “Hey!” you know?

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: I kind of always…I never really shipped the characters, but I always thought that Ginny and Harry should really happen and I was very happy that it did.

Laura: I never really cared all that much. I’m kind of like you, Eric, I just was like, “Oh okay, that’s cool.”

Eric: Yeah, kind of tuned it out. You still read the romance scenes but they don’t really exist in your mind.

Laura: Yeah. Pretty much.

Andrew: Maybe one day we should do a whole podcast on well, our main topic, should be ‘shipping because I just don’t see what the big deal about it is.

Laura: Valentine’s Day! That should be like the special Valentine’s Cast.

Andrew: Oh, good idea!

Eric: Valentine’s! Yeah, okay, Valentine’s Cast, alright.

Andrew: If podcast thing is still in style in February, let’s mark that down.

Laura: It will be.

Andrew: But I just don’t see the whole thrill of this ‘shipping thing.

Laura: No, no.

Andrew: It’s because I’m a guy.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: You’re up for the adventure, not for the romance.

Laura: Hey!

Eric: You’re going to get flamed.

Laura: Hey I’m a girl, and I don’t think the ‘shipping is all that.

Eric: Yeah let’s not get into this all right.

Laura: Yeah, we’ll get into this whole…

Eric: We’re talking about Ginny here, we’re talking about Ginny. Now it’s interesting…okay fine, I’ll just start another topic like I have been doing. Okay. The Parselmouth thing, I thought for sure, again, like with the Virginia thing, I thought it would be really cool if Ginny were still a Parselmouth from when Riddle possessed her, and I thought that would be a kind of really cool way of leaving his powers with Ginny since he talked Parselmouth through her, I thought it would be cool if she retained those. But then JKR said that she didn’t. So.

Laura: And I’m pretty sure that has something to do with Horcruxes not being able to transfer power.

Eric: Exactly. I was just going to get to that. Laura, you’re brilliant.

Laura: Thank you.

Eric: If Harry is a Horcrux then why does he have Voldemort’s powers, even when Voldemort’s not acting through him? Oooh. Booya!

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Take that all you Horcrux-Harry ‘shipper people.

Andrew: All right, so let’s take a couple of voicemails right now. Keep this convo going.

Eric: About Ginny.

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast, this is Katrina from Canada. On her website, JK Rowling says that Ginny is the first girl born into the Weasley Clan in a few generations. Do you think that this has some effect on the person that she is and the character that she will mature into in Book 7?

Laura: Yeah, I think it will because you see a lot of pressure just from Ron by being the youngest boy, so you’ve got to imagine being the youngest girl with all those siblings.

Kevin: Yeah, but do you think…

Laura: You feel like you have a lot to live up to so I think she really has that motivation and it’s really toughened her up.

Kevin: Yeah, but do you think that will affect her in Book 7 even after she’s lived with that her whole life?

Laura: I think you’ll always have some type of…she might always feel like she’s in competition with her brothers in a way, but she seems like a pretty strong personality to me. Like she handles them really well.

Kevin: I think it’s already changed her but she’s not going to change any more because of it.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah. I agree.

Kevin: I find it hard to believe that, you know, she’s going to…

Georgia: I think with having so many brothers, you know that scene where she was caught by Ron in the cupboard snogging and they had that little bit of a fight and how harsh she was to Ron and everything?

Kevin: Yes.

Laura: Yeah that was good.

Georgia: I think that a lot of that is to do with all the boys that have been around her and the second she has a boyfriend or something there’s all this pressure?

Kevin: I agree, and they all want to kick his butt. I think Ron wanted to kick…who was Ginny with?

Laura: Dean.

Eric: Yeah, but that’s the other thing with Ginny, she not only has to deal with all those brothers, but she has to deal with a brother like Ron who tends to be…yeah, hypocritical and you know, very emotional when it comes to what his sister is doing that he isn’t. So, you know, I think it’s in Ron’s personality, Ron’s personality makes it a little bit harder for Ginny to deal with, but I think she gets by very well.

Kevin: So, I think we all agree that she’s not going to change any more than she has.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Based on her…yeah.

Kevin: There’s no reason for her to…

Andrew: Well, you mean change as in what?

Kevin: Well, I mean she asks whether because of this she’s going to…is it going to effect her the way she matures in Book 7 but I…

Georgia: Yeah, I don’t think her character has much more growth.

Laura: Yeah.

Georgia: You know? She’s been developed over the fifth and sixth book and I think she’s, we’ve got a firm idea of who she is now and I don’t think she’s going to change much in Book 7.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And I don’t…

Laura: I agree.

Eric: If she does grow, if she does grow it will probably be more in the relationship sense as I did mention, we don’t really see much of her and Harry in Book 6 even though they’re together, they don’t really show it.

Georgia: Yeah.

Eric: So, anymore maturity I think will come from Harry and her relationship and not be more of like family-related stuff.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, but I think she’ll play her biggest role in Book 7.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Just because…

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: You know, I think that’s the way it’s been going and now they’re in a relationship, so even though Harry doesn’t want to, she’s going to want to be near him and all that.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I think though…I don’t think that Jo is going to – again we touched on this, I don’t even remember what episode – but I don’t think the romance is going to have any bearing on the overall plot or…

Kevin: Well, it really can’t.

Laura: Whether basically Harry and Ginny being together is not going to depend on whether Harry defeats Voldemort or not.

Eric: Yeah, I think one of the things that’s smart about keeping Ginny close to Harry is that Ginny was possessed in Book 2 by Voldemort, so she’s had that close contact with Voldemort and I think it’s really important to see all the people close to Harry have really been affected directly.

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: By things that Voldemort has done. And it’s kind of like an unlinking, like a step-by-step unlinking of him in Book 7 is what I foresee because everybody who is near him has had something happen to them and they’re just going to, it’s all going to come back. Like I mean, all the characters that come forward are going to…you know it’s going to be brought up like what happened to them that Voldemort did. Including Neville. Andrew…is Andrew cutting out to anybody?

Kevin: Yeah he’s breaking.

Laura: Yeah. He’s breaking up pretty bad. A little.

Kevin: Still, yeah. It’s like last time. Whoa, it’s weird. Okay, so I think we explained that pretty well. I mean, again just to reiterate, she has matured enough so that her family situation is not going to effect what she becomes in Book 7.

Eric: Except…

Kevin: She’s going to play a large role in Book 7, but the relationship isn’t.

Eric: Except for a flower girl at Bill and Fleur’s wedding.

Kevin: That’s true.

Eric: But that’s about it.

[Audio]: Hi MuggleCast, my name’s Ellis and I’m coming to you from Wellington in New Zealand. My question this week is: Do you think there is any further connection between Ginny Weasley and Lord Voldemort? Also, why do you think Lucius Malfoy chose Ginny Weasley to receive the diary? More to the point, do you think Lucius knew that it was a Horcrux? Love to hear you guys’ thoughts, thanks.

Andrew: Its a multiple-tiered question.

Georgia: I thought I, I don’t know where I’ve got this from but I thought that Voldemort would have given Lucius the diary and told him to keep it safe or whatever, however he explains it, but I don’t think he would have told his Death Eaters about all his Horcruxes and their locations because…I don’t know.

Laura: No, I agree whole-heartedly. I don’t think Lucius knew.

Eric: Yeah, it’s actually said, it’s actually said in the book, if I’m not mistaken, that Dumbledore speculates that when Voldemort gave Lucius the diary, he told him some things about like that it might bring the Chamber back open.

Georgia: Ah.

Eric: But he didn’t tell them about the Horcrux.

Georgia: That’s where I would have got my idea from then!

Eric: It was actually like speculated. Yes, JKR, the best source.

[Everyone laughs]

Andrew: And then even if you think about would he really risk putting that in, right in front of Dumbledore had he known?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: If he knew it was…

Eric: Right. The reason I think he chose Ginny was because he saw her as a weak girl and at that point, he was as, also as Dumbledore says, he was in it for his own selfish reasons and Arthur Weasley was conducting all these raids and stuff so wouldn’t it be great to discredit Mr. Weasley by killing his daughter or, you know? And his daughter completely fit the type. She was a shy, kind of girl who would write a diary. So, it really worked.

Laura: Yeah. I agree, I think it was a total, just a hit on the Weasleys, just because he didn’t like them and not to mention Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley got into that huge fight right before Lucius put the diary…I think he actually slid it into one of Ginny’s schoolbooks or something.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: And threw it back at her. So, that might have been a little bit of inspiration for him as well.

Kevin: Yeah, but do you think that she, do you think he chose her specifically or just the opportunity presented itself?

Laura: It might have been a little bit of both. I think maybe he had an idea that he would like to do something like that to the Weasleys and maybe, I’m not sure whether or not he knew they had a young daughter. Maybe he saw her in there and realized that they did and was like, “Oh yeah, perfect!” and gave it to her.

Eric: He could have planted it on any Hogwarts student and he chose, he chose Ginny and that might have been that it presented itself, but I don’t think he was sitting, “Okay we’re going to corner them in Flourish and Blotts and I’m going to put it in their cauldron,” you know?

Andrew: Would the outcome have had been any different though? If say, it was one of the other first years? Because I’m trying to remember how…well Harry found out that Ginny…it was Ginny.

Eric: They were in the staff room.

Andrew: Yeah. Right.

Eric: Yeah they were…it was in the staff room. It was Ron and Harry snuck into the staff wardrobe, before the boggart was in there.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: And they overheard that it was Ginny and so that’s when they said…

Kevin: Well, overhead it was Ginny who was taken.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Who was taken, right. And then so yeah, it would have been another student who was taken down, but I think they might have reacted in the same way. They would have gotten frightened and tried to throw it away so the plot may have still played out a little bit, but I think it was important that it was Ginny.

Kevin: I’m not sure if it was important that it was Ginny. I think…

Laura: I think you definitely needed a timid personality for that.

Andrew: Yeah but I think, well you had to be very curious. You know? I think that’s one of the things that Ginny played into.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: She was so curious over the diary.

Georgia: It was perfect for it to be Ginny because you know she’s got all those brothers like we mentioned with the first voicemail and she is susceptible to, as in she has no one to share her secrets with, so therefore she’s susceptible to Tom Riddle’s weird little mind-powering thing.

Eric: Yeah. Georgia that’s…

Laura: It’s something she doesn’t have to share with her brothers.

Georgia: Yeah.

Eric: Because she doesn’t have a sister to share that with, you’re right. That’s…she has nobody to tell so she’s going to tell Tom. I thought it was clever. Reading Book 2, it’s always funny to see how they all have trouble starting off the day when they’re going to Kings Cross and Ginny forgets her diary and they go back for it.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I think that’s so cool. I love it when JKR does that.

Laura: She’s the Queen of Foreshadowing. I’m so jealous.

Kevin: Yeah, and it’s funny because she foreshadows so far in advance that you don’t see it coming.

Laura: Mhm. Oh, she’s so good at it.

Eric: And you know what, does she do it intentionally? I mean you know, I think it’s all about…

Laura: Yes!

Eric: It’s all about her knowing how the septology is going to go and you know, how it’s going to go. So I mean, all that stuff about her foreshadowing and stuff, people on message boards across the fandom are going and analyzing so much into the motivation behind every line and I’m in favor of that, by the way, but also some of the stuff that exists, I really don’t think JKR is ever going to come forward and say, “I did all of it.” I really don’t think she’s, you know she’s not going to acknowledge that she actually, but I think it’s really clever that we all see her as this omniscient, flawless character because so much has fit together like puzzle pieces into the thing.

Laura: Well, that’s why we jump to so many conclusions like with Mark Evans.

Eric: Exactly, but JKR has said that she doesn’t re-read her books and stuff and it’s so awkward because how well the books fit together and how true they are and how little they are contradictory, it’s so cool that she doesn’t read her own books, which is…

Georgia: Well, she said in an interview once, a reporter came up to her and said something about the origin of the word Quidditch and JK Rowling actually said that she’d simply just written down a whole bunch of cool-sounding words that started with “Q” and picked one, but the reporter thought it had to do with quintessence or something like that.

[Laura laughs]

Georgia: Yeah, I don’t quite remember the quote.

Eric: Eric.

Georgia: But yeah there are a lot of things that are accidental, but some things that are definitely planted.

Eric: And that’s… Yeah. I think it would be interesting if she actually surveyed herself and did go through in the books and say how much was actually intentional and how much just formed itself. Because I think that’s definitely a testament to the creative mind.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: But, more Ginny, yay!

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast, this is Natalie from Harry Potter and my question is, how do you guys feel about the relationship between Ginny and Harry and do you think that Ginny is worthy enough to be the girlfriend of the famous Harry Potter?

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: Yeah.

Georgia: I have supported that ‘ship forever!

Laura: Sure.

Kevin: Yeah. Definitely.

Andrew: Not only that, I mean just because you’re famous doesn’t mean the person who you have a relationship with has to be. You know?

Georgia: I think Ginny can handle his fame and his popularity. She’s such a strong character; I think that she can definitely be with him.

Eric: She can handle anything.

Laura: Yeah. And she’s got the spunk to…

Georgia: I mean she survived from Voldemort.

Eric: Yeah. What about in Book 6 where it was about the tattoo or whatever where there was rumors going around that Harry had a tattoo?

Laura: [Laughs] Yeah!

Eric: And she goes, “I told them it was a Hippogriff, it was more manly” or something. She can handle any rumors going around about her and Harry; she just deals with his fame.

Georgia: Yeah.

Eric: And she just deals with it, to be with him, so it’s really cool.

Georgia: And she’s grown so much over the last two books and she’s experienced a lot in common with Harry like how, especially with the whole Riddle thing being possessed and being a victim and everything, she can relate to him more than any other girl could.

Eric: And because Harry and the Weasleys are so close. You know, Harry and Mrs…and he’s always over there, so they really do have a lot more in common.

Kevin: They do, especially…I think on a different level, their family situation as well. I mean she’s like the odd person out in the family because she’s the girl, like we said before. You know? And I think that Harry obviously is an odd person out in what you would call his family now with the Dursleys and I think that they can also relate on that level.

Eric: Yeah, so even…yeah, so that’s an interesting point. So, even though they can relate through being a family they can also relate through not really being in the family.

Kevin: Exactly. I mean they, yeah sort of strange connection, but I think that just the fact that they have so much in common, makes it so that they are quite obviously a good couple. But what comes of that is the question.

Georgia: When Harry pulled the whole Spiderman thing at the end of the book, I think their relationship is just on hold, I don’t think it’s over at all.

[Everyone Laughs]

Laura: Yeah, I agree. Most definitely.

Eric: I love that, the Spiderman thing!

Kevin: Okay, that leads to a different point. Do you think that they will ever have a full relationship before the end of Book 7?

Eric: If Harry doesn’t die, I want them to.

Laura: Well, I think – what I could really, honestly see happening is Harry and Ginny having like their little moments throughout Book 7.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: But, it won’t be an official type thing until Voldemort’s gone.

Andrew: Because they’ll be so quick and there’s going to be so much going on, it’s just going to be like, “Hey! Dah dah dah dah dah!”

Eric: Okay right, you know what? I think we’re going to…yeah.

Andrew: Sorry, Eric.

Eric: I think actually you know what? I’m thinking. No problem, Andrew. I think that we’re going to see some James and Lily parallel. I really want to see a James and Lily parallel because James and Lily Potter defied Voldemort three times and so they really must have, even though we didn’t get any insight into it much because Lily hated James in Book 5 in the Pensieve scene, they did work together to destroy Voldemort, and I think it would be really cool if we got kind of like a reminiscent James and Lily situation with Harry and Ginny, working together, you know? They like each other but they’re also working towards defeating Voldemort.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s what I was hoping for, something where they…they like each other but it’s not a true relationship yet.

Eric: Yeah, but it will…yeah but they’re fighting for…

Kevin: Just working together.

Laura: Right.

Eric: Yeah, and they’re fight for Voldemort will strengthen their relationship as well.

Kevin: Exactly. And then they can, then she can wrap it up in the end, you know where she doesn’t give a detailed account of the relationship, but she somewhat foreshadows to what’s going to happen. You know?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: You know, I think so much crap has happened to Harry that he really deserves a…he really deserves Ginny. He deserves to live.

Laura: He deserves a loving relationship definitely.

Eric: He deserves a loving relationship like Ginny can give him and I don’t think Harry should die because if people knew that Harry died, and if Harry does die, who would read the books? Would you guys still read the books? If you knew that the character you’re reading about.

Laura: Well.

Kevin: I would if she did it in a certain way.

Eric: Yeah, the character…

Laura: We’ll have already read them. So, it won’t matter.

Eric: Well right, yeah the damage is done. But, I mean the…JKR gives us so much insight into his thoughts at every particular moment in, throughout the course of seven years, and if he dies, none of it will matter. Like in a certain way, we can get our own enlightenment from it and we can…

Laura: I don’t agree necessarily. Because when someone dies, they always leave some kind of imprint behind.

Eric: Yeah, it’s…I mean we can derive things from Harry’s story and we can become more mature through studying his emotions and things like that, but beyond that, I really don’t want to, you know…

Laura: I don’t want Harry to die either, but honestly I see Ron as a more likely death candidate than Harry.

Eric: Er, yeah. We’ve talked about this.

Kevin: See, I don’t know about that, though, because I always thought that Harry was going to die because of JK Rowling setting up the characters around him dying.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: She’s killed off so many of his close friends and his relatives…

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: …that it almost seemed to me she was trying to portray this, “There’s no going back now” kind of thing. So, I’m not trying to be you know, redundant, but again, the Lord of the Rings analogy.

Laura: Right.

Kevin: Where Frodo comes back to the Shire, but it’s not saved for him.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: So, he would never be the same. I sort of had the feeling that Harry would never be the same after everything is over.

Laura: Right. The main reason that I think that Ron is going to bite the dust is that Chess analogy. It was completely, if you read, we talked about the one editorial where they compare the Chess Game in Book 1 to the Second War and, yeah, if you compared all, if you put certain people in different places as different pieces and then obviously you have Ron getting killed by the Queen.

Eric: But, all three of them did prosper in the end, I guess.

Laura: They did.

Eric: Well, at least Harry went on so, you know.

Andrew: I just think the reason why Ron would die is because he’s so weak. Weak in a way…

Laura: Awww!

Andrew: I just seem him as weak.

Eric: Honestly, he is a flawed character in many ways.

Kevin: Now, what do you mean by weak. Do you mean…?

Andrew: I mean that he…I don’t know how to explain it. He’s just, not weak in character but weak in attitude. He’s not a can-do guy like Harry. He’s, he’s just…if he was faced with a situation where it was life or death for him, he wouldn’t survive.

Laura: I could see Ron…

How would he? He’s not good at spells. He’s not good at anything.

Eric: “My wand, look at my wand!”

[Laura laughs]

Georgia: He’s spent his life overshadowed by people, he’s always had his older brothers.

Andrew: Right.

Georgia: And then he’s always had Harry and he’s never had a chance to show who he is and I don’t know, maybe that’s why he’s seen as weak.

Laura: I think if Ron does go down its going to be like sacrificing himself.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Really for the good, I don’t think it’s going to be…

Eric: That’s really the…yeah.

Georgia: I agree, actually.

Laura: It’s not just Voldemort going Avada Kedavra and Ron dies, and that’s what is going to happen.

Eric: I think that’s in Ron’s character, the only thing Ron can do, if he can’t help with the battle. You know, if he’s not a strong wizard, the best thing he can do is sacrifice himself. But, I don’t want Ron to die. I like Ron.

Laura: I know, I like Ron too!

Eric: I like his flaws.

Kevin: I think it adds for a more dynamic character. And I don’t see…I honestly don’t see him dying. Like I don’t see him…if he was faced with a life and death situation, I think he’d smarten up pretty quickly. I think that he maybe died in the crossfire kind of thing, but I don’t see him dying because he’s too weak.

Laura: Mhm. I think Ron is smarter than he and others give him credit for.

Kevin: So, well not to break this but…

Laura: Yeah, this is the GinnyCast!

Kevin: Ron is another topic for another day.

Andrew: And I think we’ve covered Ginny Weasley pretty well.

Kevin: I think we did. Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, she knows injustice. She knows what she’s doing. She knows the meaning of hypocrisy and you know that’s really all you need in the Harry Potter universe.

Kevin: But I do see so only one thing possibly happening as well, is that she’s going to get herself in trouble to help Harry. That’s the one thing that…

Eric: Like what do you mean? Like the Spiderman thing?

Kevin: Well, sort of like that but in the sense that…

Laura: I could see her doing something to try and help Harry.

Kevin: Something stupid, rash.

Laura: Yeah, and it would end up getting her in trouble and making things a little worse.

Eric: But I did mention a few, actually it was like three or four episodes ago, and I said in Book 6 where Harry says you know, “I can’t be with you.” She does basically say, once again “Screw that.” And she says, “We’re going to help.” She said, “We’re going to help you anyway,” so I think whatever Ginny does, I think it’s in her character to get herself in trouble for Harry, but at the same time he shouldn’t be held responsible for that. I think she’s fully aware of all her actions. And, I think that’s what makes Ginny a great character and a responsible character.

Kevin: Yeah, definitely.

Laura: I agree.

Kevin: So, do you want to do the outro for Georgia before we…

Laura: Yes, I think we should.

Andrew: Why does she have to go?

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, she has to go because her dad’s there.

Kevin: Should we outro her or should we just give her an exit.

Andrew: What do you mean outro or exit?

Kevin: Well, just…

Andrew: I’ll do it. Georgia, you’re still here, right? Okay. All right, well that pretty much wraps it up for this part of the show.

Eric: For Ginny.

Andrew: Right, but Georgia has to leave us right now because she must be on her way. Thanks for joining us, Georgia!

Georgia: Thank you, I had a really nice time chatting to everyone.

Laura: Thanks for coming, Georgia.

Kevin: Yeah, thank you, Georgia.

Andrew: Yeah, you were great, a great addition so we’ll have you on another time, I’m sure.

Georgia: Excellent. Enjoy the rest of the show.

Kevin: Not next week’s show because that’s a LIVE podcast.

Georgia: I’m coming to the live one.

Andrew: Yeah, do you want to fly in?

Eric: Do you want to catch a ride?

Laura: Oh you’re going to like bring Georgia but you don’t…I see how it is?

Andrew: We’re not going to bring a girl from Georgia up.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Thank you for joining us.

Laura: Thanks for joining us, Georgia.

Kevin: Bye, bye.

Georgia: Bye.

Laura: Bye.

Voicemails – Dementors

Andrew: Now it’s time for the Voicemails, the part of the show where you send in your thoughts, comments, questions, concerns, theories.

Kevin: Regarding general stuff.

Andrew: Hoop-la. Yeah, whatever you want really in Harry Potter. Let’s play the first one right now.

[Audio]: Hi MuggleNet Boys and Laura. I totally love your show. Anyway, I’m Celene from the Philippines and I was watching Prisoner of Azkaban last night and I was just wondering where do dementors come from? I mean, how exactly do you think they reproduce? Do they just pop out of nowhere. I know this curiosity is probably answered by Luna Lovegood or something that I just missed and which is so sad because Luna is my favorite character. I want to hear what you have to say about it. Thanks.

Kevin: An infection or bacteria.

Laura: Yes, I agree.

Kevin: It flourishes where things are unclean or in this case unhappy. I think the whole reason why they are reproducing so fast is because people are worried, they’re nervous, they’re scared because of Voldemort coming back, and I think they’re just like an infection in the way that they flourish when these feelings are commonplace.

Laura: I agree completely, I think it is a spontaneous generation type thing. I do not think that dementors mate.

[Lots of groaning]

Laura: That would be…[Laughs]

Eric: I like the correlation, in Book 6 there is a (in the beginning I believe), there is a cold front or something and they’re mating and it makes everything, like the whole temperature and weather and everything cold outside. I love that correlation because…

Andrew: Yeah, doesn’t it have something to do with the fog?

Laura: So, wait…

Andrew: I thought Fudge mentioned something once.

Laura: He mentioned that, I believe he said something about there being more cold and fog due to dementors. Because I believe that wherever a dementor is, it’s very cold and unhappy.

Eric: Yeah. Maybe we don’t know. Maybe nobody knows how they reproduce. Because it’s so foggy when it happens. You see like…”G’day, here I am. You know, in the dementor sac.”

[All laugh]

Laura: Urgh!

Kevin: Okay, okay. Completely inappropriate.

Eric: Real live dementor!

Andrew: We’re cutting that out.

Kevin: Yes, we are. Yeah but I think that’s the most viable solution, not solution but answer. I think that’s the only thing we can assume. But beyond that it’s just that, it’s an assumption. I don’t see JK Rowling putting in something that’s where they breed or anything like that. I think that they are like a bacteria or an infection where they flourish.

Andrew: They feed on the evil.

Kevin: The emotion.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, the emotion. Yeah.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: And you know as long as there are humans, there will be evil.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: But anyway…

Andrew: Evil!

Kevin: I think that answers that question.

Eric: No, no, no, no.

Kevin: No?

Eric: You forgot about the origin. Where do they come from?

Kevin: Oh.

Eric: They aren’t in Fantastic Beasts, are they?

Andrew: I can check. I do not believe so.

Eric: Yeah, they actually aren’t so…what I heard was some people are speculating that dementors were actually manufactured characters, not manufactured, but created by wizards or just by their bad emotions.

Kevin: Well, it’s possible that, the way I always thought of it, is that every good has an evil, kind of thing? And. I think that’s symmetry throughout the book, there’s Harry and there’s Voldemort kind of thing. And, I think that for all the good there is, there has to be an evil, and I think the dementors are the balance.

Laura: Also, I believe that dementors represent depression, and where you have people, there will always be depression there will always be sadness. So, I don’t think there’s a specific origin, it’s just where there are people there will be dementors.

Kevin: And, I think that if they knew where they came from and it was a viable source, then they would have tried to exterminate them long ago.

Andrew: A long time ago.

Eric: Even though they are…

Kevin: I mean why would you want those things walking around?

Eric: Well they are pretty effective for the Azkaban.

Laura: Not anymore! [Laughs]

Kevin: But, do you think they would have kept them around when they could have just wiped out the whole lot of them? You know what I mean?

Eric: Yeah, I know what you mean. I like the idea of the dementors because they were JKR’s way, as of Book 3, before they were terribly developed, they sort of served for me as a reason to be upset, like if… It’s an explanation, if you’re ever upset about something and you don’t know why, there could be a dementor nearby. It was just like this brilliant invention like, “Ho, hey maybe that’s why…”

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: You know, it was like an explanation.

Laura: That’s why Episode 13 was cursed.

Kevin: Yes.

Laura: There were dementors.

Eric: Because there were dementors outside, yeah. But no because I think it’s a brilliant, like it’s her solution of doing it, just like her approach to the Salem Witch Trials you know? And her approach with the boggart with all the things like under our bed and in the closet and things like that. The boggart was a brilliant invention, and it applies to all of our fears and things. So.

Kevin: Yeah, definitely. Okay. Onto the next voicemail. Chevon from Australia.

Andrew: That was a good question.

Kevin: What?

Andrew: That was a good question.

Kevin: It was a good question.

Laura: That was a good question. I liked that one.

Voicemails – Hagrid’s Fate

[Audio]: Hello MuggleNet, I’m Sylvain from Berlin. What I wanted to say is I had the impression that Hagrid’s been somewhat laid aside in the sixth book. I mean apart from Aragog’s burial, Harry, Ron and Hermione didn’t visit him, they are not going to his lessons, and there is no usual strange animals plot. I wanted to know what do you think Hagrid’s role will be in Book 7. Thanks, and continue the show, it’s great.

Andrew: It’s going to be something with the Giants. I don’t know what.

[Everyone laughs]

Eric: Yeah I was going to say…

Laura: I don’t know why but.

Andrew: Hagrid will play a role to get the Giants to play a role.

Kevin: Exactly.

Eric: But, I think that’s what he did in Book 5. I wanted to say that his main job probably in the series is already done, is what I was going to say, but then I realized…

Andrew: Really, you think so?

Eric: No, no I don’t which is why I…

Andrew: You’re lying to yourself.

Eric: Yes, I was. And, so I think by Book 7, I think he will have another big role to play. Now, if you guys remember which I’m sure you do because you’re old enough. You remember that everybody was, Hagrid was the favourite to die in Book 5.

Laura: Yep.

Eric: But he didn’t.

Kevin: And Book 6.

Eric: And Book 6, but he didn’t.

Kevin: And Book 4 I think.

Eric: And I think that’s important you know, everybody thinks that Hagrid is going to die, but he has been through the Giants, he’s been through the Buckbeak thing, he’s been through everything and he’s still been alive and I think that’s tremendously important.

Kevin: And to be honest, I don’t see him dying because she represents him as such a hardy person.

Eric: Jolly.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Someone who lives through things that other people wouldn’t live through.

Laura: Right.

Kevin: You know stuff like that when they broke his wand and cast him out.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: He still kept hope and continued being active in the wizarding world.

Eric: And dude, all the Death Eaters like attacking him and him defending them all.

Andrew: Dude, exactly this.

Laura: Yeah, that was awesome.

Eric: And they get him and they burn his hut and he’s still there like fending them off.

Kevin: Exactly, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Hagrid is…

Kevin: He obviously is a very resilient person and I don’t see him dying.

Laura: Yeah. Also, I think he will play a large role in Book 7 just because, we discussed this on a previous Cast that she likes to kill people who no longer have a purpose. So, I think if Hagrid no longer had a purpose, he wouldn’t be with us anymore.

Kevin: Yep.

Eric: Yeah. I think as much as it seems like they did have unfinished business, both Sirius and Dumbledore have or will prove more valuable in their death, I think.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: Because Dumbledore really, I feel that Dumbledore did get out, you know everything he had to, to Harry, and that was the whole point of his lessons and I think that Sirius, now that Harry has Grimmauld Place, I think that will play importance. I want Robbie Coltrane to continue playing Hagrid. Because there was speculation I remember, there was an article about him saying he might move on to other things, but I think I like him as Hagrid.

Laura: Yeah I do too.

Andrew: I don’t see it happening. People…Warner Bros. knows how important he is to this series, starring in it because…

Laura: They know to deal with that.

Andrew: Robbie Coltrane is…well, Hagrid is one of my favorite characters.

Kevin: He is, yeah.

Andrew: And Robbie Coltrane is one of my favorite actors in the series, just because he’s done a lot of great work in the past including the Bond films which I’m a big fan of.

Eric: Ohhhhh!

Andrew: So, I don’t think we have to worry about him going anywhere. Warner Bros. will keep him on.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: They’ll make him stay.

[All laugh]

Kevin: If it requires offering something very good, I’m sure they’ll force him to stay.

Eric: I mean what can you offer besides the hard-send minds of brilliant, these young kids and…

Laura: Money.

Eric: I mean I never got that, like has anybody turned down a Harry Potter film?

[All laugh]

Eric: And money! But would you turn down a Harry Potter film, you know? I mean I think Jason Isaacs, who I love as Lucius…

Kevin: Well, see I think what he’s trying to prevent is him typecasting himself in his role.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: He sees that people are starting to see him as Hagrid and he is afraid that after this job, he won’t get any other jobs because any movie he’s in, everyone will think of him, “Oh, it’s Hagrid.”

Eric: It’s ironic because after these blockbuster huge films, you know, he won’t need to be in anything else. I think he’s set for life.

Laura: Yeah, but I mean it really depends on if that’s what he wants to do. And I do think that several of the actors are going to have problems with typecasting.

Eric: I think so, too.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: You know, just the Trio. I think no matter what, like you know, Rupert’s doing that movie Driving Lessons now? But the same with Thunderpants, so many people from Harry Potter were in Thunderpants.

Laura: I never saw that.

Eric: And are in Driving Lessons now.

Kevin: I never saw that either.

Eric: Yeah like, even Gambon and things, I think. If I’m correct, I might not be, but don’t send e-mails and don’t post on Comments that we’re lying.

[Everyone laughs]

Laura: They’ll do it anyway.

Eric: But yeah I think they were…but you know, there’s like this true elite British actors that are in the Harry Potter films because of how cool they are and how…you know? But, any British film that Rupert does is probably going to have a connection right back to Harry Potter, and the fans are always going to make that connection.

Kevin: Yep, absolutely. I think he’s already typecast to be honest and I don’t think that…

Laura: I think they all are.

Kevin: Yeah they all are. And I think…

Laura: The Trio. I think the Trio are all typecast.

Kevin: But I think that Rupert is going around about it the right way. He’s trying to pick up films besides Harry Potter, nothing to do with Harry Potter.

Laura: Right.

Kevin: To try to alleviate some of the typecasting, you know?

Eric: I think it’s really cool because Rupert got his start by sending in like an audition video to who was it? BBC or something. He was just a regular fan and you know, a regular kid and he sent in his…

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: So, it’s really like this cool story about not necessarily rags to riches but he was just this happy fan and now he’s discovered acting and really conditioned his skill.

Kevin: And I think he’s one of the best. I would say that he’s one of the best of the three.

Laura: He’s my favorite, he really is, I love him.

Eric: I would say that too; I think Ron is probably my favorite. Rupert. But…hey! One thing that reminds me, even though we’re talking about Hagrid here, sorry people. The Rupert mention in Book 6 when Slughorn…

Laura: That was not a mistake!

Eric: That was not a mistake!

Laura: Urgh!

Eric: I have to vouch for whoever is in charge of book mistakes.

Laura: That would be me and Janie. We have that.

Eric: No kidding, I feel so bad for you people because I know you guys…the second I read that, I thought, “People are going to think it’s a mistake” but…

Kevin: Yep.

Eric: I treated that…for those of you who don’t remember, Slughorn when he’s drunk, I believe it’s in Hagrid’s hut or whatever, he refers to Ron as Rupert and I really didn’t think it was a mistake. I actually thought it was…

Laura: I thought it was funny.

Eric: I treated it as tribute.

Andrew: Yeah, me too.

Eric: No, I treated it as tribute is what I did because if JKR is…it just works so well. I thought that it was completely a nod to Rupert from JKR.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: That’s exactly what I thought it was.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, she’s denied in the past that the movies don’t have any affect on the books but come on, that’s a nice little Easter Egg so to speak.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: I just thought it was such a cool…

Laura: I thought it was really awesome and…

Eric: I think Rupert should be completely like just blown away with how…I mean that’s a direct thing and it’s just…

Laura: And…oh, both of our inboxes were so flooded with that!

Eric: I know, but that’s okay.

Kevin: You know what you can do. Do you still have the link for the Editor of the Harry Potter books? Do you remember that, they posted a response to the fans?

Laura: Ah, we actually I believe put a message on the book mistakes page saying, “Do not send this, or die!”

Eric: Yeah. I mean usually…

Andrew: All right so…we answered that question, didn’t we?

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: We’ve got to keep it rolling here.

Kevin: Okay.

Andrew: How far are we at? I’m laying on my floor again.

Kevin: Two more voicemails. Okay Chevon from Australia.

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: How far in are we?

Eric: We’re an hour and a half.

Laura: Ah, 1:25:00.

Andrew: Okay.

Voicemail – Albus Pick: Tom or Voldemort?

[Audio]: Hi guys, this is Chevon from Canberra, Australia. I love your show and my favourite parts are the voicemails from other listeners. I would like to hear your comments on this interesting quote I re-read in Philosopher’s Stone. This is Dumbledore’s response to McGonagall referring to Voldemort as ‘You-Know-Who’ and I quote, “For eleven years I have been trying to persuade people to call him by his proper name, Voldemort.” We have of course seen that from Dumbledore’s memories in Half-Blood Prince that he refused to call Tom ‘Lord Voldemort” when Tom came looking for a job. So, what do you think in this period in Tom looking for a job and Harry’s parents dying, do you think has caused Dumbledore to change his mind? And do you think that if Dumbledore had continue to call Voldemort, Tom Riddle as he was doing when Tom was searching for a job that perhaps the Chamber of Secrets Diary wouldn’t have warped Ginny so much because everyone would know that Tom was Lord Voldemort?

Eric: This is such an awesome question.

Kevin: I love this question.

Laura: I know.

Eric: It’s so…

Laura: It makes me happy.

Andrew: Yeah..

Eric: Great.

Kevin: Thank you, Chevon.

Laura: It makes me want to squee.

Eric: Its just great, that’s all it is, is great.

Kevin: So, would you like to take this, Eric?

Eric: Sure, Kevin!

Kevin: Look how enthusiastic he is.

Eric: This is such a good question! I love these because they completely think it out.

Kevin: We should save this for the live podcast, so we can see how enthusiastic Eric gets over this question.

Laura: Awww!

Eric: Oh I’ll get enthusiastic, I’ll get enthusiastic just being there. So, no that’s okay. Yeah okay so much I have…okay. Sorry…

Kevin: Gathering thoughts, gathering thoughts.

Eric: Gathering thoughts. It’s okay…the more recent question, if he had called him Tom in the first place, would the diary have been discovered sooner? Yes. I think that’s a brilliant, I think it’s a plot device, it’s all about… I mean, I think it was definitely convenient, it’s not all about it, but I think it was definitely convenient for Dumbledore to be, you know, caught not revealing and not calling him Tom, in the first book to McGonagall. And I think that has a lot to do with who Tom was and it’s the whole mystique behind Voldemort and his past which is found out in Chamber of Secrets. But, also I think that Dumbledore did not call him Tom because he wasn’t facing him, and he wasn’t even in contact with him until, you know, Book 5 where he started calling him Tom. So. I think what it is, is kind of like a teacher/student relationship type thing where he is, whenever he is face to face with Voldemort, Voldemort is trying to say, “Oh, I’m mighty,” and he’s trying to prove how much of a cool wizard he is, but he’s still Tom to Dumbledore and, you know, he’s still the wizard. He’s still his student and he’s still the little boy that he visited in the orphanage and stuff, and I think Dumbledore… Dumbledore has bragging rights over Voldemort. I mean he can just say, “Tom” and he’s using his Muggle father’s name against him, and it disgusts him and I think…

Laura: I agree.

Eric: It’s complete…it’s just good like that.

Laura: Completely.

Kevin: I think that it’s an advantage that Dumbledore has over Voldemort that he would rather not destroy.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: It makes him mortal.

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: It really does, if he has a name, if he has a mortal name, it ties him to the world and it’s just something.

Kevin: Yeah and I think that if he had told everyone what his real name was, it would have infuriated Voldemort for a little while, but then he would grow used to it.

Laura: Not to mention, I mean we’d have the whole plot of Chamber of Secrets spoiled.

Eric: Yeah!

Laura: If we knew in the beginning of Sorcerer’s Stone.

Kevin: That’s true, yeah.

Laura: I think that probably has something to do with it! [Laughs]

Kevin: Yeah!

Eric: I think that was really cool for development; it was definitely convenient at least. What else did they ask in that? I don’t think Dumbledore calls… Yeah, the thing about in the beginning of the book with him insisting that people call him Voldemort, hand-in-hand I think he wants people to call him by Voldemort because he doesn’t like the idea that they’re afraid of it, but at the same time, he will call him Tom face-to-face. I mean, I think he wants to get people not to be afraid to call him what he wants to be called and stuff.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And I can’t get… When I’m excited I completely can’t express, I can’t express my best points so this is probably a really crappy theory that I have.

Laura: [Laughs] No, you’re fine, you’re fine.

Eric: It’s just…there’s so much, it’s a good question. So, anyway. Anybody else?

Kevin: I agree.

Laura: I think you pretty much beat that with a stick.

Eric: With my stick that I have from the Caption Contest.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: The stick. That was such an ad-lib line, I don’t even know what I meant by that. It was great but…

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: Okay, so last and well…last and final voicemail.

Voicemail – Birthday Surprises

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast, this is Jessica from Boston, Mass. Since JK Rowling started putting up birthdays on her site, I wonder does she consider the character’s horoscopes when choosing their special day. We all know Harry is a Leo, which is another connection to Gryffindor, and something that’s written in an interesting editorial on Minerva McGonagall, do you think this could lead to some insight on some characters? Just wondering what you guys think. Thanks!

Laura: I think that’s entirely possible, actually.

Kevin: I think that there’s too many coincidences to have not been.

Laura: Yeah!

Kevin: And I think that, I don’t think that it’s going to play a vital role and it’s not going to reveal anything huge.

Laura: No, but I think it’s a fun thing. Like, yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, it’s one of the titbits that she’s…I really hope she writes a book of just titbits where she just gives us the small little things that people don’t usually notice.

Eric: Yeah. Because she has them.

Kevin: That played a part.

Eric: She has, yeah she has them. She has the whole Seamus Finnegan history that she didn’t write out in the books because, you know, she sacrificed it for Neville’s back story, she said on her site. But, she has these things and I think with the Trio and stuff, I think it’s entirely her doing that, you know, when their birthdays are. And I think it’s really interesting that now on her website, we’re getting all these “Happy Birthday” things and all the “Wizards of the Month” and things because they all apply.

Laura: I think she wants us to know.

Eric: They all apply to our understanding of the universe.

Kevin: And she obviously had it planned out.

Eric: Oh yeah.

Laura: Oh yeah.

Kevin: If she’s…you know?

Eric: Absolutely.

Kevin: If she is posting the birthdays. So.

Andrew: We need to talk about her site too. That’s another good discussion we could have.

Laura: I really, I think that she’s giving out the birthday reminders for a reason.

Andrew: To keep it fresh if you ask me! [Laughs]

Laura: Well yeah, but she knows that there are fans out there who dig deep, and she knows that there are going to be people who see that and they’re going to go and look up these horoscopes.

Kevin: Do you know what else she knows? She knows that we do a podcast, and it would be nice of her to recognise that on the site.

Laura: [Laughs] Yes.

Kevin: Basically, we do think it plays a part, you know, the horoscopes, but it’s not going to be a vital role.

Laura: And just you know, for common interest, I just went to a horoscope site and it said…

Kevin: Actually Jessica, I must thank her because she did include horoscopes for quite a few of the characters.

Laura: Oh, cool.

Kevin: Which was…thank you, Jessica, for all the work. Maybe I’ll have Andrew put it in the “Show Notes.”

Laura: Awesome. Sweet.

Andrew: Yeah, so we covered all that, right?

Kevin: Yep. Very good voicemails.

Andrew: Okay, a few final announcements.

Spy on Spartz

Eric: We’re going to get really nasty emails about people tired of us fitting “Spy on Spartz” into the last second of the show but…

Laura: Oh, they can get over it.

Eric: But, Emerson’s on next week so you know, whatever.

Andrew: They have to wait. So Spy on Spartz. His away message is so corny this week, it’s not even worthy of being aired.

Eric: Air it. Air it. Air it.

Laura: Last time I saw it, it said “Friday.” That was all it said.

Andrew: No, it’s changed now.

Laura: Oh, okay.

Kevin: What does it say now? Let’s see. I’ll read it.

Andrew: Oh, I can’t.

Kevin: I got it. Right click. View contact information. Okay.

Andrew: What takes you so…

Kevin: “It’s the freakin’ weekend, baby. I’m ’bout to have me some fun.”

[All laugh]

Kevin: So, Emerson is about to have fun.

Laura: You can guess what that means.

Kevin: Because it’s quote unquote, “the freakin’ weekend.”

[All laugh]

Laura: Oh man. Their minds are going to wander so much.

Eric: In nature of this freakin’ weekend, somebody go on Notre Dame site and get the live web feed. I think we’re about to be surprised.

[All laugh]

Kevin: We may see Emerson on top of the Notre Dame…

[All laugh]

Eric: Because of the freakin’ weekend.

Andrew: Did you see his buddy icon?

Kevin: Yeah. Just like people at our school who ride the Husky dog.

Andrew: Can I tell you guy’s a secret?

Kevin: What’s that?

Andrew: I don’t know if our “Spy on Spartz” segment is as valuable as it used to be. Because everyone has AIM.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: Because…

Laura: He gives it out to everyone.

Eric: Yeah, but they aren’t checking it when we’re checking it.

Andrew: He has it on Face Book.

Kevin: Oh yeah.

Andrew: So, everyone knows.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Andrew: Challenge Pictures, yes we got many entries. One person dressed up as me, one person dressed up as Laura. That’s all I’ve seen so far. I haven’t looked through it all.

Kevin: I forwarded you the e-mails.

Laura: Were you guys slackers on this? You didn’t dress up?

Andrew: Yeah, I think a lot of people failed at Andrew’s Listener Challenge.

Laura: Yeah. I guess…

Eric: That’s okay, Eric’s is still open. Eric’s is still open. Just get us shirts. Make us shirts.

Andrew: Yeah that is still this week’s challenge. Make us shirts. Because we are waaaaaay too busy to make our own shirts. So send us designs and stuff, we’ll take a look at them. We’ll probably post them. The Halloween pictures, I did promise they’d be posted in our galleries. I will get around to posting them. I’m just…this week, next week, this week is going to be so busy.

Kevin: This upcoming week is going to be very busy.

Eric: Can we announce…?

Laura: Yes.

Andrew: Ben’s flying in Wednesday. I have a meeting with a guy named Bruce Springsteen on Tuesday?

Eric: Bruce, who’s that?

Andrew: And the rest of my week is…I don’t know, I hear his music’s good.

Eric: I don’t know.

Andrew: Yeah.

[Laura giggles]

Eric: Sounds like a hippie.

[All laugh]

Mobilcast and Closing Announcements

Andrew: Okay. And then also moving right along, don’t forget, if you have a mobile phone you could find out more about Mobilcast on Mobilcast is a service that will let you listen to our show and many other podcasts right there on your own cell phone. So go to and then under the listener “To Do” list you can find out more about Mobilcast.

Eric: Andrew, why does the…

Andrew: And then don’t forget…what, I’m on a roll here. What?

Eric: I’m sorry, why isn’t there an “E” in MuggleCast between…I mean…?

Andrew: Because it’s podcasting, there is no rules.

[All laugh]

Andrew: And then don’t forget to visit for everything related to Native American Month for both students and teachers.

Kevin: And again…

Andrew: Now…what? Go ahead.

Kevin: Have them send in recommended books.

Laura: Yes.

Andrew: Yes.

Laura: We are going to start doing…

Kevin: I’m sure we’ll get plenty of emails, but…

Laura: Book review type things.

Kevin: We’ll slowly but surely go through them.

Eric: Yeah, we’ll find somebody to read books and comment on the show.

Laura: I will!

Kevin: Yes we’re not good book readers.

Eric: Yeah, Laura. You’re home-schooled. You have all the time in the world.

Laura: Yes, I will read your books.

Andrew: Oooh, and then one last final thing, my official fan site, Andrew spelled with a “z” was nominated for an award! [Laughs] A Dervish Award. It’s a Harry Potter Fansite. There’s a link in the “Show Notes.” It’s a good award for it.

Kevin: Hey, do you know what’s funny about Sims spelt with a “z”?

Andrew: What’s that?

Kevin: When you add 89 to it, it becomes something.

[Laura laughs loudly]

Andrew: What, my birthday year?

Eric: We just don’t know what.

Kevin: I don’t know.

Eric: I don’t know.

Andrew: People…

Eric: And with the first…

Andrew: If you’re trying to give people my AIM name, that’s still not even close.

Eric: You forget… No, you forgot the first initial.

Kevin: Pretty close.

Eric: First initial, right before it. First initial.

Kevin: What first initial? I don’t know what you mean. “A.”

Andrew: Okay, well I’m not editing this entire part so let’s just keep it at that.

Kevin: Okay.

Andrew: And, they can try to figure out my AIM name and…okay!

Kevin: Okay.

Laura: All righty.

Andrew: That wraps it about up. Episode 14. Next week is the big LIVE show. Kevin, I will be…and Eric, I’ll be seeing you next week.

Kevin: Yes.

Eric: Yes.

Kevin: Should be interesting.

Andrew: Live in New York City. I can’t get my mind off of it.

Kevin: I know.

Andrew: There’s so many…we’re still…everything’s set, but…

Eric: We just don’t know when it is yet.

Andrew: Me and Melissa are working on a sweet introduction.

Kevin: I need to skip Math because of that.

Andrew: [Laughs] What?

Kevin: Because of that podcast. I do! I’m skipping Math to catch a bus.

Andrew: Awww!

Kevin: Yep. See, I’m dedicated people.

[Andrew yawns]

Kevin: So, if any of you want to tutor me in multi-variable Calculus.

Eric: Multi-variable Calculus?

Laura: Oh my god!

Eric: Oh wow! Yeah, Kevin, I’ll tutor you. I’ll tutor you in multi-variable Calculus.

Laura: Yeah Kevin, because you know how good I am at Math.

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: So, wrapping things up, I am Andrew Sims.

Kevin: I am Kevin Steck who just interrupted Andrew Sims.

[All laugh]

Eric: I’m Eric Scull, who can’t think of much different intonations to use when I intro or outro myself.

Laura: And I’m Laura Thompson and that’s it!

Kevin: Eager and original.

Laura: Exactly, there we go.

Kevin: There we go.

Andrew: Episode 15 LIVE, November 13th will be when it’s released. We’ll see you next week.

Laura: Bye!

Kevin: See you next week!

Eric: Bye everybody!

Laura: Oh, I won’t.

Kevin: No, you won’t.

[All laugh]

Eric: We’ll see you at home, Laura.

Andrew: Waa waa waa waaaaaaah! [Eric joins him]

Laura: You guys suck.

Kevin: You’ll be in our thoughts.

Laura: I’ll be there in spirit.

Eric: We’ll be sure to get you like a bumper sticker or something.

Laura: Awww, how sweet.

Eric: We’ll get you an “I Love New York” shirt or something.


Andrew: This week’s remix is from Julian in Australia.

Remix by Julian coming soon!


[Soothing music begins playing]

[Audio]: Bonjour MuggleCast! This is Larry in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with an observation on the films thus far. Like his predecessor Richard Harris, I think Michael Gambon is a fine actor of the classic type. He belongs on stage, belting out a blood-curdling line from Shakespeare or Poe, however as Dumbledore I feel he misses the hushed wisdom, the quiet strength inherent in nearly everything Dumbledore does. While he certainly adds a much-needed spark to the character, there is an understated majesty that is missing. This, is what I feel is the key, to what makes Albus Dumbledore such a special character and an indispensable role model for Harry.

[Soothing music ends]


Eric: I have something to talk about.

Laura: This is just as bad as last week.

Eric: No, no, no, no. It’s not bad!

[All laugh]

Eric: That episode was cursed. Okay, Episode 13, we actually…

Kevin: It was cursed!

Eric: We actually recorded a whole Episode 13 with Ben and a few other people and we talked about Remus Lupin, but it went terribly. It was not… It didn’t…

Laura: So, we did it again.

Eric: So, we did it again, and many of you have said on the Comments that this was your favorite episode, and that it was a lot of fun. So, we really liked that and we think, “Gee that’s really lucky that it went from so much bad crap to such a good thing.”

Laura: Yeah. It may have been lucky 13 for you guys, but it wasn’t for us. [Laughs]

Eric: Not for us!

[Laura laughs]

Eric: We pulled an all-weekender!


Laura: I get a lot of requests to be added to people’s Buddy Lists on Skype.

Andrew: Yeah.

Kevin: I actually had someone bypass my request thing. I don’t know how they did it.

Andrew: Well, you know what? I always accept them, but I never answer the phone. It drives them crazy.

Laura: Oh, see.

Andrew: I love doing it!

Laura: I don’t accept them. Ehhh!

Andrew: I get them all excited.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Ben and I were talking on Skype a few weeks ago and we picked up, well, someone called, and I only, I picked up that one time. And that’s the only time. Only one person.


Written by: Micah and Jess

Transcript #13

MuggleCast EP13 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 13 for October 30, 2005.

[Everybody makes scary noises]

Eric: Oooh. Halloween.

Andrew: [In creepy voice] Episode 13.

[More scary noises]

Andrew: [In creepy voice] Of MuggleCast.

[More scary noises]

Andrew: Wow! That was great!

[More scary noises]

Andrew: It took us two hours to rehearse for that. Welcome to the show everyone. Episode 13 – that is conveniently placed right on Halloween. Well, not right on. If you’re listening on Monday, it’s Halloween, and you’re thinking right now, “Wow! Episode 13 right on Halloween. That’s an unlucky number.” I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: [making weird noise] I’m Eric Scull.

Laura:: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: This is show where we bring you the latest in Harry Potter news, theories, discussions, cooking recipes, Acne treatments – it’s all here! But before we get to anything else, first, let’s go over to Micah for the past week’s top news stories.



Thanks, Andrew.

All 24 tracks from the fourth Harry Potter movie soundtrack have been posted up on AOL Music. Additionally, WB has launched a great website dedicated to the Goblet of Fire soundtrack. Composer Patrick Doyle said: “I’m particularly proud of my score for Harry Potter because it’s the biggest commercial picture I’ve ever done.”

As part of their promotion for the upcoming film, several of the cast will be appearing on a variety of talk shows in the upcoming weeks. Here’s the rundown:

The Ellen DeGeneres Show on October 31st. New Goblet of Fire footage will air.

GMTV on ITV1, October 31st, 7:00 – 8:35 AM. Appearances by: Harry Potter “teen stars” and new Goblet of Fire footage will there air as well.

Dan Radcliffe will appear by himself on the following shows:

Friday Night with Jonathan Ross on BBC One, November 4th at 10:35 PM,

Live with Regis & Kelly on ABC, November 10th, and

Total Request Live on MTV, November 11th.

Finally, taped interviews with the cast will air on The Today Show on NBC, November 11th. Check local listings if no time or channel has been specified.

For all the new interviews (including the Goblet of Fire press junket from last Saturday), pictures, poster scans, and video clips, log on to MuggleNet’s Main Page. Additionally, the Yule Ball mini-site has opened over at and TLC has a special access link to the Dark Mark mini-site, not yet open to the public.

Moving from the silver screen to the courtroom, in September, little-known Winnipeg folk group The Wyrd Sisters filed a lawsuit (seeking over $40 million in compensation) against Warner Bros. The same lawsuit affected the people who play in the Yule Ball band. They did so believing the Goblet of Fire movie contains a scene featuring this band with the same name as theirs. It was announced yesterday that the group have now secured a November 4th court date where they hope to have the film barred from distribution across Canada.

The Polvadore family in Nacogdoches, Texas have spent the last few days constructing a real-life Dark Mark. The model, which looks great at night, is four by five feet and was made out of green rope lights. They have positioned the eerie Mark seven feet above their house.

Finally, wrapping up the news the blue Ford Anglia that was used in the second Harry Potter movie has been stolen, reports BBC News. Apparently, the car had been moved to the South West Film Studios in St Agnes for an exhibition. Police believe the car was towed or trailer-lifted from the scene as it cannot be driven. Quite the contrary, the car drives just fine. Oops! Did I say that out loud?

Well, anyway, before we go, a very Happy Birthday to MuggleNet staffer Catherine who celebrated her birthday on Friday.

That’s all the news from our News center in New York for this October 30, 2005, Halloween edition of MuggleCast. Back to you guys!

Andrew: Thank you, Micah.


Andrew: We have tons of stuff to bring to you this week. So much. Isn’t that right, my fellow MuggleCasters?

Laura:: Righto.

Eric: That’s correct, Andrew.

Andrew: We’re going to talk some HP Halloween, but first let’s cover a few announcements. First of all, Micah, Eric, Laura…Eric, I think you’ve done it. We’ve all done it. We’ve signed up for our Frappr! map.

Laura:: Yeah.

Eric: Yes.

Micah: Yes.

Andrew: Yes?

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: Yay! Hey! Our Frappr![Can’t pronounce Frappr! Map]

I found this map service the other day, right after Episode 12 came out that lets you set up a Google map that your listeners or anyone you want, can put their little, put a little pin on this map that shows you where you are. And, I put this on the MuggleCast Page and you can get to it by clicking on “Tell Us Where You Live.” And everybody has been tell us where they live in the U.S. and actually in the world. Isn’t that cool?

Laura:: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Now, we know where everyone lives and actually it is quite intimidating because…

Laura:: Yeah!

Andrew: We’re now…we’re surrounded by people. It’s kind of like, “Ehhh!”

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: I didn’t know people listened to this show.

[Micah laughs]

Laura:: Yeah, it’s kind of weird to look at the map and see someone 30 minutes away from you.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura:: Listens to you on their iPod. [Laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, really. There are still a couple of states we haven’t conquered yet, but we’re getting there.

Eric: Like North Dakota.

Andrew: There’s only…we have about 270ish people right now that have joined into it, but if you want to join in, just go to, then click on “Tell Us Where You Live.” And, you can include a photo and comments, and I think one person said it best. They said, “Oh good. Now I know where everybody lives in case I have to move out of my house.” So, now we can all network together and we can just go to each other’s houses.

Last week we asked you to help us out by voting for us on Yahoo! Podcasts and also vote for us on Podcast Alley. A couple of updates there. First of all we’re No. 1 on Yahoo! Podcasts highly-rated section, thanks to you guys!

Laura:: Yahoo!

Eric: Yahoo!

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Yeah, really. Yahoo!

[Eric makes Yahoo! noise from commercial]

Andrew: Also, on Podcast Alley we need a new vote from each of you every month because they reset their votes at the beginning of each month. So, November is right around the corner. If it’s November already, go to Podcast…go to and click on “Vote for us on Podcast Alley!”

So, since this is our Halloween Episode, we sent Jamie and Ben out trick-or-treating. That’s what we are going to use as our excuse and none of you can stop us. Oh, I’d also like to clear something up. There’s been rumors going around.

Eric: Again.

Andrew: We don’t hate Ben.

[Andrew and Micah laugh]

Eric: Speak for yourself, Andrew. Speak for yourself.

Andrew: No, we really don’t.

Eric: No, I love Ben. Ben’s…

Andrew: I’ve been a bad host. We’ve been sort of acting like we don’t like him because just the way we would say that, and people were thinking “Oh! How do you…if he’s a co-host then why do you have him on if you hate him?” And, blah, blah, blah. But no, we don’t hate him.

Eric: Ben is my…

Andrew: Right, guys?

Eric: Ben is my favorite Kansan.

Andrew: Yeah. He’s going to be living with me for a week. So, I have to like him.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I’m forced to do this. I have no choice. [Whispers] Someone get me out of here.

[All laugh]

Eric: I’ll drive to New Jersey and I’ll pick you up. No, we’ll pick you up on our bus ride to New York.

Andrew: Episode 12 – a lot of you were having problems with it stopping at 30:49. I did make a news post, but apparently still a lot of people missed it. I think the error most likely occurred in iTunes. If you’re downloading it and it cuts out at 30:49, go to and click on “Downloads/Episodes”. [Transcriber’s note: He means “Subscribe/Download”] and in there, there is a new version of the show. It’s the same exact show. It is just that it has the entire file. So, if you want to go back and listen to it, because 30 minutes of us is not enough. You got to get the full thing.

Laura:: Definitely.

Eric: Yeah, but if it’s 30:48, that is completely not our fault.

Andrew: Oh, that’s completely normal.

Laura:: Ha ha.

Eric: If it… Yeah. If it cuts out at 30:48, I mean…

Andrew: No, but anything shorter than an hour…

Eric: An hour…

Andrew: …something…1:14:00? I think. I don’t know.

Eric: Something like that. It was a long show, but you know what was funny? Was that we were all talking about, Laura was saying how we don’t get closure in life with death.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: And we were all like, “Yeah, you know, kids really don’t get closure when their relatives and things die” and then BAM!

[Laura laughs]

Eric: The episode shuts off and everybody checks their little iTunes thing, or their little iPod, and they’re like, “Huh? What?”

[Laura laughs]

Eric: “Closure? What?”

Andrew: We wanted to demonstrate what we really meant. We wanted to give you the full feel.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Yeah, that’s what it is.

Andrew: But, no the entire show is on just click on “Downloads/Episodes.” [Transcriber’s note: Again, he means “Subscribe/Download”]

Andrew: And as some of you might know, November is Native American Month and some of you might have projects for school or just may be interested in the Native American culture. For this reason, the next few shows will be sponsored by On the site, you can find a forum, a photo and video gallery, information about Pow Wows, a calendar of Pow Wows and much, much more. To visit the site go to or just go to and we’ll have a link right there on the Main Page. I was on the site the other day and I’ll tell you what, it is a great site for research because it has dancing styles, singing, grand entries, Pow Wow etiquette, and much more! So visit it today,


Andrew: And, finally one last note. We’re growing guys. We’re growing. We’re growing. We’re growing.

Eric: I have grown three inches since I have started MuggleCast.

[Laura and Micah laugh]

Andrew: You bombed! But anyway, we are now in a partnership with Mobilcast, which is a mobile podcasting service that is a service that goes on to your cell phone, and then you can listen to and download podcasts right there on your cell phone. And, one of those podcasts that you can download and listen to on your cell phone is…

Laura:: MuggleCast!

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: No, PotterCast!

Micah: What’s PotterCast?

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: No, it is MuggleCast! So, Mobilcast is a great new feature. We’re not getting paid by them. We’re not paying them. We’re doing…we’re partnering with them to help each other promote one another, and I really think that this mobile… Right now, we have podcasting. You put it on your iPod, you listen to it on your computer, blah, blah, blah. But, what does everyone have? Not everyone has a cell phone.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: Andrew, you ruined that.

Andrew: I mean, not everyone has an iPod. Everyone does have a computer, but what if you want to listen to it on the go? And, that’s why this new service – I really think has potential because now everyone can listen to it while they are on the road.

Eric: Andrew, I have a question.

Andrew: What?

Eric: So, I have a Nokia 3120 phone and I was wondering if all phones are really compatible because our shows are pretty long, they are like an 1:15:00.

Andrew: Well, right now this is only compatible with a few phones.

Eric: I see.

Andrew: You want me to go through them real quick? They are the Motorola Razor, which every person has almost, not every person, but a lot of people have.

Eric: I know what you mean.

Andrew: The Motorola Rocker, which also supports iTunes now, but you can’t download podcast to that. The Nokia 6620, 6630, and 6682, the Sony Ericsson k700, and the Sony Ericsson s710. So, if anyone has those phones, Mobilcast is a free service. For more information just to go to and click on the button that says “Mobilcast.”

Main Topic – Halloween in the Harry Potter Series

Andrew: And the main topic for this week is Lu…no wait. We aren’t going to be doing Lupin this week because, we’ll be honest. We announced what character we’re going to be discussing on this show too late and we were expecting a lot of voicemails, but we actually got none because we didn’t give people enough time, I don’t think. So, at the end of each show starting with this show, we’ll be telling you which character we are going to be talking about a week ahead. So, if you want to get on the show with your voicemails, with your questions, they have to be voicemails. Please don’t e-mail them. We appreciate the e-mails, but we can’t air e-mails, and we like being able to play people’s voices. So, if you have a question regarding to next week’s character, just listen towards the end of the show, we’ll tell you what character, and…okay! But, right, instead of talking about Lupin this week, we are going to cover Halloween first off, then we’ve got a little more stuff to talk about. Some more stuff to talk about. Halloween, it is has been such an important part in the Harry Potter books. There has been a lot of events that have happened on Halloween. Anyone want to start with some? Eric, you want to go over them?

Eric: Sure. We’ll go chronologically.

Andrew: The first one would be what?

Eric: So, the first one would be Harry’s parents’ murder.

Laura:: Yeah.

Eric: I guess. Unless we know something before that. Okay. Okay. So, the attack on Harry’s parents by Lord Voldemort. And you know what? It’s kind of a bad thing to start off on because not only was Halloween a terribly bad thing, but that was the fall of You-Know-Who. So, it is kind of a good thing, but generally speaking, Halloween has not been too happy for Harry. There was his parents’ murder and in the first year there was the troll in the dungeon, which we are going to play an audio clip of somewhere in this show.

Andrew: Second?

Eric: Second year was the what…Death Day? Oh, first attack.

Laura:: Death Day Party. Yeah.

Eric: The first attack on the wall. The writing on the wall, Mrs. Norris, which was funny, but a bad thing anyway because everybody suspected him.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: Micah, do you remember what happened in Book 3?

Laura:: Wasn’t that when Sirius Black like…

Eric: Oh, Sirius Black…

Laura:: …broke in to the Common Room.

Eric: Got it. And in Book 4, which is a really important one, was the Goblet ceremony, as Micah pointed out to me earlier. The Goblet of Fire where Harry found out that he was sentenced, more or less, to be put through trials and suffering.

Andrew: And, we’re going to move on to that in a minute, but first of all, is it worth discussing that JK Rowling puts all these things on Halloween? I mean there hasn’t been any Halloween events in the past two books, probably because there is better stuff going on than to really mention Halloween, but is there any really question here? Why she does it?

Eric: I think that is really a good question because in Book 5 and 6, I think somebody said that Harry’s first detention was on Halloween or something like that. So, there might still be some kind of connection that we are missing, but I don’t think the Halloweens are as pronounced as they used to be anymore in the last two books. So, that is a good question.

Laura:: I really always took it, didn’t she that Halloween was her favorite holiday? So, it wouldn’t surprise me that she would try to make it more prominent because of that.

Andrew: You mean in recent books?

Laura:: I’m talking about when she…

Eric: Did it to begin with.

Laura:: When she started the series, how Halloween was far more prominent in the books, and she talked about how Halloween was her favorite holiday. So…

Eric: Well, Halloween has really evolved, I think. It’s got a lot of decor to it. You know? You think…when you think of Halloween, you think of pumpkins and ghouls and demons and…

Laura:: Candy!

Eric: Candy and…

[Laura laughs]

Eric: You know?

Andrew: And witches…

Eric: Witches.

Andrew: And I guess wizards.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: But, so it only makes sense. Personally, I think something should have…Halloween should have been mentioned in Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince, but it didn’t happen and…

Eric: I’m sorry. I think they were too busy snogging in Book 6 too much.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Laura:: It’s true!

Eric: Okay, according to Floo Network, Floo, it states that Molly Weasley’s birthday, Mrs. Weasley was actually born on October 30th, which is probably from JKR’s site. So, Mrs. Weasley was born the day before Halloween, which is interesting. Could she possibly meet a bad fate in the future? Guys?

Laura:: Hmmm. It’s possible, but at this point I think, and we discussed this last time. No one is safe.

Eric: Yeah. Good point.

Laura:: They’re all doomed.

Eric: Also, Angelina Johnson. Oh, that’s interesting. Angelina Johnson was born the last week of October. They don’t know the exact date, but she got attacked in Book 6 and nearly died.

Andrew: But, here’s a good question to ask ourselves. Why hasn’t Harry made a bigger deal of Halloween? Because it was the day that his parents both died.

Eric: Question… Well, first of all, excellent question, but does he know it was on Halloween? Has anybody actually… He does?

Andrew: Yes. Didn’t Hagrid tell him so in Sorcerer’s Stone?

Laura:: I don’t seem to remember that Hagrid was terribly precise about the day, but knowing my luck, I am totally wrong and the comments are going to overflow with people yelling that I should be moved off of the podcast. So, I’m shutting up now.

Eric: Oh come on. We’ve all had our mistakes in discussing.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Andrew: How did we find out about it in the books then?

Eric: Well no, the question is…

Laura:: Hagrid told Harry.

Eric: Yeah, Andrew. The thing is…

Andrew: Yeah, so Harry does know.

Eric: Right, between… Between the books…

Laura:: Well, I don’t think he told him what date though.

Andrew: Oh!

Eric: Between the books and the movies, there are a lot of things, and in the first book, Hagrid tells Harry almost everything, even the Voldemort thing right in front of the Dursleys. Like right in front of them in the books. And, that’s not in the movies. He tells him in the Leaky Cauldron in the movies. So, there is a significant deal more that Hagrid actually tells Harry in front of the Dursleys, and I think that is important. What I don’t know… I don’t think it is answered in either the books or the movies is how Harry knows his birthday? Because I don’t know how the Dursleys would know. And Dumbledore might have told him, but why would the Dursleys tell Harry his birthday. That would give him something to look forward to.

Laura:: Not if they wanted to use it as a reason to…

Eric: To torment him.

Laura:: …to torment him.

Eric: Right, but, I mean…

Andrew: Because if he knows when his birthday is, why would he be looking forward to it if he is living with the Dursleys? Pre…

Laura:: And all he is going to get, is like, a sock.

Andrew: Pre-Hogwarts. Right. Exactly.

Eric: Well…

Andrew: So, what is he looking forward to?

Eric: I guess. But, he was looking forward to it. You know? He was looking forward to being eleven, and even though it was crap, it said, “It is not everyday that you turn eleven.” So, he’s…

Laura:: Yeah. That’s true.

Eric: I mean I just don’t know how he knew it because it seemed like an obscure thing for him to know is all I am saying because I don’t think they would tell him.

Laura:: Well, I could see the Dursleys using it as…

Eric: Torment. Right.

Laura:: Just another thing to make him more miserable, but what I don’t think they count on is how optimistic Harry is.

Eric: That’s true.

Micah: And to go back to the Hogwarts Halloween thing for just a moment. I mean perhaps it’s made into such a big deal just because when you think of witches and wizards, you think of Halloween. So, wouldn’t that be a holiday that should just be celebrated naturally in that type of situation?

Eric: Environment or genre?

Micah: Yeah.

Eric: Yeah, I think that’s, that’s great.

Laura:: Now, here’s a question. This just came to mind. Okay, for Halloween, all we Muggles, we dress up as witches and wizards. Do you think that witches and wizards dress up as Muggles?

Andrew: Do they dress up in the first place?

Laura:: Well…

Micah: I bet Arthur Weasley does.

[Laura and Eric laugh]

Eric: It’s Muggle Day! Yeah, I’d love see to the Ministry of Magic employing a “Muggle Appreciation Month.” You know?

[Laura laughs]

Eric: With the Prime Minister coming over. I don’t really think that that happens. So… But, they should have “Muggle Appreciation Month” and maybe they can learn something and stop dressing like scarlet women.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: At all these Quidditch Cup events..

Main Topic – Goblet of Fire

Andrew: So, we did mention that on Halloween, the Goblet pulling, name-calling, whatever you want to call it…

Eric: The ceremony.

Andrew: …did occur.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: And…

Eric: Cedric…

Andrew: It just so happens, Goblet of Fire is coming out in a couple of weeks.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: How’s that for a crazy conspiracy? Anyone want to crack that one?

Eric: Sure.

Andrew: We going to see an editorial on that one in another week?

[All laugh]

Eric: Well, I think Halloween…

Andrew: But, we’ve seen, we’ve seen so much of the movie lately – new videos!

Laura: Yeah!

Eric: We really have.

Andrew: Does it change your impressions at all? I know for one that it changes mine, and I completely understand why it is not a PG-13 movie.

Laura: Yeah, same. [Laughs]

Andrew: Why it is a PG-13 movie. It just differs so much from the other books, from the other movies, and I think Mike Newell is to credit for all of this.

Eric: Ferret Malfoy down Goyle’s pants.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: That’s a PG-13 moment.

Laura: I was curious as to what everyone else thought of that? [Laughs]

Eric: That’s…

Laura: That’s like the scene that launched 1,000 bad fan fictions. [Laughs]

Eric: Yeah. Laura, Laura, you know Mike Newell…

Laura: No really. Looking, watching all these videos, I’m very impressed because the acting skills. When you compare the acting skills we’ve seen in these scenes to the Sorcerer’s Stone movie, it is amazing how much more in tune the actors are!

Eric: And intense. You know?

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: They’re portraying much more intense characters and I think they are doing it right.

Andrew: And, it’s just the humor is there in this movie. Obviously, it is a bit more scarier. One of the clips, even though it is not really a big deal to us, there’s more cursing in here. Harry, you see Dan Radcliffe playing an older, more frustrated Harry.

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, it’s the ferret scene. You see Harry say, “I don’t give a *BEEP* what your father thinks!”

Laura: Yep.

Andrew: Right.

Eric: But he doesn’t say *BEEP*.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: “I don’t give a *BEEP* what your father thinks, Malfoy!”

[Laura laughs]

Eric: I don’t give a flip. Oooh!

[Andrew and Laura laugh]

Eric: All right, anyway. About the movies. I think we’re seeing too much.

Laura: I…

Andrew: Yeah, I called this a couple of shows ago.

Micah: Yeah, you did.

Eric: Yeah. There’s…

Andrew: I think Warner Bros. is overdoing it a bit this time.

Eric: A little bit just because we didn’t get this much of Prisoner of Azkaban and now we’re getting like the best scenes, you know? The most anticipated scenes, the ones we really wanted to see including the first and only classroom scene. We’re seeing that. We’re seeing the Yule Ball. We’re seeing Harry and Ron’s fight, which I want to talk about in a few minutes, but we are seeing all this stuff, and I want to wait for the movie.

Laura: I know.

Eric: You know?

Laura: And, I felt like they were overdoing it with Prisoner of Azkaban because I remember before that came out there were so many pictures. I made a screensaver out of it, and it is just hundreds upon hundreds of pictures that were released before that movie, and now we’re seeing so many Goblet of Fire pictures not to mention all these clips. I mean we’ve practically seen it. [Laughs]

Eric: It’s strange. Harry Potter doesn’t need promotion.

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: I think that’s the last thing that does. I mean if they would have kept the original trailer, I think people would be tired of the original trailer, but at the same time they would still be just as excited. And, you know the pictures…

Andrew: But, you know what? Warner Bros. has nothing to lose because everyone is going to go see either anyway.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Right. And I think…

Andrew: They are not afraid of putting too much out and then some people coming to the conclusion of, “Oh, this movie stinks! I’m not seeing it.”

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Because it is Harry Potter.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: It’s great. Everyone is going to see it.

Eric: It is great. It is good. This looks like the best movie.

Gambon as Dumbledore

Micah: Well, the one thing I really didn’t like was the whole scene with Dumbledore basically shaking Harry to death after his name came out of the Goblet.

Eric: Okay, yeah. All right, what’s up? Okay, Michael Gambon. Michael Gambon “?”

Micah: Yeah, I don’t like him as Dumbledore.

Eric: That’s what we’re talking about because…

Andrew: Oh, come on.

Laura: I liked Gambon in Prisoner of Azkaban.

Eric: No.

Laura: I really, I sincerely liked him. I thought he did a wonderful job.

Andrew: Yep.

Laura: But, now that I am seeing… I’m a little… I’m not going to throw out a full-on judgement because I haven’t seen the whole movie, but Dumbledore was very calm in the book when Harry’s name came out of the cup. He didn’t yell or anything. He just said, “Harry Potter!” And then he said, you know, “Go!”

Eric: In this one he backs him up into the big trophy and he goes [in loud voice] “Did you put your name in the Goblet?” Shaking him. Shaking him. And he’s like, “No, sir. I swear I don’t.” And he says, “Swear to me! Swear to me you did not!”

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: This is the Dumbledore that I have been waiting for.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Come on.

Laura: Well, I think…

Eric: But, he’s not that way to Harry. That’s the thing with Dumbledore! He understands things and as Laura said he was calm. When things happen, when complete…

Andrew: He’s too calm!

Eric: No. No.

Andrew: I mean, I’m sorry. I respect Richard Harris, okay?

Laura: I actually like Gambon better.

Andrew: I’m sorry that he passed on.

Eric: I’m not saying I like Richard Harris.

Andrew: Me too. Me too.

Eric: I’m not saying I like Richard Harris. I think Richard Harris was a little too calm, but Michael Gambon is more too violent I think because…

Andrew: He’s a powerful Dumbledore. This is how Dumbledore is supposed to be.

Eric: But, he’s powerful to the wrong people.

Andrew: I like the feisty Dumbledore because he’s the Head of Hogwarts.

Eric: But, he’s feisty…

Andrew: He should be angry. He should be yelling.

Eric: Not at Harry!

Laura: You know what I think they are doing though?

Eric: Not at Harry! He’s feisty, but to the wrong people! You know? When Dumbledore has to take down the Ministry people, yes, he’s feisty. That’s the Michael Gambon Dumbledore I want to see, but not towards Harry.

Andrew: Good, so you’ll see it in a future movie. Do you want to see Richard Harris doing the final battle? In Book…

Laura: Well, we won’t.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: Well, I mean, could you…

Eric: Do you want…

Andrew: Could… [Laughs]

Eric: But, do you want to see…

Andrew: Could you picture, could you picture Richard Harris doing…

Eric: Absolutely not! But, do you want Michael Gambon to sit there in Book 5 and say, “Harry, I was an idiot. I held off telling you everything.”

Andrew: Yes, because he can do mood swings.

Eric: No, he can’t do mood swings.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Richard Harris wasn’t…

Eric: Everything is angry.

Andrew: …he couldn’t get mad.

Eric: Everything…

Andrew: I don’t think he… You’re…

Laura: What I think they are trying to do. I actually remember reading an interview with I believe Alfonso Cuaron, but don’t quote me on that though that they were trying in Prisoner of Azkaban channel more of the anger that we saw in Order of the Phoenix from Harry. So, that there was a little bit of character development there. I think that might be what they are doing with Dumbledore as well.

Eric: But, I think Dumbledore…

Andrew: Developing the character?

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: But, when stuff goes down, Dumbledore is usually calm unless he has to fight off the bad people. I mean here he is shaking Harry and making him swear things. I think it is very important that we see this lighter side of Michael Gambon because when he does confess everything to Harry, it is going to seem like he’s really yelling at him more. You know? And, really he blames himself and Dumbledore is a very self-blaming person, but I don’t think…

Andrew: But, first we have to ask ourselves was this Mike Newell’s decision to have him shake Harry? To do a little bit more yelling? Did Alfonso and Mike both take advantage of Michael Gambon being the new actor by making Dumbledore a little more feistier? Being a little bit more angry?

Eric: I like the idea that what Micah said was that they are adding more contrast to Harry by changing Dumbledore. And, I actually did like Richard Harris.

Andrew: Yeah, that works.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: And Richard Harris in Prisoner of Azkaban

Andrew: He means Michael Gambon.

Eric: …I did like. I didn’t think there was enough of him, but I did like the whole…

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: With the Time Turner scene and him going, “Goodnight!” and just leaving them there.

Laura: Oh, that was perfect.

Eric: That was funny, but I do think he is a little too forceful. You know? A little bit, especially to the wrong people.

Andrew: You know, Eric? I don’t agree with you.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: Okay. Fine! But, no. I think he’s… He should be forceful, but not to Harry, not to the wrong people. You know? I mean Michael Gambon can kick serious butt. He really can and I want him to, but not Harry’s. That’s all I am saying.

Andrew: I said this before and I’ll say it again. Warner Bros. does what they want to do to make the movie more interesting. They are not going to keep Michael Gambon being a Richard Harris.

Eric: By putting child abuse?

Andrew: They want to take advantage of this new actor by changing it up, by changing the character of Dumbledore. And yeah, I agree too that it does also affect Harry because you have this new actor who is putting a different perspective on it.

The Rules Are Absolute

Micah: I think there was a lot of just actor abuse in this movie, especially if you look at “The Rules Are Absolute” clip where Snape just continually slaps Harry and Ron on the back of the head with a book. What’s up with that?

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Yeah. It’s an underlying theme of child abuse.

[Micah laughs]

Andrew: That’s what makes it so funny. It’s not child abuse. Don’t even try it.

Eric: No, the guy who reviewed our thing said that it was a scene that was completely out of Snape’s character. And, although it might have been funny, it was out of character. It was a good scene for Alan Rickman he wrote, but he just didn’t like it because it was not in Snape’s character to actually hit somebody. And, I agree. I don’t think it is. So, I don’t know what is quite going on with Gambon shaking Harry and Snape beating Ron and Harry over the head, and just forcefully shoving their head forward into their books. What’s going on?

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: Does Mike Newell, was he abused in the boarding school he went to by these teachers?

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: I mean, I’m think Pink Floyd here. I really am thinking Pink Floyd.

[Laura laughs]

Micah: Oh man.

Eric: It’s like the meat grinder when they’re walking and they jump in the meat grinder.

[Micah and Laura laugh]

Eric: It’s terrible. British schools, are British schools that bad? Please, Brits of the world, e-mail me and tell me if your boarding school was this cruel to you as Michael Gambon is to Harry.

Andrew: This is Hogwarts, Eric. The rules are changed. Anything can happen.

Eric: So, Dumbledore can abuse his students because it is Hogwarts?

Andrew: Yes.

[Eric laughs]

Miranda Richardson

Andrew: But, moving along here.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: My personal pick for this movie is Miranda Richardson.

Eric: I love that.

[Laura gasps]

Andrew: Forty-seven years old.

Laura: I love her.

Eric: Ohhh! Brilliant!

Andrew: She’s… I’m just… This is going to the actor… Like there’s always one actor in the movie that I feel just takes command and really is the one you always get excited about seeing in each scene. This is going to be her. The clips that we’ve seen so far. I remember reading that her…in the…oh, what was it called? That thing that Warner Bros. put out a couple of weeks ago.

Eric: The press thing.

Micah: That 51-page thing. Is that what you’re talking about?

Andrew: Right. What was that called?

Micah: I don’t remember.

Laura: Me neither.

Andrew: I remember reading in a document released by WB talking about how they dressed Miranda Richardson in the Rita Skeeter, you know? She had the hair. But, in each different scene depending on what she was reporting on, she wears a different outfit, and it relates to that.

Eric: Cool!

Laura: Oh, that’s neat.

Eric: Cool!

Andrew: So, I think… Yeah. There’s going to be this theme with her each time. Each time you see her, you know what I mean?

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: That’s really…I’m going to like it.

Laura: I love Miranda Richardson! She’s very funny.

Eric: I’d love her Harry-bashing outfit. If she has a Harry-bashing outfit.

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: And has little lightening bolts all over it.

Andrew: Right.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Andrew: If only.

Eric: Lightening bolts stilettos.

Micah: I think she’s just…

Laura: Ewww!

Micah: She’s just one of those people, like Andrew said, that, you know, when you read the books, that is exactly how you picture her, the way she came up on film.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: She’s perfect.

Eric: She really is. I like that.

Imelda Staunton

Andrew: How about the rumors swirling about the new actress for Umbridge? I’m trying to look up her name.

Micah: Imelda Staunton.

Eric: Oh that’s…Imelda Staunton, I think…I haven’t seen…I don’t think I’ve seen…

Laura: I looked at her picture and actually, well you know, she’s not obviously not all made up in the picture, but just her facial expression and the way…

Andrew: Has a… Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing how she turns out because her facial expressions just look exactly like I imagined Umbridge to. So, I mean, I’m not trying to insult her but…

Eric: No. [Laughs] That’s the biggest insult, but no, that’s the thing. When you walk to somebody and you would say, you make a great, you know, evil person or you’re the perfect evil monster, you know, its not very, it’s not a compliment but at the same…

Andrew: I think in Order of the Phoenix, she’s going to be that actress who everyone is going to be looking forward to.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Andrew: Seeing in each…because you know, especially when I was reading that book, the Umbridge scenes – you got afraid…you were…

Eric: Oh yeah. Umbridge…

Andrew: And you just had a hate for her.

Laura: And at the same time you looked forward to them too, in a way.

Eric: Because you knew she was going to meet a sticky end.

Andrew: That’s a good question. When I was reading Book 5, every time Umbridge did something, you know, one of those new orders, I was literally…

Laura: I got so mad, yeah.

Andrew: …furious.

Eric: No, Umbridge…

Andrew: Is that…it would be a good movie if this Imelda Staunton will be able to portray the same character and make us feel the same way as we did with the books.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yes. Umbridge…

Andrew: That is when we’ll know if she’s successful.

Eric: Yeah. Umbridge was the only character that I ever recall actually beating my pillow after reading a scene with her.

[All laugh]

Andrew: Everyone had a hate for her, it was amazing how J. K. Rowling could write this.

Laura: Ohhh!

Eric: It was a genuine…

Andrew: So people will…yeah!

Eric: Hatred!

Andrew: It was a genuine hate.

Eric: It was the only character that I really, I mean…I don’t like you know, Fudge and stuff and Scrimgeour is an idiot.

Laura: But. I hated Umbridge.

Eric: But Umbridge. Umbridge was…

Laura: I hated her.

Eric: And her ‘hem-hem,’ ‘hem-hem.’

Laura: Urgh!

Eric: Every time she did that and I have the audio book to that and its [puts on high pitched voice] “hem-hem, hem-hem.”

[All laugh]

Eric: Oh my god! You just want to beat her face in and be like [fighting noise] and she’d go…

Andrew: That’s probably a fun one to listen to.

Eric: [In high-pitched voice] “hem-hem, hem-hem” [Makes swish swish noise] “Die, shut up!” Sorry. Please cut that out, Andrew.

Laura: It’s too bad Harry didn’t know Sectumsempra then.

Eric: [Groans] Somebody write a fanfic where he just meets up with Umbridge and Sectumsempras her. Zzzz-zzz-zzz [assumingly a Sectumsempra slashing noise!]. I don’t know.

Andrew: Ugh, yeah.

Eric: I don’t know. Please, I don’t want to be that forceful on the actual cast, but I really did hate Umbridge.

Laura: Oh, I thought it was good. [Laughs]

Eric: Okay.

Andrew: Okay.

Harry and Ron’s Fight

Eric: Harry and Ron’s fight, can we talk about that, in Goblet of Fire? Because we do have the clip where it supposedly starts, but I have to say for one that I was disappointed in the way…it seems that Ron, you know, he’s upset with Harry but in the scene where he confronts him it’s not necessarily very forceful or as forceful as it should be because then we see the other three or four clips I think there is, where like the repercussions of their fight happens, and it seems really drawn out and it seems like there wasn’t that big of a bang to support Ron, you know, not talking to Harry and Hermione having to be their owl between them like you know, in the other scenes. I don’t think that the fight was that big, the actual scene where they’re in the dormitory.

Laura: See that scene, it was all right to me, but the scene that really bothered me was where Hermione was playing messenger girl.

Eric: I think that’s cute.

Laura: I didn’t like it because in the book, Ron is just flat out ignoring Harry. He’s not going to come and tell him “Hagrid’s looking for you.” He didn’t want anything to do with him.

Eric: No, but it was…

Laura: So I feel like, I feel like in a way he wouldn’t want to give Harry that. He wouldn’t want to help him, especially since in the other clip that we see, in the movie, it looks as though Ron knows about the dragons.

Eric: Well, I don’t think…

Laura: I don’t think he did in the book, did he?

Eric: I’m not sure.

Laura: So he would obviously in the movie, theoretically, know that Hagrid was going to show Harry the dragons and since he’s so mad at Harry about the tournament, why would he want to…

Eric: It was taunting.

Laura: Why would he want to come and give him that information?

Eric: But it was taunting him, it wasn’t helping him. It was more like “I know something you don’t but since you’re the almighty, powerful king who hoodwinked the Goblet, you might as well know this too.” And I think you know, the whole, the whole fact that…I think Ron just wanted to tick Harry off and let Harry know that he was still upset with him by getting Hermione to say that because you know, you know what I’m trying to say? I mean I guess…

Laura: I do, but also I can’t see Hermione…

Eric: Supporting that.

Laura: Doing that either, especially when they’re standing 15 feet apart because wasn’t, it seems like there was one point in the book where Harry said…was walking around the lake with Hermione and said, “Well, you can tell him.” And Hermione was like “No, I’m not going to tell him anything, you tell him yourself.”

Eric: Yeah. That’s true. She is supportive of them in getting, you know, back together and talking to each other so she probably wouldn’t. What I paid more attention to and I think that’s probably why the scene played the way it did was Emma’s acting. A few episodes back I said I wanted to see more a book smarts Hermione and I actually think that we are getting a little bit more of that because the scene with Hermione and Harry on the bridge, where she’s explaining, you know, Victor as this physical person she uses some kind of big word that I don’t even know what it is.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: And I know some words. But so, she’s using this and displaying her knowledge and I think the whole owl thing was a great simile, even if you didn’t like the scene, the whole “I’m not an owl.” She is sending messages just like an owl, so I thought it was a great, you know, it shows a little more smarts on her part. So, I was happy. That’s what I paid attention to in that scene, was Emma.

Micah: I agree with you Eric, I don’t think the scene was as powerful as it should have been because it’s really the first fight that we see between these two friends essentially.

Eric: And it’s supposed to last the whole… I mean a long time and it, the resolution, is supposed to be crazy-good.

Micah: Right.

Eric: And for Ron, Ron just sits down in bed and he goes to sleep. He’s like “Harry…”

Laura: He comes off as being more hurt than anything.

Eric: Yeah, than, angry hurt.

Micah: It’s too toned down, that’s what I think.

Eric: And I don’t think Harry…

Andrew: Well, this is another victim of what we like to call Goblet of Fire lasting 147 minutes. Or was it 43?

Eric: No, but the fight could have lasted…well, what could have happened is…

Andrew: No, that’s the point! They can’t make it last on these time restrictions where they have to cut things down.

Eric: Then they should have made it that Ron goes up to his, you know, the dorm and slams the door in Harry’s face and he doesn’t get to defend himself. You know? Something like that. What happened was, Ron lays down and he says that thing to Harry and Harry has time to defend himself. He actually sits there going “Ron, you’re wrong. I never did this and I never did that,” and Ron just looks at him in that ‘Hurt Ron Face’ and he lays down and goes to bed. And Harry feels like he has been treated an injustice, but I just don’t think it’s powerful. I think they could have done a more powerful scene in a shorter amount of time.

Laura: I agree. I really think that the scene in the book was very powerful because you have, Harry was standing there struggling to try and get that banner that they’d tied around his neck off and Ron just sits there and watches him. And that just…I mean I can’t imagine the kind of pressure that you have, even…it is your best friend, but you have to realize when they’re not getting up to try and help you and they’re just sitting there and watching you with this…just this look of…

Eric: It’s terrible.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And here Ron is giving him time to explain himself and not believing a word. And it is an injustice still but at the same time, I think it would have been much more effective if he just came up and said “Oh, you know, you wouldn’t tell your best friend,” and then that would, you know, spark Harry into arguing, you know, fighting back. I don’t think there was that much for him to fight back to. I mean it was wrong, but it wasn’t like Ron wasn’t hurt, like angry hurt.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: He was just hurt.

Laura: Well, in the book Ron just wouldn’t listen, he…

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Snapped his curtains shut. [Laughs]

Eric: Exactly, which was, you know, completely like unfair and in his face but this one wasn’t, it was in Harry’s face but it wasn’t that powerful. So, I don’t know if the friendship thing will actually be up to par or up to believability because you know, Ron has to go ignore Harry and there’s that whole scene with Hermione and the owl and all that stuff, but I don’t think if that’s the only really big confrontation they have…you know what? I want to know if they have that scar comment in, where you know, Harry says…

Laura: Oh that was…

Eric: It’s what you want anyway.

Laura: Oh I hope.

Eric: Because that is what I think, that’s going to be the only thing that might bring their fight up to believability if they have that big…that’s a big line clash, that’s the thing.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: So if that happens, I’ll be happy, but I’m worried that it won’t be believable.

Micah: No, I agree with you. Like you said, it wasn’t powerful enough and maybe there is something after that point that we didn’t see that will lead to a little bit more of an argument, but…

Eric: Otherwise, I think it will dwindle.

Micah: Exactly.

Other Goblet of Fire Scenes

Eric: We have the Unforgivable Curse, beginning of that one.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: The classroom which was…

Laura: Ah, where the trio are in the library.

Eric: Oh yes. That’s interesting. But there’s…I saw that one right after I saw Dumbledore shaking Harry so…

[All laugh]

Eric: Then he comes to tell them, no wait, who comes to tell them to get in the…? I don’t know, I don’t remember.

Laura: Moody.

Eric: Because I was so shook up about Dumbledore. I was like “Oh my god, everybody is against Harry, even the good guys.” So, there’s the scene where Barty Crouch Jr. casts the Dark Mark, but I didn’t like it because what happened was, it was, the fires had been extinguished and there was nothing left of the campground, and then, you know, Harry is dazed and confused and stuff and he doesn’t have his glasses on, but so what happens is, Barty Crouch Jr. just walks up and there’s nobody around and he walks up, and he lifts it up into the air, and says Morsmordre and then it comes out, and that was the end of the clip. But, I thought it was very atypical and different from the book because in the book…

Laura: Wow!

Eric: In the book so much is happening and, you know, it’s this big, you know, it’s this big thing where nobody knows who anybody, where anybody is, and it’s this big hustle and bustle but in the movie, nobody’s around and he just comes up and…

Laura: Not to mention if he does it in front of Harry then there’s not going to be any doubt whatsoever as to it not being Winky.

Eric: No, yeah, right.

Laura: Because…

Eric: Well, Winky is cut out of the movie and Harry didn’t have his glasses on so he doesn’t see who actually conjures it. But, my problem was that he conjured it so calmly and not really in revenge. Like…and what I don’t think happened is that I don’t think it scared the Death Eaters off because from the look of the scene, they were long gone.

Laura: Hmmm.

Eric: Which is really a shame because the Dark Mark was used to proclaim his, you know, loyalty to Voldemort and from the look of things, the fires were long gone and so were the Death Eaters.

Micah: Now…

Laura: It’s kind of disappointing.

Micah: Along those same lines, you just mentioned Winky not being in the movie, have we heard anything about Dobby being there or not being there?

Eric: No. No, no elves at all.

Micah: Not at all?

Eric: Yeah, one of the reviews we got on MuggleNet that we posted said that there were no elves whatsoever. Which is one thing I should bring up I guess, because we didn’t… I would… Have we seen any effects from the first two movies in the Third or the Fourth Movie? You know, we’ve seen some of the same actors but as far as the effects, we didn’t see… I would like to see Dobby again because it’s a good tie between the Fourth and the Second Movie.

Laura: Yeah.

Micah: Well he was instrumental in the Second Task.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: He was, but then they made that Neville, so that’s okay. But, my problem is that I don’t think that the films kind of blend together as films anymore because we stopped having John Williams doing the…the, you know, the sound, the music?

Andrew: Yeah, but don’t even say that that’s going to affect it. That’s not going to. Do you really think that John Williams not composing the music is going to affect the film?

Eric: No, I like the new music but what I was saying, Andrew, was that we haven’t seen, we don’t get to see Dobby again. So, there’s really no tie besides the actors to the first two movies of…

Andrew: Oh, I see what you mean.

Eric: Yeah. So, that was my only like… I believe the Marauder’s Map isn’t in Movie 4 either, so there’s no tie, like prop tie or creature tie. You know, Hogwarts has changed and there’s just no, besides the actors, there’s nothing similar about the movies it seems.

Andrew: Well this is what happens when there is director switches.

Laura: Yeah when…

Andrew: And there’s the problem of time constraints where…

Laura: They change directors like underwear.

[All laugh]

Eric: Like underwear! Well I hope they change their underwear more than once every two years!

Laura: [Laughs] You know what I meant!

Eric: I know what you mean. Well…

Eric: Steve Kloves, how often do you change your underwear? Well, I change it like I change movies.

[Laura giggles]

Prisoner of Azkaban Revisited

Andrew: Does anybody want Alfonso to direct…

Laura: Yes!

Andrew: …another Potter movie?

Laura: Oh yes!

Andrew: Really?

Eric: Really?

Andrew: Really?

Laura: I do.

Eric: Really?

Laura: I loved Alfonso!

Eric: Really?

Laura: I loved him.

Andrew: I give him credit, all the credit in the world for finally making that switch with the actors to, from the cloaks all the time and being all perfect and [squeaky voice] “Wizards!” to, now he turned them into regular, average teenagers.

Eric: He did that, and I will credit him with that.

Andrew: Which was good.

Eric: But, I thought he did it a book, I thought he did it a book too early. I think we needed love because Book 3 is all about love. I thought he did it. He did do it though, which is why I think Goblet of Fire will be such a great movie as now that, you know, they can all act as regular teenagers. But, I’d kind of lose faith in Movie 5 if he was directing because who knows how many scenes from Book 5 would be cut out and he’d still be doing things like that the bird into the Whomping Willow.

Laura: What I liked about Alfonso was that, and this is totally just me, but now when I watch Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets, I fall asleep. I get bored.

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: I get bored.

Andrew: Yep.

Laura: And when I watch Prisoner of Azkaban, I don’t get bored. And what I credit him with is he really made the movie a good movie. It’s not…he’s…honestly I would love to see someone like Terry Gilliam get a hold of a Harry Potter movie, that would just please me to no end.

Eric: Sorry, Terry Gilliam?

Laura: What?

Eric: Terry Gilliam?

Laura: Yes.

Eric: Who is Terry Gilliam?

Laura: He is one of the Pythons, Monty Python?

Eric: Okay, cut that out, I should have known that!

[All laugh]

Eric: I’m sorry. Okay, wait a minute.

Laura: No, he’s directed some, just…I love Gilliam.

Eric: Okay.

Laura: I also think that he really got the actors just…they really…

Eric: Well, I think I know what you mean. I mean the actors, like Kenneth Branagh is an awesome actor, and he did such a great job in Chamber of Secrets and it’s that you know, the actors were able to act different ways for both Chris Columbus and for Alfonso, for Alfonso. And I mean I… I think that’s cool. And I do like Prisoner of Azkaban, I think it’s…but I treat it as a different movie and I treat it as art and I think Alfonso really wants us to, to treat his film as art because it really is.

Laura: Mhm. I agree. As a film, I love it as a film. Obviously there…it wasn’t 100% true to the book. Of course not. There are a couple of scenes about it that bothered me, I thought the Buckbeak subplot was just very rushed.

Eric: King of the world!!!

[All laugh]

Andrew: Corny!

Laura: Yeah, that was pretty corny.

Andrew: Do you guys want to hear a funny story?

Eric: Yeah, sure.

Laura: Sure.

Micah: Sure.

Andrew: So, I went to see the movie the day it came out, Prisoner of Azkaban. And, first of all I was kind of disappointed by this movie and so…

Laura: Ah, you suck.

Andrew: About, I might say, well, it was towards the end, little did I know. So, I went to the bathroom, and I came back and the credits were rolling, and I was like “NO! I missed the end!”

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: And it was the most depressing thing.

Eric: Then when you saw the end and you were like “Oh my god, why did I cry over that!”

Andrew: So just a month ago, I finally saw the end of it, because I haven’t watched it since and I got all excited because I’d never seen the…and I had forgotten that I had missed the end. And when I saw it, I was like “Wait a second, was that a deleted scene?” Should I post this on MuggleNet? It was…

Eric: Should I post because…no it ends with him smearing across the screen.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Yeah.

Eric: Blood splat.

Laura: Can you imagine what it must have been like to be in the front row for that?

Andrew: First of all, let me just say. I had an overwhelming disappointment with when I came back and the movie was over and I had missed the ending. Because what was especially disappointing is that it ended so suddenly, the ending was not good. I don’t think.

Laura: I think the ending could have been better. As a whole…

Eric: The Firebolt…

Laura: I liked Prisoner of Azkaban, the movie, far more than the first two.

Eric: I didn’t. I liked, I mean one of the things, I think one of the things that makes it easy to be treated as an art film is because the third book had all the really cool CGI and the art effects. Like they had Buckbeak, they had the Marauders’ Map which was then turned into the credits and we kind of see that Mike Newell now, with the review that we got on MuggleNet that he says the credits of Goblet of Fire are actually stuff flying out of the Goblet. Like little papers flying out of the Goblet.

Andrew: Is it?

Laura: That’s cool.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: Well, that would explain why it lasts 15 minutes.

[All laugh]

Eric: Well, I think, I think it’s cool, you know, that they do that but…because they’re taking off of what Alfonso did, which was great, but Movie 3 really did have a lot of all the…like the werewolf and the Whomping Willow and the Marauders’ Map.

Laura: I didn’t like the werewolf.

Eric: I didn’t personally either, but the fact is…

Laura: I thought it looked like…

Eric: It did.

Laura: Like a hairless Chihuahua or something.

[All laugh]

Eric: Yo quiero la Taco Bell!

Eric: Oh, okay. But they did have all the…and the Knight Bus and, you know, all that stuff. It was a very artsy film, so I think it was very…

Laura: It was.

Eric: It was very appropriate for Alfonso to turn it into that because of all the special effects but we did lose story in there.

Laura: Oh we did, definitely. And I think the most disappointing part about Prisoner of Azkaban was the fact that we didn’t find out all that much about the Marauders. And I read somewhere that that was…they were planning on revealing more of that in Goblet of Fire, but if there’s no Marauders’ Map…

Eric: Which is…yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: I think if there’s…I think in Book 5, or Movie 5 sorry, what they need to do to bring the movie series together, is in Book 5 have a really good scene with Harry and Sirius and Lupin.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: I think that’s like…there should…and I hope they do the Pensieve scene with Snape. The thing that they need to do, and I think it’s very important is to, in order for them to include the part about Harry and his family, in order to include his love for them at all, they must do the Pensieve scene with Snape and Lily and all the Marauders as kids.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And they need to have Harry confront Sirius and Remus in the future and say, “What was my father like?” because I think that’s so important. Harry’s love for his parents is so important and they don’t have it in the movies.

Laura: It is.

Eric: And its…they’re running out of opportunities. They really are running out of opportunities.

Micah: My biggest problem, sorry.

Eric: No, keep going, Micah.

Micah: Was exactly what Laura said, with Prisoner of Azkaban, definitely the whole Marauders being left out because I think if you look at it, it’s kind of like well how did Lupin know how to use the map after he took it from Harry? You know what I mean?

Eric: It’s a problem.

Micah: How did he know, how did he know what it was, how did he know it did when he was explaining it to him in the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom after he took it away.

Eric: Right. Not only is it not mentioned but it’s now a plothole because of that.

Micah: Right.

Eric: Because they still made him, you know, do that. So…

Laura: I think the thing is, Prisoner of Azkaban especially was definitely a film geared more towards the fans and the people who knew why everything was happening that was happening because I will admit there were people in my theater who were totally bewildered. There was one girl sitting behind me when Hermione punched Draco and she was like “Why is she so mad at him?” and I just wanted to turn around and be like “Well duh, he’s Draco Malfoy!”

Eric: Well it’s funny…

Laura: But, obviously she hadn’t read the books!

Eric: Well, it’s funny because Laura, you say that it was a movie geared towards the fans because they didn’t have to include the Marauders subplot and stuff, but other people say that it’s a movie geared towards the non-fans who didn’t see the, or didn’t read the books because it’s a sit-through movie with none of that back story.

Laura: I think it’s geared towards non-fans in the, in the fashion that I think for instance like I said, the first two movies put me to sleep now. But I think it was definitely…[sighs]…a better film to keep people’s attention, but I do think that in the sense that fans knew why all of what was happening was happening. In that sense it was geared towards fans.

Micah: I had to watch this movie more than once before I actually appreciated it. And I mean I don’t know why that was, but the first time I watched it, I was just…I just didn’t like it, but the more and more I watched it, the more and more I enjoyed it. And I mean, that’s just something I can’t explain I guess.

Eric: I think Chris Columbus’ films have a built-in sense of enjoyment to them that’s very powerful and strong and I think Chris really as a director uses his actors to give him that like, you know, Kenneth Branagh. You can sit and watch that scene and Kenneth just does a great job because he’s such a great actor and it really feels…

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: …the scene in the movie and it keeps it going and there is a happy story to it, so it’s a lighter type of mood, and I think with Alfonso he had the, he had the humor with Aunt Marge. You know…

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: …floating and when Harry gets his trunk and he walks out and she’s still floating.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: That was…and I missed that! In the movie I missed it, it was so funny because everybody was cracking up laughing and I missed, I didn’t see her floating and I had to ask everybody “What just happened?” And then they told me “Oh my god, Aunt Marge was there.” And I was like “Oh my god, that’s so funny!”

[All laugh]

Eric: So, he did have humor and you know but it was slightly different, it’s a different kind of humor than what Chris Columbus had. You know, it was more, it was more built into the feel of the movie.

Micah: Right. The first time I saw it, I was just kind of like “Huh?” You know, “What just happened?”

[All laugh]

Micah: It’s because it’s like you guys said, there’s so many things that are missing if you read the books and you know, you know, that they’re not there in the film that I really did have to go back and watch it a couple more times.

Eric: But it is an art film and it is…

Laura: Definitely.

Andrew: Well, on that note, I think it is time to wrap it up.

Laura: Awww!

Andrew: For this part of the discussion.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: See how long have we been going for? Oh geez…one hour.

Laura: 1:16:00.

Eric: 1:17:00.

Micah: I’m glad I got that new transcriber!

[All laugh]

Andrew: Okay well, so… We’re all bored of Goblet of Fire now.

Spy on Spartz

Andrew: All right so now it’s time to get to our weekly segments that we do produce here each week on MuggleCast. They make the issue shine. First off, “Spy on Spartz!”

Laura: Dun-dun-dun.

Eric: Woooooh! Woooooh!

Andrew: Looking at AIM right now, we will find that Emerson is costume shopping.

Laura: Let’s take bets on what he’s going to be.

Andrew: Oooooh!

Eric: Napoleon Dynamite.

Andrew: Oooh, I second that. That’s a great idea.

Laura: Yeah. [Laughs]

Eric: I say Napoleon Dynamite. But he’s been gone for like three hours now so if he can’t find a Dynamite costume, I don’t now. Maybe he’s actually…no, you know what, he’s tailor-fitting the golden suit, or whatever that…you know the golden brown that… Nevermind.

Andrew: Right. We got you.

Eric: No, he’s at a dance instructor learning how to do the dance.

[All laugh]

Eric: That’s what he’s doing. He has his wig.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Andrew: Okay, well that was fun. And still on the topic of Halloween, I’m going to continue my weekly challenge to you. It’s now a three-week weekly challenge to you. Which is to dress up as one of us, whether it’s Micah, Laura, Eric, Ben, Jamie, Kevin or even myself. We have a big group of MuggleCasters, I just realized.

Eric: Yeah, we do.

Laura: If you dress up as me, I’m so sorry.

[All laugh]

Andrew: You only got one picture, right? You only got one girl who sent something in.

Laura: Yeah, one person and I’m just, I’m sorry if you really want to be me for Halloween.

Andrew: We’re going to…one important thing here is to take pictures, take lots of pictures if you dress up as one of us. I’ve already got a few emails, people saying they’re going to dress up as me.

[All laugh]

Andrew: I sincerely, apologies in advance because nobody is going to know who you are. Except for your friends, I guess. So, take your pictures then email them to challenge at staff dot mugglenet dot com and then we will post them in a photo gallery, so everyone can see them. So be forewarned, they are going to be posted online so by sending us the photos, you do agree to having them posted online. Unless you email me and say or well, email challenge at staff dot mugglenet dot com and say, “Hey, don’t post my photos but here, you guys can check them out.” We have to see them to get points. Ahhh!

Eric: Okay, actually I have a listener challenge. Since Halloween has really brought this thing into perspective, the Goblet of Fire just around the horizon, I was thinking that if you are coming to the premiere in New York City, if you could possibly make a shirt, a T-shirt about MuggleCast to wear to the Barnes & Noble. If you could do that, that would be really cool. Because I know everybody really has a…everybody’s got to have this costume, I mean sorry this T-shirt shop, custom T-shirt shop in their hometown. Just make one with a quote on it or something. The best thing you love about MuggleCast.

Andrew: Right, and if you can maybe you want to make one or two extras for us, give them to us.

Eric: Oh yes, by all means, give us your T-shirts.

Andrew: We’d wear them.

Eric: Yes, I will wear, if I get 365 MuggleCast T-shirts made from you fans, I will wear one every day of the year.

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Awwww!

Andrew:: That’s so nice.

Eric: And it doesn’t even have to be about me, it can be a quote from Ben or something and it doesn’t matter.

[All laugh]

Eric: I will wear it.

Andrew: We are still working on some things for the show.

Eric: I’m a medium by the way. An adult medium.

Andrew: Oh yeah. Same here.

Eric: Sorry, Andrew, go ahead! Just keep moving on, sorry.

Andrew: So anyway we are looking into…well for one, now that we have sponsorships and such, we are going to start spending a little more money on the show because it’s all for you guys.

[Andrew sings “All for you”]

Andrew: Except for that singing. We are going to start upgrading some stuff, we’re going to be looking into a toll-free number so anyone can send us a voicemail.

Eric: And call in.

Andrew: We’ll play them on the air.

Eric: Yeah.

Andrew: It will be nice and easy. And then also, we’re looking into a PO box. Because we like free stuff, so by creating a PO box that you guys can mail stuff to, for us, you can do it easily. We don’t want to give out your home addresses. Our home addresses. We trust you but we don’t trust that other guy.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: Yeah that one in the corner, outside the window.

Micah: He’s out there again?

[All laugh]

Andrew: I know, tell me about it!

Eric: Micah, beat him up. Beat him up, Micah.

Micah: All right.

Andrew: So on that note, one last reminder, our Lego contest in partnership with is still running. All you have to do is go to and in the “Show Notes,” we have a link to information about the contest, basically what you do is you build your own Lego scene from…related to Half-Blood Prince and the winner will receive two Lego sets. The contest runs through November 4th and the winners will be announced on our live show on Episode 15.

Eric: You know what’s really funny, Andrew?

Andrew: What’s that?

Eric: I’m going to take my Ron Lego and a girl Lego and I’m going to glue their faces together and that’s going to be Ron and Lavender.

[All laugh]

Laura: Ewww!

Eric: Think hot glue will work.

Show Close

Andrew [Show Close with music in background]: Excellent. Excellent. And don’t forget everyone to sign up or add yourself to our Frappr! Map. Once again go to, click on “Tell Us Where You Live.” And don’t forget is an excellent site for Native American information.

Eric: Yes.

Andrew: Most importantly Pow Wows.

Laura: Yes.

Andrew: We’ve been talking about them throughout the month. So, next week we will get back to our regular character discussions where we look at one specific character in-depth. Next week we will be talking about Ginny Weasley. So send in your Ginny Whizzley…Ginny Whizzley…

Eric: Ginny Whezzley?

Andrew: So, send in your Ginny Wheez… Oh my god!

[All laugh]

Eric: Ginny Whizzey. Ginny Whizzey.

Andrew: So, send in your Ginny Weasley questions to voice at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Please send in voicemail questions and keep them under 30 seconds. Or if you have any other questions relating to any other Harry Potter books or maybe a theory or discussion, send those in to the same address, voice at staff dot mugglenet dot com. But, it is important to keep them under 30 seconds.

Andrew: That wraps up the show once again, I’m Andrew Sims.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Micah: And I’m Micah Tannenbaum.

Andrew: We’ll see you next week for Episode 14.


Andrew: Here now is another remix sent in by Ralph.

Remix by Ralph coming soon!


[Eric makes weird Halloween noises] and then transitions into…

[Eric sings the theme from “Doug”]


Written by: Micah and Jess

Transcript #12

MuggleCast EP12 Transcript


Andrew [Show Intro with music in background]: This is MuggleCast – Episode 12 for October 24, 2005. Hey everyone! Welcome to the show! I am Andrew Sims!

Kevin: I’m Kevin Steck.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Cristin: And I’m Cristin Atkins.

Andrew: Cristin Atkins – welcome to your first MuggleCast appearance. You’re here because you won the “101 Ways to Kill Off Voldemort Contest”. You got First Place and our promise was that the First Place Winner would be able to come on to the show. So, welcome!

Cristin: Thank you. I even had to e-mail Eric back because he didn’t mention it when I first spoke with him. [Laughs]

Andrew: Oh!

Laura: Awww!

Andrew: Well, he’s kind of forgetful like that. The first…

Cristin: I said I would hold him to it because that is what you all said to do.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah especially with Eric. But, before we get to anything else, let’s go to Micah with the past week’s top stories in the Harry Potter world.


Micah: All right, Andrew. Glad to see you have recovered after what happened at the end of last week’s episode.

Imelda Staunton appeared Wednesday on ITV’s “This Morning” show and confirmed that she will play the part of Professor Dolores Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix. She has yet to receive a script, but said she will begin work on the film early next year.

Keeping with the movie news, it was reported on Tuesday that from November 18th through the 20th, James and Oliver Phelps (the actors who portray Fred and George Weasley) will be at the Hollywood Boulevard Theatre in Woodridge, Illinois, for a meet and greet. They will be there to sign autographs and speak with fans throughout the day.

And, Collectormania GMEX kicks off in Manchester, England, in February 2006! The line-up promises to be massive, as both the actors who play Cedric Diggory and Viktor Krum will be on hand.

Newsround reports that the fourth Harry Potter movie has been given a 12A rating by the British Board of Film Classification. According to a BBFC spokeswoman: “Examiners decided that the 12A was the most suitable category, as younger or more sensitive viewers could be frightened by some of the more intense scenes.” For those of you wondering, 12A would be roughly the same as the PG-13 rating which Goblet of Fire received here in the US.

Of course, there are plenty of movie photos, scans, banners, clips and a new Goblet of Fire TV Spot available for download on MuggleNet’s Main Page. And, thanks to Extra!, there is a special behind-the-scenes look and interview with Dan Radcliffe on the upcoming film. Plus, both and the official UK Harry Potter website have been updated.

Finally, we end with Rocco, the Brazilian Harry Potter publisher, who has revealed the title of the sixth book, which translates as “Harry Potter and the Enigma of the Prince”. JK Rowling was presented with a number of titles and chose this one herself. The book is due out on November 26th.

That’s all the news from our News center in New York for this October 23, 2005 edition of MuggleCast. Back to you guys!

Andrew: Thank you, Micah.


Andrew: Is he not there?

Laura: I don’t think so.

Kevin: I don’t think he is.

Andrew: No? Okay. I don’t want…

Laura: I think he’s locked up in the Transcript Dungeon this time.

Andrew: I don’t want him to surprise me EVER again.

Kevin: Yeah, he had fun with that last transcript.

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Yes. Yes, he did.

Meet Contest Winner – Cristin Atkins

Andrew: So, before we move on to anything else, – first, Cristin, would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?

Cristin: Sure! I am currently a substitute teacher at Hoffmann Lane Elementary School and I have substituted from Kindergarten all the way up to 8th Grade, and I am fixing to start a short-term position in computers for Kindergarten through 6th Grade. So, I am really excited. [Laughs]

Andrew: That’s great! And you are really in to Harry Potter, too?

Cristin: Yes. I first started reading it because I have a younger cousin – he’s about eight years younger than me, and he didn’t have anybody who would read it with him and he got a game for Christmas. So, I started reading it so that I could play the game with him and I really enjoyed it, and then I went out and got one of those Wizarding World Press books and started reading through it and figured out it is a lot more than just a kid’s book. She goes into such detail that you can really read it tons of times and still find something interesting and new.

Andrew: Yeah. That’s so true. So, thanks for coming on today and we’re sure you’ll do a great job.


Andrew: Now, let’s move on to a couple of announcements first. You might notice that once again Ben is not with us this week.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Ohhh. I am…

Kevin: What a shame!

Laura: I am so disappointed.

Andrew: So…

Kevin: Yep.

Andrew: Yeah. I guess we… Okay!

Kevin: On to other things.

Andrew: So, he’s not here. And then Eric was also going to be here this week, but he had some recording difficulties.

Kevin: He may still join us. He may get in.

Andrew: But no guarantees.

Kevin: Yes.

Andrew: Don’t get your hopes up.

Kevin: I also do want to say something. I got an e-mail from someone, Brian, asking us permission to use the podcast in his English class.

Andrew: No!

Kevin: No? I didn’t think so.

Andrew: No.

Kevin: I thought it would be… It’s unacceptable!

[All laugh]

Cristin: That’s so mean. You should do anything for teaching.

Andrew: No way.

Cristin: Come on.

Andrew: Yes! Absolutely! Sure!

Kevin: So Brian…

Andrew: I shouldn’t say that in front of a teacher, should I?

[All laugh]

Kevin: No.

Cristin: Trust me. We’ve heard it all before.

Kevin: So, Brian Carr – yes you have our permission. Have fun. And, Andrew…

Andrew: What grade does he teach?

Kevin: He teaches 8th Grade Language Arts.

Laura: Nice!

Kevin: Yeah.

Andrew: Oooh!

Kevin: Must be fun.

Andrew: And what is he going to use our thing for?

Kevin: He doesn’t say. He sent in a voice clip asking permission, but I wasn’t able to open it.

Andrew: Ohhh!

Kevin: Yeah.

Cristin: Maybe illusions. That’s real popular.

Kevin: He does have a class website though. He did mention that.

Andrew: Let’s not plug it because I don’t want it to be crashed.

Kevin: Yeah. I don’t want it to kill the school website.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: That would be bad.

Andrew: Maybe say it one time really, really fast so only a few people can get it.

Kevin: Oh, I don’t think so because they will slow our voices down.

[All laugh]

Andrew: Yeah.

Laura: All right.

Andrew: All right. So, that’s great! Sure! Anyone can use our podcast, even you, Cristin.

Cristin: Yeah? Well, thank you.

Andrew: Although… Yeah, anytime!

[Cristin laughs]

Andrew: So, moving on, we also have a New York City update.

Kevin: Yes, we do.

Andrew: Actually, no actually, we really don’t.

Kevin: Is it official yet?

Andrew: Oh, yes! We do!

Kevin: Is it official yet that we’ve moved?

Andrew: Here’s something official. Kevin bought his train ticket.

Kevin: Yes. I did.

Andrew: Or whatever you bought.

Kevin: I did.

Andrew: So, we know you’re going.

Kevin: Yes. At the cost of what, $53.00?

Cristin: Awesome!

Andrew: Cool! Cool!

Kevin: It is not bad at all.

Cristin: Better than gas.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: $53.00?

Kevin: Yeah. It’s cheap!

Andrew: I could take a train for $15.00.

Kevin: Oh, yeah. Thanks a lot Andrew! Make me feel better about myself. Mr. New iPod over there.

[All laugh]

Cristin: I could take a plane ticket for like $750.

Kevin: Well, I was trying to get Andrew to buy my plane ticket, but he wouldn’t have it.

Cristin: Hmmm.

Kevin: He said flying from Connecticut to New York…

Laura: Yeah. God, Andrew!

Cristin: That’s so mean!

Laura: You’re so cheap!

Kevin: He is!

Laura: God!

Andrew: No comment. Also here’s the real announcement. Nobody cares that you’re coming down there. Give me a break.

[All laugh]

Laura: Oh! That was mean. That was mean. Sure they care.

Cristin: Nobody would care if I was coming. They probably would care if you were coming.

Andrew: I’m sorry. Okay. But, I’ll say, here’s…

Kevin: But, see the thing is, I am bigger than you, Andrew.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: And I am going to be seeing you live in New York.

Laura: Exactly.

Cristin: Oooh!

Kevin: But, if the fans won’t see you after will I see you is the question?

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: So, the real announcement…

Andrew: You talk like I’m afraid.

Kevin: You should be afraid.

Andrew: The real announcement is that Barnes & Noble, the bookstore that will be hosting us while we are up there, originally we were at, whatever bookstore we were at…

Kevin: 22nd Street.

Andrew: Ah, 22nd Street.

Kevin: It was it? Broadway and 22nd then?

Andrew: Broadway and 22nd. Yeah, but however Barnes & Noble contacted us the other day and told us [makes coughing noise] “We’re not going to be able to hold everyone.” So, therefore…

Kevin: Really?

Andrew: Yes. Therefore…

Kevin: No surprise.

Andrew: We are moving everyone to my house. No. Just kidding.

[All laugh[

Cristin: Nice. Did you tell your Mom?

Andrew: We are moving to a bigger Barnes & Noble. Yeah, we’ve been moved to a bigger Barnes & Noble at 14th Street in Union Square, still in New York City. A few extra blocks, but that is okay. Everyone is taking a cab anyway. It’s going to be at a bigger Barnes & Noble. We’re going to be able to hold like double or triple the amount of people and we are really happy about this. You know it is a bad sign when Barnes & Noble calls you and says, “Uh. We have to kick you out and move you into a bigger one of our stores.”

Cristin: That’s a good sign.

Andrew: Yeah. I guess so.

Kevin: Eric is back. So I am going to invite him in now.

Laura: Cross your fingers everyone.

Andrew: This show was going so well.

Kevin: So well. Okay, Eric?

Eric: Yes.

Kevin: Are you with us?

Eric: I am fine.

Kevin: Great!

[Andrew laughs]

Laura: Yay!

Kevin: We were just telling everyone about how Barnes & Noble had to move us because we had too many people coming.

Eric: No kidding?

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: Ahhh!

Andrew: We kid you not! So…

Eric: Where are we now?

Andrew: Once again… Well, I am glad you asked. Once again our new place is at [makes drum roll] 14 Street in Union Square, New York City. There’s going to be lots more room. We are going to able to run our voices through the entire store to annoy all the people who are there for actual work, and it is just going to be a great time! And don’t forget, you can always RSVP by e-mailing hp live at gmail dot com. However, that does not guarantee you a spot at the show. It just gives us an idea of how many people are coming.

Kevin: And hopefully with this larger venue, we can actually hold quite a bit more of you.

Andrew: It’s going to be able to hold about 300-400 we can hold now.

Eric: Wow!

Andrew: And then there’s plenty of standing room too.

Kevin: That’s good.

Eric: Neat!

Andrew: Yeah. It is nothing. I talk to 70,000 a week.

Kevin: Yeah, right.

[Eric, Cristin, and Laura laugh]

Andrew: So, moving on – we’d also like to cheaply and shamelessly remind you to vote for us at and rate, review, and tag over at Yahoo! Podcasts.

Kevin: And also we have to remind you to not vote for The Leaky Cauldron.

[Laura and Andrew laugh]

Kevin: You know, their podcast is horrible!

[All laugh]

Kevin: They shouldn’t be on the air!

[All laugh]

Kevin: And don’t even vote for them. Please!

Cristin: Aren’t they going to be with you in New York?

Andrew: The reason Kevin brings this up, the reason Kevin brings this up is because they thought they were all cool, that they could use my voice to promote their show by taking my shameless plea for votes last week and turning it into their own. And, actually I have to admit, I do sound a lot better on PotterCast. My voice is a lot more, just a lot better.

Laura: Hey, now! I feel insulted.

Andrew: So, you…

Eric: You go join PotterCast then, Andrew.

Andrew: I think I will.

Laura: Yeah, fine. Traitor!

Eric: But who will be our editor?

Andrew: Uhhh, Kevin!

Kevin: Yeah, I can do the editing.

Eric: Yeah, okay. Balance editing and college.

Kevin: But, I haven’t let Andrew know yet so I don’t have to do anything.

Lego Contest Announcement

Andrew: And also, it wouldn’t be another MuggleCast if we didn’t have another Contest and this one is for all of you Lego fans. You might remember that a few shows ago, I sat down with Joe Fulton of, where we discussed the Harry Potter Lego sets, and now we have a big Contest Announcement. So, take a listen.

All right, we are joined once again by Joe Fulton of He made an appearance on the show a couple of episodes ago where you gave us a sneak peak and very good review about the new Harry Potter Lego Sets.

Joe: That’s right. And hello again to everybody in the Harry Potter world. Yeah, we got such a great response from your listeners about the reviews and even about the Lego sets that I was contacted by Lego, who asked, “Can you guys do some kind of giveaway for the Lego Sets for the Goblet of Fire Sets?” So, that is why I am back on the show today.

Andrew: Yeah. So, we have a big Contest Announcement! And, this is good timing because a lot of people lately have been asking for a new contest. So, this works out good. Now, what is the Contest all about, Joe?

Joe: All right. The Contest is the “Harry Potter Lego Custom Contest” brought to you by and Here is what you are going to have to do. We want you to recreate and photograph a scene from Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince using Legos. And, the most creative person will win two different Lego Sets, “The Graveyard Scene” Set and “The Harry and the Hungarian Horntail” Set.

Andrew: Excellent! Now, we have some rules.

Joe: You’re going to be able to see all the information if you go to and look right there in the center under “Feature Articles,” and you will see a link to the page. But, here are the rules.

First, you can enter as many entries as you like. We want people to be creative. So, if you have a bunch of different ideas, put them together and send them.

Second, the photo must be a “.jpg” submitted by e-mail to my e-mail address, which is ldp at along with the “Title of the Picture,” and “description of the scene,” and “your name.” Now again, the e-mail address is on that page so you don’t have to sit and memorize it, but please send me a little bit of a description of the scene because I may not know exactly what the photograph is supposed to represent.

Third you must use “Lego bricks,” “mini-figures,” anything from Lego in the design to qualify for entry. So, something of Lego must be present.

Which brings me to Rule No. 4, which is you are allowed to use other items along with that as long as you use something from Lego in the design.

Fifth, the scene must be specifically from Book 6! Don’t try and give me a Goblet of Fire Set or even doing from Book 5. It must be from Book 6!

All the entries are due by November 4th! If you don’t get them in before that, you cannot be counted. The winner will be announced right on the MuggleNet podcast Episode 15, which debuts November 13th.

Andrew: Which is also our LIVE podcast.

Joe: Yep.

Andrew: So, we’ll be doing it in front of the LIVE audience.

Joe: Yep.

Andrew: Maybe you’ll be there. Maybe the winner will be there.

Joe: Oh! Hopefully.

Andrew: That would be cool.

Joe: But, it will be, I think it is a great opportunity for creative Harry Potter fans to really give us something great and they can win some great Lego prizes.

Andrew: All right, Joe. So, once again the deadline is November 4th! The winners will be announced the weekend of the Goblet of Fire domestic premiere, which will probably be November 13th. Thanks for joining us, Joe. And, we’ll be talking to you again soon.

Joe: Oh, thanks for having me. And, if you have any questions or anything go to and I assume that MuggleNet will also probably have a link to the article as well.

Andrew: Yes, and the e-mail address.

Joe: Yes.

Andrew: So, all you have to do is go to our “Show Notes” page and we’ll have the e-mail address there.

Joe: Great! Good luck to everyone!

Spy on Spartz

Andrew: Now, before we do anything else, let’s get to our regular segments that really make this show shine each and every week. Taking the world by storm – “Spy on Spartz!” This week, Emerson Spartz was at home.

Kevin: Oh, where is he?

Laura: Woohoo!

Andrew: That’s all I have to say because…

[All laugh]

Eric: This section…

Andrew: He is not online. So, tune in next week for another exciting edition of “Spy on Spartz.”

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: I have a feeling that they are like getting worse and worse each week.

Eric: They are getting less exciting.

Laura: [Laughs] Yeah.

Andrew: Ooh! Ooh! Here, I have a “Spy on Spartz” clue or a tidbit thing. [whispers] Emerson’s, everyone turn up their microphones because I can’t say this too loud because I don’t want many people to hear it, Emerson Spartz will be doing a podcast soon. There’s my phone.

[Andrew’s phone rings]

[All laugh]

Laura: And you were lecturing me to turn mine off!

Andrew: Sorry! [Laughs]

Cristin: Yeah! Hurry up! We don’t have that much time. Hurry up!

Eric: Andrew! Andrew!

Andrew: No, I do know who that is.

Eric: You’re the reason we’re lagging man! You and your cell phone.

Andrew: I know. Sorry! Well, I am leaving anyway.

Andrew’s Listener Challenge

Andrew: So, for this week’s “Andrew’s Listener Challenge” I am still going to pose the same challenge to you, which is to dress up as one of us or a Harry Potter character for Halloween. Extra points if you dress up as one of us because anyone can dress up as a Harry Potter character, but if you dress up as one of us, nobody is going to know who you are. So, you really have to have some strength.

Eric: And, that’s the fun part.

Laura: Actually, one girl who e-mailed me said that she was going to wear a sign that says, “I am Laura Thompson from MuggleCast!”

[All laugh]

Kevin: Oh geez! That’s genius.

Eric: That’s easy.

Laura: I thought that was brilliant!

Andrew: Excellent! We have another extended remix for you this week. It’s a little bit longer so we will only air one. And, once again, you can send all of your Challenge Entries to challenge at staff dot mugglenet dot com.

Main Topic – Sirius Black

Andrew: Now, let’s get on to the main topic of the week. Continuing our regular series on a specific Harry Potter character, because you know what, guys? There are so many characters that if we just do one for every show, we’ll be good for about three years. So, this is a safe topic.

[Laura laughs]

Kevin: It is.

Laura: Yeah.

Andrew: And, of course we will be switching it up.

Eric: And immediately after that, we will be so screwed.

Andrew: Yeah. So, we will be doing this, we will be doing quite a few of these and I think these are turning out really well because it gives everyone a great look at one specific character, and we can just focus on one steady topic. So, this week’s character is Sirius Black.

Kevin: Are you serious?

Andrew: That is right. Ah ha ha!

Laura: [Laughs] You know what, Kevin? That was worse than my Avada Kedavra joke.

Kevin: Hey! I try.

[Laura and Cristin laugh]

Andrew: No, Laura. Your Avada Kedavra joke is taking the world by storm. Mark my words!

Kevin: Oh, okay.

Laura: I saw that. I saw that. People in the comments were quite amused by that.

Kevin: Yeah. So, let’s get on to the main topic. Do you think that Sirius is dead?

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, I really do.

Kevin: I do, too.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: I think he’s a goner.

Cristin: I held out hope, but then after this last book, I have kind of let that fall by the wayside.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Well, I mean it’s, they had that interview with JK Rowling saying that she was crying.

Eric: Right.

Kevin: Over the death.

Eric: Yeah. In the kitchen to Neil.

Kevin: I don’t think that she would be crying if he was still alive. You know? She doesn’t seem like the author to kill someone off and not mean it.

Laura: Yeah.

Cristin: Yeah. And, didn’t she say…

Eric: Yeah, and like misleading the fans.

Cristin: Yeah, I know.

Kevin: Exactly. Same thing goes for Dumbledore. I don’t think Sirius or Dumbledore are still alive.

Laura: Yeah. Same.

Eric: But, once again, I can’t really emphasize it enough. Does that mean they’re gone even though they’re dead? They don’t have to be gone. We might see them again, but as I think as far as…

Laura: Well, no, it’s a constant.

Kevin: I think the most we’ll see is a tidbit left behind by them, but not anything larger than that.

Eric: Yeah. I have to…

Kevin: Although I do feel like there is going to be something very personal for Harry to discover that Sirius or Dumbledore left behind.

Eric: Yeah, I have to agree with you on that.

Laura: I also think it is more of a symbolic thing, like what Dumbledore was saying, “that he would never truly be gone as long as those at Hogwarts were still faithful to him.” So, I think that is how characters like Sirius and Dumbledore do live on in a way, in the series. It’s because people they left behind still love about them and care about them.

Eric: Well, those we love never truly leave us.

Laura: Exactly.

Cristin: And, it affects the way they behave too because with Harry, thinking back about what’s happened to Sirius and what’s happened to Dumbledore, it is just going to give him more fire to go on.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: Yeah. I was just going to say that. She always mentions Sirius throughout the books even though he’s gone.

Eric: Yeah, he was, Sirius was mentioned in the beginning of the first book. He was there. Hagrid said that he borrowed his bike from him. He told McGonagall and Dumbledore.

Kevin: Yep.

Eric: So, he’s been there. I mean I thought that was particularly cool. He’s always in the background or he existed there. He was one of the first few characters she introduced. And, next to Dumbledore, Dumbledore was the first character, I guess, next to McGonagall.

Kevin: Yep.

Laura: Right.

Eric: So, that’s all I think he could have possibly hoped for.

Kevin: Now, what do you guys think about Sirius’ purpose in the books? Do you think he had a purpose, and if so, what was it? And, did he fulfill it, like as a character I mean?

Eric: Hmmm.

Kevin: In the sense of a character, I mean.

Laura: I think he… Go ahead. Sorry.

Eric: Oh, no. Oh, okay. I think he existed because if you look in the third Book, it was mainly devoted to the love of Harry for his family, and for his past, and for his father and for his father’s friends. I think that is a tremendous part of the third book, obviously not the movie, but the third book had a lot, with the Marauders and everything. The whole book is really about Harry’s friends, Harry’s parents’ friends and what they did at Hogwarts. Sirius really existed, especially at the end to kind of give Harry a sense of family and closure. You know? The whole going to live with Sirius thing. It’s really a shame that it all goes to hell because you really get this tremendous sense of what a great guy and what a great father Sirius could be, and the love that he had for James Potter, and the one that is passed on now to Harry.

Kevin: Now, do you think he would have been a good father? Because that I have a seen quite a bit of debate about because of his tendency of being reckless.

Cristin: His immaturity?

Eric: Well, you’re right. That’s… That’s, I think you’re…

Kevin: He was, he seemed like a good friend.

Eric: Right. Exactly.

Kevin: But, as a father figure, I don’t think he was the best.

Eric: I know, Kevin. And that’s exactly what she then later developed in Book 5.

Kevin: Yep.

Eric: With him treating Harry like James and that he’s not James. You know, all that stuff with Molly and things. So, I think, my favorite thing about Sirius, I would have to say, is that he is flawed, and that he’s…

Cristin: Human.

Eric: He’s human, he’s flawed, and he’s tragically misunderstood. Throughout the whole third book, we’re going through and thinking that he’s this demented murderer, when in fact it is completely the opposite.

Laura: Right.

Eric: Well, he still is demented.

[All laugh]

Cristin: I love his loyalty.

Kevin: That’s true. Yeah.

Cristin: Because I started going through the books and looking at things. If you look at his actions, if you don’t understand the underlying meaning behind the actions, the reasons he was doing those things, you could see him as a horrible person.

Eric: You can.

Cristin: But, when you start looking into it, you can interpret almost every thing that he did as loyalty.

Eric: And love.

Cristin: You know? Even… Yeah, and love.

Eric: Yeah, Cristin, even when he admitted, remember when he admitted to Harry that “I as good as killed them.”

Cristin: Yeah.

Eric: He told Harry, but before he clarified himself it was like “Yes, I killed them, Harry.” And, Harry was able to beat him up or whatever. But, he was so truthful and he felt so guilty over what had happened that he just…

Kevin: And, I think that, that is one of the flaws in his personality that made him so reckless. He tended to blame himself for things.

Cristin: Right.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: And felt responsible to address them and to fix them.

Eric: But, that’s the thing. That’s where I saw a parallel between myself or possibly people in general, Sirius because I think a lot of people do dabble in measures they shouldn’t and have good intentions going in.

Cristin: Well, you can look back to when he went after Wormtail. I kind of looked at that and went “Hmmm. Is that just revenge or what’s going on here?” With someone who is as loyal as Sirius, he could have even seen it as something he had to do for James and Lily, not just for him.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s true. Definitely.

Laura: I…

Eric: Well, I have a question.

Kevin: Sure.

Eric: Laura, sorry, you can talk. I just have one quick question.

[All laugh]

Laura: It’s totally cool.

Eric: Do you guys think that the wizarding community had a double jeopardy law?

[All laugh]

Eric: Could he kill Pettigrew again and get away with it?

Kevin: I highly doubt it.

Eric: That’s kind of stupid.

Kevin: I find it highly doubtful. Yeah.

Eric: It’s probably stupid anyway because he needed Pettigrew alive to prove his innocence, but okay. Laura, what were you going to say?

Laura: All right. I like what you guys had to say about him. I think you guys raised several good points. First, on to Sirius’ purpose in the series, I think he really did fulfill his purpose, which I think was to serve as a driving force for Harry, to motivate him to defeat Voldemort. Because as you can see in the series, up until the point until Sirius dies, his focus is Voldemort, strictly Voldemort. After Sirius’ death, as it wasn’t Voldemort that killed Sirius, it was Bellatrix, you see more of a broadened view. Voldemort is not the only evil person here. There are people willing, waiting to step up and take his place. People who would love to stand in his shoes if he would go away. So, I think Harry sees it as more of a general goal now that he needs to get rid of Voldemort and that he needs to get rid of these followers because they are just as dangerous.

Kevin: See, I think that that is exactly what his purpose was: bringing the battle to Harry on a personal level.

Laura: Right.

Kevin: When Harry’s parents died, he didn’t know his parents, he just knew that his parents died. And although that might seem like a personal thing to someone, if you’re an infant, and your parents die, and you grow up, you really never knew your parents.

Cristin: You don’t know what you’re missing.

Kevin: If you know who killed them, you’d be mad at them, but you never truly knew them as people. And the difference was with Sirius was that he got to know this man and the man was taken from him.

Laura: Really…

Kevin: And it made that battle with Voldemort that much more personal.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: It made it so that it came into focus for him and he had to say to himself, “Wow! This is really what my life is.” You know?

Laura: Exactly. It made him more focused, I think.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: Most definitely.

Eric: I agree with you. That’s definitely…

Kevin: Not only against Voldemort as you said, but the Death Eaters as well.

Eric: Yeah. I think Bellatrix is probably going to be Neville’s to take care of, which is cool. I want him to finish her off.

Laura: Oh, I’d love that.

Cristin: Yeah.

Eric: Or do something with.

Laura: I’d love to watch him finish her off.

Eric: I want him to confront her.

Laura: Oh, I hate her.

Eric: Yeah, I want him to confront her, but…

Kevin: I also, I don’t think he’s going to confront her. I think he’s going to kill her. [Laughs] To be honest.

Eric: I don’t know. Neville…

Laura: I’ll be rejoicing when that happens.

Eric: We’d like to see Neville take her down, because she’s clearly, clearly an evil person, but this isn’t the Bellatrix cast. So, back to Sirius.

[All laugh]

Kevin: Yeah. That’s true.

Eric: I agree with her purpose.

Cristin: Do you guys have a problem with the way Sirius died? It was just so harsh to me, him falling through the veil, no closure at all.

Kevin: See, yeah, but I think that is why she did it. Because it wasn’t only no closure for us, it was no closure for Harry.

Eric: Yeah. Uh huh.

Kevin: Because in an instant, he was gone.

Cristin: Yep.

Eric: Exactly.

Kevin: He had no time for Sirius to be wounded and dying or Sirius to have last words. He just died. And I think she did that for a purpose to make it so that he was torn from Harry and made Harry realize what was going on.

Laura: Something that JKR has always, has always stressed is that she thinks that children are greatly underestimated, and a lot of the time when you see death in something that is considered a children’s book, you see people trying to create closure so that they don’t disturb children. But, I really think that she is trying to put across the fact that life is short, life can be taken away very easily in the space of a second, and she’s trying to put across that kids can take this, kids and adults alike. I think that was a big part of it.

Eric: Yeah, definitely.

Cristin: And kids don’t get closure. They don’t always get to say goodbye.

Kevin: Exactly.

Laura: Just like adults.

Kevin: Most times they don’t.

Eric: Yeah, which is…

Kevin: And I think that she was trying to tune the audience into the harsh sense of reality.

Laura: Well, it’s not all a fantasy world. It’s not all spells and magic.

Cristin: Magic.

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: No, I don’t like it. I don’t like it when people say, when people treat Harry as some silly fantasy novel because it’s not. Its allegories and its parallels are tremendous. You know? Corruption in government. And what you were talking about the whole death and having no time, that is a complete moment of dramatic irony when there is no time for Harry to say goodbye to Sirius. When right next door is the Time Room with all the Time Turners.

Laura: Exactly!

Eric: You know? I mean, how, that’s a slap in the face.

Laura: Definitely. Definitely.

Kevin: Yeah. Not to mention that he didn’t even know what the veil was.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: It is sort of like exactly what goes on when a family loses someone close and they have to explain it to the child.

Eric: Yeah. It’s a child.

Kevin: Because a child doesn’t understand.

Cristin: Right. Harry wanted him to come back.

Kevin: Harry had no clue about the veil. Exactly. Harry had no idea how the veil worked. All he was told was that he was dead.

Laura: Yeah. And he’s not coming back.

Kevin: Even to this day, we still don’t know what the veil is and what its purpose is, and I think that is very important in the series because I think we’re going to find out what its purpose is.

Laura: Right.

Eric: Yeah. That surprised me in Book 6, that he didn’t, that JKR didn’t really focus at all on the Ministry of Magic, like actually the place or the Department of Mysteries.

Kevin: I think she did that purposefully, though.

Cristin: Mhm. Yeah.

Eric: I think she did too and I agree with you.

Kevin: Because it makes it so that, there was one thing about that whole scene that was very important and that was the fact that she mentioned that room that Harry could not get into.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: And, what happens is if she brought it up in Book 6, we all know that something in the Department of…you know, the Ministry of Magic.

Eric: Mhm.

Kevin: We know that something is going to happen there. Something has to happen there.

Eric: That’s true.

Kevin: And, the fact that she didn’t bring attention to it this time, shows that she is trying to divert your attention from it so that you don’t have any suspicions about it for next book. You know what I mean?

Cristin: I also think, I mean this book is really the reason I stopped wanting Sirius to come back. I mean I still want him to, but I stopped holding out that hope.

Eric: Pretty much. Yeah.

Cristin: Because if he was going to, it would have been mentioned.

Eric: You think he might have… Yeah.

Cristin: Something would have happened with him.

Kevin: Definitely. Although she does continue to bring up his name throughout the book as sort of a…you know, a….

Cristin: Inspiration?

Kevin: Inspiration for Harry. Exactly.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: Which was cool. And last week, well, last week I said about the whole Tonks thing how I didn’t really get it. Just the fact that she was upset about Sirius really did just bring more, bring Sirius up again.

Cristin: Right.

Eric: That was the purpose. That helped.

Cristin: The question I was left at after Book 5 finished was, “What is going to happen with Sirius with Luna talking about hearing the voices and things like that?” It really was something that gave me something to hold on to, and with it not being addressed in this book…

Laura: I always thought of that as being when you die, you have the choice to come back in ghost form, as Nearly Headless Nick said, or you have the choice to go on. And, I think that was more meant to show that when Harry goes on he’s going to be reunited with these people, but not until it is time.

Kevin: Yep. Well, it also showed that because Sirius didn’t come back as a ghost, he had nothing to hold him to the Earth. He had no regrets. You know what I mean?

Cristin: Yeah.

Eric: He was… Yeah.

Laura: Yeah, and I could see him potentially staying for Harry, but I think Sirius would look at that and realize that, that is not what Harry would need because when you look at Sirius, you see a lot of erratic behavior, and you see a lot of leaping before he looks. And, it has caused some very serious and damaging effects because as we have seen he shouldn’t have gone to the Department of Mysteries.

Eric: Actually, he didn’t.

Laura: However, I think that something as serious as Harry having to fight Voldemort on his own, I think Sirius would realize he needed to go on and be with Harry later.

Kevin: I also think that he recognized Harry’s maturity.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: He knew Harry, I mean Harry acts well above his age because he has been forced to.

Eric: Right.

Kevin: The events in his life have forced him to…

Cristin: Mature quickly.

Kevin: Jump out of that teenage stage very early and into maturity. I mean, look at what he is facing now.

Eric: Oh god! It’s crazy!

Kevin: But, at the same time I think that the main purpose of Sirius and even Dumbledore was to make it so that Harry had a drive. Harry has every purpose in the world and every reason in the world to kill Voldemort. Every reason. And, I think it just makes it so that when he gets there, he’s going to be faced with a choice. You know what I mean?

Cristin: Yeah.

Kevin: To be honest, I don’t see Harry killing Voldemort flat out like in cold blood, even if Voldemort was defenseless. I doubt he would as a person.

Laura: I think it is going to be more personal than that. I really do.

Kevin: Exactly. Yep.

Cristin: Well, with what Luna said, after finally reading this book, what I kind of thought was, she started talking about how she loses things, but they always come back, and I think Sirius really did come back in this book that way. Harry still had him. He hadn’t lost him.

Eric: And you know what’s cool? Sirius put Harry in his will and gave him Grimmauld Place and Kreacher, which Kreacher to an extent, I guess is arguable, whether or not he helped Harry in Book 6, but I think it is very mature for Sirius to have done that. Because if he prepared a will, he kind of figured that the end might be near for him and when Sirius was sitting, rotting in Grimmauld Place, bitter about everything, bitter about life, bitter about not being able to be with Harry, I think he finally realized that Harry would have to go it alone and that he would have to… Sirius kind of took a responsibility role and thought things ahead and really prepared Harry, he prepared to give Harry, Grimmauld Place and Kreacher and all that stuff. I really think it is a kind of redeeming quality because yes, he does act before he thinks, but this clearly was something he planned ahead and was very good about.

Kevin: Now, were you surprised by the lack of personal letter or something left behind by Sirius to talk to Harry? You know what I mean?

Eric: No. The two-way mirror. That ticked me off. Harry just smashed it, didn’t he?

[Laura and Cristin laugh]

Laura: Oh yes!

Kevin: Yeah, but that ticked a lot of people off.

Laura: I was so mad.

Eric: It should have ticked a lot of people off. I mean there’s that… That’s more irony. The answer was right there and Harry didn’t use it and Harry didn’t think about it.

Cristin: Imagine how mad…

Laura: I slammed the book shut I was so mad.

[Kevin and Cristin laugh]

Cristin: Imagine how mad Harry had to be. People get angry whenever they don’t understand things like death. You know? That’s one of the things that people do. They’ll get angry at the universe for whatever happened because they don’t understand it, and I think that’s what Harry was doing.

Kevin: And, it was a way of forcing Harry to see that everything isn’t perfect and he doesn’t think about everything. You know? He can’t always be the person who saves the day.

Eric: Even though he was…

Kevin: There are some times he’s forced to accept reality and realize that he can’t do everything. You know?

Cristin: Yeah. He can’t save everyone.

Kevin: Exactly.

Eric: Even though he was ticked off.

Kevin: And I think that mirror was representing that.

Eric: He was ticked off with the world. I think he was ticked off with the world long before he discovered that death wasn’t happy. You know?

[All laugh]

Kevin: That’s true.

Eric: But, yeah. So, the purpose of, I mean I like, I agree with you the purpose of Sirius going back to that was to empower Harry. I think that was more the purpose of his death. As I was trying to say earlier, he does also serve as a connection to Harry’s past, which did not previously exist, and I mean it is important I think to mention Lupin as well right here because Sirius and Lupin really did bring the perspective thing to Harry. In Book 5, after the Snape-Pensieve scene, he confronts Sirius and Lupin about his father, and they say, “Yes, Harry. He did make mistakes. He was an arrogant person.” And so, he’s able to converse with them and find out all these things about his past through Sirius and Lupin. And, I think that’s important because he’s really worried about his father there and I think Lupin being alive for now is going to be, I think is going to help with more stuff about his past in the future.

Kevin: Okay. So, do you think that covers every aspect of Sirius we can think about?

Eric: No. We should talk about more I think.

Cristin: [Laughs] Oh no!

Laura: Actually, I did have a question for you guys.

Eric: Sure.

Laura: We’ve seen several death clues, especially throughout Book 5, that Sirius was going to die, but I think that there was more to do it then that. I think that JKR was beginning to show us that Sirius was going to die from the end of Book 3. I really think that his erratic behavior, examples being Harry not wanting to tell him that he had been entered into the Triwizard Tournament because he knew that Sirius came back to England over his scar. And, I believe that exact quote was, “He’ll come bursting through the doors of the Great Hall if he finds out about this!” Do you think that it has been there, we haven’t really seen it, but it’s been there that Sirius was going to do something that was going that would end up resulting in his death because he wasn’t thinking clearly, or thinking far enough ahead?

Eric: Yes and no. Well, I think yes and no because, because of Dumbledore’s death. We’ve seen that Sirius, yes, his erratic behavior did get him killed arguably, but Dumbledore is the one person who thinks everything out and can get a way out of everything, and even he died.

Laura: Right. Right.

Eric: So, I don’t think it’s, you know? In a way, yes, Sirius was, again, arguably bound to die because of his erratic behavior and bound to get into trouble, but Dumbledore also died and that is really a shame.

Laura: I know.

Kevin: Yeah.

Cristin: Yeah.

Laura: It’s hard not to get upset about that.

Eric: It’s like no one is safe. Whether you are organized or unorganized or…

Cristin: Whatever skills you have.

Laura: Right.

Eric: No one is safe. What about the Animagi and the history of that whole thing at Hogwarts? The Marauders as children and Sirius, you know?

Kevin: I was very surprised that Harry didn’t investigate that more in Book 6.

Cristin: Yeah.

Kevin: I was very, very surprised. Because I would think that, like, Harry really looked up to Sirius and I think he would learn that skill and how to morph like that just to mirror his mentor. You know? His fallen mentor. And, I was very, very surprised that he didn’t. I was sort of disappointed.

Laura: I would at least think that he would want to research it.

Kevin: Yeah.

Laura: Maybe not necessarily pursue it, but definitely look into it a little bit. He might.

Eric: Well, one of the things with the deaths in the Harry Potter books, the trend I noticed between Dumbledore’s death and Sirius’ death was that in Book 5 we really got to know Sirius even more than we had before. We did have him a lot more in Goblet of Fire then he will be in the movie, unfortunately, but they have to make cuts that is understandable, but we found out all about his family and all about the whole Noble Ancient House of Black, the whole family tree, which was important pureblood information for the future. And, we got to spend time with Sirius, we got to understand that he wasn’t really happy where he was alive, and we found out all this stuff about him and then he died. She took him away from us. Now, similarly with Dumbledore in Book 6, we had the meetings with Harry and Dumbledore where Dumbledore set Harry up for things he would need to know in the future about purebloods and Voldemort, and then she took him away from us. And, so I think it is an interesting concept, it is an interesting kind of pattern.

Laura: Well, I think…

Eric: At least, did you guys notice that?

Laura: I think again that Dumbledore served his purpose.

Eric: He did.

Laura: And, however sad it is to say it, we don’t need him anymore.

Kevin: I still maintain that he is going to be…he must have left at least some clue for Harry to teach himself.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: The whole thing that is bothering me about the whole Dumbledore situation is that he left Harry without a trace. You know? And I think that there must be something, just like I think in Sirius’ case, I think that there is more to the death of the character then just their death. I think that maybe each of them left something behind for Harry.

Cristin: Right.

Kevin: And, I believe that they will serve their purpose in Book 7, in leading Harry on the right track.

Eric: And, I like that. I like it because it also says what I think JKR has tried to say, which is that even in death, people are still useful, and people can still help. Even the memory alone of people can help serve things.

Cristin: Right.

Eric: One other thing if everybody is done, before we move on. Sirius said he grew up practically under the Potters’ roof, under James’ roof, always hanging out with James and stuff.

Laura: Mhm.

Cristin: Mhm.

Eric: You guys have any thoughts on that? Comments?

Cristin: Kind of like Harry and Ron.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Definitely.

Eric: Yeah, it is definitely the idea of if you have an unsuitable family that you can find shelter in someone else’s family.

Kevin: Well, I think it was also an attempt by JK Rowling to mirror Harry with Sirius.

Laura: Yeah.

Cristin: Mhm.

Kevin: She was making a connection because Sirius was over the Potters’ house, but Harry was over the Weasleys’ house.

Cristin: Yeah.

Kevin: It was sort of like a low-level connection to the two characters.

Laura: Yeah. The Potters basically adopted Sirius the same way the Weasleys have adopted Harry.

Kevin: Exactly, because of circumstance.

Cristin: And, not only that, but if you look at Sirius with his background, he would have been welcomed into Slytherin, into those circles. I mean I know not all Slytherins are bad, but the ones that were, he would have been welcomed into that. Just like Harry was welcomed by Draco. And they both made decisions that, that wasn’t who they were.

Eric: And, I think that’s one of the best things about him. That’s why everybody actually ended up believing that he was truly a Voldemort supporter in the end, at least the people who knew that it was Sirius Black, who, well, I guess everybody knew that he attacked Peter Pettigrew, but what I am saying is that is what I think made it easier to believe for some people that he could have been working for Voldemort. Because he was a harsh. He was sporadic. He was…

Cristin: Reckless.

Eric: In Prisoner of Azkaban the movie, he said that once or twice they thought of making the Padfoot transformation permanent. He’s a dog. He’s a scavenger.

[Cristin laughs]

Eric: He’s got that personality for bad stuff. He just chooses not to use it.

Cristin: And, see dogs remind me of loyalty anyway.

Eric: Yeah.

Cristin: You know?

Eric: Man’s best friend.

Cristin: I mean isn’t that the one quality you really think of when you think of a dog is loyalty?

Kevin: Yep.

Laura: Exactly.

Cristin: I have an interesting parallel and I want to know what y’all think, with Sirius and Snape. Most people who like one don’t like the other one that much, which is understandable because they didn’t like each other.

Laura: I love both of them.

Eric: Who? Wait, sorry, who?

Cristin: [Laughs] Well, I said most people, not all people.

Eric: Wait, who?

Cristin: Sirius and Snape.

Eric: Oh, I like both. I really do like both. I think it is very important because they are both, I see them similar. And, even though they are enemies I think Snape does care about Harry in a way. As much as he detests him, when they were going at it about Sirius’, sorry, I mean Harry’s Occlumency lessons and all that stuff, even though they hate each other I think there is completely like a, I don’t know. It’s like the hate-love thing. They hate each other as much as they depend on each other because Sirius had to depend on Dumbledore and Snape to teach Harry correctly and instruct him out at Hogwarts because Sirius had to stay behind at Grimmauld Place. I mean I think it is one of those situations.

Cristin: Yeah. So, what my thing is, is that everyone thought that Sirius was a spy, just like everyone now thinks that Snape is a spy, and the ones who trusted Sirius, they were the ones that were murdered. And it appeared that Sirius murdered them. Just like with Snape, the one who trusted him, Dumbledore, who convinced everyone else to trust him, was killed, and Snape was the one who did it.

Laura: That is interesting.

Cristin: And then they both seemed to run away and honestly…

Kevin: Yeah, but I still think there is something behind Snape that we haven’t seen before.

Laura: Same.

Cristin: Yeah, I can…

Kevin: Or yet.

Cristin: I am not saying that. I mean even this is another clue that Snape doesn’t necessarily have to be evil.

Eric: Well…

Cristin: Because like Sirius, everyone thought that he was, but he wasn’t.

Eric: I know what you mean. One of the things, I guess since we are talking about Grimmauld Place, I can sneak this in. I know it is not SnapeCast, I apologize, but…

[All laugh]

Eric: …Book 5 was another book, I said Book 6 was it, but Book 5 also, we don’t get a lot of Snape at all. I mean I suppose there was a little bit more in Book 5 because Book 5 is a longer book, but between Book 5 and 6, we don’t know it all yet even now in Book 6 or in Book 5 what Snape was doing. And, I think that just draws more suspicion or draws more… It give us less to use as conviction for him being evil.

Cristin: Mhm.

Eric: So…

Cristin: Especially at the end when he was still teaching him not to say spells out loud.

Eric: Exactly.

Laura: Yeah.

Eric: And so Sirius…

Cristin: That struck me as really odd. You know? He was…

Eric: And, he really does come across as a Sirius-type character, Snape, I mean, because even though he does detest him he can still teach him and tell him what he needs to do.

Kevin: Yeah, but you sort of have to remember with the lack of Sirius, I think that some of the hatred went away from Snape. If you know what I mean.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: I know what you mean.

Kevin: Because Sirius died. You know what I mean?

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: Why continue hating somebody even when they’re dead? Because they’re dead.

Eric: Exactly.

Laura: Exactly.

Eric: Exactly.

Cristin: Right.

Eric: And, even when he hated…

Cristin: He’s not still calling him names.

[All laugh]

Kevin: Exactly.

Eric: He’s not calling him Snivelly all the time.

Cristin: Right.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: So, that’s a plus. Yeah, James and Sirius, you know, if you realize in Book 3, McGonagall called them the “rag-tag duo.” They would give the Weasley twins a run for their money, Sirius and James. And, those two, I guess they were the highest in power. I’m sure Lupin was in there, but I think Snape was probably picked on most by James and secondly Sirius. He’s not afraid to call him Snivellus. With James dead, thanks to Snape in a way, and Sirius dead, thanks to Snape’s inability to properly teach Harry Occlumency (which is actually Harry’s fault), but with the two lead contenders dead, I don’t think Snape really has much to go on to hate Harry anymore.

Cristin: Yeah.

Eric: He can’t blame him for hanging around with Sirius because Sirius is dead.

Cristin: He has to look at him for himself and not for who his parents were and his godfather.

Laura: Right.

Eric: I’m sorry. Does anybody get the parallel of the Beatles when they think of the Marauders?

[All laugh]

Eric: Maybe it is just me. I’m thinking John and Paul, and then you’ve got Ringo who is Pettigrew because…

[All laugh]

Kevin: Okay.

Eric: And George Harrison is Lupin. Lupin is George. You ever get that?

[All laugh]

Eric: Anybody ever think that?

Cristin: I can honestly say I’ve never thought that before.

Laura: Yeah, me neither, but that is interesting.

Cristin: Yeah.

Eric: Just think of it.

Laura: I will never think of the Marauders the same when I listen to “Yellow Submarine” from now on. [Laughs]

Eric: Okay. [Starts singing] Hey, Harry (to the beat of “Hey, Jude”).

Kevin: Okay, so…

[All laugh]

Kevin: Well, if we’ve covered all the topics on Sirius…

Eric: [Still singing] Ava-da Keda-vra (to the beat of “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da”).

[All laugh]

Eric: Wait, I got it. Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, Kevin.

[Still singing]

Ava-da Keda-vra

Kevin: Okay.

Eric: [Still singing]

Life stops here


Da, da, da, da

Life stops here

Kevin: Okay. So, on to Voicemails.

Voicemails – Tom Riddle’s Diary

Kevin: We only have a couple voicemails this time because we don’t want to make this show too long.

[Audio]: Hey MuggleCast! This is Angelica from Toronto, Canada. Eh? Okay, here’s my question, but first I am fluent in French and every time the mispronunciation of Beauxbatons was used. So, no more “Beauxbaxtons”, Andrew!

[All laugh]

[Audio]: Anyway, if Voldemort didn’t know that Lucius had released the diary at Hogwarts and didn’t know that it was destroyed, wouldn’t it mean that if the memory had survived there would have been two Voldies? Just wanted to hear your thoughts. Thanks. Bye.

Kevin: I do want to mention that this question has already been answered on JK Rowling’s own site, but if you read her response, she sort of dodged the answer. She said and I quote, “I can’t answer that fully until all seven books are finished, but it would have strengthened the present-day Voldemort considerably.” Now, knowing JK Rowling’s own response, what do you guys think would have happened if the diary had survived?

Eric: Great question. First of all, I just want to announce right now I am going to make a remix of Andrew going “Beauxbaxtons.”

[All laugh]

Eric: It is going to be three minutes of him saying “Beauxbaxtons” to like a really catchy beat. I’m going to work on that. Get that out to you.

[Laura laughs]

Eric: But, anyway. To the question. I think it is very interesting. I think it is all about the power of the Horcruxes. Horcrux Power! Can one-seventh of one’s soul manifest itself into a full being and the answer I guess, is looking like “Yes!” because the diary was taking its power from Ginny and Tom could become a separate person. And, that’s scary because if a Horcrux can stand by itself and drain power from other people, if Harry is a Horcrux, can it drain on him and other things like that?

Kevin: Well, I also think the diary, because it is not a full part of Voldemort’s soul, it would be somewhat, it is sort of twisted saying it, but it would be somewhat more corrupt than Voldemort. Reason being that as we found out, we didn’t know when it was happening, but as we found out the Horcrux is a part of the soul that is fragmented when you murder someone. How good or what material can be in that soul that would, there’s no good figment of that soul in any way. It is a part of the soul that was fragmented because you murdered someone. The ultimate act of hate. So, I think that on a certain level it would be worse than Voldemort because it would be even more corrupt because of its origin.

Eric: Well Kevin, just before you get hate mail, for the women out there, for the women fans, I guess I have to say the only good thing that did come out of the twisted, more corrupt Horcrux was Christian Coulson.

[All laugh]

Eric: No. That’s my understanding of the fandom. Okay girls, take it away.

Laura: Ha.

Eric: What do you think?

Laura: Well, first of all, I really never understood that appeal. Anyway, I think…

Eric: Yay!

[All laugh]

Laura: I think that…

Eric: Well, me neither. I just said that.

Laura: I totally agree with what you guys said, and all I really have to add to that topic is if the diary had survived, Harry would be screwed.

Cristin: Definitely.

Laura: Yeah.

Kevin: Most definitely. Especially then since you would have to kill two full-strength Voldemorts.

Laura: Yeah.

Cristin: Yeah.

Kevin: But, in order to kill…well, you couldn’t kill one without the other.

Eric: Well, you know what?

Kevin: I think it is more of a paradox situation.

Eric: You know what’s interesting?

Kevin: Because if one can…

Eric: Actually, at that time…

Kevin: What?

Eric: At that time, Voldemort wasn’t in power. He wasn’t in power for another two years, which is interesting.

Kevin: Yeah, but think about it. If he had separated it, is almost like a paradox situation because now you have a full-strength Voldemort and another full-strength Voldemort, both relying on Horcruxes to stay alive, but each of them is considered a Horcrux to the other.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: It is almost like this paradoxical situation that JK Rowling was wise to avoid and just kill him off.

Laura: [Laughs] Yeah.

Cristin: If you think about that, then what about the other Horcruxes?

Eric: Roads…

[Cristin laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, but the other Horcruxes weren’t full strength.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: They didn’t have substance. They’re not a person. They’re not a true soul until they…

Cristin: Right, but could they?

Eric: Right.

Cristin: I mean…

Kevin: I think it’s possible, but I don’t think he…

Cristin: It’s probable.

Eric: Theoretical.

Kevin: I don’t think he made any other Horcrux with the intention that it would create itself.

Laura: Then it would be able to act independently.

Cristin: Stand for him, kind of?

Kevin: Exactly.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: He made that one specifically.

Eric: Right, like the ring.

Kevin: And, we’re still not sure if he knows that the diary has been destroyed, and I would gather that he doesn’t because I believe he was saving that for a special situation.

Cristin: Mhm.

Kevin: That was like his book of last return. Like, “If all else fails, I still have this book, which has the potential of keeping me alive.”

Cristin: Right.

Kevin: You know? And…

Eric: Could it have restored him too?

Kevin: Well, it wouldn’t restore him so to say, but it would restore…

Laura: It’s a back-up copy.

Kevin: Exactly.

[All laugh]

Eric: Ha! A back up.

Kevin: He’s established his last will and testament. That was him saying, “You may have killed me, but just wait.”

Cristin: The sequel.

Kevin: But, to be honest I think that he is going to be a little angry at…who put the diary in…Lucius! He’s going to be a little angry at Lucius when he finds out the diary has been destroyed.

Laura: Just a little!

Kevin: Just a bit!

Laura: Yeah. [Laughs]

Cristin: Yeah. [Laughs]

Eric: Well…

Kevin: I don’t Lucius is going to be sticking around for much longer after he tells him that.

Eric: Well, he went and he…

Kevin: But, I don’t think…

Eric: He gave Draco the suicide mission just because Lucius put the book in Hogwarts and got rid of it. So…

Kevin: That’s true.

Eric: You know? [Laughs]

Kevin: Yeah. It’s possible.

[Laura laughs]

Voicemails – Snape and Lily

[Audio]: Hi! This Brianne from Arizona. I love your guys’ show! My question is about Snape. Do you think the reason why Snape showed so much remorse after Lily and James’ deaths was because he had feelings for Lily? And also, do you think that is why Lord Voldemort offered Lily a chance to live, because that is not really what Lord Voldemort would do? I’d love to hear you guys’ input about that! Love your show! Bye!

Cristin: I think that it would explain if he did, but I can’t necessarily see him telling Voldemort to give her a chance to get away. So, I think really, Voldemort didn’t have any use for her. Otherwise it wouldn’t have mattered if Snape had feelings or not. She would have been dead. [Laughs]

Kevin: Well, I think that he definitely has feelings for her. I really think that is a very, very, very distinct possibility, but I also think that it was maybe only one of the one times that Voldemort was actually acting on, he was actually picking up, as a leader I think he was picking up a sense of one of his followers. And, he knew that if he had ordered Lily’s death without a way out that some of the followers would be a little upset. Also, I think that Voldemort saw value in Lily because we have know that, and it has been said that she was a very talented witch. And, I think that it wasn’t only for Snape, but it was for his own good. He was thinking, “Oh! What’s a better chance, to get someone on our side?”

Eric: No, but she was a Mudblood, which is what you have to…

Kevin: Yeah, but, but…

Eric: She was dirt to him. No matter what. Like even…

Kevin: Yeah, but I think that even Voldemort would see the value in someone talented.

Eric: I don’t know.

Laura: And…

Kevin: She may have been a Mudblood but at the same time she has been said to have a lot of talent.

Laura: And also…

Eric: Yes, but this is a man who hates all mankind! This is a man who just despises anything that is not pureblood or more. And, I like the idea that he would spare Lily because he thought she was talented, but I just don’t think it is in his personality at all.

Laura: Well…

Eric: I mean he hates everyone.

[Cristin laughs]

Laura: It’s definitely a possibility and the real reason that I could see her sparing her because of her talent is, yes, he does despise Muggleborns, however, he loves talent. And, he loves taking advantage of talent when he comes by it.

Eric: That’s Slughorn.

Kevin: And… And…

Eric: That’s Slughorn. That’s not…

[Cristin laughs]

Kevin: Yeah, but why not take advantage of the talent…

Eric: I think…

Kevin: And then dispose of her?

Cristin: Because I think he had no reason to. I mean I think if he had a reason to kill her.

Eric: Then why kill James? I think James was talented.

Kevin: Yeah, but maybe he had a specific purpose in mind.

Eric: Which is my thought.

Cristin: Right, for James.

Laura: And, I also think it is very possible that Snape had feelings for Lily.

Kevin: Yeah, definitely.

Eric: Yeah.

Laura: And, I think he probably spent a lot of time calling her Mudblood to cover it up.

Eric: Yeah, absolutely. Which is kind of obscene.

Kevin: And, I think Lily identified that.

Laura: Mhm.

Kevin: I think Lily was a very, very astute person. She was able to pick up the subtleties in people and I think she realized that he was doing that because he was trying to separate himself from her. You know what I mean?

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah. I don’t think Snape would tell Voldemort. That’s my point.

Kevin: Yeah. I don’t think he would.

Eric: I think, yeah, Snape definitely like Lily, but I don’t think Voldemort would do that for someone anyway. I don’t think he’d spare someone just because one of his followers told him to.

A) He doesn’t care what his followers think to an extent, to most of the extent and also

B) These are the parents of the kid that is going to overturn him.

Laura: Right.

Eric: Voldemort saw that as an incredible threat. So, I don’t even know why he hesitated to kill Lily because these were the parents of the kid that was going to overturn him.

Laura: Well, he might have been lying.

Eric: These are the parents of the Chosen One. These are the… So… You know?

Kevin: That’s a distinct possibility.

Laura: He could have been lying.

Eric: So, I really don’t think…

Kevin: I mean he was about to kill her son.

Laura: And, the thing is…

Kevin: Maybe he said it mockingly. Maybe he said it because he knew that she wouldn’t.

Laura: Mhm.

Eric: Yeah. It’s…

Kevin: Just so that to know when she died that she had the opportunity to get out of it and she didn’t. You know what I mean?

Laura: Mhm. And I also…

Kevin: It seems like the evil act he would do.

Laura: And, I also think that we know that that Voldemort doesn’t understand the concept of love, and I think that if he were lying to Lily, he would say, “Oh! Get out of the way. I’ll let you live.” Because he can’t understand how a mother can love her son, how a mother can love her child.

Kevin: Yep.

Eric: Which was his downfall.

Laura: Exactly.

Kevin: IS his downfall.

Laura: He might have been trying…

Eric: Because his mother never loved him.

Laura: He might have been trying to use that to his advantage and it just didn’t work.

Eric: Yep. One other thing in closing, another thing about Snape, sorry, Dumbledore not caring about his followers. [Note: I think he meant Voldemort not caring about his followers, not Dumbledore.] If Snape could make Voldemort care about his own person love for Lily or something, that is very scary because it shows that Voldemort and Snape have an even possibly stronger connection than Snape and Dumbledore, which scares the crap out of me.

Laura: Yeah!

Eric: I mean if he can convince Voldemort to spare the life of a Mudblood, that’s crazy!

Kevin: Yeah.

Eric: Especially the Mudblood mother of the Chosen One. That is power and Snape has got it.

Show Close

Kevin [Show Close with music in background]: So, we’re going to call that the night. So, just for all the listeners out there, if you have noticed a lack of Andrew it is because he had to go on urgent business, as he says.

Eric: Yeah, we kind of… He just kind of disappeared like he did last time.

Kevin: Yeah, we missed you, Andrew.

Eric: Only…

Kevin: Don’t worry.

Eric: Yeah.

Kevin: He’ll be back next episode. So, thank you for being on our show, Cristin.

Laura: Yeah, thanks for coming.

Eric: Cristin, you’ve been a wonderful, wonderful…

Laura: You were great.

Eric: Contribution.

Kevin: It was excellent!

Cristin: [Laughs] Thank you!

Kevin: And I think that wraps up this week’s episode. Again…

Eric: Well, Cristin, are there any shout-outs you’d like to give to anybody, since you’re the Contest Winner on the show you’ve kind of earned shout outs.

Kevin: Oh yeah. That’s true.

Cristin: I’d like to say “Hi!” to everybody at Hoffmann Lane Elementary School and all of my family, and I would like to say “Thanks!” to my cousin Josh for getting me hooked on Harry Potter in the first place.

Kevin: I think that wraps up this week’s edition. So, again, I’m Kevin Steck.

Eric: I’m Eric Scull.

Laura: I’m Laura Thompson.

Cristin: And I’m Cristin Atkins.

Kevin: Thank you for listening. Goodbye!

Laura: See you next time everyone!

Eric: Goodbye, everybody!


[Soothing music begins playing]

[Comment Audio #1]: Hi! I want to give a shout out to all the MuggleBoys and say that you are really cute and I like your voices and you make my day better than any other. Thanks!

[Comment Audio #2]: Hey guys! It’s Meredith. And I am listening to you from Covington, Kentucky. I love your show. You do an awesome job. Jamie, I am loving the jokes, so keep them coming. I crack up every time. I listen to you guys while I lift weights at the gym and during biology when my teacher gets boring. I’m also a volleyball player, so I listen to you guys before games to get ready. I found that when I listen to Episode 5, I do especially well, but any episode will work. So, if anybody is looking for a good-luck charm that is definitely one you should think about. I thought I would plug my site too while I am on here. It is a role-play that hopefully is going to be starting term soon: We still need teachers, canon, and fan and characters if anyone is interested. So anyway, keep up the good work and I look to forward to next week’s episode. I listen to you guys religiously.

[Comment Audio #3]: Hey MuggleCast. It’s Donny McGowan. Yep, I have been listening to the show since the first episode. Got to say it’s great! Keep up the good work! And, while you’re at it, check out my film coming out November 23rd, “Konack,” at All right, thanks. Bye.

Andrew: If you’d like to comment on this week’s past show, then please send your voice comment to voice at staff dot mugglenet dot com. Please keep your message under thirty seconds. Thank you!



[All laugh]

Andrew: So…

[Cell phone rings]

[Laura laughs]

Andrew: Oh my god!

Andrew: So…

[Cell phone rings]

Eric: Oh my god! Andrew!

Andrew: Sorry! This is such a mess. It is going to…

Cristin: Don’t you have silent?

Andrew: It is going to be…the edited version will be much better, Cristin. This is how they always go.

[Cristin laughs]

Eric: No, they aren’t this bad. They haven’t been this bad since my Audacity up.

Cristin: I seriously think you ought to put one of those up there because people just crack up.

[Laura and Cristin laugh]


Eric: All right. Somebody finally responded. Thank you, Kevin.

[Starts singing]

Thank you, Kevin. Thank you, Kevin. Thank you, Kevvvvvvvvvvin. Yeeeaaahhh!

[Phone rings]

All right! Phone call! Yes, I am fine. Yay!


Micah: All right, Andrew. You know what? I don’t feel like doing the news this week. I just don’t feel like doing it. And, guess what? You’re just going to have to accept that!


Remix by Tarney from Australia coming soon!